> From Farm to Fame > by Nagiman > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Macintosh, I Am Not > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The groggy summer humidity weighed down across Equestria, with the sun blazing the sky in the afternoon of the day. It was perfect weather to laze about at a beach or under some shade of a tree, but not for the Apples as they had much work to do to make sure the harvest came in on time and bills were paid. Unfortunately for Big Macintosh, he was under pressure to get money together to pay off their loan they had taken out to keep the farm floating for the long frost they had that delayed their work. His short golden mane waved in the breeze, while his emerald green eyes scanned around town looking for any extra work he could get his hooves on. The red stallion's luck hadn’t been the best for the day, as there seemed to be nothing open for spare work; the teens in town had filled in the seasonal positions, to make some bits of their own. His thoughts began going through all the things he could do for those extra bits, to keep the loan sharks at bay, even if it was for another week or two. Side jobs - nope, those were all taken; travel for work - nah, that wasn't going to afford much and still the same situation, where his other skills wouldn’t help. Big Mac stopped and slumped down in a shaded alleyway for a break, as he felt his heart drop as the list came to an end from his thinking, there was no way he could make the bits he needed unless he went full-on desperate. As he sat with his disappointment, his ears picked up on a couple of mares having a conversation from somewhere close by. "I know, and right now there are too many of us! It's hard to find a stallion wanting to pay for services or they’re looking for one of those good looking soy-boys who can take a good dick up their ass. I swear, it's what all of them are looking for today is either one of them or nothing at all. What changed over the last few years to turn everyone around like this." The first mare's high pitch voice screeched like nails on a chalkboard with how overboard she was and with a nasally whistle to boot. "Trust me, they won't find anything like that around here - hell, there are so few stallions in Ponyville you'd think we just populated ourselves somehow through magic. If I were to see a stallion out of the corner in the east side red light district I'd say we'd be losing bits instead of making them." The second mare's voice was a bit more clean, but still had a rasp to it from what sounded like years of smoking whenever she coughed. "Plus there are going to be a few rich guys in town soon for a visit so maybe they'll pay us a visit. You know how those celebrities can be with their coin purse." The pair let out a laugh at the idea of the rich coming and dropping their earnings on them. When they calmed down, the first one responded to her friend, "Well either way, we'll be fine with how much we make in a single night. I'd be surprised if we didn't make it really big this week with those visitors. Who wouldn't want to pay for such high class hos like us. Oh shit we're gonna be late for our hooficures if we don't move it." With that, the pair started to trot off away from Big Mac's accidental prying ears. With new knowledge in mind, and desperate enough for work to make bits, Big Mac swallowed the knot that had grown in his throat as his heart pounded like a marching drum. If he wanted bits, he'd have to whore himself to some stranger to make it work. His feelings mixed like water and oil, with part of him joyous for the revelation handed to him on a silver platter. His skills in cross dressing and love of a good rutting of his own from the days in the girls locker room. He would hide in their glory hole and work his magic on the other boys, but the other half was nervous and scared of being seen or caught by somepony he knew. How much could he make doing this and how hard would it be? Could he make safety precautions and still be fine? He looked around the alleyway before getting up and trotting back out into the streets with his mind running like a hamster wheel with the hamster chasing its favorite treat dangled in front of it. Big Mac's mind was so occupied, he didn't notice anyone around him as walked through the town with his face staring into the dirt. The sounds of the citizens didn't even phase into his ears as he marched solemnly with care through the townsfolk before he bumped into something who had paws of a familiar color. Looking up, he was greeted by the sight of a tall, lanky diamond dog with a coal-black coat mixed with spots of white in various locations, dressed in their traditional digger's coat. Big Mac took a few steps back and said "Sorry there Spotty. I didn't mean to, just a long day." His voice trembled as he tried to keep from bursting out in some tears. "Silly red pony thinks I'll fall for something like that. Doesn't matter though, it's a good thing I ran into you. I was going to your place to tell you debt is due tomorrow by high sun - if not, we start to dig and dig hard under your lands. We know there are precious gems under there to pay back what you owe." His low barking voice made him the more intimidating as he jabbed one of his furry fingers into Big Mac's chest. "Now make sure shiny coins are ready for Spotty." "Hold on now, we agreed months ago that I'd still have at least one more week to have all the bits ready for you." Big Mac puffed his chest as he took a few steps forward, his face now spotting a bit more bravery to not be bullied. "I can have your coin for you in one week, no problem." Spotty slapped his knee and chuckled at Big Mac's attempt to intimidate him. "You make funny joke pony. No, the agreed upon date is tomorrow, you lack sense of time. Now don't waste anymore of mine or I'll start my crew digging today." With that Spotty gave a triumphant humph and walked past Big Mac and left in him with panic setting in further. Mac's eyes grew wider as the words dug deep into his brain as he went over the contract in his mind and the dates. Each day flipping like the page of a book, until it slapped him hard when the date popped up in through his flashing memories with today's date popping up and then tomorrow's. Spotty was right, he had forgotten the days and it was now or never to have the bits to save his land. In complete panic Big Mac took off like a rocket towards Sweet Apple Acres, his legs moving as fast as they could and burning from the intense stress he was putting them through to make it so quickly. His movement even created its own breeze that would make the pegasi weather team jealous that an earth pony could move so fast. Each second passing by felt like an eternity, as he came down the dirty road towards the farmhouse. His knees now in full shake from the power that had exerted through them with each slam of his hooves against the ground. The wonderbolts would have loved a nice race with him with how fast he ran. He slammed open the door and ran upstairs to his room without a word to the startled Granny Smith who jumped up from her nap in the living room as he barged inside. She didn't seem to notice too much before drifting right back to sleep. Once in his chamber, Mac closed the door behind him, his chest heaving from his shortened breath from all his running. His eyes scanned his room until he found what he was looking for, the parchment paper he signed with Spotty for their deal and it was correct his mind had forgotten. Feeling defeated, the red stallion slid his big butt onto his bed and sank into the mattress as tears welled into his eyes. He had failed his duties to keep his family's farm from coming under ruin, and there was no way he could make those bits up in the amount of time he wanted to. Nothing could fill that void that tore into his heart at that moment as despair took grip onto that heart of gold in his chest. Shoving his face into his pillow, he let the cries of agony fill into the cushion covering his face. His hoof slamming into the mattress as he vented his anger at himself and wanting to just vanish from the house he was raised in so that the others wouldn't have to suffer if he never existed. A few hours passed, as Mac lay still in his bed, his tears now dried up with puffy red eyes and his body near numb to the emotional agony inside as his mind replayed Spotty's words over and over again. Payment tomorrow or else the farm falls even further than it had before, to the point of actual collapse from under the ground. His mind pondered the words over and over until a familiar voice from before could be heard outside. "Thanks for the apples, I'll see you sometime next week for more." The second mare's voice echoed off his walls from the window. Big Mac sat up in an instant to the sound of the voice and he peeked his head out the window. The mare was dressed in scantily made clothing that most would consider a bit vulgar in the public eye. As he watched her trot down the road his mind recalled the conversation he had overheard earlier that day. Big money, stallions wanted, red light district in east Ponyville all rang through his memories on repeat beginning to overwrite the ones of Spotty and his debt. Mac slipped off his bed,looked up to the sun, and noticed it would be getting close to evening soon. He pondered for a few more minutes and decided it had to be done whether he made all the bits or not. He would have to become a prostitute to attempt to save his family farm but he'd have to start preparations after the family supper. He knew he would look guilty of something and he didn't need his sister Applejack snooping around on what he was doing or planning. With his new found courage and taking the biggest chance of his life, Big Mac walked around the orchard with a big goofy grin on his face for the rest of the day and even through the family dinner. He did his usual silent routine of yups and nopes to questions when he was prodded by the rest of the family for why he was so happy, just trying to dissuade them from any further investigation into his plans for that night. After his meal, the stallion returned to his room as the others settled down for the evening and got themselves ready for sleep. His motives weren't going to be sleeping - instead, he was going to use all this time to get himself into a ready state for tonight's events and each second was going to be used to the fullest to get himself set. He sat on his bed for a little bit planning out what he was going to need to make the look work and put his skills to the ultimate test of attracting customers to him for as much money as he could make. Meticulous ideas put to planning out his outfit and looks as he went over one last time of his plans. After the last few hoof steps could be heard on the stairs, Big Mac got to work immediately in getting dressed as the others were now in their rooms winding down and getting into bed giving him the perfect chance to sneak out and do his deeds. He went over to his closet and opened the door, just showing his few work attires that he'd wear for special occasions hanging up with what seemed to be small walls for the closet. However he reached over and pushed on one wall slightly and moved it to the side revealing much more on the inside of the fake panel. Inside the hidden compartment were dresses, tops and skirts all hung with care in all sorts of shapes, colors, and designs that he had collected over the years. His deepest secret was the joy he got from cross dressing as a mare and feeling pretty when the family was out of the house and he had hours to play dress up. Having spent years practicing it wasn't hard for him to do his thing. Reaching into the small two drawer dresser he fit in the room he pulled out a green fishnet body suit, along with a green crop top with “bad girl” written in purple. Eyeing around he found the matching green skirt with purple trim hemming on it and his favorite pair of purple leather heeled knee high boots with the white fur trim on them. Lastly he opened the bottom drawer and found the nice pair of green low cut panties that he enjoyed due to the soft cotton fabric and their ability to keep his sheath hidden away with just a small bulge popping out when he wore them. He dragged out his outfit and set it onto his bed and returned to the closet to set the wall back in place, then reached down at the floorboards in the main closet and pulled up one loose board to reveal two small boxes on the inside. He reached in and pulled them out one by one, setting them to his side. Sitting down next to them he opened the lid of the small brown chest first revealing old gold jewelry. Pulling out a few golden bangles for his hooves, with a thin golden locket necklace trimmed with small bits of silver on the main locket and his favorite pair of golden pearl earrings. Setting the necklace and bangles down he put the earrings into his pierced ears to make sure he didn't lose them as they were his first treasure he had managed to bring home without Applejack or Granny Smith catching on. Closing the first box and setting it back in the hole, he turned to the next and opened it up to reveal the small stash of make up he had acquired with great pains to make sure no-one noticed him buying it let alone bringing it home. It was hard having to get these things out of town while on family vacation and even with some of the shops in Ponyville as he pretended to be getting gifts for family as well. His heart skipped a beat, as he pulled up the deep purple tube of lipstick, the matching eye shadow, a tube of thick mascara to make his lashes look really feminine, and just a bit of blush to tone his face a bit more. He pushed his make up to the side and set the box back into the floor and covered it up. Now he was ready to become his favorite pony in the whole world, Lady Orchard. Grabbing the fishnet suit first he struggled a bit to get it on as it snagged against his fur now and again until he managed to get it on. They had a modified design to let his junk hang through with a bigger hole for his anus to be on full display and access through the netting without getting another pony tangled in them. Next he slipped on his soft cotton panties, pulling them up over the netting and resting them over his thick ass cheeks and snapping them over his big sheath with a nice comfortable fit. He looked in the mirror and gave himself a smile as he turned around and eyed his own ass with a sultry gaze before returning to his attire. The skirt had no issues going on, as it slid up with its elastic waistband but the crop top gave a few issues as his front hooves didn't want to cooperate with going through the small shoulder straps of the article of clothing. As he stomped around trying to get ready, a knock came to his door causing him to stop in his tracks; his eyes bulging with fear of the door opening and revealing his secret that he had kept from his family for so long. Applejack's voice came through the wooden wall saying "Hey Big Mac, can you keep it down in there. We got plenty of work to do in the morning and I don't want my sleep disturbed." Mac let out a sigh of relief at the sound of his sister's voice through the door before responding