> Gray the Necromancer - The beginning > by Black--Soul > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Chapter 1 - Prologe & beginning > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 'Gray the Necromancer - The beginning' Written by: Black--Soul Chapter 1 - Prologe & beginning Gabriel was a relativly normal guy, nothing to special about him, yet not normal enough to be boring. The human male enjoyed a relativly normal day, except that it was the last in his normal life on earth. Becoming displaced is a rather sudden thing and it didn't come for him with any warning to prepare him. One moment on earth, the next on a world not quite... Earth. Gabriel was of a general education, had a few jobs that didn't even hold him occupied a decade, yet teached him enough as to make quite the impact on his future new home he found himself in. In the near and far future. Five things were noticed rather soon by the human: First, he didn't longer had his original body, by the fact alone his body had a light gray color, was less muscular and apparently was void of any body hair what so ever, anywhere. It was quite drafty upstairs, while his arms and legs feel kinda numb, without the input of his normaly lightly hairy bodyparts. Second, his blood circulatory system would have not supported him for running almost for a hour from a literally bloody Rabbit, that for some god forsaken reason wanted to bite and probably eat him. Third, his mind was changed, sharper reactions, more focused and for longer durations, faster to learn and longer to remember. One do not simply run for roughly a hour straight away from a nimbel Bloody Rabbit without noticing how many times he didn't stumble on oversized overground growing roots. Fourth, his naked body sure was more resiliant, since walking over stones, wood and uneven grounds don't bother him that mutch as it would have in many way's than before in his life. Fifth, he could last longer without water. Running longer times and distances, because a fucking meat eating Rabbit predators could be outlasted without suffering dehydration to quickly. The human found conviniently water, in the form of a softly flowing river and rather odd looking fruits on trees and berrys in bushes. The water was cold, but refreshing him more than expected, perhaps the aftertaste had something to do with it. The light aftertaste, he could not quite place. For two examples: The fruits tasted rather sweet and he fear dental problems in the future. The berrys were rather spicey in his oppinion. While he carefully eat different fruit and Berrys as to learn if they agreed on his digestion, he basicly invested his first day of many days for millenia to come, on eating fruits, berrys and Mushrooms. The night was without event and he sleep troughout it, only bothered by his thoughts of insecurity about his near future survival. The next day he woke up after a unsettling noise from the day before. The not so bloody anymore Rabbit had found him again. The human run for his bloody life once more. This Rabbit sure was persistent. Perhaps humans smelled delicious to this little demon of cuteness, the human wondered why something so cute evolved to be deadly. After losing the Rabbit for deity knows how long, did he found rather fast food and water again. The lucky human was apparently in very fertile grounds, what would keep him fed for the days to come without hunting for wildlife or fish. Gabriel enjoyed the relative peace, while following the river to it's end. A huge sea was quite the breath taking sight. So where the tents visible in the distance. Civilisation! When the human finaly walked around the cold as tits river, he didn't want to pass via swimming, do to being a wimp out of a city, he was rather confused why there were little ponies around them without any shepards or fences to keep them safe. The ponies were even stranger on closer inspection from a distance, because some had horns or wings, not to mension that they enjoyed all colors of the rainbow exception being black, brown or green that would have aided there survival. The human scratched his chin in confusion about evolution in this race. When the human came closer to the tents, they become loud enough for Gabriel to hear them. Unexpected was all the sounds he could hear, as well as how mixed up there were in combination and strength of volume. Maybe a hundred meters from the first tent away did the human eyes metaphorically bulged out of his skull as the rather frantic and unorganised large group of ponies seemingly formed up as a multilayerd battleformation. Earth ponys made up the front, while unicorn behind them looked in between the gaps with lowered horns, as if to suddenly charge him with intent to impale his skinny little ass. The pegasus fly circeling around him, never stopping the circeling for even a minute. Layered in a clear formation with opposent directions depending on height. The human found observing them disorderating his balance, a visual attack/defense to his sense of spacial awareness, so he tried to ignore them. Further did the human noticed the battleformation attempting to keep him in focus. Did he would go left, did the formation go along with him. Did he run to the right, did they gallop to keep him in the formations same position. After minutes of resultless attempts to come closer to the tents without getting closer to the battle formation and getting them to physicaly attack him did he give up. The human sit down, after few minutes to his surprise did all the earthbound ponies, horn or unhorned mimic him. The pegasus to his amazment landed on clouds and keep watching him. He was most definitivly not on earth anymore... Or perhaps he had not be in his timeline? Dr. Who would be most welcome right about now to save him... When the human stand up, so did the ponies and the battle formation on ground and air resumed. After standing still for minutes in silence and contemplation did the human sit down again. The ponies resumed there prior observed behavior. This was repeated fifteen times. When the human growth frustrated about the ponies keeping him busy, would he have bet a month worth a salary that the ponies look proud and perhaps smug about there success. The human Gabriel was surprised how expressive the ponies faces and body language was. Also they clearly communicated with one another. At one point did he seem to observe two pairs of ponies in the sky to laugh. If it was a joke to pass the time or he was the joke was for everyone else to know and him to wonder. He wondered how all there noises made out a languages shared among them. When Gabriel walked away from the ponies, did only the pegasus followed him. To be more accurate a group made of five pegasus. While the remaining large group keep looking in his direction from time to time, as to confirme that the watching pegasus on duty don't let him get any closer unnoticed. The pegasus group of five pegasus were rather surprised that the hairless, on two mailformed hindhooves walking predator was eating fruits and berrys. Apparently this clearly predatory creature would become a long lasting annoying problem. He could clearly spread the time, until he had to feed on pony flesh like a Griffon or a Blood Bunny. That would mean there rather peaceful life would be rather eventful, until they decide to kill it with a rock to the head, once it become more than a annoyance or it actually wounded one of the herds members. Surprisingly this predator had similiaritys to ponies and other sapient beings, since it try to hide from the pegasus when it needed to release it's bodily waste. The pegasus groups leading mare proposal of attempting communication was swiftly approved. When the pegasus assigned to ask permission as flying voice return from the tents, did the squad lowered there resting clouds to about twenty ponie lengths from the ground and shouted to the predator. It was discovered that it was unable to understand there different languages used in there attempts of communicate with it. Pony-ish with all accents, Griffon-ish and even Yak. None of it was understandable to it, but it clearly understanded the attempts. It even seem to do the same! Yet, both side could not understand each other. When the relief squad come, did they informed the new arrivals that the predator was in fact sapient and highly dangerous, since it was like a grounded Griffon. Smart and probably extreamly deadly once in claw's range. The relief squad thanks their friends and informed them that the herd mares leadership wanted to see them as soon as possible to make a assessment of the situation. The herd mares leadership was very concerned about the predator. It and it's kind was never before encountered, let alone observed. It came out of nowhere and it was apparently sapient! Just like Griffons would it hunt their herds members for it's diatary needs, no question about it. Killing it outright was to dangerous. It's pack must be nearby and killing it would without a doubt aggrovate them. Eventually leading to a attack, hunger not accounting. So the decision was made. Observation would be 15/7 all night, twilight and day. Once all it's pack was accounted for, they found there camp, if existing, would observe them and once they become a threat, kill every mare, stallion and foal of the pack. No matter if Griffon or Abesinian, that tactic never had failed them ever before. Gabriel tried the next day to get to the tents again. After the battle formation completion, did he try to talk to them. The ponies were chattering excitingly with each other, since not everypony know this predator had been sapient. While some sedatedly and in hushed wispers ask if they should kill it the coming night with Thestral's, others reason it would be possible to make it leave without killing it and risking it's species members wrath. Some ponies tried to communicate with it verbaly in a group, others with hoove languages in a group as to make it easyer to make out from the distance. When it was not giving viable result, did a rather suicidel pegasus landed only fifteen ponie lengths away from it. To everyones amazment, did the predator didn't try killing that featherbrained mare. Matter of factly did the predator sit down on the ground and entangeld it limbs shortly after that, in a way that many wondered how it didn't break its hindlegs. The air left everyponys lungs when this airheaded pegasus slowly got closer to the predator. It watched with high focus, probably anticipating it coming meaty meal. Some ponies fall over in surprise, when one ponie length away the hairless predator did the same with it's forlegs in a contemplativ guesture. Some Unicorns outright fainted, when this absolutly braindead mare turned her back on the predator, lay down and closed her eyes. She was as good as dead... it was a predator after all outside designated neutral trading areas, for prey and predator goods to be exchanged for mutual benefit. The human was very surprised how trusting the pegasus mare was. She landed fast about fifteen meter before him alone. While it starteld him at beginning, did she seem to relax after that sudden entrance. Her wings lowered to the ground in a streched way that was not natural and would have cost her at least a full second when attempting to flee, should she need to take to the air. When Gabriel sit down, did she come slowly closer. When she stopped, did he cross his legs as to signal her that he could'nt jump at her. When she bravely come shakingly closer, did he cross his arms as to show he would'nt try to grab her. She in turn took many deep breaths, slowly turn her back to him and... Laying down in a extreamly woundrable position. It felt like eternity, but wasn't longer than a toilet break would last, when she slowly got up again. Her relaxed wings again streched low to the ground in submission or something in that intension, when she slowly walked backward toward him. When the human didn't react other than continue to observing her closer coming rump, did the mare get more daring. She turned around and booped him on the nose. Seconds that might have felt like years to some quadrapet's observers didn't easy any tension, when the absolutly lunatic mare give the predator all the chances to slay her. This was impossible. Yet it happend anyway! A predator not killing prey outside marked trade areas. What in creations history was going on, did everypony wondered. The human could'nt belive it. That pegasus mare just booped him on the nose with a hoove. This - meant - waaarrr! So he did the only thing sensible. He slowly uncrossed his arms, resulting in the mares huge eyes to shrink to pinprics. Than as to not scare her to mutch, he extended his pointing finger on his right hand, moved ever so slowly closer to her muzzle aaannnddd... Booped her back. Faithful Wings heart almost stopped, when the predator untangeld his forelegs, extended a strangely looking claw aaannnddd... Booped her on the muzzle. After what most have been guessing lasted hours, rather than seconds did Faithful Wings moved her right forhoove to her muzzle aaannnddd... Scratched it. Getting booped on the muzzle by a claw tickeld. After some time past did the brave pegasus booped the docile predator again. Second later did it booped her back. This continued for literally minutes. Ponie booping human. Human booping ponie. Repeating only interrupted with the occational scratching of the itch the booping produced. Also it was really relaxing for both of them to have the most peaceful booping war in history everrr. > Chapter 2 - Culture and Communication difference > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 'Gray the Necromancer - The beginning' Written by: Black--Soul Chapter 2 - Culture and Communication difference After the most peaceful booping war in history everrr. Both sides of the conflict seem to agree on a cease fire do to both sides not gaining a significant victory in this most legendary battle of determination. The human lay down on the ground lazily and pet the grass beside him, as to signal this most worthy of adversarys of the greatest peaceful conflict everrr. The Pegasus still hesitantly followed the invitation. Minutes of lazing around did the observers among the ponys wondered what was witnessed today. Two Griffon's observed the bloodless conflict from afar. Since they had to observe everything from above and outside there optimal visual range, could they only agree on five things: - One, the new Predator race they discovered in there hunting grounds apparently can eat non meat just like a Griffon. - Two, he is groundbased and if the worst case comes to be, they could escape via cloud walking. - Three, he was alone, dispite his dark coloration as all predators are camoflaged to archiv better hunting efficiency, he was packless or a singel hunter. Unless he was a scout... just like themself. They speculated that it must be rather young, because it was not using its gray colorations advantage during midnight or hunting in the light of the moon. - Four, he apparently was sapient. Some of the pony spoke broken Griffon. It was to faint to understand, but it was clearly even without context Griffon-ish. Both Griffon's grimaced about there verbal murder of their language. Without a beak it was rather hard to round the 'S' after all. - Five, he must be a bipad, that small of a profile at there angle could not be from a quadrapet. Like a Abesinian. Very interessting to observe was one particular yummy looking pony giving the groundbound Predator ample chance to rip into her. What shocked them most was that nothing happend. Blood would be visible even from there position. But prey nor did predator was not leaking any in a puddle. That can only mean one of five things or maybe some in combination: - First, it's injured and its don't risk any further injury until it is in hunting condition again while being surrounded. - Second, its hunger is sated and it can't or won't kill prey as to store its meat for later. That might indicate sapient behavior concluded the Griffon's. - Third, its high on some Griffon Nip or other plants drug and mistakes the food for playmates. - Fourth, it might not be a predator after all. - Fifth, it only eats carcases or even rotting meat like a adult Hyena, Hydra chick or Harpy chick. Both Griffon's envy other races for this ability. Even slightly rotting meat still tasted acceptebel in dire times. What ever the reason, with the ponys on high alert there was no easy kill for the Griffon's to snatch. So the Griffon's left as to hunt for other prey since the Ponys camp blocked there fishing grounds. Gabriel wondered if he was high on something. Than again, who would get multicolored ponys of different races in his mind and how they acted in a military fashion if they feel threaten... Ok maybe that was possible after all, on good drugs. But his rational mind kinda checked out after the bloody rabbit tried to hunt him down, twice. Accepting that this all was not a dream or the most epic of hallucination, that was going to be his life from now on... what fun. He could feel pain from his aching body, all the long travel yesterday and today. The food he eat was more flavorful than he could have dream up. Dreams could only use known sensations, he nodded to himself. Also Gabriel could'nt imagen that crap would be anything but real life. This was simply to surreale to come from his imagination. If made up by himself, this fantasy world would be filled by his mind by nothing less than hot human hookers or in a fantasy setting full of catgirls and not ponys... Anyway, he was making probably progress of any kind. If this pony mare could trust him enough to expose herself to a predator, than he could probably one day get into one of the tents. In the vain hope that beyond reason a human would be there. Or he would get some kind of shelter. His luck with the weather would sooner or later end and being naked and wet as well really wasn't healthy. Faithful Wings was quite surprised that her desperate gamble worked out so far. The predator was sapient but docile, be it because it's like she hoped earlyer on some kind of plant based drug like Griffon Nip or Yak Iceflower rootrot. Than again its tiny front focused eyes seem to be clear and HE has clearly no sign of a inibriated mind that she could tell. The positivly male predator was booping her on exacly the same spot and didn't let his claw land anywhere else. If this would happen tomorrow again, than this might be the mare of all apples. Being brave enough to risk her health and life for the herds would win her a place in the breeding line for sure, unless she ended up dead, she mentaly shrugged. Perhaps for more than a singel rutting to get a foal! Maybe, just maaaybe she could become a standing mare in one of the Stallion herds! Her heart was flying loops. Or creator forgive her selffish heart, Stallions would share her to spread her bloodline and give this mare a higher chances to bear a Colt instead of a Filly. She could even start to dream about becoming a head mare in her twilight years if she didn't get catched by any hungry Griffon. As the pegasus mare dared to dream of finaly landing a chance of a foal with one of the Stallions, did the male predator strike her unexpecting trembling defenseless body. Right on her coat. Gabriel becoming a bit more daring, trying his luck on the cute pegasus mare. He reached out to her and dragged her semi limp body into a hug. When the mare stopped tensing up, did the daring man started to snuggel her brave cyan pegasus. Everyone loves snuggels. No dog or cat he ever pet ever disliked snuggels as long his breath don't bothered them... or he overdid it. Faithful Wings was dumbstruck. The male bipedal predator catched her in his strong forehooves and his claws take firm, but injury free hold of her. She could feel him making contact. His flat muzzle was rubbing against her left front shoulder. She wondered what this behavior was all about. Was he cold? He didn't seem to have any hair. Without a coat it must be difficult to keep warm, she deduced. Than again it was the start of summer and today was a rather hot day. Or perhaps he was marking her with his sent? But why? As to give her a chance of survival of his pack members, if they should get a jump on her when on ground? Perhaps booping his nose was seen as game instead of testing how dangerous he was. What ever it was, it felt really nice. No stallion besides her father ever give her more than a nuzzel of affection. O by the creator, he was actually high on some plant despite the lack of signes and that why he was docile. She was totaly dead meat if it would wear out before she could get to safety. Gabriel keep her in a firm, but not to rough hug. Snuggels and petting should get his point across. Dear creator, his claw's are all over my coat, his dull claws don't cut me at all. It actually feels really... O by the creator he is touching my carefully preened wings! He isn't going to mate me? Breeding a prey isn't a thing predator do?! O by my mother feathers and fathers horn, i was never breed by any singel or herd pony Stallion, but this wild predator stallion is about to breed me. Infront of everypony. Gabriel was slightly nervouse, the pegasus mare stopped trying to escape his embrace, but shivered quite a lot by now. Her coat was feeling nice, she was really warm and her feathers were soft as silk! He loved the feeling of his fingers gliding over them. One of the feathers got lose. He hoped it was a lose one, but since the quill had no blood on the tip he guessed it was save to assume it was about to fall out soon on its own. It would make a nice decoration pinned behind his ear. Creator have mercy on her poor marehood! He plucked a lose feather from her and is putting it on himself! He has no coat, chest fluff or mane to stick it on, but his tiny ear seem to hold it tight non the less. Mother and father will hoovepalm so hard my future siblings will feel it, she wailed internaly. He marked himself with my feather as my mate! He is totaly going to breed me infront of everypony in his plant drugged state isn't he? Gabriel enjoyed the shorthair coat of this pony winged snuggelbuddy. While her continued shivering made him increasingly nervouse, he did hope it wasn't to mutch to snuggel her infront of everyone. It's just some friendly gesture after all. Pony keep breaking formation, everypony could'nt belive there eyes. The predator was sapient, but docile, yet it revealed its true colors. He was about to claim the mare for his pack! That was unheard of! A predator claiming a prey mare! What to do? Should they try save her or... Should'nt they let it happen? Perhaps beyond any common reasoning and uncommon and/or common knownlege, could there be predators that in time become trusted herdmates?! Perhaps defending the Foals and Stallion in the tents alongside the mares? What better defense against predators than a predator. Faithful Wings was about to hyperventilate. The predator stallion changed there laying position into a sitting. He was right behind her, hunched over her like a stallion about to claim his breeding mare. It was about to happen, she was about to get breed like she dream about for years, but instead of a pony stud it was a... a... a predator! Creator have mercy, being the first prey mare to ever get breed by a predator stallion. This... this was going to make her a head mare for sure! Gabriel enjoyed the petting and the one sided hug he give the mare quite a lot. She was sooo soft. The shaking from her body become stronger, but he now belived it to be like from a purrring cat. Best snuggelbuddy everrr! This wait was killing Faithful Wings nerves. The humming predator keep nuzzeling her, while his soft, dull claw's drive troughout her coat like a Pegasus trough a stormcloud. This mating ritual was taking eons and her marehood started to wink in... fear, yes fear and nothing else. Not even the smallest part of herself was anticipating it happening. At all. It's just impossible to be aroused by the idea of a strong, but gentle predatory stallion to nuzzel her and going all over the wings in a embrace like never before spoken in storys of the elders. Soon he would... He would claim her, he would drape himself over her body, he would ram his giant unbending stallionhood into her little fragil marehood. Mother told her it would be painful, it would be rough and way to short. He would impale her nethers with his savage lust and not stop, until he shot his white thick hot load all over her insides. Perhaps slap his limb stallionhood on her cutie mark as to leave a seed mark of domination and ownership. When he claimed her body as to her bringing his foal to this world, as a good mare should be proud of. Ten mares to one Stallion is a cruel inbalance in Prey species. Perhaps her foal birthrate would be different? Predators seem to be male, matter of factly did Faithful Wings never remember to see a female Griffon. Maybe predators have ten males to one females? If yes, could predator and prey fix there birthrates? If they can interbreed at all... She never heard of a predator and prey forming a herd after all. But if it works, than maybe just maaaybe... more than one Stallion in a herd become a reality instead of staying more than a dream. Gabriel wondered what the pony was thinking. Did she enjoy the petting like a cat and dog would or did he made a misinterpretation of the situation. Better safe than sorry, he withdraw his arms, let his hug fade and stopped his petting. He got up from a sitting into a kneeling position, noted her raised tail hanging slightly to the side and wondered if he didn't overpet that poor pony as she nodded to him. Time to make friends, he would stand up and collect berrys, fruits and other stuff. Probably wood in general for a nightcamp fire. A camp fire would be nice. Like with his father when they camp, while on mushroom hunt. He really was hoping to ever taste marshmallows again, even one more time before the rest of his life ended in this strange new world. One last boop to seal the deal. Faithful Wings was about to explode, that stallion marked her with his sent and was all clawsy with her. He turned her marehood into wetland by gently clawing troughout her feathers and her now stone stiff wings could cut ponys in half mid flight. Yet he just booped her once more on the muzzle when she looked back at him, nodding her submission to his breeding demand. He... he just left her to dry, this hunk of dominant but gently loving stallion meat just left her wet as a rainjungle, yet his stallionhood was as limp as before. Dear creator, he had no sheath did he? Her deeply ashamed, but aroused hope that he was actually a plant drug high predator stallion wanting to rut a mare in range was dashed. Never to pretend to face a dangerous predator all on her own for the herd's! After today no pony stallion of any herd would ever chose her, as to not start a fight with the stallion predator that marked himself with her feather. Hurricanes and thunderstorms, if he could'nt give her a foal than she could die a foalless mare! > Chapter 3 - Glimmy and Pinkie > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 'Gray the Necromancer - The beginning' Written by: Black--Soul Chapter 3 - Glimmy and Pinkie Well, that just happend. Starlight Glimmer had practicaly won, yet actually was looong ways off from really accomplishing anything it seems. She managed to sneak past the Twilight Guards of the totaly over the top build Crystal Castle of that purple Alicorn mare and made it to the magic table that was responsible for leading Twilight clamjam Sparkle to her Town and pretty mutch undoing YEARS of carefully planing and dancing around legal loopholes as to finaly get hers stuffed most throughout. Was it to mutch to ask for a village full of Stallions? Was it to mutch to ask being able to use the stallion only population in her rules to service her in the biggest non recorded orgy with her as only mare in Equestria as far the Stallion under her influence know? She was no Alicorn and no Royal, so it was perfectly fine. Not like with Princess Platinum to hog Stallion worth a population of a village for... years... to come... O-k, perhaps she was slightly hypocritic. But its not like she foalnapped singel stallions that come around her village and forced her to stay with a spell of her making... Ok she was a hypocrit, but they never complained. The obidience mind spell on them still counted as not complaining. Besides, who could judge her? Mares had needs! If a mare could pull it of than one should follow her dreams and pull Destiny by his stallionhood and suck it dry. She really needed to get laid sometime in the near future. Yet it was not to be, because of Pinkie Pie. The pink maniac came out of Celestias burning tits nowere and appered in Lunas forbidden flanks right infront of her. Right between her Spellscroll and herself. That was literally physicaly impossible, yet it happen anyway! That Pink pony should done something better than standing in her way. For example take a strap on and rail her neglected marehood. Preferance is that Big Red earthpony model with XL cumload add on. Hm... Expelled real tasting cum. Bitter, sweet, salty... Damn! She really needed to get laid before she changed her mind and go for mares only with Strap on only the next time she build a Village for her own amusement. ... Anyhow, the result was Pinkie Pie and Starlight Glimmer apparently landing somewere in the past, while her spellscroll overloaded and exploded in Confetti instead of burning up without fame, but still be recoverable. Instead her restoration spell only resulted in the Confetti going of again with a small bang. Oooo mare... that lunatic just had ruined her plans to travel back in time, win lottery after lottery with her records of the future pulling of six balls with additional extra number. Of course under different ponys names. She had studied and prepared to use other ponys identity to sucker as mutch money as she could before making a run for it. The most relaxed and unbothered run in non recorded history. After all, when her Cutie Mark stealing spell worked for Jars, than it would be perfect to 'rent them' and use them to trick fraud security spells out that work on registering Cutie Marks. Noone wanted her to pull a scam. Who could have ever concive a mare time traveling, stealing Cutie Mark for a short term, get rich over years to come from year one already. This time she could do it! What better way to enjoy herself to employ her population and pay them for staying. Ponys, Griffon's, Zebra and perhaps a Dragon or three. The bigger they are, the bigger their loads... all over herself~♡ That would be good times, good times indeed. Anyway... Long story short, who ever they were, when ever they where, they would be stuck, permanently. Her plans where ruined. Unless the time spell worked and only the location was missfired. She had many years to make it work! Unless Pinks here would get in her way again. To her growing displeasure did her spellwork don't get rid of Pinkie Pie, Element of Laughter. Teleported behind the river? When turning around she was right in her face! Teleport into a river as to wash her away? She be dry as a dessert in her face turning around! Thinking to teleport her into the stonewall of the river ground never for the pink mare to leave, to get rid of her for good? After all she ruined her plans twice and she just know, she would pull it to a even three. Like in the saying. Who the hell was insisting three was even for the sake of a saying. Well... her mane deflated, the sunlight around both of them seem to be draining by itself and in a echoing voice not coming from her, yet being all around herself at the same time. Don't In short, Pinkie Pie was her companion, if she disliked it or yeah... It could have been worse. If Pinkie sugar flanks Pie would get her in seriouse trouble than that spell of hers already worked once before. Matter of factly would she do that the moment she was sure and save in any half decent village or city. Physicaly reality breaking powers or not. She didn't pull anything back in 'Our town' once her Cutie Mark was removed. That the best shot she had to get sugar flanks Pie under her control. Good thing was that were ever they landed was full of extinct belived delices fruits she thrice see in officaly released copys about magical fruit. The Gummymelon's and Dragonfruit's were eatch worth a fortune! Alone that made her laughter deep, honest and most evil. With all them getting sold on the black market she could probably buy the Griffon border villages and make it better than she ever hoped 'Our Town' ever to become. She could quite literally pay of Stallions for lifetime in advance to fullfil her every wish and call. Not to forget holes. Perhaps pay to do the same to Pinkie Pie, so she shut her muzzel for longer than ten minutes and five bloody seconds. What ever Twilight cursed map had against herself and her Stallion filled dreams. Pony princess or not, money is everything in the Griffon lands. Starlight Glimmer emptyed her Bags of Displaced holding as to fit all the rare yet plentyful exotic berrys and fruit in. Who cares for fifthy common books dirt cheap in about any bookstore? One of them a alphabetic foals book she didn't remember buying. How strange she grumbeld. The juicy produce would make it up by themself thousands of thousands times over in time selling them. When Starlight was about to leave did Pinkie Pie reminded her about the books she accidently dropped laying still on the ground. Glimmer told her she could keep them. Perhaps use them as toilet paper or maybe build a bookfort out of them. Pinkie just muttered something about not being purple enough for a Bookfort, being to Pink for toilet paper out of one sided papers and never to leave trash on the ground. Than she put the books in her mane. Without a hammerspace ruine activasion under her coat. Starlight Glimmer empty eyes glazed over for a minute or three before she ignored it for the time being. Safety of mind over curiosity. Pinkie Pie put the books away for the later plot of the story and to make sure Starlight don't trash the place with papertrash before the trashcan was invented. Also a waste of perfectly good drained wood paper with seacrab ink. Pinkie needed longer than expected to put all books away in her Pinkie Zone. She also noticed that she forget her party canon emergancy cake ammunition and confetti emergancy emergancy reload. She also wondered where Starlight get her foalhood favorit learning book from. Blinking to Ponyville Sugarcubeconnor didn't work neither. In a looong time since ever did Pinkie Pie regret a confetti prank. Starlight Glimmer was a happy mare. Pinkie Pie had'nt bothered her for almost half a hour, she was about to be rich enough to own Griffonstone and than some aaannnddd she was totaly about to get lai... Pinkie Pie appered infront of her in between the time she blinked, while laughing to herself. Pinkie Pie put a sticker on her chestfluff. It seem to be a approval seal. For what she did not tell. Pinkie Pie was in trouble. Starlight Glimmer would had killed her in cold blood if not for her perfect pokerface just now. Better to place herself in a better position. A dead Pie can't turn a frown upside down. Also dying was no fun at all... After a day of walking around south without real progress in finding out where she was did she talked to Pinkie Pie. It has been actually hours of silence after Pinkie Pie put a sticker on her chestfluff and didn't bother her anymore. It was really relaxing yet unnerving. What possibly made her that silent? Her tail was half deflated as if gravity pulled it down. Yet Pink's didn't slow down what so ever. When Starlight ask what was wrong with her did Pinkie answered with a cryptic answer. I don't want to anger my newest only friend. THAT, that was for some reason made her even more scared of the pink pony. How could she know about that fact. It's perhaps even more dangerous, than her thing with the sun. The Implications of her successfully pulling her intended target trough did not breed anticipation but dread. Perhaps she could pull sugar lips here to her