Fallout Equestria: Repair Ponies

by Trooper

First published

From the Manesville Region of the NCR, Ginger Snap and her team of Repair Ponies take the governments caps to repair situations the government can not be officially involved in. On the other side is Ball Lighting, who fights for what he believes in.

Eight years after the day of Sunshine and Rainbows, former foal warriors Ginger Snap, Xochitl, and their friends decide to take the skills they learned when they were young to help not only their home region of Manesville but the fledgling NCR. Together they form the Repair Ponies, a team that doesn't fix things, but situations.

As the Enclave remnants begin to reform so that they can take on the New Canterlot Republic, Ginger and the team must rise up to meet them, and maybe make a few caps along the way too.

Opposite them, we meet Ball Lightning as he begins a career as an officer in the reforming Enclave remnants. While on a seemingly different path, it will eventually bring them head to head as the Enclave stretches its wings and attempts to restore itself and both nations find themselves in a fight for their lives.

Chapter 1; Gatherings

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Fallout Equestria: The Repair Ponies

Chapter One: Gatherings

“Afoot and lighthearted I take to the open road, healthy, free, the world before me.”

― Walt Whitman


White Cloud, Manesville DIstrict NCR: Ginger Snaps.

I am lying next to my zony colt friend Xochitl, spotting for him as he looks through the scope of my SIR-15 carbine past the grass on the edge of a large clearing. Overhead, in the distance I can see an all-black pegasus floating in the air, pointing down below him.

Suddenly I hear the squeals of several radhogs from the direction he is pointing. None of us is even a bit anxious. We do this all the time.

I keep looking through the binoculars as I ask him, “So dear, have you thought about what you are going to do after we graduate next week?”

I hear more than see him take a breath, as the sound of breaking brush and squealing radhogs rushes towards the clearing we are next to.

Then I suddenly hear him hold his breath and I look up a bit just in time to see Sunny dive down and snatch up the young filly with her red coat, and black and green striped mane and tail.

As she is lifted into the air only scant feet from in front of the radhogs I hear her yell out “WHOOO HOOO! Fly Sunny, Fly!”

This causes me to laugh slightly just as Xochitl fires off three quick shots and I hear three six-legged radhogs all crash to the ground. He looks up from the sights and turns his head to me as he says, “No, not really, Father and I have discussed my joining the NCR Army, but I am not too sure about that. Besides, my mother would flip her mane if I did.

As we begin to stand up and walk over to begin field dressing the radhogs I begin to laugh lightly. “Yeah, I am sure she would,” I tell him as I look at him, admiring his light green coat and his dark stripes along with is black mane and tail. Finally, I look into his blue eyes.

Just then Sunny lands and sets my little sister Raven down. She trots over to me and says, “Ok sis, where are my caps? You said you would pay me to play bait this time.”

I am just getting ready to reach into my Saddlebags to give her the share of what we will get when from behind me I hear Xavier, Xochitl’s zebra father, and my family’s hired hoof, ask, “Ginger, I thought your mothers and fathers have told you not to use you siblings for bait?”

As he says this I notice Woofers, one of our family’s enfields hovering just above him. Even as old as he is getting, Woofers has a fairly dark red coat and feathers. I musingly wonder how something that looks so much like a fox got wings. But he is a good pet and friend to us, even if most pegasi hate them as scavangers.

I realize Xavier is expecting me to answer and I look down at the ground and blush. Twisting my left hind leg as I answer, “Yes sir, they did. But she wanted to earn a few extra caps and asked me if she could this time.”

As I say this, she is nodding her head and holding out a hoof. Xavier just shakes his head and laughs some. Then he says, “Ok, I will say nothing about it. But Raven, if they make you do it and you do not want to, let me know.”

She nods her head and I hoof her 3 caps. One for each hog, as we agreed upon earlier. Xavier looks at how much I am giving her and I see him raise an eyebrow, turn his head to the side slightly and shake his head, “Really Ginger, you will receive at least ten caps a radhog and you only give her three?”

Sunny then approaches us and says, “Sir, two of these are for the graduation party that the Colonel and her spouses are throwing for Ginger and Xochitl. So, we will only get the money for one hog. Sir, we each gave up a cap for her.”

I notice that Raven is smiling and nodding her head as we say this.

Xavier looks at the young filly appraisingly and nods his head, “Ok then, Now I will go get the cart while two of you begin to field dress these three, the third begins to clean weapons.” He turns back to Raven and tells her, “And you, young mare will accompany me and Woofers back to the farm. You still have homework to do I am sure, and your mother would be very unhappy with me for allowing you to sneak out of it.”

I almost laugh at the expression on Raven’s face when he mentions homework. But she does not argue. Instead, she simply says, “Yes sir.”

As they leave Xochitl tells me, “Dear, why don’t you head back to the farm and clean the weapons. Sunny and I have this. Besides, I know you would clean the SIR later anyways.”

I smile as I know he is right and that he knows me so well. I then tell him, “If you are sure dear, I will.” He nods his head in reply and then I give him a kiss on his muzzle.

He kisses me back and after we break our kiss, I see him grin. I love this buck so much, but I cannot help but tease him a bit as I begin to walk back to the farm, I lift my tail and swish it just a bit more than normal as I walk. Then just before I go out of sight I turn to see if he is still watching, which he is. So, I stop and blow him a kiss, then I truly begin to head back to the farm.

As I enter the farmyard, I hear Papa Badger call me over, “Ginger, come here please.”

I nod my head in response and walk over to him, afraid of what I may have done to get into trouble this time. Once I am close enough, he lightly pats a spot on the front porch next to him, so I go and sit there.

Once I am seated, he asks me, “What have we told you about using your siblings for bait?”

I feel myself blush and I tell him, “Papa Badger, Xavier said he wouldn’t tell.”

I see him raise an eyebrow when I say that and he says, “He didn’t, but now I will have to have a talk with him too.”

“But Papa, she asked to, so she could earn some caps.”

“And did you pay her for it?” He asks sternly.

“Yes Papa, we gave her three caps because we got three hogs, even though we knew we were only going to get paid for one of them.”

He nods his head, “Ok, I will say no more. That is the same story she told me. However, dear, seriously, you know Raven cannot keep her mouth quiet. She told Mama Sumac about Sunny picking her up and flying with her as soon as she got home.”

I facehoof and think to myself, dang it Raven, you promised.

Finally, he tells me, “Ok, go clean your SIR and then get ready for dinner.” As I get up he gives me a one-hoofed hug and tells me, “Oh, and in case I have not told you, I am very proud of you for finishing school. You and your sister Epona have both made us very proud.”

I hug him back, “Thanks, papa. I really needed to hear that today.”

He tilts his head and asks, ‘Why is that tiger?”

“Because, after we graduate, I don’t know what I am going to do?”

He grins, “Dear, you have an adventurer's cutie mark. I am sure you will find something.”

I sigh, “Maybe, but what about Epona and my friends?”

He puts a forehoof around my shoulder and smiles at me as he tells me, “Dear, I am sure you will find something. But if you are still worried, you could always ask Choo Choo for advice after all she went through the same thing two years ago. I know she debated on whether to reenlist or get out when her time was done.”

I smile when he mentions our blue alicorn friend we used to call ol’ Train Wreck. She taught me a lot on the expedition. But then again, those were not always the best of times either. So many lost. Mom. I will never forget the Battle of Targhee when me and my big sister Dusty were with her and Mollygirl as she died. It still hurts after all these years. But yeah, maybe I can talk to her, I decide.

“Ok, Papa, I think I will do that.”

“Good, now let’s get that cleaning done so we can get dinner soon.” He tells me as he holds the door open and we go in.


White Cloud, Manesville District NCR: Xochitl

As I watch her walk away, I smile and then I take out the knife on my belt and begin to field dress the radhog. The knife I am using is my family knife. My father carried it when we escaped from being slaves and I began to carry it when Ginger and I ran away with Choo Choo to join the Co-op Expeditionary force. When Father found out the reason that he could not find it to take with him was that I had it, he was not happy. However, he agreed that a stallion in the wastelands should always have a good knife and I have carried it with his blessing ever since.

As I do the mind-numbing work of making the cuts and beginning to remove the offal, I am humming to myself. Next to me at the second-largest radhog, Sunny has his knife in his muzzle also, but he does use his wings some. I am glad for the help but I know he hates trying to get this stuff out of his feathers.

We are about halfway done when Sunny sits up and puts his knife down and says, “Ok, time for a quick break.” He wipes his muzzle as he looks at me and asks, “Ok, so when are you going to ask her?”

I laugh lightly, “I swear, I will let you know when I am ready Sunny, ok?”

This time he looks me in the eyes and shakes his head, “No Xochitl, I need to know your intentions toward a mare in our clan. Not only my pa, but also my gramps has asked me, and they are curious. Especially as you have not asked them for their permission to court her.”

I shake my head, “Sunny, she may be a member of your clan, but that doesn’t hold much to me. The “Colonel” has known my intentions since the Valley. I have had her permission since then.”

I see Sunny raise an eyebrow at me, “Well Gramps still wants to talk to you. Proprieties and all, ya know.”

This time I shake my head slightly and I tell him, “Sunny, why didn’t you just say that in the first place. Instead, you made it seem like a challenge, and you know if someone comes at me, I still tend to go right back at them.”

He nods his head, “Yeah, I saw that after we started school with you and Cowlick. His left ear never did heal up fully from that fight.”

This time I feel myself blush and embarrassedly I tell him, “Yeah, that was not one of my proudest moments. I guess we better get back to work now before Father gets back with the cart.”

He nods his head, then I ask, “So, speaking of intentions, who are you dating this week?”

Sunny laughs around the knife and tells me, “Taking a break this week, That and trying to figure out who I should try and date next.”

I laugh at this as I begin to clear out more of the body cavity. I swear Sunny has dated all the mares and I suspect at least two heifers our age at our school and in White Cloud.

As I finish this one and begin to move onto the final radhog my father gets back with the cart. He has us load the first one into the cart and as he and Sunny head back to the farm to hang it I begin on the final one.

As I am working, I find myself thinking back to the Siege of Serenity Valley, or just the Valley as those of us who were there call it. It has been eight years and I still shake slightly when I think of it. While we were there, late one night while Ginger was still using the sinks, I realized we might not all make it out alive and that it was my only chance to ask Lieutenant Mollygirl if I could marry Ginger. She smiled and told me yes, but not to rush things.

I only have to wait a short while after I finish with the third radhog before they show back up. Once we have it in the cart, we just take this one straight into White Cloud so we can deliver it to the cook Stir Fry at the pub there.

As we pull up, she nods her head, “Ok you two, did you get a chance to drain this one out yet?”

I shake my head, “No ma’am. We just got it and it is fresh.”

She nods her head, and says, “Ok Xavier, if you don’t mind, please take it around back and we will hang it from the balcony again.”

“Not a problem, Stir,” Father tells her as he begins to move to the back. We help Stir hang it, then we wash up in the basin she has out back just for that reason. After which I ask, “Father, would you like a cider while we are here?”

I see my father grin as he replies, “That would be pleasant my son, thank you.”

He pulls the cart back around to the front. Sunny and I help him to drop the cart and untack, then we go inside for a nice chilled drink.

As we go inside, I notice Ginger’s best friend Twinkle Hoofs is working some of the tables. Twinkles graduated last year when both I and Ginger should have. I see Sunny looking her over and grinning.

Father asks, “Ok Sunny, what has you smiling so broadly?”

He looks at my father and says, “Sorry Xavier, I was just admiring her dark pink coat and how it seems to actually go good with her green apron.”

Father grins at him and shakes his head, then he slightly raises a hoof to try and get Twinkle's attention.

Once she notices us, she nods to us and she comes over. “Hey Cohitl, Sunny,” she says to us, then she nods to my father and asks, “Good evening, sir, what can I get you?”

Xavier smiles at her, “Good Evening Twinkles, my usual please.”

She smiles then looks at me and Sunny and asks, “And for you?”

I look at my father and he nods his head to me, “I will have a cider also.”

Sunny then says, “Same here Twinks. By the way, it is good to see you again.”

She coolly says, “It is good to see you too Sunny, and no, I will not go out with you.”

As both my father and I begin to laugh he sits there with his mouth hanging open and asks, “How, how did you know I was going to ask that?”

She looks at him with a cocked head, “Sunny, every female in these parts knows about you. Come on, it isn’t that hard to figure out.”

I hear Sunny sigh, “Really Twinks, you’re going to be that way?”

She puts a hoof on her side and replies, “Yes I am. You can be any way you want, just do not expect every female around to want to deal with it.”

“Oh, ok Twinks, sorry for bothering ya.”

“No problem, Sunny, we are friends, but honestly, I don’t like you that way.”

I hear him laugh lightly to himself, “I know, you have said it before, but I still had to try.”

She pats him on the shoulder, “I understand, but honestly, you are not my type.”

“So, who is your type Twinks?” I ask.

She grins at me and puts a forehoof under my chin, “What’s it matter to you Cohtil? Your all but married already.” When she says this, I notice father only raises an eyebrow, but then again, he and I have discussed this before.

I just grin at her and say, “I was not asking for me Twinks.”

“Then for who?”

“Just a friend, that is all,” I tell her.

She is starting to head to the bar for our drinks when I hear her call out, “Hey Pona.”

I turn to look and I see Ginger’s sister Epona entering the pub. Even though she started school after us, she still graduated before us. Sometimes it is hard to believe that she and Ginger could be sisters, instead of Ginger's red coat, she has a light yellow one as well as freckles. However, they do both have jet-black tails and manes. Well except for some white streaks that Epona now has. Of course, while they should be half-sisters, they can’t be, as Ginger was born here, and Epona, well she was born on the other side of a portal and in a world where things didn't work out the same as they did for us.

I notice right away she seems upset as I wave to her and as she takes a seat with us, I ask, “So, what has you so upset, Epona?”

She looks at me and tells me, “Those dumb SOBs over at the recruiting office told me I can’t join because I was not born in this universe.”

I raise an eyebrow at this and simply listen as she continues to vent. “They said it didn’t matter if I was the Colonel's adopted daughter or that I was on the old recruiting poster with my little sisters and Tater. Noooo, that was not good enough. Or the fact that I had snuck with the Colonel on the raid into New Hope.”

I simply nod still as does Sunny as we both have heard her, Tater and even Xyliana talk about that raid. But we weren’t there. I guess she probably feels the same way when I, Sunny, or Ginger actually talk about the Valley.

Finally, as she is running out of steam I ask, “So what else have you thought of doing?”

She looks up at me frustrated and tells me, “I don’t know, maybe I should talk to our cousin Rust Water about the Baltimare Colt, or I guess I could see if I could join the navy and serve on the S. Glimmer with Rough Water.”

I nod my head, “Not a bad idea Epona. But is that what you really want to do?”

She shakes her head, “No, but I am being blocked from that right now.”

After Twinkle Hoofs brings our drinks, we continue to talk some more. Finally, my father says, “Epona, why do you not talk to your mother, or even better, if Tater’s father Tail Spin is back in town, talk to him. Maybe they can help you find some more options.”

She nods her head, “Yea, that sounds good Xavier. Thanks for pointing that out. It’s just that I wanted to serve like my mom or my other parents.”

He nods his head, “I understand young mare, but sometimes life surprises us, and we find out the direction we thought we were supposed to be going is only a side path to help us find our true path.”

She looks at me, and I at her. Then we both shrug. Why not talk to them, maybe they can come up with something different for us.


White Cloud, Manesville District NCR: Choo Choo

As I come into land at Sumac and our family's farm, I smile to myself. I see so many of the ponies I know there. I also see my two sisters, Quick Frost, and Blue Star. I notice that they are off to the side talking with some of the cattle that have already arrived as well.

Then I see him, the one pony who always brightens up my days. Paper Work. He sees me and waves to me. I wave back and blow him a quick kiss from my forehoof. Then I circle one more time before I land.

Once I land, I hear a little filly yell out, “Granny Choo!”

I turn my head just in time to see my Moon Lily, one of my youngest descendants from when I was still a unicorn galloping over for a hug. I cannot help but grin at the young unicorn with her black coat and green mane and tail.

While I did not remember it, a few years back I was told by my unicorn self's now ghoul fiancé that he had paid for my daughter and her family to go into the stable here in Manesville.

She leaps into the air and I grab her with my forehooves for a hug. Then she asks, “What spell ya gonna teach me Granny?”

I smile and shake my head, “None tonight little one.”

“Ahhh, I was hoping.” She tells me.

I laugh lightly and then I whisper in her ear, “If I were to teach you one, which one would it be?”

I see her start to look shyly about then she whispers to me “Teleportation.”

I smile and muse to myself, I bet she could do it, but Purple Haze and her mother would be ready to skin me. I still remember when she learned how to use a lightning bolt spell just by watching me and then destroyed a plow, singeing poor Purple’s mane and tail. So, I answer her, “Not yet, but when your mom and Auntie Purple say I can, I will. Ok?”

I can hear the disappointment in her voice as she says, “Oh, ok,”

I put her down and rub her mane with my forehoof, “As soon as I can though I will.”

“Ok Granny, thank you,” she tells me, then she runs off to play with the other youngsters that are there.

I then go and find both Ginger and Xochitl and congratulate them on their having completed school.

“Thank you, Choo,” they both say to me almost at the same time. Then Ginger says, “But what do we do now?”

“Well, I have an idea I might run past you later,” I tell them.

Then I hear Ginger’s sister Epona walk up behind me and she says, “Hey guys, mind if I join you?”

“Not at all Epona, it’s not like we are scouts or rangers talking about something secret,” Xochitl says off hoofily.

I then grin and I tell them, “Well if you are looking for something to do now that you are done with school, I guess you could keep your hog hunting business and working at the pub going,” I pause for effect, “or maybe we could form a team to do some odd jobs that the Rangers need doing, but want to keep their hooves clean.”

I notice this has all three of their interests. What I had not realized is that their cousin Sunny had flown up behind me, that is until he says, “Sounds good to me Choo. Count me in.”

I then look around and notice how many others are here so I tell them, “If you are serious, meet me at the waterfront at ten tomorrow morning, we can discuss it more then.”

I see them all grin, then Ginger looks back at her cutie mark and smiles, “Maybe I will get to use it after all she says.”

Then we hear the voice of a young bull call out, “He Cohtil, Ging, come on over, you got to try this dressing my ma made for the salads.”

The three look at each other and Xochitl tells me, “I will see you then Choo, I better get to Cowlick before he gets in trouble.”

As they walk away, I think, maybe we can really get this off the ground like Chip, Blackberry, and Tail Spin suggested. Then I quickly stop them and I tell them, “Oh, and if you have a couple of friends you think might be interested, have them join us for the discussion tomorrow too.”

The next morning, I am sitting on a bench by the waterfront when I see first Ginger, Xochitl, and Sunny coming my way. They are followed shortly by Epona and Tater. I think to myself, now this is a good start. Not too bad a size for us to begin with.

Then I see Ginger stop and wave to somepony behind her. I notice it is a unicorn walking next to a bull. Once they are close enough, I somewhat recognize them as friends of theirs. They all approach me and I tell them, “Thanks for meeting me, for those who don’t know me, I am Choo Choo, and you are?”

Ginger then says, “Choo, this young mare here,” as she points at a dark pink-coated unicorn with a lighter pink tail, mane, and hooves, “Is my best friend Twinkle Hoofs. Most of us just call her Twinks.”

I extend a hoof toward Twinkle and say, “It’s a pleasure to meet you.”

She shakes hooves as she nods and tells me, “You too ma’am.”

Then Xochitl nods toward the large brown-colored bull next to him. As I look at him, I see his left ear is torn up, huh, must be a fighter, I think to myself. I admire his attempt at growing a beard, most of the bulls I have met try to keep their facial hair neatly trimmed. Then I hear Xochitl say, “This is our friend Cowlick.”

He smiles warmly and in a good-natured voice says, “Good to see you again Miss Choo. Cohtil and Ging both have told us a lot about you.”

I tell him, “It is good to meet you again too, young bull.” Then quickly turn my head to Xochitl and Ginger with a raised eyebrow before I ask, “Do we have anyone else coming to meet with us?”

Xochitl has a serious expression on his face as he answers my question, “No, not for now at least. We decided to keep our number small and only those we really trust.”

This makes me feel much better. I then tell them, “Ok, I have a business proposal to make to you all. I have already reserved a private room in the Paddock, so let’s go grab something to drink and lunch. I will talk it over with you then.”

As we enter the Paddock, the owner, A middle-aged light green stallion wearing a white shirt, bow tie, and black vest, warmly greets us, “Miss Choo Choo, good morning, your hosts are already in the back waiting, please follow me.”

I greet him back, “Hello Mise en Place, please lead the way.” He nods in acknowledgment and heads to a hallway next to the kitchen. As he goes we quickly follow him to the back.

As we enter the private meeting room, I see my three friends Chip, Blackberry Pie, and Tail Spin already sitting down together on one side of a large table. Blackberry, with her navy blue coat and purple mane and tail, stands up and smiles at all of us and says, “Thank you for coming today.”

We all nod back to her. “Thank you for inviting us,” I tell her.

She motions for us to sit and once we have taken our chairs she begins. “For those of you who don’t know us. Chip and I used to be operatives for the Co-op before it joined the NCR. Tail Spin joined us once we became Rangers for the NCR.”

She pauses and watches our reactions before continuing. “As Rangers, we have performed many different duties. These duties include escort, scouting, and even espionage when needed. However, right now we are looking for private individuals to hire who can assist us in these endeavors. Ginger, Epona, Tater, and Xochitl we know as well as Choo have plenty of experience in such situations. We also will need such individuals to go into some areas that we as NCR representatives cannot. Some of these situations are very touchy and if handled wrong by NCR units could cause an international incident, while if you were caught it would only affect you and those with you.”

Xochitl raises a hoof to get her attention and then asks, “So we are not going to have the support of the NCR if we do these jobs?”

She tilts her head to the left and raises an eyebrow before she says, “Officially? No, unofficially, yes.” She pauses and considers her words carefully. Then she says, “There are certain jobs that are just too complicated for us to get officially involved in.”

Xochitl then asks, “So, in other words, we are getting called in for jobs you do not want to handle?”

She shakes her head, “Not that we do not want to do, but that for certain reasons we cannot do,” she pauses then looks at me and grins slightly, and then says, “sort of like taking a damaged plow to a blacksmith to be repaired.”

I feel myself blushing as I remember Moon Lily and Purple with the plow incident. Evidently, the others all heard about it as they begin to laugh and look at me.

Finally, Epona asks, “So you want us to be on call like a bunch of repair ponies for those types of jobs?”

“Exactly, just like repair ponies,” Blackberry tells her.

“Uh, so who is going to contact us to let us know when the NCR needs us?” Epona then asks.

“We will do so. My team is going to be your handlers for the Rangers,” Blackberry states calmly.

I nod my head as do those who are with me. Next Tater asks, “So what type of equipment and weapons can we use?”

“You can use whatever you want. We will give you a stipend to make initial purchases for equipment as you will be contractors for us of course.”

When she says this, I notice Twinkles raise an eyebrow and she asks, “What type of equipment?”

I then hear an exasperated Blackberry tell her, “Armor, tools, PipBucks, field kits. You can purchase it second-hoof or use what you may already have.”

I raise an eyebrow at this. And I hear Tater say, “Well I know they are selling off some of the old CDF equipment, maybe we can pick that up cheap.” Then he looks at Twinkle Hoofs and asks, “Ok Twinks, I know you love tech and working with it, so what would you want to pick up?”

I see her grin, as she thinks about it. Then she says, “Well, until we get PipBucks, small radio communication sets, a nice set of electronic test and repair equipment. At the least a good magic tester. A PipBuck maintenance set would be really ideal…”

Before they can go on too much longer, I stop them, “So, how many of you are interested in this?”

They all look at each other, then back at me. I see the smiles on their faces. Then, Ginger answers me for them. “I think we are all in on this boss.”

I see Blackberry and her team all visibly relax. Then she tells us, “Good now that is decided, I will give you the address of your business front for this. We expect you to take on some side jobs just for appearances.”

We all nod in response. She nods back and says “Good, now that is agreed to, we can have lunch.”

Finally Ginger then says, “That is good and all, but Epona and I will be needing to discuss with you our rates. After all, we will need to get paid.”

When she says this I facehoof and shake my head as I think Bless their mercenary little hearts.


Thunderhead, Grand Pegasus Enclave. Ball Lightning.

“So, son, now that you have almost finished college, what are your plans for the future?” I hear my father ask as he puts one hoof on my shoulder.

Without meaning to, I shift my wings in irritation. I know what he wants me to do, and honestly, I would rather not do it. On the other hoof, I am sure it would beat starvation if I do not find a job right away.

“I am still thinking about it, Dad. Tomorrow I am going to talk to the recruiters at school and see what they have to offer.”

I hear him harrumph when I tell him this. “Son, you know our family has a long history of service to the Enclave. That is why I was able to get you into school and keep you there during the recent drafts that have been called.”

I find myself sighing again as I tell him, “Yes dad, I do understand that. I just am still trying to figure out what to do with my life.”

Dad shakes his head, “Son, it’s not that hard. Do you want to be a Cloudie and join the Enclave Navy or do you want to be a Dust Devil and join the army? You know our family has normally been in the Army, but we have had a few that have served on the cloud ships too.”

“But Dad, what if they send me dirtside?” I ask nervously.

“What is wrong with that Ball Lightning? I did my time in the scouts and went dirt side plenty, and I survived with no ill effects,” he tells me.

I simply nod as I do not want to argue with him again. Instead, I simply look at where his right hind leg used to be. It has since been replaced by a black mechanical one. I then remember him talking about an ambush in some camp dirtside near Hoofington about ten years ago. I guess he just is glad it was not one of his wings.

Then I ask him, “Dad, seriously, what would you recommend?”

I see him put his hoof under his chin and he actually thinks about it briefly. Finally, he says, “Before I saw what happened at the Battle of Thunderhead, I would have said Navy. But now, now I say army, at least there you can shoot back. The only ones who can actually shoot back on an airship are the gunners, and they get told who to shoot at by the gunnery officers. The rest have to just sit and take it.”

I can understand what he means and I realize I will take this under consideration in the morning when I talk to the recruiters. In the meantime after dinner tonight I will try to go talk with Sundancer to see what she thinks I should do. I mean after three years of dating, maybe she should weigh in on this too.

The next morning, I am walking across the campus on my way to see the recruiters when I see Sundancer wave at me. I have to admire her bright yellow coat and her orange mane and tail.

I do believe she and I will make some beautiful foals when her colors are combined with my red coat and my white main and tail, I think to myself.

I stop and wait for her to catch up with me and she asks, “You're early for your classes today, Ball. What’s up?”

I shrug my wings and let my ears drift back some as I tell her, “Just going to talk to the recruiters again.”

She shakes her head, “Your old stallion again?”

“Yeah, dad thinks that the only thing a real stallion should do is serve the Enclave in the military.”

“Let me guess Ball, he wants you to follow in his hoof steps and be a dust devil.”

I simply nod my head and I tell her, “Got it on the first try. So, what brings you here so early?”

“Oh, similar reasons, but I think we have enough military in our line, so I am going to talk to the Volunteer Corps. I mean we still have some pegasi that are living dirtside from when they fled Thunderhead during their rebellion against the Enclave.”

I shake my head and smile then I ask, “Dear, do you really think they would want our help if they were really that ready to fight the Enclave?”

She nods her head, “Of course, think of how horrible it must be for them to live among those horrid mud dwellers down there. Why would they not want our help?”

I simply shrug in reply. Then I look at my pastern watch and tell her, “I best get moving or I will be late for my appointment. I will see you after class today, right?”

She nods her head and gives me a quick kiss on the cheek and tells me, “Of course, I will see you then.” Then she and I both continue on our different ways to the recruiters. Little do I know at this time how symbolic this moment will be for us.

The recruiting offices are located in the same building as the rest of the school administration offices. The first time I visited them, I found out that these two offices are strictly for those who want to become officers and will either sign up for the Officers Training Corps during school or after finishing their degrees want to serve.

As I enter the office, I see several posters on the wall showing Officers in full dress uniform or battle armor. All extolling us to be the new leaders of the Enclave soldiers. I also see the recruiting officer behind the desk he has on his standard black uniform with his ribbon bar on his chest. I also notice that this officer has a Scout's tab on his right shoulder, just below the epaulet that he wears his captains’ bars on.

He notices me looking at the tab and smiles. Then he says, “Ball Lightning? Pleased to meet you.” And he extends a hoof to me.

I shake his hoof and tell him, “It is a pleasure to meet you too sir.” Actually, it is compared to the last recruiter I talked to here. He had an attitude as soon as I walked in the door. This one, well, he makes me feel like he is interested in me and what I want.

“So, son, I have read your file, you have a good family history, and your scores in school show real promise. In fact, you could write your ticket in the Navy, but as you are here and not talking to them, I think you are interested in following your family’s tradition.”

I nod my head, as he asks, “So, Ball, knowing this, what is it that you want out of life?”

He catches me off guard with this question and I tell him, “I want to be happy and have a family.”

He leans back in his chair, puts a hoof under his chin, and asks, “And what is that you need to have to have a family?”

I look at the ceiling as I think briefly and I tell him, “Well besides a willing mare, I would say a secure job.”

He smiles at my slight joke and then asks, “So, once you have this secure job, so you can be happy and have a family, how do you feel this will benefit you in your future?”

I pause and think, well I would be happy, but honestly, it would mean I have made something of myself. Then I tell him, “I guess it would mean I would be a success and not a failure.”

He tilts his head and asks, “So let me get this straight, you want to be happy and have a family, is that right?”

I nod my head yes. Then he asks, “But to get this you need to have a secure job, is that right?”

Again, I nod my head and tell him yes. Then he asks, “So once you have this job, so you can have a family and be happy you will be successful, is that correct?”

“Yes sir,” I tell him.

He leans forward in his seat smiling and tells me, “Well Ball, I have a way for you to get that secure job, so you can have that family that makes you happy so you can be successful right here in the Enclave army.”

He then begins to go into the benefits of being in the Enclave army and particularly those of being an officer. When he has finished, he asks, “So Ball, would next Tuesday be a good day for you to go to our processing center, take your physical examination and sign your contract?”

“I, I guess so, I just had not expected it to be so soon.”

He grins at me and tells me, “Don’t worry, you won’t be sent to your training until after your classes finish in two weeks. But as soon as your classes are done, we will have your new job and life waiting for you.”

I tell him next Tuesday will be fine and listen to the rest of his spiel as we go through the initial paperwork for me to join as an officer. I am surprised though when before I sign the final page, he stops me and looks me in the eyes, and tells me, “Son, you do realize that if you fail the officers’ training course you will still be committed to completing your time as an enlisted pony?”

I nod my head, and tell him, “Yeah, I figured as much, but thanks for making sure I knew.”

After we are done, I go and I meet Sundancer for lunch. As we are sitting there enjoying our hayburgers she tells me, “It is official Ball, I ship off to a two-week training course just as soon as I finish our graduation exams.”

She is so excited about it, that I do not have the heart to tell her how worried I will be about her going ground side. Instead, I tell her, “Well it sounds like we both have a reason to celebrate tonight. How about we go out for dinner and a movie tonight?”

“That would be great Ball. I will see you then.” She tells me, then she looks at the clock on the wall and tells me, “Whoops, gotta go. I got class in five minutes,” and I watch her take off and fly away as fast as she can for her next class.

As I watch her recede into the distance, I can only worry about what the future will bring for us.


This is DJ Pon3, for all my fans out there in the Wastelands tonight, remember that while we may have the skies clear things are still not back to where they once were. Keep your powder dry and your weapons at hoof. For all of you out there in our Fledgling NCR here is Wartorn.

Chapter 2: Beginings

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Chapter Two: Beginnings

“And suddenly you know: It's time to start something new and trust the magic of beginnings.”

― Meister Eckhart


Manesville, Manesville District NCR: Ginger Snaps

After our discussion with the Blackberry Pie and her team, we make up our minds to do it. The first thing they do is tell us where we can pick up some surplus items including old uniform items such as jackets, web gear, and battle saddles. As a team, we all descended on the Manesville market district as if on a scavenger hunt.

As I am looking at one of the uniform jackets Epona asks me, “Ginger, what do you think about taking some of these over to Sewing Bobbin’s shop and having her modify them for us? You know, tailor them to us, make us look a bit more professional.”

I nod my head, “Yeah, that sounds good. It would lend to our credibility. Besides, poor Cowlick is going to need a special order one I bet.”

I catch myself laughing at that, but she is right. He is good-sized even for a bull. “But do you think she can make one large enough for him?” I ask.

I hear Epona take a deep breath as she thinks about it. Then she slowly lets it out as she says, “Yeah, I think so. She has been able to make a few dresses for some of the cows. In fact, Kettlebell got her last maternity dress from her.”

“I had not realized that, but it makes sense. I wonder if she can put extra pockets on them for us too?” I tell her without thinking.

She laughs slightly and replies, “Now you are sounding like mama Magpie and her desire for pockets on her dresses too.”

Shortly after this I hear Cowlick off to the side say, “Wow, I found one that will fit.”

Then I hear Sunny ask, “Really Cowlick? You sure it’s not a tent?”

“Ha Ha Sunny,” he replies sarcastically. Then I hear him say, “Oh, the name on them is Horns. I wonder who he was?”

Suddenly my mouth is dry and I no longer feel like laughing and joking. “I knew him Cowlick.”

He turns his head and asks, “You knew him? How?”

Xochitl walks up on the other side of him and answers for me. “Cow, he was on the expedition with us. He was an officer with the Enfields. He, he didn’t make it past the Second battle of Two Step.”

Soon after this, I see Epona stop as she looks through the box of old uniforms. I see her face look like her heart is breaking. Then she hugs the shirt to her. I go over to see why she is crying and I see the name on the shirt. Ivy. Her mother. Well, her mother on this side’s shirt. Goddesses, I think. What if I find my mother’s?

I put a hoof on her shoulder and ask. “You alright Sis?”

She nods her head. “Yeah. I, I just was not expecting to find her shirt.”

“I guess we should have expected it, after all, I am sure this came out of all the lockers from those who didn’t make it back, as well as those who were still in when the CDF became part of the NCR Army.”

She sniffles a bit more then says, “Yeah, you're right. I want to see if I can find another of hers too. If so, I will wear them when we are on Ops. You know, to honor her.”

Cowlick now approaches us and gives us both a hug and tells us, “I agree. We make sure we remember those who wore these uniforms before us. If you don’t mind, later, I would like to hear about Horns.”

Xochitl tells him, “We can do that Cowlick. But later, alright.” And with that, we continue on with our shopping spree.

We all find several uniform shirts and coats to wear. Then I notice all of the soft covers that are in there. I make the suggestion to everyone, “Guys, what do you think? Should we all wear the old soft covers too?”

Cowlick looks at the fully brimmed “Boonie” softcover I am holding up and says, “Nah, but how about the ones with the brim in the front only. You know the type I am talking about. Those can be carried in our saddlebags easily enough and I think they give a more polished impression.”

We are all talking about this when Choo Choo finally catches up with us. As she approaches, she says, “I could not help but overhear what you are suggesting and honestly, I think Cowlick is right. I think the visored soft cap will give us a much more professional appearance than the Boonie cap. I am not saying I don’t like them, but we need to think about how we project ourselves to others. If you have what you want, let's get over to Sewing Bobbins shop. I discussed a few things with her about what we are doing and she wants to discuss them with us.”

Now I am intrigued. Many of the ponies and cattle in the Manesville region avoid Sewing Bobbins shop because she is a ghoul. However, my family has been going to her since shortly after the expedition.

Sewing Bobbins is not only a ghoul, but she is a unicorn ghoul and I can tell she was very attractive when she was still alive. But even more interesting is that she was trained in her trade by an apprentice to the former ministry mare.

As we enter her shop, I hear the small bell ring and I hear her raspy voice call out, “Be with you in a minute.”

Choo Choo calls back, “That is fine Sewing, I have my team with me.”

“Oh, it’s you, Choo, just wrapping up a few things and I will be with you.” She says and I can hear her moving around in the back.

Finally, she comes out and I see she has her glasses on and today she is wearing a kerchief around her neck, with several pins and needles stuck in it. As she comes into the room, I can see her hazy eyes look at each of us and she smiles. “Good to see all of you again. I appreciate you and Choo giving me a chance to help you with your attire for your new, how shall we say this? Uhmm, enterprise?”

I find myself smiling at the old ghoul and now I am curious as to what she has in mind, so I ask, “So what do you have in mind Sewing?”

She grins at me, which, if I was a different pony, I would find kind of disturbing. Then she says, “Well, I have suggested to Choo that one of the things we should do is have a couple of different types of uniform per se for you to wear. While out in the field, the old surplus stuff is plenty good. When you are working around dignitaries or performing escort work, you will want to appear more refined. In which case, I have discussed with Choo Choo having black jackets and ball caps. Now, for a few caps more, and a bit extra time to make them, I can completely outfit you in such attire, and have it made out of ballistic weave fiber. This would mean it would provide some additional protection to you, yet still be fairly light and easy to move in.”

I find myself as well as most of the others all looking at her with a raised eyebrow. Then Twinks asks, “Uh, Choo, I thought I was tech support, not a combatant?”

Choo Choo looks at her and smiles and tells her, “We are all combatants, however, your primary job is as a tech.” She pauses briefly and then asks, “That reminds me, you do know how to perform a shield spell right?”

We all watch as Twinkle Hoofs starts to go pale and she nervously says, “No, I never had a need for that one.”

I see Choo Choo close her eyes and slowly shake her head. Finally, she says, “Ok Twinks, when the others are practicing hoof to hoof fighting, you and I will be doing some extra training on spells.”

I notice that Twinks blushes this time and she quietly answers, “Yes ma’am.”

From our side, I hear Sewing Bobbins say, “Good, now that is decided, I need all of you to line up so I can get some measurements. If I am making these for you, I want you to look your best.”


Manesville, Manesville District NCR: Xochitl

Two days later I am with Tater cleaning out a room we will be using as our business armory. The room is in the back of a previously unrecovered storefront in Manesville. I find it funny that even though it is actually just a few blocks away from the Trough, where most of the troopers from the base as well as some of the local roughnecks hang out, this neighborhood has been left as it was after the Last Day.

I am just moving a table out of the way from a stack of trash in the corner when we hear it. Growling. I suspect it is a feral ghoul. Part of me feels sorry for those poor souls whose minds have deteriorated to the point of base functions only, but they are dangerous when they are like this.

I start to move back from the pile when an earthpony ghoul lurches out from under it. Then it stares briefly, growls one more time, and leaps at me with its jaws open.

I reach for my pistol, and I realize it is hanging across the room on a chair in my holster. I am jumping back from it when I hear three quick shots near my head go off as Tater puts the feral we did not know was there, down for good.

My ears are ringing and I use my hoofs to rub them. Then I simply turn to him and he asks, “You want help pulling him out of here Xochitl?”

I nod my head, “Yeah. Well, now we know why Choo was able to get the place so cheaply.”

He wipes his head and looks disgustedly at his pistol in its holster again, “Great, now I have to clean it again,” he says to no one in particular and then I hear him sigh.

“At least you had it with you. Thanks for covering me.” I tell him and watch as he waves a hoof and says, “It was nothing Cohitl. You would do the same for me.”

I laugh lightly, “Yeah, but this time you did it for me. So, I really do appreciate it. Now let’s get this thing out of here before Ginger sees it. I don’t need her giving me a hard time.”

We have just pulled it outside when Ginger and Twinks show up. I see a smile come to his face when he sees Twinkle Hoofs. I know he is interested in her, but I also know he feels too shy to ask her out for some reason. He has dated before, so I just don’t understand his issue.

“So Xochitl, how is the cleaning coming?” Ginger asks.

I simply shrug, “It’s coming, you know, nothing too exciting.”

Ginger grins and shakes her head, and I see she has noticed the remains of the Feral and she asks, “Anyone we know?”

I shake my head, “No, none of the ghouls we know. I think this one was here for a very long time.”

I see Tater shake his head as he says, “Besides from what I have heard Captain Bailey Bridge say, the ghouls he knows would rather die than become this way. Not that they really are in a rush to judgment or anything.”

Then Twinks ask, “Do you two mind giving me a hoof out in the front area? I want to set up my test bench there.”

Tater and I simply shrug our shoulders and begin to move the bench as she has asked. Once the bench is set up, she has us begin to put up several pegboards of tools on the wall behind it. She has the bench set so she can look at the door as she works and her back will be to the wall of the armory. We also clean out some of the old store racks, saving what we can still use.

I have just moved the back of one of the shelves that has collapsed when I hear Twinkle Hoofs say, “Cohtil, stop. Look,” as she points to the area I have just cleared.

I shake my head as I see a trap door on the floor. I look up at her and tell her, “Well, let's get the stuff clear first, then we can explore it.” Then I look at Ginger and say, “Right sweetheart?”

She grins back at me and laughs lightly, “Yeah, then we can explore it. I guess.” She looks around and then asks, “You do have your pistol with you? Right?”

I feel myself blush because it is still hanging in its holster on the back of the chair in the armory. “Yeah, I took it off to be more comfortable while working.”

I feel slightly admonished as I see her shake her head. Then she says, “Let me guess, Tater saved your bacon?”

I again blush and then I begin to laugh as I tell her, “Dear, I am starting to worry about your obsession with bacon.”

I then hear both Tater and Twinkle Hoofs laughing to the side. Then Tater says, “I think you are onto something Cohtil.”

I watch Ginger sit down with both her front hooves crossed in front of her and she says, “You never complained about bacon before. Especially when it was earning us extra caps.”

This causes me to smile, “Yeah, you're right, and I always have enjoyed your salty kisses after a little bacon.”

I then hear Twinks say, “Ok, that is too much information for me,” as she starts to blush a bit.

Beside her I see Tater blushing a bit and looking at Twinks. Beside him I see Twinks raise an eyebrow at him, but she says nothing.

We are just finishing cleaning up when Epona shows up with Choo Choo. Following them pulling a large cart is Cowlick. As they pull up outside the door, I see Choo Choo see the feral from earlier. She simply raises an eyebrow and comes inside. As they enter Epona jerks a forehoof toward the door and asks, “Anypony we know?”

Ginger looks up at her, “Nah, just a random who got upset about being woken up dead. Yah know, the usual in this area.”

Twinks then ask, “I thought that they cleared out this area awhile back?”

I grin as I tell her, “Well that was about a century ago, and ponies are just starting to reclaim this section of town.”

As they begin to look around at what we have done I see Epona notice the trap door in the floor too. She looks at us and asks, “Has anyone checked this out yet?”

I shake my head and tell her, “We were planning on it after we were done cleaning up this place.”

Choo then asks, “Have you begun to set up any racks for your team gear other than the electronics?”

Both Tater and I look at each other and I answer, “Not really, we cleaned out most of the backroom and then helped get the front area looking better.”

“Ah, I see, well let’s get this stuff out of the cart at least, otherwise we have to guard it all night outside,” Choo tells us.

With that, we all head out the door and begin to carry our recent purchases inside. As we bring them in, I begin to notice that Choo has also picked up several lockers for us to use. While we are ponyhoofing them inside Choo tells us, “Be careful with them, they go into the armory so that we can store our extra clothing there.”

This is really interesting to me as I never had a spot to put just my things before. I mean at home what clothing we have, goes into our family’s dresser or under my bed. I mean we aren’t poor, but we really do not have a lot of extra stuff so that we need to store it like that. Besides, Father says he was raised that everything should be ready at hoof.

As we are unloading the cart one of the things I notice is a toaster being set on the bench. I raise an eyebrow at it and I ask, “Ok, I give, why a toaster?”

Epona smiles shyly and replies, “Bait?”

I start to laugh and ask, “Bait? For what a sandwich?”

She puts a hoof on her hip, “No for the Toaster Repair pony.”

I laugh even harder and I hear Ginger snicker as she says, “You realize she already has somepony, right?”

Epona sits on her hindquarters and crosses her forelegs, “Hay, a mare can always hope, can’t she?”

I turn from her as I know how lonely she really is and how much she wants a special somepony. The others laugh as if she were joking.

Tater and I also bring in several boxes of spare appliances and electronic components that we store in the front. Finally, Tater says, “These two go in the back.”

As I look at them, I notice they are boxes of weapons components as well as enough weapons cleaning kits for all of us. These we set next to the lockers. Once this wagon load is emptied, I notice we do not have any weapons racks or weapons.

When I ask Choo about it, she says, “Well, I know you each have your own favorite weapons, but we can pick up some specialty ones too. But let’s get this place set up before we do so.”

We all agree and continue to work on setting it up until the sun begins to set. Finally, we all agree to call it a night. As we begin to lock up and head home for the night, I hear Choo Choo tell us, I expect you all here by 8 am. We will finish setting up and I want to begin some of our training.”

After this, I walk back to the farm holding Ginger’s tail with mine, but I still worry about her sister as I hear her sigh more than once as we follow the road home.


Emerald Grove, Manesville District NCR: Choo Choo

As I fly back toward the cave I share with my friend George, who happens to be a dragon, I think about what all we have to do yet before we are ready. So much to do. So much training still to happen. I smile at Epona’s answer for why the toaster, but really, I had my reasons for buying it.

Tonight, Paperwork has duty at the Stable so no matter how badly I want to see him, I can’t. Tonight, I feel lonely without him and George is off visiting her children in Harness again. Well, actually this is a second home for her anymore, so I should be used to it. She spends most of her time with her dragonets, Tempered and Forged now.

As I lay down in my bed, I use my horn to pick up a book to read, then I use it to turn off the lights and illuminate the book while I read until I am drowsy. Once I am tired enough, my horn goes out on its own as I fall asleep.

I do not tend to dream much anymore, but when I do, I seem to make up for when I don’t. Tonight I have two dreams. First, I am back in my old body. It is back during the war, and both Sidetrack and I are still just regular ponies and in love with each other. It is the one where he and I are talking about when we retire in a few weeks and how I am looking forward to visiting my son’s family in Fillydelphia, and my daughter and her family in Manesville on the trip back.

We were both looking so forward to that trip. In my dreams we made it happen. In reality, at the time the dream takes place, we were within a mere few days of the end of the world as we knew it, and our lives were changed forever.

The second dream is the one that still haunts me, and probably always will. It is of the Siege of Serenity Valley. It always starts at the same point. Myself and the rest of the scouts are being held as a reserve in the basement of the house we used for an HQ there. The LT has just ordered all of the fliers there too for the same reason.

We can hear the intensity of the battle as it rages for hours. Suddenly over our PipBucks, we hear Lieutenant Tenderhoof yell out, Broken Saber! I repeat Broken Saber! Silver Spite and his remnants of Red Eyes forces and the raiders he has hired have broken through the E troops section of the line.

Ginger and Xochitl are next to me and look at me, then at our commander Sunset. I can see the sweat building on him as he wants to give the word go.

Then we hear the LT, Lieutenant Mollygirl over the PipBuck all hands Frequency call out, Clock Work they are about to break through in E-troops section. Send them in NOW! She has just sent in the Volunteer company. None of them were regulars with us when we started.

Then we hear even worse, over the PipBuck all personnel channel I hear, “This is Sergeant Rice Paddy, Cadet Tenderhoof is down. They are targeting the Medics and stretcher-bearers, Both E-troop medics are down.

This is soon followed by D troops medic Sutures responding on the radio, E-troop this is Sutures, I am on my way.

Immediately after this, we get the word from Mollygirl, All troops protect the medics. Sunset, provide an escort for Sutures.

As soon as we hear this we begin to move at a run. The ground scouts form as they run around her. I and Sunset are above her as is Firefly and his sister Serenity. I cannot help myself and am terrified for the foals. They should not be here. I SHOULD NOT HAVE HELPED THEM COME I berate myself in my mind.

I am firing the guns on my battle saddle as I fly forward, using my horn to cast spells at the same time. As we run forward escorting Sutures I can actually hear when the Volunteers make physical contact with the raiders as you can hear the screams of pain and the screeching of breaking equipment from the force of impact of the two forces.

I watch as Xochitl dives and rolls as he slides along the ground under a raider. As he slides by, he fires two quick shots into his belly. He then rolls back over and is on his hoof running again.

Just opposite of him is Ginger. I am stunned and frightened for her as I watch her leap into the air over a dead body. Landing on a raider's back, she puts a quick shot into the back of his head with the SIR and without slowing leaps down again.

As this is happening, I hear a shotgun near me begin to bark. Sutures, the combat medic we are escorting, has to shoot her way into the wounded and dying Equestrian Rangers of E troop.

As we get into the middle of the fight, I hear somepony yell out a war cry in zebracan and as I look in the direction of the noise I see Xavier, Xochitl’s father is on his back hooves with a knife in his pastern and engaging the raiders in hoof-to-hoof combat.

We are starting to drive them back and retake our positions when close by I see Serenity take a shot in her helmet and I watch her fall limply over 40 feet to the ground below. I call out, MEDIC!

And I am suddenly awake. I am tangled in my blanket and have fallen off the bed again. I am panting hard and covered in sweat. I look at the time, I have been asleep for a little over two hours. I guess that is enough for now. I will try to get some more after I calm down. But part of me is afraid that the dream will come back. I know it will. It always does.

I finally get another couple of hours of sleep. Then I am up with my alarm and I go to meet the youngsters to begin their training. Never again will I take unprepared recruits into a meat grinder. I can’t. I don’t think my conscience will let me.


Spitfire Officers Acadamy, Grand Pegasus Enclave: Cadet Ball Lightning

“Cadet Ball Lightning, what is your major Malfunction? Do you not want to be in my beloved Army?” I hear the light blue and red-maned drill instructor yell into my ear.

“Negative Sergeant Major! I do want to serve!” I yell back

“Do you really think you are going to succeed as an officer with such slapdash work? That is the third time you have been rejected by the armorer for a dirty weapon.” He nearly growls at me.

I look down at the MEW rifle I have at my hooves and tell him, “Sergeant Major, this cadet has failed to meet the required standards but will do so this time.”

“Well, I certainly hope so. The last thing I want to turn loose on some poor platoon of soldiers is a butter bar lieutenant who can not even clean his weapon correctly.” With that, he turns and walks away. As he goes, I see him stop at another cadet and begin to give him a variation of the same speech he just gave me. Goddesses, I just want to complete this training so I can begin to live again. I tell myself.

Beside me I hear another cadet tell me, “I keep telling you Ball, take more time and do it only once. Slow is smooth. Smooth is fast.”

I harrumph quietly then I reply, “Really, for this Down Draft? I thought you only meant it for tactics.”

He smiles and shakes his head, “It goes for a lot of things such as tactics, formation flying, those you are attracted to. You know, the important things.”

I raise an eyebrow at this and laugh lightly at the last part of his answer. “You know, I do have a mare already.”

He nods his head as he runs a soft rag over his weapon one more time. As he is doing this he tells me, “Yeah, but she is in the Volunteer Corps isn’t she?”

“Well yeah, I told you that before.”

He sighs, “Two things, those who choose the Volunteer Corps tend to be more pacifistic types and turn away from us military types,” he pauses and adds, “Happened to my older brother.”

“And?” I ask motioning with my forehoof to indicate for him to continue.

This time his face goes expressionless and he quietly says, “And all too often those who go into the Volunteer Corps don’t survive too long. They really get short-changed on their training.”

I feel my stomach drop out and my chest feels slightly tight when he says this. My poor Sundancer. Celestia and Luna, please protect her, I pray silently.

Then Down Draft quietly tells me, “Rumor has it that they only get two, maybe three weeks training before being sent dirtside. That includes trying to teach them about the ground bounds’ culture and ways.”

“Two to three weeks? No, really how long do they train them for?” I ask.

He shrugs his shoulders and tells me, “That is the only amount of time for the Volunteer Corps training that I have heard. But hey, hopefully, I am wrong.”

I sigh, “Yeah hopefully, but Down Draft, since I met you, you have rarely been wrong.” Those words would come back to haunt me later that night.

I am at the end of my bunk polishing the buttons on my dress uniform for the inspection in the morning. After I am done, I will see about writing Sundancer. It has now been four weeks since I last saw her, and about two weeks since I last received a letter from her. As I mindlessly polish the last button and am thinking about what I will write to her I hear from the front of the bunk room, “Mail Call!”

I quickly put away my uniform and polish kit and head to the front of the room with the other cadets. I get there just in time to hear the company clerk for us cadets call out, “Cadet Ball Lighting.”

“Here!” I call out and raise a hoof. He then uses his wingtip to pass me a letter. I look at it and I see it is from Sundancer and I cannot help but smile. As the clerk keeps calling out names I go back to my bunk and sit on the floor next to it using my wings to hold in front of my muzzle. I can smell the perfume she likes to wear on it. I gently open the letter and I begin to read;

My Dearest Ball,

I miss you so much and wish I could be with you right now. Last week we started our training for my class of the volunteer corps. They say they have elongated the training to three weeks now. But honestly, why would it need to be more than two weeks. I mean, ponies are ponies, right?

Today was a big day for me. I got to choose what area I wanted to be stationed in with the VC. Some asked for around Baltimare, a couple of hopefuls chose New Pegasus. Myself, I chose Hoofington. I mean it is not far from home, and if something were to go wrong, well the Enclave is right there. I mean it has to be safe, otherwise, why would they offer it to us. Besides, if you get stationed at Thunderhead, you won’t be too far away.

I am very lucky as some of my closest friends here are going with me there. Including Sky Swirl, Altocumulus, and Arctic Air. The four of us are always together. Both Sky Swirl and Alto say they feel they have to protect us mares Arctic and me.

I miss you and think of you each day. I can’t wait to see you again, especially in your officer’s uniform. I am so proud of you love.

Love ya and see you soon

Your Sundancer

I guess my face shows how I feel as I hear Down Draft asks, “Ok Ball, what has caused that goofy smile on your face?”

So, I show him the letter. He smiles kindly at me and pats me on the shoulder. “Hoofington, I have heard some things about that place. Well, they certainly need the Volunteer Corps there. Well, that and the Enclave to help eliminate the undesirables too.” He pauses and I see him shake his head, “Three weeks. That is all there getting. Wow, I would never have imagined it,” He says, “Ok, I will talk to you later, I am sure you want to write back to her.”

“Yeah, thanks Down for understanding,” I tell him, then I dig into my hooflocker for a pen and paper to write a quick letter to Sundancer before lights out.

I use my wings to get them out and then I begin to mouth write her a letter.

My Dearest Sundancer,

I can’t begin to tell you how much I miss you. While it has only been a little over a month since we last were together, it feels like an eternity. I only long to hold you once again and to feel your gentle kiss.

Hopefully when we get our orders, I will get either Hoofington or Thunderhead so that I can be close to you and we may be able to spend our spare time together. Thank you so much for letting me know where you are going to be stationed. It helps in a way to know where our futures may be heading.

Someday I hope to be the father of your foals as well as your devoted husband. I can't imagine life without you in it. Well, it is almost time for lights out and I best get going. Tomorrow we begin our classes on power armor operation and maintenance. I really am looking forward to soon trying my hoof at wearing one of those suits and only wish you could see me in it when I do.

Sweet dreams my beloved and I will write again soon.

Yours always, Ball Lighting

I then blow lightly on the ink. Once it is dry, I fold the letter and write her address on the outside, but leave it unsealed so the censoring officer can inspect it before it leaves the base. I deposit the letter in our company mailbox and then get ready to go to sleep for the night. We all climb into our bunks and the lights are turned off for the night. The only one not in their bunk is the recruit assigned to watch the bunk room and break room that we have. After an hour he will be relieved by somepony else. We all will end up taking a turn at standing watch during our training. It may not be exciting but at least we all have to share in the misery of lost sleep.

Morning comes with the lights being flicked on and I hear another one of the instructors yelling at us to get up. Once awake and on hoof, we stand at the end of our bunk. The enlisted drill instructor then reviews our plan of the day quickly with us, finishing by yelling, “You have ten minutes to get ready, Move it, Cadets!”

We are back, dressed, and in the position of attention at the end of bunks in eight. He nods his head, “Alright fall out to the drill field for chow.”

We all fall out and form our ranks. Once he decides we are ready he gives the order and we all fly in the same formation across the base to the drill hall for our breakfast. And while it may not be great, it is hot and filling. I can live with that. Well, that and the hot coffee we are able to get there.

After we eat, we fly over to the armory. We first sit through a lecture where they give us the basics on how our Enclave pegasus power armor works and the maintenance we will be required to perform on it.

“Now cadets, how many of you know the differences between the officers’ model and the enlisted model of enclave power armor?” The senior armorer asks us. He looks around and when he sees no wings or hooves raised he points a wingtip only a few inches from my muzzle. “You, what can you tell me the differences are?”

Without thinking I rattle off, “Sir, our models are lighter in weight, feature two medium weapons mounts rather than heavy ones on our matching battle saddles and we have a complete set of communication and tracking sets integral to them that allow us to more effectively direct a battle as well as communicate both up and down the chain of command.”

He nods his head with a smile. Then he adds, “Very nice, oh and the newer suits come with an integral pistol holster on your right hind leg.”

Beside me, I notice both Down Draft and Dust Storm raise an eyebrow and nod. I guess I finally impressed them. I don’t have time to gloat as the instructor has moved on and we now begin to learn how to use these features in combat.

For some reason, I find the power armor really fascinating and now I can’t wait till the day comes when we can try it. Maybe there is something to this military service that I will enjoy, I tell myself, then I begin to pay attention to my class again as they begin to teach us about the spell matrix and how it works.

Not only will learning this save my life, but it is interesting to me. Beside me I see Down Draft looking bored and poor Dust Storm has his eyes glaze over and I see him starting to do touch and goes as his head slowly drops against his chest, then his eyes pop open and he lifts it up and begins the process again. Finally, I hear the instructor say, “Cadet Dust Storm, if you cannot stay awake, please stand up.”

I am amused as he again starts to do the touch and goes. Finally, our instructor shakes his head, slaps his hoof down on the podium in the front of the class, and tells him, “Go to the back of the class and hover. I know you can’t fall asleep then.”

I almost laugh out loud though when Dust Storm does just that and hits the ground hard. I actually see our instructor facehoof at this. Then I watch as he makes a note on the clipboard on his podium. As he does this, I raise a hoof. Once he calls on me, I tell him, “Sir, I think that Cadet Storm is just exhausted, sir.”

“Cadet, you all are exhausted, why should that excuse his failure to be able to stay awake?”

I look at my friend and then the instructor and I tell him, “Sir, he not only stood two watches last night, but he also was up early to try and get some extra time in running in place in the sinks so he could lose more weight. He is terrified he will not be able to fit into his power armor and therefore washout sir.”

He looks at me with half-closed eyes and turns his head slightly. I watch his ears shift from alongside his head, to slightly out to the side, then finally forward as he says. “Thank you for letting me know that cadet. I will take it under advisement.”

Later that evening during our personal time, our senior drill instructor Sergeant Major Funnel Cloud comes in and has Dust Storm leave with him. Most of us figure he has washed out. Instead, when he returns, we watch as he goes, sits in front of his bunk, and breathes a sigh of relief. I go and sit next to him and ask, “Well, what happened?”

He looks around and then looks at me. I watch him take a deep breath and let it out and he tells me, “I got a final warning about falling asleep in class. I am off the rotation for late-night watches too. He and the Captain told me if I pass and cannot fit into my power armor, I can still be an officer. Just with the supply troops or maybe even a staff position. Sure, that doesn’t sound exciting to most, but to me, it means I will not have failed out and can still serve the Enclave. My family would disown me if I got scrubbed out.”

I nod my head in understanding, after all my father would do the same thing. I put a hoof on his shoulder and tell him, “I am glad to hear that Dust. I would hate to lose you, buddy.”

He grins at me and laughs lightly, “Yeah, I know. The more we lose, the more attention the DI’s can pay to those who are left.”

I laugh slightly also and I tell him in a slightly sarcastic tone, “You say it like that is a bad thing.” Then I give him a wink and we both begin to laugh.

Finally, he asks, “Heard anything from Sundancer lately?”

I nod my head and then I tell him about the letter. After I am done, he smiles sadly and tells me, “You know you really are a lucky buck. At least you have a pony who cares about you.”

I am just about to comment back to him when I hear one of the junior DIs calls out, “Five minutes till lights out, hit your bunks.” And we all scramble to our bunks and call an end to another long day.


Well, all my little ponies out there in the wastelands, this here is DJ Pon3, reminding you all to help each other when you can and to keep your weapons loaded and clean out there. This next song reminds me of some of my ghoul acquaintances' stories and why we should try and make it a better world. Here is Standing at The End of The World.

Chapter 3: Training Days

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Chapter 3: Training Days

“if a student ever states that he is dead, the right answer is, “No, you aren’t dead! I don’t give you permission to die. I don’t train people to die. I train them to live!” ― Dave Grossman, On Combat: The Psychology and Physiology of Deadly Conflict in War and in Peace


Manesville, Manesville District NCR: Ginger Snaps

I am nibbling on a bit of old Radhog jerky while I watch over Twinkle Hoof's shoulder as she works on the toaster. She has the magic meter out and is testing it to see if she can find the short in it. As she keeps testing it I can tell she is getting frustrated. Finally she turns to me and says, “I know that Choo is related to your family and all, but honestly, I can’t believe she did this to me. Here I was thinking it would be a magic problem, now I just realized, it’s a mechanical problem.”

She quickly lifts a screwdriver in her TK and uses it to remove the cover. Once the top is off, she can see the reason it is not popping up is that it has a broken spring. While I find this slightly amusing, Twinks is fairly irritated by it. She looks at me, “I’m a tech, why would I expect it to be mechanical and not a magical issue?”

About that time Choo comes out from the armory behind her and says, “And that is why I bought that toaster. As our tech, you need to learn to look at how things work and figure out how to get them to do it when they won’t. Oh, and now that you have found the broken spring, please replace it, and then test it to make sure that is all that was wrong with it.”

I see Twinks get that sullen expression on her face when she hears this. Then as Choo puts a hoof on my shoulder when she talks to me, I wince from the bruise I got during our martial arts training, and I hear Twinks begin to giggle and as I turn to look at her, she laughs and shakes her head as she says, “I guess I got off easy for now.”

I am still watching as she puts it back together. Behind her I see Choo lean against the wall with one eyebrow raised as she watches Twinks. Finally, Twinkle Hoofs has it back together and Choo asks her, “Ready to test it?”

Twinks smiles and tells her, “Yep, I am.” She puts a couple of slices of bread in it and pushes the handle down, and nothing else happens. No glowing red coils or anything.

Choo simply nods and tells her, “Please continue, I know you can figure it out.” Then she turns to me, “Ok, Ginger, we need to work on organizing everypony’s gear. Do you have any suggestions?”

I think about it briefly and tell her, “Honestly other than lockers and maybe some Get Out of Dodgecity bags with special equipment in it, I can’t think of anything.”

She nods her head, then asks, “How about we begin to clean the second story rooms a bit and see if we can at least set up a bunk room and break room if we need it?”

I nod my head, “Yeah, that makes sense, Oh, how about we get Epona and Tater in here to help us set up a room for planning and maybe a radio. Sort of like what they told me Ma and them had down in Harness in their bunker.”

I see Choo Choo smile and nod her head, “Honestly that is a wonderful idea. Good thinking Ginger,” she tells me, almost in the same tone a teacher would say it to a prized pupil.

Before we head upstairs, I hear Choo Choo ask Twinkle Hoofs, “Oh, and Twinks, think about what spell you want to work on next. If I don’t know it, I have a few resources that may help us so we both can learn it.”

I see Twink's jaw drop as she looks at her new mentor and asks, “Choo, you mean that you are going to be learning more spells too?”

She smiles at Twinks and tells her, “Of course, we all have things we need to learn, including and maybe especially me. I want us to be ready when we really begin.”

Twinks looks around and then tells her, “Choo, there is something I wanted to ask you. Since we will be going in the field so much. Well, maybe we should hire a few regular repair ponies for appearances in the shop and keep it secure for us.”

I see Choo think briefly about this and she replies, “I want to think some more about this idea, but honestly, if you have some suggestions of who to hire, let me know, please.”

Twinks and I both nod our heads and I can not think of anyone. I then hear Twinks say, “Choo, I am not sure, but I will get back to you, ok?”

As Twinks keeps working on the toaster, Choo and I finally make it to the stairway and begin to go upstairs.

I notice the amount of dust-covered boxes up here. Goddesses what a mess I think to myself. Then I notice something I had not seen before. Off in the corner where one of the shelves had collapsed, and next to a long-abandoned desk. It is a battered picture of a pony family. I am shocked though when I see the mare who I presume is the mother, looks just like my birth mother Nugget, and the youngsters in it look like they could be my siblings. I briefly shake my head and I ask Choo, “Did you know them?”

She shakes her head and replies, “No, at least I don’t think I did. I really do not remember a lot from those years.”

“I wonder who they were?” I tell her.

She smiles and tells me, “Well maybe we can find some information about who used to own this building, and have Magpie research it for us. To be honest Ginger, I would not be surprised if they were your relations.”

As we begin to clean up the shelves we begin to also go through the boxes, several of which have been water damaged due to leaks in the roof. It is here we find several boxes of magical crystals and parts for appliances, radios, and even a few televisions, and while I have never seen one working, I do know what they are.

“Choo, before you bought this building, did you know what it was?”

She smiles, “I knew it used to be a repair shop of some kind, but not who owned it, or what it repaired.”

I shake my head, “Well, in a bit we need to get Twinks up here to help us sort this stuff, and we may need to get some ponies on the roof to fix the leaks. Maybe Sunny could do that?”

She nods her head, “True, but I had planned on him training some more with Captain Sunset and his crew. I have set up escape and evasion training for him. It coincided with Sunset’s desire to teach his new scouts how to look for those evading them or conducting counter scouting operations.”

I can’t help but laugh at this as I know what it means for Sunny. But then I gulp as I realize she will do that to the rest of us eventually also. Damn, that is going to really suck. I remember doing that for real back during the expedition and I really do not look forward to it again.

Then Choo smiles at me and tells me, “Oh, and Don’t worry we all get a turn at doing it. Before we go on our first mission, we will do it as a team.”

I groan out loud before I even realize I have done so and I hear Choo Choo laugh. “Don’t Worry Ginger, I feel the same way.”

“Then Choo, why do it?” I ask.

She smiles sadly and tells me, “Because I want us to be ready. The more we sweat in training, the less we will bleed in combat.”

I look at her funny and ask, “Choo, who told you that?”

She smiles at me and replies, “Just something I used to hear in the army.”

I shake my head and think, Great, I know how much we can trust the army after Serenity Valley. But then again, three of my adopted parents are still in service, so…

Choo seems to almost read my mind as she says, “All the civilians in the valley with us, if they would have been properly trained, well, maybe we would have lost fewer of them.”

Without meaning to, I blow out air through my nose and put my ears back and say, “But they could have at least left us some hope they were coming, Choo.”

She shakes her head and tells me, “Sadly dear, they used us as bait for Silver Spite and his followers,” she pauses then adds, “Along the lines of how you used your siblings when you were out radhog hunting.”

When she says this, I feel a chill go up my spine. “But Choo, they always knew we would be there for them.”

Gently she says, “But Ginger, when you're running scared do you really think of such things?”

Suddenly I begin to feel guilty about having used them for bait before. At least the last time Raven asked so she could earn some caps. But still.


Undisclosed Location, Manesville District NCR: Xochotil

It seems that Choo is really serious about getting us up to speed. When I joined her for the Repair Ponies, I had not realized just how serious she was. I now know as I find myself in the situation I am in.

I am crawling on my belly through the mud and under what brush I can find. I am soaked to my skin and I feel my web gear beginning to chaff. Suddenly to my right I hear a twig break. I stop and hold my breath. Thank goodness the NCRA does not have enough PipBucks to issue to each of their troopers like the old Co-op did when the Co-op Expeditionary force was on its expedition eight years ago. But still, they are getting too good at this.

After hearing the twig break, I twist my ears back and forth listening to see how many there are still and where they may be. Once I decide that there are only two near me, I begin to slowly sneak up on them.

In my teeth, I am holding a single piece of chalk and when I get close enough, I mark them. Or tap them upside the head, whichever is better for me at the moment. I mark the first buck on his saddlebag and am just getting ready to mark the second when he turns and kicks out as hard as he can, hitting me square in my chest, causing me to roll backward.

He turns to me and grins, but that does not last long as he looks at his buddy and asks, “Why are you not helping me?”

His buddy says, “Hey, he already marked me, I’m dead, he is your problem now, you choose to fight hoof to hoof.”

The one that kicked me is just realizing what he did when I launch myself at him, and plant my shoulder into his side knocking him down and the wind out of him. I hit him three times in his muzzle with my forehoof and then I am off running again.

As I disappear into the undergrowth, I hear the one I had chalk marked laughing and telling the one with the now bloody muzzle. “Last week I got caught like that by the one they call Tater.”

Soon though I hear more coming in my direction. By the amount of noise they are making I can tell they are trying to drive me. Instead, I look at the nearest tree, I leap up hooking my forehoof pastern to it and using my momentum to swing higher up and begin to climb its branches. I am hidden above them as I watch them walk below me.

I hear one of them say, “That is strange, his hoof prints stop right here.”

They begin to look around but none lookup. I am wondering why when I hear, “You don’t think he climbed the tree do you?”

“Are you kidding me? When was the last time you climbed a tree? I was still a foal. Besides, he did not have time to.”

“I don’t know, he is half zebra and you know how sneaky they can be.”

“Do you really believe all those stories? Come on, I am sure that the militia corporal that the captain brought in was just making things up.”

When I hear this, I know they have just insulted my father, and while I should keep quiet and stay put, I have had enough. I am only 10 feet above them and looking down at them. I grin to myself and let out a primal scream as I drop straight down on both of them, knocking them down and then I am off and running again as I hear behind me, “What the Tartarus was that?”

But I am off at a run and am behind their driving line so they have to redeploy if they want to catch me. But then again, they also know where my destination is, so therein lays the challenge.

I spent two days trying to make my destination. I am almost there when I feel a tap on my back and as I turn my head I am punched in the muzzle and I hear, “That is for punching me in the muzzle.” He hits me again and tells me, “And that is for dropping down on me from the trees.”

He goes to hit me one more time and I roll and use the momentum to flip him over. As I find myself on top of him, I bring my forehoof back as far as I can to punch him in his muzzle again and bring it forward stopping just before his muzzle and I lightly tap him on his nose and say, “Boop!”

From around us, I hear his other squadmates start laughing. I get off of him and I hear Choo call out, “Close enough this time Xochitl.”

From her side, I hear Captain Sunset, the 1st Manesville Regiment’s Scouts Company CO say, “Good work all. I am happy with it. Oh, and Trooper Red Clover, never, never give a monologue when you are fighting an opponent.”

“Yes Sir,” The trooper I had just booped says as I stand up and offer him a hoof to help him get up also.

The chagrined trooper looks at me and asks, “So just where did you learn to sneak and peek like that?”

I move a hoof in the direction of Sunset and Choo and I tell him, “Those two and my father when we were on the Expedition. Our graduation test was the retreat to Serenity Valley.”

I see him shake his head, “But you are too young to have been there.”

I nod my head, “Yeah and so were a lot of others, but it is what it is. Nice playing with you and I look forward to the next time,” I tell him, as I walk over to Choo and we begin to head back to the shop so I can clean up from the last couple of days.

As we walk, I look at Choo and I ask her, “Did you have to choose to have me do this right after the scheduled rain started?”

She smiles at me and says, “Yes I did. I need you to be at the top of your game, and I am now sure you are at least where you were back then.”

As I go in the main entrance to the shop, I see Twinks stop from what she is working on, she motions her hoof in front of her muzzle and says, “Cohtil, you really need to clean up, you smell like you were wrestling with a dead skunk.”

I quickly smell myself and shake my head. She is right. Then I smile sweetly as I look at her and tell her, “Don’t worry Twinks, your turn for this will come soon enough.”

I watch as the color leaves her face and she looks at Choo and says, “But I am just a tech.”

Choo smiles gently at her and tells her, “No, you are my field tech. So, therefore, you need this training too. You and Ginger will be working with Xavier tomorrow to begin teaching you escape, evasion, and insertion techniques. I thought you understood you are part of my field team, was I wrong?”

“Uh, no ma’am. I just thought, well never mind ma’am. Let me finish up with this and I will begin to put my gear together for tomorrow.”


Emerald Grove, Manesville District NCR: Choo Choo

“Ok Twinks, now align the foresight with the v notch of the rear sight of your rifle,” I tell her.

“But Choo, how can I see it clearly, this is not like firing it for an earthpony?” She asks.

“Focus. Use your TK to hold it steady and adjust for recoil by holding it more firm. Look down the barrel, center the front sight between the two rear sights, now hold your breath and use your TK to pull the trigger.”

I hear the rifle fire and excitedly Twinkle Hoofs says, “Wow, look at that Choo, I actually hit the target, and almost in the center ring.”

“Yes, very good, not let’s see if we can do it a couple more times, and try to hit in the middle please.”

We continue firing for a while longer until I am satisfied, she is doing well enough. Then I tell her, “Good job Twinks. You have really improved. Oh, and once we get back to the shop you will need to clean and oil your weapon.”

We begin to walk back to the shop when she asks me, “Choo, were you a teacher at one time?”

I am a bit surprised and I tell her, “Well, no, not really, why?”

She shrugs and replies, “It is just that you are good at it. My pa tried to teach me how to shoot once, and I just did not get how to use my TK that way.”

I nod my head, “I understand. I guess it is just that for the last several years I have been a mentor for Ginger and Epona’s little sister Moon Lily.”

She nods her head and laughs lightly, “Yeah, we have heard about that a bit.” She pauses and tells me, “I just wish my magic was as strong as hers.”

I nod my head, “I understand Twinks, but while you may never be as strong as her, you can build up both your strength through use and your knowledge of skills.” I stop and so does she, then I put a hoof on her shoulder and tell her, “And do not judge yourself compared to others. You have skills she does not, and she has skills that even I have problems replicating at times.”

I see Twinks look surprised and she tells me, “Choo, I never heard a unicorn, much less a pony of your kind admitting something like that.”

As I put my hoof back down, I smile and ask her, “But young mare, what kind of teacher would I be if I could not admit I was not perfect or that I could still learn some things as well?” Then I remind her, “Besides, at one time I was a unicorn.”

I hear more than see Twinkle Hoofs stop. She looks at me funny and tells me, “I forget sometimes that you used to be only a unicorn too.”

I then gently tell her, “Dear, between you and me, at times I still wish I was.”

I see the questioning expression on her face and she asks, “But why Choo. Look at you, plus being so powerful.”

As we begin to walk again, I tell her, “But I did not look like this when I was a unicorn.”

She seems to think about this and asks, “So what did you look like back then?”

“Have you ever met the midwife Doula, you know the mother of Sutures? Ginger and Epona’s adopted grandmother.”

“Yeah, I have, last time I saw them was at the graduation party but I have seen them on their runs before. Why?”

I smile and tell her, “Because Doula not only is a descendent of my unicorn self, but she looks just like I did back then. All except her cutie mark.”

I watch her jaw drop and I hear her sniffle. Then she asks, “Were you really good at spells back then?”

I shrug my wings as we turn the corner that leads us to the shop and I tell her, “Somewhat. I was really good at TK, and I could start a fire really well with my horn. That helped with getting the cold steam engines warmed up to run. But there were so many who were better than me. Who were taught more spells than me.”

I see her turn her head a bit and she asks, “How come they got taught and you didn’t?”

I sigh and I tell her, “Because I was not of a noble family or born in Canterlot or one of the big cities. That had a lot to do with it.”

She then surprises me and asks me, “Uh Choo, where were you born?”

I feel myself blush and I tell her, “I don’t really remember. I barely remember my parents and I think I had a sister or brother. But I can’t tell if those are my memories or a remnant of Unity.”

“Choo, what was it like in Unity?” She asks me.

This time I sigh, "Generally we were of a hive mind. We felt and experienced what others felt at the same time. However, it really depended I guess on whether our mother liked us or not. For some it was not too bad, for others it was very bad. I remember a purple like Quick Frost. Our mother hated her for some reason and she would send all of the new alicorns’ bad memories to her.”

We are just outside the shop when she asks “What happened to her?”

I tell her, “Honestly I don’t know. I have often wondered. But she and I were not in the same wing, so when the event at Maripony happened we were not in contact. The only ones I know survived are my sisters and the few I have met since the Followers of the Apocalypse started taking them in and helping them.”

“That sounds sad. I thought it would be great to have that kind of power and magic.”

I shake my head. “Twinks, a lot of ponies think that way. But if that is why you want to learn magic and be on the team, maybe you are in this for the wrong reason.”

I see the hurt expression on her face and she tells me quietly, “Choo, no one taught me how to use my magic like you have, I did not even know you would teach me. I got into this because I figured we could make a few caps, spend more time with my friends and maybe, just maybe make a difference working with the rangers.”

This attitude I understand and can appreciate. I then make up my mind and I tell her, “In that case, you did it for the right reasons my apprentice.”

I see her eyes go wide when I say that and I open the door and we go inside. When we do, I am surprised to see the rest of the team fully fitted out in helmets barding and with long arms getting ready to open the trap door that we had not found time to explore yet. I almost laugh out loud when I see Twinkle Hoofs facehoof at the same time I do.

I simply shake my head and before I can say anything Twinks asks, “Maybe you should go in lighter armor and perhaps with a pistol and a light instead of the long arms. Granted, I am not an expert, but those would be hard to swing around in tight quarters.”

I watch as the others all begin to blush. Then I hear Epona tell them, “See I was not the only one to think that.”

I force myself to calmly tell them, “Ok, before we go underground like this, I think we should call in Bailey Bridge and his contacts from over in Dead Quiet. They really helped us a lot at 3rd Hereford when they went into the irradiated tunnels under there.”

I see both Xochitl and Sunny look at each other with an expression of frustration. Tater on the other hoof looks at Epona and simply shrugs.

Soon they have all filed back into the armory and stored their weapons and field gear. Once they are done, I tell them, “On the positive side that did help you get you more familiar with your gear, and I think it helped me realize another area we all need to work on.”

As we all gather around, I tell them, “I promise after we talk to Bailey and one of the trainers from Dead Quiet, we will check out the trap door. Besides, has anyone checked to make sure that they did not notice any hints of boobie traps?”

I see Ginger smile and she says, I already checked the handles and hinges for wires. Then I ask, “How about looking for magnets? Or mounting brackets for metal that could be triggered when a magnet is moved?”

I see her gulp some. “No Ma’am, I did not think of that.”

I shake my head slowly, “Ginger, While the others do their business down here, could you join me upstairs in the planning room? I have a few things I want your opinion on.”

She nods her head and says, “Sure Choo.” Then she tells the others what she needs them to do and before she leaves the room says, “I will be back to help in a bit.”

Once we are inside the planning room I make sure the others are not trying to listen, then I begin, “Ginger,I know you have experience as a scout, but where we will be going and what we will be doing is not the same as on the expedition all the time. Please, slow down and think things through. We cannot always go in guns blazing and blasting our way out. I need you to think and be on your top game.”

I see her frown and look a bit hurt. Then she says, “Maybe we should have Epona in charge then. She is the brains of all of us.”

I shake my head. “No Ginger, she may be the smartest of us, but you know how to lead. I need a leader too, but one who thinks some. Remember what I said before, Slow is smooth, smooth is fast. I trust you and I need you to be a leader when I am not around.”

“But if you trust me, then why did you stop me?”

“Because while I trust you, I will not let you get our people killed,” I tell her with a serious expression on my face.

“Choo, do you really think I could have gotten them killed?”

"Honestly, Probably not. But I am not sure what is down there or if it is rigged as a trap. That is why I am calling in some of the ghouls from Dead Quiet. Not only will they make sure it is safe, but they will teach us so next time we can do it on our own.”

“Choo, were you ever afraid you might mess up enough that you got others killed?” she asks me.

At first, I wish she had not asked that question, then I tell her, “Not only afraid, but I have. Ginger, I pray you never know what that feels like.”

She is surprised at this and she then asks, “I know you didn’t during the expedition so when did that happen?”

I sit and close my eyes briefly. “During my time in Unity. I had to order others to do things I knew would get them killed. Also, during my last deployment to Hackamore, I got cocky and screwed up. We lost a couple of our scouts because of me.”

“I thought things had calmed down after Ma and her battalion came back here. At least from the sounds of what Epona and Tater told us.”

I sigh, “Ginger, things had calmed down. But we got complacent. We stopped worrying about raiders or remnants of the Legion. Thank goodness the Enclave has not gotten back on its hooves yet. If it had been them, it could have been worse.”

“Choo, I thought the Enclave was destroyed between what the Light Bringer did and their own civil war?”

I find myself staring angrily at her when she mentions the Destroyer. Most of those in the Wastelands consider her the Light Bringer, the one who cleared the skies. I and most of my sisters consider her a mass murderer. She used a mega spell to kill our mother and so many of my sisters that she broke Unity. While at times that is a blessing, I felt the deaths of my sisters and our mother as if it was myself that died.

She sees the expression on my face and she asks me, “Choo, did I say something wrong?”

I shake my head, and I tell her, “No, you did not. It is just I see your Light Bringer in a different light per se than most others do.”

She seems really surprised and sits down, “How do you see her Choo?” She asks me.

So, I tell her, and then I tell her why.

When I am done, she looks stunned and she tells me, “I, I never thought of it that way. Dear Sweet Cream, I cannot imagine it.”

I smile again when she mentions the All mother of the cattle religion, she still attends their services occasionally with her adopted mother Mollygirl. I guess the fact that the cattle worship the Goddesses Celestia and Luna made it easier for her to attend and begin to adjust to their beliefs. I am quiet briefly and then I tell her, “Thank you for listening and understanding Ginger.”

“Your welcome Choo. Just wondering, is that why you have so much trouble remembering your past?”

I nod my head, “Yes Ginger. When Unity was broken, I did not get all of my memories back. I am still getting some of them back, but I fear I shall never have them all.”

I see her look at the ground sadly. “Choo, I am sorry about earlier. I just wanted to show you what we could do.”

I smile and put a hoof on her shoulder. “Dear, I already know what you can do, you have shown me many years ago. If I did not think you would be a good leader, I would not have entrusted you in your position.”

She seems surprised, then she asks, “Choo, when will we start on our missions?”

I smile at her and tell her, “Soon Ginger, soon. I have a bit more training I want to finish first, plus hire a couple of hooves to pony the shop for us when we are gone. I know we have to start earning our pay soon.”

Two days later an old friend of ours Bailey Bridge, one of the combat engineer platoon leaders for the 1st Manesville Regiment comes to the shop with two ghouls.

I recognize the first one as High Grade the commander of the Dead Quite militia. The other one next to him is a shorter unicorn ghoul that I don’t know. As they come in, I call the team together and once we are all in the front room High Grade introduces the second ghoul to us as Trip Wire.

He tries to smile at us and we politely nod back. Then he says, “Well, it is a pleasure to meet you. Lieutenant Bridge has told us a bit about your problem and that you wanted some instruction on how to deal with such possibilities if needed.” He pauses briefly then looks around before telling us, “Just so you know a bit about me. I was a Sergeant with the 10th Combat Engineers battalion down in the Hoofington No Mares Land. I have extensive experience with going underground, particularly into tunnels that the Zebs had booby-trapped.” He pauses and looks at Xochitl and tells him, “No offense intended, that is just what we called the enemy back then. Made it easier to hate them I guess.”

Xochitl then asks, “Then why keep using it when we no longer need to hate all of them?”

The old ghoul shrugs and says, “I guess you're right, but it is an old habit and the way we always did it.”

“So, why not just call them them Zebras and leave it there?” Xochitl asks, somewhat defensively but also with a bit of question in his voice.”

“Son, I will try, it, it is just hard after all these years. Heck, some of the best soldiers I knew back then were our Loyalist zebras, so please, don’t think I am trying to insult ya.”

Finally, Xochitl lets it drop and Ginger asks, “So what should we do now?”

Off to the side, I see Bailey and High Grade nod their heads and smile. She asked the right question, I guess.

The old ghoul answers her, “Well first off, let's talk about tunnel work, if you are going in tight, then I would suggest smaller weapons. Ya know like pistols, submachine guns with a collapsible stock, or even better a short shotgun. Something that will bite hard and can be moved quickly in a tight space. Also, carry only what you can in your pockets.” Then he looks at Twinks and tells her, “Young mare, as a unicorn on this team, you and I will need to talk more. We need to talk about how traps work and how to disarm them without blowing you or your team up.”

I see Twink's eyes go wide and she turns her head to me and says, “Choo, you never said I would have to disarm traps!”

I calmly tell her, “Twinks, you are our tech. You are supposed to understand how things work better than the rest of us, so I thought you already had that figured out.”

Beside her I hear Tater say, “Twinks I can help you some with that also, especially firing mechanisms.”

She smiles shyly back at him and nods her head, “Thanks.”

I then see Trip Wire look back and forth between the two and he asks, “You the company armorer?”

Tater nods his head, “Yes sir, sorry you can’t see my cutie mark under my coveralls.”

“Ok, good, later on, I will need to work with you some more too.” He looks at the rest of us and asks, “So, any of you want to become a demolition specialist for your group?”

No pony says anything and he says, “Really? None of you want to be the one to blow stuff up?”

Still, no answer and he looks at Cowlick and asks, “Ok, how about you? I can tell you are probably carrying the heavy weapons; you want to learn how to set charges and where to set them to make them most effective?”

Cowlick looks down at the floor, licks his lips and then he nods his head and smiles shyly, “Yes sir. I would if no one else wants to.”

I smile at him and tell him, “Ok Cowlick the job is yours, but I need you to work with Trip Wire for a bit also.”

Finally, Bailey says, “OK, so how about we begin the training so we can get going and check out what is under here?”

I nod my head and hear Ginger tell them, “Ok, you heard the buck, pistols, web gear, and flashlights.”

They all jump up and go to the armory and grab what they are told to get. Once back Trip Wire begins to tell us how to check for booby traps. He is just about to open it and then he hesitates and asks me, “Could you check for any warding spells also? You know just in case.”

I nod in agreement and as I cast a detect magic spell, explaining to Twinkle Hoofs how to do it. I find that it not only has one, but a pretty nasty one it seems by the power of the spell I feel. I am surprised I had not noticed it before and tell him, “I, I had not noticed the spell before.”

He grins as well as he can and tells me, “Ma’am, that is because you were not actually looking for it. To be honest, I did not know it was there, but if it was me and I wanted to protect something or someone, I would put a willy of a spell on such a door.” Then he tells me and Twinks how to cast a counterspell to disable it. Finally, he says, “It is safe to open it, but if I was ya, I would try to use a rope on the handle to lift it open.” He looks at Twinkle Hoofs as he says this.

She uses her TK to wrap a length of rope around the handle and then lift it open from a safe distance away. As we watch it open Xochitl gets ready to jump in first and the old-timer puts a hoof on his chest and tells him, “No son, this time you follow me and learn.”

Soon they are both underground and I can hear their voices quietly speaking. Then I watch as Tater and Epona follow Ginger down. Because of our size Bailey and High Grade motion for Cowlick and me to stay up top.

Shortly after this, I hear Ginger say, “Would you look at the size of this place.” Her voice is low enough that it sounds like she is some distance away.

It is a couple of minutes later when I hear hoof steps running to the access from below. Then I hear Tater call up, “We need High Grade down here and send for Xochitl’s dad right now!”

I feel confused and watch as High Grade goes down, just before his head goes under, he says, “Big Blue, go get the zony’s father.”

I run outside and fly off to their family farm right away. I find him in one of the fields and I tell him, “Corporal, Lieutenant Bridge, and Captain High Grade have sent me for you. They say they need you immediately.”

“Let me tell Sumac and we can go.” He responds, then he runs to the main house on the farm.

Once he comes out, I tell him, “Climb on my back.”

He nervously looks around and finally does and I take off flying back to our shop with him. As we take off, I hear him say, “I hope Persimmon does not see me on you like this.”

I am surprised to hear him say he is afraid of his wife seeing him on my back then I realize how jealous she can be. I simply nod my head and tell him, “Hopefully not.”

Once we land, Bailey meets us outside. He calls Xavier over and tells him, “OK Xavier, the kids are with one of the ghoul sapper trainers in some facility under the shop. They ran into a problem and need you to help.”

“Ok, Lieutenant, but what gear will I need? I left my kit at home.”

High Grade comes out and tells him, “Seems we found and woke a zebra mare and her foal who are now ghouls. We need a zebra to help calm them down.”

Xavier shudders slightly then he says, “I understand sir. Show me where to go.”

I follow them inside and watch as Xavier jumps down into the hole and I hear Tater say, “Follow me this way, sir.”

They are gone for some time. After about an hour I hear hoof steps down below and when I look into the opening, I see Xavier motioning behind him and for the first time in my life, I see a zebra ghoul, and next to her is what I take to be a zony filly ghoul. Part of me is horrified at this, and part of me wants to cry. I move out of the way so they can come up. Once they are there, I hear Trip Wire tell High Grade, “High, they just woke from the Deep Sleep. They don’t know what has happened fully yet.”

“For the love of Celestia, how do you think we should handle this?” High Grade asks him as he shakes his head sadly.

“I would suggest taking them back to Dead Quiet, we still have a few of the turned foals there, and at least this one has her mother still.”

“Yeah, that sounds good. Any idea what they were doing down there?”

I swear Trip Wire looks embarrassed as he says quietly, “Yeah, on the last day they were chased into the shop by a mob wanting to kill them. The owner put them and his family into the shelter to try and protect them.”

“Any others down there?”

“No High, the rest of the family that was there all crossed over it seems. I just wonder how come they got turned away too?”

I see High Grade shudder and he very quietly says, “Not so loud, no need to get them thinking that way yet, ok.”

Trip nods his head and then goes back to the other room where the mare and foal are and tells them, “Please follow us, I know I look horrible but we are going to take you to a place you will be safer at, and we will try and explain what happened there.”

The zebra mare looks at Xavier and he nods his head and sadly tells her, “It is alright Zhea, you and Xanthippe will be safe with them.”

She pulls the zony filly close to her and asks suspiciously as she looks at the remains of the building and asks, “Are you sure Xavier?”

He nods his head and then she asks, “How long has it really been for us?”

Xavier sighs and tells her, “Around two hundred and ten years. I know it has been a long time. Brace yourself for how the world looks now compared to when you went into the shelter.”

She meekly answers, “Ok sir, we will. Thank you.”

I see Xavier thinking and he looks at High Grade, and asks, “Captain, can I help you take them back to Dead Quiet. I know I don’t normally go over there, but maybe just to make sure they feel comfortable settling in.”

In his grumbly voice I hear High Grade say, “No, it's ok. I appreciate it. Besides, Bailey has vouched for you and told me enough about you that I would like to talk with you some more also.”

As we were talking, I noticed my other team members come back up also. After the others leave, I sit down and tell them, “Ok, time for a debrief. I want to know what you all found down there and I want to hear what you all feel you learned from it, and how we can improve next time something like this comes up.”

Ginger raises a hoof and then tells me, “Well, Choo, once we clean out the remains of the family who owned this store, we can clean up the dirt and dust and we will have our own bunker. The owner had it pretty well stocked but I think the magical radiation just was too much for the ward spells on the scrubbers to handle.”

I nod my head in thought and I hear Cowlick ask, “Is it big enough down there for me and Choo to go into?”

Ginger and Epona both nod their heads yes. Then Epona says, “They have several rooms set up for sleeping as well as a kitchen and dining area and a small library.” She pauses and says, “I, I think they even had a tv with a movie player on it. But I am not sure.”

Twinks then says, “Well, I am pretty certain that is what it was Pona. I just got to check them to see if we can get them to work.”

Next, I ask, “Do you know if this was the only way in and out?”

Tater then tells me, “Nah, I don’t think so Choo. I saw a panel on one wall that was marked emergency exit. But I did not open it.”

“That is probably a wise choice,” I tell him, then I say, “Ok, now onto the lessons we learned.”


Restricted Location, Coltlumbia District, Grand Pegasus Enclave: Cadet Ball Lightning.

In the distance, I hear a branch break and hunker down further in the mud. On the horizon, I can see the mountains of Van Hoover. Further to the north, I can barely see the city of Emporia. As part of our officers' training, they have dropped five from our class dirtside and we are participating in escape and evasion training. When we were loading onto the Vertibucks from Thunderhead to come here we were told that the area was fairly well secured, but that there may still be some dangers out there.

I quickly use my tongue to toggle my IFF, Identify Friend or Foe. The Enclave military’s version of Stable Tec’s Eye Forward Sparkle. I can see three hostiles walking in my direction by the red marks in my line of vision. Raiders. Damn it, they are not supposed to be here. They did not give us anything more than our minimum weapons, no firearms or MEW’s.

I watch as they make their way past me and are getting close to one of my classmates, code-named Green Apple One. I am Green Apple Five for this exercise. None of us know who the others are, only our code names. I toggle another control inside my helmet and quietly warn them via a short-range radio and my helmet's whisper mic.

He clicks back twice to let me know he understands. As they pass and I see no other marks in my vision I get up and slowly stalk them from behind. As a foal, I never imagined being a predator, but now, now I grin a feral smile inside my helmet and as quietly as possible begin my hunt.

They are almost upon my squadmate when I hear one of them say, “There it is, I told ya, Now Skinner, you go wide and distract him. Pop Flare, yous gets to join me in shooting him. Remembers aims for the wings or the eyes. Eyes kill quick and we can get the scrap of the suit and anything else he has.”

I hear the one he calls Pop Flare ask, “Buts what if he has friends that helps him.”

I hear a harsh laugh and the first speaker says, “Then we gets another suit or two worth of scrap. We dones this before. What are ya? A coward?”

I watch from behind the brush as the one called Pop Flare starts to stand up straight, pushes him, and tells him, “Ya shouldn’t have called me that. You know not to call me that.”

I sit back and wait as the two begin to push each other back and forth and the third one drops out and begins to swing wide away from me and over towards Green Apple one.

I hear another click over my earphones letting me know that Green Apple One has seen the other hostile approaching him from my direction.

Soon they are no longer fighting and they begin to stalk Green Apple One. I am only a short distance behind them when I hear one of them say, “Yah know what, go let the others know we have some play toys in these woods of ours.”

“Yous wants I should bring all twenty of them up?”

“Nah, just whoever wants to play.”

“Ok Boss, I will be back in a bit, keeps em busy.”

“Yeah, Yeah, gets moving.”

As I watch the direction the third one is moving in, I hear the one they called boss rack a round into his bolt action rifle. I begin to move as quietly as I can when I hear him let go his first shot, which is at Green Apple One. When he does this, I leap into the air and glide downhill silently landing right behind him as he is racking in his next round. Without thinking I use my poison tail to stab at him. I know it does not have any poison loaded into it for the training, so instead of just trying to hit him, I target the stinger into his left shoulder using my suit's Stable Tec Arcane Targeting system. As it strikes him, I hear him yell out in pain and he tries to move the rifle to point it at me. Using my Ministry of Awesome Martial Arts Project techniques they taught us, I quickly knock the barrel away from me while at the same time knocking it from his hooves. As it falls, I grab it and use the rifle as a club against the side of his head. I hear the bones crunch, and he drops like a bag of rocks.

I have taken my first life and at this point, I can hear Green Apple One being fired on, no time to think. Instead, I quickly grab the saddlebag of ammo and possessions that the new corpse will not need. I load a new round into the bolt action rifle and quickly make my way to assist Green Apple One. I am just lining up a shot on the raider who has been shooting at him when I hear more coming my way. I take the shot and I see the raider go down, followed by Green Apple One taking his piece and ammo also.

I click my mike and quietly tell him, “We have company coming our way. Up to twenty more. Cover me.”

I simply hear back, “Roger.”

Soon I am making my way through the brush and the mud. Moving to the side some so as to swing in behind and above most of the others. As they come, I almost laugh as none of them are looking up. Stupid mud ponies always forgetting something simple like that, I think to myself.

Grinning, I decide to take advantage of their stupidity. I would say ignorance, but they have to know we can fly. So, I gently take to the air and fly up to the treetops. Once there I take a quick count. Fifteen of them, ok, we can deal with that.

I begin by sniping the last two of them in the column that they are traveling in. After I shoot the second one, not only is he screaming from his wound, but I hear a mare yell out, “Spread out, don’t give him a good target.”

I nod my head. Ok, now I know who to target next. I see them begin to move my way when I suddenly hear two quick shots from Green Apple one and watch as two more go down. Again, another one is only wounded, but her fellow raiders begin to try and drag her to cover.

I almost laugh at this as while they have cover from him, they are exposed to me, and vice versa. We begin to take slow deliberate aim and soon the few who still can begin to make a run for it. I grin to myself, as I realize they chose the music, now I can make them dance the dance.

I hoof signal to Green Apple One to join me. Once we are close, we use a combination of hoof and ear signals to make a quick plan and we are off again.

He and I use our IFF to keep track of each other, one provides overwatch as the other advances in the direction the raiders had come from. As we head higher up the mountain, I begin to smell smoke in the distance and I see five more red marks on my IFF, but I also see one yellow one. Not good, I tell myself as I wonder who got caught.

Once close enough we see the mouth to a small holler. I can see some shadow on the back wall light by firelight. As we get close enough, we can hear a pony screaming in agony. I think I recognize the voice and hope I am wrong.

I move further up the hill staying just below the ridgeline so they can not see me. I periodically check my IFF to make sure who is where. Finally, I hear a gunshot and the screaming stops. I know whoever it is, they do not have much time left, so I make up my mind and climb to the edge, crawling up to it, hoping I am not silhouetted against the sky at all. I bring the rifle up and watch as a mare with tattered rags wrapped around her body and head, with some plate armor on her sides and forelegs, lifts a knife and is moving to slice the wounded pony’s throat. I toggle my suit's vision enhancement and I can see that the pony is, or was a pegasus. They have already cut off his wings. I see the cutie mark on his flank and I know he was one of my classmates. But where is his armor?

I take the shot at the knife holder and watch as a chunk of her neck sprays out from their other side and they go down screaming, dropping the knife.

I shift to another of them. This one is a young teenage mare. She too has all the hallmark traits of being a raider and I add her to my tally. I am just getting ready to line up a shot on my third one when I feel the ground shake beneath me and I feel a rush of pain as I am struck hard enough in my side that my entire suit rolls over. I roll three times and I see a stallion wearing the missing armor, minus its helmet. He is rearing up to bring his forehooves down on me. I roll closer to him and sweep my hindlegs into one of his knocking him off balance and he falls. As he falls I roll away from him downhill. Once I stop, I leap into the air and bring my rifle to bear. As I do this, I feel a sharp pain in my side and then I hear the bark of a rifle behind me. I don’t know what caliber it is, but it has penetrated my armor. My suit automatically administers a healing spell, which hurts like Tartarus, but keeps me conscious. As I begin to try to get up from the ground the big pony comes closer and begins to laugh as he tells me, “Thinks yous a smart one does ya. Well, I am going to crush you and enjoy every moment of your last breaths.”

As he says this, he gives me time to think, I realize how close he is, and that he is not wearing a helmet. From the side, I hear another couple of rifle shots. This distracts the buck enough that he never sees my tail stinger coming. I nail him in the head with it, and as he collapses, I hear Green Apple One ask, “Green Apple Five, this is Green Apple One, are you there, over?”

“Rodger, I am here, over. Report.”

He pauses then tells me over the radio, “We have three dead raiders, one wounded and unconscious, and a pegasus who will die if we do not get help soon.”

“Roger, I am on my way to you,” I reply. Then I look down at the body by my hoofs. I want to spit onto his corpse, but can’t with my helmet sealed. Instead, I shake my head and tell it, “Never, give a monologue during a fight.” I pick up what I now consider my weapon as well as an old 10 mm pistol he had in a hip holster and a double-barrel shotgun. I sling the long arms and walk down to Green Apple One.

Once there, I administer a healing spell to my wounded classmate. I switch my radio to the emergency channel and call for a medical pickup. I am told that the Vertibuck is five minutes out and when I hear it, I am to use a smoke grenade.

Three minutes later I hear it coming. I look in the direction of the sound and pop smoke. As it hovers above us two medics drop out and fly down to us. They pull out a collapsible evacuation litter and put the pegasus on it. They use a winch to pull him up and I hold the line to stabilize the liter so it does not twist. As it goes up, I thank the goddesses they have the good sense to drop a grounding cable so I do not get shocked. They load up the wounded raider next so the intel ponies can interrogate him. I really would not want to be in his horseshoes when they get ahold of him.

Once they are loaded, Green Apple One and I get ordered to fly up to the Vertibuck to be debriefed. Once on board, I look out the door as the engines begin to change their angle from hovering position to forward motion. As we pass over where it all began, I can see below us the string of bodies that we left. I shake my head and as I begin to relax, I begin to feel my body begin to shiver, and I am not even cold.

After we have been debriefed, we are met by our lead Cadet drill instructor, Sergeant Major Funnel Cloud. He looks at both of us and I see him shake his head, “Cadets, I don’t know whether to congratulate you or feel sorry for you.”

Both I and Down Draft look straight ahead, but I do wonder what he means by that. Then he tells us, “I know, I know you have no clue what I mean. Well, you two are both being sent to the scout teams now. Of the five cadets of your cadre that dropped in with you, you two are the only ones that survived and are still fit for duty. Dust Storm should recover, but he is just an understrength earth pony now.”

“Sir?” I accidentally blurt out.

He shakes his head, “Don’t call me sir, I call you sir. Once back at Camp Spitfire, take a quick shower, pack your bags and meet me in my office. I will give you your orders there, congratulations, you both graduated.”

“Yes, Sergeant Major,” we both chorus.

As we walk away, I can barely hear the Sergeant Major say to himself, “Bucking Raiders.”

I turn my head back to look at him and he simply says as he walks by us, “They weren’t supposed to have been within seventy kilometers of the training ground.”

“Sergeant Major, may I ask what happened then?”

He shrugs and answers, “Sir, it seems from the surviving raider you captured that they got word that it was a training area and they figured they could get a good set of armor the easy way. It worked, almost. They did not expect you two to get weapons of your own I guess.”


Well, that last one was by Countess Coloratura. This is DJ Pon3 and I am here to remind you that while things are getting better here in the Wastelands and the NCR, we still have to be careful out there. We still have to worry about Raiders and Feral Ghouls out there. But, remember, not all ghouls are feral, so give them a chance.

For those of you out there in the wastelands fighting the good fight, this one is for you, Here is Til I Collapse.

Chapter 4: End of the Beginning

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Chapter 4: End of the Beginning

“Isn’t it funny how day by day nothing changes, but when you look back, everything is different.” — Prince Caspian, by C.S. Lewis


Manesville, Manesville District NCR: Ginger Snaps

“Morning Zhea, morning Xanthippe,” I say to the ghouls who now work in our shop and who live in the small upstairs apartment that is attached to the storeroom.

“Morning Ginger,” Zhea replies.

Then I hear Xanthippe ask, “Is Cohitl and his little sister coming today?”

I shake my head no, “Xochitl will be here in a bit, but his sister Xailynn has school today.”

I notice the little ghoul seems slightly crestfallen, so I ask her, “Is something wrong?”

She sadly shakes her head, then she says, “It’s just she is one of the few who play with me.” She pauses then she asks, “Could I go to school too?”

I look at her mother who stops what she is doing and simply shrugs. So, I tell the little filly, “I will see what I can find out, ok?”

She nods her head and then asks, “Ma, can I go outside and play for a bit?”

“Yes dear, just stay near the store.”

Once she is outside Zhea sadly asks, “Do you think it wise for her to go to school?”

I sigh, “Honestly I don’t see why not, as long as the teacher is ok with it.”

“Ok, I just don’t want to get her hopes up too much. I mean, she will be my forever filly now.”

A short time later our other two regular employees show up. As the first enters, I see him smile first at me than Zhea, “Good morning mares.” Diode, says to us. Diode got hired for his experience with magical electronics. I will admit for an older unicorn stallion he is not too bad to look at. That is if you can get past his thick black frame glasses and messy mane.

He is followed in a short time later by Drain Trap who specializes in plumbing but learned how to do some carpentry work while trying to earn his cutie mark as a colt. He always is wearing a dark blue pair of coveralls to keep his white coat clean. He nods to us as he enters and asks, “Any jobs yet this morning?”

I shake my head, “No, not so far, but Choo has not gotten here yet either.”

“So, what do you want me to do then?”

I think briefly and ask Zhea, “Has Twinks come in yet?”

She smiles and tells me, “Yes Ginger, she is in the back, shall I get her for you?”

“Yes please,” I tell her.

Once Twinks has arrived I tell her, “Twinks, I want you to work with Drain Trap today. Learn what you can about plumbing from him.”

I see the disappointment on her face and she tells me, “Ok, but I had hoped to work with Diode some more today.”

I nod and tell her, “I understand Twinks, but you are getting good with the electronics, and none of us is really familiar with plumbing. I want to you to be more familiar with it in case we need you to be.”

She sighs again, “Ok, but Ging, can I use a pair of coveralls today. I remember how I smelt for days after the last time you and Choo had me work with him.”

I nod my head, “Of course, you can Twinks. Just make sure to clean them when you are done.”

I watch as she and Drain then head down the ladder into the shelter below to work on the pipes down there.

As the others arrive, we each find a different task to do. It is as I have just finished one task and I am coming downstairs to ask Choo what I should do next that I hear the small bell above the door ring. I hear Choo talking to someone but cannot make out who it is until I come around the stairwell and see Blackberry Pie in civilian attire.

They are making small talk and Choo tells me, “Ginger Snap, it is time. Have the team gather in the planning room.”

I swear my heart skips a beat when she says this and I go to the armory first. Inside I see Tater and Sunny are working on weapons. When their heads come up I tell them, “Team briefing in the planning room in ten minutes.”

Sunny suddenly asks, “What’s up?”

“It’s time.” Then I leave the room as I hear them high hoof each other and I head to the shelter.

Once in the shelter, I find what was once the emergency escape panel for it has been moved aside. I can still smell the stench from what was rotting in the old water and power line service tunnels. It is dark in there, but about twenty yards to the side I can see a dim light and I hear Twinks and Drain talking as he explains how the pipes come together and how sometimes they will get a debris build-up and that is why you have access covers on the pipes so you can clear them. I call her name and hear her call back, “A bit busy Ging, can it wait?”

“No, it’s time, team meeting in five minutes,” I call back.

Suddenly I hear her start to cuss, and then she says, “On my way, but don’t blame me for the stench. Behind her in the light of a lantern, I hear Drain Trap laugh lightly and tell her, “Sorry about that, be careful out there, and see you when you get back.”

Once back into the shelter she quickly removes her coveralls and uses a cleaning spell on them, leaving them hanging on the back of a couch as she tells me, I will be up in a minute, I need to rinse off in the shower first.”

“OK, see you there,” I tell her then as I head upstairs, I see Xochitl, and Cowlick are already in the planning room sitting down waiting with Choo. Once I take my seat I tell Choo, “Sunny and Tater will be here in a minute, they had to reassemble the weapons they were working on. Twinks will take a couple more minutes, she really needed a shower.”

Choo seems sort of put out by the last part and tells me, “Really, she should have taken one before she came to work.”

I shake my head, “Choo, she was working on the water lines with Drain Trap. Believe me, we wanted her to shower.”

“Ah, ok, I hope she cleaned her clothing also.”

I nod my head to her and then I see Sunny and Tater come in together, followed shortly by Twinkle Hoofs who still has a wet mane and tail.

We are all sitting there waiting for her to begin. Choo uses her TK to close the door and nods to Blackberry, who finally begins, “Good Morning. I have discussed with Choo Choo and she feels you are ready, and we have a job we need done.”

I feel my sense of excitement begin to increase as does my anticipation. It seems I am not the only one as all of us but Choo leans forward.

She smiles mildly at us and tells us, "Ok, this job is a bit unusual and it is a bit of distance from our normal area of operations.”

At this, we all look at each other with a bit of a smirk on all of our faces. This is what we have been waiting for. Then she looks at us, “Remember, this is not a sanctioned NCR mission, you are mercenaries hired for a job.”

We all nod, then she continues, “We have had several caravans of supplies that were purchased for the NCR Military and government that have been ambushed, the caravanners killed, and the supplies stolen.”

“This sounds interesting and all, but caravans get ambushed all the time. What is so special about these ones?” Epona asks.

“Well, first off, two of these were ambushed on their way from Harness to Hoofington loaded with coal. The others, well, the others were to bring back some weapons, but mainly equipment for the new battalion that is forming in the Harness/Hackamore region.”

This catches my ear some as I know Mama Mollygirl and Papa Archer both have been deployed there several times, and we have kin down there now. Before I can think to ask anything Epona asks, “Do we have any contacts in the Hackamore region?”

Blackberry nods her head and tells her, “Yes, we do, including an old safe house we have used off and on since that region joined the NCR. In a bit, I will give you a list of contacts both in that region as well as those both in and on the way to the Lunar Commonwealth.”

Soon she begins to give us the rundown of what they know. Who and where our contacts will be, and what results they want? We all nod our heads when she asks if we understand. Then I tell her, “Ok, time for Epona and me to discuss our fees with you.”


Manesville, Manesville District NCR: Xochitl.

Two days is all they are giving us to finish getting ready and preparing for our job. As Epona and Ginger continue to dicker our fees for this, the rest of us head back downstairs to begin going over our kits to make sure they are ready.

“Hay Xochitl, you want to give me a hoof making sure we have the correct ammo for the job with us?” Tater asks me.

“Sure thing. After that let's make sure the battle saddles are ready.” I tell him.

Then I hear Cowlick asks, “Don’t ya think we should get the cart ready to go too?”

Tater and I look at him and I hear Twinks tell him, “What we don’t get done with the cart here, I am sure we can take care of on the riverboat ride.”

“Oh, I guess. But still,” he says looking somewhat concerned. Then he asks me, “Ok Chotil, which weapons should I take to put on my battle saddle?”

“Uh, actually, I had not planned on you carrying one. I mean I planned on you pulling the cart Cow.”

He shakes his head, “Chotil, we are going to be down there a while. Maybe we should have some heavy weapons with us for backup when we are not pulling the carts.”

Behind me, I hear Choo Choo enter the room. She clears her throat to get my attention and then she says, “I do believe you are quite correct Cowlick. Xochitl, if I may suggest you make sure he is set up for the .308 Machine Gun and its ammo feeders. We can store them inside the cart when he is not wearing them on the trail.”

“Thank you, Miss Choo. I appreciate it.”

Then she says, “Oh and we will also be taking the fake head for you too. Sorry Cowlick, but most areas of the wastelands are still not used to actual cattle running around. This will make you stick out a bit less. If they ask, you have your coat because of a birth defect.”

I see him shift his muzzle so that we can tell he is not too happy about that. But then he says, “Yes Ma’am. I understand. Captain Kettlebell and 1st Sergeant Kicker both told my family about what it was like out there.”

“Ok, good. I am glad you understand. And I really am sorry about it.”

He shrugs his shoulders. “Can’t be helped. Not many of us left I guess anymore.

Soon we are in the armory. As I go out the front to run and pick us up some lunch from the greasy feed bag, Wanderer’s down the road, Diode asks, “So Xochitl, think you folks will be gone for a while?”

I simply shrug and tell him, “Honestly Diode, I’m not sure. But I sure hope not, but at least you will be here holding down the fort for us.”

“That we will. Now when you leave, you kids be careful, please. It is hard to find good bosses to work for. Oh, and if I was you, I would take that little mare of yours out for dinner and a dance tonight before you go. I know we did that before we left on the expedition.”

I smile knowingly and nod my head, “Yeah I forgot you were there too.”

“Well up till the last I guess you could say. They say I will always have this limp now. But at least when I was medevacked the fight was done. Not bad to say for one of us Service of Supply troops.”

I nod my head. “Yeah, we couldn’t have done it without you guys and the civilian camp too.”

I notice Diode look around briefly, then he adds with a bit of bitterness in his voice, “No thanks to those Johnny come lately SOBs of the 2nd regiment. Showing up at the last minute, then trying to take all the glory.”

Sadly, I do understand where he is coming from. Even Lieutenant Colonel Mollygirl, who led us at the Valley has said such things when she did not realize Ginger or I could hear her. It has not helped us, survivors of the siege, to hear through gossip and rumor that we were used as bait. That is part of why I hesitated to join The NCR Army. I refuse to be bait like that again.

Before I can go out the door, I hear Choo tell us all, “Field ponies, after you have everything ready, take tomorrow off.”

I grin to myself and begin to make plans as I head out the door and finally make my way to get our lunches.

As I am carrying the lunches back to the shop, I remember that tomorrow after work Ginger, Sunny, and I were supposed to teach Ginger’s younger siblings how to shoot. Well, maybe we can still. I have noticed that Ginger and Epona’s parents seem to be trying to protect the young ones. But even as safe as the Manesville region normally is, we still can get hit by raiders now and again. I make up my mind then and there, before we leave, I will make sure they each know how to shoot. But tonight, tonight I will take my beautiful mare out for dinner and a nice long walk. Maybe even some stargazing if I am lucky.

Once back to the shop, Twinks holds the door open and assists me in carrying the food to the upstairs breakroom. After we begin to eat Sunny raises an eyebrow and tells me, “I already told Ginger, you two have been asked for dinner tonight by Rough onboard the Glimmer.”

I feel my face heat up some and am very irritated that one of our last nights will have to be spent visiting what I think is the clan head for the Water family. I have liked what I saw of Rough when he visited his kin on the farm. But still, I feel like my hoof is being forced.

I nod my head and smile, “Thanks for letting us know Sunny.”

“Don’t worry, I will be there too. I was told I have to be there.” Sunny tells us.

I see Epona across the table from me look at us and then she frowns before she says, “I guess I am left out again.”

“Sorry Pona, but this is clan business. I am sure your time will come soon enough. And to be honest, I am afraid I am going to get chewed out by Rough, so be happy you’re not involved in it.”

“Yeah, you can say that Sunny, but you get to go to dinner there too,” she says tartly.

From the side, I see the others of the team just all look at each other and shake their heads. The Twinks says, “That is what you get for chasing one of the Water clan’s mares, even if she is adopted.” Then she turns to Epona and tells her, “And you, at least you still have your time to yourself, how about going out for a pint of cider with me tonight?”

After this I hear Cowlick asks, “Twinks, Pona, could I maybe join you. My family will be at services tonight, and I really just want to relax with friends.”

Twinks nods her head and Epona says, “Sure, why don’t the rest of you join us.”

Tater says he will, but Choo says, “Thank you for the offer, I really do appreciate it, but tonight I have a date with Paper Work and I really have not had much of a chance to spend time with him lately.”

We all nod our heads at that. Then Cow asks Choo, “So is he having to deploy soon again?”

Choo looks around and then says, “Not sure. But then again they only got home about six months ago.”

I nod my head as I remember the old third battalion of the first and how they were once the CEF. Now, well now they are just another battalion of the senior Manesville brigade regiment. I do smile though when I remember Lieutenant Colonel Kettle Bell is now its CO. She took over when the Colonel got bumped up to being the regiment’s executive officer.

We continue to chat for a bit then we all begin to drift away to finish what tasks need to be done before we leave.

While Tater and I finish before the others. We decide to stay and help them finish more quickly. As we are finishing up, I ask Ginger, “Dear, should we just head over to the Glimmer?”

She shakes her head, “No, certainly not. I think you should go home, clean up and maybe wear that sweater I bought you.”

I nod my head in resignation, then I ask her, “So what are you going to wear?”

She turns and looks at me and smiles and tells me, “Unfortunately as this is more of a formal meeting, I will have to wear one of my dresses. I just need to decide which one?”

I smile at her, “Ginger, why don’t you ask one of your parents if you are not sure? I am sure they would be glad to help, especially Sumac or Magpie.”

We are already almost home, walking tail in tail when we see the hoard of youngsters out in the fields exploring. All of Ginger's younger siblings are there along with both of the pegasus sisters, Frost Glitter and Snow Song, their younger brother Rain Dancer, as well as the hippogriff youngsters Slip Stream and her brother Jet.

They all wave to us and come running up as we walk along the road. Once close enough Moon Lily and Millie begin to ask us something, but are interrupted when Raven squeezes between them. She smiles at me with her eyes wide and asks, “So are you really going to teach us how to shoot tomorrow? Pona said so.”

Both Ginger and I let out a sigh. We look at each other and Ginger tells her, “Only if you promise not to tell our parents. Raven. I mean it. If you run your mouth and tell them, I swear I will never do another favor for you again.”

I see her sit down hard and cross her forelegs as she says, “But Ginger, why can’t I tell anyone?”

Ginger shakes her head, “Because our ma’s and Pa’s should have been the ones to teach you how.”

Ginger’s brother Woodrow then asks, “But why haven’t they then?”

I sigh as I can guess the reason, but Ginger still tells them, “Because they don’t want you to grow up and have nightmares like we all do.”

Woodrow looks slightly confused at her answer so she then says, “Woodrow when you have to use a gun, you are doing it to either protect your life or to take another. That can haunt a pony. I think they hope you never have to do so, and perhaps by not teaching you, they feel they can prolong the wait until you may have to do so.”

I see Moon Lily look very thoughtful after she says this. Then Moon says, “I guess kind of how they want me to limit when and how I use my magic?”

Ginger nods her head, “Yeah, something like that. Now, we need to get going, we have to go to dinner tonight with cousin Rough.”

I notice all of her siblings straighten up at the mention of Rough Water. They have all met him and have enjoyed listening to his stories from the riverboats. But they also know that even their parents discuss things with them concerning the family overall.

Once home Ginger and I quickly clean up. I then put on my sweater from Ginger. It is the best regular clothing I own. While not poor, we are not rich either, so my family tends to not splurge on clothing very often.

I meet Ginger on her family porch. As I knock the Colonel answers the door. “Hello Xochitl,” she says in greeting. “Ginger will be right down.”

“Thank you, Colonel.”

She then asks, “So where are you two going tonight?”

“Our presence has been requested on the Glimmer by the Commodore.”

I see her eyebrow raise and she looks at Sutures, one of Ginger’s other mothers, a former combat medic turned midwife, and the only one of the parents who is a unicorn, whom she asks “Dear, did you know Rough had invited them for dinner?”

Sutures shakes her head, “No Mollygirl, I am as surprised as you are.”

The Colonel steps back slightly and tells me, “In that case, stand straight and proud when you are there, and answer him truthfully. And perhaps, if he asks, tell him I already gave you my blessings back in the Valley.” Then she smiles at me and places a hoof gently on my shoulder.

Soon I see Ginger coming down the stairs. She is wearing a light green sweater and a dark green skirt. But I also notice her mane has been braided and her tail has been tied with another bright green bow on it.

She joins us and gives me a quick kiss on the cheek. Then she says, “Ok Ma’s let the others know I will be home as soon as we can, but I may be out late.”

I see a slight tear in the corner of the Colonel's eye as she smiles and tells us, “Ok, you two have a good time. Oh, and Xochitl, remember what I said.”

I smile back at her, “Will do Colonel.” Then I turn to Sutures and I tell her, “I will try not to have her out too late ma’am.” Sutures gives first Ginger a hug, then she carefully pivots on her prosthetic leg and gives me a small one also.

Then we are on our way to the Manesville waterfront, for our dinner aboard the NCR Navy vessel S. Glimmer with the Commodore.

As we approach the ramp that leads up to the main deck of the Glimmer, I can see one of the crew tell another one something, then they disappear.

Once we are on the deck, Ginger tells the crew member, “The Commodore is expecting us. Lieutenant.”

“Very good ma’am, I have already had the messenger go let him know. Once the messenger is back, I will have him take you to the Commodore. And if you don’t mind me saying, it is good to see you again, will your sister or any other members of your family be joining you?”

“Only my cousin Sunny sir,” Ginger tells him with a smile.

He grins, “Ah, yes, the first of the pegasi in your clan. He has already arrived and the Commodore is entertaining him already.”

Soon the messenger of the watch returns and before he can even salute, the lieutenant asks, “Is the Commodore ready for his additional guest?”

The rating salutes and says, “Yes sir. In fact, he asked me to bring them directly to the Ward Room sir.”

“Very well Seapony, please escort them then.” He pauses and then tells us, “Have a good evening, sir, ma’am.”

“Thank you, Lieutenant,” I reply and I motion for Ginger to lead ahead of me after the messenger of the watch.

As we make our way through the hallways of the S. Glimmer I can see where the fancy furnishings from when she was a passenger riverboat once were. Granted it is still pretty nice and I wish I could ride on it sometime.

Finally, we arrive at a closed lightly stained oak door with a plaque next to it that proclaims Ward Room. The Rating knocks on the door three quick times. When told to enter he opens it and salutes stating, “Commodore, I have your other two guests with me.”

“Very good Seapony Stuck Rudder, show them in.” I hear rough say.

The rating moves to the side and tells us, “You may enter.” As we go in, he closes the door behind us and I follow Ginger as she approaches the table where Sunny and Rough Water are seated enjoying some cider. Rough uses his hoof to motion us to sit at two empty chairs.

We take the seats and he greets us, “Ginger dear, it is so good to see you again.” He then turns to me and says, “Xochitl, is it? It is a pleasure to have you at my table finally.”

Ginger smiles at him and tells him, “It is so good to see you again Cousin Rough.”

After she says this, I tell him, “Thank you for the invite tonight. It is a pleasure to see the Glimmer after hearing the stories about her.”

“Thank you for the compliment on her.” He tells me as he lightly pats the wall next to him. “She is my Sweetheart.” He smiles, takes a sip of his cider, and waits until after both Ginger and I have, then he asks me, “Now, Xochitl, speaking of sweethearts, I need to ask you of your intentions for one of the mares of our clan?”

Here it is, I was afraid of this, but in for a bit, in for a cap. I sit straighter and I tell him, “Rough, I have discussed this with Lieutenant Colonel Mollygirl back in the Valley.”

I see both Ginger and Sunny look surprised at this. Rough takes a drink of his cider again, giving him a bit of time to think. Then he says, “That was some time ago. I am sure things may have changed for you.”

I nod my head, “Yes sir, a lot has, but that has not. I will one day marry Ginger if she wants me for her husband.”

I see Ginger blush and Sunny nod his head as he glances at Rough. Then Rough ask me, “Then young buck. Why have you not asked formally for her hoof yet?”

This time I blush. I take another drink of my cider and I finally answer in an irritable tone of voice, “Because I am too damn poor. I want her to be proud of her fiancé. That is why I am so willing to be a hired gun, sir.”

This time he nods his head and then he asks Ginger, “Young mare, you have heard for yourself now what his intentions are and why he has not asked previously. What say you?”

This time she takes a drink of her cider. Then she answers, “Cousin Rough when we were in New Appaloosa during the expedition there was a zebra shaman there who we talked to. He told me privately that Xochitl and I were spirit-bound. Rough, I have since then considered him my stallion and myself his mare. Waiting only for us to be adults to discuss it further with him.”

Rough turns to Sunny, “You are a witness for the clan on this Sunny.” He turns back to me and extends a hoof as he tells me, “Welcome to the clan Xochitl. It has been a long time coming. But just remember, to formally propose to her for your mother. I have heard enough about her to not want to incur her ire as well.”

He then turns to Sunny and says, “Now that that business is taken care of with them, Now is your turn.”

I watch as the normally overconfident and rambunctious all-black pegasus buck starts to shrink down in his seat and looks very uncomfortable. I can barely hear him mumble, “I was afraid of this.”

Rough raises one eyebrow and nods in his direction. “Good, so you have some idea of why I called for you tonight to be the witness for the clan. Sunny, we need to talk about your promiscuous ways. For Goddesses sake, it cost enough a few months back when you had to go to the doctors to get treated for the clop as well as that unicorn mare you gave it to. Where in tarnation did you pick up a mare, who gave you that?”

Ahhh so that is why he was laying low on the dating scene. I shake my head partly in pity for him, but also partly because I am amused to hear this.

Rough then adds, “And if I get one more father; stallion or bull who comes complaining to me about you and their daughters, I will let them take care of the situation, without the support of the clan behind you. It’s time to grow up Sunny.”

“But Cousin Rough,” Sunny spits out.

Rough has a fire in his eyes, but he keeps his voice level, “Sunny, this is not a warning. It is a statement of fact. I don’t care what type of relationship you may find yourself in, but you damn well better learn to respect your partners. Your mother and father sure are not like that. And your grandfather Grey even has come to me to talk to you about it. You have caused the clan trouble with your ways, and I will not let that stand. Do you understand me?”

I watch as Sunny squirms in his chair, and meekly answers, “Yes sir.”

Rough having gotten his point across straightens up some and calmly says, “Good, now that business is concluded, we can enjoy our meals. I hope you three do not mind, but I have had the cooks make up a nice greens salad with a bit of vinegar and oil as well as bits of bacon in it.”

All three of us smile and Ginger says, “Thank you very much, sir. I love bacon.”

He grins, “So I have heard young mare, so I have heard.”

After dinner, we all enjoy another cider. Finally, Rough looks at his pastern watch and tells us, “Ok, it is starting to get late, and while I have thoroughly enjoyed the company, I think I have taken up enough of your time. But I will walk you all to the brow if you do not mind.”

I smile as I put a hoof lightly on Gingers, and tell him, “We would be glad to Rough.”

Once we reach the brow, we all say goodnight. Then Ginger and I begin to walk home holding tails. Sunny starts out walking with us, but soon says, “I will catch you two tomorrow, I want to catch up with the others for a few more ciders in White Cloud.”

“Sounds good Sunny. See you then,” I tell him. Then after he flies away Ginger asks me, “Dear, did you really ask Ma that back then?”

I grin at her and tell her, “Yes Ginger, I really did. I knew not everyone there would survive, so I took the chance to ask while you were using the sinks.”

She smiles, shakes her head then she leans into me and gives me a kiss. After we break the kiss she tells me, “By the way, I am already proud of you, so do not make me wait long to make it official please.”

I grin and tell her, “Ok, dear, but just not tonight.” Then we continue the long walk back to White Cloud and our families’ farm.


Manesville, Manesville District, NCR: Choo Choo.

Once the others leave for the day, I talk to our normal shop workers and go over our books with Zhea so she knows where we keep our caps and who we normally will buy supplies from. Once done with that I take one more look at the planning table. I look at the map and where we are supposed to go from here. The part of the caravans being ambushed bothers me highly, something just does not seem right about it to me.

Finally, I tell the others still here good night and I head out the door. Once outside I take to the air and I fly straight to the waterfront.

On my way, I am joined by Sunny. “Hiya Choo.”

“Hello Sunny,” I reply as I continue to scan the waterfront for my destination.

He looks abashed and asks, “Did Rough invite you to dinner tonight too?”

I shake my head, “No, tonight Paper Work and I are going to the North 40 Supper Club for dinner and some dancing. But I want to stop and talk to the Captain of the Baltimare Colt to discuss our transportation from here.”

I see him raise an eyebrow as he asks, “Ya know that the Baltimare Colt is owned by the Water Clan, don’t you?”

“No Sunny, I had not realized that,” I tell him. Then I ask, “Anything else I should know?”

He looks thoughtful and finally answers, “Not too much. Other than her captain and the Colonel bumped heads when they first met. Oh, and she is really proud of the Colt, so make sure you don’t insult it.”

“Thanks for the heads up, Sunny,” I tell him as we approach the waterfront and I see the S. Glimmer just ahead of us tied up and having several ponies standing guard on the ramp leading to it. Off to the north of them are several civilian riverboats. Sunny goes over and lands on the pier next to the Glimmer and I continue on searching for the Baltimare Colt. Soon I find it moored bow in.

As I approach, I see a stallion by the ramp going up to it, as I approach he meets me. “Afternoon ma’am. Can I help you?”

“Yes, I would like to talk to the Captain or her XO.”

“And you are?”

“Let them know that Choo Choo from the Repair Ponies would like to discuss our transport with them for the day after tomorrow.”

He raises a hoof and a pony comes over from across the deck. “Yes sir?”

“Please ask the captain if she or the 1st mate has time for a visitor.”

“Yes sir, I will be right back.”

I watch as the crewman takes off and disappears inside the riverboat. As we wait, the watchstander with me and I make small talk. Finally, the crew pony returns and says, “Yeah, she has time she says. Follow me, ma’am.”

I follow him as we go up two decks. As we go, I see a quick glimpse of the cargo area on the main deck. The hallways of the Baltimare Colt are not fancy at all. They are painted and kept fairly clean. But you can tell this is not a passenger vessel.

Finally, we come to a large open room with several tables, a coffee dispenser along the wall, and a small window leading to the kitchen in the back as well as a doorway next to it. Sitting at a table near the kitchen I see a middle-aged light red-coated mare with a matching mane and tail that have some gray hairs coming in. On her head is a hat I recognize as indicating she is the captain of the vessel.

She indicates a stack of coffee cups on a tray next to the coffee dispenser and tells me, “Grab a cup of coffee and join me.”

I get myself the offered coffee and sit down across from her. She looks me up and down and uses a forehoof to tip her hat back slightly and while not smiling, she is at least not openly hostile. Then she asks, “Ok, what do you want?”

“Captain Rust, is it?” I ask then after she nods her head I continue, “My name is Choo Choo, and I am with the Repair Ponies. I was told that we are booked for passage in two days and I came to meet you and to see what we could do to make things go smoother between my team and your crew.”

She raises an eyebrow and asks, “And what makes you think there could be a difficulty?”

I take a sip of my black coffee and enjoy its bitter taste. Then I tell her, “Captain, my team members Epona and Tater, remember riding on your vessel when they were still young. However, they still both remember you and your crew gave up your quarters for the officers and troops you transported. Frankly, I want to make sure you do not do that again. If you can give us a section of your cargo deck to hang some hammock or layout some sleeping bags that will be fine enough for us.”

As I am saying this, I see her look surprised and she asks cautiously, “You know the Colonel and her family?”

I nod my head, “Yes Captain, I have since shortly after I came to Manesville with my two sisters. In fact, one of the Colonel’s spouses is directly descended from my former self.” I feel myself blush when I mention this, but I continue and tell her, “The me when I was still a unicorn mare.”

I see her smile slightly at this, “I had wondered if the rumor was true. So, you are a friend of the clan then.”

I nod my head, “Yes Captain. I would like to think so at least.”

She laughs quietly, “Ok Choo.” She says before she sips her coffee again. Then she tells me, “I will make sure the Purser keeps a section of the cargo deck open for you. Also, you will need to negotiate the cost of transport with him, but make sure you tell him you are a friend of the clan and that some of your team members are members of the Water clan. That will help him make the appropriate discounts.”

I smile at this and then I ask, “Captain since we will be sailing together, how about I tell you about myself, and you maybe tell me a bit about yourself.”

I see her look somewhat skeptical and put off when I say this, but then she begins, “Well, first off…”

As we talk, I begin to find myself liking the gruff and somewhat private captain. We continue to talk, exchanging our stories until we start to see several members of the crew come in and begin to get their evening meals. She looks at the clock on the wall and tells me, “Choo, it has been a pleasure talking to you, but I need to get going myself. Perhaps we can talk more during the run down to Western Landing.”

I smile and tell her, “That sounds fine. I have to go meet my Paper Work for dinner soon.” I extend a hoof and then tell her, “I will see my way out. Good evening, Captain.”

She smiles and nods her head as I get up and leave. Soon I am on the pier and begin to make my way to the North 40 and Paper Work.

As I approach the entrance to the North 40, I see my beloved sitting outside of it. My little Paper Work stallion. I met him during the expedition when he was working as the headquarters clerk for Major Quick Trot. He has stayed in this position and because of our unit rotations, we have not gotten to see as much of each other as I would like. Tonight, I am pleasantly surprised to see him in a sweater vest with a tie, as well as a nice newsboy cap on.

He gets up and comes over to me. He puts a hoof alongside my cheek and gently kisses me and tells me, “I love you Beautiful.”

“I love you too my dearest,” I reply and give him another kiss on his cheek. Then he leads me inside.

Halfway through our dinner, he puts his hoof on mine and tells me, “I wish you had tomorrow off. The Colonel said that due to heavy field training coming up, we can have tomorrow off instead, and well I ah.” As he tells me this, I notice he is blushing slightly and has a devilish smile on his face.

I am then able to surprise him. “Well, we are going on our first job the day after tomorrow, so we are taking the day off. Oh, and George is not due back for another couple of weeks, so we will have the cave to ourselves,” I tell him as I fight to keep my wings down.

When he notices this, I see him raise an eyebrow and smile, “I think that sounds like a wonderful idea Choo. Would you still care to dance some tonight?”

Part of me wants to take him home right now, but part of me wants to just enjoy this night fully, so I answer, “I would love to dance some first, then we can go home. If you don’t mind, I would prefer to fly you there.”

“Choo, I always enjoy flying with you. I might not like to otherwise, but with you. I feel safe.”

“Funny you should say that because when I am with you Paper, I feel safe too.” Then I blow him a kiss from across the table.

After we finish eating, we both enjoy a nice hot cup of tea with milk and a bit of honey in it, while we wait for the band to begin to play.

As we are enjoying our drinks, I notice that Ginger’s older sister from her birth family, Dusty has come in with her husband Firefly. He was one of the scouts on the Expedition with us and Dusty was one of the junior NCOs for D Troop also known as the Door Kickers. When they see Paper Work and me they, both approach and ask, “Mind if we join you?”

Paper Work smiles and tells them, “Please do. It’s good to see you both again.”

“Thanks, Paper Work. It has been a long time.” Dusty says, then she asks me, “Choo what is this Repair Pony business you have the kids mixed up in?”

Oh boy, here we go. I think to myself. Instead, I tell her, “We are taking on some jobs that others may not want to do. We are our own bosses, so we will not have a situation like the Valley happen again. I will not let that happen again to them.”

“Choo, did you really talk to all the recruiters and give them their names so they could not join the NCR armed forces?” she asks me.

I shake my head no, then I tell her, “Dusty if someone did, it was not me. I only wish I had thought of it. But maybe it was someone nobody expected. You know, like the Colonel.”

I hear Dusty suck in her breath and she asks, “You don’t really think she would do something like that?”

I notice Firefly rub under his chin and then I hear Paper Work tell them, “No. That was me. I care too much about all those youngsters and honestly, they are probably about the closest I will get to having foals of my own. I have seen how combat affected Ginger, and Xochitl at the Valley, then Tater and Epona down in Harness.” He pauses as he looks down and I see him raise his head and he says, “I want them to have better than us. Maybe it is not much better, but at least they can quit anytime they are ready. Not have to wait till the end of a damn contract like Choo had to.”

I put a hoof across the table onto his and only wish I was close enough to wrap a wing around him too. I know he considers them family. I just did not know how strongly he felt about them.

I then notice Dusty smirk before she asks, “Since Mollygirl kinda adopted me when she adopted Ginger, does this mean you are my uncle Paper Work?”

I see Paper Work smile as he tells her, “You know what? I would like that, Dusty. Family is more than just bloodlines.” Again, he pauses shortly then he says, “But when I think about the old saying of blood is thicker than water, I have a feeling they meant the blood spilled for each other is thicker than the amniotic fluid of our birth. So maybe what really bonds us is our shared sacrifices and triumphs, not just our genetics.”

I notice that Firefly nods his head too as he wraps a wing around Dusty. Then I see him look surprised and follow his eyes to the door where I see Ginger and Xochitl just coming in. Xochitl sees us and Paper Work waves him over.

When they get close I cannot help but smile when I see Dusty get up and trot over to her younger sister and give her a big hug. Then I hear her ask, “So how is it going, sis?”

Ginger is all but beaming as she tells her, “Better than you would believe. We kinda made it official with the clan tonight. Now we just got to do it with Persimmon and Xavier to keep the peace.”

I see Dusty and Firefly smile at each other and Firefly says, “Well I guess that is at least something we didn’t have to worry about.”

Dusty smirks at him and says, “Yeah, but you still asked Mollygirl for permission to marry me when we got back to the stable.”

I watch as he closes his eyes and says, “Only because I know she was like a second mother to you as well as to Ginger.”

To the side, I hear Xochitl and Paper Work begin to chat and I think I hear Paper Work tell him, “Congratulations young stallion, for both of you.”

Then I hear the band begin to play a nice moderate tune and Paper Work tells me, “Come on dear,” as he extends a hoof and leads me to the dance floor. We are on our second dance when I notice Xochitl finally lead Ginger out on the floor for a slow dance.

I have to smile to myself as I watch them together her head on his shoulder. At the table I see Dusty cuddled up to Firefly, just watching them. Paper Work and I then decide to take a short break and go join them again.

Once we are sitting Dusty tells me fairly quietly, “Choo, Ginger told me you guys have a job in a couple of days. Please watch after them for us. I don’t want to see either of them heartbroken the way I was after I lost Chance.”

I nod my head and tell her, “I will,” even though I never met her first husband Chance. I have been told he was killed by an Enclave soldier right in front of her during the Battle of Manesville on the Day of Sunshine and Rainbows.

“Thank you, Choo. I really do appreciate it.” She tells me. Then she changes the subject.

After a couple of hours, Paper Work and I excuse ourselves and I fly him home to my cave. Needless to say, we end up sleeping in late the next morning. Once I awake, I smell radhog bacon and eggs cooking. My mouth waters just at the thought of it. I get up and go to the offshoot of George and my cave to find Paper Work has breakfast almost finished, complete with hot tea even.

I approach him from behind and wrap my wings around him and nuzzle his neck. As I do this, he leans back into me, “Good morning love. I was trying to surprise you.”

I nearly purr into his ear, “You have love, thank you so much.” It is the little things like this that make me realize how much he really does care, even though he refuses to get married.

After breakfast, he ask me, “Seeing you are leaving tomorrow, would you like to go to the farm and visit with your great-great-granddaughter, Moon Lily?”

I really do want to, but I also do not want to miss spending time with him, so I tell him, “Only if you really don’t mind.”

“Choo, they are family. I don’t mind, besides, maybe we can catch lunch at the White Cloud Pub, maybe talk to some of our other friends there and then come back here afterward.”

I nod my head, “Only if you promise me that I get to wake up in your hooves tomorrow.”

He grins, “My love, almost anything for you.”

Soon we are on our way to visit my descendants and their family at the farm. While I have always enjoyed the older members of the family, there is just something special about Moon Lily. She is a very quick study and loves to learn any magic spell she can. Which can be very troublesome at times too.

As we get close to the farm, I hear several rad hogs squealing as they run towards us. I take to the sky but realize my love cannot get out of the way. I hear several shots and one of the radhogs goes down, but another is almost on top of Paper Work. I don’t hesitate. I use a disintegrations spell and suddenly the radhog is a pile of ashes.

I land next to Paper Work and wrap a wing around him as I look for others. Then I hear the youngsters yelling as they come out of the brush, and unfortunately, I hear Moon Lily say, “Wow! Granny Choo. That was awesome.”

Part of me wants to facehoof. I really wish she had not seen that. As she gets closer, I tell her, “Don’t let your mother or Aunt Purple know you saw me do that spell.”

I see her grin an almost devilish grin as she says, “Ok. Just our secret right Granny.”

I let out a breath I had not realized I was holding. Then I look around and I ask, “Raven didn’t see that, did she?”

I hear Moon Laugh, “Nah, she was bait this time while Xochitl was showing Bucky how to shoot. Bucky was on the rifle, so sorry the radhog got so close.”

I feel so much relief at this as Sutures would have my hide, as we both have seen her learn how to cast spells just from watching them.

As we are talking I hear Raven call out, “Hey Moon, have you found the Radhogs yet. Bucky says he got at least one of them.”

“Yeah, I found it, Granny Choo and Paper Work just got here too.”

I soon hear the brush rustling as all of the family’s youngster’s approach. I see Bucky still carrying a rifle as he walks next to Xochitl. Ginger is behind them talking to Woodrow and telling him how that when it is his turn next time that he will need to lead the target as it moves.

When Ginger sees me she smiles and waves. Then I can tell when she sees the ash of the one radhog. She looks at me with a raised eyebrow and I nod my head. As Xochitl begins to talk with them on how to butcher it she approaches me.

“Choo, Moon didn’t see you do that did she?” she asks me.

I smile slyly and ask her, “Do your parents know you are teaching your siblings how to shoot and hunt.”

I see her face start to turn a lighter shade of red and she shakes her head no slightly. So, I smile at her and tell her, “Good, they don’t need to know about any of this.”

Later that afternoon, after the radhog has been butchered and taken to the pub in White Cloud I am visiting with everypony at the farm. Xavier and Persimmon Tree have joined us as we all sit on the porch talking when suddenly, I watch as Xochitl moves and kneels in front of Ginger and takes his hoof in his, and asks her to marry him. Right behind him are his parents, as well as Mollygirl, Sumac, and Badger, the rest of us are a bit further back, but we can all hear him and we hear her answers yes, and then we watch them kiss. I swear Persimmon is almost in heaven. I see Xavier only smile and nod solemnly. It is shortly after this, as the family begins to prepare to celebrate their engagement that Paper Work and I excuse ourselves for the night.

The next morning, I wake up holding my Paper Work in my hooves. I sigh contentedly and lay there until his alarm goes off. Then we both get up and get ready. I walk with him to the stable and then I kiss him goodbye.

“Be careful my love,” he tells me with a hoof alongside my cheek.

I smile sadly back at him and tell him, “I will dearest. I will. You too though, ok.”

He grins, “Dear, I am an HQ pony, I am always safe.” We both know that is not necessarily true, but I let the lie stand as I watch him turn and walk into the stable. Then I turn and head to the shop with the few special possessions that I am taking with me, to meet the rest of my team and to begin our first job.


Thunderhead Military Base, Grand Pegasus Enclave: 2nd Lieutenant Ball Lightning.

“Hey LT!” I hear a voice call from behind me as I am leaving the armorers building. I turn and look over my shoulder and See Sergeant Major Funnel Cloud is the one calling me from the direction of the Company HQ.

I stop, hovering while I wait for him to catch up with me. Then I ask, “Ok Sergeant Major, what can I do for you today?”

“Sir, I was just in talking to the Company Commander, sir, our platoon is the next in rotation to go dirtside.”

I can’t help but grin. If we go dirtside, maybe, just maybe we can come across one of the Volunteer Corps units, which would mean maybe seeing Sundancer. “Sounds good, Sergeant Major. Any idea what we may be up to this time?”

He shakes his head, “Not yet sir. No matter what though we gotta remember who is who with those mudpuppies. We are not to start a war if we can help it.”

I nod my head in understanding. “Well, hopefully, they will let us get out of the compound at the Skyport.”

Funnel Cloud snorts in a mild laugh, “Who knows sir. But remember, once, outside the perimeter, it is on. They most often will be hostile, and those who ain’t well, they just don’t like us.”

I smile at his half-joke. I know he is not wrong about most of those dirt side not liking us. They blame us for the cloud cover that blocked out the sun for over two hundred years. But that was before, and we have sent ponies down to try and help them now. Thinking of this I ask, “I hope you don’t mind, but I will be leaning on you to help advise me and keep me from getting our ponies killed.”

I see him shake his head, “Actually LT, I really respect that. Too many of you 90-day wonders think you know it all and will not take any advice.”

“Thank you. I guess I should go talk to the Captain then,” I tell him.

He shakes his head and puts a hoof up as if to slow me down. “Hold on sir. Don’t rush it and wait till they call for the pre-mission briefing.” He tells me. Then he says, “Besides sir if I were you, I would find your buddy Down Draft. Go have a good meal and a few shots of Wild Pegasus, and enjoy a last night in civilization.”

Before we part ways, I ask him. “Sergeant Major, you don’t think the troops will have a problem listening to me when we go outside the wire do you?”

He grins, “Sir, they don’t even realize this is your first posting. Both you and Lieutenant Down Draft came to this outfit with wound badges and rumor has it you two got ambushed by raiders while on a patrol and had to go hoof to hoof. Now I am not sure how those rumors started, but I sure am not going to discourage them. Besides sir, what you two did was a bit more impressive than that.”

“Do they know you came from Cadet Training to here?” I ask.

He smiles, “Sir, the only one in the whole outfit that knows the real details is the three of us and the Colonel, and even he has been sworn to secrecy. So, long story short, no sir, they do not.”

“Ok, well, we can keep that between us then.” I look at my pastern watch and notice the time. “Well looks like the workday is almost up, have a good night, Sergeant Major and I will see you in the morning. I think I will take you up on your advice.”

With that, I head over to Down Draft’s HQ to roust him out for a couple of ciders. Once I get there, I see him at his desk. Without looking up he uses a wing to point to a chair and says, “Take a seat and I will be right with you soldier.”

I am mildly amused and take the offered chair. He continues on for another five minutes, even mouth signing a couple of things. Finally, he looks up and I see him blush. “Dang Ball, why didn’t you say it was you?”

Still amused I reply, “Well Down, I figured if you were busy enough to do that to a trooper that it must be important.”

He then shrugs his wings and grins as he tells me, “Yeah, I heard tell that our platoon may be heading down to the surface again soon so I need to get these reports finished up.”

I nod my head and ask, “Yeah I understand. So do you think they will let us go outside the wire this time?”

I notice him look around first, then he says, “I heard an unofficial rumor that the reason we have been jumped up is that there has been a large cache of weapons found by the mudpuppies. We are supposed to locate the cache and secure it.”

I nod my head, “If there is one, then we do need to secure it. No need to let that kind of stuff fall into the wrong hooves.”

“Yeah, I heard the so-called Lunar Commonwealth has been selling some of the extra stock they have found lately to those that call themselves the New Canterlot Republic. We do not want those two groups working together.”

“Agreed, but we can only do what we can do. Now, how about we go get dinner and a couple of drinks.” I ask and get a smile in return.

He then grins at me in a flirtatious manner and asks, “Are you finally asking me out?”

I feel myself go pale as I stammer out, “What? No, as friends, you know I have a mare friend.” Then I pause briefly and finish, “Besides you know I am straight.”

He grins and shrugs his wings, “Well a buck could always hope. I mean you are cute.”

I laugh lightly as I realize he was just yanking my chain and tell him, “Yeah keep hoping. And thanks for the compliment. Besides, you know I normally don’t date my friends.”

“True, let me grab my hat.” He tells me as he gets up, puts it on and we head out, as we go into the front area of his platoons Headquarters, he tells his 1st Sergeant, “see you in the morning, Sarge.”

“Yes sir, see you in the morning,” he tells him.

We then fly across the base and out into town. The town has increased in size and has become a fairly decent-sized city in the last couple of years. However, it is still recovering from the damage it took during the civil war eight years ago with Neighvarro.

I slowly shake my head at that as I remember losing mom in that attack. Dad was still in the hospital dirtside at the Skyport recovering from his wounds. When they attacked, I saw so many others flying for their lives, but I refused to leave mom. I was with her body for a day and a half before a squad of militia soldiers looking for survivors found me. They gave me some rations to eat and something to drink. Their leader, I did not know how to read rank back then told me, “We will get you to those who can help you son. But you are going to have to leave her.”

I refused to, and begin to cry. Finally, a mare who is with them tells me, “Young stallion, no matter how long you are with her, she is gone. But we can help you get to your father, ok.”

I kissed my mother one last time on her cold forehead and told her, “I love you, Mommy.”

Then I followed them as they collected some other survivors. Eventually, they took me to the Skyport station and I was loaded onto what I now know is a Vertibuck then I was flown down dirtside and then taken to my father in the hospital.

I am on my third drink when I realize I need to go see dad before I head down below. Something feels different for me and I want to make sure I say goodbye, you know, just in case something happens.

I tell Down Draft this and he nods his head. Then as I get up I feel his tail swat my flank and he smiles at me. I blush and I tell him, “Remember, I am already committed to Sundancer.”

He grins and tells me, “Well, maybe we can talk her into both of us then.”

I look around quickly in panic. Then I notice nopony heard so I quietly whisper, “For Celestia’s sake, don’t even say something like that, do you want us branded as dashites?” We all know that while the Enclave does not discourage homosexuality because it keeps the population down, they will not tolerate polyamorous relationships.

“Ah, come on, do you really think they would consider us traitors enough to brand us and throw us out of the Enclave just for joking about it?” he asks with a slight laugh.

I look seriously into his face and tell him, “Yes, I had some neighbors who had just that happen to them while I was in college.”

I see his face go pale. Then he says, “Ok, no more joking. But if you ever are interested…”

With that, I head to my father’s place. I have corresponded with him a few times since I got back, but I have not taken the time to visit. I know I should of, but I just did not want to have to explain things to him.

As he answers the door, I see him smile and he looks at my uniform and I see him frown. Then he tells me, “Ball, you know better than to wear decorations you have not earned. Get that wound badge off before somepony sees it.”

I shake my head and tell him, “Sorry dad, but it is real.”

He looks at me in surprise and asks, “Where did you pick it up?”

“Sorry, Dad. I can’t tell you that. You know how it is.”

I see the surprise on his face and he asks, “You really have seen action already?” Then he looks into my eyes and my face. Then I hear him say, “I should have known. Sorry, son for doubting you.”

“It’s ok dad, I would have too.” I say with a sad smile, then I ask, “So how have you been doing?”

This time he grins and tells me, “Ok, I have finally met a mare that I am thinking of asking out. I have seen her at work for years but never had the chance to meet and talk to her. Sit down and we can have a drink while I tell you about what has been going on.”

I take the seat and enjoy the rest of the evening talking with my father and finally I begin to hear the story of what happened to his leg. For the first time, he actually opens up and tells me about it, and how he felt when we lost mom.

The next morning, I wake up to my alarm in my old bed. I get up and it is almost like old times as we eat breakfast together. I then tell him, “I love you Dad.”

He smiles and tells me, “I love you too. You make me proud son.” I feel like something has changed between us but for the positive this time. With that, I head back to the base to await what this day will bring.


This is DJ Pon3 Just reminding you that while things are better out there, they are still not always safe. In the NCR the Rangers and army are still trying to work on this. For those listeners in the Lunar Commonwealth, remember if you need help, the Reapers, the Skyguard, and Brood are still there if you really need it. However, we all still have a lot to learn in this changing world. With that in mind here is Schools Out for the Summer.

Chapter 5: Going Outside the Wire

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Chapter 5: Going Outside the Wire

“You get a strange feeling when you're about to leave a place...like you'll not only miss the people you love but you'll miss the person you are now at this time and this place, because you'll never be this way ever again.” ― Azar Nafisi, Reading Lolita in Tehran: A Memoir in Books

Manesville, Manesville Region, NCR: Ginger Snaps.

The first morning of the mission our team assembles at the shop first. The regular shop crew helps us load the cart first. We then hook up the cart to Cowlick in the attached carriage port. We say our goodbyes and I even receive a hug from little Xanthippe. She is such a sweetheart, and I will miss her. Who knew I would ever end up caring about a little ghoul?

Once the goodbyes are said we are off and heading toward the Manesville waterfront.

As we begin, I find myself holding tails with my fiancé. I still can’t believe it is official between us. Sure, we've been talking about it and planning it over the years. But now it is real. I guess while things haven’t really changed between us, something just feels different. Maybe it is the level of commitment.

What was really surprising is that for the first time in years Persimmon let me know I was welcome to stay at their cabin, and I could share a bed with Xochitl. Honestly, I was stunned. Then she had me help make breakfast this morning for all of us. I mean a while back she began to teach me how to make some of Xochitl’s favorite meals. But this too felt different. It almost felt like when Mama Sumac and I were cooking together. Like, mother and daughter.

Our team as a whole continues to banter as we make our way down the roads. Smiling and even waving to a few of the people we know. Once we get to the waterfront itself Choo leads us straight to the Baltimore Colt. It is a recovered wooden sternwheeler paddleboat. I smile as I look in wonder at its two-story superstructure, its wooden Pilothouse and twin chimneys as well as its bright brass bell. It has been painted white overall, with blue trim, and it is not nearly as ornate as The S. Glimmer, but it was never intended to be a passenger ship, only a cargo hauler, and that is what the Water clan has used it for.

On the main deck, I see a couple of ponies standing next to the boarding ramp. As we approached one of them calls out. “Good morning, Miss Choo. Ready for us to assist you in boarding?”

She smiles and calls back, “Whenever you are ready sir.”

After that, she has Cowlick stop next to the bow ramp or brow as we are informed it is called. We assist him in unharnessing and the crew of the Colt swing a steam-operated crane over and use a lifting harness to pick it up and swing it onto the deck. Once it is onboard, I watch as they pony handle it inside the skin of the ship through a large door on the main deck. Then we all go on board.

Once on the deck, I hear one of the ponies at the brow point to a donkey who is a crew member say, “Miss Choo, I will have deck hoof Jonesy take you all inside. As your bags are on the cart, He will first take you to the mess decks, and then show you around, including to your portion of the cargo deck.”

Cargo deck? We are cargo? I feel myself starting to get mad, then I feel Epona’s hoof on my shoulder and she tells me, “Sis, relax, that is standard for the Colt. Otherwise, their crew has to give up their homes for our trip. Mama Mollygirl did not realize this when we made the trip back from Hackamore.”

I shake my head slightly. Then I ask, “Epona, you really mean that?”

She nods her head and I hear Tater from the side say, “Yeah. Back then the Combat engineers slept on the cargo deck. Our officers in the crews’ quarters and the crews next to their post. Even the Colt’s captain slept in the Pilot House.”

I feel myself calm back down. “Oh, I’m sorry, I guess I just thought…”

Jonesy smiles and says, “Don’t worry about it Ma’am, it happens all the time to us. But thanks for understanding.”

As he leads us to the mess decks my eyes go wide at the coffee dispenser sitting on the counter for anypony to use. I can’t help but smile and am ready to go get a cup when Jonesy says, “Now if you want, Captain Rust Water is in the Pilot House making preparations to get underway, but I am sure she would like to meet with you. After all, you are all members of the clan or at least friends of it like I am.”

With that, I dash my hopes of a coffee pick me up for now. Instead, I follow him down another hallway that the crew calls a passageway. Soon we go up some more stairs and onto the top deck, which has the Pilot House just forward of the twin chimneys. I remember Papa Badger telling us one time that on riverboats they call them chimneys, but on ocean-going vessels, they call them stacks.

Soon we are on the top deck and heading toward the Pilothouse. That is when I see Captain Rust Water come out the door at the back of the small, windowed box they call the Pilot House. As she approaches, she nods to us and says, “Good Morning, Miss Choo. Thank you and your team for being so prompt. We should be ready to get underway in an hour or so.”

She pauses then tells us, “Tater, Epona, it is good to see you aboard again. The rest of you, as friends of the clan and members, welcome on board the Baltimore Colt. Ginger, Xochitl; Rough and I talked this morning, so congratulations on your engagement. While underway I will need you to restrict yourselves to your quarters on the cargo deck, the mess decks, or up here. This is for both your safety as well as ours.”

I see Tater and Epona look at each other and I can tell they are dying to ask something. When Rust looks at them and says, “I talked to Rough about you two also. After you settle in and we get underway I want to see you both.”

Finally, Choo asks, “Captain, in case we are engaged by hostiles underway, I would like to offer the assistance of my team to you and your crew, as you feel needed.”

I see a shrewd expression come over her face then she grins as she says, “Ok, we can talk about that later. But I do appreciate the offer.”

Choo then tells her, “OK Captain, we will head down below for now. Let us know if you want us for anything before dinner, otherwise, we will see you then.”

“Sounds good Choo, see you later,” she tells her. Then we follow Choo back below decks.


S.S. Baltimore Colt, Hoofrock River, NCR: Xochitl

After we met with Captain Rust Water and were dismissed, we all follow Choo back below. Once we find our area of the cargo hold, we began to make a small area for us to sit and talk as well as to sleep. As we are doing so, I hear Cowlick say, “Well the Captain seems nice enough. I never got to meet a riverboat captain before.”

I see Epona smile and hear her tell him, “This is only the second time I have gotten to ride on her boat, but she does seem nice enough. She never made it to the farm like Cousin Rough has.”

Both Ginger and I nod to that. Then Ginger asks, “I wonder why that is?”

This time I smile and tell her, “Perhaps dear it is because she is busy trying to keep her crew and the Colt fed and earning caps. I heard one of the crewponys say earlier that they can’t make caps sitting in port.”

Ginger turns to me and tells me, “You really think they meant that?”

I nod my head and put a hoof on her shoulder. “Dear, you have an adventurer’s cutie mark. Haven’t you told me you longed to get away from Manesville and explore the world?”

She nods her head, “Well, yeah. Do you think that has something to do with it too?”

I nod my head, “Yes dear, besides, remember Choo used to be a railroad engineer. I think the desire to see what is over the horizon even influences her too.”

From the side, I hear Choo Choo sigh slightly then laugh. I turn to her and see her shaking her head with a smile. Then she says, “You know Xochitl, I never thought about it, but perhaps you are onto something.”

From the side I hear Sunny, Tater, and Twinks all chattering away also. Once we have things set up to Choo’s satisfaction Ginger says, “Well I am going up to the mess decks for coffee, who wants to join me?”

I am in the middle of cleaning my carbine when she asks and I tell her, “I will join you in a bit. I want to finish this first.”

I then hear Epona tell her, “Sounds good Sis.” As she gets up and joins her. As they leave, I see Twinks and Choo go with them.

Once they are gone, I see Sunny relax a bit. I raise an eyebrow to him and he says, “what, the only ones not spoken for are kin, taken, or Twinks, and she already let me know what she thinks of me.”

Tater shakes his head, “Sunny, you’re my friend, so I am going to let you know a bit of a secret. Quit looking at them as possible partners and just think of them as possible friends. You will be more relaxed and enjoy yourself more.”

I see Sunny laugh some and he replies, “ANNNDDD we see how well that has worked out for you so far.”

Tater shrugs, “Maybe, but at least they are relaxed when I am around, and I don’t have the clan ready to let the next angry father string me up.”

I watch as Sunny's expression turns to one of anger and he looks at me and asks, “Cohtil, did you and Ginger tell them what Cousin Rough said. That was clan business and was supposed to stay that way.”

And here we go I think to myself. All the mares are gone, now the stallions are going to have a heart-to-heart talk with him. I remain calm and simply tell him, “No, not me Sunny.”

Tater then says, “Sunny, it is no secret. For crying out loud, Cowlick and I had to keep Lulu Belle's brothers from getting ahold of you, plucking all your feathers and shaving your fur after what you did to her. You should be ashamed to call yourself a Stallion.”

I watch as Sunny’s jaw almost hits the floor. Then Tater quietly says, “Sunny, you need to stallion up. I mean it. You’re my friend and I want to keep it that way, so use the time we are traveling on this job to think about it. Ok.”

Sunny looks sullenly with his ears down alongside his head, at all of us. Finally, Cowlick says, “Sunny, he is not kidding. I took some lumps for you over that. But even I could not believe you did that to Lulu Belle. She was ready to leave the church for you even.”

Sunny looks sullenly at the floor and says in just above a whisper, “I never asked her to do that.”

This gets me to raise my head and my ears to go forward. While I don’t attend the cattle services, Ginger and her mother the Colonel do on a regular basis. In fact, the Colonel is even a Herd Mother in it, which carries some weight according to Ginger and Epona.

I still say nothing but Cowlick tells him, “Sunny, my friend, just start to treat them how you would want to be treated. They are not prizes, nor are they possessions. Look at how your ma and pa are. How Chotil’s parents are, Or even the Colonel and all her spouses. And before you say it, we are not trying to pick on you. We ARE your friends and care about you.”

That is when I see Sunny blush. He finishes putting his pistol back together. Puts its magazine back in place and puts it back into his holster. I hear him sigh and he says, “Ok, I guess I really needed to hear that from all of you. But am I really that bad?”

This time I speak up. “Sunny, you are not bad, but the way you have been treating females, no matter the species, is. We care, now how about we go get some coffee.” I say as I slap the magazine back into my freshly cleaned and oiled zebra carbine, then I put it inside the wooden crate we are using for the longarms.

With that, the moment has passed and we head to the mess decks to enjoy some coffee and perhaps to even get to know some of the crew of the Baltimare Colt.

During dinner, the Ships First Mate sits and talks with Choo and us. At one point while we are talking, he asks, “Miss Choo, did you mean what you said about helping us on the trip?”

Choo Choo nods her head, “Yes, I did, what do you have in mind?”

He looks at all of us and says, “Well Ma’am, just like a steam locomotive has to stop for fuel periodically, so do we.” I catch myself nodding along with Choo. He then says, “Well most of the areas close to the river that are good for fuel have been picked over pretty well the last couple of years or so, and well, ma’am, it would be a big help if we could leave our ships defense crew onboard while our team scavenges for fuel. Maybe you all could escort them and provide protection for them?”

Ginger puts a hoof on the table and says, “Sounds good to me. What do you think Boss?” as she looks at Choo.

Choo looks at all of us and says, “I think it is a good idea but this is not part of our normal contract, so it is up to you.”

Soon we all look at each other and one by one we all say we are in. Even Twinks. Then she looks at Choo and says, “Hey, I have to get used to it too, right?”

Choo smiles and tells her, “Yes and I appreciate your willingness to do so.” She then asks the First Mate, “So when will this stop happen?”

He grins and tells us, “Not for another couple of days. I will let the Captain know that you agreed though.

After dinner, most of us go back below. However, I notice Sunny goes to the top deck and I decide to follow. Before I go though, I tell Ginger, “I’ll be down in a bit love.”

She looks up at the hatchway and gives me a knowing nod, “Ok, but give him a break, I know he has to feel like he keeps getting kicked, ok?”

I nod my head in agreement and let her kiss me on my cheek. Then I go up onto the dark deck. Once there I stand beside the closed deck hatch long enough for my eyes to adjust. I look up at the night sky and see the stars. They are so beautiful to look at to me. But for some reason, half of my heritage was terrified of them. Part of me wonders if I ever will understand why. Once I can see well enough, I stroll over to where I see Sunny’s dark Silhouette in the night.

As I approach, he asks sullenly, “You hear to give me more what for also Chotil?”

I shake my head. “No, I think you have heard enough of it,” I tell him as I stand on my hind hooves and put my front hooves on the railing around the upper deck. As I lean against it, I ask him, “Sunny, can I ask you a question?”

I hear him sigh, “Yeah I guess so. What is it?”

“Sunny, I know how you were raised. I know you were very loved by your parents. So, my question is, why are you always acting like an enfield in heat? I really don’t get it.”

I hear him let out a huff of air. Then he tells me, “You wouldn’t. You already got your mare. And I am sure you have no problem getting her into the sack either.”

I almost smack him for that. Instead, I tell him coolly. “Sunny, you better walk real lightly, and you better speak clearly, because you are in a minefield right now.”

I see him back up a bit. Then he says, “Look Xochitl, everypony knows she is your mare. As long as I have known you both you have been a couple. I was always the third wheel. As for getting laid. Well, as an almost married couple I figure you two go that far too.”

Ah, jealousy and loneliness. I can understand that now. I come down off the rail and I calmly tell him, “No, no we haven’t Sunny. We only have twice so far. The first time we were kids and it was the first night back from the Expedition. The other. Well, that was last night.”

Even in the darkness, I can see he is stunned. “Really Xochitl? You mean that?”

I nod my head. Then I tell him, “Yes Sunny. I really mean it. Love is more than just the physical part. That is what we are all trying to tell you. Also, just so you know, Tater and Cowlick were not kidding about Lulu Belle's brothers. They had a scrap with them to protect you.”

I hear him sigh again. “I guess I owe them an apology.”

“Yeah, you might say that, Sunny. But the biggest thank you that you could give us is to change your ways.”

I see him sit down hard on the deck. “Yeah, I guess you're right. I just never thought I was doing anything wrong.”

“Sunny, when those young mares and heifers were crying, it was because you hurt them. Not necessarily physically, but you hurt their hearts. In fact, it puts me in mind of something I once heard a stallion I really respect tell me. They may forget what you have done, but they will never forget how you made them feel.”

Sunny seems surprised to hear this, then he asks me, “Who was the Stallion?”

I sigh myself this time as I look at the water flowing past the Colt. Finally, I answer, “Badger. He told me it a few months back when I asked him how come he and the Colonel aren’t as close as he and Sumac.”

Sunny shakes his head before asking, “What did Badger do to her?”

This time I answer honestly, “I really don’t know Sunny. But he hurt her bad enough that according to him their relationship never fully healed. And he knew it was his fault.”

“But, but I thought all of them were happily married?”

This time I take a deep breath and let it out slowly, giving me time to think before I answer. Then I tell him, “Yeah, they are, but according to him, he and she were once much closer back before the Expedition. I guess he did something that really hurt her. I asked Ginger about it and she said it was something about disrespecting her or something.”

“Really? I can’t imagine that Cohtil.”

“Sometimes that is all it takes. Just think of how you would feel if someone treated you the way you have treated others. That is a guidepost my father taught me. It seems to have worked for him so far.”

We talk for a while more, then we call it a night and head back down to the cargo hold together. Once there I see him look at his bedroll and then he asks, “Chotil, can I move my bedroll next to you and Ginger tonight. I really don’t want to sleep alone tonight.”

I want to say no at first, but I can almost sense a bit of desperation in him tonight. Reluctantly I tell him, “Yeah go ahead.”

As I curl up next to Ginger, I feel him curl up behind me. I look at Ginger in the dim lamplight and can see she has an eyebrow raised and I just nod to her. She seems to understand and cuddles closer to me.

That night I hear Sunny having a nightmare and realize he is dreaming about the Expedition and the Valley. He was just one of the civilian foals with us. I did not even realize he was still having nightmares from it too. In the night I roll over and put a hoof around him as he whimpers in his sleep.

Come morning I wake up spooning Ginger, with Sunny Spooning me and with a wing over both Ginger and me. I slowly move and I feel Ginger move first, then Sunny. As I open my eyes I look up and see the rest of the team sitting there with amused expressions on their faces.

Finally, Twinks asks, “I guess we know who is the middle spoon now. So Chotil is he any good?”

I feel myself begin to blush and Sunny stammers out “Twinks it’s not like that. I’m straight.”

I hear her laugh as she says, “So’s a noodle until it gets wet.”

Again, the others all laugh. Finally Ginger says, “Twinks, enough, you know I don’t play that way. But thanks for the vote of confidence.”

She grins, “Well Ginger, I was just hoping for ya is all.”

“Yeah, thanks Twinks,” she says as she gives her a wink. Then she says, “Maybe you should wish for someone for Epona instead of an extra for me.” Then she realizes how that sounds and she immediately tells Epona, “I am really hoping for you sis.”

I hear her sigh, “I know, and thanks. Eventually, if I am supposed to, maybe then. But maybe I will be like Great Aunt Haze. She is well over one hundred and still single.”

I have to smile when she brings up Purple Haze. I remember how she was when we first met her. Then think about how much she has changed since she found out she was directly related to the Water clan. She never really had a family until then. Since then she has spent more time in White Cloud than she has at her home in Tenpony Tower. A large part of her time though is spent teaching Ginger and Epona's little sister Moon Lily, who is the only unicorn among their siblings.

We continue our banter as we make our way to the mess decks and breakfast. Once there we find we can’t all sit together. Most of the team is with each other, however, Choo and Ginger end up sitting with the Colt’s First Mate. In a way, it bothers me that their crew and our team have not really started to interact much. However, it only has been a couple of days so far.

As Ginger sits there, I go over and sit next to her and grin as the 1st Mate asks, “So Choo, are you guys serious about standing guard for us while we load up on fuel.”

Choo nods her head as she finishes chewing her bite of smoked fish. She then tells him, “Yes, any idea when we shall be doing so and where?”

He nods his head, sets down his silverware, and tells us, “Tomorrow afternoon at the latest.”

As he is saying this, we see Captain Rust Water come and sit with us. She turns to her first mate and asks, “Did you ask them yet Number One?”

He nods his head, “Yes Captain, they have agreed and I was just going to give them the rundown.”

She nods her head and takes a bite of her egg sandwich. While she is chewing the 1st Mate begins, “When we get close to the landing site for fuel, we would like you first to scout the area to make sure it is clear of raiders and pirates, then as we retrieve the wood or other burnable material, we need you to stand guard.”

Ginger then asks, “Who normally provides your security when you do this?”

Though her mouth is full, Rust Water answers, “We have a few of our crew members go ashore strictly for it, but that reduces the number of hooves doing the hard work, which takes us longer. That means we are exposed longer too.”

That makes sense to me and I see Choo nod her head. Then Choo asks, “Do you have a map we can go over, and show us about where you want to land for fuel? That would allow me and Sunny to go up and do a quick initial fly-over first. We can radio back and let you know if it is clear or not.”

The First Mate looks at Rust and she says, “Yeah we have one in the Pilot House. After breakfast, we can go up and take a look at it, Choo.”

Soon after this Rust Water asks, “Now, no offense meant, but Choo, why is your team under weapons on my ship?”

Choo looks at her seriously and tells her, “Captain, we go this way back home too, in case of raiders and such. We only have our pistols and left the long arms locked up. I hope this has not been a concern for you?”

Rust then asks, “So if we have a run-in with pirates or raiders or such, you would be willing to help defend the Colt?”

We all nod, but Choo tells her, “Most certainly. Why wouldn’t we?”

The First Mate then tells us, “You have to understand, many would try and hide to protect only themselves, or they would figure it is our job to protect them.”

Ginger shakes her head as do I. Then Choo Choo tells them, “I see. No, not only are we fighters, but the Colt is owned by the Water Clan, and we either are members of it or at least friends of it. So, we would be obligated even if we were not inclined that way. But as you can tell, we are inclined that way, Captain. But also, we will only do so by you and your officers’ orders. While onboard we are passengers, but also under your command.”

“Hmmm, ok, that sounds good enough. Besides, when we stop for fuel, we will see how well that really plays out.” Rust says, then she finishes her coffee and takes a few last bites of her breakfast before standing up and telling Choo, “I will meet you in the Pilothouse.” She pauses and says, “Bring Ginger and Epona.”

As soon as they finish Choo and Ginger get up to go meet with Rust Water. I see Ginger quickly walk over and hear her tell Epona, “Grab a couple of more quick bites, the captain wants to meet with Choo, me and you.”

I see Epona grab a couple of biscuits and put them into her saddlebags. Then she chugs her coffee and is off with the other two. At that, I then continue to eat my breakfast and I begin to talk with the First Mate, who finally tells me, “While most of the crew just refers to me as the first mate, my real name is Bell Stand. So how long have you and the Captain's cousin been together?”


S.S. Baltimare Colt, Hoofrock River NCR: Choo Choo.

As I lead the two sisters up the ladder to the pilothouse deck I hear them chattering a bit. Epona then asks, “Choo, what does Rust want with me?”

I simply shrug my wings and tell her, “Not sure but she is kin to you, so maybe, just maybe, she wants to get to know you better. Or it could be that she knows you are very intelligent and help us to plan our ops.”

As we approach the Pilot House, I see one of the crewponies at the steering wheel for the Baltimare Colt. Beside me, I see Epona smile and she tells Ginger, “See how he is moving the wheel back and forth slightly when on the helm you are almost always doing that. Making small corrections.”

When she says this, I see Captain Water nod her head. Then she says, “Welcome to the Pilot House. Very rarely does anypony other than the bridge crew actually come in here. So please realize this is special. Off to the side, you can see the river chart we have. If you look at it closely you will notice that it has major landmarks noted as well as elevations along the river.”

We step up alongside the chart table and begin to examine it. Captain Water comes over and begins to point to it with one forehoof. “OK, by looking at this chart, this is where we are currently. If you notice this big hill right there, and the wrecked church tower across the way, you can see how we match up the landmarks to our position.”

Ginger then asks, “So we are right about here and where is the landing for fuel?”

Rust leans her head to the side a bit and I notice one of her ears twitches to the side. “You don’t waste much time getting to it, do you?”

“Sorry ma’am, when it comes to ops, I learned from Mama Mollygirl.”

I notice Rust Water raises an eyebrow. Then she says, “Well, hopefully, you have learned better manners than she had.”

Before I can say anything, I hear Epona clear her throat. “Excuse me, Captain, I do remember that time. It was not because she had bad manners, it was because you withheld information from her while trying to be a gracious host. I also remember you never let her know that you were family. My mothers and my sisters all appreciated the quarters we used and that we later found out were your own. So please, do not consider her bad-mannered for such a misunderstanding.”

I see the Captain is taken aback a bit. Then she says, “Are you sure though that she and her branch of the family would rather we had never been born.”

This time I see Epona’s face set in stone and she asks Choo, “May I tell her?”

Choo Choo then asks Rust Water, “Captain, before she tells you what she wants to, I need your word that what you hear will not go any further.”

She huffs air through her nose and says, “Alright, I swear, so what is it you want to tell me that is so all-fired hush hush?”

Epona's face goes blank and she briefly closes her eyes as if at a painful memory, which for her, I am sure it is. Then she says, “She doesn't wish that at all. She even knows what the world would have been like if your family would never have been born. In fact, I was the one who told her.”

She puts a hoof on her hip and asks, “And how would you know what a world without us in it would be like.”

This time I see the hostility and anger in Epona’s face, “Because I originally came from a world where you all didn’t exist. I was not the only one. Tater was with me along with many others when we ran from Silver Spite through the Doorway and came to this world.”

“No, really Epona, tell me the truth.” She says to Epona.

“Captain Rust Water, I swear on my dead mother's grave I am telling you the truth.”

She looks at me and I nod. “From what I have heard from the Others in White Cloud, she is telling you the truth, Captain. In fact, in that world, Mollygirl was killed while only a corporal and Epona’s mother was a sergeant who made cadet for their expedition. It went much worse on their side, hence why they consider it an escape to wind up here.”

“So, the rumors were true. I had heard about them, but I did not want to believe them.” Rust says as she slowly shakes her head.

Epona slowly approaches her and puts a hoof on her shoulder and gently says, “I understand. Believe me, I have visited this side's graves of my mother and me many times. But at least on this side you are all here, and to tell the truth, I really enjoy having the clan as my family.”

I finally see Rust smile, be it sadly, as she says, “Thank you Epona, I am glad to have you as family now too.”

With that, I look at Ginger and she asks, “Ok, Captain, about that landing, how far inland are you thinking you want to go?”

Then the moment has both broken and a bond formed as she leans forward onto the chart table and we begin to go over the details.

The next day after breakfast we get the word that we are approaching the landing. Sunny and I are allowed to examine the chart one more time together. We put on our kits, which include radio headsets, weapons, barding, and such. Then we both step outside the pilothouse and take off. As we go, I look back and see the 1st Mate watching us go and wave a hoof at us.

As we fly upward, I see a small bank of wild clouds and we fly over towards it. Once we land on the cloud, I take out my binoculars and begin to look around into the distance.

Below us, I can see the wreckage of a town as well as the remnants of a forest which looks like it is beginning to recover. I see some movement in the woods, but I am not sure what it is. I then tell Sunny "Wait here, provide covering fire if I need it. I am going to sneak and peek into the woods."

We have only about a half-hour before the Colt begins to land its fueling party.

I am almost to the woods when I hear Sunny say, “Choo to your two o’clock, I thought I saw movement.

“Roger Sunny, thank you.”

I land and use my invisibility spell as I begin to sneak and peek in the woods. Then I hear over my mike, “Ok Choo the village to the east has a group of ponies around a fire. Looks like they are eating, no movement towards the river.”

As I move through the woods, I see some creatures moving. I notice the remains of a deer and I hear a growl. Buck, I think as I turn and see several mangy-looking feral dogs with their ears laid back alongside their heads and teeth exposed.

I do not need this. Not right now. I throw up my shield as they leap at me and then I use a spell, the spell I accidentally taught Moon Lily how to use. To use this one, I have to momentarily drop my shield spell. The first three disappear but a fourth one bites down on my leg and I feel his teeth sink into my flesh. I then use a magic missile spell, placing the projectile between his eyes. He dies with a quick yip and I hear Sunny call out over the radio, “You have several ponies approaching your position.”

As he says this I quickly down a healing potion and then recast my invisibility spell. Just as they get close. It is times like this that make me miss when we used to have so much magical radiation that I could have already healed without wasting a healing potion.

Then I hear one of them tell the others. “Sees, I tolds ya I heard somepony over here. Look at the blood on the ground.”

As they approach the area to examine the blood I move just far enough that they will not bump into me by accident. As they look at the area where I was bit, I hear one of them say, “Hey, look at these piles of ashes, looks like someone used a MEW, Ya’ think the Enclave is back again?”

The again part has my interest and I raise my ears as I listen closer.

The other one says, “Nah, just some wanderer or something if we were lucky, it would be the NCR with some more food for us.”

“Yeah, but I don’t trust them NCR types either. Most of 'em seem like they are trying to pull one over on ya.”

“Well, at least they leave us alone most of the time. Let’s get back to the village.” One finally says and I watch as they head back the way they came.

After they are gone, I stay invisible as I slowly fly back towards the expected landing for the Colt. Once there I call Sunny, “Sunny, meet me on the Colt.”

“Roger Boss. On my way now.” He says and as I look at where the cloud has floated, I see a black silhouette suddenly appear and begin to descend towards the river below. Soon it is close enough that I can easily tell it is Sunny I drop my spell and he forms up on me as we go and land on the upper deck of the Baltimare Colt.

As we land, I see the 1st Mate come out to talk to us. I see him look at my legs and the bloodstains there. “You alright Choo?”

I nod my head, “Yeah, had a run-in with some wild dogs. Then overheard a few of the locals. They were wondering if the Enclave was back. We might be able to do business with them. You know, set up a fueling stop with them for the future, that is if the Captain thinks it’s a good idea.”

I see him nod his head, “Ok, I will see what she says. It has been a long time since we have heard much out of the Enclave in these parts. I really hope it stays that way.”

Beside me, I see Sunny nod his head. The 1st mate then tells us, “Same here. We really are not set up to deal with those types of forces. Well, let me go see what the Captain has to say.”

I nod my head and we wait as he goes into the pilothouse. Shortly afterward I see Captain Water come out the door and the 1st mate has taken over the conn.

As she approaches, she tells us, “Ok, let’s hear it.”

So, I tell her about what I saw and heard. Then Sunny surprises both of us by saying. “Buy the way captain, I am not sure, but I thought I saw some small craft just beyond the horizon on the river. If so, they were only leaving faint wakes. Could have been branches as far as I know.”

She looks at him, then me, then she says, “Ok, to the Pilot House, I need you to show me where those possible wakes are. I should be able to tell if they are just branches or not.”

We go inside and he points to an area on the map that is about twenty miles downstream. She then asks, “Are you sure?”

“Yeah, I am sure Rust, I saw the old mine works just to the side.”

“Damn, ok, good call. I think you saw some small boats, and last time we came through here that area was empty. Part of why I chose this site to scrounge for fuel.” She pauses then says, “Speaking of fuel, I want your ground-bound team to make contact with that village if possible and see if they may be interested in working with us as you suggested. It would be really nice if the clan had a new fuel point. By the way, Choo, Sunny, we are always looking for them.”

“Ok Captain, I will keep that in mind.”

Beside me, Sunny nods his head. “I had not realized that Rust.”

She shakes her head, “Sunny that is because you have not had to run a steamboat before. But if you want, I can teach you a bit. Speaking of that Choo, If you would not mind, I would like to give both Tater and Epona more training. You know, in case they need it, or for once they tire of doing the odd jobs you guys are starting to do.”

I think briefly. “That sounds good Captain, I will discuss it with them later after we return from the mission. But honestly, I do think that is a good idea.”

She nods her head, then she turns to the 1st mate, “Bell, take her into the landing as we discussed.”

“Yes ma’am, will do.”

Soon I feel the sternwheel stop and begin to reverse as we move closer to the shore. Rust Water then tells me, “Choo, when the brow is set down, please take your team out and establish an initial perimeter, our second mate will be in charge of the fueling detail, follow his orders please.”

“Yes ma’am,” I tell her, and then I lead Sunny with me back to the rest of the team.

Once down in the cargo hold, I see the rest of them are kitted up and waiting. “Ready?” I ask.

They all nod or give a sign of being so. Then we all form up at the door from the cargo hold to the main deck. Once the Colt stops the brow is lowered, we move out onto the deck and then ashore.

Cowlick leads the way followed closely by Epona, Ginger, and Tater. They spread out and as the rest of us come down the ramp they are already halfway up the river bank.

We fan out and set a perimeter around which our work crew falls into. Then we begin to walk them into the woods. Once work begins, we stand guard over the work detail. However, as we are more than a half-mile from the landing we send at least one of our team to escort the cart each time it is full. We are on our third cart of wood when Sunny who is on overwatch, sitting on a cloud, calls over the radios, "Ok, we have a party from the village heading our way. Shifting clouds now to keep within engagement range.”

“Rodger, Sunny, keep us informed.” I reply, then I tell Ginger, “Ginger, I need you to take over while I hide for a bit. No need to spook them. Let the 2nd mate discuss terms of business with them.”

Soon after I have disappeared, we begin to hear an occasional break in the wood. As this occurs, I begin to sneak off around what I figure is the side of the advancing party. Soon I see them. It is a small party of only about six or seven earth and two unicorn ponies. I recognize two of them from earlier in the day. They are trying to sneak up for an attack it seems.

I click my mic twice to let Ginger and the others know they are getting close. Then I hear Ginger call out, “That is close enough. We already saw you. Now if you want to do some trading, have your lead pony and one other escort come forward. If not, either fall back and we will be gone soon, or please do feel welcome to enter our killing zone.”

I hear one of those in the party of strangers say to another, “Really don’t give much of a choice, do they?”

“Well, at least they are not shooting. And if it were raiders or slavers, they would have already hit us.”

Soon I hear an older pony call out, “Ok, I am coming forward with one of the guards. Hold your fire.”

While this is going on, I see the others begin to move out as if to attack or defend. At this point I do nothing but just wait. And seeing that is all they are doing, so do I. Finally, after about 20 minutes I hear Ginger say over the radio, “OK Choo, you can come back in. We have a deal worked out.”

I am still invisible when I return to our work party. The crew of the Colt is just starting to load wood again as I drop my spell and reappear. I see the surprised look on the faces of the two strangers when they see me and they begin to raise their weapons. That is when I see Tater knock it down and say, “She is with us.” He then says, “Hi Boss, everything ok?”

I nod my head and twist one of my ears. Then I say, “Yes fine.” Then I turn to the strangers who we have dealt with and tell them, “Please, just call me Choo Choo, and don’t worry all seven others of your party are fine. However, the one large earthpony, really should bathe soon. I could smell him from a good 25 yards away.”

They seem stunned and I hear one say to the other, “I told you we should have left Pig Wallow behind.”

“Yeah, well we needed everyhoof just in case.”

Soon they are heading back to their people. As I approach the 2nd mate he tells me, “Sure am glad you folks were covering us. That could have gotten ugly if we didn’t know they were coming.”

“So did you get a business deal from them?”

He nods his head, “Yeah, we already exchanged some caps and a few packs of rations with them. They also have a set of signals from the whistles to know it is us so they can come and get paid for the wood they will collect for us to burn.”

I am surprised and tell him, “I am surprised, as hungry as they seemed that they only wanted caps.”

“Well, Choo, this time is for caps. Next time we will provide them with some food as well. It seems they kind of liked the cheese from the ration packages that Ginger and Tater had with them.”

I turn my head, “Good thinking Ginger. How many packs did you give them?”

She turns her ears ¾ of the way back then forward again showing she is embarrassed a bit. Then she says, “We didn’t know how long we would be out here, so we each grabbed a rations pack. So, we gave them three of them for now.”

Next, I look at the 2nd mate and ask, “So, how much longer?”

He grins, “This load here should finish filling up the bunker for now. However, we will have to stop again before we reach Western Landing.”

Once the last of the wood is loaded, we cover them as they fall back to the Colt. I am surprised to see a team of the Colt’s crew is armed and standing guard as well. But it does make sense. Once the Cart is unloaded the crew pony handle it up the brow and store it in the fuel bunker of the cargo hold also. Finally, the brow is lifted. I hear the steam whistle blow two long blasts. Then I feel the Baltimore Colt begin to back up into the middle of the channel. Once there the stern wheel stops then it reverses its direction of travel, and once again we are on our way downriver.


Enclave Army Base, Thunderhead, Grand Pegasus Enclave: 2nd Lieutenant Ball Lightning.

“Hey LT,” I hear one of my troops call to get my attention. I look up and I see a courier coming in for a landing in front of my platoon headquarters door. “Thanks for getting my attention, Servo,” I tell the corporal who also doubles as my platoon’s clerk.

As the courier comes in, I see him scan the room quickly and nod slightly when he sees me before approaching. Once he is close enough, he salutes me and tells me, “The company commander requests your presence, sir.”

I return his salute, “Please tell the captain that I will be there shortly.”

“Yes sir, I know he is already expecting you. Lieutenant Down Draft is already there as well.”

“Very Good, dismissed trooper,” I tell him then I mouth sign another form as he leaves. Once he is out of sight, I grab my softcover and put it on as I walk to the entrance, telling Servo, “I will be back as soon as possible. Please let the 1st Sergeant know where I am.

Once at the company headquarters, I leave my cover on as I enter the building. I then knock on my company CO’s door and enter when ordered. Once inside I salute him and tell him, reporting as ordered sir.”

I see him shake his head, “I have to say that if you two didn’t come here with decorations already I would swear you were cadets fresh from training. Now sit down, we have a mission to discuss.”

I take my seat and he begins by telling us, “Ok gentlecolts, this is going to be a hot LZ. We will be doing a combat drop from vertibucks as we approach the target site.”

Both Down and I glance at each other. This does not sound like a routine mission.

The captain leans against his desk and asks, “Have either of you been to No Pony’s Land?”

Again, both Down and I look at each other then back at him before we shake our heads. “No sir,” I tell him.

“Ok, there is a lot of salvage going on down there for weapons. Rumor has it that one of the groups down there has found the remains of a divisional headquarters bunker system. If they get ahold of a large cache like that you can imagine the trouble it will cause us.”

I nod my head and again reply, “Yes sir. But why not just bombard it with a raptor?”

He smiles, “Well, that would seem like an easier way of doing it. However, we don’t want anypony to be able to say we did it for sure. The Lunar Commonwealth would find it very upsetting if we were found to be performing operations inside their territory.”

“Sir, what about if we can secure the bunker? Do you want us to do so to enable recovery of the weapons, ammo, and tech?”

I watch as my captain shakes his head slowly and asks, "So you want to capture it and move in?"

“Of course not, sir. I just thought…”

Then I see him snickering. “Ok, let's go over these details. I want your troops ready to drop in three hours. I want us to hit them just after sunset so we can use our Eyes Forward Sparkle to give us the hoofup in the darkness.”

After we are done with briefing both Down Draft and I return to our platoons and begin getting our teams ready.

Two hours before dusk we arrive at the loading area for our rides. We receive one more final mission update for us officers then we load them up. As the Vertibucks blades spin up I can feel the machine start to vibrate. I am looking out the door as I see the other eleven of them lift off and form up as well. As I feel the aircraft shift and we begin to move faster, further than we could with our own wings and still arrive ready to fight. We are heading to the south of Hoofington to the old battlefield known as No Pony’s Land, or No Mare’s Land, depending on who is speaking.

We start off high and below us, I can see the ruins of what was once a great city. The derelict factories, and refinery. The abandoned and dilapidated homes and infrastructure. In the distance, I can see hills and small mountains. Below us, we can see several small gun and magic fights going on. But none seem to notice us above them.

Then we are over a scarred and pocked section of land. There are long lines that scar the earth that were once trenches to provide what protection and comfort they could to those who occupied them.

We are only a dozen or so clicks away from our drop zone when I see a very large red mark appear on my EFS and I watch as it moves towards one of the other vertibucks. Suddenly I hear over the radio, “This is Charlie Hotel Green Two, Mayday, Mayday, we are going down. Hostile Roc.”

I watch as suddenly I see nine yellow lines appear on the IFF. If everyone got out of them, there should have been more.

Suddenly I feel the vertibuck I am riding in pitch heavily to one side and I see one of my troopers fall out the door as the jumpmaster calls out, “Were Hit, Everypony Out! JUMP! JUMP! JUMP!” As he is finishing the last word I am already at the door and as per standard procedure, I tuck in my wings for the first hundred feet of the fall. As I fall, I see two of the other vertibucks trying to dodge the Roc slam into each other in a ball of fire. Other vertibucks are firing their door guns at the enormous bird of prey.

Then I spread my wings and am flying and trying to see where my immediate squad, much less my platoon has ended up.

I see the red marker of the Roc combing with a yellow one that then fades out. I call out to my troops, “Land and go to ground as quickly as possible.”

I look at my map on the built-in PipBuck and see we are still over five kilometers away from our drop zone. In the distance, I can still see several of the vertibucks flying toward the dropzone, but I also see most of the troopers from the others are spread out over what I would guess is a good ten-click area.

I call out over the radio, “1st Platoon, form on me,” as I flipped the switch in my helmet that will make me glow like a flare in their IFF. I then call out, “1st platoon, by squads report in.”

I begin to hear my troopers report by their call signs. Then I hear, “White Chocolate One, this is White Chocolate 9, I have a broken leg and I cannot fly much further, my wing was injured when I was thrown out of the Vertibuck.”

“Roger White Chocolate 9, where is your wingmare?” I know that his wingmare is our medic and should at least be able to reset his leg and then the healing potions can do the rest.

“She, she didn’t make it out sir.” I hear and almost feel sick at having lost the first trooper under my command.

“Ok, go to ground. Take shelter. Who is close to him? Let me know and then fall in with him to provide support until we pull out.”

“Skipper, this is White Chocolate Six, I got him. I will make a travois and pull him if I have to.”

“Roger White Chocolate Six, Good luck and we will see you at the extraction site,” I tell him and we begin to reform.

I quickly switch my radio to the company commander’s frequency and hear him telling the second platoon, “Second platoon, I know you were hit hard. Now form it back up and reform asap before the hostiles realize we are near them. Lieutenant Down Draft, once reformed get them on the ground and in formation asap.”

I take a quick look at the map on my PipBuck again and can see how spread out we really are. What a mess I think to myself. Soon I am on the ground with what is left of my platoon forming up on me. Now the fun begins in earnest we begin to advance on the ground. Shell hole to shell hole. Trench to trench, praying not to get cut on the rusted remains of the more than 200-year-old barbed wire and get an infection.

Before long I have most of my squad formed up on me and we begin to slog our way through the mud and the wreckage.

I periodically check my map to make sure we are still going in the right direction and that my other surviving platoon members are closing up with us as we go.

Several times we are slowed as we have to engage feral ghouls or other nuisance creatures that now call this worn piece of Tartarus, home.

Finally, we begin to approach what was to be our drop zone originally. I see the survivors from the rest of the sticks are all gathered here also. I call over my PipBuck to the Captain and report that we are coming in, as well as our casualties.

“Very well Lieutenant. I am sending the Sergeant Major out to bring you the rest of the way in. It is a might bit trickier here than we expected.”

I nod my head in understanding, even though I know he can not see it. My troops all sit facing outwards with their weapons ready as we wait for Sergeant Major Funnel Cloud to arrive.

Once he finally arrives, he quietly approaches me and hoof signals for me to switch my station to the private command channel.

Once there He tells me, “Glad to see you made it to sir. That Roc put us in a bad spot though. Captain wants to form up and sit out the day to see if we can catch them tonight instead.”

I nod my head, a risky plan. I mean the hostiles have to know we are in the area now. “Sergeant Major, don’t you think the hostiles already know we are here.”

He nods his head but says nothing over the radio. Then he says out loud. “Lieutenant, I know you and Lieutenant Down Draft have experience with things going sideways. We got this sir. Just keep ‘em ready and keep them from going into the dugouts and tunnels.”

This time I am surprised, “Why’s that Sergeant Major?”

“Sir, there are things down there none of us want to face or wake up. Some of those things that were here on the last day are still down there.”

“Ok, got it, keep the troops topside if possible.”

“Ok, sir, follow me,” he says and we begin to follow him in a staggered double column, guns pointed outwards.

As we arrive at the rendezvous point, I notice a high number of pegasi skeletons who died ponying the positions here. To the side, I notice the remains of at least two novasurge cannon that look to have been disabled by having the caster melted by either an incendiary charge or spell or maybe one of the balefire bombs that landed here on the last day.

The Sergeant Major tells me, “This way sir,” as he walks towards one of the old half-collapsed bunkers. As he goes to enter, I remember him saying, to keep out from the underground.

As I enter, I see the remains of what must have been the battery command staff. Most are laying on the ground as if they died there suddenly. However, I notice one that is wearing the uniform of an officer is laying on the floor behind a desk, near a corroded radio set.

Near there is a plotting table and behind it I see our company commander. He waves me over and he tells me, “Good job on getting as many here together as you could.”

“Thank you, sir. What’s next?” I ask.

“We settle in for the day here. Have your people try and blend in with the background.”

“Sir, I have the command on the line.” The company radiopony tells him.

“Lieutenant, wait here for a minute.” He tells me.

As I wait, I go over to the officer’s body. I see his rank insignia is that of a major. I also notice the note by his hoof, and the old pin is his teeth. I pick up and read the stained and tattered letter.

To whoever finds this,

It is with great regret that I find myself writing this letter. We have held our position as long as we can. I am the last one left since we saw the balefire bombs going off in the distance and the clouds begin to close the sky. Since then, the zebras have launched several desperate attacks against our lines including some that have included dragon support. By this morning we were down to only two guns and their crews left to defend with. The rad meters are pegging out and most of us who are left are sick. To add to this, we have also begun to see what I can only describe as undead ponies rising from the ground and moving, some are talking but many are immediately hostile and attack anyone except those who are already dead. I lost several troopers to such attacks and since have instituted a shoot on sight policy.

We lost several runners and a fire team trying to reach the division command post. Whatever you do, keep out of there. It has been overrun by these monsters.

We have heard the reports on the radio until we lost contact with Army HQ in Canterlot of the attacks on most of the great cities of Equestria. I fear all our sacrifices in this damnable war have been for not. My, my family was in Cloudsdale. I have been very sick and am feeling so weak

I only wish I could see my family on last time

Please Celestia protect us, Luna defend us

Major Fire Rain

2nd Cloudsdale National Guard Artillery Batter

I realize I have just read the last thoughts of this long-dead pony. Without thinking I put it in my saddlebags and then return my attention to the captain as he puts down the radio hoofset, “As I was saying, Lieutenant, bed them down for the day. Grab what rations you can and at dusk, we go forward. The target is near the old command post for this section of the lines.” He tells me and then points to a position on the almost unreadable map on the table.

“Yes sir,” I tell him. Then as I head out, I pass the word via our platoon communications network to my NCO’s letting them know what we are doing.

Funnel Cloud stops me and asks, “Sir, I saw you read that letter in there. Don’t let the long-dead haunt you. You can’t let their deaths affect how you are thinking.”

“Sergeant Major, I won’t, but I will tell you we need to be extra careful of Feral Ghouls now. The letter let me know that the division command post for this part of the lines had already been overrun by them.”

He stops and looks around, “Sir, may I see the letter?”

I take it out carefully and gently hoof it to him. I watch him read it and then fold it back up. I can tell he is thinking something. Then he tells me, “Sir, don’t let that letter get out. But I think you are right about the feral issue. I will pass that up to the Old Stallion.”

“Thanks, Sergeant Major,” I tell him then I go and bed down for a couple of hours of sleep. After which I swap with my First Sergeant so he and the other half of our troopers can get some sleep as well and we can all be ready for this evening’s fight.

As the darkness grows behind the cloud cover, I know that dusk has arrived. I am only thankful that the wild weather is not raining on us right now. We all roust ourselves up and begin to move forward toward our goal.

As we get closer, I notice the brightness in the sky ahead of us. It seems the fools are using magic arc lamps to illuminate their work area.

We form up what troops and surviving aircrews we have with us as we prepare for the assault. As we approach, I can see many of them digging in the area. Then I hear a unicorn with its horn glowing yell out, “Hey, I think I have something here.”

About a half dozen earth ponies and even a couple of what I think are Sand Dogs begin to dig furiously and soon I begin to see what looks like a 40-millimeter anti-air gun being cleaned off. I shake my head as I know how much trouble that can cause us, especially for a vertibuck.

Soon I see another pony stick its light helmeted head out of a doorway to a bunker. It waves for attention and we see several others head that way. Some of them are wearing battlesaddles, but all are armed.

Once we are at the jump-off point, we wait for the Captain to give the word. Finally, when all of our units are where they are supposed to be He calls on the all personnel circuit, “Snipers take aim, on my mark take the shots.”

I hear several team members acknowledge the order. Then the Captain calls out, “Now!” several shots of MEW and rifles all fire at once, this is followed by, “All teams advance. Move it.”

I watch as several of those who are digging or searching for other salvage go down under the sniper’s fire as well as all of the Magic Arc lights, pitching the area into darkness. Then I give the order, “All White Chocolate units advance by odds and evens. Evens provide overwatch first.”

We begin to move forward then, staying low so as not to present ourselves as a target to everypony on the battlefield. Once the odds reach cover I call for the roles to switch and the evens move up and past us. We do this several times until we reach the area that they were digging in. I watch as one of my team members targets that AA piece with his MEW and melts the barrel just enough so that it is no longer functional.

Then I hear the Captain call out, “Ball Lightning, most of them went into the HQ complex. Take your platoon in after ‘em. I will be sending the Sergeant Major with you.”

What? We shouldn’t go in there. This is not good, I tell myself. Then I give the order over the platoon circuit to form up outside the door for the HQ. As we form up, I hear screams and gunshots from inside in the distance from down below.

The first squad forms a stick on one side of the entrance, the second the other, then we go inside, the rest of the platoon following us as we enter the dark hallways and rooms of the command complex. I see the bodies of several recently killed ponies and a griffon as well as what looks like corpses that have black fluid leaking from them. As we step past them, I see the point pony shoot each of them. The trooper in front of me asks, “Never actually seen a ghoul before sir? They ain’t pretty and can get you if you are not careful.”

I had expected a simple headquarters, maybe one or two levels. When I check the map at the first set of stairs leading down, I notice that it has many more levels than I expected. I call back to the captain and report in. I then hear him tell me, “Lieutenant, go down no more than two more levels. I repeat no more than two more levels. If you are still encountering hostiles at that point, we will have you fall back and we will blow the entrance. Let the Hostiles die in there. Remember, we are not here to do a snatch and grab or a recovery. This is to prevent them from recovering the gear.”

The Sergeant Major is next to me and on a personal channel tells me, “Yeah, trapping them in here with feral ghouls and no way out sends a pretty strong message.”

I nod my head and we begin to advance more. Off to the side, I see a bay marked for a unit of combat engineers, I cannot read the most recent number fully but it almost looks like a 12 over what may have been a 23. But it does not matter. What matters is I see several crates of explosives, barbed wire, and even two sets of bomb disposal barding next to an ordinance delivery suit. As I look in the cone of light from my suit I notice how many of the old bodies have had their armor and uniforms partially removed. I am just looking around a corner into what is a bunk room when I hear growling from the side and the sound of hoofs running at me. I bring my laser rifle up to open fire in a series of quick shots. Finally, I see the ghoul glow and just disappear.

We continue to secure this level and then continue down to the next level. Here we find what is left of the scavers. They lay dead on the floor in front of two ghouls with what look to be horribly deformed wings. In the dim light, I can see that they are wearing Military Police barding. They put a beam of light on me and me and the Sergeant Major. And call out, “Halt, who goes there.” I point my weapon towards the ground and call out, “Don’t shoot, I am a runner from the 2nd Cloudsdale NG battery. Major Fire Rain sent me.”

I see them hesitate and point their weapons down also, rather than right at me. Then one of them says, “Advance and be recognized.”

In for a bit, in for a cap, I guess. I then move forward towards the barricade. Behind them, I can see only a few more of them moving in the dark. Once close enough the one wearing sergeant stripes says, “Sir that is some fancy armor you have on, can I see your credentials?”

I nod my head and first open up my headpiece so he can see I am a pony. Then I lift up the PipBuck built into my armor for him to see.”

He looks at the date on it and laughs hoarsely and tells me, “Lieutenant, your PipBuck seems to be malfunctioning. It says we have been down here for over two hundred years.”

I sigh and I tell him, “Sergeant, I hate to be the one that tells you this, but you have.”

I watch him sit down hard. “But how, how can that be sir. I know it has been dark down here for a couple of days since we had that last zebra attack.”

I find myself sighing and I tell him, “Sarge, you probably took a very long nap and without the lights had no idea of the passage of time. How many more of you are down here?”

He looks around. “We, we only have a couple. Maybe a dozen that are still talkative. We also have a few that are mental cases. They just walk around, bumping into things and growling.”

“Any more of these civilian types down here?”

“No sir. There are not.”

I nod my head and put my suit's helmet back on. Then I tell him. “Sergeant, we are pulling out. Good luck to all of you.”

As we begin to fall back, I try to contact the Captain. Once I finally do, I report to him what I have found. He replies, “Very good Lieutenant. Please bring them right back up.”

“Yes sir,” I tell him, as we continue on our way.

Once we are back topside I notice the sky is getting light in the east again. I also notice that the couple of sappers we have in the company are laying wire to a detonator handle a bit of a distance away. Once my entire platoon is topside again. We carry the couple of wounded we received in the earlier firefight clear of the entrance, behind the detonators.

I hear one of the sappers yell, “Fire in the hole!” and I see before I even hear the explosion as the entrance to the underground bunker complex is blown, trapping those who are inside. I shake my head. As the hearing begins to return to my ears I see a formation of vertibucks coming to pick us up.

Beside me, the Sergeant Major asks, “So sir, did you have as much fun as you thought you would going outside the wire?”

I shake my head, “No, but at least it was different. I just feel sorry for those bastards we closed up in there.”

“Sir, they are already dead, don’t let the animated corpses bother you. Besides, we couldn’t leave what is in there for others to collect, and it does send a nice message to those who want to try the same thing.”

The vertibucks begin to land. I turn to him and tell him, “Still a Tartarus of a thing to do,” I look around and call out over my platoon circuit, “Ok, let's load up and get home.”

As we lift-off and begin to spin, I look down and see the remains of what was a desperately fought over battlefield, and in the back of my mind, I ask myself why did they do it? What was it all for? At least now I know it is to save what few of our people still remain.

I begin to close my eyes and fall asleep from the vibration of the machines as we fly back to our base, and I suddenly think, sleep in a bed and a hot shower. Yeah, that is all I need for now as I drift off.


This is DJ Pon3 coming at you from TenPony Tower in Manehatten. That last song was from Sweetie Belle. For all our listeners out there on the open roads and trails. Yeah you, that includes you leading the brahmin caravan. You know who I am talking about, this one is for you. Here comes Another Day In Paradise.

Chapter 6: Initial Contacts

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Chapter 6: Initial Contacts

"I hate violence. I hate injustice more." — Odd Thomas


S.S. Baltimare Colt, Hoofrock River, NCR: Ginger Snaps

As the steam whistle of the Baltimare Colt sounds I look up from the old copy of Equestria Army Today I am reading. I look over and see Xochitl looking downriver from us and I see what his gaze is landing on. I know that I should not be surprised, but still, I am when I see another steamboat coming towards us. As I look closer, I notice that it is decorated like a raiders camp. I see the remains of some of their victims tied to the side of the ship. I also notice that they have a twenty-millimeter gun mounted on their main deck.

Next, I hear the Baltimare Colt’s steam whistle sound five short blasts as the captain calls us to quarters, our emergency stations. I put down my magazine and begin to kit up as I hear Tater call out, “Captain says we have some river pirates to deal with. She asks we kit up and help with defense.” He stops to catch his breath briefly and tells Choo, “Captain wants you and Sunny to go high and snipe at them first, then strafe ‘em when you can.”

I nod my head as I slip my battle saddle and SIR on. Then I grab my helmet and run for the foredeck and take cover behind some of the wood we had picked up just last week, as a line of bullets strikes where I was running just seconds before. Beside me I hear Xochitl slide to a stop as he says, “I knew things were going to smooth Ginger,” then he takes aim with his zebra carbine, and let’s go several quick shots. I can tell even at this distance when he hits one, as I can not only hear the screams, but I see the pirate has burst into flames from the enchantment that the carbine has put on the bullet it fired.

Crouching down to reload quickly I look up and behind and I can see much of the crew have taken what they consider their battle stations. Soon I see Epona come running across the deck and going below. The Colt’s best helmspony having taken the wheel.

I then pop up and fire two quick three-round bursts then shelter down as rounds pop above me. Soon I see Epona come running towards us. I smile as I notice that not only does she have her normal carbine, but she has her zebra gladius attached to her battle saddle. I shake my head as I remember hearing her tell me how she captured it from a legionnaire when she and Tater snuck with the Colonel on a raid against the Legion at Fort Hope. I laughed thinking she was joking, and we ended up having one of our almost famous scraps. Now I wish I had one. Ya’ know, just in case.

She almost has to crawl to get near Tater and me and I can see her grinning. I raise an eyebrow as she tells me with a slight laugh, “Well, we are keeping up family tradition it seems.”

As she says this, I see Xochitl pop up and fire a couple of rounds and his eyes go wide. I pop my head up and look just as the captain begins to let out a long blast of the horn. Both riverboats seem to be on a collision course. I hear the rapid staccato of their 20mm gun and see parts of the superstructure on the Colt being blasted into splinters. Then I see Cowlick on the upper level hiding behind some crates. He pops up and I notice he has the Mare Duce on his battle saddle, with which he cuts loose with several short bursts, first on the crew of the 20mm. Then when they are silenced, I see him fire at their pilothouse. I see several holes appear in the wood on it, then I hear the captain yell over the din, “Cowlick, fire into the area on the main deck below their chimneys.”

He simply nods and shifts his fire. After which I hear a loud scream of hissing steam and a white cloud begins to come out of their craft from the area he hit. As he does this, I see him take a hit suddenly and he goes down. Immediately I see Twinkle Hoofs in her full barding running to him and beginning first aid.

They are almost alongside us now. I see them trying to run into us with much of their crew on deck getting ready to board us. They are even laughing and yelling at us about what they are going to do. That is when I look up again at the pilothouse and I see Rust Water looks like she is laughing, and she has a detonator in her forehooves. She twists it and pushes it down. And several claymore mines that were mounted on the side for just such a situation all detonate, releasing hundreds of ball bearings right into their faces from only a boat widths distance. Some of them simply cease to exist. Others are badly wounded and scream like the trapped souls in Tartarus. A few who had better sense had hidden out of sight and as they drift alongside the Colt, they try to board us.

From above I can hear Choo Choo with her miniguns and Sunny strafing the pirate vessel. I watch as Epona draws the gladius and with a yell, she charges in a counterattack to the raiders, Tater right beside her with one of the ship's fire axes in his mouth. Xochitl and I exchange a quick glance at each other, and we jump up and spray those who are on the main deck of the stricken and now beginning to burn vessel. As we do this Sunny shoots one of the pirates who was getting ready to throw a firebomb onto the Colt.

As the stricken raider rolls back and forth in pain trying to put the fire out, his tail flail strikes several others who try to assist him, and the wood of the superstructure begins to burn also.

Onboard the Colt I can hear the fighting coming closer to us and I turn just in time to see Xochitl drop down to one forehoof as he spins on it and lashes out with both of his back hooves into the facemask of one of the pirates, snapping his head back with a sickening crunch.

While this is going on I can feel the deck beneath me begin to shake as we begin to move in reverse and are pulled upriver from the now flaming wreck that had attacked us.

Those who made it onto the Colt from it are desperate and fight like timberwolves. But shortly afterward we have eliminated the last of them. Their bodies are being inspected first to see if they have anything the crew of the Baltimare Colt can use or sell. Then they are simply thrown over the side into the river. One of the deck crew who has a deep cut on one side of his face looks at me and says, “Fish gotta eat too.”

I nod my head, “Yeah, and I have a feeling they got off lighter than we would have if the results were reversed.”

He grins and nods his head. Then he says, “Ya know, your team seems to get it. Ya ain’t brutal, but ya ain’t soft either.”

I just grin as Xochitl tells him, “Most of our team has dealt with raiders before. We all lost those we care about.” Then he turns to me and says, “Love if you don’t mind, I need to go make sure Cowlick is going to be ok.”

I nod my head, “Sure thing, let me know what you find out. I want to help finish up here.”

As I see him disappear into the riverboat's skin, I can hear the crackle of the fire on the pirate ship, and I watch as it sinks lower into the water. I then feel the paddlewheel reverse, sending vibrations through the hull as we begin to move downriver again. As we pass what is left of the wreck its safety valves let what steam was still in its boilers escape.

Soon we are finished with our cleanup of the deck area and we head back into our bunk area and begin to clean our weapons and then our equipment. As I am reassembling the SIR, I notice Epona looking at me. “Ok Pona, what is it?”

She shakes her head, then she tells me, “Sis, did you know you got grazed out there?”

I shake my head, “No, I guess I need to get it taken care of then.” I reply, Then I tell her, “Oh, and nice shiner on your left eye. Someone tagged you pretty good.”

She nods, “Yeah, took a cutlass guard to the face after I blocked her swing. She didn’t get a second chance.”

I nod my head, “And our parents said our fights would never help us.”

She and I simply smile at each other and begin to laugh as we remember some of those fights, including the one where Mama Sumac yelled at us and told us that if we were going to be like that to take it outside, so we didn’t destroy the whole house. That was a heck of a fight and the day we became true sisters.


S.S. Baltimare Colt. Western Landing, NCR Territory: Xochitl.

I have just taken my empty meal tray to the washroom when I hear the steam whistle blow out the Water Clan’s riverboat lines landing signal of one short and two long blasts. Ginger and Epona are right behind me, and I hear Ginger asks, “How come Rust didn’t have you bring her in?”

Epona smiles and replies, “Well she offered, but I figure we want to get offloaded and on our way to Hackamore.”

I raise an eyebrow and before I can ask, Epona says, “Yes I hope to see some of my friends I left behind all those years ago. I know Tater does too.”

As we get back to our area of the cargo deck, we toss our bedrolls on the cart. Just ahead of the cart I notice Tater and Sunny are putting the harness on Cowlick. As they finish, I see Choo coming down the ladder from the upper decks. She is talking to the third mate who will be responsible for getting our cart ashore with the cranes on the bow. I watch as the lines are tied from the shore to the Colt and then the brows are lowered onto the quay.

As we get ready to leave several of the deck crew stop us and we shake hooves. I hear more than one says, “See you on the return trip,” or “Be careful out there, you’re one of us after the last couple of fights.” The last one surprises me, but also makes me feel better as we have made friends with the crew as well as became part of them it seems.

Choo leads us down the brow and once the cart is ashore, we finish harnessing Cowlick into it. I almost laugh as the fake head hangs to the side He sees me smirking and quietly tells me, “Go ahead and keep laughing you little striped flower.”

I stifle a laugh once more and tell him, “Maybe we should change your name to saltlick instead of Cowlick on account of how salty you are.”

He shakes his head, “And maybe you should change your stripes to red on account of how you are more pony than zebra.” He snipes back.

That one hits hard and without meaning to, I physically grimace.

He looks around and again tells me, “Sorry about that one Cohtil, that was uncalled for.”

I lightly punch him in his shoulder and tell him, “No, I started it, I know better. You just got me better.” I tell him, but inside I remember father telling me how the zebras who were loyal equestrians, as well as zebras who were considered traitors, would drink a potion that changed their stripes red.

From the side, I hear a Stallion call out, “Hey over here.”

I turn and I see a light gray pegasus stallion with his blonde mane and heavy scarring on his neck and forelegs. I grin as I realize it is Tail Spin, one of Tater’s two fathers, and the one who is on Blackberry Pie’s team for the rangers.

Tater calls back, “Hi Pa!” and trots over to him. Soon the rest of us join them. As I approach, I hear him telling Choo, “Yeah, we are going to put you up in a safe house for the first couple of days. Then when the next coal shipment and caravan from Harness are ready, we will have you hired on as its escorts.”

I see the worry on Choo Choo’s face as well as feel it myself as Choo asks quietly, “Tail, how much coal are we talking about?”

He looks around and answers in a low tone of voice, “Only half to three-quarters of a wagon. Enough to require security, but nothing like they did to the Colonel that first time.”

I see Epona nod her head and hear her tell Cowlick, “The powers that be decided on ten wagons at once when we left to come back to Manesville that time.”

I sit down hard when I hear that. I know they get thirty caps a bucket for coal. My goddesses that is almost as bad a setup as when they dumped us in the Valley.

Soon we are all on our way. Unfortunately, we arrive at New Appleloosa after dark and the city gates are closed. I had hoped to take Ginger there to visit. It was there that one of the few members of the zebra community there told Ginger and me that we were spirit bound while Father was trying to buy some potions and medicines.

We wake before dawn and are on the road again as the sun is rising. It takes us until nightfall before we begin to see the lights of a town ahead of us. Beside me, I hear Tater ask Epona, “You excited to be back?”

I see the silhouette of her head nod and hear her tell him, “Yeah, it has been so long. I just wish my little sisters could be here too.”

“Yeah, it will be strange without them being here this time. I really liked it here with all of them. It was cramped in the one room for all of us, but I really liked it.”

As we walk down the lantern-lit street, we follow the road next to the railroad tracks. By the station, I see a set of gallows set up. I am stunned as I have never seen a permanent one before, and this one is for three ponies at a time.

Epona sees where I am looking as I point it out to Ginger. Then she says, “That is what broke Ma, Ginger. She had to order them built, then used.”

I see Ginger shake her head as do I. We all wondered what caused her to start drinking so badly back then, and why her spouses forgave her, especially Sutures who was still recovering from a radhog attack and had to take two fillies all the way down here. Now, I understand.

We pass a pub to the side, and I notice a cow wearing a nightgown and stockings sitting on the porch. I see a sign on it that says The Flying Cow in large letters. Slightly above me, I hear Sunny ask, “Tater, is that what I think it is?”

Then I hear Tail Spin from next to Sunny say, “Yes, and no you cannot go there. Rough Water and I already talked.”

I see Sunny’s jaw drop and he lands in surprise. “But why would he tell you?”

I watch as Tail Spin walks over to him and quietly tells him, “Because I am a friend of the clan and I care about all of you. Sunny your actions are no longer just affecting you. Now if you want a drink in a day or so, I will go with you. But you need to learn to cool it a bit.”

I almost laugh as I watch Sunny scuff the dirt with a forehoof and I hear him say, “Oh, ok then.”

As we continue walking through the town Tail Spin takes us down a back ally and I notice the back door of one of the local shops. “Here we are, lets drop that cart from Cowlick and go on up.” Tail Spin tells us.

We go up the stairs and he knocks on the door several times, but I do not catch the pattern. When the door opens, I see an older mare open the door, from the lantern light I can see her light green coat and that her red and white mane and tail are braided down one side.

Then I hear Epona and Tater both say at the same time, “Scrap Pile?”

She looks past Tail, me, and Ginger and I hear her ask in wonder, “Epona? Tater?”

They both nod their heads yes and then brush past us to hug the new mare.

“Goddesses it's so good to see you two again.”

“It is great to see you too big sis,” Epona tells her.

Ginger looks at me and then back at Epona and asks, “Is this the other mare that Ma adopted?”

Epona excitedly answers, “Yep, I am so glad you are finally getting to meet her sis.”

Ginger then steps up and extends a hoof, to which Scrap Pile shakes her head and says, “No, we are family, and as Mama Mollygirl taught me a long time ago we are huggers in our family,” as she extends her forehooves and gives my fiancé a slightly awkward hug.

I see Ginger smile awkwardly as she tells Scrap Pile, “I have heard a lot about you, and it is really nice to finally put a face to your name.”

“Same here Ginger, Papa Archer, and Mama Mollygirl were always talking about you when they were assigned down here.” She looks at all of us and then says, “Sorry about that Tail Spin, all of you come on it, get off the street please.”

As we go inside, we see it is a small apartment. She grins and tells us, “This one only takes up a few rooms we wouldn’t use otherwise.”

Epona nods her head and tells her, “How are the little ones?”

She grins, "They are growing up so fast. I wish you could meet them, but I know you can’t right now.”

Epona grins, “Well, maybe another time when we come through.”

“Oh, and Beach Shack will be stopping by later. He is still making his rounds. A few of the bucks from the NCRA were a bit far in their cups over at the Flying Cow, so he had to take them into custody and sent a runner out to the base for the MPs.”

I then hear Choo Choo say, “So he is still the sheriff here?”

She smiles at Choo and tells her, “Yeah, and by the way, it is good to see you again Corporal Choo.”

Choo smiles almost serenely and tells her, “It is only Miss Choo, or just Choo to my friends now, I got out of the army a while back.”

“Well, I am glad to hear that, I hope you will come visit us some time too. I miss our talks; you always have such good stories.”

I see the happiness on Choo’s face when she says this. Then Choo tells her, “I have always enjoyed your company too when I was here. How have things been going around here? Anything new?”

She grins, “Ya know Choo, you do know the right questions to ask. We have had a few roughnecks come through lately. I also noticed them watching the caravans like they were trying to establish their patterns or something.” She looks at all of us, “Well, I best get over to my apartment before the youngsters wake up, I have one of the young fillies from town here foal sit for me when I get a message we have visitors if you know what I mean.”

She then explains the layout of the apartment and tells us where the sinks are. As she leaves, we all begin to set out our bedrolls. Then I hear Cowlick ask, “So, do they really have cattle down here?”

Epona who has placed her bedroll near him, quietly tells him, “Yes there are Cowlick, in fact, if we spend much time here you will see them. They all came over when Tater and I did and decided not to head to Manesville.”

As he shifts, I hear him ask, “I wonder why they didn’t come home?”

She smiles and pats his hoof with hers, “I think they just wanted a new start with no real reminders of what they lost.”

“Yeah, I guess Epona, but still. I mean I feel so strange out here with no other cattle. It is so unlike home.” He pauses for a moment then he looks at me and tells me, “I guess you know what that is like. To be with friends but not others who look like you.”

I smile and think to myself, that is why we are friends, you try to understand at least. Then I tell him, “Yeah, your right Cow it can be hard sometimes.” Then I lay down next to Ginger and put a hoof around her.

Choo Choo then tells Tail Spin, “I will be back in a while I have a few things to check on,” then she quietly sneaks back out into the night.


Hackamore, Hackamore Region, NCR: Choo Choo

While everyone else is getting ready to bed down for the night, I still have some contacts to make. As I step out into the cool night air I enjoy the feel of the light breeze through my mane. Tail Spin let me know I had to go make contact for my team for the next job. He even gave me a description of the pony to contact and a location that I may possibly find him at.

I skim through the night sky, just enjoying the view, the wide-open spaces in various stages of recovery. Behind me now is Hackamore. Still, a relatively small community to the days before I was changed, but large by today’s standards. To the north is the community of Bare Withers, just on the south edge of what we used to call the Everfree Forest. I can see both the lantern lights from the village and the cold harsh magic arc lights from the nearby base as the watches scan the nearby woods for any monsters that may wander their way.

To the south in the distance, I can see New Pastern, another of the small villages that helped to form the Hackamore region along with the village of Founder and the mining town of Harness. Theirs is a funny story I muse to myself. Who would have imagined when the Great War started that we could find coal in Equestria? But we did find some, and it became a national treasure that was a secret that the Ministry of Morale would and did kill to keep.

What I find truly interesting is that Harness is actually made up of two parts, The upper town was once the company town for the mine. They use this as their interaction point with the rest of the world. Few outsiders are allowed to go down into the deep canyon where the mine as well as it's private stable and the real town is now.

The stable was originally being built for the company officials. However, they were away in Manehatten on the final day. The site manager had the miners and the locals from the company town brought into the stable and shut themselves in until it was safe to return to the outside.

The Harness stable was not intended for the size of the population that went in. They had plenty of food stocks and even hydroponics, however, housing was a bit difficult. They ended up with open bay housing which over the years changed the culture of those who were inside.

Most of the population there now is made up of Earth ponies, donkeys, mules, and some unicorns. Most of their security and military forces are mules though while they are intelligent and steady, they also cannot breed to perpetuate the population. In fact, the commander for the Harness Battalion is Lieutenant Colonel Milo, who I am to meet with tonight, after which I will contact the leader for the caravan we are to hire onto as guards.

As I approach the small village at the top of the canyon I land outside its limits and slowly walk through the darkness to the village. I notice how much it has grown since the last time I was deployed down here. Then I was a scout with the 1st Manesville Regiment. Each battalion rotates for a one-year stint down in this region. I was deployed twice and got to know some of the locals fairly well, and even visited Harness here a time or two. While I know who Lieutenant Colonel Milo is through Lieutenant Colonel Mollygirl and her family, I never got to know him due to the differences in our rank. However, tonight I think that will change things a bit.

As I enter the tavern closest to the canyon, I look around the crowded establishment and I notice that there are many jack and jenny mules in there as well and I shake my head. I then smile and walk slowly to the bar, and I ask the bartender, “How about a flaming pegasus, hold the fire?”

He looks at me funny and asks, “How do I make one of them?”

I grin, “Well take a pint of hard cider, add a cinnamon stick. You take a shot glass full of Wild Pegasus and usually lite it, but in this case, you don’t, then you drop the shot glass into the cider. We tend to drink them a bit back home.”

The barkeep nods his head, “Sure, I can do that. But it will cost you for two drinks.”

I nod and put the caps on the bar as he presents it to me. I drop the shot into the cider and let it sit for a minute to mix a bit, then I take a sip. As I am enjoying the drink I hear a voice to my side, “Good evening, Princess, can I join you for a drink?”

I figure sure why not. I had seen him earlier off to the side with several others including both a jack and jenny as well as a light purple coated unicorn with a green mane and tail who he had a forehoof around and a dark grey earth pony mare with yellow mane and tail. “Sure, why not,” I tell him as he sits on a stool next to me.

After he orders a drink, he extends a hoof and tells me, “Names Milo, I assume you would be Choo Choo?”

I am surprised by finding him so easily and he grins, “Tonight the foals are with the sitter, so I brought the family with me for a night out. You understand a bit of business and pleasure.”

I nod my head, I have heard a lot about Milo and his family through Sutures and Mollygirl as well as their husband Archer, who was the surrogate father for Milo’s family as both stallions are mules.

I watch him taste his drink and grin, “Yeah, that is the straight goods.”

“Glad you are enjoying it. So, are you the Milo who commands the Harness Battalion of the NCRA?”

He looks at me slightly suspiciously and then asks, “And why would you want to know something like that?”

I grin at him and reply with the code phrase, “Oh, a little birdie told me.”

He nods his head, “Yeah, that’s me. Just had to make sure it was really you Choo. Never know with all you blues, not having cutie marks and all.”

I sigh, “Yeah, I do understand Milo, so shall we join your spouses before or after you tell me about the caravan I need to hook up with.”

I see him grin and wiggle his eyebrows, “Now, Choo, a beautiful mare like you only needs to ask me if you want a quick hook up.”

Despite myself, I laugh lightly at his humor. Yes, I can see why Mollygirl had to fight her urges after being so long from home. “Sorry, but I have some Paper Work I need to do for that back home.”

This time he laughs out loud. When he stops laughing, he grins at me and tells me, “So the rumor was true, you really are dating an earth pony stallion.”

I nod my head, “Yes, I would have married him, but he knows he will not live as long as I, and he refuses to leave me a widow.”

He shakes his head, “He is a real fool to pass over such a fine mare as yourself. I have heard from the family about you. He tilts his head and then says, “But danged if I can see the resemblance between you and Sutures.”

I nod my head, “You won’t. This is not how I appeared when I was just a unicorn. Actually, Sutures mother looks just like I did at her age but for the cutie mark.”

He nods his head, “I met her on one of my trips up there to see how they do business. You were a looker even then.” He tells me and I feel myself blush.

“Thank you,” I tell him, and then I look at his family and one of his spouses waves a hoof at us to join them. I nod my head and tell him, “Well, let’s go talk to your spouses for a bit, then you can tell me who to talk to.”

Once we are with his spouses he smiles, “Well Choo how about business before pleasure. He should be in tomorrow as their caravan is running late. He goes by the name of Trader Jewel. He has been one of the three regular caravans for coal we run between Hoofington and here.”

I am surprised by this and tell him so. He smiles back and tells me, “Don’t be, we try to keep the price of coal up and the estimated value of Harness down, so we do not get attacked. We do this by limiting how much we allow out.” He pauses and then adds, “Choo, we need the return shipments to get here, we are trying to get enough equipment and spares to enlarge the battalion and local militias into a regiment. You know sort of how they did it up in Manesville.”

As he says this I decide to go with the rouse and I wrap a wing around both him and the unicorn who he seems to favor so much among them I see her eyes go wide and a smile appear as she tucks up against him, Soon though we are joined by the others and while this was not a part of the plan, it does make for a good cover when a while later we all leave together. They take me down to their home inside the valley. As we walk down the twisting trails, they make sure I know where to step. I notice the well-built and long-established fighting positions that defend this entrance to the canyon.

Their apartment has been quarried out of the stone in the canyon wall and I am stunned by not only the craftsponyship, but also the size of it. That is when the Brown jack with his kind eyes and black mane tells me, “Well with a family this size we needed a lot bigger quarter. Besides Archer helped us when he was down here.”

I can believe that I think to myself as I remember they have three foals. Each mare has had one as well as their jenny Laura Lee. When I ask about this, she answers both blushing and with a smile, “Well we all thought it was impossible too, so don’t feel bad.”

The youngest mare, Cannel Coal goes into the kitchen and starts some tea, which we enjoy sitting in what I would have thought of as a parlor. In addition to the couches and chairs, there are several cushions on the floor too. They turn down the lights some and we all talk for a while, but I notice that they are holding back from the intimacy they crave with each other. So, I tell them, “I best get going.”

As I say this, I feel my wings being preened and I accidentally let out a moan as I look over and see the wife called Cannel grooming my feathers. She smiles and tells me, “I learned about this from a couple of officers in Mollygirl’s battalion, they said it really helps them to relax, and Choo, if you don’t mind my saying, you really could use to relax.”

Absentmindedly as I relax, I close my eyes and just enjoy the feeling of someone taking care of me. Soon I am guided to a laying down position and feel myself receiving a hoof message as well. Then I hear Milo tell the others, Somepony go get a blanket, so she can sleep here.

As a blanket is pulled over me, I feel a pillow put under my head and I cannot but help smile tiredly. I had not expected this as all but two of them leave the room, each quietly saying good night. Then I hear Milo asks, “Well, what do you think Cedar?”

I hear her voice say, “Dear she is almost family as close as she is to the Manesville bunch. Let’s give her a night of peace and comfort, you and I both know she is going into harm’s way.” After this, I feel both climb under the blankets and each just holds me, and I take comfort in their presence. I had not expected this or wanted it when the night began, but tonight I realize as I fall asleep, I needed it and so did they.

Come morning I am greeted to hot coffee and a large breakfast. Though I do not really need to eat as an alicorn, I do still enjoy it and I also enjoy the company of Milo and his family. We talk as we eat, and I see them getting ready for their workday. As I get ready to leave, I am told by them to come back anytime and that they really enjoyed getting to know me. As I head out into the early morning light, I receive a brief hug from each of them except Milo who escorts me back to the top village. Once there he gives me a brief pat on the cheek and a hug. Then he tells me, “Be careful Choo, we don’t do this for everypony, and take care of the kids for us. I received a letter from Mollygirl recently telling us how the youngsters were working with you now. When you can safely do so, tell them hi for us and let Epona know we still miss her after all these years.”

I smile and catch myself putting a hoof alongside his cheek as I tell him, “I will do that for you Milo, now I best get going so it does not look too weird when I show up in town today.”

He grins, and tells me, “How about I send a telegram to Scrap Pile letting her know the order she put in for her family is ready. She will understand, then you can fly over again.”

I nod my head, “Thank you Milo for everything. I needed a night like that, and I didn’t even know it.”

He nods his head, then he points up above and I see an adult dragon flying above. He grins and tells me, “By the way, I know George would like to talk to you. She told me so again the other day.”

I can't help but smile and I tell him, “Thanks,” as I give him a quick peck on the cheek, and I take to the air to catch up with my best friend.

As I fly up alongside her, she seems surprised to see me and asks, “Choo? Is that you?”

“Hi George,” I call out to the blue-colored dragon with the oversized prescription pegasus googles on. “Great to see Ya!”

“It is great to see you too Choo, what are you doing in this area?”

“Here on business with my repair ponies. How are you?”

She grins and tells me, “So far, so good, the youngsters are growing fast, and I am out hunting up some breakfast for us.”

I nod my head and we both see a radhog in the distance below. I see her grin as she dives for it, catches it as it tries to run, and then bites its neck to put it out of its misery so she can take it back to her young. She then tells me, “Well gotta go, Choo, if I don’t get to see you before you leave this area, have fun, and also, if you could, next time you are home there is a book I would like you to bring back down here for me to read to Forged and Tempered.”

I nod my head, “Of course George. Your favorite story?”

She nods her head, “Yes, you know the one.”

I nod my head as I do. She has had me read it to her even when she was home in Emerald Grove. “I will try to get back to you George, I have a request to make for you too.”

George nods her head to me and tells me, "I will be flying again tonight around sunset, meet me if you can, we can talk then, I need to get this to the youngsters to eat.”

“Ok, George, I know they don’t know me yet, but give them a hug from auntie Choo ok?”

She grins and nods her head, then she does a roll as she drops and turns back for Harness. Myself, I fly back to Hackamore and my team to give them a quick rundown so far. As I land, I see Epona first she is returning from the sinks and waves to me. Once I have landed, she approaches and tells me, "The rest of the team is at the Flying Cow getting their breakfast. I had breakfast with Scrap. Have you eaten yet?”

I nod my head, “Yeah, Milo’s family made me breakfast when we woke up this morning.”

She stops in her tracks with a shocked expression on her face. “Don’t worry Epona, nothing like that happened. Well not that far at least. By the way, they all send their love and say they still miss you and your little sisters.” I pause then I continue, “Besides it really made for a good cover. This afternoon I will be returning to Harness, and I want Sunny with me.”

She nods her head. “Choo, do you think I can visit them?”

I shrug my shoulder, “Honestly, I am not sure, but if not before we go, then when we get back, ok?”

She nods her head. “Yeah, that sounds good, I really miss them too, and Choo; I guess I just feel lonely.”

I nod my head, “Yeah, I understand. I feel that way too when away from home.”

She puts a hoof on my shoulder, “Choo, at least you have Paper Work back home.”

Later that afternoon Sunny and I fly over to harness. He has on his surplus jacket and black ball cap. I notice that for the first time he has tied both his mane and tail with a ribbon to keep them more manageable. When I ask him why the change he smiles and tells me, “Well one of the girls at the Flying Cow was playing with my long mane and asked why I just left it loose like that. Then she pointed out how most of the workers there kept theirs tied up so that it did not get caught on things as easily.”

I nod my head when he tells me this and consider it myself, but realize my mane and tail really are not as bad as his. So instead, I simply tell him, “It looks good on you Sunny.”

I notice even with his dark coat he blushes and only answers by telling me, “Thank you, boss.”

With that, we are back to our professional mode, and we land at the outskirts of upper Harness. As we walk into the town, I see the carriage and cart yard that they use to monitor the arrival and departure of the caravans. This also allows the caravanners to relax as they are in a secure compound where they can get hot showers, some fairly fresh chow, and a bit of entertainment if they want.

I see Sunny’s eyebrows raise as he looks at this and he tells me, “Choo, this one is sure like the one over in Hackamore by the base.”

“That is because this one is based on it. I guess they liked the idea of it enough that they decided to build one too.”

Soon we are walking through the gates of the caravan park and one of the guards stops us. “What’s your business toots?” he asks.

I notice Sunny get a bit rankled, but to me, it is nothing I have not dealt with before, in fact, it is better than what I have experienced in some places, so I let it go and instead I answer, “Looking to see if Trader Jewel and his caravan have arrived yet. Heard tell he might be looking for some guards.”

He looks suspiciously at me and Sunny and says, “And how do we know you two aren’t working for the Enclave or some others just casing the place.”

Sunny begins to laugh and says, “Can you imagine the Enclave allowing a buck whose parents are a unicorn and an earth pony to work for them?”

“Well, I don’t know you buck, so maybe your parents are like that and maybe they’re not, but I still don’t trust ya.”

“Makes sense. To me, in which case, if Trader Jewel's caravan arrives soon, would you please send a runner to the Pickaxe. Me and one of my associates will be having lunch and perhaps finding other entertainment there if you know what I mean.”

I see him have a sly grin come across his face and he tells me, “Yeah, we can do that doll face, so what’s your name?”

I smile flirtatiously at him and tell him, “Just have them ask for Big Blue.”

He grins and nods, “Yeah, I can see why they call you that, I will have someone come over as soon as we have word.”

After this Sunny and I go to the same tavern I had been in the night before. In the daylight, it seems to look a bit more worn. But as we go in, I notice some ponies playing cards to the side and I notice one of the waitresses from last night leading a stallion upstairs. Sunny looks at me in a questioningly way and I tell him, “Not here Sunny. I don’t know if they are clean. I do know the NCRA pays for the workers at the Flying Cow to get checked weekly, so maybe when we get back to Hackamore. But it comes out of your pay.”

He nods his head, “Thanks for understanding Choo.” Then he goes over and takes a seat at one of the games and I hear him say, “How about dealing me in.”

After a couple of hoofs, I see an earth pony that fits the description that Milo had given me the night before. He has a dirty green coat with a red mane, tail, and matching beard. He also is wearing an eye patch as well as loose barding. I smile when I notice that while he does not overtly carry his weapons, I can see them every now and again under his robes. As he gets closer, I see that his remaining eye is deep emerald green, and his expression is one of a stallion on a mission as he approaches the bar.

I am just finishing my drink when he takes the spot at the bar next to me. I nod my head and ask, “Care for a drink?”

“Whatcha drinking?”

“Pint of hard cider with a shot of Old Overmare today.”

He looks at the barkeep, “Yeah, sounds good.”

Once he has his drink the barkeep asks, “Same as before Big Blue?”

I grin, “Sure, why not.” The funny thing about being an alicorn is that alcohol does not affect me, so I can enjoy the taste a bit more. When I was still a unicorn, two of these might have made it time for me to go home.

I lift my cup to him and we clink our cups together. Then he asks, “You the one that has a team for hire as escorts?”

I nod my head, “Yeah, we arrived a couple of days ago to the area again, been looking to pick up some work.”

“How well you know these hired hooves ya have?”

I smile. “I have known all of them for the last eight to ten years. I fought alongside all of them. Worked as army scouts with two of them back when all Tartarus broke out after the day of sunshine and rainbows.”

“Any experience in Hoofington?” he asks.

I shake my head, “Can’t say my team has any, but we have escorted wagon trains and scouted for long distances. We can learn the lay of the land as we go. Myself, Well, when I was still in Unity, I made a few forays with my sisters down that way.”

He then asks, “What happened to them? Why ain't they wich ya?”

I shrug, “Those two decided that they had enough fighting and decided to farm instead.”

I see I have taken him by surprise. “Not what you were expecting to hear?”

He shakes his head, “I thought all you alicorns wanted to fight all the time.”

I laugh lightly, “No, in fact, I would prefer to avoid a fight when I can, but I will not shy from one either.”

“And if they tell you they will pay ya more to stand aside and let them hit the caravan than I am paying ya.”

I smile, “Understand, while we are being paid by you, we trot for the caravan. Until we get to the end of the route at least.”

“What about if they outnumber ya. What then?”

“We have been outnumbered before. We will be again. It happens, and we still fight.” I tell him.

“Any recommendations?”

“Well, the old LT is still back in Manesville otherwise I would tell you to ask her.” I see that he looks confused. So, I say, “Ever hear of Lieutenant Colonel Mollygirl?”

He shakes his head no and scratches it a bit. “Can’t say I remember the name.”

I shake my head, “Ok, do you remember the battle of Harness and the one for Fort Hope?”

I see him nod this time, “Ok, Good. She was the one in charge of both of them. I have worked for her." Then I think, "I bet the battalion commander over in Hackamore could speak for me too. I used to work for her also at one time.”

“And if I do what then?” He asks with a suspicious expression.

“You will hear the truth from them and be sure of us.”

“Hmph, well how much are you asking?” he asks me.

I force myself to not smile and I reply, “What are you offering?” Inside I am wishing I had brought Ginger. She is always better at dickering a deal than I am. We talk for a while and I notice that while he is playing cards, Sunny keeps looking into the mirror to make sure everything is ok.

Finally, we are done with the deal, and we shake on it. I then see Sunny fold his hoof and get up from the table with a smile and a few extra caps. He then comes over to me. Trader Jewel looks him up and down and shakes his head, “Kinda young aren’t ya?”

Sunny simply shrugs his wings and tells him, “Maybe, but Ma and Pa taught me pretty well I think.”

I see our new employer give a dry quiet laugh then he asks, “Who’s your ma and pa?”

Sunny looks around and says, “Probably never heard of them, but my pa is Trouble Water and ma is Blondie.”

I see a bit of surprise come over the old caravanner’s face as he asks, “Thems the two who got involved in the mess against the Dragon?”

Sunny nods his head, “Yes sir, Pa, and his partner were pretty well set up. But then again, if anyone is still trying to collect that bounty, well I feel sorry for ‘em. The clan doesn’t take kindly to that kind of affair. Sort of like if we were to be betrayed, I am pretty sure Uncle Rough would load up the clan on the S. Glimmer and bring most of them as far down the river they could. The ones who are not crew on the Glimmer or the Colt might leave them behind once ashore and begin to raise a ruckus.”

I see the trader look at him with his head cocked as he asks, “Now that can’t be too many now, can it?”

Sunny waves a hoof, “Nah, only forty or fifty adults. I think they would leave the young ones at home with the teenagers, that or our cousin the Colonel's family.”

I see Trader Jewel nod his head, “Sounds like a good-sized family.”

“Yeah, we only had thirty or forty to go after the guards that beat cousin Tar when she was in custody, but that was ten years back.”

He shakes his head, “Alright, well Choo, be ready when we discussed. I want your entire team here and ready. Oh, and please, no more surprises.”


Rainbow Dash Skyport, Lunar Commonwealth: 2nd Lieutenant Ball Lightning.

I am leading a standard patrol around the perimeter of the Rainbow Dash Skyport when I believe I see her. It has been a long time it seems since I last saw Sundancer. I look over and I am almost sure I see her along with some other members of the Volunteer Corps as they come trudging back to the base. Behind them is a cart of materials that they have traded goods for with the mud ponies.

As they pass us in the distant magic arc light that lines this part of the roadway, I cannot tell if it is her or who they are as I can not get a clear look at their cutie marks especially as they are all wearing the Volunteer Corps uniform. I let out a mild sigh and just keep marching my people.

For some reason the higher-ups want us to walk on the ground instead of flying all the time. I understand it means we will be less of a target, but come on, we have not been fired on for at least a couple of weeks, and does that really justify the amount of effort we will have to put in trying to get the grime and mud out of our gear and powerarmor?

What really gets me is that it has rained almost every day for the last two weeks. We are pegasi, we should be able to control the weather. Why are we not doing so? What I really hate to even think to myself is, has the Enclave lost the knowledge of how to really control the weather?

As we pass by the roadway the Volunteers are traveling down, I notice a small group of ponies in the distance who look like they are trying to sneak past the perimeter. I notice that most of them are young foals and I have my troops spread out and fly up into the night sky to encircle them.

They are almost to a hole in the fence when we all drop down, surrounding them. That is when I am really surprised, as the two I thought were adults are a large earth pony colt and a female griffon. I also notice that one of the foals is a pegasus, but she doesn’t even have her cutie mark yet.

They all look hungry, and I feel kind of sorry for them. The problem is that if we just let them go, then they will be back again, and probably with more of them.

Instead, I point to the largest one, “You, what do you think you’re doing?”

“I, I, um we, I,” he stutters out in surprise.

Besides him the Griffon speaks up, “We are just trying to figure out how to get to the Volunteer Corps so we can ask for some help.”

I nod my head; this may give me the out I want so bad. “Ok, you kids look in rough shape. I am sure that they would be glad to help you. But this is not where you go to ask them for help. In fact, I would recommend that you come in daylight instead.”

The big, dark green colt then asks in an embarrassed tone of voice, “So, you’re not going to kill us or arrest us?”

I shake my head, “No, but I tell you what, if you really want to ask for help, my squad and I will escort you to them. If not, I recommend you make a run for it, and I will have my troops count to 20 before we fire.”

I see them all look at each other and I am almost afraid they are going to run for it when I hear one of the younger ones say, “Scout, I am really, really hungry.”

The big one pats her on the head and tells her, “Ok, we put away our pride, we don’t eat soon some of ya might could not make it.”

I nod my head as do they. “Ok, let’s take ‘em to where they need to go,” I tell my troops and we escort them to the building just outside the gate that is marked for the Volunteer Corps. I have the squad stand around them as I knock on the door then enter. Once inside I notice how the place looks. It certainly shows the wear and tear, but it also has been cleaned up. Near the door is a desk with a mottled gray and white pegasus stallion in the Volunteer Corps livery. He looks both tired and bored when I enter.

“Ok, what can I do for you?” he asks with casual disinterest.

I indicate with one of my forehooves toward the door, “I got a small group of youngsters outside that are really hungry and are looking for help.”

I see his disinterest start to fade a bit, as he says, “Huh, that’s a new one, a soldier bringing in wastelanders for help. You sure you’re feeling ok?”

I give him a half-grin, “Yeah, I’m sure. But like I said these kids need our help or I don’t think they will last long.”

He nods his head, “Ok, bring ‘em in and we will get them some food and check them medically. I will even see if we got a few extra blankets for them when they leave. But honestly, we may only be able to give them a spot on the floor by the woodstove to warm up and sleep by.”

I shrug my wings. “Honestly that may be enough for now, and who knows, maybe they will remember we helped them someday.”

He looks at me closer and I hear him ask, “Sir, are you sure you are wearing the right uniform, I mean maybe you should have been with us instead.”

I shake my head, “No, I know what I am good at, the help I can give best is just different enough from yours to make me sure.”

He nods his head, “Yeah, I get ya. So, what is your name anyways sir, so I can record who vouched for ‘em.”

I tell him and he nods his head, “Thanks again sir, I will come out with you.”

As he steps out, he sees the youngsters and tells them, “No weapons inside the building. Place them on the racks here on the porch and then come on in and warm up while we see what you can do for you.”

Once they are inside, I have my squad follow me as we return to patrol. As we go, I hear one of my troopers say, “Sad thing is they are just going to grow up to fight us someday.”

I shrug and I tell him, “Well hopefully they will remember this. I think they used to call it winning hearts and minds. But if not, I won’t feel bad about killing an adult who attacks us like I would for killing a bunch of kids.”

I see a few of them look at each other uneasily but they say nothing. I am just thinking that perhaps the night will improve. Then I see a flash of lightning and am shaken by the thunder from a nearby strike. I am just thinking, could it get any worse, and then it shifts to freezing rain.


Well hello to all you listeners out there in the wastelands, this is Chromed Microphone coming at you from the Flank in the Lunar Commonwealth. You might not have heard, but it seems there are some pegasi who are really trying to help some of the locals here. There is even a rumor that a squad of power-armored troops helped some orphans keep from starving. Kinda surprises me after all these years they would actually help but who knows, maybe this shows us a change in relations between us down here and those in the Enclave.

This next song is brought to us by some highlanders but seems to fit so well and maybe a bit of a caution to those who want to believe the Enclave is changing. Here is the song Providence.

Chapter 7: Twist in the Road

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Chapter 7: Twist in the Road

“I hate war, and I hate having to struggle. I honestly do because I wish I had been born into a world where it was unnecessary. This context of struggle and being a warrior and being a struggler has been forced on me by oppression. Otherwise, I would be a sculptor, or a gardener, carpenter - You know, I would be free to be so much more ... I guess part of me or a part of who I am, a part of what I do is being a warrior - a reluctant warrior, a reluctant struggler. But I do it, because I'm committed to life.” — Assata Shakur


Equestrian Highway Three, Wastelands between the NCR and the Lunar Commonwealth: Ginger Snaps.

Even with my shemagh over my muzzle I still feel the dust build up in my nostrils. I forgot how much dust gets kicked into the air on a long march. I look up through my goggles and I can see it hanging in the air, almost blocking out my view of the next wagon and our cart. Part of me feels sorry for poor Cowlick and his having to walk at the rear of the train all the time.

I guess I am lucky when I think about it, my turn to shift to the front comes in another couple of hours after our next stop. That should be about time for lunch at least. Up ahead in the distance I can see Sunny shifting his overwatch from one cloud to another further ahead. He and Choo leapfrogging as we go. So far, they have prevented us from getting ambushed twice in the last four days. Both times small groups of scavers, that had turned into raiders, and are just doing whatever they can to survive. Trader Jewel just adjusted the route slightly to avoid them. As he says, why fight when we can save the ammo. I guess he is a real Equineitarian.

Being on the move with the caravan is another experience. Unlike on the expedition, we don’t stop every hour for a ten-minute break and then get going again. Once we start in the morning we go until the boss gets tired and we take a break. Usually for lunch then we might take another short break a couple of hours after that and finally, we stop for dinner in the evening. Luckily there is a wagon where one of the crew is a cook and he prepares the meal for the entire caravan.

Interestingly enough, even though this is supposed to be a major thoroughfare to Hoofington we have only passed one other caravan. This provided me with a bit of amusement. As the other caravan passed, I overheard Cowlick say hello to their brahmin. One of which was a cow.

After he said hello, I overheard one of the female brahmin’s heads say to the other, “Don’t talk to him, look at how badly mutated he is, covered with hair, and what is up with his second head?”

“Oh, don’t worry, I was not going to. But you're right, he is kinda creepy. I mean look at his one head's glazed eyes; it is almost like he is on some kind of drugs the other head isn’t.”

This led to him asking Choo Choo, “Can I at least stop wearing the stupid head, none of the brahmins are buying it.”

I see Choo stop eating her rations and she looks at him and tells him with a sigh, “We did pay good caps for it, but honestly, I will leave it up to you if and when you want to wear it.”

I see him smile, “Thanks, boss. I really appreciate it.”

As I am thinking about this, I suddenly hear Twinkles Hoofs ask me, “How you doing Ginger?”

“I am ok Twinks, how are you?”

I hear her blow out air in frustration and see her ears go back some. Then she asks, “Ginger, did you guys walk this much on the expedition?”

I smile gently at her as I nod my head and tell her, “Yeah we did Twinks. In fact, we made more distance then too. But we took more short breaks so we would be fresh and ready to fight when needed.”

“That makes sense. Why don’t these caravanners do that?”

“Honestly, I don’t know, maybe they figure it will take too long to get everyone started again. Or maybe they just figure once we get moving, why stop if we don’t need to.”

I hear her sigh, “Yeah, I guess you are right, but I have to say, I am getting tired and my muscles in my legs are starting to ache all the time.”

I grin under my shemagh and tell her, “Truth be told we are all like that at the beginning of a journey, you get used to it. That reminds me, are you drinking enough water?”

She laughs lightly and replies, “You are starting to sound like Choo, and yes I am. Part of why I am this far back, but I don’t want to have to run to catch up either.”

“Yeah, I understand. On the otherhoof, we should be stopping for lunch soon.”

“Good, I could use a bit of time to relax.”

After thinking briefly, I ask, “Why don’t you ask Trader Jewel if he has any electronics that could use fixing. That would allow you to keep those skills up while riding for a bit, as well as giving you a break.”

She nods her head, “Maybe I should. I will ask the boss about it during lunch.”

“Ok, If I get a chance to talk to Choo, I will even suggest it some.”

“Thanks, Ging, I don’t want you all to think I am not trying though.”

I find a serious expression coming over my face, “Twinks, we wouldn’t think that. You are our acting medic when Choo is not available as well as our tech. So, relax on that.”

“Yeah, I know, but I only worked on Cowlick, not the rest of you.”

I shake my head, “Twinks, the thing is, we know you will be there when we need you, so relax about it. Your good with us.”

“Oh, alright then.” She tells me. Then she looks up the length of the caravan a bit and tells me, “I guess I best get back up forward some.”

“Alright, talk to you later, Twinks,” I tell her and watch her trot forward again, her magical energy rifle on her back. With its collapsing stock that she made for it.

Finally, come time for lunch the caravan stops by, the first half forming a curve to the left and the second to the right making a center area that is protected but that we can leave fairly fast. During this break the ponies, brahmin, and Cowlick who are pulling the carts and wagons have their harnesses removed and are inspected by the caravan sawbones for rough spots and wear marks.

As we are waiting in line for our rations from the cook’s wagon, I hear Epona a couple of places ahead talking to one of the caravanners ask, “So you’re saying the other caravans that have been hit lately were all hit coming back from the Hoof?

The little mare she is talking to looks down, “Yeah, I lost a couple of friends. We should be passing what’s left of their wagons come the day after tomorrow. They were half a day short of the E3 Oasis.”

I keep my mouth shut and keep listening as I hear Epona ask, “Well we are not from around here, so what is the E3 Oasis?”

I hear one of the other caravanners answer this time, “The ol’ E3 is one of the better rest stops for caravans and travelers going back at least a hundred, hundred twenty-five years. Was built during the war to support military convoys on the Equestrian highway number three from what I hear.”

“That is interesting, what do they have for services there?”

This time the stallion smiles, “Pretty much anything you want. Food, ammo, weapons, armor, a pretty mare or three, or a stallion depending on how your taste runs. They have a good water source too. No pony who doesn’t live there gets to see the water source though. They protect it like you wouldn’t believe.”

Interesting I think to myself. Makes me wonder a bit more about the setup of the E3 Oasis. Maybe they had a private stable like Harness did. It also makes me wonder if those who have been hitting the caravans might be operating out of, or through the E3 Oasis. Something to talk to the team about later.

Once I had my meal in hoof, I looked about for the other team members and while I wanted to be with Xochitl and Epona I noticed that Cowlick was taking his meal with the brahmin, talking with them in the cattle tongue. When I approach, I say hello to him in ponish and asked if he would mind my company.

To the side, I could hear some of the brahmin making snide comments about how all ponies think they are so much better than brahmin and how we treat them as pets or slaves. I also hear a couple of them talking about what has happened to some of the other caravans. One of which says to another, “I really do hope they figure out what is going on with that. I mean, I know they don’t value us, but how many of us and other ponies have to die before they do something.”

Cowlick shakes his head slowly and replies, “Honestly not all ponies are like that. Some really do care about us as well as themselves. Remember what Sweet Cream said, we are all her children, including the Goddesses Celestia and Luna.”

The one brahmin waves her hoof and speaking the cattle tongue tells him, “The book of Daisy Jo may say that, but honestly, look at these ponies, do you really think they care about us?”

Cowlick turns to me and, speaking in the same language, asks me, “Well Ginger, what do you think?”

I decide I can give up my trump card, and I let them know I fully understand them. I pull out my copy of the Book of Daisy Jo, and I read to her in the cattle dialect, “For there shall be unbelievers who think that those not of their own kind are beneath them. Unto them, I say this is a false belief as we are all herd, and all are my children.” I pause and look up at their stunned expressions and finish by saying, “Herds, 5:18”

I put the book away and continue to tell them in the cattle tongue, “Some of us really do care Herdmate.”

I see them all look at me funny and one of them asks, “Did, did he teach you our tongue?”

I shake my head, “No. Back home it is commonly understood. But most ponies do not attend the cattle services or read the Book of Daisy Jo.”

One of the brahmin cow’s heads looks at me suspiciously while the other kind of squints and asks, “So who are you to say you are our herdmate then?”

I shrug my shoulders, “I had assumed you too were a believer in Sweet Cream. I guess I was wrong.” As I get up, I smile at Cowlick, then the several brahmins who are there, and I tell them, “I have been a follower along with my adopted mother and sister for about ten years now. My mother is considered a Herdmother in our hometown congregation. Now I will excuse myself, but I wish you well, and may Sweet Cream place her blessings upon you.”

I hear one of the bull brahmin reply, “And with you herdmate, and with you.”

As I walk away, I hear her ask, “Did she just tell me to buck off in the tongue of the herd?”

I hear Cowlick chuckling, “No, if she had wanted to say that, she would have. Her entire family is that way. They try to be polite, but will tell you what they really think.”

“So why did she learn our language and decide to follow our religion?”

I barely hear part of Cowlick's reply of, “Maybe it is because she feels that the truth is the truth, no matter which species tells it.”

This time I sit down by Tater and Twinks. “Hey, Twinks.”

She nods her head in reply as her mouth is full. Once she swallows it, she asks, “Saw you go to sit with Cowlick and then get up, what’s up?”

I shrug, “Not going to sit where I am not wanted. Cowlick was the only one who seemed to want to talk to me. The one cow brahmin is arrogant as all get out. Honestly, I think she would spit at a pony if they said hello and were polite to her.”

Tater shrugs, “Well their kind have gotten the pretty raw end of the stick overall.”

I nod my head, “Yeah, I know, but still.”

“Yeah, I know.” He tells me and nods back. “Time for us to get ready to go again. I got drag this time.” He tells me as he gets up, cleans his mess kit out in a bucket of hot water, and begins to help Cowlick put his harness back on.

We are a couple of hours down the road when the one female brahmin from earlier moos slightly to get my attention and her second head moves in a come closer gesture. The second brahmin on her other side seemingly lost in thought ignores me.

Once I am close enough, she continues to talk to me in the cattle dialect as she asks, “So you and part of your family really are believers?”

I nod my head and reply, “Yes. Why?”

Both heads look around as they keep walking then one says, “You surprised us. We never met a pony who could speak our language, much less read our religious text.”

I smile briefly and nod my head, “Yeah I can understand that, by the way, what are your names?”

Again, they seemed surprised and the other one asks, “You really want to know our names?”

Again, I nod, “Yes I do, I wanted to talk with all of you, not just Cowlick earlier.”

They look at each other and then the one says, “I’m Rosie,” the other one then says, “I’m Nellie.”

“I’m pleased to meet you. My name is Ginger Snaps, but most just call me Ginger.”

I see them look at each other and then at the same time say, “Cookie”

I shake my head in amusement and then Rosie says, “With pony names we like to find a simpler way to remember them if we like them. And since Ginger Snaps are a type of Cookie…”

I laugh lightly, “Ok, Cookie it is.”

We continue to talk for a while longer as we make our way to the E3 Oasis. After a bit I have them give me their perspective on the place and those who run it. Then I also ask them their opinion of what they think is happening to the caravans. Which they do give to me, but they do not fully agree with each other. One thinks raiders, the other gangers.

In the distance, I begin to see what looks like a military drill field by the Stable back home. However, this also has walls around it that are made up of large metal containers. When I ask about them Rosie informs me, “they say that back before the final day there were a large number of self-propelled carriages that the army was using to move the freight. These are from the cargo halves rather than the tractors.”

Then Nellie tells us, “Don’t forget about the ones that are sitting upright, those used to be rail cars from the tracks nearby.” And she points into the distance with her ear.

In the far distance, I can see the elevated bed of a railroad track as well as the remains of a switch shake and what looks to be a spur that leads towards the Oasis.

As we get closer, I grin at my new comrades, “Well, how about I buy you a drink once we get there?”

They grin back and Nellie tells me, “How about you buy a bottle and we will share a drink. They don’t let brahmin inside the place.”

This takes me aback a bit. “Are you serious?”

They both nod their heads and I finally hear the brahmin on the other side say, “And you wondered why we are the way we are towards ponies.”

I shake my head, “No, no I don’t, I guess. But I can do that, and if you don’t mind, I would like to introduce you to some of the others from our team.”

The far-sided brahmin snickers, “Kid why would a bunch of mercs want to know us. Even if you do have one of our distant cousins pulling your cart.”

I look at them and I answer, “He is part of our team. Normally he is our heavy weapons operator, right now his kit is inside the cart, but he is pulling for us to blend in better.”

While Nellie and Rosie nod their heads, the far one shakes both of hers. “You know he sticks out like a sore hoof, right?”

“Well, we had the fake head made to try and help him blend in, but honestly he didn’t care for it, and neither would I.”

“Well, if you are serious about the drink, how about picking something up. We would be glad to share it with you and continue our chat.”

“Sounds good, I will see you two later. I best get back in position, I just saw my boss signal.”


Equestrian Highway Three, three miles from the E3 Oasis: Xochitl.

We are about three miles from the compound that Trader Jewel tells me is the E3 Oasis when we come over a rise and I get my first really good look at it. I notice right away the cargo container and rail car walls as well as the chain-link and barbed wire fencing. I also notice that it has guard towers on each corner of the fence as well as one on each side of the gates along it.

As we get closer, I can see machine gun turrets as well as ponied positions. Then I really notice the buildings and their size, as well as some of the signs on the outside of some of them and the large sign at the gate stating, Equestrian Highway Three, Military Oasis in large letters, below it, in only slightly smaller size and faded I can read, Official Business Only.

I look at our caravan leader and say to him, “Wow, look at the size of this place.”

He snickers slightly, “Never seen a settlement this big in the waste before?”

“Oh, I have,” I tell him, “But I was not expecting this one.”

He nods his head as Choo Choo comes in to land beside us. He then tells her, “I want your crew to check your weapons and gear while we are here. Also, call in your other flyer. They get kinda twitchy to anypony who tries to fly over the fence instead of entering through the gate.”

She quickly calls Sunny into the caravan using the radio. Then she asks, “Any special rules we should be aware of sir?”

I see him grin as she calls him sir and then he nods, “Yeah, a few. One, no long arms to be carried into the buildings except for repairs. Those need to have the magazines pulled and the bolts open. Two, no gunfire in the compound except in an emergency or to defend the Oasis. Any exception to this will not be dealt with kindly, and there will be nothing I can do about it. Three, get your crew some chow, some rest, and a shower while we are here. The caravan will cover the cost of the shower. Oh, and also, I know how close you all are to your bull, but he is not allowed into any of the buildings, just like the brahmin. They have a roofed over shelter area for them if we want to use it, otherwise, just have them stay with the caravan wagons.”

On the last one, I see Choo raise an eyebrow and she resettles her wings in mild irritation, but only replies, “Very well Sir. But what do they have against cattle and brahmin folk?”

He turns to look at her, “I know you ponies aren’t from around here and are used to interacting with them that way, but trust me, down here as well as the closer we get to the Hoof, the more ponies will only look upon them as beast of burden or in a best-case situation, serfs like they have in the Society territories.”

“Oh, I see,” she says. To me it is obvious she is not happy with this, but she and the rest of us have no choice. “Would you like us to stand guard for the caravan tonight?”

He shakes his head, “The Oasis and its people do a pretty good job of that. Tonight, I want my entire crew to rest. It might get hairy in a day or two.”

She looks at me and the few others from the team and tells us, “Please fall back some, I need to talk to our employer.”

At which point we all drop back and watch while they continue to talk as we approach the gateway. After a few more minutes she and Trader Jewel both go up to the gate and begin to talk to the guards.

The entire time the caravan continues to approach. Finally, when the first wagon is about fifty yards away from the gate Trader Jewel signals us to stop. He and Choo talk for a bit more with the guards. Then I see Choo take a deep breath, sigh, and say something. She then dips her head slightly and a golden-colored ring is put on her horn. The bastards have put a magic inhibitor on her. The only time I have seen them used back home is when Choo and Purple Haze placed one on Ginger’s little sister Moon Lily when she used her magic inappropriately.

Part of me is angry at this, but beside me, one of the caravanners says, “Not surprised. To tell the truth, I am a bit spooked having an alicorn without one on around, but at least she is on our side.”

“Yeah, but I have worked with her in the field and known her for over ten years. It just doesn’t feel right.”

Right after this, we get the signal from Trader Jewel to move again and one by one the caravan rolls through the gate. I am right behind Choo and Trader Jewel as we roll in and I take in what I see. Inside the walls I notice are several trench lines that zig zag back and forth and have openings for the wagons and those on hoof to walk through. Closer in to the buildings I see a large flat concrete area where most of the wagons from several other caravans are parked.

Among the buildings, I notice one that says repair shop on its sign. I then notice one that says Bunkhouse and hotel. Another I see has the symbol for the Church of the Two Goddesses. To the side, I see a large building with several signs that include a restaurant, general store, weapons shop, and even library.

I notice that there are creatures of all kinds here including some griffon and even a zebra in the distance. We are led to our assigned parking area and once there we begin to remove those who were hauling the loads from the traces. We inspect them for injuries as we remove their harnesses.

After we finish removing his harness, Cowlick assists us in cleaning it. Then we all begin to go over our weapons. As he pulls out the medium .308 machine gun and I am amused to watch some of the brahmins with the caravan watch him in amazement as he goes about the task while we all work on our weapons. After he finishes with this one, he pulls out the Mare Duce heavy machine gun and I hear one of the caravan ponies walking by saying in amazement, “You folks have a MoM Duce and he is working on it?”

We nod our heads and I ask, “MoM Duce? Back home they called it the Mare Duce.”

He laughs, “I guess it depends on where you’re from. Down here they used to say the old M2 was as dangerous and deadly as the Ministry of Morale.”

I laugh at that and I hear Epona tell him, “I like that, kinda makes sense I guess.”

Once our weapons are taken care of, Choo tells us, Half can go into the shops at a time, sorry, but I want us to sleep out here with the caravan wagons. No need letting anypony get the wrong ideas.”

We all nod our heads then I hear Sunny say, “I can’t wait to take a shower and get a good preening in.”

Then I see Cowlick give a sad look as he asks, “Choo, is there any way I can get a shower?”

I then tell him, “I will check into it for you, ok?’

He smiles patiently and tells me, “Thanks Xochitl. I appreciate it.”

Soon afterward, Epona, Sunny, Tater, and Twinks all head towards the settlement’s buildings along with many of the caravan’s crew.

As we are sitting there, I hear our employer approach us and say, “Remember, I want you all showered.”

Then Cowlick asks, “Even me?”

He grins, “Actually, even you. I greased the right hooves and you and the brahmin are getting a hose brought out on the far side under that awning. They promised that the water would be warm even.”

I see a grateful look come upon Cowlick’s face as he tells him, “Thank you, Sir.”

“You’re welcome. I expect all of you to get some rest while we are here.”

As he walks away, I see a surprised look come over the faces of several of the brahmin. “Did he just say we get hot showers?” Rosie asks.

Then Nellie simply nods and tells her other half, “I would never have expected it.”

A couple of hours later the first half of the team returns. Ginger grins at me and asks, “Ready for a shower?”

I nod, “Yeah, but let’s walk with Cowlick over to his too. Maybe we can pick up something at one of the restaurants and bring it out to him,” I look over at Cowlick and ask, “Would that work?”

He grins, ``Sure, let me know if you find anything else in there that I might want and I’ll give you the caps for it.”

Then I hear one of the other brahmin resting near us ask, “You really get paid like they do?”

He grins, “Yeah, where we come from, we are treated as equals overall. Not everyone mind you, but most.”

Soon Choo comes over and asks, “Well are you three ready?”

We all nod and she says, “Good. I am glad to hear that. Let’s go.”

As we walk across the tarmac of the E3 Oasis, I notice that a large number of ponies are staring at us. When I comment on this Choo just shrugs her wings and says, “Well, between a zony, an alicorn, and a bull all heading towards the bar. I am pretty sure some of them think they are in some kind of joke. At that Ginger starts laughing out loud and we have to stop until she can get her laughter under control. I am afraid to ask her what the punchline should be.

Once we are near the area for the brahmin to wash I look up and I see a ghoul in a worn-out Equestrian Army uniform just staring at us. I ask Choo, "Do you mind if I talk to him for a moment?”

She shakes her head, “No, go ahead. By the way, there are several here. It seems not all of the troops here made it into the shelter on the Last Day. Those who have not gone feral I am told tend to stay here.

As Cowlick and I lead the others up to him, I begin to hear what sounds like a raspy cry coming from him. I quickly ask, “Sir, are you all right.”

I see him rubbing his eyes, as he stares at Cowlick and I hear him say, “Tell me I’m not dreaming. Is, is that really a real bull in front of me? I thought they were all gone.”

Cowlick approaches a bit more and while I know most cattle are uncomfortable around ghouls. He has gotten used to the ones at our shop back home. He puts a hoof out and touches the old soldier on his shoulder, “Yes sir, I am really one of the old breed of cattle.”

He shakes his head, “But, how? I thought you all became brahmin over the years.”

Cowlick smiles, “No sir, some of us in Manesville made it into the stable.”

I see the ghoul's head jerk up and a look of surprise comes over his face as he asks, “Did you say Manesville?”

We all nod our heads and he tells us, “I used to know a bull from there back in the old days. His name was Sweet Corn. He was a sergeant with the 23rd Combat Engineers. Brave sob he was. Sacrificed himself to save enough of us that even my unit, Company M of the 13th Quartermasters battalion chipped in to have his body taken home for burial. That didn’t happen much by that time in the war.”

This is the first time I have heard about this bull, but I remember a grave with the same name and a date of death that would have put it in the last couple of years of the Great War. I look at Ginger and her eyes go wide as she realizes the same thing. And she asks, “Sir, my family owns the farm across from the cemetery that a bull named Sweet Corn is buried in.”

I see him close his eyes and smile. Then he says, “I am really glad to hear he made it home then. Some of us were afraid that someone just took the bits and ran.” He pauses and looks around. Then he asks, “Did you folks make use of the Surface Reclamation Depot up that away?”

This time we are all surprised and he can tell by our expressions what our answers are. Then he looks around one more time and tells us, “Follow me.” And he begins to head into the building.

Cowlick tells him, “Sir, I am not allowed into the buildings.”

The earth pony ghoul looks at him and says, “This is my base. If I tell you to follow me. You follow me. If they have a problem with it, I just shut down the reactor feed to the topside and secure the water purification talisman. Haven’t needed to do that in near fifty years now.”

As he begins to walk, we all follow him into the door on the side of the building, and down the steps inside.

As we go down it looks like most of the basements in the wastelands. A lot of old shelves fill small rooms. A room that looks to have been a security checkpoint at one time, which we walk right past. We come around another corner and I stop dead in my tracks as I recognize what is normally a stable door.

The ghoul turns to us and waves us forward. As we go past the entryway into the foyer, I see a protected window to the right side as well as several built-in MEW turrets. To one side I see a sight that shakes me briefly when I see a fully suited up soldier wearing power armor. This site is made even more surreal and startling when I see the suit salute the pony leading us and hear him say in a mechanical-sounding voice, “Afternoon Colonel.”

“Afternoon Sergeant Hazelnuts. Anything new?”

“No sir. Just a couple of the topsiders trying to sneak inside again.”

The ghoul gives what I figure is a grin and tells him, “Glad you could keep them out.”

The power-armored trooper shakes his head, “Wasn’t me sir. Per your orders, we keep the armor inside. Sent a couple of our MPs up dressed as mechanics. They did a pretty good job of it convincing ‘em the basement is just that. Even used the fake water heaters to fool ‘em.”

“Very good, if you would radio the XO and have her meet me at my office.”

“Yes sir,” he answers as we continue on.

We go past another smaller blast door that is opened and I see a small room to the side that looks like a typical police station front office, except for the bank of screens that one of the ponies inside is watching. Then I notice the sign by the door Security Office, and I nod my head in understanding.

We continue walking and I see signs pointing to different areas as well as a few maps of the facility at busy intersections. They include Medical Department, Mess Hall, Personnel Quarters. Nothing really surprising until I see one that reads RECOVERY WAREHOUSES A, B, C.

When he sees me looking that way as well as Cowlick he says to us, “I will explain those as well once we are in my office.”

I notice how many of the ponies keep showing respect toward the Ghoul, even though they themselves are normal ponies. Finally, we come to a sign that says Base CO. He opens the door and invites us to follow him.

Once inside he takes a seat behind his desk and motions for us to also. As I sit down, I notice a plaque on his desk that states, Lieutenant Colonel Forage, “I was the commanding officer of the 13th Quartermasters battalion when we were pulled out of the front and assigned here. Of course, back then, it was not called the E3 Oasis anymore. That was the name when it was still run by the civilians, and we just figured it was better if we went back to it.”

We are all listening to him intently as he talks, but then he sits back and says, “Ok, I need to know a bit more about you all, and I could not discuss any of this topside.” He then points towards Cowlick and asks, “Ok, what’s your story?”

Cowlick looks down nervously and then looks up and tells him, “Sir, my name is Cowlick. I was born and raised in Manesville and lived there until we left about a month ago. I work for Choo Choo over there,” he points towards her, then he points toward me and continues, “Over there is Xochitl who is one of my best friends and his fiancé Ginger, who I went to school with.”

He nods his head, “So what brings you down here, to this region I mean?”

Cowlick looks at Choo and she nods her head. He then tells the colonel, “Well, we are working as an escort for Trader Jewel and his caravan. Once we get done with this round trip, we may be looking for another job, might not. Depends on what Choo and Ginger decide.”

“So, this is your first time down this way?”

“Yes sir.”

“What do you think of it?”

“Well, I liked the ride on the Baltimare Colt and enjoyed our time in Hackamore. But honestly, I am not too happy with the way I have been treated. I am not just a mindless creature, and neither are most of the brahmin, yet we cannot even enter the buildings except for this one here.”

“Sorry about that. Now I do not know how your people back home feel about ghouls, but the brahmin here have treated me and the few others here like pariahs and early on demanded we be destroyed. Those that spoke ponish, and yes, I do realize most understand ponish even if they can not speak it, they tried to rally others against us. So, I was the one to set the policy in place. But I digress, please continue.”

Cowlick licks his lips nervously and says, “Sir, even back home many of my people generally do not interact knowingly with ghouls. They consider them unclean and are afraid that the curse that is upon them may come upon them also.”

I see the ghoul twist his head slightly and say, “Do you have many ghouls where you come from?”

Cowlick nods his head, “Yes and no. On the west side of the river from Manesville is the settlement of Dead Quiet. It only became really accepted after the day of Sunshine and Rainbows. But their company of militia is an integral part of the Manesville brigade reserve and they are also some of our best combat engineers.”

We all hear him laugh lightly at this. “What changed?” he asks with a tone of curiosity in his voice.

This time Ginger raises a hoof and asks, “May I answer that?”

He holds up a hoof and shakes his head to Ginger and tells Cowlick, “Please continue my bovine friend.”

Cowlick nods, “Sir, for me, it really came when we found a zebra mare and her foul who had taken what Captain High Grade calls the big sleep. Choo and Ginger have hired them to work in our shop back home and we give them a place to live there as well. I have met ghouls before that, but I did not really get to know them. But honestly, for the community of Manesville at large, I would say that between the citizens of Dead Quiet assisting us in rebuiliding after the Battle of Manesville with the Enclave and then the Third Battle of Hereford, relations between the two communities were cemented.”

I watch as he puts a hoof under his chin and says, “I have never heard of those battles.”

Cowlick simply shrugs and I notice Choo move a hoof to get his attention. Then she says, “We are not surprised. They were large events for us, but overall, not for most of the wastelands. But if you would like I can elaborate a bit more on them for you.”

He then tells her, “Please, go ahead.”

She nods and I watch as she organizes her thoughts briefly and then begins. “Sir, the Battle of Manesville happened on the day of Sunshine and Rainbows. The area back then was known as the Manesville Co-op or just the Co-op. We were attacked by one of the Enclave Raptors that from what I have heard, had abandoned its post in Neighvarro to attack us. The Co-op fought it off but was severely hurt that day. Much of what had been rebuilt was severely damaged and much of our crops destroyed. The ghouls from Dead Quiet crossed the river and assisted us in the search and rescue operations in those destroyed buildings.”

He nods his head and asks, “So what was your part in it?”

Choo smiles shyly and I see her blush, “I did not take part in the main battle, but a platoon of Enclave troopers attacked the settlement of Emerald Grove which is near my cave. My two sisters and I fought them off and kept the damage to a minimum in that area.”

The other three of us are stunned, as we never heard about this before. As we look at her, Choo simply shrugs and tells us, “Remember, we were still hiding, so no pony even knew we were there.”

What else don’t we really know about Choo I wonder.

“Ok, that explains that, now what is the Battle of Hereford?” The Colonel asks.


Site Pasture, The Wastelands: Choo Choo

I nod my head when he asks me the question and I tell him, “I was directly involved in that one. I was with our regiment's scout platoon.”

He holds up a hoof, “Our regiment? You mean you have more than one?”

We all nod our heads and I tell him, “While we were gone on the expedition after the day of Sunshine and Rainbows, we had a large influx of pegasi as well as other refugees. Enough we were able to form a second regiment.”

Again, I see him shake his head as he asks, “You do realize how rare it is for any settlement to be large enough to support a military force like that.”

I and the rest of us nod our heads. Then I answer, “Yes, but we rotate our troops into periods of working on public projects and farm details as well, so they are not just standing around all the time.”

He looks at me funny and asks, “So are you a deserter then? Or are you still a soldier for Manesville?”

I am irritated by the question and I shake my head enough to fling my dirty mane some and tell him, “I am not either. I am a veteran. My time of service expired and I left the service for my own private endeavors.”

He nods this time and then continues, “So, what is this third battle of Hereford then?”

I feel the horror of the memories from that night. Then I tell him about it. “I guess it doesn’t matter now as the situation was fully resolved. But one of the officers who served in the Army of Fillydelphia for Red Eye had gone raider by then. Unfortunately, he had several hundred followers and two Bale Fire Egg Launchers.”

I am closing my eyes at the horrible memory of those things, but as I do so I notice that Colonel Forage shivers slightly also. We both have been touched by Balefire and irrevocably changed by its memory. "One was in Hereford, the other in another small hamlet, but I was not there for that one as the 2nd regiment went after it. In Hereford, the raiders were hiding in the rubble and the underground service tunnels. They got off several eggs before we finally got the raider who was ponying it. Unfortunately for them, it went off and launched into the tunnels and detonated.” I close my eyes again and feel the urge to bring up whatever is in my stomach at the memory of what happened to them.

When I open them, I see the others all staring at me. Ginger puts a hoof on my shoulder, “It's ok Choo, I know how bad it was for Mama Mollygirl and Papa Archer.”

I nod and continue. “The raiders not killed kept fighting after that. The Colonel sent for the Dead Quiet Militia to help us as they could handle the amount of radiation that was in the tunnels. The ghouls we lost there are listed along with those of the 1st Regiment back in Manesville on the Memorial Wall.”

I see him raise what remains of one eyebrow and he asks, “You all really put ghouls’ names there too?”

I hear Xochitl then answer, “Of course. They fought alongside the rest of us, why wouldn’t we?”

I notice Cowlick is nodding also. Then I hear Forage quietly say, “Might have to change a few rules topside I guess.”

Then we hear a knock on the door and when it opens, I see a squad of armored troopers outside the door in full battle kit. Forage raises a hoof and tells them, “Stand Down, and XO, if you would be so kind, bring me the SRD files.”

The armored suit nods and the door closes one more time. Forage looks at me and tells me, “Sorry about that, but we can never be too careful. Once she gets back, I will talk to you all about what I really brought you down here for.”

Now my curiosity is up. While we wait, he gives us a bit more of a history of his base and tells us, “Toward the end the ground war was looking better for us, however by then the Zebras and us both knew all about Megaspells and Balefire Bombs so tensions were running high. A few of the brass got the idea that if things went bad, well maybe Stable Tec had a good idea. So we decided to supplement them by building large depots of supplies that would be required to rebuild our civilization just in case the worst happened.”

I feel that one in my soul as he says it and I nod my head remembering what I can of the life I had stripped away from me. He and I both exchange a knowing glance because of it. He then says, “You are currently sitting in Site Pasture. There are several other such depots. Including one in the Manesville area. My XO is bringing the paperwork for it right now.”

As he says this there is a knock on the door again and a large light tan mare with a black mane and tail, wearing the uniform of an Equestrian army major enters with a file in her teeth. She carries it to the desk and sets it down. “Thank you, XO,” Forage says and indicates for her to sit also.

After she takes her seat he tells me, "Those inside are the descendants of my troopers from the Last Day, or if ghouls were outside with me when the balefire bomb gave us the near-miss. The crater is only about two miles that way,” he tells us as he motions to the north with his hoof. “That ridgeline in the distance used to not be there. The blast damaged what was up top, but was far enough away to not outright destroy anything except through magical radiation. They closed the door just before the bomb hit on my orders.” He pauses and says, “I never expected this. I thought I would be dead. However, after the first couple of months, the radiation level was low enough for brief forays topside and they found me and some of the others just as we were beginning to wake. A hoof full had gone feral. That was not pleasant. However, the rest of us were treated with kindness and brought inside. We took back our previous positions and have continued to serve in that capacity since.” He pauses and says, “XO would you care to tell them about what we know about the Reclamation Depot in Manesville?”

The mare nods her head and stands as she talks. “Our sister depot in your region is known as Site Paddock. It was being filled even as the final construction was still being finished.” She lays the folder out and shows us the information that she has about it. We see the basic interior layout, which was to not be too different from this one. Then we begin to see the list of supplies inside of it. One of the things that get me to raise an eyebrow is that I notice that it has an entire warehouse dedicated to medical supplies, especially those for obstetrician usage. I am also confused when I see how much liquid Nitrogen was stored there. Then I hear Ginger tell Xochitl, “Look at all those building supplies. That would be enough to build another settlement like White Cloud at least.”

Then they show us the map of the Manesville area that gives us the location of Site Paddock. When we look at it I hear Ginger say, “Oh Buck Me!”

The XO asks, “Is there something wrong?”

Xochitl shakes his head and says, “Other than that is the back forty acres for the farm we live on back home, and that we have been inside the cave that is the location for the rear entrance for it, no nothing at all.”

Both the ghoul and his XO look at each other in surprise. Then Forage asks, “You did not see the rear entrance door?”

Ginger tells him, “We were still pretty young when we explored the cave. We stopped only a short distance in. Mama Mollygirl told us she would go back there with us soon, but not to go there without her. Things came up and we just stayed away from there.”

Then I hear Xochitl asks, “Ging, what if your brothers and sisters go in there?”

Ginger nods to him, “When we get back, we tell them to stay out of there and then check it out ourselves.”

We discuss this with Forage and his XO as well as how to best handle making contact if they are still sealed up, or accessing the place if not.

Before we leave Forage and his XO give us a password from the records that should get us access, and if not, then at least allow us to talk to any occupants inside. He then has us all take our showers using the base's facilities and then walks us back to the entrance of the basement. Before we go through the door, he tells us. “Remember as far as anyone up there knows this is just a basement. I let you use my crew's private shower in the basement as a gift for being able to see a real live bull again. “

He turns to Cowlick and tells him, “Son, the only reason I decided to give your people the information about Site Paddock is you. You gave me hope for our world again. DO NOT let them wear you down out here. If you ever need anything from me that I can give, I will. I still owe a life debt to Sweet Corn, and I think this will go a long way towards paying it back.”

I see Cowlick tear up slightly and he replies, “Thank you, Sir. It means more than you realize, especially you having told us about him. Inside the stable, we heard few if any stories of heroic cattle from the Great War. I will make sure I pass them on.”

“That is all I can ask.” He turns to me and asks, “Choo, can I have a few moments alone with you while the others go back topside?”

They all look at me with a bit of worry and I nod to them as I tell him, “It would be my pleasure.”

After the others leave, he asks me, “Choo, what happened to you? I mean I have heard rumors about you alicorns and while I have the chance, I really want to know.”

I sigh and I tell him, “On the final day I took my train into the station at Maripony. As the passengers were being unloaded the sirens went off and we were rushed inside. Once there we were told to get into some vats of chemicals if we wanted to survive and to tell the truth, I still don’t remember if I jumped in or was pushed as I saw several others get pushed in also.”

He looks down and he asks, “Do you regret having lived through it?”

I think briefly and I tell him, “At times, but then again, not always. While my children are long gone, their descendants are now family to me. I lost that life, but I have a new one now, and to tell the truth, I am beginning to be happy with how it is going.” I pause to let my answer sink in and I ask him, “How about you?”

He looks up at the ceiling and I hear him sigh before he looks at me and tells me, “Choo Choo, I regret every day. But I am also afraid of how I will be judged someday when I do pass. After all, I must have done something very wrong to be turned away from Elysium this way.”

I give him a weak half-smile and put a hoof on his shoulder, “Or you were turned away because you still have work to do, that you are needed for. I have a good friend who should have died, but didn’t, and while I can’t say how we now know what the world would have been like if she had died instead. So, yes, I believe you are still here for a reason, just like me, and through whatever means were available to the Goddesses.”

“Choo, have you ever met a ghoul you knew from before?”

I nod my head, “Yes. His name is Side Track and we were to have been married a few weeks later than the Final Day. However, it was not meant to be. He helped me regain some of my memories and I will forever be in his debt for that alone. But while he didn’t tell me before then, I have since found out that he paid for my family to have spaces in the stables. A good part of the Manesville unicorn population owes their existence to him and his love for those foals and grand foals of mine.”

He then asks, "I have heard some things about something called Unity and how every alicorn knew every other one. Is that true?”

I nod slowly at this and I tell him, “To a certain extent. But it was more of shared consciousness.”

He nods, “I was kinda wondering if you might have known a mare in there named Blue Star?”

I sit down hard as he asks this and he asks me, “Are you alright?”

I nod my head and tell him, “I don’t know if it is the same mare, but one of my sisters is named Blue Star. Unfortunately, she has lost a lot of her earlier memories also, just not as much as I did.”

He nods his head, “So does she look like you?”

I smile and tell him, “No. First, she is a green alicorn and she is much prettier than I am.”

I see him smile, “So does she have a special somepony?”

I think briefly and tell him, “Funny thing, the other member of our wing and another of my sisters is Quick Frost. Quick used to be a stallion before she was transformed. But they are happy together and have their own farm now outside of Emerald Grove. So yes, I would say she does, and she is very loved.”

I watch an expression of relief come over his face when he hears this and he smiles as he says, “Let’s just say it is her, and I can rest easy knowing she is happy now. Thank you, Choo.”

I smile back at him and then I make a snap decision. I put a wing around him and I give him a quick peck on the cheek. “You’re welcome, and if you don’t mind, would it be ok if I told her about you?”

He looks undecided at first then says, “Yeah, but not about Site Pasture, ok?”

“Deal. I will see you on our next layover through here, ok?”

He grins as well as a ghoul can and tells me, “If you mean it, then I look forward to seeing you again. Now you best get going.”

With that, I go through the door and meet the other three who are still waiting for me. Cowlick then asks, “Ready to go get something to eat Boss?”

I simply nod my head and tell them, “Yeah, let's go see what services they offer. As we approach the main building I look back and I see the old ghoul peeking out from the doorway still. I wave a wing to him and he waves in return before he disappears back inside.


Rainbow Dash Sky Port, Hoofington, Lunar Commonwealth: Ball Lightning.

I am at my desk in my platoon headquarters typing up some of my paperwork when I hear a knock at my office door. I look up and I see the Sergeant Major standing there.

“Come on in Sergeant Major.” I tell him and wave him to a seat and ask, “Have time for a cup of coffee, or is this official business.”

“Sorry LT, but it's official business. I don’t know what you did sir, but we have some intelligence officers asking to talk to you. Sir, do you have any idea what you may have done to attract their attention?”

I lean back in my chair and scratch my mane with a single hoof and tell him, “Honestly, I have no idea.”

“Sir, if the Captain and I are going to be able to cover for you, we really need to know.”

“I am sorry Sergeant Major, but I really have no idea.”

“Alright, sir. Better grab your cover and come with me to the battalion HQ then.”

As I get up, I respond, “Alright, lead on.” As I leave the office I tell my clerk, “I am heading over to Battalion, Be back as soon as I can.”

“Yes sir, I’ll let the 1st sergeant know,” he replies.

As we fly over to battalion HQ he quietly again asks, “Seriously sir, do you have any idea what they may want with you?”

“I really wish I did, but the worst thing I have done lately was helping a bunch of kids to the VC station rather than killing them.”

I see a look of concern come over the Sergeant Major’s face. Then he says, “That could have been it LT. Never know what might set them off sometime. If they decide to brand you, sir, grit your teeth and bare it. Survive sir. That is the best revenge. Outlive them.”

Until he said that I was relaxed. I never imagined saving some kids from starving might cause me to be branded a Dashite. Again, it makes me wonder about the Enclave, but I will not say that to anyone else, otherwise I will surely be branded, and my father punished for my perceived treason. How did ponies ever get to this point I wonder?

Soon we land at the door of the Battalion Headquarters. As we go through the door, we both remove our covers and I tell the Battalion HQ clerk, “Please let the Lieutenant Colonel know I am reporting as requested.”

After I tell him this, I notice a few pegasuses in black suits and sunglasses standing outside the Lieutenant Colonel's office. This gets me to look at the Sergeant Major who simply shrugs his wings.

The clerk leads us to the door where the two ponies in suites validate our identity. Then we are let into the office.

As we enter the room, I see the Battalion Commander seated behind his desk. Then to the side, I see a light blue mare who, like the guards outside, is also in a conservative black business suit with a tie that is only a couple of shades darker than her mane and tail.

When she sees me, she calmly asks the Colonel, “Is this the one?”

He nods his head, “Yes ma’am. This is him.”

The door is closed behind me and as I hear the latch click, she asks me, “Lieutenant, it has come to our attention that recently you caught a group of wastelanders trying to sneak onto one of our bases, and instead of arresting them, you turned them over to the local Volunteer Corps leader. Is this true?”

I close my eyes briefly and decide then and there, that this is a stormcloud I am willing to die on. I then tell this mare, “Yes ma’am it is.”

She hovers in the air slightly with a serious expression on her face and asks me, “Why would you do such a thing?”

I look right into her blue eyes and I answer, “Ma’am, they were starving kids. They were only trying to get something to eat and shelter for a night.”

“Again Lieutenant, why did you do such a thing?”

“Ma’am, because they were desperate and by helping them, they will remember us for that instead of as the ones who closed the sky and left them to rot.”

She uncrosses her forehooves and asks, “But what about having to fight them when they grow up?”

I shrug, “Ma’am, if they attack us, I will fight them and kill them. But I will not go out of my way to take a life or make things worse for others if I don’t have to.”

While the others all look at me with their mouths hanging open, she instead tilts her head and asks me, “Are you sure you shouldn’t be in the Volunteer Corps instead of one of our scouts?”

I shake my head, “I am sure I am in the right position ma’am. I know what I am best at and if you want, you can ask the Sergeant Major to verify it, but I am a fighter ma’am. I follow my orders as given. If those orders allow me to help others as well, then that ma’am is a bonus.”

She nods her head. “Ok. I have also heard about you on the broadcast by the local DJ. It is good public relations for us. If you change your mind and want to join the VC, let me know. But otherwise, 1st Lieutenant I will leave you to perform your duties.”

“Excuse me ma’am, but it is only 2nd Lieutenant,” I tell her.

“Oh, I know what I said. Now have a good day and if you are willing, I will have some of my people contact you for a PR program to assist us in our dealing with the Lunar Commonwealth” She nods to me and then turns to the Colonel and tells him, “Colonel, I may have some special missions for him and a few others to run down below as well as the PR. I will let you know more later.”

I feel myself wanting to smile inside but keep my expression serious, and realize I am being dismissed as I hear my battalion commander tell me, “That will be enough for now Lieutenant, Sergeant Major.”

Once we are outside the HQ building the Sergeant Major looks at me and tells me, “Congratulation sir. It seems like you might be on the fast track now.”

I shrug slightly and answer, “Well I am just as surprised as you are. By the way, who was that mare?”

He laughs at me and tells me, “Sir, you really don’t know?”

“No, I don’t. Why.” I answer.

He just smiles and shakes his head as we fly back toward my platoon HQ. “Sir, let’s get you over to the quartermasters for a new issue of your rank insignia. Then I think I will take you up on that cup of coffee if it is still available.”


Good evening from Hoofington, this here is Chrome Microphone coming to you live, that’s right, not undead, from the hoof. Speaking of the undead, remember that there are still some hot areas underground where the magical radiation can turn you into a ghoul. Now, this next song goes out to all of you listening in the hoof. Here is The Writing On The Wall.

Chapter 8: An Introduction to the Hoof

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Chapter 8: An Introduction to the Hoof

“Hardness," I was learning, was the supreme virtue among recon Marines. The greatest compliment one could pay to another was to say he was hard. Hardness wasn't toughness, nor was it courage, although both were part of it. Hardness was the ability to face an overwhelming situation with aplomb, smile calmly at it, and then triumph through sheer professional pride.” ― Nathaniel Fick

Hoofington, Lunar Commonwealth: Ginger Snap.

The rest of the trip to Hoofington turned out to be rather uneventful. The day after we left the E3 Oasis we did run across the remains of the caravan that I was told we would. We also passed several more, especially the closer we came to the Hoof. In the distance, we can start to see the ruins of the urban expanse that once surrounded the core.

I expect to see the tall towers and that which we always heard stories about. But I only see hills and normal-sized buildings in the distance. I am walking on the flank of the column when Rosie notices the look of disappointment on my face and asks in bovine, “Not what you were expecting eh? I remember how different it was when we were just a calf.” Beside her, Nellie nods her head.

“What happened to change it?” I ask in the same language.

Nellie answers this time, “Some say it was Security did it, Others say she saved us. Who knows?”

I nod my head, “Did you two ever get to see Security?”

I hear the bull on the other side, “Here we go again, another Security fan.”

I shake my head, “No, not really, I only know what I heard on the radio and what little a couple of ponies I know who traveled briefly down here. One of my mothers really looked up to her for what she heard. But I learned a long time ago, not to believe everything we hear by rumor, stories, or even on the radio.”

Even the bull nods his head at this. Then he says, “Most ponies seem to either love, hate, or not know about Security, good to see some that just figure she is a person like the rest of us.”

I look at him and I tell him, “I have met too many different beings not to realize that.” I pause briefly contemplating if I should finish the thought, then I tell them, “Even I have done things I am not proud of and regret as the unintended consequences hurt others as well as myself.”

They both look at me in surprise but press no further. Soon after the caravan stops for lunch. I am with Choo when Trader Jewel approaches us and tells her, “Choo, I need you and Sunny to fly to the south side of the road a couple of miles ahead. I intend to go off the main road for about five miles.”

Choo nods and I ask, “Heavy raider area?”

He shakes his head, “Not so much there, that area is known as Boneyard, lots of ferals, no need to risk it if we don’t need to.”

I nod my head in understanding. Then I ask, “So, is there is a heavy raider area ahead?”

He nods his head as he sits down and breaks out a can of Cram, opens it, and begins to eat it. With his mouth still half full he answers, “Yeah there are raiders out there of course, but here in the Hoof we also need to watch out for the gangs.”

Not understanding the difference, I ask, “So what is the difference between raiders and the gangs?”

He nods his head and looks at me as if I was a pupil who asked the right question. He puts his cram down and tells me, “Well I would say purpose and moral codes, more than anything else. Raiders live strictly by the rule of force and violence, often resulting in violence and macabre behavior for fun. Gangers, now gangers will use violence just as well, but there is a purpose behind it. They have rules too, such as who can join them and how. Territory and rules on how others can enter and pass through as well as how they do so with other gang territories. It is a completely different type of society.”

“I guess that makes sense, what else should we know about Hoofington?”

He grins again as Epona comes over and sits down with us. Then he continues, “There are several major factions that are still running Hoofington too.”

Epona sits down and takes out an unidentified can of food, uses a can opener to open it and as he pauses, I hear her say, “Oh, canned peaches, cool.”

Trader Jewel looks at her and laughs lightly, “Ah mystery meals, I always love it when they are a good surprise.”

I find myself giggling slightly, and hear him continue, “The major players in Hoofington are Big Daddy with the Reapers. Then there is the Society, they provide most of the food and rumor has it they no longer have serfs. There is also the Collegiate, they are the brains. Need medical care or treatment, they got access to the old tech, medical and science labs, College library, ya get the idea.”

“Ya, I guess so, I tell him, now what about the markets there?” I ask and Choo nods in agreement to my question.

He shrugs, “Well there are three main trading posts, a lot of smaller ones too, but the big three are all run by the Finders. The one we are heading toward and will pass soon, well that one is called Mega Mart. One of the old prewar stores that has since begun to work as a clearing house for consignment sales or smaller merchants renting stalls for their shops. But to rent a shop in Mega Mart you have to join the Finders. Oh, and just to let you know that it will cost each of you 12 caps each to enter as you are not Finders. The caravan will cover the cost as part of your pay when we deliver this load, and when we leave”

I look around to make sure that no one is close enough to hear and I ask quietly, “So where are we dropping the coal off at?”

He grins, and answers, “Not that I need to tell you, but most will go to the main factions I just described, the last bit will go to Mega Mart. There are a few blacksmiths there who will pay a premium for it.”

I can see that. After all the carbon from the coal will increase the carbon content in the metal making iron stronger and the items made with it more valuable. Which is what gives the Harness metalwork such a good reputation in that region.

Epona then asks, “So sir, where will we be arriving first?”

He shakes his head, “I am waiting for a messenger to deliver a note telling me who I will deliver to first.” He turns to Choo, “We should be seeing them when we get on the other side of Boneyard.”

Choo Choo nods her head, “Very well Trader, I will be keeping a lookout for them as well as the route.”

“Thank you, Choo. I know I can depend on you.” He then begins to tell her how to identify who the messenger will be. Once finished with that he tells her, “We tend to change who and how the messenger is dressed as well as where to keep others from setting us up.”

“Makes sense to me,” I say quietly. Then I begin to eat my lunch again as I think about the route and why we are making the detour.

As I finish up eating I see Twinks approaching. Choo looks at Epona and I. Then she tells us, “Ok, time to switch the guards, you to go relieve Tater and Xochitl so they can get a break too.”

As we get up I watch as Choo Choo stands and flies off to a cloud where I see Sunny take off and begin to fly back to the wagon train. Once I get to Xochitl he gives me a quick rundown of what he has seen in the distance, gives me a quick kiss on the cheek, and trots back to get his lunch.

I sit down and take out a pair of binoculars and begin to scan the ground on my half of the caravan up to the horizon. Paying attention to a brahmin caravan that is heading toward where we came from, as well as several individuals. From my radio, I hear Epona tell me, “Cookie, Big Blue, this is Serendipity, I have a couple of suspicious individuals on my side. I have noticed one of them sneaking in the rocks about a klick out.”

We both click our mics in acknowledgment. I look up and I see Choo begin to fly off of her cloud and I suddenly see her disappear in the sky in the blink of an eye.

Shortly afterward I hear Choo say, “Ok, I have two enclavers in power armor hiding among the rocks observing traffic. Team, one of you let the Big Boss know, but They are simply observing at this time.”

A few minutes later I hear Xochitl come over the radio, “Big Blue this is Flower, Big Boss says thank you, we will need to report this to the Lunar Commonwealth officials.”

“Why what good will that do?” I hear a voice ask over my headset.

Xochitl then answers, “The Boss says they do not like other powers operating in their territory and will take diplomatic measures accordingly.”

I then hear Epona asks, “What good is that going to do if they attack us?”

Choo then responds, “If attacked we are free to defend ourselves. Remember if they open fire or attack us first, we are good to go.”

I nod my head even though I know she will not see me. I soon see Choo Flying back to her cloud perch above. She remains there until we begin to move again. Then I hear her say, “Ok, possible hostiles are moving out, following that brahmin caravan.” A half-hour later we are following a worn trail off of the main highway as it goes cross country and places a couple of hills between us and what the Trader Jewel called Boneyard.

As I look forward, I see Xochitl on point leading us at a slow careful walk through the rutted terrain. From beside me, I hear Rosie say, “I hope we don’t come across any of them there radscorpions again”

Beside her, Nellie and the one bull who I have found out since lunch is called Bob and George nod their heads also.

After seeing how serious they all are I begin to watch for them myself. I have been fortunate I guess in that I never have seen one before. I hope my luck can hold on this at least.

As we follow the tracks in the distance I can see a single tall tower climbing tall into the sky. Over my head radio link, I hear Epona say over our headsets, “For those looking at that tower it is one of the old MASEBS Towers It means Ministry of Arcane Science Emergency Broadcast System. That is why we can listen to DJ Pon3 all the way down here and not the Manesville broadcast.”

Soon enough we are back on the main road again and begin to see the remains of what was a vast urban sprawl from up close. Often it reminds me of home, with the dilapidated buildings.


Hoofington, Lunar Commonwealth: Xochitl

We have been on the side track for some time when Sunny reports a unicorn mare that matches the description of the courier that Trader Jewel gave me earlier. Soon afterward I hear Tater call out, “Big Blue this is Mash, the big boss says for one of us to trot up and meet the messenger.”

Soon after I hear, “Flower this is Big Blue, move up and investigate to make sure this is our messenger. Danger, relieve Mash. Mash move up to point and cover Flower while he investigates.”

Soon I am greeted by a unicorn mare who is wearing a long duster, a light brown shemagh around her neck, and a wide, faded, floppy brimmed hat that is just a few shades darker than her coat. As I approach, she asks, “Got a Sparkle Cola I could bum off of ya?”

I recognize the challenge and reply, “Yeah, but you're gonna need an opener.”

She nods her head and tells me, “Take me to whoever is running this caravan then.”

As the caravan keeps moving forward, I walk her about halfway back where I find Trader Jewel. When he sees her, he calls out, “Good to see ya Pistachio,” then he calls out, “Halt the caravan. Ten-minute break.”

Once the caravan stops, he has her follow him into one of the crew wagons and while I can hear them talking, I can not make out what they are saying. Soon they come back out and he calls out, “Ok, let's get ready to get this show back on the road.”

Less than ten minutes later we are back on the road and moving again. This time I am alongside Pistachio and following her directions and listening to her advice for this area.

As we cross back onto the main road I breathe a sigh of relief. I am on point for the caravan along with Pistachio. As I walk, I see several large burrows in the ground as well as the remains of two of the largest bugs I have ever seen. They have claws as big as my head and a long tail with what looked like a bee stinger on it. Pistachio sees what I am looking at and asks, “Never seen a Radscorpian before?”

I shake my head and tell her, “Nah, we don’t have them back home, and when I have been in the wastelands so far, I have lucked out and not seen them. Worst I have come across for bugs is chitterers.”

“Chitterers? What are those?”

I shrug as I tell her, “Well take a tick and make it big, like up to three feet in length, and then make it where they communicate with a chittering sound by using their mandibles. Vicious critters too.”

She looks at me funny and says, “You pulling my hoof, I never heard of such a thing. And believe me, if it is something viscous, disgusting, or violent, we have it in the Hoof.”

My answer to her is simply, “No, I am not pulling your hoof, we lost some ponies and cattle to them during the expedition years ago. I saw it and it is something I really wish not to see again.”

After a bit, I see what looks like a settlement built around an old Pony Joe’s. I recognized the brown unicorn holding a donut on the sign as one I had seen in a couple of other places over the years. I also remember the warning in the Wastelands Survival guide about how dangerous they could be as for some reason raiders seemed to have a preference to use them. I am instantly on guard but do not hear any cautions or warnings from Choo and Sunny on overwatch. I use the scope on my rifle to do a quick once-over, but I do not see any signs of it being currently used by raiders.

As we get closer, I notice in what was once a carriage lot next to it there are several small plots of vegetables growing. Soon I see one of the ponies working on the plots wave a hoof to me, while the two others slowly walk to the side and I see them slowly taking up defensive positions behind some fences with what looked to be homemade weapons. I simply wave back and keep to the center of the road not approaching them at all.

Soon I have Trader Jewel come up to us and he tells us, “Up ahead on the right your gonna see a big building marked Mega Mart, “Ignore it, we will come back to it later.”

Pistachio looks past him and asks, “To the Collegiate right?”

He nods his head, “Well we sure ain’t going ta Reaper Stadium. Enough trouble as it is, no need to court more of it.”

I hear this but wonder what he is talking about as I know the Reapers are one of the major factions in the Lunar Commonwealth. So, I ask Pistachio about it.

She looks at me funny and asks, “What are you a stable pony? I thought everypony knew about Big Daddy and his Reapers.”

I shrug as we continue to walk and I tell her, “Well we come from a ways away.”

“So, who runs things there, the NCR?”

Again, I shrug, “Yes and no. For the military and big stuff, the NCR does, but for local and regional matters, we are left to our own devices.”

“That is not what we hear here in the Lunar Commonwealth. We hear that Junction Town thinks they are the queen of the nest and tells everypony there what to do.”

“Nah, I met both the president and her mother back when I was a foal. Really they aren’t that bad.”

She stumbles slightly and turns her head to look at me. I notice she has an incredulous look on her face. “You’re putting me on?”

I shrug, “No, me and my fiancé Ginger met her mother during what back home called the expedition, right after the day of Sunshine and Rainbows. We were working as scouts back then for our local military.”

She looks at me as if to try to judge my age and to determine if I was lying. Then she says, “You don’t look old enough for that.”

“I was young. I and Ginger snuck off with Choo Choo and stowed away in a wagon until we were too far from home to safely go back. That was a rough time,” I tell her as I continue to scan the ground and buildings ahead of us.

“So why didn’t you stay back home and join the army instead of doing this?” She asks in a smarmy manner.

I quickly glance at her and tell her with one eyebrow raised, “More caps in this, and if our employer betrays us the way we were at the valley, I can kill them.”

I see her stumble again as surprise comes across her face.

“You don’t mince words do you?”

“No, why should I? I have seen Tartarus enough that rad-hog hunting became a release for me. You want something sugar-coated, go to a bakery. Me, I give you the straight goods, and if I like you maybe some bacon.”

I see her shake her head, “So she and you have been together for a long time?”

I nod my head, just as she asks, “So which mare is she?”

I tell her, “The red-coated mare with the black mane and tail. She is on the caravan’s right side and if I know her, she is talking to the Brahmin Rosie and Nellie again.”

She looks back and says, “Yeah, she’s cute, how about the yellow mare back there?”

I laugh, “Oh, that is her sister Epona, she’s single if you are interested.”

She laughs, “So why don’t you try to have both of them as your mares?”

This time I laugh, “No, I prefer to live. Last time that Ginger thought Epona was interested in me their parents threw them into the farm yard to fight it out so they wouldn’t destroy the house.”

She smirks, “So she was raised by both a mom and a dad?”

This time I smirk, “Well, you could say that. Both lost their birth mothers and were adopted into the same family. However, the family has two fathers and four mothers as well as multiple siblings for them.”

I see her eyes go wide. Then she asks, “So you guys are into that kind of thing where you come from?”

I do a quick scan again and while I think I see something; I don’t act yet. Instead, I shake my head, “No, not most. A few. Back home we kinda let live and let live be the rule. Ginger and me, well we are like my parents. We are enough for each other.”

She gets a devilish grin on her face and asks, “So you wouldn’t be willing to take on an extra partner for the both of you?”

I shake my head and I tell her, “No, and don’t say something like that where Ginger can hear you. She would not take it too well.” Just as I finish saying this I drop to the ground and roll to my left. As I come up I take a snapshot at a shadow in a window, just as a bullet strikes where I was. I look over and see Pistachio has hit the ground too, but I see a bit of blood pooling under her. The caravan has stopped and I call over the radio, “Twinks, get up here on the double-quick, our guide is down. I will cover you.”

I hear her voice, “Roger, on my way.”

Then from the clouds above, I hear three quick rounds fire, followed by Sunny saying, “This is Blackbird, I got two of them.”

We were all looking ahead of us and suddenly I call out, “All personnel, check our flanks and tail, I think that was a distraction.”

Suddenly I hear Cowlick call out, “Roger we have movement from our left rear.”

I watch as Tater and Ginger begin to shift to the opposite side of the column. Then I hear Choo call out on the radio, “Cookie, stand fast and watch your flank. Mash, keep watching the tail of the column. Cowlick move that cart up now along the right side as quick as you can, once he is there Danger, Flower load up our scout and treat her on the run. I am coming down. Blackbird stays on overwatch.”

I then hear the choruses of “Roger,” on the circuit.

I quickly scan from the front along the flank through the sights on my zebra carbine as Cowlick paces up with the cart behind him, He places the cart between me, Twinks, and the wounded Pistachio as Twinks and one of the caravan unicorns use their TK to lift the limp pony and place her in the back of the cart. After she is there, Twinks hops up with her and continues to treat her wounds.

From the rear and left side of the caravan, I hear gunfire begin to increase. Then I feel Trader Jewel tap me on my shoulder and yell, “On your hooves, we need to move now!”

As I get up, we all begin to move forward again. The brahmin taking up Cowlick’s pace, the pony pullers doing the same. I hear Tater yell out on the radio, “Big Blue, I am hopping onto the last wagon so I can cover our tail on the run.”

“Gotcha, good call Mash. Cookie, watch to your right, here come some runners coming up that alley.”

I then hear several shots crack out from a carbine I am so familiar with as Ginger puts several rounds downrange into an ally and then begins to run again. We are at a good pace and I am popping off suppressive fire as we go, trying to keep the heads down of whoever is after the caravan. Soon we are approaching a major crossroads. We keep going. From above we are being guided by Choo Choo and Sunny. Many of the caravanners are fighting along with us as well.

Finally, we break out into an open area. Ahead on the road, I see a group of creatures that are unsettling to see. While they appear to be normal ponies, zebras, and a few griffons, something seems off about them.

Those who have been attacking us and chasing us suddenly break off and disappear into the rubble and the ruins. I then hear Trader Jewel tell me, “Keep going and stop on the other side of them. That there is the Brood. They keep what law and order there is around here.”

I nod my head and we keep moving forward. From behind me in the wagon, I hear Twinks call out as well over the radio, “Choo, I need you down here now, I am losing her.”

I see a look of worry come over the old trader’s face and he quickens his and the rest of our pace. As Choo gets closer, he yells to her, “Save my granddaughter and there is a bonus in it for you.”

Choo calls back to him, “How far to the nearest hospital?”

He points with a forehoof, “over that away about six miles. The Fluttershy Medical Center, yah can’t miss it. A huge building, with several wings all connecting to a central structure. They have a Ministry of Peace flag flying out front. The place is operated mainly by the Collegiate but also by some of the Society. Tell them who she is and that I am on my way.”

Twinks uses her Tk to place the unconscious mare on Choo’s back and ties her on with a short length of rope as we practiced at home for such an event. When she has her secured, she calls out, “She’s ready Choo,” and I watch Choo jump into the air and fly in the direction that was indicated earlier.

Then Trader Jewel tells me, “Ok, follow me, kid.” And he begins to continue on, taking turns as he needs to. Then he tells me, “Let Choo know to meet us at the University when she is done.”

I call over the radio and hear Choo reply, “Flower, this is Big Blue, roger. By the way, the docs say we made it just in time.”

I tell the news to Trader and watch him slump in relief, “Thank the Goddesses,” is all he says. As we slow down to a normal walking pace and continue on toward the university.


Hoofington, Lunar Commonwealth: Choo Choo

I feel the young mare's blood leaking through the magical bandages and know she is in real trouble as I also hear a rasp in her breathing. I believe she is lung shot. Luckily Twinks took the top of a tin can and was able to use duct tape to seal the hole. This has bought me a little time.

As I fly, I see ahead of me a building that fits the quick description that Trader Jewel gave me. It is surrounded by defensive positions made of sandbags and barbed wire. Each is ponied by at least one being.

My employer has offered us a bonus for saving her, but that is not why I am doing this. I hate to see another good being die for no reason. As we get closer, I see the oversized flag of the Ministry of Peace flying out front.

I look at the building and head toward the flagpole hoping that will lead me to the main entrance. Suddenly I see the old emergency room doors. I come in hot, fast, and low, skidding to a stop just short of the doors. I see a couple of ponies inside look up and as I walk forward I am challenged by a guard who looks at my burden and calls over a radio, “Doc, we got another gunshot wound.”

“Anypony we know?” comes back over the radio.

He looks at me, then the mare. “Not really sure. The one bringing her in is not familiar, but the patient seems familiar.”

I then tell him, “Her name is Pistachio, her grandfather is Trader Jewel.”

I see the light go on. “Doc, we know her kin. They are one of our suppliers.”

Suddenly I see several ponies come out with a gurney. The two unicorns untie her from my harness and gently transfer her over to the waiting transport. “What happened?” one of the medicos asks as the others continue to prep her to be moved inside. As they are doing this, I give them a rundown as well as what treatment she has received so far and an approximation of how long she has been wounded.

They nod their heads and begin to run with her to get her inside for surgery and treatment. The guard then looks at me. I notice he is checking me out a bit, so I put on a bit of a show and find myself flirting lightly. This gets me a grin and he tells me, “Go on in big blue, they will let you know as soon as they know something.”

I am waiting for a couple of hours before the doctor from earlier comes out. He lights a cigarette then nods to me as he approaches and tells me, “She family to you?”

I shake my head, “No, I brought her here for her Grandfather, Trader Jewel. He is with the Caravan still. How is she?”

He looks around. Then at the ground and finally back at me. “Honestly, if you had not brought her here as quickly as you did, she wouldn’t have made it.”

I nod my head in understanding, “I was worried about that with that chest wound.”

He then says, “Good thinking on the part of whoever used the can top and tape to seal it. Was that you?”

I smile and tell him, “No. But I have used that technique before. My groups backup medic did it for us.”

He nods his head, “Ok, glad to hear you ponies got a couple of medics, not many groups can say that. How long were you a medic for?”

I tell him, “Only for about one hundred and fifty years. I started when my wing lost our medic. But I have an affinity for it.”

He shakes his head, “Only one hundred and fifty years, I forget how long you alicorns live.”

I smile ruefully, “That can be both a blessing and a curse.”

“Well with that kind of experience, if you would be willing, I can offer a trade for the training of some of my people for treatment of yours.”

“I will take that into consideration, Doctor. I do appreciate your offering. If we are in this area for a while then I will see about returning.”

“Good Glad to hear it.” He tells me, then he crushes out his cigarette in an ashtray nearby, “I best get back in there and check on her. I will give you a report if you are still here when I come out. Oh, and let her grandfather know we will be willing to do some trading for medical supplies to cover the cost.”

I nod again and tell him, “I will do that.”

I then hear Xochitl call over the radio, “Big Blue, Big Blue, this is Flower, come in?”

“This is Big Blue, what can I do for you Flower?”

I hear a bit of concern in his voice and he says, “The boss says for you to meet us at the University and get an update on Pistachio.”

I give him what I know so far and then he tells me, “Roger, see you when you arrive Big Blue.”

Then the radio goes quiet.

As I am walking towards the doors, I see several ponies wearing civilian clothing that all have a plaid-colored bandana tied around their left hind leg. They are carrying in another one of them who is also wounded.

Behind them, I hear the guard say, “I told you to wait until the medical team is ready before entering.”

As they have not noticed me, I use my invisibility spell and begin to sneak past the scene. But I hear the one ganger tell the guard, “You don’t tell us what to do, old stallion, we tell you, you understand?”

I notice a look of fear in the guard’s eyes. Then I notice a pistol being held by another ganger next to him. Goddesses I am a fool I tell myself. I then walk up to them and still invisible whisper into the ear of one with the pistol, “Drop the gun or I drop you. Do you understand?”

He looks around but does not drop it. I shake my head just before spinning around and giving him a double-barrel kick that throws him back causing him to lose the pistol. As I hear him groaning in pain, I turn to the others, and still invisible I ask, “Who are you?”

They look around and at each other. But they still cannot see me. The one on the left then says, "We’re the Broken Clocks. Who is you?”

I drop my invisibility spell but still have my horn charged in case they try anything, as I ask them, “Who do you think I am?”

They look at each other in confusion and right then I hear the medical doctor come out with his team. As they begin to talk to two unwounded Broken Clocks, I cast my invisibility spell again and after walking a short distance away I take off and begin to head to the University.

As I fly along, I can see the Pegasus cloud city of Thunderhead. In a way, I am still stunned at how large it is, especially after the rumors of the amount of damage it took all those years ago during their civil war. I would like to look at it more closely, but I know how they feel about my kind. Partway in between, I can see a flight of Vertibucks heading toward what must be either Marimare Air Station or the Rainbow Dash Sky Port. I adjust my flight pattern to give them a wide berth.

Ahead of me and to my right, I can see a large sports stadium that is still mostly standing. I guess that must be Reaper Stadium. Well, no need to go there. I then look out toward the open ocean which is just this side of the horizon. I can see a couple of long white streaks along the water and realize I must be seeing some ships. I had not even thought about them being out here.

Then I spy a series of large official-looking buildings that I realize must be the University. As I get closer, I begin to make out the caravan in a circle on an open commons area between several of the larger buildings.

Once I land, I approach the caravan and am greeted by both my team and the caravanners. I am surprised at how happy they seem to be to see me. When I ask one of them why they are so happy to see me, I hear one of them answer, “Because we know if it was us, you all would help just as quickly.”

I nod my head and tell them, “But of course, we would. We are your escorts.”

One of the others then says, “Not many mercs would go out of their way to save a caravanner. That makes you and your people special to us.”

Soon I see Trader Jewel approaching. He has a grateful expression on his face and tells me, “Thank you for saving my granddaughter, Choo Choo, now come on into my wagon and we can discuss your bonus.”

Part of me wants to say no thank you, but I also know we will need the caps later. Especially after this. Now I want to see if we can find PipBucks for my team and myself. If I can just figure out where. Then I remember something else, and I ask, “Oh, By the way, what can you tell me about a group called the Broken Clocks?”


Above Hoofington, Enclave Airspace: Ball Lighting.

I feel the vibration of the vertibuck as we fly through the air once again. Our short time in Thunderhead is done already and we are returning to the Rainbow Dash Sky Port. Beside me, the Sergeant Major sits quietly also. I feel the slight shaking of turbulence. I open my eyes and in the far distance, I can see the silhouette of a pegasus flying in the opposite direction a couple of miles away. From the size of it, it must be huge. Then it hits me, it may be one of those abominations they briefed us on that are chemically created alicorns. I watch it keep flying for a few minutes. Shake my head and close my eyes to rest until the end of the flight.

Once I feel the aircraft's engines begin to shift for landing, I open my eyes again and notice the Sergeant Major and a few others in my squad are also starting to roust themselves up as we ready ourselves to debark.

As I get up, I throw my normally light but now overstuffed saddlebags over my back. Those of us in the squad are now ready for our next mission.

Once far enough away from the vertibuck, Funnel Cloud turns to me, “Well sir, what did we do to deserve this mission?”

I laugh lightly, “Not sure Sergeant Major, I was going to ask you the same thing.”

“Well, it sure will feel weird going in mufti down here.”

“Tell me about it. I have hardly been out of my power armor down here and always in uniform. Never civies” I tell him.

“I guess they figure it will help us fit in better.”

He grins and says, “Maybe your newfound reputation caused the powers that be to figure you may be able to build some assets ground side for the Enclave to use. “
Most of our company is to stay with the captain and my pal Lieutenant Down Draft. As a group, we move across the tarmac and head over to the ready barracks that have been set up in a refurbished hangar by the flight line. Once there we are met by an older 1st Sergeant who has one prosthetic wing.

“Welcome aboard. For you officers and senior enlisted, you will be quartered on the west side of the hanger that is portioned off. The rest of you will be housed by squad over on the east side in bay barracks. The showers and sinks are next to the briefing rooms along the south side. Most of the time we will keep the main hangar doors closed. I know these are not your normal quarters when dirtside, but you are not working under your normal command structure.”

I see several of my subordinates in the platoon look at each other in a slight bit of confusion. Then I see a major come in from the area by the briefing rooms. She is orange in coat with a fiery red and yellow mane and tail. She is wearing sunglasses and has a pipe hanging out of her chest pocket.

Once she is next to the 1st Sergeant she says, “Quiet down, All of you. I am Major Sun Storm; I work for Intelligence and you are all on loan to me for the next couple of weeks. Once you are settled in, you will receive a more detailed briefing. Your duties now will go beyond simple security and support for the airfield like your previous experiences here have been.” She pauses and briefly scans the lot of us before saying, “Welcome to the Dark Side Ponies.” Then she turns and walks away as we receive our berthing assignments.

We first drop off our saddlebags on our bunks then we go to the storage racks near the main hangar door to remove our power armor. Our weapons we keep with us, at least for now. Then we assemble in the main briefing room.

Before us, we see the Major standing behind a podium. Behind her is a map of the city and I notice it has several sub-sections marked off into names such as Burner Boys, Two Hearts, and the Broken Clocks. I wonder if they are our objective names until she begins, “For those of you wondering what is going on, your platoon has been chosen for a special operation to better assist the Enclave in its dealings with those who label themselves the Lunar Commonwealth. Most of you will be support back here at the base, However, Lieutenant Lightning, Sergeant Major Cloud, and two others will be going out in civilian dress to reconnoiter the local institutions. This is to allow us to further assist us in our intelligence gathering and to make inroads for contacts among the indigenous population.”

I see Down Draft lift his hoof, “Ma’am, how exactly are we supposed to do that?”

The major does not look pleased with his question and instead tells us, “We will be using Vertibucks for long-distance drops over ten kilometers if needed. For those closer, the support troops will be required to fly on their own. As for the special section, you will be inserted on hoof along with a detachment of the Volunteer Corps who are going to first the University then Mega Mart. After the main briefing, I will be holding a special briefing for those going in.”

After the Major steps away from the podium, she is replaced by a dour-looking stallion with glasses and a very light blue coat and gray mane and tail.

As he takes the podium, he clears his throat and tells us, “I am Captain Summer Mist, I am the staff intelligence officer for our outfit.” It is funny I think to myself. I know this stallion as one of my father’s old army buddies. And Summer Mist is not his real name. However, I will keep my mouth shut as I now understand we are going further down the rabbit hole than I expected.

He explains that the names on the maps are for the local gangs and are marked on their territories. Then he says, “Just so you know, The Burner Boys have a thing for fire and heat. They love to use flamers and incendiaries. So, caution is advised when fighting them.”

One of our non-coms from over in Down Drafts Platoon raises a hoof and asks, “Sir, I understand what the Steel Rangers are, but what are Applejack’s Rangers?”

I see “Summer Mist” roll his eyes slightly and he continues on, “That brings me to the next portion of our briefing. Controlling Factions. While neither of those two are ruling factions, they both have some power in the Hoof. The Applejack’s Rangers are a splinter faction from the Steel Rangers. The schism took place about eight or nine years ago. Just before the recent unpleasantness between Thunderhead and Neighvarro.”

When he says that last part, I watch many of our troops squirm in their seats uncomfortably. But he ignores it and plods on as he explains the ruling factions that control the Lunar Commonwealth as well as its defenders and law enforcement. Finally, he gets to the point, “If any of you eventually go into town and visit the University, Mega Mart, or the Fluttershy Medical Clinic, those are all neutral grounds. I mean it. You break that rule. I will personally brand you a dashite and break your wings. They are some of our best locations for gathering information and making contacts. So, Do. Not. Blow. It. For us.” After each word of the last part, he slaps his hoof down on the podium.

The room goes dead quiet after this. Then he continues. “We have a lot of irons in the fire per se down here. The better your company does, the more you may get such special assignments, which can run anywhere in the old Equestria territory. There are bigger things ahoof than your silly feelings of pride and egos. Just by your presence in the scouts you have proven you are disciplined troops, we have faith in all of your actions and behaviors, so do not prove that faith in you false.”

The briefing then shifts to supplies and drop points for those of us in the wild. We are also given a list of trusted assets and agents we can contact in an emergency. Finally, the majority of the troops are dismissed and the four of us remaining begin to get down to the nitty-gritty details of what we are to do.

When they are finished, I look at Funnel Cloud and he looks back at me. We both shrug our shoulders and I tell the sergeant and corporal who will accompany us. “Well, time to go shift into our civies. Remember, sidearms are normal down here as are long arms. Do not forget, leave your id tags behind in your lockers along with your enclave uniforms.”

They all respond with nods of understanding and by telling me, “Yes sir.” After which we return to prepare for going out among the natives.

Once we are ready the four of us are escorted by Captain Summer Mist to the local headquarters of the Volunteer Corps.

As we get closer, I see a mare and stallion talking with some others of the VC and I notice how unmilitary they are because they are holding tails in public. Part of me is disgusted by such a display in uniform, but part of me wishes I could do the same with Sundancer. After all who knows, maybe I can run into her while I am down here this time.

This causes me to think more about her and myself. I still get letters from her, but not as often as I used to. I also notice she has been talking more and more about her friends, particularly one of the stallions she met in training and has been assigned with.

As we get closer, I begin to see how similar the mare's coloring is to Sundancer, then I see her turn her head and give a kiss to the stallion beside her, and the truth hits me. It is her. I stop dead in my tracks briefly and the corporal bumps into me. I only realize it because he immediately apologizes and asks me, “Is something wrong sir?”

I shake my head quickly and steel myself as I tell him, “No, not at all. Sorry about that Corporal.” Then I begin to move forward again. Both the Captain and the Sergeant Major look at me funny at first then begin to act as if nothing occurred. However, I do notice Funnel Cloud having one eyebrow raised.

I think back to what Down Draft had said while we were in training and I have to admit to myself, maybe he was right. I really don’t want to do so, but what else could it be. I saw the expression on both their faces. They look and are acting like a couple.

As we approach one of the VC members notices us and says, “Oh, here are the ponies I told you we were waiting for.”

I watch Sundancer's face as she turns to look in our direction and I see a look of horror come over it as her smile dissolves when she looks into my eyes.

“Hello Sundancer,” I tell her coolly.

I hear her stutter as she tries to explain. I hold up a hoof to her and tell her, “Sundancer, you don’t need to explain. I do understand.” And inside, I guess I really do. It has been almost nine months since we last saw each other. But I had hoped things would be different.

Finally, the Captain asks, “I Presume you know each other?”

The other stallion still holding Sundancer’s tail looks at me funny and cautiously extends a hoof and says, “Hi, my name is…”

I extend mine to and interrupt him saying, “Let me guess, Jodie?”

He seems kind of confused and says, “No, it’s Altocumulus, most just call me Alto.”

I am polite, even though I do not want to be and I tell him, “Pleasure to meet you, Alto. I am Ball Lighting, most of my friends and family just call me Ball.”

When he hears my name, I see a spark of recognition go through his eyes. “Oh, OHHH,” he says and stops shaking my hoof.

The captain then asks, “Ball Lighting is there a problem?”

I shake my head, “No, just my ex-marefriend and her new coltfriend. That is all. I can work with them.”

I see a spark of pain go through her eyes when she hears this. But then she just looks down and finally lets his tail go.

The captain looks at them, then me, and nods his head. “Very good. I will then turn you over to their hooves to take you into the Hoof as we discussed.”

Beside me I see Funnel Cloud shift uncomfortably. Then The leader of the VC team tells us, “My name is Air Burst. Welcome to our team.” He looks at us all smiling and then asks, “Do any of you have any questions? No? In that case, in four hours, after dusk, we are leaving the base and making our way towards what the team calls the University. We have a small office over there along with a couple of apartments that we use for shelter when the office is closed.”

I raise a hoof and ask, “So, what is it that you actually do there?”

Air Burst brightens up, “Oh, we provide a source of safe food, water, and even blankets for those who need it.”

“Ok, sounds good.” I look around, then at my team and I ask, “So, are there any pubs or bars near this university?”

I hear Alto laugh lightly and he says, “Yeah, a couple. It seems those Collegiate types really do like to blow off steam. But you have to be careful, they have a lot of wastelanders who pass through too.”

I nod my head, “Thanks for the info, Alto.” Then I tell my team, “Well let’s go get something to eat before we hit the field.”

As we are walking away, I hear Funnel Cloud ask me quietly, “Sir, are you ok?”

I shake my head slightly, “Other than a broken heart? Yeah, I will be fine. I should have known better is all.”

This time he changes his tone as he says, “Sir, don’t let the bastards win. There are a lot of mares out there if you want one and I am sure a few bucks too. But do not let them break you.”

I smile sadly at him as we continue walking and I tell him, “I won’t, but just like any wound it still hurts.”

I pause then continue “I do thank you, Sergeant Major. And if things begin to get to me, believe me, I will let you know.”

From slightly behind me I hear Sergeant Anan ask, “Sir, do you want us to make an accident happen to them?”

This actually gets me to smile and I shake my head, “No, just let them be. But seriously, thank you for the offer, Sergeant. You just made me realize what and who really matters. When we find a pub, the first round is on me.” I tell them as I lift my head up and while the wound still smarts, I know in time it will become at most a dull ache.

When we assemble, I see Alto is pulling one of the two carts full of supplies. Those not pulling carts walk alongside or behind them most with weapons drawn. Because of this, I have my troops carry theirs also. It is almost funny to see the difference though in how my people carry themselves compared to the Volunteer Corps members.

During the ruck in I ask Air Burst, “Ok, I have to know, if you VC types are so welcome here, why all the artillery?”

He looks at me over his glasses as if to see if I am serious or just making fun of him. He then tells me, “Well, these supplies make us a very good target for gangers and raiders. They figure because we are not soldiers, they can feel free to take what they want.”

I nod my head in understanding. He then says, “That is part of why we walk in instead of flying too. If we try to fly we make much better targets for them. This way, we can take shelter if we need to.”

I nod my head and I reply, “Sounds like you thought this out.”

“We have. Especially after the early days of the VC. We lost several teams of Volunteers to those scum. The worst part is we even had some back then who seemed to have gone native and became dashites.”

“Yeah, I remember hearing about a couple of them. That was right before the unpleasantness wasn’t it.”

“Yes, yes it was. I was medically discharged from the navy after that. I know it isn’t really noticeable, but my left eye is a glass replacement. I lost it when the Raptor class cloud ship I was on was hit.”

I nod my head and ask, “If I may, which one were you on?”

I see him take a deep breath and the conflicting emotions on his face before he finally answers, “Her name was EAS Derecho. I served on her for six years when it happened.”

I nod my head in understanding as I still remember seeing those airships fighting that day. Then he asks me, “Ball, there is not going to be any trouble between you and my people is there?”

I shake my head, “No. What is done is done. But honestly, I will say it was a blow to me.”

“Yeah, I imagine so sir. I know I was only an enlistedpony Lieutenant, but if you need someone to talk to, let me know.”

As we approach the area called the University, I notice the tall buildings and how several of the side streets between them have long ago been blocked off. I also notice that there are some poor gardens in the common area beyond the gate. Once at the gate, I look to the far side of the common area and I see a caravan train parked in a circular pattern but with the pullers out of the traces. I can see several fires near it also. Then I see one of the guards from it scanning us with a rifle. I notice it passing from one to the next of us and just about drop to the ground when I remember that this is neutral territory and stop myself. I hear my sergeant behind me say, “I seen that too sir. Not that I blame ‘em, but that is a nervous feeling to have them scan us like that. I bet they got a night sight on it.”

I nod my head, “I bet you are correct on that.”

Before I can say anymore, we are fully admitted through the gate and we begin to follow airburst along the common area. Finally, we come to an old storefront. I look at it and can tell it used to be an old coffee shop by the design of it. We quickly help to untack the pullers and then assist in putting the supplies into the storeroom inside. The place is run down, but not as bad as most of the places dirt side I have seen so far.

Once we are done with those tasks I watch as most of the others go to a stairway in the back and head upstairs. Airburst approaches us and tells me, “Ball, I have an extra room that is set aside for emergencies for you and your people to use. Now, I am not telling you your business, but if I were you, I would catch a couple of hours sleep, then in groups of two, head out and just begin to talk to some of the locals in the University compound. The Collegiate is a pretty smart lot and who knows what contacts you could make here.”

My head is a bit foggy from being up for over 24 hours so I nod to him and tell him, “That sounds like a really good idea.” I turn to the others, “Let's follow him to our room and after catching some sleep we will begin to explore a bit.”

“Sounds good Sir,” Funnel Cloud tells me.

Then I look at all of them, “Oh, and to help keep our cover, until we return to base we use proper names, not ranks. Got it?”

They all nod, “It’s gonna feel weird sir, but ok.” Replies my sergeant.

Once we wake up, we split up. I have Funnel cloud take Corporal Guntur with him. I take Sergeant Anan with me as we head out the door of the Volunteer Corps offices.

As we split up Anan and I first go to look at the crops they are trying to grow and Funnel Cloud’s team head out toward the areas where the pubs are located in the hopes of talking to some of the eggheads while they are in their cups.

Anan it seems was raised on a cloud farm before he enlisted and is very curious about what problems they are having. We are talking to one of the farmers about the crops when we are approached by a yellow earthpony mare with a black and white mane and tail and white freckles on her face. She nods to both of us as if pegasuses are a normal part of her life. Once she begins to speak, I can tell she is not from around here. Her accent is different from all the mudpuppies I have met down here so far. It is then that I look at her flank and I see the three roses with a pair of scissors cutting them. Ah, she must have gotten it for being a gardener then. But if so, why roses?

She stands there listening to us talk about the crops and the ground Then she asks, “have you tried recovering the ground. You know like the old manuals used to suggest?”

The farmer looks at her like he has tasted something bad and tells her, “Of course, we would. But where would we get the dirt for that? Everything here is either irradiated or spent two centuries with enervation. Thank the Goddess that has ended.”

The mare looks at him seriously and asks, “Do you have any sewage treatment plants nearby in operation? That is what we used back home to reclaim the farms in addition to the stable’s sewage treatment plant.”

He looks at her with some disdain and asks, “What would a caravan pony know about farming.”

I notice that Anan and the farmer are listening for her answer, one with curiosity the other with disbelief. Then she says, “Back home in the Manesville region we recovered a large part of the old farms using just that manner. Sure, it took a century but we have enough we can export much of our harvest.” She pauses and then says, “Of course, we also require everypony to spend some time working with the crops to help, but no pony goes hungry there.” She looks around at the area in general and then says, “Unlike what it seems here.”

I watch as the farmer seems to begin thinking. Then Anan asks, “Do your people know anything about cloud farming?”

I watch in surprise as she nods her head and says, “Well some do. We had some refugees from Thunderhead actually settle there and now we have some cloud farms too. But honestly, I don’t know much about that being an earthpony and all.”

This gets me to wonder more about where she comes from. Then I listen as she and the farmer begin to talk about crop rotations and how mixing some crops together actually allows them to support each other’s growth. Anan occasionally joins in and I can tell he is enjoying the conversation.

Finally, I hear her say, “Yeah, one of the methods my family’s farm has been considering is what I was told is called the three sisters. That is Corn, beans, and squash. The corn gives a strong place for the beans to grow. One of mama Mollygirl’s best friends said he heard it called that by the buffalo out on the northern plains. This is ironic because White Cloud also makes Three Sisters Whiskey, which is named after the three alicorn sisters who live near there.” She pauses and then asks, “Would you like to sample a bit?”

