> Superboy of Equus > by Jayelms43 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Going to Equestria and fighting some caribou > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Going to Equestria and fighting some caribou (Jonathan Smith Pov) I was just walking around the convention with my new costume that I make this year I was dressed as Superboy from Young Justice League, it was one of my favorite shows as well as My Little Pony friendship is Magic. I was walking past a few stalls just minding my own business until one caught my eye this one was selling a lot of interesting stuff but what caught my eye was a Superman necklace and a lightsaber from Star Wars. "Ah superboy it's so nice to see you, how is Superman doing" The man said as he was dressed as Doctor Fate. "Pretty good how much for the necklace and lightsaber" I said while pulling out my wallet. "For you mr. Kent it will be $50 for both" he said while grabbing said items. After giving him the money I put on the necklace and grabbed the lightsaber and was about to walk away before he said. "I hope you can save them superboy of Equus" he said in a sad tone before I blackout and it felt like I was falling through a hole in the ground. ***(3rd person pov)*** In the Crystal Empire there was a flash of light before something fell onto the snowy ground, were Jonathan was leading on the ground unconscious before waking up. "Where the hell am I" Jonathan said as he got off the snowy ground and looked around he saw the lightsaber laying on the ground so he picked it up but then he saw a note attached to it. "Hello, what's this?" He said take the note off and begin to read it. "Dear valued customer, if you are reading this letter that means you have been transported to Equestria with the powers of Superman and a Jedi knight. " He was happy that he was here in Equestria because he was a brony; but when he continue reading the letter his heart sank at what he read next. "But it's not the same as you think it is here in this universe Equestria has fallen to the caribou and traitor stallions; after  they Conquering the Crystal Empire and changing the crystal heart into the crystal cock every other stallion who didn't turn traitors is now under mind control I sented you here so that you may free them." Jonathan gritted his teeth in anger at what he was reading not only did this peaceful land fail to those bastards but it now is on the verge of being conquered. " I hope you can save them and live a peaceful life afterwards.: Signed the Marchant After finish reading the letter. It dissolves into thin air he looked around at his surroundings before saying to himself. " I need a vantage point for my surroundings to see where I am exactly"  he thought before thinking of how to use his Newfound powers. "Maybe if I" he thought before bending down on one knee before putting one fist to the ground. And with one Mighty leap he flu into the sky all the way to were he was level with the mountains; he looked around before he saw what once was the Crystal Empire. "There it is, the only thing I have to do is get there without falling," Jonathan said, making the journey towards the Crystal Empire hoping that he could get in time to save Cadence or anyone else who used to live there. (One hour later Jonathan pov) I was now hovering over the Empire looking down to see a disgusting sight. Traitor stallions and caribou infested the place treating mares like objects, and seeing children used for labor; "there disgusting creatures who I want to ripped apart limb by limb, but with this Powers I can do just that" I thought as I about ready to descend into the town before I saw something that surprised me. In front of the castle was just like an execution was about to happen and standing on the stage was a stallion on his knees with a bag over his head and a caribou standing next to him. "For your transgressions against our great king and for siding with these sluts you are hereby killed by decapitation Prince Blueblood" the caribou said, removing the bag that showed in fact that it was blueblood who's going to be killed. "Is there anything else for you to say before you die" the Stag said before blueblood looked up at him before spitting a mouth full of blood into his face. " I hope you have a painful death you bastards you took my home from me I will not bow down to him or anyone else but my own antes" blueblood said while his head was being forced onto a block of crystal. I stood there floating in mid-air staring at the scene unfold before me still reeling at the fact that blueblood is not a traitor stallion. I snapped out of it before flying at top speed. Everything slowed down before I made it just in time before the blade connected with his neck I grabbed him and moved out of the way as time sped up. Everyone look to me in astonishment and confusing while I was holding blueblood as he stared at me in stock before I look down at him and said, " I'm proud of you for sticking to your guns, and didn't betray your own people unlike this disgusting heathens over here" I said point at the traitor stallions stood looking at us with anger. "WHY ARE YOU HELPING THAT BASTARD FOR!!!!" A traitor stallion yelled out before having a medium sized hole shot through his chest with a rock. He fell to the ground dead, everyone looked over to see me tossing another rock in my hand casually before pulling my arm back, and with lightning speed I threw a rock at another caribou destroying his head completely. "Now that I got all of your attention" I said grabbing another Rock from the ground and tighten my fist before crushing into pebbles, "if you don't want your head heart or any other body part that you hold dear then you will leave this place and never come back" I finish before showing my hand where I once holding the Rock now turn into pebbles. They just stood there for a moment before the alarm went off and everyone ran as the males soldiers charged at me. "Okay I guess we're doing this the hard way" I said, sighing in defeat at their stupidity before telling BlueBlood to get somewhere safe. It only took me 20 minutes to dispatch the army. All that was left was mangled bodies. I walked up into the castle and went to the throne room after looking around and I saw that nobody was there. "Son of a b****, those bastards must have escaped" I said looking through the window I see the train leaving that must be them trying to escape. I took to the air and flew after the train; once I arrived on top of the train I use my heat vision to make a hole to enter, then I saw Cadence along with shining armor, and flurry heart; two of them were chained to the wall while the other one lay in a pool of blood. While the train car had 20 caribou with guns and swords, I was surprised at first before I told Cadence "I want you and your daughter to cover your eyes and no matter what you hear you do not open them" I said and she nodded and did so. "Now then," I said in a angry tone while my eyes were turning red; "Who wants to go first" I said, making them all pissed themselves. Once I finish killing the caribou, I rushed over to shining armor and he was coughing up blood while is family surrounded him.  "Don't worry i'm going to get you back the Crystal Empire, and get you all patched up. you and your wife an daughter are going to be fine," I said when I was about to pick him up he grabbed me by the shoulder and said. "No *cough*, I'm not going to make it" he said between bloody coughs and wheezes, "Please take care of them for me" shiny said while crying. "Don't worry I'll take care of them just ha-" I didn't get to finish before he fell to the ground dead with lifeless eyes. His wife and daughter were crying tears of sadness while looking at shining armor dead body while I looked on with anger and fury before I heard someone crying out for help. I walked over to see a Caribou missing both his legs. he looked at me in horror before I grabbed him by the throat and held him up.  "You bastard are the reason why the world is hell now. but now I'm going to kill each and every last one of you, then I'm going to make King Dainn to beg for mercy before I kill him too" I said before I crushed his windpipe and threw him off the train car. "One thing is for certain I'm going to save this world and I'm going to break anyone who gets in my way," I thought as I flew Cadence, flurry heart and a dead Shining back to the Crystal Empire. > First stop Ponyville, Jonathan and Blueblood become Grey Jedi Knights > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- First stop Ponyville, Jonathan and Blueblood become Grey Jedi Knights (2 days later Jonathan pov) It's been two days since shining armor funeral and the civilians as well as Cadence and flurry heart were still saddened about his death, But as for me I was in the throne room pacing back and forth on how I was going to make Dainn pay. "First things first I need to get a handle on my powers before anything else" I said to myself before looking at my hands. "Right now I know how to use Superman's powers, because I read every comic book about him. But as for the Jedi powers that's a different story" I thought before I heard someone coming into the throne room doors. I saw it was Blueblood wearing casual clothes. It still baffles me that he's so different from the show and from the fanfics. "So Sir superboy can I speak to you for a moment" bluey asked while walking towards me. "Blue, how many times do I have to tell you; you can call me either Jonathan or Jay," I said in an annoyed tone; "Sorry," Blueblood said while rubbing the back of his head nervously. "*sigh* So what do you need to talk about?" I asked while walking over to him and leading him to the Crystal Garden. "Well, I was wondering if you are going to Ponyville to save the elements of harmony," he said. "Let me guess, you want to come to?" I asked while looking at him confused and with a hint of mischief, he blushed before nodding in agreement. "Are you by any chance dating Rarity, bluey?" I asked while smirking evilly while he was blushing crimson. "Soooooo, you want to come so that you can see your marefriend huh," I said while looking innocent. but inside I was smirking like a madman. Blueblood was still blushing while nodded his head nervously, I put my arm around him before putting him in a headlock; "well look at this, little bluey what's to be the Knight and shining armor huh?" I said while giving him a noogie. After a while I let him come along with me as long as he had some sort of protection, while he was doing that I was walking around the castle before I came across a wooden door. It was a plain wooden door, but something was telling me to go near it. Once I went to the door and opened it, it was nothing but a chair with a table; and on the table were two lightsabers as well as a holocron. "How the hell are there two lightsabers here?" I said while putting up said items and looking them over. (Just like this but one is black and the other is white) "Maybe I could use this and give bluey the lightsaber that came with me" I thought before hearing a loud crash coming from Cadence room. I used my super speed to get to her room first, once I got there I saw a picture frame that had both a shining and Cadence holding a newly born flurry heart. "CADENCE ARE YOU OKAY!!!!" I yelled as I rushed over to her side to see her crying, before she looked up at me eyes full of sadness and pain. "I-it wasn't a dream, shiny is actually dead," she said while hugging me tightly, I just hugged her back trying to comfort her in her moment of sadness. "It's okay it's okay Cadence I promise him that I will protect you and your daughter with my life," I said trying to make her feel better. "Thank you superboy," Cadence said while trying to smile but it was forced, "you and flurry can call me Jonathan or Jay if you want to" I said while having a warm smile on my face. ******* (3rd POV) After Jonathan comforted Cadence he went to blueblood and he found him putting on some light armor. before he saw him walking towards him. "Do you need something Jay?" Bluey asked before he was about to grabbed a sword off the rack before his hand was stopped by Jonathan who had a look of seriousness. "Prince Blueblood," Jonathan said, making him nervous because he used his full title; "if you are coming with me you are going to need this," he said, handing blueblood his lightsaber, while blueblood looked confused. "Why do I ne-," Bluey didn't get to finish before Jonathan made him get into a kneeling position before he said. "If you are going to help me save Equus, you and I are going to become Grey Jedi Knight. So you and I are going to repeat the Grey Jedi oath" Jonathan said, getting in the same position as him. (Play Jedi theme when they say the oath) As Jonathan and Blueblood were getting ready to say the oath, they didn't notice a group of guards staying there watching them. But for some unknown reason they kneeled as well. (Jonathan and blueblood) "I will do what I must to keep the balance. As the balance is what holds all life.  There is no good without evil, but evil must not be allowed to flourish.  There is passion, yet peace.  Serenity, yet emotion.  Chaos, yet order.  I am a wielder of the flame.  A champion of balance.  I am a guardian of life.  I am a Gray Jedi." After Jonathan and Blueblood finished saying the grey Jedi oath they were about to leave before one of the Crystal guards, "Sir, if you let us can we come with you to free Ponyville and Canterlot as well" one of the guards said while the other four nodded in agreement. Jonathan looked at the five Crystal guards in front of him and Blueblood for a moment before saying. "You know if you guys come with us there's a high likelihood you might die" Jonathan said while Blueblood agreed with him. "We all do respect sir, but that is one of the risks of being a guard sir," one of the mare guards said, stepping forward while everyone agreed with her. Jonathan and Blueblood looked at each other before smirking and Jonathan said. "All right then, let's go save Equus boys and girls" Jonathan said while the Crystal guards cheered in determination. In just under two days Jonathan gained not only a partner but also a Team to help him liberate Equus. > Saving the elements of harmony and meeting a new friend. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Saving the elements of harmony and meeting a new friend. (3rd pov) Jonathan and Blueblood as well as four Crystal guards or in a cargo train headed to Ponyville. "Okay guys here is the plan," Jonathan said while pulling out a map of Ponyville. "The four Crystal guards will act like escorts for Prince Blueblood, protect him well he secretly look around to find where they are holding the mares and children, " he started before blueblood continued. "While we're doing that Jay will hang back in the Everfree forest waiting for my signal, and let him know that I found our targets and that he can cause the destruction. That's enough time to get them to the castle of Two Sisters," Bluey finished before both said. "Any questions," they both said, getting no response. "Good now let's get this shit started," Jay said. Suddenly, a glowing rainbow orb appeared in the center of the room, shocking everyone. “What the?!” a Crystal Guard shouted as the rob glowed even brighter. Suddenly, it exploded, sending a wave of rainbow-colored magic throughout the room, and in its place was a humanoid creature, or at least what was left of one anyway. It was completely burned, almost making it a charcoal black but they can see bits of green and pink, it was missing its lower half, both of its arms were burned off, one being halfway burned than the other. The creature’s eyes slowly opened and looked around and with a cough, began speaking, “H-help me.” it said weakly, "WHAT THE BUCK HAPPENED TO HIM!!" A Guard mare said while trying not to throw up. "YOU TWO," Jonathan said, pointing at two Crystal unicorns. "Heal him the best way you can," he ordered, as the two saluted and got to work. "What happened to him?" Blueblood asked while standing next to Jonathan. "I don't know, hopefully our guest will be able to answer that question," Jonathan said while looking at the scene in front of him. The unicorn's magic covered the creature, “T-this guy is really burnt up, I don’t know if we can help him.” one of them said and the creature coughed again. “M-my head..” he said weakly. “What?” the second unicorn asked. “My h-head…rip i-it off…” he said, shocking everyone in the room. "What the actual fuck!?!?" Jonathan said while looking confused. “..d-do it and I-I’ll…regenerate..” he said,  Everyone looked at the stranger for a moment before Jonathan walked up and RIP his head off with one hand. "OH MY CELESTIA WHY DID YOU DO THAT!!!" A Crystal guard yelled out while the others threw up after seeing it happen. "What he did said do it" Jonathan said, shrugging his shoulders. The head suddenly regrow its body with a gasp, shocking everyone. “Damn that hurt!” he said, he was easily taller than Jay, being mostly green with hints of pink here and there, two wings on his back that somewhat hide his tail that was connected to his back and he had two horns that make a sort of crown shape. “When I get back home, that bitch is dead.”  "And who exactly did this?" Jonathan asked while raising an eyebrow. “Tch, just a crazy woman.” the creature said, standing up straight while crossing his arms. “Now, who may I ask are you?” "Well… my name is Jonathan and I am a Kryptonian and also a Jedi Knight while more a gray Jedi knight," Jonathan said while looking confused at the new guest. “Cell. My name is Cell, Equestria’s strongest being, or at least I thought.” Cell said before grumbling angrily to himself. "I'm sorry…WHAT!!!" Jonathan said while getting into a fighting stance holding one of his lightsabers out ignited. “Calm yourself Kryptonian, I am one of the good guys.” Cell said, smirking a bit. “Though it was amusing seeing your reaction.” "Mother fucker do you not hear yourself right now," Jonathan said while looking at him angry with his heat vision showing.  "Look, just do what I said and let us just get ready," Jonathan said while calming down a little bit. “Get ready for what exactly?” Cell asked him,  "Well…. We are getting ready to rescue the citizens of Ponyville, more specifically the mares, children, and the Elements of Harmony," blueblood said,  while The train car that they were in was starting to slow. “Oh? And what will we be rescuing them from?” Cell asked in curiosity, wanting to see if what they’ll be facing might give him a challenge. "Caribou. Anthropomorphic deers with weird-ass horns," Jonathan said, as the car came to a complete stop. "Alright everyone get ready to blend in with the crowd, me and our guest here will head to the Everfree forest," he finished grabbing Cell's shoulder. He noticed that Jonathan was very strong and tight on his shoulder showing him he does not trust him but right now especially with him being alone. “Oh relax will you? I am not gonna cause any trouble, I said I was a good guy.” Cell said,  "Unless you want me to believe you, please cooperate," Jonathan said before he and Cell flew to the castle of the two sisters. “I haven’t done anything that would say I wasn’t cooperating now did I?” Cell asked him, chuckling a bit. “Honestly man, you need to stop being so paranoid, you’re Superboy, not Batman.” Jonathan turned towards Cell with one of his eyes twitching before he said. "Next to Kid Buu you are literally the strongest person in the universe you think that I should 'chill' around you," Jonathan said while looking at him with a are you fucking kidding me look. “Oh please, as if you won’t be able to kick my ass, you’re Superman’s clone, DCs strongest Kryptonian.” Cell said,  "I know I can, but that still doesn't help me trust you," Jonathan said while looking around what used to be Zecora hut. “So what can you tell me about these Caribou? I never heard of them before.” Cell said as he leaned against a tree, arms crossed. "Well.. apparently what I can gather they decided that women had long enough ruled this world so they thought why not come to Equestria and enslave every single mare and children on this planet," Jonathan said while looking around the hut with his X-ray vision. “Really? Do they not realize Equestria has two powerful goddesses that are capable of moving the sun and moon? Plus the Mane Six and their little Elements of Harmony.” Cell said with a scoff, “It just sounds like they have a death wish.” "Oh yeah, I thought that too," Jonathan said, before punching a hole through the wall. "But some fucking how they found some rare metal that can not only cancel out Magic but also goddesses magic too," he finished grabbing a nearby book off the ground and read through it. Cell went a bit wide-eyed in surprise. “Truly? How the hell did they get such a metal?” "How the fuck should I know dude I just found out like yester-" Jonathan didn't get to finish before he heard something. "Did you hear that?" he asked cell , walking over to the noise. “Yes, I did.” Cell said, getting off the tree and following Jonathan. They walked over to a nearby wall that had a painting of a desert with tropical trees in foliage at the center of the painting. Jonathan activated his X-ray vision and looked at the wall for a few moments before saying. "There are three heat sources behind this wall," he said, tapping his chin before his eyes widened in realization. "No fucking way." “What is it?” Cell asked him while wishing that whatever the three heat sources would give him a decent fight. Instead of answering he gripped the side of the wall digging his fingers into it before ripping it off and throwing it off to the side showing 3 little girls huddled scared for their lives. "The Cutie Mark Crusaders!!" Both cell and Jonathan said in unison. “D-don’t hurt us!” Sweetie Belle said to the two. “We are not going to hurt you.” Cell said, kneeling down in front of the three. “We’re the good guys who are going to fight against the Caribou.” "Like he said we are here to help," Jonathan said while kneeling in front of the CMC. Before he could do anything Jonathan felt something hit his head making him look down to see a broken spear. “What the? What the hell is this guy made of?!” The two Displaced looked and saw a small group of Caribou with a cage behind them, inside was a lone zebra that Jonathan recognized. "Oh I see you came for a fucking visit huh," Jonathan said getting up off the ground slowly. "You surrender those three sluts, come with us," one of the caribou said while holding a sword while the others had either spears or guns. Everyone then heard chuckling and looked at Cell as he stood up, “You honestly think those little toys will help you? This man right here just took a spear to the head and barely noticed it, and you have never seen anything like me before.” Cell said as his Ki flared around him, “So why don’t you just let the zebra go and run on home. Or else things will get violent.” "I have a better idea," Jonathan said, lifting his hand up and using a force choke on all the caribou snapping all their necks. "You can have them as a quick snack before we go raid Ponyville but do it outside. I don't want the kids to get traumatized," Jonathan said pointing at the dead bodys. “Yeah, like I’m gonna absorb those guys. No thanks, I bet they would barely give me any energy.” Cell said with a shake of his head.  "Fine then," Jonathan said using his super-speed and quickly got rid of the Caribou bodies and released Zecora out of the cage. "How are you feeling Zecora?" Jonathan asked while helping her stand. “I-I am fine.” she said as she shakily stood up. "Okay I'm going to fly around to make sure the caribou aren't around the facility while I'm gone. Can you look after them and I'm trusting you right now," Jonathan asked Cell while helping Zecora to a nearby chair. “Of course I’ll look after them.” Cell said, “I’m not gonna abandon three kids and a woman in the Everfree.” With a nod, Jonathan sped out into the forest to check the perimeter. While that was happening Applebloom was looking at Cell curiously. “What? Have I got something on my face?” Cell asked her. "I was just wondering what are you?" She asked as the others nodded before Scootaloo spoke up. "Who was that cool guy that flew off," she asked excitedly. “I am something that is called an android, a being made of both organic and cybernetic parts.” Cell answered, “And that person that flew off was Jonathan.” "Sooooo cool," all three said before Jonathan landed in front of the broken door. "The good news is there is no more caribou. The bad news is that the plan may probably get busted if any of the generals up in Ponyville realize that their men are missing," he said walking inside. "Hopefully Blueblood will be able to send the signal by then," he finished before looking over to Zecora. "So do you think we will be safe here for the time being," he asked while crouching down to meet her eye level. “No w-we will not, we will h-have to find a new place to hide i-if we do not want to be caught.” Zecora said, "Well I guess the Castle of the Two Sister’s will have to do, Cell grab Applebloom and Sweetie Belle I will get Scootaloo and Zecora and we will head to the castle," Jonathan said, while crouched down to let Scootaloo climb on his back before standing up and picking Zecora up Bridal Style making her blush. Cell nodded his head as he picked up the two Crusaders. “Lead the way.” Cell said to Jonathan. After that, they flew to the castle all the while Scootaloo was smiling and cheering. Once they landed they went inside. "Damn this place is Dusty as hell," Jonathan said, before sneezing too hard destroying a nearby wall. “You may want to aim that nose of yours away from others.” Cell said, chuckling a bit while Zecora and the Crusaders just stared at Jonathan in shock. "Sorry allergies," Jonathan said while sniffing. "So what do we do now," Jonathan said while putting Zecora down, her having a disappointed look that Jonathan didn't notice before saying. "Because I need to get a tiss-" he didn't get to finish before being hit by a magic blast that sent him flying through a wall. “Oh great, now what?” Cell asked as he looked in the direction the beam came from. Standing in the middle of the room stood a midnight blue alicorn wearing medieval armor. She also had a double F cup breast. "WHO DARES ENTERED MY CASTLE!!" Nightmare Moon said in the royal Canterlot voice. “Oh just some people wanting to look for a safe place to hide out for a while.” Cell said, not at all bothered by the loudness of the Canterlot Voice. Jonathan came back into the room holding his head. "Okay, why is everyone trying to hit me," Jonathan said before looking at Nightmare and had an annoyed look. "Okay that's just great," he said before using his super-speed and grabbed her by the horn. Nightmare Moon went wide-eyed in surprise. “What the?! How are you that fast?!” she asked him as she tried to free her horn. "Trust me doll face this isn't my top speed," Jonathan said trying to do his best as a mafia boss. “I suggest you take it easy Nighty, and let us explain why we are in this dump of a castle.” Cell said to Nightmare Moon. Nightmare glared at cell before looking towards Jonathan and blushing and said. "May you take your hand off my horn it's," she looked away before continuing. "Very sensitive spot," she finished while blushing crimson. Jonathan actually moved so fast that it left an afterimage. Him standing next to the group having a Mastiff blush while steam coming off his head. This caused Cell to burst out laughing. “O-oh Kami! That was hilarious!” he said between laughs. Jonathan glared at Cell before speaking to Nightmare Moon. "Well we are here so that the Cmc and Zecora could hide somewhere safe while we wait for the signal to go to Ponyville and kill some caribou," he said, shocking everyone except Cell. “C-caribou?! Here in Equestria?!” Nightmare Moon asked in shock, "It seems you know them yourself?" Jonathan asked while looking at  Nightmare. "Yes while Luna and I were still one being I saw some of her memories of the caribou and they were very disgusting and feared creatures" Nightmare said while shaking violently before being hugged by Jonathan making her blush. "It's okay Nighty I'm going to deal with those bastards myself, you don't have to be afraid of them," Jonathan said while patting her head. “B-but the caribou have you outnumbered! What can two beings do against an army!?” Nightmare Moon asked them. “You’ll be shocked to know that the caribou won’t stand a chance