> To Dance with Dragons > by Some Leech > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > A Song of Ass and Fire > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “So you promise you’ll be back after this blows over?” Novo sighed, peeking up at the man. Anon nodded, strolling next to the Queen. “If it blows over, of course,” he corrected. “I’m not sure if you can pull any strings with the Princesses, but I really wouldn’t mind you putting in a good word for me.” “I’ll do what I can, but there’s no guarantee it’ll amount to much. From what I’ve heard, Celestia is pretty peeved,” the hippogriff solemnly replied, lowering and shaking her head. “Yeah, I figured,” he grunted. Aside from the initial bit of excitement that morning, having simultaneously checked a seapony and hippogriff off the ever-growing list of creatures he’d done the nasty with, his day had been relatively relaxed. He’d lounged about with his host, being regaled on the trials and tribulations of her people, and even taken a brief tour of the isle that afternoon. All in all, it had been a pleasant day - one which had come to an end all too soon. Knowing his whereabouts had more than likely been reported by one of the residents of Mount Aris, he needed to make his leave; fortunately for him, the Queen had called in a favor for him. Securing him a flight from the island would have been generous enough, but she’d even provided him with a small supply of bits for his journey. Though he was overjoyed at her generosity, he couldn’t shake the nagging feeling that there’d be some kind of catch. As they approached an imposing pair of double doors, after they’d ascended to or near the very peak of the castle, Novo slowed. “Anon, before I introduce you to my associate, I need to give you a little warning.” Waiting for the shoe to drop, he halted. “Shoot.” “She’s a bit assertive, but don’t let that scare you; deep down, she’s really not a bad dragon,” she explained, extending and resting a clawed hand to the doorknob. “Dragon?” he croaked, suddenly feeling incredibly uneasy. Though the only mythical reptile he’d ever encountered in Equestria was Spike, Twilight’s assistant and adopted son, he’d heard stories about how large and ferocious the beasts could be. Unlike the Princess of Friendship’s small, dumpy, somewhat goofy little helper, the creatures could and occasionally would grow to be the size of houses, and some were even known to terrorize the countryside to protect their hoard of treasures. Needless to say, the revelation that he was going to be hitching a ride with a winged saurian did not sit all that well with him. “She is, but she’s not that bad - sure, she might be a bit loud and pushy, and sometimes breathes flames, but not bad,” Novo dismissively chuckled, doing nothing to quell his growing unease. Before he could press her for more information, fully anticipating to find himself facing a flying, fire-breathing, sapient lizard, his host opened the door. Frozen in place, he peered into a cavernous chamber. The room almost reminded him of a flight deck, with the far end open to the elements, yet that wasn’t what had him nonplussed. Having had every expectation to find himself facing some great, scaled monstrosity, the vast nothingness took him completely off guard. As he surveyed the interior, spotting several vacant desks, a couple of neatly hung flight suits, and what appeared to be a rack of spears along one wall, something caught his eye - no, not something, someone. Standing at the opposite side of the room, casually strutting towards him, came a small, blue figure. “That’s her,” the Queen preemptively whispered, waving and keeping her voice low. “Huh,” he quietly balked, “I thought she’d be bigger…” “Don’t let her hear that,” Novo hissed, glancing sidelong at him. “Trust me, her attitude rivals even the biggest, baddest dragons I’ve ever met - Ahem. Ember!” she bleated, cantering forth to greet her associate. “Good to see you, Novo,” the dragoness merrily exclaimed, flitting forward to embrace the hippogriff. The hug lasted only a scant few seconds, before she stepped back and eyed the steadily approaching human. “So this is the guy?” “Ember, I’d like to introduce you to Anon,” the Queen began, shuffling from between them. “Anon, this is Dragon Lord Ember.” Squatting down, bringing himself closer to her eye-level, he extended a hand. “Pleased to meet you.” Taking the proffered handshake, albeit somewhat reluctantly, Ember’s eyes never left his face. “From everything I’d heard, I pictured you being bigger…” Anon bit his tongue, struggling not to say likewise. As far as Equestria’s denizens went, the Dragon Lord was far less imposing than he’d been led to believe - hell, she was only barely taller than the average pony and a mere fraction of their mass. Similar in build to Captain Calaeno, although markedly shorter and thinner, the horned reptile was an unremarkable sight to behold. Covered in a spotted cyan hide, with a turquoise underbelly, her piercing, crimson eyes casually danced over