I know I shouldn’t as I am on duty, but I am curious and it would help us fit in better. Anan looks at me and I nod my approval. I see her smile as she pulls it out and removes the cork. I look at the bottle and see an ink drawing from the shoulders up of three alicorns One of which seems to be wearing a military jacket. I guess she was not kidding about the name. Then she hooves the bottle to Anan who sniffs the bottle first then takes a small pull. Then I see him stop and he asks, “Mind if I have a bigger sip?”

She smiles broadly and tells him, “Sure, go ahead.”

And I watch him take a larger swallow and then he holds it up to the farmer, who also tastes it. After which he passes me the bottle. When I take it, I too smell it and notice it has a bit of a familiar scent. I then taste it and I notice it almost has the taste of Wild Pegasus, but a slight shift to a more wild taste.

She then asks, “What do you think of it?”

We all nod our heads and I tell her, “Very good, but I thought I tasted a hint of Wild Pegasus in it.”

She nods her head, “You have a good pallet, this is a blended whiskey made with Old Overmare which is a rye whiskey, Wild Pegasus with its apple taste, and a bit of home corn brew to give it a bit of a kick.”

Anan looks surprised and asks, “You said you have pegasuses where you come from?”

She nods her head, “Yeah, quite a few. Most are from Thunderhead originally, but after what happened between them and Neighvarro, they migrated to Manesville and stayed there. Ma says one group of them joined her and the CEF during the expedition and they are the founders of White Cloud.”

Anan nods his head, “Sounds like a pretty good place to be.”

“I like it. Much better than here.”

Then I ask, “Many problems with Dashites up there?”

She smiles, “No, no problem with them. They are just like everyone else.”

“Everyone else? Don’t you mean anypony else?” I hear the farmer ask.

Right then we hear a voice call “Hay Pona, Boss says get back here, we are about to head out.”

She calls back, “Thanks Cowlick, be right there.”

The three of us are stunned. And I hear the farmer ask, “Did you just talk to a one-headed brahmin like he was your equal?”

I see her face steel when he asks her this in such a manner and I know I do not want to fight her as she coldly answers. “No, I answered back to my friend who is a bull of the old breed from before the war. That is one other thing about back home. WE do not assume anyone is dumb just because they are not a pony. Oh, and in fact, he graduated from school with my sister and several of my friends.” She turns to Anan and me and smiles politely and tells us, "It was nice meeting you. Hopefully, I will see you around again while we are down here. Especially if you are working for the Volunteer Corps.”

As she walks away, I can’t help but watch her go, and I want to know more about her. Then I hear Anan say, “I think a mare like her could be interesting sir. It’s just too bad she is an earthpony.”

“Yes, yes you're right,” I tell him. As we excuse ourselves from the farmer and continue to walk the grounds of the University.


Good evening to all you fine ponies and others out there in the Hoof, this is DJ Diary. Tonight, we have some real news coming to you as well as music. Before we get to the news here is a little number, I want to play for all of you called I had a Girl

Chapter 9: First Steps

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Chapter 9: First Steps

“No man is justified in doing evil on the ground of expedience.”- Theodore Roosevelt

The University, Hoofington, Lunar Commonwealth: Ginger Snaps

I am just finishing putting my battlesaddle back on when I see Epona trotting back over to grab hers as well as her SMG. As she comes over to where our gear is I ask her, “So who were the bucks you were talking to?”

She grins and shrugs, “Ah, just a couple of Volunteer Corps members and one of the local farmers. We were talking about crops and such. I even told them about the three sisters’ method of farming that Mama Sumac and Papa Archer were discussing before we left.”

“Huh, I was hoping maybe you were talking about a bit more,” I tell her, and inside I realize I was hoping so for real. I hate seeing her lonely, but best not to rush it.

She shrugs then says, “Who knows. Maybe my luck will change one of these days on that matter, but until then I will deal with it. Better to be single than trapped in a bad relationship.”

I nod my head in agreement. But then again, I have been fortunate in that respect. Ever since I first met Xochitl I have known that we would be married someday. The funny thing is we even had a spirit named the Mareigan tell us so. We have not seen her much over the last couple of years. However, I have heard my little sister Moon Lily talking about her visits to the Colonel and Mama Sutures.

Once we are geared up with our battlesaddles, weapons, and saddlebags, we help tack up Cowlick to our cart. Overnight both Tater and Xochitl tried to figure out a way for his battlesaddle to be worn while in the traces so he can carry the MG still. They are still trying to figure it out while tacking him up. Finally, Sunny asks, “Could we modify it like a pegasus’s one that allows them to fly while wearing it.”

Choo arrives and overhears this. Finally, she says, “During some of our other stops, we will see if we can find someone to make one or modify his current one. I think you all have a very good idea.”

When I look at Cowlick he is smiling and I hear him say, “Boy would they not expect that, would they.”

I pat him on his shoulder, “No they wouldn’t.”

Once he is tacked up, we take up our positions alongside the caravan and Trader Jewel gives the command for the caravan to begin moving. As we pass through the gate, I see two of the ponies that Epona was talking to standing outside the VC office. As we go past, I see them wave to her and she waves back.

Then she is out the gate and I notice them both watching her. One commenting to the other and the other smiling and nodding as they watch her flank. I guess we better watch her, just in case being playcolts is a thing with pegauses that I did not know about. This thought causes me to look up and I see Sunny flying alongside Choo both of them watching the pair also.

Once I am past and going through the gate, I set up my mouth bit for my battlesaddle and am at the ready as we make the trek to the Society and what they call Elysium.

As we make our way across the still recovering urban landscape, we continue to scan the buildings and open lots for possible danger. High above us Choo and Sunny maintain their scout and overwatch. This continues even when we see a flight of vertibucks in the distance begin to approach us and then veer off.

One other thing I notice as we get closer to the Society and Elysium is that Xochitl has become sullener in his expression. Every time He turns his head I can see a spark of anger, and maybe a bit of hatred in his eyes. Tonight, I will have to ask him what is wrong.

Then I hear Rosie ask, “So what has you buck so upset?”

I turn to her and tell her, “I am not really sure. He is almost never like this. Last time I saw him this way was back during the expedition when we had to deal with some slav…” I trail off as I realize. He was a slave as a colt and escaped, and here we are heading to the very place papa Badger had to escape from as a colt where his family were serfs.

Nellie then says, “Cookie, I can tell something just hit you. Spit it out.”

I take a deep breath and tell them about his early life and how we met.

When they hear this, I see them both try to strain their necks to see him better. Then Nellie says, “That explains a lot to me then.”

I nod my head. “Yeah, I feel bad I did not think of how he would feel going to such a place.”

Rosie then asks, “So Cookie, if your Papa Badger comes from there, could he still have family there?”

I think briefly and finally, I ask with a frustrated expression on my face, “I think so, but I have no idea how to find out. At least not without causing him more trouble.”

They both nod their heads and Rosie says, “Yeah that is the hard part, but I could not imagine never seeing our calf again.” Beside her, Nellie nods her head in agreement.

I almost stumbled because I am so surprised and I ask, “Wait, you two have a calf? You don’t seem old enough and where is the little one?”

They both smile at each other and simultaneously say, “Yes, her name is Bessie and Josephine. We just call Bessie and Jo.”

I am slightly confused and ask, “So where is she?”

“Oh, she is with her father and the rest of our herd back by Old Appleloosa. We will see them on our return leg. That is where we start and end our route.”

Huh, I think to myself. I am getting to know more and more about the wastelands than I ever expected. “So why are you here and her father isn’t?” I ask.

They look at each other and nod, Then Rosie says, “Honestly, we never thought to have him do so. He works for the bosses down there making deliveries to the nearby communities. Our Mother and the rest of the herd watch her just like we do for the others when we are home.”

I nod my head, “Makes sense to me.” I tell them and think of how it is not all that different from how my family does things.

It is as we come around one of the corners that I first see Elysium. Well, actually the fences around it and the fields. We are all stopped at the gate and after Trader Jewel and Choo Choo talk to the Guard we see another pony, light gray in color with a red mane and tail approach. They all discuss something for several minutes and then we are allowed past.

It is once we enter, I first see the defensive positions that guard the borders of Elysium. Then I begin to see what all the fuss is about. Once we begin to pass the crops, which look as good as any back home, we see the largest floral garden I have ever seen. I know my brother Woodrow would love to see it.

We follow the main road most of the way to the large mansion that is adjacent to the floral gardens and turn towards what looks like a small village. I hear Rosie say, “Cookie this is where the serfs live. It has really improved in the last couple of years. Rumor has it that a couple of them even own their own shops, giving a portion of their profits to the Society as ways of buying their contracts out.”

“Contracts?” I ask as an older mare is walking near us in the same direction.

She turns her head and says, “Yes, we are not slaves here now. Since the First Citizen took over the Society, we are contract workers. We really are supported by the Society and part of the profits that are earned by it are shared with all of us now. We even are treated like equines, which we weren’t many years ago.”

I am surprised to hear this and ask, “Well how have things changed for all of you then?”

She smiles kindly at me and answers, “Well, for one, physical abuse is no longer tolerated. If a serf or tenant decides they no longer want to be here. We can leave, but that means going out into the Hoof, and we have no illusions of what it is like there. Here, we do not go hungry anymore, nor do we suffer injury without treatment. As for contracts, once we have paid our contracts off, we can live here as tenants and what profit we earn is ours. Well with the exception of taxes to the Society and the Republic, but those do seem to be inevitable.”

“So, are you a Serf then?” I ask.

She closes her eyes and then says, “Not anymore. I was at one time. Back in the bad days. I had a son who either ran away or died. I have never found out what happened to him. I just pray at night that he is healthy and happy.”

I nod my head in understanding, we are just about to the small-town square there when she says, “It was a pleasure meeting you, I have to meet my husband up at his office up there,” she says as she turns from us and heads her way towards the mansion.

As she goes, I think to myself. I hope she finds her son someday or at least some peace concerning what happened to him.

Once the lead wagon has begun to go through the other side of the square, I see Xochitl being led towards a field on the far side of it. As the wagons follow, we pull in behind him and form a circle with the caravan. Before it is stopped by Trader Jewel.

Once we are stopped, he has all the teams unharnessed and tells us, “Ok, we will be here for a few days. Choo, I want at least two guards on duty at all times.” He looks at us and then says, “I also want a four-pony team to escort me to the hospital to check on my granddaughter, we will head out in the morning.”

Choo nods and tells him, “Yes sir, and for tonight?”

“Choo, those not on guard are off duty. Relax and let them rest and destress. When we leave here we head back to the University before we stop at Mega Mart and then to Meat Market. Just to give you all a heads up, Meat Market is run by ghouls. I hope that won’t bother you or your people too much. If it does you all can stay outside while I do my business.”

Choo simply shrugs and tells him, “Back home in our shop we have a couple of ghouls working for us, and we were trained by some of the ones who served back then.”

He nods his head, “Huh, I guess that explains how come your crew handles yourselves the way you do. Makes sense. Ok then, I have some deals to make so I will talk to you later. In fact, stop by later and we can talk over a cup of coffee.”

She looks back at the rest of us and tells us, “Ok, Sunny, Tater, you two have the first watch. Twinkles, Cowlick you two are next. You know the rotations people, so go from there. Oh, and no one gets drunk this time.” She says as she looks at Sunny.

I swear he looks like he blushes some and then he sputters out, “Choo, I am sorry. That homebrew was stronger than I thought last night.”

I look at Xochitl and ask, “Do you want to go for a walk in the gardens?”

I see him shrug, and he says, “I don’t know Ginger. Not that I don’t want to, it’s just, ya know.”

“Yeah, I do know dear. But let’s try to make the best of it. Ok.”


Elysium Gardens, Hoofington, Lunar Commonwealth: Xochitl.

To say I feel uncomfortable here is an understatement. But as I look around, I can see this is not your typical slave quarters and village. I can see where improvements have been made. Even before them, it had to have been better than the farm my parents and I escaped from. Ginger knows what we came from, but I really don’t think she understands.

After we settle the caravan in for the next couple of days, I accompany her to the floral gardens. As she takes my tail in hers, she tells me, “Dear, I really think this place has changed from the days Papa Badger told us about.”

“Yeah, I know, but part of it is what it all stands for. How much pain and suffering had to be endured here before things changed.”

“A lot, we both know that. I have seen the scars on Papa Badger's back. I have heard him tell the stories just like you have.”

Yes, you have seen the scars on his back, but not those on his mind. I love her, but she has not heard some of the stories of his colthood that he has shared with me. Pain, fear, suffering, and shame that only he, my parents, and I could understand on the farm. The others think they do, but they can’t, and I pray they never can.

Soon we are next to a fountain that is in the middle of the garden. As we sit there, I notice an older cobalt-maned mare in a wheelchair sitting on the porch of the “Big House” looking out and watching the others, including an earth pony colt and unicorn filly with blue coats and black and blue manes that are playing below. I smile at the sight of them as I remember Ginger and I first met when we were only a year of two older than them.

Walking up is one of the gardeners who is tending the roses we are next to. He sees where I am looking and smiles, “Ah, the First Citizen and her foals. Those two are a hoof full, but they are something special. Too bad their father was killed in the attack that crippled her.”

This gets my attention and I ask, “What attack was that?”

“By your accent and you not knowing which one I am talking about, I take it you are not from around here.”

Both Ginger and I shake our heads to indicate we are not. Then he continues, “Many years ago the rabble outside stormed our home here. She fought alongside us serfs and cared about if we lived or died. Not just this here mansion, but all of us. She was so different than her father and the other leaders of the society. She is the one that ended us serfs being property. She made the changes and to be honest, most of us are satisfied if not happy with our lives here. It could be a lot worse.”

About this time, I shift to put my coat back on and I see him notice my back. He nods his head knowingly, “You too have tasted the lash?” he asks in a knowing tone of voice.

I nod my head yes and he closes his eyes. “I remember times like that here too. But remember, at Elysium, those days are gone.” He looks up at the sun in the sky and nods before saying, “Well, I best get going. I still have work to do before supper. Take care and I hope to see you around later.”

“Thank you,” I tell him and hold out a hoof, “I am Xochitl and this is my fiancé Ginger Snap.”

He shakes my hoof and then Ginger’s and tells us, “A pleasure to meet you folk. My real name is Dead Heading, but Most around her just call me DH.”

We say goodbye to him as he walks away and I feel myself relax. But I also realize I need to keep my shirt or coat on when I am here. The others will know what those scars are from here. Back home they just never realized and for some reason, even though they are not my fault, I feel guilty about them.

I find myself letting out a sigh and I then feel Ginger lean into me and nuzzle my neck. Then she tells me, “Let's get back to the others dear.”

I nod my head and follow her back to the caravan for the night.

The next morning right after breakfast Choo tells us, “Xochitl, Tater, and Epona, you’re with me. Ginger, you are in charge of the others till I get back. Now kit up and let’s get ready to go with the boss.”

Soon we are on our way again. The five of us making decent time through the city heading to the Fluttershy Medical Center.

We are halfway there when we see a streak of flame shoot across the road in front of us. Immediately Choo disappears, and we hear the voice of a pony yell out, “Stops rights there. Yous entering Burner Boys territory.” I notice their accent is a slight variation of the typical Hoofington one.

Epona calls out, “You the one in charge?”

“Yeah, I am, what’s it mean to you.”

From near where the voice is coming from, I hear another voice say in the same accent, “Kindling, ya can’t go around saying yous in charge. The boss hears that we are both gonna catch it."

Then I hear the first voice try to whisper back, “Not so loud, they will hear ya.”

I notice Tater and Epona are both trying not to laugh at this, but are also spreading out from each other so we are not all bunched up behind the same cover.

Suddenly I hear both of them scream, “Alicorn!” and as I rush for the door of the building, they are in I hear a commotion going on and when I get to the door, I see one of them trying to fire his flame thrower at Choo Choo, who is on the other side of the room laughing as she uses her TK to keep them lifted in the air.

I call out to those still outside on the radio, “Ok, Big Blue has them in custody.”

“Roger that, we are coming to you,” Tater replies.

I watch as the others slowly approach and sneak into the room. We now use our radio names when we talk. Epona comes in, sees them, and asks, “Big Blue, what are we going to do with them.”

She tilts her head and replies, “That depends on them. If they get their hooves off their triggers, I might set them down and we can talk face to face.”

The one whose voice I recognize as the one called Kindling says, “Ok Tender, they got us, let's hear them out.”

Tender nods his head and while still suspended puts the flame gun assembly of his flame thrower into its scabbard on his side. Then he says, “What’s you guys want? You should know better than to mess with the Burner Boys. Boss hears about this yous going to be in for a world of hurt.

Choo looks at Epona and they nod to each other. Then Choo says, “Well we only want to pass through on the way to the Fluttershy Medical Center. We did not realize we were in your territory.”

“Then why you packing all the heat? You looking for a fight it seems to me.” The one says.

Choo Shakes her head, “If I wanted you dead,” she pauses, “You would be already.”

They look at each other and I see the one sink in defeat. The other says, “The Burner Boys can’t just have anypony walking through our territory. You got to give something for it.”

“Ah, a toll,” Epona says, “That makes sense, now what is the toll?”

“Well, you got to earn the right or pay for it to go through our territory.” Tinder answers.

I feel myself sigh and I ask, “So what do you want for a right of passage?”

They look at each other in confusion and one asks, “Right of what?”

Epona sighs this time, sits down, and touches her right forehoof to her forehead while she shakes it. Then she says, to herself quietly, “I can’t believe I have to explain this.” Then she speaks loud enough for them to hear, “What will it cost to go back and forth with no trouble?”

They look at each other and I watch as they shrug. “No one ever asked us that way before. I think we need to ask the boss.”

I look at them. “Tell you what, how about we give a password to you that we tell you so you know it's us, and we give you a couple of incendiary grenades as payment.”

They both nod their heads and Choo sets them down. That is when I notice that they are wearing the remains of firefighters’ uniforms and both have bad burn scars on them.

Once they are on their hooves again, Epona and Tater keep them covered while I pull out the two grenades from my pack and hoove each of them one. Then I ask them, “OK, so what shall we have as a password?”

He tells us one and then tells us, “Next time might not be us, tell them that you talked to Tinder and Kindling.”

We say our goodbyes and are on our way again. Soon enough we hear Choo Choo say, “Ok, there it is up ahead.” In the distance, I can see the large building she described to us as well as the Ministry of Peace flag flying out front of it.

As we approach, we can see the barricades rigged up outside of it. I also notice a large group of the Brood standing outside. As we approach, I can tell they are guarding the hospital while some of them are conducting an investigation.

Once we are close, they stop us and ask us what our business is here. Trader Jewel steps out from the middle of us and answers, “My granddaughter was wounded and brought here two days ago. I am visiting her and will be paying what I owe so far.”

“What about the ponies with you?” they ask.

“They are my hired guards. They have been providing security for my caravan and now for myself.”

They look us over and we are told. “Ok, old stallion, you can go in. The others, well they can wait out here with us.”

This makes me wonder what is going on and I am just about to ask when I notice that Choo Choo, who was behind me, has disappeared again. Then I hear her click her mic. Trader Jewel looks at me and winks. Ok, I get it. So the other three of us go to sit by the side while Trader Jewel goes inside. I just hope they do not have an anti-magic spell working at the doors.

As they go in, I notice one of the Brood is a zebra and I ask, “So what’s going on?”

He looks angrily at the scene and answers, “One of the gangs killed the security guard, then one of the Burner Boys who was inside for treatment. The last time they were seen they had stolen some meds and were kidnapping one of the doctors.”

This surprises me, and I ask, “Any word on which gang?”

He shakes his head, “Nothing positive yet, but it is looking like the Broken Clocks.”

“Huh, never ran into them myself.”

“Word on the street is that a couple were humiliated by a blue alicorn the other day here at the door and wanted to make a point. I guess that explains the security guard. But we are still not sure of why they took the doctor.”

Now that is an interesting question, I tell myself.


Outside Fluttershy Medical Center, Hoofington, Lunar Commonwealth: Choo Choo.

As we approach the hospital, I notice all of the members of the Brood and others who are armed outside of its main entrance. I immediately use my invisibility spell and click my radio mic three times to let them know I am still with them but have disappeared as we practiced back home.

I keep my spot in the formation as Trader Jewel talks with the authorities. Once he has permission to enter, I walk slightly behind him and to his right as he heads inside. As we walk, I keep an eye out for any other problems but I still mull over the thought of the gangers doing this to prove themselves after I embarrassed them. Still, something seems off about this to me.

Once we get to Pistachio’s room, we see she is sleeping. I drop my invisibility spell and I hear him say, “Thanks for coming with me Choo.”

“I am glad to sir. I understand how it is when family is hurt.”

“Those kids with you, kin of yours?” He asks.

“A couple of them are adopted into the family, but I have known them all for near on ten years now.”

He nods his head, “Figured as much. You work like you have known each other for a while.”

We sit there talking quietly for a while with him just sitting next to her bed running his forehoof through her mane. “She was just a filly when her ma, my daughter, was killed during an ambush. I have raised her ever since.”

I see her lean into his hoof and I hear her say, “Grandpapa, I hurt.”

“Shhh, it's ok girly, you are in the hospital.”

I see her try to move as she says, “We can’t afford this.”

He smiles at her and tells her, “Don’t worry about it. We will have the extra caps to cover it.” Then he talks to her for a while. While he does this, I excuse myself and begin to wander the halls a bit. Soon I come across the room with what must be a law enforcement pony in it. I watch as he looks over the room and seems to find nothing. I watch as he leaves and once again, I cast my spell and walk in with no one seeing me. As I look around the room, I can see all the signs of a struggle. I also notice broken medical equipment and some blood on the floor. Then I notice a note that seems to have been knocked under a cabinet to the side. I use my TK to bring it to me and I read, This is how we deal with those who cross the Hoof's Ferals.

I place the note back where I found it, just leaving a bit more of it showing. Then I leave the room again, still unseen. Once in a stairwell, I drop the invisibility spell. As I do so, I notice someone has placed a bit of graffiti on the wall. I have seen it before in various places in the wastelands over the years when I was with Unity. It looks like a pegasus with a halo carrying a shotgun and flying over a sinking or rising sun. I wonder what it means. But as much as it has faded, it has been here for a while. I shake my head to clear it and get back to business as I begin to approach the Brood members and security slowly and I ask, “What’s going on?”

They look at me and both move back just a bit and I hear one say, “The Broken Clocks seem to have decided to try and take on the Burner Boys.”

“Who are the Broken Clocks?” I ask.

He looks at me and then says, “Fairly new gang. Started to build up a couple of years ago. They took over the old Manehatten Watch & Clock Company building out near the Skyport.”

He looks at me funny and asks, “You sure you haven’t met them before? You fit the description of one who had a run-in with them the other day.”

I blush a bit and tell him, “Well, I stopped some ponies from harassing the security officer who was on duty. They had a gun to his head and I disarmed them is all.”

“So, what did you say your name is?”

I look at him and cooly and clearly tell him, “My name is Choo Choo.”

He nods his head and notes it down and asks, “So what were you doing here that day?”

Again, I keep my tone of voice calm and I tell him, “I was bringing in a gunshot victim. Our caravan was ambushed as we came into town.”

“Do you know who ambushed you?”

I shake my head, “No, possibly Mayhems’s Mares or something like that. I only heard one of our crew guessing.”

He nods his head, “So you wouldn’t mind getting a little payback on them then?”

I shake my head, “Honestly, it’s not what I am getting paid for. I do the job, I get paid. It’s simple.

“You going to be in the area for a while?”

I shrug my shoulders, “Probably, depends on what the boss says.”

“And who is your boss?” They ask

I sigh and ruffle my feathers as I am getting tired of being questioned like this, but I answer, “Trader Jewel. He is in with his granddaughter right now.”

“Would you mind if we asked your boss a few questions?”

“Normally, I would not mind at all. However, he is visiting his granddaughter who almost died two days ago. So, I would say not right now. However, we are currently at the Society at Elysium with our caravan if you want to stop by tonight. We were looking at moving to Megamart soon too. I just don’t know when.”

He shakes his head, “Ma’am, here in the Hoof, do you think it is wise to tell others where you are going next?”

I tilt my head as I look at him and I tell him, “Honestly, everypony seems to go to Mega Mart eventually, the question is when, so, what does it matter what I told you.”

He looks at me with his eyes squinted some, “You’re regular smart Alec aren’t ya?”

“No, I am just tired and stating the obvious. But what can I say?”

He then shakes his head, “Ok, enough questions for now, but why don’t you head back to your boss and let him know we would like to talk to him too soon.”

“Ok, I can do that,” I tell him. What I do not say is that I will do that. Tomato, tomahto, either way.

With that, I am back on my way again. Once I reach the boss, I notice Pistachio is sleeping again. He motions for me to follow him outside. Once we are by ourselves in the hallways he says, “Once outside we need to talk. I think I have another job for you and your team to do.”


Hoofington University, Hoofington, Lunar Commonwealth: Ball Lightning

As I watch them go I cannot help but find myself fascinated with that yellow mare with her white freckles, black mane, and tail. I wonder what it would be like to have a mare for a partner who seems that confident and self-assured.

From my side, I hear my corporal tell me, “I know what you're thinking sir because I am thinking it too. But remember we cannot fraternize with the mudders and not be branded.”

I sigh as I am pretty sure he is right on that. But still. What a shame. “Ok, well let’s head on over to the market and see what we can learn. I wonder what they are trading?”

“Good question. I mean that mare did know a lot about farming.”

“That she did. Makes you wonder how she became a hired gun.” I tell him.

“Not really, not down here it doesn’t. Down here the question is why aren’t more of them?”

Soon we are walking among the booths of the traders and wandering through a couple of the shops that have been set up. As we go we chit-chat with them and we try to find out more about the caravan, as well as what is going on here at the University.

As we wander, working our way towards the pubs I notice a used book store and I decide to go in. I notice that my corporal is not too thrilled about it then I mention, “This is an old college, maybe they will have some books on things like farming or something else you are interested in.”

He shrugs and grudgingly replies, “Yeah, I guess, but who knows.” And he follows me inside the place.

As we go in, I hear a small bell ring above the door. Then I notice the rows of bookshelves. While the books are not in the best condition, they are in the best shape I have seen since coming down from Thunderhead.

Behind the counter sitting on a stool and reading a book I see an older mare with a gray mane and tail and a faded yellow coat. I also notice she is wearing glasses and a calico vest. She looks up when she hears the bell and I see her mark her place in the book she is reading. Then she smiles and asks, “Can I help you?”

I begin to tell her we are just looking to see what she has when Anan asks, “You wouldn’t have anything by any pegasuses would you?”

I swear I see a gleam in her eye and she nods, “In fact, I have a whole section over along that wall. The first section is common stuff like weather making and control. The next over has cultural stuff including history and some poetry. The last couple sets of shelves are all pegasus fiction.”

Both Anan and I are very surprised and he asks, “Why would you have so much for ponies you all hate?”

I hear her sigh, “Hate may be too strong a word. However, most are angry at what they feel was abandonment when we needed them, as well as having closed the sky for so long. I mean after a few months those past leaders should have been able to open the skies and at least let us see the sun, the moon, and the stars again.”

Anan begins to react defensively and begins to say something, but I put a hoof on his shoulder and shake my head. He nods in answer and we both tell her thank you as we begin to head to that section of her stock.

As I am looking over her inventory, I notice one that is heavily worn. The author’s name is Cloud Seeder. I laugh lightly to myself as I use my wings to gently lift it and I begin to read. One of the first poems I read is The Anvil Cloud. I read it and imagine what it was like to be a weather warden having to go up against such a behemoth. After this one, I page through and read one called In Yonder Days. Finally, I find one that intrigues me. And I begin to read

The Last Goodbye.

When we were young, we played for hours, among the clouds, the trees, and flowers.

But as with our youth, our adventures from those carefree days must end.

We craved the adventure, the excitement, and wondered what our futures would bring.

But now we find ourselves on the cusp of separate paths and wonder where they lead, or if our paths shall cross again, or if our friendship will really last.

We hesitate to say farewell, for we know what that really signifies

Our youthful days have truly passed and we must face that frightening thing unknown that before us lies

We give each other our best wishes for our travels down the paths. For while we hope to meet again, we know that all will change to never be the same.

With that in mind we mumble platitudes about how we will never change. As we begin to take our first steps on different paths, we stop one final time. We look at each other, with a smile and a tear as we say our last goodbye.

As I finish the poem, I close my eyes and gently close the book. I find it has struck a nerve and makes me think of Sundancer and me. I then decide I will buy the book and I look up to see Anan has a couple in front of him. He smiles and says, “Find something interesting?”

“You could say that Anan. How about you?”

He nods his head, “Would you believe I found one on cloud farming,” I notice he looks embarrassed and he says, “They also had one on the Wonderbolts sir. From back before the war. I think it was a training manual for their formation flying.”

I raise an eyebrow and nod appreciatively. “Ok, let's pick these up and maybe head over to the tavern and get something to eat and a pint of something to drink.”

As we approach the counter the salespony smiles again. “I see you both have found something; I am glad of that. Oh, and please let the others in the Volunteer Corps know that we have some things that may interest them.”

I am rather surprised to hear that Sundancer and the other Volunteers have not been in here and I tell her this. She smiles and says, “Perhaps they figure we would limit our inventory too much. Or they just may be too busy."

As we leave, we say goodbye and I begin to wonder what the Volunteers actually do in their time off. Once we reach the tavern, I see the Sergeant Major and Sergeant Gunter talking with some of the locals. Off to the side, I see several of the Volunteers Corps team members, including Sundancer and her new coltfriend and I think of the poem and sadly shake my head as I realize she and I have taken different paths.

As we sit down, I notice their team leader approaching and once he sits down he gets the barmaid's attention and orders a cider for himself. After he has taken a pull from his pint he tells me, “Well Ball, it seems we have a few more supplies than we expected and I have been told to take some over the Mega Mart. I really could use a few extra guns with me for an escort. Rumor has it that a couple of the gangs have started to have their own little war. What do you say?”

I take a pull of my mug and I think briefly and reply, “Sounds good. Let me know when you want to leave and we will be glad too.”

He smiles as he says, “How about in two more days. That way you can get to know the locals here a bit more.”

Finally, I have to ask, “Ok, so what is a Mega Mart?”

He laughs and tells me, “Besides being one of the three homes of the Finders, it is a very large marketplace that tends to sell things on consignment. But if you are looking for something and can’t find it, you can also put out a call for it and if you pay extra then there is a good chance some scaver will put in the effort to find it.”

I nod my head and take another sip. Then I ask, “Anything else I should know?”

He nods his head, “Yeah, first off you have to pay an entrance fee for each person to get in. You don’t pay, you can’t go inside. Second, never, and I mean NEVER fire a gun in there.”


Hello to all my listeners out there in the Hoof. This is Chrome Microphone coming to you once again from HOOF radio. Big News is that things between the Burner Boys and Mayhem’s Mares are starting to heat up. So, keep your heads down if you are near their territory. In other news, there seems to have been an attack on the Fluttershy Medical Center with one of the guards being killed and one of the doctors being kidnapped. This means those needing help there may not be able to get it. Remember these places help us all.

It has also come to our attention that the Enclave has proposed an alliance with the Lunar Commonwealth. For what we have no idea. But the Lunar Council has rejected the offer. Makes me wonder what the Enclave wants an alliance for as nopony is attacking anyone else right now.

Next up on our playlist is Trouble

Chapter 10: Getting the lay of the Land

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Chapter 10: Getting the Lay of the Land

“Culture is not genetic. Rather, culture is learned behavior that is passed down from generation to generation and changes over time. Yet, we so often associate culture and diversity with one’s appearance rather than with this learned behavior that changes with time, place, and context.”

― Snigdha Nandipati, A Case of Culture

Elysium, Hoofington, Lunar Commonwealth: Ginger Snaps

Choo Choo and the rest have been gone for eight hours already and I am starting to worry about them. Across from me, I hear Sunny say, “I know that look cous. Don’t worry they will be ok.”

“I know, but I cannot help but worry. It’s what I get for hanging out so much with mamas Sumac and Magpie.”

I hear him laugh and then from behind me I hear Twinks say, “No, I think you were always a bit of a worrywart. But, eh, whatever you need to tell yourself.” Then she says, “I am going to head over to relieve Cowlick from guarding the trade area.”

I nod, “Sounds good. Sunny, why don’t you go high for a bit and see if you notice anything unusual.”

He nods back and flicks his ear. But still says, “Will do Cookie. I will let you know as soon as I see them.”

“Thanks, Blackbird,” I tell him, and then I watch him take off and fly for a cloud that is not too high or far away.

I keep an eye on things that are going on around the caravan as the day progresses. I am leaning against the coal wagon when the assistant caravan leader Wandering Sale leads a group of the former serfs over to it.

“I will be counting the coal scuttles you receive. You don’t get it all, your bosses only contracted for part of the load.” He tells them.

“Yes sir,” I hear chorused back.

As they offload the coal, he keeps a meticulous count, and towards the end, he says, “Only one more wheelbarrow full.”

I then ask, “So Wandering, what gives with only allowing them to buy so much coal?”

He grins, “Well, that load is on consignment from Harness. We basically just transported it to both here and the Collegiate. What we have leftover, well that we sell for triple the price of what we bought it for.”

I am stunned at the amount of profit and reply, “Now I can understand. Do you bring it here every run then?”

He nods his head, “Most of the time, but we limit how much we bring in. You know, the law of scarcity. Makes it worth more that way. Besides, some ponies just don’t want to deal with either the Society or the Collegiate and would rather give us the extra caps instead. We run the risk of carrying it this far, we should make some profit.”

We talk a bit more about business and how most of the caravans operate. This actually gives me a few ideas I might be able to use later.

Finally, he says, “Well I best get moving a bit. See how we are doing with some of our other deliveries and sales.”

As he walks along, I see him pass a rather skinny zebra stallion who is looking about nervously. I see the near panic in his eyes as I ask him in Zebrican, “Do you need some help?”

“No, I am fine, just here to grab some herbs and see what else might be for sale here.”

I ask him what he is looking for and as he tells me I smile and tell him, “Must have a special mare if you are buying the ones to make a contraception fetish.”

I see his jaw drop, and then he says, “Wait, we have only been talking in Zebrican. You know the Zebra tongue? You know what I am making? How?”

I smile and tell him, “My fiancé's father is a zebra. While his mother is a pony, she and he have been teaching me some of them. If you need some of the willow bark powder for your sore leg, I have some of that with me as well.”

He looks around, “Who made it?”

I grin, “Xochitl’s father and I. I have been using it to ease my sore muscles on our trip down here when I needed it.”

He nods his head, “So you have some to spare? It is not easy to find willow bark in these parts.”

I nod my head, “Yeah, I have some,” I call over to Twinks who is laying down under a nearby wagon, “Hey Danger, come on over here.”

I see her get up groggily and once close enough she looks at the zebra stallion and asks in Ponish, “What’s up Cookie?”

I notice the zebra looking her over as well and he says in Ponish, “Sorry, not looking for pony mare. Want zebras only. Want foals and grand foals.”

I see Twinks begin to laugh and she tells him, “Sorry pal, but I only just met ya. Before I begin talking about having foals, I need you to tell me your name and at least buy me a couple of drinks first.”

I see him look surprised at first. Then he starts to laugh and says to me in Zebrican, “She is funny.”

He is really surprised when she speaks to him in his native language and I watch as his jaw drops. Then he says, “One pony talking zebra I am used to. Two, now that is unusual.”

This leads me to almost wet myself laughing at the expression on his face when Cowlick meanders over and greets him in zebra as well.

His eyes open wide and he looks like he is ready to cry and ask, “Did, did you drug me, or put a curse on me?”

I shake my head, “No, not either, why?”

“A, A, A hairy, single-headed brahmin, and he talks my language.” He pauses and shakes his head, “This can’t be real.”

I nod my head and tell him, “Yes, it is real. He is a cattle bull. The old breed.”

Cowlick holds out a hoof, “Names Cowlick, what’s yours?”

I about facehoof as he gave his real name to a stranger. But then I see the zebra sit down hard. Stand back up and offer a hoof as he nervously says in the zebra tongue, “I am Tek.”

Cowlick shakes hooves with him and tells him, “Pleased to meet you, sir.”

I watch as Tek slowly extends a hoof and says, “It pleasure to meet you,” in Ponish.

Then Cowlick smiles and tells him, “As for how we know your language, “Well Xochitl and his pa taught us. And we just used it to talk around our parents as a code.”

I see Tek look dumbfounded before he asks, “So many know this.”

“Well, most of us around our age in White Cloud do, we had a few zebra families even move there several years back.”

I see him think about this then he asks, “Not safe to head back to Mega Mart by self-tonight. I stay here?”

It is getting late and the sun has already gone down, so I do understand his concern, but I do not really know him. And I am worried about what is going on with Xochitl and the others.

I do decide though, “Yeah, you can. Besides I still have questions about the local area I want to ask you before we turn in tonight.”

He nods his head, “OK, where do you want me to sleep?”

In answer, I point to the fire nearby where my team will be bedding down tonight and I tell him, “You will sleep by the fire for our team. I expect your best behavior.”

“Of course. I would expect no less from others.” He tells me as he bows his head slightly and closes his eyes briefly. Then he goes and sits over by the fire.

As I walk the caravan’s perimeter again, I am stopped by Rosie and Nellie. “Hey, Ginger, what’s up with the zebra?”

I sigh and I tell them, “He has asked for a place to stay for the night. He will be heading to Mega Mart in daylight, but did not want to go at night.”

“So, you trust him?” Nellie asks quietly.

I sigh and tell her, “Honestly, I am not sure. But until he proves himself otherwise, I say we give him a chance.

They look at each other and then at me. Then she asks, “You want us brahmin to help watch him?”

I look at her and tell her, “I really would appreciate it, but I don’t want to cause all of you to be too tired when we move on to our next stop.”

They both giggle slightly and Rosie tells me, “Cookie, we keep a watch going anyways. Haven’t you noticed that?”

I hadn’t and am surprised to hear they have and tell them so.

“Cookie, ponies forget about us, so we learned to look out for ourselves as well. But if it makes you feel better, you can always pick up a couple of bottles for us cattle to share.” Rosie tells me.

I laugh lightly, “Ok, sounds good. Thanks, girls, I appreciate the extra eyes.”

This time they both laugh and Nellie then replies, “Oh we understand. Remember two heads are better than one.”

I laugh some as I continue on my walk, but I also feel a bit more relief knowing that the brahmin got my back.

I then use the radio to tell the two on the watch to wake me in two hours and I lay down to sleep for a bit. As I drift off, I see Tek has laid down also and is already fast asleep. I shake my head and wonder, what his life is like if he can fall asleep so quickly just because he has others watching over him.

It is after my watch is over and I am stretching that I see Tek get up and begin to make himself a very meager breakfast. It is still before dawn so I sit and talk to him about the local area and who is who here, which we normally do not hear about. I am both surprised and pleased when he tells me that the Followers of the Apocalypse have some people down here. Including what he calls Heart Menders. I remember hearing Mama Mollygirl talk about what they are, but neither she nor I have ever met any.

After he finishes his meal, I notice he still seems hungry and is staring at my ration pack from home and I offer him one. When I see him going to put it into his saddlebag I ask, “How come you aren’t going to eat it now?”

He looks embarrassed and tells me, “I would, but I have a friend who could use it more. She seems to hardly eat and I think this would help her.”

I tell him, “Wait here a minute and I will be right back.”

I head to our cart and pick out two more ration packs and when I get back, I hoof them to him. “Here. One for you now, and another for later, or for your friend. But I want you to eat at least part of that one now.”

He looks embarrassed but still puts one of the ration packs into his saddlebags and opens the other one.

It is as he is eating that I hear Sunny call, “Cookie this is Blackbird, I see movement by the gate. I think our people are coming in.”

“Roger Blackbird, keep me informed.”

“Will do Cookie, out.” He replies.

As we wait, I begin to hear hoof steps approaching. Soon I see the silhouettes in the dark and I get up to greet them.

Standing there, I see Tek begin to set the package down and get up. I motion for him to sit back down and tell him, “It’s ok, just keep eating.”

While I look at them in the growing light, I see how tired and ragged they look. I also notice a few bandages being worn. As Choo approaches, I ask her, “Well, how did it go boss?”

She looks at me and shakes her head, “Let’s go sit down and we will discuss it as we clean our weapons.”

Because of the bandages, I am not surprised they had to use their weapons. However, I am now curious as to what all happened.

As we walk back to the fire, I see Xochitl notice Tek and with a raised eyebrow he asks, “We have company?”

I smile and tell him, “Yeah, he was here picking up some supplies last night and it was getting late. He asked if he could camp with us for the night and head back to Mega Mart today, so I let him stay.”

He shakes his head, “You are too tender-hearted dear, here that could get you killed.”

I smile at him and tell him, “Don’t worry, the caravan brahmin were helping to keep an eye on him too.”

I see him look at me surprised and he asks, “What do you mean they were helping to keep an eye on him?”

I shrug and tell him, “While we kept two on watch at all times, turns out the brahmin have their own watch set. Nellie and Rosie told me about it and offered to keep an eye on him last night.”

From the side I hear Choo say, “Good thinking on having the brahmin assist, but what is that going to cost us? Also, what do you know about this zebra?”

“He told me a bit last night, as well as gave me a rundown of who is who here.”

“OK, so who is he?” She asks.

I sigh as I look in his direction, “His name is Tek. His parents were part of the Legion remnants who were both killed about nine years ago. He has been on his own since. He is not a member of the Finder’s, but his best friend is some mare named Purchase Order, who works security at Mega Mart.”

I look back at her and she nods, “Ok, what else?”

"He was here to buy some ingredients for some fetishes to sell to some ponies. He does not like to travel at night in this area as he says it is too dangerous to do so alone.”

This time Tater comments, “Yeah, gotta say I agree with him on that Ginger.”

I nod my head and again wonder what they have been through.

Then I look up at Choo and tell her, “Oh, he has been going really light on rations, so I gave him a couple of our surplus packs from the cart to pay him for what he has told me.”

Choo Choo nods her head, “Good, remember, here in Hoofington, nothing is free.”


Fluttershy Medical Center, Hoofington, Lunar Commonwealth: Xochitl

While we are waiting for Choo Choo and Trader Jewel to return from his visit to his granddaughter, we all sit near the door. I see Sunny close his eyes and fall asleep while Epona and I stand a loose guard for him.

As we sit there, I become hungry and I break out one of our ration packs and offer half to Epona. She smiles and takes half of the alfalfa hay sandwich. As I am reaching for my canteen, I notice one of the brood members looking at the ration pack and licking his lips. I know I shouldn’t but I offer, “Do you want some?”

He is surprised by my offer and he asks, “Is that cheese?”

I nod my head, “Yeah, we have a lot back home.” I hold the package up to him, “Take it if you want,” I offer.

Cautiously he takes it and asks, “Ok, so what is it going to cost me?”

I am surprised at first then remember, Hoofington, nothing comes without a cost.

I shake my head, “I had not planned on asking for anything. Just back home we hate to see others go hungry, especially those who work.”

He turns his head and looks at me as he takes a bite of the cheese. I watch his eyes close as his teeth sink into it, and when it hits his tongue, I hear the sound of pleasure coming from him. After he finishes that bite he tells me, “Names Apple Crumble, most just call me Apple. What’s yours?”

I hold out my hoof to shake, “Names Xochitl, Cohtil to my friends.”

“Thanks, Cohitil. That takes the edge off. We have been out here almost all day.”

“So, what is going on Apple?”

He looks around as he takes another bite of cheese. Then he tells me, “A couple of days ago some of the local gangs started a private war again. Funny thing is, these two territories are far enough apart it really doesn’t make sense that they would try to take over the other area. There are a couple of others though who would make out pretty well if some of the smaller gangs went down, but they seem to be pretty quiet right now.”

I nod my head, “Sounds like an interesting problem. Any ideas on who the players are?”

“Not yet. I mean some of the usual suspects. Burner Boys, Mayhem’s Mares. Even the Broken Clocks.”

“I have heard of some of them. Not met them as we are not from around here though. Anything special we should know?”

Again, he looks around, then he tells me, “Stay away from the Broken Clocks if at all possible. They are very unpredictable. I have seen them do some things that seem crazy, but sometimes work out really well for them.”

I nod my head in understanding and he continues. “Mayhem’s Mares are another of the newer gangs. They still seem to think they have something to prove. The Burner Boys, are like an old scar. They have been around for a while and though they are not pretty to look at, they are somewhat stable at least. I have seen them protecting those in their territory even if they are not members.”

When he says this, I take note, as it gives us a bit more information we did not have earlier. Soon he and I continue chatting and he brings up to me more about the local government and its leaders. All of which I carefully note in the back of my mind to report to the Rangers later. He also tells me a bit about some of the other pony breeds in the area, as well as a bird large enough to take down a Vertibuck called a Roc. “In fact, we have had reports of just such an instance only a couple of months ago. Enclaver’s tried to cover it up, but hard to do, especially with the wreckage. They claim it was only a training exercise gone bad. However, we found a bunch of scavers who had been killed by MEWs and what looks like an old bunker that had been blasted shut.”

I make another mental note so I can make sure I warn Sunny and Choo before they go flying high again.

“Why would anyone want to blow the bunker shut?” I ask.

He smiles at the question and says, “Yeah, you aren’t from around here. Two reasons. One, to prevent scavers from getting any weapons or equipment that could be used against the Enclave, and reselling it.” He pauses briefly for effect, then says, “Or there are still some pretty nasty creatures stuck underground as well. They may want to prevent them from getting out too.”

“I guess that makes sense to me.”

He then says, “Oh, one more thing, the Enclave did pick up their wounded and dead from those Vertibucks. But whoever did the killing of those scavers, well, they just left them where they lay.” He pauses and then says, “Looks like it is about time for you to go. Here comes your boss.”

As I look toward the door, I see Trader Jewel coming out and he signals with his ears for us to join him. Epona sees this and gives Sunny a shake. To which he says groggily, “Come on, five more minutes.”

Epona shakes him a bit harder and tells him, “Time to get back to work Blackbird.”

At her use of his radio handle his eyes pop open and he gets up right away telling her, “Well, why didn’t you say so.”

Soon we are all following Trader Jewel away from the hospital and back the way we came. Once we are out of sight of the guards, Choo reappears and tells us, “Ok, the boss has a new job for us.”

We all nod our heads and continue to move until we find a building that, while it has no windows and the doors are gone, should give us at least a temporary shelter from direct observation from anyone else in the area.

Once inside we huddle around Trader Jem and he tells us, “Ok, I talked to the staff of the hospital before we left. They want their doctor back. If we can get the doctor back, they will cover the bill for Pistachio’s treatments as well as some other things.”

I find myself curious as to what these other things are when Epona flat out asks, “What other things?”

He sighs and tells her, “The doctor they took is one of their best surgeons. He trained at the University and is what they called a trauma specialist. Pistachio still needs his help.”

While this does not sound good to me, I see Epona look at Choo Choo, and then she says, “I wish I could talk to Ginger on this. But it sounds like we need to do this to me.”

I see Trader Jewel let out the breath he was holding and he shakes hooves with her. Epona then asks, “So what do we know so far?”

We then begin to compare notes of what we have heard. Both Epona and I talk about what we have heard from the Brood members and how they suspect the Broken Clocks of doing it. We also hear Trader Jewel talk about the Mayhem’s Mares being mentioned by the staff. Finally, Choo tells us, “Those are all good suppositions I guess, but while in the room where the Burner Boy was killed, I found a note from someone calling themselves the Hoof’s Ferals. They said this is what happens to those who cross them.”

We discuss these possible leads a bit more, then Choo says, “That sounds like we have some good leads,” she then pauses and tells Trader Jewel, “Sir, I think we need to stop and talk with the Burner Boys on the way back.”

He nods and twitches an ear. Then he tells me, “Xochitl, you got point this time. As Choo suggested, our next step is to talk with the Burner Boys.”

Inside I sigh. I hate being on point at this time of day. But a job is a job and I simply nod my head. I Adjust my kit and with my carbine at the ready, I begin to lead them back the way we came. Keeping an eye out for any movement as we go.

Soon we are back to the edge of the Burner Boy territory. I see a bit of movement in one of the doorways and some more in a window above it and about ten meters to its left. I use my whisper mic to let the rest of the team know. Then I call out the password I was given earlier by Tinder and Kindling.

I hear two new voices. One calls out, “Who dat? How do you know our sign?”

I call back, “Names Flower, Tinder, and Kindling gave it to us. We want to talk to your leaders.”

“Likes we believe that. Ain’t no dummies over here. You step closer and I will burn you down.”

I simply sigh and I click my mic to signal Choo she can go. I feel her pass by me as I can’t see her. Shortly after this, I hear a scream and I see a mare being held by one rear hoof outside the upper story window. I hear the pony at the door go to run and help her and I run to join Choo as Sunny flys up and unclips the flamer unit from the suspended mare.

As he is doing this, I enter the lower room, jumping a temporary barricade they had set up. I am almost to the stairs leading up when I hear the stallion from downstairs call out to the suspended mare, “What the? Who is got you Flameover?”

I have just reached the top of the stairs and the mare outside is still screaming. At this point, I am right behind the stallion as Choo drops her invisibility spell. As he begins to bring the flame-throwing weapon up, I clock him behind his ear with my carbine and watch him drop like a ton of bricks.

After this Choo brings the screaming mare inside still using her TK. She looks at her in the face and tells her, “Silence, that will be enough of that,” and taps her lightly on the nose which stuns the mare enough that she becomes silent.

Once silent Choo coolly tells her, “We came to talk, you choose to fight. Now, what shall I do with you, my little pony?”

I watch the mare's face drain of color and I see abject terror in her eyes. She tries to answer, but I can tell she has a hard time talking. Choo lets her ramble for a few more minutes before she finally says, “We came to tell you that a member of your gang who was at Fluttershy Medical Center has been killed.”

I see a look of pain come over the mare's face and tears begin to well up, “Not Reflash? He, he can’t be dead.”

Finally, I speak, “We don’t know his name, but whoever did it, also kidnapped one of the doctors there. We want the doc back, and if we help your gang balance the scales, well so be it.”

She sniffles a few more times and nods her head in understanding before she says, “Yeah, Ok. Just wait till the next watch comes. Then we will take you back.”

As she says this her partner starts to wake back up. Choo looks at him and tells him, “I would heal that lump on the back of your skull, but honestly, when someone threatens to kill me, I do not like to do them favors afterward. Now if you behave yourself, I won’t tie you up like a prisoner.”

He is rubbing his head when he asks, “So what do you want me to do then?”

She sighs and shakes her head as I do mine. Then I tell him, “Just stand your watch. Protect your neighborhood. But don’t try anything with us.”

He looks confused and asks, “That’s it? Yous just let me do my job?”

Epona speaks up this time, “No, you do your job and not try anything against us and that’s it.”

He mumbles something to himself and then he says, “Ok, deal. Not like we have a choice.”

Choo nods and tells him, “No, really you didn’t. So how long before you are relieved from guard duty?”

The mare answers this time, “Only another couple of hours.”

It is almost dark when the next set of guards comes up.

As they get ready to enter the house, I hear one of them whistle, and the mare whistles something back. Then she says, “When you come in, come slow. We have company. We need to take them back to the bosses, they got news for us.”

Before we go, we make sure we have all our gear set and we begin to follow the two previous guards. While we knew the mare's name was Flameover, we find out the stallion’s name is Backdraft. Both are about mine, Sunny and Epona’s ages. I do find it funny though when Backdraft asks, “So, how’d you get a Enclaver to work with ya?”

Sunny laughs and tells him, “I am not an Enclaver.”

Flameover then says, “But cha gots ya’s cutie mark still. Yous not branded, so you must be Enclave still.”

Sunny shakes his head, “Nah, my Ma’s a unicorn, and Pa is an earth pony. Guess you could say I am a wild pegasus.”

I have not heard him say that joke before so both I and Epona join the Burner Boys in a bit of mild laughter at his joke. This is followed by Backdraft saying, “Speaking of Wild Pegasus, I could go for a pull on a bottle right now.”

I see Sunny debating and then he says, “I don’t have any Wild P with me, but I do have a bit of Old Overmare.”

The two locals look at each other and both accept the offered bottle for a quick slug, after watching Sunny take one first.

Backdraft then says, “Not Wild P, but still pretty good stuff. Where did ya get it?”

Sunny smiles and tells them, “Back home we have a distillery that makes it. One of my ancestors came up with the recipe when our family was still in the stable.”

They look at us and I hear Flameover say, “Yous don’t sound like stable ponies.”

Epona smiles and tells her, “That’s cause our stable opened over a century ago. We have been in the wasteland plenty since then.”

“Huh, only a couple of stables around here been opened and that has been a while. Never heard of them making whiskey though. The one down in the Flank, they sell it, along with other things, but I don’t think they make it themselves.”

After she gets the bottle back and puts it in her saddlebags, we continue another couple of blocks and find ourselves looking at the entrance of an old firehouse. The wrecked remains of a ladder truck laying on its side just in front of the doors. The faded sign above the open garage doors reads, Hoofington Municipal Firehouse #1. In the candle and lantern lights inside, we can see a metal pole coming down to one side. I also notice a series of lockers to one side with several firefighting helmets and jackets hanging in them. A few of them have a black ribbon tied on the doors. Across from where the lockers are I see several fire axes and even a few hooks on long poles hanging on the walls. As we are led further inside, I also see a set of stairs leading up. A unicorn in a firefighting coat and helmet stops us.

“Ok, Backdraft and Flameover, what’s the idea of bringing these outsiders in?” the unicorn stallion asks.

“Hey Thermite, they got some news the chief and Naptha are going to want ta here,” Flameover tells him.

“What so important that you think the bosses need to hear it?”

“Reflash, somepony put him out, for good.”

I see a surprised look come over his face and he asks, “You serious. How do you know that?”

I step forward, “Because we were at the hospital today. The Brood is investigating the murder of one of your gang members. Were any others in the Fluttershy Medical Center today?” I ask.

The unicorn slowly shakes his head no and slowly says, “No and the Chief is not going to be happy with this one.” He pauses, takes a deep breath and lets it out, and then says, “Follow me, Chief is out right now, but Naptha is our number two pony and will want to hear this.”

When we get upstairs, I see the rows of bunk beds as well as a large kitchen area. As I look, Thermite smiles and says, “This is only one of our barracks buildings. Those who want can sleep in the barracks, if not, they sleep where ever they want.”

I nod my head as it makes sense to me. Best not to have all your eggs in one basket. Especially in a place like Hoofington. We are taken to an office off to the side. I notice it has been cleaned out and a bed is inside there now. Sitting behind the desk, reading a magazine is a gray unicorn mare with a red and black mane and tail. Along her right cheek is a severe set of burns that follow down to her neck and chest.

As Thermite clears his throat, she looks over the top of her magazine at him and asks, “What do you want this time?”

He looks down briefly then back up at her and tells her, “I know the boss is out on business, but Naptha, these ponies brought us some news and I think yous both are gonna want to hear it.”

She tilts her head slightly as her eyes scan over us. Then she puts down her magazine. “Ok, I give, what have you got for me?”

At this point, Choo steps forward and we all listen to her speak with Naptha.

Once she is finished, the second in command of the Burner Boys, while visibly upset by the news, says, “Yeah, it is agreed, we will help you get the doc back. But you help us get payback for Reflash.”

Choo steps forward and shakes hooves with her, and then turns to Trader Jewel and asks, “Ok, sir, when will we be able to take leave from our security work for you to get on this.”

He thinks briefly and tells us, "Two days. Once we get to Mega Mart their security will cover us. Understand this, I want this done. I want the doctor back and if it takes a couple of extra days, so be it,” He pauses then says, “And the resources of the caravan are available to ya.”

Choo stands tall and tells him, “Thank you, sir. We will take you up on the offer.”

She then turns to Naptha and tells her, “My people and I will be back in two days. I would appreciate your people finding out what they can while we are gone.” She then tells Trader Jewel, “Ready to get back to the caravan when you are.”

He then nods his head, “Yes, let’s get back to the rest.”

Soon I am in the lead again. Next to me is Kindling. Just behind the rest is Tender. On the way there Kindling tells me, “Thanks for bringing us the news about Reflash. Most would not bother to tell us.”

“Kindling, it is only right. Back home we would not think to not tell someone that kind of news.”

Once we approach the gates of Elysium, he stops me and tells me, “This is as far as we can go. Not our territory.”

I stop and nod, “I understand. I will see you in a couple of days, Take care.” I tell him as we shake hooves and he and Tinder begin to head back the way we came.

I smile to myself when I get to the gates and the guards recognize Trader Jewel and Choo so they just pass us on through. Then I see my sweet mare standing by the fire as she gets up to greet us. Behind her in the firelight I see a skinny zebra stallion, wearing a black cloak and eating what looks like one our of ration packs.

Ginger asks Choo, “How did it go, boss?”

“Ok, but let’s go sit down and we will discuss it as we clean our weapons.”

The zebra seems kind of nervous.

“We have company?” I ask Ginger. I am really curious as to who he is and why she let him stay in our camp.

She smiles at me and says, “Yeah, he was here picking up some supplies last night and it was getting late. He asked if he could camp with us for the night and head back to Mega Mart today, so I let him stay.”

I shake my head as I tell her, “You are tender-hearted dear, here that could get you killed.”

Still smiling she tells me as she rubs against me, “Don’t worry, the caravan brahmin were helping to keep an eye on him too.”

She surprises me with this because they finally let her know. I noticed they kept an informal watch before the E3 Oasis, but are they now getting paid for it too? Then I ask, “What do you mean they were helping to keep an eye on him?”

She shrugs as she answers, “While we kept two of us on watch at all times, it turns out the brahmin have their own watch set. Nellie and Rosie told me about it and offered to keep an eye on him last night.”

Then she gives me a quick rundown on why he is here still. I do understand her letting him stay, but still, I worry about her possibly being too trusting.

Choo overhears this and compliments her on her use of the brahmin to help. Then she tells us, “Ok, get your weapons clean and grab some breakfast. As we clean, we can talk.” She turns to Ginger, “It has been a long night, call in the rest of the team, we need to talk.”

“What about Choo?” She asks.

“Looks like we picked up a side job for the boss and some others.”


Trader Jewel’s Caravan, Elysium, Lunar Commonwealth: Choo Choo

As we sit around the fire eating, I tell my team, “Ok, we have another job. The boss is on board with it.”

I look at each of their faces and see the expectation on the four who were not with us and I tell them, “It looks like a combined job. The doctor treating Pistachio has been kidnapped by one of the gangs. At the same time, one of the gangs has had one of their members murdered when they took the Doctor.”

Twinks raises a hoof and ask, “Any idea of who is responsible, or where they are?”

I nod, “Possibly one of two gangs. The first is one called the Broken Clocks. The second one is the Hoof’s Ferals. I found a note with their name on it in the room that everything happened in, saying this is what happened to those who crossed them.”

Twinks then ask, “How do we know it is them?”

“That is the problem Twinks, we need to find out and then we go from there.”

I see Ginger signal for my attention next, “Ok, Choo, when do we start?”

I can’t help but smile at how she jumps right into the planning aspect for the mission and I tell her, “Tomorrow we move the caravan to the Mega Mart. After that, we begin.”

Sunny then asks, “Choo, do we have any intel assets available for this?”

“We are working on that right now. We will be working with one of the local gangs named the Burner Boys. They are not a very large group, maybe only a company size I would say. But still, they will have a group work with us.”

They all nod their heads. Then Ginger adds, “Choo, our guest over there, Tek is his name, he has given me quite a bit of information. Would you mind me having him join us so he can tell you what he has told me about this area?’

I nod my head and she motions for him to approach our group. I see him do so cautiously as he looks at me nervously and I see him checking my flank. This causes me to raise an eyebrow as I ask, “Is there something wrong?”

He then shakes his head and tells me, “You look much like the stories said she looked, but you do not bear the mark of the moon as she did.”

Ah, I have heard from Xavier about how the zebras were so afraid of Nightmare Moon. This fear was exacerbated when Luna became the ruler of Equestria in place of Celestia during the war after the attempted assassination of Celestia at Shatterhoof Ridge.

I smile knowingly at him and in as gentle of a voice as I can, I tell him, “Do not fear, I am not her. Please call me Choo Choo.”

I actually see him blush slightly and then he nervously asks, “But how did you know I thought you were she?”

“You would not be the first to think I was because of my coloring. However, I am not now, nor have I ever been as beautiful as she.”

Still cautiously he tells me, “If I call you Choo Choo, then call me Tek.”

“It is a pleasure to meet you Tek,” I tell him as I hold out a hoof to shake.

At first, he jumps back, then he carefully steps forward and shakes my hoof, and tells me, “Is a pleasure to meet you too.”

“Tek, Ginger tells me you have some information about the locals that we may be able to use. Would you mind telling us a bit?”

He then begins to tell us about several of the gangs, especially the ones we ask him about. For the times he does not have enough equestrian to fully voice his thoughts he has Ginger interpret them from Zebra for me. Interestingly he does not seem to believe that the Broken Clocks would be the ones to do this.

“Why don’t you think they would?” I ask.

He then tells me, “Their territory, is too far away.”

Hmm, the same answer that we got from the Burner Boys when we talked to them. Then I ask, “So where is the Territory for the Hoof’s Ferals?”

In reply, I hear the zebra Tek say, “I can help you. It is among the areas I avoid when I out skaving.”

“Where is their territory then?” I ask.

He then asks, “You have a map?”

I shake my head. He then says, “I draw one,” and he commences to draw a rough map of Hoofington. As he draws, I notice that the territory for the Hoof’s Ferals is between the Fluttershy Medical Center and the Burner Boy territory. But I also remember when I flew over it most of the buildings were wrecked or collapsed. So, I ask him about this and he nods his head and solemnly tells us, “That is because they are underground, mostly.”

I watch as first Ginger and Epona look at each other, followed by the others. Then I hear Cowlick say, “Uh, Boss, going underground might not be the best thing. Remember what Trip Wire and High Grade said about going underground.”

As he says this the others nod their heads with serious expressions on their faces. Then Tater says, “Yeah, we have to watch our oxygen. Anything that causes a flame burns it up. No full auto underground, period.”

They all nod their heads as do I. “Well, we will see what we can do,” I tell them as I look at Epona’s battle saddle and notice the zebra short sword attached to it. Hmm, maybe she is on to something. Then again, maybe not. We will have to see.

Next, I ask our zebra friend, “Would you be willing to lead us into their territory?”

I see him go slightly pale and then he slowly nods his head. “Have to be paid.”

I nod my head and tell him, “But of course. We would not think of it any other way.”

He then nods and asks, “Who I bargain with for cost.”

I smile as the two sisters both grin at each other and they both say, “That would be us.”


Mega Mart, Hoofington, Lunar Commonwealth: Ball Lightning.

As we approach the large market that the locals call Mega Mart I am impressed with its size. Not only the main building but the fortifications around the old carriage lot outside it. As we get closer, I see the makeshift walls are ponied with armed guards, and on the corners of the main building, I see several machine gun turrets. Not bad, I guess. I have to smile when I see the words painted on the wall underneath Mega Mart that say Finders Keepers. I am just glad I was warned about it by our esteemed friends in the VC, otherwise, I might have insulted the locals.

As we approach the door, I see a very skinny, almost gaunt light green earth pony mare, her mane is dirty and her face looks like life has kicked her one-to-many times. However, she is carrying a shotgun and wearing a blue vest with a name tag on it that I don’t even bother to read.

She looks up and in a weary voice says, “Good afternoon, Air Burst, I see you got a few more volunteers.” She turns to us and says, “Well welcome to Mega Mart, remember this is neutral territory. Once you get inside, no weapons are to be fired.” She then turns back to Airburst and asks, “Did you inform them about the Rule of Gun and how it is enforced?”

Air Burst nodes, “Yeah, I did Purchase.” He then takes out a medium bag of caps from his saddlebags and hooves it to her as he tells her, “And here is their admission fee.”

She counts it quickly and then nods, “Thanks for understanding Air. Bottlecap fired a couple of hooves last week when she found out they had not bothered to count the fee and were short.” She hooves it back and tells him “Go ahead and turn it in at the door.”

He shakes his head. “Sorry to hear that Purchase, I know it has to be making things harder on the rest of you.”

She nods, “Yeah, well what can we do? Ok, go on in and I hope you enjoy yourselves.”

As we pass through, I begin to see that several camps have been set up including a couple of caravans. I am also stunned to see such a variety of ponies and creatures. I have almost never seen a griffon before. I see some zebras, and I even see some tall cat-looking thing walking around on its two hind legs.

Once we are inside the carriage lot, we find a place not too far from the door when Air Burst tells me, “Hold on, I need to go inside and check a few things before the rest of you begin to carry stuff in.”

When he comes back out, he is smiling and waves me over. “Ok, one of our best assets has his stall set up. Ball, I want to introduce you to him. He passes on a lot of information to us. However, he thinks it is just idle chatter. Let him keep thinking that. In fact, please encourage him to believe you and your team are just part of the Volunteer Corps, and become more friendly with him. You know, give him the wrong idea about your people.”

I grin at this and finally, I look around, and seeing no one is close I quietly ask, “You really aren’t what you say you are, are you?”

He grins back and winks as he tells me, “But of course, I am my boy. I am lots of things to lots of ponies, and sometimes they even match up.”

I then follow him inside the Mega Mart itself, stopping briefly to pay our fee. As I enter, I begin to look around in wonder at all the various merchandise for sale. Granted most of it is salvage, but still, it is impressive. I also am impressed with how all the different vendors and their sales stalls are almost like an open-air market but under a roof. As I look up, I notice it. The largest gun I have ever seen that is not mounted on an airship. It is hanging from the ceiling and every once in a while, I see it start to move briefly and then return to what must be its home position. As I look at it, I ask Air Burst, “WHAT IS THAT?”

One of the others walking by in a blue vest, smiles and says, “That, oh that is Gun II, it enforces our non-shooting policy. But I would not want to be near anyone that it starts shooting at, either. Last time that it happened it got really messy, really quick.”

“So that is the rule of Gun you were talking about?” I ask Airburst. He simply nods his head and I see him fight to smother a laugh.

As we approach an earth pony merchant whose stall specializes in firearms and armor, I notice Air Burst give a knowing smile and slight nod as we go through the crowd. Soon we hear the merchant there telling a customer, “I am telling you; these things are hard to find, you would be lucky to find one in this good of shape.”

The customer, a skinny unicorn stallion with a young colt next to him says, “I don’t know, I mean look at the condition of it, and where would I find ammo for it?”

“While it is hard to get, I have a small stash of ammo stored away that I can give you a deal on.”

As I look from the distance, I notice that the weapon he is trying to sell him is a Wintrotter arms lever action. I would love to get a closer look as it seems to be a 10mm caliber which would make it not only a common weapon but ammo should not be too big a problem to acquire for it. So even if the buck does overpay for the rifle, he will still get a usable weapon, so I really don’t feel too guilty as I watch them dicker over it.

Once they are done and the stallion and the kid walk away, Air Burst walks over and shakes hooves with the merchant and says, “How’s business going Salvage?”

“Going pretty good Air. Got yourself another volunteer?”

He nods his head, “Yeah I do. Salvage Value, this is Ball Bearing. He just got down here a couple of days ago so he is still learning.”

While most of his body is covered by his loose-fitting robes, battlesaddle, and web gear, I notice his face is yellowish-brown with dark yellow eyes. He then turns to me and extends a hoof, and as I shake it, he says, “Any friend of Air Burst is a friend of mine. My full name is Salvage Value, but my friends just call me Salvage.”

“Pleased to meet you too Salvage,” I tell him. Then I notice him looking me over.

He then asks, “Have you thought about picking up some armor. I might have something in your size. You know for when you have to make trips across the Hoof.”

I look at Air Burst and ask, “Can we wear armor in the Volunteer’s?”

He nods his head, “Not normally, but if we are going to work in some of the rougher areas we can.”

I nod my head, impressed that they allow them to at least do that. I turn my head to him and ask, “Do you think I need any?”

He shakes his head, “Nah, not right now. But we can always come back if you do.”

I see the look of disappointment on Salvage Value's face so I begin to look at some of the weapons he has on display.

As I look, he pays attention to what I am examining, but I also hear him telling Air Burst, “Now, you have any more of those good blankets and maybe more healing spells? I have a few buyers asking for them.”

“Yeah, I got some blankets and even a couple of healing spells. But who wants them bad enough to ask for them?”

I begin to examine a nice Desert Griffon .44 cal semi-auto pistol. It seems in really good shape and I am considering buying it when I notice next to it an Old Slab Sides, Colt E1911 .45 semi-auto pistol. What surprises me is that it is obviously not a military issue as it has a bright metal slide with highlighted dark areas. I notice it has low light sights on it and it has rubber checkered mouth grips. I know I shouldn’t but I have some extra caps that I had originally hoped to spend on Sundancer. Instead, I decide I want this weapon.

I decide to put it down looking at it with a concerned expression. As I begin to turn away, I see Salvage looking at it funny and he asks, “Is there something you question about it? I will have you know I only sell fully functional weapons unless they are marked as parts only.”

I shake my head, “No, it’s not that. I mean it just seems so antiquated. Especially when you compare it to something like an IF-21Caramel. I mean it is much more difficult to find .45 Automatic Colt Pistol ammo than 10mm.”

He holds up a hoof, “Now, don’t be berating the old E1911. That .45 caliber had a real knockdown to it. I have even heard it called Celestia’s Own Caliber.”

“Ok, so it has a good knockdown, but it is still hard to find rounds for, and honestly, it probably kicks hard enough to almost knock your teeth out.” I pause and I look at it, “Tell you what, you seem to really want to get rid of it, so I will take it off your hooves for 15 caps.”

He looks like I bucked him in the face and says loudly, “15 caps for such a weapon, that is an insult, my mother would roll over in her grave if she could hear me sell such a weapon for that low of a price. I must have 30 caps for it.”

I wave a hoof, “You thief, you are trying to rob me, a weapon in such a condition should not be sold for more than 17 caps.”

By now I notice several others around watching the scene with interest, including some of the members of the Volunteers and Funnel Cloud. I then hear him call back to me, “17 caps, you are the thief, at such a price you will cause me and my family to starve.”

I raise an eyebrow at this and we continue to haggle over the cost until it is agreed that he will sell it for 21 caps, and he will throw in two magazines of ammo. I see Funnel Cloud smile and nod his head and I put the ammo and pistol in my saddlebags. I then barter for another box of ammo and pay only a couple of caps over what I should have, but I know I made out on the deal with the pistol, so I have given and taken some.

After we finish unloading most of the Volunteer surplus to the Volunteer Corps merchant stall, I wander around with Anan looking for a leatherworker to either get a holster or have one made for my new pistol.

As we browse Anan asks, “Sir, what were you doing back there?”

I laugh lightly, “Oh, something I saw in an old pre-war movie, it is called haggling, some merchants consider it a bit of fun to try and out haggle the buyer. You can actually get some pretty good deals that way, but if you do, remember, give and take. The seller has to win sometimes too.”

He nods his head and then asks, “Ok, so what is so special about that pistol you wanted it that badly?”

I shrug my shoulders and reply, “Anan, not only is it well made, but I also noticed that it was engraved with the marking of the Ministry of Awesome and somepony had engraved upon it.”

He nods and then asks, “Ball, I have to ask, what did it say?”

I pull the pistol out and show it to him and as he looks at it I can tell when he sees the pegasus flying above the slogan he chuckles briefly, “First to Fight!” I like that sir, Yeah, I understand now.”

I look around and then I ask him, “Anan, my next question though is, where did he find an MoA pistol in this good of shape?”

“Good question Ball, I do wonder.” Soon we walk back out into the carriage lot and are just in time to see the caravan we saw the other day at the University entering through the gate. I turn to him and tell him, “Well, this is an unexpected surprise.”


Hello, all you ponies in the Commonwealth. This is Smooth Melody coming to you from our station in the Flank. That’s right, the Flank is still your best place to find all of your hedonistic pleasures. Just remember that it is still all neutral territory run by the Finders. So, stop by and get your groove on in the flank.

For our next song, we will be playing for you a Flank favorite here is Trouble.

Chapter 11: Chance Findings and Meetings

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Chapter 11: Chance Findings and Meetings

"For me, the first great joy of traveling is simply the luxury of leaving all my beliefs and certainties at home, and seeing everything I thought I knew in a different light, and from a crooked angle." - Author: Pico Iyer

Mega Mart, Hoofington, Lunar Commonwealth: Ginger Snaps

The trip to Mega Mart is much quieter than when we passed by it the first time. We only have one instance of a real attempt to fire at us, and they stopped as soon as ol’ Big Blue disappeared, took out the shooters, and tossed their remains back at the rest using her TK. Of course, they shot at her, but by then she had put up her shield spell and asked “Who’s Next?” That ended that rather quickly to say the least.

As we approach the gate going into the carriage lot, I notice Tek seems much more excited than normal and I hear him say, “Purchase, I’m back.”

The grimy, almost famished looking, light green mare smiles wanly at him and I hear her call back, “Good to see you again Tek? Any luck?”

He nods his head and says something to Xochitl and then trots over to her and I watch him take out the ration pack and offer it to her. I see her try and refuse it and as I walk by, I hear her trying to refuse it and him telling her, “Please eat this, my friend. You need to eat.”

From next to me I hear Rosie say, “Poor thing looks like she is near starved to death.”

Then I hear Nellie say, “Not the first we saw like that. Remember Rosie, we can’t save ‘em all.”

As she says this, I see Epona looking in that direction from the rear of the caravan. But as the professional she is, she stays in position as we bring the caravan into its assigned position to camp in.

The caravan wagons again split in the middle and make two columns with a wide gap between them. Once stopped, the teams begin to have their harness removed and I notice that between the two rows are several burn barrels with the remains of previous fires in them.

After helping to unharness Cowlick first, then Rosie and Nellie, I walk over to where Choo is talking with Trader Jewel and one of the employees or guards, for Mega Mart.

“So, you are not sure how long you are going to be here?” the stallion asks Trader Jewel.

“No son, I am not. However, as a regular here, you know that this is not overly uncommon for us. We will pay the extra caps to Bottle Cap as usual.”

“So, you are going to keep a running tab then?”

I see our employer close his eyes, take a deep breath and then say, “No, I already told you I would pay by the day.” He pauses and then adds, “If this is too difficult to understand, I would be happy to talk to your manager.”

“No, no need to involve Bottle Cap. She has enough on her plate as it is. I will see you again tomorrow then.”

He then turns to Choo and me and tells us, “Ok, gather the team real quick. I want to have a brief chat with all of you before you begin the next job.”

She nods her head, and turns to me, “You heard the buck Ginger, please be so kind as to get them together for me.”

I quickly call the team over the radio and tell them to gather on me in the middle of the caravan.

As I wait for the rest of the team to gather with me, I notice the sun is starting to get low in the sky. I then see the other caravans start to light fires in at least one of the burning barrels, so I decide we should do the same.

The others gather around the fire as we wait for the boss to come to talk to us. I smile to myself as it feels so comfortable all of us being around the campfire together. I am almost tempted to start a song, but before I can Choo and Trader Jewel walk up.

“Ok, first off, we need to do some groundwork, I would like a couple of you to just go inside and listen to see if you can hear any leads. Second, I do not want you heading out into town tonight. Tonight, get some rest and talk to some of the others from the area. Get some associates and maybe make a friend or two. Come morning depending on the information we have gathered; we will have you begin to work your way out into the town. Got it?”

We all nod our heads. “Ok, good, now feel free to explore the grounds here at Mega Mart. Just, watch what you say and do,” he tells us. Then he gets up and tells us, “I have to go inside to see if some of my customers are here yet. Choo, they are all yours until you finish this job.”

She nods and tells us, “Ok, you heard the buck. Now I don’t want you all inside at the same time, but go ahead and take a look. If it is a high-cost item we can use for the team, see me before buying it.” She looks around and then tells us, “I am heading inside right now, I will see you in a bit.” She then gets up. Stretches her wings and arches her back as she loosens her muscles and walks toward the main entrance.

Sunny gets up at the same time that Twinks and Tater do. They look at the rest of us and tell us, “We will be back in a bit. See you then.”

Xochitl shrugs his shoulders and tells me, “I guess we will go in later.”

I put a hoof on his shoulder and ask, “What, you aren’t happy to just spend some time with me?”

“No, that is not it dear. Just, most of the vendors shut down overnight. So, I hope we can go in before they are all gone.”

Across the fire from us are Cowlick with Epona laying across his back, both just enjoying the comfort of a friend cuddling. A short time later I notice Epona suddenly look up and when I turn my head, I see Tek coming over to the fire with the mare we saw guarding the gate earlier.

As he joins us Xochitl smiles and says in zebrican, “Have a seat and join us.”

Tek smiles as does the mare. He then speaks in zebrican back, “Good evening. I wanted to introduce you to my best friend, Purchase Order.”

We all smile at her and I see her look down and she seems uncomfortable. She then tries to speak in zebrican also. She has a funny accent in it and she is not fluent, but she tries to join us as she says, “It is good to meet you.”

Epona then shifts to ponish and says, “If you are more comfortable, we can use ponish.”

I see a look of relief come over her face as she shifts back to ponish and says, “Whichever you want. I really am not picky.”

She then tells her, “We are good, I wanted to thank you for the food pack.” She pauses again and I see her look down, “I don’t eat much anymore. But it tasted really good.”

Epona sits up and tells her, “I am glad you enjoyed it. I have a couple more if you want them.”

I watch as the two mares approach each other and while I can see a spark between them, neither go any further than to just talk. Epona pulls out a couple of rations and hooves one to her and begins to eat the one herself. “These kinda remind me of home, of course, our meals there are even better.”

As they are talking, Tek comes closer to Xochitl and me and we begin to talk more as well. Our conversation lasts for a couple of hours when I see Choo and Sunny coming back our way. Once they arrive back, Choo smiles and she tells us, “Two more of you can head on in. Twinks and Tater are a bit busy inside. Twinks pointed out how Gun II stuttered in its movements and he was in the middle of telling her what it probably was and how to fix it. Seems Bottle Cap was walking by and overheard this. She told them that if they were serious, they could fix it, she would pay them for their work.”

“Ok, Choo, Pona, and Cowlick are talking with Tek and his friend Purchase Order. She works here.” I tell her.

She smiles, and replies, “Ok, now why don’t you two head on in. Sunny and I will be here for a bit.”

As we head in, I find I am excited to see the inside of the place. I mean, I have never been into any market that was this large before. In my excitement, I take a hold of Xochitl’s tale and almost bounce on my way in.


Mega Mart, Hoofington, Lunar Commonwealth: Xochitl

I feel so much better now that we have left Elysium. While they no longer practice slavery there, I can’t help but think of how many suffered as serfs there. I especially think of Badger and the scars I saw on his back from when he was a colt.

After the others have gone inside, I have to admit I was a bit disappointed to not be able to take Ginger inside as I would love to find something special for her. But then again, I am really just enjoying being able to relax by this fire with her and some friends.

I notice both Epona and Ginger suddenly look to the side and when I look, I see the zebra Tek approaching us with the skinny mare from earlier. I enjoy seeing him. His stripes remind me that I am not all alone. So, I invite him to have a seat and talk with us.

He first introduces us to his best friend Purchase Order. Then I am amused at how well she and Epona seem to get along. As our conversations progress, I notice Cowlick slowly get up and he tells me, “Xochitl, I’ll be right back, I got a cow I want to visit for a bit.”

This surprises me at first, but then I realize he considers the brahmin females as cows and the males as bulls, just like pure breed cattle. I raise an eyebrow and wonder just who among the Brahmin herd he is going to visit.

As we are talking, I hear Purchase telling Epona about her parents and how she was orphaned just after the day of Sunshine and Rainbows. Then Epona moves closer and gives her a comforting hug as she tells her, “Me and Ginger were orphans too. I understand how you feel.”

I hear Purchase sniff a bit and then she says, “At least you had your sister.”

Epona turns and smiles as she looks at Ginger and then tells Purchase, “By blood, she is my half-sister. We were lucky and got adopted about a year apart by the same family.” She pauses then tells her, “I really wish you could meet them.”

By now the brief hug has ended and Purchase seems to be pulling herself back together. Then she says, “I would like to meet them,” she then looks around and then says, “But I am afraid this is as far as I will ever get.”

Epona puts a hoof on her shoulder and tells her, “See, I felt that way at one time and you see me now. It does not have to stay this way.”

I hear more than see Purchase Order sigh. Then she says, “That is easy for you to say, you have a family and you have someone special.”

When she says this, I almost laugh, but Epona does. She then says, “You're kidding, right?”

She shakes her head no, “I saw you with whatever his name is, Cow something.”

Epona smiles sadly at her and replies, “Cowlick and I have been friends for many years, but he and I are not interested in each other. At least not in that way.”

I see a sudden glimmer of hope in the malnourished mare’s eyes. I can see the unasked question. About this time Cowlick returns and takes a seat near them and begins to talk with them.

Soon Choo Choo and Sunny return. I give her a rundown of what is going on and she tells me about Tater and Twinks taking on a side job for the Finders.

Ginger seems amused by this and as we get up to go inside, I find her holding my tail in hers. I have to smile as she is so excited. As we go inside, I look about and am impressed by how big it is and how many different merchant booths there are.

I also notice how many different species are here shopping. In the distance, I notice what look like dogs with very long forelegs. I swear they look like the old diamond dogs, except that both of them have robotic replacement limbs.

To one side I notice the Enclave Volunteer Corps has set up a booth, that they are closing up for the night. As we approach, I hear Ginger say, “Don’t look now, but there is that buck that was talking with Pona a couple of days ago."

“Hopefully he doesn’t cause us any problems,” I tell her.

Above us, I notice that I see Tater and Twinks standing on some scaffolding near the roof and they are working on what must have been the gun that Trader Jewel warned us about. I wave to them and when Tater notices me, he waves back. I then point them out to Ginger.

She nods and then points to a booth to the side. “Look Xochitl, they have a photographer. Dear, can we get a picture done of you and me?”

I grin at her. If this is the most she wants, I will do that for her.

As we approach, we notice many different pictures that are hung on the wall of his “waiting area”. He looks up at us and while he looks tired and was just getting ready to close up shop for the night asks, “Can I help you?”

Ginger nods her head excitedly and tells him, “Yes, my fiancé and I would like to get a picture done for our folks back home.”

I see him tilt his head. “How far is home?” he asks.

Ginger then tells him, “Ever heard of Manesville?”

He shrugs his shoulders, “Sorry. Never heard of it. Is it over by the Skyport?”

This time I shake my head, “No, it is quite the distance from here, up past the Canterlot Mountain and Foal Mountain Gap.

I see him shrug again, and I tell him, “It is a long distance from here.”

“I will take your word for it. Now for a single sitting of two ponies I normally charge 40 caps per picture, but for you two. I will make it 30 each for two.”

That is a lot of caps, but honestly, photographers are hard to find in the Wastelands, so we look at each other and Ginger tells him, “Ok, we would like two.”

He then has us move over to where he will take the pictures and tells us to get ready for them.

Ginger then asks, “Dear, can we do this out of our work clothes?”

I nod my head and we both remove our gear, jackets, and hats. Once ready he takes two different shots. He then tells us, “I hope you don’t mind, but I took one in black and white and added a few effects as it is for your engagement. Now if you two will give me a little bit, I will have the pictures developed and dried in say just under two hours. I will finish closing up as they dry.”

We both agree and continue to wander the various stalls. After about an hour I notice Epona and Cowlick have come in also and are with Tek and Purchase Order. We first wave to them, then we join them for a bit while we wait for our pictures to be developed.

When we finally get back to the photographer’s booth, he has them ready for us to look at. In both of them, I have my eyes closed as I give my sweet mare a kiss. However, while in the first she has both eyes open and has a happy but serious expression, the second one caught her with one eye closed and sticking her tongue out. I guess that one will be just for us. That is also the one that is in black and white.

As we are looking at the pictures, I hear Epona say, “Cool, I never knew anyone that had a photograph done before.”

The gentlestallion who owns the stall tells her the cost and she only blanches a little bit. Then he tells her, “Unfortunately I am closing up shop for the night. If you would like, please stop by tomorrow. Maybe bring your mare friend with you.”

Epona looks shocked and says, “I don’t have a mare friend or even a special somepony.”

Beside her, I notice Purchase Order nodding her head.

The photographer then says, “I am sorry, you just seemed to get along so well I assumed. Please, both of you, accept my apologies.”

Epona then smiles at him and says, “That’s ok, but we just met tonight. No need to rush things and all.”

That is when I notice him nod and I see a slight blush come over Purchase’s face.

“Well then, maybe a couple of single sittings, then.” I see Cowlick nodding his head as well as Purchase and Epona.”

Behind them, I notice Tek does not seem so enthusiastic.

Soon, as a group we continue on, visiting the few shops that are still open. As we walk I see Sunny flying near the ceiling and I notice Gun is tracking him steadily. After a while, he comes down to land and he says, “Hay Cohitl, Cookie, looks like those two got the kinks worked out for the Finders. Have you heard anything yet?”

“No, not yet. Why have you?”

“I heard a bit, but nothing certain. Most of it was just while I was in the air. The voices kinda bounce off the ceiling. By the way, I had to have special permission to fly that high in here. Seems they have a no-fly zone above seven meters in here.”

I am surprised to hear this. But I guess I can understand. I mean it would make it hard to limit either sabotage or eavesdropping by others. So, I respond with, “Are you really surprised?”

“No, not really Cohtil. By the way, Choo says to keep an eye on those Volunteer Corps ponies. She says she gets a bad feeling from them.”

“Ok, I will keep that in mind. Sunny. So have you seen anything you are interested in yet?”

He shakes his head, “Earlier I thought I saw a really nice pistol, but somepony else got it first.”

“Really? What was it?”

He grins, “It was a really nice two-tone E1911. It was marked with the MoA on it, and I was surprised to see it was even engraved with Second to None. And what looked like an old Wonderbolt on it. Do you know how rare it is to see any weapons for the MoA on it down here?”

I shake my head, “Pretty rare, are they?”

He begins to laugh. “Pretty rare? Very rare Cohitl. Almost like finding a zebra carbine in Manesville.”

I laugh at him again and tell him, “Well, both my father and I do have one, so…”

“You’re missing the point Cohtil. Besides, I would have loved to have had that, and it looked so cool.”

“So, you only wanted it because it looked cool?” Ginger asks him.

“No, I wanted it because it was once used by the MoA. That it looked cool with the two shades of dark metal was a bonus.”

“Well, maybe you can find one like it again sometime.” She tells him.

“Yeah, I guess, but I bet even Tater would have approved of it.”

I laugh when Sunny says that. Shortly after that, we are joined by Tater and Twinks. Both of them are grinning like a dragon who just found a new horde.

“Ok, guys, what has you smiling so much?”

“Well, we both had fun working on that job. Besides, it was really kinda fun.” Twinks tells us. Beside her, Tater is nodding his head in agreement.

Ginger then asks, “So how much did they pay you for fixing it?”

They both look at each other and I see them both blush. “Sorry Ginger, but I only got one PipBuck out of them for it. I mean it needs to be cleaned up a bit and all. But Tater and I thought it would help me be more effective as our tech.”

As we get ready to head back to the Caravan, Purchase Order tells us all good night as she needs to be up early in the morning for her guard shift. Tek tells her goodbye as well and we watch her walk back inside. Tek smiles and tells us, “She has a bunk she can use inside.”

He follows us back to the caravan and joins us around the fire. I smile to myself and ask, “Do you have a place you stay around here?”

He nods his head, “Yes, not far. But lonely. I stay here tonight if you not mind.”

Well, he was with us last night, might as well be here again tonight, besides he knows the area and would be a good resource I tell myself. Well, that and I like having someone else with stripes around too. So, I smile and tell him, “You're welcome too, when we throw down our bedrolls you can also.”

He smiles more and as we all sit beside the fire; he joins us as if he was always a part of the team.


Mega Mart, Hoofington, Lunar Commonwealth: Choo Choo.

I am talking with Trader Jewel as we make our way to the Mega Mart. It is not an overlong journey, but we do have a few, um, incidents with those who take a few potshots at us and one group who tried to set an ambush on the caravan. I let myself have a little fun with those ones. Funny how having the body of your buddy tossed at you casually can really unnerve a pony.

“So, Choo, do you really think your team can get the doc back?” Trader Jewel asks.

I nod my head, “So long as we get some good intel on where he is being held, I am sure of it.”

He nods, “Well, tonight have your team rest. Tomorrow, send out some feelers and see what you can find out. Is there any equipment you would like to have, but don’t yet?”

I smile, there is always equipment you wish you had, but don’t. I simply shrug and tell him, “While I would love to have enough PipBucks for my entire team, I would settle for just a couple right now for the team leaders and my tech.”

He nods, “Yeah, I do understand Choo. If I hear anything about any being available, I will let you know.”

As we approach the gate for the old carriage lot of the Mega Mart, I notice how the walls around it are ponied. I also notice the machinegun turrets along the roof of the Mega Mart itself. Most look to be in decent condition. But a couple look like they could use some work. I may need to talk to Twinkle Hoofs and Sweet Potato about earning a few caps here to get on the management's good side.

As we approach the gate, I first notice that Tek is much more excited in his behavior than normal. Then Trader Jewel excuses himself and trots up to the front alongside Xochitl.

He talks to the mare at the gate briefly and she passes us through. As I pass through the gate, I notice that Tek is trying to get her to take one of the ration packs he received earlier. Finally, she seems to take it and he visibly relaxes. Then we are past them and into the carriage lot proper. I smile as the caravan splits and parks in two parallel lines with a wide gap between the wagons. I am slightly surprised to see pre-made fire pits are set up and in between the wagons.

Once stopped, I search out Trader Jewel again and once our crews are settled, he and I head into the Mega Mart.

At the door, we are stopped and have to pay our admittance fee. The employee there tells us, “Your admittance is only good for the day. So, you should make the best of it.”

I politely nod my head and thank them. Then I follow Trader Jewel inside. The first thing I notice is that there are some employees walking along some elevated scaffolding. Then in the center of the building near the peak, I see the largest gun I have ever seen mounted in or on a civilian building. When I see it, I stop dead in my tracks and I feel a pony bump into me from behind. This is followed by them saying, “Hey I’m walking here. Watch what you are doing.”

I simply give them my apology and begin to move forward again. As we pass by all the vendors' booths, I notice a sign on the wall near a large swinging door with an arrow pointing to the door. In the standard black letters on white, the sign says, Office. Below that it states, Employees Only.

Then I notice Trader Jewel is heading that way. I point out the sign and he smiles at me as he tells me, “Ah, that is there to keep the riff-raff from bothering Bottle Cap.”

“In that case, I shall not follow you, but wait here for your return,” I tell him.

He smiles and tells me, “Thanks, Choo. I will be back soon.”

He is gone for nearly an hour and I see him return in the company of a middle-aged mare in a blue vest. Once they are close enough, I hear her tell him, “Well, I appreciate your finding a couple of repair ponies who can take a look at Gun II. That helps all of us in the Finders.”

I watch as he nods to her and replies, “True enough.” He pauses then says, “Remember what I asked about. If you come up with any more leads on PipBucks let me know.”

She signals her agreement with her ears and tells him, “I will let them know we have one available if they can fix Gun for us. I am afraid that if we have trouble, it will not be able to respond properly otherwise.”

Once he is next to me, he asks, “You think your tech and weapons specialist are good enough to troubleshoot and repair that thing up there?” and then points to the large gun hanging from the ceiling.

I grin as I tell him, “I am pretty sure of it. But I will have to have them discuss their fees for it.”

He looks up at it then says, “Ok, let them know to go see Bottlecap and discuss it with her. Now I need to go talk to a couple of merchants here to start setting up my cargo for the return run as well as our trip to Meat Locker yet.”

“Do you want me to wait for you to get done with them first?”

“Nah, go ahead and deal with your people Choo. I got this.”

As I begin to head to the door, I see him walking the aisles and examining merchandise. As I head toward the door, I see Twinks first, then Tater. They are looking at some tools and I see Twinkle Hoofs shake her head no finally and hear her say, “Let’s see if we can find some other stuff first, then we can always come back.”

From the side, I hear the owner of the booth say, “Ah, but if you need them or really want them, you should get them now, otherwise somepony else may get them before you return.”

I hear Tater stifle a giggle as I see Twinks get a disgruntled expression on her face. Then she tells him, “In that case, the Goddesses didn’t want me to have them. Good day Sir.” Then she turns around and begins to stomp off but stops when she sees me.

“Hello Twinks, Tater, I may have a side job for you to do. Follow me please.”

Once we are by the office, I tell them, “Go on inside and ask for Bottlecap. Tell her you are the two repair ponies that Trader Jewel told her about.”

They both nod but Tater asks, “What’s this about Choo?”

I give a slight shrug and tell them, “I am not sure, but it may have something to do with the big gun up high.”

Twinks then ask, “How much are we getting paid for it?”

“No fee has been determined yet, so it is up to you two. But both Trader Jewel and I approve you for it. Take as much time as you need.”

They both look at each other and grin. Finally, Tater says, “Ok Boss.” He turns his head, “Ready Twinks? Let’s go see what they need done.”

After they head inside, I meet up with Sunny and he begins to tell me about a pistol he is interested in. As I go with him to look at it, we approach a weapons vendor with a sign to the side saying First rate, Second hoof weapons. Salvage Value Proprietor.

Sunny then tells me, “This is the booth where I saw it for sale.”

As he goes in and begins to look, the sales pony asks, “Can I help you, sir?”

Sunny nods and tells him, “I saw a pistol earlier here. It was a two-tone E1911.”

The sales pony nods his head, “Hmm, I had a couple of those E1911s. They tend to go fast when I get them in. Could I perhaps interest you in one of these other pistols over here? Perhaps a nice plasma pistol or maybe a Desert Griffon?”

“No, I really had my heart set on that one. I mean where I come from you don’t see too many MoA-marked weapons.”

“Oh, and where are you from? I mean I recognize a bit of Thunderhead in your accent, but the rest. Well, it sounds different from most of the other Enclave citizens I have done business with.”

Sunny smiles, “Oh, I am not with the Enclave. Neither were my parents.”

I see a look of surprise come over the vendor's face and he asks, “So where are you from?”

“Oh, a little hamlet from over by Manesville. Nothing much to speak of.” Sunny answers.

“Well come back in a day or two and perhaps I will have another for you to look at. No guarantees mind you.”

We then leave and head back to the caravan. Once there Xochitl gives me a quick rundown of what is going on and I tell those who are still here, “Go ahead and head inside. Relax, see if you find anything you think we can use. Also, Tater and Twinkle Hoofs are doing a side job inside, so if you see them working, don’t be surprised.”

They all nod and I watch as they head inside again. Soon I am joined by Trader Jewel next to the fire in the growing darkness. He tells me, “You two should at least go talk to Seasoning Salt, she has a good stew made for tonight.”

I see Sunny look at me and I nod my head. He then tells me, “Be back in a bit boss,” as he heads over to the cooking wagon.

Once Sunny is out of hearing he asks, “Heard anything more inside?”

“No, not yet, but I may walk around out here a bit too. I can use the same spell I used at the hospital, so if you don’t see me for a bit, you know why.”

He nods in understanding and takes another bite of his vegetable stew. After he swallows, he says, “Choo, I know your kind don’t really need to eat much, but you really should have some and just enjoy the taste.”

I grin, “Ok, I will. By the way, you wouldn’t happen to know where I might pick up some Sparkle Cola Rad would you?”

He smiles mischievously, “Yeah, I got a couple of bottles in my wagon, plus I saw a booth in there with a case of it. Not sure how much they want for it. But If I give you a bottle, I need two things.”

I sigh, “Ok, what is it?”

Still smiling he answers, “One you have to try some of this stew. Two, I would like to hear more about your memories of before the final day.”

“Surely you aren’t interested in an old unicorn’s memories from so long ago.”

This time nods his head, “Choo, first off, they are new stories to me. They also let me see what the world was like before our kind and the Zebras destroyed it.”

I smile shyly and I tell them as I nod slightly, “Ok, Trader, if you really do want to hear them I will.”

When I get to the wagon, I hear Tater call out over the radio, “Big Blue, this is Mash, could we get Black Bird in here to assist us please?”

Without thinking I nod my head even though he can not see me, then I tell him, “That is affirmative Mash. I will send him in shortly.”

Sunny has already heard and looks slightly disappointed as he is still eating. I then tell him, “Go once you are done. I do understand.”

“Thanks, Choo. You’re really going to like it. She even put a bit of garlic in it.”

I use my TK to carry my mess kit back to fire and Trader Jewel so I can talk and eat at the same time. I then begin to tell him what I remember of the old days and some of the experiences I had on the Fillydelphia, Canterlot and New Pegasus run from just after the war started.

I am still telling him about what I can remember from that lost life when the youngsters return along with Tek. They all take a seat including Tek and I have to smile as I watch all of them begin to show interest in those days from so long ago.

I am just telling them about my sisters and my arrival at Manesville all those years ago when out of the darkness I see some shadows approaching our fire. I can just make them out as some of the Volunteer Corps members we had seen earlier when one calls out, “Hello the fire. Permission to approach?”

My associates are now all alert to the outsiders and shift some but I can see the new arrivals are not carrying long arms and are in a state of relaxation. In fact, I can even smell a bit of whiskey on them. I look at the others with me and Trader Jewel says, to me, “Go ahead, it’s neutral ground out here too. Even if Gun II can’t enforce it.”

I nod to him and tell them, “Come on in and join us.”

As they approach I see there are four of them, one seems a bit older than the rest and I notice all move and maintain their body positions as if they are veterans. Interesting I think to myself.

The younger two both nod to Epona and I hear one of them say, “Good to see you again Epona.”

She actually smiles and asks, “Is that you Ball Lighting?”

“Yes, Anan is here with me as well as a couple of my other friends, Thanks for letting us join you tonight.”

She nods and with a grin tells him, “Glad too. I have a feeling you fellas don’t get many who treat you well down here.”

“No, not really. We appreciate it though. Sorry for interrupting, please continue.”

I smile politely and continue on with my story as all of us sit and enjoy the fire as the moon begins to rise.


Mega Mart, Hoofington, Lunar Commonwealth: Ball Lighting.

As we sit, we listen to this, this, alicorn the others call Choo Choo as she talks about something they call the expedition and someplace called Serenity Valley. As we listen, I notice Funnel Cloud looking a bit incredulous. Then he says, “That seems like a lot of ponies for dirtside. How big did you say you were at this valley?”

This time the zony answers. “Do you know how big a heavy battalion is?” When we all nod our heads he says, “That is how heavy we started out on the expedition. We took losses along the way, including all but three of our officers, and had a lieutenant have to take charge and try to get us home.”

Funnel Cloud looks at him and says, “You sound like you were part of this expedition, but aren’t you a bit young?”

The zony shrugs and tells him, “Yes, my fiancé and I ran away from home to follow them. Choo over there helped us. When we showed ourselves to the Major, my father and Cookie’s mother gave us permission to be used as scouts because we were too far from home to get back safely.”

“So, you’re saying you were foal warriors?”

“Yeah, most of us were,” the zony says to us.

I am shocked as I could not imagine being a scout at that age. What I have experienced so far is bad enough. I then ask, “Epona, were you a scout with them?”

She grins, “Nah, I and my buddy Tater snuck in on Ma when we attacked the Legions base at what is now known as Fort Hope, over in the Harness region of the NCR a couple of years after that.”

Again, I am surprised but then I hear Sergeant Anan asks, “Is your military that sloppy that foals can sneak in like that?”

Epona laughs and waves a hoof before she answers, “No, just the mares in our family are very stubborn, and when we put our mind to something we are going to do it.”

Then Anan asks the black-coated pegasus buck, “So what is your story? I see you are living down here but you’re not branded. Are you a deserter from the Enclave?”

Sunny laughs and then replies with a grin, “No, my parents were an earth pony and a unicorn. Both had pegasus blood in them, so against the odds, I and my younger sister were both born pegasuses.”

I am very surprised to hear this as I had not heard of it before. Then the black buck asks, “So what is it you all do? No offense, you don’t strike me as the Volunteer Corps type. I watched the others in your group and you four, you have worked together before, I can tell.”

I am stunned. Before I can say anything Funnel Cloud says, “Well you have a good eye and to tell the truth kid,” at which the buck bristles a bit but does not do anything, “We were all working together in the service, but after our contracts ran out, well we decided to join the VC and come on down. See if maybe we could do any good.”

When he says this, I see the big blue one they call Choo raise an eyebrow and a flash of a suspicious expression crosses her face but it quickly disappears.

I am surprised a bit later when I hear the one they keep calling Blackbird tells me, “Wow, that is a nice looking pistol.”

I can’t help but grin and tell him, “Yeah, I just got it today.”

Blackbird then says, “I have always liked the looks of the E1911s, but never got the chance to pick one up yet. I am still carrying this ol’ Caramel.”

I think briefly and ask, “Would you like to see it?”

I see a grin cross his face as he excitedly says to me, “Sure, if you don’t mind.”

I slowly draw the pistol, drop the magazine and eject the round in the chamber, but pick it up immediately so it is not lost, then I hoof it to him with the slide locked back.

I watch him take it in his wings and check the chamber first. Then he releases the slide and tests the grip and how it feels. Then he takes it back out and I see a look of surprise come across his face. He turns to the one that Epona called Tater and says, “Tater, how many E1911s marked with MoA have you seen?”

Tater gets a funny expression on his face and says, “Until now, only three. The one owned by Lieutenant Colonel Windrider, back home, the one you saw earlier at the Vendors booth in Mega Mart and now this one.”

They both look at me in surprise and Blackbird asks, “Are these common down here?”

I shake my head and tell him, “Actually I just picked this one up today and it is the first one I have ever seen marked as being Ministry of Awesome issue.” I turn my head, “How about you Funnel?”

He shakes his head negatively and I can tell he is not pleased to hear this news either. Finally, I hear Choo say, “It makes me wonder if these are marked truly, or perhaps someone has found a cache. If the latter, I wonder what other goodies they may have.”

After she says this, I have to agree with her. I will have to talk to Airburst about it later. Then I change the subject and take the opportunity to ask, “So Choo, is it true that all of you alicorns were once unicorns?”

We talk for a while longer than I see them begin to lay out their bedrolls and we stand, “It was very nice to meet you all, and thank you for the company,” I tell them.

They all nod and return the sentiments. Then Epona tells us, “It was really nice to sit and talk tonight. I hope we can do so again sometime.”

I smile and step closer. I take her hoof and gently kiss it. In the firelight I see her blush slightly, then I turn to go. In my mind, I hope the same as her, but I am afraid of what would happen if I did. I really don’t want to be branded a Dashite. No matter how good she seems, I think to myself as we walk back to our wagon and the volunteers.

As I come up, I see Sundancer and Alto sitting close holding tails in the firelight. They at least have the decency to look slightly uncomfortable. I just smile at them and continue on to find Air Burst. He takes me aside and asks, “So Ball, what have you and your people been up to?”

I begin to tell him about where we were and what we have learned. Then I tell him, “Funny thing, one of them said they saw a different E1911 today that was marked MoA as well as mine. Air Burst, I thought these things were a lot rarer than that.”

He looks around, then nods his head as he replies, “They are. Now let’s keep quiet about it. I will let you know if I hear anymore.”

I nod my head in agreement, and as I get ready to sleep for the night, I wonder what he really meant.


That last one comes to you from Velvet Remedy and is her latest hit. This is DJ Pon3 and here is some of the latest news in the NCR and the wastelands. There have been several reports lately of increased sightings of Enclave airships approaching the NCR border. At this time there have been no clashes between the NCR and the Enclave, but that can change ponies. In other news, the Followers of the Apocalypse have announced plans to expand their program for welcoming Alicorns into the NCR as well as a refuge being set up for them.

For those further away in the Hoofington region there have been reports of several large Enclave airships having arrived for a port of call and exercises in the region near Thunderhead. This news comes to us through some contacts in the Lunar Commonwealth. Our sources there also have informed us that there have been offers by the Enclave to the Council of the Lunar Commonwealth, to assist in quelling a recent rise in gang fighting and territorial disputes.

For our next song this goes out to all of you down in the Hoof, here is In The Air Tonight.

Chapter 12: Back Stage

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Chapter 12: Back Stage

“I am not responsible for actions of the imaginary version of me you have inside your head.”

― John Scalzi

Mega Mart, Hoofington, Lunar Commonwealth: Ginger Snaps.

When I awake in the morning the sun is just clearing the mountains in the distance as well as the taller buildings that are still standing. Choo is giving me a shake and tells me, “Ginger, Get the team together, I have some assignments to give out and then you can all get breakfast.”

I groggily nod my head and pull back the blanket from me and Xochitl and I am hit by the cool air as it rushes in. I then hear Xochitl say, “Wow it is chillier than I expected this morning.”

From his other side I hear Sunny’s voice tiredly say, “Morning already, I feel like I just got to sleep.”

Then I hear him say, “Hope you don’t mind Cohtil?”

I see my fiancé tiredly rub his hoof through his mane as he replies, “I guess not. I didn’t even know you were there.” Then he gets up and we start to roll up our bedrolls.

Across the fire I notice Tek starting to roust up also. He nods his head to me and he asks, “I stay until you find out what do today?”

I shrug, why not. Who knows, we may need a scout even. We have all begun to know him and are getting used to having him with us. Maybe we can pay him to scout for us today also.

When I wake Epona I see she is next to Tater, along with Twinks. Once the rest of us are up I see Cowlick walking up to our camp area with a bit of a smile on his face. Xochitl and I look at each other and I notice Xochitl has one eyebrow raised and looks a bit perplexed. He then shakes his head and we let it drop.

Once we are all together Choo begins. “Ok, Tater, Twinks, you two have begun to build some connections with the workers here. Check with them to make sure they are happy with the work you did yesterday. After that, I need you to check over our equipment to make sure it is ready for heavy ops. Ginger, you take Xochitl, Epona and Cowlick with you. I want you to begin to scout out the areas Tek was discussing with you. Scout it out, avoid contact if you can, and if not, pull back. This is just feeling things out right now.” She pauses and then tells Sunny, “Sunny you are with me, we are heading over to the one stable Trader Jewel was telling us about. I want to see if I can pick a few things that they may have that we may need.”

Tater then asks, “Choo, is it alright if we check out the vendors again too? I had a few whose booths I wanted to visit. Also, I am curious now if I can find any leads on where those MoA pistols may have come from. Who knows, maybe they have some other weapons that we could use from the MoA. They always seemed to have the good stuff from what I have read.”

Choo holds up a hoof to him, “Ok, you don’t have to defend your reasoning. Just make sure the rest of our weapons are ready as well. Now all of you grab a ration pack. Oh, and Ginger, see if Tek will lead you on the scout today.”

I nod my head and tell her “Yes ma’am.” Then I ask the zebra who is still rolled up in his blanket “Did you hear that?”

He nods his head and asks in Zebracan, “What is going on?”

I calmly answer, “Are you willing to lead a recon mission for us.”

He looks at me warily and questions, “Where do you want to go, and why?”

This time Xochitl answers, “Tek, we want to go look at the area of the Hoof's Ferals. Get an idea of ingress and egress routes.”

He looks slightly confused at Xochitl who then explains, “Ingress and Egress, the ways in and out of an area.”

I see a light of understanding come on in Tek’s mind and he nods his head. “Yes, can do, but can you give me food to eat?”

I nod as I tell him, “Yes Tek, anything else you want for leading our team in there?”

He nods his head and asks hopefully, “Maybe some caps too?”

By this time Choo has returned and asks, “Tek, how many do you want for this job?”

He then says, “Fifty caps.”

That is way too high and we all know it. Choo just smiles as she shakes her head and tells him, “No, how about fifteen.”

They dicker back and forth briefly and decide on 24 caps. After which he asks, “Ok, when we do?”

I then tell him, “After breakfast if you think that would be a good time.”

He nods his head, “Yes, by time we get there, most of them asleep still.”

While the rest begin to eat, I approach Choo and ask her, “Don’t you think that is a bit high for that? Especially with us feeding him.”

She then tells me, “Ginger, he is helping us, and if you haven’t noticed, he is bonding with the team. So, no, I do not have a problem with it.”

I shrug then and tell her, “Ok, you’re the boss. So, what are you planning on picking up over at this stable?”

I see her smile as she answers, “I want to see if I can pick up a couple more PipBucks. I heard they may have a couple of spares for sale.”

I nod my head remembering how useful they were on the expedition. “Choo, are you sure you don’t want Twinks and Tater to go with you?”

She sighs before she answers me and tells me, “I would prefer to, but with the distance and time they would just slow us down.”

“So that is why you wanted Sunny?”

She nods her head, “Yes, worse comes to worst, we can fly faster than we can run.”

Soon thereafter she and Sunny are fully kitted out and we watch them take off directly above the carriage lot as fast as they can until they are out of easy gun range. I last see them flying for some low clouds to the west.

I then turn to the others and notice that Twinks is taking off her coat and kit and putting on a pair of coveralls. When she sees me looking at her, she shrugs and tells me, “Honestly Ging, I have seen some of the jobs that they need done. Gun II was the cleanest of them, and I heard one of the assistant managers mention something about a backed-up toilet.” After she says this, I see her grimace. Well at least she understands plumbing a bit I think to myself.

The others in our group are getting ready as well. When I look over the three going with me plus Tek are all ready and have their game faces on.

I tell Tater and Twinks, “Ok, you two got the caravan, I guess. I will see you when we get back.”

Twinks has a worried expression on her face as she tells me, “You guys be careful ok. Remember you don’t have a medic with you.”

When she says this, I realize she is right. If I had before Choo left, I would have discussed it with her. I guess we will have to do what we can, and avoid fighting as much as possible. I then reply, “Will do Twinks, and thanks for the reminder.” Then I activate the bit for my battlesaddle so it is ready at least and I tell Xochitl, “Ok, you and Tek lead the way.”

As we head across the pavement of the carriage lot, I see the Volunteer camp has movement in it as well. I think little of it until I hear a familiar voice from last night call out. “Take it easy out there Epona.”

Then I hear her call back, “Will do. See you when we get back if your still here.”

Then we are at the gates and I notice Purchase Order is on guard. I can't help but notice that today, she seems to have cleaned herself up a bit and she waves at Tek as he passes her, then before she can say anything I hear Epona call to her, “Looking good Purchase, I hope to see you again tonight.”

I suddenly see the skinny mare smile broadly as she calls back, “I will see you then. Be careful and make sure you bring Tek back safe.”

Soon our small group is through the gate with Xochitl and Tek in the lead. Followed by me, with Cowlick and Epona bringing up the rear in two staggered lines.


Hoofington, Lunar Commonwealth: Xochitl

As we head out the gates of the Mega Mart, I watch Tek wave to Purchase Order and nod to her myself. I have my carbine at the carry on a sling across my front so I can bring it up easily whether I am on two or four legs. We are about an hour and a half out on our recon, when I notice the small pistol Tek is carrying. I am not familiar with its make or model but I notice that what I can see of it has been blued to make it look striped on stainless steel. So, I ask him in Zebracan, “Where did you pick up a weapon like that?”

He simply smiles and tells me, “I picked it up off of the dead legionnaires when I was a colt. They no longer needed it, and I needed something to protect myself with.”

I smile and tell him, “I thought maybe it was one of your parent’s weapons.”

He looks at me curiously and ask, “Why would I want one of theirs, obviously it failed to keep them alive. So, any weapon should do.”

I nod my head at his logic, but I also understand how Epona feels about it, as she still carries her mother’s SMG from her universe. This makes me wonder briefly what Tek would have been like on that side. I smile and he asks me, “What are you smiling about?”

“Just thinking about what you and those we know would be like in a world where things went differently than they did here.”

He shakes his head, “Don’t waste your time, we can never know such a thing. Bah, the spirits are probably not even real or they do not care about us mortals. If so, why did they not save my family, or better, why did they allow us to do this to each other?” as he says the last, he swipe a hoof across the landscape around us.

“Tek, I really wish I could answer that for you. I know Cookie would say it is because Sweet Cream and the Goddesses allowed us to suffer for our folly, and that those who come through this will be like the butterfat skimmed from the cream.”

He looks at me funny and asks, “I know who the Goddesses are to the ponies, but who is this Sweet Cream?”

I shrug and tell him, “It’s part of the religion of the cattle. They believe in the Goddess, but they also believe in Sweet Cream. She is a cow, but she is also the All-Mother. The creator of all life.”

I see him huff, “Figures, all beings claim their type created all life.”

I shrug, “Yeah, I know. The interesting part is though, that they do not preach they are better than others, only that they are different and that all life is interconnected.”

“Is that why your bovine friend treats me the way he does?”

I shrug and tell him, “Probably that is part of it. But honestly, I just think he likes who you are Tek. He accepts you and I are different, but that we are his equals, and he looks beyond this shell we call our bodies.”

I am just finishing saying this when he moves his ears and hoof to signal to get down and freeze. We all drop where we are. Then he non-verbally signals that there are possible hostiles ahead. I bring my carbine slowly up and use my scope to scan the area ahead and I notice Two earth pony ghouls as well as an earth pony and unicorn who are standing just a bit back from the windows of a wrecked building. A sign on the outside of the building is no longer legible. I quietly ask, “What is that place?”

Still watching head, he just as quietly answers back, “Guards for the back entrance of the Feral’s tunnels.”

I nod my head and ask, “Are there any other ways in?”

“Yes, a couple more. This is usually the least protected.”

I nod my head, “OK, let’s move back to the others and see if we can check out the other entrances.” As I say this I decide if they have ghouls as part of their gang, maybe we need to look out for ghouls who are pegasus. With that I begin to scan the sky as well as the area around us.

Once back to the rest we slowly move back a couple of blocks worth in the distance and follow Tek again as he leads us on the outskirts of their territory until we find another area that is being guarded. I am surprised that it does not have as many guards as the other and I am told by Tek, “Small service entrance to tunnels. Rumor says lots of ghouls and traps.”

Ok, that makes sense then. So, I tell him, “Alright, better keep moving.” Around us in the rubble the others of our team have come up and are taking shelter and providing overwatch in all directions around us. I then tell Tek, “If we get the chance, Ginger wants to capture one of the Feral’s and question them to see what information we can get from them.”

I see his eyes open wider and he asks, “My friend, is that wise. That will give away that you are coming after them.”

I think briefly and tell him, “They may know someone is checking them out, but not who. So yeah, we need to do this.”

I hear him sigh as he shrugs and tells me, “She is the boss.” Then he begins to lead us towards what he thinks is the main entrance for them.

As we advance, I look up into the sky and in the distance, I notice several Raptor class cloudships near what must be the cloud city of Thunderhead. It is much larger than I ever imagined it and from the side I hear Cowlick quietly say, “Will you look at that. I thought White Cloud was something special, but it’s not even a speck compared to that.”

It is starting to get late in the day by the time we arrive near the area that is the main entrance. We have circled several extra blocks all the way here to stay out of visual sight. As we watch I notice that it looks like they are putting out some sort of signal lights. The sun is just starting to go down when I hear wings approaching. I look through the hole in the roof and wall and see a sky carriage begin to descend as it makes its approach. Shortly afterwards in the light of the lanterns We can see them unloading several boxes of ammunition and weapons as well as food stuffs.

After this one takes off, a second one follows and lands in about the same spot, followed by them unloading it as well. There is a slight delay after the second one takes off and we hear a third one approaching. As they are unloading, we use the noise they are making to cover our withdrawal.

As we approach the middle guard position, we see only one guard on watch. This surprises me and I decide we need to just observe for a while before making our move. After about fifteen minutes I see another pony come out from a side room putting his barding back on and adjusting his clothing. Well now we know what they were doing.

We wait a while longer than with Cowlick providing overwatch with the MK 24 Medium Machine Gun. I have Tek and Epona stay back with him to make sure he does not get surprised either. Then Ginger and I are back to the old days, using ear signals and moving as silently in the dark as we can. We are almost to them when I hear one of them ask, “Did ya hear that?”

“Nah, I didn’t hear a thing. You always hearing things. Last time it was a racoon. Time before that a rat.” The other one answers back.

Ginger and I crouch outside against what is left of the standing wall. I can see their shadows silhouetted by the fire on the wall of the building across the street. They have to be night blind. Soon we hear one begin to sound tired as they talk, the other one tells them, “Take a nap, I will wake ya if I need ya, or in time for the next watch.”

We give them another twenty minutes and then Ginger and I move to where there is a hole that we can jump through and get inside from the street. Once in position she signals to me a three count and then we leap into the room. I am right behind her. As we enter, she goes one way, I the other and I hear a light cracking of three rounds from her SIR. Thank the Goddesses it has a suppressor on it. That makes it perfect for this kind of work.

Myself I cross to the one who is sleeping on the floor, as they begin to move, I crack them across the muzzle with the buttstock of my carbine, snapping their head back and stunning them. I am then on them and use some rope to hog tie them. Soon Ginger calls out quietly, One tango down.

I call back to her, “Tango captured.”

She smirks when she sees that I have stuffed a dirty towel into his mouth to keep him quiet.

Then she looks at the filthy light purple unicorn and tells him, “I see that horn light up, I cut it off. You would not be the first or the hardest one I have done that too.”

I see his eyes go wide in terror. She looks around and tells me, “Flower, get that long two by four, we are going to take him with us for a bit.

As I go to retrieve it, she pulls an old hatchet out of her saddlebags and examines it then looks at our prisoner and tells him coolly, “Yes this is what I will use if I see you go to use magic.”

As I put the board of wood through the unicorn’s hooves, I notice his compatriot is still alive, but also tied up and gagged. Watching us through wide eyes as we lift his comrade up using the board and carrying him like we did with some of the smaller radhogs back home out the hole in the wall and away into the night.

We only take him a few blocks. Then we find a building that is still intact enough for us to use as a shelter so we can ask a few questions. Before we remove the gag, Ginger calmly tells him, “We have a few questions to ask, if you yell, I will consider that the same as attempting to use magic. Do you understand?”

He nods his head and as I begin to remove the gag, he begins to yell and I watch her swing the back side of the hatchet against his horn like a hammer. I hear his muffled scream and she tells him, “I tried to warn you. Don’t try that again.”

He nods his head as tears of pain come out his eyes and he ask, “Whats you wants with me? Do you know who yous messing with?”

She nods her head and tells him, “Yes, but do you know who we are?”

He shakes his head no and she smiles, “Good. Now where is the doctor?”

“Doctor? What Doctor?” He asks.

“The one taken from the Fluttershy Medical Center?”

“Sorry, don’t know anything abouts no doctors being took.”

“How about the Burner Boy that was killed there? Did you or your gang have anything to do with that?”

He looks confused and says, “Why would we? We got no trouble with thems. They stay in theys part of town and we in ours.”

Ginger looks at me, then I look at her. Behind me, I hear Epona say, “Uh guys, we got some movement coming from back the way we came. I think it is time to ditch this buck.”

I look at Ginger, and she at me. We nod again and I put the gag back in his mouth. Then we move him to the street, placing him on the porch. We then all head out the back door and make our way down the alleyways as quickly as we safely can. We are about a block away when I hear someone shout, “Here he is, they tied him up and gagged him too.”

We are already looking for our next bit of cover when we hear a large explosion behind us. I turn and I see Cowlick smiling and then I hear him say, “That’s one.”

We are still running a couple of seconds later when we hear another explosion, “and that’s two,” Cowlick says with a grin.

“Salt, what did you do?”

He gives me his best innocent look and tells me, “I just set a couple of explosive charges off by a radio detonator. You know the basics. I saw they were clear, but I knew it would scare their manes straight.”

I Shake my head in amusement. I forgot he was one of Bailey Bridge's disciples of mayhem now. Then I hear Ginger say, “Salt, next time do not use explosives without letting us know first.”

He shrugs as he proudly paces with us as we trot our way back to Mega Mart and simply says, “Will do Cookie. But did you see the size of those explosions? That was cool.”

From the side, I hear Tek say, “I once knew of a stallion who used to say cool pones never look at explosions.”

I shake my head and wonder who came up with that. But before I can say anything I hear Cowlick snicker and say, “Yeah, but I am a cow, not a pony. SOOOO... there is always that.”

I snicker to myself after that at his humor and realize how lucky I am to have friends like this.


Skies over Hoofington, Lunar Commonwealth: Choo Choo

As we begin our flight to the Stable I was told about. I take the time again to look at the surrounding landscape and I find myself feeling better to be away from the ground. Normally I don’t think that way, but here in Hoofington, there is an eerie feeling that I get most of the time.

Sometimes the feeling is stronger and to be honest, it makes it hard to even stay in an area. The worst so far for me has been in the Fluttershy Medical Center. I don’t know what horrors occurred there, but it had to have been a true nightmare. I have been to many hospitals since being transformed into an alicorn and while they generally have some of that feeling. They have nothing as strong as that. Almost like the feeling of walking through an old battlefield. But here, the whole city was a battleground.

As we fly Sunny asks me, “Choo, somethings on your mind. Whatcha thinking about?”

I shake my head and tell him, “Nothing to concern yourself with. But I guess we should keep our eyes open more. Especially after Xochitl told us about the Rocs.”

I see his eyes get wide again, and he asks somewhat nervously, “Choo, you don’t think we are near their territory do ya?”

I smile in a calming fashion at him and tell him, “No, probably not, but why take chances.”

We are only a couple of miles from where the Stable should be when we take a short break sitting on a cloud. In the distance, we can see the cloud city of Thunderhead. In the distance I see the dots of vertibucks moving between it and the ground.

Sunny has his wings spread and is sunning himself as he rests. After a bit, I hear him say, “Ya know Choo, I would really like to visit that place.”

I nod my head, “I understand, but I would not be welcome, and Sunny, they would most likely try to force you into the Enclave.”

I watch as he shrugs, “Too bad we don’t have another pegasus with us, I would try and sneak in and do a little snooping.”

I have to smile at this, as I doubt it would be that easy to just fly into Thunderhead and begin to walk around. But I have heard of worse ideas.

After a brief respite, we both stand up, stretch our wings and take to the air again. Soon I am able to pick up the landmarks that I was told to look for. It is not really all that hard with such a well-worn trail leading in that direction. Sunny and I land about a kilometer away and begin to walk the rest of the way. When we get closer, I notice the flag of the Applejack’s Rangers flying.

As we approach, I feel the same feeling as at the Mega Mart and the Fluttershy Medical Center. I don’t really know how to explain it. But it almost feels like somepony dragging a hoof across a chalkboard mentally. Mother said before she was destroyed that in this region we could feel the screams of the dead, the betrayed and fallen. I did not truly believe as for some reason I was sheltered from those memories as were most of my sisters who did not come here.

I am handling it well overall. Then I feel a familiar tickle in my brain and I ask, ({Sister?})

{[Yes, but you would not know me.]} I hear in my mind in response.’

{[Why would I not know you sister? I admit that I have huge gaps in my memory, but still.]}

{[I am she that is the reason you are missing so many of your memories.]}

{[You! You're alive! Praise the Goddesses.]} I answer back as I feel the tickle of her mind and a mental image of the tall beautiful purple alicorn I once cursorily knew, who was hated by our Mother for reasons I did not know or understand.

{[Yes, praise them. And may they have forgiveness on us all.]} I feel a brief pause then hear again, {[Which of my sisters are you?]}

{[I am Choo Choo, I was winged with Blue Star, and Quick Frost.]} I tell her.

{[Do they yet live?]}

{[Yes, they have a farm now and have settled down together.]}

I can almost feel a sad, but satisfied smile when I tell her this. Then I ask, {[How have you been?]}

{[I have been worse. Much worse.]}

{[Could you please show yourself?]} I ask.

Suddenly, about ten feet in front of me and Sunny I see the dark Purple alicorn appear before us. It is so sudden and unexpected to him that Sunny briefly goes airborne and reaches for his weapon. I quickly tell him, “It’s ok Sunny, she is one of my sisters. I was talking with her and asked her to appear.”

He looks from her to me and says, “Choo, you could warn a buck.”

I turn from him to look at her. She has a somber expression on her face as she asks aloud, “Is he your servant?”

I shake my head no and tell her, “No, but he does work for me as a member of my team.” As I am saying this, I see him trying to stifle a laugh that he has already let escape some.

She looks at him and turns her head, “Hmm, an all-black pegasus with a blue. You are not trying to start a cult or say you are Luna reborn or anything are you?”

Again, I shake my head negatively and I tell her, “You have held my memories, do you think so little of me sister that I would do such a thing?”

She looks into my eyes and I feel that tickle again as she says, {[You would not have then, but I am sure much has happened since.]}

I nod and tell her, {[A lot has happened since Unity has broken, and much pain. But I now try to do better and help others to as well.]}

She smiles kindly for the first time and says, {[I had a friend who used to say something like that a lot. Now, let’s begin to talk aloud again, I believe your employee may think we are being rude.]}

I then tell her, “You are correct. We do not want to be rude.” I turn to Sunny and tell him, “I apologize for not talking aloud in front of you Sunny. I guess it just felt good to communicate with one of my sisters the old way.”

He looks at me and nods as he waves a forehoof and tells us, “I understand. Remember how mad my parents used to get when us youngsters all started to speak Zebracan around them and most of them could not understand us. I figured it was like that.”

My sister, again with a somber expression on her face nods and says, “I do understand, I too remember being young once and having many friends.”

This time he looks thoughtful and he asks, “Ma’am, no offense but I can’t see why you don’t have lots of friends. You remind me of Quick Frost and she has lots of friends.”

She looks at me and I simply shrug in reply. “Well, thank you, you are a gentlecolt, and I appreciate the compliment.” She then looks around and says, “Let’s continue on our way to the stable. May I ask what you are looking for?”

I look around first to see no one is close and tell her, “I hear there may be some PipBucks here for sale. I came to inquire as to the price of them if they are available.”

“I do not know this for sure, but I will take you to those of the Rangers who may be able to answer those questions for you.”

Soon we have followed her through the main door of the Stable and as we go further inside, I experience a great feeling of dread and horror. Finally, we reach the atrium area and I am overpowered and collapse. Not in physical pain, but at the pain of those who were once here and who passed over and their psychic anguish.

As I fall, I feel my sister assist me and catch me. She nods to me and sends to me, {[It happens. You get used to it.]}

{[What happened here?]} I send to her with fear and anxiety riding my thoughts.

I hear her sigh, {[A lot, but that is another story, for another time. Let me help you up.]}

As she helps me get back to my hooves I tell her, “Thank you. I don’t know what came over me.” Sunny does not need to know. If he can’t feel it, let him enjoy himself today.

Soon she leads me to an area off of the atrium that has several members of the Rangers. My sister introduces me and Sunny to them.

The one she introduces me to as Scribe Apple Butter asks me, “So what exactly are you looking for?”

I cautiously answer back, “I am looking for some PipBucks for myself and my team to use.”

I see her head go back, “Excuse me. But did you just say you use a PipBuck?”

I smile and reply, “I have for several years. Back when I was with the Co-op Expedition force as a scout, then once we joined the NCR I wore one again once I made Corporal.”

She looks at me funny and then asks, “I see you are not wearing one now. You a deserter?”

I shake my head, “No, my time of enlistment was up. Right now, my team and I are guarding a caravan.”

Apple Butter looks at the others, and asks, “So where is the Co-op you mention? Especially if it has pegasi in it.”

I notice Sunny seems to be put off by that question, but he waits for me to answer it. When I do I tell her, “It was up by Manesville and was made up of several smaller communities and the stable up there.”

“Stable Ponies huh? And they had that big a force that they needed scouts?”

I shrug, and Sunny says defensively. “We came out of the stable over a hundred years ago. My great granny Millie was one of the first.”

They all look at him and ask, “So how many pegasi did you have in your stable.”

He tilts his head, “Only two, and both were bucks.” He pauses then says, “Look, my pa is an earth pony and Ma is a Unicorn. Both had pegasus blood and were surprised when me and my kid sister came out with wings.”

I watch as Apple Butter begins to laugh at this as well as the others. My sister on the other hoof just looks at him curiously. Finally, Apple Butter says, “Thank you for the laugh. I can imagine they were surprised.” She pauses then asks, “So are there many other pegasi there now?”

He nods his head, “Yeah, we got quite a few refugees from Thunderhead when the Enclave had their disagreement.”

Apple Butter then raises an eyebrow and says, “That is quite the understatement about what happened. But yes, I can see how that would have occurred. I take it your people welcomed them.”

Both Sunny and I nod our heads and are surprised when we hear and feel something large moving toward us. I turn and see a suit of power armor approaching us.

The pages all stand at attention and I hear one say, “Good afternoon, Knight Granola Crunch. What can we do for you, sir?”

Through the speaker on his suit, I hear him say, “I came to see if I could have one of you adjust my suit some as its communications suite must not be working properly as I have not been alerted that we had an unknown alicorn inside the stable.”

Apple Butter, still at attention, responds with, “Sir, as she was escorted in, we did not think her presence needed to be reported.”

I hear him sigh and he tells her and the other pages, “While I can understand your assumption, please do not let it happen again.”

His helmet turns to face us and I hear him ask, “SO, what is it you are here for?”

I sigh audibly and tell him, “As I have just explained to your pages here, I had heard that there may be some PipBucks available for purchase and I had just made the inquiry when you approached.”

“What kind of team do you have and why would an alicorn desire a PipBuck?”

“Knight Granola Crunch, I have a team of ponies that are currently on assignment to escort a caravan. That has led us to find out a doctor for the Fluttershy Medical Center has been kidnapped and we have been asked by our boss to help locate him and bring him back if possible.”

I notice the pages seem a little surprised as this and Granola Crunch asks, “And why do you think said PipBucks would help you in that endeavor?”

Sunny, getting tired of just sitting on the sidelines, tells him, “Because Choo Choo as well as two of our others have used them before when working as scouts.”

I see the body language of the armor seem to convey disdain at Sunny and I hold a hoof up to Sunny and tell the knight, “He is correct, but they will assist us in preventing collateral damage using the Stable Tec Arcane Targeting Spell, as well as if one of my team is hit, we can use them to reduce our reaction times to injuries.”

He puts a forehoof to his chin and tells the scribes, “If we have one ready, let them have it right away. I will have to discuss with the chain of command if we can allow any others out of the stable.”

They all nod and acknowledge the order. Soon he is on his way again and Apple Butter tells us, "Let me go get the one from the back.”

Sunny then asks, “Choo, can I have this one, please?”

I shake my head, “Sorry, but I think this one goes to Tater, as Twinks got the one, they earned.”

I see him looking slightly crestfallen but then I tell him, “We will get you one eventually, have patience, ok?”

He nods his head, “Yeah, ok. I was just kinda hoping is all.”

“I understand,” I then ask the scribes and page, “Is there someplace I can get something to eat for my compatriot?”

One of the scribes smiles shyly and answers, “Yes ma’am, if you like I can lead you to the stable cafeteria.”

“Yes, that would be nice,” I answer and I see Sunny checking out the young mare as she begins to lead the way.

As we walk, I look around and notice the differences between this stable and the one in Manesville. As I am looking around, I hear the young page ask, “So have you ever been inside a stable before?”

Sunny shakes his head no and answers, “Nah, back home our stable is only for the army forces stationed there. The rest of us either live in one of the settlements or on one of the reclaimed farms.”

She turns her head and asks, “Reclaimed farms?”

“Yeah, if you want a farm, you can stake a claim on one of the abandoned ones. Then you have to reclaim the soil by tilling contaminated soil under and rebuilding the topsoil using the treated waste from the sewage plants of Manesville or the stable. You also have to fix up the building and make it livable again.”

“So, you actually have farms where you are from? Interesting.”

“Yeah, my family owns one with over one hundred acres.”

She looks at him and me then she says, “Your family must be very large then to take care of a farm that large and not have you there to help.”

Sunny shrugs, “Well yeah, but also back home, everypony spends at least a week per year helping on the farms. It used to be more, but we have so many there now we cut back on the time. Well, that and the members of the Manesville brigade rotate out to the farms to assist too.”

She looks at him funny as if trying to determine if he is lying or not. Then she asks, “Did you say brigade? That is a pretty large force for any area.”

Sunny nods his head, “Yeah, they got two regiments there now. Artillery and everything.”

I see her look surprised and I shoot Sunny a look to let him know to quit talking so much about the NCRA. When he doesn’t seem to take the hint, I change the subject and ask, “So have you been here long?”

She smiles and says, “I should say so. I have been here for about seven years now. I was one of the first pages to be allowed to come here. I have since earned the title of Scribe and hope that someday I may even be made a knight.”

I find myself smiling at this young mare and her desire to advance. Beside me, I notice my sister is also smiling. In my mind, I feel her tell me, {[I hope you don’t mind me accompanying you. It is such a nice change for me. I miss having contact with any of our sisters.]}

{[I understand fully. I find myself feeling that way as well, especially when I have been away for so long.]}

{[Was he telling the truth about how things are where you come from?]}

I move my ears in subtle acknowledgment, I do not feel bad as Sunny and the Scribe are fully involved with their own conversation. {[Yes, in fact, part of my family both runs a farm as well as are in the military there.]}

{[Your family sister?]} she asks in curiosity.

{[Yes, it seems I have many descendants in the Manesville region. Including one who looks almost identical to me when I was still a unicorn. Her granddaughter Moon Lily though. She is very special to me. I have helped to mentor her in her magic since she was a filly.]} I see a look of surprise and then worry cross my sister’s face. {[Do not worry, our family has made sure to instill a sense of self-discipline and respect for others in her.]}

{[I am happy to hear this for you Choo. I really am. I do worry though if they have that big of a military.]}

I nod and tell her, {[That is a natural concern and one to take into consideration. However, at this time at least they are not being used in such a manner. Their leadership only wants to protect themselves and the NCR, not expand. At least in Manesville they understand the concept of overextending their forces, nor do they desire to do more than protect their homes}}

{[Interesting, let’s hope that they remain that way,]}

Soon we are in the cafeteria area and I smile as Sunny begins to look at what they have. He looks at the selection of food and asks me, “Choo, is stable food normally like this?”

“What do you mean Sunny?” I ask.

He kind of shrugs and says, “I don’t know, I just expected it to be fresher I guess.”

Scribe Chili Bean, as I find out she is called, asks curiously, “What do you mean by that? We bring it in fresh from the Society.”

This time I have to ask, “You bring it in? Is there something wrong with your hydroponics and stable garden facility?”

“Our what?” She asks me back.

“Your food production department. How could a stable keep this many ponies alive until only a few years ago without the ability to feed them? I know the Manesville stable even had a cheese-making section because of our cattle.”

This gets both of them to swing their heads towards me, and my sister says aloud, “Cattle, you mean brahmin?”

Sunny smiles and says, “Oh, no, a quarter of the initial stable population was the old stock of cows and bulls. We still have a population of them.”

I see a look of wonder on my sister’s face and she shakes her head. The Scribe on the otherhoof asks, “Not brahmin, then what are you talking about?”

Sunny replies to her, “The old breed. Like from the stories. One head, furry. The ones the brahmin descended from.”

The scribe looks confused and asks, “What are you talking about?”

My sister then asks, “Some truly survived?”

Both Sunny and I nod our heads. Sunny then tells her, “My buddy Cowlick is with us even.”

The scribe then asks incredulously, “You consider your pack animal a buddy?”

This time Sunny shows some sign of anger as he answers. “He is not a pack animal. He is as intelligent as you and I. He even speaks three languages. Can you?”

“Three languages?” Chili Bean questions.

“Yeah, Ponish, the cattle tongue, and Zebracan.”

“Sunny, really, you don’t need to make stuff up,” she tells him.

{[Sister, is he speaking true?]}

{[Yes, and most of the youngsters back home in Whitecloud speak Zebracan, at least cursorily. It allowed them to speak freely around most of the adults when they were younger.”

Sunny is now hovering above the ground with both forehooves on his hips as he tells her, “Look, I am not making things up. Let me guess, you probably think the brahmin are all stupid animals, don’t you?”

She looks at him with disdain, “Of course, what else could they be.” She says it as a statement of fact, not a question.

Sunny calms himself then slowly lowers himself down to the floor and shakes his head, “Ya’ know for a smart pony, you have some pretty ignorant ideas. They have an intellect. The cattle had their own culture and while many were hesitant to change to ours, others were not. They can be just as smart as any pony, griffon, or dragon. Heck, Cowlick did better in school than I did.”

I see her shake her head and hear her whisper "I wouldn't brag about that.'' Then she begins to eat her meal in silence. After we eat, we follow her back to the shop where we met her earlier.

We are met there by Knight Crunchy Granola who tells me, “Miss Choo, I have talked to the elder, and he has authorized me to allow you to purchase two additional PibBucks. However, they will not be available for another week. You may take the one with you. But I am afraid it does come with a cost.”

I nod my head in understanding and tell him, “I understand, but nothing in Hoofington comes free.”

He then says, “I am glad you understand. Part of the deal is that no one else shall know where you got them from. The second is that no one shall know just what you did to earn them.”

I tilt my head slightly when he says this and ask, “So what is it we need to do?”

Even through his armor, I get the impression that he is embarrassed. Finally, he tells me, “Please understand this is something we would not normally ask for help from outsiders with, but for obvious reasons, we dare not move on it ourselves.” He pauses and asks me, “Can we go somewhere private to discuss this?”

“Sure, can my associate come with us?”

He nods his head, “Yes, as he most likely will be involved.”

As he walks away and towards a set of stairs, we follow him. I notice a side hallway that has a desk on it with a unicorn manning the desk with a sign saying Check out time is 10 am. Crunchy notices me looking and tells me, “We have kept a small number of stalls in the stable to use as hotel rooms. It helps to supplement our expenses.”

That makes sense to me. At the next hallway intersection, I see a sign that says Administrative Offices. Authorized Personnel only.

He takes us down the hallway and to one of the offices. Once inside he sits behind the desk and takes off his helmet. I can now see his light purple face with a red mane. He has a scar on one cheek that starts above one eye and goes straight down. He has another across his muzzle. While his wounds must have been horrible at one time, they give him a rugged look.

He indicates for us to take a seat as he sets his helmet on a shelf behind his desk. Then I hear his voice without the speaker from his suit, and it sounds familiar for some reason. As he tells us, “Miss Choo Choo, Sunny, first off, thank you for coming here to talk more privately. What we request of you is of a very sensitive nature.” I nod my head and I see Sunny sit back and bring his forelegs across his chest, but his ears are still forward. The knight then continues, Because of the rarity of PipBucks and the level of technology they represent we are hesitant to let them go, much less sell them, as the possibility of them being misused is just too great. Please understand this is not a reflection upon you or your people, but of all ponykind in general.”

He pauses and I ask, “So what is it you would like us to do?”

“Understand, we are a neutral party here in the Hoof. Recently there have been reports of weapons being funneled into the area from outside sources to try and destabilize the legitimate powers of the region. We have heard rumors that they are bringing them in through the Skyport outside of the city. We would like you and your team to infiltrate the facility and determine if this is true. If so, we will need to impair their operations for gun-running into the Commonwealth. We cannot do so ourselves without the risk of bringing down the wrath of the Council or the Enclave upon us and the Commonwealth.”

Both Sunny and I think about this briefly. Then I tell him, “Look, to take that kind of risk is going to require more than just two or three PipBucks. Make it a total of seven and you have a deal.”

I watch as he shifts uncomfortably in his seat. “How about six?”

I shake my head negatively at this, “Knight Granola, I am sorry, but for this kind of risk, I will not budge.”

I hear him sigh, then see him grimace at the cost, but he then extends a hoof and asks as we shake on the deal, “How soon can you begin?”

I think briefly, then I tell him, “Give us five days. We have a couple of jobs to work on first. I will be in touch though.”

He smiles and tells us, “Thank you. Both of you. I will give you the first one as a down payment. The rest you will be able to receive after the job is complete.”

Both Sunny and I nod our heads. And I tell him, “Thank you.”

After this, he puts his helmet back on and escorts us back to the shop being run by the scribes and pages. We pick up the ready PipBuck and I notice how surprised they are when instead of putting it on, we put it into my saddlebags.

The one page asks, “Aren’t you going to use it?”

I smile and tell her, “No, this one is for my tech. She will. However, we will be back later for the others that the Knight has offered us.”

“Ok, I hope to see you then,” she replies just before we leave.

As we are heading out the tunnel entrance to the stable, I notice that it is already dark outside. As we walk, I begin to run through what we need to do next for the team. Sunny and I are almost at the entrance when I hear him say to somepony, “Oh, excuse me. I did not mean to bump into you.”

I turn my head and see a group of Thestrals, also known as bat ponies to some, next to him. Sunny is giving a hoof to one of them who is an albino. The other three do not even bother to try and help her up. Instead, they laugh at her and one tells her in a high-pitched voice, “See Morning Star, even this pegasus, has a darker coat than you.”

I see her blush before she thanks Sunny for helping her up. Then she turns to the one who had spoken to her and replies, “I know Arrats, it is not my fault I am this ugly. Besides his coat is darker than any of yours too.”

Sunny, still holding her hoof, tells her, “You are not ugly. You are beautiful,” He turns his head towards the one called Arrats and tells her, “In fact, she looks very similar to my mother, and I have never heard anyone call her ugly.”

The other three Thestrals laugh at him, “Maybe not for your kind. Now we must get going.”

Sunny nods, and while still holding her hoof, tells her, “I hope to see you again soon Morning Star. Oh, and my name is Sunset Water, but my friends call me Sunny.”

The others giggle behind him and I see her blush again. Then she answers, “I would like that Sunset Water. It was nice to meet you.” She then takes her hoof back reluctantly and begins to follow her friends who are all laughing and giggling as they continue inside.

As they go Sunny watches her and I see him smile when she looks back one last time and waves a wing at him. “Ok Sunny, we need to go now.”

I hear him sigh, “Yeah, ok Choo. But did you see her?”

“Yes Sunny, I did. But now we need to get our heads back onto the mission. I wonder how the others are making out?”

Once outside we look at the sky and each other and Sunny asks, “Well Choo, shall we just fly from here?”

I nod my head and send a quick goodbye to my sister as I take to the sky and begin to fly back to Mega Mart.


Mega Mart, Lunar Commonwealth: Ball Lightning

Come morning I get up and am still stretching my muscles when I am approached by Air Burst. He then asks me, “Ball, that new pistol you bought yesterday, have you checked it over fully yet? I mean have you field stripped it?”

I shake my head, “No not yet, I was going to do that this morning, why?”

“Oh, just a hunch, but recently some of them have been showing more wear than is expected. Those can cause a malfunction during a fight, and to be honest, I like you and I would not want to see something like that happen to you. Oh, and after breakfast, we are breaking camp. I have a couple of drop-offs that we need to make before heading back to the University office.”

After he walks away, I finish rolling up my bedroll and stowing most of my few possessions in my saddlebags. As I put them away, I notice several letters tied together with a pink ribbon. These were all from Skydancer. I sigh. I guess I should give them back to her later. I mean, I know I don’t have to, but I just can’t get myself to burn them as some ponies would. I look at them with a sigh and then begin to disassemble my new pistol. I have it apart and am cleaning and oiling it when I notice the spring for the slide has a crack in the middle of it. What the Tartarus I think to myself. Then I reach into the saddlebag and pull out a spare parts kit that I had also picked up full of springs and other parts that tend to wear more easily. After I have replaced the damaged spring and tested it, I load it and put it into my holster. I then replace what remains of the spare parts in my saddlebag and join the others for breakfast.

As we are getting ready to leave for the day, I notice that part of the group that we had talked to last night is heading out without the caravan. I then see the mare Epona and we wave to each other. I then watch her until she is out of the gate. As I go back to the rest of our group, I see Sundancer just staring at me. Then she shakes her head sadly and goes back to getting ready to head out herself.

After we are all ready Air Burst leads us back out of the gate to the carriage lot and we are once again on the road in the Hoof. After a couple of hours as we continue down the streets, I notice we are heading towards a damaged three-story building with a tall clock tower in the middle of it that looks to be in rough shape as well. I notice on the front of the building in large letters is written, Manehatten Watch and Clock Company.

As we get closer, I see several broken clocks hanging at intersections. I also notice graffiti on some walls of a clock. Air Burst comes closer to me after we pass the third one and tells me, “Let me do the talking. These are some of our assets here as well.”

I nod my head in agreement. But feel my ears slide slightly back. He looks at me with a raised eyebrow and asks, “Son, do you have a problem with this?”

“No sir, I just wonder what exactly we are giving them and why.”

“You know Ball, I really like you, and you are pretty good. You got a lot of information for me last night. But maybe you aren’t cut out for this kind of work.” He tells me quietly.

I am surprised and I ask, “What do you mean Air?”

“Son, in my line of work you sometimes have to do some things that others find, hmmm, how do I say this?" He pauses briefly in thought before saying, "Distasteful. I know you are wondering how I knew about that pistol today. Well, that was one of mine. I knew it had a crack in the spring. Why, because while we want to cause problems for these dirt side ponies and their government, we don’t want them to be reliable. You know, cause distrust in the weapons they find.”

I nod my head, “So I was right, but why give them any at all?”

I hear him sigh first, then he answers, “I really should not tell you this, but because if they start fighting among themselves enough, they might get desperate enough to ask us to help them. Do you understand what would happen then?”

I nod my head and I catch myself starting to smile before I tell him, “Yeah, I get it now. Sorry for having even questioned you about it.”

He shrugs his shoulders as we walk and tells me, “I understand, you're new to this line of work. Just learn to do what they tell you and not ask the questions. That makes it a lot easier. Besides, this operation is my baby.”

I look around and then ask, “So is the rest of your team in on this too?”

He shrugs again, “Some are, some aren’t and no, I will not tell you who is and isn’t. You don’t have a need to know and we will keep it that way.”

“Alright Air, I get it,” I tell him, then I see some movement from a storm drain on the side of the street ahead and I tell him, “I saw something in the storm drain ahead.”

He halts the cart and has me go forward with him. From the storm drain, I hear a stallion’s voice say, “Stops right there. What time is it?”

I try not to laugh as I see Airburst roll his eyes and reply, “Not sure the time, my clock is broken.”

I hear a slight giggle from the storm drain and I see a hoof come out of it and wave. Soon I see a couple more ponies come out of a building to the side of us. Both have guns at the ready but neither seems ready to fire. As they approach, I hear one say, “Good to see you, Air Burst. You and your volunteers bring us some more goodies?”

He looks about and then replies, “I might could have a few prezzies for you all. But I need to talk to your boss Tight Spring to find out, alright Key Wind.”

The Stallion seems to think about it and answers, “Yeah, yeah it does. Sounds real good. Follow me on in.”

With that Airburst waves the cart forward again, we all follow the strange pony he called Key Wind around the outside of the watch and clock factory to the back loading dock area. There we pull the cart up a ramp and a rolling curtain door opens up. I turn to Air Burst with a questioning expression and he says, “They are not stupid, they have a couple who are mechanics and they figured out how to get it to work right.”

I simply nod my head in approval. I will say I am impressed. Maybe there is something more to this bunch than I thought.

From the side, I hear one of the Broken Clocks stallions say, “Hay Sundancer, decided to play with us mudpuppies yet?”

I look at her as she smiles back, gives a little wiggle and a wink then says, “Nah, I don’t want to get that dirty.”

I almost laugh when she says this as the stallion first starts to laugh then realizes he is not sure if it was an insult or not. So, he lets it drop.

Soon I hear Air Burst ask, “Ok, where is Tight Spring or Moon Dial?”

One of the others of the Broken Clocks tells him, “They is in the back with a guest.”

He raises an eyebrow and asks, “They did know we were coming, correct?”

“Yeah, they did. But seems the Mayhems Mares left a message for ya and we are supposed to give it to ya.”

I notice the regular Volunteer Corps members all seem a bit nervous as this must be a bit of a departure from their normal routine. With that in mind, I step a bit further to the side from the others and begin to choose my first targets if it comes to that.

I notice the rest of my team seems to be reacting similarly to me, but none of us has even shifted how we are carrying our weapons.

We wait for another 15 minutes before we finally see a dark blue mare with a white blanket on her flanks that is spotted by black and dark blue markings. I then see her cutie mark which is a pocket watch with a part of the dial having a panel on it that shows the moon rising and the sun setting.

She has a grin on her face as she sees us and she struts in passing by Air Burst and then stopping in front of me. She has an amused expression on her face as she turns and wraps her tail around my neck before walking towards Funnel Cloud, looking him up and down appraisingly and finally returning to Air Burst. She turns her head and with a mischievous smile asks, “Fresh meat, for me to try?”

He smiles and tells her, “While they are new, they are just members of my team. We have brought you a bit more of the supplies you requested.”

“Did you now?” she asks.

He nods his head, “I was told you had a message for me from the Mayhems Mares?”

“Ah, somepony spoiled my surprise for you,” she says with a disappointed expression on her face. Then she says, “Yes, I do, but first let’s see what you brought me.”

I watch as two large boxes and one long case are unloaded from the cart and I notice that Sundancer and her new coltfriend open them up using pry bars.

In the boxes, I can see prepackaged rounds of rifle ammunition. When they open the long crate, I see eight Bloomberg assault rifles in it as well as two magazines per rifle. I am surprised and I guess my face shows it when I hear Moon Dial ask Air Burst, “They really are newbs aren’t they. Didn’t you tell them of our arrangement?”

He grins back, “I forgot to tell them that part, but I figured it wouldn’t be a problem.” He pauses and then asks, “So what is it you have for me?”

Her expression turns to one of excitement and she says, “Oh, I almost forgot, let me go get it.”

She soon returns with a firefighter’s helmet that has a hole in it as well as a matching jacket that has several holes and bloodstains. She laughs slightly and tells us, “One of the Burner Boys decided to try and sneak into the Mayhem’s Mares territory. They knew it would be another week at least until you visited them again, so they asked me to deliver it. Oh, and to tell you, that the package you asked them to pick up for you is safe and sound.”

Air Burst grins at this and tells her, “Thank you Moon Dial. It is appreciated.”

Shortly after this we gather ourselves up and have completed the trade for the weapons. Once we are out the door and, on the road, again, I approach Air Burst and he tells me, “We will be going back to the University for another couple of days. Time to wait for the pot to boil, now that we have stirred things up a bit.”

It is nearly midnight when we finally make it back to the Collegiate territory. As we enter it, I look up into the sky and I notice a black pegasus and a dark-colored alicorn fly in front of the moon in the direction of the Mega Mart. I smile to myself as I wonder if it is the same two, I shared a fire with last night, and then I wonder, what they have been up to as well.


Good evening all you ponies, griffons, and whatever else is out there listening. Tonight, we have more news coming to us from outside the Hoof as reports come in of several more Enclave airships being spotted coming towards our fair city.

In the greater Wastelands, unverified reports are coming in that some of this increase in activity by the Enclave is in response to the Wanderer. If you ask me, whoever she may be; if she is getting the Enclave this worked up it must be a good thing.

In other news Council Pony, Term Paper from the Collegiate has recommended that if their missing doctor is not found soon that perhaps the security forces offered to our Commonwealth by the Enclave be brought in to assist with the matter. This has led to some debate in the Council.

This is Chrome Microphone and our next song is one that you all are familiar with, Ain't No Rest for the Wicked.

Chapter 13: Wake-Up Calls

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Chapter 13: Wake-Up Calls

An ordnance technician at a dead run outranks everybody.

-The Seventy Maxims of Maximally Effective Mercenaries”

― Howard Tayler

Mega Mart, Lunar Commonwealth: Ginger Snaps.

The next morning, we wake up to Choo Choo telling us, “Ok, team meeting in ten.” She pauses and then says, “Tek, that includes you if you are interested.”

Tek nods his head, “I get paid again?”

Choo smirks and tells him, “Yes, at this rate you are almost on the payroll.”

He waves a hoof in front of him, “No want to be Merc. I just help.”

When he says this, I can’t help but tease him, “Really, you don’t want to get paid for helping us?”

I see his eyes go wide and he quickly says, “I do not say that either.”

When he says this, I can’t help but smile and laugh lightly, “It’s ok Tek, I was just joking a bit.”

I see understanding dawn on his face then and he smiles, “Ok, I get it.” He says levelly. But I wonder if he is just saying that.

We quickly finish wrapping up our bedrolls and we store them in our cart. From down the line of wagons we hear the caravan’s cook call out, “Breakfast will be ready in about twenty minutes.”

Seven minutes after Choo woke us, we are all ready for her. She smiles at us first then says, “Ok, today we go out as a team. Tater, Twinks, you are going with us today. I want both of you to be wearing your PipBucks.”

They both nod their heads and Twinks says, “I’m not sure where you got this one from Choo, but honestly, it has some really messed up files on it.”

Choo tilts her head and then asks, “It’s drives been damaged causing bad files?”

Twinks shakes her head strongly no. Then tells her, “No, messed up as in what in the buck is wrong with you, messed up. Some pony named Spanner Wrench owned it.”

Choo looks thoughtful and asks, “Should I listen to it then?”

Twinks again shakes her head and moves her ears as she says, “No, not unless you have some brain bleach. Most of it is just intimate stuff. But there is some really disturbing stuff as well as what I would call a descent into madness. We skipped around in the files for a bit.”

Choo then tells her, “When we get back you can delete those files.”

Twinks nods, then she asks, “So where are we going today?”

Choo holds up a hoof, “I will decide that after I hear your reports from yesterday.”

I then begin to give her the rundown of yesterday’s mission, including how our temporary prisoner denied knowing anything about the missing doctor. Right after I tell her this Xochitl jumps in and tells her, “But Choo, we did see several deliveries being made to them by sky carriage. At least two of them had weapons, ammo, and food.”

She nods her head and then says, “That could be just normal deliveries,” She pauses and rubs a hoof under her chin and then adds, “But then again, it may give us an idea on who is running the guns to the gangs.”

As she is thinking we are all watching her and waiting. While we wait, we hear the cook call out, “Breakfast is ready.”

I then see many members of the caravan begin to get up to get their morning meal. Xochitl then calls back, “Be there in a bit, Jambalaya.”

I look over and I see the yellow stallion with brown speckle in his fur wave back and tell him as he wipes a hoof on his apron, “Ok, I will make sure I save some for you all.”

Choo then asks Twinks and Tater, “Ok, before we break, what did you two end up doing yesterday?”

Tater smiles and tells her, “Well I ended up doing some needed maintenance on the mg turrets myself. I traded that for free access to Mega Mart for the week. Well, that and some more gun parts we may be able to use.”

She turns to Twinks who looks like she would rather not think about it, but answers, “Choo, I fixed a couple of light fixtures and a door they were having problems with. But remember that toilet I mentioned. You owe me big time for that. Bottle Cap even gave me a free shower for that job. I picked us up some more ration packs. Old ones from the war, but still sealed. Oh, and I got us some Sparkle Cola, including a six-pack of Sparkle Cola Rad for you.”

I see Choo’s eyes light up. “Thank you for thinking of me, as well as for doing such an unpleasant task.”

Twinks shrugs, “Well it allowed me to listen to some of the local gossip too, I thought you would want that.”

“Would you like to tell us all, or just me?” Choo asks.

Twinks looks at all of us, then says, “Just you Choo. I already told Ginger and them about it.”

“Ok, let’s all get some breakfast, we will have another meeting after we eat. Oh, and Twinks if you would like. Please come talk to me while we eat.”

“Ok, Choo, I will,” she says and then trots off with her mess kit ready as she heads to the mess line.

I smile as I see Tek heading for the line along with Xochitl and Cowlick. Epona on the other hoof approaches me and we chat about Purchase Order and Tek as we make our way to the line as well.

After breakfast, we all meet again. Tater then tells Choo, “Oh, and Choo, about that Second Hoof Arms dealer in there. If it is marked by the MoA, we don’t buy it unless I inspect it first. I heard a few things yesterday and he got really upset when I tried to field strip a couple of his weapons for inspection before buying one. I picked up a little .32 semi-auto, officer's pistol marked for the 1st Cloudsdale. I thought it might make a good backup weapon. But Choo, I noticed the spring was weak in the magazine eject and had to replace it right away. I had Twinks check it as well with her magic and we found another burr that would catch on the slide occasionally as well. Nothing serious, and easy enough to take care of if you know what you are doing. But Choo, most ponies would be screwed in a firefight if they didn’t know.”

“Ok, good to know.”

“Oh, and I heard him talking about having a few sights to recover equipment in No Mares Land.” Twinks says.

This gets my attention as well as Choo’s and Epona’s. Choo asks, “How were you able to overhear somepony say something like that?”

Twinks grins back at her, “Choo, when a pony is wearing filthy coveralls and working with tools it is almost like casting an invisibility spell. After they first see you and realize you are busy working, they begin to ignore you, then forget you are there as you no longer matter to them. I was working on a floor drain and he was talking to one of those Volunteer Corps ponies. They were arguing a bit though about him going into no mares land for salvage, the pegasus warned him that it was getting too dangerous to.”

This gets me to raise an eyebrow. It gets Choo to have that thoughtful expression come over her face again. Then she says, “Ok, that is interesting. For now, let's keep our eyes and ears open for anything more we can hear in that direction.”

We all nod. Then she says, “Ok, you have already checked out the Ferals. Maybe we should check out some of the others.”

I then tell her, “Choo, the Burner Boys sent a messenger late yesterday, they already sent a couple of their ponies to recon them also. Seems one of them did not come back from checking out the Mayhems Mares.”

I hear Sunny then say, “I wonder if we knew who they lost. Choo, maybe we should go talk to Burner Boys.”

Choo nods her head. Then she looks at Epona and me and sees we are both nodding our heads as well as some of the others. Choo then says, “Ok, Tek, we are going to talk to them, I would appreciate it if you are our guide still. But if you don’t, I do understand.”

Tek looks like he is considering it, then he sighs and reluctantly answers, “Ok, I lead you. May need me when you leave them. Make sure they know I am with you.”

“We will Tek, I will. Don’t worry.” I tell him as Choo nods her head.

I see him visibly relax in his body language and he says, “Thank you.”

Choo then says, “Ok, two hours to take care of what you need to do, and we head out. Ginger, Epona, I want to talk to you privately.”

The others take off and she takes us to the side. Then she says, “Ok, I really need to know, can we trust this Tek?”

Epona and I look at each other and I answer, “I think so Choo. Why?”

“Sorry, just making sure before we head into this. Oh, and I am going to be gone for a bit. I think Twinks had a good idea and I am going to follow up on it.”

With that, she disappears and I think I hear her hooves on the concrete heading towards the door of Mega Mart.

I look at my sister, shrug, and tell her, “Well you heard the mare, two hours. If your stuff is ready, go ahead and chat with Purchase for a bit. I know you have been wanting to since we got up.”


Hoofington, Lunar Commonwealth: Xochitl.

Tek and I are out in front of the others as we make our way through the streets of Hoofington. This particular one was a divided four-lane boulevard with trees in the median as well as on the sides in front of the buildings and lots. The trees now are mostly dead, but a few of them are still fighting for life. There are still many of the rotting carcasses of the carriages and carts from the final day lining it.

Normally we would have avoided this route but Tek suggested it as it is one of the quickest toward our destination. It is also a popular trade route between Mega Mart and the eastern settlements of Hoofington. He carefully explained to us this would mean that the road is better patrolled by the Brood as well as the other major groups in the area.

Soon Tek leads us down a side street. I then begin to see markings of flames on the walls. He nods his head, “Good, we are almost to the Burner Boys territory.”

We are just coming up to an intersection where half a building lies in the street when we see a jet of flame come across the road. I quickly call out the password we were given previously.

Then I hear Kindling’s voice as he calls back, “That you Flower?”

“Yeah, I got the whole gang with me today, came to see the bosses again.”

“Ok, come on in, but take it slow and I want to see you one by one, and Big Blue, you stay visible now, ok.”

I hear Choo laugh lightly and she calls back, “Ok, I will, but why so careful?”

“We’ve been getting hit pretty regularly out heres on the border. Yesterday a couple of outsiders got in and left us a couple of presents then was gone befores we saws them.”

This gets my attention. As Tek and I approach, Kindling says to me, “Why yous gots a zebra scaver witch you?”

I smile as I tell him, “Well this is Tek. He has been our guide for the last couple of days. Consider him one of us for now.”

I see understanding come across Kindling’s face. Then he says, “Gottcha, ok, come on in, once you are all in, I wills have somepony takes you on back. I am sure Naptha or the Chief will wants to talks to ya.”

Shortly after this a short, brownish unicorn stallion comes into the building, we are waiting in. “Hey Smoldering Phase, Needs you to takes these guys back to the bosses. Naptha knows most ‘em already.”

The stallion eyes us sidelong. Then nods, “Ok, Tinder, but you sure about thems?”

“Yeah. Theys are the ones who brought the news about Flashover.”

“But I thought only five of them were here then. I see nine now. What about the others?”

“Good so yous can count Smoldering, now just do it. Besides, you don’t want to upset Big Blue there. She gets kinda mean.”

“Whatcha mean? I can be mean too,” the short unicorn says defiantly.

I watch his face though when Kindling says, “Like hanging ya by your back leg out the top floor window and letting ya go. I hear tell she could even throw ya like a dragon.”

I look at Choo who while blushing, says nothing. However, Smoldering Phase just stares at her with his eyes wide open and he says nervously, “She doesn’t seem that tough.”

Then Sunny quietly from the side says, “Just hope you don’t find out. I have known her most of my life and I have seen some of what she can do.”

He then turns his head toward Sunny and asks, “So whys you gots a Enclaver working for ya?”

I hear Sunny let out a sigh as he crosses his forelegs and rolls his eyes, then mumbles, “Here we go again.” Then he tells him, “Look, I am not an Enclaver. First, my parents eventually got married, second, Mom is a Unicorn and Dad is an Earth Pony.”

I almost burst out laughing at his answer. Then I hear the Burner Boy say, “Oh, so yous the Wild P they been talking about.” He shakes his head with a smile on his muzzle then he says, “Okay, follows me.”

Soon we are back at the station house we had been at previously. As we go inside, I notice one more of the lockers has a black ribbon on it. I sadly shake my head and Smoldering asks, “What's wrong with you? Yous act likes you knew him.”

I shake my head again, “No, I don’t think I ever met him. Just I hate seeing life being lost unnecessarily.”

“Whats, you some kinda peace nut or something?” He asks.

I laugh lightly, “Or something. Smoldering, you have to understand I was still a kid the first time I saw major combat. Not a gang fight. I am talking about the real deal. Artillery, dragons, massed charges. You name it.”

He scoffs at me, “No pony seen that kinda stuff for years now. Yous not old enough.” Then he looks into my eyes and says, “Well, yous saw something, that’s for sure.”

I close my eyes most of the way and nod my head slightly before fully opening them again as he continues to lead us upstairs to Naphtha’s office.

Once there She has us follow her to a larger room that appears to have been a training room at one time and we all sit down in the chairs there as she and Choo begin to exchange information.

We hear about the recent killing of a member of the Burner Boys from her as well. Then Choo tells her, “We have already checked out the Hoof’s Ferals a bit. Would you mind sending a few of your people with us to check out the Broken Clocks, then the Mahem’s Mares?”

I hear Naphtha huff out her breath. “We already lost two members this week. How much do you want us to risk?”

Choo tilts her head and says, “You lost two ponies who were by themselves. How about sending them in with my team. We go in. We check to see what we can see going on. Then we back out and make plans if it warrants it. Honestly, we know the Ferals have been bringing in weapons, ammo, and food. Unless you are already doing the same you are behind the eightball on this. Let’s work together. You want your territory safe; we want the doc back. Once we get him, we can leave, so you don’t need to worry about us wanting to take over your area.”

She shakes her head slightly, “And how do we know we can trust you for that?”

This time Ginger pipes up, “Look back home my family's clan has several non-members that we consider friends of the clan. They may not be members, but we can call on them when needed. Choo is an example of that. We are not asking to join or take over. We are offering to work with you for the common good. We could use the backup and so could you. It works better for both of us.”

“And what do we get out of it?” Naphtha asks.

This time I am surprised when Cowlick steps forward and says, “Well, I have a few toys I can teach you how to make.”

All the Burner Boys in the room turn to stare at him like he has two heads. Make that like he had a head fall off. Then one of them asks, “Did your one-headed brahmin just talk to us in ponish and offer to teach us?”

Both Choo and I nod, and Cowlick tells him, “Look first I am a cattle bull, not a brahmin. Second, they are not dumb, just most are not fluent in speaking ponish. As for the toys, fine if you don’t want to learn anything from our team’s explosive and heavy weapons expert, well, that is your choice to make.”

Naphtha licks her lips and then asks Choo, “Is he really your expert for those?”

Choo nods her head, “Yeah, he was trained in explosives by both one of our top Combat Engineers back home as well as a couple of ghouls who served time in the trenches in No Mares Land with the Equestrian Army combat engineers.”

“If he can teach us some new things, yous gots yourself a deal.” Naphtha says as she sticks out a hoof for Choo to shake.

As we are listening, I see Twinks looking at some filing cabinets against the far wall. Twinks then asks to no one in particular, “So what's in those cabinets?”

Smoldering shrugs and tells her, “Just some old rough drawing of the major buildings in this station's pre-Final Day territory. Also, some city plans.”

“Do these include the underground and service lines?”

“Not sure, why?” Smoldering asks.

Twinks grins and tells us, “Ya know, I bet a lot of those, especially the tunnels would still be fairly accurate. Can we look at them?"


That is how I ended up in this goddess-forsaken tunnel leading our team with a team from the Burner Boys. Both Naphtha and Choo thought Twink's idea was a great one. Myself, I really did not want to go underground. At least these tunnels are wide enough that I can use my zebra carbine. But I still have my pistol ready just in case.

Tek has decided to stay with me on point. Between us and the rest are Tender and Kindling. Both are unhappy at having been told to not use their flamers underground. It was not until Tater explained to them how they would use up all the oxygen in the tunnels that they began to think, especially when he asked if they had any oxygen in any of the firefighters' back tanks, which of course, they did not.

Right now, we are slowly making our way through the old service tunnels that connect to one of the subway lines leading under the territory of the Mayhems Mares.

Tek is actually about three meters behind me, and with his dark cloak over him, he is hard to see in the dim light when I look over my shoulder behind me. As we advance, I am constantly looking for possible booby traps or tripwires. It is at one of the intersections that I first run into one.

I am just about to take a step and Tek tells me in zebracan, “Stop!”

I immediately freeze. He then looks around for any other devices and tells me to step back slowly. As I step back, he blows a hoof full of dust into the air and I see a thin red line of light leading to both sides of the tunnel. He clicks his tongue. Then he tells me, "I thought I saw something." Then I call Twinks forward. She looks at the device and has Tater come up as well.

Shortly after conferring with each other, I hear him tell her, “Yeah, I think you're right, Twinks. Still have that old bike reflector?”

She nods her head then has us move back. I stare from behind her as I watch her use her TK to move the white bicycle reflector in front of the sensor without triggering it. Finally, she moves it to just the right position to put a piece of rebar in the ground with some duct tape on it to keep the reflector in place. She then tells us, “Ok, get going, that should hold for now.”

As we begin to move again, I hear one of the burner boys ask, “Where did you learn to do that?”

Twinks gives a wry smile and tells them, “An old ghoul who was once EOD. He said he saw them used underground. They are just little magical sensors like they used on machinery. You break the magic light and then you have problems, so best we get moving along here.”

The same Burner Boy then says, “Yeah I guess so, don’t want to be around if that happens.”

Soon we are past that point. Tater taking up the rear over my headset I hear him say, “I found the device. Hey Salt, it looks like a homemade bomb using a lunch box.”

“Cool, we come back through here. I will set up my own toy for them. Got a couple of pre-made just for such an occasion.”

Soon we are at our next intersection and I stop. Twinks comes up and looks at the map on her PipBuck. This does two things. It makes me miss having one and it also allows her to compare it to what we are seeing and she tells me, “Take the left one. Only another couple of blocks and we should be just about to the subway leading to the Mayhem’s Mares.”

We begin to advance again and soon I see a pile of stones blocking the tunnel ahead. I stop and call back over my headset, “Choo, the tunnel is blocked here. We are going to need to go back.”

I then hear Twinks call back to me before Choo can answer, “Flower this is Danger. Don’t do anything. I mean anything. Choo and I are on our way up.”

“What? Why not?” I ask.

“Because it may not be what it looks like.” She tells me.

Now I am worried. As they approach, I notice they are being followed by one of the Burner Boy unicorns. They are just beginning to examine the wall when Tek looks at it and taps it as he asks, “What is wrong?”

His hoof slides through and suddenly I watch him start to twitch and flop on the ground as magical energy flows like lightning between him and a small box on the ground nearby. The energy then begins to dance towards the rest of us and I take a snapshot at the box destroying it with a large crack as the spark battery in it explodes from six meters away. The two unicorns and I all take up defensive stances as Choo checks on Tek.

She shakes her head and pulls out a healing potion and pours it down his muzzle. He chokes a few quick times and asks in his native language, “What, what happened?”

I quickly but quietly tell him, “You triggered a trap when you broke the illusion spell.”

As he slowly gets back to his hoofs, I give him a hoof up. The others are all on alert and when he is standing again, we begin to move forward.


Hoofington Underground, Lunar Commonwealth: Choo Choo

I stare in horror as I watch the zebra guide Tek touch the illusion spell and then the magical spark generator shooting out lightning bolts of magic into him.

I really appreciate Xochitl’s quick reaction of shooting the machine, but I am also afraid he may have notified those we are close to that we are coming. Instead of worrying about this right away, I immediately begin to treat our downed trooper. My old medic training kicks in and I examine him for both the entrance and possible exit wound from those powerful magic bolts. I do not find an exit burn but I do find his heart has stopped and I use a quick spell to restart it. Then I administer a healing potion to help get him up again.

Once we are all standing again, I tell the others, “We need to be quick now. Haste is of the essence. I am afraid they know we are here.”

With that, I watch as Xochitl begins to trot forward into the connecting subway tunnel with Twinks next to him using her Eyes Forward Sparkle to detect any possible hostiles in our path. From behind me, I hear Cowlick tell the others, “Put Tek on my back so we can move faster.”

Tek at first goes to argue but then agrees for now. “Cowlick, when we stop, I get off. I fight then.”

“Yeah, sure Tek, I got ya.” Cow answers as I hear his hoofs hit the bed of the subway behind us. Shortly after this, I hear Tater call over the radio, “We are all into the subway Choo.”

As we get ready to enter the section that is the Subway station leading up into the building that the Mayhem’s Mares use as their main headquarters, I have the Burner Boys and Tek cover our six as we advance.

From the opening, I can see the tunnel opening wide, but it is barely lit by only a couple of lights. Most of the fixtures are hanging down. Xochitl leads off and continues down the rail bed. Twinks however jumps up onto the platform and I am quickly behind her. The rest of the team follows quickly with Sunny taking to the air as he enters the station. I hear him say to himself, “Finally some room to move.”

Myself, I am worried about moving as fast as we can and call for all of them to get up on the platform so we can reform and move again.

We form back up and I go with Xochitl on point. We first use the unpowered escalators to climb to the next level. There we find twin doors leading outside. Ironically, I find them chained from the inside. Tek comes up and picks the lock for us. I then use my invisibility spell and slowly crack open the door while the others wait behind me.

As I enter the lower level with stairs leading up to a large lobby above, I notice what used to be shops off to the side that have had the glass replaced with sheet metal, cardboard, or wood to block them. I also notice several of what I assume are Mayhem’s mares just hanging around. One of the shops has a sign that reads Chems on the outside of it. Near that I see another sign saying Medical. Under that in mouth painted letters it says doktur on duty.

No, it could not be this easy I tell myself. So, I decide to check for myself. I slowly walk around the lobby area finding out how many of them there are and where they may be. Finally, I am back to the medical shop. I look around one more time and slowly enter. Inside I see several beds. Some of them have ponies who are either sick or wounded in them. I also see a couple of ponies who look to be sawbones or maybe nurses working there. In the backroom, I notice a unicorn stallion who not only looks like a doctor but who is wearing an explosive collar. Nope, it never can be easy.

I slowly approach the doctor and look at his name badge. It matches the one for the doctor kidnapped from the Collegiate. I am just considering showing myself to him and letting him know we are here to help him when a ratty-looking mare with a dirty, unwashed coat and the tip of her unicorn horn broken off comes in and asks, “Where’s the doctor at?”

I hear the doctor sigh as he gets up. With his head down he begins to walk towards her and asks, “What can I do for you mistress?”

She smiles cruelly and tells him, “I am glad that you have finally learned your position. Your ride will be here momentarily. Be glad your release was paid for, or I would teach you a true lesson.”

I see him visibly gulp. Then he asks, “May I go grab my things, mistress?”

She laughs, “What things can a slave have? But sure, go ahead.”

He walks to the back room and I follow him. I see him take out a small medical kit and he sighs again as he looks at it shaking his head. He looks my way just as I bump a table. With hope in his voice, I hear him ask quietly, “Is someone there? Are you here to rescue me?”

I drop my spell and tell him, “I have a team here to save you. Do you know where the detonator is?”

He nods his head and tells me, “There are two of them, if I get too far from the shop, it will go off, or if that mad mare out there decides to trigger it.”

I nod my head as I consider it and I tell him, “Give me two minutes.”

He nods his head and I call over my headset, “Team, on my mark come up the stairs at a run, our target is in the back of the second shop to the right marked Medical. I am with our target, I need Danger, he has an explosive collar.”

“Roger Big Blue,” I hear Ginger reply. “Anything else we should now,” I tell them the approximate location of the Mayhem's Mares that I have seen. Then I follow up with the unicorn with the broken horn that has one of the detonators. I am just about to give the word for them to go when I think about one more thing I almost forgot. “Oh, and Cookie, tell our company that weapons are free. They can have fun here.”

I can hear the smile in her voice as she replies, “Roger that boss.”

“Are you ready?” I call back to her.


“On my mark, Three, Two, One. GO! GO! GO!”

I hear the doors from below slam open and I look to see my team running up the steps, weapons firing. I even see two of the shops on the far side receive flames from the Burner Boys with us. They are making their way towards the shop and one of the Mayhems mares runs outside yelling for help.

Those gang members who are out in the open of the lobby either are shot, burned, diving for cover, or running at first.

I look outside just in time to see the wagon from the Volunteer Corps pulling up in front. The running escapee is gunned down by Tater and slides into the ground in front of them. I then see a look of astonishment on the face of the VC team’s leader. I hear him yell for them to run and get out of there. Half of his people provide cover for his other members as my team fights its way across the lobby.

Xochitl and Twinks are almost to the door when the unicorn mare steps in front of them, but behind a thick wooden counter and begins to shoot at them. She never sees me and I strike her with my lightning spell before she can hit them. I watch as she twitches briefly and stops moving. The MEW rifle she was using falls to the ground.

Twinks runs up to me and the doctor and begins to examine the collar on the doctor. She then calls Tater and tells him, “Mashed, I need your help here. I think I got it, but there is something I am not used to seeing on it.”

While the others are defending our position from outside I begin to hear the rattle of the machinegun carried by Cowlick.

Once Tater is there, they discuss the collar quickly and he begins to laugh. Twinks gives him a funny look and he says, “Twinks, this is a fake explosive collar. Look at how it is wired. And the plastic explosive. That is just clay. That wire was to make it sound like it was active.”

She finishes removing the collar and I ask the doctor, “Can you run?”

His eyes wide in almost panic he tells her, “Ma’am right now I can almost fly if it means getting out of here.”

I give the word to my team, “Fall back to the rally point,” and we make a fighting withdrawal. As I run out of the shop using my horn to fire lighting spells, I notice that only two of the Burner Boys are falling back from the shops. The other two I see are with Cowlick, one of them providing cover fire as the other watches him set an explosive device up at the top of the stairwell. Then when Cowlick tells them they begin to run down the stairs as well. Twinks and Tater have the doctor between them and I notice Twinks has put up a shield spell to protect them as they enter the subway below. I fire off a couple more spells from my horn and tell the rest. “Ok, there out of here, let’s go.”

As we get back through the doors, we originally entered through Cowlick stops and I am amused as he re-chains and locks the doors with Tinder’s help.

The Burner Boy has a grin a mile wide as he asks, “So you really think that thing will get them?”

Cowlick snaps the lock and says, “Yeah, we still have five minutes on the timer or if one of them tries to move it, let's go,” and they are running down the escalator stairs behind me.

As we leave the station into the tunnel we came from, I ask Cowlick, “Ok Salt, just what kind of present did you leave them.”

He smiles widely and tells me, “Oh, just a little something that Baily Bridge taught me. We should be far enough away now.” And just then we have a small earthquake, or what feels like one as we are almost thrown off our hooves by the explosion.

The doors from above are blown down behind us and slam against the station's wall. And I can feel a bit of heat as we continue to run down the tunnel to the service tunnel. Once inside of it, we all take a quick break and while we quickly treat what wounds we received, Cowlick says, “Oh, let me set up another surprise for them, ok boss.”

“Ok, just not one quite like that, ok?”

He grins, “Of course boss. I want to keep them on their hooves.”

Soon We are back on our way down the tunnels and on our way to what should be safety.


Mayhem’s Mares Territory, Lunar Commonwealth: Ball Lightning

Yesterday was a day of rest for both my team and Air Burst. I decided to relax a bit and Funnel Cloud and I headed over for a pint of cider at the local pub. Our two subordinates were busy talking to some of the Collegiate members. Both I noticed on my way to the pub were talking to the mares on the farm plots.

It is just afternoon when Air Burst enters the pub and joins us. As we are drinking, he tells us in a conversational tone, “Tomorrow we have a package to pick up out in town and deliver. I want everyone to relax for it, but have them ready for trouble. Ya know, just in case.”

I nod my head and take a drink again, Then I tell him, “Sounds good Air. I will make sure of it. Do you think I should have some of my friends come over and help us with the delivery?”

He is just about to say something when the waitress comes up and asks, “So would you like to order lunch to go with your drinks?”

We all look at each other and then order the special of the day. As she walks away, I catch myself watching her go. Then I hear Air Burst say, “Oh about your friends helping us with the delivery. I think we should be good. But let them know that we will send a message if we need more help.”

The next morning, we get up early and begin to head into a section of town I have not been to before. As we are making our way across the wrecked cityscape I ask Air Burst, “So where are we heading today?”

He grins and slightly shakes his head, “Ok, a good way to ask. We are heading into the territory of the Mayhem’s Mares to pick up that package we talked about with Moon Dial. Once we pick it up, we will deliver it to another set of assets to take care of until we can do the final delivery.”

Both Funnel and I nod our heads. But I notice Funnel subtly raises an eyebrow slightly and shifts his eyes from me to Air Burst.

Our travel to the Mayhem’s Mares territory is uneventful and we are all feeling fairly relaxed. In the distance, we can see a gate set up on the road with the support walls going to the buildings on both sides. I can also see a pony on a raised platform looking down the street at us. I then check out the buildings ahead and see a couple of more with rifles just back from the windows of the rooms they are in.

As we approach the gate one of the guards cracks open the gate and slides through it, closing it behind him. Then he approaches with his rifle at the ready as he asks, “What cha want here?”

Air Burst raises a hoof and tells him, “We were told to meet with your boss. Tell her Fire Works is here to pick up the package, and to drop off a couple of goodies too.”

The stallion looks us up and down and calls our, “Ask the boss if she is expecting a somepony named Fire Works to pick up a package.”

We wait several minutes and finally we hear from a pony on top of the fence, “Boss says to send them in. She was expecting them earlier.”

The gate before us opens, and as I look down the street, I notice that there are wrecked carriages that have been picked over blocking parts of the street in a way that they prevent anyone from running straight down them. They provide little cover though as they are mainly just the frames remaining.

As we walk down the street slowly dodging around the wrecks I take in the neighborhood. Many of the buildings have been damaged and show wear and tear from over the years. About midway down the street from the gate on the opposite end of the blocked-off areas I see what looks like a once fancy business building. On the lower level, I can see where there once were stores. The once large pane windows have been covered over with whatever was at hoof. I also see an old subway station sign on the front.

I turn to Air Burst and ask, “Do they even use the Subway tunnels around here?

He shrugs his wings and tells me, “Honestly, I don’t know, and I won’t ask. Not my territory, why raise hackles.”

That seems good enough to me. Besides, I can only imagine what must be underground in this town. As we are getting ready to stop in front of this building, I hear yelling from inside followed by gunfire, the sound of flamethrowers, and screaming from inside.

As a group, we turn to look toward it and we watch as a stallion wearing the barding for the Mayhem’s Mares runs out the door his barding is already on fire and he is screaming they are being attacked. Then I hear a three-round burst of fire come from inside the building and watch as he is shot and collapses, skidding to a stop at our hooves.

We all bring our guns up and are looking for targets as my team automatically takes cover. The Volunteers follow our example. Air Burst calls out, “Hold your fire unless we are attacked.”

From several doorways around us, I see ponies run out in various stages of dress and sobriety, carrying whatever weapons they can grab. Several of them begin to look like they are going to attack us when one of the ponies inside the main building yells, “Not thems. The ones' insides here!”

They surge towards the main entrance and I hear the buzzsaw sound of a .308 medium machinegun firing in short bursts. While several are hit, even more dive for cover or just to the ground as the rounds snap over their heads.

I look up in time to see the mare Epona and the stallion Tater by the opening, behind some cover. The stallion looks at me over his sights, smiles, and nods, then he quickly turns to fire again inside the building. Epona grins at me and then I watch as she dodges to the side and rolls, she then fires at a target higher up. I see her get hit and she kicks in pain briefly and calls, “Medic up!” The mare she says is her sister comes over, puts a combat dressing on her leg, and slams a small syringe into her thigh and they are both soon back to fighting.

Through the windows I see the trail of flames leaping across the lobby several times into shops as well as at targets on the balcony above.

Air Burst upon seeing this, yells to us, “Run for the gate!”. My team provides cover for the rest as they turn and begin to run or fly as fast as we can to take cover and escape out the front gate. We are almost to the gate when one of the Mayhem’s Mares sees us coming, panics, and opens fire and I watch as Altocumulus, who is pulling the cart, is hit and tumbles to the ground. I hear Sundancer scream in alarm and as I begin to turn, Air Burst pushes me forward and yells “Get moving, the deal has gone south. MOVE IT NOW to the meeting point!”

His voice sounds like an order and my training kicks in. I keep flying as fast as I can, my troopers have formed up with me and we provide cover for the remaining members of the Volunteer Corps. As we catch our breaths at the rally point. Once there we are finally joined by Sundancer and a wounded Altocumulus without the cart. He is hurt badly, but after cutting him from the harness it seems Sundancer got a healing potion into him to allow him to make it this far.

We are just catching our breaths and taking a quick inventory of everyone and our equipment when I hear a very large explosion and I see a fireball reaching into the sky in the direction we had just come from.

Beside me, I hear Air Burst exclaim “Goddesses Damn IT! Six months! Six Goddess Damn Months shot to shit! What the buck happened back there?”

My jaw almost falls open in surprise as I hear this knowing what the implications mean. Fortunately, I am able to hide my surprise.

He looks at me, “Ball, what happened back there? Did you see what was going on?”

I sigh and shake my head some. Then I tell him, “I think some other gangs attacked them just as we got there.”

“Damn bad timing is what it was sir,” I hear Funnel Cloud say.

“Yes, that it was.” Air Burst replies. Then he turns to Alto and Sundancer and asks them, “You two, are you Ok?”

Both nod their heads. He nods with a grim expression on his face, “Ok, let's head back to the VC Office on the University campus, we need to let headquarters know what happened.” He pauses then says, “And we are going to need to get a new carriage. I just hope they are willing to give us one.”

We then begin to make our way back first to the University to stop at the office there and report in, then we will head back to the Skyport if need be.

As we walk, I am talking with Air Burst and he tells me, “They tried to rescue that doctor. I wondered if they had him. I was going to call in the strike group your team has back at the Skyport if I found out he was there.”

“Makes sense to me, Air. I wish you would have told me; I could have been watching for him. Do you want me to call them in to see if he is still alive there?”

He shakes his head, “No if he was there, I am pretty sure he didn’t survive that explosion.”

He nods his head, “Yeah, most of that building probably came down. I just hope not too many ponies were in there. Those Fuel air explosives are pretty nasty. I am just wondering who in Hoofington would know about them, much less how to make them.”

Funnel Cloud gets a funny expression on his face and he asks, “Air, I have heard about them, but never seen one used. How do you know it was one?”

Air Burst smirks and tells him, “Funnel Cloud, as I told Ball here a while back, I am a lot of things to a lot of ponies. I have gotten around in my time.”

“Understood Air,” Funnel tells him.

We are almost back to University when Sundancer approaches me and asks me, “Ball, that mare in the building during the attack. The yellow one. She and the stallion, looked like they recognized you. Do you know them?”

I grin at her as I answer, “No, not really. But a mare like that in a fight would be one to stick by your side. I would not mind getting to know her if she had wings.”

I see her expression crumble slightly and she nods her head. “I am sorry, Ball. I never meant to hurt you.”

I smile sadly at her, “I know, but it happened. That’s life. I am just glad Alto is going to be ok, you did good sticking with him when he was down.”

She almost smiles at the praise then she says, “Thanks, I am just glad whoever was shooting from inside that building took out the guard who shot him.”

This surprises me and I tell her, “I had not realized they had.”

She nods her head then tells me, “Yeah, when I looked back the shooter was flying in the lobby. He was a black pegasus. I saw his rifle smoking slightly. He tipped his hat to us, and then he turned and snapped off another couple of rounds.

I grin, as I realize who it had to be. “Well, whoever they were, I hope they made it out of there before the explosion.”

She nods her head, “Yeah, me too. That could have gone a lot worse for us.”


To all our listeners this is HOOF radio. That last song was Get Your Pony on by Sapphire Shores.

Seems like some pony was really getting their pony on earlier today over on the west side. When members of the Brood attempted to investigate, they were told that the explosion was caused by an accident in a chem lab. Not sure what they are mixing up in there, but must be some powerful stuff.

In other news, the Collegiate has announced the return of their doctor who had come up missing earlier this week. A group of concerned citizens seems to have found him and with the help of the Volunteer Corps were able to help him find his way back to the Fluttershy Medical Center.

Now our next song goes out to those out there who are still putting up the good fight. Here is Toward the Fray.

Chapter 14: The Shimmer of Shadows

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Chapter 14: The Shimmer of Shadows

“This ain't for you, to kill a man tied up. It's for work like this, you bring along a man like me.”

— Black Dow, The Blade Itself.

Burner Boy Territory, Lunar Commonwealth: Ginger Snaps

Once we are back out of the tunnels our team splits up. Choo and Sunny fly the Doctor back to the Fluttershy Medical Center on Choo Choo’s back.

The rest of us escort Tinder, Kindling, and the other Burner Boys with us back to their home territory. Once there we go with them back to what we consider to be their local headquarters in the old firehouse. Once there we are met by a skeptical-looking Naphtha. She stands there leaning against the frame of the main door and asks, “Well?”

Tinder nods to her and tells her, “Yeah, we got payback and then some boss.”

“Really, how did you do that?”

I find myself asking her, “Naphtha how about we take this inside to the training room and we will give you a full run down.”

She looks us over and replies, “First, where are your fliers, Big Blue and Wild P?”

The rest of the team looks at each other and smirk, Wild P, oh that one is going to stick.

I tilt my head slightly as I tell her, “Heading over to Fluttershy Medical Center. They will either meet us here, or back at Mega Mart.”

As I am talking, I see her looking at us and noting some of the bandages we are wearing. “Tough one, eh?”

I shake my head negatively and tell her, “Not particularly, a quick recon, then a snatch and grab.”

She nods and then says, “Ok, let’s go inside.”

We follow her back inside. Once there she has us all sit, then she asks, “Ok, give me the low down.”

I begin to tell her about the operation with Tinder and the others occasionally adding to the details.

I watch her nod her head and occasionally she stops us to ask questions. Finally, she asks, “So do you know who these pegasuses were who got there when you attacked?”

We all look at each other and I see Epona nod she simply says, “We don’t have any names, but I know I saw some of them at the university campus. The Volunteer Corps has an office set up there.”

Naphtha then asks, “So why do you think they were there?”

I think about it briefly then I tell her, “Naphtha, I really am not sure. They had a cart with the typical Volunteer Corps stuff on the back. A few wooden crates, cases of food, and some blankets tossed in haphazardly.”

She nods her head and then asks, “Do they know who hit them?”

This time Epona answers, “I don’t think so. But the flamethrowers may have clued them in that the Burner Boys were involved.”

She looks at her group, then back at me, “Did any of you drop anything?”

They shake their heads and she asks, “Did you use your names?”

Again, they shake their heads. “Were you the main attackers?”

One more time they just shake their heads. “Ok, good. There are lots of ponies that could have found a couple. They won’t know for sure who it was then.”

Next Smoldering Phase ads, “Besides boss, after the fires inside that place and then ol’ Salt over there bringing down most of it, not much they could find I figure.”

She finally smiles. “Good, good. I am glad to hear something has gone right at least. While yous were gone, we got hit again. They got another one of ours, but I think you made up for the numbers.”

Naphtha looks at the clock on the wall and offers, “It is getting late, and it has been a long day. We have some spare beds if you want to use them.”

I know how tired everyone is, as well as sore. When the adrenaline is flowing a pony can really overlook getting hurt, but afterward. That is when the real aches and pains happen. I look at my team and I tell her. “Yeah, if you don’t mind. I think we will.”

After this she tells her people, “Go get something to eat, then I need two of you up on the main gate to back up the guard for the night.”

I watch as Tinder and Kindling nod and Kindling tells her, “We got it, boss.” They then turn to us and tell us, “Take it easy and see ya next time. And Salt, thanks for teaching us a few new tricks.”

When he says this, I see Naphtha raise one eyebrow and twitch an ear. Then after they leave, she tells me, “Cookie, while the rest of your team settles in for the night, could I see you in my office.”

I tell the others, “Go grab yourselves some ration packs and I will see you in a bit. Epona, you got the team.”

Once we are in her office, she has me sit down across from her at her desk. Then she asks, “Ok, straight goods. What really happened and how much heat are we gonna feel from this little foray?”

“Honestly Naphtha, I am not sure. But only two of the flamethrowers were used at a time. One of your people provided overwatch for our demo specialist and another actually watched and assisted Salt in setting up the charge.”

“Charge? An explosion so big that we heard it clear over here was only one device?”

I nod my head and tell her, “Yeah, but it is a nasty type of device. I had it explained to me by one of the ghouls back home who served in No Mares land that it was called a poor ponies balefire bomb.”

She raises an eyebrow and I tell her, “Equestria stole the tech from the zebras. It seems it was based on the experience they had with coal dust explosions in their mines and uses a double explosion. The first one vaporizes and spreads out the fuel, the second one happens when this fuel is ignited.”

I watch her put a hoof over her mouth as she says, “I used to read some of the old fire reports. That sounds a lot like what happens during granary fires.”

I nod my head, “Similar but not the same from what I understand, but I do not know all the particulars.”

“And my people learned how to make these?”

I shrug, “I think so. Salt explained it to them and then showed them how to set up the charge.”

She nods her head, “And you are not afraid we would use this technology on you?”

I grin at her, “Mare, if you knew my family and clan, you would understand why I am not. Besides, Salt may have taught them some of what he knows, but I can guarantee he did not teach them everything he knows.”

“You’re a bit cocky, aren’t you?” She asks.

I shake my head, “No, not really, but then again, I know what we are capable of and all of us have seen combat. Even before today.”

She tilts her head as she looks at me as if seeing me again for the first time. She then nods her head the asks, “This friend of the clan thing Big Blue talked about, how’s that work?”

I keep my expression serious, even though I want to smile at her question. Then I tell her, “Basically it means you are in good standing with the clan. We consider you as a friend we can count on and will help as well. Like if you were considered a friend of the clan and got up to Manesville, we would help you find a job, and shelter at first, and get a start. If someone gives you trouble, well, we will try to help as much as we can. An example is Big Blue is a friend of the clan and she got transport for her and the non-clan members of our team at a discounted rate on our riverboat the Baltimare Colt.”

She puts up a hoof and stops me, “Your clan seriously has a riverboat.”

I smile, “No, we have multiple riverboats. Most haul cargo. One we turned over to the NCR government to be seed stock for the riverboat flotilla out of Manesville. Cousin Rough Water is still in charge of her.”

She shakes her head. Then asks, “Just how big is this clan of yours?”

I smile again, “Including youngsters? Probably about one hundred twenty to one hundred fifty. But we are a bit spread out now, and several are in the military.”

“So, in the case of the friends of the clan, does this mean if your clan gets in a fight, the friends have to automatically jump in?”

I shake my head, “No, but if they are nearby, we appreciate the help, or if they let the clan know what is going on.”

“And does the clan do the same for their friends?”

“Yes, but to us, that is just the right thing to do,” I tell her.

“We’ve never had that kinda set up before with outsiders.” She says as she rubs her chin, “How often do you plan on being in Hoofington?”

I shrug my shoulders. Then I answer, “Honestly, I am not sure. That depends on the jobs we take I guess.”

She nods her head, “Well, I best talk about this with my boss, but I like the idea. Also, thanks for helping us balance the books some.”

I smile again and tell her, “Glad to help. Besides, it helped us as well.”

She smiles again, “Glad we understand each other. Now I need to go eat, and if I was you, I would do the same.” She tells me as she gets up from her chair and moves toward the door of her office. I get up and begin to head that way just ahead of her.

The rest of the team is just finishing eating when we hear a bit of a commotion outside. My team grabs their weapons and follows the few Burner Boys inside to go to defensive positions. As we are running, I suddenly hear Choo’s voice over the radio, “Cookie, this is Big Blue, Black Bird and I are up high above the BB territory. I see two groups attacking you, one from the north, the second is just moving up from the west.”

“Roger Big Blue,” I reply then I see Naphtha and tell her what I have just heard from Choo. She nods her head and asks, “My people can hold the north side pretty easily, could your team help the west team?”

I nod my head in affirmation and then I tell my team over the radio sets, “Ok team we are moving to the west side to assist in the defense. Flower, you are out front. Tater, you are our backdoor. Danger, I need you to be the assistant gunner for Salt, Let’s move people.”

As we go, I notice a hesitant zebra there. He then asks, “What do I do?”

I quickly look at him and tell him, “Your choice Tek, you can stay here, or you can come with us and fight.”

I see the fear in his eyes, but then I hear him say, “OK, I go with you, my friends.”

I can’t help but smile when he says this and I tell him, “We are glad to have you with us Tek,” then I return to concentrating on getting my people into position.

As we approach the western barricades I can hear gunfire as well as the occasional blast from a flamethrower. We are only about one hundred meters from the gate when I see some of the Burner Boys falling back and the gate gets blasted open. I quickly tell my team, “Into the building on the left.”

We all go inside it and take cover. I watch as we see Thermite, behind another barricade, providing cover fire for Flameover and Smoldering Phase as they run back and jump the barricade and form on him.

He is looking around quickly and I can tell when he sees me as he grins evilly and nods to me and I back to him. I then see him point to the opposite side of the street, say something to them, and the two with him go into an alleyway on that side. Then I see him set what looks like a bottle on the ground next to him. Soon I see another one and he throws it, just in front of the oncoming attackers.

After the second one is thrown, he leaves the third and falls back to where several more of his gang members are. Dodging and weaving as he falls back to the next set of barricades that his people now are on as well.

Seeing them fall back I hear one of the attackers yell, “Theys running. Let’s get ‘em.”

The rest of them follow him at a run and they have just passed the spot where the first bottle broke when I tell Xochitl over the radio, “Flower, hit that puddle now!”

He quickly fires a three-shot burst from his zebra carbine and I watch the rounds go down range and strike the flammable liquid starting a blaze behind them. Then I call out, “Weapons free, independent fire.”

The shock of us first cutting off their escape with a wall of flame, then opening fire from cover while they are in the open stuns them. I watch as they try to decide what to do. They choose to take their chances and continue to run forward towards the barricade that Thermite had abandoned. They are almost there and I see two jets of flame come out of the alleyway on the opposite side of us. The flamers catch two of the attackers who begin to scream in pain. The rest look around with wide eyes like trapped animals then I see them begin to panic and then instead they run back towards the gate. We are still firing at them having taken another couple down when I see Thermite wave at us and draw a hoof across his throat. He either wants us to kill them all or cease-fire to give them an out. I tell my team, “Check your fire. But keep weapons ready.”

Our fire stops except for the MG which is firing continuously, then I hear Cowlick yell, “Danger, break the links, I got a runaway.”

Right after this the MG stops firing and I hear him say, “Ok Mash I need your help with the MG.”

“Salt, this is Mash, Roger.” I then hear Tater getting up to go to help Cowlick and Twinks. I know he is going to take a bit to find the problem. But we can’t have another runaway. That is just too dangerous.

From my radio, I hear, “Cookie this is Big Blue, they are falling back from both sides.”

“Roger Big Blue, Meet you at the BB command post.”

As the Burner Boys begin to come back up and repony the gate and barricades my team and I grab our gear and begin to head back to the firehouse. As we go, I see Thermite. He nods at us and I hear him say, “Thanks.”

I nod back and say, “Glad to assist.” Then I lead the team back listening to them as they rehash what we just saw and did.


Former Hoofington Municipal Firehouse #1, Lunar Commonwealth: Xochitl

After we return to the firehouse, we hold a quick debriefing with their leader Naphtha. Afterward, Ginger stays up there talking with Naphtha while the rest of us are led by some pony named Bank Down. His coloring is rather interesting as he has a very dark gray mane and tail. His coat seems to start high at that color and gradually fades to a lighter gray down his body until it comes to his legs, which again have dark gray on them.

As he leads us to the bunk section he tells us, “Any bunk without a blanket on it is fair game. Pick one and throw your stuff on it. If you want to eat with the rest of us, go ahead, but it will cost you a cap each. If not, feel free to use the chairs and table up here. No cooking mind ya.”

We all nod then Epona tells him, “We have some cold ration packs with us, we will just eat them. Besides, we need to start cleaning weapons again.”

He nods his head and tells us, “Ok, be back in a little bit.”

We first break down our weapons and begin to clean them. Once done with that we break out our ration packs. I am amused to see everyone begin to try and trade for their favorite items. I am just glad I did not get mystery fruit again. I mean they are sweet as they were packed in a heavy syrup, but I still cannot tell you what kind of fruit was in the syrup. This time I get apple slices with cinnamon. I can live with that.

Soon Ginger returns to join us. She has just taken a few bites of her meal when we hear gunfire in the distance. We grab our gear and put our radio headsets on as we head to defensive positions in the firehouse along with the Burner Boys inside.

We watch as Ginger puts her hoof to her ear and we hear Choo tell Ginger what is going on. Next to Ginger is the Burner Boy lieutenant, Naphtha. They quickly talk, then Ginger tells us over our headsets, where we are going and she reiterates what our team assignments are.

Then I lead the way as we run down the stairs and head out the main door that the fire wagons once used. I am running on all four legs with my carbine at the ready and bit in my teeth as I had put my battle saddle back on when we got back to the station. I stop at the first barricade, look over it, and then wave the rest forward. We are almost to the second one and only about a hundred meters from the gate when we see a bright burst of light and the gates blow inwards. We see our attackers, a mix of twenty or so unicorns and earthponies, most with civilian-type weapons but what looks like a few military ones are mixed in, run through the gate in our direction through the dirt and dust.

Ginger yells over the radio for us to go into the building on the left, which we do. I go inside and kick open the door of an apartment, and head for the front window to provide cover for the others. Behind me, I hear a noise and I see a family in shabby clothing staring at me, the stallion putting himself between me and them. I tell him, “Get your family to shelter quickly, we are being attacked.”

“Who are you?” he asks in a stunned voice.

“Friends of the Burner Boys, now move, quickly,” I quickly respond.

I hear him shuffling off as Ginger comes into the room. Outside on the stairway, I hear the heavy hoofs of Cowlick and the lighter ones of Twinkle Hoofs running up the stairs. Over the radio, I hear Ginger say, “Ok team, take positions, but hold fire until I give the word.”

We all quietly acknowledge the order with a quick click of our mics. Then we wait. Below us in the street I watch as one of the team leaders for the Burner Boys lobs what I realize must be Molotrot cocktails unlit down the street. Then he leaves one behind the barricade, quickly nodding in our direction before he falls back to the rest of his troops.

He leaves two of his gang members behind but has them shift to an alleyway across the street and slightly back from us. I see them grinning at me as we exchange nods.

From the direction of the gateway, I hear the attackers yelling and screaming as they run down the street into the kill zone in front of us. Then I hear Ginger tell me, “Flower, hit that puddle now!”

I know what she wants as my rounds will most likely ignite the fuel. I fire a quick three-round burst and watch as one of the rounds glows and when it hits the puddle it lights the fuels trapping the attackers from behind. They become slightly confused, then one of them yells for them to move forward and as I target them, I see a round that must have come from above strike the leading pony.

Ginger then gives the orders, “Weapons free, independent fire,” and all pandemonium begins to break out with them. Many of them try to engage us as they continue to move toward the first barricade.

I hear several bullets strike the brick building near me. At the window next to me I see Tek with his eyes wide open and ears laid flat against his head but with his pistol in his mouth taking shots as he can.

Then they are hit by the flamethrowers that the Burner Boys in the alley have with them. I can almost see their aggressiveness dissolve and the fear take over as they panic, break, and then run for survival toward the gate. Ginger calls for us to cease fire and we let them go.

I remember the Colonel at the Valley ordering our troops on the flank to allow enough of an opening so some of Silver Spite’s forces could retreat through it. Later that night I’d asked her why, and she told me, “Because that allowed them to have hope that they could survive and escape, which meant they would not fight as hard out of desperation.” It makes sense, and I am glad to see Ginger understood that lesson as well.

After the rest of us stop firing I can still hear Cowlick’s machinegun firing without pause. Then he calls out for Twinks to break the links so it runs out of ammo and quits firing. Once she breaks it Cowlick calls for Tater to help him to inspect the MG to find out what is wrong with it.

As Tater leaves his position in the first-floor doorway to join the others upstairs, Tek takes his spot. Ginger, still watching out of the window, comes over to me and gently lays a hoof on my shoulder as I look out the window and I hear her sigh slightly.

It seems like only a few minutes later we hear from Choo over the radio telling us she would meet us back at the firehouse. Ginger gives the order and we all grab our gear and begin to fall back there. As we walk, we keep an eye out for trouble, but we also begin to talk about what happened.

On the walk back Ginger then asks Tater, “Did you find out what caused the runaway?”

Tater nods his head, “Yeah, the trigger has a broken sear spring inside. I will replace it once we get back to the firehouse.”

“Is there any way we could have prevented it?” She asks.

He shakes his head, “No, not really, I think the old girl has just seen a lot of action over the years. The spring finally gave way to fatigue.”

Ginger nods her head as do I, “Ok, thanks Tater. Next question is, can we find a replacement so we have another spare?”

I hear him sigh, then he says, “Maybe. If we are lucky, we can find one at Mega Mart or another merchant. If not, maybe we can explore a bit in No Mares Land. I mean, I would love to get my hoofs on some of the stuff there.”

I find myself nodding my head, but Ginger tells him, “I am not sure we want to go there. But we will have to talk to the boss first.”

As we arrive back at the firehouse Choo and Sunny are just landing, and we see her drop a pony in front of her. Choo then waves a wing to us and we all fall in around her.


Fluttershy Medical Center, Lunar Commonwealth: Choo Choo

The sun is starting to get low in the sky as we begin to land at the Fluttershy medical center. The doctor has his hooves wrapped around my neck as tightly as he can. Next to us is Sunny, who lands just after I do outside the emergency room doors.

Several members of their staff as well as two security members and even a member of the Brood come out the door and surround us. As the doctor gets off my back, shakily he tells them, “It’s ok, they rescued me.”

One of the orderlies and a nurse come to assist him. The leader of the two security guards as well as the Brood member approach us and ask, “Who are you and where did you find him?” I smile as I tell him, “We are just a couple of concerned citizens who felt we should bring him back here as soon as we found him.”

He cocks his head and says, “Really? You don’t say?” He then looks at Sunny and says, “You were here the other day with that caravanner, weren’t you?”

Sunny nods his head, “Yeah, I was helping to bring him here to see his granddaughter. Why am I in trouble?”

He shakes his head, “No, but it is not often we get members of the Volunteer Corps here helping out like that is all.”

Sunny looks at me and I look at him. Then I tell the Security guard, “I am an employee of Trader Jewel, the one you mentioned. If there is a reward for returning the good doctor, please put it on his account.”

The guard looks at Sunny and asks, “How would the Volunteer Corps feel about not sharing in the reward?”

Sunny smiles and answers, “Just give us a bit of credit in the official write-up, so that others here in Hoofington will know we are here to help.”

The security guards and Brood official look at each other and shrug. Then the Brood official tells us, “Alright, have a good evening, folks, and thanks again.”

They then begin to turn and head back inside. Sunny and I look at each other, shrug our wings, and then we turn and begin to fly back towards the main base of the Burner Boys.

As we fly back in the darkening sky, we close to the area of the city that is the Burner Boy territory. I then notice a lot of movement of ponies on foot sneaking towards it from both the west and the north side, at least twenty to thirty from both directions. I point them out to Sunny and he tells me, “Yeah, that is odd Choo. Let’s go to that cloud down there,” he says as he points downwards and to the left of us.

Once on the cloud, we begin to look at them, and then I see the gunfire begin. I quickly call Ginger and let her know what is going on. Soon we watch as two groups come out of the firehouse. The first runs north towards the barricades on that side, the other, my team, and a few others are running towards the west side gate.

Once my team begins to fire Sunny provides fire support from up high for them. I had not planned on this type of combat so I had left my weapons back with the caravan this morning. I had thought my magic would be enough today. I was wrong it seems.

I look to the north side and I can see that the defenses are doing pretty well there. But the attackers seem to have more automatic weapons on that side as well. Looking back to the west, I see the attackers have not only breached the gate but have run right into the killing zone of a perfect ambush site. Soon they begin to run for their lives, and our side stops firing. To the north side, the gunfire begins to die down as well.

Then I realize that we do not know who these ponies are, so I tell Sunny, “Cover me, I am going to grab one as a prisoner.”

I hear him tell me, “Gotcha Boss,” as I jump off the cloud and dive for the ground. When I catch up to those who are running away, I notice that they are not looking up. I swoop down and grab one of them by the collar of the barding he is wearing and he screams as we fly higher into the air. Several of those below us are firing at me as we fly away until I hear one yell, “Ya idiots, you hit her, she drops them and from that high up, you killed him just as well.”

Suddenly they stop shooting and begin to run again. The one I am carrying screams his mouth still gripping his pistol as we fly higher into the sky. Finally, he gives up and lets it go, and just screams. Sunny flies up next to us and I hear him tell our prisoner, “Will you shut up? If not, I will have her drop you.”

I begin to dive back down for the entrance of the firehouse still holding the screaming pony. As we land, I drop him the last couple of meters and he hits hard and is stunned. Several of the Burner Boys quickly surround us. I quickly check out our prisoner to make sure he is not badly hurt. Sunny keeps his rifle on him the whole time. I then use my TK to put him back on his hooves just as Naphtha comes out and asks, “What you got here Big Blue?”

I grin as I tell her, “Not much, just figured we would want a prisoner to question about this little attack.”

She grins and then she says, “Choo, did you notice the broken clock around his neck?”

I shake my head, “No, I had not, perhaps he needs to be taken inside so we can ask him a few questions.”

Before we can go inside the rest of my team returns. I realize this when I see Sunny wave a wing at those behind me. I turn my head and see them approach, as they get closer, I notice they all are relaxed and I see the curiosity on their faces as they see the pony we have captured.

That is when Naphtha suggests, “Let’s take this inside.”

Once inside, Naphtha has the prisoner searched, then tied to a brass pole that comes through the ceiling. I tell Ginger, “Take the team upstairs, clean your weapons and get some rest. I will be up in a bit.” She acknowledges the order and they head up the wooden steps tiredly.

Then Naphtha asks him, “What’s your name?”

“What’s it matter to you?” the pony asks defiantly.

Naphtha smiles and tells him, “I just want a name to put with a body is all.”

He still has that smug expression on his face when I step forward smiling evilly, “We can do this the gentle way or the fun way. You see I was not always an alicorn, in fact, I used to be a unicorn with the Ministry of Morale before the last day. I still remember my memory retraction spells. It has been a while since I used them, so they may be even more excruciating than normal, but I am sure you have heard how us Pinks used to be during the war.” I lie to him. Then I continue by telling him, “I so loved doing those types of interrogations back then, I miss the screams,” I muse.

As I speak, I see his eyes start to go wide in panic and then I add, “You know, back in the day, we would occasionally have a pegasus with MoM carry a zebra traitor higher than you were tonight and drop them. I have not done that since I got my wings,” as I rub my forehoof under my chin I continue, “But I bet it would be so worth it. I wonder if I will hear the splat?”

“You, you wouldn’t dare do that, Key Wind and Tight Spring would make you pay for that.” He says in a shaky voice.

“Actually, not only would I, but I have before. But then again, I even have some nice glass memory orbs to place your memories that I remove into. It is quite painful I might add. If I do this, you will at best have major gaps in your memory. Worse, you will have the mind of a young foal in the body of a grown stallion. Can you imagine what that would be like, to try and find out what you even are, then who you might have been and who you will be? Always having a memory just at the edge of being retrievable, but always just out of reach. To see those who you once loved, but do not know who they even are. To no longer even remember you were once a Broken Clock." I pause and rub a wing under my chin then continue, "Hmm, they would probably even throw you out. That would be rough too. Blood in, blood out, but not even knowing why. But I am sure that would not bother you, would it?”

I notice he is starting to breathe more shallowly and rapidly. He is almost panicking. Now it is the time to strike the iron, I light my horn as if to cast a spell as I say, “Ok, we do it the fun way.”

He begins to scream. Then as I move closer, he yells, “I’ll talk, I’ll talk. For the Goddesses' sake, I’ll talk, just don’t make me forget everything.”

I see Naphtha raise an eyebrow and give me a brief nod. I turn my horn out and tell him in a disappointed tone of voice, “Ok, we will do it your way, but, if we feel you are lying to us, well, then I get to have fun.”

Then we begin to ask him again, “What is your name?”

I hear him cry slightly, then he says, “Tic Tock,”

“Ok, Tic Tock, why did your gang attack us?”

He looks at me, “We were told to attack the Burner Boys. We weren't told they had an alicorn in their gang.”

This gets me to nod my head slightly, and we continue our line of questioning. When we are done we leave him under guard and go to her office where I ask her, “What do you want to do with him?”

She shrugs, “He doesn’t know much, could drop him off somewhere, or we could just snuff him out.”

Then I grin, “I got an idea. This could be real fun and play with their minds a bit.” I then tell her what I have in mind.

When I am done, she looks at me and asks, “You really did work for the Ministry of Morale, didn’t ya?”

I shake my head, “No, they scared the Tartarus out of me. But I am a quick study and had some good teachers when I started to regain my memories.”

She looks at me funny, “So you really do know what that is like, ya weren’t just giving him a hard time?”

I shake my head no, then I tell her, “Naphtha, I even met the pony who I was going to marry at one time and could not remember him until he showed me some old pictures.”

She looks at me with her head twisted slightly, “How long ago was that? Other than ghouls I don’t know of any that old.”

I smile sadly at the memory of Side Track and how he helped me begin to remember who I was and my family. If he had not been a ghoul, perhaps things could have been different, but…

I shake my head, “Yes, he is a ghoul. I have seen him a couple of times over the last ten years. He is now with another mare who we were both friends with. And he even knows my stallion back home. But I do mourn the life I had hoped for and never got.”

She smiles ruefully, “Yeah, I bet. So, when do you want to do this thing?”

I grin at her now. This is the kind of fun I realized I enjoyed when I was still on the Expedition. I then tell her, “Tomorrow night, when the moon is full, I think my team can rest here and help if they try anything again.”

“Yeah, they could, but I think we gave them a real hoof to the teeth tonight.” She tells me. “But yeah, that sounds good. I will see if I can scrounge up some paint for ya.”


University Campus, Hoofington, Lunar Commonwealth: Ball Lightning

Morning comes and I wake up to the sun shining into my eyes. I use my forehoof to block the light and as my eyes adjust, I see Air Burst pulling the curtains back. I notice the others on my team all beginning to wake up as well. He grins as he announces, “Well I hope you got enough sleep. After I reported last night, I decided that we all needed a bit of rest. Today we will visit some of the local settlements and do some minor good deeds. Lieutenant, you and your people are welcome to come along, in fact, I would appreciate it after yesterday.”

From across the room in his bunk, I hear the Sergeant Major say, “Sir, that may not be a bad idea. First, it helps us to blend in more and to become more of a part of the community. Also, sir, I really do worry about them going back out there after yesterday.”

“I guess that means you have us today too. We will be down in a bit.” I tell Air Burst.

He closes the door on his way out. We give him a few minutes to be out of hearing range before I ask Funnel Cloud, “OK, I think I know, but what has you so concerned about them?”

“Sir, that gang from yesterday may try and take out their frustrations on us. That or the gang that attacked them may come after us too.”

“You really think so Sergeant Major?”

“Sir, if it was me, I would. Just on suspicion because we arrived as they attacked.”

“Yeah, you're right. Damn, ok, let’s move it, people, they are going to need us.” I tell them as I start to get up and dress for the day.”

After we have put on what clothing we are going to wear and grab our gear and weapons we head downstairs. “Ok, put your weapons on the table over there and grab some breakfast. A couple of members of the team made enough for all of us today.”

We sit down and join those of the Volunteers who are still eating. Alto looks at us and tells us, “Thanks for yesterday, I don’t know what would have happened if you guys weren’t there.”

I glance quickly at Sundancer and she nods slightly and twitches an ear slightly. I catch her meaning and simply say, “Your welcome Alto. How are you feeling today?”

I see a look of pain on his face and he quietly says, “Tolerable, I can make it.”

I nod my head. I really hope he can. Even if we are not knowingly going into a fight, we don’t need him falling out on us. So, I ask him, “Alto, are you sure? You took a heavy hit yesterday; most ponies would have been in a hospital for a couple of days minimum after that.”

He looks around with his eyes and I can tell when he sees a worried-looking Sundancer looking back at him. He closes his eyes slightly and tells me, “Yeah, I will be fine.”

Ok, I decide, it is his funeral. If he says he can hack it, then he better do so. “Ok, glad to hear it, Alto,” I tell him and even give him a bit of a smile. To which he replies with a weak smile.

Soon we are all ready, or so we think. Then Air Burst tells us, “Ok, each of you grabs an extra pack. No cart, so we haul instead.”

I hear some of the others grumble, and while I feel like it, I know it not only will not do any good, but it has to be done. As I have Funnel cloud and Guntur assist me by tying my extra pack to the middle of my back. I then help them do the same.

Once we are all ready, we begin to make the rounds. Our first stop is a small settlement close to the river. As we approach, I notice the condition of the village and its inhabitants. They are what I would consider filthy. They are dressed in rags and their homes are built on the remains of two barges that were washed ashore long ago.

When one of them sees us, he stops working on the net he is mending, stands up and waves a forehoof at us, and yells, “Good to see you again Fire Works. Come on up.”

I see Air Burst smile as he leads us up the ramp onto the old barges. He calls back, “How are you doing today, Hawes Pipe?”

The older, blueish-green, earth pony stallion waits until we have reached the top of the stairs and are on the main level of the barge village. He then shakes his head which makes his light green main swirl slightly and then he answers, “Doing well enough. Just repairing these nets Deep Diver recovered last week.”

“Sounds good Hawes, we just came around to check on ya, and see if we could help ya at all.”

“We really do appreciate the help you have given us recently. Fishing has not been as good as it was for a while. Well, that and some of us are a bit nervous about going back on the river since Lead Line got eaten by that Gulper fish three days ago.”

I see the look of concern on Air Burst's face, “Damn, I remember Lead Line. How is his family taking it?”

Hawes Pipe shakes his head, “Not good, his foals are losing weight as his wife has lost almost all interest it seems in even living. Makes me wish I had taken up your offer for one of those fancy guns last time you came through. The Friggin thing just shook off the .38 and 9mm rounds like they were nothing, as for the spears and knives, well you can imagine how that went. I wish we had something with a bit more punch to it.”

I see Air Burst and a couple of the other volunteers all nod their heads. Then I ask, “Uh, Fire Works, what’s a Gulper Fish?”

This time Hawes Pipe answers me as he looks at me as if he just realized I was even there. “Your new down here aren’t ya sonny?” He turns to Air Burst and tells him, “You really need to get an extra copy of the Wastelands Survival guide, especially the Hoofington edition.” He turns back to me, “Seeing your new down here I will have to tell ya. There are many different types of critters living in the water hereabouts. The Gulpers are a type of catfish. Family history says they used to be a lot smaller. These here ones, I have seen up to ten feet long. They can swallow a pony whole if they are not careful. The worst thing is they have small sharp teeth that are angled back so they catch whatever they are eating and keep it from getting away. When they eat, they tend to gulp whatever it is down whole.”

I am horrified at the thought of such a death and notice several of the volunteers as well as Gunter and Anan looking sick to their stomachs at the thought of dying such a death. I hear Air Burst sigh and he tells him, “I know it is too late for Lead Line, but my offer still stands. All I ask is that you let us know what is going on down here along the river, the same offer as before. Also, I have some canned mares’ milk that I can provide for those youngsters.”

Hawes Pipe looks relieved and tells him, “Yeah, I think we can do that. It just goes against the way we river rats tend to live. Usually, we just want to mind our own nets and let others mind theirs.”

Air Burst puts a hoof on his shoulder and tells him, “I understand that Hawes, I really do, but sometimes we have to look out for each other.”

“Yeah, I guess you're right. I just wish we didn’t have to learn it this way. Oh, where are my manners, why don’t you and your people come on inside and take a load off.”

He leads us to an open-sided roofed pavilion that has a couple of pots over a fire. From one I can smell what must be fish boiling, the others well, that just seems to have hot water in it. One of the mares from this village scoops out a cup for each of us and places some leaves in it. I watch how it is done by Hawes Pipe and Air Burst. They both let the leaves sit in the hot water until it has turned the liquid a darker color and then they drink it.

I try it and it is a bit bitter, but not too bad. After my first couple of sips, I begin to feel a bit better and smile to myself as I feel a bit of a burst of energy. The same as I get from coffee. As we are drinking the tea, I begin to notice other ponies here and there among the buildings. I also see several coming and going on the stairs we came up. Then I notice one group get into a small sailboat along with a net as they head out on the water to fish.

When they are near the center of the river, I see them put out an anchor and then throw the nets out. I am nearly done with my tea when I see the sailboat lurch and roll almost onto its side. This has my attention. Then I see a large mass moving at it again. I hear Hawes Pipe say, “It’s a Gulper.”

When he says this, I run over, grab my MEW rifle and leap into the air to help those fisher ponies. I see one of them fall into the water and the gulper swims towards it. I begin to aim my weapon at it. It then leaps into the air as it goes to strike the poor fisher pony struggling in the water. Just as it leaps, I hear a rifle fire on fully automatic from the direction of the settlement. I watch as its eye is struck by a bullet, followed by the rest of the magazine’s rounds hitting it all in the approximate location of its head. Small holes going in, but large holes coming out the other side. The giant fish actually staggers mid-leap and sinks back under the water. The swimming pony makes it back to the sailboat and is pulled in by the others.

With that, I fly back to the barges and as I land, I hear Funnel Cloud say, “And that is why every settlement should have at least one fully automatic weapon. For situations like that.

I then walk over to them and nod my head as I tell Funnel Cloud, “Good shooting Funnel,” Then I return to my pack and return my weapon to its sheath. As I do so I notice the Sergeant Major going to his kit and cleaning his weapon quickly.

While he is busy cleaning his weapon, I see Air Burst get out almost an entire case of canned mares’ milk for the foals. After turning that over to the locals he then goes to one of the cases he has with us and when he opens it, he takes out an M10 automatic rifle along with two magazines that are already loaded, and then he goes and gets another two boxes of .308 bullets for it. He takes them to Hawes Pipe and tells him, “Here. This is for your and your people. Funnel Cloud over there knows more about this than I do, so if you have any questions about it, go ahead and ask him before we leave.”

Hawes Pipe takes the offered items and I see him look it over and put the rifle to his shoulder looking down the sights. He then calls out for another of his villagers who trots over and he tells them. This one is wearing a small metal star that says constable on it. “Double Tap, this is for you to use if we need it like we did today. Go ask the Volunteer over there cleaning his rifle any questions you may have about it,” He tells him.

Soon the pony is over talking with Funnel Cloud as he teaches him about the care and upkeep of the M10 as well as its operations.

Shortly after those two are done, Air Burst calls out, “Ok Volunteers, time to grab your gear so we can keep moving.”

Less than ten minutes later we are loaded and, on the move, we wave a wing goodbye to them and head back into the remains of the city nearby. Visiting several other small settlements on our way.

By the time the sun begins to set, we find ourselves returning to the offices on the University Campus. Soon we settle into what seems to be a normal routine for the VC team in the evenings.

The next day we make the same type of trek to other settlements that are less than a half day's travel from the campus.

While we are gone on this trek, two others of the regular Volunteers travel back to the skyport office and are able to procure a new cart for them. The first time I see it is when I notice it parked out front of the office. This cart is painted white with Volunteer Corps in large Blue Letters on it.

My team and I stop to look it over on our way over to the pub for a couple of pints that night. It is after midnight, and we are all well into our cups when we are on our way back to our room when we hear a thumping sound from inside the cart. We all look at each other and Gunter and Anan open the back tailgate of the wagon while Funnel Cloud and I stand there with our pistols in our mouths, just in case.

As the tailgate drops, I am greeted by the sight of a dark yellow earth pony stallion, hogtied, laying on his side with his eyes open wide in fear.

I holster my pistol and tell Anan, “Better go get Air Burst.”

He nods and tells me, “Yes sir,” and he trots inside.

Soon he returns with Air Burst who looks like he is still half asleep. Air Burst then asks, “Ok, what have you got for me?”

I point to the back of the cart and he climbs in and has me join him. Once there I hear him begin to cuss again. I then ask him, “What’s wrong Air?”

He then points at the trussed-up pony and I then see two things. The first a broken clock hanging around his neck, the second a mouth-painted sign that only says, “We know the truth now.”

As I am shaking my head, he pulls the gag from the pony’s mouth and asks him, “Ok, Tic Tock, who did this to you.” This alone lets me know he knows him.

The pony moves his head towards the tailgate and replies in a near panic, “She did, it was her. Don’t let her erase my mind.”

We both turn to look behind us and, in the sky, I see the silhouette of an alicorn flying straight up into the sky with the moon behind her.


Hello to all of you out there in the HOOF listening range, that last song was another prewar favorite, Viva Las Pegasus. Today’s news is rather quiet locally after the last couple of days. However once again we are being asked by the council to remind everypony that we are back into breeding season for both the rad-scorpions and gulper fishes. Try to avoid those locations as the Brood and the Zodiacs do not have the resources right now to deal with these threats.

For our next tune coming up, we have for you, When the Wolves Cry Out

Chapter 15: Surprise Encounters

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Chapter 15: Surprise Encounters

“Captain, the problem is not that I’m paranoid. The problem is that the universe keeps justifying my paranoia.” ― John Scalzi, The End of All Things

Burner Boy Territory, Lunar Commonwealth: Ginger Snaps

We wake the second morning with the smell of radhog bacon cooking and coffee boiling. I find I have risen up to a sitting position with my eyes still closed just enjoying the smells. As I open my eyes I look over and see Choo Choo over in the kitchen area with a huge smile on her face, whistling the way she always does when she has been up to mischief.

Oh Goddesses, what has she been up to now? I ask myself. Then I crawl off the top bunk and give a shake to Xochitl on the bottom one. As he wakes up, he smells the air and says, “Do I really smell radhog bacon and coffee?” I only nod and he quickly gets out of bed as well.

Soon the entire team is awake and getting ourselves ready for the day. Choo pops her head out the kitchen door and tells us, “Breakfast will be ready in about ten more minutes.”

With that, we all go and grab our mess kits and get ready to eat. As the food finishes being cooked, I help Choo carry it out to the table that used to be used by the shift of firefighters who would have been on duty. Soon after this, I hear Naphtha’s voice ask, “Oh my Goddesses, who brought meat and cooked it in the firehouse?”

Choo looks up at her sheepishly, “Oh, I did, I brought enough for most of your crew who stay here too.”

I watch as Naphtha has a range of emotions come over her face, from revulsion to appreciation. Then she says, “I will let them know, but we don’t tend to eat meat here.”

Choo nods her head, “I hadn’t thought of that. Sorry. Back home we tend to eat it a bit more. I figured today was a combination of me feeling good about last night’s package delivery and the fact of our planned visit to some of those who are causing problems still today means we will want some extra energy and protein so this would be a good treat for everyone.”

Naphtha raises an eyebrow and twitches an ear. Then she asks, “I thought brahmin were strictly vegans?”

Cowlick, still chewing on a piece of bacon, replies, “Normally we are, but I love the salty taste as well as the crunch of well-done bacon.”

She shakes her head and replies, “I see, well, I guess I will talk to my people. Even if they don’t partake, thanks for being willing to share with us.”

Soon after this, I see Kindling, Tinder, and Smoldering Phase, come up the stairs. I hear them sniff at the air, then Kindling curiously asks, “Yous really eat that stuff?”

I can’t help myself, “We sure do, want to try some too?”

Kindling cautiously asks, “What’s it taste like?”

“Well, it is kinda salty, but I don’t know how else to explain it.”

He finally says, “Sure, I’ll try it.” Then he cautiously takes a bite and I can see the pleasure come over his face.

Kindling then takes a seat, gets a cup of coffee, and puts a couple of slices on his plate. Tinder, and Smoldering both do the same.

I smile as I watch Kindling dig into the bacon, Tinder seems to enjoy it but is not quite as enthusiastic as Kindling. Then I watch as Smoldering takes a big bite and I see his face begin to turn green, He puts a hoof over his mouth and runs to the window and spits it out. He then turns back to look at us accusingly and asks all of us in general, “How can you eat that stuff? It’s meat.”

Kindling smiles and says, “Just like this,” as he takes another bite.

Tinder then tells him, “Here, have some coffee. It will help.”

Before he can sip his coffee Epona tells him, “you should try some honey in it, we usually have honey and milk in it back home. But we don’t have any milk available right now.”

He stops and adds the honey and then comments, “This is pretty good, where’d ya get the honey?”

Epona smiles and tells him, “We ran out of what we brought from home, but I found a merchant selling it by the jar at Mega Mart. He gives a discount if you exchange an empty one when you buy a full one.”

“Yous guys been to Mega Mart too?”

We all nod our heads slowly and Tater asks carefully, “You haven’t?”

“Nah, too dangerous to go by ourselves, and I’m not high enough up yet to get to go. Never been more than a few blocks from our tory, until the other day with yous guys.”

At first, I am confused when he says tory, but then I realize he has just shortened territory. I remember our teacher talking to us in school about how languages can change over time and with isolation. I guess that explains how they talk compared to back home.

Choo smiles as she brings out some bread that we picked up at Mega Mart also. She has some strawberry preserves on the slices and tells us, “Please help yourselves. We have a long day ahead of us.”

Tek, who I see sitting on the other side of Xochitl eyes the bacon at first, then he seems to make up his mind and takes some of the bread and preserves to eat along with his coffee.

With his mouth full, Tinder asks, “What you and Naphtha got planned for us today?”

She smiles and tells us, “Oh, a little visit to some others who we know have been causing trouble.”

This gets me to raise an eyebrow and Epona to put a hoof under her chin as she thinks. Tater just looks at Xochitl and they grin at each other. Then I hear Cowlick ask Choo, “Should I be making up some more presents?”

She shakes her head, “No, you should have enough already. Besides, I want you more for suppressive fire today than for blowing things up.”

I see the disappointment on his face, but then I hear Twinks tell him, “It’s ok big guy, that means it’s you and me again.” I have to grin as I watch him lift a forehoof to hers. Then they hoof bump, both smiling. Next, I hear Sunny ask, “Choo, this doesn’t mean more going underground, does it?”

This gets all of us to snap our heads in her direction. She smiles with a motherly expression and tells us, “No, not this time. But we may have to for a little bit. I want to talk to Naphtha about a few things first, then I will get back to you on that more. But I will talk to her about those things while all of you clean up the kitchen.”

After we finish cleaning up Choo Choo returns with Naphtha. Naphtha then tells her members who are with us, “Choo has said that her team would like our assistance again today, I will let you decide if you want to go with them after she lays it out.”

Her members look surprised. Then all four who are with us nod their heads. Choo then says, “Ok, let’s go to the training room again.”

Naphtha then leads us all to the training room and takes a seat off to the side. Choo then proceeds to give us the rundown of our day’s plans. After she is done, she asks, “Any questions?”

We are all still thinking about what she has planned when Naphtha looks at her people that are in the room and asks, “Still want to go?”

I see Tinder and Kindling nodding, but I notice Smoldering seems hesitant. Finally, he looks at the others and says, “Yeah Boss, I am in.”

Choo then tells us all, “Ok, go grab your kits.”

As the Burner Boys get up to leave, I hear Napatha tell us, “Tinder, you’re in charge of our people on this. Listen to Big Blue, but they are your responsibility, got me?”

His face becomes very serious, “Yeah, I got ya, boss. I’ll take care of them.”

“Good, and good luck to all ya.” She says and we watch her head back to her office and us to our gear.

Once we have our gear on, we follow one of the Burner Boys we had not met yet to another building.

This one looks like it was a school at one time. Once inside we pass the remains of the one-time classrooms, several of which are now used as living quarters for groups of ponies. As we go down the stairs to the basement, our guide tells us, no need to worry about ghouls down here. We cleaned them out a long time ago.”

As we go down, to our right we see the foundation for what would have been a stable door that was just being begun along with some areas behind it that were carved out in the low light. Ahead we see the building's maintenance room. As we go past the old coal boiler there, I can’t help but shake my head at the contrast between what the war killed, and what it was all about in such close proximity. Finally, we come to a door that is chained shut. Our guide begins to unlock it and tells us, “Ok, this is as far as I go. This leads to the old service tunnels and should get you out of our territory without being seen.

I watch as Xochitl leads off through the door with Twinks right behind him and Tek following a bit further back. We let them get a bit further ahead when I lead our portion of the raid in. Choo follows up and we are followed at the rear by the six Burner Boys led by Tinder.

As I enter the tunnel, I notice the bones of several ponies. When we pass, I notice many of them had small bags or pouches of belongings with them. I then realize they must have taken to these service tunnels to try and survive on the last day. I try not to think about it, but it still gets to me. This is not helped by the fact that in the far distance we can hear the growling that we all know typically warns us of ferals. While this makes us all more alert, we do not encounter any of them.

We travel for only about ten blocks like this before Twinks stops us and points upwards towards a ponyhole cover at the top of a ladder. She looks at her PipBuck and says, “Ok, it looks clear, no dangers nearby according to the Eyes Forward Sparkle.”

Choo then tells us, “Ok, Flower, you and Tek go first, and provide cover for the rest of us.”

They both nod and I watch as first Xochitl climbs up the ladder, then moves the ponyhole cover to the side. He looks at Twinks who tells him it is still clear and he climbs up and out quickly. I watch his hoof signal for Tek to follow then he disappears in the bright light to the side. Tek moves quickly and repeats the process. Soon we are all out of the service tunnels and are using concealment and what cover we can find. Choo quickly talks with Twinks and Tater using the maps on their PipBucks and soon we are on the move again. Our teams are divided into two. One team per side of the street, with the Burner Boys on drag but divided as well.

Soon, in the distance ahead we can see a tall, slightly damaged clock tower in the center of a large factory-type building. We are still about ten to twelve blocks away when we see it. Choo has us all go into a collapsed warehouse to the side. “Ok, just so we can go over the plan a bit more before we fully commit,” Choo tells us.

Tek Quietly tells us, “That is it alright, you can tell it is their terry by the clock tower. When we get closer we can see broken clocks marking it too.”

Choo looks at us, then asks the Burner Boys, “Last chance to back out, you sure you want to do this with us?”

I see both Tinder and Kindling look at each other and grin. I also notice the nervous expression on Smoldering Phase’s face. The other three show no expression but get up as Tinder tells Choo, “Nah, we came this far, we do this.”

Choo smiles and we begin to move forward again. Leaving through the opening of one of the old loading dock doors, but out of sight of the clockworks.

We are only a couple of blocks from the main building when we take cover again and move through another building that used to be a factory. We are very cautious as we move through it so that we do not wake any ghouls who may still be in there amongst the ancient machinery.

Once to the front of the factory, we all settle in for what we expect will be a long and boring day.


Hoofington Casting and Die Company, Lunar Commonwealth: Xochitl.

The afternoon is a hot one, with a very little breeze as we sit amongst the wreckage of the old factory. We take turns resting and watching out the holes in the walls or looking out the windows while remaining concealed. It is late afternoon and the sun is going to set in about another fifteen minutes. I have just taken overwatch and I am using the scope on my rifle as a telescope so I can see further when I first see them coming up the road. I click my radio mic twice to alert the others that I have seen something.

As I watch I see a large white wagon coming up the road. I notice the ponies around it are armed and they seem to be alert as they come up the road. As they get closer, I begin to see them better. That is when I notice that all but one of them is a pegasus. I then realize I recognize a couple of them. Which almost gets me to laugh out loud. I then whisper into my mic, “Boss, you’re not going to believe this.”

I hear her whisper back, “What is it?”

“Big Blue, they are the same ones from the other day. What are the odds?”

I hear her quietly giggle over my headset and she then tells me, “Well, they are in for a rude surprise then. Besides, we know they are the ones causing problems around here.” She pauses then says with a smile in her voice, “Ok, the plan stays the same, Once the sun begins to set, we go.”

I watch through my scope as the lead pegasus talks to somepony hiding in a sewer through the grate. As they talk, I see several other ponies come out of the nearby buildings. While they talk, I watch the pony Choo had returned last night walk over to his comrades from behind the wagon. I then see an argument begin between the two groups. Finally, I see a mare who the Broken Clocks seem to give deferance as she approaches. She and the lead pegasus talk and I watch as she pushes a hoof into his chest and then begins to turn away, just as the sun finally sets beneath the distant skyline. I then hear Choo say, “Flower, take her out.”

I place my crosshairs on the back of the mare’s head as she walks away, I hold my breath and squeeze the trigger, just as she trips, and instead of hitting her in her head, I put a hole in her left ear. As my next round loads and I prepare to take the next shot the world explodes in gunfire as our team opens up. Hitting several of the Broken Clocks.

I then see the volunteers all take to the sky, except for the poor bastard who is pulling the cart, who is struggling to run down the street, the cart taking several rounds before it dodges around a corner.

The pegasuses in the air fire several shots at both us and the Broken Clocks as they fly away. I hear one of the Burner Boys get hit and Twinks calls out, “Tater, take feed, I got wounded to take care of.”

I see her leave the room she and Cowlick were in and low crawl to the Burner Boys though I can’t tell which one it is, through my peripheral vision.

Soon I hear Choo call out over the radio, “Ok, I am clear, fall back to the rally point.”

Twinks calls back, “Cover us, Fire Triangle is WIA and having a hard time walking.”

I watch as the rest of the Burner boys fall back. Cowlick provides cover fire for the rest of us. I am passing him when I hear him yell out to Tater, “Tater, reload now!” and I see Tater run the next belt of ammo over to the machinegun, pop the cover, and lay the links in. He then slams the cover and jerks back the charging handle and slaps Cowlick on the shoulder yelling, “weapons up!”

I am almost to the back door when I hear Choo call out, “Salt, do it now!”

I turn and see him take a detonator in his hoof and he triggers it. As I hear the explosions outside, he runs past me yelling, “MOOOVE IT FLOWER!”

Tater is right behind him laughing as we hear the sound of a large crash from the direction of the old clock factory and a cloud of dust follows us as we leave the factory and begin to fall back the way we came.

Twinks and one of the other Burner Boys are carrying the wounded Fire Triangle with his front hooves over their shoulders. As part of our plan, we leave tracks leading towards the Mayhems Mares territory. Choo lands after several blocks and looks at the bleeding Fire Triangle. She then tells Twinks, “He needs more help than we can give him, Get him on my back now.”

The wounded pony is tied to her back. She tells Ginger, “Cookie, get them home, I will meet you at the firehouse.”

Then we watch her take off and fly as fast as she can towards the Fluttershy Medical Center. Ginger then uses her hoof and ears to signal to get moving. As we cross the road where earlier we had been able to see the clock tower I look back and I notice it has broken off from halfway up.

Choo’s plan to use the distraction worked. She was able to use her invisibility spell to fly up and place the charges about where Cowlick had told her to. Without meaning to, I begin to smile. Soon I am back into my routine as we make our way back to the Burner Boy Territory. Once we reach the west gate. Tinder gives out the call sign and we are allowed to enter in a single file line, with our guns slung and the bits of our battlesaddles stowed.

This time we follow Tinder as he and his people lead us back toward the firehouse. I see him look down when he sees Naphtha as she meets us at the door.

Naphtha looks at him with a harsh expression and asks “Where is my little brother?”

I watch as Ginger begins to step forward to answer and Tinder puts a hoof on her chest and tells her, “Big Blue is taking him to Fluttershy. He was hit bad. Don’t know if he will make it.”

I watch the anger flare briefly on her face then pain crack her façade briefly, then she asks, “Was it worth it?”

He then tells her, “I think so, “We hit them just after they had a disagreement with those Enclavers we were talking about. It was a three-way fight. Oh, and that big clock tower of theirs, well it is broken real good now.”

She nods her head, “Good. Serves them right, hitting our tory.”

She then turns and begins to go back inside. As they do, she tells Twinks, “Danger, use our showers, get the blood off, and thanks for helping my brother.” She pauses then says, “Tinder, to my office, we need to talk.”

As they go to her office, we follow inside and back to where we were sleeping the night before. We each grab a piece of the floor and we begin to clean our weapons. After this, we each grab a ration pack and I hear Twinks say, “Cookie, we are starting to get low on rations, we need to talk to the boss about catching up with the caravan soon.”

After dinner, we begin to settle in for the night. As I move over to cuddle next to my little mare, I see her pulling out her copy of the Book of Daisy Jo. After she has it out, she lays down with it between her forelegs. This allows me to put my head on her back. As I do, I gently smell her scent and begin to feel myself relax. It is funny to me, but after all these years, her scent is now home to me. Where she is, I want to be. She stops reading briefly and turns her head just enough to gently nuzzle me. She then returns to reading. But as she does, I notice she too begins to relax. As we rest, I notice Epona is talking to Tek about something, but I can’t hear her. Cowlick is busy talking to Kindling and a couple other of the Burner Boys and I see him with a raised eyebrow as he finds something they said interesting.

Soon I find myself relaxing enough to drift off to sleep. As I do I hear Sunny tell Ginger, “Cookie, I am going outside for a bit. I will be back soon. Then I hear his hoofs walking away.

Soon I find myself being woken up as Ginger tells me, “Let’s go to bed love.”

I sleepily get to my hooves and crawl into the bottom bunk. As I do so I feel Ginger move me over slightly and she climbs in with me and cuddles up for the night.


Former Municipal Firehouse #1, Lunar Commonwealth: Choo Choo

After returning the Broken Clock to his Enclave masters, I am in such a good mood, I decided to treat myself and my team to a wonderful breakfast. I fly over to Mega Mart to purchase some supplies for it.

As I land, I run into Trader Jewel. When he sees me, he asks, “Big Blue, where is the rest of your team?”

I promptly tell him, and then I let him know about our having returned the doctor. He smiles at the news and asks, “So that was you. Who was the Enclaver they reported being with you?”

I grin as I tell him, “Oh, that was Blackbird. We just decided to let them assume he was with the Enclave. That should cause them all sorts of aggravation trying to figure out who it was.”

He grins back at me and begins to laugh, “I would think so. So, what are your plans now?”

As we walk closer to the wagons, I begin to explain to him what I know so far and what I have in mind. As we do this, he asks me, “Blue, would you mind if I gave you a few ideas?”

I hesitate at first, then with a slight look of exasperation he looks around and finally whispers to me, “Celestia is the real Light Bringer.”

To most that would not mean anything other than perhaps a part of a debate about the one called Little Pip. But to me, it is a code phrase to identify ourselves among others who work for the NCR Rangers in covert roles.

Without meaning to, my eyes go wide in surprise as he smiles and nods. Then he says, “Figured it was about time to let ya know anyways Choo.”

I nod my head and ask, “What are your suggestions?”

“Well as we already know the Enclave is supplying weapons to some of the gangs, and promoting them to attack others, maybe you could hit the gang for the one you captured and as you leave, make it look like it came from one of the others. I mean this would really throw the Enclave cattywampus.”

I have to smile and then I discuss with him a few more ideas. Finally, when we are done, he tells me, “Go get some supplies from Jambalaya, if he complains tell him to take it up with me.”

I smile thankfully and tell him, “Thank You, Boss, I really appreciate it, and so will the crew.”

He nods then he tells me, “Oh, and I want you and your people back here in two days, we need to get moving over to Meat Locker and a couple of other stops. We have money to make. Besides, if we sit here much longer, ponies are gonna notice and begin to talk.”

I nod my head and I tell him thanks one more time before I get the supplies and fly back to the firehouse and my people. Once there I notice that my team is all asleep. I look at the time and begin to prepare breakfast for everyone. As we have been told not to use the kitchen, I assume that is because the stove is unsafe. So instead of turning the stove on, I instead use my horn to heat the radhog bacon and the coffee. I am just finishing up when I hear Ginger begin to stir. I let her know it will be done soon and finish my preparations.

After Breakfast I meet with Naphtha in her office and lay out the basis of my plan and request some of her people to help us again. After hearing the plan, she looks at me with her head tilted slightly and tells me, “If my people want to do this, I will let them, but I will not tell them to do so.”

I nod my head, “I fully understand, thank you for being willing to let them go if they want,” I tell her.

After the briefing, all six of her people who are there decide to go with us. We are then led to an old, unused service tunnel route that will lead us out of their territory without being seen. Once we are topside again, we continue to make our way toward the old Manehatten Watch and Clock Company. Occasionally we can see its clock tower in the distance, and we use this as a landmark to help us work our way closer.

When we reach our target observation site, we quietly enter and begin to watch the Broken Clocks main building for the day. At sunset, we will create a diversion by attacking some of their guards. When my team is doing this, I will plant some explosive charges on the clock tower so we can destroy it. Then when we leave, we will make it look like the attackers came from the direction of the Mayhem’s Mares territory. Hopefully, this will cause them to think they were the ones who did this.

Just as the sun is beginning to set, I hear Xochitl call over the radio through my earbuds, “Choo, you are not going to believe this.”

I am curious now about what he is talking about, and when he tells me it is the Volunteers again, I can not help but giggle. This is working out even better than I could have planned. Perhaps we can cause a few more problems for the Enclave intelligence agency as well. I am grinning as I tell my team, “Ok, the plan stays the same, Once the sun begins to set, we go.”

As the others watch I slowly move toward the roof to be in position for my portion of the plan. I have already cast the invisibility spell When I see a mare come out of the clock-works. She seems angry to begin with. Once she is face to face with the Volunteer Corps team leader, I can hear them begin to argue. This is intensified when he returns the Broken Clock member I had delivered to his wagon.

This gives me an idea and I use the whisper mic to tell Xochitl, “When I tell you to, shoot that lead mare.”

I hear him confirm he has heard me. Shortly after this, I see the mare push the pegasus Stallion with a forehoof, turn, and begin to stamp her way back towards the factory. I then tell him, “Flower, take her out.”

I hear him take the shot as I launch myself into the air and I tell the others, “Weapons free, keep them busy for me.”

As I fly towards the clocktower I watch the pegasuses of the Volunteers take to the sky and I so want to take a shot, but I dare not if I want to stick to our plan. However, as I fly to the clocktower and plant the first charge I glance behind me and see the fighting is now a three-way fight.

I have already planted both the second and third charges when I hear the call about a wounded team member. While my instinct is to fly back and immediately help treat them, I know I am the only one who can complete this part of the plan safely. Once I have placed the final charge I call back to my team, “Ok, I am clear, fall back to the rally point.”

Once I have gotten far enough away, I call out to Cowlick, “Salt, do it now!”

In the dark sky, I drop my invisibility spell and as the four charges explode, I open fire with my minigun from the air to help suppress those on the ground firing at my team.

As the clock tower begins to fall, I hear many of the Broken Clocks screaming in anger. Then I feel a burning pain on my side that almost gets me to fall to the ground. Instead, I fly as quickly as I can to our rally point. Once there I land. I see the badly wounded Fire Triangle and after a quick exam, I know he is hurt worse than Twinks or I can handle. I have them tie him to my back. I turn the team back over to Ginger telling her, “Cookie, get our people home.”

Then I am in the air again and heading as quickly as I can to the Fluttershy Medical Clinic. During my flight, I notice a half-dozen Vertibucks heading for the Broken Clock territory. They are about three-quarters of the way there when I see them all bank to the right and begin to fly back towards the Sky Port.

As I continue to fly toward the hospital, I am beginning to think that this is becoming routine for me. I have this confirmed when I land and I see the security guards run out along with a triage team and one of them says, “Oh it's Big Blue again.”

They cut the ropes tying the wounded Fire Triangle to my back and carry him on a gurney inside. As they are running him in, one of the other ER team members tells me, “Come inside Big Blue, we need to get you stitched up, you took a pretty good hit there.”

As the adrenaline begins to recede, I begin to feel the pain from it and I simply nod my head and follow him in. As I am being stitched up he asks me, “So what happened so that you got hit?”

I try to smile and sound relaxed, but do not do so well as I tell him, “I was grazed when I went to help him after I saw him shot by scavers.”

He shakes his head and his tone of voice says he doesn't really believe me as he says, “Scavers got a piece of an alicorn. Huh, that is a new one on me.” Then he finishes the last stitch and tells me, “Ok, with a healing spell that should heal with no scaring in about two days. Either have somepony help remove the stitches or return here and we will take them out. You can set up payment for this at the desk on the way out.”

I nod my head and I tell him, “Thanks.”

He smiles at me and responds, “Look, just be more careful out there. I know how dangerous those gangs can be.” He stops and shakes his head, then tells me, “Please, just be careful, even the Brood liaison for the hospital has mentioned he is worried.”

This surprises me, and I tell him I will be. Then after settling up my bill at the front desk and picking up a healing potion from their pharmacy. I head back to the firehouse to gather my team.

As I head back, I notice that Sunny is on the roof of a building not far from the Burner Boy territory and I see him talking to several others. When I get closer, I recognize them as the batponies we had met the other day. As I begin to land he smiles and waves and I hear him say, “Hey Boss, how did it go?”

After I land fully, I tuck in my wings and walk over to the group and tell him, “Hello Sunny, it went well. It looks like he will be ok, but we are starting to attract some attention our way.” I stop and then look at the entire group before I ask him, “So what has you out here tonight?”

He tries to smile as he answers, “Boss, I needed to clear my head and while taking a flight, I ran into these guys and we began to talk a bit and get to know each other.” He then points to the others and begins to introduce them to me. I find out that the two dark gray mares are named Ankareeda and Arrats. The stallion is Asra, and the white batpony mare he reintroduces me to as Morning Star.

They all give me a brief bow or curtsy of respect as he introduces them to me. Then I hear Asra tell one of the others, “She does look much like her royal majesty.”

At first, I do not realize who he is talking about, but when I do I feel myself blush and I tell him, “I appreciate the compliment sir, but I am not as beautiful as our fair Luna was. I remember seeing her and I could only hope to be half as beautiful as her.”

Then the one names Arrats ask in her high voice, “You have seen her?”

I nod my head, “Yes, at a distance a few times in person, and on television a few times when we still had such things.”

They are all surprised and they begin to try and ask me questions about her that I can not really answer, so I tell them, “Please understand that I never was close to her and never met her in person, so I can not answer many of your questions.”

I then tell Sunny, “Sunny, in the morning we are heading back to the caravan. We need to continue moving and our employer has asked for us to escort them during this move.”

He nods his head and tells me, “Ok, Choo.” He looks at the batponies and then he asks, “Do you want me to go with you right now, or can I wait a bit more and meet you in a bit.”

I am hesitant but I tell him, “Sunny you should come with me now, I hate to do this to you, but you need some sleep, and these ponies need to find a safe place to bed down for the day.”

They nod their heads in agreement and Sunny tells them, “Ok, well it was nice chatting with you, and I hope to see you all again soon.” As he says the last, I see his eyes are focused on Morning Star. I also notice that she has her eyes on him and her ears are forward. She is interested in him as well.

As they say their goodbyes, I can't help but notice the particular attention between Morning Star and Sunny, but I also notice the almost amusement of the other batponies at this.

As we all fly our own ways, Sunny smiles at me and tells me, “They were telling me that they are going to be at Meat Locker in two days. Something about a band they like will be playing there or something.”

I smile at him and ask, “So do you have a date set up?”

He shakes his head, “No Choo, I know I can’t tell others where we are going. Cousin Mollygirl would have my hide if she found out I broke op-security.”

I can’t help but smile at how highly he thinks of the Colonel and would not want to disappoint her. “Very good Sunny, if we run into them there, I will try to give you some time to visit with her. But promise me you will not hurt her on purpose.”

I see him stop in flight and when I stop, he tells me, “Choo, it’s not like that with Morning Star. She, she is special. I don’t know how. I hardly know her, but for some reason, I want to make her happy. I want her approval.”

I nod my head, “Ok Sunny, I will take your word for it.” I tell him, but inside I am smiling. Maybe our young stallion is finally growing up I think to myself.

Then I lead him back to land outside the firehouse. From just inside the door, I hear a familiar voice tell me, “Come on in Big Blue, we’ve been expecting ya.”

I smile and tell them, “Thank you Kindling. I hope you are having a good night”

“You to Big Blue. See ya in a couple of hours.”

Once inside both Sunny and I grab an empty bunk and catch a bit of sleep before morning. When I wake up, I find Sunny in the bunk above me snoring loudly. The other members of the team are already up and getting their gear together.

Ginger tells me, “Heard ya when you got in Boss. I don’t know for sure what you have planned, but we are getting low on rations.”

I nod as I get up and I tell her, “We're heading back to Mega Mart in a bit to meet up with the caravan.”

I then give Sunny a shake. He wakes up groggily and asks, “That time already?”

I nod and tell him, “Yep, time to get ready to head back to the caravan.”

I then tell Ginger, “Cookie, I will be back in a bit. I want to talk to Naphtha first.”

I then head up to her office and after I knock briefly on the door, I hear some shuffling inside the office. A couple of minutes later I hear her voice ask, “Yah, who is it, what do you want?”

I tell her, “Hey Naphtha, it’s Big Blue, just wanted to say goodbye before we head out this morning.”

She runs a hoof through her mane and tells me, “Thanks Blue, I appreciate it. Any idea how soon you will be back?”

“Not sure yet, but I will keep in touch for as long as we are in the region,” I tell her. “Oh, and the medicos said Fire Triangle should be ok. He was hit hard, but they were able to get it taken care of before I left.”

She nods her head and says, “Thanks for letting me know Choo. He is my little brother and I was worried.”

Then she notices the bandage on my side. She raises an eyebrow and asks, “What happened there?”

“I was grazed when providing cover fire as everypony withdrew. By the way, thanks for letting your people go with us. I am sure it made a big difference. Oh, also we left tracks leading towards the Mayhem’s Mare territory, hopefully, that will lead them to make a big assumption and take some heat off of you guys.”

“I really appreciate it Blue. Thanks.” She says before she pauses. Then she says, “I best let you get going. See ya when ya get back.”

“Sounds good Naphtha, take care and it was good working with you,” I tell her. Then I turn and head back downstairs to my crew. As we head out the main door of the firehouse, I hear Smoldering Phase ask us, “See ya tonight again?”

Ginger then tells him, “Na, not tonight. We're not sure when we will be back, but we will see ya then. Take care.” After she says this, they hoof bump and we continue on. I had not realized my team was getting so close to them.

As we continue on our way back to Mega Mart with Xochitl and Tek in the lead I ask her about it. She grins at me and tells me, “Choo, we fought alongside them, broke bread and slept in the same quarters, and we shed blood together, we are not part of their gang, nor them one of us, but they are as close as they can get otherwise.”

I nod my head as understanding comes over me, “Yes, I understand, sort of how the Volunteers were during the expedition.” As she nods her head, I remember the civilians and camp followers who volunteered to fight as auxiliaries after the First Battle of Two Step. Of course, they later were fully integrated into the Co-op Expeditionary Force, just like I was.

As we close on the gate of the Mega Mart I see a familiar-looking mare on the gate, and I notice a bit more of a bounce in Epona’s step as Tek waves to her.

Beyond the gate, I see Trader Jewel as he stands up from the fire and motions with his hoof and the other members of the Caravan begin to roust up also and the teams are harnessed up to their wagons. As we pass through the gate on our way through, I see Cowlick heading over to his cart. I notice the looks he is receiving from the brahmin of respect and the surprise on many of the ponies and other customers there faces as he removes his MG and allows himself to be harnessed into our cart.


Hoofington University, Lunar Commonwealth: Ball Lightning

“Ok, who has a knife so we can cut this buck loose?” Air Burst asks in an irritated tone of voice.

Funnel Cloud answers, “Got one,” and he tosses it onto the tailgate of the wagon. After we cut the stallion loose, we take him into the Volunteers' offices. Once in there, Air Burst and I take him to a separate room to ask him what happened.

“We’es was attacking the Burner Boys. Things went bad and we were going home.” He starts and I watch as Air Burst nods his head. Then he says, “This big blue alicorn caught me and carried me high up. They threatened to drop me and everything.” Again, we nod. “Then she took me into one of their buildings and tied me to a pole. They threatened to take away my memories and leave me like a foal if I did not talk.”

He is visibly shaking at this point. Air Burst then asks him, “Why did you believe she could do this?”

“She, she said she was one time a unicorn with the Ministry of Morale. That she used to be a Pink. Everypony knows they could do stuff like that.”

I watch as Air Burst's face starts to flush, but he controls the expression on his face otherwise. “And you believed her?”

“Yes, when I tried not to talk, she began to cast the spell and I saw a glass ball near her. I had to talk or she would have emptied my brain.”

I watch as Air Burst grits his teeth. “Ok, so what all did you tell them?”

He begins to talk to us and lets us know he told her about how weapons were being delivered to his gang and how the Broken Clocks and the Mayhem’s mares were working together along with the Hoof’s Ferals against the Burner Boys and a few other gangs.

After he is done Air Burst shakes his head and calls out into the main area, “One of you want to take this pony and get him something to eat, and a bed for the night.”

After he is escorted out of the room, I see a flick of anger in Air Burst's eyes. He sits at the table across from me and tells me, “That could change everything. If that blue was a Pink, she could cause us a world of hurt.”

I nod my head, then I ask, “Why is that?”

I hear him sigh as he shakes his head, “I know you are new to this business, but you do realize the Pinks specialized in counterintelligence ops, right? I mean they were not just for keeping the public in line.”

“Well, I know from school that they were always trying to hunt down zebra spies and sympathizers.”

He nods his head to me, “Exactly. They specialized in finding ponies who were up to things like we are doing here. Do you realize how long I have had to work to be able to get to the point we were at two days ago?”

“I am guessing it will be quite a while,” I tell him.

He laughs in a sarcastic manner, “Quit a while he says. Do you even realize what our goal here has been?”

“I thought you were trying to gain loyalty from the dirtsiders for the Enclave in part. Most of that is through the use of charity such as blankets and food. I also understand that if we cause them to act out enough that the Commonwealth government might ask for our assistance and we could legitimately occupy the Hoof.”

He nods his head, “Good, you have been paying attention. Now think about what happens if our little tricks here are discovered and revealed to that same Commonwealth Government.”

This time my expression changes, I feel my eyes open wide and my ears slide back and a chill goes down my back. “That could set back relationships between our two governments to when the skies were still closed. We would never stand a chance of getting a sizable presence down here peacefully.”

He nods his head and smiles ruefully. Then the tells me, “Very good my young apprentice. Now, what should we do about this?”

I think briefly, “Well, we return that pony out there to his gang, then we tell them that since he opened his mouth to the wrong ponies we will have to suspend shipments to them for a while.”

He nods his head, “Pretty much what I am going to do. I will still provide medical aid and food. But no more ammo or weapons for a while.” He pauses, “Ok, come morning we do that. Go grab a bunk and catch some sleep. We may have a long day ahead of us tomorrow.”

With that I head back to the room I am sharing with my team to call it a night. As I begin to fall asleep, I can’t help but think of the image of that pony tied like that, the sign on his neck, and the fear on his face of having his memory stolen away. But I also begin to question, just what are we doing down here, and is it the right thing for us to be doing?

The next morning as we get ready to head out, Funnel Cloud pulls me aside, “Sir, I know it seems confusing, but right now we need your head in the game. Remember this is our job, what we get paid for.”

“Sergeant Major, what makes you think I am confused?”

Quietly he tells me, “Sir, I saw you tossing and turning last night after your talk with Air Burst. I was having a hard time falling asleep myself. But remember, our priority is the ponies of the Grand Pegasus Enclave.”

I put a hoof on his shoulder. “I appreciate your concern Sergeant Major and if the time comes, I will remember that.”

He smiles like a father to his son, “I am glad to hear that sir. That is all I can hope for.”

Soon we have had our breakfast, gathered our equipment, and are on the road again heading towards the Broken Clocks territory. Today we have a canvas cover over the back of the cart with the Broken Clock pony hiding under it.

As we make our way across the Hoof, I can’t help but think about who those ponies are that are causing us this much trouble. They seemed decent enough, even if they are just wastelanders. But are they really what they seem?

We make a couple of short stops along the way at small settlements in the ruins during our journey to the clockworks. It is getting late in the day when I notice the clock tower of the Manehantten Watch and Clock Company ahead. The sun is behind us and the shadows are laying really heavy in the streets around us. Soon I see broken clocks hanging at the intersections we are following.

As we approach the intersection where we met the pony in the storm drain before, we stop as we are questioned like before. After giving the passcode, Air Burst tells him, “I need to talk to Key Wind.”

A couple of the other ponies come out from the nearby buildings and none of them seem too happy with us. That is when Tic Tock gets out of the back of the wagon and walks over to his companions.

One of whom bitterly asks, “What’s this? Was it you that took Tic Tock?”

As Air Burst begins to reply I catch myself and the others starting to spread out some. Air Burst then tells them, “Of course not. That is the problem though. He got caught and then he started to tell tales out of class.”

“What’s that suppose ’ta mean?”

“It means he told ponies who can cause a whole lot of trouble where you were getting your guns and ammo from.”

That is when I see the mare known as Moon Dial come storming out of the clockworks building. Once she is in front of us things begin to become more interesting. “What is going on here Air Burst?”

I hear him sigh quietly. Then he tells her as his ears begin to move up and forward again, “Moon Dial, we have a real problem here.”

She gets defensive and her ears drop back flat against her head as she asks, “And what is that?”

“Your buck here got mouthy and talked to a former MoM agent who we suspect may be working for the Commonwealth Council. We can’t afford them getting wind of how we have been helping you above and beyond the normal equine way we do most others.”

Now she lets her anger really show and she moves closer to Air Burst almost face to face and asks loudly, “What’s that supposed to mean?”

He tries to keep his voice level and not overly loud as he says, “That means no more guns and ammo from us for now.”

The dam breaks in her and she shoves him hard in the chest with a forehoof saying, “You got us into this mess, and now you pull the rug out from under us. Well, buck you and your Enclave too. We managed without ya before and will again. Now get, get out of our tory or you are done for.”

She then turns and begins to walk away from us back towards the old factory’s door. I am watching her when she trips and suddenly, I see a gunshot go through the middle of one of her ears, drilling a hole through it just before I hear the shot from one of the buildings down the road. That is when all Tartarus breaks loose. Several of the Broken Clocks are struck by a fusillade of fire and they turn to shoot at us.

When they do this, we all take to the air except for poor Altocumulus, who being harnessed in the cart again can not take off. Instead, he quickly turns the cart around putting it as much as possible between him and the incoming gunfire. As we are moving skyward I hear Air Burst call over the radio, “Storm Warning on location Bronco one! I repeat, Storm Warning on location Bronco one!”

I realize as I hear this that he has called in the security forces back at the Skyport for backup. Anypony down there without wings is a deader when they arrive. Right now, I am good with that I think as I take an aimed shot at a Broken Clock who is running for cover and firing in our direction. I am surprised when I see not only my shot, but a series of rounds from an MG hit him from the other side.

I am soon after buffeted by a blast wave from the clockworks. I quickly turn my head and I see the clocktower slowly begin to break away three-quarters of the way up and it begins to fall and tumble toward the ground. Leaving behind the shattered remains that remind me of a broken-off wolf tooth.

We are falling back as we try to return fire at both groups. I feel the sting of a grazing wound along the side of my neck which almost causes me to drop my weapon. However, the sling helps me keep it in my grasp as I fly as fast as I can around the next corner and below the level of the buildings.

We are several blocks away from where the fiasco occurred when we all land and gather around Alto and the cart. I notice that once again he has been shot. Gunter is giving him first aid as Sundancer is busy with another of the original volunteers who was wounded slightly worse.

It is as this is going on we notice that there is no more gunfire nearby. I then hear Air Burst get on the radio, “This is weather control, Clear Skies, I repeat Clear Skies.”

Shortly after this he nods his head and says into the radio, “Roger, thanks for the backup.” Then he turns to us and tells us, “Ok, when you’re ready we head back to the campus office.”

About a half-hour later, we have finished treating our wounded and are on the road again back to University Campus. As we travel, I notice how frustrated Air Burst is. I am thinking about what this means for our plans when I feel a wing tip touch my neck and I hear Sundancer says, “That is a pretty good graze you got their Chain, better let me put a magical bandage on it at least.”

I nod my head as she continues to treat my wound as we plod forward. After she is done, she says, “That should do for now, but see me when we get back, I think I need to do some more to clean it up and if not too late, maybe a couple of stitches.”

I hear myself sigh and I tell her, “Yeah, I’ll do that Sundancer. And thanks for taking care of it for me.”

When she hears this, she just smiles, nods her head, and continues to walk next to me for the rest of our journey back.


It is ten o’clock, do you know where your foals are? This is HOOF reminding those of you in the Lunar Commonwealth that the curfew for youths has been temporarily reinstituted by order of the Commonwealth Council.

This curfew is a result of the drastic increase in violence in the last week by youths in several gangs and will be enforced by the Brood as well as the Zodiacs. This has been a civil service announcement.

This is Feed Back and my next song going out to all of you HOOF listeners is Hell's Comin' With Me

Chapter 16: An Intricate Dance

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Chapter 16: An Intricate Dance

“Which side are we on? We're on the side of the demons, chief. We're evil men in the gardens of paradise, sent by the forces of death to spread devastation and destruction wherever we go.”

— COL Saul Tigh

Enroute to Meat Locker, Lunar Commonwealth: Ginger Snaps

We had only just arrived at Mega Mart before the caravan had us back on the road again. As soon as we got there, Trader Jewel had us harness up Cowlick into our cart and we were moving again. It was kind of sad for us though as Tek has decided to stay at Mega Mart for now instead of coming with us this time.

While I can understand this, I have gotten used to having him as part of the team. I have a feeling Xochitl is really going to miss him too as they were always on point together. We said a quick goodbye to him and I did see Epona slip a note to him. Though I don’t know what it says or if it was even to him.

As we head towards Meat Locker We come across a large open area, much of it looks to have been farmland at one time. However, we also see damage from battles long ago. I am surprised though when I see the heavily picked over wreckage of a raptor class airship. I mention this to Rosie and Nellie and they tell me, “Yeah, that is from the big fight all those years back when the Enclave were fighting each other.”

As we pass it, I notice in faded lettering along the bow the name Azimuth. I see the giant rents in the frame. The deeply piled dirt along the bottom edge from the force of impact as well as the twisted metal sticking out in so many directions. I ask, “Did you see what happened?”

They both shake their heads no Rosie answers, “No, we were still in Appleloosa. However, Jambalaya said he was still a foal and he watched it crash.”

Then Nellie says, “Yeah, he said it was one of the first to go down that day. Have you ever seen an airship fight?”

I feel my face slip from a smile as I tell them, “Yeah, on the day of Sunshine and Rainbows we had one attack the stable in Manesville.”

Rosie excitedly asks, “What happened?”

I think back to that day so long ago. “The sirens were going off so our entire class had taken shelter in the storm cellar of the school house. But I wanted to see what was going on and snuck out.” I pause as I figure out what to say. “A raptor from Neighvarro attacked the town of Manesville and the stable. Their fliers also attacked some of the smaller communities of the Co-op.”

Nellie stops me and asks, “Cookie, what is the Co-op?”

“Oh, that was the communities that banded together with the stable back before home joined the NCR.”

They both look at each other and Rosie says, “Ya know we never heard of this Co-op.”

“I am not surprised, we tried to keep it quiet back then,” I answer. Then I continue, “My adopted mother Mollygirl and my adopted grandmother Emerado rode on our friend George to attack the raptor along with some dashites that had come to the Co-op.”

“So, who is George, and what happened?” Nellie asks.

I then tell them, “Oh, George is a friend of ours who is a dragon. They finally got close enough for George to breathe fire into their hanger bay. I guess they were loading bombs into sky carts or something as it really exploded. I was miles away and could see the explosion. The raptor then turned away and last I saw it was heading back in the direction of Neighvarro. Another one showed up shortly afterward coming from the direction of Fillydelphia. I guess they saw George and the others and they turned away too. But it looked to be damaged already also. So, I guess that makes sense.”

They both stare at me and I hear Rosie ask, “Are you serious? You watched it?”

“Yeah, yeah I did, I also got to see the cost,” I tell them quietly. “We got hammered that day. Ma lost a lot of friends. And we lost some civilian friends of the family.” I stop and I look up, “They nailed our hospital full on. Took down an entire wing, including the maternity wing.”

I see the look of horror on both of their faces. The Brahmin bull on their other side even looks at us and one of his heads asks, “What did you expect from the Enclave? Look at what they did to Friendship City, much less themselves.”

I nod my head more in understanding than agreement. Then I tell him, “I expected them to hit the base. That makes sense, but when they started to try and burn our villages and crops.” I stop and just shake my head at the memory.

“My classmates let me know it was leaner times for a harvest season after that, but not as bad as it could have been. But I did not hear that until we got back from the expedition.” They all nod their heads at that as they have heard me and Xochitl tell them about the expedition a bit before.

Then I hear the bull from the far side say, “Did you really say that two earth ponies rode a dragon into battle?”

I laugh lightly, “Yeah, Ma Mollygirl loves to fly, but that may have to do with her having had pegasus blood way back in her line. Now Emerado; she seemed to hate it, but she did well enough. Epona told me that Mollygirl and Lieutenant Colonel Milo rode George during the battle of Harness too.”

I see them all stare at me and I hear the bull say, “I remember being in Hackamore that day, we were passing through, you mean that crazy mare raised you?”

I begin to laugh and tell him, “Yeah, that was Mama Mollygirl, she is also known as Lieutenant Colonel Mollygirl, or the one my team just calls the colonel.”

I see him shake both heads and then he says, “Well that explains a bit more about all of you then. I should have known all of you came from the same place. That was the first time I ever saw one of our cattle brethren, and to top it off they were in uniform. I will never forget that cow with the sergeant stripes running over to us through an artillery barrage to tell us to either hit the ditch for shelter or run as far and as fast as we could for safety.”

I nod my head wondering which trooper that cow was. But I guess she left a mark on the other bull’s memory.

As we get closer, I see what looks like a gigantic tortoise shell that I at first had mistaken for a part of the hill. I quickly ask Rosie and Nellie, “What is that place?” motioning ahead with my head.

We are just rounding a curve in the road on a small hill and Rosie, seeing it, says, “Oh, that there, that is Meat Locker. Before the war, I guess it was called the Hoofington Memorial Hospital.”

I am surprised as I look at it and tell them, “My Goddesses, it looks like a giant bunker. I was expecting a hospital like Fluttershy.”

They smile at me in an almost patronizing manner and I hear Nellie say, “Everyone seems to think it looks like that the first time they see it. Not sure why everyone is so surprised at the way it looks. I mean they did build it during the war and this far enough from the Core they may have taken the possibility of it being attacked by Caesar's legions more seriously. Besides as you notice it still survived while most of the buildings in this area are ruins.”

I nod my head in agreement. “Ok, that makes sense to me I guess,” I pause and ask, “So what is that big hole in the ground over there? Did someone try to hit it with a Balefire Bomb or Mega Spell?”

This time I hear the bull laugh from both heads and the closer one says, “No, that used to be the old Hightower maximum security prison. Something happened to it about ten years ago. Not sure what, but I have heard several rumors, none that I can point to as true though.”

“Huh. Oh, ok, I appreciate what you could tell me.” I tell them as we get closer to Meat Locker.

I begin to smell them before I can see them. It is almost like going to Dead Quiet back home in Manesville. I really begin to appreciate the extra effort put out by the ghouls back home now to disguise the smell of decay that just comes along with ghouls, especially in large numbers.

It is still a couple of hours until sunset when we arrive. As we pull up outside of the place in what would have been a parking lot at one time, we circle our caravan again using our normal method of breaking in the middle and bowing outwards. I watch as Trader Jewel and Choo both approach the doors. Behind the sandbag barricades there, I see some ghouls in combat armor interact with them. One comes forward to talk while the others are providing an overwatch for them. Not too far from them, I see Xochitl. He has his carbine still out, but it is in a typical carry position, rather than one he would use if he was expecting trouble.

I smile to myself as we get the ok signal from Trader Jewel and I watch as our caravan begins to set up camp for the next couple of days. As this is going on I hear Choo call over the radio net, “Team meeting with the Meat Locker Security leadership in five minutes. Make it snappy, people.”

Shortly after this, our team assembles with Choo at the Barricade in front of the entrance to Meat Locker.

As we approach, I hear Tater say, “They have a nice setup for that Mare Duce behind the Sandbags. I wonder what else they have?”

Cowlick nods his head, “Yeah, it is pretty good, but They need to put up at least one more off to the side a bit, so they can get a good crossfire.”

When he says this, I hear one of the guards there say, “Breathers, think they know everything.”

I hear Epona laugh at this and as I look at her to see what she is laughing about. I hear the same guard ask, “What’s so funny breather?”

She smiles at him and says, “I have only heard a few ghouls use that term, the last one was Fire Box, but she comes from under Canterlot Mountain. So, I was surprised to hear it.”

I see him tilt his head and he asks, “So you know a ghoul?”

Our entire team actually nods our heads and then one of the other ghouls asks as she points towards Epona, “You, yes you. You actually know Fire Box?”

Epona then says, “I can’t really say I know her, but I have met her and talked to her along with Side Track. But that was several years ago.”

I see the ghoul look kind of suspicious at her, and then she asks, “Ok if you know them, who was the pony keeping them from getting together?”

I hear Choo Choo take a deep breath and sigh. Then she says in an embarrassed tone of voice, “That would have been me. But I was not actively doing so. He was still hoping he would find me. Well, we were both surprised when we found each other.” She pauses briefly, shakes her head, and then says, “I had lost most of my memories, and he helped me regain them. But we both had found other ponies and to be honest, it was time for him to move on, and I am glad he did.”

The ghoul mare looks skeptical and asks, “Ok, if you know so much, what’s your name?”

Choo smiles a half grin and tells her, “Choo Choo. He was my fiancé on the last day. And after this happened to me, well, I guess you can understand.”

The ghoul looks at her in disgust and says, “Let me guess, once you became an alicorn you were too good for a regular pony.”

That is when I hear Sunny begin to laugh and the ghoul shoots daggers at him with her eyes as she asks, “What’s so funny Enclaver?”

Sunny giggles some more then tells her, “Well, her special somepony Paper Work back home would argue that with you. And he is just an earth pony.” He then smiles and tells her, “As for being an Enclaver, well, that is neigh on impossible for me. See my mother was a unicorn and pa is an earth pony. So, I am a wild pegasus you might say.”

The leader of the Meat Locker guards then tells us, “Ok, now I need your attention.”

We all turn to him and have our ears forward. Once he sees this, he begins, “Ok, so it seems you know a few ghouls. Glad to hear it. That means you won’t be so quick on the trigger with the ones inside. If you or your people go inside, you are warned to stay only in the normally marked areas. It is dark in many of the areas, and while we have pushed those of us who are feral into the subway area, we have had problems with tourists bothering them.”

We all look at each other and nod in response. Then Choo asks, “Sir, why are you telling this, particularly to my team and not the rest of the caravan?”

He grins as well as his face allows him and tells her, “Ma’am, because most of the caravan has been here before, and with this many youngsters in a group, I have come to expect trouble.”

Choo then looks at us and says, “Ok, as a reminder, if you leave the caravan site here, you are to use the buddy system. No one goes by themselves. Do you understand me?”

“Yes ma’am,” we chorus, which seems to surprise the ghouls.

Their security chief then asks Choo, “You sure you aren’t military?”

Twinks sighs and tells him, “Sorry Sir, but only myself and Salt Lick over there were not raised in military families.”

He nods his head, “I guess that explains that then. Ok, have a good time, but be safe and do not bother my people.”

We all nod at him and again we chorus, “Yes sir.” Then we all smile as he shakes his head and wanders back through the double doors behind the barricade leading inside.


Meat Locker, Lunar Commonwealth: Xochitl

After things begin to settle down, we hear music coming from inside Meat Locker. Choo tells us, “Ok, half of you can go inside for a bit. Only for a couple of hours. Once you come back out, the others can rotate in.

I see Ginger smile at me and I find myself smiling back as she and I walk tail and tail towards the door. Behind us, I hear Choo tell Sunny, “You go ahead Sunny, I want a flier available to both sections if we need it.”

Soon I hear Sunny and Cowlick trotting behind us. The atrium is dimly light and off to one side I see a sign saying ER and it points to a set of double doors marked Emergency Room. Through the glass doors, I can see several vendor stalls set up as we pass that corridor.

We are more interested in finding the club they call the Afterlife, which is located in the old cafeteria, and we follow the signs pointing the way to it. As we get closer, we can hear the music getting louder.

As we go down the hallway, I see a sign pointing down a hallway that is marked ICU, beneath it is a mouth-painted sign, Beds For Rent. Soon we reach the doors to the cafeteria and I am stunned when I look inside. First off, they have a permanent stage built along one wall. Tonight, as we enter, I see a group of bat ponies with musical instruments playing on the stage. The lead singer though I can see is a yellow pegasus mare with a pink mane and tail.

The music is not like anything I have heard back home. It is much faster and louder and the singer is almost screaming. However, I can’t help but find myself with my head bobbing back and forth with a hoof in the air pumping also. I look over at Ginger and I see her smiling at me as she watches me. Behind me, I hear Cowlick yelling “Yeah, Tartarus Yeah! Play it!” as he bounces on his hooves bobbing his head as well. I would feel more out of place here, but I see many ghouls and other ponies doing the same thing on the dance floor.

I quickly look for Sunny and I see him flying over to a table with four of the same type of ponies as are on stage. Except for one mare who I swear is the same color as his mother. The music is so loud that I can not hear what Ginger is telling me. Then she points to a bar along one of the walls. Behind the bar, I am stunned as I see a robot. I saw a couple of security bots during the expedition, but not up close like this. The robot is working the bar as a bartender. I smile as I notice it is what looks like a Mister Hoovesie robot like I saw in a book. However, this one has been painted with pin-stripes and is wearing a black wide-brimmed hat with a rolled edge and a rounded top on its dome. As I watch I see him mix a drink for a ghoul mare and serve it to her.

Ginger mimes taking a drink and points to them. I nod my head and go over to the bar to get us both a drink as she heads toward a table and chairs not too far from the batponies Sunny seems to know. As I get close, I barely overhear the robot tell the ghoul he is serving, “Your lucky I have my combat inhibitor active, or else I would vaporize your maggot-ridden zebra-loving hide.”

The ghoul laughs lightly and then responds with, “I love you too ya old bucket of bolts Cerberus.”

I swear I almost hear a growl come from the robot. Then I am at the bar and I see the robotic lense for the bartender look at me and it extends as it focuses on me. I hear his voice say in a sarcastic tone, “What can I get you?”

“How about eight hard ciders for me and my pals.”

“Sure, might as well seeing I can’t tack your filthy stripped hide to the wall as it deserves.” He says, which gets me to raise an eyebrow, but I have heard worse before, and honestly, he seems to hate the world in general so it is not personal.

He pours the pints and puts them on the counter. I then ask, “Could I borrow a tray for these?”

“A tray he asks for. A typical stripe thing to do. I bet your ancestors made the Cesar proud.”

“Actually, no. We were loyal Equestrians.” I answer.

He then states, “You have four hooves and are not a robot, you lie. Just like the rest of these rotten bastards here.” He then uses a mechanical arm to pick up a tray from under the bar and puts it on the bar. He places the pints on the tray. I take the edge of the tray in my mouth and I begin to carry it to the table. As I go, I notice above us that Sunny is flying with the white mare he was talking to earlier. I am amused enough that I almost bump into one of the ghouls, but stop just in time. Finally, I make it to the table.

I put three of the pints on our table and see Sunny and the mare have landed and are with the others. I take the tray over to their table and set it down. “Hey Sunny, I figured you and your friends over here might be thirsty.”

Sunny smiles and replies, “Hay Chotil, that would be great. Thanks.” He begins to take the pints from the tray and then remembers, “Oh, I have not introduced you yet.”

He then introduces me to them, starting first with the white mare, “This is Xochitl, back home we just call him Chotil as that is how it looks when written out. These two over here are Ankareeda and Arrats, the stallion over here is Asra. I met them at the stable with Choo. Why don’t you have the others come to join us.”

“A pleasure to meet you, I will be right back,” I yell to them. Then I go get Ginger and Cowlick. Once we are close enough, I tell them to come to join us over with Sunny and the others. We grab our drinks and head on over to the others. Soon our two groups are sitting and talking.

I am talking with Asra while the band is taking a break and he asks me, “Why is your pegasus so interested in Morning Star? No pony else is interested in her.”

“Well, I Am not sure, but she does look a lot like his mother. But you said there are not many of your kind left?”

“That is true, and her color is because of it. No one wants it in their family line.” He tells me quietly.

“So, you are saying you are ok with them dating?” I ask.

He looks at me, tilting his head, then he asks, “Where you come from, is it normal to mix species?”

I shrug, “I guess, I had not thought about it. But yeah, I guess.”

“And what would his parents say if they were to get serious?”

I laugh then tell him, “Thank the Goddesses that he finally found somepony to tame him.”

I see his ears go forward and his eyes open wide, then he begins to laugh out loud. “Really, him?”

I nod my head, “Yeah, his family clan finally told him officially he was on his own if he hurts another female.”

I see him look surprised and he asks, “What do you mean by another female?”

I sigh and tilt my head as I look at Sunny and quietly tell him, “He dated most of the mares and cows that were our age back home. We had a couple of scrapes to protect him from their families. But honestly, he has been well behaved since we left home.”

He looks at Sunny and Morning Star, then he looks back at me and appraises me before he asks, “Do you think he might hurt her?”

Before I answer this, I look at the two of them and I see how he is showing her more respect than I am used to from Sunny. I turn to Asra and I tell him, “Honestly if he hurts her, I do not think he will not do it on purpose. I have never seen him like he is with her with anyone else.”

“What about with the females in your group?”

“Well, Ginger and Epona are his cousins, even if by adoption and Twinks just refuses to even consider dating him. And as for our boss, well she is too much like a mother or grandmother to most of us, so I don’t even think he would consider her.”

He nods his head, “Ok, While I am not interested in Morning Star in that way, she is one of us, and I do not want to see her hurt.”

“I do understand. I don’t want to see either of them hurt.”

We are on our second drink by now and I realize we need to get going so I tell them, “I hate to say it, but we need to get back out to our caravan, but it has been really nice getting to meet you. If you’re here tomorrow night hopefully we can talk some more.”

Once we are back outside, we report to Choo who tells the others, “Ok, go ahead and have fun for a bit. But I want you to be back in a couple of hours.”

As the others head inside Choo turns to Ginger and tells her, “Trader Jewel is sleeping in his wagon if there are any problems, let him know there. If you need me, I am going to be following up some leads inside down in the Mortuary.”

Once they leave, Sunny and I begin to patrol around the outside of the caravan. Ginger and Cowlick stay inside the caravan but are also on watch. Most of the caravanners tonight are resting within the confines of the caravan itself also. I notice many of them are gathering around campfires inside the caravan circle.


Mortuary, Meat Locker, Lunar Commonwealth: Choo Choo

It takes a while to find the bar they call the Mortuary. It seems appropriately quiet for the name. When I enter, I notice a couple of tables that have ghouls sitting at them. I notice a couple of earth ponies as well and a tired-looking unicorn in there as well.

As I enter, I see the others watch me as I go in and approach the bar and the bartender. Once at the bar I see him stop wiping down the bar with an old rag before he comes over and asks, “What cha want princess?”

I smile at him and tell him, “Thank you for the compliment, but we both know I am nowhere near as beautiful as the princesses were.” I wait to see how he reacts before I ask, “Would you happen to have any Sparkle Cola Rad?”

I see his one remaining eyebrow raise as he tells me, “Yeah, but wouldn’t you prefer to drink it someplace a little more, lively?”

I shrug, “Honestly, tonight I just want to have a relaxing drink and perhaps talk to some others who remember what we lost. Not sob in my drink mind you. But perhaps just someone who understands.”

He shakes his head as he reaches behind him and grabs out a warm bottle of the Sparkle Cola Rad for me. Then he says as he hooves me the bottle, “What we have lost. Princess, do you really have any idea what we have lost?”

I lean on the bar as I take my first sip. “Ahh, that is good,” I say aloud. Then I look at him and tell him, “While we don’t have the same skin condition, we both lost the lives we should have had. Goddesses, I am still getting back my own memories.” Then I notice the cracked mirror behind the bar and I look at it. I notice the pony looking back has a sad expression on her face.

He then says, “At least you are still alive. You could look like this.”

I nod my head in agreement. Then I tell him, “You are right. But then again, I look nothing like I did before I was made into this. I don’t even have my cutie mark anymore. When they did this to me, they took away everything.”

I notice a couple of the other ghouls are paying attention at this point. I nod to them. Then I make a decision and tell the bartender, “Please, a round for the house on me.”

I see several of them liven up at that. But a couple still seem suspicious of me. One of them asks, “Why do you want to buy us a drink?”

I smile sadly at them and tell them, “Because I would like to make a toast that I think we all can share.”

One of them then says, “You think you know what it is like to be a ghoul. What makes you think you even have a clue what it is like for us?”

I look at her frosted eyes and I tell her, “I have a friend who is now married to one of my descendants,” They begin to say something and I hold up a hoof and tell her, “Let me finish. This friend basically died and she was turned away from Elysium. Not only has she told me this, but I have heard many ghouls, including my former fiancé, say they see her shadow on both sides. While I don’t know the pain of being turned away from Elysium; with this form I do not know how long I will live, and if I will even get the chance to go there.”

I see them nod their heads in understanding. The mare then says, “Call me Pillow Mint. I work up in the ICU inn, and I thank you for the drink then.”

Soon the bartender has a drink for each of us ready. I lift up my Sparkle Cola Rad and I quietly say, “To lost loves, lost family, and fallen comrades. May we meet them again in Elysium.”

They all lift their glasses to that and take a sip of their drinks. Soon most of them have returned to their tables and I am at the bar with the bartender and Pillow Mint. She asks me, “You don’t mind if I sit here with you for a bit, do ya?”

I put a hoof on hers which I can tell surprises her, and I tell her, “No, I appreciate the company.”

She then asks, “I have always wanted to ask one of you, but how?” She waves her hoof at me from my nose to my flank. “How did you become this way?”

I sigh as I remember that day and I pause before I ask her, “Do you want to know how we became alicorns or my personal story?”

She thinks briefly and tells me, “Well I really was asking how all of you became this way, I had not thought to ask you something so personal as to your own story.”

I smile weakly and I tell her, “It happened on the last day. I was making my normal mixed passenger freight run to Maripony. It was just as we pulled into the station that the sirens began to wail.” I pause and see her nod her head so I continue, “The staff from inside ran to my train and were yelling for us to follow them. They led us from the station into one of the local buildings. I had figured they would have a shelter or something inside. Instead, they had these huge vats full of rainbow-colored liquid. They told us to jump into the vats if we wanted to survive.”

She stops me and asks me, “So you jumped in?”

I shake my head slowly as I tell her, “I really am not sure. I don’t remember if I jumped on my own or if I was pushed. All I know is it was very painful and suddenly it was not. But I no longer was alone in my own head.”

“What do you mean you were no longer alone in your own head?”

“I could hear the thoughts of all of my new sisters, and they could hear mine,” I tell her.

She looks surprised and then asks, “What happened to the stallions?”

I sigh and tell her, “That is one of the strange things. They were changed into mares too.”

She seems stunned and then she asks, “Is that why you said you lost your memories?”

I nod my head, “Part of it. Mother, some called her the goddess, also took our bad memories and put them all into one of my sisters. I am not sure why she hated her so badly to do that. But it also meant I lost a lot of mine. I am still working on getting them back and I know I will never have all of them.”

She then asks, “What do you think of ghouls?”

I smile as I raise my drink to her, “Most I have no problem with. Ferals, I don’t hate them or go out of my way to destroy them. No, ferals I feel sorry for, they are like I was when Unity broke. They have no idea who they are anymore, or what is going on. No, I don’t despise them, I pity them and wish them peace, just like I do anyone else.”

She takes a sip of her drink and laughs lightly, “You know, you aren’t what I expected from one of your kind. Most avoid us. But you, you try to understand. Do you know many of us?”

Then I begin to tell her about back home in Manesville and Dead Quiet. I also tell her about Zhea and little Xanthippe. As I talk about them, I realize how much I am missing them and the others back home. Finally, I tell her about Side Track and Fire Box and how I helped them get together. After which she asks, “What about you? Don’t you ever get lonely?”

I smile and tell her, “Yes, but I have my Paper Work back home waiting for me.” She looks at me funny and then I begin to tell her about Paper Work as well.

“So, Side Track was ok with you not getting with him and getting together with this Paper Work?”

“Yeah, I think so, especially when he found out I was an alicorn now. I know Fire Box was always interested in him.” I laugh lightly, “In fact according to Epona, Fire Box and Paper Work worked with each other on it. I have seen them both since. Last year was the last time. They brought one of the first trains since the Last Day into Manesville. All four of us had dinner and drinks together.”

I see her shake her head. “Glad to hear it worked out. I met that Fire Box about fifty years ago. She was wandering about at the time. She told me about Side Track and his obsession with some lost mare. I never figured that mare would still be around.”

I nod my head, “I understand, I wouldn’t of either.” I find myself enjoying the company of this somewhat unusual mare as we talk about the days before the war when we were both fillies. She and I both also exchange stories about what we have experienced over the years for the next couple of hours. Then I notice the time and I tell her, “Pillow, it has been a wonderful time. We may be here for a couple more days, would you mind getting together for a drink or two again?”

I see the ghoul smile the best she can as she nods her head, “Choo, if you don’t mind spending time with a ghoul, then I guess I would not mind hanging out with a smooth coat. Back down here, or do you want to meet me at the ICU Inn?”

I nod my head “How about I meet you there. You can show me around a bit too.”

Then I head back the way I came, as I get upstairs to the main floor, I still hear the loud music playing from the Afterlife. I think about going but decide, really, that is not the mood I am in tonight. Instead, I begin to head back to the caravan. As I go, I am bumped into by a rough-looking unicorn ghoul stallion. I notice that he is wearing a jacket that matches the ghouls and ponies who are with him. He turns to me and tells me, his voice laced with scorn, “Watch it, princess, you don’t know who you are messing with.”

I politely say to the ghoul stallion, “Oh, excuse me, I didn't mean to bump into you Sir.”

Beside him a see a smaller earth pony stallion with a filthy looking green coat and orange mane and tail. The young stallion nods his head in agreement with his leader. Then he says, “Maybe we should teach her to mess with the Hoof’s Ferals boss.”

The ghoul stallion then tells the younger one, “No, she has already shown respect. We can let a minor slight go then. Let’s go.”

I wait for them to pass me and get further down the hall and I decide I need to follow them and find out what they are up to. I first cast my invisibility spell, and then I follow them eavesdropping as best I can.

Eventually they get to a section of rooms down a side corridor that are being used as what I would call a flop house at best. As they settle in for the night. I then hear the young earthpony stallion asks, “Ok Boss, so who we supposed to meet here tomorrow?”

I see the ghoul get an irritated expression on his face as he looks at the others with him. Then he finally says, “For the last time, we have two pegasi who are going to meet us here. We need to make payment for and arrange the next shipment.”

“But boss, I thought they had a strict no Enclaver rule in this place.”

I hear the exasperated ghoul then reply, “Dipstick, I know you are a quart low, but still, how can you not understand, we do not talk about such things away from home. Now, go grab yourself a hunk of floor over there before I drag ya down to the subways.”

I then hear a very nervous voice reply, “Ok boss. Sorry boss.”

But I have heard what I wanted to hear. I smile to myself and begin to head back towards the caravan and I am back out of sight of them before my invisibility spell wears off. Fortunately, with my dark coat and the poor indoor lighting no one really notices. Even the poor tourist mare who is coming down the hall from the Afterlife and only says, “Oh, you surprised me, I had not seen you there.” As she puts a hoof on her chest and continues on her way to the ICU Inn.

Once outside and back with the caravan, I have Ginger give me a quick rundown and I tell her, to wake me in an hour. Once I am awake, I tell her, “Go ahead and sleep until I wake you.” For doing me the favor of staying awake and of covering the guards I will let her sleep until breakfast is called. But I don’t tell her that.

What I do though is that when Sunny has his next watch, I tell him what I heard, and what I want to do. He grins and answers, “Choo, it’s stuff like this that makes me love working for you, boss.”


Volunteer Corps Office, Hoofington University, Lunar Commonwealth: Ball Lighting.

Once we arrive back at the Volunteer Corps office, the more seriously wounded are led inside for treatment while the rest of us unload what is left in the cart. Once that is done, as I am going inside, I see Sundancer using her forehoof to motion me over to her. I reluctantly begin to walk toward her. Funnel Cloud stops me and asks, “Sir, you want me to go with you?”

I smile at him, “Yeah, I am sure. But I will talk to you about it later.”

He nods his head and tells me, “Ok Sir, but don’t let her hurt you again.”

As I get near her, she has me follow her into a side office that has a small medical room set up. Off to the side, I can see the wounded Alto is passed out asleep. I see her look at Alto and smile sadly. Then she has me sit on the table so she can finish suturing the wounds from earlier as well as check for any others. As she is sewing me up, she sees me looking at Alto and stops briefly.

She then tells me, “Ball, I know you are hurt, but it is not what you think.”

I am very frustrated and yes hurt. This causes me to be a bit more curt than I had intended when I ask her, “Really? So, what is it then?”

She sighs and then looks around. She goes to the door of the office, looks around outside and then quietly closes the door. She then comes over to me. Lifts my head with her wing and looking me in the eyes tells me, “Alto is part of my cover down here. He and I are pretending to be in that kind of a relationship. It keeps others away from me and helps the groundsiders to believe that I am unavailable. That stops a lot of the harassment I would get otherwise, and believe it or not, the same goes for him.”

I move my chin from her wing tip and tilt my head as I look at her. I feel an angry expression that is still on my face, but I can’t help it. “Well, you two sure did a good job of acting that way. Because even my team thinks you two are a couple.”

I hear her sigh, and I notice Alto move a bit, then I hear him tell me in a groggy voice, “Thanks Cutie. I really appreciate the compliment on my acting. Understand. Sundancer is a gorgeous mare, but you're more my style than she will ever be.”

“Wait, excuse me?” I ask.

He lifts his head just a bit more and looks me in the eyes and tells me, “Ball, I’m gay. Sundancer is one of my best friends now and it helps with our cover. We are not supposed to let even you know this.”

I shake my head in confusion and then ask, “So why are you telling me now?”

Alto answers again, “Look, we know it is tearing you up and we don’t want to hurt you. She is a good mare Ball. She loves you and even if you don’t realize it, she still wants to be yours.”

I am stunned and I turn to her and ask, “Is he telling the truth?”

She nods her head in answer along with the tears I see forming in her eyes. “I am sorry Sun for not trusting you more,” I tell her.

She shrugs and in reply tells me, “Honestly, I would have been the same way. That is why I had to get you alone tonight to tell you the truth.”

I find myself gently kissing her and finally I have the reunion kiss I had originally hoped for. As we break our kiss, I hear Alto clear his voice quietly and then he says, “Ok, now that we have that figured out, Ball, would you happen to know any soldiers who you might be able to hook me up with?”

In response I begin to laugh, “Actually Alto, I just might.” I tell him as I think of Down Draft. Then I think to myself, life can be good. Strange, but good, as Sundancer finishes treating my wounds.

The next morning after breakfast I am talking with Air Burst in his office and he tells me, “I have a special detail for just you and me. We play the part of freeborn pegasus or refugees from Thunderhead that came dirtside during the unpleasantness between Neighvarro and them.”

“Ok, no problem, but why not just say we are with the VC?”

I hear him sigh as he looks at me and tells me, “Because where we are going, they do not allow any Enclave members, or those loyal to the Enclave.”

“Ok,” I tell him, then I ask, “So where are we heading and what are we up to this time?”

He grins at me, “Well, how do you feel about ghouls?”

I feel my stomach lurch at the thought of them and their decayed bodies. Then I ask, “Aren’t they all dangerous?”

“If they are not feral, then they are not any more dangerous than any other ponies.” He pauses and looks at me, “I see from the expression on your face you are disgusted by the thought of them too. This is a voluntary thing son. I need you to be able to control yourself enough to deal with them.”

“I think I can do it, and I do want to help, so where are we going?”

He grins at me and tells me, “A little place called Meat Locker. It used to be Hoofington Memorial Hospital. A bunch of ghouls run the place now. Frankly I am disgusted by them but sometimes we have to tolerate such things for the greater good.”

“What will we be doing there once we get there?” I ask.

He smiles as he tells me, “Well I am to meet one of the lieutenants for the Hoof’s Ferals. We have a bit of business to set up and honestly, right now they are the most stable of the gangs we have been dealing with lately. I would have bet on the Mayhem’s Mares. But after what has happened to them in the last week. They are busy licking their wounds. As for the Broken Clocks, they talk too much, and honestly, I think it will be a while before they calm down enough to do business with again, much less trust.”

“OK, so when do you and I leave?” I ask.

He grins a predator's smile and says, “That is the attitude I like. After lunch, we head out. Nothing on you that says Grand Pegasus Enclave. In fact, that fancy pistol you picked up would be a perfect sidearm along with your rifle for this.”

“Sounds good Air, let me go talk to my team and let them know that I am heading out for a bit and when to expect me back. Do you want them for anything in particular right now?”

He shakes his head, “No, give them some downtime. If they really want something to do, have them talk to the locals some more and help my team here at the office.”

After our meeting, I talk with Funnel Cloud. “Sergeant Major, I will be gone for a couple of days with Air Burst. Hopefully, things will be quiet for all of you while I am gone.”

He grins back, “Sir, this is Hoofington, I would be pleasantly surprised if it is.”

I nod my head. “Yeah, same here. But take the next couple of days to get to know the locals some more, and see what information you can glean from them. Perhaps give a hoof here at the office a bit. You know Hearts and Minds kind of stuff.”

He grins at me and tells me, “Speaking of hearts and minds sir, I am glad that things worked out better for you. But sir, please be careful out there.”

“I will Sergeant Major, I don’t want to cause you any more paperwork than you already have.”

Soon after lunch, I bid farewell to Skydancer and Alto. Then I meet with Air Burst and we are on the move again as we trudge our way to the place, he calls Meat Locker.

Once we are out of the built-up areas of the city, Air Burst tells me, “Ok, time to take to the skies again. Enough of the mud for a bit.”

He then launches himself airborne. I follow quickly on his heels enjoying the feel of the wind through my mane and under my wings. We go high at first and as we make our way through the clouds he asks me, “You seem to be getting along much better with your ex and her boyfriend. Something I should know?”

I shake my head and tell him, “Nah, I have accepted what has happened, but if I get the chance to repay a favor, I might have to do so, if you know what I mean.”

I see him grin at this and laugh, “That a boy, don’t let the bastards get to ya.”

The funny thing is, I was actually meaning it towards him. But hay, he did teach me to keep my mouth shut and my emotions covered. But I do believe that there always is a reckoning for everything we do. He would say I am a fool, I guess. But time will tell.

Eventually, we land at a settlement that is only a few miles from Meat Locker. During our flight, he had pointed it out to me. As we land, we are about half a mile outside the walls of the settlement, I look at how again another settlement has taken the apartment buildings and used them as part of the outer walls as well as blocking off several streets. The walls across the street are made from scrap wood, metal, wire fencing, and the bodies of dilapidated carriages and buses. Along the walls, I see several guards. Some are ponies, others look to be zebras. But all are armed. Near the gate is a sign that proclaims Creekside.

As we approach Air Burst tells me, “They have a small greasy feedbag here that serves a decent lunch. I figure we can grab a bit to eat here before heading the rest of the way. Besides I don’t want to be too early for the meeting.”

“Makes sense to me, Air. I am just following your lead.”

He smiles at that. And once we are at the gate, I hear a large gray zony call down, “Oh, hey Star Burst. Been a while, good to see you again.”

“Oh, good to see you too Fog Bank.” Air Burst calls back.

“So, who is the new buck with ya?”

“Oh, this here is Fire Ball. He is my nephew,” Air tells him.

“Well, if he is your kin, bring him on in,” the gray zony turns his head and calls out, “It’s ok, open the gate.”

And with that, we enter the settlement of Creekside. As we go in, I notice off to one side between two buildings is a sheltered area where carts or brahmin can be left at. A bit down the way is an open market.

As we walk, he points towards the lower level of one of the buildings near the market and says, “Over here is a really good cantina to eat at. I got something I want you to try there. They don’t advertise it, so you have to ask, and when you do, be discrete.”

I nod my head and quietly ask him, “What is it?”

He looks around first and then asks, “Have you ever tried meat? I mean they should teach you about it in your wasteland’s survival course at Officers Candidate School.”

I shrug and then tell him, “Well Fire Ball, they did mention it to us, but we never tried it. I did not have the opportunity to.”

He nods his head in understanding when I say this, but he then shakes his head only asking, “You willing to go native a bit and try some?”

While part of me rebels at the thought of it, I realize this may help me survive someday. So, I answer him, “Sure, why not.”

He grins again, “That a boy, now let me order for both of us then. I have a special treat for ya.”

As we enter the cantina, I notice they have a line for food set up just like we had at the college cafeteria or the chow halls back topside. For some reason, this surprises me. I can see some of the food right out front but in the back, I can see a cook also working.

As we approach, I see an earth pony mare with a light green coat and white, orange, and green mane and tail, behind the counter, look up and smile at Air Burst. She says to him, “Hey Fire Ball, how’s it going? Ya want the usual?”

He smiles back at her, “Hay Giardiniera, long time no see,” he first says to her, then he answers, “Not today, I want to introduce my sister’s son to something a little more tamer first.”

He looks around first and quietly asks, “Do you have any radhog bacon today?”

She grins back, “Good thing you made it here in time today, we are running low and will need to get another one soon. So, what do you have in mind?”

He puts a wingtip under his chin, rubbing it back and forth slightly, then he tells her just as quietly, “How about two radhog bacon, lettuce, and tomato sandwiches if you have the fixings.”

She then tells him, “Well, we have most of ‘em, but we might have to use some watercress or spinach instead of lettuce today.”

He looks at me, “Sound good?” he asks.

I nod my head, “Sure, either way, sounds good.”

She nods her head and walks over to the cook in the back and whispers something to him and he smiles as he nods his head.

We wait and soon she brings out two plates and sets them down on the ledge so we can put them on our trays. I see the smile on Air Burst's face as he tells her, “Thanks again, I appreciate it.”

She grins back and tells us, “Well remember if ya get a radhog and sell it to us, we still have a discount deal.”

“I’ll remember that. Thanks, Giardiniera.”

After we sit down, I watch as Air Burst picks up his sandwich and bites into it just like it was a hayburger back home. I see the smile on his face and hear him let out a slight moan of joy. So, I pick up mine and I try it. I have to admit I love the salty taste that the bacon added to the sandwich, but I was slightly uncomfortable with the feeling of it compared to the proper forage, vegetables, and bread. I also notice a slightly sweet taste to it and when I set the sandwich down, I lift the bread slightly and see a white spread on it. I then ask Air Burst, “So, what is the stuff spread on the bread?”

He grins, “Oh, that is mayonnaise. I asked about it my first time and was told it was an old recipe. But it sure adds to it doesn’t it.” He says with enthusiasm.

I nod my head, “I never tasted anything like this I tell him.” While he thinks I enjoy it as much as him, I just mean it literally, It does taste, unlike anything I have had before. Not bad, but different. I do enjoy the salty taste though.

After we are done. He looks at his pastern watch and says, “We have a bit of time yet, but let’s get going. We can always hit the shops in Meat Locker to kill some time.”

“Ok, sounds good, Ready to fly when you are.”

He shakes his head, “No, now we walk in. Take it easy, when we get there, try to blend in with the mudpuppies. Remember when there we left the Enclave and are not loyal to them. If someone says something against the Enclave, do not react.”

“Ok, I got it,” I tell him.

Then we begin the walk-in. It does not take as long as I expected. But as we come up, I notice a caravan set up just outside the main entrance in what used to be a carriage lot. It is starting to get dark so I really can not see much of the caravan, but I swear I almost recognize a couple of the wagons from our time at Mega Mart. I shake my head and think no, that could not be them. What would be the chances of them being here too?

As we approach the entrance, I begin to smell something like rotten carrion. I look at Air and he simply shrugs and tells me, “You get used to the smell. Just don’t gag, and try to be polite.”

I nod my head and continue on to the sandbagged emplacements just outside the doors. There I see them, two ghouls in full military kit. Both are armed and one puts up a hoof and tells us, “Ok, stop right there.”

As I look into the ghoul’s eyes, I see the pupils behind the white scratched corneas. And I see that inside is still a pony. Then I hear her ask, “That you Fire Works?”

I hear Air Burst tell her, “Yeah, it’s me. How have you been?”

“Doing as well as a ghoul can.” She answers back with what I presume is a smile.

I listen to them talk back and forth for a bit, then I think I see her. No fragging way, I think to myself. That means it is probably the same caravan. How in the Tartarus do they keep crossing my path and our plans? I debate on saying something, but I see she is busy talking to the one-headed Brahmin.

I notice he sees me and his eyes go wide and he actually laughs. Though he is far enough away that I can’t hear him. However, I do feel my ears start to slide down to the side of my head and I see him laugh even more.

I then feel a tap on my shoulder. I turn my head and I see Air use his head to motion for me to follow him in.

As we head inside the former hospital, we enter a large atrium. The atrium is dimly lit but I can see a desk off to the side with a faded old sign above it saying Registration. Hanging off the counter is a mouth-painted sign that says information/directions. Behind the corner is board looking pegasus stallion ghoul who is holding what I see is an old crossword puzzle book. In his teeth, he holds a pencil as he tries to figure it out.

As we pass by, I notice that there are several sandbag emplacements along the hallways and corridors. Eventually, we see an arrow sign that points down a corridor, and below it says ER. Off to the side, I see several offices that look to have been turned into living quarters. As I think about this and find myself smiling as I wonder do ghouls still call them living quarters?

Soon we see sliding glass doors in front of us, upon which is written Emergency Room. As we approach, the doors magically slide open and we enter the room. The room is horseshoe shaped with several small alcoves along the perimeter of it. Each one has a small vendor shop set up in it. As we enter, I am heading towards the weapons dealer’s stall when I hear something drop from the side and I hear a gravelly voice from my right side ask, “Lighting Burst is that you?”

All of the other ghouls in the room stop and look at me and Air Burst. The few other beings in there do also.

I turn and I see the owner of the voice is the only pegasus ghoul in the room and he is looking right at me. I stop walking and ask, “Excuse me?”

He asks, “Lighting Burst, it’s me, Broken Clouds. Remember, we served together for two years in no mare’s land.” The ghoul pauses then ask, “How do you look so young and the same.”

I smile sadly at the ghoul and I tell him, “I am sorry sir, but that is not my name. I never was in no mare’s land. But I did have an ancestor by that name. He was with the 32nd artillery as a spotter.”

I see the ghoul try to smile again. Then he says, “I am sorry about that, but you look just like him. My goddesses but you look like him. That was our unit. We were behind the lines on the Last Day. He went off the air when we started to see the Bale Fire Bombs and Mega Spells go off all around us. I thought he died.”

Sadly, I tell him, “Thank you for letting me know what happened to him. It was always a question to our family. His wife and foals were able to make it to safety in the Enclave as the clouds were being sealed.”

He twists his head and asks cautiously, “Are you with the Enclave then?”

I hold up my hoof, “No, granddad was a Dashite. That is why I don’t wear the brand.”

Beside me I see Air Burst nod his head in agreement.

The ghoul then tells me, “Could you come to me at my stall for a minute. I have something I want to show you.

I walk with him over to his shop and I notice an old dresser. He opens it and pulls out a photo album. He then shows me a picture of a stallion who looks just like me, cutie mark, and all along with a much healthier-looking version of the ghoul. They are both in dress uniforms and in the distance behind them, I can see the outline of the Hoofington Core that is no longer standing. They are both holding a pint of cider and smiling.

He tells me, “Lightning Burst was my best friend as well as my battle buddy for most of our times in the line. I was back at the battalion aid station when it all went down. I always wondered what happened to him.”

I sigh as I look at the photo and wonder, yeah gramps, I wonder what happened to you. Then the ghouls tell me, “Our battery was right behind the divisional headquarters for the 1st Cloudsdale National Guard. When I saw your pistol, I was convinced you were him.”

Suddenly I feel like I was kicked in the gut as I remember those poor bastards we sealed into that bunker. I feel like I have had extra weight added to my saddle bags by this revelation. I wonder if there is anything I can do to help them yet and not be branded a Dashite myself. If I can figure something out, I will do it.

I then ask him, “Would you have any other photos of him from back then?”

He nods his head and shows me a picture of my ancestor, again in his dress uniform and mare in a wedding dress. There are several other ponies there with them. He smiles and I hear him sniffle a bit. Finally, he says, “Yeah this was Lightning Burst's wedding day. I was his best stallion.” He pauses and looks at me, “Here, it is yours. I will keep the others, but I want you to have it.”

As he removes it from the book, I notice the page shift and I see several photos of them together in their combat uniforms in what looks to be a destroyed landscape. He apologizes and says, “Yeah, we weren’t supposed to take pictures at the front, but we all did it. Sorry, but these we do not share.”

He looks off into the distance and tells us, “No pony who wasn’t there will ever understand no mares land.”

I understand, I can’t tell him why, but I do understand. I take the offered photo and gently place it in my saddlebags. I then reach out and shake hoofs with him. “Thank you, Broken Clouds. I appreciate it.”

Then he looks me over and asks, “Have you ever thought of buying some barding?”

“No, I have not, Sorry,” I tell him.

He shrugs, “Oh no problem. But if you do decide you need some. Keep me in mind. I will even give you a discount on it.”

“Thanks, Broken. I appreciate it.”

I then see Air Burst motioning for me to come along. “I need to get going, sir. Take care and I hope to see you again sometime.”

I am then being led down the corridors. As we go, I keep hearing music that is very loud and very obnoxious to me. Ahead I notice a sign over the door saying Welcome to the Afterlife. I find this an ironic joke being that it is in Meat Locker and even let myself laugh lightly.

As we go in, I see a band of ghouls playing on the main stage. The music has a very fast tempo and is both loudly played and what lyrics I can understand are rather morbid. I look over to the side and I see a group of bat ponies sitting there drinking along with an all-black pegasus that I think could be the one the caravanners called Sunny. I also notice a red mare with black mane and tail along with her light green zony drinking with them.

Most of the crowd are ghouls and either earth ponies or unicorns. I do see a couple of griffons in there also. Behind me, I hear a strange voice say, “Excuse me please.”

As I begin to move out of the doorway, we are blocking. I look back and notice it was the one-headed brahmin who had asked me to move in ponish. As he moves past me nodding his head in time to the music, he smiles at me and tells me, “Good to see ya again.” Then he continues on to the dance floor where he bounces up and down to the music pumping a forehoof into the air.

I follow Air Burst over to a Group of ghouls and ponies that are all wearing the same color jackets. On the backs of those that I can see it says Hoof’s Ferals. I guess these are the ones we came to see. As we approach, I notice that the leader of this group is a unicorn ghoul. Next to him is a short, dirty green coated earth pony stallion with a matted orange mane and tail. I look for his cutie mark but it is covered by the mechanics' coveralls he has on under his jacket.

Once we reach the table, I hear Air Burst say, “Good to see you again Howler.”

The ghoul looks at him, sits down his drink, and tells him, “You're late.”

Air Burst then tells him, “No, I am not. I am actually a couple of minutes early. Don’t try your bully boy tactics on me. Else I can just turn around and leave.”

I see anger in the ghoul’s eyes but he says, “I say you're late and we need to talk business right now.”

Air Burst then turns to me and tells me, “Lighting Burst, go get us both a drink will ya?”

I nod my head and I head to the bar. As I approach, I see an old robot hovering behind the bar. I almost smile at the pinstripe paint job it has as well as the derby it is wearing. I stop when I hear it talking to one of the customers and it says, “Look you maggot-ridden walking corpse, I already told you, no credit. Caps up front or no drinks.”

The ghoul then tells him, “Common, I have been having a rough go of it lately, just a single Sparkle Cola Rad. Then I will leave you be.”

I look at the old ghoul and nod my head. Then I ask him, “Mind if I buy you a drink?”

He looks at me skeptically and asks, “Why would ya want to do that?”

I shrug and then tell him, “Because I have been there before myself. I know what it is like.”

I see him hesitate then he says, “Sure if you would.”

The camera lens for the robot spins to me and is suddenly close to my face. “What do you want, you flying feather duster?”

I ask him, “Do you have any cider?”

He backs up slightly and tells me, “Let me guess, you want a shot of Wild Pegasus dropped into it too?”

I laugh and tell him, “No, but that sounds good, where did you get the idea for that?”

I almost hear him growl as he tells me, “The zony over there and his zebra-loving mare. They and their friends all drink them. I swear if I did not have my combat inhibitor, I would just get rid of them all. Filthy zebra lovers, all of them. Not any better than you under-skilled, undereducated Wonderbolt wants to be.”

I raise my eyebrow at this but say nothing as I tell him, “Two of the ciders and Wild Pegasus, and one Sparkle Cola Rad please.”

He then tells me, “It will cost you for two drinks for each cider and Wild Pegasus.” The camera adjusting to look at my face closer.

“Makes sense,” I tell him and he gets the drinks.

“Here you go,” I tell him, pushing sixty caps to him.

The robot looks at the caps and tells me, “You paid too much.”

I smile at the camera and tell him, “No, the extra caps are for you. If you can not use them, give the stallion here another sparkle cola.” As I turn to take the drinks over to Air Burst, I see him move his ear to signal me to hold off. A couple of minutes later he moves them again and I go over to him.

I hoof him his drink and see him watch me drop the shot glass into the cider. I then take a taste of it and really enjoy it. He nods his head and does the same. Then he goes back to talking to Howler. I try to listen over the music as much as I can but have difficulty.

Eventually, I feel the call of nature and tap Air on his shoulder and tell him, “I have to use the restroom, I will be right back.”

He simply nods his head and continues talking with Howler. As I get up and make my way to the stallions’ room, I notice the black pegasus and the bull both get up at the same time. The bull heads towards the bar while the pegasus heads towards the restroom also.

Once inside I go to use the facilities and I hear him say quietly, “Howdy Ball. Just wanted to let you know that we all saw ya. Watch your backs with those guys, they can’t be trusted.”

I look at him funny and tell him, “I don’t know who you are talking about.”

He shakes his head, “Look, let’s not pretend the other is stupid. The Hoofs Ferals are dangerous. We overheard them say something about getting some weapons from some pegasuses and welching on the deal. You give them what they want and they will kill the delivery ponies.”

I find myself laughing lightly as I tell him, “Really, like you haven’t already?”

I feel a chill run down my spine as he looks coldly into my eyes and tells me, “No, each of us has had you personally in his sights at least once in the last week. None of us took the shot when we could have.”

“Yeah, I thought that business with the Broken Clocks was you guys. Why didn’t you kill her instead of just wounding Moon Dial?”

He laughs lightly and tells me, “We would have, but she tripped. That is the only thing that saved her.”

I really do believe him when he says this. It also gives me a bit more respect for him being honest that they had intended to kill her but missed the kill. That is hard for some to admit.

“Alright, I believe you.” I pause and look to make sure no one else is in there. Then I tell him, “I have a favor to ask,”

He looks surprised and asks me, “What is it?”

“I see your team is comfortable with ghouls, am I right?”

He smiles at me, “Yeah, we do get along with most of them, just like anypony else, why?”

“A while back, over in no mares’ land, there was a group of scavers who found one of the old divisional headquarters bunkers. We went in and cleared out the scavers, but when we left, orders were to seal the bunker.” I find myself looking down in shame, then I look back up at him, “We blew the entrance trapping some still in there. They were still aware at the time. The ferals that were in there we already had taken care of.”

“Ah shit, Choo ain’t going to like it. But I will let her know. Now, where is this place?”

I then ask, “Do any of you have a map or even better a PipBuck?”

He grins as he tells me, “A couple of us have PipBucks, why?”

I take a piece of paper out of my saddlebag along with a pencil and write down what I remembered of them from when we were there. Then I tell them, “If you get them out, tell them I am sorry.”

He looks stunned at me and tells me, “You know they could brand you for this.”

I close my eyes and nod my head. When I reopen them, I look him in the eyes and tell him, “Yeah, I know. But I have to try and get them help.”

He then tells me, “Ball, for an Enclaver, you are not a bad pony. I will do what I can. Thanks.”

“Thank you, now you go out first and I will wait for a bit, that will give me a bit more of a cover.”

He listens to me, washes his hooves, and heads back out the door. I give it a couple of minutes more and I head back out. On my way across the club to our table, I bump into a stallion wearing a red bandana on his hind leg and he tells me, “Watch where you’re going birdie.”

I do not say anything and just keep walking. He then comes up to me and pushes me, “I said watch where you’re going ya feathered bastard.”

I simply look at him and tell him, “Oh, you were talking to me, I had not realized it, huh, well tell you what, I am going to go finish my drink, you can go buck off.”

“You dare ta talk to a Broken Clock like that?” He yells and he rears back and throws a forehoof at my face.

I find myself laughing when he does this and I block the blow with one forehoof and use my other forehoof to guide him past, once he is past me, I spin on my one hoof and kick him with both back legs. I feel something crunch beneath my hooves and he howls in pain.

After he goes down, I see several of his buddies start to come at me. As they run in my direction, I find myself unable to retreat or run. So, I take the basic stance from the Ministry of Awesome Martial Arts Project, also called MoAMAP, and wait for them to come to me.

I feel my lips peel back from my teeth in a feral grin as they begin to head my way. Then I see some of the Hoof’s Ferals coming my way from the side also. As this is happening, I notice many of those not involved begin to head for the exits.

The first of the Broken Clocks have reached me and I am just striking out with a hoof when I notice the one Hoof’s Feral called Dipstick jump into the air and land on the one-headed brahmin's back.

I swear I hear the brahmin laugh as he begins to spin and jump in an attempt to throw Dipstick off of him. That is when I see the others with him all smile and get up and begin to head into the fray.

Unfortunately, I was paying too much attention to what was happening further from me and I have a chair broken over my back. This brings me to my knees. I see movement from the corner of my eye and I roll to the side as a Broken Clock goes to kick where my head was.

I see the target of a lifetime then and I punch upwards with both forehooves straight up and into his stallionhood, hard enough to throw him back. I roll again and am on my hooves just in time to see the brahmin stand on his back hooves with Dipstick on his back still. The one-headed bastard grins as he then jumps up and backward to land on his back. His landing is cushioned by Dip Stick who I hear let out a brief scream.

The bull gets up and then yells, “Ok, who’s next?” as he begins to spin again.

Then I take a blow to the side of my head that causes me to see stars. I shake my head and see one of the Broken Clocks get hit over the head with a bottle. From the other side of me, Air Burst grabs me and tells me, “Time to bail, let’s go.”

As we make our way from the fight, I see several of the security goons running in, batons at the ready.

Once out of the Afterlife, we make our way as quickly outside as we can. In the corridor, I hear Air Burst tell me, “Best to fly once we get outside.” Then he runs even faster than me down the corridors as I try to keep up, still seeing stars from the blow.

I nod my head in agreement as he runs ahead, then I see the yellow mare Epona near me and she tells me, “We got your back on the favor, now go.”

I nod my head and run to catch up with Air Burst. Once outside we both leap into the air. I figured we would fly back to the university office as quickly as possible. But I notice that instead, we are heading for the sky port.

Air Burst grins at me and tells me, “Well, time to report in and set up the delivery. They agreed to it.” He pauses and tells me, “Sorry about interrupting your fun in there, but I don’t need our cover blown. By the way, what happened in there?”

I sigh and I tell him, “Some of the Broken Clocks were there. One of them tried to jump me.”

He seems to take the answer for what it is and we continue the rest of the flight silently.


Good evening all my listeners in the hoof tonight. This is Chromed Microphone coming at you. That last song was Some Things Never Change and was brought to us from the NCR by Velvet Remedy.

In the forefront of news tonight it has been reported that the Council has agreed to refuse the Enclave's offer of security troops after several major disputes occurred with loss of life in the Lunar Republic. We also have reports of a riot has broken out in Meat Locker. Seems the ol’ ghouls had some troublemakers show up. They have reported that despite what some say, the Afterlife will be open the night after tomorrow.

Now our next song coming to you is Bar Room Blitz.

Chapter 17 Forgiveness, Sins, and Penance

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Chapter 17 Forgiveness, Sins and Penance

“Sins may be forgiven. Crimes require punishment.” — George R R Martin

Outside Meat Locker, Lunar Commonwealth: Ginger Snaps

As we watch the two pegasuses fly away I have to grin at the others on my team. “Well, at least we slipped out of there before the security team got too heavy,” I say as I rub the sore spot on my jaw where I caught a hoof.

I notice off to the side Cowlick is having Twinks take care of some of his cuts. Seems he upset some of the Hoof’s Ferals when he used his horns to lift up one of them and toss them out the door. One of them then cut him using a broken bottle right before he climbed onto the stage and jumped spread eagle onto the Broken Clocks below letting out a great moo as he came down on them.

Epona off to the side grins a bit more and tells us, “By the way, the only reason we were allowed to escape is that I tipped the security team that we expected trouble and that we would not start it.”

Choo off to the side is shaking her head and asks, “Did you at least pass on to that the younger Enclaver that we would help with the ghouls that are trapped.”

Epona nods her head. Then I hear Sunny say, “I also passed onto him you’re warning about the Hoof’s Feral's plans to double cross them.”

“Do you think he took it seriously?” I ask.

I see him look up with his one unswollen eye and he shrugs, “I think so Ginger, but the question is, will his boss?”

Choo nods her head, “Well hopefully they do. While I do not care at all for this gun-running business they are doing, I would like it even less if these Hoof’s Ferals get enough weapons to become a major power. I think tonight we saw how bad that could be.”

We all nod our heads to this and then I ask, “So Choo what now?”

She turns her head to me, “I will be talking to the boss, depending on when we leave here, depends on when we head into no mare’s land. After that, I will talk to a few contacts I have made here. Now after Twinks and I finish taking care of these injuries, I want you to go catch a bit of sleep.”

Right after she says this from out of the darkness I hear the voice of the Chief of Security for Meat Locker say, “That is good advice. Ma’am, I also need to tell you that those of your people involved in the incident inside are no longer welcome into Meat Locker.”

Choo nods her head, “May I ask for how long?”

He lets out a slight harrumph and says, “Well I was going to make it a permanent ban, but what’s this about helping some ghouls trapped in no mare’s land, and why would you want to help ghouls?”

This time Sunny first looks at Choo and when she nods he tells the Chief what he was told by Ball Lightning.

The Chief shakes his head afterward and then says, “That’s a shame, that Fire Works seemed like a decent sort. His nephew seemed ok for a breather also. Never would have reckoned them to be Enclave though.

Sunny nods his head, “Well Ball Lightning, that is the name of the younger one, is pretty decent. He works with the Volunteer Corps. He gave us that information after asking us to do it as a favor for him. I think he still has a conscious. So, for now, how about cutting him some slack.”

“What about Fire Works?” the Chief asks.

Choo smiles the grin I have begun to understand shows her dark side. She then tells him, “Well, since you know the truth about him, and he does not know you know, he is yours to use as you want. Not an agent, but an asset to be manipulated if you want.”

The Chief gives Choo what seems to be a grin back and tells her, “You know, Pillow Mint was right about you.”

Choo looks at him with a raised eyebrow as the rest of us stand there quietly curious as to what he will say. Finally, he says, “You’re not much different than us and you care. Even for us ghouls. There are times I wonder what the Princesses would have thought of us.”

Choo quietly answers him, “No worse than me and my kind I would think, after all, neither of us chose our fates. Besides, they were always forgiving. From what I have heard according to the Book of Little Pip they were even willing to forgive the zebra Cesar at one point.”

“Yeah, I suppose your right.” He looks up, and then he says, “When you’re ready to head into no mare’s land, let me know. I may know a few ghouls who would be willing to help you.”

I nod my head to this as Choo smiles and tells him, “I will Chief. And thanks for understanding.”

He nods back and tells her, “Thanks for the heads up there would be trouble. It helped keep the damage to a minimum.” He then looks at Cowlick, smirks a bit, and turns to head back inside.

“Choo, here comes the…Ouch!” I say as I pull away from Twinks and I tell her, “Next time let me know you are going to be putting in the stitches.” Before she can answer I turn back to Choo and tell her, “Here comes the boss.”

Choo turns in the direction I am looking and waves a wing. “Good evening, sir,”

“Evening Choo. Mind if we talk?”

“No, Trader Jewel. I was just going to look for you anyways.” She answers.

“Ok, I need to know what happened in there.”

This time I step forward, “Sir, Choo was not inside, but if you would like I can give you the rundown.”

He looks at Choo, who then tells him, “Sir, if you do not mind, perhaps a report from those who were actually involved would be best.”

He grunts and then nods towards me, “Yeah, go ahead Cookie.”

I then tell him about what we had overheard previously as well as what Sunny had discussed with Ball Lightning. Then I go into details of the fight and how we interfered with the gang members just enough that the pegasuses could escape.

Once I am done, he asks, “Do you think it was wise to let those two escape?”

“Sir, we got some excellent leads, and to tell the truth, we know when they are going to be too busy to bother us when we go into no mares land if you allow us the time to do so.”

He nods again, then he looks at Choo, “I want to talk to you privately about this, but thank you for telling me so much.” He nods his head in the direction of his wagon and Choo follows behind him.

Once they are both inside, I ask Epona, “Ok Epona, what all do you think we will need for this job?”

I see her smile, “Not at much as you might think. Cowlick, what do you think we might need?”

He smiles, “Well, shovels would be a great start. Lots of shovels. Maybe some wood for bracing. But I am sure we should be able to find some from up there. Give me till morning to think on it, and I will give you an answer.”

Soon Epona and I wander off a bit leaving the others by the campfire to discuss the upcoming job. I notice something is bothering her. “OK sis, spit it out, something is bothering you.”

I see her look around and then she says, “Is it weird that while I miss our family back home, I kinda don’t want to leave?”

At first, I take it as a straight question, but then I realize there is something deeper. “No, but is it that you really don’t want to leave this place or certain ponies?”

Even in the dim light, I swear I can see her blush. She seems to almost squirm uncomfortably. Then she says, “Sis we haven’t been here long enough for any permanent relationships.”

I look at her with my head twisted slightly away with one eyebrow raised, “Ok, which one is it, that pegasus buck, or that little filly from Mega Mart.”

I watch as she starts to move her back hoof back and forth as we used to as foals and our parents were grilling us. Finally, she says with a tone of shyness, “Both maybe.”

I put a hoof on her shoulder, “I understand Sis. You know we probably will be back here a time or two. Don’t limit yourself.”

“I know I shouldn’t, but sis, you have your buck. I am still looking for that special somepony.”

I slide my hoof over her shoulder and I tell her, "Patience Sis, I know it is hard, but even Mama Mollygirl used to feel like that before she met Mama Magpie and Papa Badger. I heard Mama Sumac say so.”

She leans into me. “Thanks, Sis, I needed to hear that.” She tells me. Then she changes the subject and asks, “Have you two thought about setting a date yet for the wedding?”

I shake my head, “No, not yet. I know Persimmon would kill us if we did it without her being there.”

I hear her laugh lightly, “Yeah, but she does consider you a daughter already, how many years has she been teaching you how to cook his favorite meals?”

I smile back, “Yeah, but…”

She puts a hoof to my muzzle, “No buts Sis, a mother does not do that unless she is ready for her son to marry someone.”

“I know, Mama Sumac even told me that when we were having tea.”

She smiles as she knows how much is worked out and discussed over tea in our family. “Speaking of tea, what do you say we go brew a couple of cups," I tell her.

She smiles back, “Sounds good, shall we invite Rosie and Nellie?”

“Yeah, sounds good,” I tell her and we walk back to the fire, and begin to make tea. Goddesses, I love my sister.


Trader Jewel Caravan, Lunar Commonwealth: Xochitl

That night we continue to take shifts on guard duty. I wake up in the morning when Epona comes over and tells us, “Ok, time to take over, I can’t keep my eyes open any longer.”

As we get up, we leave our bedrolls in place so the off-going guards can use them. I grab a quick cup of warm coffee from the pot hanging over the cook’s fire and then begin to patrol around the perimeter of the caravan.

Halfway through my watch, I begin to see the sun come up. In the predawn light, I notice the light mist that covers all of the low spots that I can see. It feels both peaceful, and eerie at the same time. Just over the horizon, I see what must be one of the largest birds I have ever seen. As I watch I see it swoop down and then rise into the air again. I guess that is one of those Roc things that Choo and Sunny got so excited about. I guess I can see why now. What really bothers me about it though is that it looks to be flying in the direction of no mare’s land. Wonderful, one more thing to take into consideration. Hopefully, we won’t have too big a problem with it.

After breakfast call, Choo calls our team together, “I talked to the boss last night, we will be heading from here to Fluttershy Medical Center. He has a delivery to make as well as we will be picking up Pistachio again when she is ready. We may be there for a few days.”

When she mentions the Fluttershy Medical facility I decide to ask something that has been bothering me for a while so I ask, “Choo, with the University having a large hospital as well, why didn’t Trader Jewel have you take her there instead of Fluttershy?”

I half expect her to not have an answer, but instead, she shrugs and tells me, “I asked him that myself. He told me that since they reopened it, they were able to recover much of the technology and put it back into operation. This allowed them to be probably the best trauma center in the region if not all of the wastelands.”

“But where did they get the doctors and nurses?” I ask.

She smiles at me and tells me, “Probably like they did back home when they formed the CEF and needed personal. They transferred them in from other areas, particularly from the University Hospital to there.”

The others around me all nod their heads.

Two hours later we are on the move again as Trader Jewel has me lead the caravan out. As we leave Meat Locker, I see several of the ghouls there watching us leave. I also notice a couple of them have decided to accompany us to the Fluttershy Medical Center as we leave. Shortly after this Trader Jewel comes up alongside me and keeps me company on our march.

The trip takes most of the day and we are ambushed twice by raiders, but for some reason, they back off quickly when they are suddenly fired upon with the minigun by Choo. She laughs as she begins and uses her invisibility spell during the fight for the first time.

The second time those who hit the rear of the column are startled when Cowlick turns back towards them with the cart and opens up with his machinegun mounted on the battlesaddle he had modified. I swear I could hear him laughing from the front of the caravan.

When we arrive at the medical center, we form what I now realize is our typical camp. Once camp is set up, I join the others on the team. Twinks smiles and uses her horn to light the campfire for us. I cannot help but smile at her enthusiasm when she tells Choo Choo, “Thanks boss for teaching me this spell. I can really use this one.”

Choo smiles as a teacher with a prized pupil, “Your welcome Twinks. I would have taught you earlier if I had known you did not know it.”

Twinks looks slightly crestfallen. When Choo sees this, she tells her, “Twinks as quick as you learn I forget what all you may not know yet. You are that good.”

I watch her shyly look at Choo and ask, “You really mean that Choo?”

Choo reaches over with a wingtip and lifts her chin, “Yes Twinks, look how far you have come since we formed the team. We all trust you and have faith in you.”

Twinks blushes slightly and looks at the rest of us and I find myself nodding as well as the others.

“Thanks, guys,” she tells us. Then she tells Choo, “Thank boss. I really appreciate your teaching me so much.”

Soon after this Trader Jewel approaches us, “Choo, the rest of you,” he says as he nods to us, “I will let you know how long we will be here in a bit. I am just about ready to head in and talk to the doctors.”

Choo smiles knowingly, “I would appreciate that. Would you like me to accompany you inside again?”

I see him think about it briefly then he whispers, “Yeah, but let’s make it like the first time.”

She smiles, “You got it, boss.”

The rest of the evening is spent with us rotating two guards at a time around the fire. The ghouls who came over from Meat Locker join us. It seems they spent time in no mares land themselves and that is when I find out that they are planning on going into no mare’s land with us for this job.

“So, Xochitl,” one of the ghouls asks,” how come your team wants to go into no mare’s land?”

I look at the other members of the Repair Ponies sitting around the fire with us, then I look back at the ghouls as they share the bottle of Wild Pegasus with us. Then I answer, “Because we have friends, mentors, and co-workers that are ghouls. We know they are just ponies inside and it is not right to leave anyone trapped like that.”