against us.” Cell said,  "Cell is right," Jonathan said while smirking before saying. " Besides I've bet not one of them can destroy a Galaxy or bench press planet," Jonathan said, shocking everyone except cell who already knew. Before they could say anything Jonathan got a serious look before looking outside seeing a bright blue light in the sky. "That's the signal," Jonathan said, letting go of Nightmare Moon and turned to cell and said. "You ready to kill some caribou," Jonathan asked while his heat vision was showing. “Do you even have to ask?” Cell asked him as his Ki flared around him, a smirk on his face. Both Jonathan and cell flew off leaving the girls, that's when both Nightmare and Zecora had the same thought. "He is so bucking hot" they both thought while going inside the castle. Back with Jonathan and cell they were floating above Ponyville arms crossed while looking down at the town. "So how do you want to enter, crashing or floating down," Jonathan asked cell while still looking at the town. “Well, I do like to make an entrance, so, crashing.” Cell said before flying towards the ground. "My thoughts exactly," Jonathan said while flying towards the ground with a crazy smile on his face. When both cell and Jonathan hit the ground creating a large explosion, an a shock wave that got everyone's attention once the dust settled they saw two strangers standing in the middle of the crater. "Hey are you guys ok-" caribou was about to say before having a hole in his chest from Jonathan heat vision. Everyone was shocked before Jonathan then said. "Attention all caribou and traitor stallions surrender and no harm will come to you," Jonathan said while holding up his hands. In response caribou and traitor stallions open fired on them with bullets, arrows, and other objects in which they both played off of them. Cell chuckles at the caribou and traitor stallions feeble efforts to harm them. “This will be easier than I thought.” he said before aiming a hand at a group of caribou and firing a Ki blast at them, when it hit, the group was engulfed in an explosion that sent the flying. “Barely a warm up.” Jonathan picked up a rock the size of his hand before pulling his arm back and threw it at a traitor stallion, the Rock destroying his head, with the other three behind him having the same fate. "More like playing this game on easy mode," Jonathan said before looking towards cell and said. "How about you take the traitor stallions with them having magic and better life force? You may get more energy from them. I will take the caribou," Jonathan asked while cracking his knuckles. “You sure you’re not a villain? Cause you’re acting like one by letting me absorb them.” Cell said, pointing a thumb at the stallions. Jonathan glared at the traitor stallions who flinched at his gaze before he said. "Those bastards have chance to redeem themselves and help the mares and children but they refuse this is just punishment," he finished as he clenched his fist in Rage. "I would never forgive anyone who does this to their own kind, especially the ones who were nothing but kind to others" Jonathan said, his heat vision fully showing. “A very good point my friend.” Cell said as he quickly flew at some stallions, delivering a knee to ones gut while his tail stabbed another in the chest before he was starting to slowly be absorbed, making everyone minus Jonathan stare in horror as their ally was reduced to nothing but a pile of armor. Jonathan used his super speed to grab a caribou by the neck and using his body as a weapon start officially beat the other Caribou until he had nothing but a head with a spine attached to it. This went on for hours Jonathan viciously beating the Caribou creative ways both using his lightsabers and His Kryptonian powers while cell either kill them with a Ki blast or absorb them. At the end of the fight. Nothing more than dead bodies and empty armors laying around the battlefield. "Let's head to the castle of friendship. The Mane 6 must be there," Jonathan said, while flying in said Direction. “Right behind you.” Cell said as he followed Jonathan. Once they reach the castle doors Jonathan was about to open them when he saw blueblood and the Crystal guards with him coming towards Jonathan and cell. "Damn sir you and him know how fight," a Crystal guard said while looking at the Carnage that Jonathan and cell left behind. “Of course we do.” Cell said as he crossed his arms,  "Enough talking I need to get in here and kill the bastard who did this," Jonathan said while he kicked the doors so hard that they went flying off their hinges embedded themselves into the crystal wall. As they made their way into the castle I saw that it was Dusty in messy in places. There's even some wet spots here and there once they made it to the throne room. Jonathan opening the door to see a said he would never thought to see in his entire life. “Hey, why did you stop?” Cell asked Jonathan as he walked up to Jonathan's side, having fallen behind a bit when he was looking around. Jonathan didn't say anything, he just pointed in the direction he was looking. The sense in front of them was by all accounts disturbing; five of the main six were either tied down to chairs or being over blindfolded and gagged, each one of them wearing a different collar. Applejack and Rarity wearing black collars. Fluttershy and Pinkie pie wearing red collars. But the most shocking was Twilight and Rainbow wearing purple collars. Jonathan as well as Blueblood knew what this meant, that Twilight and Rainbow minds were completely broken. And standing there with his path between his ankles was Big Macintosh, the last pony that Jonathan ever thought of betraying. Cell just stared in surprise and disgust, he didn’t expect to see something like the scene in front of him, even with the information Jonathan told him. Cell then grits his teeth in anger as he shot towards Big Mac and grabbed him by the throat, slowly choking the traitor. “Now, I am many things back home, one of those being monster. But right now, there’s only one monster in this room, and that. Is. You.” Cell said as he slowly crushed the traitor stallions windpipe. "CELL THAT'S ENOUGH!!!" Jonathan yelled out. Cell was about to argue but when saw Jonathan's eyes he didn't say anything and let him go. "Why Big Mac, why do all this," Jonathan asked, everyone noticed that he had a broken voice asking him that. “Why?! Because I’m superior to these dumb mares! That’s why!” Big Mac said in between coughs as he held his throat, this made Cell clench his fists in anger. Jonathan just looked down before using his super-speed grabbing big mac by his collar and flew up into the air crashing into the crystal ceiling flying up to almost Ponyville was nothing more than a small speck of land. “H-hey! Let me g-go!” Big Mac said fearfully. "As you wish," Jonathan said with dead eyes and a cold tone of voice before letting go of big mac. He screamed in fear before being impaled on Cell’s arm. “Get off my arm filth.” Cell said before throwing Big Mac off his arm and into the ground. "I just can't believe he did this to his own family and friends," Jonathan said, tears falling down his face. "What I'm going to say to Appleboom?" Jonathan asked while floating back down to the castle. Cell wanted to say something but didn’t know what. He’s never had to deal with this sort of thing back home, so he just remained silent. Blueblood came up to Jonathan and gave him a huge. In which he was eagerly to accept. "It's okay, Jay. I don't understand it myself either," bluey said while trying to console Jonathan. After a moment of silence, Jonathan was able to calm himself down and said. "Let's get the girls free and head to the castle," Jonathan said, while his eyes were bloodshot and puffy. Suddenly, a small stream of green fire hit Jonathan, not hurting him but it did surprise him. "What the-" Jonathan said, before getting hit by a large green tail that sent him into a wall. “The hell?!” Cell shouted in surprise before something stomped on him, or at least tried to because Cell managed to catch the claw that tried to crush him.  Jonathan shook his head before looking at the person who did it and was surprised to see a large purple and green dragon trying and failing to crush cell. "SPIKE!?!?" Jonathan yelled getting everyone's attention, he then flew over and punched spike sending him flying out of the window. “Holy shit! What the hell happened to him?!” Cell asked as he looked out the window. Jonathan looked at Raging spike before having a thought. "Maybe he was exposed and corrupted by the Crystal cock. But I destroyed it, maybe some of it residual Magic still affecting him probably have to knock some sense into him, " Jonathan said before looking towards blueblood. "Get them out of here as well as the Ponyville citizens and get to the castle of the two sisters," Jonathan ordered as cell sented a ki blast at spike face. “On it!” Cell said as he did what Jonatahn told him to do and began herding everyone out of Ponyville. Spike roared as he tried to hit Jonathan but was unable to due to his super speed. "Sorry Spike, and hope Celestia and Twilight will forgive me for this," Jonathan said, before flying at Spike and delivering a punch right between his eyes. The punch was so hard that it send out a shock wave and kicked up dust. Once the dust settled it showed Jonathan standing in front of a knocked out Spike. Cell then returned and saw the knocked out Spike, “Aw, you already beat him?” Cell said in disappointment. "What would you expect? The dragons of this world aren't all that strong. I bet you can knock him out with just flicking him on the forehead," Jonathan deadpan, looking at Cell. “Well you do have a point.” Cell said before looking at Spike. “So he was corrupted by something called the, ‘Crystal Cock’?” Cell asked him. "Yeah it used to be the Crystal Heart I got those bastards coming twisted into that 9f what I just told you," Jonathan said, before walking up to the unconscious Spike and opened one of his eyelids. to his relief it seems he was back to normal just unconscious. "It targets your inner lust in primal urges to the point you have no control over your actions luckily it didn't affect me when I got near it and crushed it into pebbles," he finished before looking towards the Crystal castle. “Good, one less weapon to worry about.” Cell said,  "Yea but something feels off," Jonathan said while still looking at the castle of friendship. “What do you mean?” Cell asked him,  Instead of asking, Jonathan flew to the castle of friendship and went inside to the dungeon room where a steel door was in front of them. “What is this?” Cell asked as he looked at the steel door, sensing something on the other side. “Is this the source of that feeling you got?” "Something like that," Jonathan said before punching the steel door making fell over. They went inside to a dark room before Jonathan said. "Mind giving us some light," he asked looking around. “Sure.” Cell said as he held up a hand, forming a Ki ball that lit up the room. Inside the room there were dusty and a few boxes here and there but the other side of the room chain to the wall were Starfire and Harley Quinn. “Starfire and Harley Quinn?! What the hell are they doing here?!” Cell asked in shock, "I don't know Cell," Jonathan said, going over and using his heat vision to cut them down.  “Well we better get them out of here and to a doctor, who knows what happened here.” Cell said as he looked around. “Or how long they were down here.” "Luckily they seemed to have been down here for no more a day," Jonathan theorizes. “That’s good, but still, we should get them to a doctor just in case.” Cell said as he picked Harley Quinn after seeing that both girls were unconscious. "Yeah you're right," Jonathan said, taking Starfire into his arms and walking out of the dungeon and into the Castle. They both made their way to the castle of the two sisters and were met by blueblood who had a raised eyebrow. "So you may tell me who they are?" Bluey asked while walking with them to the castle. “This one in my arms is Harleen Quinzel, or Harley Quinn, and that one in Jonathan's arms is Starfire.” Cell said, pointing to the two girls with his tail. "What he said," Jonathan said, turning to blueblood and said. "Hey bluey can you get some doctor's over here to check on them," Jonathan asked while putting Starfire down on one of the beds. “Yes, I can do that.” Blueblood said with a nod while Cell put Harley on another bed. After Jonathan and Cell led them down they went to where Zecora and Nightmare as well as the Cmc were. "Cell, I might have a theory of how Harley and Star got here," Jonathan said, while tapping his chin. “Let’s hear it.” Cell said,  "Well, they might be from a different DC universe, probably one where either the heroes and villains had an all out war and killed each other. Or that the entire world has turned into zombies and they were the last survivors," Jonathan said, while they entered a room where Zecora, nightmare and the Cmc were in. “What kind of messed up theory is that?” Cell asked him, “Do you not know that as Displaced, stuff from the franchise the character the Displaced is going to appear in their world?” "Oh I know, but remember the DC Multiverse is a thing so it is possible they can come from those dark multiverses. Have you ever heard of the dark metal Multiverse War," Jonathan said then asked Cell while everyone else was confused. “Nope.” Cell said with a shake of his head. "Well from what I can remember in the dark metal Multiverse there were dark versions of Batman that tried to take over the rest of the DC Multiverse," Jonathan said, shocking everyone. "So it isn't that far off that those two did come from a dark Multiverse. Hell it could have been worse than that," he finished sitting down in a chair. “Worse than zombies and a total war?” Cell asked. "Yea one where Darkside won and his mutant Army of Doomsday attacked Earth. Another where Superman is a dictator and takes over the world, another where Heroes go to war against each other due to a flashpoint from Barry Allen going back in time to save his mother," Jonathan said, before noticing that there were others there. “Oh boy, all those sound pretty bad.” Cell said, imagining each of those events in his head and