with "Eyup" and waiting for the sound of her hoofsteps to disappear to the room next to his. With his chastised mindset he went about continuing a bit more quietly as to not wake any other pony in the farm house. Once he got the top on, he held back on putting the boots on as he knew they would click on the wooden floors from the many times he walked in them before. His next step was getting his makeup on in the mirror. He knew that he'd have to put his best hoof forward with this, and with all the practice he had he needed it to work well. His eyes were colored to that of nice purple grapes with his eye shadow, before he applied his thickening black mascara to his lashes. Fluttering his eyes after applying his mascara to show off their fullness in the mirror to himself. The stallion was enamoured with how he looked as of now but still hadn't finished his entire image. Picking up his tube of lipstick, he turned the base to reveal the pleasant purple shade that contrasted with his emerald eyes then applied it thick to his lips giving a luscious look with the plastering of the makeup. Blowing a kiss to himself in the mirror, his looks were getting to his height of greatness. Next he put on his bangles and necklace to finish out the base of his looks but he felt like something was missing, just a few pieces. Going to his bed he stuck his hoof under the mattress and pulled out a pinkish purple purse and opened it to the few colored elastic bands on the inside. Pulling out two green bands, he pulled back his mane into a ponytail and tied his short tail hair and looped it back with the other band giving whoever access without him needing to move the hair out of their way. Stepping back in front of the mirror with purse slung across his shoulder he nodded to himself. This was it, this was Lady Orchard's time to shine to save the farm, and hopefully no pony he knew would see him out as such as his skirt barely covered over his cutie mark. Opening his dresser drawer in his main room, he grabbed a line of condoms and stuffed them into his purse, and picked up his make-up taking it as well in case he needed to touch up at some point during the night. Closing his eyes, he took a deep breath to focus himself and remember the cause of doing this risky thing. Snatching his boots in his teeth, he crept his way down the stairs out of the creaky old farm house. When he was outside he sat on the bottom step of the porch and slipped his heels on his rear hooves and then took off into the darkening sky towards the east side of Ponyville in wait for his fate. > Orchard On The Corner > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The night sky shimmered with the stars and the glow of the giant pearl in the sky, with slight clouds giving cover to those below. Through the streets, the night lights were turning on while ponies had started to head inside to end their day. It was the perfect time for Big Mac to walk through the back streets, while taking his time to make sure he wouldn't be noticed by many or at all. Slipping between alleys and staying in the shadows, he weaved his way through the streets towards the east side of Ponyville in hopes of finding his big score. His heart beat hard, like a sledgehammer smashing into a wall with the slow speed and hard hitting force behind it. Never in his life had he been out of the house dressed like this, let alone this far into town, and his prayers were hoping for not a single soul to recognize him. His travels weren't all that easy at some points, as he did have a few moments where he nearly tripped from his heels or when the sound of hoofsteps to some rattling noises from alleyway garbage cans startled him. In the end though, Mac had made his way to the east side of Ponyville where houses were a lot less and apartments and motels were much more. Usually it was referred to as the slums of Ponyville, but recently the royals had tried to do some work in patching it up to make it less of an eyesore. Walking from the shade of his alleyway, Mac looked around at first to get a lay of the law around the area as most law enforcement would stay away unless something big was going down. His eyes scanned the roads and he noticed every so often under a light pole a mare dressed almost like him, in various scantily clad clothing standing around and chatting up anypony that happened to be walking by. This was the spot indeed that he had been looking for and now it was his time to stand on these streets. Taking in a deep breath, he sauntered out onto the main street and began to wander around to find himself a spot to start trying his own hoof at the prostitution game. Each moment he walked through those streets, he begged himself to just be home in bed asleep but his heart and his mind were both in unison that he had to do this no matter how much he disliked it. Eventually he found himself a nice place to take up his mantle as whore; with a motel nearby, that they could hopefully use for the work he was going to do, but also with a convenient store right close as well if he needed to resupply himself with food or drink or even some more condoms if need be. All he had to do now was wait and hope that somepony would come by and pick him up. His night had begun slowly and, after an hour of standing against the light pole, he had seen only a couple of ponies who passed him by without a second glance. Mac knew something must be wrong or he was missing something that was making it harder for himself to whore himself out to the public. As he looked around, he was watching as mares were going off with stallions and other mares as well into dark alleys or towards other destinations, some even getting into cars; that's when Mac had caught a glimpse of someone he recognized as a consistent customer that came to the farm on the regular for Applejack's home cooked food. Soarin, the blue pegasus of the Wonderbolts, was here in the streets - not dressed in his suit, but he was here and wandering through the streets. Mac's throat trembled, as he wanted to scream and hide himself but that would hinder his time in the light to get some attention. He turned his back towards the stallion so their eyes wouldn't meet and hopefully he'd pass him by as just another pony on the streets. His heart rate quickened, as he could hear the sound of his hooves getting closer to him on the sidewalk. Mac closed his eyes in hopes he would be invisible but to no such luck of his disposition. Soarin was upon him in a short time giving a tap to his shoulder and waiting for him to turn around. "Hey, you look like you’re just my type. How much is it for..." Soarin stopped his sentence, as the red stallion turned to him. His mind tried to put together why he looked familiar until it clicked like a puzzle fitting together. "I know you. You’re Applejack's brother, if I'm correct. Why are you out here and dressed like that." He pointed with his hoof all over Mac's body, with his eyes catching a glance at how much of a good looking mare the red stallion had made of himself. Mac gave a nervous little chuckle, before opening up to speak. "It’s a long story, but please don't tell Applejack about this. We're in some big trouble if we don't get enough bits to pay off a loan shark by noon tomorrow, and I'm desperate enough to do this. I know I'm probably not your type, and you're looking for a good mare, but I'm just running on some rumor I overheard. You know what, forget I said anything." Mac's face flushed a deep red, as he tried to walk away from the situation only to be stopped by a hoof grabbing his tail. "Whoa there, slow down. You're in a rush faster than we can fly." Soarin inched closer and lowered his tone, ensuring any passersby wouldn’t overhear them. "You don't know me much other than that guy who goes to the farm and buys pies from your sister. Applejack is a great cook and all, but not high on my list of ponies I would rut, but you however have always been a nice treat to see whenever I stopped by and seeing you dressed like this just makes it all the sweeter. You've got money problems, and I've got solutions along with my own needs. Why don't we get ourselves a nice room over at the motel and have some quality time somewhere a little less cold and a little more private." He wrapped one hoof around Big Mac's shoulder and walked with him towards the motel. With heavy footsteps and a hoof wrapped around him, Big Mac begrudgingly followed the pegasus towards the motel with its run down state but with at least a small spark of hope in him. "I uh..." he managed to sputter out, before having the hoof on his shoulder just cover his lips as they stopped at the motel office door. Soarin looked at Mac and just nodded, telling him to wait right here. Opening the door, he walked into the office by himself leaving Mac outside on his own getting stares from some of the mares across the street. Only a few minutes later, Soarin came back out with the key in wing and grabbed the red stallion's attention as they walked to the furthest room on the Motel's bottom floor. He stuck the key in and opened the door, stepping aside to let his date enter into the room first. Big Mac looked inside the room; it contained a queen size bed with a run down old tv and a single bathroom with not a huge amount of overall space. Entering into the room he stood at the base of the bed while Soarin closed the door behind them both. He wanted to speak, but he felt a slight tinge of guilt welling inside him that silenced his words and left his mouth hanging open. "Look, Big Mac, I know it’s a shock to you that I've had eyes on you more than your sister, and we can talk about that later, but for now what we need to talk about is your money troubles and how we can fix this not for this once but for all." Soarin jumped on the bed and patted next to him for Big Mac to join him. "From my take of it, you've resorted to prostitution as a last resort and I can understand that; with a body like that who wouldn't want to make full use of it - That being said, have you truly thought it all through though? What are your prices, what are your no deals, what makes you stand out amongst all the other whores on the street? Tell me what your plans are." He had a small look of concern on his face, as his eyes dug into Big Mac's with vigor like he was trying to dig up an ancient artifact before anyone else could. Silence hung in the room for a few moments, as Big Mac tried to gather his thoughts and find himself in them to make a coherent speech. His heart pounding in his chest sending a lump into his throat and scattering the stallion to the wind of emotions. "Well I never really did think that far ahead. I thought it was pay for what I was worth for what I did kinda deal. Didn't think I'd have any choice or say in any matter for this whole business. The closest thing to doing this before was back in high school sneaking into the mare's room gloryhole to suck a few of the fellows off without them knowing. I just wanted to make some big bucks to save the family farm but I guess I've rushed in head strong again without a full plan." He hung his head down low in shame as he knew he'd just been busted hard for his effort. Soarin wrapped a wing around the stallion and rubbed his back, as he felt the same feelings before and knew it wouldn't be something easy. "Hey, it’s okay. I think we can make this all work out, however we need to get a plan set up for you and then we can go from there. Let's start with the easy enough thing - what aren't you willing to do. Set a limit on what is okay and not okay for a client to do." Big Mac lifted his head and stared into Soarin's eyes, as he thought to himself hard on the question. What wasn't he really going to do during all this. "Well I think the most I'm willing to do is just the basics really, suck and fuck, but I wouldn't want to do any of those crazy kinky things that most try to avoid. Furthest I'd be willing to go would probably be a few things with toys involved, but that's about it, and I really wouldn't want to be a top since that just well it isn't me." His face flushed with crimson red, as he blushed at his own admission of being a bottom. "Okay, then that takes care of the first step, so the next one is pricing. How much for how long, how much for a blowjob, anal, hoofjob or face fucking? How much to do it in an alleyway over a motel? What is it going to cost somepony to sleep with you." A smile was starting to form over Soarin's face, as the stallion began to open up more and more. "I was thinking ten bits for a blowjob, maybe fifteen for anal, and an extra five bits for not using a condom. As for location, I didn't think that would matter; and time wouldn't play much into things as most would probably be quick about it." He tapped his hoof on his chin as he thought a bit more on other things. Soarin shook his head in disapproval at the words. "You're selling yourself way too short. Ten bits would be gloryhole cheap hooker and you're here dressed to the nines with that outfit and well done makeup. I'd say for a good sucking, you could get fifty bits and then charge double for the anal - add in the surcharge for the no condom usage at twenty bits and now you're looking at doing it right. For location, I'd say have the stallion pay for the motel room and if they don't want to then add in five bits for the alleyway otherwise no deal unless they have their own place close to your location or a car to do the deed in. Gotta think of more than just a quick buck here, which I know you need right now, but think about the overhead and profit just like you would the farm." He gave the stallion a nudge to the ribs with his elbow. Big Mac's eyes were as wide as saucers, when he heard the prices he could score by up-selling himself to customers and playing on every little weakness. "I guess then for just the average quickie, it wouldn't cost extra but for an hour add an extra ten bits, and for a full night sixty bits; that way, if I'm gonna be hogged, it makes up for some of the loss. I can't believe I’d ever make that much." He scratched the back of his head in amazement, as his eyes wandered into the void of the room. "There you go, thinking big now. So how bout we get down to business then ourselves. Since I know your prices I'd like a full package deal. A nice wet blowjob from those thick lips before I bust a nut inside your big, juicy butt. Now do you still go by Big Mac like this or do you have another name that I should be using instead?" Soarin's face had grown a big, cocky grin as he adjusted himself on the bed to be laying on his back with his legs splayed apart for the stallion to have access to his junk. "Orchard, Lady Orchard is what I go by when I dress like this." Mac had grown a smile on his face as he began to move around on the bed to line himself up between Soarin's legs. He felt his heart rate rising, as the sight brought him back to the memories of long ago from his gloryhole fun and how now he would be paid for this type of work. He opened his purse and pulled out one of the condoms, but was stopped by Soarin with a hoof being held up. Not even saying a word, he nodded and put the condom back into the purse before sinking his face down low to the blue stallion's groin. Soarin