> Power Keg > by Drop_It_Like_Its_Clop > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > The Long Fuse > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- She couldn't believe she was going through with this. It was a stupid idea, truly, she thought, wringing her hands as she approached the palace doors. It had to be a prank, even if Upper Crust had absolutely no sense of humour and absolutely no predilection for pranking other ponies. This was too much! It couldn't be anything other than a prank. She'd be turned away in disgrace, and she'd have to awkwardly traipse back to her husband, which would perhaps be the worst part of it. He'd be no help. "Can I help you, ma'am?" the unicorn guard asked, unmoving as he looked towards her, save for his eyes. He cut a fine figure, disciplined and immovable in the golden plate armour of the EUP Platoons, and the spear he wielded glinted in the afternoon sun. She gulped as he addressed her. "Actually, I was wondering if...it sounds silly but…" She trailed off, bashful under his watchful gaze, which beat down on her hotter than the sun overhead. She swore it wasn't usually this hot this time of afternoon, even on the day of the Summer Sun Celebration. "Does the phrase Summer Shining mean anything to you?" She waited for the snort of disdain, to be turned away impatiently. She'd have to return to the party and conjure up some excuse about her friends having just left. Instead, to her surprise, the guard nodded and pushed open the heavy door as if it weighed nothing, then stepped aside, his armour clunking heavily. He said nothing as she stepped forward, unmoving until she'd passed into the threshold of the castle, at which point, the door swung closed behind her with a boom. She jumped, the noise echoing through the cavernous halls of the great castle, sounding to her like a gavel on a judge's desk. She was alone, though. There was nopony else here other than her, and she didn't know what to make of that. Steeling herself, she headed down the stretching, beckoning hallway, doing the only thing she could - see it through. It hadn't been Night Light's fault, not entirely. He was just a product of the problem that festered in Canterlot, and she knew it was unfair to detest somepony for their nature. He had no choice in the matter, not really. That didn't change that her life was monotonous and mundane, and she plodded meaninglessly through as an attentive wife to a mediocre stallion. She loved him, but she'd never felt properly fulfilled. Night Light was a hardworking stallion, she knew. He kept accounts and balanced budgets, and his natural ability to talk through a pony's facade and straight to them gained him contacts and relationships which sustained their marriage and lifestyle. It was comfortable, and they weren't short on access to material luxuries or a social life, but that wasn't enough to make a life for them. She was a housewife, but she didn't have children to care for or tend to, and no future to look forward to beyond being brought to parties that lost their luster with every successive invite. Her husband didn't particularly care about having children. He was receptive enough to try, but they never seemed to achieve anything. The test always came back negative, and he'd shrug and offer her platitudes about next time, which she'd always have to prompt him into doing. Even when her estrus was at its peak, when every mare was as fertile as she'd ever be, and every stallion was as virile and fiery as he was going to get, nothing happened. With Celestia's sun in the sky and nature having bloomed into its brilliance, the aura of life reaching its most powerful, she was left alone and childless, her dreams flickering year by year. "How do you think Princess Celestia manages it?" she mused after one unimpressive session, her loins still growling for attention. The stallion beside her wouldn't be able to go again, she knew; it'd be her fingers that night, and an unsatisfying climax that she shouldn't have to give herself. "Her heat, I mean." "Darling," her husband had chuckled, caressing her arm softly. "Everypony knows that royalty doesn't go through heat. A creature powerful enough to raise and lower the sun is powerful enough to suppress or completely detach herself from base bodily urges." He'd looked at her like she was being silly, kissing her on the cheek before turning over to go to sleep. It had only been 7pm, and she'd sighed in dissatisfaction. That was the rote belief, something pumped out and accepted without question among the upper echelons of Canterlot society; the princess was above animalistic needs, either because she was simply too powerful and pure to be afflicted by them, or because she could simply vanish her own needs. It was a satisfying answer for a section of society who thrived on a sense of superiority and finesse, of purity and propriety; the epitome of ponykind, the unifying force that combined the best elements of each of their races, was powerful, graceful, and beyond the failings of the flesh. And how could anypony disagree? An alicorn could do things beyond the understanding of even the academics of their society, so why not this? She'd found herself believing it less and less with every passing summer. Sure, it could be the truth, but she'd seen the princess on several occasions, if only from a distance, and the way the tall white alicorn acted was more in line with womanly cycles than any stallion would like to admit. She was good at hiding it, there was no doubt, and certainly enough for the stallions to believe, but as a mare who had to go through the exact torment every month, growing in intensity as summer reached its peak and the strength of life and growth reached its zenith, she'd seen Celestia's restlessness. It was subtle, but it was present. She hadn't been the only pony to notice. A good wife didn't talk behind her husband's back, and she was a good wife. However, Canterlot was full of mares who were not good wives, and a good mare did listen when others were talking. As a result, she had a rather thorough understanding of the mood and reality of life behind closed doors in Canterlot. Many of the married mares, pinnacles of good and respectable families, were unhappy with their love lives. Their husbands were often away working or socialising with other pretty mares or respectable ponies in other circles, and it left them feeling uncared for. The times that they were given their due attention, it was never enough. The cycle of lust brought about by the spinning seasons may have meant that the stallions were more up for intimacy in the summer, but their wives saw a proportionate rise in their own lust. In summary, it was never enough. Adultery didn't help, either. She'd been surprised when she'd first found out that affairs were almost non-existent in the city, given the attitudes she'd witnessed. Oddly, there was a simple reason, one she hadn't considered at all until she'd heard multiple mares confirm it; unicorn stallions lacked virility. At least, the ones in Canterlot did, and as dissatisfied as they were, the aristocratic and bourgeois classes of the city were far too prim and proper to consort with ponies of a lower status than themselves. She didn't know many intimate details about stallions outside of her husband - Night Light had been her one and only love, after all - but she had to sadly agree. The magazines showed it. The racy novels she read showed it. The yearning she felt every time they made love or failed to conceive showed it. And now, every upper class mare she knew confirmed that the stallions of the city were not packing any particular heat. She didn't know what was more disheartening; that her monogamous partner was in fact below average, or that this was the average for any pony with which she could ever hope to encounter intimacy. They'd been married for five years when her despondency had become too obvious for her friends to not notice. At first, she'd tried to play it off as her being tired or working hard to keep the house in order, but they hadn't bought it at all. Eventually, when she, Upper Crust, and Lyrica Lilac had visited a cafe on a Saturday afternoon, they'd pulled the truth from her. She'd revealed how much she wanted children, how every attempt failed, and how she felt the weight of despondency piling up. She'd expected the upper echelons of Canterlot to scoff, to tell her she wasn't trying hard enough and to point to their own foals as examples of how easily it should be for a mare to bear strong, healthy children, but they were exceedingly empathetic. "You poor thing," Lyrica had cooed, frowning at her across the table. "You should have said something earlier. This must be so hard for you." "You know you can confide in us," Upper had added, her expressionless face cracking a little to allow a smile to shine through. "We'll always be here to offer you advice or point you in the right direction." "Thank you," she'd replied, smiling sadly as she spoke. "But I don't think there's much you can do about our lack of success." "Oh, that's not true at all," Lyrica had blurted out. "There's so much that can be done to help you out of your little predicament." "I know. Your kindness is more than enough." "Kindness?" Upper asked. "Lyrica isn't referring to platitudes and useless advice. She means that there's a way to get what you want." She'd been awed at the statement, a swell of excitement at the news, but it had died down as quickly as it'd risen. She couldn't get her hopes up now, after all. "How do you know?" The two mares had exchanged knowing glances, fighting back the smirks that crossed their muzzles, and turned to face her again. "We're two mares with healthy, happy foals," Lyrica had explained. "We're happy, we're fulfilled, and we're perhaps the best mares you could ever hope to ask about such a thing. We have rather extensive experience with the matter." She'd paused to sip her drink, some esoteric concoction that only she seemed to order. "Incredibly experienced, given our own familiarity with your problem." It'd taken her several seconds to realise what Lyrica was insinuating. When she did, she blinked repeatedly, looking between the two mares opposite to check for any confirmation in their expressions. "You-?" "Yes," Upper had interrupted, making it clear she didn't want it said out loud. "Our solution could be your solution too." "How did you-?" "Keep your voice down please." "How did you...how can I…?" "Incredibly simply," Lyrica had informed her, leaning in close, somewhat conspiratorially. "I can't say too much - there's an enforced expectation of discretion, you understand - but we are encouraged to send mares in need towards...the service. Firstly, you mustn't tell anypony about what happens. Secondly, you'll need a passphrase. Thirdly, you'll have to be aware of what you're getting into. Mentally prepare yourself for it." "You make it sound dangerous," she'd observed, a nervous chuckle to her tone. "Secretive, mysterious-" "And alluring?" Lyrica had interrupted, smirking. "It is. There's something...fulfilling about it. It's more than just getting what you want; it's getting what you need." The sincerity in the violet mare's voice had sold the validity of the statement. "What do I need to do?" "Attend the Royal Palace during the Summer Sun Celebration," Upper had answered. "Give the guard at the door the passphrase so he knows why you're there, and follow the hallway to the room at the very end. Everything else will be explained to you. Come up with some excuse to explain your absence to your husband for a few hours, it'll be easier than coming up with one on the spot." The last part had chilled her. Were they expecting her to cheat on Night Light? To give up her vows of monogamy and a life of partnership? Was that what this was? It couldn't be worth it if that's what it was, even if it would produce results. That couldn't happen though, could it? Every unicorn in Canterlot was just as...ungifted as her dear husband, right? Then again, the EUP Platoons were supposed to recruit the best physical specimens into their ranks, and she was supposed to head to the palace… "What's the passphrase?" The two other mares had glanced around for several seconds before whispering it to her. They had refused to write it down, reiterating the need for discretion, and had told her to memorise it. She had, mulling the possibility