him. Barring her diminutive stature, her two most fascinating features were her wings and horns. The pair of leathery appendages folded neatly against her back had an indigo hue, while her downward-curling horns were a flat ivory color. Truth be told, the only reason he knew she was female was because she’d been referred to as such - that and she did sound a bit girly. In regards to anatomical clues to her sex, there wasn’t a damn thing. Her chest was deliciously flat, lacking anything that even remotely resembled bosoms, and her featureless groin gave no hint as to what sort of plumbing she had - not that he wanted to look too closely. All in all, she simply looked like a short, thin, bipedal lizard. “So - uh -” Anon began, relaxing his grip to rub the back of his neck, “are you sure you’ll be able to carry me?” No sooner did he finish speaking than he regretted asking the question. Novo’s eyes widened, moments seconds prior to her facepalming, but Ember’s reaction - well, he instantly realized why the Queen had given him a subtle warning. With startling speed and downright terrifying strength, she seized hold of his collar and wrenched him to within inches of her sneering muzzle. Finding himself face to face with her, he gulped. “Why wouldn’t I be able to carry you?” she ominously fumed, her pupils shrinking to razor-thin slits. “I...it’s just that - um - well…” he sputtered, looking away from her unyielding gaze. “He simply meant he’s a bit large for his kind,” Novo demurely interjected. Ember remained motionless for what felt like a small eternity, before she snorted a gout of sulfurous smoke onto his face and released him. “Whatever. Yeah, I can and will carry you, but that doesn’t mean I won’t drop you if you try to get smart with me.” Pushing himself upright, he took a timid step back. “Duly noted - anyways, where are we going?” The question served a dual purpose. For starters, he hoped it would defuse the tense situation - secondly, he genuinely hadn’t the foggiest idea as to where he was going to be ferried. If the Princesses had gone so far as to send word to Mount Aris about his absence, it was more than likely that they’d alerted other neighboring kingdoms as well. With the list of potential refuges growing thinner by the day, and the ponies hot on his trail, his options were exceedingly limited. “The Pine Needle Barrens,” Ember huffed, crossing her arms over her chest. “There’s an old outpost there that we haven’t used in a few decades - one that my Dad abandoned after he got all chummy with Celestia. There isn’t much down there, so I’m not sure what you’re trying to accomplish.” The blunt statement, while not wholly callous, was a reminder of the mess he was in. Though Novo and Ember were willing to help, with the latter only doing so begrudgingly, neither of them could or would solve his prurient problem. At best, he’d get some time to devise a plan to save himself - if not, well, delaying the inevitable wasn’t the worst thing. “Thanks for everything, Novo,” he wistfully murmured, turning and hugging the majestic bird-horse. “I’ll definitely come back to visit, if I don’t wind up being thrown in a gulag.” “You’d better,” she snickered. Rearing onto her hind legs, she returned his embrace and lightheartedly squeezed his rump. “If you don’t, I might have to see if Celestia will let me get a conjugal visit.” The sensation of her taloned digits on his rear caused him to stiffen, yet it eased his tension. He really wouldn’t mind spending more time with her, despite having only known her for a day, which made his departure all the more regrettable. Only reluctantly releasing her, hearing a frustrated sign from his to-be chaperone, he turned to face the petulant dragoness. “I’d really rather not waste what little daylight we have left,” Ember grumbled, glancing over her shoulder at the setting sun. Looking back around, she squinted at the hippogriff. “You owe me for this…” Without so much as another word, giving neither Anon nor Novo a chance to respond, extended her wings, hopped onto the man’s back, and lifted him as if he weighed nothing. Being plucked from the ground was more than a little disconcerting, by itself, although the speed with which she took flight was as frightening as it was impressive. Rocketing through the chamber and into the open air, leaving the earth behind, the dragoness sailed through the heavens with otherworldly cargo. Between the sudden and completely jarring change of scenery, being dangled several hundred feet above the earth, soaring at an incalculable speed, and his less than cheerful company, Anon was at a loss for words. Not only had Ember snatched him up with no warning whatsoever, but she was either heedless or uncaring of just how nervous he was. Simply from a physical standpoint, with her claws digging into his chest, the unforeseen development would have been distressing enough, but the psychological worry of being airborne was considerable as well. Opting to keep his mouth shut, lest he say something which would result in