> Welcome to Runeterra... > by Blaze Caster > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Prologue 1/2 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Why can't I have a life every time I try something just goes wrong. I want a new life where I can be me and not a burden!" I Cried to myself. I was lying on my twin-sized bed crying staring at my popcorn ceiling. I was an average height white guy with Short brown with a dad bod wearing a black shirt seen better days and gray pajama pants. When I heard a knock at the door, I wiped my tears away then I looked at the living room where I have my bed. looking around I saw my sister's desk with her gaming chair, her green glowing Computer, piles of junk in the opposite corner of the room next to the tv. Wait who would be knocking this late in the middle of the night I hope it was not the cops again to tell us someone had their car broken into again. I slowly moved off the bed moving my heavily damage Black office chair the material was peeling off it. I get out and head to the door and look through the peephole. I didn't believe what I saw a man that look like the merchant straight from the resident evil 4 with his coat open. I saw various items from different worlds I saw Thresh's lantern, reaper's shotgun, and many others. I could not get the door open fast enough, I could not believe the Merchant He is here. I nearly broke Into tears of joy. "I knew the Multiverse was real." I blubbered out I will be needed. I will have a purpose life will have a meaning. When I opened the door I heard the Merchant say "I got something that might interest you he he he." When he spoke it had a gravelly sound to it. Come on in I'll set up a table for you." I replied I let the merchant through and close the door behind him and locked it. I called the amazon echo to turn on the light. I grabbed the fold-out table and set it up in the middle of the tiny living room. I told him "I'll let you set up I will get the others up so we can all have a better life." And he said "Ha ha ha Thank you." so I walked through the very small and short hallway to the back room where my sister's and her husband's room is he is a great guy and my sister she is very supportive we all just got dealt bad hands in life. I open the door to their room and gently poked my sister awake. I spoke to her and said, "A very important person is here to see us including Alter so please get up." Emerald my Sister is a very short pale white woman with brunet hair wearing a gray hoodie and leggings that made you think a hippie threw up on them. she looked confused but was getting up. Alter was a lanky tall white guy wearing a black t-shirt and dark sweat pants. Don't freak out I know him well I will explain everything after I get our roommate up." I went to the door one back from Emerald's room knocked on Frost's door she asked "Yea?" Frost was a man in transition to a woman she was very tall white wearing a tank top and a long skirt. "Frost we have a very important guest in the house get dressed." She reluctantly did so, as I got back to the living room I overhead Emerald asking the Merchant what is he doing here this late. I spoke up so all four of them would hear me "All right this man." I pointed to the Merchant. " This is the Merchant he sells a magic item that will turn in the real deal and them transport you to a new world that needs you and you need it." Alter spoke up. "how do you know this?" "wibbly wobbly void stuff." I replied I spoke again. "alright Merchant I want you to send Emerald and Alter together, and take Frost to her girlfriend and send them both off those two wish to be girls." I take a deep breath. As for my payment for me, you may have everything that I own on this earth." "Now," I spoke up. "We will be known as displaced, we will be able to to make a token that allows us the help meet and help other Displaced our job will be to save worlds from threats to your world and other not all displaced are good. new beginning new hope new life but know everything you add will be a new danger to the world from that universe." I breathed out "any questions?" I spoke. "So this is the guy from your books, right?" Alter Questioned. "yes, any other question? ok good." I answered. I spoke up "Merchant I'll take Thresh's Lantern, a book on blue magic that allows me to copy any magic, the gantlet from Dungeons 3, D&D artificer, and warlock guide. Question will I have the max of level 20 with the D&D?" The merchant replied with mirth I his voice "Only if you don't take a veil walker as your patron." "Since it was you who came and saved me from this Living hell known as earth will you be my patron merchant?" I asked He spoke with a smile in his voice " HE HE HE Thank you." A glowing rune of a coin with an ornate Four in it on my hands. "You only have a little more credit stranger." said the Merchant I looked around the table when I saw a box full of cards that were called 'random skills' I picked up the box and begin the search, I garbed 3 cards they were called evolution, absorption, blood mist. the descriptions were faded but that didn't matter to me. "I Asked Ah a fine choice that will be all your funds." "Well, I guess I will be off ALL ABOARD HA HA HA HA!" I said. As I start singing the floor fell out from under me replaced with inky black. as I was falling I was in peace knowing I will have a life. I saw a big light from behind me saw a room of bronze, the next thing I knew I landed on my back, and then my vision went dark. > Prologue 2/2 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Meanwhile at Piltover Academy. in a testing room 4 Twilight Sparkle was tinkering with her latest project. Twilight Sparkle is a lavender-coated unicorn mare, with devilish curves and a purple mane with pink and dark purple highlights wearing a white blouse that could barely hold her D cups from bursting out and a bronze-colored vest and similar colored dress pants which hugged her associates a little too tightly. She was working on her hextech project it was a fairly large box made of bronze with elaborate spells carved into an Hextech crystals matrix. "All alright Spike hand me the gate portal I don't know what to call it yet anyway the plans for the project," She told her assistant Spike. Was a very young purple dragon with green spines wearing welding goggles brown shirt under a black apron with utility belt and jeans. Spike handed Twilight the plans ask for "Here you go Twilight." Spike reported She grabbed the plans going over her second safety checklist "Did you tighten the gems in oh and can you get the professor I wish for him to see it turn on for the first time?" Twilight asked, "Alright, Twilight I will get him I don't see what the big deal is." Spike replayed Twilight turned a little red in the face and faced Spike. "We might open a portal to another this could revolutionize as much Jayce's and Victor's discovery of hextech." She Yelled at Spike. Spike headed to the professor's office through the large halls of the academy. When he got to a wooden door he read Professor Heimerdinger then knocked on the door. "Yes come in," Replied an emphatic voice spike grabbed the knob and enters he saw a tiny yellow yordle pacing on his desk. "Ah Spike what brings you here?" Donger said "Twilight is ready in testing room 4." spike spoke. "Ah exciting let be off with all haste!" donger bounce of his desk and down the halls towards room 4. Spike sighed "He is always so excitable when it comes to a discovery." Spike chased after the fast yordle. "Twilight we are here!" Spike announced Twilight was at a panel with an absurd number of buttons, dials, and switches. donger looked at the massive machine "Twilight you made sure it will only be a window to another world so we don't let anything horrible in?" Donger asked, "Yes professor I double-checked everything we should be good to go." Twilight responded. she turn to her assistant gestured to him to get into his spot. "Oh, how exciting!" Donger Exclaimed Twilight flipped the switch only for it to just do nothing. "Twilight you forgot to plug it in," Spike told the others. Twilight gave a sheepish grin. Spike walked over and picked up the plug and stuck it in the wall. with the induction of a power surge, the device sparked to life with a dangerously fast humming coming from it a blinding white light engulfed the room and a loud crash of wood was heard. as soon as the glow was gone from the vision the writing desk in the room was shattered into pieces. but the strangest thing was the was now a man on top of the broken desk. The man looked like a well-toned white man in his twenties With jet black hair wearing a black trench coat, blue jeans, black combat boots, with a red shirt that read skull for the skull throne, on top of his head stood a mighty black, Stenson. Twilight Donger and Spike rushed over to the man. > Chapter 1 This in going to be Interesting > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- When I regained consciousness the first thing I noticed was a giant pain in my back, the second thing was I saw a lavender unicorn the looked like an anthro Twilight Sparkle wearing a sexy steampunk outfit. you know what they say less is more. Next to her was the spitting image of Heimerdinger yellow yordle with crazy Einstein hair wear blast goggles and a nice deep blue lab coat, matching boots, and pants. I was so groggy from waking up from that 'forced nap' the first thing to come out of my mouth was " Did someone get the number on that train?" then I fell back with a heavy breath. "Lad are you ok?" asked Donger "No I have a huge pain in my back and I'm not in the ever-free forest," I stated The lavender unicorn who I'm now sure is Twilight commanding a purple drake wearing welding goggles brown shirt under a black apron with utility belt and jeans. Pretty sure that's Spike. "He is not thinking straight. Twilight go get the medical bag on the far wall we keep some stocked for Ziggs!" Donger commanded pointing to a giant red bag in a glass case. "Yes, professor." Twilight replied then did a double-take "Wait why do we have med bags for Ziggs does he have medical training?" She Questioned Donger sighed "No we keep them for the aftermath for him bombs he has been accident-free for three da... " As Donger said that 'BOOOM!' Came from down the hall Then he looked down at the floor and sighed again "It well it was good while it lasted." He said I tried to get only to get pushed down by Twilight. "No, stay down we have to see if your ok," she said in a worried tone. She was fumbling with the medical bag pulled out a strange device humming over me. When she pushed me down I saw she was wearing a necklace with a familiar purple star. So that is where her Cutie-mark is interesting I thought to myself. I feel something on my waist when I looked down I saw to keep me down one of her hands was on my crouth. So in a perverted voice, I told her. " If you just wanted to feel me up you could have just asked. " with mirth in my voice. She looked at me blankly then she realized where her hand was moved to herself with a very beat red blush. " Sssoorry!" she sheepishly responded. I start rubbing my face with my hand "So where am I?" I asked. Donger looked at me and asked "You lad are in Piltover Academy. So lad where are you from?" I took a deep breath "I can't think right now all I want to do is rest right now." I said flatly." I looked around the room saw bronze tables bronze walls. 'They like bronze' I thought to myself. Twilight spoke up "From the scans nothing is broken but I can't pick up anything else. no blood type race Nothing!" she looked at the scanner puzzled. Donger pointed at me and told Twilight. "Twilight he needs rest to take him to the spare dorm. The infirmary will be overflowing and nothing is broken. We won't get any answers till he gets some rest." "Alright, sir can you walk?" Twilight asked she offered her hand to help me up off my ass I took it gratefully. "I can't wait to tell Aspect Celestia of the progress of my project." She said to herself I rolled my eyes then realized what she just said. After I got helped up I stumble a bit and then leaned into her. then spoke to her. "Sorry I don't have my balance right now." as I start yawning. Her assistant Spike rushed over to help her move me through the long halls of the academy to the spare dorm. Spike opened the door. Twilight helped me to the bed. the room reminded me of a four-star hotel a queen size bed with red coverings a small bedside table two-door, one that looks like leads to a bathroom the other, I think is a closet wall of bronze no surprise with gold trims, and a mannequin in the corner of the room Dressed as a medieval jester. "I will talk to anyone tomorrow I'm just tired," I told both Spike and Twilight they nodded at me. I laid back in bed and started to think of what was in store for me in my new world as a smile crept onto my face. "Aspect Celestia Meaning She has the power of a celestial from Mt Targon. I shuttered at what aspect she could have not sure who will be here multiverse makes things very interesting. Knowledge of a character can only take me so far since in the multiverse anything can be so I should be careful in assuming anyone is friend or foe." I Said to myself. I yawned again cover myself with the blanket sinking into the bed and fell asleep. Six hours later As I opened my eyes there was light flooding in through the blinds hitting me right in the eyes. "AHHH FUCKING SON OF BLIGHT-DRIVEN WHORE MY EYES THEY BURN!!!" I Proclaimed Trying to escape the sun's morning wrath my foot got stuck on the blanket so I decided to greet the floor with my face. "Uh Well, at least I'm fully awake now," I grumbled out with a sigh. when I picked myself up and I saw myself in the full body mirror I saw a well-toned well colored white man With deep royal electric blue eyes with ash black hair styled like Dante from Devil may cry. on top of my head is a black cowboy hat looking what down I had on a black trench coat with a hood with red chain ascent going down my arms With a grinning skull on the back wear all the chains were coming from my shirt had a picture of a throne made of skulls with text skull for the skull throne. Wearing a nice pair of action blue jeans with nice pair of cowboy boots. "Nice I look amazing," I commented to myself. "I heard a knock on the door are you ok?" asked Twilight from behind the door. I walked over opened the door she had a similar outfit she had on yesterday. "Yea just woke up with the sun directly in my eyes, I replied. I'm ready to make sure anyone that wants to hear my story is there I don't like repeating myself," I told her. "Ok, it will take about twenty minutes to get everyone," she stated to me. I closed my door "Now what to do for Twenty minutes?" I ask myself as if at that monument my right arm was engulfed in shadow Leaving a Black clawed Gauntlet with three gems in it One was an emerald the others were ruby and sapphire. when it was finished appearing it started to ring? It sounded like a discord call. A screen appeared with a pick up it said from the dungeon heart. I pressed the green phone icon and was greeted with the sight of a dark elf with finely Bronzed skin sitting on a red throne wearing a black dress. "Greetings my Master," She said as she got off the throne and bowed to me. "The Dungeon Heart is completed we await your orders, Master," She told me. now, this is the power of the gantlet so I have my own dungeon. "ok have some questions." I told the dark elf. "First your name, second what are you willing to do for me, Third where is this dungeon?" I questioned. After I finished my question She looked up at me through the screen with a smile on her face. For your first question, my name is Thalya last of the dark elves, for your next answer." she stands straight up and in one fluid motion she drops her dress give me an I full of her lovely shaped body she had the curves in all the right places her breasts swayed with the slightest of movements. My pants decided with a majority vote that is needed my blood flow, and save that knowledge for a later date. "As for your last question in a pocket dimension linked with you, my master," Thalya answered. She picked up her dress and as quickly dropped it she had back on as fast. I shuffled on the bed tiring to get the blood flowing away from my pants. "All right how many entrances are there to the dungeon?" I asked her. She put a finger to her chin "Only one so far we may find more as we dig out." Thalya answered I straightened myself upright "Alright here are my orders I want the little snots to put up a sign at the entrance that says private property trespassers will be killed." I continued to think of my orders. "Put a mailbox there too, so anyone that adventures in will just be the greed or despite. we need a prison to collect Darkness from the thieves, they will eventually come for my gold or kill my dungeon heart both are unacceptable." I ordered. The dark elf bowed "As you wish master it shall be done." Thalya replied she spoke up once more. "What order shall we focus, Horde, Undead or demons?" she asked. I stared at her and spoke up "Undead will be easiest to start since death means nothing to them. Have the undead in the hall opposite the entrance keeps the prison safe. But I will need a very large graveyard and prison. Search for the endless nods and build a massive treasury so we will have funding." I Ordered I took a breath. "That will be all Thalya your dismissed for now!" I Stated. She got up from the bow Master there is one more thing I will send you your spellbooks so you can summon Me. She said with emphasis on me with a little lust in her voice. "And your other minions," she stated flatly and walked over to the screen and I hear the disconnect sound from discord. A few minutes later There was a knock on the door "Hey we are ready for you." said the voice of Twilight. I got up off the bed and headed towards the door. Not realizing the mannequin I saw last night was gone. When I opened the door Twilight and Spike was outside my door waiting for me She took a look at my arm now with the glove on it "What is that?" she exclaimed. I sighed I will tell you with everyone else can we go." I said already annoyed with the number of questions I was about to receive. I rubbed my face with my nonclawed hand. as Spike and Twilight guided me down the long hallways to a room called conference room three. as I enter the room I saw it was a relatively normal meeting room with office chairs a big wooden desk with a podium at the back. I saw Heimerdinger sitting on a very raised office chair next to him was a charred yordle wearing cracked blast googles and Kevlar Armor? laughing like a mad man balancing on a ball in his chair. with a double-take that ball was not a ball it was a giant unlit bomb. this was Ziggs THE HEXPLOSIVES EXPERT. On the other side of Donger sat a man was a tan earth pony Stallion with a very chiseled muzzle with a dirty blonde mane with a puffy collared black coat accented with bronzed right power armor arm with white pants and golden boot. the golden hammer gave away who he was Jayce DEFENDER OF TOMORROW. Jayce stared at me and frowned So this is him. He stated "Now we can begin." Jayce said coldly sending chills up my spine. " > Chapter 2 Conference > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Jayce looked at me. "Go to the podium we have many questions for you," he ordered me. I obliged him and walked up to the podium. everyone present stared at me when Jayce spoke up "Now first things first Who are you?" He demanded I looked at him. "You know it is rude to order people you don't know." I sighed "To answer your question my name is Ryu Blood I am from another world my universe is far and I for one I'm glad." I spoke with cheer in my voice. "Fun fact I know who all of you are, to prove that I know you all I will give you details only you will know," I Stated pointing at Twilight. " Twilight Sparkle student of Aspect Celestia leader of the Solari older brother is Shining Armor who is a high ranked member of the guard and the one who hatched Spike with a magic surge," I said calmly like I was crossing off a list. I pointed to Jayce "Next Jayce Talis lover of one Mel Medarda or should I say former, Councilman co-inventor of hextech, betrayer of Heimerdinger, wieldier of mercury, a former member of house Kiramman and mass murderer of the Brackern." I announced to the group. I pointed to Heimerdinger, "Heimerdinger your crimes are much smaller compared to the mass murderer over there but you have tried so hard to stop progress because anything that has a risk is too dangerous. Science is about taking risks not doing the safe experiments over and over you call yourself a scientist, you nearly killed hextech in its infancy and drove Jayce to suicide and would have succeeded if not for Victor." I told the yellow yordle. "Ziggs you are just a walking blast zone and Spike I have nothing on you." I looked at how people were taking the news Twilight's mane was fraying on the verge of a breakdown and muttering incoherently, Jayce kept his Intense his gaze on me, Heimerdinger looks like he was conflicted like he wanted to be angry fearful, excited, and sad at the same time, Ziggs was just laughing even harder now, Spike just looked shocked. I waited for all of that information to sink into all of them. Donger was the first to recover "If you are from another universe as you propose quite a perplexing quandary?" Donger