over morosely for the rest of their time together, and for the next month until the Summer Sun Celebration. Her carnal vigour had grown stronger, more demanding, and she'd tried desperately with Night Light to conceive, even staying up all night on the longest day to capitalise on its life-giving qualities, but nothing happened. The rest of the year had produced no results either. Summer swung around again, and she felt the familiar shame of failure creep up on her. Upper Crust had whispered the new passphrase to her the month before the festival, and she had thanked the mare, the offer lingering in her mind. Could she bring herself to do it this year? Could she break her vows to fulfill her own desires? She'd been torn between her duty and her desire, struck by the beauty of the rising sun that day and the hot wash of lust that rolled over the crowd in time with the tide of sunlight. With a bit of persuasion, her husband had agreed to head home at midday to try their luck again. She hadn't even been surprised or shocked at the negative pregnancy test. Six years of disappointment had killed her ability to feel frustrated or upset at the familiar result. All she could feel was drained. This would be the seventh Summer Sun Celebration she'd witness without reaping its benefits, she'd thought, as the months dragged on and her life became grey and purposeless. She could sense Night Light's exasperation at her repeated attempts to change things up, to try something new, to give that strange idea from a far away land a go that might, just might, give her the foal she'd always wanted. He was kind enough, but she could feel his irritation whenever she brought it up. It wasn't fair. The others had their gorgeous children, babies and infants and children and cheeky teens, her friends and acquaintances happy in their role of motherhood. Even Night Light's clients and customers had families of their own, something she had to witness every time she accompanied him to a function as the dutiful wife. Whenever the topic came up, he'd handwave it as something that just hadn't happened, and the other stallion would, in an attempt to be kind, point out that she was still young and able to bear children. She always had to grit her teeth. Every year she had to see every other mare and stallion fawning over their kids, laughing joyously and doting on the little ponies. Every year, there was another baby to fuss over, to cuddle and coddle. Even the princess herself, who was publicly unmarried and childless, had the privilege of gazing over the sea of ponies as she sent the sun into a slow climb, illuminating the adoring, awed faces of each and every one of her loving subjects. She was, in a sense, a mother to hundreds of thousands, maybe even millions. The childless princess was more of a mother than Twilight Velvet could hope to be. "It's Summer Shining," Lyrica had whispered to her as they stopped for a quick chat in the street a week before the festival. Velvet didn't have to ask what she meant. This was her third time hearing the random two-word pass, and she hadn't used it the previous two times, when it had been something else. She doubted she would this year, either. Her husband had been especially busy that week, coming home late at night and leaving early in the morning. According to him, several businesses were competing to advertise and sponsor the garden party, and he'd been called in to manage the claims and auction off spaces and products. It was incredibly lucrative, he'd assured her, and he promised to take her on a vacation to Neighagra Falls when the business was wrapped up. It was a sweet gesture, but it didn't change the fact that her days were spent alone in the house, desperately trying to quench the fire in her loins with a simulacrum of a stallion. The fact that her toy was just as satisfying as her monogamous lover saddened her. The day arrived at last, and even before the sun rose, Velvet had felt the stirring of lust inside her, nature telling her to do her job. She'd been given a front-row seat, the best view of the spectacle, and she was itching for it. She didn't take her eyes from the podium from the second she sat down, even as the others chattered excitedly around her. Long minutes had passed, time ticking by in an unmoving flow, the drone of the crowd meaningless to her. The trumpets had blasted, breaking the relative still of the morning, and with the fanfare, an announcer bellowed out the ceremonial prelude, announcing the honorifics and duties and all the other trivial tripe that they always did. She'd watched, uncaring, until Princess Celestia stepped up to the stage, towering mightly over her subjects, slender and graceful, beautiful and majestic. The sight of the mare was awing enough, her golden dress flowing like liquid sunlight and rippling like her ethereal mane, lending her a regal, feminine aura that transcended her unparalleled height and stature. She projected strength and authority, power and resilience, but none of that undermined her femininity. She was loving and caring, tough and unyielding, stoic and expressive, all at the same time. She was the best of ponykind, and as she'd raised her arms and channelled magic through her horn, and the glow on the horizon grew into a slit of blinding light, the crowd had cheered. They loved her for it, and from the sliver of a smile on Celestia's muzzle, Velvet had seen that she loved them too. Some couples had left as soon as the raising had been completed, clearly feeling nature's prodding. She couldn't blame them; she'd felt the hungry urge too, but her husband had had other ideas, mingling with wealthy and stuffy ponies whose laughs sounded far too plastic for her to be able to stand for long. She'd looked around as often as was politely acceptable, searching for anypony she may be able to talk to herself. The princess was absent, for whatever reason, and she couldn't see Upper Crust anywhere, despite Jet Set's constant snooty appearance. All around her, there'd been male voices, crisp and calm, plastic and stiff, devoid of anything passionate or sincere. It was oppressive and overbearing. "Darling, I'm going to say hello to Upper Crust." The words had come easily after a few hours of the detached monotony, the lie slipping from her lips without so much as a twinge of guilt on her part. Night had smiled and nodded absently, barely breaking the conversation to acknowledge her, and she strode towards the palace with a sense of purpose. Her nerves had begun to gnaw at her as she drew closer, her doubt piling up, but still she had continued. There was nothing else for her to do, even when she considered what would happen if she'd been lied to, or if this was some big misunderstanding on her part. Her conscience had tried to intervene, reminding her what it would entail if she wasn't mistaken, but at that point, it hadn't been enough to stop her hooves trodding. "Can I help you, ma'am?" "Actually, I was wondering if...it sounds silly, but...does the phrase Summer Shining mean anything to you?" The directions first given to her by Upper Crust a couple of years ago turned out to be completely accurate. The walk along the hallway seemed to take a while, but that had to be down to her nerves. There were no turns or changes in altitude or direction, and simply by moving forward, Velvet spied a simple dark door at the end of an otherwise dead-end route. It was dark and ominous, standing stalwart against anypony who would try to gain entry - at least, that's what she imagined when she saw it. The barrier was out of sorts with the rest of the palace, looking official and important, and more like it belonged in a military facility than here, in the heart of beauty and elegance. A bench ran parallel to one of the walls, long enough to accommodate a good seven ponies, at least. Opposite it, nearest the door, was a desk, behind which sat a bespectacled brunette mare fingering an abacus and scribbling onto a piece of paper. The whole setup looked official, and Velvet felt a wave of anxiety as she stepped closer, her hooves sounding unbearably loud to her as she travelled closer. They seemed to echo from the walls, filling the building obnoxiously, and she feared the mare would look up irately and ask her to leave. Was she trespassing? Was this the right place? Doubt started to beset her, and she slowed her approach. "Hello," the mare at the desk spoke, looking up from her work and smiling warmly. The smile set Velvet at ease, and she returned a smile in kind. "Do you have a password?" "Summer Shining?" "Excellent," the mare replied. "Please feel free to take a seat, and we'll get everything done nice and quickly for you. Firstly, is this your first time here? I don't recall seeing you before." "Is it, yes," Velvet replied, sitting down opposite the desk. "May I have your name, please?" the mare asked, plucking a sheet of paper from a pile and laying it in front of her, and reaching for her quill. "Is that necessary?" Velvet asked with a frown, dread pitting in her stomach. "I'm afraid so," the mare at the desk answered, smiling sympathetically. "There's no need to worry. This is simply policy, and nopony else will see this other than the proper authorities. My entire job rests on the safekeeping of these documents, and to date, I've never failed. If it helps you, my name is Raven Inkwell, and it is my duty to keep records for many matters of state. This duty-" She gestured to the door with her head. "-falls to me, as well." "Very well," Velvet agreed, wringing her hands nervously. "M-my name is….Twilight Velvet." She winced, swallowing as she gave her details. Raven simply nodded and wrote onto the paper. "Are you a married mare, Miss Velvet?" "I…." She couldn't bring herself to admit to it, but her silence and reluctance to answer was enough. Raven nodded again and ticked something on the page. "Could you please describe the purpose of your visit here today? If you need reassurement, allow me to remind you that this is entirely confidential, and that any breach of confidentiality on my part, or the part of anyone employed by the crown, is punishable by immediate dismissal and indefinite imprisonment. I can't tell you what to say, but you are not the first mare to come here, and you needn't fear judgement or exposure. In your own words, explain why you wish to make use of this service." It took a painfully long time for Velvet to express any words at all, and for the entire time, Raven was silent, patiently waiting for the explanation. She didn't push, or judge. She just waited. "I've been married to my childhood love since I was eighteen," the grey unicorn revealed at last. "We have a wonderful marriage, and I do truly love him, but….I desperately want….need….to have foals. More than anything else in this world, I want to be a mother. We've been trying for years, but….a-and even when we try, I don't think he knows just how much it hurts me to fail. It's…." She sniffled, and looked up to see a tissue being levitated over to her, which she took, gratefully. "It's not working. I'm desperate." "Thank you," Raven spoke, the scratch of her quill filling the silence. "Are you aware of the nature of this service?" "It's a breeding programme, isn't it?" "Very much so, but there's more to it than that." Seeing Velvet look up and blink in confusion, Raven held up a hand to stop any question she might've been about to ask. "Before I explain any further, I'm afraid I have to ask you to sign a non-disclosure agreement." She reached to another pile of papers and slid a small sliver from the stack, turning it to face Velvet. Reluctantly, the grey mare stood up and walked over to the table, eyeing the wording. It was straightforward and self-explanatory, and there wasn't anything to it. Taking the offered quill, she signed her name on the dotted line, along with the date. "Thank you." "What's so special about this programme?" she asked, unable to wait even until she'd sat down. "You might've noticed that this entire system is kept very secret," the desk mare told her, pulling open a drawer and retrieving a thick A4 file. "I won't ask who told you, but I imagine you were informed about this service, and the passphrase, by word-of-mouth, perhaps a friend of yours? And that the details were sparse and deliberately vague?" She waited for Velvet to nod before standing up and stepping around the desk, bringing the file with