watched as the red stallion hesitated for a moment and stared at the deep, blueish-black sheath, before touching it with his hoof gently prodding at the hidden shaft waiting inside. The gentle caress of the stallion felt just as good as a mare to Soarin, with just the perfect mixture of strength behind the motion with the execution of the movement. "Don't worry about me, I'm not gonna break from just touching. Go on and have a bit of fun for yourself, I can see it waiting behind those eyes of yours." He smiled at the stallion and waved his hoof in a motion for Big Mac to go on and do his thing. Still a bit nervous about doing all of this, Big Mac lowered his muzzle down into Soarin's sack and moved around taking in the stallion's musk as his tongue gave a few gentle laps of the fleshy bag. His hoof had shifted to the balls and moved them around carefully like little bits of glass he didn't want to break but still wanted to feel. Rolling them around between his hooves, he gave them a kiss and left a nice purple stain on the sack, before opening his maw and suckling on the first nut like a toddler to a mother's nipple would. The orb rolled around on his tongue and filled his mouth with the light taste of salt from the ball sack and earned him some muffled moans of pleasure from the stallion. He proceeded with this for a few minutes before moving over to the other one and doing the same treatment. The pegasus bit down onto his lip, as he felt his second nut being sucked with the pleasure being something else as the stallion had quite the pair of lungs on him to pull on his balls that good. As the red stallion worked his magical mouth on his nuts, Soarin's shaft started to peek out from its sheath and grew and grew until it was at full mast ready for action. "Jeez - those lips you got know just how to give a guy the time of his life, and you haven't even gotten fully started." Soarin said, before letting out another moan as Mac let go of his sack and ran his tongue up Soarin's cock in a long slow single lick from base to tip. As his tongue reached the tip of Soarin's dick, he got a taste of the sweet pre-cum that dripped from his urethra which tickled Mac's taste buds with the salty fluid. Puckering up his lips, he planted a nice juicy kiss against the tip leaving a nice purple print on the pecker before he began to work his mouth on the whole thing. Slipping the shaft into his mouth, he began lapping away with his tongue as he bobbed his head up and down. At a steady pace, over the first third of the stallion's dick was soaked in spit. The blue stallion leaned his head back in bliss, as Mac continued his blowjob. Soarin gripped hard into the sheets on the bed, as he felt the thick lips of Mac sinking lower and lower onto his dick little by little with each bob of his head, smearing the purple lipstick across his cock in wet, smudged rings. The stallion had to admit that Mac was made for this, let alone developed skills for this that would make stallions weep tears of bliss. "Fuck, Orchard this is...is fucking amazing. Your tongue... damn... is hitting the right spots." He struggled to speak, as his body tried to seize up on him from the pleasure points being surged with the feminine handy work of the red stallion. Mac pulled himself up off the dick, with a sloppy wet pop, and panted in front of Soarin with a small hint of happiness showing on his face. "Thanks, big boy, it's been a while since I last did this so I might be rusty." He turned his head with some blushing at the compliment that Soarin thrust upon him. "I think you've got enough lube now on that beast of yours so..." the stallion let off as he turned around on the bed and sunk his upper half onto the bed and raised his fat ass into the air with his panties straining against his mass and his skirt barely covering it. Taking a few moments to regain his breath, Soarin lay there watching as the red stallion presented himself like a mare in heat ready to be rutted again and again for the whole day. With Mac's tail tied back, his black dock showed just the tiny bit out the back of his skirt. Soarin climbed up from his position and got behind the stallion. Taking Mac’s panties by his teeth, he pulled them down enough for him to get a good view of the thick black ponut. A pair of heavy black balls barely hung out of the now opened leg holes of said panties. "I think we need just a bit more lube," he said just before licking his tongue across the stallion's ponut. With a gasp of shock, Mac's face looked horrified at the fact that Soarin was right there licking his ass with no qualms about doing it. The wet tongue against his warm butt sending shivers down Mac's spine as he felt his own erection beginning to occur from the sexual act. "Oh my I do say so, you needn't worry about doing that." He covered his face with both of his hooves in embarrassment of it all. "Trust me, I need to, you naughty girl." He gave Mac's ass a fair slap with his hoof before returning to his rimjob of the red stallion. His tongue wetted the thick meaty ring with every lap of the puffy flesh for a little bit longer before he pierced into it with his tiny little organ and began to lap away at the start of Mac's rectum with energy. Each poke and prod got Mac to elicit a small squeak of delight as he worked his magic away. With a few more prods of his tongue and a kiss to the whore’s backdoor, Soarin pulled away from the stallion's butt before rearing up and mounting him like he could do any mare. His dick hovered inches away, throbbing at the teasing time as it bumped into the thick pucker with his hip sways. "Alright Orchard, I'm gonna plug that nice ponut you got and show you what a gentlecolt can really do to a naughty whore." Mac bit into the bed sheets, as he felt the mass that was Soarin's cock as it wiggled its way into his bowels with the girth that it had. The phallus was certainly better, compared to his dildo he had at home. It felt different since he didn't have control of it, causing him to clench his ass closed in resistance. Soarin noted the reaction as he tried to penetrate the stallion and stopped, so as not to cause any further harm. He rubbed his hoof over the red stallion's rump in a soothing motion making shushing noises with a calm tone. "Hey now, just relax okay. We'll take it easy and slow. I know it seems scary and you're trying not to clamp closed but your body is reacting differently than you want it to. Just take deep breaths and let your mind slip away - no rush." He sat there with his dick only a couple inches in, as he listened to the red stallion sharply inhale and then exhale in small bursts. As he breathed to Soarin's instructions, his ponut loosened up allowing the pegasus to penetrate him little by little with each breath. As the seconds went on, Mac had slowly drained his mind of everything else but the sound of Soarin's voice and the feeling of him rubbing his ass in a circular motion as his mass had sunk to the furthest depths anything had been in his anal cavity. When Soarin had finally bottomed out in his butt, he stopped. Rubbing Mac’s cheek and patting it in encouragement for taking his whole length.  "I…I think I'm ready for it now, go ahead and start." Mac said as he continued his breathing exercises. Nodding to the stallion, Soarin began to pull his dick up off his ponut slowly with the inner walls tugging at his flare against their ribbing and his ponut stretching back as he pulled along. He stopped at his medial ring before slowly pushing it back in again. Each second followed by the sound of moaning flowing from the red stallion. "That's it Orchard, nice and slow and easy. Just tell me when you think you are good for it to be more wild." He gave the red rump another pat of encouragement as he started the pull and push of his slow humping. Mac steadied himself, as he felt the pegasus take his time penetrating his asshole. He thought this was going to be the same as with his toy and what he had seen in some of the magazines he had stuffed under his mattress, but this - this was an entirely different game to him, one that was much harder than assumed but one he would have to master in order to make it through tonight. After a few minutes of the light motions, Mac felt a bit more ready and loosened up with having had Soarin in him long enough. "I think we're good now, Soarin. Please go ahead and go faster as you see fit." Soarin gave him a smile as he gave a small slap to the jiggly cheeks of the stallion. "That's the spirit. Alright here we go Orchard. Just remember what I said and breathe as much as you need to." He stopped at the last bottom out in the bowels of the stallion and took hold of his hips around to his front groin where Mac's big pink rod had peeked out of his black sheath to say hello to the world. With a few adjustments of his form, Soarin began to move a bit faster in his rump pumping as he pulled out a bit further than his medial ring and slammed it back in harder than before but not overly hard as the sound of their flesh slapped echoed into the room. The pair enjoyed the pace of the butt fucking together as both started to moan in pleasure. Soarin from the tight asshole wrapping his cock in the most gentlest of sleeves with the warmth to radiate through is dick and Mac from the pounding he was getting from Soarin who was treating him like royalty in this endeavor like he was family somehow. Together their hearts fluttered to the highest of highs giving both euphoric bliss as they lost themselves to their basic instincts of mating. Each moment feeling like eternity to them as time had lost all meaning in their sexual haze. Big Mac was now in full on joyous mode and didn't care about how much or little pain was coursing through is ponut. All he cared about now was having Soarin rut him like a mare in heat and as fast as he wanted to. He didn't even have to tell the stallion he could go faster because he just did. Their balls swung together in the motions as the slapping sounds became more constant from him pounding into him, along with the occasional slap to his thick cheeks which caused him to squeak out with a little startle each time. The blue pegasus was feeling closer and closer to his orgasm as he sped up his humping to an extreme level of speed. Wrapping his hooves tightly around Big Mac's hips, his motions became rapid and short as he slammed away as hard as he could with little pulled out. His tip flaring up as his dick throbbed more and more until it plugged Mac's bowels from top to bottom with his dick and then he snapped. "Fuck Orchard, I'm gonna plant my seed now." He screamed out as his orgasm took over from there. The sticky cum flew from Soarin's dick and splattered the bowels of the red stallion and began to fill the corridor with the flooding torrential pour that was months of backed up jizz stored in his nuts. Each time his dick twitched another stream pushed its way into the quickly filling anal cavity of Big Mac. The warm soothing feeling from the cum overwhelmed the stallion to have him discharge himself onto the bedding with his own semen in the same fashion. Having an orgasm from his anal fucking and without a single touch to his own cock. Mac lost himself in a dizzying blissful haze that would have made most of the drug addicts think he had something better than they did. Both of their legs trembled under the sheer will power to fight gravity at that moment as they came in unison. Each pump from Soarin caused Mac to launch his own. Each second felt like minutes as their bodies began to reach their peak and come crashing down on them. When both of their erections had stopped their respective orgasms, their legs could take no more and they fell to the side and landed on the clean portion of the bed with Soarin still plugged into Mac's ponut. Their heaving chests and beating hearts being the only thing in their ears as sharp gasps of air filled into their lungs. Mac felt oddly satisfied from the encounter as it gave him a boost of confidence. It made him feel special and like he had made the right choice for the night despite his nerves from earlier. Now all he had to do was this again and again so he could pay Spotty off and  tell him to fuck right off. He felt like this was something he could do once a week to supplement the income of the farm family. After a few more minutes, Soarin's dick began to retreat out of Mac's ass with a sloppy wet plop and retreated into his sheath, leaving Mac with a gaping ponut and cum oozing out of it in small drips. He reached over and stroked the stallion's well done hair with a smile on his face. "That was wonderful, Orchard. I think you might be one of the best I've had, let alone seen." Feeling the bliss begin to wear off and the gentle stroking of his mane combined with the compliment just melted Mac into a happiness he never knew could exist at the moment. "Thanks, I'm glad I could please." He closed his eyes just hoping nothing more than that moment right now could exist forever. However it was all for naught, as time still marched on and Soarin eventually stopped his stroking. "I'm sorry, but I need to get headed back to my hotel or else the rest of the team may get a bit suspicious of my absence." He said apologetically as he slipped off the bed. "Though I'm not going to leave you high and dry either. That's something you might have to deal with is ponies trying to get away with freebies instead of paying. I know we determined your prices but here." Soarin scratched onto some paper with a pen from the small drawer near the bed. "Here's two thousand bits for tonight and I hope that helps. Also here's my number as well, call me anytime you need some advice or just someone to talk to. I don't want you, or Applejack to lose the farm as it means quite a bit by her pride." Mac sat up and took hold of the papers in his hooves. "Are you sure, this more than covers our debt and more. I can't take this." He tried to hand back the check given to him. "No it's all yours, be it all of the debt or only some of it. Use the leftovers to get some things for yourself. I'm sure some new colors or clothes would be good for you." He smiled at Mac as he pushed his hoof against Mac’s to force back the money. "I... um... Thanks Soarin. I'm sorry, myself. I used to think of you as some big showman pony that wanted nothing but the ladies and especially my sister to hurt her. I was wrong and I apologize from the bottom of my heart for that. Thank you." Mac opened his purse and slipped the papers inside to keep them safe. Soarin smirked and shot the stallion a wink. "No worries man. You keep doing what you feel is right. I'm sure things will work out in the end. Just remember you can call me anytime you have any worries. If I don't answer, at least leave a message and I'll get to you ASAP. Gotta fly now." Soarin opened the door to the room and stepped out, shutting it behind him, then spread his wings and took to the sky. Big Mac sat there in the now silent room, as his shock of the whole events had begun to fade away. He got up from the bed, leaving a white dot from where his leaking ass dripped onto before it stopped. He looked at the mess they had made and shrugged it off. He hadn't paid for this room, nor did he have any intentions to stick around to clean it up either. He had work to do and skills to work on. Becoming a prostitute was something that felt right. He cleaned up his outfit of any wrinkles and got his panties back into place. Slinging his purse over his shoulder again he walked out and headed back to the spot he had previously stood. It was time to attract some more customers and take Soarin's advice. > An Offer Worth Trying > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The night air became a bit more chilled, as time marched onward. Big Mac stood leaned against a lamp post, as he reapplied his lipstick and fixed out the mascara that had leaked down his cheeks from the last stallion he had sucked off wanted something just a bit rougher but paid extremely well for the red stallion to suck on his cock. Mac was elated that he had gotten so many customers coming to him after his encounter with Soarin. They all seemed more than happy to pay his prices and even a few tipped with how good his work was.     