side. Less ice cold calculated and more open about herself. She could maybe befriend her somehow. Perhaps a good strapon rutting would make them... friends with benefits? What was going on here? She wasn't really into mares... this will be a looooong journey, she dreaded. Pinkie Pie was nervous. That approval seal better work. Or she might not goof around for mutch longer. She really just wanted to be friends. Starlight just needed a looot of help getting there eventually... Sometimes time was all Pinkie Pie had in spades. > Chapter 4 - Pinks & Glimmglam vs. Griffons > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 'Gray the Necromancer - The beginning' Written by: Black--Soul Chapter 4 - Pinks & Glimmglam vs. Griffons The rest of the following day, did Pinkie Pie and Starlight Glimmer let pass in relative silence. Starlight set up a few guarding wards, when Pinkie made strange comments about Angel Bunny familie making a apperance for their next breakfast time. The night seemingly was over in a eventless moment for Starlight. Pinkie Pie had to sleep with a eye open knowing about the coming day. Yet when Starlight was woken by Pinkie Pie, while she danced around as if she had been unable to find the little fillies room to pee. She was about to scold the water filled Pie, when she suddenly realised that they were surrounded by white-ish or rather light pink-ish Bunnys. Bunnys that totaly take over every inch of her shield guards wards that protected against intruders. Bunny with very long and sharp looking teeth. Now that she was wide awake she noticed the smell. It was like metal with a hint of rotting. The Bunny could'nt be possible be coated in dried blood? Could they...? Pinkie Pie really wanted to leave, but could'nt. The shielding ward Starlight set up keep things outside but themself inside. When needed it would keep rain and accumulating water out, but air would flow in without a chance of causing suffocation. Pinkies powers work for pranks and light hearted mischief not life or death situation with someone having murderous intend towards her, despite her pokerface that made any of her bluffing quite convincing. Mother Pie raising no fool after all! As well as her blink movement normaly worked over short or long distance, overlapping observations from over fifty very hungry and not so cute looking Bunnys negated her ability. When Starlight Glimmer stopped denie the truth of the situation, that they would be literally Bunny food if they didn't get out of here. So she grabbed Pinkie Pie, before teleporting them both into the air, charging up her self levitation and taking hold of the flailing pink pone with telekenasis. Said pone was very thankfull and had slightly bloodshot eyes from tears unshead as of yet, do to how close they came to death by being devoured alive. That was a first time experience she really could have passed up. Like that one time were she learned of Spikes Dragon scale Cupcakes. She didn't expected Spike to literally use his old scales as food addition. Anyway... Where ever they are, where ever they went, when ever they went, they be sticking together for safety and keeping night watch from now on. Pinkie kissed the grass grown earth under her when Starlight set her down, milliseconds before her self levitation give out. Keeping active ward without magic chalk was a rather advanced spellward, keeping the mana flow over sleep while said ward were working at onehundred procent capacity to ward of attackers had her more drained than she expected. She self levitated with Pinkie in tow hundred of meters over the ground as to lose this predatory Bunny subspecies. The mental passiv drain of the still activ Bunny trap really did a number on Starlight. Now she could almost go right back to sleep from the mana drain alone, not to speak of her mental stamina tanking rather impressive punishment. They had to get the Tarterus out of this area. Meat eating Bunny are unnatural in her view. Bunnys are suppose to be cute and cuddley, not meat eating, blood bathing carnivores! Pinkie was kind enough as to shoulder the burden to increase the distance between the campsite of last night and their current location. She also made a referance about really needing to stock up on holy hoove grenades, what ever that was suppose to mean. Pinkie Pie despite looking a bit more voluminous on her flanks to be well trained. Her muscles were very firm as far Starlight could tell from herself laying over Pinkie's back, draping like a wet blanket. Candy flanks also used Cotton Candy scented Shampoo. Starlight Glimmer fatigued mind wonder if she tasted like it to. Minutes past when Starlight dosed of to get some more sleep time in when Pinkie Pie see a bipedal light gray thing run almost her and Snoozelight Glimmer over. When she looked at the reason from were he came from as well why he was in a full sprint , she sighted a lone Blood Bunny coming straight for them. Pinkie Pies eyes grow cartoonishly to twice there size before she take a full gallop back from were they come before and into a random bush. Starlight had been rudely awaking by a sudden galloping Pinkie Pie holding her not so limb body in her place via coatmagic hold. When she was about to ask what the sugar flank lunatic was doing, did the Blood Bunnys war cry take her full attention from the mares Pie. The Blood Bunny was about to sink its teeth into its next meal when it lunched into the air with a leap. Just to smack right into a see trough impact shield spell against physical objects. That stunned the Blood Bunny long enough for Pinkie Pie to take aim, turn around and buck the living horseapples out of the little fucker. That day Rabbit and Bunnys could claim to have seen one of them fly gracefully in the sky. Just good they didn't see the impact or what become of the legendary flying Rodent upon touching back on ground. The tree it hit had a fashionable red nightdress tint to it until the next rain would wash its blood and guts away. After taking a break and deciding to follow the gray biped Pinkie Pie claim to see running away from the Blood Bunny, did they follow his last direction. When coming to a river, they take a good long drink, released unnessesary bodywaste while keeping in sight of eatch other in case of another Bunny coming for a free flight lession by Team Pink. They than followed the River downstream as to hope meeting with any sapient life as to ask for directions to where ever they be safe and away from this nightmare forrest. As they reached the rivers end point they behold quite the sight. A huge sea was infront of them and in the distance was a gray biped apparently playing some sort of game with many ponys on the other side of the seabed. Why would Pegasus dance around him in opposent flying directions like in a theater playbook story, would they found out a day later. There was no heartsong she could feel coming up, taking her by surprise. Coordination without a heartsong would need months of training with one another. They keep watching while slowly making there way to them. When they were half way across the distance, did two Griffon tried to ambush Pinkie Pie, as if she know what was coming she leap to the side. The two griffons bearly pulled up in time very nearly crashing into Starlight's very flimsy impact shield spell created on reaction alone. When they come around for another pass did one of them break of to eatch pony. The Griffon coming for Pinkie missed her, when said party pony took a confetti party pooper out of her mane and blinded the Griffon with it's rainbow colored paper pieces. Starlight Glimmer simply used telekenasis to hold the Griffons momentum and hold him in place. Magic bullshitting regular physics like force of momentum for the win. The Pink pony had blinded one of the attacker quite unexpectedly longer than predicted. The blinded Griffon pulled up and keep on a hard climb to win distance, until it eyes were free of what ever clogged his eyes and face up. It was sticking to his beak and feathers worse than mud or treesap. Leaving one Griffon to deal with. Said Griffon was ineffectiv flailing in the air, having his wings painfully restrained by his horned meal. The preys horn was alight but instead of a short burst of magic, did she keep a steady stream of light on her horn and a tight grip around him. The Griffons panic skyrocket when he realised that the prey had become the predator. Starlight Glimmer's patience was running low, the Griffon in her telekenasis grip was flailing like it was on fire or something, screeching and hissing like a wild beasty trapped in a vice deathgrip. No matter what she said to the Griffon, he would not calm down. So when she lowered him to the ground as to release him and giving him a chance to leave, she was quite surprised when he lunched himself at her face with his Talons ready to 'rip & tear, until it would be done'. Unlucky Griffon forget Pinkie Pie! That crafty 4th wall bending prankster had pulled a red cape out of her mane and throwing it in the Griffons attack charge. Starlight Glimmer had no idea were the Catbird dissapered to. When the Griffon wake next he found himself surrounded by Blood Bunnys. They welcomed him with wide smiles on there cute little faces. Both newly battletested mares were releaved to see the sky fleed Griffon make a run for it. Hopping from cloud to cloud, despite being so thin they could see his dark feathercoat troughout the clouds vapors. Razor Beak had enough about this ponys surprises and this new intruder in there clans territory. Once his brother Razor Claw come back with him to there nest would they come in force to chase the ponys away from there fishing grounds! When Razor Beak returned to the nest, did his mother welcomed him back. The old hen was looking better, since the Harpy attack two months ago. By the time summer ended, her wounds would be healed enough to take to the skys again. She was slightly concerned when the unseperable chicks of hers didn't return home together, but perhaps one of them had been lucky catching a pony for dinner or even better, finding a mate. Both were already fourtteen and are losing there fletchling feathers soon. She would really love to see grandchicks. While she could in theory last many summers more, it would be good to teach her sons chicks the art of hunting ponys, Phoenixes or if they feel very brave, Blood Bunnys. It was really kinda ridicules that a rodent subspecies had evolved into carnivores and there for a Apex Predator with its swarming tactics. Many bites to non vital areas still bleed. A lucky or unlucky attack could cripple or kill. Griffon on Bunny or the other way around. They only give away about being a Blood Bunny or a prey Bunny by getting into range to see a pinkish hue do to blood remains or the smell of rotting blood and/or meat. When both brother would have returned would she teach her only familie the art of cooking meat in hot water, she traded with a Abesinian for the boneknifes she had made out of horned ponys magic bone and legbones from sturdy earthponys. Gabriel collected many fruits for his future cuddlebuddy and perhaps friend. Since he was butt naked he could'nt actually collect to mutch at once, but he faithfully bring the fruits and berrys to there former cuddle position, and keep pilling the foods up. He was not surprised that around the tents the trees were almost picked clean, but only just. Some harder to reach areas still had some. Even if the pony would not take his offer at first it would supply him for the next three days, more or less. Faithful Wings was confused, beyond any expectations did the predator stallion behave like a common mare in a herd. She tried to explain the reason to herself. The self proclaimed predatory mate of hers did for her what a mare normaly did for stallions and foals! Perhaps her guess was correct. With Predators have reversed gender roles. What a mindblowing revelation!!! He was kind and gentle, while being strong and intimidating. He was positivly male, yet he was acting like a female should. Maybe, just maybe having a predator as mate would be actually pleasent after all. Her mind was in a rollercoaster ride of theorys. Still she was beyond terrified thinking the gray predator on two hindlegs was only acting like it because of delusions caused by poisens that was rather plentyful in this valley. Most likely she had to wait until the next time the sun would rise to see if he was under the influence or not. She really hoped that this stallion would be hers. He would be perfect on hindsight. Working to keep her feeded, protected against Blood Bunnys and other dangers and his rather dull claw things were devine on her coat. Creator have mercy, she almost came from him clawing gently troughout her feathers. She wondered how a non winged fellow sapient could have learn to preen a wing so diligently, while not even looking at it. Unless his vision of field was bigger than she expected it to be. But most puzzling of it all? Why did he show dominant behavior, got her to submit to breeding her, only to leave her all hot and bothered. Perhaps he was making sure she would submit in the first place to him when dominance was established. Right now she had to fly fast to her mother, get to know how she pleased father well enough to have become a permanent herd mate and claim him as her herd mate. If he was actually interessted in her more than a meaty meal she would be the first head mare of a predators herd. She would totaly invide all Thestral mares and keep any other head mares from claiming the prestige she had most bravely earnd. Noone would ever guess her perhaps slightly mad gamble to impress stallions. She would not end a foalless mare no matter what! > Chapter 5 - HE IS MINE! > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 'Gray the Necromancer - The beginning' Written by: Black--Soul Chapter 5 - HE IS MINE! Starlight Glimmer was done. Something caused her left behind defensiv ward to collapse and hit her with the mother of all magical feedbacks. It would not surprise her when Pinkie Pie could use her horn as heater in a blizzards winter. At least than her horn would have enviromental coldness to cool her metaphoricly melting brain slowly down. Pinkie Pie felt really guilty. She accidently send the mad Griffon back where they had camped before with all the Blood Bunnys trapped. While Fluttershy might have called her a monster for bucking the Bunny halfway to the Moon without a parachute, wasn't it a fellow sapient being. She peeked at the Authors scribt and learned that the Bunny were pre sapient in evolution. Unfortunately not the Griffon she accidently dropped literally in the middle of a hord of meat eating Bunnys. That... would be hard to forget without Applejacks Zapp-Apple-Cider... Also the main character would'nt abandoned them, if the Bunny suppose to attack them near the tent was already dead. The next time later when everypony and the Author was deep asleep, she would peeked again into the scribt and found a note. From the Author, to Pinkie Pie future plot armor: Let's make a deal little Pink Pony, i guarantee you that no permanent injuries to you or Starlight Glimmer come to be. Nothing, no matter how bad it looks will maime or kill you in a violent way or your companion Glimmer on purpose. As in return you: - Don't abuse your plot armor or will inform Starlight Glimmer about hers. (The main character Gray is free meat. I insist on that one. City boy has to struggle and suffer some tough love from me to get whipped into shape.) - Don't willingly prevent any future minor boss fights by for instance turning my redirected creatures away, distract them long enough to lose interest toward the main character. Keep your hooves of him if you can't see him suffer, you can thank Starlight Glimmer for hitting a time era that is rather violent in general. If you get closer than Snuggelbuddy with him or Starlight, keep in mind that plot armor is bound to individuals and will not be extended to future familie members. Have a good day/twilight/night little Pink Pony. - The Author Anyway she had now to take care of the unconscious only remaining friend. Time to get to the ponys playing with the Gray main character and get Starlight Glimmer a safe place to rest. Because Pinkie Pie noticed the wording of the letter... her mother hadn't raised a fool after all. Gabriel had counted fifthy three Fruits and eighty four berrys. The firewood was a wash mostly, since all he encountered where sticks not even good enough to impale and roast Marshmallows on. When he decided to end his collecting and take a fast dip in the sea after getting a long drink he noticed two ponies coming from the direction he came from yesterday. To his great concern did one pony had the other slumped over the other. The Pink Pony without wings or horn had long straight hair and the metaphoric biggest puppy dog eyes he ever could imagen to see. Best case scenario was the pony on her back was badly hurt. Worst case... he rather not think about it. No matter, he could at least offer food and companionship. He slowly walked toward them, kneel down and offered help with a open arm gesture. The brightly pink pony looked still like a kicked puppy in the rain, but a small smile grazed her face. The human lifted the Unicorn off the pink ponies back and held her carefully like a princess in his arms. He had to support her head with his own, as to keep her neck from bending to mutch backwards or the wrong angle. When one is out cold, all muscle protective functions are non existant. Driver license first aid course 101. Number one death cause after a accident are not the injurys substained counting, are neck injuries that paralyse or out right kill. Often caused by helpers not stability ensuring there head. Checking to keep them save without bending over there natural limit, before draggin victims to their safety. He was for a second confused by her manes clean and mango shampoo scented odor. And did this pony had a dyed mane? Baby blue and purple in the mane are quite different from the other pony he see before. Gabriel was pretty sure that this two ponys were not part of the tent owning group he encountered. The defending ponies had the same mane and tail coloration as the coat, but in different shades and all natural. This two ponys were different. The pink pony with the now slightly all of the sudden more puffy mane and tail had a bright pink coat, a light pink tail and a dark pink mane with, what he assumed dyed lighter pink finishes. Whatever! Time to get them to safety before his pink Rabbit buddy of doom found them. Not to be cruel, but if he had to chose to leave them behind to save his own skin, he would'nt hesitate very long. They were strangers after all and clearly not part of the ponies herd that might become his cuddlebuddys and overall shelter from the future weather. The local pony herd watched with very mutch anything they had to spare, how the gray predator male that marked himself as a herd member collect food for his soon to be herd. This was like some twisted joke. A male pulling a mares job of collecting food and probably very soon protecting his herd mares. This left anypony including the elders absolutly out of there comfort zone. Yet if this was going to happen, perhaps they could decrease there loses when ever a Griffon raiding party came for their members. While pony mares might be expandable, noone regrets it more than the ones left behind to care for the poor foals and stallions moaning there lost familie. Thestrals are the closest to a predator they had in there nomadic community, but they were only really deadly between twilight and night. A Day activ predator would fill their needs between twilight and day. It was worth risking one mare for this attempt of creating a mixed herd. The discord created in their herd would be managable. Pinkie Pie watched the main character Gray 'FFF -future friend forever' lay down Starlight her 'PFFF - pink future friend forever' gently near the foodpile. Than he left them, since the Blood Bunny was dead already she guessed he would fill the next minutes with something instead of the scripted event. Gabriel hurry to wash himself in the icey cold water. He regrets it the second after he jumped in. When he climb out the water to get out the literally ice cold water did he had to take deep breaths, until all the pins and needels of the cold sensation wear out and return the feeling to his limbs. He drink deep and was really thankful that his teeth didn't protest as when one bites on a full ice cream cone. He still suffered brain freeze though. After his brain stopped protesting did Gabriel focused back on the ponies. The two new comers were gone, but the foodpile was still there. When he moved back toward it did a lot smaller defensiv wall of ponys stay between himself and the tents. All of them had tiny absolutly adorable fangs, tufted eartipps and had rather dark versions of coat and mane colorations. His cuddlebuddy was nowere to be seen for a while. He really hoped she come back tomorrow for more snuggels. Pinkie Pie was thankfull for the mares helping Starlight Glimmer, but she really disliked how the Stallions give her suggestive looks. They didn't even pretend not looking at her crouchboobs or marehood. One even sniffeld her tail like a dog. She really wished that Gummy was here to throw him at them. That always worked on stallions and mares so far when they could'nt take a hint. While Pinkie was'nt a stranger to private partys, she was always the one to doublecheck the guest list, as to keep problematic ponies out. Now she was the guest and they were the hosting party. One she rather don't attend. She guessed the Blood Bunny event was there for a reason... go figure. Hopefully the Author could compensate for this pent up Stallion behind her. There was nothing okey dokey with what she had to focus to ignore. Damn you, cotton candy scented shampoo! At least they left Starlight mostly alone once they take a sniff at her Mango Shampoo on her mane. Lucky for Starlight Glimmer there was no Thestral stallion present. As Faithful Wings came out of a tent to return to her hopefully future herd mate, did she noticed one of the Thestral mares to have dared to try take advantage of her absence. That horseapple sucking thief was getting her belly gently clawed. That was her mate and noone would have him before herself! She did follow tradition and ask for approval of the elders of the existing lead mares to attempt become a herd leader herself despite them not having any objections usualy to create one with a new arriving Stallion. Usually older mares had first pick, but noone wanted to risk it with a predator or non pony in general. Golden opportunity! Besides, one does not simply ignore tradition. Further more did she get her tail braided as to make it easyer for her stallion to penetrate her and she even straighten her mane, so he could pull on it in passion, when he would ram her with his mighty stallionhood. Her mother helped her get her nethers cleaned up in a hurry. Clean mares smell better for ones stallion after all. She wanted every advantage to have his approval. Yet this fruit sucking leather winged fiend tried to steal her thunder, while she followed what tradition demanded of her. Time to show them all who's the future head mare. She would be the hurricane to blow away the competitive mares for his future herd head mare position! Gabriel was surprised when a pony with leather wings, tufted eartips and fangs came to him. She was definitivly a mare since she turned around and... presented herself. Hind legs spread, tail raised and angle aside, frontlegs tucked in. She looked back at him with half closed eyes, probably a 'come on get me boy' look. He was not okey dokey with it. What ever he did to get her motors running, it was clear she would take advantage of her cuddlebuddys absence. Time to get creative. Instead of giving her what she wanted, he would give her what her cuddlebuddy got. Time for snuggels, and perhaps some belly rubs. He started to slowly advanced toward her, she nodded at him. Now he realised what he apparently missunderstanded with his cuddlebuddy before. He hope she isn't sulking to long that he accidently somehow told them via body language one thing, while intending something totaly different. Bloody hell, human woman are hard to understand as well to talk to as it is. He cursed internally for his daft nature towards females. Giving her flanks a firm squeeze, he started to rub her flanks in circeling motions. He slowly inched closer to her, while noticing that her moaning batwinged pony made to entice him rather got the others ponies going. Instead of military discipline like before, do they keep shuffeling in place. Some of them even seem to join his actions with ponies nearby. O god aboveand below, he was about to buy time for his cuddlebuddy to return and he was starting some kind of make out ORGY instead?! Gabriel was really trying to supress his salute towards the sky, but knowing that his cuddlebuddy more than hinted her readyness? That really started to get him wondering if this might actually be the better way to get into the tents. He sure would sport one soon enough... metaphoricly speaking since he had no clothes to tent out like shorts. A few more minutes, he would give her what determination he had to hold himself back, win her some more time to get him out of this messed up situation. He didn't know if he really should be 'getting native already'. Faithful Wings was storming with a antic war cry toward this hussy of a mare. The mare was probably as worked up as herself before, giving Faithful the advantage to reach her rival and buck her straight in the face. With one good buck was her rival struck down. She dragged that slut a few meter away from her mate and foodpile, shouted her dominance out to the filly fooling could be rivals. They all lowered there head in submission. Success! Now for the hard part, 'his hard part'. Gabriel was fucking terrified right about now. His Cuddlebuddy apparently didn't sulk in a conor not getting him to mount her, but actually freshen up to make sure she would get it done. She announced herself with a mix out loud winny and what he would describe as some kind of cut off bark. His needy snuggelpartner with tufted eartipps snd fangs right infront of him receive a straight buck to the head. With a sound between a coconut getting thrown together with another and wet wood colliding, did she go down hard. Apparently ponies have like cats scruffy skin on their neck that can be used to tug someone along. Like a mother cat would her cub. She pulled the batwinged mare a few meters away, sniffed at her face, snorted in what he guessed was anger and take another identical shout toward the now attentive wall of ponies. They all lowered there head, moving back into formation. The batwinged pony in the air landed on the ground mimicking the rest. By the time he looked back to his cuddlebuddy, did she practicaly stared him down. He instinctivly bowed her head to her, he didn't want to risk getting bucked i to submission. She was probably the herd leader all along. She wasn't trusting him back than, but had shown her dominance when she mocked him all along right infront of everyone. He better be a good boy if he didn't want to get his shit kicked in. Faithful Wings was absolutly terrified. The predator male was starring her right in the eye, probably establisment of dominance. If he was like mares are in ponys culture she needed to be the stallion. She chanted internally to herself: "Don't flinch, over and over again." Eventually he submitted, bowing his head, keeping her face in sight. Now to make it count, one thing the batslut at least did help her with was getting his predator stallionhood going. It was probably some kind of ritual combat she accidently won, arousing him. Perfect, now she would strike the deal. She nuzzeld him, than in a enticing way presented her swinging flanks towards him and lowered herself on his stallionhood. He was... small for a stallion, but it wasn't unpleasant. She manage to impale herself on him with tolerabel discomfort. Perhaps ponie stallions are just oversize after all, since he was stretching her tight hole enough to get her nervouse. He apparently didn't think her to big, moaning in pleasure, when engulfed in her tight wetness. In her position it was impossible to do more than impale herself partial on him in their current half sitting position. She looked him right on the eyes and nodded her permission. The result was nearly instantly, without delay did he got from a half sitting position on his knees. Keeping himself in her marehood. She could feel him grabbing her flanks firmly and follows natures call. She could only take it. His slapping balls hitting her cherry with savage lust. It stirred hers to unthinkable levels. Then her neighing sound cut through the silent twilight. The soft nickering from the surrounding mares instantly stopped, the ponies now aware of her presence as a head mare getting claimed and claiming her place in his herd as head mare. Her leaking rump hitting him with a shower of marecum. Warm and fuzzy, was her heart, while her predator ravaged her marehood with his hard rod. Faithful actual Wings stiffend to painful levels in a salute to the sky. Faithful widened in excitement her standing, but shacking hindlegs from excitement and unrestrained thrust showed their wild passion. Every mare watching in awe as the big predator stallion claimed his prey head mare. Admiring their unity in passion. His lust filled gaze harbored a spark of intelligence and mischief, but while him bearing his teeth might frighten her before the started their rutting, now it would exite her even more than it could have frighten her beforehoove. But still, it didn’t hurt to mimic his savage grin. The wild stallion she had claimed, now rutted her even with more vigor than before. The sensual clapping flesh, a symphony of the heat of life. The tallest mountens could have not contain her screaming out her pleasure. Again and again did he draw himself out of her, only to plunge with all he had back into his mare leaking depth. Her stallions chest rippling with taunt muscles whenever she took a brief look at him, his exhaling snorts deep and dominant. His sweating body catching the light of the twilight hour in a majestic way. The surrounding mare sighed, looking at the newest and most exotic herd. Carefully, as not to disturb them, did the Batpony's still on watch duty took to the sky and cleard the sky of clouds. Noone would want to earn the newest headmares ire by getting her initiation get interrupted by rain. Tomorrow would the first mares try to earn Faithful Wings favor to be breed alongside her by this magnificent stallion. The stamina of her stallion staring right back into her longing eyes was beyond anything she witness her father displaying, when he rutted her mother in her presents. Perhaps her father was the lowest ranking stallion for that reason. He was quite a large stallion, oh Creator he was literally the biggest of them all. Yet, he lost every singel fight against a stallion of their community, when ever he try to claim a mare beside his head mare that has bear him only one foal so far. Strange what her hazy head was running, while her stallion was relentlessly bringing her to peak time and time again. Gabriel was in heaven, going native might be a decision he was pushed into, but daaamn was he enjoying himself. His mare coming again time and time again was one hell of a ego booster. He was'nt even close to like ten minutes, yet his lover shock like a earthquake from the endless climaxing. Once he actually would come inside her she would have absolutly no point in mocking his performance. Especially since a short refractory period was his strength not relentless endurance. Time to change things up, she was shacking on her hooves anyway. The newly minted head mare didn't realise she had been gently pucked up and placed on her back as to release her shaking hooves from their strain. Her fetlock was gentle kissed by this absolutly savage lover. The context between gentleness and ravaging beast would have blown her mind if she wasn't already be swimming in mindblowing afterglow. Her hooves frog against his cheeks, felt like the warmest of wing hugs. Her shaking legs thanked her for a break, yet her marehood would'nt enjoy the break for mutch longer. She had been coming countless time trough his lust filled pounding, but he would filler her, while making love to her, instead of making this pegasus mare his by simply pounding her into submission. > Chapter 6 - Not to lovely struggels > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 'Gray the Necromancer - The beginning' Written by: Black--Soul Chapter 6 - Not to lovely struggels A love induced sniffing run trough her fur, a burst of air exitingly left her lovers nostrils. Faithful scratched his neck in affection, her lover softly growled under her touch, clearly enjoying the attention she was giving him. She sighed, her dreams never were that fullfilling. Or wholesome. The new head mare flicked her absolutly drenched tail. He sure made her first rutting very special. It was nothing like her mother warned her about. Apparently bigger isn't nessesary better. Her special somepony who isn't actually a pony sure made every inch of his stallionhood count double. Turning her head slightly to look around, revealed everypony watching her in respect and awe. From one day to another she become a leading herd mare instead of just being a unclaimed or simpel one time impregnated mare. Especially at her young age. Normaly the older more experienced and wiser mare get to claim a new stallion first. Just good they got cold hooves, only because he was a predator and was considered dangerous by default. Now... he was her predator, she smirked. The oldest pony that wasn't a stallion she ever hear from was seventy five before a Griffon raiding party killed the oldest mare elder in a savage attack. She herself was sixteen this summer and had her Cutie Mark just four summers prior manifested by protecting other mares from a thunderstrike rained down by Griffon attackers. Her outright immunity to thunder discharges after getting her Cutie Mark earned her the thunderstorm dispersing duty. While lothed by the Pegasus in general, do to it being able to kill a winged being in many ways, she actually loved the thrill. Earning her a modicum of respect by all other mares, was a pleasent side benefit. By the time she herself would be a elder she might have enough supporters and foals birthed to split from the one hundred strong overall population of her normadic community. Well, actually onehundred and three do to the two wild mares and her lover joining it soon. Foals not counting in the calculation since unfortunately it wasn't to uncommon for a foal to never reach adulthood with breeding age. Faithful Wings father left his tent, when he heard his only filly scream in passion. Apparently the airheaded filly was good for something else than busting clouds after all. He cared for his only foal health, but his head mare was a dissapointment. She was rutted for seventeen summers now in weekly distances, yet she only bear him one foal. If it would have been a colt at least... how disappointing. Perhaps he should'nt left her behind after the last big raider attack when there foal was born and there defensive formation shattered. Yet one don't usualy dismiss his head mares orders in time of danger and survive to regret it. But he literally is one of now seven stallions in a community of a hundred ponys overall population. Six pony stallions, composed of one winged Thestral, one unicorn thestral and 3 pegasus ponys and than himself as Unicorn with earthpony statue. Yet they denied him time and time again to breed. The hell do they think there doing to there survival rate? If the Griffon's ever attack the stallions for real instead of pretending, as to get pony mares to charge into death and fill there pantry, rather than risking one stallion getting lost, would they lose the option to reproduce without stealing other Stallions or getting assimilated into other