her. "That's because this is something very important, something that I can't fully explain even if I was authorised to share many details about. The existence of the realm rests on this programme continuing to run, and to run without the interference of an emotionally-charged public's intervention." Velvet blinked in confusion again, taking the file as it was offered to her. She glanced down at the cover, reading the title; Breeding: The Realm and You; An Explanation of the Equestrian Sustainability Project and the Terms of Participation. Before she could question what that meant, another paper was slipped into her hand, this one seeming to be another agreement to sign. "Read it," Raven told her, tapping the file and looking Velvet in the eye. "Really read it, every word, and take it all in. It's absolutely vital you understand what you're doing and why, and that you understand what's expected of you. This is a two-way street; we're helping you, and you're helping us. We both have a responsibility to one another, and we're very, very serious about these responsibilities. Do you understand?" "Yes," Velvet answered, feeling a wash of unease flow through her. Taking a deep breath, she opened the file, gearing up for a long read. The first half hammered home the absolute importance of the breeding programme for Equestira's future, and how the offspring it produced would be necessary for keeping Equestria running. It didn't explain why, though, only that, as a matter of societal preservation, willing mares were the most important asset Equestria had, and the absolute necessity of secrecy. As a price for what she wanted, it didn't seem too bad. In fact, it seemed noble of her, and she felt herself smile at the thought she was serving the realm. They didn't need to explain the breeding - any mare who signed up for a breeding programme had her own reasons to do it, and they knew what it was - so the second half was the terms of use of the service, including the state's responsibility to the participants. The offers were eye-wateringly, jaw-droppingly generous; pre-school educational supplements, annual stipends towards child-rearing, guaranteed access to the entry exams for the most prestigious academic institutions in Canterlot, subsidised tuition, optional personal tutelage from a tenured professor, and much more. In addition, there was complete confidentiality, something guaranteed by royal decree. It was hard to believe this was real; all she'd wanted were children, but to have them given a headstart in life, too….how could she say no? Then came her responsibilities, and she gulped. There was to be absolute secrecy on her part, too. The identity of the sire could never, ever be revealed, even under duress. She was to keep this secret from everyone forevermore, including her own friends and family, from the moment she signed on the dotted line. The children she bore would never know who their true father was. She must live the lie that her children were a product of her marriage, and any failure to do so, honestly or otherwise, would see her imprisoned for treason. She and her husband would raise the children in a normal household, and the benefits she received from the programme would be delivered inconspicuously - random vouchers, cash prizes from lottery tickets, charity donations, tax rebates, unexplained policy changes. She looked down unblinkingly at the paper. At the bottom was a dotted line, coldly demanding her signature. Above it, an overly verbose and officious statement declared the pledge of the signee to abide by the agreement in perpetuity, without any leniency or deviation. She stared, her heart pounding in slow, powerful slams. Could she do this? It sounded so cold, so heartless, and yet….what was it all for? Something important, obviously. Could she take a blind leap and agree to something of this magnitude, with no way to backtrack after the fact? Would it be the right thing to do, even if she had her own reasons for wanting this? Stiffly, she stood up, her hooves plodding as she moved towards the desk. Raven watched her, a quiet presence that didn't offer any judgement, and didn't pressure her. It was such a simple thing to do - some squiggles that carried meaning, identifying her in particular. It was just ink on paper, gel on the dried sheet of pulp. Something so materially insignificant, and yet so heavy. Her hand felt heavy as she lifted it, picking up the quill from its inkpot, the grip all wrong. It was hard to do, this very simple action. She swallowed, her throat dry, and tried to steady her hand, to stop the trembling. Steeling herself to write was hard, harder than almost anything she'd done before. It was nearly impossible. Scratch scratch scratch scratch, dink She let out a long sigh as she replaced the quill in its well, her body warbling with nervous energy and relief. Signing was hard, but not signing was impossible. Even before she had them, before they existed, she'd do anything for her children. "Welcome to the programme, Miss Twilight Velvet," Raven intoned brightly, taking the other mare's hand and giving it a squeeze. The grey mare looked up and beamed, the realisation of what had happened beginning to set in. The weight of it, the swell of satisfaction and pride, was too much. She began to sob, happy tears leaking from her eyes. Quickly coming around to the other side of the desk, Raven hugged her and led her to the bench again, sitting the two of them down and sharing comforting words. Velvet fanned herself and laughed, embarrassed by her outburst. Raven assured her it was all okay, and talked to her with a level of empathy that astounded her. When her emotions subsided, Velvet had a lot more questions, and Raven was happy to answer most of them, in addition to some general advice. She was told to be prepared for the sight of her partner, who would be naked when she stepped into the chamber next door. The door was specially designed to respond to a muting spell, ensuring that the sounds of their rambunctious, lengthy activities couldn't be heard by anyone outside of the chamber. Velvet was both shocked and amused by the revelation that the chamber was occupied at that very moment; the last mare had entered two hours ago, and not once had so much as a peep been heard from inside. One pony served the entire programme, being virile beyond belief as a result of something Raven explained she couldn't share at that moment, and to keep secrecy, the lights were kept off until the door had been closed and the magical safeguards activated. She'd need to stay calm and not let her nerves or imagination cause her to panic. The rest of the questions were much more mundane. Did she look suitable? Yes, she was drop-dead gorgeous and her partner would take a very strong liking to her. Should she have prepared? No, there was no expectation to turn up in any particular state, and her partner would probably be very frazzled and sweaty by the time it came to her turn, so there was no room to complain on their part. What should she expect? Not to walk by the end of it. Velvet was smiling when they fell into silence, Raven squeezing her hand supportively. They'd said everything they'd needed to say, and she was comfortable and ready. Her dream was about to come true, and she couldn't stop letting out soft giggles at the thought of it. Whenever an itch of anxiety began to tickle at her mind, she imagined receiving messages of congratulations when she walked down the street, friends and strangers alike stopping to touch her baby bump, asking how far along she was and wishing her well, and the anxiety disappeared in a flash. A strong vibration from the desk shocked her, and she jumped. Raven looked over and stood up, striding back to her workstation and tapping something out of sight. Immediately, the vibration stopped, and Raven looked over with a gleeful smile, exuding excitement for the other mare. "That's your cue," the brunette told her, ushering Velvet to her hooves and over to the door. "Just remember, stay calm, be yourself, and enjoy the process. That's as much fun as the result, after all." She offered a friendly visage as the grey unicorn walked towards the dark, square door, trembling a little. With a THUNK of an unlocking mechanism, and then another, and then another, the door groaned and inched open, inwards. A rush of thick, dry air flowed from the chamber, smacking Velvet in the face as she stood in front of it, as if on the precipice to an ancient, undiscovered tomb. The odour was strong and hot, seeping forth like some noxious gas, but its smell was anything but repulsive. It was almost overwhelming, but it wasn't unappealing; quite the opposite, actually. She found herself drawn towards it, her heart pounding faster as it infiltrated her nose. With a start, she realised she was salivating, and swallowed down the excess pooling in her mouth. Glancing back at Raven, who was pinching her nose, she gave one last smile, receiving a thumbs-up, and turned towards the darkness of the room once again, stepping over the threshold and into the unknown. The door began moving as soon as she was inside, pulled back into its closed position through unknown means, and clanking shut heavily, extinguishing any remaining light that had managed to make its way inside. CLICK CLACK CLICK The mechanisms sealed once again, and then silence fell. She could've been standing in a void, surrounded by nothing but the endless expanse of ether, kept company by nothing but the roar of blood in her ears, the drumming of her heart in her ribcage, and the dense, heavy pressure of the stink that swirled and crept thickly around her. It pressed against her body, it sat on her coat and mingled with her fur, it flowed into her nose and throat as she breathed, saturating her lungs and permeating her tongue and sinuses. She couldn't stop drooling, the smell building up a desperate need in her that the nervousness had managed to suppress up until this moment. As she rubbed her legs together, trying to scratch an itch that had materialised warmly on her inner thighs, she felt the squish of her panties, and realised she wasn't just drooling from one orifice. Her ears perked as she made out a noise in the darkness. It wasn't just silent, after all; she could hear a pattern, a repeated noise, sounding guttural and heavy. As she listened closer, she realised what it was - swallowing. Someone was taking deep gulps of something, and then, with a exhalation and a gasp, there was a thud. Something was breathing heavily, barely a pause between their full inhales and exhales. There was a click, and then the gulping returned, replacing the heaving breaths for tens of seconds, before the other creature gasped once more. "Just a moment," they breathed at last, a husky voice filling the room. "That last one was a tough cookie, and I've got to hydrate if I want to take proper care of you, my little pony." The gulping continued, leaving Velvet standing alone as the unseen pony drank through another container of what she presumed was water. The unicorn counted another two containers before the chamber's other occupant slammed it down for a final time, letting out a huge sigh. "Now that that's been taken care of….let's see what we're dealing with, hm?" A clap of palms slapping together shattered the room's stilted ambience, but before Velvet could wince at the harsh crack, fires roared to life around her, igniting from every angle to illuminate the chamber in a golden hue. It wasn't too bright, nor too dark, and she blinked at the oddly perfect balance that had been struck. Her eyes roamed the room briefly, inevitably falling on the pony she'd heard all this time. Her eyes widened, and her jaw dropped at the sight of what greeted her. "Oh...fuck," she whimpered. > The Flame > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Oh...fuck." It was all she could muster when her soon-to-be lover was revealed, the unexpectedly illuminating flames from the scattered candles and out-of-the-way fireplaces casting an unobtrusive glow over the hulking pony. They were huge, looking down at the newcomer with a curious and unabashedly hungry gaze, and sitting on the ruffled, tossed sheets of a clearly well-reinforced bed didn't diminish their presence. The fact that they could be sitting down and still tower over the unicorn was enough to make her gulp, the intimidation she felt mitigated by the