As Mac was applying his mascara again, he failed to notice the limo that had pulled up beside him as it slowly crept to the final set of windows on the vehicle. The window rolled down on it as a voice called out from it towards him. "Excuse me, you wouldn't happen to be Lady Orchard would you?" A siren-like voice drifted from the car to Mac's ears.     Putting away his mascara quickly, Mac put on a smile as he dropped to his hooves and turned towards the Limo, his eyes being hit with the lavish car as he approached toward the open window. Inside sat a (insert description) of baby blue with pink chitin and a pair of small orange horns growing with solid pink eyes that glittered in the light of the limo. The seats were a white leather with a soft carpeted flooring of the back area of said limo. It had a welcoming feel that had Mac swallow a bulge of surprise that had stuck into his throat before he shook himself out of his stupor. "Ahh... yes, I'm Lady Orchard. How can I service you tonight, my fine gentlecolt." Mac put on his finest acting with his nonchalant attitude as to not come off as someone so desperate for anything.     "Perfect, I've been looking over the streets for you for the past hour and was having little luck. I thought you may have packed up and went home. I've heard some good things about you." The changeling had a genuine smile growing on his glowing face. "I'm not fully looking for your services for tonight, but I am hoping that we could speak. I believe it may benefit you greatly based on the words that have spread like wildfire in the past few hours." He got off his seat and opened the door to the limo holding it open for Big Mac to enter.     Looking into the limo and back to the changeling, Mac felt a little hesitant to enter into the vehicle without any knowledge of what was happening or going to happen. His hoof hovered over the threshold as he had a slight tinge of fear building up. Knowing things could still go wrong but his mind wondering what benefit he could receive from just speaking to the changeling, he forced himself to step into the limo and took a seat on one of the side seats while the changeling re-entered the limo and took his seat at the back again.     The limo began to move as the two passengers sat in silence for a few minutes before the changeling spoke up. "I sense you are a bit nervous and I can assure you that you have no need to fear anything. I am Halymo, and I certainly mean no harm to you at all. I was hearing word of a new girl on the block from patrons of the local clubs and I had to go see myself. Certainly they had not lied about how well you looked." His tiny fangs popped out from behind his lips with his grin.     Mac gave a nervous chuckle to himself, as he held a friendly smile as best as he could. He knew he was no girl and was hoping that this wasn't going to backfire in his face. "Well I... you see..." he began to say as he was cut off with a hoof held up towards him with a silencing gesture and head shake from the changeling.     "Don't worry, it is quite obvious that you aren't really a mare. I'm no fool, but that's why I would like to talk with you. I'm a producer for a company; we run strip clubs, escort services, and even adult films. With your talent for how you present yourself and from what I've heard, you know your way with those lips of yours I think we might be able to have a place amongst our establishment. You would only be starting at the entry level work but it still pays well and depending on where you work for the day you can keep tips that you earn. We make sure all our workers are kept safe in all ways from emotional to sexual, as we want them to be at their top game." He got up from his seat and went to a small fridge sitting against the driver side of the limo and pulled out a couple brown bottles, opening them and handing one to Big Mac, before taking his seat again.     The stallion looked down at the bottle as it began to sweat, with a sweet smell wafting from it that seemed all too familiar; it was Apple Family hard cider that had been placed in front of him. Taking a swig from the bottle he began to relax his tense muscles. He sat and pondered the offer of working at such a place before looking himself up and down, acknowledging that he had taken a dive into the deep end of the pool tonight not knowing what would happen all in hopes of saving his home and now he had done that. Closing his eyes, he inhaled the smell of the cider to focus himself and seek for answers within his own desires. A part of him wanted to just be a normal farm boy and continue on the family tradition, but another part of him nagged him to embrace himself and go further into this tunnel to find what else could there be. Opening his eyes he turned to Halymo and said, "I'm not sure right now, but could you go more into detail of what things would include in terms of payment as that is my only big concern for now."     Nodding to the stallion, the changeling took a sip of his cider to clear his own throat. "I don't see why that would be a problem. The way we do things is we let our workers switch around the type of work they want to do as long as it falls into their status within the business. So if you were at main stage level you could be the main actor or actress on a film set, or a headline dancer at the strip club or one of the very expensive escorts for our VIP customers. At your level though working on set would be relegated to being either a fluffer or background character, at club level you would be doing side booths or private showings and if you wish to continue on the streets then you would be at the bottom of the totem pole as you are now. However you would have protection in terms of one of our "guards" watching you from a distance to make sure things didn't go wrong for you. In terms of pay, we would be offering three hundred bits just for working the night as base with room for growth if you can prove yourself and as said any tips are yours as well." His cheeky grin had grown back onto his face as he watched Mac fondle with his bottle thinking over the words.     Mac's mind was boiling with thoughts as his heart battled for control to scream to the heavens to fully indulge into more of his deeper loves that had been kept secret until tonight. He felt liberated doing this work and more like himself instead of following his parents footsteps. "I do have one more question for you. Would it be okay if I were to try it out first before fully committing. I'm conflicted right now and not sure what I should do but I would at least like to see and try this stuff out at least once." His voice shook a bit with nervousness as he asked his question.     Halymo stared at him for a few seconds, the smile gone from his face as he looked the stallion down. After a few moments of silence he cracked out in laughter as he shattered the quiet tension. "Now that is something else that I haven't even heard from somepony's lips before. I guess we could let you do that. You already know what it's like to be on the streets so how bout we do a day as a stripper and a day as a fluffer. From there you can decide on what you want to do. Just remember if you decline that will be the only offer that we will make and you would have to go through the long process of even applying for a second time. This is a direct offer right in without any of the hassle." He sipped more of his cider.     Licking his lips clean of the leftover taste of cider, Big Mac nodded to the changeling. "I understand, I think that's all I need. So where and when can I do these things?"     "Don't worry about those, you'll receive that information in the mail. We know who you are considering we buy from your farm. Now I do have one thing to ask you myself. To seal this agreement, how would you feel about giving my cock a nice ride to see for myself." Halymo shifted himself to spread his legs open giving the stallion the view of a small hole beneath his chitin where a dark blue shaft started to slide out like a snake wriggling out of its den.     Big Mac watched in amazement as the blue dick wriggled it's way out and stood at full attention without any work on his end. His eyes remained locked on the changeling's schlong as he slipped himself off his seat and slowly crept forward toward it. His voice tripped over itself as he spoke "I... that's... no problem...".     Halymo chuckled at Mac's mental performance as he watched the dazed stallion's movement toward him. "I trust that you are okay. I wouldn't think one cider would be enough to get you that drunk." He gave a cocky grin as he wiggled himself to make sure his glory was completely on display.     Shaking his head to clear the confusion from his mind Mac snapped himself out of his stupor. "No no, of course not. I've just never seen something that big, let alone so oddly shaped. It's like too smooth and with no ring or flare glands." His face got closer to the cock, and gave it a light poke with his hoof, as he looked it over like a toddler discovering how to walk.     "Well I can fix that, considering that's what we're known for as changelings. Just watch." Halymo concentrated on his dick and it morphed in a bright purple flash into a horse cock right before their eyes. "See, it's as simple as that. Though I'm sure you are quite familiar with this one, it isn't one of my favorites, this one is." Again he focused and with the purple flash his dick changed into one of a canine. With a pointed tip and small knot ready to go deep into Mac's juicy round ponut.     The red stallion’s eyes grew wide in surprise from Halymo’s ability to transform his dick at a whim. Something that he never thought would be possible let alone being proven wrong about it. “I.. um… now that is interesting.” He stared at the changeling’s junk more, seeing if he was hallucinating or it was real. Opening his mouth he went to put it in his mouth when he was stopped by a hoof to his forehead.     Halymo’s hoof was pressing against him while the changeling shook his head in a negative way. “No need for that, we have glands that can produce all the lubricate we need.” A clear film began to form around his junk and dripped slowly towards his groin. “This is all you will need to go with it.”     Still in awe at how a changeling had everything at hand without needing anything, Mac got himself off the limo floor and turned around showing off his green pantied bubble butt. He wiggled his ass in a swaying motion, as he felt the changeling take hold of his undergarment and begin to pull it down, revealing his thick, juicy, jet-black ponut. “I hope this is satisfactory,” he nervously said as he backed up closer to Halymo.     The changeling’s tongue whipped around his lips as his eyes stared into the void that was Mac’s ass. His throbbing cock aching to dip deep down into the hole that looked oh so tight and warm. His mind melted at the sight leaving him only the ability to nod in agreement to the stallion as the ponut got closer to him inch by inch. Each second leaving him wanting it more as he felt the warmth emanating from the red rump.     With a few more steps back, Mac lined up his backdoor with Halymo’s canine shaped cock and slowly lowered himself down so the tip prodded into the hole’s entrance. The odd sensation of the small tip poking sent shivers down Mac’s back as it was weird having such a thing near there. The only other time he’d seen such a thing was when Winoa was used for breeding and even then it looked pleasurable but he wasn’t going to go around and sleep with some animal. Now was his chance to try something new like this and he wasn’t going to rush it. He wiggled himself downward as he slipped the dick into his ass with the sticky warm lube easing the movement of the organ into his asshole with minor stretching.     A tight enveloping hole had begun to swallow the larger sized dog dick leaving Halymo wordless as he closed his eyes as the pleasure rush smashed him in the head. Letting out a low satisfied moan as Mac lowered himself more until he stopped at the flaccid knot and began his rise again. The slow motion was one of the bigger teases he had received in a long time, and this stallion’s ass was going to be the death of him with the grip it had. Each time the stallion lowered himself and pushed against his dick that rush came back as a flooding tide. He reached out to Mac’s cheeks to give them a gentle rub in a circular motion as the red stallion kept up his movement on his cock.     Mac bit down onto his lower lip, as his insides tickled with the strange dick penetrating his depths. The different shape and texture compared to other stallions was sending him into a new state of mind, with each stroke making him purr like a kitten enjoying its head being scratched. Eventually he sank down over the knot at the base of the shaft, letting the bulbous part push his walls just a bit further apart but having it act like a buttplug that he could pull in and out that gradually increased in size. Each time he pushed himself down onto it he let out a moan of joy as the popping it made felt great.     Halymo gave a slap to the red rump of Mac with his hoof, filling the coach of the limo with the sound of flesh being hit. His ears enjoyed the sound of it along with Mac letting out a little yelp at it. Again he slapped the stallion as his eyes watched as the ponut he was pounding began to move faster up and down his shaft. “Fuck, you are such a tight little slut and with an ass like this you certainly could go places.” The changeling hummed his delight as he felt the stallion start to slam his ass down onto him. “Go on and pick up that pace. Such a warm and tight hole needs a good stretching too, so let me help with that.” He focused himself and enlarged his dick by fifty percent so Mac’s insides stretched more giving him a filling feeling.     With the increase in size, it caused Mac to let out a wail that would make a banshee blush as his brain overloaded with both pain and pleasure. Tears rolled from his eyes streaking his mascara, staining his face with black lines down to his neck. The sudden bolstered stretching of his ass had caused a shock to his system, but his enjoyment only sharpened as it felt as if two stallions had penetrated him. Sliding up and down the cock had become much tougher to start with but as his body adjusted to the bigger size, it became much harder to swallow the knot with his ponut.     