her releasing her grip, he silently yet frightfully attempted to enjoy the view. Time passed, the island disappeared behind them, and the seemingly endless sea stretched out in every direction. Mercifully for him, shortly after leaving Mount Aris behind, his ride descended to a few dozen feet from the rolling, glimmering waves. Slowly, with naught but the sound of whipping wind and water all around, his anxiety gave way to an almost tranquil state of mind. Though he’d never intended to wind up on the lam, after having plowed a married mare, that was the hand that fate had dealt him, and he’d have to do his best to deal with it. One of the most maddening elements to his wretched situation was that he still wasn’t sure what his exact transgression was! His offense could have been minor, for all he knew, but the ominous way the alicorns had stalked him was extremely alarming. “Hey!” Ember shouted, shaking him from his thoughts. “Not like you have any say in the matter, but I’m gonna land to take a break!” Twisting his head to look up at her, wondering what in the world she was talking about, he knit his brow. While he didn’t mind her taking a breather, since that would mean he’d get a chance to stretch his legs, he hadn’t seen a trace of anything even remotely resembling land in at least half an hour. With the sun having set some time ago, leaving them bathed in the cool glow of the nearly full moon, he lowered his gaze and peered ahead. Though it was faint, barely noticeable at first, he could just make out the silhouette of something in the distance. Having only the faintest knowledge of the world’s geography, he was vaguely aware that the hippogriff’s kingdom lay somewhere south of the Equestrian continent - that said, he knew terra firma when he saw it. Zooming closer and closer to what he presumed was the mainland, moving at a blistering pace, his chauffeur ascended slightly. The cliff they approached was definitely one of the stranger sights he’d seen. Nearly vertical, the rock-face appeared to be composed of tightly packed, dark pillars of stone. Gliding to the edge, moving far too fast for him to feel comfortable, he was deposited roughly a dozen yards from the sheer drop-off, with Ember gliding over and landing several feet before him. While it wasn’t the smoothest landing he could imagine, nearly faceplanting on the hard earth, he was happy to have something solid under his feet. “Are you sure you can carry me?” she mockingly remarked, ignoring the bead of sweat rolling down her brow. “Point taken,” he admitted, awestruck by the unassuming reptile’s speed and strength. As he steadily walked in a circle, slowly swinging his arms forward and back, he shot her the occasional glance. As uneasy as he was, both with the flight and with his ill-tempered company, he’d like to get to know her - if only to make the remainder of the trip less unpleasant. Clearing his throat and catching her attention, he cautiously inched closer to her. “So we’re gonna do it right here?” she asked, expectantly glaring up at him. Thrown off by the odd inquiry, he paused and cocked his head. “Do what exactly?” “The thing that you did with Cadance and, if I had to guess, Novo,” she clarified. As a shocking realization settled upon him, comprehending that word of his exploits must have spread, he took a step back. Considering he’d been dodging sapient creatures for the better part of a month, there was no way for him to know who knew about what he’d done or what was being said about him. Sinking to one knee, clamping his eyes shut, he pinched the bridge of his nose. “Exactly what have you heard and from whom?” he groaned. “Well, once I got the call to be on the lookout for a dangerous fugitive, I started poking around,” she began. “After I talked with Cadance, hearing about how you were some sort of insatiable love-beast, I couldn’t help but be a little bit interested.” Peeking out at her, noticing her rubbing her lower abdomen, his mouth went dry. “You have got to be joking.” “Do I look like I’m joking,” she shot back, as serious as a heart attack. Seeing his pained expression, she rolled her eyes. “You act like there’s something bad about being a love-beast!” “I am not a love-beast!” he vehemently asserted, locking eyes with her. “And, yeah, I would say this whole mess is pretty bad, given that I’m now a fugitive!” “It’s not like everycreature knows what you’ve done!” she countered, staring daggers at him. “As far as the general public goes, you’re just wanted for questioning.” Holding up a finger to protest, fully intent on further rebuking his dubious designation, he faltered. “So who all knows about the whole love-beast thing?” Stroking her chin, she squinted off into the ether. “Well I found out about you from Cadance, and I told Novo and Thorax about you, so that means at least a handful of sovereigns do; other than them, nobody else has the slightest clue what you’re wanted for - that is, unless you’ve been subjecting random ponies to your particular skills.” He took some solace in the