Ginger is sitting next to me and leaning against me as she nods her head along with the rest of the team who are not on guard. One of them then asks, “So all the folk up where you come from feel the same way about us?”

This time Cowlick answers before I can and he tells them, “Honestly, no. Not all of them, but even those who do not care for your kind, well they just avoid them rather than being openly hostile. The change happened about ten years ago when they crossed the river to help us after the battle of Manesville. The Dead Quiet militia also really helped us about a year later when we had some problems in Hereford. Since then, we have integrated them into our society and they even have a representative on the regional governing board.”

“Dead Quiet you call it?”

I nod my head, “Yeah, it used to be the west side of Manesville on the other bank of the Hoofrock River.”

The ghoul nods his head, “That name sounds familiar, did there use to be a carriage plant there?”

I nod my head and tell him, “Yeah, many of our ghouls used to work there. According to High Grade when the attack hit that day, it was at shift change and most of them were up on the ridge watching the show when Manesville was hit.”

He nods his head, “Yeah, I understand. I was just leaving work at the end of my shift at the shipyards when the bombs started to pop off. I thought I was dead, or should I say, really dead. Not, not this.” He tells us as he waves a hoof over himself.

I nod my head in understanding. He then says, “I had a brother that worked up in Manesville at the carriage plant. His name was Crescent Wrench, he was a mechanic there.”

“Well, I tell ya what, I will talk to some of the ones we know back home when we get there to ask,” I tell them.

He nods his head, “Thanks, that or maybe I will just head up that way. Some of us ghouls tend to wander a bit. Nothing better to do than explore sometimes. Be nice to head somewhere else we are welcome.”

A bit later Choo comes over and tells us, “Ok, in two more days we go in. Trader Jewel will have the caravan wait here. He has a couple of old scavers in his crew who will be going in with us.” She pauses and then turns to Cowlick and tells him, “This means taking the cart in with us. Sorry, but we will need it.”

He simply nods back to her and tells her, “Choo, I would rather carry our supplies in on the cart than on my back, so I am good with it.”

Soon the conversations die out as we begin to settle down for the night. While I really am looking forward to exploring the remains of no mare’s land, I am a bit concerned with what we may encounter there. I am thinking along these lines as I drift off to sleep near the fire.

Two days later we are up before dawn, fed, and heading on our way to no mare’s land. Besides our team, we have the four ghouls from Meat Locker who have joined us and four more members of the caravan as well as a couple of scavers that Trader Jewel knew from over in Mega Mart.

As we get closer to it, we see fewer buildings still standing as well as more open areas. There are fewer trees, or even the remains of them left as we go forward. I have one of the ghouls, Hard Shell is his name, with me on point. I ask him about the trees and he smiles grimly and answers, “Son, we used most of them for the trenches and dugouts.”

I nod my head in understanding and then he asks, “You ever seen trenches?”

As I scan the land and sky ahead of us, I quietly answer, “Yes. A couple of times.”

He seems surprised and asks, “Where did you see them?”

“Back home in Manesville, they used them around the stable in the fight against the Spring Monsoon. I never spent any time in them though. Just snuck in a couple of times as a youngster. The other time was a few months after the Battle of Manesville.” I find myself not really wanting to talk about it, and as I begin to tell him I can hear the pain in my own voice. “The other place was called Serenity Valley; we were under siege for a week there. We lost a lot of good ponies and cattle there.”

He looks at me sidelong and asks, “You don’t seem that old. How long ago did those things happen.”

I sigh as I tell him, “About ten years ago. I knew we would not all make it out alive, but it still hurts, Ginger and I should never have been there.”

He nods his head, “Yeah kid, I understand, I think it is that way for all of us who have been there. And to tell the truth, none of us should ever have been there, if you know what I mean.”

I nod my head as we continue on. I see Choo and Sunny flying ahead of us looking for traps as we go.

Twice I see something suspicious in the road ahead of us. Both times we untack Cowlick and have him and Twinks come up and check it out. The first time is nothing, the second time we find an old IED set in the middle of the road. I realize that this particular path must not be used much if it is still there.

This both makes me relax knowing we most likely will not find any raiders or such trying to ambush us. But it also makes me worry about what other kinds of traps we might find.

Soon we find ourselves entering what were the rear areas of no mare’s land. As we pass a large crater Hard Shell nods his head that way, then he says, “That is what happened to a lot of our supply dumps that last day. Balefire eggs set off by zebra infiltrators.”

“I am surprised they bothered to do that.”

He shrugs as we walk and explains, “If they cut off our supplies, they figured we would have to give up as soon as we ran out of ammunition. I guess they never expected us to do the same to them.” He laughs a quite bitter laugh, “Or else like our leaders, theirs really did not understand the implications of what they were doing. They did not realize they held the power to destroy Equus in their hooves.”

I find myself nodding my head. Then I tell him, “Hard to believe sometimes. I would have loved to have seen what it used to look like.”

We continue chatting as we move up. Soon we begin to find the old artillery emplacements. The guns mostly look unserviceable. Especially the Magical energy weapon pieces. I notice a couple of the old-style pieces that look like our old 75millimeter Celestia, only these look to be bigger. He sees me looking and tells me, “Yeah those were the old 155-millimeter guns. Better range and hitting power than the earlier 75’s, but harder to move, especially in mud.” It is here that we take our first break. I watch as some of the scavers begin to examine the area. They begin to make stacks of equipment that is still useable, but not as valuable as they hope to find later.

In one of the bunkers, we find several old radio sets. The scavers all look at each other and I hear one of them say, “We get this on the way back.”

I am looking off to the side and I see the old maps on the wall. As I look Epona walks in and I hear her say, “Wow, this is a lot like what Ma had at the Hackamore base during the Battle of Harness.”

I smile, “I guess she had a more permanent setup there than we had in the Valley or on the expedition.”

She nods her head as she moves some of the files on the shelf next to the radio sets. Then she notices something tucked under them. She seems to smile as she hoofs to me a technical manual for the radio. As I open it, I see the schematics for the command-style radio sets. I am sure some ponies would love to get their hooves on these. As I look through them, she tells me, “Here let me give these to Twinks. If these are what I think they are, she will love to get her hooves on them.”

From across the room, I hear one of the scavers say, “Well look at this,” as he pulls a gold pocket watch from the front pocket of one of the long-dead bodies in there.

As he is holding the watch up by its chain, I look up in time to see a unicorn ghoul come running out of the dark corner of the bunker. Before any of us can react, it is on the scaver and has ripped his throat out. Epona is barely quicker than I am and before the feral can move on to another victim we have helped it to cross over for the final time.

Right after this, we are joined by a couple of others, including Hard Shell. He looks at the now eternally dead ghoul and shakes his head. I hear him mumble, “I always wondered what happened to Spy Glass. Damn, I had hoped he had crossed over that day.”

Epona shakes her head and I ask him, “You knew him Hard?”

He nods as he answers and I can hear a pang of sadness in his voice. “Yeah, he was the G-2.” When he sees that does not mean anything to us, he says, “He was on the divisional general staff as its Intelligence officer. You can tell by the insignia on his collar. He and I went through High School together.”

I nod, I guess I can really understand how that would be. As we get ready to leave, I notice the other scaver is taking the now dead one’s plunder and putting it in his saddlebags. I want to say something, but I then realize, that is just life in the wastelands and Hoofington.

Soon we are back on our way to our destination. As we get closer, we begin to see the increase in the number of depressions around us. We all begin to walk much more carefully. Now I have Tater with his PipBuck along with me. Hard Shell is only a half dozen meters behind us. Then we begin to find the bodies and destroyed weapons. I turn to Tater, “These bodies are only a couple of months old.”

“Yeah, I have to agree. Look at all the energy weapon burns. I would bet on the Enclave for this.”

“I guess that means we are getting close to where we want to be then.”

He looks at the map on his PipBuck and nods his head, “Yeah, not much further,” he responds.

We continue on for another klick and then we can see the dirt that was moved when they closed up this bunker. Choo lands nearby and tells us, “Ok, time to begin digging.”

Behind us I see Cowlick begin to unharness from the wagon and he has a grin on his face as he begins to issue out the shovels and then asks Choo, “Do you want me to use a couple of small charges to blow some of the dirt loose?”

She shakes her head, “No, this looks to be loose enough. But we best be getting to it.” She says as she takes a shovel in her TK and begins to lead the efforts to dig out the entrance.

It takes us most of the day and it is starting to get dark by the time we finally get a hole big enough for one of us to fit through and enter the structure. I get ready to enter it and I feel a hoof stop me. I turn and it is Hard Shell. He shakes his head no, and tells me, “We need to go first. If they have gone feral we will take care of them. No need for any of you to endanger yourselves when ya don’t need to.”

“I appreciate that, but how about two of you go in first, and Tater and I will follow.”

I see him consider it. Then he answers, “I guess, but let’s see what Choo says first. After all, she is the boss of this outfit.”

We wave her over and then we discuss with her our options. She nods her head and tells us, “Xochitl, I like your idea of you and Tater following them in. Go ahead.”

Before we go inside, Ginger comes over and gives me a quick kiss on the cheek, “Be careful dear.”

I nod, “I will.”

I see Twinks looking worriedly at Tater, but neither of them says anything. Then I watch as Hard Shell and one of the other ghouls low crawl on their bellies into the entrance we have made. Once they are in, they call, “Next,” and Tater and I follow them in.


No Mare’s Land, Lunar Commonwealth: Choo Choo

As I watch them go in, I can’t help but worry and hold my breath. Then I hear over the radio, “Were In boss, the entrance is clear, send in Danger and Cookie.”

Behind me, I hear one of the scavers speak, “So when do we get to go in? We didn’t just come out here to look at the scenery.”

I turn to them and in my best faux Luna impression, I coldly tell them, “We have a plan, we follow it. Do not try to jostle my hoof. You will get your turn once they say it is clear.”

He tries to stare me down, then he says under his breath, “Yeah, once they know where all the good stuff is.”

I shake my head slightly and remind him, “Remember, we are not from around these parts, most likely we will never be back this way. However, you live only a couple of days travel from here. You can come back as much as you like. And by then it will be cleared of the ferals from the last day.” Then I realize after I say it like this, that while the ferals from the last day may be gone, new ones may roam into there. But that is not my problem.

He nods his head finally, “Yeah, I guess your right. But it is hard waiting is all.”

“Rust Bucket, I understand, believe me. I would prefer to have gone in myself. But not yet.”

Eventually, we hear a couple of shots fired from inside the bunker entrance. Those of us outside want to do something, but I know it is best to let things sort out first.

Soon I hear over the radio, “Were OK boss. I guess the Enclavers must have missed a couple of ferals. They wondered right up to Hard Shell and Sparkler without saying a word, but tried to attack the rest of us.”

I can see that in my head. For some reason, the ferals never attack the normal ghouls unless they are attacked first. “How far in are you?”

“Big Blue, we are just arriving at the bottom of the steps described by our source.”

As we wait for more news I hear Sunny call to me over the radio, “Big Blue, looks like they took us seriously.”

“Ok Wild P, why do you say that?”

“Because I count over fifteen vertibucks leaving Mirimare and heading in the direction of the Hoof’s Ferals territory.”

“Ok, keep an eye on them and let me know if they change directions and begin to head this way.”

“Roger Big Blue.”

While we are waiting the scavers begin to enlarge the entrance into the old headquarters bunker. Finally, it is large enough that even Cowlick could enter it.

Then I get a call over the radio, from Ginger. “Big Blue this is Cookie, come in.”

“This is Big Blue, go ahead Cookie.”

“Big Blue, I think we need you to come down here. We have an issue.”

When she says this, I feel myself becoming frustrated. I have so much to take care of topside, now this. I reluctantly answer, “Roger, I will be there shortly. I turn to Epona, “Keep an eye open up here. Let me know if anything changes.”

She nods her head and I enter the first room of the complex. As I go in, I can see where the blasting charges had damaged the structure on this level. I pass by several old offices and squad bays. I notice lots of equipment and supplies still in many of these. I also notice the previous defenses as well as the deceased defenders who were here so long ago. I notice there is no Enclave dead here, but I do see a few pieces of broken power armor including a helmet that is broken in half. I can even see the evidence of fairly recent combat damage from small arms as I go, well that and the remains of a couple of scavers.

Finally, I reach the third level. I see what looks like a well-defended checkpoint. On this side are Hard Shell, and Sparkler, along with my team members. The new ghouls I notice were once pegasuses.

They look up at me as I walk in and I hear one of them asks, “Princess, have you come for us?”

I let out a sad sigh and tell them, “Please, call me Choo Choo. I am not she who you think I am. Though I do remember her as if it was yesterday.”

Then I hear one of them tell the other, “Did you hear that? She looks like her, but isn’t. Just like that white mare said.”

When he says that, I feel a chill come over me and I look at both Ginger and Xochitl. I notice they look nervous as well and Xochitl nods at me, “Now you know why we asked you to come down here.”

I think I understand and I ask them, “What do you mean the white mare told you to expect me?”

The sergeant then answers, “After they blew the tunnel, she came. She lit up the hallways around here. She was all white, except for a black mane and tail and her eyes. They were a light gray that looked so sad.”

After he pauses, I ask, “What did she do?

He tilts his head, “She told us that some ponies would come and help us and to not give up hope.”

“Did she say anything else?”

He looks as embarrassed as a ghoul can. Then he says, “she said we should go to Manesville. Ma’am. Some place called Dead Quiet. Ma’am, why would she tell us that.”

“Honestly, I am not sure why. But she has guided us before and helped lead others to the Manesville region. Honestly, I have never seen her myself, but many others have.” As I tell them this, I turn my head and look at both Ginger and Xochitl.

They both look abashed and nod their heads in agreement. Then Ginger says, “Her name is Mareigan. I have seen her only a couple of times. Some of my family members have seen her more often.”

“But why would she come to us? Why us, it was bad enough when that officer talked to us a couple of weeks ago and told us good luck before they closed us in here.”

This time I tell him, “I do believe we know who that officer was. He is the one who told us where to find you. We have opened up the entrance again. If you want to leave with us when we do, you are welcome to. If not, you are welcome to stay or even go your own way.”

Finally, Hard Shell says, “Ma’am, we still need to talk to those further down.”

This time I am surprised. I turn to them, “How many are still left in here?”

They look at each other, "Only a couple of more. But ma’am, we have a problem.”

I feel my ears slide back slightly as I raise an eyebrow, “And what is the problem?” I ask.

“Ma’am, it’s the General.”

Feeling exasperated I ask, “What about the general?”

“Ma’am, he, he won’t give up. He says we still need to fight the zebras. He has given us orders not to leave our post.”

I hear myself sigh as I put my forehoof to my forehead. “Sergeant, please take me to this general so I can talk to him.”

I hear his raspy voice sound exasperated as he tells me, “Yes Ma’am.”

He allows me past his barricade and I notice the condition of the whole complex as I follow him with my horn lit. The peeling paint on the walls. I notice that unlike many of the buildings from back then, instead of using magic tube lights. These use simple bulbs that are surrounded by a heavy glass cover and a metal cage. He leads me past several more bunk rooms and a mess hall. Finally, we pass a communications room and an operations center. Off to the side is an office that I hear growling out of. I turn to the Sergeant and ask, “Sergeant, how long ago did he give that order?”

The sergeant tells me, “I don’t rightly know ma’am. But he started to growl like this after they blew the entrance shut.”

I briefly close my eyes and I shake my head. I am pretty sure the general has gone feral. I turn to the sergeant and I tell him, “Sergeant, please return to your post.”

After he is out of sight, I approach the office entrance. Inside I see a pegasus ghoul. His uniform is in poor shape, to say the least. His wings have no feathers left. But what I notice most, is his eyes. They are not the normal ghoul eyes, but instead, they are empty, lifeless. In a split second, it charges me and as I leap to the side, I use my horn to disintegrate him.

Once I get my heartbeat back to normal, I go into his office, and using the light from my horn I begin to examine the room. I notice a nameplate on his desk, Lieutenant General Thrown Biscuit, Commanding Officer, First Airmobile Division

When I get behind his desk, I notice his computer screen is still lit and I begin to read it. The entry was from the final day.

To: All Equestrian Armed Forces

From: Commander and Chief Luna, Supreme Command, Equestrian Armed Forces.

Code Final Twilight. Repeat, Code Final Twilight.

Zebra Balefire bombs reported launched and inbound. Full use of Mega Spells is authorized.

Repeat: Full use of Mega Spells is authorized.

Equestrian military forces in the field, Hold your positions at all cost. Stand strong and believe we will survive this exchange and through your efforts, we will be proven victorious.

Princess Luna

I read this and knowing what happened to her in Canterlot I want to shake my head. I shake my head more after reading a paper-printed message, I skip over the headers but what I read saddens me.

General Flying Biscuit,

Canterlot has fallen. The princesses are dead. Once the attacks are finished, if the Zebras fall back, call for a truce so that both armies can return home to begin trying to save what we can. There is no honor in dying for a failed cause when others still need our help.

It is recommended, if possible, use your division to lead recovery efforts in Hoofington and to deliver suppli

The message stops abruptly with a large portion of the page still empty. I understand what that means. Whoever was sending it, never got the chance to finish it. I can only pray they died quickly.

I continue to look over the desk and while I find no additional messages of interest, I do notice the general's personal pistol as well as helmet hanging on the wall behind the chair.

I then look over the pistol. First off, I notice the finish of it is chromed. Then as I look closer, I see the fancy engraving on the slide as well as the frame around the grip. The grip itself is exceptional in that it is made of checked soft rubber. On the back of the grip, I see the general's name engraved as well as From a Grateful Princess.

This makes me wonder what he had done to get awarded such a nice E1911. I place the pistol and holster in my saddlebag and begin to return to the barricades.

As I do I hear Sunny report over the radio, “Boss, this is Wild P. You should see the light show up hear. Looks like something is going on over by the Hoof’s Ferals territory.”

“Roger Wild P. We will be up shortly, let the scavers know they can come in now.”


Miramare Air Station, GPE Territory, Lieutenant Ball Lightning

Once back at Miramare I tell Air Burst what the wild pegasus has told me about the Hoof’s Ferals plans. I see him look thoughtful and then he asks, “Nothing is free in Hoofington, what did you give them in exchange for it.”

I smoothly lie to him, “I told them where we found a destroyed headquarters complex in No Mare’s Land, one we blew the entrance to when we left, only some dead skavers and ghouls were left inside.”

He smirks, “So if they get in there they will have to deal with ferals. Nice, good thinking Ball.”

“Thank you, sir. What now?”

“Well Ball, I think it is time we taught them a lesson. I don’t like being double-crossed. We set up the quick reaction team and if shit goes down, well we eliminate the Hoof’s Ferals as a threat.”

This does make me smile. I nod my head, “Ok, sounds good. Let’s go get things set up.”

“My thoughts exactly.” He tells me and leads me over to the hanger.

Once inside the hanger, we are met by Down Draft. He seems surprised to see me and asks, “Hey Ball, good to see you. You got something for us?”

I smile and tell him, “Hey Down, we just might. Air Burst and I need to see the higher-ups first, if so, we will let you know.”

He grins, “Ok sounds good. So have you been chasing all those mares out there?”

I shake my head, “No, no I haven’t I have seen a few who would be interesting if they had wings.”

He shrugs, “I was also wondering if you happened to run into Sundancer down there.”

I nod my head, and I hear my voice sounding somewhat hurt and hoarse as I tell him, “Yeah, yeah, I saw her. It worked out pretty much the way you said it would.”

I see him look at me with pity and he tells me, “I am really sorry to hear that for you. Damn, I had hoped I was wrong.”

I shrug back, “It happens. You learn to deal with it.”

“What kind of buck is he?

I grin at him and tell him, “He is your type if you know what I mean.”

This time I see him raise an eyebrow and he asks in a flirty voice, “Really, you don’t say. Big and handsome then?”

I nod my head, “Yep, just like you like ‘em”

Behind us, I hear Air Burst say, “Figures a colt coddler. Ball, I will meet you in the operations room in five. Hurry up your hellos.”

I nod my head and once he is far enough away Down burst asks, “Did you really mean what I think you did?”

I nod my head, “Yeah, part of her cover it seems. Air Burst doesn’t want me to know.”

Down Draft grins, “Gotcha. Our secret.” He pauses, then asks, “Maybe a foursome someday?”

I laugh lightly and shake my head, “Talk to you later Down, thanks for the laugh,” I tell him as I head back towards operations rooms.

Once I reach the office, I see Air Burst is already talking to the Major and Captain Summer Mist. As I approach, he tells them, “So you see, that is why I want the ready reaction force in the air. If things go normal, good, no problem, but if they go down the way I suspect, well, then we want to hammer them with the hooves of the Goddesses.”

I notice the Major raise an eyebrow at this and ask him, “Are you sure this is not personal?”

He shakes his head, “No, its not. I just want these mudders to know that they can’t cross us like that. So If the deal goes as it should I will give you the wave-off password over the radio. If they cross us, I will call out Broken Wing on the radio. Then the RRF can take care of them.”

“How far exactly do you want us to take care of this?” she asks, “I mean, just a quick spanking or a full out beat down?”

Air Burst looks at the ceiling briefly as he thinks about it. Then he tells her, “I would say handle them with extreme prejudice. The fewer of them who walk away, the better.”

She and the Captain both nod their heads. Then they look at me, “What is your take on this Lieutenant?”

I shrug and tell them, “I feel that our source is a reliable one. As for how to handle them, after seeing how they were at our last meeting. I would say I agree with Air Burst on this Ma’am.”

She grins, “You ready to put your power armor on for it?”

I quickly nod my head. She grins, “Ok, I believe your sincerity. In that case let’s talk about which assets to use and who.”

Two days later Air Burst is leading our teams on hoof to the feral territory. We left the University yesterday afternoon with a full load of weapons and supplies as agreed to before with the Hoof’s Ferals. As we go, I notice how run down the area has become the closer we come to the meeting point.

When I point this out to Air Burst he simply nods his head and moves his ears in a relaxed manner. Then he tells me, “Well, this way not many others will try to take over their territory. From what I understand, most of their real territory is underground. They have a section of the old subway system that had both ends collapse, this provided them with an effective barrier to outsiders. They also have made use of the underground tunnels, basements, and subbasements of the buildings that once were here.”

“Interesting, sounds like they really made due with what they have.” I tell him. Behind me I notice Funnel Cloud is walking with his MEW rifle carried at the ready. Gunter and Anan both are the same way. Behind us are Alto pulling the cart again and Skydancer right next to him. Bringing up the back of our column is the rest of the Volunteer Corps team.

Soon we are at a crossroads when we are met by the ghoul named Howler that we had met at Meat Locker. Beside him I see the runt Dipstick. I notice his right eye is still swollen shut. As he looks at me I swear he is trying to sneer, but again with the swelling on his face, I am not able to tell if he is sneering or grimacing in pain.

As they approach Howler tells Air Burst, “Fire Work, you and your people follow me.”

We follow him through the wreckage and debris-strewn road further into their territory.

We finally come to a wrecked building that has a sign pointing to a subway entrance. Once we are there Air Burst says, “If you are ready to pay me, I will send the message for the additional deliveries to begin.”

I hear a low growl come from Howler and he then says, “I have reason to not trust ya. I have talked to the Broken Clocks and Mayhem’s Mares. So no, you deliver the goods, then I will pay ya.”

We have deployed so we are not all tight together making it harder to kill us. I watch as Air Burst tells him, “Ya know what. As an act of good faith, we will do that. He then takes out a radio transmitter and calls into it, “This is the salesstallion, begin the delivery.”

“Roger, delivery inbound salestallion,” is the reply we hear over the radio speaker. As if on a signal we unhitch Alto from the cart. We all mill about as we move closer to what we feel would be decent defensive positions. We sit there on the wreckage and debris of the buildings next to the landing zone.

I watch as the Hoof’s Feral lay out the lights in the pattern of a runway and then step back. Soon we begin to hear the first of the three sky wagons come in to land.

It is as the second sky wagon is being unloaded that we notice them start to act unusual. I then watch as Air Burst goes up and talks to the crew of the sky wagon. They nod their heads and I see one of them smile and wink at him as he gets ready to take off.

Soon the third sky wagon is in the air. In the far distance, I can hear it as it flies towards us. After it has been unloaded and takes off again, I can barely hear in the distance the blades of multiple vetibucks. I watch as Air Burst begins to walk toward Howler and I join him.

Howler turns around, “What do you want?”

Air Burst calmly tells him, “Well, we have done our part, now it is time for payment.”

Howler sneers as best he can. He then answers, “You really are a lucky son of a buck, the only reason I did not kill you a long time ago is that my boss wanted what you had for sale. Now, well now were done.”

“What are you saying Howler?” Air asks. But I noticed he has changed his stance.

The ghoul pushes him with one hoof, “It means we're not paying you the way you thought, in fact it means I get my wish,” Then he goes to reach for the pistol he has in his holster.

As he does this, I throw Air Burst to the ground and fire into Howler's chest on full auto.

All Tartarus is opened as our people take cover and begin to fire on the Hoof’s Feral who are engaging us. Soon we begin to have more of them emerge from underground and join the fight as we fall back to a central position to defend.

I hear Gunter call out as he is hit, followed soon by Anan and Alto. I turn and See Sundancer is treating the wounded.

Most of us are wounded or dead as I hear the rotors scream overhead and watch as the troopers do a hot jump. I can’t help but begin to laugh as I watch them soar down, MEW’s firing and clearing the Hoof’s Ferals who are topside.

As they land, I am approached by one of the officers who asks, “Is that the main entrance?”

I nod my head, he calls out and I watch as a platoon of power armored pegasi troopers rush the entrance and begin to fight in the tunnel beneath.

Soon afterward another one comes over to me and removes his helmet. It is Down Draft. He grins at me, and tells me, “Damn son, you can’t help but be a bullet magnet can you.”

I grin up at him, “No, I guess not. But If I hadn’t done it, Air Burst would have bought it.”

He shakes his head, then he looks over to where Sundancer is treating some of the other wounded along with Alto. He grins and asks, “So is that him?”

I look at Alto and nod my head, “Yeah, that is him.”

He grins at me, “Yeah, your right he is my type.” He looks around to make sure no one is close and then adds, “And my offers still stands. Once you are feeling up to it again.”

I begin to laugh again and realize how much it hurts when I feel the movement between my broken ribs where the rounds hit my barding. I am just glad they weren’t closer, or I would have really have been in trouble.

Soon I see one of the vertibucks begin to land and I am loaded into it along with the rest of my team. As I am being loaded, I hear Down Draft yell to me, “The rest of you will be catching the next vertibuck you are all being evacuated.”

I yell back, “Thanks for letting me know. I will see you back at the base Down Draft.”

He grins and I am stunned as he quickly gives me a kiss on my forelock and tells me, “See you there.”

Then the door to the Vertibuck is closed and I feel the aircraft lift off the ground and gain altitude as we head back toward Miramare.


It’s another good evening here in the Hoof. Welcome back to all my listeners, this is Chromed Microphone bringing you the best of local news and music. For those of you in the southwestern part of town, you may have noticed a bit of a dust-up recently. It seems the gang wars in that part of town may have come to a climax as word has it most of the Hoof’s Ferals gang have been either killed or driven from their territory. Sources refuse to say who is responsible for it, but hopefully, that will help calm things down for a while.

Meanwhile, the Representatives from the Grand Pegasus Enclave have once again sent envoys to talk with the council of leaders for the Lunar Republic. Rumor has it that at this time they are not offering any assistance besides equinitarian aid.

As a reminder out there, the Society is once again having a large sale on day-old produce at Elysium. Anyone who wants to may purchase said items at a discount price, while not completely fresh, it is still edible, and nutritious.

Now for our next song coming to all of you is No One Gets Left Behind.

Chapter 18: Reset

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Chapter 18: Reset

“It has been said that we only get one spin at life, but once in a while we may get another. What we do with it will determine whether or not it is deserved.”

― Dave Grossman, On Combat: The Psychology and Physiology of Deadly Conflict in War and in Peace

Meat Locker, Lunar Commonwealth: Ginger Snaps

Once the scavers had filled our cart and their saddlebags, we make our way back to Meat Locker to meet back up with Trader Jewel and his caravan.

We are greeted by the sight of him as we come around the corner of the building in sight of the caravan. As we get closer, we see him wave to us. I then smile as I watch Xochitl rise on his back hooves and wave a forehoof back. Then he leads us the rest of the way in.

“So, Choo, how did it go?” I hear Trader Jewel asks as we reach him.

She smiles and tells him, “Mission accomplished.”

“Glad to hear it.”

He then looks behind her and sees the ghouls who are with us. He nods his head, “I would say welcome, but I know this is not what you thought the world would be like.”

The Sergeant steps forward and tells him, “No, no it is not. We just thank the Goddess that some creatures survived.”

“Yeah, there is that. Well, it is good to meet you. I assume the others have already talked to you about Meat Locker and the Wastelands.”

“Yeah, they did. Now we just have to decide where we want to go.”

“Any ideas yet?” Trader Jewel asks.

He shrugs, “Well some of us have talked about checking out Meat Locker. If that doesn’t work out, we have heard about a place called Dead Quiet from Choo and the youngsters.”

Trader Jewel nods his head, “Yeah, some areas can be pretty hostile towards ghouls. So those should be pretty good places.” He then turns to Choo and tells her, “Ok, I need to chat with you a bit,” He looks at the rest of us and then says, “If you will excuse us.” Then he leads Choo towards his wagon.

The next morning the caravan begins its trek to Mega Mart. Trader Jewel has let Choo know we will be there for a couple of days before we continue on to the Applejack’s Rangers stable. From there the plan is to head back to Hackamore and Harness.

Part of me feels so relieved to know we will be heading home soon, but part of me really will miss some of these beings here in Hoofington. I get the feeling Epona really feels that way.

The trip between Meat Locker and Mega Mart is actually anticlimactic for us. Well, all except perhaps for Epona. I notice how excited she seems to be as we get closer to it.

Finally, as we come to the gate, I can see how disappointed she seems when she does not see Purchase Order at the gate as we enter the carriage lot.

Once the caravan has parked and the teams unharnessed from the wagons, we all meet again at the barrel. The skavers who are still with us approach Choo and ask her, “Ma’am, can we leave our stuff on your cart till morning?”

“Of course, but I thought you would like to take it in the right way.”

The one smiles at the other, “Now, normally we would, but we want to see what others have for trade first and what the prices are.”

She nods her head, “Makes sense. Any idea who you may be able to trade them with?”

Again, they look at each other and they hesitate. Then one says, “Well, the weapons we will probably trade with Salvage Value. He always likes to have a wide variety of arms. The ones in not-so-good condition he might even buy for parts. The rest we might be able to trade with some of the other merchants.”

“So, is he the one most of the outsiders would purchase weapons from?”

They shrug, “Yeah, I guess so. I had not thought about it.”

I notice her nod her head and look thoughtful. She is thinking something and I move my ears in a subtle questioning way. She barely moves hers letting me know not now, but to follow her. She then tells them, “Excuse me, I need to go speak with the gate guards,” as she begins to walk away.

I follow her until we are clear of the caravan and she asks me, “Ginger, I do not trust this Salvage Value already, but did you notice the way they acted when talking about him?”

I glance back in the direction of the caravan and Mega Mart, then back at her and tell her, “Choo, they do not want to say something.”

“I agree Ginger, I think we need to keep an eye out on them as well as check out Salvage Value some more. In fact, I may have you send in a couple of our team members to just look around. Perhaps I will wander through there as well.”

“Ok Choo go ahead; I will watch the caravan with my part of the team.”

She smiles at me and says, “Thank you, Ginger. I do appreciate it. I will let you know what I hear.”

Then I watch her walk towards the entrance of the Mega Mart and when no one seems to be looking I see her disappear.

Soon afterward I watch as Epona, Xochitl, and Tater all head inside as well. Outside with me are Cowlick, Twinks, and Sunny.

There is a slight chill in the later afternoon air so we soon begin to build a small campfire to sit around and keep warm. As we sit just talking, the dinner hour comes and goes, which the four of us partake in along with some of the other caravanners. Soon we are joined by Rosie and Nellie as well as a couple of the caravan ponies.

I find it telling when they begin to ask us more about where our team comes from. They all seem so curious about Manesville and its local communities, especially when they hear about White Cloud. Rosie then asks, “So you have mixed brahmin and cattle youngsters?”

“Yeah, we do, in fact, my younger siblings go to school with a couple of them,” I tell her with a smile.

I see the surprise on all of their faces when I say this. Then Rosie asks, “You mean brahmin and cattle really get to go to school too?”

Then I hear one of the caravanners asks, “You mean there really are schools that anyone can go to where you come from?”

I nod my head and tell them, “Yes on both counts. Even where there are not enough students for a big school, we still have one-room schoolhouses that are shared between the grades.” At first, I am surprised they ask this, but then I realize how rare generalized formal schooling is outside of the Manesville region.

Then I begin to tell them what Granny Emerado told us about how the schools even helped to educate her after she was rescued from slavers even though she was already a teenager.

The one stallion asks me, “So they would be willing to help me to learn to read?”

I smile sadly at him, “I am sure of it. We prize education back home and want to share it, not keep it as a secret resource.”

He simply shrugs, then he points out what should have been obvious to me, “Well it is kind of hard to take the time for schooling when you have to concentrate on surviving.”

“I am sorry, I had not thought of that, and I am sure after a couple of generations a lot of skills can be lost if not used.”

He nods his head. Then an idea comes to me, “Do we have some members of the caravan who can’t read?”

Rosie and Nellie both nod their heads as well as some of the caravaners. Then I ask, “Do you think some might want to learn? I mean nothing fancy, but enough to give them a start?”

Beside me I see a look of surprise come over Cowlick’s face and a look of curiosity over Twinks.

I hear Nellie ask me, “Cookie, would you really teach us to read?”

“I will try to Nellie, but I am not a teacher.”

Sunny then tells me, “Cookie, don’t sell yourself short, remember you and Xochitl, both helped me when I started school.”

I then hear the one stallion ask again, “So you don’t think we are dumb because we can’t read?”

I shake my head, “Of course not, and I don’t think someone is smart just because they can. It is a skill like anything else.”

I then think briefly and tell them, “Ok, for the rest of the trip, when I am in camp in the evenings, we will hold a brief reading and writing class if you want. I will see if I can get some supplies for it when I go inside Mega Mart later, ok?”

The few agree and I can’t help but smile to myself knowing I will be helping them to learn how to do something I love doing myself. Soon, our conversations begin to change to other subjects.

A few hours later, the rest of the team comes back outside and my section gets our turn to go inside. As they come out, I notice that Purchase Order is walking alongside Epona. I can read their body language and I can tell they both are interested in the other but cautious to make a move.

I see Xochitl and Tater both laughing about something as they walk closer. Finally, I see Choo as she walks out of the doors of the marketplace. Her expression is anything but happy. Then once she is further away so the staff of Mega Mart cannot see her, I see her crack a smile.

Once they reach us, I overhear what they are laughing about. When I hear them talking about it, I have to smile also. It seems Choo was at it again.

Once they are close enough, she tells us, “If the rest of you want to go in for a bit, please do so. Oh, and please avoid the shop for Salvage Value, it seems we are temporally banned from approaching him or his shop by Bottle Cap.”

With that, I tell the others who are still with me, “I am heading in to pick up a couple of things, if you want you can join me, or you can stay out here.”

Cowlick just shrugs and tells me, “I can wait for another time, Go on in without me.”

Twinks then says, “I will go Cookie.”

Sunny then looks at the others and says, “I will be back in a bit, I only want to grab a couple of things.”

Then he grins as he flies off to the Mega Mart doors.

I go give my intended a quick kiss on his cheek and make my way along with Twinks inside.

As I enter, I begin to wander down the rows of merchants’ stalls. A few of them call out trying to get us to look at their wares. It seems kind of silly to me to be doing this right now, as we have to think about how much we can carry back home with us. However, I do finally find a vendor who has a few chalkboards and some chalk. I pick them up for a couple of caps along with a few rags to wipe them clean.

I then come around a corner and find myself face to face with Tek as he grins at me and tells me, “It is good to see you again Cookie,” in the zebra tongue.

“It is good to see you too sir,” I reply.

Beside me Twinks asks in the same language, “Tek, why are you choosing to speak this language instead of Ponish?”

He smiles slightly and tells her, “Because I learn more by listening if they do not know I can understand them. Often times they feel I am just an ignorant zebra who barely speaks their language.” He then shrugs and finally says, “I find it easier this way.”

Twinks and I both nod our heads in understanding. Then he asks, “Have you seen Purchase Order? I am looking for her.”

Twinks answers before I can, “Yeah, she just went out to our caravan with Epona. If you want, go ahead and go find her there. I am sure the rest of us would be glad to see you.”

He seems to be considering it then tells us, “I think I will do that in a bit. Perhaps it is best if I give her some time with your Epona. But I do have to say, I am afraid of her being hurt when all of you leave.”

This time I speak for my sister to him, “Tek, my sister is very lonely, and to be honest, we will probably be coming back here periodically so when we leave, it will most likely not be the last time they see each other. But I do understand how you feel. I don’t want to see Epona hurt either.”

He nods his head, “Thank you for helping calm my fears. Please understand that Purchase is my best friend. I may not want her to be my mare, but I care about her like a sister as well.”

Right after he says this, as we are walking, a large orange unicorn stallion with a death head cutie mark bumps into me hard and says, “Watch where you’re going zebra lover.”

I stop and look at him and coolly tell him, “First, you are the one that bumped into me, second, you say zebra lover like it is a bad thing.”

He seems to be getting angry at me for not reacting the way he wanted and he tells me, “You better watch it before you get yourself hurt you little zebra-loving whorse.”

I feel my face go into the resting mare's stare as I look at him and tilt my head just slightly and I tell him, “Why are you jealous because you can’t get a mare? Or do you prefer stallions and keep getting turned down as not being stallion enough?”

I watch his eyes go wide in rage and I see him begin to rear up to strike at me. As he does, I pivot on my forehoof as Xavier taught me how to do, and I kick out with both back hooves, striking him right behind his stallionhood and in an even more sensitive part of his anatomy. Then I leap forward enough so I am clear as he drops down clinching himself with his forehooves.

As he lies there and some of his friends come over to investigate the three of us continue on our way.

The three of us then decide it is time to head back out to the caravan and we are intercepted by a couple of members of the security team. The leader of which stops us and asks, “Everyone knows this is neutral territory, what happened back there?”

I shrug and tell them, “Yeah, it's neutral ground, but he raised a hoof to me first after insulting me, so I reacted in self-defense. I am sure your cameras got it.”

They all look at each other and then they ask, “How do you know about the cameras?”

“Oh, that is easy, because I and another member of our team worked on them a while back,” Twinks tells them. This answer seems to be discomforting to them.

“So, you were one of the two who worked on our security systems?”

Twinks grins as she nods her head and simply says, “Yes.”

One of the others tells their leader, “That would mean Bottle Cap trusts her. Maybe we should just let this one go.”

The leader’s ears shift somewhat as she thinks about it and she tells us, “Ok, but you can’t come back in till morning, got it?”

I nod my head and tell them, “Yeah, we got it. Thanks.” Then they step aside and we leave and head back to our camp for the night.


Mega Mart, Lunar Commonwealth: Xochitl

As I walk the aisle between the vendors' stalls, I am not sure what I want, just killing time, I guess. While I could be spending more time with Ginger, I also know she and I both need time to relax by ourselves. In fact, I am kind of looking forward to just hanging out with Tater and Epona.

While it is early evening when we enter, there is still lots of life left among the vendors. The three of us are keeping each other company when I spy Purchase Order at the end of the aisle that we are in. I see that Epona has seen her too as I watch her ears go forward and she begins to smile.

I can also tell the exact moment when Purchase sees Epona as I see her sad expression turn to one of joy and perhaps, hope. I watch as they trot slowly to each other and begin to talk animatedly to each other.

As they are doing this, I notice Tater is looking at a few pieces of combat armor at one of the stands. As I approach, he shrugs his shoulder and sets it back down.

“So, what were you looking at?”

He turns to me and tells me, “Just some old wartime barding from the Equestrian Army. Nothing spectacular. In fact, we saw better just a couple of days ago.”

“Are you looking for anything in particular?”

He shrugs and answers, “I was thinking of picking up something for my fathers. I know Chain Lightning would really appreciate some of these old military weapons. Even if it is just a wall hanger. The problem is I am not sure what to get Tail Spin.”

I put a hoof on his shoulder and tell him, “I am sure he will like anything that you pick up for him.”

“Yeah, I know, but I want to get him something he can really use too.”

As we peruse the vendors, we don’t think much about anything other than just shopping and spending time together. Purchase Order shows us who she thinks are some of the better merchants. Then, when we are half an aisle away from his stall. She points towards Salvage Values and tells us, “Best to watch that one. He is well known, but only because he has some good connections on getting weapons. Unfortunately, I have seen him sell stuff to good ponies that I would not arm a raider with, and he charged them too much too.”

We all think about that a bit. As we get closer to the weapons merchant’s stall, we see an orange earth pony stallion with a death's head cutie mark go into the stall. As we come close, we see him talking to the merchant animatedly. When we get close, I hear them arguing about finding a new source of weapons. I am ready to just walk on past when I hear Tater say, “Hey Chotil, check out that rifle up there,” as he points towards a lever action rifle on the top rack.

“Yeah, so what so special about it? It’s just another lever action rifle.” I say to him.

This gets Salvage Value's attention and he stops the other pony from talking by putting a hoof up to him and telling him, “We will continue this conversation later.” Then he turns to us and says, “Good evening gentlestallions, I see you have a good eye. Would you like to examine it a bit closer?”

Tater grins like a foal in a candy shop. Then he replies, “Yeah I would.”

After the merchant takes it down, he racks it to make sure it is empty before hoofing it to Tater. Tater repeats the process and checks the chamber. Then he tests cycles it a few times. Before putting it to his shoulder. Then he cycles it again and I see a slight frown on his face as he cycles it again and it seems to catch. After that, he begins to examine the outer surface of it. I see him smile and nod his head. Finally, he looks at the merchant and asks, “How much?”

Salvage Value tells him, “500 caps.”

I watch as Tater shakes his head, then he tells him, “This old thing is a nice wall hanger, but let’s be honest, it is chambered in .357, it is one of the older firearms used by the Equestrian army, and it catches, so it is not dependable. How about 150?”

I watch as Salvage Value looks angry and tells him, “I can’t sell such a rare piece for such a low price, that you even suggest it is an insult. 400 caps”

I watch as Tater thinks then he tells him, “250 caps. At that rate, I am being generous because if I want to use it, I am going to have to spend some serious time troubleshooting it and then getting the spare parts.”

I see a pained expression come over Salvage Value's face and he tells him, “350 caps.”

Tater shakes his head and tells him, “Like I said, too much against it, sorry for taking up your time,” and he begins to hoof the rifle back to him.

I watch as Salvage Value thinks quickly then he says, “Ok, 300 caps.”

I hear Tater let out a sigh and he tells him, "Tell you what, 290 caps and that is my final offer. Seriously, I have some real work to do on this old girl before anypony could reliably use it. That or throw in a sling for it and I will make it an even 300.”

I hear the weapons merchant grumble slightly but then he holds out a hoof and tells Tater, “It is a deal. I have a sling for it in the back.”

The other pony tells him, “I will watch ‘em.”

When he comes out of the back, I notice that the shoulder sling is one of the old equestrian army web slings. Tater then pulls his caps from his saddlebags and sets them alongside the rifle and sling on the table. Once the exchange is made, he then asks, “Shall we go back to camp.”

“Sure Tater,” I tell him and notice Epona and Purchase both nodding their heads as well. As we are leaving, I hear the larger yellow stallion telling the merchant, “See, that is why we need to find some other supplier. Look, Air Burst comes up with some good stuff, but how many caps has it cost us…”

We are halfway to the main entrance when I hear Choo whisper to us, “Keep walking. We need to keep an eye on those scavers, it seems they work for the big orange pony that the weapons dealer was talking too. I will go over some of what I heard once we are back in camp.”

In acknowledgment, I simply flick an ear as does Tater. Soon we are passing through the door and I hear one of the guards/greeters say, “Have a good night, Purchase, be careful out there.”

She smiles and nods to them, “Will do, just going to my friend's camp.”

“Ok, glad to hear you’re not going out too far tonight.”

As we walk across the carriage lot to the caravan I ask Tater, “Ok, what was so special about this rifle?”

Again, he grins like a foal in the candy shop. He then tells me, “Well, not only was this one of the first models of firearms adopted by the Equestrian army, but looking at the receiver I noticed it was stamped with the 1st Hoofington National Guard. That unit was one of the ones that saw combat on the border before the Littlehorn Massacre. That combined with its low serial number tells me it was around back then.”

When he says this, it takes me a few seconds to remember my wartime history from school. Then it hits me. Littlehorn was a school for gifted unicorns that for some reason the zebras attacked and used a Pink Cloud Talisman on, killing the staff and the young students. After that, Celestia stepped down from the throne and Princess Luna assumed it. She also created the ministries after Littlehorn. It changed everything and there was no turning back from the path the war was following.

“Tater, are you sure you really want it then?”

He nods his head, “Yeah, I think Papa Chain will really appreciate the history of it.”

I shrug, “So is it really sticking, or were you just using that as a reason to lower the price?”

“Oh, it really was catching. I was surprised too. I will really have to examine it closer to find out why.”

As we approach the camp some of the others decide it is time to head inside. However, I am a bit surprised when Cowlick decides he just wants to stay with the caravan while Ginger and the others of her team head inside.

As they head toward the market, I notice Sunny is flying toward it, then he zips up into the sky and I notice he is flying off in the direction of the Colligate and the University. I scratch my head as I wonder what that is about. Maybe he is trying to find Morning Star again.

The rest of us sit back and begin to talk. I watch as Epona pulls out a copy of the Book of Little Pip and begins to read it in the firelight. As we all talk, I notice Cowlick is sitting closer to Rosie and Nellie.

As we sit there, Tater and I discuss the history of his newest purchase. What really surprises me is how much of the history of the war he knows. When I ask him how he knows so much he shrugs and tells me, “I had Magpie teach me how to use the archives back home. After I learned how to use them, I learned how much I enjoyed learning the history of Equestria and the war; especially firearm evolution during it.”

I nod my head, “Is that why you didn’t join us for our hunts? You were doing research?”

I see him blush in the dark light, then he tells me, “Part of it. I also was apprenticing with Upset Forging, he taught me a few tricks too, and it helped me earn a few extra caps too.”

Choo sits quietly listening. Before too much longer she turns her ears first then her head. In the darkness, we can see the silhouettes of the scavers as they get closer. Once they are close enough Choo waves a wing to them and greets them. “Good evening, I hope you found out what you were looking to find out.”

The older of the two grins a smile that is missing a couple of teeth. Then he replies, “Yeah, I think so. Found out who might be interested in what we got and about how much we should be able to get for them.”

She nods her head, “Glad to hear it. I am sure you should make plenty of caps then.”

The one grins and nods again. Then he says with a slight dry laugh, “Should be. We will find out though.”

Choo just smiles that knowing smile of hers, nods back, and tells them, “Sounds good, now have a good night.”


Meatlocker, Lunar Commonwealth: Choo Choo

As we arrive back at Meat Locker, we are greeted by Trader Jewel who talks with the ghouls a bit and then soon afterward tells me, “Big Blue, I need to talk to you, come along.”

I follow him to his wagon and once we are inside, he closes the door and tells me, “Ok, we need to plan for the next couple of weeks.”

“What do you have in mind, Sir?”

“Choo we will let you rest till morning here first, our next stop will be Mega Mart, I want to lay over there for three days.” He pauses, then he tells me, “Keep an eye on those scavers. I don’t fully trust them. They ain’t acting like they do normally.”

I nod my head, “That is an understandable attitude. I noticed it a bit while we were on our previous, Uhm, diversion.”

He smiles when I say that. “I am sure you were. After we leave Mega Mart, I was considering going to that stable for the Apple Jack’s Rangers you mentioned. What do ya think about that? Do you think we might be able to make some caps there?” he asks me.

I consider it and tell him, “Yes, I think so. In fact, I think it would be good for you to go there and find out what they may need so you can cater to their needs more easily.”

He pours himself a shot of Wild Pegasus and offers me one. When I decline, he nods his head and takes a sip of it. Then he tells me, “I think your right Big Blue. By the way, I have a message for you, it was delivered yesterday by a courier.”

After he hoofs me the envelope, I open it and see who it is from. I fold it up and tell him, “Thank you, Trader.”

He nods and I tell him, “It is good news.”

“Glad to hear it, we could always use some.”

I talk with him a while more while he finishes his drink then I head back out to the team. Once with them, I tell them, “When we leave here, we head to Mega Mart for a couple of days. Then a couple of more places and we will be heading back to Harness.”

I notice a slight look of disappointment on both Sunny and Epona’s faces. When I ask why they both tell me that they have friends here now that they are going to miss is all. I smile when I hear this and tell them both, “Don’t worry, I am sure we will be back here again sometime.”

The rest of our time at Meat Locker is fairly uneventful, as is our travel to Mega Mart. Things begin to liven up though when we arrive there.

Once we arrive and have our caravan camp set up for the night, I let half of my team go at a time. Xochitl, Tater, and Epona go in first and I follow behind them shortly afterward, using my invisibility spell when I figure no one is watching.

I follow and watch as my team members randomly shop through the market stalls. However, my attention is heavily drawn to the scavers who were with us, as I watch them glance here and there as if casually shopping, but always moving closer to Salvage Value’s shop.

Soon they are approached by a large orange unicorn stallion with a raider’s cutie mark. I begin to listen to them as they talk. I am not really surprised that they know each other. But I am surprised when he asks them, “So what did you find out about the caravan?”

“Well, this is one of the ones that carry coal into the Hoof. Also, one of the caravanners let it slip they usually carry weapons back to the NCR. The guards with ‘em are all hired guns. Their first trip out, so a bunch of newbs.”

The orange stallion smiles and tells them, “Go ahead and let Salvage know. But keep it on the down low other than that.”

Interesting, I think to myself as I debate whether to follow the scavers or this buck. Finally, I decide on the scavers.

They continue slowly on towards the weapons dealer's stand. Myself, I decide to just slowly make my way behind them keeping myself out of sight and not bumping into anypony. At one point I so so frustrated by ponies and some others getting in my way that I almost decided to fly. But I am afraid they might feel the breeze from my wings, so I stay on the ground.

Soon they reach Salvage Value's stall and begin to talk with him. “Hey Salvage Value can we talk to you for a bit?”

I see him look at the two scavers with a slight sneer. “Ok what do have for me this time?”

The one scaver looks at the other and then tells him, “Could we discuss this a bit more privately?”

I watch as the one called Salvage Value pins his ears back and he tells them, “You better not be wasting my time.”

The same scaver tells him, “We ain’t, Broken Value even said to talk to you.”

He squints his eyes some and looks down the aisle at the large orange unicorn and asks, “He did, did he?”

I turn and see the unicorn nod slightly than look back and hear Salvage value say, “Ok, give me a minute.”

I watch as he puts out a sign that reads, “On break, back soon.” Then he begins to pull curtains closed around the booth. As he is on one end, I slowly sneak in and go into the back where the scavers have already gone.

After he is done closing up his shop, I watch him come to the back also. I notice that the area we are in is actually not only part of his shop and a storeroom, but also his living quarters.

Then I listen as the scavers give him the rundown on the bunker and what they have recovered first. Salvage tells them, “Ok, that sounds good, start bringing in some of it in the morning and we will see what I can pay you. But that is not enough to cause me to shut down my shop, you better have something else for me.”

Both skavers fidget slightly then the second one says, “We have some information about the caravan for ya.”

When he says this, I begin to lean forward some to hear better. The one then begins, “Yeah, the guards for them call themselves the Repair Ponies for some reason.” He hesitates, then begins again, “They are a bunch of rookies. A couple of the caravanners were telling us this is their first run down here in the hoof.”

Salvage Value simply shrugs and with his ears still back asks, “And why does this matter to me?”

“Well, Salvage, we heard they was carrying weapons and equipment back to the NCR to trade to their army over by some place called Hackamore. That means they have some good stuff, and they did not get it from you.”

I watch as Salvage Value starts to rub his chin in thought and just as he begins to say something, I feel my invisibility spell wear off. I have not misjudged it like this in almost a century. Suddenly I am fully visible to them and I decided to run with it and quickly cast one of my medic’s immobilization spells on the two skavers, rendering them helpless and unable to support Salvage Value. I then smile at the merchant with what I hope is a vicious grin as I tell him, “Go ahead and try something. Do it. My suggestion to you is to forget what you heard from these two. If you cause harm to one of my people or those we are guarding, I swear by the Goddesses that I will come back for you personally. You will not see me coming, just like tonight. Do not forget, I know where you live Salvage.”

As I am speaking, he has backed up slightly and I watch as he turns and runs out of the stall throwing the stall curtain wide open. As he begins to run off, I prepare to drop the spell on the two scavers and I tell them, “What I told him, goes for you as well, harm my people and we will hunt you down along with my sisters. Remember what one of us knows, we all know.”

I then drop the spell and as their eyes go wide, they scream and try to run past me, knocking things over as if a barfight was going on in the shop. Once they are gone, I come out of the stall and turn down the aisle to head to the exit. I see the other members of my team already at the door and leaving. Then I notice a group of ponies in blue vests with Mega Mart badges and shotguns trotting quickly in my direction. I know they are coming for me and I wait.

Once they get close enough, I ask, “Can I help you?”

They are all covering me still with their weapons cautiously, then one asks, “Did you threaten one merchant named Salvage Value?”

I tilt my head as I look at her and then him in the distance. Then I smile and answer, “Oh, no, I did not threaten him. I warned him. He threatened me and mine when he thought I was not around. So, I let him know I heard him and I gave him the warning.”

The lead mare of the security ponies then asks, “So there is a problem between you two?”

I shake my head, “There was not one. In fact, even one of my team members had purchased things from him before, including tonight. But as I said he made threats. But no blows were exchanged or blood spilled, so no problem.”

I hear her take a deep sigh and she says, “Ok, but for now on, you and your team should stay away from Salvage Value and his stall. At least until he calms down.”

I nod my head and flick my ears in agreement. Then I reply, “Sounds fair enough. If you have nothing more, may I go now?”

“Yeah, go ahead,” she tells me and I briskly trot out the main entrance of the market. I keep my face straight until I get outside, then I begin to smile as I wanted to the whole time.

Once back to the caravan I check out my team members and I ask, “Where is Sunny?”

They all shrug, except Xochitl who answers, “Oh, I think he went to find those batponies again. I saw him flying off towards that way,” as he points towards the direction of the major remains of Hoofington.

What is the colt up to now? I ask myself. Then I just shake my head and hope for the best. Before much longer the others begin to drift off to their bed rolls. I don’t need much sleep so I stay awake and wait for Sunny to return.

It is several hours later that I see his dark silhouette in the sky. At first, I am not sure it is him, but as he comes into land and then approaches the camp, I can see him in the firelight.

“Evening Choo.” He tells me.

“Evening Sunny. How was your night?” I ask, expecting him to have been trying to find the batpony mare Morning Star.

I am however very surprised when he tells me, “Ok, I guess. I went over to the Volunteer Corps office at the University. I wanted to let the buck who told us about the ghouls in the bunker know we got them out.”

I nod my head and ask, “And what did he say?”

He sits down and tells me, “Choo, he and that team of his got chewed up real bad by the Hoof’s Ferals. But the Enclave rescued them with a quick reaction team. I guess he is in a hospital up in Thunderhead recovering from wounds. That is if he is still alive.”

I nod my head, “I am really sorry to hear that, Sunny. He seemed like a good buck for an Enclaver.”

Sunny nods his head, “I hope you don’t mind but I also found Morning Star and her pals. I had a couple of drinks with them before I came back.”

I shrug, “You are free to do what you want during your free time Sunny, this is not the army, just be careful. Also, I would prefer it if you let us know if you are going out of the immediate area. After all, this is Hoofington, not Manesville.”

He grins, “Ok, I will do that Choo. I best go catch some rest now.”

“Yes Sunny, you do that.”

I smile as he walks away and I think to myself how much he has changed over the years and especially since we left Manesville. I do worry though about him having taken off by himself like that.

The next day most of us spend with the caravan working on our equipment. However, Sunny asks me, “Choo, do you mind if I take off for a bit of flying?”

“Where are you heading Sunny?”

“I was thinking of flying over towards the Skyport and maybe the airfield, just to check things out that way.”

“Sunny, you aren’t planning on fighting or anything are you?”

He grins at me, “By myself, with no backup? No Choo, I am smarter than that. Besides If I did you would kill me.”

I find myself grinning back at him. Then I tell him, “Ok, but be careful out there.”

“I will Choo. I promise.” After which I watch him take off and climb fairly high above the Mega Mart before he begins to go towards the Rainbow Dash Skyport. Sunny just be careful I think to myself and then I head over to Trader Jewel's trailer to explain to him what I heard last night and why I am now being watched by the security team for Mega Mart.


Thunderhead, Grand Pegasus Enclave: Ball Lighting

I awake to a brightly lit room and at first, I wonder if I have died. Then I notice the steady beep of monitor off to the side. As my eyes begin to focus, I recognize my surroundings as being a hospital room. I also notice there is a curtain dividing the room.

My mind is foggy as I try to focus on where I am and why. I try to lift my head to look around, but I just feel too weak. I soon hear a set of hoof steps approaching and I see a mare in medical scrubs come into my line of visions.

As she approaches, she is smiling and tells me, “Ah, good to see you are awake finally Lieutenant. Welcome back to the land of the living.”

I try to speak but my mouth is so dry I can’t make my tongue form the words properly. She sees this and tells me, “Hear let me get you a bit of water.”

She helps me hold my head up so I can drink some water. Then she sets my head back down on the cloud pillow. I finally am able to ask, “Where?”

“Oh, you’re at the Nightingale Military Hospital in Thunderhead Lieutenant, and to tell the truth, you gave us quite the scare.”

I raise an eyebrow and force my ears to move in a questioning manner. As I try to ask why.

She then asks, “Lieutenant, what do you remember?”

I close my eyes and I tell her, “Last I remember I was being loaded into a vertibuck on a stretcher.” I pause and tell her, “Not sure why for just a couple of broken ribs.”

I see her shake her head, “Well, honestly Lieutenant, you had a lot more than a few broken ribs. Three bullets penetrated your barding. You right lung collapsed before you made it here. Also, a few more millimeters to one side, and you and I would not have had a chance to be holding the conversation.”

“Why not?” I manage to croak out.

“Lieutenant they barely missed your heart. You are either very lucky or very unlucky, but I tend to go with the former.”

“How long was I out?”

I see her features go slack and she tells me, “About two weeks.”

I feel my eyes go wide and I ask, “Seriously?”

She nods her head, “Yes, I am serious. But now that you are awake finally, I think we may be able to let you have a few visitors for short periods of time.”

“That would be nice,” I tiredly tell her as I fall back to sleep.

I awake an unknown time later and I see my father sitting in the chair next to me quietly reading a book. I clear my throat some and he turns to look at me worriedly. When he sees I am awake and ok he smiles and tells me, “Hi son.”

“Hi, Dad.”

“You scared me, son. A father is not supposed to die after their children.”

“Sorry about that dad.”

“Nothing to be sorry about. From what I have been told by your friends and your Sergeant Major.”

“How, how are my people dad? Do you know?”

He grins, “Well, the VC did lose a couple of team members. Your Sergeant Major and I have talked quite a bit. He seems impressed with you; he says all of your team members made it out alive.”

I feel such relief when I hear that. I have been fortunate in that I have not lost any troops under my command other than when our transports were attacked by that Roc. That reminds me, I wonder if those ground-bound, so-called guards were able to get those ghouls out of that bunker. Later I remind myself. I will find out later.

Then my father surprises me and tells me, “By the way, Sundancer and her friend Alto came by to check on you almost every day. They both seemed very worried about you.”

I can’t help but smile, “So are they ok?”

He nods, “Yeah, nothing a few magical bandages and a healing potion couldn’t take care of.”

I decide then to tell my father about them. After I am done, he looks horrified, “Son, you should not have told me about them, or who they really are working for. If the wrong pony hears you, you’ll be branded.”

I still feel like I am drunk, so I know it has to be the medications making me talk. Part of my mind is horrified at the realization of what I have said, the other part just doesn’t care about anything really.

He then gets up and moves to the other side of the curtain. I can hear him talking to someone briefly then when he returns, he asks, “Would you mind if I pull the curtain?”

I try to shake my head, but can’t, so I tell him as best I can to go ahead. When he opens the curtain, I am stunned to see Funnel Cloud in the other bed. Then I am really stunned when I notice that his right foreleg ends just below the elbow.

I can see he is looking at me and he asks, “How are you doing Lieutenant?”

I try to raise my head to respond and instead I barely croak out, “Not sure Sergeant Major. Not sure.”

He nods his head, “Yeah, I understand. I felt the same way at first, and I was not hit near as bad as you were.”

I raise a weary eyebrow at this and he nods his head, “Yeah sir, you were a lot worse off than you realized, you were already in shock when they got you on the bird.” I hear a catch in his voice and he says, “We were lucky that they had a really good medic with the Quick Reaction Force. Sir, we lost you twice on the way here. I am not even sure how they saved you.”

I try to remember but everything is fuzzy. I feel like there is something to remember, but I can’t do it. However, I do swear I remember seeing mom at some point as well as a white mare with a black mane. But like most dreams, I just cannot remember it clearly.

I want to change the subject from how close I came to dying and ask him, “What happened to your hoof?”

He shrugs, “Round struck the bone and shattered it. Then the bone got infected. They have already begun to fit me for a cyber leg though.”

“You don’t seem too concerned about losing it Funnel.”

He then nods and tells me, “I am not really. It is only one leg and the replacement will work well enough. They are not even talking about retiring me for it.”

I can’t help but try to smile when he says it with such heartfelt happiness. “Does that mean you still want to work with me Funnel?”

He nods his head, “Yeah, I would say that.”

The three of us talk until I can no longer keep my eyes open. When I next wake up, I notice that while my father has returned, the Sergeant Major is missing from his bed. When I ask my father about this he smiles and tells me, “He is going for his first fitting of his prosthetic.”

I nod my head in understanding. Then he tells me, “By the way, you have some interesting friends. I could not tell you this while Funnel was here.”

I am now curious and ask, “Tell me what?”

He looks around and tells me, “A couple of days after you were brought here, a pure black stallion showed up. He asked about you and told me to tell you that the favor was done. I noticed he had an accent that while part Thunderhead was mixed with something else. He said he came from a place called White Cloud. You know I don’t know of any place called that in the Enclave.”

I look at him with a questioning look and he simply says, “His name is Sunset Waters, but some call him Wild P. He said you would know who he is.”

I simply nod my head. That crazy wild pegasus had not only visited me, but he had to sneak into a military base in Thunderhead to do it. “Yeah Dad, I know him.” Then I begin to laugh. When I stop, I tell him, “Dad, you wouldn’t believe me if I told you who he was.”


Okay, children of the Wasteland, that last song was Rainbow by Songbird Serenade. Remember that while things may be quiet, that does not mean we are safe. A reminder that raider activities have increased along the western border of the NCR. Rumors have it of increased gang fights with the Steel Rangers in the Van Hoover region, if anypony can confirm the truth of this please let us know.

We will have more news following this song. For all you listeners out there here is Feed the Machine

Chapter 19: Reevaluations

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Chapter 19: Reevaluations

“I stopped fighting my inner demons. We’re on the same side now.” – Darynda Jones

Mega-Mart, Hoofington, Lunar Commonwealth: Ginger Snaps

We spend most of the next day working on weapons for our team. I enjoy watching the effort that Tater puts into that old leaver action he bought for one of his fathers. But what really makes it interesting to me is how Twinks pays such close attention to him as he does it, assisting when he needs it.

As I clean my weapons and my spare magazines, I watch them and the others. Tater has made sure everything is well-cleaned and lubed. I look up when I hear him say, “That’s it Twinks. Look at the guide rails.”

She looks inside the rifle and I hear her ask, “Ok, what am I looking for Tater?”

He says, “See how the guide rails are sloping, they are going the wrong way. That means whoever took them out last got them switched from the proper sides.” I see him facehoof and he says, I can’t believe I missed that.”

Beside him, Twinks grins, “Look, just because you have a gunsmith cutie mark does not mean you can’t miss things.”

I see him look slightly chagrined as he replies, “Yeah, I know, but still.”

Then she tells him, “Besides, it allowed you to get it for a better price, right?”

“Yeah, but still.”

“No still Tater, you found it pretty quick overall and it was something subtle. Next time you will be looking for it.”

He shrugs and then tells her, “Yeah, I guess you’re right.”

On my other side, I watch as Xochitl and Tek chat about the local area. As he is doing this Xochitl continues to clean his pistol after he has finished with his carbine. As he goes through this, I notice Tek is watching him closely. Then he pulls out his zebra-striped pistol and asks Xochitl to help him inspect it. As they go through the inspection of it, I hear Xochitl ask Tater, “Hey Mashed, could you take a look at the recoil spring on this pistol?”

Tater looks up and tells him, “Yeah give me a minute.”

After he looks at it, he tells Tek, “Glad you found this now. Yeah, that crack could give way sometime when you are using it. Do you have a spare for it?”

Tek shakes his head, then I hear Tater tell him, “Ok, let’s go inside and see if we can find one.”

“I don’t have the caps for that,” Tek replies.

He smiles and tells Tek, “I got it for you. You have helped us a lot, and honestly, your life may depend on this pistol. So, let’s go.”

I nod my head and tell him, “Thanks Mashed. I appreciate it.”

He simply shrugs and tells me, “Let Choo know where I went.”

I nod my head and tell him, “Ok, see you when you get back. Then I look at Xochitl and ask him, “Why don’t you go with them?”

“If you don’t mind dear, I think I will.”

As I watch them go, I relax and get back to what I was doing before. As we do so I notice Twinks fiddling with her PipBuck. Soon she has it tuned into one of the local stations. The music seems a bit off though to me. Soon I hear the announcer come over the radio, that last song was the Celestial March played by The Grand Pegasus Enclave’s Naval Flying Band. The news will be coming up at the top of the hour. You have been listing to Radio Free Equestria, and my name is Hallowed Dreams broadcasting to you live from Thunderhead to the Wastelands.

For those you living below, remember that the Volunteer Corps are your friends and are here to help you. Among the services provided are food, temporary shelter, and first aid. So, if you need a hoof, don’t be afraid to ask a Volunteer.

Speaking of asking for a hoof for help, if you don’t feel that the local authorities in your area are able to keep the gangs and raiders under control, then contact your local government officials and remind them of the offer from President Winter Breeze still stands and we in the Enclave only want to help our brethren get onto their hooves again so we can change from the Wastelands that are, to the Equestria of old, once again.

At this, I just shake my head and I overhear Choo say to someone, “What drivel. The sad thing is some will actually act on his suggestions and will almost beg for their leaders to call the Enclave in so they can feel safe.”

I see Twinks shake her head also and she tells us, “Sorry about that. I have not seen that bandwidth before.”

I laugh lightly and then Epona tells us, “I wonder if it is a new one It does sound like a propaganda station,”

As the day goes on, I see Sunny wake from a nap. He walks over to Choo and tells her something that I cannot hear. She nods her head and he then tells the rest of us, “I will see you all later, I have a few ponies to look up and visit.”

This gets me to raise an eyebrow as I wonder who he is planning to go see at this time of day. I know that Morning Star and her friends are most likely sleeping at this time. I watch him as he goes almost straight up over the Mega Mart area, then he turns and heads in the direction of the Skyport.

I watch until I can no longer see him in the sky and then I turn my attention back to the here and now as I then hear Jambalaya call out that lunch is ready. With that I hear Rosie call out to me, “Hey Cookie, let’s go get some chow.”

After lunch as Twinks is working on a couple of pieces of equipment I notice a young earth pony colt from another caravan watching her at a distance. Finally, the colt gets the courage up and comes over to her and watches up close. Eventually, he screws up the courage and asks her, “Ma’am, could you fix something for me?”

At first, she looks a bit annoyed at having been interrupted. Then she seems to really see the youngster and tells him, “I will if I can. What ya’ got for me to fix?”

He then turns and pulls a wooden toy locomotive out of his saddle bag. It is in rough shape and has a big crack in its side and one of the wheels has fallen off, and the smoke stack has broken off short.

I watch as Twinks examines in using her TK. Then I see Choo Choo come up and when she sees it, she stops dead in her tracks and asks, “May I see that?”

The young colt looks worried and cautiously nods his head. Choo then uses her TK to bring it closer to her and I see her smile as she looks at it, and I hear her say, “I thought so.” She then passes it back to Twinks and tells her, “I think you can do this on your own, but if you need any help or advice, please ask. I want this to be as good as possible for him.”

She nods her head and tells her, “Will do Boss,” then she begins to first clean it up using a cleaning and restoration spell, much like the one the colt seen her use on the outside of her PipBuck.

Then she makes a new smoke stack for it, and glues it in place, as well as fixes the wheel. When she is done, she gently gives it back to the young colt.

The colt is almost in tears as he looks at it and asks, “How, how, much to I owe you ma’am?”

Twinks shakes her head, “You do not owe me anything young stallion.”

“But that is not how things work, my ma and pa told me that.”

Still smiling she tells him, “That one is on me. It gave me some practice I needed. Besides, I know what it is like to have a toy broken.”

He then tells her, “Thank you very much ma’am.” And I watch him as he excitedly runs back to his caravan.

I watch as Twinks turns to Choo and ask, “Choo, what was so special about that toy train to you?”

She shrugs and tells us, “Did you see the name carved in the bottom of it?”

Twinks nods her head and tells her, “Yeah, it was the same as yours.”

Choo shakes her head slowly, “No Twinks, it was not that same as mine, it was mine. That was my toy train when I was a foal. Now it is his, I hope it continues to bring him as much joy as it did me.” she says with a smile.

Twinks seems stunned and asks, “Really?”

“Really Twinks. It brought back some of my memories from when I was a youngster. I remembered a bit about my family finally. Also thank you for doing such a good job on it for him.”

Later when all of us are just sitting around the fire we see an older unicorn mare approach us. She calls out and ask permission to join us. After it is given, she comes over and sits down. Once she is sitting, she asks, “Which one of you fixed my grandsons toy train today?”

Twinks speaks up and tells her, “I did. I hope that is not a problem.”

The old mare tells her, “No, no problem, I just wanted to thank you is all. You see that toy has been in my family since it was new and has been played with by all the foals in our family since.”

From the side, Choo Choo who seems almost stunned asks, “Could you tell us a bit about your family history?”

The mare looks uncomfortable about this then asks, “Why would you want to know about the history of a stranger’s family?”

Choo seems to think briefly then she says, “Because perhaps, we are not as much strangers as you think.”

As she says this I am quietly leaning up against Xochitl, just listening and wondering if it really could be. That Choo has found more of her family.

With a guarded tone of voice, the unicorn mare asks, “What do you mean?”

Choo smiles in the light of the fire and tells her, “My name is Choo Choo, I was the original owner of your grandfoals toy.”

The mare is stunned and asks her, “How could you be?”

Choo answers, “That is a fair question, but I was not always this way. I was made into an alicorn. I was born a unicorn. At one time I had both a son and a daughter. My family lived in Fillydelphia, but my daughter moved to Manesville during the war. My son,” She shakes her head sadly, “He was drafted and never came home again.”

The mare only nods her head, as we listen to Choo continue, “I found out about ten years ago, that the stallion I was betrothed to had bought tickets for both of my children and their families from Stable Tec. I have since found out what happened to the descendants from my daughter, but never had a clue about my son’s family.”

The mare seems stunned and she quietly asks, “Was your son named Blue Flag?”

I watch as Choo thinks briefly and finally nods her head, “Yes that was his name. Please excuse me for being slow on remembering things, but I lost a lot of my memory when Unity was broken.”

The still stunned mare then asks, “So you are my ancestor?”

Choo nods her head slowly and tells her, “Yes, it does seem so. Now that you know my name and who I am, what is your name?”

The mare looks around and then finally answers, “I am Right Wheel, I drive one of the wagons for our caravan.”

Choo smiles and tells her, “It is a pleasure to meet you. How about I exchange some stories with you about what the family was like in my time, and you can tell me about it since?”

The mare looks back at her caravan and says, “I would really like that, but I only planned on being here for a few minutes, would you mind coming to my caravan and telling me them there.”

Choo stands up and tells us, “You know where I will be. Ginger, if you need me, send a runner.” She then says to Right Wheel, “OK, let’s go. Oh, and do you have any other family with you besides your grandson?”

She nods her head, “A few, I will introduce you to them, Choo. Just so you know our stable opened only 50 years after the war, we have been out a while and.” Soon I can no longer hear them as they move along. As they go into the dark, I cuddle up closer to Xochitl and find myself turning my head into his chest as I breathe his scent and find myself falling asleep in his hooves.


Mega Mart, Hoofington, Lunar Commonwealth: Xochitl

During the night I woke up twice to nightmares, once mine. The second to Twinks. As I sit up, I see Tater go over and comfort her, helping her to calm down and get back to sleep. It seems the raid to rescue the doctor got to her more than I would have expected. Soon afterward I go back to sleep and cuddle up closer to Ginger. As I drift off all I can think of is thank the Goddesses she is here for me.

Most of the day is spent cleaning up weapons and maintaining or repairing our gear. Shortly before lunch Tater and I go with Tek to help him find some parts for his pistol. If we can’t find the correct ones, Tater is pretty sure he can find something that he can make work.

After we have been inside for a while, I see Choo off to the side talking to some of the security ponies. We decide to go over to her and see what is going on. As we approach, I overhear them tell her, “Seriously Ma’am, please keep your distance from Salvage Value.”

I see her smile then I hear her say, “Ok, I promise you will not see me near him.”

The security guard, not knowing Choo, smiles and tells her, “That is all I am asking.”

I then ask, “Hey Choo, what’s going on?”

She shrugs and tells me, “Nothing other than the weapons merchant Salvage Value has requested that the security here keep me away from him.”

“Ah, I see,” I tell her.

The security ponies look at us and tell us, “Purchase Order has told us you work for her. Please keep her out of trouble.”

Both Tater and I smile and I overhear Tek say in Zebracan, “Good luck with that.”

The security ponies look at him and ask, “What was that?”

He then replies in Equestrian, “I said we will.” Then he nods his head.

“Ok, good,” then he tells us, “Alright then, I hope you find what you are looking for.”

We all nod our heads in agreement as we walk off with Choo. Then she grins once we are out of sight of the guards and cast her invisibility spell. Then I hear her whisper, “I will meet you in a bit.”

It takes us a while but we find a couple of springs for Tek’s pistol that Tater feels are good enough. We are just passing Salvage Values stall when I see him rubbing the back of his neck and looking around. He asks one of the others with him, “Did you feel that?”

“Feel what?” the short scaver stallion next to him asks.

“That warm breeze,” Then his eyes go wide and I hear him say, “There it is again, did you feel it?”

The other scavers all shake their heads no. Then I hear Choo giggle lightly and barely hear her say, “Remember Salvage, I can be watching you anytime, and you would never know it.”

I am fighting laughter. Beside me, Tek’s eyes go wide in surprise and I hear him again speaking in his native tongue, "I swear she is a nightmare.” Tater on the other hoof acts like he heard nothing at all.

Once we are back outside Choo reappears and laughs lightly as she trots back to the caravan ahead of us. Tek then looks at me and asks, “Was she always this way?”

I simply grin and tell him, “Let me tell you about the first time I met her and her sisters…”

Later that day we meet what turns out to be some descendants of Choo Choo by accident. What is really interesting is that they are caravanners who make the Manehatten-Hoofington circuit. That night she spends several hours with them, exchanging stories. The next morning after we wake up, she tells Epona and Cowlick, “I want you to go talk to them. They said they would be willing to give us what information they can, especially about Manehatten. Oh, and do not be afraid to tell them about home, that is part of the deal. Besides, I am sure they would benefit from adding in our crops as well.”

Epona smiles and nods. Myself, I am somewhat skeptical but eh, it can’t hurt anything. Besides, it is not like Manesville is trying to hide anymore. Then Epona ask, “Choo, what if they ask about Hackamore and Harness?”

This time I see the consternation on her face as she thinks about her answer. Finally, she says, “Go ahead and admit they have some coal, but nothing, like we know, is there. That we keep quiet on.”

“Got it, Boss,” Both Cowlick and Epona tell her. Then I watch as they meander over to the other caravan to trade information.

As I watch them go, I ask Choo, “Where did you get the idea to exchange information like that from?”

Choo smiles and tells me, “On the trip down here Trader Jewel told me how the Caravanners used to give warning to each other as well as trade information. However, you also have to be careful, as some of the less scrupulous caravanners will sometimes give misinformation to help eliminate the competition.”

Ginger nods her head and then asks, “How do we know they won’t do that? I mean, they may be family to you, but we really don’t know them.”

Choo shrugs her wings and tells me, “Ginger, I heard about the experiments that were run in their stable. I also heard what they had to do to survive since they escaped there. Believe me, you don’t tell others those stories if you don’t trust them.”

At that we let the subject drop. But I think to myself that we will have to take what we learn from others with a grain of salt.

A bit later I am surprised as I see Sunny come flying high up and then diving quickly for the ground. I notice as he skids to a landing, that he has a magical band aide on his side and is missing some fur. He looks worn and tired, but he has a grin a mile wide.

“Hey Cothil, Hey Cookie, where’s the boss?” He asks.

I am kind of stunned and point towards Trader Jewel’s wagon. He nods his head and starts to walk sorely in that direction. I want to ask him what has happened since he left yesterday, but for some reason, I just cannot get the words out.

As he walks away, I see him stretch his wings out and notice several patches of feathers are damaged or missing. But I notice his tail is still high and while sore, he seems very proud.

Ginger looks at me and I at her. Then I tell her, “Oh, I can’t wait to hear the story behind this one.”

She nods her head and begins to laugh, “Yeah, I bet it is a good one.”

I watch as he knocks on the door of Trader Jewel’s wagon, goes inside for a while, then comes back out, walks tiredly past us, grabs his bedroll, and throws it open under a wagon, without saying a word to us other than, “Wake me up in a couple of hours.”

Both Ginger and I simply nod our heads as we look at him, and I tell him, “Yes we can do that.”

Then we both see him pull his blanket with his wings over his head and soon afterward hear him snoring as he falls into an exhausted sleep.

That night Epona and Purchase spend talking to each other and off to the side from the rest of us. Tek has come back to visit with us and I see him watching them also.

Finally, he tells me quietly, “I hope she does not hurt her.”

I nod my head, “Honestly Tek, she will not on purpose. Unfortunately, we will be leaving Hoofington before too much longer.”

I see him nod his head and then he asks, “How long before you return?”

I shrug and answer, “Not sure really. Depends on what jobs we pick up. But Tek, for some reason, I am sure we will be back.”

He nods his head in understanding though he does not look happy. Then he tells me, “Good. I hope it is not too long before we see all of you again.”

I smile at him and catch myself putting a hoof over his shoulder as I tell him, “I am sure it won’t be.”

He then says, “Good, now let’s have something to drink and you can tell me more about your home.”

“Only if you tell me more of what you know about spirits.”

He looks at me with one eye and asks, “What makes you think I know anything about spirits?”

“Call it a hunch, but Tek, I think there is more to you than you like to let on.”


Mega Mart, Hoofington, Lunar Commonwealth: Choo Choo

The day starts off as most do for us. After breakfast, we take care of our gear and equipment. While checking weapons Tater finds a problem with Tek’s pistol and after all the help he has given us, I can’t help but want to assist him with it, so when a couple of my people want to help him to take care of it, they know I would not mind them going inside Mega Mart to find parts for it.

To keep us entertained as we take care of things Twinkle Hoofs starts to try to find some music to listen to on her PipBuck.

As she scans the bandwidths, she comes across one that has a military sound to it. It is not too bad, but after a while, it would get old. Shortly after this, we hear a new DJ come across. As he speaks, he sounds so smarmy that I am reminded of the propaganda broadcast from the war. That or those made by the stallion known as Red Eye. Goddesses how I despised that pony, especially as his actions lead to the death of mother and so many of my sisters.

Finally, we can take it no more and Twinks turns it off and I let them know my opinion of it. Then I decide I should head inside as well. I nod to Ginger and Twinks and tell them, “I will be back in a bit.”

Ginger nods her head and absentmindedly replies, “Ok boss.” Then continues with what she was doing. I pay my caps as I go through the entrance and am shortly stopped by a team of security ponies. They all have their shotguns out but are carrying them in a relaxed manner.

“May I help you?” I enquire of them when their leader holds up a hoof to stop me.

“Ma’am, we have been asked by a member of the Finders to keep you away from his stall because you were harassing him last night.”

I turn my head slightly and as I look down at them over my muzzle I respond, “Oh, I was not harassing anypony.”

I hear him sigh, “Ma’am, I don’t care what you call it, but whatever you did has him pretty shook up. I am telling you that if you want to maintain your status as a valued customer here you need to stay away from him.”

I tilt my head and ask him, “You mean you don’t want to see me near him?”

He nods his head, “Seriously Ma’am, please keep your distance from Salvage Value.”

I notice off to the side Xochitl, Tater and Tek are approaching.

I think of what to say then smile and tell them, “Ok, I promise you will not see me near him.”

The security guard smiles and tells me, “That is all I am asking.”

Then Xochitl asks, “Hey Choo, what’s going on?”

Shrugging I tell him, “Nothing other than the weapons merchant Salvage Value has requested that the security here keep me away from him.”

“Ah, I see,” is all he says in reply.

The security ponies then look at my people and tell them, “Purchase Order has told us you work for her. Please keep her out of trouble.”

I decide then and there that I will have to make a visit to Mister Salvage Value now, but I will keep my word, no pony will see me.

Soon we are again walking down the aisles of shops, browsing the goods that they have. Once I am out of sight of the security guards, I cast my invisibility spell and quietly whisper to Xochitl, “I will be back in a bit.”

Then slowly make my way to Salvage Value’s stall. After all, if he wants to try to keep me away, I need to let him know he can’t. Besides, this will be fun.

I notice he is talking to some scavers near the front of his stall, so I slowly walk past him and look around a bit. In fact, I notice he is so involved with his discussion that I decide to move around a few bits of merchandise to let him know someone was there. Then I overhear him telling the scaver, “That blue thought she could sneak into my stall and eavesdrop on me too. Well, my connections in security have already promised me they will keep her from bothering me again.”

Oh, and he wants to brag too, I think to myself. So, I decide to move just a bit closer, and I breathe lightly on his neck. I watch him rub at his neck uncomfortably and then look around. So, I do it again.

This time Salvage Value asks one of the others with him, “Did you feel that?”

“Feel what?” the short dirty light blue scaver stallion next to him asks.

“That warm breeze,” Then his ears move all around and I hear him say, “There it is again, did you feel it?”

I put my hoof over my muzzle and try not to laugh as the other scavers all shake their heads no. Finally, I can’t help myself and I giggle lightly and quietly whisper to him in his ear, “Remember Salvage, I can be watching you anytime, and you would never know it.” Then I poke him with a wing tip on his other side. Getting him to jump slightly before I take flight and fly over toward my companions who are walking nearby. I then whisper to Xochitl that I will meet them outside.

I then take to the air again and fly near the ceiling until I find a roof hatch. I am so glad that Tater and Twinks modified the programming for Gun II so that it does not target us. I make my way to the roof. Once there I find myself smiling as I look at Hoofington below me. I watch as a new caravan arrives and begins to set up their camp. I then see Xochitl, Tater, and Tek come out the main entrance and I take flight again, landing beside them where I drop my spell. I find myself in an unusually good mood as I let them know I am with them and I trot happily along with them back to the caravan.

We are only back to the caravan for an hour or so when Sunny, fresh from a nap approaches me and proposes that he gain some more information about both Marimare and the Rainbow Dash Skyport. He seems to have it pretty well planned out and honestly, it may give us some more information to trade with others. The final part of his plan is to try and find out if somehow, he can find Ball Lightning and check on him, and perhaps to let him know we rescued those ghouls from the bunker. I then tell him, “Just be careful Sunny, I mean it. Do not take too many risks. I don’t like you going out by yourself on this.”

He waves a forehoof at me, “Don’t worry Choo, I will be ok. Besides, if I need to hide out, all I need to do is find the Thestrals, for some reason they like me.”

I shake my head, “Ok, Sunny, be careful and I will see you when you get back.”

I then watch as he takes off and flies off in the direction of Marimare. While I am worried about him, I do have to smile at how excited he is to do this. I just hope he does what he has told me he is going to do. After all these years of knowing him, I am afraid he may decide to take license and do something stupid.

Once he is out of sight I go and review with Trader Jewel his planned route to the stable in two days. He is concerned about a section that Sunny and I had flown over when we went there by ourselves. “Choo, during our last trip down here, we were ambushed by at least two groups of raiders on our way through. With what all has happened since then we might have to watch for one of the local gangs as well.”

I nod my head, “Makes sense, do you want me to send out some scouts tomorrow to check out the route?”

He shakes his head, “Not yet, I am still thinking we may be best off to keep to our normal travel pattern. That includes you and Sunny going aloft periodically.”

“Sounds good sir,” I tell him. We then begin to just chat, including me telling him what I did to Salvage Value.

He then laughs and tells me, “OK, but Choo, just don’t get in trouble for it. He is an ass, but he is a Finder, so that buys him a lot of stock with the rest of the Finders Keepers.”

“I am not sure how come they put so much faith in him.”

He laughs at this and tells me, “It is not that they have faith in him, it is he is a member of the Finders and he is one of their best weapons merchants. That is what matters. He pays his dues and his rent on his stall on time. It does not help that he has enough connections to find what anypony else is looking for.”

I nod my head, “So he is a competent ass.”

I watch as Trader Jewel throws his head back in laughter and finally tells me, “I could not have said it better myself. But honestly, I don’t trust him much anymore, not after what you overheard.”

I smile and tell him, “That is all I could ask.”

Once I leave his wagon, I notice Twinks repairing an old radio relay that will improve the communications distance of our radios.

I am just short of getting to her when I see a young colt come over and I overhear him asking her if she can fix something for him.

I hear her say maybe and ask to see what he needs to be fixed. As I watch him pull out an old toy train, I notice how even though it is in rough shape, how similar it is to the one that I had when I was about his age. Then I think I see something on its bottom and I ask, “May I see that?”

The young colt looks scared and nervously nods his head. I then use my TK to bring it closer and as I look at it, I can’t help but smile when I see my name carved on the bottom where my father put it, and I quietly say, “I thought so.”

Still smiling I pass it back to Twinks and tell her, “I think you can do this on your own, but if you need any help or advice, please ask. I want this to be as good as possible for him.”

She nods her head and tells me, “Will do Boss,”

Later she asks me what was so special and I tell her. I see the surprise on her face and she asks, “Does this mean they are family?”

I shrug my wings and tell her, “Maybe, or it was found by a scaver and it has found a new family. Either way, that child appreciates it as much as I did at his age.”

She nods her head in understanding and we continue on with our day.

Later that night the foal’s grandmother Right Wheel approaches our fire and after talking with her, I realize she may be descended from me through my son’s line. She invites me over to talk with her and others in her caravan who are her relations.

As I sit around the fire, I begin to tell them a bit about myself and what I remember from before the war. When I mention my son Blue Flag’s name, they all liven up. Then I mention how my former fiancé Side Track paid to get my children into the vaults. When I tell them this, I see their ears perk up.

“Would you like to see a photo of us from back then?” I ask.

I see several heads nod and I reach into my saddlebag and I take out the picture book that Side Track gave me the last time I saw him when I went under Canterlot Mountain with the scouts on the expedition. When I open the picture up to the group shot of my family taken after my son was killed in No Mares Land, I notice Right Wheel looking at the picture funny and she says, “Where are you in the picture?”

I smile and point out the older mare with the light blue coat and dark blue mane and tail. She looks at the picture, then back at me, and asks, “How can you have looked like that then, compared to now?”

I find myself sighing as I tell them, “I looked like that until the last day. That day I was immersed in a vat of chemicals to help me survive the attack. I have looked like this since. To this day I do not remember if I was pushed or jumped into it. Until shortly before the day of Sunshine and Rainbows I was a part of Unity. When Unity was broken, I did not recover all of my memories.”

One of the others then asked, “What is Unity?”

I again sigh, as I try not to think about it. Most of me is so glad I am no longer part of it, but part of me still longs for the connection to Mother and my sisters. I then sadly explain to them what Unity was and how it worked. Finally, when I am done the oldest mare, tells me, “You have shared a lot, perhaps we should tell you some of our family’s past. “Choo, on the final day when we went into the stable things changed for our family. All of the families were broken up and reorganized by the vote of a council on breeding. Every generation after that, until we escaped the stable had their partners chosen for them by this council.”

I shake my head sadly and I tell her, “I am so sorry to hear that for all of you.”

She shrugs and tells me, “Well it was only for three generations. Our stable opened after fifty years and we began to recolonize the surface in that area. Our stable set up a village in the northern ruins of Fillydelphia, our family felt a wanderlust to see what else was out there, so we became traders and formed our caravan. We started with a route that took us to Manehatten from Filly, eventually adding Hoofington to it.”

“What about after Red Eye took over there?”

“Then we abandoned our stops at Filly, including our village. Last I heard, those who remained there were put in shackles and made slaves.”

“So, this is all that is left from that side of the family?”

She grins, “No, not all, some left before hoof. We spread out a bit. Some even set up in Manehatten.”

“Hmm, I know it is getting late, but would you mind if I sent a couple of me people over tomorrow to exchange information with you, about the areas we have been to, and perhaps your people could tell us about the areas you have been through? Understand, I and my team are not caravanners, we only seek information in case we have to work in those areas in the future.”

She thinks briefly and tells me, “Yeah, go ahead. Now as you said, it is getting late, so I best get some sleep. I hope to see you again tomorrow.”

I smile and nod my head, “As do I Right Wheel. Sleep well.”

The next morning, I have Epona and Cowlick go over to their camp to exchange information. While they are gone, just before lunch Sunny finally returns. When he does, I am with Trader Jewel in his wagon for our daily meeting.

I am sipping my tea when I hear a knock on the door. Trader looks at me, sets his cup down, and asks, “Ok, who is it?”

We then hear Sunny say, “It’s me Sunny, I came to report to Choo.”

“Ok, come on it.”

As he enters, I notice he has a magical bandage on his side and he looks in rough condition with several patches of burned and missing fur. When I see this, I raise an eyebrow and tell him, “Ok Sunny, what do you have for me?”

He then begins to tell me about the layout around both the Rainbow Dash Skyport and Marimare military base. He smiles as he tells Trader Jewel, “By the way, they are looking for new caravans to run to the Exchange at the Skyport. Oh, and there is a set of hangers at the Rainbow Dash Skyport that I would suggest we avoid. Not sure who, or what is in there, but I saw a few military types hanging around outside it that were trying to hide their weapons.”

Trader Jewel nods his head and shifts an ear in thought, “That is good information to know, I had not heard about them yet.”

Then I asks, “Sunny, I cannot help but notice your fur and the wound on your side, what happened? Did you get too close to those hangers you just mentioned?”

He smiles broadly and waves a forehoof, “Oh, that happened after the Security forces discovered me coming out of the hospital up in Thunderhead.”

I actually feel my jaw drop, as does Trader Jewels. When I recover from the surprise I calmly ask, “What were you doing in Thunderhead, and better yet, how did you get there?”

He tells me, “Actually, I put on a pair of Volunteer Corps coveralls and hitched a ride on a vertibuck that was hauling cargo. I told them I was going up to visit my cousin who was in the hospital. So, they even gave me directions on how to find the military hospital up there. By the way, it is called the Nightingale Military Hospital. It is toward the far edge of the base.”

I nod my head and I then ask, “Sunny, what were you doing in the hospital?”

“Choo, I went in to check on that officer Ball Lighting. Choo, he is in really rough shape, in fact, they said he was in a coma. I talked with his pa while I was up there, one of the others who were with his team was in the other bed, he lost a leg. I chatted with him for a bit too.”

I shake my head and then I ask, “Did you tell them your name?”

He nods his head, “Yes Choo, I told them my proper name. I even told them I was from White Cloud, they figured it was some small hick pegasus village because of my accent. I did not tell them I was from the NCR.”

I nod my head in understanding, then he tells me, “I then told them to let him know we performed the favor he asked us to do and to tell him we hope he gets better soon, once he wakes up.”

I nod approvingly and tell him, “That is good, I am glad you told them that. Now, what happened there?” I ask as I point to his side with my wing tip.

This time he has the good sense to look embarrassed as he answers, “See that is the weird part. It was easy getting into Thunderhead as a pegasus that was unbranded.” He pauses, “They assumed I was one of them. But when I tried to leave, my goddesses…” he trails off as he shakes his head.

Finally, he looks back up at me and tells me, “Choo, they were going to kill me if they could not catch me it seemed. I’ve seen enough brands back home on the Dashites to know what that means. Luckily once it got dark, I was able to find one of the bat ponies’ safe sites.”

Wait, what? What bat pony safe sites, I think to myself. Then I ask him, “What are you talking about when you say safe sites?” Beside me, Trader Jewel is nodding his head.

Sunny looks first at him, then me, and answers, “By the Thestral’s custom Choo, any pony who seeks aid or shelter after dark is granted it as long as the requester does so on good terms. Morning Star and her pals explained it to me and even told me the symbols to look for as well as what to say to request help.”

I find myself sighing and shaking my head as I ask him, “And why did you not pass that information on to the rest of us?”

“Choo, I only found out the night before last. I was in such a hurry to leave yesterday that I forgot to tell you.”

“Ok Sunny, now my question goes back to what happened?” I tell him.

This time he closes his eyes and tells me, "I got it after I got discovered and I dove for the ground. I had at least a squad’s worth of Enclave security after me. They yelled at me to stop and when I didn’t, they began to shoot at me. Once close to the ground I started to dodge in and around the ruins as well as the forest. I lost a couple of them that way. But most were still on my tail. Then I got hit in the side and crashed. When I looked over, I was near the mouth of a cave with the symbols they told me about. I ran as fast as I could to it and once inside, I called out the password and asked for shelter. That is when I saw the first of the bat ponies emerge from the shadows. As they lead me further inside, the Enclavers arrived and were still trying to catch me. I looked back at one point and I swear in the dim lights of the tunnel I watched as one of the thestrals seemed to teleport from one shadow to another, getting behind them. Then they hit that squad all at once. After that, they took me to a sheltered area where they treated my wounds at. They asked about me, so I told them about me and my home. I also told them I was friends with Morning Star and the others.”

“Ok, that is good information to know Sunny. Thank you for letting me know.”

At this point, I notice he is starting to appear exhausted. I guess the post-adrenaline rush crash is starting, so I tell him, “Sunny, good job, now go catch some sleep.”

He nods his head and catches himself mid yawn to tell me, “Ok Boss. Sounds good.”

After he leaves, I ask Trader Jewel, “Did you know that about the Thestrals?”

He shakes his head and tells me, “No, I have only seen them at a distance. Honestly, I feel a bit uncomfortable around them, especially with those fangs and the featherless wings.” He pauses and then tells me, “Well that should do for today, Choo, like I was saying earlier, tomorrow we head over to that Applejack’s Ranger’s stable.”

With that, I realize I have been dismissed. I get up and as I head out the door I tell him, “Sounds good Sir, I will have my people ready.”


Nightingale Military Hospital, Thunderhead, Grand Pegasus Enclave: Ball Lighting

As I wake up, I feel my entire body ache. I am not surprised by this anymore but sometimes question my decision to throw myself in front of Air Burst. As the nurse brings me my breakfast she asks, “You ready to try walking again today?”

I nod my head, “Yeah, best do that before I try flying again, I tell her.”

She smiles as she replies, “I am glad you understand the steps it takes.”

From the next bed over I hear Sergeant Major Funnel Cloud ask her, “Any idea of what is on the agenda for me today?”

She nods her head and tells him, “Yes, today we will be having you try the prosthetic again. A bit more of physical therapy with it.”

He nods his head. “Good, glad to hear that. The Sooner I get it fitted and used to it, the quicker I can return to duty.”

I nod my head, then he tells me, “No offense sir, but it still feels strange sharing a room with an officer.”

As he is saying this the nurse is leaving the room, once she is out of earshot, I slowly wave a forehoof at him and tell him, “I understand Sergeant Major, but I think it had more to do with our last mission. By keeping us together, the less chance we could say something when on pain meds or in our sleep and having it overheard.”

He snorts slightly and nods his head, “Yeah, your right, but we need to be careful sir, or else we may end up getting drug into intelligence permanently.”

I smirk when he says this and asks, “What, you didn’t enjoy that little stint in the VC?”

He looks around again and smiles as he shakes his head, “Sir, all things considered, I would have rather been wearing my power armor during that last little tiff.”

I simply shrug and tell him, “You know what, all things considered, so would I. Especially after they told me I almost got a new lung because of that last bit.”

He nods his head, “Well, on the positive side you should be getting out in a couple of weeks. As soon as you can walk and fly. Maybe they will give you a week of convalescent leave even.”

I shrug myself this time, “Yeah, but If I do, I just spend it hanging around the bachelor officer quarters or at my father’s place.”

I look at him and see he is staring out the window. He still looks into the distance as he tells me, “Sir, at least you still have that. All I have is the BEQ. No children, no spouse, no prospects even. I made the army my life. Now my parents are even gone. My last cousin, I have not heard from in years.”

“Didn’t you have any siblings?”

He shakes his head slightly, still looking out the window. “No Sir, I did not, my family were not even military. Just farmers, and not very successful ones at that. Part of why I joined up. I got tired of failed crops and going hungry.”

I nod my head, I have heard many stories like that from others, so I can’t blame him.

As we eat our breakfast, I see him snort slightly while trying not to laugh, then he asks, “Sir, did you know that wild pegasus we met at Mega Mart came to visit you?”

I laugh lightly as I did not realize he knew. “My father told me he did.”

“Sir, that took a lot of guts or few brains for him to risk coming up here.”

“Yeah, I understand. I guess our cover was blown, eh Sergeant Major?”

“Sir the funny thing is, he took us at our word about being former military until he got here. But yeah, now our cover is blown. I heard him talking to your father, though first. It seems I found out what happened to some of the pegasuses that came up missing when Neighvarro attacked Thunderhead.”

I raise an eyebrow at that, “Really, how’s that?”

“Sir it seems where he comes from got a big influx of Thunderhead refugees after that.”

“So, you said you found out about some you knew?”

“Yeah, my cousin on my mother’s side, her name is Summer Solstice. Her parents and she made it there. I guess she really went native. Married a griffon even. I am not sure if he was serious or not, but he claimed she had a couple of half griffons, half mare foals.”

I wave my hoof, “He had to be kidding. I never heard of that happening before.”

“Sir, I hope your right, I mean, if we were to fight them, and she were captured, she would be lucky if they only branded her a Dashite.”

I nod my head in agreement but don’t say anything. I am still trying to figure out the mechanics of that kind of couple. I shake my head and ask, “Anyone else?”

He laughs, “Yeah, your father’s cousin Chain Lightning made Sergeant Major with some outfit in the NCRA out in the waste, but he is still kicking at least. Most of us who survived that day thought those who went groundside were deaders. Makes me think a bit, ya know what I mean sir?”

I nod my head, “Yeah, I remember that day still too. I lost my mother that day.” As I say this, I feel like I am forgetting something. But no, I really could not have seen her since.

Funnel Cloud nods his head, “Yeah, your father told me about that. You know he still misses her.”

I move my ears in acknowledgment, “Yeah, I know. I worry about him because of it. I really wish he would find a mare and settle down again.”

Funnel smiles and tells me, “Well, just so you know, not only has he, but she was here with him a lot before you woke up. I think you may get to even meet her soon.”

“So, you think she is decent then?”

I see him shift his ears a bit as he gives me an affirmative answer then says, “Yes, she is and she really likes your old stallion.”

I can’t help but smile warmly, “Good, I am glad to hear it. I know he was talking a while back about one of the mares he worked with.”

He tells me a bit more about my father’s marefriend as we finish breakfast. Once we are done, I look up and notice the nurses come in and I hear them say, “Ok, time for physical therapy.”

When we hear this, I sit up more on my bed and slide closer to the edge. I watch as Funnel Cloud is taken first. Once he is gone the remaining two nurses tell me, “Ok, let us help you down to the wheelchair first."

Once I am in it, they take me to the physical therapy room where I see Funnel Cloud is having the prosthetic fitted and adjusted. Soon they have him first stand on it. Then walk, and finally, I watch as they have him use it to try and lift things.

While he is doing that, the physical therapist has me move my legs while they hold them to give me some resistance. Finally, finally, they feel I am ready to try and walk. With the physical therapist on one side and the nurse on the other, they help me to first stand on my own, then I begin to take the first steps. My legs scream in pain at the now unaccustomed weight they are supporting, but I do it. I force myself to do it. I know it might take me a bit to get back to where I was, but I can and will do it.

After our time is up, I am returned to my room. I am covered in sweat, but I feel better about myself. Besides, I owe a return visit to Sunset Water. I laugh to myself as I think when would I ever get to visit him on his home turf? Then I hear Funnel Cloud asks, “Ok Sir, what’s so funny?”

When I tell him he grins slightly, “Yeah, it would be good to do. But sir, if we do, things might not be so good for their homes, if you know what I mean.”

“Yeah, just got to hope we are not sent in with the likes of Air Burst again.”

He nods his head in agreement. Then he says to me, “Sir, who knows, his cover was pretty much blown and his ops shut down for now. They may send him somewhere else.”

“Yeah, they might, here is hoping anyways.”

He laughs lightly then says, “And here I thought you were his apprentice?”

Before I can answer I hear the cart rattle with our lunches on it, followed by the nurse telling us, “I hope you two are hungry.”


This is Chromed Microphone bringing music to those of you in the Lunar Commonwealth and beyond. In tonight’s news, there has been an increase in the number of raider attacks between the Hoof and Manehatten. Nothing like a few years back, but still enough to cause concern. Remember that an armed society is also a polite one.

In other news, the NCR has requested an exchange of trade delegations with the Lunar Commonwealth. The leadership of the Commonwealth is reported to be debating whether to accept this delegation or to loosen their ties with the NCR in the face of the current situation with the Enclave.

More news will be coming up after this next song. For all our listeners out there, here is Friends with The Enemy

Chapter 20: A Glimpse Below the Surface

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Chapter 20: A Glimpse Below the Surface

“Deception is a state of mind and the mind of the State”. James Jesus Angleton

Mega Mart, Lunar Commonwealth: Ginger Snaps

As we wake on our final morning at the Mega Mart, I am just starting to stretch and look at the building as I see Choo disappear as she flies into the air. Beside me, I hear Tater snort a bit as he says, “She is up to something, I don’t know what, but somepony is going to be unhappy.”

As she carries several cups of coffee to us in her TK Twinks says, “Ya, think? I figured you all would appreciate some coffee. I been up for a while already.”

“Did she say where she was going?”

“No, but I did see her writing a letter before she left.” Twinks says, then she tells us, “Ok Seasoning Salt says breakfast should be ready in about fifteen minutes. She and Jambalaya have been working on it for a couple of hours already.”

“What are we having today for breakfast?” I ask.

As she floats each of us our cup of coffee she answers, “Today it is oatcakes with molasses, and scrambled eggs.”

I find myself nodding as she tells us this. Then I ask, “Any idea where the eggs came from?”

“No, no idea. But they smell good.”

Next, I hear Sunny say, “Who cares as long as it is not a dragon or Griffon egg? Let’s eat.” I then see him look around briefly and he asks, “Where is Cowlick?”

Then I hear Xochitl slightly laugh as he tells us, “Don’t worry, here he comes now.”

Shortly after this, we see Cowlick approach with a smile on his face.

“So where were you Cow?” Xochitl asks.

Cow actually blushes before he tells us, “I was visiting with Clarabelle and Gertie.”

That is when I notice a patch of hair missing from his neck. As we begin to head to the chow line, I hear Xochitl quietly ask him, “Don’t you have a cow back home?”

Cowlick shrugs slightly and tells him, “Cohitl, we are a long way from home, and to tell the truth, we are not a couple yet. Sure, I am interested, but I still have to ask her out formally.”

“Oh, okay Cow. Sorry I misunderstood.”

“Oh, no problem Cohitl. I appreciate your caring enough to ask.”

As we are eating, I see Choo come out of the Mega Mart with a big grin on her face. We watch her as she visits the caravan of her descendants from the Manehattan route. Shortly afterward we hear a scream from inside the Mega Mart. We watch several of the guards running inside the market. A short time later I see Purchase Order come out the door shaking her head and laughing.

Once she gets close enough Epona asks, “What’s so funny?”

“Salvage Value is freaking out. He was talking to a customer and when he went place the caps from the sale into his saddlebags he found a letter that was not supposed to be in there. When he looked up, he saw Choo standing next to one of the guards by the door. I saw her wave a wing and smile at him and he started to scream in a panic and called security to protect him from her.”

A few hours later the weapons that we were waiting for from Salvage Value and his group are delivered. Before they leave one of his workers asks, “Heading home now?”

I just smile and tell him, “Yeah, I probably should not tell you, but I don’t think it will hurt.”

The pony just smiles and nods his head, “Well see you around then. Take care,” he tells me.

I see him laughing to himself as he walks away and I fight the urge to shake my head. I don’t want to give away the fact that we suspect them of trying to set us up for an ambush. Well, let them think we are heading straight home.

I then hear Trader Jewel call out, “Ok, people let’s get moving, we have a lot of distance to make by nightfall.”

After he says this, I watch as the Brahmin all hitch up to the wagons. Once all of us are ready we begin to leave the Mega Mart for the last time of this trip. As we leave, I see Purchase on guard at the gate again and she smiles sadly and waves to us as we pass. I smile as I remember Tek saying goodbye to us last night. I will miss him once we leave here. But we promised to see both him and Purchase again the next time we are in this area.

As we walk, we are in our normal travel order. I even see Sunny go up high to scout ahead of us. Choo is walking alongside me and I hear her laugh to herself. I curiously ask her, “Ok, Choo, what is so funny?”

She smirks as she tells me, “I was just thinking, maybe I need to fly back here tonight, just to mess with him again.”

I smirk and shake my head. “That would be pretty vicious Choo.”

“I know, but I want to keep him off guard. Ginger, I do believe he not only sells the weapons to our caravans, but I now am pretty certain he and his cronies are involved in the ambushes.”

I nod again, then I tell her, “Yeah, I was kind of thinking the same way, Choo. That is why I let slip to one of them that we were heading straight out for home. That should at least throw their timing off.”

She nods her head, “Sometimes a bit of misdirection can be very useful. By the way, when we get to the stable, I do believe I will be staying outside as much as possible. If you see one of my sisters there, do not be surprised.”

“Ok, thanks for the heads up, Choo.” I pause briefly and then tell her, “You know this is a pretty good gig we have here, but I do miss not getting or sending mail.”

She readjusts her wings and I see her ears begin to flop to the sides before she says, “I do understand. I feel the same way. I miss home and I miss my Paper Work, I am even missing my sisters.”

I hear her sigh one more time and she then says, “I am going to join Sunny for a bit, please take over those on hoof.”

“You got it, boss,” I tell her, then I watch her fly off into the clouds above us.

As we get to the point of our route where we have to either follow Equestrian Highway Three back to Hackamore or turn off to go to the Apple Jack Ranger’s stable, we see in the distance a group approaching the next crossroads and entering the buildings there. Sunny calls over the radio, Hey boss, it looks like they are setting up an ambush.

“Roger, Sunny. Thanks for the heads up,” I call back. Shortly after this, I hear a single shot and then an explosion.

As we turn toward the stable, we can hear over our radios Sunny calling to Choo, Wow, they seem a little upset Boss.

I then hear Choo say, You could say that. By the way good shot on that mine.

Thanks Boss, but I was aiming for the pony burying it.

Soon I see them both approaching the caravan again and flying ahead of us. From the back of the column, I hear Twinks call out, Cookie this is Danger, we can see them slowly trying to follow us. Do you want us to engage them?

I then respond, “Negative, until they attack us or Big Blue gives the word, only keep an eye on them.”

Only a couple of hours later I can begin to see a flag in the distance hanging limply in the still air on a flagpole. That is when I see Choo and Sunny come in to land as they rejoin us as we see an area ahead that looks like we could fit the caravan into.

Once we are close enough, I see a pony come out and stop our caravan. After a few minutes, we are signaled to go ahead and we go only a short way down slop from the flagpole and form our normal circle for the night.

Shortly afterward we have set up a campfire in the assigned locations and lay our bedrolls beside them. Then we settle in for the night. As I lay beside my love, I find myself putting my muzzle to the fur on his neck and just breathing in his scent. It so relaxes me. I realize that his scent reminds me of home. I smile to myself as I think of our families back home and how before too much longer, we should be seeing them again, as I slowly drift off to the world of dreams.


Equestrian Highway Three, Lunar Commonwealth: Xochitl

I am still smiling at the memories of the night before as we leave Mega Mart for the last time on this run. Tek and Purchase Order had came and joined us again. He was smiling as he pulled a bottle out of his saddlebags.

“What have you got there Tek?” I ask with a smile in my voice.

Grinning back, he holds the bottle close to himself and quietly says, “I found this some time ago at one of the abandoned Legion posts. I know many of the shamans were very fond of it as they say it increased their ability to have visions and to communicate with the spirits.”

I nod my head, but I hear Epona ask, “I thought you were not a shaman?”

Still holding the bottle, he tells her, “I am not, but if this stuff can do that, it must be good and I want to share it with friends.”

Now Ginger asks, “So what is it?”

Still smiling he tells us, “It is called Absinthe.”

“I have never heard of that before,” I tell him.

Then I hear Cowlick asks, “What does it taste like?”

I see Tek frown slightly as he thinks and he then tells us, “I am not really sure, I have never really tried it before.”

That is when Tater steps up, puts a hoof across Tek’s shoulders, and tells him, “Well then perhaps it is time we all find out, but Tek, you must have the first taste as it is you who are sharing it with us.”

I watch as Tek takes the cork out of the bottle, he then cautiously takes a taste. He smacks his lips and takes a slightly larger one this time, then he hooves it to Epona. I watch as he turns his head slightly and then tells Cowlick, “It has a slight taste of black licorice.”

I watch as Cow turns his head slightly and puts a forehoof under his chin. Then he says, “You know I don’t think I have ever tasted black licorice.”

I lightly punch Cow in his shoulder and tell him, “Well then it is time to try it.”

We pass this bottle around the group as we laugh and joke with each other. I notice the Epona has finally put a hoof around Purchase Order as they lean against each other.

Then I hear Cowlick say, “I’ll be back, I have some business I need to attend to.”

Choo Choo has tried some and while she agrees it does taste good, she tells us, “I best leave this for you all to enjoy, as the effects of it cannot be enjoyed by my kind.”

After my final drink, I am staring into the fire and I begin to see some things, I first see a white ball of light next to me and it is almost like it is leading me in the vision. I watch as most of Ginger and Epona’s family are in Hoofington with me. I see us meeting Purchase and Tek again. I find myself smiling at these images. Then I see us running and being chased by the Enclave.

The vision disappears and is replaced by another one. This time I see home and it is on fire. I see ponies and cattle I know dead and dying. Above us I see large clouds moving quickly. I shake my head and the vision is gone. I look at the others and only Tek is starting at the fire like I was. A bit later he shakes his head and I see him smirk sadly. He looks at Purchase and smiles at her and Epona. Then he looks at the rest of us and I see he is happy.

Before he leaves for the night, he says his goodbyes and tells us, “I will see all of you again. Until then, be careful.” When he gets to me, he hugs me close and tells me, “I had a vision too. Be careful and I will see you when you get down here next time.” He smiles and then turns and walks off into the darkness with a confident walk.

I do notice that Purchase and Epona lay down next to each other and fall asleep. Cow is still gone. Tater and Twinks have pulled out another bottle of whiskey and share it with those of us still at the fire.

I shake my head and clear it as I hear over my radio set that Sunny has spotted some movement ahead, and on the route we would have taken if we were going straight home. As I get to the crossroads where we would have turned, I hear Trader Jewel remind me, “That’s right, straight ahead on this road.”

I loosely pay attention to the radio chatter as I go forward making sure we are not ambushed from this direction either. Behind me, I hear a couple of rifle shots from up high and then an explosion. I listen intently to the radio to see if we need to shift modes or keep going.

Trader Jewel nudges me and tells me, “Just keep on going.”

As we advance down this road, I can see the signs of watch posts that we cannot see. I also feel like we are being watched. Finally, in the distance ahead on a slight ridge I can see a flag pole with its flag hanging limply. As we get closer, I see a large area just beyond it that looks large enough for the caravan to camp. I see several creatures entering and leaving a cave off to the side of the flat area.

Trader Jewel holds up a hoof and the entire caravan stops. As we stand there, I see a young unicorn in a uniform that I do not know approach us. In her TK she has a clipboard and as she approaches, she says, “Good afternoon, I am Scribe Circuit Pattern, how may I and the Apple Jack’s Rangers help you today?”

Trader Jewel nods his head slightly and replies, “Names Trader Jewel, I sent a runner ahead a couple of days ago to let you know we were coming to do some trading.”

She nods her head, then I almost laugh as I see her stick her tongue out of the side of her mouth as she reads something on the clipboard. Finally, she says, “Ah yes, here we are. Thank you, sir, please continue. Oh, and as a reminder, due to the slope, please chock the wheels on your wagons and cart. No need to repeat that unfortunate incident from a while back.”

I catch myself snickering lightly as I can only imagine how much of an understatement that had to be. Then I notice Trader Jewel has an eyebrow raised and looks almost amused himself. He then tells her, “Yes, you are very correct on that. Thank you, Scribe. Is there any place else I need to check in?”

She shakes her head, “No, but once you are parked, we will have a stable representative come out and discuss our rules with your caravan. We do not often get this large of a trade group at one time.”

“Understandable Scribe Pattern, if it works out well enough for both sides, we may add ya’all as a regular stop on our route.”

She smiles one more time and tells him, “I do hope it does.” Then I notice her looking behind me and when I look, I see Sunny coming up. “I hope he will be with all of you when you do.”

As she walks away, I hear her humming under her breath. I simply shake my head and hope that Sunny behaves himself, or at least does not cause us problems here. Finally, Trader Jewel tells me, “Lead ‘em in Xochitl, and come see me once they are parked.”

I lead them forward and once I reach the position for the first wagon to bow out, I give the signal and they make enough of a turn to bow out, stopping once they have completed a circle. This time we only have one real entrance and exit and not a lot of room to maneuver, so we cannot use our normal method of making camp.

Once camp is set up its late afternoon. That is when I see one of the scribes and a page approaching our camp. Behind them, I still see several ponies and other creatures coming and going into the cave.

As they approach, I see Sunny start to smile at the one, but when he sees the other, he stops smiling and calls out, “Hey Cowlick, would you come on over here?”

I watch as he meanders over to Sunny and I see them talking quietly. As I get closer, I hear Sunny telling him, “Yeah, the scribe on the left I met her last time I was here.”

Cowlick asks, “So, what is she like?”

Sunny grins and nods his head, “She was nice, but she had some weird ideas, I guess you will see.”

Now, what did he mean by that?

Soon the scribe and page arrive and begin to talk to Trader Jewel. She is exchanging information with him about the rules for their trading post and stable. As they do Sunny and Cowlick approach them.

I see the scribe look at Sunny with a slight bit of disdain and arrogance. “Oh, it is you again.” She then asks Trader Jewel, “Is he with your caravan?”

Trader Jewel nods his head and answers, “Yes, he is, is there a problem?”

She seems to want to say something, but decides instead to answer, “No, not as long as he and the rest of your caravan obey the rules.” She pauses and asks, “Last time he was here, he was with a blue alicorn. Is she with you too?”

Trader Jewel tilts his head slightly and his ears start to go back, “Maybe this was a bad idea to stop here. You seem to have a lot of problems with my people. I want no trouble.”

That is when I notice another Alicorn, a purple, begin to approach. As she approaches, I see Choo approaching us from the other side of the caravan excitedly. When they meet, I see them looking at each other and both seem to be almost talking, but their mouths are not moving. It is almost eerie and honestly, I would be spooked if I had not been around Choo Choo and her sisters so often over the years.

Shortly after this, I hear the new alicorn say to the scribe, “Scribe Chili Bean, we are not going to have a problem again, are we?”

The scribe looks like she tasted something sour and replies, “No Ma’am. The elder can count on me, ma’am.”

“I am glad to hear that. We would hate to have our confidence in you be misplaced.”

“I would not want you or the elder to feel that way ma’am,” Scribe Chili Bean answers back.

Soon afterward I watch as Choo and Trader Jewel are accompanied by Twinks into the stable. After they are out of sight the rest of us get back down to business. Splitting the guard duty.

As it gets darker, we start campfires and settle in for the night. Only a few hours after they have entered the stable, Choo, Trader Jewel, and Twinks. I overhear Trader Jewel telling Choo Choo, “Thanks for going in with me. Honestly, I don’t know about adding this place to our route. The Elder and his marefriend seem decent enough, but I have my doubts about some of their subordinates.”

“I do understand, and I am sorry to hear that. My sister had hoped you would add them to your route as the Applejack’s Rangers are not the only ones who call this place home. But I cannot blame you at all, especially after how their one knight tried to back out of our deal.”

“Speaking of that, what exactly was your deal?”

“I am sorry sir, but part of the deal was that we could not tell anyone. But we will be receiving our payment tomorrow. After that, we will be ready to depart with you.”

He nods his head, “I am glad you brought Twinks in too. She made some good calls. Now if I do add this place I may have to try and hire on a tech just to inspect what we exchange here.” After he says this, he tells Choo, “I will see you in the morning, I have to go check on Pistachio and catch some sleep.”

Choo then rejoins us. She tells us about what happened and I watch as Ginger and Epona both squawk at how the knight tried to break the deal. I about howl though when Cowlick says, “Boss if they would have, would you have wanted me to seal the door to their stable?”

Choo just smiles with a raised eyebrow and says nothing, then from out of the darkness I hear Scribe Chili Bean ask, “You, you could not do that, could you?”

I hear more than see Cowlick laughing, then I see the light from the fire give his face an almost evil appearance as he looks in her direction and says, “Easily, the question is how to do it, and if we wanted to make it permanent. Because if I shut the door, and yes, our tech could do that, I could easily weld that door shut in minutes and make sure you never got out of it again. But hey, stables were designed for that right?”

I see her now faintly in the firelight as she gulps and then says, “Well, I am glad it did not come to that. Also, after hearing you now, I am afraid I owe you, and your kind an apology. I truly did not think your kind were intelligent.”

She joins us around the fire for a bit more, then she tells Choo Choo, “Ma’am, your PipBucks should be ready by ten in the morning for pickup.”

I suddenly feel myself begin to get excited again. I have not had one since the expedition and back then I found them so useful. I notice the rest of the team also seems excited. After she leaves, we all begin to quiet down. Finally, we return to our bedrolls, except for those who are still on watch. As I fall asleep, I feel Ginger curl up behind me. I feel her inhale my scent and I just enjoy the feeling of her next to me as I wonder what the visions I had from last night mean.


Apple Jack’s Rangers Stable, Lunar Commonwealth: Choo Choo

The trip over from Mega Mart to the Applejack’s Rangers stable is actually pretty quiet considering we are still near Hoofington. The one attempt to ambush us not only was foiled just by going where we had planned, but also by Sunny’s lucky shot into the mine they were planting. I am quite certain that it surprised all of them. Especially with the shot coming out of the clouds. Hmm, maybe they will blame the Enclave for it. I shrug my wings at the thought and bring myself back to the here and now.

I am on the far side of the caravan as I see a scribe and page approaching Trader Jewel. I notice them talking and neither party looks happy. So, I call out, ({Sister are you there?})

({Who is this?}) I hear in reply.

({It is me, Choo Choo. I have returned to visit.})

({I will be right up}) she tells me.

Soon I see her coming out of the tunnel to the stable. I am so excited I can hardly contain myself. It is so good to see her again. I do notice she still has a somber expression on her face. What has she gone through that keeps her so serious I wonder?

({It is good to see you again sister!}) I tell her.

({And you as well Choo. I hope that the Goddesses have kept you and your people safe.})

I feel my smile broaden some as I nod my head and tell her, “({They have. I just hope they continue to bless us and protect us on our way back home.})

She nods and tells me, ({I can understand how you feel. I know you miss your stallion there. I cannot imagine myself now without mine. I never expected one such as me and who has done what I have, would ever be blessed by the Goddesses as I have.})

({I do understand, I feel that way about my Paper Work as well. He may only be a staff pony, but he is special and we love each other and that is what matters.})

Nodding her head, I finally see the faint hint of a smile on her. Then to the side, I hear the Scribe make a somewhat snide-sounding comment to Trader Jewel. That is when my sister holds up a hoof to me and begins to speak aloud, “Scribe Chili Bean, we are not going to have a problem again, are we?”

The scribe quickly states there will be no problem. After this Trader Jewel tells me, “Ok Choo, I know you have some business to conclude in there as do I so let’s head in.”

“Sir, if you don’t mind, I would like to bring my tech in with me?”

He shrugs, “Sure no problem.” I then call to her, “Hey Danger, would you please come with me? I have some things I need you to look over.”

She looks up in surprise and calls back, “Sure, be right with you, boss.”

She finishes what she was doing quickly and then joins Trader Jewel and me as we are escorted into the stable by Scribe Chili Bean and my sister.

As we go through the tunnel toward the stable door I am mildly amused as Twinks keeps looking at everything. As we reach the door, she sees the mechanism for opening the stable door. I see her smirk and then hear her say under her breath, “Yeah, I could get through this.” Then she looks at the door and absentmindedly says, “Pretty easy to permanently seal too.”

From beside me, I hear my sister say ({What? Is she serious?})

({Yes, and no. She likes to think about problems she may encounter someday. This is just another mental exercise for her.})

I feel the relief in her thoughts as she tells me, ({Thank the Goddesses. I was afraid of what we would have to do.})

I feel my anger begin to rise and I tell her, ({They would have to cross us for us to consider it.})

({Peace my sister, I would not want to do this, but it is my home and these are my ponies. I am sure you understand.}) She tells me.

({Yes, yes, I do. These are my ponies and I would protect them as much as possible if I could.})

As we are talking, I hear the scribe called Chili Bean ask Twinks, “Really, you think so? What makes you think that?”

Twinks looks at her and smiles and tells her, “First, I have read the Overmare and Overcow’s manual with the Stable Tech override codes in it. Second, all we have to do is use a small bit of thermite grenades being placed at several points. The heat would melt the metal on both sides. Seeing we don’t care about it looking pretty we would not need to do the normal prep that is used for thermite welding.”

I see the scribe look like someone hit herself alongside her head. “You couldn’t really do that.”

Twinks simply shrugs and tells her, “Could and would are two different things.”

“Yeah, I guess so. But still not something I would like to think about.”

Twinks smiles, “Neither would I, besides, I cannot see something happening where we would have to do such a thing.”

Soon we are past the entrance of the stable and as we approach the main atrium, I again feel myself being overwhelmed by some kind of energy inside here. This time I am ready for it so it does not stun me as it did before. All I can think though is that something really wrong had to have happened here to a lot of ponies. I notice my sister looking at me through the corner of her eye, ({Are you ok, sister?}) she asks.

({Yes, I was prepared for it this time. I do not know how you can handle it all the time.})

She smiles sadly and shrugs her wings.

As we enter the main atrium itself, I look down and see the shops near it as well as all the creatures that are doing business there. Scribe Chili Bean nods to us and tells us, I need to be going to the shop. I already let Knight Crunchy Granola know you have returned.” She pauses then looking to the side she says, “Here he comes now.”

Both Twinks and I look in the direction she is and we see a suit of T45B power armor coming in our direction from behind us.

As the power armor gets closer the scribe goes to the position of attention. Salutes and says “Good Afternoon Sir.”

“Good afternoon, Scribe,” he then nods in our direction and says, “Miss Choo, and who is this with you this time?”

“Good afternoon, Knight Granola. It is good to see you again.” I reply then I use a forehoof to indicate toward Twinks and introduce her as, “This is my team’s technician and backup medic Twinkle Hoofs.”

He nods his head and we hear him say in a modulated voice, “Miss Twinkle Hoofs. Welcome to the home of the Hoofington Chapter of the Applejack’s Rangers.”

I watch as Twinks, smiles slightly and gives a slight bow as she replies, “It is a pleasure to meet you Knight Granola.”

“Miss Choo, I do believe we have some business to discuss, would you please accompany me? Oh, and if you would miss Twinks, please accompany Scribe Chili Bean.”

I then turn to him and asks, “Is that where we will pick up our payment?”

While I can not read his expression through his power armor, I can see the scribe look slightly uncomfortable. When he says yes, I turn to Twinks and tell her, “Please accompany the scribe if you would.”

I see her give a half frown, but she does not argue. Instead, she simply says, “You got it, boss.” Then she turns and tells the scribe. “Lead on then.”

Trader Jewel, silent until then asks, “Scribe, could you also take me to the merchants here so that I may begin trade discussions with them?”

She looks at Twinks and then answers, “But of course sir, follow me.”

Once they are on their way again, the Knight leads me to his office. As we enter, he moves behind his desk and I hear his helmet unseal as he removes it and sets it on a filing cabinet. Once we have both taken a seat he begins, “Ok Miss Choo, we had made a deal for you to determine who was trying to destabilize the stability of governing parties of the Lunar Commonwealth as well as to interfere with these operations.”

I nod my head in agreement. “Yes, we have. In fact, we have found the main culprits as well as which gangs, they were working with. We have since destabilized their operations, and temporally put a halt to them.”

He keeps a serious expression on his face as I tell him this then he asks, “And how did you do this?”

I then proceed to tell him what we have done since our last meeting. Then he asks, “And what have you found out about the Rainbow Dash Skyport?”

I then grin and ask, “Would you like a rough map of their facilities and a description of their operations?”

I see his eyes go wide as I pull the map that Sunny had drawn for us as well as his notes. Then I tell him, “You remember my employee, Sunny?” He nods his head in affirmation, “He did this as well as having infiltrated his way into Thunderhead.”

I see him shake his head, “Excuse me, but are you saying he has been to Thunderhead and returned?”

This time I nod my head as I tell him, “That is exactly what I am saying.”

I see him think then he tells me, “Ok, it seems that you have more than held up your end of the deal. I will let my techs know to prepare and deliver the requested payment to you and your people.”

I smile as I tell him “Thank you, that is much appreciated.”

“Ok, now I still have some things to attend to, that is unless you have more business you would like to discuss with me?”

I shake my head slightly as I tell him, “No, that is all I had. I do believe I can find my way back to the atrium and your techs shop on my own.”

“Thank you, Miss Choo. If I have any more jobs for you and your team, how would I contact you?”

I smile again. Then I pass him a business card that we had printed up on some recycled paper back home, they are cheap after all, our services, not so much. As I do this, I tell him, “We are preparing to head home as soon as our caravan returns to Hackamore in the NCR. After that, you can contact us at the address listed here.”

He looks at the card then he asks me something that almost makes my blood run cold. “This is near the village of White Cloud am I correct?”

I nod my head as he continues, “I checked into our records and it seems some of our people have met a Blueberry Crisp and her husband Hard Tack. Both are deserters from the Steel Rangers, and If I am not mistaken, at least one of them is a member of the local militia there.”

I say nothing as I consider my options. Then he tells me, “Yes, we do know they are there and who they are. Let them know that we would welcome them back to the fold as members of the Applejack’s Rangers if they are interested. Their desertion would be forgiven under the Elder Steelhooves Defense.”

“And if they do not choose to join your organization?”

He shrugs and says, “We will not pursue them. But if they are captured away from the Manesville region, they will be treated as deserters.”

I nod my head, “I will let them know then.”

“Thank you. I do appreciate it. Now I hope you are able to enjoy the rest of your visit. Also, we do offer showers as part of our services to caravans who stop to do trade here.”

“Thank you, I will let my boss Trader Jewel know that.” As I get up and begin to turn for the door I tell him, “Have a good night and I do hope to see you again sir.”

“Good night Miss Choo. I will see you around, I am sure.”

With that I know I am dismissed and I leave his office to find Twinks and Trader Jewel. As I make my way through the hallways of the stable, I find myself humming quietly. The feeling of dread that I had when I entered is still there in the background, but I am now looking forward to the idea of a hot shower, and I know we will be getting our payment.

When I find Twinks I see her with Trader Jewel. She is sitting on her haunches with her forelegs crossed and shaking her head. Then I hear her tell Trader Jewel, “If she says she wants us to trust her, I say check your cap stash if she won’t let us try it. Believe me, I know how much can be wrong with something as simple as a toaster. And this thing is a bit more complex than that.”

As I stand there listening to them, I feel my sister asks, ({Is there a problem?})

({No, nothing that Twinks and Trader Jewel cannot handle. But thank you for your concern.})

({Later tonight, could just you and me sit and talk some more? I miss having some of our kind around. I could never leave my home here, but I miss our sisters.})

Smiling to myself I answer her, ({But of course, besides, we should be here another couple of days before we leave. I would like to spend more time with you. Also, if you are willing to try to exchange letters with them, I know our sisters Quick Frost and Blue Star would love to hear from you. I will give you an address that they can receive mail from, as well as myself.})

Even though I cannot see her, I can feel her slight smile as she sends, ({Yes, I would like that.})

Shortly after this Twinks gets my attention by nudging me and she tells me, “Choo, we are ready to head back up. Oh, and the scribe and her page said that our new PipBucks will be ready in the morning. You don’t mind if I come back in a bit later to assist them with them, do you?”

I smile at her and put a hoof on her shoulder, “No Twinks, in fact, I think that is a great idea. Besides, the more you get to know them, the better we can work with them if we are in the area again.”

“Kinda what I was thinking too boss.”

With that, we find our way back out of the stable and to our camp and the rest of our caravan. I have to smile when I notice that off to the side under the lantern light, I see Ginger holding a reading class with a couple of the older caravan ponies as well as some of the brahmin. She looks up at us. Smiles and goes back to what she was doing. While from a nearby campfire I hear some of the ponies singing one of the old songs. I look at Trader Jewel and tell him, “I will talk to you later sir.” Then I find myself singing the words of the Mare I Left Behind Me as I join the others at the fire and just enjoy the company of my team once again.


Nightingale Military Hospital, Thunderhead, Grand Pegasus Enclave: Ball Lightning.

As I am laying in my bed reading a book my father has brought for me. I hear a knock on the door. I look up and I smile pleasantly as I see Sundancer and Alto have come to visit me again. As they come in, I sit up more and I receive a hug and a kiss first from Sundancer than a hug from Alto.

It is funny for a stallion I initially despised, I have come to like him. This leads me to ask, “So Alto, how are things going between you and Down Draft? Any luck?”

When I ask this, I see his wings rise slightly and he blushes as he tells me, “Actually, he finally asked me out last week, and we have been dating since.”

“And you are just telling me now?” I kid him.

He nods his head, “Sorry, I was kind of hesitant to say anything when Funnel Cloud was still sharing your room. By the way, we saw him on our way in and he said to give you his regards and that he hopes you return to duty soon.”

“I understand how he feels, I can’t wait to get out of here soon myself. I just wonder where I will be sent next.”

Then Sundancer speaks up, “Well I guess since our cover was blown, they are pulling our team out of Hoofington for a bit and sending us elsewhere. I am sorry dearest, but we will be gone for a while it looks like. We just don’t know where yet.”

I nod my head in understanding, holding her hoof with mine as I think to myself, I wonder if she knows, but just can’t tell me yet. “Well, hopefully, we can still see each other now and again.”

Both of them nod their heads in agreement. We continue to talk until my doctor comes in. Captain Star Shine enters holding a clipboard in her wingtips. She smiles at the three of us and says, “It is good to see you all again. However, I will need you two to step out for a bit while I talk with my patient.”

Her choice of wording makes me realize she has some things she needs to discuss in private with me. I smile and tell them, “I will talk to you again soon.”

Sundancer lets go of my forehoof and kisses me gently on my cheek before she leaves. Alto approaches me and puts a forehoof on my shoulder and tells me, “Well, we will see you again soon. I will tell Down Draft you said hello and that he needs to come to visit again.”

“Sounds good Alto. Take care and I will see you next time.”

The doctor waits until they have left before she turns to me and says, “Ok Lieutenant. Having reviewed with my team your progress we have decided that you will be released in two days and returned to duty in a temporary limited duty status. We are all pleased with your progress so far. However, I am worried that you may try to overdo it once you leave. Remember if you allow yourself to heal, you will recover more quickly and be ready for full duty sooner.”

“Thank you, ma’am. I will remember that.”

“I am sure you will Lieutenant.”

She performs another quick exam on me and has me stretch in front of her. Then she has me hover a meter in the air for a couple of minutes. I feel the strain of just hovering that causes me to start to lather up in a sweat. Finally, she says, “Ok, go ahead and land Lieutenant.”

She smiles at me and tells me, “Everything looks like you really are where I want you to be in your healing process. In two days, I will be discharging you. I will be giving you a list of exercises I want you to perform to help get yourself back up to where you should be.”

I nod my head and feel myself getting excited to get out of here. “I will ma’am. I just want to get out of here and stay out.”

I see her smile as she tells me, “Lieutenant. I am very glad to hear that. That is all I ask. I will see you again tomorrow.”

I watch as she heads out the door and I hear her greet someone in the hallway outside my room. I think I recognize the voice, but I am sure it can’t be him.

A few minutes later I hear a knock on the door and I am surprised when I look up and see a pony I had hoped to not see again. Standing in the door frame is Air Burst. He has the smarmy smile on his face that I have come to realize means he has something hidden under his wings in mind.

“Hay Ball, good to see you in such good shape. I was outside waiting when I heard your doctor tell you that you would be released in a couple of days.”

“Thanks, Air, I am really looking forward to getting out of here myself.”

He takes a seat in one of the chairs near my bed. Then he quietly tells me, “Ball, my superiors were very pleased with how your team worked my mine in Hoofington.”

I nod my head, “I am glad to hear that Air. But I am sorry your team's cover got blown.”

He swipes his right forehoof slightly as he tells me, “It happens. However, both they and I feel that your people helped make it possible for my team to survive. So, they have come up with another plan, and your team has been temporarily attached to mine.”

This almost rocks me back on my heels. I had hoped to get back to the company and my platoon for our regular duty. Part of me is disappointed, but this shows a bit of faith in me and my team I had not expected from our superiors. That realization, as well as the fact that I will be working more with Sundancer and Alto, gets me to smile.

I lean in closer to him and I ask, “Ok, let's hear it, what do they have planned for us this time?”

He now has the grin of a fisherpony that has just reeled in a big catch. He looks around the room, then he gets up and closes the door. He returns to the chair and leaning in close he begins to give a rough once over of what they want us to do and where.

At first, I am very surprised. Then I laugh, “You know Air, I think that just might work. How long before we leave for it?”

“Well Ball, they said you are out of here in two days, so let’s give you a week to heal up, then we head out and can have fun again.”

“Well, hopefully not as much fun as that last bit.”

He laughs lightly and replies, “Oh, even that was fun, up until the very end. By the way; I do owe you a big thank you for that. You did save my life. I am sure that if you had not taken that burst into your barding instead, I would have been killed instantly, instead, I was only lightly wounded.”

I am surprised as I had not even realized he was hit and when I tell him this he replies, “Ball, we both had a bit more on our mind at that time than to worry about a couple of grazes. I am just glad you pulled through. We lost a couple of others from my team and almost lost a couple of yours. Sadly, that is sometimes the cost of this business.”

“With the losses and the mission being compromised I am kinda surprised your superiors want us to work together still.”

“Overall, we had a partial mission success. So, the powers that be are satisfied with that and feel we can do even better, especially since we were able to give them so much fresh information about different parts of the NCR from the contacts you made. Oh, and also, while it is classified in your record, you are getting another letter of accommodation as we had no idea that the NCR was operating a team such as those you said called themselves the Repair Ponies.”

“Just doing what I felt was best for the Enclave, Air.”

Before we can say much more, I hear a knock on the door and it cracks open. One of the nurses pops her head around it and says, “Ok, Lieutenant, I am here to take you to your last session of physical therapy.”

With that Air Burst Stands up, lightly pats my shoulder with a forehoof, and tells me, “It was good seeing you again Ball. Take care and I will see you around.”

After he leaves the nurse shakes her head slightly and tells me, “No offense Lieutenant, but I don’t know how you can be friends with him. Something about him just does not seem right.”

I shrug my shoulders and tell her, “He is not everyponies cup of cider, but he certainly is an interesting sort, that is for sure.”


I am Smooth Melody and I am playing your favorites here on FLANK radio. To all of you listeners, especially you caravanners out there, come on down to the Flank where we can get you what you really want, night or day. That includes stories you can take home and tell your friends about. Just remember to check your weapons at the stable door when you visit our main attraction site which is still run by the Finders.

In local news, it seems the Enclave military exercises in the Hoofington and Thunderhead region have concluded and a higher number than normal of the Enclave fleet ships are departing for other points in the Wastelands.

As a warning for those using Equestria Route three, there are reports of higher raider activity, with several caravans having been attacked on their way to and from the Hoof. Now our next song is for all of you out there, here is A Little Bit Off

Chapter 21: Comings and Goings

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Chapter 21: Comings and Goings

“That's what the American odyssey is really about: Leaving home. Leaving home and coming home, and trying to understand the difference”. - Author: Tom Bodett

Harness Trade Depot, Hackamore Region: Ginger Snaps

As we enter the depot compound, I am walking alongside Xochitl and Trader Jewel. We follow the directions of one of the guards and as we reach the spot for the lead wagon to park, the Guard points down and brings a hoof across his neck. The first wagon stops and Trader Jewel forms the rest of his caravan in the positions it will remain until they leave for their next trip.

Once they are all stopped, we say our quick goodbyes to our friends in the caravan. As we do so I hear Clarabelle tell Cowlick, “We will let you know what it is. Ok.”

He kisses both of them and tells them, “I would really appreciate that. Be careful and I will miss you both.”

Then Gertie tells him, “Thank you for helping us with this. It really does mean a lot to us.”

He smiles back at them both and tells them, “It means a lot to me also, and so do both of you.”

I lead the rest of the team back toward the gate. As we reach it, Choo and Sunny both land. Trader Jewel approaches us and when he gets to Choo he tells her, “Choo, it has been good working with you. I should have your payment ready come morning.”

“That will be fine. Sunny and I will be back in the morning to receive it.”

He waves a hoof, “Choo, before we left, they were talking about opening a new banking system in Hackamore. I can telegraph a payment for you to the bank in Harness and they will give you your payment if that is ok.”

Choo smiles and nods her head, “Yes that would be fine. In fact, it sounds like a rather good idea. Do you know who came up with it?”

Trader Jewel shakes his head, “No, not really, but I heard it was some Griffon with the Followers. They are even talking about creating branches in Junction Town, Ten Pony Tower, and even Manesville. They would honor a paper letter signed by a bank head and would give you the caps when you present it. This would mean travelers would no longer need to carry large amounts of caps.”

To me, this sounds like a good idea overall, but I see one problem and ask, “Ok, Trader Jewel, but what if the bank on the receiving end does not have enough caps to cover the banknote?”

“Huh, I had not thought of that. But I am sure somepony who is smarter than me will figure that out.”

Choo nods her head and then tells us, “That will be fine Trader. We need to get going so that we can seek rooms for the night in Harness and then begin our trip home.”

He nods his head again, “No problem, Choo. I just wish we could have talked you into signing on permanently with our caravan.”

“Thanks, Trader, we would like that if it were closer to home. But I know I would be willing to work with all of you again. Besides, I am friends with several of you.”

He nods, “We consider you all friends too. Now you best get going.”

We are just outside of Hackamore when we are met by Tailspin wearing civilian attire.

As he approaches, he gives Tater a hug and tells him, “Good to see you again. The rest of my team will meet ya’ all later at the Flying Cow. But for now, we head to the safe house.”

While he hugs him back, Tater tells his father, “Sorry dad, but Twinks and I have plans for tonight.”

At first Tail Spin is taken back a bit then he smirks and says, “Well then, I won’t stand in your way son. But I hope we can still spend some time together.”

“I would like that too dad. Thanks for understanding.”

Tail Spin grins at him then nods towards Twinks. Finally, he says, “Ok, just follow me on over to Scrap Piles shop and we will get you settled in for the night.”

Choo from the side tells him, “That sounds fine. Oh, I would also like to go to the telegraph office in a while as I have some business there as well.”

Soon we are at the top of the steps at the back door of what I now know is Scrap Piles shop. After she answers the door, we all go inside and set our saddlebags and extra equipment down. After we have our bedrolls down, she comes up to me and Epona, “Ok sisters, how did it go?”

Epona answers before I can. “Not bad big sis, it reminded me of a longer version of our visit to Fort Hope all the years ago.”

She smiles at us and then says, “Well, if you can tell me about it, I would love to hear all about it.”

We both look at Choo and she shakes her head no. I really feel disappointed that we cannot tell her more. But I do understand. Instead, I simply place a hoof on her shoulder and tell her, “Let’s just say we really got to know the Hoof better than we ever imagined we would. That and we made some friends who we had to leave behind that we are going to miss.”

She nods her head and tells us, “I do understand. I guess that also explains that small band of ghouls who passed through a couple of months ago.”

I am really surprised to hear that, then I hear Sunny say, “Oh good. I am really glad to hear that.” He pauses and then says, “Oh, and if you see some batponies come through here, they are pretty good people.”

I notice Scrap Pile raise her eyebrow at this as she gives a slight smile, and tells him, “If you say so, never met any before myself. I will be sure to let Beach know as well.”

Choo then says, “Ok, I guess we should go get something to eat. Scrap, would you care to join us?”

I see a surprised look on Tail Spin's face but before he can say anything Scrap tells her, “I would love to Choo, but honestly, I already have dinner being readied for my family. Besides, if we want to keep this safehouse a secret, let’s limit the number of beings who see us together when you are not supposed to be in the area.”

I watch as Choo blushes in embarrassment and tells her, “Your right, I should have thought of that, I was just thinking of you more as family than as a safe house.”

“However, if you were visiting the town openly, now that would mean we could be seen together with no problem. Of course, that means you would have to find lodging elsewhere. Most people just think this is an extra store room.”

“Well, when you get back from dinner, I would love to chat.” She tells us, then she smiles and goes back into her apartment area above her shop through the door the joins them. As she goes, we overhear her say, “OK, you two. What are you up to…” which is interrupted as her tone of voice goes to near panic and she calls out, “No! get away from that stove!”

I guess we will hear the story behind that later I think and I laugh silently to myself. After all, they are that age where they are going to be trying to get their cutie marks. I shake my head, I guess being I am marrying a zony I never will have to worry about that. Without meaning to I let out a quiet sigh.

From beside me, I feel a hoof on my shoulder and I hear Epona whisper, “I know sis, but with our family’s luck maybe you can carry his.”

She and I have had this talk many times over the years. She understands. She really is my sister. Even if she was born in a different universe.

I catch myself sniffling a bit and I tell her quietly, “Thanks Sis.”

From the side I see Xochitl drop his head slightly as well as his ears shift down along his head. Next to him, I see Cowlick whisper something into his ear and then I see him smile sadly as he tells Cowlick, “Now that sounds like something to celebrate.”

Cow nods his head and smiles as he puts a hoof on Xochitl and tells him, “Yeah, I guess so.”

Soon Choo breaks the mood and tells us, “Ok, dinner is at the Flying Cow tonight. The company is buying. So, let’s get going.”

From the corner of the room, I hear Sunny ask, “Is it an open bar?”

Choo leans against the wall with one hoof on her waist. “Really Sunny, is that what really has you concerned?”

He laughs lightheartedly and tells her, “No, not really Choo, but I was just asking for all of us.”

Soon we are out the door and on our way to the best restaurant and bar in town. The fact that it is also the best bordello with the cleanest staff means nothing to most of us. But I am sure Sunny can’t wait.

As we walk down the main street on our way there, I notice Tater lightly swishing his tail and occasionally bumping into Twink’s. Finally, I see her smile as she catches it with hers and winds her tail with his. With my peripheral vision, I see Xochitl smile as well as he does the same with me.

Outside the door, we are met by Esmoorelda, who tonight is wearing a red robe with black trim and stockings. When she sees us she smiles and tells us, “It is good to see you again. Your friends are already inside waiting for you.”

“Thank you Esmoorelda," Choo tells her. "It is really good to see you again as well.”

She opens the door and waves a hoof at one of her employees inside, who trots to the door. Once the young stallion arrives, he smiles at us, flirting a bit with Epona and Choo, then he asks, “Yes ma’am, what can I do for you?”

Esmoorelda smiles at him and tells him, “These are Special guests, the rest of their party is already in the VIP room.”

He nods his head knowingly and tells us, “Follow me, the rest of your party is seated in the back.”

As we go in, I see a painting over the bar of Esmoorelda in her younger days wearing a robe, a collar with her cowbell, and nothing else. Then I pan my eyes around the bar and I see something I never expected to see. A painting of my adopted mother Sutures and my therapist Buttermilk both wearing pink teddies and gazing longingly into each other’s eyes. I give a brief shake of my head and grin as I continue on my way.

As we head to the back I see Dull Beak, one of the Battalion commanders for the 1st Regiment across the room. The brown griffon with a white head discreetly waves to us. I smile and wave a hoof back to him, as do Xochitl and Choo. He served with us during the expedition, first by being attached as a liaison officer on our then commander and later Lieutenant Mollygirl’s staff after the other officers were killed. Once we were home, he left for a bit and returned once Manesville and the Co-op had joined the NCR. After the wave, he stays in his seat and we head to the back room.

As we enter the room, I see Blackberry Pie leaning against Chip with his hoof around her. Seated at the head of the table is Tater’s father Tail Spin.

As we file in, we all take a seat at the table. The door connecting this room to the front is closed and a side door to the kitchen opens. I guess the surprise shows on my face as the stallion who led us in here stops and tells me, “For your more discrete parties, we try to keep everything on the down low. In fact, Esmoorelda said to let you know about the back door and that if your party members need to use it you may.”

Choo smiles and tells him, “Please tell Esmoorelda thank you for us. I do believe some of us may do just that.”

After our food arrives and the staff departs Blackberry asks Choo, “How did it go?”

Choo, with a serious expression on her face, responds, “Overall, it went well. We did have a few rough spots. We made a few allies and other connections there. But I am very concerned about what we saw of the Enclave while there.”

Suddenly Blackberry sits up straight. And I see her look completely serious. Chip gets up and locks the doors to the room and it is then that I notice the sound dampening on the walls. I guess this room really is for private parties. She then asks, “OK Choo, let’s hear it.”

Choo begins to give her a quick once over about the military maneuvers we observed as well as what we knew about their attempts to disrupt the Lunar Commonwealth's control of its territory. Finally, she smiles and asks, “Oh, would you like a map of Thunderhead?”

“Choo, we have plenty of maps of Thunderhead from the refugees that came to Manesville.”

This time Choo shakes her head slightly and tells her, “Oh, this is up to date as of when we left.”

I see Blackberry’s eyes go wide and both Chip and Tail Spin both sit up straight and are completely serious. Blackberry then tells us, “Choo, you should not have risked it.”

That is when Sunny speaks up and says, “It was not Choo who did it. I got in and out of there. I needed to give a message to one of our contacts who was in the Nightingale Military Hospital there.”

Tail Spin pipes up this time and asks, “Sunny, where did you hear that name from?”

“Tail, it was on the sign outside of it. I was in a pair of Volunteer Corps coveralls and just told them I was visiting my cousin who was a patient there.”

They all look at Sunny as if reappraising him. Then Blackberry says, “Well, I would have to say your mission was a success then.” After this Sunny gives them the full rundown of what he saw and passes them a copy of the map he had made, which is identical to the one we gave the Applejack’s Rangers.

After he finishes Chip gets up and unlocks the doors. He opens one of them and asks a staff member, to bring in a couple of bottles. Once we all have our cups full Blackberry raises hers and tells us, “Here is to mission success. Good work. All of you.”

We all drink to her toast and then once dinner and drinks are finished Choo tells us, “Ok, have a good night. Do not get noticed and I will see you back in our room.”

With that our groups begin to break up, heading our own ways for the evening.


Hackamore, Hackamore Region NCR: Xochitl

As we get ready to leave, I overhear Tater telling Epona, “I am going to take her to that spot you told me was the Colonel’s favorite. So, if you need us, you know where to find us.”

Epona tells him, “Ok, sounds good. I will be here for a while. I saw a couple of people I want to talk to.”

He grins at her, “Yeah, I am sure. Just make sure you're careful and use an anti-conception spell ok.”

She grins back, “But of course. I am just glad Tek had an extra one he could sell me.”

He grins back, “I am too, for your sake. Have a good night and I will see you later.”

I watch as Tater and Twinks head out the back door, both smiling and holding tails. Soon I see Cowlick slide out that way as well. I look at Ginger and tell her, “What do you say we go have a pint with Dull Beak.”

She grins and tells me, “If Choo, Blackberry Pie, and Chip join us it will almost be a reunion of our old scout squad.

I smile, but inside I feel a chill as I think back to those days on the expedition. But what keeps the smile on my face from slipping is the thought of that is when I knew I wanted to marry this little mare of mine. I slip my tail into hers and she leans against me as we enter the hallway to the front of the bar area.

As we enter the main bar, I see Dull Beak wave a talon at us. Once we are seated, he asks, “First what are you having?”

The waitress takes all of our orders and leaves. Then I realize that if he buys this round all of us are obligated to buy one as well. Well, in for a bit in for a cap. Besides, we earned it.

We make small talk as we wait for our drinks. Once they arrive, Dull Beak raises his and gives a toast that I always make when we get together with the old gang. But also, one that hurts so much inside. “To lost loves and fallen comrades.”

When he makes this toast, I hear the bar around us go quiet and suddenly the toast is repeated not only by us, but by the rest of the bar, and all eyes are on our table. Choo then stands and without missing a beat says, “To Regiment!”

Again, another round of toast. And then I decide to make a toast I had not thought I ever would, “To our flag, long may she fly.”

The toast is repeated by those around us and then the bar goes back to normal. Then Dull Beak says, “It sure is good to see all of you, but what are you doing down here? I mean I heard a rumor that you guys had come through here a couple of months ago.”

Choo smiles and tells him, “Oh, we just came down to see the world a bit. So, we hired on for a bit with a caravan that visited the Hoof.”

He gives us the griffon equivalent of a smile and asks, “So how were things down there?”

This time I hear Ginger answer, “Remember how my birth mother said it was? It is a bit better, but still, not someplace I would like to call home.”

He nods his head to her. “I can only imagine what the Lunar Commonwealth is like. See anything interesting?”

We all simply shrug. Then Choo tells him, “Well, we did notice a lot of Enclave airships conducting what looked to be military maneuvers. But nothing that affected us.”

He takes on a brief serious expression then shrugs and tells us, “So nothing to get excited about yet?”

Choo shakes her head no as does Blackberry Pie next to her.

I see him look relieved and I realize he knows something is up more than what we are saying as he nods to both Choo and Blackberry Pie, who he knows along with her two partners are with the NCR Rangers. But he also does not want to out us.

We continue to drink with him and a couple of others from his staff. Finally, Sunny tells us, “I am heading back to my room. I got a couple of letters I want to write so I can send them before we leave. See you later.”

Dull Beak asks, “What was that about? What happened that changed him this much?” He pauses and then adds, “I never thought I would see the day Sunny Water would leave a place like the Flying Cow early or at least by himself.”

The others all look at me and I shrug. Then I tell him, “Honestly, I think he found a mare who could tame him. But I am not sure. He never said anything about her like he normally does.”

Then I watch as Epona gets to her hoofs with a slight wobble and says, “Well, Dull Beak, I don’t want you to be disappointed in our clan on this. So, I will take his place. Then she grins and sees the waiter from earlier, she waves at him. He blows her a kiss and I watch as she walks slowly with a slow, heavy swish of her hips and tail, which she has lifted very high on her way to him. The waitress takes our orders for our next round as I spot Epona heading upstairs with a big grin on her face.

Ginger looks at me and asks, “What? She may be well-behaved, but she still has needs and desires too.”

I hold up a forehoof and tell her, “Love, I never said anything was wrong with her going up there. I just was wondering about her and that mare at the Mega Mart.”

Ginger shakes her head, “Oh, she really likes her. I mean really likes her, but dear, they have not even kissed yet.”

“Ah,” I say when she says this, “Ok, kinda like Cowlick.”

She raises her eyebrow but says nothing.

After this Dull Beak laughs lightly and tells us, “You know you two kids even sound like an old married couple now.”

I grin at him and tell him, “I forgot you did not know, Ginger and I finally got engaged right before we left Manesville. So yeah, you can collect on those bets when you get back.”

His eyes open wide and he calls out loud, “Waitress, another round, but this time of your best cider. We have something to celebrate here.”

I know my head is going to feel rough in the morning, but honestly, we all need this to blow off some steam. Once the next round of cider arrives it is in two large jugs that have been chilled in a bucket of cold water. The drinks are poured and Dull Beak stands and calls attention to us.

He then says aloud to all in the Flying Cow,” I would like to ask all of you to join me in a toast to a young stallion and mare that I have known and fought alongside since they were youngsters on their Engagement.” He pauses and then says, “May happiness and joy follow you as husband and wife, and may you never go to bed mad at each other.”

We both smile and nod our heads to his toast. Then with everyone else in the bar, we drink his toast.

We continue to enjoy ourselves for another couple of hours, then Ginger and I excuse ourselves and find our way back toward the safe house. On the way, we take a small detour and walk past the gallows that still stand there. I remember Tater and Epona telling us about them, but seeing them up close really makes me think.

So, this is what got the Colonel? Something so simple, but filled with so much responsibility. I shake my head and I hear Ginger sigh. She then tells me, “Dear, let’s go back and get some sleep. I heard enough about this, this thing and I don’t need to spend any more time than necessary by it.”

“Ok, dearest. But somehow, I think I can understand her better now.”

She leans against me and lightly kisses me. Then we begin to head back to the room to settle in for the night.

The next morning, we awake as a group to the smell of bacon frying and the whistle of a teapot. I look toward the woodstove in the next room of the safe house and I see Scrap Pile with an apron around her waist cooking. She sees us rousting up and says, “Good, glad to see you are all awake. The foals are off to school and Beach has already headed to his office, so I figured we could enjoy some tea and a good breakfast.”

“Thanks, Sis,” Epona tells her.

“So, did you have a good time last night, Pona?” She asks.

I see her smile and blush slightly as she answers, “Yes, I really needed that. Thanks for suggesting it.”

“Oh, you’re welcome. I remember what it was like when I was still single.”

I notice Epona smiles lightly again and looks down at the floor, then she asks, “Before we leave, can I talk to you privately Scrap?”

Scrap Pile looks at Choo who nods her head and answers, “Yeah, I would really like that, Pona.”

After breakfast, we help clean up the kitchen and then finish packing our gear for the day. Scrap Pile leads Epona into her private apartment.

While Epona and Scrap are talking Choo tells us, “We will be catching the train from here to New Appleloosa, then we go on hoof back to Western Landing. Blackberry Pie and her team have already left and will set up our transportation back to Manesville from there.”

Ginger raises her hoof and asks, “Any idea what our transportation is from there?”

“Ginger, I do believe that the safest way to travel that far is by the river. So, most likely by a riverboat or barge.”

We all nod our heads at that. Then I raise a hoof and when Choo nods I ask her, “Choo, how long are we going to be in New Appleloosa?”

She shrugs and tells us, “Not long. I do not plan on being there overnight even. Sorry team.”

Shortly after this Epona returns to the room with a smile on her face. Choo then tells us, “Well, now that we are all here, let’s get moving everyone.” With that, we begin our trip back home from Hackamore.


Western Landing, New Canterlot Republic: Choo Choo

I feel a bit of relief when we arrive at the town of Western Landing. I find myself smiling as I remember how none of this was even here only ten years ago when I first came through here along with the rest of the Co-op Expedition Force or the CEF as we all ended up calling it. It was here that we first met now Lieutenant Colonel Dull Beak and some of the other forces of Gawdina’s talons. So much has changed since those days.

As I approach the shipping office on the docks to secure our transport, I notice several steamboats along the riverfront. I am surprised though when I hear from the south one short and two long blasts of a steam whistle. I know this is the Water clans landing signal so I turn and look. As I do I hear Ginger say, “Looks like the Baltimare Colt is coming back from another run too.”

I nod my head, “I wonder where all they have been this time?”

Ginger shrugs, “No telling. I hear tell that they have been to Baltimare a couple of times, so maybe they are coming back from there.”

I nod my head as do Xochitl and Tater who are beside her. “Ok, wait here while I go inside and make sure Blackberry Pie has already made our arrangements like she said she would.”

They all take a seat outside with the exception of Cowlick who simply stands relaxed in the traces of our cart. I hear Twinks ask him, “Do you want me to help you untack?”

I am just getting to the door when he says, “No, not yet. I bet I would have to just put it back on it a bit anyways. But thanks for asking Twinks.”

As I go inside, I see an older-looking griffon with dark grey fur and feather wearing an eyepatch and a grumpy expression at a desk to one side. On his desk is a placard that reads, Harbor Master.

Across the room on the other side, I see a civilian unicorn stallion wearing a blue civilian uniform and glasses who has its back partially turned to the door as they look for something in a set of cubbyholes along a wall.

The unicorn turns around and I see a name badge that indicates his name is Expedited Freight, below that on his tag it says, Ticket and Shipping Agent. Ah, just the pony I need to see. As I approach, I see him turn back to the cubbyholes and he uses his TK to lift an envelope from it and sets it on the desk next to him.

I then tell him, “Good Afternoon sir, my name is Choo Choo and I was told I would have passage booked already for myself and some of my comrades.”

He smiles at me and I think he may be trying to flirt a little bit as he says, “Yes ma’am, I just got your tickets and information down.”

“How did you know it was me?” I ask.

He grins again, “I had assumed as you fit the description so well.”

He opens the envelope and reads the paperwork that is in there. “Ah yes, here we are. Nine tickets for passage booked on the Baltimare Colt. She just arrived. That was her lines landing whistle you heard a short time ago.”

I am perplexed when he says nine tickets as there are only eight members on my team. I ask him about this and he again uses his TK to hoof me a wax-sealed letter with my name on it. I use my TK to open it and begin to read.

Choo Choo,

I know you are wondering why there are nine tickets instead of eight. Sorry about that, but we forgot to tell you we have a potential recruit for you that will be traveling with you back to Manesville. He will be meeting you at the docks. His name is Double Back. Myself and the others think he might be a good addition to your field team. He comes with strong recommendations from both Milo and his brother husband Gus.

To help you recognize him, he has a coat that starts up high as dark gray and fades to white as it goes down his body. Also, his mane and tail are black.

He knows to meet you at the Colt and will be aboard before you leave.

I will see you back in Manesville.

Blackberry Pie.

I nod my head as I fold the letter back up and place it into my saddlebags. Then I take the rest of the tickets and information with me as well. “Thank you, Expedited Freight,” I tell him as I levitate a couple of caps to him for a tip.

He takes them and tips his hat to me. Then he replies, “Thank you, ma’am, have a safe trip,” as I turn and exit the office and return to the rest of my people.

Once outside I tell them, “Ok. Let’s head to the Colt. Ginger, I need to talk to you on the way there.”

I see a look of concern come over her face as she and the others get to their hooves. “No need to worry Ginger, we will talk about it on the walk to the Colt.”

As we are walking Ginger and I are in the lead. I begin to tell her about the potential new team member.

She turns her head at me and asks, “Ok, so Blackberry and her team think he may be able to help. How?”

I simply shrug and tell her, “They did not say how in the letter. Just that Milo and Gus highly recommended him.”

This time she nods her head, “Ok, I have not really gotten to meet Gus, but both Papa Archer and Momma Mollygirl both speak highly of him as does Epona. Milo, now he does not recommend ponies without cause. So, let’s see what he has to offer. By the way, do you have a name for him yet?”

I find myself nodding as I tell her, “Yes, his name is Double Back.” Then I give her a brief description.

Behind me I overhear Epona ask Tater, “Didn’t we used to know someone named Double Back when we were down in Hackamore?”

“I think so Epona, but it has been a long time.”

“Well, I guess we will find out Tater,” she finally answers.

Once we are at the Colt, we all go onboard. We are greeted by the crewmembers at the brow cordially. Bell Stand the 1st Mate smiles as we come up the brow and tells us, “It is good to see all of you again. The captain would like Epona and Tater to report to the pilot house after they secure their gear, Miss Choo.”

While I feel slightly affronted that Rust has ordered two of my people to perform duties, I am slightly mollified by the fact that I am pretty sure of what they will be doing and why. I also appreciate the fact of him notifying me so I can confirm it with them. I then ask, “Are we using the same area for our quarters?”

He smiles, “Yes ma’am. Just as soon as we get your cart aboard.”

I then smile and tell the rest of my team, “Ok, you know what to do then. I will wait for our prospect.”

Once they head out, I begin to scan the pier looking for the stallion that Blackberry Pie wrote me about. Our cart is loaded and I notice the crew is getting ready to lift the brow when I suddenly see an equine shape galloping toward the Colt from a couple of blocks away. I see the black mane and tail and the gray-to-white coat and realize this must be him. As he gets closer, I suddenly notice the lanky build and long ears. I catch myself grinning. Well, she did not say anything about a cutie mark so I guess I should have known.

He makes it to the brow just as Bell Stand gives the command to raise it. As he comes aboard, I turn to Bell Stand and say, “I do believe he is with us.” Then I turn to the late arrival and ask, “What is your name sir?”

He is breathing a little hard but then says, “My name is Double Back. Are you Miss Choo?”

I nod my head and tell him, “Yes, now if you would, please follow me so I can introduce you to most of the rest of the team.”

As we begin to enter the hatch leading to the cargo deck, I again hear the one short and two long blasts on the ship's whistle and I feel us begin to move. With one eyebrow raised I tell him, “You cut it very close. May I inquire why you did not meet the boat earlier?”

I see him blush slightly and he answers, “Sorry ma’am, but I figured this way you would have to give a mule a chance as it would be too late for the Baltimare Colt to go back.”

I laugh lightly to myself as I remember Ginger using the same logic for hiding in a wagon to sneak along on the expedition all those years ago.

“Ok, I guess I can understand your logic, but honestly, we would not have considered leaving you behind just because you are a mule.”

He almost seems surprised at this so I ask him, “Why would you think myself and my team would be that way?”

For the second time, I see him blush, “Sorry ma’am. It’s just that the few times I have been outside of Harness I have been made to feel unwelcome.”

I nod my head some, “Did Blackberry Pie or those with her make you feel that way?”

“Well, no, but I just figured they were being nice because of what my Uncles Milo and Gus said to them.”

By this time, we have reached our team's berthing area. When he says this Ginger looks up and smiles as she asks, “So your kin?”

He looks confused and does not answer. Then Ginger asks, “You are related to Milo and Gus. My adopted family's parents have helped them have foals, so we consider them family. Therefore, you would be family as well.”

He looks at the rest of the team who were already kicking back and starting to relax. Cowlick and Xochitl are off to the side with Sunny, who stops shuffling a deck of cards. Twinks looks up from a technical manual she is reading as she hears this.

Sunny then says, “I guess our new team member made it in time?”

I nod my head and tell them, “Yes, he did. Now, how about each of you introduce yourselves to him and tell him what your role in the team is.”

After they are finished, I tell them, “Ok, Ginger, you have the team for now. I want to go up and talk with Captain Rust Water if she is available.”

“Ok, boss.” She then turns to Double Back and tells him, “Come on over here with me and show me what you have in your kit, and tell me what you can do for the team.”

Once I get to the Pilothouse, I notice Rust Water is off to one side. Epona is at the helm and next to her on the engine order telegraph is Tater. I hear her giving commands to the two and watch as they respond. In the back corner near the chart table, I notice her regular helmspony and EOT operator are standing-by if needed.

She hears me enter the pilot house and nods in my direction as she tells me, “I will be with you in a bit Choo. We have a bit of a rough spot with a couple of wrecks to dodge around up ahead that I want to maintain the helm for.”

“Ok, thank you, Captain,” I tell her and I step back out of the Pilot House and lean against a rail of the upper deck as I watch the shore move past. Soon I feel the Colt start to turn slightly I look up ahead and I see one broken-off chimney as well as some burnt wreckage sticking out of the water closer to the easter shore, shortly before a turn in the river. As I look further upriver after the turn I see another wreck on the opposite side. I guess I can see what Rust was talking about now.

Soon I see Bell Stand walk past and enter the pilot house. Shortly after this, I watch as both of my team members as well as Rust all come down the stairs onto the upper deck.

As they pass by me, I tell Epona and Tater, “The new team member is down below with the rest, I would like you to go meet him and get to know him some.”

“Anything special we should know?” Tater asks.

I shrug my wings and tell him, “He is a mule and is related to Gus and Milo.”

I see Epona perk up a bit at that as she asks, “Does that mean he is family?”

I laugh lightly, “Perhaps, I will let you decide for yourselves.”

She nods her head, “Ok, thanks for the heads up, Choo. Come on Tater.”

As they walk away Rust asks me, “Ok Choo, what do you need?”

I then tell her, “Just checking in with you and wanted to see how things have been going for you and the Colt since we left.”

She gives me a half smile, “I do appreciate your checking in, but honestly, for now on unless it is an emergency, it can wait. However, it is good to see you and the team again. Now, what is this I hear about you having a new team member?”

I tell her about Double Back and I see her nod her head. Then she says, “Ok, sounds like we should give him a chance then. Now, speaking of chances, what can you tell me about this mare Purchase Order that Epona and the team met.”

This time I get to smile as I tell her about Purchase and our visit to Mega Mart as well as a few other areas of the Hoof.

“So, you are saying Purchase is just a friend?”

I nod my head, “So far. Honestly Rust, I think there is more interest on both their parts, but they are both afraid to move on it.”

She nods her head, “You said she was hardly eating before they met. That has me worried.”

“I can understand that Rust, but before we left, she was eating better, her friend Tek is keeping an eye on her. Besides, I know Epona has sent her at least a couple of letters via the mail since we left.”

“Ok, I just don’t want to see Epona hurt. Oh, and by the way, while you are traveling on the Colt, I would like to throw Epona and Tater into the watch rotation to get them both a bit of extra experience. They both expressed interest in it.”

“Ok Rust, as long as they are interested, I have no problem.”

She grins, “It also means that they will not have to pay to travel.”

I can’t help but smile again, “You just are trying to get more family as crew members aren’t you.”

She smiles back, “Maybe a bit, but also, it means we have auxiliary crew members, and if we get into a fight and take a prize, we can crew it as well.”

This gets me to put a hoof under my chin as I think. Then I ask, “Do you take prizes often?”

She shakes her head, “Not most of the time. Just like before. We fight as hard as we can and hope to survive, but there is always an off-hoof chance.”

I find myself laughing lightly, which gets Rust to have a serious expression come over her face. She then asks, “And why are you laughing?”

I respond quickly and in a light manner, “Because Captain, you almost sounded like an optimist for a moment.”

She then shakes her head, “Yeah, I guess I did, well don’t let the crew know. They will think I am going soft.”

Leaning against the rail I shake my head, “Rust, I don’t think this crew could imagine you going soft. But you got my word on it.”

She smiles again, “Good, I am glad to hear that. Now, how about you join me for a cup of coffee on the mess decks.”

“Rust, that would be my pleasure. Besides, maybe you can catch a glimpse of our newest team member.”


Thunderhead, Grand Pegasus Enclave: Ball Lightning

It has been two weeks since I got out of the hospital and I finally returned to my platoon just last week. I look up from my typewriter and I see Down Draft walking in with a smile on his face. “Hey Down, how’s it going today?”

“Not bad Ball, I was just checking to see if you and Dancer wanted to join me and Alto tonight for dinner?”

I think briefly and then tell him, “Sure, where do you guys want to go?”

Grinning he tells me, “How about the normal place.”

“Fuss and Feathers?” I ask to make sure.

He nods, “Yeah, that’s the place. Alto says their team may be heading out soon, so…”

I snicker a bit then I hear the door to the main area open and the platoon clerk asks, “Can I help you sir?”

“Yes, I would like to talk to Lieutenant Ball Lighting. I have a set of orders detaching him and a few others for a special mission,” I hear Air Burst's now familiar voice say.

I look beyond Down Draft and see him standing there. I wave a hoof and I see Down turn and his smile starts to break. I quietly hear him say, “Damn it, so soon.”

I look up at him again and he quietly says, “I was hoping for more time with him before he left.”

“I understand Down, but we should have tonight, hopefully.”

Then I see Air Burst tap him on the back with a wing and tell him, “Excuse me Lieutenant, but I need to talk to Lieutenant Ball Lightning.”

Down Draft turns to him and I see the recognition come over his face. He then replies, “Of course sir. Talk to you later Ball.” Then he backs up and leaves via the front door of my platoon's HQ.

Once inside the office, Air Burst closes the door and then takes a seat. He sits down across the desk from me and smiles and asks, “Ready to go again?”

I raise an eyebrow at this and reply, “Yeah, when and where this time?”

Grinning he looks at me and tells me, "Your and my team leave in two days. We will be infiltrating through Manehatten and then heading toward the Manesville region that you gave me the information about. The powers that be are very worried about just how much of a threat that area may be.”

“Makes sense. If half of what they said was true they are ponies to watch.”

He leans back in his chair, tilts his head slightly, and then asks, “Do you think they set us up that last time?”

I shake my head, “No, I don’t think so. Besides, what could they have gained from it?”

He looks thoughtful for a minute, then he answers, “Elimination of the competition?”

“Nah. Again, what would they really gain since they were leaving.”

“How do you know they were leaving?” he asks.

“Air, I called in a few favors from some of our other recon troops and they let me know. The last they saw them they were at that settlement at the E-3 Oasis.”

“Humph that matches what I got reports on too,” he replies, pauses then continues, “Well we can play the same game. Once we are in Manehatten we find a caravan going to this Manesville place and we hire on as escorts.”

“Good, let them see how they like us sneaking into their home turf.”

“Ball, if we do this right, they never know. I mean it. We keep it neat and clean. In, out, and not one of them the wiser.”

While I understand why I can’t help but feel some disappointment. I would love to say hi to Sunny in his home territory to let him know he is not the only one who can do it. So, I answer the only way I can, “Understood Air.”

He smiles and tells me, “Good. I have the orders for your team already drawn up. In two days, we leave. So, go have fun with your pals tonight. But remember, once dirtside, it is on.”

“Any idea how we are going in?”

He then has a smile cross his face that does not meet his eyes as he says, “Air insertion north of Baltimare. We go in clean. I will give you our cover story once we get there.

“Sounds good. Thanks for the heads up. I will get Gunter and Anan in here and give them a heads up after you leave.”

As he asks me, “What about Funnel Cloud?” I just smile as I see him entering the platoon HQ through my office window.

“We won’t need to look for him Air, he just arrived now,” I tell him.

He looks around and as the door opens, I see the expression on Funnel Clouds' face go from a serious but positive one to a blank one like the one I used to use as a cadet when being chewed out, to hide my thoughts.

“Ah, Funnel Cloud, good to see you again. I was just telling the Lieutenant that the powers that be have decided to attach you four from last time with my team again.”

Funnel nods his head slightly and replies neutrally, “Glad to hear it, sir. Let me know when and where.”

I notice a slight tick in Air Burst's ear, which is the only sign of irregularity in his behavior as he says, “Well, come on in and close the door.” Once the door is closed, he continues, “I was just telling Ball here that we leave in two days. We will be infiltrating into the NCR via Manehatten then into the Manesville region.”

Funnel Cloud nods his head and I can see his ears shift in concern. When he sees this Air Burst asks, “How’s the leg doing Funnel?”

“It’s tolerable Sir. I can use it fine, but it still feels weird not having the original equipment there.”

I actually see Air Burst look slightly ashamed at that. He looks back up at the Sergeant Major and tells him, “I am really sorry that happened to you. If I could have prevented it, I would have. But I also know if you and your team had not been there, my team would have all been killed.”

I watch as Funnel Cloud shifts his wing uncomfortably and then nods to Air Burst before replying. “Yeah, I do understand Air. I’m not blaming you or anyone else. I am just glad we were not caught completely flat-hooved. If we were not prepared, they would have gotten us all.”

This time I see Air Burst's wings shift uncomfortably. “Yeah, I hate to admit it, but it could have been a lot worse for us. But this time we are going in fresh. No pony should know us there.”

I see Funnel nod his head, then he asks, “Ok, so let’s take a look at the mission plan. I need to know what gear we need to be issued to use, as well as to work on our cover stories.”

Air Burst almost looks insulted. Then he asks, “What you don’t think we would have a believable cover for our team going in?”

This time Funnel Cloud laughs before he answers, “Actually, no. You may have one for the team, but not for us as individuals. And while I am sure that is well done, we should each have a cover story, and each has a rough idea of the others so that way we sound believable.”

I see Air Burst cross his forehooves as he tilts his head and looks thoughtfully at Funnel Cloud. Then he asks, “Have you ever thought about coming over to the dark side permanently? You have a good head for it.”

“Sir, I have done recon long enough to learn a thing or two. But honestly, I am looking at retiring in another couple of years and finally settling down. So, not really. But let’s begin to go over these plans with the Lieutenant.”

Two days later both teams meet on a tarmac on a nearly deserted portion of the base. We all have our gear. A mixed bag of ground sider and wartime weapons and gear as well as civilian attire mixed with some military uniform parts. We look like some of the mercenaries that I saw while I was working dirtside.

I smile as I see Alto and Sundancer again. The last two nights we spent together along with Down Draft. Part of me wishes he could have come with us, but unfortunately for us, he can’t. we load both teams into one Vertibuck with Air Burst leading the way.

As we get on, he tells us, “Alto, there will be a cart at our drop point. I want you to hitch up to it as usual.”

Alto gives him a half grin, “Ok boss, you got it.”

After he gets on, I smile as I give a hoof to Sundancer to help her on as well. I am surprised though as she settles into her seat when I notice she is carrying one of the old Angel Bunny Submachine guns, and she has a tab on her shoulder that says, Contractor Medic.

She sees what I am looking at and smiles. Then she tells me, “I got a few more classes on triage and trauma wound care while you were in the hospital.”

I nod my head, then I ask her, “Should I call you Doc then?”

She smirks, “I guess. It would make it more convincing.”

Behind me, I hear Gunter say, “Actually, it would make me a lot more comfortable to call you Doc. I mean that means we have a combat medic with us, and honestly, I prefer to have one with us on a mission.”

“Thanks, Gunter. I appreciate it.” She tells him.

Then he surprises me when he says, “Why do you seem surprised Doc? I mean I saw you when we got hit last time. You earned the title. You even patched me up.”

This time I see her blush slightly but says nothing. Then I hear the Pilots beginning their preflight checklist. Followed shortly by the engines starting and the rotors starting to turn. Soon they have completed the process and I feel the vertibuck begin to lift off the tarmac and lean forward slightly as we lift off and begin our journey.

Before too long I fall asleep to the vibrations of the aircraft as we initially fly at high altitude over the Lunar Commonwealth. Then I wake up as we rapidly drop and begin to fly nap of the earth until we reach our insertion point north of Baltimare.

As we fly so low, we dodge and jink, missing obstacles and debris that may stick up. Suddenly I feel the rotors start to shift and we slow down. The pilot lowers us to only a few feet over the ground and we get told to dismount.

We grab all of our gear and run to the ruins of a small building nearby. Once we are clear the Vertibuck begins to move slowly forward as it spins around and we watch it recede quickly the way we had come in.

We all look at each other and realize how deep we are in hostile territory. Before we can think too much about it, Air Burst calls out to us, “Ok, let's move out,” as he activates his battle saddle, and his M10 automatic rifle is brought out to the carry. The rest of us follow suit with our weapons and soon we begin the trek north toward Manehatten.


In tonight’s news, we are hearing of increased incursions into NCR territory by elements of the reunited Grand Pegasus Enclave. There has also been an increase in raider activity between Hoofington, Baltimare, and Manehatten, so if you are traveling between those cities try to travel in a group, as there is safety in numbers.

In other news, there have been reports of a second stable 48, this one out of Reino having not only opened up but announced its alliance with the Grand Pegasus Enclave. Additionally, there have been reports that the Wanderer has been seen recently in that area.

For those of you out traveling the trails and highways of the wastelands, especially those who are guards or mercs, this next song is for you. Here is Bad Company.

Chapter 22 Side Quest: Customer Service

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Chapter 22 Side Quest: Customer Service

“Being a mercenary, though... Hey, we just go wherever there's a mixture of money and trouble, and everyone in the galaxy is a potential customer.

Even the people you're paid to shoot at?

Well, yeah. There are customers we serve, and customers we service.”

-Captain Kevyn Andreyasn & General Tagon

Manesville, Manesville Region, NCR: Ginger Snaps

As I wake up in the shelter room under our shop. I feel a furry body next to mine. I breath in the scent of the pony and smile to myself as I smell Xochitl. Yes, his scent means home to me. As I open my eyes, I look over to the doorway and I see a little zony filly smiling at me.

“Morning Miss Ginger,” Xanthippe says to me with her ghoulish smile and a foal’s innocence.

I smile back at her, “Morning Xanthippe. How have you been?”

“Been doing good. Mama has let me go to school some. I like school. Did you like school Miss Ginger?”

“Overall, yes Xanthippie I did.”

As we talk, I feel Xochitl begin to stir. He begins to sit up and as he does so he says to us, “Morning you two.”

“Good morning, dear,” I all but purr.

“Morning Mister Chotil,” she tells him.

He then says, “I guess I should go make some coffee.”

Xanthippe then tells him, “Nah, Mama already has a pot going for everyone.”

Smiling he then tells her, “OK, Well I need to get dressed, so you should head on back upstairs for a bit. I will see you there.”

She nods her head, saying, “Ok, See you there.”

After he has gotten up, he grabs a towel and heads to the shower. I follow him and we both quickly clean up and then get dressed. Once done we head upstairs to the break room where we find the rest of the team already eating.

I rub my eyes again and ask, “Why didn’t any of you wake us?”

Zhea answers this for me, “Because Miss Choo decided it was best to let you all wake on your own today since you got in late last night.”

I look over at Choo who smiles and tells us, “Well, with our line of work I figured we need to get some rest while we could. I have given Zhia and Diode the ability to send an emergency activation notice to us on our PipBucks. It seems our contacts dropped off a broadcast unit for that as well as a couple of spare PipBucks.”

I am surprised at this development, but I know it will help us to react more quickly. I take my seat at the table and begin to drink the cup of coffee that Choo places before me with her TK.

Soon after this Twinks carries in a tray with some Oatmeal with blueberries in it and a side of radhog bacon.

The smell of the bacon gets my eyes to close in pleasure as I smell the culinary bounty before me. As both Xochitl and I begin to eat Choo tells us, “I want all of our equipment inspected, cleaned, and repaired before we leave today. Tomorrow will be a down day for the entire shop.” She looks at Zhea and tells her, "That includes you, and the non-field team. You have done an excellent job keeping the place running and setting up things for us.”

This gets me to raise an eyebrow and I twist my ear back and forth between them. Finally, Choo tells us, “While we were gone, they had a few side jobs come up that we can earn some extra caps on. But we will talk about them later.”

Shortly after she says this and as we are eating both Diode and Drain Trap arrive and join us. As they enter the breakroom, I hear one of them asks, “So who is the new mule?”

Before Choo can even say anything, I stand up and tell them, “Diode, Drain Trap, this here is Double Back. He is a new member of the field team.”

I see both Diode and Drain Trap look at each other, then back at Choo, and Drain Trap asks, “Choo, I didn’t know you were looking for more members of the field team.”

She smiles and shrugs. Then tells him, “Well I wasn’t, but our main employers highly recommended him, along with a few others that I know.”

Double Back has stopped eating and I can see a look of disappointment start to come over his face. That is when Tater says, “Don’t worry Drain Trap, Diode, it is not that we don’t think you are good enough for the field.”

Diode smiles and replies, “Well, with this bum hind leg, I really am not fit for field duty.”

Drain Trap then says, “Well, maybe if you need me, but honestly, I was thinking of my cousin more. She might be interested if you need more team members.”

I see Choo think about this briefly. Then she says, “We are not looking for more team members right now, but how about getting me her name, and maybe the names of some others who might be interested and that you think might be able to hack it.”

Epona and Tater look at each other and nod, not saying a word. Then I hear Cow Lick ask, “Want me to also boss?”

Choo turns to him and asks, “Do you have anyone in mind right now?”

He shakes his head, but then says, “Not yet, but I know a couple of cattle in school who might be interested.”

“Ok, well give me their names so we can put them on a shortlist. Who knows, maybe we can make up a couple of field teams to support us.”

Epona then asks, “Boss, are we sure we want to get that big? I mean we can go in quick and easy without too many realizing we are there. But we get too big, it becomes like calling in the Talons.”

Choo shifts her right ear in mild irritation, then tells her, “I have thought about that before Epona. I was not planning on them participating in the same missions all the time. Just like the Talons. They farm out their griffons as the jobs require.”

Epona nods her head and looks thoughtful briefly then simply shrugs. Tater looks satisfied with the answer though along with the rest of the team.

As we finish eating Double Back says, “Well since someone else was willing to make us breakfast, I will wash the dishes.”

Cowlick then says, “I’ll give you a hoof Double.” As he gets up from his seat and they both begin to clear the table.

Choo then tells the rest of us, “Ok, since we are done eating go take care of the gear so we are ready if they call us out.”

Nothing more needs to be said after that. We all head to the armory where we first field strip our weapons and Tater inspects them for wear and tear. Any problems he finds he either takes care of right away or lets us know what it is and begins to make a list of needed parts.

I notice as we do this that Double Back, while helping us with these chores is also very thoughtful and almost seems to be taking notes in his head.

After we are done Choo tells us, “Ok, Knock off early. I want all of you back here by in two days at oh eight thirty.”

We all smile at each other. Xochitl and I nod to each other and we both say, “Home?”

He nods his head to me and we begin to head out the door. Behind us, I hear Epona tell Tater, “Tell your dads hay for me.”

“Will do Pona,” he replies. Then I hear him say, “Ready Twinks?”

But before she can reply, we are already on our way out the door and on the way toward White Cloud and our family's farm. I can’t wait to see both his family and mine. I just hope the youngsters, especially Raven have kept their muzzles shut about us teaching them how to shoot.

Almost as if he is reading my mind, he asks, “Want to go radhog hunting tomorrow?”

I grin at him a bit and reply, “I think so. But let’s decide in the morning.”

As we near the farm Epona catches up with us along with Sunny. “Where is Cowlick?” I ask.

“Oh, he decided to show Double Back around a bit. I am supposed to meet those two tonight at the pub in White Cloud for a pint of Cider.”

“How about you Epona?” Ginger asks.

She smiles, “No real plans. Just get home and visit with our parents and siblings.”

I nod my head as that sounds really good to me too. Then I hear a couple of yips from a tree near the road, ahead of us. I look up and I see Tweeters hovering there. Then I notice a pony and zony in the brush hiding.

While I know who they are once we are close enough, I call out, “Come on out Xialynn, you too Shadowbuck.”

I hear Xochitl’s little sister call out, “Ahhh, how did you know we were in here?”

I laugh lightly as I call back, “Look up. Tweeters is hovering above you.”

They both look up and I laugh as they both blush from embarrassment. Shadowbuck still looking up at the hovering enfield cries out, “Tweeters! You were supposed to have stayed home.

This gets me to laugh lightly, then I ask, “So is everyone else home?”

Bucky then looks back toward the farm in the distance and says, “Well most of them. Pa Badger and his company got called out to take care of some raiders on the road to Manehatten again. Nothing major though.”

I nod my head and see a brief look of disappointment come over his face when he hears that. Suddenly I realize just how close he really is to Papa Badger.

Soon we are entering the farmyard and I see our other siblings out playing tag. Mama Magpie and Xochitl’s mother Persimmon Tree are coming back in from the fields and talking. I can tell when they see us as they wave a forehoof and begin to walk a bit faster.

From inside our house, I hear Mama Sumac call to us, “Well it is good to see you all are back. I just wish I had known so I could have cooked more for dinner.”

When she says that Xochitl smiles and tells her, “No worries, Mother Sumac. We can catch supper at the Pub in White Cloud while all of you eat.”

I see a look of indignation begin to form on her face as her ears slide back slightly. Then she says, “Oh, don’t you be that way son. Moon Lily, be a dear and go to the root cellar and get us a couple more jars of taters and onions.”

“Yes Ma,” she answers back, then she tells us, “It is good to see you again. Are you home for long?”

When she asks this all of our family members present look at us expectantly. Finally, Xochitl answers, “Not sure. We got in late last night and have not really talked about our next job yet.”

“Well, come on in and tell us what you can about your trip this time.” Mama Sumac tells us.

As we head inside Mama Magpie asks, “Is Epona coming home tonight too?”

I smile and tell her, “Yes, a bit later. She went into White Cloud with the others for a pint.”

I notice Persimmon nod her head, then she says, “Well Ginger since you are engaged if you would like to share Xochitl’s room with him at our place you are welcome.”

I smile shyly and ask, “Are you sure Mother Persimmon?”

I see her grin when I call her that and she answers, “Yes, I am sure, but first let’s all spend some time together.”

As we settle in for the night with our families, I bask in the feeling of being home and feeling fully accepted by Persimmon. Before we left, she would never have allowed me to spend the night at her place after my first heat. Life can be sweet sometimes I tell myself as I cuddle up on the couch in the front parlor with my future husband.


Manesville, Manesville District, NCR: Xochitl

When we get back to the shop two mornings later Choo Choo calls the field team into the briefing room. Once we have all taken our seats she tells us, “I know you are all wondering what our next job will be, and I am sorry about keeping you waiting, I just wanted you all to have a good time before I told you.” Her eyes shift to both Ginger and me.

When she says this, I shift visibly in my seat. I take a deep breath and await what she says will come next.

She takes a calming breath and then tells us, “The local officials have contacted us, and requested that we make contact with New Gallop and the facilities there.”

I feel the color drain from my face and I feel Ginger shake her head no briefly. Then Ginger says, “Really? They want us to do it?”

“I am afraid so team. They know some of us have been through there before.”

“Choo, how are we getting in there?” I ask.

I hear her sigh then she tells us, “We will be catching a ride on the river to Good Doer, then we will go in on hoof.”

I feel Ginger relax slightly. Then she quietly asks, “We are not going to Targhee are we?”

Choo shakes her head no. “That is not in the plans right now. I know your concerns about it and to be honest, I don’t really want to go back there myself.”

I see the confusion on some of the others' faces. Then Epona tells Tater, “That is where Ginger’s birth mother was killed as they fell back from Two Step.”

Double Back looks slightly surprised, at this. He shakes his head briefly and asks, “So what is so special about this New Gallop that they want our team to go there?”

This time I answer, “Double, I am not really sure what they have there, but when we went past there ten years ago, well, they had two Sentry bots protecting the place and enough firepower to get Silver Spite’s force to back off and avoid the place.”

That is when Choo says, “There are also reports that this was at one time the base for a mega spell launcher.”

When she says that, it reminds me of the time Choo, Ginger, and most of Ginger’s family at the time went into the prison camp so the Colonel could interrogate Razor Wire. Silver Spite’s right hoof stallion, who took over the remnants of Red Eyes army that were with them and its raiders. Then I remember that the town was the target for a zebra team with a couple of balefire egg launchers. I nod my head and say, “That makes sense Boss.”

She nods back and then continues. “Once we make contact, we are to suggest that they receive or send dignitaries to begin talks with the NCR.”

Epona then raises a hoof and tells her, “Sounds like what we did with Harness back in the day.” Beside her I see Tater nodding his head.

Choo smiles at them, “Yes, I forgot you were with the Colonel back then. Same concept. Hopefully just as good of results.”

We all nod our heads at this. Then I ask, “Any NCR people going on this one with us?”

She shakes her head, “No, not this time.”

This time I nod. Then Ginger asks, “Ok, when do we leave, and do we know who our ride is yet?”

This Time Choo grins ear to ear, “Well we leave tomorrow morning, and our ride should arrive soon.”

Just as she says this, I hear the one long and two short steam whistle blasts that mark it as one of the Water’s clan riverboats. We all look at each other and laugh before Choo tells us, “I will see you at six am. Do not be late as we will grab our kits and go. Standard load out. The home team will be organizing the supplies for us and we will just have to hitch up the cart before we leave. Have a good night team.”

As we head out, I hear Choo telling Zhea and Diode, “I want you to be on the lookout for a couple of more beings to help with the shop and logistics for our field teams.”

Zhea nods her head, but Diode smiles and tells her, “I heard that a couple of the regulars from the stable are getting ready to retire. Would they be possible candidates?”

I am just at the door frame when I hear Choo reply, “Get me their names, if not by the morning, then by when we get back. Also, keep an ear out for a couple more field team candidates. I want to increase the size of the field teams.”

Once out the door, I feel Ginger wrap her tail around my neck and she tells me, “Let’s head out to White Cloud. We can visit our folks for a bit, then hit the pub?”

I shrug and tell her, “Sure, but don’t you want to go out dancing or something?”

She smiles again at me as she unwraps her tail from around my neck and tells me, “Honestly, I would rather not. I want to keep it simple tonight.”

“A few pints and stargazing behind the barn tonight?”

She nods her head and wraps her tail in mine. “That would be perfect dear.”

As we get close to home, we run into our younger siblings. I hear them long before I see most of them. I have to grin though when I notice The Wind Rider Twins and their little brother flying along as well as the hippogriff youngsters Slip and Jet Stream. Below them, I hear the ground-bound ponies laughing and kidding with them.

Once we get close enough, I hear Moon Lily call out, “Hi Sis! Hi Cohtil!” Then she trots ahead of the rest to meet us. Once close enough she asks, “Can we go hunting again tomorrow?” Right next to her is my little sister Xailynn nodding her head eagerly as Raven catches up and the rest follow.

“Sorry guys, but not this time. We have a job to head out on in the morning. Besides, I am not sure if Stir Fry is ready for another hog after last week,” I tell them.

I see a bit of disappointment on all of their faces. Then Raven says, “Oh, ok. But tell us about it when you get back ok Chotil.”

I can’t help myself at her eagerness. I take my forehoof and rub her mane with it as I smile and tell her, “I will tell you everything that I can.”

From the side I see Moon Lily nod her head somberly and she tells us, “Mareigan stopped by last night and told me to let you know to be careful on your next journey. Not all is as it seems. That and a dead city should be left that way.”

This both gets me to have a chill run down my spine at the warning from a spirit, and it also makes me wonder what she truly means by it. Does she mean Good Doer? I mean it was overrun by the raiders before we got back there and then after we left. Then I have another chill run up my spine as I think, Targhee. When we were there during the expedition, we almost leveled the place. That is where Ginger lost her birth mother. After all New Gallop is on the road between Targhee and Good Doer. Maybe this was not such a good idea for us to take on this job, I think to myself.

Beside me, I notice Ginger get a serious look on her face as well. A slight tear comes to her eye and I hear her whisper, “Targhee.” I shrug and she nods.

Raven then asks, “What was that, Sis?”

“Nothing Raven. Don’t worry about it,” Ginger tells her.

“But Ginger, if it upsets you that much, it must be something,” Raven continues.

Finally, Shadowbuck tells her, “Sis, let it go. It is like when Mama Mollygirl gets in one of her moods. Bad memories or something.”

I finally see comprehension come over the little mare’s face. “Sorry, Sissy. I did not mean to keep pressing.”

I watch as Ginger tries to smile and finally does as she draws her little sister in for a hug that is returned with enthusiasm.

Finally, I tell them all, “Ok, we best get moving. Dinner can’t be too far off.”

Our siblings say farewell to their friends and we all head to the farm. As I approach, I see my father coming out of the barn. We wave to each other and then I see Mother come out and wave as well. She then calls to Ginger, “Dear would you like to join us for dinner again? I have another dish I am making you might like to learn about.”

“Sure, Mother Persimmon,” She calls back. As she does this, I see Sumac come out on the porch. She has heard this but only nods and smiles.

Once we are close enough, she does say, “Don’t forget to come to visit tonight, ok. We would all really like to visit with you a spell.”

I call back to her, “We will be there Mother Sumac.”

Then Sumac asks us, “Is Epona on her way?”

Ginger nods and tells her, “She planned on visiting for a bit tonight before heading into the pub in White Cloud.”

As we enter my family’s home, Ginger and I place our saddlebags in the room that we are sharing. Once she has done that, she takes off her work clothes and puts on an apron, telling me, “I am going to go help your mom if I can.” She then gives me a quick kiss and trots out of the room. I follow her shortly afterward and cannot help but smile at the sight of my mother and fiancé cooking side by side. My mother teaching her how to cook the dishes I enjoy most.

After dinner, I tell my father, “Father, Ginger and I are going to head into White Cloud for a cider, would you like to join us?”

He nods his head, “I would like to, but I already made plans to do so with Badger and some of the others tomorrow night. Your mother lets me do so without complaint, so I do not want to abuse that.”

This time I nod in understanding. “Ok father, I do understand. Perhaps another time.”

After dinner, Ginger and I excuse ourselves. Father, Mother, and Xailynn all head up to Ginger’s family’s house while we head to the pub.

Once we reach the pub, we meet up with the rest of the field team. Off to one corner, I see Twinks and Tater in a booth with one of his hooves around her.

On the other side of the room, I see Cowlick playing darts with Doubleback and Epona. Finally, in a dark corner to the side, I notice Choo Choo is enjoying a drink with her coltfriend Paper Work, as well as a Sirocco and his wife Fancy.

At another table, I see some of the locals playing cards. After we sit and have ordered our drinks, I see a couple of the old timers from the expedition bring out their instruments and play.

After a while, Ginger and I start to sing with the band. Shortly after Choo and Paper Work join us as we sing some of the songs that we shared on the expedition. Off to the side, I see a questioning look on Epona’s face as she looks at Tater and they nod to each other. Then I see them both laugh.

We are just finishing up singing Mareyowen when we see a couple of griffons as well as a unicorn come through the door. They are all armed and seem to scan the room and appear to be trying to act tough. They also seem to be nervous about something.

I look around the room and I notice a couple of ponies as well as one bull that have CEF branded on their left shoulders. I find myself smiling as this means they were survivors of the Co-op Expedition Force also. Most of the others in the pub were with the caravan for it as well. I grin to myself thinking that these poor blokes have no idea what they are getting themselves into if they are going to try something.

I watch the two griffons sit at a table and the unicorn goes to the bar. Noticing my pint is empty I decide to head to the bar to get a refill and perhaps get a better idea of what is going on.

As I get to the bar, I overhear Blueberry Crisp, one of the owners of the pub asks the unicorn, “What can I get for you?”

The unicorn replies, “two shots of Wild Pegasus and one pint of cider for me and my pals.”

She nods her head and turns to get them their drinks. I am leaning on the rail of the bar next to him and casually tell him, “If you and your partners have never tried Old Overmare before, or Three Sisters, you should try them too. Both are locally made.”

The unicorn nods his head, “Thanks for the suggestion, but we just stopped to get something to cut the dust from our throats.”

I nod my head, then tell him, “Yeah, I do understand how that is. Where are you heading?”

He looks back at his partners briefly, then back to Blueberry who is just finishing pouring their drinks. Then he tells me, “Manesville, looking to see if we can pick up some work. We heard about an outfit a while back that may be hiring.”

I nod my head, “There probably are some.” I tell him as Blueberry sets their drinks on a tray for him.

She then tells him, “Ok, that will be five caps, two for each of the Wild Pegasus and one for the cider.”

He nods his head and levitates the caps out of his saddlebag to her. He then takes the drinks in his TK and carries them over to the others at their table.

Blueberry looks at them and then at me with a raised eyebrow. Then she asks, “Refill Chotil?”

I nod my head and tell her, “Yeah, thanks.”

“So, you guys back for a while this time?”

I shake my head and tell her, “No, we head out again in the morning.”

“I guess that is why you are all here tonight then?”

I shrug and tell her, “I guess so, I had not really thought about it though. But in a bit, Ginger and I need to head back to the farm to visit with her folks.”

She smiles, “I do understand. Well tell your future in-laws and your parents I said hello to them.”

After I get my pint, I head back to Ginger and the others and just enjoy their company and the feeling of being home again. After a bit, I remind Ginger, “Dear, time to go visit your family before it gets too late.”

She smiles and after we say our goodbyes we trot back to the farm and enjoy a last night at home with family.

We arrive back just in time to sit in the parlor with everyone and listen to the radio, chatting lightly with each other. After a bit DJ Pon3’s show begins.

Good evening all my children in the wastelands. In tonight’s news, we are receiving more reports of Enclave activities along the border with the NCR. These include both incursions by airships and vertibucks as well as by teams of infiltrators. From Down in the Hoof, we are hearing reports that the rail lines between the NCR and the Lunar Commonwealth have been reopened, again.

From Van Hoover we are hearing reports of increased fighting between local gangs and the local Steel Ranger chapter. This is accompanied by news of fighting breaking out in New Pegasus as well. In other news, we are hearing of an increase in raider attacks along the Baltimare to Manehatten trade routes. So, if you are out there on those routes, travel in groups and maybe hire some escorts.

I will be right back with more news and a surprise interview after this next song…

Before I can hear any more, I hear Sumac ask, “You kids didn’t have to deal with raiders on your last trip, did you?”

I watch as both the Colonel and Sutures look at each other and very slightly shake their heads. Archer has a slight smile go across his muzzle and Magpie just sits there with a look of curiosity on her face. The siblings on the other hoof, are all leaning forward waiting to hear what we have to say.

Ginger looks uncomfortable at the question and I answer for her, “No, not many. Nothing to compare to the number of raiders we saw on the expedition.”

This seems to mollify the parents. The youngsters however move slightly closer and I hear Raven ask in an awed tone of voice, “What were they like on the expedition?”

Before I can answer The Colonel looks briefly at the clock on the mantle and then tells them, “Ok kids, time for bed, you have school tomorrow.”

They all express disappointment at this. Then I see Sumac and Magpie both look at her curiously.

Once the youngsters are all in bed, the Colonel tells Sumac and Magpie, “I don’t want them getting the idea dealing with raiders is a game.” She looks at us and says, “I know we don’t know everything, but I can guess you had your run-ins out there.”

I nod slowly as Ginger tells them, “Yeah, we had a couple, but really, we can’t talk about it. And to be honest, I don’t want to talk about them when we are home.”

The Colonel sadly smiles knowingly and tells us, “I understand. If I don’t see you in the morning be careful out there. Where ever you are going this time.”

Shortly after this, we head back to my parent's house. Father is sitting on the porch by himself. As we approach, I ask him, “Everything alright father?”

He shrugs and answers, “Yeah, just some memories coming back tonight.”

We nod our heads. Ginger gives him a quick hug, “Good night, Father Xavier.”

He smiles and his face relaxes, “Good night my daughter, sleep well my children.” We know he wants to be alone for now and head inside for the night.


Manesville, Manesville District NCR: Choo Choo

As I watch the others leave, I turn to the shop crew, “Ok, crew, finish up what you are doing and have a good night.”

They nod their heads, then wish me well on this trip. Before I can leave though little Xanthippie comes up to me and gives me a hug. I have to smile at her innocence and give her a light hug back. Then I tell her, “You be a good little filly for your mom and the others while I am gone. Ok?”

She smiles as best she can and tells me, “I will Miss Choo. See you.” Then she trots away like the little filly she should be.

Once I am outside, I take to the air and fly over to the landing docks. I see the Baltimare Colt has moored once more. I land just short of the brow and make my way aboard. Once there I am met by the Third Mate, who sends a crewpony to see if Rust Water is available.

Once he returns, he tells us, “Capt’n is on the mess decks having coffee. She says for you to just head on in Miss Choo.”

I nod to both him and the third mate and tell them, “Thank you. I appreciate your time.” Then I find my way to the mess decks. As I enter, I see Rust is having coffee with her first mate Bell Stand. She nods to me and points toward the coffee cups on a tray next to the pot. I pour myself a cup and then sit down next to them.

Rust smiles at me and asks, “So, what can I do for you Choo?”

I smile back, “Well, I am just doing a social visit right now, but also I wanted to make sure that you had been contacted about transporting us tomorrow.”

I see a surprised look come over her face. Then she asks, “Choo, what in Tartarus are you talking about?”

This catches me off guard as well. Then I tell her about our planned mission and how the rangers contacted me to let me know. It is as I am finishing up this that we have the same crewpony who let her know I was here, approach her again.

“Cap’n, we have a couple of NCR types at the brow that need to talk to you. Something about our contract,” he tells her with a questioning tone.

Rust looks at me and shakes her head, “I guess they thought they would contact me first.” She turns back to the waiting crewpony and tells him, “Bring them to the Pilot House.”

After the crewpony leaves, she tells me and Bell Stand, “I want you both in the Pilot House for this one.”

As we are making our way to the Pilot House, I hear her say under her breath, “Typical NCR bureaucratic bungling.”

Once we arrive, I look out the windows and see the crewpony bringing a griffon and a pony. The griffon I do not know, the pony is a light purple unicorn stallion who is dressed in the NCRA uniform of a captain. I do recognize him as he is on the staff of the regional commander General Threat Vector. His name is Pin Point and while on the staff, he still looks like he could fight.

As they enter, I notice the surprise on Pin Point's face. The griffon does not respond, as if they thought I was here normally. Once they are fully inside Rust tells the crewpony, “Close the door on your way out, and wait by the stairs.”

He nods his head and tells her, “Yes Capt’n.” Closes the door, and I hear his hoofsteps as the goes down the stairs.

Rust then turns to the new arrivals and asks, “OK, what is going on?”

Pin Point looks embarrassedly at her, then me, and back before he answers, “Am I to assume that Miss Choo has appraised you of her team's next mission and our desire to have your vessel transport them?”

Rust leans against the ships wheel with one shoulder and looks at him, and tells him, “Actually, she just mentioned it to me right before you arrived.”

I watch as Pin Point actually looks surprised and turns to look at the griffon. The griffon on the other hoof acts as if this is nothing new. In fact, when he finally speaks it is with a haughty tone as he says, “Yes, sorry about that. But you know how these things happen.”

I see Rust’s expression change subtly to one that shows she is angry but allows her to appear calm. “Yes, they do, but you know my vessel does have radio communications as well as you could have flown a courier in. I had a contract already set up to haul a load of cargo of grain down to Western Landing. There a freight train is to pick up this cargo for delivery to Junction Town.”

He waves a talon nonchalantly and tells her, “Contracts can be worked around. Besides, Junction Town can wait a day or two for more grain.”

Finally, I speak up, “Excuse me, who are you again?”

He looks in my direction with disdain then turns back to Rust and addresses her. “Who I am, does not really matter. I AM a representative of the NCR Government. That is what matters.”

Now I am about ready to lose my temper. I feel my wings start to rise and my ears go back. I feel the energy begin to build again in my horn. Then I hear Pin Point say, “Please calm down Miss Choo.”

The Griffon finally turns to me and asks, “You are Miss Choo?”

Almost Growling I answer, “Yes, you now know who I am. Now, who are you?”

The Griffon fluffs up his chest fur and resettles his wing and puts a talon across his chest as he says, “I am Silver Tongue, the representative for the NCR on this junket. YOU Miss Choo and your team are to be part of my escort.”

This catches me off guard, and I ask, “Part of your escort?”

“Yes, I have my personal bodyguards also coming. They will be here either tonight or tomorrow morning. We will not be leaving without them.”

This gets me to think and I ask, “So, why are they not with you now?”

He looks at me over his beak and says, “If it is any of your business, we had recently lost a member of this detail. I let them have some downtime to mourn the loss.” He pauses then says, “Besides, it made me less conspicuous traveling without them by airship.”

I nod my head thinking I understand what he means. Then I ask, “And how are they getting here?”

He laughs lightly, “I told them to provide their own transport. I do believe they are coming by walking.”

This tells me more than I want about him. I nod my head and then I ask Captain Pin Point, “Before you leave here, could I have a moment of your time privately?”

He looks at the griffon who waves a talon dismissively at him before he answers, “Of course Miss Choo.”

Silver Tongue then continues in his arrogant voice, “Captain, this vessel serves the NCR...”

At this Rust holds up a forehoof and tells him, “Shut your mouth before you go any further.”

“How Dare You! How dare you talk to a representative of the NCR like that!”

“How dare I? Because this is a private vessel. It is mine and my clan’s steamship and if you try and federalize it, I will burn it to the hull and destroy the machinery. My family donated the S. Glimmer; Our flagship to the NCR to form the 1st River Flotilla for the NCR Navy,” By this time she has advanced almost muzzle to beak with the griffon and puts a hoof into his chest, “This is my command. You hold no ground here. Even if you book passage for yourself, you are under my command while on board. Do not throw your weight around here. To me, you are just cargo. Now if you want to talk civilized and respectfully to each other, we can do that too. Do I make myself clear?”

I look over and see the griffon’s beak open and closing several times. He is rendered speechless. I then see Captain Pin Point nod his head, and he says to us, “Thank you for clearing that up for us Captain Rust Water. I do not believe the Representative understood how things work here.”

Finally, I hear him almost spit out the words, “Filthy Mercenaries.”

This time I coolly answer, “Sir, if I were you, I would use that word carefully. The captain and her crew are not even close to that. Myself and my team, we are Private Military Contractors. WE choose who we work for and who we take orders from. Understand, at this point, I am about ready to tell our contacts that we refuse this job as you and your people were not mentioned to us.”

Again, I see his eyes go wide. He then says, “You can’t talk to me this way.”

I laugh in his face and I tell him, “With what you just said and how you said it, I would have a hard time keeping some of my people from taking care of you themselves.”

I watch to see Captain Pin Point's reaction. Instead of anger or being upset, I notice that he seems almost amused and he just nods to me.

Once the situation has calmed back down, we discuss the details of the mission as well as how we can still maintain the contract for transporting grain to Western Landing, enabling us to maintain a modicum of cover for the operation. After we have finished our discussions, I walk with Captain Pin Point and Silver Tongue to the pier. Silver Tongue looks at me with thinly veiled disdain. I nod to him. He then tells the captain, “I will see you back at the Stable, Captain. I need to talk to the General.”

After he is out of earshot, I ask Captain Pin Point, “Sir, the briefing I got on this job two days ago did not include him or his escorts, what changed?”

I see his ears shift downwards briefly in disgust, then he tells me, “Choo, this was not our idea. Junction Town sent him after we talked with you. That is part of why I am here. I wanted to personally apologize for that. The Rangers have been notified that your team is taking part in a mission for us, but not what it is, that is why your normal handlers have not been involved. As for his royal highness Silver Tongue, he is your typical pompous ass politician. Try not to let him get killed, but more importantly, watch out for your people, and don’t let him screw up the meeting with the inhabitants of New Gallop.”

“What if he ends up getting himself killed?” I ask.

He shrugs, “Try not to let that happen, but if it does, report what occurred.”

We shake hooves after this and as he begins to walk back to the Stable, I take flight and head over to White Cloud to meet Paper Work so we can enjoy dinner and some time together before we leave.

Paper Work is already at the pub when I arrive and we are sharing a corner booth with Fancy and her husband Sirocco. Most of my team is there relaxing along with the locals when I see two griffons and a unicorn come in together. At first, I don’t think much of them as I see Xochitl get up to get a pint at the bar while one of that group gets their drinks. Then I realize that these might be Silver Tongues bodyguards. Instead of approaching them, or saying something to the others, I decide to just sit back and watch.

What I see is nothing out of the ordinary. However, when I get up to go use the sinks, I notice they are very uncomfortable with one of my kind. It seems they had not really noticed me before.

By now Hard Tack has returned from the back and is just asking them if they would like to order some food. The older of the two griffons looks at him and asks in a manner that indicates he figures the answer is no, “Would you happen to have any meat?”

The smiling Hard Tack answers, “Sure, we just got a fresh radhog two days ago and I just took it out of the ground a bit ago. That is why my wife was covering the bar.”

I see the surprise on the griffon's face, then I hear Ginger call across the pub, “Hardtack, if that radhog is ready, could you bring a couple of pulled pork sandwiches for me and Xochitl?”

He looks a little nonplused and calls back, “Ginger, I will get to your table after I am through here. Wait your turn.”

The Unicorn then asks, “You really have meat here? And ponies ask for it?”

Hard Tack answers, “Yeah, we do. Not all of us here eat meat, but many do. She is one of the more regular ones.”

“Huh, she doesn’t look the type.” The other griffon says with his head cocked.

“Well, she, the buck with her, and that black pegasus over there, they used to harvest us radhogs all the time. Taught their little sibling how-to for this one.”

Then I am out the door and going around the back for the sinks. On my way back I notice the griffons are both eating the pulled pork sandwiches. The unicorn shaking his head just has a salad. However, I notice how much he is enjoying it. When I am near the table, I hear him mumble, "I wonder how come anypony hear can buy fresh food?”

I stop and politely tell him, “I can answer that sir if you would like me to.”

He looks surprised to see an alicorn not only here but talking to him. But he calmly replies, “Sure, 'cause normally you have to pay big caps for food like this.”

I nod my head, “You see, around here, while we have the military base, we also are an agricultural community. We recovered our fields as we reclaimed the old farmsteads. Additionally, all of our troops as well as the locals spend time in the fields each year working the crops. This allows us to build sweat equity. No resident here starves. However, we can still buy more if we are able, and surplus crops are sold off.”

The unicorn looks surprised, “You mean even you or the mayor of the town work in the fields?”

I nod my head, “Yes. I have spent a lot of time in them. In fact, two of my sisters have reclaimed a farm not too far from here. I tend to spend my farm time there with them anymore.”

They all look at me curiously. Finally, one asks, “Even the general?”

I smile and nod my head, “Yes, even the general, but like most who have one thier initial farm time in the fields, he only does two weeks a year; like most of the staff and higher officers and officials.”

The unicorn is sitting back now with a curious look on his face as he asks, “What is this initial farm time?”

I shrug, “With the population we have now, after the big surge in immigrants, they dropped it from two years to six months. Working on the farms. However, if you are military, you get an exemption as your duty rotations have you in the fields more often.”

I watch them all seem surprised. Finally, one asks, “You really put soldiers in the fields as farmhands?”

I nod my head, “Yes, we do have a rotation for it. But if you are interested in immigrating here, check with the immigration office in Manesville. They can help you find farms to start on.”

I then notice Paper Work waving to me, so I tell them, “If you will excuse me, my coltfriend is trying to get my attention. It was nice to meet you and I hope you find what you are looking for.”

As I walk away, I find myself raising my tail and my wings rising slightly as I see my Paper Work smiling at me. We then say good night to Fancy and Sirocco and I give him a ride to mine and George’s cave for the night. Life can certainly be surprising, but good I remind myself as I gently fall asleep in Paper Work’s hooves and with my wing over him.


Baltimare to Manehatten trade route, NCR: Ball Lightning.

The first few days after we dropped in are fairly uneventful. On the third day, now I will have to say that we could not have planned better. In fact, later I even ask Air Burst if it was planned to which he answers me, “Ball If I could plan something like that, don’t you think we would still be working in the Hoof?”

I shrug and tell him, “Air, with you I never know what to expect.”

He laughs back lightly and tells me, “Well, I try.”

We had dry camped two nights already and are on the road to Manehatten again when we first hear gunshots up ahead. Air tells me right away, “Ball, take your team and check it out.”

We fly in low and fast to keep the dust from our hooves exposing we were even nearby. As we come to a ridge edge, we all slow down and land. We spread out so we can cover each other and using the second-rate radio sets we communicate what we are seeing. Below us is a caravan that is in the middle of being ambushed. We can see foals and mares among those being attacked. Two of the wagons are already disabled and members of their pulling teams are down. As I look, I can see that the attackers are raiders. I report this back to Air, who after a slight pause asks, “Have they spotted you yet?”

I have just told him no when several gun rounds landing right next to me, causing me to call back, “Cancel that Air Burst, they have fired upon us, Engaging raiders.” I hate bucking raiders. Ever since that training mission by Van Hoover.

I call out, “Gunter, you and Funnel provide cover fire, Anan, you’re with me for a strafing run.”

He and I both leap up and take to the air, we gain only a bit more height before we dive down as fast as we can, and when in range of the raiders, we open up with the weapons on our battlesaddles. For this mission, I mixed it up. I have an M-12 .308 auto rifle on one side, and on the other, I have an MEW rifle. It feels funny doing this in standard barding rather than power armor, but it is what we have.

He and I zig and zag as we make our way by the wooded area, we are in. the first pass I see about a dozen raiders hidden behind tree trunks and stumps. Most are firing at the caravan, but a few are shootings at us. After the first pass we climb high and I notice some low clouds nearby that we begin to fire from them as Funnel Cloud and Gunter make their pass. As they are making their run, I am surprised to see two of Air Burst team join them. One is wearing an automatic grenade launcher which he fires during his dive.

I watch the grenades explode amongst those in the wooded area and I see chunks of wood flying through the air as well as metal fragments. This causes the remaining raiders to break off their attack and run, dodging from one place of cover to another. We continue to attack them briefly before we finally let them go and begin to approach the caravan. We have our weapons at a relaxed carry as we walk closer to them. Air Burst leading us has us stop and calls out, “Hello the Caravan.”

One of them calls back, “What do you want?”

“We were just passing through and saw you needed a hoof. We have a medic with our team.”’

The same one calls back, “Who are ya? You enclavers?”

“No, not us, we got run out years back during the unpleasantness between Thunderhead and Neighvarro.”

“What are you doing here then?” another one calls out.

Air Burst takes a deep breath and lets it out slowly before he calls back, “Just heading back from a job of escorting a caravan down to Baltimare. We figured we would see if we could pick up some work before heading home to Manesville.”

I see relief come over their faces as they hear this, “Oh, you’re from Manesville. That explains why you are all pegasuses.” One of them says.

I smile at this as it really does help to build our cover story. Then Air asks, “We have a medic with us, plus several of us are trained in first aid, would you like us to help you?”

I then hear a mare call out, “For the love of the Goddesses, yes, we have a couple of us that are hurt real bad.”

I watch as Sundancer stores her weapon and runs toward the caravan and calls out, “I am the medic, where do you need me.”

They wave us forward and three more of Air Burst team go to help treat the injured and wounded. While my team establishes a loose perimeter along with the caravanners on what will be a long night. It is twice during the night that the raiders try to attack the caravan.

The sun has been down for over an hour and from the woods on the side nearest me I hear a branch break. I really wish I had my SATS right now. Instead, I listen quietly and hear someone trip in the woods and curse. I click my mic twice to alert the team.

Then I see four of them begin to run across the open area towards the road. While the caravanners fire at them, I call out over the radio, “Gunter, on me, let’s go!”

I jump into the darkness above and we swope down on them and the woods. I hear Gunter call to me, “Ball, to left, there are some more.”

I shift my aim and do a quick spray and pray into the dark. Then I climb quickly into the darkness. Soon I see the gunfire from the raiders begin to slack off as they fall back after one of them yells, “Let’s get out of here.”

The second time they attack us. They do so from the opposite side of the one Gunter and I are on. We can hear the gunfire from the other side of the caravan. Then I hear Funnel Cloud tell the caravanners, “Lay down covering fire. Anan, Alto, and the rest on this side, Into the air, Anan, Alto, land to the south by fifty meters. I got your backs. Go!”

I turn briefly to see them fly into the darkness as those on the ground on that side fire into the woods. Then I hear Anan call out, “One tango down.”

This is followed shortly by Alto calling the same thing. I hear the raiders firing as they fade back into the dark woods. Then I hear Funnel call out, “Damn it, I’m hit. Medic Up!”

From inside one of the caravan wagons I hear Sundancer callout, “On the way!”

She then reports on the radio, “Boss, Funnel took a good hit in the leg. I will need to dig it out.”

This is followed by Air Burst calling out, “Alto, Strato, help Sundancer with the pickup.”

By now the gunfire has ceased and I can hear them scramble across the dried ground. They help him limp back to the caravan where by lantern light Sundancer removes the bullet and uses a healing potion. She also gives him a quick shot of med-x and tells him, “Relax and grab a nap. When you wake up you will be good as new.”

As the morning sun rises, I see the result of the night's fight. It seems the caravan lost some of their guards as well as a couple of ponies that pulled the wagons.

I am drinking a cup of coffee with Air Burst when the caravan’s leader comes over to us and asks, “Ya’all said you were heading to Manehatten?”

Air Burst finishes his sip of coffee and then answers, “Yep, then over to Manesville.”

The caravan leader seems a bit cautious as he asks, “would you be willing to hire on to guard us till we get to Tenpony Tower?”

Air Burst nods his head, and then asks, “We might consider it, but what are you paying?”

He names a figure that seems a bit low and I watch as Air Burst calmly shakes his head no, and tells him, “Come on, you can do better than that. Look at how many of us you would pick up. You already know we can fight.”

I see the old stallion take a deep breath and once he releases it, he makes another offer and adds, “And your crew can eat from the mess wagon, you won’t have to provide your own rations.”

This time Air Burst nods his head and reaches out a forehoof as he says, “That we can do.” Then they shake hooves on the deal. After this is when he tells us his name is Grain Market.

Once the caravan is ready again, we take positions around it with Alto pulling our cart in the middle, and Anan and Gunter flying above us to scout the way ahead of us. Once we are moving, they spend most of their time walking with short flights only so that no pony can track the caravan’s position by seeing where they are in the air.

By our second night, we have made it to a small settlement along the road. It is made up of several buildings one of which has a sign on the front proclaiming it to be the Twisted Hoof Tavern. Between the outer buildings are thick mudbrick walls with guard posts positioned on the corners. Off to one side of the market square, I can see a small office that has a New Canterlot Republic flag hanging limply from it and states, NCRA Recruiting station.

After the caravan has set up camp for the night. Alto and Sundancer join Gunter and me for a pint inside the tavern.

As we go in, I notice how run down the place looks. The bar itself is kept fairly clean by the bartender. In the lantern lights, I can see some of the other customers there. Some of them are locals, but others are from some of the other caravans that are also resting or doing business in the market.

As we sit at a table to the side, we all order a shot of the local homebrew. Then the waitress asks us, “Would you like something to eat?”

I nod my head yes and reply, “Sure, what do you have?”

“Well, the usual, most of our food is canned. We have fried cram, instamash potatoes, for dessert we have some Fancy Buck cakes. If you don’t mind meat, we also have some radhog. Today’s special is radhog and vegetable stew. “

She has my attention when she says radhog, so I ask, “Do you have any radhog bacon?”

I see her grin knowingly as she looks around. Then she answers, “Sure do, would you like that with eggs?”

Smiling myself I tell her fairly quietly, “Actually I was hoping to get it on bread with some tomato and lettuce if you have any.”

She nods her head, “Dearie, I think we can do that.” Then she looks at the others and asks, “How about the rest of you?”

I see Sundancer think about it and finally, she says almost embarrassedly, “I will have a bacon sandwich too.”

Alto thinks about it and tells her, “I will go for the stew if I can.”

Finally, Gunter asks, “Would you happen to have any pulled radhog for a sandwich?”

She nods her head and tells him, “Yes we do, it should be finishing up soon.” She pauses and still grinning she tells us, “I can tell ya’all have been dirtside for a while. I have never met an Enclaver who would ask for meat.”

As she walks away, all I can think is I am so glad that Air Burst got me to try meat before. While it is not my normal choice for a meal, it is tolerable and it does help us to blend in. Finally, Sundancer ask me, “Have you had Radhog Bacon before?”

I smile at her as I answer, “Oh yeah. It is pretty good. Nice and salty when done right. There is only one problem though.”

She has a nervous expression on her face as she asks, “What is that?”

Still smiling I tell her, “It is a gateway food.”

I hear Alto begin to laugh and I see Gunter smile as he shakes his head, then he takes a sip of his drink. We are just beginning to eat our meals when I see Air Burst and the caravan master enter the tavern. He is looking around and I can tell as he sees me taking a bite of my sandwich, as he just nods his head, smiles, and walks over to the bar for a drink.

Later that night back in camp when most are asleep and no one is around he tells me, “Good way to fit in. Keep it up.”

Three days later we arrive at the outskirts of Manehatten. I can see the mountains to the west. To our east is the coast. As the sun rises, I can begin to see the silhouette of the remains of what was Friendship city. When I look at it, I see beyond it the remains of what was once Manehatten. I also can see the shell and forms of several tall buildings behind it. Some are still standing intact; others are jagged and stick up like broken teeth. As we get closer, I can fully see how badly damaged the Statue of Friendship is. As I shake my head, I hear Air Burst say, “This is nothing kid, you should see the craters”.

He thinks he knows what I am thinking, but inside I feel sadness for not only what was lost, but what we did during Operation Cauterize. Perhaps it is best they try to censure what books we can read and what stations we can listen to in the Enclave. But during our time with the caravan, I was offered a copy of the Book of Little Pip to read. I skimmed through a lot of it, but when I got to the parts about Red Eye, the Goddess, and the Enclave I started to pay more attention. But what got me to think the most was the part about Operation Cauterize and what our people did to those below.

I would be lying if I did not admit to at least myself that I am having a crisis of conscious over it. The one thing that salves my conscious is that our leadership has changed since those long-ago days. But inside I still question if the leadership has changed, then has the attitude and arrogance? I thought I knew, but now, now I wonder.

As we wander our way toward Tenpony Tower I see signs with names I now recognize as we bypass them. Names such as Arbu and Buckland Cross. Names I have never heard of until I saw them in that damnable book.

At one point Sundancer comes up to me, “Cap for your thoughts?”

I shake my head, then I tell her, “Just looking at all that was lost and destroyed and I wonder what it was all for, and was it really worth it?”

She nods her head, “Ah, that. Yeah, Alto and I both have gone through that too, back when we were in the Hoof. Sweet Heart, don’t let it begin to control your thoughts. As Air Burst once told me, don’t let dead ponies get into your head, they already lived their lives, you need to live yours.”

It surprises me to hear something like that had come from Air Burst. I mull it over briefly and tell her, “Sounds like good advice. I heard something similar a while back myself.

Soon we are following the rail line across the river and into the city itself. I begin to notice signs of life here and there. As we get closer to Tenpony Tower I begin to see more traffic on hoof leading to and from the towering building. Almost all of them appear to either be armed or to have an armed escort. Again, my mind wonders back over two hundred years and I wonder what this city had been like back then.

Finally, we are camped near one of the main entrances on the ground level, underneath the railroad tracks. I am talking to Air Burst when the caravan leader approaches him and tells him, “Thanks Air Burst for the rescue and for escorting us the rest of the way here.”

Air Burst takes the caps that he hooves him and puts them in his saddle bags as he replies back, “Our pleasure Grain Market.”

Grain Market hesitates briefly and then says to us, “We might have a contract to carry some goods and passengers to Manesville in a couple of days, would you be willing to hire on with us for that run as well?”

I look at Air as he thinks about it briefly. Then he tells him, “Same rate of pay and we are yours until Manesville.”

They shake hooves on the deal. Then Grain Market tells us, “I will get back to you later with the details.”

“Sounds good boss,” Air tells him with a smile. Then he looks at me and tells me, “Well, I guess we should let the rest of the team know.”

Two days later Grain Market approaches us with news of when we are leaving. “Air Burst, let your people know we are leaving in the morning. We are carrying some goods to Manesville as well as escorting some dignitaries and other government bigwigs.”

Air Burst smiles and nods, “Sounds good sir. We have been keeping close as it is. Besides, not much here we are interested in. I mean the food is expensive and not much of it is fresh. I can get better back home.”

Grain Market grins at this and tells us, “Well, being from Manesville goes without saying. Now you folks have a good night.”

Shortly after this, we begin to bed down for the night or take our watches. I find myself cuddled next to Sundancer and Alto at one point. Later after she goes on watch I wake briefly as Gunter takes her spot under the shared blankets.

Come morning we eat a quick breakfast and begin to prepare to depart. As we are finishing our coffee. I see our caravan leader being followed by several earth ponies and a couple of unicorns. He is currently talking to a middle-aged light pink unicorn mare with a light purple main and tail both of which are trimmed in a conservative manner. She is wearing what appears to be gray robes underneath a light tan cloak and a pair of gold-framed glasses. I then notice she seems to have a shemagh wrapped around her neck.

Grain then introduces us to her and then says, “Mare and Gentlecoats, this is Miss Haze. She is the head of the group we are transporting to Manesville.”

I nod my head and Air Burst tells her, “It is a pleasure to meet you, madam.”

“A pleasure Air Burst. Mister Market tells me you come from Manesville. I assume this means you are familiar with the route.”

Air Burst then tells her, “Yes, we are from Manesville, but ma’am, we have not taken this route before. Usually, we try to stick to the river, or we just go between Manesville, Junction Town, and Baltimare.”

“Ah, I see, at least you have experience in the wastelands then.”

“Yes ma’am, we do. How about you? Have you been into the wastelands much?”

She smiles warmly and answers, “Yes, a time or two. However, I have become a bit of a homebody anymore.” She then asks, “So do you come from Manesville itself or one of the settlements?”

Thinking quickly, I tell her, “We are from one of the settlements ma’am, one they call White Cloud. If you are not from the Manesville area you probably have never heard of it.”

She nods her head, “I am sure you are right on that.” She pauses briefly and then she says, “Oh dear. I seem to have forgotten to bring my satchel that I am to take with me to Manesville.” She turns to Grain Market and tells me, “Give me a bit of time to go up to my office and get it. Then we can leave.”

“Of course, Miss Haze. Take your time ma’am.”

She smiles and I watch her trot quickly back up to the level of the main entrance and then disappear inside Tenpony Tower.

About thirty minutes later she reappears. She is smiling and has the satchel slung across her chest. She finds Grain Market and tells him, “Sorry about that. Thank you for waiting.”

He politely tells her, “That is ok, while we were waiting, we finished loading your peoples and your baggage into the wagons.” He then turns and calls out, “Ok, we’re burning daylight, let’s move people,” as he starts to walk with Air Burst at the front of the caravan and we begin the next leg of our journey to Manesville.

As we begin our journey, I hear an excited Purple Haze blurt out, “Oh, this is so exciting.” To myself I think, this has to be her first time out into the wastelands, as I shake my head and scan the buildings around us for possible troubles.


Good evening children, you are listening to DJ Pon3. In tonight’s news, the fighting continues between NCR and what is believed to be Enclave remnant forces in New Pegasus. To accompany this there are reports that the Wander has been seen in that area as well.

Closer to Manehatten we have reports of a team of pegasus mercs rescuing a caravan from an ambush as well as breaking the back of one of the largest raider gangs on the Manehatten to Baltimare trade route. Along with this, the news of fresh attacks on caravans has declined. However, this doesn’t mean we can be careless traveling in this region. Remember to keep your eyes open and your guns clean out there.

Our next song is one you may not be familiar with, here is I Didn’t Know.

Chapter 23 Side Quest: Partial Mission Success

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RP Chapter 23 Side Quest: Partial Mission Success

“It’s hard to sell the official story to people who can see things for themselves.”

― John Scalzi, The Life of the Mind

SS Baltimare Colt, Hoofrock River, NCR: Ginger Snaps

I feel the Colt shuddering slightly as we move back slowly against the river current. I hear the sound of wood on wood and then the movement of rope through pullies as one of the crewponies calls out, “Ok Captain, we’re clear of that snag now.”

Rust calls back, “Very good,” then I hear her call, “Epona, one half right rudders, get us mid-stream.”

I shake my head as I open my eyes and I awaken from my after-lunch nap. Across what is now considered our berthing area by the crew I see the three members of our esteemed NCR rep’s security team playing cards with Xochitl and Sunny.

As I sit up and stretch, I hear him asks, “Ok Henri, what are you going to do?”

I notice the light gray griffon shift his wings and tilt his head as he looks at the cards in his talons. Finally, he says, “I’ll fold.”

Xochitl looks at the unicorn and nods. The unicorn says, “Raise, 2 caps.”

I smirk to myself as I realize they are playing Dodge City hold-em. I remember back to that day many years ago back in JR-7 before it became Junction Town when Sunny’s dad Trouble taught us by letting us watch him play it against some of Gawd’s talons.

I finally get up and asks, “Where are the others?”

Sunny looks up from his two cards and tells me, “Tater and Epona are in the Pilot House. Cowlick and Twinks have gone topside. And Choo has gone high to try and spot for more snags. The high river level has a lot of down trees free floating again making it rough to navigate.” He pauses then says, “Ok, here are two more caps, and I raise two more.”

I smile trying not to laugh as I hear Shadow Glider, the other griffon moan as he tosses in four caps. Then he says, “The boss is still in his state room, whining about the accommodations.” After he says this, we all look at each other and laugh.

I then tell them, "I am going to go get some coffee, Be back in a bit.”

As I go up to the mess deck, I am greeted by a couple of the crew members. It is nice to know that we are getting known and know the crew now. Once I get there, I am able to relax with a nice cup of coffee as I talk with a couple of the engine room crew members. As I am finishing my cup one of them asks, “Did the captain or Bell Stand bring up stopping for fuel again?”

“No, not yet, I thought after we stopped at that refueling station, we would be good for a while more.”

He nods, “Should be, but it would be better, always best to be sure.”

“Ok Oil Can, let me know when we are going to stop and me and the others will be ready for you.”

We bump hooves as I get up and then I head to the upper deck.

Once I get up there, I notice that Double Back is up there already leaning against the rail at the front of upper deck looking toward the bow. He looks back briefly and nods to me and then scans the water ahead of us again for obstacles. Soon I hear him call out, Snag 75 meters to the port bow.”

I then hear Epona repeat the report back out loud and then hear Rust Water call out adjustments to the ship’s rudder. We carry on this way for six more hours before we approach some islands to the side. While I think I see some movement on the islands I am not sure so I say nothing. However, when I check my PipBuck I do notice the location is Thirteen Mile Island.

Once we reach the big river itself and are heading south again Rust Water has Bell Stand takes over the pilot house and their normal watch standers take over the wheel and the engine order telegraph.

I then go to meet them. “Hey Captain,” I say by greeting.

“Hey Ginger, what do you need?” she asks me.

“Not much, but I thought I saw some movement on the Thirteen Mile Island back there on the Hoofrock. I didn’t want to bother you during critical maneuvering though.”

She nods, “Thanks for bringing it to my attention as well as waiting till we were through the worst of it.” She shakes her head and then adds, “I swear sometimes I miss the old days before we got the SPP towers working again. We didn’t seem to get as many rain surges and the rivers were more predictable back then.”

This is something I had not thought about before and I tell her so. She smiles and answers back, “Ginger, most who don’t use the water highways hardly even think about such things. By the way, your sister and Tater did really well for their first time on the rough stuff. Thanks for letting us have them work with me and the crew.”

I am still smiling and getting ready to reply as I see Choo Choo land on the back end of the upper deck and begin to walk our way. Absentmindedly I say out loud, “It sure would be nice to have a landing pad and vertibuck back there.”

She nods her head and with a wry grin says, “Yeah, but two problems. The first we would have to rebuild that entire back half and reinforce it heavily. The second, where would we get a vertibuck from?”

This time I have to nod my head and I tell her, “Yeah, your right. But still a mare can dream.”

She laughs lightly, and then says, “Yeah, but should I be jealous that your dream includes my ship?”

I laugh an tell her, “No, the Colt is all yours Captain. Besides, I would never want to take her away from you, and I don’t think anyone could.”

She pats the railing lightly with a forehoof and says, “No, not as long as we both live. She is a part of me.” I nod my head. I understand how it is to be a part of something bigger than you. She then says to me, “Well, let’s go get something to eat.” I follow her down to the messdecks where we are joined by Choo. The other team members are sitting at other tables with other members of the crew. We are just discussing where to stop for fuel next then our landing at Good Doer and the old transfer point when we see Silver Tongue approaching us.

As he approaches, he still has his air of superiority. He looks at Rust Water and asks, “How much longer until I am able to leave this conveyance?”

She tilts her head and tells him, “Any time you like, you are not a prisoner. However, we still have another day before we reach the Good Doer transfer point. Why? Is there a problem?”

He waves a talon and tells her, “No, I am just ready to get done with this assignment and return to civilization.”

“Are you not happy with your accommodations Mister Tongue?” Rust asks with a bit of irritation in her voice.

He shakes his head no and tells her, “No, not at all. Perhaps you should try them sometime and you would understand how someone of my station would feel. After all, it is not like I am simply hired help who deserve nothing better than to sleep on the cargo deck.”

As he says this my ears go forward and my eyes open wide. All I can think is that he must not have any idea of what he has just said.

Rust on the other hoof has her ears go back. Her nostrils flair briefly and I can tell she is fighting to keep calm as she replies, “Sir, I usually do. I gave you my state room. I am currently hot bunking with my 1st mate so you can have your accommodations. So, I am sorry if your accommodations do not meet your exacting standards.”

I finally see the old bastard seem a bit flustered when he hears this, and he tries to say, “Well, I am sorry if I have insulted you. I failed to understand that.”

Rust just twists her head the other way and with her eyes half closed tells him, “Perhaps next time you need to go somewhere, you should try to find a different vessel. After all, we are normally a cargo transport, not a passenger transport. My brother Rough is the one who transports passengers on a regular basis.”

He then asks, “What vessel is his?”

“His ship is the S. Glimmer.”

“Perhaps I will, who would I contact?”

I see Rust laugh lightly then she says, “Contact the NCR, the S. Glimmer is now part of the 1st River Flotilla for the NCRN. Just ask for Commodore Water.”

I see him move his head back. “Humph. Well Perhaps I will. Thank you, Captain. Now if you will excuse me, I will get something to eat. At least your command has the decency to serve fresh meat.”

Without meaning to I slip and say, “You are welcome, courtesy of the Repair Ponies. We harvested two of them before we left for the crew.”

I see the surprise on his face and his back wings ruffle a bit and he asks, “Your people shot these radhogs?”

I laugh and tell him, “Yeah, Sunny, Xochitl, and I used to run a radhog hunting business before we finished school.”

He looks at me with one eye as his head is twisted to the side, and asks, “You mean, you three have an education and decided to become mercenaries?”

“No, my whole team except for Choo and Double Back went to school together. We are all educated and sir, do not use the word mercenaries. We are private military contractors. We work for those we choose, not simply whoever pays the highest caps.”

He looks at me disgruntled and tells me, “However you want to dress it. It still seems like mercs to me.”

I smile at him and then ask, “Maybe you just do not understand the difference. We were never Talons, but I am sure you once were.”

His temper starts to rise and he says, “How dare you talk to me like that. I am your boss.”

I laugh right in his face then I poke him in the chest as I tell him, “See that is what I mean. You think I work for you. Nope, our team is working for the regional office of the NCR. General Threat Vector and his adjunct are our bosses on this job. You, you are just cargo we are escorting. Now your bodyguards might be mercs, but understand something, I have no idea in Tartarus why anyone would take a bullet for you. You get killed on this job; we still can finish our portion of it. So, you are surplus cargo at that.”

“And who do you think you are to talk to me like this?” he asks me.

I look him straight in the eyes and I tell him, “I am the assistant team leader. I work directly for Choo Choo. We don’t like the job, we quit. Remember, Choo Choo is the nice one.”

From the side, I hear Choo say, “You are quite correct on that Ginger. And sir, if you talk to my people like that one more time, you will be on your own, do I make myself clear.”

He puffs up his wings and chest and tries to look intimidating, that is when I hear Sunny say, “You know, you look kinda like the griffon I took on at Serenity Valley on the last day. I thought you looked familiar. He was working for Silver Spite. But that couldn’t have been you, could it? I mean you would not have been a mercenary working for one of Red Eye’s former officers gone rouge, would you?”

Suddenly I see a look of near panic flash across his face. Then he says, “No, that was not me. I mean I have never even heard of this Silver Spite you mentioned.”

I see his bodyguards in the background look back and forth among each other and then back at him with questioning expressions. The subject is quickly dropped. Then Silver Tongue simply says, “I best get my meal while I still can, if you will excuse me.” He gets his meal and sits alone off to the side while the rest of us continue our discussion from before he approached us.


Baltimare Colt, The Big River, NCR: Xochitl

So far, we have been getting along rather well with the bodyguard for the NCR Representative Silver Tongue. However, after tonight when Sunny opened his mouth after realizing that Silver Tongue reminds him of a griffon we fought at Serenity Valley, they are a bit more cautious towards us.

It is starting to get dark and we have the lanterns turned low as well as the entry to this area of our team’s area blocked off with a blanket again so that no light escapes.

We are sitting quietly with Ginger reading her copy of the Book of Daisy Joe and Epona reading an old copy of Equestrian Army today. Sunny, Tater, Cowlick, and I are all playing cards again while Twinks fiddles with an old radio she found.

It is then that the dark gray griffon Shadow Glider asks Sunny, “What is this Serenity Valley you were talking about earlier?”

When he asks this, I see Ginger close her book as Sunny and I both place our hooves of cards on the table face down. I find myself letting out a sigh as I really do not like to think back to those days. I feel a hoof on my shoulder as Cowlick nods to me and tells me, “If you and Ginger want to step out while Sunny tells him, we understand.”

I pat his hoof with mine and though I feel my pulse quicken at the memories I tell him, “No, this is my, Ginger’s, and even Choo’s tale to tell as well as Sunny’s. We were all there. Besides, we probably know a bit more than Sunny as we were scouts before that.”

Ginger walks over and we begin to tell them about the expedition. As we tell them how the Co-op had organized it and sent it out after the day of Sunshine and Rainbows, I hear Henri ask, “You would have been pretty young then, were they that desperate to use foal warriors?”

Ginger shakes her head and about that time Choo Choo enters the compartment and answers, “They were pretty young and it is my fault that they were there. I helped them to sneak into the back of a wagon as the expedition left. When they found us, it was too late to return home. So, all three of us were hired as civilian scouts.”

The four of us begin to tell our story of the expedition. As we tell the story, all of us avoid talking about going under Canterlot Mountain. However, Days End, the charcoal-colored unicorn with them asks, “What about that group of them that lead the feral ghouls into Silver Spites Rear?”

I find myself smiling as does Ginger. Choo then calmly asks, “Which were you, a soldier for Red Eye or one of his Raiders hired on?”

I see the near panic in his orange eyes. Then I hear Ginger tell him, “Don’t worry, we won’t hold it against you. We just want to know who we are dealing with, and besides, maybe we can hear your side of it.”

Shadow Glider then asks, “How can we know you won’t hold it against him?”

This time Tater pipes up, “Shadow, you are no longer raiders. You are trying to live decent lives. That makes a difference to us. The Colonel taught us that lesson a long time ago.”

“The Colonel?” He asks.

This time Epona answers, “Yeah, Lieutenant Colonel Mollygirl is one of mine and Ginger’s adopted mothers. She taught us that if raiders want to change give them the chance. If not, then we take care of them. Either way, they stop being raiders.”

They look at each other and Henri asks, “Uh, how did she handle those who would not stop being raiders.”

Epona looks him dead in the eyes and coldly tells him, “She hung them. If they had wings, the wings were bound to their sides. Tater and I saw her hang many of them, including the former mayor of Hackamore who had sold the town out to raiders. However, the mayor’s brother went clean and we still keep in touch with him and his wife and foals. We give the chance; it is up to them to take it or not.”

Finally, Days End asks, “So you will not hold it against me and the boss for fighting against you back then?”

Choo answers for all of us, “No, but just for the record, what was your position back then?”

“Choo, I was a private in Red Eyes army back then. The boss, well he was a hired merc, but he saved my life at the Valley.”

I cannot help but have a growl in my voice though when I ask, “What portion of the field did you attack at Serenity Valley during the siege?” Part of me is afraid of what I will do if he says he was on the east end where the Equestrian Rangers were. The bucking Raiders broke through the lines there and overran them. Killing everyone they came across. Only 15 of the Rangers survived that day out of the almost ninety that had started it. I remember hearing over my PipBuck how they were targeting the medics and stretcher bearers, then being ordered to escort a medic right into that inferno.

He looks at me and tells me, “I was on the west end. It was really flat on that side. I was wounded during the second attack we made.”

“Ok, so you weren’t one of the ones that went in on the east side by the burned bridge then?” As I ask this, I feel nothing but relief. It was bad on that side of the lines, but nothing like the eastern flank.

He shakes his head, “No, I was not with those animals. The ones on that part of the assault were true raiders. That is what caused me to wonder if Silver Spite was lying to us. Then one of us had a radio that we used to listen to DJ Pon3 on. I heard the recording and the interview. I wanted to desert, but was in no shape too.”

So how did Silver Tongue save you?”

“It was on the final day; I was laying wounded behind the lines. As those damn skywagons came over they were shooting at everything. He grabbed me and carried me to cover in the woods. Then we made our way out of the valley as quickly as we could with us in our conditions.”

“Where you at Targhee too,” Ginger asks.

He nods his head, and I notice him shake slightly. Then he tells her, “Yeah, the boss wasn’t, but I was. I, I still have nightmares about that place. We came in from the west side. Several of the buildings were already on fire. I had just reached some of the buildings when there were three large explosions and then you counter-attacked us driving us back west and cutting off our troops who were on the east side. I was knocked out by the concussion. I came back to just in time to watch as a tall building just north of us exploded and killed most of my squad. I saw them get crushed by that building. I, I was lucky I guess,” he looks back down, “You may think I am insane, in fact, I wonder if I am, but I swear I saw a white mare going among the dead there. She would stop to talk to the bodies and then move on. After you guys pulled out, of the town, my company was pulled off the line to try and reorganize. Then the birds came. I never saw so many blackbirds at one time and they began to eat the dead.”

Choo, Ginger, and I all nod our heads. From the side, I hear Shadow Glider say, “Bloody Hell.”

I see Ginger sitting there with her eyes wide open, but she is seeing the same town he is all those years ago. Then I hear Cowlick asks, “Was that the worst of it?”

All five of us who were there shake our heads no. Then Choo sadly says, “No, the Valley was worse.”

Cowlick innocently asks, “How did you survive it?”

Choo with a tear in the corner of her eyes looks down and says, “Are you sure we really did?”

I see the initial surprise on Cow’s face, then he looks at me sadly and nods, “Yeah, maybe you are right Choo, I know Chotil sure changed after that.”

I notice the other four of us all have that same expression on our faces, including Days End.

Ginger tells him, “I lost my birth mother at Targhee.” And she continues to share with Days End her loss.

I hear Sunny behind us suck in his breath and then he says, “I knew Targhee was bad, but I didn’t know it was that bad.”

We nod our heads. Then Henri asks, “So, Sunny, you said you saw the boss back at this valley. What’s the story on that.”

He then begins to explain how we were using the flyers to evacuate the foals and calves, and how they were attacked. Then he tells us, “I saw him chasing a mare carrying a little one who was only a week old if that. I knew most of the adults were busy so I did what I could I attacked the griffon and kept harassing him until the mare’s father arrived. I saw the griffon fall, but not what happened to him. I just assumed he was dead.”

The griffons look at each other and I can tell something is on their minds. I remember that day and I remember seeing Sunny over the river fighting that griffon. He has never bragged about it.

Finally, Days End asks, “You don’t hate me for fighting against you?”

I laugh lightly and ask him, “Do you, us?”

He shakes his head no. Then I tell him, “We don’t hate you. You were just a soldier like us. We all went through hell back then, and we did our best, but that fight is done now. Not saying we might not end on different ends of the same sight picture again. But if we do, it is just business or you crossed us.”

Ginger then asks, “Choo, do we have any Old Overmare left?”

“Yes, we do Ginger. Why?”

“Perhaps Choo we should have a drink and toast to those we left behind as we get ready to work with each other.”

I nod my head in agreement. Then I hear Days End ask, “Ok, but aren’t you afraid about me being crazy since I saw that white mare?”

Ginger laughs and I smile as I tell him, “No, we know her. And if you saw her, she chose you too. By the way, she is a spirit and her name is the Mareigan. Oh, and don’t piss her off. That is never a good thing.”


Good Doer Transfer Point, NCR: Choo Choo

“Captain Rust Water, it has been a pleasure traveling with you again,” I tell her as I enter the Pilot House to retrieve my last two team members as well as to say my goodbyes.

“As always Choo, we should be back for a pickup in five or six days. Be careful out there, alright.”

I bow my head slightly and smile, Then I tell Epona and Tater, “Ok, time to go ashore.”

They both say goodbye to Rust and then begin to head out the door. As they pass, I tell them, “Your weapons and kits are still on the cart where you put them.”

“Thanks, Choo,” They both tell me and trot down the stairs.

I get ready to leave and Rust stops me briefly and tells me, “Choo, I mean it. Be careful. I don’t trust that envoy and his escort.”

My face becomes serious as I reply, “I will be. I trust Days End, the other two I am not sure about, and as for his illustrious majesty, I don’t trust him any further than Ginger can throw Cow Lick.”

“Good, I am glad to hear it. I will see you on the run back. Want me to pick you up some Sparkle Cola Rad if they have it down there in Western Landing?”

Now my face becomes more pleasant again as I smile and tell her, “If you wouldn’t mind. It is my favorite. Oh, and what we talked about concerning Bell Stand. I think you should. As a wise mare once told me. Life is short, take what pleasures you can in it.”

She smiles again as she tips her hat back slightly and tells me, “Thanks, Choo. Now you best catch up to the rest of them.”

With that, I step out the door of the pilot house and jump into the air and fly a brief circle above the Colt before I land next to my team and we begin to move inland again.

As we make our way up the trail to the top of the bluff, I can see some of the wreckage of the bridge that was once here down below. Then I overhear Ginger quietly telling Days End, “Not far from here is a dead stable, that is where we first met her.”

I twist my ears in irritation that she is revealing such information in case they did not know. I then tell Sunny, “Blackbird, fly up top and scan around.”

“Roger Big Blue,” he responds back, Then I see him jump off the trail along the bluff and soar upwards. Once up reaches the top he circles around a bit, then gives the all-clear signal.

As we reach the top of the bluff, I can see the remains of what was once the town of Good Doer. Instead, we see some rebuilt houses and a small general store. As we walk by, I notice an older stallion sitting on the porch. When we get closer, I notice he has several savage scars on his back. He tries to get up as we approach and I see him almost fall. That is when I notice his leg has been badly broken and poorly set some time ago. I truly feel sorry for the old stallion. Then I see he is standing next to a note that is nailed to the side of the porch.

I hear Ginger tell Xochitl, “I remember when Ma had that note written. That note is about Miss Text Book and the orphans from here that we rescued. It told the parents they were heading to Manesville.”

The old stallion seems to perk up at that and I hear him call out, “Do ya know about Manesville?”

Most of us turn towards him, with the exception of Silver Tongue and his guards. Ginger then answers, “Yes sir, that is where we are from. Why?”

I see a flicker of hope in his eyes as he asks, “Did, did the foals all make it to Manesville?”

Xochitl asks, “Do you mean the ones on the list?”

The old stallion nods his head yes in reply.

Xochitl then tells him, “Yes sir, they are living in White Cloud now. Well except for Two Tone, once he got old enough, he joined the 1st Manesville Regiment. They kin to you?”

I hear him sniff back a sob then he answers, “Yeah, Short Biscuit is my daughter. How is she?”

I smile as I know the young filly. This time I reply, “She is doing well. She works in the White Cloud bakery after school. I know she will be excited to see you again.”

He shakes his head, “No, no she wouldn’t. Why would she want to see a worn-out, escaped slave who couldn’t even protect her.”

I shake my head, “If they are your foal, then I know she would. They saw what was coming after us. They also saw what those of Red Eyes army had already done.”

“Perhaps, but I am in no shape to travel that far now.”

“Are any of the other parents of those foals around now?” I ask.

He shakes his head, “No. As far as I know, I am the last of those taken that day that survived. We thought that things would be bad for slaves in Fillydelphia, but we had no idea. Since so many slaves had already rebelled against the masters, they were especially brutal in breaking us.”

I nod my head again, “I do understand. We will stop by to talk to you in a couple of days. Think about what you would like to do.”

He nods his head then he tells us, “Safe travels, and be careful if you are heading to Targhee. They say they are still finding booby traps in the ruins there.”

We thank him for letting us know that and begin to make our way to New Gallop. As we leave, I hear Days End ask Ginger, “Why would you have taken those foals with you after you destroyed their homes if not to be slaves?”

She laughs and tells him, “We already told you; we did not do that. This town had already been overrun once before we got here. Soon after we left raiders did it again.”

He seems to be incredulous at this, but I also notice him beginning to think as we travel. He seems like a good stallion and he gets along with my team members well enough, even if he was once our enemy. However, Silver Tongue still has me on edge. I just don’t trust that smarmy bastard.

On the second day of travel, it is getting late in the afternoon when I can see the rusty grain silos in the distance that mark where the village of New Gallop is at. We are still following the road the rest of us took so long ago and I begin to wonder if that is why we seem to be so on edge. If not, perhaps it has to do with the complete lack of any other traffic on the road. We finally camp for the night an hour before sunset. We still have a couple of miles to travel before we get there.

As we are sitting around the below-ground fire pit that night Silver Tongue asks, “It is not much further to Targhee is it?”

I feel my pulse increase and I begin to sweat a little as the memories caused by that name hit me. I shake my head, “No, we are only half a day’s march from it as well. Why?”

He looks up into the darkness briefly and then answers, “Just a thought,” he pauses, then continues, “Perhaps after we are done with our business in New Gallop, we should make a side trip there as well.”

“Sir, my team and I will not be going into Targhee,” I tell him in a flat tone of voice.

“I SAY YOU WILL!” he says in an arrogant tone.

I almost laugh when my entire team simultaneously tells him, “Buck You!”

I see all of his bodyguards’ jaws drop. Then I tell him, “I already told you; we do not work for you. Now, if you keep pushing it, I am sure we know a whole flock of Pegasus who would like a piece of you still. That mare you attacked the last day at Serenity Valley, you know the one that was carrying the foal.” I see his eyes go wide, “Yeah the one that had first a black pegasus colt protect until her father could get there. Well, a whole lot of friends of her father are still not happy with you on that. So please, do not try to demand a single thing from us. You may be with the NCR, but you are not our boss. If you screw this mission up for us, I will personally pluck every feather off of your head and wings. Do I make myself clear Silver? WE Said no to going into Targhee now deal with it. If you and your people choose to go into there, well we may wait a bit to pick up the pieces but we are not going in.”

I watch as he fluffs his feathers in anger and looks at me with hatred. “Your kind never would do what was best for others.”

I shake my head, then I tell him, “Sadly some of your kind as with mine, could not look any further than what was for a personal benefit for them. Going into Targhee is one of those things. We were there years ago. We know what kind of things we left behind and I assume your former employer Silver Spite would have done the same or worse.”

He stops talking to me but I notice his bodyguard all seem uncomfortable now. I then tell my people, “I will be up most of the night, but I want each of you to take a turn on watch. If I do sleep and something happens wake me.” Then we all settle in for the night, the fire put out and darkness settling in.

Once during the night, I see her. It has been a while and while she does wave a hoof at me, she is not here to visit me this time. I see her visit a few of the others and then she leaves with a nod to me. As I look at her departing, I see Days End staring behind her in the darkness. He looks at me in wonder and I simply nod to him. He then closes his eyes and rolls over and attempts to go back to sleep.

Come morning we break camp in silence, then we make the rest of the trek to the town of New Gallop. Both Sunny and I going high to overfly it first. I can see that is only about the size of Dairyanne back home. As I glide silently above, I see some ponies on the street going about their business. I have to fly directly over the silos before I see it. The blast door on the ground for the megaspell launcher inside one of the silos. It is a huge metal door that slides to the side to let the magical energy pass by into the open air when it was used. The door is currently closed, as we had assumed it would be. But the top of the silo is half missing and I can see it is rusted open.

I then fly back to the main road where the rest of the team is waiting and we begin to approach the town on hoof.

Once we are about a mile from the fence around the town, I tell the others, “Ginger, you have the team. Xochitl, come with me while I make first contact.”

“Excuse me, Choo Choo, I shall go with you as well.” Silver Tongue tells me.

I shrug my shoulders and tell him, “Ok, but do not become hostile at all. Keep calm no matter what.”

He looks at me in what I am beginning to assume is his normal manner and asks, “And why is that?”

I find myself sighing and then I tell him, “Because this village is protected by several sentinel bots.”

He looks at the town and then me and asks, "What does that have to do with me becoming upset?”

I tilt my head and ask, “Do you know how EFS and SATS work?”

“I have heard of the terms, but no, I never had one of those PipBuck things.”

“EFS stands for Eyes Forward Sparkle and SATS for Stable Tec Arcane Targeting Spell. As long as you are non-hostile you show up as yellow in the indicator for EFS. When you become hostile your indicator changes to red. SATS is a spell that slows time enough so you can determine where you want to hit on a target as well as determine how much of a chance you have of hitting. Each one of the sentinel bots has both EFS and SATS installed as well as mini guns and claws. So, if you decide to get mad at the town citizens, I would prefer not to be near you.”

I see his eyes go wide and his wings rise slightly in surprise. Then he says, “I knew those things were dangerous, but I did not know they worked that way.”

I nod my head, “Yes Silver. That is the way they work. Also, the last time we came through here we watched them tear up a company of Silver Spite’s infantry.”

“I had not heard about that.”

I tilt my head as I ask him, “Did you join him before or after Targhee?”

I hear him sigh, “After Two Step, but before Targhee. I did not catch up fully until you were on your way to the Valley.”

I nod my head, “Can I ask you why you choose to fight for him?”

He looks at me with one eye and replies, “Not that it matters, but I heard on the radio what your people had done at Two Step. Killing the officers on both sides, almost killing Silver Spite as well as stealing his mare.”

“You know he was the one responsible for killing his father and the other officers. It was a coup by him to grab power.”

I hear him sigh and he answers, his arrogant exterior finally cracking, “Yeah, I know now. I heard the recording on the radio. But by then it was too late. We had no choice. He was already shooting deserters.”

Once we are only about one hundred meters from the gate leading to the town, I see several machinegun turrets that were not there previously. I also see a guard at the guardhouse. When he sees us, he calls out, “Whoa.” When we stop, he asks loudly, “State your business.”

I see Silver Tongue begin to open his beak, then he shuts it and nods to me. I then answer, “Good Afternoon. My name is Choo Choo. My associates and I have been requested by the NCR government to make contact with your leaders.”

“Wait right there,” he tells us with his rifle drawn across his chest as he goes into the booth at the guard house.

Soon afterward I see some more of the local citizens approach the gate. I then ask, "May the rest of my team approach as well?”

The guard nods his head but tells me, “Go ahead, but have them carry their weapons at the easy position.”

Once the rest of our people arrive, I see an earth pony wearing a worn-out military uniform approaching us. Once close enough I see the rank badge of a captain on the epaulets of his Equestrian Army uniform.

He looks at us with some disdain and asks, “What is it that you wish to discuss with our commander?”

This time Silver Tongue speaks, “We have come to establish communications and a possible mutually beneficial treaty with him.”

This sounds better than I had hoped so I let him speak. “And why do you think we need to do so.”

This time Silver Tongue tells him, “We do not feel the need, nor do we think that you have a need to do so. However, it may be more desirable for your people here to have some contact with the outside world and to be able to obtain that which you may not be able to do so easily yourself.”

I watch as the officer briefly thinks and he asks, “What makes you think you may have anything we need?”

Silver Tongue then tells him, “Because the NCR has access to a much wider range of supplies and materials, including food stocks, that you may not have.”

He nods his head, “Perhaps, but I will only take two of you into the town to meet the Colonel. The rest of you can make camp out here if you like. However, be aware that we will reply to any hostile act with extreme prejudice.”

I turn to Silver Tongue and he asks, “Choo, will you accompany me?”

I smirk and tell him, “Of course.” Then I turn to Xochitl and tell him, “Wait here with the others.” Finally, I call Ginger, “Cookie, you are in charge of the team till I get back.”

As we follow this officer he walks in silence, but we are able to look at the buildings around us. Most of them seem to be just standard ones we would see in any town. However, we do notice a few bunker-type buildings with metal doors on them. We also see automatic machine gun turrets scattered around the town in strategic locations.

Finally, we come to what looks like a loading dock for magic engine carriages. As we go down the ramp, I see a thick metal door begin to slide to the side. Just enough for us to enter. The officer tells us, “Please continue to follow me. Do not try to explore, as the results would be,” he pauses to find a fitting word, “Unpleasant,” is what he chooses to finish with.

I notice that the underground structure bears a striking resemblance to a stable. As we follow him, we go deeper and take an elevator even lower into the structure. Once we reach the desired level, the door opens. As I step off the elevator, at the end of the hallway I see a sign with an arrow pointing in one direction stating Operations. Below, with an arrow pointing in the other direction is another that says, Spell Cast Control.

I look at the sign pointing in the second direction and shake my head.

The captain notices me shaking my head and asks, “Is there a problem?”

I look at him and tell him, “No, I was just thinking how hard it had to have been to be one of the ponies that launched the spell that day.”

I see him nod his head, “It was. Of the twelve ponies that were required to turn the keys simultaneously to cast, seven took their lives afterward. Our history says they could not live with what they had to do in the line of duty.” He again pauses, then he asks, “How come you are not surprised at what this facility was for?”

Before Silver Tongue can answer, I do. “When I was with the CEF about nine years ago we passed here and watched as your bots tore up Silver Spites troops. Since then, we did a lot of research and eventually found out about your megaspell caster silo here.”

He nods his head and leads us into an office where an older earth pony stallion wearing the rank of a colonel and a name tag that says, Safe Harvest on his black coveralls nods to us. He then says, “I was listening to your conversation on your walk inside our facility. I could not help but wonder two things, The first is how did you find out about our facility as it was completely classified. The Second, what do you really want?”

I answer first, “We found out about it several years ago after our forces at Manesville had to fight raiders who had recovered two balefire egg launchers and their ammo from Targhee. It seems two teams of Zebra infiltrators were to have attacked your facility on the last day. From what I understand, they saw the spell be launched and gave up on their mission. They had already failed to stop it from launching, and did not want the deaths of more beings on their souls.”

He nods his head, “That explains why the attackers left that day. What became of the balefire eggs and launchers?”

I sigh as I remember that night. I tell him, “The First Regiment attacked those with it in the remains of Hereford, the Second Regiment hit the other town. The Second got off easy as the dragon with them destroyed that launcher and its eggs with its breath as they came in. For those of us in the First Regiment, well it was something we never want to see again. They got off several eggs before we got the weapons operator. The weapon accidentally discharged down into the sewage and maintenance access pipes under the town that they had been using. It destroyed all the remaining eggs as well as subsequent secondary explosions from one of the weapons stockpiles they had built. Even on the last day I never saw that many balefire burst, even if these were smaller.”

He nods his head, then asks, “That brings up my second question again. Why are you here? What do you want?”

Silver Tongue answers this time. “We would like to open trade with your facility and community.” He seems nervous as he gets ready to say the next part, but does, “Our biggest concern is that we would like to ensure that this facility is never again used to launch such an attack, this is part of what we expect in trade from you, for what we can provide.”

He looks skeptically at us, “That is all you want? Just an assurance that we will never use this facility to launch a mega spell again?”

We both nod our heads. He smiles and shakes his. “For all these years, that has been a fear of ours. That somepony would want to repeat what was once done here. Please understand, their ancestors, while they felt pride in protecting Equestria and the Princesses, they also felt shame and horror over what they did, we all did once we were required to answer that call.”

We both stand there quietly. Then he asks, “Do you know what our target was that day?”

We both shake our heads no. He sighs and looks up at us and tells us, “Roam. The spell was a particularly nasty one. But I am sure just like with the attack on Canterlot, ours was not the only one.”

As he says this, I notice his choice of words and I ask, “Colonel, you sound like you were there that day?”

He nods his head, “Yeah, I was. I am sure my adjunct told you about the suicides of the command staff. Well, I was not awake when they took those actions. In fact, I was in cold sleep.”

I am stunned as I am seeing a pony who lived before the war that was neither a ghoul nor an alicorn. I am trying to process how hard it must have been to suddenly wake up in this world. I then ask him, “What is cold sleep.”

He sits back in his chair, “Cold Sleep uses cryogenics to put a pony into a state of hibernation. I was 35 years old when I was put in stasis for the first time. I have come out twice since then, most recently just nine years ago, shortly after the skies cleared.”

I nod my head and tell him, “I am sorry you have had to experience these changes too.”

He nods his head back in understanding but I see a confused look on Silver Tongue’s face. Then he asks, “Wait, you both were alive in the old Equestria?”

We both nod our heads. “Yes Silver, the Book of Little Pip got it right on how most of us alicorns were made.”

He looks over at the colonel who simply shrugs and says, “While I have not heard of this Book of Little Pip, I did hear rumors back then of a program to create super ponies that could survive a balefire and megaspell exchange. I guess the rumors were true.”

I simply smile and bring a wing across my chest as I give him a slight bow. He smiles back and I notice the shocked look on Silver’s face. He finally asks, “Choo, how old are you?”

I smile, “Well, for this body, two hundred and nine. However, I was sixty-five on the final day. I was to retire once I got back from my run to Maripony. Unfortunately, fate had other plans.”

He then looks at the colonel who just shrugs and tells him, “Not quite as old as her. But yes, I was alive that day, and in charge of this facility.”

Silver Tongue simply nods at that, then he asks, “Colonel, our actual mission was not to negotiate the trade agreement yet, only to initiate contact. However, if you are welcome to one, I can agree to send a trade mission here to further negotiate with you and your people.”

Colonel Safe Harvest seems reticent as well as disappointed. “OK, send them. What kind of trade items do you think you may be able to provide us?”

Silver Tongue replies to him, “I am not sure, what are you looking for?”

Then I tell him, “The Manesville region has specialized in agriculture and reclaiming and recovering abandoned farms. Perhaps that as well as some food stocks would help.”

“What about help with protecting what we have here? It cannot be allowed to fall into the wrong hooves. I swore on my honor to the Princesses that I would make sure of that.”

With a touch of sadness in my voice, I tell him, “I am sure we will do our best to make sure that happens. Besides, if no one has told you yet, both of the princesses died on that final day.”

I see the sadness in his eyes and he tells me, “I have long known they crossed over. I only wish I could have seen them one last time. But Choo, just because they are gone, does not mean I am relieved of my oath.”

I nod my head and I even see Silver Tongue nod his head in understanding. Then the Colonel tells us, “Yes, please go ahead and have your government send a negotiations team. Now, if you have nothing else for me, I wish you a good day and safe travels.”

With that, we are dismissed and led back to our awaiting teams. I see a questioning look on Ginger’s face and nod to her. She gives an ear flick back in response. Then I hear Silver Tongue return to his normal tone once again as he asks me, “Now Choo, will you and your team go with me into Targhee?”

I shake my head, “Sorry Silver, but that is one thing we will not do. If you insist on going into that dead town, it is on you. We will not try to stop you. Just so you know, it is 15 kilometers that way,” I tell him as I point a wing toward the east.

He looks at his team and tells them, “Come on then, follow me.”

He stops in his tracks when we all hear Days End say, “Sorry Silver. But if you go into that town, then this is the end of the trail for us. I, I just can’t go in there again.”

I see Silver have anger, confusion, and a bit of sadness all pass through his expressions. Finally, he says, “Fine, but you are not being paid for this job then. And don’t think you can come crawling back to me for work again.”

Days End shakes his head and looks at the ground sadly as he tells him, “Goodbye Silver. Thanks for saving me. Please be careful in there.”

Silver Tongue then tells the other griffons, “Follow me, we can move faster by flying.”

The last we see of them is as they are flying fast toward Targhee. I can see Days End is upset and I tell him, “If you need a job, I am hiring.”

He looks surprised and tells me “You would hire me even though we fought against each other?”

I nod and tell him, “Once we were enemies, not any longer. That is unless you choose to be.”

He holds up a hoof and tells me, “I will take you up on the job.”

I smile and shake his hoof, “Welcome to the Repair Ponies,” I tell him as I shake his hoof. Then we grab our gear and begin to head back toward Good Doer. We are only a couple of miles down the road when we experience a bright flash of green light from behind us. We turn and in the far distance, we see a greenish-glowing mushroom cloud climbing over the horizon. I must have only gone several hundred feet into the air. But even at that distance, we know what it was. I have seen them before. A balefire egg explosion. I shake my head and realize Silver Spite’s people must have found at least one more of them and set it up as an IED. More wasted lives.

I see Days End shake his head, “She was telling the truth.” He continues to walk and asks, “Boss, who was that mare last night? She warned me about something like that.”

I smile grimly and tell him, “She is a friendly spirit known as the Mareigan. You only saw her in that form because she wanted you to. But understand, she wanted you alive for a reason. Now, I know you can fight, what other skills do you have?”


Manehatten to Manesville Route, NCR: Ball Lightning.

By the end of our first day of traveling with the caravan, we find ourselves on top of one of the first mountain ridges to the west of Manehatten. As the sun begins to set behind us our small caravan has circled for the night. I look down upon Manehatten and I can see where the crater that killed what was a once thriving city is. I am shaking my head as I gaze upon it. I hear somepony walk up alongside me. I look over and I see Airburst. He puts a hoof on my shoulder and tells me, “Best not to think about it. But that is why we closed the skies. Right there in a nutshell. They had already taken Cloudsdale down by the time they destroyed Manehatten.”

I am shaking my head as he says this when Miss Haze approaches us. She smiles sadly as she looks at the ruins below us. Then as she looks below us into the distance she asks, “Hard to believe anypony survived isn’t it?”

We both nod our heads. Below us we see lights start to appear in the growing darkness as ponies begin to fight the darkness of the night. I know I should not be, but I am surprised as I see the lights turn on in the skyscraper we know as Tenpony Tower. She smiles and says, “Home sweet home, I guess. The lights always go on even though ponies come and go, no matter what.”

“You sound somewhat disillusioned Miss Haze,” Air tells her.

She shrugs, “Maybe too long at Tenpony Tower. Perhaps being amongst those in a smaller, less refined community will do to revive my spirits.”

I almost smirk as I hear Air tell her, “My dear Miss Haze, I cannot imagine a fine mare such as yourself being able to be less refined.”

She smiles in a flirtatious manner at him and tells him, “Why thank you my good stallion. It is too kind of you to say such a thing.”

Behind us, a small campfire has been lit and while it is my turn for guard duty, it is not Air’s. So, he offers her a wing and tells her, “If you would like madam, I will escort you to the campfire.”

She smiles again at him and I watch them walk away together, and I hear her giggle a couple of times as they leave.

The next morning when I wake up, I notice both Air Burst and Miss Haze are already awake and both have knowing smiles on their faces as they both drink their coffee.

After breakfast, we dispatch Gunter to fly a couple of kilometers ahead of us as our caravan begins to make our way once again toward Manesville. I watch him hop from one cloud to another periodically floating along as he scans the ground ahead.

Just before we are ready to break for lunch, I hear over our radios Gunter call out, “Hey Three One, I do believe I see movement in the remains of those buildings along the road about a kilometer ahead, I would recommend moving along that small road to the north.”

“Roger, Two Four, check out that trail for us, we are turning onto it now.” Air calls back.

As we follow the trail, we put a small hill with a stunted brush on it between us and them. Soon I hear Gunter laughing over the radio as he calls, Three One, this is Two Four, Yeah, they just came out of the buildings and are running towards the ridge between you. It does not look like they will be able to cut you off.”

“Roger, keep an eye on them for us though,” Air replies, then he calls out, “At the trot everyone, now.”

After he calls this, I watch as those hauling the wagons begin to lean into their harness and those on the ground begin to jog alongside them. The civilians look bright-eyed with worry openly showing on their faces. Our team has their weapons at the ready, half of us flying low over the ground as we speed up to bypass the ambushers. After forty-five minutes we begin to slow down again and I hear Gunter call out, “Boss, you are clear for now. Looking good on the road ahead.”

With that we slow down to a normal pace once again, stopping for lunch. When we stop, Gunter rejoins the caravan and Anan takes off to provide overwatch. Lunch is not too bad with the caravan. I am surprised they have fresh cheese, and it tastes different from what I had in Hoofington. So, I ask one of the caravanners about it. “How come this cheese tastes so different from the ones I got back home?”

He grins at me, “Oh, this is cheese made from brahmin milk, the cheese you get in the Manesville area is from the old school cattle. I think it tastes better, but you take what you can get.”

I have to grin at him and I tell him, “Yeah, you’re right on that.”

He then asks, “Speaking of taking what you can get, what is the story between you and that mare Sun something, with you?”

“Oh, we have known each other for years, and have dated for a while.”

“So why are you not married? I mean I do see you both get along well with that other buck too, not that I am prying and we all know that some of you Manesville types have had some unconventional marriages.”

I nod my head, thinking about how Cookie and the one they usually called Epona mentioned they were sisters and had multiple fathers and mothers. “You know maybe I will have to ask her finally. Thanks for the suggestion.”

“No Problem, Ball, I just hate to see ponies let good ones slip through their hooves,” he then tells me.

It is a couple of days later when I am just getting ready to fly up to overwatch when we stumble into an ambush.

We have just reached the flat ground before the next hill when the raiders spring their trap. They have hidden in holes in the ground covered by debris that we pass into without noticing them until the first one flips back the top and begins to shoot at us.

I see one of the diplomatic ponies go down as they are shot. Miss Haze runs to them and I see her put up a shield around them as she helps to lift the pony to get it moving. I also hear Gunter cry out, “I am hit, Tango, thirty-five meters south of the road in a spider hole. Returning fire.”

Then I hear Air Burst start to give orders, “Caravan, run, my team, engage the hostiles and cover the civilians. Sundancer, Help the wounded if they need it.”

I hear Sundancer ask over the radio, “Gunter, do you need immediate treatment?”

“Negative, but that civilian took it hard, Help Miss Haze and him.”

“Roger Gunter will do.”

As the last element of the caravan rolls past us, we jump up and fly as fast as we can firing suppressive bursts to keep the raiders' heads down as we run past them. Finally, we are clear of the ambush zone. We continue on for a couple of miles more, when Funnel Cloud calls out from his overwatch position on a cloud, “Caravan is clear for now." We then stop briefly and assess our losses and injuries.

While our team gets off fairly lightly with only a couple of flesh wounds, the one civilian that Miss Haze rescued is in very rough shape and I watch as Sundancer fights to save his life. Not only does she have to remove the bullets, but she also has to try and stop the hemorrhaging. I watch as she franticly pours healing potions not only down the throat of the dying stallion but also onto the wounds to try and heal them more quickly. Finally, Miss Haze comes over and puts a hoof on her shoulder, and tells her, “Sundancer, enough. We have to save some supplies in case others need them later.”

I see the look of defeat appear on my beloved’s face and all I want to do is hold her and comfort her. Instead, I watch as Miss Haze says something to the stallion who coughs a few more times, then goes limp. Miss Haze closes her eyes and shakes her head, then she tells the others, “Get some shovels.”

After we have dug the grave, I watch as Miss haze lifts the body with her TK and gently lays it at the bottom. Then she tosses a hoof full of dirt on top of them. This is followed by the others, and I find myself doing the same. Once we have all done so, I take a shovel and finish burying the civilian, one last thing I can do for him. As I do this, I find it strange how I feel guilty for failing to protect an earthbound pony who trusted me and my team to do so.

That night around the fire I notice Miss Haze sitting very close to Air Burst and his wing around her as she cries into his fur about losing a pony under her. This is the first time I see her façade of being strong and brave for the others break.

It is another couple of days later as we are approaching a rather well-built-up settlement when I say to her, “Miss Haze, it looks like we are almost home.”

She nods her head, “We are getting close. Only a bit more and we should be passing through White Cloud. Perhaps we should stop there for lunch.”

I see a sign on the wall around the settlement that declares it as Donovan. The outer building of the town has been incorporated into part of the defenses with the wall going between them. What I see through the open gates as we pass makes it look like a fairly well-recovered town. I do notice several one-headed brahmin though.

As we pass by the first gate, I see Purple Haze light up her horn briefly two times. Air Burst then asks, “Why did you flash them your horn?”

She smiles, “I was told before I left to do so to let them know it was us. A way of signaling that the Tenpony Tower delegation was passing safely. By the way, we are now in the Manesville district and it should be safe.”

He nods his head, “Oh, we just never had to do that before. Sorry.”

She smiles and tells him, “Oh, it must be something new they started then, or it is just for us so they can be ready to welcome us.”

As we continue on, I can see a small cloud village in the distance. I smile as I remember Sunny and the others of his team having described it to us. As we get closer, we can see what looks like a small village that the road we are following takes us straight into.

As we pass through the town, Miss Haze suggests we stop at the pub there for lunch. I notice quite a lot of hustling of ponies, brahmin, and even one-headed brahmins. I am amazed though when I see two youngsters that look to be half griffon and half pony fly up to us. The older of the two is a female with a medium yellow coat. Her mane and tail are mixed yellow and brown and she has brown eyes that sparkle as she asks, “Howdy Miss Haze. We were heading over to see Moon Lily, are you going to be giving her lessons again today?”

She smiles and tells her, “No, not today Slip Stream. Maybe tomorrow. If you would be a dear, would you let her know I am back though?”

I suddenly have a feeling of impending doom coming over me as I realize we have been had. From the side, I hear Air Burst say, “Purple, I thought you were from Tenpony tower?”

She smiles at him and tells him in a gentle voice, “I am, but I have family here and to be honest this area has become my home as well. Now Air, why don’t you tell me why you are really here.”

I see several emotions pass over his face and he looks like he is about ready to try something when from the roof of the pub I hear a voice that causes us to look up at it. I am very surprised when I hear the voice say, “How about you drop your weapons? We can go inside the pub and talk.”

I look at Air for his response and before he can answer I hear a metallically distorted voice from on ground level that is behind me say, “Let me know what you want Sirocco,” as I hear a minigun begin to wind up on a suit of Steel Ranger armor.

I hear Air let out a breath of frustration and in an angry tone tell us, “Ok, my people set your weapons on the ground. We have been had.”

After we have had our teeth pulled per se, the one known as Sirocco flies down and lands next to us. He then tells us, “Let’s head inside, I am sure you could use a drink as much as I could.” Then he says, “Miss Haze it is good to see you again. I am sure the clan will be very happy you have returned.”

I see her smile brightly as she says, “It is good to be back. By the way, Air and his people have been very well-behaved and respectful.”

I see this Sirocco nod his head, then he tells her, “I will keep that in mind. Now if you all would be so kind, please, come on in.”

Once inside I notice the layout is that of a typical pub in the wastelands. I see several chairs and then I hear Sirocco say, “By the way Funnel it has been a long time, good to see you again. Now, why don’t you all have a seat and tell me why you decided you had to sneak into our area rather than just visit.”


This is DJ Pon3 and you are listening to the news and all the hits that are still available here in Manehatten. In the news tonight we have been getting more reports of a possible full reunification of the Enclave remnants. This is in addition to further incursions into NCR territory by Enclave skyships and teams. If any of you can confirm these stories, please contact me here at Tenpony Tower.

In other news, the fighting around New Pegasus has been reported to have ended with peace being reestablished in that formally grand city once again.

The fighting in Van Hoover is reported as having quieted down temporarily with the arrival of reinforcements for the Van Hoover chapter of the Steel Rangers. Those who reported this also reported that much of the former industrial part of the once-fine city has been further reduced to rubble and scrap.

For those traveling throughout the Wastelands, there has been a surge in the reports of raiders and highwaymares attacking caravans as well as individuals on all of the major routes. We have all been through this before mares and gentle colts, remember to keep your weapons close at hoof at night and be careful of those you come across. While they may not all be after you, they can all be dangerous.

Now our next song goes out to all you wastelands travelers and warriors out there, here is Darkness Settles In

Chapter 24 Who Are You

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Chapter 24 Who Are You?

The best way to defeat your enemy is to make him your friend. —Sensei Wu, Ninjago

Good Doer landing, NCR Territory: Ginger Snaps

Our Travel back to Good Doer Landing is uneventful if quiet. It seems we are all lost in our own thoughts from the previous two days. During this time, I have noticed that Double Back spends more time talking with Epona and Tater as they know more about his home territory, having spent most of the Colonel’s first deployment down there with her in the Harness and Hackamore region. I also find myself and the others who were on the expedition talking with Days End.

It seems interesting and also ironic that while Silver Spite’s forces were larger, he hated us and feared just as much for is life as we did. But because none of us revel in the pain they caused the other side or hate them for just having been there, we find this as a common bond of shared misery.

As we arrive at the small settlement Days End approaches me and asks, “So what is the story about your sister and you? I mean I can see the family resemblance, but you both had such different experiences growing up, at least for several years.”

I find myself smiling at him and I tell him, “Honestly, seeing you are now part of the team, I guess I can tell you as you will hear it sooner or later from back home. Before you came to Manesville with Silver Tongue, did you ever hear of the Others?”

He looks kind of confused and replies, “No. Should I have?”

I shrug as I keep walking and I tell him, “Not really, it is common knowledge in the Manesville region, but we tried to keep it from spreading too far. The Others are a group of cattle and ponies that come to our world from another one, where the history was different. They came here through a portable portal. The Epona who was born on this side was killed by Silver Spite along with her mother. During the expedition by the CEF that you fought against, we went under Canterlot Mountain and found a portal machine that we call the Doorway. Day, that was the first time I saw this Epona, same mother, but the LT on her side was the one who was killed by Silver Spite, not her mother. That happened later when Silver Spite won on that side. The Others were the survivors of their dash to the portal and our world. Day, they can never go back.”

He looks at me like I am lying and says, “Ginger, if you didn’t want to really answer me, you didn’t have to make up a story like that.”

I laugh lightly and I tell him, “Don’t believe me if you want to, no skin off my muzzle, but if you want, once we get back to Manesville and White Cloud I will take you to this side's Epona’s grave.”

He looks at Epona and then back at me and asks, “So she has visited her own grave?”

I nod my head as I tell him, “Yeah, many times. Our sides her, was buried with her mother. So, when she wants to visit her mother, she has to.”

“What happened to her mother?” he asks.

I catch myself sighing then I answer his question, “The same thing that happened to my birth mother, she was killed fighting against Silver Spite.”

I see him look down when I tell him this, then he goes silent briefly until we see the stallion that we talked to previously wave to us from his chair on the porch of his store. I nod to Choo and I trot over to him. Once I am close enough, I hear him ask quietly, “Were you serious about helping me get to Manesville to see my daughter?”

I nod my head and move an ear in an affirmative manner as I tell him, “Yes we were serious if you are.”

He grabs a set of saddlebags from behind him and carefully puts them on his back. Then he calls into an open window on the shop's side, “Looks like this is it, partner, I am heading out to meet my daughter.”

From inside I hear a voice that has a female griffon accent to it answer back, “Ok, Corn Biscuit, you take care and if you ever get back this way, you can have your share of the store again.”

I then hear Choo call over the radio, “Sunny, why don’t you make sure the Colt is down below before we head down.”

“Roger Boss.” He says and I see him fly up and then head down to the landing. Shortly afterward I hear him say, “Choo the Colt is here, but we have a message that was given to her to deliver to you personally.”

I hear her sigh, then she answers back, “Tell her I will be right down.” Then she turns to us and tells me, “Ginger, you have the team, for now, bring them down to the colt, and help mister Biscuit if he needs it.”

I nod to her and tell her, “Will do Choo.”

The wiry mule Double Back then tells him, “Sir, I will carry your saddlebags if you would like.”

I see a grateful expression come over the older stallion’s face as he tells him, “I really would appreciate it if you don’t think it will be too much for you.”

Double Back smiles, “Nah, us mules are built for it, we may look thin and awkward, but almost all of us can really carry a load on rough ground.”

“If you say so sonny, thanks.”

Soon we are on our way down the trail to the landing below. As we go, I can still see some of the wreckage below the water line from the bridge that was here. I can also see Choo Choo standing on the top deck of the Baltimare Colt talking to Captain Rust Water. Neither of them looks happy and beside them I see Sunny looking at both of them with a grim expression on his face.

As we come aboard, I overhear one of the crewponies saying, “Boy the captain looks fit to be tied this time.”

We store our kits in our normal area and have Corn Biscuit do the same. Then we wait for Choo to come and tell us what is going on. It is a short time later that Choo appears. Bell Stand is with her and he approaches Corn Biscuit and tells him, “Sir, if you do not mind, would you please accompany me to the mess decks for a bit of coffee while these ponies discuss some business.”

Corn Biscuit shrugs and asks, “Sure, but what is a mess deck?”

Bell Stand smiles and as they begin to walk, he tells him, “That is the area we eat at. The Galley is where our food is cooked.” They continue to talk, but I can hear less and less as they get further away. Finally, Choo tells us, “Close off the berthing and close the doors.”

Once it is done, we see her horn light up and she tells us, “Ok team, we are not going straight home. We have received a special request, from the president herself.”

We all nod or murmur ok. Then she tells us, “Folks we are going back under Canterlot Mountain. We are to recover the Doorway and transport it to a safe location after determining if it is safe or not. Oh, and Sunny, your mother is here so don’t be surprised.”

He looks stunned and tells her, “Choo, Ma said she would never do freelance work like we do again. What is she doing here?”

Choo smiles and tells him, “She caught the Colt when they dropped off their load of cargo and is only here long enough to teach us how to operate the thing. She stays with the Colt.”

“What about my siblings?” he asks.

Choo shrugs and tells him, “I guess your Pa has them for now.”

I see Sunny grin and I hear him say, “Boy I bet mom is sure glad to get a break finally.”

Choo nods to him in affirmation then looks at Twinks and tells her, “I want you and Cowlick to pay close attention to her. I will need you to operate it when we test it.”

I watch as Twinks nods then ask, “So why do you want me and Cowlick to pay such close attention if we are all learning how to operate it?”

That is when Choo drops the bomb on us that gets me to sit down hard, and for Epona, to lose her footing as she tells us, “Because the rest of the main team will be going through it. Days End, Double Back, you will be providing security for them as well.

We all look at each other and then we hear Days End ask, “What are you talking about? What is this doorway you are talking about?”

Choo, Xochitl, Tater, and I all nod our heads yes. Epona simply shrugs and answers, “Yeah it is. The same one Tater and I came through from.”

I see him grimace slightly and he then asks, “Choo, any idea on hostiles we may encounter?”

We all see her shrug first, then she tells us, “Typical feral ghouls, possibly a feral Canterlot ghoul or two,” as she says that she looks right at me and smirks. Then she continues, “Possible Enclave elements as well. Remember, most of the ghouls down there are not only friendly but have known most of us for years.”

Those who have been under Canterlot Mountain before all nod their heads. Then Twinks asks, “What can we expect it to be like under there?”

Choo again gets ready to answer when Epona tells her, “I spent about a week under there when I first came over. It was huge. I mean you would not believe all the rail cars and engines under there. When we left we saw all kinds of lights hanging down and doors along the side that were open.”

Choo nods her head, “During the war, it was the largest in Equestria if not all of Equus. The tunnels are all tiled. Along the side of the tunnels are maintenance platforms as well as equipment rooms. The tunnels were all lit up with magic tube lights. Now, well the place is in a bit less of good shape. The main railyard has a high roof with columns of the mountain holding the roof up. When we get there, we should be able to meet up with some of my old friends.”

Then I hear Double Back ask, “How old of friends?”

This time I give a half smile as I answer, “Well they were co-workers before the last day. Unfortunately for them, they became ghouls.”

This gets Days End to simply say, “Most unfortunate for them.”

Choo then asks him, “Days End, do you have much experience with ghouls?”

He nods his head, “When the CEF led those ghouls into our rear at the gap, was my first time. I have a few times since.”

“Ok, so you have experience with at least ferals, how about ghouls who are still cognizant?” She asks.

He shakes his head at this and she tells him, “For now, when we encounter ghouls, I need you to follow the lead of the others then. Not all ghouls are feral, in fact, we will be dealing with several when we go under the mountain.”

“You’re the boss, Choo. But I have not ever met a ghoul who was not feral,” he tells her.

“Well then, it is about time. Besides, we have a mother ghoul and her filly who live and work in our shop back in Manesville, so you should start to get used to them now.”

I see him shudder slightly and he tells her, “Ok Choo, as I said, you are the boss.”

“Ok, once we get to Two Step Transfer, we will be disembarking. From there we go in on hoof. She looks at Cowlick and tells him, “No cart this time, we go in light and quick, when we leave, we take it with us along with an engine.”

We all nod our heads and she drops the silence spell. Then I hear Sunny say, “I best head up and say hi to my ma.”

Choo smiles as she tells him, “Yeah, you best. She is having coffee with Rust on the mess decks.”


Two Step Transfer, NCR: Xochitl

To say I am surprised to hear Choo say we are heading under the mountain again is an understatement, to say the least. When she says we are going through the Doorway, that about floors me. I am fortunate however in that I keep myself from showing how nervous I am about it.

As Choo briefs us I see the disappointment on Cowlick’s face that he is not going through. Twinks nods her head in understanding, while most of the team sits in various forms of contemplation. I do have to say I take a bit of satisfaction at seeing how nervous Sunny is, not to go through the Doorway, but that his mother is onboard.

As soon as the briefing is done, I watch in amusement as he excuses himself and heads on up to meet her. As he goes, a grinning Ginger asks me, “Shall we go get some coffee and enjoy the show?”

I chuckle lightly and tell her, “Sure, why not. Besides coffee sounds good right now.”

As we arrive on the mess decks, I see Sunny greeting his mother as she sits across a table from Rust. Rust actually looks amused herself. When she sees Ginger, she nods our way and waves a hoof at the coffee pot along the side of the room.

After we grab our cups of coffee, we move over to the table next to Rust and the others. Rust and Ginger look at each other and she nods then flicks an ear toward Sunny. Ginger then moves an ear in an affirmative reply. Then I hear Blondie ask Sunny, “What is this I hear about you sneaking into Thunderhead?”

My mouth drops open and I demand, “Sunny what are you doing opening your mouth about our missions.”

He turns to me with a look of horror on his face and tells me, “I, I didn’t say anything to anyone.”

“Then how did your mother know?” I all but yell at him with my forehooves crossed.

Behind him, I hear Rust saying, “You have got to be kidding me, he couldn’t have done that.”

Choo is just entering the mess decks and her eyes go wide when she hears this. But before she can respond Blondie blows a loud whistle and yells, “Shut up, this is between me and my son.” Then she lowers her voice and continues, “I guess Funnel Cloud and Ball Lighting were telling the truth about that.”

I watch Sunny shake his head quickly and then he asks, “When did you meet them? And where?”

Now she is sitting on her hind haunches with her forelegs crossed as she tells us, but mainly him, “White Cloud. A group of Enclavers were trying to sneak into Manesville and said to the diplomat that had hired them to escort her that they were from White Cloud.”

This time I see him grin as I hear him ask, “So how is aunt Purple doing?”

“Oh no you don’t young stallion, you are not changing the subject this time.”

“Ma, I had to check on him when I found out he was in the hospital, and I wanted to let him know we had done a favor for him that he asked us to do.”

When I hear Blondie tell him where she had heard about it, I have to smile. Good Ol’ Aunt Purple Haze has returned to White Cloud. I am sure Ginger’s little sister Moon Lily will be thrilled to have one of her two mentors there with her.

Choo then asks, “How did you find out about them?”

Blondie smiles and tells us, “From what I understand, they told Aunt Purple they knew Sunny and were friends with and went to school with him when she first met them. She faked forgetting something inside Tenpony Tower, went inside, and had a message sent for us to be ready for them. She used them for escorts to get home to us, then when they stopped in White Cloud for lunch, we caught them and Sirocco had a little talk with them.”

We all nod our heads and I see Sunny smile. “At least he and I are on friendly terms I guess.”

His mother then looks back at him and tells him, “Ok, I guess I understand that. Now how about we finish our coffees and take this someplace else so we can have some more privacy.”

Once we are back in our area of the Colt, she has Choo cast the silence spell again, and then she begins. “I am sure Choo has told you why I am here. Kids, this is not a game. Most of you know what this thing is, but you have to be careful. Do not shut the doorway with our people on the other side or if the dials are moved at all we may not be able to go back and get them.”

This statement gets my attention as I had not even thought of that. I look at the others on our team and I see that they all have the same stunned expression on their faces. Choo then says, “That is why I want a security team on the control side of the Doorway, your role is just as important.”

After this Blondie goes on to teach us what she knows about operating the Doorway. She also gives us what technical information she can on its power connections and what information we have on how it was operated and disabled when the Others came through.

After she has finished Choo drops the shield, then she tells us, “I have talked with Captain Water and we will be arriving after dark at Two Step landing tomorrow night. We go in on hoof. Get what rest you can, and Sunny, spend some time with your mother while you have the chance.”

With that, the meeting breaks up and we go about our normal routine. Later that night as Ginger and I lay cuddled together I think about the route we will have to follow to get to the tunnels, as well as what threats we will have to watch for, just before I fall asleep, I begin to wonder what we will find on the other side of the Doorway.

The next morning, we are joined for breakfast by Sunny’s mother Blondie. As we are eating, she tells him, “You know son, you have a pretty good thing going here. I never got to ride on a riverboat before, and you do this all the time?”

I see Sunny shrug and I tell her, “Not usually, but often enough that we are almost like part of the crew now.”

I see her smile as she shakes her head, “Sure is a leg up on the way I used to have to work,” she tells us, then she asks, “So, anything we should know back home that you have heard about in your travels?”

We look at each other and Ginger tells her, “Sorry Blondie, but really, we can’t talk about what we hear out here. You know operational security and all.”

I see her huff out her chest then she says, “Look I came all the way out here for this and you think I can’t be trusted?”

“It’s not that ma. It is we can’t discuss it with anyone. Not even the Colonel or her husbands.”

She tilts her head as she looks at her son, “Son if there is anything we need to know, tell me.”

“Ma, there is nothing that is a direct danger to home, ok. You can already guess where we have been and ma, keep that quiet too will you please? It could cause both us and some others real problems if certain facts got out.”

She nods her head, “Ok if you want to change the subject, I will. So Sunny, when are you going to settle down and give me some grandfoals?”

I see his face go slack and his ears back, “Ma, I can’t believe you just asked that in public.”

“Well, you wanted to change the subject.” She answers with a devilish smile.


That evening we land at the Two Step Transfer. As I look across the river, I can barely see the banks on that side. In the dark, I can see nothing at all beyond them. Still just knowing we are so close to that place brings back so many memories. Including the time Ginger and I both shared our first hard cider with the adults from the scouts after the First Battle of Two Step. Then I shiver as I remember the Second Battle of Two Step and how it led us to the retreat to Serenity Valley.

Beside me, I feel Ginger shiver some as well. In the lantern light on the deck, we grab our gear and begin to head ashore. I have to smile as I watch Sunny give his mother a quick hug goodbye and hear him say, “I love ya ma. See you back in Manesville.”

She smiles back and tells him, “See you in Manesville son, now all of you be careful out there.”

Once he lands with our team, we begin our trek to our ingress point under Canterlot Mountain. As usual, I am on point, right behind me are Tater, and Epona, because it is so dark, Sunny is with us, in the next group further back is Cowlick with Twinks acting as his loader, Ginger and Choo. Taking Drag are Double Back and Days End.

As we travel, we see the occasional wreckage alongside the roads, twice we see vertibucks and once a Raptor in the distance. By the next morning, we are at the entrance to the southwestern tunnel going under Canterlot Mountain.

When we get there, I look up to the rocks above that we hid in that day long ago on the expedition while the ferals attacked Silver Spites, troops, in the rear. I then look over in the direction of where their lines were and I notice Days End doing the same thing. I then ask, “Did you lose some friends here?”

He nods his head, “A couple from our platoon, most of us were able to run and get out of their way.”

Ginger nods her head but does not say anything, but I can tell she is thinking about something. We take a quick ten-minute break there before Choo takes a deep breath, then she makes the decision and tells us, “Packs on, let’s get this over with.”

When she says this, I see both Tater and Epona look at each other and nod. I also notice the expression on their faces. Not fear, but of discomfort and perhaps a slight bit of anxiety. He puts a hoof on her shoulder and tells her, “We got this Pona, relax, remember the Doorway on our side was destroyed.”

She nods her head and tells him, “Yeah, I know, but it has been a long time since we have been in here.”

Once we are back in line, I turn on the light from my PipBuck to see ahead of us. I only use the one mounted under the barrel of my zebra carbine for actual targets. Then I lead them in. As we enter, I notice the tile walls near the entrance have some pitting from past gunfire that seems to have struck inside of it.

As we go deeper inside, we can occasionally hear the sounds of trains moving in the distance. When we reach a side tunnel about halfway in, we break for lunch. As we are eating off to the side, we notice at first the sound of a steam engine approaching and then the light becoming brighter on the main line we are next to. Soon we see a freight train passing us on the line heading towards Junction Town.

After seeing this I see Choo Choo smile at first, then she tells us, “From now on we walk on the side platforms, we don’t want to get caught on the tracks.”

We finish our rations, taking the waste with us to burn later. After we are back on our hooves, we are slow at first as we let our muscles begin to stretch and get back into the rhythm of hiking again. It takes us another couple of hours to come to the end of the tunnel, as we get there, we can see the ceiling forming a dome high overhead. I am surprised in a way to notice that there are not nearly as many railcars and locomotives under here as the last time I was here.

I look at Ginger and comment on this to her and she smiles as she says, “Where do you think we have gotten all the rolling stock and engines from that we are starting to see all over the NCR?”

I shrug and reply, “I guess I should have known. Sorry for not thinking before I asked.”

Choo then tells us, “Please wait here while I find who is in charge.” Then she takes to the air and we watch her fly towards the tall central building that is the operations center for the railyard as well as one of the vast support columns for the roof. After a short wait, I think I see Choo coming back in our direction along with a ghoul I recognize as Side Track. Though I do not know the others.

Choo has a serious expression on her face as she introduces the team to the ghouls. I am right about the one being Side Track. The others are Fire Box, whom Tater and Epona already knew. The third is Diamond Thrower, whom none of us, except Choo had met before.

As we look, I hear Epona ask, “Where is Pullman Car?”

Side Track, being the leader of the ghouls in the railyard smiles his ghoulish best and tells her, “Sorry Ya missed him. He was on that last train ya saw heading towards Junction town. We are trying to disburse more of the rolling stock after that last incursion by the Enclave.”

This alarms me and I ask, “Sir, what Enclave incursion?”

He shakes his head in disgust as he tells us, “Them damn arrogant feathered bastards have started to try raiding under the mountain for supplies. They found one of the large storage depots two weeks ago. I can only imagine what they will do with those supplies.” He then tells Choo, “I am just glad you are here to get that device out of here. That is why I sent for you through the president.”

This gets both Double Back and Days End to raise an eyebrow in surprise. We all know which device he is talking about though. He then tells us, “We have it off to the side over here, on a mixed passenger freight set up. We will take two trains out an hour apart first, then this one, followed by a fourth all heading to Manesville. That will make it less obvious what we are up to that way.”

I along with several others all nod our heads. Then Fire Box tells us, “We three will be driving the train for your team. We will return when we can for more, but right now it is not really safe for any of us, so follow us, we have the device stored in one of the cars on the train already. Choo, feel free to join us in the cab of the engine.”

She smiles and tells her, “If you are sure, then I would love to.”

Soon we are all loaded onto the train. Twinkles and Cowlick are in the boxcar with the device in it. The rest of us are in the passenger car behind it, except for Choo who as offered, is in the cab of the engine. It is a novel experience for me to ride in a train like this and I am fascinated by how fast the tunnel walls pass us. Beside me, I hear Ginger laugh lightly as she says to no one in particular, “I never thought I would actually get to ride one of these.”

Epona smiles and tells her, “Yeah, I understand that, but it is a nice change.”

From a few seats back I hear Days End asks, “You mean you don’t always travel like this?”

The rest of us laugh and Tater tells him, “Usually it is by hoof or occasionally by the river, but other than that, Nah, but I could get used to it.”

Then I settle in to enjoy the ride. As we finally leave the tunnel into the open air the sun is starting to set to the west, and I think of how that means back home it is harvest time again. Then I hear the steam whistle on the engine sound two times and I have to smile to myself as we continue on as twilight falls.


Wastelands, North of Canterlot Mountain; Choo Choo

As we cross the plains traveling the rails in the darkness, I cannot help but smile to myself. I have always enjoyed driving a train at this time. It is so peaceful and relaxing. It almost feels like old times with Fire Box and Diamond thrower in the cab with me. We stop twice along the rails to put water in the boiler before we stop for the day. As the locomotives crew again fills it with water, oils its wear points, and scrounges for fuel, I head back to the passenger car and tell my team, “Double Back, Days End, you got security for the team, the rest of you, grab your kits and let’s head to the Doorway and see if Twinks is ready.”

As we open the door, I see Twinks and Cowlick both asleep on the floor near the control counsel for the Doorway. They both wake up groggily and Twinks tells us, “Hay Choo, we got the magic batteries hooked back up. I also have checked the movement of the controls, when you are ready, I will start to warm up the electronic and magic circuits and get her ready for you.”

I nod my head, “Ok, then begin the readying process. The rest of you get in here and drop your saddlebags for a bit.”

Once we are inside, I close the door again, and those of us who will go through begin to rest a bit more before we go through. In the background, I can hear them chatting with each other.

I watch as Twinks blows a piece of her mane out of her face visibly frustrated. She soon twists some dials, then writes down the settings in a notepad. Finally, she answers, “It should only be a few more minutes. Sorry, but I am only guessing at where the settings once were at this point."

“Take your time, Twinkle Hoofs. We do not want to rush this. Goddesses know where we might end up otherwise,” I tell her.

As we wait, I hear Ginger ask Tater, “Tater, you ok?”

I see him nod his head, “Yeah Ginger, I am fine. Sorry, just have a few things on my mind today.”

Epona then gets up and puts a hoof on his shoulder and attempts to comfort him by telling him, “It's alright Tater. I understand how you feel, I am nervous about going back to that timeline too.”

He tries to smile as he asks, “Is it that obvious?”

She nods her head, “Yes, it is, at least to me and Twinkles.”

He sighs and says to her, “Sorry, I just still remember what happened when we had to leave home Epona. Chain Lighting and Tail Spin have been great parents but I still miss my birth parents, too.”

Epona gives him a hug and tells him, “I do understand, I really do. Remember I had to get used to several ponies who were completely different from our side to this one.”

As I listen to this interplay, I am slightly nervous about how they will react when we go through, then Tater smiles and laughs telling her, “Yah, you're right. I really didn’t think about how big a change it was for you too. I mean at least I did not have to adjust as much as you did. By the way, have you heard from your moms and dads lately?”

She smiles and tells him, “Yes, the Colonel is talking about retiring soon. But she is not ready yet. She has asked for me, Ginger, and Xochitl to go with the rest of the family during her trade mission to Hoofington. She also says they have tracked down papa Badger’s mother and are going to try to meet her while they are there.”

While I know Lieutenant Colonel Mollygirl has talked occasionally of getting out of service, I really do not think she will for a while yet. What does surprise me is hearing Epona talking with Mollygirl about going to Hoofington and having part of our team go with her. I would have hoped she would have discussed it with me as well.

“That sounds interesting. I wonder what she will think of the size of his family?” Tater responds to her.

As they talk, I hear the machine hum and I see pink clouds form in the frame of the doorway.

Ginger from the side answers him with a smile, “Tater, I am sure she will be amazed. First at how much he has changed since she last saw him, and secondly at the number of grandfoals he has given her.”

I can’t help myself and I whinny a bit at that. Then I tell them, “He certainly is prolific,” I then turn towards the back of the railcar as I tell Twinks, “Go ahead and begin to increase power, let us know when it is ready for us to go through.” Next, I turn to the rest of our exploration team, “Okay it’s about time, saddle and gear up. I want all of you ready for a fight when we get to the other side. We go through as a team, remember, no pony left behind either.”

We all quickly put our kits back on. We adjust our saddlebags, battle saddles, and helmets. I hear them checking their magazines and breaches to make sure they are loaded. As they are doing this the air vibrates inside the car with a loud humming sound. On the other end, I can see what appears to be a doorway or mirror. In its center I see the pink cloud begin to spin.

Eventually, the doorway is completely covered inside by the swirling mist and I hear Twink’s call out, “It’s ready, Choo Choo.”

I look at her first, then to the others I call out above the noise, “Ok, locked and loaded, let’s do this my little ponies,” Then I lead them to the doorway and they follow me into the mist.


As we come out, I first notice that we are in an excellently kept library. To the side, I notice a window framed with crystals set in a stone wall as well as some tables and chairs set amongst the bookshelves. The room is warm and I am struck by the smell of the air. It smells like the Equestria of my youth. This is overlaid mildly by the smell of the books.

Then I spot a lilac-coated unicorn mare with a purple and teal mane and tail. As she turns to look at us, I see her cutie mark is a purple and white star with two blue glimmering streams. In a surprised voice she says, “Uh, you’re not Sunset Shimmer.”

From above us, I hear Sunny say, “No, but I am Sunset Water.”

I see her cautiously looking over our group. Then when she sees me, her eyes open wide in surprise and her ears drop slightly as if embarrassed as she begins to kneel and says, “Princess, I am sorry I did not see you there.”

“Please get up, I am not a princess,” I tell her, embarrassed to have her kneel before me like I am someone I really am not.

“But, but you’re an alicorn.” She answers sounding flabbergasted.

I nod my head in understanding then I tell her, “That is true, but I was not born this way. And please, call me Choo Choo.”

She too nods again then I see her brush her hoof across her face in a nervous manner just before she says, “Oh, okay, Choo Choo,” She turns her head which gets me to look in that direction. There I see a short purple dragon with green spike ridges on his back and along his head that looks just like the one I used to see with the unicorn mare going between Ponyville and Canterlot. I cannot help but smile at the surprised expression on his face as he gives us a slight wave.

“Spike, could you let Twilight know that we, uh, we have visitors?” She asks him.

“Uh, yeah sure Starlight, I know she was expecting Sunset, but who are these ponies?” he responds to her.

I smile as she says, “Spike, I am not sure, but I am sure the princess will want to meet them.”

Twilight Sparkle is a princess in this world? I think to myself. Around me, I hear confused questioning of this from my team members.

Starlight then tells us, “Yes, I did say princess. You know, as in Twilight Sparkle, the Princess of Friendship.”

“Don't you mean Twilight Sparkle as in the Ministry Mare?” I ask.

She shakes her head and asks, “Who or what are the Ministry Mares?”

“They are the mares that ran Equestria for the Princesses during the Great War, you know before the final day and the megaspell and balefire bomb exchange,” I tell her as I take a hard stunned seat.

Her eyes go wide and she asks excitedly, “What is a megaspell? Where can I learn how to cast them?”

About that time, I hear a voice from the radio of my youth say, “That is a good question Starlight, but first, who are these ponies?”

As I look, I think I see Ministry Mare Twilight Sparkle, but, but she has wings. My Goddesses, she is an alicorn too. In uncertainty, I ask, “Twilight Sparkle?”

“Yes, now who are you? I thought I knew all of the alicorns.” She asks in an inquisitive tone of voice

Starlight Glimmer then interrupts briefly with, “Twilight, they came through the mirror.”

The princess turns to look behind us. As we do, we look back at what is obviously a very heavily modified mirror in which the center is still a swirling pink cloud. I see her purse her lips as she squints at it. “You did not come in through the Canterlot High portal, then?”

“Where? I never heard of that school when I lived in Canterlot.” I tell her. After a brief pause, I continue, “Princess, we came through a portable portal. I know it is on a different timeline, but I have to ask, “How did the war with the Zebras end?”

We see a complete look of confusion come over Twilight’s face as she asks, “War with the zebras? What war with the zebras?”

“Princess, how long has Luna been the ruler?” I ask so that I may have an idea of what year it is here.

Before she responds she cocks her head back and asks me, “What do you mean how long has she been the ruler? Celestia is the ruler, Luna only helps her. Besides she has only been back from the moon for a few years.”

I am stunned at the implications of this, “Team, this timeline seems to be either progressing at a slower rate, or we not only jumped timelines but back in time. My Goddesses.”

Sunny slowly walks next to me and asks in a worried tone of voice, “Choo, are you sure?”

I nod and flick my ears in affirmation and tell him, “Yes, I am sure. I wondered what all those dials meant that Twinkle Hoofs used.”

“What? You mean your portal has dials to control it?” She asks curiously.

I nod and tell her, “Yes, I guess that is why we are able to come here instead of the doorway we were expecting to go through. Huh, I never expected that.”

“You never expected that? And you still came through? What did you expect?” We hear the purple alicorn ask in an excitable tone of voice.

Beside her, we can see the young dragon has returned as he taps her on the side and we hear him say, “Calm down Twilight.”

He then burps and a scroll comes out of his mouth. From the side, I hear Xochitl snicker some.

Twilight reads it and then tells us, “If you have a bit of time, we have an additional guest coming who would like to meet you and find out more about where you come from.”

I turn to Sunny and tell him, “If you could, go back through the doorway and check on how Twinkle Hoofs is doing and see if we have time. Then return and let me know.”

He gives me a brief salute and then quickly flies back through the portal we entered from.

Twilight introduces herself first to me, then to the rest of my team. As she shakes our hooves, they each tell her their name. When she gets to Ginger, she notices that she is wearing a PipBuck and asks, “What is that you are wearing?”

Ginger grins at the opportunity to talk to the princess and tells her, “Oh, this is called a PipBuck. It is a computer you can wear on your hoof that serves several functions. Everything from monitoring your health, communications, storing music files, keeping track of what you are carrying and it even helps in detecting hostile forces and assisting in targeting them with weapons.”

I see her eyes go wide at her answer, “Oh, sort of like the computers in the library on the human world I saw. A bit bigger than the phones they carry, though,” I see her purse her lips and rub her chin with a hoof, then she asks, “Do these have cameras, too?”

As she says this I first think, what is a human? Then I tell her, “No, they don’t have cameras, Princess,” I put a hoof under my chin in thought and continue, “I am not sure how you could put a camera in a PipBuck or a phone even. Besides, we don’t have many stores of the chemicals for developing pictures from what I understand, so photos and cameras are not used much.”

“Hmmm, interesting. Well while we are waiting, why don’t we all sit down and have some tea.” Twilight says, and I see Spike and Starlight leave the room that is the library.

Sunny as he returns asks, “Actually, do you have any Sparkle Cola?”

Again, we see a look of confusion on their faces as Twilight asks, “Uh, what is Sparkle Cola?”

I am amused by the look on his face when she asks this and I have to laugh into my hoof. After I recover myself, I then tell him, “Sunny, I guess that is a no. By the way, I want my report on what is going on the other side.”

He stands straighter and replies, “Sorry Ma’am, Twinkle Hoofs says everything is holding steady and should be ok for at least a couple of hours. She also says to tell you thank you for making sure that the railroad car was out from under the mountain before we started it. Finally, she sent me back with the team camera, she says it didn’t happen if no pictures.”

“Anything else, Sunny?” I question him.

He laughs and tells me, “Yeah, I almost forgot. We checked my PipBuck and time passes here minutely slower. That would explain the time difference in years.”

I move my ears to let him know I understand.

I can almost feel as well as see Twilight Sparkle's interest in this as I hear her say, “Now that is fascinating, I wonder why?” she pauses and then smiles as she says, “Sorry, I forgot my manners, please have a seat and get comfortable.”

My team removes our kits and helmets stacking them in a pile next to our chairs. As we do so, the others begin to talk with Starlight Glimmer while I begin to talk with Twilight as Spike begins to pour us all some tea.

As I talk, I notice Sunny sitting next to Tater. Next to them are Ginger and Xochitl, with Epona on his far side

I am amused by the memories of my youth when Epona asks, “Do you have any milk to go in the tea?”

Twilight makes a disgusted-looking face and asks her, “Milk? Why would anypony put milk in their tea?”

Then Epona explains to her how we usually drink it that way back home along with honey. Finally, she adds, “The milk is a holdover to our ancestors’ days in the Stable there. Ours was one of the rare ones that ponies shared with cattle.”

Again, Princess Twilight's expression shows confusion but this time so do Spike and Starlight Glimmer. This leads Twilight to ask, “What do you mean by Stables?”

I guess I should explain this one I decide and I take a deep breath, before I tell them, “Your highness, in our timeline there was a great war between Equestria and the Zebra Nation. It became so large the other nations of Equus were pretty much forced to take sides. It lasted for over twenty years.”

I watch as a look of horror comes over their faces as they hear this. Then, in a meek, sorrowful tone Starlight Glimmer asks, “How, how did it end?” then she closes her eyes and gulps.

I feel tears form in my eyes. I briefly hesitate before answering, so Epona does so in my stead and answers, “It ended in less than one day. Equestria and the forces of the Zebra Caesar had an exchange of megaspells and balefire bombs. It destroyed most of Equestria and probably Equus as well. After the destruction of Cloudsdale, the Grand Pegasus Enclave closed the skies, and for almost two hundred years, those below lived in near-constant darkness. Most of those who survived were in the Stables.”

Again, I see a look of both horror and confusion on their faces when she tells them this. Twilight cautiously asks, “So these Stables were some kind of shelter then?”

Epona nods her head and replies, “Yes, they were underground shelters built by Stable-Tec.” She thinks for a short time, then looks around the room and says, “Princess, I can see you are like one of my adopted mothers, Magpie. You have a love of books and knowledge; I have a book with me that tells the story of one of the stable dwellers and her experiences. It also gives a bit of history as to what happened on our side. Consider it a cautionary tale of what could have happened here in your world.”

Epona then goes over and reaches into her saddlebag and carries a book to her in her muzzle. Once close enough Twilight excitedly reads the title out loud, “The Book of Little Pip.”

Ginger quickly turns her head toward her sister and tells her, “Epona, you know you aren’t supposed to risk bringing that book to other timelines.”

Epona becomes defensive and almost shouts back at her, “Why not? Tell me you don’t have a copy of the Book of Daisy Jo in your saddlebags, tell me!”

Ginger grimaces slightly and tells her, “That is different. You know it.”

“Oh, don’t get all high and mighty on me! Just because you and Ma both practice the cattle religion more than I do, Remember I am a goddess parent to both of Buttermilk's calves.” As she says this, I begin to pray that they do not have one of their near-famous sibling fights.

From across the table, Starlight Glimmer asks in a questioning tone, “Cattle religion? Ponies practicing it? A pony, a goddess parent to cattle?”

With both forehooves on her waist Ginger turns to Starlight Glimmer and tells her, “Yes, the cattle religion worships both of the Goddesses Celestia and Luna as well as the all-mother Sweet Cream.”

Starlight scrunches up her face as if trying to decide how to take that before she asks, “Twilight did you know about a cattle religion?” Then I see a look of surprise on her face as she looks over Ginger's shoulder.

“I have never heard of it before, Starlight,” Twilight tells her.

Then from the doorway, we hear another voice. This one is very smooth and gentle, and I had only heard on the television and radio when I was young, say, “I have Twilight. A long time ago, but I will say I have never heard of any of my ponies following it.”

Standing before us is Princess Celestia, and her sister. I am reminded painfully how beautiful they truly were, as well as the size difference between the two of them. I quickly prostrate myself before them on the floor, and I proclaim as I was taught as a child of my social standing to say, “Your royal highnesses. I am not worthy of your attention.”

“Please arise and tell me your name and why you have come here,” Celestia tells me.

As I still look down, I tell her, “Princess, I am but a humble servant of yours from another world and time.”

Celestia turns her head slightly, closes her eyes suspiciously, and asks me, “May I ask, how you became an alicorn if you are but my humble servant?”

By now I have regained my hooves but still do not look her in the eyes. “On the Last Day, I was forced into a vat of chemicals and changed from a unicorn to what you see before you. I am over 270 years old and have had this form for 210 of them.”

“What is this last day you mention? You say it as if it was a momentous day that all should know.” Luna inquires of me.

I look at her and again bow low, then I stand back up as I answer her query, “My apologies, your majesty. The Last Day on our timeline ended a twenty-year war between Equestria and the Zebra’s Caesar. Unfortunately, that end involved a full exchange of Mega-spells and Balefire bombs. Most of those who had not been either in a stable when it happened or converted like I was were killed that day or died soon afterward.”

Sunny then asks me, “But what about the ghouls, Choo?”

I sadly shake my head as I think of so many of them who turned that way, including my one-time fiancé. Then I answer, “Sunset Water, you have talked to enough of them that you should know by now that most of them feel that their bodies are already dead and that they were rejected from Elysium.”

Epona soon adds, “Come on Sunny, how many times have you heard the Colonel talk about that with them? I know she still feels she was, too.

A look of surprise comes over their faces and Celestia asks, “What are ghouls and why would this Colonel feel that way?”

Again, a question that while I wish I did not have to, I must answer so I tell her, “The Colonel they refer to is one of Ginger Snap's and Epona’s adopted mothers, as well as Sunny’s distant cousin. She technically died but was brought back to life and since then I have been present several times when ghouls have first met her and could tell that she too had been dead and returned.”

“This all seems fascinating but again, you have not explained what a ghoul is, or who you all are,” Luna says to me.

I see the expression on Epona’s face change to that of when she has an idea or realization then she says, “Your highnesses, please forgive us, but many of the questions you seek to answer are in the book that I have given to Princess Twilight Sparkle. As for us, well, the New Canterlot Republic uses us to go and fix situations. In this case, we were planning on going to mine and Sweet Potato’s home timeline which we escaped from as little more than foals.” We all see a look of confusion come over their faces at the term New Canterlot republic.

Then Luna asks her, “So you two are not really sisters?”

Epona looks at Ginger, smiles, and answers the best way she can, “Princess Luna, the answer to this is very complicated. The two of us before you were born on different timelines, but on each timeline, we were the other’s half-sibling. When I came over, I was adopted by the same mare that adopted Ginger after her mother was killed,” She shrugs her shoulders and says, “So, yes and no.”

Xochitl smirks at this, then he bows slightly to the princesses and tells them, “That would be a yes, your majesty, even if they came from different timelines, they are most certainly sisters. My parents have even commented on this to me a time or two, as have their moms and dads, much to their chagrin.”

To the one side, Starlight Glimmer appears rather confused and mouths the words “Moms and dads?”

From the side, I notice Spike as he giggles lightly and taps Twilight on her shoulder telling her, “I really wish we had some popcorn to go with this show.”

This gets me to realize that Twilight Sparkle is engrossed in paging through the Book of Little Pip. I see Twilight smirk and blush when he does this and she tells him, “Not now, Spike.” Then quietly she says in a questioning almost breathless tone, “Stable 2 and Sweet Apple Acres? Raiders in Ponyville. In my library.” She puts a hoof over her muzzle and I see a tear in her eye for a history that is not hers.

In response, Spike asks her, “Pretty interesting reading, Twilight?”

She nods her head and tells him in a choking-up voice, “Yes and I am so thankful that it is not our history, just after the little bit I have glanced at.”

As she is talking, Luna and Celestia sit at the table with us, closer to Twilight Sparkle and me. They then begin to question me about my powers and I surprise them as I begin to tell them about Unity and our mother, and how we were changed into alicorns. Then I tell them about what happened to me and my sisters when Unity was broken.

We are enjoying our tea when I see Luna smile a bit mischievously and ask Ginger and Epona, “So which one of you is technically the older sister?” Which gets all of our attention.

Epona answers her, “Well technically, Ginger is by a couple of days.”

“I see and you both have the same parents on both timelines?” the princess asks with a smile.

Ginger smiles at this and tells her, “On both timelines, we had different mothers, but shared the same father.”

Luna raises an eyebrow at this and I hear Spike excitedly telling Twilight Sparkle, “See this is what I am talking about, Twilight, you can read later, you really need to hear this.”

Beside them, Starlight Glimmer’s eyes are wide open, her ears forward and her mouth is in the shape of an o. Ginger grins as she looks at her smiles and shrugs as she tells her, “Sorry Starlight, I guess dad was a bit of a rouge.”

Then Sunny pops off with, “Yeah, almost as bad as your Papa Badger.”

Ginger looks down and giggles quietly. She then takes another sip of my tea before replying, “True Sunny, but overall, he is a good buck.”

After she hears this Luna asks, “Who is this, Papa Badger?”

Ginger sighs and Epona blushes as Ginger tells the princess, “Your highness, he is one of our adopted fathers,” She pauses and blushes as she says, “We also have a second adopted father and four adopted mothers as well. But that becomes even more complicated for Epona because of Papa Badger and Mama Sumac. Sumac was her grandmother on both sides, sooo…”

Luna tilts her head as if waiting for more. Celestia beside her turns her full attention upon Ginger in amusement by this. To the side we can hear Spike laughing loudly as he tells Twilight, “I can’t wait to tell the guys about this at the next O and O night. Even Discord is not going to believe this one.”

I quickly scan the room with my eyes and I notice Starlight Glimmer slowly sipping her tea with a smile on her muzzle as well as a raised eyebrow.

Then my attention is grabbed by Sunny as he reminds me, “Excuse me Choo Choo, but I do have the team camera with me, remember, no pictures it didn’t happen.”

I sigh, then smile shyly as I ask, “Princesses, would you mind us taking your photos?”

Celestia smiles widely, “No, not at all Choo Choo, please, do.”

We take several photos. Including one using the timer that allows us all to be in it. After all of these I realize I may never have this chance again so I ask, “Princess Luna, may I, may I ask that I be allowed a photo with just you?”

Luna looks at me with suspicion and asks, “May I ask why?”

Looking down at the ground first, then back up at her, I tell her, “Because you were always my favorite princess. Ever since your return. I even disguise myself and paint your cutie mark on me for Nightmare Night for the foals and calves around the Manesville area, when we are home.”

Celestia seems slightly perturbed at hearing this, but Luna smiles widely and blushes slightly, “So even in such a world as you come from, you still remember me favorably? Then I would be honored, Choo Choo.”

It is right after the picture is taken, that I see a bright flash on my flanks. In place of my blank spot, we then see Luna's cutie mark has appeared on me but superimposed upon it is a locomotive as if traveling under its moonlight.

I am stunned at first then my heart all but leaps in joy. I have a Cutie Mark again. Both Celestia and Luna look at each other. Then Celestia tells me, “I had not noticed you had not had a cutie mark; this is most; unusual.”

Smiling proudly, I tell her, “Your majesty, I lost my cutie mark, which was just the steam engine when I became an alicorn. I did not know we could get them back.”

“And now with my darkness and crescent moon, what do you think that means?” Luna asks.

Smiling I tell her, “As an engineer on the railroad I took those in my care from place to place. I guess now I do so through the darkness but with your guidance and hopefully your goodwill.”

Both sisters nod to me, then Luna places a hoof on my shoulder, “That you have Choo Choo, that you have. Now it is best that you depart before you are unable to do so. Farewell, Choo Choo.”

Once we have finished putting our kits back on, we head for the doorway. Ginger and I look back and see that they are all watching us. Starlight Glimmer then asks, “You said when you arrived that your group's job is to fix situations, what are you?”

Tater smiles his flirtatious grin at her and tells her, “Ma’am, I guess you could just call us repair ponies.” I wave once more to them and then I lead my team back through the doorway and back into the railcar.

Once we are all through, I see Twinkle Hoofs and Cowlick both looking at us expectantly I give her the cut signal and the machine begins to wind down. Then Twinks asks, “So anything interesting happen?”

We all look at each other and are smiling. I can tell when Twinkle Hoofs sees my new Cutie Mark by the expression on her face and I hear her say, “Okay, you better have pictures.”

Beside her I see Cowlick grinning as he says, “I can’t wait to hear this story.”

Still smiling I tell them, “You will, but we better get moving again. Ok everyone, grab your gear and head to the passenger car, I will meet you there for a team debrief.”

As they head to the rear of the train, I see our security ponies and send them back too. As I do this, I see both of their eyes go wide when they see my cutie mark. I hear Days End say under his breath, “What did we miss?”

Beside him, I hear Double Back say, “I am not sure, but next time I want to be in on it.” Then he begins to laugh in his braying mulish way.


Manesville, Manesville Region NCR: Ball Lightning

It has been two days since we were captured by of all things, a militia unit for the settlement of White Cloud. I am feeling so humiliated right now that I can hardly stand it. I share my cell with the others on our team and have been told we are being treated as prisoners. During the evening the females of Airburst's people are taken to a separate area to sleep. But at least we see each other during the day.

Air Burst is fit to be tied. Yesterday, he actually told me he thought that he and Miss Haze were an item. I don’t know if he realizes it but I think she really did have some feelings for him too. I think back to right after we were taken inside the pub in White Cloud, I saw the sad look on her face as Air Burst rejected Sirocco’s offer to let us immigrate to the Manesville region.

“What makes you think I want to live down here dirtside like a dashite?” He asks Sirocco.

This Sirocco gives him a sad smile and tells him, “Honestly, having spent as much time down here as you have, I had hoped you would have seen it is not as bad as we were led to believe in the Enclave.”

Airburst shakes his head, looking down at the table in front of him just saying, “No, I have not spent that much time that I have gone native.” He pauses and looks up and tells Sirocco, “How can you be happy living down here? I mean honestly, look at what all you have had to give up.”

Sirocco moves his ears in disappointment and then tells us, “Were you in Thunderhead when Nieghvarro attacked us? That pretty much told us we were no longer a part of the Enclave. We fled for our lives and made a new start down here. We even have some cloud farms here in Manesville along with a small cloud settlement next to it. I don’t know if you noticed them as you approached our town, but if you looked up and saw the clouds above, that is part of White Cloud too.”

He pauses and then asks, “Do any of you want a tour of the town and farms around here? I mean it. I will let you look at them. Out here, away from Manesville itself, there is nothing critical that the NCR would not want you to see. But you could see how our ponies and cattle live here. After that, make up your mind.”

Air Burst sits back in his chair and tells him, “Say we go along with you and look at your town and all, what good do you think it will do you? Also, how do we know you won’t just kill us or something like that?”

Sirocco shakes his head this time and then tells him, “If I wanted you dead, you would have been already. This town was settled by the survivors of Serenity Valley. We know how to fight.”

“And if we decide we don’t want to join you, what then?”

Sirocco shrugs one foreleg and tells him, “You become a prisoner until you can be exchanged and repatriated to the Enclave. We don’t kill prisoners for fun.” He pauses then asks, “Oh, which one of you said you were friends with Sunny Waters?”

I feel myself blush and I raise a forehoof. Sirocco smiles and calls out, “Hey Blondie, this here fella says he knows Sunny.”

I watch as a middle-aged unicorn mare with charcoal and yellow striped mane and tale enters. I notice she is wearing a poncho with a gunbelt holding it tight to her, as well as a rifle across her back. She also has a wide-brim hat on her head. She approaches me and asks, “So, how do you know my son?”

I feel myself go pale as I realize this is his mother. I almost groan and I hear Funnel Cloud start to laugh. She turns to him and asks, “What’s so funny?”

Funnel sits there with an amused expression on his face and tells her, “Well we met him a few times dirt side and shared a fire with him and his pals a time or two is all. He told us about this place. Honestly, I didn’t believe him about it, but he did not exaggerate.”

Air looks angry still but says nothing. Finally, Sirocco tells us, “We will take you in groups of three to tour our town if you would like. He points to me, Funnel Cloud, and Gunter first, and tells us, “You three, are first.” He turns to the mare behind the bar and tells her, “Blueberry, would you be kind enough to feed the rest of them lunch? Put it on my tab and I will get you later, oh, and unless they ask for meat, don’t give it to them.” After he mentions meat, I see some of the civilian team members turn slightly green. Then he leads us out of the pub.

It is while we are alone with Sirocco and Blondie that Funnel finally speaks up and tells them, “Sorry, but there were a couple of ponies in that room who I did not want to hear this, but Ma’am, your son thought highly enough of Ball here that he snuck into Thunderhead to visit him in the hospital after we had been wounded by one of the gangs in Hoofington.”

I look at her to gauge her reaction and see her jaw drop and hear her say, “I am going tan that bucks hide.”

Funnel laughs lightly and tells her, “Go light on him, if he has not been home since he still got away from Thunderhead. He is good ma’am, not sure where he learned it, but we saw him in action a few times and he is respectable in a fight, but then again, so are most of that group.”

By now we have walked past several shops as well as what looks like a schoolhouse and are reaching the outskirts of town and I can see a large farm. In the fields, I see what looks like some soldiers working alongside the farm workers beginning to harvest crops.

Gunter looks at the fields and I see him become excited as he fights to keep his wings down. Behind us, one of our escorts tells us, “Yeah, in this area of the NCR our military takes turns helping with the crops too. In fact, everyone including the mayors and regional heads do too. The original ponies here called it working sweat equity. No pony goes hungry here as long as they work.”

Funnel then says, “That sounds wrong, I mean what if you want something better than just the bare minimum to eat? Heck, can you even own anything in a place like that?”

This time Sirocco answers, “Well, the thing is the sweat equity means you won’t starve. But if you want better, you can buy it. Also, here the government does not own everything. If you have the caps, you can buy things and own them too.”

Sirocco looks at the farm and tells us, “Yeah, that farm there is one of the newer ones. We recovered it when we began to set up White Cloud.”

Gunter then asks, “Recovered?”

“Yes, those who have done their initial time in the fields can file with the farm reclamation bureau to recover a farm. This includes rebuilding the topsoil as well as the buildings on the farm. However, the farm must be one of the old ones that are not currently owned by anyone.”

By now we have come to another farm, as we approach it, he calls out, “Hello the house.”

From the larger of the two houses, I hear a mare’s voice call back, “Hello Sirocco, what can we do for you today.”

When I look at the door to the home, I see an older red bay mare with some gray strands in her mane and tale. Behind her, I see what must be her kitchen. Then I see a black unicorn mare look out the window briefly as well, and I hear her ask, “Should I make tea dear?”

The older of the two then asks Sirocco, “Would you like to bring your guest in for tea?”

Sirocco smiles and tells her, “Nah, not this time, we still have several more of their group to give a tour, but I was wondering if your hired hoof might be willing to come out and discuss our community with them?”

She nods her head and I hear her tell someone inside to go get somepony named Xavier. I see a Light blue unicorn mare, who seems to be tired, head to the barn from the back of the house. Soon I see her returning with a zebra stallion with her. As he comes up, he says, “Good afternoon, Sirocco, or should I be calling you Captain, right now?”

“Afternoon Corporal Xavier, just Sirocco would be fine. I have been giving these stallions a tour of our farms and communities and I thought perhaps it would be of some benefit if they were to meet some of our non-pegasus immigrants.”

I see him nod his head as well as lift one eyebrow, “No problem, what would you all like to know?”

Sirocco introduces us to him, then says, “Why don’t you tell them about our immigrant program and how you feel you are treated.”

“Alright, I can do that, well first off, when I started, we had to spend a term of one year working in the fields to build our sweat equity. I did mine here along with my family. Once our time was done, well we had become quite close with the owners and are almost family, in fact, my son is engaged to their daughter.”

Funnel interrupts him briefly, “The owners’ daughter is engaged to a zebra?”

“Well, he isn’t a zebra, he is a zony. But, yeah.”

About this time, I watch as a red enfield flies over and lands next to Xavier. I watch in disgust as he pauses and gives him a scratch between the wings. He then says, “Sorry Woofers, but you need to head on over to the house, I am sure these fellas are not too fond of your kind.”

The way he treats it like a pet surprises me, but what really gets me is when Gunter asks, “Do many of you have them as pets?” and he approaches him and tentatively gives him a scratch with his wing tip.

Xavier smiles and answers him, “Some, even a few of our local pegasi do. To tell the truth, I was surprised by them myself. But Woofers and his sister Tweeters and I have both been at the farm about the same amount of time. They even accompanied us on our expedition and became mascots. Believe it or not, they do make good guard animals as well. We had infiltrators into our camp one night and they alerted us, then when one put a knife to the colonel’s throat, Woofers here attacked him.”

I raise an eyebrow at this and ask, “Your community sent a colonel out for that?”

He shakes his head, “No, she was a lieutenant back then. But she ended up taking over and getting us home when things took a very sour turn.”

When he says this, I see him and Sirocco share a look. Then Sirocco asks, “Any word from Xochitl lately?”

“Nah, he and the rest are out and about again. You know how they are. I know the Colonel and the rest of their parents are sure missing them though.”

“Just so you know, these fellas ran into them and shared a fire a couple of times with them.” Sirocco smoothly says.

The stern-faced zebra nods his head and twist an ear in understanding. “So, you have run into them have you, which end of the gun were you on?”

While I laugh lightly, Funnel stays quiet and Gunter tells him, “Both at different times. We never shot directly at each other, just suppressive fire if needed. The gangs down that way can be a bit of a hoof full you might say.”

I cringe as he tells them this much. But I realize this stallion is the zony’s father. That means this is the home to Cookie and her sister as well.”

I then raise one wing and asks, “Sirocco, the Colonel that he mentioned, is she one of the parents to Cookie and Epona?”

He nods his head cautiously and asks, “Why do you ask?”

“Sir, if the Colonel is one of them, might I suggest you avoid bringing Air Burst here? I owe them that much. Air Burst would try and have this farm targeted if he knew about its high-ranking owner.”

I see both Xavier and him smile and he tells us, “Yeah, that would avoid some problems. But honestly, I would not want to be the one to try and attack this farm. They are all fighters.”

I nod my head at this as does Funnel. Gunter then asks, “So what type of crops are you growing around here?

The zebra smiles and tells him, “Well the south twenty acres is just about ready to be harvested and we have Fescue there this year. Over in the back forty, we have some corn as well as beans and squash being grown. Oh, and up close and to the west of the cemetery, well there we are trying sorghum for the first time.”

“And you do all the labor for this?” Funnel asks.

The zebra waves a hoof and tells us, “A lot of it, but honestly the civilian mares of the family help as much as possible in the fields and the Colonel and both of her husbands when not on duty or deployed help too.”

Funnel then asks, “So you are both a farmhoof and a Corporal in the Militia, when do you sleep?”

Xavier smiles and tells him, “While every male of age must serve in the militia in our area, we only serve when called up for action. Honestly, it does not happen often, and we take turns on who gets called and for what. In a real emergency such as when the Spring Monsoon attacked us on the day of Sunshine and Rainbows, well the militia was fully activated and females of age could volunteer to serve as well. I assume from your questions that you have already met part of our militia.”