The grin on Halymo’s face grew wider as the sounds emanating from the stallion brought joy to his ears. Rhythmic motions of the red ponut consumed his new, enlarged cock, giving the most sensual feeling as the tightness of Mac’s tunnel had increased and scraped along his length. “I can tell you like this, my stomach is filling with the pure lustful joy that is permeating off of you.” Winding up his hoof he slapped Mac hard again and felt his anus clench around his dick sending himself close to the edge of orgasm. “Fuck - can’t last much longer” he swore under his breath.     Mac, now sore as could be, gave a few more rough slams with his rear until the bigger knot popped into his bowels. As soon as the new knot entered in it grew a bit more in size, this time not from the changeling’s magic but from its canine properties imbued into it. The last of his anal stretching pushed Mac over the edge just as much as Halymo. His orgasm exploded into the crotch of his green panties, staining the fabric with his sticky stallion seed. Each rope flew into the building pool to drip down onto the floor of the limo and onto his black sack.     Gripping onto the stallion’s hips, Halymo’s orgasm raged with a fevered desire to fill the red rump to the brim with his cum. The jolts of pleasure shooting through his body as each time his cock twitched inside the stuffed stallion was invigorating him as their lust filled fuck had begun to create too much for him to handle. For every load he launched into Mac, he was drowned with the flood of lust that for a single changeling was too much. His mind became hazy in both euphoric bliss and drunken stupor to the point he nearly passed out. In his haze though he lost focus of his shaping magic and his cock shrunk back to normal size and shape, freeing Mac’s anus from the stretching menace. His last string of cum weakly dribbled from the tip of his dick as his stallion partner had collapsed to the floor.     Drowning in his own orgasm rapture, Mac lay on the floor as cum pooled around his rear legs and down his ass to groin. His ass was gaping from the rough but enjoyable anal he had just received from Halymo. Cum dripped from the hole fast at first but slowed as it emptied out onto the stallion and floor. His tongue lay hung out as he panted for the sweet oxygen to fill his aching lungs. His eyes grew heavy with sleep as he tried to comprehend the events of the evening. In total he was done for the night and couldn’t go on after such a bang of an ending to it.     The changeling being first to recover, picked himself up off the seat and sat next to the stallion on the floor. He rubbed his back to comfort his partner while gazing forward to the front of the limo. “See, I knew you’d like that. Though that is only a taste of what can come working for us. I think it’s best we get you home though because you don’t look like you can walk another step for now and I do like my workers at peak performance.” He gave the stallion a joyful smirk before tapping on the window at the front and talking with the driver before returning to his side. “We’ll be at your drive in about fifteen minutes, that should be enough to recover to get in the door.”     Mac closed his eyes after the last of the words touched his ears. His mind now blank as could be, with nothing more able to penetrate the wall that had been set up in his snooze.     The sound of the rooster crowing and his alarm bell ringing woke Mac up instantly. Sitting up in his bed he looked around the room trying to deduce where he was. His head still slightly clouded from his deep slumber. Looking down he was still dressed in his attire from the night before with his heels at the side of the bed. He must have traveled up the drive and right into bed without realizing what he had done. Slipping out of his warm cocoon of blankets, he quickly got himself undressed from his clothing and stuffed them away in the closet, along with his purse and heels. Next was getting the makeup off as quickly as possible so he wouldn’t be seen with it on at the family breakfast.     A knocking came to the door shortly after he began to wipe clean his messy face with the familiar sound of his little sister. “Mac, breakfast time. Get your butt in gear, it's market day,” Applejack hollered through his wooden door.     “Be down shortly ~ just cleaning up,” he replied in the same tone. He let out a yawn as he let his mane and tail fall free from the elastics holding them tied. The messy maned stallion was back and Lady Orchard had been put away for the day. Grabbing his saddlebags, he put in the bits and the check he had gotten from the night, ready to pay off Spotty as soon as he could when they arrived in town. Today he was going to be a free stallion from the diamond dog’s grasp on the farm.     The morning sun had risen up over the houses of the town, filling the streets with it’s warming glow. The shops were opening and the market square filled with ponies from the town to buy the local produce and wares that others were selling. The Apples had been doing business as usual until it slowed down for the afternoon lunch period. Mac looked around with a bit of anxiousness as he hadn’t seen the diamond dog all morning and time was getting short. His dancing in place had gotten the attention of his sister after a bit.     “Mac, what in tarnation is your problem today? You’re more worked up than a hill of ants with a sugarcube in tow.” She stared at her brother with a sharp gaze.     “I just… well I gotta use the washroom. That’s it, gotta go badly.” He gave his sister a wide innocent grin trying to bluff his way from the stand.     The orange mare narrowed her gaze as she looked into the white smile her brother was putting on. “Well why didn’t you just say so. Go and come back as quickly as you can. The afternoon rush will be soon, and Applebloom should be back shortly with our food.”     He grabbed his saddlebags and took off running into the streets from the sight of his sister. His head swung side to side as he galloped around looking for Spotty, knowing that time was of the essence. Each street he turned down led to another one with no sign of the canine anywhere until his last turn where he ran directly into the chest of the animal.     “Ouch, watch where you are going you stupid pony.” Spotty rubbed his chest as his eyes opened to the sight of the red stallion. His complaint went from a frown to a big smile as he smirked. “Ah it’s mister silly pony. I bet you don’t have my money for me and come begging for more time, isn’t that right.”     Reaching inside his bag, Mac threw a leather pouch onto the ground with a loud jingle of metal hitting each other. “I have your money right here. Now you can leave my farm alone,” he huffed as he stood his ground.     Their eyes stared for dominance of each other as the time ticked by in the little showdown. The streets seemed eerily silent until Spotty reached down and picked up the bag of coins. Shifting through the bag he counted everything until satisfied with the result. “Well then, you’re lucky this time. I was hoping to dig through the farmland but a deal is a deal. Now be gone from my sight, you stupid horse.” Spotty pushed his way past the stallion with a huff and trudged along his way to his next victim.     Letting out a sigh of relief, Mac took a seat at the side of the street as all his built up stress dissipated into the ether. A smile came to him that felt right after so long of faking them to make sure the family stayed happy. As he began to stand a tap came to his shoulder. He turned around to see the grey mailmare hovering with a letter in hoof.     “Mail for you, Mr.Macintosh,” she said with a large happy smile while holding her hoof out with the letter.     Mac took it from her and offered his thanks, as he waved her off. Looking at the letter it had a red wax seal stamped on it. The front side had From the Office of Adult Specialty Studios in black quill writing. Knowing what it was he stuffed it into his bags leaving it unopened for now. With his first trial out of the way and wanting to enjoy the rest of the day, he ran back to the family stall to carry on business as usual. The letter sitting at the back of his mind along with the night’s events stewing around still. Later he would open his letter and see what was going on to further a career in the adult industry. > A Dive Into The Pit > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Standing tall within the city, the cold gray stone building blended in with the surrounding environments of similar construction. Walls covered with graffiti art, trash bins down the side alleyways, and ponies passing by on the streets. On the upper portion of the building was a darkened neon light sign that hid away the words The Breeding Pit in its current state, along with the images of the stripper pole. Two large wooden doors stood at the front with inlays of golden trim to match its deep dark coloration. Along the sidewalk, a pony was out stringing red velvet rope to brass beams that were set along the ground.     Big Macintosh’s eyes gazed in awe at the size of the building with its three stories of height compared to his vision of just a small building sitting at the edge of town instead of downtown. The sounds of Manehatten filled his ears as he gawked at all the sights surrounding him in other nightclubs and bars. This was something he’d never seen back home in Ponyville and certainly would be something to remember, considering everything Applejack had told him about the city before. He looked down to the letter in his hoof one more time to make sure the address was right and his instructions of what to do.     With a deep breath, he walked down the side of the building along the alleyway, following the wall until he came to a side door with a little latch near the middle. He knocked on the cool metal with a clang of his hoof reverberating off it. The latch slid open and a pair of orange eyes stared dagger back at him, with a gruff voice speaking to him through the small gap. “What do you want? This is the employee's only entrance and the club isn’t open until ten tonight.”     His nerves started to shimmy and shake, his voice catching in his throat, with thoughts of backing away now seeping into his mind. He held up the letter to the slot and nervously stated back with a shaky tone. “I’m here as a guest on behalf of Halymo. I’m supposed to meet with Mistress Leech to see the place before opening.”     The sharp eyes scanned over the slip from the door, seeing the signature at the bottom being the main focus. The latch shut with a clank and the sound of the door clicking open to the world filled the alleyway. “Well now, come on in there.” A big gray griffon with white feather tips and a black set of feathers running down the center of his head to his neck. His beak had a small chip out of the front, with a bandage running over the sides, his right eye sporting a big purple bruise. “Any guest of the boss is more than welcome in, especially when it’s for a new worker. I’m the bouncer, you can call me Gray, others call me an asshole.” He gave the stallion a nudge in the chest with his talons. “Just head down the hallway, the second door on the right is Mistress Leech’s office.”     Mac stepped with care around the big griffon towering taller than him as his eyes kept locked onto the intimidating form of the muscles growing on him. The silent sounds of the hallway echoed around as his hooves clacked on the cold concrete floor. It was plain back here but who would be seeing this except the employees working at the establishment. Reaching the second door on the right, he knocked on the door and waited. No sounds came from inside in response to his knock. He knocked again, this time there were some sounds of life coming from inside as an angry mare opened the door.     “Gray I’ve told you before I’m not…” she stopped herself as she caught sight of the red stallion standing before her. The black unicorn with a white face blushed red with embarrassment at her reaction to the knocking. She sported a purple corset, along with some golden bands around her front legs, and smaller golden ring earrings. “I am so sorry. I thought you were the bird brain we have for a bouncer again. He likes to annoy me sometimes. What can I help you with?”     Still, in some shock from the spontaneous yelling, Mac had to clear his head with a shake before holding up his letter to the mare. Letting her take the paper from his hoof and read it over, he waited patiently for Mistress Leech to finish. When she did, he held out his hoof with a smile saying, “I’m Big Mac, or Orchard Blossom, I don’t know which one works considering the time right now.”     The mare took his hoof in return and gave it a shake. “Well it is nice to meet you, Big Mac, I’m Mistress Leech, the head mare of the club. I make sure all the mares and girls are in shape and ready for the night’s work along with making sure their needs are met within reason.” She stepped to the side of the door gesturing for the stallion to enter her office. “Please come in and have a seat,” she said with the sweetest of tones.     Mac took a few steps in, being greeted with warm lighting, a big wooden desk, cushioned chairs with purple fabric coverings, the walls were of a nice relaxing mood coloration of a vanity red, the smell of vanilla filled the air from the burning candles over on a counter, a large closet ran along the right side of the room, with kitchen stuffs running on the left and the floor was made of lament tiling. Overall it felt much more welcoming than the boring gray tones of the hallway. “So nice in here, I’m surprised how much fits,” he said as he walked to the chairs near the desk.     Leech closed the door behind him, following suit she made her way to the desk as well. Taking her chair on the opposite side of Mac, she gave him a sweet smile before rummaging through a drawer and pulling out a document, and setting it on the table. “So, since you’re here as a guest getting a trial day to see what things are like, we do have a waiver for you to sign to make sure you understand that this isn’t full-time work as of yet and that you’ll still be paid in full for the work you do for us today. It also states that you are not to take any information from this place and use it at another club or establishment as an undercover gatherer. Other than that, it’s the usual jargon of 'do you agree, are you sure, and we can sue if things are broken’.” She waved around her hoof when it came to the boring portion of the contract, rolling her eyes in the legal jargon.     Picking up the sheet of paper, Mac gave it a go-over just to be sure it was true and that he wasn’t signing his life away for nothing. Line for line it read exactly as explained with boring legal non-sense to bore just about anyone to death with eyeing it over let alone in-depth. Picking up the pen on the table, Mac signed his signature onto the line and dated before sliding the paper across. “So, what do I do next? I’ve never been to a place like this before, let alone to a big city. Always been a country boy.”     