asked he put a hand to his face stroking his mustache "Like how would you know of Jayce being a Councilman its preposterous." he stated. I looked at Donger "Well I could tell you but what would I get out of this all I have in this world is knowledge and the clothes on my back?" I replied with a business-like tone. I steepled my hands on the podium. Jayce was the next to speak if looks could kill he would be charged with murder " HOW DO YOU KNOW ABOUT THAT!! " He exclaimed with a red face, His hand tensed over his hammer. I looked at Jayce my expression. not changing "I know a great deal of this world, even some you don't know like who is making monsters in Zaun like the Wrath of Zaun I even know who he was before." I announced to everyone Jayce looked at me with a skeptical look. "Believe me or not it is true there are not many ways to prove that I'm from another world since I don't have access to most of my powers," I told Jayce at that moment an inky black cloud manifested above me. it dropped a book onto the podium next to my hand. I looked at the book the cover read ' Herald of the Merchant Guild '. I picked up the book opened the cover there was a note inside the cover 'To Ryu This is your powers have fun in this new world of yours. sincerely Your Merchant.' I looked at the book in my hand. "Well, I think that just helped my case but I think we should take a small break I need to use the bathroom and you have things to discuss.," I stated to everyone while looking throughout the room ' that will give me time to read the book '. Jayce looked at me then at Donger and nodded at each other. "Alright Heimerdinger and me agree with your proposal fifteen-minute break," Jayce replied I walked over to the purple dragon "Hey Spike can you show me to the bathroom?" I asked him that snapped him out of his shocked state he looked at me. He nodded I followed him out to the hall to my destination. third person in conference room three. Jayce looked at Donger then Twilight who has still had a fizzed mane. he walked over to he put a hand on her shoulder and said "Twilight are you ok?" Twilight shook her head "Councilman Jayce How does he know I have not even told you or Professor about him!" she said hysterically. She began to hyperventilate and then pass out. Donger rushed over to her He began to check her pulse "She is just unconscious from the shook Jayce get her into the chair." Donger said. Jayce walked over picked her up and propped her in a chair. "She will be fine." Donger declared. Donger looked into Jayce's eyes "I don't know what to offer the boy Jayce we don't know him or his goals. But we need his information, but there are so many unknowns how did he know that private information, if he's from another universe it makes no sense how he would know that unless." Donger Pondered out loud. Jayce looked at Donger "Unless what?" He asked the yordle. Donger looked a Jayce "I know what we should do. Come down here." the yordle stated Jayce kneed down Donger went to his ear and whispered in his ear Jayce face when from a scowl then to an understanding "Alright I agree but I don't like it." Jayce said with a flat tone. To the Best Character in the Targon stone garden stood a statue of a strange creature it's left leg was a dragon, right leg of a pony, body of a serpent, a red tail, with a puff on the end right arm was a griffin talon, left arm was a lion paw, the head of a goat, with a deer horn, and the other horn of a goat. The god of Chaos DISCORD Discord statue didn't move the voice came to it "Hey don't think I know you're there get on with the story." Discord's voice rang out to the Writer. Back to the protagonist I follow Spike to the bathrooms they looked like a normal school bathroom, but they have bronzed everything except the floor which was white. entering the boy's bathroom I went to the far stall. I didn't need to go but I need to read the book. sitting down on the toilet I pulled out the book. As I flipped to the first page the book turned into a blood-red mist It flew into me before I reacted. The next thing I knew I had a massive headache feel like I kissed a freight train and the next second it was gone. The screen on from my gantlet flicked to life showing tabs Two D&D character sheets for my Warlock and Artificer, League Stats, Mist Manager, Dungeons Manager, Evolutionarily Traits, Absorption Traits, Blue Book, and Inventory. Looking at my character sheets both level one I sighed "Well it's like I say it's not fun unless you earn it." I spoke to myself Alright I need to give them time to think about it. I started to draw up plans for the dungeon. I might as well go to my dungeon see its progress. with a spark, a purple portal appear I walked through the portal. I stepped out of the portal and saw a dark room With a flowing pulsing red crystal chained to the floor, and ghostly blue lamps. My entrance was not unnoticed Thalya walked over to me Pressing herself into me. my arm was consumed by two orbs of flesh. I clear my throat. "Good to see you Thalya h-how is the dungeon coming along?" I said nervously Oh like you would not be nervous if you never had a woman's touch. Thalya Laughed at my nervous " Master you are so cute when you get nervous. yes, everything is going fine we have not found many hazards. we made the massive graveyard as you requested we have twenty zombies and skeletons each, we have enough darkness for research ." the dark elf told me. "Don't tell me you came only for business?" she pled to me. I looked at the elf that has my arm hostage "Sorry business I don't have time for that right now I need to see the gate." I told she pouted then sighed she lead me to the gate, "Do you know where it leads?" I asked. She looked at me "No master it stops any person that tried that didn't come through it." She told me, "From what we gathered from the Prisoners when we came to this world they appeared all over the world." said the elf. look around here the signs are still here then an idea struck me We can make rooms to the sides of the entrance. To the left, we will have a fast food store we can sell gobblers and ale we have in spades." I ordered I looked to the other side. " the right will be a hotel to rest we have no idea where they are now we need new signs to go deeper in." I told her she looked at me pondering something. we need the signs replaced put a new sign that says All who enter past here uninvited May challenge the dungeon anything you take you can keep but if you lose your life will be ours." I said to her. and hand her the plans I made for the dungeon's layout Thalya looked at me "It will be done, master." She said business-like." Will that be all master?" she asked looking at me with puppy dog eyes. I replied with "Y-yes for now as I told you. I just don't have time, She accepted my reason. "now good luck with the dungeon I need to head back see you later Thalya." I head back to the dungeon heart and step back through the portal. back into the bathroom stall in which I left I look behind me and close the portal. I open the stall door and use the sink to wash my hands. Outside the door stood Spike, alright Spike I'm ready to head back. Spike looked at me like he wanted to say something. But his face had a hint of fear, I could understand he probably got berated with Twilight's theories with how I entered this world. He keeps from looking at me the tension could be cut with a knife. As we continued down the hall I broke the silence. " So Spike how long did she keep you up with her theories?" I asked him Spike responded oh she was up all night I only got an hour of sleep she did-." he stopped himself remembering who he was talking to. Stop with your minder reader games. I raise an eyebrow "Minder reader that was one of her theories. I chucked to myself well her theories all were possible dealing with multiverse on a scale of infinity all thing are possible." I stated Spike just groaned "you sound just like Twilight when she starts a rant." he droned out "Alright we are back." he announced to everyone while opening the door to the conference room. As I looked back into the room. Twilight was unconscious which as soon as Spike noticed he rushed over to her. Continue looking around Ziggs was gone, Jayce looked like he got the stick out of his ass, Heimerdinger looked calmed down. I went to the front to the podium. Jayce was the first to speak up "I have a question." I nodded at him "What do you mean by the mass murder of the Brackern I don't even know what they are?" Jayce asked "What are you willing to pay for answers?" I asked him "I still have nothing to my name What is it worth to you guys?" I asked. Donger Spoke up "it would be a huge favor to us." when he said that a coin with an ornate four hovered above donger and Jayce's head "We will pay you a hextech core if you will indulge us and the room you sleep in for as long as you are here." Donger said. I looked at the coin then at Donger. "Agreed," I said with a shark tooth smile. "So you what to know about the Brackern? They are a race of rock scorpions with their souls are fused with powerful life crystals which hold the living thoughts and memories of their ancestors. ." I told them Donger spoke up "I Have never heard of such a race." he said with a hint of confusion putting a hand to his chin "Even in my three hundred twelve years." He exclaimed I spoke up. "Well, yea not surprising they have been in hibernation since the rune war not to say a long long time ago. They buried themselves deep in the Shuriman desert. but there is a single one awake named Skarner. he is looking for all the life crystals which is what hex tech is made from. they are still alive too so they feel everything." I stopped there to let it sink in. Jayce looked at his hammer Mercury with a horrified look I never knew t--t-that the crystals were from a sentient c-c-creature." he cried out. he was visibly shaking look like he wanted to empty his guts. Donger was just frozen not moving barely breathing. I looked at how they reacted "yea as I expected how you guys would take it." I said I heard a THUMP behind me. When I turned around Spike was on the ground. I picked up the small purple drake and placed him in a chair. then I turned back to Donger and Jayce. Jayce was first to recover. Still with a horrified look. So all this time we were enslaving people to power our tech without knowing. He said. Wait you knew and still accepted the Hextech core why? He asked. "I was going to communicate with them before I used it and have a way to keep in contact to make them my partner instead of just a power source," I said. "I wanted to test if you befriend them will it change the output and have a friend beside me," I said. Donger recovered a little after my explanation. "So you saying we should befriend the Bracken. but what about the ones being harvested?" he asked me. he looked like he was contemplating. "Yes And I will research how to make crystals that won't be alive but still have the power you need. I do know someone that can talk on a base level she is called Seraphine she lives here in Piltover." I said. the coins glowed then disappeared. I looked at the time "Wow we have been talking for a while it's already night well can I get that power cell. I got a project I need to do and you need time from the shock this is only beginning I have plenty of more. and bring Vi and Caitlyn Next time. I said. Donger pulled it out. "H-here y-you g-g-go. he stammered out. he was shaking like a leaf. I grabbed it from Donger then exited into the hall. the hall was empty nothing but the wall. As I got back to my room inside it was exactly how I left it. When I entered I closed the door and locked it. then I looked for a place where there was no window and I found the bathroom had only a venting window. I opened the portal to my dungeon and stepped in. When I walked into my dungeon I was greeted by the Dark Elf. "Hello, Thalya is my workshop ready?" I asked her. Thalya walks over to me. "Yes, master your workshop is up and running." She told me. Thalya looked into my eyes and gave me a quick kiss on the lips. Master, I know you don't have time to have fun, But may I share your bed with you tonight?" she asked. I put a finger to my face "Sure it will help me get used to having someone committed to me." I told the Elf who almost exploded but she contained herself just enough to hug me into a sqee. I had her guide me to my new workshop. But on the way, I fell over in pain. my veins were on fire. my head was pulsing to the ace of spades. and I fell into the mental darkness. 4 hours later Weapon Shift acquired Ranged Stance: Transforms the Weapon into the Ranged. The first attack in this form reduces the target's Armor and Magic Resist. Melee Stance: Transforms the Weapon into the Melee increasing Armor and Magic Resist. The first attack in this form deals additional magic damage. Hextech Micro-Rockets acquired, fires long-range rockets that converge on a point Yordle Inventor acquired You received a small portion of Heimerdinger's magic and knowledge. Hextech Innovator acquired you received the knowledge of hextech from Jayce. I woke up sometime later. I found Thalya cuddled up next to be she was wearing a lovely red nightgown. I looked away blushing fiercely. get up softly off bed not to stir her. I got a snot to lead me to my workshop. I looked at my workshop. it was laughable it had a work table crude tools but. It did have scrap and a forge I could work with this. Looking over the scrap pile I found a broken iron sword not useful, a black steel helm a noxian steel I can use this but not alone, a white set of armor this Petricite steel, yes this will make a fine blade. I decided on you will make my petricite and Black steel alloy gun blade. But there was one thing left to do. I pull out the Hexcore "alright let see if I can use my mist." I said as I struggled and struggled. maybe I need blood, I used a snot and it brought a gobbler to me (gobblers are magic turkeys) with my intent to hurt known my kusarigama appeared in my left hand. With one cut the gobblers head was off and a spray of bloody mist, the body going limp. the mist head towards me it when straight into my lantern. I called the mist to me once again. But this time small wisps of bloody mist. But still, this should be enough to try what I'm thinking of. With the Hexcore in my hand, I started to channel my mist into it seeping into it. I heard a voice coming from the core. the strange voice coming from the core sound like a young woman starting in their twenties "Hello is someone there?" she asked with a hitched voice. "Why can't I see anything?" she continued. I look at the core with shock. " Didn't expect that to work the first time," I said with a growing smile. in a soft tone "It ok your find what is your name?" I asked her. She said in a scared voice "M-my-y n-name is Valkyrie." I looked a the Hextech core "Valkyrie that is a lovely name, you have been asleep around one thousand years. Most of the Bracken were harvested like yourself. But most people didn't even know you were alive or even sentient. I told her while trying to be comforting. All I heard was her uncontrollable sobbing. It felt like days pass from the raw emotions she was crying out. I had a pain in my chest as her sorrow reminded me of my past. Tears started to fall from my face with a creeping smile. It started to divide itself into a mix of crying and laughter. Around thirty minutes later, I was done crying. So I left to the hallway while Valkyrie was collecting herself. "Alright, I should make my token pulling out my lantern." I say "I AM WARDEN I PUNISH ALL EVIL BE YOU FRIEND I SHALL GO TO HELL AND BACK FOR YOU BUT BE YOU FOE YOU SHALL KNOW PAIN AND EVEN TRUE DEATH CALL ME FORTH BY LITING ME A SAY MY NAME!" I said then I tossed it into the air it was consumed by shadow. Then it came back to me and I hide my lantern back into my shadow. I turn back into the workshop walked over to the core placed my hand gently on it. "Hey, Valkyrie you feel better after that cry?" I asked her She replied with a sniffled "Yes." I started to stroke the Core. I called to Valkyrie "Do you wish to be my partner?" I asked her She spoke in a slightly hiked voice '"what do you mean?" She asked me I looked at the core. " Well If you accept I will put you into a gunblade which I will use to bring Judgement of the corrupt and the villainess. and If you don't I will have to put you into storage to keep you safe." I told her. She thought it over. "Yes I will become your partner as long as you promise to help the Bracken," she told me. I had a smile on my face. "Yes I was already planning to help them and I was also looking for a way to make the crystal without the minds attached," I told her. when I looked at the table a little snot was placing a cooked gobbler on the table. I grabbed a piece of the gobbler it was good just dry and a bit plain turkey flavor. "I need to find a way to grow some fruits and vegetables down here," I said to myself. I started to draw up plans from my gunblade I decided on for melee from will be a chainsword from Warhammer 40K. As for ranged embracing my heritage, I decided on a 50 caliber Magnum revolver with the Chain warped around the barrel. I got up since I don't have time to make it now. I walked back to my room Thalya was up. She look up at me and spoke up "Master you need sleep." I sighed "Yes I do but this bed is poorly made so I was about to head back through the portal to go to bed." I stated. "Do you want to come with me?" I asked her. she replied with a nod and grab my arm dragging me away. As we exited the portal it was still dark out so we got out of the bathroom and planted ourselves into the comfy bed. she snuggled up to my chest and I fell into a deep pleasance sleep that I have not had in years. The next morning I woke up to an awake Thalya cuddled up with me. "Good morning Master." She whispers into my ear. she slowly go up showing she was still wearing her red nightgown. I lightly poked her "I need to get up." I told her she pouted but she did get up. "I need you to head back." she bowed with a sway in her hips as she walk towards the bathroom. I followed her she walked into the portal and I closed it behind her. At that moment there was a knock at the door. I walked over to it when. I opened the door it was Twilight. " Hello, Twilight what do you need?" I asked, looking around I noticed she was alone today. "Why are you alone?" I asked her. Twilight looked at me "both answers are the same Jayce, Heimerdinger, and Spike are busy today with what they learned yesterday and Spike is helping them. They will be busy for the next couple weeks." she told me. I nodded at her "So what about you Twilight?" I asked She looked at me " I will be busy too they sent me to tell you and here. she said. She hands me an envelope. I raised my eyebrow at her. She lightly laughed and waved it off. " this is a token from Heimerdinger I have no idea what it is." she told me. "I need to get going see you later." I close the door and then look in the envelope. I was shocked at what was inside it. I put the envelope away. I spent the next week in the dungeon. I Upgraded the Brewery. Set up a pad in the entrance for my challenge. if you are desperate or good-hearted it will open to a treasury. and if you are greedy or corrupt you will be sent to the gantlet and processed into prison. When I built Valkyrie's gunblade body. The black petricite steel alloy turned blood red after eating my mist allowing me to have full control of the mana flow. 