We chat a bit more with him, then Sirocco takes us up to the cloud farm and village above us. It is while here that I really notice Gunter paying attention to what is being said and how they do things. At first, I think he is just curious, but eventually, I hear a tone in his voice that makes me wonder if I am going to lose an NCO.

After this, we return to the pub while the next group begins the tour. I do have to say I really enjoy the lunch and surprise the barkeep by knowing of the Old Overmare brand of whiskey. She then smiles and asks, “Would you like to try a bit of our local product? We call it the Three Sisters and it is a blended whiskey.”

As Air Burst is out on his tour at the time, I grin at both Funnel Cloud and Anan, who are seated with me, and tell her, “Yes if you don’t mind.”

We are just finishing our drinks when Air Burst group returns. He does not look happy, but instead very thoughtful. Sundancer and Alto simply nod at me and do a quick eye glance towards the windows outside. I wonder what they too are thinking about this. In reply, I simply shrug my shoulders.

I shake my head and my thoughts return to the present, and the prison camp we are in as Funnel Cloud approaches me as I stand along the fenced-in enclosure, staring out at the area around the camp. He then chuckles slightly and tells me, “They sure thought up the design of this camp well. Even having fencing over the outdoor exercise yard for us flying types.”

I nod my head, “Yeah, they did. I guess that is part of the benefit of them having experience with keeping pegasus prisoners of war.”

He shrugs, “I am not so sure about that sir, one of the guards told me that several years back when they first set up this place they had some guards who had Stable Tech security training. That probably gave them a hoof up if you know what I mean.”

Seeing we have plenty of time to kill, I ask him, “I noticed that when we were first captured Sirocco said it was good to see you again. How did you know him?”

He looks into the distance as he remembers those times and he quietly says, “He was a boot lieutenant for the platoon I was in back when I was only a corporal. We went ground side several times together back then. Mainly raids to find tech and supplies we could use. You know the normal. We did have a really rough fight at one point when we got trapped. In a lot of ways, you remind me of him, sir.”

I smile sideways at him and reply, “I take that as a compliment Funnel. You know if things were different, I really could live in a place like this.”

He looks around and then cautiously tells me, “Sir, we may be here, but don’t let some of the others hear you say such things. They might get you branded if you know what I mean.”

“Sadly, yes, I do know what you mean.”

A short time after he walks off, I am approached by Sundancer and Alto. We have spent a lot of time together the last couple of days just talking and enjoying each other’s company. This time while we are talking and looking at the world through the fence I tell her, “You know, they say that marriage is for better and worse.”

She nods her head and tells me “Yeah, and we sure have been through some rough times together lately.”

Alto standing on her other side nods his head too. I look up at the sky briefly and think of home, then I ask her, “With what all we have been through and with both of us knowing each other’s jobs, would you be willing to marry me when we get back home?”

I see her smile brightly and nod her head. Then she answers calmly, “Yes Ball. But understand, I may still have to pretend I am married to others in my line of work.”

I smile again, and tell her, “Thank you, and I do understand that.”

What I had not noticed was that a soldier who I presume is one of the guards has approached along the outside of the fence while we are talking and overhears us. I see him smile as he says, “I heard ya’all were captured over in White Cloud, and with your question, does this mean you are marrying them both like some of them do?”

I am stunned at his conclusion but then ask, “Who are you again?”

He grins at me and tells me, “Oh, I am the chaplain for the First Regiment, just call me Padre. By the way, if you would like, I would gladly perform the service for you three. You would not be the first I have performed such a ceremony for, and who are you?”


Good evening, listeners you just heard five songs in a row, that lost song was Rainbow by Songbird Serenade. I am DJ Pon3 coming to you live from Tenpony Tower in Manehatten and this is my nightly show bringing music and the truth, no matter how much it hurts to you and the wastelands.

There continue to be more reports of increased tension between the NCR and the reforming Enclave. Among these are reports of more teams of spies infiltrating the territory of the New Canterlot Republic. Of course, these stories are highly refuted by the officials of the Grand Pegasus Enclave.

After this next song, we will be having an interview with a surprise guest as well as more news and tips for surviving in the wastelands. For all of you out there, Here comes Times Like These.

Chapter 25 Giving a Hoof to Others

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Chapter 25 Giving a Hoof to Others

“When you reach out to those in need, do not be surprised if the essential meaning of something occurs.” ― Stephen Richards

White Cloud, Manesville District, NCR: Ginger Snaps

Dear Sweetcream, it feels so much better to be home this time. Once the train arrived in Manesville with the device, the powers that be, had us park it inside the old railroad maintenance shed near the ruins of the General Carriage plant. As we leave it there, I notice Xochitl shaking his head with a slight smile.

Epona asks him, “Ok Cohitl, what is the smile for?”

He shrugs a little and tells her, “Well it is just that, the maintenance shed there is the same one the Colonel found my family in, way back when. Now we have parked the machine that brought you and the others in there. I just found it slightly ironic is all.”

She looks at him with a raised eyebrow and a half smile. Then tells him, “Yeah, I guess I can see why that brought a smile to your face.”

As we get ready to leave our team is met by Blackberry Pie and her team for a quick debrief back at the shop. Upon seeing that Choo has a cutie mark, Blackberry tells her, “Choo, I think you best stay hidden for a bit. Besides I am sure they will probably want to see you in Junction town to discuss what you saw on the other side.”

“Ok, I guess so,” she answers, then she tells the rest of us, “Tonight we spend in the shop. Depending on what Junction Town says, depends on what we do next.”

It is after dinner time when we arrive at the shop and are greeted by Zhea. “Good evening, it is so nice to see you all back again, and who is the new stallion with you?”

Choo nods in his direction and points at him with one wing and tells her, “It is good to see you too. Now I would like to introduce you to our newest team member, Days End.”

She nods in his direction, “A pleasure, and welcome aboard the team, sir.”

He seems surprised to hear her welcome him like that. Then she tells us, “Well, when you are done dropping off your gear, come upstairs and I will start to heat you something to eat if you would like.”

I see Days End gulp slightly and she asks, “What, never had a ghoul cook for you before?”

I notice he looks embarrassed. Then he says, “Sorry ma’am. I really have not had much experience with your kind.”

She nods. “Thank you for being honest. I do understand as I have not been awake all that long myself and I am still getting used to it.”

Once we are done stowing our kits and cleaning our weapons again, we all head upstairs for a late dinner. After dinner, as most of us are heading to the bunker we hear a knock on the door. Twinks answers it and we see Chip and Blackberry Pie in the doorway. “May we come in? We need to talk to Choo.”

“Yeah, come on in. She is still upstairs talking with Xanthippe and Zhea.”

“Thanks, Twinks. By the way, we turned in our reports on your last mission. Our bosses are very happy with your performance with such a quick learning curve on operating the device.”

I see Twinks smile broadly and I tell Xochitl, "I will be down in a bit dear, let me take them up to the boss.”

He kisses me lightly on my cheek and tells me, “No problem, dear. Just don’t make me wait too long.” Then he gives me a wink and a grin.

Once I have led them to the dining area Choo tells me, “Ginger, I will let you know what is going on after this. But for now, go relax with the rest of the team.”

I am sitting down on the couch, cuddled next to Xochitl with Twinks and Tater on the other end while we watch an old documentary about the history of the princesses on the player. Both Double Back and Days End are sitting in the chairs next to us transfixed on the television, then I hear Double Back ask, “So you really meet them? Did the actually look like that?”

I smile as Epona answers from behind me, “Yeah Double Back, we really met them, but they weren’t in black and white. Actually, when I think of it, Luna is almost the same shade of blue as Choo. But both her and Celestia’s manes always move as if they are being blown by the wind.”

After a bit, Choo comes down and tells us, “Ginger, I need to talk to you, Double Back and Days End.”

“Oh, Ok boss,” we all tell her and get up. I see her glance at the TV and smile sadly, “I remember that. The day Luna took over as the ruler of Equestria after Celestia stepped down.”

We follow her back upstairs to her office and she closes the door. Then she tells us, “Double, Day, you two are going with me as my escort. I have been requested to come to Junction Town to talk with the Followers as well as some of our top government officials. We will be leaving in the morning. Ginger, while we are gone, I want you to take on some small jobs in the area.” She stops and thinks briefly and then continues, “Perhaps you and the rest of the team can check to see if you can enter Site Paddock that Lieutenant Colonel Forage mentioned to us. Also, you should warn your siblings to stay away from the back 40 acres of your family’s farm until we resolve the situation there.”

I cringe inside as I forgot to say anything to mine or Xochitl’s families about it. I then tell her, “Your right, we better talk to the youngsters tomorrow. After that, well then, we can see about trying to enter the place.”

“Just be really careful Ginger, remember how it was down in No Mares land when we were in the bunker? Be careful in case there are ferals in there.”

“No problem, Choo, we will,” I tell her. After all, we know we can handle ferals if we need to, I think to myself.

I see a bit of worry come over her face briefly then she smiles and tells me, “I will be back as soon as I can. By the way, I have also contracted you, Xochitl, and Epona to escort a delegation back to Hoofington. You can read it when we are done in a few minutes.”

She then asks us, “Do you have any more questions for me?”

Days End, raises a hoof slightly and asks her, “Before we go, Choo, could I get a uniform like the rest of the teams?”

She smiles at him and tells him, “Talk to Zhea in the morning she is our quartermaster as well as runs the shop when we are gone. If we can’t get one for you right away, we will see about getting you one by the time we get back.”

He nods his head, then Choo tells us, “If there is nothing else, then dismissed.”

After they leave, she pushes the contract across the desk for me to read using her TK. Once I have read it, I nod my head. Then I ask, “Ok, what do you want the rest of the team to do while we are gone to Hoofington?”

“Hopefully, I will be back by then, if not, well, then I will contact them to let them know, provided we do not have any other jobs come up by then.”

We talk about a few possible jobs that we may take, then she tells me to go ahead and rejoin the rest. I return just as the film is finishing. Xochitl smiles at me with those beautiful blue eyes of his, and tells me, “We are sharing a bunk tonight. That way some of the others can have one instead of sleeping on the floor.”

I cannot help but smile back at him as I tell him, “That sounds perfect dearest.”

When we awaken in the morning, I find I have my head across Xochitl’s foreleg and I notice I have a small puddle of drool that has built up on it. I am mortified at first, then I notice that the top of my mane on the back of my head is wet too, and I start to laugh. At least I was not the only one.

Hearing me laugh Xochitl wakes up and I hear him say, “Ughh, Ginger, what the?” Then he sees the back of my mane and I watch as the love of my life blushes and quickly apologizes to me. “Sorry dear, I just, ugh, I guess we were more tired than we realized.”

I nod my head, “Yeah, we best get moving though.” I tell him as I stretch.

Once up we go take a quick shower and then get ready for the day. Breakfast is ready when we get upstairs and I see Diode smiling as he tells us, “I picked up some cheese and egg bagels for everyone from Wanderers. I hope you like them.”

I can’t help but grin as I tell him, “Thanks Diode. That sounds great.” While I had hoped for bacon this morning, that does sound good as well. Then I smell the scent of coffee wafting in the air. As we get upstairs both the field and the shop teams are mingling, eating breakfast, talking, and laughing. I even see Days End talking with little Xanthippe.

After we are done, Choo tells us, “I discussed with Ginger last night what we need to take care of. Days End, Double Back, after you get your uniforms, please come to my office so we can get going.”

As the rest are getting their kits taken care of and talking about what they want to do tonight. I tell Cowlick and Xochitl, “I need you two to go down to the waterfront and retrieve the cart. It has been left by the port master’s office.”

Next, I turn to my sister and Twinks, “Epona, I need you to help me figure out how we are going to discuss Site Paddock with our family. We have to make sure the young ones stay safe.”

“Ginger, I think the best thing to do is just warn them not to go in there, and tell them because there may be ferals inside.”

“Do you really think they will listen that far Epona? I mean what about Mamas Mollygirl and Sutures, as well as Papas Badger and Archer? They will want to know why and how we know.”

Twinks smiles and tells us, “Just tell them the truth. Operational Security, need to know only.”

“Oh, that will go over like a lead balloon with Mama Mollygirl I am sure of it.”

She shrugs her shoulders and tells me, “Well, we can’t tell them, can we?”

“Well, I guess not. It just does not feel right though. I want to let them know, but only what we can. I just hope the official channels let the Colonel know.”

“Yeah, tell me about it,” Xochitl says beside me.

Soon Choo and the other two say their farewells as they head off to Junction Town. Before she leaves, she tells me, “Oh, by the way, our dress uniforms are finished. Zhea picked them up from Sewing Bobbin while we were gone. If you could let her know we have two more team members who will need them as well.”

Smiling I tell her, “No problem, Choo. Thanks for letting us know. Any specific times you want us to wear them?”

“No, but if you are conducting business or trying to make a heavy impression, perhaps then. Much like one would wear a dress military uniform.”

This makes sense to me and I nod my head and then wish them farewell and safe travels. Then I am in charge of the shop for now. We continue on improvements to the shop for the day and I begin to look at the surrounding buildings to see if we could perhaps expand our operations to some of them as well. Maybe a barracks and mess hall across the street. Maybe even open up a few shops with the alleyways blocked off by fences, sort of like what we saw in Hoofington. Things to bring up to Choo Later, I guess.

After eight hours we call it a day. Epona, Xochitl, and I head to my family’s farm. Both to visit and to talk to the youngsters. We arrive just before the youngsters get home from school. The adults who are home are all out working on the harvest. Xochitl and I take our stuff to his parent’s house while Epona takes hers upstairs. Soon we all meet back in the parlor of the main house.

I have hung my SIR on the rack by Epona’s SMG along with the other adults’ weapons in the house. The three of us are sitting in the living room listening to the radio when the youngsters all get home from school. I am almost surprised that none of the parents are there to greet them, but it is harvest time so that sometimes happens.

When they come in, we are overwhelmed by them as they first exclaim excitement and then begin to ask questions.

Bucky asks, “So where did you go this time?”

I grin as I tell him, “Sorry sport, but we can’t tell you that.” He groans in reply.

Next Millie asks, “Did you bring us anything?”

This time Xochitl answers, “Sorry, but no. We did not get near anywhere we could do so.”

She looks at him and asks, “Does that mean you were out exploring the wastelands?”

He laughs and shakes his head no.

Then I tell them all, “Speaking of exploring, I need you all to stay away from the back forty acres for a bit.”

“AHHH, but why?” I hear Xialynn ask.

I am not going to tell them why, instead I cross my forelegs and in a stern tone of voice I tell them, “I have my reasons and I am serious, whatever you do, stay away from that cave on the back forty. You know the one with the broken-up stump and the tree laying across its opening.”

Then my heart skips a beat when I hear in a sad tone Millie saying, “Too late Ging, three weeks ago we went in there.”

In a cautious voice, Xochitl asks, “Was the skeleton still on the mattress?”

Then little Moon Lily cautiously answers, “Yeah, yeah it was.”

Now I am nervous, so I ask, “So you did not go any further in did you?”

Bucky nods his head and tells us in a chilling voice “Yeah, and we should n’ta.”

“What did you guys find?” I ask him, hoping the fear and guilt do not show in my voice.

Mille answers this time, “We found some old metal doors in there, As well as a speaker box on the wall. Oh, and some kind of ‘puter and screen.”

Then Woody adds excitedly, “Yeah and we found two ferals too. They came at us, but Moon took care of them.”

My head spins to look at Moon Lily, as do Xochitl and Epona’s.

Then I see Momma Mollygirl has gotten home and is staring at all of us with an unreadable expression on her face.

Epona calmly asks her, “Ok Ma, how much did you hear?”

Before answering she hangs up her pistol belt. Then she turns back to the older of us and tells her. “I heard enough to know I was right all those years ago to tell Ginger, Xochitl, and Sunny to stay away from there.” She then looks at the youngest and tells them, “Now you all know better than to go into the caves like that. You never know what you can find.”

As she says this, Xochitl laughs slightly and he then explains, “My apologies Colonel, I just was thinking of George’s cave and when we first met the three sisters.”

She smiles and tells him, “Yeah, that was a good day.” Then she asks, “Ok, so what happened when you were in the cave? Millie you first.”

I watch as Millie looks at the floor, twisting her back hoof as she answers, “Well it was on a dare.” She turns to look at Xochitl’s younger sister and continues, “Xialynn was with us and we went in together with Moon Lily’s horn lit. Once past the skeleton, we were just barely able to see the doors in the back of the cave when I heard some growling. Then I saw the first feral. He came running at us. I kicked a rock at it to distract it and Moon used her magic to kill it. That is when we heard the one that was between us and the cave entrance.”

Woodrow gulps as Ma turns to him next and he tells her, “Mama Mollygirl, I am sorry. I know we shouldn’t have. I started to jump out of the way but it caught me and threw me against the wall. It broke my leg even.”

I see a look of horror come over her face when he says this. She then asks, “Who fixed your leg for you?”

We then hear Moon Lily say, “I did Mama Mollygirl. I first killed the other ghoul by disintegrating it so I knew it was done. Then I healed his leg like I saw mom do before.”

Ma shakes her head. As she does, I am stunned she learned this spell too. This is why all the spell casters have to be so careful around Moon I think to myself. Then Momma Mollygirl tells her, “Dear, I am very thankful you did that and I am proud of you. But you need to let us know. I will have your mother check out his leg when she gets home tonight. Just to verify he is healed up completely.”

Moon starts to sniffle and has tears in the corner of her eyes as she says, “Mama Mollygirl, please don’t tell Ma, she won’t let me use my magic anymore.”

She sighs and answers, “Dear I have to, and you should have done so already.

Finally, Shadowbuck says something again. “Ma, after that I tried to use the computer to get in, but I couldn’t. I heard an adult voice over the speaker say, “Bloody Tartarus, did they send a battlemage after us?”

Momma Mollygirl chuckles quietly. Then he asks her, “Mama what is a battlemage?”

Epona looks at first Moon Lily, then him, and answers his question for her, “Bucky, a battlemage back during the war with the zebras were unicorns that were exceptionally powerful and who when working together could change the course of a battle.”

As she says this, Moon Lily puffs out her chest a little bit. But when she notices Ma looking at her, she blushes and looks down slightly again.

I notice Ma is trying not to smile at this, then she puts a hoof on her shoulder and tells her, “While you shouldn’t have been there you did really good in a bad situation young mare. I am unhappy with you and your siblings for having gone into that tunnel, but I am very proud of how you handled it. Just let us know next time.”

It is then that Mama Sumac and my future mother-in-law Persimmon come in from the fields as they enter, they see us in the living room with the rest of them. My heart feels so much better when I see the joy on their faces to see us again.

Persimmon hugs Xochitl then hugs me and she asks, “So Ginger, you ready to learn how to cook a few more of his favorite dishes from me?”

I surprise myself and kiss Persimmon on the cheek and tell her, “You got it, mom.”

Sumac comes in and greets us older kids first, then she asks, “So dears are you going to be home for a while?”

Xochitl answers, “Hopefully for a bit Mother Sumac, they have had us busy lately.”

Ma nods her head in understanding. Then she asks, “Do they have you doing anything around here?”

When she asks this, I wonder if she knows more than she is letting on then both Epona and I answer, “No ma, and you know we could not tell you if we were.”

Sumac diffuses the situation by asking us, “Epona, would you like to help me begin to make supper for this herd?”

As Mama Sumac and Epona go into the kitchen, Ma tells me in a firm voice, “I need to talk to you outside, now.”

To say I am not happy with this is an understatement, but I do follow her outside onto the porch. Once we are where no one can hear she tells me, “Ginger, I understand about operational security and all, but dear, I need to know if we have trouble in our own backyard.”

I am very uncomfortable with her asking me about this as well as not wanting to tell her. Finally, I ask her, “Ma, why are you so adamant about this? You know what we went through and why we are so tight-lipped.”

She then tells me about her meeting this morning with the 1st Regiments Commanding Officer and High Grade, the commander of the Dead Quiet Militia. When she finishes, I sit down and tell her, “Ma, that is why we are home this time. This goes beyond the fabled stable 4B. I have seen the documentation for this place.”

I can see the surprise on her face. Then she tells me, “Ginger, I am supposed to have a meeting in the morning with High Grade and a ghoul who comes from an installation around here. Would you want to attend this meeting with me?”

I sigh and then smile as I tell her, “Ma, I think it best that I am there. Maybe it is best Epona and the rest of the team meet at the stable too. This may help us avoid any misunderstandings.”

She nods her head in understanding and replies, “Sounds good dear. So, are you sleeping here tonight or elsewhere?”

Then I tell her, “Xochitl and I were thinking of staying with his parents as it is not so crowded and they allow us to sleep in the same bed.”

She nods her head in understanding, but I can see a bit of disappointment in her expression but she tries to keep it from her voice. “I know, that and fewer ponies to have to deal with, right?”

I smile and nod. “Thanks for understanding Ma. It is not often he and I can sleep together by ourselves. I sometimes miss those days on the expedition when I was able to cuddle with him every night.”

“I know dear. I understand that all too well. Now let’s go back in and join the others.”

Tonight, Papa Badger has duty so we will not see him. Mama Mollygirl does send him a message via PipBuck to let him know they are back in town. When Papa Archer gets home, he is with Mama Sutures and both are visibly excited to see us.

I cannot help but be excited to see them too. Ever since the expedition, I have felt almost as close to them as Mama Mollygirl. I trot to them and give them both a hug as they enter the door.

Epona is more relaxed but she greets them as well, even if she is a bit calmer. After our greeting Papa Archer goes in to say hi to the rest of us youngsters. As we go into the parlor, I notice Mama Mollygirl pull Mama Sutures into another room to talk about something.

During this visit, our younger siblings finally tell Papa Archer about their experience in the cave. I do see a flash of anger come over his face right before he tells Moon Lily, “Dear, I am really proud of how you handled yourself and helped the others in such a bad situation, but I am very disappointed in your not having told us sooner. Especially so that Mama Sutures could doublecheck your work on your brother’s leg.” He sighs and then tells them, “Woody, after supper, I need you to have Mama Sutures check your leg.”

It is right after this that Sumac calls out, “Suppers ready.” And we rejoin the rest of our family for dinner.

As we go into the dining room to eat, he asks, “So, is there anything else we should know while you are here?”


White Cloud, Manesville District, NCR: Xochitl

The next morning, I wake to the smell of frying bacon and eggs. I notice Ginger is not next to me, so I get up and find my way to the kitchen. Once there, I am greeted by the sight of my beloved alongside my mother cooking breakfast for my family. She glances over and sees me and smiles before turning back to her task.

I take a seat at the table along with my father and we begin to talk again. “Good morning my son,” he says to me as he and I begin to drink our coffee. I nod to him and he asks, “Will you be around long enough this time to help with the crops some?”

I look at Ginger and she shrugs. I turn back to him and answer, “Honestly father, I do not know for sure. But I will help with what I can. However, today, we have a meeting to attend at the Stable along with the Colonel and her commander.”

He nods his head in understanding, “Yes, I do understand. I hope it is nothing too serious. Just remember, if it concerns our family, please let me know.”

“I will Father. I will.” I tell him as Ginger sets a plate of bacon along with Injera, a crepe-like pastry made with corn flour and sorghum.

Ginger smiles as she sets it before me and tells me, “Your ma taught me and your sister how to make the Injera. I hope you like it.”

I smile at her and tell her, “It is one of my favorites dear. I had not realized you did not know how to make it before.”

She nods and I see her blush slightly, “Yeah, I like them too, but I was a bit too fixated on other dishes. By the way, tomorrow I am making Vetkoek for breakfast. Depending on how the meeting goes I guess.”

Soon we are finished eating, then she tells me, “We best hurry to the shop. I want us all in our dress uniforms for this meeting.”

As she says this, I see Father raise an eyebrow. He nods his head and asks, “Are you in the military now?”

I shake my head and tell him, “Not the government's military, but we are military contractors Father. We have to project an image sometimes.”

He nods his head, “I think I can understand this. Do you have a list of people who you are willing to work for?”

I smile and tell him, “Yes Father, and while I cannot tell you who they are, I will say you would not be opposed to them.”

He puts a hoof under his chin, and asks, “And what if we were attacked here at home, what would you do?”

I sigh, “Father, this is my home, if I am here when it was to occur, I would defend my home.”

He smiles and tells me as he places a hoof on my shoulder, “Good, I am glad to know you have your priorities right. Now you best get going.”

As we cross the farm yard Epona joins us coming out of the big house. I notice the Colonel entering the yard nearest the road to do her morning exercises and nod, but I do not think she notices us. We continue to talk as we pass by the base and the stable on our way to the shop.

Once we arrive the rest of the team is already there. Ginger tells us, “Ok, for this, we wear the new uniforms. I want us to look sharp as we can.”

We excitedly put on the tailor-made uniforms of black jackets and hats. Then we put on our kits. After we are dressed, I almost burst out laughing as I notice Sunny has put on a pair of sunglasses to go with his kit. Then I notice we all have a bit of something that makes us stand out from each other. Ginger has her red shemagh on. Epona has a brown one on. Cowlick has his golden ear tag that the cattle use in place of cutie marks. His is a gear with an open center. Tater has a black scarf around his neck. I notice a brass pin on Twink's coat that matches her cutie mark.

My extra adornment is simpler than theirs and was not intentional. It is my family's hunting knife. The same one I carried in the valley. However, now it has a new scabbard made out of radhog hide that I tanned and dyed myself and mounted on the opposite side of my pistol holster. As I look at all of us, I do say we have a good, but tough look to us.

Ginger grins and tells us, “Ok, let’s go people. Zhea, we will be back after the meeting.”

Soon we are at the stable entrance and are stopped by security. The guard calls inside and soon afterward she tells us, “Your escort is on the way. Please wait here.”

A courier from the 1st Regiment’s HQ soon arrives and takes us first to the Armory for us to check in our weapons, then to a waiting area in their Head Quarters section of the stable.

As we arrive there, I see the Regimental Sergeant-Major come out of a meeting room and nod to us. Behind him inside, I can see Bailey Bridge along with High Grade, and a mule ghoul I have never seen before. Before I can see more, the door closes behind him.

I notice Lieutenant Colonel Mollygirl come inside and head to her office then slide over to the CO’s office. When they come back out, I hear Colonel Starburst tell Ginger “I will talk to you after our meeting.”

Ginger simply nods back and signals us with her ears to sit quietly. Beside Tater I see Twink’s horn glow and I see her smile. Ginger begins to ask her something and she puts a hoof in front of her muzzle to let her know to be quiet.

As she listens to the conversation in the room with an eavesdropping spell, I watch her face react to what she is hearing. Suddenly I hear her say, “Those poor bastards.”

Ginger asks, “What is it Twinks?”

“Ging, It’s Site Paddock. Fifty of them became ghouls, and only ten have not turned feral yet. They want help eliminating the ferals after what happened with your siblings.”

She listens a bit more then says, “Ok, here they come.” And the door slides open just after Twinks drops her spell.

As Mollygirl steps out into the waiting area, Ginger stands up and asks, “Yes Ma?”

“It looks like we may have a job for you to do, all of you follow me,” Mollygirl tells her. However, as she says this, I see her smirk slightly when she looks at Sunny, and I can tell when she sees his sunglasses hanging from his pocket.

We all get up and walk in a file behind her into the meeting room. As we go in, we can fully see those who are inside. The mule ghoul is in an old Equestrian Army uniform with the rank of Lieutenant on his shoulder boards. The uniform looks almost as worn as he does. As we enter, I can see a glint of fear in his eyes.

I watch as he gulps and then asks, “Ma’am, did you plan on eliminating me when I got here?”

Lieutenant Colonel Mollygirl shakes her head and replies, “No lieutenant that was not a consideration. Meet my oldest two daughters and their friends, they call themselves the repair ponies.”

He gives what for a ghoul is a grin and asks, “Ok, I’ll bite, what do they fix?”

This time Tater, grinning back answers for us, “Sir, we fix situations. Twinkle Hoofs over there was listening already, so we know about your issues with those who went feral. Sir, you have my condolences as I understand what it is like to have your world ripped away and destroyed.”

High Grade moves his head slowly and the Colonel raises an eyebrow. The lieutenant looks at him and in a bitter tone of voice asks, “You think you do, but how can someone your age and condition understand?”

Epona then steps between them and quietly asks, “Sir, your word of honor as an officer and a GentleJack that what I tell you will go no further?”

He scoffs at her, stares shortly then asks, “You really mean it?”

She nods her head, “Yes sir, I do.”

He raises his right forehoof and says, “On my honor young mare.”

She turns her head to look at Tater briefly before looking back at the old jack. She sighs and tells him, “Sir, Tater and I came through a portal from a different timeline with many others just over eight years ago. We were running for our lives. I watched my mother get killed and the weapon I carry on missions used to be hers. Tater was with me. The zony and his mare over there. They were with the Lieutenant Colonel during what we call the expedition and that ended at a place we call Serenity Valley. They were 9 and 10 years old. They were not just there; they were combat scouts.”

He gives a look of contempt and flared anger at Mollygirl and in a cold, dry, gravelly voice says, “You used foal warriors, even we never did that.”

To this, she answers back, “And look what those of back then left us from your actions.” He looks pained at her answer then she continues, “So do you want our help or not?”

He cringes slightly and after a short delay he finally answers, “Yes ma’am, and I am sorry about my reaction. It was just a surprise.”

High Grade then puts a hoof on his shoulder and tells him, “Don’t worry, those of us in Dead Quite will help those of you from Site Paddock adjust if you want.”

The lieutenant nods his head before he turns to look at Ginger and the rest of us. He then asks, “Ma’am, I know it ain't fair and a stallion should be willing to shoot his own dog if it needs to be done, but will you help us?”

Ginger looks at the rest of us with sorrow on her face. I can only imagine if they were ponies that I knew that had gone feral. So, I answer, “Sir, we will do it. First off, they are not dogs. They were ponies you once cared about and you still see them that way. With that said, we will do what we must, but we will do it as quickly and with as much respect as we can.”

Ginger nods her head and tells him, “Like Xochitl has said, we understand, all of us have experience with ghouls both normal and feral. We have also all lost those we care about and understand what it is like to lose a comrade who you have fought alongside.”

The Lieutenant looks down and nods his head. He seems like he wants to cry, but can’t. Finally, he looks up and asks, “So when do you want to do this?”

Ginger looks at him and answers, “Whenever you are ready. We will need you to evacuate all the normal ghouls first though. That way when we go in, we do not have to hesitate to try to decide who is hostile and not.”

Again, he nods his head and I watch as High Grade pats him on his back and tells him, “I understand Lieutenant. I really do.”

“I know you do High, but it is still not easy. Besides she is one of them that has gone feral.”

I feel the horror go through me and part of me wants to cry as I realize someone, he loves has turned feral and he has just asked us for help to put her to rest.

An expression of sadness comes over High’s face as he comforts him by saying, “I remember her, she was a real sweetheart. I am so sorry Johnny.”

He nods his head and we all hear him sigh before he tells High Grade, “You know High, she never gave up hoping we could get married someday. All the way till she finally turned. I never deserved such a mare, but Goddesses I wish she wouldn’t have been taken away from me like that.”

High Grade nods his head in sympathy and tells him, “I understand, all of us ghouls have lost at least one person we loved and cared about that way it seems.”

“But High, she really deserved so much better than this.”

“Johnny, we all did. Goddess, the Lieutenant Colonel over there did, even if she is still a breather. She too was turned away. I cannot imagine how that has to feel.”

Now I know at least the first name of the Lieutenant. But I also notice the look on Mollygirl’s face when he says this. Yes, she still feels that sting, and I have heard other ghouls comment on this before.

“I noticed, but I was not going to say anything to her about it,” Johnny tells him as the rest of us listen to them. We have all been through things like this. Goddess, I remember too many times. I think the others feel the same way as we all wait until they are ready before we begin to talk again.

Ginger finally asks, “Lieutenant, would three days be enough time for you to be able to get your people out of there?”

He nods his head and then asks, “But where do we go until you are finished?”

Colonel Star Burst tells him, “Please be our guest here in the stable. You are all military ponies and stayed at your post for this long. That speaks volumes of how you feel about performing your duty. Perhaps those of you who would like could even join the Dead Quite Militia company.”

High Grade smiles at that and he says, “Maybe you could move over there if you like.”

“Or we could start another Ghoul settlement once the place is cleaned up?” Johnny asks.

I watch as High Grade thinks about it and then he tells him, “Just could be. But understand every settlement in this region has a militia unit.”

The mule ghoul mulls this over and before says, “Sounds fair enough.”

Then Lieutenant Colonel Mollygirl tells them, “Johnny when you and your people are ready, have them assemble at the family cemetery across from my family’s farmhouse. That way we will be sure to be ready.”

He nods his head and then he asks the Colonel, “Ma’am, seeing you consider us to still be on duty, would we be able to get back pay?”

When she hears this, she about chokes on her cup of coffee that she has just taken a sip of. Then Bailey Bridge, with a smirk on his muzzle, tells him, “Sorry, but bits are worthless nowadays and I do not think anyone knows how to convert them.”

Johnny has a funny expression on his face as he then asks, “So just what do yall use for money then?”

High Grade, knowing what his confusion is going to be like, laughs, then tells him, “Would ya believe bottle caps.”

A look of disbelief comes over the old mule’s face as he says, “No really, what do you use?”

I can see Mollygirl fighting back her laughter. Then Ginger says, “Speaking of Caps, we need to discuss our fee. Epona, would you join me on this?”

The Colonel nods her head and tells the rest of us, “Ok, that will be enough for today, Ginger and Epona, stay here, the rest of you are dismissed.”

Ginger looks at the rest of the team and tells them, “Wait for us either outside here or by the armory. We shouldn’t be too long.”

We then file outside to wait to head back to the shop and to make our plans for entering Site Paddock. Ginger and Epona soon come out with a grin on their faces. Ginger then tells us, “Alright, let us get back to the shop. I want to go over a few things with all of you. Then we begin to get our equipment ready for this job.”

The Sergeant-Major then approaches us and tells us, “Follow me please.” He then leads us first to the armory to pick up our weapons, then to the entrance of the stable. Once at the main entrance he tells us, “Thanks for being willing to help with this one. I know it is not a normal job.”

Ginger answers seriously, “We are glad to help. I just feel bad for those poor souls who were trapped like this.”

He nods his head, “Yeah, I understand. The first time you experienced them like that?”

Ginger with a sad expression on her face shakes her head no. Then she tells him, “No, no it is not, but at least the last bunch we were able to go in as rescuers. These poor bastards, they know what we are going to have to do to ponies they cared about. That makes this one hard.”

The rest of us nod our heads. The Sergeant-Major tells us, “Well good luck with it. Be careful going in there.”

“We will,” I tell him. Then he turns around and goes back towards his HQ and we head back towards our shop. We know we have work to do. As we go, I look at the others and try not to think of what it would be like if it was us in there instead, and how I would feel.


Manesville, Manesville District, NCR: Choo Choo

As we leave the shop and begin to head towards the regional command center for the NCR at the stable, we are met by Blackberry Pie and her team.

She looks at me, Double Back and Days End, and asks, “Why are they with you?”

I find myself tilting my head as I reply, “Because they work for me and I want them. Is this going to be a problem?”

I notice how uncomfortable she is at this. “Fine, please explain to the president, that I would not go to her without my escort from MY TEAM. Remember Blackberry, we are PRIVATE military contractors. We are therefore private individuals. We only contract on jobs with the Rangers, we are not Rangers.”

I see the surprise on her face. Then she quickly back peddles and tells me, “No, no, not at all. It is just highly irregular.”

“Oh, as in a chemically made alicorn getting her cutie mark is not?”

I hear her sigh, “No, that is top on my list of irregular things Choo.”

“Good, now that we have that understanding. Why are you here to meet us, rather than at the Stable?”

She shrugs and tells me, “Well, I was going to give you the heads up on our method of travel to Junction Town. It seems you have been given a very high priority. We will be picked up by a Vertibuck that will fly us some distance from here before we are met by the Winter Fury. She is a modified Raptor class airship. The NCR built her and a couple of others from the wreckage of some previously destroyed airships as well as the partially built hulls from before the final day that was found. And before you ask, no, I cannot tell you where those hulls were found. I was told it was need-to-know information and I did not need to know.”

“Ok, I can go with that,” I tell her, then I look at the other two with me, and they both shrug.

Days End telling me, “I always assumed any sky ship we saw was Enclave.”

Once we reach the base she leads us to the north end of it, where I notice that a landing strip has been built. Along it are two hangers and several empty revetments along a long narrow road in its center. I also notice that near one of the hangers is a three-story wooden tower like I used to see the rangers use in the forest of my youth.

She has us check in at the office in the hangar and then we sit and wait on benches along the wall near the office, which seems to be there just for that purpose. I smile slightly as this area reminds me of some of the smaller train stations, again from so long ago.

After an hour's wait, I can hear the sound of a Vertibuck’s engines in the distance. “Blackberry Pie looks up at Chip and Tail Spin. Then she turns to me and tells me, “Sounds like our ride is here. Grab your gear, let’s go.”

With that, we all follow her as we run out to the Vertibuck with its engines running and blades still spinning. As soon as we are all seated and the outer doors closed, I feel the aircraft leap into the sky and spin heading southeast, in the general direction of Junction Town and overflying Dairyanne.

I smile as I pass over mine and George’s cave and I see it is still closed up tight at the door we had put over its entrance. Beside me, I notice Double Back is looking down out the window, while Days End looks rather pale. He sees me looking at him and tells me, “First-time Ma’am. I hope we don’t do this too often.”

I pat him on the shoulder and tell him, “Well, I will try to keep it at a minimum for you.”

“Thank you, ma’am, I appreciate it.” He says and I see him put a hoof over his mouth.

Soon I notice an airship ahead of us through the gap between the pilots. Unfortunately, I do not have a helmet and headphones on like the aircrew, so I can not hear them talking, but as the crew is still relaxed, I figure that we must still be ok. This is confirmed shortly afterward when I see a large hatch on the side of it open up and we enter the landing bay. Once we have landed, the rotors start to spin down. When they stop, we are told by an earthpony crewman with a patch on his vest that says Crew Chief, “Ok, the ride is done, time to get out.”

As we exit the aircraft, I see an officer with second lieutenant markings on his uniform. Once we meet him as we cross the flight deck he tells us, “Welcome aboard the Winter Fury. We will be transporting you to Junction Town. While on board, please restrict yourself to the crew’s lounge, the mess decks, or your quarters. This is for your safety as well as that of the ship and crew.”

Oh, this should be fun I think to myself. Then he tells us, “We should be there by tomorrow late afternoon, so this arrangement will not last too long for you. Now follow me and I will show you these areas.”

For the trip, I share a stateroom with Blackberry Pie and two mares who are on the crew. The four stallions with us also share one.

That night after dinner, Blackberry asks me, “Choo, what are your plans for Days End and Double Back? I mean, they weren’t with you when you went through the Doorway, so why are they here?”

I feel her frustration, and I know she is not happy with me and my insistence that they come along. So, I tell her, “First, this trip will allow me to get to know both of them better and build a relationship with them. Second, it will allow me to see some of the areas of their training we may need to work on as well. Finally, I want a backup in case I need it.”

She looks stunned at the last, as well as a bit hurt, “Choo, don’t you consider me and my team as good enough backup?”

I hold up a hoof and I am brutally honest when I tell her, “Blackberry, normally, yes. However, you are all NCR Rangers and subject to their orders. I am afraid there may come a day where that may cause a conflict, and if it occurs, I want my people with me.”

She seems stunned by this and replies, “Choo, what makes you think anything like that could occur? We have known each other and worked together off and on for over ten years now.”

“That is true Blackberry, but remember, the NCR leadership looks out for its own interest first and foremost. Not all of them mind you, but enough that it is a legitimate concern.”

“So, are you saying you don’t trust the President?”

I shake my head, “It is not her that I am worried about. But there are a lot of legislatures and other bureaucrats that have me concerned.”

“Oh. I guess I can understand that. Choo, if they have you go to the camp that the Followers of the Apocalypse have set up for the alicorns, it may not be safe for Days and Double.”

“In that case, I will ask you to help me find safe lodging for them to wait for me, other than that, they too can visit the camp, I will just have them stay with the Followers.”

I watch as she shrugs. Then she moves towards her bunk and tells me, “I guess that makes sense Choo. Now I am going to call it a night, it has been a very long day.”

As she crawls into her bunk, I decide to take a bit of a nap myself. After a couple of hours of sleep and being woken by my nightmares again, I get up and find myself wandering towards the crew’s lounge, where I am surprised to find Days End. He looks exhausted, but when I approach, he tells me, “Sorry Boss, I can’t sleep tonight.”

“The flying bothering you that much?”

“No, not that. I keep having nightmares again.” He tells me with a slight shiver in his body.

“Want to talk about them?” I ask with as gentle of a voice as I can.

He looks at me with a bit of fear and trepidation in his eyes, but finally, he begins to tell me of his nightmares. He seems to combine the battle of Targhee with the Valley. I recognize some of the descriptions from my own experiences and my own nightmares. When he is finished, he looks at me with eyes that are pleading, but also with a blush of embarrassment on his face. Then he asks me, “You don’t think I am weak for having these nightmares still?”

I feel tears begin to form in my eyes, but I do not let them slip. I am at first silent as I slowly shake my head no. Then I tell him, “No, no I don’t. In fact, I have similar nightmares from back then. Including both Targhee and especially the Valley. More so than the Last Day even.”

He seems stunned to hear this and asks, “But as powerful as you are how could you have nightmares too?”

“But I am also only equine. Events like those can really take a toll on a being.”

“Yeah, but I have always been told those of us who let it show are just weak.” He tells me defensively.

“Some may say that, but honestly some of the strongest ponies I have known have to deal with these issues. However, to help them get strength through such wounds they get professional help. If you would like, I will see what we can do to find a counselor or even a heart mender if we can find one.” I tell him.

We talk for a while more, then he slowly drifts off to sleep on the couch he is laying on. I have just started to read a magazine somepony had left on a table in there when I hear him begin to call out in another nightmare. I slowly walk alongside him and lay on the floor next to the couch and tell him, “It is ok Days.”

He calls out weakly, “Help, don’t leave me, I can’t move.”

I gently put a wing over him and treat him like I did with my children when they were young, or as I did Ginger and Xochitl during the expedition when they had nightmares. He soon settles down and sleeps for the rest of the night. Only mumbling once in his sleep, “Thanks, mom.”

The morning begins onboard the airship with a call of revile for the crew via the ship's address system. By now I have already gotten up and finished the magazine and returned it to where I found it. Soon Blackberry and the rest join us there and she says, “We might as well go get breakfast. It does not look like we will arrive until after lunch.”

We are almost to Junction Town when the junior officer who had met us when we came aboard comes to gather us again. “Good, you are all here. We will be arriving at the drop-off point in fifteen minutes. We need you to gather your things and meet me back here in five minutes. After that, we head to the hanger and your ride down to the surface.”

We all signal affirmation in one manner or another and quickly get our kits. Once we are back, they lead us back to the hangar. The Crew Chief pony meets us. Salutes the officer and tells us, “Ok, follow me.”

As we get onboard, we hear and feel the engines begin to spin up, then the rotors engage and we taxi towards the hanger door which is just finishing opening. Then we are airborne again and making our way south towards Junction Town, and the next part of our journey. I look over at Days End, and I see he is peacefully sleeping. Once again, I smile to myself and wonder what other surprises await us.


Manesville Military Prison, Manesville District, NCR: Ball Lightning.

As I finish the letter, I put down the mouth pen and blow lightly on the ink to help it dry. Then I begin to reread it one last time before I get it ready to mail.

Dear Father,

While I hope that I beat this letter home, I do doubt that will happen. By now you are sure to know that we have been captured by NCR forces. While I can’t tell you where or why. Do know it occurred while I was performing my duties to the Enclave and the Volunteer Corps.

I have some surprising news to tell you. You have a new daughter now. Three days ago, Sundancer and I officially were married by one of the NCR Army Chaplains who volunteers at the Military Prison and Prisoner of War Camp. He is familiar with the ceremonies of the GPE and made sure to follow the edicts of our church for us. In fact, he says he knew mother from school. His name is Sky Pilot.

It was a small service, but big enough for us. Dad, while we could not have a honeymoon yet, we are getting to spend time in the camp just getting to know each other better than I had ever imagined. I can only hope that we have as strong of marriage as you and mom did, and if someday we are blessed by the Goddesses to be parents, I hope I am as good a father as you are.

Love, Your son,

Ball Lighting.

As I finish writing the letter, I can’t help but look up and smile at my wife. She sees me looking up and asks, “Did you tell him?”

“Yes dear, I told him,” I tell her, as I fold up the letter, I almost seal it before I remember it has to be censored, then write the information of who it is to go to on the outside of it.

She comes over and gives me a quick peck on the cheek and then walks alongside me as I take it to the drop box where our mail gets sent from.

As I approach it, I see Air Burst getting ready to do the same thing. He nods to me, then looks at my wife and shakes his head. “How’s it going today, Air?” I ask him.

“The usual. Just sending a few letters to some ponies we know back home. You know, the usual.”

This gets me to raise an eyebrow and I nod. I should have known he would find a way to send messages back to the Enclave. “That is good. I hope you were able to give them some good news and let them know we are all doing well.”

Finally, he grins, and then he asks, “You really have gotten to understand this line of work, haven’t you?”

I nod my head. Then he asks, “What about your wife?”

“Oh, she understands. We both do. Sometimes you have to be many things to many ponies. For us, when together we are husband and wife. But we both understand the jobs we have to do, and what that requires sometimes.”

He looks somewhat disgusted at some thought, then he asks “And you two are into that kind of thing?”

I shake my head, “No, not really, but we understand what our jobs may entail. That makes the difference to us.”

He looks at us with an expression of deep thought, then he tells us, “I guess I can understand that. Now we best get back to the others.” He pauses then quietly tells me, “And keep an eye on Gunter, I am afraid he may be ready to turn dashite and join this, this rubbish.”

I nod my head and pretend I will do so. But honestly, I would not blame him if he does. The one that I really would have suspected, but that has shown no inclination is Anan.

Later that day, I am approached by Anan, quietly he whispers, “Lieutenant, what would happen if I wanted to stay here?”

I look around to make sure no one else is close by or can hear, then I tell him, “You would be marked officially as a deserter, and your immediate family would be under suspicion of possible disloyalty.” I look around one more time, then I tell him, “If you do, I wish you the best of luck. Just so you know, this discussion never occurred, got it.”

He nods his head, then he tells me, “If anyone asks, what do you want me to say I was talking to you about?”

“Tell them we were discussing how we could plant an agent here as a deserter.”

He grins at me and tells me, “I like it, sir. Thanks.” Then he walks away.

Later that evening I approach Air Burst, again. He checks to make sure nopony is close enough to hear anything. “So, what were you and the Corporal talking about?” he asks me.

“Would you believe he was asking me if I thought we could have someone like you or me pose as deserters to infiltrate the NCR?”

He is taken aback by this answer and then he gets that devilish grin on his face. “No, not you or me, but maybe someone like him, Sergeant Gunter, or even Altocumulus.” He tells me.

“That is some good thinking on his part. Might have to try and figure out how we could do that and maintain control of the agent,” He Continues after thinking briefly about it.

The next day I see Air Burst talking to the side with Anan. I am surprised when I see them start to argue, then I see Air wink one eye at him before Anan storms off and I hear Air Burst call at him, “Fine you want to be a dashite, you go ahead. See what it gets you and your family.” Then he turns and stomps off and approaches me, Sundancer, and Alto.

Once he is near enough still being loud, he looks me in the face and winks with an eye that is away from Alto and Sundancer. Then he begins to berate me, “You better get that buck in line, or else, do you understand me?”

I wink back and quickly nod my head. “Yeah, I will talk to him in a bit Air.”

Then he turns and walks off from us. I see the stunned look on the faces of Alto and Sundancer and I tell them, “Sorry you had to see that.”

Alto then asks, “What is going on? Did I just hear him say Anan was thinking of staying here?”

“Yeah, and we all know what that means for his family,” Sundancer says.

That evening, after dinner our group is called together by the Sergeant in charge of this shift. As we all sit down, he tells us, “In the morning in three days we will be moving you for your return to the Enclave. You are being exchanged for some of our operatives. Have your gear ready. If any of you want to seek asylum just ask. As you can see, we welcome pegasi in this district of the NCR.”

When he says this, I notice Air Burst looking over all of us. When he looks at Anan, he shakes his head. Several more of them look at him, then I notice that Anan looks at the ground and his ears show he is embarrassed even if he is not blushing.

The next morning, we all are escorted with our private possessions, minus our weapons. As we are marched to the wagon that will be transporting us, we are stopped. This time a pegasus officer wearing the uniform of a Lieutenant Colonel steps up and tells us, “I am Lieutenant Colonel Wind Rider, like you I was once from the Enclave. I and many others from there have found a home here. You have all seen what our community is like, if you do not desire to return to the Enclave, now is the time to let us know and you will not be returned.

It is then that I see Anan step forward and lift a wing, “Ma’am, I would like to request amnesty.” He looks toward a now visibly angry Air Burst and says, “I believe I will be branded a dashite if I return there.”

As he says the last part, Air Burst leaps at him with his ears pinned back and his jaws wide open and screaming. Funnel Cloud and Alto both grab Air. Several of our guards now step up. One of them signals for Anan to move to the side and they place themselves between him and the rest of us. This Wind Rider then tells us, “I wish the rest of you, safe travels. Remember what you have seen here and how you were treated, and know if you ever choose to immigrate here, you are welcome.” She turns to Anan and tells him, “Welcome home, now please come with me and we will get your paperwork started.”

We are then loaded onto the enclosed wagon and taken only a few miles away to what was once a pegasus Skyport. As we are offloaded, we can see two Vertibucks with their rotors turning and a crewman waving for us to come that way. Once we are onboard the closest one, the doors are closed and the crew chief yells to us, “Welcome aboard, we will be taking you to a neutral area for the exchange. Just sit back and you will be on your way home soon enough.”

Right after he says this, I think to myself, what if something happens to screw up the exchange like Anan backing out. That would be just my luck I think to myself. Then I turn my head slightly and I see my wife smiling as she looks out the window and I feel her tail shift and wrap with mine. This gets me to relax and I enjoy the rest of the flight to the exchange point.

I wake up when I feel the rotors of the Vertibuck shift for landing. I look out the window and I can see two vertibucks on the ground plus the second one from our flight. Outside of them is a group of eight ponies as well as several soldiers and two civilians in suits.

When we land the rotors stop and we are told to offload. Once off, a group of soldiers from the other vertibuck along with some civilians, including one I recognize as Miss Haze, join us as we slowly walk to a point equal distance from the other set of vertibucks.

I notice both Purple Haze and Air Burst show a brief bit of sadness in their expressions as they look at each other. Right after this, his turns to anger, and her face shifts to a more neutral expression.

Once the dignitaries meet, I hear one of the Enclave representatives say, “I thought there were to be eight of ours? What happened?”

Miss Haze turns her head slightly back towards us, then I hear her say, “One of yours requested amnesty. He is afraid if he returns, he will be accused of disloyalty and branded a dashite, then kicked out of the Enclave. In which case, why submit himself to such pain, when he knows he will not be allowed to stay.”

The Enclave representative has a look of disgust come over his face. Then he asks Air Burst, “Do you verify that as a true statement?”

Air Burst nods his head, “Yes I do. He has gone dashite and become a traitor to the Grand Pegasus Enclave. He is worthless to us now.”

The representative turns back to the NCR rep and tells them, “So they became a turncoat. Please let me know their name and I will add him to our list of those who are unwelcome in our territories.”

Purple Haze stands a bit straighter and tells him coolly, “His name is Anan. He made this request this morning.”

“The when is immaterial. The fact he did so marks him as a Dashite. Well, he would have been worthless to us if he had returned then. We will still make the exchange.”

They each call out the names of those being returned one by one. As a name is given, that pony walks across the neutral area between us to their own side. After the final one has been exchanged the pegasus leader of the exchange tells Purple Haze, “Thank you for your time, Miss Haze. Until next time I suppose.”

“Yes, until next time Round Trip, safe travels to you and your people,” she says.

Our representative then turns to us and tells us, “Welcome back to the Enclave Mares and Gentlecolts. Once back to Neighverro, we will hold a brief inquiry into what happened and then you will be returned to service if possible.”

We quickly load up and as we fly away, I look out the window and I see Miss Haze watching us fly away and she gives a brief wave towards our aircraft. Across from me, I see Air Burst look sadly at her and wave a wing slightly at her. Then I hear him sigh before he sits back, closes his eyes, and falls asleep.

The flight only takes a few hours and once we are there, we are led across the tarmac to a large building that is marked as the Base Operations Center. We are each interviewed separately about what occurred and the circumstances of our capture.

Once they have interviewed all of us, we are given our rooms for the night. Because we are now married, Sundancer and I are allowed to share one. As we unpack our saddlebags, I notice a letter in mine that had not been there last night when I packed. I open it and I begin to read,


I am taking this time to thank you for all you have done for me. I hope you can forgive me for wanting to stay behind, but, sir, I finally found a place that felt like home to me. I, I just could not go back to the Enclave. It was after I made the tour with Air Burst and told him how much more productive the farms were here than back home that I realized I had probably just marked myself as a dashite and could not go.

Understand, it had nothing to do with you or your leadership. I would have followed you through the gates of Tartarus willingly. I am sorry our paths had to end so soon. My best wishes to you and your wife. May we meet again someday under better circumstances.

Your former Sargent and friend


I put the letter down and shake my head. I am glad I could help him, but I am going to miss my sergeant. I notice Sundancer looking at me curiously, so I simply pass her the letter with my wingtips.

Once she reads it, she smiles and wraps a wing around me. “Dear, you did the right thing. I know it was hard, but that is why I love you.”

I put a wing around her and hold her as I nuzzle her and take her scent into my nose. Then I whisper to her, “Thanks for understanding, and thank you for being willing to be my wife.”

She smiles sadly and then asks, “Do you think we may see him again someday?”

“Honestly dear, I do not know. I just hope if we do it is during a time of peace and under better circumstances.”

She nods her head, then she quietly asks, “Do you think Air Burst was falling for Miss Haze?”

I sigh quietly, then I tell her, “Yeah, I think so, and I really have a feeling she was falling for him also. Too bad she has a horn instead of wings. Then they could have had a chance together.”

She moves her head back a bit and asks me, “Do you mean that because she was a unicorn they did not stand a chance?”

I hold up a forehoof to get her to hear me out, then I tell her, “Only because of how the Enclave feels about such relationships. Otherwise, I would have had no problems with it. I am happy enough with you my little cloud bank.”

She snuggles up against me and tells me, “Ok, enough about the others, how about we just enjoy this time together.”

I smile as we lay back together on one of the two bunks in the room and just as I begin to gently groom her, I hear a knock on the door. She stops me and tells me, “I guess we best see what that is all about.”


To all of you listeners out there that last song was Raise the Wind by our local band the Dust Devils. In local news, we have reports by some of our local farmers of potato rot being found on some of their crops in the lower areas. They have asked for assistance from anyone else in the Manesville region who may know how to fight this or give them a hoof with dealing with it.

In national news, there have been reports of more Enclave infiltrators being discovered throughout the Republic. Today we made an exchange of several of our agents for a like number of their spies. One of which asked for amnesty and was granted it by the NCR. I remind you all, if you suspect somepony of being a spy, talk to your local officials, and don’t try to take matters in hoof yourself.

Now a special reminder that the North 40 supper club in Manesville provides not only great food but live entertainment and dancing as well. So, if you want a special night out, head on over to the North 40.

Another sponsor of our show tonight is Stich in Time, for all your fashion needs there is Stitch in Time, run by Sewing Bobbin with over two hundred years of experience in meeting her customers’ needs and tastes.

My name is Broadcast and I am coming to you live from our Manesville studio. This next song for all of you out there is Fields of Gold.

Chapter 26 Returning to the Fold

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Chapter 26 Returning to the Fold

"I am not a good man. A good man would regret a lot of the things I've done, I think. But I've known good people. Or at least, people who deserved a lot better than what they got. And I figured that I could do things that good people can't." — Colt, The Zombie Knight

For the next two days, we prepare our plans and equipment for going into Site Paddock. On the final morning, we all gather at the shop. Zhea has made us breakfast and as we eat it and drink our coffee she tells us, “Please be careful. I know now how ferals can be to your kind.”

I smile at her and tell her, “We will. I promise.”

She nods her head and I can see a touch of sadness in her expression and body movements. So, I ask her, “What is on your mind?”

She looks at me with her cloudy eyes and tells me, “I wonder if I knew any of those inside there.”

We all nod our heads. “I do understand Zhea, but we have to do this. Besides all of those who are still cognizant are evacuating this morning before we go in.”

I hear her let out a sigh, which coming from a ghoul is a show of expression as they really don’t need to breathe anymore. I put my hoof on hers and tell her. “I do understand how you feel, and we will do our best to make it quick and respectful.”

“I know you will, but it still disturbs me. What if you and the others here had not been the ones to find me and Xanthippe, or if either of us had been feral when we woke up?”

I nod again, not knowing what to say to her on this. A couple of us volunteer to help with the dishes while I go over the map one last time. Epona comes up alongside me and tells me, “Sis, time to go.”

“Yeah, I know, I am just worried is all. I mean I am still wondering if we should go in with heavy barding or go in light as we would as tunnel rats.”

She shrugs and tells me, “Time to quit doubting yourself and just do it sis.”

“Yeah, I know, you’re right.” I then call out, “Ok Team, grab your kits, let’s go.”

Soon we are all gathered outside the shop and begin our trek to White Cloud and back forty acres of our family’s farm. The sun is just starting to rise as we meet up with the Dead Quiet Militia troops that are going to be the cleanup team. High Grade sees us and nods to me. “You ready for this?” he asks.

I nod my head, “Yeah. Just the pre-mission jitters is all.”

He looks at me with a knowing expression in his eyes. “Yeah, I know that feeling. I used to get the shakes before a trench raid or if we were going over the top.”

I nod my head remembering the trenches we defended at the Valley. This time I let out a sigh. Then we are at the entrance to the cave. His troops move to the side and I see a group of ghouls coming out of the tunnel and heading up toward the cemetery across from our farm.

The mule lieutenant approaches High Grade and tells him, “We are all out now.”

High Grade places a hoof on his shoulder and tells him, “I understand how you feel. But it needs to be done.”

“Yeah, I know, I guess I best go catch up with the others,” he tells High, then he turns to us and tells me, “Be careful in there. Remember what I told you. Do not go into the warehouses until the rest of the complex is cleared. Got me?”

As he heads away, I see High Grade walk with him toward our farm.

As we get ready to enter the cave I remind my team, “Remember, go ahead and use your SATS, but do not depend on it.”

Again, they all nod in acknowledgment then I tell them, “Ok, let’s form the stack, Xochitl, you’re on point. Epona, Sunny your next, behind me I want Cowlick and Twinks. Tater, you got drag.”

Once we are all in the order to enter, we climb over the debris and begin to enter the cave. It is much as I remember it from all those years ago. Even the skeleton is there. Once we come to the door, I find it is closed and locked. I go to the monitor on the wall and I type in the override password that I received at Site Pasture from the Colonel.

I hear the locks shift through the large metal door and we are able to open it. Xochitl slides through the door and begins to enter the old facility. Which I notice is in better condition than I had expected. I guess those ghouls really took care of the place. I also notice how similar to a stable it looks. What I am really glad to see is that the auto-turrets along the corridor have all been shut down, so at least we are not having to deal with those.

Behind us, I hear the Dead Quiet Militia clearing out the trees that block the entrance so they can more easily enter when we are done.

I look down the corridor and over our radios, I tell Xochitl, “Ok Flower, lead us in.”

We are almost to the first intersection when I hear him fire two quick bursts and I see a feral land at each side of the intersection. He looks at all three of the corridors and I hear him whisper, “Cookie, I see some light flickering from the security office. I believe the security cams are still operational, do you want me to check them?”

I briefly think then I tell him, “Yes, that is affirmative, go ahead and do so.”

After a few minutes, he tells me, “Looks like we have several in the mess hall right now. The Corridors outside the admin offices and command facilities are clear and the doors look to be closed.” He pauses, “Ok, looks like we have several in the warehouse.”

I consider this and I tell him, “Ok, rejoin the team. We will take the main corridor toward the warehouse. Then we can swing back and clear the side ones.”

Epona clicks on the radio from down the corridor across from the security office and asks, “But what about the warning from the Lieutenant? Maybe we should clear out the sides first.”

“Negative, we clear out this way first, then we can draw them to us,” I tell her and the rest.

By now I am feeling confident and I figure we have this one. “Ok, let’s get moving again,” I tell them.

Xochitl leads out with Epona and Sunny only a couple of meters behind him. We have already passed and cleared the medical department and a set of male and female showers and latrines when I am really glad the Tater brought the auto shotgun with him this time. As he is the closest and reacts first when Xochitl goes past two open doors across from each other. He is three meters past them when I hear a growl from one side, and I see the feral come charging out at him from behind.

I watch in horror as my husband-to-be cannot turn quick enough, but I suddenly hear three quick bursts from a shotgun and I see the feral drop to the floor just inside the doorway. Then I see a second red dot with my Eyes Forward Sparkle just as Tater takes care of that one as well.

They are just getting moving again when I hear a moan and see a red dot appear in the room to their left. Then I see Epona fire a quick burst inside and the red dot disappears.

I look at my PipBuck and realize we have only a short distance more before we reach the mess hall. Behind us, I can hear the echo of a feral growling. This job may be more of a pain than I thought. Maybe we should have asked for more caps, I think to myself.

The mess hall will be the first large area we will enter. It also has an entrance on each side of it that would make it a hard place for us to defend if we were to get rushed by them. Once we get there, I see tables and chairs aligned so that the soldiers here could eat in small groups, like a restaurant. I notice the remains of old wartime posters on the walls. I smile at some of the pictures that show Equestria as it had to have been before the war also. The picture shows a small village with many brightly colored ponies in it who all seem to be smiling and waving at the camera.

I do not see any ferals as we first enter, then I hear some clanging come from the kitchen. I have Cowlick stay in the center to provide support fire if needed. Epona takes the west entrance and Twinks the east. I have Tater cover our rear and Sunny the north entrance that according to the map, leads to the warehouse. Xochitl and I go into the kitchen to investigate.


Site Paddock, Manesville District NCR: Xochitl

I turn to Ginger as we begin to move toward the kitchen. “Have I told you before, how much I hate going underground?”

She slides to my right and slightly behind me as we approach the door, “Only about a dozen times today,” she tells me.

I hear a growling to my right and swing toward it just in time for something to ram as hard into me as it can from my left and I am thrown out of the door knocking Ginger to the side as I bounce off of her and land on a table breaking it. I then hear her SIR bark twice and she calls out, “Two Tangos down. Danger, Check Flower.”

While I am seeing stars, I get up to my hooves and call out, “Cancel that Twinks, stay at your post. I am ok.”

I shake my head to clear it and move back toward the kitchen. As I am doing this, I can hear growling coming from both the east and west doorways as well as the way we had come from. After a quick sweep of the kitchen and the food storage, Ginger calls out, Let’s go, Flower, take point again, we need to get moving.”

As I lead off, I taste a bit of blood in my mouth from biting my tongue when I hit the table. Without thinking I spit it to the side and move on. From behind us, I can hear the growls of ferals getting closer. Along the corridor we are entering, I cannot see any doors. But I can see a turn in it just like on the map. But it also means we are heading towards the warehouse already.

Behind me, I hear Cowlick open up with the MG a couple of times, but nothing too serious. Just a few quick bursts. Over my radio headset, I hear Tater calling out, “Ginger, are you sure we want to go this way already?”

“Tater, just do it, I know what I am doing.”

“Rodger that.” He replies, but I can tell by his tone he does not like it.

Once we reach the section of the corridor that jogs a bit, we stop and regroup. Twinks has me remove my helmet and she puts a magical bandage on my head. Then she checks my mouth and asks, “How is your tongue, can you still pull a trigger?”

I spit out a bit more blood, then I tell her, “Yeah, I can. But thanks for checking.”

She shrugs and tells me, “Look my flank is on the line here too, and you are a much better shot than I am.”

This actually gets me to smirk, so I tell her, “Gee thanks for caring.”

She smiles and pats me on the shoulder, “Put your helmet back on, you are good for now.”

I nod my head and put my helmet back on. I notice it stings a bit when the liner rubs against the bandage, but I can live with that.

I slowly slide around the s curve in the corridor, listening for any surprise ferals that we might not have heard before, or spotted on our Eyes Forward Sparkle. I take a deep breath and catch myself holding it as I look around the corner. It is clear and I begin to advance. At the end of the corridor is a double metal door that is closed, and I notice it has a chain around the push bars that are held in place with an unlocked paddle lock. I slip it off and slowly open the door. As I do so I see multiple red dots appear on my EFS. I point them out to Ginger. Then I really take a look at the size of the well-lit room with its high ceiling and rows upon rows of racks with materials and boxes upon them.

I am still staring with my mouth wide open when I hear Ginger call me, “Flower, report.”

“Cookie, it is bigger than I imagined. Get me Wild P up here and have him go high to scout.”

“What? Are you kidding me?” she asks.

That is when I start to hear the growling from behind us as well as from inside the warehouse. “Cookie I am entering the warehouse, follow me.”

As I go in, I see two ferals rise from the floor to my right. I jump back as I raise my weapon, bumping into Epona as she goes to my left and covers that direction. I fire two quick rounds and watch the first one go down, then my carbine jams. As I am racking back the ejection handle to clear the spent casing from the ejection port I am hit again, but this time the bastard bites me and I feel something tear in my leg. I scream in pain as Ginger shoots him in the head from point-blank range. As I get up, I force myself to gulp a healing potion and I clear the area in front of the door.

As I limp forward, I am followed by the rest. We can begin to hear the growls echoing off the passageways coming toward us. I start to see more and more red dots on my EFS. Soon I hear Tater call out that he has been bit and I see Twinks run over to him and bandage him up quickly.

Then I hear Cowlick calling out for a reload as I see at least a dozen ferals charging us from between the rows of racks. Twinks runs over to him and I hear her soon calling out, “Ready.”

Above us, Sunny is shooting at the ferals on the floor of the warehouse. I see him moving a bit to adjust his shot. As he is doing this he calls out where more of the ferals are. Soon we are almost into a rhythm as our teamwork begins to overcome our fears. Then it happens, I hear Sunny scream in pain and I watch him and a pegasus feral fall fifteen meters to the floor, as they fall there is a bright flash of light and the pegasus feral simply ceases to exist. I look down to where the light came from and I see a very serious-looking unicorn filly. Then I hear Ginger call out, “Sis, what are you doing here.”

“I am here to save lives,” she says as she steps over Sunny, her horn aglow with power. Then I watch as her horn flares again, and I am just in time to see three more ghouls disappear. After which I see Moon Lily begin examining Sunny’s injuries.

We are suddenly attacked from the other side and I am shifting my arc of fire when I notice three more yellow ticks approaching us in EFS. I call out to the others and we check our zones of fire to avoid hitting them. As they enter the warehouse, they too are attacked by the ferals and I watch as the Colonel drops, slides, and rolls over before she shoots at two more flying ferals that Doc Sutures had just missed with her shotgun. Father, who is with them shifts his target and takes down another ghoul who was quietly sneaking up on us, while we were distracted.

As they approach, I have to shift my attention again. This time several others have gotten close as they simultaneously charge us from different directions. It is then that I am again hit by a ghoul that got too close and I am bitten in my neck. Instinctively I call out, “Medic!” and I hear both Doc Sutures and Moon Lily answer back, “ON MY WAY!”

I have just finished putting down that ghoul that bit me when Moon arrives, carrying Sunny in her TK. I swear she is setting up an aid point as she goes to work on my injuries before returning to Sunny.

Soon I see the Colonel get between us and the ghoul lieutenant as she yells to us, “I have lieutenant Cake from yesterday with me, do not shoot him.”

“Ma, what are you doing down here?” Epona calls out in reply.

Doc Sutures yells back to her, “Because we found out you were coming into here without a medic, now let me look at those wounds.”

Both Sutures and Moon Lily begin to treat the injured as the fight continues. As additional ferals come at us Moon Lily stops what she is doing, putting up a shield while the others fight. As she works, I notice Sutures checks over Moon Lily’s work on Cowlick, barely shaking her head but twitching her ear.

After Sutures finishes working on me, she gets up and begins to check on Sunny. That is when I hear her say “Sunny, I am going to have to set your wing. It is going to hurt very bad when I do it, but after that, I will give you a healing potion and you should be good in a couple of days.”

“Ok Cousin Sutures do what you must.” He answers her.

Her horn begins to glow and she magically manipulates his wing. As she does this he begins to scream in pain and Moon Lily moves closer to watch what her mother is doing very closely. It only takes a couple of minutes, but soon we hear the ferals who have already departed growling as they return towards us.

As they approach from multiple directions, Moon moves her hoof as done by the cattle preachers at the services I have attended with Ginger. She moves her lips, then we all watch as two of them simply cease to exist. We bring down the other three quickly. It is as the second ghoul disappears that there is a flash of light. At the time we are two busy fighting but after the fighting is done, we see she now has her cutie mark.

She hardly expresses any emotions over it. Then she pulls out a sheet from her saddle bag. I watch stunned, as she approaches the closest of the feral ghouls and covers it. I barely hear her say a brief prayer and again, moving her hoof in that rhythmic pattern. I then hear the Lieutenant quietly ask, “Colonel what is she saying?”

The Colonel in a mournful tone tells him, “She is giving them the blessing of the dead in the cattle tongue and asking Sweet Cream to judge them favorably.”

She does this with all of the ghoul remains, before she comes back over to us and says, “Ma, could you check my leg? I think I got bit earlier.”

Sutures begins to examine her, and we all can now see on her flank a solar eclipse with a phoenix flying wings fully extended in front of it. Moon does not become excited but exudes a simple pride in her new mark as we all congratulate her on them.

Soon the Colonel uses her PipBuck to call High Grade, “High Grade, this is Lieutenant Colonel Mollygirl. You can begin the final phase of this operation.” As she says this, I realize that we are done. We have accounted for all of the ferals we were told about.

I hear him reply, “Roger ma’am, they are on their way in now.”

That is when the mule ghoul lieutenant tells us, “I know I told you all about the supplies that we had housed in here; now I want to show you what the biggest reason for it was. Follow me.” As we begin to regroup and follow him, we all find ourselves shifting our weapons to the ready.

Honestly, we already have an idea, but the Colonel and the others do not. We follow him down a side corridor that we had not been through earlier. As we go, I see a sign that reads Reactor Room, Keep Out. Further down the hallway is another one that says Cryogenic Storage Facility. Restricted Area, Authorized Personnel Only. Deadly Force Authorized.

The Lieutenant stops at a terminal by the door under the sign and punches in a password again and smiles as he tells Mollygirl, “I will write it down in a bit for you.”

We all follow him through the door. That is when we see over twenty large tanks that are connected by hoses. Around the room, there are several warning placards for liquid nitrogen and freeze damage warnings to unprotected tissue.

I am looking off to the side when I hear the Colonel asks, “Ok, Lieutenant, so what is all of this for?”

As I turn my head, I can see him smiling as best he can as he tells her, “Ma’am, these are the real treasures here. What you are seeing are storage containers for frozen embryos. Part of the deal to purchase this land from Sweet Corn’s family was that the Equestrian government was required to store frozen embryos from not just ponies, but cattle. From what the Captain was telling me, ya’all are having problems with genetic diversity for the cattle. Well, this should really help with that.”

Next to me, I can see Cowlick nodding out of the corner of my eye. I also see Twinks put a hoof on his shoulder and smile.

She smiles at what he has just told us. Then she turns to us and tells us, “Good job all, now let’s head into the White Cloud Inn, you all have earned a drink and I am buying.”

As we walk out, my father and I are side by side. I tell him, “Thanks for coming Father.”

He quietly tells me, “You are welcome, but do not worry me like that my son. I know your work is dangerous, but a father should not outlive his child.”

I nod my head. “My apologies father. I am just following the example you have set for me.”

He then looks at Ginger and quietly asks, “With this new discovery, do you think that you and she may consider carrying one of these unborn?”

I shrug as I answer, “Time will tell Father, but that would have to be a joint decision between both of us.”

He smiles, “A good answer my son. You do make a father proud, even if worried.”

Soon we are back outside again and it feels almost like we are entering a new world as we all find our way to the Pub in White Cloud and break the news there of what we have found. It is there that Lieutenant Johnny Cake finds out how much of a new world it is, and how much their sacrifice was appreciated as the local cattle preacher buys him a drink and sits to talk with him, and tells him.


Junction Town, NCR: Choo Choo

“Miss Choo, will you follow me?” I hear the young unicorn stallion ask me.

In response, I stand up and I tell Days End and Double Back, “Please wait here for me.”

“Yes Ma’am,” Days end answers. Double Back merely nods his head and acknowledges the order with his ear movements.

As I enter the office of the Lead Ranger. I see Chief Ranger Faintstride sitting behind his desk wearing his wide-brimmed ranger hat. As I look him over, I cannot help but think how his light tan coat and white mane and tail must have helped him to blend into the wastelands. I also notice how wide his eyes get when he notices my re-earned cutie mark and I hear him say, “By the Goddesses, they weren’t lying.”

I find myself smirking as I tell him, “I guess not, it is a nice flank isn’t it.”

I hear him laugh lightly as he shakes his head, “Yeah, I guess it is, but honestly, I was not checking you out Choo. It is the fact that as an alicorn, you now have a real cutie mark. And before you ask, I have talked with Veteran Rangers Blackberry Pie and Chip, so I know about your previous use of paint. By the way, that was good thinking back then.”

I find myself blushing slightly when he says this, as I have always felt blasphemous in a way when I would pretend to be her royal highness, Luna. But I simply answer him by saying, “Thank you, sir.”

He then tells me, “Please sit, I need to talk with you about you and your team’s previous mission.”

“Of course, Chief,” I say as I take the offered seat.

“I have seen the photos your team took from the other side of the Doorway. Choo, are we in danger of others coming here the same way?”

I sigh, as I have wondered this myself and am not really sure. “I don’t think so. The energy source to the Doorway was disconnected when we got back.”

“Good, good. Is it in a safe location?”

“Yes, it is. Very few know for sure where it is. And not all of them understand what it is for.”

He nods his head. Then he changes the subject. “Your team also did well during the Hoofington operation.” He pauses, “Would you and them consider becoming official Rangers for the NCR?”

I shake my head this time, “Chief, we don’t mind hiring on as we have, but we want to be able to walk away if we feel we are being thrown away or used as bait again.”

“But Choo, that wasn’t the Rangers.”

I hold up a hoof and then tell him, “Chief, we know that. But there may come a time in the course of your duties when you would be tempted. Besides, this means you can still pretend we never were employed by you when we go into certain places.”

I watch as he takes a deep breath and lets it out slowly. “I see. I can understand your motives, even if I feel they are unfounded. Now back to the previous subject, your mission in Hoofington. What were the feelings you got down there towards the NCR, don’t sugarcoat it.”

“Chief, they consider the NCR as potent as a mule and we were questioned several times down there about our government. We told the truth as we know it.”

He nods his head. “And the Enclave?”

“In my opinion?” he nods in the affirmative and I continue, “I think they are almost back on their hooves and spoiling for a fight. They want the old Equestria back, but they want to run it, and they do not want any undesirables in it. You know, non-Enclave pegasi or the rest of us.”

We talk for a while more about our mission down to Hoofington and what occurred. Then he puts his forehooves on the table, crossing them as he leans forward and asks, “So Choo, what were the princesses like over there?”

I can’t help but grin as I tell him all about them and our tea. After we are done, I am dismissed and led to a nearby hotel with my other two team members and Blackberry’s team. As we get to our rooms for the evening, I am told by one of the local Rangers that guided us, “In the morning, have your stuff ready Ma’am. We will be taking you to the local headquarters of the Followers. I do believe after that you will be taken to their alicorn camp.”

“Alright. Will you be the one taking us there?”

She shrugs, “Not sure, but if told to, I will.”

“Well then, have a good evening and hopefully we will meet again.”

“As well. If it is under positive circumstances, I would be happy to.” She looks at my flank one last time, smiles, and shakes her head as she walks away.

I guess I am going to have to get used to everyone checking out my flank now. I sigh as I realize how different I am now from the others of my kind. Then I look at the copy of the photo that the Chief Ranger gave me of myself and Luna as well as our team with all of those we meet for tea on the other side of the Doorway.

As I look at the photo, I begin to think of what the chief asked me about having my team go back through on a regular basis to explore the other timelines, as he called them. This brings me back to thinking about the other part of that discussion. The need to wait until this current bruhaha building with the Enclave is either over or has blown by.

I will have to discuss this with the rest of the Repair Ponies when I get the chance. As I am thinking this, I begin to ready myself for the night. I first take a nice warm shower; I choose a book from the library and have a Nuka-Cola Rad brought to my room. I then settle down to read another chapter of this book called the Book of Little Pip. I have heard much about it and the Destroyer, and I want to hear what happened in her own words as she seems to be such a hero to others that they call her the Light Bringer.

I have finished up to the point where she confronted my sisters in the ruins of Canterlot by the time I decide to put it down for the night. I find it interesting and a bit distressing to read it from her side, and yet still retain the memories of my sisters who were there and their deaths at her hooves. But honestly, after having met Luna in the other universe, I do admit I feel less than sorry about the death of my sister Night Seer, who desecrated the princess's remains.

I awake in the morning to a light knock on my door. I take the Book of Little Pip from the nightstand next to the bed and place it in my saddlebag before I answer the door. I am still wiping the sleep from my eyes as I answer the knocking.

When I open the door, I notice Doctor Tourniquet from the Followers is there.

“Good morning, Choo. It is good to see you again. May I come in?”

I slowly nod my head and indicate for him to enter with my wing, “Please do, it has been a while, sir.”

“Yes, it has, the last time you visited Fort Hope I do believe.” He tells me as he enters the room and closes the door behind him.

I nod my head and remember seeing him there. That is much more of a pleasant memory for both of us than of him being a civilian doctor who joined us on the Expedition against Silver Spite.

“I see a smile Choo, what memory are you thinking of?”

I shrug and I tell him, “Oh, just that night we interrogated those prisoners at the valley and I was disguised as Luna.”

He laughs lightly, “Yes, I remember that one. Quite a good show that was. But that is part of why I am here. Let me see your flank.”

Without thinking I turn and let him examine my cutie mark on both sides. As he does this, I hear him say under his breath, “Well I will be.” He then looks up, “Choo this is real. How did you get it back?”

“Doc, I don’t know if I can tell you, but honestly, even if I do, I am not sure if you would believe me.”

He laughs, “Choo after we were assisted during the expedition by a spirit I have come to believe in a much wider world. Especially after I have met some of the Others.”

“So, you know about the Doorway?”

He cocks his head, then asks, “Is that what you are calling the portable portal they came to our side through?” I nod my head and he asks, “And that had something to do with this.”

I nod my head, “In part. But honestly, Doctor, are you cleared for this information?”

I see him take a deep breath, then he pulls out three letters, The first is from the Deep State, the Director of the NCR Intelligence Agency. The second from Faintstride with the Rangers, and the third from the office of the President and signed by Regina herself. All authorizing me to discuss the Doorway and our mission with Doc Tourniquet.

I look up at him and I tell him, “Maybe it would be easier if I just showed you a couple of pictures.”

He looks skeptically at me, “Really Choo, I doubt a couple of pictures could explain that much.”

I use my TK to bring out the pictures of me next to Luna and the other group shot. When he sees the one of me with Luna he turns his head slightly and cautiously asks, “That isn’t really her is it? I mean that is just one of your sisters.”

“No, that really is Luna. Just one from another timeline. Here look at this one.”

He looks at it and asks, “I recognize Luna and Celestia, but who is the other alicorn?”

I smile softly and tell him, “That my friend is Twilight Sparkle. In that universe she never became a ministry mare, the war with the Cesar never happened, and she was able to follow her path and ascend to being an alicorn.”

“What? How can that happen?”

I simply shrug my wings. “I am not sure. Maybe I can ask if I ever return there.”

Looking nonplussed he nods his head, “Yes, perhaps. I envy you having gotten to do so.”

“Do not envy me, my friend, for it reminded me of everything we lost that horrible day.”

Suddenly he looks uncomfortable. “Yes, I forget how long-lived you are.” He shakes his head sorrowfully, “My condolences on such a horrible reminder my friend.”

I lightly touch his shoulder with a wing and I tell him, “I appreciate your sympathy, but honestly, I have learned to live with it. So, what do we have on the agenda today?”

“Choo, we will be transporting you to the Followers camp for alicorns over in Whitetail Woods this morning. If I may, I would like to recommend your two escorts be left behind. Perhaps for additional training by either the Followers or by the Rangers.”

I am just about ready to argue about this with him when he holds up a hoof and tells me, “Choo, Whitetail Woods is highly irradiated with magical energy. I cannot even go there; it would kill me. It is staffed by Hellhounds and Ghouls from the Followers.”

This gets me to raise an eyebrow, “But how? I thought the Gardens of Equestria cleaned out all of the Magical Radiation.”

He shakes his head, “We had thought it would, but no, the missiles brought down by Celestia had contaminated it so strongly even that was not enough.”

I turn my head, “Is this one of the sources for Aqua Pura that the ghouls are able to drink?”

He nods his head, “A minor one mind you. Most is still obtained from foreign lands. But some. Why?”

“Besides the large community of ghouls at Dead Quiet, I have two employees who have that condition. I have found I have become quite fond of them.”

He raises an eyebrow. “In what way? I do remember your former fiancé had become a ghoul according to the others who went under the mountain with you.”

I nod my head, “Yes, but he is different. These two, well we woke them from the long sleep.” I look down and then up at him, “Doc, they are mother and foal. They were being chased by a mob on the last day.”

He looks surprised and asks, “Why would a mob chase a mother and foal?”

I look at him and tell him, “The mother was a zebra, the child, a zony.”

“Ah, now I understand. Well, perhaps we can make sure that we can get an occasional ration to them in payment for your helping us with this?”

“Perhaps. I would like my team members to come with me as far as is safe for them. On the trip, we can discuss who they will train with.”

“Sounds good Choo, but before we go, I need to take you to our office for a full check-up to set a baseline for before and after you visit our camp.”

“Is that really necessary Doc?”

“Sadly, yes. Choo, you are no longer like all your sisters, things may affect you differently. So, we want to take a look and see what all has changed.”

“Alright, let me grab Double Back and Days End and we can go,” I tell him as I send a quick message via PipBuck to both of them.

I get a quick reply from both of them and within ten minutes we are on our way to the next part of our journey.


Neighvarro, Grand Pegasus Enclave: Ball Lightning

I awake with Sundancer in my hooves and wings to a knock on the door of our room. As I stretch getting out of bed I call out, “Just a minute.”

She turns her head towards me, “That time already?”

“Yeah, it seems so.”

When I open the door, I see a uniformed corporal standing at attention with a packet under his left wing. He salutes me with his right wing and asks, “Sir, are you 1st Lieutenant Ball Lightning?”

I return his salute, allowing him to drop his, “Yes, that is me, Corporal, what do you have for me?”

He hands me the packet, “Sir, I am not sure, I was only told to deliver it to you.”

I nod my head, and take the package, “Thank you, Corporal. Have a good day,” I tell him in a form of dismissal. As he turns to walk away, I close the door behind me and go to the desk in my room. Once I open it, I see it is orders for me, assigning me back to Thunderhead.

From the side, I hear Sundancer asks with worry in her voice, “What is it dear?”

I take a deep breath and slowly let it out, “Just my orders assigning me back to Thunderhead. They have assigned me to a security platoon. It seems I was replaced in mine.”

“Does this mean they are taking Funnel Cloud and Gunter from you?”

I run a hoof through my mane and then put it under my chin to think briefly. Then I tell her, “I am not sure. It all depends on the needs of the Enclave. But I hope not.”

She nods her head in understanding. Then as she rests a hoof on my shoulder she asks, “When do you have to go?”

It then hits me. My orders do not say anything about taking my wife with me. In fact, they mention I will be quartered in the BOQ. Damn, I was just getting used to married life too. I then look at the orders again and I tell her, “Two days love. I will be leaving when the Haboob departs for Thunderhead.”

This time she sighs. Then she tells me, “Well we knew our jobs might separate us, I just had hoped it would not be so soon.”

“Yeah, me eighter,” I tell her as I place the orders back in the envelope and reseal it. Then I tell her, “Maybe we should go see the others to see if they have heard anything.”

As we head out the door, I see Funnel Cloud and Gunter both coming out of the BEQ. Both are in full uniform also, and neither looks particularly happy.

Once they see me, they both head in my direction. When they are about three meters away they stop and salute me. I return their salute and tell them, “Good Morning. I was just coming to let you know I received my new orders.”

Funnel Cloud nods his head, “We did to sir. We are being assigned to a security battalion out of Thunderhead.”

“So am I. They are sending me to the 353rd. How about you?”

I see the surprise on their faces. “Sir, why are they sending us to a security unit?”

“I was going to ask you that. But maybe, just maybe, they feel we now know how to run counterintelligence operations. I mean, we have been on both sides now.”

“Well, I would like to think of it that way,” Funnel tells me. Then he asks Sundancer, “Any word for your lot yet?”

She shakes her head, “No, not yet. But who knows the way things are anymore.”

He nods his head, “Unfortunately ma’am, I do. Part of why I never got seriously involved with anypony.”

“I do understand that. I just hope that if we are separated it is not for too long. But again, we all know, the needs of the Enclave.”

The other three of us all nod our heads at this. That is when I am surprised as I hear Funnel quietly say, “Ma’am, sir, the corporal and I were talking a bit, and the way things have been going, maybe we should have a plan if things go really bad. I mean branding kind of bad.” He pauses, looks around, and then quietly says, “After being here in Neighvarro and seeing how they still look down on us Thunderheaders, as well as how the last couple of missions have gone, I have begun to worry.”

Both Sundancer and I nod our heads then I tell him, “I can understand that what do you have in mind?”

“Sir, having looked at the places we have traveled through. If I might suggest if things go bad, maybe we follow the Sergeant’s example.”

“You mean White Cloud?” I ask quietly.

He nods his head, “Yes sir. Perhaps make it a rally point of a kind.”

Beside me, I hear Sundancer tell him, “Sergeant Major, I do believe that is a splendid idea if we need it.”

The four of us then head to breakfast together where we are joined by Alto and most of the rest of Airburst team.

At breakfast, Sundancer asks, “So where is the boss?”

One of the other of their team members looks up and quietly answers, “Over at our employer's office trying to get us our next job.”

“I wonder where we will be going next?” I hear Alto ask.

Then I hear Gunter say, “I am not sure, but I think you will be finding out before too long.” As he says this I look to where his wing is pointing and I see Air Burst coming in our direction, and he does not look happy.

Once he arrives with the rest of his people, still standing he tells them, “We are heading home to Thunderhead for a bit. We are being put on the shelf for now. We leave on the next airship heading home.” He then looks at me, “How about you Lieutenant, do you have orders yet?”

I nod my head and I tell him. He shakes his head and I hear him say, “They are putting us all on the shelf it seems. I am sorry to hear that my boy.”

I then shrug my wing and tell him, “Well, it happens. Besides, you can use the break to think about what to suggest to your bosses next.”

“If only it worked that way Ball. If only it worked that way.”

“Any Idea of what they may have you do in the meantime?”

“Hopefully they will give my team more time for training. Other than that, I am not sure.”

I nod my head as do several others around us. Then I ask, “Which ship are you taking?”

He answers, “The Haboob of all ships. She was with Neighverro when they attacked Thunderhead all those years ago.”

“Well, at least we are heading home. I know I will be glad to get away from here. I have had a couple of the civilians make comments once they heard my accent.” Alto tells us.

I nod my head and twitch an ear for emphasis, as both Sundancer and I have had the same type of treatment during the last couple of weeks. Seeing how the others react, I can assume they have as well. “Air, how can we keep the Enclave together if Neighvarro feels like this about us?”

He looks me in the eyes and tells me, “Ball, I like you kid, but never let me hear you say that again. If you want to get branded, fine. Don’t take me or even more importantly, your wife down with you. You got me?”

I am stunned at the venomousness in his voice. I simply nod my head. Then he tells me, “I will see you all at lunch. My team come with me; I want to talk to you about the additional training courses we can expect to come.”

Sundancer looks at me and kisses me lightly on the cheek before she trots after him. Beside me, I hear Funnel Cloud quietly say, “Let's go, sir. And for what it is worth, don’t take it personally. I have a feeling he is in heavy turbulence, if not a wind shear right now.”

“Yeah, your right. Let’s head on over to the Transient Pony Unit and see if they have anything for us to do today.”

Two days later I am standing on the rail of the Haboob as we get underway from Neighvarro. As we pull away, I notice how much of the city is built up around the base. Almost like they wanted the civilians to be in the way of any incoming attacks. This thought makes me shake my head. Near me I see Funnel Cloud leaning on the rail as well. He lets out a sigh and drops down from the rails and as he walks away, I see him shaking his head. I would love to know what he is thinking, but after the warning from Air Burst the other day, I dare not ask.

As I lean against the flight deck rail of the Haboob, just before one of the topside anti-griffon turrets, I notice that down the deck aways is Air Burst. I think about going to talk to him, but then I notice his face. I can see the hate as he looks at Neighvarro. I also notice his ears are pinned back. Then I remember him telling me one night by the fire how his entire fire control team was killed and he was the lone survivor during the battle when Neighvarro attacked Thunderhead. I cautiously approach him and in the wind from our movement through the sky I can barely hear him say, “Damn them all to Tartarus.” Then I see him spit in their general direction, this is followed by him saying, “Bastards, every bucking one of them. Their Goddesses damned gits too.”

“Air, while I have to agree with you, remember we are still on one of their ships.”

He looks at me surprised and asks, “Did I say that out loud?”

I nod my head, “Yeah you did. Now, something happened back there, this goes beyond the unpleasantness of ten years ago.”

He nods his head, “Yeah, but I really can’t say anything about it. But I will tell you, us placing Corporal Anan there as an undercover agent did save our flanks.”

I nod my head. “Well at least we did something right I guess.”

“Well, that and we know a bit about their POW facilities as well as the layouts of their local communities.”

I nod my head and really hope that information is not used against them. Even if they did capture us, they did treat us better than I had expected. I do wonder though if Anan will actually act as an agent, or if he just took this as his way to escape. Again, something I hope we do not have to find out.

“I am going to head inside Air, sorry for bothering you.”

“You were not a bother kid. I just have a lot on my mind, and thanks for reminding me to watch my mouth too.”

I smile at him and tell him, “Of course, you did the same thing for me and I am sure you would again if need be.”

I watch him tilt his head briefly and shrug his shoulder then he gives me a slight grin. I nod at him in return, turn and head back inside the Raptor class airship as it makes its best speed through the sky toward our home, well at least mine and Air Burst team's homes.


Good evening to all my Wasteland Listeners out there. This is Ocean Shores coming to you live from Junction Town Radio. Bringing you the best music and news from the capital of the NCR.

In the latest news, The President Winter Breeze of the Grand Pegasus Enclave has sent representatives to our fair city in an attempt to de-escalate the rising tensions in response to the recent border clashes between them and the NCR. From an unidentified source, we have heard that part of the proposals was for a cessation of the use of teams of mercenaries and spies to stop the recovery of technology from before the last day. This is to extend towards the opening of stables that are still being located and the recruiting of their inhabitants by the finding powers. Among the clauses being asked in return is the sharing of such technology. There is currently no response yet to these overtures of peace.

In other news, there have been unsubstantiated reports from the Followers of the Apocalypse of an alicorn having regained her cutie mark. This has not been verified, but some have suggested this is just a ruse to try and demoralize those who are opposed to the Regina Grimfeathers regime in parliament. If this is true, the question then becomes, what does this mean for the NCR and Equus at large?

We will be back with more news and information following our next set of songs, starting with All the Things I’ve Done.

Chapter 27 Here and there

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Chapter 27 Here and There.

"When you're safe at home you wish you were having an adventure; when you're having an adventure you wish you were safe at home. -Thornton Wilder"

White Cloud, Manesville District, NCR: Ginger Snaps

The morning after we clear out Site Paddock, Xochitl and I join my family for breakfast. As we enter the front door, I smile and ask, “What no bacon?”

“Sorry dear, we try and limit how much we eat of it now. Maybe tomorrow morning, ok?” Mama Sumac tells me.

“Oh ok, Mama Sumac. I was just hoping is all,” I tell her.

As we go to sit down for breakfast with them, we both grab a cup of coffee. After Ma Mollygirl finishes hers, she leaves the room to finish putting on her uniform for the day. I enter the parlor just as she is cinching up her pistol holster. In a way, it hurts to see her still automatically doing this, even at home, and I ask, “Still in the habit I guess?”

Nodding her head she replies, “Yeah, I never got out of it, unfortunately, and I feel uncomfortable without it.”

I nod back, as I really do understand this habit. “Yeah, I have to thank you for breaking me of that habit after the expedition Ma. But that is not what I wanted to talk to you about.”

“Oh really? What do you want to talk about then dear?”

Now we get to the real reason that I came up for breakfast, so I could tell her this. “Ma, I wanted to say thank you for having our backs yesterday. Honestly, we got cocky and I screwed up. So, thank you from all of us for pulling our bacon out of the fire.”

After I tell her this, she seems almost amused. I involuntarily flick my tail and my ears slid back slightly, then I realize what I said and I laugh some too. “Ok, I can’t believe I said it that way ma.” I pause then continue with what I want to say, “Ma, I am worried about Moon though. She seems to think she has to be like you and mama Sutures and go into harm's way all the time.”

When I say this, she raises an eyebrow and twitches her ear in a questioning way. “Ok, I can understand your concerns because I have them too. But she seems to also be following in her bigger sisters' hoofsteps too.”

When she points this out, I find myself blushing, then I tell her, “That is also part of what I am worried about ma. I want better for her than what I have.”

Ma nods her head and with a serious tone of her voice says, “I understand love. I feel the same way for all of you. All me and your other parents want is for you to be happy.”

This gets me to smile. “Thanks, ma. I appreciate it, who knows if I ever am able to have a foal, but if I do, I hope I can be as good a mother as you and the others have been for me.”

She smiles back at me after I tell her this. “Dear, I am sure you will make a wonderful mother someday.”

Before I can reply we hear Millie yelling from the other room, “Come on Moon, Bucky, and Woody we are gonna be late for school! Xailynn is already coming!”

I look out the door we hear her from and laugh. “Goddesses, do you raise all your fouls to cut it close?” Then she turns back to me, “I guess I best let you go Ma, I will see you tonight at dinner.”

She gives me a hug as she puts on her soft cover and tells me, “I will see you tonight dear. It is so nice having you home again.” Then she heads out the door along with both Papa Badger and Papa Archer.

As I watch them walk away, I look at my PipBuck and notice the time. I go into the kitchen and after helping Mama Sumac with the dishes, I tell Xochitl, “Well dear, I guess we should head into work too now.”

He nods and after giving Sumac a brief hug and a kiss on the cheek says, “I will see you later, thank you for breakfast Mother Sumac.”

“Your welcome son. Now you best get going before you two are late for work. Oh, and you are welcome for dinner tonight if you are interested, nothing special, but it would be nice to have you for dinner again as well.”

“We will see Mama Sumac,” I tell her, then we are out the door and on our way to town for work as well. One of the nice benefits of being a contractor, we can set our hours to shop hours and not have to be there too early like the regulars in the military do.

Since we have been back, our field team has taken to using some of the ruined buildings nearby for field exercises in urban environments. The shop team provides an opposing force occasionally so we can practice different missions.

We have just secured another room on the upper level of a half-wrecked building a block over from the shop when I feel a tug on my saddlebags. I look over and I see Xanthippe smiling at me as she says, “Miss Ginger. Ma says you have a visitor that you are going to want to talk to at the shop.”

“Thank you, Xanthippe,” I tell her, then I call out to the others, “Ok, back to the shop. Good job, check your gear and after I meet with my visitor, we will hold a debrief to go over what we saw of each other.”

As I enter the main door of the shop, I see the general’s adjunct standing there, “Good afternoon, Pin Point, how have you been doing?”

“Good afternoon, Ginger, we both have been doing well. By the way, again the General would like to send his thanks for the Site Paddock job.”

“Thank you and I will pass it on to them, but I am sure that is not the only reason you are here today.”

He grins and while still maintaining his military bearing replies, “No, of course not, we actually have another job for some of you to perform.”

“Really, what is it?”

“Perhaps we should discuss this in your office.” He tells me.

“Ok, sure, follow me,” I tell him as I begin to head upstairs toward our HQ area. As we go past the armory, I call to Epona, “Hay sis, come on upstairs with us, will you.”

She nods her head and tells me, “Ok, let me reassemble this pistol first.”

We are only up there for a few minutes when she joins us. “Ok sis, what have you got for me?” she asks. In reply, I simply point a hoof at Pin Point.

He nods and tells me, “We have a delegation going to Hoofington and we need an escort for the group who we believe will work well with them.”

Epona and I both nod our heads. “Ok, what are our expected duties, how many of us do you need, and for how long?” I ask.

He grins and begins to tell us as well as when we are expected to leave. As he does, I see Epona perk up and her ears go forward again. I can tell she would want in on this, even if she wasn’t already included in the plan.

Once he has finished and we have negotiated a fee, he tells us, “We have yet to inform those officers who are going on this junket and would appreciate your waiting until after tomorrow to discuss it with them.”

“Not a problem sir,” Epona tells him and I nod in agreement. However, this seems like it should be an interesting trip back down that way.

After he leaves, we hold the training debrief and I tell the team about the upcoming job for myself, Xochitl and Epona. I then tell Twinks, “Twinks, if any jobs come up while we are gone, Choo has told me to tell you are in charge of the field team. Zhea will be running the shop front as usual. Then I remember what Choo also said over the radio of her PipBuck, “Oh and Twinks, Zhea will be the one to negotiate a price for any jobs, however, you are to go with her and observe how she negotiates such jobs.”

She nods her head and answers, “Sounds good Cookie. Are you sure you only want the three of you back down there?”

In the back of my mind, I think, now, I want the whole team, but that is not what the contract calls for. So, I tell her, “No, but that is all that is needed. If we need a backup, we will make the call. Besides we should just be dressing up for this one and babysitting, nothing like the last time we were down there.”

“Yeah, but we will miss you being here with us,” Tater says.

Twinks nods and Cow Lick says, “Sorry, it is just hard watching the team split up like this. I mean with us up here, you down there, and Choo where ever she is.”

I nod my head, “Yeah, I do understand guys, but it comes with the territory.”

We continue to work on our gear for the rest of the day. Toward the end of which I tell Epona and Xochitl, “I think the three of us need to go see Sewing Bobbin. We should have a couple of good uniforms for this mission.”

As we begin to head out, I hear Tater call out, “We will see you later at the Pub Epona.”

“Sounds good Tater, I will see you all there.” She calls out as we begin to head our way to the waterfront instead of home.

The bell above the door rings as we enter Sewing Bobbin’s shop. From the back, I hear a sewing machine stop and her raspy voice calls out, “I will be right with you.”

I call back, “No problem Sewing.”

“Oh, it’s you, Ginger, give me a few minutes.” I hear come from the back.

We wait patiently at the counter for her. When she comes out of the back, she is wearing a conservative skirt with her glasses perched on top of her head. “Ah, it is good to see you again Ginger, what can I do for you today?”

“Hey Sewing, we have a job to escort some dignitaries. Looks like we will be going to some important functions as bodyguards. Do you think you could make something special for us to wear to them?”

I see her smile as best she can, then she says, “I am sure I can, but how soon do you need them?”

I look at the other two with me and tell her, “Looks like two weeks we will be leaving.”

She nods her head, “Ok, but I will have to charge you an expediting fee.”

“Sounds fair to me.”

“Ok, I have your measurements on file still, that is unless you have changed sizes drastically in the last couple of months.”

“No, we haven't. At least I don’t think we have.”

“How does a dress suit for Xochitl and a dress for each of you made with ballistic weave sound?”

I hear myself sigh without realizing I am doing so. Then she says, “I know you prefer not to wear dresses normally Ginger, but if you are going to the kind of functions, you say you are, you will need to. However, I will make them a business dress, and you will be able to conceal your weapons and equipment more easily in them.”

“Ok, that sounds good. Oh, and maybe a couple of more field uniforms as well for our travel.”

She shakes her head, “Ginger, if you are with a group like this, you should only need two field uniforms, but a couple of the black sets I made you should do you, I can make each of you a second jacket and tan trousers if you would like.”

“Yes, I guess you'd best. Thank you.” I tell her. Then I ask, “Sewing, how do you know what kind of uniforms we would need for these functions?”

She shrugs her shoulders and tells me, “I did a few jobs for the Pinks back in my youth, and yes it was through the recommendation of my mentor to the Ministry Mares.”

I feel my eyes open a bit wider and my ears are fully forward as I ask her, “You did jobs for the Pinks and the Ministry Mares?” Beside me, I notice both my sister and fiancé are just as surprised.

She tilts her head and smiles as she says, “Well yes. I even designed a few outfits for the MoM operatives. “

After this, she proposes a few ideas to us for our dress attire. Once we are done, she nods her head, “Yes, I should be able to get one of each done for you by the middle of next week. Do you want to come here to pick them up, or should I just have them delivered to you?”

“We will pick them up Sewing, but thanks for asking.”

She then asks, “Oh, since you two are engaged, would you like me to make a dress for you Ginger?”

She surprises me with this question as I had not thought of that. But I know we do not have unlimited caps, so I tell her, “Maybe after we get back, we can discuss it. But until then just wait.”


Sumac’s Farm, Whitecloud, Manesville District, NCR: Xochitl

I smile as Ginger and I pack the new dress clothes we got from Sewing Bobbin yesterday. I love how dapper I look in my suit and Ginger looks so perfect in her business skirt. I mean Epona did not look bad either in hers, but I am not about to tell anypony that. I do not need to give Ginger a reason to feel jealous, especially of her sister.

Once our bags are packed, we both give my family hugs and they walk with us to the cart where Ginger’s family and Epona are loading their baggage. I again tell my father, “Good Bye Father, I will write when I can.”

“I know you will son, but now you have other duties as well. Take care and I will see you when you return.”

Next, I approach Badger who is in the harness, “Father Badger, would you like me to pull the cart instead?” I ask.

He grins at me, “No, I got it. Besides your our escort, aren’t you?”

“Well, yes, but that does not mean I can’t help.”

“I do appreciate it Xochitl, but honestly, it is not necessary right now. Besides, it is not that far to the river and the docks,” he tells me.

I find myself chatting with Badger as we make our way to the docks. I am surprised when he says to me, “I don’t know if you have been to Hoofington before, but if you have, I would appreciate your helping us find some weapons and gear for the Second, as well as the First Regiment.”

“I do believe I can be of assistance to you with that Father Badger. If we cannot find what you need, then I may be able to call in some favors to help us find other sources.”

He grins and nods, “I would appreciate it son.”

As we arrive, I see the S. Glimmer waiting with smoke lightly wafting out of both of her chimneys. On her upper decks, I notice a few odd shapes under some tarps but think nothing of it. Especially with all the commotion of both Ginger’s family as well as Lieutenant Colonel Wind Rider’s family. It seems both regiments have decided to send their XOs and their families on this junket as well. Well, this should certainly make things more interesting, especially since I have seen how Rain Dancer and Ginger’s little sister Millie are towards each other.

Then I catch myself smiling as I look at the S. Glimmer and remember the mare, I met who she was named after. I wonder what she would have thought knowing a steamship was named after her? Too bad I did not think to ask her.

Once both families have crossed the brow and are on the main deck, I hear one of the officers give an invitation to the Colonel for her and her spouses to join the Commodore for dinner tonight. I am slightly disappointed that Ginger and I are not invited as well, but then again, we have had our turn at his table more recently than the others.

After Ginger has volunteered us to watch her siblings, another crewpony approaches us and tells Epona, “Miss Epona, the Commodore has requested your presence in the Pilot House.”

I hear her ask, “Do you know what he may want me for?”

The crewpony grins at her and tells her, “I do believe he may want you to lend a hoof in getting the old girl underway. Several of us have talked with the crew of the Colt and we do understand you have some experience at the helm.”

Epona grins widely, “Please lead me there if you would?”

I smile and shake my head as the two of them disappear into the skin of the ship. Soon afterward Ginger and I go inside to find the cabin we will be sharing with Epona. It is not too long after this that we are standing alongside the topside rail as we hear the steam whistle let out one long blast, that is the whistle signal for the Equestrian Navy when they get underway or arrive in port.

Right after this, I feel the paddlewheels on both sides bite into the water and we begin to move into the center of the river. Before long we have straightened out and are making our way down the river once again, on what is starting to become a normal journey for us.

To the side, I notice that Mother Sumac seems kind of upset, but Mother Magpie puts a hoof over her shoulder and gives her a gentle kiss, which seems to brighten up her mood. I also see both Sutures and Archer do the same to the Colonel. Not far away I see Badger looking worriedly at Manesville as it recedes into the distance. Then he looks at his spouses, and children and smiles.

The trip is going well overall. I am enjoying the time spent with the other Passengers. The second night Ginger, Epona, and I are invited by the Commodore to join him at his table as his guest.

For dinner, the three of us decide to wear our dress outfits made by Sewing Bobbins. As we put them on, I hear Woodrow telling Millie, “Wow, look at how fancy they are dressed.”

She nods her head, “Yeah, someday maybe we can dress like that too.”

As we leave the room Sumac is arriving and tells us, “You all look very nice. Enjoy your dinner and if you see Bucky, remind him to grab some dinner.”

“We will, Mother Sumac,” I tell her. Then we three are out the door and on our way to dine with the Commodore.

Dinner tonight is the first time that Epona has been specifically invited to dine with Rough Water. The current Captain of the S. Glimmer and Commodore for the 1st NCR River Flotilla. I have to smile as I see his old bearded face. I love how the white of his beard contrast with his graying mane and his dark blue uniform.

“Good evening you three, please be seated.”

After we sit, he smiles and we exchange some small talk. Then he asks, “Epona, now, I know your sister and Xochitl are intended for each other, but I worry about you lass. Do you have any prospects, or are you just happier by yourself?”

I see her sigh, “No, I am not happier by myself. But right now, there are no solid prospects. I mean I have been writing to a mare down in the Hoof, and she has sent me a couple of letters as well, but sir, to be honest, we are taking it slow.”

He nods his head, “A very good answer young mare. I like the way you think. By the way, my offer to you still stands. If you decide you want to join the Navy, I will see about getting you assigned aboard the Glimmer as a helmspony.”

I see Epona sit up more, as she knows that makes it not just an off-hoof discussion, but now because we are at his table, it makes it clan business. She nods her head and tells him, “I understand and will take it under serious consideration. Also, to let you know, I have received a similar offer from your sister Rust for the Colt.”

He smiles, “Yes, I do understand that at well. She told me she was considering it the last time I saw her.”

“I really do thank you both, but what we are doing is important to sir. So, for now, I will stick with the repair ponies.”

He nods his head approvingly then he changes the subject again, “So tell me about this mare you are exchanging letters with, what is her name and just how serious do you feel for her?”

I watch as Epona first blushes, then she begins to tell him about Purchase Order.

On the third day of the trip, we approach Two Step landing. It is the first time Ginger and I have been back by here during the daytime so that we can see it. I am standing along the top deck rail next to Ginger as we pass there. I hear her begin to weep some and I put a hoof around her and tell her, “It’s ok Ginger, I feel like crying too.”

She tucks her head into my neck and I feel her tears moisten my fur. I have to be strong for her. But inside it feels like a part of me is dying. I never wanted to see this place again. The sight of the great betrayal of Silver Spite, where he killed his own father as well as officers loyal to his father along with most of the officers with the CEF. From there until after the siege at Serenity Valley we were in constant fear and the threat of death or dismemberment. We lost so many there. I notice the others who were with us are also all upset

From the side, I hear Great Aunt Purple Haze ask us, “What really happened here that has you all so upset?”

Ginger tells her with a catch in her voice, “Aunt Purple, we fought here twice. A lot of ponies we know are buried here. It is the first time Xochitl and I have been past it in daylight, so we are having a lot of memories.”

To which I add, “Aunt Purple, the second time we lost all but three of our officers of the CEF. The Colonel and Captain Archer, both got us back on our hooves and lead us back home.”

She seems perplexed and asks, “If she led you home why are you so upset?”

Then Sutures, sniffing back her tears tells her, “Haze, the last time we fought here I still had both hind legs. But I lost so many ponies I could not save.”

Finally grasping what impact this place had on us she says, “I do understand now.” She then looks at the deck and finishes, “It is hallowed ground. I am sorry I did not realize it.”

After this exchange I see Ginger’s little sister Moon Lily move to the railing and as she stands with one hoof on it, she waves at someone who is working their fields. For some reason, this brings me some peace. I guess it reminds me, that life goes on and all things change.

Two days later after we have passed through the Canterlot-Foal Mountain gap we have our first run-in with Enclave on this trip. In the far distance, we see a vertibuck heading our way. We have all the pegasuses onboard go below decks before they get close. The 40mm guns are still covered by their tarps and I am glad for that as we are not ready for this fight. I so wish we had weapons other than our pistols with us.

When it is close enough, it passes first down one side, then up the other. As it does this, I see that the side guns are manned and the closest gunner is just starting to spin up his weapon before firing it. That is when I hear Sutures say, “No magic Moon.”

I look over and the little mare's horn suddenly stops glowing. As it does, the gunner shuts down his minigun, and the pilot waves to us. Most of us wave back, then they spin in the air and take off away from us, towards a dark silhouette hidden amongst the clouds that looks to me like a raptor.

After they are out of sight the pegasuses begin to come topside again. When she is close, Colonel Wind Rider asks, “Ginger, Epona, have you heard anything about the Enclave becoming more active in this area?”

When she asks this, I feel my face turn neutral, and notice the same for both Ginger and Epona. Finally, Ginger tells her, “Lieutenant Colonel, you don’t have high enough clearance to ask us that, so please do not do so again.”

With that, the three of us slowly make our way across the deck and to the hatch leading us away from her as well as Ginger’s parents.


Followers of Apocalypse Alicorn Camp, White Tail Woods, NCR: Choo Choo

“Hiya Miss Choo Choo.” I hear a young voice call from beside me.

I turn my head and I see a young blue-colored alicorn filly hovering next to me. “Good morning, Evening Mist, how are you today?”

“I’m doing good. Mama and daddy say I am getting much better at flying.”

I smile and nod to her. “Yes, you are. You should be proud of how well you are doing.”

“Wanna see a new trick I learned from Mister Summer Flash?”

Her excitement reminds me so much of Moon Lily that I can’t help but smile and tell her, “Sure, let’s see it.”

When I say this, she giggles and then flies up into the sky and I watch as she does what I have heard others call a barrel roll then as she comes into land, she does a loop landing right next to me. “Very impressive Evening. You are getting to be quite the accomplished flyer.”

She grins widely, “I love flying Miss Choo. Besides, Mama and Daddy say I am too young to learn much magic yet.”

I nod my head, in understanding. I know how much trouble can occur when a young one starts to use magic. This reminds me of Moon Lily and the plow shear incident with Purple Haze.

Once she is hovering again, she asks me, “How come you are the only Alicorn with a cutie mark?”

I sit down and I tell her, “To be honest, I am not sure. But I was someplace else when it happened and I was talking with some very important alicorns at the time.”

“Do you think they gave it to you? Can I meet them?”

“Dear, I don’t think they gave it to me. And as for meeting them, perhaps someday, but not right now.”

“Ok, I best get going, see you later Miss Choo.” She says as she starts to fly off.

As she goes, I smile and say to her, “See you later.” Part of me wishes I could be a mother again, but I hesitate as the only stallion I would want a foal with right now is Paper Work. As I think this, I hear a stallion’s voice call from inside the office I am heading into, “Hello again Choo Choo. It is good to see you again. I hope my oldest was not bothering you too much.”

I look up and see the Green Alicorn stallion who now works for the Followers smiling at me. “Hello to you as well Evening Shade. No, she was just being a filly and wanting to show what she has learned. Have you considered beginning to teach her magic yet?”

He looks at me with a serious expression, “Yes, her mother and I have discussed it. We are of the opinion that we want her to start small and work her way up. Besides, she has not used her horn much, she seems to really prefer her wings to it. So, we will let her go with what she likes for now.”

I nod my head in understanding and decide to change the subject, and ask, “So, what do you have for me today?”

“Well, again I would like to offer you my services for a foal, but barring that, we would like to perform some tests on how your body is recharging with the amount of radiation that we have here. You do realize you are one of the few of us who has spent a prolonged time outside of our camp since the Gardens of Equestria were activated?”

“Yes, I do. Believe me, when I say that I not only feel invigorated here, but I do not require much sleep or feel hungry much while here.”

He looks surprised, “You mean you tended to eat on a regular basis as well as slept out there?”

“Yes Evening, I do. I will say though that I have a taste now for Sparkle Cola, particularly Sparkle Cola Rad. It seems to have just enough magical radiation in it to pep me up a bit.”

He nods his head, then he looks at some notes he has on a clipboard he is holding in his TK. “So, have you ever tried any of the Aqua Pura that the ghouls are using?”

“No, I had not thought to. Is it safe for us?”

He nods his head, “Actually, it can be very restorative, especially when we have been away from magical radiation for too long.” After a brief pause, he asks, “Speaking of this, how are the two sisters you previously mentioned from your wing handling living in this Manesville district?”

“Actually, they are handling it extremely well. You see, they are now married and share a farm near the one that Quick Frost's family owned when he was a foul.”

“You referred to your sister as he, has she become a stallion somehow?”

I smile and tell him, “No, but he was a stallion before he changed. She is very happy with who she is now and would not choose to go back.”

“But what if they wanted a foal together?” He asks curiously.

“They would find a biological donor. Much like how part of my family has done so for a family that the husbands are mules. So far Archer has fathered three children with them.”

He appears surprised at my answers, and I ask, “Why are you surprised?”

“Well, first that they would have done so, but also, that you consider regular ponies’ family.”

“Why shouldn’t I? After all, a large number of the unicorns and some earth ponies in the Manesville region are descended from my children that were in the shelter there.”

He seems even more stunned. “Choo, how did you find out you have descendants who survived? I thought you lost all of your memories?”

I sigh and then tell him, “I did lose most of them, However, the wife of one of my descendants is a librarian who loves researching information. She found out from a ghoul who used to be my fiancé about my children having spots paid for in the Manesville stable. Once the records were researched, we found out we were related distantly, but I am now Great Grandma or Grannie Choo to some of them. Particularly of Moon Lily. Purple Haze and I have been training her in spells for several years now.”

“First, who is this Purple Haze? And second, how old is the Moon Lily now?”

I smile at him and tell him, “Purple Haze is distantly related to another of the spouses of Moon Lily’s mother. She comes from Tenpony Tower and is an accomplished member of the Twilight Society there. As for how old Moon Lily is, she is eleven or twelve now.”

He grins and asks, “I guess she knows all the basic spells now. How long before you begin to teach her the more advanced ones?”

I smile at him, “She learned to use the lightning spell after I used it one time in front of her to stop a Radhog. She was maybe three years old. So, she is already there. Purple and I are guiding her education and making sure we teach her how to use it responsibly.”

He scoffs at me and then says, “That young and she used a lightning spell. Choo, you really don’t need to make things like that up.”

I smile at him, “Sir, I have regained my cutie mark. I have photos of me with the Princesses, including a Princess Twilight Sparkle, yet you doubt me on this. Strange, that you would think with as much as I have seen and done, that I would need to make something up to impress you.”

I see he seems slightly insulted so I decide to salve his ego slightly. “Besides, I am sure, once you begin to train your children in magic that they will do even better than she. After all, she is only a unicorn and not an alicorn like yours.”

“Why yes, of course, you are correct on that. Perhaps that is why Evening’s mother has asked me to hold off teaching her magic for a while.”

I then lift a hoof and move it in an affirmative action as I tell him, “I am sure of it.”

Then he pauses, “We have talked a lot about your family but I notice you have a lot of combat experience since Unity broke, would you like to tell me about it?”

As soon as he asks this my mind flashes back to the Valley. “No, not really. I will if I have to, but I prefer not to think about it.”

He nods his head, “Ok, I can understand that. He looks back at the paperwork and then tells me, “Part of what I and the others here at the camp have been instructed to do in exchange for you assisting us in our research is to teach you the basics of a Ministry of Morale operative. You do understand this right?”

I nod my head, “Good because what this means is we will be teaching you their techniques, not just of fieldcraft, but interrogation. I must warn you; it will be painful.”

I feel my heart begin to speed up and a bit of sweat build up on my brow. But I nod and tell him, “Yes, I do understand. It is part of my contract with the Government.”

He looks at me with a raised eyebrow and nods, “Ok, Choo, I am going to have Fluffy take you to a more remote part of the camp so we can begin this training.”

I nod my head again and I look over and see the large bi-pedal canine hellhound waiting for me. He nods his gray-furred head and tells me in his hounded accent, “I am ready to take you when you are ready Miss Choo.”

“Thank you, Fluffy. I do appreciate it.” I tell him. Then I ask Evening Shade, “Do you have anything more for me before I leave?”

He smiles and tells me, “No, nothing more, other than I really do believe you would be a great mother for one of my foals.”

While I feel slightly creeped out by him saying this, I simply smile and tell him, “Thank you, I will think about it.” As I get up and head towards Fluffy, telling him, “Please, do lead on.”

Two weeks already, and I am finally coming to the whole point of me being here as far as I am concerned. I am thinking about this when Fluffy says, “He really is a creep, isn’t he? I thought mares were ones to go into heat before I met him.”

I begin to chuckle lightly and tell him, “Well Fluffy, I thought the same way until I met him. Sadly, I am sure he is not the only one. By the way, how is your family?”

I see his ears go down along his head and his tail stops wagging as he tells me, “Ok, we lost several of our pack on way here. Tin Tin took it hard leaving home. But ok.”

We are on the far side of the camp now and the radiation level here is lower than the rest of the camps, enough that I can feel the difference. We approach a cave and Fluffy leads me inside. There I am grabbed by two alicorns and a magic inhibitor ring is placed on me. Then I hear a voice that brings terror to my heart as I hear it say, “Finally we have gotten our hooves on you Choo Choo. Now, we will begin.”

I am chained to a chair that is extremely uncomfortable and I watch as the horn of the green alicorn light up. And I feel the pain as they begin to just rip into my mind as if searching for something.

Suddenly I hear one of them gasp and say, “Pumpkin, I think that is enough. She knows the princesses and they live. Besides, this part of the training is only to demonstrate to her how painful an improperly performed memory spell can feel.”

“True, but she should also know what a memory extraction spell feels like.”

I hear a third voice, “No, enough Pumpkin. She is your trainee, not your test subject.”

“But you saw him, you saw my brother in her early memories. Please let me have that one.”

The others both tell her, “We are sorry sister, but no.”

I feel the pain begin to recede. When I can begin to speak again, I ask, “Pumpkin, you said you saw your brother in my memories, while I do not remember him myself, if it is not too private of a memory, please take that part and keep it for yourself.”

She seems taken aback by this and asks, “Are you sure Choo, this will be more painful than what you have experienced already.”

I nod my head and croak out, “Yes, I am sure. I know what it is like to not have memories of those I love. So please take it as a gift.”

Suddenly I feel my body convulse as the pain in my mind screams and I feel myself do the same. It seems to take forever before the pain subsides again. But when it does, I notice I no longer have the overwhelming fear of the Pinks that I once had.

As I sit there panting, I ask my sister Pumpkin Cake, who I have not seen for years, “I am curious, what was that memory that held your brother?”

She turns and sadly tells me, “I should not tell you, but no matter what, you can no longer revive it. It was when my brother and I interrogated you after your train had been sabotaged transporting troops and supplies from Fillydelphia to Hoofington.”

This time I try to smile, and in a hoarse voice tell her, “I am glad I could give you one more memory of your brother, and now a repressed memory of mine is gone and I know why I repressed it.”

She smiles sadly at me and tells me, “Yes Choo. You were innocent. It was your conductor who was a zebra sympathizer. In case you did not know what happened to him, he had his memories wiped and was sent to a penal battalion in No Mare’s Land.”

I shiver at the thought. Then she says, “Now that you know what it feels like, I can begin to teach you how to perform such spells. Understand, all MoM unicorn agents went through this, I did not do this to cause you distress or pain, but you need to know what it feels like to be on the other side.”

“Pumpkin, if I may ask, while in Unity, did you remember interrogating me?”

She smiles, “Choo until I went into your memories just now, I did not even know exactly who you had been, or that you had that memory. Not only will I teach you how to retrieve another’s memories, but also how to share your own.”


Thunderhead, Grand Pegasus Enclave: Ball Lightning.

“Lieutenant, the doctor will see you now.” Says the young nurse holding the office door to the back open for me.

I get up and carry my cover under my wing as I follow her into the examination room. I have been ordered to have one by my new battalion commander when I checked in this morning. Well, at least they gave me last night to spend with Sundancer and our parents.

After a short wait, the doctor comes in and looks at my chart, “Hmm, looks like you have had a couple of close calls Lieutenant. Let’s take a look at you.”

He begins by examining me from ears to hoof. Finally, he asks, “Do you know why you are undergoing this thorough of a physical?”

I shake my head no and tell him so. “Son, you have spent a lot of time dirtside over the last year and a half. You have been wounded several times and taken prisoner even.”

Again, I signal affirmative with my ears and a quick nod of my head. “Makes sense Doc. I mean I am being assigned to a security battalion. So, it is either up here, or down there in the mud again.”

He smiles, “Well at least you are taking it well. Ok, everything checks out. However, I am still worried about the wounds from before your last mission.”

I nod my head, “Yeah, I can understand that, but honestly they really did not slow me down much.”

“Humph, they may not have slowed you down, but that does not mean you are letting them heal properly.”

“Sorry, Doc.”

“Don’t apologize to me. Apologize to yourself and the Enclave. You yourself because it will end up hurting you later in life. The Enclave as you are not keeping yourself in fighting trim.”

“I had not thought of that Doc.”

“Well, you are an officer, you should. You need to set an example.”

I find myself looking down at the floor as I tell him, “Yes sir.”

“Good, now that we understand that, I will say you are fit enough for security duty. I will have a few adjustments made to your power armor program to assist you. Other than that, we are done here. You can return to your command.”

“Yes sir, thank you for your time,” I tell him as I get off the examination table, reset my uniform and head back to the battalion HQ that I had just come from earlier.

As I enter the battalion HQ, I see both my company and battalion COs waiting for me.

I fly over to them and give my typical salute. “Reporting back for duty, Sir,” I tell the battalion CO, Lieutenant Colonel Full Bright.

“Good afternoon, Lieutenant. What did the fair doctor have to say?”

“Sir, he has returned me back to duty, with only a few adjustments to my power armor settings. He also says I need to take better care of myself for the Enclave.”

He grins at me and I hear Captain Golden Feather say, “That sounds like Doctor Wing Set alright.”

“Now, just so you know your platoon will be rotating through with the rest of the companies of the battalion. We do not keep any of our people down there for extended periods of time without a break,” Golden Feather continues.

Full Bright then adds, “Part of why we wanted you checked is because we know you spent considerable time among those ponies. We wanted to make sure it was safe to send you to go dirtside again.”

I smile at this and tell him, “Sir, I have no problem being dirtside or cloudside. I just want to serve and protect our home.”

“Yeah, we understand that, besides, what kind of Enclave officer would you be if you did not say that? Now how do you feel having to leave your wife behind when you go downstairs?”

“I would be lying if I said I was happy about it. But it is part of the job and we both understand that.”

The captain smiles. “Glad to hear that. Many young newlyweds don’t. Besides, it will only be for a month at a time rotation.”

“So, sirs, when do we head down?” I ask.

Full Bright laughs lightly, “Well that is what I wanted to talk to you about. Right now, we are looking at two months before your platoon goes down there. The month beforehoof, you and your people will be on standby. Meaning if they need extra support, you will be able to provide backup for them.”

“I hear rumors that they have been hitting our facilities down below more often the last couple of weeks,” I tell them.

They look at each other and I hear the Colonel sigh before he tells me, “You have heard right. Several factions have started to probe our defenses down below. We have even had a couple of Steel Ranger Vertibucks probe our defenses. One, unfortunately, got away, but it was smoking pretty good as it ran.”

“Any idea of why the change in their behavior?” I ask.

They both smile at my question. Full Bright then tells me, “Actually, we are wondering if it is related to the dirtside rumors of a wild pegasus that snuck in here a while back. We have since increased our security patrols. No pony is sure how he got here if he did. Maybe a dashite took them a map, who knows.”

Sunny, I think to myself. He must have mapped out what he could of Thunderhead when he was here. This also means he was able to spend a lot of time up here to do so.

“You seem to be thinking something, let’s hear it,” the captain tells me.

I pause as I collect my thoughts, then answer, “I was just wondering how long a wild pegasus could be up here without anypony noticing. It does sound outrageous, but still.” I find I am stroking my chin. Then I continue, “Did the rumors say anything about how he could have gotten past our checkpoints or did he just fly in?”

They both look uncomfortable with that question. That is when the captain says, “Sir if you don’t mind, I will take the Lieutenant back to our company HQ and see about getting him set up with his platoon.”

“Very well Captain. I will see you in the morning unless I need you.”

“Yes sir.” The captain replies and we both salute the colonel.

Once back at our company’s HQ he takes me into his office. After we both take a seat, he tilts his head as he looks at me and tells me, “Ball, you sure seem to have an interesting service record. So far, I have not seen much other than a short write-up about your time with the scouts.” He pauses briefly and holds up a hoof when I get ready to explain before continuing, “Just so you know, here in the security battalions, we do not tend to lead from the front all the time. Sure, if we are making a raid or some such thing that is the way to do it. But here, let your platoon 1st Sergeant and your squad leaders run the show while you manage them. They make the patrols while you sit in the office waiting for their reports. Occasionally go out with them to keep up your skills in your armor and to show them you know what to do. Got it?”

I nod my head and answer, “Yes sir.”

“Good, well let’s head on over to your platoon. Time to introduce you to your people.” As we approach my new platoon’s offices I see an older mare with a light purple coat, short kept black mane, and tail with the feathers on the trailing edge of her wings also being black. What strikes me most is the intensity in her eyes. She nods as we come up and then Golden Feather tells me, “Lieutenant this here is your new 1st Sergeant. Bulls Eye Squall, She has been with the 353rd her entire career and is being considered for Officer Candidates School.”

I know how rare it is for us to advance an NCO into the Officer Corps so this impresses me about her.

After I am introduced to her and most of the senior personnel of the 3rd Platoon, I spend the day with my new 1st Sergeant. As we discuss the platoon and its personnel, I realize she is feeling me out as much as I am her. Finally, she asks, “Sir, I noticed that our new sergeant for the toon comes from your old scout platoon, is there anything I need to know about him?”

I smile and tell her, “While I can’t tell you about his past couple of assignments for security reasons, I will tell you, I trust him with my back anytime 1st. He is a solid NCO, and good in a fight.”

“Good to hear. I am assigning him to our headquarters squad.”

I nod my head. “Sounds good 1st. Now, what can you tell me about the other NCOs in our toon?”

At the end of the day, as I am heading home, I run into Funnel Cloud coming out of the battalion HQ.

“Afternoon Sir.” He tells me as he salutes.

I return the salute, “Good Afternoon, Sergeant Major. How goes it today?”

He nods his head, “Ok sir, looks like a quiet assignment this time.”

I nod my head. “I do understand. I kind of feel that way myself. So will you be rotating ground side as well?”

He shakes his head, “Not unless things get bad, or the whole battalion gets shipped dirtside. However, if these probing attacks against Marimare continue, that just might happen. Well, you best get going home for the night sir. Tell the misses I said hello and have a good night.”

I smile and nod my head, “You as well Sergeant Major.”

The next morning when I get back to work, I see the corner of a note left under my desk calendar. I pick it up and begin to read it. As I do so, I know I should not be surprised, but I am as I read,


We need to talk, meet me for drinks tonight. Pin Feathers, 1800 hours.


I recognize the pseudo name immediately and all I can think of is, what does Air Burst want now?

Great, Sundancer and I were going to double date with Down Draft and Alto tonight. Well, I will see what I can do to smooth that situation out too.

As I am shaking my head, I hear someone in my office. I look up and see Bulls Eye Squall looking at me with a questioning expression. Then she asks, “Something wrong sir?”

I shake my head, “No, nothing wrong, just a friend dropped off a note wanting to meet up tonight when I already had plans.”

She looks around and asks, “I heard your unit during your last assignment was the same as the Sergeant Majors too. So, what can you tell me about him?”

It is the tone of her voice and the fact that she blushes slightly that makes me realize that she is more than just curious about him militarily. “So, what do you want to know about him 1st?”

She shrugs and tells me, “Anything really.”

“Well, he has concentrated on his career, never married, not dated in a while from what he has told me. But I am not sure if he is even interested in mares or bucks. Just that he put his career first.”

She nods this time, “I can understand that. I have done the same thing. Foals are probably not in the cards for me. I figure give me another six years and if I am not an officer by then, I will retire.”

This also gives a bit of insight into my 1st Sergeant as well. Then she asks, me, “Sir can you tell me where you picked up the wound badges?”

This time I sigh, “No, sorry but I really can’t, so please don’t press me on it. Just know they were in the line of duty and the second one almost killed me.” She simply nods her head to this and I suddenly think, well, maybe I should let Funnel know she is interested. Especially if he is serious about retiring, besides she would understand the needs of the service. Then it hits me that maybe this is too close to the chain of command. I will have to think about it.

We do talk for a bit more, then I excuse myself for the night and head home first to let Sundancer know what is going on. Then I fly over to Pin Feathers to meet Air Burst.

As I enter, I do not see him at first. When I do notice him, he is sitting in a booth off to the side. He notices me too and signals for me to come on over with his ears.

Once I sit down, he looks around again and checks to make sure no one is close. Then he tells me, “Ball, a lot is going on. I wanted to give you a heads up, my team may be sent out sooner than expected.”

“I am not really surprised Air. But why so secretive.”

“Ball, tensions are mounting between both the Enclave and the NCR. They have had some of their people running around trying to stop our people from accomplishing what we need to do. There have also been some rumblings that some of the higher brass are not only spoiling for a fight with the NCR but that they are not happy with the president for holding them back. As she is one of your benefactors, watch your back too. If it comes down to it, they may toss you into the bonfire also.”

This surprises me, and I ask, “What do you mean the President is one of my benefactors?”

He simply shakes his head, “Son, before you joined my team, you do realize you met the president right before she promoted you, don’t you?”

I am stunned and quickly shake my head as if to clear it from a bad kick. Then I quietly tell him, “No, I had no idea who she was. Are you sure?”

He laughs lightly, “Yes, I am sure. I have a few contacts near her who told me all about your meeting.” He pauses then tells me, “Now the main reason I asked you here tonight is to tell you when my team goes ground side again, I will try to pull you and your people in with us, but I can’t guarantee it.”

I acknowledge his statement with a quick ear twitch. He does the same, then he says, “Besides, I have not had a drink with you since we got back, and I missed you, old friend.”

“Well, I am glad you did. Now, how about I get the next round?” I think back to the nurse the last time I was in the hospital and realize, I was right, he may not be everyone’s cup of tea, but he is my friend. Be it a bit different than most.

With that, we both raise up a shot of Wild Pegasus and drop it into our cups of hard cider. He gives the toast, “To lost loves and fallen comrades.” We clink our mugs together and just enjoy each other’s company.


Hello to all of you wasteland listeners out there. This is DJ Pon3 coming to you live from Tenpony Tower in Manehatten, bringing you music and all the news, no matter how much it hurts.

In current news, there are reports of disagreements breaking out in the NCR parliament. It seems several representatives have come forward and have told President Regina Grimfeathers that peace is much more important than protecting territory that we have no current claim on and that we should not be having border clashes with the Enclave as their territory is above the clouds.

The president is reported as having said in private that once a tyrant is allowed to take an inch they will continue to do so until they can grab a mile.

As a reminder for those traveling across the wastelands, Rain is scheduled with the SPS tower system for the next two days in the Canterlot-foal mountain gap to the Western Landing region.

For our first song in tonight’s show, we have a new song out of Manesville and it goes out for all of you wanderers and caravanners out there, here is Travellin' Man

Chapter 28 It’s the Little Things

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Chapter 28 It’s the Little Things

“I thought it peculiar how one new experience can alter your perspective on places you've known your whole life.” - Author: M.J. Prest

Western Landing, NCR: Ginger Snaps

We disembark from the Glimmer at Western Landing. The same spot where my beloved underwent the ceremony marking him as a stallion. We then walk from there to New Appleloosa, spending only a night camping along the road.

During this part of our trek, the only incident we really have is when one of the stallions with the civilian delegation raises a hoof as if he is going to strike Purple Haze as he says, “You Society types need to learn, and you will respect your betters.”

When I hear this, I turn and see my little sister Moon Lily has taken a defensive stand and her horn glows as she lifts him a full two pony’s height into the air and calmly tells him, “You will not do that. When I put you down, and it will be when I choose. You will apologize.”

Aunt Purple quietly tells her, “Moon, please set him down.”

“Yes, Aunt Purple.” She then sets him down and the light of her horn fades out after she has done so.

We can see the terror on his face as Moon simply smiles, turns her back to him, and walks to Purple Haze.

“Sorry, Auntie Purple.”

Aunt Purple puts a hoof on her shoulder and gently tells her, “No need to apologize young mare. You handled him just fine, in fact, better than most.”

For some time after this, the members of the civilian delegation keep to themselves avoiding talking to either Purple Haze or the offending stallion.

Finally, we can see New Appleloosa in the distance. I must smile as I remember the zebra shaman here telling me and Xochitl that we were spirit-bound. I did not understand it then, but I think I know what he means now. I cannot help but giggle like a school filly as I think of it and wrap my tail into Xochitl’s. As we continue, we keep talking about the events of the last time we were here, including the gunfight when some local bounty hunters tried to capture Sunny’s father Trouble. Most of the scouts and the first squad of the Door Kickers were there. It was something out of the old stories as Mollygirl, Trouble and several others lined up against them in front of the pub they had come out of. Mollygirl tried to warn them not to try it. Even pointing out that me, Xochitl, and his father were behind them, having them in a crossfire. But they tried anyways and while a couple of the Door Kickers were wounded, the bounty hunters never had a chance.

While we talk, I notice that all my younger siblings are listening as if in awe of the stories. Goddesses, I hope this does not give them more ideas.

As we approach the settlement of New Appleloosa we do so at a casual walk. While only a few hundred yards from the gate the Sheriff approaches our party and tells us, “Hold up folks. Who are ya and what do ya wa… Ah, Tartarus it’s you again. Evening Colonel. You know the rules, what are you doing here with this large of a force in my town?”

Badger’s Jaw drops and several of us smirk when he asks this. Ma replies back to him, “Sorry Sheriff, we are only a trade delegation this time. Several of these ponies are my spouses and our foals. We actually were stopping for the night to get something to eat and find a place to sleep before catching the train to Hackamore.”

He raises an eyebrow at this, “You mean most of them are kin?”

Smiling she tells him, “Well just 12 of them, Lieutenant Colonel Wind Rider has her family with her too, then we have the delegates from Ten Pony Tower.”

He looks at our group and shakes his head, “So ya really were not exaggerating about how big a family you had.” He pauses then asks, “So would they really have reacted like you said if you or Trouble had been killed that day?”

Papa Archer answers this time, “Rest assured, they would have, and you would not want that family to have come down here. They would have not rested until they felt justice was served.”

“No, but I am sure there are not too many of them, so we could have handled it.” The Sheriff tells him.

I find myself beginning to laugh at his failure to understand what we really mean and tell him, “Sheriff, we had 45 members of the clan who would have left home back then. Our family has grown quite a bit since then.”

He raises an eyebrow and then says, “Well I guess it worked out for the best then. Please have a good evening then. If I may recommend the New Appleloosa Inn. It is near the rail station and will make it easier for your party to depart.”

Ma Mollygirl then tells him, “Thank you, Sheriff, I appreciate it.” Then she turns to the rest of us and says, “Ok everyone shall we go get our rooms first and go from there.”

Once we get our rooms our family and the rest of the delegation start to talk about where to eat. It is then that Xochitl and I ask, “Ma, do you mind if we head out on our own? There is a little Zebra restaurant here that we want to visit.”

Smiling she nods her head and tells us, “Ok, have a good night, and do not stay out too late please.” Then she gives us a brief hug and we are off towards the small zebra section of town, holding tails and remembering the old days.

Behind us, I hear my siblings giggling and I overhear Moon whisper to Mille, “I bet they do it tonight.”

To which I hear Mille say, “You really think so Moon?” and Moon Lily only nods.

Right after this, I decide Moon is right. If we can, we will. So, tail in tail we head down the stairs and towards the zebra part of town.

Once there, we are eating our dinner when we hear an older voice with a deep zebra accent says from behind us, “There you are. We have been waiting for you.”

Both Xochitl and I turn to look at the speaker, and we see the same shaman that we had met so many years ago. We both smile at him and nod our heads. Then Xochitl asks, “So it is time then?”

The shaman and the stallion next to him both smile and nod as the shaman tells him, “According to the spirits; yes.”

Wait, what? The spirits have been talking about us? So, I ask the shaman and he tells us, “Yes my good mare. It is not often that a zebra, much less a zony is spirit bound with a pony.” He pauses briefly as if listening to someone and finally says, “Oh yes, especially a couple such as you who has stepped beyond this world and time. I pretend not to understand this as I do not know how this could happen, but yes, they are talking about you both.”

I feel my heart pound more rapidly when I hear him say this. Then Xochitl says, “Before we do this, please join us for dinner as our guest.”

They both join us and soon the mare who owns the restaurant joins us as well as her staff brings out food and drinks for her and our two guests. As we share this meal and drinks we talk and laugh. We tell them about our lives since we last saw them and our recent travel with our family here.

The shaman then asks Xochitl, “and your father, how is he?”

Xochitl smiles and answers, “He sends his greetings. He wishes he too could have come, but alas, it was not to be.”

“I do understand. His friend has spoken to mine it seems. He is doing well but worried about all of you. He also is aware of what is to happen next,” he twists his head slightly as he listens to something we cannot hear and smirks before he says, “but your mother is not.”

My eyes go wide and I about panic when I think of how Persimmon Tree will be when she finds out we have done what we are about to do.

Xochitl puts a hoof on mine and tells me, “Do not worry dear, I am sure she will be fine. Father will calm her. He has his ways.”

The shaman smiles and nods, then he asks, “Are you two ready?”

Nervously I nod my head and we follow him outside. Once there he says, “Please wait a minute while I put on my vestments.”

He disappears into the door of an old shipping container across from the restaurant we had left. When he comes back out, he has the skull of a small dragon on his head as well as a necklace of gemstones and claws around his neck. However, he is still wearing his black hoodie as well.

The stallion who was with him during dinner brings out a ring of roses and presents them to me. He tells me, “For your head. It is a tradition for us zebras as well as a forgotten one for the earth ponies.”

I place it on my head around my hat. Xochitl and I face each other. The shaman begins to call upon the spirits for a blessing upon the union of our souls and now bodies. He recites the marriage ceremony that is common among the zebra tribes. I know this as Mama Magpie found a book on zebra traditions in the Manesville achieves and brought it home for me and Xochitl to read several years ago. I dreamed then of hearing them. Now I do.

I watch as the shaman then removes a brass ring with an emerald on it from his hoodie pocket and hooves it to Xochitl. He places it on the leg of the hoof he is holding. And looks at me with such happiness and pride, but I cannot help but stare at the ring, knowing what it means. The shaman then tells us, “The ring of marriage is a special one. It symbolizes the unending love of the couple that are now bound. The emerald gem with its color symbolized fertility and magic that is critical to all love and how it all begins with a friendship that grows.”

I am so happy right now I am about to burst. Finally, the shaman says, “I now pronounce you stallion and mare in the eyes of all who are descended from the twelve tribes and the one. May your lives be full and your harvest bountiful.”

After this, I remember the tradition of presenting the roses to the shaman. “An offering to you and the spirits kind shaman. Thank you”

He smiles more broadly and nods his head. “Thank you as well.”

Before we leave, I remove the ring from my leg as I know its value and that it is only used for this ceremony among the followers of the zebra’s religion. I pass it back to him and he solemnly tells me, “Thank you, I can tell you do understand our religion and traditions, even if they are not your own.”

I nod my head and smile at him, “Yes, I took you for your word all those years ago when you told me that he and I were already spirit bound. I felt I should understand his culture as well as mine.”

“Good, this means that on the off chance you ever have any foals, you will remember this and pass on their heritage.”

“Of course. Even if I am a follower of Sweet Cream.”

He nods his head and with a slight grin tells me, “Yes, I understand. I have talked with a few of the bovines who have come to town and learned about their beliefs. They seem to serve you well. Now we all need to go, may the blessings of the spirits be upon you both.”

He then turns and walks back into the old shipping container, the lights come on and through the window I see him begin to settle in for the night. I look at my husband and tell him, “Dear we should get back soon. The others will be worried.”

He grins at me and tells me, “You are right my wife. We should get back soon.” Then for the second time since we were officially married, he gently kisses me and I hope this feeling never goes away.


New Appleloosa, NCR: Xochitl

When we get back to the hotel Epona is already asleep on one of the two beds in the room we are sharing. Ginger and I take the other bed and for the first-time sleep together as a married couple, however, we cannot consummate it as we are also sharing our room with Epona. Ginger is sure she would understand, but I know how lonely she is. So, we can wait.

Come morning we get up and after breakfast we all head for the train station. We wait outside until the Colonel and Purple Haze have returned from buying our passage to Hackamore. There the Colonel will make an impromptu inspection of the base and local outpost.

Both look frustrated when they come back out and I hear the Colonel tell Colonel Rider, “Can you believe the next train does not run until tomorrow morning?”

“Mollygirl, I thought you knew the schedule?” Wind Rider says back to her.

“Well, it seems it has not been as regular lately. Something about moving extra shipments or something.”

As I listen, I think, I should say something. But that is neither here nor there. After we take our bags back to the room, we spend the day exploring the town. Eventually, the Colonel shows Archer and Badger the place we had the gunfight. As she tells them how it unfolded, I can tell both are stunned. Shaking my head I tell the family with us, “They made so many rookie mistakes Colonel.”

To which the Colonel replies “Yeah, they did, and thank the Goddesses we had a witness to stand up for us.”

That night we all eat dinner together, as we eat Ginger and I hold tails without even thinking about it. One time I look up and I see the Colonel smiling at us with a look of approval on her face. As we are eating, I also notice that Epona has brightened up a bit during our visit. While we are eating Ginger asks her, “You seem pretty cheerful sis, I am glad to see it, but what has gotten you into such a better mood?”

She grins as she whispers back “Two things, first I am going to get to see our big sister Scrap tomorrow and before too long, I might get to spend some more time with Purchase Order.”

“You really like her don’t you Epona?” I ask.

She blushes and looks to make sure no one is paying attention, then she quietly says, “Yes, I just wish she did not live so far from home.”

I smile as Ginger puts a hoof around her and says, “Soon sis, besides there is also the Flying Cow tomorrow.”

I about laugh at the grin on Epona’s face when she hears that, but then she says, “Do you really think it would be ok?”

This catches me off guard and I ask her, “Epona, if you are not in a relationship yet, then I would say it is ok. If you feel you are in one already, then do not take advantage of the services there. Besides, if you are still not sure, you can always ask the Colonel.”

Ginger immediately tells us, “Uh, maybe she is not the best one to ask about that.”

Epona laughs lightly and replies, “Maybe Papa Archer or Mama Magpie.”

Ginger and I look at each other, smirk remembering him on the expedition and both tell her, “Mama Magpie.”

She raises an eyebrow then smiles and says “Yeah, I think your right.”

From a couple of ponies away I hear Mother Magpie ask, “What do you need to ask me?”

Epona waves a hoof, “It can wait until later when all the little ears are not around Mama Magpie.”

“Ok dear, if you think so.” Mother Magpie tells her.

The next day it happens. To keep everyone from being upset about us eloping we kept our marriage a secret. However, it seems that as we loaded onto the train one of the locals told the Colonel about us being married. To say the least it is initially awkward.

We are on the train to Hackamore; Ginger has gotten out of her seat and is moving around when Badger slides next to me. He puts a hoof around me and tells me, “Son, I heard a little bit ago that congratulations are in order. My only question is, why did you not let us know you got married?”

I feel embarrassed at first. Then I tell him, “I am sorry Father Badger, but we had not planned on it when we left home. By not telling all of you, we would not have to feel bad about their not knowing either.”

He hugs me against him and tells me, “Xochitl my son, I do understand, but when we get settled in tonight, I want you to write a letter to your parents letting them know. Especially your mother.” Smiling he gets up and heads back to sit with his spouses.

“Yes sir,” I tell him, and I thank the spirits and the stars that he understands. Of all of Ginger’s parents, he is the one who understands me and what I went through as a foal the most. While I like them all and care about them like family, he is the one who understands and has even talked to me about his foalhood.

When she returns to her seat Ginger looks chagrined as she tells me, “Ma let me know that they found out we got married.”

“And her feelings on the matter?”

“She says we should have let them know, but she understands. She also suggested a fancier ceremony sometime once we are home so your mother can attend.”

I must smile at the suggestion, I have not been inside the cattle church for a while, so I guess I can expect to be going there again once we get back. “Sounds good dear. I think we will have to do that.” I tell her and pat her hoof gently with mine.

She then grins and adds, “Oh, and they want to celebrate our having gotten married tonight if possible.”

After we have arrived and our party’s carts and baggage have been loaded, we make our way through Hackamore on our way to the base there. We are about halfway down the street when a young yellow filly and pink colt in front of Scrap’s store are playing, they look at our group and then I can hear the excitement in their voices as they yell out, “Granny Mollygirl!”

We all stop as the youngsters we assume are Cloths Pile and Hunting Shack run towards us. Then Scrap Pile sticks her head out of the shop’s door. Once the youngsters reach us and Mollygirl gives them both a big hug and tells them. “It is so good to see you two again. Now I can introduce you to the rest of my family.”

They look at the entire group and ask, “Are they all our family?”

She smiles back at them as their mother, Scrap Pile catches up and approaches her as she tells the excited youngsters, “Not all of them, but quite a lot of them.”

Scrap then tells the Colonel, “Hi Ma, it is good to see you again. I was not expecting you till tomorrow.”

To which the colonel replies “Hi, Dear, it's good to see you again too.” As I notice her waist has gotten wider than the last time we came through, Mollygirl asks her, “Dear, do I need to have Sutures check you out again?”

Grinning Scrap Pile tells her, “Nah, I already know I am expecting again. I just hope it is not twins this time.”

Colonel Mollygirl then introduces her and the twins to the rest of us. As she does so, Ginger and I act as if it is the first time, we have met her and Scrap plays the part as well. After this Mollygirl tells Scrap that we will be in the area for a week or so and that we will be staying at the base while here.

It is rather humorous to me to see the Colonel’s face when she offers to send a telegram to Hackamore to let Colonel Milo from the Harness Battalion and his family know we are here. After getting over the surprise, she tells her to.

As we are leaving to get our quarters on the base, I hear the twins ask “Ma, can we go with them I want to play with aunts Millie, and Moon Lily, Raven, and uncles Shadowbuck and Woody.”

Scrap smiles lovingly at her foals and tells them, “Not right now you two, they will be back later.”

From there we head onto the base. It is the first time I have been to it as when we passed through, we stayed in town. But as the escort for the delegation, we rate military quarters, which is nice as we do not have to pay for them. But we also end up sharing with Epona as well. Not that I really mind, but it would be nice to have a night alone with my wife.

That night both Ginger’s family and Lieutenant Colonel Wind Rider’s go out to celebrate our marriage. We end up at the Flying Cow as it is one of the few local restaurants that can handle such a large party. While we are sitting there, I am surprised when I see some of the scouts from the 3rd battalion show up. I instantly recognize Serenity and Sky. As they enter, they are chatting very intently with each other when Suddenly Serenity looks up, grins, and trots over to us.

Once she is close enough, she addresses Mollygirl, “Colonel is it so good of a surprise to see you.” Then she looks at the rest of us and her jaw drops, as she asks, “They really let you bring your whole family?”

The Colonel is grinning at her as she tells her, “Yeah, but I am just as surprised as you are, they let me. We are only here for a couple of days though.”

“Well either way it is great seeing you here ma’am. I will Let Firefly know when we get back to base. I just wish Choo Choo was still here. I miss having her with us,” Serenity tells her.

She nods he head and smiles as she tells her, “I understand, I bet she misses you guys too.”

Sky then says, “Nah, she has the youngbloods to run with now. Not even having to stand a duty rotation. I am sure she likes it much better.”

Ginger answers for us as she smiles at her and tells her, “But Sky, even if she has it better concerning no duty and is out of the army it does not mean she does not miss working and flying with all of you. Now it is just different. Besides, we are all on call, all the time now,” she says with a grin as she raises her PipBuck up.

I see Sky and Serenity both grin at that. Finally, Sky says, “Good point, now Ginger, how about I buy you and your Fiancé a drink?”

This time I answer her and tell her, “Sorry, but you can’t she no longer has a fiancé, but instead a husband.”

Both just stare for a bit at us, and then they grin at each other and get excited, “Congratulations you two. I am so happy for you!” Serenity tells us.

“Why didn’t anyone tell us?” Sky asks.

Ginger then tells them, “Sorry but we got married a couple of nights ago over in New Appleloosa.”

Then I see the expression on Serenity’s face as she asks, “What is Xochitl’s mom going to say?”

This time Ginger grins. She then says, “Well she did tell me to let her know if it happened early, and why. So, we should be ok.”

Until she said that last part, I was suddenly very anxious. Then I ask her, “Dear, when did she say this?”

Ginger then tells me, “Right before we left, when I took Woofers and Tweeters to your family to watch. She said she had a dream we had married that night.”

I feel a sense of relief come over me and I tell her, “Thank you for letting me know, I almost had a heart attack.”

Windy looks at me and says, “I have met your mother, really she is not that tough, is she?”

I can’t help but smile at her naivety and simply tell her, “Perhaps you have not heard about her reaction when I and Ginger ran away to join the CEF.”

She shakes her head and says, “No I have heard, but she really could not have been as bad as the stories.”

Hearing this both Magpie and Sumac begin to laugh. Sumac tells her, “Windy, she chewed out both of Choo Choo’s sisters and was not backing down.”

We watch as Windy sits stunned with her mouth hanging open along with her husband. Finally, Windy says, “I had no idea, my goddesses, Xochitl your mother really is a spitfire.”

I nod my head to this and tell her, “Yes, yes she is, part of the reason I had to set my standards so high for a mare I would be willing to marry.”

This answer gets me the expression of affection on Ginger’s face that I so want to keep there.

Dinner is finished quickly and soon we head back to the base for the night. As we walk Epona tells Ginger and me about the Colonel’s favorite spot here and where it is located.

As our family settles in for the night Epona helps get the youngsters tucked into bed. While she is doing this, I grab a blanket and put it in my saddlebag and we are getting ready to head out the door when Mollygirl sees us. Ginger grins at her and answers her unasked question, “Hi Ma, Epona told me about your favorite spot here, so I and Xochitl are going to try and find it. We will be back in a while.”

She gives both of us a quick hug and kisses on the forelock and tells us, “Ok, but be careful, make sure you have a pistol with you at least.”

We both grin and show her we do, then we head out of the base looking for that small secluded spot. It is there that we finally consummate our love and our union as husband and wife, under the stars in the wastelands, but not far from civilization. It seems right and fitting and for a little while, all is right in our world.


Followers of the Apocalypse Alicorn Camp, White Tail Woods, NCR: Choo Choo

The last month has been interesting, to say the least. While I have learned much, I cannot help but wonder what I was not taught by Pumpkin and the other former Pinks who were there. I do have to smile though when I see her approaching me from the camp's main office.

“Good morning, Choo. It is time for you to depart I have been told.”

I nod my head, “I thought as much Pumpkin. Do you know what they have planned for me next?”

She shakes her head, “No Choo, only that you depart in a few hours. They say your two escorts will meet you on the transport. But that is all I know.”

I raise a hoof to shake with her, and as I tell her, “In that case farewell Pumpkin, and may the Goddesses bless you.”

She smiles broadly as we shake hooves and replies, “Thank you, and may they bless you as well. Now, remember, it is party time, and you must make sure that like every good party it is well planned and surprise parties are the best as Pinky used to say.”

I grin as during our training she shared with me some of her memories as a young mare and working directly for Pinky, including the time she and her brother had to interrogate their own cousin, some mule named Johnny Cake. “Your welcome Pumpkin.” As I say this I hesitate as it does feel so good to be with so many others of my kind, especially one I have spent so much time with these last few weeks.

She sees my hesitation and tells me, “It is time Choo, don’t be late for the party.”

“You are right,” I tell her. Then I smile and continue my way into the office where I am met once again by Evening Shade and Fluffy.

“Hello Choo, I have to say it was nice to have you with us and to work with you on our research, but it looks like your new orders have come in.”

I nod to Evening Shade after the tells me this. “I had assumed that was most likely why I was called here. Again, I appreciate the training I received as well Evening Shade.” I turn to Fluffy, “Fluffy, it was wonderful to see you and your pack again after all these years. Please send them my regrets that I could not say goodbye in person to them.”

“I will Choo Choo. It was good to see you again,” he tells me.

“Before you go Choo, again, I would like to offer my services to you. I mean, we would make a beautiful foal together.”

I fail to stop myself from rolling my eyes when he says it this time. I shake my head, “No Evening Shade, I am not interested. If I was at all before, I am most certainly not now. Your persistent hound dogging of me is very disturbing. I have seen you be the same way with the other mares as well. I will remind you, you were once a mare, remember what it was like to be one of us and perhaps, just perhaps, you may have better success with attracting more mates. Because from what I can see, most have only bred with you because of lack of options.”

“WHY I NEVER!” he says as he stands up and tries to intimidate me.

I coolly look at him and tell him, “And with me, you never will. You are not worth my time. So, for now, please maintain our communications as strictly a business relationship.”

I turn to Fluffy once again. “I am sorry you had to experience that.”

“Is alright Miss Choo,” he answers as he motions with his eyes toward Evening Shade. Then he tells me, “Once you have your orders, I take you to the receiving building.”

I then turn my head back to Evening Shade. “Sir, if you have my orders, I am ready for them.”

This time he is very cool in his tone. “Yes Miss Choo, here they are. You best get going, I have other duties to attend to,” as he levitates them to me.

I nod my head as I hold the sheet with my orders on it and read it. I nod my head when I finish it, “Very good.” I turn to Fluffy and tell him, “I am ready my good hound, lead me to my room to pick up my saddlebags and we can go.”

Shortly afterward I am on a transport vertibuck with Double Back and Days End. Both look very serious and finally, Days End tells me, “It is good to see you again Boss.”

I smile, “It is good to see you again too Days End. How was your training?”

They both look at each other and then I hear Double Back say, “It was interesting. I ended up teaching them how to make those Thermobaric bombs that Cow Lick taught me about.”

Days End finally smiles and tells me, “I learned a few things, but I ended up teaching them some of the tricks of our team.” He pauses, then he says, “Miss Choo, they were surprised to hear what it was like under Canterlot Mountain and interested in the fact that we had experience with meeting the ghouls from there and that we were used to ghouls at all.”

Double Day nods and signals affirmatively with his ears. Then he asks, “Any idea of what they want to do with us now?”

This time I signal them affirmatively and tell them, “Once we are back groundside, I will tell you as well as the rest of the field team. It seems they will be meeting us, well, all except for the three heading to Hoofington as escorts for the delegation.”

They both shrug and settle in for the rest of the ride. We fly around the base of Canterlot Mountain and I feel the motors on the ends of the vertibuck’s wings shift as they transition from flight mode to landing mode. I look at the river and I can see a steamship I recognize as the Baltimore Colt tied to the bank at the Two Step Transfer point. I see the rest of the team waiting and as we land, they run inside the vertibuck. It is then that I notice a new team member.

As I look at the younger pegasus stallion with his faded gray mane and tail, very light blue coat, and gold-framed eyeglasses. I hear Twinks yell to me, “Choo, this is Morning Mist, he comes from Dairyanne. He served six years as a combat engineer under Baily Bridge.”

I nod my head in understanding that this means he is a trained combat engineer that we are adding to the team. While I do not know him, Twinks does and if I say no to him, this will undermine her with the others for when both me and Ginger are absent. So, I nod my head, “Ok, sounds good. I will talk to him once we all land.”

I also make a mental note to ask Sunny his opinion of the new pegasus as well, as he can judge his flying skills better than the rest of the team. However, I also note that he is wearing one of the field uniforms of our team, and is armed with a carbine on his battle saddle.

Once we take off the vertibuck twist as it moves forward until we are facing east and heading to the Foal Mountains. We flow low and fast dodging obstacles in our path.

Finally, we begin to feel the vibration and jolting of the aircraft stop as we slow and begin to hover. Below us, I can see the remains of an old military outpost on the roadway. Once we have landed my team grabs our gear and we offload from it, spreading out at a distance to form a perimeter as the transport vertibuck once again takes flight and we watch it fly off into the distance.

I then call for the others to form on me.

“Ok team,” I point along the road to the north and tell them, “We head up over the mountains. There was supposed to be an old Ministry of Peace depot somewhere up there. They may be trying to raid it for supplies.”

“Choo, if the NCR knows about the depot, how come they have not taken custody of the facility?” Cowlick questions then he runs his tongue over his upper lip.

I flick my ear in uncertainty as I think briefly about how to answer. “Cow, that is an excellent question. So, when we get there, we are going to need to be careful as well.”

Double Day asks, “What do we do if we run into hostiles up there?”

I find myself grinning and reply, “We call down the thunder on them.” I look around and all have our gear on and the fire teams are already organized. With that we turn and almost as one, we fall into our positions as we make our way toward our new destination.


Marimare, Grand Pegasus Enclave base, Hoofington: Ball Lightning.

I look up from the desk and the paperwork I am doing as I hear somepony entering my office.

As I look up, I see the light purple sergeant with his short-cropped mane and tail saluting me, “Good Afternoon sir, Sergeant Air Bear reporting.”

I return his salute, “What do you have for me, Sergeant?”

“Sir, I have an earth pony here requesting a pass to allow them to trade either with our troops here or at the market over at the Rainbow Dash Skyport, He just came to the front gate.”

I hear myself sigh before answering, “Send him in.”

As I watch my sergeant leave, I overhear their conversation sending him in. I almost smile to myself as I watch the young and curious stallion look at the Enclave posters and prewar Ministry of Awesome posters that are hanging on the walls. Then he looks at my desk and sees the computer terminal and asks in wonder, “You have your own terminal?”

I smile good-naturedly and nod my head as I place a hoof on top of its case. “Yes and no, it comes with the office, not just me. When I rotate out the next officer will receive it, but enough about me, what can I do for you? Or better yet, what can you do for the Enclave?”

I watch as he gulps nervously. Then I see him stand slightly straighter as he braces up his courage and tells me, “Sir, I am Fast Buck, trader and member of the Finders Keepers, are you familiar with them?”

I nod my head yes and he continues, “Sir, I have prime salvage that I have been able to recover from over by the riverfront, as well as several other sources. With your permission and a pass authorizing me to do so, I would like to sell these items at the market at the Rainbow Dash Skyport.”

I clear my throat, “Sir, you do realize that the name Rainbow Dash is not one we like to use in the Enclave.”

He tilts his head and looks at me in mild confusion. Then asks, “What do I call it then… Sir?”

I snort and laugh lightly, “A very good question, for now, one, just refer to it as the Enclaves civilian groundside market.” I raise a hoof, “I know, it is kind of awkward to say, but it may prevent you from having troubles with some of the other, how shall I say this, less understanding members of the Enclave.”

He shrugs, “Ok, I will even call it the Winter Winds Presidential memorial market if you wanted. But sir, may I have your permission to do so?”

I begin to get up from my seat and I ask him, “Do you have your wares with you?”

He nods his head, “Yes sir, on three carts just outside.”

“Very good. Show me and then I will decide.”

Once outside I see the three carts. I recognize one of the carts as being one we had to cut loose after we were ambushed making a pickup from the Mayhem’s Mares with Air Burst and his people. I can see the Volunteer Corps markings lightly showing through the fresh light blue paint on it.

I turn my head to him, “So, uh, where did you pick up that cart?”

He smiles, “I was out scaving and I found it. The harness for it was cut and I saw some blood on it as well as bullet holes, so I figured it was fair salvage, why? Is there a problem?”

I tilt my head and think. At least he gave me an honest answer. I smile and tell him, “No, no problem. Just wanted to make sure it was fairly acquired.” We then go through some of the wares on his carts, I take some into my hooves to inspect closely at random. While none of it looks new, most is in decent shape and can be repurposed if not used as is. Satisfied, finally I tell him, “Come back inside and I will get you your paperwork.”

I finish typing up the proper permit for him then I mouth sign it using a fountain pin that I recently acquired, and that I found I have a preference for.

“Thank you, sir. I appreciate it.” He tells me as he takes the paperwork.

“No need to thank me.”

He nods, tucks the Traders Permit into his saddle bag, and heads back out the door.

Shortly afterward I am working on the paperwork for an arrest made by one of my squads while patrolling the perimeter when I hear the front door open again. As I look up, I see another one of my sergeants standing there as he begins, “Sir I can explain…”

I put my hoof to my forehead and as I shake it, I ask myself, what did I do to deserve this assignment? I then look up and ask the sergeant, “Explain what Flash Bang to me?”

From the orange-coated and yellow-maned stallion I hear, “Sir, it seems we have three of our non-coms who have gotten into a fight at the base club.”

“Alright sergeant, you have told me what they did, now would you please tell me who and why?”

He suddenly looks very uncomfortable. “Sir, it was Sergeant Gunter and Corporals Two Tone and Blitz.”

“Ok, and the why?”

“Sir, it seems that the two Corporals called into question the Sergeant’s honor, as well as that rumor, has it you were both captured by the mudpuppies, sir.”

“And because of the fact you are here explaining this to me instead of the 1st sergeant am I to understand that you tend to believe such rumors to be true?”

Now I get to see him shift uncomfortably. “Well, Sergeant… Answer me!”

Looking straight ahead in a very neutral voice he answers, “Sir, we all have questions, Sir!”

I get in front of him and do my best imitation of Sergeant Major Funnel Cloud from when I was training. “Sergeant, because of the implications of this case, I will have to take this up the chain. However, if I find out you are the reason that they are acting this way, I will first have your stripes, then I will have to decide what to do with you.”

I watch as his eyes go wide and he simply nods in acknowledgment. Then I tell him, “Go get the offenders and we will take care of this right away.”

As he heads out, I call for my 1st Sergeant. Shortly after she calls back, “On my way sir.”

When she arrives at my office, I tell her, “First, we have a situation that I need to take to the Company CO. When Sergeant Flash Bang arrives with Sergeant Gunter and the two corporals, have them wait here.”

“Uh, Sir, why are you taking what I assume is a discipline problem to the Old Stallion?”

I sigh before replying, “Because it seems to indirectly reflect upon me, and I do not want to seem prejudiced in my determination.”

Once I arrive at the Company Command post I hear the captain ask me, “What do you mean by it indirectly reflects upon yourself, Lieutenant?”

“Sir, my sergeant let me know that the two corporals started the fight with accusations concerning our former capture by the non-Enclavers.”

“Hmph, I see, ok, have them brought over. Any suggestions of what you think would be suitable punishments?”

“Sir, I would prefer to go easy on them, to be honest. But they do have to know that such behavior is unacceptable.”

He nods his head, “I agree. I am glad you see it that way. I know the two corporals. They have good records and I would hate to see them branded over something this stupid.”

Soon afterward my 1st Sergeant brings the others over to us. After the non-judicial punishment is hoofed out and the NCOs leave Golden Feather asks me, “Was that good enough for you?”

I nod my head, “Yes it was. I think the suspended bust in rank will help keep all three of them in line without being overly punishing. The two weeks extra duty should help to act as a reminder as well.”

“Good, I am glad to hear that. Anything else?”

I can’t help but grin, “Sir, if I ever have to go on a special detail again, I would like permission to take Sergeant Flash Bang with me. I think he could use a bit more seasoning if you know what I mean.”

He laughs lightly, “I think so, but Ball, I would love to hear what you really were up to someday.”

I nod my head, “Just know it was in the best interest of the Enclave sir, and that I have a much better knowledge of those we oppose because of it.”

“Good, glad to hear it. I will talk to you later Lieutenant.”

Knowing I have been dismissed I head back to my headquarters. As I enter the door my platoon clerk stops me, “Sir, a stallion in a major's uniform stopped by and dropped this off while you were out.”

I notice the writing and recognize is at Air Burst and I must smile. I wonder what he has for me this time?

As I read the note, I smile more. He has just let me know that there are reports of a delegation coming to Hoofington from the NCR and that their escort may be some of the same ponies we have gone against before. He also lets me know that he may need my team or even one of my squads to support these operations.

Well, perhaps that will brighten things up around here again, I hope. I then sigh as I look at the paperwork in front of me and begin to type away at the arrest report from earlier.

That night I receive a note from Sundancer, who is still in Thunderhead. I smile as I read it. As she tells me,

Dearest Ball,

I hope all is going well for you at this time. So far so good here at home. It looks like I may have to be going out of town soon to do some work with the usual business associates. It looks like we will be seeing some old friends as well. My boss says to say hello and to let you know that he has appreciated your help in making some of the sales in the past and he may need your help again as you are a very persuasive salespony.

I miss you, my husband, this bed feels so much emptier now when I am alone. But then again, who knows, someday we may hear the pitter-patter of little hooves and the flaps of young wings. Who knows, we may already have one on the way. If not, then it is not for the lack of trying my love.

I best let you go for now and I hope this letter finds its way to you quickly.

Your loving wife


I sigh as I finish reading it. I guess this means she probably will not be home when I rotate back up to Thunderhead. As I think about this I begin to wonder if she was hinting at something. While it would be nice if we became parents, I doubt we will be so soon. With that, I fold up the note. Stick it in my saddlebags and pull out The Book of Littlepip and begin to read more of it. Part of me hates her for what she has done, but most of that is not what she has done to the Enclave, as that is understandable. What I really hate, I mean really hate I realize, is that she opened my eyes to what we had been doing for so long. Am I a Dashite at heart? I do not know, and I really do not want to find out.

I finish the chapter I am reading, and place a feather that Sundancer had given me to mark my place. Then I turn off the lights in my private room of the BOQ and I drift off to sleep, escaping the realities of this life, and I find myself dreaming of what could have once been while waiting for the next day to start.


Good evening all my listeners out in the Wastelands tonight. This is DJ Pon3 bringing you music, news, and information you can live with. In recent news, there has been an increase in the confrontations between the Enclave and both the citizens of the Lunar Republic as well as NCR forces. Among the recent clashes have been several instances of Enclave security troops firing on innocent civilians just trying to get food or shelter near Maripony in the Lunar Republic.

There have also been reports of Enclave forces stopping river traffic to inspect them for what they consider contraband.

I know these days have made life for all of us even harder than they were. With that in mind our next song is a reminder, here is Smell The Roses

Chapter 29: Excuse me

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Chapter 29: Excuse me?

“Life is not about how fast you run or how high you climb but how well you bounce.” -Vivian Komori

Enroute to Lunar Commonwealth from NCR, Wastelands, Unclaimed Territory: Ginger Snaps

As the train rolls through the countryside of the wastelands I find myself smiling as I look out the window and think of the previous few weeks. I feel at peace. I am surrounded by my family, including my husband. To say it has been an adventure is, to say the least so far.

The stops at Hackamore and Harness were both enjoyable and informative. When we went to the company town above Harness Epona, Xochitl and I stopped in and discuss some business with the recruiters. The Colonel was not happy about us making her leave before we begin to talk with the recruiters there. In part, we were setting up a dead drop with them. Choo had asked us to do this before she left. The other thing is we made sure that in no uncertain terms are they to tell anyone that Epona and Tater are working for the Rangers now.

As we were explaining this to them one of them asked, “So how is Double Back turning out for you?”

I was a bit surprised at this and told him, “Well, so far so good. He has only been with us on a couple of jobs so far. But he seems to fit in.” I tilt my head wondering if he may be a problem then I probe a bit by asking, “So what is Double Back to you?”

He nodded his head with a serious expression. “He is my brother’s son.”

“You don’t look like a donkey, so how could his father have been your brother?”

“That is because he is a pony, just like us. Remember, our families are a bit different here in Harness.”

Both Xochitl and Epona nodded knowingly. Then I told him, “Well if you want to keep him safe, this needs to be kept quiet. Oh, and if you have any other recommendations for recruits to us, contact our business office in Manesville,” I tell him as I hoof him a card with the address on it.

He nodded his head and put the card in his desk drawer. “I can do that, but remember, our job is to recruit for the Harness Battalion first and foremost.”

While at Harness, Milo and his side of the family insisted that Xochitl and I share a room alone. They also celebrated our having gotten married.

Part of the fun of the visit there was watching all of Archer’s children from Hackamore get to know the rest of our family. The only problem with this was when we found out Moon Lily began to trade spells with her brother Pine Box. Not that there is a problem with that, but all the adults from our side of the family were afraid she would teach him some of the more, how shall we say this, dangerous ones.

Moon promised not to teach him those ones, but I will never forget walking to the kitchen one morning and bumping into somepony I could not see, and hearing “Sorry Ginger,” in a little colt’s voice, then a bit of a giggle.

I only shook my head and quietly said back, “No problem, but don’t do that too often, or let your parents know.”

Again, a slight giggle, “I won’t, thanks, big sis.” Then I continued on my way to get my coffee grinning at his youthful exuberance, and hoping he does not get into too much trouble.

We were in the area for only a couple of weeks before we finally could catch a train taking us to Hoofington.

Due to the line having to be clear for us to go ahead and our waiting on the sidings for oncoming traffic to pass, as well as the occasional breakdown, the trip has taken far longer than I had expected. In fact, I am reminded of this as we pass the E-3 Oasis from the backside when Xochitl says from next to me, “Wow, we could have made it on hoof in half the time to here.”

“Yeah, we could have, but last time we did not have our family or the dignitaries with us.”

Then I hear my brother Shadowbuck ask from the seats behind me, “WHOA, you guys have been through here before?”’

Both Xochitl and I sigh and nod our heads, “Yes Bucky, we have, but we were escorting a caravan.”

He grins at this and says, “So that was what you were doing when you were gone so long. Why didn’t you just say so.”

Xochitl looks around to make sure no one else is listening as he tells him, “Because that is a secret just for us, ok. Promise me you will not tell anyone else.”

He solemnly nods his head. Then he asks, “But why can’t I tell anypony?”

By now Epona has noticed our talking with him and slides into the seat next to him and quietly whispers to him, “Because with our jobs that could get us killed.”

His eyes go wide and he nods, “So your job is dangerous, sort of like working in the steam plants can be?”

His answer gets me to smile as he has just earned his cutie mark while working in the engine room of the S. Glimmer on our trip down here. This is his way of relating his understanding to us.

Epona solemnly nods her head and answers him, “Yes, but a bit more personal. With ours, they will come hunting for us.”

“OH, that is not good… I will keep my mouth shut.”

A week later as we are getting closer to the Lunar Commonwealth, just before we pull into the last station before the Commonwealth, we see something in the distant sky.

Momma Mollygirl looks at it and I see a look of worry come over her face, as well as that of Lieutenant Colonel Windrider.

Papa Archer asks me quietly, “Ginger, are my eyes deceiving me, or is that a raptor?”

I nod and reply, also quietly, “Yes, it is. From what I understand they are fairly common to see down here because of how close we are to Thunderhead.”

He puts a forehoof under his chin and rubs it slowly back in forth as he thinks. “That makes sense. How long before we see Thunderhead?”

I shrug as I tell him, “I am not sure papa, but I would not worry unless you see a group of them together.”

He nods his head. “Makes sense. Ok, I will stop bothering you about it. I just wonder how long it will take us to get there.”

As we pull into the station, I notice a familiar-looking stallion board the train. I am thinking about where I might have seen him before, as I watch Xochitl, returning from the restroom is stopped by him. They talk for several minutes and then I see my husband smile widely and nod his head.

When he sits beside me again, I see he is still in a positive mood. He quietly whispers to me, “He is from the Society. It seems we made an impression on them there as he remembered hearing about us from his wife and several others.”

“His wife? Did we meet his wife?”

He nods his head, “Yes, we did. Remember the older mare you talked to there? The one whose name was Honeysuckle?”

The name seems familiar then I ask, “Yeah, why?”

“It seems she is his wife. Oh, and, he is the one that Momma Magpie has been in contact with trying to locate Badger’s mother.”

I nod my head and smile as well at this. “So, is he willing to help us find her?”

He moves his ear affirmatively, “Yeah. That is part of the reason he is on this train. He wanted to see Badger and his family first.”

“I guess to make sure it was safe. But how did he know we were coming, much less what train we are on?” I say as I begin to frown.

Suddenly he is serious again, “That is a good question. I hope we find out it has a good answer.”

As the train arrives in the Commonwealth I notice this new arrival talking with Papa Badger and little Raven. It is as they are talking that we are formally introduced and I learn the stallion’s name is Upper Crust. He tells us how the Society has changed since Badger’s youth and welcomes us all to the Hoof. Finally, as we get ready to pull into the station he tells us, “The rest of you, as well. Take care he then turns and grabs his saddlebags from the overhead rack as the rest of us do the same.

Our entourage quickly exits the train. As my three-member team sets up a loose perimeter and overwatch, Papa Archer and the Colonel go and retrieve our cart. Once the carts are down, Badger harnesses up one, while Squall Line volunteers to take the one for everyone else.

All of the adults with us begin to put on our weapons. This almost makes us look like a team that is going to assault a target. After all, they have all heard how rough the Hoof can be. Even a few of the Ten Pony tower crew are putting on their holsters and taking out their long arms as we do this.

As they are gearing up, I see a member of the Brood, in a close-fitting clock approach us. Once they are close to the Colonel they ask, “May I ask, what you all are doing here?”

The Colonel steps slightly closer and answers, “Yes, I am Lieutenant Colonel Mollygirl from the NCR Army. I am here with my family as well as a negotiation team to meet with the members of the Commonwealth’s leadership.”

We see him nod his head, “I see, and you feel you need that much hardware to meet with them?”

She looks at my family and the others and tells him, “No, but we do want to be prepared in case of trouble such as from raiders and such.”

He nods his head again and simply says, “I see.”

“Do you know where we may report in our business to the local officials?” She asks him.

The hooded pony nods their head and tells us, “You just have, welcome to the Hoof Colonel, please take care and try not to shoot if you do not need to.”

Mama Mollygirl seems surprised as Purple Haze and the others come up beside her and she asks, “Thank you, I appreciate your letting me know. Now could you tell me where we may find a good hotel for our delegation?”

He nods his head, “If you go over that way about five miles you will be fairly close to the Society and still a good distance from the Collegiate at the University, it is also not overly distant from Megamart, I assume you will want to do business with them also.”

Both Purple and her nod their heads. I am just remembering the layout of the city but before I can say anything Mollygirl asks, “Which way to Chapel from here?”

The cloaked pony cocks their head as they look at her, and asks, “Why would you want to go there? Don’t tell me you are one of those groupies for Security.”

She shakes her head and tells them, “No, I just want to pay my respects to someone who inspired me to Do Better, when I needed it most.”

They shake their head and reply, “I do not know why people consider her a hero. Look at all the damage that she did.”

She sighs and answers, “No one is perfect, including heroes. Perhaps, especially heroes.”

The head of the official turns the other way as if trying to look at her in a different light. “Interesting way of looking at it. I will have to remember that. Ok, I need to get going, I have others I have to question.”

As we begin to walk off, Moon Lily begins to shiver and she looks very uncomfortable. Mama Sutures asks her, “Sweetheart, what’s wrong? Are you ok?”

Moon answers her questions by asking, “Ma, can’t you feel it? The whole area, it, it feels twisted. Almost like I can hear the screams of those who were here before us.”

As she says this, Sutures put a hoof around her, her telling her, “It feels fine to me dear, maybe you are just imagining it.” However, this gets all three of my team's attention and causes us to look at each other.

“Ok you three, what is it? I saw how you reacted when she said that.” The Colonel asks us.

Epona looks again at me and Xocohitl as we nod our heads. Then she quietly tells her, “Ma, it is just that Choo Choo said the same thing when we were here a while back. She said it was like magical and spiritual scarring had happened here. She said it made her feel very uncomfortable. Twinks was with us and said she did not feel anything at all.”

The Colonel looks thoughtful briefly and then says, “Thanks for letting us know.”

As we continue, I can see Moon Lily bracing herself as she walks on. It makes me wonder just how she can experience it like Choo. I simply shrug and as we continue on our way to find lodging, I keep an eye out for any possible trouble.


Hoofington, Luna Republic: Xochitl

As we disembark from the train finally, it feels good to be back on firm ground again. Granted it was a new experience to travel that far and that long on one, but I think it was one I could have done without. Especially with all of Ginger’s younger siblings. When Raven begged her father to read from his book on mechanical engineering because she was bored of what they already had was bad enough. Then at one point, she begged him that they not sing 100 Bales of Hay in the Loft again. That had me laughing, in part because I was feeling the same way about that song.

At the last station before we enter the Lunar Commonwealth we pick up a hoof full of passengers. One of which is a stallion I realize I have seen the last time we were visiting Elysium of the Society. However, while I recognize him, I never actually met him.

As I am coming back from the restroom, he stops me and asks in his highly formal high-class accent, “Excuse me, but I see you talking with many of the ponies on board that are in what seems to be a group. Are you one of them?”

I cautiously nod my head, “Yes, I recently married into the family, why?”

“Well, I happened to hear one of them called Magpie, and another Badger. Would they happen to come from the Manesville region?”

Again, I am suspicious, and answer, “Perhaps, but again, why do you want to know?”

He smiles, “Well you see I have been in contact with this Magpie from Manesville for several months now. It seems her husband used to live here as a child and left when still young. She was looking for his mother. And while I do know a mare who may be his mother, I wanted to find out a bit about them before I bring them up to her.”

This time I smile, “Well, to tell the truth, Magpie is only one of his four wives. He also has a brother husband. The foals with them are from both stallions.”

“Bloody hell. You do not say.” He seems very surprised. Then he asks, “Is that common where you come from?”

I shake my head, “No, no it is not. But honestly, I have known them since I was a foal and it seems to work for them.”

He smiles and nods, “I am glad to hear this. So how well do you know this, Badger?”

I take a deep breath and put my thoughts together as I do so. “Sir, I know him very well. He has been a mentor and a second father to me. He is not perfect, but he is a good father.”

At the last part, I see him almost beam and I wonder why. He then tells me, “When you get your lodgings in Hoofington, please send a message to me letting me know where. I have an invite I would like to send to your Mister Badger and his family for the Society. If you would do so, I would be most appreciative. Who knows, perhaps we can assist him in meeting his mother again.”

This time I smile again, I take the card, put it in my saddlebags, and quietly tell him, “Yes, that would be very nice. I will be in touch.”

After this I return to my seat and as I sit down next to Ginger. She asks me, “So who was that?”

I tell her about him, and the conversation we had. After I am done, I put my hoof around her and just enjoy what I have right now.

It is only a couple of hours later that we see a sign along the tracks that reads Welcome to the Lunar Republic, in large letters. Centered underneath these in slightly smaller letters it says, All visitors must report the purpose of their visit to Local officials.

Another difference between walking in and being on the train. I guess they figure if you are coming in on hoof you have a good reason. Or perhaps, the figure if you are riding the rails, you have enough caps to bear watching.

I have to say it was interesting to see the terrain that the train tracks ran through to get to the Hoofington station. I can tell they were laid during the war, as the area around the tracks was clear for the length of a buckball field on each side to make it easier to spot saboteurs.

In the distance, I can see some of the taller remaining buildings, including what looks like a large dome in the far distance. I guess that would be Reaper stadium. I smirk a bit remembering how we avoided that place so much the last time we were here. Hopefully, we can again.

The station itself is interesting as I would have thought for a city this large it would have had an enclosed one as they had at one time in Manehatten. But no, it is outdoors. As I look at it, it has three stories with a windowed turret on each corner. Each of which has a cone-shaped roof. The main roof is the typical flat slant thatched type, giving it a castle-like appearance. This is added to when I notice the damaged brick walls and the occasional automatic MG turrets on them.

Along the rails are covered platforms. As the train slows to a stop, I can see not only passengers waiting to get on, but members of the Brood wandering among them. As the train stops the Brood members begin to step forward and greet/question the new arrivals as they disembark.

As we get off the train Ginger signals to me and Epona with her ears and we establish a loose perimeter for the rest of our group as they begin to load their baggage on the carts and the adults begin to put on holsters and adjust their long arms.

As they do this I have to smile as I notice Mama Sumac has brought old Bessie with her and is strapping the old 10-gauge double-barrel shotgun across her back. Next to her, I notice Magpie has a small civilian rifle even. I did not even know she could shoot.

Just as everyone is about ready to get moving, I see a member of the Brood approach the Colonel and begin to question her about why we are here and what our intentions are. Among the discussion topics, I overhear her ask about the settlement of Chapel and how to get there. I understand why she wants to go there. It seems it has become a place often visited by those who idolized the pony that was known as Security. Having talked to Purchase Order and Tek, I understand enough to know she was a pony just like everyone else. Part of me wants to shake my head at the stories they told, but she was a hero when they needed one most down here. Sort of how Mollygirl was the LT for us when we needed her after Second Two Step and the fall back to the Valley.

The Brood officer eventually is ready to move on. Before he can go, she asks him where we may be able to find good lodgings for our party. He gives her some brief directions and then he turns and calls out to another group of ponies, “Excuse me, sir, ma’am, could I ask you a few questions.”

With that, we know we are free to go and begin to head in the direction of the hotels we were directed to. As we begin to go, I see little Moon Lily begin to shiver and look around worriedly. As we keep walking her mother goes up next to her, asking if she is ok. Her answer surprises me, as it sounds like what Choo Choo had described to us when we were here last time.

After her mother comforts her, the Colonel pulls the three of us to the side as we walk and asks us about our reaction and we tell her why. I see the look of surprise and minor horror that comes over her. After a while I see her look sadly at Moon Lily. She gives her a sad smile and slowly shakes her head.

We make our way through the streets fairly easily as we stay on the main roads. This allows me to get out front a bit with Ginger and Epona on the flanks. I do have to admit to myself that I miss having Tek with me on the streets here.

Eventually, we come to a large hotel. It is an old prewar structure that is still in reasonably good condition. Most of the windows have shutters and many even still have glass in them. From the outside, I can faintly see that they have electric lighting. The large slightly faded sign over the front porch proclaims it to be the Hoofington Grand Hotel.

The Colonel, along with Lieutenant Colonel Wind Rider and Aunt Purple all go inside to get us rooms for the duration of our stay. For some reason when they come back out, I see a bit of confusion on Wind Rider’s face, a smirk on Mollygirl’s, and a look of satisfaction on Aunt Purple’s as well as seeing her walk with her tail raised and a wide smile. They are being followed by several bellcolts as well.

Once they arrive back to us, they begin to give out room keys. “Ginger, you and your team are sharing the suite with the rest of the family, unfortunately, the three of you have to share the room.”

I hear both Epona and Ginger let out a bit of a sigh, I simply shrug my shoulders, “Thank you, Colonel. Before the rest of you enter the suite or the other’s their rooms, I would like our team to make a quick sweep of the rooms to make sure they are clear.”

The leaders of the delegation all agree with us on this and as we go up. We first check our family’s suite. As I do so I look out from the balcony to the scene below and must admire how good a field of fire it gives us, but also how well the concrete walls along it will provide some protection.

Once we have cleared all the rooms the members of the delegation and our families all pile into their rooms. The younger foals from Ginger’s family all share a single room. As they go in, I hear them comment about it. Then from the communal bathroom, I hear first water running, then the Colonel says, “Oh thank Sweetcream, hot water.”

When I smirk at that I hear my wife say, “What is so funny about that? I thought you would enjoy a nice hot bath too.”

I shake my head, “No dear it is not that. I was just thinking of how much it matters to her. She always seems so tough.”

“Well, all mares need a little pampering dear. Just remember that.”

Later that night the entire delegation has dinner in the hotel’s dining room. While the food is very good for what you normally find in Hoofington and better than what we normally got the last time we were here, it is not nearly as good as we get at home. This is brought home to me when I overhear Millie whisper to Rain Dancer, “Aren’t you glad your family moved to the Co-op now.”

He then asks her, “What do you mean?”

“Well, if this is good eating down here, what is their normal food like? It really makes me miss Wanderers from when we go to visit Manesville.”

While he laughs, I fight my laughter down as I know his mother invested in the dirty feedbag named Wanderers back home. But to be fair, I miss their food right now as well. However, it does feel nice to be able to relax and enjoy the meal and company tonight.

As the evening progresses, I am able to contact Mother Magpie separately from the others. “Mother Magpie, can I talk to you for a minute?”

She smiles, “Of course Xochitl, what is it?”

I look around and tell her, “On the train, the stallion from Elysium and the Society, told me you had been in contact with him trying to find Father Badger’s mother.”

She looks surprised and replies to me, “I have been in touch by mail with somepony down here concerning that, but I did not put the names together. Why do you ask?”

I smile slightly, “He gave me his business card and asked me to let him know where we are staying so that he could send us an invite to Elysium. Should I do so Mother Magpie?”

I see her think briefly and she answers, “Yes, please do. I do not think most would try to use something like that as a way of fooling us. Too many details to get straight. Besides, I am sure you met him the last time we were down here.”

I nod my head, “Not him, but his wife. Ginger and I talked with her while we were there the last time.”

I see a look of triumph come over her face as she says, “I knew it. I knew you guys had been up to something down here when you were gone so long.”

I feel myself blush as I realize she has just tricked me into admitting where we were down here. I will have to remember to watch that. Especially with her. I smile shyly and tell her, “Yes, and please, keep it quiet as with our line of work, it could get us killed or at least embarrass the powers that be.”

She smiles knowingly, “Got it, treat it like before the war and one of the Pinks got their cover blown.”

“Yes, that sounds good. Thank you.”

Later that evening, I go down to the main desk. There is a mare running the desk currently. She looks up as I approach and asks in a slightly condescending tone, “Is there something I can do for you?”

I reach into my saddlebag and pull out the message with its recipient and their location conspicuously on it and tell her, “Yes, I need a personal message delivered by tomorrow morning.”

At first, she still seems contemptuous toward me, but when she sees the address and recipient she asks me nervously, “You said personal message?”

I nod again, using my best Aunt Purple Haze tone of voice, “Yes, personal. As in, from one pony who knows one person to another. Is that hard to understand?”

“Oh, no sir. I will make sure it gets sent immediately. That will be four caps.”

While that does seem a bit excessive, I also realize it is getting late and would involve a slight surcharge for that as well. “Very well, thank you. And here is an extra cap for yourself.” I tell her as I slide five caps to her. After she has called a messenger and given him the letter, I return upstairs just in time to hear Ginger saying, “Yes Papa Archer, I do think I know who we can get some artillery pieces from. Just, how do I say this? Do not trust him fully.”

He nods his head, “Ok, thank you. I am just glad you have given us the rundown of the rules for Mega Mart. No need to step on anyone’s hooves accidentally.”

As we settle into bed for the night Ginger asks me, “Dear, I hope you don’t mind my having given them the rundown on Mega Mart?”

In the dim light I shake my head slightly and tell her, “No, not at all, they should have a heads up. Besides, Mama Sumac already knows we have been to Elysium.”

From the other side of the room, I hear Epona say, “Don’t blame me, I did not say anything.”

I laugh lightly and reply, “No, she tricked me this evening into admitting it.”

I feel Ginger shrug, then I hear her ask, “So Epona, you ready to see Purchase again?”

In a nervous voice she answers, “Yes, I just hope we can spend some time together while we are here.”

“Sis, we will do our best for you ok?”

“Thanks, Ginger, I really appreciate it. Now we best get some sleep. I am just glad the hotel has such good defenses we don’t need to set a watch.”

Smiling, I must agree as I slowly fall asleep thinking about our route and thinking of what we will have to watch out for on our way there.


Foal Mountain, Ministry of Peace Supply Depot, NCR Territory: Choo Choo

As we follow the winding road up the mountain, above us we can see what looks to be a checkpoint set up on a flat area ahead of us. Once close enough we can hear an occasional shout as well as gunfire or Magical Energy Weapons firing.

“Big Blue, this is Wild P, request permission to sneak and peak ahead to see what we are getting into.”

I think briefly and tell him, “Affirmative, Take Big Bang with you.”

With that, both Sunny and Morning Mist take to the air. They fly nap of the earth as far as they can and still not be seen. Then they land and continue to advance on hoof. They are far enough ahead of the rest of us that even I have trouble seeing them.

Soon I hear over the radio, “Big Blue, this is Wild P. Uh, we have a problem here. Could you personally join us?”

What now I ask myself. I count to three so that the frustration does not show in my voice. Then I ask, “What kind of problem do you need me for?”

“Uh, Choo, It seems they doubled up on teams here and this other team thinks me and Big Bang are Enclavers.”

I put my hoof to my forehead and shake my head. “Damn it, why can’t things go according to plan?” I ask aloud to nopony. Then I answer back on the radio, “This is Big Blue, on my way.” I then turn to Twinks, “Bring them up but be cautious. Just in case, you know how it is. For all we know they could be hired mercs by the Enclave.”

“You got it, boss. You heard the mare, let's get going,” she says as I take off and fly as fast as I can, yet still being cautious.

When I near the top of the ridge where the flat spot appears to me, I decide to put on a show, I put up my shield and go high very quickly, and put on my best faux Luna. As I zoom up, I can see several ponies below me hiding behind concrete barriers. Beyond the barriers, I see a road leading down to a tunnel entrance at which I see at least one Sentinel security bot and one ponitron. My two team members are further back and off to the side of the clearing in a small grove of trees and brush. The only reason I can see them is that they are marked brightly on my EFS. The others around them are marked in yellow as well, so I at least believe they are neutral still. I guide myself over that way and gently float down. As I begin to land, I hear one of them say, “Nope, they must be telling true, can’t be Enclave if they have an alicorn with ‘em.”

Once I am on all four hooves again, I simply nod to the one who I heard talking. I then turn to Sunny and Morning Mist and ask, “You said you needed me. Perchance you would deem to tell me why?”

I swear Morning Mist starts to blush and Sunny says, “Boss, I can explain…”

Oh, this is not going to be good if he is starting out that way. “Yes, please do.”

As we are talking, I see some of the other team’s members pointing at my flank and whispering. As I wait to hear his explanation, I see something I had not expected at all. What I thought was a typical light green pony is of an equine shape, but I quickly notice their cloven hooves, dual-pronged horn on their head as well as scales on top of their muzzle and along their back, their thin tail that ends with a Dark green cluster of hair and a mixed forest and light green mane that does not run down their neck but instead circles their face.

I do not say anything to the Kirin. The last time, I saw one was through Unity and some of my sisters were fighting them. Instead, I simply nod. To which they nod back respectfully but with one eyebrow raised.

“Boss, it seems two teams got assigned to the same target this time. They have been having fights with the Enclave as well as the robots inside for the last couple of days.”

I nod my head, then turn to the others and ask, “Ok, who is in charge here?”

a tough-looking light blue earth pony stallion with a red mane and tail and a scar crossing over his left eye steps forward, “I am princess, now who are you?”

I tilt my head slightly and ask him, “And who are you?”

He gives me a half grin, “I like that, Ok princess, you can call me Mort.”

I nod my head, “Just call me Big Blue, Mort. So, who sent you here, and better yet, who are you?”

He grins, “Well, I really can’t say who sent us here. But let’s just say, they have pretty long talons if you know what I mean.”

I smirk at the hint, “Yeah, I have to say I think so, may we also say someone also who walks lightly?”

He grins and says, “Yeah, I like that. Yes, I do.”

“So, who are you?”

He holds up a hoof, “I went first last time, you answer first this time.”

“Well, we are just a bunch of repair ponies.”

He nods his head, “Yeah, we are some troubleshooters ourselves.”

“Where are you out of?” I ask.

“All over, most of my team are from Baltimare and Manehatten. Smiley over there,” he says as he points towards the Kirin, “Well he is from further west, he really does not say where. Of course, he does not really say much at all normally either. How about your crew?”

I nod toward Sunny and Morning Mist, “Those two both are from White Cloud. Wild P was raised there. Big Boom, well he immigrated there after Thunderhead had its tussle with the rest of the Enclave.”

Mort suddenly looks angry, “SO, he was an Enclaver.”

I raise a hoof, “The key word being was. He has spent most of his life in the Manesville region. He has served a full contract with the NCRA and is now a member of my team.”

He calms down and asks, “I assume you are not alone, how about them?”

“The rest are from the Manesville region, except for DD, he is from Harness.”

He brings back his head slightly and asks, “I’ve heard of Manesville, but what is the Harness place?”

“Harness is a fairly large settlement down by Hackamore.”

“Can’t say I have ever heard of either of them, but if you say so.”

I nod, “The rest of my team should be here shortly. In the mean times how about, we go over what we have here?”

He looks one last time at my flank and shakes his head. I overhear him muttering under his breath, “So one of them did get it back. I wonder what that means for the rest of them?” Then he begins to lead us towards a small shelter off to the side, “Let them go, but keep an eye on them,” he tells the ones who were guarding Sunny and Morning Mist.

Once we hit the rudimentary shelter made from debris, he pulls out a map of the area. He then tells me as he points a hoof at it, “Ok, that area there is the tunnel entrance. When we approached it we have been attacked by at least two robots, but we believe we have seen more.”

“You said you have had issues with Enclave troopers as well?”

He nods his head, “Yes,” again he points to two different spots on it, “We have encountered Enclave field troopers in these two areas already. Just skirmishes, but they have backed off. The second time we saw one of their vertibucks crash.”

This time I raise an eyebrow. “Any idea what brought it down?”

He shakes his head, “That is the interesting part, they fired on us as we were approaching the wreck. We were going to check for survivors. So, we are not sure if it was survivors, or an Enclave Search and Rescue team that shot at us. We lost one of our team members that way.”

I flick my ears in understanding. Then I hear Twinks call out, “Hey Wild P, you and the boss ok up there?”

Mort turns his head and looks at me. “The rest of your team?”

I smile and nod to him, “Yes,” then I turn my head and call out, “Come on up Danger. Have the rest wait with Wild P and DD.”

Soon she approaches me and asks, “Ok Boss, so what’s up?”

I introduce her to Mort and then tell her, “It seems we got sent on the same mission. Either the signals got crossed, or this is more important than we imagined.”

She nods her head, then she asks, “So what do you want us to do?”

I look at Mort and tell her, “We were just discussing what has been going on and what we have seen so far. It seems our team has more underground experience in the field than the Trouble Shooters, but they outnumber us.”

“So, are we the reserve or the point of the spear Boss?”

I smirk, she has come a long way. Then I ask her, “What do you know about robotics?”

I hear her sigh, “Choo, I know all about their spell matrixes and the theory of how to hack them. But I never even seen one up close before.”

I sigh, something else we need to work on back home. “Ok, Mort, I have an idea, but it will require you to support us to get in there.”

“Ok Big Blue lets here it.”

So, I begin to lay out my plan to get us to the tunnel entrance. As I say this, I see the discomfort on Twinks face and I notice her ears slide back some.

Mort notices this and snickers a bit. “Can’t say I blame you Danger, but it comes with the job. Don’t worry, we will give you plenty of support.”

“Ok, Boss, let’s go talk to the rest of the team and let them know what is up,” Twinks tells me.

Mort looks at me questionably when she says this and I tell him, “On my team, we try to do a quick brief before we go in when possible. I find it helps everyone to know what is expected of them.”

He shrugs, “Your team, you run it your way. My people just do what I tell them.”

I twitch an ear in understanding, then I ask, “But what happens if something happens to you?”

“Well, in that case, we are in big trouble,” he tells me.

When he says this, I shift my wings and walk out with Twinks to the rest of my team. I give them a quick rundown of the situation and what we are going to do. Most do not seem overly happy with it, but all understand the necessity.

We are just about ready to begin when I hear a set of vertibirds flying in our direction again. I call out to my people, “Hold fast until I give the word.”

Next to me, Mort does the same. As the vertibucks come over first flying high, a set of armored pegasi troopers jump out of each of them. The veritbucks switching from jinking to a straight flight path. I watch as they drop the first two hundred feet then they open their wings and begin to avoid the rockets and MEW’s from the robots below. As the vertibucks begin to swing back to provide fire support I watch the sentinel bot open fire with its rockets at it again. This time one of the engines is ripped off the closest. As the first one crashes, the second one breaks off its attack run and flies away over the ridgeline.

Both Mort and I grin at each other and order our people, “Open fire, on all targets in front of the tunnel. Weapons free.”

As we open up, I see the confusion on the parts of both parties below. The pegasi are caught by surprise in a crossfire and soon several of them go down. I also see them take out both ponitrons and the Sentinel is disabled. But they are soon joined by a Mister Hoovesies. In the distance, I can hear the pegasi screaming orders and in pain. The robots broadcast insults and demand that pegasi stand still and die like the zebra traitors they are.

As the gunfire below begins to slack, I tell Twinks, “Danger, get on my back now. DD, Wild P, go low and fast for a strafing run, the rest of you advance in rushes with the other team.”

Twinks climbs on my back and as I take to the air, I use my invisibility spell and we glide down as fast as I can to right behind the Sentinel bot. As we land Twinks jumps down and is immediately visible but I drop my invisibility spell and cast a shield to protect her from fire from other sources.

Twinks runs up and opens a control panel on the back of the huge, murderous, combat robot. I watch as she quickly taps in a code and soon, I see the Sentinel go slack. Then I hear it restart and it begins to fire at the Mister Hoovsies first, then the pegasi. I am very happy to see it is ignoring the two teams of the NCR currently. Soon the remaining three pegasi troopers take to the sky and fly away as fast as they can down the ridge, performing escape and evasion maneuvers as they go.

As the others of our teams come up, I see two wounded Enclave troopers throw down their weapons. I then hear the Sentinel say, “All hostile forces eliminated, returning to maintenance for repairs.”

As it does so, both Twinks and I begin to treat the wounded. Mort then asks, “What are you doing that for?”

“Because they are still alive and we can take them, prisoner,” Twinks tells him.

“But why? We can’t take them inside with us.”

I sigh and turn briefly from the pegasus I am treating for a badly wounded leg. “If we can’t take them with us, we stabilize them the best we can, then we bind them so they cannot escape and we take them with us once we come back out.”

He then looks at Twinks and me and asks, “You two are your team's medics?”

Twinks nods her head, “I am also the team’s tech and only the third in our chain of command. Our number two is on a separate mission.”

He seems surprised, “You mean there are more of you?”

I grin at this and tell him, “Oh yes. Why?”

He seems confused at first and asks, “Why would they only send in part of your team?”

I shrug as I tie off the bandage on the exposed leg. Then ask Twinks, “You remembered to disable their spell matrix for their power armor, didn’t you?”

She grins, “Of course Boss. Can’t have them sneaking off in all that armor, can we?”

Next, we treat some minor wounds on our and Mort’s team. Once we are done, I turn to Mort, “You ready for us to take point again, or do you want the honor?”

He laughs out loud when I say this. Then he responds, “Princess, there is no such thing as honor in this job.”

I shake my head, “I take it that means you want us on point again.”

He grins, “Mares first.”

This time I laugh, “Ok, maybe not honor, but at least courtesy.” I stand up, stretch my wings and tell my people, "OK, breaks over, weapons at the carry, let's form the stack, two by two. Remember, no auto fire unless we are getting overwhelmed.”

Mort suddenly asks, “Why no auto fire?”

I tilt my head as I tell him, “Because every bullet underground burns up our oxygen. Enough of them and we cannot breathe. I once served with a mule who was a miner who taught me that.”

He grins, “Princess, you keep surprising me.” He turns to his team, “You heard the mare, no auto fire underground. Smiley, please try not to go Nirik on us while we are in there.”

The Kirin nods his head and simply answers back, “I will try not to.”

After this Sunny takes point again along with Morning Mist and we file one by one past the tunnel entrance and into the relative darkness inside reforming into two staggered columns with a pony’s length between us as we work our way forward.


Rainbow Dash Skyport. Enclave Territory: Ball Lightning

I find it hard to believe, but I am glad to be dirt side again. The last rotation home was ok, but after the first couple of days, Sundancer and her team shipped out for their next mission. Unfortunately, I have no idea where they went this time.

After she left, I hung around some with Dad and his new mare. My rotation actually matched up with Down Draft’s as well. It was the second time we were out for drinks when he told me, “Ball, I really have to thank you for introducing me to Altocumulus. He really means a lot to me.”

I smile and nod, “No problem Down. I am just glad you two get along so well.”

He laughs, “You could say that. Ball, I am thinking of asking him to get married. What do you think?”

I laugh this time, “I can’t see why not. Besides, you already know who his work wife is.”

He nods his head. “True Ball. But I never would have met him without you and Sundancer.”

“My friend, I was glad to introduce you two. But I will admit, I am surprised at how fast you two have moved.”

He shrugs, “Come on Ball, in our line of work, we have to move fast. So, it makes sense.”

“One thing you might want to consider is, how are you going to handle the long separations? I know they are coming.”

He shrugs, “No different than if he was a Cloudie on a skyship I guess.”

“True, but at least then you could expect mail and get an idea of where he was going or been.”

He turns his head to the side slightly and asks, “Ball, are you ok?”

“Yeah, just missing her is all.”

“You aren’t having second thoughts, are you?”

I put a hoof on his shoulder, “No, I am not. I just am worried about her is all.”

Soon after this, we change the subject to other topics. Then he asks me, “Ball, what can you tell me about this White Cloud place? Alto didn’t say anything about it.”

I sigh, then I look around and tell him, “Nothing, but I think we both have had enough to drink for now. Let’s go for a walk.”

He nods his head and we begin to leave. As we do I see a couple of others get up and begin to follow us. They are walking in the same direction we are. After the fourth left turn, I know we are being followed. I laugh quietly to myself and signal with my ears for him to look behind us. When he does. He chuckles to himself. Then he turns around and walks up to them and tells the taller one. “Look, I told you last week, I was not interested, besides, twenty bits is too expensive for that.”

They both look surprised. Then Ball says, "Besides, I only go for one on one, you said you preferred multiple partners.” He turns to the other one and says, “You two are disgusting. What kind of Pegasi are you? I should turn you both in.”

Both are standing there in shock with their jaws hanging down. Then Down Draft loudly says, “And to think you are both cops and you are doing such things. Disgusting, you should be branded and tossed out.”

I see they are in shock; I then walk up and identify myself and I tell them, “I am going to be nice about this as I did not hear any of that before, but you have ten seconds to get out of here or I am going to arrest you and take you in for questioning, do I make myself clear?”

I see the confusion on their faces as they try to process what has changed, then one turns to the other and motions for them to leave. They quickly fly away.

Then Down asks me, “You know you probably made yourself a target, right?”

I shrug, “Maybe, but now they are afraid of getting branded or having their covers fully blown. Either way, they will be backing off for a bit.”

As we continue to walk, I look for any other tails, and seeing none, I begin to tell him about White Cloud and how if something bad occurs it is our meeting point. I trust Down Draft; I must or what I have just told him could end up with all of us being branded and labeled traitors.

Two days later I am called into my CO’s office, “Ball, what is this about you having threatened to bring in two of the Enclave intelligence officers on charges of being Dashites?”

I shrug, “Sir two nights ago I was out with a friend having dinner. He asked me about a location that I have been to but am not at liberty to talk about. So, I told him we had enough to drink and I decided we needed to walk the alcohol out of our systems. As we were doing this, I noticed two ponies following us. Dust has had an incident with them recently that made it sound like they engaged in questionable activities, so I confronted them also. At no time did they identify who or what they are. But I am assuming these two stallions must be the ones you are discussing.”

“So, they never presented any id or badges?”

“No sir. They did not. I was unsure until today who or what they were.”

“OK, thank you for clarifying that. I will respond to the complaint. They should have identified themselves to you.”

“Thank you, sir. Anything else?”

He nods his head, “Just as a heads up, next time you go down below, they are talking about shifting us to guard duty at the Rainbow Dash Skyport. It seems the market over there has begun to pick up more business and they would like us to provide more security there.”

I nod my head, “Make sense. Do we want to set up security as they have over at the Mega Mart, or are we staying with our standard security model?”

He looks at me and shakes his head, “Now why am I not surprised you know about Mega Mart and its security setup?”

I shrug, “Sir, I only go where my superiors want me to.”

“I understand that. It just makes me wonder where all they have been sending you and why?”

“Sir, I really wish I could tell you why, but sometimes, even I wonder.”

He laughs a bit. “Ok, I can understand that. So, I take it you are not upset at being sent to the Skyport instead of staying at Marimare?”

I simply shrug, “Sir, I am sure that the accommodations there can be no worse than some of the others I have enjoyed since I joined up.”

He looks at me with his head tilted to the side and his ears shift briefly, “Ball, I am pretty sure you are not understating that by half. Some day I would love to know what you really were up to. But since I can’t right now, let’s get to planning your troops deployment and what we expect of you there.”

“Sounds good sir,” I tell him, then we begin to make our plans.

It is a couple of weeks later that we finally rotate down to the Skyport. As we land on the tarmac, I can begin to see why the battalion commander was worried.

Unlike Marimare with its former military buildings and barracks, this was strictly a civilian facility for travel. I can see the ruins to the side of the old Mareymont hotel that serviced travelers here. The main terminal is now the hub of activity for most of the base. However, off to the side, I can see several hangers that were used for airships and ridged-winged aircraft at one time. In the distance on another tarmac, I can see a raptor class airship has landed and is being either loaded or offloaded by its crew. I have a hard time seeing them as the way is blocked by the wreckage of an old civilian airship from the Final Day. Its metal frame shows through its outer skin in some areas.

As we approach the terminal building, I see a representative from the Volunteer Corps approaching us in their unique barding. Once close enough he calls out over the rotor noise of the Vertibucks, “Lieutenant Ball, welcome to RBD Skyport, please follow me along with the rest of your people.”

He then turns around and trots toward a door on the lower side of the terminal building. I turn to my 1st sergeant and tell her, “You heard him Top, bring ‘em in.” Then as I begin to follow, she gives the command and my platoon trots along behind us into the terminal. Once we are inside, I see through the cracked windows the transport Vertibucks we landed in lift-off, twist, and fly quickly away.

As they go I ask, “Have there been problems around her lately?”

He shrugs, “I figured you would have assumed that since we are beefing up the defenses here. It seems since a gang war a couple of months back some of the local hotheads have decided that they should let us know their displeasure, Lieutenant.”

Inside I cringe when I hear this, but I play dumb and reply, “Really, do you know why they are after us if it was a gang war?”

He laughs, “Sir you must be new down here if you are asking that. But according to rumors the gangs are saying the VC was running guns to some of them and set them up.”

I fight the urge to react in any way. Instead, I simply say, “I wonder what kind of assholes would do something like that and why? Well, hopefully, it is just a rumor. I mean if it was real, that would make the VC more of a target.”

“Exactly, I am glad to hear you understand the kind of problem that could cause.” We reach what was once a waiting area for a boarding ramp but now is divided up with scraps of metal and wood. Many of the windows in this area have been boarded over or are just empty. I notice that there are enough bunks for my platoon here just as he tells me, “Sir, this area here will be your platoon’s personal area. Just down that hallway there is the main security office where you will have a cubicle with a desk. That is also where we have the security detention center.”

“What about the armory?”

He looks at me with surprise all over his face, “Sir, down here your troops will remain underarms at all times. That comes from the facility commander. Lieutenant, it is far too dangerous down here for your people not to be ready if we need them.”

“Ok, got it. So, who do I report to?”

“If you will follow me, sir, I will take you to the facility commander's office and introduce you to the Colonel. She works hoof in hoof with the Volunteer Corps. Also, she has been waiting for you.”

I nod my head, then I tell 1st Sergeant Bulls Eye Squall, “1st, were home, assign the troops their bunks and have them get ready to begin our assignment. I will be back in a bit.”

She nods her head, “Yes sir. Will do.” Then as I head off, she calls out, “Ok 1st squad follow me. The rest of you wait for your turns. Bring your gear.”

As I follow the volunteer further into the terminal, I notice the hallway takes a couple of twists. Finally, we come to the security office. As we enter, I notice one wall with a bank of still functioning monitors on it. When I look at the monitors, I notice many of the former shops have been reopened, but often with different products. Although I do notice what was once an old Barns and No Bells books shop looks to have a good selection. I find myself smiling though as a camera pans across one area of the terminal and I notice all the small temporary shops that have been set up, much like those in Mega Mart and Meat Locker.

The VC guide stops and asks, “Surprised?”

I shake my head, “No, not really, I do have to say I approve of the setup you have for the vendors.”

It is then that I notice another camera scan across one of the terminals and I see crops being grown inside. I turn to him and tell him, “That does surprise me.”

This time he grins, “Good. That means most others will not expect it, or target it either. It started by accident, but we thought it was a good way to provide fresh vegetables for our people here, and we do occasionally sell off the surplus. It helps to support our operations here.” He pauses, “Are you ready to continue?”

“Yes, of course. Lead on.” I tell him.

Soon we are outside an office that has a plague on its door that reads Facility Superintendent. As he opens it, I see a familiar face, the mare behind the desk is wearing a Lieutenant Colonels uniform. The last time I saw her she was still a Major and was going by the name of Sun Storm, I smile at the mare with her orange coat and fiery red and yellow mane and tail. She is still wearing sunglasses and has her pipe hanging out of the chest pocket of her uniform.

She stands up as I enter, “Welcome Lieutenant.” She turns to the VC member and tells them, “Thank you for bringing him to me, please close the door and wait outside.”

Once they are gone, she tells me, “Ball, take a seat.” Once I am seated, she sits down also, “I am glad to have you back here. Overall, your unit is to provide security for this facility, however, I also may call upon you to work the Darkside if you know what I mean.”

While I am surprised at this turn of events, I am composed enough to nod my head and tell her, “No problem, ma’am. I do have to admit, I only have one other member of my previous team with me.”

She nods her head, “I do understand that. I know the Sergeant Major is now on the battalion’s staff and I heard about the one turncoat. Also, congratulations on your marriage to Sundancer.”

I am surprised she knew about this and I guess it shows on my face as she tells me, “What, you didn’t think we would not keep tabs on our operatives now did you?”

She then looks up at me and tells me, “By the way, we have verified reports of at least three of those NCR ponies that caused you so much trouble when you were last working for me directly being back in Hoofington. They are with a trade and military delegation. I may be asking you and your people to help with that again.”

This time I grin, “Sounds good ma’am. Just tell me when and where.”


That last song was from Velvet Remedy, this is DJ Pon3 bringing you the music and news to the Wastelands. Tonight’s top story once again involves the Enclave and their continued incursions into NCR territory. There are reports of continued skirmishing between Enclave and NCR forces. One of the recent reports involves NCR forces being driven away from a previously unopened Stable. Reports are that the Stable was dead except for one pony who survived the terrible incident that killed the rest of its inhabitants.

In other news during discussions with the Enclave, the NCR has been offered to join the Enclave, but will first have to disband all military and governmental functions. The Enclave offering to take over these for them. However, it was also hinted that all non-ponies would have to either leave the said territory or be destroyed. This of course was unacceptable to both the NCR diplomats as well as the NCR leadership.

As a tip remember when traveling in the wastelands that an empty Sparkle Cola bottle can be refilled and you can use a cork or carve a stick into a stopper as an emergency canteen. So don’t just throw them away and keep the cap when you are done with them.

I am Chrome Microphone and I will be bringing you more news and tips to keep you alive after this next song, here is Open Your Eyes.

Chapter 30 Reunions

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Chapter 30 Reunions

“The purpose of life is not to be happy. It is to be useful, to be honorable, to be compassionate, to have it make some difference that you have lived and lived well.” ― Ralph Waldo Emerson

Hoofington Grand Hotel, Hoofington, Lunar Commonwealth: Ginger Snaps.

Shortly after breakfast, Papa Archer tells me, “Ginger, as security team leader I am letting you know we will be needing you to escort a group of us to Mega Mart today.”

I nod my head, and as it is official business I answer, “Ok sir, anything else we should know?”

He nods his head, “Most of the group will be staying behind today. I believe Aunt Purple mentioned preparing for the negotiations later this week. Windy, while interested wants to hit that new market at the Rainbow Dash Skyport if possible, to pick up some special equipment for 2nd Regiment.”

“Ok, that makes sense. So do you want all three of us today?”

He nods his head, “Yes, in fact, if you need to, hire a guide as well to lead us there.”

I smile, “Actually, I think we can do that well enough. It isn’t more than a few miles from here.”

He smiles ruefully at me and says quietly, “You guys got to know this area pretty well last time you were down here, didn’t you.”

Without meaning to, my face slips to resting mare face and I tell him, “Sir, I am not at liberty to tell you about any other times we may have been down here. Just know we are familiar with the area.”

He nods his head and smiles again. “Good answer kid. You make an old warhorse proud. I would like to leave in an hour.”

I look at my PipBuck and notice the time, “Sounds good. We will meet you then.” I then get up and tell Xochitl and Epona what the plans are for the day.

We have our kits on and are ready within the hour. It is then that we receive the surprise that Mama Sutures is also going with us, along with Millie and Moon Lily.

Sutures smiles and asks me, “That will not be a problem, will it?”

While I keep a straight face, I am thinking maybe having Moon with us as a backup is not a bad thing. Then I tell her, “No, that should be fine. They are old enough now to know what to do if there is trouble.”

Once we reach street level, we are to grab the carts. I notice all the adults are armed so I do not argue when Xochitl offers to pull the cart. Once he is harnessed up, Mama Sutures and the fillies climb into the back of it and we are on our way to Mega Mart. As we go I look back at Epona and see that while she has a serious expression on her face, her body language shows she is excited. She sees me looking and shrugs, to which I just nod back before returning my attention to the road and buildings ahead of us.

As we walk I notice that Ma and Badger are looking all around. Then I hear her say to him, “It looks so different from the books. Where is the Core?”

He shrugs and tells her, “I don’t really know dear, but it was over by where that big lake is when I was here last. Something big must have happened to it.”

Epona then tells them, “I heard that happened about six months after the Day of Sunshine and Rainbows. But no one could tell me just what happened. Lots of rumors and speculation.”

As we get close to Mega Mart, Papa Archer starts to notice the defenses around the perimeter and the roof of it, pointing them out to the others. Finally, when we are close enough to read the sign on the side of the building, I notice Mama Mollygirl is snickering at the words Finders Keepers.

Xochitl then tells her, “I would not laugh too much about that. I almost got into a fight last time we were here. It seems the Finders Keepers are one of the powers in the region. In fact, the pony who runs this place is a member from what I have been told.”

Smiling I tell her, “Yeah, she is about your age ma, maybe a bit younger. Her name is Bottle Cap. If we can’t find what we need we can ask her and for a finder’s fee she will help us find a source.”

After hearing me say this she replies, “So, she only finds a source, she does not necessarily provide what we need? That sounds like a racket.”

By then we are at the gate of the fence around the perimeter and I hear a familiar voice say, “Well if you can find it yourself then do so. Why should anyone else find it for free for you?”

I turn to look and see Purchase order, now wearing a battle saddle for her shotgun as well as her normal light blue vest and name tag. I also notice she looks better than the last time we saw her.

“Oh, hey Purchase Order. Good to see you again.” I call out to her.

She smiles back and then asks us, “It’s good to see you too Ginger, now if I can ask, why did you bring a pony with you who does not understand how we do business here?”

I cannot help but be embarrassed that she overheard Ma and I feel my face heat up a bit. Then I tell her, “Well she is one of my adopted mothers. She and my fathers and one of my other adopted mothers are all here to shop for equipment for the troops back home.”

Purchase Order nods her head slowly in understanding, “Ah, ok. Now I get it. Well, make sure she and the others know it cost 7 caps a pony to get in.”

After hearing the cost, Mama Mollygirl almost squawks and says, “I thought it was only 5 caps a pony?”

Purchase looks at her and explains, “Well it used to be. But we needed to up the price to pay for the repairs from the fight here. I mean it costs a lot to replace Gun as well as the turrets that were damaged. Plus, the walls. We are not even starting to think about all the merchandise that was lost. I am certain Bottlecap thanks the Goddesses that it is all sold on a consignment system here and that she does not have to purchase it all to sell it.”

In reply, ma nods her head and Papa Archer says, “That really makes sense to me.”

As we walk toward the main entrance Purchase accompanies us, even waiting while we drop the cart near the door. She talks to Epona and me the whole time. Once we are to the guards there, she tells us, “Remember Ginger, no gunfire inside the building. Gun 2 is just like the original in how it will open fire on anyone who starts gunplay inside Mega Mart.”

When she says this, I smile as I know all about Gun 2 from when Twinks and Tater worked on it last time we were here. I then tell her, “Yeah, I understand. My birth mother told me all about having seen it happen one time when we were sitting around the campfire.”

Xochitl adds, “Yeah, I remember her talking about that. She seemed pretty shaken up by it.”

Purchase looks thoughtful and then tells us, “I forgot you said your mother was here back then. I was still a foal myself. Those were some rough times back then. I ended up living in Chapel for a while after the battle for Mega Mart.”

It is about then that I notice Moon Lily has wandered off to the side. Purchase Order looks at her and asks, “Ginger, what is she doing?”

When I look over, I see Moon is finishing a hoof movement and I hear her whisper what I recognize as the last bit of blessing of the dead. Mama Mollygirl answers for me and tells her that she is giving the blessing of the dead.

I notice that Purchase goes pale as she quietly whispers, “That is not funny, my parents died over there.”

Moon Lily walks over to her and gently lays a hoof on her foreleg, telling her “I am not being funny, I felt some souls who were ready to crossover, but were afraid and did not know how or which way to go. I helped them.”

She is skeptical and as she begins to make a sarcastic remark, she hears our friend Tek coming out the door asking in his broken Equestrian, “Where are they, where is the necromancer? Tell me, I felt their magic.”

Purchase Order looks back and forth between him, Moon Lily, and the corner. She shakes her head, and quietly whispers, “Maybe it won’t be so bad to stand guard in that area anymore.” She shakes her head again and says, “I will see you later, and Epona, remember, if you ever want a date, look me up,” then she enters a side door that says employees only.

Tek on the other hoof looks at us and I see him stare at Moon Lily and shake his head. He utters something in Zebracan and before he walks off, Epona begins to talk to him in his native tongue. I almost smile as she tells him, “Good to see you again, these are my parents and siblings, my parents do not understand zebra and do not know what we did last time we were here.”

He nods with a slight smile and half-closed eyes. “Ok, I understand. And the little ones?”

She shrugs, “They are fluent, so watch what you say around them.”

Again, he nods his head and we tell him where we are staying and invite him for dinner. He nods his head and tells us, “It is good to see you again my friends. I have missed your company. It has been boring without you.”

After we shake hoofs a final time, he continues on his way. I can tell my parents are curious so I turn to Ma and tell her, “We will meet him later Ma. Epona told him to meet us for dinner at the hotel.”

She nods her head, grins a bit, then shaking her head follows Badger and the rest of us into the Mega Mart.

Once we pass through the door into the main market area, all my parents stop in their tracks and stare at the cannon hanging from the ceiling. Papa Archer starts to laugh and says out loud, “They got one on me with that one. I never would have even thought of it. Celestia, look at the size of its bore.”

From the side, Papa Badger calls out, “Hey Sutures, look over here. I found some medical instruments that look in good condition.

From behind us, I hear Millie say, “Look Moon, they got more Daring Do books. And a couple of comics!”

I look at my parents and tell them “I got the fillies Ma. Go do what you need to do.” After all, we have been here before and we are not here to shop ourselves, just to provide an escort as needed.

As we wander the aisle with my younger siblings they are nearly vibrating with excitement. Soon we are joined by Purchase Order again. This time she has her battle saddle off, but her shotgun is loose across her back.

“Hay Epona, how have you been?” she asks.

Epona is almost grinning like a cat who caught a mouse as she replies, “Much better now. How have you been doing?’

“Well, I must admit I did miss you while you were gone. I was afraid you might not come back.”

Epona’s ears slide slightly at that. Then she tells her, “Purchase, I gave you my word.”

“I know.” She pauses and asks her, “Epona, would you mind going for a walk with me for a bit?”

Xochitl and I look at each other and I tell her, “Go ahead, sis. We got Moon and Mills.”

She gives a brief kiss on the cheek to my husband and then a hug to me and tells us, “Thanks a ton. I owe you one.” Then the two of them head back outside.

As we walk, I hold Xochitl’s tail in mine with my little sisters wandering along before us. Occasionally I see them stop and look at the merchandise. I find it interesting to see what they look at compared to each other. The most common thing I notice is that they choose books. Finally, I see the photographer’s booth where we had our engagement photos taken. As we approach it, Millie excitedly asks, “Can me and Moon get a picture taking? Of just us?”

“I don’t know Mills; it is kind of expensive,” Xochitl tells her. Finally, he tells her, “We can see, ok.”

As we approach the photographer turns and sees us. He grins, “Ah, it is good to see you again. Welcome back. Would you like to do another sitting?”

Millie and Moon look a bit confused at this and I tell him, “Well, not me and my husband, but my little sisters are interested, depending on the cost of course.”

I see him think briefly and he tells them, “Young mares, normally I charge 40 caps a photo.”

I see both look very disappointed. Then Millie nods and says, “Sorry sir, we can’t afford that, but thank you for your time.”

He smiles sadly and replies, “I am sorry young mare, but with the cost of chemicals and all, I have to charge that much.”

Moon nods and tells him “We do understand sir. Thank you.”

As we continue our browsing, I feel some guilt but as we were told last night this will not be our last time here on this trip, so maybe at a later date we can do so for them.

Soon as we walk, they are giggling again as they find some other things that pique their interest instead. At one booth they are looking at some fancy jewelry when we are rejoined by Mama Sutures who has already found several tools for her and her mother's midwife business.

We are just coming to the end of an aisle when we see the Colonel, Archer, and Badger talking with Salvage Value. It is then that I take a deep breath and ask him, “Did you warn them about him?”

He shrugs, “No, I thought you would have if you felt we should have.”

“Ok, let us go talk to them.”

As we approach, we hear him talking to the Colonel, He then looks at us, “And how do you plan on getting them home?”

Smiling she replies, “Well once we get them to the railroad we can manage from there. I would be happy to pay you for your assistance in getting them that far.”

He has a look of disgust on his face at this answer It is then that Xochitl comes up along his other side laying a hoof on his shoulder and says, “Salvage Value, it's good to see you again.”

He is obviously nervous as he questions us, “That blue, she ain’t with you right now, is she?”

I cannot help but grin as I tell him, “Maybe, you know how they are, sometimes they just like to stay invisible. She is like family to us. And those ponies you are haggling with are my mother and my two fathers. Now, she may not like it if you tried to trick them out of caps.”

He begins to look around for her, and when he does not see her, he answers back, “Look I swear I was not going to try to take advantage of them. Just keep that blue away from me. Them alicorns make me nervous.”

It is shortly after he says this, that we hear Moon Lily’s disembodied voice say, “Why is that? Are you afraid we may catch you trying to cheat us?” she finishes this by laughing like Choo Choo does. At this point, we can see him become paler as he looks around franticly for her.

After this Archer turns to him and asks, “Ok, now why are you so nervous?”

“I, I am not. I, I just don’t trust Alicorns, ever since a few years back. They are dangerous, pardon my honesty ma’am,” he says as he nods in the direction, we heard Moon’s voice coming from.

Before much longer Sutures comes around the corner with Millie and Moon Lily. Moon is whistling and trying to look like she is innocent and I have to fight the urge to facehoof as she seems to be so like her Great Grandmother in her behavior when she is up to something.

Archer then asks, “Ok Salvage Value, all I want to know right now is do you have any artillery pieces readily available? If they are in decent enough condition to use, I will pay you more for them. If you have a spare gun or two that are not functional, but that I can scrap to get the others running, I will even consider purchasing them, at what we both consider a fair price mind you.”

Salvage Value grimaces some before he answers, “Ok, I may be able to get a couple of them here by tomorrow. How about you meet me here when the place opens and I will show you them.”

Archer nods his head and tells him, “That is agreeable to me. I will see you then.”

The merchant then asks, “Well how about a holding deposit then?”

That is when I see Papa Archer finally show he is starting to have his patience tested as he sighs while turning around and tells him, “To be honest, I would have earlier, but after hearing how nervous you are about one of my wives Great Grandmother being able to find out you cheated us, you are lucky I am not going to the local head of the Finders Keepers to have your membership revoked. Sir, please understand I am a gentlecolt because I choose to be, not because I have to. I have killed much bigger and tougher than you with my bare hooves.”

When he hears this Salvage Value visibly gulps.

The Colonel turns to look at him and simply queries him, “Serenity Valley?”

Those of us who were there all nod our heads in understanding and we leave. As we go Archer tells him, “I will see you then Salvage.”

He nervously nods his head back and I hear him reply, “Yes sir. I will see you then.”

Once we reach the cart. Papa Archer harnesses up as the fillies climb into the back with all the merchandise that was purchased today. I must smile as Epona tells Purchase Orders, “I will see you tomorrow, ok?”

Purchase smiles back at her and tells her, “I look forward to it.”

As we head back Epona tells me, “Sis, I took your advice. She will be joining us for dinner as soon as she can. Thanks.”

I smile as warmly as I feel for her happiness and tell her, “I am glad to hear it Sis. She is a nice mare.”


Hoofington Grand Hotel, Hoofington, Lunar Commonwealth: Xochitl

The morning after our trip to Mega Mart we escort Archer and Badger as we receive the new artillery pieces and transport them to the train station for shipping. Overall, it goes with few problems. Although I notice Salvage Value keeps looking around, I assume trying to see if Choo Choo is around. She must have really spooked him.

That afternoon we are escorting a delegation of both lieutenant colonels and the civilian delegation to the Collegiate. For this, we will be wearing our black barding and matching hats. It is as we are getting ready that Windy and the Colonel discuss visiting the Rainbow Dash Skyport's new Exchange soon.

The Colonel is dressed in her uniform with full weapons including her battlesaddle when I hear Purple Haze tells her, “Really Colonel, perhaps you should only take the pistol and saber.”

From the other room Purchase Order adds to the conversation, “Honestly Miss Haze, it is probably best for her as a military leader here, to come fully armed and with an escort. It lends credence to her authority.”

This seems to have settled that. Then Ginger’s little sister Moon Lily asks if she can go with us. We must tell her no, but we explain it in a manner that I do believe soothes her ego while letting her know we do understand how much power she has.

Finally, we are ready and begin to head out. As we make our way down the streets of Hoofington to the old university, I am on point. Ginger is directly alongside the delegates and Epona has drag. As is our normal routine when traveling through this area we are on the lookout for any trouble. I smile to myself as I know that the Mayhems Mares and the Broken Clock’s territory is not close. But there is always the chance for a surprise here and there.

Once we reach the University, I see Epona smile and wave back to one of the farmers who is tending the plots there, as we are led by one of their security ponies to the Chancellor's Building. Once there we are led to an antechamber to wait.

As the delegates and military officers take their seats to wait, Purple Haze tells us, “Remember to wait here while we are inside. This is only our first meeting with them so it should not take more than a couple of hours.

I shrug and nod in response, as it is about what I had expected. Ginger replies to her, “Yes ma’am. We understand.”

They are only in there for a couple of hours while we stand outside the door. As we wait, I see Epona looking out the window and ask her, “Good to be back?”

She smirks, “Yeah, it is. I was just noticing that it looks like they took some of my advice from the last time I talked with them about their crops. I see them using the three sisters’ method of growing food as well as when we were crossing the common area, I saw a wagon with material to rebuild their soil.”

“I noticed that too. Not the most pleasant smell but it will help them in the long run.” Ginger tells her. We maintain our bearing while we wait, but we also chat a bit back and forth.

Once the delegation is ready to leave, as a group we head back downstairs. I lead the way behind the security pony and as I go out the door, I see the Volunteer Corps office is still open. However, I notice that they have a new wagon in front of it and that I do not recognize any of those around it.

It is while we are on our way back to the hotel that we have our first run-in with any of the old gangs we ran into before. Epona notices them first and uses her ears to signal Ginger and me. I must grin when I see that they are wearing old worn-out firefighters’ coats and are carrying what appear to be modified flame throwers.

As the first one steps out of the doorways and sprays flames across in front of us to get us to stop. Another one calls out, “Now that we have your attention, give us what you got.”

Both Ginger and I begin laughing as the Colonel simply asks, “Really?”

Epona next calls to them, “Hey Tinder, Hey Kindling, are you saying we can play again?”

That is when we hear one of them asks, “Ah shit, where is Big Blue?”

Ginger grins and sweetly replies, “She is not with us today, or maybe she is behind you. You know how she is.”

I notice it was Flameover who cussed as he looks around nervously, Then Kindling calls back “Yeah, we know how she is, that is what has us worried. I guess you can go, next time, let us know you are in town will ya? We still owe you for teaching us how to make those Fuel-Air bombs. Mare those are impressive.”

I nod my head and laugh lightly as I tell him, “Yes, and they are only a few of the tricks of the trade. Now, aren’t you glad you worked with us last time we came through here?”

The Burner Boys look at each other and they nod their heads. "Yeah, you were fun to work with. I still want to meet the pony that taught you how to make them things,” Kindling says.

This gets me to grin and I tell him, “Well he is stationed back home in Manesville in the NCR, so sorry. But he learned a lot of those tricks from some ghoul buddies of his.”

We find ourselves bantering back and forth for a bit then finally Tinder tells us, “Ya go on through. Seriously Chotil, Gin, and Pona let us know when you are here. It avoids such misunderstandings.”

Ginger responds to him, “Ok, we will keep that in mind. Oh, and if Big Blue has a job for ya sometime, would you be up for it?”

The gang members look at each other, then Tinder answers, “Possibly, as long as it does not cause us and the gang a problem with the LC heads. Don’t need the Reapers, the Zodiacs, or even the Brood coming down on us.”

Ginger nods her head with a serious expression on her face. “Tinder, that sounds good and makes sense. Oh, just so you know we will be in town for a while, if you see any of us, or those with us, I am not asking you to give them a hoof, but how about not giving us grief either.”

They look at each other and Kindling says, “Deal, we will pass the word with the others. Just keep Big Blue away from us.”

Ginger still grinning tells him, “Ok, sounds good. See you around, and try to keep out of trouble.”

That is when one of them says, “Ah, but where is the fun in that.”

We all wave to each other and are then on our way again. As we continue, I hear the Colonel whisper to one of the others, “Just what were they up to down here last time.”

I hear Purple Haze answer back, “Honestly Moll, I do not think we want to know. But I bet it is an interesting story.”

Once we arrive back at the hotel we are met in the lobby by Badger and Magpie. As she steps forward, she holds out a letter and tells Purple Haze, “Ma’am a few hours ago we received a message from the First Citizen out in Elysium.” She then hooves it to Purple who opens it and reads it silently.

When Purple is finished with it, I see her eyebrow has gone up and she grins as she says, “Ok, we all have an initial meeting in three days. At Elysium.”

As she says this, I see Badger cringe slightly. I do not know if the others notice it, but I do and I understand it all too well. I too cringed slightly when I heard that.

Then after he is asked if he is ok by the Colonel, I hear him say, “Yeah, it is just the last time I was there, was the day I received the scars on my back and decided to make a run for it.” He is silent briefly then he continues, “It is just hard going back there, but you know how that is.”

That night as we relax, I am on the balcony looking out over the city when Magpie leans on it next to me, “Thanks Xochitl for helping us set up the meeting. In part, it is so we can meet Badger’s mother.”

“Your welcome Mother Magpie,” I tell her.

Then she puts a hoof on my shoulder and asks, “I saw you cringe a bit today when you heard we were going there, can I ask why?”

I find myself looking down and a feeling of shame comes over me briefly. Then I tell her, “Because I know what it means to him to go back there. It would be the same as the farm my family escaped from.”

She puts a hoof over her muzzle in horror. Then she asks, “It is not that bad still, is it?”

I smile sadly, “No Mother Magpie, it is not. It has changed a lot according to those who live there now. But the pain of the memories will still be associated with it. Perhaps this will help relieve some of his pain.”

She smiles sadly, “I hope so dear. And thank you for sharing that with me. I never thought of that before. If you do not mind, I will share those thoughts with Sumac, so she can be ready for him as well.”

“I think that would be best, and again, you are welcome,” I tell her and after she goes inside, I stay out until the sun begins to set. That is when I think I see them. I see a white form flying in the sky and I smile as I wonder how the batponies are doing. Well, the way this trip is going so far, I am sure we will meet up with them before too long.


Foal Mountain, Ministry of Peace Supply Depot, NCR Territory: Choo Choo

As we go further into the tunnel, I notice by using the Eyes Forward Sparkle on my PipBuck that all the defense turrets are off or they do not consider us hostile. This makes me wonder what is going on.

Soon ahead of us, we can see a large door that is half open. We slide through it as a team followed by the Trouble Shooters. As I slide around the door I almost run into Sunny as I hear him say, “My goddesses Boss. Look at all those self-propelled carriages and wagons.”

I am stunned myself as I look at the large cavern of them all sitting there covered with dust. As we get closer, I notice many of them have markings for the Equestrian army. Some are private vehicles, but most are marked for the Ministry of Peace. There must be nearly a hundred of them in here. Over my radio set, I hear Mort asks, “Choo, what is up with all of these vehicles?”

I think briefly before replying, “Mort, I think these have all been here since the Last Day. We may have live company ahead.”

I hear several of my team members squawk as well as Mort then he asks, “You serious Big Blue?”

“Affirmative Mort. This feels like a first contact situation to me.”

As we pass through the vehicles, I suddenly feel a tugging on my barding. I look down and see Twinks pointing up ahead of us as she says, “Boss, will you look at that?” As she tells me this I am looking to our left and see a large maintenance area with several security bots either being charged or repaired by several Mister Hoovsies. At the tone of her voice, I turn my head and look ahead to where she is pointing.

As I look ahead, I am stunned to see a stable-style door only a few vehicle lengths ahead of us. However, instead of the typical number molded onto it, I see the symbol for the Ministry of Peace.

Beside me, I hear Mort asks, “What the?”

From my other side Twinks says, “OHHH, I think I can get this.”

As she trots up to a control panel off to the side. I watch as she types in a couple of passwords first, both of which fail. Then I see her grin and hear her mumble, “I knew my interest in the ministry mares would pay off.” Then I watch as she taps in a final pass word and steps back grinning as we hear a groaning of the door and it soon begins to retract and roll to the side.

A walking platform advances from behind the doorway and across the threshold. When it stops, I tell Mort, “Let me go first.” His eyes wide open and his ears forward he only nods his head in agreement.

I notice that all the turrets are tracking us from inside of the entryway. I also see blurs of movement in the shadows and when I bring up my EFS I see several flickering yellow dots ahead of me.

I hold up my one forehoof and tell the others, “Stay here.” And I cross the threshold. I slowly walk forward, the bit of my battle saddle stowed. Once there I use my best Luna impression voice and say, “I come peacefully, show yourselves.”

At first, nothing happens. Then shortly afterward I see five ponies flicker then fully appear before me. Two are earthponies and the other three are unicorns. They are all wearing Ministry of Peace barding, but it also has a tag on it that states that they are security. Each of them is armed with either a pistol, shotgun, or submachine gun.

The eldest of them is a unicorn mare who has her gray mane tied in a braid that hangs down from the back of her helmet and along her neck. When asked this, she replies, “I am Terra Amare. I am in charge of this team. Who are you and what do you want?”

I smile and nod in her direction as I have seen Luna do both on the television and now in person. Then I tell her, “I am Choo Choo, I was sent to prevent members of the Grand Pegasus Enclave from taking over this facility. However, we did not know it was occupied still, so we are also here to make contact with your leadership.”

She looks surprised at this and asks, “What is this Grand Pegasus Enclave? Are you with the Equestrian Government?” she hesitates and asks, “Princess?”

I shake my head negatively as I tell her, “I am not a princess, though I have met them and received their blessings, they were not of our reality.” I pause when I see the confused look on her face and tell her, “I will explain more about that later. But I would like to answer your other questions first.”

She nods her head and cautiously says, “Ok.”

“Terra Amare, the Equestrian Government ceased to exist after the Last Day. It was during these death throughs that the Grand Pegasus Enclave was born. The Pegasi that survived the initial attacks closed the skies and left those of us below under constant cloud cover for about two hundred years.”

I hear several members of her staff gasp. Then she asks, “Did the princesses survive? After we lost contact with the outside world, we waited for contact from them.”

I shake my head, “In this universe, no, they did not survive.”

She looks at me funny and tells me, “Perhaps you should come with me to see the director.”

I nod, “That sounds logical. What about the rest of the ponies on my team.”

She shrugs, “Have them come in here and wait for you. Please have them stand easy with their weapons though as we do not want any accidental misunderstandings.”

I call on the radio, “Twinks, Mort, bring them in.”

As they come into the light, I see a bit of a surprise on the security ponies' faces when they see Cowlick. Then I hear one of them say, “So the cattle survived too.”

I nod my head, “Yes, some did. Most who were not in a stable, well, they are now the cousins of the cattle and are known as brahmin.”

Behind me, I hear one of Mort’s team members say, “You mean he is how they are supposed to look?”

I chuckle lightly at this, then I hear Cowlick say indignantly, “I keep trying to tell you that.”

“Well, you are the only one-headed, hairy brahmin we ever saw.”

Soon they have settled down and I am led by the security team leader and another escort past the main entrance of the facility and follow them through some winding corridors before we come to an elevator.

The security lead pony tells me, “Please get on the elevator. Once the doors open you will be met by another section chief who will take you to see the director.”

I nod my head and tell her, “Thank you for your time.”

She shrugs and tells me, “No problem, ma’am.” She pauses then asks, “Just curious, what did you do before you were changed?”

I smile as she knows the truth about my kind already, so I tell her, “At one time I was a train engineer. I still miss it occasionally. Why?”

She smiles, “Well since you went through the effort of marking yourself with Luna’s cutie mark and then adding to it. I figured it was something along those lines.”

I slowly shake my head, “My good mare, I have to say, that this is actually real. My original one was just the locomotive. However, I recently had the opportunity to, let us say, make some travels abroad and I regained my cutie mark and added to it.”

She seems stunned, “You mean it is real?”

“Yes, it is. And I have not had it for long, but I am very pleased with what I was doing and who I was with when I gained it.”

“If I had time, I would like to hear it.” She tells me.

I smile, “If I could tell you, I would.”

She nods in understanding as the elevator door closes between us. The elevator ride takes longer than I had expected it to. Finally, it stops moving and the doors open. As I come out, I enter another hallway and am met by a light green unicorn stallion wearing a black business suit. I also notice his yellow mane, while kept short is well groomed. Beside him are two more security ponies. Both in formal police attire, such as that used before the war.

I feel like shaking my head as it is not what I was expecting. He holds out a hoof and tells me, “It is not often we get royalty here milady. Welcome on the behalf of our director. Please follow me.”

As we walk down the hallway, I notice how much it looks like a prewar office building rather than one of the underground bases or the stables I have been into. There is an entirely different feeling here, that I just cannot explain.

Soon ahead of us, I see what looks like a tunnel between buildings with windows in it. As we pass through it, I look out the window and I am stunned. It looks like a brightly lit city below us. Housed in a gigantic cavern. I say nothing but I do nod my head toward it.

“Most impressive, isn’t it princess.”

“Yes, quite impressive. How many ponies do you have here?”

This time he grins as I see a pegasus and a griffon go flying by the window. “Well, your highness, we currently have over one thousand beings living here.”

Again, I am impressed. “SO, what exactly was the purpose of this facility?” I ask.

About this time, we are coming to a door with a plague on it that states, Facility Director. He turns to me and with a serious expression and demeanor tells me, “Please go inside, the director will discuss that with you.”

As I enter the office, I see behind a large wooden desk a rather petite pegasus mare. Her mane and tail are both pink and her coat, what I can see of it from under her medical coat is an orange color. As She looks up from the computer terminal that is on her desk and then stands up I notice how she has a heavy overbite.

She steps around the desk and bows to me and greets me, “Your Highness, thank you for coming to visit us. How can I help you today?”

“Before I answer that, two things, first, what is your name? Second, I am not a princess. Though I have met them and have received their blessings.”

She seems flustered, “How can you not be a princess, you are an alicorn with a true cutie mark. I even heard one of your team leaders calling you princess on our microphones.”

I smile, “Mort just calls me that. However, I was once a unicorn who was transformed into what you see before you. However, I did lack my cutie mark.”

She turns her head as she asks, “Who are you?”

I sigh, “As I have said earlier to my escorts, I am Choo Choo. I work indirectly for the New Canterlot Republic. We did not know that this facility was occupied still when I was sent here. However, now that we know so, I am here to make an informal contact with you, and see about setting up a formal diplomatic meeting between your facility and the NCR government.”

“I see, and what will that government want from us?”

I shrug, “Honestly, it depends on what you have to offer.” In the back of my mind, I am shaking my head and wishing that Purple Haze was here as well as Ginger or Twinks. I ask again, “What is your name, Madam Director? Or do I have to use a memory spell to get it out of you?”

She smirks as she tells me, “Ha, your kind cannot do that.”

I grin evilly back at her, “Oh, but I have been trained in the ways of the Pinks. If you do not know who they are, I will elaborate, then demonstrate. I am being nice because I want to, not because I must.”

Finally, she looks at me and tells me, “Fine, my name if you must know, is Spiral Notepad.”

The name rings a bell for me. I step back and look at her more closely, then I ask her, “Is that a family name?”

She shakes her head and replies, “No, it is not. Why?”

I think to myself the only pony I met with that name before was at the cons before the war went bad. She sees me smiling and asks, “Why, what is so funny.”

I then tell her, “You probably would not understand. I just had a friend who had your name that would attend the cons and come dressed as Daring Do.”

I see her stumble back somewhat. She looks at me more closely and asks cautiously, “Choo Choo? Really Choo Choo from the cons?”

I nod my head, “Yes Spiral, it’s me,'" I pause then asks, "But how? You look the same?”

It is then that I hear a loud humming that is now becoming familiar to me. My eyes open wide and I ask her, “You have a doorway here?”

She looks at me confused and this time I ask, “You have a portable portal?”

“How the buck do you know what one is, much less how they sound?

“I have not only seen one, but I have been through it. That is where I got my cutie mark back, on the other side of the Doorway.”

She waves towards a chair and as she goes to sit down, she says, “Choo, please take a seat, I think we really do need to talk.”

I slowly nod my head, “Yes Spiral, I think we do.”

Once I am seated, she laughs lightly and tells me, “Sorry about laughing, but back when we were cosplaying I never expected you to take it, how shall I say this, quit so far.”

I chuckle back, “Yes, I never expected this either. I became a blue on the last day. Now, how about you, did you use a cryo-pod or something?”

I see her head tilt again as if she is examining a surprising specimen. She then asks, “So you know about those as well.?”

I nod my head, and she asks, “How, may I ask?”

So, I explain to her about our recent visit to the former mega spell launch facility at New Gallop. To this she slowly nods her head, “That makes sense, and yes in part, that is why I look this young. The other part is explained by the Doorway as you call it.”

This time I am surprised and ask her, “How does that explain it?”

She sighs and tells me, “We were testing it and I was one of the researchers to go through with a team. The portal closed behind us and we tried to open it for an hour. Once it was open again and we came back, we found out that over one hundred years had passed on this side.”

“So, what was it like on that timeline?”

“Choo, it was pre-Celestial. Literally, we observed the three tribes still fighting each other.”

“My Goddesses,” I say to myself, then I ask, “Have you visited many other timelines?”

She nods her head, “Yes in fact we have had a few visitors as well. A couple did not go so well. In fact, I have a team right now that was captured when they went through. The passage of time is almost on par with this one, so it is safe in that manner. However, I would not want to be stuck over there.”

I nod my head. “I am sorry to hear about your team.”

She looks down briefly and asks, “Choo, most of us here are researchers; scientists. We are not cut out for combat. We saw how you and your medic treated your wounded enemies, so, along with my having known you in the past, I trust you more than I normally would. Choo, could you lead a team to go through and bring my ponies back?”

I nod my head, “I think we can. Bring my people down and we will, but it will be for a fee.”

She looks at me with surprise and a bit of disgust, “I never expected you to be mercenary Choo.”

“I am sorry, but for a dangerous job like this, we will need to be paid. We can discuss a fee and what you can afford once you have my people down here Spiral.”

I hear her sigh, “Ok, I will do it.”

As she calls for her security head over an intercom. I call Twinks and tell her, “Twinks you and the team are not going to believe this. Tell Mort about the doorway and tell him we are going to go through one.”


Rainbow Dash Skyport. Enclave Territory: Ball Lightning

As I wake up, I can hear the sounds of the merchants beginning to arrive at the Skyport for the day. Yep, another here for me and my troops. Soon I hear my people starting to roust the next section to go on watch. It is during this I begin to smell the first scent of food cooking for breakfast.

I look at my watch and shake my head. Almost time to get up. Thank the Goddesses I was smart enough to drink lots of water last night before I went to bed. The last thing I need is a hangover on duty. But at least it helped me to not have that dream again last night.

Lately, I have been having the dream of seeing my mother again. It is like it is a repressed memory from when I was wounded, and in the hospital, last time. I wish I had someone I could talk to about it, but sadly I do not even know if I could tell Sundancer.

As I finish putting on my uniform the orderly for the facility commander approaches me. He quickly tells me, “Sir, after you finish your breakfast, the Colonel would like to meet with you.”

I nod in confirmation and tell him, “Very well. Tell him I will be there as soon as I am done with breakfast.”

“Yes sir,” he replies as he salutes me and quickly departs.

After a quick breakfast fortified by hot black coffee, I head straight to the Colonel’s Office. Just before I enter, I make sure my uniform is proper and adjust it slightly. Then I knock and enter.

“Good, I am glad you took the time for a good breakfast before you came here. I just wanted to give you an update. We have received word that the representatives from the NCR that have been going around are planning a shopping expedition here in the next couple of days. No matter who is part of that party, you are not to interfere with them. I do not care if they are dashites, you will not stop them or try to arrest them unless they are in process of committing a crime.”

I feel myself raise an eyebrow at this. “May I ask why ma’am?”

She smirks and asks me, “Do I, of all ponies, have to explain that to you?”

I find myself laughing, “No ma’am. You don’t.”

“Good just goes to show you are as intelligent as we thought you were. Now, if they do show up, if you get the opportunity to talk with them, I want you to do so. Build up a friendly business relationship per se, you know something we can work with at a later time.”

I nod my head, “Got it. Any idea where in the NCR these ponies come from?”

She smiles at me, “Yes, in fact from the reports we have been given, they come from Manesville. I do believe you are familiar with that region?”

I feel myself blush and my ears go down to the side. This time her eyebrow goes up and she tells me, “I will take that as a yes.”

“Yes, I have met some ponies from there in the line of duty, but I am not free to talk about it.”

She tilts her head as she nods, “OK, well said. Well, you know what I want. Also, let your 1st Sergeant know as well. Got it?”

“Yes ma’am. I am already on it.”

“Good, now please close the door on your way-out Lieutenant.”

As I walk back towards my office I stop briefly at the banks of screens for the cameras. I watch them for a while then I notice some familiar youngsters on it. They have a small cart behind one of them and are just reaching the main terminal. I then think to myself. Perhaps I should say hello and see how they are doing.

As I begin to head in that direction, I hear my 1st Sergeant call my name. I turn to her and ask, “What do you have for me, top?”

She has a clipboard in front of her, “Just the usual sir. Watch reports to be signed. A letter from your wife, a report on a fight between two of our guards after hours, you know the usual.”

I catch myself smiling, “The usual, eh? OK, anything else?”

“No, not really, it has been a fairly quiet night it seems and hopefully will be a quiet day as well. So where are you heading sir?”

I smile as I tell her, “Just going to take a walk through the main vendors' hall.”

Walking alongside me she asks, “Any particular reason sir?”

This time I nod my head and smile. “Yes. I just saw a group of orphans I had escorted to the VC office a while back coming toward the terminal on the cameras. So, I figured I would go see how they are doing.”

She suddenly looks concerned. “Sir, you aren’t going native, are you?”

I shake my head, “No First, I am not. But if we want to improve our situation down here, we need to win their hearts and minds, not just have them fear us.”

She still looks skeptical as she answers non-committedly, “If you say so, sir.”

She continues to talk with me about our paperwork as I continue on my way. Soon I am passing one of my favorite scrap vendors. I wave a wing to her as I walk by and call out to the middle-aged gray and white mare, “Good morning Alizée, I hope all is well today?”

She simply shrugs her wings and calmly calls back, “We will see what the day shall bring, eh Lieutenant?”

“That we will. I stop briefly and ask her, “Are you looking for any particular scrap today?”

She again shrugs and tells me, “I will trade what I can. This week has been ok, but I could use a few more magical tools and electronics if you see any coming in.”

I smile at her and tell her, “I will send them your way if I do.”

“Thank you very much, sir. Stop by for tea later if you would like, I have a few items that came in late yesterday I would like your opinion on.”

“I will do that,” I tell her, then I continue along my way.

Once out of earshot, I hear Bulls Eye Squall quietly say, “She wants more than your opinion if you ask me, sir.”

I chuckle lightly, “Top, if she wants that, she is too late. I am a married stallion now.”

“Sir, that doesn’t stop a lot of them.”

“No, it does not. But Top, it stops me.”’

We are just entering the main entrance of the gallery as the group of rough-looking foals and a griffon enter. The Griffon holds the door open for the others, as she looks ahead. The large colt they called Scout is pulling the cart behind him.

As I approach, I smile and I see them all look nervous. Then I say to them, “Good Morning, how are you doing today?”

They stop in their tracks and I see the fear flash in their eyes. Then Scout stands as tall as he can. “OK sir, but is there a reason you stopped us? We haven’t done anything wrong, have we?”

I smile at him, which makes him cringe slightly, and makes me wonder what these kids have been through. Then I tell him, “No, you have done nothing wrong, I just recognize all of you and wanted to say hello.”

The griffon looks me up and down cautiously and says, “You have us at a disadvantage did we meet before?”

I nod my head, “Yes, a while back my squad and I caught you sneaking onto the base, I vouched for you with the VC that night.”

I watch as they all visibly relax, but I notice Bulls Eye Squall is surprised. Then I hear the little pegasus filly who was with them that night excitedly say, “Oh thank you, mister, you saved our lives that night.”

Bulls Eye then asks, “Why because he kept his squad from killing you?”

They all look surprised at that and the young filly says shyly, “No, because we were starving and cold. We had nothing left. He got us warm, some food, and blankets. He helped us survive.”

Scout then asks, “You were the officer in the power armor, I guess? Cause I don’t recognize you.”

Again, I nod my head, “Yes, I was. I had hoped you all were doing well son, and I am glad to see you here. But I have kept you from trading long enough, please let’s talk as we walk.”

I feel my heart warm as the little pegasus filly smiles at us and we continue to walk. I next ask, “do you come here often?”

Scout nods his head, “Whenever we have a cartload, we do.”

I nod my head, then I ask, “Do you ever stop at any of the Finder’s trading posts?”

He nods his head, “Chapel occasionally, we can’t afford Mega Mart. We don’t need anything they have or want to give us at Paradise.”

I nod my head, “What about that stable with the Applejack Rangers?”

He shakes his head, “Too far. Too many gangs. We would lose more of us.”

I nod my head, “You are wise to consider that.” I pause, “May I ask what you have today for trade, I may be able to guide you to some of the better traders.”

“We got a couple of guns and bullets we found, we found a robotic wing, plus we found several boxes of food and some electronics.”

The mention of electronics gets my attention. I then ask, “Do you have any particular merchants you deal with?”

He nods his head, “Usually we deal with Two Caps. But we also deal with a few others, why?”

“Have you ever dealt with Alizée?”

He shakes his head and looks down, “No, we haven’t she has better stuff than we find.”

“Well, I know she is looking for magical testers and electronics, so, how about I introduce you to her?”

He stops in his tracks and asks, “You would do that for us? Really?” then he cynically asks, “What do you want for us to do that?”

I stop and quietly tell him, “To grow up and be good people.”

“Why are you doing this?” the griffon asks.

“Because I remember losing my mother when I was young and others found me and took me to the hospital my father was recovering in. I remember what it felt like to feel like I lost everything and to have someone help me have hope again.”

They all seem lost in their thoughts and really do not say much as we arrive at Alizée”s shop.

As we pull up in front of the old Skyport shop that she now uses as her store, Alizée steps out. “What do you have here Lieutenant?” she asks.

“My friend, I would like to introduce to you a group of young scavengers who might have some of what you are looking for, and they may be able to find more of what you are looking for if you tell them what you want.”

She nods her head to me and then tells them, “Well if you are friends of the Lieutenants, then you are friends of mine. Now you, the big guy, please take off the cart and introduce me to you and your friends here. Then you can show me what you have, and I can tell you what I am looking for, and why.”

I smile as she begins to learn their names. I notice that Bulls Eye Squall is still standing next to me. I see her raise an eyebrow as she looks at what is happening and quietly asks, “Hearts and minds sir?” As she asks this, I notice the young pegasus filly they call Little Bit looking at me with a smile and hope in her eyes.

“Top, sometimes we have to play the long game.”


Good evening to all of you HOOF listeners, this is Chromed Microphone coming to you once again. You have just heard four in a row and that last song was an oldie but a goody by Countess Coloratura.

Just a reminder that in addition to our three Finder’s locations for trading the Enclave has fully opened the Rainbow Dash Skyport terminal for all your buying and trading needs.

Also, for those listeners who are ghouls, a new shipment of Aqua Pura has arrived and is available at Meat Locker.

As a public service announcement from the Collegiate, remember that we are starting to come into the Radscorpian breeding season, try to avoid their breeding grounds if possible as they are extra aggressive during this time of year.

Now for another four in a row, we are starting off with Desert of Wishes

Chapter 31: Not Backing Down

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Chapter 31: Not Backing Down

"Just because someone doesn’t like to fight doesn’t mean they can’t.”

— Methos, Highlander: The Series

Hoofington Grand Hotel, Lunar Commonwealth: Ginger Snaps.

The entire floor of the hotel is a beehive of activity it seems as we get ready for first, breakfast, then our first meeting with the leadership of the Society, and by extension, the probable meeting with Papa Badger’s birth family.

From the other room, I can hear our parents telling our younger siblings to hurry up. Because we are going to the Society as the official escorts for the delegation, we once again don our black uniforms.

I am coming out of our room after getting dressed and kitted out when I overhear my husband quietly saying, “It is ok Father Badger. I do understand what it is like. But it has changed.”

“I know son, it, it is just hard to deal with is all. But thank you for understanding. You probably are the only one of this entire delegation who does.”

Soon after this, our entire entourage is on their way. Our travel there is uneventful, however, once we get there, we are stopped by the gate guards. I recognize one of them and he discreetly flicks an ear at me in acknowledgment. Before any of our team can say something, Aunt Haze steps up and presents the letter of invitation from the First Citizen.

The guard takes the letter and envelope from her and reads them. I notice his lips moving as he reads it and think, well at least he can read. He finally looks up and says, “Hold on a minute while I call my superiors.”

As he uses those words, I sense the shift in Papa Badger’s attitude as his eyes begin to half close and his ears begin to go back. I am still scanning around, but I notice Mama Sumac putting a hoof on his side.

Then Bucky asks, “Hey Dad, what’s wrong?”

Badger sighs as his ears begin to go forward again. He then tells him, “Sorry son, just some bad memories from when I was a foal here.”

“Dad, you lived here as a foal?” Shadowbuck asks with a stunned tone of voice.

I do not hear his reply but I see the stallion Xochitl had talked to on the train approaching us with two more security guards. They stop in front of all of us and the older gray stallion says, “Welcome to Elysium, the hub of the Society and its farms.” He looks at all of us and then adds, “It is very nice to see all of you again,” He pauses and sees Raven and adds, “Especially you young mare.”

Raven the attention sponge she is, practically beams at him and she curtsies and she tells him, “Thank you, sir.”

He quickly looks at his pastern watch and tells all of us, “Ah, we need to hurry so we are not late for tea. Please, everypony follow me.”

I must smile to myself though as we go in as I notice Rain Dancer while flying low, has his tail hanging low enough it can wrap with Millie’s.

As we continue Upper Crust continues talking, primarily to Badger. As he does this, I notice Purple Haze at first is irritated by this, but then her irritation changes to curiosity. Myself, I am just keeping an eye out for trouble and making sure our group stays caught up.

“So, Badger, after our conversation on the train the other day I decided that I needed to make some inquiries for you concerning your mother. I do hope you do not mind?” The stallion asks him.

Papa Badger seems slightly irritated and just shakes his head and replies, “No, not at all. I am just surprised that you took such an interest in me is all.”

I hear the smile in Upper Crust's voice as he tells someone, “Well, I had heard a version of this tale many years ago from my wife. She once had a son named Honey Badger who ran away and she never knew what happened to him.” He pauses and takes a quick side look at Badger and then adds, “My wife’s name is Honeysuckle. That would not have happened to have been your mother’s name, would it?”

Papa Badger stops dead in his tracks, as do I and a couple of others. He stares at the stallion briefly and he answers in a hoarse voice, “Yeah, that was mom’s real name.”

The stallion then asks gently, “So you really are Honey?”

To which he slowly nods his head. I am stunned to find out my adopted father’s real name is Honey Badger and not just Badger, and by looking at many of those with us, I am not the only one. Finally, Papa Badger says, “Is, is she here? Can I see her? I want her to meet her daughters-in-law and our children.”

Upper Crust smiles and tells us, “She will be at the luncheon as will be your brother, Honeycreeper.”

Papa Badger has a tear in his eye which he quickly wipes away as he says, “I really would like that.”

Smiling, Upper Crust responds, “Ok, then,” as we enter the doors to a long chamber that is fancily decorated, he says, “They are waiting in the day room. We will meet them there and have lunch. After lunch, the First Citizen will meet with Purple Haze and her contingent. He pauses and turns to look at Purple and tells her, “Please forgive us for having everyone attend, but it was my idea so that my family could be reunited.”

Aunt Purple smiles as she tells him, “No sir, I understand entirely, as I am related indirectly to them so they are my family as well.”

We enter the day room, and I quickly scan it. Off to one side is a mare in a wheelchair with a ghoul servant that she is talking to. But in front of us is a mare that is about 10 years older than Mama Sumac. She has a gray coat as well as a brilliant yellow mane and tail. I quickly notice the Honeysuckle flower on her flank and I see both her and my Papa Badger tear up as they slowly approach each other. Finally, she sits down and holds out her forehooves, and says, “Honey Badger, my little colt, you have grown up.” Beside me, I hear my husband sniffle slightly and smile sadly at them.

Badger slowly and carefully hugs her back. I see him draw in her scent and she, his. Then I hear him say, “Mom, it has been so long. I am so sorry.”

From the side, we can see another stallion who is a couple of years younger than Badger, with an off-white coat and orange mane and tail, say, “So this is really him Ma?”

She nods her head as she continues to hug her long-lost son. “Yes Honeycreeper, this is your long-lost brother. He has come home.”

Once the hug has ended Badger tells her, “Ma, first I want to introduce you to my spouses.”

Next, all of my and Epona’s younger siblings begin to step forward and I hear Woodrow say, “Grandma, it is so nice to actually meet you.” She is soon mobbed by the rest as they all come forward for a hug from a grandmother who had just re-found her family.

When I get my chance to finally introduce myself and Xochitl she smiles and tells me, “It is good to see you two again. You know, that day I never imagined you were family.”

I grin back at her as I tell her, “You know what, neither did I, But I am glad to find out it is so.”

My team enjoys lunch with them. But after it is finished, as they continue to visit, we follow Aunt Purple and her people during their meeting with the 1st Citizen.

Toward the end of the meeting, Aunt Purple is invited for a private meeting on the back porch of the mansion. As her party’s escorts the three of us are allowed to stand far enough away that we cannot hear what is being said, but close enough that we can protect both. Our numbers during this are bolstered by two more of the First Citizen’s own private guards as well.

I can tell when one of them recognizes us as their eyes go wide briefly but they say nothing. Though they do briefly acknowledge us with a quick nod.

After the meeting is done, we return to the main hall where the rest of the delegation is at. As we enter, I see Honeysuckle has all my siblings as well as Windy’s son, and Millie’s special somepony Rain Dancer sitting collectively around her. As she and Badger exchange stories.

While Badger and the family continue to visit, Purple Haze and several of the others are led on a tour of the flower gardens. As they are asked, I notice my little brother Woodrow’s ears pop up and he looks like he wants to go too. Before he can say anything, I hear Honeysuckle tell him, “You can see them next time you visit if you like.”

“Do you really mean we can come back and visit Granny?” he asks her with surprise in his voice.

I am heading out to escort the tour group as I hear her say back, “Of course my grandchild you are family and I want you all to visit me as much as you can while you are here in Hoofington.”

Once the tour of the gardens is finished the groups rejoin. I hear Purple Haze tell Badger, “Captain, while I hate to say it, it is getting late in the day and we need to return to our hotel to get ready for the reception this evening.”

I see the consternation on Pa’s face as he turns to Mama Sumac and his mother. Honeysuckle must see it also as she says, “I do understand, besides, you are still going to be here in town for some time yet, so please come visit as much as you are able to.”

Badger looks at his mother and asks, “Do you mean that Ma?”

She smiles lovingly at her newly returned son and tells him and the rest of our family, “Of course I do. I want to get to know all of you so much more. Besides, there is so much to show all of you and to tell as well.”

Mama Sutures then tells the rest of us, “Ok, then. We best head back before it is too late. Oh and we need to swing by Chapel to pick up Mollygirl”

I hate to admit it, even to myself, but I breathe a sigh of relief when she says that, as I still remember how dangerous this area can be. Once all our goodbyes are said we are escorted back to the gate, and we begin our trek to first Chapel and then back to the Grand Hoofington.

We have already met up with Mama Mollygirl and are making our way through one of the seedier parts of our route when a blue pegasus with a black mane and tail steps out of the shadows of a doorway. He is shaking his head as he calls out, “Stop right there.”

Xochitl, Epona, and I all have our weapons drawn and trained on the stranger, but I quickly see he is not hostile via EFS. So, I signal the other two to relax and I call back, “What do you need?”

He walks slowly over to us with barely a sound being made. When he is close enough to talk in a normal voice he asks, “This the Manesville delegation?”

Before I can say anything, Aunt Purple tells him, “Yes, can we help you somehow?”

I see him smile at her and I hear a light chuckle from him, then he says, “Your lot certainly seems more polite than I would have expected for NCR types.” He then pauses briefly as he looks over our group and asks, “You wouldn’t happen to be Purple Haze, would you?”

I can tell Aunt Purple is a bit surprised, but overall, she does not show it as she replies, “Yes, that is me.”

Again, he shakes his head, he then tells her, “I was sent by the head of the Reapers to invite you to a meeting in two more days.” He looks at the entire entourage and then adds, “The invite is for you, and a small escort. No soldiers,” he says as he looks at my parents and Lieutenant Colonel Wind Rider.

Aunt Purple then asks, “Would the three who are our escorts currently be, ok?”

He looks at Epona, Xochitl, and me. He then asks, “They are not regular soldiers, right?”

Aunt Haze smiles, “No, they are part of my family but also do some private contracting.”

He nods his head and uses a wing to take a note out of his saddlebags and hooves it to Aunt Purple as he tells her, “This is an invitation letter from the Reapers. It has the time you are expected to arrive by. Don’t be late.”

He stops before he leaves and adds, “Two more things, “When you show up, you will have to turn in all non-close-quarter weapons. Knives, swords, power hooves are ok.” He pauses again as he listens to something it seems only, he can hear. Then he adds, “And do not take the same route twice on the same day. You have some of the Mayhems Mares waiting a couple of blocks further up on your route. Said something about waiting for some repair ponies, I used to be a bit of one myself, so I figured I should let you know. Professional courtesy and all.”

I smile and tell him, “Thanks for the heads up, Mister.”

He smiles sadly and shakes his head, and under his breath, I hear him say, “Manners, in Hoofington, that is refreshing.” Then he disappeared into the shadows once again.

I find it interesting that Ma Mollygirl almost acted like she recognized the strange pegasus from the Reapers. What was more interesting is that almost none of them realized they had met a Reaper until Epona explained it to them.

It happens as we are playing a hand of Euchre with me and Xochitl against Epona and Purchase. Papa Archer and Wind Rider are sitting next to us watching us play when suddenly Archer asks, “So, kids, what was up with that pegasus that stopped us earlier, you all seemed a bit surprised to see him.”

Taking the interruption for a quick break, Purchase Order takes a swig of Sparkle Cola just as Xochitl tells him, “Oh, he was one of the Reapers.”

I feel sorry for her as she starts to choke on her soda when Archer asks, “So what is a Reaper? And why should we be impressed with them?”

I am stunned and highly amused. I thought he would know that, but I guess not. When she finally catches her breath, she tells him, “Mister Archer, the Reapers are one of the big organizations here in the Hoof. Big Daddy is or was the head honcho over there. But to give you a bit of background. They are made up of the top 100 biggest and toughest beings in the Hoof. To become one, you have to defeat one.”

He looks thoughtful for a second and then says, “But he didn’t seem that tough to have an attitude.”

Purchase laughs and tells us, “Well, that one, he is one of the nicer ones. But don’t let appearances fool you. He has a long list of kills already.”

He nods his head and then asks, “Is it safe for you to be meeting them then?”

Purchase Order smiles at him and answers, “Meeting with the head of the Reapers if you are invited is safe. The problem is that all the want to be Reapers there will pick fights with others to show how tough they are and to prove how good of a fighter they are. Don’t show any weakness there either or they will be on you like timber wolves.” She pauses and then says, “Oh, and when you get to Reaper Stadium unless you are a Reaper, you have to turn in your weapons at the door, but you get them back, when and if you leave.”

Papa Archer nods his head, turns to Windy, and tells her, “Mollygirl is not going anywhere near Reaper stadium. Her ego might get her into trouble there.”

Windy smirks and quietly tells him, “Do not let her hear you say that. But I do have to agree with you.”

Then Windy asks, “So, can we play winners of this hoof?”


Hoofington Grand Hotel Lobby. Lunar Commonwealth: Xochitl

“You know Ginger, we really did do a good job of avoiding Reaper territory last time we were here,” I tell my wife with a smile.

Ginger simply sighs and shakes her head. Then she tells me, “I know and I had hoped to keep that streak going, but we both knew better with this job. Besides, we are just going in as escorts for Aunt Purple. Then back out again. If anyone challenges us, we just keep our muzzles shut and simply tell them we are there on business.”

“Dear, I am afraid that may be easier said than done,” I look at the door to the stairwell and I see Epona emerging with Purple Haze right behind her. Well at least she knows how to use her horn, I guess.

Once we are all together, I lead out onto the front porch of the hotel with Purple Haze behind me and she is followed by Epona and Ginger both equal distance behind her and from each other.

As we are walking down the street, I hear her finally ask, “Now that we are away from the others, I must ask, just what all were you three up to last time we were down here? I have noticed you are way too familiar not just with the area, but many of the ponies here as well.”

Behind her, I hear Ginger say in a fairly quiet tone of voice, “Aunt Purple, really we can’t talk about it.”

I am still looking forward as we travel so I cannot see their faces or body language, but I can hear a note of resignation in Purple's voice as she then says, “Ok, I will have to accept that. Now, is there anything I should know about where we are heading and who we are meeting with?”

Epona answers her this time, “Aunt Purple, we are heading to Reaper’s home, the Hoofington Sports Arena. It is both the former home of the professional hoofball team from Hoofington, and it is now home to the faction called the Reapers. As you know Big Daddy is the founder. He has a very old and long reputation in the Hoof. He has put together a gang of all the toughest beings in the region as a single faction. To become a Reaper, you must defeat one of them. Either in a formal setting, which you have to earn the right to challenge; or you have to kill one of them in combat.”

Epona pauses briefly and I watch as she suddenly stops and sweeps through some buildings ahead of us with the scope on her carbine. Then she continues. “The problem with Reaper stadium is that once you get there, a lot of those who are trying to become Reapers are hanging out and acting tough. On the other hoof, we may be able to pick up some stuff while there, depending on what the merchants have available.”

Purple Haze replies to this information by telling her, “I find it interesting how this Big Daddy has found a way to lower the number of gang wars, by drawing in the meanest and toughest of all the gangs. Well, for a group of ponies who have avoided that part of town, you sure seem to know a lot about it.”

This time Ginger answers, “Aunt Purple, you have to know those who you may encounter in our line of work.”

We are about halfway there when I hear a familiar voice call out, “Hay Cookie, Flower, heard you were back in town.”

I look up and I see one of the younger Burner Boys along with their lieutenant Naphtha and a couple of others all heading in the same direction.

I wave back and once closer tell them, “It is good to see all of you again. How have things been going?”

They all shrug, except Naphtha who tells us, “Better than when we first met. But We have been having some issues with the Mayhem’s Mares and Broken Clocks lately. By the way, rumor has it they know you guys are back in town. You might want to let Big Blue and the others know.”

Ginger nods her head and waves back, “Thanks for the heads up. We appreciate it.”

As she says this, I notice several of them looking around then one of them asks, “Big Blue isn’t around right now, is she?”

Ginger has a smile in her voice as she answers, “Maybe, maybe not, you know how Big Blue is.”

I then overhear Purple Haze quietly asking, “Big Blue?”

Epona tells her, “We will explain more later.”

“So, where you heading?” Epona asks them.

“Reaper Stadium, we have a couple of bucks here who feel frisky and want to work out some. How about you?” Naptha responds.

“Business, our employer here has a meeting with the head of the Reapers.”

I notice the body language change for the more junior Burner Boys. Naphtha simply raises an eyebrow and reappraises Purple Haze. Finally nodding her head as she seemed to make up her mind on something.

Our two groups continue along the way with each other. I find myself talking with a couple of them who we worked with before.

“How’s it been Flameover?”

“Not bad Flower. Been kinda boring since you left to be honest. The Broken Clocks are really upset about the clocktower still, but they have no idea who did it. Mayhem’s Mares are still licking their wounds too.”

I find myself smirking at that. “Have they tried to cause you any more problems?”

“Not yet. They did sniff around a bit, but nothing serious.”

“Glad to hear it. We did not want to cause any more grief to come down on you.”

He nods his head, “Yeah, but after they snuffed out a couple of ours, we owed them, so we appreciated the help getting payback. By the way, is that one-headed brahmin with you still? Salt taught us some really neat tricks and we were wondering if he had some more to share.”

“Well, the next time I see him I will ask him for all of you,” I tell him.

“Great, thanks Flower.”

At about this time, we are getting close to the Hoofington Dome. I notice first that the stadium does not have the dome on it that gave it its name. There are several large carriage lots surrounding the outside of it. I then notice the fencing around them. Next, I notice the shipping containers that seem to almost make a small village as well. Among the containers, I see shops set up as well as small fighting rings and other areas for training. I find myself nodding as I watch those in the training areas going through the motions and honing their body skills to move almost automatically.

By now we are getting close enough to the entrance that I can see the signs directing visitors to turn in the weapons at the armory trailers located near the south main interest. Flameover sees me looking at the sign and asks, “First time here?”

“Yeah, but we know about having to turn in our weapons while here.”

“And you are ok with it?” he asks.

I shrug, “They do the same thing with the stable back home. There even most of the officers have to turn in theirs at the armory unless it is an emergency situation or in the line of duty.”

He seems surprised and asks, “Flower, you and the others are stable ponies?”

I laugh when he asks this and tell him, “No, the stable in Manesville has been open for over a century. They use it as a military headquarters and barracks now. The rest of us live in town or on farms.”

He seems surprised and asks, “Are the towns big there?”

“Nothing like here. Even before the final day, it was a backwater from what I have learned.”

Finally, we are at the gates of an area where four shipping containers have been welded together. There are two counters there. One has a sign saying weapons check-in and the other weapons check-out. Behind the counters are some ponies that look like typical gang ponies. Nothing special to look at, but not as rough as raiders.

I watch as first, the Burner Boys turn in their weapons. Then Naphtha turns to us and tells us, “Well, if you are going in, you need to give up your weapons.”

I turn to Purple Haze and she nods to me. I step forward to the counter and they use a grease pencil to write my name on my weapons, as I hoof them first my zebra carbine, then my pistol. I begin to reach for the family knife that I carry and the clerk tells me, “Best keep that one. Melee weapons like that are ok.”

“Oh, thanks,” I tell him and move to the side as both Ginger and Epona step up, in turn, to add to the process.

As Epona steps up, one of the clerks looks at her centurion sword and begins to be snarky with her by telling her, “I see you bought a sword. You know they really are not that impressive.”

Epona simply tilts her head and tells her, “I did not buy it. I took it off the legionnaire I killed in a close-quarter battle. But, whatever.”

They think they are being smart still when she asks her, “So where did you do that, you don’t seem old enough to have been around when they were still big here.”

Epona looks her in the eyes and coldly tells her, “Fort Hope, seven years ago. I snuck in on the raid with my mother to get the Praefect.”

Still being snarky the mare asks, “You mean the Legate?”

Epona shakes her head, “You know buck about the legion, don’t you? The Praefect was third in line. When the Legate disappeared the legion split. He took part of them with him.”

“You are really smart-mouthed; you should watch that here. Someone here might try and change that for you.”

Epona taps her chest with a hoof, “Frog landing zone bitch, you feel froggy, jump. Otherwise, shut up and do your job and I will do mine.” She starts to turn and then pauses as she tells her, “I don’t get my weapons back when we leave, I will show you what these swords are good for, do you understand me?”

I see she looks shocked and her partner puts a hoof on her chest and lightly pushes her back, whispering something to her. That is when I notice that Ginger has moved closer and has her ears pinned back already and is looking daggers at the clerk.

Then I see Purple Haze reach into her saddlebags and pull out a Colt E1911 .45 auto pistol. I smile as I notice that it is nickel plated with gold inlay. Luckily, I stop myself from laughing when notice that engraved on the sides is Failed Diplomacy. She sets the pistol down and tells them, “Take special care of this, if it comes up missing, the results would be,” she pauses as she thinks about how to word it, then says, “Unpleasant, for both you and whoever took it.”

The clerk snickers and asks, “Why do you say that?”

“Oh, because of the curse put upon it by a zebra shaman. Something about a revenge spirit or something. But you have been warned.”

I watch as the mare gently picks it up and carries it to the back as if it is a venomous snake. Purple then tells me, “OK, let us make our way inside now.”

As we head inside, we are met once again by the large blue pegasus from the other day. He looks at his watch and smiles. “Glad to see you took the time of the appointment so seriously, please follow me and I will lead you and your people in.”

He leads us through the corridors that go along the outer walls of the stadium. As we pass one entrance to the stands, I notice a large scoreboard with pictures of all the Reapers as well as their ranking number and names. On one end of where the field used to be is a large caged arena that is currently being used for a fight.

He sees where I am looking and asks, “You interested in becoming a Reaper kid?”

I shake my head, “No, just checking out the scenery. I like the job I have, and besides, I am not from around here.”

He does not say much more to me as we continue along our way. Finally, we come to an area of the hallways that are less cluttered than most of the others. As we enter it, I can see the team posters of those who played here against the Hoofington Reapers. The teams are from all over the former Equestria, including Cloudsdale, Appleloosa, and Fillydelphia. But the ones that seem to almost be a religious shrine are those of the Manehatten Maulers. I see that and smile.

The Reaper with us asks, “SO, why are you smiling?”

I nod towards the wall covered with graffiti but untouched posters as I tell him, “There is real respect there for their rivals. I would say by the graffiti and how those posters are in as perfect condition as they can be for their age, they were their top rivals.”

He looks at me in an appraising manner and asks, “And what makes you say that?”

I look at him and tell him, “You respect your toughest opponents. If your opponents are not worthy of respect, then, are you?”

He seems surprised at my answer and quietly says, “A philosopher too. You know you are not the typical merc nowadays.”

Finally, we reach a door with a plaque on it saying, Manager. He stops, knocks on the door, and tells us, “Miss Haze, please accompany me inside. The rest of you, please wait out here.”

Purple nods her head and tells us, “I will be out after we are done.” The three of us nod our heads and take our positions as we wait.

After a couple of hours, I hear the door knob click and we see Purple Haze come out first, followed by our Reaper escort. She tells us, “Thank you for waiting, we should get going now.”

We take up the same positions as before and follow our escort back out of the office area to the armory. We are almost there when I have an extra-large gray stallion with scars on one side of his face forcefully bump into me. I ignore him and try to keep moving forward but he steps in front of me and puts a hoof on my chest stopping me. I simply take my right forehoof and knock it away.

“Clear the way, I am on official business.”

The stallion laughs, “Business he says. He is in Reaper territory and he claims to be here on business.” He laughs some more and tells me, “Give me that knife business pony.”


“I said give it to me. Reapers right to take what they want.”

I look at our guide and he rolls his eyes and shakes his head no.

As we have this exchange, I see several of the ponies with him shift to block our group's path. I look at this scarred stallion and tell him, “You’re not a Reaper, so no. Now move along and go play your games somewhere else.”

“Well, I am going to be one, so give it here and I might forgive you for not showing the proper respect.”

“See, where I come from that is not how it works. You really have to be something to claim the rights of that position. Otherwise, you are just a want to be trying to claim what is not yours. That makes you a Conpony, a thief, or a raider. So, which are you?”

As I was speaking, I was slowly getting myself ready for his attack, and when it comes, I am as prepared as I can be for it. He charges at me and takes a swing with a forehoof, landing the punch on my jaw and sending me flying back. I hit the wall, and am seeing stars and I taste blood in my mouth. I spit out the blood and a tooth. The others with him begin to advance and I hear Ginger calmly tell them, “Stay out of this. It is between them.”

I know where I am, but my mind takes me back to the Valley and our fight against the raiders there. I feel my heart pound in my chest and I fight back the memories. I can’t take too many more hits like that one so I will have to end this as quickly as I can. I am back on my hind hooves and make use of the combined slave form of self-defense. Father had no specific name for it, but it is effective.

He begins to come at me again and as he throws another punch, I dodge and roll to the side taking his forehoof and guiding him past me. Once he is past, I drop to my one forehoof and kick out with my back hoof and land it right behind his left ear.

As I recover my stance, I watch him shake his head then he is on his back hooves and he begins to come at me again. As he moves, I see his tail shift and I notice he has tail flail in it. I shift my footing and wait for him to make the next move, as he begins to bring his right forehoof back I notice his hip shift and his tail begins to move back for a strike. I roll the other way and as I stop, I draw my knife in my fetlock. He swings his flail and I jump over it, grabbing his tail by my teeth and cutting his entire tail off with my knife.

He howls in pain and as he begins to kick back at me, I spit out his tail and leap forward to his offside and lift his head with one hoof, while I put the knife under his throat and I quietly tell him, “It ends now, or your life does. Your choice.”

I see the fear and hatred in his eyes, but he answers, “It's done.”

I begin to let him go, but I feel him tense up as he begins to move to strike me again. I then whisper, “I mean it, your funeral if you do it.”

He goes limp in resignation and I hear him ask, “Someone get my tail and a bandage, we need a sawbones.”

I let him go and put my knife away. Ginger nods to me, and Epona puts away her sword that she had drawn while I was fighting and simply tells me loud enough for him to hear, “You should have killed him.”

One of the others who are with him, who also happens to be wearing the colors of the Mayhem’s Mares asks in a cautious tone, “Who are you?”

Ginger looks her in the eyes and calmly answers, “We are just some repair ponies here to do a job. Have a good day.” With that, she turns and asks Purple Haze, “You ready again Ma’am?”

I notice the ones with the Mayhem’s Mares all have their eyes go wide and their ears forward with Ginger’s reply, but they do nothing.

Purple nods her head and tells her, “Yes, let’s get our weapons and head back to our hotel.”

Behind us, I notice our Reaper escort leaning against a wall. He says nothing, but he does nod to us.

Once we are at the armory, we recover our weapons. The three of us slide to the side and begin a quick check to make sure they are all functional. When satisfied, we reload them and put them back on.

As Purple Haze receives her pistol back, the one clerk asks her, “So where did you pick up such a nice piece?”

Purple smiles and tells her, “It was a gift from the Twilight Society back in Ten Pony Tower, as a reminder of what I am working to prevent.”

He looks at her funny and asks, “What do you mean?”

She sighs and tells him, “Military action is the violent extension of diplomacy. However, it should be used when all other peaceful means have failed.” With that, she picks up her pistol, returns it to her saddlebags, and tells us, “Alright, let’s go.” As we walk, she also says, “Oh, and Xochitl, make sure to have Sutures check you out when we get back to the hotel.”


Foal Mountain, Ministry of Peace Science Depot, NCR Territory: Choo Choo

While we wait for the rest of my and Mort’s teams to be brought down, I turn to Spiral Notebook and ask her, “What can you tell me about where we are going and who we are facing?”

She is surprised and asks, “Don’t you want to know about those you are going after?”

I find myself sighing as I tell her, “Of course I do, but you need to understand, I want an idea of what we are going into as well. How we can rescue those we are going after, is determined by those factors.”

She seems kind of surprised at this and asks me, “Choo, you sound like a soldier now, what happened?”

I realize how hard my voice must be sounding as I try to speak more gently, “Spiral, I was a soldier for the Goddess for two hundred years. After Unity was broke, I ended up spending over six years a scout for the Co-op Guard and the NCRA.”

She then shyly asks me, “Choo, what is the Co-op Guard and the NCRA?”

I shake my head slightly as I realize how isolated they have been here. Then I explain to her about the old Co-op and the NCR Army and what I did while in service.

She is stunned. “Choo, I never knew you had that in you.”

I smile at her and reply, “Spiral, neither did I.”

She then tells me, “I am having them brought down to the room outside of the Portal, shall we go meet them there and I can give you all the briefing at one time?”

“Yeah, that makes sense Spiral.” I pause and ask her, “Spiral with all this time that has passed, did you ever get married and have a family?”

She smiles sadly and tells me, “Yes, I did Choo. Two of those who are missing are my granddaughter and her husband. Both are scientists.”

“I am sorry to hear that they were captured, but I am glad to hear you had a family as well.”

“Thank you, Choo, let’s head down to meet the others, shall we.”

Soon we are entering an elevator. Once we reach the floor that is our destination, the doors open and as I step out, I see the rest of my team get off from an elevator opposite us.

As the door opens Twinks nervously tells me, “Mort and his people are on the next elevator car. Choo, what is going on?”

Behind her Cowlick comes out looking somewhat amused as does Sunny. Days End and Double Back both appear apprehensive to me. But the team forms up on me as we wait for the next elevator.

During the wait, I begin to introduce my team to Sprial. She seems very surprised to hear about Sunny’s parents being an earth pony and a unicorn. But her jaw drops when she meets Sweet Potato and he explains to her how he is originally from the other side of a portal.

“You mean you really were not born in our world?”

He shakes his head, “No ma’am, a good part of White Water came through the Doorway about six or seven years back. We were running for our lives. That is kind of why our people are wary of them.”

“Was it that much different where you came from?” she asks him curiously.

He shrugs, “Yes and no. There, well there, Red Eye’s army seems to have won. Our home in the Co-op was destroyed and many of those we knew were killed on that side or never existed on this side.”

“Excuse me, people never existed on this side?”

“Ma’am, events occurred that changed the possibility of others being born on both sides. I am surprised you have not experienced that yourself if you have traveled through the Doorway.”

About this time the elevator door opens again and I watch as Mort steps out first with the rest of his team behind him. He looks at me and asks, “Choo, what do you mean we are going through a doorway?”

“It’s a portal to another universe. They have lost a team of scientists and have requested we go through and rescue them.”

He shakes his head, “How long ago did this happen?”

I look at Spiral and she tells us, “Three days ago.”

“How do we even know that they are even alive, much less in the area if it has been three days?”

She looks at him and tells him, “Time differential. On that side, it has only been ten minutes. We are still trying to figure out when that universe came into existence as they are about two hundred years behind us, but the time dilation is greater than expected.” As she says the last part, she rubs her chin with a wingtip.

“WHAT? Choo, what are you getting us into?” Mort all but yells.

“Mort, I have known Spiral since long before the Final Day. She has asked us to do a quick snatch and grab for her.”

He sits on his hind haunches and crosses his forelegs. “What are we getting paid for this?”

She nods her head, “Choo told me that would be your response. What do you want?”

“Caps, lots of them. If not, something we can use to earn more caps.” Behind him I see several members of his team nod their heads.

Spiral looks at him and tells him, “What caps we had, were recycled. You must excuse us, but being as isolated as we are, we did not know their worth. However, we could offer you quarters as well as some weapons that we have, not all of them of course. Oh, and perhaps you would like some of the improved healing potions that we have developed.” She pauses and when she continues tells us, “They are an offshoot of the original megaspell, which coincidentally was developed here too. They are more powerful than the original healing potions. They seem to work much like Hydra, but without the nasty side effects. However, for a severe brain injury, while they will save your life, you may lose many of your memories and will have to relearn how to use those portions of the brain that were destroyed or damaged before.”

The Troubleshooters look at one another, then Mort says, “Deal. Now let us talk about the mission.”

She leads us into another room, with a table surrounded by chairs. On one end is a chalkboard with information written on it. As we file in, she has us each take a seat. Once seated she tells us, “I really appreciate your doing this. My people are scientists mainly. Our security team is just not up to snuff to perform the type of rescue we are going to do.”

As she says this, the Kirin called Smiley nods and then says, “You say we as if you are going to, is this the royal we?”

She shakes her head, “No, it is not a royal we. I am going to share the risk with you. This also helps to guarantee that we will keep the gate open for your teams.”

I am surprised at this and look quickly at her. She looks back at me and nods. “Well, I always Cosplayed Daring Do, now it is time for me to really do it.”

When she says the last part, the Troubleshooters all look confused. My team on the other hoof snicker slightly and I hear Twinks asks, "Is this like the faux Luna from the Valley that Ginger told me about?”

I feel myself blush as I tell her, “Yeah, sorta like that.”

Twinks grins and looks at Spiral Notebook and tells her, “Well, welcome to the herd then.”

We get a quick briefing of what was on the other side, and what the setup is like. As soon as we are done, she tells us, “The security chief will take you to the Portal Control Center. I will meet you there.”

Less than thirty minutes later both of our teams are assembled and ready to go through the Doorway. Sunny and I will be leading the way with Smiley right behind us.

I cannot help but smirk as Spiral walks in wearing a full Dearing Do outfit. Mort asks her,” Uh, shouldn’t you be wearing some barding to protect yourself?”

She grins and tells him, “Oh, this is all ballistic weave fabric. Another thing we have been working on. Much easier to move in, and protects against projectiles and slashes as well as the standard Equestrian Army barding.”

Mort grins and tells her, “Can we get some of that when we get back?”

With that, the familiar hum of the portal begins to become louder and I watch as Double Back and Days End have their jaws drop as the pink mist in the doorframe begins to swirl faster. Twinks looks back at the operators and nods to them. And we are given the hooves up to go. Spiral looks at me and tells us, “It is time to go Choo.” We both hoof bump and then I lead the way with Sunny and her flanking me, weapons at the ready as I fly through the entryway and into another world.

As we go through the portal, I throw my shield spell ahead of us. I hear screaming ahead of us, including some yelling “My Goddesses, the Princes is leading them, she has Daring Do with her, she knows we are traitors.”

My mind reels, they are traitors to Equestria. They, they betrayed our nation and lead to the world we now live in. Now I am angry. I start to lash out with my spells as well as weapons against those opposing us. I hear Days End yell, from behind me, “I’m hit!”

Twinks calls back, “On the way!” We are just coming to a long corridor when Cowlick runs past me, firing his heavy machine gun. Tater next to him acting as his loader.

We soon come to a room marked Security Only. I use my invisibility spell and sneak into it. Once inside I use a sleep spell to knock out the guard. Then I look at the screens for the security cameras. I also notice that on the wall is a map as well. What surprises me most is that when I look at the map, I see the name of the facility we are at. Four Star Grand Terminal. Manehatten. The headquarters for the monorail system in Manehatten. But why here, and why would they be considered traitors?

No time to think about it, we need to find those scientists and get out of here. I look one more time at the cameras and I see them being held in a room in a different section of this floor. What shocks me is that I look at the time stamp and it is the Final Day. We really need to hurry then.

From over my shoulder, I hear Spiral say, “There they are. But who are those ponies and zebras with them?”

I shrug my wings and tell her, “I have no idea. But we are going to find out. It looks like they are holding your daughter and the others as prisoners.” Then I remember reading about Four Star Headquarters in the Book of Little Pip. This gets me to scan over the picture tubes and I see one that is down the hallway to a stable door. Then I hear explosions and gunfire in the distance and I see fighting going on in what looks like the reception area of a business, with Steel Rangers assaulting it, and the staff as well as robots fighting back. It is then that an idea comes to mind and an evil grin comes over my face.

I next notice movement on another camera marked Security Cells. As we watch I see one of them take out a pistol and shoot one of the male scientists that are their prisoners. They look like they are yelling at the others. I make a snap decision, “Mort, Smiley get in here.”

Once they enter, I point the camera to them as well as the map. Mort grins and tells the Kirin, “Let’s go into the hallway.” Once there, he all but yells at Smiley “Time to show us what your peace-loving hindquarters can really do, or are you just going to let them die like your kind did the rest of us.”

As he says the last bit, I watch the anger begin to build in the Kirin’s eyes. Then I watch as he goes full Nirik and flames begin to flare off him as he begins to run down the hallway scorching any who try to come out of the doorways to the side. As he runs ahead, I turn to Cowlick and Twinks, “It is the Final Day, there is a stable down the hall to the right, those who are responsible for the death of Manehatten will evacuate there. Make damn sure that door can never close fully, but is still operational enough to fool them. Then fall back to the doorway and cover it for us.”

They look at each other and grin. “Gotcha Boss,” Cowlick says as he and Twinks turn and run back the way we came.

Then I am flying as fast as I can in these corridors to catch up with Mort and his team, my people, and Spiral with me. As I go, I see several security turrets that are either melted or have been destroyed by gunfire on the ceiling of the hallways. I also pass one half-melted security bot that had its back to us when Smiley caught up with it.

We are just short of the security cells when we stop. Smiley has returned to his Kirin form and I watch as one of his teammates hooves him something to drink. I look at Double Back, Days End, Sunny, and Tater and tell them, “Time to do some door kicking. I will lead, and the rest follow. Careful of the scientist.” I then turn to Mort, “Cover the hallway. Once we got them, we fall back to the Doorway.”

They all nod their heads in acknowledgment and I hear several say, “Roger.”

I turn to my team, “Go, go, go,” I blast the door with a spell and as it flies back, Sunny, myself, and Spiral fly in. The others of my team go in on hoof, guns at the ready, and taking out the targets as we run in.

Once the room is secured, we release the captured scientist, I see Spiral looking sadly at one of them. She shakes her head and I watch her put her wing around one of the mares as she tells her, “I am so sorry dear. But we need to go now.”

Her granddaughter is hesitant to leave her dead husband. I tell her, “Move it now, it is the Final Day and we are in Manehatten, back to the gate now. I got him.”

I use my Tk to place his body on my back and we all begin a fighting withdrawal to the Doorway. We are met by Twinks and Cowlick who are both smiling and he tells me, “Job done boss. We used some thermite on the locking mechanisms of the door, it will close, but it will never seal.”

I nod my head, “Good, everyone through the doorway now!” I yell.

I watch as they all begin to run through the doorway. Spiral guides her daughter and the other scientist first. Then the Troubleshooters. Finally, my team begins to go with me last. As I get ready to enter the doorway, I notice that there is a timed thermite device on the control panel for the doorway on this side with the countdown at ten seconds. I smile as I run through the portal and return to my own universe. As I appear, I hear Spiral Notebook yell out, “Shut her down.”

I then hear the hum slow down and watch as the pink mist in the portal slows down, stops spinning, and disappears.

I notice several of mine and Mort’s team have light wounds. And most of us have post-adrenaline shakes. Spiral then looks at me and asks, “Is it always like that?”

“Is what always like that?

She looks shaken and asks, “The combat?”

Days End answers her, “That, that was a raid or a skirmish, you should have been with us at Serenity Valley. Now that was a fight, right Boss.”


Rainbow Dash Skyport. Enclave Territory: Ball Lightning

“Good morning Alizée,” I say as I enter the older pegasus mare’s shop.

“Good morning to you as well Lieutenant, how can I help you?”

“Just stopping by to see how things have been going with you and the youngsters.”

“Ah,” she says then smiles. “Well lieutenant, in that respect, we are doing well. I have even taught them to read a bit, so they can find more of what I need. That young Little Bit. She is smart as a whip. The others, for being from down here; well, they are pretty good too. I will admit I am surprised.”

I smile and nod my head, “I can understand that. I am just glad they are helping you. I know some of my troopers have become fond of them too.”

She looks worried briefly and asks, “Is that a good thing?”

I shrug my wings, “Perhaps, I hope so. Have you seen them yet today?”

She nods her head, “Yes, they headed out just after dawn. They mentioned something about an old factory down the road.”

“Well, hopefully, they will be safe.”

She smiles, “I have to agree.”

I then notice that in the back I can see several beds have now been set up. As I look with one eyebrow raised, she tells me, “I rent them a place to sleep and keep warm. They give me better deals on scrap and look for what I want.”

I nod my head in understanding. “Sounds good, and makes sense.”

Then she surprises me, “You know that they all have started calling themselves Enclavers?”

“No, I had not heard that. When did this start?”

“Last week.” She shakes her head slightly and continues, “They said no one else had ever tried to teach them before or treated them like equines except you and the Enclave.”

I smile sadly, “That is too bad, they are good kids.”

She nods her head, “I never dealt much with griffons before, but that one, Savanah, she is pretty sharp and seems more like a pony than I ever expected.”

“I am surprised you like her so much, but I am glad to hear it. That is how we will win the wastelands.”

She smiles, “Maybe, but let's just take them one at a time.” She pauses again and asks, “Do you think I should talk to her about helping around the shop instead of heading into the field?”

“Maybe, but she always seemed a bit more militant to me, but I may be wrong. Go ahead and see if she is interested. I look at my pastern watch and tell her, “Sorry, I need to get going, but I will be back later if you don’t mind.”

She smiles and nods her head, “Sounds good Lieutenant. I look forward to chatting with you more over some tea.”

I then begin to make my rounds of the vendors' hall as I have gotten to know it. In reality, it was the main terminal and entrance when built. The quality of the vendors here, as well as their honesty really varies from one to the other. It is also where most of those who want to trade enter the facility.

I normally will make a stroll a couple of times a day through here, talk with a few of the merchants, and even sometimes make contact and shake hooves with outsiders who are there to shop. Normally it is just the typical wastelanders and Lunar Commonwealth scavers and traders. Today I receive a surprise.

As I am coming around one of the booths by the front door, I look up and see them. Son of Celestia, what are they doing here and who is that with them? I ask myself. Then shaking my head, I ask myself, By Celestia and Luna what did I do to deserve this torment?

As I look at them, I notice one of them wave a hoof at me. I remember her being called Serendipity, but occasionally they slipped in front of us and called her Epona. With the three repair ponies, I notice a gray earth pony and I am surprised to see a pegasi officer in an NCR uniform.

Well, they have seen me and are coming my way, so I might as well go with it.

Once they get close enough, I notice the pegasi officer looking at the insignia on my uniform and nodding appraisingly. The earth pony officer with her I notice is doing the same, and I am surprised to see that he can read my ribbon bar.

Epona takes the lead and tells me, “It is good to see you again. I wanted to introduce you to one of my adopted fathers,” she points a hoof at the older, light gray-coated Earthpony and says, “This is Captain Badger.”

He nods his head and sticks out a hoof. I remember what I was told just the other day by the base commander so I mind my manners and shake his hoof and tell him, “A pleasure sir, just call me Ball Lightning.”

When I say my name, I notice the Pegasi mare's head adjust as she looks at me more closely. It is then I see she is a Lieutenant Colonel in the NCR and remember her from when my team was exchanged.

The Lieutenant Colonel then says, “It is good to see you again Lieutenant, and yes, I was once from Thunderhead too. How have you been since you returned?”

I clear my throat and tell her, “Tolerable Ma’am. Tolerable. But thank you for asking.”

“I see you picked up a couple of wound bars Lieutenant. For your age, you have already had a busy career.” Captain Badger tells me.

I find myself looking at his and I notice the typical wound badges and campaign ribbons, even if I do not recognize them. Then I notice one insignia that shows a frontal view of a skywagon with a single large wing on each side of it. As I look at it, he says, “Air Assault badge. Some of our units in Manesville are trained that way.”

“Excuse me sir, but are you saying you are trained to fly?”

He grins, and nods his head, “Yes and to be honest, I love it. I cannot tell you how much. Some of my troopers are not too happy with it, but they are all volunteers, so they tolerate it at least.”

I shake my head, and ask, “So how many of you are trained that way?”

He grins and looks at the Lieutenant Colonel who nods back to him and he tells me, “The Manesville Brigade's entire second regiment is trained that way.”

I feel the surprise must be showing on my face and Epona tells me, “I am not sure why you are so surprised. I am sure you must have seen some of them flying while you were in the camp.”

I shake my head briefly to clear it, and tell her, “Epona, I only got to see them at a distance, I never expected you to have that many ground bounds trained that way.”

Badger grins even wider and Wind Rider simply shrugs as she tells me quietly, “Remember we are always looking for more settlers. Oh, also Anan sends his good wishes to you from White Cloud.”

This gets me to raise an eyebrow and I reply, “Thank you for letting me know he is doing well ma’am. Now, what can I help you find today?”

They notice the shift in topics and go with it as Wind Rider tells me, “Well if you have a Vertibuck or two for sale, we might be in the market.” Then she gives me a quick wink and I almost choke.

I laugh lightly, “Sorry, but no, we don’t. Anything else though?”

Captain Badger then asks, “Do you have any radio equipment for sale? Even spare parts would be good.”

As he finishes saying this, I see a familiar black unicorn mare with a prosthetic hind leg approaching us, with her are three youngsters who are very excited. One is a red earth pony mare, who happens to be holding tails with the medium gray pegasus colt. The other young mare is a black unicorn filly with a green mane and tail. What strikes me is her cutie mark is a phoenix in flight over an eclipsed sun. What could it mean I wonder.

As they get closer I see the young unicorn look at me funny then she smiles sadly at me. What does she see when she looks at me? After her mother ask me where some medical tools might be found the young unicorn slides next to me and whispers, “I can see you too were turned away from Elysium like Mama Mollygirl and the ghouls. Remember you are here still for a reason.”

Before I can answer back, she has wandered off to the side by a couple of booths we have trouble keeping vendors in. As I watch she sits down and makes a motion with her forehoof while saying something in a language I do not understand. I look at Epona and the others and ask, “What is she doing?”

The unicorn mare, answers, “My daughter is giving the Blessing of the Dead. She feels some souls are there that have been reluctant to cross over. She is helping them find their way.”

“Excuse me, what?”

Epona then tells me, “We did not believe it at first either, but the ghouls even have told us she is different. Also, the places she has performed the blessings at do feel different afterward.”

I feel a chill go through my body. “Oh, ok, I guess.”

I have just begun to introduce them to some of the medical merchants. When I hear a ruckus from the main entrance, I hear Little Bit yell out, “Where is the Lieutenant?”

Behind her I see Savannah carrying another one of the youngsters in her front claws and I see blood on their sides. I yell back, “Over here,” and wave, once they are close enough, I ask, “What happened?”

I am pushed to the side by the black unicorn mare who is joined by her daughter as she tells me “Combat Medic, let me treat them.”

Savannah sets the young colt down and I see it is Bent Plate, an earthpony who is only slightly older than Little Bit. Both youngsters look worried, as the medic uses her horn to begin treatment on the gunshot wound.

I ask her again, “What happened Little Bit?”

She chokes up as she says, “We were in the factory, we found some ghouls and we overheard them saying they were going to attack the skyport. They saw us and shot at us as we ran.”

As the civilian medic is treating Bent Plate, I notice the little unicorn mare using her horn to cast a healing spell on Savannah, healing a graze. Her mother then looks at me, “This is bad, do you have a full medical facility available?”

“Only the one for our forces down here. Other than that, it is just sawbones.”

She shakes her head, “Call your medical team, or this kid is not going to make it.”

I get on my radio and call for help for him. Soon I see them flying as fast as they can. Once there they stop, “Sir, this is an earthpony, we don’t treat wastelanders.”

As I look at the Enclave medic, I see him blanch and before I can say anything he tells me, “Yes sir, I got him.”

Then I hear the medic, Sutures is her name, giving the run down to my medic of treatment so far as she drops an IV for a blood pack into his foreleg. Soon she has the youngster in her TK and is running alongside of my medics as they take him to our medical facilities.

Little Bit then tells me, “Scout and the others are right behind us, they were still begin chased by them ghouls and ponies.”

I nod my head and call out the ready reserve team from my platoon and tell them, “We have hostiles inbound chasing the youngsters, weapons free on the ghouls.” I watch them flying out the door as they head towards the perimeter and the main gate.

I am just about ready to head to the compound's HQ when beside me, I notice the young mare has finished working on Savannah. The Griffon asks her, “So where did you learn to do that?”

She grins as she answers, “From my mother. She used to be a combat medic with the Co-op Defense Force before she lost her leg. She is a midwife now, but I have gotten to see her work and learn from her.”

She looks up at me and then down the hall, “So that was your ma who was working on my friend?”

The little mare nods her head and then she tells her, “Yeah, don’t worry, your friend will survive.”

Savannah looks at her with suspicion as she asks, “Why because your ma was working on him?”

The little mare floors all of us with her response, “No, because she that collects souls has already told me so.” The little mare then looks back at me and tells me, “He was not as close to death as you and Mama Mollygirl. He will be ok.”

Then Savannah asks, “Where do you come from?”

“Oh, I am from White Cloud, it is by Manesville up in the NCR. By the way, you look a lot like my friend Slip Stream's father. He has the same color of plumage and fur as you.”

Savannah shakes her head, “You have Griffons up there?”

The young mare smiles, “Some, not many. Slip Streams ma is a pegasus and is married to Dull Beak.”

As I hear this, I think of all I now need to report when I do my next write-up for intelligence. As they talk, I look toward the gate as I hear firearms and MEW weapons exchanging fire. Soon I see a Vertibuck heading that way to provide fire support. I look over at the gray stallion they called Badger and I notice he is watching our response as well. I shake my head as I realize what he is doing and grin as I tell him, “Well, sorry about the extra paperwork you will have to fill out, but at least it will make for an interesting report.”

He grins back knowingly, “Yeah, that it will. I just hope it does not take Sutures too long. I wanted to get back to the hotel before dark.”

I decide then and there, “If it takes too long, you and your group are welcome to spend the night here. After all, it seems your wife saved our youngster.”

“We thank you for the offer, but are you sure? What would your superiors say?”

I find myself shrugging, “What can they say? I will be back soon.” I tell him, then I run back to the HQ and the security cams. As I enter the security area, I ask, “Close Up, what have you got for me?”

“Sir, the quick response team is currently engaging the hostiles along the front gate. The youngsters are almost to the terminal. Do you want me to call for backup?”

“How many hostiles, and do you know who they are?”

“Sir, I have counted twenty-five to thirty, a mixture of ghouls and ponies. The one that is the apparent leader is wearing a coat that appears to be marked Hoof’s Ferals on the security camera feed.”

I think briefly, “Do our troops have enough firepower to deal with them with the current air support?”

He shakes his head, “I am not sure sir.”

I take a deep breath and let it out, “Call in outside assistance.” I tell him as I start to see a second gate come under fire.

I then notice several of those who had come to the market and that were still outside when the attack began are trying to make it inside. However, I notice on the camera a mare helping to remove the harness from a stallion in the traces. They both are wearing military uniforms and once she is finished, she and he both use the cart for concealment. Soon I notice several others doing the same forming a rough barricade in front of the main entrance.

As they are doing this, I see Scout and the rest of the youngsters running up and pulling their cart. As they reach this new barricade, they slew it sideways and join the others on the defenses.

As I watch the cameras, I soon see a vertibuck flying over at about 1000 meters. It slows some and I watch as power-armored troopers start to drop out of them. Each opens up its wings once they are clear of the vertibucks down blast.

They come in hot and fast, firing as they go. Soon the gunfire starts to die down as what remains of the attackers starts to fade back into the ruins that lead up to the gates and perimeter. I remain in the HQ watching the screens as the mop-up operations begin and inside the perimeter, things begin to return to normal. Soon I see a vertibuck land and I watch as the power armored soldiers load onto it. It lifts into the air, spins in place, and flies off, gaining altitude as it goes. I feel a familiar pang of wishing I was with them. I then notice on the camera for the front entrance, the mare and stallion in military uniform watching it fly off, and I see the same look of longing on their faces that I feel as the vertibuck zooms off, and I wonder, why would two earth ponies look at them like that?


Good evening, that last song was by Song Bird Serenade, you are listening to FLANK and I am Smooth Melody. Remember to come get not just what you need, but what you want down here in the Flank.

I know you all are waiting for the latest news, well today we have reports from all over the Hoof as well as the wastelands. In local news, we have reports that the NCR has tried to make nice with the Reapers this week but of course, were turned away. What did they think they could get from the Reapers? I mean, I can understand the Society or the Finders, but the Reapers, might as well as try to make a treaty with the Brood.

We also have reports of rumors saying the remnants of the Hoof’s Ferals attacked a bunch of kids and chased them all the way to the Rainbow Dash Skyport. How low those who once thought they were mighty have fallen if they are after a bunch of kids and can’t even catch them?

Speaking of standing up, there are reports that the Mayhem’s Mares attacked the Burner Boys near Reaper Stadium, with less than hoped-for results on their parts. With that in mind, here is I Won’t Back Down.

Chapter 32 Unfriendly Acts

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Chapter 32 Unfriendly Acts

“Damn real live people, getting in the way of peaceful ideals.” ― John Scalzi, Old Man's War

Lunar Commonwealth: Gingersnaps

Normally I would not think to knock on the door of my own hotel room, but after the incident two weeks ago with Epona and Purchase, well, that has changed. So now both Xochitl and I knock before going in. Honestly, Xochitl and I did not even know she was still here that day.

Xochitl was just finishing up getting his wounds taken care of by Mama Sutures from the incident at the Reaper territory. I had just walked into our room to store my field kit when I was greeted by the sight of my sister and her marefriend in a very private moment and Epona yelling, “Close the door before the youngsters see us.”

I held up a forehoof and am almost speechless, finally, I simply tell them, “Sorry about that, uhm, carry on?” as I backed out of the room and gently closed the door behind me.

Needless to say, most of my parents thought it funny as all Tartarus. Well except for Mama Sumac who told them after they came out of the room, “Next time hang a scarf on the doorknob or something.”

This time there is no answer, so I go in and begin to check my equipment.

As I do this, I find myself worrying about Ma. The day Papa Badger met his mother again, while the rest of the family was visiting with Badger’s mother, she went over to Chapel to visit Security’s grave. I know she never met her, but for some reason, she felt a connection. When we got there, she was talking to a young mare that it turned out that Xochitl and I had met during the expedition in JR-7.

Her eyes were swollen and I could see where the tears had streaked her cheeks. However, after we left there, she seemed better for some reason. It was also on this walk to the hotel from Chapel that we got the invite to the Hoofington Stadium.

The reception that night was nothing special for our team. After all, we were not guests, we were the help. So, we got to watch the others, eat, dance, and talk. Though I did overhear some interesting conversations. One of which was between an Enclave Lieutenant Colonel and one of the society members.

The Lieutenant Colonel had taken one of the members of the society to the side and, as we were the help, forgot I was there as they asked, “So, Business Repartee, how have your talks been going with the NCR representatives?”

The light-yellow unicorn with a monocle and wearing a tux, answers back, “So far they have had a good start, we have made it clear, that we are only interested in trading food and luxury items, they will not be able to obtain any weapons from us, or the Commonwealth.”

“Good, I am glad to hear that, I hope you are giving them the same kind of terms for the trade of these items as you do us.”

“Oh, most certainly. We are making sure that we maintain the balance of trade with them as well. Besides, I find it interesting that while talking with them, I have found out that while part of the trade delegation comes from Ten Pony Tower, a proper bit of civilization; the rest are bumpkins from out in the country and have all worked getting their hooves dirty in their fields.” He laughs lightly, “They even tried to brag how their regional leaders still would work in the fields like common serfs.”

The officer laughed lightly back, “Yes, now that you mention it, I can see how their behavior would indicate that. Definitely not what I would call wholesome though. I mean, look at that one Lieutenant Colonel with all the spouses.”

“I know,” says the society type, “And look at her scars, I wonder if she was once a raider warlord or something. I mean we know the NCR is not too picky on who it has run things.”

As they talk, I only listen, and I successfully fight to keep my emotions from showing through.

I then hear the Enclave officer say, “Please do remind your government that if things continue to escalate between us and the NCR, it is in all of your best interest to stay neutral.”

“So, things look that bad do they?”

“Not yet, but they are heading that way. I just wish our President would give the word for open hostilities. I have had enough of this gentle prodding. I mean, just last week we had reports of one of our search and rescue teams being ambushed over in the Foal Mountains.”

“You do not say. Ponies such as that do not deserve our respect, much less our assistance.”

“I am glad to hear you say that,” the officer says just before he takes another sip of his drink.

Across the room I see Epona standing near the bar in a similar manner to me. I notice one of the staff members approaches her, whispers something in her ear and she nods her head. I attempt to read her lips and it appears she simply says, “Thank you for telling me.” She then nods my way.

OK, we will talk about it later, I guess. A short time later I watch as a ghoul, who I know is the advisor of the First Citizen approaches Ma Mollygirl and Mama Magpie. I focus my attention on them as Ma walks off with the ghoul by themselves and steps outside the main room. Shortly afterward I see her come back into the room with a concerned expression on her face. But that changes to a smile when I watch Lieutenant Colonel Wind Rider grab her with a wing and drag her to talk to the same Enclave officer as earlier for an introduction and to chat. I must fight the urge to laugh as I watch the look of surprise and then discomfort come over his face as Wind Rider excitedly talks to him along with Ma.

I also enjoy watching my parents take turns dancing with each other. This is a rarity for me to see. I look to the corner door by the kitchen and I see Xochitl looking at me. When he sees me look, I notice his brief loss of professionalism as he blows a kiss at me and smiles. This gets me to smile as I know that if he could he would be dancing with me right now too.

As I shift my eyes around the room, I also see several other security types there as well, most of them standing off to the side being unobtrusive as possible. I usually notice them when I see them shift and the bulge of a weapon or of protective armor underneath their clothing shifts. Few of them are dressed as nicely as our team, and I doubt any of them are wearing ballistic weaves as the material for their suits or dresses. Sewing Bobbin out did herself on these and I now realize they are worth every cap we paid. Besides, being from the NCR, most do not realize whose security we are. I overhear a couple of the Society ponies talking and one says to the others, “I wonder where we picked up these new security ponies. I have not seen them before.”

Another Society pony replies to him, “I will have to ask. It seems we have really upped the standards for our guards’ attire at events. It is nice to see for a change.”

They continue to talk in front of me and I just keep my stone face as I scan the crowded room. Shortly before they move on though I overhear the first stallion telling the other, “Well, we do need to do something about our fields. Elysium may be doing well enough, but mine and several other of the society farms are not producing as much as we once were.”

The other tells him, “I have heard that the Collegiate has started to increase their food production, perhaps we can find out how they have done it.”

“Yes, perhaps, but we may have trouble sneaking somepony in there now.”

“True, but what else can we do Vega Granja?”

He looks in the direction of several of the NCR delegation members and says in a snide tone of voice, “Perhaps the bumpkins from the NCR may have some knowledge, they claim to produce enough food to ship it out.”

The other sighs, “Perhaps, but Vega, do we really want to sink that low?”

Vega Granja shrugs his shoulders and answers, “Perhaps, but we should avoid it if we can.”

“What if they want an alliance to help them against the Enclave?”

The one called Vega laughs harshly, “That will not happen, our constitution forbids military actions except in self-defense. If the Enclave were to attack us, we might ask them for help, but otherwise, they are on their own” They both seem satisfied by the answer and decide to head over to the bar to refill their drinks.

It is a couple of hours later that Purple Haze gives us the signal to prepare to depart. As I begin to move toward the door and the rest of the delegation, the one stallion who earlier was talking to Vega Granja puts a hoof on my shoulder and tells me, “Where do you think you are going? You need to get back to your post.”

I stop and knock his hoof off my shoulder. I look him dead in the eyes and tell him, “I do not work for you or the Society. My team and I are contracted to the NCR delegation. However, if in the future you would like to contract me or my compatriots you may do so through my Grandmother Honey Creeper, or by contacting the address on this card.” I tell him as I hoof him a business card.

I see his jaw drop and I can almost hear something break inside of him as he realizes the implications of what I have just said. Then I tell him, “Excuse me, my boss has just signaled me again,” as I slide past him and join the others, who follow Xochitl out the door.

Once out the door, we climb back onto the carriages that we are using for transportation tonight and take our defensive positions as we prepare to return to the Hoofington Grand Hotel.

As we make our way back, we are only fired upon a couple of times. Using SATS, we are able to take out the shooters quickly and with barely slowing down. Once we pull up in front of the hotel, Epona and Xochitl take up guard positions as I lead the others as they file inside.

As we enter, I see the current desk clerk is a white unicorn with a black mane, tail, and mustache wearing a blue coat and tie. He usually works the day shift so I am surprised to see him, but not half as much as when he sees Aunt Purple and tells her, “Miss Haze, it is so good to see you. I will be bringing those items to your room that you requested as soon as I get off shift.”

She grins back at him and with a flirtatious smile tells him, “I am so happy to hear that. I will see you then.” Ok, to each their own. I guess I will talk to her about what I overheard in the morning.

It has been over three weeks since the reception and today we are supposed to go back to Elysium. The radio broadcast last night by Winter Breeze of the Enclave has all our manes standing on edge. So today we will be going one last time to visit Papa Badger’s family and to say our goodbyes in case we cannot make it back there again.

During her speech Winter Breeze called the NCR a harbor for traitors and war criminals, referring to the Dashites, many of who are back home in Manesville. It is the tone of her voice and the message behind it that has us worried. Particularly my team as we are responsible for getting them home safely if the balloon does go up between the Enclave and the NCR. I only wish we were closer to home right now, and further from any of the Enclave’s major cloud cities. But it is what it is.


Elysium, Lunar Commonwealth: Xochitl

As we arrive back at Elysium for what will probably be the last time on this job, I find myself smiling at the enthusiasm of Ginger’s younger siblings as well as how much Badger is looking forward to seeing his mother and brother again. I am also glad to see how much coming back here has helped him heal some of his old wounds. Not physical ones, but the ones most cannot see, and that I understand all too well.

During our travels here from the hotel I found myself in a higher state of alert than normal. In part that is because last night the Enclave took over all the radio frequencies briefly and broadcast a message from their president that I would say was a war warning.

It was right after we all listened to it that the Colonel and Badger decided we needed to say our goodbyes in case we have to make a run for the NCR. Last night Ginger and I talked quietly to each other as we were falling asleep.

“Chotil, what do you think of that speech?”

I find myself sighing before I answer. Then I gently move my hoof from her waist to her shoulder and tell her, “I am worried dear. Winter’s speech is the same kind of posturing that I have read was used by the Ministry of Image against the Cesar and his people.”

“Do you think we will have to make a run for home?”

I nod in the dark and answer her, “Sadly; yes, I do. We just need to be prepared for it.” I pause then I tell her, “I also wish your parents would let your siblings be armed, just in case we need them if we have to escape.”

She huffs out a bit of air from her nostrils and tells me, “I know. Windy and her husband have already picked up weapons for her family the last time we went to the Sky-Port.”

“Well, at least we know they can shoot, Ginger. When the time comes, they can fight.”

“My parents are going to be so mad at us for that.”

I find myself chuckling a bit then I ask her, “How would you feel if they were your foals, and someone else taught them a skill like that?”

She makes an annoyed sound and turns her back to me, “That is not funny Xochitl. Not funny at all.”

“My dearest, I am not trying to be funny. I am trying to help you see it from their point of view.”

“IF they were my foals, they would have been taught like you and I were. Just so they can protect themselves. Tartarus, they are almost the same age we were. Well except for Raven,” she tells me.

“Yeah, but I would not want to cross her. Remember, she liked learning to shoot more than the others.”

She laughs lightly. “True, if papa Archer were not her father I would wonder where she gets her wild side from,” she tells me as she drifts off to sleep in my hooves.

As she begins to drift off, she asks, “I wonder if Purchase might try and come with us?”

I smile and drowsily reply, “Who knows, but Epona did say she brought it up the other day.” As I finish my sentence, I hear her breathing shift and she begins to lightly snore. I put my muzzle to the back of her neck and I breathe in the smell of home to me.

I stop daydreaming as we arrive at the gates of Elysium. I notice the gate guard looking at our group approaching and how he smiles slightly before sending a runner up to the main house. As I get close to him, he tells me, “Heard that Enclave broadcast last night Flower, figured we would see you all today. If I am not on watch when you come out, take care of yourselves, and watch your backs. Rumor has it the Mayhems Mares are looking for you guys and are willing to help the Enclave to get payback for something.”

I find myself grimacing slightly as all I can think of is, great one more thing to worry about. What I tell him is, “Thanks Guard Shack, I appreciate the heads up.”

He grins and tells me, “You can make it up to me by buying me a drink the next time you guys are in the Hoof.”

I grin back, “Deal Guard Shack, talk to you later.”

Guard Shack then greets Badger and asks him if it is for business or personal. After Badger tells him “Back to visit mom again,” we are waved through the gate.

As we arrive at the mansion, we are greeted by Badger’s family. His mother Honeysuckle is as happy as ever to see him. However, I do notice his stepfather Upper Crust has a worried expression on his face.

After he greets the rest of the family and while they are all visiting with each other, he takes me to the side, “Xochitl, we heard the broadcast last night, and while we would like to help, I am sorry but our hooves are tied. My suggestion would be for your party to leave as soon as possible for your homes.”

I am not surprised, but I do have to ask, “Why would you suggest that?”

He looks around first to make sure no one is close when he tells me, “I have a few contacts with both the Finders and the Enclave Volunteer Corps, both have let me know that not only is the Enclave trying to find information out about your party, but that some of the local gangs have been asking around. If they find out where you are staying your entire party may be in danger.”

I nod my head, “Yes, that makes sense. Any suggestions?”

He nods again, “If you run for it, try to stay clear of areas you are known to frequent, oh and avoid any large open areas, it is radscorpion breeding season. They are even more aggressive than normal right now.”

“Ok, got it. Thanks for the heads up.”

He smiles kindly at me and tells me, “I am doing this for my family. Considering his humble beginnings, Badger has come so far. I want to keep him and my wife both happy. She has so enjoyed getting to know her son again and his family, however unusual it may be.”

I hear the last part and cautiously ask, “You mean because I am a zony?”

He waves a hoof, “No, that is not a concern at all. I am more referring to his number of spouses. But they are all so happy and the foals are healthy, happy, and full of life. So, it seems to work well for them.”

I shrug my shoulders and smile, “It does, but it is not mine and Ginger's way either. So, I do understand how you feel.”

He looks over my shoulder to Badger and the others and smiles. Then he tells me, “I am glad Badger has such a good family now. That goes for you as well young buck. If you are ever in the area and I can help, I will, ok.”

I nod my head and tell him, “Thank you, sir, I will remember that.”

I feel rather morose during this visit as I watch Badger visiting with his mother for what will be the last time on this trip. I only hope he can come back to see her again. As stubborn and high-strung as my mother can be, I can not imagine what it would be like not to see her for such a long time as he had.

Once we get back from the visit, I tell Badger and the Colonel about what Upper Crust has told me.

Mollygirl asks first, “Xochitl, what do you know about those gangs?”

I shrug and tell her, “They have had contact with the Enclave before and unfortunately, when I had the incident at the Hoofington Dome, it was with one of the Mayhem’s Mares, so this might be a bit personal for them as well.”

I hear Badger sigh and I tell him, “I am sorry Father Badger, I did not pick the fight, and I hoped it would not lead to further trouble.”

He puts a hoof on my shoulder and tells me in an understanding tone, “That’s ok son, I do understand. Besides, if you had given in to him that day, things would have been worse for all of you, including Aunt Purple. Now we just need to wrap things up and begin to get ready to leave quickly if need be.”

It is only four days later, when what we have been both fearing and preparing for happens. We are awakened by pounding on the door. When the Colonel opens the door with a pistol at the ready, we see a wounded Purchase Order leaning on the doorframe and breathing hard.

The Colonel pulls her into the room and as she asks her what happened, Mother Sutures begins to examine and treat her wounds. Purchase Order then tells us, “You all need to get out of here right away. Ma'am, they are coming for you.”

The colonel then asks what we are all wondering, “Who, who is coming for me?”

Epona looks at her unbelieving as she tells her, “A squad of Enclave soldiers. I overheard two of them talking about it outside of Mega Mart, and as I walked away, Salvage Values, the merchant with the artillery, told them to grab me and I was always hanging around your group.”

Great I think to myself, now it begins. I move my ears to signal Ginger and Epona. Ginger and I get up and she begins to go get Colonel Wind Rider while I go to get our kits together to make a run for it.

As we head away, I hear her grasp in pain briefly and she then says, “I was running this way with Tek when they shot me.” Then I am out of that room and cannot hear clearly the rest of the conversation. But I hope Tek is here too. I trust him to have our backs.

Right after Ginger gets back with Wind Rider, Purple Haze arrives and Epona explains to them what is happening. Shortly after this, the decision is made to grab our gear and leave within the hour. As the others are getting their belongings together my wife and I head downstairs to the lobby to watch the main entrance. As we go the Colonel tells us, “Let Tek know that Purchase is ok and thank him for his help. If he wants to come up, have him do so. I have a few questions for him.”

As we arrive in the lobby, I first see Tek in his black cloak and with his pistol in his mouth. I go over and shake hooves with him. He then asks, “Is Purchase, ok?”

“Yeah, she is, Sutures and Moon Lily are already taking care of her. If you want to go ahead and head on up to the room. They are expecting you, and the Colonel has a few things she wants to ask you about.”

He looks down the street nervously and tells me in Zebrican, “Ok, I will do that. But one of you needs to watch the street. The Mayhem’s Mares and Broken Clocks are in on this too.”

Ginger takes his position and I head over to the desk clerk and explain to him that we are leaving rather soon and to who to send the bills.

It seems like we are waiting forever in the lobby before we begin to see everyone come downstairs. Ginger and I go onto the street first, Badger next, as he goes and begins to harness himself up one of the two carts. Ginger is covering the other direction.

I see one of the civilian delegates named Attaché run over to their cart and they are helped to harness up as well. Then Ginger’s siblings, Purchase Order and Mother Sutures, and any others who cannot run quickly climb into the carts. Above us Windy and her family have taken an overwatch position, with her children flying as wingmares to her and her husband.

Once all our gear is loaded little Rain Dancer yells out, “Ma, I see something,” as he points to the side. Windy begins to move in that direction and we hear gunfire and see her dive for cover briefly after returning fire.

Then with Tek next to me, I hear Father Badger and Attaché both call out, “Ready!”

Next Badger yells out, “Hold on everypony,” and as a group, we begin to make the run for first the Hoofington train station and ultimately home.


Foal Mountain, Ministry of Peace Science Depot, NCR Territory: Choo Choo

I smile across the table at my old friend, “It has really been good to see you again, Spiral.”

She smiles back at me sadly, “It has Choo, who would have ever imagined it being like this though.”

I laugh lightly then tell her, “Very true, but it is good to know you are still around my old friend. Besides, we finally got that cosplayer adventure neither of us could afford back then.”

She laughs too this time, “I have to say, it was certainly that. I wonder if A.K. Yearling could have imagined such a one. I just wish it would not have cost my granddaughter her husband.”

I set a wing lightly on her shoulder and I tell her, “I do understand, but sadly it does happen. I have seen it too many times anymore.”

She looks up and asks me, “Choo, will I see you again?”

I smile back at her and tell her, “Probably, but it may be a while. Things seem to be heating up with the Enclave, but I do hope to get back here again.”

“I would like that Choo, I really would.”

“So, would I. Now we best get going.” I tell her as I get out of my seat and begin to put my saddle bags over my battlesaddle.

I see her shake her head, “You know I really never imagined us being like this Choo.”

“Neither did I, but It is what it is. Take care and give that coming great grandfoal of yours a hug for me if I am not back when it arrives.”

“I will do that Choo. Do the same to yours too. Especially, Moon Lily, she sounds very special.”

I find myself smiling at the mention of Moon, “Yeah, she really is. I wonder if someday she will be better at spells than I am.”

As I stand up, I notice the rest of my team do so also. Mort comes over to us and tells me, “It has been fun working with your team. Maybe we can do it again sometime.”

“I would enjoy that Mort, so what is next for you?”

He grins, “Well, we have been asked by the NCR to guard this place for a bit. They have a delegation being dropped off for negotiations, so we are going to be here at least until those are done. How about you?”

"They are calling us back to Junction Town for now, not sure why yet?”

“Well, I hope it is a good job and pays well. Take care, Choo.”

As we shake hooves I tell him, “You too Mort.”

As we are leaving the cafeteria to head to the elevator up, I overhear Smiley telling Tater, “I must thank you for teaching me how to make a Flaming Pegasus, I am sure my people will enjoy it.”

“My pleasure, Smiley. Take care of yourself now and I look forward to working with you again sometime.” I hear Tater reply.

Several others from both teams and some of the residents share goodbyes as well, then we are in the elevator and heading topside again.

As the elevator goes up, I hear Twinks telling Tater, “I really enjoyed working on those robot repairs and upgrades with you and their techs. I wonder if we could get one of those for the shop back in Manesville?”

Tater sighs but smiles as he tells her, “Twinks, maybe, but why would we need one there?”

“Perhaps to protect the shop crew while we are in the field.”

“But why would they need that kind of protection when we have most of the Manesville Brigade there Twinks?” he asks in frustration.

I hear her sigh and she tells him, “Tater, just like us, they may not always be there in strength. You heard the radio broadcast before we went into the depot, the Enclave seems to be spoiling for a fight and honestly, home would be a valuable target for them.”

“Choo, tell her she has nothing to worry about,” Tater tells me.

I ruffle my wings slightly and tell him, “Honestly, I think she may be right Tater. I will have to think about how to handle this one.”

As we come out of the main entrance of the cave, the sun is near its afternoon position. After our eyes adjust to its brightness again, we can see how much of the area here has been cleaned and salvaged by the cave’s inhabitants. I also notice the still recent graves to the side where those Enclave scouts who died when we first got here are buried. Not that their equipment went to waste.

I look over at Sunny and I can see him wearing a full set of the Enclave power armor. He grins at me and then looks at the graves and I can tell he knows what the cost was for him to get it. I am just glad the Spiral and her people allowed him to assemble a good set of it from the wreckage of the others. Of course, in part that was because she was also able to get several more sets herself for her people.

It is nearing dusk when we arrive at our pick-up point. The same one where we were dropped off just a few scant weeks ago. As I look at the remains of the old checkpoint, I find myself wondering, why here? What was so important here that they spent their last few hours of life here? Did they know about the research depot?

“OK, set up a loose perimeter, I am going to send for our pick-up. Twinks, I want you and Cowlick to see if there is any salvage while we are here.”

Twinks shrugs and tells me, “Okay, you’re the boss.” As she and he begin to wander over to one of the armored personal carriers that are locked.

The message is sent, then I hear Twinks to the side say, “That is odd?”

“What is odd Twinks, I call back to her?”

“Choo, this armored personnel carrier. It has a coded lock on it. I have never seen that before.”

The rest of us are around the vehicle facing outwards as they continue to work on it. Then I hear a slight whoosh sound and the rear ramp door begins to lower slowly Twinks and Cow step back and have their weapons ready as they try to see into the darkness within. Twinks uses her horn for a light as they look inside.

That is when I hear Twinks say, “Boss, you’re going to want to see this.”

“What is it Twinks?”

She just shakes her head and tells us, “You really need to see this.”

As I get close enough to see in, I see the bodies of a zebra combat team in full uniform. What really gets my attention is that they have both an RPG and a 50mm anti-tank rifle. I can all but see Cowlick drooling over it.

I nod my head, “Ok, that was not expected. Check to see if you can find any paperwork explaining what they are doing here.”

Cowlick then asks me, “Uh, what about the weapons?”

I find myself sighing, “Go ahead. Perhaps we can send them back to the shop or get a good price for them with the NCRA.”

“Ok, boss.”

It is when they begin to move bodies outside that I notice something unusual. I first notice that one of the unicorn soldiers has what looks like holes in its legs and its wings look very delicate almost like insects. Then I notice what looks like fangs in its muzzle. Oh buggers, Changelings.

“What’s wrong Boss?” I hear Double Back ask.

I take a deep breath and remember my training. Then I tell him, “Changelings. At least some of these guards were changelings.”

Morning Mist asks, “I thought they were a myth.”

I shake my head, “No, sadly not. They joined the Cesar and his forces to fight Equestria, but I never expected to see them.”

Summer Mist then points a wing tip towards a weathered worn paper that can barely be seen in the changelings’ saddlebags.