shuddered. "Yup," Jonathan agreed before going over to Zecora and said. "How are you feeling, anything broken or do you need something to drink?" Jonathan asked in worried, not noticing that Zecora was blushing crimson. “I-I am fine. Thank y-you for asking.” she said,  "That's good," Jonathan said before looking towards Nightmare and asked her the same question, her saying she was okay. "Okay then, so let's go an-" before Jonathan could say anything they heard a loud yell followed by things hitting the ground and walls. “What was that?” Zecora asked. "I believe they just woke up," Jonathan said before rushing to the noise and found Harley and Starfire trying to fight some of the Crystal guards and Blueblood. “Get back! I don't know who you people, ponies, whatever you are, but you’re not getting me!” Harley shouted as she hit a guard with a large stick. "WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON HERE!!!" Jonathan yelled,  getting everyone's attention. “T-they just woke up a-and started freaking out!” a guard said, ducking under a green energy disk that hit the wall behind him, destroying it. "Okay that's enough," Jonathan said, using his force powers to hold Harley and Starfire in place. “HUh?! Hey!” Harley shouted as she tried to break free. “W-what is going on?!” Starfire asked in confusion and fear. "Please calm down and breathe," Jonathan said, in a calm voice. “Calm down? Calm down?! How can I calm down if I see horse people everywhere! And some weird giant cockroach!” Harley shouted, “Who are you calling a damn roach?!” Cell shouted in annoyance. Jonathan just sighed in annoyance and said. "Harley Quinn please calm down and just look around, nobody is going to hurt you," Jonathan said, while walking up to her and cupping her cheeks. “And how am I supposed to believe that?! I don’t even know you guys!” Harley said, “You might be tricking me!” Jonathan thought about it for a moment before saying. "Harley, trust me I will never lie or trick you. I know you have a hard time trusting someone," Jonathan said before smiling. "But please believe me when I say that I will never lie to you and you have my word," he finished surprising Harley by his kind words that made her blush. “Promise?” she asked him. Jonathan smiled and said. "Cross my heart and hope to die for my Harley," Jonathan said while hugging her. Harley tensed up at first but relaxed into the hug. While that was happening Cell and blueblood were standing there watching them. "So do you think she going to be okay?" Bluey question while still looking at the pair. “I think so. She ins’t freaking out anymore so that’s a good sign.” Cell said, "Good," Blueblood said noticed that Starfire was glared at Harley with jealousy. “Hey! I hate to ruin your little moment, but you may want to talk to Star.” Cell said to Jonathan. Jonathan let go of Harley much to her displeasure and walked over to Star. "Is something wrong Star?" Jonathan said not noticing that he used her nickname. “Yes, can you release us from the invisible power?” Starfire asked him, a small blush on her face. Jonathan let go of Harley and Starfire before looking towards them and said. "So do you guys need anything or you gonna be okay," he worried about them, not noticing that Blueblood and Cell were snickering. "So how long do you think before those girls fell for him," Bluey whispers while having an evil grin thinking about how he was going to hold this over Jonathan's head for weeks. “I’d say, given the way they acted, a couple of days.” Cell whispered back. While that was happening Jonathan was talking to the girls about where they were. "That's pretty much it about Equestria," Jonathan said while smiling at them. “Wow, this place is crazy!” Harley said, “I mean, I’ve seen some crazy stuff, but this place?” "Yeah that was after this shit started," Jonathan said. Before anything else could be said, nightmare and Zecora came in with Cadence Jonathan noticed it and smiled. "Katty, moony, and Z what are you guys doing here," Jonathan asked while blueblood knowing what was about to happen. "Let the show begin," Blueblood thought evilly while smirking. Nightmare and Zecora stared at the two females that were next to Jonathan and both had the same thought. "Who are those two whores next to my Jonathan," they both thought glaring at them. “Jonathan, who are they?” Cadence asked Jonathan, "Oh this is Harley Quinn and Starfire," Jonathan said. "I was about to head to see how the main six were doing, you guys what to come," he asked. “Sure.” Cadence said. So everyone headed to the infirmary where the main six were resting. Doing that Jonathan was talking to Zecora about something. "Zecora since your home as being found by caribou I was thinking you could stay here with us, since me and the Crystal guards as well as blueblood will be fixing up this castle and making new homes for the citizens of Ponyville to,' Jonathan said putting a hand on Zecora making her blush crimson and thought to herself. "OH.MY CELESTIA HE IS TOUCHING ME!!!" Zecora thought out loud and blushing like crazy. "Y-yes that sounds good," Zecora said while looking away from Jonathan. While that was happening Cadence and blueblood were watching the whole thing happening with smirking on their faces."So how long has this been happening?" Cadence asked blueblood while watching the two talking. “You’d be surprised, just a few minutes.” Blueblood said,  "Awww, young love how I envy you," Cadence said while thinking about her, and shining armor love life. While that was happening Cell and Starfire were talking about Jonathan. "Mr. Cell, can you tell me what Jonathan is like," Star asked while glaring at Zecora. “Well, I haven’t really known him for that long, but during the time I have known him, he is brave, that's for sure, wanting to help others, kind hearted and strong. That’s all I know.” Cell said with a shrug.  Star thought about what Cell said she thought the same thing. That's when both blueblood and Cell flet bloodlust and anger coming from behind them. “I am a bit terrified to turn around.” Cell said before turning around. “But I’m gonna do it anyway.” Once Cell and blueblood turned around to see both nightmare and Harley had scary looks while seeing Jonathan talking to Zecora. But what they saw even made Cell shivered in fear. (Like this but Harley is the pink haired girl and nightmare is the blue haired girl) “I will now have nightmares for the rest of my life.” Cell said as he backed away from the two.  "N-no kidding he has four girls liking him and two of them are bucking terrifying," bluey said, while trying more white. "Hey is everything okay back there," Jonathan said while looking at them, while Blueblood and Cell looked back at the two girls. What scared them more was they were smiling innocently. "Nothing wrong, Jay everything just fine," Harley said while looking at Zecora with rage-filled eyes. “Indeed.” Zecora said, giving Harley an equally rage filled look which Jonathan didn’t notice. Jonathan just shrugged his shoulders and they went to the infirmary and once they entered they saw Applejack and Rarity holding down Twilight. And Pinkie pie and Fluttershy were holding down Rainbow. “Oh geez, what the hell are they doing?” Cell said to himself. They heard a groan of pain and saw a guard's mare landed on the ground before seeing Jonathan and quickly stood at attention. "Sorry sir, but ms. Sparkle and ms. Dash is being difficult after waking up," the guard's mare said, while trying not to groan in pain again. "Difficult how," Cadence asked, she was about to say before Twilight yelled out as she saw Jonathan and blueblood. "LOOK DASH STALLIONS MAYBE THEY CAN BUCK US CRAZY!!!" Twilight screamed as she and Rainbow struggled harder. “What the actually fuck?!” Cell shouted in shock, “D-did the Caribou really do that to them?!” Before Jonathan could answer Rainbow got loose and flew at Jonathan at top speed with crazed eyes. but before she could even touch him she was frozen in mid-air. "Does that answer your question," Jonathan said, while using his force powers to hold her in place. "Come on, let's have some fun stud~" Rainbow said, while licking her lips with hearts in her eyes. Cell suddenly appeared behind her and delivered a simple chop to the back of Rainbow's neck, knocking her out. Everyone stared in shock as Cells Ki flared around him while his eyes were filled with nothing but rage and disgust. “Fucking bastards.” Cell said, his voice filled with rage. Jonathan used his super speed to catch RD and put her in the bed beside Twilight. He turned to Twilight who was still struggling before he thought to himself. "What if I," Jonathan thought before waving his hand over Twilight's face and said. "Go to sleep," Jonathan said, and some unknown Force made Twilight go to sleep. Everyone in the Infirmary was even more shocked at what Jonathan did. “Used the Force to put her to sleep, good idea.” Cell said then had a thoughtful look on his face. “Hmm, I wonder.” "What is it Cell, you have an idea," blueblood asked while the rest of the main six sat in some chairs with the others. “Well, I am not sure it might work or not, but there is a trick Force users can do, looking within a beings mind or using the Force to get one to do something. I am thinking what if Jonathan can try to use the Force to undo whatever the Caribou did to those two.” Cell said pointing a thumb at Rainbow and Twilight. “But like I said, I don’t know if it might work or not cause I have no idea how the Caribou did that to them.” Jonathan thought about it and said. "that could work, since I believe that it was mental trauma that they did and not use any magical artifacts or anything else," Jonathan said, going over to Rainbow and put his hands on the sides of her head. Jonathan took in a deep breath and focus within a matter of moments he was able to enter her mind and see all her memories and they were awful. He saw then they did to her from physically beating her, to Down right destroying her mind. He wanted to recoil from what he saw, but he pushed through until he saw something through all the memories and pulled it to the Forefront of her mind. Jonathan pulled back before going over to a nearby window vomiting. “What did you see?” Blueblood asked him. “Trust me, I’ve been around a long time, if someone vomits like that, you don’t want to know.” Cell said in barely contained anger. "Oh God those fucking bastards," Jonathan said while trying not to vomit again. Nightmare was next to him help him stand up. "I'm okay, I just need a moment before doing Twilight," he said before holding on to Nightmare. “Take as much time as you need.” Nightmare said to him. Jonathan nodded in appreciation. "Thanks moony for the help," he said, making her blush. "So how is she doing, Jonathan?" Cadence asked, looking at the now peacefully sleeping Rainbow. "Well, I wasn't able to undo what the Caribou did since I haven't had all that much practice with my powers. All I did was bring the real Rainbow Dash to the surface, she still will remember what happened and think it was all a dream," Jonathan said while sitting next to Nightmare. “You did what you could, now we have one of our friends back.” Applejack said with an appreciative smile on her face. "Don't worry about it, she didn't deserve what happened to her, I just hope she will pull through from the traumatic experience making her stronger," Jonathan said before looking over to the guard's mare. "Can you bring me some water so I could get rid of this taste of vomit," Jonathan asked while smiling. “On it.” the guard mare said before flying off to get water for Jonathan. "Well, that's happening. I finally ask who you guys are," Applejack said while looking at Cell and Jonathan. “Oh how rude of me. I am Cell, a powerful hero of my Equestria.” Cell said,  "My name is Jonathan, a human turned Kryptonian Jedi," Jonathan said. “It’s nice to meet both of you.” Applejack said, “I’m Applejack.” “Rarity darlings.” Rarity said, "My-my name is F-Fluttershy," Fluttershy said in a whisper lucky Cell and Jonathan heard it due to their Advanced hearing. “Pinkie Pie.” Pinkie said, her mane not poofy and her colors darker. "Pinkie are you okay," Jonathan said, going over to her and putting a hand on her shoulder. Pinkie’s eyes widen in terror before smacking his hand off her shoulder. “D-don’t touch me!” she said in fear. Jonathan looked shocked before saying. "I'm sorry if I hurt you," Jonathan said, feeling his heart break. “I-it’s fine..” Pinkie said, backing up a bit. "This is the first time seeing Pinkie pie not wanting to make friends," Blueblood said. Just then everyone heard a groan and looked to see Rainbow dash wake up and rubbing her head. “W-what happened?” she asked as she looked around. "So you're finally awake, what do you remember," blueblood asked while the guard's mare came back with a jug of water in which Jonathan Pisces drank. “I…I don’t k-know, it’s all…fuzzy.” Rainbow said as she tried to remember what happened. Jonathan turned to Rainbow dash and said. " If you can't remember, that means it worked,"Jonathan said before going to Twilight. " Let's just hope she doesn't remember it otherwise we're going to work with a crazy Twilight," Jonathan said, getting ready to do the same thing for Twilight. “Worked? What?” Rainbow asked in confusion. “What are you talking about? What are you going to do with Twilight?” "Just stay calm RD, he's just going to help Twilly," Applejack said. Jonathan was already using his powers to help Twilight. He saw the same thing it happened to Rainbow happen to her but 5 times worse. Once he was finished he fell to the ground with tears in his eyes before yelling out. "Those mother FUCKERS!!!" Jonathan yelled while his heat vision shot out of his eyes and into the ceiling creating a massive hole. Everyone stared in shock at what just happened, most of them wondering what was it that happened to Twilight to cause such a reaction. Cell was the only one who knew what could have happened, he didn’t need to read minds to know. ’Bastards probbaly gave Twilight a worse treatment than the others.’ Cell thought angrily, ’I may be a murderer back home, but doing these types of things to women? Now that is something even I will not allow.’ he then looked at Blueblood. “I’ll be back.” was all he said before he flew out of the hole at extreme speeds. “Jonathan, please calm down.” Zecora said to Jonathan, “I do not need the power to read minds to know what you saw was terrible, but please calm down.” Jonathan was seething in rage, his heat vision still showing, he flew after Cell not wanting to hurt anyone. He found Cell in a large clearing with his Ki create gusts of wind while a crater formed under him, Cell then held his hand out and sent a Ki blast at a nearby boulder, reducing it to pebbles. "You came out here to huh," Jonathan asked, while looking at the area. “Yes, I needed to vent a little.” Cell said as he fired another Ki blast, this time at a group of trees. "I just came out here so I wouldn't hurt them," Jonathan said, before picking up a small rock and throwing it at a tree making a hole through it. "The things I saw inside there heads was fuck up," Jonathan said, while sitting on the ground. “I can tell from your reactions.” Cell said while crossing his arms and a scowl on his face. They sat there in silence before they heard the flapping of wings. Jonathan turned to see Nightmare and Starfire flying towards them with Harley and Zecora as well as four of the main six except for Pinkie and Twilight. "What are you guys doing here?" Jonathan asked, with a raised eyebrow. "We were worried about you Jay," Nightmare said while the others agreed. "Yea, they told me what happened and what you did for me and Twiliy and I want to say," Rainbow said before looking away blushing. "Thanks," she said in a whisper but Jonathan heard it and smiled. "No problem RD," Jonathan said, making Rainbow blush crimson. "Well.. I wanted to ask how you did that," Rarity asked while everyone except Cell, Harley and Starfire agreed. "It's due to my genetics, I am Kryptonian. I get my powers from absorbing sun radiation," Jonathan explains leaving everyone shocked. “Wait what?! You mean as long as the sun is out, you get stronger?” Applejack asked him in shock. Jonathan shook his head and said. " No, even if the sun wasn't out I'll still have my powers. It just  makes me a little bit stronger. My cell allows enough Sun radiation to make me stronger, but if I wanted to I could make cells absorb as much sun radiation as I wanted. The downside is I might become a living nuclear bomb destroying everything within a 10 Mi radius" Jonathan said, while everyone except cell looked at him in shock and fear. “R-really?” Rainbow asked him, “Y-you can actually d-do that?” Jonathan nodded, scaring them more. "Don't worry that isn't going to happen," Jonathan smiled before saying. "So, got any other questions?" He asked and Nightmare asked. "Do you have a marefriend?" She asked, getting everyone to pay attention except Harley and Starfire who were confused. "Marefriend as in girlfriend right?" Jonathan asked in which  she nodded. "Well I did have one but," Jonathan said before looking away. "It didn't end well," he finished. “What happened?” Rarity asked him. Jonathan had a look of Rage before saying. "I caught her fucking another guy, right after I gave her a Promise ring no less," Jonathan said. ’That fucking bitch!’ Zecora, Nightmare, Harley and Star thought angrily. Jonathan laughed, making everyone confused. He reached into his pocket and pulled out a ring. It was silver with four small gems on its sides both black and white while the center gem was a crimson red. "Even though I hate that bitch for what she did to me," Jonathan said, while tears fell from his eyes. "I still love that bitch and I held on to this ring to remember the good times we had," he finished while looking sad and angry at the same time. Jonathan flet four pairs of arms hugging him. He saw Nightmare, Zecora, Harley and Starfire hugging him while crying. "You don't have to worry about that bitch anymore because we are here for you," Star said while the others agreed. "Yea, I bet she's just a ugly whore too," Surprisingly Zecora was the one who said that. While that was happening blueblood was talking to Applejack, Rainbow and Rarity about what they are going to tell their little sisters. "I don't bucking know," Rainbow said. "How are we going to say 'Hey Applebloom, Sweetie belle and Scootaloo. we just found out that Big Mac was the one who took over Ponyville and helped the caribou in enslaving the Ponyville citizens. But hey don't worry about it Jonathan and Cell took care of it by killing Big Mac" she said in a fake happy tone of voice. Blueblood just rubbed his head in annoyance while Rarity put her hand on his shoulder. "Don't worry Bluey, we will handle this ourselves," she said, kissing his cheek. Before any else happened they heard a loud scream coming from the castle. "I guess Twilight awakens and she remembers what happened," Fluttershy said, while hiding behind Applejack. “You think?” Applejack asked her before sighing. “We should probably go check on her.” They went back into the infirmary to see a shaking Twilight. She was crying uncontrollably and Cadence was there with some tears in her eyes, by looking at her face Cadence had already told Twilight about shining armor. "So… you told her katty," Jonathan asked, confusing everyone, even Cell , about what he was saying. Cadence only nodded her head. "Wait told Twilight about what?" Rainbow said. "The first time I came to this world I stopped Blueblood from being executed but some of the caribou was getting away with Cadence, Flurry Heart, and Shining Armor. I flew to the train car and I was able to kill them, but Shining was too far gone and he died holding my hand," Jonathan said while looking away. "YOU LIE!!!!" Twilight yelled out, starling everyone except Cell and Jonathan. "SHINY ISN’T DEAD, HE'S ALIVE ISN’T THAT RIGHT CADENCE!!!" Twilight continued to scream while crying. Everyone was heartbroken at Twilight's pain, her friends wanted to comfort her. But Jonathan was already about to do so, he went over to her and hugged her tight. Twilight was frozen because this hug was the same as shining armor gives her. When she looked up she saw not Jonathan but her big brother. She began to calm down. After a moment of silence Twilight was okay and everyone started to ask Jonathan and Cell more questions. "So Cell what are you?" Cadence asked while she notices that Twilight was sitting awfully close to Jonathan. “I am something called a Bio Android, a creature composed of different creatures' DNA.” Cell explained, "So what, you're some kind of robotic bug man," both Harley and Rainbow said while laughing. Cell glare at them, before sighing and said. "You know what forget about it Cell it's not worth it," he said to himself. This went on for an hour before it got dark everyone going to bed while Jonathan and Cell were outside the newly restored castle thanks to Cell helping out. "So Thanks again for helping me out," Jonathan said, while looking at the town ponys that were going onto their new homes. “You are welcome, it was the least I can do to help them after what they went through. The stuff back home is nothing compared to this.” Cell said, "So how do I sent you home away?" Jonathan asked while looking at the foals playing. “I honestly don’t know, I don’t even know how I got here in the first place.” Cell said with a shrug. “All I remember is that I was nearly turned to ash then I wound up in your world.” “I believe I can help with that.” a voice said making the two look to see a transparent alicorn with a rainbow mane and tail. “Hello Cell, it’s nice to see you again.” “Wait, you sent me here?!” Cell asked in shock.  "What the hell are you!!" Jonathan said while his heat vision was showing. “Calm down young one, my name is Harmony, the Avatar of Balance.” Harmony said, giving Jonathan a kind smile.  “I can vouch for her, she is technically the Tree of Harmony of my world.” Cell said as he crossed his arms.  "Then what pray tell do you want," Jonathan asked, calming down a bit. “I am here to return Cell to our world, his friends miss him greatly.” Harmony said as she walked over to Cell. “Good, I miss my arena.” Cell said then looked at Jonathan. “Guess this is goodbye for now.” Jonathan nodded in agreement."I guess so take care Cell," Jonathan said, holding out his hand for a handshake. Cell grabbed his hand and the two shook. “You take care as well, who knows what those Caribou might be planning.”  "I think you are worrying about the wrong people, Cell," Jonathan said,while smirking. Cell laughed a bit, “True.” he said and Harmony’s horn glowed and the two were surrounded by rainbow magic, the same magic that brought Cell to Jonathan's world. With a bright flash the two were gone. Jonathan stares at where Cell and Harmony were just now before smiling and walking into the castle. "Well… it sure was a crazy day. But I believe everything worked out great for us," Jonathan said to himself as he entered his room and went to sleep not notice two figures entering his bed with him. > Going and saving Canterlot and Cloudsdale part one  > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Going and saving Canterlot and Cloudsdale part one  (Jonathan pov) I just woke up and led in bed thinking about yesterday. "Man, a lot has happened, and I need to plan out today's assault, as well as see if chrysalis and her changelings are still hidden or captured too, as well a- WHAT THE HELL!!!" I thought before yelling in my head to see Harley and Zecora in the same bed as me. Harley was on my left while Zecora was on my right. I won't mind it, my siblings did the same thing except they were fully clothed. But Harley and Zecora were wearing nothing but their bra and panties and it didn't help that they were hugging my arms allowing me to feel their breasts on my bear-skin. I was blushing crimson while trying not to freak out. "Okay okay Jonathan just calm down and take a deep breath," I told myself while doing so before freezing up when I heard the door open to see blueblood in the doorway with an evil smile. I had a fearful face that showed I needed help but what blueblood said made me go from fearful to downright terrified. "Sorry for interrupting, I'll leave you to it," he said while smirking evilly before closing the door. . I had a terrified look while thinking. "I'm gonna  die here,"  I thought as they started to wake up as well. ************** (3rd pov) Harley and Zecora opened their eyes and had soft smiles thinking about the dream they had about Jonathan. That when they noticed at the same time that Jonathan was awake and they thought to say good morning. "Good morning Jay/Jonathan," both Harley and Zecora said with a happy smile that turned to angry glare as they stared at each other. "WHAT THE FUCK/BUCK ARE YOU DOING HERE!!!!" they both yelled while getting off the bed to glare at each other. "Uuuhhh," Jonathan said, getting  attention, "if you don't mind me asking what were you doing in my bed," Jonathan asked while blushing like a tomato. Both girls blush before Zecora said. "Well… l want to sleep with you because I feel safer with you," she said while tapping her finger together. "I just feel more comfortable around you then those ponies," Harley said while looking away blushing. Jonathan just sat there in his bed before saying. "W-well l-let's head to breakfast then," Jonathan said while stuttering and blushing. After getting ready they headed down to the castle dining Hall and when they made it they saw everyone there eating breakfast. Jonathan saw blueblood smirking at him in which he glared at him with a look that said 'you are going to get it you son of a bitch'. That is when Twilight saw Jonathan and had a big smile before flying over to him and yelled. "GOOD MORNING BBBFF!!!!" Twilight yelled while hugging Jonathan. Everyone was confused but Jonathan and Cadence were shocked because that was what Twilight called shining armor when they were kids. "Does she think I'm her big brother?" Jonathan thought before patting her head and said. "Good morning Twiliy how are you," Jonathan asked while smiling at her. She continued to hug Jonathan while looking up at him still thinking Jonathan was her big brother shining just because he looks different. After that Exchange they ate breakfast while talking. Jonathan noticed that Nightmare, Zecora, Harley and Starfire were sitting close or near him but paid it no mind. "So Jay, what are you planning on doing today?" Cadence asked while feeding flurry heart. "I'm planning on helping Zecora get her things and planning an attack on Canterlot and Cloudsdale," The Kryptoian said before something fell on his lap. Sitting on his lap was an obsidian Coin with the doom slayer symbol on it. Then he hears a voice in my head, along with seeing visions of violent conflicts against Hell itself. “Against all the Evil that Hell can conjure. All the Wickedness that Mortal kind can produce. We will send unto them, only You. Rip and Tear, until it is done.” The voice said while I was looking at the coin when the visions stopped. "Hm, it seems I have found a Doom Slayer displaced then. Well can't hurt to try," I said before yelling out. "DOOM MARINES I SUMMON YOU!" This confused everyone and before Cadence could ask, a portal opened. Out of it came five armored warriors that stood a few feet taller than even Nightmare Moon herself. “You called?” One of them spoke up, his voice was deep and carried power, yet it was tempered with patience. His armor was red and black, adored with demonic skulls, spikes and chains. Even his helmet was that of a four-eyed demon with curved-forward horns jutting out from the sides. It gave off a grimdark, savage-like aesthetic and feeling. One that inspires fear. (3rd person pov) "Wow," Jonathan said while walking up to them. "Names Jonathan, human turned Kryptonian grey Jedi Knight," he told the newcomers while holding out his hand. “Berserker.” The man introduced himself and reached out to shake the boy’s hand, only to hesitate for a moment. “Tell me; how good are you at using the Force?” Berserker asked when he pulled his hand away. Jonathan looked at him for a moment before laughing. "Don't worry man I'm not going to read your mind, besides I need to really concentrate on doing so," Jonathan said, while smiling. “Then perhaps a test?” Another one of them inquired, this one a rather busty female. Her voice smooth and angelic, it made those pining for Jonathan’s heart rather envious with a vengeance. “…On