'this was an unexpected boon.' I thought to myself. My coin mark started to glow A golden portal appear. well looks like I have a job from the merchant. "let's go." I jump into the portal. > Chapter 3 The Merchant Guild and a Roegadyn > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- On the other side of the gold portal. I was bought to an office complex lobby floor of a glossy white, the walls we a marbled black and blue, the ceiling was high a chandler was hanging from it with crystals that looked as if they held galaxy in them. at the front desk made of marble. sitting at the desk Meryl Stryfe of Trigun series typing on a keyboard. she was wearing a white cloak blue jeans and white boots. she looked over at my "Ah Mr. Blood it is good to finally meet you, are meeting with..." she looked at her computer screen "Here we are you are meeting with Your Merchant in his office floor three-room six hundred and sixty-six." She stated to me. "I will call someone to take you there since it is your first time here," she told me. Meryl looked to the intercom pressed the button, Ms. Briggs, can you come to the front desk Mr. Blood need to meet with his Merchant. she will be a minute she one of the managers of the Resident Evil Four Merchants. She is a really good worker," she began to whisper and her husband says she is quite the deviant in the bedroom." she whispered. I chuckled a bit trying and failing to hide my smirk. A voice rang out "MERYL!" I look over the find a furry cat wearing a pink business skirt pink hi heels and black-rimmed glass. Callie Briggs from Swat Kats. She looked at Meryl with her eye twitching "You know I have really good hearing," she yelled at the receptionist. Her tail was all fluffy. What I do with my Razor in the bedroom is my business, she said with her face rosy. she then realized she was doing this in front of me she took a quick look at herself and straightened herself out. Anyway Mr. Blood I will take you to your Merchant." she said guiding me forward. Meryl looked over to me "Good luck with your job Mr. Blood." She said to me. I walk past her and give her a wave "Will do," I replied. I continued following Ms. Briggs we walked to the elevator. Hey Ms. Briggs how did you come to work here?" I asked. She put a finger to her lips. "Well I was doing my deputy mayor and the mayor's duties since He never did them," she said with anger in her voice. "When the Swat Catz came rushing into the building. and told me to get as many people as I can I only managed to get Felina Feral before everything else was devoured by blackness. We were saved by one of the Merchants we all got new jobs sent throughout the multiverse to help other worlds. I cried over all the lives lost and what I left unsaid to Jake," she said. Thinking to myself 'that would explain why she always had a car breakdown to calling them' I chuckled to myself. The elevator beeped we continued walking and she continued her story. Well, that is when Razor rushed over to embrace me and he reviled he was Jake. I kissed him right then and there and we have been married about twenty-six years now. She stated. We started walking down an office hall passing several different people handsome Jack, a Moogle, Jack of blades, and A being so horrible I only shall say his name once Mister Popo. We made it to room six hundred and sixty-six Ms. Briggs knocked on the door "Welcome!" a gravelly voice replied She opened the door. And revealed My Merchant sitting behind a mahogany desk. "Thank you, Ms. Briggs, you may leave." said The Merchant. she turned around and left down the hall. "Sit down Pact Holder," he said as he pointed to a chair. I sat down on the chair it was so comfy much better than even the bed in Piltover. "Congrats on reaching level two on artificer. Normally you will meet with the displacer for the displaced, You are about to meet but they are indisposed at the monument. now let's begin the briefing of the displaced." He began to tell me about Brex Mith. thirty minutes later I looked at him "Why are there three different redacted Incident reports in his file? I thought they were only created from interference from managers and other displacers, and why are they all redacted?" I questioned. The merchant just shrugged. "Alright Pact Holder last minute prep," he said to me I began to add Repeating shot to Valkyrie. I portal opened behind me "Good Luck Pact Holder." he said as I walked through the portal. I walked through the portal to see the Displaced that had done the summoning. Brex Mith was covered with a dark yellow robe and gear while his shoulders and head are covered with a dark brown fabric compared to the rest and the owl face mask. I then spoke in a businesslike tone, “Brex Mith, Destroyer of the possessed spider, savior Bright Mac, and Pear Butter, the ender of a slavery ring.” As soon as I got to that last bit, I had Found a sharp rock that was able to pierce my boot. This caused me to Hug the planet face first. Brex saw this and raised an eyebrow from behind his mask while looking both very confused and astonished at the same time with how someone who had just walked through a portal, would even know about him. After noticing the fall, he then said in a rather unsure tone, “And… apparently, the worst that picking a summoning location...” I sat down on my ass and lifts my injured foot to see that my boot had already Mended itself. Slowly I get up and ask, “So what have you summoned me for to chat or to help with something?” Brex starts to relax a little bit after noticing that this guy was not hostile from the start. Seeing that this wouldn’t turn out to be a shoot first, ask questions later scenario. The Roegadyn takes a seating position about three yards away on a nearby flat rock. Brex began speaking, “Okay, seeing as I just summoned somebody by using what could only be a token. The displaced stories are completely true then. I found your item after defeating a monster.” That was when he held up the small lantern in front of himself. Afterward, he continued with, “I called because I think I'm gonna need an extra pair of hands with handling a Primal problem. Are you familiar with the game called Final Fantasy 14?” I then placed a finger on my chin and replied, “Yes I am familiar with it. I played till a little after the Heavensward beginning, but I know only a little. But I only know a few things about the new DLC called Endwalker.” I said. then I put out my hand for a shake. Speaking politely, I then said, “Sorry, its rude of me not to introduce myself, my name is Ryu Blood. A pleasure to meet you.” I said in a knightly tone. Reaching his hand out, Brex takes his hand and gives it a firm shake. Afterward, he returns to his seating position before saying, “My name is Brex, but I already know that you know my name given your... Entrance.” He then gestures with his right hand towards the spot that the incident had happened with the rock just moments before The Roegadyn brings a hand up to his face and starts to stroke the chin of the mask as if it was an actual face and starts to make a thinking gesture by tilting his head. This was then followed by saying, “That's a nice party trick you pulled off with knowing who I am. I take it that’s either part of your displaced powers or something else is going on. Because I doubt that I'm famous enough to be known in the multiverse, considering I have not sent a token of my own out yet.” Brex Stated I looked at my gantlet when the text appeared just like a Discord message would. Then he looked to the Roegadyn and said, “I can only say I have friends in high places.” He continued by saying, "So what do you need help with?” I asked Him. Brex lower his head and began to talk in a serious tone. While at the same time, sounding a little tired. “It's like this… I got a notification through my game system that came along with my character. It says that Titan got summoned only recently and when I looked at my map to find out where it is, I found the quest marker pointing to the rock farm. If you happen to be like me and know anything about My Little Pony, then you should know what that might mean for a certain pink pony. I'm worried that I might not be enough and I summoned you to see if I can get some extra assurances that nothing will go wrong. My situation is a little... complicated. I made sure that I'm not noticed all that much. In fact, everyone assumes I'm a pony or something along those lines. I could probably take out regular Titan or even in his stronger version beyond that by myself. But that would require me to do a lot more and I don't want to raise my power level too high, otherwise sunbutt might pick up on It.” I looked at Brex with a knowing look and said, “Ah I see, so you are one of those displaced. Is she evil or is she just a bitch like the rest of the multiverse?” I then added, “Titan might be hard since I have no idea of the power scaling is for me in your world. Also, I have no training whatsoever, I have only made my gunblade recently. Well, you are in luck that I have my army on call. Maybe that might work.” I then lifted My gantlet and a screen popped up and I started typing. Without even bothering to lift his head, Brex raised his right arm with the back of it facing towards me. His eyes laying on it while he spoke, “Honestly speaking, I don't really know if she's evil or not. But I can tell you what our first and only exchange was. It involved her in the sky at a great distance, pulling a widow maker on me.” he Sighed out. Letting out a sigh, he continued, “She got me from behind and literally disintegrated my right arm. This led to me getting pretty much beaten to hell him back. In the end, I somehow managed to beat her but my memory of that day is... not so reliable and I don’t know the whole story just yet. I was told that I did beat her in combat, but it resulted in me dying and having to be respawned at the tree of harmony after I had already set it as a home point.” He started shaking his head back-and-forth Before adding, “I didn't even get to see much, Ha! Not even a speech. Just up and tries to kill me with a sneak attack.” At this point, the Roegadyn was visibly shaking from anger. After a few seconds, Brex said, “You mentioned something about an army. But I would really like to keep this under the radar if at all possible. As for the training, how about I give you some lessons on when my little problem is settled?” I looked at Brex and shook my head before stating, “Keeping this under the radar will be impossible if it is a Primal, because it will drain the Aether from the world which is its magic and life force. She will sense it as soon as it comes into this world.” I then continued by saying, “But you will not be alone if Celestia tries anything, I know what my powers are and how to use them. Not all that well, but I can help.” I gave Brex a nod before going on, “But getting lessons does sound good. Oh right.” I pull out a scroll of mending and said, “I would like to offer you this scroll of mending.” I then offered it to Brex from both of my hands with a slight bow. Graciously Brex take the scroll and examines it, but he made sure not to open it out of fear of prematurely activating the spell. Glancing back at the man, he asked, “Scroll of mending? Isn't that from Dungeons & Dragons?” Brex’s head tilts and turns towards my weapon and then back at him before adding,” If I'm not mistaken, isn't that lantern I used to summon you meant to be part of the weapon that Thresh uses on that game called League of legends?” That was when he held up the lantern he had mentioned. I then looked closely at Brex and said, “Yes, I got two D & D classes, The Dungeons 3 Gantlet, Thresh’s weapon, blue magic from 14. So, what did you get, is see 14. Not much else?" I asked. Brex responded with, “Seeing as you're being forthcoming of what you've got, it’s only right that I did the same with you. I was originally nothing but final fantasy 14. So, I got all the classes. But for some… let's say, reasons that would take a while explain, I didn't get to have everything all at once when I arrived here and had taken some time to get the others.” He said sadly. He pulls out from his item box not even a second later, a large leather-bound book that appears in his hand within the amount of time it would take to blink. Playfully waving it as an example, Brex continued with, “I got this book of spells and potions from the anime Rise of The Shield Hero. Along with a few small knick-knacks like the telephone from the anime, Oh My Goddess. The last bit is this bracelet that one would equip onto a character from Final Fantasy 7.” He stated. I looked at the gear Brex broke out and asked, “All right, so the Pie's rock family farm is in danger. What date is it?" I questioned. Putting the book back into his item Box, Brex makes the motions of looking up to the sky and humming to myself for a moment before answering, “It's close to about… 11 years and 10 months before Nightmare Moon’s return... So, I'm before the pilot episode. Right now, all the members of the main six are roughly around 6 to 8 years old, I think. I already had a small run-in with Apple Jack and Rarity.” He mentioned. I looked at My gantlet and a screen appeared. On said screen, was a dark elf wearing a black dress. "Master, there seems to be a group of adventurers here asking questions. Normally would not say anything to them, but they are saying the gate came out of nowhere. Do you think this has anything to do with your summoning?" Thalya Questioned. I then replied to her, “Maybe, looks like I will need to head in soon then.” I stated. Slowly getting up from his rock chair, the Roegadyn starts dusting off any dirt that may have gotten stuck to his butt after sitting on the rock. Turning his direction towards that of the rock farm, he gestures with a wave that the both of them should get a move on. He then says, “We are about half a day out. We can chat along the way. Just keep an eye out for anyone. From what I could tell, they don't know about humans. But if they did, they're keeping it a good secret." I nodded my head, then looks to Brex and asks “Do you have a scarf or something? I guessing my clothes will be fine but I have nothing to cover my face.” I then turned back to the screen and said, “Alright Thalya, have the minions tell the adventurers they can eat at the Goble grill and rest at the Travelers lodge.” After he started the orders, she gave him a bow, then the screen disconnected. Raising an eyebrow from behind his mask, Brex asks, “Say, what's this about adventurers, got something going on in your world that you're able to keep track of while over here?” At the same time, he reaches into his item box and pulls out one of the wooden masks any player would get as a quest reward. It was dark brown and had two lines going down the sides of the face that were colored red while eye holes were circular. Turning back to the man, he hands the item over and says, “I think this should do the trick. From a distance, it will work. Just avoid getting too close to them for too long and you should be fine. Either that or I can give you a copy of that mask from dragon quest that I got as a quest reward for a seasonal event. You know the one with the small horns and what looks like an air filter around the mountain area.” I reached up grabbing my cowboy hat and put it in my storage. I then take the mask and put it on before raising my hood. I then ask, “Thanks. Do you think this will work?" I asked Brex. Raising both arms in a, I don't know gesture, Brex reply’s with, “I've been around for over a month now inside of a city and you’d would be surprised that they don't really care about you wearing a mask, but they do seem to care far more about the fact that you're a male. So, I haven't had anyone try to pull my mask off or anything. I just keep my distance… a lot." I couldn’t help but groan before saying, “Oh, it's one of those worlds. The funny thing is the most dangerous villains in MLP are mostly male. Hmmm, I wonder, could that be the reason they become villains is because they were treated like shit, so with them being seen as monsters, they literally became monsters in one way or another? But of courses, I know that too well." I sighed out loud afterward. Wanting to make sure that his new partner was up to speed, Brex then told me a basic rundown on this world's current status when it came to the male and female dynamic. This went on for a good 15 or 20 minutes, which was just the right amount of time needed to get out of that deep ravine. As we were walking out of the crag. My gantlet lit up the dark elf was on the screen. I then heard her say, "Master, looking into the Adventurers, they are from Dodge city they were looking for a place to rest from a quest that turned bad. What shall we do with them?" She asked me. I look at the screen and let out a sigh before saying, “Have their wounds treated and let them rest up.” At that moment his stomach demanded food. That was when he commanded the dark elf, “I will need two gobblers and a barrel of beer." Afterward, the elf bowed and the screen cut out. He then spoke up and asked, “Sorry, I have not eaten today so can we rest for a sec?" I asked. Hearing the request, the Roegadyn give a nod and they made their way over to the nearest set of trees to get out of the open. Taking the opportunity he asked, “So mind filling me in on what your world is like?” He asked I then started to set up a fire and said, “Well I didn't get an Equestria like most. Instead, I got a Runeterra with an Eques mixed in, like how your world is a Eques with Final Fantasy 14 as the primary that was switched. I have to deal with asshat of Piltover, basically Hitech Canterlot with a super slum Chempunk city under it.” As I said this, a portal open and a beer barrel and two tied up, live turkeys Brex assumed to be the gobblers came out. I then asked, "Do you have your chef leveled up? I could only do a basic cooking. I can slaughter them and pluck them." I said. After seeing the portal and turkeys, Brex got the gist of what he was saying and replied with, “Yeah I got It leveled up. Made sure to get it maxed out. Well, as Maxed as I could get it for my current time frame anyway. I have no idea how much time passed between our world and this one. I do remember there being a DLC called Shadowbringer that was about to be released. When I died before because of what Sunbutt did, I got to meet some people on another side and they conjured up the gaming system for me to play it on. But yeah, I can give it a go. If I can cook stuff from this world, I can probably cook stuff from yours. I picked up the turkeys by the legs and brought out my red glowing kusarigama and with one strike, the heads came off the gobblers and their bodies went limp. bloody mist poured out like a waterfall leading to my lantern behind me, I then spoke again while I began plucking the feathers off the birds. “Well, before I was displaced. The DLC was Endwalker with the Reaper and Sage classes. This was after Shadowbringer. I wonder if you have those stones or will you have to get them. If it is the latter, then my temple might help." I told him. Hearing this, Brex’s eyes go wide behind his mask. With interest laced in the Roegadyn’s tone, he asked, “So they already came out with another DLC. So I guess it's true that when someone gets displaced, there thrown in a random timestream. I guess it's nearly impossible to try and figure out a correlation between the times when a displaced is taken from their world. Sounds like you came at a later point time. I've already gone through the halfway point of 1000 years in this world." He stated That's when Brex looked down to his hands for a few moments before adding, “Well, I have no idea what the Reaper and Sage class are capable of. Judging from the names, I can pretty much guess that they’re the new damage dealer and healer types. I think if I was to suddenly learn them now, I'll probably pass out from some migraine after learning a whole bunch of new spells all at once. I remember that's what it felt like when I had to master Gun blade as soon as I got the quest back when it was just a game. I don’t want to imagine what it would feel like with it actually being stuffed into my brain…” He winced. Brex then let out a chuckle as he takes the readied bird from me and start on the cooking preparations. Going into the item box, the Roegadyn made a small number of different seasonings appear on the ground. The two gobblers we're then prepared to be roasted over the fire. It didn't take much time before the prep work was complete and they were now sitting on a roasting stick that was improvised using some random branches that happened to be just right for the job. I sat down on the ground and started to speak in a serious tone, "Yea, first rule. Murphy rules the multiverse, so trying to predict anything is a losing game. From what I know of the influence of this world, it will try to mirror its primary, eques then secondary being 14, but don't forget your trinities, being slime shield ETA. they may have a few major influences, like how I found out that there is a Tarrasque from D&D is in my world. So be careful, so try to remember that all you can to prep." I stated While still keeping an eye on the food, Brex then asked, “From what you just said, I take it your version It's not really all that friendly now, is it. Well, I can't say that mine's better or worse. All I've been doing is hiding and biding my time. From what I understand, it’s nearly a constant among all displaced that the element bearers need to have been assembled at least one time. So, until the pilot episode starts, I'm reduced to hiding in the shadows. Ha, No one from this world has even seen my own face and I've been technically around for 800 years. Just to make sure I don't slip up or say too much, I limited myself to only saying only a few words at a time.” He said. After a few seconds of silence, the Roegadyn shook his head up to look towards me and said, “You already got to meet up with your twilight, right? Or at least any of the main six. I should already have the strength to be able to stand up to that Sunbutt they got ruling this land. Yet here I am hiding like a cockroach. Waving his hands in some random direction, Brex also asked, “So tell me, how did your first interaction with the ponies of your side turn out? I ended up losing an arm on day two after showing my existence. I started by saying, "Well, the first time was me arriving in the world. I landed on my back, Broke a wooden desk. I was very out of it from the pain. It ended with me getting a bed and sleeping but nothing reacting badly." I then grabbed one of the barrels and putting a tap in before pulling out two mugs and filling them to a nice foam level and offering one Brex. I then said to the Roegadyn, “Don't worry, this can't get anyone drunk. It just relaxes the body and tastes like your favorite acholic drink.” I stated. Exempting the mug, Brex takes a look at the contents inside. After slushing it around for a moment, he shrugs and brought it to his mask. Just as it comes into contact, the liquid is poured and quickly vanishes as If someone had poured it straight down the drain. As soon as the last drop disappears, he lowered the mug. There was then the sound of someone moving their lips as if tasting what they had just drunk a little more before there was a loud belch that caused a few birds in some nearby trees to immediately take