awareness of just how attractive this beast of a pony was. "I've heard worse reactions," the large pony responded, standing up fully and exposing their full height of what had to be seven feet, at least. The bed expanded behind them, reinflating to fill the space that the pony had pushed down when they'd sat on it. Twilight became aware of just how much this pony had to weigh for a bed that solidly constructed to react like that, and she gulped again, taking an involuntary step back. "Come, my little pony, you needn't be afraid of me; you came to me, after all." "I..y-yes..." Twilight answered, her mouth suddenly feeling dry. There was so much to look at; the height, the six-pack chiseled into their belly, the confidence and grace of their movements, and the way that they managed to sashay over with such sultry ease, their hooves clacking delicately on the stone of the floor in spite of how much mass they had to carry. And, of course, there was the gargauntuan erection standing stiffly before them like a depraved parody of both an extension rod and a baseball bat. It was still slick with juices, the likes of which Twilight knew all too well, but couldn't bring herself to believe were really real. "It's...very surprising, a-and..." "You're overwhelmed," the other pony chortled. "Yes, that's not an uncommon reaction. At least you haven't bolted for the door yet. You've already cast your die, and neither of us are leaving until we're both fully and completely satisfied. Now, what should I call you, my little pony?" They reached out, their long, dainty fingers brushing delicately against the unicorn's cheek. "Twilight Velvet," the mare answered, whispering her name with far more effort than it ought to have taken just to utter those two familiar words. "O-or 'Twilight', or 'Velvet', or anything e-else y-you want to call me. Wh-what should I call you...I mean, h-how should I refer to-" "Another common reaction," the other pony chuckled, caressing Twilight's cheek with their thumb. "Make no mistake, Twilight Velvet; I'm going to be turning you into my bitch. You're going to be a very different mare when you walk out of here - if you can walk by the end of it - than when you nervously tottled in here. So, you may do away with the usual pleasantries and expectations for today. You may refer to me by any affectionate epithet or sobriquet that takes your heart's fancy; your highness, your majesty, mistress, mommy-" "M-mommy?!" Twilight asked, shocked. "Far more common than you realise. There are still those who cannot help but to refer to me as 'Princess Celestia', even as I ruin their pretty little cunts for every other stallion and mare." Twilight was awestruck by the revelations dumped on her in such a short span of time, silently processing the scene before her and the innevitable events that were to follow. She'd never been expecting to have an extramarital affair in the first place, and now she'd found herself doing the unthinkable, she discovered that her soon-to-be lover was not only a pinnacle of masculine virility and feminine beauty, but it was an alicorn. As if that wasn't enough, it was the very princess of the kingdom. She was going to be bred by Princess Celestia herself. It was impossible, and yet, here she was, the representation of Equestria made manifest, standing naked and aroused, seducing the young mare into lascivious activities with the promise of greater ecstasy than she'd ever experienced, or would ever be able to experience with anypony else. The sight before her verified the alicorn's words; an amazonian mare with the thickest and longest phallus Twilight had ever laid eyes upon, easily two feet long and perhaps even longer, crossed with veins, pulsing and throbbing rhythmically to the beat of the powerful alicorn heart, a pair of testicles below the size of basketballs hanging low in a great, smooth scrotum, her genitals slathered in the remnants of her earlier activities. From how close the alicorn stood, and given their height differences, Twilight's nose easily picked up the strong carnal scent even above the general odour of relentless sex, the musk and the saltiness, the heat radiating from the shaft itself, the sweat that dripped down her jewels and her washboard abs. It was unfamthomable seeing the princess like this. In so many ways, she was still the regal goddess that made a point of being seen going about her royal duties, her long cerulean mane and tail floating as if underwater or caught in some soundless etheral wind, her hourglass figure slender and graceful, her face beautiful and full of the flawlessness and energy of youth yet exuding the wisdom and competence of age. Her touch was delicate against Twilight's skin, her effeminate digits brushing with a motherly tenderness and utmost care, and her body was almost a monument to cytherean ideals; her breasts were large and rounded, big enough to require four full-grown stallions to hold, her hips were wide and her waist thin, her buttocks were thick and plush and rested atop two equally plump thighs, her calves teetering out to two very respectably toned and lithe appendages that caught the eye of every mare and stallion who laid eyes upon them. Yet there was something new and brusque that she hadn't seen before in Celestia, the male endowments aside. Of course, the burgeoning beast of a member was the most apparent, being as thick as a soup tin with a urethral opening as big as her fingertip, but even ignoring the titanic rod and rocks, the way she acted was a far cry from the princess' usual refined mannerisms. The swagger in her walk, the vulgarity in her speech, the casual self-assuredness dripping from every word she spoke, all of it bound together everything else that made the alicorn stand out. Beneath the softness of her skin, muscles rippled with every movement, as firm and dense as diamond, but hidden by the outward femininity she usually displayed. It was no wonder the princess dressed so conservatively in public, if this was what she had to hide. If everypony knew this about her, she'd never be able to be seen the same way again, no matter how graceful and elegant she was the rest of the year. "You can figure it out as we go," Celestia announced, turning and walking towards the bed, each step sending her buns wobbling and jiggling hypnotically. Twilight couldn't look away, fixated on the mesmerising sight of those two snow white globes rippling, and it wasn't until Celestia turned away and sat down, the bed depressing under her weight, that the spell was broken. "You may approach." A smirk crossed her muzzle as Twilight took a tentative step forward, and the alicorn added, "On your knees, though." "My...knees?" "Yes. Hands and knees. Crawl over here like the bitch in heat you are." Twilight balked at the command, disgusted at the suggestion that she ought to act like an animal, and yet the words were having an effect on her even without her conscious input. The idea of lowering herself for the pleasure of her superior wasn't alien to her; it was, after all, her place anyway. This was just more stark, and degrading. She shouldn't want it, but her mind rationalised away her discomfort, and her body reacted willingly and immediately, her nethers growing wetter and hotter. With a small amount of trepidation but an even greater need to obey, the unicorn shakily sank to her knees and steadied herself on her hands. The stone was cold against her palms, but the thrill of doing something so wrong at the behest of somepony so grand sent a white hot thrill through her that pulsed and thrummed as she began to move, awkwardly and nervously, but without stopping or retreating from her task. The journey took what felt like hours, the slow shuffle across the floor stretching what should have been a brief walk into miles upon miles of ground. She kept her head down, steeling herself enough to take quick glances up at her destination before the sight of the Princess of the Sun gazing salaciously at her cowed her, and she had to avert her gaze out of shame and inferiority. She never seemed to get closer, each peek offering maybe a few more inches covered, and the iron stare of her princess burrowed into her like a red-hot poker, the sensation never fading, just stoking the humiliation and the infuriatingly strong arousal it fueled. It felt wrong and right, and that contradiction pressed sharply against her mind like the constant refreshment of taking that first deep gasp of air after surfacing from water, or the beautifully intense burn of spice in a masterful dish. That moment, the exact moment it registered as good, held in stasis, played over and over. It felt so uncomfortable to be acting like this, but her reason for doing it, and the fact she could, made it the most worthwhile thing in the world. As if by magic, she arrived at the bed suddenly and unexpectedly. Celestia's hooves came into view of her turned-down eyes, and she realised she'd done it, she'd travelled the distance like an animal, burning with shame the entire way, and feeding her lust into an even more torrid blaze than the humiliation she felt. Trembling, she looked up, her eyes drawn upwards by some inexorable instinct even while anxiety nibbled at her. The lithe calves gave way to plushness, the sharp juxtaposition of feminitity clashing with masculinity just a few inches over, her stones hanging heavily between her legs beneath a fuzzy sheath and a shaft almost to big to be contained by it. From so close, and such a lowly position, the sight was even more imposing. "Don't be afraid," Celestia cooed, smirking down at the awestruck unicorn. "You can touch. Take your time to really feel what you're serving." The alicorn's left leg lifted, brushing against Twilight's cheek and pulling a soft whimper from the much smaller mare. "Go ahead. Show me why you deserve to have my attention." All of the concerns and anxiety left Twilight's head at the princess' words, grabbing the slender limb and rubbing her face against it fervently, nearly purring as the satin-soft fur tickled her skin. With mounting need, she pressed her lips to the shin, smooching and pecking and trailing upwards and around, mapping the surface of her better's leg and allowing the pride of being this close to an alicorn and a monarch fill her, the fact that she was allowed to be more than a subject, but a willing lover, a participant of something so basic and carnal with somepony so special and unique. It was like worshipping a goddess, and the unicorn held onto that thought as her lips brushed up to the suppleness of the beauty's thigh, her muzzle sinking a little into the impossibly comforting softness that awaited her there. Her kisses became more needy, adding drags of her tongue to the dance of lips, journeying up and down and still struggling to extend her affection to all of the available surface. There was so much to love, and the taste of exertion and purity made every second of it a treat. She paused when she came to Celestia's groin, the fold where her leg joined to her body offering a boundary she wasn't sure she was able to cross. Looking up to her partner, she licked her lips, struggling to stop salivating and asked wordlessly what she was to do next. After all, there was plenty more she could cover before going on to tend to the main attraction, and if ordered to do so, she'd do it willingly. Servicing the princess had awakened something in her that she hadn't felt in years, if at all. Even her wedding night and honeymoon seemed pale by comparison to this vibrant experience, and they hadn't even done anything yet. "You may," the princess said at last, her meat lifting slightly as the arousal ran through her. Spreading her legs wider, she exposed herself more fully to the unicorn, providing a better view and access to the treasure between her legs. "Go wild, my precious little brood slut. This is your chance to set the pace, for now." Her cock throbbed again, pulsing visibly every couple of seconds. If she hadn't been drooling before, she would've been now. Twilight dove in, lapping at the crease between leg and groin, running her tongue over fur and skin and tasting the more noticeable flavour sitting closer to Celestia's crotch. It was more than just the texture of silken strands of fur and the tasteless texture of soft, supple skin, but hints of salt and damp, the sign of activities that had come before her. It was a good sign, one