second thought, why don’t I just show you.” That’s when he felt it: she was Force Sensitive! Grabbing a hold of the girls glaring her way with the Force, she brought them close to her before speaking. “Girls, tell him. Don’t wait, make the jump and let him know. Now, get on with it. And trust me: he can satisfy all of you when the time comes.” Jonathan was rather surprised when the woman placed all four of them before him; all glowing red in the face. These Doom Marines have quite the…persuasive method. It was silent for a moment before Nightmare stepped up and said. "Jonathan, there is something we wanted to tell you but after hearing about your last marefriend, we were hesitant," Nightmare said while the others agreed. That's when Zecora said. "Well if you want to try again at having a marefriend or more specifically four," Zecora said while turning crimson. Jonathan stood there for a moment before disappearing. This makes the Doom Marines shake their heads. “Well, at least he took it better.” Berserker commented with a sigh. “Let me guess; still clinging to his ex, more or less.” Blueblood sigh before saying. "Yeah, he did said he gave her a promise-ring and right after that she was having sex with another stallion," bluey said, while looking at the spot Jonathan was standing just a moment ago. “He needs to let go of her, but that’s his problem to solve.” The woman stated. Her armor seems to resemble that of a demon, with a golden-yellow and blue colour-scheme complete with a battle skirt. “Anyway, you can call me Runner.” She introduced herself with a little bow. Jonathan reappeared with a small blush before saying. "Okay I'm back now," he said, while looking at the group. "Where did you even go," Rainbow said while Looking confused. "I went into outer space and threw my ex-girlfriend ring into the sun," Jonathan said, while smiling big. “I believe I speak for everyone when I say: we stand corrected.” The grey cloaked figure with a strip of silver running down it in the middle said, his entire being shrouded from Jonathan and the other’s view. Not even the Krpytonian’s X-ray vision could peer through the veil that surrounded the man. “I’d be careful if I were you.” Jonathan gasped in shock when he heard the cloaked warrior’s voice in his head. He was psychic! “I’m Hunter, nice to meet you all.” He inclined his head towards the natives and local Displaced. Jonathan just shook his head and said. "Well Anyway, I was thinking about you guys for more than I like to admit," Jonathan said, looking at the four women. "But in the end I like to try again but only if you agree to it-" Jonathan didn't get to finish before being tackled but not moving an inch. “Oh, they most certainly agree.” One of the last two giants said with a chuckle. He looked like a walking tank of a church; heavily more armored, yet looking so holy and majestic. White and gold coloration, which really sells it. “Greetings, you may call me Pillar. Our last member is known as Collateral.” “Yo!” Collateral gave a two-fingered salute. While he wore the same armor type as Pillar, his theme differs; it had more slopes and angles, an utilitarian form with hard-case ammo patches and an ammo pack on his back. Its colours were chrome-steel with purple lights. "Nice to meet you all," Cadence said with a warm smile. “So, Jonathan, what is it you want to do?” Berserker questioned the Kryptonian, crossing his arms. "Well I was about to go and get princess Celestia and Luna as well as Starlight glimmer," Jonathan said, while the others looked shocked at his decision. “…Caribou.” Berserker growled angrily, which made all but Superboy back away in fear. “So, they’ve taken over Equestria?” This was more of a demand than a question. "Yep," Jonathan said, not bothered by his tone of voice. "I was just about to go there now but I need to help Zecora really quick," Jonathan said before disappearing and reappearing seconds later. "And done," Jonathan said, dusting his hands off. “So, do you have a plan on how to save them?” Runner queried. Jonathan thought about it for a moment while looking at the marines and blueblood before saying. "I got something in mind," he said while going through his pocket. “Is there anything we need to know about the Caribou?” Hunter questioned while they waited. "Yeah," Jonathan said while pulling out a green glow rock the size of his middle finger. Then to everyone's surprise he took off his shirt and cut himself in random places before cutting his pants legs as well. "They have some kind of metal that can block magic, as well as some of the stallions are either under mind control or doing it Willingly." Jonathan said while still hurting himself. “Why are you cutting yourself up with Kryptonite and why did you have it in your pocket?” Pillar asked with a raised brow. "To answer your first question, it's to make it look like I got beaten up and near death," Jonathan said not notice that the four girls were staring at his upper body. "And for the second one, I just find it outside near a fucking river," he finished while making a cut on his cheek. “This Null Metal, how effective is it?” Collateral asked while nicknaming the very thing that helped the Caribou in conquering the world. Jonathan just gave Collater a look that said 'did you just ask a dumb-ass question'. "You do know that I just said I was going to save Celestia and Luna. Two princesses that are goddesses that got defeated by some deer looking mother fuckers right?" Jonathan asked while looking himself over. “You still left out the part where it can defeat gods.” Berserker snapped, which made the Kryptonian think about it. Why did he emphasize ‘gods’? “…Boy, we are gods.” That's when it hit him. "NOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!" Jonathan yelled, surprising everyone, even Berserker. "HE CAN'T BE HERE NOT IN THIS UNIVERSE!!!" Jonathan continued to yell, making the castle shake. Then the unexpected happened: Berserker slapped Jonathan across the face so hard it almost made him fall over, but it really stung. However it helped in snapping Jonathan out of it. “The next time you do that, it’ll be my fist.” Superboy flinched away when he saw Berserker raise a fist towards him. Jonathan took a deep breath and said. "There are only three people who can take down a god," Jonathan said,getting everyone's attention. "The first is Lex Luthor, the second is Doomsday, and the third is Darksied," Jonathan said, making the Equestrian feel fear from the last name Jonathan said. “You can worry about that later, let’s just focus on getting Tia and Lulu back.” Runner changed the subject back to what they were discussing before. “So, besides that metal, what sort of weapons and armor are they packing?” "Regular medieval armor, and swords and seaper, but Also guns too," Jonathan said, while looking out the window. “When are we going?” Hunter asked. "Right now," Jonathan said, turning to leave but was stopped by Harley and Starfire. "We're coming too," all four of them said, while having a serious look. The Doom Marines looked towards each other for a moment, before Berserker asked, “Is it permissible for us to bring in some back up? Or would you prefer an army?” Hearing this, Jonathan thought it over. "Right now no," Jonathan said before adding. "My plan was for you guys to act like you beaten and took me to king Dainn sons as a show of alliance with him," Jonathan finished while gesturing to the cuts on his body and face. “Problem: women.” Runner pointed out to herself and his lovers. “So unless you have a way to keep us from being detected, we’re not getting anywhere close to them.” "That's because you and the girls are going to either pretend your slave or you can wait outside the castle walls until Berserker give the signal," Jonathan said, while looking at them. Runner sighed before removing her chestplate, her breasts bouncing freely and surged to such a ridiculous size it left everyone else speechless. Before Jonathan could ask, Runner used the Force to shove his lovers into her valley of a cleavage and shrunk them back down. “There, problem solved. Hunter, open up your pants.” She ordered after refitting her chestplate back on. Nodding his head, Hunter undid his pants and opened up for her. Runner jumped right inside and disappeared. Once done, Hunter diddy up his greaves before disappearing from sight. “He’s invisible. It’ll make it easier to infiltrate without causing a scene.” Berserker said before looking at the still stunned Jonathan. “Don’t worry, they’re fine. Personal Inventories are rather spacious. They’ll be able to keep themselves occupied until it’s time.” "THAT'S NOT IT MAN!!!!" Jonathan yelled before taking a deep breath and said. "You know what, fuck this. I don't want to explain nor learn how she was able to do that," Jonathan said before asking a nearby guard to bring some chains and handcuffs. "Right now after they let their guard down then we attack," Jonathan said, while the guard he asked helped him put on the chains and handcuffs. “Yeah, sure.” Berserker sighed in annoyance. "What about us?" Rainbow said while the others agreed. "You will stay here," Jonathan said, while looking serious. "Right now you guys are still messed up in the head after Big Mac tortured and raped you six and don’t forget that he made spike into a damn slave dragon," Jonathan said while finishing putting on the chains and handcuffs.  “We may need to get into our roles.” Pillar said before Berserker took up the chains that ‘bind’ Superboy. "It's really simple, but also complicated," Jonathan said while they walked outside. "The thing about these caribou is they only think with their dicks instead of their heads, so if you guys make up some lie that will make you one of them," Jonathan finished while they ended up in Ponyville where an army of 20 caribou were there waiting. Unexpectedly, Berserker punched him in the throat, which made him choke up and had him on his hands and knees. His spiked knuckles added more pain than they should have. Dragging him along the ground, Berserker stood before the Caribou, who raised their weapons to him but their arms were shaking in fear. “…What is this?” The man asked venomously. “Is this all you’ve brought to bear? 20 men for just one punk?!” Berserker glared down at who was supposedly the leader, trembling in fear. He was about to say something before he saw Jonathan chain up and was shocked. "You captured the unbeatable warrior of those slut," the leader of the caribou said while Jonathan was angry but didn't do anything. "When this is over you do know I'm going to punch you in the face right," Jonathan whispers to Berserker while still on the ground. “You wanted this to be as real as possible. This is your plan, after all.” Berserker reminded the young Kryptonian, which made him clench his jaw in frustration and defeat. “Yes, we did. Something you seem to have failed yourself.” Berserker spoke up to the leader, who withered underneath his gaze. "We will take you to our king's sons who are the rulers of Canterlot," another caribou said while leading them to a carriage and taking them to Canterlot. Surprisingly enough, it was able to handle their armor’s weight and was big enough to fit them. After an hour they arrived and saw a disgusting site. Mares being raped and staillons who was either mind controlled or Not were doing hard labor as well as children been used as maids and butlers. Jonathan wanted nothing more to break out of this chains and kill all of the caribou and tortured those fucking sons of king Dainn but he knew he had to hold on just a bit longer. “This is quite the…spectacle.” Berserker commented, barely holding out on wanting to grab the nearest motherfucker and ripping them in half.  "Yes this is what king Dainn envisioned women from every race are Nothing more than sluts for us to breed and make stronger males for our glorious Empire," the Leader said while looking at a caribou and a brainwashed staillon raping a mare who had a purple collar on and was enjoying it. “Uh-huh.” Collateral said dismissively while Pillar did his best to ignore all that was going on around them. “We’re here for the princesses and the bastard’s sons. Worry about the country later.” Hunter reminded everyone telepathically. As much as they all wanted to liberate Canterlot through the blood of their enemy, they had their priorities. "I really want to pull out his heart and make him eat it," Jonathan whisper while his eyes were turning red. After a moment they were in the castle throne room where Celestia and Luna were chained to their throne each wearing a red collar. Sitting in their throne were two caribou that were wearing Royal armor with a strange aura around it next to them was a cloak figure that was taller than Celestia and had glowing green eyes. "So what do we have here," one of the prince said while walking towards them more specifically Jonathan. “Your troublemaker.” Berserker answered before pulling Jonathan forward and having him on his knees in front of the Prince. "Yes my name is Silver Pierce and this is my brother Stone Wall and we are grateful that you brought us superboy warrior of Equestria," Silver said before backhanded Jonathan. "You would betray your own Male brothers for these sluts," he held Jonathan head up by his hair. In response he spit a mouthful of blood in his face. “So, our reward?” Berserker questioned before slamming Superboy’s face into the floor, making it crack from the force. Pillar, though it disgusted him, was courteous enough to hand Silver Pierce a handkerchief to wipe away the blood from his face. "Yes your reward," Silver said before snapping his fingers and five chest full of gold, silver, and bronze coins along with gems of different colors and sizes. But he wasn't done yet before four caribou guards came in with two other people one was Starlight Glimmer who was only wearing tattered clothes and had a black collar while the other one had forest green skin with fire red Hair and was chained up by her wrists and ankles with a muzzle over her mouth.  "Not only will you be paid handsomely, but as a show of Goodwill for helping the caribou empire and our father king Dainn. We give these sluts to do as you please," Silver said smirking. “Our thanks.” Collateral said with a nod as Pillar went to collect the females. “By the way, your highness. While we failed in retrieving the whores he freed, we have confirmation on their whereabouts. We thought it prudent to discuss with you in person.” Berserker brought up, to which Silver was all too happy and got in close enough to hear. Only to end up getting stabbed in the gut and split in half within an instant. “LET’S GET TO RIPPING AND TEARING, BOYS!” Jonathan got up and broke the chains off and said. "I thought you would never that," Jonathan said before rushing at the other prince only to be punched into a nearby pillar. "Sorry boys but you thought wrong," the cloak figure said, which made Jonathan wonder who He was and how he was able to hurt him. “Wait, Big Mac?!” Pillar called out while protecting the girls that were awarded to them within his barrier. “Fucking Hell, Mac, what did you do?!” Collateral demanded while using two Chainguns to mow down any and all who got too close to Pillar. "You could say," Big Mac said before taking off the hood to show his face that was only half metal. "I gotta update," he finished while taking off the cloak and showing his entire body was full on metal. Only a few parts still have his regular skin but what was more surprising was a huge glow green rock in his chest. "Like new me superboy, you can thank the caribou for saving me, and I can get to kill you," Mac said, grabbing his leg and throwing him outside the castle. “Girls, go help Superboy?” Runner shouted before letting them leap out from her cleavage and rush after Jonathan. “Hunter, find the ones responsible for the cybernetic enhancements!” Berserker ordered while he kept Stone Wall pinned underneath his boot. For now, they needed him alive should his brother’s findings come up empty. Celestia and Luna were too scared to do anything, hiding themselves behind the thrones for protection. Outside Jonathan was in a collapsed building laying on the ground in pain before he said. " Kryptonite hard it just had to be a Kryptonite hard that powers him," he said before flying out of the house and saw Mac fighting the girls. Jonathan flew at him delivering a punch to his abdomen before kicking him away. "What hell are you four doing," Jonathan asked, trying to stand up. "What do you think," Harley said, before Jonathan got tackled into another building. “Girls, he’s having trouble. Mac’s powered by Kryptonite. Remove that and Superboy can destroy him.” Runner warned the girls and had to move Harley and Zecora out of harm's way quickly. Moon and Starfire can handle themselves. Harley? Maybe. Zecora, absolutely not. “The only thing I’m worried about is whether or not they can replicate Cyber-Mac, again and again.” That's when Cyber-Mac flew past them. Jonathan walked over with a limp while holding his arm. "Damn it I need more sun radiation, " Jonathan said, falling to his knees in pain and exhaustion. “Oh, for fuck’s sake!” Berserker snarled before he pulled out some large nails and nailed Stone Wall’s limbs to the floor. The Prince screamed in painful agony all the while he stomped his way over to Cyber-Mac. “Runner, get him back up! I need him to watch us fight!” Coming up to his side, Runner presses a vial to Jonathan’s lips and tilts his head back. He began to gulp down the contents, which tasted sweet and rejuvenating. Feeling better, he saw Berserker and Mac squaring off. “Just watch and learn.” Runner told Jonathan as their fight started. Cyber-Mac came in swinging, hard and fast. Try as he might, he couldn’t land a blow on Berserker. Mac ended up leaving himself open to an attack, the Marine pouncing on it and laying it into the cyborg. Although his armor held out, it had a lot of dents and pieces of metal began to fall off. Cyber-Mac’s chest endured against the brutal onslaught, indicating that’s where his power core was stored. “Worthless and wasteful. You threw away a good and meaningful life for this? For shame, Mac. For shame.” Berserker taunted his opponent with a scoff. Mac was glaring at Berserker before smirking and grabbed a small shard Kryptonite. "Funny you said that," he said while turning his hand into a gun. "I would have said the same thing to him," Big Mac finished before firing the shard at Jonathan. It hit him in the chest near his heart. "They say an eye for an eye, how about a heart for a heart superboy," Cyber-Mac said before Berserker rushed at him pulling his Kryptonite heart out of his chest. Enraged, Berserker’s left arm transformed into a cannon and aimed down at the body. He fired off a blast of pure Argent Energy that incinerated the remains of Cyber-Mac and drilled a hole in the marble floor. Runner quickly got to work on helping Jonathan, who was writhing in pain from the Kryptonite shard buried inside his chest. Soon it became too much and he passed out, hearing his lovers’ voices calling out to him… > Going and saving Canterlot and Cloudsdale part two  > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Going and saving Canterlot and Cloudsdale part two  (3rd pov) Starfire stared in horror at Jonathan's unconscious body before looking at Stone Wall with rage-filled eyes. She flew over to him and had an energy Bolt the size of a car ready to throw at him. "Give me one good reason why I shouldn't turn you into ash," she said, her eyes glowing green. Berserker came up to her from behind, turned her around to face him and slapped her. “Because that comes later! Kill him now and we will lose vital information on where and how they got their hands on cybernetic tech! Do you understand me, woman?!” He growled at her. Starfire felt like a child getting scolded at by her father for something she was about to do. “Got it!” Runner shouted when she finally managed to surgically remove the Krpytonite shard from Jonathan’s chest. From there she went through a meriate of tasks: stemming the blood loss from the gaping wound, cleaning it up and then sowing it back up. The shard was used to make it so, or else it would never have worked. Placing the Kryptonite away, Runner shot one of the large stained glasses and let the sunlight shine through. Dragging Jonathan into the ray, they waited for a response from him. After a moment passed Jonathan cut started to heal. A moment later his eyes snapped open, his heat vision showing. He blinked a couple of times before getting up and said. "Oww that hurt like a mother fucker," Jonathan said while rubbing his neck in pain. "Thanks Runner," Jonathan said, giving her a small smile. “You’re welcome. Now, Stone Wall is still alive and we haven’t heard anything back from Hunter yet. So, you wanna torture the information out of him?” Runner asked when she pointed to the still nailed Caribou Prince. "I have a better idea," Jonathan said while walking over to the nailed down caribou. "Listen you little shit," Jonathan said forcing him to look at Jonathan. "You get one chance to talk or Else," Jonathan said, the prince answered by spitting a mouthful of blood. "Fine then," Jonathan said before putting his hand on the caribou face and started to forcefully read his mind. "AAAAAAAHHHHHHH STOP IT HURTS, FOR THE LOVE OF FAUST MAKE IT STOOOP!!!!" the Caribou Prince yelled while thrashing around violently. “Using the Force to read ino his mind, huh?” Runner questioned when Berserker left the Throne room through the destroyed window. Collateral laying waste to enemy reinforcements outside in the corridor, while Pillar worked on building up some trust with Starlight Glimmer and the other female. *SLAPT* Everyone turned to see the prince's head explode with blood everywhere. "Guess his brain couldn't handle the pressure then," Jonathan said while wiping some blood off his face. "Luckily I was able to get some information from him, it seems Big Mac was the first one just in case they needed something to kill me," Jonathan said before walking over to Pillar. "So how are they doing?" Jonathan questioned Pillar. “Shaken, confused, but fine for the most part.” Pillar answered before looking at what remained of Stone Wall. “Pity, I was hoping we could use him as bait to lure Dainn out into the open. Only to kill his last son in front of his face.” Jonathan was rather surprised at the morbid fate planned out. Jonathan was surprised for a moment before having a look of anger. "Not like the son of a bitch would care, if he did he would have sent more than 500 caribou soldiers," Jonathan said before looking at poison ivy. "Ivy, are you okay?" Jonathan questions while putting his hand on her shoulder. “…How the fuck did I not realise it was her?” Pillar groaned in embarrassment with his head hung down in shame. “Oh, my God.” Ivy looked at Pillar before looking at Jonathan and said. "I-I D-doing okay for the most part thank you," Ivy said while looking at Jonathan. "Good good," Jonathan said before looking at Pillar. "Don't worry about it man. I was kind of confused before I noticed who she is," Jonathan said while putting his hand on his shoulder. “But I feel stupid now.” Pillar mopped while lightly hitting his head against his large Warhammer. Jonathan winced at realising they all didn’t catch on quickly that it was Poison Ivy. “FUCK!!!” They heard Berserker roar out loudly, making the place shake from his outburst of rage. The Kryptonian rubbed the back of his neck when he heard the revving of his chainsaw melee weapons the Angry Marine carried on him. Canterlot would no doubt be covered in blood and guts in his rampage. "So nobody noticed that it was Poison Ivy?" Jonathan asked. “We were too busy thinking about how we were gonna kill the Caribou, along with any and all traitors.” Runner admitted with a sigh. “Which begs the question: who else is here in this world? I’m praying that Wonder Woman and the Amazonians aren’t.” That’s…a legitimate question and concern. "No, I think they have been teleported here by someone," Jonathan said before looking at a nearby wall. "Well I would rather not deal with joker, mother fucker," Harley said while leading against a wall. “Guys, we have a problem. All records and documents on the cybernetic tech are destroyed. No signs of those who worked on this anywhere, or the equipment. They must’ve moved them.” Hunter reported with mental images of an underground laboratory completely cleared out. "Dumb-ass," Jonathan said while everyone looked at him. "I know where they got them from but as for the scientist they were planning on killing them, and as for the equipment there is only one person who knows how to make something like Mac. And that's Lex Luthor," Jonathan said before walking up to the wall and punching it making a giant hole. "Also there's something down here that's calling out to me,” Jonathan said while looking into the hidden entrance. “Huh, I was gonna call out Aliens. Then again, Lex Luthor is a brilliant, arrogant asshole. This definitely has him written all over it.” Hunter snorted, to which Jonathan didn’t fault for thinking it was aliens that were behind the development. He along with Starfire were living proof after all. Walking down a hidden corridor with everyone else behind him Harley was the first to say. "So what is this place, Jay," Quinn asked Jonathan while they passed by some cave drawings. “Kryptonian and Jedi.” Runner answered while examining the cave’s walls. “The Force is strong in this place.” “Then it was meant to be.” Pillar stated. "A temple for the Jedi and Kryptonian," Jonathan said in a trance. “Oh, great, storytime.” Runner sighed much to the other’s confusion. “He’s going to start telling us how this all came to be and what happened to his ancestors.” She clarified. "Not really," Jonathan said, getting everyone's attention. "It's more or less telling what really happened to Krypton," Jonathan said in a monotone voice. "The Kryptonian were grey Jedi Knights who would go around the Galaxy to either train new member or find anyone who would disrupt balance in any planet. But something happened," Jonathan said while looking at the cave drawings. "And that has been?" Runner questions. "Jo-el saw the future of our races. That one day there were only going to be a handful of us. And out of one of us they will become the most powerful Kryptonian Jedi Knight in the universe," Jonathan said before pausing. "And that Kryptonian name is my own!!!" Jonathan said in shock as a drawing of him sitting on a throne wearing some kind of armor along with thousands upon thousands of warrior's wearing armor and wielding weapons of different kinds. “Okay, this just got complicated.” Collateral commented with a wince. The Doom Marines looked towards Jonathan, who stood in shock still upon the realisation of him becoming a leader: a King. “So, what will it be?” "We keep moving forward, there’s something here that was left for me," Jonathan said and started to walk further into the cave. “Something to help you?” Pillar questioned Superboy. "Something of that nature," Jonathan said while Harley and Starfire as well as Zecora and Nightmare show another drawing on the cave wall. In which it made them blush crimson while smoke coming off their heads. “Yep. You are definitely gonna end up with a big family.” Runner giggled at their reactions. "What's going on over there," Jonathan asked. "Did you find something?" “Well, your girls did.” Runner pointed towards his girls staring up at something. “They really seem to like what they’re seeing.” Jonathan looked and saw a picture of him and his girls in a park with the sun in the sky, then leading under a tree but what got his attention was the four kids running around in said picture. This made him blush and mumble sentences that were hard to understand. “Yeah, as if it’s gonna stay with just four children.” Runner said with a huff. "OKAY LET'S KEEP MOVING!?!?" Jonathan yelled while walking away blushing leaving Runner to laugh at him. After a moment they made it to a large steel door that had Superman’s symbol mixed with the Jedi Knight symbol. “Any idea what could be behind these doors?” Collateral asked once they stood in front of it. "Don't know, but it had to be important for them to heavily safeguard it," Jonathan said while touching the door, it gave off a Silver glow before opening. "Holy shit dude!!" Jonathan said while looking inside the room. Though it looked more like a Cavern than a room. There were over thousands of armor and weapons from the Medieval Age all the way up to future tech, even