flight. There was a small pause of silence before Brex spoke out in an embarrassed tone, “Well I have to say that tastes pretty good. Also, that was the very first alcoholic beverage I can remember.” This was then followed by a second belch, but much lower in volume. Now feeling a little more relaxed, Brex then finished off by saying, “I think with you so far, I have spoken more than I have in the last 800 years. Haha hahaha, maybe that makes me the king of the loners.” he announced. I had taken a sip from my mug before saying, “Yeah, I tinkered with the brewer to make this turn out well and I know someone that has you beat, the champion Skarner been alone for about 2 to 3 millennium. So, yea it could be worse.” I then spoke in a dark tone, “But then again, I know I will have to fight literal gods. Most gods out there are not nice, some of them slaughter whole cities.” I then asked, “So how’s the food coming along?" After taking a quick glance Brex replied, “I think it's about done, what do you prefer, original recipe or extra crispy?” That's when he takes his off of the fire and takes a good look at it before saying, “You know, this is probably the only time I've even had meat on this world that wasn’t fish. Wow… I'm missing out on a whole lot of stuff...” That's when he takes one big bite out of it. That's when he takes another big bite out of it and after a few seconds of chewing he swallows before saying, “Neat trick huh? You can keep the mask; it does the same thing.” That's when he points towards the one, he’s currently wearing and then adds, “Never have to take the darn thing off. Gotta love to look some pony's faces when they see that you're about to make a mess out of your face, only to find out you're eating through your mask.” I called out. "Extra crispy" I then grabbed some of the crispy gobbler. After taking a bit, I moaned a little, "MmMMMMMMM so good." I then take another sip. After Brex finished eating the gobbler and stuck the stick back into the ground near the fire, he looked up at me and asked in an unsure tone, “Say, I know we're getting along and all. But I'll be forward with you. I'm paranoid as fuck. Now we're about to go up against a Primal here and a small part of me still thinks that you're gonna stab me in the back. Yeah, heck… I wouldn't be surprised or take it personal if you thought the same about me. So, before we move on, I gotta ask. You know about my game and is and how in it, there's a special ability that the player has as the main character right?” He then gestures to himself with both hands. I look at Brex with serious then asked, "Are you sure you want to do that? My past has mostly been a nightmare, there is a reason why I can kill so easy. But if you must, then do it.” I then stated, “I’ll say this, you're being careful, now I am paranoid. I have designed a home to survive most apocalypses and supernatural threats of all mythos, now that is paranoid!" I exclaimed. After a few moments, Brex activates the Echo and the world begins to fade as a distant memory comes into view. in the echo Brex finds himself in a hospital room of white with a child that looks no older than five years old that was laying in the bed with almost no motion except breathing and his head unsupported by his neck and dull-looking pale blue eyes that are dead to the world. He was wearing a white gown with hair a light brown. Brex heard a woman crying outside the door. He couldn’t see them, only hear them. The woman cried out and asked, “Is he going to be aright doctor” The doctor replied, “After the damage to half of his brain, he will never be able to walk, see, hear or speak ever again.” He said flatly. Brex heard the sounds of a broken mother. The next memory came into focus. It was the kid from before, he looked about 8 and he was walking, talking, but Brex saw he was in a nurse’s office of what looked like a school, she hands him a plastic cup of water and two yellow pills. He took them without complaint. then the Roegadyn saw his eyes just glazed over like no one was in there. The scene faded and was taken by another memory. This time, he looked like he was eleven. His eyes were still glazed. He was on the ground not moving while kids were kicking him in the stomach, then you saw his eyes change from the glazed to a deep abyssal blue. Brex saw him grab the lead kids’ leg and drag him over to the nearby fence and processed to laugh as he stomps that guy’s skull. The other boys ran away. The next thing seen was the kid being dragged to the office of the principle. A fairly aged black man in that was wearing a suit. He came out with a pedal with holes and proceed to beat him. Afterward, the kid walked off back to class. Another scene came after that. He looked to be in his late teen when a slightly pudgy girl walked up to him and said, “Do you want to go out?" Brex saw her ex was behind her and that she had just broken up with him. The guy was steaming with rage. Like a fool, he said, "Sure" The next day later. The girl said, “Thanks, I no longer what to go out with you. I just used you to hurt my ex by going out with the most degusting, serial killer-like monster here. Another one came after. He was now in his twenties laying on a bed concentrating on something in his hand. It was a ball of energy, he looked like paler as he put in more energy as he was saying, "Breach the veil, MERCHANT I NEED YOU. TAKE WHERE A MONSTER LIKE ME TO A PLACE I CAN HAVE A HOME AND LIVE, NOT JUST SURVIVE IN A HELL!" Ryu pov After Brex sees this vision, he finds himself on both hands and knees, while breathing heavily. He had taken a moment to catch my breath. Brex then spoke out in a tone that was filled with both exhaustion and uncertainty, “Note to future self, brace yourself… HUFF When using that on another… human.” After getting back on my feet. Brex takes a seat again and mutters, “I've only used this one time before... And it was nowhere near as intense as that. It's either you or that humans have way more intense emotions compared to the ponies. I spoke as if I was talking about the weather. “It is both, humans were always curule to each other. I think that’s the reason I got sent to Runeterra. I would have been one of ones attacked by Celestia anywhere else sense you know Thresh is all dark magic, but not just any kind necromancy. My life before was hell, I willing threw myself into a land of war for a better life. Isn't that ironic?" I laughed out. After taking a moment to gather his thoughts, Brex said, “I think we should probably get a move on. So, I don't know about you, but I really want to kick something in the skull… repeatedly, and Titan would make for a good outlet. Besides, we only got a few days before the reunion of theirs starts up. If we don't take care of that primal before then, we are gonna literally have an army that’s known for their extreme strength,” He told me. I then replied, “Right." Before putting dirt in the fire put it out and spread the ashes. I then said while brushing the dirt off of me. "You can take the keg; I literally mass-produce it,” I told him. Immediately after hearing that, Brex takes hold of the keg and it disappears into his item box. He then said, “We're close to half a day away from here, so we may want to get a move on it. We should also come up with a battle plan.” I looked around, “I'm a crack shot and good with machines, so I guess I'm a machinist for the day,” I said. As they walked, the Roegadyn brought a finger up to his chin and began to hum to myself. After a few seconds, he turned towards me and asked, “OK so you're gonna be playing mostly the range damage dealer. Say, you said something about dungeons 3. Does that mean you have access to call on a few Nagas to help us with the healing? I would prefer to avoid using any magic classes right now, So I'll be focusing on either melee or tanking. I'm capable of switching in fight so I can do it a few times depends on what the level cap I'm setting myself at. first thing we need to do is track down and find out how strong he is. Luckily my quest has a marker on the map that should lead us right to him.” I then answered, "Yeah, I can call some Nagas, along with some Arachnids to help with the damage dealing." I agreed. He then replies with, “Sounds like a plan. But something's been bugging me. I raided the library in both Ponyville and in the sister's castle. But not once was there any mention of Primals. Either they never existed until I showed up or Sunbutt has been hiding knowledge about them…” Brex said this while crossing my arms and tilting my head to the side for a questioning pose. I then spoke up, "The latter, have you seen the forbidden archives Celestia likes to keep? I mean even in the show Star Swirl had that time travel spell." I then blanched before going on, "Well shit, hope she doesn’t think to use that spell to see us fight the Primal.” Brex began shaking my head before saying, “I considered that. But if she had been able to do that in the first place, I doubt there would have been an issue with her sister. Also, wasn't that spell incomplete? Oh well, I'll deal with it when it happens. As long as we keep our faces covered and don't show too much power to make her think we're some new pair of villains, then we should be fine. If anything, I'll just change my outfit after a while. I reasoned, "Well for the Luna bit, it took longer than a week for that to happen. That was limited too and if Celestia does use it, she would not do a Twilight and reveal herself." I then agreed, “But yes, we should keep our power down though." Letting out a small chuckle, the Roegadyn shakes his head before saying, “As long as we don't go over 9000, her scouter shouldn't be able to pick us up. Ha!” I then retorted, "It would only take a seismograph to find titan" I mused, "But we should take him out fast or things will get complicated really quick." I said. Stopping in his tracks, Brex looks up to the sky. He then says, “Well I just checked my world map, and looks like it's a clean shot over the wilderness. This might be a good opportunity to try out another mode of transportation. If we stay low enough, we should be able to avoid any detection.” That's when the Roegadyn held out his left hand towards an open area next to the pair. A quick flashlight erupted and when it died down, there was a tall bronze robot that was hovering with the use of two large propellers near where shoulders should be. Taking a second to admire his work, Brex then turns towards me and says, “This guy seats two. Should get us there within an hour easy. Although I have to warn you, I never once saw any seatbelts in a game. I hopped on and said, “Well that should be alright. Oh wait, there is a seat belt for me on this side but I don’t see one for you." He then eyes the belt suspiciously. After seeing me jumping on, Brex jumps onto the robotic mount as well. Taking a look around, he sees that there is in fact no seat belt for him. The Roegadyn then gives it a few taps with his right hand and this causes it to leap high into the air with them both onboard of it. It then proceeds with its transformation while managing to not throw off its new passengers. They then find themselves kneeling nearly side-by-side while holding on to the edge of what appeared to be a large surfboard, flat surface on the top of its rocket-shaped form. The engines then rev up with the combined power from two propellers and one large rocket engine firing. Brex and I were now shooting through the skies at high speeds while avoiding the treetops by the narrowest of margins. I just started to lay back on the board of the ship. Watching the sky passing by as they flew. It had taken than no more than 40 minutes for them to get near the land the Pie family owned. Brex’s mount started its descent run and landed within the nearest patch of trees for cover before they started to dismount the robotic, transformer mount. The man got off and stretch to get the stiffness out of his body and afterward said, "How far are away we now?" Turning his head towards the direction of the rock farm, Brex gives out a small hum before answering, “We're less than half a kilometer away from here. If we were to go the rest of the way on foot, then it shouldn't take no more than 15 minutes for us to arrive. I can cut that time in half if I was to cast a speed spell on the two of us. However, it would take me some time to recover to cast more of the same type. It’s from that book for the Raise of Shield Hero's anime, so the spells from that one are more difficult for me to use, unlike the kind I could cast from my game.” I then concluded, “I mean, you probably won't cast any spell even when fighting anyway. Should be ok to use it for now,” I reasoned. Giving a small nod, Brex says, “That’s true. I’ll be using my nonmagic class's during this. But if I need to, then I can still go back and forth. It all depends on where I set my power at. If it can help, I would briefer not to go all out. Just like how you said before, she might have a way to gather evidence on me. Should it come to that and she does, then I don’t want to tip my hand." Takes in a deep breath, and says, it’s a good thing that this spell leveled up when I learned by newest spell.” Brex then begins to chant out loud, "By my name, decipher the laws of nature and bestow upon us your power. Medium Swift." When the chant was completed, the two displaced beings were surrounded by a shroud of barely noticeable green swirls of energy before fading away. Brex spoke up quickly and said, "We need to hurry, this will only go continuously for a few minutes." I responded with, "Right let's go lead the way!” It didn't take duo much time at all for them to arrive. When they did, there was no sign of any living creature in sight. However, there was a rather large opening between some rocks towards the end of the area that seemed to be used by the farmers. Brex indicated towards it and led the way to the entrance. He then spoke up just enough for the other to hear, "My Quest marker seems to be leading down in there." I look at the cave, then back to Brex before saying, "Well let's go and see how Primal's like to party, Valkyrie let's go.” I reaches behind myself and pulled out a large black hilt that quickly unfolds into a blood-red chainsword with a blue glow emanating from its core. With a flick of my wrist, it started changing, the hilt folded to a forty-five-degree angle. The backplate splitting and this led to it revealing a rather large barrel of a gun. Pieces shifted about as to let the barrel with the chain on it popped off and become coiled around the gun. This all happened in a split second. Brex raises an eyebrow from behind his mask upon seeing this and started to let out a whistle before saying, “Now that's a way to intimidate somebody.” Just as a precaution, The Roegadyn raised his level sync from 30 to 35. After doing so, he started down into the opening and found that it led into a cave network that stretched deeper into the earth that went at a slight drop every few meters. As they descended down, I spoke up while gesturing to my weapon, "Best part, she has a bottomless cup and uses 50 caliber rounds. We shot something, we put a hole in it.” There was a strong sense of pride in my voice. I then brought Valkyrie next me face and added, "Tell me when and I’ll summon our support." I mused While still not taking his eyes away from the rocky path ahead, which was just large enough for a small group to traverse together, he asks, "What yeah got for this support? From what I can see, there isn't much room for a large force. We may be limited to 5 or 6 altogether and that’s including the two of us." I then responded with, “Well, since it's Titan and he's not exactly small, we should have plenty of room for Nagas and Arachnids like was discussed earlier. I'm thinking of calling on additional Arachnids since they can shoot webs. If we can slow him down, then we will have an easier time. About two Nagas and three Arachnids should do it.” I concluded. It didn't take them too long until they found the seemingly random tunnels were leading them to a section that seemed to be made up of more than simple rocks. The walls now had veins of what appeared to be a clear crystal like structure that started off in very small amounts until it became more frequent as the walls slowly began to transition over to it more and more, until every surface was now made of it completely. He soon found that the walls were now were getting higher and further apart. This made more space for the two displaced beings. Brex walked up to one of the walls and placed a hand on it. His gloved hand soon found a lose section and broke off a small shard and after a few seconds of looking it over, he placed it into his item box and began to examine it in more detail. Brex then said in a nervous tone, "Um... Houston, we have a BIG… problem." He Exclaimed. > Chapter 4 Titan and Rewards > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I look over to Brex with eyebrows raised, "What kind of problem?" I asked. Turning towards him, Brex answers with, "This is a pure, natural Aether Crystal. If all we see here, is in fact the same, then we don't have much time… I can only dream of what this Primal can do if it was to get the Pie family to dig this all up as an offering to it. With the reunion coming up soon, he would have all the hands he would ever need to get all of this in record time..." I then asked, “I have an idea that might help out with this. I could summon Little Snots to gather it for projects down the line and that way there will be less Aether here for him to absorb. Do you think that would work?” Tilting his head down, Brex thinks the idea over. Within a few seconds, he looks towards me and gives a firm nod. He then says, "Sounds like a plan. Think they can get it all? It wasn't in any records over 800 years ago. Neither have I heard anything about Aether Crystals during my time back. If it’s been kept a secret, then it's best that all of this isn't left here. It would only take a pony casting the wrong spell in here to cause a chain reaction. If all of this was to say… Be brought back to Canterlot for example. The whole mountain would be wiped off the map from the explosion. If there is even half of what I think there could be.” I then said, "Probably, I have five little snots equipped with bags of holding since each bag holds five hundred pounds and about 20 other snots free with their Teleport and Pitiful Look upgrades, nothing should stop them, I bet not even Celestia would harm them." When I finished talking, a portal opened up and twenty-five Snots, two Nagas, and three Arachnids came through. I commanded them, "Snots, dig the crystals. I want them all." then I gave them all head pats and a POOF they were all gone from sight. With that problem now being taken care of, Brex turns towards the way they hadn't gone yet and led the march. He called out, "OK, let’s find the Primal. We don't know how powerful it is right now. So, let’s not draw his attention until we find out what is going on down here." I nodded at Brex. As the group made their way even deeper. The walls that were almost completely made up of Aether Crystals soon changed into that of Sedimentary rocks. Soon all they could see was a type of orange and light brown glow coming from the walls. It wasn't all that hard for Brex to make his way with how there was hardly any light thanks to his situational awareness, but he realized that he didn't check on the others. Turning his head slightly, he asks in a quiet voice, "How are you working in the dark?" I answered, “My minions will be fine, they work in a dungeon, after all, also my gantlet gives me a basic dark vision, so yeah we’re are all good.” I responded Letting out a small sigh, Brex nods and goes back to looking out for anything new. They continued to go even deeper. By now they had been traveling under the surface for well over half an hour until there was a dim light coming from further down the tunnel. As they got closer, Brex could hear the sounds of something hitting rock just ahead thanks to a long, drawn-out echo that was produced. After a bit, I whispered to Brex, “What do you see down there?" I then braced himself against the wall to aid in keeping me out of sight. Making his way closer to the end of the tunnel. The Roegadyn peeks just past the mouth and what he sees, only causes him to straighten up and turn back to me and start to talk in an emotionless tone that would make one think he was imitating that guy from the Visine eye commercial. "What's big, brown, looks angrier than the hulk after being told someone had just eaten all of his pizza bagels?" He sarcastically asked. While not moving, he points over his shoulder to let him look. From just behind Brex, was a large cavern that was massive enough to fit the sister’s old castle. At the center, was the Primal known as Titan. The walls were lined with several large orange crystals that were easily over 30 meters high and 4 meters wide. After a few seconds, I asked, “It looks like the arena in 14. I wonder if he will use his mechanics?" Afterward, he pulls out his kusarigama and it started to glow a violent red. I then asked, “Should we use 14 tactics, you agro, we attack the back? ”I suggested. Brex turns back and looks back into the cave and says, “Give me a sec, I need to check something.” Brex whispers, "He's at 25 right now. That’s way weaker than back in the game when the main character first got into a fight with him. I think we