> Another typical(?) day > by the other sans > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Chapter 1 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “Ugh…” I groaned as I started to wake up groggily, “Gotta stop drinking while at the comp…” Apparently it was the aftermath of one of those days, had a bad day out at work, long wait in traffic, that sort of mundane stuff. “Heh… Can’t even feel my arm properly this morning… gotta sleep properly next time…” Hmm… I don’t remember falling asleep on the floor, though I do have the tendency to roll around and not really notice till morning. I tried flexing my fingers and having that feeling of blood rushing through my hand but it never came. “Huh?” Concerned I started to bat my eyelids and look in the general direction of my hand. What I saw first were two brick walls that weren’t even part of the apartment I was living in onto my left and right, a dumpster and some sunlight that started to creep over the buildings. Now this got me thinking, I must’ve either been so drunk that I actually sleep walked or that I was kidnapped but dumped in an alleyway because the kidnappers couldn’t handle my flailing and got fed up. Neither was possible as I never had sleepwalking problems before and that I had locked the door after putting my shoes aside. Groan… My mind couldn’t keep up with the processing of scenarios and I had given myself a headache so I decided to slowly pick myself up and take some calm breaths. While picking myself up I saw blue fur. Huh? I moved my arm again to see that the blue fur was moving in time with my arm and saw no fingers at the end of it. I can feel myself trying to flex my fingers while staring at the oddity. Obviously nothing happened. I started to position my back against the wall. I started to look at the rest of my body and saw that I was covered entirely in blue fur from top to bottom. Even as I felt my face I could feel fur and a stump of some sort. I slowly moved my arm (leg?) to properly feel the stump. It seems to be in the middle of my head and protruded out slightly getting slimmer as it went further until it stopped at a point. I tried to look at my forehead to see a horn sticking there and also found out that I now had light blue hair. How wasted was I? Or am I still wasted? I decided to let my appendage drop to the floor to feel that I was sitting on a fabric of some kind. What I saw was a thin piece of cloth that was purple in colour and covered in a pattern of stars and apparently I had a tail. “Is this for real?” I only just noticed the sound of my voice. It sounded… feminine. “Ahh, ah. This is a… test…” Oh god. I just realized the severity of the situation. I am in an alleyway for some reason, am a talking blue coloured horse and no idea where I am. Normally I would scream but my hangover is still giving me a headace. “Please let this be one of those dreams…” I found a hat lying nearby with the same pattern as the cape. “This horse has some peculiar taste in clothing… if any.” I decided to don the hat and saw that it covered most of my hair and the horn. Even if I am in someone else’s body doesn’t mean I should treat it with disrespect. Even more so if somehow that horse comes back to claim it… Wait… If I am in this body then does that mean that… Oh dear god, if she really is in my body then I can only imagine the shock of her finding out she has an extra companion now… With most of my hangover finally gone I decided to start walking only to have me trip over myself. “Right, horse, quadruped, not biped.” I managed to get the hang of walking on four legs quite quickly since it’s akin to crawling but with your back being more flexible. “Now then, let’s see if the locals are hor- actually… these might be ponies since horses are much taller… then again, I have absolutely no idea,” I started walking (trotting?) to one of the exits ever so carefully and hid in a corner of a dumpster. “Blech, not the best smelling place to hide but…” I gazed out into the streets and was greeted by more equines. “Guess the locals are horses after all… or ponies… whatever,” I decided to clear myself out of hiding and went out into the wide world. “Wow, this might not be so ba-” “There she is!” I gazed into the direction of the voice and I saw another equine but with no horn, a torch in his mouth accompanied by more equines with shovels, sticks, torches and angry faces. If that isn’t an angry mob then I must be living in an alternate reality. “Get her!” Without much thought I started running for my dear life, I know I can’t hide since I don’t really know this place quite well so I decided to run out of town, no matter how far it is and hope they give up. Least, they usually do in those bad dramas on TV back home. Thank god for the main road being so close, if not I would’ve just ran aimlessly, probably into more angry ponies who seemingly hates this pony’s guts. Wonder what she could have done to rile them up so bad? I shook my head, I needed to get going to another town that can get me some answers. My stomach starts grumbling after that thought. Hmm… I start to look around and saw lots of grass and some farmland on both sides. Better not go to the farmlands, might cause another ruckus. I finished the thought by eating the grass near me. Not very tasty really, in fact, it tastes like water. After spending a short while uhh… grazing, I noticed rail road tracks nearby. “Wow… didn’t know these ponies had any sort of transportation,” As I said that some other ponies pulled said train from the mountainside towards the town I had to escape from. “Wow, those ponies must be quite strong to do that…” Best not to linger around for too long, even more so if other ponies can see where I am. I started my trek away from that city not knowing where to go except forward.