Community's. Anyway... His now useless head mare for his plans must have been harder injured than expected, when she never bear him another foal. She might be a unriveld lover, but survival demands offspring. As if it wasn't bad enough that she could'nt for some reason find a replacment fellow mare to his their herd. The other stallions keep the free mares to themself, even when not impregnated. What a waste! The foals he could have rutted into every singel mare that wasn't impregnated by others would have there numbers grow strongly. If they follow his advice of leaving filly's behind or even better, trade them away for goods the Griffons or Yak produce and instead focus on raising colts into stallions, they as a Community could not just defend themself better, but breed enough numbers to kill any Griffon raiders they inevitable encounter in the future. Especially in the valley surrounded by mountens. Why trade with non ponys when they could do it like Griffon raiders with sufficent numbers and take what the herds need after killing the owners of the needed goods. Also there is more food availability when rivels don't life to eat them. This docile predator should aid him well, willingly or coerced. After all predators need meat and Griffons are feathers, bones and meat. When the meat eater rutted his daughter into submission and exhausted himself, would he accending himself in rank by defeating the newcomer. Starting one mare at a time. Beginning by using this predator docile nature to fight himself to the second lowest standing. Soon he would spread his seed and plant his future as to harvest it's fruitful results. Prey over Predator superiority! Gabriel watched the other ponys for a moment. It was strange to him how they stopped fooling around with one another and instead watch them fucking. Kinky ponys apparently know to enjoy a good show. Well, if they keep watching the newest herd, than they would get one hell of a demonstration. Giving the rest of the ponies one last look, did Gabriel prepared to get his rocks of the gentleman way. He would bring human love making to them. Pretty sure so he thought, gentle lovers are a alien concept to the ponies. Phantasies of many kinds would be born tonight. Faithful Wings grow slightly dissapointed when her lover left her embrace. She grow further confused why he would hold her body upside down. Her legs might be trembling, but that was more from the lust and adneraline rushing trough her than fatigue. When her snuggling lover drive his muzzle down her chest fluff, did she wondered what he was up to. So far he surprised her in the most entertaining way. Also she feel physicaly very empty. No sticky stallion seed seeping out of her, she didn't feel thickness in her core like her mother discribed her fathers seed to fill her noticable. Perhaps predato- O by the creator, her predator was nibbeling her crouchboobs like a foal. What is going on? Did she wondered. Gabriel lost his first bet. Perhaps he should'nt have rutted her that hard. Her sensations are to overstimulated to enjoy some gentle love nibbels. Obviously he should leave the gentleman lover rest for tonight and upgrade to foreplay. He would make her a puddle of pleasure once more. After all, a male always get more action from a girlfriend coming back for more ~♡ Her lover was seemingly enjoying himself somehow, she was to exhausted to pay to mutch attenting to... O dear thunderclouds, he was nipping her cherrrrryyyyy~♡ Now he was in his game, making her sing or rather neigh in pleasure. Brow furrowed, Faithful Wings father's gaze sweeping the surrounding ponies more carefully, finally realizing something. All his rivels apparently feard the docile predator enough to stay in there herds respective tents. Perhaps he could claim a mare or two before they can interfere again. He was really thankfull for overhearing his head mare and his daughter to argue how unusual docile this predator acted. Gabriel got a gracefull squirt to the face for his reward. When he drive his mare once more to bliss beyond her limits. The passion driven new stud did noticed some commotion in the pony ranks. He suspected mares envy his mate. Than for some reason his marecum drowned mind couldn't decifer what happend, did a pony decide to gallop toward him. If he would'nt come to a stop soon would they collide with one another, did Gabriel absence minded thought. And most violently did they go down in a heap of limbs. To Faithful Wings horror did her father just tackle her lover in the middle of there union. She was still to exhausted to stand let alone stop him in any kind. Or even to guess why her father attack a predator in the first place. It's way to dangerous for a stallion in general to do more than fight for ranking inside... O buck, he is going to challange him now of all times? The Pegasus was fuming for having her initiation interrupted. She was literally about to get claimed for hailstorms sake. Where was the rest of the stallions anyway. Normaly they be present. Did her predator frighten the elders after all so mutch they would ignore any commotion? Than again she had no time informing anyone besides her mother about this predatory stallions docile nature. Gabriel was cursing up a storm inside his head. Of course her father and / or brother would grow aggrovated hearing his daughter / sibling neigh for minutes on end. For all he know, someone told him he was hurting her or he was overdoing it. Or perhaps it's something entirely different? Perhaps a ex-boy coltfriend. Hard to tell in general, since he had no way of telling strangers from familie members apart. Especially when the Illumination of the sun was almost gone. He wondered if the days grow shorter for some reason. A mystery for another time... Should he fight back or retreat for the time being? Faithful Wings father had the predator on the run, he evade his body charges and horn blasts so far. But as long as he did a good enough show for the mares, could he claim a random mare for himself. Any worked up singel mare without foal would do for his plans. Strange how this predatory stallion seemingly was feared by everypony. Despite his size, he didn't seem to dangerous to the unicorn stallion. Perhaps the mares overstate predators other than Griffons and Blood Bunnys after all, guessed the very spoiled horned stallion. Gabriel was really starting to contemplate to fight back. Father, brother or what ever. When the stallion started to throw fucking laser or plasma beams at him, he really needed to overthink if running the pacifist route was actually viable. Pinkie Pie was about to headbutt that stallion behind her. He ignored her attempt to ignore his advanced towards her. If Starlight wasn't out cold she didn't have to ward stallion of to rut her defenseless body, while she could defend herself, it wasn't very funny to have to do so in the first place. Who would be so evil as to rut a mare clearly hurt, that can't as mutch as reposition her tail back behind her nethers. Perhaps she should channel her internal Fluttershy to force a stop to this situation. She didn't even had time to befriend the main character. Already missing out on the Blood Bunny struggle to keep Starlight save. Perhaps messing up the script was a bad idea after all. Perhaps the Author was annoying her for the sole reason to get her back for undoing a minor boss fight. What was the point of it anyway? She wondered. The Author really regrets Pinkie Pie's intervention. Now he finaly understand the true struggle of the 'Stanley parable'. Faithful father was starting to run out of stamina and magic energy. His Cutie Mark talent of quickly shooting concentrated magic bursts for offense could win him a match with two or three hits, but if he didn't manage to land them on his targets, than it was just physicaly and mentaly exhausting him. He run the predator twice over physicaly so far, once while hes mind was focused on his daughters cries of passion and the one charge that he got in when hes rival stumble, when his brightest magic flashbang missfiring spell blind the bipad in the growing darkness. Successful evading his magic stunning spells, but still effecting his eyes by changing brightness in the fight. The male predator in comparison only manage to re-direct his charges, jump over him when he couldn't avoid otherwise be tackeld and twice grappeld him to the ground just to lose grip on his shamefully now fruit juice slick coat, when he smashed into the foodpile. When he watched towards the mares did he noticed that rather than enjoying there stallionly fight between males, they scolded at him with their eyes for some reason. That was a first, even when he fight and lose, did they give him a polite smile as to encourage him to try again. Outright dissaproval was only coming in the past from his rival stallions. Quick Shots plan was falling apart before it could even start, again. Why did all his plans failed when ever he tried something... he internaly fumed at his failure. > Chapter 7 - The wrath & needs of mares > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 'Gray the Necromancer - The beginning' Written by: Black--Soul Chapter 7 - The wrath & needs of mares Gabriel was pretty pissed right now. He was in the middle of pleasure his future mate, when this bulky unicorn smashed into him. He sported now a very fine cut below his right armpit. That fucker could have literally impaled him. Further did he smash the foodpile he collected for hours on end, with his fat ass. Or more like his back, the buffed up unicorn stallion was coated in fruit and berry juice and fruit flesh remains. Grabbing this living siege weapon of a running quadrapet didn't work because he couldn't get enough skin to coat resistance do to the now wet and slimy furry coat. Worse, he couldn't try to punch him out of fear that he hit one of the huge eyes. Why would ponys have evolved huge eyeballs in the first place?! Its literally one huge critical area leading directly to the brain. Kicking him didn't stick as a alternative since his coat was slippery as hell do to this horny bastard being practicaly bathed in food stuff. But the worst of all. His opponent had no problems, at - all. He charges him with his pointy horn, if missing this mad lad keeps himself save from a flanking attack do to him shooting fucking laser or plasma balls towards his newest favorit target practice on legs with a large frame. Being a lot bigger than ponys really made him a good target, he cursed. What ever mister glowing horn was shooting, his firework like stuff blinded his opponent every singel time. The twilight really messed with human eyes trying to adjust. It really handicapped him a lot with seemingly no significant effort on his opponents part. The one time the spearheaded asshole actually manage to hit his rival was like getting a fucking taser to the nuts. At least the adneraline booster the gray human got out of it, stopped his body to go into a muscle lockdown. Gabriel rather don't experience his battys needy cuddlebuddys buck to the head moment he observed when his cyan pegasus cuddlebuddy absolutly mule kicked that batwing mare into lala- land for some mandatory Zzzz's. That horny stallion literally was cockblocking that human gray skinny ass the worst way anyone ever did. Faithful Wings was about to bring down the thunder. Her father interrupted the antic and sacred tradition of claiming between a newly formed herd stallion and his head mare. She and others cut him a lot of slack for the horseapples he pulled, but that is a new low. He didn't raise other foals as long he was trying to get another foal on his own? Fine. He didn't exercise alongside the other stallions, since his physical body was for sturdyness rather than speed and endurance? Fine. He didn't help dismanteling the tents and reassambling it on a new location, help washing and preparing the food, clean other community members durring coat cleaning sessions, bring out the food remain out the tent after eating, don't had the dicency to go out of the tent in winter if he had to fart, learn other language to help trading or... Actually her father was a pretty fucking lazy pony. If it wasn't for him being a stallion, he probably get expelled for his doing nothing, but rutting her mother, making potions from all sorts of materials and complain about why their community don't trade for more mercenary soldiers rather than jack of all trades mares. What ever, he overstepped tonight. He - ruined - her - Honeymoon! Pinkie Pie feel a doozy coming on. Somepony really bucked up and was about to get his horseapples about to get bucked out. Faithful Wings mother watched this incoming urinshower come about down. Her daughter was fuming for good reason. Her lover and herd stallion was assaulted in the middle of there sacred union. If she didn't actually was about to enjoy her lazy stud to get his horseapples about to get bucked out of him by his understandable absolutly livid daughter, than she would have to do it herself. Instead... She really could go for a basket of corn for the coming buckfest to get unleashed. This was going to be entertaining! Behind her came one of the herd leaders and offered a bet. So far the Thestral mares give him at best chance a verbal beating from her daughter until he run with tucked in tail between his meaty hm... Juicy legs... and getting absolutly destroyed in a hoof to hoof melee in less than two minutes. She herself give him not more than one minute tops. She smirked to herself. Starlight Glimmer come slowly to herself. In her dizzy state she murmured something about "Get rekt." Before complaining about her head being used to split diamonds in half. To Double the Diamonds. Quick Shots danger sence kicked in. He guessed he overstayed his opponents tolerance for getting used as training dummy so he would end the match, by walking away in a posing strutt. But he feeled like death itself was stomping in slow controlled steps towards him. After the expression the predator had on him... Was that actually pity in his predatory eyes...?! The Thestrals enjoyed quite the show. The newest herd mare of the unique predator and prey union was laying verbaly into her hunk of a father, said absolutly meaty sugar lick was cowering like a foal infront of a timberwolf. Some of them learned new creative swear phrases and one of them actually would ask head mare Faithful Wings what a Octopus was, that she would get his rosebutt violated. Gabriel wondered if ponys really could be put in the specification of prey. Because his cyan lover was a fucking beast in cowering him like a lion would a mouse. Her silk smooth wings were extended and looked almost sharper in the feathers, as if the become boneknifes ready to tear that hornys bulky ass in two. He kinda expected a Doomguy vs demon kind of brutality to finish him off. When he literally got picked off like a kitten with the scruff of his neck by her mother. Set against the tents directions aaannnddd... Got bucked so hard in his butt, that Gabriel watching could feel his bruise up in sympathy. That or he landed on his ass to hard jumping over the charging unicorn. Some earthpony mares were very pleased with themself predicting this outcome. Many Thestrals just groned about missing a great hoof to face smackdown. Faithful Wings mother really dreaded to see her stallion unable to buck her for the coming weeks. She would really miss for the time he needed to recover from that impressiv buck to the rump, until the time her stud would fill her snatch with his juicy goodness. He might have no stamina to hoof, but daaamn did he put out... Especially since she would get it out by other mares savering his seed out of her marehood. Hmmm, Thestral oral was the best~♡ Pinkie Pie was about to turn around and headbutt sence into the needy stallion repeatingly nipping her Cutie Mark, when something bounced of there tent. This Faust blessed her, got the stallion to investigate outside. At least she had time to relax and take care of Starlight coming back to reality. Starlight Glimmer was in a bad mood. Her head was killing her, her bladder needed emptying and she was hungry enough to eat sugar treats out of 'Our Towns' own bakery before Twilight's cursed table sence the partycrashing six mares and dragon hatchling to her. If she survived this headache than she would totaly get laid somehow to take the edge of. Even if she had to foalnaping a stallion, glue or bond him to a tree and do the bucking all on her own. She had not been layed since Twilight clamjam Sparkle crystal map had lead her nemesis towards her and undid her stallion only village... Even reduced to one shot wonders with a 'wääm baam thank you maam attitude' did she get her tits rocked up when the hole population gangbanged her in the middle of the village. Good times... Good times... Pinkie Pie had a itch in her left rump cheek and a love wink. That combination meant somecreature nearby planned for some juicy fun. Having heard some lucky mare getting railed like Bon-Bon on taco tuesday by the dedicated fillyfooler Lyra Heartstring, exception on taco tuesday were stallions don't count. Lyra was a good mare-is pony... Anyway... She forget her line of tought, when Glimmglamm tried to stand up and toppeld over. This was going to be a looong night. The Author shuffeld trough his notes and wondered if the commotion should have bring a hord of Blood Bunnys to there campsite audible for commotion, just to realise that Faithful Wings verbal assault probably could have scared Sombra back into his ice cage prison... or flee the continental plate. Somewere in this MLP universe did Murphy take notes to kick some ass later... challenges could not get unanswered to often. Faithful Wings was done. She was physicaly and mentaly exhausted. Her verbal and shortly after physical complaint, now marking her father with her hoofprints on his rump, drained any lust or aggression out of her. She walked over to her gray stallion take one of his dull clawed talons in one wing gently and lead him into the tent of her parents. Since her father smashed HER HERDS foodpile, could he compensate them for the next days by sleeping outside. The ponys parted before Faithful Wings herd like Seaponys would a river or the sea. After that display, her predator would have to be suicidel to do anything to aggrovate his head mare. Pinkie helped Starlight out the tent, releave her bladder and conjured some of her emergancy cupcakes out of her pinkie zone. Starlight Glimmer was to fucking hurt and horny to care how Pinkie Pie just pulled oven fresh cupcakes out of her mane. At this point, she just wanted peace and quiet. When the elders had a last meeting before going to there tents to sleep and welcome come tomorrow the newest head mare into there leading structure did everyone agree on five thing: - One, noone would mess with her stallion if he behaved himself. Better save than sorry with hooves shaped rump indents. - Two, that predatory stallion had absolutly the most impressive stamina they ever witness on a stallion and would vote for a open herd stallion renting out service for benefits or trading goods. After all, mares had needs and there new herd would need there own tent, winter supplys and offical herd name. - Three, the next time they would walk troughout marked trading areas would they have to pull out a cooperative financed gift for the newly formed unique herd. Perhaps wingoil for Faithful Wings and some Abesinian clothing for the gray predator stallion. If he really had no sheat than all mares would be to distracted not to enjoy the eye candy all day/twilight/night to do there dutys and clop themself silly. That juicy hunk of meat was quite the focus holder~♡ - Fourth, they needed to buy dried meat from the Griffon's and the knowledge how to prepare it. Since they had a predator in there community they better learn to fully fill out that studs diatary need since they plan on letting him in return fill out there singel mares needs. With seven stallion and over ninety mares that need the occational cog web removal they better prepare them. Losing stallions to overeager Snu-Snu again was unacceptable, they had no longer any to spare. - Five, if they could somehow convince his pack to join... hm... all mares in the meeting tent collectively vibrated in anticipation~♡ > Chapter 8 - Welcome to the herd, resistance is futile > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 'Gray the Necromancer - The beginning' Written by: Black--Soul Chapter 8 - Welcome to the herd, resistance is futile Gabriel was lead by his Cuddlebuddy slash new girl marefriend to a tent. All ponys parted before them as if he was moses parting the ocean. It was kinda cool, while at the same time he dreaded what his just a minute ago pissed of mate plan to happen. Head mare Faithful Wings was about to go to sleep and cuddle the living nightlights out of her stallion. Tomorrow morning she repay him for the fun he give her tonight. Gabriel was confused, very confused. He was laying with his cyan pony cuddlebuddy on the ground. It was rather nice actually, but he feel like something was wrong... Kinda anticlimactic end to a totaly chaotic day. He also was still soure about being blueballed from before. The Author scratched the back of his head. Than he sigh, looking on a picture of his room like it was a window, and as to answer his fictional character: "I dont know what went wrong..." Pinkie Pie sneezed. When the first daylight lighten up the tent, did Gabriel prepared to stand up. He did his best not to wake his cyan cuddlebuddy. Said cyan cuddlebuddy was glued to him like a magnet to a refrigerator. That was actually a pretty fitting describtion of his tired mind. When he tried to pull her off, did she simply cling to him like... Yeah... After five attempted and failed removals did he give up. He had to pee and his patients had run out. By the time he exit the tent his cyan friend made a great backpack impression. Faithful Wings was messing with her new lover. He woke her up by accident, so he had to life with the consequences. When ever his gray lover tried to pull her off, did she focused her internal magic to stick to his fur free skin, as when one hold supplies to oneself. By the time he lost his patients she was snuggeling his back. He exit the tent with her. 'YAY FIELDTRIP!' She internaly cheered. Gabriel was looking around, when he zero in on yesterdays bush he dumped his waste, did he walked back to it, done his bussness and walked back. The Thestrals guard patrols were looking forward to the shift change. Getting a good days sleep after a eventful twilight begin and a peaceful night and now twilight end sounded great. They salvaged what remained of the newest herd foodpile and added some newly collected fruits, berrys and even Griffon Nip they actually planned to use for themself. But Faithful Wings stallion was worth the traid off. Especially after some young mares messed up right before the herd formation. The inpatient filly that thought it smart to ignore tradition and snag the predator stallion for herself still nursed her head on the riverbeds cold water. She would probably be the last to get some from the gray predator if head mare Faithful Wings had any say in the matter. Since she was the head mare, she most certainly had all the say in the matter... When the Thestrals streched one last time to get ready to get relief from the next shift did the new herd left there tent. Apparently the newly united herd was inseperable, since Faithful Wings was clinging to her stallions back like a tick to a Yak. It was rather cute. Faithful was known to mess around with others. It was cute to see her unchanged in that regard. After apparently having a little walk outside the defensive parameter did they return after a short time. Probably taking a dump outside. The Thestral guards take a last time a visual scan of the area, than glided silently towards the gray stallion and his head mare. They announced themself with chittering clicks. Loud enough to announce themself, but silent enough as to not disturbing anypony still sleeping. Gabriel was surprised to see the batwinged mares come out of the sky. He wasn't sure what to make out of the sounds they made coming toward them. They better don't think him a threat. Head mare Faithful Wings had a relaxed smile on her face. The Thestral guards glided down to herself and her gray lover to pay their respect to the newest herd. Time to reward tradition following community members. Gabriel was clueless what was going on. The batponys with glowing slitted eyes landed before him and knell down. With streched out wings. There leather wings looked pretty badass, so he didn't notice his head mare giving him dissaproval stares, when he was blatantly looking at other mares wings. She was going to get her stallion punished and get some herd mares along the way. Pinkie Pie and Starlight not to Glimmer returned from the Campsites limit, after emptying there bladders. After sharing some still fresh supplies out of her pinkie zone, did the pair returned to the tents. They spotted the gray biped and on Pinkie Pie insisting walked toward them. They didn't make it in time to talk to the group they had apparently formed before reaching there tent. Starlight approached alongside her pink impossible versatile companion the gray predator on her insistance. For some reason he was surrounded by Thestral mares and had a Pegasus leading him with a dubios grin on her face into a tent. This might actually be fun. The Thestral mares followed the new herd into there temporary tent. They might get in seriouse trouble for abandoned there post. But what could possibly go wrong few minutes before there shift was over and the day guards would take over. It was waaay to fucking early for Murphy to get out. Especially since he had a few drinks to many with Fate and Destiny. The siblings sure know how to party... Someone was tempting Fate, but he was sure Destiny would see them punished soon enough. He himself might help. Just not now. Waaay to early in the morning to get up. Especially with a hangover... The Author really was confused about how everyone seem to derail his story development. It was his bloody story, but noone seem to give a damn about that... Gabriel was about to get snuggeld to death or was about to get his rocks of after getting blueballed yesterday. Hard to tell, since everypony was giving him really mixed signals. His cyan cuddlebuddy was on the back of the tent and watched him, while the Thestrals currently circeld him with hungry eyes. Occational licking there absolutly adorable fangs. He really was tempted to grab one and give them belly rubs until... Faithful Wings give her approval. Time for her stallion to teach who was his head mare. The Thestrals that would help teaching him his place. After all she was the equivalent of a Stallion of his herd or pack females. The Thestrals looked forward to assist head mare Faithful Wings to relief her stallion on his backed up load from yesterday. Also he was all to delices smelling from the juices of the smashed trough food pile and his kinda salty body odor. If he taste as good as he would smell, than they were in for a treat most exquisit ~♡ They would take there time with this hunk of a stallion. Now they were thirsty for action. Team Pink was peeking trough a mirror connected to a wire lead trough a gap in the tents entry. Starlight Glimmer surrender any attempt to understand Pinkie and her bullshit powers. If she had been a unicorn it might make a sence she be pulling things out of nothing but her mane with chaos magic. Even if everypony she ever talked about this topic was the oppinion it was impossible. The only known user of chaos was Discord lord of chaos and god of pranks. How would a pink earth pony possibly be able to use it. The Author of the story refused to answer this question. Fictional character or not. Pinkie Pie was something that wasn't explained. Just... Accepted... Gabriel was apparently getting a tongue bath. The five batponys just started to lick him. One enjoyed his shoulder with love nibbles in between licks, while another was running her tonge trough the gaps of his fingers in a alternating pattern. Perhaps foreplay and the gentlemen lovers way was already existing here after all. He was very impressed and jelous about there dextress and bloody long tongue. Seriously, why would anyone evolve that? Are they evolved from antbears with batpony ancestors or something?! Or did it go like: Pony mare get humped by a male bat and the batpony got frisky with a Antbear? Than again... Multicolor unicorns... Somewhere they probably would dance on rainbows... He wondered if there was a fluffy version in iced over regions... Dear fucking... Pink fluffy unicorn dancing on rainbows... Yep, that was his life now... Faithful Wings was enjoying the show. She never see Thestrals make love mare to mare. She hear storys, but never actually see or participate before. Thanks to her herd slash pack stallion that would change now. She wondered what was more fun right now. Tasting the predator or being tasted ~♡ Gabriel enjoyed a third batpony run her tongue all over his face and the top if his head. This was actually extreamly relaxing and instead of getting himself worked up, had to fight not to fall asleep again. Best snuggel... Errrm... Cleaning buddys ever he guessed. The fourth Thestral might actually try to tease his manhood into saluting them, by licking his inner thighs and his abs. He noticed that his body was way less muscled than on earth but somehow firmer. He wondered how his feet survive all the rocks and uneven ground until now without a singel bleeding cut or blisters building up. What ever changed his body traded his pure muscle strength against endurance and durability he guessed. Starlight was sooo worked up right now. She watched alongside Pinkie Pie how the gray currently sitting bipedal stallion got a tongue bath like a Sattle Arabic or Abesinian dignitary out of a trash novel. She really would love to join the mares if there moans indication of him tasting delices was correct. What was strange that noone seem to give any dirty talk like in her romance novels. Perhaps this Thestrals were like professionals or something? Than again, having there tongues occupied might have to do with there wordless enjoyment of this stud. Pinkie Pie enjoyed the show, but unlike Starlight was rather occupied in planning what to do, when they all had their fun. She had no idea how to start the bonding with the main character. Especially when she noticed how low she was on supplys in her pinkie zone. She was extreamly concerned what she would do once she run out. Truth be told, she was terrified about how uncertain there future was. She messed up the initial event that was suppose to get the human to rescue them from the lone Blood Bunny after initialy abandoned them. Guy has a good heart despite the storys Titel. Pinkie would fend of the fluffy deathball, while Starlight was taking her unexpected visit in lala land after getting a magical feedback do to Pinkie blinking the mad Griffon to there resting camp on the first night. He was suppose to be blinked inside, instead he smacked talons first into the wards of Starlight and when overloading the capacity of it do to over fifthy already trapped Blood Bunnys... Dear Faust... She never wanted to hurt anyone. She only wanted the Griffon not to hurt her only remaining friend in the world... Perhaps she could get her PFFF to give her a hug. She really needed a hug... Razor Beak was concerned about his brother Razor Claw not returning until now. He really hoped he was alright. His mother was not to concerned, since her older brother was also one day gone after a failed pony hunt, only to turn up days later with a Griffon hen. Apparently mother was hoping he got lucky. He himself had a bad feeling about it. No matter what, he would fly tomorrow to the clan leading Alpha and give his report about the Pony migration he discovered with his big brother. Since their camp was blocking a fishing place and they probably didn't pay any Griffon patrol for access of there territory, since no Griffon mercenary squad was escorting them. Unless they happen to be in the tents for rest at the moment of observation. One way or another would the clan leader organise a raiding party. If they payed tribute than everything would be basicly fine and everygriff would ignore them for the time being. Otherwise... > Chapter 9 - Life in a Herd / pack / flock > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 'Gray the Necromancer - The beginning' Written by: Black--Soul Chapter 9 - Life in a Herd / pack / flock Gray Gabriel was one lucky bastard. Not literally, but one get the idea if they see him surrounded by thirsty females. He landed in a different world where the air was clean, the mares are dirty minded and his cuddlebuddys don't mind going for friendship with benefits ~♡ Head mare Faithful Wings enjoyed herself by massaging her crouch tits, while her future herd mares enjoy their future stud. She suspected him tasting as delices as he smelled, when she woke up. Thestral mares had the best tongues to clean ones fur. Especially with their antiseptic saliva. There were pretty price heavy salves for burns and other injurys, that cost a mare half their mane and tail, literally. Other things like Thestral saliva mixed with blue deathflowers diluted, that stuff was impossible to get outside, unless one had ties to a pony community with Thestral's and a alchemy studied individual like her father. Yet thanks to her gray stud would they have access to Thestral's specifically. Even giving up there services and later ingridients for free. As free as stallions part with a load to fill a mares lovetunnel. She would have it all! Hygenic tongue bath? Done. Fang coat/mane/tail coming knots out? Done. Legendary tongue services... Hm... Yes... Please! The fifth Thestral mare had formed a choker out of her tongue, when cleaning her grays studs neck. He was salty by nature and sweet from the tumble trough the herds foodpile, when Quick Shot had run him over. So she heard at least... not every batpony had ignored their security and abandoned watch duty. Anyway, she noticed noone taking care of head mare Faithful Wings! Having to leave the absolutely delices treat of stallion meat for her sisters were quite the shame, but they compensate her for her dutyful seduction of the herd mare later on with first dibs on foal service. Faithful Wings was a newly minted head mare. That upstart was only sixteen summers old and archived what she and her sister failed to have archived in sixtynine summers. But better late than never. Time to earn there place in a loving herd. By the end of the summer would she have her first foal growing inside her for sure! Starlight glistering marehood was on fire. Throughout pinkies device did they see four Thestral mares service the gray stallion, while a fifth was taking one for the team. She abandoned the absolutely mindblowing hunk of stallion and instead sneak to the self pleasuring head mare. She take the marejuice slick hoof in her muzzle and licked it clean. After booping her with her long tongue on the nose tip did she lowered her head and went right for the kill. The Pegasus mare stand no chance of survival at all. When the Thestrals tongue fucked her mercyless in her marehood. The obviously young mare, bite on one of her hooves to supress a scream when orgasming. Starlight was shaking in lust right about now, she could fuck anypony to get... hm... maybe that pink maniac would be good for something yet. Pinkie Pie guilt was unbearable. She needed a hug right now. She dropped the crystal mirror doorspy, and hugged her PFFF. She really needed anything to get her mind of what she had done to the Griffon. Mad or not. Starlight Glimmer was about to get lucky. Pinkie Pie was shaking in lust, just like herself. Time - to - make - friends - with - benefits ~♡ The Author just checked his scribt and notes... That wasn't suppose to happen yet... He shrugged and enjoyed the ride~♡ Gabriel was so relaxed he could no longer stay awake. This tongue bath service was simply to... "FUCK!" He cursed. Every Thestral jumped