can do it. We should be fine going with to the game rules. He isn't going anywhere right now. Also, I don't see where that sound from before is coming from.” Just then, off in the distance on the other side of the cave, he saw a group of ponies working away on a wall. from how far away they were, it was easy to not see them until now. Brex could see that there were two adults and four kids. however, with how the lighting was in there, it was hard to tell them apart aside from their body size. Brex says, "Ok, looks like they are far enough away to not be in the way. Ready to move out? I'll take the lead." That’s when he cracks his knuckles in anticipation. After a moment, I responded, “Alright! my first shot will remove 25 percent of his armor and magic resistance for the next five seconds. We need to make that time count. Should I summon more Arachnids to pacify those ponies so he doesn't try anything with them? Then again, this place is big enough to summon cannon fodder since my Undead will just respawn in their graves back in my dungeon. I can micro their movements to dodge the moves I remember." looking at Titan I saw a Gold coin over his head. Brex answers with, “I'm reluctant about using those Undead you mentioned. I’d rather not take the chance that Celestia somehow finds out there have been undead involved in this. But if we can use them to keep those under his control from getting in our way, then I guess we got no choice.” After a second, Brex then asked in a strained tone, “Um... they, aren't contagious, are they?" I answered, “No, their magic is not a plague and there will be no trace since they were not originally raised here, also the corpse will disappear. This will keep them from getting in the fight and getting themselves killed we don't want Pinkie to be sad. Might change her destiny." I opened a portal and a group of creatures came out. They were comprised of eight Skeleton Archers, four Zombies, and eight Arachnids. Afterward, he said, “The Arachnids will web up the Pie family and drag them away from the fighting and we will free them when it's over it, this will be easy as pie.” I said that last part with a With their preparations in place. Brex motions for them to make for the Primal. They had to use a narrow path along the wall of the large cavern that brought them closer to the giant. At the moment, Titan had made no signs of detecting them so far. Unlike in the game the fight not going to be on some elevated platform, but within a wide arena that was in a wide circle. With a quick glance, one could see that it was roughly 200 meters wide. The edges had a line of brightly lit orange pillars of stone that went up and around like a fence. Said fence was up to 20 meters tall. The only different part was the only opening to which they had to enter. I then started to whisper to Brex and said, “Good thing my Arachnids can climb walls so they can get the pies without getting noticed." I then suggested while Readying Valkyrie, "As soon as they get them to a safe location, we should move in,” Giving a silent nod. Brex gets into place near the entrance to the arena. He then whispers, “Be ready to change how we fight, no telling how this will go down. You know the saying; no plan ever survives first contact with the enemy." With a gesture of the gantlet. The Arachnids started to climb the wall. They made it over Titan and got over to their six unsuspecting preys. Brex gives me the signal to begin the operation with a quick nod just as he gets himself ready to run at full speed at the Primal by getting into a runner’s stance. In this fight, the Roegadyn intended to start with the monk class. This was due to the idea that the Princess might try to use a time spell of some sort to peak to this point and he didn’t want to tip his hand just yet. The Arachnids quickly webbed the Pies and ran off with them. I had my troops rush up. The ranged units quickly got themselves into their firing positions. As soon as they had lined up, did they launch a volley of projectiles that rained down onto Titan. At the same time, the Zombies charged Titan and with a single shot from Valkyrie, Titan's armor rating was temporally weakened after a shot had struck the Primal. Brex had just finished mentally chanting the Low Swift spell. With the added speed, the Roegadyn was able to close the distance within a few seconds. He used the momentum that was built up from the rapid movement to deliver his first attack skill, Bootshine. The attack struck at Titan's left legs knee. Bootshine was the start of the three-skill combo that the monks used in the game which consisted of a series of three blows that alternated between both fists. Weapon Skill: Bootshine, Delivers an attack with a potency of 210. A series of three strikes to a single target at near, lightning-fast speeds. This attack becomes a critical hit if used from the target's rear. Quickly, it followed with him rushing to the side and delivering the second skill, True Strike. This one was aimed for the same left leg in the side of the same knee. The attack had the Roegadyn digging his feet into the ground and striking with both fists at the same time from the front and using his body’s weight to ensure maximum impact. With yet another long side step, Brex found himself directly behind the same spot and delivered his last attack for the full combo, Snap Punch. This was able to cause the Primal to let out a roar as it fell into that leg. Its missive arms are now being used as leverage so it didn't fall completely. Its fingers were digging into the stone as it tried to get a grip for traction. I dashed closer after seeing the leg was damaged. I cast Hextech Micro-Rockets which were all focused on the leg to try to make it unusable. It was also paired with me letting off as many shots from Valkyrie into its left arm. During this, my minions focus on the Primal as well. Seeing as the Primal was down, Brex immediately jumped up and onto its back. Once he had made sure to have a footing, the Roegadyn aimed a flurry of bunches into the lower area of the back that he assumed was where the spine would be located, that is if this Titan's body even had one. Brex used the same combo attacks as before over and over again until he had gone at it for six rounds. Whenever the cycle was to go again, the first weapon skill was always a critical hit, doing double its original damage. The Primal’s rock body was cracking and chipping away with each hit. Titan roared even louder than before. The ground began to shake violently. From his high vantage point, Brex could see some spots on the battlefield to look as if the ground was being pushed up. This revealed four Rock Golems. All of which were level 15 each one was less than half of the Primal's height. I ordered the zombies to spill up and tank the Golems. I had my ranged minions continue to focus on Titan. I started shooting the Golems for the Zombies wouldn’t last long if left on their own. The Rock Golems had the Zombies outdone in strength and size. This was evident with how one of them had just snatched up one of the Zombies and was swinging it around like some two-year-old would with a toy they had just found while being quite rough with it. The ones that got shot with By me, seemed to have diverted their attention from the annoyances to that of the displaced. They paid little mind to the Zombies and now we're slowing lumbering towards me. As for Brex, with the number of attacks on Titan being weaker due to the additional targets that now had to be dealt with, Titan was now trying to get back onto his feet and this knocked the Roegadyn from its back and onto the ground with a heavy thud and muttering a grunt of annoyance from not expecting the large giant to be moving that fast. I grabbed a small glass vial of water before shouting, “ALL SHALL BE MY PREY!” I then crush the vial and it turns to dust. (I cast 'Protection from evil and good.) Then I throw out my kusarigama somehow in a straight line. (I Casted death sentence, Thresh's Q ability.) hooking one of the Golems switching to chainsword form and pulled myself to them with the chainsword roaring to life as it makes contact. It seems not only to cut through the rocky flesh but was also able to rip the Aether from it. (Protection from evil and good Until the spell ends, one willing creature you touch is protected against certain types of creatures: aberrations, celestials, elementals, fey, fiends, and undead. The protection grants several benefits. Creatures of those types have a disadvantage on attack rolls against the target. The target also can’t be charmed, frightened, or possessed by them. If the target is already charmed, frightened, or possessed by such a creature.) The one Golem that was cut by me, falls to the ground and breaks apart into the many rocks that were used in its creation. Now there were but three Golems to contend with. It would seem that Titan was not all that happy with the destruction of one of its minions and after finally getting to its feet once again, it lifts its right arm high and slams it down onto the ground with a mighty crash. Half of its fist was buried from the force used in doing this. This caused the ground in Infront of it to glow with a pale orange light from underneath. The light was traveling in a straight line and ran across the arena until it reached the fence of crystals. It was four meters wide and quickly it was getting brighter. What only made it worse, was that it was going right at the smaller displaced. Seeing this Brex yells out, "Ryu! MOVE NOW!" With that shout, I tried to get out of the way from the incoming attack, only to find my leg pinned under some of the remains that came from Golem I had only just taken out. I exclaimed, “Well shit!” I placed his lantern down and used its power, giving himself a shield. He then shouts out, “Consume!” (He casts, Absorb Elements) to which he braced himself for the attack. ( The spell captures some of the incoming energy, lessening its effect on you and storing it for your next melee attack. You have resistance to the triggering damage type]. [resistance cut damage in half). The ground quickly erupted in a shower of light as the attack causes everything that was caught in the Primal's attack to be hit with enough force to be flung into the air a good several meters. What remained was a long, gouged-out trench. Unfortunately, the attack had destroyed one of the other zombies that just happened to be along with its bath. Just as the large fist that was used to launch that attack was being pulled from the ground, Brex ran over and started to run up the length of the arm and jumped off when he had gotten near to the shoulder. Taking hold of Titan's long white beard, the Roegadyn uses it and swings around to its other side and lands behind Titan’s head. From there, Brex roughly pulls on the long hair to turn the Primal's gaze away from me. After that hit, I was not good at coughing up the bloody mist, but for a strange reason, my movement was not hindered at all. But thanks to titan's attack I was now free, so I fired another volley of Hextech Micro-Rockets at Titan's wounded leg. I then continued my assault on one of the Golems, but now being mindful of where the rocks land. When I shot Titan in the leg that was repeatedly attacked time and again, the Primal only got more enraged, it started to thrash about wildly. It then pulled its head sharply and with Brex’s grip still firm on the beard, He was thrown off. The Roegadyn had managed to land on his feet a short distance from Titan thanks to him instinctually remembering how he fell off before. The Primal was about to do the same trick again, but Brex wasn’t going to let that happen so easily. Just as Titan raised his fist to launch the same attack as before, Brex rushed forward and right up to the front of Titan, and with one fluid motion, the Roegadyn used his patinated Leg kick that stunned all of his foes so far. But thanks to this being the largest he had ever used this skill on, the attack was heading right between the legs it was heading right for the tinny loincloth that the humanoid Primal was wearing. When his foot was only a few inches away, time slowed down and one could have sworn they caught sight of the Primal's glowing, yellow eyes going wide just before the large foot struck. Immediately, all movement on Titan’s part came to a screeching halt. There was also a strange high pitch, yet gravelly groan that resonated within the whole cavern. with my Chainsword eating away their aether, the Golem I was fighting fell until it was just Titan remaining, I throws out my again kusarigama right into Titan's face. I then rode up the line and when I had landed onto the Primal, I inserted my Chainsword into one of its eyes. While this is happening, I laugh a haunting laugh. He was just about to say something when he realized that with his health at this point, Titan's attacks would only intensify. In a fit of rage from having his, Cough Rocks kicked, along with a chainsaw in one of its eyes. It grabbed me in his right hand, along with ripping out the weapon from his eye. There was a heavy flow of yellow glowing liquid gushing from the now destroyed orb. The Primal was now summoning rock shards from all around, Titan then encased me inside of a stone coffin that was being held together by the orange energy that was similar to all the crystals around in between the small gaps. The now incased I was thrown into the ground, thereby embedding it in place. When that happened, the Primal jumped high into the air and was going to do a full-body slam onto me, but the rock I was inside of was pushed aside just before the Primal had even landed. my rock coffin broke after hitting the ground after a few bounces, but Brex was underneath a literal living mountain with tinny legs. That proceeded after the enormous crash that the attack had produced. Recovering fast, I couldn't feel my left arm it was now missing from just above the elbow. Even in this condition, I still didn't stop, with no signs of being hindered when I dashed towards Titan while the Nagas were healing me and Brex from a distance with long green, flowing streams of light that came from their gold staffs. I got to titan's wounded leg and I tried to see it off. Seeing what I was doing, Titan rolls over in an attempt to get away and back onto his feet. But this was quite a challenge for it while in its weakened state. Just as he got off of Brex, the Roegadyn couldn't help but hold up his right hand while on his back. Raising a single index finger, he muttered in an odd, whippily tone, "Don't... WoRry... I'm, cUte aNd... FLUFFY~ My kusarigama was floating next to me. it started pulling Titan's leg away from the body as I kept pressing and pressing the attack while still keeping up with my laugh. The red mist was flowing everywhere from both of ours wounds. Coming to his senses, Brex got back to his feet after shaking his rattled head from the mountain that had decided to use him as a bean bag chair. Seeing as this wasn't going to cut it with how he was getting tossed off so much. The Roegadyn switched class's and went over to his Samurai Soul Stone. He then pulled from his inventory the bracelet from Final fantasy 7 and placed it onto his left arm. This was an item he had yet to use so far due to it being overkill. Or so he thought, but this fight called for a bit more force. Brex then yelled, "IT'S MY TURN!" He then pulls his katana from its sheath and takes a stance with the blade held in both hands above his head, while the blade itself was pointed straight up. As if out of nowhere, an explosion of power comes rushing from his body. the yellow and brown robes fluttered like that of someone in the middle of a strong wind storm. From that pose, the Roegadyn's movements turned into a blur as he slashed the air multiple times. Each slash left a line in the air that appeared to have some energy radiating from them until it appeared to have been cut a dozen times over. He then placed the blade back into its sheath, but this was for a fraction of a second before unleashing one final slash in an upwards strike straight from the sheath. this caused an eruption of energy to come flying from the accumulated slashes from before along with the finishing move. This wave of destructive force crashed into the Primal who had been weakened by me. The upper half of Titan was devoured by the attack. Its stone form was torn into large chunks. Those chunks were quickly turned into stones, the stones turned into small pebbles, and finally, all that was left was dust. The rest of its form that didn’t get hit, was only the legs and a part of the hip area, which quickly bursts into partials and disappears into the air. and this dropped its health bar to zero in an instant. He then slowly sheathed the blade once more before speaking in a low tone, "Till next time..." With Titan dealt with, I fell unconscious Third person A dark elf rush over to Ryu that was still spasming. She exclaimed in a very upset tone, "Master!” She looked him over and found out what was going on and commanded the minions, “Take him to his bed chambers.” Then she takes a look at Brex and starts scowling. She asked with fire in her tone. “What did you do to him?” Raising his hands in a clear sign of no hostility, Brex could see that this was about to turn into something if he didn't start explaining... and fast. Clearing his throat, he starts to talk very quickly and says, “I called for some help and we ended up fighting what you might call a piece of a crazed god. Fortunately, he was weaker than we thought. But in the fight, Ryu might have gotten a little chainsaw happy and got roughed up... a lot in the process. At least he didn't turn out as a crushed egg." Her scowl turned into anger and she processed to kick Brex below the belt with her high heels, then she rushed over to where the minions took Ryu. A lone tear ran down the side of the Roegadyn’s face from under his mask as his legs locked together while he was hunched over. His hands clutched his neither's. He then spoke in a low whisper that somehow was in a high pitch, “S-Shouldn't have used the word EGG... I'm… so glad that Daddy made me a lot sturdier.” Looking off in some random direction he then muttered, “This is what happens when you don't work on social skills...” After taking the time to use his White Mage class to use a cure spell or… three on his now aching manhood. The Roegadyn sees that he was not gaining the attention of the many creatures from the underground dungeon. Ryu pov 4 hours later Absorption error retrying... error... free point given. Titan's Body Acquired: doubled bone and muscle density. I woke up sore and stiff in my shouty bed in the dungeon. Thalya was Cuddled up against my arm wearing her nightgown. she was fast asleep. being trapped by her flesh I slowly nudged her awake. Thalya's eyes fluttered open slowly then she let out a yawn and stretched "Oh master you are awake." she groggy said to me. I looked at her "it's time to get up we have no time to waste let's go meet up with brex I need that training and you need to work on a project. I've been thinking over I want you to make the dungeon into a castle and carve a city around it this will be my first step in my conquest of Runeterra," I announced. "Now let's get started," I told her. I walked to the training room escorted by my Dark elf. After just finishing with a mock fight with an Orc, Brex turned to see me and waved from near the training dummy in the middle of the room. He called out, "Good to see you recovered. Is it just me or do you look taller now?" I replied sheepishly, “Well yeah, any time I do a task for a champion or defeat a champion, I can get one off their powers. Had no idea it would work with Titan though.” I then continued with, “Why did you think I could use Donger's rockets and Jayce's transform?” I then said proudly, “What I got from Titan, was double the density of my bones and muscles.” Making a small motion towards his lower area. The Roegadyn says, "Yea, I got something along those lines also. Good thing too, otherwise, I would be a pancake from taking that belly flop. A gift from someone I met on the other side." I started to pace back and forth and said, “Yeah, I heard how you closed my portal. So I checked and found that my friend's time distortion is in effect, so our worlds are in a lack of a better term, frozen in time," I said. Going rigid, Brex then asks in an unsure tone, "But I was sure that one of your subordinates wanted me to close the thing." Letting out a long, drawn-out sigh. He then says, “It’s like with those three all over again. OK so, what do we need to do now?" After a bit, I started to say, “Well it should not be a big deal for you. I believe you can exit through the main door or I hope you have an aether crystal that you're attuned to.” I continued with, “But time will resume in your world when you get back, so it will be like you never left at all,” I told him. Letting out a relieved sigh, Brex says, “Well that's a load off my shoulders. I do have one crystal that I'm attuned to. so, I guess I could go at any time. Seeing as time is stopped on my end, I'm no longer in a rush to get back at the moment. Hmm, with things being paused on my Equestria, I guess we can do the standard displaced tradition of the trade. So, what would you like? Items, a spell or two, maybe some training in fighting? Got the experience of over 15 classes of adventuring here. It may have been a game back then, but