I use my TK to lift it out and I begin to read,

My dear queen,

I and the rest of my team are currently dying from the magical radiation that our allies have unleashed upon our enemy. My team is very weak mother as we have not been able to feed in almost a week. All we can sense is fear, hatred, and greed. My Queen, they were never our friends. The zebras or the ponies. I tried to befriend them. We have enabled those who hate us, to destroy our world and our source of food, and in the end, ourselves.

I am sorry we have failed you, but we tried. I can not write much longer. Feeling dizzy and vision is blurring. So will end this letter.

Your Obedient servant


I look up from the letter and am stunned. I never saw it through their eyes. Without thinking I put the note into my saddlebags and say a silent prayer for him and his brethren.

We police the area while we wait to see if we can find anything else of use or of note. It is only a couple of hours later that we first hear, then we see the vertibuck coming to pick us up.

I watch as it begins to circle above us and I light up my horn with two long and one short burst of light. They waggle their wings in reply and land near us. My team grabs their gear and what salvage we have found here with us onto the aircraft.

As I get on, I am hoofed a helmet like the crewmembers are wearing with ear and microphone built in. The crew chief shows me where to plug it in and once we are all set, I feel the aircraft leap skyward once again.

As we begin to head towards Junction Town, I hear the pilot say to me, “Good to have you and your team back aboard Princess.”

“It is good to be back aboard with you again. But I am not a princess.”

I hear the pilot laugh lightly as he tells me, “Oh, we know that, but you look enough like her, and you do have a way, ma’am, so that is just what we call you amongst ourselves.”

Ah, a nickname, I guess Princess is better than Trainwreck, but still. “Oh, ok, I understand now. We have been out of touch since you dropped us off, any news.”

I am looking forward at the cockpit and I see both pilots briefly look at each other than co-pilot begins to search the sky again as the pilot quickly scans his instruments. He looks up and tells me, “A lot has happened Ma’am. In fact, while the balloon has not officially gone up yet, we are expecting it to at any moment.”

I nod my head though they cannot see me do so, then I ask, “So what has happened?”

This time I hear the Co-pilot say, “Shipping on the rivers has dropped severely, ever since several of the riverboats and a couple of barges were reported being attacked and sunk by Enclave forces. Of Course, the Enclave leadership claims it is stragglers and remnants of the old regime and that they cannot simply control every pegasus. Winter Winds even went as far as to say we should understand how it is to deal with rouge pegasi as we have so many Dashites in the NCR.”

“Okay, that sounds about right then. I hope none of them was anyone we knew.”

I see his helmet nod, then he adds, “Also there have been reports of some of our recon teams being in direct combat with teams from the Enclave. Ma’am, they are really spoiling for this fight.”

As he is saying this, I see a dot on the horizon fast approaching us. I point it out to the pilot and he calls back, “Oh, Buck. Chief warm up the guns, we have fast movers inbound.” He pauses then tells me, “Make sure you and your people are buckled in. This could get a bit rough.” Then he begins to move as fast for the deck as he can.


Thunderhead, Grand Pegasus Enclave: Ball Lightning

It feels so good to be back in Thunderhead this time. Granted I will miss the youngsters, but I am sure Alizée is keeping an eye on them for me. I know she has gotten quite attached to Lil Bit and especially Savannah, who has begun to help her run her shop so she has more time to do what she needs to.

I am really looking forward to tomorrow night as I have gotten word that Sundancer should be back home again. It seems her team was met as they came onto the Rainbow Dash Skyport by Down Draft who sent me a message. Tonight is a quiet night for me. Dinner with dad, then back to my quarters for the night. Well, at least that is the plan.

As I am finishing dinner with my father and his girlfriend, I feel the waiter slide a note into my saddlebag. I do not read it right way. Instead, I wait until I can go to the restroom. There I read it.


I need to talk with you tomorrow night. Our mutual employers have decided a business debt needs to be settled discreetly and I will need your assistance in making good on its collection. I will stop by your place after dinner. I may need you to bring along some buddies to help with this job as well.


Air Burst

Buck me. I had hoped to spend tomorrow night with my wife. Instead, I get to share her time with Air Burst. Wonderful. OH, and now he has a special project for me? Really? I have gone from the elite to just being security and now, now he wants me to leave that and go traipsing around Hoofington on a special detail, I think to myself. Then I begin to wonder, I wonder what exactly this debt is. I sigh and realize that I will just have to wait to find out.

As I come back to our table Dad asks me, “Something wrong son?”

“No, not really, just the usual business,” I tell him.

I see his eyebrow rise and he replies, “Ah, ok. Well, we will not keep you out too late tonight then.”

“Thanks, dad.”

Before we can pay the check after our meal, Dad's marefriend asks, “So, as you and Sundancer are married now, how long before you will be making your dad a grandfather?”

When she asks this, I am caught off guard. When I finally can reply I tell her, “I am not sure. We both would love to, but with our careers, that makes it hard.”

“Well, it is not like the Volunteer Corps is a real job. I mean by now she should have assuaged her conscious enough that she can truly step up to the role of a proper pegasus mare.”

I find myself tilting my head and I flick both my ears and tail in irritation. Then I tell her, “Honestly, the Volunteer Corps is doing a lot of good. I think it is a great step in helping us win the hearts and minds of those dirt side. It may take longer than military action, but, and I say this with full sincerity, but, if done this way, we will not have to suffer through an occupation of hostile territory and people.”

She does not look fully sold on the idea then I follow up with, “A clear military victory is easy for us. However, how many of us will it take to occupy that land until they can become integrated into the Enclave?” I pause then holding up a hoof I finish with, “And no, killing all of them is not a solution. There will always be survivors and they would be even worse if we tried that, and justifiably so. If we tried that we would be guilty of crimes against equinity.”

She seems stunned then she calmly says, “I see your point. I am sorry if I inferred your wife’s job was not important.”

“Apology accepted.” I turn to my father and tell him, “I do need to get going dad, we can talk again soon, and whenever I get the news that she is in a family way, I will let you know the first thing, I promise.”

He smiles back at me, “I know son. I know. Have a good night.” He tells me then he gives me a quick one-wing hug. With that, I trot off back to mine and Sundancer’s quarters. A night that had so much promise earlier now making me wish I had just stayed at home tonight.

The next day goes more quickly and as I come out of my office at the end of the day, I am met by Sundancer. When she sees me, she is almost bouncing with excitement.

Once close enough I give her a double hug with my wings and forehooves and gently kiss her. “It’s so good to see you again dearest.”

She nuzzles me back and then tells me, “I have missed you so much.”

“Do you want to head home to clean up first or shall we just go get dinner?” I ask her.

She looks at me and tells me, “If you are ok with going out in uniform then I am ready to eat. I am so tired of eating rations.”

This gets me to twist an ear and raise an eyebrow as I ask, “I thought you usually ate the local food when ground side?”

As we walk, she nods her head, then she tells me, “Well, I have my reasons this time. But I will not know until tomorrow for sure.”

This gets my curiosity up so I ask, “Why tomorrow? Are you ok? Is it a medical issue?”

She smiles and gently tells me, “Dear one, I am late. So, I am getting checked in the morning.”

I cannot help but smile, “Do you really think so?”

She smiles at me and simply nods her head. Then she tells me, “Well hopefully.”

“What about your job?”

“Well, that is something we need to talk about later, but who knows? Air has told me if I am, then he has a few ideas of how to use that. Maybe that is why he wants to talk after dinner with us tonight.”

Yeah, right. I know him better than that I think to myself. Instead, I answer, “Maybe.”

As we arrive at the restaurant, I look down the street and I can see a surprised Air Burst approaching on hoof. He is cleaned up and in a civilian suit. When he sees my uniform, he shakes his head and shrugs. “Good to see you again Ball,” he tells me as he holds out a hoof to shake.

“You too Air, let’s get a table and order dinner. By the way, welcome back from the dirt side,” I tell him with a smile.

He looks at me sideways, “Thanks, I guess. I thought you would be more upset by my interrupting your first night back with your wife.”

“I will be honest, I was not happy at first, but one, you are my friend. Two, I know you well enough you would not ask for this if it was not necessary.”

“You are right, but let’s talk more about that once we finish eating and get to your place.”

After dinner Air Burst follows us back to the small apartment, we are living in. He has us both sit down then he tells me, “Ok, the main reason I wanted to meet you tonight. It seems that the NCR has a delegation in Hoofington that is trying to purchase equipment and weapons for their military. Ball, Sundancer already knows this. It seems that some of the delegation members we have met before.”

This gets me to raise an eyebrow. Then he continues, “That includes the lieutenant colonel of theirs who exchanged us as well as the lead diplomat Miss Haze.”

I notice his strained tone of voice when he says her name, but choose to ignore it. Instead, I ask, “Do we know anything about their security?”

I hear him sigh, “Yeah, that same bunch that caused us trouble when we were working with the Mayhem’s Mares and the Broken Clocks.”

I nod my head, “Ok, I think I saw at least some of them at the Rainbow Dash Skyport last time I was dirtside.”

This gets his attention and he asks me, “Really now?”

“Yeah, that pegasus Lieutenant Colonel and some captain had come there to purchase some things. Why?”

He puts a hoof under his chin, “Interesting. We may be able to work with that.”

“How so?” I ask.

“Well, that lets us know for sure who they are. I just wonder if the rest of their security team is with them. If so, we will need some serious backup.”

“Yeah, but Air, I don’t know if the Mayhem’s Mares or the Broken Clocks will even talk to us after last time,” I tell him.

“Yeah, but if we somehow let a few of them know that those who might have caused them all those troubles before are back in town, then maybe they would be interested,” he counters.

I sigh as I realize this may be pulling me further into the dark side of intelligence work. While I hated leaving my scouts, now my security company are my ponies and I don’t want to lose them. I also have to say I began to enjoy myself when I was at the Skyport, especially when I got to visit with the youngsters.

Grudgingly I ask him, “Ok, so what do you have in mind?”

“Ball my colt, don’t be like that. We both know that war clouds are on the horizon, so this is for the greater good. I have a few contacts who can set up a meeting with them for us. If so, we can try and do a snatch-and-grab of the diplomatic team and military representatives. That would give us some early bargaining chips.”

I sigh again, “Ok, let’s do this. But what all do you need from me?”

“I trust you to coordinate the capture efforts. I will need Enclave troops to go into the Hoof and not make a scene as well as work with the gangs.”

“Ok, I get that, now Sundancer has told me you have some ideas of how to use her if she is pregnant, would you mind telling me what they are?”

From the chair he is sitting in, he leans forward and begins to tell me his ideas. Some I am not too thrilled about, but there are a couple that not only make sense, but I have to say are good ideas. As our conversation winds down he finally says, “Well, enough of that for now. Ball, I will be talking to my higher-ups. Don’t be surprised if you and a team are pulled right away for this.”

I smile at him and tell him, “Ok, thanks for the heads up and have a good night.”

Two days later I get word that I am to pick a team and lead them as Air Burst and I discussed. The day after I am approached by Sergeant Major Funnel Cloud. He enters my office and closes the door, “Really sir, again?”

I nod my head, “Yes Funnel, again. But this time I get to choose who is on my team.”

He looks at the names and I see him smirk at one of them. He looks up and asks, “Are you sure you want Flash Bang too?”

I grin back at him, “Oh yes, I am certain. See, I feel he needs some seasoning ground side to help round out his character. Besides, I do not forget a debt or slight. He has questioned not only mine, but all of us that were on our last missions honor. So instead of punishing him, I will let him find out the hard way what it is like.”

He shakes his head, “Sir, I ask again, is this a good idea? Are you sure you are not doing this just out of spite?”

I shake my head, “No, not fully out of spite. He is competent and this will help him in his career. But I would be lying to you and myself if I said there was no spite involved.”

He nods his head and tells me, “Ok, at least you are honest with yourself on this too. Next question is, when do we leave?”

“Tomorrow, we leave. The day after we meet up with Air Burst.”

He nods with a solum expression on his face. Then he tells me, “Well I am sure you will be glad to have your wife with you on this one.”

I shake my head negatively, “No, she is not going to be on this mission. Most of Airburst's team is standing down on this one. He will help us connect with the gang leaders and we take it from there.”

“Ball, just what is this mission?”

I smile and calmly tell him, “You will get a full briefing when we get dirtside. But for now, know it is just a quick and easy snatch-and-grab.”

He relaxes a bit and laughs lightly, “Quick and easy is not in Air Burst vocabulary sir, but I got you. Thanks for that much. I will have the others grab their gear and be ready to meet you in the morning.”


In other news, there has been a clash between NCR and Enclave forces out in Horseton. Rumor has it that the fighting was over another unaligned stable. While casualties were light, the surrounding areas experienced some additional damage and the NCR forces have been withdrawn from that area to prevent more damage.

In local news, there have been several attacks made by gangs upon the Enclave Rainbow Dash Skyport and Miramare air station. These have resulted in quick reprisal raids with the authorization of the Lunar Commonwealth leadership.

For all of you still out there in the Wastelands, remember it is still a dangerous place out there. Remember that while magical radiation is nowhere near the problem it once was, you still must watch out for it in some areas. If traveling and the locals warn you about it, take it to heart and listen Better to be laughed at than to glow.

Now for our next song, here is Wolves of the Revolution

Chapter 33 Mare on the Run

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Chapter 33 Mare on the Run

“In the animal kingdom, one of the keys to survival is to outwit your enemies. And when you’re surrounded by carnivores, one of the best strategies is to fade into the background and disappear.” – Neil deGrasse Tyson

Hoofington, Lunar Commonwealth: Ginger Snaps

As Windy and her family provide covering fire the rest of us begin our run for the train station. Tek and Xochitl are leading the way. Epona is on one side of our group, I am on the other. Suddenly ahead of us, I see a jet of flame shoot across the street. I then see a couple of ponies I know with their firefighting equipment and flame throwers and call out, “Tinder, Kindling, it’s us!”

Kindling calls back, “What’s going on?”

As we hear gunfire coming behind us, I pop off a couple of rounds of suppressive fire and hear I have made a lucky hit before I run over to kindling and explain, “The Mayhem’s Mares, the Broken Clocks, and a few enclaver’s are after us.”

Tinder grins widely and tells me, “Well, get going, we will slow them down a bit. They are not going to come into our territory. We cannot have them getting bad habits now, can we?”

I stay behind with them briefly as the rest run forward again. This time Epona is with Tek in the lead while my husband takes a few aimed shots at our pursuers before he slaps Kindling on the shoulder and tells him, “Thanks, I will see you next time.”

As we run to catch up, we are several blocks away when I hear the flame throwers firing off again followed by more screams. Then we are on an open road as we continue running. I have just reached the middle of the column when I hear Epona yell to Tek, “How far to the border?

I cringe when I hear him hell back, “Only twenty kilometers as the crow flies. But we can’t fly, so a bit more.”

After almost ten minutes we can no longer hear the fighting behind us. Our entire group keeps up its quick pace for another twenty minutes after we escape, Ma Mollygirl then decides we need to find a place to rest. Shortly after this, we do. It is an old red brick city bus garage. We can see that two of the large bus doors are hanging open. As we enter it is not only dark but dank and musty.

Epona and I stay at the doors, as lookouts. But we can hear the rest of our party behind us. We have caught our breaths for only a couple of minutes when Moon Lily calmly says, “Ma, there are ghouls and ferals in here and they are coming our way.”

That is when in a surprised tone of voice, we hear Tek say to her, “YOU? YOU ARE THE NECROMANCER?”

While I am looking out still, I hear Moon say stubbornly, “No, I am not a necro romancer. I just feel them, and help them find their way.” When I hear how she has answered this I have to stifle my laughter.

In reply, Tek sputters out in a frustrated voice, “That is what necromancers used to do!” He then asks in a very confused tone, “You have pony shaman?”

I have just looked back over my shoulder to see what is going on when I see Moon lift her hoof and begin to pray and make the sign of the blessing as we begin to hear the growling coming our way.

Papa Archer then orders, “Everyone, back out, now!”

As they come our way, Epona and I start to see MEW beams strike the ground near the entranceway. We provide covering fire as Lieutenant-Colonel Windy and her family run outside and begin to dogfight with the pegasi that are still in the air. Papa Badger and Attaché both struggle to back out of the doors while this is going on.

Then I hear my little sister Mills yell out, “Moon to your right,” and I turn to defend my sister and I see Moon Lily’s horn begin to surge with power as it flashes time after time. Soon she is joined by both her mother and Purple Haze. As they defend us from one side, I and most of the others are involved in the firefight outside. Finally, we fight our way back outside and begin to move out again as fast as we can. I look at the carts briefly and I notice that Purchase Order is sitting propped up in the cart. As we move, she provides covering fire for Badger’s cart and the young foals, who are sheltering under what baggage we still have in it.

As we are running, I see Mama Mollygirl looking at a factory ahead of us. As she does this, I hear Moon Lily call out again, “Not that way Mama Mollygirl, more ghouls.”

With that, we begin to head in a different direction. As we do another pegasus makes a strafing run toward us. Mama Mollygirl skids to a stop and braces herself as she aims her Deathbunny SMG at them. She fires a quick burst and I see sparks as she hits them in the helmet of their power armor and then my attention is drawn to another one coming from the opposite side. I shoot on the run and hear several of the others doing the same.

It is a running gunfight for us for the next twenty minutes. Finally, they give up, or are low on ammunition and break off the fight. We have slowed some and as we do a wound check I hear several of us call out that they have minor wounds. This includes myself having been hit with a through and through of my left foreleg, but I use a healing spell on it and do not bother the others.

During this time Moon Lily gets out of the cart and helps her mother tend to the others who are wounded too. We do not stop at all but continue on at a walk for another hour before we decide we need to take a break again.

We begin to look for a sheltered resting spot when we find a building that has one entire side knocked down. It also appears to have suffered a fire inside about a century ago. Once we enter it, we all huddle under the roof. This allows those who were pulling the wagons to finally take a break from the traces and harness. As the rest are doing this my team sets up a loose perimeter and watches for trouble.

Shortly after we start to rest, I hear Tek tell the Colonel, “I go scout ahead. Be back soon.”

As he starts to sneak out, I see my beloved put a hoof on his shoulder and tell Tek, “Be careful out there ok.”

Tek grins back at him and pats his hoof with one of his, “I will Flower. I will.” Then I watch as he pulls up his hood and all but disappears as he slides out of the building and into the urban jungle that surrounds us.

When he returns, he approaches the Colonel and Windy and tells them, “Ahead, three blocks that way,” He points in the direction we were traveling and then says, “Gang territory, they call themselves the Hoof Ferals. That way,” he points again towards our left, “Is rad scorpion territory under an old park.”

The Colonel then asks, “Ok, how about that direction?”

He shakes his head, “No Good. That way is Marimare. Many Pegasus, many friends of Enclave.”

I see her nod her head, “Ok, which way do you recommend?”

He almost seems surprised she is asking his opinion then he points towards the park. “That way is bad, but other ways are worse.”

I am now watching outside again and I hear the Colonel say, “Ok, let’s get everyone ready then. I need two ponies in the traces. All the youngsters back into the back of the cart. Everypony who has a weapon make sure you have it ready. We may be dealing with radscorpions.”

Buck, I think to myself. I really do not want to deal with radscorpions. I quickly check my weapons to make sure they are ready. As I do this, I hear the others doing the same thing. Then I hear one of the dignitaries asks, “What do you mean might? Is there anything else we need to worry about ahead?”

I turn to him grinning and tell them, “There are lots of things ahead to worry about, but for now our closest ones are the radscorpions,”

Millie then adds, “Yeah, that should not be much worse than radhog hunting back home.”

I cringe as she says this as Ma now knows about their hunting. But instead of getting angry she just says, “Well, first off, these critters can burrow underground and surprise us when they come up. Secondly, when did you go radhog hunting?”

Mills then tells her, “Ma, we only did it a couple of times.”

“Who is this WE you mention?”

“Ma, it was me, Woody, Bucky, and Moon. We sold the meat off.” She tells me.

Finally, Mama Mollygirl asks, “Does this mean you all know how to use weapons?”

I smile slightly as I see my younger siblings all standing a bit tall as if in trouble, but nodding their heads.

“Fine, next chance we arm you. But until then, keep your heads down.” She tells them. Then she tells the rest of us, “Ok, let’s get this done with.”

Windy looks over at her and asks, “Mollygirl are you sure about this?”

“Windy, what choice do we have?”

She sighs and nods, “Ok, Kids, Squall Line, on me, were air support.”

They go up into the air, but not too high, just skimming the trees slowly ahead of us.

As we begin to go forward, we have the foals all in the wagon, one cart behind the other. Most of us adults are walking alongside the carts Tek and Xochitl are ahead, me and Epona behind them.

We make it halfway across the park when I see the Colonel stop and looking startled at the ground yells out, “INCOMING!” and she jumps to the side just as radscorpion explodes from the ground where she was a mere second ago.

It swings towards her and she dodges the stinger on its tail as she rolls to the side. Right after this one appears; I hear one of the diplomats on my side of the wagons call out yell out and we feel the ground moving as another one burrows its way up.

While Ma and several others on her side are fighting that radscorpion we are busy on my side with the new arrival I watch as it raises its tail and strikes one of the diplomats. As it does, I hear that pony scream in pain, followed by the call “Medic!” from Aunt Purple.

As we fight them, I hear Epona yelling, “Here comes another one!” and then she opens fire with her SMG in full auto. The radscorpion Mama Mollygirl is fighting turns towards the wagons. When it does this, she runs forward and strikes it at the joint where the tail connects to the body with her sword. As she is doing this, glace over and I see Windy dive down and fire at it with her MEWs and shortly the beast stops moving.

This is followed by two shotguns firing and Mama Sumac saying, “That’s one down. Now keep moving forward.”

From the corner of my eye, I watch as Tek and Xochitl guard Mama Sutures as she puts the wounded pony into the wagon with her TK. When they are done with this, we all begin to trot, no longer worried about being cautious as we just want to escape this park. I quickly glance behind us as we move forward. Behind us I see the three dead bugs lying there. Then I notice motion from the other side of the park that becomes several earth ponies and unicorns beginning to run towards us. From the clothing they are wearing, I can tell they are from the Broken Clocks. As the chase begins and I am getting ready to stop and shoot at them, I see the earth open up in front of some of them and another radscorpian comes to the surface ready to fight. I bump into Mama Mollgirls as she has stopped to look at the spectacle of an earth pony mare jumping onto the tail of the creature and holding on as it swings its tail trying to get it off.

I then yell to her, “Move it ma, those are the Broken Clocks, see what I mean, that just is not right.”

She shakes her head and begins to run to catch up with the others again. As we run, she asks me, “Why do they call them the Broken Clocks?”

Laughing I tell her, “I am not sure, but maybe it is because even a broken clock is right twice a day.”

“Well, I certainly agree something is wrong with them,” she yells back as we catch up with the rest.

As we run, we see several more radscorpions come above the ground, but they are far enough away from us that we ignore them. It is then I notice that Mama Sutures has jumped up into the other cart with the wounded dignitary. By the expression on her face, I can tell it is not good.

We are then surprised when another radscorpion appears from behind some bushes in front of us. It is larger than the others and I find myself charging ahead firing as I go. Beside me are Xochitl and Mama Mollygirl. From the other side of it Epona, Archer, and Tek are all swinging in and attacking it, firing at it as we run toward it. From above us, Windy and Squall line are taking aimed shots at the behemoth as it moves to block our escape. Then Moon Lily yells, “Ma, Auntie Purple, our horns. Reverse cleaning spell.”

Those pulling the carts quickly swerve to the side as they try to move around it, Papa Badger stumbling slightly as it keeps moving towards them.

When it is almost upon the carts, all three unicorns have their horns flare, and all three of them become one when the beams meet and flare. It crumples to the ground, and as we pass it I see that it looks and smells like it is rotting at a more quickly than normal rate, but I have no time for curiosity as I scan ahead and to the side of our group. Finally, we reach the other side of the park and are back among the normal ruins of Hoofington.

That is when we begin to slow back down and look for a place to rest and perhaps make a meal with what rations we have with us.

As we continue, I find myself smirking as I look at both Xochitl and Epona. Epona then quietly tells us, “There really is something wrong with those Broken Clocks.”

This is followed by Xochitl telling her, “True, but it was a sight to see. I am just curious if the rest of them are still wound up?”

Finally, my real worries come to the surface and I ask them, “Well we know where at least some of the Broken Clocks are, but where are the Mayhem’s Mares?”


Hoofington, Lunar Commonwealth: Xochitl

Once we make our way out of the park Tek and I take the lead of our small caravan again. After a bit, I ask him, “Tek, we need to make sure the way ahead is clear for them, what do you say we do a little scouting ahead.”

He looks from me to the rest and tells me, “I think you are right. Have them wait here.”

I walk back to the Colonel and tell her what we want to do and why. She nods her head and tells us, “OK, but in twenty minutes we are going to start forward again with or without you.”

I nod my head, “I understand ma’am. We will try to be quick.”

Soon after this, I give Ginger a quick kiss and she tells me, “Be careful ok. I do not want to lose you.”

I smile back at her, “I will be dearest.” Then Tek and I begin to slowly advance along the path that we think will be best for the rest behind us.

Twice we come upon routes that look promising, but both times as we slowly creep forward, we find the path blocked. The first time we see a large group of feral ghouls milling about outside of an old, partially collapsed office building. The second time, we see a small group of pegasus recon troops in their power armor. One suddenly looks our way and I see them looking in our general direction through the scope of their MEW. Both Tek and I freeze where we are for several minutes and the soldier finally shakes their head and returns their weapon to the carry.

When he does this, we slowly sneak back the way we came and after a few more blocks we shift over a couple more blocks and in the distance, we can see a settlement that is made up of an old apartment building complex that has fences set up between the buildings. “Tek, do you know about that place?”

He shrugs, “Not really. I have never been there before, but I have heard of it. We should be safe overnight there.”

“Ok, let’s go get the others,” I tell him. Then we make sure the way there is clear before we return to the others.

When we return, I approach the Colonel and Windy and salute them, “Ma’am, up ahead about a mile we found a small settlement. It is called Creekside. They have a place where we can hide the carts, pick up some ammo and food and catch some sleep.”

Beside me, Tek nods his head. Then she asks, “How is the road there?”

Tek approaches and tries to imitate my salute which she returns. Then he tells her in his broken Equestrian, “Colonel, the road is good right now. We need to hurry, come nightfall, it might not be so good. But it is good now.”

“Ok,” She tells him, then she turns her head and tells the others, “Follow our scouts.”

Tek and I lead out with the others walking defensively. Soon, we come to the settlement we had told the others about. It is based upon several old brick three-story apartment buildings. The settlers have built walls from a combination of wood, wire fencing, old buses, and carriages. Tek leads us to the gate and we can see several earth ponies and a few zebras on the wall with weapons trained on us. A large grey zony stallion approaches us at the gate. He asks, “Who’s in charge here?”

Aunt Purple Haze steps forward. She briefly looks down and answers him, “You are. We ask for temporary entry for rest and to replenish what supplies we can purchase.”

He looks at her with a raised eyebrow and asks, “Who are you and why are you really here?”

“I am Purple Haze, the leader for the civilian delegates of our group from the NCR.”

He nods his head, “Ok, so what are you doing in Hoofington and why are you now on the run?”

Purple then answers, “We came to the area to talk with the heads of the Lunar Republic to set up trade and hopefully military alliances, Unfortunately, the Enclave has interfered with that.”

“And how did they do that?”

Purple Haze first tells him and then he asks, “I saw the dead pony with you, what happened?”

My mother-in-law Sutures then steps forward and tells him, “He was stung by a radscorpion when we crossed the park, I tried but could not do anything to save him.”

I see a look of disdain on his face as he nods his head and then asks, “Whose bright idea was it for you to cross the prime breeding grounds for radscorpions in this area?”

His question is answered by the Colonel, “It seemed like a good idea at the time all things considered.”

I can tell he is surprised by her answer as he then asks incredulously, “You thought that was a good idea?”

She is looking right at him as she tells him, “Yes, it was that or a ghoul-filled factory complex, Marimare with all its pegasi, so that was not a good choice either, not with the Enclave chasing us. Then behind us, we had two gangs, soooo…”

The way she answers it almost makes me smile, but I know better now. So, I fight the urge down and keep my face neutral

The gate guard then nods his head, “Ok, that makes sense, follow me inside.”

As we enter, I find myself as well as Ginger and Epona scanning the doorways and windows of the buildings. Then we scan the shadows of the other areas just in case of trouble. He leads us in, and our band follows him inside to a covered area between two of the buildings.

He turns to us and tells us, “You can place your carts in here as well as camp here.” He points towards a building across the way and continues, “If you look over that way you can see our cantina,” From the lower level of that building are several ponies coming and going from it. Then he points to another area and says, “Over there is our market, feel free to barter if you need to.”

Tek and I watch outwards as the others help unload the foals and wounded from the carts and those who are in the traces. Finally, we offloaded our dead compatriot’s body. I see several of the others sigh and I hear one of the others say, “We need to find a place to bury him.”

Behind me, I hear Purple say, “I will go see if I can find someplace. Why don’t most of you go get something to eat.”

The Colonel tells all of us, “You all need to get something to eat."

Then Sutures asks her, “What about you?”

“I will watch the carts until someone else gets done and comes back,” she tells her.

Right after this, I hear Badger say, “Let me know where and I will help dig the hole for the burial.”

Shortly after this the Colonel approaches Ginger and me and tells us, “Go get something to eat, seriously, I got it.”

As we are eating father Archer gets up and hurries back to the carts so the Colonel can get something to eat as well.

As the others finish eating, they get up and I watch them head to the market. Ginger is eating across from me when I ask her, “So what kind of weapons do you think your siblings are going to get?”

I see her about choke on her bite of potato. Then she smiles, “No, I am not sure, but we need to hurry so we can help them.”

We arrive at the market and I see most of her siblings have old military carbines and civilian rifles. I close as I hear Badger still bartering a price for a still fairly decent shape M79 grenade launcher. I smile as I had not thought of him using one before. I stand to the side as he finishes for a fair price and once the deal is done, I am stunned as he takes it and hooves it to Raven, who has a huge smile on her face and tells him, “Thank you, Papa Badger. I really appreciate it.”

“You are welcome, dear. Just remember to steady it before you fire it.”

With wide eyes, she nods her head. “Yes, Papa.”

Soon afterward we make our way back to the carts. Along with their weapons, we also have picked up a resupply of ammunition. While we are loading the ammo boxes on the carts Purple Haze comes over and tells Badger, “They have given us a burial location.”

Badger nods his head. Then he and a couple of the diplomate stallions follow her back outside of the gates. When they return, she tells the Colonel, “We have the grave dug. It is outside the walls of the town, but is alongside that of their own people.”

Archer tells us, “If you all want to go bury him, I will stand guard.”

Sadly, Moon Lily tells him, “I will stay with you, Papa. He is already gone and he knows how we felt.”

I must smile as he puts a hoof around her and hugs her close. Kissing her on her forelock and telling her, “Thank you, dear. I really appreciate your saying that.”

As a group, we slowly walk out the gate. Tek and I assist two of the others with carrying the body to its final resting place. As we go, the funeral reminds me of the one for this sides Epona and her mother Ivy, as we all have our weapons with us as we proceed to the gravesite.

Once there, Purple Haze gives a brief liturgy. When she is done the Colonel tosses the first hooffull of dirt upon his body wrapped in his blanket. After all of us have done so, the rest head inside while Badger, Tek, and I finish filling the grave back in.

As we get back to our carts, the others either head back over to the market area or begin to settle down with others. As I head over to Ginger, I notice Tek is sitting near Moon Lily and he asks her in his accented equestrian, “Lil one, where you learn necromancy?”

Moon Lily tells him, “No one taught me. I felt the magic and copied it from when Khatri. He was performing the blessing for one of the cattle who died in a farm accident.”

“Khatri does not sound like a pony name.”

“It is not he is a bull. He preaches at the church Mama Mollygirl and some of the others go to normally.” Moon tells him.

I see him look at her funny and hear him ask, “The Colonel goes to brahmin church?”

“Actually, it is cattle, the Brahmin came from the cattle after the big war.” She tells him.

In the growing darkness, I can see him nod his head, “Any like me there?”

She turns her head from side to side and tells him, “No, none like you, but we do have some other zebras there.”

He nods his head and asks nervously, “How do the others treat zebras?”

“Oh, just like anypony else. Even Slip Stream likes them.”

I smile as he asks this and he looks at her funny asking, “Who is Slip Stream, why are they special?”

She looks at him and then says, “Oh, she is my friend from school who is a hippogriff. Her mom is a pony and her dad a griffon.”

I see him look at her funny, “Do not tease me little one, that is not real.”

She looks at him with a defiant expression. “She is too a hippogriff. I am not lying.”

He nods his head, “I am sorry, I just never heard of such a thing before.”

She nods her head, “Ask the spirits if you can, they will tell you.”

He then asks, “So you are a shaman.”

She shakes her head, “No, I am not, I am just a little unicorn filly. I do not talk to spirits, only the Mareigan.”

“Who is the Mareigan?”

“Sir, she is the spirit of our region back home.”

I see the surprise on his face at first, then he smiles and shakes his head slowly. “Well little one, maybe it is okay for me if I go there. Thank you for talking. Good night,” he tells her then moves over to his bedroll near the rest of our team.

After he puts his blanket down, I go over and talk to him briefly and ask in zebracan, “I heard you talking with Moon a bit ago, what was that all about?”

He shrugs, “Flower, she is a necromancer, and not a weak one. I respect her power and was curious where she got it.”

I nod my head, “Yeah, I can understand that. Though she just found out she had that ability a couple of months ago. “

He shakes his head, “So young and so powerful and yet, only a pony. If she had stripes, she would be of the One tribe and she would grow to be reckoned with.”

I nod my head in agreement as I know more about the zebra tribes now than when I was growing up. Then I tell him, “And yes my friend, you will be welcome there.”

He smiles tiredly then he asks, “This hippogriff she mentioned; are they real?”

I nod my head as I smile, “Yeah, and to be honest, their parents were very surprised the first time. But back home they are now no big deal.”

He nods his head in understanding and tells me, “That sounds good. Now we best get what sleep we can.”

I have to agree with him, so as he climbs into his bedroll, I do the same next to my wife. As I fall asleep, I hear the typical Hoofington, nighttime random gunfire, and noise. As it is fairly distant, I relax and thank the goddesses that be for our safety and survival so far.

The next morning, we awake and eat a hearty breakfast at the cantina again. As Ginger and I are in line she asks the closest of the cooks, “So, do you happen to have any radhog bacon?”

The stunned pony then looks around and quietly tells us, “Yes, yes we do, but we do not advertise it.”

I am very glad to hear this as today I want something heavy to hold me. At her answer, Ginger grins back at her, “Thank you. I really appreciate it. It is so hard to find good radhog cooking around here.”

The cashier smiling tells her, “Dear I know what you mean. My husband got this one just a couple of weeks ago. We not only salted this bacon, but we smoked it too, so we are charging a bit extra for it.”

Ginger nods her head in agreement, “Understandable, I will pay for a couple of slices please.”

As we wait for our meals, they continue to chat and finally, she asks the cashier, “Have you ever had bacon on your salad? It is to die for.”

I see the cashier smile and tell her, “Yes, but I thought I was the only one who liked it that way.”

I then tell her, “Actually most of our family enjoys it that way.”

“Well here comes your breakfast, enjoy you two, and when you come back through here, remember to stop in. Maybe we can exchange some recipes even.”

“I would really like that, just call me Ginger, and this here is my husband, Xochitl. I will see you then Twice Baked.”

Once we are all finished eating and back at the carts Badger and Attaché both take up the harnesses again and we are soon on our way. On guard at the gates is the zony who initially welcomed us standing to the side. I nod to him and he nods back and waves to us as we exit the gate. “Good luck folks and I hope you make it home safely.”

“Thank you, sir!” Moon calls back to him. Then we are back to the trot as we continue our run for home.


NCR Airspace, South of the Foal Mountain Range: Choo Choo

Just after our pilot tells us to hang on, I feel us drop and turn to our left as two Enclave Gunship Vertibucks race past us, firing their guns at where we just were. I feel the vibration of some of those shots as they hit our vertibuck and pass through its skin.
From the rear of the passenger cabin, I hear several of the others exclaim in surprise. Then I feel our aircraft begin to twist and turn. As one side gun begins to turn, I see the door gunner begin to spin up his minigun and fire several short bursts from it.

As we start to swing to the other side, I see him take several bullets and go limp in his harness. I call out to the pilot to let him know the gunner is down. I hear him in a panicky voice tell me “Get someone on that gun if you can. Now shut up and let me concentrate.”

Before I can say anything, I see Twinks use her TK to move him over to her so she can work on him, and I am surprised to see Cowlick take his spot and begin to fire at one of the vertbucks chasing us.

Then I hear the pilot say to his co-pilot, “Ok, watch this.”

That is when I almost panic, that is almost never a good thing to hear someone say. The only way it could be worse is if it was preceded first by here, hold my beer.

Right after he says this, I feel the rotors shift and we jump upwards as the Enclave vertibucks shoot past and below us.

As we spin to our left, I see the two Enclave vertibucks turn outwards from each other as they maneuver to come back at us again. Our pilot then turns and dives for the foothills and ruined forest below us. I find myself grabbing for a hoof hold as we zig and zag, climb, and drop among the folds of the ground as our pilot puts us through his best evasive maneuvers.

As we do this while maneuvering, I see Twinks struggling to keep her patient from sliding about as she treats him. Several times I hear her swear as either he slides or she does. Still strapped in Days End uses his TK to try and help her.

We have just passed through a tight valley when I notice one of the gunships has broken off and I can’t see them. Suddenly I see that they had swung wide and slightly higher to enable them to cut us off. They are trying to force us to land or crash. I am not sure which.

Suddenly our pilot somehow pulls us up and to the right, but as he does so, we are racked by rounds and MEWs from them. I feel something lurch inside and I hear warning alarms and see flashing lights from the cockpit. But at the same time, I hear Cowlick yell out, Got the son of a mule, and I see that vertibuck turn and begin to limp its way back toward where it came from.

From the other side, I hear that door gunner yell, “I got a piece of that one too.” But it keeps coming and makes one more pass at us before it breaks off.

However, by now I can see that we are not going to make it. We are going down. Then I hear the pilot call out. “Everyone brace for impact, were going down.” Then he calls over the radio, “MAYDAY, MAYDAY, Flight R273, we are going down.” Then he gives a brief coordinate, as the aircraft begins to spin on its way to impact.

I know what I must do, and I tell our pilot, “Shut down your engines, I will get us down.” Before he responds I teleport myself fifty meters above us and I grab the vertibuck in my TK. I am struggling as I try to keep it from falling, but I am able to slow it down enough that when it crashes, it buckles the landing gear and only crumples the bottom of the vertibuck. As the engines finish winding down, I begin to see movement from inside of it.

Once the engines are fully stopped, I begin to see my team crawl out of it. Finally, I see the pilot assisting his wounded co-pilot out of the wreckage and Days End assisting Twinks with getting the wounded door gunner out.

We search the nearest stand of trees and find some branches that will let us make a couple of travoises. But by the time I get back, Twinks looks up from the wounded gunner, shakes her head and I see her use her forehoof to close his eyes.

In the distance, we can see a plume of smoke that I assume is from one of the other vertibucks and we can hear the rotors of another one in that direction as well.

I look at the pilot and his crew and tell them, “We need to get moving. They will be back soon.”

He then says, “Our Transponder is sending out a distress signal, help should be able to follow it to us.”

A blood-spattered Twinks walks up to him and asks, “If our people can home in on that transponder, don’t you think the Enclave will be able to as well?”

I see the surprise on his face and he nods his head slowly. Then Twinks tells me, “I have treated most of our big wounds already boss. The Copilot is stable enough to move, but he will need the travois.”

I look at everyone and I tell them, “Ok, grab your kits people, we need to put some klicks between us and this wreck.”

Everyone who can goes over and grabs their kits. The surviving door gunner goes over and grabs several small packs from a compartment inside the vertibuck and hooves them to the other crewmembers. Then he asks, “What about Storm Warning?” as he looks at his fallen comrade.

I am tempted to say, we can bury him, but I hear a vertibuck approaching us. Instead, I tell him, “Hopefully someday we can come back and bury him, but he is gone and we need to move if we want to keep breathing.”

I watch as he cringes some, nods his head, and then goes over, gently kisses his comrade on his forelock, and tells him goodbye. Then he trots back over to us and we are back at the trot with Cowlick pulling the travois behind him.

After about fifteen minutes we have cleared the crash site enough that I feel we can take a quick break, examine our situation, and determine what to do next. Behind us, we can see smoke where our aircraft went down. In the distance I can see at least one plume of smoke, and while I want to go high and look around, I do not want to attract any unwanted attention to us.

As I look at those around me, I notice that besides the badly wounded copilot, most of us are all suffering from bumps and bruises from the crash. Twinks is currently sewing up a cut above Double Back’s left eye where he hit his head. I then begin to treat Tater for a pretty good gash that has soaked through his emergency bandage on his right hind leg just above the knee. When I am done it is still healing, but he can use it without reopening the wound again. I would have healed it fully, but I need to keep some of my magic in reserve.

It is while we are doing this that I begin to hear another vertibuck. As I scan the sky, I see it in the far distance. I see a couple of dots jump out of it and I assume they are Search and Rescue troopers for the Enclave rescuing any survivors from one of the crashed gunships.

As we begin to move again closer to NCR territory and Junction Town, I see what looks like a cave ahead of us. Behind us, I hear the SAR vertibuck from the Enclave and I know that means that soon they will have more reinforcements. With that in mind, I make a decision and I tell the others, “We head for that cave up there.”

Doubleback then asks, “You want me to go ahead and check it out? It looks like a rough time getting there.”

I think briefly, “Yes, go ahead, but be careful and do not get seen by anyone if you can help it.”

He nods back to me, telling me, “Got it Boss.” Then he turns and heads towards the cave at first at a trot, then slowing down and soon I can not see him amongst the brush and brambles ahead of us.

I notice the nervousness on each of their faces as we continue. But press on we do. Soon we briefly see him on the ledge outside the cave. I watch as he cautiously waves us forward and dodges into the cave.

As we get up to the cave entrance, I cast my invisibility spell as I wait for the others to enter. Just as I start to enter the cave, I see another vertibuck fly slowly in our direction. I freeze in my tracks and watch as it flies near the cave. I see the Enclave copilot pointing toward the cave, then I see the door gunner shake his head in a negative gesture. After this, they continue their way down the valley.

Once they are out of sight, I enter the tunnel and drop my spell. I then notice how tired my people are. I shake my head and tell them. “I have the watch. Go ahead and sleep.”

Twinks then tells me, “I will try Choo, but we found a sleeping yao guai in here. I already hit it with an anesthetic spell, but I am still a bit nervous.”

I nod my head in understanding. “Well, try to catch some rest. Once it gets dark, we move again.”

The surviving door gunner then tells me, “Ma’am, I will stand watch with you if you don’t mind. I caught a nap on the way to pick you up, so I am probably the best rested of all of us.”

I nod my head and notice the rank insignia on his uniform. Then I tell him, “I appreciate it, Sergeant.”

Shortly after this the others all begin to settle down to catch what rest they can. As they do so, I pull one of the bottles of Sparkle Cola Rad that Spiral Notebook had given me, out of my saddle bag. I pop the cap and as I take the first sip, I can feel myself begin to revive as the magical radiation as well as its radish flavor tickle my tongue and throat. Now that hits the spot. I just wish I had more of them.

The next two days we spend using the escape and evasion techniques we learned from some of the ghouls in Dead Quite. We sleep during the day and travel at night as much as possible. When we stop, we try to make sure it is in an area where we are concealed, as we are still occasionally buzzed by Enclave Vertibucks as they search the valley for us. The interesting thing is that they seem to think we are traveling much faster than we are as almost always seem to be ahead of us.

During the afternoon of the third day, the others are trying to rest when we begin to hear a lot of noise coming in our direction. Unfortunately, we do not have any caves or such places to hide. But we are next to a creek bed and it has a slight overhang, so we slide down and use what we can to cover ourselves.

We have just finished getting in place and I have cast a simple camouflage spell to help us blend in better when I hear the metallic distorted voice of a pony in power armor say, “That is negative Blue Nougat 1, there is no sign of them yet. The MEW and Gunfire you heard were when we kicked up a pack of radhogs.”

There is a brief pause and I hear, “Roger Blue Nugget 1, I understand, return to the pickup site, hostile airborne forces are inbound. Blue Nougat 7 out.” Again, a short pause then I hear from almost above us, “Ok, ponies, wrap it up. We have company inbound and they want us to pull out pronto.”

“But Sarge, we are close, I swear I can smell them.”

“Fair Winds, that is not them you are smelling, it's you, you need to shower more, especially when you are spending this much time in the bush like this.”

We are all waiting, ready for the worse when we hear the noise of branches breaking as several of them take flight right where they are under the tree cover.

It is another twenty minutes when I see a large airship with two vertibucks in the distance. I turn on the radio on my PipBuck and I hear, “Flight R273, This is an NCR Airship, we are responding to your distress call, do you copy?”

I look over at our pilot who nods his head and tells me, “Yeah, that is the proper procedure, never give them your proper name, why give them free intel if you don’t have to?”

I nod to him and reply back after they have called again, “This is Flight R273, we can see you. We have one severely injured pony and several minor injuries. What do you need us to do?”

I then hear them say, “Pop a smoke grenade so we can get a vertibuck to you.”

As we pop smoke I see the pilot let out a breath as he tells me, “We should not stay right next to the smoke, just in case the Enclave decides to hit it with something.”

As a group, we move fifty meters to the side of the smoke. And as the vertibuck begins to hover over the smoke those of us who cannot fly run over to our next ride. This one is smaller than the transport vertibucks so those of us who can fly wait until they are in the air and we follow them as they head to the airship. Once the vertibuck has landed in the hanger bay, the rest of us fly inside and land as close as the slowly turning rotors will allow. Once we are all together, our pilot turns to me and grinning tells me, “Now that wasn’t too bad now, was it.”


Undisclosed Hanger, Rainbow Dash Skyport, Hoofington: Ball Lightning

I smile to myself as my team arrives on the tarmac from the vertibuck and are taken to the same one we were led to the first time I joined the dark side operations task force. Of course, that is not what they really called it. But I still am not sure what the name for it really is.

We are led inside to the small briefing room. In the front of it is a podium along with a couple of seats that have ponies already sitting in them. I smile when I see Air Burst to the side alongside Lt Colonel. Sun Storm. I shake my head slightly as I see she is once again wearing her mirrored sunglasses and smoking her pipe, looking mildly bored.

Behind me, I hear Sergeant Flash Bang ask someone else, “What are we doing here?”

As I turn my head to look at him, I hear Sergeant Major Funnel Cloud’s voice almost growl as he tells him, “Shut up and pay attention. Maybe you will learn something, Sergeant.”

Then I am surprised when I hear Flash Bang say in a stunned voice as he looks at Sun Storm and asks, “Aunt Wind Shear?”

She looks flustered when he says this and tells all of us, “You will forget you heard that name, or I will give you all a memory wipe. Do I make myself clear?”

We all nod our heads. Then as we take our seats she stands and walks to the podium and tells us, “For those who are here for the first time, welcome to the dark side. To those we have worked with before, welcome back.”

When she says this, those who were with me before all nod their heads. Those who are new, well they seem a little surprised. I find myself taking a slight bit of joy in watching the reaction of Sergeant Flash Bang when he hears this. It seems that things just got real for him and he is suddenly nervous. I catch myself in time to keep from smiling though when I notice her look over her sunglasses as him with the don’t you dare screw this up look.

When she is done talking to us, Air Burst stands up at the podium and begins, “For this operation, we have been able to recruit the Mayhem’s Mares and the Broken Clocks to assist us. The plan is to let them be the drivers and has them drive the targets to your team. For those of you wondering who your targets are, they are two senior officers from the NCRA as well as two company-grade officers with them. Of note is that they are with a civilian diplomatic delegation. The goal is to take both the officers and diplomats as prisoners to be exchanged at a later day for our people. That means we have to do our damnedest to take them alive. Am I understood?”

We all murmur back in the affirmative.

Soon afterward we are back in the barracks area of the hangar and we are putting away what few personal possessions we have brought with us.

“Sir,” I hear a voice behind me asks, “Did you know she was my aunt, sir?”

I turn and find the sergeant standing there blushing. I shake my head, “I had no idea. If I had known, I would have never brought you on this mission.”

He looks confused and asks, “Why not? Are you afraid she will be nepotistic?”

I move my ears in a mildly annoyed manner that also shows a negative answer. Then I tell him, “I wouldn’t have because I would not want to expose her cover any more than I have to.”

Again he looks surprised and then he cautiously tells me, “Sir, you really do get into these black ops don’t you.”

Part of me wants to grin, but I fight that urge down and with a straight face I tell him, “If you don’t understand how black ops work, then maybe you shouldn’t be here.”

The next day, Air Burst pulls me to the side, “I need you with me when I go meet the heads of the gangs we will be working with. Moon Dial insists on it, or she says it is a no-go.”

I nod my head, “Yeah, I get it.”

He smiles ruefully and tells me, “Good, shall we go get this done with?” as he begins to walk out of the hanger and toward the gate.

I hurry to catch up with him and ask, “Shouldn’t I change into civies at least first?”

He shakes his head, “No, not this time. This time we are being upfront with them. No games. They are willing to work with us if we are honest.”

Soon we are in a vertibuck that takes us toward the Broken Clocks territory. Once we are there it lands and I hear the crew chief tell us, “Just call us on the radio when you are ready for pickup.” We nod our heads in understanding and they are gone.

Before long we have progressed through the ruined buildings and I can see the old Manehatten Watch and Clock Company building with its now missing clock tower.

We come to the intersection where I first met the Broken Clocks. But this time I see one of them sitting on the wreckage of the old clock tower, instead of being inside the storm drain. The ganger looks at me in my uniform and then looks at Air Burst. He shakes his head, “Glad you are on Time. She is waiting.”

Air Burst nods and tells him somberly, “I had no intention of being late. Could you either escort us in or have someone escort us to see Moon Dial?”

I see him turn and look toward the building behind us. He moves his hooves and ears in a signal. He looks that way for a short bit, then he turns back to us and tells us, “Yeah, your escort is coming.”

Shortly after this, two more ponies approach us, one has a bad scar on their face and is missing half her right ear. The other I can see walks with a heavy limp. When he gets to us, he sneers as he looks at my uniform. Then I hear him say, “I shoulda known you were a regular Enclave soldier. You seemed to goody goody.”

I simply shrug and Air Burst looks at him with some disdain and tells him, “Just take us to your boss.”

Once we enter the back loading dock doors, we are met by Moon Dial. This time I can tell she is not happy with us, but she is also foregoing the typical one upmareship. She has one of her forehooves on her hip and asks, “Ok, so what do you really want?”

This time I answer, “We need your gang and the Mayhem’s Mares to work with my squad to capture a group of NCR officers and diplomats.”

As I say this I hear another voice as a ratty-looking, heavily scarred light purple unicorn with the tip of her horn broken off comes out.

Beside me, I hear Airburst exclaim, “Hard Knocks, Thank the Goddesses you are alive. I thought you were killed when your main compound was attacked.”

She leans against the wall and asks sarcastically, “So you’re saying you knew nothing about that attack?”

He quickly tells her, “Tartarus no. We were coming to complete our dealings with you. We were just as surprised as you were.”

She nods her head. “Any idea who they were?”

This time I grin, “Yeah, and from what I understand, three of them are the guards for the group we are trying to capture.”

This has her attention. She then looks at Air Burst and asks him, “Is this true?”

He nods his head, “From what sources I have, yes.”

She looks at Moon Dial and asks, “What is our payment if we help you?”

Air Burst asks, “What do you want?”

Moon Dial and Hard Knocks look at each other, then Hard Knocks says, “Food, medical supplies. Real ones, not just drugs.”

I look at Air Burst and he just nods, “That is easily done. In fact, with your permission, I will see about having a Volunteer Corps station set up in each of your territories to provide you with said supplies.”

Then Moon Dial says, “We want you to agree to that, even if you fail to capture them. We will be the beaters to drive them to you. You will have to capture them.”

He nods again, and I ask, “And when we capture them?”

She smiles, “If you capture them, I don’t care what you do with the rest, I want those who are responsible for this,” she says as she points to the heavy scarring on her side, neck, and face. “I was buried for two days before they dug me out and could treat my burns.”

I nod my head, “I understand.”

Air Burst, with a grim expression on his face, tells them, “Agreed. As for our VC stations, just let us know.”

Moon Dial then asks, “How are you going to find out where they are?”

Air Burst smiles and tells her, “Everypony in Hoofington goes to Mega Mart, I have contacts there. I will contact both of you, agreed?”

They look at each other grudgingly, then turn to him and tell him, “Agreed.”

The next morning, I have my squad in standard uniform, sans power armor as we enter the Mega Mart grounds. We pay our fees at the gate. Then we walk inside.

I am amused by Sergeant Flash Bangs expression as he looks around at all the vendors, then looks up and sees Gun II above us. I then overhear the Sergeant Major telling him, “Never fire your weapon in here. It will automatically target you. Melee weapons are ok though.”

He slowly nods his head in acknowledgment. Soon I see Salvage Value and he waves to me. As we approach he asks me, “Can I help you find something?”

“Perhaps, but let’s take this discussion outside.”

Once outside we are off to the side from the main entrance and he asks me, “Ok, sir, what are you looking for?”

So, I tell him. As I do so I see a skinny, light green mare with a dark green mane and tail, and wearing a light blue Mega Mart vest and shotgun across her back. As I look at her, her eyes go wide as if she heard us talking. Then Salvage Value points at her and tells me, “That one there. She knows them and visits them where they are staying even. I can’t remember for sure, but I think it was the Hoofington Grand Hotel. I overheard her telling a couple of others about her visits. If you grab her, she should be able to tell you where they are.”

As he says this, I see her begin to run for the gate and she yells to someone near it. I quickly tell Salvage, “Thanks,” and I toss him a dozen caps. Then I tell my squad, “Capture that mare.”

With that, we begin to chase her and the zebra stallion who has joined her as she passed out of the gates.

We chase her for several blocks in the direction of the Hoofington Grand Hotel when one of my troopers calls out, “Stop or we will shoot.”

As they keep running, the trooper stops briefly, and before I can say anything he has taken two quick shots at her with his MEWs. I see the mare stumble as she is hit. The Zebra helps her get back up, gives her some kind of medicine and they continue to run.

We are only a few blocks from the Hoofington Grand Hotel when I tell my troops, “Ok, we need to fall back and have our armor dropped off.” I then get on the radio and call for a drop off at an open patch of land several blocks back the way we had just came. After this, I call Air Burst and give him the information that I know so far.

Right after this, he tells me, “Roger, I will let them know.”

As we wait I keep checking the time on my Pipbuck. I know it has not been that long, but it seems like forever. After a ten-minute wait, I hear a vertibuck coming in hard and fast. I set off a smoke grenade and it circles twice before landing in the open ground.

My people rush on board and begin to suit up in their power armor, assisted by the flight crew. As each gets suited up, they step off the aircraft and form a protective perimeter. Then the Vertibuck takes off again and quickly recedes in the direction of Thunderhead.

I then hear from Air Burst over the radio, “the auxiliaries are almost to the hotel you mentioned. Give them support.”

“Ok, colts and fillies, let's make this quick if we can,” I say as I lead them into the air.

We are only about a city block from the hotel when the Broken Clocks that are just ahead of us begin to take fire, so my team lands and we begin to provide support fire as they continue to advance.

I see in the distance two carts loaded with youngsters and baggage begin to run away from us. However, several of their party on hoof and in the air fire at the Broken Clocks. I hear one of them yell as they are hit and I see another go down without making a sound ever again. As a group, both mine and the gangers begin to chase them.

Soon we lose them in the urban jungle that is the ruins of Hoofington and its suburbs. However, we do know where they are most likely heading. The quickest route back to the NCR is by rail, so they most likely are heading in that direction.

I call on the radio to both gang leaders and let them know where I think they are heading. Hard Knocks answers first, “Ok Ball, I will move my people to the south some and try to swing that way.

Moon Dial then answers, “Yeah, we are moving straight ahead still, they won’t have many choices here soon, either they enter the Hoof’s Ferals territory, the old Down Chemical Factory for ammunition, which is full of ferals, or they have to head towards Maripony or across an old wide-open park that is a prime breeding ground for radscorpions around here.”

Just as she finishes saying this we stumble upon them as they back out of an old bus garage. Those on the ground begin to fire at us and at something inside. However, we soon have a dogfight going on with two adults and three younger pegasuses from their group.

I divide my troops up, half for air superiority and half to go after the ground troops. It is during this that I watch a mare with a red coat and yellow and black mane turn towards us, plant herself, and fire at one of my troopers, hitting him in his face piece. I hear him cry out he is hit and going down. As he does this my team medic calls out to him that he is on the way as he leaves the air fight.

Our medic lands and begins to treat him as another member of my team is hit. However, his power armors matrix spell automatically dispenses a healing spell and he is back in the fight shortly afterward.

My medic then calls back, “Sir, we will need a medivac for Trooper Sky Sweep. A healing spell will not save his eye.”

“Roger, I will call in for a pickup,” I respond before I make the call.

While you would think we would be at an advantage with our power armor, they are much nimbler and keep dodging us. I do see one of them get hit, but they keep flying and soon the rest of their group has escaped as they fly as fast as they can among the wreckage and we lose them.

I call back to Moon Dial and tell her where we had seen them and I hear her laugh, “Yeah, they are heading in that direction alright. We will keep driving them, why don’t you try to capture them up ahead?”

I have to agree with her and tell her so. Shortly afterward we hear the medical vertibuck arrive and they take my wounded trooper away. As they leave, I order my troops to form on me and we take to the skies flying high. Ahead I see the park she mentioned and I look at the roads beyond it. I make a snap decision, “Sergeant Major, we will be setting up a couple of checkpoints on those roads ahead. I don’t think they have much choice on which direction to go.”

Soon afterward we reach the abandoned checkpoints that block the two main roads from the Park towards the railway station. We hear gunfire from the park and when I call on the radio to Moon Dial, I hear her quickly say, “Can’t talk, we're busy right now.”

But I do hear the gunfire quicken and then die out. Soon she contacts me and tells me, “They made it through the park. I am pretty sure they are heading your way.”

“Where are you?” I ask.

I hear her huff out a breath of air, then she tells me, “We are on the other side of that damn park. Have you ever ridden a radscorpion. It is a wild ride, let me tell you.”

I catch myself smiling and shaking my head as I am pretty sure she really means it. Then I see one of my people point their rifle in the direction of the park and I watch as they use their scopes to examine the area. After about ten minutes he shrugs and brings the guns back down. We wait at the two checkpoints until it gets dark. Then we find an old barn to hold up in for the night that is several kilometers closer to the train station.

Come morning we get up, eat and begin to get ready for the day. I have the next two troopers who are to go on watch go high and begin to search for them. It is nearly midday when one of my people tells me, Sir, over by that abandoned farm, I just heard gunfire and a grenade go off.”

“Ok, go check it out, but be careful.”

As they arrive, they find some dead raiders and spent cartridges on the ground. They describe the place and one of my sergeants who has worked the dark side before, but not with me tells me, “Sir, I think I know that area, get them out of there.”

I nod and follow his advice. Soon we are back in the air. Below I see the Broken Clocks slowly making their way in the direction of the station. Then I hear all hell break loose from several blocks of the ruins. As we try to make it there the explosions and gunfire die down. In the distance, I can see them all running for the train station with no air cover this time.

Then I see the train is just starting to load passengers and the locomotive is taking on fuel and water. I find myself grinning an almost feral smile as I give the order. “Go for the station as fast as you can. We can catch them before they get onboard.”

As we begin to land we can see that many of them are wounded. They have just begun to try and load the carts onto a flat car when one of them sees us and points us out to the others. I am smiling still in my power armor as we land almost simultaneously, surrounding them.

I then call out to them, “Throw down your weapons and surrender and no one else gets hurt.”

The pegasus officer that I recognized from before calls back, “I don’t think so Lieutenant.

“And who do you think you are?”

She grins, “I am Lieutenant Colonel Wind Rider of the NCR Army. But I was once known as Yellow Taffy One when I had your job.”

“So, you turned Dashite did you? Or are you just a deserter then?” I mock her, as I know who she is, but with my armor on, she doesn’t know who I am.

Coldly she answers, “Actually no, we were let known that we were no longer part of the Enclave by Neighverro, and by your accent, I can tell that is not where you are from.”

I laugh and ask, “Did they fail to capture you when we attacked them, is that what you wanted to say?”

She smiles and says, “No, I was on maternity leave at the time. However, I am pretty sure that the colt I was carrying all those years ago has you targeted pretty well. Besides, If I were you, I would look behind you and your troops.”

I turn my head and am startled to see the large number of armed cyber augmented Zebras that are around all of us. The augmented hearing of my suit then picks up the one I know is Ginger whispers quietly, “That’s the Brood Ma. Stay calm.”

Her mother, that is who that scarred red mare is? I have attacked their family. I feel some guilt, but I had no choice. It was my duty.

From behind the scarred colonel, I see an official for the Commonwealth. He is wearing a close-fitting hood and cloak as he asks me, “Lieutenant, am I to understand that you and your people are conducting military operations in the Lunar Commonwealth? You know that is a violation of our neutrality and could be construed as an attack upon us?”

I audibly gulp and reply, “No, not military operations, we are just trying to apprehend these criminals.”

The hooded pony then tells me, “Ah so a law enforcement matter, and you did not check in with us to assist you? I tell you what, have your troops assemble over to the side here and remove their power armor, you have violated our jurisdiction and are being temporarily detained, what did you say your name was Lieutenant?”

I grit my teeth as I tell him, “It is Ball Lightning, Lieutenant Ball Lightning.”

“Very good Lieutenant Ball Lightning, now if you would please do as I have asked.”

I shake my head as the other members of my team assemble where they were ordered and I head that way myself. In the back of my mind, I wonder if I have just destroyed my career.

The Hoofington official turns to the colonel and tells her, “That should be enough for now. Thank you all for visiting Hoofington. I hope your stay here was a pleasant one and that you will visit again someday. Now you best get your people loaded, you have a train to catch.”

We remove our power armor as I watch them load onto the train. Once my suit is off, I see Ginger, Xochitl, and Epona all look at me in surprise. Then I see a sad look on the face of Lieutenant Colonel Wind Riders' face as she too recognizes me. But I do not want her pity.

As their train pulls out of the station my troopers are all giving their identity to officials of the brood so the Enclave can be contacted. I look one last time at the train as it begins to pull out of the station and I see the scarred colonel that is Ginger and Epona’s mother looking back at me. In a moment of anger, I stand on my hind hooves and give her the hoof. Then I turn my back on her and I hear the brood official tell me, “Ok, your command has been contacted and will be here to pick you up shortly. Just so you know, we are keeping the power armor.”

Again, I shake my head in frustration. I then look up at him and tell him, “Understood. Just let us know what you need us to do.”

He tilts his head, smirks, and tells me, “If only you had been that way, to begin with, we could have worked with you and your people.”


This is Broadcast Nights coming to you live from Junction Town. That last song was by Velvet Remedy and is a personal favorite of mine.

For those on the borders of the NCR, remember that help is coming, but it just takes time to respond sometimes. The sooner we get information, the quicker we can respond and get help on the way to you.

In the news today, the Grand Pegasus Enclave has broken off diplomatic relations with the government of the New Canterlot Republic, after having said that it is obvious that the NCR has no intention of keeping peaceful relations going. This announcement was followed by several members of the Parliament calling for the President to resign and step aside for those who are willing to work with the Enclave. This has resulted in many accusations and counter-accusations being made.

We will have more news for you shortly after this next one. For all of you just trying to get out of the way, here is Band on the Run.

Chapter 34 Reflections and Decisions

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Chapter 34 Reflections and Decisions

“I'm going to fight for a better world. For some, that means a bandage. For others, a bullet.”

— Jean-Baptiste Augustin, Overwatch

Wastelands, Train in route to NCR: Ginger Snaps

As the train pulls out of the station, Papa Badger, Epona, and Purchase are watching the front door of the car. Papa Archer, Xochitl, and I are guarding the back one. Most of Epona and my mothers are in one of the sleeping compartments that they had paid for with Mama Magpie, who was wounded during the last stretch of our run to the station.

We were all making a dead mare’s run down the city street when the Mahem’s Mares open fired on us. Mama Magpie was hit in the shoulder and hit the broken pavement hard. Mama Sutures used her TK to pick her up to put her on the cart and Moon Lily used a shield spell to protect them from the gunfire still being shot at them. The thing that surprised me most is when my youngest sister Raven yelled out, “This is for my mom,” and balanced her grenade launcher on the edge of the cart and fired a round right into the window of the room where most of the gunfire was coming from.

This bought us enough of a lull in their firing for us to make a break down the street and past the ambush point.

In the sleeper compartment with them helping her mother Sutures, is my little sister Moon Lily. I smile sadly as I think about how she has followed in her mother’s hoof steps, treating the wounded no matter how dangerous it is. I do worry about her.

As the train rolls across the wastelands, we begin to settle down. My siblings sort themselves out and our fathers help them to clean their weapons. While we begin to rotate a guard watching the door for the first couple of hours.

Most of our group begin to tire and fall asleep in their seats. I smile to myself as I see that Epona has fallen asleep on her bench seat with her back to the car wall, but with Purchase leaning against her. Epona’s hooves are wrapped around her and they are both asleep. Even if Purchase has her eyes half open.

When the conductor comes into the car, my husband and I assist him in converting several benches into beds for the passengers to sleep on. While we are doing this, I see Mama Mollygirl come out of the sleeping compartment and begin to check out our siblings. I see her talking with Shadowbuck and then I see her climb into one of the now set-up beds. Then I hear Bucky asks, “Mama Mollygirl, can I sleep with you tonight?”

In the faint light of the lanterns, I see her smile lovingly at him and tell him, “Of course dear. Please do."

Then I smile myself as he crawls under the blanket with her and she wraps a hoof around him just like she would do when I was having a hard time sleeping as a foal. For a short time after this, I hear them talking quietly, but I cannot understand what they are saying. Eventually, I hear his breathing shift as he falls asleep and then Mama Mollygirl begins to snore lightly.

Twice during the night, the train stops to pick up water for the boiler and fuel. At the last stop, one of the other passengers asks the conductor if they can get some of the water from the water tower to clean up in.

The conductor shakes his head, “No, best not. This water is not safe here. Well unless you are a ghoul.”

The passenger looks startled and asks, “But where do you get your drinking water from?”

He smiles as if to a slow child and tells them patiently, “Ma’am, we fill out tanks at every station when we stop. It is not always safe to fill them elsewhere.”

Late the next day we are almost across the empty space between the NCR and the Lunar Commonwealth when I hear the train blow its whistle five times quickly, then let out a solid scream as the brakes screech and the conductor then Papa Badger yells out in a terrified voice, “Hold on, the tracks are out ahead!”

We feel a sudden jolt and it continues to slide another fifty feet along the rails as the engine and cars bounce off the tracks briefly and back onto them, before it stops. Once stopped the crew of the train checks first on the passengers and then begins to check on the equipment. I see Moon Lily sneak off the car and then I see Mama Mollygirl catch up with her as they examine the broken rail.

Our party then begins to look out both sides of the car cautiously in case of trouble. I watch as Mama Mollygirl and Moon Lily talk while pointing at the break. Then I see Ma begin to look around slowly and she quietly says something to Moon. After which Moon Lily starts to walk back towards the rest of us and the cars.

Suddenly I hear the sizzle of a MEW from the direction of Mama Mollygirl as she is almost hit by a MEW beam and I see her dive into the ditch by the side of the tracks drawing her pistol. As she takes cover, the rest of our family begins to fire at what we can see of the ambushers in the distance.

We are engaged in a firefight with them when I suddenly hear Mama Mollygirl screaming in pain followed quickly by an unarmored Enclave officer who staggers in flight and then glides slowly back towards the rock formation. Once he gets there, I hear one of them yell to some others, “The LT is hit bad, somepony give me a hoof so we can get him to safety and treat him.”

I then hear Papa Badger call out, “Ceasefire.”

The rest of us stop right then but I hear Raven whine, “But Papa, I was just going to hit them with Badda Boom.”

“Raven, unload it for now and help your brothers,” he tells her while shaking his head with a smile on his face.

With an unasked-for cease-fire seeming to be in place, we watch as they then have their largest squad member carry their lieutenant away on their back. A pony with a medical insignia on his saddlebags gives him an IV as they fly.

Once they are gone, we establish a perimeter around the train. During this time, I see that Moon Lily has gone over to Mama Mollygirl and is treating her wounds as Mama Sutures joins them.

Closer to me, the crew and passengers begin to take care of the wounded and dead from the train. only a couple of the civilians are dead, it seems they panicked and jumped off the train on the side of the fighting.

Soon Ma Mollygirl is moving very tenderly on her own hoofs and she walks slowly to the rest of us. We can hear the train crew talking about how the guide wheels are off the tracks and how hard it will be to get them back on. Then Purple Haze tells the Engineer, “Have all the unicorns assemble at the front of the train please.”

He seems confused at first and begins to ask her why. She puts up a hoof and tells him, “Just get them and I will explain.”

As I watch soon there are ten unicorns, including Purple, Sutures, and Moon at the front of the engine. My team sets a loose perimeter around them and I overhear her telling them, “We are going to all use our TK to just lift it enough so that the engineer and some earth ponies can adjust those front little wheels back on the track. Now on the count of three, we lift.”

She gives the count and I watch as all ten of their horns light up at once and begin to lift the engine. I see the engineer and two others lean into the guide wheels and once they have them in position, he tells Purple, “That should do it.”

The unicorns then lower the engine the last little bit all at once and I see it hit hard, but the engine is now ready. Soon everypony is reloaded onto the train and we are back on our way to the NCR.

As we pull into the station at Checkpoint, We can see a squad of NCR Soldiers ponying a couple of defensive positions. One of which has a Mare Duce heavy machine gun. I notice them all looking at the condition of the train as we pull into the station. A couple of them are pointing at the rail cars. Then we see their expressions as the dead ponies’ bodies are offloaded followed by the rest of us.

As I and my family get off, I see the soldiers go to attention and salute the officers with us. Then I barely hear one whisper to another, “I've never seen that many officers before. Look at them all.”

One of his partners replies, “Yeah, look at the scars on the Lieutenant Colonel, and she looks to have been wounded again.” I look at her and while I hope Ma did not hear him, I have to agree.

As we begin to enter the station she is approached by a captain for the local forces. He salutes her and asks, “Are you Lieutenant Colonel Mollygirl of the 1st Manesville Regiment?”

She then nods her head and tells him, “Yes captain, can I help you?”

Still being formal he asks, “Ma’am, can I see you PipBuck to verify your ID?”

“Sure,” she tells him as she holds it up so he can see it.

He looks at it closely and then says, “Ok, Ma’am, could you please follow me to the office over there? I have a package for you.”

She then turns to all of us and tells us, “I will be right back.”

When she returns, she tells us, “We are to proceed as quickly as possible to Junction Town and that the tracks are being cleared ahead of us to expedite this.”

As she is talking Epona, Xochitl, and my PipBucks suddenly buzz and vibrate with an emergency message. As we look at them, I feel my expressions turn serious. We have our new orders and an assembly point. I turn to her and tell her, “Ma, we are to meet Choo in Junction Town. As soon as possible, we have a job.”

She does not seem surprised by this, and tells us, “That is ok, we are all going there right now. I have to report to the war office.”

Soon the train has been readied and we all begin to climb back on board. Once we are all loaded the train begins the trip again, but this time we do not make all the stops and layovers we did on the way out. I also notice several locomotives going the other way that are on the sidings having cleared the tracks for us. I smile when I see the telegraph wires going to the small building next to each siding and realize they are using them to clear our path. Who knew that the telegraph and Horse code would be making a comeback?

The deeper we go into the NCR Territory the more the rest of my family begins to relax. Purchase has Epona tune into a radio station and we begin to hear the reports on the radio of major Enclave incursions into the NCR. It seems the war has either kicked off or is about to. These incursions seem to be in several areas, but one of them seems to be heading toward Manehatten

The civilian delegates with us almost panic at this news. Finally, Purple Haze calms them down and tells them, “Calm down everypony. First off, we are heading to Junction Town, and barring that we can always go to Manesville to wait until the NCR retakes our home.”

Once they are calmed and have settled down, she approaches Ma and asks her, “Colonel, can we talk someplace privately?”

They slide off to the side and do not realize I can still hear Purple ask ma, “Colonel, what do you know about Celestia One?”

She responds “Actually I never heard of it before.” And to tell the truth, neither have I so I listen closely.

I hear aunt Purple sigh then she tells her, “Ok, what I am telling you stays between us,” and she begins to explain what Celestia One is to her. As she does, I feel a bit of horror wash over me and I fear for what this could mean for the rest of us.


Junction Town, New Canterlot Republic: Xochitl

As the train pulls into the station Our team quickly gathers our things as do the rest of our entourage. One of the first things I notice is how much JR 7 has changed as it has become Junction Town. As we gather our kits and get ready to say our goodbyes, I notice a couple of anti-air mounts that have been set up near the station. In the far distance, I can see an airship coming overhead as well as some vertibucks coming and going from it.

One of the many officers that are on the platform looks over our party as we offload the train. He then waves to the Colonel and I see her signal back to him that she will be there soon. She then first tells the other parents that she will only be a minute. Then she turns to our team and tells us, “Look you three I know you are used to your special missions and all, but things are really getting serious now. Please be careful.”

Ginger gets her cocky grin on her face and tells her, “Come on ma, you know we will be. Besides, look who is talking. Remember, you are the one who raised us this way.”

Beside her, both Epona and I nod our heads and smile. She then tells us, “Yeah, but I keep telling you to do as I say not as I do,” and gives us a wink, and continues, “Well give me a hug and I will let you three get going. Remember to say hi for me to the rest of your team. Especially Sunny and Choo Choo, ok.” She pauses and then adds, “Oh, and tell Tater I am glad he finally asked out Twinkle Hoofs. It is about time.”

Epona blushes slightly, then says, “Ok ma, we promise.” She hesitates, and then she says, “Oh, Ma, could you talk to Mama Magpie about getting me another copy of the Book of Little Pip, I, Uh I left mine behind on our last mission.”

She seems suspicious and raises an eyebrow and tells her, “Sure, but how come you had to leave it behind?”

Epona blushes deeper this time and Ginger answers for her, “Ma, she gifted it to somepony you would never believe, but we can’t go into details right now. All I will say is it was through the Doorway.”

The Colonel seems stunned she has said that much and only nods her head telling us, “Ok, I understand, and Epona I will get you a new copy as soon as possible. Do you still need a new copy of the Book of Daisy Jo?”

This time Epona grins and tells her, “No ma, if I want to read it, I will just ask Ginger if I can borrow hers. Oh, when you get home tell Buttermilk and the calves, I said hi and I miss them.”

She nods again and then has us step closer to her before she whispers, “Kids, for the love of Sweet Cream, be careful. I am really worried about what is building up between us and the Enclave again. The last time I felt like this was before the Day of Sunshine and Rainbows.”

Ginger and I glance at each other and nod. She takes my tail in hers and then we shift closer to each other. Epona nods her head and tells her, “Ma, thanks for taking Purchase with you back home for me. I had not planned on this.”

The Colonel then tells her, “Dear, I am happy to, but when do we ever plan for things like this? But when duty calls and all that.” Then she exchanges a quick hug with all three of us and as she turns to go meet the staff officer, she tells us again, “Take care and I love you all. It was great seeing all of you again, thank you.”

We then walk back to the rest of our family as she heads over to the waiting staff officer.

Once we are with the rest of the family, we again say our goodbyes to them. I see the concern on all of my parents in laws faces. My siblings-in-law on the other hoof all look excited for us.

Raven emphasizes this to us as she tells us, “I wish I could go with you. You guys get to have all the fun.”

I smile sadly at her and tell her, “It is not all fun now Raven, you should know that now.”

She waves a hoof, looks at her parents then us knowingly then gives me a wink, as if sharing a secret, and tells me, “Yeah your right Cohitl.”

This gets me to grin slightly and shake my head. Goddesses, she is such a scamp. Considering her biological parents are Archer and Magpie, I have a hard time trying to figure out where she gets it from. Then she gives me a quick hug before going back to stand next to the rest of our family.

Right before we depart Badger approaches me and pulls me to the side. He then quietly tells me, “Be careful son. Remember to come back as well as to bring back the others on your team.” He pauses briefly before adding, “I know it’s your job, but I think things are about to get really rough for all of us.”

I look him in the eyes and I tell him, “ I will do the best I can, but remember that goes for you as well Father.”

Ginger then comes over to us and exchanges a quick hug with him and tells us, “Ok, we need to get moving. What we don’t need in the field we are leaving with the rest of you. We will pick it up at the farm once we are back, Ok Papa?”

He nods his head in understanding then tells her, “Yeah, I will see you at the farm dear. Be careful out there. And remember to look up too. Most of us forget about the sky.”

She smiles in understanding then She uses her head to motion to me and Epona as we follow her away from our family and head to the address we were given as a rendezvous point on our PipBucks.

As we go I notice the park to the side with a statue of a unicorn mare that looks to be wearing a PipBuck and stable barding. I would really like to look at it closer, but I know we do not have the time right now. We do talk some as we go. At one point I hear Epona tell Ginger, “Sis, I don’t know how Ma and our Pa’s can do it. I mean leaving their partners like this all the time.”

I hear Ginger sigh and then tell her, “Sis, I know it isn’t easy on them. We both have heard them talk about that.” She pauses and then asks, “You really are fond of Purchase, aren’t you?”

I look over and see Epona nod her head slightly then she replies, “Yeah, a lot more than I had realized. Sis, I think she may be the one.”

This gets me to raise an eyebrow and turn to look at her more closely. However, I keep my muzzle shut. This is a conversation between two sisters and one they need to have. So instead of contributing to the conversation I concentrate on finding our goal.

As we follow our tracking markings using our Eyes Forward Sparke, I notice we are approaching what looks to be a fairly recently built wooden building. Once we go inside it, notice a receptionist at a desk who is typing something out. She nods to us and tells us, “Just a minute please.”

Once she finishes the page she is typing, she pulls it out and asks, “Yes, how may I help you?”

Ginger steps forward and tells her, “We were sent to pick up some Sparkle Cola?”

The receptionist nods her head and tells her, “It is in the back, but I need to see your ID first.”

She looks at Ginger’s ID on her PipBuck and then pushes a button on the side of her desk. We hear a buzz and a door that we had not seen before opens behind the desk. She then turns to us and tells us, “We were waiting for you, the others are already waiting for you in the basement.”

We then move around her desk and enter the hallway through the door behind it. Once there we see several doors and a set of stairs that go down. We follow the steps and come to another door. It is locked so we knock. A unicorn in civilian clothing opens it and tells us, “Follow me please.”

As we go through the door, we see another hallway. This time there are several doors with frosted glass windows on them or the windows blocked over with wood. The doors have numbers on them, but no names. When we reach one about halfway down the hall, they open the door and we are escorted inside.

Inside sitting behind a desk, I see a light tan unicorn stallion with a white mane and tail. He is wearing a park ranger uniform and on the wall behind him is a ranger hat. The name on the plague on his desk pronounces him to be Faintstride; Chief Ranger.

He smiles, then nods to the pony who led us here. He then puts his two forehooves together under his chin and as the door is shut behind us he tells us, “Welcome to the Ranger’s headquarters. You will rejoin the rest of your team shortly. Now before they get here I will have to say I appreciate the updates on Hoofington and the power plays behind the scenes there. That is really good work, and to be honest, it will help with what you and the rest of your team's next assignment will be.”

Ginger then asks, “So, what do you want us to do this time? Also, why do you want us to meet with us personally?”

“Well for the first, I will wait for the rest of the team to arrive. As for the latter, well, let’s just say I wanted to meet you three to get a feel for who you are and to ask you a few questions.”

Epona and Ginger both look at him with one eyebrow raised and eyes half closed. Epona then asks, “What kind of questions?”

“Just a few about your previous missions and yourselves. It seems you have had contact with several Enclave officers. Can you tell me about that?”

This time I hold up a hoof and ask, “Excuse me, but could I see your credentials?”

He looks stunned, but as I ask this, I notice both Ginger and Epona sit back in their chairs with their forehooves crossed. He shakes his head briefly and he presents his PipBuck for me to examine.

There I see his name, title, and clearance level listed. I nod my head and then we begin to talk. After a short time, he finally tells us, “OK, I have heard enough, let’s bring in the rest of the team.”

He pushes a button on his desk and I hear a voice ask, “Yes, sir?”

“Rolodex, could you please bring the rest of the Repair Ponies to my office.”

“Of course, sir, we will be there momentarily.”

Shortly after this, the door opens and our full team is back together again. I find myself grinning at them and I tell them, “Looks like you guys have been busy.”


NCR Ranger Headquarters, Junction Town, New Canterlot Republic: Choo Choo

Once the vertibuck picked us up we were taken to another airship that carried us to Junction town. During our time onboard we received treatment for the wounds that some of us had received during the crash and subsequent pursuit. That was three days ago.

This morning we arrived at Junction Town and once we were transported down my team has been taken to what I now know is the headquarters for the NCR Rangers. As we enter I hear Double Back say, “Oh, Hey Rolodex, good to see you again. How have you been?”

The unicorn stallion that was just coming to the reception area smiles and replies, “Living the dream, how about you Double Back?”

He grins awkwardly and tells him, “Same here, same here. But any day this side of the grass is a good one.”

They both laugh lightly at each other and then Rolodex tells us, “Ok, follow me. We have a few people who want to talk to you and you will also be able to get something to eat and drink if you like.”

“Thanks, Rolodex. We really appreciate it,” Days End tells him.

“Well, us rangers got to stick together, even if we are behind the scenes.”

This gets several of the other members of my team to raise an eyebrow but they all keep silent and fall in line as we follow him inside. Especially those who stayed in Manesville when I spent my time with the Followers. Myself, I simply nod my head slightly and adjust my wings and ears a bit.

“So where are you taking us?” I ask Rolodex.

He grins as he says, “The Chief said to bring you here as soon as you arrived.”

As we enter the room, he has taken us to I notice it is half waiting room, half rec room. Rolodex then tells us, “You should only be here for an hour or two. If you need anything just use the phone over there and press three. That will go to my desk. Oh, and the drinks and food here are free.”

From the side, I hear Sunny say in a cheerful voice, “The drinks are free, eh?”

This is followed by Rolodex answering him with, “Yes, they are, however, being this is a place of official business, they are not adult beverages. Sorry.”

This is followed by a light chuckle from several of our team members, including myself. Tater then tells him, “Thank you, sir. We will call you if we need anything.”

He nods his head in reply. Then closes the door on his way out.

Soon I see we have a game of Dodge City hold’em being played by Cowlick, Sunny, Double Back, and Tater.

I then notice that Twinks is reading an old tech magazine and to the other side of her on the couch is Morning Mist taking a nap.

I take a seat on another couch and I just relax and bask in the comfort of safety with my team. Soon I find myself awakened as the door opens and I hear Rolodex say, “If you would, please follow me. The chief will see you now.”

As we get up, and follow him, I find myself smiling and hoping the rest of my team will join us soon. This hope is surprisingly filled for me as we enter the Chief’s office and I see Ginger, Epona, and Xochitl already in there with him.

As we enter, I hear Xochitl say, “It looks like you guys have been busy.”

I grin at them and tell them, “Just a bit, but judging by the condition of your uniforms and kits, I would say the same for you. By the way, where is the rest of your gear?”

Ginger gets up and comes over and tells me, “Sorry boss, we only kept our field gear with us, the dress uniforms, and other gear we sent home with the Colonel and the rest of the family.”

The way she says it gets me to think and I ask, “Am I correct in assuming they are safe.”

Epona answers this time, “Yeah when we left them at the train station they were.”

“When was this?”

“A couple of hours ago Choo. We just got done telling the Chief Ranger here about our recent experiences.”

This is when the Chief turns to me and begins, “From what they have told me, your team is perfect for this next mission.”

I raise my eyebrows and look at the Hoofington trio and ask, “So, what have you told them?”

They shrug and Ginger tells me, “We told them about what we saw this time compared to last time, as well as more of the political setup that we experienced.”

“Interesting.” I tell her, then I turn to the Chief, “So what is this mission you are planning on hiring us for this time?” I ask him.

He lets out a bit of a sigh, which I realize is not a good sign, He then tells us, “Just so you know, this was not my idea, but your team and several like it, have been drafted into the Rangers for the duration of the current crisis.”

“WHAT!” I all but scream in surprise. Which is joined by similar but not all nearly as polite epitaphs.

He holds up a hoof and tells us, “As I said, it was not my idea. Actually, they were trying to get you as part of the regular army. Thanks to a couple of your people being reserve Rangers, I was able to use that for the rest of you.”

I feel my ears have slid back already and my eyes are half closed in anger. Then I hear him say, “Part of this is so that if you are captured, you are treated as prisoners of war. This gives you a better chance at surviving some of what I think is coming down the pike at us.” He pauses and looks at all of us before continuing, “This also means you get full support from the Ranger network and supply system. That ammo you used on the last missions, well, that can all be requisitioned from our quartermasters.”

Epona then asks, “But what if we don’t want to be Rangers?”

I hear him sigh and under his breath, he says, “There always has to be one.” Then he answers her, “You are either one of my Rangers, or you are a common grunt. A lot has happened in the last few hours. We have had several steamers hit on the rivers by deep incursions into our territory.” I see him look at us and he adds, “This goes no further, but Manesville has already been hit by an air raid as of two hours ago. Nothing major, just some damaged buildings.” Again, he pauses, and then looking at me he tells me, “Your shop was not hit, we already checked for you.”

We all nod our heads and then I ask, “So, sir, what do you have for us next?”

He grins widely and begins to lay out what he has in mind for our next mission.

As he tells us of our main goal, I begin to see the others on my team begin to smile feral grins. Then he finishes up by telling us, “Oh, and Choo, just so you know, The Troubleshooters, they too are being notified of their status change, but they will hear about it when the diplomatic team arrives at that research center.”

I smirk as I think of what Mort and Smiley's reaction to this news will be. But I have a feeling they will appreciate the extra support in the field. Then the Chief asks, “Ok Choo, what is so funny?”

“I was just thinking of how Mort and his team might react to the news.”

He looks at me with his head tilted slightly and asks, “So, did your team get along with his?”

This time Twinks answers before I can, which I find indicative of how she feels, but I also notice his slight look of disapproval for answering for me as she tells him, “Actually we did. His team and ours were able to work together and adjust on the move with each other.”

“Humph, that is good to hear, we may have your teams work together occasionally. Also, this at least lets me know your team can work with others Choo.”

That is when I hear Xochitl asks, “So, who are the Trouble Shooters, Mort, and Smiley?”

Twinks quickly tells him. Then she says, “We can go into more details later.”

Once our briefing is finished, the Chief tells us, “The rest of you can go get some rest. Choo, I need you to stay a bit longer, I have a special favor to ask of you.”

As I nod my head and agree, I hear a slight buzzer and soon the door is opened by Rolodex. He smiles and tells the rest of my team, “Just follow me, I will take you to the barracks and show you where the cafeteria is.”

Once they are gone, he smiles sadly and asks me, “Choo, how do you feel about Scootaloo Dash?”

I shrug my wings, “I really have not thought of her sir. I mean, what she and the others in charge of Stable-Tec did was horrible in many cases, but that is all water under the bridge. I mean she and the others have been dead a long time.”

I see him squirm slightly then he tells me, “Well, actually Miss Dash is not dead. She somehow has survived and if you listen to DJ Pon3, he calls her the Wanderer.”

I am surprised and tell him, “Well I’ll be, another old-timer then.”

He looks at me, “Another old timer?”

I shrug again and tell him, “Sir, I just meet a friend of mine from back during the war. She is the one in charge of the facility we just came from.”

I see him react in surprise as he tells me, “I had not known you knew her before, or that she was that old.”

“Yes, we knew each other for several years back then. I will include the circumstances of her survival and age in my report to you.”

“Ok, Thank you, now back to the subject at hoof. Choo, The President has requested to meet with Miss Dash. Lieutenant Colonel Mollygirl has been assigned to escort her to the executive office. I want you to use your skills to make sure they make it from and to the hotel safely.”

I nod my head, “Ok, which hotel and when?”

I see him smile and he gives me the address and time I am to be there. “Thank you, Choo, I don’t expect trouble, but I want to be ready if there is any, and I know you will be discrete.”

With that, I am dismissed and escorted by another ranger back to the main entrance as I make my way to the hotel.

I wait in the alley for only a brief bit of time before I see Mollygirl approaching. I quickly cast my invisibility spell and I follow her inside.

She goes straight to the staircase and upon reaching the appropriate floor she checks to see if she is followed. Then she enters the hallway and goes to the room I was given the number for. She listens briefly before knocking.

The Colonel knocks and when the door has opened a mare fitting the description of Scootaloo is there. Mollygirl nods her head and asks her to confirm her identity, “Scootaloo Dash?”

Once that has been confirmed, Miss Dash asks “What do you want?”

"President Grimfeathers wants to have a word with you in her office.”

As I watch from by the wall on the other side of the hall, I see she is slightly surprised. Behind her in the room coming towards the door is a blueish-grey unicorn mare with an orange mane and tail who is wearing a stable jumpsuit with the number 66 on it. The Colonel nods to the unicorn mare and tells them both, "Just Scootaloo, the President was very insistent."

Scootaloo nods her head and tells the unicorn that she will be fine. To which she asks “Please be careful.”

With that, Scootaloo grabs a hat and trench coat and follows the Colonel out of the hotel as they walk through the park and past the statue of Little Pip. I see her looking at it as the Colonel begins to try and chat with her.

Quietly she asks her, “Ma’am, are you really one of the mares who set up the stables?”

She shifts uncomfortably and the expression on her face is one of guilt but she answers, “Yes, me and my friends Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom, why do you ask?”

Mollygirl smiles at her and replies, “Well on the behalf of those of us from Stable 48 I want to thank you.”

She has a perplexed expression on her face at first and tells her, “You come from Stable 48? I am surprised at your being so high in rank as Reino is not a part of the NCR.”

Now Mollygirl seems to be a bit confused and tells her, “No Ma’am, I am not from Reino, I am from Manesville. That is where Stable 48 is.”

She stops in her tracks and shakes her head, causing me to almost run into her. “Lieutenant Colonel I am sorry, but I am sure of which stable is where as well as what each stable had for an experiment or if it was a control base,” Scootaloo tells her. After taking a brief pause, she then asks, “You said Manesville right?”

The Colonel nods her head again and tells her, “Yes that is right why?”

I am a bit confused at first when next I see her laugh slightly as she presses a hoof to her face, “Lieutenant Colonel, I must apologize, you see there was only one stable in Manesville and it was 4B. I remember one late night while we were going through the paperwork that there was a typo on the paperwork for the number on the items on the uniforms and such. By then Stable 48 in Reino was also being started and we decided to just leave it as it was cheaper to buy two stables worth of equipment with the same numbers than two different numbers. Apple Bloom also said it would probably confuse any Zebra spies with the same number and two locations.”

Laughing lightly the Colonel then comments, “So a typo. Well, that explains that.”

Seeing Scootaloo’s expression, Mollygirl then tells her, “Ma’am, about ten years ago I was led into the remains of Stable 4. I found the deceased Overcows diary and they said that they had sent out the call for help to Stable 4 B in Manesville. Ma’am for the last nine years we have searched high and low for it and never found 4 B.” Then she laughs a bit more. “I always thought the misshaped 8 was just a bad casting job on the main door. I never realized it really was a B.”

She seems somewhat serious when she hears this. Then she quietly says, “So Stable 4 died too.” As she shakes her head, then continues in a more normal tone, “I really had hoped that the two stables could sustain enough cattle to avoid genetic problems.” Then she looks at me and asks, “How did it work with having an Overcow as well as an Overmare?”

“Ma’am, it worked really well. When we opened the stable up, they were right there with us ponies. They really helped us as we formed the Co-op and began to reclaim the towns and farms in the surrounding areas too.”

I see her smile sadly and she shakes her head. Then she asks, “And the seed stocks?”

Still smiling Mollygirl tells her, “Ma’am, those helped us to begin again up there. We were lucky and were able to run the Co-op under the detection spell for a century. During that time, we got a good hoof hold on rebuilding. Those seeds kept us and the local communities fed and after the NCR formed, we even traded some of the stock to help others as well.”

I see her smile at that and she says, “Thank you, it is good to hear of something going right and not being distorted in the stables.”

When we are almost to the Government building the Colonel twists an ear in a bit of nervousness before she asks her, “Ma’am, I have to ask. When our stable closed there were two male pegasuses in it. What was that all about?”

I watch her look surprised and answer, “Lieutenant Colonel, I have no clue. They were not supposed to be there.”

“That is funny because I am descended from both of them. Thank you, ma’am, for the conversation.”

She nods her head and tells Mollygirl, “Oh, not a problem. It was slightly refreshing to have the rare experience of meeting somepony whose stable was successful and who does not hate me.”

By this time, I so want to become involved in this conversation, but I must bite my tongue as no one is supposed to know I am there.

As we arrive at the President’s office door. Mollygirl tells her, “Please wait here.” She knocks and enters the office.

When she comes back out, she collects Miss Dash’s weapons and tells her, “Ma’am, I will wait out here and watch your weapons while you are in the meeting.”

Once she is sure she has all her weapons collected she tells her, “You can go in now,” as she holds the door open for her. Once she is inside, she closes the door and sits in a chair off to the side.

I sit on the floor to the side of the room trying to not be noticeable when I see the commanding general come out. She stops and tells the Colonel, “I appreciate your discretion on this. After you take her back to her room you are done for the evening. Please report to the War Department in the morning for your full report.”

She nods her head, moving her ears in an affirmative manner as she tells her, “Yes General. I hope to see you then.”

Once she has departed, she sits back down and then quietly says, “Ok Choo Choo, you can show yourself for a bit.”

I realize she has caught me and I drop my spell. I can tell when she notices that I now have a cutie mark again. She raises one eyebrow and tells me, “Well that is new. When did you get that Choo?”

Smiling, I tell her, “On the whole team's last mission, but really Mollygirl, you know I can’t talk about what happens on them.”

She sighs and nods her head, “Yeah, yeah, I know Choo. I am just really surprised as I did not know you could get one again.”

Nodding I excitedly tell her, “Neither did I, but I will say it is something I will never forget. Hopefully, someday I can tell you about it.”

She pats me on the shoulder and tells me. “Ok, Choo. I look forward to hearing it someday.”

We continue to talk for a bit then we hear someone begin to open the door and I quickly cast my invisibility spell again.

I see Scootaloo come out with a concerned expression on her face. She is very quiet and does not seem interested in a conversation. We walk with her back to her hotel room, once we arrive at the door, she tells Scootaloo, “Ma’am, it was a pleasure to meet you. If you ever make it to the Manesville area, I would be pleased to show you around and let you see the good that we have done up there.”

While she still seems distracted, she smiles and nods. Then she offers a hoofshake to the Colonel. Once finished she opens her door and as she goes inside, we then hear her call out, “Hey Arc, we need to talk,” as the door closes. We then turn and head back outside.

Once on the street, I first look to see if anyone is looking in our direction then I drop my spell. I smile at my friend and tell her, “That was interesting. She really does seem to feel bad about what happened in the stables.”

She nods and replies, “Yes, she does. I hope she can find peace with it.”

“Mollygirl, give it time, I am sure she will eventually.”

We talk for a while more as I approach her hotel and she gets ready to go see our family. I stop her and tell her, “Well, I need to go meet up with the rest of the team, Colonel. Take care of yourself and be careful.”

Smiling she tells me, “I will, you also. Be careful and keep your eyes open. It seems all Tartarus is getting ready to break loose again.”

I must nod in agreement, but slip as my ears go back momentarily. Then I tell her, “I will. Oh, and when you get back to Manesville say hi to George for me and tell her I will be back as soon as I can. And when you see Paperwork tell him I send my love and that I can’t wait to see him again.”

“I will Choo. Take care,” she tells me. Then as she enters the hotel lobby, I turn and walk away quickly disappearing amongst the crowd.

Once I am back with my team, I tell them, “OK, grab your kits, we need to get to the pickup sight for our ride.”

I smile at their eagerness as they put on their barding, and web gear, then grab their weapons as I do the same. Once done Ginger tells me, “Ready when you are boss.”

With that, we head out the door of the safe house and are back on the job once again. All be it with more support, but less pay. However, with what is coming down the pike, I think we all prefer it this way.


Wastelands, Territory between NCR, and the Lunar Commonwealth: Ball Lightning

I grin to myself as I watch the railroad tracks a few hundred meters away. We were able to get a jump on the NCR delegations train using a couple of vertibucks that we have hidden in a small valley behind us.

We have cut a one-meter section of the track out so that the train has to stop or be wrecked. When that happens, we snatch the colonels and the lead diplomats and take them back to the Enclave with us. Well, at least that is the plan.

“Sir, don’t you think we should have had people on both sides of the tracks for an ambush?”

I shake my head, “Not this time Sergeant Major. We really do not have the troops to do it that way. Besides, hopefully, this gives the civilians a way out and if they run from the other side, we can always fly above them and capture them that way.”

I see him shrug. “Yeah, I guess your right sir, but it just goes against my nature.”

“Mine too, Mine too, but I think it is the right thing to do this time.”

Soon we can see smoke from the locomotive in the distance as it moves closer. We can tell when the engineer sees that the tracks are out ahead of them as he blasts five quick blasts on the steam whistle and then holds it as they hit the missing rail.

I am stunned when instead of the engine coming off the rails it simply bumps and keeps rolling until all the cars are past it and they slid to a stop. Using a set of binoculars, I can see that the only thing that is keeping the train from being able to go about its way again is that the front guide wheels are twisted to the side. Well, at least that gives us time to do what we need to do.

As the passengers and crew of the train get off and begin to mill about looking at it, we first move closer, I am in the air above them. When I see one of our targets I tell Flash Bang, “The red mare with the black unicorn filly next to her examining the tracks, I want her wounded so we can capture her.”

He nods his head and carefully sights in his MEW and just as he takes the shot and while I am not sure if he hit her or not, I see her fall into a ditch by the tracks. I tell the others, “Cover me, I am going after her.”

“Sir, do you want backup?” I hear someone ask over my radio.

I quickly reply back, “No time. Suppressive fire people.”

Then as all Tartarus is breaking loose I begin to aim at the mare below me. As I do this I catch myself smiling as she has not looked up yet.

I am only about seventeen meters above her when she looks up. I pull the trigger on my pistol just as she does the same. Two of my shots miss, but one hits her and I hear her howl in pain as I suddenly feel the same as her return fire strikes me in the gut twice. I almost lose my pistol as I scream in pain and I feel the blood soak into my uniform as I at first drop like a rock then catch myself in time to glide back to my people, safety, and help. I know I am hurt badly this time.

As I land, I collapse into the dirt and sand. I hear one of my people call out “The LT is hit bad, somepony give me a hoof so we can get him to safety and treat him.”

In the back of my mind, all I can think of is thank the goddesses I made it to them. I am not sure, but I think I hear someone screaming in pain. That is when I hear Doc say, “I got you LT. I am going to give you some Med-Ex to help take the edge off of the pain.”

I find myself nodding as I feel a jab into my foreleg and my vision begins to blur and I hear the screaming stop.

Then I hear someone from the direction of the train yell out, “Cease fire.”

I then hear Funnel Cloud tell the others, “Ok, we have a cease-fire, You four, grab the LT and carry him for Doc. The rest of you form a perimeter around them as we move back to the Vertibucks.”

My vision is starting to go dark and I feel cold as I hear Doc tell them, “We need to hurry, and if I tell you to set him down, I mean it because I will be trying to save his life.”

As I feel us moving I think I hear Doc say under his breath, “Thank the Goddesses we have these blood packs as well as healing potions.”

I can barely hear the rotors of the vertibucks starting to turn when I hear him say, “Set him down, now!”

Then the world goes first black, then I once again see a bright light and I feel so much better. I stand up and I am surprised to see Mom standing there.

She smiles at me and tells me, “I have missed you son, but are you sure that it is your time already? You have so much more ahead of you.”

“Mom, what are you talking about?”

I hear her sigh, “Ball, you shouldn’t be here yet.”

“Ma, where are we?”

She smiles reassuringly at me, “We are in between right now son. You have a decision to make.”

Before I can ask her more, I hear two mares arguing to the side. The first one I see is an earth pony who has a bright white coat, dark mane, and tail and is wearing a black cloak. The second is a pegasus. She too has a white coat, but her mane and tail are yellow. Her mane pulled back and knotted. Unlike the simple cloak of the other, she wears a simple light blue gown that looks as light as a cloud.

As I turn to look I overhear the first telling the second, “He is mine Val, you know by rights he is mine.”

“Bah, you have no rights to him, he is one of mine.”

“But he has died fighting one of mine!”

“Are you the only one who chooses who dies in battle and guides their souls on? Do you not think he is one of mine and should be with me?”

I hear the first scream a neigh and then she says, “No!, He was in battle against one of mine.”

“Ah, but he was in battle as one of mine. Therefore, he is mine.”

From a slightly further distance away, I see another form start to appear. This one laughs dryly as he approaches. I do not know how, but I can tell he is male. He is skeletal and wearing a dusty and worn wide-brimmed hat as well as a torn, battered, and faded duster. Once he is close enough, the tells them, “Mares, I do believe you are forgetting something. Where he died. He was in neither of your territories. Therefore, I do believe he is mine.”

They both turn to him and simultaneously tell him, “Shut up and stay out of this.”

This almost makes me want to laugh, but then I realize, they are talking about me.

The stallion then tells the mares, “Tell you what, how about we play a few hooves to decide who gets him.” He turns to me and then adds, “Maybe we can even deal you in if you want. Make it a bit more sporting.”

While I have no idea who these ponies are, I feel my soul run cold at this and I answer, “No. I do not play cards.”

He grins as best he can at me and tells me, “AH, but you do gamble, don’t you? All three of us have seen that. In fact, you drew a bad hoof to end up here.”

I again tell him no, and I see the mare with the dark mane tell him, “He has made his choice it seems. Leave him alone.”

The second mare steps up alongside her and continues, “Yes, leave him alone. Besides, don’t you have enough already?”

He nods his head, “Oh yes, but I am always open for more. But so be it.”

He turns to me and tells me, “Until next time, perhaps,” and I watch him walk away into the light.

The other two both look at me and the one with the yellow mane tells me, “Return as you desire. But understand, when it is your time, if it is a warrior's death I will be there for you.”

The mare with the dark mane turns first towards her, then me as she says, “As shall I if it is against one of mine, or while doing my work. Farewell, until we meet again.”

I find myself nodding toward her.

The final one turns to me and my mother and tells me, “You had earned the warrior's death, but I do understand, and you have much work you can do still.”

I finally find my voice again and I ask, “Who and what are you?”

She smiles proudly and tells me, “Just call me Val. I am but a spirit here. I guide those who die a warrior's death to the great hall on the other side.”

Feeling a bit more comfortable with who I am talking with now, I ask, “Who were the others?”

She smiles, “The other mare, was the Mareigan, her territory is far from here, but you have visited it, as well as going against some ponies she favors. The other, well that was the spirit of the wastelands and you chose wisely not to play a hoof of cards with him. Now it is almost time for you to return to where you came from. Farewell and know I will be watching over you.”

For some reason, this comforts me. Then I hear my mother say in a gentle voice, “Ball, it's time for you to go home.”

“I am sorry I cannot stay Mom.”

She puts a hoof along my face and looks into my eyes and smiles a motherly smile. “I know son, you have a lot to live for. Your wife really does love you, and I have met your foals. It will be very hard at times, but I will be watching over you, and waiting. If you can remember, please tell your father, that I still love him too, and that I want him to be happy and to love again.” Then she kisses me on my forelock.

“But Mom, we don’t have any foals yet.”

She smiles knowingly at me and with that darkness returns and I feel a hard kick to my chest as I feel the vibration of the vetibuck and I hear Doc say, “Thank the Goddesses, he’s back.”

Then I hear a strange voice say, “Pilot says we are ten minutes out of Hoofington.”

“Thanks, hopefully, he can make it that long,” Doc replies.

Then I relax as I know I will. I have made my choice, and duty calls.


This is DJ Pon3 coming to you from Tenpony Tower in Manehatten. That last one was a classic hit from Sweetie Bell. Thanks again to some of the survivors from Stable Two for providing me a copy of it to share with all of you.

In national news, there have been reports of several raids by the Enclave into NCR Territory. This has included attacks on river traffic as well as several of our major settlements and military outpost with undetermined results. While we have not yet had a formal declaration of war, it seems like that is now only a formality. If you see an incursion of Enclave forces, do not try to stop it by yourselves. Let the local authorities know so that the NCR Government can allocate resources to help.

As a side note, if you find weaponry laying around for no reason be careful. It may be boobytrapped or, it could have been sabotaged to fail when you need it most. Make sure to inspect it before betting your life on it.

For those of you out there in the NCR and the wastelands beyond hoping to make things better, here is a little song for you called, My Silver Lining.

Chapter 35 Opening Shots

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Chapter 35 Opening Shots

"I've no taste for war, but war is what I've been served. Come, Merric. We'll fight together."

— Wendell, Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon

Sailing Ship Commonwealth Zephyr, Off the Coast of the Lunar Commonwealth, Ginger Snaps.

Once we left the Ranger HQ, we headed straight for the airfield. From there we took a vertibuck to a small island off Manehatten where we waited three days to catch a ride on the Commonwealth Zephyr. It has been over a week since and I can now see the coast of the Lunar Commonwealth. I find it funny as I lean against the rail looking forward from the main deck, of how peaceful that it looks. Especially with the sun beginning to set soon.

Beside me Twinks snickers a bit, then she turns to me, “It does look so nice out here, but honestly Ging, we know the truth.”

“Yeah, and things are probably going to get a bit wilder for them there.”

Twinks then asks, “So, do you think the captain and his crew have any idea of why we are heading to the Commonwealth?”

I shake my head, “No, and it is best that they don’t know either. Part of why Choo has asked us to stay away from their crew.”

Shortly after this, I watch as the crew in the riggings start to reef in the main sails and we begin to slow down as the ship moves almost silently through the waves.

As the ship begins to crest the next wave, I see Cowlick run up on deck again, lean over the rail a few feet away, and release what he had for breakfast. I try not to watch as it makes me queasy as well. Twinks then walks over to him and puts a hoof on his shoulder and I hear her tell him. “Only a few more hours big guy.”

I see him nod his head in a sickly manner, “Thank Sweetcream and the Goddesses for that. Twinks, I don’t know how much more of this I can take.”

“You have done well Cow. Look at how Days End gets with flying. We all have those things.”

He nods his head slowly, “I understand Twinks, but I handled the riverboats, I should be able to handle this.”

I see her smile and shake her head, “Two different types of motions Cow. Besides, there you can see the shore more closely. Here, it is usually just the horizon.”

As we get close to the coastline, I first begin to see small craft at the river entrance that leads to the Hoofington waterfront as the water becomes choppier. Then I begin to see individuals from a distance. As I am looking Sunny comes up on my other side and points towards a large patch of clouds and says, “There is Thunderhead. Just how we left it.”

I am nodding my head in reply when my sister says from the other side, “Yeah, but look at that flotilla of skyships. I wonder where they are heading.”

I take a deep breath and I tell her, “Well, I can give you a couple of guesses, and none of them are good for our side.”
As we are talking, I see Cow put a hoof on Twinks shoulder and he tells her, “I best head below decks. No need to bring extra attention to the Zephyr.”

She nods her head and begins to follow him. Leaving me topside with Epona. She then tells me, “We should get below and grab our gear, Sis.”

“Yeah, we should. Only another a couple of hours till we should be pier side.”

As we go down below, I take one more quick look at the sky and watch as five Raptors fly in formation toward the NCR. I shake my head and worry about home, then I pass through the hatch in the deck back to the berth where the rest of my team is waiting.

Only a few hours later we feel the ship bump against the dock and we hear a knock on the door and a crewpony voice say, “We are secure, time for you to disembark.”

Choo nods to us and silently, we nod back, cinch up our web gear and battle saddles and follow her topside and into the darkness of the night and Hoofington.

As we reach the dock a brown and green unicorn pony steps out of the dark next to a shack and waves us down. Makes a few ear signals which I see Choo reply to, then he says, “Follow me, make it quick.”

As we follow him through the floating town we move from barge to barge along the bridges that have been built there. Finally, we cross the last bridge and are on dry land again I look back and see a sign hanging haphazardly to the side saying, Welcome to Flotsam.

Then we are back at the trot in silence as we move further into the ruins of Hoofington, once again. I am almost amused as I notice how close we are heading toward Chapel as we swing wide of Mega Mart on our way to what is supposed to be a safe house.

Soon we arrive at an old storefront. The lower main window has been boarded over. Our guide knocks on the door three times. As he is doing this we have all fanned out some and are watching for signs of trouble. As the door opens, I hear a familiar voice say, “Bring them in quick.”

As we enter, I see one of the guards from Elysium smiling at us. “Surprise seeing me here, eh?”

Xochitl grins at him and slaps him a high hoof. “Good to see you again, but yeah it is a bit of a surprise.”

“Well, my normal employers cannot have anything to do with you right now, but what they officially don’t know and all that.”

“Yeah, we understand Gate Guard, and of course, you never saw us here either.”

“Saw who?” he says and gives us a wink. This gets us both to smile in understanding. Then he tells us, “The bathroom is just down the hall on the right. The kitchen is stocked with enough fresh fruit and vegetables to support your team for two days. Hopefully, that will be enough for you.”

Choo then tells him, “Thank you. Please let those who are assisting us know we appreciate it.”

He turns to her and in a somber voice tells her, “Ma’am, we know what it means if the NCR loses to the Enclave. We will be next. Unfortunately, our constitution prevents us from helping directly.”

She nods in reply and he then says, “I need to get going. If you hear anyone knock, use the emergency exit through the basement.” After he says this, he turns to the pony who guided us there and tells him, “Thanks for the assist. And tell your bosses that your being allowed to help like this is appreciated.”

He shrugs and tells him, “Same to yours. We are all eating from the same hay bale right now, just too many do not realize it yet.”

With that Gate Guard slips out the back door of the house, looking both ways before he does so, then he disappears into the night.”

Our guide then tells us, “Unless you are heading out for business, you might as well settle down for the night.”

As we begin to settle in for the night Choo tells us, “I want a watch set up. Everyone takes a turn.”

I nod to her and tell her, “You got it, boss,” then I begin to write up a watch bill, so everyone will know when it is their turn.

Two days later we hear a knock on the door. Then skittering of hooves away. Choo uses her invisibility spell to go out the back door and approach the front. When she returns, she has a note telling us, “Part one is a go.”

We all nod our heads, be it a bit hesitantly. “Ok, what is on your minds?” she asks.

“Choo, it's just that are you sure we want to expand into doing wet work like this?”

I hear her sigh and she answers, “Ginger, this is not expanding into it. We have been ordered to. This is why we wanted to stay independent.” She pauses and holds up a hoof then continues, “We have been drafted for the duration. So now we have to take orders, some of which we will not like. Remember what it was like on the expedition.”

I feel myself grind my teeth and hesitantly I nod my head, “Yeah, yeah I do. Ok boss. So, when do we go?”

She rereads the message and tells me, “Tomorrow afternoon.”

“Not even morning huh?”

“No, I think they want to send a message with this one.”

I nod my head as do most of the others. Epona is the only one to speak as she says, “I am sure it will. But I am afraid it may end up burning some bridges for us.”

“Perhaps, but it can’t be helped in this case. Ok, start to get your gear ready and get some rest. Come morning we make the trip and take care of the objective. I want to go with plan A first if we can, but if not, then we go with plan B. Got it?”

We all answer back in the affirmative. We may not like it, but we will do it. As Ma used to say, duty can be a cruel mistress. And like it or not, this is now our duty, to home and country I guess. But to myself, I admit, I really do not like it. It chaffs like an ill-fitting battlesaddle.


Hoofington Safe House. Hoofington, Lunar Commonwealth: Xochitl

The trip here was not too bad for us, though it was boring on the ship as we were sequestered by Choo in our cabins, to keep us from talking to the crew and possibly slipping about what our mission is. Occasionally we could slip onto the main deck for a bit, but we had to stay away from the others. I could have really enjoyed it otherwise. I found the sound of the waves slapping the hull and the wind in the sails to be almost therapeutic. Though I did feel sorry for Cow, for some reason it was rough on him.

Our arrival in Hoofington was uneventful and to be honest, that has me worried, as it almost always seems to mean that when things go too smooth, something must go wrong. During our stay in the safehouse, other than when we had watch we basically sat there with little to do.

At one point while we are playing cards, Morning Mist asks, “So you guys have been around here a lot?”

Before I can answer Cowlick answers, “You could say that. Pona, Cookie, and Flower here have been here more recently.” He pauses, then says, “I’ll take two cards.”

As I deal him two new cards, he takes them and continues, “We have a lot of contacts because of our time down here, but not all of those contacts are to be fully trusted. Remember this is not home.”

Morning Mist laughs lightly and tells him, “Remember Salt, I was born in Thunderhead, I do understand.”

Cow shrugs and replies, “Yeah, I know, but you were still not that old yet either when you and your family made it to the Co-op. So I figure you did not get the same amount of time with hoofs on the ground as we have. Oh, and remember what I told you about the Burner Boys if we run into them.”

As the game continues into the night Sunny asks Choo, “Boss, do you want me to go make contact with the Thestrals?”

She thinks briefly and then tells him, “Sunny, while I would like you to tonight, that would run the risk of exposing the safehouse. We cannot take the risk. The night after this first part of our mission here may be a better time. Besides, our next safehouse is going to be a bit busier. Our coming and going would not be noticed as easily.”

I can see the disappointment on his face and I can guess why. But at least he does understand, and tells her, “Ok boss, in that case, I am going to call it an early night.”

From the side, I see Ginger put down her copy of the Book of Daisy Jo, and she tells Choo, “I think he has a good idea.” She gets up and comes over to me, kisses me on my cheek, and tells me, “I will meet you in our bedroll dear.”

As she begins to head to the other room, I hear Cowlick say, “Chotil, you know I am still getting used to you two being married now, but if I were you, I would fold and go join your wife.”

I laugh lightly and tell him, “You are just afraid I am going to with this hoof.”

He grins back, “Well there is that too, but honestly, if I had a wife with me, I would not be playing cards with a bunch of bucks and bulls.”

I smile at my friend and tell him, “Well, when you put it that way, I fold.” I set my hoof of cards down and get up to go join her. “Have a good night and I will talk to you in the morning.”

After I have joined her in our bedroll, I hold her close and just breathe in her scent. She rolls over and puts her muzzle to my neck and I feel her begin to breathe in my scent. As she does this, I feel her relax. And I quietly ask her, “You ok love?”

I feel her nod her head, and hear her quietly answer, “Yeah, just a bit of pre-mission jitters I guess.”

“Yeah, I understand,” I tell her. Then I kiss her gently on the top of her head and as I begin to relax and we share some pillow talk until we fall asleep.

The next morning after breakfast, Choo does go over both plans with us again and after we receive the go message, she has our guide make a trip to our target for a quick recon to make sure our plans are still accurate. When he gets back, he informs us of what small changes have occurred.

The morning of the mission she has us go over our equipment one more time, then reminds us, “Remember, we are not coming back here, so don’t leave anything behind that we want to keep. Remember the rally point location. If I give the order to rally, we split up and go in small groups to meet up there. Also, no pony left behind, got it?”

She nods her head as the rest of us respond. Then she tells us, “Ok, it’s go-time, grab your gear.” When she says this, we kit up and then we follow her out the back door after our guide checks to make sure it is clear first. As we head out, he asks Choo, “Are you sure you know the way?”

“Yes, but thank you for asking.”

“Well, be careful, and see you next time. Good luck.”

Then we are on our way. Soon we see it in the distance. I notice the machine gun turrets on the roof. Then I can start to see the walled fence around it as I lead the others behind us. As we get to the gate, we pay our fee to get in and I hear the gate guard say, “It is good to see you again Flower.” He pauses and then asks,” “Hay if you don’t mind my asking, we haven’t seen Purchase Order or that zebra scaver friend of hers in a while, you haven’t heard anything about them, have you?”

I nod my head, and I hear Epona say, “Yeah, they both headed toward where we come from. But, understand she was being chased when they left. Anything she left behind was not by choice.”

The gate guard seems surprised and tells her, “She really did not leave much behind.”

“Ok, thanks for asking about her. Next time I see her, I will let her know you were worried.”

After this, we are then passed through the gate and head towards the main doors of Mega Mart. Once at the door Choo turns to us and tells us, “As I said before, you three, stay out here. Do not enter no matter what, unless I call for you.”

Days End, Double Back, and Morning Mist all nod and signal they understand with their ears. Then they take up a position near the door, but not obvious.

Ginger, Sunny, and I head in as Choo cast her invisibility spell as Tater and Epona set up just outside the door along with Cowlick and Twinks in an ambush position.

As we go in, I hear Choo tell us over our PipBucks, “Remember you are the drivers once I get our target to begin to move.”

Ginger and I go down one side aisle of vendors, while Sunny goes the other direction. I notice as he goes that many of the locals almost dodge out of the way of him in his Enclave power armor.

As we begin to swing around the outer aisle, deeper into Mega Mart I look up and notice that Gun 2 is still sitting idle. We have just turned to head back towards the center when I see a security pony heading our way. Ginger and I stop and wait for them to approach.

“Ok, we don’t want any trouble in here,” she tells us.

“That is good because we don’t either," Ginger tells her. “Is there a problem?”

“We know you people have had problems with Salvage Value before, We need you to stay away from him.”

I nod my head, “I can understand that.”

Then Ginger asks, “And if we don’t?”

She sighs and tells her, “You will no longer be a valued customer and forcibly ejected if necessary.”

Ginger smiles and tells her, “Ok, we can understand that. Thank you for letting us know.”

The guard seems to think that the situation has been resolved and she nods to us, “Thank you for understanding.” Then she heads toward the back offices again.

I feel myself beginning to smile a feral grin as I begin to hear screaming coming from the area that I know is where Salvage Value has his stand. I then see several ponies that I know are associated with him, running in that direction.

That is when I hear Choo call out, “Plan B is in effect, Team two you are free to enter.”

Ginger turns to me, “Buck, that is not good. Let’s go Flower!”

As we hit the center Aisle I see Sunny has flown high already and is looking through his scope. I turn my head quickly towards the door and I watch as team two comes through fast and hard and separates to the side allowing the aisle way to be clear from the door for team three.

As they run in, I watch as the customers and vendors begin to jump out of the way of these crazed ponies and the huge bull who already have their weapons drawn. Several of them are yelling about getting out of the way so they aren’t killed by Gun 2.

I look up as I run and I see it still has not moved. But it seems nopony else has yet. I grin again and activate the bit for my battle saddle, and bring my carbine up to bear. The hunt is on. And we are the hounds bringing the game to bear.


Mega Mart, Hoofington, Lunar Commonwealth: Choo Choo

Our return to Hoofington went better than I could hope. Except that as quiet as it has been, I have had too much time to think. About what is to come, what we are to do, and how I cannot mess this up. Not for mine, but more importantly, not for my ponies’ sakes. During the journey, I remained below decks in our cabin to keep the crew or other passengers from getting a good look at me. While I am really happy to have my cutie mark back, I have found a drawback, it brings attention to me and makes me very easy to identify.

Inside I wish things were different as I would love to be able to go topside and just enjoy the wind through my mane and the sea spray on my face. But alas, not this time. Perhaps another time.

Shortly before we arrive Ginger comes back below decks and she tells me, “Choo, things do not look good for the NCR.”

I tilt my head and ask, “What makes you say that, Ginger?”

“I just saw five Raptors heading in the general direction of Manehatten.”

“That is interesting. But we do not know for sure if that is where they are heading yet.”

“Yeah, I know. They could still turn and head somewhere else.”

“I hope they do,” I tell her then I pause briefly. “I also hope that perhaps this possible war blows over and becomes a big to-do over nothing.”

“Even if we do this job?”

“Yes, Ginger. I hate these types of jobs, but this one is also personal for us. I warned him last time I saw him that I would be back for him if any harm came to those who are my ponies. I know about Mama Magpie being wounded. She is family. I also know he put our Moon Lily in danger, and for that, I cannot, and will not forgive him.”

We talk a bit more, then we arrive and depart the ship. Our guide meets us and gives me the signals that I was told to look for before we left the island off the coast of Manehatten. While I am not sure who he normally works for, under the guise of using my horn for light as we travel through Flotsam, I actually use a quick memory scan spell that I learned from Pumpkin. Shortly after this, I know that his secondary employer is with the Rangers and he is a deep plant. Funny, I would have thought I would have known his regular employer, but it seems the Rangers are more important to him.

He leads us to the safe house and after we arrive, he stays with us, only leaving once to obtain some supplies for all of us, and to perform a quick recon of the target, the day before we are to move.

That night though, it happens. Double Back has just turned on the radio when we hear what I learned is the Grand Pegasus Enclaves National Anthem.

As it finishes I hear first a stallion say, please stand by for a message from the President. Then I hear a mare's voice that I have started to become familiar with in the last few months.

My fellow Equestrians, tonight I have ordered, the forces of the Grand Pegasus Enclave to engage in military operations to disarm the New Canterlot Republic, free its ponies, and defend the world from grave danger.

It is on my orders, that these forces have begun striking selected targets of military importance to undermine the regime of Regina Grimfeather and her ability to wage war. These are the opening stages of what will be a broad and concerted campaign.

To all the mares and stallions of the Enclave Armed Forces that are now in the New Canterlot Republic, the peace of a troubled and rebuilding world as well as the hopes of an oppressed people now depend on you. I know that this trust is well placed in you.

The enemies you face will come to know your skill and bravery. The ponies you liberate will witness the honorable and decent spirit of the Enclave military. In this conflict, The Enclave faces an enemy who has no regard for conventions of war or rules of morality. Regina Grimfeather has placed NCR troops and equipment amongst their civilian population, in an attempt to use innocent Stallions, mares, and foals as shields for her own military. Committing once again, another atrocity against her ponies.

We come to the NCR with respect for its citizens, and for the civilization that they are trying to rebuild. We do this to assist our brethren in returning to the fold and reunifying the three tribes of Equestria once again.

I know that the families of our military are praying that all those who serve will return safely and soon. Our people are praying with you for the safety of your loved ones and for the protection of the innocent. For your sacrifice, you have the gratitude and respect of the Enclave ponies. And you can know that our forces will be coming home as soon as their work is done.

The Enclave enters this conflict reluctantly but with a sure purpose. The people of the Enclave will not live at the mercy of an outlaw regime that supports Dashites, threatens the peace with terror, and is currently trying to obtain the weapons that have brought our world to where we are now. We will meet these threats, with our forces, so that we do not have to meet them later with armies of firefighters, police, and doctors on the streets of our cities.

Now that conflict has arrived, we will use decisive force. And I assure you, this will not be a campaign of half measures, we will accept no outcome but victory.

Ponies of the Enclave, The Goddesses are with us and will protect us, and our forces in the days to come.

Thank you, and good night.

We all look at each other and I hear Double Back calmly say, “Well Buck.”

We all look at the mule and suddenly we begin to laugh. Cowlick shakes his head and then says, “Well, I guess this ups the ante a bit.”

“In for a bit, in for a cap,” Tater tells him.

Then Morning Mist adds, “Yeah, but come tomorrow we begin to call the hoof that has been dealt.”

All I can think of at this point is that I remember a similar speech by one of our leaders over two hundred years ago that set events in motion like this. That was when Princess Celestia announced she was sending the Wonderbolts and support troops to rescue the crew of a ship that had been taken by Zebra pirates. The mission was not only a bust, but it also angered the zebra Caesar as it was a loss of face for him as it occurred in his territory without his consent, and lead to twenty years of war that ended with the destruction of all we held dear.

Soon after this, we return to a more normal routine. I do get some sleep, but after the second nightmare, I am up for the day. I read quietly in a room away from the others for several hours until it is time for everyone to get up and get ready for our first mission.

Breakfast is filling, but quiet as we all seem to be in our own thoughts. Finally, after reminding them where our rally point is, I tell them, “Ok, it’s go-time, grab your gear.”

On our way out we say our goodbyes to our guide and host and begin the trek to Mega Mart. For this part of the mission, we all go in on hoof. Xochitl is on point again. We have our weapons at the carry and are going in our standard two by two, road march staggered formation. This time we stick to the main roads as Tek taught us our first time here.

As we get closer to Mega Mart, I feel myself begin to tense up a bit. But once we reach the gate and Xochitl talks to the gate guard it is almost like my body is going on autopilot as the training kicks in and we begin the approach to our target. I quickly remind the new team members that they are not to enter Mega Mart at all unless I specifically tell them. Then as Twinks and her fire team set up, Ginger, Xochitl, and Sunny begin to head in and as planned, I cast my invisibility spell as I begin to head towards the door and trot straight past the security pony there.

Directly ahead of me, I see Salvage Value’s booth. He is currently talking to two customers and I notice he has one of his hench ponies off to the side watching. Plan A is for me to spook him enough that he begins to run, then Ginger and her team will drive him out the main doors to the parking lot where we will eliminate him. This has the advantage of giving others a good view, so the message is sent to more people, and it also means we do not fire inside Mega Mart and give away our secret of having modified the program so that those on my team that were here the first time will not be targeted by Gun 2 if we open fire first inside. I really would prefer that one. But we will have to see how he reacts.

I sneak past his guard and into his booth. As he finishes his sale I calmly tell him, “Salvage, I warned you before. But you had to keep trying to cross me and those I work for.”

I see him look around in near panic. Then he yells, “She’s back! HELP!”

I shake my head as I suddenly see several armed ponies who I know work for him running in my direction. I then call over my PipBuck, “Plan B is in effect, Team two you are free to enter.”

While still looking half panicked, he starts to have a smug expression come across his face. So I drop my invisibility spell and I grin as he sees my cutie mark and I hear him ask, “You’re a Princess?”

“No Salvage,” I answer as I step closer. “I am not, never was, but I have met them.” I shake my head, “I once told you that I worked for the Pinks, you should have listened.”

I use my TK to set a glass bulb on the table and he begins to scream as I perform a quick memory extraction spell and place it into the bulb. He writhes in pain as I do this.

As this is happening out of the corner of my eyes I see both of my senior team approaching the area as do Salvage’s ponies.

Finally, I end the spell and I step to the side as I loudly announce, “You were warned, Salvage. You have been setting up ambushes of those you traded with, including those from the NCR, and you worked with the Enclave to try and capture my family. This ends now.”

I see the pain, horror, and fear in his eyes as his bladder releases after hearing me say this. Part of me feels pity and sorrow at having to do this, but part of me hates him for putting my family, especially Moon Lily in danger.

By now Ginger and Xochitl have arrived at the west side of the booth. Tater is up high, aiming his rifle and I see my second team skid to a stop with a gap between their two sections as they set up weapons. Around us, I see the other shoppers and vendors running for cover, as well as Salvage Value’s cautiously approaching us. I turn to my team. “NOW!”

I am surprised when the first shots to hit him are not from those closest but from Epona. Before he hits the ground a round from Xochitl’s zebra carbine hits him and I watch as he begins to burn.

Salvage Value’s team begins to bring up their weapons and as we prepare to engage them I hear the gears on Gun 2 begin to move and we back up toward the door, firing at them as we make our way out. From the side, I hear whistles being blown and calls of “Stop, Security!” and “Someone get the Brood!”

This ends when Gun fires its first round at the large orange pony with a death heads cutie mark and he goes flying through the air along with those who are close to him.

I then hear Sunny callout, “Big Blue, this is Black Bird, we have security ponies heading your way right now, with more of the crew here grabbing their weapons.”

I nod my head as I hear this and tell my people over the PipBuck, “Rally out! I will see you at the rally point.”

It is as this is happening, I see Xochitl take a hit that spins him around causing him to fall to the ground unconscious. I fly to him and toss him on my back, yelling to the others, “GO! GO! GO!”

This gets everyone moving. As we hit the parking lot my team blends in with those who are still running outside in a panic. I take to the air with Xochitl still on my back, flying him as fast as I can toward the rally point.

Once there I set him down and begin to evaluate him. As I am doing so he wakes up and shaking his head he asks, “What happened?”

I am just applying a magical bandage as I tell him, “You were hit, one shot hit you in the helmet, the other, the meat of your neck. You were very lucky. The bullet all but shattered your helmet, but only grazed your scalp, knocking you out. The neck wound, well that is why I already used a healing spell on you.”

“Thanks, Choo,” he tells me, then he looks around as Sunny comes in to land, “Where are the others?”

Sunny grins at him, “Oh they should be here in a few minutes, They split up in the crowd and well you know how that is. All but Cowlick are hard to find in a crowd.

As the team members begin to arrive. I see Ginger is in a near panic as she asks, “How is he, Choo?”

Then she sees him sitting up drinking a Sparkle Cola and says, “Oh thank Sweet Cream?”

Soon I see Twinks arrive and I notice a slight shimmer next to her. Then I hear Cowlick say, “Thanks for having picked up that stealth Pipbuck boss. I don’t think I could have gotten out of there otherwise.”

“You’re welcome, Cowlick,” I tell him, then I notice all our team members have arrived. I then tell them, “Ok, come sundown we head to Meat Locker. Until then, Ginger set up a watch.” As we hunker down for the next portion of our travels so we can go onto the second part of our reason for being in Hoofington.


Nightingale Army Hospital, Thunderhead, Grand Pegasus Enclave: Ball Lightning

I first feel a sharp pain in my right forehoof, then I hear a repetitive beeping from the side. As I begin to open my eyes, without thinking I groan out, “Not again.”

From the other side of the bed I am in, I hear somepony say, “That is exactly what I was thinking when I saw them bring you in again lieutenant.”

I turn toward the voice and in the dim light I see it is one of the nurses that I had during my previous stay, and I ask her, “How bad is it this time?”

I hear her sigh as she tells me, “Honestly, I cannot tell you. That is something the doctor will have to discuss with you.”

I nod my head, “I know it was closer than the last time, so you can go ahead and tell me.”

“Seriously sir, I can't do that, that would be a serious breach of conduct on my part, and no offense, I really do not want to lose my job, or even possibly be branded.”

I cautiously nod my head, then I ask, “How long?”

She sighs and tells me, “Just over a week and a half. We put you in a medically induced coma to give your body a chance to heal this time.”

Again, I nod, then I ask, “What time is it?”

She looks at her hoofwatch and then replies, “2:30. You really should try to go back to sleep sir. The doctor will see you and talk to you in the morning.”

I lay my head back down and tell her, “Ok, Thank you, nurse.” Then I close my eyes and attempt to go back to sleep.

I awake again a couple of hours later when the nurse returns. This time she tells me, “Ok, we are going to go easy on you for breakfast today. Remember after this long without food it can be very hard to start eating solid food again.”

I nod my head, then I ask, “Oh, can I have guests soon?”

She nods her head, “Yes, you can. In fact, I am sure you will.” She shakes her head, “You have had several check in on you.”

After breakfast, the doctor arrives. First, she does a cursory check on me after reading my charts. Then he tells me, “Lieutenant, you are putting me in quite the bind here. Due to your injuries, I should be discharging you from service, but with the war on, we also need experienced officers.”

“Excuse me doctor, but what war, and how bad were the injuries?”

She looks over his glasses at me and tells me, “I forgot you have not been told yet. The bullets ruptured your spleen and one of your kidneys. Son, to be honest, we should not be holding this conversation, the spleen alone should have killed you.”

Understanding I nod my head. Then she continues. “Your other organs such as your liver will take over some of the functions of your spleen. But your days of being a top athlete and going hard and heavy in the field are over with. As for your kidney, congratulations, you have a new artificial one.”

I feel myself sigh as I look at her and ask, “So, my days of being in the scouts are done?”

She tilts his head as he looks at me, “Yes, lieutenant, for you, they are done. But because of the war, we most likely will be keeping you in service.”

“Ok, now that we have gotten past how I am, when did we go to war, and with who?”

The doctor nods her head and tells me, “Yesterday the president officially declared war on the NCR. Hopefully, it will be quick, but if we must do occupation duty that could get really messy.”

I nod my head, “You said it Doc. But if so, we will need more troops to win the peace, than to win the war.”

She looks at me, “You know, you seem kinda cynical for someone of your age. Maybe having spent so much time dirtside has not been good for you.”

I shake my head slowly, as I have already learned that if I do it too fast that I get a bit of vertigo right now. “No, I don’t think being dirt side has been that bad for me. It just made me look at the world a little bit more honestly.”

She nods her head in response, “I guess, but what about the one who did this to you?”

I try to shrug, then answer, “The mare that did this to me, I know I got a piece of her too. I just don’t know how much of one.”

She gives me a half smile and slowly shakes her head. “Alright Lieutenant. I can understand that. I guess you have a good attitude still. I need to continue my rounds now, but I should see you later today as well.”

It is near the end of the day when I get my first visitor. I have just woken up from a nap when I hear Sundancer and Alto talking as they come down the hallway.

I then hear a nurse in the hall tell them, “He woke up last night. The doctor has said he can have visitors now.”

“Thank you, nurse. I appreciate it.”

“My pleasure. I am just glad to help one of my trainees.” I hear the nurse say.

Humph, I guess she really did have some good trainers then, I think to myself.

I am smiling as she walks through the doorway. “Good afternoon love,” I tell her.

She walks quickly over to me and hugs me, she steps back then and tells me, “How dare you scare me like that. I am not ready to lose the father of my foal and here you go almost get yourself killed again.”

It dawns on me what she has just said. “I am sorry love.” I say at first then I ask her, “Are you saying we are going to be parents?”

She nods her head, “Yes, that is what I am saying. I have already told our parents. Sorry, but I had to tell them, especially after we got the news of how badly you were hurt.”

“I understand. How did your boss take the news?”

While she smiles, Alto, standing to the side answers, “Well he was not overly happy about it, but he did say at least he had a few ideas of how to use it for our team.”

I laugh lightly,” I am glad to hear that.”

We visit for a while after this before they have to leave for the night. The lights have gone down for the night and I can hear little noise other than the occasional hoof step or wing flap from the hallways outside my room and the beep of the medical monitors. I am just about ready to fall asleep when I see a dark shadow enter my room.

As I watch it, I notice it is actually a black pegasus in a doctor's coat. He looks at my charts then I see that damn wild pegasus smiling at me as he says, “Damn, the Colonel really got you pretty good. You got her pretty good too, but your luck was not as good.”

I find myself groaning, then I ask, “Sunset Water, what do you want?”

He comes closer, “Ginger and the others recognized your name and the description the Colonel gave them of the pegasus who she had a gunfight with. So when I heard that one of your people had said that the Lieutenant was hit bad, that it was probably you, and I wanted to check up on you.”

“Sunset, why, why do you care about someone who is your enemy?”

I hear him sigh, “Ball, are we enemies, or is it just our governments? Myself, I like you as a pony. Yes, I will fight you if we oppose each other, but that is not personal. I had hoped you would see it that way as well. Oh, and by the way, my friends call me Sunny, only my parents call me Sunset, and that is when I am in trouble.”

I find myself nodding my head and I ask, “So are you saying that if you saw me on a mission, you might shoot me, but it is only if in the line of duty, not hate?”

“Exactly. We are both equines after all. But again, if we are on a mission, and your duty is to stop me, I understand that as well.”

“What if I felt it was my duty to yell out right now and warn others here that you had infiltrated our city?”

He smiles at me and from out of the shadows I hear a high-pitched voice speak as it says, “He is not alone this time, and it would not go well for those who try to stop us.”

“So the Thestrals have chosen sides have they?”

I see a dark gray mare and a white one, both with fangs and what looks like bat wings step out of the shadows and the white one says, “No, the Thestrals as a people have not. But a few of us have. Much like your young ones at the Rainbow Dash Skyport. While they were born in the Commonwealth, they all consider themselves to be Enclave citizens. We are like that.”

I nod my head in understanding. “In that case, I think you need to leave soon. But Sunny, be careful and I hope to see you again sometime when we have peace again.”

He smiles back and puts a hoof on my shoulder, “I would like that Ball. Take care and heal up. Oh, and from our team, congratulations on your coming foal. We heard about your good news earlier.”

I shake my head and wonder why I am not surprised they found out about Sundancer and me becoming parents. I then smile and tell him, “Thank you. I will pass it on to her as well.”

He grins, and then says, “Have a good night and I really am sorry you got hurt so bad. “Oh, and here is your pistol that was taken when we captured you in White Cloud. Windy gave it to Epona and the team to return to you if we saw you again. She has one very similar and knows it is a private weapon and not an issue one.”

“Why would she do that?”

“Ball, I am not sure, other than she really likes hers and wanted to return a personal possession.” He pauses, “Ok, I really have to go now. Take care and I hope to see you around under better circumstances, and if not on this side, then on the other.”

As he says this both of the Thestrals step into the shadows and disappear. Then I hear a voice say, “Come on Sunny, we need to go now.”

“Coming Morning Mist.” He replies then I see him walk out the door and turn down the hallway.

The next morning, I am visited by Air Burst. After we exchange pleasantries, he quietly but angrily tells me, “Those repair ponies are back.”

I nod my head, “Yeah, I know, one of them visited me last night.”

He shakes his head, “You are lucky to be alive then,” he tells me with wide eyes.

“What makes you say that?”

“Ball, those bastards waltzed into Mega Mart and gunned down Salvage Value in the middle of the place. Reports say that Alicorn used a memory extraction spell on him even.”

I nod my head and half close my eyes as I ask, “But I thought if you fired your weapons in there that Gun 2 would fire on you?”

“That’s it Ball. They did and it did not fire at them. When some of Salvage Values crew tried to fire back, it opened fire on them. No pony knows how they did it.”


Good evening Wastelanders, welcome back to my show. This is DJ Pon3 and I have some news for you. For those of you in the NCR who have not heard yet, Winter Breeze, the president of the reformed Grand Pegasus Enclave has officially declared war on the NCR. While we all have known it was coming after the recent skirmishes and attacks, the hammer has finally fallen.

In tonight’s news, both riverboat and oceanic NCR shipping has come under attack by Enclave forces. Ironically part of the reason used in justifying her official opening of hostilities was that an NCR force supposedly attacked a Volunteer Corps base that was on an island in the Hoofrock River. Folks, let’s be clear, that base was deep inside NCR territory, and if that base was a Volunteer Corps base then I will eat my hat. Well, someone’s hat as I don’t own one.

Other attacks have included air raids on Baltimare, Manehatten, Manesville, New Pegasus, and Junction Town. While damage has been limited it still has not been without cost to both sides.

In the NCR Parliament, there have been some rumblings calling for President Grimfeathers to step down. The spokesgriffon for the president has been quoted as saying that such calls are unfounded and the claims against her are baseless propaganda from a power-hungry mare.

I will be back with more news and service announcements after this next song. Here is The Lions Roar

Chapter 36 Safe Houses and Raids

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Chapter 36 Safe Houses and Raids

“War is sweet to those who have no experience of it. But the experienced man trembles exceedingly in his heart at its approach.” ― Pindar ~Marcius

Safehouse # 2, Hoofington, Lunar Commonwealth: Ginger Snaps.

The move from the rally point to our second safehouse goes without any real difficulty. With that said, I will admit I am beginning to worry about my husband more and more. The neck wound this afternoon has made me realize how easily I could have lost him, much less any other members of our team.

Our next safe house is actually an entire building. When we leave the rally point it is already dark and we go in small groups as we travel to Meat Locker. Choo takes the flyers with her and arrives there first.

Xochitl, Epona, and I along with Double Back and Days End leave last. As we arrive at the main entrance we are met by their head of security. He nods his head as he sees us and when close enough tells us, “Follow me and keep it low-key.”

We follow him and I am stunned as he takes us downstairs towards the lower levels. As we go lower, he tells us, “Don’t worry, we made sure the ferals are not near this area.”

We keep silent as we follow him through the dimly lit corridors. Finally, we arrive at a room where the rest of our team was, and to my surprise the same group of thestrals as the previous time our team was in Hoofington.

When I see them, I smile and I hear Sunny say, “Hey guys, look who we ran into on our flight here.”

I find myself smiling at his enthusiasm and tell them, “It is good to see you all again.”

The white mare smiles back at me and the stallion with them replies in his high-pitched voice, “It is good to see you again as well. Sunny has been telling of this place where you come from, he called Site Paddock, is it true?”

“Well, there is a Site Paddock, but what are you asking is true?”

“That they have unborn of our type that our mares may carry.”

I nod my head and in a serious tone of voice I tell him, “Yes, it is true.” Then I ask, “Why? Is this of interest to you?”

I watch as he starts to barely show signs of blushing and I watch his body language show embarrassment as he says, “You have to understand, we were isolated for a very long time, and we are now having problems because of such a limited genetic pool.”

From the side, I hear Cowlick say, “He wouldn’t listen to me Ging when I told him we have the same problem for the cattle.”

I watch as the batpony stallion simply shrugs and then he says, “It is hard to believe others may be having this problem as well.”

“Well, maybe we can set up a way for your people and ours to work together on this genetic problem. However, I am sure it will have to wait until this war is done.”

They stay with us the next day and that night Choo tells Sunny, “Sunny, I need you and Morning Mist to do a recon of our target area.”

“No problem Boss. Do you want us to check out Thunderhead again?”

I hear her sigh, then she answers, “While I would prefer naught; if you can get in and out without getting caught, do so. Also, if the Lieutenant Ball Lighting is still in the hospital, send him our well wishes for a speedy recovery.”

Sunny grins nearly ear to ear. “You got it, boss.”

Then I hear Morning Star, the white batpony mare asks, “Sunset Winter, if you are doing this at night, I would like me and the others with me to accompany you.”

Sunny looks at her then the others and asks, “Well Boss what do you think?”

She tilts her head and then nods, “Yes, I think that would be very beneficial to both you and them.”

That night after Sunny and his group leave, I am talking with Choo when she laughs slightly.

“What’s funny boss?”

She shakes her head slightly and says, “Nothing really. I am just amused at how Sunny’s friends seem to think I look so much like the Princess, especially now that I got my cutie mark back. Before your group got here, they offered to join us and to serve as my personal escort as they were sure I had to be a princess.”

I shrug a bit as I reply, “Well, you do bare some resemblance, especially to anyone who has not actually met her.”

She grins at me, “Gee, thanks Ginger, I guess I will have to get used to ponies saying that.”

Late that night I wake as Sunny, Morning Mist, and the bat ponies all return. As they enter, they are all in high spirits.

I get up and join Choo as she asks them, “How did it go?”

Sunny stands a bit straighter and suddenly his face is completely serious as he reports, “Our recon of the target has gone well Boss. During the recon, we checked out both the Marimare base as well as Thunderhead. All six of us successfully infiltrated both, including the Nightingale Military Hospital.”

He pauses and looks at me, “The Colonel really got a piece of him. I saw his charts. He was hurt really bad. To be honest Choo, from what I saw and overheard the staff say, he is lucky to still be alive. Oh, and I did give him our congratulations on his and his wife’s coming foal.”

I watch as Choo raises an eyebrow and I hear her reply, “Thank you for that. But we did not know about the foal.”

He grins, “No, but one of the batponies was hiding in the shadows as his wife left with that friend of theirs and they were talking about it. Besides, it should drive them nuts trying to figure out who told us.”

I can’t help but burst out laughing when he says this and I can see the amusement on Choo’s face and I hear the batponies begin to laugh in their high-pitched singsong laughter.

Then I watch as both Sunny and Morning Mist look at each other and grin. Sunny then says, “I am sure that should keep them flying all over trying to find the source.”

“Well done to you and your team Sunny. Now why don’t you all go get some rest.”

The next morning, Choo goes over our next assignment with us. It is the first time we have heard all the details and some of them catch us off guard. We also meet four additional members to our team. As the Meat Locker guard brings them into the room with us, all but Choo are surprised to see that they are all pegasi and that three of them were the aircrew that was with them when they crashed just before the team got back together.

They are all wearing civilian clothing and the leader of them smiles at Choo and tells her, “It is great to see you again princess.”

I watch as Choo first smiles, nods her head, and then cringes slightly as the bat pony stallion Asra squeaks out, “I knew you were a princess.”

Before Choo can say anything the pilot tells him, “Well, she is not really a princess, my crew and I just like to call her that.”

When he says this, I notice how Choo blushes slightly and how all the batponies tilt their heads and have an expression of slight confusion on their faces.

The pilot then explains, “Yah have to understand that we still don’t know her real name, so we just called her that so we knew who we were talking about.”

“Ah, I understand. Sunny has explained how those of you from out here use these nicknames.”

He turns to her and asks, “So, who is Sunny?”

She points to him and Sunny says, “Well, now you know my name, time for full introductions I guess.”

The pilot then tells us, “Well, my name is Flight Plan. My co-pilot is Cloud Bank. Our gunner over there, well that is Double Tap, and our new gunner, she is his sister, Love Tap.”

Choo steps up and tells them, “Well, my name is Choo Choo,” She points to each of us and tells them our names. Then she looks at the batponies and tells him, “Flight Plan, the thestrals with us are our friends and not normally with our team, however, we trust them, and if they choose to give you their names, that is up to them.”

He nods his head, “Thank you for letting me know that Ma’am.” He tells her, then asks, “Have they worked with your team much?”

She smiles and I tell him, “Not the team so much, but with Sunny. They pulled his bacon out of the fire a while back when he infiltrated Thunderhead the first time.”

He looks surprised, “First time?”

I nod my head and smile, “Last night he was with a team that reconned there as well as Marimare last night.”

Flight Plan smiles and turns to his co-pilot, “See, this is what I meant when I was telling you they are a blast to work with.”


Safehouse # 2, Meat Locker, Hoofington, Lunar Commonwealth: Xochitl

I am kinda nervous about the new team members, even if they are only for this mission. However, as Choo and those who were with her while we were back down here trust them, I will give them the benefit of the doubt. Especially after the stories we heard from Sunny, Cow, and the rest.

We spend another two days getting to know each other as we wait for the go signal. When Choo finally receives the message, she looks at us, “We go tomorrow. The other teams will be hitting their targets as distractions for us. “

We all nod our heads at this. I notice the batponies do this as well as the aircrew.

Asra, tells her, “We understand. We will get you there and once the fighting begins we will be backing off. But if things go bad, we will help you find sanctuary.”

“That is all we can ask,” Choo tells him.

That night we spend talking and trying to hide our nervousness. This will be one of our most difficult missions as a team. As we exchange our stories, I come to know the new aircrew more and am becoming more comfortable with them. I am particularly fascinated with hearing about the crash and evasion they had with the rest of our team right before we met up again.

Flight Plan then tells us, “Yeah, that could have been a lot worse. I am just glad the princess here was able to slow us enough that most of us survived.”

“Most?” asks Ginger.

Double Tap nods his head, and with a bit of sorrow in his voice tells us, “Yeah, my best friend was our other gunner back then. He didn’t make it, between the MEW wounds and the impact.”

I find myself nodding my head as she tells him, “Yeah, we know what that can be like. We lost a lot of good ponies on the Expedition.”

I watch as Double Tap tilts his head and moves it in a questioning manner as he asks, “Ok, I have heard some of you talk about this expedition, what was it?”

So, together with Choo, we begin to tell them briefly about it. They are really surprised when Days End joins in and begins to tell them about Targhee and the Valley from the other side.

Flight Plan then asks curiously, “So you guys really don’t have any problem fighting alongside those who you fought against before?”

“Yes and no,” I answer. “You have to understand, that was a long time ago. We also are on the same payroll now. However, if he had been with the raiders that overran the Equestrian Rangers we would have gutted him with our knives. Fighting against each other is one thing, what those bastards did, well that was inequine and deserved to be punished.”

I see the shock on the aircrews’ faces, but I also notice the curiosity on the faces of the batponies. As I continue, “You must understand they took no prisoners and were directly targeting medics and stretcher-bearers. Of the more than ninety ponies and cattle that started that day with the Rangers, only fifteen survived the day.”

I see Flight Plan shake his head slightly and he asks, “So it was a really hard fight then? That makes the difference?”

Choo interjects this time as she says, “No, it was the fact that they were killing the wounded who could no longer fight as well as those who were trying to help them.”

He shrugs and tells us, "I guess you would have an issue with some of those who were with the Enclave forces at Friendship City then.”

I feel myself as well as Ginger sigh when he asks this and I hear Epona ask, “Ok, I only know about what I read in the Book of Little Pip about that and we have not had much interaction with others who were there. But from what I have read about it, and from what I have heard from the former Enclavers back home, most of those involved there were not really given any choices.”

I notice Flight Path relax some after he hears this. I also see both of the younger siblings look at each other with a questioning look briefly crossing their facial features.

Flight Plan then asks, “So, even if I was with the Enclave during Operation Cauterize?”

I look at Flight Plan and I notice he is wearing a Dashite brand where his cutie mark should be and I ask, “Flight, that brand, it tells me you stood up about something to the Enclave leadership. Maybe you should stop judging yourself for your past, and let those of us who you interact with determine what kind of pony you are.”

Choo nods her head and then tells him, “You seem to have redeemed yourself to have such a loyal flight crew and I have to say, I do approve of what I have seen of you so far. Besides, we all have done things that we are not proud about.”

The next morning we prepare for the mission as usual. Though we know it will not kick off until after the sun sets. I find myself checking over my weapons three times at least before Choo finally announces, "It is time."

We all grab our gear and begin to get ready, including the batponies who have just finished their breakfast.

Soon we hear a knock on the door and we are led back out by another member of the Meat Locker security force, who takes us out of the building using a little-known and even less often-used service entrance.

Just before we go, the guard tells us, “We recently received a letter from some of the ghouls you rescued. They made it to Dead Quite and said to tell you thanks. That might not mean much to you, but to us, well few will go out of their way to help our kind, much less help us find a safe haven. So, thanks, and may the goddesses bless all of you.” He then turns and slowly makes his way back inside the door while Asra and Morning Star begin to lead us on our way to our jump-off point.

As we go through the dark streets, I can almost swear that I see the batponies disappear and reappear from shadow to shadow. I ask Sunny about it and he just smiles at me and tells me, “Remember Flower, each type of pony has its own type of magic.”

Soon we are at the jump-off point. As we arrive I notice it is starting to rain, and I see an occasional bit of lighting in the distance. Huh, with all the pegasi from Thunderhead in this area, I thought they would not let there be wild weather, I think to myself. Soon I hear thunder as well as lighting and the winds begin to pick up. I look over and I see Choo begin to smile, But Flight Plan looks a bit nervous.

I then overhear him tell her, “I hate flying in weather like this. It makes it so much harder to control a vertibuck and really tires a buck out.”

Then I hear a church bell in the distance from over in the direction of the Rainbow Dash Skyport and when I look in that direction I see a flare rising into the sky from that direction. Choo tells us, Get ready, and as we follow her out the back door she shoots a flare from her horn back and then tells us, “GO!, Go! Go!” and we are moving toward a secondary gate of the Marimare Air Station at a full gallop. I begin to cringe as I see two of the guards at the gate swing in our direction and begin to bring their weapons up, but I notice two shadows behind them move and after a brief bit of gunfire they are down. As we pass the gate Asra and Morning Star wave to us and tell us, “Good luck, we will see you in Manesville.” As they disappear again.

From several of the other gate locations I also hear gunfire and explosions as we keep running deeper into the base and onto the tarmac. As I run, I can see Tater’s wound from the other day has reopened and I feel the one on my neck beginning to pull.

We head straight to the nearest hanger. Most of the team fans out and secures the building while Cowlick and Morning Mist set a couple of explosive charges on the vertibucks inside. Once done, Cowlick calls out over the headsets, “Big Blue, this is Salt and Fog, ready to move.”

At that, she signals us and we move to the next hanger. We are on the fourth hanger when we see pegasi heading our way. They stop in one of the other hangers and we can hear them yelling as they prepare the Vertibucks in there for an emergency scramble to help the defenders at the RD Skyport.

As they are doing this we exit this hanger to sneak up to another one. It is then that we are detected and gunfire is first exchanged. As I take a quick aim I realize that they are not wearing power armor and are only security troops so far. I pop around a crate that is next to the tarmac and open a quick burst with my carbine and hear a howl of pain as one of the security troopers not only is hit but begins to burn from the enchantment my zebra carbine has.

To the side, I notice Salt slide to a stop and fire a quick burst of suppressive fire as one of the flight crew is hit and goes down, and Twinks runs up to drag them to safety. I have just ducked back to reload when I see her give the wounded aircrewman a healing potion and help him limp to cover. As this is happening I hear gunfire from above us and I see Choo strafe them with her mini-gun with Sunny as her wingmare.

As I realize that we will not be able to make it to the next hangar I hear Ginger call out, “This is Cookie, all elements fall back to the flight line, Make sure you cover that pilot and crew, or we are stuck here.”

As we run towards the flight line I see two rows of vertibucks, one side is the lighter version, and on the other are several transport versions, one of which we all head towards. We are almost there when I see one of the other flight crewmembers take a hit and go down hard, I run over and as I begin to grab them it feels like I am kicked in the neck and helmet. I feel myself beginning to black out and I look up to see Cowlick grabbing me with his teeth by my collar.

I try to tell him to run to protect himself, but I cannot speak. I begin to feel cold, then all goes dark.


Marimare Air Station, Grand Pegasus Enclave Territory: Choo Choo

As we run through the gates onto the AirStation I thank the Goddesses that I made sure the team was wearing their heavy barding. I have a bad feeling about this. As we go, I see explosions in the distance. Once we are on the flight line, we head to the first hanger and my explosive techs begin to rig up the aircraft within. It is not until the fourth one that we begin to have trouble, and when it comes it comes fast and hard.

Ahead of us, I can make out in my SATS several hostiles coming our way. “Ok, heads up between us and hanger five, I need suppressive fire, Sunny, on me, we are going to provide air support.”

As Sunny and I are strafing the responding ground crews and security forces I hear over my headset, “Medic up,” From Love Tap.

Twinks responds to this quickly and calmly with “On my way.”

I have just made a second pass over the hostiles when I see Twinks assisting the one who I think is the co-pilot to shelter. Then I hear Ginger callout, “This is Cookie, all elements fall back to the flight line, Make sure you cover that pilot and crew, or we are stuck here.”

I watch below me as my people begin to fight their way to the transport vertibucks that are on the tarmac still. I also notice Morning Mist and Tater running to some of the smaller vertibucks and tossing explosive charges inside of them. The aircrew is almost to the furthest back transport when I see one of them go down and Xochitl going to do a pickup on them. He is almost to the down crewpony when I see him get hit hard enough that he spins around. I immediately fly over to them as does Cowlick. “Salt, grab Flower and I will grab the other,” I tell him over the radio.

He nods his head and we both drag them to the now warming up vertibuck as I provide a shield for us. It is as we are loading the wounded onboard that I notice the one I brought back is Double Tap. He is hurt badly and I am worried, but I dare not drop my shield to treat him yet. To the side, I see Twinks and can barely hear her yell, “Cookie back off and let me treat him. Belt yourself into your seat." Then the engines are at full speed and I can hear quick bursts from the door guns as Flight Plan calls me over our radio channel, “Big Blue, let's go. Time to haul tail out of here.”

I drop my shield and fly up to it as he begins to take off. Landing hard on the floor as the rear loading door closes. I see Love Tap is on one door gun and Tater is on the other. As we take off and twist in the air. Then I see Cowlick and I tell him, “Do it now.”

I watch him have a feral smile come across his muzzle as he takes the remote detonator and pushes the big red button on it. Below us, I hear over a dozen explosions and I feel the transport buck skyward quickly as Flight Plan says, “Damn, now will you look at that.”

I look out one of the windows and below us I see most of the vertibucks on the tarmac and all four of the hangers below us are on fire. I can also see where several of the other teams on the ground are still fighting and suddenly I see a very large explosion as the base's main ammo dump explodes. I am stunned as I first see it then we feel and hear it as the blast again hits the transport vertibuck.

“What the Tartarus was that?” I hear Flight Plan ask.

I think briefly and when I answer I cautiously tell him, “I think we may not have been hitting the main target for the base, or if we were, then someone else got lucky. I do believe Marimare will be out of business for a while.”

From the side I see Ginger looking worriedly at her husband. Then I hear Twinks say over the radio, “Cookie, he will be ok. The healing spell took care of his wounds and that new helmet we got for him from Meat Locker saved him. He is still unconscious though. But when he wakes up, he will have one dilly of a headache.”

Then Ginger points toward Double Tap and I see a sad expression come over her face as she tells her, “Sorry Ginger, he was gone before he even made it to the aircraft.”

As she says this, I see Love Tap tense up and then I watch as a single tear falls from her eyes. She wipes it away and keeps scanning the sky as we make the run for a safe landing spot, and through the storm that we had seen coming in.

It is several hours later when ahead of us on the ground we see a brightly lit settlement. As we get closer, I tell Flight Plan, “Land outside of the perimeter, but on the backside. All weapons are to be stowed unless I say otherwise.”

Once we land, I tell the others, “Wait here.” Then I think briefly and tell Cowlick, “Salt, you are with me. Oh, and Cookie, Flower is off the watch bill until he is cleared by a doctor. He took a real blow there.”

I see him look at me and I watch as he tries to focus his eyes and then he slowly says, “Thanks, boss.”

As Cowlick and I head toward the E3 Oasis, I hear Flight Plan asks, “So I take it you guys have been here before too?” which is responded to with a chorus of laughter.

As we approach the rear gate, I can see several more guards cautiously approaching. So Cow and I stop and I quietly ask, “Could you please send me the Sergeant or Officer of the guard.”

Soon after this, a new stallion comes forward and asks, “What do you want?” As he asks this, he looks at both me and Cowlick with a suspicious expression on his face.

I read the rank on his uniform and I tell him, “Sergeant, we have talked with the Colonel before, and we are only seeking a couple of hours rest. We wanted to ask permission to keep our transport where it is, and to take advantage of your normal services.”

I see him nod his head and then he calls on his radio, “Yeah, that is right, a big blue alicorn with a fake cutie mark and a hairy one-headed brahmin.” He pauses briefly and then says, “Yes sir, I understand sir.”

I stand there patiently waiting and he asks me, “Are you Cowlick and Choo Choo?”

We both nod our heads and he says, “The Colonel says for you both to come in and see him at the location you last met with him.”

“Thank you, Sergeant, if you would like to escort us, that would be fine.”

“Oh, no need to ma’am. If you don’t go there you will be marked as infiltrators.”

I laugh lightly and Cowlick shrugs as he tells the sergeant, “Makes sense, to me.”’

With that, we are allowed in and we head straight to the basement entrance and down the stairs. Once we pass the old security room we are met by the base commander, Lieutenant Colonel Forage.

He looks at me and I see his stare at my flank, then he looks at Cowlick and asks, “Son, is that a painted-on cutie mark?”

Cowlick grins at him and tells him, “No, it’s real. I was just as surprised as you were when I saw it the first time.”

I can see the expression on the old ghoul's face as he says, “Well, I’ll be. Well, Choo, that is interesting and all, but I have reports you arrived with a whole vertibuck full of ponies and that you were coming in hard and fast when you landed. Who’s after you?”

This time I speak, “Colonel, we were one of the teams that struck Marimare earlier tonight. We landed to give our pilot and copilot a rest. We will continue on as soon as possible to prevent you from having to deal with the Enclave yet.”


“Yes, yet. If they defeat the NCR, how long do you think it will take them to turn onto the smaller non-aligned settlements as well as the Lunar Commonwealth.”

He does not say much as he thinks. Then he tells us, “Ok, but standard rules. No flying into the grounds of the Oasis.”

I nod my head and he then asks, “So young bull, did you find Site Paddock?”

I watch as Cowlick first licks his lips, then he answers, “Yes sir. We did. Those who remained had become ghouls. Most had gone feral and those who had not asked us to take care of them. After we were done, Lieutenant Johnny Cake informed us of the prime reason for Site Paddock. Sir, did you know about the cryogenically frozen embryos?”

I see the surprise on his face as he replies, “No. I did not, so they had frozen ponies embryos?”

Cowlick smiles as he then says, “No sir, not just ponies, but mules, cattle, even yaks. If it was a live birth and an intelligent species, it is in there.”

“Well, I’ll be.” He then asks cautiously, “ So what became of the ghouls who still are mentally there?”

Cowlick tells him, “Well, last I heard they had been offered to move to the settlement of Dead Quiet if they wanted to, but they are forming another ghoul settlement instead.”

“Interesting. And the supplies and embryos?”

“Those are being discussed with the regional heads. So, I am not sure. But last time I saw Lieutenant Cake he was pretty happy with the way things were beginning to go for them at Site Paddock.”

Forage finally tells us, “Go get your people taken care of. I will have a camo net brought out and set up to help hide the vertibuck. Just do not be obvious.”

“Yes sir, and thank you.”

“You're welcome, but please, do not make me regret helping you.”

With that, we are dismissed. After the transport is covered with a camo net, we first bury Double Tap. Then we slowly filter our way back into the Oasis.

While sitting in the diner eating I hear the radio being changed as the music changes to that of a more military nature. Then I hear a new voice I have only heard a couple of times before.

Good afternoon my loyal Enclave listeners. This is Radio Free Equestria and my name is Hollowed Dreams and do I have some news for you. Some of you who live in the Thunderhead and Hoofington region may have heard what sounded like a battle last night. Well, it was of sorts. It seems the NCR has hired terrorists to try and attack our dirtside base of Marimare as well as the civilian ran and local Volunteer Corps headquarters at the old Rainbow Dash Skyport.

While the fight was vicious at times, rest assured that our side took few casualties among our brave Enclave soldiers and security personnel. The damage was kept to a minimum for us. However, for those fools who trusted the NCR leadership, their lives were thrown away in a useless attack that saw few survivors.

As the stallion on the radio continues to drone on my team members all look at each other and smirks, while one of the locals calls out, “Hey Two Bits, how about changing the station back to where it was?”

From the kitchen pick-up area I hear a mare wearing a waitress outfit call back to him, “I guess, but I figured we could use a bit of a change. Besides, we need to hear the news from more than just the NCR, after all, how much can you trust those over in Junction Town?”

This makes me wonder about how much support the NCR can expect to garner from those unaligned ponies in the future. I finally decide we will burn that bridge when we get there, and I take another bite of my fried cram sandwich, followed by a nice cool sip of my Sparkle Cola Rad.

That night we take to the air again and we head back as quickly as we can for the NCR. By the next afternoon, we have landed and taken a break twice before we reach our next destination. We have just finished circling the area around Hackamore and the base there when suddenly I see a very large, blue dragon wearing a very large set of pegasus goggles flying at us. I have the pilot hover and I jump out and fly over to her and call out, “Hey George, it’s us.”

I see her put a claw on the radio receiver patch over her left hearing diaphragm. Then she smiles and waves to us before I hear her say over the radio. “Choo! It is so good to see you again, but what are you doing here, and where did you get a vertibuck?”

I quickly tell her, then she says, “Oh, I almost forgot to report in.”

She calls the local command on the radio and after hearing a reply she tells me, “Ok, Follow me, we are taking you to Harness.”

I call over the radio and let Flight Plan know and he nods his head through the Perspex glass of the cockpit as I fly alongside George, he flies behind us keeping pace until we reach the valley where we follow George and eventually come to land in an area that looks to have once been a parking area for the mining equipment.

Once we have landed and the engines have wound down, I call the team over and tell them, “Ok, for those of you who have not met her yet, this is my best friend George.”

They all murmur a small greeting and then I hear Days End ask, “Ok, so where are we?”

Double Back smile broadly as he slaps a hoof on his back and tells him, “This is where I was raised up. Welcome to Harness.”


Nightingale Military Hospital, Thunderhead, Grand Pegasus Enclave: Ball Lightning

As I convalesce, I think it is almost a week after I am visited by Sunset Waters that I am visited finally by my Company Commander Captain Golden Feather. As he walks in he shakes his head, “Damn Lieutenant, you really stirred up a hornets' nest with this one. The Lieutenant-Colonel is fit to be tied over almost losing one of his officers.”

I am a bit surprised to hear this. Especially since no one over me in my chain of command has visited before. So I ask, “If he is so upset, why did it take so long for one of you to come to visit me? Better yet, why hasn’t he done so? Am I a pariah now?”

He actually looks surprised and then he tells me, “Ball, until yesterday, we had no idea where you or that team you took with you were. It seems after you were brought here, they had a few odd jobs for the others to do too.”

Reluctantly I accept what he has said, then I tell him, “I wonder why they are keeping it on the down low?”

He shrugs and tells me, “Honestly, I wonder as does our CO, what you were up to down there.” Before I can say anything he raises a hoof and holding the bottom towards me says, “And no, we do not expect to ever know. We figured it was a need to know only issue.”

I try to smile when he says this and I tell him, “Thank you for understanding.”

I have just finished saying this when I hear a beeping noise from his PipBuck. He looks at it and says, “Oh Buck. Sorry, I must go now. I will be back when I can.”

Just as he begins to run out the door, I hear explosions in the far distance and I begin to hear sirens from the base warning system. I struggle to look out the window of my room and am not able to see anything. All I can do is sit and wait. A short time later one of the nurses comes by and checks on me and tells me, “Just try to relax Lieutenant. I know it is hard for you, but really, there is nothing you can do.”

“What is going on?” I ask him.

He looks nervously out the window and back towards the hallway before answering, “Both the RDS and Marimare are being attacked. No word yet on what is going on other than that.”

I am surprised to hear that, then I hear several Vertibucks fly over the hospital, and on the landing pad that I can see from my window, I watch as several stretchers are carried as fast as can be done towards the hospital.

Soon afterward I hear a very large explosion that racks the entire building and I have to catch myself to keep from falling out of my bed.

Over the hospital PA, I hear All personnel not involved in critical care of patients are to report to the Emergency Room Stat! We have a mass casualty event in progress and wounded are inbound. I repeat All personnel not involved in critical care of patients are to report to the Emergency room Stat!

My Goddesses I think to myself as I hear wings flapping and hooves clapping on the floors as the medical staff make an exodus towards the ER.

On my floor, there is a skeleton crew of staff left, but most are gone. As the same nurse walks by that I talked with earlier I see his scrubs are covered with blood as well as what looks to be burned feathers and meat.

He looks almost in shock and I call to him, “Hay, Nurse Heart Beat, are you ok?”

He turns to me and I see a look in his eyes that reminds me of a combat vet who has seen too much. He looks in my direction but instead of looking at me, he almost seems to look through me. Finally, he hesitantly replies, “Am I ok?” He pauses, then he looks up at me again, “No, no I am not. I, I cannot even begin to tell you how ok I am not. Sorry Sir, but I have to go. I have to let them know how many beds we have available in this ward.”

I watch as he then continues down the hallway and to the nurses' desk and talks to the one who is on duty there. He takes her seat, puts his head down, and while not asleep I am not sure if he is crying or not. I watch as she gulps and then flies toward the ER herself.

A short time later I see even more vertibucks arriving and wounded being carried in. I know I should not get out of my bed, but I feel an overwhelming need to help, to do something, anything. So, I force myself to get out of my bed and slowly walk down the hallway. I am almost to the elevator when it opens and I watch a badly injured, but unconscious patient being wheeled past and to one of the other rooms.

I slip into the elevator and I make my way down to the ER. What I find there makes me wish I had never left my room. I see wounded and burned ponies everywhere. Some are screaming in pain. Others whimper quietly and some just sit there silent.

As I walk past one asks me, “Water, please, I am so thirsty.”

I know I cannot give him water as he has a belly wound. So, I tell him, “I will be right back.”

I go and I get a bucket of water and a washcloth. I soak the rag in it and let him briefly suck the water.

As I am doing this I see a mare in a black cloak approach, One half of her face looks beautiful, the other almost like a ghouls. She smiles sadly as she looks at the pony I am giving the water to, puts a hoof on his shoulder and he begins to relax. She then tells me, “My name is Hela, Val has told me about you.”

He quietly tells me, “Thank you.” Then he closes his eyes forever. After this I see Hela continue down the hallways. Occasionally stopping, then I no longer see her.

I am shaken by this but I begin to go to do what I can to ease the suffering of the wounded.

Finally, I run into my doctor, she looks worn out and disheveled. As her eyes focus on me she asks me, “Lieutenant, what in Celestia’s name are you doing out of bed?”

I feel embarrassed as I tell her, “I knew they needed help, so I came to assist.”

She looks at my stomach area and I see her look slightly angry as she says, “Lieutenant, you are almost making it a bigger problem for all of us. Didn’t you realize you reopened your wound and have bled through your bandages?”

I shake my head, “No Ma’am. I hadn’t. I am sorry.” I tell her as I feel my face heat and I blush.

“I understand, let me make sure it is not too bad, then we will get you back to your room.”

A short time later I am back in my room when they wheel in a patient and put them in the other bed. I recognize the face of the unconscious mare. It is Lieutenant Colonel Sun Spot. I can see where they have bandaged her most obvious wounds. All through the night, I see them bringing in vertibucks and skywagons of the injured. I also hear those who have survived long enough to have been treated as they are wheeled down the corridors to other rooms. Finally, I am really surprised when they decide to squeeze another bed in our room along with monitoring equipment. With all the hustle and bustle through the night, I am afraid it will be a long one with little sleep. Finally, just before dawn, I finally am able to fall asleep.

It is midmorning when I finally wake up. I am looking up into the face of one of the nurses as she checks my bandages. I hear her tsk-tsking as she looks at them. When she notices I am awake she asks me, “Sir, how did you tear open these sutures?”

I am embarrassed as I admit, “I went down to the ER to try and comfort the wounded last night as much as I could.”

“And how did you think you could do that?”

“Nurse, I was giving them water by letting them suck it out of a washcloth. I know it wasn’t sanitary, but it was something. I saw so many of them that it was the last comfort they had.”

She closes her eyes and nods her head. Then she asks, “If I may ask, how come you are wearing the Enclave military uniform rather than the Volunteer Corps? I can tell your heart lays in helping others.”

I sigh as I look at the ceiling. Then I tell her, “I am better as an officer than I would be in the VC.”

She smiles and then tells me, “With the severity of the war, once it's done, think about it, sir. The world needs more helpers and healers. It is so much easier to destroy than create.”

This gets me to think and I tell her, “Thanks for a new perspective. Who knows, maybe I will someday.”

It is the next day before Sunspot wakes up. When she does she looks over at me and after focusing her eyes she asks, “What happened?”

I shrug slightly and tell her, “I was just going to ask you that too.”

She laughs lightly and tells me, “Last I remember, a group of mudpuppies stormed our hanger and we were in a firefight. I got two of them I think, but they got me too and I passed out I think.”

“Yeah, I understand how that is. Well, I am glad to see you survived. First time having something like this happen?”

She grimaces and then nods her head with it still on her pillow.

“Well, hopefully, this will be your only time then. Ma’am.”

“Thanks, Lieutenant. I hope so too.”


Good evening listeners this is Chrome Microphone and you are listening to HOOF from our station in Hoofington. Tonight’s news is led off by reports of NCR agents and troops having attacked the Grand Pegasus Enclave at several points including the Rainbow Dash Skyport and the Marimare Air Station here in the Hoofington region.

Both sides claim to have caused major casualties to the opposition while taking few themselves. However, both of the Enclave Ground stations have been closed to the public until further notice. There are also reports of a large number of vertibucks and skywagons coming and going from both of these locations after these attacks.

In other news, the Lunar Council has received notice from the leadership of the Grand Pegasus Enclave that if such further actions take place under their muzzles that they will not be tolerated and will be considered deliberate provocations against them.

I will be back with more news after the next five in a row. Starting out here is For Hell’s Bells.

Chapter 37 Surprise Visitors

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Chapter 37 Surprise Visitors

“Attack him where he is unprepared, appear where you are not expected.” - Sun Tzu, c. 5th cent. BC, Chinese general & military strategist

Harness, Hackamore District, NCR: Gingersnaps

Soon after we have landed, our vertibuck is moved into a cave to the side. Tater and Twinks both volunteer to assist the aircrew in going over it and performing required maintenance on it. The rest of us are led to the local military headquarters.

I find myself amused as we go and I see most of the others, oh and ah as they walk through the miner-dug city. My smile does git wider though when I feel my husband’s tail wind into mine as we do so.

Walking alongside our guide is a very excited Double Back. Occasionally he calls back to us where things are and what they are used for. Soon we approach the doors for a building carved in rocks that are labeled Harness Battalion Military Headquarters.

Our guide stops us and then presses a button beside the door on a speaker box. We then hear a voice ask, “What can I do for you?”

“Lieutenant Sand Bank reporting with a special detachment as ordered.”

Next, we hear a buzz and a click as the door unlocks and we are permitted to enter the building. As we go in, I can see that the reception desk is carved from rock and it can act as a defensive position if needed. The lieutenant looks embarrassed slightly as he says, “We have become very careful with who enters the HQ since the war began. The Colonel says it is a lesson he learned during the Battle of Harness and how they almost got the NCR Lieutenant Colonel from Manesville with assassins. “

I nod my head having heard the story from my sister and Tater. He notices me nodding and I tell him, “Three of my sisters and Tater were there when it happened. I heard about that attack.”

He looks surprised and tells me, “You don’t look to be old enough and I assume your siblings are about your age, so what were they doing there?”

It is then that I see an open office door with an old recruiting poster for the Rangers on the wall that shows Tater, Epona, Millie, and Moonlily with her horn aglow. I grin and tell him, “Oh they were all in the headquarters with our mother, Lieutenant Colonel Mollygirl. That is them on the poster.”

As I say this, I see a smirk come across Double Back’s face as he tells me, “I didn’t know that was family.”

The lieutenant turns to him and asks, “What do you mean? How could they be family.”

That is when I hear a familiar voice respond, “As you were, thank you for bringing them to me Lieutenant.” He pauses then says, “You have to understand, that three of those youngsters are related to the surrogate father for the foals in my family. As far as we are concerned, we are all one big family, and Double Back here is my nephew, which brings me to ask, “Why are you all now members of the NCR Rangers?”

Double Back begins to blush and looks down briefly, then he answers, “Colonel, we were drafted, sir.”

“All of you were Drafted?”

“Well, they were. Days End and I went through some extra training a while back and they recruited us as reservists. Normally we are not on the Rangers Payroll, but Days end and I were activated when these guys were conscripted,” Double Back tells him.

“Well, that explains that so what’s up with you arriving unannounced in our airspace during a war?”

This time Choo speaks up, “Colonel, if I may?” he nods his head and she continues, “We are returning to NCR Territory from our previous raid against the Enclave. We need to rest and refit and I felt that this would be the best region, especially with one of the Battalions from Manesville still being in the area.”

He nods his head, “Choo, it is a good thing you showed yourself, as I was just about to order George to take your aircraft down. With that said, Manesville no longer has a battalion down here. They were recalled a couple of weeks ago.”

I feel nervous about this area when he says this and he then continues, “Luckily, we had just finished forming the third battalion for Harness when this occurred. As of right now, we have begun to raise another battalion as well. You know, just in case we need it.”

Choo then asks, “Colonel, with your permission, I would like to report in to Ranger HQ our status and request our next set of orders.”

He nods his head, “Permission Granted Choo. Lieutenant if you would, please take Ranger Choo to the comms room so she can report in. Also, on your way out, let my adjunct know I will need to set up short-term quarters for this team.”

“Yes sir,” he says as he salutes and then leads Choo out of the room.

He then turns to me, “OK Ginger, can you discuss with me what you guys have been up to this time and how it may affect us here in the Hackamore region?”

I hear myself sigh, then I tell him, “Perhaps this time we can give you a brief overview. But I will not be telling you how we infiltrated or who our local contacts were.”

He nods his head, “Perfectly acceptable and understandable Ginger.”

After I have given him the gist of it, he looks at us and tells us, “Very interesting. I had heard the radio broadcast from both DJ Pon3 and the Hallowed Dreams. I just wish we had a better after-action report.” He pauses and looks up at us again, “No offense, but I am thinking of from after you departed. Such as how extensive the damage really was at both targets.” He pauses again then he asks in a serious voice, “So you really had no involvement with that large explosion you thought was the ammo dump?”

“No, we didn’t we were all very surprised by it.”

We hear a knock on the door and Milo’s adjunct is standing there quietly.

He nods his head and tells us, “Ok. Well, let’s get you guys some quarters. Perhaps later tonight we can visit some more.”

With that, I realize we have been dismissed as Milo begins to go back to his paperwork and we are led to another mined-out barracks.

Later we are joined by Choo in the barracks. She tells us, “We are going to stay here another couple of days to finish readying the vertibuck and to give all of us a bit of a break. However, we are not to leave Harness proper. Ginger, Epona, that means you can go visit family if you like. I am going to head over and talk to George myself. Oh, and all of you, be back here by 2200 hours.”

That night, Epona, Xochitl, and I visit with most of our family here in Harness. When I notice Mama Laura Lee is missing and asks about it, Milo tells me, “She is in the field training with her new battalion. She has a lot of raw recruits.”

“What kind of training are they doing?” Epona asks.

“Well, this time they are doing a forced march between here to Fort Hope and back.”

Epona nods her head in understanding before replying, “I remember that was a pretty good distance. We were lucky to use a skywagon for insertion last time I was there.”

Milo nods his head, “Yeah, I remember that. Some rough times back then. Seems like they are coming again.”

“Well let’s hope not Papa Milo,” Epona tells him.

The morning we are supposed to leave, we receive a runner from the District Military HQ. The runner is a mule corporal who tells us, “Miss Choo, the Colonel request your presence in the HQ ASAP!”

We are all a bit surprised by this, and Choo asks, “Any idea what he wants me for Corporal?”

He seems startled by the question and replies, “Not sure, but I overheard the radio crew saying something about skywatchers and a raptor.”

Her eyes go wide as do the rest of ours. She turns to Flight Plan, “Get the vertibuck ready. Sunny, you and Morning Mist get ready to fly with me. The rest of you, if this is what I think it is, we have trouble inbound.” Then she tells the Corporal, “Let us go, we don’t want to keep the Colonel waiting.” And we watch as they run off at a gallop.


Harness, Hackamore District, NCR: Xochitl

As we watch them run off, I turn to Ginger and see her eyes are wide and her ears forward. “OK Ponies, we have work to do. Let’s get this bird out onto the landing pad so we can get it ready to go.”

With that, our entire team helps to ponyhandle it out of the cavern that has served as a temporary hanger. Once it is on the landing area we help it to deploy its rotor. Then we begin to grab our gear and get ready as we wait for Choo to return and for Flight Plan to have the vertibuck ready to fly.

As the rest of us wait to load, Sunny and Morning Mist get themselves ready to fly with Choo and ready her battlesaddle and equipment so she can kit up quickly when she gets back.

A short time later that seems like forever passes before we see her flying as fast as she can back to us. She lands quickly and gives us the rundown as she uses her TK to put on her equipment.

The first thing she tells us is, “We have a Raptor inbound and they have already radioed demanding the NCR forces in this area surrender.”

Days End then asks, “They ain’t going to do that are they?”

Choo shakes her head, “No. Milo has already put out the alert to the local outpost of the Harness Regiment as well as begun the call up of the local militias.”

We all nod our heads and then we ask, “What are we to do Choo?”

She then tells us, “Flight Plan, you and your crew are to fly with me and our fliers as well as George and some of the local fliers.” She pauses, “Ginger, you are going to take the non-fliers of the Repair Ponies and assist in the defense of Harness.”

Again, we all nod our heads in understanding. Then she adds, “I have an idea if things are not going well for us. However, we will leave that be unless we need it. No need to barrow that kind of luck.”

In the distance, I can hear sirens and bells being rung as well as ponies yelling. I look back down the canyon and I can see ponies and mules running and units forming up as they then move to defensive positions.”

Soon we are joined by another mule officer. This time he is a captain and he tells us, “I am Captain Butler for the Firedamp or F Company. The Colonel has told me to let you know you are attached loosely to us.”

While I don’t like that fact, we are going to be attached to a regular grunt company. I guess we have no choice. Ginger on the other hoof simply nods her head as she salutes him and tells him, “I am Ranger Gingersnap, team leader for our non-fliers. Where do you want us, sir?”

This gets him to grin and he tells her, “Follow me, You and your team are going to be a reserve for my company HQ. That means if we need you, we will be using you as storm troopers.”

While I still have a headache from the other day I simply grin. Then I ask, “Captain sir, do you think I could get a new helmet from you?”

He looks surprised as he notices we are all heavily barded, but I am the only one not wearing one. He answers, “That should not be a problem, but Ranger, what happened to yours?”

“Sir it was destroyed when it saved my life on our last mission. I took a hit to the helmet.”

He nods his head, “Ok, let's go, follow me.” He tells us and he begins to run up a barely noticeable trail higher onto the valley wall and towards what would be the rear entrance to Harness. As we run I feel the ground shaking at first then feel a wind as George runs buy on the ground followed by her two youngsters. Both of whom are wearing shiny metal armor. They are followed by Choo and our fliers plus another half dozen pegasi and griffons in NCR uniforms.

Tater seeing I am distracted looks then pushes me forward, and yells, “Damnit Flower, keep moving.”

I shake my head to clear it and keep moving until we reach a well-concealed bunker that the Captain leads us into. Once there he tells a jenny mule, “First Sergeant, these Rangers are a reserve for us. Let’s keep them informed and use them if we need 'em.”

“Yes sir,” She replies as I hear our vertibuck take off.

As I look out one of the firing slit openings in the bunker I can see a raptor air ship moving slowly in our direction. Beside it, I can see a couple of dozen small dots as well as at least two vertibucks and some skywagons launching from its midships hanger bay.

As I watch Ginger moves close to me and I tell her, “Kinda reminds me of the Battle of Manesville.”

She nods her head and tells me, “Yeah, me too. But we have a lot more fliers this time.”

Then the first blast from the main guns of the Raptor begins to arrive with a thunder and burst of light.

The Captain tells us, “Don’t worry, they are only trying to feel out our defenses right now. Those blasts were randomly targeted.”

“How do you know that sir?” Ginger asks.

“I used to be in our artillery when it was first founded. I worked with a Captain named Archer and he taught me how to use artillery and what to look for when under fire. They are probing us trying to get us to react before they are in effective range of our guns. Too bad they don’t know we just got some more 155-millimeter guns. They are about to get a surp…”

His words are drowned out as suddenly we hear several large cannons quickly firing before they go silent. He grins and says, “That set of guns should be moving now.” Shortly after this, I hear an explosion from the direction of where that gun section had been.

From the other side of the canyon, I suddenly hear two more guns quick fire. After they go quite I see the explosion from about where they had been, as dirt and dust fly into the air. As I peer out the firing slit again, I see the air battle ragging between our fliers and theirs.

While their Raptor stays back, I can begin to make out the individual power armor suits as well as the skywagons and vertibucks. To the side, I hear Epona say, “It looks like they thought Hackamore was the main base. See how they are starting to bring their bow around towards us.”

The captain beside us tells her, “Yeah, I noticed that. But things should get interesting here soon.”

Right after he says this I see fire coming from a dug-in position I had not seen before. As I watch I see a squad of Enclave soldiers in power armor land and begin to advance on the dug-in troopers as another group keeps them suppressed by strafing them.

That is when I am surprised as suddenly I hear a rapid staccato of fire that reminds me of our old 40mm gun Nightmare Moon from the expedition as it fires and takes one of the fliers out in mid-strafe. The other breaks off as it shifts its fire to one of the vertibucks coming in hot and fast at us.

The vertibuck veers off, but seems undamaged. However, a skywagon that is following in its wake takes a direct hit and I see it disappear as the ordinance it was carrying explodes. I call over to the captain, “Looks like those skywagons are carrying bombs. They did that to us in Manesville back on the day of Sunshine and Rainbows.”

He nods his head, “Yeah, I heard about that. Part of why we have those 40mm guns up there.”

Soon the battle on the ground is joined fully. I am surprised though when I hear Tater asks, “Captain, do you have any explosive fields set to repel these guys?”

The captain looks surprised as does his 1st sergeant. He then asks, “How do you know about those?”

Tater grins, “Me and Pona there, well we were in the HQ bunker in Hackamore when they were used during the battle of Harness. We heard the Colonel’s talking about it on the radio.”

He nods his head, “Yeah, but they are already past them. We are going to have to do it the hard way this time.”

I nod my head as do the rest of us as I hear a call over the radio, “Firedamp 6 this is Firedamp 12, we have taken several casualties and they are pressing our position hard, we need to fall back.”

“Firedamp 12 this is Firedamp 6, Roger that. Firedamp 23, provide covering fire for them.”

“Firedamp 6, Firedamp 23 wilco.”

From below us and slightly to our left I can see a scattered group of mules and ponies performing a fighting withdrawal as a group further to their left and behind them provides suppressive fire. I also hear a couple of medium machineguns firing in support of them.

The fighting continues on the ground for another twenty minutes before we begin to have to engage. I hear one of the other HQ ponies call out, “Captain, I see a missile launcher being brought up to hit our bunker.”

“Can you take them out?”

“Negative sir,” is the nervous reply.

Suddenly a rocket hits the face of the bunker and I feel a couple of bits of rock from it pepper me and those around where it hit.

“Everyone out, now!”

We all run out of the bunker into the surrounding trenches and the open air where we are subject to more flying debris from the airship's long-range bombardment. The last of us has just gotten out when a large explosion comes from the bunker as it takes a direct hit from the Raptor's main gun. We are all thrown onto the ground. As we pick ourselves up, our attackers begin to rush us. We then begin a fighting withdrawal further back into the valley. During this retreat, the Harness troops continue to take casualties. I am stunned though when I hear Double Back call out, “Medic up!” and Twinks along with one of the Harness medics grabs him and drags him to cover where the treat him and I watch as he is carried away on a stretcher.

By this point, most of us have taken minor wounds, including Ginger who has a bloody wound along the side of her muzzle. She looks at me and we both just shrug, nod our heads and pop up to fire a couple of more rounds to slow the advance of the Enclavers.

After what seems like forever, we are near the outskirts of the town proper. That is when it occurs. I see several tunnels break through all around us and from higher up where heavy weapons are deploying. Those nearer where the company of pegasi troops, remind me of a kicked-over anthill as miners come pouring out of them with mining tools in their mouths striking the pegasi.

Captain Butler then yells at his troops as he stands on his hind hooves, “Forward, for home and kin!”

As we surge forward screaming, I see him get hit and fall, but by then we are all running to join the melee that the miners are already engaged in. I watch as Cowlick lowers his head and he hits two of the power-suited pegasi sending them in an uncontrolled flight against others. Then we are fighting hard and heavy. Rifle butts, knives, picks, shovels, and hooves against the power-suited behemoths and their poisoned scorpion-like tails. It is a fight as brutal as against the raiders at the Valley.

We know we have to do this quickly for mere flesh and blood cannot stand a fight against armor for long. However, we overwhelm them with our numbers. We realize we are winning when first some begin to try and escape, then finally they begin to call out that they surrender.

In the distance, I can see the raptor is on fire as she recovers what aircraft and troops she can. She slowly begins to turn away and towards the direction from which she came.

As the regulars begin to reorganize and take control of the prisoners, our team looks around us and I am stunned at the carnage around us. However, I am also relieved to notice that the only ground pounder of our team missing is Double Back. Soon a lieutenant from one of the platoons of F Troop comes over to us. He shakes his head and tells us, “Thank you for helping us to protect our homes. Now your team needs to head back to your barracks from last night. Colonel’s orders.”

Ginger salutes him for us and tells him, “Yes sir. Will do.” Then she leads us back to where we started the day.


Harness, Hackamore Region, NCR: Choo Choo

As I follow the officer to the regional HQ, I am very surprised at this chain of events. As I arrive, I hear Milo say, “Captain Choo, we have hostiles inbound. I need your team to assist us.”

“Will do Colonel, but I am not a Captain.”

“Yes, you are. The message came in from Ranger HQ this morning authorizing you that title as the commander of your team.” He pauses to let me process then he tells me, “I need you to support George and what fliers we have to defend this area against an inbound raptor. Have Ginger take over the ground team while you are in the air. I will be sending an officer to attach them to his unit.”

I nod my head, “Yes sir.”

“Dismissed and may the Celestia protect and Luna defend us.”

With that, I spin on my heels and I am at the run back to the team. Once there I give them a quick rundown. Then I take Sunny and Morning Mist with me to go back to join the rest of the fliers. The last thing I tell my aircrew is, “Flight Plan, when we fly by with George, I want you to join us and fly behind her. Love Tap, do not be afraid to use your weapons. Good luck and I will see you in the skies.”

As we fly to meet the others by George’s cave, the entire city is in a panicked rush as ponies either run for shelter or gather in their militia and regular units and trot away to their assigned positions in the defenses.

We have only just arrived when George puts a claw to the patch on her hearing diaphragm and she says, “Everyone, let’s go, they just demanded our surrender. The Colonel wants us to give them our answer.”

We exit her cave and run through the streets at first, then when there is room for a good take-off, we all take flight. As we begin to leave the canyon, I can see Sunny on my left and Morning Mist on my right. There are several other pegasi and some griffons with us too. We begin to adjust our formations as we fly. Then I see two young dragons in metal armor zoom past my wing and form up behind George in a V formation. I call George on the radio, “Fire Flight Six, you have two youngsters on your five and seven.”

I see George look back franticly, but we are almost within range of the guns for the raptor. She shakes her head and I hear her mutter, “So this is how Mollygirl felt.” Then she climbs suddenly before diving at the raptor and the formations of fliers around it. As she does so she calls out on the radio, “All Fire Flight, follow me, first pass we do a fast pass through, do not stop to engage, Tally Ho!”

As a group we follow her down, all of us beginning to weave an intricate pattern as we fire and zoom through those who are escorting the raptor. It is as we do this pass-through that I notice both of her youngsters are carrying what looks to be griffon rifles and they are firing them while not effectively, adequately enough to get some pegasi to dodge out of their way.

Myself, I line up to fire on a vertibuck with my minigun and slide my tongue under the bit and gently pull back on the trigger of my battle saddle.

I watch sparks fly from the back of the veritbuck as it begins to maneuver away, I quickly throw up my shield with my horn as its gunner opens fire with a quick burst at me, then I am past it and as a group, we pull out of our dive and begin to surge forward at the raptor from below. Above us, I can see the Enclave forces begin to reform. They hesitate and most of them begin to fly towards Harness.

Suddenly we begin to take fire from the raptor's anti-dragon weapons mounted on the lower part of it. I can hear the rounds whipping by me occasionally. As we begin to close. Then I see two artillery shells from below hit it.

Over the radio, I hear Flight Plan call out, “Fire Flight Six, this is Fire Flight three three, suggest you approach from beneath the cloud generator. Make it harder for them to target you if possible.”

“This is Fire Flight Six, understood, that is how I did it last time.” There is a brief pause and then George tells us, “I want Fire Flight 33 to fly a diversion and keep those remaining vertibucks busy. Choo, take your flight and hit them from the rear if you can. All troops be aware they are making a major shift course for Harness.”

Right after she says this the main gun of the raptor lets loose another round and we can feel the concussion of it as it heads towards those that are groundside.

I lead my wing in a long sweep behind and to the side from lower down. While we take fire from both the anti-dragon guns and the single anti-griffon mount there, we are still below the topside anti-griffon ones. As we swing wide, I watch George lead her group away and high. In the distance, I can see Flight Plan take the vertibuck alongside one of the Enclave ones as they engage in as fast of combat as they can firing at each other with their door guns, as they twist and turn.

Once we are on the other side of the raptor I call George and let her know. In return, I hear, “Fire Flight Two One, go high and use your shield spell, fire on anypony topside and hit anything that can hurt them. Make a distraction for me.”

“Got it Fire Flight Six.”

As we take position slightly ahead of the airship I tell Sunny and Morning Mist, “We fire until we get their attention, then hide behind my shield as we move in closer.”

“Roger,” I hear them both reply and we begin our distraction. I open fire with my minigun and they with their weapons. One of them gets a crewpony who was topside while I see sparks bouncing off one of the anti-griffon turrets. Suddenly all three of the topside turrets spin toward us and I throw up my shield just in time.

“Boss, can you fly backward?” Morning Mist asks over the radio.

“Not well why?”

“Then how the Tartarus are we going to get away from those things.”

As he asks this, I see George making a move and tell him, “Follow me!” As I lead them in a dive as fast as we can fly forward. I feel my body stretch out and I tell the others, “We are going to do a Tactical Rainboom on the raptor.”

They say nothing in reply but we keep going. However, I do swear I hear one of their voices quietly saying over the radio, “Oh my goddesses, oh my goddesses.” As my eyes begin to squeeze shut and we close the distance I see George and the others fly up from underneath and past the raptor with her and her youngsters spitting fire as they pass the hangar doors.

The doors are glowing a dull red as we come in and suddenly pull up. We skim along the top from one side to the other and behind us, we can hear the noise from the compressed air hit the raptor just above the hanger doors on the side we had approached from. I then hear a griffon’s voice call out, “Look at her stagger. I have never seen a dent that big before.

From behind us, I can hear sirens wailing. We come around from the rear and the firing is less at us as I see one of the anti-griffon mounts is crushed and there are two large indentations in the hull, like it had been punched. I turn my head and I see George flying like she is hurt. Both of her children are right beside her. I also see several of the fliers that had started with us are hurt.

Over my headset, I hear Colonel Milo say, “Fire Flight Six, this is Muleskinner Six, I need you to hit that thing again.”

Inside I groan and I swear I do hear George do so. However, she answers back, “Roger, but we have taken casualties up here.”

“Understood, but we are taking them here as well and we need you to keep her too busy to concentrate on us.”

From the distance I see her shake her head and then she calls out in a resigned voice, “All Fire Flight elements, we are going in. I want you to spread out around the rear 180 degrees of it and when we go in, weave and dodge. If we can, land on it and do as much damage as possible.”

We all begin to reform, including Flight Plan and his crew. As we go in, the transport vertibuck starts to pull ahead of the others, suddenly it twists and opens fire with its minigun as it fires into one of the rear-mounted propulsion engines. I see it spark and begin to tear itself apart. After he hits a second one, he rolls away and dives for the ground as the ship has twisted to bring its guns to bear on him. However, it does so in a very slow, exaggerated manner as its other engines try to take up the slack for the missing ones.

Then the rest of us are on it. I know a second attempt at a tactical rainboom would be useless as we are too tired to try it again, and they will be looking for it. Instead, we weave back and forth fighting what crew members come out to try and stop us as we attack. I see the rearmost anti-griffon gun is targeting George as she is the greatest threat. I point to it and tell Morning Mist, “I need a demo charger on the base ring asap.”

He grins and as we land next to the still-firing turret, he places a premade charge on it, just above the point where the turret mounts. He grins and calls out, "Clear the area," and as we run forward, he pushes the red button on the detonator and I hear a medium size explosion. I turn my head back and I see the turret is jammed and its gun is pointing uselessly higher into the sky with smoke coming out of it. George comes in and lands hard. We are currently shielded from being fired upon by the forward anti-griffon turret by the middle one that was disabled earlier. She grins as she sees this and she says, “OK, stand back,” as she takes a deep breath and begins to blow a light blue flame against the top of the cloud ship.

As she does this the skin of it begins to glow brighter and brighter. Then we hear an increase in MEW and small arms fire as the raptor's crew begins to try to repeal borders.

I see George get hit by one shot and stagger back. When this happens Tempered and Forged leap skyward and attack the ponies who shot their mother. It is not pretty, but it seems to take some of the steam out of our attackers. They are now strictly on the defense and are performing a fighting withdrawal back into the skin of the skyship.

Then we hear, “This is Muleskinner Six, all Fire Flight elements, fallback and reform at your rally point.”

By now George has taken a healing potion and while not fully ready to fight she can still fly. She calls over the radio, “All Fire Flight elements, Rally on me!” and she takes to the air again and flies up and to the rear of the skyship, which is now starting to turn back towards where it had originally come from.

Those of us who are left stay high until we are out of range of the anti-dragon and anti-griffon weapons, then we begin to fly low again.

As we move out, we see a large number of pegasi, a couple of vertibucks, and skywagons swing wide away from us, but making their way towards the raptor. Over the radio, I hear, “Fire Flight Six, this is Muleskinner command. Return to base. I repeat return to base, avoid the hostile forces that are escaping.”

As she says this, I can see that the raptor has stopped firing and is slowly limping its way back from the way it came. I also can see their survivors from the ground fight all begin to land either on the top deck or in the landing bay on the opposite side of where the tactical rainbooms hit it. I guess the doors are at least jammed shut.

We land near the main entrance of the valley and make our way on hoof towards the cave where we had stored our vertibuck earlier. As we move, I stop and watch Flight Plan bring our vertibuck in to land. I notice the battle damage it has taken and I can see one engine is smoking slightly.

After he cuts the engine his crew dismounts. I then notice Love Tap get out of the aircraft, then walk behind it and it looks like she throws up. Finally, she comes back around and a team of local ponies help to push the aircraft back into the cave.

That is when I get a message from Ginger informing me that Double Back has been hit badly and is in medical. We do a quick debrief with one of the HQ ponies, then I fly over to the hospital.

As I enter the hospital, I see all the wounded and injured waiting to be treated. To the side, they set those who have already passed over, as well as covered their faces with sheets or cloth when possible.

I slowly make my way to a desk where a very harried-looking nurse is and asks her, “One of my rangers, a mule named Double Back was brought in here. Can you tell me where he might be?”

She gets on her computer and looks at it. Then she says, “I can’t find his name, check down in ER. If not there, then come back later. Really, we have enough going on right now that we really need to concentrate on the patients.”

It is as she says the last that I see her. A black-cloaked, white mare with her face barely showing. As she wanders down the hallway, I follow her. When she stops it is by a mule laying on the ground. He is in intense pain and I suddenly recognize him. It is Double Back. With a quick scan, I can tell he is dying. I see the mare begin to reach for him and I tell her, “Stop. I can help him.”

She looks at me and her eyes flash, “You. Then you know who I am and why I am here. He has earned a warrior’s death. Now let me work.”

I calmly say, “Yes Mareigan, he has. But it is not his time yet, and I have a super healing potion that can save him.”

She shakes her head, “Nothing can save him.”

“Let me try at least. It is what Moonlily would do.”

I see her look surprised when I bring up my great-granddaughter’s name. She steps back slightly and tells me, “If you think she would and that you can save him, then do so.”

I use my TK to remove the only super healing potion I have and I gently lift his head with my forehoof as I pour the potion down his throat. As I pour, I notice his throat hardly moves to swallow it.

It is only a couple of seconds later that his breathing becomes less labored and his wounds begin to heal quickly. As they heal, I see two spent bullets being pushed out of the wounds they made and fall onto the bed beside him.

I turn to Mareigan and I see a look of surprise on her face as she asks, quietly, “Where did you find that?”

“The same place that created the original megaspell. This was an offshoot of that research.”

She shakes her head, “Do you have more of it?”

I shake my head and tell her, “No, unfortunately, I don’t.”

She smiles grimly and tells me, “Good, that means you will not be interfering with me doing my job. Until the next time we met Choo Choo.”

Then she begins to walk the hallways again as I hear Double Back begin to cough and he turns to me and asks, “Boss, what happened? I thought I was dead.”

I nod my head in understanding, then I tell him, “I used our super healing potion on you. Remember the story of how the first time they used a mega spell it healed all the wounded and brought the dead back to life, and then the fighting started all over again?”

He nods his head as he begins to stand up, so I continue, “It seems it was not just a story.”


Nightingale Military Hospital, Thunderhead, GPE: Ball Lightning

The overcrowding of the hospital has begun to decrease as the less seriously wounded are released and sent back home to further convalesce, or back to their units. The third roommate that I and the Lieutenant Colonel shared a room with was moved on the second day of his stay. I never did find out his name as he never woke up while still with us.

However, I have begun to talk to Sun Spot more. That is when I am not reading. I find it amusing as she too is a reader. The books she reads though tend to be more along the line of fieldcraft and intelligence. Myself, I have started to read more medical books and training manuals.

As I am reading up on the basic anatomy of a pegasus, I am beginning to understand just how much damage was done this last time to me. I finish a paragraph on the spleen and its function. Then I find myself looking toward the ceiling and shaking my head.

“Ok lieutenant, what is it that has you looking upset?” Sun Spot asks me.

I sigh, then I turn to face her, “Just realizing how bad I was hit, and wondering what use I am going to be to the Enclave.”

She laughs lightly, “Well if the regulars don’t want you, you will always have a spot with intel.”

I smile as I think about it and I tell her, “Perhaps. Let’s see how things go.”

Two days later she is released. As she goes, she tells me, “Remember what I said Ball. I mean it.”

I nod my head, “I will Sun. Take care and I will see you again soon.”

She then takes what few possessions she had with her in a saddlebag and gingerly walks out the door of my room and down the hall.

The next day while visiting with my wife, I receive a new roommate. I wake up as they bring him in. He has several burns and a broken wing.

He nods to me and asks, “What are you in here for?”

I smile and tell him, “Bad abdomen wound a couple of weeks ago during an op. You?”

He looks at me with a bit of horror on his face as he tells me, “I shouldn’t say anything, but, our raptor the Desert Wind, we were sent to attack an NCR regional headquarters. When we got close to it, we were attacked by at least three full-grown dragons. They also had alicorns, griffons as well as Dashites.”

This gets my attention as there are not that many dragons that are known. I notice Sundancer is paying attention as well when she hears him say alicorns. He then continues, “Yeah, our captain decided to ignore them and sent our fliers and aircraft to attack the town.”

He suddenly is looking through me and not at me as he says, “The dragons, they landed on the top of our airship. They heated up the deck and then used their claws to rip into it. I, I shot one of them and the two others attacked me. They did this to me and my partner on the security force.”

I bring my head back in surprise and then tell him, “You are very lucky to have survived a dragon attack like that. Thank the goddesses you were wearing your powerarmor.”

He shakes his head slowly. “I was luckier than that, I was not wearing any armor at the time. I passed out and when I woke up, they were gone and we were returning to port for repairs.”

I notice as he is talking that Sundancer has a funny expression on her face so I ask, “Ok, love, what is it?”

She turns to the wounded airship officer and asks, “What did the dragons look like?”

This gets me to raise an eyebrow but I say nothing. The officer on the other hoof says, “What does it matter? The biggest one, the one we shot, was big and blue and had on the largest set of pegasus goggles I have ever seen.”

She nods her head and asks, “And the others? “

“They were not as big, but one was Dark purple with lighter purple belly scales, the other was dark blue with dark red belly scales and was wearing glasses that looked like they were held on with a rope.”

This sounds so familiar to one of the stories that those who called themselves the Repair Ponies had described I have to ask, “Was any pony riding them?”

“What? No, of course not, why?”

“You said they had alicorns with them, was it just one, or more than one?”

He looks perturbed at first and tells me, “Well I remember this big blue one along with her was an all-black pegasus and a light blue pegasus with a gray mane and tail. Why?”

I turn to Sundancer and tell her, “Sunny and Big Blue, better let Air Burst know, sounds like the Repair Ponies, and if I remember right, they said that they were friends with a dragon named George that fits that description.”

The airship officer looks at me incredulously and asks, “You know them?”

I nod my head and tell him, “Not sure, but I think we know some of them. If that dragon was George, the Desert Wind was not the first of our airships she has tangled with, she severely damaged the Spring Monsoon over Manesville over ten years ago.” I pause, then I add, “Funny, the other two dragons do not fit any description I have heard before.”

He looks at me and asks, “What are you? You some kind of Intelligence officer?”

I shake my head, “No, I am just a security officer. But I hear things.”

He nods toward Sundancer and asks, “And her?”

“She is my wife; she hears things too sometimes.”’

He nods his head, “Yeah, I get that. Well, whoever did it, I know our ship will be in clouddock for a while getting repaired. Tartarus, I might be out of here before they are ready to go again.”

Soon our conversation shifts back to just me and Sundancer as the cloudie falls asleep from the drugs they are giving him for his pain.

She looks at him and asks, “You really think it might have been them?”

“Honestly dear, yeah. They had to lay up somewhere after what they did at Marimare.”

She nods her head, “Okay, now onto better subjects. So, Ball, have you thought about foal names yet?”

I smile and tell her, “Dear, I am not sure. Part of me is afraid to name it until they are born.”

She smiles and tells me, “Yeah, I get it. My aunt was like that too.”

She pauses looks around and then tells me, “The other day when I was at RDS, I ran into the young ones. They were asking about you. Little Bit is very worried about you and afraid she will not see you again.”

I smile thinking about the youngsters and I tell her, “I can understand that. They are good kids. I miss seeing them too.”

She pauses, “Ball, what if, because of our foal, I take an assignment ground side? Maybe at RDS or another VC station.”

“Something to think about, I guess.”

Two days later I am released from the hospital. As I am preparing to leave, I see my doctor one more time. “Remember what I said sir, be careful and remember you are not going to be able to do as much as you used to. Your body has taken a lot of damage already,” she tells me.

“I know Doc. Don’t worry, I will do my best to not be a patient here again.”

I see her raise an eyebrow and she asks, “What do you mean by that?”

I smile as I tell her, “Doc, when the war is over, I think I may be changing my occupation. If I survive, perhaps someday I can join your profession.”

She smiles and nods her head, “Well we can always use more. I wish you the best then in your endeavors. Take care.”

I take the papers that discharge me from the hospital and return me to duty with my security battalion to my company commander's HQ. As I walk in the door, I am surprised to see Bulls Eye Squall sitting at his desk. I pause for a moment when I notice she now is wearing lieutenants bars. When she sees me, she looks embarrassed and tells me, “Sorry Sir, but let me get out of your seat and I will give you a full rundown of what our company’s status is.”

I shake my head as if to clear it so I can hear her correctly, “Bullseye, what do you mean my seat?”

I see pain cross her face briefly, then she tells me, “The day they hit RDS and Marimare, we took pretty heavy casualties. The captain didn’t make it.”

“Damn, I am sorry to hear that.”

She nods her head, “Yeah, I know how you feel. By the way, sir you are now out of uniform, you have been bumped up to captain and have the company. I now have command of the 3rd Platoon.”

“What about the other platoon leaders? Shouldn’t one of them have taken over the company?”

She smiles, “Well, that would have made sense before you were wounded. While you were still dirtside, they transferred both Lieutenants, Dust Bowl, and Arrest Warrant to front-line units just before we got the word you were in the hospital. Currently 1st and 2nd platoons are also being led by their former 1st sergeants as well.”

I am stunned at the chain of events that has occurred. I then turn to her and tell her, “I best go report in with the battalion commander then.”

She nods her head, then reminds me, “And don’t forget to stop at the quartermaster's for your new rank insignia. Here is the paperwork authorizing it for you, sir,” she tells me as she uses a wing to open a drawer and bring it out to me.”

“Thanks 1st, I mean lieutenant. I do appreciate it.”

She grins, “Your welcome sir, and for what it’s worth, I am still trying to get used to it as well.”

I take my paperwork from her and grin as I put it in my saddlebags. Then I tell her, “I will be back in a bit. Please continue to mind the fort for me.”

She nods her head, “Will do sir. Oh, and I almost forgot to tell you, rumor has it the entire company if not the battalion may be transferred dirtside for the duration.”

I nod my head in reply and am soon on my way to see our battalion CO. I stop at the quartermaster’s depot to get my new rank badges issued. Then I finish my travel to Battalion. As I walk in, I see Lieutenant Colonel Full Bright with a coffee cup in his wing tips talking with our battalion sergeant major. He nods his head, “I see you have the news about your advancement. Congratulations Captain. Now how about we take this to my office. It seems we have some things to go over and I could use your personal knowledge and experience with these wastelanders. You see after the attacks a few weeks back the powers that be have decided we need to increase our ponypower on our ground-side facilities. They are sending our entire battalion down to the RDS permanently it seems. Of course, we will still get to rotate back cloud-side for R&R, but it is not the same.” He pauses and then adds, “I know that is probably the last thing you wanted to hear with still being recently married and having a foal on the way. But it is what it is Captain.”

I nod my head and I tell him, “Your right sir, it is what it is. Now where do you want to begin sir?”


You have been listening to radio Tenpony Tower. As a reminder, I am Clean Feed. At the top of the hour, DJ Pon3 will be taking over the mike but until then here I am.

As a Public Service Announcement, the overland route between Baltimare and Manehatten has been temporarily closed to all caravans due to raids by the Enclave. If you choose to still travel on it the NCR Government cannot guarantee your safety at this time.

Also, if you see Enclave troop movements inform the local NCR leadership as soon as possible, without risking your life. This includes cloud-ships, vertibucks and even individual soldiers on the ground.

Finally, remember Loose Lips End Friendships. If you hear about NCR troop movements or other government actions, keep them to yourselves. Also, if the source keeps spreading this news, then report them as possible collaborators.

Now for the final three songs of my show tonight, we lead off with Soldiers Eyes.


Chapter 38 Raise a Toast

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Chapter 38 Raise a Toast

“Scars are not signs of weakness, they are signs of survival and endurance.” ― Rodney A. Winters

Harness, Hackamore District, NCR: Gingersnaps

As a group I lead our team back to the barracks as we were directed. Once there we finally begin to treat our wounds and then clean our equipment. Most of us have taken at least some kind of small wounds either graze, cuts, scrapes, or bruises. Twinks taking care of the larger wounds for us.

As we go about this, I think about how bad Double Back had to have been hit to have been taken back like he was during the battle. I am afraid I have gotten the first pony directly under my command killed. What could I have done better I ask myself. I know I had to have been able to have done something different that would have gotten us all out of there in one piece.

I send a quick message to Choo via my Pipbuck and she tells me that she is going to find Double Back. It is then that I see Twinks off to the side. She looks upset and I then notice she has an open bottle in her forehooves. I can see where the tears have made tails in the dirt, dust, and blood on her cheeks. I put a hoof around my best friend and I ask her quietly, “You, OK?”

She shakes her head, “I, I don’t think so. I tried every thing I could do for so many of them, especially Double Back.” She pauses, looks down as if realizing she has a bottle in her hooves. Then she takes a drink.

I sit there quietly lost in my own thoughts alongside of her and she hooves me the bottle before she continues. “Ginger, I am sorry I could not save him. I would have gone to the hospital with him but I could not leave our team in a fight.”

“You did good Twinks, you did good. As good as Mama Sutures did back at the Valley.” I tell her as I take a quick pull then put a cork in the bottle. Then I tell her, “Let’s get you cleaned up Twinks.”

As I stand up, I see Tater looking over at her with a worried expression on his face. I nod briefly then shrug. He finishes reassembling the weapon he is working on and comes over to Twinks and I.

He sits close to her on the opposite side of me and asks her gently, “How you doing Kid?”

She smirks as best she can. She doesn’t say anything. Then she leans into his shoulder as he puts a hoof around her and she begins to cry softly. He looks at me and nods. I take my cue and I slowly leave them together.

I also can see a very distraught-looking Days End sitting by himself. I am just about ready to go talk to him when Morning Mist and Sunny show up. As they come in Sunny tells me, “The aircrew will be here in a while, they are going over the post-flight checks right now.”

“Thank you, Sunny, for letting me know.”

He nods then he asks me quietly, “How bad was Double Back hit?”

“I am not going to lie to you Sunny, Twinks told me she is pretty certain he is not going to make it.”

He almost looks like someone has hit him when he hears this. “Damn, I really was beginning to like the Buck.”

I sadly nod my head. He then asks, “Anyone got a bottle, Once the aircrew gets here, we should have a drink in honor of Double Back.”

Finally, Days End says something, “Yeah, I got one here,” he tells us as he gets out a bottle of Old Overmare and sets it on the table in the center of the room.

“We will wait until the aircrew and Choo get here before we break it open, ok guys,” I tell them.

They all nod their heads in agreement. Soon I watch as some of them begin to play cards and others begin to try and catch some sleep. Myself, I decided to try and take a nap. As I am laying down, I feel my husband come up to me and lay next to me. He puts his head over my back and turns his head to whisper, “You did good dear. Double Back is not your fault.”

He knows me so well. I lift my head up and turn it just enough to kiss him lightly on his cheek. “Thank you, dear. I needed to hear that. I know it could happen. It has been a close-run thing with several of us, but this time, this time it was different. I saw him take that burst of gunfire and go down. I should have shot that Enclaver before he shot him.”

He nods his head slightly and then asks, “But weren’t you already providing cover fire for several others at the time?”

“Well, yeah, but still.”

“No still beloved. Stuff like that happens during combat, we both know that. We have for a very long time. Remember that raid on Silver Spites HQ after Targhee and before the Valley? You were knocked unconscious by a shot to your helmet and took a scalp wound. Was that anyone's fault?”

I shrug, “No, it was not. It just is so hard sometimes.”

“I understand love, now go to sleep. You need some rest.”

I again nod and then I lay my head on my forelegs as I fall asleep with my husband and love of my life just lying next to me cuddling me as I need it.

I wake up a short time later as the aircrew arrives. It was not much of a nap, but I needed it. As they enter, I look up and I can tell when Love Tap sees the unopened battle. I see tears well up, but not fall from her eyes and she looks around and finally asks, “Where are Double Back and Choo Choo?”

I stand up and I tell her, “Double Back was hit bad. We don’t expect him to make it.”

“And Choo Choo?”

“She went to check on him at the hospital.”

She nods her head and then goes over to one of the empty bunks and tosses her gear on it, then lays on it herself and says to no one in particular, “Buck, I always liked him. He seemed a decent sort.”

Right after she says this, I hear Double Back’s voice ask from the doorway, “What’s the whiskey for?”

We are all stunned. I see Twink’s eyes open wide and I see her hind legs collapse as she stutters out, “How? You were dying. I know you were; I am not that bad of a medic.”

Before Double Back can say anything Choo slides past him and tell her, “I had a vial of that Super Healing Potion that Spiral Notebook gave me before we left the research center.”

Double Back simply shrugs at this and seems to be full of energy. As he all but trots by to go and to talk to Love Tap, he stops and looks at Choo with wonder on his face and he asks in an incredulous tone of voice, “Choo, you only had the one for yourself and you used it on a mule?”

She smiles gently at him as she shakes her head and tells him, “Yes, I only had the one, but it was for who needed it, and Double Back, you are not just a mule, you are one of us. I might need it in the future, but you needed it now. I would do it again if I could.”

He smiles at her and tells her, “Thanks Boss, you really don’t know how much that means to me.” He then continues his way to talk to Love Tap. As he walks next to the table, he gets a smart-alec grin on his face and says, “Yah, know, just because I am not dead, doesn’t mean we can’t all share a good bottle.”

I nod my head and then tell him, “True, but a lot of ponies are going to be mourning tonight, maybe a celebration is not such a good idea.”

Then I hear Flight Plan tell me, “Maybe that would be a better idea, Ginger. After all, as the old saying goes. I can laugh or cry, and I prefer to laugh.”

Choo nods her head as she ponders this and then tells us, “Perhaps, but let us wait until later to decide, until then we should get our equipment ready for our next job and perhaps get some rest if we can, in a bit I will go to the HQ and see what our bosses want us to do.”

She pauses and then turns to Flight Plan, “Also, I would like a report on the fitness of your crew and the Vertibuck as well as parts we may need for it so I can let them know also.”

He nods his head and tells her, “Let me get a pen and paper and I will write up a report for you.”

Choo nods her head with a slight twist and tells him, “Thank you. That would be most appreciated.”

Then I watch as she goes over to her bunk, drops her battlesaddle and minigun along with her saddlebags, and then begins to clean them. When she does this, I hear several of the others groan mildly as they get up and begin to go back over their equipment again.

Soon I hear Tater ask her, “Any problems with your rig up there Boss?”

“No Tater, it worked fine. I just have to get used to aiming it a bit better I guess.”

He nods his head and tells her, “Well, let’s still give it another once over. I want to double-check your aiming system then.”


Harness: Hackamore Region: Xochitl

Right after Choo leaves for the HQ, I see Flight Plan head over to a bunk and collapse into it, not even bothering to take off his flight suit.

I ask his co-pilot Cloud Bank about it. He tiredly looks at me, “Flower, I know you have done several operations and you know how much those take out of you. Now imagine how much extra it takes out of him and me to think and coordinate our muscles to make that bird of ours do what we want. Normal flight is tiring, combat flights, well those are exhausting, and let’s be honest, he is not a young buck anymore.”

I put my forehoof under my muzzle and slightly nod my head, “I really had not thought of it that way before. Thanks for explaining.”

He grins with half-closed eyes as he begins to yawn. Then the tells me, “No problem. I just appreciate your asking. Most just assume we only sit there and the bird does all the work.” He pauses and yawns again, then says, “Now if you don’t mind, I really need to catch a nap myself.”

“Yeah, sorry about keeping you. If anything comes up one of us will wake you.”

“Thanks, kid. I appreciate it. Sorry, we aren’t more talkative.”

“No need to be sorry, I understand fully now.”

After he has left to claim a bunk, I head back over to some of the others who are just finishing rechecking their gear. As I approach, I hear Twinks telling Ginger, “Cookie, I am going to need to pick up some supplies for the team before we leave. I am getting short on bandages and healing potions.”

“Ok, I will see what the boss can do for that. However, after today, they may be short in general here. So, we may have to wait until we hit a new area.”

“Ok, but just so you know we are getting tight on those things.”

As I approach, I keep silent and just take in what I am hearing. From the side I hear Sunny ask, “Hey Twinks, could you give me a hoof over here? This actuator doesn’t seem right on my power armor.”

She shrugs and tells Ginger, “I best go help him. Time to put on my other hat I guess.”

I nod my head and tell her, “Yeah, but you do it pretty well also Twinks.”

“Thank Cohtil, I appreciate it, but to be honest, I would love to just grab twenty minutes of sleep right now.”
“Well, after helping Sunny with this, why don’t you lay down for a bit? We will wake you then if anything comes up.”

“Thanks, Cohitl. I will take you up on that.”

I then see her go over to Sunny and after a few minutes, I hear her say, “Huh, never seen that before. But let’s do this.” She fiddles with something using her TK and then I hear her say, “Ok, there you go Sunny. Now I am going to take a nap.”

“Thanks, Twinks. I really appreciate it,” he tells her as she soon heads to find a bunk so she can rest.

Soon it is just me, Sunny and Cowlick left awake with the others all catching what sleep they can.

As we sit there talking it occurs to me how close we have all become and how much we depend on each other. Then we begin to talk with each other about what we saw today and we begin to put together a picture of what really happened to us.

I find it interesting to hear about the air battle as well as Cowlick’s perspective of the ground fighting. Something occurs to me and then I tell them, “Have you noticed that we each saw different things? I mean, we were in the same battle, but not the same fight.”

Cowlick nods his head, “Yeah Cohitl, your right, it seems like most of the time we only saw what was happening in a small bubble around us. Oh, sure occasionally we might notice something big in the distance, like when the vertibuck crashed, but most of the time it was a lot closer.”

I am completely caught off guard when he says this, “What Veritbuck that crashed?”

He laughs lightly, “See, that is my point Cohitl. I saw it, you didn’t. I had just dropped back to cover for a reload when I saw it in the distance. Our bird flew up next to it as it was dropping troops out of it. Love Tap really poured it into the cockpit, then one of the engines. Last I saw she lost an engine and was spinning in, by then Tater had me reloaded and I was back to fighting.”

A bit later Choo returns and notices the others are sleeping. She smiles some and then shakes her head, “Wake them up. I have news you all need to hear.”

My eyes go wide and I ask, “What’s up Boss?”

“I will tell everyone at one time.”

I go to wake Ginger while Sunny and Cowlick wake the others. Once we are all gathered, she tells us, “For the old team members we just received news that the Baltimore Colt was one of the riverboats that were attacked on the Hoofrock River. Casualties are not known yet, but there are some. She has been towed back home to Manesville already by the S. Glimmer.”

While the flight crew does not know what to make of this, the old hooves are all visibly upset or angered. Sunny pops off by saying, “There will be a reckoning for that Choo. The clan will not stand for it.”

“Very true Sunny, but remember, we cannot just do what we want. Also, no matter how large the Water Clan is, they cannot take on the Enclave alone.”

He waves a wing. “Oh, I understand that. Just know now a good part of the clan is going to be wanting blood in return for what was shed.”

Choo nods her head, “Sunny, I am sure of that, but understand, there have already been air raids against home. I am not sure how many or how bad, but I am sure the clan is already pretty devoted to the cause. On another note, reports are coming in all over the NCR of our forces being driven back or forced to surrender in many areas. I think they thought they would do that to Hackamore as well. However, they did not know about the dragons here.” She pauses briefly as we digest what she has told us. Then she continues, “Flight Plan, tomorrow my team is at your service to assist with the vertibuck, they want us in Junction Town in three days. Tonight, I want all of us to unwind.”

He nods his head to her. Then I hear him ask, “So Choo, do you think we can paint a name on our bus?”

I see her raise an eyebrow and cautiously she tells him, “Perhaps, but let us see what the command in Junction Town says first. After all, while you are currently attached to me, we both work for them right now.”
I watch as Flight Plan shrugs and hear him tell her, “Ok, sounds good Choo.”

Shortly after this as we are preparing dinner in the barracks kitchen, I hear a knock on the door and then a new voice calls in, “Is Captain Choo available?”

Cautiously Ginger asks, “Who is asking?”

In reply I hear, the mule who is uniform at the door say, “1st sergeant Cross Cut, Company F ma’am. 1st Lieutenant Buzz Saw has asked me to invite you and your rangers to the F Company for a formal mess.”

“Does this include my flight crew?” Choo asks.

He nods his head and tells her, “Ma’am all of you who fought with us today are invited.”

“What time do you want us there?”

He smiles slightly as he tells her, 1900 hours ma’am.”

She nods he head and tells him, “We will be there. Should we bring anything?”

“Not necessary, but if you have any cheeses, fruit, nuts, or chocolate, it would be appreciated. I will see you all then,” he tells us before performing an about-face and heading off down the street.

I can see the questioning expression on the faces of the others here and I ask Choo, “What is a formal mess?”

She grins at me and tells me, “I know it is a tradition in the 2nd Manesville Regiment. Usually, it is for the officers or non-coms. We will meet for drinks, usually port if it is available, plus minor snacks, which often bring out different flavors in the drink. There are also a series of toast that are given, once those are done, we take the time to talk and get to know each other. However, there are strict rules, such as during the first hour there will be no discussion of politics, or talking in a negative manner of others present.”

From the side, I see Flight Plan and his co-pilot nodding their heads and he adds, “Nice to see that the old Equestrian Army tradition is still being followed. I was afraid the last one to do so were still in the Enclave.”

This really surprises me. Then I grin as after Choo says we are dismissed until we go to the mess, we all go and begin to root through our saddlebags to see if we can find anything to bring. As we are doing this Flight Plan then adds, “Oh, and feel free to bring anything else to drink that you like. Usually after the first hour, we begin to enjoy other libations as well.”

I see Sunny grin at this, “Now that sounds like a tradition I could really get into.”


Harness, Hackamore Region, NCR: Choo Choo

Today has been a rough one for me. Not only the battle but the emotional rollercoaster that came with thinking I had lost another pony under my command. As I make my way to the Harness HQ, I shake my head sadly. As I pass George’s cave I see her son out front. He grins and waves to me, “Howdy Aunt Choo.”

I side-track over to him and begin to talk with him a bit, “Hay, Tempered, how are you doing?”

He shrugs, “Ok, I guess. I was worried about Mom, but she is laying down for a nap after eating a few gems and part of a radhog. Forged is laying down next to her.”

“Why aren’t you?”

He sighs, “I can’t. I tried, but I keep thinking about earlier. And how I have lost ponies and mules I know today.”

I put a wing around him and hug him. “I understand how you feel Tempered. I really do.”

As I tell him this, I feel him hug me back briefly. He then relaxes and once he lets go, I lift my wing from around him. He then tells me, “Thanks, Aunt Choo. I needed that.”

I then look up and I see Milo’s wives Cannel Coal, and Cedar Box coming in our direction along with their youngsters. When he sees them, I see Tempered get excited and he runs over to talk to Pine Box, Peat Coal, and Blue Moon.

Cedar Box then approaches me and tells me, “Thanks for checking on him too Choo. I am glad to see you made it ok.”

“Thanks. I am glad to see you all made it safely as well.”

That is when Cannel blanches a bit as she softly tells me, “Well, not all the family did. Gus was hit badly when he led his shift of miners out of a tunnel into the fight. But the messenger said he will live, so that is good.”

This time I blanch, then I tell her, “I heard about that, but did not see it. Send my well wishes to him. I will let the team know later. I am sure Ginger, Epona, and Xochitl will want to see him.”

“Thanks, Choo.”

“I hate to say it, but I need to get to the HQ and find out what is going on for me and the team now.”

When I say this Cedar nods her head in understanding, “We understand, we will watch Tempered for a bit too.”

Then I am off again on my way to the HQ. Once there I can see the confusion that is still going on there as they try to reorganize units and get a count of the costs that the battle has caused.

I then approach the Sergeant Major for the regiment and he tells me, “Yeah, just head to the radio room and talk with them. Let them know I authorized you to send whatever messages you need to send.”

“Thanks, Top, I really appreciate it,” I tell him, as I then head over to the radio room.

Once I am there, I can hear several different sets at the same time. I notice three ponies and a mule are operating them. One of them looks up and as just about ready to tell me something when I hear him say, “Blasted cave-in. The Colonel is going to want to hear about this.”

He looks up at me as he takes off his headset, I ask him, “What is it?”

He looks at me funny at first and then asks, “Your one of the rangers from Manesville right?”

I nod my head, “Yes, why?”

“Well then you know he has family up there. One of the family’s riverboats, I think it was Baltimare something has just arrived badly damaged at Manesville. The transports for the Third Battalion of the 1st Manesville assisted in the rescue operations.”

I almost feel like I was kicked. I cautiously ask, “Do you know how bad it was hit?”

He shakes his head, “No, just that she was hit bad enough to need to be towed.”

I understand what that means. She was hit hard enough she could no longer sail under her own power. I wonder how bad the casualties are, and who they were. I nod my head and tell him, “Thanks, we know the crew of the Baltimare Colt pretty well.”

“I understand, now if you will excuse me, ma’am, I will go let the Colonel know.” He tells me as he stands up and trots off.

One of the other ponies in the room, a unicorn mare approaches me next and asks me, “What can I do for you?”

I smile slightly and I answer, “I need to send out a status report to our higher-ups and get our next set of orders.”

She nods and leads me over to a desk. There she tells me, “Here you go, ma’am. Just use this form to prepare the message and we will send it as soon as we can.”

As soon as I write up the message, I take it back to her. As I hoof it to her, she glances at it and I see her eyes go wide as she asks, “Are you serious?”

I nod my head and tell her, “Yes I am, and I will try to wait for a reply before I head out.”

She goes back into the other room and I see her encode the message and then send it. As I am waiting for a reply, I see Milo come back in and he looks visibly upset. I stand up and once he is close enough, I tell him, “I am sorry to hear that Gus got hurt.”

“Thanks, he will be alright they said. I am just sorry we lost our nephew Double Back. I know it was not yours or Ginger’s fault. It just hurts.”

He sees me smile slightly and says, “Choo, you never struck me as a cruel person, so why are you smiling.”

I hold up a hoof. Then I tell him, “Milo, he is not dead. In fact, he is very much alive.”

He looks stunned as he tells me, “I talked to the medics who brought him in Choo. How can he still be alive?”

I sigh slightly before telling him, “Milo, on one of our recent missions we ran into a location that made what they called a super healing potion. I only had one, and he needed it, so I gave it to him. The medics were right he was almost gone when I got there.”

I see a look of relief come over his face, “Thank the Goddesses, I didn’t know how I would tell the rest of the family.”

“Where is he?”

“He is with the rest of the team, last I saw he was talking to a member of the flight crew and spending some time with her.”

Milo grins a bit, “Good, I am glad to hear that for him.” Then he pauses and hesitates before he asks, “Choo, he wasn’t dead yet? Was he?”

“No, he was not. Why?”

“It’s just I know how much it bothers Mollygirl that the Ghouls can see her shadow on both sides. I didn’t want him to have to go through that too.”

I nod my head. The look around and see no one is paying attention to us, so I ask him, “So did she tell you about the Mareigan?”

He nods his head and then asks, “Yes, why?”

“Because I met her today in the hospital. She was there to collect Double Back. She was not happy with me for preventing her from taking him, but I think she had enough other clients to deal with.”

I watch as he goes pale at first, then he asks me, “Choo, why was she here? She is the spirit of the Manesville region, isn’t she?”

“I do not know Milo, but perhaps, because the two communities are so close, she considers those who live in both regions as hers now.”

I watch him visibly shake. He thinks briefly then tells me, “Well, I need to get going Choo, if you get a chance stop by and see the family again.”

“I will sir. By the way two of your wives and the youngsters are keeping an eye on Tempered and Forged right now while George rests to heal her wounds.” He quickly thanks me for letting him know then heads to his office.

Shortly after this, I receive our new orders telling us to report in at Junctiontown in three days, if at all possible, for our next set of orders. All non-critical repairs to the Vertibuck will be performed when we get there.

Well, great, we will have to push ourselves. But tonight, I think we need to rest and recover from the fight. I decide to let the team know that they are to stand down tonight because we have a lot of work to do in the next few days.

Once back to the barracks I only see a couple of my people are still awake. To be honest, while I am a little jealous that they are getting a nap, I am also relieved that they are resting when they can. I smile and tell Xochitl, “Wake them up. I have news you all need to hear.”

“What’s up Boss?” he asks.

“I will tell everyone at one time.”

He and Cowlick go and wake the others. Once they are all gathered, I tell them about what I heard concerning the Colt.

I keep myself silent as they begin to express their surprise, only speaking when Sunny brings up how the Water clan is going to react to this. I quickly point out how they are most likely already involved in the war effort and such.

As we are discussing this, I hear a knock on the door and find a middle-aged mule standing there asking for me. I graciously accept the invite for my team to a formal mess with the remaining leadership of F Company and tell him that we will be there at 1900 hours as requested.

Once he departs, I explain to the others what a formal mess entails and soon they are digging through their saddle bags and ration packs for supplies to add to the mess. I smile when I see them pull out not only the bottle of Old Overmare from earlier but also a bottle with my and my two sisters' image drawn on it, that is labeled, Three Sisters Whiskey.

We put all our contributions together and take one set of saddlebags and put it all into them. After this, we eat a quick dinner and then we head over to the company barracks and HQ for F Company. Once we arrive, we are welcomed first by 1st sergeant Cross Cut, then Lieutenant Buzz Saw, who has taken over the company with the loss of their captain.

In the room where the mess is to occur, I see a long table covered with cloths. There are enough cups along it for all who are present plus a few extra. In the middle of the table are various small plates with some crackers and fruit on them.

“Captain Choo, it is a pleasure to have you join us tonight,” Buzz Saw tells me.

“Thank you, Sir,” I tell him, then continue, “We have brought a few things to share as well,”

“Well, in that case,” he turns his head and says, “Corporal Head Lamp, would you be so kind as to assist them with adding their donations to the cause to the table before we begin.”

A lanky Earth Pony mare with a light green mane and tail and a charcoal coat trots over and answers, “Of course sir. It would be my pleasure.”

She then leads Twinks, who is carrying the saddlebags to the table to begin unloading them. As they do so, the rest of us begin to talk and mingle with those from F Company.

Soon everything is ready and we are seated at the table. Lieutenant Buzz Saw, stands, and taps on his class lightly, “I hear by officially open our mess. Tonight, I would like to welcome our special guest, the Repair Ponies, you all may know some of them. Some of you may even be related to them, but welcome them all as old friends, as today, they fought alongside of us. “

He takes a large, fancy decanter of port and fills his glass half full, and then passes it to his right. Each person who receives it fills their glasses to about the same level. The only glasses not filled are those that remain upside down on the table and do not have anyone sitting before them. Once all of us have our glasses full, he begins the formal toast, “To the flag of our nation, long may she wave.”

We all raise our glasses and repeat the toast, then we take a small sip. Then the next lieutenant gives the next toast, “To the Regiment!” again it is repeated.

The next senior lieutenant then stands, and “To our gallant foes, and our honored fallen, long may they be remembered.”

After we drink this toast, they all look at me. Buzz Saw then asks me, “Captain Choo, would you like to make a toast as well?”

I take a deep breath and slowly let it out. I nod my head solemnly and raise my glass as I say, “To lost loves and fallen comrades.”

We all drink to it and then we sit down and begin the true meaning of the mess. We begin to socialize and get to know each other.

After the first hour is up, things begin to become more relaxed as we talk shop and continue to enjoy the camaraderie of the night. As I look at them all I smile and nod my head. They have earned this time of peace; I only wish it could last.


Rainbow Dash Skyport, Enclave Territory, Hoofington: Ball Lightning

I look up from my desk as Sergeant Flash Bang enters my office. “Sir, the guards have reported that the youngsters are back inside the wire.”

“Thank you, Sergeant.” I tell him, Then I ask, “How are you handling being a sergeant in charge of your own platoon right now?”

He seems nervous that I asked him this, then he tells me, “Sir, I feel I am doing well in the position until we get a new officer.”

I nod my head, “Well, so far, I have no complaints about your performance. I ask in case there is a vacant officer candidate school position that comes up. I am getting together a short list of those who I might recommend.”

By the expression on his face, I can tell he is surprised. “Me sir? You would consider me to come up the ranks to be an officer?”

I nod my head as I lean back in my chair, “Yes I would, why are you so surprised?”

“Sir, I thought you would prefer Guntur or one of the others.”

I shake my head slightly and tell him, “Well, Guntur would have been one of my choices as well as you. However, he has let me know that he would prefer to stay a non-com. He feels he could do more good for the Enclave in that role.”

He seems taken aback by this, so I continue, “He feels his talents in training younger soldiers are better suited for him eventually becoming a senior non-com.”

Flash Bang grins slightly, and then asks, “Does he include junior officers in that?”

I shrug, “Perhaps, I have had a few senior enlisted that have taught me a thing or two. Now, I best get back to work on these reports, I will talk to you later Sergeant, and I will add you to the list.”

“Thank you, sir,” he tells me then salutes and leaves the converted cargo container that is now my office.

Once I finish my reports, I write a quick letter to my wife,

My dearest Sundancer,

While it has only been a week since I last saw you, words cannot tell you how much I miss you. I think about you all the time as well as our foal that you are carrying.

I told the youngsters that you are expecting, and now they are all excited for us. You should have seen Lil’ Bit even. That night before she left, she surprised me and asked me if that meant our little one would be a sibling to them.

Dear, while we may not have adopted them, I think they have us. While talking to Alizée in her shop the other day, she let me know that they all are very fond of me, as I was the first adult that has shown any compassion or caring for them since each of them lost their parents. This has been on my mind a lot lately. I really do not know what to think of it, other than they are all great kids. Even Savannah the griffon. I never imagined caring about such a group of orphans like this before. Believe it or not, it is one of the few things beside you that keeps me going each day.

I hope you and the family are all doing well. Give them my love and remember, you are always in my heart. I miss you and long to hold you again my sweet ray of light. I look so forward to the day when we can be back together again.

I need to cut this short so I can get going and put this in the mail before the battalion’s formal mess tonight.

With all my love,

Your loving husband

I blow on the ink briefly to dry it, then I fold it and address the outside of it. I leave it unsealed as the battalion mail censors will have to read it before it finally is allowed to go on its way.

I close up my office and call out for my company clerk, who is in the next container which is welded to this one.

“Type Set, could you make sure this gets sent out for me?” I ask him, but he understands that it is really a polite order.

“Of course, sir,” he replies, then he adds, “Don’t forget about the battalion officers' mess tonight sir.”

“Thank you, Sergeant, I appreciate the reminder,” I tell him with a smile, then I head over to the old hangar that does double duty as my company's barracks as well as mess hall.

Once there I clean up quickly and put on a clean tunic. Then I hustle as quickly and cleanly as I can over to the main terminal of the RD Skyport where our Battalion HQ is. On my way in, through the market area, I see Alizée talking with Savanna. Both wave to me and I stop briefly.

“Good evening, Lieutenant,” Savanna tells me excitedly, “Have you come to visit with us again?”

I smile briefly as I notice how much her speech patterns have changed and started to sound more like Alizée’s. Then I tell her, “Sorry, not right now young hen, but if not tonight, then tomorrow. I have a formal function to attend tonight.”

I see she looks slightly crestfallen but is hiding it, so I tell her, “I have to attend for my job. You know how important duty is.”

She nods her head and I can hear the disappointment in her voice as she tells me, “Yeah, yeah, I do sir. We were just hoping to hear some more stories from you is all.”

Next, I ask them, “Have the others come back yet?”

Alizée shakes her head, “They have not come back to the shop yet, but hopefully they are back inside the wire already. I hate it when they are out after dark.”

Both Savanna and I nod our heads in agreement. Savanna telling her, “I remember being out there in the dark for too many years. Thank the Great Egg, you guys and the Enclave took us in.”

Alizée smiles at her and tells her, “Savanna, I have not regretted it since.”

I see Savanna look at her with what I think is a smile. Then I see her look at the main entrance and I turn to look and I see the other young ones all coming in our direction.

Once close enough, the oldest and largest, Scout says, “Good evening, sir. Are you here to visit with us again tonight?”

I shake my head and as gently as possible I tell him, “Sorry Scout, not tonight. I must go to our battalion’s officer’s mess, and probably will not be able to break away earlier. However, as I was telling Savanna a bit ago, I will see about making it over here tomorrow night just to visit with all of you.”

“Oh, ok, we understand sir,” he tells me with a bit of disappointment in his tone.

I notice Lil Bit even seems disappointed as well. I take my hoof under her chin lightly and I tell her, “I will be back to visit with all of you as soon as I can.”

It seems funny to me, that I have really begun to care for this ragtag bunch of wasteland orphans. When I first met them, I felt sorry for them. Now, I have gotten to know them and really care about them. Almost like they are family.

She looks up at me with her puppy-dog eyes and tells me, “Ok lieutenant, we understand.”

I talk with them for a few more minutes before I look at my pastern watch and notice the time. “Ok, I really have to go now, I am almost late,” I tell them. Then I am on my way again.

As I arrive at the section of the Skyport that is sectioned off for the battalion HQ I find my way down the concourse to the terminal that has been sectioned off with wooden walls and is used as the officer’s mess. While not the last to arrive, I am one of them.

I see Lieutenant Colonel Full Bright look at me with a raised eyebrow as I enter. He says nothing. I nod to him in acknowledgment and begin to search for some of my peers to talk to. I do see Lieutenant Bulls Eye off to the side talking with some of the other junior officers. Tonight, we have left Lieutenant High Front back with the company as he is our duty officer of the day.

Then I notice a somewhat familiar face. One of the other officers that I went through OCS with. Lieutenant Aero Amethyst. His light purple coat contrasted well with his black uniform. He sees me and waves a wing for me to come over to him.

Once I get to him, he smiles and tells me, “It is good to see another familiar face around here.”

“I agree, it has been a long time. How is it going for you?”

“Not too bad, Ball. Things tend to be quiet on the backside of the base where my platoon is. How about you?”

“Not too bad, we are closer to this side of the base. We have had a few incidents with some of the locals outside the gate, but you know how that is. One or two of them get drunk or are on chems and they rile up the rest for a bit. It happens.”

He shakes his head, “Yeah, I guess.”

He is just about ready to say something more when I hear Full Bright tapping on a glass to get our attention, “Mares, Gentlestallions, please take your seats and we will begin the formal mess.”

Once seated, he quickly explains the rules of the mess. Then he takes a bottle of port and begins to pass it around. Each of us pours ourselves a glass of it. Beside me, I hear Aero quietly say, “I really would prefer Wild Pegasus to port, but what can we do.”

From the end of the table, I see the Lieutenant Colonel look at him with one eyebrow raised and his ears slide back and to the sides.

He then says, “Please stand with me for the toast.”

Once we are all on our hooves, he lifts his glass and we join him. He then says, “To the President of Enclave. Long may she lead us.” We repeat the toast, and all of us take a quick sip.

Next our XO lifts his cup up and toast, “To the Enclave.”

Again, we drink. Next is the senior company commander, we now are onto the less formal toast. Finally, it is my turn and I I stand tall as I say, “To lost loves and Fallen comrades, until we meet again.”

I notice several of the others look sadly straight ahead briefly as they lift their glasses high and repeat my toast. Then they take their drinks. After all the company commanders have given a toast, the CO tells us, “You may take your seats.”

That is when we begin to try some of the delicacies that are on the table to add to the taste of the port. I find the taste of strawberries to be fascinatingly sweet and enjoy the way they contrast in taste with the port. However, I will say, that with the port, I prefer the taste of chocolate much more.

After the first hour of us just talking with each other and sharing camaraderie the CO stands up and taps on his glass to get our attention. He then says, “The mess is officially over, you may leave if you desire or have duties to attend to.”

At this point, I watch a few of the officers present leave. I stay for another couple of drinks, including a Flaming Pegasus. Aero asks me where I got it from, particularly the name. So, I answer, “A while back I ran into some ponies from Manesville. This is a common drink for them to commemorate a battle between them and one of the Neighvarro raptors.” He and several others look slightly offended at first, but I hold up a hoof and tell continue, “From what I understand the toast that is usually given with it, is to our Honored dead and our gallant foes. To me that shows respect for us as well as themselves.”

“I like that,” says Bulls Eye Squall.

Beside me, I hear a junior lieutenant from another company say, “I don’t know. It seems like you have started to go native sir.”

I look at him in amusement and lightly touch a wing to his shoulder as I tell him, “No, I have not. I have spent enough time dirtside though that I have learned to understand those who you might fight against, lest they surprise you.”

He looks at me with suspicion then he cautiously asks, “Sir, what is up with those mudpuppy youngsters that we see around the base?”

I smile at the thought of them, then I tell him, “I first met them when they were trying to sneak onto this base over a year ago. They were starving and to tell the truth, if they didn’t get help, they would not have made it through that cold wet night.”

He shrugs his shoulder and somewhat confused says, “Why would that matter? They are just another bunch of wastelanders.”

I shake my head, “Yes and no. They were wastelanders. However, they are a part of the future of Equestria and the Enclave. They each have told me how they feel they are now Enclavers and wish to become citizens. We were the first to help them and show them respect. Sometimes we have to remember the old adage about winning hearts and minds. If we win those, we will not have to fight them and they will come to us.”

He takes a sip of his drink and while he does not seem convinced, he tells me, “I don’t know. But I guess if you say so, sir.”

Soon afterward I leave and am just passing Alizée’s shop when I hear Lil’ Bit quietly say from just inside the door, “Hi Papa, I mean Lieutenant.”

I approach her and sit down. I put a wing around her and ask, “What you are doing up so late my young mare?”

She snuggles up to me and tells me, “I was hoping to see you. We have all missed seeing you the last couple of days.”

I smile as I tell her, “I have missed all of you as well. Now why don’t we go inside and I will tuck you into bed, ok?”

She nods her head and after she is in her bed, I pull up the blanket for her and kiss her lightly on her forehead, “Good night young one.” I stop and look at the others who are all in their beds already and seem asleep. I then tell them quietly, “Good night children, sleep well.”

I hear several of them answer back, “Goodnight, sir.”

Then I stand up and slowly walk my way back out into the atrium and back to my bunk for the night. I smile to myself as I realize what Lil’ Bit has called me. Maybe I should talk to Sundancer about adopting them. Then I grin as I think back to my conversation with the young lieutenant earlier about hearts and minds, and I wonder suddenly if it goes both ways.


Good evening all of you out there in the Wastelands. Tonight, I have a special treat coming to you later in the show, I will be interviewing a special guest that you all have heard me talk about before. While not all of you like her, you all can appreciate what she has done for us.

The big news tonight is the continued raids being performed on the NCR by the Enclave. Even here in Manehatten, we have had a few. However, in the few locations where the Enclave has shown up in force, they have been able to take and hold those positions. The NCR Army continues to fight these incursions and its representatives have promised that they will retake all the territory that has been lost so far.

While the number of casualties from both sides is being kept quiet, it seems many of us have already lost friends, family, and comrades that we have traveled and fought alongside of. With that in mind, here is our first song of the night, Here's a Health to the Company

Chapter 39 New Friends, Old Foes

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Chapter 39 New Friends, Old Foes

“No man chooses evil because it is evil; he only mistakes it for happiness, the good he seeks.”

― Mary Shelley

Vertibuck, Undisclosed location, NCR Territory: Ginger Snaps

The last few days we were at Harness went rather fast for all of us. The entire team pitched in to help the aircrew. While it may not have been the most skilled, we could at least grease bearings, cut off torn sections of metal, and assist by hoofing their wrenches to them.

On our final day there I got a chance to see our kin there one last time. Before we left, Laura Lee and Milo, both took me aside and Milo told me, “Be careful out there. Remember, you are family and that you are always welcome here.”

Laura Lee nodded her head in agreement. Then she added, “Also, remember our people owe Manesville for all they have done down here. If you ever need something, let us know.”

I smiled and gave them both a hug then we rejoined the others for the rest of the evening.

The flight from Harness to Junction Town is a bit dicier than I would have liked. Not only do we have the wind blowing in on us from the holes in the fuselage, but we also must run for cloud cover twice to avoid Enclave forces that were on the move.

Once we have landed at the airfield near Junction Town, we are met by Blackberry Pie and her team. I can see the smile on Tater’s father Tail Spin as they greet each other. Then he turns to Twinks and asks her, “So young mare, has my son been treating you right?”

I see her blush and briefly look at the ground then she answers, “Yes sir, he has. Thank you for asking though.”
“Oh, no problem. I am just happy he has finally found someone who makes him happy.”

Now it is Tater’s turn to be embarrassed. “Thanks, Dad.” He replies as he too blushes.

I then hear Blackberry tell Choo, “Ok, get your team loaded back up, we are heading to a location I will give to the pilot once we are airborne.”

This gets all our attention. Then she follows up with, “The high command is trying to disperse the operations of our headquarters. We had a covert raid made on the staff two days ago.”

This really gets my attention. I wonder what that means for us this time. Choo nods to me and I then call out for the others to load back up. As we get back onboard, I see the confusion on Flight Plan's face. He begins to ask and Choo simply tells him, “We can’t stay here. You will receive our destination once airborne.”

“Buck me. Can I at least get out and stretch my legs and wings?” he asks.

Beside Choo, Blackberry shakes her head, “No, we may not have time, we need to get in the air and out of here as soon as possible.”

He nods his head and looks back at Choo who nods her head. “Ok Boss Mare, let’s go.” He tells her as he begins to do a quick preflight check with Cloud Bank. The rest of us buckle ourselves in. But I notice Double Back takes one of the guns so that Love Tap can concentrate on using the other.

Across from me, I hear Days End quietly say to Cowlick, “I had hoped we were done with flying for the day.”

Cow shrugs his shoulders and tells him, “It happens sometimes I guess.” Then he puts his head down on his chest and begins to fall asleep.

Soon we are ready and the motors begin to spin the rotors. In the distance, I can hear gunfire and several small explosions. This is followed by our jerking skyward and spinning. As we do I hear the right-side gun open fire followed by the left one in the other direction.

I look out the rear access hatch and I can see two of the smaller, standard vertibucks following behind us. I then notice several sky wagons behind them as they begin to push bombs off the back of them. This is immediately followed by explosions on the ground with some of the local Junction Town buildings being damaged.

As we fly away, I see one of the vertibucks begin to try and cut us off when suddenly from the ground I see the smoke trail from a rocket heading straight for it. I turn my head and blink just in time to not see it hit. The remaining vertibuck turns away and then seems to provide an escort for the sky wagons as they turn and head back in the direction from which they came.

Soon we have gained more altitude and are away from Junction Town and the chaos there. I feel the aircraft bank and within a short while, we begin to descend again. I feel the aircraft slow and I hear, more than see the engines rotate into the hover position. Then I feel the aircraft bounce lightly as it lands. We are then rushed off the aircraft and into a rundown farmhouse not far from our landing zone.

As we run across the packed dirt airfield I look back and see a camo net being dragged by a team out and over the craft we have just left.

Once inside we are led to a room with several chairs set up next to each other. As we enter the room Blackberry Pie tells us, “Everyone take a seat.”

Once we are seated, we see a familiar face from the Ranger HQ staff enters. She looks at us and tells us, “Thank you for getting here as soon as you could. Before we go over the details of your next assignment we will be briefly going over the status of the war. Normally we would not do this, but we want you to understand what you are doing, and why.”

We look up on the wall in front of us and we can see a large map of the old Equestria that is marked with the NCR’s territory. I also notice all the markings on it for where we have our troops and where there are reports of Enclave forces.

The mare points towards the map. “As you can see, the Enclave seems to be probing our forces fairly heavily. However, most of these incursions are not as heavy as we would expect. This has led some of the general staff to believe they are trying to force us to respond to them, which has the benefit for them of both overextending our troops as well as exhausting them. That is why we have begun to choose what to defend and where as much as we have.”

I feel myself nodding my head as I wonder where this is going. Then I find myself raising a hoof and asking, “I thought our previous mission to Thunderhead would have hurt them enough that we would not have to worry about it.”

The staffer does not look happy at the interruption and I see her ears shift in disapproval. Then she answers me, “While it bought us some time. It was not enough. Unfortunately, the Enclave, while wounded, was not as badly hurt as we had hoped. The Cloud Docks and military facilities in the city proper were left untouched.”

I feel the beginnings of despair in the back of my mind as I quietly say, “So it was all for nothing.”

She shakes her head, “On the contrary, it did cause them to shift several units of troops to protect their ground facilities as well as their actions since have led to an increase in individuals being willing to assist the NCR when they can.”

I find myself nodding my head as well and see several others do so too. Then I hear Choo say, “So why don’t we hit them like that again?”

“Easier said than done Captain Choo. We do not have the forces necessary to hit their cities and infrastructure like that. For one, most of our people cannot fly. So that limits us on targets. However, we can also hit their rear areas where they are fighting on the ground.”

Beside me I hear Twinks say in a questioning tone of voice, “And that is where we come in?”

“Exactly, that is where you and teams like yours come in.”

I hear Choo sigh deeply and as I turn to look at her, I see worry on her face as she asks, “Ok, what do you have in mind for us.”

“Choo, for the next few weeks your team will be training for a special mission in the Baltimare area. We will have you working with another team. That is part of why you are receiving the training. The other part is we have a facility there that has been discovered and taken over by the Enclave. Your mission will be to retake the facility or if we cannot retake it either recover the technology we need from there or destroy it so that it is unusable to the Enclave. Depending on how this part of the mission goes, we may keep one of the teams in the area to train some civilian resistance groups.”

When she says this, I catch my eyebrow raising as well as my ears going straight forward. Then I raise my hoof again to get her attention. Once I have it, I ask, “Who is the other team?” I have heard the ones who stayed with Choo while we were in Hoofington talk about the Trouble Shooters led by someone they called Mort. Maybe it will be them and I will get to finally meet them.

She tilts her head and quietly says, “Not that you really need to know, but we call them the Fixers. They are due to arrive in the next day or two. Until then I would like for your team to stand down, repair your equipment and get ready to start preparing yourselves for your upcoming assignment. Once the Fixers do arrive, both teams will be given the full briefing at the same time. Also, after that briefing, they too will be given a bit of downtime to recover from their current assignment.” She pauses, looks at all of us, and tells us, “Dismissed.”


Undisclosed Location, NCR Territory: Xochitl

The last two days have been used by myself and the rest of the team to get our equipment back into the best shape we can get it. We also can catch up on some sleep and for the first time in several weeks, I am able to finally catch eight hours of it. Besides sleeping during my downtime, I have also won caps several times while playing cards with the others.

On our third day here, there is a loud crunching sound coming from the woods along a road leading to where we are. The rest of us look at each other in surprise and we grab our weapons and run outside to some of the prepared positions that are scattered along the base.

I have just racked a round into the chamber of my zebra carbine and am peering over the edge of the revetment when I see the source of the noise and I feel my jaw drop open in amazement. Before me is a large equestrian army heavy cargo truck with a rounded front end that makes it look like a boat. On the top of what I figure is the driving compartment is a Mare Duce heavy machine gun being ponied by an orange earth pony mare with some whisp of a yellow mane hanging out from under her helmet. On the back of it looks to be an armored compartment with several more medium and another Mare Duce mounted on pentel mounts. Painted on the side in large letters is ALL WEATHER SECURITY CONSULTANTS. Behind it we see a trailer being towed as well.

I am just getting ready to bring my weapon to the firing position when I hear the staff officer from the other day call over our radio sets, “All rangers, stand down. The second team has arrived.”

When we hear her say this, we all begin to relax and begin to get out of fighting positions. Behind me I hear Double Back says, “Will ya look at that Days End? I never saw one of those self-propelled wagons actually on the move before.”

“Huh, so that is what it is. I wonder how they get it to run,” he replies.

Walking up behind us I overhear Cowlick saying, “Look at all those machine guns. I bet they can protect a caravan alright.”

“Yeah, but think of all the ammo and maintenance that goes into it,” Tater tells him.

“I would love to get a look at its magic engine,” Twinks says.

Finally, Choo tells us, “Ok, let us straighten up a bit so we don’t look like a gaggle of tourists.”

The truck continues on and I see it get directed into the broken-down barn that is across from the vertibuck.

Shortly after it disappears inside, we see a group of three griffons and five ponies coming toward us. They are all wearing typical merc gear, but I notice one of the griffons has a ranger badge that is hanging on their web gear near their chest.

That one comes over and asks, “Ok, who do we check in with?”

Days End grins and answers, “Over in the farmhouse is a light green mare with a clipboard, that will be her, Mudwing. By the way, it is good to see you again.”

As the group and she start to walk toward the farmhouse she tells him, “Good to see you too. Your boss Silver Tongue and the others inside?”

He shakes his head, and sadly says, “Nah, not anymore. We went our separate ways when he decided to go into Targhee a while back.”

She looks surprised and asks, “That abandoned wreck of a town? Why?”

“Not sure, but shortly after that we saw the flash from a balefire egg detonation and I figured their eggs were cooked.”

She shakes her head. “Not really surprised, I never want to see that town again. Well, we best go check in.”

As I listen, I feel the fur on my back begining to raise as well as my ears sliding back. Once they are out of earshot I ask Days End, “Were they at Targhee and the Valley too?”

He nods his head, “Yeah, they were mercs back then. And before you ask, no, they were not on the east side by the bridge. The griffons were our air support along with my old boss. The ponies, well three of them are new, the other two made the final assault at the valley on the west side.”

I feel myself relaxing when he says this. Yeah, we may have fought them before, but at least they were not animals. I can respect that.

We are beginning to cook lunch in the small tool shed behind the farmhouse when the new team joins us.

Cowlick looks up from the can of vegetables he is opening and asks, “You guys want to join us for lunch?”

I can see the team seems a little uncomfortable with his question. Then their leader tells us, “Well, we would, but most of us prefer meat.”

Sunny then tells him, “That is good, so do we. We have a radhog about ready to pull out of the ground over by the wood line. We got it yesterday and it has been cooking since.”

This really seems to surprise them. Choo then tells them, “We are getting tired of ration packs, so we decided on something fresh.”

The griffon in charge of the other team then asks, “So you guys eat meat often?”

I simply shrug and answer for the rest of us, “Sometimes. Depends on what it is. About half our team learned to eat meat during the Expedition about ten years back.”

The one called Mudwings nods her head and asks, “What expedition would that be?”

Choo calmly and cooly answers her, “The Manesville expedition against Silver Spite and his forces.” We watch several on their team slowly moving their appendages for their weapons. Choo smiles and says, “Don’t worry. We already know, Days End already told us you were there too. As long as we are now on the same team, we are good.”

Mudwings then looks at us and tells us, “Boss Mare, I can see you having been there, but these others, except for Days End, they all seem too young.”

This time my wife answers, “Yeah, two of us snuck along with Choo. My cousin over there met us during that time. Oh, and you would never believe my sister's story, but we were there.”

She gets kind of smarmy now and asks in a condescending tone, “Yeah if you were there, where were ya?”

I feel my ears sliding back and my eyes half close as I answer, “Ginger and I were with our scouts most of the time along with Choo. We hit your HQ on the trail between Targhee and the Valley. At the Valley, our ground scouts supplemented those in the west trenches over in that marshy area. The day your side broke through on our east flank we escorted one of our medics into the thick of it.”

I notice several of them begin to look us over as if we could now be a threat, and I am starting to do the same thing. Finally, I see a pony whose face seems somewhat familiar and I ask, “You, the light yellow one, did you have a round glance off your helmet in the trenches there on that last day?”

He looks surprised and answers, “Yeah, dented it in pretty good and gave me a headache that lasted for a week. Why?”

I grin at him and tell him, “Yeah, sorry about that. But I guess now I should be glad I miss my aim. My name is Xochitl, what is yours?”

“Name is Brandywine, and I am glad you missed it too. But are you telling me a colt almost took me out?”

Choo then answers him, “That would be a yes. And he took out several there, so do not miss judge him. His father taught him how to fight.”

“Really and let me guess his father was in the Valley too?”

This time I grin as I say, “Actually he was. If you saw a zebra with our forces, you saw my father in action. He does tend to stand out.”

One of the others says, “That was your old stallion?”

I nod my head, “Yes. We stood tall with our pony and cattle brethren there.”

I then hear one of the griffons say, “By the great egg, I think I remember seeing your group going into that mess.” He points to me, Choo, and my wife and says, “You three, you were with several others and a black unicorn with a medics bag.”’

I nod my head, “Yes that was us. That medic is now one of my wife’s adopted mothers as well as my mother-in-law.”

“One of your wife’s mothers? How many does she have?” one of the younger ponies asks.

Ginger grins and tells him, “Oh, we have four mothers and two fathers in my family.”

“What?” Squawks one of the hens.

Ginger shrugs, “You are not the first to be surprised.”

“Well, at least you are not related to that crazy mare they called the LT on the radio back then.”

This time I burst out laughing as do several other members of our team as Ginger blushes and tells him, “Well, about that…”


Undisclosed Location, NCR Territory: Choo Choo

I must admit, I do find it amusing to watch the two teams size each other up and get to know each other. The shock on the faces of Mudwings team members was enjoyable as they realized that Epona and Ginger were raised by someone they once considered a great nemesis. However, in part because it has been so long and many of the old wounds had healed or at least the scars had softened a bit they are able to get past the fact we once faced each other over open sights.

As the Fixers begin to clean up their gear before getting some rest, my team talks with them as they too go back over their gear.

“Captains Choo and Mudwings, please follow me,” the staff pony tells us.

As we follow her, she takes us outside and to a set of storm cellar doors. “What you see beyond these doors stays there. Do you two understand?”

“Yes, of course,” I tell her.

However, Mudwings looks at her suspiciously and asks, “Is that all you ponies in the Rangers do? Generate questions and keep secrets?”

Once we pass through the doors, we first enter an old cellar. However, I soon notice that there is a tunnel passing out of the far wall that we are being led to.

At the end of the tunnel, I see what looks like a stable door. However, there are no numbers on it. The staffer goes up to the controller and opens the door. Once the door is open and a scaffolding-type bridge extends, she turns to us, “Ok, let’s go.”

As we go in, I notice that unlike other vaults I have entered before, this one has an elevator past the security entry point. Once on the elevator, I notice that it has several buttons for different levels. Again, this seems different from most stables I have seen.

I feel my wings shift uncomfortably as I begin to wonder just what I have gotten myself into.

As we approach a corridor I see a ranger in full combat barding, including helmet and faceguard behind a sandbagged position. He stops us and says, “Your IDs Please?”

While he is phrasing it as a question, there is no denying he is demanding them. Once we show him our credentials and he has verified them against a list he passes us through.

Mudwings then asks, “What was that all about?”

The staff officer barely shifts her head and tells her, “Security precautions. We can never be too careful.”

Finally, we come to an office that we enter. Inside I see Faintstride, the chief ranger that we dealt with earlier behind the desk. He lifts his tan, white-maned head from the paperwork he is reading and tells us, “Take a seat.” He looks at the staff pony and tells her, “Thank you, Apple Sprout. That will be all for now.”

Once she leaves, I ask, “Chief, what are you doing here? I thought you would be in Junction Town.”

He grins back at me and finally answers, “Well if our people think that, then most likely the enemy will too. Now welcome to the old Equestrian Intelligence Agency headquarters. We recently made contact with those who were in here, and they have offered us the use of these facilities and knowledge that was stored here.”

I nod my head having been in on a couple of such first-contact missions. I see the look of surprise on Mudwings face and tell her, “It is not really that uncommon. I know of a couple of other such situations.”

She looks somewhat skeptical then replies, “Ok, I guess I can go along with that. Now Chief, what is it you want us to do?”

He grins this time and tells us, “Now that is the question I wanted to hear.” Then he begins to tell us about our next mission and where it will be. When he is done, I must admit I am surprised, but Mudwing is not. In fact, she says, “Are you sure about that Chief? I have a couple of my team members who are not going to be happy to hear this.”

He nods his head, “Yes, I am sure. We got the message right after hostilities officially started.”

I find myself agreeing with Mudwing. If it was our home region, we would not be happy either.

Then the Chief asks, “I know about the history of both of your teams. While your histories in urban combat is why I have chosen for you to work together for this mission will that be a problem with you working together?”

I see Mudwing shift her wings and then shrug. Myself, I answer, “It will not be a problem for my team. In fact, one of my team members served with Mudwing and her people that were at Targhee and the Valley. So, no, we will not have a problem.”

When I say this, I watch as Mudwing visibly relaxes. Then she answers, “No, it should not be a problem. As I have heard others say; we are on the same side now.”

With that, we are dismissed and we return to our teams.

As We come around the back of the house, I hear several of both team members yelling and what sounds like fighting from inside. Both Mudwing and I run to the door. Inside we see several pieces of broken furniture and Ginger and Sunny fighting with the three newer members of Mudwing's team.

I can see blood coming out of the corner of Ginger’s mouth and Sunny has a swollen eye. Xochitl is off to the side being held back by Cowlick and Doubleback. The older members of Mudwing’s team are all standing back watching the show with a bit of amusement on their faces.

I immediately call out, “Attention.” And my team immediately stop what they are doing and assume the position. Mudwing’s team does not, but they stop fighting and stand easy.

As we go in, I ask, “Cowlick, what is going on here?”

While still at the position of attention, he answers, “Boss, we were all talking about our homes and Ginger was telling them about the Water Clan and how several of us on the team were members. Then one of them said that it sounded very similar to how a hive of Changelings works. That is when the fight started.”

From my side I see Mudwing shake her head in frustration then facehoof as she says, “You three, how many times have I told you that ponies don’t like to be compared to changelings; to them, it is an insult.”

The closest one answers, “But we weren’t trying to insult them.”

Dropping her hoof back to the floor she then tells them, “I think it is time to show them your true selves.”

After she says this, they all look at each other and shrug. Then I am amazed as they quickly morph from the ponies we know to a pony shape that has insectoid wings and horns on their heads.

I hear several of my team members exclaim in surprise. I am briefly horrified as before me are three changelings and ask, “Are any others of your team changelings?” She answers by shaking her head no.

Then the closest one tells Ginger in a slightly accented voice, “I am sorry, we did not mean to insult you. It is just that your clan, it seems so similar to home for us.”

I watch in amusement as Ginger and Sunny both sit there with their mouths hanging open.

From the side, I hear Xochitl say, “Well I will be dogged.”

“Now that is out of the way, will you have trouble working with our team?” I hear Mudwing ask.

I watch as my people simply shrug and then I hear one of the older members of Mudwing's team say, “By the way, we call those three, Eni, Meanie, and Miney.

Then I hear Sunny say, as he points to Cowlick, you have Eni, Meanie, and Miney and we have Moo, so we should be able to work together.”

Behind him, I hear Cowlick say in a deadpan tone, “Really Sunny? You had to go there.” And I have to laugh.


Rainbow Dash Skyport, Hoofington, Enclave Territory: Ball Lightning

I look at my pastern watch and notice the time. I need to get going or I will be late, I tell myself.

I put on my hat and adjust my uniform. I look out and see our company 1st sergeant sitting there looking over some reports. “Anything I need to take care of before I go?”

“No, sir. A couple of these I want to talk to their leadership before I decide to give you my recommendations on discipline. But nothing that really stands out.”

“Ok, well, in that case, 1st Sergeant, I will be heading over to the Volunteer Corps Station by the base gate.”

He grins at me, “Sounds good sir, I will send a runner if we need you.” He pauses and adds, “Oh, and tell the missis I said hello and thank you for the cookies she made for the staff. We all appreciated it.”

This time I grin, “Will do. Have a good night,” I tell him as I head out the door and begin to half trot, half fly my way across the base. As I go, I find myself humming a song I overheard on DJ Pon3’s show the other night. I know we are not supposed to listen to those stations, but let’s be honest, the music is better, and his tips for the wastelands are good. Besides, I can always say I was listening to gather intelligence on what the enemy is putting out.

I slow myself down as I approach the gate and am stopped by the gate guard. “Where you heading to sir?”

“Oh, just to the VC station.”

“Ok sir, just be careful, some of the locals have been getting aggressive again.”

When he says this, it gets me to raise an eyebrow. “More than usual?”

“A bit sir, a couple of pot shots earlier, nothing to bother reporting though.”

I nod my head, “Ok, be careful soldier. I should only be at the station for an hour or so.”

He nods his head and I pass through the gate.

I only have to go a short distance before I come to an old two-story storefront that has a sign hanging above the porch that reads Volunteer Corps, RDS Headquarters. As I approach the porch, I notice it still has that worn-down look I saw the first time I came here with the youngsters on that stormy night.

As I enter the door, I see the same volunteer from that night, a mottled gray and white pegasus stallion who since then I have found out is named Gust Front. He looks up and smiles. “Afternoon Captain. Want a cup of coffee, the missis is busy with a patient right now.”

“Sure, sounds good. So how have things been going today?”

He shrugs his shoulders, “No too bad, I guess. No pony took any potshots at us today at least.”

“I guess that is an improvement. So how has business been for all of you?”

“Well, it is better than when we first met. But honestly not as good as I would like it to be. I mean there are so many we could help if they just gave us the opportunity.”

“Any idea why they are so standoffish?”

He shrugs his wings, “Not for sure, but I think a lot of them are afraid of other locals labeling them as collaborators or traitors.” He pauses then continues, “But damn it, we are not asking them for information, only trying to help them and make their lives easier.”

I nod my head, then I ask, “Have you thought about talking to the local leaders about how we could help them? Maybe they feel that we are stepping on their hooves by not talking to them first.” As I ask this, I think back to that village on the river banks and how it was not until we talked to the head of the village that they would accept our help for more than a couple of cans of mares’ milk for some foals.

“While I hope they don’t feel that way, I am not even sure how to set up a meeting with the local elders.”

“Well, let’s see if we can figure out how to make inroads,” I tell him, then I sip my cup of coffee. “I will see if I can find some leads on that for you.”

He nods his head and then sips his coffee. “Thank you, I would appreciate it.”

It is about then that I hear a door from down the hall open followed by the sound of my wife’s voice and that of another mare with a Hoofington accent.

“Now, make sure you take all of these pills. They should help take care of the infection. If they don’t or the infection gets worse, come back and we will see what else we can try.”

“Thank you. I really mean it. But, how much do I owe you for all of these?”

Sundancer holds up a forehoof, “Nothing. This is what we do in the Volunteer Corps. However, if you really want to pay me for the services, how about just paying it forward and doing something to help somepony else.”

The poor earth pony mare looks down at the ground first then up at Sundancer and says to her, “Are you sure? I always pay my debts.”

Sundancer places a hoof softly on her shoulder and looks her in the eyes and tells her, “Yes. I am sure. Just remember we are here to help and let others know as well.”

Once the mare leaves, I am finally greeted by my wife with a light kiss on the cheek. After which I ask Gust Front, “Have you, or one of the other volunteers talked to that mare yet about how to contact her settlements leaders?”

He seems surprised at this and admits, “No, I had not thought to ask them that. Do you think it might work?”

I shrug my shoulders and wings and answer, “I am not sure, but it can’t hurt.”

He shakes his head again and tells me, “I remember asking you that first time I met you if you were sure, you are not wearing the wrong uniform. I still wonder about that.”

I find myself thinking briefly and I look at Sundancer before I reply, “Honestly, I wonder that myself at times, but if I do change uniforms, it will not be until after this war is over. The Enclave needs me where I am for now.”

He smiles sadly and nods his head, “Yes, I do understand how that is. Your wife has told me about how you have been studying medicine and health care. You would be an asset when the time comes.”

“Thank you. I do appreciate it,” I tell him then I turn to Sundancer and ask, “Have you heard anything from the youngsters today?”

She shakes her head and moves her ears in a manner that conveys she is worried. Replying to my question with, “No, the last I heard hide or hair of them they were heading into town to do some scavenging and perhaps hit another marketplace. But that was yesterday morning. I hope they are ok.”

“I am sure they are,” I tell her, though I too am worried about them. “Shall we go to the main terminal and get some dinner and perhaps see if Alizée has heard from them.”

“Sounds good dear, just as soon as my shift is done.”

A short time later her relief has come and we are almost to the gate when we hear what can almost be described as a riot coming at us from the direction of Hoofington. I turn and I see Scout hauling a cart behind him and running as fast as he can. Several of the other young ones are either in the back of the wagon or running alongside it. All of them yelling and carrying on. Above them, I see Lil’ Bit and she seems to be laughing as she flies just above the cart. Behind them I see a group of scavers or gang members chasing them with weapons drawn and yelling. What have those kids gone and done this time I wonder.

As they get to the gate, I watch the guards begin to run and take up defensive positions. Aiming at the pursuers. Then I hear one of them tell the other, “Warning shots only unless they fire at us.”

By this time Sundancer and I have already ducked behind the barricades that protect this entrance to RDS. I hear a couple of quick MEW bursts and when I look over the barricade, I see the entire group of pursuers sliding to a stop. Then they turn and run back the way they came, yelling curses at us.

Seeing things have seemed to calm down I get up and brush the dust off my uniform and I see my wife doing the same. She looks at me with one eyebrow raised and tells me, “We best go see what they did this time.”

Once back to the main terminal where the market is, I see Scout outside with the cart as the others help him untack. It is then that I see through the faded paint the letters of VC and I realize they have recovered the cart we lost when we trying to escape from the Mayhem’s Mares territory. I smirk to myself as I realize how long ago that has been now.

As we approach, I hear Lil Bit call out, “Hi Ma, Hi Pa. Look what we found.”

“Where did you find it?” I ask.

Scout then answers, “We found it near Mega Mart on our way back. We had picked up a couple of items for Miss Alizée sir. When we saw it was a Volunteer Corps cart, we had to bring it back with us, Sir.”

Sundancer then joins the conversation again, “Well thank you for bringing it back. But really, you took a big chance on it.”

“Sorry Ma’am,” Scout tells her as he looks down and I can tell he is embarrassed.

“Scout, I just do not want to see any of you get hurt. The wrong ponies could have tried to kill all of you for taking it back.”

“I didn’t think of that Ma’am.”

“Well, good job to all of you. I will see if we can get a reward for all of you for getting it back for us.”

This seems to cheer all of them up as they all tell her, “Thank you Ma’am.”

“Your welcome children, now let’s go get you all something to eat,” she tells them as she leads all of us through the doors of the terminal and toward what was once a food court but is now a communal meal area being serviced by more members of the Volunteer Corps.

As we enter Sundancer pays for all our meals. Then as we sit down, I hear one of the other VC members quietly tell another, “Will you look at the size of that family.” I look at my wife and she looks into my eyes and simply nods her head, and I think, they are right. We do seem to be a family.


Good evening to all of you out there in the HOOF listening area. This is Chromed Microphone and I will be here all evening with music and news for your listening pleasure.

Up first in tonight’s news are reports of a small gang of ponies who have stolen a cart from its rightful owners. The said cart was found by said ponies after it had been abandoned by the Enclave Volunteer Corps. When they tried to recover their property, they report that the youths who took it ran to the Rainbow Dash Skyport.

So, it seems that the Enclave is now running a Cart theft operation. One more thing to despise about those arrogant cloud puffs. The victims of the cart theft have filed a formal grievance for a redress of loss of property with the Lunar Council. We wait with anticipation to hear what the results will be.

In other news, the war between the Enclave and the NCR continues. Both sides claim they are winning. However, we can’t help but notice how far into the NCR territories the Enclave has struck so far. We have recently heard reports that many of the legislative officials for the NCR have requested that President Regina Grimfeather either end the war or step down from office. Again, these are only reports with no hard evidence yet.

We will continue with news and opinions after the next five in a row, starting with Renegades, Rebels, and Rouges for all you wild ones out there in the Wastelands.

Chapter 40 Unexpected Visitors

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Chapter 40 Unexpected Visitors

“Somewhere by helping others you are soothing your own scars!” ― Somya Kedia

Vertibuck, Enroute to Baltimare. NCR Airspace: Ginger Snaps

As I sit back with my eyes closed, I can feel the vibration of the aircraft against me. On one side of me is Xochitl, on the other, Twinks. From a few seats away I can hear Cowlick snoring. Across from me in the aircraft, I can hear Eni and Meanie chatting away.

You would think by now I would be getting used to this. But I am still nervous and find myself occasionally licking my lips like a little foal. Of course, this part of our mission I have only done just about half a dozen times, along with the rest of both teams.

I open my eyes and look forward toward the cockpit. Through the front canopy, I can see the moon as it appears and disappears in the clouds.

I look at my PipBuck and I see the time and shake my head. It is going to be a really long night.

Beside me, I hear Twinks praying quietly to Luna and Celestia. While not extremely religious, I find myself silently beginning to pray to them as well as the All-Mother, Sweetcream.

As we close on our destination, I look out one of the side windows and can see the silhouettes of two other transport vertibucks flying beside us.

Then I feel the wind inside the aircraft pick up as the back loading ramp opens wide into the night sky. I noticed the loadmaster who was assigned to the vertibuck for this mission stand up by the door. The red light by the loading ramp is still red and I hear him yell, “Troopers on your hooves!”

We all stand up, both teams, and fold our seats up before we turn toward the ramp. We do a quick once-over of our gear again. Then we hear him yell out, “Make ready.” Which we repeat.

Next, we hear, “Get Ready.” Again, we repeat it as we shift ourselves in preparation for what is soon to come.

“Get Hooked,” is commanded, and all of us non-fliers grab our hooks and prepare our static lines to be attached to a cable that is running down the center of the aircraft. It was one of the first modifications made to Flight Plan and his crews vertibuck at the training center. Again, we repeat the command. The fliers, just shifting their wings in preparation.

Next, we hear, “Hook up.” Now we attach the static line hook. After we have hooked up, we repeat the command and double-check the pony or bovine ahead of us as he calls out, “Check your equipment.”

I feel my pulse begin to speed up and my tail tucks in tight.

“Sound off for Equipment Check.”

From closest to the ramp back we all call out first the order, then our jump number and “OK,” to confirm we have done so.

We then wait as we near our designated landing zone. Finally, we hear, “Stand by,” and we know it is almost time. I find my mouth dry as I see tracer rounds firing on the ground ahead of us.

Then I see the red light go out and a green one under it lights up and I hear, “Go! Go! Go” as I watch first Choo and then Mudwing both step off the back of the landing ramp into the dark with their wings tucked close. As they go, we all shuffle forward until we reach the ramp.

Once I am at the ramp, all I can see is darkness ahead of me. This is my second night jump. I already have momentum from the group helping me to keep moving forward as I leap head-first into the darkness. I feel the slight tug of the static line pull. In front of me, I can faintly make out the line of parachutes as well as the shadowy outline of Mudwings.

Then I feel the jerk of my parachute opening as my fall is arrested. As I slowly continue my descent to Equus below, I look around. In the distance, I can see lights from the ruins of Baltimare. I look up above them and I can see several large shadows drifting down from the other vertibucks. However, I see one that does not have its parachutes deployed fully and I watch as it crashes into the ground. Behind me, I can barely make out more of the fliers and parachutists. The fliers I notice are almost racing for the ground. Their weapons already drawn and ready as they land, When they land and begin to help us non-fliers out of our chutes.

As I land, I feel the hard impact on my legs and I feel an ankle buckle. I only hope I have not broken it. I roll and as I knock the wind out of my chute, I begin to remove the parachute harness. Once free I limp off to the side and access my injury after I have gotten my weapons out of their drop pouches. I then put my night optical devices on my helmet and scan the area around me takes on eerie shades of green. One more thing they trained us on the last couple of weeks.

Soon over my PipBuck, I hear Sunny call out, “Boss, Got some bad news. That load that had the bad chute, it was the one with some of the supplies and ammo.”

“Roger Blackbird, any hope of saving some of it and getting it in one of the carts?”

“Not sure boss, but I will see what we can do.”

Shortly after this, I hear Cowlick call over the PipBuck, “Hey can someone get over to my coordinates? I am stuck up in this tree and I can’t get out.”

I find myself chuckling at the thought of a bull caught up in a tree. Then I hear Morning Mist say, “I got him.” As he flies off, I think it is Eni joins him.

The rest of us begin to try to get organized. After Cowlick and the others rejoin us, as a group we head over to where the carts and cargo dropped. We hook up the carts and then all of us quickly load the weapons, ammo, rations, and medical supplies we may need onto the wagons. I do notice though that one of the weapons that was destroyed was a missile launcher. Great, we really might need that. But it is what it is.

Soon we are ready and I hear Choo call out, “Ok, let us move, we don’t have much night left.”

We reform as we go. I have already bound my bad ankle as tightly as I can with a bandage roll and I have popped a couple of tablets of pain reliever to take the edge off. However, I can still feel it, but I don’t want to waste a healing spell on it.

“Hey Cookie,” Twinks says to me as she comes up on my side, “Next stop me or Choo needs to look at that ankle.”

“It’s nothing Danger.”

“Normally, it is nothing, but before we hit our target, I want you to be in the best shape we can be, got it?”

“Yeah, I got it Danger. Thanks for caring.”

“Ginger, your one of my best friends, but let’s be honest, when we go in there, it is all of our flanks on the line.”

“Gee Twinks, glad to hear you really care.”

“It’s not that I don’t care Cookie, but I want you to realize this involves more than just you.”

“Yeah, I got you Danger.”

“Glad to hear it. Now, what did you think of that jump?”

“It could have been much worse. Remember the first time we jumped and had to recover the equipment?”

“Yeah, how could I forget watching that cart shatter as it hit the ground when its chute failed? That got my attention really quickly. Not going to lie to you Cookie, I really would prefer not to have to start a mission that way again.”

I grin at her in the predawn light and tell her, “Thanks, that makes two of us. But it is, what it is.”


Outskirts of Baltimare, Disputed NCR Territory: Xochitl

Once again, I am on point for our team. About 15 meters behind me are Ginger and Sunny. Near the middle are the two carts that are carrying equipment and supplies. I tried to get Ginger to ride in the cart earlier, but she would hear nothing of it.

I still find wearing a set of NODs to be amusing with the various shades of green. The only thing I really hate is when there is a bright light or flash it can white out the screens on them. I had never seen a set, much less used one until they issued us them for this mission. It is amazing what all was stored in the basement of that old house there. They never let us down there, but every time we turned around Apple Sprout was saying, “Ok, I think we might have something for that in the basement.” Then she would disappear for a while and come back with what we might need.

While it was great, it had the disadvantage of really adding to the load in our saddlebags. I am just glad my Pipbuck has helped me with keeping track of what all is in them now.

As we slowly advance, I am not only looking for possible hostiles, I am also trying to find us a place to bed down for the day. Twice while we are moving deeper into the enemy’s rear area we are forced to go to ground or divert out of our way to avoid possible hostile forces or creatures.

Finally, as the day begins to dawn enough that we have removed and stowed our NODs we find an old factory that is mostly still standing. We slide into the alleyway and after making sure it is clear, we open one of the rear roller curtain doors by a ramp so we can get the carts undercover as well.

Once inside and out of sight we set up a guard from each team while the rest of us begin to eat a pack of rations and try and catch some sleep.

It is getting late in the day and I am on watch for our team when I hear some sounds skittering around in the back part of the factory. I quietly call over to Choo to let her know and I am joined by Miney from the other team. He has reverted to the original pony form he had when we first met. He is covering me as we advance through the abandoned machinery in the low light that is coming in from the missing windows that are high above the factory floor.

Suddenly I see movement ahead. I signal to Miney to stand still as I try and find the source using my EFS. I think I see a couple of yellow blips, but nothing serious. I turn to look at Miney and I watch as he quickly shifts forms again. Then suddenly I hear two voices call out, “Is that you Miney?”

He nods his head and I watch as two rats, suddenly shift, and become smaller changelings. “Are you back to help?” one of them asks.

Miney seems surprised at the question and asks, “What do you mean help?”

“The Enclave. They have captured our hive. Queen Chrysalides was captured along with most of us.”

“How did you escape?”

“Miney, we hid as rocks. They never thought to even check if we were real rocks or not.”

He nods his head as do I as I am truly impressed with their presence of mine to try that. Then I say, “I did not know changelings could turn into rocks.”

The two youngsters look at me as if surprised and ask, “Miney, he is not one of us?”

“But he is not hostile to us?” the other asks.

“No young ones, he is not. He knows our true selves, now, come, we must tell the others.” Miney answers.

Soon we have rejoined the others and I notice the two youngsters have changed themselves into a colt and filly.

Mudwings raises an eyebrow as we approach, “What do we have here?”

Miney answers her, “They have brought news of my home hive. It is not good.”

The rest, many of whom are just waking up all turn to them expectantly. Eni and Meanie both look suddenly worried.

The one that looks like a filly, steps forward and tells us, “The queen and most of our hive have been captured. The Enclave took it when they invaded this area.”

Choo then asks, “And they allowed you changelings to survive? That does not seem normal for them.”

The filly and colt look at each other and smile, then the colt one answers her, “Our people all took other forms, most are pony-shaped right now. The hive was on an old stable that we took over.”

That makes sense to me and I can understand it. Then Choo asks, “Miney, I have wanted to ask this since we first met, please forgive me if I am being rude, but I thought all of your kind were ruled by Queen Chrysalis?”

Miney answers back, “At one time we were. But you must understand how our society works. When a queen egg was hatched, after it grew enough to be almost an adult, they were killed by the queen or driven out. So, while we are descended from Chrysalis, we are not her subjects. Our queen had certain, how shall we say, different ideas of how to work with the ponies and survive.”

This time I am curious and before anyone can say anything more, I ask, “So what were some of the differences?”

I hear Eni and Meany both sigh. Then Miney answers, “One is how during the great war we sided with Equestria. Not all of our kind did, but our hive was a great source of infiltrators as well as special agents during it. Also, how we fed. Yes, our kind still does feed on love sometimes. But we do not consume it to the point we weaken the source. We have also since learned to survive on other sources. This has led to some of the changes you may notice from the old propaganda. Such as we no longer have the holes in our bodies we once did.”

Choo nods her head, “Huh, that makes sense, I guess. I had not realized any of your kind were on our side during the war.”

This seems to catch Miney off guard and he asks, “Even if our people were enemies during the war, that would not have mattered to you?”

She shakes her head, “No, no it wouldn’t. That war was a long time ago. We need to move past that if we are to survive. Besides, my kind is often still hated just as much, and often with good reason.”

Most of the Fixers look at her with questioning expressions. Then Mudwing says, “For you youngsters, for almost two hundred years her kind. The chemically made alicorn, they were different from the rest of us. They were predators and often any who opposed them became prey. And the way they operated in a fight, it was frightening because it was almost like they were fighting with one mind.”

Choo first nods her head then as she looks at the ground, then up at Mudwing, she says, “That is because until the death of our mother; the goddess. We were all connected to Unity. The best I can describe it is as a hive mind. We all shared our thoughts and most of our memories with each other. When Unity was broken, we lost that. We, we became individuals with the death of our mother and so many of our sisters.”

Those who have not talked with Choo about this before are all surprised. Then Choo continues. “Myself, I am still trying to remember and relearn who I once was. It has been a hard journey.”

After she says this. Mudwing looks at her with a strange expression then turns back to the changelings, “Ok, so what exactly happened to your hive?”

“The fighting outside, as it got closer, the queen closed the door to the stable door on the hive. But we had been outside with some of the soldiers. That is how we escaped when they captured the entryway to the hive.”

“So, did you actually see them enter the stable door?” Mudwing asks.

“No, when we left, they were still trying to get it open.” The filly says.

I hear Mudwing sigh as she puts a foreclaw to her forehead. Then she says, “Choo, I think we need to make a diversion. It is not far from our target anyways and it may allow us to help the locals.”

We all turn to Choo to see what she says. She seems to ponder it. Then tells her, “Ok, I think your right.” She turns to us as she stands fully on her hooves and shakes her wings, “You heard the Hen, let’s do this.”

With that, I extend my hoof and help Ginger to her hooves as she throws her saddlebags and grabs her gear along with the others. As I get ready to go to the door, Meaney tells me, “I got point Flower. This is my territory.”

The Fixers then lead out with our team following them through the streets of what was once Baltimare and their homes.

Baltimare, NCR Disputed Territory: Choo Choo

As we all but crawl through the debris of what I remember as a thriving city from my days on the railroad, I cannot help but think how I cannot believe we are going to help Changelings. Yes, I know this group of them worked with Equestria during the war, but still. They are Changelings for the Goddesses' sakes.

I am also very surprised at how well my team has taken to working with such diverse species. I am proud of them for that. I seem to remember ponies not being so accepting of other non-pony types at one time. In the back of my mind, I find myself wondering if, as a species, we were always like that. If not, what changed us to become the way we have?

I am interrupted from my thoughts by a noise off to the side. I quickly turn in that direction as I check my Eyes Forward Sparkle. The others all freeze at my command of, “Two possible hostiles to our right, go to ground, Tater, Days End, check it out.”

I hear them both answer, “Roger,” and then they are crawling their way in that direction. As they get closer, I can see the two new tags stay yellow as they approach them.

Soon I hear Days End call back, “All clear boss. We have two more of our special friends with us.”

“Roger, bring them in with you,” I tell them.

Soon I see the four of them rejoining our teams. As they approach, I am only slightly surprised to see them shift into the forms of changelings when they see the two younger ones from earlier. Then one of them says to the young changelings, “You have brought help I see, good.”

One of them nods their head, then tells him, “Eni, Meanie, and Miney are back with them.”

The older one who was speaking does not look happy as he answers, “I see. Well, we need their help.”

Hearing the tone of his voice, Mudwings looks at the three changelings on her team and asks, “Is there something you need to tell me?”

The three changelings with us look at each other and shrug. Finally, one of them says, “Boss, it was a joke. We told her we would not do it again. But she was mad and we were banished.”

I watch as Mudwing runs a foreclaw through her head feathers and shakes her head slowly. Then she asks in an exasperated tone of voice, “I am afraid to ask, but what was the joke and why were you banished?”

Two of them both point a forehoof at the third and say, “It was Miney, he pretended to be the queen and was giving orders to the guards.”

“Why? Why would you pretend to be the queen?”

“Boss, it was a joke. I thought she would find it funny as I did.”

I find myself smiling at Mudwing’s frustration as I have felt it before myself. Both in service and with my own team. I am now also curious so I ask, “So, Miney, just what was the joke?”

He proceeds to tell us, the whole time trying not to laugh along with Eni and Meaney. When he is done, Mudwing asks him, “You really thought it was that funny?”

Still trying to hold back a laugh he nods his head. Then he says, “But, I learned not to do that again.”

The older of the two new changelings solemnly nods his head and shifts his wings and tells him, “Good. She will be glad to hear that.” He then turns to us, “If you are ready, we will go with you. He turns and makes a noise with his wings and suddenly we have several more join us as we continue.

As we continue, I get Mudwing’s attention and draw her to the side where I quietly ask her, “Ok, so what is the plan for when we get to this stable?”

“Choo, I don’t have one. I was winging this one.”

I simply raise an eyebrow at her answer and reply, “We really should come up with something.”

“Well, let’s have a couple of scouts go forward and recon the area first. See what we are facing and we can go from there.”


We send out Morning Mist and Sunny in their pegasi combat armor along with Eni who has changed himself into a pegasi and one of the young changelings who has done so as well. Then we begin to wait.

We take shelter in a couple of half-knocked-down buildings while we wait. Finally, they return. As they approach, I see Eni almost laughing again. So, I ask, “Ok Eni, what is so funny?”

He uses a wing to point to Sunny and replies, “He is. He ran into a pony who recognized him from Thunderhead and assumed he was with the Enclave. They even talked about having a couple of beers together there. This led them to escort us into the company headquarters that is blockading the hive.”

Sunny stands there grinning and tells me, “Yeah boss, he met me the first time when I was wearing the VC coveralls. He assumed I had been drafted, and I figured, why dissuade him.”

I find myself smiling back at him, “Good thinking Sunny. So, can any of you tell us how we can get to the stable entrance now?”

Eni speaks up this time and tells us, “Well, about that, I have an idea, and Miney, no laughing.”

After we listen, I look at Mudwing and she does the same to me and tells me, “You know, that might just work.”

Soon, I find myself invisible as Mudwing and several of the non-flyers are being marched as POWs towards the stable being escorted by the changelings, Sunny, and Morning Mist.

The rest follow at a distance. They are to provide cover for us and will provide a rear guard to defend us as we open the stable door.

As we approach the gate in a junk fence surrounding a wrecked building that houses the headquarters for the company guarding the entrance of the stable, I hear one of the guards call out from the side, “Hay Sunny, you weren’t joking about bringing in those prisoners, were you?”

“Nah, they are a bit more settled down than they were when we caught ‘em. But you know how that goes.”

“Yeah, I do. Follow me and I will take you all inside.”

The pegasus that Sunny was talking with calls up to one on the wall, “Open the gate, I can vouch for these guys. I have shared a few drinks up in Thunderhead with Sunny here back when he was with the Volunteer Corps.”

The one on the gate looks cautiously at us and then replies, “Yes sir,” then he makes a hoof motion to someone inside and the gate slowly and loudly slides to the side.

As we enter, I notice the lackadaisical attitude of many of the Enclave troopers. Several of them begin to walk with us as we are taken to the HQ. The company commander steps out and asks, “What is going on here?”

The pegasus officer that had allowed us inside the gate answers, “Sir, one of the reserve units from the area has brought in some POWs. His patrol did not have enough ponies to escort them all the way back to their HQ, so he brought them here.

The captain looks very displeased as he asks, “Doesn’t that seem funny to you Lieutenant?”

As we all watch on, the lieutenant then asks, “What do you mean sir?”

He moves his hooves and several of the Enclave members move closer to us. “That they just happened to be in our area of operations and not their own and brought them to where we are trying to enter a stable.”

I watch as the young officer's face goes pale and slack. I drop my spell and yell, “Now!”

Suddenly where Sunny was next to the other officer there is a puff of smoke and now there are two of the lieutenants.

The captain in surprise says, “What in the Tartarus!”

Suddenly one of the prisoners is replaced by another puff of smoke and in their place is a manticore roaring and leaping at the Enclave guards causing them to scatter. As this is going on weapons fire begins to be exchanged and out of the corner of my eye, I see the real Sunny flying over the fence and opening the gate, followed by several more fliers, several of them in their changeling forms and making a buzzing sound as they fly.

Things become totally confusing as we move to hooftacuff range and the changelings with us start to appear as pegasi. At one point I hear the captain yelling both to attack and to stand down at the same time and from next to each other as they both take swipes at each other with their front hooves.

As this fighting is going on, I see Twinks running into the basement doors for Companies HQ. She goes down the steps and is followed by Epona, Ginger, and Xochitl.

Topside I watch as Cowlick stops firing his MG, lowers his head with a smile, and begins to run with his head down into a crowd of unarmored Enclave soldiers who have just come around a corner. I hear one of the Changelings giggle and yell, “That looks like fun!” then they change into Cowlick and start following his example throwing ponies to the side as they plow through them. Soon I hear a loud grinding sound coming from the basement of the HQ and then there is more of a loud buzzing as I see a group of ponies in Stable Tech security barding come running out of the basement guns firing at the Enclave power armor and using batons on their unarmored opponents.

The battle rages for at least twenty minutes before I hear only one of the captains say with his head down in submission, “We surrender, all of my troops, stop fighting and lay down your weapons.”

It takes several minutes more before the fighting finishes, but I am relieved as well as stunned, at how quickly it ended. Many of the Enclave troops are injured as are ours. Fortunately, there are relatively few fatalities. However, near the basement doors, I see a changeling who is bleeding and having trouble getting up. As I approach, I find out it is Miney. I quickly assess his injuries and I realize how little I know of Changeling's anatomy.

As I am doing this one of the changelings from in the basement calls up, “All hail the Queen!”

I look up and I see a tall alicorn-shaped being, with a bright yellow mane and tail that contrast with her black coat, as well as insect wings and fangs, emerge from the basement steps. Her royal guards spread out in a defensive perimeter around her.

She looks down and sees Miney there and a flash of anger comes over and leaves her face. In a gentler voice than I would have expected I hear her ask, “Miney were you not told you were excommunicated from the Hive?”

He coughs and tells her, “Yes, my queen, but the Hive was in danger and I had to help. Eni and Meany are with me somewhere. We all had to help.”

She briefly contemplates what he has said. She nods her head and then says gently as she lays a hoof along his cheek, “You are forgiven my son, welcome home.”’

I see a pain-filled smile come over his face, and then he is gone. As he passes, she has a tear drop from her eye and tells him, “You shall not be forgotten, nor will your sacrifice be for naught.”

She turns to me and asks, “And who are you?”

“I am Captain Choo Choo of the NCR Rangers. My team as well as the team of Captain Mudwing joined forces with some of your stragglers to break the blockade on your hive.”

“So, you are the ones that the one called Twinks was talking about.” She nods her head before I can respond. Then she says, “How can I help repay you the debt of our liberation?”

By now Mudwing has joined us and tells her, “Your royal highness, we could use some help from your people in capturing some tech that we do not want the Enclave to get their hooves on.”

She nods her head and replies, “I see, well let’s go inside and discuss how we can assist.”

She turns one more time to look at Miney and tell his still form, “I will not forget. Peace to you when you emerge from your next chrysalis.”


Rainbow Dash Skyport, Enclave Territory, Lunar Republic: Ball Lightning

As I look at the weekly supply requestion for my company that I have just approved I hear someone enter the office. I look up and see it is my company clerk.

“Are you finished with that Sir, I will take it and get it sent up the chain if so?” He tells me, then he adds, “Also we just had some mail delivered. You have a personal letter in it.”

As he hooves it to me, I smile, “Thank you, sergeant, on both counts.”

“No problem, sir,” he tells me as he takes the paperwork and leaves the room.

I then look down and notice the name on the envelope. It is from one of my classmates I went to OCS with. I smile as break the wax seal and begin to read.

Hay Ball,

Just a quick letter to say hello and to let you know that some of your classmates are still at it. I also wanted to tell you I finally made 1st Lieutenant. So, the next time we meet, the drinks are on me. While I can’t say directly where I am, I can tell you they have sent us to the same town my ancestors were working in during the great war. I am sure you remember that conversation. Things are not going too badly and I have only had a couple of incidents with the junior soldiers in my platoon.

One point of note is that I ran into your cousin I met back in Thunderhead, Sunset Waters. He and I shared a few beers together while you were in the hospital. I have to say he is a kick to talk to. He was in the VC back then but is now in the regulars it seems.

I should be talking to him again in a bit. We will have a beer in your honor. I need to close this letter out so that it can go into the mail that is being picked up in a little while.

Talk to you again soon


Your Friend Double Loop

When the letter began, I was very pleased to hear from Double Loop. I do remember the conversation. His family had been working in Baltimare during the war, but on the final day, his ancestors had been visiting family in Hoofington which is how they ended up in Thunderhead after the megaspell and balefire bomb exchange.

It was the second half that has me very concerned though. Sunset Waters. Again, the likable buck is haunting me and my life. This tells me he and at least some of his team’s members are in Baltimare and infiltrating our positions. While I like them, they could raise a lot of trouble for our people there.

I fold the letter and put it in my saddlebags. I grab my soft cover and put on my battle harness with my helmet hanging from one of the saddlebags. Then on my way out the door, I call out, “Sergeant, I will be right back, something important has been brought to my attention.”

“Yes, Sir. I will message you if anything comes up, or would you prefer a runner?”

“Messenger would be best. I will be back in a while.” I tell him as I get to the doorway and take flight as soon as I am outside.

I fly from my HQ directly to the RDS main terminal. As I enter, I see the youngsters over by Alizée’s shop. They wave to me and I wave quickly back but continue my way to the office of the facility commander Lieutenant Colonel Sun Storm.

As I enter the reception area outside her office her receptionist stops me and asks, “Can I help you sir?”

“I need to see the Colonel ASAP. I have some information she is going to want to hear.”

He nods his head, “Really sir, what is it and I will pass it on to her.”

I find myself sighing and I tell him, “Honestly, this needs to be passed directly to her. Let her know that Captain Ball Lightning is here with special information that pertains to some things my wife heard during her time in the field with the VC.”

His attitude seems to change slightly and he looks as if reevaluating me. Finally, he tells me, “Have a seat and I will let her know.”

Shortly after I have taken the offered seat, I watch as one of the other security force officers leaves. She sees me sitting there and nods in my direction and tells her receptionist, “Please send the captain in.”

“Yes, ma’am,” he answers as he turns to me and tells me, “You may go in now sir.”

Once inside she has me take a seat across the desk from her. Once seated she asks, “Ok, Ball, what do you have for me that is so important you winded yourself flying across the base?”

It is then I realize I am still breathing a bit hard. I never had trouble flying that short a distance that fast before the incident with that NCR Colonel. I then pull out the letter from Double Loop and pass it to her with my wingtips.

She takes it and asks, “Ok, so what is the big deal?”

“Ma’am, I remember that conversation. Double Loop’s ancestors lived in Baltimare back then. One of them was working at the shipyards, but the other was working at a research depot that was there.”

“Ok, so what makes it so important to rush over here?”

“Ma’am, Sunset Water is also called Sunny Water, he is one of the team members of the Repair Ponies. The team that caused so much trouble for Air Burst team when I was attached to them.”

She sighs as she looks back down at the letter. Then she looks up and tells me, “Alright, I will pass this up the chain to let them know. But honestly, since this came in the mail, it may be too late to act on.”

This time I sigh before answering, “Sorry ma’am, I just wanted to get this information passed up the chain of command as quickly as possible.”

“Alright Ball, I will take care of this, and thanks.” She tells me as she smiles and I realize our talk is done. I get up and salute, which she returns, then I head back into the main terminal.

As I get to the main vendors' area, I see Savanna waving excitedly to me. As I begin to head that way, I see a couple of the other young ones further inside the store, but all are excited as well. Then I see my wife is in there already as well and I wonder what is going on.

I then walk to the shop and am very surprised to see my father off to the side of the shop with all the young ones sitting at his hooves as he tells one of his stories from when he was in service.

Before I can say anything Sundancer catches me and leads me outside and tells me, “He got sent down here to see if there was any technology we had that could be used for parts in Thunderhead.”

“Ok, that explains why he is dirtside, but…” I say as I hold out a hoof in their general direction.

She smiles and tells him, “Oh, that is because he asked about our family, because of how much we have mentioned them in our letters.”

This gets me to smile and I quietly ask, “So he is excepting of them?”

She nods her head, then she surprises me again as she tells me, “He let me know that the background check that goes with our request to adopt groundsiders has already occurred, and to be honest he says it seems like it is being fast-tracked.”

This surprises me as well. Then I ask, “Anything else I should know?”

She shakes her head, “Not really, other than Patchwork and Little Bit have asked to work with me at the VC station to try and get their cutie marks.”

I grin as she tells me this. I remember my days as a blank flank and how badly I could not wait to get one.

Soon I hear my father has ended his story and while the youngsters ask him for another, he tells them, “Ok later, now I have to go see your pa.”

When I hear this my eyebrow raises in surprise and I feel a bit of a smile slide across my face. Once he is close enough, we exchange a quick hug and I tell him, “What a pleasant surprise Dad.”

“Well, it was nice to be able to combine business with pleasure son.” He pauses and looks back at the youngsters as they begin to take care of some things around the shop. He then turns back to me, “They are good kids. You surprised me by becoming a father of such a large family son. But I am glad to see it. By the way, you have some friends in pretty high places. A certain very powerful mare said she was very glad to see this and approves of it as it helps to show we are here to help those ground-side, not just our own.”

This really surprises me, and I tell him so. He nods his head, then adds, “But son, if fully approved, it comes with a cost. We can’t support too many more ponies cloud-side, so you and your family will have to remain down here.”

I nod my head, “Yeah, I kind of figured that. But Dad, it is not so bad down here. Not once you get used to it.”

He laughs, “Yeah, I get it. I really do. Now, son, I think it is about time for supper and I hear the kids say they were starting to get hungry. What do you say we all go get something to eat.”

“Sounds good Dad.” I then call into the youngsters to finish up what they are doing so we can go eat. After they rush outside, we find our way to one of the little restaurants that have sprung up in the old terminal.

Once we are eating my father smiles and looks at all of us as we share our typical family dinner together and he tells me, “You are right son, they may not be blood, but they are family. You’ve made me proud son.”


Good evening to all you wastelanders out there. This is KOLT and I am your host Analog bringing you all of the latest in news and music in the Baltimare listening range.

In the latest news, the Enclave troops have recently placed a corridor around the ruins of the Wartime Technology Hub in the old downtown region. While they still have not been able to gain entry to it, they are reported to be impressing those who approach or killing those who resist. So, I suggest avoiding the downtown area.

For those in the northern and western settlements, we have news of fighting with the Enclave forces. We are hearing reports that the local forces have been defending and attacking the invaders in small groups. Ponies, Griffons, and all people of Baltimare, we need to stand together on this. If we are going to keep our freedoms, we can’t keep fighting each other, we need to work with each other and coordinate our efforts. People, no one is coming to save us, we need to self-rescue.

Remember, we can’t expect help, but we can hope for it. With that in mind, our first song of the hour is We Don’t Need Another Hero.

Chapter 41 Friends, Acquaintances, and Allies

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Chapter 41 Friends, Acquaintances, and Allies

“Nothing brings you together like a common enemy.” ― David Foster Wallace, Infinite Jest

Baltimare, NCR disputed territory: Ginger Snaps

I crawl along the ground on my belly as I get closer to where the Enclave troops in their power armor have set up a roadblock leading to the old Ministry of Wartime Technology Hub. Having to do this, then knowing we are going to have to face whatever is inside afterward has really made me question my desire to do this job. The worst thing is that now that we have been drafted, we are not even getting paid well for it.

Well, at least it is something I know how to do well, scout. Xochitl, Sunny, and Epona are with me for this one. The roads leading to the hub are almost as bad as those in Hoofington. But it seems to be not as many gangs, but more tribals. I am not sure if that is worse or not.

As I reach the edge of the wall of the building, we are crawling through I peak over the bricks and can see two Enclave troopers guarding the crossroads from the far side with several barricades set up. I use my ears to signal the others to advance up to me. I slide back down a bit and quietly tell them what I saw.

Sunny then asks, “Ginger, you want me to go bring the rest up?”

“No, not yet Sunny, we need to check the other two routes into the Hub before we do that. I just hope our luck holds out.”

We slowly ease our way back out of the building and make our way around the block to the next side of the hub. Again, we are confronted by a small section of enclave troopers blocking a major intersection leading to the Hub.

Again, we sneak in close enough that we can see clearly what is going on with our scopes and binoculars, but not be detected by their Eyes Forward Sparkle. Again, we observe for a while and take notes. As we are doing this, I find myself yawning widely.

“Tired eh sis?” Epona asks me.

“Yeah, well we all lost some sleep last night trying to recover the latest supply drop.”

“Yeah, true, but by the NCR doing those nightly supply air drops to the locals, it has kept us dropping in hidden a bit.”

Sunny beside her nods his head and quietly says, “True, but I hear we may get another team dropping in to help us with the target.”

I nod my head and I see Xochilt move his ear to warn us of possible danger as he backslides to us and tells us, “Hostiles moving this direction on a patrol.”

“Ok colts and fillies, let us get out of here then,” I tell them as we begin to work our way as quickly and quietly as we can out of the building. Then I add, “We still have to check the rear loading docks to see what those look like.”

“Ok, Ginger, I got point,” my husband tells me as he moves past and gently lays a hoof on my shoulder on his way to the remains of a doorway behind us. As we slide out and begin to move, I look back toward the area we just left. Through the broken window pains and damaged walls, I can see the husk of the MWT hub tower only a few blocks away. Where there should be windows for the most part have been covered over with metal protective panels which have begun to rust with the passage of time. I briefly catch myself trying to imagine what it looked like new, then shake my head and catch up with the rest of my team as we make our way over and up the next couple of blocks to make our next set of observations.

We are just rounding a corner two blocks back and to the south when I hear a voice quietly say, “Hoofs up, bits out of your mouths. We have you covered.”

I look forward to Xochitl and he simply shrugs. Then he asks, “Ok, you got us, now who are you?”

“We are the Baltimare Aircoils. Why?”

Epona then answers looking in the direction of the voice, “Because we have been looking for your tribe.”

Then it hits me, tribals, we have been captured by tribals. Not even professionals I think as I shake my head in disgust. Then I think that on the other hoof, she is right, Choo had told us that we were to try and make contact with them. However, I am surprised that they are so far from the factory complex that they live in.

“Why would you want to do that?”

“Look, we are with the NCR, they sent us to Baltimare for a couple of things, including to try and get the local tribes to work together.”

“We are doing just fine on our own thank you, why would we need anypony else?” another voice calls out.

I sigh and sit down and in exasperation tell them, “Well the Enclave is here and unless you want them in charge, you need to stick together.” As we are talking, I let my one front hoof brush against my PipBuck then I run it up onto my whisper mic and click it five times quickly. This lets the rest of our team know we are in trouble. Now to just try and keep them talking a bit longer.

“We are doing just fine on our own thank you very much. And from what I have seen the NCR really doesn’t have much to offer right now. They can’t even send any troops here to help.”

I shrug, “It might seem that way, but they are sending what they can. Have you captured any of those supply drops lately?”

Another voice calls out, “Yeah, what about them? The Enclave has enough to drop and not try to recover them.”

I shake my head as do the other members of my team. Then Sunny speaks up, “Those were not Enclave drops pal. They were supply runs to help the locals stay in the fight from the NCR. If you got some of them good. I hope you used them to keep your people safe.”

Suddenly I see a pony appear in the doorway of a local building and realize he had been using a stealth buck as he shifts to the edge of the doorway for cover. As he does this he says, “Likely tell from an Enclaver.”

This gets me to laugh some. Then the pony in the doorway asks, “What’s so funny,” as he looks over the open sights of his rifle at us.

This time Xochitl answers, “Why would an Enclaver be with a bunch of earth ponies and a zony?”

“So, you saying he is a dashite?”

“No, he was born in the waste like the rest of us,” Xochitl returns.

This time in a somewhat surly voice Sunny tells them, “I guess you could say I am a wild pegasus as my parents are an earth pony and a unicorn.”

I can now see several other red dots as well as ponies with weapons aimed at us. I also notice that most of their weapons seem to be cobbled together affairs including some pipe guns. As I am looking the one that has done most of the talking says, “Alright stranger, no need to be making up stories now. How gullible do you think we are?”

I watch as Sunny shakes his head, and I hear him mutter, “Goddesses I am getting tired of explaining that.”

I smirk at him and then tell him, “Yeah, but you always get the same reaction cous.”

One of the tribals that is better covered than the others then asks, “He is your kin?”

I nod my head, “Yes, all four of us are kin, why?”

“Even the zony?”

Without thinking I let my hoof drop to my hip in disgust. I quickly hear a warning shot hit near my back hoof as I tell them, “Yes, he is my husband. We are members of the Water Clan out of Manesville and are serving with the NCR armed forces right now.”

“What’s a water clan?” one of them asks suspiciously.

Sunny fields this question and answers, “Well, it is our family and those who we consider friends of the clan. We support each other and to be honest, it has helped a lot over the years. Including allowing us to start the Water Line of riverboats.”

“Bah, riverboats, nothing big about that. Besides, if your clan was so good, why did we capture yah?”

It is then that I grin as Sunny points behind them and says, “Well, you see, you didn’t quite capture us. We have you.”

One of them begins to laugh, then I hear Choo’s voice say from behind the main speaker, “Have your people lay down your weapons, you are now our prisoners.”

As she says this, I hear the distinct shuck of the bolt follower going home in Cowlick’s heavy mg and Twinks telling him, “Ammo up, weapons hot.”

I see a defeated look come over their faces as the one who seems to be their leader turns and finds Choo right behind him with her horn lite.

His face goes slack and he tells the others, “You heard them, weapons down and hooves up.”

Once they are all together with us Choo then asks, “Which one of you is in charge of your group?”

The one who did most of the talking earlier raises a dirty yellow hoof and tells her, “I am. Not that it will do you much good.”

“And why is that?”

“Cause I ain’t going to tell you anything and neither are the others.”

Choo stops briefly and looks at the rest of us, “I want them one at a time, If they want to play hardball, they can find out how the Pinks used to play.”

“For Luna and Celestia’s sake Boss, you can’t do that to them!” I hear myself call out without thinking.

She turns to me, “Cookie, that is enough of that, do what I say. Now.”

I feel my blood run cold at the tone of her voice. The rest of us take the other prisoners out of the room and close the door behind us.

A short time later we hear some extremely loud screaming followed by silence. Then the door opens and Choo brings the prisoner she was with out of the room with her TK. She looks at us and tells us, “He will be ok. But I know what I need to know. We can let them go.”

I feel both horror and revulsion at the thought of what Choo must have done to this stallion to get him to talk. What has this damn war done to us? I ask myself.


Baltimare, NCR disputed territory: Xochitl

While I do not show how I feel about what Choo has done, I can tell that my wife feels the same way I do. Deep inside I feel a bit of respect for Choo sliding way. This feels so different from the Valley and before she was trained in the ways of the Ministry of Morale and their agents called the Pinks interrogated prisoners.

Choo then tells the prisoners, “You are free to go. Once he wakes up, he will have a headache.” She then turns to the rest of us, “Ok, let’s go.”

Once again, I am on point as we make our way down the streets. The shadows begin to grow long as the sun makes its way behind the tall buildings that remain.

It is full nightfall before we make our way back to the compound outside the changelings stable. As we enter the gate, now fully ponied by the changelings, we are greeted by Eni and Meanie as they and a group made up of changelings both in their natural state as well as some as ponies. At first, I found it very disconcerting, but it is amazing how something strange and unusual can become mundane after a bit of time.

As we approach Meanie asks me, “You guys up for cards again tonight? I have a new game to show you.”

I shrug and tell him, “Sure.”

Behind me, Sunny says, “I am up for it. Dad taught me how to play most card games as a foal.”

Eni grins at him and tells him, “Well you probably have never tried this one. Our hive developed it shortly after we broke away and started to work with you ponies.”

“Huh, a new card game. Might be fun to take home to my parents then.”

Eni and Meanie look at each other and grin. Then one of them says, “Perhaps, it was a game that helped to keep us fed as it tends to evoke a lot of emotions.”

“Perhaps I will just watch before I decide to play," I tell them.

They grin at me, “No problem, Flower, we get enough from you and your wife anyways.”

“Wait, what, you are feeding off of us?”

“Yes, but our queen taught us long ago to only feed in small amounts, and to give back as it helps us to sustain our food source.”

“Oh, no, you are not just a food source to us. But that is a side benefit. Just as a friend of your clan can get assistance without asking for it. We feel we are doing the same.”

“So, you are playing with our emotions?” Epona asks.

One of the changelings responds, “Not at all, but if your anger gets too high or you are very anxious, we tend to feed off of some of the excess to keep you more balanced.”

The other adds, “We had to learn to ration how much emotions we can take as well as to supplement what we consume with what you consider real food.”

“No offense guys, but it still feels creepy knowing we are your food.”

Miney waves a hoof, “None taken Xochitl, we would feel the same way if the roles were reversed. But we are trying to be upfront with you.”

“Oh, ok, thanks for being honest, I guess. Perhaps a bit later for the card game, we have to clean our gear and weapons before we can relax.”

“Makes sense. A good lesson for the new troops to see as well. I look forward to teaching all of you the game later then.” Eni tells me.

“By the way, what’s this game called anyway?”

He grins a predatory smile my way and tells me, “Oh, as it was the first game that we invented ourselves, we just called it Uno.”

“Oh, that does not sound too bad to me then,” I tell him as we all continue our way toward the barracks buildings.

Later that night I watch as Choo and a pegasus I had not seen before pass by the barracks. Choo stops and tells Ginger, “I will be out for a bit. Ginger, you have the team for now. If I am not back by morning, I want you to lead a team to my PipBuck location. Oh, and we should be receiving a message concerning a special delivery tonight. Please feel free to respond if we receive it.”

“Yes ma’am,” Ginger tells her and then asks, “Anything else you want us to do tonight?”

“No, not tonight. Just get some rest.”

“OK, thanks boss,” Ginger tells her with a relieved expression on her face.

After Choo leaves, Twinks is fiddling with her Pipbuck and we hear a fairly new voice come over the radio from it in the middle of what they are talking about.

That is right Equestria, once again that bunch who come from Manesville have again sullied the name of pony kind with their horrific behaviors. Especially those who call themselves Repair Ponies. We know who you are Cookie, Sunset Water, and the others with them. We will not forget what you have done before and you will pay. Especially since we know you are in Baltimare.

Oh, is that a surprise that we know where you are? We even know about our outpost that you and your ilk have attacked and massacred the entire garrison along with the poor ponies from the Volunteer Corps who were with them just trying to provide aid and comfort to those poor wretches that are just trying to survive in Baltimare while the NCR turns its back on them.

But as President Winter Breeze has said, THE GRAND PEGASUS ENCLAVE is here for all ponies. We are here to assist them even in the face of opposition such as the ineffective NCR and their minions like the Repair Ponies.

“Oh, for Luna’s sake, change the station and see if DJ Pon3 is on yet Twinks,” calls out Double Back.

Across from him is Eni who asks, “Why does your team get all the credit for both team's work?” He pauses and then says, “Oh, and draw four DB.”

“Buck,” I hear Double Back say, causing me to miss some more of what the radio host was saying,

With that we will be back after these brief public information announcements from the Volunteer Corps and the Flight of the Pegasi performed by GPES Tornado’s ship band.

As the music comes on the air, I see Twinks adjusting the station on her PipBuck again and I begin to hear the heavy marching band music being replaced by the soothing voice of Velvet Remedy. I still find it hard to believe that Ginger and I have gotten to meet her a couple of times already.

Soon I untangle myself from my wife’s hooves and I join the others in learning this new game of Uno. It only takes me two hooves before I realize just how many emotions can be raised by this game. I see both Eni and Meanie relaxing and smiling and realize they must be enjoying both the game and their meal.

A short time later I see one of the changelings disguised as a pegasus come in looking for Ginger. He hooves her a message and quickly departs.

I finish this hoof of Uno and rejoin her. “Anything interesting?”

“Yeah. The message that Choo mentioned earlier just came in.” She tells me then shows me the message.

“The packages were delivered safely?”

“Yeah Xochitl, I do not understand it either. I wonder what it means?”

“Well, I am sure the boss does,” I tell her with a nod of my head. “Now, should we go get settled in for the night?”

I hear her sigh deeply and before I can even ask her what is bothering her, she tells me, “Dear, I am really worried about that broadcast earlier. If the Enclave knows we are here. I am sure we can expect visitors soon.”

This gets my attention, “Yeah, your right, we might want to make sure the guards are extra vigilant tonight.”

From our side I hear Tater, who is lying next to Twinks tell us, “Maybe just a little more alert, if we have them on too high of an alert for too long you know, just like with us, they will become complacent.”

“Good point Tater. I guess I will just let their bosses handle it.”

It is near dawn when I next wake up and see Choo Choo entering the barracks. She sees that I am awake and nods in my direction. Ginger then wakes up and goes to talk to her. When she returns, she tells me, “Had to let the boss know the next delivery had been received. She seems very pleased with her outing, but she would not tell me what it was.”

“Maybe that is for the best right now dear, now let’s try and get what sleep we can still,” I tell her as I pull the blanket that we are sharing back up and over my head. Soon I hear her breathing shift as she falls into a deep sleep. Then I hear her mumble and her body jerks, and I know it is the nightmares again. Some of them I still share with her. I hold her closer and just hope she does not wake up screaming and kicking at me again. After a bit, she has rolled over and her nose is against my neck and I feel her relax as I finally fall back to sleep as well.


Baltimare, NCR disputed territory: Choo Choo

As I fly away from what is now our base of operations, I find myself smiling. Our misfortunate meeting earlier today actually worked out in allowing me to set up this meeting with the tribal leaders of the Aircoils.

I relax and I just enjoy the air flowing through my fur and mane as me and my associate fly to this meeting. In the distance, I can see what moonlight there is reflecting on the bay and the water that covers much of what was once a great city. Tonight, the moon is barely noticeable so we are not as easy to see in the night sky.

As I am musing to myself, she asks me, “Choo, are you sure this is safe?”

I sigh and tell her, “Your Highness, I think so. The one I set it up with is the best friend of one of their leaders. He even went along with the guise of being tortured. It seems he would rather fake being tortured, than to be so.”

“Hmmm, I never have liked the use of such techniques, though my mother did it seems. Again though, are you sure this is safe?”

“If we had brought your royal guard, they would have felt that they were being attacked. This way, well this way we may be vulnerable, but it also shows we are putting good faith forward. Besides, I will protect you.”

“You know just because part of your cutie mark resembles Luna’s, that does not make you her.”

I find myself letting out a low sigh before I tell her, “Your Majesty, I am under no misconception of being her. Having met her, I know what she is like and that I am nowhere near as beautiful as she.”

She looks at me with a raised eyebrow and asks me, “So, you got to meet her before the Last Day?”

I shake my head, “Yes and no. I met a variation of her. Myself and some of my teams have slipped between either timelines or universes. Either way, we met the Princesses on the other side of a portal in which the Great War, never occurred. They were very pleasant to have tea with.”

She looks at me again with a raised eyebrow and a look of incredulity, as she asks, “You do not seem to have enough magic to generate that powerful of a portal, how could you have done so?”

“Sorry, but Your Highness, I am not at liberty to say. But trust me, all the members of my team have been to the other side.”

“Humph, so this is how the NCR treats those it wants to join them?”

“It is how we keep others from miss using the methods we have. It does not reflect on how they look at you at all. Just being cautious, much how your people have always disguised themselves as ponies when coming topside from the stable.”

I see her ponder the thought, then she tells me, “Yes, I can see that. Perhaps it is best to be cautious with such techniques.”

Just after she says this, I see the large carriage lot outside of what was once a large factory. Through the windows on the roof and on the side, I can see some lights flickering. “Your Highness, I do believe we have found the old Baltimare Aircoil works. Let us land outside of the parking lot and walk to the gate for the meeting.”

Once we have landed, we adjust ourselves, the queen shifting herself to the form of a unicorn. Once again begin to make our way to the parking lot. As we get to the gate surrounding it, we can see how much of the walls of the parking lot are made of shipping containers, and overturned self-propelled wagon trailers. Once we are at the gate, we are challenged by a guard standing on a platform above it.

I call up to them, “I come in peace and request to discuss business with your management.”

“Who are you and who do you represent?”

Before I answer, I think briefly and use the terminology I saw in the brain scan earlier today, “You can call me Big Blue, and I come from the head office. The mare with me is a representative from a local subcontractor.”

“Interesting. Wait here while I send a courier to ask management what they want us to do.”

“That is what we expected,” I tell them as I hear him mumble something to someone else and I hear hooves running away across the concrete of the parking lot.

Shortly after this, I hear a large number of hooves returning. Again, I can hear mumbling and the one from before tells us, “If you come in, you are to be unarmed and you are going to be escorted to the bosses.”

I look at Queen Chrysalides and she nods her head in agreement. I call back to them, “These terms are accepted as they are considered by us to be of caution.”

Finally, the door of the gate slides to the side and we enter. Once inside the parking lot, I get a better look at things. I notice that most of the old self-propelled carriages have been stripped down. Those that still have the doors and windows on them often appear as being used for living quarters. Once our escort arrives one of them tells us, “I am Shift Supervisor Brazing Rod, please remove your weapons and leave them with our guard here; they will be returned after your meeting.”

I sigh as I remove my minigun and set it aside. I see the queen awkwardly removing her submachinegun and battlesaddle and saddlebags. Once done with mine, I assist her with hers. When finished I tell the Shift Supervisor, “Ok, we are ready.”

“Then follow me,” he tells us. As we fall in behind him, two of the guards walk alongside us and two behind us, all with their weapons at the carry position.

As we cross the parking lot area, I see many ponies looking up from their campfires at us as we move through the dark toward the main building. Once there we go through a side door with a sign that says Employees Only above it. Inside is another gate that is locked and has a guard watching it. Our escort says something to him and soon the gate is opened and we are able to pass through it.

We next pass through a hallway that is lined with offices along the side, as well as a large open area that has several desks in it. Off to one side is a door that as we are led to it, I can see leads to a large meeting room.

In the center of the room is a table with chairs around it. Five of the chairs are on one side. Two are on the other. Seated in the chairs on the other side of the table I see two earth ponies, a unicorn, a griffon, and a zebra. All are dressed as nicely as they can. With the zebra and Griffon both wearing combat armor.

Standing in the corner of the room with two other ponies is the one pony we had captured earlier and who I had done the mild mind scan on. When he sees us, he averts his eyes quickly.

Our guide then tells us, “Please take a seat, so that we can begin our discussions.”

Ironically, this feels almost like a first-contact situation, though I know they have had dealings with the NCR before. After we take our seats, one of the earth ponies who is wearing a black suit with a red tie says, “Welcome to our facility, I understand that you are from the government, what can we do to help you?”

I am taken off guard by this. But remember what Purple Haze taught me about negotiations. I then reply, “Myself, I am with the NCR. However, I am only a team leader, not a negotiator.”

The others grumble as he holds up a hoof and says, “Then why are we even having this meeting?”

“I am Captain Choo Choo, of the NCR Rangers. My team was sent to this area, in part to contact your tribe and several others to assist you in your defensive efforts against the Enclave invaders who have already captured several areas of this city.”

He waves a hoof, “They have not bothered us so far. Why should we worry?”

Beside me, Queen Chrysalides quietly shakes her head as she looks down, then back up at him. “They may not have come yet, but they will. Cantersville, the settlement outside of our stable was already attacked and captured by them.”

He holds up a hoof again, “So what, that was you, not us. If you came here begging for help, well we are looking out for ourselves and a few of our local subcontractors.”

She looks him in the eyes this time and tells him, “Remember, if they come for us in the night, they will come for you in the morning. Besides, with the aid of the Repair Ponies and the Fixers, we were able to capture most of those who had attacked us and regain our freedom.”

From down the table, I hear a zebra-accented voice say, “The Repair Ponies you say? We heard on the radio earlier that they had attacked and massacred a Volunteer Corps station and a detachment that was to protect it.”

I shake my head and tell them, “That is a lie, we did not massacre them. In fact, if you would like you may have anypony you want to visit and talk with them.”

“And why should we believe you?”

This time Queen Chrysalides answers as she holds up a hoof, “Because you have my word.”

“Your word. And who are you that we should trust your word?” the stallion asks.

The queen stands up, she looks at me sadly and then back at those across the table from us. She sighs and then she changes into her natural form. Those we are here to talk to react about how I would expect them to, with most of them trying to get away from her and several of the guards drawing weapons.

Still holding a hoof up, she tells them, “I came today to offer an alliance with ponies I consider my peers. I have hidden my true form only to try and keep others from reacting in fear, as well as to keep myself from being a target. I reveal myself to you as a sign of my intentions to not hold back information from you.” She then turns to look at the pony I had scanned and tells him, “Apple Turnover, reveal yourself.”

I can see the pain of his expression as he closes his eyes and transforms himself from an earth pony to a changeling.

The lead pony then yells at him in anger and pain, “Apple, you? You are a changeling? You lied to me all these years?”

“No, Bottom Line, I did not lie, at least not fully. You have been my best friend since we were young. But yes, I am a changeling, though this form no longer feels like who I really am anymore. I only brought my queen here because I know we need help with the Enclave and Captain Choo told me she can help us.”

“We will talk about this later Apple.” He then turns to the queen, “Is this how you do business? You infiltrate people and lull others into a false sense of trust?”

She shakes her head, “No, I had some of my people go among the other settlements in the area so we could know what was going on outside the stable. We hid what we were because we understand how so many feel about our kind, and because of my mother, not without cause.”

“Now that you know who and what we are, who are you?” she asks.

The one who was talking first stands and tells us “I am Bottom Line as you already heard. I am the plant manager. The pony to my right is Double Stack. He is 1st shift manager and the pony to my right is Strike Out. He is our 2nd shift manager.”

The Zebra at the end of the table stands and says, “I am Primus Pilus of the first cohort of the Legio 1 Baltimaria. My name is Xanthus. We are the descendants of those who landed here after what you call the Last Day. Our territory is by the swamps and not too far from Neighfolk Navy Base. We tend to avoid there though as those who remain are what you call ghouls, and often no longer equine in mind.”

I nod to him and he sits down. Then the final person stands on her hind legs, with her foretalons on the table edge. She introduces herself, “I am Daphne, the XO of the Baltimare Talon company. We are currently contracted with Baltimare Aircoil to assist in their defenses.”

After she says this, she sits down again. This time Bottom Line speaks again, “OK, now that that is out of the way, what do you want?”

This time I smile as I tell him, “Well, the reason we are here is to find out what you want, and how we can help to keep you in the fight. We do not all need to like each other, but we need to understand that we are all threatened by the Enclave.”

They all look at each other and nod their heads, and then the talks begin. They last for the better part of four hours. However, when they are finished, they better understand what we are bringing to the table, including Queen Chrysalides and her resources. I find it interesting that by the end of the meeting, they have begun to make long-range plans, especially after hearing about how Manesville has blended the Militia there into their regular defensive plans.

It is still dark when we leave, but we both know the night is getting short. During the flight, Chrysalides asks me, “Is it true what you said?”

“All of what I said is true, but what part?”

“About the concept of naming a training camp after one of your fallen soldiers.”

I solemnly nod my head, “Yes. We named the one at Manesville Camp Quick Trot after the Major who led our Expedition Force into Red Eyes army’s rear areas. She was killed along with most of her officers at a supposed surrender ceremony. But she is remembered for her skill and bravery.”

As we fly in the dark, I see her put a hoof under her chin as she thinks. “Perhaps we could do the same thing. It would make sure he was not forgotten.”

I smile sadly in the darkness as we continue and I nod my head. “Perhaps you could your highness, now there is the settlement,” I let her know as I point a hoof and begin my descent to land. Right now, I feel tired, emotionally, and physically. While I do not want to admit it, that mind scan earlier had tired me out a bit more than I had expected.

Once we land, she continues to the stable and her quarters, while I return to the building we are using for a barracks. Once there I talk with Ginger briefly and then I find my way to a bed. Climb into it and pull the blanket over my head. As I fall asleep, I think of my Paperwork back home and how much I miss him. Soon, hopefully, soon we can get home again, I think to myself as the darkness overtakes me and I find myself in the land of dreams again.


Rainbow Dash Skyport, Enclave Territory, Lunar Republic: Ball Lightning

As I make my rounds of the guard post that my company is responsible for, I find myself looking out into the early dawn light at the buildings that are nearest to our fence. I do worry sometimes at how close they are and how an enemy could use them to screen movements or as cover for an attack against this portion of the base.

While it does not happen often, we do still have the occasional uprising against us, or a lone shooter taking potshots at our people. Amongst the wreckage and debris, I can see some scavengers picking through what is left. While most of the time they pick something up, examine it, and toss it back down, occasionally one can be seen to become slightly excited and placing the item in their saddlebags.

I watch them for a bit more before asking the guards there, “Have you had any troubles from the locals today?”

“No sir. Every so often at night we might have a couple who get rowdy, but on this part of the perimeter they are pretty quiet.”

I nod my head, “Good, glad to hear it. If you need anything for your post, let your squad leaders know and pass it up the chain.”

As I leave the guard post, I look one more time at those scavers over in the ruins and think of how the young ones once survived like that. I catch myself sighing as I wish I could do more, but know I cannot. I look up into the sky in the direction of Thunderhead and I wonder what things would have been like had the great war never happened.

My thoughts continue along this line as I finish inspecting my troops positions. I speak here and there to them and find myself grinning when I have a couple of the younger troopers ask me how my wife and the family are doing.

But as all good things they must end as I arrive at my company headquarters. There I see my clerk waiting for me by my office door.

“What’s up, Sarge?” I ask.

“Sir, Battalion CO says he needs to talk to you, sir.”

I find myself sighing again as I put the hat that I had just taken off back on and I head back out the door for the main terminal building where Lieutenant Colonel Full Bright has his office.

As I enter the terminal, I quickly pass through the main traders’ hall. I smile and wave at Alizée and Savannah as I pass their shop. I really do appreciate the way Alizée has taken her under her wing and is training her to run the shop. That and Savannah really feels like she is doing something important which is important for a hen as she reaches maturity.

Once I reach Full Bright’s office, his adjunct has me wait briefly before allowing me to go in to see him.

As I enter, I notice another officer sitting off to the side. He drew my attention when he nodded as I entered. From his uniform, I can see that he is a Public Affairs Officer. Though he is not from our chain of command. This gets me to raise an eyebrow in curiosity.

“Take a seat Captain.” The Colonel tells me. Once seated he continues, “Let me introduce you to Major Byline from the General Staff.”

I nod at him and then the Major. “A pleasure Major,” I tell him noncommittally.

“A pleasure to meet you as well Captain. The Colonel here has filled me in a bit about you and your family. In fact, that is why I am here. For you and your family. Your paperwork for formal adoption of the ground-born orphans has come to the attention of some very high ponies, and it is felt that it would really help our cause if we were to film your formal adoption as well as their taking the oath of citizenship for one of the next Flight Pathe news reels. With you and your wife’s permission, we would also like to interview your family for some news bites we can broadcast to others down here to help them understand we are only here to help them.”