starteld away from what they were doing. The stallion had barked out in aggression unexpectedly. After everypony take a few seconds to try understand what could possibly made him lash verbal out, did they notice him looking at his armpit. Apparently one of them become to overeager and accidently cut him with a fang. Since he had a very fine cut on his body. But on closer inspection did it not... Bleed? Actually it had to be at least a few hours old, since a light scabbing was present. Quick Shot probably cut him with his horn, when charging their stallion first all twilight begin long. Just good their saliva was antiseptic. They can't have their new stud stay injured and untreated. Pinkie Pie was emotional defenseless, so she let it happen. Starlight Glimmer apparently was so turned on from the main characters lucky morning, that she needed release. She french Pinkie with passion. Pinkie just needed anything to get her busy mind to stop thinking about the Griffon. So she pushed Starlight over hard, turn around and sit on her face. Now they are talking! Well not literally... with Starlight having a Pie in her face and daaamn, did she enjoy her fruity dark pink pie ~♡ Pinkie moan in pleasure, when Glimmer was going to town on her marehood. Dear Faust! She didn't fillyfool since... Well actually she just had clean out Flutterslut marehoods creampie out hours, before she pranked Starlight in the Crystal Castle of Friendship. Kinky mare ruled the Evertree Forest with a vice grip... Of her marehood ~♡ Need a Timberwolf escort to Zecora? She jiggeld there Appleballs... seriously, that was absolutely priceless to learn. When she told Applejack later that Timberwolfes males had literally fruit like Apples as balls she escorted Flutterslut to one of her 'Tea partys with Zecora'. She came out pretty satisfied to Pinkie and thanked her for sharing that nugget of information. Best - Apple - Creampie -e~v~e~rrr~♡ Pinkie Pie lost her string of thought, when she came hard all over Starlight tongue fiend Glimmer. Starlight Glimmer had Pinkie Pie on her metaphorical ropes. She could'nt even fight back with her own tongue. When she made that pink mare cum again would she made sure that Miss Pie would enjoy hers next after she had time catching some breath. Starlight's special Glimmerjuice was a 'Our Town's' special, no one ever passed up to... Harvest... Good times... Good times... Faithful Wings mother was currently nursing her poor stallion back to health. Said stallion was moaning in bliss, when he ask for painkillers from there medical stash, he made this year before and his beloved herd mare made sure he was taken care off... just without wasting valuable medical supplys. Quick Shot was focusing his head mares treatment of his pain. That mare... might not... bear him more than a singel foal but... O buck...! Faithful Wings mother was currently gusseling a huge load down her stomach. She deepthroat her lazy stud muffins powerpole down all the way. He was choking her strongly, when he flared inside her throat but... Hm... What a hunk of stallion... He could choke her with his mighty foalbringer anytime of the day/twilight/night. He was a lazy and not to bright herd stallion, yet he made it up to her making first grade medical supplys and alchemy mixes out of all kind of ingridiants. He alone made up almost half the community's profits. How his Cutie Mark was not a chemical solution was beyond her. Than again, fucking his herd mare into blissfull unconsciousness when ever he choke her out flaring his stallionhood inside her throat. Her tears of joy and gag reflex were always turning her herd stallion on. Timeless passion for both of them. Razor Beaks mother could'nt sleep. Her oldest chick would probably return soon with a hen to sire a chick of his own. While she looked forward to grandchicks did she dread the day her sons would leave there nest... She probably would go out of her way to fly to the Clan leader and let her get fucked silly. The eggs he give her last time turned out to grow to amazing Griffon siblings after all. But for now she needed to make use of her not being in season yet... heat season was coming closer after all. Time to visit his troops and raise moral~♡ Storm Wing rewarded her services that hold all his subordinates in check generously. He greatly regard her as his biggest asset for a reason after all. Double so because Griffon hens are almost 2/3 bigger than there male counterparts. He isn't the youngest anymore. If she didn't let the Eagles following him use her as a cumdump or target practice in close range with there chick batter, he might actually have to fear... lethal reforced replacement. She would never let that happen to him. He was the only Eagle not caring for her badchick persona. Further was he quite the well endowed lover. Helping him and getting railed in the same talon swipe without losing her badchick reputation, because she only supports his reign and isn't a absolute cock addiction case... at all. It's good to be a mastermind! > Chapter 9.5 - Special - Pinkie Pie's dreamland > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 'Gray the Necromancer - The beginning' Written by: Black--Soul Chapter 9.5 - Special - Pinkie Pie's dreamland Pinkie Pie was dreaming the most redicules ideas up sometimes... Today dream was more special than others. Somewhen in the future: I'm voting for development of airplanes. A B-17 full of trading goods and/or passangers would be awesome ♡ All piloted by Changlings and powered by love. Join the Changeling Airline. You know to love it, when you see us cumming coming ♡ 👍 Said a undefined storytelling voice. I here for officaly claim the idea of B-17 fortress flying Changelings trough the air. Transporting commodity & other goodys and loved ones all over the globe. Changeling airlines! You know to love it, when you see us coming. - Sponsored by the Princess of food L♡ve Later... Captain Fortress to crew: "Incoming Griffon raiders, self powered flight. I don't see planes yet. Give them hell guys! Report in everyling! Over." Tail Gunner: "Tail reporting in. Ready to give them none, while taking everything from them, over." Belly Gunner: "Belly ready, lets bring down the thunder, over." Roof Gunner: "Roof ready and waiting. I like myself a good hailstorm, over." Nose Gunner: "Nose here, ready to run, over." Navigation here: "The left and right Gunner need a minute, until there ready, over." Captain: "Acknowlaged, they have about that mutch time. Tell them both to hurry, over and out." Griffon raiders: "Hey boss, you sure we want to do this? No planes, only on our wing power alone? We are earth griffons after all..." Griffon raiders leader: "This is were the fun begins." Pinkie Pie was enjoying the movie in her dreams with some sweet popcorn and a CMC Limonade 1,5 Liter. Besides Pinkie Pie was two mares cosplaying as Marksaline the Necromorph Queen and Fluffelpuff the Fluff master... Good Times... Good times... After a commercial about joining the Royal / Lunar Guard, Fluttershy started a survivel guide in a Zombie Pony Pandemic: Remember Everypony, follow the rules or become worm food at best and a undead sack of meat at worst: 1. Cardio ( work you'r flanks and wings, other survivers will approve of the view for repopulation ) 2. The Double Tap ( because there is no overkill vs zombies of any race ) 3. Beware of Bathrooms ( because you don't want to be taken for a ride by non friendly raiders ) 4. Wear Seat Belts ( Carages have those? ) 5. No Attachments You'r only save in a Herd or a Flock... 6. Learn first aid ( there will never be second aid...) 7. Travel Light, unless you can loot stuff... 8. Get a Kick Ass Partner ( You'r Herd/Flock has usualy one or three ) 9. With your bare Hooves? Better run... 10. Don’t Swing Low, unless you hit their head that way better... 11. Use you'r surrounding ( there should always be a three to smack that undead bitch ) 12. Toilet paper ( because that shit is worth Kingdoms... ) 13. Stay put of grabbing range 14. Always carry a backup weapon 15. A rock always hurts with enough altitude behind it ( tested and approved ) 16. Opportunity Knocks ( If you see a cute singel Stud, go for it ) 17. Don’t be a hero ( unless being a hero get's you a stud ) 18. It’s a marathon, not a sprint, unless it’s a sprint, then sprint ( or just fly away ~♤ ) 19. When in doubt, know your way out! ( better to keep a exit in mind ) 20. The Buddy System ( because you don't want you'r rutting interrupted ) 21. Enjoy the little things ( because the big once... Hm... Are way to rare... ) 22. Multi purpose army Knife ( better to have one than to need one ) > Chapter 10 - About time to get lucky. About to progress the Storyline... > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 'Gray the Necromancer - The beginning' Written by: Black--Soul Chapter 10 - About time to get lucky. About to progress the Storyline... Faithful Wings was in heavenly blessed company. Her sneaky fanged future herd member currently giving her herd stallion a run for his prestige in making her neigh in pleasure with tongue alone. Its good to be a herd head mare. Gabriel got his cut wound carefully cleaned by his very attentive batwinged friends with benefits. One nuzzeld his chin as consolidation of another one cleaning his not to deep cut injury over all it's length. It was stinging just for the time of contact and left a slightly numb feeling, when a third one seem to spray her spit right after the cleaning on the wound. He guessed that one batmare was for moral support of him for getting his little bubu licked clean. Another doing the cleaning the wound with her tongue and the last to numb the wound with a natural agent. There fangs apparently are not just for show. Or they had secreation sacks on them like real bats as to numb the bite in the moment of penetration. Gabriel was slightly uneasy by the thought of being surrouded by Vampire Bat's... Than again, this can't end worse than that Twilight trash movie... Pinkie Pie was making her PFFF (pink future friend forever) into PFFF (pink fuck friend forever). Starlight tongue fuck fiend Glimmer was amazing. Perhaps she could give Fluttershy a run for her money with some practice hours. To be fair, out performing a Thestral is not easy to archiv. Fluttershy was very skilled by the time they shared friendship with benefits. After all, having subdued all her critters and half the Everfree Forest predators with her tongue was quite the archivment. The Stare... What a redicules breezeetail idea. As if looking mean could get meat eating predator in line. Nooo... They know that they didn't get any tail if they missbehave. Plus that her fangs are anything but decorational... How Fluttershy castrated a unruly Hydra with them was beyond her imagination. Guess not every head of a Hydra grow back... Some of the Herd stallion checking out the commotion outside their tent, just to scoffed at Quick Shot. That drama stallion just choked his head mare in public out, with the girth of his flaring stallionhood. Again... Starlight Glimmer was a happy mare. Also one that really regrets to have past up mares in the past... Pinkie Pie sure know how to party~♡ Murphys Law, Fate and her sibling Destiny enjoyed themself despite hangover. Perhaps, just perhaps, would they delay getting to work for today. They are about to start the afterparty early~♡ A good way to start a day. Author really getting nervous about Murphy, Fate & Destiny not going to work. The storylines scribt is ready and waiting after all... Razor Beak woke up in the morning and found himself alone. Apparently his best big brother forever had still not returned until now. He had to belive his mother was right. Her big badeagle of a Griffon would never let anything stop him from getting back home. He wasn't crying, because the dread in his stomach grew with time. He had to be sick or something. His eyes were acting up because he probably eat something bad yesterday. So was his stomach feeling. The Author would like to point out that his scribt clearly stated: - Griffon brother blink INSIDE Starlight Glimmer defensiv ward. ( not smack Talons and face into it ) - Griffon survive the Blood Bunny swarm. Rip and Tear, Doom guy style. ( not getting impact stunned and eaten alive ) The Author would still like to give out a apology just in case someone blames him. Having to deal with a 'Stanley parable' situation where scribt of the story and compliance/ obedience of one or more figures seem to be at odds with one another... It's complicated... Razor Beaks mother take the liberty to throw the entry guard off the mounten, for sleeping on the guard shift. Lazyness leads to death, death leads to Clans getting taken over by rival Clans. No weakness will be standing unpunished. She had a reputation to uphold. Beside they can fly, if they are not...? Than she would simply bear the Clan more Chicks with multible egg laying seasons. It's not like getting there isn't F-U-N~♡ Clan Leader of the Brown Eagle's, Storm Wing enjoyed his resting nest. Today he really feel his age. This was his onehundred's summer and since no Griffon before him in any storys he ever hear in verbal shared storys ever reached his age did he wonder if this was a subtile warning to prepare a successor or if he just had one of these days... When somegriff grabbed him and throw him out of his resting nest into a wall, did he know, it was definitivly one of these days... Razor Beaks mother aka Storm Wings Alpha hen, enjoyed having some fun with her Alpha Eagle now and than. It was entirely on him, if it was with him on top of her, if he see her coming, or her on him, if he let his guard down. Counting not having his cave entry guard ready to defend him and kill non clan intruders, instead of sleeping standing. Or having the discipline not to get bribed by a Beakjob. They really had to work on that... Storm Wing day started already on a bad wing. His Alpha Hen somehow passed the entry guard shift, stopped the secondary guard from alerting him with a alarm trill and now was claiming him. Hard. At least the last part would be enjoyable and would not need him to kick rump later. As per usual did Storm Wings Alpha Hen mixed pleasure with business. Apparently being able to breed her and talk Clan business was a sign of a sharp focuse of mind. He personaly was suspecting that his deep voice just helped her get her feathers ruffled. When ever he tried to visit her and their chicks didn't stop her from claiming him, did she let her soft feathers show. He never understand the badchick act she tried to even keep in his presents but... She loved him and he loved her. That was enough. Anyway, did Razor Beak spotted alongside Razor Claw a pony migration in there territory. Unless he would find out on the campsite that another Clan was stealing there tribute, again... Would he stock up on pony meat, if they didn't have anything to offer in return for eating there territorys natural growing produce and blocking a fishing ground for his Clan. He wondered if they would have anygriff dumb enough in there herd to swim in it. He did enjoy, when his pet Octopus get some playmates. If not for his exotic nature to pleasure female guest of any standing, would he probably never even entertained the idea taiming it and treating males and females as equals. Always fun to watch. Always fun to participate. Good times... Good times... Somewhere in the depth of the seabed of the campsite did a Octopus male had the feeling he was about to get visitors. When ever he get visitors did his master Storm Wing join the playing and sing for him or feed him yummy non water treats. Good times... Good times... The Author got invited to join his workers in fun time. One do not simply say no to Murphy Law, the guy noone should try to challange. Lady Fate, that female that noone can escape and everyone beds sooner or later, if they get lucky that is... Destiny, that guy is a class all on its own... Faithful Wings was reduced to a pile of pleasure. After that mindblowing performance did she had to fill her pack/herd with Thestral's. Best - oral - everrr! When Gabriel hooves on nurses done there best to clean his wound and leave no inch of his body over his abs uncleaned, did they seem to look pretty smug about there work. He sure feel cleaner and more relaxed, than when he woke up in the middle of somewhere. His cyan friend with benefits was a twitching pile of pleasure. So he guessed he dead out lost in his gentleman lover performance for today. Guess foreplay and some rough action was about to cut it. With six mares in the tent would he get his pipe cleaned fired for sure. Quantity is a quality all on its own. That said, there quantity was first grade anyway. Quick Shot got somepony to invide him and his limb herd mare into a tent. Since his daughter apparently take over his for the time being. With his rump not working, his herd lead mare out of action and being in debt to the unbounded mares for getting a tent invitation extended, he decided to play nice for once. Perhaps some of them would actually like to hear about his newest Alchemy recipe. A little time later did Razor Beak calmed down. He washed his face and the feather on his neck in the stream. When he re-sharp his Talons on a pit near the water on a stone, did he decide he was ready to report yesterdays findings. Once the raiding party was done with the pony migration, would it end in a few words or them as future meat supplies, could he ask for a search team to be send out to find Razor Claws. He was his fathers son after all. Probably become the next Clan alpha if mother training really went as good as he always boasted. Since he never wanted the responsibility for himself, did it suit him perfectly. He wasn't enjoying the Talon to Talon fights. Hunts, while very entertaining and rewarding wasn't that fullfilling as well... Perhaps he should travel one day. Mother and Clan Leader always talked about the wonders and dangers outside there territory. For a few examples: Deer - Pony like prey with huge spider trap like horns that get sheed every ten years. Dragons - Fellow predators, that could use magic like ponys, had wings to fly like a Griffon and were as sturdy as a Yak if not more so. Yak - thick, meaty and easy to outspeed prey. They we're always hard to bring down and even harder to transport. They have a lot of meat on them and thick as stones bones, but that made it almost impossible to get them to a nest. Often a Yak needed to be skinned and ripped to meat strips on the mountens paws start. Yaks made for great bone knifes. Be it to cut body apart to there ingridiants or as throwing knifes. Mother loves and hates them. They can't be used to often and they chip or outright break after one or three uses, but the ability of killing outside ones own Talon range is worth the time to make them as well the effort to learn how to use them. Apparently only Yak bones are good for them. Heavy and sturdy, even when made relative thin. He himself used them a lot, when given permission. He often kills Blood Bunnys out of save distance with them. His mother is quite proud of him. One of five things he is better than his big best brother forever. Making knifes of any kind is a lot of work. Using them good enough for them to hold really longer than a year is quite the archivment. Razor Claw has also left Talons for Alchemy. Anything beyond collecting herbs and other stuff is to mutch for his brother, but not him. He in the mean time has learned many potions and other things one needs to know about. Mixing the right amount of ingridiants together as well how they are stored or when its used makes the difference between medical use and poisen. Ones medical supplies is another Griffon's hunting poisen. It's rather a common thing now this days to have ones Talons tips dipped in Deathflowers to paralyse a prey. It's way easyer to hit a target ones and let the poisen work than risking a ponys magic blast to the Beak. A pony in Talon/hooves reach can split ones head open. Cousin 'Pridefull Wing' was killed that way. Earthponys are redicules strong and sturdy. There bones are the best right after Yak bones for weapons and tools. Less sturdy but a lot lighter despite how sturdy they are. > Chapter 11 - The dice has spoken... F-U-N time is overrr... or is it? > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 'Gray the Necromancer - The beginning' Written by: Black--Soul Chapter 11 - The dice has spoken... F-U-N time is overrr... or is it? There was a little foal. She was just one of a couple currently growing up. This is her story when she meet with the big gray thing. A little Thestral foal growing up all her life in a tent. She only see the outside, when they move the tents to a new location. Her mommy told her she was now five summers old. She was now a big foal! She would go peepee all on her own. The big brave foal pushed the tent entry open. It was colder outside. She looked around, so mutch to see... O, she needed to do something. She walked around the tent, until she hear a sound. She walked toward it, than a little thingy landed on her muzzel. It was pretty! The little foal liked pretty thing. She was sad when the pretty little thingy fly away. But than she remembered why she left the tent. There was nopony around to tell her were to go, so she just let it go. But not before making sure it wasn't making her tail wet. She was a big filly now! When she was done, she tried to go back to her mommy, but all the tents look the same... There was a growning to hear somewhere behind her. She followed it. There are two not mommy mommys cleaning up like when mommy clean her after leave the tent for doing her pupu. The tent they where beside probably was hers. So the little brave filly walked to the tent, open it and see many mommys. Non were hers, but they help find her mommy for sure. There was that thingy. It was a really really big gray thingy. When it see her, did it gasp and moved one of its strangely looking hoovesies to it chest. It than turned around and stand up. It was really really reeeaaallly big now. Bigger than mommy! It than come slowly to her. But mommy wasn't around... 'Don't play with others, when mommy isn't around.' Did not her mommy moommys count? It was grabbing her. Than it lifted her. Wooow... Everything was smaller than her now. The gray big thingy was having really soft hoovesies. Than it put her in it's forehoovsies without falling on it's back. Strange big gray thingy. It giver her boopsies on her muzzel like mommy. She smiled, that big gray thingy was nice and smiled back. Maybe they could play together! Uuu... It muzzeld her belly with it's hoovesies. That was nice. But it made her sleepy again. Than she hear mommy calling her. The not mommy mommys walked out the tent. The gray big thingy was following them out the tent. It wasn't so cold outside in the forlegs of the big thingy. Her mommy called her again. She eeehhh to her mommy. Mommy eeehhh back. So she eeehhh back. The gray big thingy followed her mommys eeehhh and than it sit down. There was mommy! Mommy was calling her. She than got set back on her hoovesies. She looked back to the big gray thingy and waved bye bye. She turned around to her mommy. She did go peepee on her own like a big filly! Her mommy pick her up. That made her sleepy. She really hope to play with the big gray thingy next time they meet. End of little Nightmare Moons adventure to meet the big gray thingy. Gabriel hear a sound behind. It was the opening of the tent. When he turned around, did he almost suffered a heart attack right there and than! Moving his hand to his chest did he checked if his heart was still beating. Lucky human would not die do to adorableness overload. The most death by adorable had just walked into there tent. The little Batpony foal was the cutest thing he encountered, since he found himself in this new world. He turned around to her and slowly stand up, when his urge to snuggel the foal become to strong to resist. Gray Gabriel lifted the foal above him. Dear deitys, he had to make one of his own one day! He put the most precious little foal in his left arm. She was so small and soft. He needed to boop that snoot. So he did. When he booped the foal did it smiled at him. It was in that moment when the gray human swore on his life 'Come heaven, come hell, he would never let this littel darling come to any harm!' Fate and Destiny feel like a needle just had poked their buttcheeks. They would have to investigate it later. Right now they had Murphy and the Author on the ropes. Gabriel was unable to stop himself from giving this little darling belly rubs. She yawned shortly after getting some. After that he just know, he had to have at least two foals with his future familie. No doubt would his cyan mate be willing to give him a foal. After a way to short time with the batpony foal, did he hear a commotion outside his tent. The batwinged cleaning squad stormed outside. If anything was about to make his future familie any trouble, than he would exterminating it with extream precision. When he followed the mares outside, did he hear a high pitched sound. To his surprise did his little precious start to make also a high pitch sound. Beside the point that his heart was about to give out because this just made her the most adorable thing ever to have existed in any universe, did he was fairly certain that he would have to part very soon with his borrowed little snuggly foal. The high pitched sound repeated and the little batwinged foal answered the sound. No doubt this little death by adorable on four hooves mother or father wanted there foal back. He followed the sound that come from the direction on the batponys that had left his tents seconds prior. When a batpony with red instead of yellow slitted eyes come around a tent. He slowly sit down, the batpony mare called with her high pitched call to her little foal. Gabriel carefully take the foal in his hands turned her right side up and placed her on the ground with utmost care. The tiny thing looked back at him and waved him goodbye with his right forehoove over her left side. He be damned for eternaty if he let this little darling ever come to harm. The foal meet her mother half way. The mother give him a grateful smile and than picked her little one up by the scruffy neck. He stand around a minute or two after they moved out of sight. He really would love to have a child of his own one day. Even if this would be a pipe dream at best. He could find a pony stallion to impregnat his cyan mate and raise her foal as his own. Blood is thicker than water, but a familie you chose is often as precious if not more so, than the one you are born with. Pinkie Pie was a bit hazy, but there was no time to be lazy. The main character just walked out the tent. He apparently followed the Thestral mares from before. Starlight was out like a light. Apparently her level of skill she learned from Fluttershy was slightly to mutch to handel for her PFFF. No time to wake her. She needed to make contact with the gray stud. She just hoped he didn't mind her being drenched in marecum... When Gabriel turned around to return to his cyan mate did he found his crouch facing the Pink pony from yesterday. Her mane was less puffy than before and she smelled like a fruit punch, but that was beside the point. She give him a friendly wave and smiled at him. He returned the gesture. What happend next floored him, he did not see it coming since all others had been unable to understand him or he them. Pinkie Pie was happy to have the main characters undevided attention. Especially when she introduced herself. It was very entertaining to see his mouth fall open. His eyes would have fallen out, if not well grown inside his head. Just like she noticed, did the other ponys didn't speak Equine. She know for a fact that he would understand her. It was quite sad that Starlight Glimmer lost her chance to see him gape like a ape that found the golden coconut... No wait, wrong referanced... Nevermind. Time to make friends. Starlight Glimmer could do so later, when her return from Lala-Land after getting her marehood devoured was over. Since they were overdo to meet and greet anyway. Better now than never before his herd mare take any chance away to talk properly. After all, one needs to speak the same language to do so. Now to think of it, all the books for plot convinients would greatly help the other ponys to learn. But enough internal monolog, time to gently blow his mind to pieces and pull them together. She really missed to have the option to bake a pie for her FFF. Also they could'nt really make a party out of the little supplies in her Pinkie Zone. Especially with less than 30 Cupcakes, 5 pies, 2 cakes and 3 muffins. That stuff didn't grow stale in there or even grow old since time technicaly don't exist in there, until she let it... she really have to check the limits of her Pinkie Zone. When the times would come where it was needed it would make the difference between winning or losing everything. No try again if they would screw it up. Would she have known that she be cut off from her Ponyville supplies would she not have insisted on three partycanons, 2 fully decorated and filled tabels with filled donats. She really hoped the like Donat Joes donats. After all everypony has there own taste. When one was not a pony in the first place than things would be even more complicated... In a few chapters... 'Gray the Necromancer - The beginning' Chapter 12 - Rip & Tear, until they are all fucking DOOONNNEEE!!! > Chapter 11.5 - The calm before a bloody storm 1/7 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 'Gray the Necromancer - The beginning' Written by: Black--Soul Chapter 11.5 - The calm before a bloody storm 1/7 F-U-N time is overrr... or not? Pinkie Pie introduced herself with joy in her eyes a smile on her lips and a drenched mane that smelled like sugar and fruit punch: "Hi there, my name is Pinkie Pie and the mare from yesterday that lays twitching beside the Tent you come from is Starlight Glimmer". Gabriel was standing infront of his Pony conversation partner with a open mouth, wide disbeliving eyes that tried to escape his skull and slumped shoulders. This pony just talked perfectly german and nothing like the other ponys. Did the other played him? Or was his karma already paying back with a heavy bonus?! Pinkie Pie continued as if she politly waited for his internal monolog to end: "Anyway thanks for helping us and if you need any help i am sure we can work something out. I could help you collect some fruit later or we come up with something else. At worst i give you a blowjob or something". Pinkie Pie winked at him with her left eye very 4th wall breaking worthy. The dumb founded human shacked his head in disbelive and when he looked where the pink pony named Pinkie Pie stand was noone there... "Damn i already are seeing thing, i really started to belive that a pink pony just talked to m-", Gabriel was surprised when someone pushed him toward the Tent from behind. When he complied with the pressure direction and started walking did he twisted his upper body & head and was very surprised to see Pinkie Pie being the one pushing him towards the tent. So he didn't just imagen her just a moment ago... Damn was this mare fast, swift and stealthy to being behind him in the moment he closed his eyes and shacked his head for just a moment. Pinkie continue to push him towards the tent, before he could ask her one of many questions plaging him did she switched the angle and pushed him towards the mare from yesterday. She lay in on the ground with a wide goofy smile on her face, apparently what ever had her yesterday beat was not a problem at the moment. So he picked her up after his pink pony companion ask him to take her into the tent. Pinkie hold the Tent open for them and followed swiftly behind the human with the well toned ass cheeks. What a nice view she snickert to herself. When the gray human lay down the mare names Starlight something something, did he turned around and sit down to the talking pony. Time to play 'ask and tell', the pink mare seem to wait for something in that direction. Eatch watched the other carefully and when both had a eyefull of the other Gabriel started: "Hi there Pinkie Pie, my name is Gabriel- ...Well shit, something must have messed with my head because i can't recall my second name or familie name". The perplexed human grimaced about that unexpected turn of events. So far he could recall his familie and friends perfectly, but his familie name was as if erased from existance... The Author was upset to notice later that someone had spilled a softdrink over his notes and some words blured into unreadable blobs. He managed to restored damaged words of the story, but the original name of the main character was lost because... emmm well... He didn't care to remember... at all. Pinkie interrupted his musings with a energetic idea: "How about Gray? You have a furrless body in a dark gray all over, so i think Gabriel Gray would sound great!" Pinkie Pie smile was spreading and infected the human. He liked the idea somehow and it almost feel like it was suppose to be this way. Perhaps this was his forgotten name after all? The Author would have congratulated Pinkie for playing this one well. Perhaps he would reward her for that one... he already had a idea what would be very conviniently for the plot of the story to increase its development speed. Gabriel Gray was a good name and it would fit well enough so noone mixed it up. Than again his name seem to be different than Pony names seem to be structured particularly, unless again they are the exception rather than the norm... alien world, alien common sense. So the question and answers started to flow smoothly between pony and human: "How come you speak german and not make mixed animal sounds like the others?", Gabriel Gray tried to find out with undivided attention towards his conversation partner. "Magic and plot convinients..." Pinkies carefree answer was mixed with the used sentance making not mutch sense. "Wait what?" The human wondered if he misshear that statement. "Magic and pure chance i guess". Pinkie Pie corrected herself. "O-k... Where are we currently?" The Gray human leave that statement a rest for the sake of continued conversation. "In a Tent silly, but in case you mean in location on a map? Your guess is as good as mine. Me and my besty Starlight got lost and now we are here, where ever here is, we are... we are here to stay. No other alternative than walking on our own and getting eaten by something. Did you know the Bunnys are meat eating around this parts? From where i come this is the rare exception and not the general rule!" Pinkie seem to be slightly upset about something, or perhaps unnerved? Her body language was alien to Gabriel after all... "Can the other understand me and playing me for a fool? Because when i try talk to them it ended in nothing productive, unless you count the snuggeling and other stuff..." "You did good enough on your own it seems, the pegasus over there would agree with me if she wasn't still coming down from orgasming." "I guess you heard us yesterday and today?" "Pretty sure everyone in the Valley hear her nay her pleasure out after you showed her what you're packing with your equicment." Pinkie smirked with a knowing smile, the human looked away from embarrassment while having his ego stroked, metaphoricly speaking. They are not even friends yet, let alone lovers. "What have you planned to do in the near future? I basicly have only survivel in mind and want to learn how to talk with others since my learned languages are worth less than a hand full of sand." "Yeah... I can relate to that since i have actually no plan at all other than not become somecreature 'winner winner - Chicken Dinner'. I am a professional Partyplanner and organize them, as well as a learned comedian. That is all for the time being, but lucky me i speak conviniently the language of you'r species and of that groups as well as Griffon and others. So i probably play basicly as the echo of any conversation with a fitting translation for the groups talking to one another. Starlight Glimmer over there shares my knowlege trough a magical approval seal." Gabriel looks shortly over the mentioned mare and spotted the look alike seal with Pinkie on it. Very catching was that be know that it used a alien language, but itself seem to make everyone able to read it non the less. "That is amazing Miss Pie! You are your weigth worth in gold!" The human tried to make a gesture of a huge sack of gold that made Pinkie Pie snicker. "I guess gold is actually something worth in your parts of the world, for Equestrian's it's so common used you see it in any Household. A bag of Diamonds would be more fitting or perhaps Lunar Silver, since that stuff is rare." Gabriel was surprised about that statement, but he was surrounded by colorful sapient and speaking ponies, so far all he know plastic coins would be the equivalent of gold coins on Earth. He noticed how attentive and patient this energetic pony miracle infront of him was, he had a feeling that this normaly was a exception than a rule. Perhaps fluffy mane equals stamina level or something, for all he know they story all there magic/psi-powers or what ever they use in their hair/mane. "What is that Tattoo on your ass?" "I am a pony not a mule, you mean my flanks silly and that Tattoo as you call it is a magical picture that can indicate directly what the individual ponie is good at or what potencialy their fate is. For example mine looks like three ballons with smiled on their surface in three different colors raising lose into the air. It stays for how i bring joy to others no matter the mood they are stuck in, be it 'blue' for being 'sad or depressed', 'red' for being angry or upset and 'yellow' for a 'foul mood'. With a party for other and with others to raise their mood and bond them together in joy and friendship. Because Friendship is Magic, in a world filled with magic that is a powerful thing. Especially when emotions effect the magical field of the individual and that of it's surrounding, but that stays for another question and answer season since we are talking general topics... That said here is something very strange. I observed something very strange since it don't match with the day/night time, we use currently using in our calender. At the moment we use a 30/7 calender system officaly. Yep you hear right, day and night are 15 hours eatch on our planet Equus. Week days are named: 1.