it’s all been converted into actual knowledge of fighting when it comes to all my jobs." That’s when he pointed at his head. I responded with, “Well I need formal training, my blue magic book is empty, spells would be nice and it would be nice if we could upgrade my Valkyrie here.” He then asked, “Now is there anything you want? I have steel from all over Runeterra, books from the dungeon, I found blueprints for a dungeon key, and I can make a few D&D items?" I asked. Brex uses the pantomime emote he had bought from the game store for his character in the past and made to sit on a chair that wasn't there. Now crossing his legs, The Roegadyn places an elbow onto a knee and adopts a thinking pose. after a few seconds, he says, “Well, I got the book filled out for the Blue mage class, I suppose I could teach some of the worthwhile ones, we could see if you could learn them if I was to write them down. A lot of them aren't all that great to have. I could train you in how to use that Gunblade of yours in combat, hmm… could also toss in some upgrades by using my crafting skills. I did notice you had a hard time when those ads had gotten closer and you had to stop using that gun.” After a few seconds of thinking, the Roegadyn continued with, “As for the other spells. How about I teach you a few of the ones from that anime, Raise of The Shield Hero? Unfortunately, I could only teach you what I have unlocked for myself so the list is limited, but once you learn a spell, it could upgrade in your head after a while. I could use that dungeon key you were talking about though. It would be useful to have something that's along the lines of a hyperbolic time chamber just like that in the anime, Dragon Ball Z. If you got any metal that's resistant to magic, that would be useful, I could come up with some uses for that. Got anything you could make that would help with a temporary disguise? I think there is something from D & D. After giving it a moment to think it over, I responded with, “I don't see how you could teach me blue magic since I have to kill the mob to get it.” I stroked his chin before stating, “A hat of disguise would work for you, I'll give you a paper with its details. Gunblade training would be good, but I will need training in chain weapons too. Now upgrading things with Materia would be good." I nodded before going on and said “The key will take time to craft, I need a lot of gold and that will take a while to mine up. More spells will always be good for me.” Looking towards Me, Brex nods back. Turning his attention back to the Orc he was sparing with, he calls out, "Hay, make sure you watch out for overextending yourself when doing your swings. You don't want to give the other guy a big window to counter-attack!" After that exchange, Brex went back to me and says, “That shouldn't be too much of a problem with the chain weapon and close-quarters combat training. You be surprised how often a weapon like that shows up on a bunch of anime. With the combined skills from my Soul stones and years of anime and online videos, we can work it out.” I nodded “I won't need any gun training since I've always been good with firearms, hell the first time I shot a gun I was only a couple milometers off from a merit badge.” After telling Brex that, I pulled out a folder and a piece of paper. They were then handed over to Brex. I then said, “The paper tells how the hat works and this folder is a survey that can be updated at any time. It can classify all known things by their threat level. The average multiverse Celestia is rated as B+. Meaning she can threaten a solar system, the details are inside.” After taking a look at what was written, Brex came to understand the ranking system. He then placed it into his item box to go over later and turned to me and spoke while pointing over his right shoulder towards to training ground they had, “Well no time like the present. let’s work on your reflexes.” He then takes out from his collection, two wooden practice, level 1 swords that the Samurai class uses, and hands one of them over to me and finishes with, “Let’s start with these. There is a gravity spell I learned that can up the weight on an object. Not had a chance to try it out yet." Giving him a few swings, Brex says, "Yeah, this will work for the start, show me what yeah got with what you can do. I’ll use the weight spell on these. So, we won’t be moving on to the next stage until you feel that you can swing that thing like normal. The spell should last about ten minutes at a time before I need to reapply it.” I was swinging it with ease thanks to titan's enhancement. I kept using a one-handed style with my right hand that had the gauntlet on. But over the hours, I was starting to develop a decent style of his own. At this point, the pair had been at it with trying out various fighting attacks on one another. Also, during that time, Brex was adding to the weight on the wooden weapon and had to stop before it was too much for the item to handle. Brex called out and said, “Ha! I see that buff you got from Titan has done wonders for that body of yours. From what I saw of your gun blade, I'd say your swinging something that's nearly four times as heavy compared to that Gunblade of yours by now. That means there shouldn’t be much problem with reaction delays between attacks. You can keep that sword for yourself if yeah want. But let’s move onto your blade, need to work on how you fight an opponent with various weapons.” That was when he put away the wooden blade and switched to his Gunbreaker Soul Stone and got into a battle stance with the blade resting over his right shoulder. Upon hearing that, I commanded the creatures around, “Hoard front and center! We can use my Orcs for this since death is very reversible for them here and they need training since all they have going for them is numbers.” Afterward, I pulled out Valkyrie revved up its engine. The Orcs looked excited and quickly grabbed their axes. Even Goblins joined the mix as they came in mechanical suits with mounted guns in their arms. There were even some Nagas with their staff out and they all were now surrounding both Brex and me. Turning his head towards the Orcs, Brex gives out a small laugh before calling out to them, "Well you heard the man!" He then went back to me and said, “This will also be a good session for them as well. They just might learn from the experience. With it all not being a game now, they will continuously improve their skills. Now don't hold back, they just might take you out if they're given enough time." The Roegadyn then went into a low stance while facing the Horde and called out, "I hope you all had eaten because we are going at this for no less than 12 hours! HAHAHA!" The Horde charged in immediately. Orcs in the front making a wall of flesh, goblins fired their makeshift firearms. As for the Nagas, they stayed in the back to cast their heal on the group of monsters. I looked at the Roegadyn and spoke flatly, “We can go maybe six hours, we do need to eat and sleep.” I then charged into the Horde's the makeshift guns kept rattling so accuracy was practically nonextant. With a playful grunt of annoyance, the Roegadyn charges afterward and says loud enough to be heard over the gunfire, “Fair enough! I forgot what it’s like to need things like sleep and eating! Fine, but they better try even harder in return!” Over the next six hours, two fought what seemed like an endless wave thanks to them coming back to replenish their numbers. When the time expired and the Horde got what was required, they were at it yet again. Brex bushed them till this cycle had gone for the next two days. All the while, Brex would give some pointers and on occasion and would pause things to switch out weapons and have a few sparring matches with me to get me used to fighting against deferent weapon types. Later at the bar within the dungeon, I was drinking some newly named Tryndabeer and eating a Gobbler. Brex was sitting next to him while chatting with one of the Orcs that didn't go down by the time frame that Brex had set expired. He then spoke to me, “I think you’re getting that sword style down fairly well at this point. As for the chain weapon, however, it needs just a little more practice. Here take this.” He hands over a stack of papers to the displaced and says, “Right there are some Blue mage spells I got back when I played the game. Give them a look over later and let me know if there are problems with learning them this way.” After that, Brex pointed to another set among the stack and said, “Now those are some of the lower rank spells from the Book of The Shield Hero. I'll warn yeah, those are a trouble to learn. I suggest putting aside a lot of free time when you read that set. Hell! I can read so fast it would make Twilight jiz herself, but that thing... each word causes your mind to feel like it’s a block of wood and someone is using a soldering iron to burn the knowledge in there. So only read one or two tops a weak. otherwise, you’re going to be stuck in bed with a splitting headache for days.” I chuckled after hearing that and said “Too bad we don't have any Belmont displaced here.” I joked and started to take another sip of his drink. Grabbing the papers I then put them away. I then sighed before saying, “Well we should head to my workshop, I need to get working on your hat and the key still needs about double my current gold.” I grumbled out. Brex replied, “Oh that's right. Mind if I borrow it to help with those weapon modifications that I promised for your gun blade? By the way, what type of Materia did you want on it? Could toss on a full set of either the block chance up kind or did you want more offense?” I replied, “I was thinking elemental to help in augmenting my attacks, but be careful with her. Also, my workshop is still crude with it only having a few advanced tools and no I don't mind you using it. But I should set up a new workshop for other displaced. Still don't know how long the minions will take to get the gold.” Giving a few nods, Brex replies, "Should be fine, just needed to use a few things so I can set it up to be compatible with what you got here. That way you can make changes whenever you want. Shouldn't take long to do. Oh, before I forget..." He goes and holds out a small white orb just small enough to be held in one’s hands and shows it to me before saying, "Hmm, guess I should finally send my own out there. A Link Shell should do the trick, I'll just set this one for the Displaced Channel. Now... as for my message..." I responded with, “Alright when you’re done follow me, I need to stop by the temple on the way there." Holding the small pearl object up to the right side of his head and close to the ear. He starts to speak loud and clear with an emotionless tone, “WHETHER YOU BE IN NEED FOR A WARRIOR OF LIGHT OR A WARRIOR OF DARKNESS. JUST HOLD THIS CLOSE AND MAKE THE CALL. FOR THOSE THAT SEEK TO DESTROY ORDER SHALL BE MY PREY, IF NOT THEN YOU WILL HAVE MY BLADE BY YOUR SIDE. SON OF HYDAELYN. MY NAME IS, BREX VON MITH.” After setting those words into the Link shell. He takes a few moments of silence before he looks it over and says to himself, "Well that should do it. I wonder if the small tweaks I made will work when it’s found?” He then tosses it into the air. not even a second later, a black portal appears and the item is sucked inside. It is then split hundreds of times over and two come flying out and Brex catch's them both before the portal disappears. He then runs to catch up to me and toss's one of the Link shells to him and says, “There yeah go. One fully functional Link Shell. I also used my options menu to add some functions to it when used by a displaced. So not only is it my token and it acts as a communication device just like in the game, but it thanks to my translation function I set it up so whenever two displaced are together and want to keep their conversation a secret, this will cause all others to hear them be speaking in another language. What makes it funny is, I set it for Namekian. Found that I can understand practically anything that anyone says no matter what tongue they use, I just used that to add that effect to the Link Shell.” I caught the Peral puts it away before saying, “Thanks." After I started to lead them into a room with alters lining the walls. Each one with different idols. One with a black mask of a wolf, the alter next to it had a white mask of a lamb. The next one had an anvil. Then there were ones such as a chime, white bird, the last one was a goat. I placed a live Gobbler on both the wolf and lamb alters. The Gobbler on the wolf alter, looked like it was ripped apart after it attempted to run out of the room. While the one on the lamb alters just fell over dead. I then places a freshly crafted sword on the anvil. After a pile of gold was then placed onto the goat alter and a strange orb on the chime one, this was followed by me also placing a gas mask on the bird alter as well. After I placed the last item, a new alter appeared in the back of the room that was bigger than all of the others by at least four times. It had a symbol of a coin with an ornate four and I walked over and bowed in front of it praying. Brex stood there as she watched me doing the various tasks. All the while tilting his head now and then as the odd occurrences transpired. After what seemed like a few minutes had passed, Brex spoke up, "So... mind explaining what I just saw? I played the game dungeons 3 some and I remember the alter room. However, all of this is new to me." I got up and spoke with a voice full of reverence, “These are the gods of my world, worthy of praise, except this alter.” I then pointed out the alters and said, “The wolf and lamb are kindred, the anvil is Ornn, the goat is Soraka, the bird is Janna, and chime is the bard. As for the last one, I can't say, but they are the most worthy of my praise!” I exclaimed. Brex gives a light shrug and says, “To each their own. I think there was someone that wrote a story where Pinky prayed to a 12-foot tall, stone statue of a rubber chicken. So, I got no problem with all of this. Are you about done or should I give yeah some time?" I then shrugs as I said, “All of these are champions so it's not like I don't have proof they're real. I'm trying to get my hand on manuals to teach my minions the D & D levels. It’s for paladins and clerics." I said. Brex makes for the door and looks over his left shoulder and says, "Well, now that you got that all taken care of, let’s get to that shop of yours.” Brex follows him to his works shop he got to see chests on one side that all had names printed on them to show the different materials held within. One was named Black Steel, another named Petricite Steel, the others were Iron and Steel. Soon they both saw the most basic of forges, except for the furnace which was heavy one of the duty models. I turned and said, “I told you all I had were the basic forges. I can't make the tools I need just yet.” After getting a good look around, Brex turned to me and says, "I can work with this. Time to pull an Iron Man and see what I can put together." he then switches out his equipment for that of his level 70 gear set meant for his crafting class’s and starts working with the forges. Nearly two hours had gone by and Brex is putting the last piece into some water to cool it off. Then another hour pass’s as she works on the final parts and installs the Materia slots onto my weapon. When that was done, several assorted colored orbs were pulled out and arranged onto the large table that the weapon was resting on. Brex called out to me, “I'm all done with this. Got it ready to be slotted with any of these.” He points to the various colors before going on and says, “I'll let you have these and you can switch them out another whenever it's needed. There are defense-up ones. Then there’s the block chance kind. Next, are the critical change boosting ones and all-out damage types. Now if you’re fighting someone that relies heavily on magic, then we got these magic resistance ones here. Got a lot of these laying around so you have these. Keep in mind, these were all extracted from high-level gear around the 50 range. Also, thanks to the bracelet from Final Fantasy 7, I have some of the elemental types as well. When I tried to use anything higher, the gear didn’t take kindly and fizzled out. But it can handle three in there.” He then scratches his head and adds, “I think it has to do with the incompatibility between our gear, or perhaps it has to do with the deference’s in power from the Materia and yourself.” I picked up Valkyrie and starts slotting fire Materia. When he was finished with adding those, I revved her up the engine and the chain quickly started a glow a burning red. I then said, “This will do fine.” I moved over to the table that I was working on and showed Brex a bandana and a black box. Brex could have sworn that he was hearing music coming from it. Looking over what was there. Brex asks, “Ok I take it the bandana might be the hat of disguise from D & D. But just what's up with the Music box?" I responded with, “Yes, the bandana is the hat, it makes it easier to hide.” Afterward, I then turned back to the box and continued, “As for the music box, it's a test of sorts. It will allow me to find out what your Celestia is like.” I stated with a wicked grin creeping onto my face. Brex starts to scratch the back of his head for a moment before letting out a small sigh. In a reluctant tone, he asks, “From that look of your face... I take it you’re going to troll my worlds Celestia, aren't you?" I responded while still holding that grin, “Yes, that is why it’s a test. This will mess with her head and her emotions will be all over the place. Makes her honest to a fault and she will what to send a letter to me from this candle that will only work once. It sends a letter on a one-way trip. She will be mad, of course, she will try to track the spell, but with it going into the void to get to me, she will lose my tracks and nothing will be traced back to you. Then I can let you in on how she is really like. All you need to do is make sure this gets to her. Just use the bandana or some other type of stealth ability and you should be fine.” I stated. Brex shakes his head and moves his hands in a manner that one makes when pulling their face down before saying, “Oh, Fine I get it. But it better not turn out that she is a ticking timebomb and the mountain that Canterlot better not be missing because of it...SIGH Can you at least fill me in on what’s inside?" I replied, “I don't kill for no reason, I look at why another does what they do, unlike everyone else. Also, if she is a bomb, that will not be because of me. All this will do, is play a song that will be using both the voices of both her and Luna's in a duet called Lullaby for a Princess.” I then asked, “Do you know that song Brex?" He looks down to show he was in thought. Soon he looks up and says, “Yeah. I think I do. Wow... Now that's going to do a number on her. Especially after all this time of being apart from Luna. Don't think they had anything back then that could record voices. You know... Now that I think about it. This would make for some good material to use when we do meet. I can already come up with a few things that could break that legendary stone mask of hers. Ok, I'm all for it. just make sure to send me a copy of that letter too when you get the chance.” I responded with, “Will do. I know how to get into most people's heads. I have a theoretical degree in psychology.” Pointing to the box I said, “This is a real Pandora's Box for her. No matter how old you are, something will always hurt. You saw my past you should know that better than anyone now." I laugh out. Looking back at the box. Brex turns to me and says, “Ok. I'll get it to her when I'm in Canterlot. With how things are going, I'll end up there at some point.” I then said, “Don't forget this letter that tells how to use the candle.” I then handed the letter over. It was in a traditional envelope with a wax seal of a lantern. After I gave the Bandana and began to sigh before saying, “I need to start setting up to make a key, why does it need 25,000,000,000 gold to craft.” The Roegadyn then replied, “How about I lend a hand on that. With my mining stats, I bet I could get what you need in record time. That skill lets me see where to dig and along with another that ups the number of what I dig up." I stated, “That sounds like a plan. I'm not sure how the nodes would react to that though.” I then went on to say, “I have a ritual room to prepare, I’ll have a minion guild you there. I need to make the spell circle.” After that, I left to set up the circle I mentioned. I looked at the blueprints for the key got prisoners ordered had snots gather mana from the Arcanium and carve out trenches for the gold. Brex found me in a large carved-out room that had runes etched in big letters on the floor. Walking closer to me, Brex whispered as to not let the prisoners hear, “I know this might sound like a stupid question, but where exactly did they all come from? It's your world and all, so I don't think I have a right in saying what you can and can't do on it. This is just curiosity.” While saying this, he was motioning by slightly tilting his head towards the prisoners. I looked at Brex and said, “These scum are bandits, murderers, rapists, and slavers of my world. They all tried to steal my treasure too. So, their punishment is a slow death in