The pearly whites of Leech grew to a giant-sized gleeful grin, her eyes as big as saucers with excitement at the notion of a full-on untrained pony. “Well then, we’ve got a lot to show and do. At least we’ve got enough time to get it all done too!” With haste, she jumped from her chair and spun Mac’s around as she passed by it to the door. “Hurry now, follow me.” Her eagerness was like a child in a candy store with free reign overall, in her haste however she almost tripped over her own purple heels, catching herself with wobbly legs.     Mac looked on with a bit of confusion of the mare’s super happy attitude, feeling it a bit off. Getting off the chair, he trotted behind her as she led him out of the office and back into the dank hallway where Gray sat on his stool by the door waiting for the next knock. Going further into the building opened into a bit more spacious area with a main stage and pole in the center, with tables all around sized big enough for a dancer to stand on each of them as well. His eyes wandered around the room spotting a bar on the far side of the room with enough stools for fifteen sitters, along with a shelf filled to the brim with all sorts of spirits. The main room was a deep purple with pink lighting around the staging, with a blacked ceiling and with a small number of lights to give the room a shadowed covering for those wishing to stay anonymous.     “This is the main floor strip area and bar. This is where any patron is free to come in and watch as all put on shows. Each dancer is assigned their table with the main stage reserved for our biggest attractions. As a worker you get free access to the bar but not for alcoholic drinks for yourself. You can however have any food you want though on the house during your break and lunch. Can’t have hungry workers.” Leech waved at the barkeeper on the other side of the room as he worked away.     The room certainly felt big for all the clutter of tables and seats around, most likely due to the paint he thought. “Well, I do like a good home-cooked meal, and a nice apple cider.” He looked around a bit more, seeing a small copy of the sign outside just above the exit as well, and noticed the tinted windows that seemed like they were dark from the outside. “I see the windows are tinted or one-way. Assuming that’s just to keep lookers out?”     “Yup, we can’t have freebies going out. That’s what the website does for the previews. All our mares and girls have profiles set up with some images from a small photoshoot to show off some of the goods and entice patrons to come in and spend.” She grabbed Mac by the front hoof and pulled him up onto the main stage and behind the curtains. “So here is where you’d wait if you were on the main stage and next up then you’d rotate in and out every hour so new visitors during the night still get to see you but while you're not up next you’ll serve drinks to tables. No assigned tables, you just go to where you are called to.”         Backstage was just as bland as the original hallway with a set of stairs leading upwards near the back as well. The little waiting area had a side door leading back to the hallway, and a chair sitting off to the side for the next dancer to have a little rest before going on stage. Mac pointed towards the staircase and asked, “Guess there are more stages and bars upstairs to have more patrons in right?”     Leech shook her head, “Nope, upstairs is for our higher paying customers. I’ll show you the upper floors since they are the same room to room minus a few exceptions.” Leech trotted to the staircase, leading the stallion behind her up the metal plated stairs.  Reaching the platform, the stairs went up more to the third story of the building as well. Opening the door at the platform gave way to a rush of similar painted purple hallways as the main room, with wooden doors spaced evenly apart. Small tables sat outside of the room with empty bowls sitting on them, with little signs hanging on the door stating occupied or empty, and washrooms clearly marked. “Over this way sweetheart,” Leech gave a small shout at the trailing Mac as he eyed through each room as they passed by. Stripper poles and chairs were set up in each room, perfect for private shows. “This here is the break room for the mares and girls working on this floor. It has everything one would need to freshen up, order food from the main floor, or private restrooms. Big enough to fit twenty in at a time, which there shouldn’t be that many at once, to begin with except at the start of the night when they gather to pass out rooms.” The interior was a mellow green, with three tables set up with seats, a small fridge for drinks to keep chilled, a phone on the wall labeled kitchen for direct calls downstairs, another doorway leading into a dressing area that was barely visible from the break room door, and two restroom doors that were open wide and empty except the toilets, a sink, and plunger in each.  “Seems pleasant enough in here. A good break on the eyes from all the purple.” Mac looked around for a bit more before pulling his head out of the door. “So what’s on the third floor then?” Leech’s grin picked up again, as she took the stallion by the neck and whispered in his ear. “I’m sure you’re super eager to see the upper floor, odds are low that you’d be up there anytime soon.” She let go of him and headed back towards the stairwell. “Now come on, I’ll show you.”     Mac’s mind raced with ideas of what could be up there, but nothing was coming to mind that would fit other than more rooms like the current floors, or possibly storage. He galloped after the mare who was already heading up the stairs.     Opening the top door before Mac could reach the top, Leech stepped into the wider hallway with clearly defined rooms. The floor was made of white marble, with gray paint along the walls, with gold trim. Fancy-looking lights hung along the walls, with dark oak doors closed off to the rooms with numbers on gold plates hung on them. The smell of lavender and mint swirled through the air, while air conditioning kept the temperature to a nice room level.     Mac’s eyes widened at the sight of the contrast between the first two floors compared to the top floor. His mouth agape as he stumbled into the hallway gazing at the paintings hanging from the wall of tasteful nude art. He nearly tripped over his hooves as he walked down the hallway behind Leech. “This is amazing compared to the rest. Must cost a whole kidney to get a spot up here.”     “Well, it is for our VIPs and the mares or girls of their choosing. This isn’t a fully occupied spot for every night. Any customer willing to pay the prices are given the room for the night along with their partner or partners, along with complimentary room service. So it’s not often you’d see up here, let alone be up here.” Leech walked over to one of the doors and opened it. “Go on, take a look inside and explore it a bit.”     The stallion walked over and entered the room. Marble flooring was in the room just like the hallway, a giant bed big enough to fit at least five others sat against the wall, a small table next to the bed held a phone, on the other side was a small dresser. A giant tv sat on the wall opposite of the bed, a doorway led into another room with a hot tub, shower, toilet, and sink with stone cut counters and wooden cupboards. A fridge set to the side of the room was filled with alcohol, ice, and chilled glasses.     Leech walked into the room and leaned against the stallion as he took in all the wonders of the room. “This is what our big guests get. If you are working for one, this would be the only time you’d get to drink on the job because you are spending the whole night with this one doing whatever they want. Big money comes with it as we cover what you’d make on average for tips on the bottom floors, along with your hourly rate, and give you a bigger tip too.” That sly smirk crossed her face again as her purple eyes stared into the stallion. “So, this is what you can expect if you were to come work for us in general. However, since you are a single-day worker, for now, you’ll most likely not be up here. Come now, I’ll show you to the dressing room so you can pick out some things for tonight.”     Mac followed the mare back down the stairs back towards the hallway area, taking a different direction than the first turn they made towards the main bar area. Further along, the back were two doors, one marked mares, and the other marked girls. Opening the girl's door, the area opened into a big dressing room. A mirror ran along the whole of the left wall, with benches and lockers along with the right hand, at the far back were racks of clothing, with a stand filled with makeup that would make a factory look small. Plush chairs sat in front of the mirror for the males to sit while they did their makeup and hair, a cabinet set close to the door that was filled to the brim with condoms of all sizes and styles.     The stallion looked on in awe as he sauntered towards the back of the room. All the clothing caught his attention along with the makeup. “I… jeez… how?” Flubbering his words to try and speak, his dream became reality.     “Simple, we make sure our girls are well taken care of and have access to all they need. Designer makeup, the best clothing one could ask for, and supplies on hand for any occasion, even if you get horny enough for each other.” Leech knocked on the cabinet filled with the condoms. “Though we do ask that you refrain from that until after work.” She walked into the room to the stallion and gave him a push towards the chairs. “Take a seat here Mac. So tonight, this is where you will come and get ready, but stop by my office and I’ll give you a mentor for the night to make sure you don’t get lost. Want to make sure your trial night is good. So still a few hours before we get ourselves ready, so if you want to go get something to eat at the bar, it’s on the house.”     Looking in the mirror and staring at his imaginary facade, Mac smiled with a mild manner to himself. His heart beating wildly at the notion that he’d be accepted here for whatever he did and whatever he dressed as. His cushioned butt turned the chair on its pole towards Leech, his eyes tearing up just a bit. “Thank you. I’ll… I’ll make sure… make sure to do that.” He sniffed to hold back his damned emotions from bursting forth.     Leech gave his eye a quick swipe of her hoof, clearing the tear that slipped by. “Sweetheart, don’t you dare break down on me before you’ve even started. Go on, get a belly full of good food and prepare yourself for tonight.” She nudged him out of the seat and towards the door. “Remember, come see me first before you step in here.” She waved him off as he headed towards the main room.     The short time flew by as Mac walked through the now bustling hallways filled with staff. Making his way through the swath of creatures going back and forth, stepping around big burly bouncers, dancing around the dancers, and landing right at the doorway to Mistress Leech’s office door. It was already open so he stepped inside quickly to both the mare and a blue griffon talking away.     “Look Gallus, you need to take one night with the new girl and show her the ropes. You get the training pay like usual, plus it’s only for tonight. Don’t know what Halymo’s full-on plans are or what he sees in the big red stallion.” She leaned forward on the desk, her face scowling at the young blue bird. “Now do your job before I have to take you somewhere you don’t want to be,” she said while pointing to a wooden paddle on the wall.     The griffon rolled his baby blue eyes in annoyance. “Fine, I’ll do it, but make sure that I’ve got time to spare between work to teach. I don’t need another complaint from my customers that have to wait longer and leave fewer tips for some new rookie.” He spun around and bumped right into Big Mac’s chest, his eyes meeting the green orbs.     Leech smiled at the stallion. “Ah Mac, we were just discussing you. Gallus here will be taking under his wing, figuratively, for tonight. Just do as he says or suggests unless it sounds dangerous or something that would cause problems. If you have any troubles please just swing by my office immediately.”     Gallus stepped back from the bigger stallion, his mind running through where he had seen him before. As Mac nodded his head to Leech, it snapped in his mind. “Wait a minute, I know you. You’re…” he was silenced with Mac putting his hoof over his beak.     “Don’t say a thing, deal?” Mac stared at him with a glowering gaze. Concentrating the little anger he had within to seem a bit more intimidating. Removing his hoof from Gallus’s beak, he stepped aside from the door, opening the lead for the griffon to take.     Looking back to Leech, he scoffed before heading to the exit. “Fine, no complaints, no other words.” He swished his tail in the air like a whip before turning the corner.     Mac followed the bird right to the dressing room. Most of the other girls had gotten ready and left, with only a few more finishing their touches. The lockers were filled with their personal belongings, hangers littered the floor from the clothing they had taken, makeup scattered along the countertop from where they had used and left. Gallus had already taken to the clothing racks and began to rummage through as Mac entered behind him following suit. He took a seat on the ground as he shuffled through the different clothing.     “So, you know who I am, just as much as I know you. Why wouldn’t you let me say it?” Gallus harrumphed as he slid hangers down the rack as browsed through for something for the night.     “I just don’t want people to know who I am, let alone spouting it off to my family and friends alright.” Mac’s tone held a bit of shame weighing on it as he picked up a loose-fitting green top that would reach halfway down his torso with its wavy like flow.     Gallus dropped his anger and frustration a bit as he remembered his earlier days starting. “I… understand. It’s not easy keeping things like this quiet from those you don’t want to know. I was that way when I first came here.” He pulled out a pink crop top with the words Naughty Bird in deep blue on the front of it. “Hey, take that net suit over there, that should fit you.” He pointed to a green net bodysuit hanging over next to Mac.     Picking up the outfit, he held it up to his body, it looked almost like the one he had at home, just that it was just a tad bit smaller around the legs. “Thanks,” he said as he set the piece down with the top he already picked out. “So why are you here doing this? I didn’t think one of the future elements would be doing this. I could have sworn each of you would have been doing something a bit more with life.”     “Funny you should say that. Sure we’re the younger elements, but with Twilight as the princess, there isn’t much need for us to do that kinda thing, plus with the lack of problems.” He pulled out a red lingerie set consisting of a frilly lace garter belt with a built on mini skirt with a trim of black, matching stockings with black lace trim and small bows on the sides, and a tiny thong that looked like a string in the back with enough fabric to barely hold a cock and balls in the front. “Besides, I’ve always liked dressing up in female clothing. Being in Ponyville gave me that chance away from the other griffons. Now I don’t mind them seeing because they pay just like any other customer.” Gallus started to slide on his clothing choices as Mac continued to flip through other things on the racks.     Mac nodded to himself as he listened to the griffon. “So, it’s not so bad once you get over that fear. Probably won’t help me with just this single night, but I’ll keep it in mind. Had a pony tell me that I could probably do this work with ease, but I still don’t believe them either.” He pulled out a green thong with a pink heart on the front and back triangular fabric pieces, a set of green and white striped socks also came attached on the hanger with it.     Gallus snapped his talons at the stallion with a smile. “Exactly, given time it all becomes easier to do. Plus all the attention you get can get you much more if you are willing to exploit that weakness of others.” He finished slipping on his stockings and clipped them to the garter belt, his thong sliding up his legs and up between his ass cheeks, leaving just a tiny little piece of string over his thick butthole. “Now, we better hurry before we start losing out to the mares and girls out there.”     “Quick question. Why does everyone say girls instead of stallions or males? I’ve heard a few others say it now, and it’s gotten me wondering why.” Mac started to get himself dressed in his outfit. The netting being the biggest issue with its slightly smaller size.     “Girls, or Guys In Real Life. Much easier and doesn’t give away your illusion to others who may not know. It’s a good way for customers to also have their time with males as well without giving away the to others around them that they partake of males during sex.” Gallus grabbed a few things from the makeup area and walked over to the mirror to get his makeup done.     The room was now just the two of them left as Mac finished getting dressed, the top flowing off his chest, with the socks pulled up on his legs, and the thong riding perfectly over his fat ponut. He went over to the stand and was still in awe at all the color choices to pick from for eyeshadow, lipstick, blush, hoof polish, and even hair clips, pins, ribbons, and scrunchies. Picking out green ribbons for his hair and tail, eyeshadow, and lipstick, he took a seat next to the griffon who was applying pink glitter makeup and luster dust to his feather tips at the end of his wings.     As they were both getting ready, a knock on the room door echoed before opening up to Mistress Leech. “Alright girls, good news and bad news. Bad news is, you won’t be working the floor anymore tonight, good news is, Gally, one of your regulars is in and has bought a VIP suite for the night with you and the new girl. He’s hoping you’ll both give him a good time. Now hurry up; he’s in room four, so best not to keep him waiting long.”     Gallus’s eyes bulged from the news, as he turned to Mac who also had a similar look on his face. “Well now, it seems we’ve got it a bit easier tonight with good pay.” Excitement filled the griffon more as he started to move more quickly in finishing up.     Mac felt his stomach sink, feeling like he was going to drown in his nerves. He slid the lipstick across his lips, giving them a glossy coating of apple green, his eyes painted with the green shadow, his mane tied up in his usual ponytail. He reached for his tail to tie it up as well in a small loop to show off his ass a bit more before being interrupted by Gallus who was digging through the cabinet.     “So Mac, how big are you?” Gallus asked as he dug through for something.     “I’m six feet and a few inches, why?” He responded in confusion as he finished tying his tail.     Gallus let out a chuckle as he turned to face the stallion across the room. “No, no, not how tall you are; how big is your dick. I need to grab the right sized cage for you, just like all the other girls have to wear.” He pulled out a bright pink chastity cage from the cabinet and held it up. The small little tunnel with a slit at the end, and strap going around the back portion of it, with a little lock hanging from off it.     Mac got off from the chair and trotted over to the griffon, taking hold of the cage in his hooves. He eyed it over, seeing how it was designed, trying to figure out how it works. “Umm… never really measured myself, but I’d say average, slightly above the average of any other stallion.” His eyes still looked over the cage in his hooves as he replied.     “Well then, let’s see what we’ve got.” He dug around the cabinet, pulling out cage after cage, as he looked for something in good color and size. After a bit more digging he pulled out a larger cage than what was in Mac’s hooves, in a glitter purple coloration. “This one should do for you. Have you ever worn one before?”     The stallion negatively shook his head. “Nope never heard of or seen it before.”     Gallus hummed for a few seconds as he undid the lock on the purple cage, opening the strap. “Hold still then while I get this on you then.” He moved to Mac’s side and slipped under his belly, moving the thong to the side to see Mac’s black balls and sheath. The cage slipped over the sheath with little problems, the strap wrapping around the ball sack to hold it in place before he set the lock with a click. “There, all set for you. If you get an erection it’ll sting just for a bit to make sure you stop trying to get one. Now grab the green and red heels from the closet there while I get my cage on, okay?”     Mac wiggled his legs, the cage tugging on his sack just a bit. He walked with a small gate to his trot, the odd sensation making it hard to walk without actually impairing him directly. He reached the closet and pulled out the two pairs of high heels from inside and brought them over to the griffon who was now snapping his lock on. “Is it really necessary for us to use them? It feels a bit weird.”     “One hundred percent. It keeps us in line, but also gives us the illusion of being a bit tamer. Customers of the higher floors have keys that can unlock them, and we’ve got a key here for the end of work as well. Though it is up to the customer to remove the cage if they so wish. Now, get ready, we’re heading upstairs for that customer. He’s waited long enough.” Gallus reached into the cabinet once again and pulled out a bunch of various condoms and stuffed them into his stocking before heading out the door and leading Mac upstairs.     The pair made it to the top floor, with Mac struggling on the stairs as he still adjusted to wearing his chastity cage mixed with high heels. It wasn’t as bad as he thought but still had a strange feeling to it. His eyes were planted on Gallus’s big blue butt with a red ribbon tied at the base of his tail, as he had not much else to look at as they climbed those torturous flights of stairs. Reaching outside of room four the two stood still for a few seconds before knocking on the door and opening it.     Inside the room sitting on the bed, watching tv, was a zebra. His mane was slicked back, with deep brown eyes, and a grin on his face as he watched the pair enter into the room. “Oh my, the pretty ones have arrived. My sweet Gally and the new girl I presume?” The brown orbs focused on Mac who tried to keep his distance behind Gallus.     “Hello Mr. Ra’thal,” Gallus said with a sweet tone in his voice, as he blushed at the sight of his favorite usual. “Yes, this is the new girl, her name is…” Gallus drew a blank, never having asked what Mac went by.     Mac took a few steps so he was slightly ahead of the griffon before taking a small bow. “I’m Orchard Blossom, Sir. It’s my first night so please temper your expectations just a bit, please.”     Getting off the bed, Ra’thal circled the pair as he eyed them up and down, like a predator to prey. His hoof took a touch of each outfit and got a feel for it, then rubbed it along the side of each of them. “Both of you look great in those outfits. Simply divine looking. Now normally I wouldn’t even pay for this service from the price, but I saved up enough and more to pay for a night with Gally, but when they said they had a nice girl working tonight I just had to splurge just a bit more. Seems well worth that price by the looks of you, sweet Orchard.” The zebra waggled his butt in front of the pair as he made his way back to the bed, setting his front half on top with his rear hiked up high and tail raised. His black wrinkled sack with big balls dropped down with his flaccid dick dangling between them from the view with his thick black taint also on display. “So, let’s get started with our night. It’s going to be a long one.”     Gallus pushed Mac to the side as he approached the zebra. “That’s more okay, considering we kept you waiting. What would you like us to do to start with Ra’thal?”     “I think it’s pretty obvious,” he said as he shook his ass towards the two girls. “One can start with my balls, and the other can eat out my ass. You can decide on who can do what.” He smiled at the pair as he swayed back and forth waiting for the two to approach him.     Mac looked at Gallus and nodded to him to take the lead. The griffon stepped up to the zebra, and took hold of his hips, stopping the swaying motion and giving him a greater view of the black ponut. Leaning forward he pressed his beak against the hole, giving the taint a passionate kiss before slipping his tongue out to lick away at the dark donut. The taste of sweat, salt, and flesh filled his mouth as he made out with Ra’thal’s asshole.     The red stallion followed suit behind the griffon, getting onto his back and sliding between the zebra and griffon’s legs. His face sat inches from the ball sack and girthy cock, the musky smell filling his nostrils with the sweet scent causing his mouth to salivate hard. Giving his lips a lick, he opened wide and sucked one of the big black orbs into his maw, sucking on it as if it were hard candy. The salty taste of the flesh gave Mac a few shivers as his tongue worked around the orb, his lips leaving a green stain against the black skin.     Ra’thal moaned out in joy, as his genitals were pleasured by the pair. “That’s it girls, get in there. Give me the time of my life.” He grasped onto the bedsheet as he tensed his asshole around Gallus’s tongue, trapping it inside the backdoor, while his dick began to erect against Mac’s face as he switched balls to give the other one attention.     Mac eyed the shaft as it grew in size, his mouth too busy suckling on the nut to hang open in awe. It was most certainly bigger than he was, and even more so in terms of girth. His world began to fade away into dreamland as fantasies flashed through his mind at all the things he could do if he stepped away from being a farmer.     The griffon gripped onto Ra’thal’s hips, as the anus still held tight to the wet tongue wiggling around inside. Musk wafted from the warming backside filling Gallus’s nostrils with the intoxicating aroma of lust. His talons softly massaged the big white and black striped cheeks as he tried to pull himself free from the deep derriere.      Letting the griffon free from his anal grasp, Ra’thal sweetly said, “This has certainly been a good warm-up. Got my motor going faster than a wonderbolt at the track. I’d say I’m ready to dive into something much more fun.” He pulled up his sack away from the red stallion’s mouth, letting the soaking balls hang loose with the green lipstick stains, and pink glitter on his taint. He climbed up the bed and reached into the dresser stand, pulling out a large translucent double-headed purple dildo with bumps and ribbing along the entire length ending with a ball at the end to emulate a simple knot. “I think you both know what to do with this, but while you girls have your fun, Orchard here is going to make sure I get mine as well.” He dropped the dildo at his rear hooves as he leaned back on the bed, legs spread and dick full-on display.     Big Mac gulped back his nerves, as he climbed up onto the big bed. He was stopped by the griffon once he was on top of the bed. A talon held a blue wrapper towards him, with a smile beaming from the griffon’s face. Mac took it in hoof and continued his climb towards the zebra waiting for the two of them to join his escapade. Mac opened the wrapper for a blue rubber condom to be waiting inside. Placing his hoof over the zebra’s dick he worked the condom done, stretching it over the big black cock, slowly unraveling it until it reached the base of his shaft leaving a giant blue covering over the beast.     “I don’t know of her skills or what she can deal with, so I figure she’s best at least having a flavor for the first time.” Gallus shrugged to the zebra, as he climbed up on the bed and made his way to the dresser to pull out a big bottle of anal lube. Popping the cap, he pulled Mac’s thong to the side and slowly drizzled cool liquid onto his juicy black ponut, rubbing his talons in and out to get the lubrication inside as well as out, in great amounts.     Ra’thal watched as the griffon lubed up the stallion before turning round and lubing up his puffy yellow butthole. The zebra licked his lips at the display before him before gasping as the stallion started to suck on his dick. The warm mouth wrapped around his rod and lashed at the meat with large muscle that felt over the veins and bumps of his dick. “Holy shit, you’re fucking good at this.”     Mac ignored the zebra as he focused on himself as much as possible. The strain against his cage from his erection trying to grow caused him slight pain and made him want to cum even harder even though he hadn’t had penetrative sex. His mouth worked hard at the shaft, the condom being flavored of sweet cotton candy provided an extra enjoyment to blowing the zebra. As he worked away he felt the rounded head of the dildo being inserted into his asshole. The bumps and ribs gave pleasure as it was inserted further in before stopping. The weight of the griffon behind him was felt through the bed as sounds of pleasure sounded in his ears from his rear.     With a bit of wiggling, Gallus managed to slip the dildo into his ass and slid down it. Pushing on it with a tight grip of his ass, it stroked the inner walls causing great bliss for the griffon as he bottomed out and clapped his butt cheeks with Mac’s. He moaned in delight as he pulled himself forward off the toy before slamming back on it again. The slick sounds of wet lube echoed in the room along with slurping from the stallion’s blowjob creating a wet symphony of gay pleasure. “Fuck, this is so good. I want so much more of this,” Gallus said as he slapped his ass with his talon.     The zebra laid back as his dick was pleasured with great skill from the new girl, even the condom didn’t diminish the work being done. He reached forward with a hoof and caressed Mac’s cheek before slipping it behind his head. Swiftly pushing on the stallion he jammed his dick deep into his throat, feeling panic slip in as he choked on the big cock. “Don’t worry sweetheart, just breathe through your nose.” He smiled at the stallion who was still trying to pull his head up off the length shoved down his only airway.     