- Moon Day 2.- Disorderly Day 3.- Nightmare Day 4.- Lunar Day 5.- Faust Day 6.- Solaris Day 7.- Sun Day Unless i am mistaken." Pinkie was so mercyfull to let him absorb the given part if the explaining of the time calender. After rough two minutes did that birth a lot of questions. He nodded in confirmation and his next string of questions and give Pinkie Pie something to chew on metaphoricly speaking. "You are no normal mare so mutch is obvious and you hide something, because you just answered a lot of none-asked question i was about to go for. Not just that but you answered them in a very illogical way. You give me the length and cycel of day and night as if i don't know them, what would be strange if we life under the same sky. Further did you explain the weekday names, what is surprisingly called very different from what i know them. Mine are: 1.- Monday 2.- Tuesday 3.- Wednesday 4.- Thursday 5.- Friday 6.- Saturday 7.- Sunday My days cycel is 24 by the way, but i have the feeling you already know that miss Pinkie Pie that is a pink pony by happenstance. Also you noticed especially your planets name and not that of your nation. After all you identified yourself as Equestrian. You are more than the eye can see or you are the one that bring me here in the first place i guess?" Gabriel give a displeased face and he tensed up with all his body, as if he expected a physical confrontation. But before that could happen. Faithful Wings was still coming down from her mindblowing afterglow, yet she noticed somepony talk in strange tongues. When she peeked with her left eyeplate around her she see the Thestral mares she extended a invitation for joining her herd gone, instead are the two outsider mares in her parents Tent and if that wasn't strange enough? The Pink mare was talking with her predatory Stallion! Absolutely no word was to understand and she was not sure if they mixed barking and seapony languages or something, because some of the words seem to be coughed out as if they drown in water, while trying to speak. The other mare was laying a little bit aside and had a wide smile on her. That explained the smell, apparently not just herself had some fun so early on. Anyway... If they can speak predator-ish than they absolutly had to join their herd! Something seem to aggrovate her stud and his body changed from relaxed into a tense wall of muscle. No matter what just happen, she still had not been insaminated and their was nothing that would take that away from her. Time to interrupt what ever they talk about. But before that could happen. Starlight Glimmer had not mutch luck as of late and her horn was still quite sore after everything that had happend. At the very least she wasn't a horny mess anymore after Pinkie tongue punched her libido into tolerable levels. Still she would go for another round is she recovered a bit more. Without magic it was surprisingly difficult to knock out the Party ponie with her tongue alone. Her Stallions really had spoiled her... The Cupcakes Pinkie Pie give her was like a slice of heaven, but the Burrito Cupcake was really not something her stomach agree at all. She should slowly stand up, in all haste walk slowly out the Tent she found herself in and- *wet very loud fart noise* Nevermind... To late. The Author could swear something just died, had instantly decomposed and was now running away from its own smell. O hell... It smelled sooo bad... like text book definition of bad smelling with a grimaced Pony and Griffon face over the examples. Pinkie Pie, Faithful Wings & Gabriel Gray run out the Tent with a green tint to their face. Seconds later did Starlight Glimmer run out of the Tent and into the next best Tree cover and the now switching Day Guard shift and about to leave Thestral Nightshift could have sworn they got hit with a smell so foul they could taste the dispair from who ever produced it. Starlight Glimmer would never ever try another Burrito Cupcake for the rest of her life. > Chapter 11.5 - The calm before a bloody storm 2/7 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 'Gray the Necromancer - The beginning' Written by: Black--Soul Chapter 11.5 - The calm before a bloody storm 2/7 After a few brutal minutes for everyone effected: - Starlight deathfart Glimmer... - Gray the in the face green tinted future Necromancer. - Faithful Wings, surviver of the Burrito Cupcake aftermath. - Night and Day Guard who could have sworn a army of Timberwolfs had forget to chew on a Mint plant. - For some reason the Author himself a reality away. After a few minutes did Faithful Wings and Gray managed to release the foul stench of the Tent before it could sattle and would force the Ponies to burn it... Gabriel did the heroic thing and hold the Tent flap open, while Faithful Wings guided strong winds into the Tent. Together did they defeated that what was evil and ruthless and Pinkie Pie made a oath to never ever make bean Burrito Cupcakes again, unless everyone around had a Gasmask with them. The Author learn this day the evil nature of bean Burrito's and could never again forget it... That said, it would not stop him from making some in the future either... When Starlight returned did everyone agree without a word to never speak of this again. Now awake and in full control of their bodys did the conversation started with Faithful Wings inside the Tent that no longer held the breath of death within: "I would ask you two mares to join in my herd with my bipedal Stallion. Since you seem to be actually speak with him it us only natural that you are ask by me to join us. We can offer you currently water and wild growing food and a herd defense pact. This includes membershipment with this Community that focuses on medical Alchemy thanks to my father and a overall good guard system composed from all Pony races at Day / Twilight and Night." Pinkie Pie translated for Faithful Wings and than the proposal continued: "This of course is only temporary and can be undone by you at any time outside dangerous situations. The Leadership of the Community of our Normadic mega herd named: 'The Tribes Union'. I recommend you join us instead of somepony else herd for the very reason that i can guarantee you that you will be treated fairly and you will not be forced to bear a foal instantly as to keep you bounded to the Community for the born foals safety and prosperity. Especially if you are not getting a bath and smell like marecum. If my mate would be a pony Stallion he probably would have claimed you'r wombs with his seed." While Pinkie translated for Gabriel did Starlight clit was winking when she continued to imagen being mounted and creampied by multible stallions that manage more than 10 seconds. If not for the Moontea and anti pregnancy ward she had on herself she might would consider herself in more trouble. So far Faithful Wings was threating her with a good time... For the time being they be a herd, after all it was only temporary and this Community would help them sooner or later to return to Equestria or Griffonia. Meanwhile did the Community started the day, everypony was keeping watch or take a fresh drink from the Riverbed. Once everypony had their fill did the food collectors for today started their day. Pegasus keep overwatch while Earthponys started bucking trees and collect berrys in bushes in leather pouches made out of animal skins, self made or traded in the past outposts. Unicorns helped the fruits to levitate in the air as to stop them from falling to the ground and bruised as to prevent any damaged to them. With exception of the Nightguard of the day that now started a call for a Herdleadmare meeting: While it was planned for later did, everypony agree that they wanted the newest Herd initiated and welcome the new Herdleadmare of the Predators herd into their powerstructure. Currently it was composed of: - 7 pony stallions, composed of one winged Thestral, two unicorn thestral and 3 pegasus ponys and than himself as Unicorn with earthpony statue. - 10 Mare elders that representate eatch up to 10 Ponies if not part of any Herd. They had currently onehundred ponys in their community, 10 growing up Foals not counting. After today they would add three individuals to that count, do to the two wild mares and the predator Stallion joining. Overall their Community reached 8 Stallions in breeding condition, 7 ponies and 1 predator. The oldest pony stallion was 122 summers old, while the oldest mare elder was reaching 90 years of age this summer. When a meeting was called out, did the Community members Leadership meet one another in the biggest and thickest isolated Tent with it's Flaps open as to stop the interior to heat up to fast in the warm summer day beginning. In the Tent had been gathered: - A winged Thestral named Silver Glide, with his herdmare and one of his older daughters. - A unicorn Thestral named Red Spark, also accompanied but with two daughters. 3 pegasus ponies. Respectivly: - Free Wings a Stallion that was followed by two Herdmembers that seem to be pregnant. - Solid Thunder the youngest Ponie stallion, protective shielded by his Mother and his older Sister. - Stone Wall a pegasus that looked like a worldwar pillbox Engineer made a solid wall out of stone and muscle and slapped toy wings on him. Seriously, that guy looked like Arnold Schwarzenegger that had toy wings the size of hands on him glued on. If his face don't promises death for looking at them one could belive he benchpressed the Moon for fun. For some reason no mare followed him around instead he was followed by 3 Foals Colts that are definitivly his out of his biceps cut and sculptured muscles. Their wings at least still are more than fitting in size. And than did a unicorn with earthpony statue came wincing and mouning in pain as last. Quick Shot followed by his Herdmare and some random mare that seem to help hold him from falling over by his unsteady hindlegs. Apparently did Faithful Wings actually did a lasting impression on her Fathers backside. Two in fact. - 10 Mare elders that representate other mares, all without companion on their side but they seem to group up when they spotted Faithful Wings and her predatory Stallion who was absent minded giving his Alpha mare a mane massage who in turn almost purred in relaxation. The two wild mares flanking Faithful and her studly meat treat. The Author checked his notes for the last time, made some hand gymnastic and was about to write history. He just hoped Pinkie and Starlight don't fuck up his plans again. For the love of character he had, he really hoped they stop derailing his story further. The Blood Bunny event was excuseabel, but this meeting had to happen as planned or they would screw themself over... With everyone that was needed and fit into the Tent without being directly in eatch other faces, did the meeting of the Leadership started: The Tribes Union seem to be getting it's representation from 'Silver Glide' the visible oldest Stallion around. He had a light gray coat color and his name and tail follow that pattern with the exception that his tail and mane had many bleached out spots do to old age. As he spoke did a deep baratone voice make itself known that reminded Gabriel Gray of 'James Earl „Todd“ Jones' the voice actor of the man that made black what it is: Darth Vader! "Greeting my fellow ponys and what the Creator thought to create in his spare time without fur and painting it Gray as my coat was 20 summers ago" The seriouse air was slightly lifted with the little joke he build into the start of the meeting. Pinkie started silent to translate the spoken to Gabriel. The speaks ponie continued: "I have the honor to speak to you as the oldest representative for 'The Tribes Union', our beloved normadic Community. My name is 'Silver Glide' and i am truely honored to witness something unique today! We shall add today a- ...Excuse me young mare, did i bored you already so mutch that you start a conversation with our newest Community Stallion on two legs?" All eyes are on Pinkie Pie, yet she continued the translation until she came to it's end and actually managed to notice the meaning behind the words she translated and got flustered. Faithful Wings was going to jump in, but Starlight Glimmer beat her by a full second to it: "Hello, my name is Starlight Glimmer and the Ponie you mean is Pinkie Pie and she was translating you'r words into the language that the Predator biped names 'Gabriel Gray' of the race 'Human' understands. She was not meaning anything by it to seem to keep his attention from you. He literally can't understand anything we say. Further more is Pinkie Pie as i learned before this meeting conviniently fluent in many languages. And apperently this 'magic Artefact' on my chest fluff give me her ability to understand and speak with other no matter the language. The Author really could not think of a more conviniently pony than Pinkie Pie, she would play Linguistic expert until everyone actually learned to understand eatch other. The Author is not afraid to use Pinkie Pie bullshit power to the full extend for the readers benefit without hopefully, probably overdoing it... Using Starlight Glimmer as extension seem fitting for him as well. Silver Glide thanked the wild mare Starlight Glimmer for her explanation and continued, giving the mare Pinkie Pie time to keep the Predator Stallion time to understand. After Pinkie Pie finished the translation did the imposing but still gentle petting Predator nodded respectfull toward the speaker. Silver Glide continued to introduce the Stallions and Mares that are leading representatives by name. Gabriel nodded respectfull toward eatch one when introduction of the individual was given. Gabriel could swear on his right nut that he hear Starwars Soundtracks playing on low volumes in his head. The Author could not stop himself with messing with the Human and give him a amazing Soundtrack to the meeting. Later he messed after the meeting again with him by playing darkside themed soundtrack because... No reason other than the Author feel like it... When Silver had introduced everypony from their community did Faithful Wings did introduced Gray, Pinkie & Starlight before adding that she herself was the offical Headmare of the 'Interspecies Herd'. That had mixed reactions on the faces of the ponies. Gabriel really thought it cute how ponies look when they scrunch up their muzzle. He would boop them all, even if it was the last thing he would have archived. The Author could only wonder if messing with the internal Soundtrack of Gabriel give him that silly idea or if he was really challanging Fate and Destiny for a Culture clash. Fate and Destiny made a bet with Murphy that the human would be the first be to be bucked for a Culture clash missunderstanding before the first week was over. Loser of the bet was buying Pizza for Friday night. Silver Glide continued to give a speech he came out on the spot about a new dawn in time approaching with Prey and Predator bounding in love and lust. Gabriel was very thankfull for his gray skin color, because his cheeks did burn like a schoolboy getting his first crushed kiss on the chin. The stallions switched from looking over the Predatory Stallion and noticed he had no sheath, unless he was in some kind of very long lasting arousal without reaching full potencial. Everypony wondered why somecreature did evolve without a sheath, but the mares lusty open viewing his stallion meat made at least one benefit clear. When Darth Vaders voice Silver Glide ended his grand speech about a future peace and balance between the hunted and the hunters. Now it was time for the Gray predator to speak, and the wild mares to translate for them all. If the 'Interspecies herd' would not claim them, than Silver Glide would, because the sent of the one called Starlight Glimmer made him feel young again and in the rutlust he only experienced many summers ago... Gray accepted this group were his family, his very extended familie now. No explanation would be good enough to express to them what he had gone through, how he had felt changing into a different kind of human, stepping into someone else's world and life so different than his own. He had to accept his new life and learning to go trough this life and losing his past life, but gaining of his new family today. But since he still needed some time to cope Gabriel instead thought to himself: 'Just what exactly could he, as a responsible adult, say to these ponies to mess them up? "I'm a bipedal alien from another galaxy that transformed into a gray version of himself and i am going to boop you all on the snoot for being to cute!" he said looking at Silver Glide with a straight face directly in the eyes. "Oh. And my name is Gabriel Gray, nice to meet you all." When Pinkie Pie translated his spoken words, they all stared at him with confused faces. What was a 'Alien' or a 'Galaxy'? The Author facepalmed his face into the desk, he was seriously thinking Gabriel must have lost some gray matter in his head when turning gray all over. He just hoped that dumbass didn't just killed his standing in the herd he was suppose to be integrated. Starlight Glimmer hoovepalmed with a audioable echo, she had to save the human from the brainfart he just suffered. So she started to laugh, laugh like a maniac having heard the mother of all jokes. Pinkie Pie caughted on and giggeld along. Everyone seem to get the idea, it was some kind of out of context predator humor so they politely give a token laugh. Gabriel, would thank the two pink mares later for pulling him out of this strange situation. He still needed to get his blueballed seedbanks emptyd anyway. Win - Win. The Author stopped writing and ordered a Pizza with a softdrink. His pink Pony main characters had just saved the starting story from suffering a bad end... Also he would give his brainded human Protagonist one hell of a muscle cramp in his legs for the crap he almost pulled successfully. After a mutual understanding that humor and other things would need time to be growing compatible, did Silver Glide let his fellow Stallion 'Stone Wall' a pegasus that was the most muscled Stallion with wings, that without them would be one impressive earth pony still. The mountan of absolut stallion goodness spoke with a strong voice and Gabriel was wondering what the hell was going on. First 'Silver Glide' with his Darth Vader voice now Arnold bodybuilder at his prime Schwarzenegger. What was coming next? Will Smith from Prince in Belair? The Author was laughing to himself as he enjoyed his Sea Crab Pizza with extra garlic. This was going to be a great payback for the braindead joke he pulled moments earlyer. Arnold Schwarzenegger 'Stone Wall' explained the places the new stallion and the wild mares would have to take in the future when a threat would Inevitable come for their megaherd. Usualy a large group of mares formed up as a multilayerd battleformation. Earth ponys mares made up the front fighters and shield everyone behind them, while unicorn behind them looked in between the gaps with lowered horns to shot directed wild magic blasts to force attacker away from the earth pony defenders. The pegasus mares fly circels around the threat, never stopping the circeling and when commanded started hit and run attacks. Layered in a clear formation with opposent directions depending on height they confuse visualy with their well calculated different colored coat fur and keep the attacker guessing. The enemy will find observing them disorderating their balance, a visual attack/defense to their sence of spacial awareness and make attacks hard to predict, further did the sheer number of mares attacking and defending would simply overrun the enemy attackers. Quantitativ prey wall over quality predator natural killing weapons like claws, beaks, teeth, tentikel or other deadly advantage that they normaly use to kill their prey. The mares would start train their role in the defensiv line soon to boost their defenses unless they have something more valuable to give for the benefit of the Community. The predator stallion would normaly not be allowed to join the defensiv wall of mares, but since he was a predator he would be perfect for aiding the earth ponys in repelling attacks in a hit and run capacity. Unless he had a better idea. The unicorn thestral Solid Thunder the youngest Ponie stallion in breeding age, still fiercly protective shielded by his Mother and his older Sister protested that a male should never be at risk, he would be needed to breed the first generation of predatory prey as to help beginnig the age of cooperation as Silver Glide had called it. Many mares nodded strongly, they could not risk their newest breeding stud to get hurt. Especially before they get a chance to be breeded by this tall breeding maschine of almost unlimited sexual stamina. Gabriel feel after that translation like they prey that was about to be hunted down by thirsty predators. Sucking his life out of him, one rutting at a time... The stallions old and young pity the biped for the next heat season that was about to hit them all... Gabriel could suddenly imagen how fucked someone could get being surrounded by females. Drowning in pussy was suddenly no joke anymore and he begged to anyone above him to save him when the time come. The Author chuckeld darkly and simply said in a dark voice: "Nnnnooope, Snu-Snu shall last for-" *pausing for dramatic effect* "All heat season long!" His fellows Murphy, Fate & Destiny pity the human and to avenge him, stole eatch a piece of the Authors Pizza when the Author was bussy on the toilet. The human found himself get pet on his bold head when she noticed him shacking. Her poor stallion must have been rightly so frightend by the idea of all the mares coming for his services. She would make sure he was hydrated and well feeded, while the mares of her future herd would ravage him until he was exhausted. Further did the herd head mare noticed him sweating bullets. Poor dear, she would comfort him my licking him clean and ...Dear Creator he tasted like a Salt lick! Perhaps she should frighten him with breeding request more often in the future... Everyone give the predatory stallion that was the future prey for the mares breeding urges some time to cope with his fate. When he come to turn with it, was he apparently more seriouse about anything. While his headmare helped herself to a second helping of his salty skin. The smelled of the 'Human' made it clear that the lack of fur coat had it advantages. As fast he was drying he could probably if not faster, than longer run than anypony. Truly a predator to fear and in the mares case desire. The pegasus mares bonded or not all sported a wing boner at Faithful Wings open enjoyment of her Stud/Salt Daddy. To Grays amazment was every mare watching him showing off with a display of leather wings or feathers, it was a pretty sight that distracted him from the thoughts of getting to die by drowning in mare pussy. > Chapter 11.5 - The calm before a bloody storm 3/7 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 'Gray the Necromancer - The beginning' Written by: Black--Soul Chapter 11.5 - The calm before a bloody storm 3/7 There was a not to silent protest about Stone Walls suggesting that the new male Predator should join the defensive measures. A male in general and especially when new to the Community, should give more a chance to bear a foal. Furthermore would everyone agree that Stone Walls destain for the predator male was obviously to them all. He himself always made it clear that male had to be battle ready, but only act on it if all lines of defense where breached. Stone Wall was at least honest enough to acknowledge his hypocritical behavior and withdraw his proposal of the predator helping in the front lines. He still insisted that Gray should defend before the foals where threatened. Again was a lot of mares about to protest, but Gabriel made a fake coughing sound and with Pinkie Pie help agree on Stone Walls proposal. Everypony was surprised. Pinkie Pie translated that Gabriel while not actively seeking out danger unprepared, would never let foals come to harm if he could have defended them. No matter who's foal it was. Many mares heart raced how the gray predator seem to see all foals worth of putting before himself. A very rare attribute for any male. He would get many breeding requests indeed once the headmare would have selected his secondary mares. They would enjoy a placement in the inner defense circeling instead of front line defenses. Especially once pregnancy was accomplished. The Author checked his notes, he did not find the detail about the human getting his metaphorical balls upgraded. He had to keep his main character in view more often. A dead hero isn't very productive after the fact... There current date was the year 4000 of the word calendar. Starlight Glimmer turned a lot paler in color hearing this. Her spell not just misfired slightly, but did so overcharged impossible strong. How it managed to go back into the past so far? Impossible! She would never life to see the future that was per own past! Equestria and Griffonia wasn't even founded as of yet. Matter of factly was the royal familie still around. As in the founders! This changed everything... Gabriel Gray learned that the current planet wide accepted year was 4000. Alicorns Faust Stellar Galaxy & Solar Nova Exterminaty had in legend take over the two suns and two moons orbital control with eatch guiding one of the suns and moons. If this was true? He would have really to meet them one day. This give the Author a few ideas and he would pen them in his to do list. Fate and Destiny would have to work slightly overtime for that to happen though... The soon to be first Necromancer Gabriel Gray learned further that this world had mindblowing many sapient races in it. The human wondered if earth history books needed a overhaul. Impossible that he would know most of the races from myths by complet accident. Currently did most races seem to be in a war with one another. But it was running so low that almost everycreature was down to the bow and spear era, if not even stone age! The following still existing races included even if some where on the brink of the extinction edge: 》Ponys - With more than 10 subraces. 》Mountan Rams - Territorial frontal attack focused warriors. As sturdy as a Yak at physical toughness, just faster but lesser in strength. While Yaks could survive in areas uninhabitable to others like iced over areas. Mountan Ram while very cold resistant are more going towards simply cold areas with hills, having excellent wall climbing. With them being able to scale 89° walls in the most extreme cases. 》Minatours - The 'go to' race for milk production in general very well digested by any species in Equestria. Further did they specialize in metal smiting of the massive and most sturdy war gear im general up to specific heavy but rough enchantable glyph armor. 》Harpys - Dependant on who they mated with, they are basically sub par avian races that enjoy additional magic abilities from who ever they mated with. They even surpassing the ponies in numbers of sheer variations. Almost every race has a Harpy variation at some place in time on the planet. 》Griffons - The feathered very versatile predators of the sky. Beside the Dragons, they are the dominant predator air worth species to fear. The lack the ponies affinity for magic with exceptionwhat the share with the Pegasus to a lesser degree, but usually surpass the physical aspect. For example did a air Griffon can't be outlasted be a Pegasus in general, even if Pegasus are usually more nimble and fast short term. 》Zebras - So if anyone can give you a verbal challenge or show you true mastery of the alchemy arts of the world, it will be a Zebra. They are also uniquely well connected with the afterlife. They have a neck for spiritual topics that mixes well with there affinity for Alchemy. 》Deers - They are similar like Earthponys very good in growing plants. They prefer more wild areas and are rumored to be able to bend sapient beasts to their will. If a Timberwolf pack ever ignored or even protected some race specifically, it would be the Deer folk. 》Sphinxes - Big as a house, the most deadly and magical creatures flying trough the sky. Even more rare than Dragons. Rumored to be natural immortal, but they breed apparently so rarely that noone knows how many are really existing at any time. For all everypony knows they are on the brink of extinction, unless they have a well hidden underground city somewhere. 》Dragons - Unless one counts the extreamly rare found Sphinx, this Lizard with wings is what everyone truly has to fear. They become incredibly old and big. Known to depending on their sub race, master one element like noone else. For example are fire dragons practically immune to heat with exception to other fire dragon breath attacks. While a Ice dragon can even rival a Wendigo in ignoring unbelievable cold areas to life in. While Earth Dragons have no wings, but have the abilities to swim through earth like water, once they survived through their metamorphosis. 》Abesinians - A purrrfect race to trade with. They are known to travel the world and are the race one thinks of when trading within or outside ones nation. Noone truly can mimicking their success in trading good of all kinds. Especially the ones noone should have in their possession. Unfortunately are they also known for having a problem with 'sticky paws' unless one is a usually welcome seen trading associated partner of theirs. 》Gemstone Dogs - If anyone outside the Dragons know how to get to Gem deposits and actually is willing to trade openly with it, than a Gemstone Dog is the perfect race to get pretty looking rare stones. They can tell their worth in magical affinity even better than unicorns with their fancy magic detection spells. Magicaly enchantable stones are their mainly traded good with others. Ores are probably the second one. If someone needs a race that dominated the mining markets, it is them. They have a subrace called 'Diamond Dogs', but they are more a label for outlaws and criminals than a actually legitimate sub race. 》Seaponys - They dominate everything below the water surfaces of the oceans and rivers of the world. Nocreature knows mutch about them, with them being rather secretive in general. Except that they are not to be messed with if one values the seatrade or sea/ocean near village's and city's safety. The breed water based wildlife to keep the waters of the world rich with meat to hunt for all races that fish. Their other focus is in cleaning the water masses of the world, water quality is air quality for them, punishing anyone that casually contaminated bigger water masses. Beware if you try disposal in their waters! The retaliation is never worth it. Their trading outside water based meats are pearls and other riches below the water surfaces of the world. 》Breezees - Mostly unknown race as of yet. But they seem to love to help with damaged teeth removal and bones. They even pay for that service in return of keeping the afflicted tooth or bone. Being able to enchanted artefacts that let someone actually regrow bones with exception of the skull and the spine. 》Changelings - A mysterious race. They are everywhere and nowhere to find. They seem to facilitate communication through out the world. Legends state they actually keep the multi species translation spells usable on the world active through special emotions charged stones and gems. They are highly valued as Ambassadors, politicians, trade partners and many more occupations that would have them use their emotivore natureto their fullest potencial. Very strangely are there prices in worldly riches rather low. They are highly valued in many respects, but also feared. War never pays for anyone, when Changelings denied a race having been at war up to 50 years all services they usually provide. They aggressively avoid any military involvement with anyone, usually having other fight for them in exchange of special services provided. Also they surprisingly are always the first helping in discovering criminal activities and if a nation provide tribute, houses criminals up to a lifetime for the right price of a unwanted individual. The criminal realm of Tarterus is their alone to walk freely. 》Giraffes - Living siege machines of nature. Their neck and head are extremely dangerous resistant, but if they are allowed to heal naturally can even recover from a broken neck. Any attempts to replicate that natural used ability failed to this day. They are average in intelligence, but noone is better in using their head to win a argument. Though blunt force resistant, they seem to recover from cutting wounds poorly. In one instance a adult has his cut up neck so scared over that it was unable to use even half of its general mobility. They are usually either pacifist or full on beserkers, the in between is surprisingly rare... they usually pair up with Zebra or Abesinian tribes for their individual strengths to be utilized more profitable. Be it collecting hard to reach herbs or transportation of goods, they are rather versatile in these fields. 》Hyenas - These predatory scavengers are quite unique in their culture and physical aspects. Every philosophy that exist has a tribe present here or there, though they are not far away when ever war breaks out. Their nature given general healing is redicules effective and helped developing all basic and advanced healing spells ponykind ever made. They are immune to fungus poisoning in slightly rotten food and even brew wines and meads with honey and milk/cheese, partially tradable to other species. They are skilled warriors in general, others rumored them to be very proficient in poisen assasination. But in general they are the go to guard detail of any trade caravan of all races and a generally always welcome, unless they earned a bad reputation individually. As famous as their guard quality is, the more infamous ate the pirate and barbarian tribes are near water places. Hyenas and seapony seem to have a general bad relationship towards another. Though the exception of this rule resulted in a few interesting sub races that are to this day not officially named. 