fact that knowledge of his erotic endeavors was relatively isolated, although that was marred by the revelation that he’d effectively sabotaged himself by fucking a talking parrot, a seamstress, and a nefarious changeling Matriarch. Heaven help him if Celaeno, Kerfuffle, or even Chrysalis started talking about what he could do to a mare! Overwhelmed by the understanding that he’d quite literally fucked himself over, he failed to notice Ember drawing nearer. “Is it true that you use this? I mean, I’m not a pony or anything, but assume it works the same way,” she softly intoned. As he lifted his head, expecting her to be vaguely referencing her reptilian naughty bits, he got much, much more than he bargained for. Idling roughly a foot or so away, with her legs spread and slightly bent, she angled her pelvis directly at him. In and of itself, the provocative pose would have given him a moment for pause, yet that wasn’t what held his eye. Holding open a horizontal crease on her groin, she gave him an immaculate look at her meaty pink interior. Stunned, gazing into her succulent and juicy lizard hole, he gulped. It wasn’t like he’d ever had any sort of training on reptile biology, save for having watched a few nature shows out of boredom, yet he knew something lewd when he saw it, and he was definitely looking at something lewd. Vividly contrasted against her blue hide, distinctly different from anything he’d ever laid eyes upon, her nethers were as captivating as they were confusing. “Don’t stare at it!” she groused, instantaneously moving her hand to cover herself. “Sorry, sorry,” he bleated, averting his gaze. “It’s just - um - different…” “Different?!” she indignantly blared, making him flinch. “How is it different?” Having switched from grumpy, to demure and sheepish, and then to downright wrathful in the blink of an eye, her whiplash-inducing changes in attitude left him speechless. Be damned if he knew why she was so tightly wound, or if she was supposed to be on some sort of medication, but it was clear that she was interested in his unique set of amorous abilities. As he tried and failed to think of something - anything to say to mollify her, peering at the earth, he found his face suddenly and rather harshly smashed against her crotch. “Is it because I don’t have hair?” she demanded, smearing her juices over his lips. Unprepared for having a faceful of hot, musky lizard loins, breathing in her oddly peppery scent, his hands flew to her hips - not in any sort of affectionate manner, but to try and shove her away. Sadly, despite his superior stature and build, being nearly triple her size, he couldn’t budge the incensed dragoness. Regardless of exactly how she was so easily able to overpower him, she’d put him between a rock and not-so-hard place. Her wholly inappropriate actions stood in stark contrast to her irate demeanor, yet that did little to change several important details: he was unable to get away, she may decide to strand him on the rocky cliff, and she obviously had no reservations of giving him an up-close look at her goods. The last thing he wanted to do was enrage her further, so his panic-stricken mind took the only reasonable course of action. Reversing course, pulling her in instead of attempting to shove her away, he jammed his tongue into her scalding depths. Her grasp on his head loosened for a fraction of a second, before she shoved him away and onto his back. “What are you doing?!” “You’re the one who shoved my face in it!” he coughed, licking his slickened lips. Her flavor was exceptionally peculiar, strangely spicy and tart, but not unpleasant. Propping himself up on his elbows, he put the ball in her court. If she wanted to fool around with him, he’d be willing to accept that - having said that, if she wanted to have an attitude, he’d be just as happy to leave her be, get his ride, and skip doing anything raunchy with her. Seeing a blush creep into her cheeks, he fought back a smirk. “Take off your clothes,” she commanded, glancing at his groin. Reaching for his waistband, he loosened and began wriggling out of his pants. He didn’t have the time or the patience to deal with a belligerent dragoness, whether she was a ruler or not, so he did just as she’d asked. In no time flat, he sat his satchel beside himself, stripped naked, and tossed his clothes into a pile. “Alright,” he sighed, savoring the bewildered look on her face, “what now?” “That is supposed to go in me?” she jeered, motioning to his semi-turgid tool. Giving a small shrug, he nodded and started stroking himself off. “Yeah, but I’m sure you already knew that.” Scowling over at him, she scrunched her snout. “Don’t get smart with me.” Plodding over to his supine form, alternating between looking at his face and his package, her expression fluctuated between annoyed and hesitant. Stepping over his waist, she straddled his thighs and peered down at his dick. He’d heard about women like her, ones who maintained a pretty stormy attitude at all times, but he’d never had the misfortune