my dungeon. They will learn the meaning of despair and fear. just as their victims did.” I said all of this with a chilling finality to my voice. I then continued with, “Look, there are people like them in every world. They don't want to change. So the best thing I can give them is the mercy of death so they can never hurt another thing again. This is my job after all. That makes me the devil but I'm not sad about this job, it is something that must be done and I am more than happy to drag scum like this away.” I spoke without keeping my voice low. The prisoners all looked at me with horror dawning on their faces. Letting out a small sigh, Brex says, “I haven't come across too many like these yet. So far all I've punished and killed were monsters. Well... I was rather rough with one… but that got settled. I just don't know how long it will be until I kill something sentient. If I'm not careful or end up hurting one of her ponies though... that will just get me instantly branded as a danger for her kind and sent to Tartarus.” he then turned his gaze back to the prisoners and continued, “Do you think it would be possible after we get the key finished, that I could toss those that could be changed with a good scare over here for you to persuade them to change their ways? Right now, I don't think I can trust myself not to lose control. I don't mean to say that I'm gonna send them here hoping that you'll go all Hell Raiser on them or cause any real bodily harm or something. Just to scare them a bit.” I put a finger on my chin before replying to Brex’s request and says, “I will agree on one condition, if I determine that they can't be changed, then they stay here with me.” Brex gave a reluctant sigh before replying to that and said, “I could agree to that, as long as I'm there when you make the judgment. Wouldn't be fair to you if I just throw my troubles down in your dungeon and not see it through to the end". I only shrugged before saying, “As long as you don't have a mana vampire down here, I'm fine with it.” I pointed to a long trench in the floor and says, “The gold goes in there.” I then went back to looking over my clipboard in hand. Brex holds out his left hand and accesses his item box. Within the time it takes to blink, there was a torrent of gold pieces just flowing from the space no less than an inch from his hand out into the trench. As if this was no different than watering one's garden, he turns to me and says, “I don't know about you, but I take that over one of those spirit spiders I remember reading in a D and D book. You know the ones that look like they're meant to be out in the snow and they liked to jump between space and just reappear anywhere around you. Those things always give me the creeps. I laughed and replied, “Naw, the worse monster…is a Toilet Mimic.” I visibly shutters after mentioning the mimic. The Roegadyn had to admit now that was a terrifying idea. He then replied, “Yeah that's got it beat hands down.” He also has the same reaction as me. I looks at Brex and laughs after seeing how the Roegadyn reacted and said, “Alright, that should be enough you should get out of the circle unless you want to be one with the key.” After hearing that, he stopped the flow of gold that was coming out of his inventory box and quickly jumped out of the circle. When he was sure that he was at a safe spot, he responded with, “If it's all the same to you, If I'm gonna put anything, inside of anything, I'd rather not be a key when doing so. I’m fine with it being metaphorical, but I don’t.” I raised my gantlet and starts the ritual, “I call to the void hear my voice.” The gold became molten and flowed with purpose within the trenches. I continued with, “Grant me a rift key, I offer a price." The prisoners started to melt away and mix into the stream of liquid gold, their screams echoed throughout the whole room. But I wasn’t done and went on with the ritual and spoke again, “Now let it be so!" All of the fluids flowed to me. It curled around my form and started shooting up my body and encircled the gantlet and the gold started compressing the impossible amount of gold into a single small point that formed into the size and shape of a key. It had a golden demon skull as the handle and the blade was a bone-white rod. I then grasped it and tossed the key towards Brex. Seeing it being tossed, He quickly snatched it from the air and began examining it. After a little bit, he then said out loud, “You'd better not let your Celestia find out that you’re doing something like that again. I don't know what yours is like, but If mine was to ever catch sight of something like this happening, I'm pretty sure I'd be sent straight to Tartarus no matter what the reason I had for doing such a thing.” I then said, “There is a reason I call myself warden and my Celestia is Leona. So, she is on mount Targon.” I then stated, “There are worse people than me. Those being Mordekaiser, Viego, the real thresh, and Aatrox. So, I’m low on the list if on it at all.” After hearing this Brex looks over to him and quickly says, “Hold the phone! The real one is here? I thought you were him. I mean, you got his weapon and everything. I thought you took his place. What does it mean if you ever run into him?” I then said flatly, “That is not always the case, I am the game Thresh. The one from my world is lore Thresh, what that means is being so much weaker than him with how I’m mostly mortal.” After carefully thinking it over a little more in his head, Brex nodded before saying, “OK so he’s the lore one and he’s a lot stronger. Does that mean the only reason the one from your place is stronger right now is because of all the souls of the dead opponents he already killed? I vaguely remember him having the ability to grow in strength just like how you did when you got that power up from Titan.” I responded with, “Yes and no.” I shook my head and continued, “He gets more from souls than I would and he has one thousand years of experience under his belt. But it looks like I was sent back before the big events in a league of legends. The Burning Tide hasn’t happened yet.” Brex just shook his head and raised his hands in a, I don't know fashion before saying, “Honestly I don't know anything about the story when it comes to League of Legends. All I remember is playing the character and killing the other champions and minions. But you seem to be the resident expert on all this, So I'll take you at your word.” I responded to that by saying, “Yeah that is my power, what happened with Titan was one of my abilities from my patron, not one of Thresh's power.” After hearing the explanation, the Roegadyn nodded before asking, “Well as far as I can tell, things are pretty much settled. Oh, you told me that metal from before can work a certain way. Do I need instructions on how to manipulate it the way I want? I understand that it takes in magic but how do you get it out?” I started to explain and said, “Ah, Petricite Steel you have to be able to control the flow of mana and if you don't it will just drain you dry. It can store a lot of mana. It can even hold off a god's magical attacks for a time.” I explained, then went on to continue with, “Yea I'm only able to thanks to my mist. But this will be valuable. I do have Black steel, it is just a super-strong metal, I heard it can't even be chipped after a hundred battles.” The Roegadyn snapped his fingers and said, “Yeah that might do it. I'll take some of those bars when I got things settled a bit more back on my world and I'll get to work on it in the future. I might have a good use for them, also when I get better control of my mana I'll see about getting some of that other steal from you.” Bringing a finger up to his masked chin, he then finished with, “I got some very interesting ideas that I can put stuff to good use with.” Turning to Me, Brex Send, So I take it it's sort of like adamantium. If so does that mean that once it's forged into something it will no longer be able to be reinforced again? I quickly responded with, “No it's not that strong but it is durable. It's what Darius’s axe and armor are made of after all.” I replied, "Alright I should head back to my world, no rest for the wicked.” I began to write something down on a new page on the clipboard. Seeing that this would be a good time for him to go as well, Brex attempted to use the shadow traveling technique but found that it was not able to connect him back to his world. Immediately after, he went with the return spell. Brex’s body became wrapped and a familiar aura of light levitated him off the ground. Just as the familiar warping ability was going to kick in, he quickly turned to me and called out, “Be careful not to get that elf mad at you. That kick of hers hurts!” The second those words left his lips his form disappeared. > Chapter 5 Reflection > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- As soon as Brex left I facepalmed. "Goddamit he forgot to send me back." I sighed rubbing my face. Opening my gantlet to check for any updates. Sweet I leveled warlock. looking at my left hand at the gold coin on it. When it suddenly glowed and a letter came from it. Dear Pact Holder, It seems you are in a bit of trouble we are working on it. the process will take approximately forty-eight hours. We apologize for this inconvenience you will be given composition next time you are at the office. But until then we suggest preparing for the trails ahead. We have also been aware of the absorption skill failing this will allow you to give one of the abilities in your champion pool that you don't have to another. We are aware of a bug in the gantlet that doesn't inform you of your levels. Good luck with your plans and we hope to see a brighter multiverse. Sincerely Meryl Stryfe P.S. Callie was worried about you. Looking over the letter. I had a smile from the p.s. then I groaned "Ugh it is nice that I'm being composited but what am I going to do for two days Thalya is going to be busy making the city and castle. I dredged out. I walked to my room sat down on my bed and sighed. Valkyrie's voice rang out "Ryu can we talk?" I nodded my head at her. "Well I wanted to ask what happened to you in that fight?" she asked me. I sighed Alright "Before I came to this world I was not in a happy place." my vision was getting foggy I had no job no way to live on my own. the only future for me was a grave or homeless I had no chance in a world that created monsters then punished us for what they made us." tears started falling down my face "my mind is Fractured from having half a brain. all of my memories I relive them every day every beating every insult every single backstab." I was openly sobbing at this point My face was contorting into a mess-up smile. Then I started to laugh while tears kept flowing like a river. What has been keeping me alive is the other one living in my head. They are my rage and pride. they have been keeping me from killing myself. they were the ones who were fighting most of the fight." I punched the stone wall with all my might I could feel most of the skin on my arm shatter from the impact. it was dripping blood all over the stone floor. I fall to my knees "Even with this power I can't help anyone!" I cried out. "Why could I not help him, he need help any other displaced could have helped him in that fight better than me!" I roared out. I sat down on my bed propping up my head trying to calm myself. The door burst open and in came Thalya with a naga. the naga began to heal me, while Thalya quickly grasped me pulling me into a hug. "You did everything you could," she whisper into my ear. The warmth Thalya radiated was so comforting it reminded me of... Oh god, I can't remember the feeling of a hug from someone who cares for me. is that why always so cold? Tears poured like rivers down my face. she started to tighten her hold. we continued this for an hour. I wipe my face clean. then washed my hand with water from a bucket. "We need to get plumbing and power in the dungeon. But the snots don't know how." I sighed out. Thank you to all three of you. "I need that but we need to get back to work we are not safe in our world yet. We have much work to do." I announced to everyone in the room. We all got up and left to go to work. when Valkyrie spoke up "I'm going back to sleep good luck," she said. I rolled my eyes. I look down at where she rested on my lower back. 'They can sure sleep awhile. well, I guess they have been asleep for almost one thousand years.' I thought to myself. I walked over to my desk sat down began to level and grabbed the paper Brex handed me. Alright, time to learn some magic." I pick up the shield hero spells and began to read them. It almost feels like I'm cheating with the Eye's of the Rune Keeper." I said to myself. after reading for a little while I got a spell work to gravity and the slave mark. "well I must not have the affinity to be able to cast the others." I said. looking over to the rest of the paper reading the blue magic pages half an hour later. "Nothing is working I guess I need to defeat it huh." I sighted out. I put the blue magic page in my blue mage book to try something on a later date. getting up from my desk. one day later Waking up in my shoddy bed. Thalya was already gone to work for the day hmm I wonder what I should do today?" I questioned no one. I could make more D&D items, but since my limit is uncommon, I thought to myself. would be good to have some of the "alright I need to get to work!" I Exclaimed moving to my workshop. I got to work on a variety of different items, Cloaks of Many Fashions, Alchemy jugs, Rings of Water Walking that I modify to walk on clouds by ripping out a Pegasus soul to infuse it, and many more items. This took all day looking at the clock, I was shocked at the time. "it is almost been forty-eight hours looks like I need to get ready for twilight's questions." I yawned out. I gold portal opened in my room about an hour later. When I walked in I was in. the office lobby again A familiar young lady greeted me at the front desk. Meryl Stryfe was sitting at her desk typing on her keyboard. she looked up saw me she pressed a button on her desk and a soft buzz filled the room. "Good morning Mr. Blood. Ms. Briggs will be arriving soon," she spoke in an upbeat tone. A few minutes later Ms. Briggs was walking up to me with someone at her side carrying a medium-sized crate he was an orange cat furry wearing a blue jumpsuit black fingerless gloves and a pilot helmet with the O2 mask off. "Come on honey do I have to help you with this I just got back," he complained I laughed a bit. I looked at him. "Well, a hello to you too Razer," I told him he looked at me and nodded. Ms. Briggs looked over to Razer. "I told you why Razer got stuck in-between worlds and I didn't want to carry it down here and you are my gentle cat," she said with a smirk. He looks at her. Oh, brother well we are here now can I go to bed? Razor asked. Ms. Briggs gave him a playful wink "Not just yet I wanted to introduce you. Razor this is Ryu Blood a working displaced here just like you he has been assigned to..." she looks over her tablet. "Ah here it is Displaced Repetitive," she stated. Razor look at me with a judging look are you sure he should be in charge of that? he asked. his wife. She answered with a nod. Alright if you are sure can I put this down it's getting heavy? he asked. she once again nodded he placed the crate down and outstretched his hand. "nice to meet you I hope you won't need our help anytime soon." he told me. I firmly grabbed his hand and shook it. "I am Ryu Blood Pleasure to meet you I'm a fan of your work," I said while looking into my eyes. "So what's in the box?" I queried. I pointed at the crate. He looked at me "I don't know My wife dragged me off as soon as I got back." he Sighed out. His wife walked over to him and planted a kiss on his cheek "And for that, I'm thankful Razor." she told him. she then got close and whispered into his ear he then turned completely scarlet stuttering. Ms. Briggs then turned back to me "As for what is in there it's your pay and composition." she said. she walked over to it flipping the latch revealing … a multimeter, a blue-green orb, a green orb, a red orb, and a giant book with the title of how to make D&D Class Manuals. I look over what was in the crate. "Ok, I get the book what is with the orbs and multimeter?" I questioned. She looked at me, picking up the multimeter and running it over my gantlet. It buzzed softly then dinged "Alright your gantlet has been updated so you can gain new minion types must be a Monster from displaced world limit of one per displaced. it also should have fixed the level bug." she stated. putting the tool back. she then picked up the orb "As you noticed by now you don't have the titan units these orbs will let you capture the relevant creature in any world that does not apply to the new minion's capture." She told me. I picked up the book, and the orbs were absorbed into the gantlet as soon as I picked them up. I put the book in my inventory for later uses. "So when am I going to head back to my world?" I asked. Ms. Briggs looked at her tablet. "We will be sending you after we are done here, Now the last thing we wish to talk to you about is how to stop this from happening again. we will have a dial installed so you can head back to your world if you get displaced from other beings," she explained. I look at her and nod my head "Alright if I remember in the briefing it should be the time I left." I said she nodded I continued "Razer do you have anything to add?" I asked the Swat Kat. Razor looked at me "Yea I just want to wish you good luck on your adventures the first missions are always rough." He said extending his hand. I gave him a fist bump "And to you," I replied. Ms. Briggs nodded a gold portal opened behind me and I stepped through. Into my room in Piltover from what I could see I was the just turned night. I yawned "God I'm tired I wonder what tomorrow will bring my way." I said to myself. I walked to my bathroom opened a portal to my dungeon. After a bit, Thalya emerged from it. wearing her nightgown walking over to me "Ah master I do prefer your bed mostly for you but It is a plus that the snots didn't make it." She said dragging me to the bed. not long after that, we both fell quickly asleep. I woke up to a soft snore coming from Thalya I nudged her awake "We need to get to work." I told her she grumbled and I booped her nose. she got up a headed to the bathroom. I got up and decided to take a shower after Thalya was done. stepping into the bathroom I turned on the shower so I could have a nice hot shower. looking In the mirror I saw myself I was fairly muscular with a six-pack looking down I saw I had grown there too. I smiled then got in the shower, After testing the water. When I was done in the shower I dried myself off. Garbing a new set of clothes from my storage. After I was dressed I went to look for Twilight. "Hopeful she is not too busy with something," I said to myself. Going down the giant hall of the school was something else. Eventually, I found her in the lab I arrived in walking in she was busy writing notes about her device that brought me here. "Hi, Twilight," I whispered in her ear. she immediately jumped and I started chuckling. Twilight looked back at me with a glare. "Why did you do that Ryu?" she demanded. I rolled my eyes "Twilight you need to pay attendance to your surroundings so you don't cause accidents plus. I love seeing you flustered." I told her. I moved over and sat down in a chair. "By the way where is spike?" I asked her. She still was a bit flustered but eventually, she answered with a sigh. "Spike is running an errand for my should be back soon," she answered. "So why are you here and what were you doing in your room for the past week?" she asked. I pulled out a blue alchemy jug and placed it on the table. "I've been crafting," I answered. this is an alchemy jug. This ceramic jug appears to be able to hold a gallon of liquid and weighs 12 pounds whether full or empty. She was looking at the jug quizzically. "What does it do it looks interesting..?" She asked. I snickered at her response and pull out three teacups. grabbing the jug. " Watch, boiling earl grey tea," I said. undoing one of the corks reddish-black liquid poured into the cups. I put the cork back on the jug. "How about a break Twilight? we can talk about what my plans are." I asked her. grabbing a cup for myself and started sipping on it. Twilight looked at the jug then at the tea and sighed. "Fine I could use a break and I have many questions for you. Can we wait for Spike?" she asked me. She continued. "I want to send a letter to Celestia about other worlds." She said. she hovered a cup of tea over to her hand taking a sip. I looked over to Twilight and sighed. "I'm fine with spike knowing but I don't trust the genocidal Solari with that kind of information," I said hotly. She looked shocked, to say the least. "The Solari have killed anyone that didn't attack first." she defended. I take a sip of my tea. "So hunting down every single Lunari is what, a justified execution under the guise under heresy. when you all worship the same light." I argued taking another sip. "Even if Celestia does not actively take a part in it she is still responsible for being their leader." I Mused. 