》Yak - Trade inside cold environments is their strongest side besides smashing shit to pieces and cooking surprisingly various meal for every creatures tastes. The are in general the leading race in low intelligence and are aggressive more often than not in culture, but their mindblowing cooking and trading of receipts of any food base with exception of emotional charged foods are very high in popularity. Yaks natural enemies due to their apparent delicious meat are officially listed as: - Dragons - Griffons - Hyenas - Sphinxes - Breezees 》Baffalo - Isolation is all this days they are known for. There up to very hostile demonology towards almost all races has made them fair game for many races. They thrive even in the most hot and dry deserted climate areas. They are officially by their own doing the only official sapient race to be hunted openly outside their designated living territory that are secured by trading in their dead bodies freely as commodity. Be it to spare their territorys wasted space due to graveyards or because of some religious reason. Though their economy seem strangely to flourish under that particular aspect. And more, but Gabriel Gray could not possible remember more in one lore dump at once. In the meantime did Starlight Glimmer contemplation was if she should dump this community as soon as it was feasible and try to meet the legendary Faust. Than she remembered how incredible illegal time magic was. She rather not be reduced to ash, forgotten by time. Alicorns Faust Stellar Galaxy and Solar Nova Exterminaty might there for better never learn of her existence. The Author had a evil idea, a beautiful evil idea that Starlight Glimmer just give him. They would indeed meet, just in different circumstances than she had in mind. This was going to be so mutch fun... though not necessarily for Starlight Glimmer specifically. So after Silver Glide give them a lot of informations to chew on, the decision was made how to proceed in the near future. Many mares would try keep the gray male under observation to study his tongue spoken and teach him over time theirs. Many would be voluntary be doing it 15/7 all night, twilight and day long. But mainly to get closer to the bipedal stud and not to learn new stuff. But it would eventually work out in the end. One way or another they would certainly make it work. Unfortunately was it's pack unaccounted for, they would probably not find a camp worth of salt licks of bipedal studs unfortunately. But if existing nearby would be observed and enticed into joining the mega herd. That breeding tactic never had failed on ponies and since the 'human' joined them, they might get more males that way. More than they ever managed before. Fate and Destiny pity the megaherd community, since the human come all alone. Murphy would still make it work somehow. But he would have to dig d-eeeee-p into his hat trick arsenal to manage that. The Necromancer abilitys soon coming towards Gabriel might help unexpectedly. Red Spark was the one of the very few stallions in the community and he made the first move on Gabriel. The unicorn Thestral with a horn for offensive shields uses had two daughters beside him and offered them to him as Herd mates. But Faithful Wings rebuffed his offer. Nocreature would be joining without her saying so. Gabriel was about to protest, than he remembered the Batpony mare that got mule kicked to the head for making his Alpha mare angry and he nodded in a moment of self preservation. 'Red Spark' would come back with his offer later. The least he managed was arranging a training plan for next week. Once the new stallion was 'lived in' the community, would all stallions get the hierarchy worked out between them. With a hoove to fist bump, did Red Spark departed to his place a few meters away. Next was 'Free Wings' that showed proficiency in flying even in tight spaces very controlled. He give the predator a hoove to fist bump and wished them both good luck this breeding season. Gabriel was thankful for the verbal support, but he really started to dread the coming heat wave of the mares. As last of today was 'Solid Thunder', the youngest stallion in breeding age that would breed this year for the first time. He would probably stand or lay next to the bipedal Stallion as the mares would have their way with them. He booped his fellow male on the nose and got booped in return. After a shared laugh did their short meeting face to face ended. The other stallions preferred to keep to their places in the tent. The human would have to wait for them to accept him. Their mares in turn could not wait for a chance to accept him most intimately, what might be the reason for the remainder of the stallions to dislike the new bipedal rival. While the ponies and the human had their meeting did the crew compiled of the Author, Murphy, Fate and finaly Destiny meet for breakfast and conversely made suggestions how to break in the bipedal human to his Necromancer powers. After a small hangover slowed down conversation was unanimously decided that he would get it the hard way. He would get swarmed by Blood Bunnys. Or rather the community he was going to life in. They just had yet to decide how to make him go into offense, since him just going in Doomguy style naked would probably in 'Gray the Necromancer - The beginning, but actually he dies and end the story before it can take off'. To avoid this embarrassing early end they might have to red shirt a pony or two. The rip and tear doomguy path over a lost bunny, would be over a lost pony instead. But who to possibly red shirt for Gray to care enough to blow all his fuses... When the Author made a suggestion that fit rather well, did everyone sharing breakfast with him wanted to kick him after giving him the 'go ahead'. This was going to be a brutal end for one pony, but the start of a very messy rise for the human. Still getting only to level one in all his gained abilities would most certainly limit his big outcoming Necromancer introduction event. After some of the more reserved stallion asking the Pink mares of the gray predator males side about the most peaceful booping war in history ever yesterday, did it basically go down that it was a silly was to bleed tension and build enough good will to one another or mutual faith in one another to show that he wasn't a threat if not threatened before. Gabriel admitted that one of his biggest concerns was about him getting cold once the weather would get worse. So he really hoped for a peacefully reached non aggression pact. With him not having any hair to his body, he would have needed something to protect himself. Mayhap so he hoped, they have something for him to wear if the weather would get colder. Without a coat of his own, it would be difficult to keep warm and he admitted that while his skin was sturdier than he expected not long ago, he would need protection for his 'feet, hands and groin area'. The mares dreaded him covering up, but understand it's necessarily once sommer was up. Than again it was the start of summer and they have good weather for a time and a heat season before the new salt lick of the Community needed this coverings for weather and way to avoid unnecessary injuries. Enough time to make memorable moments with him in the time before they had to regret not having free view at his goods anymore. The stallions all collectively had a laugh when Gabriel admitted that Faithful Wings feather was only pinned behind his ears because he thought at the time it would make a nice decoration piece. He had only learned moments bfore the meeting from Pinkie Pie that the pinned behind his ear feather was a claim of the mare to a stallion. Or his claim on her, since he take one of her feathers to mark himself. Gabriel was quite embarrassed that he had marked himself with Faithful Wings feather as her mate by accident. But he was very happy that she in turn had accepted him. Faithful Wing basked in the courage she had apparently demonstrated beforehoove. Lucky mare would of course never correct that misunderstanding. The Brave and the foolish sometimes simply where lucky enough to fake it, until they make it. She guessed their Creator had mercy that day with them. The Author would accept her praise even if it wasn't earned according to his script as planned. Sometimes things just worked out. The meeting had reached a hour length, mutch was learned and yet more was to come. They explained that the current birth rates where ten mares to one stallion. A rather cruel inbalance in Prey species in their opinion, but they would make it work. All of them hoped that grays foals have in the future a colt birthrate higher than that. Predators seem to have rather male offspring for some reason as often observed previously with Griffons or Gemstone Dogs. Gabriel was wondering how well they would mix, if at all... With humans being a race of predator in their eyes would a roughly 50-50 split in birthrate indeed be heavenly. They would have to see how many of his offspring would to be male, matter of factly did 'Faithful Wings' and the other mares hope to see a female Griffon birthrate. If yes, could predator and prey fix there birthrates? If they can interbreed than it might just work. The Author go back to writing after breakfast and in that moment a swarm of Blood Bunnys started as if guided by a higher will, to move in a never before observed migration. Who ever would be in their way, was about to have a baaad day coming towards them. One of the stallions bring to attention that Gabriel Gray had marked his alpha mare, just like she had him marked. But both pink mares had only a mark of one another on them. So he openly ask if they minded if he himself had them marked with his scent after officaly adding them to his herd. They where the most exotic colored mares he had seen in his life, they would make for excellent breeding mares in his opinion. Pinkie Pie and Starlight Glimmer turned this stallions offer politely down. Neither was ready to bear a foal in the near future or even plan to do so. The mares where jealous and confused about a stallion getting rejected by a mare, unless another stallion had their eyes on them. Many mares in the Tent had a dreadful premonition of the openings of 'the Interspecies Herd' closing to fast for comfort. The stallion rejected would continue to propose the exotic mares joining him. Especially the one smelling after a fruit that was unknown to him, so he had to have her as spare consultant prize instead. Pinkie Pie had a bad feeling about this. She remembered this stallion to be the one wanting to take advantage of Starlight Glimmer, when she was out cold. This had to be addressed rather sooner than later. Probably this night before bed time. What bring them out if there individual thoughts, be it stallions fighting verbally over exotic mares or the next mating season in general was rather embarrassing. Quick Shot remarking on the absolute revolting smell not to long ago... Starlight Glimmer changed from pink to red and Pinkie Pie hoovepalmed auditable. Gabriel Gray take one for the team and told everypony in the tent he had apperently eaten something he should have not, but with the help of his new herd he would find out what to avoid eating in the future. Further came up that they would secure him a meat eating opportunity, since they needed him at his peak performance with breeding season being rather demanding on stallions. When even 'Stone Wall' winced at that remark, a wall of pure muscle afraid? Gabriel would really get a brutal workout, when the mares break him in as breeding stud... While the Author would not wincing in sympathy for the human, did Murphy really contemplated to cut the men some slack. The mares sure would make more than up for it... After a few minutes of explanation did Faithful Wings and Gray trough Starlight Glimmer managed to release the foul stench of the Tent before it could sattle and would force the Ponies to burn it... 'Quick Shot' was happy to hear the Tent was fine. It was his and that of his headmare, hopefully soon other mares as well. If things where going to his vague plans at least. Starlight did hope everycreature agree without a word to never speak of this again, some events just better end up forgotten. Next point 'Faithful Wings' bring to the attention of the tribes union leadership was that she ask the two mares to join in her herd with her bipedal Stallion. Since them seemingly to be able to actually speak with him without problems. It was only natural that they are ask by her to join them. She than had offered them currently water and wild growing food and a herd defense pact with the community backing it up. This includes membershipment with this community that focuses on medical Alchemy thanks to 'Quick Shot'. Also a overall good guard system composed from all Pony races at Day, Twilight and Night. Since Gabriel Gray ask nicely to continue this meeting to tomorrow since he actually wanted to retain all he learned today was the meeting finaly come to a end. Somehow the human Protagonist suffered one hell of a muscle cramp in his legs. He had no idea what he did to deserve that happening. The rest of the day 'Faithful Wings' had to keep energetic mares at bay and remind them who his alpha mare was. This day some more mares of all subraces in their community joined a certain Thestral mare in cooling their brused coconut on the cold Riverbed. > Chapter special - A look into the near and far future > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 'Gray the Necromancer - The beginning' Written by: Black--Soul Chapter special - A look into the near and far future Starlight Glimmer caught for her human stallion Gabriel Gray a 'Reticulated Python', Quick Shot give them a little background on their catch: "The Reticulated Python is said to be longest non magical snake in the world. The longest can grow over 10 meters in length! Although the are not poisonous in any way, they are still very dangerous, their bite is unmatched in viscousness with slightly jagged main snake teeth. It is always wise to be careful around these particular snakes. Though one should always actually be cautious about snakes... not at all to surprising this sub species of snake having a highly ferocious temperament, often swallowing their prey whole, killing it by suffocation, while slowly swallow their prey as a hole from head to tail." Quick Shot shuddered at that thought to go out like that... before continuing: "There have been stories that they swallowed whole adult Ponies, Griffon adolescent males and even Hyenas when escorting a caravan through a jungle not to long ago. Their scales have a mesh pattern, acting as a highly effective natural camouflage! Frankly he have no idea how Starlight Glimmer had managed to spotted it in the first place to grab it via telekinesis. Even paying close attention to ones surroundings would not guarantee finding one, despite their size. Though it is unclear to animal talking cutie mark ponies if they are sapient or just sentient with good instincts. Because most get biten long before even suspecting one of them being there... never trying to find out of coexistence was possible since ponies counted apparently as a food prey for them. Despite it being a huge snake, many adult Griffons living in jungles hire Unicorn to stun them with a spell or two, so they can be transported for later consumption." Starlight Glimmer was caught off guard how mutch knowledge that stallion had about non alchemy topics, unless they are actually use somehow as ingridients after all? Gray just wondered how they taste, maybe if something could be used as trading item. Later he was surprised that Quick Shot had made a belt out if its body after having it decapitated and carefully skinned. Gray found them to be tasty and helpful to recover his stamina more than some other foods would usually do. On the next day they found a bunch of 'Oyster Mushrooms', this mushrooms is one of the eatable varieties found in the region. They belong to the Shimey family, what ever that means... what was note worth that it is very rich in B1 Vitamin and Niacin, something rather useful for predators all over the world to consume if found. Quick Shot was told they are apparently often found growing on fallen over tree trumps and hollowed out logs in forest and jungle areas, something useful to find them if one can stomach their strong and awful taste. Many Zebra apparently like to use them for nutrition supplements to sell at market places. While nutritional valuable, their taste was really hard to stomach as Gray found out first hand... though lucky he had other things to use to balance out the god awful taste of them. Some Griffons had to rescue one of their flock, when a 'Giant Anaconda' let itself fall from a tree and had ensnared its on the ground hunting victim. Luck for that particular Griffon the other managed to cut off its head and eventually prying it off the Griffon that had its body strangulated, even after the head was removed about two minutes prior. This particular snake is known to be the largest in weight and diameter, its strength is used to kill its victims via strangulation, having killed many species individuals unlucky enough to be catched alone in the wild by it. According to one story one of it ate a entire crocodile whole, it was apparently still alive squirming to free itself. How that was suppose to have happened was beyond Gabriel imagination. Gray ask Quick Shot how it tasted, what made the pony wonder if the human had a two track mind, breeding and eating... according to the Griffon that eat it, it tasted alright. The almost killed Griffon said that the vengeance he tasted was the most delicious part of it. When Gray eventually was able to taste it when trading with another Griffon owning some, it was indeed quite tasty. The other day a Griffon managed to catch a pair of breeding 'Magpies' off guard, with Magpies being of the crow family they are a hard to catch species due to their usually higher intelligence. They are distinguished by their unusual vibrant and beautiful dark blue white feathered long bodies. Like many other birds had in common their main food are insects and are disliked by Changelings for that reason or another. Though they also seem to go for small fish, acorns, fruits and well... as omnivores they practically can go for anything. Just like a apparently not to picky human in gray skin color, when hungry. Unfortunately noone had ever recorded the taste... something Quick Shot would correct in one of his bleached out books to record his own knowledge in. They tasted horrible by the way, for Griffon and human alike. On another occasion the human managed to find a 'Baltic Hornets Nest', actually it fell on him while searching for food. After a hour of screaming and many hornet stinging him later, he enjoyed it with his herd. Rather surprised that noone minded to eat the pupa and larve in their eggs. The ever knowledgeable stallion Quick Shot give some background on them when ask, stating that they are a rather rare breed of hornets, actually producing honey, something rather unusual and more common under bees. While they are particular tasty and nutritional, the stallion thinking it a waste to eat, since they make for great ointments to cover wounds with, creating a healthy and safe environment for a wound to heal up, if the wound was cleaned out before using the ointments on a cleaned out wounded area. Though many insist it to be a ideal survival food for its easy to digest honey and prior mentioned nutritional value. Of course as Gray can tell by personal experience, the hornets are less than willing to give away their nest and growing up younglings to anyone. The human specifically would need up to three days to recover on his own, having trouble sleeping with stinging all over his body. Though Gray insisted that it was worth its trouble for taste alone. Something that the Griffon traded for was a Abesinian crocodile named the Abesinian 'Gavial'. This fresh water animal was mainly to find in Neeypawl the Abesinian region and Neighpal the pony equivalent. The up to six meter long aquatic predators have a redicules tough scale armor, but are delicious in matters of meat. Some Abesinian tried to domestically breed them, but they have never managed to catch them alive and made them breed successfully. Some made apparently rather sturdy survivel armor out of their scales and sell their skulls as decoration. Pinkie Pie bought Gabriel one head piece for rainy days. Gabriel loving how efficient it keep his head save from sun and rain. Something that was also included in the meat trade of the crocodile was half a side of a 'Golova'. It is apparently a rare treat to grow near that animals region on trees. Some researchers in the past sorted them into the jackfruit category, whatever that was... Golova mean 'head' in Mountan Ram language, why a Abesinia found fruit has a Mountan Ram name was unknown or that knowledge was lost to time. Though it apparently grows to a big Abesinian head size, with a unique sweet flavor. Some loved it, others didn't enjoyed it to mutch. Just like comedy, everyone had their own taste in things. Specifically with so many species on the world experience the same taste differently, according to a Changeling food tasting famous chef of the past. Something that Gray had traded in for the Golova was three sizable common 'Tree Frogs', something he found awful in taste personally, but was enjoyable to some Griffons loving to trade with them. Though one must take care to not mix them up with poisonous variations of similar looking Tree Frogs, unless one like projectile vomiting. 'Yabloco Moloko', was a fruit not to far found from their growing village, once again a name given by the Mountan Rams that means 'Milk Apple'. The apples is called a star among its kind, because that is what one finds slicing up the apple lengthwise, a star shaped pattern. It juicy interior spilling milk like consistency fruit juice for its consumers. It has a gelatinous texture and is especially tasty, no matter if for omnivores or herbivores. Though it could be used as low grade adhesive, but many rather used them as food, rather than cheap glue. Something that Griffon unfortunately overhunted in the area they are presently residing, was 'The Sunder Whistling Thrush'. It is another locally found bird that got greatly appreciated by Griffon taste buds. Its large beak and blue body apparently distinguished it among many birds they hunted for food. It is a plump bird, giving a Griffon a over the regular sizable meal. For Gray the human it was a full meal thanks to its size. The Necromancer found it to be tasty as well, fearing that it was a soon to be extinction threatened species in this local region sooner or later... with how mutch the Griffon love to hunt it, probably sooner. One thing that Griffon often hunted on the ground are common rats and mice, something that was rather bland in taste in Grays oppinion. Also as he remember how it often transmitted diseases in human history, so he obstained in the future to eat them in general. Something Gray and Starlight as well all Griffon enjoyed in general was something native to their region named 'Otton Frog', Quick Shot mentioned that they are a lot more tasty when cocked or fried over a fire after being gutted. Something important to do if the frog wasn't to explode open through expanding gases inside their bodies. Once more showed the stallion to be a library worth in non alchemy ingridients, making Gray and his mates wonder if he wanted to be a wild life researcher or something along the lines in his younger years. Though they usually only are to find in Neighpone and Neeypawl, this region found some of these frog in lower numbers. It made for either a delicious meal if prepared with some care or a great trading good. Something the Griffon trade for regularly that got imported from Neighpone was 'Flying Squirrel', a gliding rodent species. Something that the Griffon seem to love to eat more than other hunted down meats. What seem to be traded regularly was the Otton Frogs against Flying Squirrel, since the frog needed to be prepared to taste the best, unlike the avian Squirrel that was good to taste dried or fresh of the kill. The trivia that Quick Shot give them was interesting, because apparently they are animals using flight magic similar to antic Thestrals to improve their gliding abilities. Without magic and a good wind they could in a singel glide reach over 200 meters, though with their magic it appears they reach up to 600 if they fly in a straight line. Though as delicious as they are for Griffon kind, they are not eatable for humans. Gray got to puke it out, while Pinkie Pie stroke his back with a hoove in silent support. Something more rare, but still to find regionally was 'The Green Tree Python', a non venomous snake perfectly blended in with moss overgrown trees. It had a docile nature and there for was hard to find, since it often waited out a perceived non prey near it. It has a rare magical ability to stick to surfaces, something that helped to develop with Unicorns studies to make the 'sticking charm', a useful enchantments for almost all occasions. Those are the more tasty variation of snakes in general, but within 12 hours of death it caused predators beaks or lips to glue together, making it undesirable to eat, until it can be stored cold and eaten, after the internal magic mana had bleed out after the death had occurred. Something more serious would be the local found King Cobras, while in some regions they grow up to be one of the largest snakes of the world, here in this region they are moderate in size, but still extreamly deadly with their potent venomous bite. In captive life they are regularly 'milked for venom' to create anti-venom for encounters with this aggressive snake, though it get sold as killing poisen on more hard to reach black markets where assassins roam free. The King Cobra is mostly hunting its own snake race, while obviously making only exceptions on its own subrace. Interesting enough even under the same gender they ignore one another, in rare cases even defending one another! They are sapient as confirmed by animal cutie mark wielding ponies, but they are viciously towards everyone that they encounter in the wild. In captivity raised King Cobras see their raising race usually ponies as part of their own race and ignore it specifically like other of its own kind, otherwise they are naturally very aggressive still towards others. As stated they are extreamly deadly through their poisend bite and are ultimately only hold in captivity to milk them for venomous substances to supply hospitals with anti-venom. With removed head and its belly gutted out it taste fairly tasty, though most don't bother for their threat is to real to deal with them in general. Coral snakes are not any less venomous, making a even more painful death than the King Cobras, though it acts slower, making a survivel more likely 'IF' a anti-venom is provided. Otherwise a mercy killing is usually provided by individuals not cured within 30 hours due to guaranteed brain damage. They are distinguished by red and black stripped patterns on their back, warning of their venomous nature. Though very interesting to know from Quick Shot was that a few snake species mimicking their pattern despite not being venomous, using their extreamly deadly cousins as dangerous example, making this a viable survivel tactic for the species. They are often hunted and killed on mass to provide Nobels with fancy clothing as a status symbol of power and a sign of clever trade traditions. The 'Milk snake' mimicking the exact same species, but are not even slightly venomous, it is clearly what race is hold and breed in captivity to make some breeders very rich. Both venomous and non venomous are eatable, but nothing worth hunting them for alone, their value is really just in their scale pattern for fashion and their anti-venom, since not even assassins use it. Though it is rumored to be used diluted as torture substances mixed in with foods, for interrogation of otherwise uncooperative subjects of information gathering. More daring individuals have it mixed with anti-venom for a spicey and slightly bitter food addition. Though it can cause in some cases to greater resistance to pain, it makes some Griffons and other predators indulging years in it to be unable to feel any kind of physical pain, at all. Good for beserkers, otherwise recommended to be avoided, pain sensation reduced was one thing, but becoming unable to feel any pain? That usually resulted in lethal accidents over time. Something that one Griffon accidentally traded for near winter was 'A Poisen Dart Frog', a very poisonous frog that was rather popular with assassins that made their target suffer, while killing it efficiently. It is uneatable, further did killed prey needed to be cooked thoroughly in hot water to destroy its poisend previous to making it eatable. Though the poisen aftertaste remained and often caused strong vomiting. Short to say, the trader accidentally trading it was out of business shortly after, having mixed it up with another frog sub species, killing him/herself eating it themself. A good lesson in researching ones wares to sell and use for themself. Something near the next spring was Faithful Wings managed with some Griffons to catch was a few 'Arowana Fish', they are massiv fish in size, very popular with the Griffons of this region and the Octopus living in the area of their village. They are fresh water fish that unlike other fish have never changed in millenia of surviving as a species. They are in general the leading fish to go in fresh water hunting of any carnivores going for fish. Seapony love to breed and sell them, minimum raising effort for massive meat output, the ideal trading outcome for a stable trading towards the selling party. Though Seaponys seem to rather dislike their taste for some reasons, rather trading it away to others like Griffons and Abesinian. Something that surprised everyone when during foraging they found a old Minotaur war time bunker near the edge of their territory, everything in it was pretty mutch rusted into uselessness, but one thing that could be salvaged on mass was old military rations. Despite their age they are still eatable, even if they tasted awful. Though as awful their taste was, they clearly had a high nutritional value, since a singel ration could held a pony or Griffon sated for up to two hole days and nights! When they decided to trade it away did a passing by wandering Minotaur merchandise traveler bought them all for seemingly redicules amounts of jewelry. Though they still feel like they get still ripped of for some reason, they agreed to return with more rations in the future. Not a decade later did the Minotaur rediscovered the military development of that particularly ration and made massive economic success trading it away with strong spices to cover up its god awful default taste. Something they also found in the military bunker, but never traded away was a 'Calorie Mate'. A Calorie Mate was basically the same as the traded away rations, though they tasted heavenly in comparison. Years later when the Minatours had rediscovered the military ration recreation, did the mega herd Gabriel lifed with regrettable had already eaten every last Calorie Mate, taking away the chance for it being re-made by the Minatours leading faction. Something equally baffling was a unique Mushroom fungal species found in deep caves hours away by hoove/talon/feet. Quick Shot named it 'Glowcap', a luminous fungus channeling magicaly and chemical alike light in dark places where they usually grow, giving its environment some illumination for a unknown reason. Its bioluminescent nature reminded the alchemy educated stallion about fireflies, something called a luciferin reaction with luciferase in the presence of magnesium and some ions and bla-bla-bla... Gabriel Gray actually partially blend out Quick Shot explaining of the complex mushroom. But what he remembered was that if he ate it, it regenerate massiv amounts of mana. Making it ideal to consume when low on mana and dangerous to consume if not fatigued by overused mana stores of the body. Once it was traded away by the mega herd to test its worth on the markets the frequency visited, it caused the Changeling race to send out a envoy to trade for it. By the time every singel of the Mushrooms was traded way and harvested to not die off and being able to be replanted and cultivated. Centuries later would the Changelings have a monopoly on magic restoration pills and magical artefacts with the most popular purpose to have nightlights, used by all kind of guards and police forces during night time. Some used them as weak improvised street lights as well. Something that Gray the Necromancer would enjoy after two decades after arriving at the new world he would reside in was the 'Kenyan manpone Crab'. To be totally honest they looked hideous in apperance, but were absolutely freaking delicious. Why the Seaponys didn't keep any to themself and traded them away was beyond Gray. Than again he was reminded of the Calorie Mate and wondered if trading away a hard to come by but delicious food animal for that would inspire other animals despite their hideous apperance to be discovered and traded in turn. Something that eventually happened years later... go figure. To be specific it was the vampire and fruit bats, a pest species. They are generally disliked for destroying crops and without exaggeration shitting everywhere... though funny enough it was a guaranteed thing to call Changelings out of the wood works to announcing them being somewhere concentrated. Noone new why they are apparently a Changelings everyline delicacy, but they become a 'must have' item for any kingdom to have a Changeling Queen visiting. They apparently got absolutely loved as a food item, to the point of obscenity when mixed with sweet chocolate or strawberries. It seem every race had their vise in one food or another. Batponys better known as Thestral are loving 'Mangoes' over anything else, though there is a 'false mango' variety that smells like a Mango, but obviously is tasting so awful that they pretty mutch immediately cause a Thestral to vomit on the spot after having taken a singel sip. Go figure Gabrirl Gray and Pinkie Pie traded once a cart full of them and landed on the horseapples list for a month afterwards, not to mention that everyone was very angry about having the Thestral in a chorus vomited over a feast of perfectly good food... though aggrovated over the losing of large amounts of food, Gabriel had still a small smile of schadenfreude over it years later. It was simply a awkward, yet funny situation. Though the trader was even worse off, when he tried to pull the scam off again with Starlight in company with a herd of Thestrals that had vomit it out prior the night. That was the last time this particular trader scam over anyone. That was also when Starlight Glimmer learned the wrathful vengeance of a herd of Thestral might end in lethal consequences. Literally ripped apart! The Abesinian trader got his tail ripped of first, than after a few second of screaming in pain, got simultaneously his arms and legs removed by the Thestral herds in attendance, until he had bleed out screaming about two minutes later. Starlight when waking up from seeing the Thestral brutality killing the trader, found his decapitated head impaled on his stand with a writing in blood: Sell Thestral 'false mangoes' once, shame on you, sell it twice? You - are - dead - meat ♤ Though initially the Thestral risk being banished from trading for a decade for the open murder in this local trading safe zone, did the guards let this case fall after they discovered a huge bounty on the head of the Abesinian trader for scamming Thestrals in many market places only a few days away. The guards get the head and subsequently the bounty and the Thestral got their vengeance overlooked consequences free, win - win. A valuable lesson in running lethal consequences, when scamming creatures. This Abesinian know exactly what he was doing, if it was to support his family or doing it for the thrill? Noone know, noone cared in the end. Though a Abesinian female named 'Catrina', seem to start a personal vendetta against Thestral for some reason few years later down the line. > Chapter 11.5 - The calm before a bloody storm 4/7 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 'Gray the Necromancer - The beginning' Written by: Black--Soul Chapter 11.5 - The calm before a bloody storm 4/7 Gabriel Gray had a lot to think about, also a lot to remember from that lore dump the Thestral stallion provided. It had especially impact to him thanks to the mental image of Darth Vader, lord of the Sith and enforcer of the Empire had given it to him personally... stuff like that really sticks with you and makes you think about things like the meaning of life, how it came to it that off all people he got transported to another world, if not a entirely new galaxy/universe or dimension... that was really some heavy stuff, what was he to make of it and most importantly... what- The Author grow bored of his main characters existential crisis already, so he decided to addressing the crisis that was Faithful Wings weeping marehood that was screaming through the walls of existance towards him to finally getting it on... The Author wasn't about to dissapoint the leaking marehood of one fictional character, would be embarrassing if he started to argue with that and lose the argument. Seriously... this story has Pinkie Pie as story cover! Better to be save than sorry... though he would only do it over a token effort of resistance. ... ... ... Damn! 3 - hole - seconds! The Author was so proud of his efforts! Time to start the fun before the not so fun happend! ... Faithful Wings wet vagina had not even bought the Author dinner... rude... *suddenly before the transition back to Gabriel Gray and his herd could happen, did Destiny and Fate come back from a Sushi shop, that was enough devine intervention to make him continue to accept Faithful Wings 5th wall break to bribe the Author to get some action.