that spoke to an innate sense in the unicorn's mind she didn't know she had; she had a place, as many other mares undoubtedly had. She wasn't some freak for doing this. She wasn't alone. She was a very good mare. Spurred by the feeling of how right this was, the unicorn allowed herself a moment to feel the weight of the anatomy around her, the heat radiating from the male organs she'd soon be encountering fully and properly. Their presence felt right, and that she hadn't had this in her life already felt like a disservice to her, a betrayal and an utter injustice. She shivered, their touch against her cheek as she kissed and licked at their owner's body enough to make her instincts growl at her, demanding she get on with it and throw herself into sating her desires. She worked her way around, touching at the surrounding area to fully appreciate her goddess, loving every second of the denial she was giving herself and the praise she was heaping on the great mare, until her desire won out over her, and she turned her head- She couldn't suppress a whimpering whine nor a shudder as her lips finally brushed against the skin of the alicorn's nutsack, a prickling excitement running through her at the concession to her need. Her tongue instinctively followed, drawing over the folds and wrinkles of leathery skin on the otherwise smooth ballsack, all of which just confirmed to Twilight just how perfect it was; so large, containing so much mass, so much weight! Down she went, ducking her head to slather her tongue all over the glorious sack and the jewels it contained, the prickle of sweat and more intimate flavours falling onto her tastebuds as she progressed, growing ever more vivid and stark against the comparative blandness of her goddess' legs. She had to keep her tongue flat and broad to cover as much area as she could, the task of thoroughly exploring the valuable pair monumental, but mercifully made easier by how little she had to adjust her sweep to follow the circumference. With Night Light, she had to steer into the turn to make the process smooth; with Celestia, her tongue never left the massive marenuts, not even for a second. Celestia's pleased hums and sighs filtered down from above, music to Twilight's ears as she lavished the swollen nads with boundless affection, pausing her swipes to pepper the surface with wide kisses. The distinction between smooching and licking devolved as the unicorn continued, the technique reducing from precise and skillful to a sloppy makeout with the great orbs, the mare drunkenly rubbing her face against them as she drooled and slobbered and kissed and tried to run her tongue over every square inch of their surface. She was smeared with her own spit, her saliva replacing the ballsweat she cleaned away and her face towelling the area she'd just washed, dirtying herself as well as her partner. She cupped the stones, her hands far too small to hold their size or bare their weight, but she persisted futilely, unwilling - unable, even - to give up on this amazing specimen of a pony. Sticking her face as far as she could between the bloated balls, Twilight gently motorboated the pair, murmuring lovingly and breathing in the thick, concentrated odour trapped there. It entered her nostrils and seeped swiftly into her lungs, ensconcing her brain in a swirling fog and leaving her in a daze, even as her body revved up with vigour and ardour. "Such a thorough and eager slut," Celestia noted approvingly as the unicorn's tongue travelled upwards between her two enviable gonads. "Do I taste good, brood slut? Do I smell good?" "Amazing, my goddess," Twilight answered after an embarrassingly long period of trying to regain control of herself. It was hard to tear herself away from the mouthwatering fruit, and she initially gave some attempted half-replies straight into the sound-muffling rocks, offering a little more stimulation to her superior in the process. When she did pull back, she felt deprived, the air bitterly cold against her lips and throat without the comforting presence of those hefty stones. It was like dunking her head in icy water, the sharpness unpleasant and leaving her wanting to run back to the warm embrace and delightful tastes and smells that would only feel better after being deprived of them. "Goddess?" Celestia tittered, eyeing the unicorn's messy face and reverant expression. "That is a new one, I have to admit. It's flattering. Feel free to keep using it, my little tongue slave, and feel free to move on to something...more substantial." Her dick flexed, bobbing up and then falling down to bap Twilight's face lightly, the impact of the baton still strong enough to make her flinch, even without causing her any pain. Once again, the grey mare jumped to her task, offering a few more slurps over the plump, juicy balls and sniffing greedily at the sack holding them before trailing her tongue up to the pillar stretching high above her. On anypony else, it would've been a third leg, but on Celestia, it felt natural, somehow, an extension of her superiority over all other ponies. The smell was stronger here, radiating from the pole with the heat that came naturally from such a mammoth member, hovering around the shaft for her to inhale with every incidental breath she took. She took deep, deliberate sniffs, loving the rolling stink of perversion that invaded her sinuses, an olfactory tale of depravity that sent her head spinning with wild images and left her longing for what she could see so clearly in her head. As her tongue drifted upwards and along, side-to-side, around the curve of the diamond hardness, her tastebuds ignited in recognition and glee. Her saliva dampened the drying layer of semen still caked on the cockflesh, releasing the full flavour for the unicorn to enjoy, a sample of what was to come. There was more, too, the subtle taste of something far more feminine, something she could identify from her shameful nights of tending to her own needs while her husband slept; she was tasting a mare. This was the last mare the big-dicked alicorn had bred, and now Twilight was lapping at her excitement, cleaning the cock of the pony who'd dicked her down. It made her moan, even with her lips wrapped around the monster itself, and she worked harder, her effort ramping up to a furious insistence. If it were even possible, she was more thorough with Celestia's staff than her twins, swiping every iota of the burgeoning beast and lashing out with her tongue at any spot she thought she might've missed. She didn't raise herself higher until the stickiness and the tang had completely disappeared, exhausting the available deposit and repeating at every level of the marecock, sweeping and swiping ever further. When she reached the medial ring, she became aware of beads dripping downward, a stream of watery fluid leaking onto her muzzle, and realised that her ministrations were having a tangible effect on her partner. A thrill ran through her, and she lapped up the spillage as it came, working as fast as she could so as to not let any of the pre flow down to the sparkling, spit-polished section of shaft beneath her. Inch by inch, lick by lick, she climbed to the top of the tower, standing up straight to swirl her tongue over the plateau and lavish it with direct, deliberate affection. She leaned in close, suckling at the crown, her lips doing their best to form a seal so she could drink directly from the leaking tool, her tongue flicking longingly at the cumhole and feeling the ooze as it emerged and garnished her asking tongue. "Hungry broodmare," Celestia teased, rubbing Twilight's mane as she supped and slurped, filling herself on the entree to a very heavy course. "You've done a wonderful job, but now it's time to sit back and let me take over. Get back on your knees, slut, and tell me how much you want this." "M-more than anything, my goddess," Twilight uttered breathily, fighting the urge to lean back in and satiate her need for precum. "I want you to use me, to show me what I deserve, a-and to do anything you want to do to me. I deserve it, whatever it is! Just please let me have your big, juicy cock, goddess!" She didn't know where the words came from. They certainly weren't conscious, and she'd never especially been a submissive lover, but with somepony this powerful, this alluring, and this perfect, it came naturally. It felt right, and she spoke without even needing to consider what was happening. Hastily, she dropped to her knees, worried she'd waited too long to obey, but the alicorn's smirk remained smug as she stood up, towering over the unicorn with even more disparity than before, truly dwarfing the young pony. "Then you shall receive," the Princess of the Sun declared, pushing her rod downward towards the kneeling pony. "Open wide." Twilight did as she was told, dropping her lower jaw to make room for the behemoth coming towards her, and still the crown pushed her jaw wider, requiring more room to enter her maw. Her lips greeted the monster, caressing it as the inches slipped inside, lubed by her thorough tonguebath, and her tongue was pushed flat, serving as a carpet to welcome the intruding guest. In a slow sawing movement, Celestia pulled back to her glans, leaving the tip of her cock nestled behind Twilight's teeth, before easing back in, reintroducing the inches she'd just removed. Slowly, Twilight found herself accepting the insertion more easily, the process working without the difficulty of fitting the largest thing she'd ever had in her mouth. The increase in speed came gradually and so she went with it, barely noticing the increased depth of the thrusts until the broadness hit the back of her throat, causing her to gag. If Celestia noticed, she didn't react. She carried on, humping against her latest partner, feeding the unicorn more and more of her shaft, her cockhead striking Twilight's throat increasingly often, each one seeming more insistent. With a little more force, the alicorn pressed herself deeper, the tightness of Twilight's throat giving a little more to the ramming, surrendering to the impacable attempts to violate her passageway. Grinding past the curve, the white mare succeeded, the tip making leeway into the unicorn's gullet, smearing a layer of pre over the constricting surfaces. Drawing back, she shoved in again, becoming more aggressive as if sensing some sort of victory, driving an inch deeper, and then again, until she was driving half of her dick down Twilight's esophagus. "You're so tight," Celestia commented, sighing contentedly. "I can feel you squeezing around me desperately. It's like you're trying to crush my cock." The unicorn began to wretch as Celestia's hands grabbed her head and horn and pulled her deeper, forcing yet more stiffness into her stretched and abused throat, the dickmare's medial ring grinding uncomfortably against Twilight's palate. The unicorn wretched repeatedly as Celestia's hands grabbed her head and horn and pulled her deeper. Despite her insistence and swift, powerful jabs, the angle wasn't good for sheathing her cock in the mare, and she grunted in frustration while her cocksleeve gargled and swallowed around the sizable blockage. When she pulled back, dislodging herself from Twilight's airway, the unicorn spluttered and coughed, gulping down huge lungfuls of air. "Breathe while you can, slut. That was barely a warmup." Twilight's world span as she was hoisted into the air and flung onto the bed, bouncing once on the mattress before she was pulled upwards, unaware of exactly where she was until her head dropped backwards off the edge of the bed. Hanging upside down, she was given a brief view of a pair of stunning white legs and low-hanging boulders before the hot, blunt head of the object of her passionate torment prodded at her lips, urging her to open up wide and accept the generous gift. The unicorn complied instinctively, granting the dense slab entry to her throat and relaxing as best as she could while it progressed down her passage, scraping against the sides of her stubborn pharynx and ignoring the contractions of her stretched throat. The ridge marking Celestia's middle was the hardest part to take, but even that she managed with just a few encouraging swings of the alicorn's hips, her body's resistance nothing in the face of a determined princess. Soon, she'd been fed the entire length, feeling as if she'd tried to swallow a tree trunk. It