of meeting one himself. As she bent her knees, apparently intent on impaling herself, he cleared his throat. “Mind if I offer some advice?” “What?” she spat, slowing to a halt. Sitting upright, he extended his arms and grabbed her slender waist. It was an impulsive move, especially considering how quick-tempered he was, but he’d be remiss for not warming her up a bit - that and he’d been developing a penchant for eating out all manner of exotic females. Caught unawares, or simply willing giving him some modicum of trust, she didn’t attempt to stop him as he closed his eyes, leaned in, and kissed his way down her abdomen and to her sex. Though she could have easily stopped him, putting an immediate halt to his actions, she didn’t budge. As his lips came to her entrance, he sank his tongue into her canal. The strange taste of her snatch swiftly coated his palate, while he breathed in her scent. In spite of having sampled several creatures in recent weeks, she was unique in a number of ways. The sensation of her soft scales against his skin, her aroma, and her peculiar tang were inspirational in and of themselves, yet none more so than her heat. Strangely enough, her body temperature was vastly greater than any of the mammals he’d experimented with. Her sweltering interior nearly sang to him, promising untold sinful joys to his rigid manhood. As he tenderly probed her canal, slipping one hand to her toned backside, he was blissfully ignorant to her hand creeping to the back of his neck. “T...this is so weird,” she groaned, pulling him to herself. Twisting his head, he paused in his efforts and peered up at her. “I didn’t say stop,” she growled, forcing him to continue. Anon wasn’t about to complain, even if he’d been able to, so he continued eating her out undeterred. As bizarre as it was, he felt certain he was starting to win her over. Though she sure as hell had a very rough demeanor, her actions spoke for themselves; she was loving it. In a matter of seconds, she’d gone from talking shit and berating him to lightly bucking against his face. As unexpectedly pleasant as the development was, and as happy as he could have been to bring her to finish with his mouth alone, he was stricken with an idea - an idea that was just as brazen and foolhardy as it was insidious. Seeing as how she was a feisty, doubtlessly independent dragoness, eager to call the shots, maybe letting her take the lead would teach her a valuable lesson in hubris. After unleashing a fury of licks and plunges, weakening her resolve to hold him in place, he wriggled free from her grasp. “I didn’t say stop!” she emphatically wheezed, glowering down at him. “Since you know what you’re doing, how about you help yourself,” he smoothly remarked, easing himself back and resting his head on his hands. “Fine,” she spat, her lip curling in disdain. Watching her shuffle back, he made himself comfortable. “Just let me know if you want any help…” If looks could kill, the one she shot him would have done him in - still, he did what he could not to smile. Since she wanted it so badly, he’d be more than happy to let her do most of the heavy lifting. If she was like any of the creatures he’d ended up shagging, it wouldn’t take her long to lose her composure with him. Unfortunately for him, he wholly underestimated just how zealous she was. Having aligned herself perfectly, lowering herself to just above the tip of his length, she threw her weight down and impaled herself in a single, jarring motion. Her vice-like canal seized around his entombed length, warming his length like a toaster oven. It almost felt like he’d stuck his dick in a velvety furnace, with her fiery depths matching her spirited personality. He would have loved to savor her wondrous embrace, were it not for a stifled grunt from her, but that wasn’t the case. Peeking up at her, he only then noticed that her arrogance had gotten the better of her. Her face, contorted in an usual mix of what appeared to be bliss and frustration, was brilliant scarlet, signalling that she’d bitten off far more than she’d made an egregious miscalculation. “You alright?” he quietly asked, feeling the slightest trace of concern. “I...I’m fine!” she shakily stated. Her claim was either a barefaced lie or she had no earthly idea what she was really in for. Driven by a compulsion to humble her, as well as a healthy urge to deal with the boner she’d caused, he braced his legs, extended his arms, and rested his hands on her thighs. Whether she knew it or not, she was about to learn just why he was the most wanted human in Equestria. “What are you - Nnnph!” her protest ended in an undignified grunt, as he drove his hips upward. Lurching forward, steadying herself with one claw on his chest, she panted. “D...don’t - Aaaahn!” His second thrust silenced her, causing her eyelids to flutter, before he started plowing her in earnest. The joy of doling out a slice of throbbing humble pie was rivaled by just how amazing she felt, turning him on in ways he hadn’t thought possible. Stroking her