Twilight's Cumffee

by ESC After Dark

First published

Shining makes his LSBFF a cup of coffee, but with a secret ingredient.

Shining makes his LSBFF a cup of coffee, but with a secret ingredient.

Contains: incest-ish, cum, non-consensual cum consumption, and coffee.

How Shining Makes Coffee

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Shining was shaking. His anxiety had won out on multiple occasions previously, but he was determined not to back down as he put the mug down onto the bathroom floor...just as determined as he had been every other time.

Closing his eyes, Shining stepped over the mug and imagined his LSBFF sucking at his dick as he used his magic to simulate the scene playing out in his mind. She licked away at it, sucked on the tip, and eventually took it in its entirety.

Like a squeezed water hose, Shining shot off his load with a buck of his hips. The first spurt splattered into the mug with enough force to make an audible ring, and each one after dolluped into the bottom of the mug with the spent semen.

Dry, but still humping his sister's imaginary face, Shining backed up until he could look down into the mug. As he caught his breath, he looked at the white slime in the bottom of the mug and shuddered. He had tasted it before, just to see if the taste would be overbearing. He had nearly thrown up, in spite of the relatively mild flavor. It didn't taste bad, but something in his brain had said that semen was not for eating.

Shining dipped his head down and sniffed the mug. It smelled exactly as he had expected, and Shining bit his lip as he picked it up in his magic. Quickly, he tore off a square of toilet paper and removed the residual semen on the tip of his penis before flushing it down the toilet and leaving the bathroom with the mug.

A wave of anxiety and clarity struck him as he exited the bathroom. It typically happened immediately after his orgasm, but it struck late. He couldn't believe that he had cum into a mug, even though he had done it before. He couldn't believe what he had planned to do with it, even though he had planned to do it before.

Every other time, when the clarity struck him, he would wash the semen out in the bathroom sink and be done with it. As Shining stood still just outside of the bathroom, he had an awkward epiphany. If he went back in, it would be weird for any of his family who may have heard him flush and leave already. He couldn't go back, or so he reasoned.

Nausea and butterflies danced in his stomach as he took a hesitant step towards the kitchen, but the thought of getting caught made him immediately pick up the pace. Once in the kitchen, he picked up the pot of coffee he had put on earlier and hastily filled the mug, mixing it with his magic. Mercifully, it mixed together with minimal effort.

Shining slumped as he stared at the coffee. There wouldn't be enough if he dumped out his mix. In his panic, he hadn't thought to rinse the semen down the drain, something he kicked himself for. He felt his stomach tighten and his penis twitch in its sheath as he convinced himself that his only good option was to go through with it.

On shaky hooves, Shining left the kitchen and headed to his sister's room. It was a familiar part of his routine, waking up Twilight with a mug of coffee. He had been doing it for a couple of months, but never without thoroughly cleaning the mug after he was done with it. Would she taste it? Shining gave it a sniff, only smelling coffee. He didn't dare take a sip.

When he reached the door to Twilight's room, his anxiety was the only thing keeping his penis in its sheath. Gently, he opened the door and slipped in. Across the room, Twilight's beautiful self was sleeping with a peaceful look on her face. When Shining closed the door with a click, Twilight shifted and hummed.

"Morning." He said as quietly as he could without whispering.

"mmmm" she mumbled as she blinked her eyes open to clear her vision.

"I brought coffee." Shining said, trying to keep his face and voice free of emotion.

Blearily, Twilight sat up and took the mug with her magic. Shining bit his lip as she took a sip.

"Thanks." She said simply, not reacting to any odd taste in the slightest.

"How is it?" He asked, kicking himself immediately for the impulsive question.

Twilight held out the mug and tilted her head, to which Shining nodded in response.

Twilight sniffed it and took another sip and swirled it around her mouth before swallowing. She took a sniff, thought for a moment, and sniffed again.

"What's in it?" She asked.

"How is it?" He asked in response, not willing to say anything until he knew as much as possible.

"I like it. I don't know how to describe it though." Twilight answered before taking another sip. "What's in it?"

"Secret ingredient. Can't say." Shining answered quickly.

"It's good. Do you have more?"

Shining backed up a step, somewhere between turned on and horrified.

"I can...get more," he said slowly and cautiously, "but it's hard to get."

"If it's too much trouble, I can get it myself. It really is pretty good."

Shining desperately tried to think of a diplomatic solution to the problem he had created. Both fortunately and unfortunately, he could only think of one.

"Don't worry about it. I can just put some in your coffee from now on."

Twilight smiled, looking grateful in a way that made him sick and excited at the same time. He stepped forward and gave her a nuzzle that she immediately reciprocated.

"Thanks BBBFF." Twilight said as Shining pulled away. "I'll be down for breakfast once I finish this."

"Sounds good." Shining answered before turning around and leaving his sister's room before he could slip up. He felt a strike of terror as he began to wonder if he truly mixed in his sperm as much as he had thought.

Twilight looked down into the empty cup of coffee, her cheeks feeling hot as she tried to calm down. Whatever Shining had put into the coffee seemed to have an aphrodisiac effect on her, and a strong one at that. She would drink it if he decided to put it in the next time, but she wondered how he would react if he knew what it did to her.