wasn't enough to just swallow down every inch of meat that the alicorn boasted - Celestia wanted Twilight to take all of it, and so that's what happened. Her jaw reached even wider, tears forming in her eyes as she was compelled to wrap her lips around the princess' sheath, swapping hot leathery dickskin for fuzz, coughing and convulsing every few seconds, expelling spittle and drool over the pristine coat of the nation's most beloved pony. Finally, after a torturously long time being dragged towards her desination, her lips met the alicorn's pelvis, kissing the beauty's amazonian body, fully impaled and under the complete control of the stud. Her nose was pressed against the pouch containing those wonderful, virile cum-tanks, the source of her need, and even being this close was enough to make her shiver with need and delight. Breathing in deep, she basked in the hot, sour, musky smell, the odour permeating the sack and flowing like a fragrance from the skin to grace Twilight's nasal. "You're a natural," Celestia complimented from above - or below, given her current position - as she remained still, clearly enjoying wearing the grey mare. "Not every mare can take me like this, but I love the ones that can. It tickles, being in your stomach like this; all the prickles and tingles from basting in you, it's such a treat." As if on cue, Twilight's stomach gurgled, shifting and bubbling around the abnormal presence inside it. It was a different fullness, a strange presence that, oddly she found charming and exciting. "You sound hungry," the princess chuckled. "Well, if that's the case, then let's give you a meal." Twilight's eyes widened as Celestia withdrew nearly her entire shaft, the unexpected unthreading leaving her oddly empty and sending an immediate melancholic sense of loss through her. She didn't have more than a split second to mope, though, before the pole was shoved all the way back down, impaling her once again on the full length of the shaft. Uttering a spluttering grunt, Twilight was given even less time to prepare for the second rough thrust, and even less for the third, a rhythm of rotational sawing from her partner leaving the unicorn in a cycle of powerless awe. The friction against her insides was lesser than it had been before, having gotten used to the size she had to take and grown slightly numb from being rubbed raw, but it was still intense, and in between the coughs and gasps and gags and wretches, she groaned in delight, loving every second of it. She was no longer just being smothered by the ballsack or given a chance to drink in its musk, but was being tormented with its brief appearance so she could try and drag in a gasp of its divine smell, the nuts contained within swinging up and hitting her squarely in the face with every forward thrust, the heavy masses dazing her and arousing her to no end. As she accepted the battering of her stomach and muzzle, a hand closed around her neck, the palm gliding up and down her windpipe and the dainty fingers gently gripping her skin. The sensation wasn't enough to draw her attention away from the sloshing orbs beating against her weightily, each one as large as her head, until she realised what Celestia was doing; the alicorn was jerking herself off through the unicorn's neck. Twilight tingled in delight, the sheer depravity of the situation leading her to gyrate her own hips in wanton need, unaware or uncaring of just how heavy everything felt. It was right that she was stuck here, used like a toy for her princess' needs, taken deeper than she'd ever been taken before, used utterly and abused as if she had no value beyond belonging to somepony else. Her vision was starting to dim a little, but she didn't care; the pressure in her gullet was growing stronger, the speed of her goddess' thrusts was getting faster, the lewd sounds surrounding her were getting louder and more frequent, and so the burning in her lungs meant nothing. Celestia hilted and huffed, grunting as she pressed herself right up against Twilight's eager lips, her body tensing as a surge ran up and back down, tension building and releasing in an instant. Her pipe pulsed, throbbing urgently, stretching out the mare's passageway, and all the unicorn could do was lay there and revel in the feeling of a flare expanding against her stomach walls, smothered by the alicorn's scrotum and awash with the decadent unwashed smell of absolute masculinity. The grey mare felt the balls rise towards her, gurgling as they sent their contents surging up the princess' pride, roaring in a torrent through the flexing, beating cock until, at long last, it spewed into her stomach, the first spurt alone making every other ejaculation she'd felt feel like a half-hearted dribble. The second and third were no less intense, the pressure and speed of the shots leaving a full second delay between each volley. Every time the hot gush stopped, Twilight felt giddy, anticipating the next with an excitement she'd never associated with something so perverse. It took ten hard bursts of gooey spunk before the mare above her extracted her schlong, leaving a smear of jizz all along the raw, bruised esophagus, a glaze of cream to both sooth and lay claim to Twilight's maw. She was lucky enough to be given a final ooze right into her mouth directly, the taste thick and heavy, and very, very rich. As she swallowed and breathed in, her eyes widened, and she gasped, the flavour of semen flooding into her lungs. Hacking and burping, the mare rolled over, groaning as she did, vividity and definition returning to her vision. She hadn't realised that she'd stopped seeing colour so sharply until she was given the chance to breathe again, her functions returning to her following her intense force-feeding. Her stomach rumbled in carnal satisfaction, the hot contents within as filling as a full three course meal, and not too dissimilar to chowing down on a pot of steaming hot stew. With a squeak of surprise, her hindquarters were lifted up by a pair of strong, commanding hands, her skirt was thrown up, and an intrusive muzzle shoved itself into her crotch. Her eyes widened as she felt a powerful draw of air, a loud sniff reaching her ears, and a sigh of satisfaction. One of the hands that was lifting her grabbed the cotton panties by the waistband and unceremoniously yanked them downward, swiftly and carelessly baring Twilight's crotch in what seemed to be a practiced move. Before the unicorn could say anything, the hand reached around and shoved a wad of cotton into her mouth, leaving her dazed. These...these were her panties! Her arousal-soaked, pungent panties! She whimpered, shamefully aroused by the perversion she was subjected to, and delighting in her own taste. When the first pass of a confident tongue caressed her lower lips, and she shuddered and squeaked into her makeshift gag, it became apparent that she wasn't the only pony who loved how she tasted. "You taste amazing," Celestia commented, slurping loudly and unabashedly from behind the unicorn. Every other word was punctuated with a wide sweep over her vulva, followed by a pointed hum of approval. "You look needy, you're so wet I could drown in your pussy, and you taste like a fertile mare ready to be taken and claimed. Is that what you want, broodmare?" "Y-yef!" Twilight answered around her panties, nodding emphatically. Her eyes rolled back as Celestia licked her again, and then shuddered as a finger pushed into her depths, and then a second, and then a third. "No resistance at all," the alicorn reported smugly as she delved inside with her fourth slender digit. "You're absolutely gagging to be dicked down by a proper mare, aren't you? To see how it feels to be on the receiving end of a pony who has a proper stallionhood, and who knows how to use it. Isn't that right?" Again, Twilight answered affirmatively, conveying her agreement with sounds oozing with desperate want. Withdrawing her slick fingers, the alicorn placed her cockhead against the teardrop of her newest conquest's entrance, slowly dragging her tip up and down, rubbing the mare's needy hole. "I don't know if you deserve it, slut. Why should I gift you with my precious seed? There are many who would commit heinous, unforgiveable acts to lay with a princess, nevermind an alicorn. What makes you worthy?" She had no answer, nothing that could explain why, and so she let out a whine, sobbing with a burning, urgent need, rocking back to try and slip the object of her desire inside. The princess just moved with her, pulling back so she never received the satisfaction, leaving her whining and mewling pathetically, unable to satisfy herself or convince the goddess to satisfy her. She knew the alicorn was thriving from it, utterly satisfied by the simple display of competence and singular authority, and that there was nothing she could do to mitigate the agonising denial. Without warning, her walls stretched and a mass was shoved deep inside her, bashing against her internal gate. A second of silence followed, the shock shooting up her body from the epicentre and rippling back, oscillating several times in an instant, each rebound acute and identifiably seperate even within the impossibly quick timeframe. The moment around her seemed to come to a halt, as if the brutal slam forward had just been an instantaneous change, and as the unicorn came to terms that the princess had just given her exactly what she wanted, had just thrust all the way inside, everything swirled and resumed, the intensity crashing down on her, her body spasming with the incredible, overwhelming, mind-melting rush that roared through her. She screamed aloud, her vision blurring and her cognition cowering in the face of the tsunami of relief. It was obliterating, smashing through every concious thought she had and leaving her unable to do more than react in animalistic squeals and wails. It felt like an hour had passed before the tempest calmed enough for her to register more than the battering, the beating, and the whipping of her mind against the billowing firestorm, first noticing the tightness in her groin, and realising just how firmly she was squeezing down on her goddess' shaft, which didn't feel like it was budging an inch. It was like trying to crush a concrete pillar with her hands, and no matter how many contractions she went through or how much of a vice her marehood became, it was still totally insufficient. The next thing she noticed was how naked she was, trembling on the bed with nothing between her and the sheets. She hadn't felt her skirt or blouse being ripped from her, nor her bra being unclipped and flung somewhere out of sight, and as she retroactively recalled the deft, decisive hands pulling and tugging at her attire, the amazon behind her began to move. Her frazzled nerves glowed as the dense slab of dickmeat ground against them, passing over each and every sensitive spot she had in the single motion, the next thrust in coming hard and fast, slamming against her cervix again. Twilight yelped, her fingers clutching the bedsheets, bunching her fists tight as she endured the resounding battering against her deepest barrier, each strike crashing against it like a ram at a gate, determined to break through to what lay behind. The sawing got faster, the period between her being crammed full of obstinate cock and her assailed cunny being given a moment of reprieve diminishing exponentially, every throw against her coming harder and faster, the alicorn no longer stopping at the end of Twilight's tunnel, but bouncing from it and using the momentum for the next ravaging thrust. A hand unexpectedly slid around her thigh and under her hip, fingers reaching between her legs to caress the bundle of nerves peeking from under her hood. The unicorn squeaked, shaking as sharp pleasure flashed through her, every light brush of delicate fingertips precise and deliberate. There wasn't a single misstep, each pass hitting its target, and every swift circle over her nub filling her reserves of lust and passion. Like striking a flint again and again, the sparks were sure to catch sooner or later, and when they did, the flame they created would be memorable. A hand on her hip and a hand between her legs, a divine cock pummeling her marehood, Twilight tried to stay steady on shaking arms, feeling the hot pressure rising in her once again. It didn't take long for her dam to break, the release