I fight the urge to raise my eyebrow again and simply shift my ears to acknowledge I understand his question.

I then reply, “While that sounds good to me, I would like to discuss it with my wife as well.”

Major Byline, then tells me, “Please make sure she knows that this is highly encouraged by the leadership of the Enclave, and as a good citizen you both should be ready to jump on board with it.”

I am not sure if it is his tone or the implied threat that does it, but I feel my ears wanting to slide back slightly but am able to disguise it as a motion of agreement.

“Ok, good. Now, just so you know, as this is of personal interest to the President, she will be conducting the ceremony herself. Oh, and we will need your entire family to be ready the morning of it. We will be having one of our loyal unicorns casting the cloud walking spell for the non-fliers in your family.”

This surprises me and I nod my head slowly before I ask, “So we will be taking my family to Thunderhead for this ceremony?”

“Ah, but of course. Where else is better to show the glory of the Enclave and how much we welcome our new citizens, than in one of our great cloud cities.”

Again, I nod my head and shift my ears in understanding and agreement. Then I ask, “Ok, when will we be doing this?”

This time my commanding officer answers, “It should be in the next couple of days. For security reasons, we will be informing you and your family on short notice.”

“I understand sir,” I tell him, and part of me does. But part of me also realizes I have no choice. But I will coach Sundancer on it so we can keep it on the down low.

That evening while we are having dinner at our cargo container home near the gate for the Volunteer Corps station, I give my family the news about our having been officially okayed for the adoption, and about how we will be visiting Thunderhead. I purposely leave out any mention of the President, so that it cannot be leaked.

They all seem excited. Then Scout asks, “But sir, how about us non-flyers? I mean after all, we can’t just walk on clouds like you can.”

Sundancer answers for me, “That is a good question, Scout. I know that there are some Unicorns and Earth Ponies who live in Thunderhead. From what I have been told they can step off of the cloud pavement and walk on the regular clouds when they use either a cloud walking talisman or for shorter periods of time, they can have a cloud walker spell cast on them. However, that does not last for more than a day or two at a time from my understanding.”

“So, Ma, we really will get to see a cloud city?” he asks in wonderment.

She smiles back at him and tells him, “It sure sounds like it. Maybe I can even take you to visit my family. I know my parents would love you too.”

“Even me?” asks Savannah from down the table.

“Yes dear, even you. I am sure of that,” my wife tells her.

After this, we begin to talk about more mundane things such as what they have learned at the new school that the Volunteer Corps has started near the gate for any locals who want to attend.

They also talk about how they have a new lead on a possible site of salvage that they could recover and sell.

“Ok, but be careful if you do go for it. But remember, it has been there for over 200 years, it can wait a bit more, so maybe go get it after the ceremony, ok?”

“Ok sir, I will.” He tells me with a smile.

I worry about him and the others when they go out scavenging like that, but they are now putting their educations first and using scavenging as a way of making extra caps to buy what they want instead of depending on it to survive. I nod my head in reply and we continue with our meal.

Three days later I have just wrapped things up in my office when I get a runner with a message from the Lieutenant Colonel for me. I crack the wax seal, open it and read,

Captain Ball Lightning,

I have just received notice that tomorrow is the day we discussed previously. Have your family ready and outside my office by 0700. Transport to be arranged from there.

Lieutenant Colonel Full Bright

Command Officer 353rd Military Police Battalion

When I look up, I notice that the courier is still there and I tell him, “Please let the Colonel know that I understand and acknowledge the order.”

“Yes sir, thank you, Sir,” he tells me, then he exits my company HQ and takes off again.

I then call out for my company clerk and tell him, “Please have someone go and get Lieutenant Bulls-Eye for me, I need to see her as soon as possible.”

He nods his head and calls out, “Courier!” as I turn and head back into my office.

About a half hour later I hear the Lieutenant arrive. As she enters my office I tell her, “Lieutenant, close the door and take a seat.”

After the door is closed, I tell her, “Bullseye, I am leaving the company in your hooves tomorrow and possibly for the day after. I can not say why, but will tell you once I return.”

She nods her head and asks, “Is everything alright sir?”

“Yes, no problems, just some things I have to take care of.” After this I give her a quick turnover and once finished, we both head out for the night. On my way home I smile at how much my life has changed over the last couple of years. I never imagined having such a large family, nor did I imagine I would ever get to meet the President, much less twice.

Once home I begin to cook dinner as Sundancer has not returned from work yet. Soon I am joined in getting the meal ready by Scout and Little Bit.

Soon more of them arrive home followed shortly by Sundancer, with Scraps right next to her. She sees me and the others getting dinner and the table ready and smiles. “Thanks, dear, I really appreciate it. We had a couple of hard cases today.”

“No problem, dear, I have big news once dinner is ready.”

I see her raise an eyebrow and I nod. As I do this, I see the youngsters smile widely as they realize what I might mean. Once our meal is ready, we bring it to the table and take our seats. Once we all have our portions on our plates, we finally begin to enjoy our meal.

I have taken my second bite of mine when Sundancer asks, “Ok dear, what is the news?”

Grinning I tell her, “Tomorrow is the big day. We need to be at the Headquarters at 0700 so we can be transported up to Thunderhead."

I hear all the children cheer briefly then Sundancer tells them, “Ok, that means after dinner we have to clean everyone up and we get to bed early tonight.”

“Yes Ma,” they all chorus.

Come morning we get up early and are at the HQ ten minutes before we are scheduled. As we enter the Battalion 1st sergeant meets us, “Good Morning Captain. I can see you are all ready, please follow me.”

As we follow behind him, he leads us out of the main terminal towards one of the nearby hangers we use for transporting cargo and passengers between Thunderhead and here. As we approach, I notice a cargo Vertibuck going through its preflight checks. He leads us into the hanger and there we are met by Major Byline as well as two non-coms. Behind them are two more ponies in all-black suits with sunglasses on. They approach us first and they check us for weapons.

“Captain, all your families’ weapons will be returned to you when you come back. But for now, we need you to turn them in to us,” One of the ponies in black tells me.

I nod my head in acknowledgment and tell my family, “Ok everyone, you heard the stallion.”

I smirk to myself as I notice the discomfort on the face of the Secret Service ponies as we place what weapons we have on us on a table where an ordinance sergeant takes them and places them in a locker.

Once we are ready, I see a unicorn in an Enclave uniform approach. She tells us, ok, each of you non-flyers, please stand in line here. I will be casting a spell on you that will allow you to walk on the clouds when you get to Thunderhead.”

The children quickly get in a line next to each other and await their turn to have the spell cast. When she is done, she tells us, “I am done now. Remember, this is not a permanent spell.” Then she turns and walks away.

One of the secret service ponies speaks into a whisper mic and I hear the rotors begin to spin on the transport Vertibuck. Soon one of its crew ponies comes into the hangar and tells us all to follow them.

Once on board our transport we take our seats. I see the excitement on most of their faces. However, I do notice Scraps seems a little worried. As the ramp lifts into place reducing the noise I call to him, “You ok sport?”

He nods his head slightly then shakes it, “Sorry Pa, but I have never flown before and I am scared.”

Beside him, Lil’ Bit smiles and puts a wing around him, and tells him, “It’s ok, I was scared the first time I flew too. I am here for you, just like Savannah was for me.”

He nervously tries to smile and tells her, “Ok sis.”

Then we feel the aircraft lift off and spin as it flies toward Thunderhead. As we go, I hear the youngsters' ohs and ahhs. Though I do notice Scraps still looks slightly anxious.

After we enter the airspace around Thunderheads the pilot takes us for a flight around the main area of it, including where some of the local cloud farms are. When he sees this, I notice Scraps sits up a bit straighter and pays more attention to that than anything else.

Finally, we land at the Skyport for one of the local military bases. As we get off the aircraft I watch as the non-fliers in the family take their first tentative steps on the clouds. Then I watch as Scout all but bounces with glee on the clouds laughing like a little colt. He finally smiles at Sundancer and me and tells us, “Pa, I never imagined getting to do this. It is so Awesome.”

“I am glad you are enjoying it, son,” I tell him with a wide smile as well, then I notice a movie camera and crew have been filming our arrival. From one of the nearby buildings a pegasus flies over to us and tells us, “Follow me, please.”

As we go, I notice even Scraps has begun to bounce as he walks. Though Lil Bit tends to stay flying a bit more than normal.

Once inside we are taken to a room off to the side where we are told by Byline, “Ok, before we hold the ceremonies of perform the official adoption, we want to film your family as it visits various destinations in Thunderhead as well as having a brief lunch. So, if you would please follow me.”

Soon we are led to one of the large shopping malls that is also near a park. As we approach, we can see several mothers with their foals playing there. I notice that many of the pegasi seem fascinated in my family, however, I also notice that several mothers gently distance their children from mine.

As we approach those who are interested in us, begin to greet us and we greet them back. I also notice that another camera has been set up nearby and is filming this meeting.

I hear one of the young pegasi ask Scout, “Wow, an earth pony up here. Where are you from?”

Scout stands tall as he answers, “My siblings and I came from Hoofington, but we are being adopted and becoming citizens of the Enclave now.”

“Wow, you can do that?” another asks.

This time Patchwork answers, “Yep. We cannot wait to become members of the Enclave for real.”

I then hear another pegasi ask, “But why would you want to join the Enclave?”

This time Lil’ Bit answers, “Because the only ones to ever try and help us when we needed it was the Enclave. Papa found us and took us to the Volunteer Corps station and they gave us shelter and a hot meal plus let us keep a blanket even.”’

Scraps then adds, “It might not seem like much, but when you have nothing that was a blessing from the Goddesses.”

After hearing this exchange, I notice the camera and a sound boom had gotten closer and Byline is almost bouncing with joy.

We talk for a bit more with the civilians then Byline tells us, “Ok, we need to get going to keep on schedule.”

He then continues to film the goodbyes that follow and we are next led to the doors of the mall.

Once at the door, he tells me and Sundancer, “Before the ceremony we want your children to look their best. You are being extended credit to outfit each female with a dress and males with dress shirts, ties, and sweaters. Also, we will be filming you with several cameras to capture the children’s reactions to the mall. You will have an hour. After that, we will stop and get lunch then on to the City Hall for the adoption and citizenship ceremony.”

As we enter the malls the first thing, I hear is Savannah saying, “Wow, look at all these stores.”

Then I hear Scraps say, “Wow, it feels so nice and cool here. I wonder how they do that?”

“Oh, that is air conditioning,” Sundancer tells him, “We have it in most of the building in Thunderhead.”

“I wish we had it at home,” he tells her.

“So do I little one,” she tells him.

As we come to the first shop, I watch their eyes go wide with the number of products that are on display.

I then hear Savannah say, “So much of this looks almost new.”

This time a sales clerk approaches and tells her, “That is because it is new my young hen. As often as possible we produce new garments from raw fabric we have found or had stored away.” The clerk smiles brightly then turns to all of us and asks, “Can I be of assistance to all of you?”

Sundancer smiles back and tells her, “Yes, we would like to get a new outfit for each of our children. Would you have anything that might fit a young griffon hen?”

The clerk smiles, “Of course ma’am, we can do that. Let me see what we have in the back for her. While I am gone feel free to browse the rest of the racks for the others.”

While she is gone, we find an outfit for each of the others. She returns with two possible outfits in what seems to be the correct size even. The first is a bright yellow dress, the second is a light green blouse and a dark green skirt. Both are solid in color. I watch as she sees the skirt and blouse and I know which one she wants. She looks at it with wonder and asks, “Can I try it on?”

“But of course, you may. The fitting rooms are just this way.”

Once she is dressed, she comes out and stands on her hind legs and extends her wings as she says, “Ma, Pa, it's so beautiful, can I have it, I never have had anything so nice.”

I look at it and nod my head, “Of course Savannah.”

Byline then approaches again and tells us, “Please have the children put on their new outfits. It will look much better for the newsreel.”

The kids excitedly change into their new outfits. I notice Sundancer is wearing her Volunteer Corps Jumpsuit while I wear my uniform and I ask Byline, “Would you like either of us to put on some good civilian clothing?”

He shakes his head, “No, actually you two are dressed perfectly for this. It really highlights how the two Enclave organizations that most of the mudpuppies are going to come across are there to help.”

I notice his use of the slur for groundsiders and while I am slightly offended by its use, I know I dare not say anything so I simply nod my head in agreement.

After the kids are all dressed, we make our way over to the food court of the mall. It is an open-air one with the sun shining down on us. The place is more busy than normal, but that happens sometimes. I enjoy watching the youngsters try and make up their minds on what they want to eat. I am just glad that the camera crew is giving us some room for our meal at least.

As we eat, I find it interesting to see how careful the youngsters are to not get food on their new clothes. It seems they are all very proud of them.

After the meal, we are taken to the City Court House, where we are taken inside, and again the cameras are present as we all stand before the judge with our lawyers as the judge again goes over the petition for adoption.

From the bench, he looks down upon us over the top of his eyeglasses. He then asks, “Captain, Misses Sundancer, you do realize how unusual this request is, and the extra responsibilities and cost that come with it?”

“Yes, your honor, we understand and we agree to the conditions of adoption,” I tell him.

He looks at Sundancer who is standing beside me and asks her, “And you madam?”

“Yes, your honor, we both fully understand.”

“Good,” he says, “That means I can in good conscience sign this.” He then signs the paperwork. Looks at all of our children then us. “You are now officially their parents and guardians. Congratulations.”

We exchange hugs with our children, then we are led to our next stop. The Enclave Regional Government building.

Once there I hear Scout ask, “Sir why are we coming here? Couldn’t we just have done our oath of citizenship at the courthouse?”

Before I can answer Byline from behind the camera asks, “Young stallion, has your father not told you who is going to administer your oath yet?”

“Uh, no sir, he has not. Why?”

Byline looks at both me and my wife and then him and tells him, “You have a very special officiating offer who will give you the oath. But let’s wait until we are inside.”

We enter another large room that is like a courtroom. There is a podium up at the front of it. Behind the podium hangs the flag of the Enclave. In each corner of the room behind it are worn flags from the old nation of Equestria.

Byline has us all enter and the kids all take a seat before the podium with me on one end of the row of seats and Sundancer on the other. The two secret service type ponies take up positions by the door.

Byline then has his ponies set up two cameras so that they can get a good angle without catching the other camera crew. Once they are finished, he talks to one of the ponies in black. I watch as they talk into a whisper mic set and then we see a door from the front and side of the room open. Off to the other side of the room, I see my father in a business suit next to Sundancer’s parents. All are smiling.

Out of the door first comes four more of those ponies in black. Once they are all out and in position to guard the room, I see two more come out followed closely by a mare who has a light blue coat, with a blue-green mane and tail, that is wearing a dark blue business suit. She is wearing a serious expression on her face as she comes into the room.

She looks at all of us in the room, and when she sees our children, she smiles and tells them, “It is a pleasure to meet you, children. I am President Winter Breeze.”

Scout, as our oldest stands up and tells her with a still surprised expression on his face, “Madam President, we are surprised and humbled. Oh, and I am Scout.”

She smiles at him and tells him, “A pleasure to meet you, young stallion.”

She then is formally introduced by each of our kids as they in turn stand and tell her their names. She has a bit of chit-chat with each of them about their education and what is being done for schooling at the Rainbow Dash Skyport.

After she has talked to the last of them, she then says, “All of you future citizens of the Enclave, please stand and raise your right hoof… or foretalon and repeat after me.”

They all follow her orders and then repeat the oath of citizenship for the Grand Pegasus Enclave. Once she is done, she tells them, “Congratulations, you are now officially members of the Enclave. I look forward to great things from all of you, just like your father and mother.”

After this, she leaves the room One of her security guards approaches me and tells me, “The President would like to talk to you before you leave.”

I am very surprised by this but nod my head and tell my family, “I will be right back.”

I follow him into the back room and I find the president behind a desk. She looks up and tells the others, “I want only one of you guards to remain in here with me for this meeting. The rest, you know where I am.”

Once the others have left, she looks at me and tells me, “Captain, This war, while it has been going well for us, it has revealed a certain, how shall a say this?” She pauses with a hoof under her chin, then says, “A certain lack in our ways of communicating with our opposition. I need a back door channel to the president of the NCR. I also know that a certain group that you are familiar with has had connections with her and we know approximately where they are.”

I shake my head unsure of who she means at first. She looks at my confusion and says, “Really Captain, you must remember the wild pegasus who visited you in the hospital. I know I was surprised when I read the report.”

At first, my heart speeds up thinking I may be in trouble, but then I realize what she is asking me. “Sorry ma’am, it took me a minute to realize you meant Sunset Water and the Repair Ponies. Yes, ma’am. We are on opposite sides, but I do believe there is mutual professional respect.”

She nods her head, “Good. I am glad to hear that you understand me. Soon I may need you to open this back door for me. I will let you know when. I am sure you understand Captain.”

“Yes ma’am, I do.”

“Good, Captain, with that, I will let you return to your family. By the way, congratulations on your adoption of them. This is exactly what we need to help win the hearts and minds of those down below. That is part of why you have drawn my attention. But Captain make sure you do not place yourself in danger unnecessarily. Your wife does not need to be a widow, especially with that large of a family depending on you.Dismissed.”

“I will be as careful as I can ma’am,” I tell her and give her a salute which she returns and I am escorted back to my family.

Once with them we are approached by Byline for one final thing. “Ok, everyone, before we take you back to the RDS we would like to have you sit down for an interview with the radio host for Radio Free Equestria, Hallowed Dreams.”

“Okay sir, lead on, “I tell him and we follow him through the streets of Thunderhead to the local radio studio. By this point, I am just looking forward to getting it done and returning home. As we go, our parents walk with us and we continue to talk about the kids. It is amusing to see both of Sundancer's parents as they finally get to know all their new grandchildren. But honestly, I am even happier with my father and how he keeps talking to the ones they are not talking to at the moment and keeping them engaged as he points out things we are passing to them or listens to them talk about something that catches their attention.

Once we arrive at the studio they head on their own way while we go inside and conduct the interview. I will say there were some parts of the interview that surprised me, but I am proud of how the kids behaved for it.

Finally, it is starting to get late in the day when we are taken back to the base. Once there we are able to catch a ride back down to the RDS where we stop at the main merchants’ hub to get some dinner before heading back home.

As we are tucking the youngsters into bed. Lil’ Bit tells me, “Thank you Papa for adopting us.”

“You’re welcome, dear,” I tell her. Then I ask, “So what did you think of it up there?”

“Oh, it was nice and all, but Pa, this is home. But it was a good day.”

I smile at her and I tell her back, “Yes it was a good day, now sleep well.” I then kiss her on her forehead and once we have all of them tucked in, I smile at them in their beds, then turn out the lantern. Yes, it was a good day.


Good evening all you Wastelanders out there. That last song was Fly Like You being sung by Velvet Remedy. We have a lot to talk about on tonight’s show as well as plenty more music for all of you. So just hang on tight and we will be getting to the music after these brief messages and news.

For those of you in the Baltimare area, it seems that all those goodies falling out of the sky are not from the Enclave, but are from our friends in the NCR. Some friends. We need a hoof and they kick us a bag of stuff and tell us to take care of it ourselves. Well, that’s politicians for you.

In other news it seems several of the local tribes and settlements have begun to hold talks to organize a centralized local government. This comes in the wake of accusations of a massacre of Enclave soldiers and members of the Volunteer Corps by hired hooves from the NCR. More to come on this as news rolls in.

Speaking of tribes and settlements, remember that the Baltimare Aircoils are the premier producer of pipe weapons as well as stills in the Baltimare region. They are open for trade Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays each week and vendors are welcome to set up a booth or blanket at the market there.

We will be back with more news and views you can use after the next five in a row, starting with Chasing Fate.

Chapter 42: Through a Looking Glass

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Chapter 42: Through a Looking Glass

“It’s not a bad idea.” “It’s a terrible idea,” Oi said. “It just has the advantage of being better than the other option.” ― John Scalzi, The End of All Things

Baltimare, NCR Disputed Territory: Ginger Snap

For three days and nights, we survey the Ministry hub before Choo decides we are going to make our move the next night. The Fixers are going to be our backup for this one.

In the background, I hear one of the locals tuning in on a radio station. I recognize the familiar martial music as that of the Enclaves Radio Free Equestria, it is funny to me that they choose that name out of all the ones they could have used.

I hear the now familiar voice of Hollowed Dreams saying, on tonight’s show I have some special guest. They are among the first ground-borns that have become full Citizens of the Grand Pegasus Enclave, and here with them are their two adoptive parents Ball Lightning and Sundancer.

When I hear these names, my attention is drawn. Then I hear a voice I recognize, Thanks for having us on tonight, Sir.

No, thank you and your wonderful family for coming. Now for those who are wondering Ball Lighting is an officer with our armed forces and his wife Sundancer is a member of the Volunteer Corps. They are also expecting their first natural-born foal in addition to having adopted all these youngsters. Among which are a unicorn and earth ponies as well as a ground-born pegasus.

I notice Sunny turn his head towards the radio and smile, then shake his head. So, I ask, “What’s so funny?”

“Well, being they used his name and admitted he is in the military, he can no longer go undercover. Oh, and I am surprised at them adopting too.”

“Yeah, I can understand that,” I tell him.

Then I hear Epona say, “Wow, I knew he was cute, but I did not realize just how much of the father type he is.”

I soon hear another voice over the radio, this time it is a young filly after being asked why she wanted to be an Enclave citizen.

Because the Enclave were the first ones to actually care about us. First Pa saved us and made sure we got to the Volunteer Corps office. They gave us a warm bed that night, some hot food and let us keep the blankets so we could keep warm. All the others we ran into in the Hoof just treated us like scraps.

Hey sis! Don’t use my name like that.

Sorry Scrap. I didn’t mean it that way. But you remember that night too.

I hear him sniffle a bit, then the young colt says, yeah sis I do, thank the goddesses for Pa, Ma, and Miss Alizée and all the Volunteers with the VC.

Hollowed Dreams then asks, Who is this Miss Alizée you mention?

Oh, she is a merchant at the Rainbow Dash Skyport. She helped to take care of us before Ma and Pa could. She is also teaching our big sister Savannah how to run a store.

Interesting, now Savannah, what makes a young hen like yourself want to join the Enclave? Hallowed Dreams ask smoothly.

Well sir, like my siblings I have to say that the members of the Enclave were the first ones to treat us like we meant something to them. They cared about us and are giving us the tools to make our lives better. Tools like how to read and write. How to do math, and even how to understand magic and science a bit.

That sounds like a lot of good things that you are learning and can use to go forward in life. He tells her.

We continue to listen to the interview of the family as we are preparing for the mission. Then we hear a bit of a ruckus coming from outside.

I am just about ready to go see what is going on when I hear a stallion’s voice call out, “Hey princess, good to see you again.”

“You too Mort. how was the trip in?”

I step out and see another team outside the barracks. The leader of which is talking to Choo. I first notice his red mane and tail as well as the light blue coat he has sticking out from his uniform. Then I notice the scar on his face that goes over one eye. In reply to Choo’s question he answers, “Oh, you know how it is just dropping in on some pony. Oh, by the way, we made contact with a couple of settlements on our way here since the other night. We also ran into the Steel Rangers. They have a pretty good size base over there. Might be a good idea for some of us to try and recruit them to our side, if possible.”

“Yes, we probably should do that, perhaps in a day or two. We have an op lined up for tonight already.”

I notice Mort’s eyebrow raise and he moves his ear in a questioning manner.

“Mort, let us get your troops some bunks and a hot meal. After that, I will give you a quick rundown of the lay of the land and what mine and Mudwing’s teams are planning for tonight.”

“Sounds good Princess, by the way, who is this little filly over here listening to us?”

Choo nods in my direction and tells him, “Mort, this is my second in command Ginger Snap, but usually we call her Cookie.”

“Your second in command and I haven’t met her before?”

“She and a part of the team were on a job down in Hoofington when we met you. But she and those who were with her are veterans too.”

He looks around nervously, then quietly asks, “So, uh Princess, does she know about the doorway?”

I find myself laughing at this and he looks indignant. Then Choo tells him, “Yes, she and those who were with her have all been through it. In fact, her sister came from the other side.”

He looks surprised, “Really?”

I nod my head, “Really. She came through just under ten years ago, and believe me things were different on her side of the doorway.”

As I am saying this, Epona comes up and I hear her say, “Sis, did you mention the doorway?”

I nod my head and tell her, “Yeah, Mort and his team were the ones with Choo while we were in the Hoof.”

“Ah, ok, that explains why you mentioned it then.”

I nod my head as Twinks and the others had told us all about having gone through without us and what it was like on the final day. That had to have been a mess I think to myself. Then I tell Choo, “We are almost ready Boss.”

As we enter the barracks with Mort and his team behind us, Mort sees Morning Mist and tells him, “Hey, I got a letter for you from Love Tap.”

Morning is really surprised but grins and asks, “Really? Thanks, Mort.” After this, he turns slightly and says, “By the way, it is good to see you again Smiley.”

I finally really look at Mort’s team and I notice a very somber-looking forest green stallion with an unusual mixed light and dark green mane that circles his head rather than following down his neck. That is followed by my noticing how his horn is not shaped like a typical unicorn horn and that he has what looks like armor on his back and a tail like a donkey’s. As I look at him with what must be a surprised expression on my face, he calmly tells me, “If you are wondering, I am a Kiren.” He pauses as much for as effect as anything else before he continues, “There are not many of us who wander the wastelands, so I am sure I am the first you have met.”

I nod my head in agreement and then I hear my husband say, “A pleasure to meet you, Smiley. Just call me Xochitl or Flower.”

He nods his head solemnly and replies, “You as well.”

After this, the three teams make introductions as we finish preparing for the raid on the MWT Hub. When we tell them where we are going, I notice the Troubleshooters all seem a bit surprised. I even hear one of them asks, “You sure you want to go with only two teams?”

“Well, a third team would be nice, but we are ready to go already and we would have to adjust our plans.”

“Yeah, I get it. Best not to cause any extra confusion.”

Shortly afterward we head out for the raid. The Repair Ponies first with Xochitl leading on point and the rest of us in our normal staggard two-column road march formation. Behind us are the Fixers. And after them, we have a ten-changeling team who will provide security outside as we enter.

We maintain this marching order until we are only a few blocks from the Hub. Choo calls for a halt and we begin to shift to our fire teams to get ready for the assault.

As I peer ahead of us, I see two pegasi in their power armor as I had expected. What I had not expected is what looks like a security ponitron behind them. After I see it through the scope of my SIR, I use the whisper mic to let the others know what I am seeing.

Choo replies, “Stick to the plan.”

“Roger, boss,” I reply quietly.

Once Mudwings teams are in the overwatch position and the Changelings in a quick response one, Choo calls over the radio, “Raider Team One Go! Go! Go!”

As we burst from cover and gallop at the guards, I see a rocket fired by one Mudwings team soar over us and hit near the robot. While it does not seem to damage it, the blast knocks it over, and it struggles to right itself as it also fires pulse MEWs at us.

One of which hits me in my barding and I hear it sizzle as it tears its way into the barding, but fortunately for me it does not penetrate all the way. However, the surprise of it causes me to stumble and I slide across the ground a bit before recovering my hooves just at the barriers.

As I get up, I look over the barriers and see that both guards are down as well as the robot. I also see the rest of my team is still moving forward. I look back and see half of the Fixers running up to the barricades as the others are on overwatch. I jump the barricade and run to catch up with my team as they make it to the main entrance of the MWT Hub.

From inside I can hear excited yelling as well as what sounds like furniture being tipped over. We wait briefly as we reorganize. Behind us, I can hear the Fixers coming as well as the changelings coming up.

Once in place, Choo gives the order to go again and we rush through the doorway into a large open lobby. As we enter, I see several turrets turn toward us.

This is why Choo had our team go first. We all have a PipBuck with its Stable-Tec Arcane Targeting Spell. I call out, “Sunny Xochitl Epona, target those Turrets.”

I hear Choo ordering the others to engage those who are behind a rough barricade of furniture near a door that says, “Administration offices.

As we begin to fire and take them out the other fire team passes us and heads across the lobby and to the next door that has a sign near it pointing down the hall that says Research and Development, with an arrow pointing in that direction. As we run to catch up with them, I hear the Fixers mopping up those behind the barricade, securing the lobby behind us.

So far so good. We have taken no casualties yet and we have secured the best way into the building. As we pass down the hallway, we pass several offices with doors either open or knocked off their hinges. It seems strange, but I notice that there are no corpses in here so far. The Enclave had to have really gone through this place and cleaned it up, I think to myself.

Soon we come to a stairwell next to an elevator. Xochitl opens the door to the stairwell and performs a quick scan. He turns back to us and tells us, “Looks clear, but the stairs only go down.”

Choo looks at us and tells us, “Quick check for wounds or injuries. Then we continue.” She then gets on her PipBuck and calls back to Mudwings, “Raider Two, this is Raider one. We are proceeding underground it seems. I will report back to you if we find it.”

Over our radios, we hear, “Roger Raider One, Raider Two out.”

Choo then looks back at us and asks, “Any injuries that need treating?”

We all tell her no and before she says anything else she looks at Twinks who shakes her head no. Then Choo tells us, “Ok Flower, lead us down.”


MWT Hub, Baltimare, NCR Territory: Xochitl

Underground again. Goddesses how I hate going underground, I think to myself as I reopen the door and begin to go down the stairwell with my carbine at the ready.

Tonight has been a mess from the beginning if you ask me. Our preps got disrupted by the new arrivals. Then we had that unexpected robot at the barricades. Now we must go down when we had expected to be going up in the hub. I am just beginning to wonder how far when I notice a faint beam of light reflecting off the dust near the bottom of the stairs.

I hold up a hoof and check it out to make sure it is only a beam of magical light and not a curtain. I have Danger come up and once she is done examining it, I step over it carefully and continue into this level of the building.

Ahead of us, I see several doors leading to labs and offices. As I approach one of them, I hear a voice say, “Well, I know I would not want to be hit by this thing.”

“Other than the obvious, why not?” another voice asks.

"Well, it seems that this long arm was designed, not to kill, but to blind, well at least according to the files on this computer.”

As I listen to the exchange, I hold up a hoof to signal the others to stop. Then I signal with my ears that we have hostiles ahead of us.

“Why would we want something that only blinds somepony?” the second voice answers.

The first replies in an exasperated voice, “Who knows? Maybe it would cause a strain on their medical systems. You know having to lead the blinded pony out of danger and then all the extra resources needed to take care of them. Sort of like using weapons that were mainly to wound not kill.”

“Well, I guess Research Paper, but still.”

“Particulate Floater, are you sure you want to work in the field recovery branch of R&D? I mean I could arrange for you to be transferred somewhere else.”

As they are arguing Double Back and Morning Mist both come up to join me. This is the weapon we were sent to recover. However, we are also to see what else we can grab or destroy as well.

The three of us are just about ready to make our move when I hear the one they call Research Paper call out. “You, in the hallway, who are you and what are you doing here?”

We all raise our weapons as Ginger calls out, “Hooves in the air or your dead ponies.”

Just then there is a flash of magical light and suddenly Double Back starts to yell “I can’t see. My Eyes, I can’t see!” as he drops his rifle from his mouth and rubs his eyes with his forehooves.

Morning Mist empties a magazine into the offending pony. I am just about to pull the trigger when the Enclaver yells out, “I surrender.”

I rush over and cover him as Morning Mist checks him for weapons. As we do this, I hear Choo telling Twinks, “Pour some of that healing potion onto his eyes and be quick about it.”

I still hear Double Back screaming as she does this and I want to see more of what is going on, but I am still covering Morning Mist with the prisoner.

Then I hear some words I wish I had never heard from Epona in one of the other labs, “Boss, get in here you are going to want to see this, and pronto.”

As Choo trots over to the lab I hear her say, “Ok, what is the big deaa... Oh, Buck! Where did they get a Doorway?”

About this time, I hear an alarm sounding in the facility as we first hear the screeching of a metal door opening. Then we hear over the radio, “Choo, one of my people found some controls for several doors that will allow both teams to work our way out through the loading docks.”

“Roger Raider 2,” then she pauses in her reply as we all hear the now familiar sound of ferals. “Raider 2, have them close that door quick!”

Behind us, I hear what I now realize is an Enclave scientist and salvager exclaim, “Oh dear Celestia, they just opened the shelter for this hub. We were afraid to go in there after we saw the camera footage of all the ghouls. We need to get out of here quick.”

Then I hear over the intercom, “Attention all personnel, unauthorized personnel have been detected in the building. Security has been activated and deadly force is authorized. Have a good day.”

Ghouls and robots, that is not good. Then I hear Cowlick’s mg open up. I quickly turn my head and I see him backing up towards us and yelling, “Big Blue, they have cut us off.”

Over the radio, I hear Mudwing call out, “Raider one this is Raider two, we have more company up here, you need to fall back now.”

“Raider Two, this is Raider One, we can not comply, our egress route has been cut off.”

From another hallway, we can hear the ghouls getting closer. But we also hear the robots firing on the ghouls.

We are all being driven into the lab Choo then tells Twinks, “Fire up that doorway, it may be our only way out.”

As we begin to make a fighting withdrawal toward the lab with the Doorway, I begin to hear it start up. The surviving Enclave prisoner moving with us more in fear than of obedience. As we move, I hear him holler in a near-panicky voice, “What do you mean fire up the doorway? What is it?”

As he asks this, I hear Days End yell to him, “Just shut up and you will find out, but you best stay with us.” Just as he says this, I see him take a MEW beam across his cheek. He yells in pain and I watch as he fires several shots with his combat shotgun at the offending robot.

The robots that are fighting us are pressing us hard. I suddenly get hit by a bolt of lightning from one of the robots. As I hit the ground in pain, I feel somepony grab my collar and drag me into the lab. Right after this Cowlick runs into the room, tosses something behind him, and hits the wall controller to close the door. He then calls out, “Everyone down,” which is followed by a loud explosion with the windows on that side of the room shattering into spiderwebs, but not giving way as the force of the explosion hits them. Then we hear the roar of the ghouls renew.

From the next room, I hear the now familiar sound of a controlled portable portal as it starts and begins to run up to full power. Then I hear Twinks call out to Choo, “Big Blue, it is almost ready, we may want to give the coordinates I am setting to Mudwing or the others so they can find us.”

I look up as I hear Choo’s voice above me as she pours a healing potion down my throat telling Twinks, “Your right Danger, give me a second.”

“Ok, boss, it’s about ready, here are the settings,” then she reads them off.

Choo, then calls on the radio, “Raider two, this is Raider one, we are trapped by ferals and robots. We have several members down. We have found a Doorway and are going to use it to escape. Have Mort contact our friend Daring Do and give her these coordinates.”

“Roger Raider one, I am writing them down, but who is this Daring Do?”

“Raider Two, he will understand.”

By this time, we hear pounding on the door as ferals try to enter. I am just getting on my hooves when I hear the doors to the other side begin to open. I look up and the area on the other side of the door is overflowing with ferals and robots. We begin to fire into the doorway as we move back to the next room.

Twinks then yells, “It’s ready boss, best to get moving now.”

Once we are all back in the lab with the doorway, Choo tells us, “Sunny, you lead the way, Epona, Ginger, you are next. Those who can, help the wounded. I will go last.

As we go through the doorway, the last I see is Choo using her horn to rip shelving off the wall as well as cabinets and countertops to block the doorway.

Then I am staggering through the doorway. When I come out the other side, I am stunned as I reenter what seems to be a heavily wooded area. Standing before me I can see a well-built light blue earth pony stallion with a mixed main and tail, of light with dark blue stripes. I also notice that he is wearing glasses and is about our age.

I see him looking at Sunny with fear in his eyes and I hear him screaming, “Please don’t hurt me.”

And I see Sunny holding up his forehooves and telling him, “Relax, we are not going to. Just relax.”

Well, this is different I think to myself as I am bumped by Choo and I see the stranger's jaw drop and I hear him stutter, “It’s, it’s you, your still alive,” then he bows low and says, “Forgive me, your highness, I had not expected to find you.”


Cantersville, Baltimare District, NCR Territory: Choo Choo

“Your Highness, while I appreciate your offer, for our upcoming operation, I would prefer to keep it small, so maybe we could use a squad of your best changelings to support us, but keep the rest here.”

The changeling regent looks from me to Mudwing and back, then she tells, us, “If you insist, we can do so. However, I would still feel more comfortable with more of my people on standby.”

Mudwing answers her this time, “That would be fine your highness. But overall, I have to agree with Captain Choo on this.”

Queen Chrysalides nods her head and then asks, “So when do you plan on performing this so-called raid?”

Mudwing answers again, “That depends on what we see today. So far it seems that they have been keeping a few squads of troopers there to guard the place. That would allow us to focus the fight and blast through where they are in the building. If things have not changed, we will go the following night.”

“Hmmm, yes, that makes sense. Ok, but as I said, I want some of my subjects to be there to support you. This will also help to get them a bit more, spicy.”

“Yes, but I think you mean seasoned. However, I understand what you meant your highness.”

“Perhaps I should have my head of security attend these meetings.”

I find myself nodding my head then I tell her, “That would be good. However, I know that the Co-op that became the Manesville District felt it was best to separate the law enforcement elements from the military. Something about how the military was to protect the state and the other to serve and protect the citizens, and if you put the military as both they tend to begin to look at the people as possible enemies of the state. With that in mind, perhaps you should begin to have the militia become under one of your changeling's command.”

“But what about what you mentioned before about the militia becoming part of the regulars for the NCRA?”

I shrug, “In Manesville they were absorbed into the regulars during emergencies. I am sure it would end up the same for your people as well.”

Later that night we return from making our observations and I have seen that there have been no changes to the outer security setup. Part of me is really surprised at this, but I will not complain if they make our jobs easier.

As we enter the gate around the changeling village Mudwing asks, “Well?”

I nod my head, “As we agreed upon earlier.”

She nods her head, “Sounds good. Let us talk about it inside.”

I nod my head and while the rest of my team goes to relax in the bunkhouse, Mudwing and I head to the Village Constables office where the militia and security have set up their headquarters.

The next day in preparation for tonight’s raid, and after our briefing, Mudwing and I are finally heading back to the barracks to relax when we hear a commotion from the gate.

I have just arrived when I see Mort and I hear him call out to me, “Hey princess, good to see you again.”

I find myself smiling warmly at the old mercenary. Then I reply, “You too Mort. how was the trip in?”

In response to my question, he answers with a grin that reminds me of Colonel Milo, “Oh, you know how it is just dropping in on some pony. Oh, by the way, we made contact with a couple of settlements on our way here since the other night. We also ran into the Steel Rangers. They have a pretty good size base over there. Might be a good idea for some of us to try and recruit them to our side, if possible.”

“Yes, we probably should do that, perhaps in a day or two. We have an op lined up for tonight already.”

I can see our answer to his question surprises him as Mort’s eyebrow raise, he uses his ears to signal that he wants to ask a question.

“Mort, let us get your troops some bunks and a hot meal. After that, I will give you a quick rundown of the lay of the land and what mine and Mudwing’s teams are planning for tonight.”

“Sounds good Princess.” He tells me, then he turns to look at Ginger and asks, “By the way, who is this little filly over here listening to us?”

“Mort, this is my second in command Ginger Snap, but usually we call her Cookie.”

“Your second in command and I haven’t met her before?” he asks in surprise.

“She and a part of the team were on a job down in Hoofington when we met you. But she and those who were with her are veterans too.”

He looks around nervously, then quietly asks, “So, uh Princess, does she know about the doorway?”

He looks upset when Ginger laughs at his question so I tell him, “Yes, she and those who were with her have all been through it. In fact, her sister came from the other side.”

His eyes go wide and his jaw drops, “Really?”

Ginger moves her head in confirmation then tells him, “Really. She came through just under ten years ago, and believe me things were different on her side of the doorway.”

As she says this, Epona comes up and we hear her say, “Sis, did you mention the doorway?”

Ginger then casually tells Epona, “Yeah, Mort and his team were the ones with Choo while we were in the Hoof.”

“Ah, ok, that explains why you mentioned it then.”

Ginger then tells me, “We are almost ready Boss.”

As a group, we enter the barracks with Mort and his team behind us. Several members of both teams exchanging greetings. Including Mort hoof delivering a letter from Love Tap to Morning Mist.

Once this is done, I take Mort to another room and quickly explain what is going on, and where we are going. He nods his head and tells me, “Sorry we are too late to get in on the planning for it.”

I smile at him and shift my wings slightly as I tell him, “I know your team would be there to support us. Next time Ok, for this one we still have the Mudwing’s team as well as we are taking a team of the local militia for external security.”

He nods his head, then he asks, “So what can you tell me about these locals?”

“Overall, it is the typical stable survivors coming back topside to try and resettle. Though these ones are a bit different.”

He gets a skeptical expression on his face before he asks, “Different how?”

This time I find myself looking down briefly and my back hind hoof moving back and forth slightly like Moon Lilly does when she is in trouble. I hear him ask me again, “Ah, different how Choo?”

At the use of my name, I look up and I sheepishly smile as I tell him, “Well, they are changelings.”

He laughs and then tells me, “No really, stop pulling my hoof. Really how are they different?”

I shake my head and tell him as I shrug my wings, “, I am serious. They are changelings. However, they are a bit different than the ones from the stories. Their colony was loyal to Equestria and worked heavily with their intelligence branches as well. I have heard some of them talk about their hive working with the Ministry of Awesome on raids behind the Zebra lines.”

He looks dumbfounded and sits down hard. Then he says, “You're serious, aren’t you? Princess”

“Yes Mort, I am. A couple of the members of Mudwing’s team are from here originally. Most of the civilians you are seeing here are also members of the colony.”

“Well, I’ll be,” he says to no one with a tone of astonishment.

I nod my head, “We were surprised as well, but to be honest, this group is good people. Their queen is even working with some of the other settlements to form a more central regional government. We have discussed with her how it is done in Manesville and has proposed it to others as well.”

“Interesting, well, Let's head on over to the HQ and you can introduce me, Princess.”

Once I have introduced Mort to the head of security and the militia here, I head back to gather my team for the raid. As I arrive Ginger tells me, “We are ready to go when you are boss.”

“Very good. If the others are ready, we shall be on our way.”

Once the other teams have all gathered and are ready, I give the word, “Ok Raider Team 1, Flower, you take point. The rest, normal urban travel formation.”

With that, we lead out with the Fixers a short distance behind us and the changeling team taking the rear.

Once we are at our jumping-off point, I have my team shift to an assault formation by fire teams. As we do this, I notice the other two teams doing the same thing. Once ready, we move forward some and suddenly Xochitl calls me, “Big Blue, we have trouble. It looks like a Security Ponitron is at the barricades with the guards.”

“Stick to the plan,” I whisper over the radio.

“Roger, boss,” he replies quietly.

Once I hear Mudwing tell me her team is in position as well as the Changelings, I call over the radio, “Raider Team One Go! Go! Go!”

With that my people leap forward into action, bursting from cover and galloping at the guards. As we run a rocket fired by one Mudwing’s team flies past us narrowly missing the robot and knocking it over with the concussion. As it struggles to right itself it continues to fire pulse MEWs at us.

One of which hits Ginger, knocking her off her hooves. I feel a bit of worry as she stumbles and slides across the pavement stopping at the base of one of the barriers as I run and jump over it, still yelling at them “Move, move, move.”

I look back to check on the other teams and see Ginger has gotten up and has rejoined us. Behind her, I can see the other two teams running forward, one providing overwatch for the other, then shifting forward after they have reached us at the main entrance to the MWT hub.

Inside we can hear shouting as those assigned to this building for security hastily make new barricades out of furniture and whatever else they can pile between themselves and the main door.

Outside the doorway, as the others move up, I tell my people, “Ok, reform the stack and get ready for my command.”

As soon as this is done and the Fixers have reformed theirs, I turn and nod to Mudwing. She nods back and I give the order, “GO! GO! GO!”

My people and I move in the manner we have trained, “Heading for the opposite corner of the room while fanning out. As we run in, first the guards start to fire, then I see MEW turrets activate and begin to fire at us. I cast a quick defensive shield on those closest to me and I call out, “Sunny Xochitl Epona, target those Turrets.” As they engage them, I tell the others, “The rest of you fire on the run and suppress those guards.”

Ginger’s fire team all slow down and stop as they engage the turrets with their SATS. The rest of us keep running across the lobby toward a door that leads to the Research and Development section of the building. We stop and wait for Ginger and her fire team to catch up with us outside the door. As we are doing this I turn and see the Fixers clearing out the few guards left behind the barricade. This means we have secured the lobby and can continue.

I am feeling good at this point as it seems we have not taken any casualties and the best ingress and egress route into the building is secured. I give the word and we begin our trek down the hallway to find the weapons lab we have come for. It is frighteningly strange to me that as we move down the hallway, we pass several offices with the doors either open, or knocked off their hinges, but no corpses in here so far. I know I should be thankful, but it unnerves me slightly.

Soon we come to a stairwell next to an elevator. Xochitl does a quick sneak and peek into the stairwell after which he reports, “Looks clear, but the stairs only go down.”

I take a deep breath and slowly release it. Resettle my wings and as I look at them, I order, “Quick check for wounds or injuries. Then we continue.” Next, I use my PipBuck to call Mudwing to let her know our approximate location and where we are heading.

After hearing her confirm her understanding I ask my people, “Any injuries that need treating?”

They all answer they are ok, but I still confirm it with a quick glance to Twinks who lets me know that there are no injuries. So far so good, only a few unexpected twists I tell myself. Then I tell Xochitl, “Ok Flower, lead us down.”

He does so cautiously. We are reaching the bottom of a long set of switchback stairs that must have taken us at least two or three stories underground when suddenly I see him hold up a hoof and I hear him whisper over his radio, “I need Danger up here asap, I think I have a trip beam.”

I nod to her and Twinks advances from her position up to him. She nods her head and looks things over. Then I see her use her horn to cast a magic detection spell so she can make sure it is only a single beam of magical energy and not more. Once she is done, she tells him something that I do not hear and I watch him step carefully over it as he makes his way onto this level.

After him, as each of us approaches the beam Twinks is there, quietly telling us to watch our steps.

As we continue to advance down the halls of this level, we pass several labs and offices that are currently locked. But ahead we can see some with their doors open. Then, I hear two voices. Both are male but with slightly different accents to them.

The first voice says in what I recognize as a Thunderhead accent, “Well, I know I would not want to be hit by this thing.”

The other in a haughty accent that I think might be Neighvarroian asks, “Other than the obvious, why not?”

They then begin to talk about what the weapon does and why. As they are doing this Xochitl holds up his right forehoof to signal the others to stop. Then signals with his ears that there are hostiles ahead of us. He continues with his signals to let us know he sees two of them.

“Why would we want something that only blinds somepony?” the second voice answers.

As they are debating each other, I have Double Back and Morning Mist advance to join Flower. This way we can hopefully capture the two obvious Enclave researchers, as well as the weapon we came for.

I am just about to give them the go signal when I hear one of the researchers call out from the lab, “You, in the hallway, who are you and what are you doing here?”

My ponies raise their weapons and Ginger calls out, “Hooves in the air or your dead ponies.”

Right after she says this, I hear a brief buzz and see a bright flash of what must have been magical light. Right after this, I hear Double Back yelling “I can’t see! My Eyes, I can’t see!” I hear his rifle drop as Morning Mist empties a magazine into the offending pony.

I watch as Xochitl swings his rifle to shoot the other Enclaver who yells out, “I surrender.”

Xochitl and Morning Mist take him prisoner and pat him down for weapons. As they take him into custody, I tell Twinks, “Pour some of that healing potion onto his eyes and be quick about it.” Which she is.

He has just started to stop screaming when I hear Serendipity call to me from an adjacent lab, “Boss, get in here you are going to want to see this and pronto.”

I am curious about what she has found and I trot over her. As I enter the lab, I ask, “Ok, what is the big deaa... Oh, Buck! Where did they get a Doorway?” As I see it sitting idly in the corner of the lab. I begin to wonder to myself, just how many of these Celestia-blessed things were made?

I am just about to it when we all hear the security alarm sounding in the facility and red rotating lights begin to turn as a large metal door can be heard opening nearby. As it screeches open, we hear Mudwing say over the radio, “Choo, one of my people found some controls for several doors that will allow both teams to work our way out through the loading docks.”

“Roger Raider 2,” I reply as suddenly we all hear the howls of ferals. “Raider 2, have them close that door quick!”

This is followed by our prisoner exclaiming in fear, “Oh dear Celestia, they just opened the shelter for this hub. We were afraid to go in there after we saw the camera footage of all the ghouls. We need to get out of here quick.”

From the intercom, we hear a cheerful female voice say, “Attention all personnel, unauthorized personnel have been detected in the building. Security has been activated and deadly force is authorized. Have a good day.”

I know we are in trouble as this means that the security robots have been activated. Dear Luna and Celestia. Discord must love having fun with us I think as I hear the Ghouls and robots engaging each other not too far away. This point is brought home when I hear Cowlick open fire with his battlesaddle-mounted medium machinegun. Then I hear him yell out “Big Blue, they have cut us off.”

This is followed by Mudwing informing me, “We have more company up here, you need to fall back now.”

I call back and let her know we cannot and why. We shortly see the ghouls getting closer as they overwhelm the robotic guards nearest them.

Soon the combined three-way fight has us being driven into the lab. I then make a snap decision in desperation as I tell Twinks, “Fire up that Doorway, it may be our only way out.”

As the others of my team begin to make a fighting withdrawal toward the lab I am in, we can begin to hear the Doorway warming up. The hum of it agitates the ferals even more and causes them to press harder.

Soon Xochilt and the others are performing a fighting withdrawal in the hallway. I see first Morning Mist take a grazing shot to his face, then I see a lightning bolt from another robot hit Xochitl fully. I watch in horror as he drops to the floor and convulses briefly. I use my Mini gun to cover them as Days End uses his mouth to grab Xochitl’s collar and drags him toward the lab while using his horn to keep shooting.

Right after Days End and Xochilt make it inside the lab and behind a lab counter for cover, Cowlick runs into the room. As he does this he spins around, tosses a grenade behind him then triggers the wall controller closing the door. As he does this, he yells to us, “Everyone down.”

The explosion is only mildly impressive, but the windows on that side of the room shatter into spiderwebs, and I see pieces of robots and feral ghouls go flying clearing the hallway outside briefly. Then we hear the roar of the ghouls begin again as another wave of them makes their way toward the lab we are in.

I turn and look at the Doorway and I can see the pink color inside the frame begin to swirl and become cloudier. Then Twinks tells me, “Big Blue, it is almost ready, we may want to give the coordinates I am setting to Mudwing or the others so they can find us.”

At that moment I am treating Xochitl and answer her by saying, “Your right Danger, give me a second.”

“Ok, boss, it’s about ready, here are the settings.”

I try, not fully successfully, to keep my voice calm as I call Mudwing over the radio and tell her our status and to have her contact Mort with the Coordinate setting from the Doorway so that he can give them to Spiral Notebook to come get us.

After a brief exchange on the radio, I know we must get moving as we can all hear the ferals pounding on the door. I am afraid of one of them getting lucky and hitting the outside controller just right allowing them to get in. Almost as if just thinking it makes it happen the doors to the hallway begin to open. The area on the other side of the door is overflowing with ferals and robots. My team fires through the gap in the door as we fall back to the next room which houses the Doorway.

I hear Twinks call out, “It’s ready boss, best to get moving now.”

I can see that everypony is in this section of the lab and I know with our wounded we cannot withstand them so I make a final decision. I turn my head briefly and order, “Sunny, you lead the way, Epona, Ginger, you are next. Those who can, help the wounded. I will go last.

As they go through the Doorway, I use my horn to rip shelving off the wall as well as cabinets and countertops to block the access into this room of the lab.

While the doors are still holding, I hear a robot enter the room and I see them begin to open slowly as it forces them apart. Suddenly I hear loud growling and I see a feral unicorn's horn briefly flash and the robot flies to the side. The others have already gone through. I call out one last time to Mudwing, “Raider Two, this is Raider One, my people have gone through and I am following them. The Doorway is still open. We have been overrun by robots and ferals.”

“Roger, Raider One, we are being forced back by an Enclave Quick Reaction force ourselves we will send help as soon as we can. Goddesses speed and may the Great Egg bless you.”

Without thinking over the radio, I say, “May Celestia guide and Luna protect all of you too.” Then I turn and walk through the Doorway into another universe.

As I come out, I see my ponies have put their weapons in the easy position and are trying to calm a poor stallion in front of them down.

As I slowly approach them, I see the surprise on this new pony’s face as he stutters out, “It’s, it’s you, your still alive,” I watch as he bows low and says, “Forgive me, your highness, I had not expected to find you.”

I am taken aback by his doing this and I cautiously tell him, “Please rise. I am afraid I may not be who you think I am.”

I watch as he stands tall again. Shifts his eyeglasses and says, “But of course, you fit the ancient illustrations and the description of you Princess Luna.”

I hear myself sigh as he says this and I tell him, “Sir, unfortunately, I am not here. Though I have met her. You may call me Choo Choo.” I pause as I watch him think about what I said. Then I ask him, “Since you know my name, what shall I call you?”

I see him looking nervously at all of us. Then he adjusts his glasses with a forehoof before he cautiously answers, “It is a pleasure to meet you Choo Choo, my name is Argyle, Argyle Starshine.”


Rainbow Dash Skyport, Enclave Territory, Lunar Commonwealth: Ball Lightning.

“Good morning Alizée,” I tell the shopkeeper as Savannah and I walk up to the shop.

“Good morning, Captain, it is a pleasure as always to see you.”

“And you as well. If you do not mind, I may stop by later for tea.”

“No, I don’t mind. I always enjoy our conversations over a good cup.”

I then turn to my daughter and tell her, “Have a good day Savannah, I will see you later.”

I can see the smile in her eyes as she tells me, “Will do Dad. Now you best get going before your late for your morning meeting.”

I smile as we have both become used to this routine as I make my way to the battalion commander's office for our daily officer’s call.

The meeting seems to be going fairly normal until near the end when the Colonel tells me, “After the meeting I need to see you, Captain Lightning.”

My curiosity is raised more than anything, but I also feel a slight bit of fear of what went wrong that I don’t know about.

After the others leave, he has me close the door. Then he tilts his head as he looks at me and tells me, “Ball, what is it with you? Seriously. I have never had an officer keep getting grabbed for special details as much as you.”

“Sir?” I ask in confusion.

He straightens his head and tells me, “I have been told you are to report to Lt Colonel Sun Spot. While I do not know what for, I can only assume that once again you are being assigned a special detail.”

I am surprised and I tell him, “Sir, I am sorry about those other times. It even has been a couple of months even since my family and I did the dog and pony show when we adopted the kids.”

“Yeah, I know Ball. But it is aggravating. I need an officer in charge of your company I can trust and I know will be here when I need them.”

I find myself sighing, “Sir, I do understand. I would rather just stay with my company as well.”

“I am glad you understand son. And no, this will not go against your fitness report. However, it may go well for your platoon leaders, particularly that one you have, what is her name?”

“Bulls Eye Squall, Sir. Of my three lieutenants, she is the most competent.”

“Yes, I have noticed that. How long before she is eligible for promotion to Captain?”

“By the standard sir, about another year. With heavy casualties and the war, whatever the General Staff feels is appropriate.”

The Colonel nods his head to me, “Ok, well you best get going Captain.”

“Yes sir, I tell him. Then I give a brief salute and head on my way to the company HQ for a quick officers’ call with them before I make my way to the lone hanger that I have now become way too familiar with.

As I enter my HQ, I see my platoon leaders waiting for me. I give them a rundown of the orders of the day from the Battalion and when I finish, I dismiss them but tell Bulls Eye as she gets ready to leave, “Lieutenant, a word with you in my office if you don’t mind.”

As the others leave, she follows me into my office and I tell her, “Take a seat Bulls Eye, Coffee?”

She takes a chair across from me and tells me, “That would be nice sir.”

From the other room, I hear my clerk readying the coffee for us. Once he gives it to us, he leaves closing the door behind him. We both take a nice relaxing sip of it. Once she sets her cup down, I tell her, “I just wanted to give you a heads up that Battalion has noticed the quality of your work and it is appreciated.”

“Thank you, sir. It is good to hear. I know a lot of the brass does not care for us former enlisted.”

I nod my head then I quietly ask her, “How are things going with Funnel Cloud.”

I see a brief smile cross her face, “Sir, you know I generally do not talk about that as we have to keep it on the down low. But honestly, pretty good. Once he retires, we plan on making it official between us.”

I nod my head. “I understand. I am just glad to hear things are going well.”

She takes another sip of coffee and then asks, “Sir, I know you didn’t call me in here just for a cup of coffee and to chat, what’s going on?”

I find myself sighing and tell her, “I may have a possible detached duty coming up, so I wanted to give you a heads up so you weren’t blindsided.”

She smiles, takes another sip of her coffee, and tells me, “Captain, I really appreciate that, but if I see you heading towards that hanger over there, I already figure you are going to be gone for a bit. Funnel told me what he could about your previous outings.”

He really should not have even told her that much, but I let it slide. I know Funnel and if he trusts her this much, I can too.

We finish our coffee and she heads back to her platoon. After which I head over to the hanger. As I enter, I am met by Sergeant Major Funnel Cloud and Air Burst. I am a bit surprised and I guess it shows as Air Burst just shrugs his wings and tells me, “Good to see you again Ball. Any idea what this is about?”

I shake my head and tell him, “Not a clue, I did not even know you were dirtside again.”

To the side, Funnel says, “Well, there is a face I have not seen for a while.”

When I turn and look in the direction, he is looking I see Altocumulus approaching us. I quickly wave a wing at him and he trots over to us. Once the four of us are together I see Colonel Sunspot, with her fiery mane braided tightly this time. Her ever-present sunglasses hanging out of her pocket and with an expression of irritation on her face.

She lets out an exasperated huff and tells us, “Follow me.”

She leads us to a briefing room where we are told to sit down. Once seated she tells us, “Ok, we have a rapidly changing situation that has drawn the attention of the president, who thought you four would be the best for the job.”

I, as well as the others, are all taken aback by this. Then she continues. “Normally for these types of ops, we prefer to have more planning, however, there does not seem to be time for it.” She pauses then continues, “You are going to Baltimare. The Repair Ponies have been sighted there and the President wants you to contact them and to make a deal with them concerning our pulling out of our forces from the wreckage there. Our people currently control most of what is left of the downtown area, including the MWT Hub located there. The NCR has previously made raids there and we have since lost one of our top battlefield weapons research archeologists. If they have that pony, we want them back. Remember the President wants to pull our troops out of there, but negotiate for the best deal possible to allow us to do so.”

She continues and gives us a quick and dirty briefing about the units in the area as well as the local settlements which seem to have begun to band together in their efforts to fight us.

When she is finished, I see Air Burst raise a forehoof, “Colonel, is there anything special we should know about the threats there?”

“I have given you all the information I have. I am sorry I cannot tell you more. Go grab your kits and report back here in thirty minutes.”

We quickly begin to move. I send a message to Lieutenant Colonel Full Bright, letting him know I will be detached temporarily. Then as I get to my office, I grab my Get Out of Dodge City bag and kit. I send a quick message to Sundancer letting her know I am being assigned a special duty and will be back as soon as I can. Then I am off and running back to the hangar.

Once back we are loaded onto a vertibuck and are on our way to Baltimare.

We circle the wreck of the city as we approach it. Below us, I can see many old factories. Some of them are complete wrecks. Others, to my surprise, look to be almost functional and have settlements set up around them. I also can see the ruins of the old Neighfolk Naval base in the distance. I feel a quick chill as I remember the briefing mentioning how many there are estimated to have become ghouls.

Then we are over the downtown area and I see what must be the MWT Hub. On one of the upper stories there is a helipad sticking out and we land there.

We are greeted by a security detachment and escorted inside the administration wing of the Hub. Once there we are met by a Major from the regimental staff.

“Good afternoon. Thank you for arriving so promptly. We have requested a team to assist us in recovering one of our top researchers as well as to capture an NCR team of Rangers that have taken him.”

We all find ourselves nodding our heads and I wonder what has changed since I thought we were to meet with the repair ponies, not perform a search and rescue op.

He then says, “If you will watch this screen, you will see footage of the raid in which our researcher was captured.”

As I watch I see footage from several cameras of a team entering what looks to be a lab area. Then I see them exchange fire with a pony who goes down. As I watch I notice that there is a mule with them that grabs his eyes. Then I recognize the one they called Twinks running over to him and treating him. After a bit of time, I see one I believe to be one of the sisters that they called Epona leave the room. I then notice the big blue alicorn that is usually with them go into that room too. The camera switches and I see what can best be described as an empty mirror frame or doorframe that has several wires and devices connected to it. I watch the look of surprise and almost horror come over the face of the alicorn.

The camera image switches to another camera and I see rotating flashing lights begin and see all the ponies there looked surprised. I then watch as they engage in a fight with both robots and ghouls coming down the hallway towards them. Soon the camera switches and I can see they are cut off and they begin to fall back to a holding position in a lab.

The camera switches again and I am seeing inside the lab as some sort of cloudy glow comes from the center of the looking glass. Then I watch as the camera shows how desperate the fight is from the hallway. Another camera change and I watch as those in the lab begin to fall back into the lab with the looking glass and I watch them run through one side and nothing comes out on the back. I realize with a chill this is what the repair ponies had talked about. It is a Doorway. But how did one end up here?

I look over to the Major who simply pushes a button and the camera footage stops. He then tells us, “That footage was from a month and a half ago. We have just finished clearing out the last of the ghouls and robots. It seems that someone had opened the Hubs shelter for the staff while they were in there. Unfortunately, with the still high magical radiation levels in the shelter, it seems most of the Baltimare MWT staff had become ghouls on the last day.

With that said, other than a few ghouls running through whatever that device is, it has been running since. We were just about ready to try and send a team through when you arrived.

My team looks at each other and I hear Alto asks, “Well Ball, what do you think? Should we go rescue them?”

I find myself grinning. Then I tell him, “Sure.” I look at the Major and tell him, “Let us kit up fully and we will head to the Doorway. We already know what it is.”

“You already know what it is?”

“Yes. We're just surprised to find out there is more than one of these things,” I tell him.

Ten minutes later we are led to the lower-level labs and before us, I can see the pink-colored clouds swirling in the frame. I feel my heart speed up as I am very nervous about doing this, but in for a bit, in for a cap.

“Ok, I will lead us through,” I tell the others as I prep my carbine on my battlesaddle.

As I do this the others line up behind me and ready themselves too. Then I take one more deep breath. Think of my wife and our children. Then I take the first steps that will lead me to another universe.


Good evening to all of you listeners in the Baltimare region. We have a lot coming up for you tonight with news and views you can use as well as tunes to peruse.

In local news, it seems that the Enclave forces have brought in more troops to try and suppress our people. They have also set up a broadcast station here for their propaganda to try and turn us against the NCR.

We will also be having an interview with the leadership of the Baltimare Unified Defense Agreement about what it all means for us, the denizens of the Baltimare region. Hopefully, it will help clear things up for all of us.

Now a message from one of our sponsors, “Remember for the best stills and pipe weapons around go to the market of the Baltimare Aircoils. That’s right, Baltimare Aircoils, a settlement, trade hub, and more.

Now for our first song of the show, here is Between Two Worlds.

Chapter 43 Tribes, Fears, and Lessons Learned

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Chapter 43 Tribes, Fears, and Lessons Learned

“Once I falsely hoped to meet the beings who, pardoning my outward form, would love me for the excellent qualities which I was capable of unfolding.” ― Mary Shelley

The former territories of Equestria, Other side of the Doorway: Ginger Snap

As we all calm down and catch our breaths. We begin to asses our situation. I look around and I can see that we are in a heavily wooded area, but the grass is green. The sky above is blue and clear with a bright sun above. There seems to be no indication of the Great War having ever occurred here.

Suddenly from behind us, we hear a growling, and those in the back spin around and are getting ready to shoot as two ghouls take two steps out of the doorway and collapse dead.

“What the Buck?” I hear Morning Mist ask.

“I am not sure Morning, but it seems having come into this universe killed them.”

I watch as Sunny hops in the air to fly and suddenly lands face-first with his hooves and wings outstretched. He spits out some dirt and I hear him say, “Boss, somethings wrong. I can’t fly.”

“Are you sure Sunny?” she asks.

He is just sitting up and brushing himself off when she asks this. Then he tells her, “Why don’t you try? You know, just to make sure.”

I watch as she stretches her wings and flaps them as hard as she can with no success. She looks at us and asks, “Anyone else notice their PipBucks are no longer feeding them EFS?”

I hear from Cowlick, “Now that you mention it. I guess you are right. SATS won’t come up either.”

I cringe when he says this as I am afraid to ask what or who he tried to use his SATS on.

Then I hear Twinks say, “Boss, we have trouble here, the Healing potions are done. They are all just pale water now.” I see her concentrate and then she adds, “And I can’t use my horn.”

I hear Choo sigh as she asks, “Ok, how bad are our wounds? I don’t want to chance going back through until we are in shape to fight.” She turns to Double Back and asks, “How’s your vision?”

He squints hard and I hear him say, “Not going to lie boss, it is not good. I can see mainly shadows past about 20 feet. Even closer is not really clear.”

I turn to the Enclave researcher we have captured and ask, “You have any ideas to help with his vision?”

He straightens his uniform before he replies, “Honestly, he is very fortunate to even see right now. Your quick actions with the healing spells probably saved his sight, even what it is now. That weapon was designed to burn the retinas of a pony or zebra’s eyes and permanently blind them. Interesting way of treating it though, I never would have thought of a direct application of a healing potion.”

From the side I hear the local we found when we came out clearing his throat, then he asks, “Ah, excuse me. Did you say Zebras?”

He nods his head and asks in that arrogant-sounding accent, “Yes. Zebras as in equines with stripes. Tend to fight on their hind legs and released balefire upon Equestria causing us to have to shut the sky.”

The local who had earlier identified himself to Choo as Argyle gets a curious expression on his face and then asks, “All of you are not from around here are you?”

I shake my head, “No, no we are not. In fact, we are not sure where we are.”

“Well, that is not surprising, as most earth ponies never go this far from home. We tend to stay in Maretime Bay.”

Epona slides up on my other side and asks, “So, Argyle, I noticed you said Earth Ponies, but you didn’t mention Unicorns or Pegasi. What’s up with that?”

He looks at her over his eyeglasses and tells her, “Uh, because we don’t live together. I mean there are ancient stories that say they all lived together at one time, but no one seems to believe them anymore.” He scans our group and I notice him looking nervously at the pegasi and unicorns on our team. Then he asks, “It sounds like they don’t where you come from either. I mean, you did mention closing the sky.”

From the back, I hear Research Paper say, “Why is that all anyone fixates on?”

I look first at my husband, then at my sister and cousin. Then I explain to him about the Grand Pegasus Enclave.

“So, they abandoned the other races is what you are saying?” Argyle asks.

I sigh and tell him, “Yes and no. When they first closed the skies, it was understandable. The problem is, they kept them closed for almost 200 years. There were some pegasi that were not with the Enclave. There were others who were either driven or ran from it.”

He looks at the pegasi with us and asks, “So what about them?”

Morning Mist raises a wing and says, “Driven out of the Enclave when Neighvarro attacked Thunderhead.”

I see Research Paper get a sour look on his face and then he turns to Argyle and answers, “I, am a researcher in the service of the Enclave. I was searching the ruins of a site in what was the city of Baltimare.”

Sunny grins and tells him, “You could say I am a wild pegasus. My parents are an Earth Pony and a Unicorn.”

The researcher looks down his nose at Sunny and asks, “And just how did they produce a pegasi then?”

Still grinning he moves slightly closer and tells him, “Both ma and pa had pegasi blood in their background.” He pauses then looks at him again and says, “And before you act all high and mighty, I may have been a foal, but I witnessed the Enclave airships destroying the ruins of Canterlot. Ma and I did not live too far from there.”

“Sounds like they were raiders if they were in that area. After all, we know how Ponyville fell to them.”

“If you ever call my folk raiders again I will turn you over to my kin. The Water clan would shave your coat and pluck your feathers for such words. We may not have had much back then, but we were never raiders,” Sunny says as he almost spits the words out in anger.

Argyle raises an eyebrow and then says, “Ok, let’s calm down colts and fillies. So, you tell me about your world, and I will tell you about mine,” as he takes out a pad of paper and a pencil.

Over the course of the next couple of days and nights we exchange our stories with him and he with us. The second night there we are sitting around a campfire sharing a bottle of Old Overmare with him when he asks, “Ok, so I hear you two mares call each other sis. How many of you are family?”

I grin at his surprise when I tell him, “Well, Sunny is our cousin through adoption as he is a distant cousin to one of our mothers.”

Epona nods her head, “Yeah, the Colonel was the first to adopt both of us, but Mama Sutures is a unicorn while the rest of our mothers and fathers are earth ponies. Oh, and Choo is a distant ancestor of Mama Sutures.”

I see him shake his head. He looks at the bottle he has just taken a pull off of. Then he asks, “I know I am not normally a drinker, but did I just hear you say that even Choo Choo was related to you?”

We both nod our heads, then he asks, “Is that kind of thing normal? I mean with the multiple spouses common where you come from?”

I answer this time, “No, not really. But while some disapprove, most just let them be.”

I see him shake his head as he looks down deep in thought. Finally, he says, “I really don’t think I could be in such a relationship.”

I nod my head and as the bottle has reached me, I take a sip. Then I tell him, “Well, I couldn’t either. My husband and I are both in agreement on it.”

He looks at Xochitl and asks, “You’re her husband?” He nods and then asks, “Not to be rude, but I have never seen an earth pony with coloring like yours before.”

Xochilt smirks a bit takes the offered bottle and before taking a sip tells him, “That is because I am a zony. Ma is an earth pony and Pa a zebra.”

I see the surprise on his face then he asks, “Are there many zonies where you come from?”

My husband shakes his head before continuing, “No, not really. A couple, but you have to understand that my father was the first zebra to settle in Manesville. That was after we escaped from being slaves.”

I see a disgusted look cross over Argyle’s face as he tells us, “See, that is another difference between your world and ours. I have not found any evidence of this concept of slavery, other than one time when King Sombra took over the crystal empire. But that was even further back in time than the princesses.”

I see Choo smile from the side. Then she says, “Argyle, you seem to know a lot about the past here. What do you know about the princesses.”

He then proceeds to tell us about the history that he has uncovered so far concerning them. When he gets to Twilight Sparkle, he becomes particularly animated. He is very excited about her and then says, “She had such a wonderful message for us about friendship.”

We all nod our heads. Then Choo looks hesitant. She looks at Research Paper then shrugs her wings and asks Argyle, “Would you like to see a photograph with her in it?”

He all but jumps up as he answers with a resounding, “Yes!”

By this time the bottle has reached Research Paper and he asks, “And where would you have acquired such a photo of the Ministry Mare?”

Epona answers him, “Same way we came here. Through a doorway. But in that universe, the Ministries never existed and she was able to follow her destiny and ascend to become an alicorn.”

“Really?” he says snidely.

This time Choo tells him, “Really, she was very pleasant to talk to, as were Celestia and Luna.”

“And you are on a first-name basis with them?” he asks, again in a snide manner.

Choo by this time has opened up her saddlebags and I can see she has her photo album with her. She then pulls out a photo that makes me smile as I see it being taken by Argyle whose jaw drops and he reverently says, “She was so beautiful. Wow, look at her cutie mark, I have never gotten a good look at it. Choo, would you mind if I use this photo to make a sketch of her cutie mark?”

Choo shakes her head, “No, I would not mind, but, wait till morning when you can see better.”

By this time Research Paper has worked his way over next to Argyle and is looking over his shoulder at the photo. As he gazes at it, I hear him say, “You really did meet them.”

“Yes, we did. I also have a photo of just me and Luna. She was always my favorite.”

Then I add, “We were also told about one more princess who was not able to make it. Her name was Cadence, and she ascended from being a pegasus. So, there is hope for all of us I guess.”

Argyle upon hearing that suddenly looks up and asks, “So you truly believe that there is hope that any type of pony could ascend to being an alicorn? Not just a Unicorn? Even an Earth Pony?”

I nod my head, “Yeah. Why should not one of us be able to as well? The magic is inside of us.” I pause briefly, then add. “Well except for in this universe it seems. I am not sure what happened to it here. Maybe we are on a slightly different frequency or something, Twinks and I were talking about that just last night.”

“That might explain why our pegasi can’t fly or our unicorns use their horns,” Choo says.

That is one thing I have to say, our conversations go all over around the campfires. It is part of why I love this job. It reminds me of our good times on the expedition. Before we turn in for the night Cowlick says, “Hey boss, we are starting to get light on rations, even with supplementing them here. Maybe we should have someone make a run into town to pick them up.”

I find myself nodding my head and I hear Choo sigh. Then she turns to Argyle and asks, “I hate to separate our people here. Is there a town you could take some of my people to pick up rations?”

I see him look uncomfortable at first then he tells us, “Choo, I could take the earth ponies with me to Maretime Bay for it,” he hesitates briefly then finishes, “However, I would not suggest any of the others. Most of the folk there are terrified of unicorns and pegasi as the tales all talk about how they are monsters and will attack us.”

I find myself smirking again as I look at Choo and tell her, “Boss, Epona, Xochitl, Tater, and I will do it.”

Then I hear Days End say, “Figures, I get to come to a new world again and I can’t really explore it.”

“Sorry Days. Hopefully next time,” Choo tells him as I nod my head. Then she adds, “Besides, I will be here with you too. Maybe you can teach me that new card game while we are here.”

He grins at her mischievously and tells her, “Sounds good boss.”

Choo then stands up and tells us, “Ok, everyone, time to call it a night. Ginger, set up the guard rotation.” Then she walks off into the dark looking up at the moon.

The next morning, we awake early and I see Argyle is already up and he is looking at the photo of all of us with the Princesses. He stares at it for a few more seconds, then I watch as he mouth draws a sketch of Twilight Sparkle's cutie mark. He next turns his head slightly, then adjusts the drawing some. Finally, he nods his head and smiles. “There. That should do it.”

We eat a quick breakfast. Then Argyle tells us, “Well if we want to get there before nightfall, we should leave in a few minutes.

The four of us going with him remove our uniforms and grab our gear. I smile as I watch Twinks give a quick kiss to Tater, then he runs over to join us and tells us, “Ok, ready guys.”

With that, we turn and begin to head our way toward this place that Argyle calls Maretime Bay and home.


The former territories of Equestria, Other side of the Doorway: Xochitl

As we follow Argyle across the landscape on our way to his home, I find myself holding tails with my wife. Most of the discussion that is going on as we go is between Tater, Epona, and Argyle. Ginger and I are in the back of our group.

It is during this walk I hear Argyle ask them, “So you are telling you both came from a different universe than the rest of your group?”

Epona nods her head, “Yes, in fact, a large group of us came through at that time. When we got to Manesville we settled in a little village named White Cloud. It is not big, but we sure have some diversity in who lives there.”

He looks at her funny and asks, “What do you mean by that?”

“Well, besides us ponies who live there, there are cattle, brahmin, zebras, and even a few griffons.”

I see him look surprised and he asks, “You mean that griffon really exists? I thought they were mythological brings.”

I laugh lightly and tell him, “Yes, they do, in fact, one of our mother Mollygirl’s best friends is a Griffon. His wife is a pegasus though and they have had children together.”

“Now Ginger, stop trying to pull my hoof. A half-pony and half-griffon. What would you even call that?”

“Well, the oldest one is my little sisters’ friend Slip Stream. But if you are talking about their breed, I have been told they are called Hippogriffs.”

“Fascinating, another group of beings we thought were mythical. Uh, when we get to Maretime Bay, you may not want to talk to others about them. They may not understand.”

“Uh, ok, no problem. We already did not plan to talk about the others.”

We walk for a while more and I keep pondering on what he has said about the three tribes having gone their separate ways, but even more about their not being any of the other types of intelligent beings as well. It makes me wonder just how xenophobic these ponies became here. In a way, it seems almost as bad as what happened in our universe. At least here it is green still and the land is not scared the way it is at home. But then again, could this be what happens to us after a long period of time? Because he has said it was ancient history when the twin sisters ruled Equestria. So much to think about.

We stop briefly for a light lunch and rest. It is during this time I notice Argyle is becoming a bit more excited. He then asks me, “So you never heard of Maretime Bay where you come from?”

I shake my head, “No Argyle. But there are a lot of places I have not heard of until I went there. But most of them, well, they are just offshoots of what once was. Such as Meat Locker down in Hoofington.”

He turns to me with a lifted eyebrow and a questioning expression on his face as he asks, “Meat Locker? Hoofington?”

I sigh and nod my head, “Well Meat Locker is a settlement in Hoofington.”

“Ok, first what is Hoofington?”

This time Tater answers him, “Hoofington was a city almost as large as Manehatten. It was rebuilt during the war. We all have been there a couple of times; it is a rather rough city.”

“So why do they call the settlement there Meat Locker?”

This time Epona fields the question and tells him, “Well, you remember the creatures that came through the gate?” He nods his head in response and he looks a little queasy, but she continues, “Well not all of them are monsters like you saw. Some, well some of them survived the process of being turned into them with their minds intact.”

He looks horrified and we all nod our heads as Epona continues, “If you think it is horrible to you, think of what it is like for them. We know several, including a mother and filly who work at our shop. Almost all of them feel that they must have done something wrong for the Goddesses to turn their backs on them and not allow them to cross over.”

“But the Princesses would never have done that, would they?”

This time I answer, “No Argyle, I do not think they would. In fact, they were horrified when we mentioned ghouls to them.”

“Wow, it still blows my mind that you have actually met them. Even if it was not the ones from here. But it is a slight relief to hear that they too were distressed about it.”

Then I hear my wife say, “Dear it still stuns me how green everything is here, and no destroyed forest or buildings.”

“I know dear, I know. Choo says this is what Equestria was like when she was young.”

We continue to talk as we make our way to Maretime Bay. I eventually begin to see the top of a lighthouse that reveals itself more and more as we come closer. Argyle smiles and tells us, “That is my family home. The old lighthouse on the other side of town.”

Tater then says, “Doesn’t seem like there are a lot of tall buildings here.”

I then notice my wife looking at the local lands as she asks, “Are there a lot of farms around here?”

“A fair amount, we should begin to see them soon,” he tells us.

In less than an hour we reach the top of a hill and below us are several farms. We can also see a large town in the distance with a large construction project going on near it on a large hill overlooking it.

“Ah, there it is. Home. Maretime Bay.”

I am stunned by how lush the plants are around the town. I also can see the sea and how it comes up to the city and its beaches.

As we enter the town, I see railroad tracks and look up as down the road I can see a small trolly car approaching. Of all things a functioning trolly that is in very good condition. This causes me to look around a bit more and I notice there is no trash on the streets or dead bodies. The buildings are all clean and in good repair. As I point this out to Ginger, I see Argyle raise a hoof and flag the trolly down.

As it rolls to a stop, I see a mare with a teal coat, a bright red mane, and tail that are starting to gray, who is wearing glasses, a hat, and a collar with a bright red bowtie driving it. She slows to a stop and calls out, “Good to see your back again Argyle, need a ride?”

He grins at the mare, “Yes Ma’am, we are just heading to the market.”

She looks closely at us, “We?” She then looks back up at Argyle and cautiously asks, “Never seen these ponies before Argyle, are you sure they are safe?”

He nods his head, “Yes ma’am. They are some earth ponies I met while on my adventure. They are from far away.”

She nods her head, “Ok, well get on then,” she tells us.

Once seated she rings the bell twice and we begin to move down the tracks towards the main part of the city. As we get closer to what I figure is the heart of the community I can begin to smell the sea, but it seems to be a much cleaner smell, though I can still smell a bit of rotten fish on the air as well.

But still, it smells better than Flotsam in Hoofington. The trolly stops a couple of more times before we are in the city proper. As we go, I notice that none of the ponies are wearing any clothing other than the occasional hat, collar, and such. I am really glad that Argyle convinced us to leave the uniforms behind now. Though I do feel more subconscious about the scars on my back.

Once we reach the market, we get off the trolley. The driver tipping her hat to us as we do so. Then she pays attention to the passengers that are getting on. As we walk away, we hear her ring the bell two more times and she is moving on.

Once we are near the market, Argyle asks, “Uh, so what do you have for money to buy supplies?”

Without thinking I tell him, “Oh, we have plenty of caps.”

His eyebrows raise, “Caps? What do you mean caps?”

“Sparkle Cola caps. That is what we use where we come from,” Ginger tells him.

I see him look around to make sure no one is listening then he pushes his glasses up and asks, “Don’t you use coins there?”

I feel myself shrugging without thought as I tell him, “Not really. I mean we find old bits from before the war now and again. I even have a couple of them with me.

I see his curiosity is raised then he asks, “May I see them?”

I nod my head and dig one of the old Equestria diarchal bits from my saddlebag. I watch him take it in hoof and gently look at it with amazement. First the side with the image of both Luna and Celestia on it, then he rotates it and looks carefully at the stamped marking of the three intertwined circles each marked with a breed of pony, and in the center where they meet another circle that says, Imperium Equus. He then asks, “You said you had a couple of these?”

I nod my head and then produce another of the heavy, shiny silver coins. He looks at the two of them. Smiles gently at them then tells me, “Since you don’t have any of our current coins if you would like, I will take these two in exchange for buying whatever supplies you need.”

This time I see Epona get a shrewd look on her face. Then she asks, “You seem mighty interested in these coins. How come?”

He looks at her and tells her, “Because these are from antiquity. These are the oldest ones I have ever seen. One will go in my personal collection, the other, will help me recover the cost of what I am spending.”

Both my wife and her sister look at each other and I can tell they are both wanting to argue, but finally Ginger tells him, “Fine, we do understand, and we appreciate your help, Argyle.”

He gently places both of the coins in a cloth, then inside his saddlebag before the tells us, “Ok, let’s go.”

As we walk up to the market, I notice how similar the shops are to those on the waterfront in Manesville.

But I also notice that it very late afternoon and that many of the shops are closing for the night. I hear Argyle sigh, then he asks, “With as many shops that are closing, would you mind waiting to do our shopping until the morning? We can stay at my home.” He sighs again then smiles sadly as he says, “It has been a while since I shared it with anypony. Please, be my guest.”

We all agree and we follow him to his home. We make a quick meal with what we have in our saddlebags and what he can spare.

After dinner, he shows us some of his collection from old Equestria. Then he leads us up to the top of the lighthouse and we all lean against the railing just enjoying the view as the sun sets and night falls around us.

I find myself sighing contently as I just live in the moment for once. Not worrying about what tomorrow might bring.

The next morning after a hurried breakfast, we make our way back to the market. We have most of what we need when it occurs.

“Oh Argyle, I heard you were back in town with some outsiders. So, being the head of Canterlogic, I knew I had to come and make sure you were safe.”

I hear Argyle let out a slight sigh then he grins at her and tells her, “Well, as you can see Phyllis, they are all earth ponies. Nothing to fear.”

She looks at us and asks, “So, aren’t you going to introduce us?”

He then points to us and says with mild discomfort, “Uh, you are right, I should. Phyliss Cloverleaf, I would like to introduce Ginger Snap, Persimmon Flower, Epona, and Sweet Potato, who we normally just call Tater. As you can see, all good earth pony names.”

“Yes, they are, but they all have strange accents when they talk. Where did you say they came from?”

“I didn’t Phyllis. I didn’t.”

She turns to us and I can see she is examining our scares. “So where are you from?”

Epona steps up to her and answers, “We are from a long way from here. A place you have never heard of, I am sure.”

“Ah, being cautious about telling others where you are from. This a very good precaution that Argyle here could learn from. We wouldn’t want it getting out to pegasi or unicorns where you are from after all,” she says as she looks over her glasses at Argyle. Then she adds, “After all, as I like to say, being scared is being prepared.”

As she says this, I see Argyle roll his eyes and shake his head slightly.

She then points toward my back, and I hear her say loudly, “I can see by your back that you have encountered those horrible pegasi, you are lucky to be alive. Just look at those scars.” Then she looks up quickly at the sky and says, “We need to be on the lookout for them now. After all, they may have followed all of you.”

“No, it was not Pegasi that did this to me,” I try to counter-argue, but behind me, I can hear the crowd she has attracted commenting on it as many of them look skyward with fear on their faces.

I feel my face showing a bit of anger, followed by bewilderment as I hear her say, “You mean that the unicorns did this.”

“No, no, the unicorns did not do this to me,” I tell her.

Then she says, “See everyone, the unicorns erased his memory. They can control our thoughts.” She pauses and then asks, “When my factory opens, would you speak at the opening ceremony about how important it is for us to be prepared and how Canterlogic can help us.”

I look to Argyle for support then my wife and she simply shrugs. So, I defuse the situation as best as I can, “How soon will it open?”

She smiles as if she has won a small victory and tells me, “Ah, that is it up on the hill being built. So, a few more months.”

I nod to her and tell her, “If I am still here, I will.”

“Well, that is all I can ask for.” She turns to Argyle and tells him, “See, even these ponies from somewhere else understand earth ponies should stick with our own kind and that the others are dangerous.”

I hear him sigh, then shake his head, “Not everpony feels that way, Phyllis, at one time things were different and all ponykind lived together.”

She waves a hoof at him and tells him, “That is just wishful thinking Argyle, you would know better if you ever stopped reading those books all the time.”

“It is called an education Phyllis, and perhaps you would do well to read more of them.”

“I think not Argyle,” she retorts, then she looks at somepony in the distance and I hear her call, “Oh sheriff, there you are. I have some ideas that I want to discuss with you.”

As she is distracted Argyle leads us in our escape from Phyllis. After we have gone a couple of blocks and have blended into the crowd I tell my wife, “Dear, I think we should head back soon.”

She nods her head before she answers, “Yeah, I think you are right. Argyle, I think we have enough for now and we should get going.”

Soon we are out of the town and making our way back to our camp with the others. Again, we camp overnight before we reach them. As we enter the clearing, I hear Choo tell us, “I am glad you are back. We have had company while you were gone.”


The former territories of Equestria, Other side of the Doorway: Choo Choo

As I watch Ginger and the part of the team with her follow Argyle to go get supplies, I find myself worrying about them, as well as what if we are not able to go home. What then? Do we settle down where we are, or do we separate ourselves up by pony type and they go live among their own kind? But what about Cowlick, Doubleback, and myself? Where does that leave us? Finally, I begin to worry about ever seeing my Paperwork again. The last couple of months have been really rough and I so want to just spend time with him again.

As they go, I hear Sunny say, “Don’t worry boss, they will be ok.”

I nod my head, “Yeah, I know, but I still worry.”

Finally, he asks, “Boss, that Argyle said there was a Pegasus city too. Do you want me and Morning Mist to go check it out?”

“No, not yet. Perhaps if we are here longer than a few days.” I tell him and this seems to satisfy him.

Later that night while sitting by the fire playing cards, I hear some noise getting closer. Sunny and Morning Mist both slide into the darkness with their weapons ready, taking Research Paper with them. The rest of us continue pretending we are still just playing cards, but we are all prepared for an attack. I shift the blanket I have on my back to keep my wings hidden for as long as possible.

From out of the darkness, I hear a mare’s voice cautiously ask, “Hello, can I come into your camp?”

With my better eyesight, I can see it is a young unicorn mare and I tell her, “Yes, please do. Then I ask, “Is there anyone with you?”

From the darkness, she comes into the light. A grayish-blue unicorn mare comes out of the woods with a young unicorn colt who hides behind her. She looks at all of us in wonder and asks, “Where do you come from?”

I smile as gently as I can and I tell her, “We are from a long way away. A place called Manesville.”

She looks at the colt and then back at us, and says, “We have never heard of it.”

“That’s ok, it is very far away.”

“Uh, my name is Heather Morningdew. This is my cousin Fizzy. What’s your names?”

I first introduce myself, “I am Choo Choo, just call me Choo.”

Then I hear Days End introduce himself as does Twinks. I look over in the dark towards Doubleback and I see him smiling in the dark with a fake horn made from a stick sticking through his hat. Once he introduces himself, I hear Cowlick sigh and he introduces himself and I see both of the youngsters’ eyes go wide and I see the fear on their faces as the mare places herself between Cowlick and the colt.

Cowlick then says, “Fear not young ones. You are safe with us.”

“But, but, what are you?” The mare asks. Fear in her voice.

Cowlick smiles and tells her, “I am what we call a bull. A male member of the cattle species.”

The colt pops his head over her back and says, “But, you talk like a pony.”

Cowlick nods his head and tells them, “That is because I learned it since I was a calf about your size.”

The colt pops his head under the mare’s chin and looks up at Cowlick and tells him, “But I ain’t never seen someone like you before.”

Cowlick chuckles slightly then tells him, “That is because my kind are rare. In fact, there may not even be any more of my kind around here. But I am with my friends so I feel safe.”

Over my radio, I hear Sunny say, “Boss since we have company, me and Morning are going to go try and find that city. I see a lighter area in the sky in the direction Argyle said the pegasi city is. We will return in three days at the latest.”

I double-click my throat mic to acknowledge him. He then quietly responds, “See you then boss.”

Another thing to worry about, but I am afraid of how the two youngsters will react if they see a pegasus. So back to the matter at hoof, I suppose. So, I ask, “What brings you two youngsters out this way?”

Heather answers for them, “Fizzy said he could feel a weird vibration in his horn. He was very excited about it. In fact, he says it is just over there,” as she points to the area where the portal is, the young colt is nodding his head vigorously.

It then hits me; he can feel the magic from it. If he can, how many others can as well?

My thoughts are interrupted when Twinks asks them, “Are you two hungry?”

The mare looks at the colt before turning her head to us and telling me, “Yes, ma’am.”

Twinks pulls out one of the remaining ration packages we have and breaks it open for them. As she does this, she tells them, “We have already had dinner. Please, help yourself.”

The colt takes the package and begins to try and figure out how to open it as Heather tells us, “Thank you. We did not realize it was so far from home.”

“We understand,” I tell them.

As they are eating, I ask, “So, you said he could feel something over that way?”

They both nod their heads and continue to eat. I notice they lucked out and got one of the packs with hayburger and alfalfa, as well as cheese and dried berries. I smile as I watch how quickly they eat them. Then I think and I pull out a bottle of Sparkle Cola I was saving and give it to them to drink.

I watch as one after the other their eyes again go wide at the sweet carroty taste. The mare asks, “Where did you get that? I never had anything like it before.”

As she asks and before I can say anything the colt lets out a loud belch. Then he smiles and says, “Excuse me. That was good. Can we have more?”

“Sorry young ones, that was the last bottle I had. But I am glad you enjoyed it.”

We continue to talk to them for a bit before they both begin to get really tired. We then notice that they do not have any blankets or much in their saddlebags either. After which Twinks lays out her bedroll and tells them, “Please use mine.”

The mare looks up at her and asks, “Are you sure?”

She smiles at them, “Yes Heather, I am sure. I want you and Fizzy to get a good sleep.”

The next morning, we are just getting breakfast ready when I hear a couple of new voices approaching as they call out the names of Heather and Fizzy.

Cowlick looks at the two of them and tells them, “I am going to hide, they may not be as understanding about my kind. Please don’t tell them about me.” As the young ones nod their heads, he sneaks off into the brush nearby.

I then call back, “They are over here.”

As they approach, I see a group of unicorn stallions. They all look tired and cautiously approach our camp, at first horns at the ready. When they see our horns, I watch as they visibly relax.

Then I hear Heather call out, “Daddy!” as she runs to one of the stallions and hugs him. Fizzy stands up with his head down and walks over to them. Once there he says, “Sorry Uncle Juniper. I led her out here. I could feel something in my horn.”

The one he called Juniper looks at us and nods. Then he replies, “We are going to have to discipline you for this Fizzy. How many times do we have to tell you the M word is not real.”

The M word? I ask myself. Then I ask aloud, “Do you mean magic?”

All the unicorns in their group stop what they are doing and I see a confused look come over their faces as all of them suddenly start to dance on their hooves from one side to the other while calling out “Bing Bong, Bing Bong.”

When they finish Heather looks at me and asks, “Aren’t you afraid of the Jinxies?”

“Uh, where we come from, we have not even heard of them.”

Then one of the other unicorns says, “But looking at all of your scars, I would say, they have heard of you.”

The one called Juniper then asks, “So, where did you say you were from?”

Fizzy then tells him, “They are from someplace called Manesville. It is a long way away.”

Juniper, who I notice has an almost earth pony build to him asks, “So how far away is it?”

I sigh as I look him in the eyes and tell him, “Further than you would ever believe.” Right after this, I hear the teapot on the fire whistle and I ask, “Would you like a cup of tea?”

As we are drinking our tea, I notice that none of them are using their horns. In fact, they all do everything the same way that an earth pony would. This makes me wonder a bit so I ask, “Juniper, I notice that none of you are using your horns or the M word. Is there a reason?”

He looks at me and asks, “You mean you still have the M word, I thought all of the unicorns had lost it.”

I sigh, “No, we do not have any either. I had just thought perhaps you did too. How long ago did you lose it?”

“To be honest, no one really knows. They say it was in ancient times, about the time the three types of ponies separated.”

Again, I am perplexed by what has occurred to not just our magic, but to all the unicorns. This makes me wonder if it also pertains to the Pegasi who are from this universe as well.

He then looks at me with suspicion and asks, “How come you didn’t know that already?”

I turn my head slightly as I look at all of them before I reply, “I was not sure if it happened to those of you from here as it had us. That is all.”

It is as we are talking that we see a flare-up in the portal. As I turn, I see a ghoul begin to run out of it, then it collapses and dies.

Juniper gathers the foals to him in his forehooves. Then he exclaims, “What is the name of all that is good was that thing?”

I sigh and I tell him, “That is called a ghoul where we came from, and why we are not going back yet. Keep all of your people away from this spot for their own safety.”

They all look horrified at the obviously rotting corpse on the ground. I then tell them, “While on our side of that portal, there is still magic, but not all is good or right on that side.

“Are you sure it is safe for anypony here?”

“Yes, I do believe so, as they exist through necromantic mag… Excuse me, the M word.”

They all nod their heads in wonder. “Well, we should get going I think,” Juniper tells us.

“Sir, you are welcome to stay if you would like, but considering what just occurred. We do understand.”

“Thank you for taking care of the kids for us, uh, Choo, is it?”

“Yes, it is Choo, and it was a pleasure to take care of them. I miss the young ones from our family back home. Especially my great-granddaughter Moonlily. She would have loved to have met you all. She is about their age.”

Juniper smiles and he gathers the unicorns and begins to head back to their home in what Heather and Fizzy had called Bridlewood. I sigh as part of me would have liked to visit there, even if it is as drab as they make it out to be.

The rest of the day is quiet. Cowlick returns to our camp once the unicorn party has gone some distance from the camp. As he reenters, I see him look in the direction they have gone, smile, and give a small wave of his forehoof. Then he grabs the teapot by the fire and pours a cup of water for tea. As the tea steeps, he looks at me and says, “Well, that was interesting.” Which for some reason gets me to laugh.

The next afternoon we are cleaning our weapons when we hear some noise in the brush. Cowlick slides into the brush on the other side of the clearing as the rest of us take up our arms, just in case. That is when we see Argyle, being followed by Ginger and the rest of the team. As they come out, I can see Argyle is very surprised. Ginger and the others while nonplused all have a questioning look on their faces.

“I am glad you are back. We have had company while you were gone.” I tell them.

Ginger then asks, “Ok, what happened?”

As Cowlick returns to the camp Tater asks, “Uh, Choo, where is Sunny and the other pegasi?”

In answer, I tell them about what happened with the unicorns and how Sunny is leading a group to investigate the pegasi city.

I see the surprise on Argyle’s face and tell him, “They are due back tomorrow.”

He nods his head and we begin to get ready for dinner and the coming evening. It is as we are finishing up these preparations that we see the portal has become active again. I have to say I wonder if it will be another ghoul or a robot this time. However, I am not expecting what, or should I say who it is that comes through.

As they step out and look around, I find myself smiling as I say, “Good evening, Ball, good to see you again.”


The former territories of Equestria, Other side of the Doorway: Ball Lightning

As I step out of the portal my weapon is at the ready and as I look around, I am stunned at all the lush vegetation that I can see around us. I am quickly distracted from it when I notice first Epona, then several more of the repair ponies, their weapons at the ready, including that alicorn they call Choo Choo as she greets me.

“Evening, I guess.” I respond automatically then I ask, “So, where are we?”

Choo smiles and shrugs her shoulders, as she answers “Another universe Ball. Welcome to the dance as we figure it out.”

“What do you mean?”

Then a pony I have never seen before responds, “Oh, you are in what used to be called Equestria before the three tribes broke up.”

“Excuse me?” I hear Air Burst ask.

The stranger turns to him, “It seems our worlds have a different history, in yours, from what I have been told, was a great war with the zebras. Here, we ended up fighting among ourselves. Harmony failed and, well, we lost what magic there was in the world.”

I see Air Burst wave a hoof and say, “That is ridiculous.”

The zony Flower looks at him, smiles a slightly devious grin, and tells him, “Perhaps, but try to fly.”

I watch as Air Burst leaps to go skyward and suddenly falls to the ground, landing with his wings flung out and his forehooves under him as his face plows into the dirt.

This is followed by Flower laughing and Ginger slapping his shoulder with a forehoof and telling him, “Dear, that was not funny.”

Air gets up, knocks the dirt off himself, and looks very angry as he asks, “How did you do that?”

This time Choo answers, “We didn’t, for some reason, we can’t use our magic here.”

I hear Chain Lightning then tell me, “Sir, maybe we should head back through asap.”

While I agree, I must ask, “So where is our researcher?” Then I notice that Sunny is missing and I ask, “Where is Sunny?”

I hear a deep sigh come from the alicorn as she tells us, “We had surprise visitors to our camp the other night and Sunny took Research Paper and Morning Mist with him to try and find the pegasi city of Zephyr Heights.”

I find myself sighing as I think, well that complicates things. Then I nod my head before I ask, “When are they do back?”


“And if they don’t show up?”

She sighs again, and tells me, “I really do not know. But we cannot leave them behind.”

I nod my head and look at the others on my team, “Well, I guess we wait another day.” I turn back to Choo and her people and ask, “Do you mind if we share your camp with you?”

“Please do,” Choo replies.

Then I hear Argyle ask her, “I thought you said that the pegasi that Research Paper was with were your enemies?”

I watch as she shakes her head, “No, their government is, not all of them are, however. In fact, we have faced that team several times during our operations and theirs before the current war started. But they are honorable opponents.” She then turns back to us and asks, “Ok Ball, what brings you and your team through the doorway?”

I look around and realize that anyone else who could do anything if they heard this is not in this universe, so I answer, “We were sent to Baltimare to negotiate with the NCR concerning a withdrawal of troops on behalf of President Winter Wind. We understand that your team has some connections with your president. However, upon our arrival there we were informed about your having taken Research Paper through and we came to get him, even though you came through several weeks ago.”

I see them all look in surprise at each other. Their reaction makes me ask, “Why are you surprised?”

Argyle steps forward this time, he pushes his glasses up, and tells him, “I am sorry, but are you saying it has been more than a week since they left your world?”

I nod my head, “Yes, in fact, it has been over a month and a half. That is part of why we were so surprised to find you right here.”

I hear one of the other Repair ponies that I don’t know say, “Buck me running.”

I nod my head in understanding as I see the surprise on this local’s face.

“OK, my people set up our bedrolls and grab some rations. If they are not back by tomorrow, we go looking for them.”

I hear Choo say, “Thank you, we would, but we are afraid of the trouble it might cause here.”

I look at her and tell her, “Choo, honestly the main reason we will do it is for our researcher. It is a side benefit to do it for Sunny. He is a good buck, and the wife and I both like him, even if he does wear the wrong uniform.”

That night they sit around the fire with us. We pass on to them the news of how the war is going from our side’s viewpoint. However, they seem to take it with a grain of salt.

It is late in the afternoon the next day when Choo says with a worried tone of voice, “They should have been back by now.”

Air Burst looks at me and asks, “Should we go?”

I look at the others on my team and then back to Air Burst. As I do so, I tell them, “Yeah, but take your uniforms off for now. Stow them in your saddlebags.”

Air Burst, looks surprised at my answer. Soon we are on our way to find Research Paper and the others. With the only information we have on the possible location of the city, they were going to coming from the earth pony local, who said he has never been there but read about its location.

As the sun begins to set, northwest of us I can see the bright lights reflecting off of the sky, lightening that part of the sky. I reset my kit, making sure that my battle saddle is tight. After we have all done this I turn to Choo Choo and tell her, “Now that we have a common radio band, I will try to keep in touch as much as possible. I will report in at noon, and Sunset each day.”

I see the large blue alicorn nod her head, then I notice that the blanket on her back has shifted and I see something that was not there the last time I saw her. “Choo, are you wearing a fake cutie mark?”

She smiles and tells me, “No, I have gotten it back, and then some. The steam engine was my original one. Luna’s darkness and moon, well those are new to me as well.”

When I say this, I see Argyle's head turn to look at her with an expression of surprise. Then he says something about, “From when you met them?”

She nods her head and shrugs her shoulders. She then looks at me and tells me, “Ball, if you are not back in three days, we will come looking for you too. Be careful all of you.”

I am surprised at the heartfelt emotions I hear in her voice. I close my eyes and nod my head, “Will do Choo. See you as soon as we can.” I then turn to the others with me and motion with a wing as I tell them, “Follow me bucks,” and we begin to head toward that light in the distance.

It takes two days for us to reach the foot of the mountains where the city lights illuminate the sky on hoof. I keep thinking to myself how I wish we could only fly. From below we can not see the buildings or structures. Perhaps it is just the angle, or maybe the clouds that surround the mountaintops. The one thing that seems really strange though, is that for a Pegasi city, we can not see anypony flying in the distance like we often could back in Thunderhead.

During our climb, it is while we are taking a break that I notice Alto is fiddling with his radio. Suddenly he stops and I see him look surprised as he starts to move his head with some music.

“What you got there Alto,” I ask.

He grins and tells me, “Sir, I have some music. The current song is something called If I Could Fly Like the Queen.”

“Hmm, can you turn it up so the rest of us can hear it?”

He does so, and we can hear the rest of the song’s lyrics and bouncy tune. As I think I am reminded of the style of Songbird Serenade. As it finishes, I hear a stallion’s voice come on, good evening mares and gentlecolts of Zephyr Heights, this is ZBS Radio and I am Rhythm Twist bringing to you the best in music.

However, to help pay the bills for this show, we have some messages from our sponsors followed by the news.

Our first sponsor for the show is Zeus brand weather watch, now in a convenient pastern watch style for easy carry and wear. Whenever you need to know the weather and time call upon Zeus.

Speaking of Zeus, a good watch will make sure you are on time for our new queen’s coronation. That is right, tonight our fair Princess Haven will put on the royal crown and assume the title of Queen Haven. While no surprise to us all, it is an event we are both overjoyed and sorrowful to have taken place. I for one am very excited for it and will be broadcasting live from along the parade route that she will take from the Royal Castle to the Holy Cathedral downtown.

In other news, the rumors that Princess Haven went missing for several hours last night have been refuted by authorities in the castle…

This gets the four of us to all look at each other. I find myself shrugging as I see Air Burst rubbing a hoof under his chin and Alto grinning like a young colt. I look at Funnel Cloud and he just shakes his head, “I guess we should see this too sir, if we can. But let’s try not to be too obvious.”

As we walk around the city's foundation and walls, we notice how all the guards are unarmed. We also notice an elevator that goes to what appears to be the peak of the local mountains. We continue on and find an entrance where ponies are coming and going. Many of them appear to be heading out to work crops in the fields. Others, well others have what look like mining tools on their backs and head for some caves nearby.

As this procession of ponies occurs, we slide through the gate. One of the guards at the gate stops us and asks, “What are those things on your back?”

I smile widely and tell him, “Oh, these are experimental mining tools.”

He looks slightly suspicious and asks, “Why do you have such a funny accent?”

Luckily Choo Choo and the rest had prepared us for such a question around the campfire the night before. So, I reply, “Oh, that is because we are from far away. A small place called Thunderhead. But are also representatives for the Queen’s coronation.”

He looks funny at me at first then says, “Interesting, we do not normally get outsiders here. We met one of your associates a few days ago. He was with two representatives from someplace called Manesville. They can be found in the Grand Zepher Hotel. Visiting dignitaries and all…”

“Oh, well thank you very much,” I tell him. Then I ask, “Which way to the Hotel?”

He gives us directions and we head down the street. As we walk, I notice two things immediately. The first is how technologically advanced and clean this city is, I am seriously stunned by all the large electronic billboards with their ads and news broadcast. The second, well no pony, and I mean no Pony is flying.

I also notice the professional detachment on Funnel Cloud’s face as he looks the city over. Beside him, Alto is looking like a first-time tourist to Thunderhead from down below. Air Burst, he seems to be documenting everything he sees in his head.”

Once we arrive at the hotel, we enter the lobby, Across the way at the bar, I see Sunny sitting there talking to a group of ponies telling them a story it seems. Near him, I see two more pegasi that just do not seem to fit in quite so well. One of them fits the description of our missing researcher. Next to him, is an almost pale blue-coated stallion with a graying mane and tail and has his eyeglasses on top of his head as he seems to be nursing a hangover.

I point him out to the others and we go to join them.

We enter the bar behind Sunny and I hear him telling this wild tale about his family being on the run from some crazy unicorn named Silver Spite and how they all thought they were going to die. As he tells the story, he turns his head and I can tell when he sees us as he stops telling the story and yells, “Ball Lighting it is so good to see you again my friend,” as he jumps down and gives me a hug in front of everypony there.

I can not help but grin. I go with it and hug him back as I tell him, “It is really good to see you too.”

He quickly changes the subject and asks, “So how are the wife and kids?”

I smile slightly again and tell him, “They were alright the last time I saw them. But that was several weeks ago.”

I see his eyes go slightly wide at what I am implying. Then he tells us, “Well, I am glad you could make it to the Coronation as well. Come on over and let me get you a drink. They are on the royal tab for visiting dignitaries.”

I see the disappointment on the faces of those who were listening to his stories as does this. He turns to them and tells them, “Give me a minute.” He holds up a hoof and flags down a barmaid. Once she arrives, he tells her, A drink for each of my companions who have just arrived. And if you would another of these Kick’n Chickens on the rocks for me.” After which he smiles and winks at the waitress.

She comes over and asks what we want. After she explains the brands, we all order a drink, I know I shouldn’t, but I decide to try something she calls an energy drink.

After she leaves, Sunny continues his story and I recognize part of it as being from the Battle of Serenity Valley that they have all talked about. However, he has changed it a bit, as he does not talk about there being any flying. He also has changed all the earth ponies and cattle into ground-bound pegasi and all their opposition are unicorns and hired earth pony mercenaries.

However, it does make for an entertaining story and it seems to reinforce the local’s misconceptions about the other types of ponies.

After the story finishes, Sunny excuses himself and leads us over to a table where the other two pegasi from our universe are sitting.

As we all sit down, he introduces us, “I assume you are looking for Research Paper, here he is.” The researcher nods to us. Then Sunny points to the ailing pegasus and says, “And this is Morning Mist. He joined us after the last time we met.”

I nod my head and make a mental note to submit his name and description in my report. Sunny grins and tells us, “Yeah, I know you will have to report it. But I am sure Research here can give you more details.”

“Ok Sunny, Choo told us you were to be back two days ago. What happened?”

This time Research Paper answers, “I did. I asked them to stay for the Coronation. We have not seen an event like this since before the two sisters in our world.”

As he says this, I notice a pony walking by stop, and look questioningly at us. But they then look at their drink and carry on.

“So, after the Coronation will we be ready to head back?”

Sunny nods his head, “Yeah, other than that, we would have been leaving yesterday.”

As we are talking, we see the news repeating about the upcoming ceremony for Princess Haven to be crowned the queen. As it comes on, I notice Sunny looking first at the screen, then at Morning Mist. He then quietly asks, “Uh, Morning, that mare on the screen. Wasn’t that the one you were drinking with last night?”

He slides his glasses into place. And I watch as his hangover seems to almost clear up as he slowly nods his head. Then I hear him whisper to himself, “What did I do?”

Sunny leans on his crossed forehooves upon the table and whispers back to him, “Uh, yeah, just what did you do last night? Damn it, this is what everyone got on me about a while back.”

I then overhear him whisper, “She said she had something big coming up and that she wanted just one more wild fling. I had no idea who she was.”

I see a smirk come across Sunny’s face as he looks at him and says, “Well at least it is not me this time.”

“Gee, thanks, Sunny.” He says, then he takes a drink of some coffee to try and clear his head. Soon there appears a very dapper stallion who then announces, “For all those who wish to partake there is a grand luncheon in the ballroom to commemorate the pending Coronation of her Royal Majesty in two hours.”

I look at the others and we all shrug our wings. Then Sunny says, “Tell you what, how about you leave your kits in our suite for lunch and the ceremony.”

“Thanks, Sunny. I think that would be a great idea,” I tell him as he leads us to the elevators. Once there we are taken to the tenth floor and he leads us down the hallway to a door that is locked. Once he unlocks it, we enter and see that the suite has three bedrooms and a bath all leading off of a main room, which has one of those video screens on the wall, as well as a bar next to it.

As we come in, he points to one of the side rooms, “Take that one over there. Oh, and grab a quick shower. All of you.”

I hear Air Burst start to grumble then I tell him, “Remember, he has the lay of the land Air. He knows better than we do.”

“Yeah, I guess he does, but it just doesn’t set right taking orders from an NCR type.”

“Air, this side of that doorway, there is no NCR or GPE. It is just us. We need to stick together. Besides, now that I think about it, we all are a little rank.”

After we all clean up Sunny tells us, “Ok, after the ceremony do we want to head straight out, or should we get one more night of good sleep? Because to be honest, I say we stay one more night.”

We all look at each other. Then at the accommodations before I tell him, “I will try and call Choo to let her know. We had a hard time getting a signal last night, but with this kind of elevation, I think we should be able to do it.”

I see Sunny nod his head. Then I step out on the balcony overlooking the street below. Again, I shake my head at the sight of so many ponies with such high tech, but not one of them being able to fly. Finally, I crank up the radio and I call to her, “Big Blue, this is Searching Shepard, Big Blue this is Searching Shepard do you copy?”

It takes me three attempts before I can hear her reply, “This is Big Blue, read you Searching Shepard. What is your status.”

“I have found the lost sheep. We will leave our location tomorrow morning. We arrived this morning so you can estimate the time involved. All sheep are safe and healthy. Will have a story for you when we get back.”

“Roger Shepard. Big Blue out.”

I nod my head and put the small hoof-cranked survival radio back in my saddlebags. As I do so, Sunny comes out and joins me. Leaning on the rail and looking down. I hear him sigh. Then he tells me, “It is so beautiful here. But I miss flying.”

I lean on the railing myself next to him. “Yeah, I understand. I never expected to have to spend so much time walking.”

He looks at me and asks, “How have you been handling it? I know your injuries took a lot from you.”

This time I look up into the sky in the distance. I close my eyes and breath in the clean air as I put together my thoughts. Finally, I reply, “I can’t lie, Sunny, it took a lot out of me. I am no longer fit for front-line duty; it effectively ended my career in the scouts. Now, now I am just a glorified military cop.”

He nods his head. “I am sorry that happened to you Ball. I really am. But on the positive side, you probably would never have had the chance for this if you had not”

I shake my head as I hear him say this and try to understand what he means. Then I ask him so.

He gives me a half smile before answering, “Coming through the doorway. If you were in top health, knowing you, you would have been in some of the assault regiments that have invaded the NCR.”

I must admit it to myself. Then I ask, “This isn’t the first time you have gone through a Doorway, is it?”

I see him laugh lightly to himself. Then he says, “No, not at all. Actually, it is my third. And Ball, each of them was completely different. I have to say, this is the longest we have stayed yet. The previous two times we noticed a slight time difference between universes. From what you said, it sounds like this one is a bit longer.”

I nod my head, “Yes Sunny it is. I already told Choo, but when I came through two days ago, it had already been about a month and a half on our side.”

He looks stunned. Then I hear him say, “I hope my family is not worried.” He pauses and then says, “I wonder how Morning Star is?”

“Sunny, who is Morning Star?”

He smiles brightly as he thinks of her, “Ball, she is a beautiful thestral mare that we ran into down in Hoofington. I just, I just don’t know what to say, or how to tell her how I feel.”

Ah, I can understand that and tell him so. Then I add, “Take it slow. Get to know her, and maybe introduce her to your family.”

He looks off into the distance as if thinking, then back at me, “Is that how you started with your wife?”

“Yes, it is. We went to school together though so we knew each other for a long time.”

He nods his head, then says, “Thanks Ball, now we best head down for the luncheon, then over to the Chapel so we can be seated inside for the ceremony.

The luncheon is a large affair, that is attended by most of the guests and staff of the hotel. Once it is finished, Sunny leads us hurriedly to the chapel. On several of the screens, I can see the Queen to be being escorted from the castle to an elevator that leads down to the city below.

Once it reaches the city proper, she is escorted to a fancy carriage that is being pulled by four large stallions and escorted by at lead a squad of guards. Once she is onboard it begins to move slowly down the streets that are lined by pegasi cheering and clapping their hooves.

As this is occurring, we slide into the church and take our seats near the rear of it. It is like nothing I have ever seen before, with a high arching ceiling. Near the front of the chapel is a raised platform. Upon it stands several figures in religious attire that I am not familiar with.

Most of those inside are seated with the exception being those on the platform. Finally, I hear the cheering outside getting louder and I look back to see the carriage stop outside the doors we had entered.

The soon-to-be Queen steps out of the carriage and I can see her in her formal royal robes as she walks slowly and deliberately to the front of the cathedral. Once to the altar, she kneels briefly as if in prayer. Then she stands straight and is escorted up to the alter.

It is at this time that the oldest-looking of the figures at the front of the church carries forth a crystal crown and as she kneels, they place it on her head. After which she stands. I see that the other three ponies on the altar have surrounded her at the four positions of the compass. Each of them giving her a blessing.

Beside me, I hear Research Paper whisper, “This is truly fascinating. I really wish sociology was my specialty now.”

I nod my head in response and continue to watch the ceremony, which includes the now-crowned Queen, praying an oath to lead and protect the pegasi, and asking to be led diligently in this endeavor. This is followed by a religious service with her staying at the altar as it proceeds.

Once done she is once again escorted to the doors she entered from. As she comes down the aisle, I see her eyes seem to be looking for somepony. Then I notice them going to our group. She does not stop or slow down, but I see a very slight smile and a slight blush on her face as she passes us by.

After she has departed in the carriage, we make our exit with the rest of the crowd and head back to the hotel for one final night of peaceful sleep.

That night as we are eating dinner, Sunny asks me, “So Ball, what happens when we get back to the other side? Who is whose prisoners?”

I smile at him, “Well, we came to negotiate for control of Baltimare, so I really do think you will be treated as diplomats rather than prisoners.”

“And if the NCR is in control?”

“Well Sunny, then I guess it is up to you guys. But my suggestion is we rejoin our respective sides after we complete the negotiations.”

He nods his head, “Sounds good Ball.”

The next morning, as a group we leave Zepher Heights behind and begin the trek back to the portal. The trip again takes us two days and we have no encounters with trouble. However, the last night before we rejoin the rest of those from our universe is a quiet one around the fire as we are all lost in thoughts of home and what we are heading back into.

Once we arrive back at the portal, I see Choo Choo and the rest are all there, as is the local they called Argyle. We say our goodbyes to him. Then Airburst and Funnel Cloud lead the way through the doorway. Research Paper is in the middle of the group with the others. Finally, it is just me and Choo Choo left. I tell her, “You first,” she waves one more time to Argyle and tells him, “It was a pleasure to meet you. Take care of yourself, and never give up hope. Remember ponies can live together peacefully, just like I told you it was in my childhood.”

I see him wipe a tear. Then he waves one more time, “I will Choo Choo, now it is time for you two to go home.”

With that Choo Choo nods her head and walks into the portal and I follow her through, with one more look back.

Suddenly I am back in the lab with the Doorway. I can hear alarms sounding and ponies running.

A technician is in the room and he yells, “Captain, we are pulling out, we need to shut this thing down and rejoin the evacuation team.”

As we begin to move, I see Cowlick grin at the tech and yell above the alarms, “Everyone out, I got this.”

As we run out, I turn back and see the grinning bull take a grenade from his saddle bag and place it atop the controller. He pulls the pin and runs as fast as he can out of there.

As we make our way up the stairs, I hear a large crackling sound behind us as an anti-matrix grenade goes off. Destroying all the electronics near it.

He looks at us and says, “That should keep them safe on that side for a while at least.”

As we reach the top of the stairs and the hallway, I see the remaining portions of our security here waving us forward, once my team reaches them, we begin to fall back to the stairwell that leads to the landing pad where we arrived at this building. As we enter it, I look back and see a group of NCR ponies storming the lobby. The Repair Ponies hold their hooves up and begin to talk to them.

I quickly catch up with the team as well as security forces as they arrive at a transport Vertibuck that has its engines spinning. We all run onboard as fast as we can. As the aircraft leaps skyward, I look out the closing rear loading door and see several other vertibucks in the distance as well as airships.

I close my eyes and I smile as I think of the last couple of days.


Good evening to all of you listeners in the Wastelands, tonight we have a lot to talk about, including the forced pull-out of Enclave forces from Baltimare.

It seems that the combined militias of that region have worked together for the good fight and were able to dislodge the Enclaved forces from all the territory that they held there. Thank you to the Baltimare Brigade for your hard work and sacrifices to help make the NCR a safer place. Also, remember that this goes to show just how much we can do when we all work together out there.

In other news, there are reports of Enclave forces moving toward Manehatten. If you have information remember to let the NCR officials in your area know so that we can react to it.

Now for some tunes, the first song up on tonight’s show is Life Outside. Now sit back, take a breath, and enjoy.

Chapter 44 Reloading

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Chapter 44 Reloading

“Courage doesn’t happen when you have all the answers. It happens when you are ready to face the questions you have been avoiding your whole life.” ― Shannon L. Alder

Former MWT Hub, Baltimare, NCR Territory: Ginger Snaps

Out of the corner of my eye, I watch as Ball Lighting and his team follow the tech that met us when we reentered our universe, and make it safely to a stairwell on the other side of the lobby. Ball is the last one and I am surprised as he looks back at us and waves a wing to us. I wave back, then my attention is drawn back to the NCR team that has its weapons trained on us.

“Drop your weapons and identify yourselves!” an earth pony wearing a lieutenant’s uniform yells at us over his rifle’s sights.

Choo calmly answers for all of us, “I am Captain Choo Choo, of the NCR Rangers team code name Repair Ponies. The rest here are my team members.”

“Likely tell. Corporal, collect their weapons. Sergeant, take them back to the regimental HQ.”

I am surprised that they are treating us as prisoners and catch myself blurting out, “You mean you don’t believe us?”

“Frankly, no. What I saw was you people running out of a research area with a bunch of Enclave bastards and you distracted us enough they could escape.”

I feel my head go back in indignation, and just as I am getting ready to unload on him, I feel a hoof on my shoulder and I hear Twinks say, “Let it go Cookie. Let it go. We would be the same way.”

He nods at us and tells some of his people to get us moving, the rest continue to secure the lobby area of the building. As more troops are pouring in, we are led out under guard. I notice several of them looking at us with glares of anger and hatred as we go out.

Soon we are back to the Baltimare Aircoils’ compound and are taken inside where we are put in a holding facility. Our unicorns and Choo all have magic inhibitor rings placed on them. We wait several hours before I hear the familiar voice of Mudwing as well as another griffon who is wearing a lieutenant colonel's uniform.

As they enter the room, one of our guards orders us, “On your hooves.”

The Lieutenant Colonel asks, “So are these the ones?”

“Not sure, “Ok, Cookie, how did your team arrive in Baltimare originally?”

I grin as I tell her, “Airdrop, you and the fliers dropped and used your wings from the vertibucks, Myself and the others used parachutes.”

She nods her head, then she asks, “Ok, Danger, how did our teams meet the first time.”

I watch as Twinks raises an eyebrow and answers, “Are you talking about how your team arrived at the camp we were already at with that old equestrian army wagon? I mean I never saw a self-propelled one before that.”

Mudwings looks over at the Colonel and tells her, “Yeah, I think this is them. If not, the Enclave has changelings working for them now.” She then asks the senior officer, “Ma’am, could I talk with them privately for a minute?”

Once she leaves and all the guards step outside behind her, Mudwing asks, “Do you still have that special weapon?”

Cowlick nods his head, “Yeah, but I am not sure how much good it will be now. I accidentally stepped on it and many of its components seem to have broken and fallen out on the other side of the Doorway.”

I see her sigh, and then she says, “At least the Enclave doesn’t have it,” She pauses and then asks, “They didn’t know what it was did they?”

This time Choo Answers, “Actually, they did use it on one of my team members. Double Back was hit in the eyes. We did emergency treatment with healing potions, but he seems to still have had some serious eye damage.”

She looks over at the mule, “Sorry to hear that. Well, we will be transporting your entire team back to the training camp for a full debrief, hopefully, they can do more. So, what was it like on that side this time?”

Choo begins to tell her and I hear her ask sadly, “So, only ponies? No other beings?”

“None that we saw, but that was still only a small area. So, they may have just not had contact with them.”

I see Choo almost say something but she holds back. Finally, she asks, “OK, how long were we gone, and what all has happened? It seems a lot has changed.”

She grins, “Choo, it has been almost five months.”

We all nod our heads as we understand how time differentials between universes happen. Choo tells her, “I was afraid it was that long.”

Then Mudwing tells us, “The various factions of Baltimare have gotten together and formed a rough regional government, along the lines of what Manesville did. They had enough militia troops and volunteers to form two regiments, that they have taken to calling the Baltimare Brigade.”

I nod my head, “Glad to hear it.”

Soon after this she says, “Ok, let’s get you out of here and back to the Rangers.”

Shortly after we come out the same griffon tells us, “OK Captain Mudwing, we have a reply for your message earlier.”

She uses a wing to pass the note. Mudwing reads it quickly and tells us, “Choo, we have a vertibuck inbound. When it lands you and your team are to be on it.”

We all nod our heads and then recover our weapons and kits. Once we are ready, we go over to an area near where the Vertibuck is to land. As we wait, several of us use our saddlebags for pillows as we rest. Myself, I keep watch for the rest and I watch as the last Enclave airship turns and heads to the northeast, instead of towards Thunderhead, the nearest Enclave territory.

This gets my attention and I watch them till they are out of sight. Then I pull out my Book of Daisy Jo and begin to read. I soon lose myself while I reread the chapter of Herds. Before long my attention is brought back to the world I am in when I hear a Vertibuck approaching in the distance.

I quickly rouse the others as does Choo. As the aircraft comes in to land it first hovers above us and I see one of the door gunners waving. From the side I see Morning Mist waving back to her.

Once it lands, we all stand up and walk towards the loading dock with Days End leading Double Back up the ramp and to a seat.

Once we are ready the aircraft begins to move again lifting straight up and then twisting again as we head back to the training camp. As it flies along, I find myself getting drowsy and falling asleep.

When I wake up, my head is on my husband’s shoulder and I can see Days End and Tater pointing at me and laughing. I then look at my husband and see the drool I left on his shoulder as well, which leads me to check my face and find it is wet as well.

The other thing I notice is that the rotors have shifted position and it feels like we are going to land.

Once we are on the ground, I hear the rotors start to slow down and I see ponies running toward the aircraft with what looks to be camo netting. As we are getting off, they begin to set up the netting to disguise it from prying eyes.

We are met by a couple of more ponies who lead us to the farmhouse again, just like the first time we were here. Once inside we are met by the staff pony Apple Sprout, “Good to see you all again. Now before we get going too much, we need to debrief all of you. Also, do any of you have any injuries or issues that need to be taken care of right away?”

Double Back responds by raising a hoof and saying, “Ma’am, I can’t hardly see anymore.”

“And how did that occur?” She asks cautiously.

This time I answer, “That special weapon we were sent into the hub to get. Well, the researchers there figured out how to operate it, and when they tried to defend themselves, they got him, right before we went through the doorway.”

She seems surprised, but continues, “OK, we will see what we can do to help your Ranger, right after the debriefing. Speaking of the special weapon, do you have it with you?”

Cowlick grins as he hooves her the twisted and crushed remains of it. “Sorry but when we came out the other side, I accidentally stepped on it.”

She looks at the mess and shakes her head, “So, I guess this means the Enclave does not have the technology to build one of these either?”

Choo answers, “No, it has been pretty much destroyed. But they do know it is possible now. However, only one of their researchers survived and is aware of its existence.”

“Ok, so it has been over five months people since you went over to the other side of the doorway. We need the lowdown.”

The debriefing lasts several hours. After which they take Double Back away to have his eyes examined and to see if they can do anything. As they go Choo tells me, “Ginger, you have the team until I get back.”

After she leaves, I have everyone grab a bunk and we begin to settle in for the night. It is only a little while later I hear a voice call out, “Uno!” followed by another voice saying with a grin in their voice, “I don’t think so, Draw four.” Followed by some curses that impress even me.

As this is going on, I see my sister reading as well. She looks up and we briefly smile at each other and go back to our reading. As I do so, I find myself smiling and feeling relaxed, at least for a little while.


Undisclosed Location, NCR Territory: Xochilt

After the debrief, most of us head back to the barracks to rest and relax a bit. Ginger and Epona both go off to read and while I would love just to cuddle with my wife, I know she needs to settle herself some as she pulls out her copy of the Book of Daisey Jo. While I am not a follower of her faith, I do understand her need for it and her convictions. Besides, it is close to the pony faith I was raised in, which is different from the zebra’s religion that I have learned about during our travels.

I am playing cards with Sunny, Days End, Cowlick, Tater, and Morning Mist when I hear Twinks off to the side say, “Let’s see what is on the radio. Maybe we can catch some music out of Ten Pony Tower.”

This is shortly after Flight Plan and his crew join us in the barracks, having finished the post-flight checks and maintenance.

As Twinks adjusts the dial, we hear some martial music playing that I recognize as the opening music for the Hollowed Dreams show. Right after this, we hear his voice as we listen to his broadcast.

Good evening my fellow Equestrians in the Wastelands and the Grand Pegasus Enclave. This is Radio Free Equestria, and you are listening to me, your host, Hollowed Dreams. Tonight’s show brings us some news that many of us were not expecting and might take a little explaining for most to understand.

Those corrupt criminals who fancy to call themselves the NCR, are reporting that they have driven the forces of our Grand Pegasus Enclave out of the ruins of Baltimare. That may be what it seems like, but the truth is, we never planned on holding that wreck of a city for the long term. No, we only were there to gather what we wanted and then we performed a proper withdrawal of our forces. Those who say we were driven out and that they captured the former MWT Hub there are full of themselves and would not even understand that we let them have it after took what we wanted.

This strategy not only has the advantage of getting us more tech and information, but by withdrawing, those NCR types now must be wondering where we will be attacking next. After all, that is an awful lot of troops to have that deep in your territory. But I doubt the fear-mongering so-called leaders of the NCR understand that.

Now to some music and more news after these brief messages. In the Lunar Republic, Apple Dash has a green Apple. Apple Dash has a green apple. For those in Baltimare. Twilight never comes. Twilight never comes. For the NCR, Broadway has the same old shows, Broadway has the same old shows. Now back to the Music.

As the martial music begins to come out of the radio, I hear Twinks say, “I wonder what he meant with all that last claptrap?”

This time Morning Mist answers, “Probably nothing but to keep us wondering. However, some of it may be code words to their people who are embedded in those locations already. Now how about trying to find some real music? It has been a long time since we have gotten to hear DJ Pon3.”

Tonight’s broadcast of DJ Pon3 seems to be the usual so we just listen to it as background noise until Choo returns.

Once Choo returns, she smiles and tells us, “Well the good news is that it looks like they can help Double Back with his eyes. They are doing what they can for him, then he will most likely have to wear glasses from now on.”

Morning Mist to the side smiles and says, “Glad to hear that. Besides, it will be nice to have someone else besides me who has to worry about these dang things,” as he touches his glasses with a wing tip.

Choo smiles then tells us, “Come tomorrow we are being taken to Junction Town. There they can make Double Back new glasses as needed. Also, I will have a few meetings to attend there. The rest of you will be used for security for a special envoy.”

We all nod our heads and then Ginger says, “I guess this means we should all call it a night. So much for hoping for some downtime.”

After she says this, we all settle down for the night. Come morning Double Back has rejoined us, but he has bandages over his eyes. When he hears us asking what is going on he smiles and tells us, “Oh, just have to wear these another day or two. They have repaired the retina as best as they can. I am just glad it was not bad enough that I can’t see at all now that I have these on.”

When we leave to load up on the vertibuck, we lead him on first and sit him down before we all get ready for our flight. As the rotors start to spin, I see his ears moving in different directions as he listens to what sounds are going on around us.

Once we land, he is led off the aircraft and taken to a medical facility nearby. Choo leads us to the Ranger headquarters building. As we approach it, I notice how much damage it has taken since the last time we were here.

Once we get near, I see several guards shift their weapons in case of trouble. When we are about twenty feet from the door we are ordered to stop. One of the guards advances towards us while the others provide an overwatch. The one closest to us inquires, “State your business.”

Choo answers for us, “We have been ordered to report in.” Standing near her, I catch myself nodding my head.

“Copy of your orders and credentials?” He asks, but more like an order. Choo hooves him a copy of a message and then raises her PipBuck for him to look at her credentials on it. After he has examined both, he tells her, “Good to have you back Captain. Now, before you go in, I need to see the credentials on the rest of your team as well.”

Once done we pass by him and head inside. The place is a wreck compared to the previous time we were here. Now there is a visible magical shield protecting the mare at the front desk. There are also scorch marks that show through the light coat of white paint that has been slapped over them and the repairs for them.

Once at the desk, the mare asks again to see our orders and credentials. Once she is satisfied, she tells us, the chief is waiting for you in his office. Have a good day.”

As we pass her desk on our way to the back, I notice the submachine gun hanging under the desk, but ready for use. Things must have been rough here while we were gone.

We pass quickly down the halls and enter the door that opens automatically for us as we reach it. Inside the office, behind the desk in his forest ranger uniform is Faint Strider. He looks like he has aged ten years in the brief time since we saw him last.

Choo quickly reports to him and he tells us, “Glad to have your team back on this side of the doorway. While I would love to hear what all occurred on that side. I need to know what might pertain to this side.”

We give him a quick run down first, then he asks, “Do they know you have been drafted yet?”

We all shake our heads in reply to which he grins and says, “Good. That may be something we can use still.”

Choo then tells him, “Sir, as it is just us, I wanted to let you know that President Winter Breeze had that team we met on the other side in Baltimare for more than just rescuing a researcher. Sir, they were there to try and set up a back door means of communication with President Grimfeathers.”

“To what end?” he asks.

“Sir, I do not think she really wants this war. However, she does not want to lose either. Perhaps we can use this line of communication to try and end the current hostilities with a less than full victory for either side.”

“Hmm, interesting Choo. Do you trust the ponies they sent?”

I watch as she sighs and tells me, “Sir, most of them I would hesitate. But their leader was one we have encountered before. If he wore a different uniform, perhaps we could be friends with him. But as things stand, he and us all understand we stand at a great chasm that divides us.”

“Very good then. So, how will communications work between you and them?”

“Chief, He gave me a radio frequency that he will use to contact us. Twice a day I will listen to it for updates.”

He nods his head, “Alright. Keep me appraised of the situation, and I will let the President know.”

With that, we know we are dismissed and we head to a nearby military barracks to rest and get ready for our next assignment.

It takes two more days for our next assignment to come through. We are to meet a dignitary from the Lunar Commonwealth at the train station and escort him to the President. Choo nods her head and then tells us, Ginger, I think your team needs to take the lead on this assignment. I will be in the background, using my invisibility spell as a reserve.”

Ginger nods her head, after all it makes sense to me that we would be in the lead as we have had more recent dealings with the Lunar Commonwealth government than the rest of the team.

“When do we meet them?” I ask.

Choo looks at the orders again and tells us, “Tomorrow. We have an eight-hour window when they may arrive due to the difficulties of travel at this time.”

I smirk when I hear Ginger say, “Yeah, war on and all. That could make it a bit trickier.” Then she asks, “Do they give a name for these dignitaries?”

Choo shakes her head and moves her ears in a negative response. “No, but I am sure they have their reasons. We best get ready for them,” she tells us a means of dismissal and of getting us moving.

The next day we arrive as a team at the railroad station. Until the war, the Junction Town station had been very busy. Now, now it is almost dead. I can see only a hooffull of ponies and other beings waiting for the next train.

The first train to arrive is a freight coming from the direction of Manehatten. The next one comes from the direction of Canterlot Mountain. It seems the tracks under there are still being used to move trains through it.

As the engine pulls up, we see it is a mixed passenger and freight consist. Ginger stands up and tells us, “Ok, on your hooves. This is the engine number we were told to expect.”

As the train creeps to a stop, we hear the conductor call out, “Junction Town, All off for Junction Town.”

As we watch the passengers begin to offload. I am surprised when I see a pony I know get off, right then I hear my wife call out, “Grandpa, Grandpa Upper, over here!”

I find myself smiling and our group walks to him as he grins back and says, “Ginger, Epona, Xochitl, so good to see family again.”

Once we are close enough, he exchanges a brief hug with them. Then he tells the ponies with him, “These two mares are my wife’s son Honey Badger’s daughters,” then he points to me and says, “And this young buck is my grandson-in-law.”

We continue brief introductions and then Ginger tells him, “We need to clear the station, Let’s get your bags and we will take you to the hotel.”

Soon after we have what baggage they have and are on our way to a local hotel. Once there as they check in, I see the desk clerk look at a list, then back up at Upper Crust and tell him, “Yes sir, we have your reservations, in fact, I have been authorized to comp your room for the length of your stay.”

I see Upper Crust nod his head before he replies, “Thank you my good stallion,” he then slides a small pile of caps to the clerk.

Once to the room, we give it a sweep, much like how we did for the Manesville delegation in Hoofington. Once done Ginger tells him, “Ok, the room is clear. No taps or dangers.”

He looks surprised and tells her, “Really, you felt you had to do that against your own government?”

This time I answer, “Sir as diplomats we are to treat you as if you were members of one of our delegations. However more than just looking for NCR bugs, we also were looking for Enclave ones. There have been rumors of leaks in our government.”

As he sits down, he looks at us and asks, “Is that why they sent your team? Because they felt that as family, we would feel more comfortable with all of you?”

“Perhaps sir, but I think it also must be due to the fact that our team has experience now with this sort of work. Besides, we even have a few new members on our team that you have not met before. Tomorrow we may have another, a mule named Double Back join us. They should have his new glasses ready by then.”

He nods his head and as one of the other diplomats passes him a mixed drink, he first sips it, then asks, “Ok, so if you are going to be our escorts, why are you dressed in your raggedy field uniforms and not the fancy ones you used in Hoofington.”

Epona sits across from him and tells him, “Gramps, that is because those uniforms are in storage in Manesville. We just came off a series of operations and have not had time to recover them, or get new ones made.”

He nods his head, “Ok, that sounds good.” Then he asks, “So are the rest of the family nearby? I really would like to see them all again.”

Ginger shakes her head and tells him, “As far as we know, they too are in Manesville. But we have not seen them in a while ourselves.”

As the day wears on we hear a knock on the door and when I answer it, Choo is standing there. She enters and approaches the dignitaries. Once she is close enough, she tells them, “The scheduled meeting is tomorrow morning at eight. My team will escort you to and from it.”

The various dignitaries nod their heads, and Upper Crust replies, “We will be ready. But I thought it was Ginger’s team?”

Choo smiles and tells him, “No, Ginger is my second in command. But it is often more discrete to have her be the front pony.”

Again, he nods his head, and when I notice the other dignitaries seem slightly uncomfortable around Choo, I tell Upper Crust, “Sir, just so you know, Choo is family as well. Father Badger’s wife Sutures, is descended from Choo Choo.”

This time I see him look amused as he tells me, “Your Manesville bunch are just full of surprises. Never thought we would have an alicorn in the family.”

Choo simply shrugs and tells him, “Same here, especially when the alicorn is me. I still remember some of my time as a unicorn, and Badger’s wife Magpie has helped me to find out more of descendants, as well as we ran into some who were running a caravan from Hoofington to Baltimare and Manehatten.”

I see his attitude change some and he says, “Really? That is interesting. I wonder if they would be willing to run messages from certain powers in the Commonwealth to the NCR if requested. That would make a great backdoor for communications.”

Choo simply shrugs and tells him, “If I see them again, I will ask. But understand, they will need to be compensated well for it.”

“But of course. We would expect no less. Perhaps we could even help them extend their trade routes.”

The next morning our full team, including Double Back with his new glasses escorts Upper Crust and the other Lunar Commonwealth representatives to the president’s office. Choo however does this while cloaked in her invisibility spell. Once they arrive, we wait in the foyer, while Choo Choo follows them inside.

The meeting has been going on for almost an hour when I see a Griffon in an NCR staff officer's uniform come flying in as fast as she can. Once there she tells the receptionist and presidential security team heads, “I have an emergency-level message for the president!”

They promptly let her in. Shortly afterwards the griffon departs and I see the dignitaries all coming out with a stunned look on their faces.

Choo has shown herself and she tells us, “Things have just changed.”


Junction Town, NCR Capital: Choo Choo

As my team escorts the dignitaries to the Executive building. I find myself flying above them using my invisibility spell as I scout around for possible problems. We are only a block away from our destination when I see a single pegasus with a scoped rifle beginning to take aim in the direction of our group. I say nothing to the others yet. Instead, I simply fly over to the window of the darkened room where I can see the rifle being aimed through. Once there I simply do a quick teleportation spell the few remaining feet inside. I have already had to drop my invisibility spell to teleport, so he briefly sees me before I use a heating spell on the metal of his rifle, causing the mouth trigger to heat up and burning his mouth causing him to drop it.

He holds up his forehooves and tells me, “I surrender.”

I feel an evil grin coming over my face as I tell him, “I know you do.”

Then I cast the paralysis spell I had to use when conducting surgery on my sisters when I was still a part of Unity as a field medic for my wing.

I see the terror in his eyes as he lies there immobile. Next, I call for a security pick-up at my present location, giving them the details and ending with me telling them, “He will not be moving for at least two hours, you better bring a stretcher.”

After I hear their positive reply, I recast my invisibility spell, leave the door open, and make my way back to the street below. The rest of the team has already bypassed this location so I quickly catch up and continue my overwatch.

Once we arrive at our goal, I maintain my invisibility and follow the dignitaries into the President’s office as much for her safety as the dignitaries. The president offers them a seat in front of her desk, which they all take. Then she tells me, “Choo Choo, please reveal yourself. I will not hold these talks under false pretenses.”

I drop my spell and I see that all the Commonwealth representatives are surprised that I was in there with them.
The president looks up and me and tells me, “By the way, my compliments on taking out that shooter on your way here. I was informed by the head of my security it was a nice clean capture. Also, they found his dog tags on him. It seems he was a member of one of the Enclave’s elite operations teams.”

I simply nod my head, but I hear Upper Crust asks, “What Shooter?”

I smile as the president tells him, “There was a shooter about four blocks from here that was targeting your group as you approached. Choo Choo here took him into custody and continued to observe for dangers.”

I see him shake his head, “I did not even know she was with us.”

The president smiles sadly and tells him, “That is why I assigned her team to you for your stay. They have unique techniques as well as experience in such missions.” She pauses and then asks, “With that out of the way, I would like to ask you, why did you call for this meeting? Not to be rude, but your government has let it be well known that we can not call on you for aid as an ally as it is against your constitution unless you are attacked directly.”

Upper Crust nods his head, then he answers, “While that is true, each of us represents a separate faction that while not able to offer direct support, would like to discuss how we can assist you in other, more covert ways, such as weapons at a discount cost, mercenary or special volunteer forces that while not authorized by our government and without the protection of said organization would like to directly assist your nation in this effort.”

The president shifts her wings and nods her head, then she asks, “And what would the cost of such assistance be?”

“Ah, I have always heard that you Griffon are very direct when it comes to trade, good, well then let us begin to discuss what we can do to help each other on this.”

They then begin to discuss what is needed and what is available in compensation. The talks have been going on for some time, during which I have just stood to the side with my mouth shut trying not to listen too obviously. Suddenly the door opens and the receptionist comes in followed by a staff officer with a message, “Ma’am, an urgent message from the General Staff!”

The president takes the message from the officer. She quickly reads it then exclaims, “Damn, damn them to Tartarus. The Enclave is attacking Manehatten as we speak. Mares, Gentlestallions, I need to end this meeting right now. Thank you for the offers of assistance you have made. We the people of the NCR appreciate it and will not forget your offer of lend-lease to assist us. I will contact the general staff about arranging transportation of the volunteers you have mentioned as well as shipments of fresh food and farm recovery knowledge to you as soon as possible.”

Upper Crust stands up and offers a hoofshake. The president takes it and as she shakes his hoof tells him, “Thank you for coming. I truly appreciate it, but I do not want to keep you here in this city longer than necessary as I do not want to keep you in danger.”

Upper Crust smiles in understanding, “Madam President, I do understand. Personally, I have family that lives in the NCR and I worry about them as well. I wish you good luck and do not forget about the means of communicating with me and my contemporaries that are with me. For if the NCR falls, we fear that the Commonwealth will be next.”

We soon leave the office, and as I come out the doors first Ginger and the others all appear surprised to see me. I look at them and tell them, “Things have changed.”

Upper Crust tells her, “Choo, I need someone to get us tickets on the first train out of there back toward the Commonwealth. I will personally reimburse you.”

Choo nods her head, “I will do that myself; Ginger take them back to the hotel and get ready to move as soon as possible.”

As they head out, I cast my invisibility spell again and I begin to worry about how often I am doing this now. Once possible. I land out of sight of anyone and I drop the spell and continue to walk to the train station. Once there I set up transportation for the dignitaries, then quickly go back to the hotel.

When I arrive, I let them know, “The next train heading in the direction you are going is not due until tomorrow.”

“I was afraid of that.” Upper Crust tells her. Then he asks, “Is your team still going to be providing us security during that time?”

“Yes, we have not had those orders changed yet. I will have to send some of them for food though.”

After that, I watch as I see my team and the dignitaries begin to settle in. Someone has turned on the radio and tuned to the station for Ten Pony Tower out of Manehatten. The music on the station is still playing then we hear something I never imagined.

To all those listening in the Wastelands, this is DJ Pon3, the Enclave has attacked Manehatten and is currently fighting for control of Ten Pony Tower. I do not know how much longer I will be on the air. Remember always keep up the good Fight.

In the background, I can hear the exchange of MEW and gunfire, as well as the screams of the wounded, the dying, and those who are just frightened, as DJ Pon3 continues.

The fighting is getting closer, they are almost to the station. Remember we once all lived in harmony. Good Bye my friends. This is DJ Pon3 and this final song is Equestria, The Land That I Love.

The song continues to play until suddenly the broadcast ends. I look at all the faces in the room and I see horror on them. I slowly stand up, walk to the radio, and turn it off. As I do so I feel a tear form and roll down my cheek as I remember that song being played on the radio as we were rushed from my train towards a vat of chemicals and then told we had to get in it to survive.

I hear a voice ask, “Choo, are you ok?”

I nod my head, “Yes, just a bad memory brought back up.”

I feel Ginger next to me and hear her say, “Choo, go grab some alone time if you need it. I got the team.”

“I think you are right Ginger; I will be back in a bit.” I then step out onto the balcony. Take a deep breath and launch myself skyward. I find myself flying away from the city and once I find a place where I will be alone, I sit and while I had expected to cry, I instead start to scream as I let out all the pain, anger, and fears that I feel riding my shoulders.

When I am done, I put myself back together. As I do this I look up and I see a white mare with a black mane and tail, wearing a black clock looking at me. I feel myself blush slightly and she tilts her head before she says, “Do not be embarrassed old friend, I have felt that way myself, especially lately.”

I look at her with half-closed eyes and ask, “Do I know you?”

She shakes her head and tells me, “No, but I know you.” She pauses then adds, “Several others that you know, know me as well. Please call me Mareigan.”

I know that name from several members of my family, but I never thought I would meet her. I then ask her, “Is it my time? Is that why you are here?”

She shakes her head, “No Choo Choo, that is not it. I too needed to clear my head. Perhaps I also felt the need to just share time with someone else who is also long-lived and knows how quickly life truly passes for most others.”

I nod my head, “Yes, it does. I lost so much when I was changed into this, this monstrosity.”

“Ah, but if you hadn’t been changed, then Choo, you would have missed out on our Moon Lily. I have watched you and Purple Haze with her as well as her family.”

I feel my mane start to rise and my ears slide back as I ask, “What do you mean our Moon Lily? What interest do you have in her?”

She shakes her head sadly, “Choo, who do you think is responsible for her having been born alive? You know as well as I that she and her mother should have died that night.”

I nod my head unconsciously as I do know that. “Thank you, for having saved her then.”

“Never thank a spirit. We do things for our own reasons, not yours. However, in this case, I will say, you are welcome. Watching her grow and learn has brought me joy as well.”

“So, she has seen you as well?”

She smiles and nods her head, “Yes, I do stop by to see her from time to time. Oh, and just so you know, she and her family back home are safe, as is your Paper Work.”

I feel a relief when she says this. We have a brief chat after this, then she tells me, “Choo you need to get back to your people before they start to worry. Besides, there may be news soon for you and them.”

I stand up and before I fly away, I ask, “Will I see you again?”

She smiles, “Perhaps, time will tell Choo. Now go, we both have work to do.”

Once I arrive back at the hotel, I use the radio to let them know I am landing on the balcony. When I enter, I still see a couple of my team members have their weapons ready, just in case.

I nod to them and I watch them relax as I enter the room. Ginger looks at me with a raised eyebrow and I nod to her and tell her, “Thank you for watching the team while I was gone. I needed it.”

“No problem boss. We all get that way at times. Believe me.”

I nod and move my ears in a signal of acknowledgment. It seems while I was gone Ginger had part of the team go out and bring in some meals for us. The dignitaries eat from room service.

We sit around later that evening listening to the radio as we enjoy our own activities such as cards or reading. This time Cowlick asks, “What do you say we try and see what the Enclave has to say tonight? You know just to see what their newest lies are.”

Several tell him to go ahead and he does so. As the station comes on, we hear the familiar voice of Hallowed Dreams as he say, That’s right mares and gentlecolts. The forces of the Grand Pegasus Enclave have now liberated Manehatten and that viper's den known as Tenpony Tower. As announced earlier the truth about DJ Pon3 has been revealed. Like so much of the NCR, DJ Pon3 has hidden their true identity behind a lie.

The truth is that the original DJ Pon3 is long gone. The one you have been listening to and who has kept telling you and us that they would spread the truth no matter how much it hurts is not even a pony, much less a stallion. The current DJ Pon3 is a zebra mare. Let that sink in mares and gentlecolts. She has lied to you about not only her gender but her species and she purports to tell the truth. Lies, that is what you get from the NCR and its vaunted leadership.

Thank you all for tuning in to my show. This is Hollowed Dreams bringing you the real truth. Now for those in the NCR, the leaves have turned yellow. I repeat the leaves have turned yellow. For those in the Lunar Commonwealth, the vase has tipped over. I repeat the vase has tipped over.

Now for some music followed by more news.

As the militaristic music of the Enclave begins to come over the radio, He shakes his head and then says, I guess we now know. In fact, I bet the whole NCRA is about to go nuts.”

I shake my head and from the side, I hear Epona tell Ginger, “I bet Mama Mollygirl and Papa Archer are fit to be tied. As I can’t see them using the 1st regiment for this rather than the Second.”

Ginger nods her head, then adds, “True, but that means Papa Badger will be in the fight instead if they send in the Second.”

From the side I hear Upper Crust asks, “Did you say Honey Badger will most likely have to fight there?”

Ginger nods her head, “Yeah, he is a company commander for the Second Manesville Regiment. They have been a part of a rapid deployment force for about seven years now.”

I see the look of worry come over his face as he says, “I really hope and pray he will be safe. I know his mother was so overjoyed to have him back in her life.”

“We understand. I know he felt the same way, Gramps.”

We spent the night quietly after that. The next morning, we escort them to the station. As we get ready to leave Upper Crust tells us, “Thank you for everything. We appreciate your assistance.”

Then he turns to Ginger, Epona, and Xochitl and tells them, “Be careful you three. Remember you are family and if I can help you when you are in Hoofington, let us know.” After this, he exchanges a brief hug with them. Then gets on the train and we see him wave one more time out the window before he is out of sight.

Then back to the barracks to wait for orders. As we are waiting, I notice the time and check the special station. I have just tuned into the station when I hear, “Big Blue this is Wandering Shepard, Big Blue this is Wandering Shepard. Can you hear me?”

I get back on the radio, “Wandering Shepard, I can read you, what do you have for me.”

“Big Blue, The Cold Storm has requested a temporary armistice in Manehatten.”

I nod my head though he can’t see me, “OK, what are the terms?”

He gives me a brief list, which I write down. Then I tell him, “Ok, I will convey these to the Head Hen. I will try and let you know by the next broadcast time.”

“Roger, Big Blue, Wandering Shepard out.”

I nod my head and tell Ginger, “Ginger, you have the team, I have to go see the president.”

Once I arrive at the executive building, I tell the clerk at the front desk, “I have a priority message for the President.”

He looks up at me and tells me as he looks over the frames of his eyeglasses, “Sorry ma’am, but you are not on the approved list at this time. I cannot do that.”

“Fine, then call her and ask her if she would talk to me, as this pertains to a certain matter she and I discussed recently, along with the Chief Ranger.”

I am still trying to get past his desk to see the President when I hear her coming down the hallway and she asks, “Choo Choo, what are you doing here?”

I look up at her, go to the position of attention, and tell her, “Ma’am, I have a bit of information for you. I would have come in the backdoor if I had known it would be so difficult to talk to you, ma’am.”

She tilts her head and shuffles her feathers slightly, then she says, “Sorry Choo Choo, but with everything that has been occurring lately, security is at a premium. However, now that I am aware you are here and have something for me, please follow me to my office.”

As I follow her, we are escorted by two unicorns who are dressed in all-black suits and sunglasses but are also armed with submachine guns that are hanging from their shoulders.

She sits down once inside her office and turns to me. “Ok Captain, what is so urgent you broke protocol.”

I cringe slightly then I look at both of her guards and ask, “Ma’am, are they cleared for this information?”

She looks at one, then the other, and tells the first, “True Word, please step out momentarily, we will let you know when you should return.”

True Word looks up and down at me, then back at the president and then his partner before he leaves without a word. Once he is gone Regina Grimfeathers, the President of the NCR turns her full attention on me. I brace myself some more and tell her, “Ma’am, the Wandering Shepard has contacted me. It seems the person he represents wants to negotiate a ceasefire in Manehatten.”

“Just Manehatten? Not a general ceasefire?”

“Just a local one for Manehatten I am afraid ma’am,” I tell her, then I pass her ceasefire demands that I had written down.

She looks them over and then asks, “Do you believe them?”

“Ma’am, I may not know her, or the others. But the person who sent me these, I know. Ma’am, he believes they are genuine.”

She looks at them briefly again and tells me, “Thank you, Choo Choo, I will have to discuss this with my advisors and the general staff. I will get back to you as soon as possible.”

The next day I receive a message calling me back to her office. Once there, she tells me, “Choo, go ahead and contact this Wandering Shepard, let him know that their demands are satisfactory with the exception of us withdrawing what NCR troops still remain there. Offer instead for them to remain in place and for no other NCR troops to enter Manehatten during the ceasefire.”

“Yes ma’am,” I answer calmly.

I am surprised however when she asks me right afterward, “By the way Choo, does this contact, or any other members of the Enclave know that your team or others like them have been drafted into the Rangers?”

“No ma’am, not as far as I know. We don’t talk about it, and we were never issued regular Ranger gear to use in the field. The only thing about us that would tell anyone we are is our badges, and we kept them tucked inside our saddlebags.”

She grins as much as a griffon can at hearing this. Then she tells me, “Good. That may give us an advantage in Manehatten then. I will have orders cut for your team in the next day or two. Dismissed.”

“Yes Ma’am, I tell her, then I turn and leave. As I near the door she tells me, “Let my guard know he can reenter my office now.” Which I do as I head back to my team and I begin to think about what we may have to do next.


GPE Raptor Westerly Wind, Skies over NCR Territory: Ball Lightning.

Our arrival aboard the ship is hectic, to say the least. It appears that the pull-out from Baltimare was more hectic than I had realized. I also realized once we were aboard just how lucky we were in our timing to get back on this side of the doorway and not become prisoners.

As we disembark from the Vertibuck we are met by a naval officer with two security guards alongside him, weapons at the ready. He briskly orders all the passengers, “Credentials.”

We all quickly show them to him and he then tells my team, “You four, stay here. The rest of you follow that petty officer over there. He will show you to your temporary quarters.”

Once they have departed he asks, “Your names were reported as being missing. Where have you been?”

I think quickly and answer honestly, “We were on a special assignment. Sir, compartmentalized information. I do not believe you are authorized for me to tell you.”

He nods his head. Puts a hoof alongside his head and speaks briefly with somepony over the radio headset he is wearing. He then nods to his two guards and tells us, “Follow me.”

We are then led to the cloudship’s brig. Once there we have our weapons and kits confiscated. The officer who leads us there then tells us, “This is only until we can verify your identity.”

Several hours later we are released. While they give us our gear back, the officer tells me and the others, “Your weapons will be held until you are ready to leave the ship, Sir.” He pauses and then tells us, “Please follow me.”

We are led from the brig up several decks and into what I know is the command deck. We are taken to a room off to the side before we get anywhere near the bridge. Once inside I see several other officers. What really surprises me is to find a Lieutenant Colonel in full uniform. She nods her head and tells us, “All of you have a seat. We need to talk.”

We perform an hour debrief where we describe everything we have done, as well as what it was like on the other side of the Doorway. Finally, she asks, “I have been directed to ask you if you were able to accomplish the secondary portion of your mission. Simply answer yes or no.”

The primary mission had been to negotiate a withdrawal from Baltimare. The secondary goal is to establish a backdoor communication channel between the Enclave and NCR leaders. We failed at our primary mission, but we did succeed in the secondary one, so I answer, “Yes.”

She nods her head and writes down a note. She then tells us, “Your next of kin are being notified that you are no longer missing in action. However, due to operational commitments, you will not be going back to Thunderhead or the Hoofington region for a while.

To say the least, I am disappointed as I really want to get back home. But the needs of the Enclave and all that.

She then tells us “Alright, thank you. That will be all for now.”

After we step out of what I now realize is the ship's Intelligence room, we are met by a petty officer who tells us, “I have been assigned to take you back to your quarters, and to give you a brief tour of the areas of the ship you are allowed to go into.”

He leads us to an open bay berthing compartment that has many bunks in it, all stacked three high. Off to one side of the room is a small table for playing cards surrounded by chairs. I notice that most of the racks are empty, but some have ponies in them sleeping as well.

We each choose a bunk that has no one sleeping in it. Once done we meet at the card table and begin to talk.

After a while, the conversation begins to drift to talking about ourselves, and our backgrounds before we met each other. The conversation then shifts to what growing up was like for us. We have just heard a whistle and a call go over the ship’s intercom announcing Supper for the Crew, When I tell Air Burst, “You know, you really didn’t say much about yourself.”

He smiles sadly at me and answers, “Ball, there is a lot about me that I can’t tell you and a lot that I won’t tell you. But understand, I am your friend, or at least I hope I am as I consider you, my friend.”

I smile at him in reply. Then I tell him, “Yeah Air, you are my friend. To be honest, that is good enough for me.” I then look at the rest and I tell them, “Ok, let's head up to the mess decks and get some rations.”

As we approach the mess deck, I can see a long, but quick-moving line leading to it. I notice that it has a fair mix of what appears to be ground pounders, cloudies, and even a smattering of civilians.

We hop in the line and I begin to talk with one of the infantry officers who is also in line. I talk to him about what his unit’s mission was in Baltimare, and as the conversation continues, he finally asks, “Can you believe that they pulled us out of Baltimare just to throw us in at Manehatten?”

I shake my head, “No, I am surprised at that. We were only there to support a Research and Recovery mission. So, no one tells us much.”

He grins, “Ball, you guys had it easy once we ground pounders got the robots and ghouls cleared out of there. My company was on the front lines, that last big push that came from the direction of the old refrigeration plant was a surprise. Who would have thought that a bunch of tribals could work together so well.”

By now we have gotten our rations and he is sitting with myself and my team. We continue to talk, and I am able to keep from telling him details of what we were doing. All he goes away knowing is that we were in the old MWT hub, and that seems to satisfy him.

Two days later It is late in the afternoon when I hear over the ship's intercom, “All hands man your action stations. I repeat, all hands man your action stations. All assault troops, report to the hanger deck. I repeat all assault troops report to the hanger deck.”

Mine and my team's action station, as we are just spare cargo on this trip along with several others, is the berthing compartment. We all take our seats there and just wait to see what happens next.

Soon after I hear a whining sound, I see Air Burst's ears go straight up and his eyes wide as he says, “That’s the ship’s main gun moving.” Shortly afterwards I hear a large whooshing sound as it fires. Then we hear it move again and thirty seconds later it fires again.

This cycle of the main gun continues and is joined by some smaller ones shortly afterward and he looks at us and tells us, “Somepony is really catching it now.”

Shortly after this I feel a vibration through the ship and hear a grinding noise as the hanger bay doors open. Then I hear over the intercom,” Away all vertibucks and skywagons.”

“Dear Celestia, we are launching a full air assault on someone,” Airburst says.

Beside him, Funnel simply nods his head. However, Alto says, “I talked to a couple of the troopers earlier when I was allowed topside. It seems we are attacking Manehatten and Ten Pony Tower.”

“Dear sweet Celestia, but why?” I ask.

Both Air Burst and Funnel Cloud shrug and Funnel tells me, “Maybe there is something here that is a greater threat than we realized.”

As he says this, I hear the anti-griffon guns begin to fire as well, and suddenly I feel the ship jerk in the sky. Air Burst looks at us and says, “I think we just got hit by something, but nothing too major I reckon.”

Right after this, I hear over the intercom, “Hit, O1 Level Aft, compartment 01-3-21. I repeat Hit, O1 Level Aft, compartment 01-3-21. Away repair locker three.”

Air Burst still seems relaxed and explains, “Nothing to worry about yet. That one was a bit of a distance away. They were just letting the repair lockers know where we were hit and to inspect for damage, fire, and wounded.”

“You been through this before?” Alto asks nervously.

Air Burst nods his head, “Yeah, the last time I lost my eye and was put out of action for months. It was a lot heavier of a fight than this. An actual fleet-on-fleet fight. It was when Neighvarro attacked Thunderhead.”

We continue to talk for a while as the battle continues and seems to settle down, with the main gun only firing occasionally. By dark the situation has calmed down and we go back to our normal shipboard routine.

It is in the morning three days later that I receive a runner who salutes me and tells me, “Sir, With the Captain's compliments, you and your team have been ordered to be in the hanger bay for transport in fifteen minutes. Sir.”

I return his salute and tell him, “Please let the captain know, we have received our orders and will be there.”

As he turns and flies off down the corridor, I turn to my team and tell them, “You heard the buck, grab your kits, and let’s go.”

Once we are in the Vertibuck we begin to head down to the city below. I notice that it looks a bit worse for wear than the last time I was here, and I see an occasional shot from one of the cloud ships above us.

I raise an eyebrow as we fly towards Ten Pony Tower and soon land. As we debark from the aircraft, I see another officer run out to greet us and hear him yell, “Follow me.”

As we do so, we are led inside the fabled skyscraper. I see an occasional bit of damage to the walls and even a few dark stains on the carpets but say nothing. Eventually, I see a door ahead of us that has two stallions dressed in all-black suits. Their attire draws my attention as it stands out so much during a military operation.

One of them then opens the door and we are told to enter. As we go inside, I notice how large of a penthouse suite it is, and off to the side, I see President Winter Breeze standing in front of a large map of the former Equestria. She turns to us and tells me, “Captain, it is good to see you again.”

She turns to the guards and a few other staff members and tells them, “I need to talk to these ponies alone. Top Secret, compartmentalized information. Please leave. I will let you know when you can return.”

She waits till they have departed then she tells us, “Please take a seat.” After we are all seated, she smiles and asks, “Did you get my backdoor line of communications set up?”

I nod my head, and tell her, “Yes ma’am, we did.”

“Good, Good, I am glad to hear that as I want you to send out a message for me.”

“Yes ma’am,” I tell her. “Just let me know what it is?”

She nods her head, “I want to request a ceasefire with the NCR, for Manehatten only.”

Again, I nod my head, “Yes, Ma’am. Just tell me what the terms we are offering are and I will broadcast at noon.”

She smiles and asks, “How do you know that they will be able to pick up your message?”

“Well between the signal boosters here, the particular bandwidth, and the fact we used it on the other side of the doorway from over three days walk apart, I think we should be able to do so.”

“Excellent,” she says with a smile of satisfaction on her face as she uses her wing to pass me a paper with the demands on it.

I look them over quickly and tell her, “I think these are reasonable Ma’am. As I said, I should be able to contact them at noon.”

She smiles, looks at a clock on the wall, and tells me, “That will do. Now, how about you tell me what it was like on the other side of this so-called doorway that you ponies disappeared through.”


Good evening to all you loyal listeners out there. You are listening to Short Wave on HRSE out of Baltimare.

It is with great sadness we regret to announce that Ten Pony Tower has gone off the air and is believed to have been occupied by those foal killers of the Enclave. There are reports that NCR troops and local resistance groups are still fighting for Manehatten. For any of you who are listening, know that help is on the way. You have not been forgotten, so keep up the good fight.

In other news we have reports that the NCR and Lunar Commonwealth have recently held talks concerning a possible alliance, but with no results for either party.

For all river and oceanic shipping around the Manehatten as well as the Western Landing area be aware that Enclave forces have been reported in those areas and are sinking shipping with no warning.

For those who would like to fight the Enclave, the NCRA and NCRN are looking for volunteers. Report to your nearest NCR representative and let them know. Remember service guarantees citizenship.

Now back to tonight’s music starting with All Along the Watchtower.

Chapter 45 Manehatten Streets

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Chapter 45 Manehatten Streets

“Because monsters are real," she said. "And even the Wolf needs help sometimes.” ― Hannah F. Whitten, For the Wolf

Junction Town, NCR Capital: Ginger Snaps

We are sitting around awaiting our next set of orders in the barracks. Most of us are playing cards. Twinks seems to have picked up some wool and knitting needles and I find myself fascinated as she knits a what may be a cloth, blanket or scarf. She will not tell me which.

Tonight, on the radio, due to atmospherics being right, we are listening to the Manesville radio station. The show starts with a slow twanging of a banjo which is joined by a mandolin playing the same eerie tune, then a fiddle which screeches at first them blends into them as the tune speeds up and becomes more recognizable. This is followed by a stallions voice with the familiar twang of home speaking.

The Wastelands can be a scary and dangerous place out there. But some places are even scarier and more dangerous than the rest. They say that at one time the spirts and goddesses walked amongst us as well as their first creations, both good and evil. However, some say that they still do. And even the good ones now have an ax to grind with ponykind. So let us take a stroll through those barren fields and shattered forest of old as we explore the Cryptids of the Wastelands.

Good evening, Mares and Gentlecolts, Welcome back to another episode of Cryptids of the Wastelands. I am your host Broadcast Band and tonight I am being joined once again by my co-host Soundwaves. So Sound, what have you dug up out of the library tonight?

We hear the voice change, and I hear Sound Waves answer back Well, Band, last week we talked about the Hew-mans of the Everfree. Tonight, we leave the Everfree and travel to Trottingham, the home of tonight's subjects, the Banshees.

This gets my attention as when I was a foal, I remember hearing the tales of the Banshees and how they would signal the death of a family member to those who hear them. I find myself putting down the copy of Equestrian Army Today that I was reading. This one was interesting as it had an article about street fighting in large cities. However, I feel I need something a bit different and tonight’s broadcast from home, with its familiar lore, accents, and speech patterns fits that bill.

Once the show is over, I see Sunny giggling at the card table and Morning Mist asks him, “So, what has you laughing when you are losing so badly at Dodgecity Hold’em?

Sunny points towards the radio and replies, “I was just thinking how badly that would mess with someone who heard that and then ran into Morning Star on a dark night.”

It takes a minute but I see a grin come across several others at the table with them as they then begin to laugh. Finally, Moring Mist asks, “Ok, I guess, but me and the new hooves on the team have not met her yet. So why would that happen?”

Sunny grins and tells him, “Well, she is all white and a bit on the thin side, so she fits the physical description, especially since she tends to wear a cloak. Finally, when she uses her echolocation, it kind of seems like a scream or wail.”

“Ah, got it. Ok, but I thought all the batponies were dark gray or other such colors.”

Sunny shrugs and says, “I guess, but she is not. In fact, she is very beautiful just the way she is.”

When he says this, I find myself raising an eyebrow and when Epona and I look at each other she silently mouths, “Sunny? Wow.” To which I simply nod in return.

The next day we are told that the Enclave has agreed to the ceasefire terms. However, these do include no new NCR troops being allowed to enter Manehatten. Choo takes the message to the President as previously arranged. When she returns, she is grinning and tells us, “Mission Brief in an hour over at the headquarters. Grab your gear, we will not be back here for a while.” She turns to Flight Plan and his crew and tells them, “You are to join us for this one.”

Flight Plan nods his head and tells her, “Kinda figured that Choo, after all, we do keep working together.”

An hour later we are taken to a briefing room at the Rangers HQ. Once we are seated a Mare with a captain’s insignia on her collar and wearing an NCR Ranger badge tells us, “Ok, what is said here, stays here.” She pauses, then reveals a map of Manehatten and its surrounding areas. This does not surprise me. However, on to the west of the city, I see the marking for two regiments of NCR troops.

The staffer starts with, “You will be flying to these mountains outside of Manehatten for your insertion point. There we expect you to meet up with either the 2nd or 3rd Manesville Regiment.”

We all are a bit surprised at hearing there is now a third regiment out of Manesville. I raise a hoof and while she looks disgruntled, she asks, “Yes, what do you want?”

“Ma’am, who is the CO for this new regiment?”

She looks back at the papers in front of her and finally answers, “Not that you probably know her, but the CO’s name for the new regiment is Colonel Mollygirl.”

I am floored and I hear Epona says, “Damn, Ma got promoted again.”

I see a look of confusion come over the face of the staff officer as she says, “What? Excuse me?”

I smile as I tell her, “Colonel Mollygirl is one of our mothers, sorry about that, but we have not been home in a while, so last we knew she was still XO of the 1st Manesville regiment.”

By now she has regained her composure, “Ah okay, so that should make getting assistance from them much easier. Even better than.”

Choo then asks, “Assistance with what?”

“Good question and I was getting to that. As they may be in the area but can not go in again, both regiments have already had scouts enter the outer districts of Manehatten and they may be able to assist you in infiltrating the city.”

We all nod our heads and she continues with the briefing. Afterward, we are taken to the same airfield we landed at a few short days ago. Once loaded up and after Flight Plan and his crew finish their preflight checks we take off and head for the big city. Well, the ruins of a big city anyway. We make one daytime stay on the way to allow our aircrew to reset before we finish the trip.

It is dark when we get within visual range of Manehatten. From the distance, we can see the lights of Ten Pony Tower. As we circle in the distance, we can see the lights of fires from burning buildings as well as campfires and burn barrels throughout the distant ruins. From above and at a distance we can see a large circular spot in the city that is devoid of any lights. As I look out the window at it, I realize that it is the crater for the balefire bomb that killed this city.

We begin to circle the mountains to the west as Flight Plan tries to locate the Manesville brigade’s positions below in the dark.

Along the mountain, we spot occasional flashes of light from below. Soon we hear high-pitched sounds coming from different directions around us. I then see Choo say something over the aircrew headset she is wearing and the aircraft slows to an almost hover. Then she takes off her helmet and has Sunny go with her as the rear ramp is lowered and they jump out.

Shortly after this, we are moving slowly forward again and we land. As the aircraft shuts down its engines, we begin to get ready to disembark. Once everything is ready, we trundle down the ramp and I am surprised to see Morning Star and the other batponies all standing there speaking excitedly with Choo Choo and Sunny. I especially notice how Sunny must keep fighting to keep his wings down when he is near her. But I also notice how much she pays attention to him as well. But what really surprises me is when I realize that they are all in NCRA uniforms. Then I notice the Manesville Brigade tab on their shoulders.

As we get close to them Sunny excitedly tells us, “Hey Ginger, Pona. Look, they not only made it to Manesville, but they signed up too.”

We exchange pleasantries with them when Morning Star tells us, “The Colonel wants to see you. Follow me.”

We leave Double Back, Morning Mist, and Days End to stand guard over the vertibuck as it is covered with camo netting and the aircrew begins to do their post-flight maintenance. As we begin to move in the dark, I look over and notice a light vertibuck with a light-blue paint scheme under similar netting and I wonder where it came from.

We soon arrive just behind the crest of the mountain at a large tent with ponies coming and going from it. Outside we leave Sunny with the batponies. As we enter it takes a few seconds for my eyes to adjust to the bright lights inside. When they do I see Mama Mollygirl standing over a table with maps on it. Epona quietly says to me, “That reminds me of her in Hackamore. She is planning something.”

I find myself smiling and I call out to her, “Hay Ma, it is good to see you again.”

She immediately looks up and comes over giving me and Epona a quick hug. She then greets the others in the tent with us and then asks with a worried expression on her face, “Where is Sunny? Is he ok?”

Before I can reply, my husband laughs slightly and tells her, “Colonel, he is outside talking to Morning Star. I do believe he is smitten by her.”

I see the surprise on my mother’s face as she realizes what he has said and that he is serious. “Well, hopefully so, that would be good for him to settle down. I know his parents have been hoping he would do so eventually.”

Sunny enters slightly later and I hide my smile when I notice he is trying to readjust his wings and is blushing. As he approaches us, Choo Choo asks, “Colonel, we were wondering if we could borrow your batpony scouts to guide us into Manehatten? We have a job to do.”

Ma seems kind of surprised at her request, “I have no problem with that Choo, but we have been told that no NCR troops are allowed to enter Manehatten.

Choo then has that mischievous grin she wears when she is up to something as she replies, “But Colonel, we are not NCR troops. We are civilians who have taken a contract with an independent agent to perform a certain task. That it may benefit others, such as yourself is immaterial.”

Mollygirl grins at us and tells us, “Ok, you can borrow them, but have them home before dawn.”

“Thank you, Colonel. We will try to. Now if you will excuse us, we need to get going soon.”

She nods her head to Choo then seems to remember something and tells Epona, “Dear, Purchase order is back home at the farm. Dear, she is really missing you. If you can, send her a letter, or better yet, stop by and visit her.”

Epona smiles and tells her, “Thanks Ma. I have been missing her too. I will see you soon,” Then we all say goodbye and we slide out of the tent flap and back into the darkness.

Once there Choo Choo tells them, “We have secured the Colonel’s permission to have you four lead us into the city. However, I did have to promise that you would all be back before daylight.”

Morning Star nods her head but then says, “Sorry Ma’am, I have to verify with my Lieutenant.”

She nods her head and moves her ears in understanding and we begin to get ready as she verifies what we have said. Soon she returns and tells the other batponies, “Grab your gear, LT verified and has asked us to have a little sneak and peak as we go.”

Once they return with all their gear we begin to make our way on hoof to the city below.


3rd Manesville Regimental perimeter, Manesville Brigade Sector, Manehatten region: Xochitl

Once out of the Colonels HQ tent, Choo talks with the batponies about being them leading us into the city. It takes a bit, but they finally get the authorization from their LT. It is while we wait for this permission that I remember how it was when Mollygirl was the LT, and Ginger, Choo, and I were some of her scouts. I have to say I do not miss having to work so tightly in the chain of command as that anymore. But then again, I do miss the backup that was usually available if and when we got in over our heads.

At first, the two groups are fairly talkative. I have to smile when I see Sunny’s tail bump against Morning Star’s a few times and while she does not take his tail in hers, she simply smiles and keeps walking. Asra and the others I notice are more attentive to our surroundings, but they too are willing to chat with the rest of us.

Once we are about a mile from the outskirts of the ruins all conversation ceases and I notice a shift in both the batponies as well as our own teams’ postures as we become more alert for dangers.

In the distance, I can hear animals moving now and again, but nothing nearby appears on my Eyes Forward Sparkle as hostile yet. However, for the ones that are hostile, we check with our SATS to make sure they are not in range.

By the time we reach the first buildings we are almost creeping as we move. The buildings in this area are mostly hollowed-out shells, but some still seem to be fairly solid. In the night sky off in the distance, I can see a skyship larger than a raptor floating next to Ten Pony Tower. I also notice however that there is a large bank of clouds over most of the city, but the moon does peak through in areas of the sky.

As we get nearer the river, I notice that more of the buildings here look lived in. It is while we are still a few blocks from the river that we have our first run-in with an Enclave patrol. It is nothing serious as we see them before they see us. Sunny and Morning Star on point quickly motion with their ears and hooves for us to freeze, then they signal us that they are hostiles and how many. While we outnumber them, we do not want to be caught so we all dodge into a couple of different storefronts on both sides of the street.

Soon the patrol is walking into what would be a perfect kill zone for an ambush. I, as well as the others, are ready to fire, however, we hear one of them say, “Be careful and stay toward the center of the street. I am getting a lot of hostiles on my Suits IFF. I think it is just more of those giant rats like we ran into near the waterfront.”

We then hear another of them reply, “Yes Sir, Lieutenant.”

We all stay as quiet as we can and hold our breaths as they pass. Once they are out of EFS range we get up and continue, towards the waterfront so that we can cross the river into the main section of Manehatten.

During one of our stops just before Sunny and Morning Star begin to scout ahead to make sure the way is clear I hear Choo Choo ask Morning Star, “Lance, it has been a while since I was last in Manehatten, Where do you intend to take us to cross over?”

Morning Star turns to her and replies, “Ma’am, during our recon yesterday, we noticed that the only bridge that is still up is the Luna Line monorail. So, this does not seem like a good idea for a group as large as ours, however, we also ran into a couple of smugglers who had boats that they use to cross over, not far from there.”

I see Choo Choo nod her head in thought, then I hear, “Do you trust these smugglers?”

I hear the Lance Corporal laugh in her high-pitched sound and shake her head, as she says, “No, but I know that they consider the NCR corrupt and the Enclave scares them as they feel they would be killed.”

“So, you are saying that we can expect them to work with us, but to watch our backs?”

Morning Star nods her head, then tells her, “Exactly. Also, as long as the boats still float, we can always use the fliers to pull the others across.”

I find myself grinning at this and then I see Sunny is practically beaming at her. Good Goddesses, I swear he is like a young buck with his first crush. But I do feel a small bit of joy for him seeing him so happy. Then I smirk as I wonder what Trouble and Blondie would think of their son’s possible love interest.

As we near the riverside and the waterfront, we are taking a quick break to shift our gear when I hear what sounds like a high-pitched growl from the shadows. I use my SATS and target one of the sources, which turns out to be oversized rats. By oversized, I mean they are the size of a medium-large dog, just on shorter legs.

As I get ready to fire it leaps at me and I miss my shot, and use the butt of my rifle to hit it upside its head. As this is occurring at least a dozen more appear and begin to attack our group.

From the side, I hear a loud, high-pitched almost keening sound and I see several of the rats turn and run. I see it is coming from one of the borrowed scouts, just as I realize I had not paid enough attention to the rat I had butt stroked before. That is because at that moment he lurches forward and I feel his teeth sink deep into my leg. I promptly hit him again, and once he is clear of me, I fire two quick rounds into him. I continue to hear shouts and gunfire around me as I lean against the wall and quickly apply a magical bandage to the wound.

As I do so, I look briefly at the mouth of the rat and notice one of the teeth looks like it has broken off. Just then I hear another wave of the rats coming at us and I begin to fire again at them along with the others. I have killed three more of them before the gunfire stops and I notice there are no more of them. It is then that I see Arrats break out a knife and take some of the meat from one of the rats. She looks up at me and asks, “What? Why waste good eating.”

I tell her, “I wasn’t saying anything. Just never done it during an op before. Back home, Sunny, Ginger, and I ran a radhog hunting business as kids.”

To which she nods his head and continues butchering the rat.

Morning Star tells her, “Mission first Arrats, Maybe we can come back on our way back to the regiment in the morning. But put what you have already into your saddlebags, we can cook it before bed.

As soon as she is done, we continue. I then notice I was the only one to have been bitten. Go figure, just my luck.

As we make our way to the river, I notice the pain in my leg, but I figure it is just that the wound is still trying to heal. Twinks asks me at one point, “You okay Flower?”

“Yeah Danger, I am okay. Just got nipped is all.”

“Well, at our next stop, I want to check it out. No need to suffer if you do not have to.”

“I get you. Will do Danger.”

A short while after this my wife comes over to me and asks, “Are you ok? I can see you are limping pretty good.”

“Yeah, I am. Nothing too serious, so I just threw on a magical bandage.”

She seems somewhat skeptical, then tells me, “Okay, but keep an eye on it.”

I simply nod my head this time, and continue along with the others.

Soon we have reached some old rundown docks. Under them, I can see the hulls of two beat-up row boats. I have to laugh as I see the look on Cowlick’s face and he asks, “Are you sure that thing will hold me?”

Off to the side, I hear a grave voice say, “Yeah, even for someone your size it will hold, may take a couple of trips to get yous all across, but we can do it for the right price.”

Epona and Ginger both step up and they begin to dicker a deal. They end up settling on 100 caps and a pound of plastic explosives to take our non-flyers across.

While this is going on I watch as a fog bank begins to cover the water and the land near it. Soon, we can not even see the other side.

The buck we have been talking with grins at one of the others as he says, “Weather like this, we may just have to make two trips tonight. I love a beautiful night like this.”

Soon we are making our way across, all of us non-fliers, and the smugglers are on the two boats, Mine and Ginger’s team on one, Epona and the others on the other. We keep the two boats close together as we cross. In front of us in the thick fog, I can hear the batponies using their echolocation to help guide us.

One time Ankareeda flies up to us quickly and tells us, “Stop right here.”

We are sitting dead in the water, drifting slightly with the current when out of the dark we see a large river boat come sailing past us at full speed. In the dark, we can hardly see it except for its shadow and a few lights shining between some of the boards along its sides. Well, that and the sparks coming out of both of its tall chimneys.

While not too close, its wake rocks both boats heavily. Once it has passed into the night, we begin to make our way across again. Eventually, we begin to see the silhouettes of buildings near the shore ahead of us, some of which have fires burning outside of them. The entire trip seems to take half the night, but by my PipBuck it has only taken an hour to cross the river. Once to the other side we disembark as quickly as we can and set up a quick defensive perimeter while Choo Choo and Morning Star talk again about where we are and where we need to head.

Once a decision has been made, we begin to head north along the coast toward both Ten Pony Tower and our first objective, the Four Stars Grand Terminal, which was also that corporation’s headquarters. Choo and the others who didn’t go on the junket to Hoofington have told us about having been in the basement there on the final day in another universe by having used a Doorway. Our first mission is to see if they had one there in ours. If so, we are to make sure that the Enclave cannot use it.

It is as we are making our way in that direction that I start to feel light-headed, and I notice how sweaty I have become. It is when I trip that things start to become unclear to me. From out of the gutter, I hear a voice ask, “What are you doing up there? Get underground before a patrol comes through here.”

I look in that direction from the ground and I swear the owner has the skin missing from part of his face as well as he is missing an ear. My eyes unfocus and he is blurry as I try to stand. I feel several hooves carry me towards the old subway entrance and soon the world goes black.


Bayside Subway Station, Manehatten: Choo Choo

I hear the voice from the side call us just as Xochitl begins to collapse. I can tell he is trying to say something but I cannot make it out. Ginger and Twinks grab him and drag him to the subway station entrance with us.

As we enter, I see that the owner of the voice is a ghoul who has definitely seen better days. As we run in his direction, I hear him say, “Get in here smooth coats, quick.”

As the last of us get to the bottom of the steps, I can hear the sounds and feel the rumble of several sets of power armor going by.

I turn to the ghoul and I tell him, “Thanks, mister.”

I see him try to grin as he tells me, “Been a long time since anyone has called me mister,” He chuckles lightly and then adds, “First time for one of your kind.”

I nod my head and shift my ears in understanding. Then I tell him, “Excuse me while I check out my team member. He just passed out.”

The ghoul tells me, “Yeah, I noticed. What’s up with that?”

As I am looking over Xochitl’s wound, I answer, “I am not sure. I know he mentioned he got bit earlier by a large rat on the other side of the river.”

I see his eyes go wide and his one ear straight forward. Then he asks in a worried tone, “Did you say bit by a rat over there?”

I nod my head, to which he replies, “That is not good. The local smoothcoats say that the rats over there are the descendants of some that escaped from a bioweapons lab over there. We need to get him help quickly.”

Ginger who is near me asks, “We are not locals, so we do not know the lay of the land fully. Where would you recommend, we take him?”

He thinks briefly and then tells us, “Normally I would say the hospital at Ten Pony if you have the caps, but seeing you are sneaking around at night, I would hazard a guess that it is out of the question.” He pauses and then asks, “I know you seem comfortable around me, but how does your team overall feel about my kind?”

I smile as I tell him, “We are used to ghouls overall. A few of the newer team members are still learning but they have not had much time back at our shop in Manesville. There we have a mother and her filly who just woke up from the long sleep about a year ago, who run things there.”

He looks surprised, and asks, “Did you just say you have a ghoul running your shop?”

I nod my head and he adds, “Not something you hear every day. Things sound a bit different over where you come from.”

“Perhaps, but while not perfect, relationships between us Breathers and the Ghouls have changed drastically since the day of Sunshine and Rainbows. They helped us rebuild and their settlement of Dead Quite is a major part of the Manesville region.”

Again, he shakes his head. Then he pauses as from a nearby radio we hear, This is Radio Free Equestria at Ten Pony Tower and you have been listening to the Third Raptor Squadron band as they have played the Luna Regina March.

As a friendly reminder to all civilians in the Manehatten region, the city is under curfew from dusk till one hour after dawn. Anyone caught out during these hours will be dealt with as guerillas or criminals. So please remain indoors during these times.

For those in the NCR forces outside of Manehatten this message is for you, do not let your leaders throw away your lives over a matter that doesn’t even concern you. You cannot win this fight, much less war against us, return to your homes, or if you cannot do that, throw aside your weapons and approach one of our many patrols where you can be taken to safety and let to live your life.

In other news President Winter Breeze has once again called for President Grimfeathers to step down from office as part of the offered terms for a permanent cease-fire. Among these terms is that the NCR and the group that title themselves as the Twilight Society turn over the weapon known as Celestia One. This group has had custody of this megaspell since the Great War and has recently threatened its use against the Grand Pegasus Enclave, leading our beloved President to feel that she had to lead the way in its capture.

The old Ghoul starts to laugh at the radio and shakes his head, “The old Psy-op bucks never did realize that messages like that never really worked, even back during the war with the zebras.” He then turns his attention back to me and tells me, “If Ten Pony is out, the next best medical facility I know of is in the old Ministry of Peace hub hospital. It is now a settlement for ghouls. They call it Duskhoof.”

From the side, I hear Asra ask, “Did you say Duskhoof?”

The ghoul nods his head and tells him, “Yes, the mayor there is a ghoul batpony named, Silmetra. He should be able to help your friend.”

“How do we get there?” I ask.

The old ghoul shrugs and tells me, “I will lead you, but I cannot enter. I, I have been exiled for my past there.” He pauses and looks off into the distance wistfully and then continues, “Most of the trip will be through the old subway system. However, we will have to go above ground in a few areas.”

“I understand. Thank you.”

Soon we are on our way. As we go, I notice by my EFS that we are still heading northward towards Ten Pony Tower. I ask him about it and he tells me, “We will be going above ground at the next station. However, that will get us in walking distance of a cross-connect station that will lead us toward Duskhoof.”

“OK, how far from there to Duskhoof?”

“Several miles, but we will get you there as quickly as possible.”

I find myself sighing as I tell him, “Okay. How close are we going to be to the Four Stars Grand Terminal?”

He looks at me cautiously and asks, “Why do you want to go there?”

I then tell him, “We were hired to make sure that a piece of equipment that is believed to be there is there. If so, we are to notify our employers.”

“I guess that makes sense. But the lower level there is filled with ghouls who have lost themselves.”

I hear Days End ask quietly, “Do you mean ferals?”

The ghoul looks angry as he turns to him and says, “Do not call them that. They are not animals. They, they just have seen and experienced too much for their minds to handle it anymore.”

I gently tell him, “We are sorry if his use of the term feral offended you, but that is the word we are used to using to differentiate between ghouls who are still cognizant and those who are not.”

He nods his head, “OK, well we are at our first spot we have to go topside at.”

As I look up ahead, I can see that this portion of the tunnels still seems in good shape, but I can hear the growling sounds of ferals in the distance further up the tunnels. I turn to the others and tell them, “OK, let’s get going.”

We have just gotten to the street again when around the corner from a block away we can barely see a squad of Enclave soldiers in a mix of power armor and normal barding on patrol.

Our guide, I have since found out his name is Dust Bunny, tells me, “There is a settlement just over two blocks, if we can reach it, we can blend in with the population.”

Just as he says this, I hear Xochitl start to groan aloud. I see two of the Enclavers point in our general direction and they begin to head our way. I tell my team, “Get down, and be quiet.”

The lance corporal tells me, “We have to be back by morning anyway. You guys go and my set will distract them.”

I nod my head and I hear Sunny ask, “Are you sure?”

She nods her head and tells him, “Yes, we can do this, and better if you are not with us so we can shadow chase.”

I am not sure what shadow chasing is, but am curious. Then I tell her, “Agreed, go and be careful.”

She smiles and tells me, “Too late for being careful, now we get to have fun.”

It is then that I see Sunny, who was already next to her, wrap a wing around her and give her a kiss, which she awkwardly returns. After they break the kiss, he tells her, “Be safe. I can’t wait to introduce you to my parents.”

I am almost amused as I see her blush and shift her wings like he does. Then she tells him, “I really hope you mean that.”

Then I watch as the four of them step into the shadows and disappear, reappearing on the other side of the Enclave patrol. I hear her laugh and then call out, “Are you looking for someone?”

As the patrol shifts and begins to chase them, Dust Bunny leads us off into the shadows of the night and toward the next settlement. On our way I hear from behind me Tater asks Sunny, “You really are sweet on that mare, aren’t you?”

While I don’t hear Sunny’s reply, I do hear Tater say, “Yeah, that is what I thought.”

Once there I put a hoof alongside of Xochitl’s forehead and I can feel the heat radiating from him. We really need to get him help or he will not make it. I make a decision I rarely would do; the mission can wait. I turn to Dust Bunny, “Lead us as quickly as you can to Duskhoof. He is in trouble.”

The old ghoul nods his head in acknowledgment and we are off again this time at a trot, with Xochitl on Cowlick’s back.

Sunny is on point with Morning Mist as we go. In the rear of our column are Days End and Double Back. I can not help but see the worry on Ginger’s face as she walks just behind Cowlick who has Twinks next to him.

Two blocks later we are back underground following the tunnels towards our destination as Dust Bunny leads us there. According to Dust Bunny, this will help us avoid the manticores. Dear Luna, what kind of place is this city? I ask myself.

Often, we can hear the growl and shuffling of feral ghouls in the distance. All of us keep our weapons at the ready, just in case. Finally, Dust Bunny tells us, “Last time to pop up topside again. After that only a block to go before we reach Duskhoof.”

In the distance, just off the main park that used to be a town square, we can see the old, rundown hospital that still bears the faded three butterflies of the Ministry of Peace on its walls. Well, at least the lower walls. From here it looks like the upper stories have already collapsed leaving a few bits of steel and concrete sticking up to remind people of its former glory.

Soon we can see the ad hoc wall of overturned skywagons, sheets of tin, and other junk that could be found to create a barrier around the entrance and grounds of the hospital. Along the wall, we can see several armed ghouls patrolling.

Once near the gate one of the ghouls calls down to us, “Who are you, what do you want?”

Then he calls down to Dust Bunny and tells him, “You! You know you are not allowed here anymore.”

Dust Bunny looks down towards the ground in shame, then he raises his head, “I understand that. I have not forgotten, nor have I forgotten the why. I am not asking to come in, but they have a buck here who was bitten by a rat on the other side of the river. He is burning up and needs help.”

The ghoul stallion looks downwards at us and asks, “Why didn’t they go to Ten Pony then?”

I step forward, adjust my wings, and answer, “Unfortunately due to new management there, it is not an option for us.”

I see the ghoul shake his head and then he calls over his shoulder, “Go get the mayor, he needs to decide on this.”

We wait for what seems like an hour, but is only a few minutes before I see another ghoul come to the platform behind the wall. As he does so, I notice his wings are not those of a normal pegsus, ghoul. At about this time, Sunny also sees it and steps forward and calls out, “We seek Sanctuary from the night and the creatures that hide there. We have wounded as well.”

The ghoul who I have just realized is a batpony or was one seems stunned and tells the others, “Let all of them in, I mean all of them.”

We quickly move through the gate. Once inside the Batpony ghoul floats down and lands in front of us and introduces himself, “I am Silmetra, welcome to Duskhoof, and you will be granted sanctuary.”

He then turns to Sunny and asks, “Where did you learn those words?”

Sunny blushes as he replies, “Morning Star and three of her friends taught them to me while we were in Hoofington.”

He looks at him through one eye, and asks, “And just who are they?”

This time I answer, “They are batponies who we met down there and befriended. They created a diversion for us so we could get here.”

As this discussion is going on some of the other ghouls have begun to take Xochitl from Cowlick’s back and carry him inside, Ginger right next to them. As they go, I hear at least one ghoul comment, “By the Goddesses, a real live old school bull. I thought all the cattle were gone.”

Silmetra ignores them but instead seems stunned, as he quietly says, “So my people still live.” As he says this, I see an expression of relief come across his face. Then again as if only to himself he says, “So their calls earlier tonight were real, I am not losing my mind?”

I smile gently and tell him, “No, you are not sir. There seems to be a colony of Thestrals there that is starting to reveal itself.”

“Hmm, interesting, and are you portraying yourself as Luna to convince these Duskhooves to work for you?”

I shake my head, “No, I would not do that. Morning Star and the others, well they traveled to Manesville and have joined the NCRA there. They are scouts for the 3rd Manesville Regiment.”

“Interesting, and you say they are volunteers?”

I nod my head. “Yes, “I think briefly, and then I tell him about Site Paddock and the Embryos.

I see him rock back on his heels as he stops moving, “Are you serious?” When I nod my head, he then asks, “And what does it cost for them?”

“To tell the truth, I do not know for sure, but last I heard they were talking about working with the Followers of the Apocalypse to use them.”

He nods his head, then asks, “These ghouls at this Site Paddock, you say they are accepted by all?”

I sigh as I tell him, “I have not been back there since the others on my team helped them, but I will say from what Ginger and the others have told me, they were welcomed by the local government, and those ghouls over in Dead Quiet.”

“Interesting. Not what I had expected from the NCR.”

“Well, Manesville is not like a lot of other places. But it is home to us.”

He nods his head, looks at my flank, and asks, “So why the fake cutie mark if you are not trying to convince others that you are Luna come again.”

This time I chuckle lightly at his subtlety, then I answer, “It is not fake, I recently got my original cutie mark back, as well as that of Her Majesty.”

He nods and I see him think as he asks, “And how did you get it back?”

I stop and look at him and I tell him, “While I cannot tell you that, know that it is part of why we are in Manehatten. The other is to recruit and train resistance fighters to go against the Enclave with us.”

He nods and then asks, “So what do you think Her Royal Majesty would say about you wearing her Cutie Mark as part of your own?”

When he asks, I slip, and without thinking I say, “Both she and Celestia saw it and Luna was pleased for me and helped me to understand that perhaps it represents me helping to lead others through the night.”

Again, he stops and turns to me with an angry expression on his face and tells me, “Blasphemy. I may not have been in Canterlot on that final day but I know she perished there. How dare you lie and say that.”

This time Epona who is still with me angrily answers, “She is not lying. Just because Luna of this Universe is dead, does not mean she does not live in another one. After all the me from this universe has been moldering in the ground for eleven years already, and I still visit her and my mother from this universe's grave.”

After she says this, I answer as I hold up a hoof, “Pax, there are more forces at play here than you can imagine sir. But do not say anymore about what you have heard as it is not for general consumption.”

He looks around briefly and says, “Agreed, we need to talk in my office.”

I tell the others, “Relax here in the main entrance lobby, I will be back soon.”

Once we are in the office, he has me close the door and asks, “What are you really here for?”

“We are in Duskhoof to get treatment for my team member.”

“Perhaps I should rephrase my question. Why is your team here in Manehatten?”

“Ah, That, sorry, but that is classified. I hope you do understand.”

“I understand classified, I was once a contract engineer for the Equestrian Military. But this concerns my people and our home.”

I do not say anything, finally, he asks, “Are there other teams here in Manehatten other than yours?”

“I cannot say.”

He grins this time, “Thank you for your non-answer. I do understand, Now what can we do to assist you?”


Ten Pony Tower, Manehatten: Ball Lightning

While I find that my team’s quarters in Ten Pony are nicer than we are used to, and I have learned a lot about what is going on in the war by being around the President’s headquarters, I must admit, I am bored, and I miss my family.

It has only been a couple of days since the NCR accepted the ceasefire. But for some reason, I just do not trust them at all. I just have this feeling they are going to try something. I would. Especially since I found out about the megaspell Celestia One being housed in this building.

The problem is, that I am too junior in rank, and I have no authority here. I tried to talk to some of the senior staff members and was told to just sit tight with my team and that they would let us know if they needed us.

So, being a good Enclave officer, I did what I should. I went looking to try and find problems. As I walked the building with my team, casually talking but also listening to conversations around us, I began to get a lay of the land and what they needed here to win their hearts and minds as they used to say.

I wrote up a report with suggestions of what to do. As I was handing it to the chief of staff for the president, one of the other officers grabbed it and threw it away saying, “Captain, I know you are trying to be helpful, but the best you can do is stay out of the way.”

“Yes, Sir,” I simply say but as turn to go I hear the President’s voice from the doorway to her suite call out.

“Captain Ball Lightning, is it?”

“Yes ma’am.”

“Captain, did you have something for me?”

“No ma’am, just a list of things I heard were problems with the local populace. The Lieutenant Colonel here has told me that my report was not needed.”

She smiles at us both and says, “Please humor me then and come inside and tell me what you think you found out.”

I take the report from the trash and straighten it the best I can. Then I walk back into her office. Once there she sits down and has me hoof her the report. “So, Captain, how did you find out this information?”

I smile, “Ma’am, my team and I walked around talking with each other and listening to others around us do so as well. We felt that if we did not appear to be paying attention to them they would talk more freely.”

“Captain, if I remember correctly your record has you serving with the Recon battalions as well as working with some of our agents in the Volunteer Corps dirtside. Am I correct?” she asks as if making sure someone can hear her.

Suddenly I feel uncomfortable. The president not only knows my name but by record. She has also been using us as a backdoor to communicate with the NCR because of the contacts from those missions. This feels like dangerous ground for me. I keep my face emotionless as I tell her, “Yes ma’am, that is correct. In fact, two of the members of my team were civilian agents we worked with before.”

She nods her head then I notice her glancing over the list of concerns for the locals, as well as suggested long-term solutions. Among these items is a lack of food which we could pass along more advanced knowledge of farming and assist them in starting them. Next was a lack of medical care and supplies. Again, something we can correct with aid stations, particularly VC-run ones, as well as improving the current treatment facilities in this region. Finally, there is a lack of education, with many of the locals being illiterate. Schools can be set up, as well as special classes for older ponies that would teach them to read as well.

As she looks over the page, I see her smile and nod her head several times. Finally, she sets the report down and tells me, “While I had anticipated the problems listed, I had not fully expected a soldier, to have come up with these solutions. I have to say, that I agree with what you have reported here, as well as your suggested solutions. In fact, I addressed these very issues as well as the same solutions in my daily radio address this morning. That is why the Lieutenant Colonel did not want to pass your suggestions up the chain to me. Please continue to work with him and my staff. I do appreciate your work on this as well your desire to help.” She pauses and then asks, “On a different note, have you heard anything through our back channels?”

I shake my head no as I move my ears in a negative gesture to emphasize my answer. I then tell her, “No ma’am. Nothing from any of them. Though after the NCR's last broadcast of their Cryptids of the Wastelands concerning Banshee, we have had a couple of rumors of Banshee sightings here in Manehatten. The closest is from an incident that has been reported as a suspicious contact. It is being said that one of our mixed patrols saw one only a couple of nights ago. The survivors supposedly said they saw what looked like one and when they chased it, it called out and brought all the local bloodwings down on them. The troopers in power armor survived the encounter, however, only two of those in barding made it out alive. One died at the main entrance to the tower here as those on the door were afraid to open up because of all of the bloodwings.”

“So those guarding the doors just let him die?”

“Madam President, with the number of those giant bats that were reported, I probably would have done the same. If they had gotten in, we would have lost some civilians as well as more of our people.”

I see her look out at the sky through a window off to the side and hear her sigh, “I suppose you are right. I am just getting tired of hearing of all these deaths. I wish we could make it all stop. That is part of why we came here. To take Celestia One and keep it from being used on our people.”

“I understand Ma’am. But aren’t you afraid of the response of the NCR to our having done so?”

She smiles coldly, “No, not really. But if we fail to bring the NCR to its knees with just this threat, I am afraid of how far we will need to go to satisfy the hardliners among the General Staff.”

I am taken by surprise as she says the last part. But I answer the only way I know how, “Yes ma’am, I do understand.”

She sighs again and quietly asks, “Do you?” She shakes her head and then tells me, “That will be enough for now Captain. Thank you.”

After leaving her suite, her Chief of Staff approaches me and tells me, “Sorry about earlier, but she has a lot going on, and as I am sure she told you, she has already brought up these topics on her morning broadcast.”

“Yes, she did sir.”

“Good, for now, when not performing your special duties, I would like your team to wander around like you did for your report. Get to know the locals, even those who are not here in Ten Pony, but are nearby. Let us know what you hear and give us the pulse of how our efforts are working.”

With that, I decide to take the team on a bit of a walk. As I get back to our room, I tell them, “The chief of staff has asked us to go for a bit of a walk, meet the locals, hearts and minds stuff for now.”

Air Burst looks a little surprised, “I didn’t think they would want us out on the streets right now.”

I shrug, “The Chief of Staff suggested it to me but I was surprised as well. Well, let’s grab some gear and go for a walk.”

Soon we have taken the elevator down to the main lobby and we make our way out the entry doors there, where at one time passengers from the elevated railroad here, would come and go. As we pass through the lobby, I cannot help but look at the painted walls beyond the barricade. My eyes go quickly over most of the others to the one of the Ministry Mare Twilight Sparkle. While some of it is still chipped, I notice that someone has cleaned most of the soot from it, as well as having started to try and restore it. This makes me wonder about the ponies who live here. They take the time to restore a painting, but not to help those in need nearby. I shake my head and continue past and out onto the old arrival and departure platform. Once there we turn and begin to follow the tracks south for a distance where we can see a stairwell going down.

I smile as I see Air Burst frown and I bet he is remembering that these were the same stairs Purple Haze used to go back into the tower after we first met her. I have this question inadvertently answered by him as once we are at the bottom, he looks back up at them and sighs. Soon we are on our way to one of the nearest communities that we have been told exist in this area.

As we walk along the boulevard I am saddened as I look at the condition of so many once great buildings. It makes me shake my head at the waste of it all.

“OK Ball, I can see something is on your mind, What is it?” Air Burst asks.

I shrug as we keep walking and tell him, “Nothing important, just how much of a waste it all was back then. I mean, those who live down here have been driven down so far. It makes me wonder how different things would have been if it had never occurred.”

That is when I hear Alto laugh lightly and say, “Come on Ball, we already know. Remember Queen Haven?”

“Yeah, I guess you are right in some respects, but maybe it could have gone differently.”

He moves his ears in a noncommittal gesture and tells me, “Maybe we should write a book that tells what it would be like if the war never happened.”

Beside me, Air Burst laughs lightly and tells him, “Nah, who would want to read could have been.”

In the distance I see four equine shapes moving along the shadows. Chain Lightning is already looking in that direction and tells me, “Sir, that is not our mission, leave it be.”

“Thanks for the reminder,” I tell him, as I see that the group is made up of a pony in a trench coat and fedora leading a group that includes an earthpony mare in a stable suit, a cute-looking unicorn, and a zebra mare.

Soon we reach the first settlement that I want to visit. As we reach the gate to it, we are challenged by a guard at the top of the fence next to it, “Ok, Enclavers what do you want this time? We already gave yous everything we could afford earlier.”

“We are not here to take anything. We have come to see your leaders and to see if they have any suggestions of how we can help you.”

“Sorry, but they are not interested in help from your kind.” He yells down to us, then adds, “Go over a couple more blocks and talk to the Landsharks. Maybe they will be interested in what you are peddling.”

I look at the others with me and we all simply nod our heads and we turn and head in the direction the guard had pointed earlier.

We have only gone a few more blocks when I see a pony that I recognize moving along the side of the street from cover to cover. I raise my wing and I call out, “Hey Sunny, it is good to see you again.”

He says nothing but only nods and waves us forward. Once we are close enough, he asks, me, “Do I know you, Captain?”

I am taken aback, he looks and sounds like Sunset Water, so I say, “Sunset Water, it’s me, Ball Lightning, you know, the stallion you snuck into Thunderhead to visit in the hospital. Is Choo and the rest of the Repair Ponies with you?”

Just after I say this, I hear Xochil’s voice from the side say, “Lay down your weapons feathers and nopony has to die.”

I am surprised at this, and as I turn to look at him, I see he has an MEW aimed at me. Beside him is a griffon who tells us, “You heard the buck, drop ‘em.”

As we are laying down our weapons, the griffin tells them, “Brandywine, grab their weapons, Eni, Meanie, good work. The rest of you, keep ‘em covered. Now let’s go find somewhere we can interrogate them.”

I am still looking at Sunny when I ask, “Sunny, did Choo send you to give us a message for the President from yours? Is that what you are doing here?”

He looks at me and I am stunned as he shifts into what I have seen called a changeling in history books. I feel my blood run cold as I realize what I have done.

Then I hear the griffin ask, “Captain, did you say you know the Repair Ponies and that they have been passing messages from Regina Grimfeathers to Winter Breeze?”

I nod my head and I hear her mumble to herself, “Buck, that changes things.” She then tells the others, “Get them out of sight, I need to go high and radio in to our employers to find out what to do with them.”

We are soon led into a first-story room in a decrepit townhome. The others begin to chat amongst themselves as they wait for their boss to return.

When she does, she is very irritated. She then tells them, “Bosses say, catch and release. We let them go.” She turns to me and tells me, “Also, a message from my bosses to you, keep your big yap shut about the backdoor from now on. Also, tell your president that the only reason you are being released is to keep that channel open. As for this little incident, it never happened.”

She turns to a unicorn stallion with a Contractor Medic tab on his shoulder and tells him, “Use an anesthetic spell on them, just long enough to allow us to get out of here.”

She turns to us and tells us, “Good luck to you, but understand, you are only going free because we were ordered to.”

With that I see the unicorn’s horn light up as one by one my team goes unconscious. The last thing I see as the world goes black is the Griffon saying, “What a muck up this is. Almost as bad as Baltimare.”


Good evening to all you Wasteland listeners out there. I am Broadcast Nights with all the news and tunes from Junction Town to the NCR.

In tonight’s news, you can use, the ceasefire between NCR and Enclave forces is still in effect. However, there have been reports that in good old Manehatten fashion some skirmishes have broken out among the locals with the GPE forces.

In more local matters, the latest Senate assembly meeting has seen several members calling for the resignation, or replacement of President Grimfeathers on the grounds of loss of confidence. There have been no new comments from the president currently concerning these going ons.

We also have reports that the current talks between the NCR and Lunar Commonwealth governments have ended in disagreement and that the Commonwealth representatives have left the NCR in disgust.

Now back to the music, starting with what I consider a very appt song for this day and age. Here is Land of Confusion.

Chapter 46 They Say the Neon Lights are Bright

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Chapter 46 They Say the Neon Lights are Bright

If life were predictable it would cease to be life, and be without flavor. -Eleanor Roosevelt

Duskhoof, Manehatten: Ginger Snaps

As the others wait in the main lobby area, I am allowed to sit just outside of the operating room that they have taken my husband to. While I have worried about him having been wounded before and possibly dying, this time it is different, this time, he has a serious infection raging through his body. The Chief of Medicine here told me before he went in to begin the surgery that he believes that it is being aggravated by something in the wound on his leg.

As I waited, Choo came in and told me we would rest here and continue only after Xochitl was out of surgery. After an hour I am joined by my sister and Twinks. Both of whom try to comfort me.

I first feel Epona sit next to me on one side and slide a hoof around me. Then I feel Twinks do the same from the other side. I feel the tears welling up in my eyes as I tell them, “What if I lose him? I cannot, I cannot lose him to something stupid like a damn rat bite.”

Epona gives me a bit of a squeeze with her hoof and tells me, “I know Sis, I know. It is a chance we all take though.”

From the other side, Twinks tells me, “They have one of the best of the old-world doctors working on him Ginger, I am sure he will be ok.”

I sniffle and find myself leaning into my sister’s shoulder as I cry. As I do so I can still feel Twinks hoof around my shoulder and while it does not make things better. It does help me to just know I have ponies like these in my life.

I am not sure how long we wait like this, but finally, I see an old ghoul in surgical scrubs come out the door from the operating room. He looks at us and asks, “Which one of you is the wife of my patient?”

I look up and wiping tears from my eyes, I brace myself for the news. Then I quietly tell him, “I am Doctor.”

He smiles as best a ghoul can and tells me, “He is out of surgery now and in the recovery room. He is going to be sore for a while, but we removed a pretty large chunk of a tooth. Part of the problem was that it broke off in the Cannon bone. Even with healing potions, it is going to be a few days before he is ready to walk on it again. Now we just need to continue treatment for the infection that came with it.

“Can I go in and see him?”

He nods his head, “Yes, but understand, he is still asleep, and I would like to keep him that way until we have the infection more in hoof.”

I nod my head in understanding. He motions to a nurse and she leads us to the recovery room. As I go in, I notice he has an IV still attached. The nurse quickly takes his vitals and writes them down. She then looks at me and tells me, “He is doing well so far.”

I nod then I approach my sleeping husband. I gently wrap my hooves around him and bury my face in the fur of his neck breathing in his scent as I thank the Goddesses and All Mother that I have not lost him. After a brief time, I stop hugging him. I then gently give him a kiss on the cheek as I quietly tell him, “I love you my dearest. Please never forget or doubt that.” I then stand back up and look at the others and I tell them, “Ok, let’s go, we have a mission to complete,” as I run my hoof along his cheek one last time. I stand straight, wipe the tears from my cheeks, and straighten my uniform. I then turn and lead them back to the rest of our team.

As we approach, I see Choo look up as well as the others. They all begin to get back on their hooves and I hear Cowlick ask, “How is he?”

“The Doctor said the surgery went well, but that they want to keep him sedated while they treat the infection.”

“That bad?” he asks worriedly.

I nod my head, then turn to Choo and tell her, “I guess we should get on with our mission.”

She nods her head, “Yes, we do need to. But I wanted to make sure he was getting help first.” She then turns to the others, “Let me talk to Dust Bunny and we will get going again.”

Soon she returns with the old ghoul. He nods to us and tells us, “We will be taking a bit of a different route this time, I have talked with Choo here and she agrees, we don’t want to go in there in the dark, so we will be spending a bit of time at one of the local settlements so we can go in fresh.”

Choo then tells us, “Gear up and let us go.”

We throw our saddlebags over our battlesaddles and double-check our weapons and then we leave again. As we pass through the gate, I see the mayor is there watching us. He nods his head and tells us in a formal tone of voice, “Good luck and good hunting. I will see you when you return.”

Soon we are moving along the sides of the streets, and I notice that the sun is starting to get lower. We take a quick break inside one of the rundown shops that has an open door. As we rest, I notice he is looking out the door and into the distance. When I look, I see Ten Pony Tower has started to light up for the evening. I also cannot help but notice the huge skyship lazily floating next to it.

After ten minutes Choo tells us, “On your hooves, we need to get moving.”

Dust Bunny then adds, “Yeah, we need to get moving, most settlements in these parts lock up their gates at sunset. Oh, and we will be going down into the subways again as soon as we get to the next block. Make sure you're locked and loaded if you already are not.”

We all smile at each other as once we leave our base, we keep our weapons ready with the safeties on. We slide out into the shadows of the urban canyon and after another block, we find another set of stairs going down and we follow Dust Bunny into the darkness below. As we do, I slip my night optical device down from my helmet and begin to investigate the distance of the tunnels.

I then hear Dust Bunny ask Choo, “What is that your ponies just pulled down?”

She grins as she tells him, “Oh, those are NODs, we found a cache of them down in the Hoof a while back. I am fortunate and do not need them for low light like the others do, but they do come in useful.” Silently I nod my head as we continue on.

A short time later I hear Dust Bunny say, “Only another block and we should be able to go up again.”

Right after he says this, I hear a growling sound come from our side. From an abandoned service room, I see several ghouls charge out at us. Without hesitation, I open fire with my SIR as the others do so as well.

After we have eliminated the threat, Dust Bunny tells us, “We need to move at the trot now, all that noise probably is bringing in every one of the ghouls who are no longer cognizant.”

As he says this, we all begin to trot and follow him as we hear snarls and growling behind and ahead of us in the distance. We are fortunate that by the time we reach the next station, none of them have reached us yet.

As we run up onto the street level again, I notice that the sun while low, has not gone down completely yet and we are still at twilight. We trot for another block before we slow down to our normal movement speed through a built-up area. Twice we see large rats, and once near the river, I notice in the distance large crablike creatures that remind me of the Crawdaddies we ate and used as weapons during the siege at the valley. I notice both Sunny and Choo have seen them as one licks her lips while the other starts paying attention to that direction more.

We have gone another two blocks from there when I notice another blocked-off neighborhood with a gate across the road. It is then when I hear the old ghoul with us say, “Welcome to Broadway.”

I am stunned at how the block still has some of the old signs lit up as we get close. As we get closer, I overhear Choo Choo telling Dust Bunny, “You know, it is funny but back before the Last Day, I always wanted to come here and see one of their Shows.”

He nods his head, “Ya’ know, I lived in Manehatten all my life until the army drafted me, and I never could afford to. But I sure did too.”

Twinks then asks, “What was so special about it?”

Dust Bunny turns to her with a sad expression and tells her, “They said it was magic, and from the pictures in the papers of the new shows, it looked like it too. My sister, may she rest in peace, got lucky one time and got to see Hinny of the Hills. She loved it and could not stop talking about all the actors and actresses on the stage. She was so excited.”

As I am taking all this in, we reach the gates and I hear a voice call down, “Okay Dust Bunny, what do you want this time?”

I see him sigh and then he looks up and tells him, “Look Jazz Hooves, I know yous guys don’t care for me much, but I have a group of ponies that need shelter for the night, and I think your boss may want to talk to them.”

“Really, what makes you say that?”

He waves a forehoof in our direction and tells him, “They come from a place called Manesville. They are growing surplus crops there. They could help you to arrange for food or even seeds.”

I see Jazz Hooves think briefly and he calls back over his shoulder, “We have a group of travelers here. They are armed, so be ready, but open the gate.”

The gate slowly moves to the side and as we enter, we see a group of about twenty ponies of various types as well as a few zebras all armed and watching us. Once we are all inside the gate closes behind us and I watch as an older unicorn mare steps forward and asks, “What is it you want from us?”

Choo straightens up and tells her, “We are asking for shelter to rest for the night. We will depart in the morning.”

“Really, that is all you want?”

She looks over at Dust Bunny and asks, “So, why didn’t you drop them off at Duskhoof?”

Dust Bunny sighs and tells him, “We did drop one of them there. But they have business closer to Ten Pony that they have to take care of first.”

The mare then asks, “So you are risking bringing the Enclave down on us? We haven’t forgotten what they did to Friendship City all those years ago. Why should we risk everything for you and them.”

I am just beginning to feel like we made a mistake coming here when I see Cowlick step forward. He shakes his head, “Listen to all of you. You all fear the Enclave and what they will do to you, but you are afraid to even help others who are willing to do so. While I am not a religious bull, I still remember the teachings of our church. One of the texts of our holy book is a reading from Herds 11:21. When the predators once again rally to strike, they shall first attempt to wound and kill our strongest leaders and protectors. It is then that we must stand fast beside them and in turn, protect them as they us, lest we all fall beneath their teeth.” He pauses and looks at the stunned audience before us and adds in a quieter voice, “We are not asking you to attack them, just for shelter for the night. If you ask us to leave,” he pauses, “We will. But remember, when all is said and done, you have to look at yourselves in the mirror and you, not me, not us, but you will have to account for your conduct to yourself.”

I am not sure if it is the power of his speech or the fact that a one-headed brahmin just lectured them is the cause for their stunned silence. Finally, the lead mare says, “Ok, you can stay the night, but get out of sight and if the Enclave comes here, you are on your own.”

This time I speak, “Understood.”

She turns to me and says, “I don’t want to hear that from you. I want to hear it from your boss.”

At which Choo says, “I understand, and come morning we will be leaving. However, after my people have a place to rest, I would like to talk briefly with you about some business that could be mutually beneficial.”

It is at this point that we are led away to an old theatre that is just half a block away from the entrance. The zebra mare leading us there tells us, “This theatre is the one we use to house outsiders as well as a place of trade.”

Once we are inside, we all settle down for the night and relax as much as possible considering the circumstances.


Duskhoof Hospital, Manehatten: Xochitl

As I wake up, I notice it is dark and the room is lit by a combination of lanterns and a few regular light fixtures. The room is pretty much empty except for my bed, an empty one next to it, and a couple of chairs. I as I look out the door from my bed, I can see a chair outside the room with a very old-looking earth pony sitting in it reading a magazine.

After a bit, he looks up and notices I am awake, He nods to me and calls down the hall in a rough voice that sounds like a sour throat, “Nurse, your patient has woken up.”

Then he gets up and slowly makes his way to my room. He first tells me, “My name is Broadway Nights, I was here when they brought you in. How ya feeling kid?”

“Hurt, hurt all over,” is all I can get out.

He nods his head again and tells me, “That is understandable, from one zony to another, you cut it close.”

“Was only a bite, nothing bad.”

He shakes his head, “Kid, you do not have to prove anything to me. I know how others treat us.”

“Not that, not this time. been hurt worse before.”

Before he can answer I see the shadow of a unicorn step into my room. As the lights flicker across him, I can see that his coat is missing and realize he is a ghoul. As Broadway is not worried, I figure he is not feral so I ask, “Where am I?”

The nurse answers, “You are in the medical ward of Duskhoof. Your friends brought you here for help. They should be back in a day or so.”

I am still slightly confused and I ask, “Where did they go?”

The nurse shrugs, but Broadway Nights answers, “They said something about having a job to do.”

Okay, that makes sense to me. But now I am worried about them. “How is my wife?”

“Not gonna lie kid, she was a mess. But she cinched up her battlesaddle and straightened up before they left.”

I nod my head. Then the old zony adds, “She really does love you. Hard to find a pony in my day that wanted anything to do with a zony.”

I am slightly confused when he says this, and he smirks, “Son, I am about 230 years old.”

“But you don’t look as bad as most ghouls.”

He grins again, “Thank you, I was luckier than most. But I too was still cursed as well.”

I pause for a moment as I think about all the other ghouls I know and how they all felt they too were cursed. Then I tell him, “We have two ghouls who work in our shop back in Manesville. A mother and her zony filly. Now, I do not know much, but I cannot imagine what a filly would do to become cursed, so perhaps it is not a curse, but just how things worked out. Not for something good, not for something bad, just sometimes bad things happen to good ponies.”

“Easy for you to say. You are still a smooth coat.”

I laugh gently and tell him, “I prefer breather, but okay. You are right on that, but I have seen a lot in my time that others have not. I am sure you have seen the scars on my back.”

He nods his head, “Yeah. I was not going to ask as it was not my place.”

I fight with myself about whether I should tell him or not. Finally, I tell him, “When I was a foal, my parents and I were slaves on a farm. The day after I received these scars my family escaped.” I pause as the memories of those horrible times come back to me. When I continue I first sigh, and then I quietly tell him, “We eventually made it to what was then known as the Co-op.” I pause again as I look up at the ceiling. I hear him shift next to me and hear him breathe audibly which is his way of letting me know he is listening. I continue on, "We spent two weeks inside a railroad repair shed there that was mildly contaminated with magical radiation, my parents almost died from it as they gave me all the radaway we had scrounged on our way there. When they found us, well we were saved by the Colonel; she was only a sergeant back then, but she made sure we got help, even though there was a captain at the time who had given her a hard time about it. They pulled my parents to the hospital there and I rode on the back of one of the troopers, his name was Chance. He died on the Day of Sunshine and Rainbows when the Enclave attacked the Co-op there.”

He nods his head and tells me, “Yeah, I figured it was something like that.” Then he asks, “So how did they treat your family?”

I smile, “Well, one of the sergeants there, her name was Ivy, she contacted her mom and we were hired to work on their family farm. We have lived there since.”

“How did the others treat you and your family?”

“Honestly, like anypony else. You saw the bull Cowlick. Well, he used to bully me. That stopped after Ginger and I got back from the Expedition. I am the reason he has a torn ear.” It is at this point I feel shame and look down as I tell him, “He pushed me too far and I thought I was back in the Valley. He was fighting to look tough; I was fighting for my life. It was not pretty. I still feel bad about that day. But since then, he has become one of my best friends. We trust each other with our lives.”

“I wondered about that when I saw him carry you in on his back.”

I nod my head, “I wondered how I got here. That sounds like ol’ Cow alright. He is a good bull overall.”

I see him pondering something in his mind and I ask “What are you thinking? Go ahead and ask.”

He looks out the door and then back in and quietly asks, “How did your people fight off the Enclave?”

I shrug and tell him, “I was not in Manesville that day, I was at school. Ginger and I snuck out of the shelter and watched the battle in the sky from the distance.”

“So, you guys had a bunch of pegasi to help you?”

I shake my head slowly so I do not get dizzy, and then I tell him, “No, only a hoof full. That and the Colonel and Emerado rode our friend George against the Raptor.”

“Who is this Colonel you keep talking about?”

I feel myself smiling as I tell him, “Colonel Mollygirl. She is one of my mothers-in-law. She and Emerado fought from the back of George. George is a dragon. She lives in Harness now though.”

“Interesting. And you say the Colonel led the pegasi. That’s not normal. It is too bad we don’t have someone like her here now.”

This time I laugh, “Oh, she is here. She is in the mountains outside of town. She is in command of the 3rd Manesville regiment. They and the 2nd are both up there. They are just being held in place because of the ceasefire.”

“Regiments? That is a lot of ponies to bring this far. At least it was during the war.”

I nod my head, “Yeah, but it is not all ponies, some are cattle and even some griffons. If you live in Manesville, you can volunteer.”

“What about ghouls?”

“I am not sure about any in the regulars, but we have two groups of ghouls there. They usually are just in the militia. Most of them live in Dead Quiet. But recently we found an underground base that had a few regular ghouls still living there.” I pause and then decide to tell him, “They were protecting supplies to rebuild as well as vats of frozen embryos.”

It is at this time I hear someone at the door and as I look, I see a unicorn ghoul in a doctor’s coat staring at me and he asks, “Did you say frozen embryos?”

I nod my head and he asks, “What are they going to do with them?”

“I am not sure Doctor, but from what I have heard when I was last home, they were talking about trying to contact the Followers of the Apocalypse. There are all kinds of different species in there. I was told by Lieutenant Cake that if they were an intelligent species and had a live birth then they were stored there. But that was back before the war started. So, who knows what is going on there now.”

The doctor seems surprised and then says, “Interesting. I am surprised I did not know about such a project back then.”

I shrug, “Doctor, the lieutenant said it was being kept on the down low back then.”

He nods his head, “Yes, security. Silmetra has told me about what it was like working with the military back then.”

We talk for a bit longer and I am really surprised when I find out he was once an Obstetrician, a doctor who specializes in pregnancy and childbirth. When he tells me this I laugh and he at first takes offense, so I tell him, “No Doc, it is not that I think it is funny, it is just that one of my mothers-in-laws is a midwife and her mother is a doula. Sutures used to be a combat medic at one time, back before she lost her leg in the Valley. I just thought it interesting how those who have that specialty keep coming into my life with me being a zony and all.”

“Ah, yes, then. I can see what you mean.”

Over the next couple of days, I get to know both my doctor and Broadway Nights better. We continue to exchange stories about our lives and I am learning so much about the lay of the land around here as well as what these two have experienced. It seems that my being a zony now, while not as good as it should be, is still better than it used to be, and it sure beats being treated the way the ghouls do. But things still need to improve.

On the second day after I have woken up from the fever, I am starting to get worried because the team has not returned yet. This leads me to look for their tags on my PipBuck. As I do, I notice that they are all alive at least. I also can tell that they are all in the direction of Ten Pony Tower. That has me concerned as I should be with them, but the doctors and nurses have told me I still need to rest for a few more days.

During my discussions with Broadway, he eventually tells me, “Back during the war I was still on the stage here in Manehatten.”

For some reason, I am slightly surprised and I ask him, “What shows did you perform in?”

I see him look out the window and into the distance and he smiles, “I was in several, but the one I enjoyed most and felt was the most important was the one called Thoughts of a Zebra Stallion.”

“What was it about?”

He chuckles sadly, “It highlighted what it was like to live as a zebra or of zebra descent in Equestria of the day, and how others looked at us. I played the part of a zony. It was the first time on stage I was allowed to show the real me. Most of the time I was just passing back then and was treated like a pony until they found out I was part zebra, or they noticed my stripes.” I watch as he takes a deep breath and lets it out slowly as he looks down and shakes his head.

I notice how sad he is and ask him, “Was the show still running on the Last Day?”

He looks back up at me, “What? oh, no. It was stopped a couple of years earlier. The Ministries of Morale and Image both decided the show was subversive and was hurting the war effort.” He pauses again then he says, “It took a year for me to find another role after that.”

“Were you on the stage on the Last Day?”

He shakes his head, “No, I was supposed to be, but a friend of mine told me to stay home and take a mental health day and just enjoy life. He was a shaman so I decided to listen to him. I was in the park across the street when it happened. I woke up a couple of years later like this. I am not sure why, and I am truly afraid of the reason.” He pauses and then tells me, “I need to get going for a bit Xochitl. I will talk to you tonight after dinner."

That is the same day I hear the ghouls talking in the hall about someone having heard a radio broadcast from Winter Breeze claiming there was an assassination attempt on her life that was thwarted by some outsiders. This makes me wonder who would try to do something like that, as well as who would warn her. I am sure it was not my team, but then again, who knows it has been several days since I last saw them. I just hope they are all alright. Especially Ginger. I miss her so much right now. It has been a long time since we went this long without seeing each other.

I know it is stupid of me, but part of me wonders if she misses me too. While part of me hopes so, part of me hopes instead that she does not so she can concentrate on the mission they are on.


Broadway, Manehatten: Choo Choo

The unicorn mare leads me to another old theatre and I follow her as she leads me up a set of steps that lead to a series of old theatre box seats in the balcony areas that have been repurposed as living quarters and offices.

She has me sit down as she too takes a seat and tells me, “Ok, first off, my name is Come Down, I am the leader of our settlement here at Broadway. I heard Dust Bunny call you Choo, so I figure that is your name. Now, there are a few rules I want you to understand if you and your people are staying the night.”

I nod my head to let her know I am listening as she begins.

“While you are in the theatre district, there will be no fighting, amongst yourself or with others. We have enough drama; we do not need that kind too. Second, if you purchase food, fine. However, we do not provide food to outsiders here for free.”

These rules make sense to me so I signal agreement with my ears and tell her, “Understood.”

“As I said earlier, if the Enclave shows up, we will not outright turn you in, but we will deny knowing about your having snuck into our territory.”

Again, I nod, and then she finishes, “I will give you until midmorning to purchase any supplies you may need as well as get rest, but after that, you and your people must leave. We have an Enclave patrol that comes through here every day at around noon and in the evening.”

I nod my head and move my ears in understanding. She finally asks, “You said you had some things you wanted to discuss with me while we were outside, now it is your turn to talk.”

“Thank you Come down. Yes, my name is Choo Choo, and I am the leader of the Repair Ponies. We have been hired to investigate a few locations in the city to determine if the salvage is still there. If so, we are to let them know so, so it can be dealt with.”

She looks skeptical and adds, “Your people don’t look like scavers and I find it hard to believe that is all you are in town for.”

I smile and tell her, “No, we are in town for more, but honestly, it is best if you do not know the details. That keeps you from being involved and allows for deniability on your part.”

She nods her head and then asks, “What else then? You said something about beneficial to us.”

I nod my head, “I understand how difficult it can be to acquire food in an urban environment such as this. One of my personal contacts is a diplomat for the NCR, who also is from Ten Pony Tower. She may be able to assist us in setting up food shipments from Manesville to here.”

Her ears go flat and she asks, “What difference would that make? I never heard of this Manesville. Besides how much extra food could a simple settlement produce to provide to us also?”

I smile as I explain, “Not just Manesville itself, but the Manesville Region.” I then explain to her how large a farming region it is and how we normally have surplus crops.

This gets her interest and she finally non-committedly answers, “Perhaps, we will have to see.”

Before I leave, I think of one more thing, and I tell her, “If you do not mind, a gift, perhaps, or just a sample of the typical ration packs that come from that area.” As I say this, I use my horn and pull out one of my favorites. An alfalfa sandwich with cheese that also contains Dried alpine strawberries.

She looks at the packet and shrugs, “Ok, thanks I guess, but this still does not get you any more than what I promised before.”

“I understood even before. I did not think a pack of rations would be a bribe, only a sample. Thank you again and have a good night,” I tell her as I stand and quietly leave her office and find my way back to my people.

Once back to my people, I talk with Ginger, “We have till mid-morning to be out of here. They expect an Enclave patrol after that.”

“Sounds good boss. Is there anything we should pick up from the traders here?”

“I was just going to ask if you had any suggestions.”

She thinks briefly and tells me, “Maybe some more healing potions if they have any. Oh, and perhaps some antibiotics. We have been pretty lucky until recently with not needing them.”

I nod my head, “If they have them, pay a fair price, they need to make some caps too, and it may make it easier to return here.”

She smiles and nods her head as she replies, “Okay, I will let Epona know also.”

This gets me to smile as those two always enjoy bartering. As I look at the rest of the crew, I notice Twinks and Tater are missing and ask her about where they are.

She smiles with a twinkle in her eye as she tells me, “We heard they are putting on a show in one of the theatres down the street and they both wanted to go see it. So, I told them to go ahead.”

I nod my head then I ask, “Which theatre was it?”

She shrugs and tells me, “I think it was something like Summer Gardens. The show started just a bit ago and they said it was only three caps per person.”

I smile at Ginger and tell her, “Ginger, you have the team until I return. I think I will go see that show as well.

Shortly after this, I find myself entering the almost three-century-old theatre. Its hallways are lit by magical light tubes on the ceiling, but once I enter the theatre proper, I can see that it is dark, all but the stage. On the stage, I see several zebras as well as a few ponies performing. The backdrops, while not perfect are still enough to excite me as I watch them perform Chicacolt.

I feel myself smile and for a while, I am lost in the show as I finally check off watching a show on Broadway from my old me’s bucket list. When the show ends, I find myself standing and clapping my forehooves in appreciation.

As I am making my way back to our lodging for the night, I run into Twinks and Tater as they walk holding tales and talking about the show. They both greet me and we finish our walk as a group. As we go in Twinks quietly asks me, “You did not go to the show to chaperone us did you?”

I laugh lightly as I tell her, “No, Twinks. I have always wanted to see a show here, that is all. I am just really glad you two enjoyed it as much as I did.”

She smiles, “Thanks, Choo.”

I am slightly confused by this, then she answers, “For just letting Tater and me have a regular date night. It is one of the few we have had.”

I nod in understanding. Then I tell her, “When we get a chance to rest, we will have to see if we can get you two some more time for dates.” I then pause and I tell her, “We should go get some sleep, I know that we will want to be well-rested for tomorrow.”

That night I dream of my Paper Work again and how much I would love to take him to see the show I saw tonight. In the dream, I remember telling him, “Yes we have traveling shows in Manesville dear, but they are not the same, you really should see them.”

In the dream, he agrees and we enjoy the show with my wing wrapped around him and we walk outside on Broadway holding tails like Tater and Twinks were earlier. It is a good dream and when I awake, I am disappointed it must end.

We get up shortly after dawn and eat a quick breakfast of rations. Cowlick gives one of his packs to Dust Bunny. Then we set off. As we reach the gate I see Come Down standing near the gate. When she sees us approaching, she smiles and tells me, “Good to see you honoring our agreement. It means we can do business again in the future.” She stops and adds, “By the way, I hope those of you who went to the show last night enjoyed it. It helps to support our community.”

Before I can answer Twinks and Tater, both enthusiastically tell her they did. I then smile and tell her, “Yes, it was as wonderful as I had dreamed it would be.”

She gets a funny look on her face and I tell her, “I have dreamed of watching a show on Broadway for over two hundred years. You made an old mare’s dream come true last night.”

She smiles and tells me, “I will be sure to let the cast know. Now take care, and break a leg out there.” Then she turns to her guards and tells them, “Open the gate for the day.”

As we step out the gate, we go back to reality and our normal operation patterns as we make our way slowly, but surely to the Four Stars Grand Terminal, its headquarters, and a basement that we have only visited in the past.

We are just across the street from the building and getting ready to advance from cover to the main entrance when we see a door on the side of the building open up and a battered and wounded zebra come bounding out. He looks both ways and runs in our direction. He is in a panic and does not even notice us as he runs past our positions in the damaged building we are observing from.

Twinks and I look at each other and we grin. I then tell Sunny, “Go check that door and see if it is still open.”

He has just gotten to the door and signaled us that it is when I see the main doors at the front of the building’s lobby open and I see the Wanderer come walking out with a unicorn mare in a stable jumpsuit, an earth pony mare, and a zebra mare. All accompanied by a dog. I shake my head and tell my team, “Hold up, let them go by first,” over my whisper mic.

Once they have passed and are out of sight, we slowly advance across the open ground with those who have not yet, or already have made it across providing an overwatch.

We make it across with no incident. However, I know we still have to be careful. As we enter the door, I notice most of the lights are out. I use my PipBuck to look at the layout of the building and can see where the nearest stairwell is to us. Once there we make our way into the lower areas of the building and soon, I see we are on the level that the failed stable that Little Pip reported in her book and that we visited in another universe is located. The first thing I notice is that there are more bodies on the ground in this hallway than we left. Some of them even look vaguely familiar.

We are almost to the stable when we find the fresh bodies of three dead zebras. This makes me question what was going on here. But rather than dwell on it, we push on. We come to the entrance to the stable and I see Cowlick and Twinks both go over to the door. They both smirk at each other and Cowlick says, “Looks like those of us from the other universe got this one too. But they placed the thermite on different areas of the door. “

We all nod our heads. Then we continue down the passageway of the basement and we find the room that contains what we came for. There in the room, just like before is another Doorway. This one has been disabled and that is when I notice the bodies on the floor near the control panel. Twinks and Cowlick both see their own bodies laying there on the ground dead.”

“Damn, we didn’t make it Twinks.” He says soberly to her.

She sniffles back a tear and says, “Yeah, the poor sods. I guess we were luckier than we thought.”

He nods to that. Then I watch as Cowlick goes over to his doppelganger and says, “I am sorry to see you had this happen, but thanks for completing the job. May Sweetcream’s blessings be forever upon you.”

Twinks then does the same, but she then quickly goes through the saddlebags of the long-dead mare and I hear her say, “Can’t leave that behind, I guess. Thanks, Twinks,” as she takes out a small book and puts it in her saddlebags.

Dust Bunny looks confused and asks, “So uh, what is happening here?”

Twinks then smiles and tells him, “On the final day our team went through a portal and came out in this basement in another universe. It seems that it occurred in other universes too, but not always so successfully.”

As she says this, I notice that while the control panel is damaged, the power lines to the unit itself are not. I turn to Cowlick and tell him, “Still have some of that Thermite? If so, destroy that thing.”

He nods his head, “Yeah, I got it, boss. But I will need you all to clear out first.”

All of us go down the hall toward the old stable. Once there we wait while he and Twinks set the charges and then ignite them. As they return, I see neither of them is their normal self and I ask, “Are you ok?”

They both nod yes. Then Twinks adds, “Yeah, we are, but it sure is hard to see yourself dead. They did not even get a proper grave.”

I nod my head and I tell them, “Perhaps someday we can come back and give them one.”

Beside me, I see Epona nod soberly. Twinks walks over to her puts a hoof around her shoulder and then says, “I guess I now know what it feels like for you.”

We scavenge the area to see if we can find anything of use. Dust Bunny is very happy with what he has found and seems almost surprised when we tell him, “You found it, you keep it Dust.”

After we get back outside, we find a place to hole up for a bit, while I go and report in via radio to our bosses. They inform me to make contact with the local Applejack Rangers but to also make contact with local settlements to try and recruit support for the NCR to retake Manehatten.

When I get back with them and tell the team, most take it with a grain of salt. However, Dust Bunny is very unhappy as he tells me, “Choo, I can take you close to their headquarters, but I dare not go all the way with you. Many of them really hate my kind and shoot first, no questions later.”

I nod my head in understanding. I find myself sighing and I tell him, “Understandable. But please lead us as close as you can.”

We make our way towards where he says the Applejack Rangers have their headquarters. He stops a few blocks away and tells us, “I will wait in that building over there for a couple of hours. After that, I will be heading out.”

I nod my head and we continue on. I look back one more time and wave my wing to him and he waves back and I see him head into the rubble to wait. Soon I see a roadblock ahead of us that has the symbol of the Applejack Ranger on it with a couple of ponies behind it. We approach with our weapons stowed and I call to them. They have us advance and shortly after verifying our credentials, we are being led inside their compound under guard to begin the next stage of our campaign.


Broadway, Manehatten: Ball Lightning

After yesterday, I have decided it is best to just talk with the settlements that we already have had contact with and not risk myself or my people in trying to expand our influence. I hate to seem defeatist, but that was enough to shake me a bit.

I discussed what had occurred with the Chief of staff including our sighting of two changelings.

“Captain, how do you know they were changelings?”

“Sir, my team watched them change from two ponies we have encountered before to creatures that fit the description from the old books.”

He rubs his temple and then asks, “Are you trying to give me a headache? For Luna’s sake, there have only been a couple of changeling reports in the history of the Enclave, and now you want to bring them up again. Do you want us not to trust each other? Because that will be what happens. I have read the reports of what happened after they appeared in the Crystal Empire.”

“No sir, I was just reporting what I observed. What worries me most is that they were part of a team of other creatures here in Manehatten. Sir, I do wonder if the NCR hired mercenaries to disrupt our operations here.”

“Captain, I am sure they probably have. That is why we have patrols out as well as checkpoints in various parts of the city. Now if you have nothing more for me, I would recommend going with some of the patrols I have mentioned and visiting established settlements.:

“Yes sir, I understand sir.”

“Good, and Captain, be more cautious from now on. Dismissed.”

After I leave my team spends the night at Ten Pony and then we head out the next morning with one of the patrols that visits several sites. Among them is one they call Broadway. Another is Riverside, and a third is Tube Town, a settlement that has been built in a section of the old subway system.

As we walk along, I talk to the Lieutenant in charge of the patrol. “So, Lieutenant, what can you tell me about these settlements and the areas around them?”
He shrugs his wings as we walk along, “Not much to say, sir. Typical mudsiders. Broadway does some trading and also has entertainment with a stage show from what I understand. The gates there were only open from after sunrise until shortly before sunset, even before we arrived.”

I nod my head as he continues, “Riverside. Some fisher ponies there. I suspect some smuggling operations are going on there as well, but I can’t prove it. Most of the ponies there live in the buildings on the docks, however, a few live on some of the old ships and riverboats tied up there.”

“Have you spent much time in either of those places Lieutenant?”

“No, why bother? Nothing to really see and if we search too deep and find something, well I only have a ten-pony squad with me at a time, so we would be in trouble.”

Again, I nod my head. “So, tell me about Tube Town.”

I hear him sigh as he tells me, “Not much to say. The ponies there blocked off the subway tubes on both ends of the station there. Then they built shakes on the platforms as well as converted an old subway train into living quarters. Last time we were there they had requested that we help them eliminate some feral ghouls that were preventing them from expanding into the tubes a bit further. I couldn’t risk my people so I had to tell them no.”

When I hear this, I realize that he is the type of officer who does what is required to do, but not much more. He is competent, but his attitude towards the natives here and his unwillingness to help I am sure have not helped to sway many in our direction either. So, I ask, “So, what is our first destination today?”

He brightens up quickly, “We will be going to Broadway first, we will stop there and have lunch. They serve what is a fairly decent meal for here. That will also allow us to patrol the town and even visit the market that they have there in another of their abandoned theaters.”
“Interesting. And after that?”

“We normally go from there to Tube Town, and finish up with Riverside before heading back to the building you met us in.”

“So, why did they choose that building anyway for you?”

“To be honest with you sir, I think it was because it had a vertibuck pad on the roof as it had once been a police station. So, if we took any prisoners, we could keep them there.”

“That makes perfect sense to me. Perhaps sometime soon I can look over your setup at the station as well.”

“Uh, well perhaps, but I would prefer you to get permission from my captain first. No need to go outside the normal chain of command sir.”

“Oh, of course, Lieutenant.”

From my side I see Funnel Cloud look at us with a bit of a raised eyebrow, but he says nothing else. Soon we arrive at a neighborhood that has a gated entrance across the front of it that is currently open. As we arrive the patrol leader tells me, “Well, here is our first stop sir.”

As we walk in, I notice that several of the locals look at us with an expression of distaste. But none say anything.

As the patrol continues to walk down the street, they refuse to stop or move from their path causing the locals to have to move out of their way. Once we reach the restaurant, they all go inside. My team and I look around first. Then we follow them in. Once there, we join the line where they are serving food. I watch as each of the troopers takes their trays ahead of me and then goes and sits down. As I get to the end of the counter with my tray, I ask a mare standing by a cash register, “How much for my meal?”

She looks shocked and says, “5 caps, but none of you have ever even asked before.”

I shake my head and do the math for all of us and pay for both my team and the patrol’s meals.”

I then tell her, “I am sorry that they have not paid before. I will have a talk with their commander.”

She seems even more stunned and just nods her head, with a slight bit of fear on her face. I then add, “Do not worry, I will make sure they know you were not asking for payment, just that you should be.”

“Thank you, mister,” she quietly says as I take my tray and go to sit down in the cafeteria seating that they have here.

After we are finished, we all get up and head back onto the streets. As we begin to move. I see that one of the theatres has just finished a show as the audience is exiting it in mass.

One of the interesting things I observe is that almost every one of them has some sort of weapon on them. Be it something as simple as a knife or as complex as an old MEW, they are all armed.

Then I notice a creature coming out of the door next to another pony. While quadrupedal like a pony, they have a thin tale like a brahman or a mule. They also have a mane that instead of following down their neck, almost surrounds their head. They also seem to have a horn on their head, but it is very different in shape from a unicorn. The final thing I notice is that while most of those coming out of the show are very happy, this one seems very serious. This gets my curiosity so I approach them and ask, “Excuse me, but do you have a minute.”

They turn to me and in a serious tone of voice reply, “I have lots of them. Hopefully more than I have already spent. But how can I help you?”

“Please excuse my ignorance, but I have never seen someone of your species before, may I ask what you are?”

This time I see the faintest outlines of a smile. Then they answer, “I do appreciate your having been so polite in your asking. I have to say it is refreshing as most of my people do not often leave our homes. I sir, am a Kirin.”

“Ah, thank you for answering my question. I remember reading something about your people in the library. I am glad to see your kind has also made it through the war.”

“Thank you.”

Right then from the side, I hear somepony yell, “Hey Smiley we need to get moving. Mort is in a hurry.”

He turns to him and says, “I will be along presently.” He faces me again and tells me, “Have a good day captain, and if I may, I would recommend the show here. They do an excellent job of putting it on, and it is worth the caps for the entertainment.” He then turns and trots off.

The lieutenant next to me shrugs his wings again and says, “A Kirin, huh, I never even heard of them before.”

I let out a slight sigh and tell him, “Lieutenant, I do believe I will take his advice and catch the next show. Go ahead without us if you would.”

“Are you sure sir?”

I smile at him and tell him, “I am quite sure. It was good to talk with you and I will see about catching another fly around with your patrol soon. I think I may be able to learn a few things here from the locals.”

“Alright, sir. If you say so. But be careful, you never know how these mudpuppies can be.”

I nod my head and watch as he turns and tells his troops, “Ok, back to work, let's move, we are burning daylight.”

Again, I watch as the crowd parts before them as they march like they are the imperial guard of old. I find myself shaking my head and I hear Air Burst say, “Goddesses, I bet he has set back relations here all by himself.”

“I think you are right Air. That is why we are staying behind. As you taught me before, we need to get to know them and see what we can do to improve our relations with them.”

He grins at me and tells me, “You just want to see the show.”

I smile back as I answer, “Well, I would like to see the show, but no, that is not why.”

He then tells me, “Well sir, how about me and Funnel Cloud go over and have a few drinks at the local pub.”

“Sounds good. We will meet you after the show and we can either spend the night here if they let us, or we can fly high and fast back to Ten Pony.”

He nods his head, “Sounds good sir. I will talk to you then.”

The show was better than I had hoped for, and the first one I have seen since I left Thunderhead. While Alto and I watched the show, Air Burst and Funnel enjoyed a few libations at the local pub.

“You know Ball, some of these ponies aren’t too bad. Part of what is upsetting them is that they do not have a lot of food, and part of their income is based upon what extra they can sell. It seems that all our patrols have been eating for free and it is starting to strain them a bit.”

“Damn, I was afraid it was something like that. Now if I may, how did you get them to start opening up?”

Well, first we tipped our server well. They also were surprised we know about Old Overmare. It seems they had a couple of bottles on their shelves.” He pauses and chuckles before he adds, “I never would have thought that our campfires with those Repair Ponies would have helped us out like that.”

I smile at this and nod my head. “Yeah, it does seem to be that way. I just hope we don’t see them here if you know what I mean. “

“Well sir, what do we do now?”

“Let’s get a place to sleep and tomorrow we can go to the next settlement. I got the locations marked on my PipBuck by the lieutenant during lunch today.”

The next morning, we have just finished breakfast and are getting ready to head over to Tube Town when I get a recall notice on my PipBuck for us to return immediately to Ten Pony.”

We get there just before dinner. Once we get to the HQ we are met by the Chief of Staff. “I Hope you found out something useful Captain.”

I nod my head and tell him, “Well, there is a lot of friction between some of the locals and our people, and it is not always one-sided. It seems that not only are they low on food supplies, but our troops are taking food from them.”


“Sir, that has caused a lot of resentment and is something we can easily counter just by paying for the supplies, or by giving them food to supplement that used by our troops.”

He sighs and says, “Captain, that may sound easy to you, but it is not as easy as it sounds. After all the Enclave is short of food as well.” He pauses and then adds, that may not be our biggest worries right now, earlier we got a notification that one of our Generals had hired some zebra mercs to try and assassinate the president.”

I find myself sitting down hard, “Good Goddesses sir, you can’t be serious?”

He soberly nods his head, “I am. Security is being tightened. You are not to go too far away from Ten Pony in case she needs you to use the backdoor again.”

I nod my head, “Yes sir. I will keep that in mind, sir.”

“Oh, and be on guard for any zebras or other ponies who are acting strange.”


Good evening, Mares and Gentlecolts, welcome to tonight’s show. I am your host; Amplitude Modulation and I am bringing to you some of the best in prewar music. But before we continue on to the music a few notices from our local broadcast area.

For those of you on the west side of the river, there has been an increase in the number of rats of abnormal size. According to those out of Duskhoof, many of them carry a very fast-acting disease that can strike down a pony within a day after being bitten. They go on to say that if you insist on eating the meat of these rats, make sure you cook it fully, not just searing the outside and leaving the inside uncooked. If it is pink you will sink.

The Settlement of Broadway would like to remind you that they are still open for trade and are having twice-daily runs of their current production, Chicacolt. Tickets are only 3 caps apiece.

That brings up our first song for tonight, On Broadway.

Chapter 47 The Die is Cast

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Chapter 47 The Die is Cast

“So in war, the way is to avoid what is strong and to strike at what is weak.” - Sun Tzu, c. 5th cent. BC, Chinese general & military strategist

Manehatten, NCR disputed Territory: Ginger Snaps

It has been two days since our meeting with the Applejacks’s Rangers. After that, things began to come together. Choo and our team are on observation duty watching the main entrance of Ten Pony Tower and reporting back to the other groups involved.

In some of the other buildings nearby are the Troubleshooters and the Fixers from the NCR. We also have a mixed bag of AppleJack’s Rangers, Followers of the Apocalypse, and local gangs that are committed to the upcoming attack.

I assume we have some infiltrators inside already, but I can’t be sure as we were not told if they were or not. But we were told that there would be a signal and when we saw it, we would know to assault the main entrance. The problem is that to do so we will have to make our way up to the Luna Line via the stairs and then run across an open distance into their barricades and defenses.

To be honest I am nervous about that. But it is what it is, I guess. If the others go, I cannot let them down. And while part of me misses my husband and worries about him, another part of me is just very relieved he will not be having to make this assault with us.

We are in the third story of this building so we can watch straight across the elevated trains line. I am using the scope of my Silenced Infiltrator Rifle to look out a window and am three feet from it, keeping me in the shadows.

I continue to watch as I see ponies coming and going. I even watch a patrol depart the main entrance and head for the stairs leading to the ground level. I quietly report this to the others via the radio. “All scavers, this is RP2, we have a patrol of one zero ponies departing and heading to ground at this time, be on alert.”

I next hear, “This is Foxtrot4 I have the patrol and they are moving away heading towards the south. Will continue to observe.

I breathe a slight sigh of relief as this tells me the patrol is heading away from us. After a while, my eyes start to itch and I am starting to feel a bit tired. I feel a hoof on my shoulder and Sunny tells me, “I got the watch go rest your eyes for a bit.”

I nod my head and move out of his way so he can take up my position. After I have moved and am at the door, I look back and see that he has slid into the position with his sniper rifle and is quietly smiling as he watches.

In the next room, across the hall, we have made a small camp. There we eat our rations unheated as we do not want to take a chance of alerting anyone that we are here.

“Hay Cookie, how you doing?”

“Okay, sis. Just worried a bit about Flower.”

She nods he head and hooves me a canteen of water as she says, “Yeah, I understand. If Purchase was not home in Manesville with the rest of the family I would really be worried about her too.”

I have just given her back the canteen when I hear a very loud explosion from outside. I run back into the overwatch position and see debris hitting the street from higher up. Then I hear Choo yell out, “That’s it, that is the signal, grab your gear and let us go. Sunny, you are free to fire at any hostiles you see right now.”

Just as she says this, I hear his rifle fire three quick shots, then the rest of us are heading down the stairs and he calls out, “I will meet you there.”

I hear his rifle firing with the rhythm of the pendulum of a clock as we run downstairs. We hit the street and it is pandemonium. From the next building over I see the Troubleshooters running out. One of them is on fire as he runs up the stairs leading to the elevated tracks. We are right behind the Troubleshooters as Sunny lands and joins us as we make our way up the stairs.

As we run, I hear Twinks tell him, “Blackbird, when we stop next, I need to check that wound.”

He keeps running as he tells us, “Yeah, once we get to cover, the bastard got me as I jumped out the window.” He pauses his speech and takes a shot then adds, “Never fly in an urban battle if you can help it, I gotta remember that rule.”

I hear the Fixers running behind us as Mudwing yells to her people, “Move! Move! Move!”

We bust out onto the top and I watch as the flaming pony runs directly into the barricades at the main entrance. Mort and his people are only a bit behind them. I see one of them go down but the others keep running trying to cover the open ground.

I skid to a stop and take a quick aim using my SATS to take out the Magical Energy Weapon turret that hit the Troubleshooter.

As it explodes, I feel a burning sensation and realize I have been hit, I see the hole in my leg and I first dive to the ground behind the down Troubleshooter. I then take a quick healing potion for myself. I check the other and can tell they will not need it. As the wound heals, I get back to my hooves and begin running again. By now the distance has been narrowed to only a few dozen yards. I watch as Cowlick first sprays a suppressive fire then jumps over the barricades and runs to the back side of another one. Twinks right behind him.

As this is going on, suddenly I begin to hear artillery fire in the distance and shells landing from what must be the other side of the river. I know someone is getting plastered by the Manesville Brigades artillery, and they must be coming too, but I need to concentrate on the battle around me. I hear the yells of the locals who followed us as they too join the fight.

We are pinned down for what seems like an eternity then finally I watch as Morning Mist and Tater low crawl along the floor until they are at the main entrance doors.

We are still exchanging fire with the guards inside, as they fire at us through firing slits. As Morning Mist sets up his charges on the lock plate and where he suspects the hinges to be, Tater slides over to the next firing slot, draws out a metal apple, pulls the pin, and pushes it with his forehoof through the opening.

He then lays down and we hear the muffled explosion. Next, Morning Mist tells him to clear the area. They both crawl back to another barricade and once there I hear Morning Mist yell out, “Fire in the Hole!” and he pushes the big red button on the detonator.

We all expect a big explosion and nothing happens He shakes it briefly, slaps it on the side, and then pushes the button again. This time there are five medium-sized explosions as the hinges and door latch are blown away. As the doors are falling inward, we begin to run again, firing suppressive fire at the firing slots. Soon we are inside the main lobby, as we fan out, the Fixers go right, we go left and the Troubleshooters go forward. As we go left, we first engage the remaining Enclave troopers in the defensive positions that were set up for the main entrance. It is there the Twinks is shot in her barding, knocking her off her hooves. As she goes down Tater screams and I am stunned as he empties his magazine into the trooper who shot her.

While the rest of us continue to engage the enemy, he runs to her and checks her out. It is while he is doing this that I hear one of the Enclave officers yelling out to his people, “Fall back, they just sent the all personnel recall.”

From outside I can hear the noise of Vertibucks flying close overhead as well as artillery creeping closer in this direction. The team continues to fight our way from room to room as we sweep and clear the first floor. As we are wrapping this up, I see Twinks limping up to us with a worried-looking Tater next to her.

Choo, tells us, “Okay, we are getting too far from the other teams. Hold on and let us reorganize. Twinks come here I need to check you out.”

We are keeping our weapons at the ready as she tells her, “OK Twinks, looks like a couple of broken ribs. When we get a chance, you need to get a new set of barding.”

“Yeah, thanks for making sure we all were wearing our full kits. Damn, that hurt.”

Choo nods her head and tells us, “Ok, the other two teams say this floor is clear, now to the stairs and do it all again.”

We have just cleared the fifth floor when we meet up with a member of the AppleJack’s Rangers in their power armor. We almost fire upon them as we come around the corner but realize that they are not marked red just before our tongues pull the triggers.

We hear the modulated voice of the Ranger as they tell us, “Stand down, the Enclave has evacuated the building and are abandoning Manehatten.”

At that time, I see Choo put her hoof to her ear as she hears a call on another circuit and nods her head, “Roger, the building has been secured.” She nods her head again, then replies to the voice only she is hearing, “Roger, fall back to the main park.”

She turns her head to us and tells us, “We have been ordered to the main park by Duskhoof. The Second Regiment has reported that some of its elements are already there.”

She then turns to the Ranger, and tells him, “We have our orders. Good luck Knight.”

We then turn as a group and make our way back to the stairs. As we go, I hear Days End asks, “Why don’t we just take the elevators?”

Twinks grunts when she first goes to answer, then finally tells him, “Because they need to be inspected before anyone uses them. Who knows what kind of damage they might have taken during the fight? I for one do not want to hop into one and have it drop to the basement with me in it.”

As we reach the lobby, we see Mort and his team are also heading to the doorway. Near the center of the lobby are Mudwing and her team. She grins as best a griffon can and tells us, “Good luck. They have us securing the lobby until they can get the security up and running again.”

We all say our quick goodbyes to them, then we head out the door. As we reach the Troubleshooter who was killed, they take his body and I hear Mort say, “I think we will bury him in the park. I am sure he would have liked that.”

Soon both of our teams are making our way down the streets, weapons at the ready as skywagons and vertibucks streak overhead. In the distance, I can see the large Enclave skyship making its way in the direction of Hoofington and Thunderhead. Above us, I can see NCR Skyships hovering over the Manehatten skyline.

I smile as I realize that it looks like we have all survived the fight here, and that for once, the NCR has won in a fight that was not defensive. But I do wonder what the Enclave will do next in retaliation for this embarrassment.

We are taking a break only a few blocks from the park when I decide to check my PipBuck. As I do so, I notice that Ten Pony Tower radio is back on the air. As I hear the DJ’s voice announce that they are back on the air and that they are back to helping the good fight, I smile to myself as I think, perhaps there really is hope for the NCR yet.


Duskhoof, Manehatten: Xochitl

I am just walking back from the restroom when I hear a loud explosion coming from outside and the direction of Ten Pony Tower. I slowly limp my way to the window in my room and in the distance, I can see smoke coming out of the side of Ten Pony Tower, high up. Several others of the staff all join me in looking out the window.

Suddenly I hear artillery firing in the distance from the mountains to the east. Seconds later this is followed by the sounds of an artillery barrage landing somewhere out of sight, but east of here. I assume across the river.
I shake my head and say, “Sounds like someone is catching Tartarus out there.”

Beside me, an earth pony ghoul in nurses’ scrubs asks me, “How would you know what artillery sounds like?”
I shake my head, “We had two guns with us on the Expedition when I was a foul. On the last day at the Valley, we had an entire battery open up to support us with danger close fire. Luckily our forces were in our trenches so most were spared, but a few shells still landed in amongst us.”

From the side of my eye, I see him look at me with a curious expression and tell him, “Go ahead and ask.”

“You said you were a foal and that you were fighting in a battle that used artillery, that just seems odd to me. Were they that desperate that they used foal warriors?”

I keep looking out the window at the smoke rising from the building and what must be the other side of the river now. As I watch I can see in the far distance what must be sky wagons and some vertibucks flying toward the city. That would be the Manesville brigade advancing I realize and nod my head. I then see several vertibucks flying from this part of the city and I know the Enclave is using them to move and support their troops as well. As one of them goes zooming by the smoking tower, I see a bright light fly up from below and strike it, blotting it from the sky. I know they are our enemies, so I try not to think of the crew onboard, but instead just think of it as an inanimate object.

I then turn to the nurse and tell him, “Right after the day of Sunshine and Rainbows, the Manesville Co-op launched an expedition to cut Red Eye’s supply lines. Well, we not only did a good job of it, but we drew in as many forces as one of his officers turned warlord could bring in on us. My wife and I had snuck along and by the time they found us it was too late to send us back. Instead, since my father was with the scouts, Ginger and I were also made scouts as they felt they could keep us safer that way.”

He nods his head, “I understand how that can be. I used to be a medic with the army in the early years of the war with the zebras. But how could they have thought you would be safer as scouts?”

I shrug and tell him, “I just do not think they had enough experience with large operations at that time to have known better.”

He nods his head and replies, “Glad to hear that.”

As we watch we can hear small arms fire in the distance increasing in intensity. Before long we start to see Vertibucks shuttling back and forth between several positions around the city, including Ten Pony Tower and the large airship that they have above them.

We are still watching as I look down and start to see a small stream of wounded being brought in by ones and twos. Shortly after this, I hear a pony yell from the hallway, “All medical staff of Duskhoof, Silmetra, and Dry Rot say we have mass casualties coming in, you are to report to the first floor for triage and emergency treatment assignments.”

I see the nurse shake as he closes his eyes. I put a hoof on his shoulder and he flinches at first, then I ask, “Are you ok?”

He nods his head, “Yeah, just, I just, it reminds me of the Final Day is all. I was here then and they called very similar orders over the PA system back then.”

“I understand. Good luck and I will see you later.”

He visibly gulps and then nods to me, “See you later kid.” Then he turns and trots out to the hall where after he is out of my sight, I hear him and others galloping down the hall.

I turn back to the window and continue to watch what I will later come to hear called the Battle of Manehatten as it continues to unfold. As I watch I remember my PipBuck and I turn on the team’s channel. Over it, I soon begin to hear what they are experiencing.

Big Blue, we have hostiles in the next room

Roger, Mash, you and Danger take them out. Salt, The Troubleshooters could use some suppressive fire across that lobby.

Roger Big Blue,

Besides the MEW and random gunfire, I soon hear a medium mg open up in several short bursts. Then I hear something that chills me to my core,

You killed her you bastards, then a long burst as someone empties their magazine into someone else as they scream. Then I hear the same voice say, tangos down, Danger is hurt but not KIA. I will assist her.

Okay, we are getting too far from the other teams. Hold on and let us reorganize. Twinks come here I need to check you out

Roger, Boss

OK, the other two teams say this floor is clear, now to the stairs and do it all again. Choo’s voice pauses and then she says Fog, you and Finale are on point, let’s go people.

I continue to listen to their chatter on the radio as I watch the battle from the distance. Soon I see three sky wagons land in the park across the street. I see the soldiers in the back begin to spread out and take up defensive positions, as they do this, the sky wagons take off and fly east again. Soon I watch as several more of them land, but this time one of the wagons is opened and I watch as several ponies from another wagon pull out, the contents and start to set up tents with the symbol of the Ministry of Peace on them.

Before long more skywagons arrive bringing in wounded and I can see them being unloaded and ponies looking at them with some being quickly rushed to the tents, and others being treated right there. Then I notice a pony with what looks like a preacher’s vestments going among them. Occasionally he stops and talks to them, but I also see him stop at some and he gives what looks like a blessing.

I shake my head as I know what that means. My attention is drawn away as I hear a bed being rolled down the hallway and into one of the other rooms. I turn back and, in the sky, I notice that more and more vertibucks are making the run to the skyship, but fewer and fewer are leaving. I also notice that by now there is another skyship there as well. I don’t know whose it is, but I am not sure if it is the Enclaves as it looks completely different from any of them that I have seen before, and it is much, much smaller.

The whole time I worry about my friends and teammates, but most of all I worry about Ginger. This is the first major action either of us has been in that the other was not with them.

Before much longer I hear my doctor behind me say, “It seems that you are doing better than I thought if you can stand for this long.”

I feel myself blush and tell him, “Sorry Doc, it is just so hard knowing that I am not with my team while they are going through that.”

He nods his head, “Yes, I do understand. But I have a favor to ask of you if you feel up to it.”

I am curious and ask, “What is it Doc?”

“After my last surgery, it was brought to my attention that some soldiers are not only triaging their wounded but performing surgery in those tents in the park, the Mayor has asked that we send a representative to offer our assistance, however, we do not know them and we are not sure how they would react to our kind.”

I nod my head, “Get me my kit and I will be glad to do so sir.”

He nods his head and tells me, “Thank you, I will be back down in surgery, but one of the nurses will assist you.”

Soon I have my kit back, including my weapons and I find myself making my way across the lush foliage of the park.

After working my way across the park, I finally come across one of the soldiers there. She has her gun trained on me and calls out in a familiar accent, “Whoa, come no further or I will fire.”

I hold up my front hooves and call back, “Hold your fire, I was sent by the leadership of the settlement inside of the old Ministry of Peace hub there, they want to offer an exchange of services and supplies.”

She then calls out loudly over her shoulder, “Corporal of the Guard, I need you at my position.”

As we wait, I take off my helmet and wipe my brow. Then as I am drinking from my canteen she asks, “Xochitl, is that you?”

I am caught off guard and put my canteen back before I answer, “Yeah, but who are you?” It is then that I notice the Manesville Brigade tab on her shoulder. Then I look closely at her face and then her cutie mark before she answers.

“It is me, Dandelion, from back in school. What are you doing here?”

I grin as I remember Dandelion. I always got along pretty well with her as did the others I hung around with. So, I tell her, “Doing some private contractor work in the town. The rest of the team is over in that mess.” I tell her pointing in the general direction of Ten Pony Tower.

She looks that way and asks, “Why are you not with them?”

I sigh as I tell her, “I was recovering from a wound over in the hospital there,” I point back toward Duskhoof. “They had a job to complete and I was not up for it.”

She looks at me and says, “Yeah, I can bet, you still seem a bit under the weather.”

It is about this time that I see the Corporal of the guard come out of the brush. He stops and asks, “What do you have for me trooper?”

“Corporal, Xochitl here has been talking with the head honchos over in the old Ministry of Peace Building across the way. They want to offer an exchange of medical facilities and supplies.”

He then asks, “Getting a bit over-friendly with the locals, are you? Watch yourself Trooper.”

She smiles at him, “Nah, I went to school with ol’ Cohitl here.”

He then looks at me and asks, “Can anyone else vouch for you being from Manesville?”

I grin as I tell him, “Well if Captain Badger is here, he can, as can Colonel Mollygirl from the 3rd Regiment, both are my inlaws.”

I then hear Dandelion say, “Ohh, congratulations to both of you. We all knew you two would get married someday.”

I find myself blushing as I tell her, “Thank you.”

The corporal nods his head, “OK, enough of the old home week then. Follow me, Xochitl.”

He takes his time as we follow a path to the medical tents. There he takes me to an officer who is in charge. I tell him about the offer from the Mayor and Chief of Medicine of Duskhoof. He then asks, “How good are their facilities?”

“While not as good as some I have seen, they are the best I have seen in the wastelands. They keep the place clean and the equipment in as best working order as possible.”

“So why did they send you, instead of coming themselves?”

“Two reasons I do believe. The first is that they are ghouls.”

“Ah, that. And the second?”

“Sir, their chief of medicine is conducting surgeries on the wounded civilians that are still coming in from the fight.”

He nods his head, “So what do they want exactly.”

I give him a quick rundown and he tells me, “That makes sense, we can stop doing major surgeries in our tents and take care of the minor cases here. I will send two of my surgeons as well as their surgical teams to assist inside, let them know to send the ambulatory cases out to us.”

I nod my head and make my way back inside Duskhoof. Once there I tell Silmetra their answer. He smiles and nods his head, “Excellent. Maybe things really are changing in the Wastelands after all.”


Manehatten: Choo Choo

The walk to the park where we have been ordered starts off uneventfully for both mine and Mort’s teams, as we go soon we see the locals who have fought today and are wounded making their way towards Duskhoof.

We first stop when we see some ponies from Broadway as well as Tube Town and other settlements all trying to make their way to help for their own wounds or for friends and family that cannot do so themselves. A couple of young ponies are trying to drag an older stallion who is wounded badly and cannot walk. Twinks and Cowlick approach them and Cowlick asks, “Where are you taking him?”

The young filly says, “They say Duskhoof can save our pa, we are trying to get him there.”

As they are talking, I watch as Twinks looks him over and shakes her head. Her horn flares as she treats his wounds the best she can, and she tells Cowlick, “He needs to get there soon or he won’t make it. I have him stabilized for now.”

Cowlick kneels and tells them “Get him on my back. I got him,”

Soon we are all helping those too badly wounded to make it on their own, Even Mort’s crew has joined us in this. We then notice healthy ponies joining us in our efforts. Twinks and I as well as Mort’s medic give what medical care, we can to get them to the doctors.

When we make it to the park, we first begin to pass it by, but we have a pegasus in NCR barding with MP marked on his shoulder stop us and tell us, “Wounded go to the park first for triage,” as he points towards a now worn path into the brush with the tops of tents.

We turn in that direction and trudge our way there. As we arrive, we are stopped by another mare who tells us, “Ok, bring them over hear and set them down, or have them sit down. Our medics will be right with you.” As we set them down, I hear her tell Ginger, “I saw Cohitl a bit ago, congrats on finally getting hitched. It is about time.”

“Thanks, Dandelion. When we get a chance later, I will come back and tell you all about it.”

“Great, I look forward to it.” Then she returns to organizing the arriving wounded.

After this, we begin to look for the Regimental headquarters. We are moving on to the next unit when I hear a familiar voice asks, “Choo? Is that you?” Then as we all look in their direction, he approaches us and I see Captain Badger, one of Ginger, and Epona’s adopted fathers. He trots over and hugs them as he says, “Thank the Goddesses you are all ok, but what are you doing here?” Then I see his face go pale as he asks with a nervous voice, “Where is Xochitl?”

Ginger answers, “Last we knew he was over in the hospital at Duskhoof being treated, but I guess he came over here earlier, at least according to Dandelion.”

I hear him let out a sigh of relief, and then he tells us, “Good, I am glad to hear that. Now, I best get back to my company for a bit. Stop by later tonight if you can. I want to catch up with all of you.”

“We will Pa, promise,” Ginger tells him, beside her Epona nods her head.

Then he tells Epona, “Just so you know, Purchase is fitting it really well with the family, though she is missing you dear.”

“Thanks for letting me know Papa, I miss her too.” she pauses then adds, “Papa, I think she might be the one, but I am not sure, can I talk to you about her later.”

He smiles broadly and tells her, “Of course Epona, of course, now I will catch you later, I just got a call about one of my squads capturing a prisoner.”

Then I ask, “Captain Badger, could you tell us how to get to the Regimental HQ?”

He nods his head, “Of Course Choo, it is those tents just over there. If you go a bit further in that direction you should be able to find the Brigade HQ as well.”

“Excellent. Thank you, Captain. I do appreciate it.”

He grins at me, “My pleasure Choo, just take care of my kids for me.”

With that we make our way towards first the Regimental, then the Brigade HQ. There we use their radios to contact our higher-ups. The message we receive in reply tells us to wait in Manehatten until we receive our next orders.

As we do not have any specific orders I tell them, “Ok, let’s go visit Xochitl.”

I see the brigade commander’s chief of staff, Captain Pin Point on our way out and I tell him, “Sir, we will be using your HQ as a contact point with our higher-ups in Junction Town per their orders. Right now, my team is heading over to Duskhoof to visit one of the team members who is there.”

I see him raise an eyebrow and he asks, “Which team member?”

I sigh and tell him, “Xochitl, he got bit by a rat a few days back and was very sick. The ghouls there have been treating him for the last couple of days.”

“Ah, that explains his being there to meet the 2nd Regiment earlier without the rest of you. Very good, I am glad to hear he is up and about. So, who is the other team with you?”

I wave Mort forward to introduce him to Pin Point. I then explain that the Fixers are much like our team. Afterwards, he shakes hooves with Mort and tells him, “A pleasure to meet you, sir. Is there anything we can do to assist you and your people?”

I see Mort hedge and haw for a moment then he asks, “I had a team member killed during the assault on Ten Pony Tower, could you have someone assist us in digging a grave, we will make a stone for him ourselves.”

I see the surprise on Pin Point's face and he asks, “All of you were involved with that portion of the attack, were you the ones that disabled Celestia One?”

While I want to answer, Mort does so first as he tells him, “No, we weren’t involved with that part of the plan. We hit the lower levels and started clearing each floor on our way up.”

I see a look of thought come over Pin Point's face and he asks, “Do any of your team members need further medical assistance? If so have them see the medics over at the regimental hospitals for the 2nd or 3rd. If they give you a hard time let them know I have authorized it.”

Mort nods his head, "I think we are doing okay on that, but if you have some extra rations, I would appreciate it.”

Pin Point calls over a sergeant from his staff and tells him, “Get these ponies some rations if you would. It is the least we can do for what they did earlier today as well.”

“Yes sir,” the sergeant answers. He then turns to Mort and tells him, “Follow me.”

As the Trouble Shooters follow him, I tell the captain, “Sir, thanks for the offer of rations, we will take you up on them later, but for now we need to check on Xochitl.”

He nods his head, “If anything comes in, I will send a courier for you Choo.”

“Thank you, sir,” I tell him, then I head out of the headquarters tent and meet up with the rest who then all head back towards the hospital to visit Xochitl. Once there we find Xochitl still in the lobby, though he appears very tired he is assisting the staff with the new arrivals.

I can tell when he sees us as he nods at us, but when he sees Ginger his eyes light up.

Once we are close, he gives her a warm greeting and I overhear him whisper, “Thank the Goddesses you are alright. I was so worried about you.”

I watch them embrace for a bit more, and then I ask, “Does your being down here mean you have been released from treatment?”

“Honestly boss, I am not sure. They still have plenty of rooms available, but their staff is pretty busy as well. At least we are getting fewer and fewer walk-ins over the last few hours.”

I nod my head, then he asks, “Any word on casualties overall yet?”

I shake my head, “Not fully, but the Manesville Brigade got off pretty light from what I have been told. Oh, by the way, we saw Badger earlier and he said for all of us, you included to visit them while we are here.”

He smiles warmly and answers, “I look forward to it.”

It is several hours later when the last of the wounded have all been seen and treated. It is then that I see Xochitl’s doctor come out into the lobby yawning. He sees us there, looks at Xochitl, and tells him, “While I appreciate the help, son, after you got back from that errand earlier, I had expected you to return to your bed.”

I watch as Xochitl looks at the floor and blushes. He then raises his head and tells him, “Sorry sir, but I knew the others needed my help too.”

“Young stallion, you are not going to be able to help anyone if you don’t allow yourself to rest and heal. Now get back to your room.”

I watch as most of my other team members follow Xochitl back to his room.

After they are out of earshot, I ask, “How bad is he really?”

He looks at him and tells me, “He should be ready in another day or two to be discharged. I feel guilty having used him earlier to contact those NCR troops, but I could not send any of our settlers there.”

I nod my head, “I understand, I think by our ages we all have had to make such uncomfortable choices.”

He nods his head, then he asks quietly, “I know a stallion should never ask a mare her age, but, how old were you when you got changed into an alicorn?”

I smile at his question and I tell him, “I was 65 years old, why?”

I hear him chuckle as he says, “It just seems so many of us old-timers were actually young when we got turned. I am glad to hear you got a full lifetime first.”

I am surprised when I hear this and I ask, “How old were you?”

He looks at me with sadness in his eyes and he tells me, “I was 32, and I thought I was getting old then. Ah but for the feeling of youth again.”

Without thinking I say, “That sounds like something to toast,” I pull a bottle of Three Sister’s whiskey out of my saddlebag and ask, “Would you share a drink with me?”

He thinks briefly and tells me, “You know what, I could use one, let's go sit on that couch over there.”

We find a couple of glasses and I pour both of us a healthy measure. Once our glasses are filled, we raise them and he says, “To the days of our youth. May the pony we once were, never die inside of us.”

We clink our glasses lightly and take a sip. Then I tell him, “To lost loves and fallen comrades.” I hear him sniffle a bit, and then we clink our glasses and drink again.

After this, we talk for a bit. We are almost done with our drinks when I see him smile and he tells me, “You know Choo, you are the first normal pony, much less one of your kind who has had a drink with me since the Last Day.”

I smile at him as I tell him, “Hopefully, I will not be the last.” I then truly look at him in my mind I can see him as he once was.

He looks at me and asks, “What’s on your mind, Choo?”

“Sorry Doc, I was just picturing you as you were before the final day.”

He grunts slightly and tells me, “I don’t look anything like I did back then.”

I smile, shake my head, then tell him, “No, you do not look exactly as you once did, but you still more like you, than I look like I did.”

He waves a hoof and tells me, “I doubt it.”

I grin and ask, “Would you like to see what I looked like back then?” and soon I am showing him photos of who I once was, as well as my family. It is a pleasant night and one of several that I enjoy before I leave Manehatten. I even find my Paper Work while he is here and I get to make my dream come true again, he takes me to the show at Broadway.

On the third day after the Battle of Manehatten, the Manesville brigade as well as mine, Mort’s, and Mudwing's teams get orders to pack up and move on to our next operational area. It is one that is familiar, but not one I never really expected.

We watch the Manesville brigade leave in mass and wait for our transport. It only takes one more day, but when our ride arrives, I recognize it immediately as it is Flight Plan and his crew in one Vertibuck as well as one more. The crews get out, stretch and our people assist them in doing quick maintenance as they get ready for another long hop. Once everything is ready, all three teams load up and we are taken back to the air. I can only hope that this time it is a milk run.


Broadway, Manehatten: Ball Lightning

My team and I are just coming out of the theatre turned trading post when it happens. We hear a loud explosion from the direction of the riverfront. I turn my head and, in the distance, I can see smoke rolling out of the side of Ten Pony Tower. Inside my chest, I feel my heart turn cold as I fear what that means.

I am just about to tell the others we need to get back to Ten Pony Tower when I see the gate being slid closed and ponies running to the wall there as if they are preparing to be attacked.

I hear Funnel Cloud say, “Do you think they are being attacked?”

Before I can say anything, Air Burst tells us, “Uh, let’s get away from the gate. In fact, let’s try to disappear for a bit.”

As we are heading further into the settlement, I hear a mare call out from the side to us, “Get in here if you want to live you danged fools.”

We all recognize her as the mare who was the cashier of the cafeteria the few times we ate there. When I am close, I ask her, “What’s going on?”

I hear her give an exaggerated sigh as she looks at me and tells me, “What do you think, it is an uprising against the Enclave.”

I am briefly confused and ask her, “Then why are you helping us?”

She shakes her head, “To be honest, I am not sure, other than you four were the only Enclavers who treated us as ponies and traded with us fairly. That meant a lot to me.” She tells us this as we continue into the back of a theater. She then leads us higher up and to the top floor. She then tells me, “Mister, that stairwell leads to the roof. If you get up there, you should be able to fly and get away from here.”

We all look at each other as we know how dangerous it is to fly in a city battle. But it is our only hope of escape right now as outside I can hear guns and MEWs both being fired. I look at the others and tell them, “You heard the mare.” I then turn to her and tell her, “Thanks again,” and I hoof her what caps I have on me that were for lunch today.”

She smiles and tells me, “You didn’t have to, but thanks for proving to me you four are good ponies. Now get going quick.”

With that, we all quickly make our way up onto the roof via the stairway. Below I can see the ponies fighting with an Enclave patrol, and while we could have helped some, I do not think it would have mattered. Besides, I am sure they need us more at Ten Pony. With that I give the order, “Let’s go” and we all jump into the air and begin to fly away. As we do so, I hear gunfire begin below us but we are all dodging as we climb and the shots miss us.

Once I feel we are higher than the gunfire I have us level out and we begin to make our way to our Headquarters. As we fly, I can see several patrols are engaged with the locals, but our quick reaction forces are starting to respond to them.

In the distance to the west, I see bright flashes of light coming from the mountains. This is followed several seconds later by the sound of artillery firing, then I see the explosions and after a shorter wait, I hear the shells exploding. Someone, I presume our troops, are getting hammered. Then I see something I have only seen in documentaries before. I watch as an entire regiment of Sky Wagons and Vertibucks flies into the city on the far side of the river. I expect them to land there, but no, they keep coming forward. I watch as what must be a battalion lands and begins to fight with Enclave troops. As I get closer to the river, I see at least a battalion of ground bounds advancing as well. I quickly try to report what I am seeing but am told, “Captain, we are a bit busy right now. Keep the airways clear.”

A few blocks from the tower I see one of our light vertibucks start to make a strafing pass at those who are still fighting us from the streets. Suddenly I see a flash of light from the ground and I watch in horror as a missile strikes it and explodes into a shower of debris.

We make it to the tower and are rewarded for our efforts by almost being shot by our own people. That is when I notice a vertibuck landing on the pad we had just entered from. As it does so, instead of support troops running from it, I watch as members of the HQ Staff run onto it. As they pass, I see the Chief of Staff, his ears pinned back and anger on his face. He stops and tells me, “Get on that Vertibuck right now, the recall is being sent as we speak.”

While I want to ask what is happening and why aren’t we fighting, I know better than to ask. Instead, I simply follow my orders.
As we turn to go, we can hear gunfire being exchanged not far from where we are as well as in the distance. As I am about to load onto the aircraft, I feel the buzz on my wrist from my PipBuck as I receive the Recall. I notice Alto gets a notification as well over his radio as he nods his head, then shakes it as his ears go down along the side of his head in what I can tell is sorrow.

I do not blame him, I am angry, frustrated, and saddened myself at this turn of events. Whoever thought that the NCR could force us out of an area we wanted to hold? Soon we have been carried to the large Skyship that has remained alongside Ten Pony Tower since we arrived. I can see that the artillery bombardment west of the river has lightened up, but I am afraid that means they are simply moving the guns closer.

As we land, we are hurried from the aircraft, once we are clear it takes off empty to pick up more of our people. All of us who were evacuated are led to one of the ship's mess decks where our names and ID numbers are written down.

As the evacuation continues, the Chief of Staff wanders by our table and he shakes his head as he tells me, “I hope you did not leave anything behind that you wanted to keep. I am afraid we will not be back here for a long time.”

“No, sir, I always kept what things I had with me. But sir, what happened?”

“The bastards snuck in and either disabled or destroyed Celestia One. Either way, once they did that, they broke the ceasefire and hit us in so many places we could not respond.” He shakes his head, We kept getting conflicting orders, move troops to the tower, move troops to the east to relieve our garrison there. Move troops to intercept that damn brigade of troops that were to the west.” He stops, shakes his head, and then says, “Captain, who would have thought they would launch over a regiment-sized air assault? They used our own tactics against us. The last time we saw something like that was during the Neighvarro-Thunderhead unpleasantness.”

“So, what now sir?”

“Once the President is onboard, we fall back to our own territory I guess.” He pauses, “My guess would be we might launch some raids to keep the NCR guessing, but who knows now.”

The next day the Chief of Staff calls me to his temporary headquarters area. “Captain, the President has asked that you remain on standby for the communications protocol we have established. However, to retain that line of communications secrecy we will be returning you to your unit for now. Your team will be going back to their normal assignments however, if needed again, we will be calling you up.

“Yes sir. I understand sir.”

“Good, I figured you would. Now when you get back, if you have a message between the two ladies involved, you can notify the Rainbow Dash Skyport Commander that you have a message from Miss G for our bosses.”

I nod my head, and ask, “Will they know what is going on?”

He shakes his head, “Not fully, they have only been told that if they receive this message, they are to notify the executive branch, and we will be in contact with you.”

“I understand sir. Thank you.”

“You are welcome, Captain. I had suggested you be brought onto our staff but was told that would be too obvious. For now, we keep this as well as your experience through the doorway quiet. By the way, I have read your report on those events. Very interesting to say the least. Now, dismissed.”

I salute and head back to the others from my team and give them a brief heads up of what will happen when we get home.

Five days later, we arrive back at Thunderhead. My team is taken back to the RDS via Vertibuck. Once we land, we are met by Lieutenant Colonel Sun Spot. As she sees us, she tells us, “Welcome back and follow me back to my office.”

Instead of her office in the terminal, we are led into the nearby hangar where I first met her and Air Burst. Once inside she leads us to an office in the back. “Sit down.”

After we are seated, she tells us, “Ok, I read about the doorway, now I want to know what the Tartarus happened in Manehatten.”

We give her a brief rundown of what we saw and what our thoughts are of the occupation. Once we are done, she tells us, “OK, thank you all for that information.” She then looks at me, “Ball, I would like you to write up an after-action report for that as well.”

I am surprised at her order as she is not in my normal chain of command. But I will still do it. As we head out of the hangar, we all stop and look at each other. We shake hooves and I tell them, “It was a pleasure Gentlecolts, until next time.” And they all nod their heads as we are all pretty sure there will be a next time.

As I am walking back across the base, I suddenly see a dot in the distance flying toward me quickly. As it gets nearer, I brace myself and am nearly knocked off my hooves as Lil' Bit hits me with a full-speed hug, yelling, “Daddy!” And as I return her hug, I know I am home.

Soon we are making our way to our quarters and she tells me all about what has been going on while I was gone. It turns out that the older siblings stepped up to help support the family and take care of the young ones with my wife.

Soon we arrive at the house and as we enter, I am swamped by my family. Finally, I make my way to my wife. I embrace her warmly and tell her how much I love her. I see the tears run down her cheeks, as she tells me, “Ball, I thought I lost you. We did not know where you were.”

“I understand, and to tell the truth, I could not believe where I ended up either.”

“Where were you?” she asks.

“Dear, how about I tell you what I can after dinner.”

I assist them in cooking dinner and giving Sun Dancer a break. After dinner, I tell them what I can. After that, we decide to listen to the radio and I tune into Hallowed Dream’s show and we hear,

That’s right folks the same bunch of NCR Storm Troopers that broke the ceasefire agreement in Manehatten are now having to fight in their own homes. How do you like it Manesville? You have brought war to so many others, how do you like having it brought to your mares and foals? To those pegasi serving in the so-called Manesville Brigade, you are on notice that you are all considered Dashites now and there will be no appeals. We have had enough of your vipers’ nest and treachery.

Their treachery goes so far as to fake a surrender ceremony and once three of our raptors landed, they used a one-time use megaspell on them. They forced us to attack them so we could hold them accountable for their hideous act.

I am stunned and realize what this means. I feel sick to my stomach as I realize that the Enclave has hit Manesville and its surrounding communities. I look at my wife and I see a tear run down her face as we both remember our time there as prisoners and how well we were treated. Now this. I shake my head and wonder what will happen next in what may be becoming a war of reprisals and for national survival.


Good evening to all you wastelanders out there. This is DJ Pon3 and I am back on the air again. Thanks to all the members of the NCR and Coalition for your efforts in making it possible. As I said in my earlier broadcast today I am back to tell you the truth, no matter how much it hurts.

I have so much I want to say to all of you that I don’t know where to even begin, so instead, with all we have been through I will begin with our first song of the night Forever Young.

Chapter 48 On Home Ground

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Chapter 48 On Home Ground

“The true soldier fights not because he hates what is in front of him, but because he loves what is behind him.” ― G.K. Chesterton

Airspace near Whitecloud, Manesville Region: Ginger Snaps

I wake up as the aircraft hits a bit of what I think is turbulence. Then I notice that the vertibuck is moving erratically as it dodges hostile fire. I look out the window and in the fading sunlight, I see the other vertibuck with us doing the same thing. As we fly over White Cloud, I can see the damage to the buildings below as well as to the cloud farm that is above part of it.

I barely have time to notice it when I hear Sunny yell, “Damn, the barn is down at Sumac’s farm.”

To this, I see my husband shake his head and above the noise of the aircraft yell back, “Father and I worked so hard to fill the mow last time we were home.”

Then I hear Epona say, “I saw bodies down there, I bet it was our own family that did it.”

From Sunny, I hear, “Five caps and you are on. I bet those bastard Enclavers did it.”

Then I hear both Tater and Cowlick take the bet with him. We are halfway to Manesville when we see the shadows of three raptors ahead of us. Then I hear Choo, who is connected to the aircrews’ intercoms via a flight helmet yell to us, “Hold on, we are in for a rough ride!” as the aircraft banks nearly sideways shifting us and our equipment. Then we are dodging and jinking as we turn around and head back toward White Cloud. As we make our way, I feel the aircraft jerk several times as it is hit and, in the cockpit, I see several red lights flash. Below us, out the window, I can see small arms fire arching up from both lines in our direction.

Soon we are almost back to White Cloud when we land. As the wheels touch the ground we run out and form a perimeter around the vertibuck. Behind me, I hear the engines whine down. I then see the other aircraft do the same.

Soon the aircraft have both been fully shut down and we are just dragging a net over the top of them when I hear a familiar voice tell me, “Good idea to cover them. The Enclave will hit them if they see them.”

“Thanks, Uncle Republic,” I tell the voice in the darkness of the woods.

I then hear, “Is that you, Ginger?”

I nod my head and call back, “Yeah it is, what has been going on?”

He shakes his head, “Ginger, they caught us with our pants down when they showed up with six raptors full of troops. The militia has been doing what we can along with the parts of the 1st regiment that were not inside when they sealed the stable back up.”

Behind me, I hear Morning Mist say, “All that it is holy, it is bad if they sealed up the stable.” Several of us nod our heads after he says this.

Uncle Republic then asks, “Who are these ponies with you?”

I smile, “Well, you know most of the Repair Ponies already, but the others are two teams we have been working with.”

“Oh, so they are mercenaries too?”

I find myself sighing as I tell him, “Oh, come on unc, you know we are not mercs. We are military contractors.”

He laughs lightly and jokingly tells me, “If you are contractors then build me a porch, will you.”

Behind me, I hear a disgruntled Mort say, “Come on, we need to get moving.”

“Sorry Mort, catching up with family to get the lay of the land.”

He nods his head and grunts. Then Choo asks, “Republic, which way to the nearest military headquarters?

His head leans to one side as he thinks about it and then he tells her, “I figure you mean the regulars. Mollygirl is over that way with her unit. They just got here yesterday.

“Yes, that would be best. Could you take us there?”

He shakes his head and tells her “Sorry Choo, but I can’t leave my picket post. However, if you go about two buckball fields that way,” He points behind us in the direction of between White Cloud and Dairyanne. “That is the main lines there, they should be able to lead you the rest of the way.”

“Thanks, Uncle Rep,” I tell him and give him a quick hug, as does Epona. Then we make our way back to that section of the lines. Once there the militia company leader first tries to recruit us, then has a courier lead us to the headquarters of the 3rd Manesville.

It is just after dark when we arrive at our destination, but when we go inside Ma is not there yet. However, Paper Work sees us and I have to smile as he comes over and first exchanges a hug and kiss with the boss. Then he tells us, “The Colonel should be back any minute.”

When she comes in, she seems to be involved in her thoughts on something as she heads to the map table. Choo leads us over to her and after getting her attention tells Ma, “Colonel, we came as fast as we could. We want to help.”

The rest of our team is behind her, the other two teams are waiting outside. As she hears Choo Choo, she answers, “Thank you. I have a feeling we are going to need it. Choo, I think your sisters are with the Militia. For this, I believe it would be better if you worked with them.” She turns to the rest of us and tells us, “If you want to be scouts, report to Captain Trade Winds. I have a feeling we could really use your skills.”

I nod my head in acknowledgment then I step up and hug her as I tell her, “I am glad to see you are alright ma. We have been worried about you and the family.”

She nods and tells us, “I have been worried about all of you too. The rest of the family is at Site Paddock. Oh, by the way, Raven got her cutie mark this week.”

When she says that, the first thing both Epona and I ask is “How?”

My husband, beside me, says, “I do have to ask how she got it, Colonel?”

She then tells us that when an Enclave squad attacked the farm, she used her grenade launcher, Badda Boom to first keep them pinned down and then to fight those who were inside the barn. She shrugs and adds, “From what She and Xavier told me earlier, she knocked the barn down on top of those inside.”

When she tells us that, I at first try to fight my laughter, but I fail in my attempt as does Epona.

Besides us Sunny cringes and he tells those he bet with, “I will get you your caps later. I should have known it was family that did that to the barn.”

My beloved on the other hoof simply shakes his head and exasperatedly says, “That is going to take some work to finish tearing down so we can put up another one. And all that lost hay. Father and I put in some serious effort on that during my last visit.”

She nods again, seemingly understanding his frustration. Soon Epona asks, “Ma, do you know if Purchase is with the rest of the family?”

Ma signals yes with her ears as well as a nod and answers, “Xavier said she was last he knew. That was only a couple of hours ago.”

Epona lets out a breath she was holding when she hears this. Then Sunny shyly asks, “Cousin Mollygirl, how is Morning Star doing?”

She answers him, “She was fine when her section took off a little while ago. Ah, Sunny, I need to talk to you privately if you don’t mind. Clan business.”

We all see his eyes go wide a bit and he nods his head. “Ok ma’am,” he tells her.

Then we leave the headquarters tent so Choo can go and find her sisters, and we can find the Scouts captain, while Sunny is talking to Ma.

When we come out Choo gives Mort and Mudwing a quick rundown of what the Colonel said. After this, she takes to the air and flies off into the dark to find her two sisters. As we watch her go, behind us I hear the 3rd Regiment’s scout’s 1st sergeant say, “The captain has sent me to bring you to him if you want to volunteer for the duration of this emergency, as we have permission from the Colonel.”

Mort turns to him first and tells him, “I am Captain Mort of the NCR Rangers Auxiliary Corps, I do believe I speak for all three teams, when I say, lead us to him 1st Sergeant.”


The Front Lines, Manesville Region: Xochitl

We are led by the 1st Sergeant to Captain Trade winds, the CO for the 3rd regiments scouts. He is slightly surprised when he sees us arrive. It does not help that as soon as he sees us, Miney changes into a doppelganger of the captain.

He shakes his head and asks, “What in the Tartarus?”

At which point Mudwing tells Miney, “Knock it off and go back to your normal, normal for you, form.”

He quickly transforms back into the familiar pegasus shape he normally wears.

Mudwing continues, “Sorry about that captain, but that is his sense of humor, part of what got him kicked out of his hive originally.”

He nods his head, “Hive?”

Miney answers for himself, “Yes sir, Me and one other of my comrades here are changelings, sir.”

The captain takes it in stride and then grins maliciously as he tells him, “That could really come in useful for scouting behind their lines. I will have to keep that in mind.” He pauses, then asks, “How long have you been working together.”

Ginger answers for our team, and then Mort and Mudwing do the same. Finally, Mort adds, “Our teams have all worked with the others on different missions. Our latest was in Manehatten, before that Baltimare.”

The captain again nods his head, and then he tells us, “I hate to break up units that have fought together, but we have taken some serious casualties in the scouts since we got back. I will use you all as a spare platoon.” He then asks, “How well do you know the lay of the land here?”

Ginger grins at him and tells him, “Well, my team is not only from here, but myself, and some of the others used to run a radhog hunting business here. We know the ins and outs of the game trails fairly well.”

Again, he grins like a kid getting a gift as he tells us, “OK, that will help a lot.” He then tells us, “Ok, pick who is the platoon leaders and let the Top here know so we can set the chain of command. After that, Top get them a place in the company laager to sleep for a few hours. We begin sending out scouts just before first light.”

After he leaves, we hold a quick vote and Mort is voted our platoon leader, Mudwing our XO and Ginger becomes the top sergeant for us. After this, we are led to a clearing in the woods where the rest of the scouts are resting or standing guard. We do not even bother to take off our kits. Instead, we lay down where we are and soon most of us are asleep.

It seems like a few minutes later I am being shaken awake by Ginger as she tells me, “Let’s get them up and moving, Daylight is coming soon and we want be out of here by then.

After a quick bite of cold rations, I watch as the scouts from the other platoons make their way toward Maneville and the stable.

Mort then tells us, “Repair Ponies, you have point. My team, you are behind to the left, Mudwing, you are behind us and to the right. When we hit those woods over yonder, I want to go single file on the game trails Epona was telling us about. If we meet resistance, we spread out by teams like I described. Let’s move people.”

As we get ready to move, I shift my NODS down and grin as I think of how much I could have used these hunting these same trails. Then we are off at the trot, slowing to a walk as we enter the woods before us.

It is only a short time later I hear a loud squealing coming from the side of us and I see a pack of radhogs running right at us. Ginger, Epona, Sunny, and I all open fire. Taking out most of the pack

One gets too close to Cowlick and I see him kick out from the side, hitting it in the head and sending it tumbling to the side.

While this is going on, I suddenly hear Double Back yelling in pain as he screams, “The damn thing got me.”

I look over and see a gash across his cheek and blood flowing down from it. Twinks runs up to him, looks it over, flushes it, and applies a bandage.

It is only an hour after dawn when we are approaching a farm that we make our initial contact with the enemy. We fall back some and are told to hold as the 1st of the 3rd battalion comes up to us.

While we wait, Mort tells us, “Dig in.”

We all begin to use what we have with us scrap out first depressions in the dirt, then foxholes. We scrap the dirt we remove to the side of holes that the enemy is on.

The whole time we are under fire from what must be either pickets or scouts for the Enclave here. While some of us return fire as overwatches, the others continue to dig.

Soon after this, I see an earthpony with a radio pack on his back low crawling toward us. Once fairly close he calls out, “Who’s in charge here?”

Mort waves a hoof at him from his hole and the radiopony makes his way to him. Before too much longer I hear artillery fire begin, followed by a quick barrage of shells landing on the positions of those we are skirmishing with.

Soon I hear what sounds like loud thunder and I see the skyships begin to fire counterbattery at our guns. After a while of cat and mouse between them, the skyships shift their fire and begin to hit our lines.

I cringe inside my foxhole alongside Ginger and Morning Mist as another large explosion lands nearby as we suffer through another bombardment by the big guns on the three remaining Raptors. It has been going on for an hour already and there seems to be no sign of it letting up. Faintly in the distance I can hear someone screaming as my ears ring. I look over and see the terror in the eyes of those with me. Then I realize that the screaming is coming from me. I fight the urge and just hunker down further and try to dig in more.

Suddenly the shelling stops and I hear 1st Sergeant Gung Ho yelling, “Everypony up! UP! Here they come!”

I stand up and look over the lip of my foxhole and I see a group of power-armored pegasi advancing towards us. I queue up my vats for the first one and begin to fire as do those around me. From nearby I can hear someone screaming for the medic.

Nearer, I can hear someone moaning for their mother. But no time to think about that right now. I suddenly duck below the lip of built-up dirt on that side of my burrow as rounds land next to me. As I do, I hear Morning Mist yell in pain.

I pop up and start firing again. This time I catch one of the ones in simple barding rather than power armor with a three-round burst. I can tell when the final shot penetrates their barding as they begin to howl in pain as the magical enchantment from my rifle causes them to burn.

I hit two more with the same results and I can see the resolve start to falter as those in simple barding begin to fall back, by first ones and twos, then whole groups. Around me, my teammates and companions from the recon company continue to fire on them until we hear the captain yell out, “Cease fire. Let the bastards go for now.”

As I look in the direction that they are falling back to I see smoke begin to rise from the grain field they had just advanced through. Behind it, I can see a farmhouse and barn start to go up in flames as well.

The bastards keep burning anything they cannot hold. Off to the south of us, I can hear another big push being put on against our force by Dairyanne and Emerald Grove. That would be the area of the 2nd Battalion.

Soon I hear whistles behind us being blown three times and Mort yelling to us above the din, “Rangers, forward.”

We all climb out of our foxholes and begin to advance again, none of our fliers are in the air, instead, they stay on the ground and fight alongside of us. I find myself moving forward with my head tilted down, looking under the edge of my helmet as if it was rain we were going against, not gunfire. Then I glance to the side and notice I am not the only one.

The entire regiment goes forward on hoof. Finally, we are halfway between Whitecloud and Manesville when we run into such heavy resistance that we can go no further. We again dig in for the night. As we do so, I wonder what tomorrow will bring for us.

Later that night we sit and talk amongst ourselves. Ginger is cuddled up next to me, when Mort comes up to us and tells us, “We need a recon of the area ahead of us. Just probe, no prolonged combat. We need to know what they have in front of us.

I know tomorrow is going to be a long day, but we really don’t have a choice. Ginger gets up first and stretches, then she quietly tells the rest of our team, “Kit up, we got some sneaking and peaking to do.”

As we get ourselves ready to go, I notice that Eni and Meanie are getting kitted up too. Once ready we climb out of our positions and begin to make our way forward into the night. All of us but the two Fixers with us are wearing our NODs.

Sometime later as we move through the woods and fields, we have a hard time telling if the flashes of lights are shots being fired or fireflies. This gives me an idea, and I briefly discuss it with Ginger and Twinks.

We soon find a position with two pegasi asleep in it. Instead of my normal way of handling such a situation, I have Twinks quickly cast the anesthetic spell on them both. I then quietly and lightly leave a shallow cut across the one on the right's throat with my family knife, then I leave a note pinned to his chest saying Next time it is real. The other, well I leave him asleep. Perhaps this is wrong of me to play such a psychological game with them, but after seeing some of the ponies I have known dead and their farms burned to the ground. I want payback. May the Goddesses have mercy on my soul.

We then move on beyond that position and sneak up to the next farmhouse. I look inside and I can see the place has been ransacked. I signal to the others that it is clear and I am about to try and enter the house when Ginger signals for me to come back. I have just gotten back to the rest when she tells me, "We are falling back for some rest. Besides, I heard the batponies echolocation a bit ago. I have a feeling we have done enough here.

Soon we are back in our lines. Ginger goes and reports to Mort what we saw. Before they head back to their team, I see the changelings looking at me. Finally, one says, “We understand how you feel. This is like what they did to our village in Baltimare.” The other nods their head. Then the first adds, “Have a good sleep, Flower. It was a pleasure to see how your team operates and gets its hooves really dirty.” He pauses and then asks, “Why didn’t you just kill them?”

This time my grin is feral as I reply, “Because now I have two ponies who are going to be traumatized instead of just one dead and one paranoid to sleep. They will spread the word and it may help to panic more of them.”

The next morning a courier comes and has Mort go back to the Company HQ. After about an hour he returns. He calls for Ginger as well as Mudwing. They talk for a bit and when she returns, she tells us, “At noon, we step off for the next attack. This is a big one, the airmobile units are going in on wing.”

“What does this mean for us?” I ask.

She sighs and tells us, “We go in on hoof. We lead the way and clear any obstacles in our path.” As she says this, she looks at first Morning Mist and then Cowlick and tells them, “If you have any explosives when we hit any obstacles, feel free to use them.”

“Oh, and rumor has it the third battalion for the 3rd regiment has arrived. It seems they came from Harness. So, we might be working with some of those we fought alongside before.”

“That would be nice,” I answer. Then I point towards the sky from the east and I see a large murder of crows flying slowly in our direction. I only say, “I really hope that does not mean what I think it does.”

Ginger finishes taking a drink from her canteen before she replies, “I hope not too, but I have a feeling it does.”

Cowlick asks, “What do you mean?”

Ginger quietly tells him, “Before the worst fights during the expedition, the crows always showed up. As this is the Mareigan’s home as well, I have a feeling she may be involved.”

One of the Fixers then asks, “Who is this Mareigan?”

I chuckle slightly and then answer, “Not sure if it is who, or what?” I pause to collect my thoughts, then continue, “She is the spirit of the land here. I and several others have met her more than once. In fact, she helped to guide us during the Expedition.”

“You zebra types and your belief in spirits,” one of them says waving a hoof dismissively.

I simply shrug and I hear Epona laugh lightly as she chimes in, “Well, several of us ponies have seen her over the years. But as the zebra shamans would say, if you met a spirit, never insult them, or make a deal with them.”

Sarcastically I hear him say, “Ok, I will try to remember that.”

Then I look at my PipBuck and notice the time, “Ginger, we need to start getting ready.”

She moves her ears in acknowledgment and tells us, “Ok, everyone, full battle rattle. We only have half an hour.”


Manesville Airspace, Manesville Region, NCR: Choo Choo

As I fly in the direction of Emerald Grove, and my home. I worry not about the cave but about my family and those I care about. I feel guilty about leaving the team in Ginger’s hooves, but as Mollygirl said, it would be better for me to serve with my sisters.

Soon, I am almost to Emerald Grove when I first feel a tickle in my brain and then hear one of my sisters ({Choo Choo, is that you?})

({Yes, my sister, I have come to work with both of you again.})

I feel the excitement in their thoughts about this prospect. Then one tells me, ({I am letting Sirocco know right now. Blue Star is lighting her horn for you.})

I see a flash of light and I know where they are. Soon I land and we are together again. Both quickly run to me and I feel their wings wrap around me in relief and joy.

{Choo, it is so good to see you again,} Blue Star sends me.

({And both of you as well. I am sorry it has been so long.})

({No need to apologize, we are family, after all, sister. We understand how it is. We even have had your Paper Work out to the farm while you were gone as we consider him your husband, though it is not official.})

({Thank you, that means more to me than you can imagine. He is very special to me.})

Quick Frost then tells me, ({We do understand, but I worry about you with him.})

As we are standing talking like this, I hear another pony clear their throat. Then Sirocco tells us, “I am glad you three are happy to be together again, but could you please talk out loud for the rest of us.”

“Sorry Sir,” I apologize. Then I tell him, “Colonel Mollygirl suggested I fight alongside my sisters for the rest of the battle here.”

He nods his head, “Glad to hear that Choo, now we need to go into my headquarters, I needed to talk to your sisters about what I want tonight. You just upped the ante on what we can do.”

Soon we are in a damaged barn that is across from a destroyed farmhouse. He points to a couple of places on the map and tells us, “The first one, I just want you three to check out. Let us know what is there so we can respond accordingly. That second one; well that one we know has a supply dump for those ponies. I want you three to go in there and have fun. Wreck the place if you can. If not, well scare the tar out of them. Also, be careful the place is guarded by at least a platoon of power armored troops last I heard.”

I find myself grinning alongside my sisters as we get told we are to do what I like to do best. Raise cane and mess with the enemies’ heads if I cannot eliminate them.

Quick Frost, still smiling turns to Sirocco, “When would you like us back?”

“How about by morning, if possible, the big thing is to make sure you are safe while doing it.”

We all three nod our heads and for the first time in years, the three of us are off on a real mission together. This is not like the pegasi tag games where we would go against the other members of the teams from our area. Well, that and there we only tagged each other. This time it is no-holds-barred.

Quick Frost then tells us, ({Let Us go!})

With that, all three of us leap into the air and begin to head towards our first destination. We fly all the way to the river and then follow it up to the waterfront.

As we fly along the river, I see several of the local river patrol boats are either sunk or hiding in the brush along the river. When one of those crew members sees us, I see him wave silently and signal with his ears to go get them.

In reply, I do a quick barrel roll which gets the earth pony to jump up and down with his forehooves in the air.

Soon, further to the south, I start to see several riverboats and barges that are unloading troops and cargo. Above them flying in a holding pattern I see a large dragon. We fly closer and I can tell it is George, she sees us and flies over to meet us.

Once she is close, she asks, “How bad is it?”

I shrug my shoulders as I have not seen fully yet. But Blue Star answers. “It is good to see you again George, but it is not good. They hit White Cloud pretty hard as well as burned our farm and several other buildings near Emerald Grove. We have driven them back, but they keep burning things as they go.”

“Well then, I will just have to fight fire with fire,” George responds.

I then ask, “Where are Tempered and Forged?”

“Oh, Cedar Box and Cannel Coal are watching them for me while I am assigned up here.”

Quick Frost then asks, “Who’s offloading down there?”

“Oh, that is the new fourth battalion from Harness. They are being assigned to something called the 3rd Regiment.”

I smile as I hear this. This is good news. Then I ask, “Who is the battalion commander?”

She grins, “Oh, that would be Lieutenant Colonel Laura Lee.”

I find myself smiling again and shaking my head. “That sounds good George. I hate to say it though we need to get moving. We have a supply dump we still need to hit before morning.”

George nods her head knowingly and tells us, “Ok, well good luck and I can’t wait to see you guys again later.”

“You too George.”

Before we leave Quick Frost adds, “George, just so you know, your cave is safe.”

“Thank you Quick, I hope your home is safe as well.”

I feel a bit of sadness wash over my two sisters as Quick tells her, “Not as well as we would have hoped, but we can rebuild it.”

Quickly George tells them, “Well, you can stay at mine and Choo’s cave again until your home is ready.” Then I see her put her foretalon against the side of her head over her hearing diaphragm followed by her saying, “I have to go, they just called me down so we do not attract too much attention.”

I nod my head and we begin to fly north again. Soon we are near Manesville, as I look to the west, I can see the pegasi skyport in Dead Quiet has been leveled. There is wreckage from three raptors on the tarmacs as well as six large craters at the corners of the field and center. I can also make out the remains of hundreds of beings there on the ground as well. I turn and look at the Manesville side of the river and I can see several buildings are on fire including part of the hospital that was rebuilt after the last time we fought with the Enclave. We fly nearer to the base and stable and I can see that while most of the buildings have been destroyed, several are still functional and are being used to house supplies for the enemy now. However, this is not our target right now. Our target is closer to White Cloud and Emerald Grove.

As we fly closer Blue Star sees several skywagons getting ready to land at the supply depot.

({Do you see that? Look they are getting ready to land as if on parade.})

({Easy sisters, let’s do this safely}) Quick Frost tells us. ({We first hit the last in line, then the middle. If they scatter, let them go, we hit the dump. Be ready now.})

Once close enough I watch as Quick Frost disappears and then reappears next to the last skywagon’s lead. She quickly kicks her in the head and I watch the wagon begin to fall from the sky as I swoop in and turn myself invisible as I go into SATS and target that one as well as next two with my minigun. I open fire and watch as two of the three go down and the remaining skywagons scatter. Suddenly there is fire in my general direction from the ground. I brace myself for the fire coming at me but just before the shots reach my location in the sky, Blue Star throws up a shield to block them. While mine is strong, hers is far stronger, made doubly so by the presence of her two sisters with her.

In a vee formation, we fly towards the ground. Suddenly Quick Frost teleports again and lands behind two of the power armored guards and she uses her TK to lift one and hit the other with them. I watch in amazement as I see the power armor of both suits collapse in.

This is my cue and I again turn invisible as I go among their positions. Showing myself only right before the kill. Blue Star had just put her shield in front of me again when I look over and notice that there are boxes of explosives right next to the other supplies.

({Sisters, let us take advantage of their ignorance.})

({What do you have in mind, Choo?})

({I will light the box of explosives on fire with my magic, once it explodes it will take out the other supplies with it.})

({But what about the rest of this stuff?})

({Remember our pyrotechnic spells?}) I tell them mentally as I give them a predator’s smile.

With that, we run through the supply dump, mine and Quick Frost's horns flaring as we set the supplies alight. When any of the surviving guards dare to fire at us, Blue Star shifts her shield in their direction knocking the MEW beams and bullets out of the air.

Soon we have a good portion of the place going. The final thing I light is the explosives box. After this Quick Frost teleports all three of us about 200 feet into the air, once we reappear, I watch as a large explosion occurs, followed by several more. We then make our way through the darkness and back to the headquarters of the Militia.

Once we return, we are met by a very tired-looking Sirocco. Quick Frost approaches him and tells him, “Sir, we have accomplished both of our tasks. The reinforcements we were expecting are offloading several miles downriver but should be here tomorrow at the latest.

“Good, glad to hear that. Now how about that supply dump?”

Blue Frost answers this time, “Sir, we destroyed several skywagons as we fell in at the back of their landing pattern. We then caused moderate to severe casualties among both the guards and the rear echelon troops there. Finally, we left about a quarter to one-half of the supplies there burning.”
He nods his head and with a grim smile tells us, “Very good, now go catch some rest, we jump off at noon for a general assault. All fliers are to go in airborne. I will need you three for it.”


Rainbow Dash Skyport, Hoofington: Ball Lightning

The first night back with my family goes exceedingly well overall. However, when I finally go to bed that night with my wife, as I put my hooves around her, she rolls over and faces away from me.

I then ask her, “Sundancer, my love, is there something wrong? Did I do something?”

In the dark, I feel her head shake slightly and I hear her let out a sigh that I know is not for pleasant reasons.

“Sundancer, what is bothering you?”

This time she pushes my hoof off of her, rolls over, and asks, “You really don’t get it do you?”

“Get what?”

“What you did to me and our kids. Disappearing for five months, letting us think you were dead. Then you waltz right in here and think things are all better now that you are back and that they can just go back to the way things were.”

This gives me pause and I tell her, “I am sorry dear. I was ordered to go on short notice. It was not that I wanted to go. I had to. For both myself and our family. You know what would have happened if I had refused.”

I feel her tense up some when I say this. But she says nothing at first. Then she asks me quietly, “Where in the world did you go Ball, that for five months they could not tell me more than you were or if you were even alive? Damn it Ball, I thought I was a widow. A Goddess damn, pregnant widow with a house full of foals.”

I sigh as I contemplate telling her the truth. Finally, I tell her, “Dear, I did not lie when I told you I went to Baltimare, and after I came back, I went to Manehatten.” I pause, again wondering if I should tell her more. Then I realize if I don’t, I may lose my family. So I begin, “Do you remember those ponies from Manesville and how you overheard us talking about one of them saying they came from another universe?”

I feel her nod her head, and then she asks, “Why?”

I take a deep breath, then I begin, “Because they were telling the truth. There is, or was one of those portable portals they call a doorway in Baltimare in a Ministry Hub. My love, I went through with Alto, Funnel Cloud, and Air Burst.”

I hear the skepticism in her voice as she asks, “Really? And just what was this world like then?”

So, I begin to tell her what I learned there. When I am done, she asks, “You really expect me to believe that?”

I sigh again, and this time I get up, I turn on the lights in our room, and then I go to my saddlebags. I shift through them until I find what I am looking for. Then I bring them back and place them on the bed. First, she gathers the color photo of my team and Sunny Water's team together, taken at the coronation lunch. She flips it over and notices the words on the back our names along with a date that does not make sense in our world, and the words, Manesville delegation to the coronation of Queen Haven, Coronation lunch, Zepher Heights.

I see her eyes go wide at this. Then she reaches over and picks up the coin gently with her wing tips. She looks at the image struck on it as well as the words Regina Haven. She flips it to the back and reads, The Royal Coronation of Queen Haven, and below it again a date that is the same as that on the photo.

“Where did you get these?”

I smile sadly as I tell her, “My love, I was in another universe. And believe me, it was strange. The first thing is, that no ponies had any magic at all. I mean none of us could fly, except for the royals, from what I was told. As for the unicorns, the ones with the Repair ponies, and Choo Choo could not use their horns. They said they ran into some locals there that could not use theirs either.”

She seems truly stunned by this and I see her move her wings slightly as if imagining not being able to fly. Then she asks quietly, “What was it like there.” So, I tell her what I saw on that side of the doorway. It is several hours later when I finish.

After which I place the coin back into my saddlebag and hide the photo in an old album of pictures that I have. After this, I turn off the lights and when I am in bed again, she rolls over and puts her wings around me without saying a word. I hear her breath in my scent and I do the same to her, and soon we are both asleep again in the hooves of the one we love most.

Come morning, after breakfast, I return to my battalion CO’s office. When I arrive, he asks, “Why didn’t you check in with me last night?”

I feel mortified at the realization that I had failed to do so. “Sir, I am sorry about that, but when I was heading this way, my daughter Lil’ Bit met me and I just got carried away in the excitement and forgot about checking in with you.”

He nods his head. Looks at something on his desk and tells me, “This time Captain, I will give you a break. But understand you are flying through turbulence with me right now. I now have a lieutenant who has proven she can run your company and honestly, I am now more used to working with her than you.”

“I understand sir.”

“Do you Captain?” He asks with a resigned tone of voice.

“I do sir. If you feel she should have the company and that you have another position for me that would be better for the battalion, especially with my, uh, my being occasionally pulled to other duties.”

He puts his wingtip under his chin and nods his head, “I will think that over. I may be able to do just that. I have a slot that may be opening up soon. Until then return to your company.”

I quickly salute, about-face, and depart his office for my company’s HQ. As I walk in, I see my clerk look up and I see his jaw drop. Then he stands and says, “Good Morning Captain.”

“Good morning, Sergeant, could you please have the Lieutenants meet me in my office in an hour.”

I see him gulp, then nod his head as he says, “Yes Sir.”

I then walk into my office and I see 1st lieutenant Bulls Eye at my desk doing paperwork. She does not look up when I enter, so I clear my throat to get her attention. When she looks up, I tell her, “Good to see you fit in so well Bulls Eye.”

She has a startled look on her face at first that shifts to a more neutral expression as she sees me. Then she replies, “Welcome back sir. I had not heard you were returning.”

“Sorry about that. I just got back in town last night. It has been a wild trip, but I did pick up a few things I want to pass on to you and the other officers here that I observed while I was gone.”

“Interesting sir, I look forward to hearing them. Uh, if you would give me some time, I will clear my things out of your office. I hope you understand.”

I flick my ears in understanding. “You are not the only one who thought I was dead, so no problem. I actually feel kind of bad taking the company away from you. But understand that may only be a temporary thing. The Old Stallion likes how you have been running things.”

She seems surprised and asks, “What do you mean sir?”

“This morning he had a hard time giving me back the company. Part of that is that he works well with you and how you operate.”

“Thank you, sir, I had no idea.”

Soon my clerk returns and informs me, “They will be here shortly sir.”

“Thank you, sergeant.”

I continue to talk with Bulls Eye about the company and I have to grin at her surprise when I tell her, “You know Bulls, I am really glad they talked you into stepping up from an NCO into the officers' corps. I think we need your kind of experience on this side too now and again.”

She blushes slightly and looks uncomfortable, then she tells me, “Sir that does mean a lot to me. Especially how most officers feel that the NCOs have no business being commissioned.”

I sigh and then I tell her, “Bulls Eye, at one time I might have gone along with them because I didn’t know better. But I will let you in on a little secret. That bunch they call the Manesville Brigade; you know part of the NCR Regulars that were on our tails at Manehatten and that we are currently fighting in the Manesville region, all their regimental commanders came up the ranks from enlisted. One of the things I have seen is how they think about things and handle them.”

She tilts her head and then asks, “Sir, your opinion is not being affected by your having been captured by them and then a prisoner, is it?”

I shake my head, “No, at least not much. But I have seen them in action at a distance, and seen how effective they are. Who knows Bulls Eye, if you stay in long enough you may end up in charge of a battalion of your own even.”

She smiles, “While I thank you for that sir, eventually I would like to settle down and have a foal or two. I just have to wait until the time is right is all.”

“Funnel Cloud?”

She nods her head, “Yeah. I thought he was dead for a while when he was missing for so long. But to be honest sir, it made me realize how much I like him. If it was not for the difference in ranks and the chain of command, I would probably be trying to date him.”

I smile at this and nod my head, “Yeah, I understand Lieutenant. Perhaps sometime my wife and I could have both of you over for dinner. You know, since she is friends with him and all, and I would like to treat my lieutenants to a home-cooked meal now and again.”

She raises an eyebrow and asks, “You would really do that Sir?”

I nod my head, “Yes, I would. I have known Funnel for a while now as she has also, so I will discuss it with her to see if she is okay with it.”

“Sounds good sir.”

While we wait, I talk with her about what I saw in both Baltimare and Manehatten, and how I feel some of it could pertain to us, especially if we were to get deployed.

We are still talking when my other two lieutenants arrive. Neither seems bothered by my return. Both salute me and give a quick report about their platoons. When done I tell them, “Thank you, I am glad you have all done so well in my absence. Lieutenant Blotter, when we are done here, I would like to talk to you more about your investigation of missing supplies. You were right to bring it up.” I pause and turn to the rest of them, “Over the last couple of months I have had the experience of seeing our soldiers performing occupation duty in two different locations. While I was there, there were several things that I noticed that I would like to tell you about in case we ever get such an assignment.”

2nd Lieutenant Sky Blossom, excitedly asks, “Sir, do you really think we will get deployed?”

I hold up a forehoof to calm her down as I tell her, “No, not really, but just in case. This information could also be used when dealing with the locals from Hoofington if need be, as well.”

I see the dejected look on Sky Blossom's face as she looks down and then back up. “Sorry Sir, I was just hoping as I know what it could mean for our careers.”

I nod my head, “Blossom, Later I would like to talk with you and perhaps we can come up with some additional ways to help you with your career.”

She smiles shyly at that and answers, “Yes sir, I would appreciate that.”

“Ok, good, so here is what I saw when I first arrived in Baltimare…”


Once again it is that time for me to wrap up my show and for DJ Pon3 at the top of the hour. You have been listening to me, Solar Eclipse.

As a reminder, if you are in the Manesville Region, keep your heads down and shelter in place. Help is on the way. The NCR and the Alliance have not forgotten you.

For those listeners closer, I would like to remind you that the NCR has set up several recruiting stations in the Manehatten, Baltimare, and Hackamore regions. If you want to help serve Ponykind and rebuild the Wastelands into a better place, talk to your local recruiters about what you can do, and what they can do for you.

Ok, times up and I need to go, but for the last song of tonight’s show, here is I’m a Bad Man.

Chapter 49 On Consencrated Ground

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Chapter 49 On Consecrated Ground

“There still are things worth fighting for.” - Norman Schwarzkopf

Front lines of the 3rd Manesville Regiment, Manesville Region: Ginger Snaps

Once we had gotten our kits on, all the scouts from our platoon advanced as a group to the front lines from our bivouac. As we get to the trenches that have been dug, we are directed by squads/teams into our places in the line. My team’s place is with Company A of the 1st of the 3rd.

My team is down two more members as both Morning Mist and Sunny are to make the airborne assault with the other fliers from the 3rd. Frankly, I am beyond angry about this. I need them but it is what it is, I guess. Besides we are better off than some of the other teams as every flier is assigned this way, including Mudwing.

As we get into the trenches, I hear an order being bellowed by Lieutenant Colonel Dull Beak that surprises me, “FIX BAYONETS!”

As I hear the order repeated up and down the line, I wonder what in the name of all that is holy are they thinking. Besides, my people do not have them. After all, we should not be getting that close.

As I lean against the front of the trench, I feel sweat running down my forehead. The sergeant from the regulars looks at me and asks, “Your first-time kid?”

I shake my head, “No, my first time was on the Expedition ten years ago. But this time it feels different for some reason.”

He nods his head, “Yeah, some of the scouts for the 2nd regiment reported they had freed several of our pegasi that had been captured and branded dashites. You know how they deal with dashites. I heard it was just north of here.”

“Those bastards. There will be a reckoning for this,” I hear Double Back say.

The sergeant nods his head, then tells us, “Why do you think we mounted bayonets? This time we are taking payment in cold steel.”

Another trooper from the other side of the sergeant looks around him and tells me, “They say George is back along with half of the Harness regiment.”

I can tell Double Back is surprised when he hears this as he shakes his head and tells him, “While I would love to have my kin up here, I doubt they sent that much, but I did think I saw a dragon flying earlier this morning.”

Before any more can be said our voices are drowned out as all our artillery and mortars open fire on both the Enclave front lines and their three remaining Raptors. This goes on for several minutes and then I hear the first whistle blow three times, followed by so many more.

This is it; Half of the troopers pop up and begin to lay down suppressive fire while the others run up steps that had been cut into the front wall of the trenches last night or climb up using hastily built ladders.

My team goes over the top in the first wave. Several of those doing so make it no further than that, others fall as we run. As we gallop across the open ground, all of us are screaming at the top of our lungs in a sound that is like a pack of Timber Wolves after their prey.

Beside us I see several troops get shot and go down. I want to watch my team more but I am slightly ahead of them, though I do think I hear some of them getting hit and yelling medic, to which Twinks yells, “On my way.”

I find myself taking snapshots more to keep them from shooting at us than to kill them as I run. Around us, I can feel the explosions from the airships' large guns supporting their troops as they shift from counterbattery fire to our troops.

We are halfway to the enemies’ lines when I jump into a shell hole and am joined by those of my team who are still not wounded, or after looking at my husband and seeing the blood dripping from his foreleg again, those not too badly wounded to, continue.

I hear Cowlick’s MG begin to fire in his quick burst then shift mode as he adds its firepower to that to try and keep the Enclavers' heads down.

I have just had to begin a reload when I look up into the sky and I see a large explosion on the bridge of one of the skyships. I briefly look over the lip of the shell hole and fire a quick burst then look back skyward. From that same one, I see pegasi as well as vertibucks and sky wagons flying away from it as it makes its way to the ground below in an almost slow-motion crash. In the distant sky and above us I can see our fliers, including our dragon mixing it up with them.

By now the rest of my team has rejoined us and we are just getting ready to go over the top again as I hear Days End yell, “Look at that! The lead raptor just lost its main engines.”

It is only a couple of seconds later I hear Twinks say, “Dear Goddesses. They just lost their cloud generators.”

I notice how close we are to where it will fall and yell, “Take cover! Incoming!”

We are all as far down as we can go when the Raptor hits the ground so hard that we are all tossed back into the air briefly while we are almost deafened by the screams of the tearing metal as it plows to a stop into the ground.

As I peek back over the top of the shell hole at the shattered wreck. I feel a hoof on my shoulder and Twinks tells me, “Cookie, let me look at your neck.”

“Uh, why Twinks?”

I hear her sigh and see her horn light up and I feel a sharp sting as she pulls a fragment of metal out of my neck. After which she uses her TK to show me as she says, “Here, that is why.” Then she puts a magical bandage on it.

As she does this, I notice a strange silence has come over the battlefield. For a few brief minutes, it seems almost all the fighting stops. Then suddenly the air is filled with bullets and MEW beams as the Enclave troops counterattack us.

They catch our troops off guard and those in the open go to ground as they try to fire and stop them. While we stop most of them almost a company’s worth of power armored troops make it through our lines, brushing us aside at first, but once they have made it past the front lines, we reform behind them to block their escape. Many of the 2nd of the 3rd regiments fliers hot on their heels.

As this happens suddenly, we all hear a thunderous voice shout out, “ENOUGH!” this is followed by a bright flash and the sky for miles around being cleared of clouds.

Beside me, I hear Xochitl yell, “How in the name of Discord did they do that?”

I simply shrug my shoulders, but right after this, I hear the gunfire from those who have broken through our lines die out and I hear over the company circuit that those who broke through have surrendered. In the sky behind the lines, I can see the remaining Raptor class airship trailing smoke and sparks.

I look back at the ground troops opposite of us and I watch as they begin to withdrawl. I also can see that all of the remaining Enclave troops that are not in range take flight and begin to fly toward their last hope of freedom.

As they are doing so, I can see George and at least a full company of flying troops making an attack run at it. Suddenly they peel off and I think I hear George yelling, “NO!” in the distance, but she too falls back behind our lines leading her escort.

I then look back down to the rolling hills between us, the Stable and Manesville. I know we still have a lot of work to do. Around me, I notice the regulars getting ready to go again. Many of them are bringing the front lip of their helmets further down on their faces almost as if it was a hat in the rain. So, I shift my gear, adjust my helmet and get ready for the next advance.


3rd Manesville Regiments section of the front, Manesville Region, NCR: Xochitl

I finish bandaging my back hind leg up where I was grazed by either a bullet or a shell fragment. I know it is not an MEW wound as it does not show the typical burning around the edges. As I do so, I notice my wife is getting ready to go again as do I.

Then she tells our team, “Ok, let’s go. Follow me,” as she jumps up and continues forward. Soon we are taking fire from a heavily damaged farmhouse with a burnt-down barn near it. We split the squad by fire teams with Twinks, Cowlick, Days End, and Double Back providing covering fire for the rest of us as we run forward. I am almost to the farmhouse when I hear a closeby shot and Tater yelling in pain. Ginger and Epona have already made it to the wall. I begin to turn to run back to him and I hear Ginger yell, “Don’t it’s a trap, get over here.”

I look and see Tater has dragged himself behind a broken cart. He first injects himself with a dose of the painkiller Med-X, and then he takes a healing potion.

Ginger and Epona then have me lead them as we sneak around to the back side of the house. As we come around the side, I notice that the back wall has been blown out and I slowly make my way over the debris and into the kitchen. After the other two have followed me in. I signal for them to stay back as I go to the stairway leading to the second floor. I can hear at least two MEWs firing up there so I signal them the numbers. Then I take out a metal apple, toss it up the stairs with one forehoof, and shift back from the stairway. Just in case they get lucky and somehow knock it back down. They don’t.

Right after the explosion I cover the short distance to the stairs and continue to run up them with my zebra carbine at the ready. I get upstairs and I see one of them has his back half shredded, the other, while also wounded is still trying to move from the window and turn towards me with his weapon. Before he can make it all the way, I fire a three-round burst into both him and his partner. I then do a quick sweep of the other rooms and find two more wounded pegasi in there. One is a wounded Enclave soldier who is unconscious. The other is a civilian mare. When I go to examine her wounds, she begins to scream and that is when I notice her torn clothing. I quickly call for my wife and Epona to get up here and why.

As Epona comes in she takes off her helmet and slowly approaches her. She then begins to talk to her and begins to calm her from screaming.

Ginger gets on her radio to the company HQ, “This is RP1, I need a female medic at my PipBuck tag ASAP.”

“This is DB2-2, most of our medics are busy right now, we will send the first one that becomes available.”

I then hear my wife say, “DB2-2, this is RP2, I have a female civilian who has been branded a dashite by these bastards and that is the least they have done to her, get me a goddess damned female medico over here asap or else.”

“RP2 you cannot talk to me like that!”

“DB2-2, I recommend you talk to DB1 and tell him I found a female civilian in the same condition as Guerre Faucon.”

Right after this, I hear, “RP2, this is DB1, I understand and a female medic is on the way. Once she arrives, continue on with your assigned mission. Also, remember radio protocol from now on.”

“Roger and out DB1”

Soon one of the platoons from A company advances up to us. As they arrive, I hear a female voice say, “Hello the house. I am Specialist Gauze Bandage. Is it ok for me to enter?”

I nod my head and tell her, “Yeah Doc, she is upstairs with two of my team members. There is an unconscious and wounded POW up there as well.”

She nods her head and begins to head upstairs. Before she is halfway up, she tells me, “Once I get her out of here, I will have a couple of stretcher bears take care of the POW.”

Soon afterward Ginger and Epona come back down. Ginger is visibly angry. Epona, well she is very quiet for some reason. Ginger tells me and the rest of the team, “On your hooves, we have to get moving. Doc has her now.”

As we step out of the remains of the house, I can smell the burning fields and woodlands. Above us, I start to see the crows flying nearer as they start to feast. I hear Twinks gag slightly at the sight of it. But honestly Ginger and I have seen this before, and yeah, the memory shakes me a bit, it also makes it easier to handle this time for some reason.

I take point again as we head in the direction of the stable. We are almost to the next farm when we are rejoined by Sunny and Morning Mist.

As they land, I hear Sunny ask, “Did ya’all hear the rumor?”

We are all tired and hurting by this point and none of us really feel like playing games so Ginger asks in an exasperated tone of voice, “What rumor this time, Sunny?”

“They are saying that Moon Lily took down the one Raptor, by herself.”

“Sunny, do you believe everything you hear, come on, that would take a battlemage at the least, or perhaps one of the goddesses.”

He looks around and then says, “That’s it. They are saying Moon Lily has become an alicorn.”

“Ah, Brahmin Dung!” I tell him.

He looks at Morning Mist and says, “Tell them Morning.”

Morning just shrugs his shoulders, “Look Sunny, I did not see it happen. All I know is what I heard back at the aid station. Just like you.”

“I guess we will find out later. But Sunny, tell you what, I will bet you another five caps on it, if you win, it is a wash from earlier on the barn. If I win, you owe me ten caps total,” Ginger tells him with a grin.

He sticks out a hoof and tells her, “Deal.” This is followed by Epona and Cowlick making the same bet with him.

Twinks then tells us, “I want all of you to drink some water before we get moving again.” She pauses and then tells us, “Also, let us do a quick check for saddle sores and blisters people. No need to go into the next fight with an issue we can avoid”

Shortly after this, we have done as Twinks has ordered and after a couple of minor injuries are taken care of, we all get to our hooves and begin to make our way towards the base and stable.

We then continue our trek as we slowly lead the 1st of the 3rd on our way to relieve those poor souls inside the stable. As we go we are finally joined by a forward observer for the artillery.

When we cross the last hill to the stable, we find that there is almost a company of dug-in Enclave troops in a mixture of standard barding and power armor.

I watch as the three companies begin to envelope their positions. Then once done, Dull Beak calls out to them to offer them a surrender.

It almost seems perfunctory as of course, they refuse. We then hear over the radio as Dull Beak orders his battalion, “All DB forces, Mad Minute on the surrounded position.”

After which every trooper in the battalion fires their weapons at the enemy positions as fast as they can for a full minute. Once done, we cease fire and again the offer of surrender is offered and refused. I shake my head as I know what comes next. Within a minute a single artillery round lands in the center of the position. Shortly afterwards a full bombardment begins that lasts for at least ten minutes.

After the bombardment ceases, I carefully peek over the lip of the shell hole I am sheltering in and I begin to see the pegasi start to climb out with their weapons held butt up. Some of the regular infantry with us then start to act as guards and begin to direct them. Those who cannot walk are assisted by the other Enclavers as they slowly stack their weapons into piles and move to the side.

Shortly after this, we get word that the area outside of the Stable and base have been secured, but to remain alert for hold outs. Right after this A company as well as our team of scouts begin to head to the stable entrance to pony the defensive positions there.

We make it to the stable with A Company just in time for the call over the radio requesting a tech to open the stable. I smile as I see the grin on Twink's face as Ginger replies, “This is RP2, we are on the base and are escorting our tech to the stable's main entrance right now.”

“Roger RP2, be aware hostiles may still be in the area.”

As we arrive, I see Colonel Mollygirl standing there with her staff and escort looking at the shattered remains of the Stable Tech door control. Once we have made our way forward enough, she asks Twinks, “Can you open it for us?”

She grins back as she rubs her front hooves together, “Yeah, it sure is a mess, but if I can’t do this, I really shouldn’t be called a repair pony.”

The Colonel nods her head and returns the smile. “Ok, Twinks. Thanks.”

As the Colonel steps away from the controls, I see Ginger put a hoof gently on her shoulder and nod to her. As she does this Epona joins them and asks, “Ma, there is a rumor that Moon became an Alicorn. Is it true?”

I am then surprised as the Colonel slowly and deliberately nods her head again as she answers, “Yeah. Right after she brought down a raptor.”

I know I am thoroughly stunned and I can see by their body language and the expression on my wife’s face they are as well. Then I hear my wife tell her mother, “Thank Sweet Cream that she and Millie never had a really bad fight like me and Pona did then.” Then all three begin to laugh.

Soon we are all laughing at this. Especially after I hear Sunny whisper, “Thank the Goddess, I won back those caps.”