Following instructions, Mac started to breathe through his nostrils, the soothing cool air slipping past the dick deep down his throat and filling his lungs with the most wanted oxygen. Tears welled in his eyes and rolled down his cheeks, streaking his mascara down in globby black lines. Still, he could not lift his head from the zebra’s hoof on his head, meaning he was stuck deep throating his dick while spit dribbled from his mouth. On the other hand, he felt great pleasure from Gallus’s work with the double-headed dildo and the slapping of their asses and balls together. It was some comfort, but the strange combination gave Mac a great sense of something he craved more of but couldn’t yet put his hoof on it.     Gallus gripped onto the bedsheets as he sped up his anal excursion, slapping the two asses together harder and harder, which caused Mac to sleep deeper onto Ra’thal’s dick inch by inch. With that motion, Ra’thal began to moan more to the point of outright bursting at the seams with pure bliss. As the griffon slammed his ass just a few more times the dam burst on all three of them.     Ra’thal’s flare enlarged, jamming itself in Mac’s throat, as it launched a steady stream of cum into the condom, causing it to balloon within the tight tunnel. Each second added more to it, creating a heavy rubber blocker that dropped lower in the stallion’s throat causing him to choke just a bit more sending more pleasure through the zebra.     The griffon let out a screech as his wings extended out in an anal orgasm. His talons cut into the sheets as if they were just paper. His grip on them was like steel beams keeping him propped up with his ass jammed against the red stallions.     Finally, Mac was left in a state between conscious and unconscious. Things didn’t matter, yet he was able to tell what was going on. A strange area for him to feel as his mind blanked out but his body still moved autonomously. His head felt lighter as the zebra let go of the back of it, his ass sore and tender yet perfectly fine from the anal exploration with Gallus. As his eyes weighed down his lungs were opened wide as the cock in his throat was removed along with the sweet taste of cotton candy from the condom. Air rushed in filling them with sweet cool air, opening his eyes wide again as he coughed, spitting up saliva from the build-up in his mouth that tried to drain into his lungs.     The trio sat in a pile on the bed, taking their time to recover from the encounter they had thus far. Ra’thal leaned back as he tried to recover from the amazing deep throat action he just received. Gallus leaned forward with his head against the bed, the dildo slipped from his anus, leaving a gaping hole where it was inserted, with small drips of cum dripping from his chastity cage from his anal orgasm, and Mac was in the middle, his lungs desperate for all the air he could have, with his ass still gripping tight to the toy jammed up it, his dick painfully wanting release from the cage that encased it, and his mind still trying to put together what had happened.     Finally, after a bit of time as they lay there, Ra’thal stirred from his euphoric state, returning to the world in front of him. He picked himself up off the bed and walked over to the fridge, pulling out a bottle of water. He chugged down the sweet refreshing drink, filling him with cooling nectar to the heated room. His legs still felt a bit shaky but were returning to normal as he trotted back towards the bed with the two girls still laying on it in their stupor of euphoria. “Well now, that was one hell of a start to the night I must say. Orchard did extremely well with that deep throating, and that show of both of you riding that dildo was certainly great. Gally, you seemed to enjoy it a bit too much, but I expected that to happen the way you carry yourself.” His smile reached from ear to ear as he leaned against the bed for some soft support.     “Well,” Gallus said, “it isn’t every day you get to have a threesome with a stud like you.” He gritted through his teeth. He crawled forward on the bed towards the zebra, his muscles gaining their strength back. “So, what are we gonna do next cutie?”     Ra’thal reached over and lifted Gallus’s head off the bed and looked him in the eye with a fierce gaze. “We’re gonna play one of my favorite games. Orchard is gonna get her ass pounded and you’ll be playing as a lubrication dispenser with your mouth. Since you came like a bad sissy, Orchard gets to have hers removed. Now grab the key from off the dresser along with the biggest plug.”     Mac’s ears perked up at the sound of having his cage removed. His body shivered with excitement to have a sweet release from his prison, even if it did mean getting his butt stuffed by a dick much bigger than his own. He crawled along the bed to the zebra with begging eyes as he lay waiting for Gallus to hurry up with the key.     The griffon grabbed both the key from on top of the dresser along with a hoof-sized butt plug with rings wrapping around the main portion before tapering off to a jeweled emerald at the end. He brought both items over to Ra’thal and turned around, presenting his ass to the zebra.     “Good girl, already knows what is gonna happen. Now hold still while I get this up to your cute butt, then lay down on your back with your head over the bed edge. Orchard, go ahead and drape your rear over the side, I’ll be with you shortly.” He picked up the plug and set it gently against Gallus’s gaping anus and slowly wiggled the egg-shaped plug against the hole. Pushing forward, the plug pushed the hole wider, with the rings popping in one by one, causing Gallus to moan even more as the device got deeper into his rump. After the fifth and final ring had been inserted, the plug dropped to the taper, leaving just an emerald gem on display from Gallus’s backside.     Mac eagerly awaited as he felt the zebra’s hoof roaming around his groin area until a click hit his ears. The sweet sound of freedom brought great joy as the cage was removed from over his sheath and thrown onto the bed. His dick immediately started to go erect with joy to its release. He wiggled his ass to the zebra as a sign of preparedness for the anal pounding he was about to receive.     Gallus got himself into position alongside the red stallion, with his head hanging over the edge of the bedside with his mouth ready to be used for oral pleasure. “Whenever you are ready, we are as well.”      Ra’thal slapped the red stallion’s booty before lifting himself over the griffon and sticking his dick into the beaked mouth. “Ya, that’s it, get my dick nice and ready for this good girl here.” He rubbed his hoof along Mac’s rump some more before giving it another spanking. His dick bobbed in and out as he thrust into Gallus’s throat, feeling the tongue wrap around his cock like a snake around its prey.     The green eyes of Mac watched the dominant display of the zebra as he penetrated the griffon’s throat as if it was just another hole for him to use. Watching the throat bulge out as the length went deep down and came back with large coatings of spit and pink glittery lipstick against the dark black flesh. As Ra’thal pulled out of Gallus’s mouth, he shifted over to Mac, spreading his red ass cheeks wide and pulling out the dildo still hanging out. It landed next to Mac’s face on the bed. The long dick now sat just against his thick black ponut with the warm wet spit dripping against his slightly agape hole.     “You ready for this, Babe? You’ll be wanting much more than what that toy could provide,” the zebra said before he thrust forward, impaling the red stallion onto his glorious zebrahood. Mac’s ass clenched down onto the thick dick, leaving very little room between his inner walls and the meat that dug deeper by the inch.      Gallus looked on at the pair as Ra’thal penetrated to the base of his cock into the red stallion’s ass. His heavy black balls swaying with green lipstick on them and tapping them against the other stallion’s. His body quivered wanting the same, but could only watch on. His ass had a big enough toy shoved inside to at least keep him tied over until his chance. The small caged dick tried to grow erect but was given the same pain Mac had experienced earlier as it tried to grow.     Biting the bed, Mac felt the zebra bottom out in him and slap his ass again. The feeling was much bigger than the toy had been. It was longer and certainly much girthier than the toy but lacked the bumps and ridges that came with it. Overall it was still great as it began to pull out and slam back into him. The zebra put his weight down onto Mac’s rear as he gave it a few rammings before pulling out with a pop. The empty feeling left Mac wanting more as he watched the zebra move back over to Gallus and stick his dick back into the griffon's beak.     Slamming his dick deep into the throat of the griffon, Ra’thal let out moans of pleasure as he went hard on the bird. “Fuck ya, take it like the little slut you are. Clean my dick of this sexy bitch’s asshole. Bet you want to have this up your fat ass just as much as well. If you’re good enough it might just happen.”     “Please Ra’thal, please show your fat cock back in my slutty ass,” Mac begged as he wagged his butt side to side. His dick twitched in anticipation of getting the big zebra meat back into his backdoor.     Ra’thal smacked the stallion against his bubble butt with a smile on his face. “Don’t worry, you’ll get it shortly again sweetheart. Just need to make sure this slut knows her place as well.” He rubbed his dick again at the back of the griffon’s throat before pulling out and swapping back to Mac’s waiting asshole. The tiny green thong rubbed along the side of the zebra’s junk giving him a little bit more pleasure as he rammed his length deep into Mac’s asshole. “This is what you want so badly. Zebras have some of the best cock around don’t you know. Once you’ve had this you’ll never want to go back to anything else.” He slapped the stallion’s ass again before bending over and going into strong but fast thrusts.     Mac screamed out in delight as the zebra put his whole weight into fucking him like a little street whore that gave away her body. His hooves pulled up the blanket of the bed while he bit his lip from time to time. His balls ached with the need to release, his cock swaying back and forth as he was anally penetrated. The zebra did not let up his thrusts and caused Mac to have an anal orgasm of his own. Spraying his cum all over the edge of the bed and his legs, Mac yelled in pure delight as his ass squeezed down onto the zebra’s dick. His thick ropey fluid stained onto the sheets hanging and pooled around the pair of hooves on the floor.     The zebra smiled as he felt his orgasm coming on for the second time with the milking he was getting from the orgasming stallion. He pulled himself out and gave a few strokes before he sprayed his load over Mac’s ass and Gallus’s face together. Staining the pair with his seed and marking his newly acquired whores. “Fuck ya, take it all. You are both mine you hear, all mine.” He stroked away as more cum sprayed forward landing onto the cheeks of both parties.     Gallus caught some of the salty fluid in his beak, while the rest painted his face and chest with the strength of the spray. He swallowed the sweet nectar he craved, as his dick struggled against the prison that encapsulated it.     Warm fluid landed on Mac’s rear and some onto his back, giving him the sensation of a shower as he lay there panting from his orgasm over the floor. His eyes grew heavy, with his mind in a daze of euphoria. The sweetness of this forbidden temptation drowning him in the bliss of ignorance to his surroundings. With a few blinks, the world went black.     A shake to Mac’s side stirred him from his slumber, as light flooded into his eyes. Standing at his side was Leech, a bright smile on her face and a tray with coffee and toast in hoof. “Well now, sleepyhead. It seems you had a great night by the customer’s compliments. Seems you and Gallus gave him the time of his life. Here, have this.” She placed the tray on the bed next to Mac.     Mac’s head pounded, as he looked around trying to figure out where he was. He looked down at himself, covered in black marker, cum, and pink lipstick. He reached down for a slice of toast as he said, “I don’t remember much of last night. Just that I liked it and I am a bit sore.”     Leech rolled her eyes and shook her head. “Well, considering we had to bring up two refills of the fridge for the customer, the three of you drank quite a bit. Seems like you fucked a lot too by the smell of the room.” She walked over to the bathroom and turned on the tap. “You might want to get cleaned up as well, but first get that food into you.”     “So, what did he say about us?” Mac yelled towards the bathroom before taking another bite into his breakfast.     “Well, he praised how well you did for a first-timer, along with how much Gallus went along with it all. Then said he couldn’t wake you up when he was leaving so wanted me to check in on you. He also said he’ll be back and hopes you’ll be available for him again.” Leech turned off the tap to the sink and brought out a soaking wet washcloth and began to wipe down Mac’s face.     Mac felt embarrassed being cleaned like a child as he ate. “Well I’m still not fully sure if this is for me, but it was great to experience work like this. Made me feel a bit like myself instead of hiding away behind a door in my own home.”     Leech took his face by the hoof and looked him in the eyes, staring into his soul with her gaze. “It seems you like these things a bit more than you let on, but you’re still stuck in a mindset that was put in place long ago. Maybe just a bit more and you’d be yourself. Besides, you’ve still got your visit to the film portion of your trip, based on the letter you showed me. Just remember while you're on that set, beware that wily old griffon Gaffer. He’ll make or break a pony without them knowing.”     The stallion sat there as he sipped on the warm coffee, still laying in the cum soaked sheets of the bed. “I’ll be on the lookout. Though I think I should get cleaned up as you suggested. What time is it anyway?”     “Almost past noon now. You’ve been here alone for the past few hours sleeping. Gallus left with his pay. Swing by the office when you’ve cleaned up and are ready to go. If you want more breakfast just go down to the bar and get something, still on the house for the work you did last night.” Leech hugged the stallion before heading to the door. “Oh, and Orchard, think about all of this greatly. I think you’ll do fine in this line of work.” She gave the stallion a wink before closing the door behind her.     Mac stayed still in the bed, sitting with his thoughts. He picked up the phone and dialed a number. It rang a few times before being picked up with a familiar voice. “Hey, you’ve reached Soarin of the Wonderbolts, how may I help you.”     “Hey Soarin, it’s Mac, can we talk for a bit?” The stallion said.     “Sure, what do you want to talk about Mac, I’m all ears for now,” Soarin replied to the stallion.