hip with one hand, he lifted his free arm and caressed her cheek. Against all odds, he’d done it - he’d somehow managed to tame the savage beast. The irony of slaying a dragon was almost too rich, tinging the licentious experience with a slightly comedic note, yet that wasn’t going to stop him from bringing her to finish. Once they were done, after she’d gotten her lesson in humility, he hoped she’d be in a better mood. Musing on if she’d be a bit more amiable after she came her brains out, neglecting to see eyes focus on him, he was given a taste of his own medicine. In the literal blink of an eye, his plan backfired. Grabbed him just beneath his wrists, slamming his arms up and to either side of his head, she brought her grinning, fang-filled muzzle to less than an inch from his nose. The move was so swift and so brutal that it took him a moment to realize what had happened, but it was too late. Somehow summoning her impossible strength, she turned the tide of their carnal confrontation. “Why’d you stop?” she scoffed, rhythmically hammering her ass upon him. “I didn’t say you could stop!” Her defiance brought him back to the present, steeling his resolve and filling him with a righteous urge to best her. Smirking up at her, he insolently bucked his hips. If he was going to meet his maker, doing so while plowing a fire-breathing, legendary creature would be one hell of a way to go. As their eyes met, fully comprehending that the intimate moment had taken a competitive turn, they pulled out all the stops. What Ember lacked in technique, she more than made up for in raw power and ferocity - that and her pussy, if that’s what it was supposed to be called, felt fan-fucking-tastic. As she fucked herself on him with reckless abandon, he could practically hear his hips creaking with each impact of her sculpted backside. Though the entire ordeal was slightly harrowing, his raging hard-on, libido, and stellar track record demanded he teach her what for. Twisting his arms around, grabbing her by the wrists, he pulled with every ounce of strength he could muster. He’d be lying if he thought the gambit would work, but fate or luck was on his side. Accompanied by a particularly forceful thrust, her body swayed forward - right into his trap. As her soft lips pressed to his, he passionately kissed the scaly siren. Moving in sync with one another, the pair screwed like it was the last day of their lives. Though they ardently made out, with their tongues warring against one another, neither showed the slightest hint of stopping - if anything, they moved harder and faster with each passing minute. Perilously close to the escarpment, miles away from any prying eyes, their passion reached a fevered pitch. Anon’s heart thundered in his chest, his cock was so hard that it ached, and the telltale signs of his release grew stronger and stronger, yet he endured. Though he had no way to definitively tell how close the rancorous reptile riding him was, her quivering thighs and subtle whimpers gave him a glimmer of hope. If he could just hold on long enough to best her, even if it was by a mere fraction of a second, he would have earned the right to despoil the dragon’s cavern. Teetering on the brink, he grit his teeth and held on for dear life - that was, until it happened. Throwing her head back, filling the air with an inferno that lit the heavens, Ember was wracked with the largest, most spectacular climax he’d ever seen. Bathed in her steaming, orgasmic nectar, with her sex trembling madly around him, he met his fate. With one final, triumphant thrust, he plunged his shaft into her and erupted. The moment was beyond cathartic, elevating his ecstasy to unimaginable heights, yet she had one last surprise in store for him. As her climactic conflagration drew to a close, she shot forward and crammed her long, serpentine tongue into his mouth and down his throat. The sensation of choking while frenching proved too much to bear, robbing him of his strength and nearly causing him to black out. All but wilting beneath her, having the wind thoroughly knocked out of his sails, she only eventually pulled away and draped herself atop him. Left to stare blankly up at the sky, while she affectionately hugged his chest, he hauled air into his lungs. “You owe me four more of those,” she purred, playfully nibbling his ear, “whether you want to or not.” “Ok,” he thoughtlessly wheezed, instinctively wrapping an arm around her back. Fuck if he knew how he’d manage to give her one, much less four more cataclysmic fuck-fests, but he’d give them his best - not just because it had been a figurative and actual blast, or because it had been sensational, but because he knew good and god damned well that she’d meant what she said. Whether he was ready or not, after she’d successfully ferried him to his temporary refuge, he’d be giving her several repeat performances. Aside from praying his sanctuary was fireproof, and preferably with a sturdy bed, he hoped he might finally get a reprieve from his lecherous adventures…