* Gabriel was taken out his contemplation when Faithful Wings started to nuzzling his man meat with affection. Shortly after was apparently a higher power deciding that it was time for action, not deep contemplation. Each of his now offical herd mares surrounds Gray and closes in, entirely focused and overwhelming eager to start the herd orgy. The headmare finds herself at his tip of his males glans, her tongue swirling around his musk rich dick and stimulates his nerve endings most heavenly. Pinkie Pie focuses on the gray males balls, its a surprisingly pleasureful sensation for him as her mouth sucks at his sack gently and her tongue circles around the smooth sensitive skin of his testicales filling her tastebuds with salty and sweet delight. Starlight tongue fiend Glimmer enjoys licking and sucking gray stud meatpole that got frequently neglected when Faithful Wings had to come up for air, her slender tongue easily sliding back and forth against his throbbing dick. Gray moans and groans out: "Well, i just landed in heaven and are surrounded by lusting Angels." Pinkie Pie giggles into his balls before translating to her fellow Herdmares their stallions praise. What causes the Pegasus to take him as deep she could in her muzzel, while holding her stallion eye contact. Starlight enjoyed the show, but rather have a second helping of his salty sweat and sweet taste of the fruit pile he was tackeld into a few hours before and fight with her tongue Pinkies claim for his full balls. While Pinkie wrestles Glimmer for tongue privilege on their new salt lick, did the wings of the herd leadership raises in excitement and a moans make his dick vibrate. The stud of the newly founded herd was turn between heaven delight and the devlish climmax approaching that would end the service he so mutch craved. Starlight ask Gray if he enjoyed his herd service and if he where he wanted to finish on his headmare. Gray gently grabbed the pegasus mare mane and pulled her to his dicks head tip start. He give a sex drunken smile and spoke: "I finish in her mouth and want her to swallow it with open mouth after letting the taste stay a minute on her tongue". When Starlight told Faithful her stallion plans, did the mare aggressivly started to suck him off. The mare had been denied her stallion seed for way to long. She would have it here and now. Faithful Wings vagina was protesting, how mutch longer had it to wait for some male attention?! Faithful Wings sucked and schlurped his foal canon like a mare in heat. The heat of passionate desire was infectionous, with two pops did the new herd members Pinkie and Starlight moved half a step to the sde while continue to wrestling with their tongues. Meanwhile did Grays herdmare soft lips and strong sucking drive her salt lick wild. He grabbed her not to gently and started to fuck her face. Faithful Wings was dripping wet by now and begged by the Creators that he fill her with his foal batter. As mutch Gray hoped to enjoy her for a few more minutes like this, did the pleasure build up to mutch and was near the blowing point. A familiar pressure in his taint was warning of the coming erruption, one that would fill his lovers muzzle with the best treat she ever tasted. Realizing his gritted teeth she grabbed his thigs and pulled herself off, looking deep into eatch others eyes she open her muzzle as far as possible and pushed her tongue out in a thirsty display for his benefit. That was it for the human and he grabbed his dick aimed and exploded all over her muzzle inside. Faithful Wings eyes rolled up as mutch they could, when the orgasming herd stallion filled her tastebuds with the best life has to offer her. Salty swer and yet somehow sweet fruit aftertaste filled her muzzle, one cumshot after another. Her vision went dark and her mind grow clouded with euphoria as a powerful orgasm made her squird on the ground hard. She was shacking like a tree in the wind from this devine foal milk on her tongue. When Gray stopped unloading for the first time since he come to this place, did he not just give his seed but his heart to his headmare. For his headmare give the best head he ever get before. When Faithful come of her orgasming, did she swirled her lovers foal milk in her mouth and as a dutyful breeding mare let her future foal father see how she slowly swallow his load. His next load would end the thirst of her snatch, when he pumped his masculine load all over her insides. Impressive was the sight for the mares, when the males errection didn't wither away, but it only seem to lose some girth. Starlight Glimmer take hold of the cumdrunk mare and turned her with telekenasis around. The mare had her tail flagged as high as possible and her rear was oozing with marecum, her lustful desiring body give the human stud a second wind, he grabbed her flanks and rammed himself inside her perfectly lubricated pussy and her breathless silent scream for him was metaphoricly deafening. If the pussy if Faithful Wings could talk, it would sing its happiness about getting some action. Time to get to work and get its thirst sated. Gabriel pulled almost out before ramming once more inside, parting a tight but not to tight hole apart and started to plow her fields like noone ever had plowed his mare before. Every time their body meet a meaty and wet *plap* was clearly to hear. Pinkie and Starlight abused Tarterus out of their pony pussys, until they prematurely both came hard and filled the tent with their liquid lust. The smell in the air made the man desperate to pump his mare full with his ferile seed in hope to give her his offspring. Hard as he was did he still had to wait for his balls to prepare. They did the best to *slam with every plap* against her wildly winking clitoris and made her world explode in internal white firework before her eyes. His left hands fingers hooked around her thigs to help him to besiege her entry of passion, while his right hands fingers clawed over her cutie mark. If he had a chance to grow finger nails he might have had actually done damage. This way he just riled up his breeding mare even more who already muled out her blabbering demand to fill her empty womb with his thick, fertile seed. When it happend did Faithful Wings tasted elysium embrace with every shot he filled her love tunnel with. The mare drooled and her mind just overloaded with her first insamination shut down. As the well breed mare fall unconscious, did only her still in afterglow heavy breathing male keep her up right and impaled. After about 2 maybe 3 more minutes, did he finaly come to himself, picked his mare up and layed her to the opposent side of the entry to their tent. His breeding headmare would sleep of her bliss, while he had to breed his new herd mares and future companions. When he ask them who wanted to be breed more Pinkie Pie display her strength as a earth pony and picked Starlight up and placed her back to back on her rear: "Here you go lover boy, rut her hard and don't stop, until one of you can't take it anymore". Gray sure liked Pinkie's style and he would repay her later for putting her friend before her own desires. Starlight Glimmer heart embraced that Pink maniac, she openly give up her first rutting so she herself could finally get her fill. Best friends with benefits forever was indeed something she found in Pinkie Pie. Best fellow herdmare everrr! Starlight Glimmer had just another hard climax due to her absolutely perfect meat stud muffins effort. Starlight breedmare Glimmer looked with thirst at his meaty cock, it was not as long or as thick as a pony stallions though, it would do better with the stamina of the male attached to it. When she ask him to give her a foal, did she awakend the alpha male in him, he take his dick to her slitted entrance and startet to insert into her with his still standing, if slightly straining seed canon. SHE - WAS - TIGHTER - THAN - A - VIRGIN! His virgin headmare sure was a blast to rut, but experience and a dry spell of this nympho mare sure helped her to be the tightest fuck he had as of yet in this world. To be fair she was the second mare but... yeah... one get the point across. Her dripping wet pony pussy somehow take quite the grip on him, despite the marelub dripping slowly out of her and soaking the moaning Pink earthmare tail did ramming into her take some effort. He was still also sensitiv so he had to pace himself and used his thumbs to spread her clitoris to a streched out position, before he massage her clit with both opposing thumbs. "Mhhhmmm ye-eah i am all yours my breeding stud!" Starlight Glimmer sure know how to fire up her breeding partner verbaly, while her head was swimming in bleeding together little climaxes from her clit being massaged like never before. His hands or specifically his fingers turned out to be impossible pleasuring tools, with his thumbs making it impossible to come down from her struggling fun button to recover from the onslaught of stimulating contacts. She wanted to be fucked hard, but her clitoris sure got the best attention, while her tunnel getting raided by this predatory male. This was better than perhaps a stalllion village without her spells weaken their stamina. They might have output together to make her overflow, although he had stamina and speed to make her vaginally weep rivers. Nothing her town stallions together could have competent competed with, what was her spells mistake anyway. This was Starlights best rut of her life so far, so she forsee that he was the best she ever could lay her hooves on and her pussy around. If her horn was not so sore from magic feedback she would give her besty Pinkie a helping magical construct to share her fun, nothing she could repay later with this hunk of a foalbringer currently plowing her. With a sudden smack to her left tigh cutie mark with his right hand did she see stars, when she cum for the first time so hard in her life that her eyes were filled with stars. Thanks to the huu-mans rutting did the mare getting railed got into the oppinion that she had found the perfect one stud army to conquer her nymphomaniac pussy endless desires. She tightly constricted around him, trying to squeezing his seed out of him and fill her own on fire standing womb of desire. Her love canal working over time in squeezing every possible drop of fluid out of it, but his shaft would not grant her that just yet, instead relentless parting her folds and overestimate what he was able to reach. The lucky Herd stud started to feel the strain of the last two days catch up with how difficult Starlight made it powering trough her tight equine pussy. The next time he would make her cum he would pull out and suck hard on her cherry and pull his breedingmare on him, perfect to give his legs a break and let her ride him instead of the railing he was giving her. The next time Pinkie Pie feel Starlight orgasming and wet her tails strands to saturation, did she stopped holding breedingmare Glimmer with her magical coat hold and their lover seem to use this chance for a position change. Pinkie sure was surprised when the gray lover sit down impaled her fuck friend on his fuckpole and lay down. He keep his hand on her forelegs to give her a stabile position and after her lusty companion take a moment to breath some pheromone saturated tent air in, she started giving him a ride. That was one heck of a private herd party they bonded over. Starlight crouch tits started to rub against the abs of her lover and she feel her pleasure spike. Seapony style was amazing! To see his face consumed in pleasure made her decide that this was her very favorit as of yet used sex position. To see her stallion face of passion made her happier than expected and her heavy pounding heart feel a fuzzy coat around it. What ever this feeling was, this male was special, perhaps her special some-huu-man? He wasn't just a great fuck, he was THE GREATEST FUCK! She found her special male fuckmate for life. She would rail Pinkie Pie with her strap on as thanks for trapping them where and when ever they are. This was the best that could have ever happen to her. All the hot sex and love stuff in romance and clop novels was no longer fantasy, it was inevitable. Her life goals of reaching happiness was at hoove. It was this moment of realisation that made the memory unforgettable, when his cock erupted inside of her and she came with him. Their neighbors surrounded their tent to listen into the carnal party of four. Starting the heat season early for the mares... soon to be the stallions as well, when all mares masturbation around the tent was anything to go by. There was no great river of jizz flooding Starlight Glimmers tight love tunnel, but he did at least came twice in the pegasus head herdmare. Still did her primal heat feel like it dim down for a moment, when she came to her senses, did her forelegs had been placed on his shoulders and he was tweeking gently her crouch tits. This biped sure made great use of his free assets on his arms. Pinkie Pie gently stroke her fun button when she see the gray devil go to party on Glimmers little heavenly mare tits, she wondered how this would be feeling like and when she did it with her left forehoove to herself, did she noted that it indeed was quite enjoyable. She would ask him later for it, since hooves had not as mutch pleasure to deliver as a hand with dexterous finger could deliver. "Hey breeding alpha stud, how about we make her a spitroast?" Pinkie suggested with a grin. Starlights eyes had stars of anticipation shining in them and the loverboy just had a surprised and confused smile on his face, not knowing how a mare was to spitroast anything. Pinkie moved behind her bestest fuck friend forever and pulled a seemingly new bought double dildo out of her Pink mane, it was actually a present for Fluttershy birthday, but that birthday was delayed by coming up in a few millenia... so she could buy a new one before it come up in the far future. Pinkie rapidly unpacked it and a girthy pegasus sized, but unicorn flared ended double ended dildo was displayed before their party participants. It has little stimulating nubs over it, like a dragon dick. Though they are only like halfs of a cut small pearl protruding outside, did it together with simulated dick veins made for excellent stimulation during use. Pinkie Pie never skipped on the high end stuff for her friends with benefits, if she was able to. Starlight get mare handeld by Pinkie once more and Pinkie inserted one end inside her marehood, with a side twist to the middle, did some kind of magical barrier appered in the middle and Pinkie speared the gasping in surprise fellow pink mares muzzle with it, Glimmer found herself gagging in surprise of this deep frontal penetration and was about to step back, when the male plowed in her ass sliding out of her pussy lips. That beautiful mad mare had integrated mana batteries powered mare toys! This thing cost twice as mutch as her own Big Mac with cumlube squirter action sextoy. This was going to be fabulous. Starlight surprise orgasmus Glimmer was absolutly at the mercy of Pinkie infront of her muzzle and her savage lover from below founding her behind. This must be what the fields of elysium feel like. Absolute fucking bliss. Pinkie pushed back to really deepthroat Glimmer, while the mercyless fucking of her hindquarters perhaps take more breath away than she could afford to lose. The deepthroat fuckbuddy of hers reshaped the outer throat shape of it with the double ended dildo, Gray seeing the bulging in Glimmers throat really fired him up to his current remaining limit. He party in her tight snatch as strong as her vice grip dick squeezing snatch allowed to. Though he could not keep this up for to mutch longer... it was time to see how long she can withstand this assault of passion, while gagging a song of passion with the wet smacking of flesh on flesh. Outside the tent listening to the foursome inside going on, did some mares especially daring, did peek inside through a slit of the entry opening, while other mares helped themselves to their fellow mares dripping cunts, weeping for oral attention. Gabriels cock throbbed something fierce and he was teetering on the edge of his orgasming in her asshole. Somehow hearing the mare gagging and see the outlines of the sextoy wandering her throat, taking on the toy shape, really made it impossible to hold out mutch longer. Pushing all his buttons towards the big end. He was so fixated on Starlight Glimmer throat bulging, that he didn't even seem to hear the herd of horny mares all around the tent moaning their orgasming into their direction. These two pink mares really were ruffeling his jimmys. Pinkie on the brink of her own orgasming end Spike down to the laying down and humping up human stud: "Fill her up stud! Finish her of with a blast of masculine foalbatter supreme." Pinkie moaned out throatedly. So the human did, with one mighty push and a vice grip on his to maximum blood inflated size, did he spray what he had left in his tanks inside her anus. Starlight muzzle fly open in a attempt to scream out in passion, only to gag out her pleasure instead. She was shaking in epic orgasmic bliss and her growing tunnel vision was not helped when Pinkie Pie mare cum flooded Starlights muzzle and cut of any breathing of spitroast Glimmer. Starlight continued to choke on the deepthroating sex toy in her throat down her stomach and the stud erupting in her tight ass without any care for the over climaxed horned mare. The last Starlight remembered was Pinkie moving forward, pulling out the best toy she ever had in her muzzle and taking a deep breath before coughing a few times very hard and taking a few deep breaths only to blacking out, when her stallion pulled his no longer firing dick out her not to tight abused anus. A glob of male sex fluids dripped out of Starlight slightly gaping ass, when the sandwiched mare fall to the ground, cushion by her male lovers body. When Gabriel had his marbles together after his little herd orgy, did he noticed how Pinkie lovingly strocked her friends mane, while the sex toy still was deep in her marehood. On closer Inspection did the mare had both end inside her. One in her pussy and one in her ass. Mare was sitting relaxed on her rump and rolled her hips to stimulate herself, while serenity was on her face as she continue to pet her well out cold fucked friend. Two mares down and one more to go, but while his stamina was still not used up to the point of him running out of arousal, he feel his sack straining to produce the next load and his now totaly limb mighty foalbringer was as inactiv as could be... licking his slightly parched lips he had a idea to get some fluids back into his system. So he switched from 'plan D', (dicking down) to 'plan FT' with a double dildo (fuck toy). He give Pinkie Pie a kiss on the top of the muzzle what made the fluffy pink mare giggle in delight. The party mare was surprised when he moved behind her and started to giver her a mix between belly rubs and teet foreplay. Gray could feel the bulge of the double dildo in her stomach area. The lusty pinkie pony pounded her own lovetunnel gently with the toy, while giving herself a anal pounding with the second end. Either being rather shallow in depth, but still satisfactory in pleasure. Pinkie Pie lay down Starlights slightly smiling face, careful with the head and the prior overstrained horn. Once Glimmer was safely down on the ground, did she standed up and after moving to the tent entry lay down on her back giving him bedroom eyes to invide him for the afterparty. "Come on lover boy, foundle my tits, while ramming the sides of the toy in my asshole and vagina!" While Gray had actually planned to eat her out to drink down her marecum, did a deeper, primal part of him wanted to see this pink pony neigh in pleasure next. His last mare needed to be fucked into unconsciousness through pure ecstasy, it seem just abused hips could rest while his arms would get a good work out. Yet he really had a small part in him regretting that she was the only mare of his herd who wasn't pounded by his dick into blissfull oblivion. Gabriel sure had the most delightful breedingmares in his new home filled with lusty magical mares. This one would give him a chance to take a breather, while he rammed her toy repeatingly in her front & backdoor. Pinkie Pie biggest regret currently was that she had no Thestral ancestors in her bloodline, with a long tongue she could have licked off all his sweaty salty goodness. Comically did one Thestral peeking through a slit in the tent entry watched with panting heavy breathing and streched out tongue to the ground and cursed her luck not being able to taste the predator like her sisters did a while ago. They had told her of his magnificent taste. She in turn would be sure to taste his seed as first Thestral with her womb under her sisters. Soon... yes... soon... her eyes rolled into the back of her skull, when one of her sisters finished her off. The orgy outside the tent continued, prematurely starting the heat season as the stallions of the community would noticed in a few hours, followed by a group of earth Griffons that came for food, but stayed for one flocked up equine open air orgy to witness and frustrated them due to the lack of Griffon females, to enjoy the early heat season. Unfortunately was the Author now finished eating Sushi and was tempting Fate to go to work, Murphy interject the Author. The dishes needed to be washed... So Gabriel Gray got saved by unwashed dishes, lucky dude. Destiny was still making progress though, unable to be stopped by anything with its momentum. Pinkie Pie had a sting on her anal entrance and a itching muzzle tip, someone was about to spoil her 'happy time', that pinkie sense itch could only come from the Author or his house mates. So Pinkie Pie pulled out the double ended dildo and made a surprised soon to be Necromancer give her head, with a one liner like "swim or sink", it was clear to the gray lover what her mare desired. Apparently did the human would get hydrated with some mare pheromone laced liquid fresh out the pussy, yet. Once Pinkie Pie had distracted the main character, did she throw with 5th wall breaking precision the adult toy at the person on the typing device. Destiny got knocked out cold by a high speed flying dildo to the back of the head... pin point pink accuracy! When the double ended dildo re-entered Pinkie Pie side and got caught by her front hooves did it got slammed back into her anus and she scream her orgasming into the surrounding area. The Author finished with the dishes found a on the ground laying and unconsciousness suffering Destiny on the ground. There was a wet residue on the back of the head... it tasted like cotton candy fruit punch... Pinkie Pie... that was his cue to read the chapter progress and the smart thing was to let Pinkie Pie finish and fixing the gaping hole between realities. The Author would hate to get a eviction, because his fiction character destroyed his dimension by reality dildo slapping horny induced aggression. First the Author lay down Destiny down on his bed and checked for injuries, than he fixed the hole in reality with a blank piece of paper and tapped it over with duct tape. After having driven over to the next Hornbach Shopping complex and bought some strong glue and ten rolls of duct tape he mended the hole in reality and decided to have some petty revenge later. He was hungry again and Destiny might need some Ice. Strawberry should be fine or maybe mint chocolate? Meanwhile Gabriel Gray had finished of Pinkie Pie with her adult toy a few times and was taking a nap after having collected his mares for a pony cuddle pile. The Author was finished for today, if any readers had a complaint, than please sent it to Pinkie Pie via the comment section. If it was his call he would have started the 'Rip and Tear chapter 12' already, unfortunately did one very horny pink pone pussy had apparently overruled him. Go figure... So he wished his readers a nice day/twilight/night and to stay snuggly. Pinkie Pie murmured to the readers a "Until next time." and snuggle-hug her lovers before falling asleep. > Chapter special: Pantyhose Warriors - 'The Bad Dragon' is a Breezee? > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 'Gray the Necromancer - The beginning' Written by: Black--Soul Chapter special: Pantyhose Warrior - 'The Bad Dragon' is a Breezee? 'The Bad Dragon' once as often in the past had glided in the drag of her Employee a big flanked pony mare named 'Faust Stellar Galaxy', down the hallways of the castle inside Unicornia to protect her charge trotting lazily towards breakfast. Behind and above her did way to peaceful guards hovered. They make follow their charge around a challenge without activ Breezee air magic. There ponies lazily hovered around them both, creating complicated weather or rather air pressure around them. At least if someone was a Breezee. As these wanne be soldiers trotted at Faust side, an eager look in their eyes, because they wanted to outshine the 'The Bad Dragon' heroics. If they are not always a second or five to late because their focus had slipped, due to their tummy grumbled with hunger, they think about family or friends or have any other excuses to not focus on their job. As they passed by, the guards saluted Faust obviously, especially the new guards. 'The Bad Dragon' nodded back in approval, that mare had the fattest rump in all of existance, but remembering that if she sat down on someone it be fatal, reminded her of not teasing her more than twice a day about it. 'The Bad Dragon' stop to think how her employee had once killed a Breezee ambassador with mercyless sit on action. Even if she denied having seen the Breezee ambassador... though 'The Bad Dragon' was not minding the death of this particular ambassador. Way to polite, even threatening war and other political nonesense. 'The Bad Dragon' if noticed at all on her off time got saluted by quite a few soldiers on their giant four hooves, a in general sense see herself regulary returned the mutual respect shown. This had been going on since she killed the Abesinian assassin... or was it the Diamond Dog one before it? Most certainly the Griffon one! Though it might have been the treasonous lone Thestral a month ago, having tried to get to Faust while 'The Bad Dragon' was on guard duty. 'The Bad Dragon' had not managed to stop laughing, when she got praised for killing two maybe three Thestral assassins alone. Though she was ask to stop paining the walls crimson out of boredom with the blood of her victims attackers. These ponies where party poopers... painting a after report in the blood of their enemies on the wall was in her oppinion very decorative. Not to mention being a effective warning for others to overthink their decision to try it in the first place if a gruesome death was resulting in their failure. She smiled to this day fondly about that kill. Actually everyone she had slain in the past in her duty. She even showed these overgrown target practice with delusion of grandeur how flying feels like for a few seconds, when she usually decapitated them. A last moment of joy they better had appreciated! After painting the walls in her kills blood with her art, she helped with the rites of the killed assassin individual species, she wasn't a monster after all. May they rest in peace, 'The Bad Dragon' had made them pay their tribute for their sins in life. That kind of respect was the least she could give the departed souls, just long enough for not looking disrespectful, so between a half hour or even a full one of her free time allowed for it. Both her employees seem to be not able to enjoy her art, a shame really. In her culture she be celebrated a mighty warrior and artist. But were they missed to thank her for her efforts on words, they payed her well. A entire gold coin in its original size, unchanged when teleported to the gate of her world, being a massive coin when reaching his homeworld unchanged by the gateway. She was helping financially supporting her community with her salary. Even if someover her follow Breezee protesting that gold coins aren't the best material to be melted down for construction, though it was easy and efficient to be enchanted, making it very versatile... giving further other metal of in the melting down as well, since pure gold is way to weak to be used anyhow. As 'The Bad Dragon' was on her way to her next destination, did she had to wonder what would await her... hopeful to have somecreature be foolish again to try to eat her or something. To be honest, she had missed by now in the middle of nowhere, what she had seen in the past as the same reactions from the giant species of this world for a while, when her brother or sisters in arms with even some rare few nobles that had joined the royal guard on the giants, be they bipedal or quadrapet were fighting for glory, fun, financial stability and the cooperation of seed harvesters. The giants could manage to collect seeds for their gigantic fauna easily and they bloomed very well in the Breezee homeworld once planted and well cared for. The Cherry Blossom ones are beautiful once a month when they bloom for a day, giving a harvest shortly after for delicious Cherry Blossom honey meals and fashionable clothing. Especially if the magic core is further magical enhanced or changed, depending on the need of its coloration. Pink unchanged, red with fire imbued strengthening, cyan with water imbued strength enchantments, earth enchantments to make it bloom every month once instead of every year once and finally moon or solar magic for royal blue or neon orange. It was a bit of a morale boost, when she was still with the giants and her occasional fellow Breezee she assumed to be friendly enough, serving as protector of the fat one and executioner of her lethal enemies. These days she was all alone, missing even the giant ponies that never seem to be unable to shut up outside guard duty, with their avalanche like normal speaking volume. She missed even this planet sized fat rumped employee Faust, when she had time to remember their tea time together. How could Faust husband have betraying her most successful royal guard after years of dedication and slaying their enemies coming for them in their own city or castle? Assassin in general really seem to be handled so callous around their kind in this strange world of gigantic creatures. Even if her actions do not match what they would do after catching a assassin, she always fought for eliminations and not subduing of the attacker. Calling her a murderer for never going anything but lethal take downs, especially when she was trying to save lives! It is just insulting to their intelligence and her own. She would also not been employed and payed if she didn't acted and reacted inside her positions authority and legal constraints. At this point the ponies knows her philosophy, why it is wrong in their opinion was just silly. Opinions and laws are different things,for a reason! Especially in regards to the giants world laws to assault towards royals! She is not stupid after all. But instead of admitting it, they take it out on the easiest target, using their philosophy as a justification to be needless cruel. Otherwise it is literally them telling her that the survivel of a immortal towards time being isn't worth so mutch as to put that life that attempt to end it and in general spread death immediately to a end. The nobel constant back talking was pointless. That these individuals trying to end what is not their to take, deserve a second chance. This is beyond naive, simply plain stupid! Should she just let them go in one piece?! Tell who ever would mourn Fausts death, the life of a towards time immortal being and leader of a nation wasn't worth killing a mortal for? As if she ever would fail to protect the fat ones rump from harm, it what they payed her for to prevent after all. Keeping her employed for years due to her effectiveness! The nobels are blabbing on that the kindness to a mortal murderer should have been showed, to give them a chance of redemption. They better pleed stupidity, otherwise they be clearly treasonous! To spare the life of the payed assassin? Assassins she killed are professional trained! Their job is to kill, just like a baker is making bread! They produce death and despair with every death they cause, just like a ice cream vendor is creating smiles with their brilliant art pieces of taste of frozen delights! They end life, just like a doctor delayes its passing, every singel day they work successfully. They knows all this in their hearts, and yet they are still willing to deny it, to pretend that a little kindness would solve everything, that violence is never the answer... but what exactly do assassins again? SERIOUSLY ?! It spits on the deaths of their prior victims, like her mothers!!! Worse! They then decides to spin it that someone who’s been fighting for her life and the survival of her employee is just some murder happy monster that enjoys killing innocents at best, killing vital decision makers at worst! Assassin are not innocent and their paying customers are no vital decision makers. The sheer stupidity and empty reasoning is showing by itself. Otherwise 'The Bad Dragon' would have been fired and deported years ago! Assassins are known to be payed to end life, not think about it and evaluate its worth from case to case, with its effects on social and economic basis. Innocents that only made the mistake of someone aggravated at them enough to pay for their deaths... like her mothers. To top it off, that they come to the defense of a professional for hire, murderer on a paycheck. Trying not just to kill her employee but her friend! They are not predator killing out of necessity, but a creature