flowing through her in a welcome surge, her mind assailed once more with feelings and shapes and colours she couldn't register before they were gone, her cunny clamping own tightly around the log that persisted through her clenching, a gush from her loins spraying her partner's groin and decorating her own legs with the dribbles that followed. The unexpected pressure against her rear pulled her from her daze, her eyes widening as something wet and prehensile circled her round, raised ring. Pressing firmly, it passed between the walls of her sphincter, slippery and smooth as it journey up her narrow passageway. She whimpered, biting her lip at the strange sensation and the unexpected fullness of it, the new experience adding another tingle through her body. She whined louder as a second presence pushed into her anus, spreading her hole a little wider and steering its way up to join the first. When the third made its entry, she gasped. "Goddess, please," she spoke up, unable to remain quiet. "What are you doing?" "I'm exploring my broodmare," Celestia answered, curling her fingers to caress the mare's satin walls, pulling a shuddering sigh from the smaller pony. "You've never been touched like this before, have you, my little breeding slut?" At Twilight's hesitant shake of the head, the white mare chuckled in satisfaction. "I can tell. You're wringing my fingers, trying to squeeze me out, and you're whining like a bitch in heat. I love it when mares like you give me something I can savour, truly claim as my own." Twilight gasped again as yet another finger was added, the pressure inside her mounting as the princess began to pump her wrist, stopped only by her thumb against the grey globes of the young mare's rump. It would've been intense with just the new penetration alone, but with two seperate orifices taken at once, Twilight couldn't hold back her panting and pleading, shaking with need and uttering all sorts of praises. Her hips gyrated of their own accord, pushing back into the alicorn's hand and pole with an urgency that the white mare clearly understood. The hand left her waist, grasping her tail and pulling sharply, sending a jolt of shock and trickling pleasure through her, and grinding the blunt head against her beleaguered barrier. She was yanked back again, feeling herself loosening, wanting more than anything to fit more of that beautiful cock inside her. It occured to her that she hadn't felt those giant cum-tanks bashing her, and in a moment, with horrified awe, she realised that the princess hadn't even managed to fit her entire length into her passage yet. As that thought struck, her cervix surrendered, allowing the ram to brute-force its way inside her chamber. The addition of several more inches of snatch-stretching prick pushed the air from her lungs and nearly knocked her flat onto her face, her eyes crossing as the swollen nads she'd been subconciously awaiting swung against her crotch, brushing her clit with just the right level of accidental gentleness. The hand retracted from her rear, leaving her empty, and sailed up her body, towards her neglected bust, fingers closing around her swaying mounds. With a handful of titflesh, the princess kneaded and groped, squeezing and palming the small, supple breasts, and carried on with her thrusting, fully embdedded in the helpless mare. The unicorn was possessed, heavy melons resting against her back as the alicorn leaned in close, pushing her flat against the bed. The staff slamming her insides was inescapable, more intimately familiar with her anatomy than any encounter she'd ever had before, and feminine hands brusquely pinched and rolled her nipples. She had nowhere to go, other than inward. The pressure built, tension coiling in her like a spring as the princess' hips clapped against her cheeks, the clamour of the impacts nearly leaving her numb, and she buried her muzzle in the sheets, screaming as the two of them approached their end together. Perhaps it was the thickening of the pipe against her already stuffed pussy, or maybe the swelling of the flare inside her uterus brushing at the walls. Maybe it was the way the hefty nuts she'd spent so long praising sloshed and lifted against their joined bodies, or maybe it was the final encounter she'd wanted, needed, since she first laid eyes on the dick-wielding monarch; the first shot of baby batter coating her womb, followed by many more. Whatever set her off, Twilight was sent into a spiralling, tumbling climax as Celestia hilted, grunted, and unleashed an ocean of semen into the waiting, willing unicorn. As the first jet came rocketing out of the princess' scepter and splashed over her walls, Twilight wailed, burst after burst adding to her loud, feral song. Even as she was sent soaring away from her body, she was distinctly aware of the hose inside her, painting her walls in thick clumps of seed, the sensation burning and cooling her at the same time. Their orgasms fed into one another, her vice-tight cunt milking the alicorn's pride and urging it to continue pouring molten love deep into her fertile furnace, which only made her cling on tighter. Round and round they went, dragging just that little more from one another, until they fell silent, their breathing heavy and ragged. The ramifications of what had just happened hadn't settled on Twilight's mind before the alicorn atop her stirred, shifting her weight and dragging the momentous mass from the unicorn's packed confines, scraping along her overstimulated walls and pulling a hiss from the grey mare. As the deflating flare popped free, she felt her recently evacuated tunnel winking in disappointment, feeling as though she'd just been excavated and left, the thick ooze of overflowing spooge creeping along her buzzing canal, soothing her frazzled nerves. With an eep, she found herself being pulled by her legs to the edge of the bed, and then turned onto her side, her legs shoved together and upwards. When she turned her head to face her goddess, she was met with an avaricious stare, a visage dripping with predatory hunger and uncontestable will. Twilight's eyes widened, and she sucked in a breath as the mare-breaking tool she'd become all-too-familiar with pressed between her buns, grazing the compliant flesh of her buttocks until it bumped against her rotunda. "My goddess, I don't think it'll fit," Twilight told the alicorn, her tone woven almost entirely from anxiety. "Hush, my little broodmare," Celestia commanded, running a teasing finger down the grey mare's side. "I'll make it fit, and you'll thank me for it when I have." Without waiting for a response, she pushed forward against the resistance, the plateau stretching the elastic barrier inexorably until it gave way, opening wide enough to give the crown entrance into the dark passage beyond. She was able to fit a few inches before the unicorn clenched, squeezing down in a quiet panic on the thickness entering her. "Don't clench down yet; we've only just started." "It's so big," Twilight whined, panting as the alicorn rocked back and forth, working in an inch more at a time, adding to the stuffing in glacial, incremental steps. "Goddess, you're huge, it's just..." She let out a groan as a deeper thrust slid a full quarter of the invading trunk into her rear, slickened by the smeared leftovers of the virile mare's gut-flooding loads and the vaginal lube she'd provided herself. It was a mercy, making the acclimitisation that much easier than if she'd had to accept such a monumental insertion dry. Of course, with how well her goddess had treated her, and how productive the dickmare was, it wasn't as if there was a shortage of suitable fluids to aid their efforts. The relatively gentle back-and-forth worked up until the medial ring, quickly getting the unicorn used to the sensation and loosening her up enough to introduce more of the enviable male organ. When the ridge bumped against her sphincter, progress halted, the sawing achieving nothing until the alicorn reared back and thrust firmly, forcing past the reluctant ring and continuing on. Twilight gasped and tensed, but the penetration continued, a slow, continuous glide, until the fuzzy sheath came to rest against her rump, leaving the unicorn with what felt like miles of pipe inside her. Her breathing was quick, her heart pumped rapidly, and she felt as if she was going to be split in two by the sheer size of her goddess' godhood. "Now you can clench," the white mare declared, grabbing Twilight's tail and yanking harshly, sending a sharp shock along the unicorn's spine. "G-goddess!" Twilight cried out, her anal passage constricting like a vice and meeting an intractable spire, unable to do more than clutch futilely at the stubborn shaft. Her vulnerable flesh pressed hard against Celestia's own, she could feel the heat and the hardness, the throb of the alicorn's steady heartbeat, each one a testament to the monarch's implacable strength and dominance. The withdrawal came far too soon, and she tried to squeeze down again, clinging to the dick as if her life depended on it, but the return saw her gasping and loosening, her body unable to keep the pressure up while somethig so magnificent and totalising claimed her tailpipe. It may have been steady, but it felt earth-shattering to the grey mare, the constant friction sending sparks through her body, her nerves already alight just from the introduction to such a depraved means of indulgence. The sawing became rolls of the hips, an efficient rotation to keep up the pace and the rhythm, delving deeper than anypony had ever touched her. Hips and thighs and nuts slapped against her bottom, practically a gentle caress compared to the ravaging of her insides, and she whined, clutching her own tits desperately, the constant pleasure flooding her mind with an irremovable hum that left her dazed and delighted. She spoke platitudes, praising her goddess, her lover, and the divine dick she sported, the way she pounded and powered and grasped and oh-so-generously forced the lowly slut to experience pleasure beyond her wildest dreams. A hand delved into her mane, fingers closing around clumps of hair, and pulled the unicorn's head back, making her look at her conqueror, eyes full of lustful fire and unrepentant objectification. The unicorn simpered, her marehood leaking a dribble of excitement at the righteous attitude of her superior. Even as she came, cooing and squealing like a good slut, the alicorn didn't stop. Indeed, the towering white mare took it as motivation, pumping the defenceless ass with ever more vigour, screwing the spasming pony without remorse or care. The sensation of being fucked didn't fade this time, the presence of something massive up her keister unable to be ignored even while she was floating back down from her dizzying heights. It burned, the friction building into a fire, and then an inferno, the rush of endorphins and firing signals doing nothing to reduce the feeling, nor the awareness of just how significant her lover's endowment. She winced as the flame inside her flickered between comfort and pain, her ring rubbed raw by the brutal pistoning and the mechanical, unending power with which her goddess conducted herself. It was relentless, and Twilight cried out as she came again, and again, the climaxes melting into one another, the burn persisting throughout. She didn't finish with her goddess this time around, the swelling and the uncivilised grunting exciting her as much as it had every other time, but not quite sending her over the edge. Her better was so deep inside her, the ejaculation felt distant, but unmistakable in its volume and temperature. It soon faded away into the background, the gentle slosh in her guts the reminder of just how thoroughly she'd been violated by this beautiful stud of a princess. She held onto that thought as the mare in question gracelessly stepped back, unplugging her ass and leaving her gaping and sore, her once-tight butthole open disgracefully wide. She could feel it, but could only imagine what it looked like - the image in her head made her blush furiously with embarrassment and pride in equal measure. "One more time," Celestia announced, sounding just a little out of breath, leaving no time or opportunity for the unicorn to question her as she hoisted her latest broodslut to her torso, mountainous breasts squished against the smaller pony's back, and hooked her arms under the