'that's right I'm taking your puppet out of play Celestia.' I thought to myself. Twilight got defensive. B-B-But the Lunari are corrupted by demons Celestia told me herself." she then paused. I looked in Twilight's eye. " Yes, you were told they were evil by a leader that benefits from her followers doing so, She gain control over the region's religion," I said flatty. Twilight tried not to freak out her cup shaking in her hand. " Celestia would not lie to me I'm her prized student." she retorted. I took a sip of tea meeting her eyes. "Twilight think about it, look at this problem like a scientist remove your emotion from the equation," I told her. The only thing you could hear is the sipping from my cup. Twilight's face was going through a cyclic of emotions. I was first to break the silence. "Twilight you need to calm yourself take deep breaths," I told her. She began breathing in deep and exhaling at the same speed. "Slow down or it won't help you," I commanded her. she restarted her breathing at a slow pace. "Good, now drink some tea." I offered to her. Twilight took a long sip placing the cup on the table. I filled her cup back up. She looked at me with a softer glance. Thanks, I needed that, But, I will need time to process the information I... was just given," Twilight said. I nodded at her "So to take make it up to you, you may ask me anything you want to know one question at a time.." I told Twilight. I swear I saw her eyes sparkled for a second. Twilight cleared her throat. "ok, I want to know what are you?" she asked. "I mean you like close to us like a furless pony, you don't look like a troll or any of the other races," she concluded. I chuckled a bit, Twilight what I am called is a Human or Homo Sapien in the scientific term." I said. looking at her I see her writing down what I'm saying. "next." I told her. Twilight look at the wall holding her chin. "Does your race have magic?" She questioned me. I sighed "That is a complicated answer some say yes some say no but the multiverses mean yes and no, as for me that is a yes." I replied. Twilight pondered my answer. "Wait did you say the multiverse, I think you said that before but I can't remember it that well, anyway so you believe in the multiverse theory?" she asked. I rolled my eyes. "it's not a theory at least not anymore I'm proof of that I have powers from multiple universes." I said looking around I saw a raven with three red eyes at the window. "FUCK!" I shouted I tried to pull out Valkyrie to shoot it but by the time I had her out in gun form the raven was gone. "FUCK FUCK FUCK!" yelled. Twilight looked confused and scared. "What did you do that for it was just a raven?" she demanded. I looked at Twilight putting Valkyrie away I sighed. That raven was one of Raum's ravens the demon of secrets, meaning Swain now knows of me and I have powers from other worlds" I stated. I put my hand on my face and groaned. Twilight looked at me concerned. Wait for S...So S.sSwain one of the leaders of Noxus knows about you and your power!" She said with panic building in her voice. I jumped on the opportunity to "Breath in and out." I told her. When there was a knock at the door. > Chapter 6 Troubled City > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The knock echoed throughout the room. I looked at Twilight " are you going to answer that?" she blushed and opened the door revealing... Heimerdinger. The yordle looked Tired. "Twilight do you know where Ryu is he's not in his room?" he asked her. looking behind her he spotted me. "Oh, there you are I need you and Twilight we set up the meeting you wanted, and we need your insight on the problem." I nodded at him. Come on Twilight we will continue later. "What room will it be in?" Donger nodded back "Twilight it will be in conference room five you go ahead I need a quick chat with Ryu." Twilight nodded at Donger and left the room. after she left he quickly walked to the window and closed the curtains. then he looked at me. "I didn't expect them to send someone so soon after I requested the merchant guild." I reached behind me and pulled out the small envelope pouring the content into my hand revealing a gold coin with an ornate four. I was wondering how you got your hands on this coin. "So that means you hired a displaced but what for?" Donger looked at me and the coin shook his head. "Well yes, I did hire you, the reason is this world is a dystopia from Shurima to Freljord the problems keep mounting the void, the isles, the darkin, and so many more. and that is why I hired you to stabilize the world." He sighed. I nodded to his reasoning. that was my plan. I walk up next to him. "It will all stabilize after I take over this world. this is for the greater good." I whispered into his ear. Donger had a deep cold shudder run down his spine. "W-what I wanted you to save this world not conquer it!" I answered with a smile. "I know the things that will and may happen I can't take half a measures to save the world from all the nightmares that live in this universe," I told him flatly. "And besides, you think Noxus or Demaria could work together after king Jarvan the third gets assassinated by I believe to be the leader of the black rose Leblanc. Granted that has not happened yet, but that is a taste of my knowledge in this world," taking a sip of my freshly refilled tea. Donger looked a bit shocked he snapped out of it fast. he exhaled "So you Believe it best if they were all under one banner instead of separate nations?". I finished sipping my tea. "Exactly the nations as they are will never be willing to work together even if the world is in danger for fear of losing power in the aftermath that is politics 101. at least, until they get blood drawn, Nations, lords, and kings keep tight leashes on their armies so they maintain control." Donger looked deep in thought. "Very well I see the logic in that plan so you're not doing this to gain power?" I picked up my jug and put it away. "I can easily do both, I do everything I do for the greater good," I nodded to him. "We should not keep the sheriff waiting for the lead on," Donger nodded at me. "I agree, I will still have my eye on you." We left the room shortly after. as we were walking I noticed a large number of enforcers patrolling the campus. Enforcers look like steampunk stormtroopers. At the door, we saw two heavily armored enforcers at the door. Heimerdinger nodded at the guards who nodded back at the former councilman. as they opened the door and let us into the conference room. When we got inside the room. the room. looked similar to the other conference room's big wooden table, and chairs with the same gold-trimmed walls. there were a few notable people Jayce, a pale yellow earth pony mare with pink hair wearing an modified enforcer uniform leaning back on her chair and her feet on the table with a pair of giant gauntlets next to her feet, Vi, Twilight, Spike, a light gold Pegasus mare wearing a purple steampunk dress going down to her waist with a sniper rifle on her back glaring at vi, Caitlyn. Vi Caitlyn All the eyes in the room looked over to see me and Donger enter the room. Vi looked over to me "So this guy has information that he would only say with me and cupcake here?" Caitlyn looked annoyed. "VI FEET OFF THE TABLE!" Cait Ordered. Vi did as Cait asked setting the chair in its original position. "Now I was told by Jayce and Heimerdinger you have information what kind of information is it?" Looking around I saw several enforcers. "I will tell you only when all other enforcers must leave the room this is sensitive information involving a certain C," I informed them. Cait looked at Heimerdinger he nodded to her and she gave the order for the enforcers to leave. I waited till all of them left the room and the door closed. "Alright now that is done do you want to know about C or do you want to know about Vi and Powder's adoptive father's whereabouts first?" As I said the last part Vi eyes shot open gritting her teeth. Vi Slammed her hand on the table right next to her Gantlets. "WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT HE IS DEAD!!!!!" Vi yelled at me. Her face was entirely red and while giving me a death glare. I was a bit startled by Vi's reaction. "Anyway, Yes he is very much alive thanks to the mad Doctor of Zaun. Well, Caitlyn which do you want to know first?" Cait looked at Vi and then at me. "I want to know about Vi's father if you would," I nodded my head. "Alright, So he is still in Zaun but he lost his mind to an experiment and is now hunting chembarons ring any bells any at all," Twilight was stroking her chin then raising her finger her face was shocked. "WAIT ARE YOU SAYING THE WRAITH OF ZAUN IS HER FATHER!" Looking Around the room all their face looked shocked except for Vi who just looked angry, then Vi spoke up THERE IS NO WAY VANDER IS WARWICK!" She fervently denied it. I clear my voice to get everyone's attention. "Twilight is exactly right Warwick is Vander. Vi's shoulders slumped over. "I have a plan to cure him but I need manpower we can discuss that later. So you want to know who C is most likely?" I pointedly asked Cait. She nodded her head. "Well Her name is Corina Veraza. that should help your investigation. Oh and Violet you need to control that anger." Cait looked at Vi's face which was shaking and angry. Cait spoke up. "I was told you know things that most people don't I was wondering what your source is?" I looked at my hand. " Well, it involved the multiverse. So it is hard to explain without sounding completely insane." while waving my hand In front of my face. "Anyways do we want to discuss my plan to capture and cure Warwick?" Jayce looked at me. "Yes, I would like to hear your plan to help the people of Zaun." Jayce agreed to nod his head. I looked over at Vi she was incoherently muttering to herself as Cait was hugging her head. "Ah, they do make a cute couple." I thought to myself. I plan to have him chase me and lead him to an arena that Cait, Vi, and Twilight set up. Cait and Vi will help me fight him. Twilight will support and observe only but Spike will not because he is way too young to deal with this problem." Everyone except Spike nodded in agreement. "Wait I can help too!" I looked over to Spike. "Spike, you are too small he could catch you easily, even I expect to get bloody during the chase so you are staying here am I clear." Spike visibly deflated. "Alright, I understand." I walked over to spike-pated his head "Look this is a time to get stronger so you can defend what you love ok buddy?" Spike moved his gaze to me. "But how can I get stronger? When Twilight is going to fight a monster," I smiled at him. " There are so many ways to get stronger just look around Jayce and Heimerdinger. They are strong in using their mind. Caitlyn is strong in her resourcefulness and detective skills. Vi is strong with the gloves that boost her brawling technique. So Spike the question how do you think you should be strong?" Spike was quiet for a bit. then he looked at me determinedly. " Alright I will get stronger for my sister!" I looked around everyone was looking at me. "Alright, I will have him chase me since I know how he chooses his targets, so I'm going to need to get some materials. any other questions?" Caitlyn raised her hand. "Yes, I have a question. I want to know how you plan to cure him?" I nodded at Cait. "Alright, I have a safe house I'll put him at and look at his blood and research to see if his body can be cured. if that doesn't work I will work on restoring his mind. anyway, I need to get moving I have prep work to get done." Everyone was getting up from the table when Jayce walked over to me. Jayce patted my back. "Hey, Ryu can I have a word with you?" He asked me. I nodded at him. and he continued in a hushed tone. "Could you do me a favor when in Zaun I want you to find Victor and tell him I'm sorry?" I looked into his eyes and saw they were shimmering with tears. I nodded in confirmation at him. after getting back to my room. I opened up to the bathroom opened my portal and stepped in. third-person pov Twilight's dorm. the room was medium-sized for a college dorm. It was lightly furnished it had two beds one was a solar-themed bed that doubled as the case of a book. the other was a bed with simple purple blankets had boxes of comics neatly organized nearby. the walls were bronze the floor was a simple dull yellow carpet. The wooden door burst out. Reveling a frazzled Twilight and a shocked Spike. they walked to their beds and sat down. Twilight was using her hand to regain control of her mane. "Spike Ryu said some things that are making even me doubt the Aspect. is it wrong to doubt Celestia or does he have a point? I mean he did make logical points. Bu... Spike grabbed a newspaper form of Twilight's nightstand rolled it up and smacked her on the nose. "Twilight calm down to let us good through what he said slowly," Spike suggested. he put a finger to his chin and then raised it. "Twilight you could make a list!" Twilight recovered from the shock of being smacked. "Spike thank you and that is a great idea I'll get some paper," she began to gather some paper and began to write the list. later that day. Twilight was looking over the list in a panic. "How can this be?" Twilight shouted. she looked over the list again "Spike he was right. she said defeated. Removing my emotions from the problem. Allowed me to see all of the things she had the power to stop. But didn't and some of the acts she ordered make so much more sense with the logic he displayed. She stated. Bring her feet closer to herself. Soft sobs began to escape Twilight. with a broken-up voice, she began to speak. "Spike I ... don't know what to do. who should I talk to about this? should I talk to Celestia, Heimerdinger, Jayce, or Ryu? " She asked Spike before beginning to openly weep. Spike rushed over to her and hugged her or at least as much as he could with his size. "Twilight I'm here for you," Spike whispered to his sister. he chuckled. "Remember the time when you got the vial mixed when we were testing what makes Chemtech so volatile? You were so scared that professor Ziggs was going to kick you out and he just laughed it off your face was beet red for weeks and the time that I had the hiccups and set fire to my pants." Twilight wipe a tear from her eye and lightly chuckled. "Thanks, Spike can you get a letter ready I need to ask Celestia something, and depending on how she answers I will make a decision," Twilight told her brother. He went to get paper. 1st person back to Ryu earlier as I when thought the portal. Thalya was there to greet me. she gave me a quick peck with her soft lips. "and Hello to you Thalya." replied. Thalya looked at me with a smile. "Master, what do you need of me?" I rolled my eyes. "I want to know-how is the city progressing and why I feel so heavy?" I replied before placing my hand on the wall. Thalya rushed over to me and caught me on my way down. she quickly moved her hand to my gantlet and opened a menu I have never seen before. Thalya sighed. "Thank goodness you only need food and a mana bath I will get food ready immediately and you can bathe after that." She said relieved. I looked at her confused. What I've eaten plenty today what do you mean and why do I need a mana bath?" Thalya looks at me in a soft voice. "Master your body has been slowly getting you the powers of your dungeon monsters it's only now they have taken effect you need blood and a mana bath," she picked me up helped me from my room to my bed, and left to grab the things I need. I was resting on my bed when I saw a snot making a hole in the wall as I watched him make the tube. he left and came back with mana filling the tube with it. Thalya came back into the room. "Master your lunch is ready for you," she told me as she escorted me to a dining room. when she had a goblet full of what smelled of blood. "I hope you enjoy master." She whispered before disappearing into the halls. I sat down in the ornate chair at the head of the table and began to drink the blood. the taste was so good the iron level was perfect and I felt the cold go away. I when back to my room and went to my bathroom. looking over the new tube I decided just to go for it. I removed all my clothes and a snot took them away to get cleaned. as soon as I hoped in it felt so good like a hot tub filled with compassion. after a bit, the door opened revealing a nude Thalya. Thalya looked at me with a devilish smile and she quickly hopped in. Her bronze skin contrasts the purple liquid of the bath. "Master your look handsome I could not resist but join you," she told me when leaning closer to me. I was shocked and pushed her away. "I told you I don't have time for that." Thalya looks at me with a slight scowl. "Master there is no need to lie to me. I know you are just nervous about your first time. I know that Bitch messed up your confidence but I'm here for you and only you." I turn to her and sigh. "Ok, your right I'm not comfortable with that right now. could we take it slow I don't want to feel like I'm just being used like before. how about we just cuddle for now?" Thalya smiled at me. "Ok Master have it your way." she moved in close putting her head on my shoulder. moved my arm around her and placed my hand on her bare breast. "If we are going just cuddle the least you could do is play with my boobs I am yours after all," she said with a delightful evil grin. I rolled my eyes and played with her breast by lightly moving my hand up and down and pinching her nipple as she let out soft moans until I finished my bath. Thalya was panting in the water trying to recompose herself. "Amazing master you just go to bed I need to finish what you started." with a huge smile she closed the door to the bathroom and I could hear moaning from the other side of the door. The next day. I woke up with my Thalya next to me with a smile wrapped up in my limbs. I quietly got out of the snuggle. she pated around for me but I just moved a pillow there and she fell back asleep. I moved over to the bath, saw it was clean and full of liquid mana I hoped in, and got cleaned up. after that bath, I got my clothes on and moved to my throne room. it had red marbled walls, newly made banners of black with a glowing red lantern on them hanging on the walls, and a black steel throne stylized with skulls I took a seat on my new throne. Thalya walked into the room stretching out her arms. Morning master, do you like your throne?" I smile at Thalya. "Yes very much so how is the city coming along? from her it looks like it going well," Thalya walked next to my throne. "Master, do you wish to hold court today?" I shook my head. "Not today I have work to be done. But I need you to start making trade products and military goods. We need to not be outgunned by anyone. The Arachnids weave two types of silk: a ballistic weave. The other for civilians made for luxury and to make this throne more comfortable." Thalya Bowed to me. "Of course Master, it will be done. Master, have you looked out to the city?" I titled my head. "No, I haven't," Thalya walked over to me and pulled me to the battlement and I saw the gorgeous sight of a city made of carved stone with lava channels providing light to the city. I saw creatures of all types walking the streets some of my Orcs, Nagas, Goblins, Earth Ponies, Unicorns, Pegasi, Yaks, Yordles, griffins, and even some Dragons. I felt a smile creep onto my face. "It's amazing.". I turned to Thalya. "How are the laws coming along has thei..." I was intrepid by Thalya. Thalya looked at me. "Sorry master someone is knocking on your door in your dorm." She apologized. I nodded. "We will discuss this later I will answer the door," She gave me a small bow. I open a portal taking me to my bathroom. "One sec," I flushed the toilet, washed my hands, and walked over to my door to reveal Twilight. Twilight turned to me when I opened the door. "Ryu can we talk I want to ask you about some things," I opened the door fully. "Sure come on in what about Spike?". Twilight walked into my room and shook her head. "Spike is still asleep he needs to rest after what we did for the past couple of weeks,". I closed my door and nodded at her. "So what do you want to talk about?". Twilight sat on my bed and started to rub her neck. "Well, I wanted to ask what kind of magic you know. you said you made magic items like that jug. so what other kind of magic do you know?" I nodded my head while looking around making sure nothing listening to us. "Sorry Twilight but not now I have to get my plans ready for catching Warwick." looking at Twilight I saw her shoulder slump. "But after I would be interested in teaching you about my magics if you are willing?". Twilight's face lit up like a Christmas tree. "I would like that very much sorry for disturbing you while you were planning." she looked at me. I placed my hand on her shoulder. "It's quite alright Twilight you are a scholar, curious about a new world of information that I can offer." Twilight got off of my bed and headed towards the door. "Alright I will go help Cait and Vi with their prep work I will see you later. I followed her out. "Hey Twilight to prove to you I'm not joking about teaching you how about we shake on it?" Twilight nodded her head and grabbed my hand and we shook each other's hand. a blood mist wraparound our hands and we both felt a small jolt. "What was that?" I had her look at my face and I brought up many hand and placed a finger on my lips. as I closed the door behind her and let out a sigh of relief. "Alright I should head back I need to collect something from my prison." I said with a wicking smile.