Then we all hear Twinkle Hoofs say out loud to herself, “Ok, this should do it, right, here.” And I hear machinery begin to move on the far side. The Colonel then tells us, “Thanks, now move back so they do not open fire on you.”

I watch as the Colonel stops laughing and straightens her uniform before she goes to attention as the door is pulled back and rolls to the side. I find the lights from inside are almost blinding. Beyond the shadowy outline of her, I can barely make out some of the troopers inside who are in defensive positions and ready to defend the stable again. Before they can react, she calls out, “Cloudsdale has fallen, Canterlot has returned.”

The blinding lights are then dimmed and we hear Colonel Starburst say, “Oh thank the Goddesses. Welcome back.” She then slowly limps her way forward on three legs. Her front right leg is gone from the knee down. And I overhear her ask, “How bad is it out there?”

Before I can hear a reply, both colonels turn and walk deeper into the stable along with many of the troops that had fought their way here. Ginger raises her hoof in the air and calls out, “Repair Ponies, follow me,” as she leads back out of the tunnel.

Once in the trenches and fortifications there, we begin to repair the defensive works. As we do so, I finally get the chance to worry and I ask Ginger, “Do you think the shop and our team members there are ok?”

She shrugs and tells me, “I do not know. I have wondered that myself. As soon as we get released again, I plan on heading that way.”

I nod my head and continue to dig out a collapsed portion of the trench. I laugh though when I find an old mouth-painted wooden sign next to the bunker that says, Lil Buck’s Playstable, by Haysburro. I show it to Tater and ask, “I wonder who did that?”

He chuckles lightly then says, “I do not know, but I sure find it funny. Why not put it back up for now.”

I smile again as I look at the old sign and I do just that as we continue to work on this section of the trench and bunker network that runs around the stable.

The next day, shortly after sunrise we receive a runner from Captain Trade Winds who informs us, “The Captain would like to see your whole team.”

We make our way to where he now has his headquarters. Once we are there, he tells us, “While I appreciate your help, unless you want to sign up in the regulars, you are free to go.”

We are all stunned at this, but honestly, I am pleased to hear it as it means we can go back to our normal operating pattern. This line of thought is interrupted though when Ginger tells us, “Ok, lock and load, we are heading to the shop, and from the looks of the map in there, the Second Regiment has not gotten to that part of Manesville yet.”

We quickly check our weapons to make sure they are loaded with full magazines and the safeties are on. As we begin to make our way out of the trenches and onto the road to Manesville I see a shadow fly over us and I am just about ready to fire when I realize it is Choo. She lands next to Ginger and tells her, “Thank you Cookie, I have the team again. Let us head to the shop.”


White Cloud/ Emerald Grove Militia sector, Manesville Region, NCR: Choo Choo

My sisters and I, while we do not need much sleep, we take the time to get a quick nap. Shortly before daybreak, we see George flying overhead, and together, we decide to go talk with her.

She slows her flight and is weary until the three of us get close enough for her to tell who we are. Then she quietly says, “Good Morning? Can you show me where the headquarters for the 3rd Regiment is?”

“Yes George, we would be glad too,” I answer then begin to lead her there.

After she sees where it is, she tells me, “I’ll be right back, I got to bring the Lieutenant Colonel to the Colonel.”

“That is okay, George, we will fly with you,” Blue Star tells her.

Eventually, we can barely make out a long column of soldiers marching through the morning mist. George tells us, “There they are,” and she leads us towards them.

Soon the four of us land alongside a column of soldiers as they march towards our main lines. Once on the ground, I hear George say to one of the troopers, “Where is the Colonel, I need to let her know where the Regiment’s HQ is.”

“Got it, George, she is on the way to my location right now,” The burly mule tells her.

We keep pace with the troops and as we go, I hear one of the Harness soldiers tell another, “See, we got them as good as licked. Not only do we have George, but look over there, it looks like Corporal Choo and two more of her kind.”

“I am sure that they will help, but neither dog is out of this fight yet, so keep your head in the game pal,” another Harness trooper replies.

Soon I see Laura Lee trot up and I hear her call out, “What have you got for me George?” then she sees myself and my sisters and I hear her say, “I wasn’t expecting to see the three of you. By the way Choo, it is really good to see you again. The family told me to tell you hi if I saw ya.”

“Thank you, Colonel,” I tell her with a smile, then I add, “I had not expected to see you here either, but you are a welcome sight.”

George then interrupts with, “The brigade HQ is near that of the 3rd Regiment. Would you like me to give you a quick ride?”

I see Laura Lee pause for a second, and then she calls on her PipBuck, “XO, you have the battalion. I am flying to the Regiment’s HQ.”

I do not hear the reply, but she smiles briefly and tells George, “No time for me to put on a harness. Can you just carry me in your foretalons.”

George grins and tells her, “Yes ma’am.” Then she grabs Laura Lee before she is ready and leaps skyward.

As she does so, we fall in and fly in formation with George to make sure they are not intercepted by the Enclave.

Once we land at the HQ, George sets Laura Lee down and as she heads into the headquarters tent George continues talking with me and my sisters. Soon I see George sit up straighter and I turn to look behind me. As I do, I notice General Threat Vector approaching us. We all almost go to attention but are able to fight that urge as well as that of saluting him.

“Thank you for not saluting, while we should be far enough back from the front lines, there could always be a sniper.”

“You’re welcome General,” Quick Frost answers for us, “We were just discussing the upcoming fight, sir.”

“Interesting, George, no offense, but I know what you can do, between the previous battle of Manesville ten years ago and the reports I read about the battle of Harness, I plan on you leading the fliers. Now you three, I have heard rumors of what you can do. Would you mind enlightening this old war hawk?”

We, all three, smile at each other as I hear Quick Frost say, ({Did, did the General just ask what can do?})

({Yes, sister he did. In my dealings with him he has shown me he means such a question as well,}) I tell them.

({By our mother, I had never thought we would be asked. What shall we tell him,}) Blue Star asks.

({The truth sisters, let them know what we can do to protect our home.})

Quick Frost then responds vocally, “A lot General, but here are some of our ideas…” and she proceeds to tell him what we had been discussing with George.

When she is done, he nods his head and tells us with a grin, “I like it, you three have free rein then. When the artillery starts, I want all of you to get into action as fast as you can.”

He looks at his watch and then tells us, “I need to get back to my HQ before it begins. Now, good luck and good hunting.”

({You know Choo, I kinda like your general. Maybe we should have had more like him during the war.})

({I understand how you feel Quick.}) I look quickly at my PipBuck and nod my head then continue, ({It is almost noon, get your gear ready ladies.})

At noon, all of the artillery for the Manesville Brigades units open fire simultaneously. They all fire several shots, then briefly cease firing as they limber up, move to another position, and open fire again. Each battery takes turns so the fire is continuous.

I watch as the Colonel walks to the front of her troops. She blows her whistle in three quick blasts, signaling the beginning of the attack.

With that, the troopers on the front begin to fire and go over the top of their trenches howling like timber wolves. At the same time, we also see all the fliers of the Brigade launch themselves into the air as they follow George into the fray. Well, all except for me and my two sisters. Quick Frost then tells us, ({Ready, here we go!)}

And suddenly we are teleported to the bridge of one of the attacking Raptors. As we pop into existence, I can see the panic on their faces. Myself, I am just thanking the Goddesses that we landed in an empty area with no equipment or ponies in it. Otherwise, that would have been bad.

As they begin to get over the shock they begin to move again. ({Let the dance begin sisters,}) Quickfrost tells us and I begin to fire my minigun across the helm and bridge crew. As I do this, Blue Star throws up a shield to the side and protects us from the ship's crew that is trying to take the bridge back from the passageway leading to it.

Quick Frost then uses her magic to destroy the radio communications equipment on the bridge. ({That should prevent them from warning the other ships,}) she tells us.

Then I grin as I go to the helm, move the incapacitated crewmembers from their seat there, and taking the controls, I put the ship into a low-speed dive for the ground that will destroy it. I then hit the button for the collision alarm. Following this I get on the ship's PA system and announce, “This is the bridge, Abandon Ship! I repeat, Abandon ship!” just before I destroy the helm controls.

As we feel the deck shift, I move closer to my sisters and Quick Frost teleports us back to the HQ area where we briefly take stock of the action before. As a wing, we leap back into the air and join the dog fight in the skies over the battlefield.

As we go in, I see one of our griffons lose a wing and begin to fall towards the ground. I quickly see the enclave soldier in their bug-like power armor and I fire off a quick burst of my weapon as we pass each other. To my left Blue Star opens fire with her dual auto rifles and we weave our way past an Enclave vertibuck. We all fire at it and I see some sparks from the hits and I see one of the gunners go limp, but the pilot dumps their speed and we are past it in seconds.

In the distance, I can see George leading at least a company of our fliers in a charge against the second Raptor. As we fly to catch up with them, I see her flames walk across the outer surface of the skyship. I also see several of the gun turrets on it go dead, however, it is not one-sided, it never is one-sided, and I see more of our fliers as well as theirs fall out wounded, or too often dead.

As it tries to escape, I see more companies of our fliers making their way to attack the cripple and finish it off before we go after the one that has yet only taken damage from the artillery and not much at that.

We are halfway to the crippled ship when suddenly I hear my sister say, ({Look, they lost their main propulsion drives on the other ship.})

We all turn to look at it, then Quick Frost points towards it and says, ([By the Goddesses, look, it has just lost its cloud generators.})

As we continue to fly, we start to watch it fall out of the sky. Even from a distance, we can hear the sirens and warning alarms, as well as the screams of its crew as it quickly falls from the sky near the front lines of our troops.

As it crashes into the ground and explodes it seems that almost everyone is stunned by the immensity of it as almost all of the fighting ceases.

({Did you see that, wow.})

({Yes, now get your mind back on what we are doing}) Quick Frost tells us. Then we hear the battle not only restart, but it now becomes a frantic death struggle as those of the enemy who are still alive throw everything into the fight. Over my radio, I hear, “This is MG command, we have leakers that have broken through our front lines, cut them off, all artillery, nearby, canister over open sights if you see them, if not, high explosives rounds. MG support troops, let’s stop them.”

Next, I hear my love's voice over my radio calling, “Choo, get you and your sisters to my tag, NOW!”

The three of us wheel about in a maneuver that allows us to make sure our tails are clear, and to then see the breakthrough and the desperate fight of the 3rd Regiments HQ staff and Service of Supply troops.

As we continue towards them. Suddenly I hear someone shout in the Imperial Canterlot voice, “ENOUGH!” This is followed by the sky being cleared of all clouds for miles around us. I also notice that those of the Enclave left on the field are all pointing toward the HQ staff.

Once close enough I see the Colonel and next to her, floating on a new set of wings is my great, great, granddaughter Moon Lily, with her horn lit. My sisters and I are all stunned. I am so surprised I feel my hoof go up in front of my muzzle in surprise.

({Sisters, am I seeing things?}) Blue Star asks.

({If so, Blue, so am I,}) Quick Frost answers.

We quickly fly over to her, shielding her from the Enclave forces with our bodies, and still stunned I ask, “Moon, how?”

Moon Lily smiles shyly as she tells me, “Granny Choo, I saw them. I saw the Princesses. They remembered you.”

I feel myself blush as the Colonel and both of my sisters look at me in surprise. I am so proud of her though that I fly over to her and put a hoof around her in a hug, I tell her, “I always knew you had it in you dear. I am so proud of you.”

Then Quick Frost asks her, something I had not even thought about, “Do we call you Princess Moon Lily now?”

She lightly giggles as she responds to the question, “No, the princesses no longer live in our universe. I am just like you. A citizen of the NCR.”

Right after this, the Colonel asks, “Could you three take Moon and Tek back to Site Paddock for me?”

({Of course, we would}) one of my sisters sends to us.

We then all nod our heads. Then Blue Star tells her, “Colonel, it seems the heaviest of the fighting is done for now, so we will do that. We will be back in a bit.”

Then we are off for Site Paddock the four of us flying together, with the zebra Tek, who seems to be like a big brother to Moon, trotting behind us as we go. As we fly, Moon tells us all about the last couple of days for her, and then about having met Celestia, Luna, and two other princesses in an area she calls the Great In Between.

Once we arrive at the cave entrance for Site Paddock, we all land and I notice that the ghouls who live here, have set up an MG position, off to the side and hidden with brush.

The guards there nod at us and wave us inside, telling us, “Get in quick, no need to attract their attention.” I see his eyes go wide as he looks at Moon Lily and he then quickly adds, “I am sorry Your Highness, I had not realized we had a new Princess,” as he begins to bow to her.

Moon stands up straight and looks at him with a sad smile, “Please rise, I am not a princess, I have discussed the events of our world with the Princesses of another, and they agree, since there are none left in ours, that I do not have to be one. Instead, I am a simple citizen of the NCR, just like you sir.”

“Are you sure ma’am? We do not want to be disrespectful to royalty.”

She smiles again and nods her head, “I understand, but I am not royalty. But thank you.”

Once inside, one of the others, I believe it is Lieutenant Cake who asks, “Where in the tarnation did you get wings and a horn little one?”

So, she quickly tells him and I see his eyes go wide, I also notice several of the others have heard this and I hear a dull rumble through the crowded cafeteria about it. Several times I hear the word princess mentioned. Each time she hears it, Moon tells them that she is not a princess.

Then I hear Moon Lily’s mother Sutures calling out, “Moon Lily, you are in so much trouble young mare.”

The crowd parts in front of her as she walks in our direction and then she stops and asks, “Young mare, where have you been? Do you know how worried you have had all of us?”

Moon Lily looks down at the ground and says, “Sorry Mama, but I had to go. They needed us.”

“Who needed you?”

“The Dead, Mama. Tek and I could both hear them calling.”

I can see the anger in Suture's eyes as she looks at Tek and tells him, “And you sir, family friend or not, you should have known better.”

Moon Lily at this point lifts herself into the air on her wings, positions herself in front of him, and tells her mother, “Mama, it was not his fault. I would have gone without him if I had to. Besides, Mareigan was there to protect us.”

It is then that I can tell that Sutures can see how much her daughter has changed as her eyes go wide and she cautiously asks, “Moon, do you have wings now?”

“Yes mama, I do.”


So, Moon tells her the story of how after she gave the Blessing of the Dead to the one Raptor, she shut off its engines and then its cloud generators, using so many different forms of magic so quickly and then how she found herself between universes and met, first Celestia herself, then Luna, the Ministry Mare Twilight Sparkles, who had ascended in her universe, as well as another name Cadence who used to be a pegasus.

I hear her sigh, then with a forehoof on her hip she asks, “Really Moon, you expect me to believe all that?”

This time I step forward, and I notice several of those there are pointing at my cutiemark and whispering as well as I tell Sutures, “She is telling the truth Sutures. I have met three of the four, and they mentioned Cadence to me.”

“Really Choo? Is there any way you can prove it?”

I find myself sighing, and then I tell her, “Actually, yes.” And I take out my photo album and show her and those near her, that photo of myself and Luna, as well as the one of my team with the princesses. Then I notice Magpie, one of Sutures's other wives, and I tell her, “By the way, that is who ended up with Epona’s copy of the Book of Little Pip.”

I almost laugh as I see the look of surprise on her face. Then I watch as all the parents of Moon Lily’s family that are here blush slightly when Moon tells them, “Yeah, they not only remembered Pona, Ginger, and Granny Choo, but they know all about our family.”

Behind them I hear Sumac, say, “Oh dear goodness, I am afraid to hear what they thought of us.”

I must fight to keep from laughing at their discomfort. Then Moon says, “Mama if you want to know, let me touch your horn with mine. Celestia taught me how to do a quicker version of a memory spell.”

I watch as Sutures cautiously nods her head. Then Moon walks up to her and once her mother lowers her head enough, Moon gently touches her horn to her mothers. There is a brief flash of light, and they stand that way for several minutes. Finally, Moon moves back and I watch as Sutures shakes her head briefly, sits down hard, and then says, “Oh my, they really do know about us.” She looks up at her wives and with a tear starting to well up in her eyes, she says, “They know and accept us as we are.”

I then watch as she hugs her daughter and the other two spouses who are here join her. As I get ready to turn and leave, I hear Sutures tell me, “Thank you for bringing my daughter to us. You do not know how much this means to me.”

I think back to the life I once had, and I remember my son who never came home from the war, and this time I feel a tear well up and I tell her, “My great-granddaughter, I do understand. But it was our pleasure to do so.”

Once we leave Site Paddock, we fly back to the brigade HQ. Outside of it, we find General Threat Vector. As we land, he waves us over and tells us, “Choo, unless you want to volunteer for the duration I think you can head back to your team. Thank you.” He then turns to my two sisters and tells them, “I know Sirocco and the Militia will need you two. Please return to him and give him my compliments.”

Quick Frost then tells him, “Yes sir.”

As we get ready to go our separate ways. I hear Quick Frost tell me, ({Farewell sister until we met again.})

({Farewell to you as well. Please stay safe.})

({We will. Besides, we now have a grandniece that we need to mentor as well.})

({Yes, we will all need to be there for her. I am just so glad you consider her family as well.})

({We have since we found out she was descended from you. Now, we best report back in, take care sister.})

With that, they take off and fly in the direction of the Militia’s headquarters. I look at my PipBuck and I notice that not only is it getting late in the day, but when I check my field team’s locations, I find them all together near the stable. I take to the air once again and find my way to them. Once there, as a group, we begin to make our way into Manesville to try and find the rest of my people, I can only hope that they are still alive and as healthy as they can be, all things considered.


Rainbow Dash Skyport, Hoofington, Enclave Territory: Ball Lightning

I am woken out of a deep sleep by my wife telling me, “Ball, something doesn’t feel right. I, I think I need to go to the base hospital.”

Groggily I ask, “What do you mean something doesn’t feel right?”

“I keep having severe back pains, and now I am feeling them on my belly too. I am afraid I am going to deliver early.”

I am suddenly clear-headed. I get up and get dressed quickly. I then make sure Scout and Savanah are awake. Then I tell them, “I am taking mom over to the base hospital. I need you two to make sure the others get up on time and make it to school.”

“Sure Dad,” Scout tells me. Beside him, Savannah nods her head.

As I begin to take Sundancer to the base hospital in the terminal, I see them begin to prepare breakfast for the others.

I assist her as we go. Once there we are taken to the emergency room. While waiting for the doctor, I send a quick message to the Battalion CO as well as to Lieutenant Bullseye Target letting them know where I am and why.

Soon after we start to wait in the ER room, a nurse arrives and takes my wife’s vitals and other information. After another hour of waiting, we finally see the doctor. He comes in and begins to check her out. He nods his head several times. Then he brings in a machine that allows us to see the foals inside of her. I end up doing a double take as I quickly look at Sundancer, then back at the screen again and I see two foals inside of her. I feel my jaw drop when I see this.

After this, the doctor tells us, “Congratulations, it seems that you are carrying twins. The GPE will consider this as having two children, so you will not be allowed to have anymore and be able to live in the clouds again.”

Sundancer nods her head in understanding, and then asks, “What about the pains I am having doctor?”

“Ah, those are false labor pains. Your body is shifting them around and getting them ready for you to deliver. I would say to keep an eye on them but for now, I would guess you should be delivering in another month or two at the most.”

“Is she going to be ok, Doctor?”

He nods his head, “Yes, barring any complications she should be.”

“Thank you, doctor, sorry for wasting your time like this,” she tells him.

“My good mare, you did not waste my time, it was a pleasure. However, I would like for you to see a doctor again in two weeks.”

I notice my wife looking embarrassed as she says, “I, uh, don’t have a regular doctor.”

“Hmm, well, I had not expected that. Come back and see me in two weeks for a prenatal checkup.”

After we leave the medical facility of the RDS, I am just telling her I am going to see my CO, when I hear a large explosion from out by the gate. This is followed by alarms going off around the base, as well as a notification on my PipBuck calling for a full security alert. As we go out the front door, I hear Sundancer first gasp, and then she says, “That smoke looks like it is coming from the Volunteer Corps building.”

I turn to her, “Go home, make sure the kids are ok. I will be back home as soon as possible.”

“No, I should go help them, if they bombed the office, I should help those inside.”

“From the looks of that smoke, if they were inside, they probably do not need help. Besides, I must go look after my company, I need you to take care of our children and yourself.”

She looks like she wants to argue, but agrees and heads towards our home. As she goes, I begin to coordinate my people in a rapid reaction mode. I first head to my office for my kit and as I come back out, I am met by Bullseye and Blotter. They both tell me, “Sir, our troops are assembled and heading out to the fence line.”

“Very good. Now where is Lieutenant Sky Blossom?”

Bulls Eye cringes slightly and tells us, “Sir she would not wait for the rest of the company, she led her platoon off to the Volunteer Corps office building to secure the perimeter and assist with the casualt..”

Her words are drowned out by an even larger explosion. I know what happened. The first explosion was just to create a scene and bait for those who would respond.

I shake my head and tell them, “Ok, let's get out there and secure the perimeter.” Then as we are flying to our assigned areas, I head in the direction of the VC building and my missing platoon.

As I approach, I notice that the building has had the front of it knocked down completely as well as part of the roof. I also see the bodies of several of my soldiers as well as civilians lying on the ground; most are wounded, but many are also lying there silent. As I approach, I begin to give directions to those who are still on their hooves, and I call for more ponies to come assist us.

Before too long I am met by a very disheveled Lieutenant Sky Blossom. She salutes me and I tell her, “Lieutenant, never salute someone in the field, it could attract the attention of snipers.”

I watch as her head goes down, and I notice blood and bits of shiny metal stick out of her neck as she tells me, “Sorry sir, I tried to get here as fast as I could to help. I, I, I just never thought that they would plant two bombs.”

I wave a medic over as I tell her, “I understand Lieutenant, but I have seen this before. Now, I need you to let the medic check you out. Oh, where is your 1st, Sergeant?”

I see a tear in her eyes as she says, “He was next to the building when the second bomb went off.”

“Ok, Lieutenant, I got your platoon for right now while you get treated.”

“Yes sir.”

As I walk towards the wreckage, I see some of the ponies I know that worked with Sundancer among the dead. I know I will be the one to have to break the news to her. But it also brings home how close I came to losing my wife and our unborn foals.

As the clean-up progresses, I overhear a few of my troopers talking to each other. “I don’t know who did this, but they really need to pay for it.”

“You are right, when we find out who did this, we need to hold them accountable. One bomb is bad enough, but that second one. I saw several ponies I knew from 1st squad go down.”

Then another one asks, “But who would do such a thing?”

The first one then asks, “Do you really have to ask? Of course, it has to be those buckers in the NCR.”

“You really think so?”

“Is there any question after some of them sacrificed themselves to blow up that ammo dump at Marimare?”

I do not believe that they are that fanatical, but part of me still wonders if it could be possible. I pray not because if they are, the war just took an even worse turn.

I next hear one of my troopers in the back room yell, “I need help here, I found a survivor.”

I rush over and I am horrified as I see the badly wounded civilian is Alto. He is unconscious but still breathing. I assist in getting the portion of the wall and broken desk off him. As we do so one of my medics begins to treat him.

As he is doing so, I look up and I see a familiar black-cloaked pony walking among the dead and wounded of the station. The side of her face I see is beautiful and almost makes one’s heart feel light, but she turns her head and I can see the other side that is as horrific as a ghoul’s. I would have been surprised and disgusted if I had not met her before, so I expected as much.

She nods her head towards Alto and smiles. She looks at the others here and tells me, “Hello again Ball. This one will survive; it is not his time yet.”

I nod my head and move my ears in appreciation. She nods her head and says, “Yes, I do understand, we do not want them to think you are insane. Though in war, who is sane?”

Again, I move my ears in agreement and shrug my shoulders. She smiles at me and finally tells me, “I will leave you to your work and continue mine.”

Before she goes, I quietly tell her, “I had expected Val to be here.”

“But why would she be at the scene of a criminal attack? They did not die in battle, but were mere victims.” Then she fades away again before I can ask her what she meant.

I then hear the medic say, “OK, he is stabilized enough to move, get him out of here.”

I move out of their way and watch as my friend is lifted onto a stretcher and flown away to the base hospital.

I then look around and I see one of my other soldiers staring at me and he quietly asks, “Sir, who was that mare that you were talking to?”

I look around and seeing no one is paying attention I cautiously tell him, “Huh, you saw her too. Well, her name is Hela, and from what I understand she is a spirit who assists those who die when not in battle to the afterlife.”

He seems kind of stumped and then tells me, “No disrespect sir, but if I hadn’t seen her fade away, I would think you lost it while you were gone.”

I chuckle lightly then reply, “Honestly, I am glad you saw her too, so that way I do not think I have. Now we both need to get back to taking care of things and how about Hela staying just between us.”

As the wounded are being carried away, I have some of my MPs begin to secure the area and look for clues. Something about this attack just does not add up now, and just what did Hela mean when she said they were victims of a crime, not an attack?

Two nights later, I am at home on the couch with my wife when Scout turns on the radio so we can listen to the Hallowed Dreams broadcast.

Good evening to my fellow equestrians. Tonight, I would like to talk to you about another dirty trick of the NCR and their treasonous allies. Two days ago, there was a string of bombs detonated at Volunteer Corps stations that were in the Hoofington, San Prancisco, and Van Hoover areas.

These unwarranted and unprovoked attacks took place against ponies from the Grand Pegasus Enclave that had volunteered to help those poor unfortunate souls who live below in the Wastelands. These types of ponies can not be reasoned with. Perhaps we need to stop pulling our bucks and start kicking them with both hind hooves. Our benevolent leader, President Winter Wind has so far held the full military might of our forces in check to not cause unnecessary casualties among the poor civilians who may be harmed if we were to do so.

I say, they have cast aside the shroud of civility and no longer deserve the mercy our troops have given them. For all my loyal listeners out there, perhaps it is time that we all go to our local recruiters and enlist for the duration of this war to help and free those who are being oppressed by that filthy band of enfields who call themselves the NCR Government.

As he continues his diatribe, I keep running my hooves through Sundancer’s mane as I begin to think again about the attacks that morning and who may benefit from them. In the back of my mind, something just does not add up. Maybe after a good night’s sleep things will be clearer, I tell myself. But then I ask myself, will I be able to sleep well tonight after all that I have seen the last few days?


This is DJ Pon3 coming to you once again from Ten Pony Tower in Manehatten. Leading tonight’s news is the battle that is still ongoing in Manesville. While much of the region has been liberated, there are reports that the Enclave forces there have fallen back into the city of Manesville itself and that fighting has become house-to-house. For all our NCR allies there, here is wishing you good luck and confusion to the enemy.

In other news, there are reports coming out of Hoofington, San Prancisco, and Van Hoover that some group has coordinated bombings in at least a half dozen of the Enclave’s volunteer stations. As of this time, there are no groups claiming responsibility for these attacks as well as denials from the NCR and Lunar Commonwealth governments of having had prior knowledge of them.

We will be back with more news and information you can use after our first song of the night, Remembrance for the Brave.

Chapter 50 The Opening of Eyes

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Chapter 50 The Opening of Eyes

“What difference does it make to the dead, the orphans, and the homeless, whether the mad destruction is wrought under the name of totalitarianism or in the holy name of liberty or democracy?”

― Mahatma Gandhi

Manesville, Manesville Region, NCR: Ginger Snap

As I begin to peek my head around the corner, I feel the sharp bite of brick fragments as they hit my face from the near miss. Without thought, I pull back around the corner and hear myself yelling, “Buck!”

From nearby I hear Twinks call to me, “You OK Cookie?”

“Yeah Danger, I am good, nothing to worry about this time,” I call back. I shift myself, go down onto my belly, and prepare to low crawl as I watch Choo, with Morning Mist, Sunny, and Tater form a stack behind a knocked-down wall across the street from me. Once they are ready, I see Choo’s horn flash as she puts up her shield and they begin to run towards the building across the way. I force myself to the corner and provide several quick bursts of suppressive fire as they run. From above me, inside the building I am hiding behind, I hear several bursts of medium machinegun fire as Cowlick also lays down some suppressive fire.

Once they are at the corner of the targeted building, I see Morning Mist take out a grenade and toss it through the window next to the door. Right after it explodes, I watch as Choo uses her TK to rip the door off its hinges and they run inside. I hear an exchange of MEWs and bullets as well as cursing and screaming. As this is going on Days End and Double Back run across the street to join them. I watch as Days End suddenly falls to the ground and skids. I hear Twinks yell out, “Cover me.”

Then I hear Days End call on the radio, “Danger, stay where you are. I can pull myself to cover. Flower, we have a sniper in that building to the right. I saw a flash in the second window from the right, second floor.”

As Days End casts a quick protection shield on himself and drags himself to cover, his right hind leg limp behind him, I feel my husband put a hoof on my shoulder and tell me, “Be back in a bit, time to go hunting.”

In reply, I simply nod my head. And keep overwatch on the street as I hear his hoof steps moving down the street behind us, as he falls back to make his way to a better sight to shoot from.

Just before Days End gets to cover, I see two bullets ricochet off his shield. I see where the flashes come from and I take a snapshot into that window, followed by two more to the window next to it.

I then duck back around the corner as more chips of pavement and bricks are thrown into the air from bullets striking where I had been.

From across the street, I see Choo signal to us that that building is clear. I then watch as in the shadows of the building where the sniper is I see first my husband cross the street, then behind him is a full squad of Manesville troops. They follow him into the building and I quickly hear gunfire and a sudden pain-ridden screaming, then silence. I look at the windows of the second floor with my scope and I see my husband shake hooves with some of the regulars then he is gone again.

I quickly tell him via the radio, “Flower, reform with the rest of the team.” Then I am up and running across the street, praying I do not get shot by another sniper or team we have not seen yet.

Once across I assist Days End into the building and Choo begins to work on his wound. We are soon joined by the rest of the team. As Xochitl enters the room he grins as he tells Choo, “Hey boss, Company A of the 2nd has been assigned to clearing this area. Their company CO wanted to know if we wanted to fall in with them.”

I see Choo think briefly and she tells us, “Wait here, I want to see if they are actually heading towards our shop, or if they are only passing through this area.” After which she quickly trots out of the building and down the street towards the regulars.

When she returns, she tells us, “Okay, they are working their way towards downtown and the riverfront. When they move out, we will head north again. Hopefully, this will clear most of the path. They say that currently, they are only hitting pockets of resistance right now.”

“Well, that’s good to hear boss, but how will that help us if we run into more Enclavers?”

She smiles at this and adds, “Well, it seems both Mort’s and Mudwing’s teams have been released as well, and they have offered to assist us. So, we should have almost a platoon worth of people.”

I find myself smiling at this as I now feel comfortable working with them. “Sounds good boss. How long until they arrive?”

“Well, the Troubleshooters should be here shortly. The Fixers are still closer to the stable so they will be a bit longer.”

Tater then asks, “Are we going to wait for them?”

She nods her head, “Yes, we are. This will give us a chance to take a brief rest as well as to take care of some of our minor wounds.”

About half an hour later Mort and his people arrive. As he enters, I hear him say, “Thanks for sending us your location Choo. How are we set up for defenses?”

“I have a sniper on the roof, and we are watching both the front and rear entrances. Most of the surrounding buildings have already been cleared by either us earlier, or by the Company A of the 2nd.

He nods his head, “OK, Smiley, assign two more watches to assist while we wait, the rest of you go ahead and grab some chow.”

We have rested here for two hours before I hear one of Mort’s team members call out, “Looks like we have the Fixers making their way about a block out.”

Once Mudwing arrives the three commanders all begin to discuss how to advance towards our shop. I find myself, Smiley, and Eni are encouraged to sit in on this planning session.

As the Fixers come in, I see Brandywine and my husband smile and hoofbump each other. Brandywine then nods to me with a grin and as he walks past the room, I hear him telling my husband, “Glad we are on the same side this time kid…”

It is then I remember he too is of the Serenity Valley alumni, just on the other side of the rifle sights. But that was a long time ago, and if he can let it go, then I guess I can too. However, I do find myself grinning as I realize that now he is fighting to protect the old Co-op too.

We wait another hour so that the Fixers can get a break as well, and then Choo stands up and tells us, “Ok, my team let’s form up and get moving.”

Right after this, the other two teams do the same. The watches all join us again as we make our way to the streets.

Once there we form a double column with each team, and we stay about a foot and a half away from the buildings. As we are doing this Double Back quietly asks, “Cookie, why are we so far from the walls? I feel naked out here.”

I want to sigh, but I hold back as I realize he has only been with the team for five months, and his experience with urban combat only includes Baltimare and Manehatten. Finally, I tell him, “Two reasons Double, the first is that if we are too close to the buildings, we may bump them and make extra noise alerting those inside. The other, well, when bullets ricochet in places like this, they tend to follow close along the wall, so why give the bad ponies a second chance at hitting us.”

“Oh, that makes sense. I had not thought of that.”

I nod my head and then tell him, “Ok, let’s quiet down for now, just like Manehatten, we need to be quiet and pay attention to what is going on.” I pause briefly to let what I said sink in, then I further remind him, “Also, remember, as we move, only ear and hoof signals, no voice or radio except if we are engaged or it is an emergency.”

He nods his head, “Got it, Ginger.”

Soon after this, we come to the first major intersection. Our team provides overwatch as first the fixers run across the intersection and provide cover as the Troubleshooters go past, then us. Soon we are back in the lead and are only a couple of city blocks from the shop. Then it happens, we have just gone past a wrecked warehouse when we hear growling and howling coming from the darkness within. I also see at least a dozen red dots appear on that side of my vision from my Eyes Forward Sparkle.

My team quickly reacts to them and we begin to fire at the feral ghouls as they come charging out. Behind us, the Fixers also engage them while the Troubleshooters keep making sure no one is coming at us from the rear.

We are still engaging the ferals when we suddenly begin to take fire from above. Choo then yells, “Black Bird, Fog on me,” as she jumps into the air counter attacking the Enclave troopers who have ambushed us.

Those of us on the ground split our fire between the ferals and the Enclavers. Soon the ferals are all down, but we still have to fight the enemy troopers.

As I finish shooting the last of the ferals, I am bit by shards of concrete from the sidewalk next to me as the bullets from two of the pegasus as they strafe us. I roll to the side and once I stop moving, I begin to aim at others who are following them in their flight path.

I watch as some of the rounds from my SIR bounce off the power armor of one of them. They break away from their strafing run as Choo and the other fliers with her are hot on their tales. We fight them for only a few more minutes until they break away.

As they fly just below the roofline of the buildings to try and escape, Choo and the others stop chasing them and come back to us. Once they are on the ground, they land and Choo calmly tells us, “Well, that was interesting, now let us take stock of our situation and get ready to keep going.”

We quickly treat what wounds we suffered in the ambush before we continue. We got off lucky this time and we know it.

As we continue, I notice how blocks of buildings that were still standing before have been knocked down, while others are nearly in the same condition they were in when we last saw them. What really bothers me is how quiet it is. Before we left, we would usually see a couple of scavers coming and going as well as a few neighborhoods that had been reclaimed by the locals. But it seems that they are almost all gone now. I can only hope that they are safe. This line of thoughts brings me back to thinking about our shop and the team that works out of there.

As we get to within a few blocks of the shop, I can tell there has been heavy fighting here. There are fresh pockmarks in the walls as well as scorched marks from spells that missed and MEW beams. Sadly, there are also several fresh bodies now too. I can see several hanging out of windows and some just inside or out of the doorways to the buildings here. That is the buildings that are still standing. I find myself shaking my head at the wasted lives here.

Finally, we are only a block from our shop. It is here where we stop. Choo then tells Xochitl, “Flower, you and Rough Trail, go forward and recon the shop. Let us know if it is clear.”

“Roger, Boss.” He tells her and I watch as the two slowly begin to make their way forward as the rest of us provide overwatch.

Finally, I see my Double Back step back outside of the shop and wave us forward. As we do so, I find myself thinking, we have finally made it back home.


Northside of Manesville. Manesville District, NCR: Xochitl

As Choo calls me and Double Back to go forward to recon the shop I cringe inside. I am really afraid of what I may find. I have already seen too many of my friends killed or maimed this week. But it is my job, so I step forward and lead Double Back along the buildings that are still lining the last block.

Outside the shop, I see several dead Enclavers, as well as a few of the locals I had come to know when we were here last. As we get close to the entrance to the shop I pause and listen, then sniff the air to see if I can hear or smell anything that could give us a warning. One of the more interesting things I noticed in Manehatten was that the Enclave troops smelled different, more like cleaner or antiseptics. I guess they use more soap or something. However, this time the smell of antiseptic and cleaner is joined by the smell of a body, dead for a few days. I first peek through the broken front plate glass window and see that the place is torn up, but I do not see any movement.

I then crawl to the door with Double Back covering me and keeping an eye out on the buildings across the way. Once at the door, with my weapon at the ready, I quickly enter the building as Double Back moves up to the doorway.

I find no living beings in here, but I am saddened when I see the body of Drain Trap. He is lying across the entrance to our bunker, with a broken shotgun next to him, and a pistol in his muzzle. Near the door I had entered are two dead enclave soldiers in standard barding.

I quickly signal Double Back to stand fast as I perform a quick recon of the rest of the rooms of our shop. I find no one else in there, but it seems the Enclave has torn apart most of our equipment and taken any weapons we had left behind.

Once I have finished my inspection of the place, I go back downstairs and signal to Double Back to send the all-clear. He nods his head and steps outside briefly and uses a hoof to signal the others forward.

While we wait, I take the pistol from Drain Trap’s muzzle and when I check the chamber, I can see he had fired his last shot. I then put it on top of the counter, alongside the now broken shotgun. I also take a broken MEW I find there and set it on the counter as well. Who knows maybe Twinks can use it for parts.

I have just moved Drain’s body to the side and wrapped him in an old blanket when the others arrive. Twinks comes in first and I see her stop in her tracks when she sees the blanket-wrapped body. “Who was it?” She asks.

“Drain Trap, he was on top of the bunker entrance when I came in.”

I see her shake her head and a bit of a tear forms in her eye that she holds back as she slowly moves away from the door and walks over to the pony who had taught her what she knows about plumbing.

Soon the others have entered as well. As Choo comes in, Twinks goes over to the bunker entrance and I see her horn light up briefly. She steps back and then says, “Boss, there is a curse on the hatch again. We will need to disarm it before we can enter.”

“Can you do it, or do we need to get Morning Mist to assist?”

She shakes her head, “Boss, let me try one thing first.” Then Twinks steps next to the hatch and I hear her tap out RP three times in Horse Code.

From below I hear the code repeated. Then she taps out BH. A few minutes after this there is a small flash of light and then Twinks checks the hatch again with her magic before she says, “Ok, they have disarmed it.”

I then step forward and open the hatch, when I look down inside, I can see Diode standing here with one of the M10 Auto rifles that we left behind being held in his magic, pointed right at me. I can see the anger change to relief on his face, and behind him I see Zhea, holding Xanthippe in one hoof, with a pistol in her muzzle as well. A scared Xanthippe hugging her mother in one hoof and her stuffed zony in her other.

Then I hear Xanthippe yell out, “Xochitl!” as she breaks away from her mother and runs past Diode and gives me a big hug.

I give her a brief hug back and I watch as the other two slowly make their way back into the shop. As they come up, we all greet them, then we introduce them to the Fixers and the Troubleshooters.

I watch as the little ghoul, and then her mother both go over to Drain Trap's body and both thank him for saving them and then say goodbye to him. I then watch Zhea make a motion with her hooves and I hear her chant something that I do not understand. So, when she is finished, I ask her, “What was that, Zhia?”

She smiles sadly and tells me, “That is the zebra form of the blessing of the dead. I studied up on it after Xanthippe learned about the cattle blessing from Moon Lily. My father was a shaman so I learned much from him, such as how to cast the curse we used on the door to the bunker.”

Choo then turns to Twinks and asks, “Did you know about her being able to cast a curse like that?”

Twinks nods her head, “Yeah boss, last time we were home she and I discussed it as well as a code for her to let her know it was us and we were home.”

“Do you not think you should have told me and the others Twinks?”

I see the look of confusion on Twink's face as she hears this and tries to process the question. Finally, Twinks asks, “Why Boss? I figured I could let you know if and when it came up.”

I watch as Choo Choo sighs and gently shakes her head before she tells her, “In case you had been killed before now. Such as we saw had happened to the you from another universe.”

I notice the home team all spin their heads to look at them in surprise. Then Twinks answers, “Yeah, I know boss, but I guess it just never really occurred to me that it would happen.”

Ginger then asks, “Zhea, since you performed the blessing, should we still call my little sister in to perform it as well?”

I watch the old ghoul shake her head, “No need to now, I felt him depart. But I do think we should provide a proper burial for him as well as those two over there even.” As she looks at the enclavers I see anger flash in her eyes.

“Okay then, it seems we need to start setting things back in place. Xochitl, you and Tater, please dig a grave for Drain Tap in the empty lot next door. As for the Enclavers, well, later, I would like to take them by cart to the stable so they can go into the cemetery there. Mort, Mudwings, would one of you mind having your team perform security while we begin to clean up? Zhea, how are we set for food?” Choo asks.

The zebra ghoul thinks briefly and tells us, “Most of our rations were in the store room up here. However, I had a lot of dry goods stored in the bunker, you, know, just in case.”

“Excellent, if you would, please begin to prepare a very large dinner for all three teams, make sure there is meat for those who desire it if you can.” She pauses then tells the rest of us, “Ok, time to begin cleaning up.”

At this time Mort tells her, “Choo, my team will pull security for the first shift. I noticed that one of the buildings looks to be in good shape still, would you mind if we checked it out and perhaps, we can make a barracks out of it?”

“Mort that is an excellent idea. You are welcome to it. We had considered using that one for barracks before, but we have not had time enough to do so. Also, some of the more run-down buildings near here are ones we have used for training purposes. If we are here for a while, please feel free to use them as well.”

As the team leaders dole out their assignments to their people, Tater, and I both grab a shovel and we make our way over to the lot and begin to dig a grave. We then stack our weapons to the side so they are not in our way after we pick a spot. As we dig, Tater and I begin to talk.

“You know Chotil, I never really thought we would be burying one of our shop crew like this?”

“Yeah, I know, and I think Twinks is taking it a lot harder than she is letting on.”

“Yeah, I think you are right on that, but she was a lot closer to him than the rest of us.”

I nod my head and then feel a bit of a kick in my teeth as the shovel hits a rock. I shake my head briefly and slowly move the tip of the shovel until I find the edge of the rock. After which I pry it out and Tater helps me move it out of the hole and set it to the side.

As we continue digging, we are almost five feet down, well below the old frost lines, when I hear a clunk of metal upon metal from Tater’s spade.

We both look at each other and he tells me, “Might be just an old pipe.”

“Yeah, but it if is we do not want to damage it. Maybe we should shift the grave a bit.”

“Well, maybe we should dig a bit around it to find out. Who knows, what it could have been?”

As we continue to dig, I hear Tater say, “Hey Cohtil, uh, it’s not a pipe.”

“Then what is it?”

“Come look?”

I put my shovel against the side of the hole and I look over his shoulder, and I see a large metal box. It is about three feet wide, looks to be two feet deep, and about four feet long, from what I can tell so far. “Well, that is interesting, let’s get it clear so we can see what it is, “I tell him.

Once we have it cleared off most of the way, we still cannot pick it up, however, we can move it slightly with our shovels. Tater then tells me, “We better get the boss on this one.”

I am just getting ready to climb fully out of the hole when Brandywine of the Fixers walks by and asks, “How’s it going?”

“Well, it was going good until we found this metal case. It is too heavy for us to move, so would you mind going and getting our boss Choo, so she can help us?”

He looks over the edge of the hole and nods his head, “Yep, if you two can’t get it, might take a bit more. I’ll go let her know,” he tells us then trots off to the shop.

We continue digging the rest of the hole while we wait for Choo. When she finally arrives, she asks, “So, what was it that you wanted me for?”

She looks down and I see her eyes go a bit wider when she sees the box. She then tells us, “I need you out of the hole for this one.”

Once we have climbed out of the hole I watch as her horn lights up and she slowly lifts the box up in her TK. Once out of the hole she sets it by the side and I watch as she uses a cleaning spell to clear off the dirt and rust that have accumulated since it was buried. When she notices us watching she stops and asks, “Is the grave ready now?”

I look back down and I notice that with the metal box out of it, the grave is now ready. I nod my head, “Yeah boss, it is.”

“Ok, I will have the others bring him over and we will have a brief service for him.”

Soon the rest of the team brings the blanket-wrapped body of Drain Trap over. Ginger performs a brief reading from the Book of Daisy Jo over his body. Choo and Twinks both use their TK to lower him down to the bottom. Once there, they release their TK. After which, Twinks throws the first hoof full of dirt into the grave, followed by the rest of us. Once all of us, both field and home team have done so, Choo and the others head back to the shop, taking the metal container with them. Then Tater and I finish filling the hole back in on top of the first of the Repair Ponies to die in the line of duty.

This gets both me and Tater to think. Once we are done, we place a board with his name on it at the head of the grave. Then Tater tells me, “You know, it does not seem like much, but I know he would have appreciated it.”

I nod my head. “Yeah, he would have.” I pause then look at the building and ask, “What do you think about suggesting to Choo we have a memorial wall in the headquarters of the shop? You know, to list him and any of us who may die while on the job on it?”

He looks thoughtful as he first puts his battle saddle back on, then slings the shovel across his back. Finally, he answers, “I think that is a good idea.”


Repair Ponies Shop, Manesville, Manesville Region, NCR: Choo Choo

When I saw the box in the grave, at first, I was not sure. However, once I started to clean it off some, I saw all the telltale markings on it that identified who used to own it. Because I am not certain as to what is inside of it, I do not want to open it out in the open. Instead, I wait until after the brief funeral for Drain Trap to take it inside the back room of the shop.

There I finish cleaning it off with a minor restoration spell after the cleaning spell. That is when I can see the three balloons as well as the MoM of the Ministry of Morale on it clearly. That alone removes all doubt in my mind.

While I was cleaning it the others were trying to straighten up the shop and undo some of the damage caused by the Enclave. I am just getting ready to open the box when I hear Xochitl and Tater enter the room. They both stop and I hear Xochitl ask, “So what is it, Boss?”

I find myself sighing as I had hoped to do this alone. Instead, I look up at him and tell him, “I believe it is a Ministry of Morale Party Kit, you know, what most of us would call a mission cache.”

This gets Tater’s attention as he steps closer, “Really boss. I wonder what kind of mission it was for. Especially since it was here in Manesville.”

“I do understand, how you feel, now if you will excuse me, I would like you both to step into the other room while I open it, just in case it is another surprise.”

They both look at each other and I can see the surprise on their faces. They both nod their heads and Xochitl tells me, “OK boss, we will be right outside. Let us know when we can come back in.”

“I will. Just give me a few minutes.”

Once they have left, I step back from the case and cast the special MoM unlocking spell I learned from Pumpkin Cake at the Followers camp several months back. Once I cast the spell, I can feel the protection spell on it dissipating. Patience I must have patience, I remind myself. Remember that was a special surprise for any party pooper who tried to peak into the presents.

After I feel the spell having fully released, I step closer and use my TK to open the lock, after which I use my forehooves to open the top. When I open it, I first feel a preservation spell release, then I see several packages all covered in wrapping paper and bows. Laying on top of them is a letter.

I pick up the letter in my TK and I begin to read, Special Agent Choo Choo, congratulations on your having finished your MoM special surprise party agent training. These presents are for you and your team to use on your upcoming missions. You will not be contacted by anyone from the Ministry due to the state of current events in your time.

Instead, your great, great, great, great, great, granddaughter Moon Lily will be discussing it with you. DO NOT discount her suggestions for the party. After all, it is a surprise party for a very naughty pony and Moon knows how to best surprise them.

Oh, that reminds me, when you see her in a couple of days give my congratulations to her on her ascension into an alicorn. I am so proud of her. It reminds me of Twilight and how she ascended in another universe, but you know all about that don’t you, you big silly? Having tea with the princesses and then surprising those ponies in even Manehatten that one time. You sure do get around, and that makes you best qualified for this mission.

There are a couple of presents in there with Pink Bows, those are not to be given right away, please deliver those when you begin the mission. Now good luck Special Surprise Party Agent Choo Choo and make it a great party.


Pinkie Dianna Pie

Minister of Morale

P.S. I have included your official Ministry Badge inside the box. I pulled some strings so that it is the same as your old locomotive number, 42.

I finish reading the letter and smirk to myself as I shake my head. Yep, Pumpkin was not kidding about how Pinkie really did seem to know it all. But I am particularly surprised at all the presents. As I look inside, I notice right away, a longer one that is tagged to Sunset Waters. I gently pick it up and set it to the side. Next, I pick up another one of similar weight and size that has a card with Sweet Potato written on it, taped to the wrapping paper.

I pull out several items including one more that is for me. When I am finally to the ones with pink bows on them, I find myself surprised at the names as I really do not know three of them. The fourth one however is for Moon Lily. I take these presents and I gently place them back in the box. I then call the rest of my team back inside to give them their presents.

As they enter, I see the surprise on their faces at the wrapped presents with their names on them. I then hear Ginger ask, “Boss, how come these presents have our names on them?”

I simply smile as I remember the family story from ten years ago. Then I answer, “Pinkie.”

I watch the surprise come over her face as well as Epona and Xochilt’s as they realize what that means.

Ginger then asks, “Is this like what happened with Mamas Mollygirl and Sutures, and the envelope in the walls?”

I nod my head, “From what I understand, yes, yes, it is. So, most of these are for us for our next missions. I have some others that I am to give later, but until then those will remain locked up to keep the surprise.”

This gets all of them to raise an eyebrow and I smile as I watch them open their presents.

Both Xochitl and Taters are the largest of the gifts, and I watch with interest to see what they are. When Xochitl opens his I am surprised to see it looks like some form of zebra sniper rifle. Xochitl looks at it with some interest, but I hear Tater say, “Oh, wow, Cohitl, you got a Z1-1P, that was a zebra precision infantry rifle, look at that scope and silencer.”

When he hears this, I see Xochilt start to smile, which grows to a wider one as he hefts it a bit and notices the new sling for it. Then he sees something on the receiver and he reads it in Zebracan.

Diode then asks, “What’s that mean Xochitl?”

“Orcus, Chooser of the Slain.”


Finally, he looks closely at it and says, “Wow, that is going to take some getting used to, it uses .308 instead of the 5.56, and it is a lot lighter, so I hope it doesn’t kick like a mule.”

Right after he says this, I see him look embarrassed and he apologizes, to which I hear Double Back say, “No offense taken Xochitl.”

The next person to open their gift is Twinkle Hoofs. As she does so, I see her face break out in a big grin. Then she looks up and tells me, “Boss, it’s a mint condition set of Stable-Tec PipBuck repair tools and a set of prints for modifications to them.”

I simply nod my head and smile, then I hear Ginger ask, “OK, Sunny, what do you think is in yours?”

I see him looking at it nervously, then he answers her, “Well cous, I am not completely sure, probably a weapon of some kind.” After he says this several of the others encourage him to open it, just like it was Hearth’s Warming.

He slowly opens the paper and there is a cardboard box inside. I see a look of surprise and pleasure on his face when he looks at it, and Tater tells him, “Cool, you got a Flim-Flam Arms Bozar.”

Sunny looks at it and asks, “So what makes it so special?”

“Well, besides seeing very limited production, it was the only burst-fire sniper rifle I know of.”

When he says this, I see Sunny grin as he hears this, “Huh, Pray and Spray with divine guidance, eh?”

Ginger opens hers and I hear a slight squeal of joy out of her as she holds up a mint-condition gilded e1911 pistol. On the grip are the three balloons of the Ministry of Morale and I can see her name etched on the slide.

Most of the others also get a pistol matching hers, all with their names on them. I then hoof a small package that is inside the box with Xanthippe’s name on it. I watch an expression of sheer joy come over her face as she looks at the brown teddy bear that has come out of it.

I then hoof an envelope to Zhea that has her name on it. As she opens it, I see her gasp at first, and if she could I can tell she would be crying. She then shows us a picture of Xanthippe, herself, and her husband from before the Last Day. “I, I cannot believe it, I remember this day. I thought I lost this picture; how did it end up here?”

I shrug slightly and I tell her, “It is a gift from Pinkie Pie to you. Please feel free to hang it wherever you would like.”

After she hears this, she nods her head and tells me, “Thank you, Boss. I will do that.” She then notices the letter that was in the envelope with the photo, she briefly looks at it, then gently folds it up and replaces it in the envelope along with the photo.

Cowlick on the other hoof opens his and finds a full kit of explosive demolition tools. At first, he looks overjoyed, then his expression turns serious as he asks aloud, “I wonder what we are getting into next that we need all this fancy stuff?”

Finally, Tater answers, “Not sure, but at least we will have some stuff to deal with it.” He pauses and then looks down and opens the envelope on it. I see him look confused. Then he checks his PipBuck and says, “Holy Cow, I had forgotten it is my birthday today.”

Xochitl asks him, “You forgot your birthday?” then he asks, “So what reminded you of it?”

Tater laughs lightly, “It is a birthday card from Pinkie. How about that, I never expected to see that in my life.”

Xochitl nods his head and then tells him, “That is great, so what is in the present there?”

Tater then excitedly rips into the wrapping paper and opens the box within. Inside it, he finds a modified assault rifle. He looks at it lovingly, as I try to figure out why the magazine is behind the trigger in the stock rather than where it should be.

He then looks up at me and tells me, “Boss, it was an experimental design. They call this type of arrangement a Bullpup. It has the same range as a normal rifle of this type, only it is a bit shorter. Oh, and the box on top is a special night vision sight that can keep track of your target when used in SATS.”

“Very nice. I am glad you like it,” I tell him.

Twinks then moves closer to him gives him a peck on his cheek and tells him, “Happy Birthday Dear.”

He then puts a hoof around her, drags her closer, and returns her kiss, which is the first time they have done so in front of the rest of the team.

When all the others are done, I open mine. Inside I find first a Ministry of Morale badge with the number 42 on it. Then I notice that I too have received a new E1911, however not only does it have the MoM markings, but it also has Special Agent Choo Choo on one side, and the other side has engraved Night Train. With my current Cutie Mark on it.

After we clean up the mess from the gifts, Double Back and Days End head out to stand watch along with some of the Fixers and Troubleshooters. Both of the other teams then join us for dinner in our old mess hall. As we eat, someone turns on the radio and we hear,

That is right everypony. Those monsters in Manesville have been killing the wounded who could not escape after they again used more mega spells to destroy two of the three remaining Raptor class ships that were left to support our valiant airborne soldiers on the ground. That is after their previous use during their treacherous fake surrender ceremony only days earlier.

He slams his hoof down on something and then continues. And do not let any neighsayers suggest that it was not done that way. Come on, they are even trying to say one filly was able to take down a raptor by herself and that three of those pony-made monstrosities we call chemical alicorns took down the other. What kind of foals do they take us for?

Mares and Gentle Colts, I implore you to keep this in mind when others around you say that they would never attack civilian facilities such as our peace workers in the Volunteer Corp stations. But we all have seen the results of that.

I have it on good faith, that these attacks, both mega spells and on our volunteers were on the direct orders of Regina Grimfeathers herself. The barbarian who styles herself as President of the NCR. To those in the legislature of the NCR, take that into consideration and I suggest impeaching her and removing her from any leadership positions from now on.

The next day I receive two messages, the first is from Paper Work letting us know that Ginger and Epona’s adopted father Archer has been found and is in critical condition at the Stable. The second is from Ball Lightning on the backdoor channel. This one actually surprises me, but I am pleased with how the discussion goes.


Rainbow Dash Skyport, Hoofington, Enclave Territory: Ball Lightning

As the investigation continues, I find myself at the morning officers' call being summoned into my CO’s office.

Once we both arrive there, he has me close the door and tells me, “I have a special message for you. I am not privy as to who it is from or what it is about.”

“Yes sir. Do you want me to read it here, or take it with me?”

“Might as well take it with you. It is probably one of those enchanted messages that only the recipient can read.”

This gets me to raise an eyebrow as I tell him, “Sir, those are real? I only thought they were some props from the movies.”

“No, they are real, but that makes me wonder what you are involved in Captain, and I hope it does not mean you will be on a temporarily assigned duty again.”

“I hope not too sir. I am getting a bit tired of going TAD myself.”

“Well, let me know.”

“Yes sir. Will do,” I tell him.

I take the envelope and put it in my saddle bag. I will read it after I hold my morning officers' call with my platoon leaders.

“Good morning, sir,” I hear Bulls Eye Squall say in welcoming me, as well as letting the others know I have arrived.

I then give them a rundown of the orders for the day. Once I have finished, I dismiss them and close the door to my office. Once back to my desk I take out the envelope and read it,

Captain Ball Lightning,

I need you to verify through your special connections if the NCR is behind these bombing attacks. I also need to verify with them the accuracy of reports of them using mega spells and taking no prisoners in the Manesville region. If so, I need to know if these are now their official policy. Their answers could lead to a change in the conduct of the war.



I finish reading the letter and return it to my saddlebags. I then look at the time and notice I have several hours to wait until I can try and contact Choo Choo to ask these questions.

When Noon comes, I make sure I am near enough to a repeater that I can broadcast to her. My biggest worry now is if she is close enough to receive me.

On my third attempt I hear, BL this is RP1, I read you. What do you have for me?

RP1, our big boss wants to know from your head honcho if the NCR is responsible for the bombings of our Volunteer Corps offices.

BL, I will pass the question up the line.

RP1, they also want to know if the NCR did in fact use mega spells at Manesville, and if they are killing POWs?

BL1 I can answer that one personally. They did not use any megaspells. As for deliberately killing prisoners of war, that is unacceptable behavior, so if it did occur it is not the norm.

RP1 thanks I will let them know. Now, on a personal level, I have a question that I hope you can answer for me, one of my adopted foals is a unicorn filly and she doesn’t know how to use their magic. Is there anything we can do to help her?

I hear a shift in her voice as she answers back, BL, I do believe there are several good books for teaching spells to young unicorns. Perhaps you can obtain some from the Collegiate bookstore.

RP1, do you think a book would really help?

I then hear her laugh lightly before she answers, Yes, I do. They helped immensely with our tutoring of Moon Lily.

RP1, did they really help that much?

Again, I hear her chuckle to herself, then she answers, Well, they must have as she was raised by mainly earth ponies and she just got her wings a couple of days ago.

I feel annoyed at her obviously making fun of me so I tell her, RP1, that was a serious question, I was not joking.

I hear her voice become completely serious as she tells me, I am completely serious. She has ascended and it was her that brought down one of your Raptors by herself.

Without meaning to I let slip, By the Goddesses, I thought that was just propaganda.

No BL, that was real. I have now flown alongside her with my sisters. By now you should know I do not make light of my family.

Sorry RP1, it was just a surprise.

BL, one more question for your president that I know mine will want to know the answer to. Is scorched earth now an official policy of the Enclave for territory they cannot hold?

This surprises me, and I ask, what do you mean scorched earth as a policy?

Any territory they could not hold they either burnt or destroyed. Is your president trying to cause a famine?

RP1, as far as I know, that is not official policy, however, again, I will ask her and get the reply back to you as soon as I can.

She then asks, “BL, do you have anything more?

Negative RP1, this is BL out.

After this, we break the connection and I go back to my office to write up what I learned for the President. Once done, I put the report in a sealed and addressed envelope and take it back to my CO so it can be delivered.

The next day I am working on some supply requisitions when there is a knock on my door which is followed by Lieutenant Blotter asking, “Captain Lightning, can I talk to you for a minute?”

I look up and I see he has a look of worry on his face. I know this must be serious then, so I tell him, “Please come in and take a seat, but close the door first.”

Once the door is closed and he has sat down I ask him, “OK, Blotter, what’s up?”

He looks around nervously and quietly tells me, “Sir, during our investigation we found a surveillance recording for the 24 hours previous to the first explosion, unfortunately, the camera that recorded it was destroyed in the blast.”

I find myself rustling my feathers as I wait to hear why this is important. “And Lieutenant what has you riled up?”

He looks around briefly again as if afraid to even speak, but finally, he tells me, “Sir, on the tape I saw only one pony drop off a crate. He entered there and everyone seemed to know him.”

“Well, pick him up for questioning then.”

“Sir, it is not that easy.”

“Why not Lieutenant? If it is an issue with a Commonwealth citizen, we can always contact the Brood or the Reapers for assistance. Maybe it would even work in our favor to improve relations with their government.”

I hear him sigh and watch as his ears go down alongside his head as he says, “If it was only that easy sir.”

“Why isn’t it?”

“Sir, I recognized the stallion who did it. He works out of the off-limits hanger that you have been to several times.”

I feel my head move back and my wings pop up, “What? You don’t think one of our people did this, do you?”

He looks nervous and answers, “Sir, I do not want to, but the evidence points in that direction.”

I feel myself sigh. Then I tell him, “OK, keep this between the two of us for now. If it was our own people, we may have just kicked over an ant’s hill.”

“What do you mean sir?”

“They break your wings and legs and brand you for being a Dashite, kind of ant hill.”

“Sir, you really don’t think our own government would do something like that do you?”

I sigh and tell him, “While I hope not, I am afraid of what the answer could be.”

I watch as his eyes open wide as he looks at me and says, “Sir, you were never involved in those types of operations, were you?”

“Against our own people, no. Against some of our allies, Buck yes. But you didn’t hear that, alright.”

I watch him slowly nod his head with fear in his eyes. He then hooves me a digital copy of the recording.

“Here sir, here is a copy of it.”

I nod my head. “Thanks, Blotter. I will review it in a bit, but understand until we can break this loose all at once, we keep quiet.”

By now his confidence has returned. “Thank you, sir.”

Once he departs, I try to decide how to best handle this situation. I feel like I am walking through a dark tunnel filled with feral ghouls without a light. I look at the recording he has given to me put it into the computer and watch it.

When finished, I feel sickened to my stomach. One of ours has done such a thing. My next question is, is this a lone wolf, or is he part of some dark operation that I know nothing about? Without enough evidence though I could be putting not only mine, but those around me lives in danger.

I take the recording and place it in an evidence envelope. I then try to think of where to safely stash it. However, I also worry now about breaking the chain of evidence. That could cause us to have to release a guilty pony as the evidence would not be useable in court. Finally, I decide to make a copy of it and place the original back into the evidence packet. The copy I place into my saddlebag until I can figure out where to stash it. Finally, I take the original, in its package and turn it into the evidence lock up.

The guard there looks at it with a board expression and then tells me the handling number for it. Finally, it is stored securely. After I leave there, I write the number down so I will not forget it before returning to my office. I figure I can check on it in a few days to see what has become of it.

Two days later, in the midafternoon, I get a reply from the president.


In reply to the concerned party’s questions, no, it is not our official policy to conduct scorched earth practices. In fact, this type of behavior is not to be tolerated by our troops and I will be looking into the matter myself.

Also thank them for letting us know that no megaspells were used. If you can, please try to pry out of them just what was used to bring them down.

Thank you

While I had not expected our conduct of war policy to have changed, I am relieved to have it verified that my hopes were correct. Now begins the tricky part, verifying from Choo, just what they had that was capable of bringing down, not one, but five raptors of a six-ship squadron. We have not lost that many ships in one battle since the great war that caused us to form our Enclave.

When I try to contact Choo Choo in the evening time, I am unable to. I am very disappointed in this, but I will try again tomorrow afternoon. Instead, I pack up my desk and head home for the night.

As I make my way home, I notice the same pony from the surveillance video walking towards me. I nod to him and he nods solemnly back to me and keeps walking without saying a word to me. Somehow, in the back of my mind, I get the feeling I passed some kind of test.

After we clean up from dinner, Sundancer tells me, “I picked up some apple cider today at the market. How about I heat it up for everypony so we can drink it while we listen to the radio?”

“Dear, that sounds great. By the way, have you heard anything about them opening a new Volunteer Corps office yet?”

“No, not yet, however, I was informed that I am temporarily relieved of duties to the VC until after I have the foals.”

“Well, I am glad to hear that.”

She looks at me and bites her lip slightly as she asks, “Ball, would you mind if I did some light work over at the terminal? You know something to keep the caps coming in, but not enough to harm the foals?”

I think briefly, then I tell her, “Dear, I think that may be a great idea.”

Once she finishes heating it, she calls out, “OK, could a couple of you help me with the cider?”

I smile as I watch Savanna and Scraps get up and trot over to help. As they are assisting her, I turn on the radio and adjust the tuner so we have less static. We then hear the familiar voice of Hallowed Dreams as he continues.

My Fellow Equestrians, today I have the sad duty of reporting that three more of our Volunteer Corps offices have been bombed. This time in Van Hoover, San Prancisco, and one in a small town outside of Whinnyappolis. That’s right Mares and Gentlecolts. These deceptive monsters in the NCR have once again proven their deceptiveness and desire to destroy all that is good.

But the last laugh is on them. Since their campaign of terror started, we have had record numbers of volunteers enlist. We will overcome these barbaric attacks and we will stand together, wing tip to wing tip against them.

Madam President, I beg you let slip the dogs of war and cry havoc!

As he says this my mind begins to put some things together that I rather would not have. Tomorrow, I must send out a message to the president as soon as I can, whether I have Choo’s answers or not. I need more answers as well.

All too soon I notice how late it is getting and I tell the youngsters, “Ok kids, time for bed.”

As we walk up toward their rooms, I hear Bent Plate ask, “Can you read us a story again tonight, Papa?”

I run a wing through his mane messing it up slightly as I tell him, “Sure, which one would you like to hear tonight?”

I see him pause for a moment then he asks, “Could you read some more of The Adventures of Shadow Spade?”

“Sure, sport as long as everyone else agrees.” I pause and then ask the others if they would mind hearing me read that one. They all agree and once I have them all in their beds, I settle down on the floor in the doorway to both rooms and I begin to read to them. Once I have finished, Sundancer and I finish tucking the younger ones into bed for the night before heading to our room.

Once in bed, Sundancer asks me, “Dear something is bothering you, what is it?”

I find myself sighing then I tell her, “Dear, it has to do with one of the cases my troops are working on. But I am not sure, and if I am right, it could put our whole family in danger. So, it is best you do not know.”

I feel her shift as she puts a hoof on her belly and then back on me before she says, “What do you need me to do? Should I prepare the children to make a run for it?”

“No, not yet at least, but maybe have a bugout bag ready. I will let you know if it gets bad enough to run.”

“Ok dear, I will do that tomorrow.”

The next morning, I am at the battalion HQ for the morning officer’s call. After which Full Bright has me go into his office with him again. Once the door is closed, he does not even take the time for me to sit. Instead, he tells me, “Captain, the investigation into the bombings of the Volunteer Corps office has been concluded. The higher-ups have determined that it was NCR operatives that did it, and any further investigations would be pointless and a waste of time and ponypower.”

Part of me is surprised to hear this, but another part half expected it. In reply, I simply answer, “Yes sir, I understand.”

“I am glad to hear that Ball, now get back to your troops and after passing on the orders for the day, reassign your ponies who have been working on the case and have them finish the paperwork up to reflect the findings of our superiors.”

“Yes sir,” I tell him, forcing my face not to show emotions.

He notices my expression and quietly tells me, “I hate it too, but what can we do Ball? We follow orders.”

“Yes sir, you are right.”

Later that day I am able to finally contact Choo Choo.

RP1, this is BL, RP1, this is BL, do you copy? Over.

BL, this is RP1, I copy, what do you have for me?”

RP1, my big boss has stated that scorched earth is against her policy and orders and she will be looking into it.

Roger BL. I appreciate that. As for the attacks on your Volunteer Corps offices, the management here states that they are not involved in that and hope that you can find and prosecute those responsible for attacking civilians.

Thank you RP1, I appreciate your letting me know and I will pass that information along.

No Problem BL, oh, and on a separate note one of the first books we used to tutor Moon Lily was A Spell Guide for Young Unicorns. As I said before you should be able to find a copy at the book store at the Collegiate, or perhaps at Mega Mart.

Thanks, RP1, I appreciate it, if you have nothing more, I should get going.

That is all for now BL, this is RP1 Out.

Once she has signed off, I turn off my broadcaster. Then I go back to my office. Once there I take the copy of the surveillance footage and make one more copy of it. I then place one of the copies into the envelope along with a brief message about my discussion with Choo, as well as about my concerns with the investigation. In the morning I will send it out. For tonight, I will just go back home and enjoy what time I can with my family.


Good evening to all you listeners in the NCR and the Wastelands. You are listening to Manesville Radio and me, your host, Sounds Waves. I am happy to say that I am back on the air and that the Manesville region has once again been liberated with the surrender of the last of the Enclave holdouts just yesterday. Now the real work begins for us and we will rebuild and replant. We were knocked down, but we are not out of the fight yet. So, before those of you in the Enclave or who support them think that, know it is not over until it is over. This brings me to our first song back on the air, here it is, The End.

Chapter 51 Decisions Were Made

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Chapter 51 Desicions Were Made

"The oak fought the wind and was broken, the willow bent when it must and survived." — Robert Jordan

Manesville, Manesville District: Ginger Snaps

We are just finishing breakfast when Choo Choo gets a notice on her Pipbuck. From her expression, I can see she is somewhat distraught by it and ask her, “What is it, Boss?”

“She looks at those around us then back to me and tells us, “Paper Work just let us know your father Archer is at the stable sickbay. He was found lying next to one of his guns yesterday. Your mothers and the rest of the family are heading there again today.”

I feel as if my heart is ready to stop as I ask, “How bad is it?”

“Honestly Ginger, I do not know. However, if you, Epona, and Xochitl would like to head over there, please do, just make the trip worth it, and take a cart of the dead Enclavers with you.”

I look at the other two and we all nod our heads. Then Cowlick looks at Xochitl and back to Choo before he tells her, “Boss, I will pull the cart for them.”

She nods her head and flicks her ear in agreement. “Yes, that is a good idea Cowlick. Thank you.”

Soon we have Cowlick harnessed up and the cart loaded with the remains of the Enclave soldiers who died in the vicinity of our shop. We are still on alert as we make our way, but each of us is carrying our new gifts. I have to admit when I practiced with it at our range, I had to get used to the heavier recoil of it as well as a smaller magazine, but I now have come to love it. With my name on it as well as the markings of the Ministry of Moral it is not only usable, but a showpiece.

We have just dropped off the bodies at graves registration and are almost to the stable entrance when we see the rest of our family coming out. I feel wonder as Moon Lily flies up to us and tells us, “I am so glad to see you all are ok.” Then she gives first me, then Epona and my husband each a brief hug.

“Glad to see you too little, Sis.” I tell her. Then I ask her as the rest of the foals and mares, including Mama Laura Lee comes up, “How is Papa Archer?”

Moon Lily is visibly upset by this and tells us in a sad voice, “He is ok but he is very tired.”

Mama Sutures then adds, “He is healing well considering what all he has been through. He lost his right eye, had a punctured lung from a broken rib as well as he broke both of his hind legs. He was starting to get tired when we left though.”

Epona asks before we do, “Do you think they would let us see him?”

Sutures nods and then adds, “Probably, but honestly, you may want to wait a few hours to let him nap first.”

Epona and I both look at each other and nod our heads. Then I hear Sumac ask, “So what all are you kids up to now?”

“Well right now we were going to visit Papa Archer, but I guess not right away, other than that we are putting the shop back together and waiting to hear what our next job will be.”

She asks, “Did you lose anyone during the fighting here?”

Before I can answer Xochitl answers, “Yes we did Mother Sumac,” as he says this, I can see the worry in their eyes, then he finishes, “We lost Drain Trap. The other three of the shop team made it into the shelter and were safe.”

I then hear my little sister Millie ask, “Even Xanthippe?”

“Yeah, Little sis, she and her mother are safe.”

This is followed by Moon Lily asking, “I want to see Xanthippe again Ginger, do you think it would be ok if I came there?”

We look at each other and I tell her, “If our parents do not mind you are welcome to Moon. I am sure Xanthippe would love to see all of you again.”

“Oh, and tell Granny Choo I need to talk to her about something.”

This gets both mine and Epona’s attention as I raise an eyebrow, and reply, “I will tell her, what is it you want to talk to her about Moon?”

She shrugs her wings and tells me, “I just need to talk to her Ginger.”

Moon smiles finally and then tells us, “Oh, and Celestia says she remembers your tea and that she wishes you all well.”

After she says this I see Mama Sutures smirk as she quietly says, “Here we go again.”

It is at that point when Mama Mollygirl tells us, “Well, Laura Lee and I need to get back to our commands. I will see you later tonight at the farm if I can. Oh, and Ginger, Epona, and Xochitl, I hope you can visit soon, and pass to the rest of your team as well as the other two that were with you our thanks for the work you did in help with recapturing Manesville.”

“Will do Ma,” I tell her. Then I watch as she and Laura Lee begin to head away. As they walk away, Moon excitedly tells us all about meeting Celestia and the other princesses in what she calls the Great In Between. The area between the universes.

Once she has finished Mama Sumac then tells us, “Dears, I do not know how long Archer is going to be in the hospital, but once he comes home, I think we may have a potluck with the neighbors as a welcome home party for him.”

Sometimes it still feels strange to think that she was like a grandmother to me before her daughter Ivy and my half-sister Epona were murdered. But after Mollygirl adopted me and she joined the family as a parent I have become even closer to her. I smile at this and tell her, “Sounds good, can we bring some of the other team members with us?”

“Yes dear, I think so, but if you can throw in with the meals, I would appreciate it.”

I shake my head and chuckle lightly as I tell her, “Now Mama Sumac, I have not forgotten the old rules of the Co-op about contributing to a meal if you are joining in. I still remember the stories of the hard times.”

She smiles back at me and replies, “Good, I am glad you understand dear. But as I said, bring what you can. Besides, Bucky and Woodrow have told us they think that they and the other youngsters can bring in a couple of radhogs for it.”

I feel my mouth water slightly at the thought of roast radhog and tell her, “Just let us know when and we will be there.”

I then see Mama Magpie look at her pastern watch and then tell the others with her, “Ok, family, we need to get back to the farm before it gets too late.” As she says this, I notice her shift slightly and see she is carrying a pistol on her hind leg. This surprises me slightly as she was always the gentlest of our parents.

Mama Sutures then tells her, “Yeah, you are right, there could still be some Enclave stragglers out here.”

With that, they all shift what weapons they are carrying and begin to head toward the family farm and White Cloud.

Then I hear my beloved ask, “Since we need to wait to see Father Archer, perhaps we can go visit some of the 3rd Regiment that we know and see how they are doing.”

I hear Epona answer him with, “Sure, why not, besides I want to talk to Morning Star and the other batponies. I know Sunny will want to know how she is doing.”

“I know he likes her, but do you really think he cares that much?” I ask.

I then hear my husband laugh lightly before he tells me, “You have not heard yet about his conversation with the Colonel after we got back home at her HQ? It seems that by telling her that he wanted to introduce her to his parents in front of the other batponies, he, um, how do I put this?” He pauses briefly then finally says, “He accidentally announced his intentions to court her, in their society. Now the clan honor is at stake as well as his desire to date her.”

“Huh, well maybe we should go talk to her more, you know, vet her for the clan and all?” I tell him with a wink of my eye.

Soon we are near the Headquarters for the 3rd Regiment and we get directions to the headquarters of their scout platoon. As we approach, we see Captain Trade Winds coming out of the bunker he is using for his command post.

We all wave to him and I see he looks surprised as he approaches us and asks, “Change your minds about enlisting?”

We all smile. Then I tell him, “Sorry sir, but no. We came to check up on Captain Archer, but he is sleeping so we figured we would visit some of the others we know.”

He nods his head, “Well, if you ever change your minds, I would be glad to have you in my troop.”

“Thank you, sir,” Epona tells him with a smile.

“So, who over here are you coming to see?”

“Sir, we came to visit with Lance Corporal Morning Star and her fellow batponies. We first met them a while back in Hoofington.”

He seems taken by surprise when I say this and he asks, “I heard the rumors that you guys had been down that way. Huh, so the rumors were right this time.”

“Yes sir, we just do not like to talk about where we have worked before. You know, operational security and all. So please, do not let it get out if you can.”

“Ok, no problem, mum is the word on that. Just one question, is it really as bad down there as they say?”

This time my husband replies, “Not anymore, but it is still no cakewalk down there. In fact, there are a lot of areas we do not want to go into.”

“OK, that makes sense. It has been a while since I was at Thunderhead, and we only stayed in the refugee camps there until Lieutenant Colonel Wind Rider led our group out of there.”

I smile at this as I remember how surprised we were by the various refugee groups we had received from the Enclave back then. However, he misinterprets my smile at first and asks, “Is that funny to you?”

I hold up a hoof and tell him, “No, I just remember how surprised we were with all the new pegasi immigrants that the Co-op received while we were gone on the Expedition. It was a good memory from some hard times is all.”

“Oh, ok, sorry I misunderstood. Well, the night scouts should be waking up soon, they are in that bunker just fifty feet over. They keep the windows blocked during the day and usually get up about now.”

“Thank you, Captain. By the way, it was good seeing you again as well as working with you and the company those couple of days.”

We exchange pleasantries with him for a few more minutes and then we are on our way to see the thestrals, as Sunny prefers to call them.

As we approach the section of the trenches where their bunker is, I see Morning Star come out of its doorway stretching her wings.

I can tell when she sees us as she smiles, and then says something into the bunker in a language I cannot understand, but I realize is her native tongue. She then trots over to meet us and asks, “Is Sunset with you?”

From the corner of my eye, I see the eyebrows raise on both my husband and Cowlick. I smile and tell her, “No, he is still back at the shop. However, if you would like to visit him during your time off duty, feel free to visit him at the shop.”

I see her lightly bite her lip with one of her fangs, then she replies, “I would like that, but I know not where your shop lies.”

I nod my head then I tell her, “Let me see your PipBuck and I will mark it for you.”

She holds it up and I add the address, then I have another thought and I smile widely as I ask, “Would you like his PipBuck tag so you can find him easier when you are looking for him?”

I see her eyes go wide then, as she nods her head she asks, “You would do that for one such as I?”

I smile, “Yes, Morning Star, I would. We mares must stick together now, don’t we?”

Silently she nods her head. Then she says, “Please come into the bunker and we can all talk.”

Once inside, Asra, the one stallion of the foursome, first greets us, then he asks, “Did you hear the rumor, the Colonel’s daughter, she is now a Royal Princess?”

I smile at that as do the others with us, then Epona tells him, “Well, our little sister Moon Lily, has become an alicorn, however, she says that she is not a princess and does not wish to be treated as such. She has told us that Celestia herself has agreed to that.”

I do not know which part surprises them most, the fact that Moon Lily denies being royalty, or the fact that Epona and I are also the Colonel’s daughters. Finally, Ankareeda asks curiously, “How could she have become an alicorn and talked to Celestia?”

Epona smirks slightly and tells me, “Sis, I can field this question.” Then she begins to explain the multiverse and how Moon met Celestia, just not the one from our universe. Once she has finished the four of them all quickly talk to each other excitedly in their own language. Finally, Morning Star tells us, “She may not want to be one, but to us, she is one.”

I feel myself smiling again as I thank Sweet Cream that Moon was raised the way she has been. I would hate to think of what kind of mischief she could get into otherwise. We continue to visit with them for another bit before I finally I realize it is close to dinner time. I then tell the others, “We need to get moving if we want to see Papa Archer.”

Cowlick tells us, “Go ahead without me, I will catch up in a bit. I want to talk to these guys a bit more first.”

“Ok, Cow, we will see you then.”

Once we are inside the stable, we are escorted to the medical department, then we are taken to Papa Archer's room. As we go in, he is just beginning to eat his dinner. As he looks up at us, I can see he is trying to keep the left side of his face towards us so that he can see us better. The right side of his face is still wrapped with magical bandages. I can also see the wraps around his chest and the braces on his hind legs.

I step closer and say, “Hi Papa. How are you doing?” After I say this, I feel incredibly stupid as I know he has to be hurting badly.

He tries to smile and tells us, “I am doing ok, I guess. It sure beats laying next to a broken artillery piece and caisson.”

I can hear a bit of bitterness in his voice when he says this. Then he shakes his head, “Sorry kids, I am just afraid of what this could mean for my career, and honestly the pain is still pretty strong. They say it should be a couple more days before I can leave here and go home. After that, who knows.”

“Have you thought about if you want to get a cybernetic eye or if you are just going to wear an eye patch?”

He takes his time answering this as he takes another bite of his dinner. Then he answers, “Honestly, I will probably get a cyber eye. Otherwise, they will discharge me.” He pauses and lets out a soft sigh. Then he adds, “And while I fantasize about being a farmer, I know what I am best at.”

“I understand Father Archer, we all felt that way when we finished school. It is not always easy, but we are good at it, and honestly, just sitting home would be boring to us as well.”

Archer grins at him and replies, “Yep, you kids get it.”

We talk with him for another half hour before he looks at a clock on the wall and tells us, “You kids should get going. It is going to be dark before too much longer and I would feel bad if something happened to you.”

“Ok, Papa, we understand. But it has been a long time since we last saw you, and it just feels good to sit here and talk again.”

“Same, it has been too long since you were last home, but I understand. Perhaps someday you can tell me some of where you have been.”

“Someday, I hope.” I tell him as I stand up and give him a gentle kiss on his left cheek. “I will see you again soon Papa.”


Stable Entrance, Manesville, Manesville District, NCR: Xochitl

As we leave the stable, I muse how good it was to see Archer again. He was right, it has been too long since we were last home. But at least we are now and when everybody to throw in the line mattered.

We are just getting ready to turn and head toward the shop when I hear a voice call, “Hey Kids, over here.”

I turn and I see Captain Badger trotting in our direction. I cannot help but smile with relief at seeing him again. Of all of Ginger’s parents, he is the one I feel closest to. He and I have both had many talks about our youths when we were slaves and then forced to grow up way too soon. However, I am slightly worried when I see the blood-soaked bandage on his side.

Ginger runs to him and throws her hoofs around his neck, “Thank Sweet Cream and the princesses that you are ok.”

He smiles and hugs her back as he tells her, “I am so glad to see you all are ok as well. Have you seen Archer yet?”

Epona gives him a brief hug as she tells him, “Yes Papa. We just got done seeing him.”

“How is he?” he asks cautiously.

“He will survive Papa. He was pretty banged up and lost an eye. But he will make it.”

I see an expression of relief cross over his face before he replies, “I am very relieved to hear that.” He pauses and then asks, “Have you seen the rest of the family? I have not had a chance to yet. My company just finished clearing out the last of the holdouts by the waterfront just this morning.”

After I hear this, I ask, “Is that when you got wounded?”

His face sobers up and goes neutral as he tells me, “No, that was two days ago when we first entered Manesville, the bastards set up an improvised explosive device. It killed three of my troopers who were near me. Wounded several more, then they opened fire with everything they had. Granted it was only a heavy squads worth of troops, but they still hurt us when there was no more reason to keep fighting. Funny thing is, we still took two of them as prisoners. The rest of them, well, let’s just say they will not be ambushing anypony ever again.”

“Glad to hear that, we had a group of them ambush us on our way back to the shop, but we were lucky they flew off. However instead of explosives, they ambushed us with ferals.”

He shakes his head, “Too bad about that. But if I remember right, didn’t those on the expedition do that too?”

“Father Badger, we only did that once, and to be honest, it was Captain Bridge who set that one up. However, it helped us avoid getting caught by Silver Spite out in the open,” I tell him.

“Hmmph, I guess so, but either way still does not sound like fun to me.”

“No, but it is life. Such as us having to rebuild the barn at the farm soon.”

He shakes his head and asks, “Son, what do you mean rebuild the barn.”

“It seems that when the Enclave attacked White Cloud, they also hit our farm. Fortunately, the mares and foals were able to fight thier way out and made it to Site Paddock. However, while doing so, the barn was brought down.”

“Ok, which one of my wives did that?”

I find myself lightly chuckling when he asks this. However, it is my wife who answers, “None of them Pa, it was Raven. She brought it down with Badda Boom while the others were providing suppressive fire from what I understand.”

“What about Xavier? I am sure he was there to help.”

“He was Papa from what I have been told by the others. He was even wounded during the skirmish there, and has since been fighting along with the militia,” Ginger continues.

I watch him think briefly then nod his head. Then he asks, “Anything else I should know about what has been going on with the family? I have not had a chance to find out how everpony is doing since we left for Manehatten.”

I smirk a bit when Ginger tells him, “Oh, and Moon Lily is now an alicorn. She got her wings just after she brought down the one raptor.”

I see the surprise on his face as he says to himself, “So that rumor was true.” He looks back at us and asks, “Does this mean she is a princess now?”

I shrug and I tell him, “Not according to her. But I will let her explain it to you when you see her next. She loves telling the story from what I can understand.”

“Ok, that sounds good, Now I best let you get going and I have to hurry up to get inside before visiting hours are over for Archer.”

I watch as he exchanges a brief hug with both his daughters, then he gives a quick one to me as well. As he breaks it from me, he whispers, “Thanks for taking care of them for me. But remember to take care of yourself too, young buck.”

“Yes Father, I will.”

“Good, now get going, I can see Cowlick is waiting for you with the cart harnessed already.”

Soon we find ourselves back at the shop. Once inside we all begin to relax again and head to the kitchen to see if there is anything left over to eat.

As we are finishing up, Sunny comes into the room and tells us, “Well, looks like my family’s farm took some damage. They did burn a good part of our crops, but the buildings are still standing. Ma and my siblings are running things there right now as Pa was shot when the Enclave hit.”

“I am glad to hear that, Sunny. About the farm, not that your Pa was shot.”

“Thanks, Chotil. I also talked to Pa about Morning Star. He and Ma want to meet her when we get the chance.”

“So, you really are serious about her aren’t you?”

He nods his head, “Yeah, I am. I have been thinking about her a lot. I never expected to meet a thestral before Hoofington, but somehow it just seems right when we are together.”

After he says this Ginger tells him, “Good to hear, because I have told her that she and the others can visit the shop when they get a pass, you know, so they can visit you.”

I see a big grin cross his face. “Thanks, Cous. I really appreciate it.”

I watch my wife put a hoof around his shoulder and smile as she tells him, “I can see she has a good effect on you Sunny, besides, you deserve to be happy as well.”

We talk with him for a bit more then as we are heading toward the basement bunker, we begin to hear the batponies ecolocation. The five of us stop, and instead we go to the front door. Just before we get to it, I see Morning Star has arrived along with the other three members of her set. I turn to look at Sunny and I see a big grin on his face as he begins to head outside.

As he trots up to her, I find myself chuckling slightly as both fight to keep their wings down. After a brief hello and kiss, they both turn and lead the others into the shop.

I watch the expression of surprise on their faces when they notice the entrance and ladder that leads to the shelter.

Asra has both ears forward and an expression of curiosity on his face as he asks, “What is down there?”

Cowlick smiles as he answers, “Oh, that is the shelter that I was telling you about.”

“And you sleep down there?”

“Yes, Asra, and we can watch prewar programs on a television down there too, Ya want to come down, and see?”

Asra nods his head, “May I?”

“Sure,” I tell him and the others. “Just be careful climbing down.”

Once down there We find Morning Mist and Days End playing cards With Eni and Meanie. They both nod to the new arrivals as they climb down. I see the surprise on the batponies faces at the size of the shelter. “This place is huge,” Arrats tells us.

From out of the doorway of one of the bedrooms there I hear Zhea say, “Welcome, it is a pleasure to meet you, but please do not be too loud, I have just laid Xanthippe down for the night.”

All the batponies are only mildly surprised by her presence and I hear Ankareeda say, “A pleasure to meet you, the others have told us about you and your daughter.”

I see the zebra ghoul smile as best she can. Then she replies, “They have also discussed you and your friends with me. Please come in and take a seat, would you like something to eat?”

“If you have enough to spare it would be appreciated,” Morning Star answers for all of them.

Ginger and I hang out with them for another couple of hours before we go to lay down for the night. Before we go to bed, Asra asks us, “So who are all the others living in the barracks across the way? This time Eni answers, “Oh, we are other teams like the Repair Ponies. We have worked with them on a couple of missions and after we helped liberate Manesville, our bosses have decided to stay here for a while to rest before our next jobs.”

“Interesting. Something I must remember later.”

After this, we go to bed. Come morning I am amused to find the batponies have all laid down for the day in the spare bunks we have set up. I find myself smiling as I notice that Morning Star is sleeping next to Sunny, with her head resting on his foreleg.

As he hears the rest of us getting up, he too gets slowly out of bed. As he stands up, he pulls the blanket back up on her and kisses her lightly on her forelock. I see her shift slightly and smile with her eyes closed. We all grab our gear and sneak out of room with the lights out. As I go out, I gently close the door and we all begin to dress for the day.

As we are dressing Choo Choo comes down the steps and asks, “Why are you dressing out here?”

“Oh, Hi Boss,” Ginger begins, “The batponies visited last night on a 24-hour pass. We are letting them sleep for the day before they head back for the night.”

“Ah, that explains Xanthippe and Zhea, mentioning them having visited last night, but being unsure of when they left.”

“How was your night Choo?”

She smiles and answers, “It was pleasant, I spent the night with my sisters and Paper Work in mine and George’s cave.”

“Glad to hear it Boss,” she tells her.

Then we hear Zhea say, “Breakfast is ready if you are. I have my daughter letting the other teams know already.”

“Thank you Zhea, I appreciate it,” I tell her.

Before the other teams arrive, Ginger tells her, “Choo, Moon Lily told us last night that she needs to see you to talk about something.”

Choo bites her lip briefly as she thinks, finally, she tells us, “Ginger, I will make a list for you of things I want done today, I will be going to White Cloud to see Moon. Thank you for letting me know she needed to talk.”

“No problem, Choo. Tell the family we will visit when we can.”

“I will do that Ginger. Now if you will excuse me, I have to make that list.”

A short time later, after we are eating breakfast Choo enters the mess hall and tells Ginger, “Here you are, I will talk to you more when I get back.”

With that, we watch her head towards the front of the shop, and we hear the door open and close. Ginger then looks at the list and nods her head, “Ok, here are today’s assignments…”


Airspace, Manesville District, NCR: Choo Choo

As I make my way over Manesville towards White Cloud, I find my mind wandering. I think about dinner last night with my sisters and my love. Then my smile widens more as I remember him getting ready to leave and my sisters insisting that he stay and share my bed with me.

The poor dear turns red at first, but finally relented and agreed. It felt so good to just sleep with him in my hooves and wings again. I wish that he and I could wake up like that more often. The nightmares came for me first and he calmed me. Then later, I heard him in the midst of one. He also returns to the Valley in his nightmares. I so wish he did not, but who am I to say when so many of us who were there do?

This morning I even walked him to the stable before I flew to the shop. I do have to say I was stunned to find the batponies had spent the night, but then again, they do get along with my people. But that brings me to another worry, Sunny, and Morning Star, I hope he does not hurt her. It seems she has had a rough go of it as well. But then again, Sunny really does seem to care about her. Perhaps I should talk to his parents.

I am almost to White Cloud when I see a small black dot flying fast at me. Soon, the dot grows larger and I can tell it is a pony flying my way. Just before she reaches me, I see the horn and I know it is my great great granddaughter.

“GRANNY CHOO!!” she yells as she flies in for a hug.

“Hello Moon, how are you today?” I ask as I give her a brief hug and kiss her forelock.

“I am doing really good now that I have seen you. I knew you were ok, but,” she pauses and looks around briefly before she tells me, “Granny, I need to talk to you about something. I have talked about it with Mareigan and she agrees.”

This gets me to raise an eyebrow as this means she has been talking directly with the spirit of the Manesville region. It also gets my curiosity up. “Ok, shall we land and talk or shall we talk as we fly?”

I see her put a hoof under her chin in thought as she hovers in place. Finally, she says, “Let’s fly.”

“Very well dear, I will follow your lead. Now, what is it you want to talk to me about?”

“Well, have you heard what that mule of a pegasus that broadcast for the Enclave has been saying about us?”

“Moon, first, what have I told you about using the word mule as an insult?”

I watch her blush briefly, then she quickly apologizes. Once she has done so, I continue, “Second, no, I have not, please tell me, what and why it matters to us.”

She begins to tell me what lies she has heard on the Enclave station. Then she tells me what she thinks we should do, and how.

“Moon, I do understand now. However, I will need to talk to General Threat Vector to acquire some of the assets we will need for it. And dear, we will have to get your parents' permission to do this.”

I see her look slightly crestfallen when I say the last part. Then she says, “But my Ma will not understand Granny.”
I take a deep breath and slowly let it out as I think and then I tell her, “We may have to have a special talk with her so she can understand. but first let me talk to the General, then we can go from there.”

I swear I hear a slight squeal of joy come out of her before she tells me, “Thank you Granny. Now I best get to school.”

“Uh, Moon, why are you not at school now?”

I watch her blush as she says, “Well, my brothers and sisters are still on their way, I told them I had to go back to the farm for something and I might be a couple of minutes late. I had hoped I would see you.”

“Ah, ok, then let us continue our conversation as we fly to your school.”

Once we are at the local schoolhouse, she lands and trots quickly inside, just as the teacher rings the bell. Myself, I decide that perhaps today I should first stop for tea at the White Cloud Pub. Then I will see if the General has time to see me.

Once I arrive back at the stable, I quickly flash my Ranger badge to the guards at the stable main entrance. As I flew over, I seen some of the soldiers working to dig out the rear entrance that had been blown shut during the recent battle.

As I enter the Brigades headquarters area, I am met by Major Pin Point. “Captain Choo, what can I help you with?”

“Major, I would like to discuss with the General, a suggestion for a campaign to undermine the morale of the Enclave, as well as hamper their ability to broadcast propaganda to our people.

“I, uhm, see. Captain, the General is a very busy Griffon, he may not have time to see you right now, but if you would please wait here, I will see if he can make time for you.”

“Thank you, Major, that is all I can ask.”

I watch as the older unicorn knocks lightly on the General’s office door then enters and closes it behind him. A few minutes later he comes back out and tells me, “He is in a meeting right now; however, he should be done soon if you care to wait.”

“Thank you, Major, I will do that.”

I wait an hour before I see the door open and several staff officers leave his office. Several of them are shaking their heads.

Finally, I am told, “Captain, the General will see you now.”

“Thank you, Major.” I answer as I get to my hooves and trot briskly to the office, knock three times, and enter when told to do so.

Once inside I find myself saluting him. “Relax, Captain,” the middle-aged griffon tells me. Take a seat and tell me what is on your mind.”

So, I take a seat and I tell him what Moon Lily has suggested to me, leaving out that it was her idea, and the part about a spirit suggesting it.

He nods his head, “That would buy us some time as well. Do you think this Moon Lily would be willing to go along with you?”

“Yes sir, however, I do believe we will have to talk to her parents to get permission. Also, sir, we will need to talk to Colonel Mollygirl about using her scouts.”

“Hmm, yes, I will handle talking to her about the scouts. I will also see about talking to her and her spouses about Moon Lily going with you.”

“Thank you, sir.”

“Do not thank me yet Captain, I will do what I can to free up the assests for you. However, I cannot guarantee Colonel Mollygirl and her spouses answers yet.” He pauses then tells me, “This goes no further than you and I Captain but I need to bitch to someone and I know you can be trusted. Getting their permission may be the easier of the task I have to do this week. That meeting you just saw breaking up was my staff and I trying to figure out how to rebuild the brigade after that last fight. The 1st regiment is out for the count right now. The second and the third both took heavy casualties in the fighting, and now, I have orders from the General Staff in Junction Town to federalize the Manesville Militia into service as our 4th Regiment. By the Great Egg, I am sure that Sirocco is going to be pissed to high heaven when he hears this.”

“I knew casualties were high sir, but I had not realized just how high.”

“Hopefully if you had not realized that, then the Enclave will not either. We need time to rest and rebuild. What you are suggesting may just buy us that needed time.

I nod my head, “I understand sir.”

“Good, I will let you know when I will talk to Moon Lily’s parents.”

After that, I am dismissed and return to the shop. Two days later, Millie and three of her filly friends come to the shop to visit Xanthippe. At the time my team is practicing building clearing with the Fixers as our opponents.

We have just finished up and are returning to the shop when Millie trots happily over to me and tells me, “Granny Choo, my Pa is coming home tomorrow. We are going to have a big party. Ma said to invite all of you to it.”

“All of us, or just my team?”

Ginger then answers, “Hey Boss, when we visited Papa Archer last time Mama Sumac told us we could bring all three teams, plus our shop team. However, it is a potluck, so we need to chip in on food.”

Millie then adds, “Yeah, before we came over, we found a couple of radhogs eating some of the dead, so we shot them and they are going into the ground to cook after the colts finish cleaning them out.”

I feel my mouth begin to water at the thought of roast radhog. I quickly smile and tell her, “Let your parents know we will be there, ok? “

I see her smile as she tells me, “Thanks, Granny Choo. Now we need to get going back to White Cloud before it begins to get dark.”

She then hugs me and her older sisters. As she does so, I tell her and her friends, “Now be careful on your trip home, we are not sure if all of the Enclave stragglers have been rounded up yet.”

Millie grins and just pats the carbine slung across her back. As she does this one of the other fillies, who I remember is named Good Doer tells me, “That is why we are armed Ma’am. These are not just for hunting.”

Later that night we lock up the shop and head to the welcome home party for Archer. I hope the General has gotten a chance to talk to Moon’s parents by now. But if not, it should liven things up a bit.

On my way there I tell the others, “I will meet you there, I need to get my sisters also.”

I see Ginger laugh lightly as she replies, “Boy I hope Ma and the others planned for a big party tonight.”

Once my sisters and I are together we fly to the farm. From above I am surprised to see just how large it is. From above I can already see several ghouls from Site Paddock as well as calves and fouls from White Cloud running around and playing.

I feel myself getting excited for the meal as I smell the cooked meat as it is pulled from the fires and being cut up by Badger and Sumac. I am relieved inside as I see Archer lying on a blanket, next to his other daughter Raven.

I have to smile though as Moon Lily runs up to me and tells me, “Granny, it is so good to see you again.”

I wrap my wings around her and kiss her on her forehead, “It is so good to see you too little one.”

Beside me, my sisters are smiling and I hear one of them say, ({She seems to not have let her wings affect her attitude, I am very glad to see this.})

({I told you she was special, dear sister,)} I hear the other reply.

Then I see a broad smile cross Moon’s face and I hear, ({Thank you both my great aunts!})

I feel the surprise from both of my sisters, then I cautiously ask, ({Moon, how did you do that?})

({Oh, easy Granny, I heard Quick Frost first, then I felt the magic spell from Blue Star as she replied and I copied the spell.})

Then I hear Quick Frost say, ({Very impressive young mare, but when we are in public we need to remember to speak aloud so as not to make others feel uncomfortable.})

I continue to talk with my great great granddaughter along with my two sisters. I then quietly tell her, “I talked to the general. He said he would discuss it with your parents.”

“Thank you, Granny, I really appreciate it.”

We continue to talk with her when I see the rest of my team, as well as the other two teams arrive. I smile as I watch both Magpie and Laura Lee assist them in putting up their contributions on the appropriate tables.

Shortly after this, I see General Threat Vector has arrived. He sees me and nods his head in my direction then comes over to me and tells me, “I have let the Colonel know that I wanted to talk to her and her spouses about one of their family members, I would like you to be ready to come and discuss it with them after I tell them.”

“Of course, General, of course.”

I then see him sniff the air and I can see him smile as best he can as he tells me, “That smells really good. I better go get some.”

The farmyard is beginning to fill up when I notice some of the guests here begin to pull out musical instruments and begin having an impromptu jam session.

As the music begins to play, Paper Work excuses himself and asks me for a dance. The first song is a fast one and we both are slightly lathered by the end of it. The next one is Poor Colt’s delight and we begin to slowly waltz along with several others.

Soon I hear the familiar sound of the batponies echolocation as they approach the party. I look over at George and I see her briefly look up, smile, and resume eating a whole leg of radhog that Sumac has just put on her plate.

As soon as they land, my great grand daughter turns excitedly and tells her three friends who had joined us and my sisters, “Oh they came. I finally get to meet real batponies.”

Beside her the young hippogriff and two pegasi sisters get excited as well. And I hear one of them ask, “Can we meet them too?”

I nod and tell them, “I am sure they would not mind.”

I cannot help but smile as my descendent trots over to meet them her wings begin to rise in excitement and I see all four of the night scouts’ eyes open wide, their mouths hang open briefly and they begin to bow to Moon Lily. Then I hear Morning Star say, “Your royal highness, forgive our failure to expect you.”

I feel some pride as Moon Lily stops and tells them, “Please, get up. I am not a princess. I am just a citizen of the NCR.”

I believe it is Asra who replies, “But, but you are a young alicorn and with your color, you are not one of the pony-made ones.”

Moon finishes her approach to them and she tells them, “You are right, and I have met the Princesses. Well at least some from one of the other universes, and yes, they did make me. However, Celestia herself told me she understood how things were here and told me as there are not any princesses left, I did not have to be one, but I could still be ascent, a send, ascended into an alicorn.”

The four thestrals approach her and I hear the one I think is Arrats ask her, “Other universes? What other universes?”

When she hears this, I see Epona pull her hoof from around Purchase Order and say, “Ok, Moon, I will get this one for you.”

Moon Lily then puts a hoof in front of her muzzle and giggles before she says, “Thanks Pona.”

After a while, I see the General has Mollygirl get the rest of her spouses and they go inside the house.

I wait a few minutes and then I begin to approach the house so I can assist the General when he is ready.

I have just about gotten to the front door when I hear a commotion inside then Moon Lily’s mother Sutures yelling, “Goddess Damn it! Choo Choo, get your ass in here, NOW!”

I begin to enter the door and I see Mollygirl and Archer both have a hoof on her shoulders and are trying to calm her down as she again yells, “I am going to kill her, I don’t care if I am descended from her.”

From the doorway I then calmly tell the General, “I guess you just told her our suggestion?”

I am almost surprised as again both Mollygirl and Archer grab Sutures as she tries to lunge for me. This is followed by Moon Lily entering behind me and I am slightly surprised as her horn lights up and Sutures freezes. She then says, “Sorry ma. But you need to calm down and listen.”

Oh, that is not good, I think to myself, young mare what have you done now? I watch the stunned expressions come over the faces of all of Moon’s parents. Then Moon tells them, “Actually it was me that suggested it to Choo after I talked to the Mareigan last night. Ma, Mas, and Pas, the Enclave said we used multiple mega spells. They accused us of horrible acts and are trying to get the NCR to turn on itself. Ma, I have to do something. Else, me ascending was for nothing.”

I watch as her horn’s brightness adjusts and while still frozen, Sutures is finally able to speak and tells her, “Moon Lily you are in so much trouble for this young mare.”

Moon looks down and nods her head, then she tells her mother, “I know mother, and when I return, I will accept any punishment, including a magic inhibition ring. But ma, we need to do this. Ma, Pa, I have to do this. Please understand.”

After she says this, she releases Sutures from her spell and we all see Sutures look at her daughter with anger in her eyes. “Moon Lily, I love you. But you need to understand you still have things to learn.”

To this, the young alicorn answers her mother, “Ma, I do realize it. I am still your filly, I know that. I still need to go to school when I can. I know that. But Ma, I don’t think anypony else can do this and have it work right for us.”

Eventually, Sutures sits down and closes her eyes, I notice that she is silently crying, and I realize it is because she knows her daughter's foalhood is ending so much earlier than it should. Then I watch as Laura Lee comes over and puts a hoof on her shoulder and tells her, “Dear, she will be with Choo, and they will have a very experienced escort. And to tell the truth, she seems to have thought this out thoroughly.”

I am slightly amused though as she stops and then asks Moon Lily, “By the way, who is this Mareigan?”

This is followed by General Threat Vector asking, “Yeah, I was just going to ask that myself.”

Mollygirl begins to answer them as she turns to both and says, “Well that is a bit of a long story, but I think it would help you both to understand White Cloud as well as the rest of the Manesville area a bit more.” Then she sits down and begins to tell them all about the Mareigan.

I watch both, the General’s, and Laura Lee’s faces and am amused as she continues to explain. Finally, when she is done Threat Vector looks at Sutures and asks, “So we are planning this mission on the suggestion of a spirit that your daughter can see?”

Sutures, to her credit, shakes her head, then smiles and tilts her head as she looks at him and replies, “No, not only her. Several of us have seen her. Besides, you have a battalion commander who is a griffon, that has fathered a child with a mare. A regimental commander who has not only been dead and came back, but the local ghouls can tell she has just by looking at her. Oh, and my daughter has ascended to being an alicorn. And you think listening to the suggestion by a spirit, who happens to be the spirit of this region, is surprising?”

Laura Lee stifles a laugh as she says, “Don’t forget an artillery captain who has fathered a foal with a Jenny.”

When she says this, I can tell that Mollygirl is about to lose it laughing, but she holds it in check The General ruffles his wings a bit, then he shakes his head and laughs slightly, “Well ma’am, when you put it like that I guess not.”

Eventually, we all head back outside. As we do, I notice that Sunny’s parents, Trouble and Blondie have arrived along with his younger siblings. I smile when I see their reaction to how Sunny now seems to be on the verge of having a real marefriend.

Sunny quickly introduces Morning Star first to his parents, then the others. As they continue to talk I notice that most of the thestrals talk more to Trouble, while Morning Star spends her time talking to Blondie. A short bit later, I find myself eavesdropping on their conversation when I hear Blondie telling Morning Star, “Dear, anytime you would like to come to visit our farm, please do.”

I see the relief come over Morning Star’s face as she says, “Thank you so much. I will do so if you do not mind.”

“But of coarse dear, perhaps sometime when you visit, I can even teach you how to make some of his favorite meals, and you can teach me how to make some of yours.”

Off to the side, I see Smiley and Mort both talking to George. I also notice that the other teams’ members have spread out and are talking with many of the locals as well.

Soon I hear Blue Star ask, ({Ok my sister, what was the ruckus about inside the house a bit ago?})

({The General asked them for permission to have your niece accompany me and my team on a mission.})

({You are not seriously considering taking that young filly out into the wastelands on one of your missions, are you?})

I feel myself sighing as I tell her, ({Yes, my sister, I am. She is the only one who can effectively complete this mission. If I felt anyone else could, then I would have them instead. Remember she is of my bloodline and I feel a special bond with her.})

({Are you sure dear sister?})

({Yes, even the Mareigan has told her.})

({Do not tell me you too believe in that old superstition.})

I shake my head, ({I have met her before, during one of my lowest points about six or seven months back.})

({Really sister, I have a hard time believing you would not share a secret like that with us.})

({I am sorry, but I was ashamed of how low I felt. I did not want you to think less of me. But touch your horn to mine and I will share the memory.})

Her horn touches mine and I transfer the memory of that day when I first met her as well as the events that lead up to it. When she finishes, she tells me, “I am sorry I had not believed you. You have my support and I will explain to Quick Frost for you.”

“Thank you, sister, now we should rejoin the others.”

The next day I recieve a message from Ranger Headquarters authorizing my team’s mission. The same transmission also gives the Fixers and the Troubleshooters their next missions as well. However, before my team can leave for our big mission, most of them will be performing a small mission with the Troubleshooters.

The Fixer’s on the other hoof will be taken one of the Vertibucks we arrived in and flying back to Baltimare. Mainly to assist in training the troops there, but to also assist in counter recon as the Enclave still has teams of scouts working in that area.

As I carry the message out to Mort and Mudwing I tell my team, “Team briefing with the Troubleshooters in half an hour, while you wait get your field kits ready.” Then I am out the door to visit my other two contemporaries.

I see the surprise on both of their faces. Mort then asks, “Are you serious?”

I nod my head, “Yeah, comes from Faint Stride himself in Junction Town. If you want Mort, we can share the briefing room for both teams to inform them. Mudwing, if you want you can use it as well when we are done.

“Thank you, Choo, I will do that.” She replies. She then looks at her orders again smirks a bit and tells us, “Ya know, my team has really enjoyed working with both of your teams as well. Maybe we will end up together again sometime.”

Mort nods his head and I smile as I tell her, “Honestly, I would not be surprised. I have a feeling they have several more teams like us, and I would bet a case of Sparkle Cola Rad that they are all getting orders like ours.”

Mort laughs, “Now that is a thought. Now we best hustle, I have a few of my team members who are going to want to visit White Cloud before we hit the trail again.”

I nod my head, “I think you have a good idea on that. By the way Mort, I want you to be in charge of my team as well until I can rejoin all of you.”

He grins back and shakes his head as he asks, “That’s nice and all Choo, but what about your second, don’t ya think Ginger will be a bit upset with that?”

I shake my head as I hold up a forehoof and tell him, “No, she understands you are the ranking Ranger for the mission. Besides I will talk to her to help her understand.”

“Thanks Choo, now I best get my team.”

Once all the team members are together both Mort and I give our people the quick rundown of where they are going next, how they will get there, and what the mission is. When we finish, I tell Sunny, “Sunny, I need you to stay behind with me. We need to get Moon ready before we leave.” I pause briefly and then add, “And if her friends happen to want to join, well we can use them as opposition forces for the training.”

At first, I see the disappointment come over his face, then as he realizes this means that the batponies will be staying behind until we leave and that he is being entrusted with being his younger cousin's trainer. I see him grin and nod his head, “Sounds good Boss.”

“OK, everyone, let us get all of the gear you will need and your kits onto the cart so we can get it down to the waterfront. After that, you are off until the morning after tomorrow. Then I want you all onboard by nine in the morning.”

Mort looks at his people and tells them, “Same, but let’s get there by eight, so that it is not as noticeable got it. Now let’s get going people”

We both are surprised when both teams yell back, “Got it!” then jump to their hooves and begin to get to work.

As both teams make their way out, Mudwing’s make their way in. Eni smiles at me and tells me, “Sounds like fun is coming up.”


Rainbow Dash Skyport, Hoofington, Grand Pegasus Enclave Territory: Ball Lightning.

I am just entering the vendors area of the Skyport when I notice off to the side that same sergeant that was in the video from the bombing appears to be following Scraps and Patchwork. I step to the side and just observe from a distance. Soon they see me and come over to me.

“Hi Papa,” Patch Work tells me, “We were just turning in some salvage we found in one of the hangers.” Her horn flares slightly as she pulls some caps out of her saddlebag. Then she continues, “See, we got some caps even.”

Beside her Scraps nods his head and smiles as well.

I nod my head and smile at them. “That is great kids, now why don’t you head over to Alizée’s shop and wait with your older sister there for me.”

“Okay Papa,” they both say and then trot happily away.

As they go, I watch them heading straight for her shop. I nod my head, then I turn back towards the direction they were coming from. As I do so, I notice the sergeant is now almost to me. Once her reaches me he smirks with a hint of maliciousness in his eyes. Then he tells me, “Cute kids Captain, it would be a tragedy if something were to happen to them or your wife. I mean, with them traveling all about, like to the Volunteer Corps station.” The last he says with a slight cruel laugh.

That is it. I take him by the back of his neck with my forehoof and shove him against the wall, slamming his face against it. I am almost growling as I tell him, “You can threaten me all you want. If you threaten my kids or wife again, I swear by the Goddesses that they will never find a single feather of your motherless body.”

With his face crushed against the wall, he laughs out the side of his mouth before he tells me, “You are an idiot, do you even know who you are messing with? Do you know what I can have done to you, especially for this?”

I am considering ramming his face against the wall again when I feel a forehoof on my shoulder, and I hear Air Burst quietly tell me, “Let him go Captain. This is not the time or the place.”

The sergeant is now grinning as I begin to release him. That is until Air Burst smiles back at him and tells him, “Besides, I am pretty sure you do not have orders to follow foals, so I could report you and have you branded for being a pedo. Do you understand me, Sergeant?”

I see him slowly nod his head as his face goes pall. “Yeah, I get you.”

“Good, now get going, and do not bother the captain or his family again.”

He quickly turns and trots away from us deeper into the Skyport. I then turn to Air Burst and tell him, “Thanks for keeping me out of trouble.”

He shakes his head and tells me, “Ball, I may have just delayed it, but give me a chance and I think we can take care of this. But until then, watch your back.”

“I will Air, I will. So, what brings you here today?”

“I was hoping to run into you. I must talk to you about a couple of things that I really do not want to discuss in public.”

I nod my head in understanding as I tell him, “Okay, but let me go meet Sundancer at Medical, she had a neonatal appointment today.”

He nods his head, “Good to hear, I have heard she is volunteering there as well.”

“Yeah, as much as she can. She is still being very cautious since the false labor.”

“I am glad she is taking it serious then.” After he tells me this he asks, “Ball, is there somewhere we can talk in private? This is important and I need to talk to you where nopony can listen.”

I think briefly then I tell him, “Air, we are only a short distance from the old Air Control tower, let’s head there before I go meet my wife.”

“Sounds good, lead the way.”

Once we are there, he checks the tower electronics closely to make sure they are all dead. I watch as he checks a couple of more things before he tells me, “Ball, I have to talk to someone about this, but I don’t have anyone else I trust beside you. Ball, I was approached last week by a pony I have known for years, and he is trying to recruit me into a coupe against President Winter Wind.”

I find myself sighing as I tell him, “Damn peace at any costs ponies, don’t they ever learn.”

He shakes his head, and explains to me, “It is not them this time. This time it is some of the higher ups in command. They feel she had tied their wings and not allowed them to fight like they should. Ball, they want to replace her.”

“Why? Yes, we have had a few setbacks, but that happens in war. We can adjust and take to the offensive again.”

“That is not it, Ball. They want full control. Haven’t you noticed that recently even Hallowed Dreams has started to criticize her.”

I find myself frowning as I tell him, “How could they say that? She even let them attack Manesville.”

He laughs joylessly, and then surprises me, “Ball, that was not ordered. That was a target of opportunity by one of the Generals, I am not sure which one, but I have heard rumors about the origins of that order. Worse though is that they have shifted the blame for their failure onto her.”

“What should we do Air?”

“What can we do Ball? I wish I knew, just keep your head about you, pay attention to who you discuss things with and we fly our way through the storm and hope we don’t get hit by a downdraft or a derecho. But we have to survive, so do what you have to, for you and your family.” He pauses and nods his head, “Oh, and like I said, we will make sure the Sergeant there learns to mind himself as well.”

I shake hooves with him and he tells me, “Tell your wife I said hi. Sorry I can’t stick around, but I have a few things to take care of now. Oh, and perhaps we can have lunch in the next couple of days.”

I smile at the invite and tell him, “Sounds good Air. Be careful and thanks for letting me know what is going on.”

“No problem Ball. Like I told you before, I do not have a lot of friends, but those I have I look out for.”

“Same here, now we best get going before someone wonders what we were doing up here.”

He nods his head and leads me back down. Once back down below, I see him take off and fly back towards the secured hanger. I shake my head and wonder what he is going to do and how it will help.

Three days later I am called to the Battalion CO’s office along with Lieutenant Blotter. Once we arrive, he has us take a seat and then he tells us, “Our higherups have sent us the location of where our suspect for the bombing occurred. His name is Pyric Victory and he is listed as armed and dangerous. Our superiors have already made arrangements with the Commonwealth leadership and law enforcement for us to take the suspect into custody. Captain, as you have experience dealing with those from those organizations, I need you to accompany Lieutenant Blotter on this raid. Lieutenant, take your best squad. While we do not expect resistance, be ready for it just in case. Your Vertibuck leaves in two hours, now let’s do this Gentlecolts.”

We both respond, “Yes, Sir!” as we jump to our hooves and quickly head back to our company. On our way I see Sundancer and she asks us why we are in such a hurry.

I simply tell her, “Love I can’t say, but we have to move quick.”

While she does not like the answer, she nods her head and tells me, “Good luck, and remember we all love you Ball.”

“I love you too, but we really have to move.” Then we are past her.

Soon we are entering the company’s perimeter. I tell him, “Lieutenant, you know your orders, I am getting my kit and will meet you at your office in half an hour.”

“Yes sir. Sir, I have never done anything like this before, is there any special equipment my troops need?”

I think briefly, “Yes, I want one of them to have a riot shield for when we breach that door. All of them are to have full combat gear and helmets on. Also, make sure they each have their personal first aid kit and tourniquet on them.”

“Sir, why the concentration on the first aid kits?”

I shake my head as I wish I did not have to explain, “Blotter, I know you have never had to make a combat entrance so you may not understand this, but the first pony through that door stands a good chance of getting shot if he is armed. The following may take casualties as well. I want us to be prepared for the worst.”

I watch as his excitement begins to wane along with the blood from his face. Finally, he gulps and asks, “Captain, do you think that will happen?”

“Blotter, I hope not, but let’s be ready for the worst. Just in case, now go get your people ready.”

As he turns and heads to round up his troops, I make my way to my office. First, I put on my barding and my MP brassards, then my battlesaddle. I add my pistol and my MEW next, and finally, I put on my helmet. I shake my head after I do so as I had originally laughed when they issued me a MP style helmet, with its transparent face piece, after all, I never figured I would be going into the field again like this.

After I am kitted out, I make my way to Lieutenant Blotters HQ, as I arrive, I see he has ten troopers and a medic kitted out as well and ready to go. When I am close, he tells me, “Sir, I figured if we are concerned about casualties, we should have a combat medic with us. I hope you do not think I overstepped my bounds.”

“No, not at all. Good thinking. Now let’s get over to the flight line so we can mount up.”

We fly quickly in formation across the skyport to the flight line where I see a single transport vertibuck warming up. After we land nearby, we are approached by a staff officer and one of the aircrafts crew. The staffer approaches me and tells me, "I will be going with you as a liaison with the Brood when we land.”

“Excellent, I am glad to have you with us,” I tell him as I shake his hoof.

Then the crewman for the waiting vertibuck tells me, “I am the crew chief for your ride there. Now I need your people in a staggered double formation and follow me up the rear ramp.”

He turns and quickly trots with his head down and we follow him inside and he directs us where to sit. Right after the last of us is loaded, he turns around and hoof signals to the Pilot and Co-pilot that we are ready.

The vertibuck this time instead of taking off straight up, makes a rolling takeoff and circles partially around the airfield as it aligns itself for the flight to our landing zone.

The flight only takes ten minutes, and I recognize some of the buildings. Our target did choose a decent area to hide out in. As soon as we land, we are led back out and we are met by a member of the Brood. His face is mostly covered by his hood, but I still recognize the voice as he greats and tells us, “We know where he is, and we will have one of our unicorns go with you to stun him so you can make the arrest. No need for any of your people getting hurt if we don’t need to.”

“I agree, I will be moving forward with my team, however, the Lieutenant is in direct charge of them.”

He nods his head and as a unicorn in a hood approaches us, he tells me, “Here is the unicorn I told you would be accompanying your team.”

“Thank you again,” I tell him, then I turn to the unicorn and tell him, “Show us the way.”

He leads us several blocks then into the rundown apartment building that the suspect is hiding in. We follow him in a single file line. Once we are outside the door where he is, he motions for us to stop. Next, I watch him close his eyes and concentrate, after which his horn lights up and he tells us, “Go!”

One of my troopers kicks the door open with both back hooves and the rest of the team moves past him as they enter the main room and secure it, then one of them leads down a small hallway to a bedroom. There we find him in bed, awake, but unable to move.

My MPs slap a set of shackles on his hind and front legs, then bind his wings against his sides. I approach behind them and am surprised as I realize, that our suspect, Pyric Victory, is the sergeant from the other day, as well as our original suspect.

The Brood unicorn releases his spell and Pyric begins to yell, “Who the Tartarus do you think you are? What are you doing? Do you even know who I am?”

I smirk as Blotter walks up and tells him, “I do not think it matters Sergeant. We have a warrant for your arrest.”

As they help him to his hooves, I add, “Sergeant, you will be lucky if they only brand you as a Dashite for what you have done.”

I can see the panic on his face and the fear in his eyes as he suddenly tells me, “Captain, I will talk, just, just don’t do this.”

I shake my head and tell Blotter, “Lieutenant, take the prisoner into custody.”

Soon we have him back at the RDS and escort him to the lockup. I see several guards looking at him with hate in their eyes. I then tell them, “Remember, he is my prisoner, and he will pay for what he has done, but as a court decides.”

Both of their faces go blank as they both say, “Yes, sir.”

After this, I return to the Battalion Commander's office and tell him, “Sir, the prisoner has been turned over to the guards in the base stockade for now.”

“Very good, thanks for letting me know Captain.”

“My pleasure sir, but what happens to him now?”

He shrugs his wings. Then answers, “I am not sure, but I have an idea he will be transported to Thunderhead for a public trial.”

I nod my head and tell him, “Makes sense Colonel. If so, I would like the honor of being one of his escorts.”

He nods his head and moves his ears in understanding. Then he tells me, “Ball, I will see what I can do, but make sure you are not doing this strictly for personal reasons.”

I smile ruefully and tell him, “Sir, if I did what I wanted, he would have never made it here, he would have panicked and tried to escape from the vertibuck while we were a couple of thousand feet in the air, while still wearing his shackles and wing bindings.”

He chuckles back, “Yeah, I understand Captain. I will let you know as soon as I find out.”

“Thank you, Sir,” I answer after which I am dismissed.

The next day at officers' call, I am told, “Captain Ball, have a squad of troops ready to escort Pyric Victory to Thunderhead for processing and trail tomorrow morning. Standard barding, no need for heavy gear this time.”

“Yes sir, do you want me to assist in the escort?”

He shakes his head, “No, not all the way there, but you can assist in making sure that he makes it onto his flight along with his escorts.”

The following morning, after the morning muster, I meet a squad of my MPs and we begin to walk him through the terminal toward the flight line. As we go, I see that a crowd has formed with a TV news crew from Thunderhead, as well as some print reporters. We are almost to the main entrance when from out of the crowd, an older pegasus leaps forward with a pistol in muzzle. Before we can fully react, he has emptied the revolver into Pyric Victory.

In horror, I yell out, “Sergeant of the guard, arrest that stallion!” I turn and call on my PipBuck, “I need a medical team at the main entrance to the terminal ASAP, we have pegasus male down with multiple gunshot wounds.”

I barely hear their reply that they are on the way as I rip open a first aid packet and begin to apply the bandage by sticking it into one of the wounds. But there are just too many of them. I hear his breathing becomes raspy and I lift his head to help him breathe just as the medics arrive. As they are putting him on the stretcher, I hear him cough several times, then I watch as he goes limp and stops breathing.

The medics look at each other and they begin to run with him as fast as they can to medical. I look down at my hooves and they are covered in blood as is part of my uniform. I turn to the sergeant of the guard who has the shooter in custody and order him, “Take him to security for lock up.”

I then briskly trot to the medical department where I learn he has died when I see the doctor pull a sheet over his head and say to a nurse, “Mark time of death 0933 hours.”

I shake my head and slowly make my way to my CO to let him know that our prisoner is dead. One more body to add to the count from the attack. One less trail to follow because of one pony acting in anger preventing us from learning any more from Pyric Victory. Perhaps he was named very aptly I think to myself as I get ready to enter the HQ.


Good evening to all of you out there in the wastelands, this is DJ Pon3 coming to you once again from Ten Pony Tower in Manehatten bringing you the truth, no matter how much it hurts. We have a lot to talk about in tonight’s show.

In tonight’s headlines we have received news of the capture of several suspects in the recent bombings of the Enclave Volunteer Corps offices. The Enclave is claiming that those they have captured were members of a pro-NCR terrorist organization called NICKER. While the three suspects were all from different bombings, none of them survived. Two have been killed during the arrest, and the third has been killed by a distraught bystander.

In NCR news, President Regina Grimfeathers has narrowly retained her position after the most recent vote of the Assembly. While not removing her from power, her opponents did manage to censor her.

In further war news, it has been announced that several regional militias will be federalized for the duration. While most of them will not be deployed from their home regions, some may still be used to replace the recent heavy losses taken in battles at Los Pegasus, Manesville, and outside of Chicacolt.

In related news, due to the heavy damage of crops that occurred during several of the recent battles, the NCR government is encouraging the increase in growing private patches of crops for self-stainability with whatever extra you can grow being stored.

From the far coast, we have news that NCR forces in San Prancisco have been forced out by Enclave forces. Those few, brave, NCR troops who remain, have dug in on Ponytraz Island. Recent attempts to relieve them have all been rebuffed.

Now it is time for some music after which I will return with more news and tips for surviving in the wastelands and combat areas. Leading tonight’s music is This Present Darkness

Chapter 52 Family, Friends, and Memories Made

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Chapter 52 Family, Friends, and Memories Made

“You get a strange feeling when you're about to leave a place...like you'll not only miss the people you love but you'll miss the person you are now at this time and this place, because you'll never be this way ever again.” ― Azar Nafisi, Reading Lolita in Tehran: A Memoir in Books

White Cloud, Manesville District, NCR: Ginger Snaps

Once the cart is loaded, Choo has Diode take it to the waterfront and tells us, “Remember, 9 am the day after tomorrow you meet at the Colt.”

“Thanks, boss,” I tell her.

Epona smiles widely and tells her, “You got it boss.”’

Cowlick then adds, “Thanks again, Choo. I really have wanted to spend some time home before we head out next.”

Several others all repeat similar things to her before Choo finally, smiling tells us, “I understand, now you best get going.”

As we all head out, most of us going toward White Cloud, I look back and see her along with Sunny and Zhea watching us go. They see me look back and wave to me. I wave one more time and then catch up with the others for this final two days of peace before we depart.

I almost laugh as we leave in a group, a couple of the Troubleshooters head into Manesville, nearer the stable, but the rest of us continue chatting and joking with each other as we make our way to White Cloud.

On the walk, I find myself holding tails with my husband. I then notice Tater and Twinks are doing the same. From above us, I hear Morning Mist talking animatedly with Double Back and Days End.

As we reach the farm, Xochitl and I go to his parents’ house while the others continue into town and the local pub. As we reach the porch, I hear Mama Sutures tiredly say from the porch of the big house, “Hey son, your mom is still in the fields with Sumac. Your Pa should be back in a bit as he does not have duty with the militia tonight or tomorrow.”

I smile as I hear my husband answer her, “Thank you Mother Sutures for letting me know.”

She nods her head and I ask, “Another late night?”

She sits on her porch and tells us, “Yeah, the Plow Shears had twin calves last night.” She pauses then asks, “So what are you two doing here this early in the afternoon?”

“We are on standdown until the day after next. Then we are back at it hard again.”

“Can you tell me where you are going this time?”

“Sorry Mama Sutures, but we can not do that. Security and all,” I reply.

She nods her head and then tells us, “Well, I am glad to have you home for what time we can. As you can see the new barn got put up after the party.”

“How is Papa Archer?”

“Oh, he is okay. Just getting bored of sitting around and recovering until they can replace his eye.” She then asks, “So where is Epona?”

I laugh lightly before I tell her, “She high-tailed it into the White Cloud Inn to see Purchase.”

I see her smile warmly at that before she says, “I am really happy to hear that. Purchase is a good mare and I think they are good for each other. Now why don’t you both come on in and have a cup of tea while you wait for Xochitl’s folks and the others to come back.”

We are sitting down having our second cup of tea when Mama Mollygirl arrives home. As she enters, I see her shaking her head.

“Hi Ma, what is wrong?”

She hangs her hat on a peg by the door, grabs a cup, and begins to steep some tea as she answers, “Ginger, I do not know where to begin. I guess part of the problem is that even with the full brigade back here if they hit us again like that, I do not know if we can keep Manesville. My regiment got off the lightest and we took twenty-five percent casualties; that is almost four hundred dead or out of the fight. fifteen percent of them were killed in action. The 1st regiment took forty-five percent, that is another seven hundred and twenty, while the 2nd took over five hundred and fifty, most during that damn air assault. It is so bad the militia has been drafted for the duration plus six months. We just cannot keep taking those kinds of losses. Then I heard today we lost the north end of Chicacolt to the Enclave.”

I find myself getting up on my hooves and moving to her. I put a hoof around her shoulder and tell her, “I know it looks black right now, but Ma, we have to keep swinging. If we do not what will happen to all those, we know who came from the Enclave, as well as the non-pony species and the ghouls. Ma, if we throw in the towel, most of them will be as good as dead.”

She nods he head, “I know Ginger, I know. Sorry for whining.”

“You are not whining Ma. You are just putting to voice what we all are feeling right now.”

She nods her head and tells us, “Thank you for understanding.” Then she switches the conversation to more positive subjects. As we talk, I watch her relax and smile warmly when Mama Sutures's hoof meets hers.

Later that evening Xochitl’s family joins mine in the parlor as we listen first listen to Mama Mollygirl read a story to the youngsters, and then we turn on the radio to listen to the news.

I am comfortably ensconced in my husband’s hooves as we listen to DJ Pon3. I am surprised though when I hear, in recent news out of the Mohoofe, NCR forces have begun to advance on the city of Reino. There are currently only reports of light fighting there. While the local leaders have put out a plea to be liberated from the Enclave, the overmare for Stable 48 has put out an appeal for calmer heads and asked that the NCR not try to liberate a territory it never controlled and until recently was independent.

Further south we have news out of Horseton of heavy fighting taking place among the ruins there. While there had not been many reports on the ground fighting, we have had reports of an NCR defeat in the air. With one NCR airship having been captured in ship-to-ship actions as well as another NCR sky frigate having been severely damaged.

I am slightly confused by this report and ask aloud, “I thought Stable 48 was here in Manesville?”

This is followed by several others expressing the same thought. But then Mama Mollygirl tells us, “Well, about that, when we were passing through Junction Town, I escorted Scootloo herself for a meeting, and as we talked, she let me know, that the Manesville stable is actually 4B not 48. She said it was a typo during a late-night meeting and they let it stand as it was cheaper to order two stables full of equipment marked with the one number.”

After she says this, I hear Papa Archer chuckle as he says, “Figures, I just always thought the door number was a bad casting.”

She laughs lightly and places a hoof alongside his cheek from around Mama Sutures and tells him, “I thought the same thing.

We listen to DJ Pon3 for a bit more, then Papa Badger gets up from next to Mamas Sumac and Magpie and tells us, “Let’s see what the other side is saying tonight,” as he switches the station to the Enclave one.

Soon we hear more of their obnoxious martial music, which is followed by Hallowed Dreams voice once again as he speaks.

That was the Fifth Fleet Marine band playing Skies Over Canterlot. I hope you have enjoyed their rousing rendition of it as much as I have. As always on the hour I am here with the news for all of you.

Today, our forces have continued to engage with the NCR and their so-called allies on several fronts. In San Prancisco we have repulsed several attempts by the forces of evil as they tried to resupply Ponytraz Island. At this point, it is only a matter of time before those on that island will have to surrender, but they have been ordered not to on the threat of death to them and their families if they do, or so I have heard.

Our forces in Rieno, with the support of the local populace, including that of Stable 48, have dug in and are determined to hold, and keep that region of the Mohoofe free until the rest of the Wastelands can be freed as well.

As this all goes on and our troops prove themselves victorious where treachery and the horrors of Megaspells are not used we still have not forgotten about those dens of deceit such as Manehatten, Manesville, Junction Town, and even Baltimare. We the ponies of the Enclave remember such acts and you will be held accountable for them.

Now before we return to more music, we have a few messages for our friends in the occupied zones. First, in the NCR, the Brahmin jumped over the moon, I repeat, the Brahmin jumped over the moon. In the Lunar Commonwealth, the colt has a brown mustache, the colt has a brown mustache. For the Mohoofe, the tides of time know no age, the tides of time know no age.

We listen for a while longer and then I notice Moon Lily looks disgusted, so I ask, “Okay little Sis, what is it?”

She shakes her head and then tells me, “Well part of me hates the way they are lying about us. The other half is that I am confused about those messages to the ponies in the areas they don’t control.”

“I can understand that Moon, but I do wonder if they are doing it on purpose to confuse us.”

After I say this Mama Mollygirl tells us, “It is an old way to communicate with resistance cells and forces to let them know when they should act out their orders. The thing is, most of the time those messages are nonsense all the way until the one that they are waiting for arrives. The Ceasar’s forces used that same method against Equestria during the war, and I am sure Equestria either did the same thing, or something similar.” She pauses as she looks at the clock on the wall before telling the youngsters, “Ok, time for bed kids.”

“Awe, but Ma, we never get to spend time with Ginger and Xochitl anymore,” Millie says.

“I know, but they are off tomorrow and you do not have school, so get some rest, we all are going to be helping put in crops just north of town.”

After she says this, she looks at me and my husband with a questioning expression. I nod my head as does he.

After the youngsters are tucked into bed, we continue to talk until Epona and Purchase come home. They are trying to be quiet and seem very surprised to see us all still up.

Finally, Mama Sumac tells them, “We are all getting ready to go to bed soon, so go ahead and head up. Besides, we can talk more tomorrow dears.”

I see a smile come across Purchase Order's face, and a thankful grin on Epona’s as she tells us, “Thanks for understanding. I look forward to talking more in the morning,” She pauses then tells me, “Hey Ging, remind me in the morning to tell you about the drinking contest between the teams.”

I find myself shaking my head with a smile on my face as I am now curious, but simply tell her, “Sounds good Sis, Talk to you in the morning.”

As they go upstairs, the rest of us get up as well. As Persimmon and Xavier carry their youngest back home, my husband and I follow them to the small cabin. Once there we go to the room we share and close the door. As we get ready for bed, we continue to talk for a bit, then turn down the lights. Finally, I find myself in his hooves again and while I would never want another stallion, I feel a bit of sadness as to how unlikely it is that he and I could ever have a foal together.

I feel him nuzzle me gently and I sigh contentedly, Then I return his affection and realize that while the odds are against us, in our family you just never know. A short time later I hear his breathing shift as he falls asleep and I cuddle closer to him and breathe in his scent as I too surrender to sleep and the night.


White Cloud, Manesville District, NCR: Xochitl

I wake to the scent of my wife in my nose. Then as I smile and enjoy it, I begin to smell oatmeal with berries and cream wafting through the air. I move slightly and I feel Ginger stir in my hooves as she rolls over to face me.

“Morning sleepyhead,” I tell her as I kiss her forelock.

I feel her hoof move along my side to my cheek and she tells me, “Good morning to you too love, I guess we need to get up now.”

I nod my head, then begin to untangle myself from the blanket and her hooves. The room is well-lit as the sun has already risen. Once we both have gotten dressed, we head to the main room of the cabin.

“Good morning my children,” I hear father tells us, “Your mother will have breakfast finished in a few minutes, would you care to join me for a cup of tea with yours.”

I find myself smiling as I hear Ginger tell him, “Of course Father Xavier, I would rather enjoy that.”

As the tea steeps, my little sister Xialynn gets the bowls out for us and Mother brings the oatmeal over. “I know it is nothing fancy this morning, but it should hold you well until lunch,” she tells us.

Soon I hear a hoof knocking on the door and before I can get up to answer Xialynn is at the door and opens it revealing several of my siblings-in-law on the doorstep.

“Yah guys ready?” Raven asks loudly.

“Just about Rav. We are just finishing breakfast right now,” my sister answers.

“Ahh, I was hoping you were ready already; Moon has already headed over with My ma and Papa Archer. The others are just getting their gear ready to go.”

I watch as Father finishes his tea, stands, and tells my mother, “Dear, they are waiting, I will do the dishes when we get back.”

“Are you sure Xavier?”

“Yes dear, just set them in the sink to soak.”

With that she finishes her tea and oatmeal quickly, I help her place the dishes in the sink and then as a family, we head out the door.

We walk with most of my in-laws to a farm only a mile South of town. While the house and barn are still standing, most of their crops were burned or destroyed by the Enclave. As we arrive, I see more ponies and cattle arriving, including most of our team, as well as several of Mort’s.

When I see them, I first greet them then out of curiosity I ask, “So what brings you out here today?”

Mort smiles and tells us, “Two things, first is that Smiley here has heard about how us ponies work together in the fields and wants to see it. Second, well we like it here and figure we should help the place get back on its hooves if we can.”

Beside me, Father says, “Well sir, I am glad to have you and your people join us today.”

Before too much longer I watch as several of the larger ponies and cattle harness up to plows. Then the owner of the farm Pig Pen stands in front of us and begins, “Thank you all for coming and helping today, most of our crops are destroyed, so what we are going to do first is to turn them under with the plows. Once the plows have gone through we can then break up the bigger clumps of dirt followed by planting new seeds.” He pauses then continues, “For those of you who have not done this before, after we have the new seed in, we will have some of you pegasus, push some clouds over to water the fields. We have three fields to do today, and my wife Wheat Seed and Plower’s wife Dirt Clod will be making lunch for us as we work. So, everyone let’s get to it.”

Father and I both get our hoes ready as others do the same or get their rakes out to further soften the ground before planting.

I watch as seven plows all begin to make their way across the field, side by side. As they begin to move, I hear Moon Lily nearby start to sing a song first reminding us of the hungry times, then about planting.

We have all heard the tale of the times that the crops failed and about those they lost as they tightened their cinches.

The war has been a test, we have lost much of our best, and famine could happen they say.

But do not fret or shed a tear, for together we can fight the fear and keep the hunger at bay.

I have not heard the words before, but soon I find myself swaying to the music as we sing and work. It feels almost like a spell as we go, all the ponies and myself working in time to music that only we seem to hear, but soon the others start to work and sing with us as well. It started slow and now speeds up.

First comes the plow, then come the hoe, that is what us ponies all know,

Next comes the seed followed by rain, and that will prevent hunger and pain.

Work these fields, plant that row, and soon we will see these crops all grow.

Reach the end spin them around and keep on working on that ground.

Back and forth, to and fro, that is the way to move that hoe.

Move along as we plant the row.

Rake the dirt over what we sow.

Next bring in the rain and soak them down, now give those seeds a chance to grow.

As the plows reach the end of the field, they shift over and go back the other way. As we finish breaking up the dirt, I hear a part of the song about planting and I watch as two seeders are pulled through the rows we have just finished.

After the first field is finished most of us move to the next one. However, I see Sunny and several others flying past, herding clouds over the fields and after some of them jump up and down on the clouds a light rain begins to fall from them. As they do this the song continues and so do we.

After the second field is done, the singing stops and we stack out tools near the barn as we approach the tables full of food for everyone involved.

As we are eating my father asks me, “Son, I did not know you liked to sing so much when doing farm work, when did this start?”

I look at him in surprise and ask, “What do you mean father?”

“Just that the entire time we were working in the fields, you were singing and moving like you could hear some music, just like the ponies.”

“Interesting. I did not realize that, but perhaps even with a glyphmark, my pony side still comes out sometimes.”

He grins and runs a hoof across my mane as he had when I was a colt as he tells me, “Perhaps so son. Sometimes I forget you have that side as well.”

I smile at him when he says this and tell him, “I do as well Father, but times like these remind me of them.”

After lunch, we finish the next field and head home. As we clean up my father suggests to Ginger and I, “While we would love to spend this evening with you, may I suggest you both go into town and just enjoy a pint of cider and dinner together.”

Ginger and I look at each other and she nods her head. “Father, I think you are wise in that suggestion. Thank you for understanding.”

He chuckles slightly as he tells me, “Believe it or not, I was once young too and I remember how special spending any time with your mother was.”

We finish cleaning up and as my father washes the dishes from breakfast, my mother begins to make them dinner. I comment on how good it smells, and that Ginger and I will be having dinner in town. She smiles and tells me, “Thank you son for letting me know, your father said something about that earlier. Now you best get going so you can enjoy yourselves.”

She then gives both me and Ginger a quick hug as we head out the door and to the pub in White Cloud.

As we walk in, I notice that Blueberry Crisp is not working tonight so I ask Purchase Order about it and she tells me, “She is on duty with the Militia tonight, so instead of getting to spend time with Epona like I wanted, I am having to pony the place.”

Beside her and behind the bar is Stir Fry, the cook I first met during the expedition. She smiles and tells her, “Now Purchase, I told you already you can go, I got the place for tonight.”

Leaning on the bar near Purchase is my sister-in-law Epona, who tells her, “Dear, either way, is ok with me. I just want to spend some time with you no matter what we are doing.”

I then hear a bit of a ruckus off to the side and I see Smiley and Mort are playing cards with Tater and Twinks. I nod my head in their direction and they briefly wave back.

Soon I see Cowlick walk in holding tails with a young cow that I remember from school. He grins as he sees us and takes a table near a window but with his back away from the door.

I have to smile though when Double Back comes in with the aircrew following him and I hear him telling them, “This is the place I was telling you about Love Tap. It is a nice quiet place, nothing like that honkey tonk just off base by the stable.”

I see her smile at him and I hear Flight Plan tell him, “It does seem a step up, but it is a bit of a hike.”

Double Back laughs as he tells them, “I guess you could say that, but don’t you mean flight?”

“Yeah, whatever ya silly mule.” Flight Plan retorts with a laugh.

I enjoy seeing all of those we work with enjoying themselves. But one thing that strikes me is how many of the regulars there are now missing. I also notice the larger number of uniforms here tonight as well.

After about an hour, I notice that Morning Star arrives with Sunny, as they enter, I hear her say, “It was so nice to spend the time with your family, thank you.”

“I am happy to hear you enjoyed it too Morning, I knew my parents liked you after the party, but my siblings have taken a shine to you too.”

She nods her head, “I am still amazed that neither of your parents are pegasi. But they are so nice.”

I see him blush briefly as he approaches the bar and tells my wife, “Hi Ginger,” then he says, “Hay, Purchase, could you get me two ciders please?”

“You sure you want cider and not a shot of Three Sisters?”

He looks at Morning then back at her, “Maybe later, but right now we just want to enjoy ourselves.

As the night progresses, some of the locals begin to bring instruments inside. Before too long they are playing and many of us are singing along. Not much after that, I find myself dancing with my wife in the area that is still open in the middle. We are both on our hind legs and kicking as we swing each other by one forehoof back and forth. Several other couples join us, and I look up briefly and see Sunny and Morning Star, performing the same movements in the air.

Before too much longer Ginger tells me, “Dearest, let’s head out for a bit of alone time, okay?”

As we leave, I hear her tell Epona and Purchase, “Have a good night you two. Remember we leave in the morning.”

While Purchase looks slightly sad, Epona simply nods her head and tells us, “I am staying at the farm again tonight so I will see you in the morning.”

After this, we make our way out of the pub and town. We slowly walk tail-in-tail through the night until we are behind the barn. We find a spot that is out of sight of the houses and we lay down next to each other watching the stars and just enjoying a bit of rare alone time together.

Come the morning after breakfast, we say our goodbyes to our families, then our entire field team except for Sunny and Choo, walk with the Colonel to the docks in Manesville. We continue to talk as we go. As we approach the pier, I see the Baltimare Colt for the first time since she was attacked.

I can see she has had major construction as the aft 1/3 of her upper deck is now gone, and replaced with a flight deck, upon which I see our transport Vertibuck is already sitting. On the forward upper deck is a twin 40mm gun mount. There are also now several fully automatic antimachine rifles and a pair of twin 20mm anti-air guns. I also notice the smoke wafting from the chimneys of the Colt and realize she is almost ready to go.

Ginger grins and tells the Colonel, “Well Ma, there is our ride.”

Epona then waves toward the Colt and calls out, “Hey Rust.”

From the railing on the upper deck, she waves back, “Good to see you guys again. Get on board so we can get moving.”

Rust then comes down to the main deck to meet us and tells us, “Welcome aboard again. It is good to see you all. Your gear has already been loaded,” as she says this she turns and leads us inside.

As we go, I can see how much things have changed, most of the cargo bay has been converted into berthing. That is where we find Mort and the rest waiting for us.

As we enter, he says, “Good morning, glad we are all on time.”

Behind me, I hear Rust asks, “Epona, Tater, do you want to help bring her out for our first run since the rebuild?”

They both grin at her and follow her up the ladder to the upper levels. Mort looks slightly confused and asks, “You guys always do that?”

I find myself chuckling as Ginger tells him, “Not always, but the Colt is owned by the Water Clan and Rust Water has been training them both as a reserve bridge crew, but also for when they get tired of doing this.”
“I can understand the backup crew, but why would she care about their future?”

The surprise on his face is priceless when she tells him, “Oh, because Rust is family to Epona and me.”


Manesville, Manesville District, NCR: Choo Choo

As the rest of the team leaves for the day, I accompany Diode as he takes the cart of equipment to the Colt. As we arrive at the waterfront, I finally get a good look at it. I notice right away how much the superstructure has been changed, as well as it now being armed.

Once we arrive at the brow, I leave Diode with the cart as I cross it to the main deck and I see one of the ship's officers and a crewman sitting there. As I approach the officer stands up and greets me, “Choo Choo, it is good to see you again, what can I help you with?”

“Good afternoon, Azimuth Compass, I am just delivering my team's equipment for loading, but if the captain is available, I would like to discuss a few things with her.”

He nods his head, the tells the deckhoof, “Square Knot, please check with the Captain to see if she has time for Miss Choo here.”

“Alright, I will be right back Mister Compass.”

Soon he returns and tells us, “Captain said to send her on into the mess decks.”

Azimuth Compass nods his head and asks, “You know your way still ma’am?”

“I think so unless too much has changed since the rebuild.”

“Nah, not too much has changed other than the work on the old cargo bay.”

“Ok, thanks again,” I tell him then I begin to make my way inside. As I go, I am impressed by the expansion of the berths for us on the cargo deck.

As I continue along the second deck, I notice that there are still a few scorched marks on the bulkheads that have not been painted over yet. Most of those are near the areas that show new construction on them.

Finally, I make it to the mess decks and see Rust sitting at her normal table with two coffee cups in front of her.

“Have a seat Choo, I have your coffee ready for you already.”

“Thank you, Rust, I appreciate it. How have things been going?”

I watch Rust take a deep breath and sigh. Then she tells me, “Well you can see how the Enclave helped us to redecorate. We lost some good people too.”

I nod my head in understanding. “I heard you had casualties, but did not hear how many or who. I was in the radio shack down in Harness when the reports came in down there.”

She closes he eyes and then shakes her head as if trying to dispel a bad memory. Then she tells me, “Choo I have to thank you for your suggestion about trying to get to know Bell Stand better.”

I smile at this and ask, “So how are things going with you two?”

I see a single tear come from her eye, that she quickly wipes with the back of a forehoof before she tells me, “Choo, it was going great until the attack. I lost him that day too. But at least I had a chance to get to know him that way. He was worth it, and honestly, I was starting to consider even marrying him someday.”

I slide a hoof across the table onto hers, “I am so sorry to hear that though. I had really hoped for you.”

“Thanks, Choo.”

We talk for a while more after this. Some of our talk involves finding out that the Colt is no longer fully a civilian vessel. To help pay for the repairs and rebuild the Water Clan has provided a long-term contract with the NCR Rangers as a transport asset. However, she will still be used to transport cargo at times to keep up the façade of being independent.

Part of our discussion involves where she is taking my team next while Sunny and I get Moon Lily ready for the main one coming up.

“Just wondering Rust, how far towards the Mahoove can you take the Colt?”

She grins, “Well, that is the crux of the issue, I think we can make it as far as the Everfree at least. Past that, they will have to depend on the flight crew we are taking with us.”

I nod my head again, “Well here is hoping everything goes smooth then.”

She laughs joylessly and then asks, “When does it ever do that Choo.” Next, she asks me, “Choo, do you think it wise to take Moon Lily with you on a mission like that?”

I flick my ears in irritation before I answer, “While I do not like it Rust, I must agree with her that without her we could not do what we intend.”

I watch her frown briefly before she replies, “Alright, I guess. But it does not sit well with me bringing foals into a fight.”

I nod my head in understanding, “Believe me I feel the same. I have still not been able to live down my having run away with Ginger and Xochitl during the Expedition all those years ago.”

We share another cup of tea when Rust looks at the clock on the wall and tells me, “Come on up to the pilot house with me, you can be present for the first time we land a Vertibuck onboard.”

Shortly after we are in the Pilot House, I hear a Vertibuck approaching and I see several deckhooves heading towards the flight deck.

I watch as the transport comes in from the stern, makes several small adjustments, and then lands on the new flight deck. As the rotors start to slow down, I watch four crewponies run out and chain it to the deck. Once the rotors have fully stopped Rust smiles and tells me, “Let’s go meet the flight crew.”

We make our way aft and I look at the vertibuck closely. The first thing I notice is that the flight crew is our normal one. Next, I notice that painted on the side is a picture of George in flight wearing her pegasus-style googles and blowing out a column of flame. Under the image are the words, Hot Shot! In red and yellow letters.

Right after this, I watch as first Love Tap, then the jump master who was with us when we went to Baltimare, exit the aircraft and begin to examine the tie-downs. Soon after this, both Cloud Bank and Flight Plan climb out.

Flight Plan approaches us and salutes Rust Water first and tells her, “Good afternoon, Captain, my crew and I are reporting for duty.”

I watch Rust smirk slightly then she tells him, “Welcome aboard, no need to salute though as we are not a military vessel.”

I see a brief look of confusion on his face as he asks, “So, what are we doing here?”

She grins as she tells him, “You and your crew are here to support us as we perform certain contracts as civilians if you understand what I mean.”

I see a look of understanding cross his face. Then he answers, “I do believe so ma’am.”

“Good, let us go to the pilot house so we can discuss our route for this next operation and how far up the river I will need to get to put you in range of our objective.”

He nods his head, “Sounds good Captain.”

Then he turns to me and tells me, “Good to see you again Choo, I didn’t think you would be going on this one with us.”

I smile back and tell him, “I am not, I was here to discuss a few things with the captain as well as to enjoy a couple of cups of coffee with her.” I pause then I tell Rust, “I guess I should get going and let you concentrate on what you need to. Take care and I will see you soon Rust.”

“You too Choo, I will see you next time. Oh, and tell Moon I said congratulations on her wings. I never expected one of our clan members would be an alicorn, much less become one.”

I laugh lightly as I tell her, “I completely understand. Now I best get going.”

As she and Flight Plan make their way to the Pilot House, I take to the air from the flight deck and land on the pier next to our cart. As I do Diode tells me, “Good Timing Choo, we just finished up unloading.”

“Excellent, after we get back to the shop, I have a few things I want you to go over with me if you do not mind.”

He grins and replies, “Sounds good boss”

Later that day, as we close the shop for the night, I find myself flying to what was the base for the 3rd Regiment. Most of it was burned during the recent fighting, however, the old farmhouse that was the Headquarters, as well as the old barn were spared.

As I land just outside of the farmhouse, I am challenged by two of the guards. Once I identify myself and my reason for being here, they lower their weapons. I am just getting up to the front porch when I hear Paper Work say, “That should be enough for today.”

Then he walks out the door and I tell him, “Hello dear. How was your day?”

He laughs, “Actually, not bad. I was pleasantly surprised to find out that most of the records for the regiment were still safe in the basement. That makes things much easier. So where do you want to go for dinner tonight?”

I think briefly and I tell him, “How about the pub in White Cloud? It is near and afterwards, I can fly you to my cave.”

I feel myself heat up as I see him smile at that thought and he tells me, “That sounds perfect Choo. I hope you do not mind if we walk there. I do need to stretch my legs after being behind a desk and filing cabinets all day.”

As we follow the main path from the base to White Cloud, I find myself not only holding his tail with mine, but I have a wing over his back as we talk.

We are almost to the family farm when I hear Sumac call out, “Bucky, Woody, Millie, and Moon Lily, time for supper.”

From across the field on the other side of the road, I see them all running for home. I find my smile widening when I hear young Shadowbuck yelling, “The last one home has to do the dishes tonight!”

Shortly after this, I hear Millie yell, “You are cheating Moon, no flying.”

I hear Moon laugh as she calls back, “No one said that before.”

I must laugh when I hear Shadowbuck yell, “Dang it. I lost.”

To which I hear Sumac say, “Bucky watch your language.”

“Yes, Mama.”

Then we are past the farm. As we approach Trouble and Blondie's place next, I find myself smiling as I watch the four batponies flying overhead and three of them continue to White Cloud, while Morning Star diverts to their place. As she lands near us, I hear her say, “Good Evening Choo Choo, do you know if Sunny is at his parents yet? I am supposed to meet him here for dinner.”

“I am not sure, but he has been off most of the day, so I think he probably is.”

I see her smile shyly then she tells me, “Thank you, I guess I best hurry.” She then looks at me with my wing over Paper Work's back and I see a twinkle in her eye as she tells us, “I hope you have a wonderful night.” Then she is trotting briskly down the crushed gravel driveway and towards the house.

As she goes, we begin to continue on our way and I hear Paper Work ask, “She really is happy with him, isn’t she?”

I nod my head and move my ears in agreement as I tell him, “Yes, and I think he is with her as well.” I pause briefly and then I continue, “Paper Work, he has changed since he has met her. I never really thought he would no longer be a playcolt like he was.”

I hear him laugh and he answers back, “You know you never can tell what a good mare will bring out in a stallion. Honestly dear, I never expected to find someone myself. However, instead of running wild, I was a bit more, how do I say this… sedate, yes that would be a good way of putting it.”

I find myself laughing gently as I snuggle closer to him. Then whisper, “I am just glad you decided to take a chance with me.”

I watch as he blushes and quietly tells me back, “I am still happily stunned that you were interested in me.”

By now we are getting close to the pub and as we arrive, I see the front door is already open and several ponies and cattle I know are already here. When we pass through the door, Purchase Order tells us, “I will take your order in a bit. Just so you know we have some Radhog sausages as well as pulled radhog on special tonight.”

“Sounds good. Purchase,” my beloved tells her, then he asks, “Anything going on we should know about?”

She laughs and tells him, “Oh, not too much. Last night the Plow Shears had twins. Sutures and Dula were there. Blondie and Trouble’s place had two of their fields replanted yesterday. Oh, and Pig Pen and his family’s farm is scheduled to have three fields planted tomorrow, in case you want to help.”

Both he and I look at each other and he first says, “I would like to, but I have the duty at headquarters tomorrow.”

She looks at me and I tell her, “I have some special work I need to get done for the team, but if I finish soon enough, maybe I can help.”

She nods her head and tells me, “I understand guys, I have been kinda stuck here too. But I have heard a lot of interesting things about some of the replanting that is going on. Especially when Moon Lily is there.”

This gets me to raise an eyebrow and I ask, “How so?”

“Choo, the ghouls who have seen it, say it reminds them of the old days before the war with the zebras.”

This has my attention enough that now I want to be there. I just have to see if I can do so. After this, we excuse ourselves and go sit at a table near the back wall that is angled so that we can both watch the door.

As we look over the menu, I start to see more patrons arrive, and I notice Epona coming from out the back carrying a case of cider bottles. She sees us and waggles her ears in a greeting then puts the bottles behind the bar.

Before too much longer, more patrons arrive. I smile as I see more of my team members as well as some of Mort’s arrive too.

Not too long after this Mort arrives along with Smiley and asks, “Mind if we join you?”

I wave a wing towards the chairs and tell him, “Of course not, please do. Oh, Mort, Smiley, this is Paper Work.” I pause, “Paper Work, this is Mort and Smiley from the Troubleshooters.”

Paper Work stands and shakes hooves with both telling them, “A pleasure to meet you. Choo has told me a bit about all of you. It is nice to put a face to the names.”

After we have eaten our dinners, I see Cowlick come in with a grin on his face. He sees me and waves, “Hi Boss.”

“Hi Cowlick, how are you doing?”

“Doing good, I helped my parents put some repairs into the farm and decided to come in and have a drink or three.”

I find myself laughing lightly at that, then I hear Smiley ask, “Would you care to have a drink or so with me as well?”

Cowlick smiles and tells him, “Sure, what will you have, I’ll get the first round.”

“What do you suggest my good bull?” Smiley asks.

“Well, let’s start with a cider first, then later we can move on to something a bit stronger.”

I see a glint in Smiley's eyes, and I notice a hint of a smile come over his face. Uh oh, what did Cowlick just start I wonder.

As they are sharing a bottle, I notice that Tater is talking to a couple of the Troubleshooters and he raises a hoof, “Purchase, can I get a round of ciders for us over here?”

“Sure Tater, give me a second,” she replies and then I see her look at Epona and nod her head. Epona then gets up from her stool and makes her way to the back of the pub, only to return a short time later with two more cases of cider.

Soon I hear members of both teams bragging about how much they can drink. I am shaking my head inside but just smile instead. Then I hear Smiley ask me, “Choo, don’t you drink at all?”

I shrug my wings, “Oh, I do sometimes. But it has been a while since I had much else than a bottle of cider. Last time I did though I had a pretty high tolerance for it.”

I see a flicker of amusement cross Mort’s face as Smiley then asks, “If you have not drunk in a while, perhaps tonight you should let yourself go a bit?”

I am just about ready to say no when Paper Work nudges me under the table and I hear him say, “Smiley you don’t think you can out-drink Choo Choo do you?”

When he says this, I see most of the heads in the bar turn to look in my direction. Then I hear Mort say, “I got a hundred caps that say Smiley can outdrink you, Choo.”

“Well, I don’t know Mort,” I begin to reply, but I then hear Epona say, “I bet our team can outdrink yours, Mort.”

He grins a calculating smile at her and asks, “How much are you willing to bet?”

Epona looks at Purchase and tells her, “Well I only have fifty caps I can put up.” She pauses then looks at the others on our team and asks, “Can any of you chip in?”

Cowlick grins and says, “I got twenty to spare.”

Soon all of our team that is there has chipped into the kitty. They then hoof it to Purchase Order to hold for the duration of the contest.

Purchase then begins to bring out the first round. As she does so, she asks Epona, “Dear, can you bring up a keg of cider from the basement, I think we are going to need to tap at least one, and maybe two for this. Besides it will save on the bottles.”

Epona and one of the Troubleshooters go down to the basement and in a bit return with two fresh kegs. They put them on their sides after tapping them on stands behind the bar.

As we drink the first round, I notice that several of the locals have now turned their attention to our group. I also notice that several of them are beginning to make bets themselves.

We are on the fifth round when I notice that Twinks is starting to look sleepy and is certainly drunk. But she is far from the only one. I then feel a call to nature coming up and I stand up so I can go out back to use the outhouse when Mort says, “Now Choo, no cheating.”

I am confused when he says this and he tells me, “No throwing up to clear the alcohol out of your system when you go out there. In fact, let Fall Moss there escort you there and back.” Then he points to a unicorn mare on his team.

“Okay Mort, but maybe we should get a couple of the locals to escort us just to keep it neutral.”

I see him wobble a bit as he leans on one hoof on the table. “Sounds fair to me.”

As I return, I accidentally trip and stumble a bit at the door. I see him and Smiley both grin at each other and Smiley tells Purchase, “Time for the next round.”

As I return to my seat next to Paper Work he nods to me and I flick my ears slightly in answer to the unasked question of if I am ok.

After two more rounds, Twinks has fallen asleep at the table. Purchase Order tells us, “Ok, tonight if needed we can use the rooms upstairs to sleep it off.”

It is not long after this that one of Mort’s team passes out as well. That is when Smiley says, “Perhaps it is time to switch to something a bit stronger.”

I see Purchase's eyes go wide and from the kitchen in the back I hear Stir Fry ask, “Are you sure you want to do that?”

He nods his head, as do the rest of us. She then brings out shot glasses for each of us and two bottles of Old Overmare.

As he looks at the bottle Smiley says, “I have not heard of this brand before, I wonder what the story is behind it.”

Paper Work answers that for me, “Smiley, back when the Manesville Stable closed its door on the final day, there were two pegasus stallions inside. Well one of them used an old family recipe along with surplus ingredients to make his home brew. The Overmare was not happy about it but allowed him to make a small batch every year instead of punishing him. So, from what I understand he named it Old Overmare, and the mare on the label is supposedly what she looked like.”

“Hmm, interesting, well, let’s try it then.”

Finally, I have lost track of how many rounds we have had. I notice that while most of the others are no longer fit to drink or have quit even Smiley is starting to weave a bit in his seat. I then hear Mort drunkenly ask, “You ready to give up yet?”

I shake my head and tell Purchase, “Could you bring out a couple of bottles of Three Sisters?”

I see her nod her head as she trots away to get it. When she returns, she removes the cork from one of them, and then sets them both on the table.

As she does this, I see Mort trying to adjust his eyes as he looks at the label then he looks at Smiley and tells him, “I think we have been had.”

Smiley, by now seems to be confused and asks him, “Why do you say that Boss?”

“Because that is her on the bloody bottle Smiley.”

I nod my head, “Well, it is my image, as well as my two sisters on it, but that is because it is a blended whiskey, with Old Pegasus, Old Overmare, and some of our local brew added. But you have not been had. I did not lie; I have not drunk more than one of two drinks at a time in years.”

We share one more round and I watch as Smiley's head slowly sinks to the table and his eyes close as he passes out.

Mort, clearly drunk asks, “How? How did you drink a Kiren under the table?”

I shrug my shoulders and answer, “Mort, I have not been able to get drunk since I took this form. By the way, this is the most I have had since before the Final Day.”

“Ok, I give up then. Just, just get me to a bed and make the world stop spinning,” he tells me.

I nod my head, then I help to move all those who are no longer capable of doing so on their own, upstairs to some of the rooms there.

Once done with that, I notice Epona is drinking some coffee. As I walk over to them, Purchase hoofs me the bill for all the drinks. Then she pushes a bag of caps to me and tells me, “I already took the cost of the drinks and the rooms out of the pot. I just hope they are not all wrecks in the morning.”

Behind me I hear Paper Work laugh lightly, then he tells me, “Okay dear, how about we head home now?”

I nod in agreement and we head outside. Once there I have him climb onto my back and I fly him to my cave. While the flight is short, I hear him say, “My love, I cannot tell you how much I love flying with you.”

Once we are inside, I see my two sisters are already in bed as is George. We slowly make our way to my room in the cave, climb into bed, and finally settle down to enjoy just each other’s company, and wonder what the next few weeks will bring.

He is quiet briefly then he asks, “Dearest, did you intend to make them think you were getting drunk when you came back from the sinks?”

I laugh lightly before I tell him, “No dear, I just tripped, you know I am clumsy sometimes.”

In response he replies, “I keep forgetting that, as you are always so graceful to me.” Then I feel his hoof along my cheek as he lightly kisses me.

Just before we fall asleep, I ask him, “Paper, did you do that tonight on purpose?”

In the dark, I can faintly see him smile and I feel him nod as he tells me, “Yes dear, they needed it, both to blow off steam and a positive shared experience. I do not know where they are heading next, but love, I have a feeling they will need that.”


Rainbow Dash Skyport, Hoofington, Enclave Territory: Ball Lightning

I take another drink of my cider, then I look at Air Burst and quietly tell him, “Thanks for the heads up about what was coming down the pike.”

He looks around the bar/ former lounge of the Skyport, then quietly tells me more as a statement than a question, “I take it they contacted you already?”

“Yeah, you could say that. They let me know how impressed they were with my performance the other day when we failed to safely escort our prisoner. They said it made for some great footage on the news up in Thunderhead and throughout the Enclave’s major cities.”

He nods his head, then asks, “What else? I can tell you are not telling me everything.”

“Well, they mentioned that if I kept myself on the straight and narrow and knew which side to be on there might be a promotion soon for me.”

His face becomes very serious and he frowns slightly, “Yeah, I understand. but remember Ball, you need to protect your own. Your family is depending on you.”

As he says this I begin to wonder and I ask him, “Air, is that why you never married and had a family?”

He smiles ruefully before he answers, “Ball, a wife, and family are just one more thing that certain ponies can hold over my head. I did not need that worry. Besides, if I have to make a run for it, I only have to worry about me.”

I nod my head in understanding. “How about when this is done?”

He takes a drink of his cider and laughs lightly, “Ball, do you think it is ever done? Yeah, it might quiet down some, but it is never done. Not for people in this line of work.”

I raise a questioning eyebrow as I ask, “Air, am I in this line of work now too?”

I hear him take a deep breath and let out a sigh. He looks into the distance briefly then tells me, “Yeah, yeah you are Ball, since the first time you came to work with me you have been. Sorry about that.”

“Nothing to apologize for, it is not your fault.”

“Yeah, I know, but I still feel responsible.”

He looks at his pastern watch and tells me, “Looks like it is almost dinner time, Ball you need to get home to your family.”

I quickly finish my drink then after I wipe my mouth on my sleeve, I tell him, “Yeah, you're right, you ready for a homecooked meal. Sundancer is making spaghetti with a nice cream sauce tonight.”

He then asks, “You are sure she will not mind my eating there again?”

I find myself laughing lightly, “No Air, she doesn’t mind, with as many as we are feeding, it is not much of a stretch, Besides, once Alto gets to come back dirtside, we plan on having him over too.”

“How is he anyway? Have you heard anything?”

“We received a letter yesterday from him, he is recovering from the burns and injuries. He will not say how bad the injuries were, but we suspect he is hiding how bad it was.”

“I will check on him the next time I head up to Thunderhead, Ball.”

“Thanks, he really is a good buck, and I know he and Sundancer are very close.

After dinner, Air Burst continues to visit with us as we listen to the radio.

I begin to feel uneasy, and I notice Air shifting uncomfortably as we listen to Hallowed Dreams speak,

You heard me right Mares and Gentlecolts, I said it and I will say it again, the president is not upholding her duties as commander in chief of our glorious Enclave. We are in the middle of the war and what is she doing, she keeps running all over Equestria for some goddess-blessed reason known but to her.

If you had a job to do, but instead keep taking off, nowhere to be found, what do you think would happen to you?

That is right, you would be fired, so would I, so why do we not hold her to a higher set of standards than the rest of us?

And do not even get me started on the recent strings of defeats we have seen. However, our glorious and valent generals have been doing their best to make sure the Enclave can ascend Equestria to its former glory through actions taken in places like San Prancisco and in the Mohoofe near Reino, against the tyrannical forces of the NCR and its so-called allies, which we all know are nothing more than puppet states.

Well, it is the bottom of the hour now we all know what that means, it is time for some music. I will return with more facts and opinions after three songs by our brave armed forces bands, and these messages from our sponsors.

As the music begins to play, Air Burst and I look at each other and only because I know him so well, I can tell he is upset. Beside me, I hear my wife tell the kids, “Ok, time for bed, get started up that way and I will be right up.”

I notice that it is still slightly early for the kids to be going to bed, but once they have all left the room, she turns to face both Air and me as she asks, “Ok, what is going on? Are things about to go sideways for us or what? Air, Ball, I need you both to be honest with me, I need to know what to do to protect my family.”

I let out a sigh and I see Air shift his wings slightly before he tells her, “I can’t be certain, but Sundancer, with how much they are now attacking the president, I fear we may have a storm on the horizon that will make the Thunderhead-Neighvarro battles look like a schoolyard fight.”

She looks from him to me and then back to him before she asks, “I guess that means me and the kids are safer here than in Thunderhead, huh?”

“Well as safe as any of us can be. But I would stay dirtside if I could. I do not like the way things are shaping up.”

I see her wings start to rise in alarm as she puts a hoof to her muzzle, “Tell me it will not be like the old days, please?”

I hear him sigh before he tells her, “I hope not, but Sundancer, I am not going to guarantee you anything right now. Just keep alert and like I told Ball here already, keep your head down and do what you need to survive the storm.”

She puts her wings back in place and nods her head, “OK, Air, I got you. Thanks for letting me know.”

Later that night when we go to bed, she is cuddling close to me and I hear her ask, “Ball if it happens and I have to take the kids and run, do you still want me to try to make it to Manesville?”

I pull her slightly closer, then, then tell her, “Honestly love, I don’t know. Not after what we did there.”

“What do you mean Ball?”

“Dear, I have from a source there that when our troops could not hold ground, they started using a scorched earth policy.”

“Well, that serves them right for using mega spells on our troops there.”

I feel myself sigh again. “Dear, the same source let me know that they did not use mega spells.”

“Well then, what did they use?”

I find myself shaking my head and I tell her, “I think they might have used some of those Fuel Air Explosive bombs, like those Manesville ponies did against the Mayhem’s Mares. At least for most of them. The same source confirmed that the NCR was not lying about a filly taking down the fourth one. I just don’t know how she did it.”

I feel her tremble slightly and I squeeze her gently to reassure her as she asks, “Ball, what can we do?”

I close my eyes and bite my lip as I think of what to tell her, finally, I settle on telling her, “Survive, that is the best we can do my love. Survive.”

The next day, at officers’ call, we get told by our CO, “Last night, orders came through for our XO to transfer out to a new MP battalion that is forming. He shipped out three hours ago. Ball, I have your new orders promoting you to Major and making you my new XO. I need you to let me know which one of your officers you suggest to take over your company.”

I think briefly and tell him, “Sir, I would suggest Lieutenant Bulls Eye Squall. She has already filled in for me before so she is familiar with running the company already.”

He nods his head, “I agree with your assessment Major. You need to let her know she is taking over the company, and before you return here, I need you to stop by the Quartermasters and get your new rank insignia.”

“Yes sir.”

He nods his head and then tells us, “Dismissed ponies, let’s get our people moving.”

As we leave, I cannot help but wonder about the conversation I had the other day when they told me a promotion might be in the works. I smile at first, then I begin to wonder, did I sell my soul to Tirek for it” I shake my head as I realize, I had no choice. I had done just what I was supposed to, and they assumed it was for show when it wasn’t.

As I arrive at what was my company’s HQ, I give them their orders for the day as well as the news of my promotion and who is taking over the company.

They all take it in stride, but after they leave Bulls Eye takes me to the side and asks, “Sir, while I do not mind getting this position, I am just afraid it will make it harder for me to date Funnel Cloud.”

I nod my head, “Yes, I can understand that, but let’s see what we can do, alright?”

She nods her head, “Thank you sir. I owe you one.”

I smile and tell her, “Don’t worry about it. But to tell you the truth, I am very happy that you are the one taking over for me. You did good before and I am sure you will continue to do so.”

That evening after I get home from work, I tell Sundancer the news. I see her get excited for me at first, but then she asks, “Ball, why you? I mean, yes, I know you are good, but I did not think you had enough time in your position to advance yet?”

I shrug my wings, “Perhaps it is because of the war dear. After all, our former XO just got promoted to take over a new battalion that is forming.”

“That makes sense Ball. Thank you for calming my nerves.”

“You’re welcome, dear, now let me help you with dinner.”


Good evening again to all my listeners in the greater Manesville region it is the top of the hour and time for the latest news. Tonight’s news revolves around the Siege of Ponytraz Island in the bay at San Prancisco. Where our brave NCR forces are still holding their ground, even after having terms of surrender offered by the commander of the Enclave forces there.

From the Mohoofe desert, we have received news that NCR forces there have advanced another three miles today. This is Great news and to the mares and stallions involved there, keep up the good fight.

Well, now it is time to go back to the music portion of our show. The next song I am dedicating to one of our local alicorns who was sighted a bit ago with a pony on her back in the moonlight. For you ma’am and the pony you were with, is the song Iris.

Chapter 53 Shuffling the Cards

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Chapter 53 Shuffling the Cards

“If you're confused about what to do, it's a sign that your enemy is winning.” ― Toba Beta, Master of Stupidity

Baltimare Colt, Hoofrock River, NCR territory: Ginger Snaps

As I lay in my bunk, I feel the ship start to shift slightly. Then I hear five quick blasts of the steam whistle. My eyes pop open and I jump up from bed throwing my blanket aside. I see the other members of our team starting to do the same as we hear the twin 40mm guns begin to fire.

As we hear this we move as fast as equinely possible to put on our kits and grab our weapons from the ready service lockers.

Once we have our weapons, each team member gallops off towards their actions station. As I come out on the deck, I can see a flare high in the air against the dark sky, that partially blinds me. As I reach my station on the main deck, next to one of the 20mm guns I hunker down. As my eyes begin to adjust, I can hear the sounds of a vertibuck skimming along the water towards us, then I can see the flashes of its guns beginning to fire.

I raise my SIR and wait until it is close enough to hit. Soon the .50 caliber Auto anti-machine rifles join the fray as the aircraft closes. I see some sparks speckle off of it, and as it zooms down my side of the Colt, I join the party as I spray fire at the open doors along the side and the side gunner who is returning fire.

Beside me, I hear a burst of rounds hit the metal plating around the 20mm gun and I see the gunner go slack. As I pull the gunner away from the mount to cover, I see one of the Troubleshooters take his place and continue to fire.

When I reach the shelter of the tin siding, I call out, “MEDIC!”

In reply, I hear Twinks call out, “On the way!”

I am just applying a tourniquet to the wounded deckhoof when she arrives. She is doing a quick assessment when she sees the tourniquet and nods approvingly. “Good decision Cookie, now let me get closer to see what I can do.”

Soon after applying a few bandages, we hear another call for a medic as well as somepony screaming in pain. She tells me, “Help me get him to sickbay.” Then she calls out, “Medic on the way!” And I lose her in the darkness as her silhouette blends into the shadows.

After I have moved him inside to sickbay, I am returning to the main deck when I hear an explosion nearby. Followed by someone yelling for me “Make a hole!” as they and several others run by me with hammers, timbers, and other pieces of damage control equipment.

I have just reached the deck one more time when I see the vertibuck has begun to charge at us from our port side. It is slewing sideways towards us so it can bring one of its side guns to bear when both the Twin 40mm’s and some of the 20mm’s get their range and all hit it at once, from the cockpit to the closest engine. As the engine is shredded and the blades fly in every direction, the other engine cannot maintain control and I watch as the damaged aircraft flips to its side and drops into the river.

It stays afloat briefly then begins to sink. As it does, I see one of the pilots jump out pulling another crewpony out with them. But with the current and our speed, we are soon past them with no real chance of a rescue.

We stay at our action stations until after sunrise, when the damage control teams finally have the popped seams and holes plugged and shoring nailed into place so we can continue with our mission.

As my team heads back inside, I notice one of the engine room crew members coming my way. “Hey Rough Seas, how you doing?”

I see the tired expression on his face as he runs a hoof through his brown mane. “Making it Cookie, it was dicey a bit in there, we had one of the steam lines hit and had to isolate it. That is why we slowed down at that one point during the battle.”

I nod my head, “Anypony hurt bad?”

“A couple of steam burns. The 2nd Engineer and Oiler Babbit Bearing. Oh, and Senior Oiler Smoke Box took a round in his side, but he should be ok. He was still cursing as they carried him out of the engine room.”

I find myself forcing a smile and telling him, “Glad to hear it,” though I have seen ponies yelling and cursing as they bled to death.

He seems reassured by my answer and tells me, “I best let you get going; besides, I need to get topside to get some air.”

“I will talk to you later Rough. Glad to see you are ok.”

He nods again and I see him head outside into the bright light. Once back to our part of the old cargo deck we relight the lanterns and begin to clean our weapons.

As I look, I notice that Cowlick is not here, nor Twinks. This gets me to raise an eyebrow and I hear Morning Mist telling Tater, “I am sure Twinks will be back as soon as things slow down on the mess decks. Might be a bit longer for Cowlick, he took a couple of splinters when one of those bursts hit near him.”

I have finished cleaning my SIR and the magazines I used as well as refilling those magazines with rounds when Twinks and Cowlick come back in.

The first thing I notice though is that he has a large bandage on his hindquarters. I have just raised an eyebrow when he looks at us and tells us, “Yeah, I got hit in the ass, and before you say anything no it was not a brain shot.”

I lose it at that and begin to laugh. Off to the side, I see Epona stifling a laugh with her front hoof. Then I hear Xochitl ask him, “Well, did it at least make your life flash in front of your eyes?”

“Very funny Chotil, but it did make me think a bit. At least I got a good burst into the SOBs after they did it. But it still hurts like all get out.”

Twinks shakes her head with a smile. Then she asks, “Anyone in here with a minor wound that needs to be checked still?”

A couple of the others have light wounds that are already bandaged, and one of the Troubleshooters tells her, “Nah, Pressure Wrap already got us. Thanks for asking.”

This seems to mollify her and she goes over to her bed, removes her bloody clothing, cleans out her pockets, then takes a length of rope with her and the bundle and tells me, “I will be back in a bit Cookie”

I have to laugh, now that we are back in the field, both teams are starting to use their field names again. However, even the crew has started to pick it up mine, including the captain.

When she comes back, most of us are done cleaning our weapons, Twinks on the other hoof has a damp bundle of her uniforms with her. When she gets next to the wood stove, she hangs the rope toward the back of it, and then hangs her uniform on it, as well as her web belt.

She then turns around and tells me, “I had to get the blood out. You know how it is.”

“Yeah, yeah, I do. Make sure you keep warm while your uniform dries.” Tater tells her.

I watch as she smiles and asks him, “You offering?”

He gets up, grabs a blanket, and puts it around his shoulder then sits next to her and wraps it around her. As he does this I have to smile.

From the table off to the side, I hear Cowlick ask, “Ok, who wants to play cards?”

Later Mort comes in and tells us, “Cookie, Smiley, Captain Rust Water wants to talk with us.”
We follow him up to the mess decks, which are still being cleaned from earlier. As we arrive, I see Rust sitting there drinking her coffee. She sets it down as we arrive.

“Ok, we took some pretty good damage there. But we should still be able to make our drop-off point for you. But until we get there, I will need your help with ponying some of the guns. We lost one of the gunners, and had two more wounded and out of action for a couple more days.”

We all nod our heads. “Ma’am, do you think we have to worry about the Enclave hitting us again?”

I see her sigh first, then she takes another drink from her cup before she answers, “Maybe. We may have come across a scout or somepony on a special mission. Otherwise, I think we would not be having this conversation onboard the Colt.”

Mort then asks, “Anything else we can do to help?”

She shrugs, then turns to me, “Cookie, could we put Tater and Epona on the watch bill for the pilot house? We may need the extra set of hooves.”

“I do not think that will be a problem Captain, but I will ask if they mind when I get back to the berthing. I am sure they are getting tired of just being cargo most of the time.”

She smiles, then tells me, “Ok, sounds good. Let me know.”

Two days later we arrive at Western Landing. There we take on more fuel and we receive assistance in making repairs to the major damage we received during the fight. We spend four more days there before we are ready to go again. I am surprised though when we are met there by Blackberry Pie and her team. Along with her, I see three new ponies. One an earth pony mare, the second a unicorn stallion, and the final one, a unicorn mare.

As she comes aboard, I call to her, “Good to see you again Blackberry.” She waves back and once she gets to me, I ask her, “Who are the new ponies?”

“The earth pony is Jelly Bean, the stallion, is Rare Find, and the final mare is Ember Rose. They are to help build up your team. Choo will have been notified by a message about them already.”

I find myself very frustrated as I ask, “And you are having them meet the team in the middle of a mission?”

“Sorry, but the timing was off. We had wanted to bring them to Manesville, but we had a few other distractions first.”

This wording gets me to raise an eyebrow. “So, they have seen action then?”

She nods her head, “Yes, they have. I have full confidence that they will be fine.”

“Ok,” I look them both over and then ask, “So what about you and your team Blackberry?”

She shrugs, “We will be riding until we are near the Everfree and will make our way to Hackamore. We have another assignment waiting for us there.”

“Well, at least Tater will be able to see Tail Spin. I know he has missed him.”

“I know Tail Spin has missed him and Chain Lightning as well.”

“Well, follow me and I will take you to the passenger berthing.”

“She looks at the Pilothouse, then back at me and tells me, “Please take the others, I need to talk to the captain, but will be there soon enough.”

“Do you need me to lead you there?”

“No Ginger, I can find my way, this is not my first time on the Colt,” she says with a smile that makes me wonder what she was doing then, and why did I not know about it.

It is three days later when we make our way up the smaller river that leads towards the Everfree Forest and Ponyville. We are near enough now that we can drop off Blackberry Pie and her team, which we do, just before the Everfree, which we can see in the distance.

Before they go ashore, they wish us good luck as we do for them. Then they are off and on their way again.


Baltimare Colt, River through the Everfree Forest: Xochitl

I watched as Blackberry, Chip, and Tail Spin were ferried to the shore. It was great to see them all again. After all, I have known both Blackberry and Chip since I was a young buck with the scouts on the Expedition. Tail Spin, well I met him a bit later and through Tater, as Tail and his husband Chain Lightning adopted him after he came through the Doorway along with Epona and so many others.

While they are being ferried ashore, I look back and see the flight crew as well as several crew members have removed the tarps from over the vertibuck and have taken down the timbers that assisted in holding the tarps up and off the aircraft. As the tarps come down you can once again tell that the Colt now has a flight deck again. The flight crew then begins to unfold the blades of the rotors in preparation for flight.

Once the launch returns to the Colt, I see the anchor windlass begin to rise and I feel the pulse of the steam engines begin to increase in speed as we get underway again. As we approach the Everfree Forest, we can see the forest extend on both sides, and Captain Waters calls us all to action stations.

As we knew this was coming our team was already kitted up, and all we had to do was run to our required stations. I find myself running from the upper deck by the 40mm mount down to the main deck on the port side, between one of the 20mm mounts and one of the .50cal auto anti-machine rifles.

I find myself hunkering down behind the wooden railing along the main deck that has been reinforced by sandbags. As I peer over the defensive works in front of me, I only see a wild forest at first. Before too long I see a pack of Timberwolves on the hunt along the shore. I have never seen them before, but I know what they are by their rough wooden bodies in a canine shape. I am looking at them through the scope of my rifle when I see a dragon-shaped creature with the head of a chicken fly into the air from some brush just in front of one of the Timberwolves. I see it hover and suddenly the predator turns to a stone in mid-leap.

I turn to Tater beside me and ask, “Did you see that? What the buck?”

He laughs slightly and responds, “Yeah, I saw it through my binoculars. It is a cockatrice. Nasty buggers. The Door Kickers lost one of their ponies to one during their first deployment to the Hackamore region. They were at a village just at the south edge of the Everfree.”

I nod my head, then look upriver, and in the distance, I can see the ruins of what looks to have once been a castle. Near it, I can also see the wreckage of an Enclave airship. From the other side of Tater, I hear Epona say, “I know that place. It is mentioned in the Book of Little Pip. It is called the Cathedral. Red Eye was holed up there at one time. But let us talk about that later.”

I feel the Colt start to turn slightly as it adjusts its course. Then I hear Epona say, “I just wish Rust would have kept me and Tater in the pilot house for this.”

Tater then tells her, “Yeah, it would have been nice, but let’s face it Pona, we are only axillaries on the watch bill. She needs regulars for action stations.”

I wonder how Ginger is doing on the other side. I worry as she has taken two of the three newbies with her along with Morning Mist. Two of them are supposed to pony one of the 20mm guns there. Up on the focsle is Twinks, Cowlick, Double Back, and the newbie, Ember Rose.

Mort’s team is covering the upper deck above us similarly. This helps me to relax as I now know they will have our backs.

As we approach closer to the ruins, I can see that for about a mile around them, the forest is nothing but new growth, trees, and brush that can be no older than ten years old. A few sections of buildings are still standing. However, I can see in the debris of one of them, the wreckage of a raptor sticking out as if it crashed into it.

Epona tells me, “Yeah, they mentioned that one too. Red Eyes forces put up quite a fight here against the Enclave. The Enclave even had a Thunderhead class skyship as well as Raptors. Goddess, I cannot imagine what would have happened to Manesville if we had been hit this hard.

I find myself shaking my head. “Glad I wasn’t here for that.”

She nods her head, “Yeah, I get you on that one. By the way, have you ever read any of the Book of Little Pip?” she asks me.

I shake my head, “Only about half of it. I, I just could not help thinking about all we lost back then because of the war. I wanted to keep thinking of our heroes as heroes and not flawed ponies and zebras.” I let out a sigh after that and then add, “Besides it hurts to know how far we fell.”

She nods her head, “Yeah, I get that,” she tells me.

From the 20mm mount nearby I hear one of the new Colt crewmembers named Rough Seas say, “Yeah, I get that. I wonder where the world would be if they had just tried to understand each other.”

I nod my head as I hear Epona tell him, “Yeah Rough, I have to agree with you on that too.” She pauses and then asks, “How come as an engineer you ended up on a gun crew?”

He smiles and shifts his forelock away from his face. Then he tells her, “I volunteered for gun crew duty. I was hoping for the twin 40s, but they still had a full crew. Besides, the captain said since it was an extra duty, I would get some more caps for it.”

I find myself as well as several others nodding our heads. I peek again over the side and scan the shore with my scope as I hear Tater ask him, “So, Rough, how did you end up on the crew of the colt?”

He shrugs, “Luck I guess you could say. I got tired of the regular navy but still wanted to sail when I first saw the Colt in my hometown of Baltimare. But she had a full crew. About a month back I heard she needed crew from another riverboat that was heading up towards Manesville and decided to try my luck.”

I see Tater nod his head in my peripheral vision as he then asks, “That’s a big chance, what if you had not been hired?”

He smiles “Well, I had heard Manesville was the home of the 1st NCR River Flotilla, so worse come to worse, I guess I could have signed up with them, but honestly, I did not think that would happen.”

He then asks, “You guys ever been to Baltimare?”

As he asks, I find myself laughing, and I hear Tater tell him, “Yeah, you could say that. Been a while, but we ran some ops up that way. Even made a raid into the old Ministry of Wartime Technologies hub there.”

About this time, I see movement along the shoreline sliding into the water. I call out, “340 meters, to the port side bow, I just saw a radgator slide into the water and it is heading our way.”

We all swing our weapons in the direction of the radgator as it quickly makes its way toward us. From above I hear the captain yell out, “Take the blasted thing out before it hits the hull or flops up on deck!”

I am just aiming to fire when I hear Rough Seas open fire with a quick burst. Through my scope I see a shot hit its head first, then two more along its back. I also see several more shots landing near it. I watch as it rolls over and begins to sink, but I soon see a hazel aura surround it and lift it out of the water, bringing it closer.

I then hear my wife yell out, “That’s right Rare Find, bring it in close. I hear these things are good eating.”

As it gets over the deck, I see it try to roll itself over. One of the ship's crew from the focsle then jumps up and quickly slices its throat.

The gator then starts to flop around even harder at first. I see that now several of the unicorns have joined in holding it in place as it fights their hold. Finally, It goes slack and I watch as it is at first lowered to the deck. From above I hear Rust call out, “Well, since you caught the dang thing, some of you better start cleaning it too now. The rest get back on watch.”

We continue our way upriver until we are near Ponyville. Once there, Rust drops anchor several hundred meters from the shore. We have one more meal on board, and then Mort tells us, “Gear up, we are leaving as soon as the bird is loaded.”

With that, we all grab our kits and whatever we feel we will need in the Mohoovie. Part of this is that we all carry two canteens on top of our normal loadout.

As we lift into the air, I look out the window on the opposite side then back down the loading ramp, and watch as first the Colt, then the still rebuilding Ponyville pass into the distance as we chase the sun across the sky and toward the next phase of our mission.

We stop one more time to rest the aircrew and to let the magic batteries recharge. Once done we take back to the air. As we near our estimated drop-off point the sun is almost fully down. In the valleys ahead I can see flares, tracer rounds, and artillery explosions in the distance.

It looks like we may be going into a hot LZ. I feel my stomach tense and I have a bitter taste in the back of my mouth. As we get closer, I can see the trench lines ahead of us. Wait, I thought we were advancing on Reino. Why are there trenches on both sides if we are still advancing? I ask myself. Then Flight Plan flares the aircraft and while we are still pony high above the ground we hear, “Go, Go, Go!” and we run out the loading ramp, jumping to the ground. I feel my ankle buckle slightly but run on the injured limb toward a nearby bunker with the others. After all, it still supports my weight so I can still use it. We can take care of it when we are safe.

As we run, I watch the last of us in mid-jump and the door gunner on one side starts to open fire as sparks come off the transport. Then Flight Plan and the Hot Shot spin and take off as fast as they can at the nap of the earth.

Once we reach the bunker, we are met by a grizzled-looking sergeant major who tells us, “Welcome, I have a feeling you were not expecting this.


Manesville, Manesville Region, NCR: Choo Choo

As I arrive at the shop for the day, I see the door is already open and Diode is at the workbench by the counter working on a couple of pieces of electronics. I stop briefly and watch him solder a piece in place and once he is done, he blows on it lightly then looks up at me, “Oh, good morning, Boss.”

“Good morning, Diode, what are you working on?”

He smiles and then tells me, “Oh, before she left Twinks gave me the plans for some radio direction finders. I am building a couple of them so besides the ones on your PipBucks, you can have one on the Colt and one on the Vertibuck to help triangulate the location of a broadcaster.” He pauses and then adds, “She did not tell me why, just that you would need a couple.”

I nod my head in reply I tell him, “Thank you. These should help.”

Just then Zhea calls out from the back, “Choo Choo, would you like me to bring you some tea?”

I think briefly and then tell her, “No, do not bring it to me, I will be there in a minute. Besides, I have a few things I want to discuss with you.”

As I arrive in the mess hall area of our shop, she is taking a pot of water off the stove.

I grab a cup off the rack and take a seat. As I do so, she brings the pot over and places some tea leaves in my cup as well as one for her. She then hurries back and brings out a small bottle of cow’s milk as well as a small container of honey.

Once she has everything ready, she sits down and we begin to talk as we let the tea steep.

“Ok Choo, what do you have for me today?”

I find myself smiling at her business upfront approach. “Well, I wanted to talk to you about hiring a couple more people for the shop. I would like to add a couple more actual repair ponies if we can get them.”

She nods her head in understanding. “Do they need to be ponies Boss?”

I shake my head, “No, just that they can be of use in keeping up the storefront here. Oh, and combat experience would be a plus.”

When I say this, she puts a hoof in front of her muzzle to stifle a slight giggle. Then she tells me, “Choo, I do not think that last one will be hard to find. Not after that last incident with the Enclave here.”

I find myself smiling as well, as I remember some of those who I had not expected to be involved in the fighting, being in the thick of it and coming out of it still alive. “Yes, you are correct I suppose.”

She nods her head, “Do you have any suggestions, Boss?”

“Not off the top of my head. Rumor has it that they may try to keep the Militia activated for an extended period, so that may reduce the number of ponies we have available to us.”

By now we have already mixed the honey and milk into our tea and begun to drink it. We discuss a few other things that are of concern to me about the shop. Then we begin to talk about personal things.

“Choo, would you mind if I had Xerxes from Site Paddock come and visit us?”

I find myself smiling and I lean forward in my seat, “Not at all. I did not realize you two struck it off so well.”

I see her move her head as if she is blushing. Then she answers, “We seem to have so far. It felt so good to talk to him while we were at the welcome home party for Captain Archer. He even enjoyed talking with me and my daughter.” She pauses, then asks, “Choo, if I were to begin dating him, do you think it would be too soon? I mean do you think I have gone through a proper length period of mourning for my husband?”

I think briefly before answering her, “Myself, I do. However, the real question is are you ready to date? If you feel you are, then go for it. If not, then wait and build a friendship with him that can be transitioned into more later.”

I see her think briefly and then she nods her head. Then she tells me, “I have heard you talking about your great-granddaughter going with you when you leave to join the rest of the team. Have you thought about how you might prepare her for it yet?”

I nod my head, “Yes, I have, right now I am having Sunny train her with in-flight maneuvers and formation flying as well as why we do it.”

“And what about fighting on the ground as well?”

I find myself biting my lip because I had not thought about that. She smiles as best she can and tells me, “I was afraid of that. But, when I was last over by White Cloud, I had heard several members of the Militia there talking about how much the old Pegasus Tag games had helped them when the Enclave attacked. Something about teaching them how to react to a quickly changing environment.”

I nod my head and think briefly, “That sounds good, but who would I get to participate in it?”

This time she leans forward and says, “How about forming a youth pegasus tag league? If you add non-fliers to it, then you can work on ground situations as well.”

I put a wing under my chin, “Hmm, you know that may just work, I will have to talk to Sunny about it. Thanks for the suggestion Zhea.”

I see her smile back at me as she tells me, “My pleasure. Besides, it may help many others who are not going with you as well.” She pauses and adds, “And it may just keep some of the youngsters out of trouble.”

I then tell her, “In a bit I am heading over to White Cloud, would you like me to stop at Site Paddock and let Xerxes know you would like him to visit soon?”

She says nothing, but instead nods her head excitedly.

“Ok, I will my friend,” I tell her.

“Thank you, Choo. I do appreciate it more than you can imagine.”

I find myself smiling at the zebra mare ghoul, then I tell her, “I think I have a fair idea, have I ever told you about when I found my old fiancé Side Track about ten years back? He was in the railyard on the final day…” And I begin to tell her about him, our old friend Firebox, and how Paper Work had conspired with her to get her and Side Track together.

After I finish my story to her, I notice the time on a Sparkle Cola clock that is on the wall and realize I need to get moving. I excuse myself and begin to make my way to White Cloud.

I am only a couple of miles away when I see four specks flying in formation. As they fly, I notice that they keep adjusting their formation as if keeping the tail of their wing mares clear. This gets my attention and I adjust my course to meet theirs.

Once I am close enough, I realize who it is and I smile as Moon Lily and three or her friends all fly up to me. Once close enough Moon yells out, “Granny Choo!” and flies over for a hug.

After we break our hug, her friends fly over to me as well.

Once they are close enough, she reintroduces me to them.

“Granny,” she points a hoof towards a young yellow-coated hippogriff filly with a tail of mixed yellow and brown, “This is Slipstream. Her pa works with Mama Mollygirl.”

I find myself smiling as I tell her, “A pleasure to meet you Slipstream.”

She giggles slightly then moves back as two young pegasus mares who if I remember correctly are sisters fly slightly forward. She then says, “And this is Snow Song” The light gray-coated mare with her braided white mane and tail, raises a hoof and waves to me. Moon continues, “And her sister Frost Glitter,” who is a light gray coated young mare with a medium gray mane and tail which she wears in pig tales, who then waves briefly too, “Their ma works with Mama Mollygirl too. Frost and Snow and their little brother Rain Dancer all went to Hoofington with us.”

“A pleasure to meet you formally young mares,” I tell them and nod my head in their direction. For some reason, their names tickle the back of my mind and I cannot think of why. It must have been from the family stories about their escape from Hoofington. I block this away to think about more later and I ask, “So what are you three up to today?”

Moon excitedly tells me, “I was teaching them what cousin Sunny had taught me, so I could practice it more.”

“Really, and what do you mares think of it?” I ask.

They all look at each other and it seems almost like I am witnessing Unity from the outside as they all look back at me at the same time and say, “It is a lot of fun. We like the challenge.”

I feel my eyes go open wide and my ears are forward when they do this which causes them all to giggle. Then Moon sends me, ({Do not worry Granny, it is not like this or with my aunts. We just are close friends.})

I feel relief when she says this and send back, ({Thank you for understanding Moon.})

Then she asks, “So were you coming to visit? Maybe some more magic lessons?”

I nod my head, “I was coming to visit, but I have to visit Site Paddock first.”

“Oh, ok. I was just hoping since Sunny has not come over yet. He was helping with his Pa for a bit today.”

I nod my head as Sunny has told me that he was going to help around the farm as his father, Trouble Water, was still trying to get the farm back in shape after having recovered from his wounds from the Enclave incursion.

I think briefly and then tell them, “If you want to accompany me to Site Paddock, we can practice some more maneuvers.”

As we go, I have them show me some of the various maneuvers that they have learned so far. By the time we reach Site Paddock, I have a fairly decent understanding of their level of flying skills and how well they can coordinate together. As I get ready to land, I start to think about all those years ago when I ran away with Ginger and Xochitl on the Expedition and I feel guilt creep into my mind as I think about taking my great-granddaughter on such an adventure. At least I hope her friends do not try to join her when we leave.

Once on the ground I turn to them and Moon tells me, “Okay Granny, we will meet you back at the farm.”

“Sounds good Moon, I will be there in a bit.”

As I enter Site Paddock, I notice a couple of ghouls from Dead Quite are leaving and I overhear them joking with each other. When they see me, they both go silent briefly until I wave a wing at them. Then they both tell me, “Good afternoon Ma’am.”

“I smile at them and wave a wing as I tell them, “Good afternoon. I hope you are both doing well.”

They both smile as best as they can and the nearest of them tells me, “We are, but I am surprised to see one of your kind visiting the site here.”

I wave a hoof, “While I do not visit here often, I sometimes like to talk with somepony about the old days. After all, there are some things that others cannot ever understand.”

They both look at each other and nod their heads, Then as I shift the light falls on my cutie mark and I hear one of them say, “Oh, you are her. We heard about you. Lieutenant Cake told us about you and your great-granddaughter Moon Lily. It is a pleasure, ma’am.”

I feel myself blushing. “Well, thank you. But both she and I are both ponies just like you.”

I hear a rough chuckle come from both of them and the one says, “I guess they were right about you and her then. You really do consider us to be ponies still. Well, we need to get going before it gets too late. Have a good day Ma’am.”

“And you two as well. Take care.”

As they head their way, I continue mine, in search of Xerxes. I stop at the security office and I see one of the original inhabitants of the old underground storage base sitting behind a desk watching the various monitors. When I enter, he turns to me and asks, “Can I help you, Choo?”

I smile as I recognize him from around town and the family farm. “I think so Sergeant Apple Dough, I have a message to Lieutenant Xerxes from Zhia.”

I see his remaining ear go straight up and his foggy eyes focus on me. “Really? I hope it is a good one. I know he has talked about her and her little filly a few times since Captain Archer’s party.”

He then gets on the Public Announcement system for the facility and announces, “Lieutenant Xerxes, you have a visitor in the security office, Lieutenant Xerxes, you have a visitor in the security office.”

After this goes out on the PA, I notice on one of the monitors the zebra ghoul raises both ears straight up and almost trots on his way to the office.

As he arrives, I see a look of disappointment come over his face. “Oh, I thought it would be someone else, what can I do for you today, Choo Choo?”

I smile sadly in understanding then I tell him, “Since I was coming this way, Zhia has asked that I let you know that you can visit the Repair Pony shop and her as well, any time you would like.”

He seems to smile and I see his spirits rise some again as he asks, “Ma’am, are you saying she would like to see me again?”

I nod my head and gently tell him, “Yes, I am. But she is very nervous still as to her, she has only been a widow for a year or so, even though he has been gone for over two centuries. All I ask is that you do not rush things, take it easy, we all have time.”

I hear him laugh hoarsely and then he tells me, “Yes, yes we do, but I never expected one of your kind to play matchmakers for a couple of ghouls.”

This time I chuckle dryly and tell him, “You would not be the first, perhaps sometime I can tell you about my old fiancé and our friend whom both Paper Work and I have helped to get together.”

He smiles and replies, “I would enjoy that Choo. Perhaps another time, as you have mentioned you were coming this way before she asked, so I will let you get going if you have nothing else for me.”

I shake my head, “No, not really, just that, but understand, I hope for the best for both of you and little Xanthippe.”

He sobers up at the mention of her name and tells me, “Choo, I certainly will take her into consideration as well, I never had a child of my own, and perhaps, just perhaps someday she can be the one I never fathered.”

After this, I excuse myself and hurry over to the family farm where I find Moon and her friends all waiting for me as they talk on the back porch with Persimmon and Sunny.

As I arrive, I hear Sunny tell me, “Hay Choo, remember how when we were younger, we would play tag with you when you were invisible, what do you think about playing in game of that again with the youngsters and me.”

I find myself grinning as I reply to him, “I think that would be an excellent idea,” and I cast the spell and disappear. Time to make training fun. Afterward, I can discuss pegasus tag with them, but for now, it is game on.

As I disappear, I watch as the five fliers all yell out and scatter like a flock of crows. I laugh out loud and I jump into the air after them. Below me, I can hear Persimmon laughing as she yells out, “Sumac, you need to come see this!”


RDS Terminal, Hoofington, Enclave Territory: Ball Lightning

“Good morning, XO.” I hear from our battalion sergeant major, Funnel Cloud as I enter the Headquarters.

“Morning, Sergeant Major, how’s the old stallion this morning?”

“Ah, the usual sir. Would you like me to bring you a cup of coffee to your office for you while we discuss a couple of things that happened last night?”

“Sure, I appreciate it.”

Shortly after I am in my office, he brings in my coffee as well as one for him. This has become a daily routine since I was promoted. He takes a seat across from my desk and begins to drink his coffee as well.

“So, Funnel, what delights do we have today?”

“Well sir, we have a couple of junior troops from 2nd platoon, Bravo company who decided to raise a bit of a stink while on a 24-hour pass. It seems they went to the new establishment just off the Skyport called Mud Puppies and had a hoofticuff match with several of the locals.”

I cringe inside when he says the last part as this could mean an incident between the Commonwealth and the Enclave, and right now we do not need that. I then ask, “How bad is it?”

“Well sir, the Brood brought them both back.” I think that in itself is a good sign, as he continues, “They also brought back a bill for the damages incurred both on the property of the establishment’s owner as well as medical bills for three of the five stallions they were fighting.”

“Ok, what is your suggestion Funnel?”

He grins when I ask him this, “Damn sir, this is why I enjoy working with you. Do you know how refreshing it is to not only have you listen, but that you ask my opinion?”

“Alright, what do you recommend?”

“Sir, we have to make an example of them to prevent such further incidents from occurring. However, we can’t be too hard on them. My recommendation sir is to article 15 them both to the Old Stallion, with the recommendation of 45 days restriction to post, 45 days extra duty, and half months pay for two months, sir.”

“No reduction in rank?”

“No sir, not at this time as both of them have had clean records before this.”

“Alright, Bring them to my office this afternoon with their 1st sergeant. I will see what they have to say for themselves and we can go from there, but I think 45 and 45 and pay should be the worst of it.”

“Thank you, sir,” he tells me and then he looks at the clock on the wall. "Fifteen minutes until officers’ call sir.”

“Thank you, Sergeant Major, I will see you later.”

After the morning officer’s call, I do my daily inspection of the company headquarters and facilities. Once done, I am back at my office when one of the junior clerks knocks on my door. “Come in.”

He steps in and tells me, “With the Colonels’ compliments sir, he would like to see you in his office at your soonest convenience.”

I nod my head and get up, “I am on my way, thank you.”

Once I arrive, he has me sit down, “Okay Ball, I have been requested to send you up to Thunderhead for some additional training that you should have had before you were advanced to XO, I am sure your record allowed for it though. You should be back before your foals are born.

“Thank you, sir, I just wish I could be here to help her more.”

He smiles and nods his head, “Ball, while I understand that, you have your older kids to help her. Besides, if something happens it is a quick flight back down here.”

“When am I scheduled to transfer to the school, sir?”

He looks at the paperwork on his desk again, “The school starts in five days, so you need to report in the day before.” He pauses, “Well XO, if you don’t have anything more for me, I have to get back to this paperwork.”

“Yes sir, I might have a couple of article 15s for you later, but I will set that up if needed after I talk to them personally.”

“OK, I will talk to you later then.” And with that, I know I have been dismissed, so I head back to my office and continue with my day.

When I get home that night, I kiss my wife on the cheek and then I ask her how her day went.

She smiles and tells me, “It went well today, I had lunch with Savannah and Alizée after my doctor’s appointment today.”

“So, what did the Doc have to say?”

She smiles, “He gave me a clean bill of health so far. Only another couple of months until my due date.”

I find myself smiling at her and getting excited, then I have to break the news to her. “Dear, speaking about due dates, I just got word that in four days I have to be at a command school up in Thunderhead, However, I should be done with it before you are due.”

I see the disappointment on her face as she tells me, “But Ball, I was hoping you could stay here until they are born.”

“I was hoping to as well my love. But I just got the orders today. But if anything happens it is only a short flight for me to get here, and I will be as soon as possible.”

She nods her head sadly, “I know Ball, it is not your fault. It is just hard sometimes.”

I put my hoof around her and squeeze her slightly, “I know dear, I know. But, let’s make the most of the time we have until I leave.”

With tears held in her eyes, she nods her head and she buries her face against my neck. I hold her like this until our kids begin to get home for the night.

As Scout comes in he asks, “What’s wrong Mom?”

She sniffles slightly and tells him, “Nothing really, your father just has to go away again for a couple of more months.”

He steps up next to her, lays a hoof on her shoulder, and looks up into her eyes as he tells her, “Don’t worry Mom, we will be here for you when Dad can’t.”

She sniffles slightly and hugs him as she tells him, “I know you will Scout, and I really do appreciate it.”

I see him smile as he hugs her back. I then realize how much he has changed since that cold wet night so long ago. Part of that change was that he was not used to getting hugs, but now, I can tell he not only is used to them but enjoys them.

After they break the hug he tells her, “Here Mom, let me help with dinner tonight.”

“Thank you, Scout,” she tells him.

The next couple of days go too quickly for me. My last night at home I am happy to just spend it with my family. After dinner, Scout asks, “Dad, do you want me to turn on the radio?”

I think briefly, “No, not tonight, how about I read a story to all of you?”

After I say that I hear Bent Plate ask, “Could you read to us about Daring Do again?”

I look at my wife and smile then I tell him, “Sure Bent, go get the book for me.”

After reading my family another story of Daring Do, I carry a sleeping Lil’ Bit up to bed and tuck the rest in as well.

Once they are all down and falling asleep, I join my wife in bed for one last night together until I return.

As we lay there waiting to fall asleep, she tucks her head into my neck and nuzzles me. I feel myself smiling and I begin to return the favor.

A short time later, I am holding her in my hooves and wings when she whispers to me, “Ball if things go bad here, I am going to try and make a run for Manesville. I do not want to risk our children if I can help it.”

I nod my head and I tiredly whisper back, “I understand, but if you do have to make a run for it, just, just be careful love, you know as well as I do how dangerous it is out there.”

Come morning I say my goodbyes to my family as I grab my uniforms and kit that I will need for the schooling. I make my way first to our battalion HQ one more time and I see Funnel Cloud. He tells me, “Do not worry Major, myself and some of the others will be checking up on your wife and family for you while you are away.”

“Thank you, Sergeant Major, I do appreciate that. Now I best be going so I can catch the next transport.”

Once onboard the transport vertibuck I take my seat, close my eyes, and relax as we prepare to taxi, then take off for the cloud city above us.

When we arrive in Thunderhead, I make my way to the military base and as I am checking into the school there, I see a familiar officer I have not seen in a long while, As I approach him, I see he now wears the rank of captain on his collar. Once I am close enough to him, I call out, “Hey Down Draft, good to see you again.”

I see him look at me twice and shake his head as if he cannot believe his eyes. He then grins broadly before he stops, salutes me, and tells me, “It is great to see you again sir.”

I quickly return his salute and tell him, “It is great to see you too. Congrats on making captain.”

He laughs lightly and tells me, “Well, I was just trying to keep up in rank with you. But looks like I will have to work harder now, Major.”

“I am surprised to see you, what are you doing here?”

“Ball, they are sending me to a command and leadership school. After that, I will be getting a new company with one of the scouts’ battalions.” He pauses briefly then asks, “How about you?”

“Same here, but after I am done, I will be returning to my MP battalion. Ever since that time you and your people pulled my bacon out of the fire, I have not been in good enough condition to return to the scouts.” This time I pause, then I add, “To be honest, I am just glad they did not medically retire me.”

“So, have you checked in yet with the schoolhouse?”

“No, not yet, I just got off the transport a little bit ago and was heading that way, then I was going to check into the BOQ.”

He nods his head and moves his ears in understanding before he tells me, “Sounds good, I was just heading that way myself. After which maybe I can take you over to the BOQ.”

As we walk, he asks me, “So, how is Sundancer doing?”

I smile as I tell him, “Not too bad. She is due with twins in another couple of months.” Then I ask him, “How have things been going between you and Alto?”

He shrugs his wings as he tells me, “OK, but I am still worried about him. He was hurt badly enough that he is still recovering. “

After I check in at the schoolhouse, he and I walk back to the main office of the BOQ where I show them a copy of my orders as well as my class assignment from the school. A bored-looking corporal at the desk then asks, “Since you two officers seem to know each other, and we are short on rooms at this time, would you mind being billeted in the same room?”

We both look at each other and I answer first, “That would be fine Corporal. Thank you.”

He assigns us our room and issues us each a key to it. Then he returns to his paperwork, and we head to our room. As we go, I cannot help but think that perhaps it will not be all that bad. Besides it will be nice to talk to Down Draft again after such a long time.


Welcome to tonight’s show to all of you out in the wastelands. I am DJ Pon3 bringing to you music, tips for surviving in the wastelands, and the news, no matter how much it hurts.

Tonight’s first tip is a reminder that when you are traveling in the waste make sure you have at least a good canteen. Even better would be two. But if you do not have a canteen handy, then an old Sparkle Cola bottle with a cork, or piece of wood carved to work as a stopper will work in a pinch.

After all, you may be able to go a week without food before you become too weak, but you can only go a couple of days without water. Also, try to get your water from a pure source, if possible, if not filter and boil it before you drink it. Well, that is unless you are a ghoul, then try to get some Aqua Pura instead.

In recent news, there has been an increase in raids along the southwestern border of the NCR by the Enclave. This seems to be in retaliation of the NCR drive on Reino. Where in tonight’s news we are hearing reports of more gains having been made as they advance through the foothills leading up to the mountains of the Mohoovie.

We also have news that there was another attempt by several members of the NCR Parliament to call for a vote of no confidence in President Grimfeathers. As of this afternoon, they did not have the required votes to call for such a vote.

We also have news that the NCR forces on Ponytraz have withstood another assault on their positions there yet again.

With all these calls for votes of no confidence as well as raids on NCR forces and territory I feel our first song for tonight should be Wool, so here it is.

Chapter 54 The Wild Geese

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Chapter 54 The Wild Geese

” Was it for this the wild geese spread

The grey wing upon every tide;”

Poem - September 1913 --W.B. Yeats

Mohoofie Desert, Near Reino, Disputed Territory: Ginger Snaps

After meeting the Sergeant Major inside the bunker, I see him looking us over. I can tell when he sees the Contractor Medic patch on Twink's shoulder as his ears slide back slightly and his nostrils flare. Then he shakes his head slightly as he moves us away from the door. I see a map on the wall, with an older mare looking at it, and find myself as well as Mort and Smiley following the Sergeant Major towards it.

Once next to the Older Mare, he says, “General, we have another flock of wild geese here it seems.”

I watch as the tired old mare looks down from the map, sighs slightly, and then turns to him and says, “I had hope for some regulars this time instead of more mercenaries.”

She then turns to us and asks, “Which one of you is in charge?”

Mort takes one more step forward and answers, “I am Ma’am. These two with me are my sergeants.”

She does not seem impressed and hopefully asks, “Do you and your people have any actual combat experience.”

“Yes ma’am, both teams have run several ops together even. Our last big fight together was during the battle of Manesville.”

She tilts her head and looks at us sidelong as she asks, “And what was your people’s role in that disaster?”

“General, we were attached to the scout company for the 3rd Manesville Regiment.”

“And what did that entail may I perchance to ask?”

He gives her a brief rundown of what both teams were doing during that time. When he finishes, she asks, “So why are you not still with them?”

Mort then tells her, “Because we were only volunteers accepted for the emergency. After our services were no longer needed, we returned to the control of Chief Ranger Long Stride, who has since assigned us to your forces for the drive on Reino.”

She nods her head as if trying to figure out a part of what Mort has said, finally she asks, “Did you say Chief Ranger Long Stride?”

“Yes, Ma’am.”

She shakes her head briefly as if to clear the fog, then she asks hopefully, “Does this mean you are NCR Rangers?”

Both Smiley and I nod as Mort answers, “Yes Ma’am. Both teams were drafted in mass into the Rangers almost a year ago now.”

“Well, that is good to hear. If they sent Rangers then the Alliance Command must be taking our mission here seriously. I was afraid we were just a sideshow.” She pauses and asks, “What did you say your name was again?”

Mort this time answers, “I am Captain Mort. My team is known as the Troubleshooters. Sergeant Snaps there is currently the leader of the Repair Ponies. Their captain, Captain Choo Choo, is currently on detached duty, but will later be rejoining the teams.”

She nods her head. “OK, Captain, please join me at the map so we can begin to go over our positions and perhaps you can suggest to me just how we can effectively use two teams of Rangers. Just so you know, we currently have a brigade’s worth of troops here, but only one regiment and an additional battalion are regulars. The remainder of the troops are either conscripts or mercenaries.”

Mort nods his head as he begins to follow her closer to the map while Smiley and I stand slightly back and just listen as they go over the known positions of the enemy and then discuss how we may be of service.

As they talk, I quietly, but politely, ask the Sergeant Major, “Sergeant Major, what did you mean by calling us Wild Geese?”

I see him smile briefly as he quietly answers back, “Something I picked up from a book a very long time ago. It seems back before the three pony tribes united, during the wars back then there was a large group of mercenaries from Trottingham, who would offer their services for sale, but only if they felt that they would be fighting for liberty and freedom.”

“Interesting, so are you saying that most of the troops you have here are mercenaries then?”

He shakes his head, “No, but lately, the only replacements we have been receiving have been. Most of them seem to actually care about the future of the NCR, but there are enough of them that only care about caps that we do have some concerns.”

“Yeah, I can understand that,” I tell him and turn my attention back to the General and Mort as they continue to discuss the operations in the area.

Once they are done and Mort is dismissed, he tells me and Smiley, “Ok, let’s go grab the teams. We have some probing to do.”

Once we are all together Mort tells us, “Ok, they are short of information about the Enclave forces and their intentions. These positions here have been here for a while so they are built up on both sides.” He pauses, and asks, “Cookie didn’t you say that your team has experience in the No Mares’ land outside of Hoofington?”

“Yeah, Mort we do, but not in combat conditions. This is what the ghouls in the Dead Quite Militia told us they survived in the Zebra War.”

“Ok, so, you have at least been inside this kind of earthworks before. That is good. In a bit, we are going to be led up to the front lines, after that we are to make our way to the Enclave lines. Once there we are to try and find out the set-up of their fieldworks as well as gather any intelligence we can.”

“That sounds good, but are we to try and take prisoners?” Smiley asks.

Mort nods his head, “Yes, but only if we are not risking our lives. Remember this is only a trench raid, not a full-out assault. Keep your wits about you; and for you newbies, pay attention to your battle buddies and your NCOs. Got it?”

We all nod our heads in understanding. Shortly afterward I see a pony covered in mud approach us and tell Mort, “Captain Mort, I have been sent to lead you to the front.”

He turns to us and tells us, “Ok, on your hooves. Let’s go.”

It is fully dark now as we are led into the trenches. We first enter the messenger trenches that zig zag forward. Soon we hit the main ones. As we go the night is occasionally illuminated by the light of star shells from mortars of both sides being fired. It is while the flares are illuminated that we hear the most weapons fire.

As we move forward, in the distance I can see the gap between the two mountain tops that the Enclave forces are defending. The gap leads to the valley that Reino is in. If we break their lines here, then we should be able to maneuver around their flanks if need be. But here, their flanks are anchored by cliffs on both sides.

Once we are near the front lines, I tell my team, “Ember Rose, you are with Xochitl, Summer Mist, and Double Back. Rare Find, you are with Epona, Tater, and Days End. Jelly Bean. You are with me, Twinks and Cowlick.”

As we wait for the next star shell to go out, Jelly Bean asks me, “Sergeant, how come all of our unicorns have battle saddles too?”

I want to shake my head at the question but instead answer it politely, “Because if they use their horn for an extended period of time it will help the enemy figure out where to target from the glow. From my experience when you are shooting in the dark at a unicorn whose horn is lit, you normally aim about six inches lower and slightly back then you should get them.”

I watch as Jelly Bean’s jaw drops open. “Sarge, you have had to fight unicorns too? Not just pegasi?”

I nod my head, “Yeah, all of us old-timers have. Xochitl and I have the most experience, but the others are all experienced as well.”

I see her throat bob as she swallows with her eyes wide. Then she says, “I wish I could have met you guys sooner.”

I tell her, “I wish you could have too, but we do what we can.” Then I notice it is dark again and I give the order to Xochitl, “Ok, let’s go.”

I watch as he slides over the top of the trenchworks and low crawls forward with Summer Mist right next to him, and the others follow. They have made it about a quarter of the way when another flare goes up and I see them stop moving and just holding still.

“Why did they stop moving like that Sarge?” Jelly Bean asks.

“Because movement attracts the eye. It is safer to just stop moving than to try and find a place to hide. Remember that, ok.”

As that flare dies, I watch as Epona and her set climb over the top as well and begin to make their way forward. A bit further to our left, I watch as some of the Fixers do the same.

Before too much longer we are all making our way across No Mares’ Land. At one point I hear Jelly Bean begin to scream but see she has stuffed one hoof in her mouth as she pulls the other out of a corpse that has been there for a while. In the dim light, I slightly nod my head to her and she moves closer to me.

It seems to be taking forever to make our way between the lines. At one point, I hear somebody get caught on something and a loud breaking sound. This is followed by tracers from an Enclave machine gun firing several short bursts in that direction before it goes quiet again.

I use my Eyes Forward Sparkle briefly and can see where the concentrations of enemy troops are. I then signal to Xochitl which way to move and we all begin to follow him until we are just short of their trenches, hiding in the shadows of shell holes that are there.

From the trenches, I hear a voice telling another one, “Hey Cloudy, relax. There is not anypony out there. I can guarantee they are all nice and snug in their bunkers.”

“Sorry Flyover, but I just got this feeling that something isn’t right.”

Then I hear the first tell him, “Seriously relax. If the command was worried about holding here, do you think they would be rotating us on pass back in Reino?”

“Yeah, I guess your right. But still, I just have this weird feeling.”

In the dying light of the flare, I can barely see a stallion looking out past us with his weapon in position to fire. One of the things I notice is how similar the positions are to those we ponied at Serenity Valley. But this time we are not the defenders.

I feel myself getting nervous as the flare dies out and I watch as my husband leads the first set over the top into the trenches. As they go, I use SATS to target the one guard and take him out with a headshot. I hate using SATS because it is too easy to get dependent on it. But this time I had to make sure it was quick.

As they slip into the trenches we begin to go in as well. On the far end of the lines, I hear more gunfire and several flares being shot over that part of the lines as a diversion is laid on. As I slide into the trenches, we find ourselves tossing metal apples into the closest bunkers. This is usually followed by screams, an explosion, and sometimes more screams, but this time of pain rather than warning. I find myself grinning ferally as we go. Trying to make the best of our trench raid.


Enclave Trench Line, No Mares’ Land, Disputed Territory: Xochitl

I wait until the flare behind us has died, I lower my NODs and then I begin to move towards the trench. I smile to myself when one of our people takes out the sentry nearest us with a suppressed headshot. Then I am into the trenches. As we are so close, I use my pistol instead of my rifle. I come around a corner in the trench and put three shots into a stallion before he goes down. Behind him, I see the entrance to a bunker. Inside I see shadows of movement in the lantern light as well as yelling that there is a raid going on.

I smile to myself, put my pistol into its holster, and throw a metal apple into the bunker. After the explosion, I rush inside with Orcas ready and use it to dispatch a few of them who are still alive. Behind me I hear Double Back telling Ember Rose, ok, watch the door so they do not do that to us while I help Xochitl check for any documents.

I see a map on the wall as well as a code book and grab both. Before I leave, I throw the lit lantern against the table and start it on fire. Hopefully, they will not realize we have their codes.

“Ok, everypony out!” I yell and we are soon all back in the trenches.

I then hear one of the new troopers call out, “We got a prisoner.”

Shortly after this, I hear Ginger call over our radios, “Ok, everyone fallback. No pony left behind.”

So far, we have been very lucky. I have not heard anyone call for a medic yet.

As we fall back, I hear gunfire passing over us in both directions. I just happen to turn my head in time to see our prisoner leap up and try to fly away, only to be hit by several rounds from both sides.

This is followed by Twinks rushing to him and stabilizing him while taking shelter in a shell hole. In the distance, I can barely make out using my EFS the Troubleshooters making their way back to the trenches. Behind us, the gap in the lines we caused has already been filled in with new troops, but none seem to be coming our way. Instead, they fire suppressive fire over us and at our trenches.

Once Twinks comes over the radio she says, “Cookie, this is Danger, patient is stabilized I am getting ready to move him.”

“Roger Danger, we will assist you as needed.”

In the light of a flare, I can barely see her wrap a rope around her shoulder and tie it off to her ground cloth. She then quickly uses her TK to place her patient on it, and she begins to slowly drag him behind her while staying low herself.

As we slowly crawl forward, I turn back and see Cowlick move closer and he begins to help her drag the prisoner as well.

Finally, we make it back to our trenches and my set ponies the ramparts to provide covering fire for Ginger’s set, which is the last of our team out there.

Once all of us are together Twinks calls out to us, “Anyone hit or injured?”

I hear a couple of the others say yes, and she checks them out quickly while a team of stretcher-bearers carry our prisoner away to the field hospital. Once everyone has been checked over and wounds cleaned and taken care of, I see Mort approaching us.

Once he is close enough he tells us, “Ok, time to return to the HQ for debrief and to find out what they have for us next.”

As we make our way back, I begin to feel the rain falling on us and I am surprised as this area is supposed to be desert. That is when one soldier walking past us the other way says to his buddy, “Every damn time we try something those feathered bastards make it rain. I swear I haven’t been dry for a week.”

“Tell me about it, at least they are not making it lightning yet.”

About this time I see a bright flash cross the sky and hear a loud explosion. Morning Mist, ahead of me then tells me, “They must really be jumping on those clouds to get it to spark like that.”

I raise an eyebrow as I look at him, “No, really?”

He nods his head, “Cross my heart and hope to fly.”

I find myself chuckling slightly despite the rain as I imagine the pegasi jumping up and down on the clouds. Even being half pony, I must admit, pony folk can be strange at times.

As we near the bunker, I smile as I look at Morning Mist and I tell him, “Well, at least the rain has knocked some of the mud off of us.”

He laughs back, “Yeah, until what’s left dries, then boy are we going to itch.”

Behind me, I hear Double Back talking to Ember Rose as if she has always been a part of the team. Well, I guess she is now, especially as I would consider that an op, even if it was only a small one.

Once back to the Headquarters bunker, I give Ginger the copy of the code book I found as well as the map. Shortly after this Mort and Ginger are taken to the side to go over the events of the raid. While they are doing that, we try to clean up as best we can and both teams are checked over by their medics.

Before too much longer we are led back out into the dark and to some tents that have been set up in the rear so that we can stay dry and catch some rest. Once Mort and Ginger join us again, Mort tells us, “OK, we are on standby. They are going over the information we got and they want to talk to the prisoner we captured, after that, we will see.”

We then all begin to settle in for some sleep. It seems like I have just gotten to sleep when I hear a siren going off and somepony outside yells, “AIR RAID!”

We jump up and grab our gear as we run out into the air raid slits that are near the tent. As we run, I can hear several antiair guns firing into the darkness as well as a searchlight sweeping the sky to illuminate our attackers. When the light finds one, we try to shoot them down. However soon after this, the searchlight is hit and goes dark. Off to the side, a large explosion occurs as an ammo wagon is hit.

From another slit, I hear somepony say, “Son of a buck, that was our last spotlight.”

This gets me to raise an eyebrow. As I continue to search the sky using my EFS and Vats, to fire what few shots I can at the rapidly retreating enemy.

Soon the noise dies down and we all slowly make our way back to the tent. As we go inside Ginger tells me, “If we are going to be here for a while, I think we will need to build a bunker.”

I find myself tiredly nodding my head as I make my way back to my bedroll and collapse into it. The next thing I know I am being shaken awake and we begin to go over our equipment one more time to make sure we did not miss anything when cleaning it the night before.

It is two days later before Mort is called back to the HQ. When he returns the expression on his face openly shows how unhappy he is. He gathers all of us together and tells us, “Ok, tonight we go over the top. Both teams are going to be used as shock troops. We are going in at the middle of their lines. Once we break into their trenches, we are to pop a flare and a general attack will follow us. The general has decided it is make or break time here.”

I find myself unhappily nodding my head, but like the others, I will do it. Hopefully, we can break the lines here and make it to Reino. After that, maybe we can get on with the type of work we are best at.

All day we work on getting our equipment ready and then try to get some rest. After all, it will be a long night.

Before dinner we make our way to the quartermasters and top off our ammo, then we are each issued a canvas bag that hangs around our neck and shoulder that has at least six metal apples. I am surprised when two of our team members mention that they even got a matrix disruption metal apple, which are good for robots and power armor.

One of the things that I notice as we walk amongst the other troops is how few of them are wearing PipBucks. Even among the officers and NCOs. Perhaps that is why we have been chosen to be the vanguard for the assault.

When I comment on this Ginger tells me, “Dear, one of the things I noticed when we made that trench raid is how few of the Enclave troops had PipBucks either. The few I saw that did were officers. Other than that, nothing.”

“I wonder why?”

She smiles, “Because they really are not very common. We were very lucky to get the ones we did.”

I know she is right, but I still feel embarrassed when I realize how much I have begun to take having one for granted.

It is shortly before sunset when I see several groups of crows flying nearby, but just out of range of the fighting. I look at Ginger and she shrugs. “I know what you are thinking Flower, and I figure if that was it, she would have showed up to warn us.”

“Yeah, I know, but it still makes me nervous.”

After dinner, we all grab our kits and Mort leads us forward to our jumping-off point. Once there we form our fire teams and get ready to begin the assault. As we wait, I notice several other teams similar in makeup to ours also filing into the trenches with us. Soon there is nearly an entire company and a half of us.

It is an hour after sunset when the order comes, I flip down my Night Optic Devices and we begin by fire teams to crawl into No Mares’ Land. In the dark, I can faintly make out some of the others to our sides. We are halfway there when an artillery barrage begins to strike the trenches in front of us, then shifts first to the left, then to the trenches leading up to the enemy’s front lines. When this begins, we jump up and begin to run forward, in small groups. While other groups provide suppressive fire, leap-frogging our way to the trenches.

To one side I see an enemy Heavy MG position spitting out death in a pattern like that used by Cowlick. Luckily it is off to the side and we slide past it, those in front of it, take some casualties but instead of assaulting it, they slide to the side and away from it.

Once we are in their trenches, I see two red flares fly up into the air, and I know the rest of our forces are beginning to make their way forward as well. These units will take on the hard points we are bypassing. With the blinding brightness of the nearby flares I briefly flip up my NODs so I can still see. Once the flares are out, I bring them back down as do the other members of our team that have them.

Ginger yells out over the radio, “Repair Ponies don’t stop. Keep moving.”

Then I hear her yell out, “Jelly Bean, metal apple into that doorway. Cowlick lay down some fire on the group over there.”

I find myself yelling to my charges, “Double Back, to your right,” and watch as he turns and fires five quick rounds from his pistol wounding a pegasus trooper who had just come around a corner in the trench but could not get his MEW rifle into action soon enough.

Not long after that I hear Epona begin to cuss and say, “Damn that hurt,” over the radio.

Twinks quickly asks, “You need me, Serendipity?”

“Negative Danger, just a grazing wound is all. I got it.”

As we make our way through the trenches and toward their rear, we use metal apples around corners and in bunkers. Only twice do I resort to using my pistol, Orcus remaining firm on my back in the battle saddle. Soon I begin to see shadows of pegasi running in the dark towards their rear.

With a cheer, we all surge forward. We have broken their lines and are chasing them through the gap and down into the valley below. In the distance, we can see the lights of Reino as they give a glow to the sky above the city. We are now within 15 miles of our objective.

Ahead of us in the distance, I can see a broken army running and flying towards their rear. Their supply wagons run as fast as they can go. In the distant sky though, there are storm clouds and lighting. Great, it looks like more rain will be coming our way.

Behind us, I hear someone give the order, “Keep moving, don’t let them get a chance to rally and form a defensive line again.”

I notice how light it is getting and stow my NODs in my saddlebags. Then slowly and tiredly in the dawning morning light, we continue to advance down into the valley below. While I hope victory is in sight, I still have some apprehension, especially after seeing more crows flying down into the valley with us.


Repair Pony Shop, Manesville District, NCR: Choo Choo

It is a beautiful day today I think to myself as I land in front of the shop. As I get near the door, I hear a voice that while welcome, surprises me to hear say, “Thank you again for such a wonderful breakfast and for letting me spend some time with you again Zhia.”

While her voice is somewhat gravelly, I can hear a tone of pleasure in it as she tells them, “It was my pleasure, Xerxes. Please come and visit again.”

I give them a few more minutes to say goodbye before I enter the shop. As I do, I see the surprise on his face at seeing me. I smile at him and tell him, “A pleasure to see you again, sir. I hope you had a good visit.”

He nods his head and tells me, “Yes, yes I did, I hope you had a good night as well.”

I smile, “Yes, a good one if a quiet one. Paper Work had the duty again, so I spent the time visiting with George and my sisters."

He nods his head, “Not a bad way to spend time either way. Well, I best get going Miss Choo, as I have some duties to attend to back at the site.”

“I understand, sir. Have a wonderful day.”

He nods one more time to Zhia and then heads out the door on his way to his home. As he goes, I tell Zhia, “I hope you had a good night.”

She smiles at me and nods her head, “Yes, I did. We watched some old prewar movies downstairs until Xanthippe went to sleep. Then he and I went up onto the roof and talked under the stars.”

I feel my smile widen more, as I slide a hoof across the table onto hers and I tell her, “I am so happy to hear you had such a good time.”

“Thank you, Choo. For everything. You have helped to make it possible.”

I feel myself blush and I wave a wing lightly as I tell her, “Zhia, I would have done it for anyone. But I am just glad I have gotten to know you as much as I have, and I am very happy that you proved me right about your being able to run the shop.”

She smiles as best she can, and then she tells me, “That reminds me, Choo. We have a few appointments for interviews set up to replace Drain Tap. One is from Baltimare. The other, an escaped slave from Fillydelphia. Both are new to the area and are looking for work.”

“Do you know anything about them at all?”

She shrugs, “Just what they have told me. I met the first one down by the waterfront when I went to pick up some provisions for the shop. The other was scavenging and came across our shop. He was surprised, to say the least when he found a full compound here, with only a few of us nearby.”

“Hmm, a scavenger, eh? Well, if he can do minor repairs, and scavenge, he may be worth hiring as well.”

I see her raise an eyebrow as she asks, “Are you saying we might hire them both?”

I think briefly and tell her, “Depending on their qualifications, yes. But remember, they are not only to work for the shop but protect it, and our people here.”

“But of course, ma’am,” she answers.

I take care of some of the paperwork for the shop, particularly double-checking the books with Zhia. Once finished with that. I am slightly surprised a bit later when Xanthippe comes in and tells us, “Ma, Miss Choo, there is a messenger downstairs for one of you.”

I get up and tell Zhia, “I will get it.”

Once in the front, I see the messenger leaning on the front counter talking with Diode. When Diode sees me, he tells her, “There is the boss.”

The messenger steps forward and asks, “Ma’am, can I see your credentials?”

I nod and show her the information on my PipBuck. After she reads it, she nods her head and uses her TK to lift an envelope out of her saddlebags and presents it to me. “For your eyes only Ma’am. After you finish reading it, I will return it to command.”

“Thank you very much,” I tell her. Then I pause, “Do you need anything to eat or drink?”

She looks at the place and nods her head, “I could use a bite to eat ma’am as well as some clean water if you have it. I just got into Manesville a few hours ago.”

By now Zhia has joined us and I tell her, “Zhia, could you take care of our courier, while I look these over.”

As I do, I find that most of the information is routine, but I am at first pleased as I read about the addition of three new members to my field team. I pause as I hope that they are working well with the others. However, I am not so happy with the news of what has happened since they have joined the team. Now I am concerned if we will be able to perform the mission that I have been training Moon Lily for, and if so, will the rest of the team be in shape for it?

After I finish reading the messages, I return them to the envelope and sign my name across the seal to show that the seal has not been broken since I read it. I then return the envelope to the courier who is just finishing some soup and a cup of tea.

Once she finishes her soup she tells us, “Thank you for your hospitality, ma’am, now I need to get going. I have a vertibuck waiting for me by the stable.”

Not long after she is gone, I hear the bell above the door jingle and Diode asks, “Can I help you?”

I hear a female voice answer with a Baltimare accent, “Yes, I have an appointment with Zhia to discuss a possible job.”

As I begin to head that way, I hear Diode call out, “Zhia, Choo, you have somepony here who wants to talk to you.”

I wait in the mess hall drinking a cup of coffee for Zhia to bring her in. As she enters, I see that she is a light blue unicorn with a green and white mane and tail. I carefully examine her cutie mark and notice it looks at first like a fancy wheel or gear, then I realize it is a handwheel for a valve. OK, she may be what we are looking for, I think to myself.

I can see the surprise on her face when she sees one of my kind looking at her. However, she does maintain her poise.

“Please, have a seat. My name is Choo Choo, I am the founder of the Repair Ponies.”

She takes the offered seat. Then I ask her, “Would you like some coffee?”

At first, she hesitates, then Zhia tells her, “It is not a trick part of the interview. If you want one, I will get you one as well as one for myself.”

She then almost timidly says, “Yes please.”

After we all have our cups of coffee, Zhia and I begin to ask her questions about what her skills are. I am satisfied with her experience with mechanics as she begins to talk about steam plants for heating and moving machinery. Finally, I ask, “Why did you leave Baltimare to come here?”

She takes a deep breath and then lets it out before answering. “Honestly, I had hoped to get a job working on one of the steamships or sewage treatment plants I had heard were operating up here.”

“So, you are saying you would not mind getting filthy on a routine basis?” Zhia asks.

“No, I do not mind getting my hooves dirty, but I was under the impression that this area had recovered a lot more than what I am seeing.”

I nod my head before I tell her, “If you had been here a few months ago, that would have been true, but unfortunately the Enclave had decided that they were not happy with us doing so.”

Finally, we ask her, “What questions do you have for us?”

She tilts her head slightly, “Actually I have several. But the first is, what all duties does the job entail?”

Zhia then begins to explain to her the details, including being willing to protect the shop as well as those who are here.

She nods her head, “Ok, So, why do you have such a big set up for such a small shop?”

This time I smile, “Because, while it is a repair shop as well, we also have a field team who are out on a contract right now. Usually, I am with them and Zhia here runs the shop.”

“What kinda contracts?” she asks.

“Well, let us just say that if we offer you the job and you accept it, we can discuss them then.”

She shrugs, “Fair enough I guess.”

She then asks us a few more questions, including what her pay would be, and seems surprised that she would also be offered quarters here as well as meals when at the shop.

Finally, I look at Zhia and she nods slightly and moves her ear in a positive move. So, I tell her, “Root Valve, you seem to meet our requirements, and we would like to offer you the position.”

I see her lean back in her chair briefly with her forehooves crossed. She then leans forward and asks, “When do I start?”

Zhia nods her head and tells her, “As soon as you are ready. Also, if you decide to live in the facility, I will help you decide which room you want in our new barracks. You can move in first as well.”

She looks very surprised and asks, “That’s it?”

This time I smile and tell her, “No, one last question, do you play UNO?”

She smiles and laughs, “Yes, ever since I was little, why? I didn’t even know anyone outside our village knew how to play it.”

I look at Zhia and sigh. Then I ask one final question, “Does your queen know you are here?”

She looks stunned. Then she asks, “How, how did you know?”

“I had a few suspicions. My field team and I spent some time in Baltimare within the last year. I have met your queen. And just so you know, as my employee, you can use your original form or this one, but please, do not use any others unless absolutely necessary.”

Zhia then asks her, “If you are a changeling, who was the pony whom you took this form from?”

I see the mare before me look down briefly and she answers, “She was my best friend, my first real friend. We worked together on a small tugboat, but she died when we were attacked by pirates. I choose this form so that when I look in the mirror, I can still see her.”

Zhia nods to her and gently says, “Sometimes it is hard to let go of those we lost. For me, I have a picture of my husband, my daughter, and me. For you, you wear her face and body. I understand.”

Later that afternoon our second appointment arrives. From my office, I hear Diode say, “Glad to see you came back. The boss is upstairs in her office, let me get her for you.”

I hear hoof steps moving toward the stairs and I decide to meet him. As I make my way down the stairs, I see Zhia coming out of the back as well. Once far enough down the stairs, I see our potential employee.

He is an almost emaciated earth pony with a pale tan coat and a gray mane and tail streaked with black. I notice he is also wearing a broad-brimmed hat that almost covers his eyes, as well as a well-worn caravanners coat. What really catches my eye though is what he has slung across his back. While the S87 Buckington brand police shotgun is old, with some worn bluing on the barrel, receiver, and rail for the pump action, it is in immaculate condition otherwise.

He looks at Zhia and nods to her. “Ma’am.” When he sees me, his face stays expressionless, but he goes pale. I watch him coldly evaluating me and the situation. I am afraid of what his experience with some of my sisters may have been. Particularly if he was at one time a slave for Red Eye and his minions.

I simply meet his eyes with mine, and nod my head to him as I say, “Good afternoon, sir.”

He turns to Zhia, “You didn’t say she was one of them.”

Zhia tilts her head, “Does it really matter? If so, I am sorry for wasting your time.”

“Yes. Obviously, you have never seen what one of them can do.”

She shakes her head, “No, I have not, but I have heard from others, and to be fair, not all alicorns are bad.”

“They sure were when I was in Filly. They killed the mare I loved, as well as several of my friends. All in Red Eyes name. As if being a slave was not bad enough.”

“I am sorry that some of my kind have done that. Before Unity was broken, we often did not have our own will unless our mother allowed it,” I tell him.

He points a hoof at me, “See, she even calls that goddess her mother. She admits that she could be controlled.”

I nod my head, “Yes, I do, however, understand one thing. Our mother is dead. Unity has been destroyed and I do not want to return to it. I have my own life now, just as you have yours. If working for me and Zhia is too much for you. Please, have something to eat before you leave to make up for your wasted time,” I tell him as I begin to turn to go back upstairs.

As I move, he quietly asks, “Do you really mean that? You would still feed me a meal even if you don’t hire me?”

Zhia answers first, “If she said it, Choo means it.”

But I follow up with, “Yes, I did mean it. Please enjoy your meal and I am sorry that things have not worked out to be beneficial.”

I am halfway back up the stairs when I hear him say, “Please stop. I have never had one of your kind treat me as a pony. Maybe I was wrong. If you are still willing to discuss a job with me. I am ready to listen.”

I once again turn around and tell Zhia, “Let us go back into the mess hall, I could use a good cup of coffee.” Before we do though I stick out my hoof to him and tell him, “Let us begin this again. Hello, my name is Choo Choo, and I am the founder of the Repair Ponies. What is your name sir?”

He seems almost in shock as he slowly brings his hoof up to mine and cautiously tells me, “Call me Summer Forage.”

“Please follow us. Also, would you like some coffee as well?”

I hear his tone of voice sound almost incredulous as he looks nervously at Zhia who nods her head, and he answers me, “Yes, please.”

Once we are all sitting down and have a cup of coffee in front of us, I tell him, “OK Summer, tell me about yourself and your skills.”


Thunderhead, Enclave Territory: Ball Lightning.

I find myself smiling again as I look at the sign outside of the building of the schoolhouse and see the words, Command and Staff College. This is a sign to me that my career is moving in the right direction. My first week of classes has finished and tomorrow I will have a 24-hour pass so I can go visit my family. But first I must finish today’s classes.

Beside me is Down Draft. He also has a smile on his face, but most likely for different reasons. As we reach the door, he holds it open for me and follows me in. “Will I see you for Dinner tonight?”

I shake my head, “Probably not. Sorry, but I am catching the first flight to the RDS I can after class today.”

He nods his head, “I do understand. I just figured you could join Alto and me again for dinner tonight.”

“I do appreciate the offer, maybe in a couple of days after I get back, we can do that again. It was really good to see him outside the hospital last night.”

“Yeah, I am so glad he is out of the storm clouds now. Last night after we got to his place, he let me know it was a lot closer than he wants to admit.”

“I was afraid of that. Does he know yet that I was one of those who found him?”

He shakes his head, “No, he doesn’t remember anything from that morning. At least not yet. He did say he was glad that the one who did it got what he deserved.”

“Well, I only wish he had made it to trial and gotten punished properly and not taken another pony with him. I have not heard what happened to the shooter after he was arrested and transferred up to Thunderhead.”

I see him shrug his wings, and then he tells me, “Well, ours is not to wonder why, I guess. Here is my class, talk to you in two days if I do not see you tonight.”

“Thanks Down. I will see you then.”

As he enters his classroom, I proceed down the hall to mine. I enter and take a seat near the front, but where I can still keep an eye on the door. I am not the first there, but I am also not the last. Finally, our instructor enters. He walks to the front of the class and tells us “Good Morning. Please pass your assignments to the front of the class. Then open your textbooks to Chapter Five.”

We all follow his orders and then begin another day of studying. The time in class is spent between reviewing the chapter, further lectures, and some time with practical exercises. Today we have a surprise as we are reading copies of some of the Ministry of Awesome, Ministry Mare’s raids behind the Zebra lines.

As we go through them, I notice something unusual, none of these show any defeats. Now, I am not one to diminish the heroics and skills of those who fought in the Zebra War, but there must have been some defeats so that we can learn how they handled setbacks. Besides, from reading just these, one would think we had been winning the war all along. In which case, why did it last 20 years much less end in the destruction of Cloudsdale and the rest of Equestria?

None of us bring this up, but perhaps we will see those later in our studies. We are released an hour early today and I make my way quickly out of the schoolhouse and to the airfield to catch the first transport I can.

I have only been there for an hour when the sergeant who works the dispatch desk comes over to me and asks, “Sir, we have a standard vertibuck departing in ten minutes for the RDS, would you like to take it instead of waiting for the transport vertibuck to finish loading?”

I find myself smiling again and I tell him, “That would be fine sergeant, thank you,” as I get up and follow him back to the desk. He quickly prepares the paperwork and tells me, “Sir, you can see it warming up on the tarmac right now.” He uses a wing and signals to one of the crew from the aircraft. I watch as they trot over to the office and enter, “What do you need Slap Dash?”

The sergeant nods to him and tells him, “The Major here needs a ride down to the RDS and is willing to ride with you, Cloud Hopper.”

“Huh, well at least we will not be deadheading that way.” He turns to me, “Have you ever ridden in one of these before?”

I nod my head, “It has been a while since I was on one of these smaller models, but yes, I have.”

He grins, “OK sir, follow me.”

I take off my cover and tuck it into my saddlebag and trot after him. We both jump into the passenger compartment and he hooves me a flight crew helmet Once he and I have plugged them in I hear him tell the Pilot, “Ok, we are ready back here.”

I hear the pilot's feminine voice reply, “Roger, here we go.”

I lean back into my seat as we slowly take to the air and begin to head for a break in the cloud layer that will lead us to the RDS and for me, home. As I look out the window on the side door, I can see the sun starting to set as it silhouettes the cloud city. Soon we have dipped through the opening and are on our way.

On the ground below I can see several areas light up, pinpointing where settlements are, or where prewar technology still fights against the darkness.

The flight is a brief one and we come in to land quickly. We land on the normal tarmac and once the rotors stop, I remove the flight crew helmet and egress from the aircraft. The flight engineer tells me as I go, “Have a good night, sir, I hope you enjoy your stay down here.”

“Thank you, have a good night as well,” I tell him and make my way home to see my family once again.

I am almost home when Air Burst flies up next to me. “Hay Ball, how is school going?”

“Hi Air, ok so far. How have things been going for you?”

He looks around to make sure no one is close when he answers, “So far, so good. Our mutual friends seem to be happy with us both right now, and honestly, the less we hear from them, the happier I will be.”

“Yeah, I hear you Air,” I answer, then I ask him, “Air, one of the things I have noticed during my studies is that they never have us study any defeats. It bothers me, as we could learn from them too.”

He nods his head, “I don’t know anything about what they are teaching you in those classes, but what do you expect? That they want to admit we were ever defeated?” He pauses then adds, “You know as well as I do that it is not going to happen. But Ball, learn to read between the lines on those reports. That will be the best way to learn from them.”

I nod my head, “Yeah, I guess you are right, but it still rankles me. But as you say, what can we do?”

“Exactly. Now I need to get going, I did not know you were coming home tonight, so I was on my way to check on your family.”

“Thanks, Air, I really appreciate it.”

He waves a forehoof dismissively, “It is nothing Ball. You are my friend and I care about you and your family. Now I am going to head back to the main terminal for dinner, you go spend some time with them on your own.”

“Are you sure Air?”

He smiles, “Yeah, maybe I can stop by for lunch tomorrow, but tonight, you need to spend with them by yourself.”

“Thanks, Air.” I find myself saying again, but I do mean it.

He then veers off in his flight back towards the terminal while I make my way home.

Once there I have to use my key to unlock the door, which makes me feel a bit better, at least they are taking precautions. Inside I can smell dinner cooking and I see the younger ones sitting in the living room with Scout reading to them. As I come in they jump up and all come and get a hug. From the kitchen, I hear Savannah ask, “What’s going on out there?”

Scout calls back, “Dad just came home.”

I then hear my wife say, “I will be right there. Savannah, be a dear and pull that casserole out of the oven in a couple of minutes.”

I hear my oldest daughter laugh lightly as she says, “Alright Mom.”

Right after hearing this, she rushes out of the kitchen, still wearing her apron and she throws her hooves around me.

“I didn’t know you were coming. How long are you here for?”

I kiss her back and take a deep sniff of her scent. Then I back up a little bit and tell her, “Only until tomorrow afternoon. I am on a 24-hour pass. I am sorry it is not longer, but with the war on they are running classes six days a week.”

“Drat, I was hoping for longer, but at least we have some time.”

I smile as I understand how she feels, and at least I have not been gone as long as I have since last time. She then leads me to the dining room table and asks, “How are things going up there?”

“Not bad, I guess. I am sharing a room with Down Draft. Oh, and last night I had dinner with him and Alto. He got out of the hospital yesterday.”

“How is he doing?”

“Honestly dear, I am not sure. Down thinks he is not letting us know exactly how badly he was hurt.”

From the kitchen, I hear Savannah say, “The casserole is ready,” followed by the sound of the oven door closing.

After this, she comes in and hugs me as well. “Dad, it is so good to have you back. We all miss you so much.”

I hug her back as I tell her, “I miss all of you too. This is only a short visit, but I will come back when I can.”

“We understand Dad, we just all miss you.”

“Shall we turn on the radio tonight?” I ask everyone.

This time Scraps asks, “Could you read us some Mare Do Well instead?”

I smile and nod my head, “Sure Scraps, go get it after dinner.”

Soon Dinner is on the table and we enjoy a wonderful meal together.

After dinner, I help wash dishes as my wife gets the youngsters ready for bed. Once they are all ready, they meet me back in the family room of our multiple shipping container home. Scrap carrying his book of Mare Do Well in his mouth which he brings to me and sits so he can lean against me as I read to all of them.

After I finish the story, I take the youngsters up to bed and tuck them in. Afterward, I come back downstairs and join my wife in sitting by the fire and we just talk about what all we have experienced in the last week.

One of the first things she tells me is, “Ball, two days after you left, Bullseye let me know that Funnel Cloud thought he saw someone following Scraps and Lil’ Bit. He had a few choice words with them from what I understand. Since then, at least once a day I have had someone from the battalion visit us to make sure everypony was ok.”

While I am worried that someone may have been following the foals, I am relieved to hear that my family is being looked after as well, so I answer, “I am glad to hear that the others are stepping up when I can’t be here.”

She nods her head. Then she says, “When the doctor checked me this week, he said he could tell what they would be. Do you want to know?”

Part of me really does, but part of me is afraid to find out. Just like choosing names before they are born. I am afraid if I do, I may bring bad luck. So, I find myself sighing as I tell her, “My love, I would like to know, but I am afraid that if you do tell me, it might bring bad luck upon you and our foals.”

I see her nod her head in understanding. “OK Ball, I will make you wait for their arrival to tell you, but thanks for explaining why you don’t want me to tell you.”

The next day, I get up early and help with the kids. I spend several hours just visiting with them and we take a nice long walk around the base. Finally, I notice the time and tell them, “I am sorry my family, but I must get over to the dispatch office so I can catch my flight back.

First, I walk them all home, then I grab my saddlebags. I say my goodbyes and make my way to the dispatch office for the RDS. Once there a corporal who has the duty asks to see my paperwork, which I quickly show him. He nods his head as he reads it and tells me, “Sir we have a vertibuck waiting for you out on the Tarmac. It is the one that has Wind Whistler painted on the side under the pilot window.”

“Thank you, Corporal,” I tell him and start to make my way to the aircraft. As I go, I start to wonder, what did he mean that they had it waiting for me?

As I reach the aircraft, the crew chief nods to me and leads me onboard the vertibuck. I raise an eyebrow but say nothing when I see another pony already inside the back. Once inside the doors are closed and I am hooved a flight helmet. After I put it on, I nod to Lieutenant Colonel Sunspot.

She nods back and we ride up to Thunderhead in silence, except for the aircraft noise and the crew chatter. After we land and get off the aircraft, she quietly tells me, “Good afternoon, Major, I need to talk to you about a few things before we part ways today.”

I nod my head and half smile as I tell her, “I was wondering if that was why you were waiting on the aircraft for me.”

She smiles coldly from behind her sunglasses as she says, “You have always been a smart buck. I am glad you know how to be discrete still, now let’s find a somewhat more private location to talk.”

I then follow her as she leads me to a nearby bar. Once inside we take a seat at a corner booth in the back. After we both order a drink, she begins to discuss what she has come for with me. Part of me is truly surprised, but part of me is not. Once she is finished, she gets up, gives me a hoofshake and she is on her way to her next destination. I look down at my empty mug and order another cider. I now have more to ponder about the storm that is building, and I fear for my beloved Enclave.


Good evening to all my listeners in the NCR and the Wastelands. I am DJ Pon3 and you are tuning in to my show of music, news, and tips you can use, as well as the occasional special guest. Speaking of which later in tonight’s show I will be having a special, surprise guest for all of us.

Our lead story tonight is that our troops in the Mohoofie have broken the Enclave lines and are making a rapid advance on Reino. This is a result of a heroic night attack that broke through the final Enclave line before there. Reports are coming in of moderate casualties at this time.

The news from San Prancisco has stayed consistent as the brave NCR forces there still are holding out while under siege. However, there are now reports of additional Enclave reinforcements having been brought in there by Airships.

From Marezonia the fighting continues between the forces of the Enclave and the raider bands there who the Enclave has vowed to eliminate. While I am impressed with the chutzpah of the Raiders to openly take them on, I am still having a hard time deciding which one to root for.

We will be back with more of the show after our first song for the night, which seems so appropriate with tonight’s news. Here is Pawns of War.

Chapter 55 Flight of the Wild Geese

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Chapter 55 Flight of the Wild Geese

“When you're in the middle of a killing field and the fucking Chooser of the Slain tells you to do something, you do it.” ― Kevin Hearne, Hounded

Mohoofie Desert, 15 Kilometers from Reino, Disputed Territory: Ginger Snaps

I shake my head wearily as we continue to advance down the mountainside into the valley below. Behind us the sky is starting to lighten, but not enough to see well into the valley. Below us I can see the Enclave forces we have routed, running and flying towards Reino.

I know I have a feral grin on my face, but I cannot help it. We have helped to break the lines and by tonight I bet we will have captured Reino. Over the radio, I hear the HQ tell us to keep advancing.

By the time we reach the bottom of the mountains, I can see the supply train has begun to come through the gap as well.

Beside me, I hear Jelly Bean nervously ask, “Sergeant, do you think we might, could be overextending our lines a bit?”

I look back up towards the pass, where our wagons, carts, and artillery are silhouetted by the rising sun from the other side of the mountain. Part of me worries she is right, but I also remember how we had to spread out like this during the expedition as well. I look ahead of us and nod my head, “Perhaps, but it is the General’s call to make. Besides we need to keep pressing them before they can rally again.”

“Yeah, I know Sarge,” She says as she looks behind us, “But we really seem to be getting spread out.”

I look and notice our team itself has started to become more spread out as some of us seem to need a break and to be honest, I could use a couple of minutes to catch my proverbial breath as well. I call over to Mort on the radio, “TS1, this is RP2, request a brief halt to reorganize our lines and to take care of wounds.”

When I say this, I see Twinks nod her head. A few seconds later I hear the reply, “RP2, form your people on mine. I think you are right about that.”

My team continues to walk forward and we move to their right, forming a rough line once again.

After we stop, I tell my people over the radio, “Everyone take a drink from your canteen, and check each other for injuries and damaged equipment.”

We have only been stopped for a couple of minutes when over the radio I hear, “TS1, this is HH2, HH1 wants to know why you have stopped without orders.”

I can see Mort sigh in the distance and I hear him reply, “HH2, this is TS1, we stopped briefly to reorganize our formations, and treat minor wounds.”

Immediately after this, I hear, “TS1, this is HH1, Get those people moving. You are giving the Enclave time to breathe, and reform. Move it!”

“Roger HH1, TS1 out.”

I then see Mort give a hoof signal for us all to get moving again.

In the distance, I can see the storm clouds roiling as they slowly move closer to us. It looks like it may be a big one, but the worst it will do is slow us down.

We have advanced another two kilometers when we see a large flock of crows flying overhead toward Reino. I begin to feel a bit anxious when I see this, but ahead of us, I see the pegasi flying over a dried riverbed, and I watch as their wagons run across the bridge there, or dodge to the side and go down the slope, appearing on the other side. With that, the regulars with us begin to rush forward.

We are still in the vanguard and only a few hundred yards from the river bed when suddenly we see Enclave soldiers pop up from its rim and begin to fire at us. I see several of the regulars who have passed us go down. It is an ambush. We have been lured in.

My team begins to run harder trying to make it to their lines, and then in the distance, I can see what looks like hundreds of birds flying towards us. As they get closer, I realize, they are not giant birds, but Enclave pegasi in their power armor. Then I notice that the storm clouds all contain airships, five of them to be exact, which soon begin to fire at us. Along the mountains on our right flank, I see several flights of Vertibucks heading for our rear. As we run, we begin to take fire and I watch as both Jelly Bean and Rare Find go down.

My team hits the ground and we begin to dig in as best we can. To our side, I can see the Troubleshooters doing the same.

The airships begin to pound our forces and I watch as our left flank begins to fade away and soon disappears as more of them go down or run in panic. I look back at the pass and I can see Enclave vertibucks dropping troops there.

In horror, I realize what has happened. I turn to yell to Mort that we are being cut off and I see her. Mareigan is walking in our direction. She first moves past Twinks, who is working on Jelly Bean and walks straight to Rare Find. I see her touch his shoulder, say something to herself, then she rises again. Then as she looks at me, her hood falls back and her black mane flies as if being blown by a strong wind, and I swear her eyes turn red as tells me in a commanding voice, “RUN! Run if you want to survive!”

We all blanch and I realize that all those with me can see her, and have heard what she has yelled to me. I can see the panic and desperation in their expressions and wonder if it is in mine as well.

She says something to Twinks who then calls out, “I need help with moving Jelly Bean!”

As the Mareigan moves away from Twinks, I see her stop at several more of those lying on the ground, talking then moving on again.

The Explosions are getting closer and we are being strafed as Cowlick fires his MG at them and Double Back runs over and helps to drag Jelly Bean along with Twinks. I yell to Mort over the radio, “We are being cut off! We need to get out of here!”

He looks around and he sees more of our troops starting to run. And we begin what starts as a fighting withdrawal when we hear over the radio, “They have killed the General and the HQ Staff. This is Major Turn Buckle. All personal we are falling back. Don’t pan…”

As another explosion occurs and the radio broadcast is cut off, full panic ensues and soon we are in full flight as fast as we can run. As we go, I look for places we can shelter and try to treat our wounded.

I look over and see that Jelly Bean is being carried with both of her forelegs over Twinks and Double Backs shoulders. We are reaching the area where our rear echelon troops were and I see a cart with a dead pony in the harness, among the debris from what was our artillery and supply train.

While Double Back and my husband remove the harness, the rest of us provide a perimeter for them to work in. Finally, Tater has the harness on and tells them, “Get Jelly Bean on the cart so we can run.”

Mort comes up to me and asks me, “We have a couple of wounded too, can we put them on the cart?”

I nod my head, “Make it quick Mort, they are gaining on us.”

He then yells, “Get Smiley and Sugar Tail on the wagon. The rest of ya can run still run.”

The wounded are loaded, with Twinks on the cart to treat them as we move. We begin to move again, first at the trot, then at the gallop. But we are not running straight back with the rest of the remains of our forces, instead, we are going at an angle to the west and further away from the gap, and where most of the fight seems to still be occurring.

After what seems forever, we come to a wooded oasis and we slow down and make sure we are not being followed still. Once we are sure, we head as far as we can into the woods with the cart, then we stop and take stock of how many we have left and how bad our injuries are.

As we are resting, Mort comes over to me, “Ginger, who was that white mare in the black robe that yelled at us to run?”

Before I can answer, my sister Epona does for me, “Mort, have you ever heard us talk about the Mareigan?”

He laughs, “Yeah, that spirit that the folks back in White Cloud said helped y’all during the expedition.”

This time I laugh as I tell him, “Yeah, that’s the one. She is both a chooser of the slain in battle and a spirit of the land and fertility. Congratulations, you got to see her in action.”

He shakes his head in disbelief, then tells me, “No, really, who was she.”

This time Cowlick tells him, “Captain, we are not joking. I have only seen her a couple of times before. From what I understand she rarely lets us mortals see her. So, you and your people who saw her are special now.” After he says this Cowlick takes his MG off his Battlesaddle and begins to inspect and clean it.

That reminds me, “OK all Repair Ponies, I need an ammo check as well as supplies.”

Mort nods his head and tells me, “Sounds like a good idea Sergeant. I will be back with you in a bit.” He then heads over to his people and has them perform the same checks as mine.

Once he returns, he tells me, “We could be worse off, We have three days of rations each still, and about half of our normal ammo loadout. That worries me more than the first.”

I nod my head, “Yeah, we are about the same. According to Twinks, Jelly Bean will make it, but she is down hard right now. Smiley should be up and about soon; she said the healing spells are working well for him. Oh, and Sugar Tails will have some pretty good scarring, but she should be okay. No Broken bones, her body armor saved her. Oh, and all that blood on her head came from a bullet going into her helmet and skimming around her head and leaving a slight groove. Twinks says it looks a lot worse than it is, but she has a Tartarus of a headache.”

He ponders what I have told him then he says, “Sorry to say this Sarge, but it looks like we may have to do some escape and evasion here. My people are not really trained for it. How about yours.”

Finally, today I smile, “Well, now that you ask, all our original team members had to go through that kind of training before our first mission. Choo included. She insisted on it. I guess it might pay off finally.”

He laughs, “Yeah, I guess. I wonder why she was so set upon it when most teams aren’t?”

I chuckle lightly before I answer, “Perhaps over two hundred years of combat experience can make a mare think that way.”

His jaw drops open in quiet laughter before he responds, “Yeah, I guess it can. Now I guess I should try to radio the Colt to try and set up a pickup and an LZ for us.”


Mahoofie Desert, 35 Kilometers from Reino, Enclave Territory: Xochitl.

As we rest in the oasis, we begin to take stock of all the supplies we still have, then we take turns cleaning our weapons so we are ready the next time we need them. The two teams keep themselves spread out a bit, and I notice several of the Troubleshooters have pulled what I thought were just ground cloths out from their kits and have them draped over themselves.

I finish cleaning Orcus, reload it, and after chambering a round I set the safety and put the protective covers back over the scope lenses. I then get up and make my way over to the Troubleshooters. The first one I reach is a unicorn mare named Fall Moss. While I do not spend a lot of time with her, I have gotten to know her a bit during our time since our team and theirs started to work together consistently.

“Hay, Flower,” she says quietly.

“Hay, Fall, I have a question for you.”

She continues to clean her carbine and tells me, “Go ahead and ask, I will answer it if I can.”

“Well, I just noticed that your team is all wearing ground cloths right now, why?”

She shrugs and tells me, “Well Flower, these are not normal ground cloths. They are made so we can hide from somepony using Eyes Forward Sparkle on their PipBucks.”

I shake my head in wonder, then I tell her, “I wish our team had some of those right now.”

She nods her head in understanding, then tells me, “The boss got them while we were in Baltimare.”

I nod my head, “Well at least they will keep our numbers smaller if anyone comes looking for us.”

“Yeah, hopefully,” she tells me. Then she asks, “Flower, what the buck happened back there? Things seemed to be going so well.”

I shake my head, “Honestly Fall. I don’t know. But I think we got snookered. They let us think we broke through then they ambushed us. And once someone said the General and his staff were dead, well panic set in and we had to make a run for it ourselves.”

“I don’t like it Flower, I don’t like the fact that we left the rest of the NCR forces on their own.”

I sigh as I feel the same way. I think briefly then I ask her, “Fall, how do you feel about spirits?”

She waves a hoof, “Come on Flower, you are half pony, don’t tell me you believe in them too.”

I smile ruefully as I tell her, “Ah, but I am part zebra too, but that is not why I bring up spirits. Several of our team members saw a spirit that I have known for years. She is a collector of the souls of the slain on the battlefields as well as the spirit of the Manesville region. Fall, she was there at the ambush and she told us to run if we wanted to survive.”

She looks down at the ground first, then she quietly says, “It still doesn’t feel right.”

In the far distance, we can still hear the occasional artillery blast, but we are now far enough away that we cannot hear small arms fire as the Enclave continues with what must be mop-up operations.

Right after this, I hear Mort tell one of his section leaders, “Set up a watch rotation, we need to get some sleep, we move again after sunset.”

I feel my ears pick up at this and I tell Fall Moss, “I guess I best get back and see what Ginger will do for a watch rotation.”

She nods her head, “Nice talking with ya Flower, don’t stay a stranger.”

“What about my wife?”

She laughs, “Look, I know you are married, neither you nor her have anything to worry about.”

“Thanks, Fall, I appreciate your understanding.”

I am just behind Mort as he walks over to Ginger. Once there he tells her, “OK Cookie, I got ahold of the Ranger HQ and reported on today’s events. They gave me a set of coordinates where we are to be picked up. There is only one problem.”

I cringe when I hear this as I know it will not be good. Then I hear my wife ask, “Ok, what is the problem, Captain?”

He sighs and tells her, “We have to make sixty kilometers to the next pass south of here and egress through it to this spot here,” he tells her as he points to a map on her PipBuck.”

“Damn, I was afraid you would say something like that. OK, we move at night of course. Let us look a bit more at my PipBuck and see where our next stop will be.”

After a while Mort gets up and returns to his team, Ginger then tells us, “Ok, Epona, Xochitl, you have first watch. The rest catch what sleep you can. Oh, and before we leave the oasis, I want everyone’s canteens topped off.”

Following the lead of the Troubleshooters, we all wrap ourselves in our ground cloths. Tying them on with some rope that Morning Mist was carrying. Most of us also use a towel or shemagh to cover our faces and heads. I find it funny in a way though that now, instead of looking like a bunch of mercenaries or soldiers, we look like a band of nomads with their brahmin.

Twice during the day, we see vertibucks approaching in the distance. The first time they fly along the northern edge of the oasis, while we are in the southern edge. The second time the vertibuck flies over us and stops. The door gunner leans out to look at us.

As he does this Cowlick takes a big bite of grass and Tater looks up and waves friendlily at them. The gunner waves back to us. We can see them say something on their mic and then we watch the aircraft turn and begin to fly back towards Reino.

Once they are gone, we all breathe a collective sigh of relief. I turn to my wife and tell her, “I think maybe we need to keep wrapped like this until we get picked up Cookie.”

She nods her head, “Yeah, I think you are right Flower.” She then turns to the rest of us and tells us, “Lay down and get some more rest. Only another couple of hours until sundown.”

When the sun finally sets, we quickly refill our canteens, grab our gear, and begin to make our trek through the desert night.

Behind us, the sky is still illuminated by the lights of Reino. In the glow, I can still see the clouds above it. Above us, the stars are twinkling and for some reason, I feel at peace inside. Finally, I hear Mort say, “Ok, let’s go,” as he stands up and begins to lead us through the darkness.

It is well after midnight when we take an hour-long break from the march. Ginger and Mort had talked earlier and we have been using the old march speed we used on the expedition of stopping every hour for a ten-minute break.

While we are on this break in the distance, we see another caravan heading towards Reino. We can see that they have a couple of brahmin with them and that they are carrying some large packs. However, they do keep their distance. Neither group doing anything more than keeping a wary eye on the other.

Finally, an hour before dawn we come upon another oasis. Mort has both me and Smiley perform a quick recon of the site while the others wait beyond the hill. Once we feel it is clear, I have Smiley wait there while I go back and bring the others up. Once there we set up camp as if we were just another nomadic band. As we do this Epona helps Tater remove the harness from pulling the cart. While Double Back and Days End help

I then hear Mort tell Ginger, “Cookie, I am going to the other side of the hill to radio in. I will be back in a couple of minutes; you have the teams until I get back.”

As we wait, Ginger tells us, “Let’s go easy on the rations people. Just in case there is trouble.”

I finish half of a ration pack and put the rest away for later when Mort comes back over the hill. Once he is close enough, he waves over Smiley and meets him next to Ginger and me. He then tells them, “OK, we are still on schedule. Sergent Snaps, Choo has been notified of your team’s casualty as well as ours. It seems we are the only ones that have reported in, therefore the first to let the NCR know about the disaster here.”

I find myself gulping as Ginger shakes her head slowly and then looks at me. From behind me, I hear Epona tell Tater, “This feels a lot like what happened to the Expedition on our side.”

I see a surprised expression come over his face and Smiley raises an eyebrow. Then Mort says, “Yeah, I forgot those two came from the other side of The Doorway.”

I nod my head along with Ginger. I then tell him, “Believe me I cannot. I was there at the Epona from this side’s funeral. She was my friend. And while Epona here looks like her, her life is just enough different, that I wonder what our sides Epona would have grown up to be like.” As I finish saying this, I notice my wife’s ears shift and I think I see a brief flash of jealousy pass over her face.

Ginger then adds, “Yeah, I often forget that too. I guess it comes from sharing a room for all those years.”

As the sun begins to rise, we all begin to settle down for the day. As I fall asleep, I can hear a light breeze flowing through the trees and I feel myself relax as my hoof touches my wife.

I am awoken a couple of hours later to take the watch. By now the sun is getting high in the sky and I can feel the day's heat. I am just glad that we were able to make it to another oasis. Towards the end of my watch, I finish my canteen of water and I need to refill it. While there I notice some fish in the water. I am just about ready to try and catch one when I hear something slide into the water on the other side of the pond. I back away from the edge of the water slowly, just in case it is something dangerous.

I am most of the way back to my camp when I hear something shaking the water off themselves. I turn around pulling my weapon out afraid of what it might be. As I bring my rifle up to bear, I am surprised to see a young white dog with black ears and spots all along his coat. The dog is noticeably underfed, but they have a fish in their mouth.

Without thinking I quietly say, “How are you doing little one?”

I watch as the dog raises its ears slightly and tilts its head. It puts down the fish and slowly moves closer to me. Once it is almost to me, I slowly raise a hoof and let it sniff me. It curls its lip at first, baring its teeth, so I slowly move my hoof back.

“It is ok. Relax,” I tell it as put my hoof down and slowly move back towards the others. As I go, the dog begins to follow me. Then it stops and barks several times at me before turning back towards the pond and moving its head as if it wants me to follow it. Against my better nature, I begin to follow it. Finally, it stops by a group of bushes. I move the bushes aside and I find a dead stallion there. He is an older stallion and looks to have died recently. As I look, I hear the dog growl lowly as I hear someone coming from our camp. I look up and see it is Epona and I hear her say, “What is going on Flower?”

I look at the dog and tell them, “It is alright, she is a friend.” The dog relaxes some but is still weary. I look back at the body and I see a note next to it which I pick up and read.

To whoever finds this, my name was Two Stones, I was beaten and robbed by some caravanners who I was leading to Reino. I guess they didn’t want to pay me. It happens. I trusted the wrong ponies. If my dog is here still her name is Katie. Please take care of her, she is a good do

I look down at the old scout, I sigh and then look up at the dog, “Hello Katie, if you want, we will take care of you now.”

Epona then asks, “What does it say?”

I pass her the note and while she reads it, I check to see if there is anything that we can use on the poor stallion. I find nothing, so I move to the side and I begin to dig a hole. As I do so Katie goes back and grabs her fish, brings it back over our way, and begins to eat.

Epona quickly finishes reading and she tells me, “Tater is still on watch, I will help you.”

We quickly dig a grave just deep enough that the critters will not be able to dig him back up. By now a couple of others have come to the pond to refill their canteens. Before too long my wife joins me and she asks, “What’s up dear?”

I shrug my shoulders and tell her, “Katie here brought me to her old owner. He was killed by the caravan he was guiding.”

She nods her head, “OK, once we finish burying him, we need to get moving. I just wish we could have buried Rare Find.”

I nod my head, “Yeah, I know, that still does not sit right with me either dear.”

Once we are done with the hole, Twinks and Ember Rose use their TK to lower him into his grave. Twinks then uses her TK to scratch his name into a large rock that we place on it. We all get up and as we begin to continue our trek, I find that Katie has joined us and is walking alongside me. I smile at her and tell her, “Good girl Katie. Glad to have you with us.” I smile as I realize, I may now have a dog of my own. I never had one before.

She barks one more time and then, like the rest of us becomes quiet as we go through the night.

It takes us two more days to make the pass through the mountains. We continue with what is now our routine for travel. Each day Mort checks in with HQ via the radio when we set up camp. The last time he tells us, “Our ride will be here in a bit.”

I am listening to the radio when I see a shadow flying low in the dark. As it gets close, I hear, RP 1, TS 1 this is Hot Shot, we see you and are coming to get you. Be advised we have had some trailers behind us, so make it a quick pickup.

I hear Mort respond, “Roger Hot Shot, we will be ready.”

He then tells us, “Get ready, and make it quick people.”

As the Hot Shot comes into land, it has its rear ramp already open and we run up it as soon as we can, leaving the cart and harness behind, and carrying Jelly Bean with us. Once we are all onboard, Katie included, the ramp begins to close and we take off again. While somewhat nervous still, I feel a head on my leg and I look down and see Katie has her head there resting on me with a nervous look on her face. I slowly scratch her behind her ear and tell her, “It is ok girl, we are all ok,” I then think, I have my friends with me, my dog and we are all together still. Yeah, it is going to be ok, for now at least as we head back home to the Colt.


Manesville, Manesville Region, NCR: Choo Choo

The day has been going so well that I am just afraid that something will mess it up. I take another sip of my coffee as I put my signature on another request from Ranger Headquarters for more supplies to be at my proposed rendezvous sight with the Baltimare Colt and the rest of my team. Then I hear the small bell above the door ring, and a few seconds later Diode calls up to me, “Boss, we have a courier.”

I feel myself sigh as I am now worried about what the news will be. Has our next mission been scrubbed? Had something happened to change our goals for it? Then I think, I hope nothing has happened to any of my team members.

I then get up and make my way downstairs. As I arrive, I see the courier is in full ranger regalia, including the facemask and helmet.

They see me and from a modulated voice I hear, “Captain Choo?”

“Yes, courier, what do you have for me,” I answer as I hold out my PipBuck.

They look at my credentials on it and then tell me, “Ma’am, your eyes only. I am not to let this information out of my sight.”

My eyes go wide with that as it is so far outside our normal operations pattern. I then tell them, “Follow me to my office.”

Once there he pulls out a folder with several pages in it. After I sit at my desk, they place it in front of me. I glance up at them and tell the courier, “Please have a seat while I look this over.”

I pull out the first page and I see something I never want to see. It is a casualty report. It seems that one of the new team members has been killed in action and another of them has been severely wounded. I feel myself sigh again. Then I turn to the next page. It is there that I find out some of what happened. It seems that the Enclave allowed our forces there to penetrate their lines and then after they had over-extended themselves, encircled them.

What bothers me most is that there are no numbers for the total casualties or prisoners listed. I look up and the courier, “Do you know what it says in here?”

“Yes, Ma’am. It sounds like a first-class cluster. But Ma’am, that is not for general discussion. I was told to make sure you knew not to reveal this information to anyone at this time.”

I nod my head, “I will have to agree with your assessment.”

Then they say, “At least it was the Ranger teams that reported it. Right now, those who reported in are currently enroute to a pickup site and should be there in the next couple of days. You will receive another courier with that news as well.”

I then finish looking through the information that has been sent to me. I make sure it is all back in the folder and use my TK to give it back to them. After they have put it away, I ask, “Do you need something to eat or drink?”

They shake their head, “No ma’am, my orders are clear to return to HQ as quickly as possible. But thank you for your offer.”

After they depart, I go back to finish my paperwork. I am back at my desk when I hear the doorbell ring again. This time I hear Moon Lily and her three friends coming into the shop along with Xanthippe.

Xanthippe calls out, “Ma, I got Moon and the mares with me, can we get something to eat and drink?”

From below the shop, I hear Zhia answer back, “Yes, take them to the mess hall and I will be right there.”

I decide then and there that it is a good time to stop working for the day and I put away the forms in front of me. As I get downstairs, I hear Moon telling Zhia, “We are meeting Sunny here today. He and the bat ponies are supposed to make a game of pegasus tag into White Cloud again today.”

When she says this, I notice she has her full kit including her carbine on, and that the other three are fully kitted out as well, except for the young hippogriff Slip Stream, who has no weapon.

I find my eyebrow has raised and curiously I ask, “So Moon, why are you fully kitted out just for a game of pegasus tag?”

The four of them all look at each other as if they cannot understand the question, then Moon Lily tells me, “Because Sunny told me I need to be able to perform with all my kit before I was ready to go.”

“So, what about the rest of you?”

The other three answer simultaneously, “We are here to support her!”

“Ok, I guess so. Well, have a good time then.”

“Thanks, Granny,” she pauses and then adds, “We were hoping you would join us today.”

I am surprised by this and am trying to figure out how to answer when I hear Summer Forage telling Sunny as they approach, “Honestly Sunny, I can help set up a few objectives to allow the non-flyers to participate as well. When I was a foal, we used to play a game called Capture the Flag. Earth Ponies and unicorns could play it too.”

Sunny replies to him, “That would be great Summer, Let’s go over that with a cider tonight.” He stops and then tells the flying foursome, “Ok, you four, are you ready for today’s game?”

They all four nod their heads in unison and answer, “Yes Sunny.”

He grins, then tells them, “Well, I did hear Xanthippe ask for something for all of you to eat first, so go ahead, and once done we will begin to head towards White Cloud. Oh, I almost forgot to tell you that this time we have invited some of the pegasi from Manesville to join in the game as well as those from White Cloud.”

They all grin at this, and I swear they all look slightly feral while doing so. Then the moment is broken by Zhia telling them, “I have some fresh milk and cookies for you. Just the thing to give you all some extra energy.”

They all cheer and follow her into the mess hall. I then quietly ask, “Sunny, do you think they should be carrying weapons for the game?”

“Boss, they have all had some experience hunting now. Including Slip Stream. They know the reality of weapons. Besides, we need Moon to be used to carrying all that extra weight in a combat-type environment if she is going with us out to the wastelands.”

I nod my head, “I guess, but what about the other three?”

He shrugs, “Choo, do you really think you can tell them three not to?”

I laugh lightly, “I guess, I just hope they understand that they are staying here when we take Moon with us.”

Suddenly he looks surprised, “Well I should hope so.”

Something in the back of my mind feels tickled and I begin to worry that those other three will try and accompany Moon Lily.

Soon they have finished their snack, and they all say goodbye to Xanthippe and come out looking for Sunny. When they see him, Moon proudly tells him, “We are ready Cousin.”

Shortly after that they are out the door and flying away for more training. As they go, I smile and decide to head over to White Cloud to watch the games to see how Moon is doing without her knowing I am.

I observe from on top of a cloud as they begin to make their flight into White Cloud. I watch as Moon leads them from high up as they dive toward the ground. She and her friends are in staggered, four mare, formation so that they can keep an eye on their wing mares.

From below I see more fliers coming up toward them. They look like they are going to collide when the flying foursome split up into two pony groups and begin to weave and dodge. From a distance and above them I see another group begin to dive for them.

Soon they too intercept my granddaughter and her friends and I watch as a swirling furball begins with several of them being tagged and falling back to their starting locations. Sunny being at the one for Moon and her team. Once they reach the reset point, they have a one-minute timer before they can return to the games, just like the adults do.

As the furball becomes more intense, I begin to worry that Moon may have forgotten about the objective, rather than just playing tag as I have lost track of her in the mass of flashing wings and twisting bodies. But I suddenly see two fliers who are weaving their paths break free from the main groups and flying hell-bent for election towards the bell outside of the White Cloud Pub.

Behind them, I see the furball begin to break up as those who have not been tagged yet begin to stream away and either chase those who are flying for the bell, or trying to make it to the bell themselves.

I watch as a young griffon gets ready to tag Moon Lily with his talon when suddenly Slip Stream flies between them and causes him to have to dodge.

Moon Lily then lands near the pub on the main street and is just about ready to ring the bell when I see a lone pegasus filly suddenly jump out of a bush from across the street and tag Moon. I find myself laughing as she all but howls in frustration. But as she is doing this, I suddenly hear the bell ring and I see one of Lieutenant Colonel Wind Rider’s daughters at the bell and pulling the rope with her mouth as she hoovers in place.

As I fly over to Camp Rice Paddy-Tenderhoof, the home of the 3rd Manesville Regiment and where my Paper Work is stationed, I think about what I have seen, and suddenly I feel a vibration on my PipBuck and I realize I have just received a message on it. I then look at it and read that my team has been returned to the Baltimare Colt and that I will soon be informed of when I am to meet them with Moon Lily and the Bat Pony Scouts at the rendezvous point.

I do not like not knowing just when we must leave yet. I would prefer to be able to let Moon’s parents know at least a few days before first. That and to be able to have one last night with Paper Work.

Knowing what I do, I divert from flying back to the shop and instead land outside the perimeter of the camp so I can talk to the one pony I really feel I can confide in; Paper Work.

As I land, I see Colonel Mollygirl coming out the door. She seems surprised to see me and not overly happy to either. She cautiously asks, “Is it time already?”

“Time for what ma’am?”

I hear her sigh, “For you to take Moon.”

I am surprised by her asking this and I tell her, “Oh, no, not yet.” I pause, look around and I quietly tell her, “Probably soon though.”

“Okay Choo, thanks for the heads up.” She pauses and then tells me, “Have a good night, and enjoy what time you can with Paper Work.” Then she continues down the stairs and, on her way, home for the night.

As I enter the headquarters front room, I see my love sitting at his desk typing. I lean against the counter and just wait for him to finish. Once he is done, he stops and looks back over what he has typed. Sets it aside and smiles at me, “Thanks for waiting dear. Shall we go into White Cloud for a pint of cider?”

I smile and nod my head, “Sounds good dear, a bit later I have some things I want to talk to you about.”

He nods his head as he gets up and we begin our night.

Two evenings later I receive a courier from the Ranger HQ. I take them to my office and they hoof me my orders. I look down at them and silently curse. I nod my head and return them to the courier, once he has left, I send a quick message to Sunny to come to my office. I then send a message to Colonel Mollygirl to have her batpony scouts ready tonight. Finally, I sit back at my desk and briefly cry about the loss of innocence that my great-granddaughter is going to experience.

Once done, I wipe my eyes and straighten myself up. I then tell Zhia and the other shop dogs, “Tonight is the night. Zhia, you will have the shop again.”

She nods her head, “I understand Choo, be careful out there.”

“Thanks, I will as much as possible,” I tell her, then I go and put on my uniform and kit, and I am joined by Sunny. Once we are both ready, we fly over to Camp Rice Paddy-Tender Hoof. There I say my final goodbyes to Paper Work and we meet up with Morning Star and her set of scouts. Then as a group, we fly over to the family farm.

Once there we land in the main farmyard as a group. Then Sunny and I walk to the door. Sunny knocks on the door and it is Moon Lily’s mother Sutures who answers. We can see the look of fear form on her face as Sunny says to her, “Is Moon Lily ready? It is time to go.”

Sutures does not argue or get mad instead she sadly nods her head and then helps her daughter put on her kit. Then she gives her a hug and a kiss, as do the rest of her family. Then she looks up at me and with only a bit of nervousness says, “Ok granny, let’s do this.”

With that, the seven of us take to the air and head west and toward the rendezvous point for the Colt. Several times as we fly, I see Moon Lily look behind us. I then smile gently and tell her, “It will be ok. I know how you feel.” I think for a moment and tell her, “I am sorry you have to leave all your friends and family behind, but we are doing it this way for security reasons.”

She looks behind us one last time into the darkness that is only interrupted by lights on the ground before she turns to me with a smile and replies, “That is ok Granny, besides, my friends are always with me.”


Thunderhead, Enclave Territory: Ball Lightning

Good evening my fellow Equestrians, I am Hollowed Dreams and you are listening to my show on Radio Free Equestria.

Tonight, I have some good news again. The High Command for the Grand Pegasus Enclave has authorized me to announce our great victory in the Mohoofie desert which has secured our hold on that region as well as the city of Reino. As a result of the fighting, we have captured or killed almost an entire brigade of troops. Among those captured are a high number of mercenaries who were working for the corrupt leadership in Junction Town that stylize themselves as the New Canterlot Republic.

These Mercenaries will be dealt with as all their ilk such as raiders and Dashites. Yes, for those who want to fight for bits or caps, your days are numbered. We will be coming for you, and we will not forget your acts of treachery against US and the poor wretches who are just trying to survive in the wastelands.

In other news President Winter Breeze has again reached out to President Grimfeathers, Elder Ironsides, and the Nomad City Council to bring this war to a halt before more lives are lost.

Far be it from me to say, but I feel that the President is blowing in the wrong direction. Those criminals will keep sacrificing others' lives to protect themselves, no matter what. Their continuation of a fight that they can not win just goes to prove my point!

In other news, our forces in Chicacolt have advanced another mile further into the former great city there. Reports of casualties are low, with some of the local factions there having joined our cause.

From Vanhoover we also have word of another one of the local factions there having joined our cause as well and have turned away a delegation from the NCR bandits. To those brave ponies, I say welcome to our Enclave.

Now for a few messages from our sponsors and then the Third Fleet's rendition of Hail Coltlumbia. But first I must say to our friends in the NCR, The Brahmin has jumped over the moon, I repeat the Brahmin has jumped over the moon. For the Lunar Commonwealth, the cheese does please. Again, the cheese does please…

I am surprised when the bartender turns the radio off and goes back to wiping down some glasses with a rag. Beside me Down Draft raises his glass, “To Victory!”

I bring mine up and lightly touch it to his. More out of habit than out of excitement. Then I take another drink.

Down then asks me, “Did you hear any rumors about what was happening out towards Reino?”

I shake my head, “No, that is the first I heard about it. But it must have been a real screw-up for them to lose an entire brigade like that.”

“I would say so. The NCR really can’t stand hoof to hoof with us, can they?”

After having seen some of the reports I have during my class, I really do not feel like answering that question so instead I ask, “So, any word from Alto since he went back dirtside?”

He nods his head, “Yeah, he is working at the new Volunteer Corps office that has been set up.” He pauses and then adds, “Ball, I think he is nervous about being back down there now.”

I set my glass of cider down before I tell him, “Honestly, I can’t blame him Down. My goddesses, look what happened to him.”

“Yeah, but we caught the buck who was responsible. He should feel safe now.”

I hide what I am thinking because I know he does not need to know that Pyric Victory was only a patsy. He was doing what he was told, and it cost him his life. That the ones responsible are still out there.

Instead, I nod my head, and tell him, “True, but Down, that doesn’t mean it couldn’t happen again. At least in his mind.”

He looks sadly at his drink, then looks back up at me, “Yeah, I know, and I am really worried about him. How would you feel if Sundancer had to go back to work?”

This time I laugh lightly before answering, “Down, after the foals are weaned, she is already planning on it.”

I see the surprise on his face, “Oh, I had not realized she was not going to be a stay-at-home mother.”

“That was her plan all along. To be honest, having all the other kids has helped too. Not only is she used to being a mother now, but they all chip in on the chores.”

“Yeah, I guess you are right. He looks at his pastern watch then tells me, “Well, it is starting to get late, maybe we should grab some dinner and get back to our room so we can work on our nightly assignments.”

As we fly back to our room in the BOQ, I notice that two more raptors have arrived. Nothing out of the ordinary, but I notice both have heavy damage to them as they slowly glide into the repair yards. One more sign to me that all is not going the way we are told it is. But not something we can talk about with anyone else either.

However, as we fly, I do notice Down Draft looking at them as well and shaking his head. Inside of me, I wonder how we ever got to the point where we cannot openly talk about such things.

Once back in our room we both go to our desks and take out our textbooks and assignments as we begin to study.

My assignment tonight is to study and evaluate a raid made by the former Ministry of Awesome behind the Zebra lines. It was catastrophic and led to the development of power armor for the pegasi. While the big takeaway is supposed to be how badly Rainbow Dash errored. I notice that it is a heavily redacted copy and I wish I could read the original. I find myself reading between the lines of the report and while I can see some room for improvement in the plan with all the forces that they had available to them, I wonder if any of our generals could have done as well. I am particularly surprised at how she used a sonic rainboom as a distraction to help extract her forces when they were ambushed and caught flat-hoofed at the raid's main target. Not only did the zebras have hidden armor and anti-air weapons, but they also had dragons, their riders, and griffons as air support. Before she resorted to the rainboom the commander had to rally out her troops twice. What a cluster I think to myself. Then I see the final casualty number of almost forty-eight percent.

I am really surprised to see at the bottom that there is, or should I say was, a memory orb of this raid. I begin to wonder what became of it and muse how interesting it would be to experience the Zebra War from the perspective of a participant.

I find myself thinking about what that would be like and who would have worn the recorder for it, when I hear Down burst asks, “What’s up Ball? you got a goofy smile on your face.”

I shake my head to bring myself back to reality before replying, “Oh, just musing and thinking about this after-action report. I noticed it noted that there was also a memory orb of this event that had been created, and I wondered who made it, and what became of the orb.”

He shrugs his wings, “Who knows? I guess it depends on where they had it stored. But honestly, if it still exists, I doubt they would let someone like us see it. We are just not high enough in the food chain for that.”

I laugh lightly and tell him, “Yeah, you are right. So, what do they have you studying tonight?”

“Oh, a rehash on company and battalion operations and how they relate to regiment-sized engagements. You know, the usual, and until the recent unpleasantness, the very rare.”

I nod my head, “Yeah, but who would have thought the NCR could give us a decent fight even?”

He nods his head, “I agree. But there is no way they can win. Not against the Enclave.”

I see his ear move slightly and realize he has just indicated silently that I should not take that last comment completely seriously. Then he adds, “Well if you are finished, I am, so we should catch some sleep while we can.”

The next day in class most of my fellow students receive their next set of orders. Myself, I am returning to my battalion so I do not receive any. However, I notice that several of them get orders taking them to new units forming in Neighvarro.

After the orders are hooved out, our instructor reminds us, “These orders are conditional upon your successful completion of this course, so do not think you can just hover through it. I will not hesitate to fail you if I do not think you are putting in any effort.” He pauses then adds, “Today we will discuss the report you were assigned to read. Each of you will have time to add your input. Now who would like to start?”

None of us volunteers so he points to me, “Ok, Major Lightning, You first then.”

I stand up as we all do when we are asked to answer, “Sir, during my readings I found it interesting how they used artillery to open the way for their troops to pass through enemy lines, with our current standards, I do believe we could use the heavy guns from our airships as mobile artillery support as well.”

The instructor nods his head, “Any other insights that you may have garnered?”

I think briefly and answer, “I also noticed the enemy's use of hidden anti-air and armor assets to ambush them. While this most likely would not normally be an issue in the wastelands, it is still something we must consider as well.”

Again, he nods his head, “OK, thank you, Major Lightning.” I sit down and he calls on another member of our class who now must stand and pontificate as well.

At the end of my class as I am heading out of the schoolhouse, I am met by an officer I have never seen before, “Major Ball Lightning, a minute of your time.”

I nod my head, “Of course Colonel. What can I do for you?”

“Please follow me,” he says as a suggestion that I know is an order.

Once we are in a secluded area he tells me, “I have come on behalf of the president. Here is a message from her to you. Once you have read it and acted upon it, please destroy the message.”

“Yes sir,” I tell him not only to acknowledge the order but to let him know that I understand it. After this, he then tells me, “Have a good day Major, also, we have been keeping an eye on your progress during your courses here. The president is pleased and has commented that perhaps someday she may request you for her staff permanently.”

I smile at this and tell him, “Thank you, sir. I appreciate the vote of confidence. I would like that.”

As I tell him this, I realize I really would like to be on her staff. That would be a large stepping stone in my career. Well, we will see, I guess. He nods his head and tells me, “Alright, take care and be careful Major,” then he walks away leaving me on my own again.

I find a location where I am sure I am alone with no cameras watching and I open the message and read,

Major Ball Lighting,

I have recently been apprised of acts committed by our forces outside of Reino that go against our standards of conduct concerning the treatment of prisoners of war. Please have our contact let their bosses know that those responsible are being disciplined for their actions and that my generals have been reminded that such behavior by their subordinates reflects upon them as well and will not be tolerated. Please give them my apologies as well.



After reading this I know what I must do. I look at my pastern watch and nod to myself. I still have time to get my broadcaster. After that, I hope I can contact Choo and try to keep this war from getting any uglier than it already has.


Good evening to my fellow Wastelanders. This is DJ Pon3 and it is with a sorrowful heart that I must report to you that the NCR and alliance forces outside of Reino have not only been defeated but shattered. Survivors continue to trickle in and report on what occurred there. I will give you more information about this when it becomes available.

In other news, Enclave forces have once again been repulsed at Ponytraz. To the brave ponies and griffons who are still fighting there, know we have not forgotten you during your time under siege. Stand tall and fast. We will send help as soon as we can.

On a positive note, we have reports from the Manesville region that replanting of the crops that were destroyed by Enclave forces that raided there have, for the most part, been replanted. To those who live there and produce the crops that were starting to be exported to other parts of the NCR and the Alliance, we thank you for your hard work and determination.

Remember, we all eat from the same hay bale. We need to stand together, even when things look bleak. For those of you out there on the front lines, we thank you and appreciate what you are doing for the rest of us.

Later in tonight’s show, we will be giving more tips on how to recover the soil in contaminated zones so that crops can still be grown there as well as other tips you can use.

This brings us to the first song for the show tonight. Here is Castle of Glass.

Chapter 56 Strays

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Chapter 56 Strays

"Man is not a rational animal, he is a rationalizing animal." ― Robert A. Heinlein, 'Tunnel in the Sky'.

Airborne, en route to the Balimare Colt: Ginger Snaps.

After we were picked up, we began flying nap of the earth for the first hour. Once far enough away from the Enclave forces, we rise to a normal altitude again. Beside me is my husband and our new dog Katie. He has fallen asleep sitting up and her head in on his leg.

I find myself smiling at the dog and she looks back at me with wide hopeful eyes. I lean forward and gently give her a light scratch behind her ear. I see her relax at this, but she does not move. As we fly the rest of us are all silent, either sleeping or lost in thought.

After what I think is about six hours, I feel the aircraft begin to slow down and we start to circle above a river. As this happens, I use my hoof to wake Xochitl. The others who are awake do the same to those who are still asleep.

Soon I see a riverboat from the windscreen on the cockpit, and we begin to approach it from its stern. Once above the flight deck, I feel the wheels lower into place for landing. Then I feel a quick bump as we touch down on the deck. I hear ponies yelling outside and then the rear ramp begins to drop.

As the ramp drops, I can hear the rotors winding down. Finally, the crew chief removes their helmet and tells us, “OK, everyone off.”

We all stand up grab our gear, and begin to leave the aircraft. Besides my husband, I notice Katie is sniffing the air as she walks, but she is also wagging her tail, so I guess that is a good thing. Once off the Hot Shot, I can see it has been tied down to the deck. The crew ponies who are responsible for that are smiling at us as another leads us forward and back toward our normal quarters. As we go, I hear Rust call from the Pilot House, “Glad to have you all back. Mort, Ginger, once your gear is stowed, I need to talk to both of you.”

I nod and Mort calls back, “Roger, Captain.”

Then she sees Katie and I see the surprise and question on her face, so I call to her, “I will explain in a bit.”

She nods her head and goes back into the pilot house. As we make our way through the passageways and down the ladders, I feel the ship's machinery change paces as it increases its speed through the river. The berthing space is almost exactly like we left it. Once there We stow our longarms in the racks and place our saddlebags on our bunks. After I do this Mort tells me, “Ok Cookie, let’s go see what Rust has for us.”

As we enter the pilot house, I hear Rust giving the command, “Ok, let's head back upriver to Lake Saddle. Once there we should be able to pick up some more wood from the hell hounds there.”

“Yes Ma’am,” I hear the new XO answer back to her.

She then turns to us and asks, “Ok, what the buck happened while you were gone causing us to have to get way too close to Enclave territory, and why do I now have a dog on my ship?”

Mort answers the first part, “Captain, they snookered us in. They held a line at the gap before the mountains, after a couple of days there we broke through with them falling back, and then they ambushed us and closed off the gap behind us. It was almost a perfect trap.”

I see her shake her head, then she asks, “It was that bad?”

Mort nods his head, “Yeah, yeah it was. We barely escaped when they snapped the trap. Hopefully, more than just our two teams made it out.”

I watch as Rust shakes her head with her eyes closed. “Ok, that sounds worse than I expected. Now what about the dog?”

This time I answer, “Oh, that is Katie, we found her next to her dead owner as we were hiding from the Enclave in an oasis. She seems to have adopted Xochitl.”

“And the rest of you?”

I shrug, “I guess. But she is closest to my husband. She is friendly enough to the rest of us though.”

“So, you can guarantee me that she will not cause a problem?”

“Rust, you know me, I do not guarantee the sun will come up tomorrow. But honestly, so far, she has shown to be extremely well-behaved.”

“OK, but remember, it is up to you and your team to clean up after her. We are not going to stop the Colt just so you can take her to shore for a walk.”

I find myself laughing as I tell her, “Ah, but why not Rust? I am sure Rough would.”

“Ginger, I am really glad you are laughing. But honestly, I am serious.”

“I know, Rust, we will be taking care of her.”

“That is all I ask.”

Mort just listens to what he realizes is a family discussion shaking his head. Once we are done, he asks, “Do you have anything more for us Captain?”

“Do I need to radio in to let those in Junction Town know we picked you up?”

Mort looks at me and I shrug. Then he tells her, “Yeah, you better so we can coordinate picking up Choo and the others.”

Rust then tells us, “Ok, I will have the message sent in a bit. Now, go clean up and I will see you both at dinner.”

“See you then Rust,” I tell her with a smile and a wave.

Once back to the compartment, I can see that the rest of both teams are already cleaning up their equipment and themselves. I go to the rack, pull out my weapon, and begin to clean it as I talk to the others.

“Xochitl, one of Rust's major concerns is that we make sure we clean up after Katie.”

He nods his head. “Already figured that would be a concern. We got it covered Cookie,” he tells me with a smile.

Mort from across the berthing then calls across, “Well I hope so. It is hard enough just keeping up with the rest of you.” This gets my husband to blush and the rest of us to laugh.

With that we all settle in and once those who are finished cleaning their equipment begin to remove their uniforms and get cleaned up themselves. Soon we have laundry hung to dry as well as cards being played. I notice Epona off to the side writing a letter. This gets me to smile and I decide perhaps I should write to my parents and let them know I am ok.

Before we know it, it is time for dinner. As we head up to the mess decks Katie joins us. As I enter them, I see Rust at her normal table and she waves me over. Once there she says, “Ok, I need to meet your newest team member.”

I see the smile on my husband’s face as he leads Katie over to the captain. Once he is at her table Xochitl tells her, “Captain, this is Katie.” Rust puts a hoof forward and I watch as Katie leans forward and sniffs it, then nuzzles it briefly.

Rust watches her and smiles. Then gives her a brief scratch behind the ear. “Good girl Katie, welcome aboard.”

Rust then looks up at us and asks, “Ok, so what does she eat?”

“Well, she can catch her own fish if given a chance, that is how I first met her. She also eats meat and cheese. Not too fond of a vegetarian diet from what I can tell, but she can eat almost anything,” Xochitl tells her.

She tilts her head to look at us as my husband rubs Katie behind the ears and asks, “Ok, so what do you plan to do with her when you are on an op?”

This time he cringes and I smile as I tell her, “Well, I guess it depends on the mission.”

“What do you mean?” she asks.

“Well, a quick snatch and grab she might do good. She does well on long-distance ones too,” he tells her with a lopsided grin.

I see a half smile on Rust's face as she sits with her forelegs crossed, “Really, you are sure about that?”

This time I answer, “Yeah, she even handled the flight better than some of the ponies I have seen.”

As I say this, I remember the family stories of step-grandma Emerado and Mama Mollygirl riding George the first time.

Rust nods her head and tells us, “Ok, well we should at least get her a collar and maybe a harness made up for her own gear. Now why not go get something to eat and sit down, I want to hear first hoof what happened. The NCR is keeping this one as quiet as they can.”

Soon we are all seated and enjoying our dinner. I notice that the old assistant cook, Corn Biscuit, has brought out a bowl with some meat and fish in it for Katie as well.

When she sees this, I see Rust raise an eyebrow, but she says nothing, as do I. I guess she never thought the crew might like to have a mascot before.

After dinner our teams all return to our berthing. Once there the cards come out. Before too much longer I see a couple of the regular crew are stopping by.

Most seem to just want to chat and meet Katie. A few bring their instruments and begin to play a bit. I am almost surprised when Rough Seas shows up. He comes in and says hello as usual. He looks at Katie lying next to Xochitl and asks, “Is it ok if I meet her?”

Xochitl sits up on his rack and tells him, “Sure, come on over.”

As he gets closer, I see Rough hold out his hoof much like Rust did. Once she has sniffed it, he slowly moves his hoof to her ear and begins to scratch her behind it. I smile at how he seems to have relaxed as well. Then I about laugh at the surprise on his face when she jumps up, puts both front paws on his shoulders, and begins to lick him.

Soon he has recovered and is laughing gently as he pets her back and tells her, “It is good to meet you too Katie.”

With Katie no longer hogging his attention, I can slide on the bunk next to my husband and cuddle with him as well.

Before too long we begin to hear the instruments playing the Mare I Left Behind Me. As it begins, I find myself and several others joining in as well. I feel a tear rise as I remember us singing this as we marched as part of the Co-op Expedition Force all those years ago.

Once we have finished, Rough cocks his head as he asks us, “Hey do you know the song Leave her Jumper Leaver her?”

We all look at each other and we all shake our heads no. Mort tells them, “Can’t quit say we have heard it before.”

Rough grins again, and nods his head, “I wondered about that. It is an old tune about a sailing ship returning home and how the crew was reluctant to leave.” He then turns to the musicians who are with him and asks, “Hey bucks can you join me in singing Leave Her Jumper, Leave Her?”

I watch as two of them nod their head. The fiddler drops it from his shoulder and lightly begins to tap out a melody as Rough begins, and the others sing the chorus for him,

Oh, the work was hard and the wages low.

Leave her Jumper, Leave her.

I guess it’s time for us to go

And it’s time for us to leave her.

Leave her Jumper, leave her,

Oh, leave her Jumper, leave her.

For the voyage is done and the winds don't blow

And it's time for us to leave her.

I find myself tapping my hoof along with it, as do several others. We are all enjoying his voice and the song itself somehow seems to get into a pony’s spirit to me.

She would not wear and she would not stay.

Leave her Jumper, leave her.

We shipped green seas both night and day

And it's time for us to leave her,

Leave her Jumper, leave her,

Oh, leave her Jumper, leave her,

For the voyage is done and the winds don't blow

And it's time for us to leave her.

There was rotten grain and a weevily bread

Leave her, Jumper, leave her

But eat it or starve the old Mare said

And it’s time for us to leave her

Leave her Jumper, leave her,

Oh, leave her Jumper, leave her,

For, the voyage is done and the winds don't blow

And it's time for us to leave her.

The winds were foul and the work was hard

Leave her, Jumper, leave her

From the Trottingham dock to the Buckland Yard and it’s time for us to leave her

Oh, leave her, Jumper, leave her

For the voyage is done and the winds don’t blow

And it’s time for us to leave her

By the third stanza, we are all joining in with the chorus. It goes on for a while more, but when it is finished, we offer the singers all a sip from a bottle that Tater had stashed in his saddlebags. Then in return, we sing Marry-Owen.

We spend a couple of hours going back and forth this way, with members of the Colt’s crew dropping by for a bit to sing with us or just listen to the music. It almost reminds me of Xochitl’s and my time with the CEF in the camps. That night when we go to sleep, I sleep better than I have in some time.


Baltimare Colt, enroute to the Rendezvous point: Xochitl

Once we landed, I felt much more relieved. At least we are back with our own people again. I know it sounds silly, but honestly, sometimes I am really getting tired of being on our own with hardly any backup. I shake my head, then again, look how much backup we had outside of Reino. Bullocks what a mess. The Colonel would never have fallen for that trick I think to myself. Well, I at least hope she would not have.

After we got to our berthing, we all began to clean our weapons, I even cleaned Ginger’s as she and Mort had to go talk to Rust. I do not know why I bother though as I know she will clean it once she gets back.

On the positive side, after the weapons are taken care of, I take off my uniform for the first time in over a week and a half. Goddess, do I reek, but what can we do? Several of us go and get buckets of water from the river as we pass through it. Then we use soap in the buckets to try and scrub them. Once done with that, well then, we finally dump the buckets, go get more clean water, and rinse them before hanging them up so they can dry. It may not be the best system, but it sure beats smelling like a dead radhog left too long in the sun.

After the uniforms and gear are clean, we all begin to use sponges and soap with the buckets to clean ourselves as well. Sometimes before these longer ops, I forget just how good it feels to get clean again.

I also take the time to wash up Katie. At first, she is hesitant, but when she sees the rest of us being cleaned with soap and water she finally relents. Once done after I have finally toweled her off, she shakes what moisture is still left on her spraying me and the others.

Soon I take her out on deck and I notice one of the crew members must take care of their business. I turn my head to give them some privacy but I notice that Katie is watching with her head tilted as they lean slightly over the edge of the deck and go. She looks up at me as if asking me a question, then after the crew member has gone, she trots over to that spot, leans against one of the supports, and goes. To say the least, I am surprised, but this will make taking care of her much easier. I was kind of afraid it would end up being like the first time Ginger and I met Choo Choo in her cave and she surprised us enough that we both made a mess. Then the Colonel and Quick Frost made us clean it up.

Once Ginger gets back, she and Mort fill us all in on what they talked about. Then she tells me, “Rust wants to meet Katie at dinner.”

I will have to admit that I was nervous about how the crew of the Colt would accept Katie when we went back. They all seemed a bit nervous at first, at least until the captain accepted her. After that, well, let us just say she is now treated like the rest of us.

I have to say I am pleased when Corn Biscuit brings her a bowl of her own to use and tells Katie, “I remember when I was new on here too.”

I smile at him and ask, “How is your daughter Short Biscuit doing?”

He grins widely, “She is doing well enough, she came to see me some while we were rebuilding the Colt. I hardly can make it to White Cloud, but she knows I am still alive and that we both love each other. That is enough. I am just glad that Miss Text Book took care of her and the other students who were with her back then.”

I smile slightly as I remember us finding Miss Text Book and her class in the ruins of Good Doer. I smile a bit more when I remember how close she became with Suture's mother Doula. The fact that even one of their parents survived Fillydelphia and found them is nearly a miracle. But I guess his being willing to help cook for the crew got him his job on the Colt too. I almost smirk when I realize how many of us strays have made this old riverboat our home.

After dinner, we return to our berthing and I lay back down on my bunk, hoping to cuddle with my wife. Instead, I am surprised when Katie climbs up next to me instead. I almost shake my head as it reminds me very much of how Woofers and Tweeters used to be when we were in camp.

Some of the others begin to play cards, and after a while a few of the regular crew show up and begin to talk and trade stories. Before too much longer the instruments come out.

I have to smile when Rough Seas shows up to meet Katie, as she jumps down to meet him and Ginger quickly takes her place.

Before too much longer the music is going and as all good ponyfolk do, the singing begins. I am surprised at how good of a voice Rough has, and find myself joining in as we all sing chorus for him for a song, he calls Leave her Jumper Leaver her.

After that, we return the favor with a round of Marry-Owen. We sang several songs that night, with the final one being an old Co-op favorite of Red is the Rose. As we sing it, I notice Epona has some tears in her eyes as she steps outside onto the main deck. After we are done, and most of the others have left, I make my way to my sister-in-law and ask, “Epona, are you ok?”

She nods her head, wipes a tear, and tells me, “Yeah, that song just always gets to me. It was one of my birthmother’s favorites. Especially when Mama Mollygirl from my side of the doorway sang it to her.”

Ah, now I understand. I put a hoof around her shoulder and give her a quick hug, “I can understand that.”

She smiles and tells me, “It’s ok, just a really good memory, of times I miss.”

“Yeah, I do understand that to Pona. I have a few like that too.”

She looks at me funny at first, then asks, “Really?”

I nod my head, “Yeah, I usually keep those just to myself,” and then I give her a gentle smile. “A few of them even came from the expedition. Someday maybe Ginger and I can even sing for you the March of the CEF.”

She raises an eyebrow, “I never heard that one?”

I shrug, “Most have not. Those on the expedition started to sing it after Targhee. I think the old Equestrian Rangers started it. Only a few of them made it through the Valley and into the Enfields after they rebuilt them with the old volunteer troop.”

She looks at me with a bit of a questioning expression, and then she tells me, “Ma never really said much about what happened to them when she met us after we came back through the doorway. I always wondered why?”

I nod my head, “Yeah, not one of her better memories either that day. To be honest Pona, I had given up on making it out of there alive. My father and I both refused to be slaves again.”

She nods her head, “Yeah, I can believe that.” She laughs lightly then tells me, “You know Cohitl, you are not the same gentle colt I met over on the other side. But I think the way you are now is the way my sister needed you to be.”

I find myself grinning at her when she says this and asks, “Do you really mean that?”

She nods her head, “Yeah, I do, just like I now realize I am the person the Purchase needs and she is the one I need.” She pauses then asks, “Cohtil, I know I have not gotten to spend much time with her, but I find her like no one else I have ever met. Is that how you felt about Ginger?”

“Yeah, yeah it is. Ever since I first met her.”

“What about this sides Epona?” she asks.

I look over at my wife and smile, then I tell her, “If things were different back then, who knows? But Epona, I try not to think about such things.”

She chuckles lightly, “Yeah, you're right. I am going to hit my hammock, have a good night, Xochitl.”

“You too Epona, sleep well my sister,” I tell her and put a hoof lightly on her shoulder as she heads back inside. I then look over and see my wife and our dog standing to the side.

I hear her let out a deep breath and she tells me, “I love you too. Thanks for being a stallion I can trust.”

I put a hoof around her shoulder and kiss her lightly on her cheek, then tell her, “Thank you for being a mare worth being faithful for.” After this, Katie leads us back inside to our bunks. Ginger climbs into mine with me and soon we have Katie at our hind hooves and under the blanket. The lanterns are then all turned down low, and we settle into sleep for the night, lulled by the sounds of the ship’s machinery and the sounds of the river lapping against the hull.

We stop the next day for fuel near Ponyville. Rust puts the bow close to the shore and uses a winch and boom to move the ramp over to the shore. After this, we trade some fresh radgator meat as well as caps for firewood. I am amused at how the local pack of hellhounds reacts to Katie; they seem almost amused by her. However, one does ask me, “Why keep her, you?”

I continue to scratch her behind her ear as I answer, “Well she joined us after we found her and she seems to enjoy our company as much as we do hers.”

“So, no use to fight?”

I shake my head, “No, we do not plan to use her to fight. However, if she goes on missions with us, we may use her to carry some extra supplies, but nothing too heavy.”

I talk to him a bit more, then we are finished loading the wood and Rust gives the order, “All hands back aboard, we need to make way.”

We all trundle back aboard and once the brow is back on the deck, I feel the sternwheel begin to pull us away from the shore. Once far enough out, I feel the direction of movement of the sternwheel shift and I hear the familiar horn blast of the Water line being blown to let those around know we are leaving.

We slowly make our way back downriver making sure we take the correct branch so we do not end up in the Ghastly Gorge. Once we pass the old Cathedral and the wrecked skyship there I begin to relax some.

The Colt makes its best speed through the rivers, but it takes us two more days to make it to the rendezvous point. Once there we drop anchor and wait for Choo, Moon Lily, and the batponies.

We are just starting to get nervous when after sunset we begin to hear the echolocation of the batponies. Katie hears them first and tilts her head with her ears raised. Then she lets out a high-pitched howl. Before long we can see their shadows in the night sky as they make their way to us.

Ginger wraps her tail with mine and tells me, “At least this is going as planned.”

I smile back at her and tell her, “Yeah, at least something is.”


Enroute to the rendezvous point, Disputed territory: Choo Choo

The first night out we fly for six hours, stopping to rest for ten minutes at the end of each one. It is not easy and I know it is rougher than Moon Lily is used to, but we are making our way as fast as we can to where we are to meet the Colt and her crew.

It is at the final stop for the night, just before that, it happens. We have gone into an old farmhouse to shelter for the day and to get some sleep. We make our camp in the basement after making sure it is clear. The rest have bedded down for some sleep when I hear three sets of hooves cautiously making their way across the floor upstairs. Then I hear the basement door begin to open and I hear a somewhat familiar young voice say, “Come on mares, I think we should check in here.”

I ready my weapon just in case I need it. As the steps get closer Moon Lily gets up and in the light glow of my horn tells me, “It is ok Granny, I was expecting them.”

I set my weapon down and asked, “Expecting who?”

Then I hear, “Hey Moon, sorry we are late.”

“Hi, Slip Stream the others with you too?” Moon Lily excitedly asks.

From behind the first silhouette, I hear, “Yep we all made it Moon.”

I then see both of Lieutenant Colonel Wind Rider’s daughters as well as Major Dull Beak’s all standing there before me as they exchange hugs with Moon.

“What are you three doing here?” I ask in a stern voice.

The young hippogriff Slip Stream looks at me and answers, “We are here for Moon. We could not let her leave home without us. After all, it is the filly code, where one goes, we all go.”

I hear either Frost Glitter or Snow Song then add, “Yep, just like in the Fancy Flew and the Fancy Flight Mystery Gang. We are all here for our friend.”

I feel myself facehoof as they say this. Goddesses Bless it! Why, why did they have to do this I ask myself. Then I hear the other one say, “Besides, it is just like how Moon’s older siblings all did it too. Just like their stories. Especially Ginger and Cohitl when they ran away to the expedition with you.”

Oh, Snap! That really has come back to bite me in the flank. I let out a sigh as I realize we are too far away to send them back without missing our rendezvous with the Colt. I guess now I know how Mollygirl felt all those years ago.

I am slowly shaking my head when I notice the hippogriff does not have a weapon. “Young mare, where is your weapon if you are coming out into the wastelands?”

She looks down and quietly tells me, “Ma and Pa told me I can not have one yet. But Moon and the rest have already taught me how to shoot and hunt.”

Quietly I hear Sunny say behind me, “Oh no. son of a buck.”

I ignore him and tell her, “Well, I am glad to hear that, stick close to the others until we get to the Colt, then we will see what we can do to arm you too.”

As this is going on the Lance Corporal, Morning Star comes over and asks, “What is going on ma’am?”

I tilt my head and point with one wing towards the three new arrivals and tell her, “Lance, it looks like we have had three last-minute volunteers show up.”

She looks at the three of them and I see a bit of surprise on her face. Then she slowly nods her head, “Yes your Highness’s.”

Again, I facehoof, “Lance, please, do not call us that, I have already told you not to.”

“Yes ma’am,” she answers as she looks at Moon Lily with wide eyes for confirmation.

Moon smiles at her and tells her, “Morning Star, I already told you the princesses agreed we do not have any princesses still in our universe.”

“Yes, Your Highness. I remember that.”

I watch the three new arrivals all smile at her and then at each other. Finally, I tell them all, “We can figure that out later, now all of you, go get some sleep. I will wake you when it is time to get moving again.”

“Yes Granny,” Moon tells me as she makes her way back to her bedroll.

Her three friends all look at me and tell me, “Yes ma’am.” Then they all go and put their bedrolls next to hers then soon are fast asleep. After they are lying down Morning Star comes over to me and asks, “Ma’am what did they mean about you, Ginger, and Chotil?”

I then explain to her, “Ten years ago when the expedition was leaving Manesville, I was still recovering from the break with Unity. I was friends with Xochitl and Ginger and I helped them hide in a wagon until we were too far from home to get them home safely, after that we became scouts for the CEF.”

She looks at me in confusion, “Choo, how did Sunny fit in all that?”

“Oh, we met him and his mother while on the expedition. His mother and Trouble knew each other before that and she joined us too, bringing him with us.”

“So, are you saying his mother brought him into the scouts as a child?”

I shake my head, “No, raiders were getting ready to hit the farm where the family was living that she had left him with. She kept him in the civilian camp with them when we were in action. When she could she and his father would spend time with Sunny.”

“Ok, I guess I understand that, but how did he get involved with the fighting then?”

I sigh and for a moment I am remembering those final days in the Valley. I take a deep breath and slowly release it before I answer her, “You must remember, by the last day the CDF had not contacted us, we were trapped and we were giving up hope of most of us escaping. Colonel Mollygirl had come up with what she called Operation Foal Lift. Once we heard the song Winter Wrap up on our PipBucks we were to begin evacuating all the foals and calfs that were with us. All the pegasi were to evacuate as well while the rest of the CEF was buying us time to escape.”

As I tell her this, I see her eyes are wide and she is nodding her head slowly. Then I continue, “Right as they attacked that morning, we heard the music and we began the evacuation. However, many of us who were supposed to help ended up in dogfights trying to protect those behind us. It was during this time that Sunny saw a griffon getting ready to attack an unarmed mother with her week-old foal. He put himself between them and began attacking him without any weapons until other help could arrive.”

“Did he really need to do that?”

I nod my head, “Unfortunately, yes, he did. We lost several foals and adults while we were trying to get them across.”

“What finally happened to all of you? How did you get out?” she asks.

I look at the ceiling above us trying hard to push back the memories. Then I answer, “When our lines were broken, our radio operator sent out the message of broken saber. That is when one battalion of the 2nd Manesville finally let us know they were there. They opened up with artillery and began an air assault to relieve us. But until that point, not one of us even knew the 2nd Manesville existed, much less that help had been sent.”

She then asks, “So what happened to all the civilians that were with you?”

I chuckle mirthlessly then answer, “You ever been to White Cloud? Those survivors were the founders. Perhaps that helps to explain part of the town's attitude as well. They do seem to be an independent lot over there.”

She nods her head and then smiles. “Thank you for telling me that Captain, it helps me to understand him a lot more.” She pauses then asks, “Is that why you do this instead of having joined the regulars?”

“Yes and no, Lance Corporal, I was a regular for eight years after that. When the youngsters got done with school and tried to enlist, well for some reason they were told they could not. So, I formed our little business. As for working as NCR Rangers, well, we got drafted into that. But it pays the bills and is for a good cause. Now, do me a favor Lance, go lay down and get some sleep. I will wake you an hour before the rest so I can catch a nap.”

She looks at me surprised, “Captain, will that be enough time to sleep for you?”

“Lance, since I took this form, I have not needed much sleep, so please do not worry about me.”

“Yes ma’am,” she tells me, then she goes and lays down in her bedroll near Sunny and the rest of her scouts.

I smile at that, but then I start to remember those days so long ago. I do wake her an hour before the others need to get up, and I lay down for some rest as well. Once I am awake again the sun is already setting. We get up, grab a quick bite of rations, and then Asra and Arrats make their way upstairs and make sure that the coast is clear so we can all quietly leave.

Once in the air again, I notice that the other three are flying in formation with Moon Lily. Next to me is Sunny, who shakes his head and tells me, “Well, at least we trained them all, I guess. I wondered why they were so eager to prove they were as ready as Moon was.”

“Yes, I am sure that it did make you wonder. I am also sure that is why they never said anything to us about wanting to go along.”

He grins at me after I say this and tells me, “Well, after this is done, I guess they will have stories to tell that match Ginger and Chotil’s with the rest of the family.”

We fly through the darkness much like we did the night before. Twice during our flight, we adjust our route, once because we all see a very large flying creature in the distance, that we do not want to mess with. One of the advantages of being an alicorn is that my eyes are so much better in the dark than a regular ponies, that I can barely make it out. However, I do not tell the others as I swear it looks like a giant bat. So, we divert and it does not seem to notice us and I am happy with that.

The other time we can see a vertibuck flying nap of the earth as it barely clears trees and old power lines. We hear it first and go to the ground quickly. Once there we take what shelter we can as it zooms past us with no lights being visible. We wait for twenty minutes after it has gone by before we take to the air again. Towards dawn we begin to look for a place to take shelter in that is near the big river and our rendezvous point.

We eventually find a small cave that is on the back side of a hill away only a few miles from where we are to meet the Colt. Once down for the day, we quickly cover the entrance with brush before we set up a watch so we can all grab some sleep.

Just before we get ready to leave our shelter for the day, I barely hear some voices whisper outside. I hold up a wing to signal the others to be quiet and not move.

“I don’t like it Trip Set, that cave was not covered yesterday.”

“Well, what do you wants to do then Chaw Spit? You want to go looking in there?”

“Well, maybe we can go get a couple more of the gang to back us up then.”

“Yeah, let's do that. Who knows maybe whoever is in there will have some good stuff for us to take.”

I then hear them moving away. Then I lead the others back outside and we quickly take flight and climb high to avoid being detected easily. As we gain altitude, the scouts start to use their echolocation to try and find the Colt. Soon we hear a dog howling back to them. They all look at each other and slowly make their way toward the dog’s voice.

Before too much longer we can start to make out the shape of a riverboat at anchor near the bank of the river.

We make our way closer and I can see the shape of a vertibuck that is covered on its back end as well as the gun mounts that I know had been added to the Colt. I smile and tell the others, “OK we are here.”

Soon I can see Ginger and Xochitl along with a dog standing on the top deck waving to us. We all land in a large group near them. I can tell when they see the other youngsters who are with us and I hear Ginger tell her husband, “Well, so much for things going as planned I guess.”


Nightingale Military Hospital, Thunderhead, Enclave Territory: Ball Lightning.

I had just finished turning in my last assignment for my class when my instructor notified me, “Before you head back to your unit Major, you are to report to the Nightingale Military Hospital for a once-over.”

“Any idea why sir?”

He shakes his head, “No, not for certain, but perhaps to make sure you are fit enough to return to command, especially as I see you have three previous wound badges. I would not worry though, if they thought you would be disqualified, I am sure that they would have already pulled you from training and dismissed you from service.”

The last part of his statement gets me to raise an eyebrow, but I say nothing other than, “Thank you for letting me know. I will head over there after the exam.”

He nods his head, “Very good Major. Now please take your seat.”

Once I have turned in the exam, I make my way as quickly as I can to the hospital. I check in at the front desk and I am told, “Ah, Major Ball Lightning, yes, we have an appointment set up for you this afternoon. If you would like I can call up to see if they are ready for you, or you can return here after eating lunch in the cafeteria.”

I think briefly and tell him, “Please call up to see if they are ready, if not, I will get something to eat until then.”

He makes a quick call and tells me, “One of the nurses will be right with you sir. Please wait here.”

Soon a young female nurse meets me and tells me, “Please come with me, Major.”

I follow her from there to an elevator, once in the elevator she asks, “Do you know why you are here Sir?”

“Not really, I was just told to show up here.”

She nods he head, “That is good then. Sir, that was for your privacy, due to the extent of your injuries over the years we are going to perform a comprehensive checkup on you, both physically and mentally. I am taking you to see our psychologist first.”

Once in the psychologist's office, I am told to sit down. He then begins to ask me a series of questions, many of which seem to repeat themselves. The first one is, “Do you feel like harming yourself or anyone else?”

I tilt my head and put my muzzle down slightly as I ask him, “Really? Are you kidding me?”

He looks over his glasses at me and tells me, “Yes, I am serious, now Major, do you feel like harming yourself or others at this time?”

I laugh lightly, “No, I don’t. Harming myself is pretty much a no-go for me. Harming others? Only in the line of duty.”

After he is done with the one list, he begins to ask me other questions concerning my sleep and whether I am getting enough, and if I have nightmares.

I look at him seriously and tell him, “Sir, with the stuff I have seen and been through, of course I am going to have some. But let’s be honest, I do not have any more than most others.”

He nods his head and makes a note on his pad. Then he continues. Once finished he stands up and tells me, “Major thank you for stopping by today. If I may say so, you have a much better mental resiliency than many others who have had similar experiences to you.”

I shake hooves with him and tell him, “Thanks Doc, I guess. I hope that cleared things up a bit for you.”

He nods his head, “Yes it did, now my nurse will take you to begin the physical exam.”

I then ask him, “Doc, what is this all about anyways?”

He looks surprised and tells me, “You don’t know? You are in line to be a commander for one of the forming units. It may not happen right away, but it is in the works. Now I best let you get going and I have some paperwork that I need to fill out, good luck Major.”

During my next appointment at the hospital, they take several magic scans of my body, with an emphasis on the areas that I had injured when I was wounded all those times.

The doctor examines the scans and I hear him humming several times to his self. Finally, he turns to me and tells me, “If you want to return to service in the scouts for the duration of the war, we can replace several of your parts with artificial ones.” He pauses then looks at my chart again, “Sorry, not without a spleen. I did not mean to get your hopes up, Major. However, looking at the fruit salad on your uniform, your age, and your rank, I would say you are well on track as it is. Other than those injuries that have prevented you from staying in the recon scouts, you are healthy and fit for command.”

For some reason, I do feel slightly let down when he says this, but it is what I expected to be honest with myself. “Thank you, Doctor. Is there anything else you need me for?”

He shakes his head, “No, but thank you for coming in. You may return to your current duties’ sir.”

I nod my head, pick up my saddlebags, and tell him, “Have a good day sir.” Then I head back to the school house.

Once there I verify my final test score and am given my certificate as well as my paperwork to allow me to transport back down to the RDS. I quickly head back to my room, grab the rest of my gear and as I am leaving, I say my goodbyes to Down Draft. Then I am on my way home with only a brief stop to catch a ride at the Thunderhead Air Station first.

Once at the air station transport hanger, I make my way to the sergeant at the dispatch desk. He looks up at me and smiles, “Good to see you again Major. Finally done with your studies, sir?”

“Finally. It will be good to get home to my family again.”

He shakes his head, “I can understand wanting to be with your family sir, but I do not think I could ever call being down there home.”

I shrug, “You know Sergeant, at one time I could not either. But it is not that bad in some places.” As I say that my mind slides back to the Manesville region and their fields of crops and farms. I smile briefly then I remember what Choo told me has happened there since.

He nods his head and non-committedly tells me, “I will take your word for it, sir.” He pauses then tells me, “If you would like to wait in the Officers’ lounge this time sir, I will come and get you when your flight is ready to board.”

“That sounds good, is it a large flight this time?”

He shrugs, “Not too bad sir. Maybe a dozen or so. Mostly civilians and a couple of replacements it seems.”

“Sounds pleasant enough. Thank you, Sergeant.”

Once in the lounge, I order myself a shot of Wild Pegasus with a cider chaser. As I drink my cider, I find myself snacking on some carrots, radishes, and dip. I can tell they are Enclave grown as they are not as flavorful as those I get ground side.

On the television behind the bar, I can see a buckball game being played that I only pay a bit of attention to. I am considering ordering another drink when I see a shave-tail lieutenant enter the lounge. As he looks around, I notice his eyes are full of wonder. He spots me in uniform and begins to head my way. I can tell though when he sees my rank insignia in the mirror behind the bar. Then I see his jaw drop when he sees my ribbon rack and wound badge with clusters.

He starts to back away and I consider letting him go, but I remember being at that point in my career as well, so I tell him, "It's OK lieutenant, grab a seat and some snacks if you want.”

I swear I hear a slight squeak out of him when he hears me speaking to him. Then he asks, “Are you sure sir? I do not want to bother you, sir.”

I find myself shaking my head slightly as I give a slight chuckle. Then I tell him, “Yeah, I am sure.” I wait until he has taken a seat at the bar then I ask him, “So what brings you here Lieutenant.”

He stops from taking a bite of a carrot and answers, “I am heading down to my new duty station sir.”

This gets my curiosity so I ask him, “Can you tell me where you are going?”

He looks around then he tells me, “Sir for security reasons I shouldn’t tell you.”

“Fair enough, makes sense. So, where are you from originally? By your accent, I can tell you are not a native to Thunderhead.”

He takes a sip of a cider he has ordered and tells me, “I was raised over in Coltlumbia in one of the small cloud farm settlements that nopony ever seems to have heard of called Radish Drop.”

I find myself amused by the name and I tell him, “Yeah, I have to say I have never heard of it either. With a name like that it is not one most people would forget.”

I see he looks slightly uncomfortable and I ask him, “Something bothering you son?”

“Uh, no, not really, just you said most people, not most ponies. I have never heard it used like that before.”

I take another drink of my cider before answering, “Well, I have spent some time dirtside, so I have learned to think beyond just ponies. I had not even realized I had done that.”

He nervously takes another drink and then asks, “Have you spent a lot of time with those mudpuppies down there, sir?”

I grab a nice-sized radish, dip it then take a bite of it before answering him, “You could say that Lieutenant, you could say that. I have been through a large part of what they call the NCR even. While it is a rough place, some places have started to recover. But I have to admit, they are not the same as being home in the Enclave.”

I have almost finished my drink when the Sergeant from the desk comes in and informs me, “Major, your flight is getting ready to board right now. Of course, as senior officer on the flight, you are expected to load last.” He pauses and then tells me, “Also sir, If I do not see you before your wife has the foals, I wish you the best of luck and I hope they are healthy.”

“Thank you, Sergeant, I appreciate it,” I tell him, Then I turn to the Lieutenant and tell him, “Good Luck Lieutenant, wherever you are heading.”

He nods his head, “Thank you, sir.”

As I am getting up the Sergeant tells the shavetail, “Sir, you are on the same flight as the Major, you need to hurry as he will be the last passenger to load.”

I slow my walk as I see him finish his cider then grab a mouthful of radishes and begin to make his way to the flight line as well.

I watch him load and then am told by the flight crew chief, “Sir, you may board when you are ready.”

I trot on and sit down nearest to the door. Once the flight begins, I find myself taking my usual nap until we are ready to land. Once on the ground there I am the first person off and I begin my trek back to the HQ to report in. I have reported back to my CO when I hear one of our clerks behind me ask someone, “Can I help you, Lieutenant?”

I hear an exasperated voice that I recognize as having just met a while ago reply, “Yes Corporal, here are my orders, I have been assigned to the 353rd and I am reporting in.”

I hear the smile in the clerk’s voice as she answers, “Yes sir, I can help you with that. Let me notify the Sergeant Major.”

I continue to do what paperwork is on my desk as I hear Funnel Cloud ask, “OK lieutenant, what can we do for you?”

“Sergeant Major Sir, I am reporting for duty.”

I can almost hear the amusement in Funnel's voice as he tells him, “You are no longer at OCS Lieutenant, I call you sir now.” Then I hear a brief pause, “Ok, everything seems to be in order, let me go see if the XO is in and if he wants to talk to you.”

A few minutes later he drifts into the doorway and tells me, “Sir, we have a new lieutenant here who needs an assignment.”

“How many open billets do we have for a new lieutenant?” I ask.

He tells me, “Only one sir, right now Bullseye is still wearing two hats as both company commander and platoon leader.”

I nod my head, “That will be fine, I guess I should talk to him a bit too, to welcome him.” I say with a hint of humor in my voice. Then I tell him, “Bring him in to me please.”

“Yes sir,” he tells me with a questioning look.

Soon I see him leading the young lieutenant into my office. I take a perverse bit of enjoyment at the shock on his face. I watch as he pulls himself together and introduces himself, “Good evening, sir, Lieutenant Windblast reporting for duty, sir.”

“Take a seat lieutenant.”

He looks nervous but follows the orders, still sitting at attention. I turn to Funnel Cloud and tell him, “Close the door on your way out but wait so you can have someone take him over to his new company when we are done, we shouldn’t take long.”

“Yes sir,” he tells me and closes the door on his way out.

I turn to my new officer and smile as I tell him, “Good evening, Lieutenant, I am Major Ball Lightning. Welcome to the 353rd. Just to give you a heads up you will be going to my old company. Your company CO there advanced from the ranks.” As I say this, I see him crinkle his muzzle slightly and his ears shift down some. I raise an eyebrow and tell him, “If you want my advice, and believe me you better listen to it. Learn from her. She is very competent and has a lot she can teach you. Also, listen to your senior non-coms. Ask their opinions, but remember, you are the officer and the decisions as well as the responsibility for the consequences of them falls upon you. I too was once a shave tail lieutenant and I had a couple of good NCOs who taught me enough that I was able to be where I am in my career.”

He is looking straight ahead like a cadet as I tell him this. And I am afraid he may have zoned out what I have told him. But I hope not. Then I say to him, “Tell me a bit about yourself, Lieutenant.”

He begins by going over what he has already told me, as well as his grades in OCS. Then I ask him, “So what non-military skills do you bring to us?”

He shrugs and tells me, “You mean besides farming sir?”

I nod my head and he answers, “Sir, I like to do research and dig out facts from old texts. I also enjoy doing crossword puzzles.”

I find myself tilting my head and smiling as I listen. Finally, I tell him, “It sounds like you bring us some skills that we could use in the Military Police. I am glad to have you here. Now I will let you get going again and have you taken over to your captain so she can meet you before it is too late.”

He stands up from the chair and moves to the door. As he opens it I see Funnel Cloud standing there. He looks at the lieutenant and tells him, “Follow me sir, oh, and Lieutenant, you will meet our CO tomorrow morning at 0900 hours. I set up the appointment for you while you were busy.”

Once they are gone, I finish up what I need to before heading home. As I fly home, I am met by Savanna and Lil’ Bit, who fly the rest of the way with me. As we go Savanna tells me, “It is good to have you home again Dad. Just to let you know, we asked Mom already and she said to ask you, Scrap and Patches found some stray kittens and wanted to keep one of them.”


Good evening to all of you wastelanders out there tonight, I am Broadcast Nights, coming to you live from Junction Town. In tonight’s news, we have reports of continued skirmishing between the Enclave and NCR forces around Chicacolt. Sources state that both sides have begun to dig in among the wreckage as yet another storm moves through this area.

In Horseton NCR forces have fallen back from the city in an attempt to consolidate the lines while waiting for additional forces to arrive.