toy's legs. "You came here to get bred, and I'm not letting you go until we both know you're pregnant." With the aid of her magic, Celestia's cock found its way to the recently-rested pussy, and she slammed the mare down to the base. It was obvious, even to Twilight, that she couldn't not be pregnant - the alicorn was easily the most virile pony in the kingdom, which both the rumours and her personal experience verified, but even if she didn't know that, just feeling the seed that had been pumped into her put any doubts that she could possibly have had to bed. Her mind was too addled to acknowledge any of that, though, and she nodded, tongue lolling out, and howled as she was roughly stuffed once again. A tightness around her throat cut her off, and she naturally gasped in shock, only to find she couldn't drag in the air necessary to do so. With one hand behind her head and another around her neck, her goddess had absolute control of her, lifting and lowering - or rather, slamming - her lithe form up and down on the thick breeding rod, using her like a toy and supplementing the aggressive play with upward thrusts, truly making every inch count. The fingers gripped her cruelly, digging uncomfortably into her neck and cutting off her air. Everything felt more intense, from the jabbing at her insides to the ease with which she was lifted and shaped, and even the softness of the tits against her back. It all felt more abstract and vague, but the goodness of those feelings was magnified, the various thrills and passions swirling and coalescing into an amalgamation that pulsed and shone, filling her until it was all she could acknowledge. The fact she was struggling to breathe didn't register, the fact that she was drooling didn't register, and the fact that she was limp in her goddess' arms didn't register. When the clutch at her throat loosened slightly, allowing her to take a deep breath, she did so subconsciously, the rush of oxygen just fueling the bright and colourful collapse of her mind. Her climax rushed through her worldessly, her orgasmic noises indistinguishable from the incoherent gargling and babbling she was making anyway. Celestia must've noticed from the clenching, because she stopped and tossed the grey mare to the bed, releasing her hold around the cock-drunk pony's throat and allowing her to heave in a full lungful of oxygen for the first time in minutes. Before she could fully regain her senses, she was shoved onto her back, her legs bent upwards towards her shoulders, and the amazon lay over her, gazing down with a possessive need and furious desire. Twilight loved it, looking up dopily at the fine specimen, her cunt aflame with the need for that one more promised orgasm. This was the only mare who could give it to her, and she had to have it; she'd been promised. The thrust was savage, utterly filling her and ramming against the back wall of her womb, so deep that she nearly came again, just from that. A second later, a hand was around her throat again, a single ensconcement to casually assert dominance, to control every part of her. Her goddess owned her, decided when she could breathe, when she could use her brain, when she could bear children. Twilight gargled happily, putting her own hand atop her partner's, looking up at the epitome of masculine duty rutting her and disparaging her worthless body. Passion and power, love and lust, purpose and promise, all from their straightforward, prurient interaction. Her eyes rolled back as she fell into the throes of climax again, spraying her excitement across her goddess' crotch. The cycle seemed to go on forever, a perpetual rise and fall as she was brought back from nirvana with an intake of breath, and then slammed into a stifled orgasm, decorating herself, the princess, and the bedsheets around them with the produce of their mating. It felt like she was stuck on repeat, experiencing the exact same thing each time she came down from her high, but it was a blessing, she knew. She'd never again get the chance to experience this for the first time, if she ever got to experience it again at all. It was heavenly, and she nearly cried from joy every time her mind was wrenched back down to the increasingly moist bedsheets and the aggressive, domineering stud rearranging her guts. Words had abandonned her entirely, and so she spoke in the limited grunts and groans and squeals and moans that she was able, deprived even of the ability to do that whenever her goddess pressed down on her windpipe. Then she felt it, the throb through the stallionhood ravaging her, stronger and more pronounced than the princess' heartbeat. The flaring confirmed it, and she tried to squeal in ecstasy, begging animalistically like the mindbroken whore she was. Those wrecking balls battering her butt sloshed with potent cream, two full tanks ready to unload into her unprotected, ready oven. She needed it, she needed it so bad, and she tried to convey that. If her goddess realised, she didn't display any sign of it, instead huffing and grunting with increasing frequency, entirely focused on her own pleasure, like a good stud should. Twilight felt herself building up to another finale, ready to finish with her goddess, her lover, the sire of her child- The goddess leaned in, ramming every inch of her breeding tool into Twilight's honeypot in a violent slam, including her sheath, before arching her back and throwing her head towards the ceiling, letting out a victorious bellow that reverberated around the room. The stones shook as the alicorn roared, the force of her orgasm rippling through her body as she squeezed out an explosive load, rupturing inside the unicorn with the force of a burst fire hydrant. Twilight screamed as she followed suit, the scalding eruption throwing her over the edge and sending her muscles into overdrive, wringing her partner's cock for every drop it could offer. Celestia's nuts kept giving, feeding a constant supply so that not a single surface inside the grey mare remained unpainted, her womb filled to capacity and her tubes saturated with the gloop. It was the pulling out that made Twilight regain conciousness, the hot gush of semen oozing from her snatch and pouring over her still-gaping asshole, decorating her other abused orifice. She was sore, exhausted, and drenched in sweat - and other juices, no doubt - but above all, she was fulfilled. Satisfied. Maybe when she was more capable of thinking and processing, she'd take the time to fully immerse herself in her ecstasy at a dream having been fulfilled, but for now, she rested a hand against her belly, beaming sleepily at the simple instinctive awareness of what had just happened, and what it meant. That was enough. "Do you need help to leave?" the princess asked, taking several long seconds to gulp down on a bottle of water. Despite being drenched in sweat and glazed with her own cum, she sounded fairly recovered already. "I doubt you can walk at the moment." "I-I think s-so," Twilight answered, wincing as she tried to sit up. She felt like she'd undergone the world's most unforgiving yoga class, or maybe training for the Royal Guards. Maybe both. "But-" "I'm afraid our session only covers the physical act," the princess cut in. "Raven has your details. Rest assured that everything will be taken care of from here. Just remember - this never happened. You've never had a private meeting with me." She looked stern for a second, and the authoratative gaze cut into Twilight in a way that genuinely scared her. "Y-yes, g-goddess." The two gazed at each other for a moment before the alicorn nodded. "Please, call me Celestia," she spoke, allowing a smile to break across her muzzle. "But I am afraid you do need to leave, as I do have at least two more subjects to serve today. A guard will help you...adjust." She smirked, eyeing the unicorn up and down. "It's been a pleasure." Before Twilight could interject, Celestia's horn lit up with magic, and a golden aura surrounded the unicorn, who was lifted and drifted away from the bed. Behind her, a door creaked open, and she was floated through, followed by items she latently recognised were her discarded clothes. As the magic faded away, and she was laid to rest, the doors slammed closed, and a thick silence settled. Stunned, and still numb, she stayed in place, slowly processing what had happened. "Do you require help, ma'am?" a female voice asked, and Twilight jumped in surprise. She hadn't realised there was anypony else present, but spinning to address the voice, she found a white pegasus mare dressed in the undergarments of the Royal Guard. "You'll need to start with a shower. Do you need help standing?" To her embarrassment, the other mare didn't leave or offer any privacy, standing in place and watching stoically as Twilight wobbled under the showerhead, allowing a hot jet to wash away the evidence of her indiscretion, and more mortifyingly, stream down her legs from both of her very-obviously used holes. Thankfully, this appeared to be just another day for the guard, who offered a towel and clinically checked Twilight's work as she stepped from the shower, getting uncomfortably close to her body in a very thorough examination. "Bruising around the neck," the guard intoned. "You'll need a collar to hide that - here." She plucked something from the shelf and pushed it into Twilight's hands. "Go and drink some alcohol, it'll be easier to explain to your husband why you're walking funny that way. And speaking of smelling something on your breath-" At the mention of her husband, a slow chill settled over Twilight, and her embarrassment eased off, replaced by a weighty dejection. She followed the rest of the instructions and advice given to her and left through a side door that led to another part of the castle she'd never visited, nor cared to. She didn't notice any of it. Her mind was a sluggish whirl, questions and shame battling with a hundred other feelings. What had she just done? It was one thing to attempt it, but to have gone through with it, there was no longer an out. She was on this path, and she had responsibilities - heavy responsibilities. Was this fair? How could she have done it? How could she not have done it, given everything that had happened? Was she deranged? A couple of hours had to have passed, she guessed, going by the number of ponies no longer milling around in the garden and the slow descent of the sun in the sky. Night had to know something was wrong. She'd been gone far too long for her to have simply been saying hello to a friend, and what if he'd gone looking for her? Nervousness built up inside her, and she steered towards a waiter, fetching two flutes of champagne and downing one in a long gulp, placing the empty glass back on the tray. Ignoring the strange look she received, she sought out her husband, wondering what to tell him. Should she say anything? Should she be feeling guiltier than she already was? She didn't know. She didn't know! "H-hey, honey." It was the best she could muster as she approached him. Her husband turned from his conversation, smiling as he saw her. "Oh, darling," he spoke up. "I completely forgot you'd wandered off. How is Upper Crust?" Spotting the glass in her hand, he took it with a grateful smile. "We didn't expect the conversation to go on for so long, but this fine fellow here was just telling me about his furinture business - wonderful business, of course - and we were just getting into details about potential expansion with a mind to begin exports. I don't suppose you could give us, say, another half hour?" "No. Of course not." She forced a smile onto her face and accepted a kiss on the cheek from him. He turned away first, returning to his conversation that clearly wasn't meant to involve her. Holding back her sigh, she strode away, returning to the waiter and plucking herself another flute of champagne, finally letting out her sigh as the fizz touched her lips. To her surprise, she found a smile bubbling to the surface. This was easy, she realised, the weight lifting from her shoulders. She didn't feel guilty at all. She'd done the right thing. She was her own mare. Resting a hand against her belly, she rubbed softly, placing the half-finished champagne on a nearby table. She was her own mare, with her own dreams. "Oh fuck indeed," she muttered to herself, turning to watch the sun as it set, caressing her belly tenderly. "Oh fuck indeed."