that wants to kill innocents to fill its pockets with gold to buy luxury items in their off time! Violence is never the answer they say, but the truth is a very simple one... she once spared a armed robber in the house of her mother. Paying to this day for her foolish misguided bleeding heart towards her fellow citizens at the time. The intruder had pleaded towards her, to let him go, his weapon was only ment as a bluff, it wasn’t even important that it looked cool all on its own, so he leave it as a token of his sincere apologies on the ground, for the guard to sell if she don't mind letting him go. And SHE HERSELF HAD BELIVED HIM! A lie that has cost her the present and future happiness. She was a naive idiot back than, a naive freshly trained guard, a law and justice abiding, but bleeding heart defender of the defenseless. She give him the weapons approximately price on the weapon material and craftman hours. It obviously wasn't market value, but it was from her own money after all. Not to mention that she had to sell it later at a diminished price, she was a soldier, not a trader. She had given him a loaf of freshly bought breed, had talked to him about generosity and kindness, how a honest life was a very rewarding one, how the friendship of her fellow Breezee had given meaning to her life, how she wanted to share her laughter, given by a happy life to others. She had hugged him and even started crying that she was sorry for his misfortune, if he really wanted to turn a new leaf in life, she be helping him getting a job, maybe if they started to know one another better, share a housing until he could manage a affordable home of his own. A real chance to build the foundation for a loving family of his own. He had thanked her with a pained expression and they had parted ways... a week later she visited her mother, murdered on the ground. A pool of dried blood around her, flies dancing over her slowly rotting body. When the guard arrived after her neighbor had called for help, because someone was screaming for over a hour about: "This can't be true, she could have not have been responsible, she shouldn't have shown mercy, why her mother of all Breezees, why she was a idiot to believe in strangers, why this happened all because she was a idiot with a bleeding heart". Her heart had rejected affection towards any she didn't learned to trust over months of exposure. The intruder she had spared was a knife for hire, a mercenary to kill people for affordable price. Unlike professional assassins, who would only be hired by the rich or influential. Turned out he was hired by a ex-lover of his mother for ditching him and breaking his heart, only because he had a few times hit her in the face, after getting drunk on fermented honey based beverages. The murderer himself could never be found only his employee, thoughto apparently do nothing but rub salt into the wound, he had a message from the murderer in case he never crossed her way again: "It is hard to find some light in a place like my very soul, where none exist." Remembering this line was what she had clawed into her heart, she had internalize it firmly. Faust Husband had teleported 'The Bad Dragon' one day to the infirmary balcony, after a heated verbal clash between them. She had killed a assassin waiting in the bed chambers of the royalty. She had killed the assassin and easily found out that the two guard on shift where corrupt and bought by someone. When she told them she would call for their arrest, did these fools tried to silence her. Corrupt and weak in mind through greed, they were none the less royal guards for a reason. They lasted roughly 10 to 20 minutes before one died by getting their throat slit from the outside, while the other died due to the idiot thinking she could be swallowed and killed that way. The joke was on the former royal guard, she had lost her weapon and uniforms helm, bur her magic allowed for use of calcium based objects. Or im other words, she killed the guard by using his bodies bones as spell ingredients, while still within his stomach. A shield spell to prevent further stomach acid burns, another to heal her acidic burns on her body. To create clean breathable air within the stomach of the pony, that had swallowed her alive. With every spell casted she used up a part of the enemies bone structure, by the time they brought the royal guard to the infirmary, they could see a bright light from inside his body. A brave doctor cut his intestines open to save his life, freeing her by accident. The guard didn't survive long after the interrogation in the medical ward, especially since Noone belived the guard pony that she be crazy enough to turn traitor, kill unprovoked his partner and than fly unarmed into his throat to kill him from within, because killing ponies the usual way was to boring. To made things more clear, Fausts husband 'Solar Nova Exterminaty' had no problem about his blood soaked bedroom or the killed other guard. But how she killed this guard by using up his bone structure one bone at a time. She was literally in a fight of her survival, yet he had the balls to complain about how she indirectly killed a traitor assist in a assassination attempt on him or her wife. This was beyond redicules and outrageous! Once she was healed from her wounds and she had changed her gear to a lesser secondary spare set of armor and pantyhoses, they had continued to argue until eventually he teleported her to the infirmary balcony to cool of her temper. Only to remember about a minute later that she was a Breezee and what they called a slightly windy night, was a tornado front for a tiny creature like 'The Bad Dragon'. Solar Nova Exterminaty literally by accident within his absolutely livid state most likely sentenced and go through a execution of not just a loyal royal guard, but a personal friend of his wife. Sleeping on the metaphorical couch was the least of his problems. The next month this unfortunate act of stupidity fuelled in rage had a major incident, declaring war between Breezee and Pony kind. Making the Breezee not just quite their jobs for the royal family, but for their entire agrarian services. Something that would within the next two years lead to the ponies flower and other products depending on pollination practically die out. Leading a decade later to the capital abandonment, since it wasn't sustainable any longer, something that made one of the last big Citys of the Unicorns slowly bleed out in citizens until the ones grand mountain was nothing but another deserted population center. Claimed not more than 100 years later by snow and ice. Not every war was fought on a battlefield after all. But that is another story entirely. It had been a entire month of nearly everyday trying to return to the mountain in the far far distance, so she could return to her job or at least her home portal to return to her own world... but it was not to be. One world ending flooding after another had her grounded on a tree or jungle sized berry bush. Eventually she passed out and found herself awakend by a giant nightwalking pony. His name was EmptyPlotFiller, a Thestral stallion that looked quite attractive, even to The Bad Dragon eyes. If he ever visited her home world, would she like to be his guide throughout his stay. Perhaps even share a night or ten together ~♡ But as cute and good looking he was, that stallion was a wimp, to be expected by a not soldier. Something she could change over time shaping him into a warrior to behold. Since they traveled together she needed to make sure he could lift his share of trouble for her. Namely his own body weight and traveling supplies. With the power of pantyhose training! By the time they had meet one another, 'The Bad Dragon' was hopelessly lost, so she accompanied the pony stallion. He was apparently a Thestral stallion that had escaped a herd of criminal ponies that had foal napped him at a young age, so he could be sold of as a breeding slave. 10 years did he on a weekly basis was used as a breeding slave no matter the time of year or fertility of the paying customers. He was 18 by the time he finally escaped, having a strong body thanks to his good feeding situation, while he trained his body for his eventually coming breakout. Unfortunately he was never told to life outside his slavery, so by the time they meet his ribs did show and according to him at least 1/4 of his muscles was lost due to malnutrition. 'The Bad Dragon' had made it her focus on teaching him survival skills in general and how to hunt and cook with improvised utensils made out of transmuted stones, wood and animal carcasses remains. After three months of mild winter conditions and With the power of pantyhose training, did 'EmptyPlotFiller' the Thestral stallion had been nurtured beyond his former glory and he and his faithful teacher and companion 'The Bad Dragon' had traveled through a mountain system and arrived in a valley. It was so wide they could spot from top of the mountain vantage point of their observations position, that it had its own weather climate with clouds currently delivering a rain shower to its vegetation. What wasn't covered in clouds had surprising mutch green, from tree leafed cover that promised a lot of fauna to snack on. Filling the sight of both with hopes of great possibilities, of new foods out there in the wild and perhaps finding a new home for themself. With the one or the other alley beyond the occasional grasslands opening up here or there, securing water for consumption, the view promised that their times of malnutrition and freezing was over. There was also a even collection of 4 rivers running into 4 seperate water bodies ending in lakes. Leaving a lot to explore if they ever got bored. One of the prominent points of interest showing out in the distance a tent focused village. With a little luck, a new home. They decided to try their luck there, EmptyPlotFiller glided half the way to the tent village they had spotted, with The Bad Dragon holding herself deep in his long mane, covered from the worst of the flight wind. As the Thestral stallion enjoyed the relaxing gliding down into the valley leaving its mountain natural outer layer, did the temperature sky rocket from a very cold climate to a tropical one. After they both landed near the long river halfway down to the tent village the true training of the Thestral stallion begin. The Bad Dragon was a Breezee of strict but fair training, with only tormenting the stallion by forcing one layer of Pantyhose on him as training tool and protection layer against the moisture in the warmer climate. With their arrival in this warmer climate did the composition of his Pantyhose was changed, from one thick layer into two thinner but not any less constricting interwoven layers. Both travelers truly begin their training that day, not having to hold back when shortly after they discovered how plentiful this valley was with grass and fruits to consume, no longer wondering if the cold would lulled them to eternal slumber. Fortunately did The Bad Dragon also know how to distinguish eatable fungus from poisonous one. Giving both a new variation to their diat. About a week of travel inside the valley, since they take their time to make themself more acclimated to this tropical climate, both had adapted to the warmer temperatures and the relatively high moisture, to what they had the last three months before they arrived on top of the mountain wall, forming a natural barrier to the valley. The Breezee transmutation magic created out of plans and animal carcasses they had on them into three layer of pantyhose for the Thestral use as traveling bags. Before they finally arrived at the tent village, Empty and Dragon needed to be at their sharpest when they arrived at a possible hostile place, though both deeply hoped they would found against their worries a peaceful community. 'EmptyPlotFiller' and 'The Bad Dragon' were about 1 hour per hoove away from the tent village, they repeated for one last time the training routine established over the last 3 months and 1 week of traveling together. His physical and mental training had honed the former slave for nothing but the purpose of breeding, into a respectable royal guard level recruit. With his current level of training the usual bandit would be outmatched by leagues. Before they arrived at the settlement, was it imperative to go through there training one last time, better to be prepared if they get separated for any reason. “Well, we do wear pantyhose for many reasons." repeated the tiny Breezee in comparison to its pony companion. She continued "And today you do as well. It’s an essential part of the demoralization technique I developed and teached you over the last three months. I didn’t get to my position at the royal palace without trash talking everyone weak minded into submission, that demands discipline and helped my lessers to improve over time, by making myself the enemy, so everyone i go against unite to match my might in verbal sparring matches! These clothes force discipline on the wearer. That’s why you would have always see me wearing pantyhose on duty in the past, except when I’m not on duty. Of course even i have my limits to endure this brilliant torture device for self discipline that are 2 or more layers of Pantyhoses. Sometimes it is hard to belive that one size or two to small in a Pantyhose made the difference between a wimp and a badass warrior. Science shows that compression increases physical performance and recovery of stamina, hardship forces us to improve over time or die trying. It stands to reason that we can enhance our skills that way, unless it kills us for overdoing it. That is why you only had one layer of Pantyhose in your first three months to endure and only the second in the short time we travel inside this tropical valley. If we have to fight our way out you might stripp down to one layer, if the community is a safe haven, than we train you one month in two layers of Pantyhoses, before increasing it to three. Up to three layers is in my oppinion safe enough with preparation. A lot more preferable than my 5 layers of pantyhoses for being a military professional after all. When I came to this world, I didn’t understand how any creature females managed to annoy males to no end and eat up their nerves. But then I figured out the female secret weapon. It’s the pantyhose that fills females with turmoil and makes them lash out at the world. I sought to harness that power, and that’s how I invented the 'Tauntate verbal fighting style'. I never imagined that wearing pantyhose below ones recommended size would transform a nice complimentary garment into a serious training regime and tool of self discipline! The more layers of pantyhoses, the greater the buff. And since this is the only time we have left for ourselves for preparations, you’ll need all the buff you can get. Sure, pantyhose might feel uncomfortable and restrictive, but one does not go into combat for comfort and amusement." The Bad Dragon finished this part of the speech so EmptyPlotFiller could continue the monologue they had countless times before: “Might makes right." a lesson hard learned for both of them so the stallion focus on remembering the long speech before resuming where The Bad Dragon left it this time for him to continue it: "Life is a struggle and while we might try to avoid some of it, the strong keep struggling to keep improving, because life is a never ending struggle that no living being couldn’t break free from, until death releases one from it and burdens one with the new challenges of the afterlife, what ever they might be... of course it might be a enlighten paradise free of any hardship, but why risk being ill prepared, when one can be mentally in tip top shape to be ready in case its a 10 layer pantyhoses struggle through a military drill parkour!” EmptyPlotFiller shuddered at this nightmare scenario, before he composed himself and continued his speech learned from his teacher: “Oh, don’t you know that I’m not ready for it, we might say, but a different person might argue that the coming hardships would be a walk in the park if they had prepared accordingly, having physical trained themself to sharpening the mind, for one requires the other and is connected and interwoven. My false friends might have broke me, but it only give me the drive to become stronger, so the next betrayal would not end in my side being exploited. The comforts of a easy life offer are meaningless compared to one filling one with purpose, nothing could challange me better to improve or if the top is reached, staying on this high edge to delay the decline to the level of the ones below me. To me there is no challenge that might frighten me more than the expectation of wearing a increasing number of pantyhoses anymore. My only aim is to break you as well, because that’s how friendship spreads and bonds grow.” EmptyPlotFiller posture with his muscular body as The Bad Dragon had showed him to impress other around him, when he would deliver the speech to his fellow companions of the future before he started where he left of: “I hate you for what you did to me! Would be something one might say, but hate don't stop others from harming one another, one needs to put action to emotion. That said, violence in no answer, unless everything else is used up. Don't fight your opposition or circumstances harder, if you can do it smarter! Pantyhoses teach you that every action should be thought out and every movement calculated. Because thinking don't require you to fight the tightness of the pantyhose! Make the enemy suffer, don't let the suffering be endured by you alone! Whining is helping noone, it might be a short term coping mechanism, but it will not give a chance for improving once situation in life. Just like the Pantyhoses tightness strengthening the users body if used in moderation, so can any challenge improve someone. When strength isn't the solution, try speed, if speed isn't the answer maybe think how to use strength and speed. If both combined don't fix the situation... You didn't train hard enough in pantyhoses!" The Bad Dragon was so proud of her stallion companion, he delivered every sentence with confidence and style. She looked forward to the next part: “Wait, you think I am already finished?" EmptyPlotFiller give a staged mocking laughter. "I have a dozen pantyhoses speeches left in the mental box of mine! We’re just getting started!" The Bad Dragon had tears of pride in her eyes, her student was becoming a master of the pantyhose! “With tauntate, you can end a fight before it even starts. It’s all about demoralizing your opponent. I have a two hour monologue prepared to explain how it all works. After that, you’ll be able to take a test and if you pass, I’ll let you go. If you wish to improve yourself and be better than the ones wasting their time laying around and doing nothing. The choices are yours to make to be weak and ill prepared or strong for the coming challenges, no matter what they might be! You can ask me to just cut straight to the test, but you will not be at your best! Sure, we can do that apparent shortcut, I find failure to be a great motivator. When you fail the test, you’ll have no choice but to submit to my teachings.” EmptyPlotFiller showed of his impeccable balance act, a combination of muscle strength, coordination and the tightness of the pantyhose. “You are a warrior and I am your opponent. Your job is to demoralize me. You’ll need to hold great discipline because you can never repeat the same taunt, that would be just lame and not demoralizing at all. If you accomplish this, the lesson will be complete. But if you fail, I’ll have to repeat my monologue, this time the two hour version!" The repetition of the memorized monologue take a abrupt end, when they left for a clearing seeing the tents and ponies in the distance and being spotted in turn by the viligant on guard standing Pegasus of the day shift. The ponies hold their usual defensive position, but without the aerial confusion tactic. This pony was either a rival scouting them out, making it vital to not reveal to mutch of their hoove cards before a coming conflict or they get another badly needed stallion to keep genetic variations as wide as possible. A unusual sight greeted EmptyPlotFiller and his in the mane hidden companion, for they get welcomed in form of a military defensive formation of ponies. Further did the ponies had a huge bipedal fur coat naked thing beyond anything he ever hear before in stories told by customers or his jailers. The sides of the giant show two pink mares standing ready to defend their oversized companion, with a well muscled Pegasus mare standing on a cloud above them, keeping the immediate area in view, while appraising the new arrival. What frighten him was the two seeming bone Golems, he never ever hear any legend about Golems made out naked bones. But Emptys confidence returned when Dragon reassurance about their woundrable nature towards her magic was assured. If she can use bones inside a living creature as spell ingredients, than a pair of bone Golems wasn't anything to fear. EmptyPlotFiller introduced himself and was surprised when it turned out that his father was not just part of the tent village before him, but their current leader as well. Instead of going through the routine the Breezee had planned to establish himself in a unknown community, did he was welcomed by his sire in a warm embrace. He would establish his dominance later under the group of stallions, for now he needed to be introduced to his new community, that already eagerly await him joining them. After he learned of the mega herd rules for defense, did the Breezee made her existance known. To The Bad Dragon surprise and delight had her name and reputation made its way to the community they would integrate into with time. They celebrated the day and night the return of their leaders son and newest addition to the future breeding roster. Though reluctant to hear about the mares expectations, did the young stallion was not required to sire offspring on demand. That said, the mares didn't hide their enthusiasm about him chosing a mare or multiple for his herd. It was strange for him to not be bossed around by mares and them waiting for him to decide about who got to share his body. His mental scars might yet heal in time, perhaps he could over time learn to trust again, not out of necessity, but choice. After EmptyPlotFiller and The Bad Dragon having celebrated one day and night, so day and night shift had a opportunity to meet them in pony, did the new stallion suffered from indecision. Everypony wanted to meet him, befriend him and in time perhaps bed him. Meanwhile did the Breezee basically non stop told the heroic tales of her decade of service to the crown of the Alicorn royalty, also how Fausts husband had betrayed her loyalty and almost successful ended her life. Maybe the next time they traveled to a trading zone, could they find a way for the Breezee to return to the city and move back to her home world. If her services and loyalty wasn't appreciated anymore, than there wasn't another reason to stay in a world that was not her own. Something that made the stallion leadership hire her on the spot. They wondered why 1 gold coin was sufficient per month for the Breezee service, but they offered her 10 per month, if she stayed with their community for a while. After short negotiations did the Breezee agreed to be employed for 10 years, after that they will bring her into the capital of their splintered nation and her earned gold alongside her possessions, so she could retire a rich Breezee. With her no longer being in the safety of a castle air stale current, did her personal involvement in defense was put on the hindlegs and instead she be helping with training up the community members and giving them access to her magic. With them using bone needles and other calcium rich materials, was it something that would help everycreature greatly. Though the gray bipedal predator still give her shivers, his magic feel so alien to anything she experienced before. Because unlike clay, metal or steel Golems that she see and spar against in the past, these seem to somehow have a life on their own. Distorted and unnatural to her magic sensation perception, but the fact that her magic could literally be used to use them up, greatly calmed her mind about these magical constructed Golems. Once they had set a routine within days of living in this pony community, did a group of Griffons made a swift apperance. The Bad Dragon already anticipated a battle to break out, only to be baffled at the discovery that the Griffons and ponies cooperated. Actually they had not just a mutual pact to assist one another in combat, trade and share knowledge, some of the Griffons had been treated like pony stallions. Apparently did months prior did both groups bonded over a string of events, making them a unusual cross species community. The Bad Dragon would become famous, once she returned home. Perhaps she should try to write her time in this strange world of giants down in a autobiography. She be double as rich as this currently running arrangement would made her already. Over the next days did EmptyPlotFiller and The Bad Dragon trained Ponies and Griffons alike in her ways, be it physical training as she learned from the royal pony guards when she worked under Faust and Solar or her verbal tauntate combat arts. The Bad Dragon cling to EmptyPlotFiller right ear, the stallion was walking left to right a few steps away from his current batch of recruits. 10 at a time, that was the biggest group of a training season a day or night, depending on the group of trainees. The Griffon and Thestral preference was twilight or night, while all other ponies insisted on daylight training. Today the gray predator named Gabriel Gray and his herd of 3 mares alongside probationary 2 other herdmates and 4 unrelated ponies, would for the first time experience the training regime of the tanttauntate verbal combat style. If they agreed to keep with it, than the Breezee would go out her way to make some fitting pantyhoses, before reducing them magical by 1 size to start the training in earnest. The Breezee with the aid of Starlight Glimmer voice amplification spell give the recruits the short version of her monolog, further did she explain what they would be training in if they are willing to go through the trouble on challenging themself to become greater than they currently are. If they decide after receiving their Pantyhose to jump of the training, than they need to return the clothing for other to be used after getting magicaly reconfigured for their use. So if they withstand this first two test, than they prove to have the guts to try being actually worth something. Otherwise they might go undress and go home to cry in shame in the corner of despair and weakness. Everycreature going through the training would possess great power, but if they would not be careful, it could break their opponent, or worse... themself. A mere one layer of pantyhose is enough strife to turn someone like herself into a she-demon. But that would only be experienced by them if they are ready, not sooner. They might try to tap into that power in time, if they showed themselves to be worthy. EmptyPlotFiller stood straight and slapped his chest fluff with a wing repeatedly. He than gestured to Pinkie Pie, she be the first to feel the might of the verbal combat style tauntate! They warned her: "We will come at you with all we got! Withstand our taunting and you might show us what you can return without pantyhose, followed next time with the difference of owning pantyhose as to experience the difference in power. Time to give you a taste of demoralization through verbal combat!" Pinkie Pie didn’t want to buy anything they were trying to selling, yet her herd wanted to give it a shot, so she would participate in it. It might be fun in some way after all. The clarity of their goal was unlike anything Gabriel Gray experienced in his life before. Failure to withstand simply wasn’t an option. With a fixed stare at their teachers and sparring opponent, he would begin memorizing their crafted taunts. The human guessed all the blood from their legs was pumped to the brain, sending it into overdrive. EmptyPlotFiller and her Breezee teacher had their vocal cords tightened as if by an effect of thaumaturgy, prepared to give them a verbal smack down. The normal silent voice of the Breezee turned into booming shockwaves thanks to Starlight Glimmers spell for voice amplification. As she yelled out: "Mortal combat!" "Verbal combat!" EmptyPlotFiller began: “I see you’re disconnected from reality, since there are no tears in your eyes. The world is suffering. I know it to be true. I feel the pressures of agony from all sides with my very being.” The Bad Dragon continued: "I want to run away from the pantyhoses that I’m wearing even more than I’d be willing to run from death. Ergo, death has nothing on me now that I'm wearing them." EmptyPlotFiller quickly continued: “I won’t forgive you, just as these pantyhoses are unforgiving to me! You’ll know no pleasure of winning for the rest of our encounter, just as I don’t know the pleasure of freedom anymore. The pantyhoses took away the last patch of free fur coat!" Pinkie Pie mouth started to dropping open. The Bad Dragon give her no time to recover: "You can't hurt me more than I'm already hurting. You can’t tear me apart, not with all these layers of compression holding me together. I used to be afraid of cuts, but now I just want you to rip me free. I want to see everything that binds me destroyed!” Pinkie Pie could practically feel the dispair and pain coming from them. EmptyPlotFiller depressing revelations continued: "You can't break me, the pantyhoses have already done so! My discomfort is your demise, these pantyhoses are my ultimate weapon. They give me the desire to end it all. I may be suffocating in these pantyhoses, but in the end, I'll be victorious." The Breezee continued the onslaught: "You'll never defeat me. You can’t defeat one who has already been conquered by the discomfort of wearing multiple layers of pantyhoses. If I can go through with wearing tight clothes, then the challenge before me doesn’t even compare! I'll squeeze the morale out of you, just like these pantyhoses are squeezing my legs! You'll never see me crumble, the pantyhoses are keeping me standing. I can’t even bend my knees to lay down!" Pinkie Pie started to sway from the onslaught of demoralization of the truth of their suffering. In unison they continued: "You're no match for me, I've already lost the battle against discomfort, I can’t lose more. You'll never defeat me, the struggle of wearing tight clothes makes this test trivial in comparison. I have nothing but focus and control remaining, because all the potential for distraction has already been claimed by the pantyhoses I’m wearing! You'll never see my defeat, the pantyhoses already claimed it! The abundance of blood in my head allows me to tap into my hidden vocabulary, just like pantyhoses are reaching into my most private areas.” The turmoil bring Pinkie Pie to her knees, how could anyone stand this strife willingly or otherwise?! EmptyPlotFiller and The Bad Dragon than alternated: "I'll outdo your expectations, just like these pantyhoses are outdoing my will to live." "The pantyhoses may be constricting, but they're also giving me composure. Even if I wanted to kneel before you, I couldn’t because the many layers won’t allow me to bend my knees!" "The pantyhoses may be tight, but they're also giving me a death wish!" "You cannot break my morale, because it already broke when we dressed up for this fight." “You could threaten me with a knife right now but I’d only welcome it because I’m not sure how else I’ll be able to get out of this stupid fabric without something sharp.” “You think victory over me would be a nice thing, but we can’t have nice things, because pantyhoses exist in this world. You cannot have a nice thing because the fact remains that I’m wearing pantyhoses right now. ” Pinkie Pie started to feel very light headed, all this suffering, it was simply to mutch. “You wish to reason with me, but you fail to understand that it’s completely unreasonable for anybody to wear pantyhose, and I’m currently wearing multiple.” “I know what you’re thinking. You believe I’m in a tight spot right now. You have no grasp on the extent of tightness I’m in.” “There are only 2 kinds of people in the world. Those who have worn pantyhose in their lives and the innocent ones who have not yet been defiled. Witness my corruption take root as I transition to the dark side. Innocence lost can never be regained!” Pinkie Pie hair started to go straight, losing its puffy nature. “If I am destined to suffer, you shall suffer as well!” “The tightness I have to constantly endure is so unbearable that it becomes me. I will be unbearable to you in turn!” “You hope for victory, but hope is a lie. I know for my hopes have been snuffed out by the tightness of the pantyhose.” “Pantyhoses don’t decay like we do. In a sense, now that they latched onto me, that part of me is immortal. What chance do you have against me, mortal?” “No pain that you might unleash upon me can compare to the pressure I feel right now.” “You may beg for mercy after this, but the world itself does not deserve salvation, for pantyhose exists in it. Mercy is only a fairytale.” "If I may only undress when this fight ends, I'll make quick work of you, because Faust knows I want to strip naked right now due to the chaffing I feel because of the dumb fabric, making sand in ones crack a pleasure in comparison!" "You've only seen half of my power. I use the other half straining my ties, trying not to get squished by the pantyhoses completely." Pinkie Pie colors started to fade to a lighter shade. “By the mere fact that you’ve seen me suffering wearing tight clothes, I cannot let you walk away from here undefeated, not without sharing my suffering. You won’t be walking off tonight.” Pinkie Pie fainted, with a demoralization line following her into the verbal oblivion. “Nobody should wear clothes that are too small, but just like suffering is part of life, so are pantyhoses part of this tormenting existence. To experience such merciless clothes is to experience the life of a slave, devoid of choice or happiness!” The Author might have written the Pantyhose confrontation, but it was still to hard for him to bear re-reading it. He lay defeated in his room before the open writing program. His fellow companions in his world stayed out of the room for their own safety with wide eyes upon discovering him so thoroughly defeated on the ground. What ever happened, they preferred not to get hit by it as well, if it could be helped. Their survival instincts screaming at them to wait and see if the situation would resolve itself over time. Alternativ they just try to lasso the Author into safety out of the room and learn of the threat once it was over. EmptyPlotFiller and The Bad Dragon didn't see anyone besides Pinkie Pie laying in defeat of the verbal smacking, but they knew to have defeated a listening in but unseen faction of great power, that still had been layed low... By the power of the Pantyhose! When Pinkie Pie awakend did her demoralizing showed her to tap into her darkness. Life wasn't all party and games, in time they might, but until they reached brighter days and night, she would make this mighty strength her own. If they would have to suffer, do would the Author share it alongside them. When the life wasn't white or black, but a thick gray... than they would fight to make it right. So one day, the happiness might return to them in time. To party or not to party, that was the question. Or was it to party hard? Because a Pie know to party harder than anyone else! Gabriel Gray had a baaad feeling about this. Not just because of the coming pantyhoses... Perhaps not just his Necromancy would earn him the Gray part of his name. But he could see why they have bonded with one another. They suffered together and it bonded them tighter than any Pantyhose ever could!