From Vanhoover there have come several rumors of attacks against the Steel Ranger base there as well as against other non-aligned forces by the Enclave.

With the recent failure of NCR forces in the Mohoofie, outside Reino, there have been renewed calls for a vote of no confidence concerning President Grimfeathers. It is my humble opinion that those calling the loudest may not have the best interest of the NCR and our people at heart.

In other news, the Enclave forces outside of Whinnyapolis have been reported to be withdrawing as the winter begins to settle into that region once again. One credible source there has also indicated that a recent influx of volunteer forces from outside this region may be partially responsible for this. That only goes to show that we are stronger when we join together to fight despotism.

Remember, even a pack of strays can overwhelm a wolf as long as they work together. With that in mind to all of you, my fellow wastelanders and NCR citizens, here is The Strays.

Chapter 57 New Lessons

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Chapter 57 New Lessons

“Leaving home in a sense involves a kind of second birth in which we give birth to ourselves.”

- Robert Neelly Bellah

Rendezvous point, Balitmare Colt: Ginger Snaps

As we see all of the new team members walking towards us, I am stunned, to say the least by the three tag-a-longs. I look at Choo and ask her, “Uh, where did the other three come from?”

Before she can answer the young hippogriff steps forward, sticks out her chest floof, and proudly says, “We snuck along to be with Moon. Just like you guys did on the expedition.”

I fight the urge to facehoof when she says this and I see Choo shrug her wings and then answer, “We did not find out they were following us until we bedded down for the day yesterday, by then it was too late to send them back.”

I then hear one of the young pegasus mares say, “We just want to be here for Moon when she needs us.”

I then tell them, “Alright if you want to do a mares job to help your friend, fine, but understand, you are now going to be treated as adults.” I pause for a moment then tell them, “Also, we are limited on the number of bunks we have, so all of you are going to have to sleep in hammocks for this trip.”

Choo nods her head, “I had not told them that yet. But I concur Cookie.”

From up in the Pilot House, I hear Rust call to us, “Is everyone on board so we can get underway again?”

Choo calls back to her, “Yes Captain, we are all here. I will visit you in a bit.”

I see Rust's shadowy form nod then head back inside. Shortly after this, I hear the ship's machinery begin to change in its sound followed by the feeling of movement in the hull as the anchor is lifted and the sternwheel cuts into the water.

I can instantly tell when they see Katie as all four of the youngsters at once say, “Aww, a dog.”

Then Moon Lily asks “What is her name and when did you get her?”

Xochitl answers, “Her name is Katie, and we found her recently, or should I say, she found us.”

The foursome quickly descends upon the poor hapless pup and begin to give her scratches and pet her. I must laugh at how quickly Katie leans into their attention, but still looks at my husband as if asking if it is alright. He smiles and nods his head and she leans into it even more.

I then ask, “How was the trip here, and how exactly did these three sneak along?”

She tells me, “How about you and I go see Rust and I will explain then.” She pauses then tells us, “Xochitl, how about taking the rest to our quarters? Ginger and I need to check in with the captain.”

“Yes boss,” he replies, then he turns to the others, “Ok, follow me.” He laughs lightly then tells them, “Besides, I need to hear how the buck you three snuck along without the scouts knowing you were there.” As he says the last part, I see all four of the batponies cringe slightly.

I smile to myself as I watch them all head below with the batpony scouts following closely on their heels. Once they are heading below decks Choo tells me, “Well, let us go talk to Rust, I want to discuss with her a couple of ideas I have.”

Once we are in the darkened pilot house we wait until Rust is ready. When she is comfortable with the ship’s movement upriver she says, “OK Choo, what do you two have for me?”

Choo smiles and tells her, “Well, first I have to say that I have three extra passengers that I had not planned on.”

In the low light, I see her tilt her head as she asks in a slightly exasperated voice, “How come you have three extra passengers?”

This time Choo looks down and I notice her twist her back hoof before she looks back up and says, “Three of Moon Lily’s friends followed us at a distance and we did not know they were there until we bedded down yesterday. If we would have taken them back, we would have been two days late getting here.”

When she says this it makes me think oh, dear Sweetcream, Moon Lily’s friends did to Choo what Xochitl and I did with Choo’s help to Mama Mollygirl. I find myself shaking my head and I hear Rust ask, “What is it, Cookie?”

I feel my face heating and I am very glad that they can not see me clearly as I blush and tell her, “It seems that what we did as foals had come around to bite us in the flank.” I turn to Choo and tell her, “Sorry boss. I guess they heard the old family stories.”

Rust shakes her head, “Goddesses, must your entire branch of the clan be like that? I swear,” she says as she begins to laugh lightly. Finally, she says, “Ok, we can deal with them, or rather, Choo, they are your team members, so you deal with them. Now what else do you have for me?”

This time I can hear the smile in Choo Choo’s voice as she answers, “Well before we left, I had a couple more radio frequency detectors made up in the shop. With them, we can determine where our target is broadcasting from by triangulating the broadcast tower’s location. After that, we can drop in and pay them a visit.”

“And how do you plan on using the ones not on the Colt?”

“Well, I was thinking we could use one of them mounted on the Hot Shot, and the other could be carried into the field by some of my team. We could then use the reading on them to point into a general direction and with three different reference lines we should be able to find a point where the bearings cross on a map.”

Rust thinks about it briefly then tells her, “OK, but we need to be careful using the Hot Shot, both the birdies and my crew are still not used to working at night with each other.”

I nod my head but then I notice Choo shaking hers as she tells Rust, “Well we are going to have to figure out something, maybe launch before dark and recover in the morning, because our target's normal broadcast time is in the evening.”

I watch as Rust thinks briefly, “Perhaps, we will see what we can do. Or perhaps I can drop anchor and give a stationary landing pad. I am not sure about that, but we can see.” She stops and looks at the navigation table and tells us, “Follow me, we need to determine a location to begin at anyways.”

Once at the table, we look at where known settlements are along the river. She then points to a location where there is a very large branch that crosses the plains and almost seems to curve around Canterlot Mountain. I am fascinated as most of the way it looks fairly wide, but then it narrows down as it moves south toward the major rail line that crosses it between Canterlot and Van Hoover.

Rust then tells us, “Why don’t we start tonight with just one RFD to get a general bearing? Then we can try again once we reach here at the fork. There is a settlement there at what remains of Neighagra Falls. We can pick up some wood for the boilers and put a team out to try and use a second RFD. The team can move a bit of a distance and we can use the ships and the teams' RFDs to try and triangulate along with our original point. As long as they do not move the broadcast tower, we should be able to triangulate the location still. Then maybe we can do it a few more times as we get closer.”

I see Choo bite her lower lip as she thinks it over. Finally, she says, “I think that should work pretty well captain. How long before we get to Neighagra Falls?”

She looks at the map again, looks up as she thinks, and tells us, “Maybe a day and a half at tops.”

“Sounds good Captain Rust. Shall we see if they are broadcasting yet?”

“Might as well, go ahead and head down to the radio shack, I had the RDF installed there. Let me know what they find.”

“Sounds good Ma’am,” Choo tells her and we quickly leave the domain of the Pilot House and head down to the radioshack.

Once we arrive at the Radio department, we find Twinks is already there and she is talking with one of the crewponies named Squawk Box.

“How is it going Twinks?” I ask as we enter.

She smiles and replies, “So far so good. We have a pretty good bearing on the transmitter tower for this broadcast, but it seems to be further north than I would have expected.”

“Really?” Choo asks.

Twinks nods her head, “Yeah, we have it set up for a relative bearing.”

“Excellent, thank you for already being on the ball Twinks,” Choo tells her.

“Yeah, great work Twinks,” I tell her.

I see her grin as she receives the praise, and then she tells me, “Well, the credit does not all belong to me, Squawk Box helped me learn how to use it too.”

Besides her I see the crew pony smile and shrug, then he goes back to listening to the airwaves. Choo then tells her, “I think we should go let the captain know so we can use that to help determine our next course of action.”

I see a nervous expression come across her face before she straightens up and says, “Okay Choo, when you are ready.”

Soon we are in the Pilot house again, as we enter, I hear Rust ask, “What now Choo?”

“Sorry to bother you again captain, but we just came from the radio shack, we have a rough bearing as you requested earlier.”

“Great, let us go to the map and we can see which direction it is coming from.”

Once at the map, we look at it and look from where we are at and then we draw a straight line on the bearing Twinks had recorded. Once drawn we look at it and I notice only one of the old cities along it, Whinnyapolis. I then point to it and I say, “I guess that would be our next destination.”

I see Choo raise an eyebrow while Rust moves her hat further back on her head with her forehoof. Rust then looks at Choo and tells her, I think we can do that. Just a couple more days and we should be in range for the Hot Shot to land you. Another couple after that and the Colt could.”

Choo nods her head, “I think we will use the Hot Shot and keep the Colt safer for now. However, before we do, I want to use the other two RDFs to triangulate on the location of the broadcast.”

Rust nods her head, “That sounds good, how about we discuss this some more in the morning and plan on getting the others airborne by noon tomorrow? Besides, I need to catch a couple of hours of sleep.”

With that Choo tells her, “I will see you in the morning Captain.” She then turns to me and Twinks and tells us, “Ok, let us go back to our berthing and talk with the others.”

As we enter the compartment, I see several new hammocks have been hung and I notice that I do not see my younger sister and friends. So, I ask, “Uh, where are the youngsters?”

My husband starts to say something but Mort answers first, “I told them after they hung their hammocks to catch some sleep as they had a long flight.”

“So, you mean they are all asleep already?”

He laughs mildly and tells me, “Yeah, you could say that.”

Sunny from the side tells me, “Yeah, they all were worn out.” He laughs lightly and adds, “Even Moon Lily. They did good for a forced flight.”

“Glad to hear that Sunny, how did your training go with Moon?” I ask.

He grins, “Pretty well overall. I just did not know those other three were actually training too. I thought they were just having fun.”

I look at my husband and shake my head at him at the card table with our dog laying her head on his lap. “Well, after this I guess they will have their own stories too.”


Baltimare Colt, Enroute towards Whinnyapolis: Xochitl

As Choo and Ginger head back up to the Pilothouse, I lead the others back down to our berthing. As we go, I hear the youngsters all talking excitedly wondering what it is going to be like once we get to the berthing compartment. Inside I laugh as I understand how new and exciting it must be for them, but I do not want to shatter their illusion.

As we go, I see several crew members passing by us in the passageway. Most just say hi, but a couple stop and stare at us as we pass and I almost laugh when a few have their jaws drop. I am not sure whether it is because of the batponies, the alicorn, the hippogriff, or three young mares who are fully kitted out with web gear and weapons.

Once we get to the birthing compartment, I see several of the others playing cards in the lantern light. I notice Moon and her friends looking around then I hear Slip Stream ask, “Where do we get our hammocks from?”

“Now that is a good question,” I tell her.

I am just about ready to go see if the ship's purser has any extras when I hear the twin sisters ask, “Can we play cards too?”

I see the ones playing cards look at each other and then Double Back tells them, “Not this game right now as we are playing for caps, but perhaps later we can teach you a few games, it never hurts to know how to play.”

I look at him with a raised eyebrow remembering how my father felt when I was about their age and he found out Trouble Water had taught me how to play Dodge City Hold’em and I ask, “Really? At their age?”

“What? Why not?”

“Do you realize who their parents are?” I ask.

He shakes his head, “Other than your sister-in-law Moon there, no. Why?”

I shake my head, “The twin’s mother is Lieutenant Colonel Wind Rider, and Slip Stream's father is Lieutenant Colonel Dull Beak, both with the Third Regiment of the Manesville Brigade.”

Double Back looks at me with a bit of confusion as he asks, “And?” Then before I can answer he says, “Besides, my Uncle Milo is the one who taught me when I was about their age and he is the Colonel for the Harness Regiment.”

When he says this, I see Days End look at him over his cards and shake his head, and then he says, “You never told me about your uncle.”

I find myself chuckling as I shake my head. Then I wave a hoof, “Never mind.” I turn my attention back to the fillies and tell them, “Wait here with Katie and I will find out where we can get you some hammocks at.”

Shortly after this, I find the ship's purser up on the mess decks having coffee and listening to the radio with the 2nd engineering mate. She looks at me, takes a sip of her coffee, and asks, “OK Flower, what do you need?”

“Hey Purse String, sorry to bother you, but I need three more hammocks if you have them.”

She laughs, “I was wondering if you were going to get them hammocks or just hot rack it.”

I shake my head, “Nah, but I guess we could if we need to.”

She then tells me, “I will get them for you, but let me finish my coffee first, in fact, pull up a seat and have one with us if you like.”

While I truly prefer the taste of tea, I have gotten rather fond of coffee with some honey and milk in it. So, I go over and grab a cup of coffee and take a seat. Once I am seated, she asks, “OK, what is the story about the fillies that landed with the rest of the team just a bit ago?”

“Well, we had planned on my sister-in-law Moon Lily, but the three others are her friends and they snuck along. Sunny and the scouts with them still have not told me how the buck they managed that one, but by the time Choo and the others found out they were following them it was too late to send them back.”

She looks over her cup of coffee at me and shakes her head. Then the 2nd Engineer grins and asks, “Isn’t this Moon Lily part of the Water Clan?”

I nod my head, “Yes, but so are about half of the Repair Ponies. Why?”

He chuckles slightly then sets his cup down and tells me, “Well, all the old hooves have heard the rumors about her. But when she and her mother were helping our wounded awhile back, I do not remember her having wings to go with her horn.”

I watch as Purse Strings almost chokes on her coffee, then she turns to him and asks, “What are you saying?”

I shrug my shoulders and then answer for him, “Purse, Moon was born a unicorn, during the recent battle against the Enclave at Manesville she got her wings too. She says she ascended and met Celestia and some other princesses.”

She shakes her head and moves her ears in disbelief, then says, “Flower, don’t mess with me on this. It is not funny. I read the book of Little Pip.”

I hold up a hoof and tell her, “I am not kidding. Besides is it really that hard to believe since we can now see that Choo got her Cutie Mark?”

“That was another thing I wanted to ask you about. When did that happen and how?”

“It happened a couple of months ago while we were on a mission, as for the how I am not sure. But let’s just say it was a blessing from Luna and Celestia.”

She looks at me with a raised eyebrow and asks, “OK, where?”

I lean on the table and tell her, “That, I cannot tell you. Just know that Choo has a real Cutie Mark and that the Princesses were involved.”

Both she and the 2nd Engineer look at me skeptically. Then she tells me, “Once we finish this cup, let’s get you those hammocks. I am sure those youngsters are going to be ready for bed soon.”

“Probably, but they are pretty excited still too.”

She shakes her head, “Not sure why, but they are still young.”

“Yeah, you are right about that. But I am afraid they were raised on stories of me, my wife, as well as her sister and Tater all sneaking along and fighting.”

She closes her eyes and shakes her head, “Dear Goddesses, I hope that was not it, they will be sorely disappointed I would think.”

I laugh lightly then tell her, “Well, if so, then we did our jobs right.”

She tilts her head, as she looks at me then shakes it, “I thought all of you Repair Ponies lived for excitement.”

“Nah, but we do seem to find enough of it.”

She laughs then stands up, “Let us go get those hammocks and I will help you carry them down.”

“Thanks again Purse Strings.”

“It is nothing Flower, besides, do you think any of you down there might have a bottle of Old Overmare?"

“Maybe, depends on if any left them here on the Colt when we left for our last mission.”

After we have the four hammocks for the youngsters and the four for the Batponies, Purse Strings assists me in taking them to the berthing area and tells them, “Good evening, everyone. These are all property of the Baltimare Colt and the Water Clan. Do not damage them or you will be required to pay restitution. Please step forward to receive and sign for one if you need it.”

I watch as the first Morning Star and the scouts step up and receive theirs followed by Moon Lily and her friends. When Moon steps up I watch Purse Strings look at her and hear her say, “My Goddesses, you really do have wings now. I heard, but never would have believed it without seeing it with my own eyes.”

Moon Lily stands up a bit straighter and has a serious expression on her face as she replies, “I was as surprised as you, maybe more, but please, do not use the Goddesses in vain. They would not appreciate it.”

Purse String looks surprised and asks, “So you really met them?”

Moon nods he her and solemnly tells her, “Yes ma’am. Celestia even gave me the choice of becoming an Alicorn or not.”

Purse Strings seems stunned and asks in a nervous voice, “So you are a princess now?”

Moon smiles and shakes her head slightly, then tells her, “No, I discussed this with her and the other princesses and they all agreed, that I do not have to be a princess here. Instead, I am just an NCR citizen like most of those here.”

I watch as Purse String's muzzle goes down, her eyes wide as if she were looking over a pair of eyeglasses as she cautiously asks, “You, you actually met them, and they made you an alicorn, but did not make you a princess?”

Moon smiles sweetly, which worries me, then she responds, “Yes, I have. How many others who were born with just a horn later grew a set of wings? Where do you think I got them?”

I watch Purse Strings blush in embarrassment, then her expression changes to one of irritation as she seems to think she is being mocked, which to be fair, I think Moon just did a pretty good job of. To derail the situation, I call out to the others, “Hay, do any of you have a bottle of Old Overmare with you?”

This draws Purse’s attention away from Moon as she starts to look at the others. Finally, one of the Trouble Shooters stands up moves toward some boxes of equipment, and tells us, “Yeah, I got some, wait a minute.”

I then hear Summer Moss ask the one who stood up, “What, you have been holding out on us?”

The stallion laughs lightly and tells her, “Nah, I just know if you knew, you would drink it all.”

I see the fillies all get wide open eyes as they watch her root around in a wooden case briefly and pull it out. As I see their ears all go forward, I realize they think they are going to get some of it and I tell them, “You four are too young for this, do not even think it.”

In response, I hear all four of them reply, “AWWW.”

Summer Moss then tells them, “He is right, and I would not have allowed any of you to have even if he had not said it.”

Cowlick then adds, “Believe me, we were not allowed any at your age either. Sutures caught me and I had to beg her not to tell my parents.”

I smile to myself as I remember that party all those years ago. But then I remember mine and Ginger’s first drinks. That was after the first battle of Two Step, and we only shared a hard cider. It helped to steady our nerves, but the LT, now the Colonel, and my father did not allow us to have any more during the expedition.

As Purse Strings has a single drink with Summer Moss, I tell the flying foursome, “Ok, let us get your hammocks up so you can get some sleep when you are ready.”

Slip Stream then asks, “Where do we hang them, Xochitl?”

I look around the compartment and tell them, “Let us tie them off to those beams along the side of the compartment on this end. Just like those at the back there.”

By twos the fillies grab a hammock and carry them to the sides, when I offer to help them, they smile and tell me, “We got this Xochitl, it is easier with our wings,” and I watch them hover as they each tie off an end. As they do this, Morning Star leads the others in doing the same.

Once the hammocks are set up, I see the four of them seem to be tired so I tell them, “Maybe you could lay back down for a bit, nothing exciting is happening anyway.”

The two pegasus mares look at each other and Frost Glitter tells Snow Song, “I really could use a nap.”

Her sister yawns first, then tells her, “Yeah, I think that is a good idea.” Then she flies up to one of the hammocks and beds down, followed by her sibling. Soon after Slip Stream and then Moon both go to lie down as well.

Not long after they have fallen asleep my wife and Choo Choo return to the berthing. When they arrive, they ask about the flying foursome and I give them a brief update on them. Choo seems satisfied with the answers and we continue with our normal routine.


Baltimare Colt, River Fork near Neighagra Falls: Choo Choo

Yesterday and this morning have gone fairly smoothly for us. The teams had to get to know the new members. The scouts that are attached we already know and Sunny has worked with them enough down in Hoofington that he has an idea of the capabilities and has discussed them with me. Mort's team is still trying to get to know them, but it can be difficult when they sleep all day.

It is late afternoon, nearing sunset, when Rust drops anchor and launches the Hot Shot with one of the portable RDFs, Sunny, Morning Mist, and the batponies all take off and head up the smaller river here that forks off. They have orders to only go about ten miles and take a reading. The Hot Shot, well they are to fly about fifty miles, take a reading move twenty miles north, and take another one.

I smile when I think of how yesterday went. The fillies all slept the entire night. When they awoke the next day, I remembered the packages from the MOM Party Kit we found buried near the shop. Finally, I realized whose names besides Moon’s were on the other boxes. The one being Slip Steam whose package is the largest. Then I notice there is one for Snow Song and one that surprises me which is for Morning Star.

With that realization, I told the others to wait for me there and I made my way to the area our supplies were stored in and retrieved them. Once I have returned with the packages, I give them out to those whose names are on them.

I secretly take delight in the expression of surprise on their faces as well as the knowing expressions on those who have seen this before. Twinks with a grin tells them, “Go ahead and open them.”

This time I hear Days End answer, “Open them and if there is not a note telling you, we will afterwards.”

Moon then tells the others, “I will wait till the others have opened theirs first.”

I then hear Slip Stream giggle before she says, “Well in that case, here we go!” as she uses her talons to deftly open hers.

Then I first hear her let out a squee, and then I see a look of sheer awe as she looks at what I know is a Griffon Assault rifle.

From the side, I hear Tater say, “Wow, A GG33, very nice. Not a lot of those were made.”

She turns to me and says, “Dad is going to be so jelly of this. Wow! Finally, I have my own weapon.”

Inside I cringe as I am afraid of what her parents will say since they kept her from them for so long.

Then in my mind, I hear Moon tell me, ({Don’t worry Granny, she knows how to shoot. We took her radhog hunting even, so her parents know that too.})

({Thank you, Moon, for letting me know.})

Tater then tells her, “After breakfast, we can go up on deck and if Captain Water does not mind, I will help you learn how to use it.”

She turns to him and tells him, “But I already know how to shoot. Moon and her siblings taught me.”

He smiles knowingly as he tells her, “True, you know how to shoot, but have you handled one designed like this? Because while it may be similar to a pony weapon, it is set up for you to use with your talons. It even has a talongrip rather than a mouthgrip.”

“Ohh, you are right. I had not thought about that.

Next, I watch as Snow Song opens hers. As she opens it, she finds a brief note that says,

Snow Song,

I know there are two presents in here, one is for you and the other for your sister Frost Glitter. I know you two are almost always together so I figured this would be a surprise for her as well. I hope you both can enjoy them as well as use them.


Pinkamena Diane Pie

She looks visibly confused as she looks at the note then asks, “Who is Pinkamina Dianne Pie?”

We all smile and I slowly tell them, “Pinkamena Diane Pie was once known as Pinkie Pie. The Ministry Mare for the Ministry of Morale during the Zebra Equestrian war.”

The flying foursome look at each other in surprise and Moon asks, “Granny, is she still alive after that long?”

“No Moon, she died on the final day like so many else.”

Then Snow asks, “Uh, Choo, then how could she know about us?”

I smile and tell her, “I truly do not know, but she always seemed to.”

Moon then asks, “OK, so what did you two get?”

Snow Song takes out two paper-wrapped packages and hooves one with her sister’s name on it to her. Then they open them there are three items in each, I recognize what we now call Enclave Scout Armor, but from my times as a scout with the regiment, I know these were developed during the war.

Next, both receive a recon hood that goes with the armor. Finally, they both receive a set of pegasus goggles to wear.

As they look at them, they both smile and then look at each other. Then they ask, “Choo, when can we try these on?”

I want to laugh at their excitement, but instead, I smile and tell them, “How about after breakfast.” We will have you walk with it on before you try to fly with it.”

I see they both are slightly disappointed but Frost Glitter answers, “OK Choo Choo.”

Next to open hers is Morning Star. As she opens it, I see she takes a note out and reads it. She looks first at my granddaughter, then at me. Then she looks back down into the box. She calls the other three batponies over and hooves each of them a dark blue scarf. Each scarf has a large broch of silver with a blue opal gem in the center, each of which also has a black flaw that makes it look like a batponies pupil.

I watch as each of them takes theirs with a sincereness I had not expected. But I think I understand as these look like ones that I saw the Nightguard wearing in some of the old propaganda posters. I look from them to Moon, then back to Morning Star and she simply smiles and nods her head, and I think I understand. Moon may say she is not a princess, but to them she is, and they are following her wish of not calling her one. But I also notice them all trying them on and smiling.

Finally, Moon opens hers. Inside I notice is a solid gold necklace upon which hangs a large broach that has her cutie mark on it. She too receives a note. I watch as she picks it up and reads it. She smiles, then she folds it up and puts it into her saddlebag using her TK. After which she uses her TK to put the necklace around her neck. As we all are looking at the gifts with those who received them she tells me, ({Granny, I will only wear this normally for formal occasions. Pinkie gave it to me instead of a royal gorget since I had decided I was not a princess.})

({I understand, and thank you for explaining it to me.]) I send back to her as I smile and nod my head.

It is at breakfast that I realized how some of these gifts may appear to others as the batponies are all wearing their scarves and Moon her necklace. Ginger and the rest of the team are leading us with me, Moon, and her friends in the middle followed by the batponies. Mort’s team has already gone to get breakfast as Tater assisted Slip Stream in storing her weapon and Twinks helps the pegasus sisters store their new field kits.

As Moon and I pass through the doorway onto the Mess Decks the conversations go quiet as the crew who are already eating stare at us. Mort waves to us and I wave back to him.

Then I see a white earth pony with a brown tail and mane drop his jaw, before standing up and slowly walking over to Moon and me. He then stands in front of me and looks me over from head to hoof, tears welling up in his eyes. "Y-y-your majesty..." He says, voice cracking before he kneels and looks at the ground, fighting back tears.

As he does this, I feel slightly confused, then I watch as Moon Lily gently tells him, “Please, get up. We are not royalty; we are only citizens of the NCR.”

Now I understand, he as well as most of the crew of the Colt have not seen me since I got my cutie mark. I nod my head in understanding and tell him. “Please rise, I am not she. I have met her, but I am nowhere the beauty she is. Please, call me Choo Choo. Now who are you my good stallion?”

Moon smiling at him, tells him, “My name is Moon Lily and I am a member of the Water clan. However, you are correct, I am an as scent, ascend, ascended alicorn, and I have met the princesses as well, but I am not a princess, though I do thank you for thinking I was worthy of such an honor as Celestia and Luna.”

After she tells him this, I see him look at me with his head tilted with a questioning expression on his face. I nod my head to him and I watch as the stallion gets back up after hearing all this.

He now looks somewhat brokenhearted, but also hopeful at the same time. He then tells us, "S...so...so they do live? I knew it! I knew they were alive. No one believed me, but I had faith! I prayed every night that someday, somehow they'd return and set things right again!"

As he says this, I find myself looking at her with my head tilted and one eyebrow raised. She then sends me, ({I do not want to confuse him by trying to explain Twilight and Candence.})

({Yes, that would be hard to explain. You are doing well young mare.})

Then he asks Moon, “So the Goddesses still live? I was right, I told the others they were, but they would not believe me.”

This time Moon nods her head in answer, and then she asks him, “As my great-grandmother has asked you before, what is your name sir?”

He smiles at her, puts a hoof across his chest, and says, “Ma’am, my name is Rough Seas.”

“It is a pleasure to meet you Rough Seas, please, just call me Moon Lily, or just Moon.”

He then asks, “Can you tell me what the Goddesses are like?”

I smile as she tells him, “Yes sir, both myself and Granny would love to, but how about later? We need to get some breakfast too.”

I see him blush slightly then he tells her, “Of course, sorry about that.” Then he makes his way back to his seat and begins to eat again.

As he sits back down, we make our way through the chow line and then we sit next to Ginger and Xochitl. As we take our seats Ginger quietly says, “Sorry about that. Choo, we forgot to warn most of the crew about your new cutie mark, and Moon, well the rumor has already run through the crew about you becoming an alicorn, but I guess to see it is different than hearing about it.”

Moon nods her head as she is chewing a bite of pancake and after she swallows, she tells her sister, “Yeah, I guess. I am starting to get used to it.” Then she turns to me and asks, “How about you granny?”

I smile at her and answer, “I guess. I am still getting used to others mistaking me for Luna. I mean, I would have loved it when I was young and co-played as her. But now, I know I am not as beautiful as she is. But it could be worse.”

That evening while I am topside with fillies the sisters try flying with their new gifts. They struggle at first as they are not used to the extra weight, but before too long they seem to be both getting the hang of it, as well as getting tired. When they land for the last time in it, Snow Song asks, “Choo Choo, can we take a break, I am starting to feel sore in my wings.”

“Of course, in fact, I think you have worked with them enough for today, so let us call it a night.”

Once back in the berthing, I see the one called Rough Seas has returned and is playing cards with several others of my team and Mort’s. Once he sees Moon Lily and myself, he tells them, “After this hoof, I am out.”

After he is done, he cautiously approaches Moon and me and asks, “May I ask you to tell me about how it was to meet the princesses?”

Moon smiles and tells him, “Sure Rough, that would be my pleasure.”

I shake my head and return to the present as Twinks approaches me and tells me, “Boss, The Hot Shot has its two readings and is inbound. Same goes for Sunny and his team.”

“Thank you Twinks. Once they get back, we will look at the map again and prepare to begin our hunt tomorrow.”

She smiles an almost feral grin when she hears that then replies, “I really hope we can catch them when they are on the air, that would be perfect.”

I smile and nod my head, “True, but nothing is perfect, and we all know Discord loves to tweak anyponies plans just for fun.”

I then hear the engines of the Hot Shot coming our way and head to the Pilothouse to watch them land. As they come in several unicorns of the flight deck crew use their horns to illuminate the landing pad. I smile again when I see that as soon as the Vertibuck has landed they douse their horns and run up and tie it down. Soon I see Love Tap trotting our way. When she reaches me, I return to the chart table. I look at it and draw the lines from the readings starting at the coordinates they took them from and smile. Now if Sunny’s team gets here soon, we can narrow the location of the broadcast site down and tomorrow night we can try and catch them in the act of lying on the air.


Rainbow Dash Skyport, Hoofington Region, GPE Territory: Ball Lightning.

As I wrap up my paperwork for the day, I look at the clock. I realize what time it is and shake my head. Another late night it seems. Unfortunately, since I have been back it seems these are becoming more common. As I am flying home, I am considering turning on Broken Dreams broadcast to hear the latest when I see Air Burst flying toward me.

I slow down to allow him to catch up with me. Once he is close enough, I greet him, and he returns the greeting. Then I ask, “So what is up for you Air?”

I see him look around first, and then he answers, “Not much, just getting ready to head out of town with a group of friends if you know what I mean.”

I nod my head as I quickly grasp his meaning. He is getting ready to go on another mission. I want to ask where, but I know I shouldn’t. Instead, I ask, “Going to visit anypony we know?”

He shakes his head, “No. I guess you could say that it is just a shopping trip. Heading to what was once one of the old malls.”

“Hmm, interesting. Well, be careful as we both know how dangerous those shopping trips can be sometimes.”

He grins back, “I will, thanks. I just wish you were a bit lower in rank so I could spring you for it too.”

I laugh lightly, “Believe me, with all the paperwork I have now, I would love it.” I pause then add, “Well, except for the fact that Sundancer is due in the next couple of weeks.”

He smiles at me when I tell him this and then he tells me, “I can understand that. Just remember to let me know what she has the next time you see me once I get back.”

I smile as I tell him, “Will do Air, by the way, do you have time for dinner tonight? I know Sundancer will want to see you before you go too.”

I see him look at his pastern watch and he then nods his head, “Yeah, I can do that. But are you sure you have enough food?”

I nod my head, “Yeah, if not, you get part of my portion.”

I see him blush as he answers, “Thanks Ball. Besides, I want to see the kids too.”

As we arrive, I hear Lil’ bit call out, “Mom, Dad is home and he brought Uncle Air with him.”

From upstairs I hear her say, “That is good. Savannah, could you help me by getting it for them.”

“Sure Mom, do you want me to bring you some too?” Savannah asks her.

From above I hear my wife call back, “No, I do not feel like eating tonight.”

I then ask my oldest daughter, “Is Mom ok dear?”

She has a slightly worried expression on her face as she tells me, “I think so Dad, but after we ate dinner, she went upstairs telling us she was not feeling good.”

“Thanks for letting me know dear. I will go check on her.”

“Thanks, Dad,” she tells me then heads into the kitchen to get us supper.

We have both almost finished eating when I hear Sundancer cry out in pain, then as I am making my way upstairs with Air right behind me, I hear Sundancer say, “I think it is time.”

Without thinking I ask, “Time for what?” as I reach the landing and turn to go into our room. From the corner of my eye, I see Air Burst put his forehoof to his face and shake his head.

Then I hear her say in an elevated tone of voice, “Time for me to have the foals.” As she moves towards the door of the room.

Air then tells me, “We better get her to the hospital Ball.”

As we go to the door I tell the kids, “Scout, Savannah, you two take care of the others until I get back, okay?”

“Yes Dad, just get Mom to the hospital, we got things here,” Scout tells us.

I nod my head and we begin to make our way there. We are halfway to the main terminal with its medical department when she stops, she cramps up and screams in pain, and her water breaks.

With this I have her climb onto my back as I run as fast as I can to the terminal. Several times during this she is hit by a contraction. The last time she reaches forward and bites me in the back of my neck causing me to yell in pain as well.

Once we arrive at the medical department, I take her to the registration desk and tell them, “My wife is in labor two weeks early. Her water broke on the way here.”

The nurse tells me, “Ok, let's get her into a room right now. But I will need you to fill out some paperwork for her, and looking at your neck for you too sir. That is a pretty bad wound on the back of your neck.”

By this time Sundancer is being taken to the back by another nurse. I reach back with a forehoof and it comes away bloody. “Yeah, we will need to get that taken care of also.”

Air then tells me, “Ball, it seems you have everything in hoof, I really need to get going, again, let me know what she has.”

“Will do Air, be careful out there,” I tell him and offer him my hoof.

He smiles and takes it. Then he tells me, “Let the rest of the family know I said goodbye and I will be back as soon as I can to visit.”

I smile at him as I tell him, “Will do. May Celestia guide you and Luna protect you on your trip.”

He grins and looks back in the direction that they have taken my wife with a slightly worried expression. Then he turns and heads back out the door into the terminal.

I finish the paperwork and the nurse tells me, “Follow me, Major.”

Once in the back, they clean the wound and give me a few stitches and a healing potion. After they are done, they lead me to the room Sundancer is in.

I then go over to her and sit next to her bed as she lies there panting softly. I give her a small kiss on the cheek and tell her, “I love you, my Sunshine.”

She looks up at me, “I love you too dear. What happened to your neck?”

“It’s nothing dear. Don’t worry about it.”

I sit there talking with her as she has another contraction, and I start to see a hoof emerge. This gets me to almost panic as there is nopony else there with us. I call down the hall and one of the nurses calls back, “What?”

“One of the foals is starting to come now.”

She says something to one of the other nurses and then she flies as quickly as she can to the room. As she enters my wife is yelling again. As we begin to see the second hoof coming out as well.

The nurse is now in a position to catch the foal as she turns her head to me and says, “I swear when I checked her half an hour ago, she was only dilated 5 centimeters.”

I hear my wife scream again and I watch as the nose of my firstborn begins to emerge, followed shortly by another scream.

The doctor then arrives and moves the nurse to the side as he quickly takes her place and tells my wife, “On the next contraction I need you to push hard.”

Sundancer, covered in sweat then tells him, “What do you think I am doing!” Then she screams again as she is racked by another contraction, but I can tell she is really pushing and our first foal is born, the nurse takes them into her forehooves from the doctor and begins to clean the foal. Soon she turns to us and tells us, “Congratulations, he is a healthy little colt.”

Then she hooves him to me to hold. I look down at my first child and see his red coat and his orange mane and tail. I carry him gently to Sundancer so she can see him.

She looks at him with a tired and loving expression then I can tell another contraction has hit and she screams again as she begins to give birth to our second foal.

I move back from her slightly as the doctor and nurse continue to coach her. I have been holding my son for another half hour when I see the head of my next child emerge as the doctor carefully guides the foul out and catches them. The nurse takes the foal and cleans it up then tells us, “Congratulations you have another colt. Both are healthy.”

The nurse then takes the foal over to her and lets her see him briefly. I see her smile as she gently places a wingtip along his yellow face, then moves it through his white mane.

After she has finished passing the afterbirth, we take both foals to her for their first feeding. As the foals are laid next to her to feed the nurse looks at us and asks, “Do you have names for them yet.”

I look at my wife and she asks, “What do you think dear?”

“How about Lightning Burst for our oldest here? I am not sure about our other yet.”

She smiles and tells me, “How about Air Burst?”

I think briefly and realize he too has become almost family and this is most likely the closest he will ever come to having a foal of his own. I look into her eyes and smile as I answer, “I think that would be a good name dear.”

I spend a bit more time with her and our sons before I tell her, “Dear, I need to get back to the kids. I will stop by on my way to work in the morning.”

Tiredly she tells me, “That sounds good dear. Be careful and let the rest of the family know about our new arrivals.”

I smile and tell her, “I will love, now sleep well, and maybe tomorrow evening I can bring the family over to visit you and them.”

As I say this, I see her smile as her eyes close and she falls asleep. On my way home I think of who all I must let know about Sundancer delivering early. Once home I see Scout and Savannah are still up and both are worried. Savannah asks me, “How is Mom?”

I give both a brief hug, and then I tell them, “She is doing fine, and so are your two new brothers.”

Savannah then asks, “Dad, can me and Lil’ Bit help them learn to fly?”

I feel a warmth flow through my body at how lucky I am with my family, both by blood and adoption and I tell her, “Of course dear, I would expect nothing less. Now let us all get to bed; morning comes early and I want you all to be ready for school tomorrow.”

As I lay down to sleep, I wonder what life will bring next and I pray for peace and happiness for all my children.


Good evening to all you Wastelanders out there tonight. I am Junction Town's favorite DJ Broadcast Nights. Leading in tonight’s news we have reports of growing tensions in the Hoofington region, as several factions have begun to express their dissatisfaction with the Lunar Council and their neutrality with the Grand Pegasus Enclave.

From Closer to home, it has been leaked by a member of the President’s cabinet that the NCR has suffered a great defeat in the Mohoovie Desert just outside of Reino. At this time there is no official casualty list, but all contact has been lost with the forces there.

We also have reports of an airship battle that has occurred west of Whinnyappolis. The NCRN Airship Storm Surge engaged the GPES Derecho there. Ground sources report both ships were heavily damaged and have limped off from each other.

I would also like to remind all healthy and able citizens of the NCR that your country needs you. We need you to stand tall with your brothers and sisters in the NCR Army and Navy. Either by joining them in service or by supporting them through war-related industries. Remember you too can make a difference and make the NCR a safer and better place.

Tonight’s sponsor is the Junction Town Meat Market. For all your meat and poultry needs come to the Junction Town Meat Market. Open seven days a week for the duration.

Now back to our next song, one that seems appropriate for now, here is Its Time.

Chapter 58 When The Rain Falls

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Chapter 58 When the Rain Falls

“We sleep peaceably in our beds at night only because rough men stand ready to do violence on our behalf.” George Orwell

Onboard the Baltimare Colt, Lower end of Neighagra Falls

As the sun begins to rise over the mountains, I find myself, my husband, and our dog all leaning on the upper deck railing looking at the rainbow coloration in the mist from the falls. Xochitl has a hoof around me and tells me, “You know my wife that in the old days, many ponies would pay money to come here for their honeymoons.”

I laugh lightly then I tell him, “Are you saying that this is our honeymoon dear?”

“No, I am just telling you an obscure fact that I once read at the library in Manesville. I do find it interesting though that we are getting to see it while being paid.”

We stand like that for a while then I hear Choo Choo tell me, “Ginger, I need you to join me in a meeting with Rust and Flight Plan to verify our plans for this evening.”

I feel myself sigh as the moment I had been sharing with Xochitl ends, and then I tell her, “Coming boss.”

He removes his hoof from around me and tells me, “I will meet you later love.”

As me and Choo head towards the pilothouse, I see him and Katie both begin to head back to the lower decks. I then see Flight Plan heading towards us, once he reaches us, he falls in beside us.

When we reach the pilothouse Rust guides us to the navigator’s chart table, where we begin to discuss our plan for our departure, as well as our expected pickup time.

“Captain, Flight Plan, I plan on our team being dropped off this evening and beginning to get the lay of the land before we hit the broadcast site. If we can capture our target, we will radio in that our party was successful. If not, we will call no joy. We will also let you know when we are ready for a pickup.”

Flight Plan looks at the chart and then asks, “Choo, are we doing a normal drop-off or an air insert?”

I see her think briefly then she answers, “A normal insert as I do not want to risk spreading the team out too much.”

“OK, makes sense to me,” He answers back.

Then Rust asks, “Choo, do you think I should move closer to Whinnyappolis? I mean, just in case things go sideways, or do you want us to wait here?”

I watch as Choo bites her lower lip slightly in contemplation of the question. Finally, she answers, “Rust, whatever is best for you and the Colt. I will leave that decision in your and Flight Plan’s hoofs.”

“OK, sounds good. When do you want to leave Choo?” Rust Asks, and Flight Plan nods his head beside her.

“Tonight, after sunset would be best for us to insert. Flight Plan, you know your capabilities better than I do, when do you want to take off?”

He looks at the chart and answers, “After dinner, about an hour before sunset. That should get you there before midnight.” He pauses then asks, “Do we have any maps of Whinnyappolis?”

“Nothing up to date I am afraid. Why?” Choo answers.

“Well, if possible, I would like to target a landing in a large open area, such as an airfield. But we can play it by ear I guess.”

Both Choo and I nod our heads as Choo tells him, “We can do that. If I remember right, they used to have a good-sized pegasus skyport.” She smiles slightly then says, “There is also the old Mall of Equestria there. I never got there myself, but always wanted to visit it with the grand-foals.”

“Why is that boss?” I ask her and I notice Rust and Flight Plan also paying attention.”

“Well other than it being a huge shopping mall that dwarfed Mega Mart, it also had an indoor amusement park that was run by the Ministry of Morale.”

When she says this, I ask, “Boss, do you think maybe we should check the place out? You know, just in case there are any more of those Surprise Party Kits for us.”

“Perhaps Cookie, perhaps. But we need to remember what our main mission is. That is our priority.”

I nod my head, “Yeah, I get it.”

She turns to me and tells me, “Thank you. I will be along shortly Cookie, please go and let the rest of the team know our plans.”

“Do you want me to wake up the batponies to let them know?”

She pauses briefly then tells me, “Perhaps only the lance corporal, she will know what to do for the rest of them.”

“Will do Choo.”

As I enter our berthing area, I notice Mort’s team has gone to breakfast already. However, off to the side, I see Sunny is playing a game of UNO with Cowlick, Days End, and Double Back. As they play the flying foursome are watching and I hear one of them say to another, “Wow, I never heard that cuss word before.”

Xochitl then tells them, “You are not supposed to cuss. But it sure can bring out the worst in a person.”

As he says this, I hear Double Back say, “Salt, I swear if you give me one more draw four card…”

I find myself lightly laughing, then I tell them, “Ok, after this hoof, stop the game and we all need to grab some breakfast then begin to make our permission preps. We are leaving before sunset tonight.”

Sunny then answers for them, “Ok, sounds good,” he pauses then says, “Draw four Salt.”

From the other side of the compartment, I hear my little sister ask, “So we are doing it tonight?”

I go over to her and explain, “Well we are flying into the area tonight. We will get the lay of the land and find the location of the transmitter. Then once we are sure of its defenses, we will make our move. But no, we will not just fly right in there.”

The fillies all seem disappointed. Then Slip Stream tells them, “Sorta like Fancy Flew and her gang would do while working on a mystery.”

I smile and tell her, “Exactly, except we are going in with barding and weapons, as well as three days of rations and water each.”

Snow Song then asks, “How come so many rations if we are only going to be there a day or so?”

“So, we have extras in case things go sideways or even to trade sometimes.”

Her sister Frost Glitter then asks, “Do our moms carry that much too?”

I nod my head and I hear my husband tell her, “Yes, so do all of the soldiers in the Manesville Brigade when they go into the field.”

As he continues to talk to them, I make my way to the blanketed-off section of our berthing and I find Lance Corporal Morning Star’s hammock. When I get there, I hear her talking in her sleep about Sunny and something about foals. Part of me does not want to wake her from her dream, but I know I have to.

I gently shake her hammock until she seems to be awake and I tell her what Choo has told me to pass on.

She then sleepily tells me, “Thanks Cookie. Wake us up an hour early and we will be ready to go.”

“No Problem Lance. See you in six hours.”

Soon Choo joins us. As she walks in, she sees Frost Glitter and Snow Song playing UNO with Sunny and the others. I see her raise her eyebrow when she sees this and I tell her, “Do not worry Boss remember UNO is for points only, not caps.”

I hear her sigh and suddenly I hear Snow Song say, “Reverse.”

This is followed by her sister telling Sunny, “Draw four!” and Sunny cussing mildly.

“That is why I am worried about them playing that game. You do realize the Changelings use it to elicit higher levels of emotions so they can feed off them, right?”

I smile and shrug, “Eh, they have to eat too, I guess. Besides it is a fun game. I like it better than most card games.”

Choo then tells them, “After this hoof I want Moon and the other fillies to come with me.”

Moon puts down the book she was reading and asks, “What for Granny?”

“I have some more training I want to give you four that pertains to the mission.”

When she says this, I see all four of their ears go up and turn toward her. “I will tell you when we begin.”

Soon the hoof is done for the game the flying foursome follow Choo out. Once they are gone, I hear Sunny say, “Ok, nopony, and I mean No Pony teach those two how to play Dodge City Hold’em. I cannot afford that, and neither can any of you.”

While most of the others nod their heads, I notice Cowlick just sitting there with a grin on his face as I realize, Sunny said nopony, and Cowlick is a bull, not a pony. I find I have to fight the smirk to keep it off of my face as I know what he is thinking.

After lunch, I am once again leaning on the rail of the upper deck when I notice several small boats making their way towards the Colt from around a river bend. Then I notice smoke as if from twin chimneys from further up the river. As they get closer, I begin to see that they are armed. Finally, I hear one of the deckhoofs call out, “Pirates!”

This is followed by five quick blasts of the Colt’s steam whistle as Rust calls us all to action stations. I stop what I am doing and run for the berthing to get my kit. I fight my way through the passageways as I go. When I get there, I need to wait for most of Mort’s team to make their way out before I can go in.

Inside the compartment, it is dark enough I must use the light on my PipBuck to supplement the light coming in through the porthole to see. In the back, the batponies are getting their kits on as are the last few members of our team.

I quickly grab my kit and take it with me to put on once I am at my battle station. I notice that Double Back is doing the same. I do wonder though where all the pegasuses are as I have not seen them since the alarm was sounded.

I reach my station along the deck next to one of the 20mm guns, where Jellybean and I help each other get our kits on the rest of the way. Nearby on my team are Cowlick and Twinks. As I finish kitting up, I hear the metal click of a machinegun cover and Twinks calls out, “Weapon Up Salt.”

I then hear the clack of the charging handle being drawn back and slamming forward as he toggles the reload on his battle saddle and calls out, “Weapon Hot!”

From above us, I see several explosive spells detonate that had been cast by some of the unicorns on the launches that are speeding towards us.

I begin to take aim and wait until they are in range of us as I hear the twin 40mm guns on the upper deck begin to fire, followed next by what 20mm guns can be brought to bear on them. I see one of the boats take a direct hit and it begins to slow and get lower in the water as those crew members who are unwounded begin to try to plug the leaks or help their wounded.

I see a barrage of spells being launched at us but this time they hit some magical shields that some of our unicorns and Choo have thrown up. As they hit the shields they spark wildly and the shields glow there. Part of me wants to just shoot, but I know they are not close enough. Then I hear Cowlick open up with his medium MG, and I bring my SIR up into position as I activate SATS and begin to return fire.


Baltimare Colt, North of Neighagra Falls en route towards Whinnyappolis: Xochitl

I am awoken from a nap on my bunk by the steam whistle being blown several times and the yelling from the others in the berthing to get moving we have pirates inbound. I jump out of my rack and begin to toss on my kit as quickly as I can before I run to the weapons locker and grab my rifle.

As I am getting ready, I see Moon and her friends standing there with confused expressions on their faces. I take the time to tell them, “Grab your kits, load your weapons, and go find Choo she should be on the upper deck by the pilothouse, and before you leave, put those lanterns out, we do not want a random shot starting a fire in here.”

As I am heading out, I see the batponies grabbing their kits and I hear the Lance tell them, “We will escort you four, now hurry.”

As I run along the deck to my battle station, Katie is hot on my heels as well. Once there I crouch behind a pile of sandbags that are set up against the old railing. I find myself peering out over them through my scope and I see at least a half dozen ships steam-powered launches speeding towards us. I can see that at least three of them have machineguns mounted. I am taking aim at one that is beyond my range when I notice its horn flare as they casts a spell toward the Colt.

Then I see that a shield spell has been set up as the cast spell hits it and explodes causing the shield to flare up. Then I hear the 40mm guns above us begin to open fire. While it strikes two of them, the other four split up and begin to try and attack us from different sides so we cannot concentrate fire on them. They have just reached long range for me and I am ready to fire when I am distracted by the large steamship, I see coming down the river behind them. Through my scope, I can see that from one of its chimneys, a large red flag with a skull and crossbones flying. I shift my scope slightly and I see several machinegun nests as well as what looks like a large flame thrower.

Yep, river pirates. I should have known things were going too smoothly. I hear the 40mm’s shift fire towards the oncoming ship and I shift aim back at one of the launches that is trying to sneak up on us. As they come, I remember what Father Badger taught me about steam plants and boilers, so I take aim and fire several quick aimed rounds, using my SATS at the boiler that is in the middle of the craft. I feel a darkness come over me as I watch the outer shell of the fire tube boiler rupture at the points of impact and streams of steam begin to shoot out, one of which hits a pony standing next to it, scalding him.

As I watch him fall first to the deck and then wither in agony over the side, I shift my aim to the next pony in line and continue to shoot at them.

I am so concentrated on my targets that I am surprised when I hear the word passed, “All hooves back from the port railing, prepare to repel borders.”

My eyes open wide and I tell Double back and Ember Rose, “Get back quick, they are going to open the steam valves!” As we move, I see those from further back along the next deck up, running to get inside the skin of the ship

My team has all just gotten inside the Colt when I hear the whistle of the steam rushing through pipes along the side, beside me, Katie howls at the high-pitched scream of it. I look along the deck and notice amidships that one of the boats has used a grappling hook to attach itself to the Colt and some of them are just climbing the rail when the 45-psi steam hits them.

We can all hear them scream as they are burned, and then through the porthole on the door, I see several of them fall off the skin of the ship. It is then I notice the Colt has slowed slightly and I begin to hear the steam whistling die out as the steam valve to it is closed.

We run back to our positions and I hit with the smell of boiled meat and fur. I have just gotten back to my position when I hear the 20mm and machineguns from further back on this side open fire again. I look back and see another wave of those dammed steam launches making their way toward us followed by their mothership about a kilometer behind them.

As they get closer, I see something arching through the air followed by an explosion ahead of us and to the starboard side. This is followed closely by a second one that while a bit closer is still a distance away. I do not see any evidence of a cannon firing them so I realize that the pirates must be trying to use mortars on us. I shake my head as I realize how hard that has to be for them to try and hit a moving target.

From the bow, I hear Epona’s team firing at some gunboats that are approaching us from the front. As I am looking forward, I see one of the smaller craft has lost steam and is directly ahead of us. I find myself grinning as I see those still alive on it trying to jump overboard right before we hit it and it splits in half, we have just made it about 25 yards past the wreckage when its boiler explodes, throwing a large column of water and debris high into the air.

Soon I see another barrage of spells being thrown from the smaller vessels at us and the protective spell shields of our unicorns flare. From the flight deck, I begin to hear the engines winding up on the Hot Shot as Flight Plan and his crew begin to make a combat takeoff.

This makes me wonder where the damn pegasi are at?

Then the opposing steamship is only a kilometer upriver from us I see a solid steam of flame shoot forward towards us from it as they test the range of their flame thrower. The stream leaves a sooty smoke in the air as it lands only about 250 meters ahead of it.

This draws my attention back to my sector of the Colt's defenses. As I do so I see three more of the launches get close, then suddenly I see a flash of light from one of them and the unicorn and several others on it disappear, only to reappear on the main deck of the Colt.

I realize this only after I hear one of them yelling to the others behind me and as I go to turn a shot barely misses me and I see Katie has grabbed the offending attacker by one of his front legs and is using her weight combined with her jaws to violently shake them.

I switch to SATS and put two shots into their head, but soon we switch to close-in weapons as we go to close-quarters battle drill. Anything that can be used as a weapon and is at hoof is used as we fight for our lives.

As this is going on I lose all attention except for those that are in a three-and-a-half-meter bubble around me. I find myself using my rifle butt as a weapon several times as well as kicking and even biting my enemies.

At one point, I see one of the pirates kick Katie and I hear her yelp as she skids across the deck. Suddenly I feel like I am outside of my body and watching as I charge at him, ears laid back along the side of my neck and my teeth bare. When I get close, I find myself spinning around on one of my forehoofs as I bring my back hooves around and launch a double barrel kick right at his chest. I see him begin to dodge the incoming blows, but he moves the wrong way and my hooves land along the side of his face with a sickening crunch. I hear a muffled scream as they grab their face with both forehooves and roll around on the ground. I move to my dog and check her quickly and I can feel the swelling where she was kicked. There is nothing I can do, but after the fight or when things calm down, I will have Choo or Twinks check her out.

Then my attention is drawn away from her as I hear a cheer go up as the last of the borders has been taken care of. I look up into the sky and I can see the Hot Shot making a strafing run by the pirates’ main ship on one side as it fires back at them.

From the other side, I finally see our fliers, and I am surprised at how many of them are in the air at one time as they zig-zag and dodge the incoming fire while Choo casts spells and the others fire their weapons at those on the deck of the ship.

It is as this is going on that I see the propellant tank for the flame thrower get hit and it shoots across the deck and skips along the water. All I can think is how lucky those pirates were that the fuel tank for it did not get hit. I realize they must be thinking the same thing as I watch them jettison the fuel tank over the side.

I quickly scan for more of the launches but the few I see are sailing away from us as their mothercraft closes to us. I feel us list slightly as Rust puts the rudder hard over and we slide past it on our starboard side. I hear the weapons of both ships fire at each other from one hundred meters away, along with the splintering of wood, the ricochet of bullets off steel and tin plating, and the screams of the wounded.

Then we are past it and we continue north along the river. Before too much longer I see the Hot Shot approach for a landing as we continue moving at full speed. I half expect the captain to slow down, instead, she steers into the middle of the river and keeps the Colt steady as the aircraft comes into land.

Once it has landed, I hear it being tied back down into place as the engines wind down. Before too much longer I see our fliers approaching us as well and making their landings on the upper levels. That is when I notice that Moon Lily and her friends are in the formation and landing too. I then remember I told them to stick with Choo Choo and I face hoof as I realize what I had told them to do.

Soon we go around another bend in the river and we finally stand down from action stations. The whole time Katie has laid next to me. Finally, Ember Rose tells me, “I will go get Twinks for her.”

Twinks looks the worse for wear as she approaches and asks, “What is up Flower?”

I tell her, “Katie got kicked pretty hard, could you check her out?”

She nods her head and quickly checks her. Then she tells me, “She will be ok. Just some good bruises. I have some willow powder from your dad we can use in poultice to help with the soreness and swelling.”

“Thanks, Danger, I appreciate it.”

I then look at the rest of my section and tell them, “Well, we should get back inside and clean our weapons and reload magazines, we still have a mission tonight.”

They all groan at this, and Twinkle Hoofs then tells me, “When we get back to the berthing, I want to check that cut on your cheek. It looks like someone really landed a good one with a rifle butt.”

I shake my head as I do not even remember getting hit there, but after she says it, I begin to feel pain from it. “Huh, I did not even know they landed one on me.”

Once we arrive in our space on the ship, we light the lanterns again and begin to prep for the upcoming raid.


Onboard the Baltimare Colt, En route to Whinnyappolis: Choo Choo

“Captain, I really appreciate your bringing us this much closer to our target,” I tell the rust-colored mare as she adjusts her hat and squints into the distance.

“You’re welcome, but it also lets me sail further up the river than we normally do, so I can see if the clan should send any of our river boats up this way for trade.” She pauses then asks, “Choo, is that smoke in the distance?”

I look out the window toward where the river chart indicates a bend and I nod my head, “It looks like it, possibly from two chimneys.” Then I notice movement low on the water coming at us quickly and I add, “But it looks like we have several small boats coming our way too.”

She then uses a pair of binoculars that hang around her neck to look at them as we hear one of the deck hooves who are on watch cry out, “Pirates!”

She lets go of the binoculars hanging from her neck as she sounds the steam whistle in five quick blasts first yelling out “Action Stations,” which she follows up with “Helmspony, hard right to the center of the river. Signal full speed ahead to the engine room.”

This is followed by the orders being repeated by the pilothouse crew, whose reliefs are arriving as I head out onto the top deck. From the flight deck I can see Flight Plan, who had been prepping the aircraft for our mission later tonight, drop what he is doing and yell to his crew and the flight deck staff, “Drop what you are doing, we need to get this bird airborne.”

Suddenly I see Sunny and Morning Mist running towards me carrying my kit with them. Once they reach me, I quickly put on my webgear, and battlesaddle with my minigun. I then tell them, “We wait until the Hot Shot gets into the air then we support them.”

Suddenly I hear the 40mm guns begin their rapid drumbeat as they start to fire at the inbound assault craft. Before too much longer I hear the 20mm guns begin to join it as they get closer.

As we wait, I see the batponies trotting in our direction followed quickly by the flying foursome, all of who have their full kit on.

I am waiting for the Hot Shot to take off before I give the orders to Sunny and Morning Mist as suddenly, I see several spells being cast at the Colt from the small boats. As I see them coming several of the unicorns from the flight deck run towards the side and cast a shield spell to deflect them. I am in awe as I see the spells explode and the shields flash.

Beside me, my great-granddaughter looks at the flashing spells in awe as well. Behind her, I see the two pegasus sisters have the same expression. Slip Stream on the other hoof looks both frightened and excited if that is possible as she watches it.

“They are trying to board us.” I hear somepony yell.

This is followed by the captain calling out, “All hooves back from the port railing, prepare to repel borders.” She pauses for about thirty seconds and then orders, “Open the anti-borders steam valves.”

This is followed by a hiss that grows to a scream as the steam makes its way through the pipes along the side of the ship and begins to scald those who are near them.

After a few more minutes she orders the valves closed and we continue to fight once again at a distance.

I hear the Hot Shot's motors winding up and feel the wind from its rotors as it takes to the air. I am ready to join them but instead am briefly distracted as I see more spells inbound and both Moon and I cast shield spells to protect the pilot house and chimneys.

Soon after this, I see mortar shells explode in our path as the pirates close. Twice I throw up a shield against incoming spells from the pirates. Then I see the Hot Shot is clear and I signal to one of the bridge crew that I am ready to take off. They wave in confirmation and I turn to Morning Mist and Sunny as I tell them, “Let’s go ponies!” and I leap into the air without looking back as I fly towards the oncoming pirate ship. As we fly, Sunny, Morning Mist, and I are weaving and jinking to throw off the aim of those shooting at us. When we pass one of the steam-powered motor boats, I open fire with my minigun, strafing it and its crew.

I then watch as Flight Plan goes along the far side of it from us and begins to have his gunner spray it with their minigun. I yell to the other two to start firing at those on the deck as I begin to use my horn as well as the minigun on my battle saddle from close behind me I hear gunfire and I turn to look and see both Moon and the fillies as well as the batponies flying like we are. I realize it is too late to have them turn back and instead yell, “Someone try to hit that flame thrower.”

With that, I see Sunny fly straight long enough to aim and his shot hits one of the two tanks next to the oversized flame thrower and sends the tank shooting across the deck where it hits two ponies in the legs before it launches itself over the side and skips along the river surface.

I then turn my full attention back on the mission at hoof and begin to cast more spells at the ship, most of which are explosive and lightning spells., which like those against the Colt are most often blocked by shield spells.

Once along the side I can see painted on the side wheel house is the name Dragon’s Horde. As I pass, I also notice the damage that it has taken from the 40mm and 20mm guns as well as from the Hot Shot and us. While not too heavy I can see that they will know they have been in a fight as several small fires and smoke are coming from many spots on the deck and superstructure as well as bodies.

Once past it, we fly about a kilometer before we all spin back around and begin another pass at the Dragon’s Horde from behind.

In the not too far distance I can see the Colt has made a turn that will allow it to pass the pirates from about a hundred meters away. We have just finished our next pass when the Colt is at her closest to them. I can see the gunfire being exchanged as well as bullets bouncing off the steel plate that has been bolted along the sides of the Colt. But it is not all one-sided as I see pieces of the Colt being blown off too and I can see bodies on her as well.

As we pass over the Dragon's Horde, I make sure to spray the Pilothouse and chimneys to cause them to temporarily lose control of their rudder and hopefully cause them to lose the draft for their boilers.

Once past it we fly an elongated route over the land on the east side of the river, away from the pirates, and make our way back to the Colt. We keep an eye behind us as we watch the pirate steamer go aground along the river bank. I radio this to Rust so she knows what is going on as well. We have gone several miles upriver and around a major bend in it when I hear, “Hot Shot, this is the Colt, you are cleared to land.”

“Roger, Colt.”

We fly lazily through the air watching as they land and the aircraft tied down and secured. Then I hear, “RP flight, you are cleared to land.”

“Roger, Colt, we are inbound to land.”

I land closest to the pilothouse with Sunny and Morning Mist. Behind us lands the Flying Foursome who are then followed by Morning Star and her scouts.

Once we have all landed, I hear them begin to talk to each other about what they saw and experienced during the fight. Then I tell them all, “OK, time to clean our weapons and gear, we still have a mission tonight.”

As the others head back down to the berthing compartment, I go to the pilothouse so I can report in with the captain and we can finish making plans for tonight.

Once I am there, I see Rust has her hat kicked back on her head, and a cup of coffee in her hoof as she tells me, “Choo, how about we do the drop-off tomorrow instead? I think both your people and mine need to recover from this little tiff.”

I nod my head and tell her, “Perhaps that is best. How bad is it?”

I hear her sigh, and then she tells me, “Four dead, seven severely wounded.” She pauses then adds, “Most of the dead were from the fighting with the borders. We also need to make several repairs. I am just glad they did not have any artillery on that thing and that I took my brother Rough’s suggestion to put the armor on her.”

I nod my head in agreement just as Flight Plan enters and tells us, “Captain, Choo, I think we need another day before we can take the team into Whinnyappolis, we took several hits that I need to look at and repair.”

Rust and I look at each other, then at him and she tells him, “I do believe we can do that. Thank you for bringing this problem to our attention. So, we will plan on tomorrow night instead.”

He nods his head in agreement, then we begin to look at the map for a place to hole up for the night to perform repairs, as well as a new launch location, one that is even closer to our destination.

The next morning, we are fairly close to Whinnyappolis when Rust puts the bow of the Colt along the river bank and lowers the brow at a small community on the west bank of the river. She has her 2nd mate arrange for our dead to be buried while we are there.

While they were not my team members who were killed, I still went ashore for the burial. As I walk back toward our ship past the small market that they have there, I overhear one of them say, “Did you hear, them say they went against the Dragon’s Horde and survived?”

One of the other locals answers back, “They must have been making it up. Come on, you know that old mule Calico Jack would never let a ship get away from him.”

While I say nothing, I do raise an eyebrow. Beside me Moon Lily quietly sends {(Did you hear that Granny?)}

({Yes Dear, and now we have a name for the captain of that pirate ship. Thank you for being discreet and not asking aloud.)}

She smiles in answer then asks, “Can we go shopping here?”

I think briefly and shrug my wing as I tell her, “I think we should have time as the crew is still loading wood for the boilers.”

As we browse, I find myself listening to several conversations. Some of the locals think it is funny that a pegasus filly is wearing a fake horn and thinks I am her grandmother.

When I hear this, I look at Moon Lily and I can see her irritation so I send to her, ({Let them think that, Moon. It may make them underestimate us. Besides, they might get upset if we try to tell them the truth and they do not want to believe it.”

I hear her sigh and see her nod her head. Then she asks, “Granny, can I get this knife, I really, really like it.”

I smile and answer, “Yes dear, I think that would be a good idea.” Then I dicker with the merchant. Once done we return to the Colt and before too much longer, we are underway again.

Later that evening, while we are getting ready to load up, I stop and tell the captain what I heard about the other ship and its captain. She smiles at the information and then tells me, “Well, I am glad to have a name to go with the ship. I reckon we might see it again Choo. Now you and your people be careful out there and I will talk more to you when you get back.”

I then catch up to my people and we load up on the Hot Shot. Once we are airborne, I look out the rear hatch that is still closing and watch the Colt as it gets smaller behind us, as the rest of the team begins to make itself comfortable. Next stop Whinnyappolis and our goal.


Rainbow Dash Skyport, Hoofington, GPE Territory: Ball Lightning

I wake up hearing one of the foals crying. I look at my PipBuck and I see the time is 2:00 in the morning. I know I should wake Sundancer so she can take care of him, but I just cannot bring myself to do so as I know she is exhausted as well. So, I force myself to get up and I find it is Air Burst who is crying. I quickly check to make sure he doesn’t need to be changed and realize he is hungry so I carry him by the nap of his neck to our room and set him next to my wife and I shift her hind leg so he can eat.

Once he has finished, I carry him back to his bed and I check on his brother Lightning Burst, who is still sleeping hard. I find myself smiling as I look at my two sons. I am almost amused as when I was younger, I never imagined actually being a father. Now I have a whole house full of children, both adopted and my own. As I crawl back into bed, I feel my wife shift and I fall back to sleep holding her.

Come morning we begin our normal routine as I get up and get ready for work. Savannah is already in the kitchen making breakfast for everyone. Today it is bacon and eggs. I know she prefers meat, and to be honest, the rest of us do like it from time to time. We just can’t have it every meal.

“Morning Savannah,” I tell her as I enter the room.

She turns to me, “Morning Dad. Breakfast should be ready in a few minutes. Coffee is already done; I have a feeling you need it today.”

“That obvious?”

She shakes her head, “No Dad, just I heard both you and Mom get up a couple of times with the little ones last night.”

I smile as I fix myself a cup of the hot caffeinated beverage. “Thanks, dear, I appreciate it.”

“You’re welcome, now go sit at the table and I will bring it into you.”

As I am sitting down, I hear the rest of the herd coming to breakfast as well. Well except for my wife as I begin to hear the foals crying out again and I know they are probably hungry, so she will feed them up there before she comes downstairs.

I am just finishing my breakfast when she finally comes down carrying both foals, one on her back, the other in her mouth.

She takes them both to a fenced-off section of our living room, then returns to the table and sits down. As she sits Savannah tells her, “I got your breakfast still warming Mom. Give me a minute and I will get it.”

Scout then asks, “Do you want some coffee too Mom?”

“Yes, please,” she tiredly responds.

I continue to talk to her as she eats her breakfast and I finish my coffee. Once done I kiss her on her cheek and tell her, “I need to get going to work. I will see you tonight dear.”

He smiles at me and tells me, “Thank you, have a good day and I will see you tonight.”

I say my goodbyes to the rest of my family and then am on my way for another busy day.

Morning officers' call goes smoothly as I hand out the orders for the day to the company commanders. On her way out Bulls Eye Squall stops and asks me to the side, “Sir, I know your youngsters still go outside the wire occasionally to find scrap, have they heard anything unusual lately?”

I shake my head, “No, not that they have told me, why?”

She puts a wingtip under her chin and tells me, “I don’t know sir, just something seems off lately. It has been quieter than I would normally expect, but I have noticed a shift in some of the merchants who are coming in to trade at the market.”

“That is very interesting Lieutenant. If I hear anything I will let you know. Thanks for bringing it to my attention.”

“She smiles, “No problem, sir, I figure you might miss something like that with what all you have going on, especially with the loss of sleep.”

I grin slightly, “that obvious?”

“Yes sir, the bags under your eyes are a dead giveaway. Well anyway, if you have nothing else for me, sir, I need to get back to the company.” I then dismiss her and after she leaves, I head back to my office.

Just after lunch, I see a courier arrive and deliver some messages. I think nothing of this until the Chain Lightning arrives at my door and tells me, “Sir, the CO would like to talk to you in his office as soon as you are available.”

I put down my pen and get up, telling him, “Thanks Sergent Major. These reports can wait a bit more,” as I stand up and we both head to the CO’s office.

Once there he tells us both, “Take a seat both of you.”

Once seated he then tells us, “I have just received new orders for both of you. Major, it seems your luck is still holding strong. You two are both going to be assigned to a new security battalion that is in the final phases of forming. In three weeks, you both will ship out to meet up with your troops up in Thunderhead.”

“Thank you, sir, may I ask what the new unit’s number is?”

He smiles as he tells me, “Yes Ball I can. Congratulations you will be the new Old Stallion for the 723rd Security Battalion. As for where you will end up deploying or being stationed, I can’t tell you.”

He then turns to Chain and tells him, “Sergeant Major, I will need you to assist in getting your replacement up to speed before you depart. He should be here later this afternoon from Thunderhead I have been informed.”

Chain nods his head and asks, “Any idea who my replacement is yet?”

Colonel Full Bright shakes his head, “No, just his name and that he is coming from the Repo-depo. I assume this means he was wounded in combat.”

Both Chain and I nod our heads. After all, if the war had been fully involved as it is now, I would have been processed through one of the replacement depots as well. As I think of this, I notice Chain glance briefly at his one artificial leg as he remembers being severely wounded as well in the line of duty.

Chain then tells him, “I will do my best to get him up to speed in the time I have with him.”

Full Bright smiles at him and tells him, “Sergeant Major, I would expect nothing less from you. Now we all need to get back to work.”

Later that afternoon while I am sitting at my desk, I get a phone call from one of the gate guards who tells me, “Sir, there is a young earthpony stallion named Scout here at the gate who says he needs to talk to you as soon as possible. Do you know him, sir?”

I am caught off guard and I tell him, “Yes I do trooper, he is my son.”

I can tell I have flustered the guard and he says, “Yes sir. Here he is now.”

I hear him hoof the phone to Scout and I hear my son’s voice quietly, but excitedly say, “Dad, me and a couple of the others went scavenging after school just a few blocks out the gate. We came across a large group of ponies and griffons in full kit. Dad, Bent Plate, and Scraps overheard them saying they were going to attack the Skyport this evening.”

“Scout, are you sure about this?”

“Yeah, Dad. When they saw us, they assumed we were just the typical commonwealth orphans. We played along with it, but as soon as we could circle back around to one of the other gates, I knew I had to let you know.”

“You did good Scout, now get your brothers and head back to home. Let Mom know what you heard; she will know what to do. Now give the phone back to the guard please.”

“Yes Sir,” he tells me.

Once the guard has the phone again, I tell him, “I feel this is a credible threat, do not act on it yet, but be vigilant, and take care of yourself as well.”

“Yes Sir, Major. Will do,” he responds then I hang up and make my way to the Colonel’s office.

He is just wrapping things up for the day when I enter his office.

He looks surprised and asks, “What do you have for me XO?”

“Sir, Scout and a couple of his brothers just called from the east gate. They were out scavving and came across a large group of heavily armed ponies that they overheard saying they were going to hit the base tonight.”

He purses his lips, turns his head slightly, and asks, “Ball, no offense, but are you sure your kids are not overreacting?”

“Sir, not this time. They talked with them and pretended to be Commonwealth orphans still. Then when they could make their way to the east gate they called it in. Sir, Bullseye Squall brought up to me this morning that she was afraid something may be up as she has noticed a change in the merchants who are coming to trade at the market. Sir, I do think this is a credible threat.”

He puts his things back down on his desk, then he tells me, “Well, if they want to sneak up on us, then let’s set up a nice ambush or two. Send out a silent alert to all company commanders and have them prepare for an attack. If it doesn’t happen, we will tell them it was a drill. If it does, well so much the better.” He pauses, lets out a sigh then tells me, “We better let our wives know that we will be late.”

I nod my head, “I already told Scout to get home and to let his mom know what he heard so she can act accordingly.”

“Good thinking, but are you sure she will know what to do if it happens?”

I nod my head, thinking back to just a year or so ago when she was with the Volunteer Corps in Hoofington proper along with my team for an escort. “Yeah, I am sure of it Colonel.”

After this, I begin to make phone calls to each of the company commanders. I am just glad I got the message before they left for the day. Each one I tell, “We have information from a credible source to expect an attack on the base tonight. I want you to quietly put your company on alert and discreetly pony the defenses. Do you understand?”

Each of them acknowledges the order. Bulls Eye Squall is the only one who asks, “Sir, can you tell me who the sources are?”

I nod my head even though she cannot see me and I tell her, “Yes Lieutenant, Scout and some of my other children went into the ruins outside the base, saw the forces, and overheard them talking about the attack.”

I hear her sigh, and then she says, “Thank the Goddesses they did then. I was afraid of something like that.” She pauses then adds, “Those kids of yours are some good intel assets.”

This time I sigh, “Yeah, but I really would prefer them to be older before, or better yet, not go into that line of work.”

After I get off the phone with her, I grab my kit and ask the Colonel, “Sir with your permission, I would like to go forward to observe if anything does occur.”

He looks at me and shakes his head. Then he tells me, “I should tell you no. You are getting too high in rank to risk yourself this way. But go ahead and keep me appraised. I will be here in the planning room.”

As I head out, I find two of the headquarters staff ponies waiting for me and the one, Sergeant Tail Twist tells me, “Sir the Sergeant Major has assigned us to be your escort during this drill.”

I slowly make my way out a secondary door so as not to attract attention as I make my way over to where my old company will be setting up their defenses.

I have almost made it that far when I hear a large explosion by the main gate and I see smoke rise from where the guard shack there was. Then I hear screaming and gunfire. Mostly ballistic rounds as they come charging through the gate. As they do this, I hear the base alert siren begin to wail and return fire begin against the attackers.

I tell my escort, “Lock and load, we got company.”

We all charge our weapons and begin to fly as quickly as possible towards the main gate. As we make our way there, I hear another explosion from the guard house on one of our secondary gates. This one is closer to base housing.

I feel horror in my mind as I realize that they may attack my family and home. I then begin to hear the company in that direction begin to engage them as well. I continue to the forces at the main gate and make sure matters are well in hoof there when I hear over my PipBuck, “This is Green Apple 4, Green Apple one and three are down, and two is unaccounted for. We are being driven back into the housing. Request support asap!”

“Hold on Green Apple Three, help is on the way,” I tell him and then I hope we will be enough and in time.


Good evening to all you listeners. I am your host Chrome Microphone and you are listening to HOOF radio. The best radio station in the Hoofington region.

This broadcast is brought to you by the West Wind Trading Company. Yes, West Wind Trading, for safe, secure shipping needs. They provide well-tested, trustworthy crews to move your goods where they need to go. Whether you need it there now or prefer more economical bulk options, they have your flank! West Wind Trading Company. By land, sea, and air, they'll get it there! Now with a new agency location in Hoofington, offering a 15 percent discount on your first basic contract.

I have also been asked by the Commonwealth Council to remind all citizens that we are neutral in the current war between the New Canterlot Republic and the Grand Pegasus Enclave. This means that if you attack forces of either side or support them in their war you are doing so on your own accord.

In other news, there are reports of several smaller skirmishes between the NCR and alliance forces with the Enclave. This includes another skyship battle off the coast near Baltimare. Reports state that one ship was heavily damaged while the other appeared to crash into the sea. Rescue operations by locals were hampered by rough seas and a storm front that has come through the area. No news yet about the number of survivors.

From Chichacolt we have reports that the Enclave forces there have advanced two more blocks closer to the city center. NCR and Alliance forces there report that they are making them pay for each meter of ground there.

Closer to home, it has been noted that there has been a larger-than-normal build-up of Enclave naval forces in Thunderhead. This comes following the larger increase in activity around the cloud city than normal.

Remember if you see something, say something. Report all suspected violations of our neutrality to the Brood, the Reapers, or the Sky Guard.

While the war between the NCR and Alliance forces with the Enclave is not our war or fight, we must remember that there are still things worth fighting for out there. With that in mind, here is our first song for the night, True Believers.

Chapter 59 The Paths To Fate

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Chapter 59 The Paths To Fate

“Strange things conspire when one tries to cheat fate” ― Rick Riordan, The Son of Neptune

Onboard the Hot Shot over Whinnyapolis: Ginger Snaps

I am awakened from a brief nap as I feel the engines shift position and we slow down to slightly more than a hover. In the red lit passenger compartment, I can see the others of our team all begin to wake and shift for a landing.

I look forward through the cockpit and can see the dark silhouettes of several damaged buildings and a large crater not far from the big river itself. As the aircraft tilts into a slow turn, I see the lights of several fires near there, Then I see the remains of a large skyport, which I notice has several aircraft still on it, including a couple of vertibucks, one of which is just landing.

I watch as the co-pilot Cloud Bank points a hoof towards the side and we bank more and I feel the engines shift as we begin to gain speed in the turn.

Shortly after this, only a few kilometers away I see a very large building complex that looks to have walls of various materials, including shipping containers, box cars, and even old self-propelled carriages that are on their sides. We make a quick circuit from a distance around the place, then I watch as the pilots bring us in for a landing in an old carriage lot with a large open spot in it.

As we begin our descent, I feel the aircraft begin to almost hover and I feel the loading ramp begin to drop down. Once the wheels bump against the ground, Love Tap directs us to unload.

We all grab our gear and begin to trot out the back, several of us taking overwatch positions behind the nearest of the abandoned carriages.

Once we are all out, I hear the ramp begin to go back up and feel the blast of air increase from the rotors as the aircraft leaps skyward again. I take my eyes away from my weapon's sight long enough to watch the Hot Shot twist in midair as it adjusts its rotors and makes its way back to the Colt.

I feel myself sigh as I watch them head away and it becomes real once again for us as Choo calls over the radio, “Ok, let us form it up, you know the drill. Moon, you, and the fillies are to go echelon opposite of those ahead of us. Weapons up everypony.” She pauses and then adds, “Flower, I need you to lead us around the east side. There should be a main gate in that direction. Keep to the ground everyone, no need to give them the wrong impression.”

Another pause by Choo then she says, “Blackbird, take a reading with the RDF and see if you can pinpoint that radio station. If not, we ask the locals if they can give us a hint.”

“Roger Big Blue will do,” Sunny responds. He is quiet briefly, then says, “I got a reading on it Big Blue, but using the map on my Pipbuck, it looks like it is closer to the main part of the town and the crater.”

“Roger Blackbird. Flower, lead us out.”

Xochitl says nothing but follows her directions and begins to lead us around whatever this place is. As we pass by one of the corner sections I can see what is a boarded-over entrance with a sign above it that proclaims, Welcome to the Mall of Equestria.

As we make our way around the place, I see occasional guard positions on the roof. Using my Eyes Forward Sparkle I can see that they are all ponied. I casually make a mental note of their locations.

Once we come around the far end, we can now see a wall with more guard towers placed along it, as well as the lights of the settlement. We are almost to the main gate when a shot rings out in our direction, and we hear a voice call out, “Keep back. We ain’t playing around this time.”

I find myself with a raised eyebrow and I begin to wonder what they mean by again. I guess Choo feels the same way as she calls back, “I am not sure who you think we are, but we have not been here before.”

Suddenly there is a spotlight on us that is blinding. Most of us go to the ground with our weapons ready. However, Choo and Moon both stand there in the light as they call out, “Who are you then?”

Choo then calls back, “I am Captain Choo Choo of the NCR Rangers, if you allow me to come closer, I will gladly show you my badge and credentials. Now who are you?”

I can barely see movements along the wall as one pony talks to the other and finally one calls out, “I am Key Turner, the current chief security officer for Mall. I will allow you and only you to fly up here Captain. Once I can see who you are for sure, I will allow the others in.”

“Fair enough,” I hear her call back. Then she turns to the youngsters and tells them, “You four stay with the others here.” She turns to me and tells me, “Cookie, you have the team until I return.”

“Roger Big Blue,” I answer. Then she flies slowly up to the wall and lands there, I cannot see clearly what is done, or hear what is said, but after about ten minutes she slowly flies back to us.

Once she returns, she tells us, “OK, we have permission to enter the settlement here. However, we are to turn in our weapons at the gate for the night.

We all nod our heads and Katie lets out a quiet woof then we follow her as we approach the gate. When we reach it, they open a small door next to it and an earth pony guard tells us, “Ok, one at a time. Turn your weapons in over at the window of that container over there. It will be tagged for you.”

My husband is the first to turn his in, and as he hooves the old zebra-made weapon in, the unicorn who is working the window casually jokes, “This thing does not a have a curse or anything on it, right?”

Xochitl smiles at them and shrugs then answers, “Funny you should mention that…”

I swear the unicorn almost drops it, and then she sees him laugh and realizes he is joking. She begins to get a disgruntled expression on her face then he tells her, “Sorry, that is only the second time I could use that joke, the first time was at the Hoofington Arena a while back. You handled it much better than they did.”

She still does not look amused and asks, “Is it as bad as they say it is down there?”’

He shrugs and tells her, “I am not sure, depends on how bad they say it was. I will admit, it was a bit hairier than most of the Wastelands though.”

She nods her head, tags the weapon, and has him sign a log to acknowledge they received it.

This continues for all of us, and I see her raise an eyebrow as she handles my MoM pistol and she asks, “Is there a reason you all seem to have weapons that are engraved to the Ministry of Morale?”

This time Choo Choo answers her, “Yes, but you probably would not believe me if I told you.”

The mare looks at Choo with a slight tilt to her head and simply shakes it, “Is there always something weird about you alicorns?”

Before Choo can answer, Moon Lily stands at the counter with her front hooves on it as she hooves over her carbine and asks, “Have you met a lot of alicorns like my granny?”

I see an almost patronizing expression come across the face of the counter mare as she smiles and gently tells her, “Not really, young mare, but we have had a few come through here. The one I remember most was a purple one many years ago, she was the one that helped clear out the security bots that were preventing us from salvaging inside the mall.”

As I am so close to the window still, I ask because I can see Choo wants to but is embarrassed to, “What was her name?”

The mare thinks briefly then answers, “Radiant Star, I think. Why, do you think you knew her?”

I shake my head as does Choo, who then adds, “I do not remember her, but then again since she was not in the same wing as me, I may not have ever met her directly and there were a lot of my sisters back then.”

“Yeah, I guess. I just thought with that unity thing and all.”

I notice Choo feels uncomfortable with this line of conversation and she changes the subject by telling us, “Once our weapons are checked in let us go have a look around.”

The mare at the counter then tells us, “The market will not be open until morning. But you should be able to get something to eat and drink if you want. There are also some rooms to rent so you can get some sleep.”

I smile at the mare and tell her, “Thank you for letting us know.”

She then adds, “Besides you have to be tired after your flight in.”

I know they had to see us land, but until then, no one has mentioned it. I then ask her, “Do you get many who fly in here?”

“Not really, and usually they are Enclave if they do. But you know how it is.”

“Yeah, yeah, we do. Well, I hope you have a good night,” I tell her.

Choo is the final one to turn in her weapons. The counter mare seems to be taking it all in with no reactions until she sees Choo’s newest pistol and I can tell when she sees the engraving of Special Agent Choo Choo on one side, and then on the other side, its engraved Night Train that looks like her cutie mark. She says nothing but her eyes go wide in surprise and she simply nods her head.

Choo looks at her with a raised eyebrow but says nothing. Once she has signed the log book, she then leads us into the settlement proper. Together we all head to the closest open shop, which happens to be a tavern.

As we reach the door, I turn to the youngsters and tell them, “You four will not be having any alcohol here, and if we say something, listen.”

Choo then interrupts and adds, “Actually, none of us will be having any alcohol tonight. I mean it. We are still in the middle of a mission after all.”

We all acknowledge her order and we follow her inside, Katie right next to Xochitl.

As we go into the now quiet tavern, we notice several tables with long benches next to them. That we head towards. Behind the bar, I can see an older unicorn who is using his TK to lift and clean a class with a rag. Over by a table to the side I see several more ponies and a griffon all sharing a plate of food and drinking from pint glasses. With a mare who is wearing a corset and skirt standing next to them and talking.

As we sit down, I see her turn her attention to us. She says one more thing to the other table then she comes over to us and asks, “Are you here for food or just for drinks?”

I look at Choo and she tells them, “Food as well as drinks,” she then looks at the rest of us and tells us, “The meal is on the company tab. But please be reasonable.”

The waitress then tells us, “I will bring you a couple of menus."

Once she returns, we all order our drinks. While most ask for Sparkle Colas, myself and my sisters all have tea. Choo, though is ecstatic when she finds out they have Sparkle Cola Rad and orders two right away.

After dinner when she goes to settle our bill, she is using her TK to pull out the bag of caps she has with her, and her MoM badge falls out onto the floor.


Inside the Tavern, Mall, Whinnyapolis: Xochitl.

While the meal is not spectacular, it is filling. Most of what was listed on the menu seems to be from food stocks that were found inside the actual mall itself. So, it is not really the freshest. But it is filling and even the fillies enjoy it. However, I do overhear Frost Glitter telling her sister, “It is not as good as we get at home from the farms.”

I then hear Slip Stream whisper to her, “Not so loud, remember your manners.”

Snow Song beside her nods her head, but then whispers to Slip Stream, “You're right, but so is she. It is good, it just does not taste as good as what we get at home.”’

I just shake my head and am thankful none of the locals overheard them. I know that some would have been very insulted if they heard that.

I do see Choo look at her granddaughter and I swear it is almost like when she talks with her sisters using their minds. But I know Moon Lily cannot do that. Well, at least I do not think she can. However, shortly after this, I hear Moon tell her friends to be on their best behavior.

I notice that some of the locals that are in there tend to be paying attention to us while trying to not be obvious about it. Well, at least they are being polite about it, I think to myself.

After our dinner as Choo is paying for our meals, I am just finishing my drink as she uses her TK to get her bag of caps out. As she lifts it out, I notice her Ministry of Morale Special Agent badge with her number on it, is stuck to the caps bag, and then falls onto the floor face up right in front of the waitress.

When she hears the metal hit the wooden floor the waitress steps back and looks at it. I see her eyes go wide and her mouth forms an O. She then carefully picks it up and hooves it to Choo Choo, who uses her TK to put it back into her saddlebags.

I notice that the waitress is now visibly anxious but she continues to finish the transaction. Then she tells Choo, “Ma’am, let us know if there is anything you need while you are here.”

Choo seems slightly confused but answers her with, “Thank you. Now could you tell us where we could find a room for the night?”

She nods her head and tells us, “Yes ma’am, once you go outside, turn left. It is one of the closest sets of shipping containers nearest the mall itself.”

As we leave and are heading into the night to find some lodging, I overhear one of the locals saying, “I didn’t know the Pinks were back in business.” I think nothing of it, simply shrug and continue with the others.

Once we arrive at the place, we are directed to find a room, Choo has us wait outside while she goes in to secure a place for us to rest. While she is gone, I hear Snow Song ask Ginger, “Is it always this boring?”

My wife laughs lightly before she tells her, “No Song, just be glad it is right now. We never really know what is going to happen on an op.”

She looks at me and I nod my head in agreement. Then I tell her, “Often when we are unsure about a target’s location or such, we go into an area and get the lay of the land. Major landmarks, factions, specific dangers we should look out for.”

I am just finishing up when Choo returns and tells us, “I have our lodging for the night. Once we get there, I want the rest of you to get some sleep. Ginger, I will wake you up an hour before dawn so I can get a nap.” After which we follow her to a large shipping container that is on the second stack along one of the outer walls of the compound, and we settle in for the night.

The next morning begins as normal until we go to get some breakfast, where we are met by the Chief of Security for Mall.
As he approaches us, I see two unicorns and an earth pony with him. Once close enough he tells Choo, “Ma’am, I need to talk with you privately if you do not mind.”

She turns to us and tells us, “Please go get breakfast and I will join you as soon as I can.”

We are most of the way through with eating when she returns to us. I notice her expression is one of amusement as she sits at the table and tells the waitress to bring her some tea and two eggs if they have them.

Once the waitress has departed Choo then tells us, “Well, it seems that we may be spending a bit more time here at Mall today than I had anticipated. Ginger, I will be taking Twinks. Doubleback and Moon Lily with me. The rest of you, please feel free to shop and perhaps see if you can find any equipment that we can use.”

Shortly after telling us this, she takes Twinks and them with her and I notice she is heading into the mall itself, which gets me to scratch my head in wonder as we were told at the gate that the mall itself is still off limits to most outsiders.

I am distracted from this wondering when I hear Slip Stream squee from near a stand in the market. I quickly turn to see what is going on and I see her holding up some old webgear. I do not see anything special about them, so I go on over to her to find out.

Once I am near her, she holds them up for me and tells me, “Look at this set of web gear, can you believe it, it is a nearly mint condition full set of prewar Griffon equipment, and it looks like it will fit me.”

I then look at the vendor and ask, “Can she try it on?”

He looks at us before he asks, “Are you the Pinks that came into town last night?”

I guess the word got out about the markings on our weapons as well as Choo’s badge, so I answer, “Well, not so much as formal Pinks, but they were all gifts to us with our names on them from the former Ministry Mare for them.”

I see his eyes go wide and he slowly nods his head, “Yeah, sure she can.”

Beside her, I see Snow Glitter and her sister also looking through stock here, but still paying attention to Slip Stream. As she tries the harness, ammo belt, canteen, and small backpack on they come over and help her position it.

By now Epona has come over to see what is going on. The merchant’s eyebrows go up as he looks at Epona’s engraved pistol as she asks Slip Stream. “So how does it fit Slip?”

I watch as she first stretches, then hovers with it on. Then she answers, “It might need a few adjustments still, but I think it will do. Can I get it?”

Epona looks at me and I simply raise an eyebrow and shrug. She then turns to the merchant and asks, “How much?”

The vendor quickly replies, “It fits her so well and is in such good shape, I cannot let it go for less than 250 caps.”

Epona shakes her head, “That is way, way too much and we both know it. I would not pay more than 75 caps for it.”

I see the crestfallen expression on Slip Stream's face when she hears this and she begins to slowly take it off. Beside her, I can see how her friends also seem sad for her. The vendor then offers, how about 200 caps?”

Epona then counter-offers and they go back and forth over the price, finally agreeing on 150 caps. As soon as the deal is done, I watch an excited hippogriff mare put it right back on and show it off to her friends. From there we move on to the other vendors. During this time Tater keeps looking over weapons and parts for them to see if he thinks we should purchase them once Choo gets back. A few of the cheaper parts I notice he picks up with his own money.

After about an hour we all hear over our radio, “Tater, I am sending Double Back out to get you. I need you in here.

Fifteen minutes later I see Double Back coming out of what had to have been one of the main entrances for the old mall. Tater sees him coming and tells me, “I will be back in a bit Cohitl.”

I watch him trot over to meet Doubleback and follow him inside. As they go Epona and my wife both look at me and we all shrug our shoulders. Then I hear Slip Stream ask, “Should we follow them?”

Ginger tilts her head as she looks at her and responds, “Did Choo or I tell you to?”

She looks down at the ground, “No Ginger, she did not.”

“Then do you think we should follow them?” Ginger asks in a stern tone of voice.

“No, I guess not. But I want to go see what Moon is doing,” the young hippogriff answers as she twists her hind hoof.

“This is just like when me and Xochitl were on the expedition for you. We are going to treat you as adults. That means you act like adults and follow orders.”

I then hear Snow Song say, “You mean you really had to act like grown-up back then?”

I nod my head yes and my wife tells her, “Yes, we did. It was hard work, a lot harder than what you three have had to go through so far, so enjoy it being this easy for now.”

The three young mares all look at each other and shrug their shoulders, then they go back to shopping.

After another hour we see Choo and the others coming back out of the mall. I notice that they are carrying some items with them and that Moon Lily looks a bit perplexed.

Once they are close enough, I ask, “So how did it go boss?”

She looks at me and tells me, “You would not believe it.” She pauses, then adds, “Uh, we have a new supply depot here, it seems.”


The settlement of Mall, Whinnyapolis, Choo Choo

The morning seems to be going so well for us when I see the Chief of Security for this settlement approaching us with two unicorns and one earthpony who seem to be other members of security here. I think nothing of it until he stops and tells me, “Ma’am, I need to talk with you privately if you do not mind.”

I do not like it, but I do not want to cause trouble, so I turn to the others and tell them, “Please go get breakfast and I will join you as soon as I can.”

The chief leads me away toward a shipping container that is nearer the main gate, but also a couple blocks further into the settlement away from it and the wall. Once there he tells the other three, “Wait outside. I will be right with you.”

He then leads me inside and has me take a seat. Once I am seated, he asks me, “Ma’am, may I see your badge and credentials?”

I take my badge out of my saddlebag and show it to him, then I show him the basic information on my Pipbuck. As he looks at them, I ask, “Is there a problem here?”

He shakes his head no, and tells me, “No, no problems, but this site was a Ministry of Morale run site, and if a member of the ministry shows up, we have to extend certain courtesies that we would not do for most. In a bit, I would like to take you inside the mall and give you a tour of the facilities here.”

“Yes, I would like that, however, I have a few members of my team that I would like to have accompany me on this tour.”

“But of course, ma’am. I would suggest not bringing them all in at once as there are a few areas that are not in the best of condition. Part of the unpleasantness from several years ago when your sister Radiant Star was here.”

I raise my eyebrow in curiosity, and tell him, “I did not know all my sisters even though we were all in unity. I am not familiar with Radiant Star, could you tell me more about her and what she did here?”

He shifts uncomfortably in his seat and tells me, “Well, I was not the Chief back then, so much of what I know is from hearsay, but I will tell you what I can.” After which he gives me a brief rundown.

Once finished I tell him, “That is all very interesting, but how does that affect me and my people now?”

He shifts again in his seat and then answers, “After they left, while we were cleaning up, we found a hidden entrance. Unfortunately, even with our most skilled hackers and lock picks, we have not been able to access it. Perhaps one of the ministry agents can open it?”

I feel myself sigh and I tell him, “I guess I can try. But I do not guarantee anything.”

“Fair enough.”

I then tell him, “However, I do want part of my team to go in with me.”

He shakes his head and mutters under his breath, then he says, “Fine, but not the whole team.”

“What can you tell me about the inside of the mall that could help me to determine which team members to bring?” I ask.

He then begins to give me a rundown about the mall itself and what damage had been done that had to be corrected. Eventually, we finish our little question-and-answer period and he tells me, “I will meet you at the main entrance to the mall in an hour.”

I use my Pipbuck to help me find the rest of the team quickly, then I tell them, who I want with me as well as what I would like them to do while I am away.

Ginger then asks, “Will those items be coming out of our pay, or the company account.”

I think briefly and tell her, “If it is a more expensive item, wait for me to return and we can use the company caps. But as for the less expensive items, I will let you determine Cookie.”

As we get ready to go, I see the other three of Moon Lily’s friends all look like they want to go as well. Moon turns to them and tells them, “It’s alright mares, I will be back in a bit. Let me know if you find any good deals, OK?”

I then have Twinks, Double Back, and my great-granddaughter join me as we go to meet the Chief.

Once we arrive at the entrance, I notice the Chief also has a couple of ponies with him who he introduces us to, “Special Agent Choo, this here is Scrapper and Slightly Used. Both are about the most familiar ponies with the mall itself. They will be your guides.”

I raise an eyebrow and ask, “You are not going with us?”

He shakes his head, “No, I will be going to the old security office and monitoring on camera for possible trouble. If I see any, I will call for backup.”

While I am not comfortable with his answer, I guess I will have to accept it. I then turn to our guides and tell them, “Ready when you are.”

The one called Scrapper smiles as he turns towards the entrance and tells us, “Follow me, and mind your steps.”

As we enter, I feel like I am flashing back to a part of my life from before I was changed. The entrance itself takes us inside the bottom floor of one of the large department stores that used to be here. The walls are all white, with green tiles outlining the edges of the various departments that used to be here. In between them, light tan tiles are forming what seem to be paths, almost giving an illusion of being outside. On the far end of this store, I can see a corridor that leads into the main section of the mall itself, which just inside of it has a makeshift barricade set up.

As we approach the barricade, I notice two more ponies are next to it. I then ask, “Is it still that dangerous in here that you need to keep it guarded?”

Scrapper smiles and shakes his head, “No ma’am. Occasionally we get something dangerous trying to come out, but most of the time it is just to keep the non-locals out.”

Beyond the barricade, I can see the abandoned storefronts stretching out before us. I glance at Moon Lily and I can see the expression of wonder on her face as she looks at the white-lined corridors. Then she asks, “Were all the stores like this when you were my age?”

I smile and shake my head, “No Dear, but many were by the time I was your mother’s age.”

“Really Granny?”

“Yes, Moon, really.”

I notice out of the corner of my eye the guide Slightly Used looking at me appraisingly. Then he asks, “How old are you?”

I smile, “I was almost sixty-five when I was changed to this form, that was over two hundred and ten years ago.”

I see the surprised expression on his face then I hear Scrapper tell him, “Don’t be so surprised, most of her kind are that old.”

As we walk further into the mall, we enter a large open area that is not as well-lit as those we had come through. Ahead I can see the tracks for the roller coaster that my children had wanted to ride. I about stumble as I suddenly remember my son and daughter both begging to ride it with me. I quickly shake my head and continue.

I feel Moon ask me, ({Granny are you okay?})

({Yes Moon, I was just surprised by a memory I did not know I had.})

She then asks aloud as she points a hoof at the roller coaster, “What is that?”

“That my dear is a roller coaster ride.”

Twinks then asks, “A ride? You mean you are supposed to ride it. Boss, it goes in loops even.”

“Yes, you are supposed to ride it. The loops were supposed to be part of the fun. It gave us unicorns and earth ponies a chance to feel like we were flying.” As we get closer to it, I notice the sign for the ride calling it the Wonderbolts Adventure Ride. To the side, I see an area with what looks like an obstacle course that is labeled, Daring Do’s Wild Forest. Besides these two, we can also see several other rides in this area. I smile as I realize it is almost a scaled-down version of the Fillydelphia Fun Park I used to visit with my family as well.

Once we are past them and enter a corridor on the other side, we are led to a side hallway that has a sign with an arrow pointing down it that reads, Engineering: Engine Room # 3. I am curious what that could mean. As we get ready to enter, Scrapper tells us, “The engine rooms house the equipment that was used to cool the place down way back when. I suppose using some pegasus weather magic or something. It is not well-lit in there, so please keep close, where we want to take you is on the far side of the engine room.”

As we make our way through the dimly lit room, I use my horn while Twinks and Double Back use their PipBucks for light. I see the corpses of at least three ponies in here still. This gets me to ask, “Have you started to clean out the bodies from deeper in the mall yet?”

“Nah, not yet. Only in the areas we have salvaged so far.” He pauses and points to a door that is only a short distance in front of us. Above it is a simple sign that says, Engine Room Control. Next to the door is a smaller sign that reads, Authorized Personnel Only! Deadly Force Authorized. As I read them, I raise an eyebrow as I wonder what is on the other side.

“Has anyone tried to go in there yet?” I ask.

Scrapper looks a bit put out before he answers, “Yeah, once through this door there is one more but it has a terminal to open it, as well as a few MEW auto-turrets. A few have tried, but none have been able to do so. A couple of them became nothing but a pile of ashes.”

I am just about ready to ask him why not when Twinks asks, “Okay, what have they tried, and why did it not work?”

“I do not know what all they tried, but I will try to give you what information I can.” Then he begins to tell her what he knows.

A short time later Twinks looks at me and tells me, “Boss, why not have the others wait out here and you and I go in first?”

I have to agree that would be a better idea than all of us going in, so I tell her, “That makes sense.” I turn to the others and I tell them, “I will call for you when it is safe for all of you.”

I lead with Twinks right behind me. On the way down the stairs and through the hall I notice several turrets tracking us, as well as two piles of ashes and a couple of skeletons. Once we reach the terminal I sigh as I look at it and tell Twinks, “I think I will let you try first.”

She nods her head and steps up to it and looks at the screen. I see her think briefly and then she taps something in. Finally, I hear a robotic voice say, “Password accepted, present credentials.”

At first, I am surprised by this and begin to bring up my PipBuck, but Twinks then tells me, “Uh, Boss, how about presenting your badge.”

“Oh, Yes, of course, thank you Twinks,” I tell her as I use my TK to levitate the badge from my bag and present it to the camera above the terminal.

After this, I hear a set of locks click on the door and it slowly opens. As it does so all I can see at first is bright lights from inside the doorway until my eyes adjust. Once they do I tell Twinks, “Okay, let us go,” and I lead her through the entrance.

As I enter, I notice that it is a medium-sized room that reminds me of the stable back in Manesville. Well, except for the Mister Hoovsie that I see hovering about ten feet back from the door. As we step through, I hear it say, “Welcome Special Agent Choo Choo. As per our records, this is your first official visit to this facility. As such I will be your guide to the Ministry of Morale Special Surprise Party Store number three.”

“And you are?” I ask.

“Ah yes, excuse me Ma’am for my lack of manners, it has been some time since I have had proper company visit our facility. My name is Party Favor. Would you like to call those waiting for you outside to join us on your tour?”

I think briefly and tell them, “Yes, at least some of them.” I then use my PipBuck to call Double Back and tell him, “Double Back, bring Moon with you and come on in. Have Scrapper and Slightly Used wait for us up there.”

Once they join us, I tell Party Favor, “Let us continue.”

“But of course, madam,” he replies brightly and begins to drift across this entry room further into the facility. As we go, I notice several large rooms that appear to be offices but are all empty. At one point we come to a large cafeteria and he tells us, “When we have awake inhabitants we prepare and serve meals here.”

I stop in my tracks when he says this as does Twinkle Hoofs. Before I can ask anything, she asks, “What do you mean awake inhabitants?”

I have never heard a robot sound flustered before, but this time I do as it sputters out, “Well we do have a few of our original staff in cryo-sleep right now. I was going to take you there after I showed you the armory, warehouse, and medical facilities.”

My jaw drops as I realize what he has just said. Beside me, Moon Lily asks, “Granny, what is crying sleep?”

Party Favor spins to face her and has all its eye sensors looking at her as he answers, “Cryogenic sleep young mare, no crying sleep. We have several active pods in service right now. I have taken care of them as best as I can. Unfortunately, there were a few malfunctions over the years.”

My ears are fully on it as I tell them, “Please take me to them immediately.”

“OH, okay then. Please follow me.”

We quickly make our way through several other sections of the facility until we reach a section that is marked, Cryogenics. As we enter, I see several chest freezer-sized cabinets with hoses running to them. All of them have a computer monitor next to them as well as a window to look inside of them. I then notice Moon Lily shiver slightly, then she begins to give the blessing of the dead.

Twinks and I begin to check out the cryosleep chambers and of the twenty that are in there, only five contain still living ponies. However, they all are locked. Twinks looks at the locks on them and tells me, “Choo, I think I will need Tater to help me with these.”

I send Double Back to get Tater and bring him here. As we wait, I ask Party Favor, “Why didn’t you open these before?”

He gives me what I figure is a robotic shrug and replies, “My programming did not include how to unlock them. I was programmed for maintenance, not rescue. The medical robot failed several years ago, and I was not able to repair it. The director of the facility one time told another of the staff members that the locks were to keep them safe while asleep from zebra agents.”

I am afraid of the horror that those poor souls who were in the failed cabinet might have gone through. But I can understand what has occurred as well. Finally Double Back returns with Tater and he and Twinks begin to try to open the locks.

As they begin to work, I notice Moon Lily keeps looking into the ones that still have living ponies as she checks them. I can see a concerned expression on her face each time.

Finally, I hear the first set of locks on one of the cold sleep units click, and then I see a small light next to the terminal for it begins to blink, which gets myself and Moon’s attention. I look at the screen and see that it states, Hibrination Sleep Mode Terminating. Commencing Reanimation Processing. Expected time until completion is 4 hours 59 minutes.

Well, that gives us some time, I guess. I turn to Twinks and Tater and tell them, “I want you two to continue on this as I finish the tour with Party Favor.” I then pause and tell Moon Lily and Double Back, “I want you two to come with me.”

After he hears this Party Favor tells me, “Are you sure you want to leave those two alone in here Agent Choo?”

“Party Favor, not only do I trust them, but the Ministry Mare herself recognized them as part of my team in the same Surprise Party Package that she left me my badge and a note with my name on it. In fact, Tater there received a birthday card from her even.”

I watch as the robot's eye stalks all suddenly turn and seem to focus on Tater. Then he says, “Huh, I would not have expected that, but of course, we all know how Ministry Mare Pie was.”

“I noticed you used the past tense. I assume you know about her death then.”

“Yes, Ma’am. I had no illusions about what was going on outside of this facility. I am more surprised that more of you flesh and blood types even survived.”

This gets me to raise an eyebrow, but I do have to agree with his assessment. Especially knowing how many died on the dreadful day and in the years since.

He then takes us further inside to first the armory. There I see racks of weapons that I know the armorers would drool over back in the Manesville stable. As we move about the room, we are also able to see several more racks that contain Ministry barding, stealth bucks, Combat armor, and even a couple of suits of Ministry-specific recon armor.

As we look over it, Party Favor tells us, “But wait, there is more. Please follow me to the warehouse.”

It is there that I am most surprised as I see rows upon rows of supplies, some are medical, others are ration packs. These are supplemented by survival equipment, blankets, water purifiers, and even some musical instruments of all things.

Finally, Party Favor takes us to a room that has a bank vault door on it. When we reach it, he tells us, “This is the facility's main ammo locker.”

Double Back, until then remaining quiet then asks, “Party Favor, why did the ministry have so many weapons and ammo here?”

“Ah, that. Yes. Well, we were a regional hub for our Special Surprise Party teams. That and we provided a rapid reaction force in case of a Zebra attack on the mall and the park in it.”

“Did you ever have to use them?” he asks.

Again, the eyes of the robot move back and forth as they refocus on him. Then he answers, “A time or two. Those attacks were kept from the general population. Those who were involved had their memories wiped so that the secret was kept.”

Double Back grins and then tells the robot, “I guess that was like they did with Harness.”

Suddenly I see the robot’s entire demeanor change and his voice becomes threatening enough that Moon Lily, Twinks, and I all light up our horns as the robot asks, “Where did you hear that name? That name was memory wipe information.”

Double Back holds up one of his hoofs and tells him, “Whoa, Whoa, Whoa. I was born there. Several of our team members have family from there and all of us have visited it and helped with its defense.”

The robot moves menacingly forward as it says, “Then you should know not to speak of it!”

I place myself between them and tell the robot, “Stand down Party Favor. The reason it was secret died with it on the last day. However, the secret of why it existed at all has been kept quiet and we all intend to keep it that way.”

As I do this, I see it back up and focus its eyes on me. I swear I hear it mumble something and then it visibly relaxes. “Standing down as ordered by the senior Ministry of Morale Special Surprise Agent 42.”

I let out a sigh of relief and all our horns go back out. Then I tell it, “If there is no more you need to show us, please lead us back to the cryo-sleep department.”

“Yes, of course, Ma’am,” it replies and begins to guide us back there.

Once we arrive, I see they have the other units also unlocked. All of them with a countdown going. I notice it will be several more hours before they open up so I tell the others, “Tater, I think you and Twinks will want to see the armory and warehouse.”

I see them both look at me curiously and Tater asks, “What do you have for us Boss?”

“Sweet Potato, I do believe you need to see this for yourself. You too Twinkle Hoofs,” I answer and lead them behind Party Favor back toward the armory and warehouse.

Once in the armory, I watch as first his jaw drops, then he gets a devilish grin on his face. “You know Choo, it might not be a bad idea to gift a couple of these support weapons to the locals to help defend this place. I mean, it would be nice to have a supply hub like this we can come to if we need it. Sort of like that Ministry of Peace facility we assisted.”

“I think you may be correct, but before we decide just what to give them, let us also look at the warehouse.”

After we have taken them through the warehouse, we return to find the first of the sleep chambers is about ready to open. I realize this as I hear a slight hiss as the air seals release and then it begins to open.

Inside the unit, I see a middle-aged Stallion in a light white cotton jumpsuit. I watch as he slowly begins to first move his ears. I then see his legs twitch slightly as well as his head. Then I watch as his eyes pop up and I hear him scream.

Twinks and I immediately run to him. I then hear Twinks tell him, “It is ok, we are here for you. Relax.”

He turns toward her and I see his eyes open wide as he sees me and I hear him say, “Your Highness, you came for us. Thank You.”

I see him relax then I tell him, “I am sorry, but I am not our fair Luna. But I have come to help you.”’

He nods his head and tells me, “Right, right, I guess she is busy, but who are you, princess?”

“I am Special Agent 42, but you may call me Choo Choo, and I am not a princess.”

He looks at me with his eyes wide, “But you are an alicorn. You must be a princess.”

I shake my head and explain, “No, really, I am not. But I can explain more about that later.”

As I say this Moon Lily walks up beside me and tells me, “Granny, we have about ten minutes before the next one opens.”

“Thank you, dear.” I tell her. Then I turn to the now fully awake pony from the past, “Let us get you out of there, by the way, what is your name?”

“Oh, sorry, I am Doctor Deep Sleep. This was my project. How, how long was I asleep?”

I look at Party Favor who has since approached and he answers, “Two hundred thirteen years three months, and 4 days.”

I twist my head and look at the robot and hear myself ask, “They have been in here since before the Last Day?”

“Which day is this Last Day you mention?” the Doctor asks.

The robot stays silent but instead turns its attention upon me.

I take a deep breath and sigh. Then I answer, “Doctor it seems that you and your compatriots here went into cryo-sleep approximately three months before the war with the Zebras ended.”

“Outstanding. I take it our forces were victorious of course.”

This time I feel a tear fall as I shake my head, “No Doctor, they were not.”

I hear him stutter, “What, you mean the Zebras won? How?”

Again, I fight a sob as I answer bitterly, “No you damn fool, no one won. Both sides damn near destroyed the entire planet of Equus.”

I see him stagger as if I had hit him. His eyes are wide. “For the Goddesses sake, please tell me this is an elaborate joke. Have Pinky come out here.”

I shake my head and this time I hear the robot answer, “That is impossible. Ministry Mare Pie was terminated during the said Balefire bomb and Megaspell exchange.”

I call over to Twinks, “Twinkle Hoofs, how long until the next chamber is ready to open?”

“Only a couple of more minutes Boss,” is her reply.

I then turn to Doctor Deep Sleep, “I know you are feeling exhausted right now, but would you be willing to assist us in reviving the others? Also, let us know what you need to help you recover as well.”

“Yes, I will help. But we need blankets, some warm tea or coffee would be beneficial. We need to start slowly on getting the digestive system back into full operation.”

Double Back and Tater both go and get the requested items and we begin to assist the others who survived the cryo-sleep as well. It seems to be going decently until the last one. As it begins to open the doctor tells me, “Her name is Cargo Consist. She was the head of our supply department.”

As the older mare in that unit becomes aware again. She too screams like the others. However, that is not what throws me. It is that I feel a tickle in the back of my mind as if I had known her before.

I can see her light blue coat, as well as her dark blue and gray striped mane and tail, which seem so familiar. Doctor Deep Sleep assist us in greeting her into her new life. After he introduces me to her, I hear her laugh lightly as she smiles sadly. Then she looks at me and tells me, “I used to have a sister once who was named Choo Choo. I wonder what happened to her?”

That tickle is back in my mind, so I ask her, “What did she look like?”

She describes a mare that sounds very familiar and could even have been mistaken for Sutures’ mother Doula. I then ask her, “Could you look at a picture for me?”

She shrugs and answers, “I guess, I do not know how it could help or hurt, but it seems I have plenty of time.”

I slowly bring out my picture book from saddle bags using my TK. I then open it and find the picture I am looking for. When I show it to her, her eyes get very wide and she asks, “How did you get that picture of my sister and her family?”

I try and think of how to answer, when I hear Moon Lily ask, “Granny, did she just say you were here sister?”

I watch as the mare’s jaw drops open and she then says, “No, you can’t be. You look nothing like her. This is not funny. It is a cruel joke. Even for royalty.”

I feel myself shaking my head as I explain, “I did not always look this way, but on the Last Day, I was changed to this form. I do not even have all my memories anymore. I am sorry to have bothered you. I, I just guess I wanted to let you know you still have family alive and to find out more of what I no longer can remember.”

She looks confused briefly, then she asks, “You really were the mare in the picture?”

I nod my head, “Yes, Side Track had my pictures still and he gave them to me when I ran into him ten years ago.”

I see her shake her head, “How? How could you become like this Choo, better yet, I remember Side Track. How could he still be alive ten years ago.”

I sigh and I tell her, “It will take some explaining, but here is what happened to me…”

I then explain what I remember of how I became an alicorn. Then I explain to her what ghouls are, and how Side Track had become one.”

Finally, she asks, “Choo, I recognize your locomotive, but how did you get Luna’s cutie mark too?”

I shake my head, “You probably would not believe me if I told you. I know I have had a hard time believing it as well.” Then I tell her, “Here is another photo,” and I show her the picture of my team and the Princesses.”

She looks at it and asks me, “Uh, Choo, why does your picture show the Ministry Mare with wings?”

I smile sheepishly at her and tell her, “Because, in that universe, she ascended into an alicorn.”

She looks confused again and this time asks cautiously, “Choo, what do you mean in that universe?”

“Well, it was another universe or timeline. But my team and I met them after we went through a portal.”

Her eyes are open wide and she then tells me, “And I always thought I was the adventurous one of us.”

I smile when she says this and then I ask, “Cargo, could you tell me a bit about our family and growing up?”

She smiles and tells me, “Sure, but let me get some tea first.”

A few hours later I notice the time. I explain to my sister and the others about the world as it is now and then I tell them about the settlement outside and Tater’s suggestion. They all agree that it would be a good idea and then Doctor Deep Sleep asks me, “Agent Choo, do you think perhaps before you depart this area you could introduce us to leadership up there?”

I nod my head. Then I suggest, “Not only that but with your medical facilities and such, perhaps you might become a part of the community and provide medical assistance to them in exchange for food and security.”

“What if they want more?”

I think briefly then I tell him, “That is up to you. But if they try to force their way inside, turn on the security measures again.”

Soon after this, I am back outside again looking to find my team. As we walk, I hear the confused question from Moon, ({Granny, is she really your sister?})

({Yes Moon, that means she is family to you.})

({So why didn’t you correct her on my not being a pegasus?})

({Because dear, she has enough to process right now. Later, at another time we can explain it to her.})

When we catch up with the others, I see Xochitl, Ginger, and the fillies first. When I reach them, he asks me, “So how did it go boss?”

I smile briefly and answer, “You would not believe it.” Then I tell them, “Uh, we have a new supply depot here, it seems.” After the surprise wears off, I then add, “Oh, and tomorrow we will begin making our way towards the radio station.”


Civilian Housing, Rainbow Dash Skyport, Hoofington, Grand Pegasus Enclave Territory: Ball Lightning

I have a sinking feeling in my chest as I hear the rise in gunfire from the direction of the civilian housing. I then realize I told Green Apple Three to hang on when they were already down. Great, I hope I did not add to their panic as I fly with my escort as fast as possible. I then call back to our Battalion HQ. Apple Barrel, this is Apple 2, The situation is stable at the main gate. I request the ready reserve be sent to the base housing ASAP!

Over my radio, I hear, this is Apple Barrel, The Zap Apples are already inbound. Apple Salesman asks do you require more troops than those?

I think briefly and tell them, Roger, but they may be too far out. Green Apple 4 has already indicated they are being overwhelmed. We need to protect those civilians.

I then hear Red Apple 1 this is Apple Barrel; we need a shipment of about two dozen apples to the East Gate and housing.

Roger Apple Barrel, on it right now.

As I arrive in the housing section I can hear gunfire on the far side. And I see several troopers falling back in near panic. I stop them and have them form on me as I lead them back into the fray. As we go, I use my PipBuck to find Green Apple 4 and then I help him rally those troops who are close to him.

The attackers keep pressing us as we reform, using whatever cover we can find. At this point, I have taken local command of the troops here and begin to shift the Green Apple company troops to better defensive positions while we wait for reinforcements.

As we hunker down, I find myself repeatedly looking toward the skies for the rapid reaction force. We are still waiting when I hear behind me, “Apple 2, Red Apple company is forming up to your rear sir.”

I turn my head and see the A company’s commander standing there in his full combat kit, with blood and dirt on his face and uniform. He then asks, “Where do you want us Major?”

I first reply, “Thank the Goddesses.” I pause briefly and tell him, “Form to our right, once ready let me know and we will begin to advance.”

He nods his head, then asks, “You sure you do not want to wait until the RRF gets here?”

I shake my head, “No, they have already killed some of our civilians as well as our troopers. We just do not have time.”

“Yes, Sir!” he replies then trots off giving commands over his radio to his company.

As they go, I see another rush being made by the attackers and I take a few potshots with my carbine as well.

I see several of them go down, but only a couple of them are screaming, so either they are hit, or they are just hitting the ground briefly.

It only takes another couple of minutes and I hear over my radio, Apple 2, this is Red Apple one, we are ready.

Roger Red Apple 1. All Red and Green apple elements forward! I order as I jump up and begin to lead our counterattack.

I have gone about fifteen paces when I feel a sharp pain in my left shoulder. I have been hit again, but it can wait I tell myself as I keep leading my people forward. Soon we are amongst the civilian homes. Many of whom are my troops family and friends. Part of me worries about my family but I know I must do this first.

Before too much longer we have them on the run, and as they fall back, we continue to keep the pressure on them. However, I noticed several times individual troopers stopping at the homes and checking on the occupants. We are almost three-quarters of the way to the gate and fenceline when I notice I am by my home. I look over and I can see several windows are broken out and the front door has been knocked off its hinges. Outside the front door, I see two dead bodies. I tell the others to keep pressing to the fence line as I take my remaining sergeant from my security detachment with me. As I get to the door I call inside, “Hello, is anyone in here?”

I hear Scout yell in an upset voice back, “Dad, we're here, but you need to get help, Mom is hurt bad.”

I tell the sergeant, “Quick go get a medic and bring them here.”

As he runs to get help, I slowly enter my home. I see the couch and the dining table are both flipped over. As I round the pile of furniture, I see Scout lying next to my wife, who is lying in a puddle of blood and panting very hard.

I slowly approach her and check her out. I see two bullet holes in her side that have frothy blood oozing out of them.

Scout tells me, “The rest are upstairs with Savannah. Dad, I, I couldn’t leave Mom alone.”

“You did good Scout. Why don’t you go upstairs and check on them for me.” I tell him. I have studied enough medicine in my off time that I know how badly she is hit.

As he leaves the room I tell her, “You are going to be ok Love.”

She coughs and looks at me with unfocused eyes and tells me, “No Ball, I won’t. I am sorry.” Then she starts to pant for air.

I hear something behind me and I see the white mare with the braided yellow mane and tail that I recognize as Val approaching us.

She nods at me and smiles at my wife. “She has earned a warrior's death,” then she begins to reach for her.

I step in front of her and tell her, “No Val, take me instead. I beg you.”

I see anger flash across her face as she tells me, “How dare you try to stop me from doing my job.”

I am almost sobbing as I tell her, “Val, my children need her. They need their mother. Take me instead. Just leave my wife and family alone. Please. I will do whatever you want me to.”

She looks at me shrewdly as she thinks briefly. Then she asks me, “You are saying you would make a deal with a spirit to save her and your family?”

“Yes, yes I am,” I tell her with desperation in my voice and thoughts.

“Hmmm, very well. I will not take your wife this time, or any of your family members, but instead, at a time of my choosing I will take something else that you love as much. Is that deal acceptable to you?”

I am holding my wife’s head up, with tears in my eyes as I tell her, “Yes, yes. I agree.”

She smiles knowingly and tells me, “The deal is done.” She looks out the door and tells me, “Here comes the medic, now I should go, I have much more work to do.” Then she turns and walks out of the house.

Right after this, my sergeant returns with a medic and two stretcher-bearers. As the medic enters, he looks at the amount of blood on the floor and then at me as he tells me, “I got her sir, but you need to get looked at soon too,” as he drops an IV into my wife’s foreleg and then uses a large dressing and its packaging to cover the sucking chest wounds in her side, finally pouring a healing potion down her throat.

He nods his head as she seems to improve and tells me, “She should be okay now. But I am not going to lie to you sir, it looks like it was a close thing for her.”

As the stretcher-bearers pick her up and begin to head out, he follows them and I begin to realize how bad it is. My foals have not even been weaned yet. I now have to figure out where to get milk. I look at the wrecked house and realize that while I want to follow my wife, our children have to come first right now. I then slowly walk upstairs and I see them all huddled together. Savannah and Lil’ Bit holding onto their youngest siblings.

Savannah then asks in a horse voice, “Is, is Mom going to die? Scout told us she was shot as he and she killed two of them who kicked open the front door.”

I shake my head as I tell her, “No kids. They are taking her to the hospital right now. She will be alright it just might take a while.”

I then begin to think about what must be done and I begin by telling them, “Scout, Scrap, I need you two to help me set the furniture back up. Patchwork, Bent Plate, could you both get me a bucket and mop so I can begin to clean up the floor downstairs? Savannah, in a bit, we will need to begin making dinner for the others. “

With that, as a team, we begin to try to clean up our home and get it ready again. As they clean, I call my CO and tell him, “Sir, I am taking care of my family right now. Sundancer was badly wounded and is in the hospital.”

“OK Ball, but you need to think of what to do with them while you are on duty while she is out.”

“Yes, sir. Of course.” I answer and I think of Alizée and I will ask her to give me a hoof with them. Thank the Goddesses that she feels close to them still.

After we have the basics cleaned up and I have put wood over the broken window and replaced the door as well as possible we all begin to make the trek back to the RDS medical center. As we walk out the door, I notice that the weapons on the two attackers that were by the door are missing.

That is when I notice that Scout now has a nice and shiny M-10 battle rifle on his shoulders and Scraps is carrying a carbine I never saw him have before. When I ask, they all grin and tell me, “Well Pa, we figured these were better than the ones we had, so we just took them. I gave Savannah the one's pistol.”

I look back at the young hen and notice a bulge under her coat that I have never seen there before and she nods her head and asks, “That was ok Dad, wasn’t it?”

I smile. “Yes, my children. You did good and you earned them,” I tell them. Then I remember something else that was earned and how I now owe a debt for a deal I made. While I thank the Goddesses that Sundancer is still alive, I now wonder what the cost will be for me.


Good evening to all of you out there in the Wastelands. This is Chrome Microphone and you are listening to the HOOF radio, the number one station in Hoofington and the Commonwealth. We have a lot for you tonight in music and news on tonight’s show.

In the war news, there have been more reports of an increase in the activity of the Enclave forces in the Whinnyapolis area. This comes shortly after the news of them having withdrawn before the winter has set in up there.

From here in the Lunar Commonwealth there are unsubstantiated reports of several attacks by unknown forces against the Enclave's ground-side bases and facilities. As of broadcast time, there was no further information, including casualty estimates.

From Van Hoover, we have had a report of Enclave forces clashing with the Steel Rangers order there. Currently, it is said to be only skirmishes and some house-to-house fighting. To those brave members of the Steel Rangers we say, keep up the good fight. Help will come as soon as they can.

From the river highway, we have also had reports come in of a recent battle having taken place between an unknown steamer and the known pirate Calico Jack and the Dragons Horde. It seems one of them has slipped out of his grasp. For those brave souls who did this, good job, but keep your steam up and your weapons ready as while the NCR Navy’s River flotillas are trying to clear the waterways, they cannot be everywhere, especially with the current unpleasantness.

We will be back with more news you can use after our next song in tonight’s show, Valhalla Calling.

Chapter 60 Twists in the Skein

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Chapter 60 Twists in the Skein

“Men plan. Fate Laughs.” ― Jim Butcher, Cursor's Fury

Whinnyapolis, Great Plains Wastelands: Ginger Snap

As we make our way through the ruins of another wrecked city we are in our normal formation with my husband in the lead. I try to force myself to keep my mind on task as we head towards the location of the radio station that our target is using. But it is hard. Part of that is from thinking about his broadcast last night. The other part is from thinking about those poor souls we met at the MoM site there. I mean that would have been bad enough, but to find Choo Choo’s biological sister was there too. Dear Sweet Cream, how is that even possible?

I smile as I remember how surprised we were when Choo came out and first told us we now had a supply hub there. But when my little sister Moon Lily told us, “We met Great Great Aunt Cargo Consist too!”

“Who?” I ask.

Choo almost seems to blush as she answers, “There were several members of the staff down there who were in cryo-sleep. Amongst them was my biological sister. She was one of the fortunate survivors.”

Epona then asked her, “Well, can we go in and meet them?”

I see her think briefly. Then she replies, “Perhaps after we get something to eat.” She pauses then asks, “Did you find anything you thought we could use?”

“We found a few things Boss, but maybe you should show us what we have available inside before we talk about the bigger items.”

“Yes, that makes sense Cookie. Thank you for pointing that out,” She tells me.

We quickly gather the rest of the team and after we eat, we are on our way back inside when the Head of Security stops us and asks, “Where do you think you are going with your whole team?”

I fight the urge to smile as I hear Choo Choo tell him, “As the ranking Ministry of Morale agent present, I am taking them inside to the facility there to meet with the other Ministry members that we found were inside.” She then pauses and adds, “As myself and my team will not be here long, I would like to take you and the mayor inside so we can introduce you to them. Understand, this is basically a first contact with survivors’ situation.”

“What do you mean by first contact with survivors?” he cautiously asks.

Choo tilts her head and I can see a slight bit of exasperation on her face before she tells him, “As in survivors from before the Last Day. One of which is my actual sister from before I was turned.”

His eyes widen, then open even wider when Choo adds, “And I would take it personally if something were to happen to her as she is family, even more so than the others.”

He slowly nods and then tells her, “Yeah, I think I get it. I will go get the mayor. Just wait right here and I will return.”

Soon she leads us all through the mall. As we go, I find myself like a tourist along with most of us as I gawk at all the partially empty stores, and then at the abandoned amusement park. We stop there briefly so we can all look at it. Then I hear Twinks say, “How about a group picture in front of the rollercoaster over there?”

“Danger do you have the camera with you?” Choo asks her.

She smiles broadly as she pulls it out of her saddle bags and says, “Yep, pics or it didn’t happen, right?”

Choo laughs briefly and we all stand in front of the sign for the roller coaster, I find it funny as most of us try to pose for the picture, In the front are Moon Lily and her friends, With Choo right behind her. On both sides of Choo are the batponies with Morning Star next to Sunny and I am next to my husband with my head on his shoulder. All of us are armed and I find it funny to watch the Security Chief do his best to take a couple of photos. But I understand as he tells us, “I have never used one of these before.”

Once we are inside, we are greeted by Party Favor and Doctor Deep Sleep. Choo then makes the introductions between us, the Mall leadership, and the staff there. This leads to discussions about what the survivors here can do to help those on the outside as well as how to help them adjust to their new world.

Toward the end of our visit, I heard Choo Choo ask a mare who looked like she could be Granny Doula’s sister, “Cargo, could we take a couple of photos with each other? One for each of us.”

She almost looks hesitant, then tells her, “Yeah, but I guess we should also get one for us with Moon Lily as well seeing she is family too.”

I am still enjoying these memories when I shake my head as I hear something off to our left. I quickly signal to the others and we all go to the ground briefly.

Choo silently signals for the batponies to check it out. I watch as Asra steps into a shadow and disappears, reappearing in the shadows that are fifty yards away then he disappears again. Shortly after this he reappears back by Choo and whispers something to her. She nods her head and we wait for a short time again as from the next block over we see several ponies walking by one of which is hauling a cart. We can not see any real details in the darkness, but I do notice as they cross the intersection one of them is stretching their wings. This lets me know that at least one of them is a pegasus.

We wait ten minutes after the last of them has passed through when Choo signals us all to begin to move again. We continue to make our way north on the west side of the skyport, through the ruins of the neighborhoods there. As we go, I spot a vertibuck taking off and heading west, flying almost directly over us. As it goes by, I notice Sunny and Morning Mist both stand up and wave at the doorgunner as it flies past. The gunner, who had been tracking us with their weapon then waves back to us and they continue as do we.

Twice more during our trip through this concrete wasteland we are forced to take shelter. The first time, we do so is when we see a caravan with three wagons passing by us on its way toward Mall. The second time is, well, how can I say this? A bit more unusual.

We are only a few blocks from the radio station when I see Xochitl put up a hoof to tell us all to stop. Then I faintly begin to hear an accordion playing polka music as it gets closer to us. We all dodge into the nearest cover, and I watch as the sprite bot comes bobbing along heading past us in the direction of Mall as well.

All I can do is shake my head and smile as I have heard them before, but never while we are trying to sneak and remain undetected. It has already gone two blocks past us when I hear a couple of gunshots behind us and I turn in time to see two MEW beams come out of the little flying ball and I hear someone yell in pain. Then there is silence again as it continues on its way. We wait ten more minutes to ensure the coast is clear, then we continue with our mission.

Once we reach the broadcast site we stop as Twinks first checks it for boobie traps, then we cut a hole in the fencing and pass through it.

By now I had expected to see some guards around the place, but am pleasantly surprised that there are none. Danger then signals us to hold on as she listens to something over her earpiece. She then grins and nods. Finally, she ear signals to Choo an affirmative as she points at the station. After which Fog and Rough Trail race across the well-lit empty ground to the side of the building, followed by Candy and Finale. Once they are there, they begin to form a stack. As they prepare to enter. Choo has the next set, myself included run across to them and we form a stack on the other side of the door. Choo joins us along with Moon Lily and I watch. Fog silently counts to five and then opens the door and we all race inside. We enter what was once a reception area with several offices to one side of a hallway. At the end of the hallway, I can see a sign that says, ON THE AIR over another door. From a speaker in the lobby, we can hear Hollowed Dreams broadcast and inside I think, we got him for sure. We run for the broadcast booth and as we get to the side of the room we can see into it through a window.

It is then that I see all the electrical equipment, but nopony is there. Danger checks for booby traps and once she tells us it is clear, we enter. There next to the microphone is a holodisc player that is in operation.

I find myself shaking my head as Choo orders us, “Everyone, back outside as quickly as possible. Also, try not to disturb anything, we do not want them to get the idea we are after him.”

I then ask, “What next Boss?”

“We fall back to our starting point. Call for a pickup and start all over again.”

Beside her, I can see the disappointment on the faces of the Flying Foursome and I simply shrug as Epona tells them as we trot out and back into the darkness, “Welcome to our exciting world, things do not always go as planned.”

Instead of heading straight back to Mall, we instead head north and west for several blocks, then we begin to make our way south again. It is as we turn west that I see two vertibucks flying from the old skyport toward the radio station. We are far enough away that we are safe from them noticing us, and to be honest the building and such between them and us also helps to hide us as we blend in with the landscape.

It takes us three more hours, just before false dawn, to make our way to Mall. Once there, Choo Calls for a pickup by the Hot Shot.

As she is talking on the radio I see her eyes go wide several times and she shakes her head. Finally, she says, “Roger, Understand, let us know when you can pick us up.”’

She then tells us, “OK, back to Mall for the day. The Colt is a bit busy right now, it seems the Dragon’s Horde has come back again. They will let us know when they can pick us up again.”

Once inside, we rent a room for the night again to catch what rest we can. For me, and several of the others I can see the apprehension on their faces as they all worry about the Colt without us being there. I toss and turn next to my husband for a while, but eventually, I fall asleep. When we wake up, we all go to get breakfast again.

It is as we are heading to breakfast that my sense of humor and timing seems to clash once again. We are just coming down the stairs and I am chatting with my sisters when I see a familiar face from Hoofington once again, as he comes out of the container he has shared with several others. Without thinking I say, “Good Morning Air Burst. Been a long time. Baltimare, wasn’t it?”

I watch as the color leaves his face and I swear I almost hear something break as he says to no one in particular, “You have to be kidding me. You guys again?” and he facehoofs.

From behind him, I hear Alto say, “Hey, why did you stop so soon.”

Before he can answer, Sunny lands beside me and I hear him say, “Alto, Air, it is great to see you again. Is Ball with you too?”

I watch the frustration come over Air Burst's face as he first shakes his head and then answers, “No, no he is not. We are just here trying to see if we can set up a Volunteer Corps station.” Behind him, I see most of his team look confused. Well, all except Alto. He seems almost humored by this development.

I notice there are several new members on his team I have not seen before when Choo Choo approaches from the direction of the closest restaurant. I am amused at Air Burst's face when I hear her call out, “Cookie, is there a problem, I have three tables reserved for us for breakfast.”

I can tell when she realizes who the ponies are that we were stopped by when I see a twinkle in her eye and I can tell she is fighting laughter. This is only aggravated when suddenly from behind her I hear the Chief of Security call out, “Agent Choo, a moment of your time if you please.”

While most of the “Volunteer Corps” members seem confused by this, I see the nervousness on Air Burst's face as he asks the Chief, “Why did you call her Agent Choo?”

The Chief in his innocence grins widely and tells Air, “Because she is the ranking Ministry of Morale agent at our site here. Isn’t that right Special Agent Choo?”

I then see Air Burst's face go pale and I see him gulp as he looks at her pistol and sees the ministry’s three balloons as well as the fancy engraving on it. He then says to himself, “I shoulda known.”

I notice both Choo and Moon Lily twist their heads slightly as they both look at him and Choo asks, “Should have known what Air?”

I hear him blow air out of his nose first, then he answers, “That you really were a Pink at one time. By the Goddesses, I should have known.”

From the side, I hear the Chief ask, “Is there a problem here Agent Choo?”

“No, I do not think so. However, Chief I would suggest keeping an eye on this group. We have worked with and against them before.”

I watch the surprise come over Air Burst's face when he hears her say this. Then he tells the Chief, “If you are the chief of security here, I wanted to talk to you anyways sir. My people and I have come to set up a couple of Volunteer Corps stations again. I wanted to see if perhaps we could have a booth, similar to the one we have in Mega Mart.”

The Chief then asks him, “Don’t you think that it a bit presumptuous, what with a war with the NCR going on and all?”

I see a smug smile come over his face as he replies, “No, not really. After all, there are no real NCR forces near here, or even Enclave ones for that matter. Just a few teams here and there.”

That is when I hear Slip Stream squawk and say, “My pa would kick your tail feathers if he was here to hear you say that.”

The VC team all turn to look at her and I notice many of them shake their heads as they seem to notice her for the first time. Then I hear Air Burst asks, “What are you?”

I see an indignant young Hippogriff float slightly into the air with her talons on her hips as she tells him, “I am a hippogriff. Ma is a pony and Pa is a griffon. However, I prefer to be called by my name Slip Stream.” She pauses then asks, “Hey, weren’t you and the tall stallion there some of the ones that were captured back in Manesville before the war?”

I notice the chief has an eyebrow raised and his ears have slid back some as he listens to this. I also notice that there are several more of the locals that have shown up. Most with weapons to see what is going on.

Air Burst almost deflates at hearing that and tells her, “Yes, that was me and some others.” He then looks at the chief and says to him, “Let me guess, we are your prisoners now, right?”

The Chief looks over at Choo and asks, “Well, what do we do? We don’t want to bring the Enclave down onto us, but we do not want to upset the NCR either.”

I think briefly and suggest to Choo, “Choo, since Mall is not part of the NCR, we do not have a say do we.”

She shakes her head and answers, “No. no, we do not.” She turns to the Chief and tells him, “It is up to you and your mayor to decide what you will do. Perhaps set them up across from the Followers station.”

The Chief grins and tells her, “You know what, Agent Choo? That sounds like a right fine idea. I will take it up with my bosses.” He pauses then tells us, “Now while I go talk to our leaders, why don’t you fine people all go get some breakfast.”

With that Choo leads us to the place where she had reserved the tables for us. Behind us, I can hear the clip-clop of the VC team's hooves as they follow us. I smile and shake my head as I again think, sometimes you can not make this stuff up. Epona then asks, “Why are you smiling Sis?”

I grin back at her and tell her, “Because that just reminded me of one of those wartime comedies we watched back at the shop.”

She looks at me, then behind us and she chuckles, “You know what sis, when you are right, you are right.”


Mall, Whinnyapolis: Xochitl

I am just behind my wife and enjoying the view as we come down the stairs. Beside me, Katie is just trotting along happily. Then I see both her and her sister stop quickly. It is when I see why she has stopped that I am surprised as I recognize Air Burst and Alto immediately.

I just shake my head as to what are the odds of us running into them again. My amusement is brought up more when Sunny jumps over the rail and glides down to ask if Ball Lightning is around. I am considering getting my weapon ready to use when I notice none of them are, and as this is not either side's territory, I leave it be.

I am listening to them talk when I hear the boss call out, “Cookie, is there a problem, I have three tables reserved for us for breakfast.”

When she asks this, I hear my stomach growl as I have not eaten since dinner last night, and I do not want to break into the rations if I do not need to. Besides me, I hear Katie whine slightly and I pat her on her head and tell her, “We will go get something to eat soon girl.” This seems to placate her and she returns her attention to the new group of ponies before us.

Before too much longer we are on our way to breakfast with the VC team behind us. I would be more worried but, honestly, if something were to happen, I am sure we would quickly overwhelm them, just by sheer numbers. Besides, we have shared a bottle and broken bread with both Alto and Air Burst before. They may be on the other side, but there seems to be no hate from them towards us or Visca versa. So, if fighting occurs between us and them it is just business. That and the fact that they do not want to start a fight here at the neutral ground of Mall either.

As we sit down to eat, Katie lies beside me and I rub her head absentmindedly as we wait for our food. Once it arrives, I pass her one of my pieces of bacon as does Ginger. While our team all keep laughing and joking as we eat, I notice that the VC team is kind of quiet.

I do smile though when I see Alto smile at us and wave a wing tip. Air Burst while not smiling nods respectfully to me and I return the nod.

While I am eating, I feel I must go the bathroom and I tell Ginger, “Cookie, I need to use the sinks, I will be right back.”

She gives a light kiss to my hoof that is on her shoulder and smiles, “OK.”

I make my way outside to the sinks and as I go, I see Alto get up also and he too follows me outside.

Once we make it to the sinks, he stops me and asks, “Flower, how bad did they hit White Cloud and Manesville?”

I pause and then ask him, “Alto, you’re a good buck, so I am going to ask you, why do you want to know?”

I hear him sigh, and then he answers, “Because I saw how far it was recovering when we got our tour when we got captured there a while back. I like the place, and to be honest, I worry about our team member who defected there.”

I feel myself sighing as I think about what to tell him. Finally, I look him right in the eyes and I tell him, “Alto, this is stallion to stallion, it is not for your higher-ups. Do you understand me?”

He nods his head, “Yeah, just between us.”

“Right, exactly.” I look around and let out another sigh. “Alto, they hit us bad and hard. Something changed in our hearts during those days. What the Enclave could not hold they tried to destroy, I cannot even begin to tell you how many farms, homes, and crops were destroyed. But that was not the worst of it.”

I see his jaw drop as he asks, “It was worse than that? How?”

“Any pegasus they captured they were attacking.” I pause then I ask, “Alto, have you ever had to deal with a rape victim?”

He looks confused and replies, “No, why?”

“Because we have had to now. Damn it buck I had to call in my wife and her sister there to try and calm a pegasus mare down that had been attacked like that as well as beaten and branded. We had to call in a female medic to treat her as she did not trust any stallions. Alto, the only reason we did not come out shooting when we saw all of you, is we knew you and Air, and we got word through our boss that your team was not there.”

I can see he is visibly shaken. Then he asks, “Chotil, why did you guys use megaspells there?”

“We did not use any Alto. The ghouls in Dead Quite used Fuel Air Explosive charges to destroy three of the Raptors on the ground. Choo and her sisters got one of the Raptors.”

“But what about that other one? I have heard only one of the six escaped.”

This time I grin and shake my head before I answer. “Alto, you seen that little black filly with us?”

He looks at me from the side of his eye with his head raised and twisted slightly, “Yeah, Chotil, why?”

“Because she did it. She is my sister-in-law and I have known her since the day she was born. Just so you know, the wings are new, but the horn is real and she was born with it.”

He looks at me with a funny expression before telling me, “Come on Chotil, you are not telling me a filly did that and then she became an alicorn.” He pauses, then adds, “That, that would make her a princess.”

I laugh lightly and tell him, “Yeah, she really did, and is. Oh, and do not call her a princess. She denies being royalty now as Celestia and Luna from another universe agree with her that if we do not have them anymore, she does not need to be a princess.”

He looks at me skeptically, “No really Chotil, I mean it, how did you bring them down if not for megaspells.”

I sigh and tell him, “Let me use the restroom and when we go back inside, I will let you ask her.”

“Ok, but I find it hard to believe that that little filly who is pretending to be an alicorn could do that.”

I laugh lightly and tell him, “You know what, so do I, but just ask her when we go back inside.” As we walk, I notice he now has a limp I had not seen before and I ask him, “Alto, what happened to your leg? We have a couple of medics who can look at it if you need us to.”

He smiles some and tells me, “Cohtil, it was one of the injuries I took when the terrorist attacked our VC station outside the RDS.”

I am stunned to hear he was one of those injured in the attack we heard about from Hollowed Dreams broadcast and tell him so. Then I ask him, “How bad were you hurt?”

He stops and looks off into the distance, much like I have seen the Colonel do when she remembers something painful before he answers, “They almost killed me. Some MPs came and dug me out from what I understand.”

I am angered that someone would attack a civilian station like that and I tell him, “I hope they get the bastards who did it.”

He smiles sadly, “Thanks, from what I have been told, they captured him and he was killed as they were taking him up to Thunderhead for trial. The sad thing is they say he was an NCR sympathizer.”

I shake my head, “I really am sorry that you were hurt that bad Alto.”

He shrugs, “Thanks, I appreciate it.”

Once back inside, I return to my seat, but he stops and quietly talks to Air Burst about something. Then they both get up and approach our table. I notice Choo looking at them seriously as they approach and she stands asking, “May I help you?”

Air Burst takes the lead and tells her, “Yes, we came to talk to the little pegasus filly that seems to be playing at being an alicorn, Flower told us we could ask her a few questions.”

When he says this, she turns her head toward me and gives me a dirty look. She then turns back to him, “What types of questions?”

Before he can answer Moon Lily gets up from her seat and approaches, using her TK to set her saddlebags to the side as she flexes her wings. She then asks, “What would you like to know?”

I watch as both, as well as most of their party seem stunned as they see her do this while hovering as well. I then hear Air Burst say in wonder, “You, you’re an alicorn. How in Celestia’s name did you become an alicorn?”

I see my sister-in-law get that same look on her face she always does when someone uses one of the Princesses' names like that. In reply, she tells him, “I ascended to being an alicorn right after I gave the blessing of the dead to the one airship that was attacking us and I used the three types of magic to shut off its engine and cloud generators.” She pauses then asks, “Sir, do you understand the concept of alternate universes?”

When he nods his head, she lets out a sigh of relief and then tells him, “I went to the great in between of universes and there I met Celestia and Luna, from another universe. There I was given the choice of ascending as well as if I wanted to be a princess as we no longer have them.”

They both look a little confused and uncomfortable with this discussion. Then I hear Alto asks, “So the princesses yet live in another universe?”

She nods her head, “Yes, they do.” Moon pauses then asks, “Sir, your name is Air Burst, would you happen to know my great aunt Purple Haze?”

I see a flash of anger, then sadness pass over his face before he answers, “If you are talking about Miss Haze from Ten Pony Tower, yes, yes I have known her, but she... she betrayed me.”

Moon nods her head then tells him, “She talked really nicely about you. She even said that if the war had not happened, she could have seen trying to have you as her special somepony.”

He looks down as he asks, “Then why did she do what she did to me and my team?”

Moon is thoughtful for a minute and then asks, “Would you have done the same thing to her if the roles had been reversed? She did say you loved the Enclave even more than she does the NCR, and almost as much as she does Manesville.”

He chuckles mirthlessly, then looks back up at her and tells her, “Yeah, I guess you’re right, but this war makes it impossible for us to be together ever.”

As he says this, I find myself and my wife looking at each other in surprise, as well as Alto looking at him that way.

Moon then puts a forehoof under her chin as she thinks and then tells him, “The war cannot last forever. At least I hope it does not. Maybe then you could try and find her again, that is if you care for her too.”

“Maybe young one, but that is still a long way off.” He looks back down again as if in thought. Then he asks Choo, “Big Blue, I have to ask; Why are you here?”

She laughs lightly and tells him, “We both know that I should not tell you, but since our mission was a bust for us I will. We came here to see what was left of the old Ministry of Morale research center here. It turns out that what was useful was already hauled off after one of my sisters came through here several years back. She destroyed most of the robot guards and from what I have heard from the locals, she carried off a special minigun. There is not anything else left of use in there.”

As we are talking the security chief and mayor have arrived and have overheard the last part, I see the Chief's eyebrow raise slightly then he nods his head in understanding. Then the mayor asks, “Ok, who was it that wanted to talk to us?”

Air Burst looks up and answers, “If you are one of the leaders for this community, then I would. I am the leader of my team from the Volunteer Corps.”

The mayor looks him up and down then tells him, “I have not had breakfast yet, but once I am finished, I would like to talk privately to you along with my chief of security.”

He nods his head and tells him, “That would be fine Mayor. Thank you.”

The mayor and chief of security then make their way to a booth at the side of the restaurant and begin their breakfast as well. Alto begins to head back to his table and as Air Burst turns to go, Choo tells him, “Air, before we depart, I would like to talk to you privately as well.”

I see his eyes go wide at first then he quickly recovers and tells her, “Yeah, that would work. Now we both need to finish our breakfasts.” He then turns to Moon Lily and tells her, “I would say it was nice to meet you, young mare; but you have given me some very heavy things to think about. If I do not talk to you again, I wish you well and good fortune.”

I watch as Moon Lily smiles sadly at him and tells him, “I wish the same to you, sir.”

Our team finishes breakfast first and we all head back outside and follow Choo to the market. It is while we are shopping and looking at some of the more expensive items for the team that the Security Chief approaches us and tells Choo Choo, “Agent Choo, the mayor, and I have decided to lead Air Burst inside the mall to the old research section that was cleared out by your sister. We would like you to accompany us as a representative of the Ministry.”

I see the boss hem and haw briefly, then she tells him, “Okay, I will do so. When do you want to do this?”

“Immediately if you do not mind. We have discussed with him about setting up a VC station near the gate here. While we are inside, his team will begin to set it up.”

Choo then turns to us and tells Ginger, “Cookie, you have the team. Once I return, I will try to contact our ride again.”

As she goes my wife turns to us and tells us, “Ok, well, while we wait for the boss to get back, I think we need to go over our weapons and ammo one more time. Lance, that includes you and your team. Moon, I want Tater to look at your carbine. I know it is in good shape, but he knows them better and you might learn a thing or two from him.” She pauses then adds, “Oh, and check your gear and battlesaddles people, now is the time to take care of it before we need it again.”


Mall, Whinnyapolis: Choo Choo

As I follow the Security Chief, he leads me to the mayor’s office where Air Burst is waiting. As I enter, he tells me, “I asked for you to come with us Choo. I hope you do not mind.”

“No, I do not mind, but why do you want me to come with you?”

“Because as a former member of the Ministry, you deserve that show of respect for entering one of the MoM sites with you available, and for some strange reason, I trust you. Yeah, I know we are different sides, and we even have shot at each other, but that was just business, not personal.”

I find myself nodding my head and then I ask, “Does it not bother you that I am an alicorn?”

He looks at me and I can tell he is thinking. Then he answers, “I am not going to lie, it does some, but no more than most earth ponies and unicorns would.”

I smile and laugh mirthlessly, “Well that is an improvement I guess.”

Soon we walk inside the mall, me following behind the other three. As we go, I lightly probe Air Burst's mind to find out what his mission here really is. I am surprised to find out that it actually is to check out this weapons research station here. Particularly something called a Stargazer 6000. The ironic thing is that I now know that it was taken by one of my sisters several years ago.

As we begin to look over the remains of the station, I pick up on his worries of what is going on in the Enclave government, just not what is causing these worries as I do not dare probe too deeply at this time. Then I am stunned as he is worried about the Manesville area, and if he and some others he knows would be welcome there.

At this point, I drop the mind probe spell and just continue to use my horn for additional lighting. Our inspection of this facility is fairly quick, though I am amused when he finds something that was hidden on a computer. As I look over his shoulder, I see it is an improved design for a lighter version of the minigun that would use MEWs rather than traditional ordinance.

I hear him sigh as he turns to me and tells me, “I suppose you would prevent me from taking this with me so I have something to show for this little excursion.”

I shake my head, “No, go ahead and download it. From what I can tell, this isn’t a great leap in technology from what we already have to face. Besides, it does not look like it was fully developed yet. So, how about we both make a copy for our respective governments and call it square.”

I see him shake his head and grin as he tells me, “Choo, you do fascinate me. I would never have suggested that, but yeah, I think we can do that.”

While we are downloading the information I notice the Mayor and Chief of Security have given us some room. It is while they are both looking at something that I slide him several of our business cards. I then quietly tell him, “I know how the Enclave can be. If you ever need to run for it, I can give you a temporary safehouse. If you see one of the Water Clans steamships, present the card and I will cover your fare even.”

He looks at me with a suspicious expression and then asks, “And how do you know I would not use these cards for inserting a spy?”

I smile at him sweetly and gently lay a hoof across my chest as I tell him, “Have you forgotten I really am a Pink? I know how to do a mind probe, believe me. Oh, and if you want some time, I can give you the memory orb that I took from Salvage Value before we ended him for betraying us. If you come in good faith, you are welcome, but if you betray me and mine, I will end you. Do I make myself clear?”

I can tell he is slightly nervous as he nods his head, “Yeah, I get you Choo. I read you loud and clear. And for what it is worth, thank you for the cards, I will consider these a parachute for me and a couple of others.”

This time my smile softens and I tell him, “That is what they are for. I know your loyalty lies with your home nation, but things can change that. Now let us finish this business and we can return to our teams.”

Soon we return to our teams. As we go, I notice he goes and talks to Alto, who now seems to be his second in command about something. Alto then looks at us and nods his head. This is followed by them then turning and going into the container by the gate that they have been given to use.

Myself, I give both the mayor and chief my thanks for allowing me to go in there with them. The chief just smiles and tells me, “Agent Choo, it only seemed right. Besides, it allowed us to keep them away from the others easier.”

After this, I head over to Ginger and tell her, “I have the team again Cookie, anything I should know?”

“No, not really, we picked up a sling for Slip Stream's carbine so that she can carry it easier. The twins both asked for grenades, and I told them no for now. Oh, and Moon has been talking to some of the Followers about Site Paddock and home.”

I feel like shaking my head as I do wish she would not talk so much about Site Paddock with the war and all going on. Instead, I simply say, “Thank you.”

Right after I say this I hear over my earpiece, “Big Blue, this is Bravo Charlie, do you copy?”

Without thinking I reply, “This is Big Blue, I copy. What do you have for us?”

“Big Blue we can pick you up in forty-five minutes. Are you ready?”

“Roger Bravo Charlie, Same spot as you dropped us off at.”

“Affirmative Big Blue, The Hotshot is en route at this time.”

I smile to myself and tell the others, “Ok, let us go, our ride is on the way.”

As we go, a part of me wishes I could have seen my sister Cargo again, but we said our goodbyes again last night before our mission. As we pass the Volunteers station, I find myself nodding to them as do several of the older team members with us. Then we are out the gate and heading to the north carriage lot for our pick up.

As we make our way on hoof, in the distance I can see two normal caravans making their way to Mall. I then notice another caravan that I have seen before, but not for a while as I recognize the vardos and the black or brown splotched-on white-coated ponies coming in our direction.

I see the Flying Foresome start to get excited and then I hear Ginger tell them, “We are on a mission, we do not have time to visit.”

I can see the disappointment in their body language, but they all behave.

We only have to wait another fifteen minutes before I see a vertibuck in the distance. It comes in fairly low and does not even fully land when it reaches the landing zone. Instead, the ramp comes down almost to the ground as it hovers and we all run inside. Once inside I make a quick scan to make sure we have everyone, including Katie. Then I let the crew chief know, after which the rear ramp begins to rise as we lift higher into the sky, rotate quickly, and are back on our way to the Colt.

The flight only takes ten minutes and I am really surprised to see that Rust has brought the Colt into the Whinnysota River. As we come into to land, I notice more damage has occurred to the superstructure and one of the chimneys of it. I now wonder what has occurred since we left.

Once we land, and unload, as the rest of the team heads below, I am called by Rust from the Pilot House, “Come on up Choo, I think we need to talk.”

Once I arrive in the Pilot House, Rust leads me over to the chart table. She then asks, “OK, what happened?”

“The station there was just playing a recording of his broadcast.” I pause as I think, then I add, “However, we did see a vertibuck leave from that area just before our arrival, perhaps our target had been on that one.”

“Do you think so?”

I think briefly before I answer, “Honestly, I am not sure. However, we did run into an Enclave team that was at Mall to try and find some R&D stuff. No joy for them either, but we did know some of the members of the team. Rust, I gave the leader several of my business cards in case they become refugees. They may be on the other side, but they have been honorable opponents so far.”

She smirks at me and then asks me, “And how do you know you can trust them?”

This time I smirk as I tell her, “Oh, I did a quick mind scan of their leader. He is actually worried about the Manesville region.”

She looks at me with a questioning look and asks, “Why would he do that?”

This time I answer right away, “Because something is going on in their government, and he does not feel safe any longer.”

“If you know why, you better send a message off to Junction Town so they can use the info.”

I shake my head, “No, I do not know that as I would have had to do more than a surface scan. He would have noticed that.”

“Choo, you do fascinate me at times. Now are you ready for my side of what has been going on while you were gone?”

“I was wondering,” I tell her.

“Yeah, that steamship the Dragon’s Horde and her little escorts, well, it seems they took it as a personal insult with our having gotten away and hurting them as much as we have. The last couple of days were spent trying to dodge them or fight them.”

I sigh, “I was afraid that was the reason for your not being able to pick us up last night.”

She nods her head, then she adds, “I want to rest the crew here in Whinnyapolis one more night before we move on. Perhaps we should head back south again and we can follow this branch here,” she points a hoof at a river that leads deep into what was once the open prairies, and I nod my head in agreement.

“That sounds good. Perhaps once we get into this river, we can try to get a new RDF bearing.”

“My thoughts exactly Choo, now how about you head back down with the rest of your team and after supper perhaps we can talk some more over a cup of coffee.”

I find myself smiling as I tell her, “That sounds good Captain. I will see you later.” After which I head on back down to our berthing compartment. Once there I notice that the porthole has a hole in the glass from a bullet. Well, we will have to fix that later, I tell myself, as I then look at some of my team members playing cards with some of Mort’s team. I nod my head then tell them, “Deal me in on the next hoof.”


Rainbow Dash Skyport, Enclave Territory, Hoofington: Ball Lightning

I wake up early and quickly help the kids get ready for the day. In the last couple of days, my mother-in-law Wind Dancer has arrived to help with them all, but it still is not easy.

My youngest two I feed myself from some canned milk that a couple of the local Volunteer Corps members who know Sundancer have brought over to us. Thank the Goddesses that they have helped out like that too.

As I head out the door to work, I tell Wind Dancer, “I will be home as early as possible.”

She smiles and tells me, “Ok, in a bit I will take these two with me to go visit Sunny, I know she is not in shape to feed them fully yet, but these visits do help her.”

I feel embarrassed and bashfully tell her, “I am sorry I cannot help you take them over to her.”

She waves a forehoof at me and tells me, “Ball, it is ok. Besides it is mares’ work. I feel bad enough when you change diapers and feed them.”

“Still Mom, I wish I could help more. Besides I helped to make them, I should help raise them too.”

She smiles as she shakes her head, “I don’t know where you got such crazy ideas, but your wife is so lucky to have you. Now you best get going before you are late.”

The day goes quickly for me, and during my lunch, I stop by the hospital to see Sundancer. As I enter the room, she looks up at me tiredly and tries to smile.

“How are you doing dear?” I ask her.

“I am sore all over Ball. It hurts every time I breathe.”

I place a wingtip along her cheek then I kiss her on her forelock, “I am so sorry you are hurting like this.”

She shifts some and grimaces slightly, “It’s ok, I just never thought I would be the one lying here with you visiting me.”

I shrug and answer, “At least we didn’t lose you. I was so afraid we would.”

She slowly moves a wingtip to my muzzle and tells me, “Ball, I was going to die, I, I remember you talking to some mare and making a deal. Ball who was she?”

I look around to make sure no one is listening and I tell her, “Her name is Val, and she is a spirit.”

She looks surprised and quietly tells me, “Ball, I know you got along with that zony, but come on, you do not really believe in spirits, do you?”

I laugh lightly, then I tell her, “Yes, I do, and so should you. You are now one of hers it seems.”

She grimaces in pain that I am all too familiar with before she asks, “Ball, what kind of deal did you make?”

I gently caress her cheek as I answer, “Do not worry about it, love.”

As I say this, I can tell she is starting to fall asleep. Suddenly she opens her eyes again. Then she tells me, “Mom brought the twins and Savannah over to visit earlier. You know it was kind of cute to see Savannah carrying Lighting Burst in a chest carrier like mom. Ball, they are such good kids, we did right by them, didn’t we?”

I smile at her as she begins to fall asleep again and I tell her gently, “Yes love, we did, you are a wonderful mother to them.”

I notice she has fallen asleep again, I kiss her gently on her forelock and I make my way back to my office for the rest of my day. On my way out I see Wind Dancer is having tea with Alizée and both of my youngest sons are asleep on a blanket near them. She smiles and waves a wing at me as I pass by and soon, I am back to my office and another round of reports that I must go through before passing them up the chain to my boss again. It strikes me funny as I do this that as a junior officer, I always wanted the rank, but I never imagined how much paperwork went with it.

On my way home, I make a short side track to visit my wife again. As I arrive, she is just finishing feeding our youngest again and I see her blush when she realizes I have seen her do this. I smile and shake my head, “Dear, nothing to be ashamed of. You were just doing what a mother does for their foals.”

I hear Wind Dancer from the side say, “That may be true son, but remember not all of those things are for public viewing. My daughter is a good, righteous mare is all.”

I sigh slightly as I remember seeing some mares and even cattle feeding their young while we were in the wastes and White Cloud. But I do not say anything, there is no need to argue or start a fight anyway.

I visit with them for a bit, and then I ask Wind Dancer, “Would you like me to help you carry one of them back for you?”

She looks at me and tells me, “But you can’t wear a carrier with your uniform.”

“I know, I was going to carry one on my back. They seem to be getting pretty good at riding that way at home.”

I see her look at my wife who nods her head before she tells me, “Yes, that would help, besides, I need to get home to start dinner for everypony.”

As we are getting ready to leave, a nurse comes in and I ask her, “Do you think it would be ok to bring the whole family by to visit later?”

The nurse looks at the chart, bites her lower lip as she thinks, and then she tells me, “Yes, that should be fine. She is healing up very well considering what she has gone through.”

That night as we are leaving from our visit to Sundancer, Lil” Bit asks the doctor who is treating her,
“How long before Mom can come home?”

He looks at her chart and then thinks briefly, “Well hopefully we can get her up and walking in the next couple of days, if so, then maybe next week young mare. But your mother was hurt very badly and it takes a while to heal from these types of injuries.”

I see the disappointment on all the older kids' faces. Then I hear Scraps say, “That’s okay, as long as she can come home again.”

I see my wife smiling from her bed, at her family and she tells him, “Thanks, Doctor. And Lil” Bit, I can’t wait to get home with you.”

This time I carry Air Burst on my back as Wind Dancer carries Lightning Burst in the chest carrier. Beside me Lil’ Bit slowly flies talking with me. It is as we are nearing home, I feel Air Burst shift his wings and try to move them like Lil’ Bit. While he does not fly or hover, it lets me know he is taking those first steps towards eventually flying.

The next morning as Lieutenant Colonel Fullbright and I go over the orders of the day for the battalion he tells me, “Ball, I know your wife is still healing up, but you may want to make a quick trip up to Thunderhead to see how your new unit is forming up. Let them know you are still interested in it.”

“Sir, can I do that? I mean, I do not have the orders to go topside again.”

He thinks briefly, “I think so. Just to be sure I will cut you a set of TAD orders to get you there and back.”

Inside, I want to say no and just stay with my family until I have to leave again, but I know I really should do this. Besides, it should only be for one day. So, I answer, “Sounds good Sir. Let me know when.”

He smiles and uses his wingtips to hoof me a set of TAD orders that are dated two days from today. “Here you go Ball. I had these written up earlier. They are only for an overnight but this will get you there and back with no problem. Getting a new unit like this is almost as exciting as having a child.” He pauses then asks, “Speaking of that, how are your foals doing without your wife to feed them?”

“They are doing ok. Both my mother-in-law and I feed them from the bottle normally and when we can we take them to the hospital to feed from Sundancer. This has kept her from drying up and allowed her to still be close to them, even though she is in such rough shape.”

He nods his head, then tells me, “I am glad to hear that, especially with how close it was for her. I will say she was brave protecting your family the way she did.”

“Thank you, sir. She is something.”

He looks like he is thinking about something, and then he tells me, “Ball, you did a good job the other day. I am just glad you had already turned control back over to your subordinates before checking on your family. If you had abandoned them in the fight with no leadership you would be wearing a brand right now.”

“I understand sir. I am just glad your family was safe too.”

“Thanks, I appreciate that. Now I best let you get going, it is almost time for you to hold officers’ call.”

I look up at the clock on the wall and see it is almost that time. I nod my head and tell him, “Yes sir. I will check back in later after my inspection tour of the battalion companies’ grounds.”

He nods his head and looks back at the papers on his desk, “Sounds good XO, see you then.”

I am then out the door and into the HQ briefing room where I meet the company commanders and pass on the orders for the day. Two hours later I begin to make my normal inspection tours. Not to make sure things are perfect, but instead to make sure that things are being kept up and that the enlisted quarters are being maintained. At each stop, I check their storage areas as well as armories to ensure that this area are secure as well.

It is just about time for lunch when I make it back to the terminal. As I enter, I am joined again by my mother-in-law as she takes the foals to feed again. We talk briefly then she tells me, “I will see you later son, I best get going they are starting to get fussy.”

When I stop by later, I let them both know I will be going up to Thunderhead to see the new unit overnight. Neither says much, but I can tell Sundancer is not overly happy with the news. Her mother on the other hoof asks me, “Ball, would you mind stopping at my place and picking up a few items for me.”

“I would be glad to. Just let me know what I should pick up.”

“Ok, I will give you a list when you get home tonight, it should not be too many things.”

The next couple of days go by quickly and I find myself on the way to Thunderhead again. Once I arrive at the depot where my unit is being formed, I am taken to the barracks where they are being housed. Once there I meet the first of my new company commanders.

I walk into the duty office at the barracks and I see a middle-aged, large-built stallion with a light green coat and an even lighter green tail and mane. He is wearing the OOD brassard and sitting behind the desk. He looks up and asks, “Can I help you sir?”

“Good day Captain, I am Lieutenant Colonel Ball Lighting, the prospective new CO for the 753rd, what is your name?”

He stands up and tells me, “Sir, I am Captain Cloud Seeder. The commanding officer of A Company, 753rd Security Battalion.”

“Have a seat Captain, I am just checking to see how things are going for the unit so far.”

He sits back down and tells me, “So far so good sir. We still have more troops coming in. My company is mostly formed. B company is two-thirds full and is expected to finish filling in the next couple of days. C Company is about half full, but will be ready in two more weeks if we keep getting the new bodies at the same rate.”

I nod my head, “I am glad to hear that. How are we set for officers and NCOs?”

“We have most of the officers already sir. As for NCOs, we are still filling the ranks for them as well. Most of them are coming from the repo-depot.”

“I notice it is sort of quiet here, where are the troops?”

He grins and answers, “Well sir, seeing we are still forming, most are on general details around the base. We have also sent several of them to attend extra classes in security as well as other classes that should help when we go active. The same goes with the other officers. Since we do not have a full complement of them yet we all are taking turns as OOD.”

As he is talking, I notice he is looking over my ribbons and badges, the same as I am his. I am pleased with what I see and I ask him, “So Captain, tell me a bit about yourself.”

He seems surprised at this question and then tells me, “Well sir, I have been in service for a couple of years now. I was originally from Coltlumbia; that is where my wife and kids are right now. It has been a while since I have gotten a chance to see them. I have been with the Military Police and Security battalions since I was commissioned.”

I nod my head, “I understand how that is. My wife and kids are at the RDS right now, and since the war, I hardly get to spend much time with them.”

I talk with him a bit more then I make my way to the other barracks and talk to their OODs as well. Later that night I come back and watch as the troops are formed and mustered before being dismissed for the night. I am pleased with what I see so far. I then have a meet and greet with all the officers that have arrived so far. The one question I have received that I cannot answer though is asked by one of the junior platoon commanders, “Sir, have you heard who our XO is going to be yet?”

I shake my head and tell them, “No, I have not heard yet, but I am sure in a couple of weeks we will know.” I talk with them about some more of the concerns they have before I call it a night. Before I leave, I tell them, “Mares and Gentlestallions, it has been a pleasure to meet you and I look forward to working with you soon.”

Once I leave, I head to my in-law’s apartment where I have dinner with Sundancer’s father, Sun Glow. We have a pleasant visit and he helps me by gathering the things on the list for Wind Dancer.

During dinner, he asks me, “Ball, how bad was my daughter hit? Better yet, how did it happen?”

“Sun, she was protecting our family. She and Scout were downstairs and the rest were upstairs. When they kicked in the door, they got two of them, but one of them hit her twice in the chest.” I pause, closing my eyes at the memory of that moment, and then I tell him, “It was very close. We almost lost her. I am just glad we could be there in time.”

He seems frustrated and tells me, “It is just too bad that you could not have been there sooner. Maybe you could have kept her from being hurt.”

I sigh as I have thought that many times since that day. I look at him in the face and I tell him, “I wish I could have been too. She is my wife and the mother of my foals, and I got there as quickly as I could. You have to understand we had to fight our way back into that section of the housing as the troops there had been overran.”

He looks nervous then he asks, “Is it safe for Wind Dancer to even be there?”

“Yes, it is,” I tell him without hesitation. “We have reinforced our defenses there, and the house is better protected now as well.”

He then asks me, “Ball, what happens to your family if your new unit is shipped somewhere else?”

I find myself sighing before I tell him, “Sun, the same as what has happened to one of the officers who is assigned to my new battalion, who is from Coltlumbia. They stay here until the war is over and I can come home to them, or they can be moved to my new duty station.”

“That is a hard life Ball,” he tells me gently.

“It is, but what can we do? Especially with a war on. Who knows, maybe once the war is done, I can get out and attend medical school or something like that. But for now, we deal with the hoof we have been dealt.”

He smiles sadly, then tells me, “I do understand. Oh, and for what it is worth Ball, I do not think my daughter could have found a better mate.”

The next day I returned to the RDS and I see that I have an update on my orders as well as those for my future battalion. I have a confirmed date of two more weeks before I take full command of it, but the surprising part is that its first duty station will be at the RDS to support the defenses there along with the 353rd. I find myself smiling as this as it means I will be able to stay with my family longer.

After a brief lunch, I make my way to the hospital to visit Sundancer. As I enter, I see her walking with two of the nurses alongside her in the hall. My heart leaps at the sight of her on her hooves again and I think to myself how lucky I am to have her.

Once she returns to her room, I visit with her briefly and give her the news on my new battalion. She smiles weakly and then tells me, “That sounds good Ball,” and for a brief moment, all seems right in the world for me, then I ask myself, what if we have to deploy?


Good evening to all my fellow wastelanders out there, you are listening to WHNY from Whinnyapolis, and I am your host Cheap Talk, broadcasting to you live from our new station at Mall, that is right M A L L, the settlement for your shopping needs out on the great northern plains and this is our inaugural broadcast.

What makes us special with our broadcast is that here we will focus on local news for Whinnyapolis and the northern plains as well as world news.

One of the things we need to tell you is that in addition to shopping here at the market at Mall, we also have several pubs, taverns, restaurants, secure overnight lodging as well as offices for both the Followers of the Apocalypse and the Enclaves Volunteer Corps.

In local news, the annual gypsy pony caravan has once again returned to Whinnyapolis and they will be providing their services and entertainment just outside of the main gate at Mall.

There have also been several reports of steamships fighting on the big river along with several ship launches being involved. One of these is said to be Calico Jack and his steamer the Dragon’s Horde. We have heard several conflicting stories about what has happened but nothing we can confirm.

In other local news, there have been some clashes between raiders and the gang that calls themselves the Snow Flakes just north of the skyport. No news yet on deaths or injuries in this area. However, if you are passing through there, be on guard.

We will be back with more news after our first song of the show, here is What I’ve Done.

Chapter 61 Hits and Misses

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Chapter 61 Hits and Misses

“It is not the strongest of the species that survive, nor the most intelligent, but the one most responsive to change.” – Charles Darwin

Baltimare Colt, The Great Plains water highway: Ginger Snaps

It has been a week since we left Whinnyapolis. Yesterday, we were picked up by the Hot Shot from a little hamlet known as Maredora. The place is run down with only a few settlers there. The radio station we checked out there was north of the town on one of the larger bluffs. However, when we went to hit the place, it seemed we were just a bit too late, as we saw the Enclave vertibuck finish loading, including what looked like a unicorn tech, and then it took off. So again, it was another no-joy mission for us.

I must say, it was interesting for Cowlick as most of the locals we ran into were buffalo. This gave us a bit of an in with them, however they were very suspicious of our pegasi.

During our initial meeting, one of the bulls asked Cowlick, “How come you are hairy like us and only have one head? I thought all you brahmin had two heads and were bald.”

Cowlick smiles at the question and tells them, “That is because I am of the old cattle line. The brahmin are our cousins who did not make it into stables.”

The bull looks at him with a side eye and then asks, “Is that why you are a servant for these ponies?”

Cowlick shakes his head and answers, “I am not their servant. I am their co-worker. I went to school with several of them and we are friends.”

The bull then asks, “We have not seen any others like you before, are there more like you?”

“Oh, yes, there are quite a few bulls and cows. many serve in the Manesville Brigade for the NCR army, but most work in shops and farms there.”

The bull looks at us, then back at Cowlick and he asks, “They really treat you as an equal?”

Cowlick gives that fun-loving smile of his, then he tells him, “Yeah, they really do. I am as much a friend and member of this team as anyone else. I could be back home on my family’s farm, but I chose this life, to stand by my friends.” He pauses, and then I must smile as he tells the buffalo, “That little zony over there. He is my best friend and I would die for him, or him for me. We have had our tussles, but we worked our way through them, and he even forgave me for when they were my fault.”

The buffalo asks, “How would they treat me and my people?”

Cowlick shrugs, “I cannot answer for everyone, but most of the Manesville region would treat you like anyone else. Perhaps even help you if you asked for it.”

“Humph, that sounds like something to think about someday, but I am sure with your war it will be a while to come.”

Cowlick nods his, “True, but who knows what the future can bring.”

As we continue to talk with the buffalo, we find out that the reason they distrust the pegasi was that many years ago some Dashites brought the Enclave down on both them as well as the ponies in some of the nearby settlements, especially Maredora.

Cowlick asks, “What can you tell us about the Enclave around here?”

The bull solemnly nods, “Not too much, most of them stay up at the old radio station on the bluff north of town. When they came in they drove any of the rest of us away from there. We lost a young bull who decided to try and sneak in to see what they were doing that way.”

Choo then tells him, “We are all very sorry to hear that. Perhaps we should part ways with you so that we do not lead them to blame you or any of the other locals for what we are going to do.”

He tilts his head, “Just what are you going to do?”

This time I chime in, “It is best you do not know, that way you have plausible deniability.”

The bull thinks briefly, then tells us, “By my having met you, I have lost that. You seem very interested in the radio station and I would like to get some payback for my nephew, so I will lead you there.”

Choo then tells him, “We would appreciate that. However, once we get close enough, you should head back to your people. Once we leave there, we will not be coming back this way.”

The buffalo bull looks at Cowlick as if for confirmation, to which Cowlick nods his head and tells him, “She is right. Unless you want to leave here and join us.”

I watch as Choo’s eyes go wide at the thought. “While I would not be adverse most times to hiring you, I would hesitate right now as we only have a limited amount of lift capacity .” She pauses then tells him, “However, if you are ever interested, you can contact us through our contacts at Mall, or even at our office in Manesville. Just tell the local constables there you looking for Big Blue.”

He then tells the other members of his tribe, “I will be back shortly, I have some work to do.”

Morning Star then trots over to where the Flying Foursome are talking to a couple of older calves and young bulls and cows. I smile as I see them seem to say goodbye and quickly rejoin us.

Once we depart their camp, he leads us across a large, shallow river, then through what is now a recovering forest, to the base of the bluffs. We thank the bull, and Choo pays him with a few caps and a couple of ration packs, which he takes with only some hesitation. Seeing his hesitation, Choo tells him, “Thank you again. These are a gift to show our appreciation.”

He nods his head and thanks her, then he turns and before much longer we can no longer see him as he heads back to his people. By now it is starting to get dark and I watch as the thestrals walk into some shadows and disappear. As we wait, I turn on the radio so I can tell if our target is broadcasting still. I use my earpiece to listen and tell Choo, “The broadcast is loud and clear, I think we got them this time.”

Arrats soon reappears and leads us up the rugged trails along the ridge side. I can only hope that the Enclavers do not see us coming. We are three-quarters of the way to the top when the broadcast ends and we can hear them calling out as they seem to be evacuating.

We begin to hurry more and have just come over the crest when I see a group of enclave soldiers and some civilians carrying equipment run quickly into a vertibuck that already has its rotors spinning. We are still using cover as we watch the last of them jump onto the aircraft and it takes off. Once it is gone, Snow Song and Frost Glitter sneak up to the building in their recon suits with Sunny and Morning Mist in their captured power armor.

Once inside we find the place is empty overall, but we can see where some of the old radio equipment had been removed and Twinks identifies one piece as a radio repeater. She shakes her head and tells us, “Well boss, if he was here, he probably will not be back. This makes it where they can receive a broadcast from somewhere else and resend it as if its own. Kinda a scaled-down version of the old Emergency Broadcast Systems that DJ Pon3 uses out of Manehatten.”

When we left there, we did our best to leave the place undisturbed, again to not give away what we were up to. Even though Twinks and Cowlick really wanted to set some charges on the equipment there. I had to agree though with Choo when she told them, “This is to protect the locals as much as to hide what we are doing.”

Right after that, she called the Colt with a no-joy message. The Hot Shot was not too far away, waiting for this message, and within minutes they landed and picked us up. As we fly away, I see the buffalo herd below us, and one of them waves to us and I smile as I watch Cowlick, who has shifted up next to Love Tap and her gun, hang partially out the gunner’s window and wave at them below. Right after this, he took his seat across from me and I watched as he fell right to sleep, next to a slightly airsick Days End.

This time when we returned to the Colt, we found her near a small fishing village. I noticed several small boats along the river bank, but what really caught my eye was several old Quonset huts that seemed to be near an abandoned airfield. Well, at least it looks abandoned. I do wonder though why the locals were not living in them.

As we passed the village, we triangulated another RDF location that was about seventy klicks north of the river. This got Choo to give the orders for our next move.

I take a deep breath and think about how tonight our team is going to be dropped near there and once again we will investigate it. I guess I would be more excited but we only had one day on the Colt this time and to be honest, I had looked forward to sleeping in a comfortable bed in a semi-secure setting, but I guess it comes with the job.

I have just finished repacking my saddlebags when I look up and see my little sister still talking to her friends. “Moon, have you finished packing your saddlebags yet?”

She looks surprised and tells me, “Well mostly, I still need to get a couple of packets of rations I guess.”

Beside her Snow Song, Frost Glitter, and Slip Stream all nod their heads slowly and I hear one of them say, “We all need some.”

I find myself sighing, and then I ask them, “Why did you not say something earlier?”

I watch as they blush, then am surprised when Snow Song says, “Because we were kicking tail in a hot game of Uno, and I thought you would tell us when to grab some.”

I shake my head, partly in amusement, but also in a bit of disappointment at their wanting to be treated like adults, but not performing like them. I then wonder if Xochitl and I were ever like that. Then I tell them, “I expect you four to be just as responsible as the rest of us on getting ready for missions. I am glad you were having fun and all, but duty first mares.”

I have just said this when Mort walks by and tells them, “I will get you your ten caps in a bit. I should have known when you suggested that we each put in ten caps and winner takes all you four had something up your sleeves.”

I am stunned. The little twerps have been gambling. Their mothers are going to kill me, I think. Then I tell them, “Ok, follow me and we will get you your rations.” Once we are far enough away, I then tell them, “For the Goddesses' sakes, do not let your parents know you were gambling. In fact, you shouldn’t be anyway.”

Then all four of them look at each other and smile then at the same time, “We won’t!”

“Good, now let us get you those rations,” I tell them and we head to a section of the cargo deck where we have our extras stored.

As we reenter the berthing I smile as I see my husband has his gear packed and is finishing loading Katie’s up and putting her harness on her. Once he is finished, he tells Choo, “Once the fillies finish loading their saddlebags, we should be ready. Tater already issued everyone our ammo.”

“Excellent,” she responds, then she looks at Mort and asks, “Are you people about ready?”

Mort grins before he responds, “Yeah, we are. I just hope things stay quiet for a while more, I mean it has been a couple of days since we last saw the Dragon’s Horde, and honestly, I just hope they are licking their wounds still.”

Choo nods her head, “Yes, quite. I know the captain is worried a bit as well.”

Choo looks at her PipBuck one more time, then tells us, “Ok, head to the upper deck everyone, once Flight Plan and his crew are ready, we board and take off again.”

Each of us responds to Choo in our way. Then we begin to grab our gear and go. As the second in command of our team, I am the last to leave the berthing. Right next to Smiley as he follows the last of his team. He nods to me as he leads me out and tells me, “It is good to be working with all of you again. The last time you left, was interesting for us only because of those vermin that keep harassing us.”

“Yeah, I get you Smily. I know our whole team is looking forward to working with all of you again.”

Once topside, the two teams form up opposite of each other, then we sit down waiting to load. As we sit there, Azimuth Compass, the 1st officer of the Colt comes over and tells us, “Good luck everyone. Be careful out there and let us know when to pick you up.”

We all smile and nod our heads. Then as the rotors on the Hot Shot begin to spin up, he runs forward to the pilot house. As he does that, Balanced Load, the crew chief, and most recent addition to the Hot Shots crew before we left Manesville trots over to us and begins to give us orders on how to load the aircraft.

Once he is done by teams, we follow him into the aircraft and begin to load. When we are all seated and ready I see him plug in his crew helmet to a jack and he says something to the pilots as the rear ramp begins to close. Soon we are airborne again and as we twist to change our course I look over and see that Cowlick is already asleep. I smile and shake my head then decide, that perhaps he has a good idea, and take a nap myself.


Wastelands, Disputed Territory: Xochitl

As the vertibuck comes into land, we are ten Klicks out from the location of the broadcast sight. Midway between us and there are the remains of a small village. I am in the lead with Katie as we approach the town. As we begin to sneak among the damaged buildings, I must admit that I am getting a creepy feeling. This is enhanced when I hear Katie begin to emit a low growl and I see she has barred her teeth and is beginning to stiffen in her movements.

I quickly check my Eyes Forward Sparkle and I see at least a dozen red dots ahead of me in the direction of an old general store. I also see some slowly moving to our right. I stop and hoof signal to those behind me that we have hostiles and in which directions.

The ones to the side I can hear slowly dragging their feet or hooves. The ones ahead of us, stay steady and do not seem to be moving. However, I am concerned about the flankers. Before I can say anything Choo calls quietly over the radio, “Scouts out. Lance, find out what those targets are to our flank.”

In reply, I hear a double click of a whisper mic and the bat ponies as a unit begin to sneak and peak in that direction.

We wait quietly while the scouts do their work. Suddenly we hear a couple of quick shots, then I hear Morning Star call out, “Cease fire. Their foals!”

A few more shots ring out and I hear Arrats yell, “Medic up!”

I hear Twinks yell, “On the way,” and I watch as she runs in the direction the shooting came from, followed closely by Moon Lily.

Soon after this I hear Twinks call out, “Big Blue, we need you over at my PipBuck tag right away.”

Choo then tells Ginger, “Cookie you have the team.” And she flies away into the darkness.

Before too much longer I hear the call from Choo, “Team form on me. Weapons at the carry. I mean it.”

I am surprised at the force in Choo’s voice when she says this. But simply call back, “Roger Big Blue.” I then turn to the others, “You heard the mare, weapons at the carry. Slip Stream, sling yours across your back.”

As we begin to move, I see Mort’s team following our example and joining us as we move to Choo. As we arrive, I see Choo and Moon Lily working on a very skinny young mare. To the side, Twinks is treating a wound on Ankareeda.

Besides Moon and Choo, I see another young stallion in rags and carrying a rusty old lever-action rifle. I see tears in his eyes that he is fighting. Further back I see four more young ponies, all of them look to be half-starved. Finally, Choo looks up and tells the young stallion, “She will survive. But she is in rough shape.” She stops briefly then asks, “Will you be able to take care of her?”

“I, I don’t know Princess. Can’t you just heal her?” The stallion asks.

Choo shakes her head, “No, I have done all I can do. But I can help you get her to your home.”

He sniffles and tells her, “Thank you. I guess.” He pauses then tells one of the others, “Go to the store and tell the others we are coming in, and bringing a few gr’ups with us.”

The foal simply nods and runs off back into the ruins of the town.

Choo then uses her TK to gently lift the mare onto her back and tells the stallion, “We will follow you.”

I hear the stallion sniffle slightly and then he tells her, “Yes your highness.”

We follow him to the old general store that bears the sign of Fair Dirt General Store and Post Office. When we arrive there, we find over a dozen foals defensively surrounding an old earthpony ghoul.

The ghoul asks in a rough voice, “What happened Pry Bar? Why did you bring these, these ponies here?”

“I’m sorry Chisel Plow, but we got scared when we saw that one over there,” He says as he points towards Morning Star and continues, “We thought she was a banshee like we heard on the radio, so Small Spark shot at them and they shot back.”

The old Ghoul he referred to as Chisel Plow takes his time to look at all of us, and I can tell when he notices the batponies, Moon Lily, and then his eyes go even wider as he looks at Choo in the darkness he tells the children, “You are lucky to be alive after having attacked the Royal Night Guard.” He then begins to bow. “Your Majesty, forgive the young ones for their impertinence, I failed to teach them proper manners as I had no idea you yet lived.”

She quickly tells him, “Please, get back up, I am not she who you think I am. But I have met her. Both I and my great-granddaughter are but citizens of the NCR.”

He seems confused at first then he slowly steps forward and tells her, “But you wear Princess Luna’s darkness as part of your cutie mark, and I know of no pony-made alicorns who both have them and who are willing to talk to such as myself. Not to mention that you have your royal guards. I remember them.”

Choo smiles gently and tells him, “I am but a pony-made one. However, I have also regained both my original one, as well as her darkness and moon.” She answers, then continues, “Where can we take your little one so she can rest comfortably?”

“Inside ma’am, follow me.”

As he turns and goes into the old storefront, the foals move to the side. Choo follows him inside but the rest of us wait outside. As we wait for her, I notice that the youngsters here start to slowly approach Moon Lily and her friends. Finally, one asks them, “Are you all soldiers too?”

Snow Song smiles and tells him, “Not yet, but we will be like our parents someday.”

One of the other foals then asks, “So why are you here?”

Moon then tells them, “We cannot tell you why we are here, just know that we are here to help make things better for everypony.”

This is followed by Slip Stream asking, “Why are all of you living here and where are your parents?”

They all look uncomfortable at this question. Finally, one of them answers, “We are all orphans. We came from further south and were looking for a home and when we found Chisel Plow living here by himself, he was the first gr’up to actually care about us since our parents were killed, and he helps take care of us.”

This time Epona, who until then had been silent says, “Yeah, some of us know how that is, Cookie and Mash there as well as myself all lost our parents when we were about your age. Thank the Goddesses that we found some ponies who took us in and raised us as their own.”

They all look at her, “Really, you’re an orphan too?” one of them asks.

Ginger smiles sadly, “Yeah, I was even there when my birth mother died. My birth father was killed before me or my sister Epona were born.”

One of the young stallions moves closer to her and asks, “How did she die?”

I put a hoof on her shoulder and Katie nuzzles her slightly as we can both tell this is hard for her to talk about. She looks down and I see a tear form as she says, “It was at the battle of Targhee, back when I was about your age. Her unit got cut off and was fighting for their lives. We fought our way into them and pulled the survivors out,” she pauses. Takes a deep breath and then continues, “My older sister Dusty was there with me as well as the mare who first adopted me, as she died of her wounds.” She sniffles a bit. Then adds, “Sorry, I do not like to talk about that day much.”

From the side, I hear Twinks say, “That is why you were so mad when I made that comment about Mollygirl getting your mother killed, wasn’t it?”

She looks up with sadness in her eyes and tells her, “Yes it was Danger, and to be honest, if you were not my best friend back then I would have thrown down on you that day. But thanks for understanding.”

It is interesting to me that the kids seem to be getting closer to us as we continue to talk. Then I begin to see lightning in the distance and I can feel the temperature drop sharply. I notice Katie is acting nervous, but she stays close to me. Then both Sunny and Morning Mist look at each other and I hear Morning Mist say, “The weather here is wild, and that is a big storm coming it.”

I then hear Sunny say, “UH, Morning, that looks like an anvil cloud, we need to get inside soon.”

One of the youngsters then tells us, “I best let Chisel Plow know,” and then they run inside.

A few minutes later he comes out along with Choo Choo, they look at the sky and I can see the fear in his eyes as he looks up we can see a black wall approaching us and it sounds like a train coming at us from the distance. He turns to Choo, “I think that’s a tornado! We need to get underground right now!”

She looks at us and tells us, “I got the wound youngster, the rest of you go! Right now!”

We let the young ones go first as Chisel Plow leads us back into the shop and down a stairway that leads to the basement. I am near the back and I can hear the roar of the wind outside. Choo comes down carrying the young mare in her TK but using her wings to shield her. Once in the basement, we all hunker down in the corner nearest the direction the storm is coming from. The winds are screaming and we can see flashes of lightning through the basement window, as we hear things being thrown around and crashing. I also notice that my PipBuck’s radiation meter is clicking faster and I realize it means that the tornado must have dislodged a large amount of magical radiation-contaminated dust and dirt.

I can hear the children and some of the others howling in fear and I only hope I am not doing so also. After what feels like forever, but is only a few minutes the pitch of the winds seems to change and we can tell it is moving away. The unicorns and alicorns in our group keep us from the darkness by using their horns to cast light so we can see.

Finally, we can tell the storm has passed by. Chisel Plow shakes his head and tells us, “That may not have been the only one. I think it is best we stay down here until morning.”

Choo nods her head and tells us, “Ok, everyone take a radaway, Twinks give some of our extra packs to the kids here.”

“Thank you, ma’am, for looking out for the young ones like that.”

When morning comes and we can start to see sunlight through the now broken basement window, Choo tells me and Morning Mist, “You two go up first and make sure it is safe for the rest of us.”

I nod my head and together Morning Mist and I make our way up the stairs, shifting debris to the side. Once clear we can see that the building is heavily damaged. I shake my head, there is no way those kids can live in this I think to myself. I then slowly make my way outside and I can see that the sky is clear now, and about a block away from the old store I can see the damage path of the tornado as there is nothing left standing in it, and I can see about an inch of dirt has been stripped away. The worst part is that the path is leading towards our target.

I shake my head as I never imagined such a thing before. Then I turn to Morning Mist and tell him, “Fog. go back and give them the all-clear will you? I get a feeling our mission is scrubbed after last night.”

“Will do, Flower, but I think you are right on that. My Goddesses what a mess.”

Soon they are all above ground and looking at what remains of their small settlement. I see one of the young mares has tears in her eyes as she says, “Chisel Plow, it took out our garden, how are we going to eat?”

He looks uncomfortable as he thinks about his answer, “I am not sure Corn Silk, I am not sure.” Then I see he looks at Choo and Mort with a hopeful look.

Choo then tells Sunny and the scouts, “I want you five to check out our target to see if it is even still there. Morning Mist, I need you to check over this building and the others nearby for structural integrity.” She pauses then tells Chisel Plow, “If things are too bad, maybe we can escort all of you to a new home, but first we have to check out the radio station.”

As I watch them fly away, Choo tells the rest of us, “Ok, back to business ponies.”


Hamlet of Fair Dirt, the Great Plains Wastelands: Choo Choo

Most of the team has gone to the ground and taken a defensive stance as I send the thestrals to find out what is coming at us from our right flank.

It is while we are waiting to hear their report that I hear a quick exchange of gunfire and screaming followed by a call out from the batponies of, “Medic Up!”

I know one of our team members has been hit. Twinks instinctively jumps up and races in the direction of the skirmish with Moon Lily right on her heels. I want to tell my granddaughter to stay put, but I know that she too is an experienced field medic now, at least her friends stay put.

It is several minutes later I hear the call from Twinks on the radio that gets my heart to speed up and I fear what I may find as she calls me on the radio, “Big Blue, we need you over at my PipBuck tag right away.”

I quickly turn control of the team over to Ginger and nod to Mort as I make my way to her. Once I arrive, I find both Twinks and Moon Lily working over a young mare who is screaming in pain. Nearby I see Ankareeda sitting there with a bandage held over a wound on her shoulder and tears in her eyes as she says, “I killed her, I want to be a mother someday and I killed a kid. What kind of mare does that to a kid.” I see Arrats next to her trying to comfort her.

Nearby are several armed colts and fillies. None of them are older than Ginger or Xochitl were on the expedition. One of the young stallions looks at me with wide eyes as I land and asks, “Can you save my sister?”
I continue my way to the wounded filly as I tell him, “I will do my best.”

As I get to her, I can see both Moon and Twinks are struggling to save her. As Twinks continues to work, Moon gives me a quick rundown of what they have done so far. I turn to Twinks and tell her, “You have done good, I got her. Now I need you to go treat Ankareeda.”

She gets up and moves out of my way so I can take over the treatment. Moon continues to assist me with the light of her horn as I dig out several fragments of bone and heal a ruptured artery. Soon I have her stabilized and can give her a healing potion.

At this point, I call Ginger over the radio and have her bring the rest of the team up. However, I am very adamant about her making sure that they have their weapons at the carry so that we do not have any more mishaps.

I am just finishing up with what I can do as the rest of the team arrives and I am telling the young stallion who seems to be their leader, “She will survive. But she is in rough shape.” I stop briefly then asks, “Will you be able to take care of her?”

“I, I don’t know Princess. Can’t you just heal her?” The stallion asks.

I ignore him calling me princess as this seems to calm him to think I am her. Instead, I shake my head and tell him, “No, I have done all I can do. But I can help you get her to your home.”

He sniffles and replies, “Thank you. I guess.” Then tells one of the youths, “Go to the store and tell the others we are coming in, and bringing a few gr’ups with us.”

The foal simply nods and runs off back into the town's ruins.

His use of the term gr’ups makes me wonder if he means grownups and if so, where are their parents or other adults. I then use my TK to place the wound filly on my back and I follow him back to what I believe is his home. I would like to do more for them, but honestly, we cannot do so. We have a mission to accomplish first.

I follow him to what was once an old general store that bears a very faded sign that has the name of the village on it. On its porch, I see a dozen more foals, young stallions, and mares, who are surrounding an earth pony ghoul as if protecting him from us.

The ghoul asks the young stallion who led us, “What happened Pry Bar? Why did you bring these ponies here.”

I hear him apologize to the ghoul and then explain what happened. When I hear that they thought Morning Star was a banshee I understand now why they did what they did. I find myself realizing what I thought was a fun story and possibly a psyop against the Enclave has instead bit us in the flank.

Chisel Plow then notices us and I have to stop him from bowing down to me and calling me your majesty. I then have to explain how I now have Luna’s cutie mark mixed with my original one.

Finally, I ask him, “Where can we take your little one so she can rest comfortably?”

He nods and tells me, “Inside ma’am, follow me.”

As he turns and goes into the old storefront, the foals move to the side and I follow him inside as the rest wait outside. Once inside he takes me to a back room where there are several sets of bunk beds set up. I gently transfer her to the bed and smile as he carefully pulls the blanket up on her and then gently kisses her on her forelock. “Sleep well little one.”

He then turns back to me and asks, “What are you doing here?”

“I cannot really tell you that Chisel, but know we are only passing through.”

“Only passing through and you almost killed one of my foals. Why, why did you have to come here?”

I feel my head going down and my eyes close, “I am sorry sir. We had no idea anyone was even living here.”

I hear him let out a sigh, and then he tells me, “I am sorry, I am just really worried about Small Spark. She has come so far since she arrived and like the rest of them, they mean so much to me. I never got a chance to have foals of my own because of the damn war, and these kids have become mine. I came out here a few years back because I was afraid I was starting to go feral. When they showed up, they gave me a purpose again. The funny thing is that they came here looking for a safe place. I do not even know how they made it this far.”

“I do understand Chisel, I do. Most of the members of my team I have known since they were the age of your young ones. They are like family to me. Well, that and some of them are by marriage, and the young alicorn is my great, great granddaughter.”

He seems surprised and tells me, “I did not think your kind could have foals?”

I chuckle dryly and tell him, “We can’t. She is descended from me in my original form. I looked nothing like this before.”

He shakes his head and tells me, “I never thought about what it was like for your kind.” He pauses and then asks, “Have you ever met anypony from back then that you knew who ended up like me?”

I smile sadly and tell him, “Yes, he was my former fiancé.” I sniffle a bit, then tell him, “He is now a good friend and my coltfriend Paper Work helped him to get together with another old friend of mine who also became a ghoul.”

We talk a bit more during which I find out he had been drafted into the army and may have even traveled on one of the trains I was an engineer on. In the distance, I begin to hear thunder.

Shortly after this a young filly runs into the shop to us and tells us, “The two pegasuses both say we got a bad storm coming.”

He looks at me and I at him and we both go back outside and look at the sky. I have seen this kind of sky before. I remember having part of my train thrown off the tracks by a similar one. My fears are confirmed when I hear Chisel Plow say “I think that’s a tornado! We need to get underground right now!”

I feel my heart speed up as I realize what is coming and I yell out into the din of the wind, “I got the wound youngster, the rest of you go! Right now!”

Chisel Plow leads his young ones and us back into the shop and down the basement stairs. As the howl of the wind grows, I use my tk again to grab her and wrap her in her blanket, I carry her down the stairs using my wings to protect her. We then join the rest as we huddle together in the basement. There I use my horn to light the basement for the others. As the winds scream and objects crash outside, I can begin to hear the PipBucks start to click as the magical radiation in the air increases. I do not even need to look to know this is happening as I begin to feel healthier and stronger again. I know this means the rest are all getting a good dose of radiation from the storm.

I look over and see Chisel has his foals as close to him as he can and he is trying to calm them. Suddenly the pitch of the wind changes and we can tell it is moving away. The storm has passed on and we have survived I think to myself. Thank the Goddesses.

I am looking at Chisel Plow as he shakes his head and tells us, “That may not have been the only one. I think it is best we stay down here until morning.”

I find I must agree with him and then I add, “Ok, everyone takes a Radaway, Twinks give some of our extra packs to the kids here.”

“Thank you, ma’am, for looking out for the young ones like that.”

Come morning we can start to see sunlight through the now broken basement window. I know we need to get moving so I tell Xochitl and Morning Mist, “You two go up first and make sure it is safe for the rest of us.”

We can hear them clearing debris as they make their way up the stairs. Before too much longer Morning Mist returns and tells us, “Flower says it is clear to come back up, but boss it is a real mess. Most of what was left here is gone and the damage path is heading straight towards our target.”

Once we are back above ground, we can see the damage. I know they cannot survive here now. But I do not know what to do yet. I hear one of the fillies asking the old ghoul about what they are going to do. He says he is not sure. But he looks at me hopefully. I will have to see if I can figure something out.

I then decide to check to see if our target is still there by sending Sunny and the scouts to find out. I follow this by having Morning Mist inspect the remaining parts of the town to see if they are still safe because of his engineering background. I then make the offer to Chisel Plow, “If things are too bad, maybe we can escort all of you to a new home, but first we have to check out the radio station.”

“Thank you, ma’am. I appreciate it.”

I then tell the other members of my team “OK, back to business ponies.”

After I say this Mort approaches me, “Big Blue, are you sure we can do that?”

“Yes Mort, as long as it does not affect our mission, we need to try and help them.”

“Ok Choo, I got your back on this. Besides, I do not know if I could live with myself leaving them here on their own like that.”

As we begin to help clean up the wreckage and prepare for the next part of our mission, I get the call from Sunny, “Big Blue this is Black Bird, scrub the mission, the tower is gone and there are no survivors inside the broadcast site.”

“Roger Black Bird, return to the team,” I call back. Then I get on the radio and call for our ride.

What I hear back is not good. “Big Blue, this is Bravo Charlie. We cannot perform a pickup at this time. Your ride is OOC at this time, we need you to meet us at the river, near the old oil fields.”

I am surprised by this and wonder just why the Hot Shot is out of commission right now. But I check out the map on my PipBuck and nod my head before responding, “Roger Bravo Charlie, we will meet you there. Big Blue out.”

When I return to the old store, I tell Chisel Plow and Mort, “Looks like our ride is not available. Once the scouts return, we begin to hoof it south to the old oil fields.”

I see a bit of sadness come over Chisel's face as he nods his head in understanding and then he calls out, “OK Children, I need to talk to all of you.”

Once they arrive, he tells them, “We are going to be leaving here shortly. I need you to grab what you can and get ready. If it is something really important to you, make sure you take it as we will not be coming back, at least not for a very long time.”

As the kids begin to go get their stuff, I tell him, “We will help you as much as possible.”

Not long after this Morning Mist comes up to me and tells me, “Boss, I found an old two-wheel cart under the remains of a shed. Do you want us to dig it out for these guys before we leave?”

I nod my head, “Yes, please do, they will be going with us as we are walking out of here.”

I see him smirk a bit then he tells me, “You know boss, this is starting to become routine for the rest of the team. Just like what happened outside of Reino.”

I laugh lightly as I tell him, “Yeah, I hope it does not, but it is what it is, I guess.”

Once the scouts return, we load up what few possessions that Chisel Plow and the youngsters have, as well as Small Spark, whose condition is improved from last night, but she is still in rough shape. Tater harnesses himself up into the cart, then I look at Mort and Chisel and they both nod to me and I give the order, “OK my little ponies, we are burning daylight, on your hooves, forward, march.”


Rainbow Dash Skyport, Hoofington, Enclave Territory: Ball Lightning

“Ball, it has been a pleasure having you under my command,” Full Bright tells me.

“Thank you, sir, it has been one for me. And thank you for understanding about all the detached duty time.”

He smirks and tells me, “Ball, you are welcome, but also, what choice did I have? Just try to be that understanding with your subordinates now that you are going to be the Old Stallion.”

I nod my head, “I will. I should be back with my battalion in a couple more days. Thank you for allowing me to use a few troopers to set up my new HQ.”

“Again, no problem, now you best get going, I know the vertibuck is waiting for you on the tarmac.”

“Right, you are. See you then Full Bright.” I tell him, then I turn and make my way out the door and on the path for my new command.

Once the vertibuck lands I am met by Funnel Cloud and my leading company commander Cloud Seeder, as my new XO has not arrived yet.

They both go to attention and salute me, which I return. “Good afternoon Gentlestallions, are we ready?”

While the Sergeant Major stays stoic, Captain Seeder grins slightly as he tells me, “I do believe so sir. Ready when you are.”

“Right. Let us go then,” I tell them and we begin to make our way to where the battalion is formed up for the official activation ceremony.

As we make our way across the base, I think back to two days ago when I came up and met our MP Brigade Commander, Colonel Traffic Control.

Once I arrived at his office he had me sit down. Then he tells me, “I have talked to the higher up and I am going to be blunt with you Lieutenant Colonel, your days of detached duties and leading from the front are at an end. I have looked over what of your record I could and I am impressed by it. But I need a commander for the 753rd who will be here for it full time, and who will not put themselves in jeopardy at the drop of a pinfeather.”

“Yes sir, I fully understand, please also understand that I did not request the detached duties, and to be honest, I would rather have stayed with my commands. As for leading from the front, I only did so the last time because we had a temporary breakdown in the chain of command due to casualties at the company and platoon leader levels. Once I had the situation stabilized, I turned command of the company back over to the senior platoon leader who was still available at the time.”

He looks at me with a raised eyebrow, “Interesting, I had thought you would have been more upset about having been reminded of responsibilities in your new position.”

I shake my head slightly and smile as I tell him, “I can understand your concern, sir. But I assure you, I do realize what my new responsibilities are.”

He then asks, “I know you have a clean bill of health, but I need to know, with the severity of your wounds, do you think you are up to taking on such duties?”

“Yes, I am. I believe my record speaks for itself on this.”

“What if your unit is taken off of garrison duty and sent to the field?”

“Sir, I can handle that as well. As the CO I should be back at my HQ and controlling things from there. My subordinates should be the ones to handle the front-line activities that my health would hinder me on.”

He nods his head, “OK, that is what I wanted to hear from one of my battalion commanders. Now that those concerns have been taken care of, do you have any concerns for me?”

“My biggest concern sir is who my XO is going to be.”

He moves his head back slightly and asks, “Do you have a problem with your prospective XO already?”

“It is not that sir. I just want to know if one has been assigned yet.”

He seems surprised, then he tells me, “I thought you already had the information. Here, let me look that up.”

He has a clerk bring in a record for him then he tells me, “Ah, here it is. Your XO is coming to you from the 216th MP battalion, they were a Company Commander and are currently attending the Command School in Emporia. She should be ready to graduate in another week and a half.”

I nod then ask, “Can you tell me their name, sir?”

He grins, “Her name is Storm Rider. She has a pretty good history from what I can see, including her recent service outside of Reino.”

I nod my head, “I am glad she has time in the field with the MPs, that could be helpful, depending on our next steps for the war.”

“So, you do not have a problem with a mare being your XO?”

“Not at all, sir. I am a married stallion and happily married at that.”

“Good, I am glad to hear that. Now let’s go get lunch.”

As I arrive at the camp my new troops are just forming up. I go through the ceremony accepting command of the new unit and I give a brief speech to my new troops, during which I give them the news of our first official posting at the RDS. After the ceremony, I meet with my new staff, and we begin our preps to transfer down to the RDS tomorrow morning.

During the preps, Funnel Cloud approaches me and asks, “You ready for this sir?”

I grin at him, “Yeah, I think so Sergeant Major, I think so. How about you? I mean being the first Sergeant Major for the battalion and all.”

This time he grins back and tells me, “I think I am. It is an interesting experience though laying the foundation for it. That is for sure.”

The move down to the RDS goes without any major hick-ups. Once we arrive things begin to become a bit more interesting as my companies relieve the 353rd outpost on the back side of the Skyport. First is the issue of most of my troopers’ inexperience in dealing with the locals here. Another part, it seems is because there is a bit of competition between the two security battalions.

I get my first taste of this as I am walking to my office and I hear one of the old hooves from the 353rd telling another, “I do not know why they thought they had to bring another battalion in. We were handling it just fine.”

The other replies, “Yeah, I know. But wait until they have ta handle some of the raids we have had to. That will teach them.”

I have to agree with him on that. Later that same day as I am going to get lunch, I see one of the local scavers I know and they come up to me and ask me, “Mister Lightning, can I talk to you for a minute?”

“Sure, what is it Resale?”

He looks down at the ground and then tells me, “Sir, I know you are only the XO and all, but those troops of yours on the back gate, well, I don’t know what it is with them, but they are being more rude than normal.” He pauses then adds, “They not only insulted me and my partner, but they made us unload our whole cart, and laughed at us as we reloaded it again. I know you are not like that and you understand how it is for us from down here.”

I nod my head, then I tell him, “Thank you for bringing this to my attention. I will take care of it. I hope it did not damage too much of what you were bringing in to sell.”

“No, sir, it did not, but them behaving like that could make it where us groundsiders want to go somewhere else and do business. I mean Mega Mart is a bit of a hike, but to some, it may be worth it instead.”

“Point taken Resale. I will talk to my company commanders about that after lunch.” I pause then ask, “How are your wife and foals doing?”

I see him smile brightly as he begins to tell me about them and how his youngest took his first steps just yesterday. It is not much, but it helps them to think we care.

After our brief conversation, we both go on our ways. After lunch, I make my way to each of my company commanders and talk with them about what I was told.

The B company commander asks me, “Sir, why does it matter?”

I sigh as I tell him, “Because if you treat them like that, you change those who are friendly to our cause to neutral or even hostile. We could turn friends into enemies. We have even had some of these locals warn us when they felt something might be coming our way.”

“But sir, they are just mudpuppies. What does it really matter?”

I shake my head, “That is just the kind of attitude that got the locals to rise against us in Manehatten. I saw that first hoof. I know they are not all good, but remember, they are not all trash either. Just treat them with a modicum of respect is all I ask, and all I am telling you to do. However, if we have suspicions about one of them, we still can inspect their loads and question them, just do it politely.”

“Yes, sir,” he answers me, but I can tell he does not believe it. As I walk away, I find myself sighing and thinking to myself about how I cannot wait for my XO to arrive so she can deal with this for me.

Three days later she finally arrives. I am at my desk looking over my company commanders’ supply requestions when I hear my clerk, Sergeant Quick Type ask, “Can I help you ma’am?”

“Yes sergeant, you can. Here are my orders assigning me to the 753rd battalion.”

“Everything seems to be in order, ma’am. I will go see if the Colonel is available,” he tells her.

When he knocks on the doorframe of my office, I tell him, “Yes please have her come on in.”

As she enters, she hooves me her paperwork and I tell her, “Please close the door and have a seat, I have been expecting you.”

She closes it with a wingtip and then takes the offered seat. Once seated I tell her, “Welcome aboard, XO. I have been expecting you.”

“Sorry about the delay sir, but I had to wait an extra couple of days for transport to Thunderhead then down here.”

I smile, “I do understand how that is. Having been on detached duty a few times has taken me out of this region. I have seen a copy of your record and it looks good, now how about you tell me a bit about yourself.”

She seems surprised and tells me, “Sir, what do you want to know, and why does it matter?”

“XO, we are going to be working together to run this battalion, so I want to get to know you and have you get to know me. That way we can understand how the other operates better.”

I see her tilt her head and raise an eyebrow as she asks, “Just how do you mean that sir?”

I am surprised at her question and tone. I then tell her, “I mean, our personalities, so we can figure out how to work together professionally. Why? What did you think I meant?”

She seems somewhat relieved when I say this, then she says, “I am sorry sir, I just, I guess I had assumed that you meant something else. I had hoped not, but it does happen sometimes.”

I shake my head and tell her, “Yes, sadly it does. That does not make it right either. But just to let you know, I am a happily married stallion with a home full of kids.”

She seems surprised to hear that, then she tells me, “Sir, I noticed you said kids and not foals, I am a bit surprised by that.”

I find myself shrugging my wings and I smile as I tell her, “That is because one of my adopted children is a griffon hen.”

I see her eyes go wide and hear her mutter under her breath, “He really has gone native.”

I laugh lightly, then I tell her, “Not really, but I have spent enough time down here to get to know that they are people down here too, no matter what their politics.”

She seems hesitant then tells me, “Sir, you know speaking like that could get you considered disloyal to the Enclave by some.”

Again, I shrug, “Perhaps, but understand, even the President herself has met myself and my family. She conducted the ceremony when they became enclave citizens.”

I see her think briefly, and then she asks, “Was that you and your family that were interviewed by Hallowed Dreams?”

I smile and nod, “Yes, that was us.”

“So, it was not just a propaganda stunt?”

“No, XO, it was not. They are all proud and loyal Enclave citizens now. The last major attack we received here, three of my kids had been out scaving and saw them getting ready. They made their way back to one of the gates and called in a warning, so we were ready when they hit us.”

She looks back at me with one eyebrow raised and asks, “Really? That is interesting but they are dependent on you because you adopted them. Why else would they do that?”

“Storm, because the Enclave, not just me, but the Enclave, particularly the Volunteer Corps were the first ones to treat them like their lives mattered. But if you would like, perhaps soon I can have you over for dinner and you can ask them yourself.”

She nods her head, “Perhaps sir, but I do not want to be singled out.”

“It would not be a problem. Now how about you tell me a bit more about yourself? Are you married? Have any foals?”

She smiles and laughs, “No sir, I am not married, I have somepony I am interested in, but she is a long way from here right now. As for foals, I do not feel I am the mother type.”

I smile at that, “I can understand that. I have a few friends of mine who are the same way. Not everypony wants to be, or should be a parent.”

I see a bit of relief on her face as she then tells me, “I am so glad you understand that sir. I have had too many others try to convince me to become a mother.”

“By the way Storm, when we are talking privately like this, please call me Ball. It will also help us to differentiate when we are talking personal or professional business.”

“Sir, you are not what I was expecting. But I think I am going to enjoy working for you.”

“I am glad to hear that, now, XO, why don’t you go talk to the Sergeant Major and have him help you find your office. You can store your bags there until later, when we can get you your quarters. Afterwards, we can make a round of the battalion’s facilities and I will introduce you around.”

“Yes sir, that sounds good.”

Once she leaves, I finish up what paperwork I have still. I enjoy a quick cup of coffee and when she returns, she tells me, “The new office is pretty nice for being dirtside sir. A bit larger than I was expecting as well.”

“One of the privileges of being the XO. By the way, did the Sergeant Major show you around the headquarters a bit as well?”

“Yes sir, he also introduced me to several members of our staff. Including the headquarters security detail.”

“Glad to hear that. That means we can begin with showing you around the RDS a bit as well as our companies’ areas.”

She nods her head and puts her cover back on and I do the same. I make sure my pistol is set securely in its holster and I ask her, “Do you have a personal sidearm to carry?”

She hesitates, “I did not think we would normally be armed down here. I thought it was more secure.”

I nod my head, “Normally it is, but we still need to be prepared. We can stop by the armory if you need to before we leave the HQ?”

She smiles, “No need. Let me stop in my office and grab it and my holster. I would feel more comfortable with it on.”

I nod my head and wait while she takes out an IF-21 Caramel 10mm pistol that is Stable Tec marked, and puts in holster on her right hind leg. I smile and nod when I see it. She blushes slightly and tells me, “It was a gift from Kind Heart from before I left Reino.” She pauses then looks at my weapon and I see her eyes widen. “You have an E1911?”

I nod my head, “Yeah, I found it a while back at Mega Mart. I like the history of it as it was a Ministry of Awesome issue piece at one time.”

Once she has everything situated, we begin our tour of the RDS and our areas of responsibility, followed at a slight distance by our security detail.

She looks at me funny and asks, “I thought you liked the locals and trusted them?”

I Laugh lightly and tell her, “I like some of them and I respect them. However, that does not mean I fully trust all of them. Best to be ready for trouble when we don’t need it than not be ready when we do.”

It is while I am introducing her to the B company commander that I overhear the captain ask, “So Ma’am, have you done much garrison duty?”

She looks at him and answers, “Some over in Reino. We also handled some prisoners taken there. She then asks, “Tell me Captain, where has your duty with the MP battalions been previously.”

I see him become hesitant and he answers, “This is my first time Ma’am. My last posting was with the Supply Corp.”

She nods her head, “Well, just remember what those of us who have done it for a while or before suggest to you. That knowledge was often gained through hard experience.”

As we are walking to the next company HQ, I ask her, “I was just wondering XO, what happened over in Reino?”

She abruptly stops and for the first time, I see her face lose all expression. She then turns her head away from me and answers, “Sir, just know I was following orders when we handled the prisoners there. Please do not ask me anymore about it.”

I am not sure what exactly happened there, and I realize I probably do not want to know. Again, what horrors has she had to perform in the name of duty, I ask myself.

I shift my wings and tell her, “I won’t, but if you ever need to talk about it over a cider or something. Let me know.”

“Thank you, sir, for understanding.”

After we return to the battalion HQ, I tell her, “XO, I am going to call it a night. I would suggest you get with the Sergeant Major so you can get your quarters set up.”

She smiles slightly and tells me, “Thank you, Sir, have a good night and I will see you in the morning.

After she says this, I make my way to Alizée’s shop where I meet Savannah who joins me on my way home. As we walk, she tells me, “I saw you with that new officer dad, she seems a bit nervous. Who is she?”

In reply, I tell her, “That is Storm Rider. She is my new XO.”

As we gently fly along, she then asks, “What do you think of her dad?”

“So far she seems decent, but time will tell,” I answer, but I also think to myself that I wonder just what she did outside of Reino.


It’s the top of the hour and you know what that means. Time for the news. In tonight’s news, there has been an outbreak of severe wild weather in the northern plans that bears watching as reports have come in of several settlements suffering damage. These reports have come to us from observers out on the great plans. These storms are reported to be heading in the direction of Whinnysota and the settlements here.

In the news of the Enclave-NCR war, some reports have come out of Reino about the abuse of NCR army prisoners taken there and a supposed massacre of military contractors whom the NCR hired. If so, this could be taking the war to an entirely new level.

From the Manesville region of the NCR, there are reports that the crops there have been replanted, and hopefully they will have enough of a harvest to allow them to export to the other communities who have come to depend on them for food.

In Baltimare it seems the reports of the recent skyship battle there were true and the rescue of 23 survivors of the EAS Down Draft has occurred. The Followers of the Apocalypse has reported the survivors’ names to the Volunteer Corps in Hoofington.

The fighting in Van Hoover has been reported as quieting down as a cease-fire is said to be in effect between the local chapter of the Steel Rangers and Enclave forces there.

That’s it for the news and now with the weather what it is as well as the war news making it seem very appropriate, here is Eye of the Storm.

Chapter 62 Side Tracked

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Chapter 62 Side Tracked

“The Wasteland’s got its own golden rule. Thou shalt get sidetracked by bullshit every goddamn time.” The Ghoul, Fallout

Northern Plains Wastelands, Unclaimed territories: Ginger Snap

I am yawning and tired as the sun rises above the eastern horizon on our third day since leaving our last target area. It was my turn for the watch, which also means that it is time for me to wake up the rest. As I wake my team, Sugar Tail from the Troubleshooters wakes hers. Chisel Plow, who does not sleep much, begins to awaken his foals.

As they get up, I notice some of the newer team members are sluggish and I ask, “You OK Hot Pepper?”

She nods her head, “Yeah, I think so. Just a bit fatigued still.”

“Do yourself and the rest of us a favor, have Danger check you out. That way if you are getting sick, we can get you treated.”

She smiles with one corner of her mouth, “Thanks Cookie, I will.”

When I wake my husband, I kiss him gently on his cheek and whisper, “Time to wake up sunshine.”

I see his eyes slowly open and he tells me, “That was a very pleasant way to wake up out here. Thanks love.”

I find myself smiling and I tell him, “You are welcome. Now we best get moving, we have a long way to go.”

As he gets up Katie comes trotting over to him for some attention. He gives her a brief scratch and then we both wrap up our bedrolls and prepare to travel for the day.

As we start to load the foals up on the cart, I see Choo to the side talking with a tired-looking Chisel Plow. I cannot hear what they are talking about but I see him take a bottle of Sparkle Cola Rad from her, and he then joins his foals on the cart. As we start to move, I watch as Sunny and Morning Mist take to the sky and fly high above us to scout ahead.

It is a couple of hours later when we hear over the radio, “Big Blue, this is Fog, it looks like we have a settlement up ahead.”

“Roger, Fog, catch a cloud and observe as we approach.”

Soon I begin to see a small village with scrap-made walls going between the outer building. I notice that to the east there are a couple of moderately successful fields in them. This makes me think we will run into mainly earthponies.

Soon we have come to what must be the main gate to the village. As we arrive, I see at least ten ponies taking up defensive positions.

Choo has us all stop and has me go forward to talk to the one pony who has come out of the gate to meet with us. As I approach him, I notice he is carrying an old double-barrel shotgun and wearing makeshift armor, that almost reminds me of some of the raiders we have come across further south of here. But again, their walls are clean as they can be in such a place and I do not see any other signs that would lead me to that conclusion.

When I am about seven meters from him, I hear him say, “Stop right there. Who are you and what do you want?”

I then answer him, “You can call me Cookie. We are just passing through, but we have a bunch of foals and their ghoul caretaker who need a new home.”

“They rich or something to be able to afford all you mercenaries?”

I shake my head, “No, we came across them and decided to help them. As I said, the rest of us are just passing through.”

“They sick or something?”

“No, one is still recovering from a gunshot wound, but they are healthy otherwise.”

He pauses and looks back at the of his people behind him. Then he tells me, “Let me have a look at them.

As we walk towards the wagon, I get the gut feeling that something is not right. But I do not say anything yet.

At the wagon, he looks at the foals and the old ghoul and tells me, “Yeah, the foals look good, but we won’t take a ghoul. Never know when those things will go feral.”

I hear several of the foals protesting over this and he just looks at them with disdain and shakes his head. Then he asks, “How much for the foals?”

I quickly shake my head and ask, “Excuse me?”

“You heard me, how much do you want for them? We could use them for the fields, or maybe to trade.”

Then it hits me, Slavers. I feel a wave of anger start to build in me and I realize my husband has heard this. I thank Sweet Cream and the goddesses he is harnessed to the cart right now, or I am sure he would already be shooting.

Over the whisper mic, I hear Choo and Mort give the orders to spread out and be ready to fight. Then Choo approaches him and tells him, “I am sorry, but understand, we were looking to find them a new home, not sell them.”

He then asks, “Who are you and why should I listen to what you want?”

Choo then smiles as she tells him, “You can call me Big Blue, and to answer your other question, it is because two of my snipers are on the cloud up there and already have you targeted. And if you attack us, not only will you die, but so will most of your village. We will then burn what is left.” She then pauses and adds, “Do not try what you are thinking, I do mean what I am saying.”

“And if we just let you go?”

“We leave you be. Time and fate will bestow upon you what you deserve. Now, before we go, my next question is how far to the next settlement?”

I can see she now has his full attention. He looks frustrated and then he tells her, “The closest one is about a day’s walk east of here. Not too big, but they have been some of our best customers. Just two days south of us is Oil Town. They are tight on their crops from what we know. They have never bought anything from us other than surplus food.”

Choo nods her head, “Thank you, I do appreciate it. She then uses her TK to reach into her saddlebag to pull out a small pouch of caps. He jumps back slightly into a defensive position at first, but he smiles widely when he sees the caps. However, I notice at the same time he does that her MoM badger has stuck to it. I watch him backpedal slightly, as he says, “I, I didn’t know the Pinks were back. Look I don’t want no trouble from you.”

Choo looks at the bag, shakes her head, and puts it back into storage. She then tells him, “We will be on our way now. Thank you for the information.” She pauses, looks at the village, and back at him. Then she tells him, “May the goddesses give you what you deserve.”

He at first smiles, then seems confused as he realizes what she may have meant. He then yells back to the village, “Let them go, we don’t need trouble with the Pinks.”

As we go, I slide next to my husband and tell him, “I know how you feel about this, but now is not the time nor place.”

He quietly tells me, “I know, but Cookie, it still burns just the same.”

I nod my head and Choo gives the order for us to continue our way. As we pass the village, we do so in a combat escort formation, just waiting for them to try something. We are at the ready for another hour before we relax and begin to return to normal for our travels.

A while later I am walking next to Epona and she asks me, “Sis, is he going to be, OK?”

I look back at him and smile and he simply nods his head to me, I also notice Katie is sticking right by his side. From the back I see a couple of the young ones standing up and looking at the countryside as we move through it. “Yeah, he will, but he is going to be in a mood for a couple of days if I do not miss my guess.”

“OK, I just know that had to be rough on him.”

“Thanks for asking sis.”

She smiles sadly and tells me, “No problem, Sis, I know that I will have to handle some of Purchase’s issues when we do finally get home.”

“Yeah, I can understand that. But at least she is with family. Hopefully that will help.”

She sighs and tells me, “Yeah, I am sure that helps, but honestly, I just want to be with her and take care of her right now.”

In response, I tell her, “I do understand. I remember Mama Mollygirl feeling that way about Mama Magpie and Papa Badger while on the expedition.”

We talk for a bit more then I shift back closer to Choo. She and I begin to discuss finding a camp for the night as the sun becomes lower in the sky.

She looks at the young ones who are walking and makes a decision, “We camp here for the night. If we take water from the creek over there, check it to make sure it is safe, but still boil it before using it for anything other than washing.”

We set up camp quickly and only have a fire for about an hour, to cook food and boil water. As the batponies are exhausted from all the daytime travel when they normally sleep, they are off the watch bill for tonight.

It is during the second watch, during the dark of the moon that it happens. I am awoken by several flares going off, and I remember something like this from during the expedition when Xavier yelled out that it was a slaver raid.

Both my husband and I grab our weapons and launch ourselves from our bedrolls. I use SATS and begin to target the slavers. Choo yells out to everyone, “Protect the foals!”

There is a quick gunfight and I hear one of Mort’s team and Morning Mist call out, “Medic Up!”

The raid is over quickly and they are gone almost as fast as they came. However, we are missing three of the foals. Sugar Tails from the Troubleshooters, and Ember Rose.

Choo tells Chisel Plow and the foals, “Wrap up our camp and put it on the cart. Sunny, you are with me. Morning Mist, stay with Chisel and the foals. Moon, I need you and your friends to do the same. Lance, your squad on me, Ginger you have the ground team. Follow us on the ground.”

“Yes ma’am,” I answer.

This is followed by Mort telling her, “I will bring up my people with Cookie.”

She looks grateful and tells him, “Thanks, Mort.” Then she turns and takes to the air.

I tell Twinks, “Hit Fog with one of our healing spells, and let’s move it. Moon can finish him. We need to move quickly.”

Twinks does so and tells me, “Ready Cookie.”

I turn to the others and tell them, “Let’s move it Ponies!” and we are off at a canter as the moon begins to rise above the far horizon.


Northern Plains Wastelands, Unclaimed territories: Xochitl

As I wake up groggily and hear gunfire and flares overhead, I see shadows in the night and I realize what this is, a raid on our camp. My eyes are fully open and the adrenaline kicks in as I grab my weapons and begin to protect our camp. Beside me are my wife and Katie. I then hear Choo yell to protect the foals and I send Katie to help.

I then think to activate my SATS and begin to shoot at some of the raiders, but then I notice through my Eyes Forward Sparkle that they have several of our people and I begin to curb my fire. As they run away, they are heading east, not north like I would have expected if they came from the village we passed earlier.

We then take stock of the wounded and missing. They have taken three of the foals as well as one of ours and one of the Troubleshooters. Ember Rose was on watch, so they must have caught her off guard.

Choo quickly assesses the situation and gives us our marching orders, then she, Sunny, and the four batponies are flying after them as we begin to head that way.

As we form up to go after them, all I can think of is that we have to get them back. I could not live with myself knowing I let someone else go through what I had to when I was young. I swear to the Goddesses that I will kill every one of those slavers.

We have been running at the canter for almost half an hour when we have to slow down to a walk to catch our breaths, then I hear Arras call over the radio, “Big Blue, Night Guard Two, they have shifted to heading north.”

Then I hear, “Cookie, I think they are heading back towards the village we passed earlier.”

“Roger Big Blue, changing our course,” Cookie replies.

We take a couple of breaks so we are not exhausted when we catch up with them.

We are only a few miles from where the village should be when I hear Morning Star say over the radio, “Big Blue, Night Guard One, they are almost back to the village we passed this morning.”

“Roger Night Guard one, continue to shadow them and observe until the rest of the team arrives.”


With that, we know where we are going for sure. I feel my face begin to change once more into a feral grin as I bare my teeth and prepare to get some major payback on some slavers. As we get closer, I shift my weapon Orcus to the ready position.

I then hear over the radio, “All RP units, this is Night Guard One, the targets have entered the village through a side gate to the south side.”

This is followed by “Cookie, coordinate with Mort, for a ground assault. All fliers on me.”

In the darkness, we shift into an assault formation from a road formation, and we continue to advance toward the village. As we move, we shift our nods down so we can see more clearly in the dark.

We are about 100 meters from the gate when Choo tells us, to hold our positions. Then I hear her say, “All snipers, target the guards nearest the gate. “Night Guard, after they fire, commence the plan we discussed on the way here.” She pauses and then I hear her quietly in my ears command, “Now.”

Myself, Tater, Sunny, and two of the Troubleshooters take our first shots, shift targets, and fire again. As we do this suddenly, I hear gunfire and screaming from behind the village walls. Then I suddenly see the gate open up and we are running forward and into the village and the havoc that is occurring there. Cookie uses her PipBuck to track down Ember Rose and hopefully the others who were captured.

As we go, we are in full urban combat mode. Soon several of the buildings have caught fire from overturned lanterns or candles. Several times we must snap-react to people coming out of the doorways of buildings. Using EFS, if they are red, they are dead.

Soon we have made it to a building that looks like an old dilapidated barn. As we go inside, I see not only our people but several slaves who are either shackled together or wearing bomb collars. Behind them, the mayor from earlier stands with a dead-stallions switch in his hoof and a serious grin on his face. He laughs and tells us, “You can take your people with you, but you try anything and I will blow their heads off.”

Without thinking, I switch to SATS and I target his head with a three-round burst. Then I activate the spell and watch as he is hit in the forehead with my rounds. As he falls the switch drops from his hooves and I hear four small explosions. These are followed by the screaming of the surviving slaves.

I then hear Twinks saying, “Damn it all. I tried to grab it with my TK. Why, why could I not have been faster?”

I see Tater go to comfort her. I then watch as Katie goes over to the now-dead mayor. Grabs his neck and begins to throw her head back and forth as she growls. Soon she stops and she walks back to me with her head down and her tail tucked. All I can say at that point is, “We tried.”

As that was going on Twinks and Tater both started to unshackle the slaves. Several of them jump up and run out into the night with farming tools in their muzzles.

I next hear Cookie say, “Ok, everyone out. Make sure no pony is left behind.”

As I step back out the door I see Double Back, Days End, and Jelly Bean are all waiting at the alert. Half the village is in flames by now and the fires seem to be spreading. We take our people and any of the now-freed slaves who want to join us with us and out the gate. As I pass through it in the graying dawn, I see Morning Mist has pulled the cart back along with all the foals. The Flying Foursome and Chisel Plow are with them.

As they get closer, I see Moon Lily have a chill go through her as she shivers. She closes her eyes and shakes her head. Then I watch as she gives the Blessing of the Dead to the village. After she has finished Choo and Mort approach the cart. They turn back one more time behind us. Both shake their heads and Mort tells us, “Troubleshooters, lead out. Repair Ponies, you got drag this time.”

Choo nods her head and as the cart turns around and begins to head back south, we fall in behind it with myself on one side of the cart and Double Back on the other. It is then that I realize, that no matter how badly I wanted to hurt those slavers, I really do not feel better inside. Instead, my damn quick shot kept Twinks from using her TK to save those slaves with the collars. I just hope those slaves we did free do not hold that against me.

It is almost noon when we reach the site of our camp from the previous night. We cross the creek at a ford and keep moving. As we do so, there is very little noise coming from our group. But I do hear those we freed talking, and before long they begin to sing one of the old songs I remember singing when I was a slave as I hear, “Wade, Wade in the Water, Wade in the water Children, Wade in the water,”

Without realizing it, I begin to join in as I start to sing,” Goddesses gonna trouble the water. See that band all dressed in white. Goddesses gonna trouble that water.”

I take another breath as the slaves, myself, and one of the Troubleshooters, called Two Tone sing, “The leader she looks like the Princess of night, Goddesses gonna trouble that water.”

It is as we sing I look over at Two Tone and she looks back at me and nods as we realize we both tasted the lash. And we continue to sing as we lead the others to freedom. “Wade, Wade in the Water, Wade in the Water Children” We sing until this song is finished and a new one starts.

This time I am quiet, but I remember it too. As we walk, my wife approaches me and Katie and tells me, “Dearest, I never heard that one before.”

I smile sadly, and I feel a tear in the corner of my eye as I answer, “And for that, I thank the Goddesses and Sweetcream who you pray to, that you haven’t. That was one of the songs we sang in the fields as slaves. It gave us directions on how to escape, especially if they had hounds available to track us. Father sang it to me and Mother every night before we ran. No one in my family has sung it since.”

She moves closer and tells me, “Thanks for sharing that with me, as well as letting me hear you sing it. Even if it is only this one time.”

“You are welcome, my love. A lot of memories with those songs.”

At the hour we stop for a short break and we all drink some water. As we do this, Sunny lands and I hear him say, “Choo, I saw a couple of radhogs up ahead, do you want me to take them out so we can feed everypony?”

She thinks briefly before answering, “Yes do that, we simply do not have enough to feed everyone, even with what they grabbed on their way out of there.”

Soon I see Sunny flying off with Morning Star and Asra. We have just begun to get ready to move again when I hear three quick shots and I hear over the radio, “Big Blue, we got a big one and a small one. I am starting to clean it to cook right now.”

“Roger, Blackbird we are coming to you.”

As we arrive, I can see the hogs have already been gutted and quartered by Sunny. Asra and Morning Star have already dug a firepit and are getting ready to start a cooking fire.

Choo then tells us, “We will make camp here, cook the meat, and take what we do not eat with us.”

After she says this, we begin to dig foxholes in a perimeter around the camp and prepare for the night.

As I am digging a hole for Ginger and me, one of the older slaves we freed comes over to me and asks, “I hope you don’t mind my asking, but why are you digging all these holes?”

I smile and tell him, “These are fighting positions, some of us will sleep in them even. But if we are attacked, we can defend ourselves better.”

He looks around and then tells me, “I heard you singing earlier, I know what that means, how did you get to be a soldier colt?”

I let out a sigh, and then I tell him, “If I tell you that, I need to tell you my name, and you tell me yours. My name is Xochitl, but the others call me Flower.”

He then looks down at the hoof I have extended for him to shake and he carefully shakes it and tells me, “Grape Hoe. No pony ever offered to shake hooves with me before.”

I understand where he is coming from and I tell him, “Well, you are a free stallion now.”

I see him blush and he looks down before he answers in a shamed tone of voice, “No, not a stallion. The masters gelded me when one of the masters’ daughters said I was looking at her wrong. I swear I wasn’t, but they, they did it anyways.”

I feel the anger growing in me again and I wish I could have done more than kill some of them. But I did what I could. “I am sorry to hear that Grape but you are free now. Do not let having been a slave shame you. We can step above that.”

“Easy for you to say. I see you even have a mare and dog. Myself, who would want a gelding.”

I put a hoof on his shoulder and tell him, “You never know, but do not give up hope.”

“Yeah, I guess.” He does a brief snort of air before adding, “I never expected to be free someday either, so maybe you are right.”


Northern Plains Wastelands, Unclaimed territories: Choo Choo

As the others prepare the meat for cooking, I realize I need to call the Colt to let them know we were delayed and why. I also realize it has been a few days since I last checked in with Ball Lightning and our higher headquarters.

I talk briefly about this with Mort. After which he tells me with a lopsided smile, “Keep me informed alright Choo? The way things have been going lately I am afraid of what could happen next.”

I grin back at him as I respond, “I feel the same way, Mort. I feel the same way. I will be back in a bit.”

I then walk toward a nearby grove of trees, and just before I go in, I decide to use my EFS. I find nothing in there and breathe a sigh of relief. I walk in a bit further then I use my PipBuck to first contact the Colt.

Once out of earshot of the others I try to contact the Colt, “BC this is Big Blue, BC this is Big Blue, do you read me?”

I hear static and a couple of clicks then after about 20 seconds I hear, “Big Blue, this is BC. What is your status?”

“BC things are horrid. I repeat, things are horrid. We are still half of a day’s walk north of the prediscussed meeting point.”

“Roger, Big Blue, can you say what happened?”

I sigh then tell them, “BC, we ran across a village of slavers, and last night they raided our camp, took two of our team members, plus several orphans we are escorting to a new home. We got all back and if any of the slavers still live, they will never forget us.”

I hear them sigh in the background of the radio static then they say, “Understood, we are still at least two days from the rendezvous point. We have run across a dragon again. We took several casualties and are still trying to repair the damage. Let us know when you make the rendezvous point.”

“Roger. Big Blue out.”

I shake my head then I call into Ranger HQ still using the short-wave bands. I report what our status is, then I hear them say, “Big Blue, the boss says that you have one more attempt at this mission, then we have other work we need you to do for us. Do you understand that?”

“Roger, I copy and understand. One more attempt.”

After that, they end the communications. I then notice it is nearly time for me to check if Ball Lightning has any messages for my government. I wait for half an hour listening to static and finally, I give up. I then notice I have a message on my PipBuck from my sister Cargo telling me to contact her as well as which frequency to use.

I tune into it and I call out, “Mother Hen, this is 42, Mother Hen, this is 42, do you copy?”

I repeat this a couple more times before I hear, “42, this is Hen House. Mother Hen is on the way. Stand by.”

I wait a couple more minutes, and then I hear, “42, this is Mother Hen, 42, this is Mother Hen, do you copy?”

“I copy Mother Hen, what do you have for me, over.”

“42, using some of our old surveillance systems we have a location for the actual broadcast. It seems your target has been bouncing signals to make it appear he was broadcasting from different locations. It took us some time, but we have tracked down the broadcast point of origin to one of the stations in Van Hoover. Do you copy?”

“Roger, I copy. Mother Hen, do you have the coordinates for this location?”

“That is affirmative. I am sending them to you right now.”

After she says this I see a small indicator in the side of my line of vision letting me know a new message has been received. I nod my head and then tell her, “It has been received. Thank you, Mother Hen. On a personal note, your mutual young family member said to wish you well and tell you she cannot wait to visit you again.”

I hear a smile in her voice as she responds, “Pass on to her that I feel the same way. Good luck and good hunting Sis. Talk to you later.”

I find myself smiling as I tell her, “I will talk to you later sis. Out.”

After this, I head back to the camp. I first go to talk with Mort, but call Ginger over to meet with us as well. When he sees her going to join us, Smiley nods his head and comes over also.

Once the four of us are together, I tell them, “It looks like we can take our time on getting to the rendezvous point. The Colt is in the middle of conducting repairs and is estimated to be there in another two days.”

Then all nod their heads, but before they can ask anything, I tell them, “I also talked to our depot northwest of here. Mother Hen has given me the coordinates of our target's broadcast sight.

I see them all nod their heads again, and then Mort asks me, “How did they get that information?”

“I am not really sure Mort, other than they said they used some old ministry tech to do so. I believe it is credible though.”

Mort asks, “So what do we do while waiting for them to get to the oil field pickup site?” Beside him, Smiley and Ginger, nod their heads in agreement.

“What we always do,. Get to know the locals, gather intelligence and build bonds we can work with in the future.”
We talk about our plans for traveling the next day and then we return to the others. As we approach, I can smell some of the radhog roasting on a spit above the fire. I am amazed at how good it smells. I then notice one of the released slave mares is off to the side rubbing what appears to be spices and herbs on the outside of a rack of ribs just before they are placed above the fire and wonder what it is.

Twinks comes up to us and tells us, “Smoke Meat is showing some of us how to do what she calls a dry rub on the meat before cooking it.”

The mare I now know is Smoked Meat nods her head and then adds, “If we had time I would hang it in a smokehouse for a bit first. But I know we do not have that much time. The masters used to love it when I cooked it like this.”

As the meat cooks, I feel my mouth begin to water. Then I notice Tater has turned on the radio on his PipBuck. He nods to me and says, “Figured we should hear what the enemy is saying now,”

From his Pipbuck I can hear the smarmy voice of Hallowed Dreams saying, I even have heard that our intelligence sources have tried looking for the supposed little black alicorn that the NCR said brought down one of our Raptors. These sources say there is no evidence she even exists, other than just word of mouth. Do they want us to believe that? Gibberish, that is what it is. Once again to hide their crimes of using megaspells and killing prisoners!

But what do we really expect from the NCR? They burn their own crops and then tell everyone they are growing enough that the next harvest time they will have enough food. Ponies, listen up. Would you believe this kind of lies from your foals? You can bet your feathers that I wouldn’t.

It is the bottom of the hour and time for a few more songs following these brief messages. For those in the NCR, The Weather is Wild. I repeat, the weather is wild. For those in the Commonwealth, Smooth sailing never made a skilled sailor, I repeat, smooth sailing never made a skilled sailor.

After this, I can hear some more of the typical martial music of the Enclave playing. Tater shakes his head and changes the station to listen to one of the more local stations. After he finds one, he tells me, “More of the same from them.” He turns to Moon and her friends and tells her, “Do not let it get to you, Moon. We know the truth, and eventually, they all will.”

“I know Mash, but still. I just do not like him lying about us.”

The rest of the night goes peacefully. We double our guards and once everyone quiets down for the night we are able to sleep peacefully. Before that, and before sunset, the campfire becomes almost a celebration as those we freed share a meal with us and then begin to sing. At one point I see Two Tone look at Xochitl and they both nod to each other. I then see Ginger whisper something to him and he looks like he blushes, then I watch as first he, then Two Tone slowly walk over to those who are singing and they begin to sing with them.

When they bed down that night I overhear Xochitl ask his wife, “It really did not bother you that I was singing those songs from when I was a slave?”

I can faintly see them in the darkness but she answers by pulling him closer and whispering back, “No dear, I am not ashamed of your past. I only wish you were not.”

The next morning, we get up at sunrise, grab a quick breakfast of bacon and whatever else we can scrounge, then break camp and make our way south again.

After four hours of travel, we begin to see sections of wire fencing running in a straight line across the wasteland’s prairie. On one of the sections of fencing is a heavily faded sign that reads Hippocampus Oil Field #1, No trespassing, Deadly force authorized. I guess we are near the rendezvous point.

Beyond the fences, we can see several mechanical devices that I recognize as being used for pumping fluids. One of which is in operation. We also see what looks like several old wooden windmill bases that are in various conditions of disrepair. As we pass one of them a board falls from it and we all jump.

We travel for another ten minutes when Sunny from up above calls on the radio, “Big Blue, It looks like a settlement next to the river just to the southwest.”

I find myself smiling and tell him, “Roger, Black Bird.”

I then tell the others, “OK, let us follow that trail heading to the southwest.” Before too much longer I can see a faint whisp of smoke from over the horizon.

Before much longer as we follow the well-worn dirt road, we arrive at the outskirts of a village made up of old Quonset huts, portable trailers, and a few masonry buildings. I see several of the old windmill bases that are kept up better and have platforms at the top that are ponied by armed guards. As we continue, I notice there are several breeds of creatures here, not just ponies.

Soon I am met by one who I realize is a deer despite his small antlers and his being covered by a woolen cloak and hood, He is carrying a pack on his back as well. He looks at me and smiles, “I have not often seen your kind lately, much less with a cutie mark. Tell me Princess is it real?”

He looks back at me with his head tilted slightly and asks, “Do you mean that?”

I am surprised and answer, “Of course sir. While I have not met many deer, I have met some while I worked the railroad.”

He looks at me and asks, “What is a railroad?”

I realize he may not have seen a train before. So, I ask him, “Have you seen the two lines of metal connected by wood under them that run across the land?”

He nods his head and answers, “Yes, why? Is that a train?”

I then explain to him, “Those are called train tracks. A train is a machine that rides on those tracks to move cargo and passengers. Further into the NCR they are starting to use them once again. But they were rarely seen after the Final Day.”

“Humph, I will take your word for it.”

He then notices both Cowlick and Smiley nearby and he asks, “What is the story with the one-headed brahmin and the funny-looking unicorn?”

I smile at him and tell him, “Well the bull over there, his name is Cowlick. He is one of the old-school cattle. His people were some of the few of the cattle that made it into a stable. The other is Smiley and he is a Kirin. I am not sure about his story, perhaps you should ask him.”

“Perhaps I will. Is this your first time visiting Oil City?”

I move my ears in acknowledgment and when I realize he does not recognize the body language I tell him, “Yes, we did not know the name. I take it you have been here before?”

He nods his head, “Yes, my second time. I am from much further west, but I wanted to see the world. When I started, I had two of my friends with me, but Stands in Trees was killed by raiders, and Runs Through Flowers became very sick and died a week ago. We made it all the way to the big river. She said she always wanted to see it since she found a book showing it. At least she got to see it.” He sighs, then continues, “I do miss her.”

“I do understand. I have lost those I love too.”

As we continue to walk, he says, “And you do not think less of me because I lost my two does and still mourn them?”

“No, no I do not. We have all lost those care about.”

He then tells me, “I am sorry, I forgot to introduce myself. I am called Morning Glen.”

I smile and reply, “A pleasure to meet you, Morning Glen, most call me Big Blue. However, some call me Choo Choo.”

“Are you here for the market?” he asks.

“Some, we also have come to meet our transport. How about you?”

“I am on my way home. But it is a long way away. Near the coast.”

“Interesting,” I tell him as I wonder if his home is near Van Hoover. I then ask, “Would you mind leading us to the market and perhaps to somewhere we can find lodging?”

“I believe I can do that. For a small fee, I may be able to direct you to the right vendors even.”

I nod my head, “I do believe I can do that. Also, would you happen to know how to contact the elders for the settlement?”

He frowns slightly and tells me, “Sorry, I did not have any contact with them. “

“Fair enough. How many caps do you want?”

He thinks briefly then tells me, “What are you looking for?”

I give him a brief list and he nods his head, “How about two caps per vendor that you and your people use that I have led you to.”

This seems more than favorable. Then he asks, “And maybe a bit to eat. I have not had much the last two days.”

“I think we can do that,” I tell him, then he leads us into the village.

As we reach a checkpoint at the edge of the buildings we are asked by the guards, “What are your reasons for coming here?”

I answer for the group, “My team and I are here to await the arrival of our ride out of here. We also have a large group of orphans and some freed slaves who are looking for new homes.”

He looks at all of us and nods his head, then he tells us, “We may be able to take some of them, but not all of them. Feel free to rest here and wait for your ride, but understand we are not looking to expand our numbers right now. Food resources are a bit scarce. Those damn Enclave vultures do not leave us much extra.”

I nod my head, “I can understand. Are there any Enclave forces here now?”

He looks at me suspiciously and asks, “You are not going to start trouble with them, are you?”

I shake my head in answer, then tell him, “No, we are not here to do that. Once our ride is here, we will be leaving. I just want to make sure that we avoid them otherwise.”

He smiles, “That sounds good. They have a small outpost north of here. Only a couple of vertibucks and maybe a dozen soldiers in all. Once every couple of weeks one of their airships comes through and gives them supplies and whatnot. They buy oil for lubricating their equipment and take what food they want.”

I sigh as this seems so similar to what I have heard in other areas that the Enclave has control over. I then think back to my days on the railroad and remember how we would oil the bearings on the drive gear and rolling stock so I ask, “Do you have a lot of oil?”

He looks cautious and asks, “Why do you want to know?”

“Just curious is all. I remember using it back during the war.”

As we were talking, I see several other ponies who are covered with black splotches both on their fur and clothing have come over to us and are in a defensive posture. One of them comes up and before the guard can answer he tells us, “We have oil for sale if you need it. Most of it has not been refined as we don’t have the equipment for it, but it can be used for lubrication and even burning. I just would not recommend using any of it in a lamp unless you have a spell to break it down some more. Now what can I do for you?”

I explain to him who I am and why we are here. He nods his head and finally tells us, “Normally we do not get such a large group of visitors. You are welcome to wait a couple of days until your ride gets here, but I am sorry to say, most of you will have to leave when it arrives. We just do not have to supplies to support to much larger of a population.”

“We understand sir. Thank you for letting us partake of your services here.”

He smiles and then tells us, “As long as you understand that, Welcome to Oil City.”


Rainbow Dash Skyport, Enclave Territory, Hoofington: Ball Lightning.

I am sitting at my desk processing supply recs that Storm Rider has recommended already when I hear an argument outside of my headquarters area. As loud as it is, it gets my attention and I make my way outside. As I go, Funnel Cloud is already heading out the door.

One of my security ponies falls in right next to me as I step outside into the main corridor of Skyport to see what is going on.

As I do I see two scavers screaming at each other. The one yells, “I did not try to cheat you. You knew what you were buying.”

“Liar, you sold me something that doesn’t work on purpose. You stole my caps.” The other yells back.

I watch as one of the MPs for this section approaches and tries to defuse the situation. Finally, one of my lieutenants approaches and tells the MP, “Take them both into custody, we can sort it out once they calm down.”

I nod my head in agreement and I hear the one say, “But what about all my stuff? I can’t leave it in the open for anypony to just grab.”

I see the lieutenant sigh and run a forehoof down his face. The then tells them, “Collect your stuff and bring it with you.”

It is as they begin to move that the lieutenant looks up and notices me. He looks at me with wide eyes as if worried I will judge him. I know how he feels. So, I nod my head to him and smile. At this point, he relaxes and I watch him lead the two belligerents off to settle the matter.

As I am heading back inside, I notice Funnel Cloud is watching as well. He nods to me and I ask him, “Would you like to have a cup of coffee with me, Sergeant Major?”

He looks at those walking away and nods, “That sounds good Sir. Besides, I have a few things to discuss with you.”

Ten minutes later I am at my desk sharing coffee with him when the XO returns. She knocks on the door frame and tells me, “Just wanted to let you know I am back from the inspections. Things are looking pretty good sir.”

As she says this, I see her looking at the cups of coffee with an expression of desire. So, I ask her, “Would you like to join us XO?”

“If you would like me to, I would not complain sir.”

Soon she too has taken a seat and is enjoying a cup. Most of the time we just discuss business. However, after a bit, she asks me, “Sir, if I may ask, where were you raised?”

I sip my coffee again and I notice it is getting a little cold so I add a bit more from the pot. Then I tell her, “I was born and raised in Thunderhead. The only time I came dirtside before my survival training was right after my mother was killed and they took me to my father who was recovering in a medical facility down here. I am not sure where that was.”

She looks funny at me and asks, “If I may ask, how was she killed?”

Funnel Cloud’s face starts to slide to a neutral expression as he awaits my answer as he knows already. I take a deep breath, and look down at my cup. Then I tell her, “Storm, she was killed during the Neighvarro attack on Thunderhead. She died in my hooves.”

I see her eyes go wide. Then she asks, “Sir, how do you feel about those who are from Neighavrro?”

I tilt my head and I tell her, “Honestly, I don’t know. Last time I was there they treated me and my people like pariahs. Perhaps they were afraid of what we would do if given the chance. But honestly, enough blood was spilled by both sides back then. I just wish the rest of the Enclave would have tried to stop it before it got out of hoof.”

“Sir, what would you say if I told you I was from Neighvarro?”

I shrug my wings. “Storm, I kinda figured that out from your accent. But let’s be honest it was a long time ago and I just hope you did not lose anyone you cared about back then.”

This time I see her look down before answering, “I lost some cousins and an aunt in it. I was lucky our home wasn’t in the path of advance from the Thunderhead retaliation strike.”

This time I hear Funnel Cloud say, “Bullocks what a mess that was back then.”

She looks at him, “Were you involved in it back then?”

I see his body shake. Then he nods. “Yeah, I was in it. I was a low-level non-com back then.”

She looks at both of us and I see her shift her wings. “I am just glad those days are behind us in the Enclave.”

“Same here,” I tell her, and I really hope they are. But I still remember my time in Neighvarro as well as how Air Burst felt when we left.

Three days later I am walking with Storm Rider to the VC cafeteria to buy us lunch, we are talking about rotating some of the companies’ areas of responsibilities to keep them from becoming complacent when from the side I hear a mare yell out, “Stop that. I done told you that I am no longer working in that line of business.”

I am startled though when Storm’s ears go flat along the side of her head. And she begins to head in that direction.

As we get closer, I hear the trooper saying, “Come on then, for old-time sakes, just like in Reino.”

We are coming upon them from their side. I see a fairly young, gray unicorn mare with a light pink mane and tail with some darker red streaks and a cutie mark that is a pony hugging a heart. We are just in time for her to say “I mean it. I no longer do that. I have a special somepony whom I am faithful to.” That is when she looks towards us and sees us approaching.

I hear her let out a squee and she runs straight at Storm, I am just reaching for my pistol when she leaps into the air and is caught by Storm Rider, who drags her in for a hug as she yells out, “Stormy!”

I watch as they share a rather personal kiss, and I see the trooper's dark blue face start to lose color and his eyes go wide open, and we both hear her say, “Sweetheart, it has been so long, what are you doing here?”

She is almost vibrating in her excitement as she explains, “Love, you sent me that letter telling me where you got stationed, so I knew I had to come here and be with you.”

“It is so good to see you again, you surprised me,” she tells the mare I realize must be Kind Heart, who she has described to me before.

As this is going on I notice my trooper is trying to slink away slowly. I tell him to stop and then approach him. He goes to attention and I can tell he is afraid of how much trouble he is in. I then quietly tell him, “Trooper, I hope you realize you were harassing our XO's marefriend. I hear her tell you no and to leave her alone. Now, I know it has been a while since you have been home and such, but next time a mare says no. Listen to her. Now get back to your duties.”

His eyes wide open, ears laid back and wings and tails tucked tight tell me he is taking this seriously as he salutes and tells me, “Yes, sir!”

After he is gone, I turn to the two of them and ask, “Would you care to join us, we were just going to lunch.”

I see an expression of surprise come over Kind Heart’s face and of relief coming over Storm Riders. She places a wing over the smaller mare and tells me, “We would like that sir.”

As we eat lunch together, I find myself enjoying this new mare’s company as if I had known her for years. We only have one slightly awkward moment and that is when I ask, “So how did you two meet?”

Storm blushes but I also notice her slight fight to keep her wings down. Beside her, Kind Heart blushes slightly then tells me, “Stormy came to the bordello I was working at in Reino. It was supposed to be strictly business, but it turned out to be so much more. I will never forget when after the third time I found out she was asking for just me. I was so over the moon about her already that on my days off I tried to find her to spend time just with her.”

I notice Storm looking at me as if waiting for me to judge her, but honestly, I cannot. Sometimes we do what we can, or have to, to survive. So, instead, I ask her, “Did you enjoy your work there?”

She half smiles looks at Storm and then answers, “Sometimes, but honestly, I just want my one mare now.” She pauses, then adds, “So you can see why Trooper Low Flight was the way he was when you met me.”

I nod, then add, “But it still does not make it right.” I pause and turn to Storm. “XO, I ask you not to let this one-time mistake by Low Flight affect how you see him. However, if he continues this way, we kick the cloud and let the lightning strike him.”

She nods and tells me, “I agree sir, but I just wish he would have taken the initial no as a final answer.”

I nod and tell her, “I agree.” Then I turn to Kind and I ask her, “How was the trip getting here?

She looks at my XO and while I see love in her eyes, I read her body language as she answers, “It was not the easiest Ball. But I think Stormy is worth it.”

As we finish our meals, I then smile as I look at Storm Rider and tell her, “XO, before we head back to our HQ, I would like to sometime invite you both over for dinner with me and my family.”

I am pleased to see the surprise on both of their faces and I smile at them as I tell them, “I really do mean it. I just have to set up a day with my wife and mother-in-law.”

Kind Heart looks at me with her head twisted slightly and asks, “Your mother-in-law lives with you and you have to get her permission?”

Storm shakes her head and tells her, “No dearest, she has been helping them with the family since she was badly wounded in an attack on the base here a while back.”

I see Kind’s eyes go wide and she asks, “Is it safe here then?”

This time I answer, “Safer than most of the wastelands. NCR and Commonwealth too for that matter.” I pause and look at the two of them and smile as I tell them, “XO, take the rest of the day off and I will see you tomorrow.”

“Are you sure sir?”

I nod and tell her, “I am sure. I know what it is like to come home to those you love after being separated for a long time.” I pause and add, “And I think Kind here has made a very large effort to be with you again. Have a good night you two.”

After this I see them start to trot off as Storm begins to give her a tour of the RDS. Myself, I shake my head and head back to my desk to finish up those supply requisitions. As I enter the HQ, I see Funnel Cloud noticing me and heading to my office.

Once inside he tells me, “Have you seen the XO? I have a couple of Article 15s for her to review. Two of our troopers from C troop found that bar off base called Mudpuppies and ended up in a hoofticuffs match with some of the locals.”

I look at the paperwork and I tell him, “OK Sergeant Major, the XO will be tied up I believe until tomorrow morning. It seems the marefriend of hers who gave her the Stable Tec Carmel pistol has made it here from Reino. So, I gave her the rest of the day off.”

He smiles and nods his head, “Thanks for the heads up, sir.” He looks at the time clock and asks, “Sir, do you want me to have some coffee brought in for you?”

I look back at my desk and see the paperwork there and I nod my head, “Sure Funnel, I appreciate it. It looks like I might be here a bit late tonight.” As he goes out the door, I take up my pen again and begin where I left off, before I got distracted.


On tonight’s show, I have a special treat for all of you. It seems that I have received a few more recordings in the mail and I will be sharing them all with you. But before that, we have the news and some words from our sponsors.

From Fillydelphia, we have received news of increased fighting between the NCR forces blockading the city and those inside. Reports are that the remnants of Red Eyes forces there have driven the NCR back three blocks through the manufacturing district. No word on the total casualties yet, but they are expected to be high.

From Chicacolt it is reported that the lines have stabilized once again as a severe front of wild weather passes through that area. This front has spawned on the great plains and has left a path of torn-up landscape and ruins behind it.

In other news, a representative from the former territories of Yakyakastan has arrived in Junction Town for a formal meeting with President Grimfeathers and the other leaders of the Coalition. Perhaps we can add another member to the alliance.

Finally, names of prisoners taken as well as names of the dead from the campaign outside of Reino have begun to arrive in the NCR via the Followers of the Apocalypse through the Grand Pegasus Enclave’s Volunteer Corps.

Now for a word from our sponsors. For those looking for good meals, good music, and dancing, the Back 40 Supperclub never lets you down.

Tonight, I would like to add our newest sponsor, Second Chances, First Runs, run by Sewing Bobbin, a haberdasher with over 200 years of experience in tailoring clothing for all creatures. For those who tell her you heard about her on this broadcast, you will receive a ten percent discount.

Now for the first song of tonight, I have a new one for you. Here is Children of the Moon.

Chapter 63: Injuries and Forgiveness

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Chapter 63: Injuries and Forgiveness

On the other side of a storm is the strength that comes from having navigated through it. Raise your sail and begin.” — Gregory S. Williams

Oil City, Great Plains Wastelands: Ginger Snaps.

I take a sip of cider and I am just setting the wooden tankard down when I hear my husband say, “Well, tomorrow the Colt should catch up with us.”

I nod in agreement, then I reply, “Very true. I just hope Rust lets us take the orphans and Chisel Plow with us, so we can find them a place to set down new roots.”

He nods in agreement and takes another bite of his boiled supper. He swallows then asks me, “How is your little sister handling things?”

I smirk, “Which part?”

“The part of everypony here thinking it is so sweet how she is pretending to be an alicorn? Or perhaps how the flying foursome seems to be recruiting the orphans and those freed slaves to go to Manesville.”

I find myself chuckling a bit before I answer quietly, “Well the first one, she is biting her lip about. The boss had a good talk with her about it.”

“I am glad to hear that dear.”

“As for the latter, she seems to think it is her job to recruit for the whole region back home,” I tell him shaking my head and laughing lightly.

I then look up and see her and Choo coming in, followed by the other flying foursome members. All of whom seem rather excited. Choo and they sit on the benches at our table and I hear One of the two sisters ask, “Really boss, we could scout upriver to see where the Colt is.”

I see Choo let out a sigh and roll her eyes ever so slightly as she answers, “I have already told you four, no. Not even with the Lance and her set.”

“Aww, but Granny we could find them quick and ride back here with them.”

“Moon Lily. Do not make me tell you again. I will not have you acting like your older siblings on me,” Choo tells her with her ears sliding back and a stern expression on her face.

I see my little sister and her friends all look down and Moon answers, “Yes ma’am”

“Good, now let us get something to eat young mares,” she tells them.

Finally, they settle down and Choo signals the waitress to bring out five more meals. While they do not have any selection of what to eat, at least they have some food for us.

As they are waiting, I see the town mayor, or Toolpusher as they call their leader, Blow Out approaching and he tells her, “I am glad to see you can get the young ones to behave. Too many who pass through here let the youngsters do whatever they want.”

Choo smiles and tells him, “Thank you. I do appreciate it. They are just excitable and want to prove they have grown up already.”

He smiles at them and tells them, “Don’t be in a rush to grow up, life is hard and forces you to make rough decisions sometimes. Enjoy it while you can.” He pauses then turns back to Choo and tells her, “That is part of why I came to talk to you. Big Blue, when you leave, I am going to have to ask you to take all those who came with you also. My Driller, Dog House, and I have gone over our stores as well as what our crops look like, and with the damn Enclave demanding us to supply their troops, we just do not have enough to take on any more settlers right now. Especially the young ones who cannot do the hard work we need to do.”

I see a slight sadness come over Choo's face and she quietly tells him as she touches his shoulder with a wingtip, “I do understand. Thank you for your hospitality as it is. Perhaps when this war is done, we can put you in touch with some merchants in the NCR who could trade food for oil or whatever else you can produce.”

He smiles sadly and replies, “That would be something alright, but let’s be honest the war is not looking too good for the NCR right now and if the Enclave wins, well that just means tightening our belts longer and tighter.”

After this, he gets up and begins to walk away. I continue to talk to Choo and the others as they eat their meals and I am pleasantly surprised to see Moon eating her meal without using her magic. She really has taken to the role, I guess.

Early the next morning we come out of the Quonset hut we have been renting for everyone to share to twin trails of smoke wafting into the air from down the river. Sunny leaps skyward briefly and calls back down, “Looks like Cousin Rust is coming” he then lets out a slow whistle before adding, “And wow does it look like she has been in a fight again.”

Both. his whistle and tone of voice set me on edge as I wonder how bad it has been. I then see all of our fliers take to the air and I see them all stop and point. I even see Snow Song put a hoof over her mouth as she looks in that direction.

Those of us on the ground begin to trot our way to the river bank. As we get there, we see the Baltimare Colt rounding a bend in the river, and that is when the rest of us get our first chance to see the damage.

As it rounds the bend, I can see several large holes in the side of the main deck, as well as some fire damage. The pilot house has several panes of glass that have been blown out and I also notice that the canvas cover that covers the flight deck when the Hot Shot is not in use is tattered. On the deck, several crew members are ponying the Mare Duces and 20mm guns. Not all of them mind you. But enough to be noticeable.

As they get closer I see some are wearing bandages as well. As ragged and rugged as the ship and its crew look, I would swear they were pirates themselves if I did not know them. I can tell when they see us as several wave and we return it. From the bow, I can hear Four Twain calling out the depth of the water as they inch closer to us. Finally, they put the bow toward the shore and I see the anchor drop and they begin to use the steam crane on the focsle to bring the loading ramp forward and across to the ground ahead of us.

I then hear the steam whistle blow out the Water’s Clan line signal and know they have finally arrived. At this point, Choo tells me, “Cookie, take the team and begin to get our gear ready to load on the Colt, I want to report into Captain Rust and discuss our extra passengers with her.”

“I understand Choo. I will meet you back there.”

I then call out, “Repair Ponies on me. Let us go get our gear ready to bring aboard the Colt.”

As we go, I hear Cowlick tell Double Back, “It sure will be nice to get back home on board again.”

Double Back moves his ears in the affirmative and tells him, “Yeah, but I am afraid it may be only for a few days. Besides, I just hope our quarters were not destroyed in all that fighting it looks like they had.”

I agree with him, but I am more worried about the crew and tell them, “I just hope we did not lose any of our friends.”

I then hear Twinks say, “Yeah, but Cookie, from what I just saw, I am pretty sure we have.”

I sadly nod and tell her, “Yeah Danger, I think you are right about that. Damn it.”

Soon we are back at the rented shelter and begin packing our bedrolls and kits. Once we are ready, Choo lands outside and as she comes in, she calls out to everyone, “Ok, I need everyone over here to hear this.”

Once almost everyone has gathered around her, she begins, “I have talked to Captain Rust Water. She is willing to let you all transport on the Baltimare Colt until they arrive at Manesville next. However, she has taken heavy losses in her crew recently and needs those jobs filled. So, that means you all will have to work as part of the crew.”

Chisel Plow looks at her and asks, “Are you saying even the young foals will have to work?”

Choo nods her head, “Yes. However, they will not be expected to fight at this time, unless they volunteer. Also, she wants to keep them to the safer tasks.”

One of the freed slaves then asks, “What about us?”

She smiles and tells her, “Even all of you. Perhaps, especially all of you. If once we reach Manesville again you decide you want to stay with the Colt, then talk to the first mate and let them know. By then you should have some experience on her under your harness so I am sure they would consider it.”

One of the other slaves asks cautiously, “Ya’all will take slaves even?”

This time I speak up, “Back home in Manesville we do not tolerate slavery. One of the cooks on the Colt is an escaped slave from Fillydelphia. He is a full member of the crew now.”

Choo looks at me slightly annoyed for answering for her, but she then turns to the rest and tells them, “Cookie here is correct about that. However, I will add, that one of our principal tenants of the Manesville region is that everyone spends some time working in the farm fields each year. This ensures you will get food to eat no matter what. It is not fancy, but you will not starve, and if you want better food, then you can buy it.”

I see them all nod their heads, and then Choo tells them, “In that case, grab your belongings and let us head to the Colt. Once onboard those who are new to her will receive your initial billet and berthing assignments.”

Soon we all have our gear and we begin to make our way back home again. I smile to myself as I hear their excitement as well as Katie barking as she plays with the youngsters. As we arrive, both our team and the Troubleshooters make our way to our berthing.

I notice that there are several holes in the bulkheads and a few of our lockers. I also hear Tater worriedly say, “I hope they did not hit my bottle of Old Overmare.”

Once he opens the locker, I hear his tone turn to one of disappointment, “Dang, they got it, as well as a couple of my spare uniforms.”

Once we have our gear and longarms stored, we begin to trickle out onto the deck to find out who was lost and injured, as well as what other damage has occurred. Once we are back on the main deck, I can see that all the new arrivals are gathered with the First and Second Mates.

I then begin to walk the main deck and talk to the crew to see who was still with us. I say hello to some of them but most are rather quiet as we pass by. Soon I decide to head up to the mess decks to see if they have any coffee available. As I get there, I see one of the tables has been broken off its mounts. Another I can see has dark stains on the top of it. As I look at it, I realize what those stains are from. Epona is next to me and she says, “Goddesses that looks like the stains from Momma Mollygirl in her headquarters in Harness.”

I look at her and ask, “What do you mean?”

I see her sigh, as she thinks about the memories before she answers, “On the deployment, she went on when me and the rest of the Others came through the Doorway. We do not talk much about it, but Mama Mollygirl almost died that day. The stain was still there last I knew. But it was almost that large.”

“Wow, I guess that is why Mama Sutures forgave her so quickly.”

She laughs lightly, “Not really. Sis, I never really talked about it, because Ma’s drinking was really hard on me. But Mama Sutures was not nice to her at first. Once Mama Mollygirl got out of the hospital things got so much better that I tried to forget the bad times.”

This is the most she has talked to me about those times, so I simply put a hoof around her shoulder and tell her, “I am sorry you had to deal with that. But you know what? I am so glad you were there for her and that you came back home to Manesville.”

After this we both grab a cup of coffee, sit down, and begin chatting with some crew members as they come and go.


Baltimare Colt, Oil City, Wastelands River Highway: Xochitl

Once aboard the Colt again, I sit down on my normal bunk. I notice the pressing smell of smoke in the berthing compartment. Beside me, Katie climbs onto the bunk and puts her head against my forehoof. I find myself sitting there for a while just thinking.

From the side, I hear Double Back tell Morning Mist, “I wonder where Love Tap is? I hope she is OK.”

I look up and see the worry on both of their faces. I smile as they remind me of my in-laws in a way, so I tell them, “Perhaps you two should go look for her and make sure she is ok.”

They look back at each other and nod their heads, the Double Back tells me, “You’re right Flower. We will be back in a bit.”

I hear similar things being said by others of ours and Mort’s team, and once their gear is all put away, they begin to head back out to see who is still left. I sit there just relaxing at being on the Colt again. Being here allows me to relax some and stop being on constant edge. As the tension begins to fall away, I can hear the pounding of hammers and the occasional call out of some pony asking for something as repairs continue.

As I sit there thinking about what we have just gone through the last couple of weeks I hear a knock on the door frame and I look up and I find myself smiling as I see Rough Seas standing there with a half grin on his face.

I get up and We both give each other a bro hug. I cannot help myself and I tell him, “Thank the Goddesses you are alright.”

I hear him give an almost laugh as he says, “Yeah, it is good to have you and the team back. We were worried about you guys too.”

I can tell that something is bothering him so I ask, “What happened?”

He sits down hard on his hindquarters and tells me, He sits down hard on his hindquarters and tells me, “The Dragon’s Horde is what happened. Caught us at anchor."

I, along with some of the others in the room all nod, and he continues, “They hit us hard with several spells first. That is how the fires started.” He pauses and I see his expression go blank as he looks off into the distance before he continues, “Flower,.....you don't understand w-we were all almost killed. I lost the loader, Two Step, for my twin 20mm. I-I didn't have a choice. I had to keep shooting. They tried to board us for goddess sake! We just then got the 40mm’s going upstairs and that helped to drive them back. Now we gave it to ‘em pretty good, but I don't know how bad it really was for them. I saw some steam and smoke coming out of their insides as well, but they broke off. We didn’t drive them off or even win. I guess they figured the cost of taking us was not worth the effort of continuing the fight.”

“Yeah, I know how that is. Reino was kinda like that. We escaped, that was all. I have heard rumors and reports of what happened to those they captured, but that still does not make me feel good.”

He nods his head, then he tells me, “We lost several of the deck hooves as well as some of the pit crew.”

I look at the deck and sigh before I look back up at him and tell him, “I was afraid of that when I saw the condition the Colt is in.”

“Yeah, we are looking kinda rough. But the Captain wanted us to patch the hull and repair the engines before anything else.” He pauses then adds, “Oh, they nailed the Hot Shot pretty well even with her under the tarps.”

“We were wondering why she could not pick us up. But I guess it was a good thing overall. Especially with all the tagalongs we ended up with.”

This time he smiles and says, “I was going to ask you about them. Who are they and where did you pick them up?”

This time I smile as I begin to tell him about the orphans and how we came across them. I see the surprise on his face when I tell him about the tornado and how we all sheltered in a basement. Then he asks, “I saw the wounded filly as they helped her onboard, what happened?”

I hear a slight sob from behind the sheets that curtain off the bat ponies’ sections bunks and I quietly tell him, “One of us shot her after she wounded them first. We were able to save her, but it has been rough on the both of them.”

He nods his head, “I bet.” He then asks, “Do you think those foals will be able to help?”

I turn and look out the port hole as I think briefly then I answer, “Yes, I think so. Those kids made it on their own to the village where Chisel Plow was. He took them under his care, but they were tough enough to make it there first.”

He tilts his head and shifts his ears as he thinks about it. Then the tells me, “Yeah, I guess they are tough enough. I just hope they can pick up the slack for those we lost.”

After this, he gets up. Both Katie and I follow him back out onto the deck. As we go, I hear one of the former slaves telling another, “Can you believe it? That there first mate said they are really going to pay us.”

The other replies, “While I hope he was telling the truth, I am just glad we are away from the masters.”

Rough looks at them, then me, and asks quietly, “So they really were slaves?”

“Yeah, they were. It will take them a bit of time to get used to being free.” I pause then add, “It took a while for my family to get over it. At times I feel I still am not.”

He seems surprised to hear me say this and he asks, “Flower, were you and your family once slaves?”

I close my eyes and nod my head. Then I answer with my head down and my tail tucked in, “Yes, we were. We escaped when I was just a foal. That was when I got the scars on my back.”

I see the surprise on his face as he tells me, “Flower, I thought you got those in combat. I never even thought of you having been a slave.”

I then look up at him and ask with my ears flat and out to the sides of my head and ask, “Does that make any difference to you now?”

He shakes his head, “No, not really, it just tells me more about your past, and I appreciate your being willing to share it with me, my friend.”

As he and I walk around the ship talking we are greeted by others. Soon I run into Choo Choo and she tells me, “Flower, I will be sending you and Sunny with the Second Mate so he can negotiate a trade for some oil and any other supplies we can find.”

“Will do boss, when is he leaving?”

She shifts an ear in acknowledging that I understand then she tells me, “In a bit, Rust is talking to him up in the Pilot House right now.”

“Ok, I will go grab Sunny and my kit and meet him at the brow.”

“Thank you, Xochitl.” She then turns to Rough Seas and tells him, “A pleasure to see you again and I am happy to see you are in one piece.”

Rough nods to her and I see him almost bow, but he catches himself. Then he tells her, “It is good to see you too Ma’am. I am glad you are back with us.”

“We are back for a bit young stallion, but we still have another operation to go on before we can stay for a while again.”

I see the worry and disappointment on his face. Then he tells us, “I can understand that, I just prefer to have all of you with us, especially if we run into the Dragon’s Horde again.”

Choo nods her head. “We do understand, that is why next time we go out we are leaving the Troubleshooters with you.”
He has a bit of relief on his face and tells her, “Thank you, Ma’am. That helps a bit. Even with all the new arrivals.”

This time I tell him, “Understandable Rough.”

He moves his ears some and then tells me, “Thanks for understanding. I guess I should let you get going and I will see you later tonight.”

I shake hooves with him as I tell him, “Sure thing rough. I will talk to you later.”

I then tell Choo, “On it boss,” and I head down below. As I arrive, I see Sunny and tell him, “Put down the cards and grab your kit. The boss has a job for us to do real quick.”

He looks at the cards in his hooves and I hear him curse slightly as he sets them down and says, “Finally get a straight flush and now I can’t even finish the hoof.”

Across the table, I hear Days End laugh lightly and tell him, “Sure you had one. Now better hurry so you can get back and finish fleecing us.”

Sunny stands up and as he turns tells him, “Deal, Days, I will see you when I get back.”

Soon we are at the brow and I see Compass Azimuth approaching with two of the deckhooves.

“You two ready, I have the list of what the Captain wants. Since you have been here a few days, do you think you can lead us to the right vendors?”

In reply, I tell him, “Well, if we can’t I know a buck who can.”

He grins, “I figured you guys would get to know the ponies here too.”

Sunny grins at him and adds, “While that is true, he literally means a buck. We ran into him on our way in here and he has helped us a bit.”

I see the surprise on his face as he asks, “You guys have been hanging out with deer too now?”

I laugh, “Yeah, you could say that sir, but he is a good buck and helped us get what we needed too, and at a fair rate.”

He nods his head, “I will trust your judgment on that. I have not dealt with any of the deer before myself.”

I chuckle lightly, “They do not seem too different than pony folk if you ask me. Be even we can be a bit strange sometimes.”

Soon we are at the market and I see Morning Glen and wave him down. Once he is close enough, I tell him, “Same deal as before if you are willing to help us find more items for the Colt.”

He looks longingly towards the western horizon and then back at us. Finally, he asks, “Before we make a deal, are you heading further west?”

Compass tells him, “I really should not say. Especially with the recent run-ins we have had with river pirates.”

I watch as Morning Glen closes his eyes in frustration and then tells him, “Look, if you are heading further west, I would like to make a deal for passage.”

Compass looks around and when he has confirmed no one is listening he tells him, “We can do that I believe.”

Then he shows the list to Morning Glen, who Looks at it, smiles, and tells him, I think we can find most of this. A few items are a bit scarce but we should be ok.”

With that, he leads us into the market and I grin as I realize another friend I have made will be with us for a bit longer, and perhaps we can help him find his way home.


Riverside, Oil Town: Choo Choo

After Sunny calls out that the Colt looks like she has been in a fight, all the fliers, myself included leap skyward to see her.

As I watch the Colt round the riverbend and clear a grove of old trees, I feel horror wash over me as I see the amount of damage she has taken. The top three feet are missing from the starboard chimney and both chimneys have taken rents and damage to them.

From there I spy the pilot house. All the starboard windows on it are missing as are the front ones. I can see scorched marks where spells have hit the pilot house as well. As I look further down, I see the damage all along the side, as well as more scoring from both spells and flames. But what really surprises me is that she is listing to starboard by at least five to ten degrees.

The canvas cover along the flight deck and above it is tattered and there are large tears and rents in it. Under which I can catch fleeting glimpses of the Hot Shot.

Along the decks, I can see several of the large guns are ponied, but I also see at least two of the gun mounts are now missing. Among the crew on deck, I see several of them are sporting fresh bandages. Many of them have their uniforms torn or disheveled at the least.

On the bow I see one of the crewponies is taking soundings and calling out the depth as they slowly come our way. I see several of them point at us and some wave, which we return. Once close enough Rust Water has her steer bow first to the river bank below us. They drop anchor and use a steam-powered crane to bring that brow across and onto the river bank. Then they sound the steam whistle letting those nearby know that they have arrived.

I know I need to report in, but I also know I need to talk to Rust, alone, with nopony else there. I turn to Ginger and tell her, “Cookie, take the team and begin to get our gear ready to load on the Colt, I want to report into Captain Rust and discuss our extra passengers with her.”

As she gathers the others, I find myself walking up the brow where I am met by the Boatswain who tells me, “Good to have you back with us again Miss Choo. The captain is up in the Pilot House. I am sure will want to talk to you.”

“Thank you, Crossed Anchors, I do appreciate it,” I tell him as I nod my head, shift my wings, and then make my way to the upper deck and Rust Water.

As I reach the Pilot House, she sees me alone and tells the rest of the Pilot House crew, “Please step out and wait below. I am not planning on leaving right away.”

Once they are gone, she tells me, “Choo, we need to return to Manesville, or Two Step Transfer at least for repairs, supplies and to be honest more crew members.”

I nod my head, “Soon, Tenderhoof has given us one more shot. If you need to, drop us off and head back. Fine, do so. I understand entirely.”

She shakes her head, “Damn it, Choo. Open your bucking eyes. My ship is a wreck. My crew is heavily injured. I lost a dozen crewmembers in that last fight alone.”

I can see something in her eyes I have not seen before. Resignation, perhaps mixed with fear. I quietly tell her, “We may be able to get some supplies here. We can also probably do a few repairs as well and they do have some competent mechanics here from what I have seen.”

She sighs and I see the look in her eyes change back to the determination I am used to seeing in them. She then tells me, “Choo, that does not replace my ponies. I cannot have my crew standing port and starboard watch every day from here until the Goddesses know when.”

I smile at this and I see her tilt her head, “What? Did I say something funny?”

“No, Captain. You did not. However, I may have a bit of a solution to your problem as well as one of my own. I have a large party of freed slaves plus almost twenty foals and their ghoul caretaker who are interested in going to the Manesville region. Perhaps they can work as part of the crew until then.”

She shakes her head. Hesitantly she tells me, “I don’t know Choo. It takes years to make an experienced sailor.”

“I know that Rust, but some of those youngsters may get their cutie marks while learning their skills, that could be a way of farming future crew ponies. As for the former slaves, well we still need ponies to handle lines and cargo, as well as to feed fuel into the boilers. We even have a couple of them that are cooks, so they should at least be able to help,” I tell her with a slight bit of pleading in my voice.

She looks out the forward opening of the pilothouse and down at the main deck and then towards the settlement above. Then she turns to me, with the strength in her voice I am used to, and she answers, “Okay Choo. One more drop-off. But after that, I need to get my crew and ship taken care of.” Under her breath, I hear her also say, “We should never have signed a contract with the NCR for this.” She then asks me, “Where do you need us to drop you off?”

I tell her, “My sister told me they have tracked the broadcast signals to a station in Van Hoover. I just need you to get us as close as possible so that the Hot Shot can drop us off and pick us up.”

“I think we can do that. But it is going to be interesting.” She pauses, looks towards the shore and tells me, “Choo, I do not know if we can take another fight like that, but I will do what I can for you.”

I stick out a hoof and shake hers as I tell her, “Thank you, Captain. I really do appreciate it. Now how do you want to handle it with the new arrivals?”

She smiles, then tells me, “While you go to get them, I will talk to Azimuth Compass and let him know what I want. He will greet the newcomers and give them their assignments.”

“Thank you again so much Rust.”

She waves a forehoof. “Do not thank me too much Choo. We are not home yet. Now go get them and send the Second Mate up to see me on your way down.”

Once I return with everyone, I lead them onboard and am met by the Second Mate. I quickly introduce him to all the newcomers and explain who he is. After this, as he and some of the other crew members talk with them, I head back to my team’s quarters to meet them and just rest with them.

That night our berthing compartment seems fairly busy with all those who come and go to visit with us. I do notice though that Both Morning Mist and Double Back are cuddled up to Love Tap, both of them preening her feathers. The three of them seem to have formed a couple.

At least they are happy, but it also reminds me of how lonely I am and how much I miss Paper Work. I only hope he is ok. Sometimes I think the worst part of this job is that I cannot even write him a letter and have it arrive before I get back.

I chuckle mirthlessly to myself and think, but the rest of the crew and both teams are literally in the same boat.

The next morning, I wake to the sound of repairs being continued on the Colt. As I step out on deck, I see several of the crafts ponies from Oil Town are already on board and assisting the crew with them. I watch as they cut away the top section of the shorter chimney, followed by our pegasi lifting a new section of steel tubing into place, that is welded by magic from a unicorn on the deck.

As I watch Rust Water approaches and says to me, “It is a sight to see, isn’t it? I never imagined being able to repair that out here in the wilds like that.”

I smile back at her, “I have to agree. I knew they were skilled here, but I did not know they could repair our chimneys like that.”

She laughs lightly, “Some of their crafts ponies approached us yesterday after Azimuth Compass and the rest came back from the market. It seems they had been talking and figured they could earn some extra caps, but more importantly some food stocks. We traded them a couple of flour bags of seeds we keep on board for just such an occurrence for these repairs. They also have refilled our barrels for oiling the machinery.” She pauses then asks, “Did you know that oil is their main bartering item?”

I nod and reply, “I had assumed it, especially with them being named Oil Town.”

She grins, and shakes her head, “Choo, I was talking to their Driller, Dog House, and he told me that Oil Town is what outsiders call them. Their ancestors pulled a Harness here but were just not as lucky as Harness and Manesville were. The real name for the place is Hippocampus Oil Field One.” She looks out toward the brow and adds, “He also suggested that they could help us with repairs as long as they could keep the scrap metal. Part of the trade is I added the one Mare Duce and the 20mm gun that was damaged in our last fight. We can’t fix them easily, but they may be able to, and they could use the extra firepower.”

She adds, “While you were sleeping, we were visited by a couple of Enclave troopers from their outpost here. Sunny and Morning Mist convinced them we are an undercover asset for the Enclave’s intelligence service. It seems their sergeant comes from Thunderhead and both Sunny and Morning Mist talked to him about their last visit there and about visiting several locations there.”

I laugh lightly to myself then I tell her, “I never thought him sneaking into Thunderhead would help us so much in the long run.”

She looks at me out the side of her eye and asks, “So they really have been there?”

I laugh, “Yes they have Rust, and we even have a few friendly acquaintances from there now who are in a similar line of work that we are.” I pause as I see a questioning look on her face, and then I add, “We have shot at and been shot at by them a couple of times. The last time we were in direct contact with some of them was up in Whinnyapolis. Those are the ones I told you I gave the business cards to.”

“Yeah, I remember you saying something about that Choo.” Soon afterward I see the chief Engineer approaching us and he tells Rust, “Captain, all the repairs we needed are complete. Those ponies here really know their way around a wrench.”

This gets Rust to smile as she tells her, “Thank you Piston Drive. Begin preparations to get underway.”

I see the yellow mare with the black and blue mane and tail smile as she wipes her dirty hooves on her coveralls and replies, “Yes, Ma’am, with pleasure.”

Rust then turns to me and tells me with a smile, “I best head up to the pilot house. I will talk to you later Choo.”

I then watch as she trots briskly as she makes her way to the pilot house. Shortly after this, I hear the Boatswain calling out, “OK Deck Department, we need to get ready to get underway. Time to man your sea and anchor details.” This is followed by a combination of old hooves and new ones heading to where they belong.

In twenty minutes, I have made my way to the upper deck and watch as the brow is raised and stowed way first, then the anchor is raised as we slowly back away from the shore and twist so that we are in the middle of the river. As we begin to move forward again and head upriver, I smile and think to myself, Next stop, Van Hoover.


Rainbow Dash Skyport, Enclave Territory, Hoofington: Ball Lightning

Savannah greets me as I enter my home. “Hi Dad. Grandma says dinner should be done in a couple of minutes. I am just getting ready to set the table,” she tells me.

“Do you want me to help you?” I ask her.

Before she can answer I hear my mother-in-law say from the kitchen doorway, “Young Hen, if you need help, your mother, myself, or your younger sisters can help. Do not let a stallion do mares’ work.” She pauses and then adds, “Ball, I do not know where you got such ideas from but you should know your proper role in this family.”

“Sorry Mom, I just figured I would help is all.”

“See Mom, I keep telling you, it is not me not doing my wifely duties. He likes to help with the family,” My wife tells her mother.

This is not the first time we have had this discussion, and I really hate that her mother thinks that way. But then again, maybe my thinking is colored by being raised by a single father after my mother was killed.

Shortly after this, I hear the oven open and I smell baked chicken and some boiled vegetables from the other room. As they prepare dinner I sit in my living room chair and read a bit from one of the medical books I have borrowed from the small library that is here at the RDS.

Once it is ready I call out for the other youngsters to let them know dinner is ready. I almost laugh as they come cantering and flying as fast as they can, laughing, and joking as they wave to the other neighbor foals on their way home.

Once inside we all sit down for dinner. As we finish it, I ask Sundancer and her mother, “I was thinking about having my XO and her marefriend come over and join us for dinner sometime, what do the two of you think?”

Sundancer smiles and answers, “I think that would be nice. I would finally be able to meet them.”

My mother-in-law pauses before she answers then tells me, “Perhaps, but are we going to have enough room and food for everypony?”

Sundancer answers for me, “Mom, it should not be a problem, we have had other officers over for dinner with us before.

Right after this Lil’ Bit adds, “Yeah, we even have had the Sergeant Major over for dinner a few times, as well as Uncle Air Burst.”

Wind Dancer then asks, “Who is this Uncle Air Burst? I did not think you had any siblings Ball.”

I smile and tell her, “Air Burst is one of my best friends. Sundancer worked with him while with the Volunteer Corps. He still works for them and is out trying to establish some more stations.”

Sundancer’s mother huffs out some air and pins her ears back momentarily before she says, “Interesting, you would think with a war going on he would be serving in the military, not galivanting around trying to help those who do not want our help.”

I see a pained expression cross several of my children’s faces before Scout quietly tells her, “But Grandma, not everyone down here hates the Enclave. Some do not even know who to ask for help. The Volunteer Corps helps them.”

I watch as Wind suddenly shifts her hears down to the side of her head and blushes as she looks at her plate and then back up again before she tells him, “Oh, I understand that, but if he is a healthy stallion he should be like your father and serving our country.”

This time I quietly tell her, “Mom, Air was discharged from the Navy after he lost an eye during the unpleasantness between Neighvarro and us.”

Again, I see her blush, “Oh, I am sorry, I did not know. I had just assumed he was healthy.”

After this, I shift the conversation and ask Wind Dancer, “Any word yet on when you may be heading back home?”

“No, not yet. Maybe another couple of weeks. It seems that they have severely curtailed civilian transporting back up there, and I do not want to think of what would happen if I just tried to fly up there. But I am sure my husband is doing fine.”

I smile as I remember having dinner with him the one night I was up there before I brought my battalion down here. She sees me smiling and I tell her, “I am sure he is. But just like when I am away, I am sure he misses his wife too.”

I see her blush slightly and she replies, “Thank you son. I really miss him as well.”

After dinner, most of us return to the living room. Lil’ Bil and Wind Dancer however join us after they have finished doing the dishes. We talk for a bit, and then Scout looks up at the clock and tells us, “Looks like it is time for Hallowed Dreams’ show.” I nod my head and he gets up and turns on the radio. After a few minutes more of music we begin to hear his opening.

Good evening to my fellow equestrians. Tonight, I would like to talk to you about some things that have been bothering me in the back of my mind. The first of which is how the NCR, a group of corrupt thugs who style themselves a government, and one that is lead not by a pony, but by all things a Griffon, and the second one in a row to do so, has continued to fight a war when a reasonable pony would see that it is hopeless and they should surrender and save lives. But perhaps because the so-called President Grimfeathers is not a pony, she does not care about the lives of ponies she is throwing away. Perhaps she is still behaving like the mercenary she, and her family once were. Oh, do not think we forgot you and your ilk were once the leaders of a band of the Talons. We remember well.

Or perhaps you refuse to surrender as you are afraid you and those around you will be held accountable for your actions and crimes against Equinity… Hmm, perhaps that is more of it, you will sacrifice their lives to save yours for as long as possible. But have no doubt Miss Grimfeathers we will be coming for you eventually.

Now that brings me to the next item that is tickling my mind. The question of why won’t President Winter Breeze let us wage war to the fullest as needed? We have the troops. We have the equipment. Does she think we should go soft on those who oppose us and our Grand Pegasus Enclave? It seems to me, that at times Might does make Right, and we should use the might to obtain our aim of a reunited Equestria, run by the Enclave and our leadership.

By my mother’s feathers ponies, I beseech you, President Winter Breeze, let us fight this war to win and not wait for the filth in the NCR and their so-called allies to find a megaspell and use it on us. I remind you all that if such a thing were to happen, Madam President, there will be a reckoning both ways.

Enough of that for now. I need to calm down from thinking about such atrocities. I will be back with the news after this next bit of music by the Coltlumbia Garrison Brass Band.

We listen to his program for another hour, and then I tell the youngsters, “It is about time for bed. Let’s go, everyone.”

With that, the night with my family ends as Sundancer and I tuck them into bed. Once they are down for the night Sundancer and I head back downstairs to talk with her mother a bit more as she prepares the couch for her to sleep on again. After she finishes, she turns to us and asks me a question that really surprises me, “Sunny, Ball, seeing with all the foals you have now you cannot move back above the clouds, are you planning on having any more foals?”

While I am surprised, I notice Sundancer blush and she tells her, “Not right now Mom, but maybe after our youngest are a bit older.”

She smiles and tells us, “Good. Your family reminds me of some of the stories about how large some families were back before the Great War, and I really think you two could handle that.”

I feel myself blush slightly and I tell her, “Thank you. I never thought of having more, but maybe we should think about it.”

Satisfied with our answers she changes the subject and suggest, “See if you XO, and her marefriend are interested in dinner, possibly before the end of the week. Just let us know Ball, that way we can have everything ready the way it should be.”

I nod and smile as I tell her gently, “Alright Mom, now you need to get some sleep too. Sleep well and I will see you in the morning.”

“Good night you two. See you in the morning,” she replies and me and my wife head back upstairs to our room.

Once in bed, Sundancer has her head against my neck and she asks, “Ball, what do you think about my mom’s idea of us having more foals?”

I smile in the dark and tell her, “Dearest, I would not mind at all, but we just have to make sure we can take care of all of them.”
She snuggles closer and whispers, “Same here, love. Same here.”

The next day while enjoying a cup of coffee before Storm Rider holds the officers’ call I tell her, “Storm, the wife and I were talking and we would like to have you and Kind Heart come over for dinner in the next couple of days.”

I watch as she thinks briefly and then tells me, “Would the day after tomorrow be good?”

I nod my head, “I think that would work well Storm. I know my wife and her mother are both looking forward to meeting you both.”

She smiles at this and asks, “Sir, are you sure about that? I mean, will they accept Kind with her being a unicorn and from the wastelands and all.”

I look at her over my cup of coffee and smile, “Yes Storm, I am sure. Besides, most of my children were born here on the ground.”

I see her raise an eyebrow and smile before she replies, “I keep forgetting that sir.”

“So, is the answer, yes?”

“I think so Ball. I just want to verify with Kind during lunch.”

Two nights later I have been at home for about an hour and I hear a knock on the front door.

As I get up to open the door, I hear Scout call out, “I got it.”

Once the door is open, I hear my XO asks, “Is this the Colonel’s residence?”

I have just put down my book when I hear my wife say, “Good evening, I am Sundancer, Ball Lightning’s wife. I presume you are Storm Rider and Kind Heart.”

By now I have gotten up and am approaching and hear them both say yes, followed by Sundancer saying, “Welcome, dinner will be ready in a bit. Please take a seat in our living room.”

After they sit down, Sundancer tells them, “I will be right back.”

From the other room, I hear my mother-in-law tell her, “I have dinner, go visit with our guest. Savannah, Patchwork, and Lil’ Bit will help me.”

“Thanks Mom,” Sundancer calls back. Then she takes a seat with us as we begin to talk and she begins to finally get to know my XO as well as Kind Heart.

I am amused by how surprised Kind Heart is by all of our kids. This is emphasized by her asking, “How do you raise all these youngsters?”

Sundancer smiles and tells her, “It is not as hard as you think, the older children help with our younger ones and we all chip in on taking care of our home.”

After we the youngsters are put to bed, Wind Dancer asks, “Do you mares enjoy wine?”

After they both say yes, Sundancer gets the glasses, while her mother opens a bottle. Before too long, and after a second bottle, we begin to talk more loosely than we should. It is amusing to me to see their faces when Wind Dancer and the others find out that both Sundancer and I have saw combat together.

After another bottle, Wind Dancer asks, Kind Heart, “So dear, what did you do for work before you came here?”

Kind Heart blushes slightly before she answers, “I used to be a working mare in the best bordello in Reino.” She pauses then adds, “That is where I met Stormy.”

I am expecting the worst from my mother-in-law, but instead, I hear her ask, “What was that like? I bet it was exciting.”

Kind answers her, “It could be, but sometimes it was just lousy, you know how some stallions can be.” I find myself raising an eyebrow in amusement as they all share a knowing look with each other.

We open another bottle and Storm and I begin to talk shop more, and soon I see tears in her eyes. “Are you ok?”

She looks down at her half-empty glass and answers, “I am not sure Ball. I, I just. I am now afraid of what happens when I die. The things I was forced to do outside of Reino to those prisoners. Ball, I do not know if the goddesses will ever forgive me. I had to order them killed. The higher-ups did not give me a choice. I cannot stop thinking of one of them, he looked at me right before I gave the order to fire. He told me, you have no choice, I forgive you.”

I put a wing around her shoulder and let her begin to cry into my shoulder. Soon the others notice and Kind Heart comes over and replaces me. I then look at my mother-in-law and wife and we all nod our heads. We lead them up to our bedroom and we lie Storm on our bed. I turn to Kind Heart and tell her, “You both can stay here tonight.”

“But what about you two?”

I smile, “Kind we have both slept on the ground before, we will be in the living room.”

Sundancer adds, “Besides, I will be up a couple of times tonight to feed the foals anyway .”

The next morning, I wake up to the smell of coffee brewing and breakfast cooking. From the kitchen I can hear the voices of Kind Heart and Wind Dancer talking as they cook. After it is ready, Kind Heart goes up to wake up Storm. As she heads up, our youngsters are coming down.

As we eat breakfast, I find myself smiling sadly as Storm tells me, “Sir, I am sorry about last night.”

I answer her by telling her, “XO, welcome to the club. Duty can be a harsh mistress sometimes, and often times we despise what we have to do in the line of it. I do wonder if any of us who have served as long as we have, are ever untouched by it?”

With her face pointing down and her eyes looking up at me she asks, “So you do not think less of me?”

I smile again as I answer, “No Storm, I don’t. Perhaps sometimes when in my cups I can let go to you as well.”

I see an expression of relief come over her face and she tells me, “Thank you Ball. I really appreciate it.” Then she smirks changes the subject and asks, “So, what do we need to pass down today at Officers’ Call Sir.”


Good evening fellow Wastelanders, welcome to tonight’s show, I am Loose Change and I am broadcasting to you from old downtown Van Hoover. Just ignore the gunfire in the background. It seems some of our local citizens are having another disagreement with the Enclave authorities here, or perhaps the local Steel Ranger chapter.

Taken from radio reports out of the NCR we hear they are still dealing with efforts to remove President Regina Grimfeathers from office. The latest vote of no confidence has failed to gain a two-thirds majority by only three votes.

From Hoofington and the Lunar Commonwealth, we have gotten reports that recent attacks on both the Rainbow Dash Skyport and Miriamare Air Station resulted in heavy casualties for both sides involved. However, the Council for the Commonwealth has denied any involvement in these operations; of course.

Whoa, what the? That was close. Damn, how am I going to replace that? Sorry about that, later in the hour I will be interviewing a member of Enclave Volunteer Corps who has opened an office just across the street from the station here.

Well, enough of that for now. Up next is five songs in a row, starting with To Be Better.

Chapter 64 Generations and lessons

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Chapter 64: Generations and Lessons

“If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you’ll find an excuse.” — Ryan Blair

Baltimare Colt, Western River highway, the Wastelands: Ginger Snaps

It has been two days since we have gotten back aboard, and I awake in one of the best ways possible, by a gentle kiss from my husband while still in his hooves. As we begin to move, I feel Katie get off the bed and hear her trotting off to get some attention from others.

After everyone is up, I smile as I see the Lance Corporal and her set turning in for the day. I then head up to the mess decks with the rest of our team. I smile to myself when I notice Smoked Meat is in the kitchen now along with our normal cooks and one of the foals.

Once I have my plate and coffee I sit with Xochilt, my sisters, and Moon’s friends. I smile to myself when I notice Choo is having breakfast with Rust, Mort, and Piston Drive. All seems to be going well when suddenly I see Rust get up and rush out of the mess decks.

When she does this, I see Moon Lily watching her. She looks out the door that Rust went out and then shakes her head before returning to her meal. After a bit, Rust returns and sits back down and continues to eat her meal, but now she leaves her bacon on her plate and concentrates on the oatmeal that is there instead.

After Moon finishes her breakfast, before she gets up to leave, she quietly tells me, “Sis, I need to talk to Cousin Rust.”

“Little Sis, just go talk to her then. If she is not too busy, she will talk to you.”

I am surprised when she puts a hoof on my foreleg, tilts her head down looks up at me, and says, “Sis, this is clan business.”

I feel surprised and can see the surprise on Epona and my husband’s faces. I nod and tell her, “OK, if it is clan business, I will intercede for you. But Sis, what is it about?”

She looks at me and says, “It is very personal and involves Cousin Rust.”

I sigh in frustration, but I have already told her I would do it. So, I tell her, “Give me some time to talk to her and set it up.”

She smiles at me and answers, “Thanks Sis, I really appreciate it.”

“You are welcome, Moon. Just do not get your hopes up on talking to her right away.”

It is after lunch when I run into Rust coming down from the Pilot House and tell her, “Captain, a moment of your time?”

I can see she looks slightly uncomfortable so I make it quick. “Rust Water, clan member Moon Lily has requested to talk to you about something she says affects the clan, and I ask on her behalf that she be allowed to talk to you about this matter.”

I see her raise an eyebrow and I almost catch a glimpse of amusement in her eye as she tells me, “If you two are being this formal, it must be important, so sure. But Cookie, what is it that she wants to talk to me about?”

This time I shift and tell her, “Rust, she would not tell me, just that it is something personal that she needs to talk to you about.”

“OK, fine, now I need to hurry. Tell her I will meet with her at my cabin after supper. As the formal sponsor, you will be there as well.”

“Yes Rust, of course.”

After that, she hurriedly makes her way down to the lower decks and out of sight. After which I slowly make my way to the forward upper deck where Moon Lily is practicing her magic lesson with Choo.

I watch as Moon quickly throws up a shield, and I hear her friend Snow Song yelp as she is picked up on Moon’s TK. From below I see a couple of the young unicorns that we brought with us as well as one of the slaves who too wears a horn are watching in awe. I hear one tell another, “I hope they can teach us some magic too.”

I smile to myself as I realize if we are on here much longer Choo may end up becoming a teacher. Once this particular exercise is done, I approach and tell Moon, “Your formal request has been accepted. We will report to Rust’s cabin after supper.”

I notice the surprise on Choo Choo’s face upon hearing this and she asks Moon, “What meeting is this? You know you can discuss things with me.”

I see the discomfort on Moon Lily’s face as she tries to decide what exactly to tell her mentor. Finally, she tells her, “Granny, it is something personal that I need to discuss with Rust. Do not worry, it is not about the teams or the mission.”

I can see a frown on Choo’s face at her answer, but finally, she tells her descendant, “OK, but just know I am here for you if you need to talk too.”

Moon then rears up on her hind legs and hugs Choo, who wraps a wing around her as Moon tells her, “I know Granny and I would tell you if I felt I could, or I needed to.”

The afternoon seems to drag as I wait to take Moon to meet with Rust. Part of it is because I wonder what Moon has to tell Rust. The other is because, while I have had my presence requested a time or two by the senior members of the clan, I have never been the representative/guardian to someone else for it.

After magic lessons, Moon joins the rest of the Flying Foursome to go through more flight training with Sunny and Morning Mist.

It is an hour before supper and most of our team is topside doing calisthenics when from upriver, we hear the Colt’s steam whistle sound two times. I look forward and we see another sternwheeler approaching us and it also blows two blasts from its whistle. After which both ships shift enough to let the other pass on their left sides. As it does so, I notice our gunners slowly making their way to the mounts. I smile when I see some of their crew doing the same thing.

I also notice both us and them slow down and both have our gun crews stand ready, but neither makes any aggressive moves. On their pilot house, I read the name Pride of The West. As we get close enough a pony, whom I assume is their captain calls out using a bullhorn, “Any dangers ahead?”

I look back toward the pilothouse and see Rust has a bullhorn out also and she calls back,
“Six days ago we ran into the Dragon’s Horde and had a good tussle up by the fork with the Big River.”

They call back, “Thanks for the heads up. Upriver is fairly quiet, but most of the settlements up that way are ghouls, just so you know.”

Rust calls back, “Thank you.” Then as they are passing, she asks, “How are the snags upriver?”

“A few as usual. Same with sandbars. I wish we had some river pilots like at Two Step Transfer.”

When he says this, I notice Rust relaxes a bit as she realizes they tend to at least do business with the NCR. And she calls back, “Sooth sailing and good fortune to you all.”

“Thanks, and to you as well.”

And then we are past them. I see both captains return to their pilot houses and we begin to pick up speed again as we return to the center of the river.

During Dinner, I notice Rust looking at us, particularly Moon Lily with a curious expression, then she continues to talk with Choo while she eats. After she finishes her meal she stops and tells me, “Ginger, I will be up in my cabin in about fifteen minutes, please bring Moon to me then.”

“Yes Ma’am,” tell her.

Once she leaves, I tell Moon, “You heard her, you better hurry up and finish your dinner.”

Once she has finished, we both make our way to the captain’s cabin. I knock briefly on the door and we are told to enter. Once inside, I notice how small it is and remember Epona talking about how she, Moon, Millie, and Mamas' Sutures, and Mollygirl shared it. I really am not sure how, but I guess they did.

Once inside Rust tells us, “Close the door.”

I do, and then I tell her, “Thank you for seeing us on this clan business.”

She looks at both of us from the chair in front of a small desk on one end of the cabin with a raised eyebrow and asks, “Moon Lily, Ginger has told me that you have formally requested this meeting, and I have agreed, now what is the clan business that you need to discuss with me?”

I watch as Moon first looks back at me and then back at Rust before telling her, “Cousin Rust, it is rather personal and I would prefer to discuss it in private with you if we may?”

Rust then tells us, “Because of your age the clan normally requires that you have the adult you have used as an intermediary present, so please, continue.”

Moon looks back at me, then back at her and I see her steel herself as she straightens up and tells her, “Cousin Rust, before I came here, I have been apprenticing with my mother.”

As she says this I think, no, no Moon, you cannot be seriously suggesting what I think you are suggesting.

My eyes go wide and my ears forward. I see the stoic expression on Rust's face as she tilts her head slightly and asks, “Would that be your mother Sutures?”

Moon tells her, “Yes Ma’am.”

Rust then asks, “Are you asking to be allowed to perform such services on the mares on board the Colt?”

Moon nods, “Yes, but one mare, in particular, has me concerned Cousin Rust.”

Rust raises her head, looks down over her muzzle, and asks Moon, “Young one, which mare would that be? I will have her sent to you.”

I swear Moon Lily blushes slightly and I see her back right hoof twist back and forth slightly as she hesitates and then answers, “It is you, Cousin Rust. I have watched you since we got back aboard and you are presenting many of the typical symptoms.”

I watch as Rust’s face pales slightly and her jaw drops. Then she says, “Moon Lily, this is not funny. It is not something to joke about.”

Moon squares herself up and tells her, “I agree fully. It is not funny or something to joke about. I am concerned about a clan leader and a potential member of the clan. Now with your permission I would like to check you for pregnancy and if so, determine how far along you are.”

Rust looks stunned and shakes her head. She looks at me and asks, “Did you know she was coming here for this?”

“No Cousin Rust. Just that she felt she needed to talk to you badly.”

She nods her head, “Moon, where would you want to perform this check?”

Moon smiles slightly and tells her, “Here would be fine ma’am. It will allow us some privacy.”

I see Rust think briefly and in resignation, she tells Moon. “OK, you may perform such a check. What do you need me to do?’

Moon is suddenly all business as she answers, ” If you would please remove your sweater and turn sideways.”

Once she has done so, I see Moon’s horn glow slightly and she begins to smile nodding her head. Once she is finished, her horn stops glowing and she tells Rust, “Cousin you are about six months along, do you want to know what you are having?”

I see the shocked expression on her face and she slowly nods, “Yes, please.”

Moon practically beams at her and tells her, “You are carrying a healthy earth pony filly.”

I see Rust sit down hard and I watch as her forehoof makes its way to her stomach. Then she says to no one in particular, “How am I going to raise a filly on my ship.”

This time I answer, “Cousin Rust, the crew is getting used to young ones on the Colt already. Besides, if Mama Mollygirl can take the time to feed two fillies while directing a large battle, I am sure you can handle it just fine.”

“But I will be a single mother trying to raise her.”

This time Moon tells her, “But cousin Rust, the crew of the Colt is a family as well. I am sure they will help as well. Sorta like all my parents do.”

I watch as Rough smirks a bit and tells her, “Yes you are right. I can see that perhaps having so much family has helped raise you well. Maybe I can get this to work. I only wish Bell Stand were here.”

This time Moon smiles and tells her, “I am sure he is, in his own way.”


Baltimare Colt, Western River highway, the Wastelands: Xochotil

I awake to my wife crying quietly against my neck. I gently hold her closer, kiss her on her forelock, and quietly ask, “Sweetheart, what is the matter?”

She lifts her head slightly and tells me in a voice I can barely hear, but that is full of emotion and pain, “I shouldn’t tell you, but it hurts so much. Rust did not even want a foal and she is going to have one, and I cannot have yours.”

I am not surprised about the second part, but the first part stuns me, and I say louder than I intend to, “Rust is pregnant?”

She nods her head, and tells me, “Yes, I want so bad to be a mother and I can’t. It just isn’t fair.”

I feel myself sigh. Damn my zony origin. I would do anything for this mare, but I cannot do that. I pull her closer and tell her, “I am so sorry love. I wish I could father your foal. Perhaps once we get back you can go to site paddock and see if they will let you carry one of their embryos.”

She pulls me closer and tells me, “But I want yours too. I want to carry a foal that is made from both of us.”

I think and in the dark I tell her, “My love, who knows, perhaps sometime we will go through the Doorway and that world will be just different enough on the other side to allow us to do just that. But until then, let us think about Site Paddock, OK?”

I feel her nod her head, then she tucks her head against my neck and I feel her lightly nip me. I quietly ask, “Really? In the berthing compartment?”

I feel her grin against me and she tells me, “Why not, we have with your parents in the next room.”

I feel her nip me again, and I nip her ear gently, after which I show her just how much I love her.

Later as I fall back to sleep, I think to myself, I hope no one heard her talking about Rust being pregnant. That is information that I am sure Rust will let others know in her own time and way.

The next morning, I find out yep, someone must have heard, as we are on the mess decks and Sunny tells Rust as he passes her, “You know Captain, there is something different about you, you seem to be particularly radiant today.”

I see Rust's jaw drop briefly and she looks right at my wife and Moon Lily with a questioning movement of her ear. Ginger silently signals back negative as does Moon Lily. Rust then looks at him with a curious expression and tells him, “Thank you, Sunset Waters, I do appreciate the compliment.”

“You are welcome, Captain.” He tells her and continues to go sit down with Morning Star and the batponies for his breakfast and their dinner.

A short time later as we are eating one of the former slave mares grabs her abdomen and groans out loud. Then screams in pain. The mess deck becomes suddenly quiet except for her. One of her comrades asks, “Are you okay?”

As this question is asked, Moon Lily, and the other medics here all get up and rush to her side. Twinks gets to her side first and I hear her ask, “Can I help you?”

The mare groans again and tells her, “It is coming.”

Confused Twink asks, “What is coming?”

“MY FOAL!” The mare screams as she experiences what I now know is another contraction.

Moon Lily tells Twinks, “I got this if you need me too.”

Twinks is wide-eyed and tells her, “I have never delivered a foal before.”

Moon’s horn glows slightly and I hear her say, “She is not going to make it to Sick Bay. Clear the table.”

I watch several other crew members clear their meals off the table the mare is at. As they do so, Choo joins them and uses her TK to place the mare on the now-cleared table. As this is happening Moon shifts to her nether regions with Twinks beside her.

While they are doing so, Ginger and I look at each other, shrug, and return to eating. I almost laugh when one of the crew members asks us, “How can you guys eat right now?”

Ginger laughs, and tells her, “Well, we are hungry. We are not the ones in labor, and to be honest, we have both seen multiple foals born before. Besides, Moon has been apprenticing with one of our mothers who is a midwife for over a year now.”

They look in wonder back at the table and the activity there as one of the mess deck crew brings over a mop and bucket followed shortly by one forehoof, then the other. I look over at Rust and see she has a forehoof on her stomach and her eyes wide with horror, reminding me of a night many years ago when one of the Gypsy Ponies we are friends with gave birth on our dining room table. At least this time the mare does not seem to be having the same issues as the one back then did.

Ginger and I get up after we finish our bacon and eggs and make our way quietly to Rust, where Ginger tells her, “You may want to have Moon check the other mares on the crew for pregnancy if they think there is a chance of it so we are not surprised like this again.”

Rust nods her head and tells her, “I, I think you may be correct. At least as many as we can have her check before you all leave tomorrow evening.”

She nods her head. Then Rust looks at me and she asks Ginger, “Does he know?”

She nods and tells her sadly, “Yes, but only because I was crying because I cannot have the same gift from him.”

Rust nods her head. Then she asks, “Did you tell Sunny?”

Ginger shakes her head, “I did not think I said anything loud enough for him to hear me, so if he knows, it was not because I told him on purpose.”

Rust nods her head, “Thanks, for that,” She then reaches out places a hoof on my wife’s withers, and tells her, “I know the odds are against it, but I hope for your sake you can beat them.”

We both smile and I tell her, “Thanks Cousin Rust.” Then we head back to our berthing area with Katie trotting happily along of us. Inside, I can only think of how I hope that we can somehow beat those odds and have a child together someday. But until then we need to concentrate on the upcoming mission and surviving it and perhaps seeing the end of this damned war.

I am going over my equipment as is most of our team when I hear Moon Lily and Twinks return. Both are joking with each other as they come into the berthing compartment. I take that as a good sign and ask, “So, what did she deliver?”

Twinks answers for them both and tells us, “She had a little earthpony filly.”

Moon then adds, “She named her Moon Shadow. In part after me, but her mother said it just felt right to name her that.”

I smile and nod as sometimes I am still amused at how ponies name their foals. “That is a good name,” I tell my sister-in-law. Then I wonder if Ginger and I ever were to have a foal what we would name it. Then again, it is best to not think that way. Especially after how hard my love was taking it last night.

Then Twinks asks, “Did you two know the captain was pregnant?”

Both Ginger and I nod our heads, I hear Cowlick and Double Back both start to laugh from the side. Most of the others with us almost all ask, “What?”

Twinks smiles and tells us, “After you guys left and Moon Shadow was born, she let the rest of us know she was pregnant and if any of the other females on board thought they could be, they should talk to Moon Lily by tomorrow evening.”

I find myself smiling at this bit of news. Then I tell Moon Lily, “Sounds like you might be busy.”

She shrugs her wings and tells me, “Well, I did have them put up a sign-up list on the messdeck. I will be checking it during lunch and start then. Until then I have to get my gear ready for tomorrow.”

I nod, smile, and tell her “Sounds like a good idea Moon. Let me know if you need any help.” I then get back to cleaning Orcus, making sure to inspect the scope and to ensure all of the furniture is nice and tight.

As I perform this and the other task to make sure I am ready I find myself humming happily. Once done with my equipment, I drag out Katie’s barding and saddlebags and do a quick inspection. I notice a couple of small tears in the barding and Twinks cast a quick repair spell on them for me. After which I load up her saddlebags with rations for her, first aid supplies, and even a few extra boxes of ammo. Once done I look over to where Sunny, Days End, Mort and a couple of others from his team are playing cards and I take a seat at the table and tell them, “Deal me in.”

After several hoofs, I finally fold before I owe too many caps. I see Ginger is on our bed and reading her Book of Daisy Jo again. I leave her be as I know that when she is very stressed or worried, she finds solace in the holy book of the cattle. I then find my way back topside and am looking at the riverbank as it passes us by.

Soon I am joined by Choo Choo who asks, “Are you ok Xochoitl?”

Still looking at the bank as it passes by, I answer, “Yeah, I guess so. It just bothers me that I cannot give Ginger what she wants most.”

I feel a wing wrap around my shoulder, followed by her gently telling me, “Xochitl, I know how bad she wants your foal. But what she wants most in this world is you. She wants to be your mare and you to be her stallion. Yes, it hurts her some that she can’t have your foal. But never forget, she wants yours, because she loves you that much.”

I nod my head and tell her, “I understand that I guess. It just hurts me to not be able to give her what she wants so badly. I have suggested to her to go to Site Paddock someday and see if they would let her carry one of their foals.”

“And what did she say?”

“She would consider it. But she really wants mine. And Choo, without a miracle or going through the Doorway, I just do not see that happening.”

Choo nods her head. “I understand.” she tells me, then she adds, “Perhaps after this war is done, I can talk to Spiral Notebook and we can escort her teams through the Doorway. Maybe that would increase your chances of becoming parents.”

I laugh mirthlessly, “Yeah maybe Choo. I appreciate the offer and to be honest, we may just take you up on it.”

“Besides, it is kind of fun to see what the other worlds are like isn’t it?” she says.

This time I laugh lightly for real, and I then tell her, “That is why I love working for you boss. You do this for the love of it as much as we do.” I then pause and ask her, “Choo, were you this adventurous when you were our age?”

She grins and tells me, “Just between you and me, I wanted to be, but being a young mother with a job, I could not be as much as I wanted. My job on the railroad gave me some of that though. But honestly, the cons helped me escape my reality along with my children.”

I look down at my hooves then back up at her and ask, “Choo, do you still miss your children?”


Baltimare Colt, Western River highway, the Wastelands: Choo Choo

Do I miss my children? That is a tough question for me to answer, not because I did not love them. I remember that I did. It is just that so many of my memories of them are gone. How do I explain that to others, I ask myself.

I think briefly and I tell him, “What I can remember of my children, I do. I also slightly remember missing my son after he was killed in No-Mare’s land. But our mother took many of the bad memories of those of us in her favor and put those memories in one of my sisters, I did not get all of those ones back. Much like many of my own from growing up.”

He looks at me and stands up, shifts and I am surprised when he gives me a hug and tells me, “Thanks Choo. One more question if I may?”

I smile, “Of course Xochitl, what is it?”

“I know how you and Paper Work feel about each other. Do you want foals with him too?”

Damn, he is asking the hard-hitting questions tonight. I slowly nod and answer, “I have wanted one with him in the worst way Xochitl. But my kind cannot breed. At least not with non-alicorns it seems. So, like you, I know that pain.”

As I feel a tear want to drop from my eye, I hear him say, “Thanks for that too. It is good to know someone else can understand what we are going through.”

“You are welcome, and know if either of you need someone to talk to about this, I am here for you.”

He nods in response then asks, “Have you seen the list for Moon Lily’s services yet?”

I smile as I saw two mares of the crew sign up immediately after it was put up as well as one of the former slaves had someone write their name on it. “Yes, I have. I am just glad she is willing to help others like that.”

Xochitl smiles as he looks into the distance. Then back at me. “You know Choo, I do wonder if that is part of what her cutie mark means. Not just having the power to assist those leaving this life, but also to help those entering it.”

I smile at him as I tell him, “I do believe you are correct young Xochitl. I am just glad that she had her talk last night with the Captain.” After which I tell him, “It is almost time for lunch, we should get going.” I pause again and I hear a bark from Katie, we both look back and we see her playing with the flying foursome and some of the other youngsters that we brought on board. I then look toward the bow and see Chisel Plow standing watch as we make our way against the current. Finally, Xochitl and I hear the bell ring seven times. We know by that it is 11:30 and time for lunch. He smiles at me and I at him as we head inside to get the others.

At lunch, Rust asks me quietly, “Choo, after dinner tonight, could you and I sit and talk?”

“Of course, Rust, I have always enjoyed your company.”

She smiles with a bit of a troubled look in her eyes, and tells me, “Thanks. It is nice to have someone I can talk to who is not a regular member of my crew.”

As I eat my lunch, I notice Moon Lily and her friends are sitting with more of those young ones from the plains. I notice she is sitting next to the colt Pry Bar. As they talk, I can see how much more they pay attention to each other than those around them. I almost giggle when at one point I watch as her wings involuntarily rise and she blushes. At the next table over, I see both her older sisters eating and watching as well. Epona sees that I am watching too and as she leaves, I hear her say, “At least we have enough chaperones for her.”

I actually laugh lightly at this and tell her, “True, but we need to give her room. Remember what we all were like at that age.”

She laughs again and tells me, “That is why I am worried.”

Later that evening I sit down to talk with Rust on the top deck just starboard of the pilot house. We are both enjoying a couple of Sparkle Colas she had been saving, which I cooled with a quick spell from my horn when she asks me, “Choo, were you ever a single mother?”

I sip my cola and think about how to phrase it before answering, “Yes, I was. Back during the early years of the Zebra War. I had lost my husband to another mare and I had two foals to take care of.”

This time she takes a sip and asks, “How did you do it?”

I remember back to those days and smile at what memories I still have of them. “Rust it was very hard at times. I still had to work to put food on the table and a roof over our heads. At times I went without so they could have better. My parents would even help by foalsitting them when I was on the rails.”

She half smiles. “Any advice to me on how I might be able to do it? I mean you know the clan as well as I do.”

I think briefly and consider all of the members of the clan and how we interact with each other, as well as our duties. Then I think back to how much I missed my little ones when I could not be with them. Finally, I tell her, “Rust, in the old days it was not uncommon for some of the cargo river boats and barges to be a family business, with the youngsters being raised on board and learning the trade if they wanted to.” In the growing darkness I look around, and I can see many of the youngsters and even some of the teen-aged freed slaves playing a game of kicking a small bag of beans with their hind hooves and trying to keep it in the air as long as possible. I am amused as it glows slightly so they can play in the dark. I then point to them and tell her, “Rust, right there is your future if you want it. Let the families stay on here and work together. That includes you and your foal. You both will be happier and to tell the truth, I know you will be a great mother, Rust.”

She seems surprised and says to me, “Really? You mean that Choo? My mother was not always the best.”

I smile at her and reply, “Perhaps that will make you a better mother. You know what hurts and do not have to make those same mistakes. Just like I did. You got this, my friend.”

She smiles and I can see the moonlight reflecting from a tear on her cheek as she sniffles slightly before hugging me and telling me, “Thanks, friend. It has been too long since I had someone who was only a friend. I needed to hear that.”

I grin at her and tell her, “You know, at one time they used to say Friendship is magic.”

We talk for a while more before she heads back up to the pilot house. Below from the main deck and our team's berthing compartments I can hear singing. Then I look back towards where the youngsters are talking and spending time together.

In the moonlit night I watch as Moon Lily’s silhouette walks away from the others along with an earth pony colt that I do believe is Pry Bar. I stay discreet and watch from the corner of my eye as they first sit by the rail and I see him hesitantly kiss her and she, him. Then I see her put a wing around him and they lean against each other for some time. Only to go back to the others when I hear Slip Stream call out, “Hey Moon, how about you two coming back over and you tell us about your meeting with the Princesses.”

I smile to myself as they slowly make their way to the rest. My great-granddaughter is starting to grow up I think to myself. I am surprised as I feel a tear leave my eye that I am almost certain is a combination of sadness at her becoming a young adult as well as joy in her taking those first steps that I remember taking at that age.

Later that night as I enter the berthing, I hear Moon quietly say from her hammock, “Granny, can we talk for a minute?”

“Sure dear, what do you want to talk to me about?”

She drifts down to the deck and tells me quietly, “Not in here, outside please.”

I smile, “Okay,” I tell her and follow her outside.

Once we are alone, she tells me, “Granny, I know you saw me kiss and snuggle with Pry Bar. I hope you are not mad. I, I, I just really like him, and when I talk to him, I feel my heart beat faster and sometimes I even shiver. Even though I am not cold.”

I nod my head, “I understand young mare. I can tell you feel he is special, and he seems to like you as well. But just remember not to rush things.”

She smiles broadly and hugs me with her wings and forehooves as she tells me, “I will not Granny, but thank you for understanding.”

I hug her back with my wings and kiss her on her forelock, “Now we should go catch some sleep, tomorrow will be a long one for us.”

The next evening, I find myself shifting back and forth on my hooves. For some reason, I am more nervous than normal. I watch Flight Plan and his crew prep the Hot Shot while the rest of my team are gathering so we can load. I smile as I see Morning Glen is here with us and he tells me, “Are you sure it is safe for my kind to fly on one of those things?”

I nod my head and shift my ear in an affirmative gesture. I then tell him, “I am sure. I also thank you for being willing to guide us to Van Hoover.”

He smiles nervously back, “I appreciate you and your team helping me get home. When we land, I will take you first to my village. After I tell the elders what has happened to my does, I will then lead you the rest of the way, as we have agreed.”

He sits and talks with the other members of my team as we wait. Soon I see the flight deck crew unchain the vertibuck and hear the motors start to wind up. Once the rotors have started, Load Shift, the crew chief for Flight Plan, heads our way and tells us to follow him.

As we start to make our way, I suddenly see Pry Bar gallop over to Moon Lily and give her a quick hug and a kiss, which she willingly returns. At first, I am slightly bothered by him doing this, however, I smile when I hear him yell out to her, “For Luck. Be careful Moon.”

She yells something back to him and trots up to the rest of us, followed closely by the Snow Song, Frost Glitter, and Slip Stream just behind Ginger and her set as we all load aboard. As the aircraft finally leaps into the waning sunlight, I smile and look at everyone on board and see that they are all in good spirits.

In this moment I find a feeling of peace as I realize, that like Rust and her crew, I too have my family. I just hope we can keep each other safe and that maybe, just maybe we can catch our target fully unaware and be in and out before the Enclave even knows we are there.

During our flight, once we have entered the mountains, we land and take a several-hour break as the flight crew rest. Once that is done, we are back in the air and on our way, flying nap of the earth for the final stretch.

Within a few hours, I see Load Shift come back and lead Morning Glen to the cockpit where I see him pointing to the pilots. Soon I feel the aircraft begin to circle and then I feel it flare as it prepares to land. Shortly I feel a bump as the aircraft lands and I hear the rotors pitch shift as they begin to slow down.

Once the rotors have stopped, we offload and my team quickly assist in setting up camouflage netting around the aircraft. After this is done, I quickly talk to Flight Plan. After this, my team grabs our kits again. Morning Glen then tells the aircrew, “You will be safe here. It is my tribe’s territory.” He then turns to the rest of us and tells us, “Welcome to my homelands. Follow me, and when we meet my people, let me talk first.”

As we shift into a traveling formation, I find myself smiling as I see Love Tap run over to first Double Back and then Morning Mist as she gives both a kiss and tells them, “Be careful you two. Our foal needs both of its fathers.”

This surprises me and I look quickly at Moon Lily who simply shrugs and tells me, “Client-practitioner confidentiality Granny. She found out after dinner last night.”

I smile and shake my head. Maybe things will work out and we can make this world a better place, I think to myself as I then look at Morning Glen and tell him, “Please lead on my good buck.”

He grins at me and silently enters the brush and the recovering forest of his tribe with us following him as quietly as we can. So far so good, hopefully, the rest of this mission will go as smoothly as it has so far. Then I chuckle mirthlessly to myself, who am I fooling? It never does go as planned.


Regional Military Headquarters, Thunderhead, Grand Pegasus Enclave: Ball Lighting

“So, Lieutenant Colonel, I see here in your record that you have had extensive field experience as well as garrison duties. Though I see a six-month gap on your record where you went to Baltimare, disappeared, and reappeared after the said gap. Would you care to elaborate upon that for me?

I feel my smiling face slide to a neutral expression that matches how I feel. “General, while I would discuss any part of my record that is not classified, I do not believe you have clearance for that information.”

He looks over the frame of his eyeglasses at me and tells me with a slight bit of irritation in his voice, “I assure you I do have such clearance.”

This time I find myself tilting my head with my ears focused on him as I tell him, “Sir, if I may, let me rephrase my answer. To put it bluntly sir, you do not have a need to know. If you did, you would have already been informed about my whereabouts and activities during that time. Please do not ask me again about them. I want to answer, but we both know I cannot.”

He is clearly annoyed and tells me, “Humph, OK, my next question for you is, are you ready to deploy with your unit to other cities in the Enclave if required?”
This time I smile again, “Sir, give me the word and we will be ready.”

“Good, because there has been some rumbling by subversive elements in both Neighvarro and Coltlumbia. We take care of the traitors when we can root them out, but we do not always find them in time to prevent mischief by them that assist our enemy by diverting pony power from where we need it.”

I nod my head and tell him, “Such actions should not only be handled, but done so quickly.”

I see him smile slightly. “Good. I am glad you understand. I was afraid that perhaps your extensive time dirtside, as well as your family situation may have clouded your views.”

I nod in understanding and shift my ears slightly to show I understand. He then asks me, “So, what is your opinion of President Winter Breeze?”

Immediately I answer, “Sir I follow her orders as she is the President. However, my loyalty resides with the Enclave and its people. Not just with a politician.”

Again, he grins. “Good, glad to hear it.” He leans back from his desk and tells me, “With that kind of attitude you can go far, son. I am very happy to hear that.” He pauses then tells me, “We are looking into forming a quick reaction force using some of our Security Battalions to ensure civil obedience and to quell any insurrections that may flare up. This goes as well for the needs of security in general.”

“Sir, that sounds right up my alley. I would be happy to have my battalion added to this quick reaction force you mentioned. In fact, I had recently discussed with my XO the idea of training our troops in riot control as well as our other normal duties. While we have not had any such issues yet, she and I agree it is best to be ready. Just in case.”

He nods his head and makes a couple of notes. Then he tells me, “I think that will be all for today, Lieutenant Colonel. Please return to you command as soon as you are able, and I will say, I think your suggestion for riot control training is a good idea. I may suggest that to some of the other units as well. Have a save flight back down to the RDS.”

“Thank you, sir,” I tell him as I stand up and make my way out of his office and head to the passenger terminal on the base to see when the next availability will be.

When I check with the flight sergeant at the check-in desk, he looks at the list of flights and tells me, “Sir we had a flight scheduled for you tomorrow morning. The last scheduled flight to the RDS just departed ten minutes ago.”

I shift my ears in acknowledgment of what he has told me and tell him, “Very well, I will back then. Thanks again, Sergeant.”

He smiles back at me with relief in his eyes. “Thank you, Colonel, for understanding. I will see you then sir.”

Since I am going to be here overnight, I decide Storm Rider can handle it tonight and I will visit my father for the evening. As I arrive at his apartment I knock on the door and hear him call out, “Just a minute.”

I smile to myself and wait patiently. After a couple of minutes, he opens the door and I see the surprise on his face as he says to me, “Ball, this is a real surprise, come on it. I was just getting ready to sit down for dinner.”

As I step in, I exchange a quick hug with him and tell him, “Thanks dad. I had to come up to talk to my bosses.”

He smiles, “Well, you can sleep in your old room tonight if you need a place to stay.”

“Thanks Dad. I will take you up on that.”

As we eat, he asks me, “So how are the grand-foals doing?”

I smile and tell him, “They are doing great Dad. But I will tell you, the youngest two are a hooffull now that they have started to learn how to fly.” I shake my head, “Dad how did you handle it?”

“Well son, when you were that age, I had your mother still to help.”

I take another bite of my salad and tell him, “Dad; I don’t know if I have ever told you, but thank you for raising me like you did.”

I see him blush slightly and shift uncomfortably and he tells me, “Son, I did the best I could. It was not always easy, but we did make it.”

“I know that, Dad. A lot of how I am as a father is because of how you raised me and what you did. Thanks, Dad, for being there for me.”

While he is blushing, his smile is wide and I can see a tear in his eye. He wipes it away with a wingtip and tells me, “Son, just seeing you be the father you have become has made all the sacrifices worthwhile.”

After dinner, we clear the plates and quickly do the dishes. After which we both go to the small living room, we both have a tumbler of Wild Pegasus and we listen to the radio.

He tunes the radio and soon we hear the signature music play for Hallowed Dreams and his show followed by his voice.

Good evening to all my fellow equestrians. Tonight, during the second hour of our show we will have another special guest as I interview Colonel Free Fall, the local commander responsible for leading our forces during their recent glorious victory at Reino.

But first, I would like to take the time to thank our forces out there who are taking care of the raiders and river pirates that our forces have encountered while at the same time continuing with the good fight against the vile forces of the NCR. Keep ‘em flying good mares and stallions. You are making us all proud. That thanks extends from the lowest private to our Wonderbolt Generals.

Speaking of our troops and our Generals, I have to express my distress to our dear leader for clipping our armed forces wings and not letting us take this war to the NCR and their cowardly allies. I do not like to question your loyalties Madam President, but this hamstring of our forces makes me wonder whose side are you truly on. After all, with our military might we should be able to roll right over them. But because of the policies you are putting in place we continue to see our list of losses with no retaliation for the atrocities that they have perpetrated against us, such as the Manesville debacle that occurred under your watch.

As we hear this I look up at my father and he at me. He gets up and shuts off the radio and quietly asks me, “Son, do you know what is actually going on? I mean for the Goddesses sake; how can he be allowed to talk about our president like that?”

I shake my head and reply, “Dad, I only know what they tell us, and what affects my battalion. Other than that, I am as much in the dark as you are. But I suggest we not talk about this with others as we do not want the secret police thinking we are being disloyal.” I pause then add, “Dad, just do what you need to survive. Think what you want, but my suggestion if you do not want to be branded and exiled is to keep those thoughts to yourself unless you really trust someone. I mean that you trust them with your life.”

He nods his head, “Yeah, you are right Ball. Sorry for bringing it up.”

“Nothing to be sorry about Dad. It is just the times we live in.”

Soon after this, we wind down our evening and go to bed for the night. I wake early in the morning and after a brief breakfast with Dad, I make my way to the terminal.

As I approach the desk, I see the Sergeant smiling as he tells me, “Good Morning Sir. Your flight is loading right now and will depart as soon as you are aboard.”

“Thank you, Sergeant. Until the next time.”

He grins and nods his head then returns his attention to the monitor on the desk. Before too much longer I am aboard the aircraft and heading for the RDS and my battalion. Once we land, I make my way to my HQ and am greeted by Chain Lightning as he tells me, “Good Morning Colonel. Welcome back. I hope you do not mind but I have a few situations with some of the junior enlisted that I want to go over with you and perhaps give you a few suggestions.”

I grin, “Sounds good Chain. Give me ten minutes to talk to the XO and have the steward send in a pot of coffee so we can have some while we talk.”

At the end of the day, I finally can make my way home. As I call the kids in for dinner, I notice off to the side Scout is talking to a young mare, away from the others.

As the kids make their way in, Lil’ Bit stops and tells me, “Dad, Scout has a marefriend.”

I find myself smiling, “Thanks for letting me know Lil’Bit, now go get cleaned up for dinner.”

That night in bed, I discuss what my daughter told me with my wife. In the dark, I hear her smile and she tells me, “He will soon be a young stallion dear. But don’t worry, his brothers and sisters will keep an eye on him.” She pauses then adds, “Besides it is a part of growing up, remember what we were like at that age.”

I smile and chuckle briefly, then tell her, “Yeah, I remember how we were at that age, and that is why I am concerned dear.”


Good evening to all of you out there in wastelands I am Frequency Modulation and you are listening to KICK from Los Pegasus. With all the news and music, we can provide for you.

In tonight’s news, there are reports that the Enclave forces seem to be consolidating in several cities. Particularly nearer to their major cloud cities. There are several rumors as to the cause of such shifting of their troops, the most common one being reports of a reported uprising in Flank, a suburb of the cloud city in Coltlumbia.

In other news, it has been reported that supply lines to Ponytraz Island in San Prancisco have been re-established. This may or may not be true as we have no verified sighting of any ships or aircraft making it through the Enclave blockade there.

From the NCR we have reports that several Enclave spies have been identified and captured. Said spies are being held in custody until an exchange can be made for captured NCR agents and assets. Well, at least they are not just shooting them outright, I guess.

There are also reports of President Grimfeathers having rejected another peace offer from the Enclave. In part, this offer demanded a complete surrender of the Alliance and NCR forces.

For all my listeners, I know it seems that things are never going to be getting better in the Wastelands, but changes just do not happen, they come from the actions of those who live there. Old or young, we can help to make things better. Never give up trying.

With that in mind here is the next song on our station Oh Very Young