some were so advanced that you only see them in movies or comics books. “So, they prepared just about everything for you and whoever will stand by you.” Pillar commented once he and the others saw the array of arsenals lined up along the walls. "No kidding," Harley said while looking at a pair of armor. Jonathan then saw five pairs of female armor. Each one was specifically tailored and fitted towards his lovers, along with the overall colour scheme and theme. Harley and Starfire’s were the only two high-tech armor, Poison Ivy’s seems to be a mix between Medieval and Advanced, while Nightmare and Zecora’s were more along of what Equestria currently has on hand. Although the Medieval style armor lacked any technological faculty, it made it up in magical runes which not only enhances the armor that it’s inscribed in, but more so the wearer themself. The more Advanced ones offer more utility on whatever the wearer wishes to bring with them into battle. Modification is also an option, seeing as how one of the five is apparently a hybrid of the two sets. Giving more versatility with its modulus nature. "Woah," Jonathan said as he stared at the armors before images of his girls wearing them made him blush crimson while thinking. "Sweet jesus that's hot as hell," Jonathan thought but more like said while everyone heard him while looking at the armor too. “Your ancestors thought this out thoroughly.” Pillar said which sounded more like a compliment. “Do you think there might be other Force Users out there in the world?” Collateral questioned after finding what seem to be pieces to build the hilt of a Lightsaber within boxes. “Maybe. It is faint, but I can feel them all the same. It will be difficult to recruit them, though.” Runner answered with a sigh. "Probably because half are either brainwashed stallions or enslaved mares," Jonathan said while looking around before seeing something in the middle of the Cavern that made his jaw drop. "Oh. My. God!!" Jonathan said while looking at the armor. “I guess this one is yours.” Collateral stated the obvious. Standing in the middle of the Cavern was an armor that resembled Jonathan's costumes when he got displaced except for it had metal plates on the shoulder, arms, and legs that were a mixture of black and Silver colored. The helmet resembles that of Thor except it covered the mouth and there were glowing red where the eyes are. It was also both Medieval style mixed with advanced technology, making it more badass. “Why don’t you all put on your armor and take it out for a spin~?” Runner suggested with a purr. Runner didn't have to tell Jonathan twice because he used his super speed to create a red tornado around him and his armor. A second later Jonathan was wearing his new armor. “If you guys are done, get back up here! Cloudsdale just sent a massive force to re-rake Canterlot!” Hunter informed the group and the rest of the Doom Marines rushed out to quell the insurgents. Once Jonathan’s girls dorned on their armor, they headed on out to test their newly equipped hardware. Once they got outside they saw about 2 thousand of caribou and brainwashed stallions as well as traitor stallions. All of them have been equipped with guns and swords. In the thick of it all was Berserker, rushing in headlong and leaving a bloody path in his wake. Their weapons proved to be pitifully ineffective against his armor: the bullets would either crumble on impact, or deflect off. He set those who caught too close on fire with two of his shoulder-mounted launchers, letting them burn to death. They tried to engage someone who’s armed to the teeth and excels in close quarters combat, thinking that would make a difference. Runner was busy zooming all over the city to find the mares and children, carting them to the safety of Pillar’s barrier that covered the entire castle, while Collateral kept the skies clear of any hostile airborne units. “Jonathan, can you and the girls secure our flanks? The enemy is coming at us from the sides.” Hunter warned his group and it would make sense to hit them from the sides. With how aggressive these Doom Marines fight, even on the defense, it would force their enemy into a pincer maneuver. They couldn’t hit them from the front because of Berserker, or above with Collateral’s overwhelming firepower. Speaking of Hunter, where is he? “I’m trying to find the enemy Commanders leading this small army. The only thing I’m sniping off are the NCOs.” Ah! Destabilise the command structure and demoralise the troops. Knowing the Caribou and whoever else is with them, this could definitely play in their favour. "Harley and Nightmare go left, Zecora and Star go right. Ivy help Collateral in covering fire," Jonathan said, before Harley said. "What about you Jay?" Harley asked to which Jonathan smiled evilly before saying. "I'm not gonna let Berserker have all the fun," Jonathan said while flew at top speed into the caribou army. > Going and saving Canterlot and Cloudsdale final part > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Going and saving Canterlot and Cloudsdale final part (Berserker pov) “Degenerate mongrel cunts!” Berserker roared out before stomping on the head of a witless Caribou. Here he was killing Caribou again, with a twist: traitors and brainwashed males of different species. Yet, they still charged against him; their guns hardly able to penetrate his armor while their melee weapons shattered upon their strike. The grounds were stained in their blood and visceral, bodies mutilated and scattered. It would make any Mortal being recoil from such an abhorrent sight. Of course, some tried to flee, only to be cut down by their own, as punishment for cowardice and desertion. This seems to spur the rest on to kill him, or die trying. Better than getting killed by your own peers. Berserker shook his head. “Look at you lot; nothing more than a mob of filthy, depraved peasants. What are you even fighting for?” This makes them stop when they hear his question. “W-We’re fighting to…to show that we males are…are-!” “Are what: better?” Berserker cut off the stallion Unicorn that spoke up with a snarl. “Because I don’t see it here and I’ve already proven that!” He pointed towards all those he had killed so far. “Although, isn’t it strange how most of those I’ve killed up to this point are Equestrians?” He questioned, realising that there were few Caribou in this army. Soon doubt and confusion were sown, which erupted into arguments and accusations, then came the bloodshed. Berserker stood and watched it all happen, until he sensed Jonathan coming his way. "I see you started without me huh," Jonathan asked while floating down next to Berserker. "But First," Jonathan said before lifting his right hand. "Caribou and traitor stallions if you wish to live and not die by me or my friends then step forward," Jonathan said while Berserker was intrigued by Jonathan’s commander-like tone. “Are you sure about this?” The Marine questioned. “Some may not agree with this decision and this is a risky gambit you’re betting on.” "Yes it is, but I know they would rather be alive than dead," Jonathan said as about 200 caribou and traitor stallions step forward, while the rest glaring at him and Berserker. “Tell us; who runs Cloudsdale and what sort of rumors have you heard, if any at all?” Berserker questioned those who willingly pledge their allegiance to Jonathan. "Commander Wind Rider, and the only rumor we heard was about a stallion who was like a God that was helping the mares and was like a monster on the battlefield," a caribou said. “Okay, before anymore is said…” With a click of his fingers, Berserker turned all remaining hostiles that didn’t flee or change sides, into an explosive bloody red mist. This frightened the new allies and made Jonathan slackjawwed. “There, better. With the city secure we can learn more about Cloudsdale, fortify Canterlot and plan our next move.” He finished off before heading back up towards the castle with a casual stroll, leaving the stunned group behind. After a moment they made their way back to the castle where Celestia and Luna were still in a corner shaking in fear of Jonathan and the Doom Marines. "Fuck I forgot about them," Jonathan mumble to himself. “Can they even be saved?” Pillar asked the group. “Do they even want to be saved?” Runner countered when she pointed towards the sisters’ red collars. Reminding everyone that they are willing slaves. “They may not be broken, but they might not be able to go back to who they were before.” Jonathan walked over to the sisters to which they stepped back in fear before Jonathan wrapped into a warm hug and said. "Don't worry Tia and Lulu, you are safe, you are protected by people who care for you. It's okay to cry if you need to," Jonathan said to them. Celestia and Luna started to cry while holding on to Jonathan for dear life feel safe and sound in his embrace. "It's okay, it's okay you're safe," Jonathan whispered to them, making them stop shaking. “And I stand corrected. Still, this is a lot of rehabilitation work to go through after.” Runner’s statement made Jonathan realise just how big of a workload he and the others will have to contend with in every village, town and city they liberate from the Caribou. "Let's worry about that later," Jonathan said while putting Celestia and Luna to sleep. "Nightmare, Star take them back to the everfree forest. Harley and Zecora stayed here just in case any caribou came here," Jonathan said while Nightmare and Star were already flying back to the castle of the two sisters. "Any of you have a way up to Cloudsdale?" Jonathan questions while looking at them. “Besides flying up there?” Berserker retorted as the Doom Marines sprouted wings. Jonathan rolled his eyes before flying off to Cloudsdale after an hour they made it to the entrance of Cloudsdale. "So how do you guys want to handle this," Jonathan said while floating in mid-air. “I’d say we make some noise, but that would be too dangerous. And no, I don’t mean for us.” Berserker firmly stated. “Not to mention, there’s a Hero around here. Remember? Maybe we could find some clues about him?” "Alright then," Jonathan said before thinking for a moment before saying. "It would be better if Hunter took a look around and see where everything is, but for the rest of us, Fluttershy told me where her family lives and luckily we are close. So we will stay there until Hunter is finished, sound good," Jonathan asked.and the Doom Marines nodded in agreement. Hunter went off into the city, the sun was setting and the others hid themselves until he returned. Night fell, the street lights lit up and the patrols doubled. Eventually Hunter returned from his scouting. “Managed to steal some maps.” Unfurling them, he pointed out targets of interest, enemy positions, industrial complexes, barracks and the like. "Okay, looks like we gotta have to go Assassin's Creed on this," Jonathan said before looking at the others. "Hunter, Runner you're with me. We're going to the mayor's office. And find Wind Rider and make him talk. Pillar and Collateral you two will be going to the re-education center and free the mares. And Berserker you are going to have the most important job," Jonathan said, making Berserker raise an eyebrow. "Your going to RIP and Tear some caribou in the middle city, cause as much of a distraction for us," Jonathan said after explaining his plan. “Done.” Berserker spread his wings and flew up high, Heavy Cannon in hand. He saw his first victims in his sights and they spotted him as their DOOM approached. Lining up his shot and a pull of the trigger, his gun let loose a repeating thunderous crack. This alerted the entire city and its forces converted on him. Landing in the middle of the city with a heavy thud, the Caribou set up a perimeter around the place and boxed him in. Guns racked and raised towards him, Berserker snorted in amusement before turning on his suit’s external speakers and started to play music. This caused the Caribou to flinch when it hit their ears, they could not understand it at first, until it switched back with Berserker singing along, “Amen and Attack~!” While that was happening Jonathan, Hunter and Runner were sticking to the shadow of the city while making their way to the mayor's office. "Runner, do you think you could lure them from the building for me and Hunter to kill," Jonathan asked while hearing the cries of fear from the caribou Berserker wrought upon the poor bastards. What Jonathan was not expecting was Runner flashing her breasts at the building. This alone caused all the males inside to come rushing out in perverted excitement. “Pigs.” She muttered before disappearing from them, which left many of them distraught and blue-balled. That's when Jonathan and Hunter used their high speed to quickly and quietly kill them before anyone could react. "Let's go and pay the mayor a visit." Jonathan said while holding his lightsaber. Hunter nodded with his own Lightsabers ready; a grey regular and a silver guard shoto. Going inside the building, it wasn’t as empty as they thought. Instead of people, it was actual humanoid drones filling in and weapons drawn on them. "What the-" Jonathan said before the drones opened fire on them. "FUCK?!?!" Jonathan yelled before ducking behind a cloud pillar. Hunter himself was nowhere to be seen, even the drones themselves were confused by this. However, they were starting to lose units one by one. For a split second, Hunter was made visible for each drone he’d destroyed, but then disappears once more afterwards. “Jonathan, don’t just hide there. Keep moving and get the Mayor!” Hunter firmly ordered and Superboy got a move on. With the drones preoccupied, he pressed forward to confront the mayor. Jonathan buster thought the doors to  Wind Rider looking at Jonathan in fear before trying to sound angry. "H-how d-dare you come here and take over," he said while trying to reach for a gun. “He sounds like a fucking pussy.” Hunter commented at how pathetic Wind Rider is, even when he struggled to use the gun. “Drones are now scrap metal. I’m coming over.”  "Alright," Jonathan said while walking over to Rider who was still shooting at him but the bullets bounced off his helmet. Jonathan grabbed his hand and crushed it making him yell in pain. After a moment both Hunter and Runner came in and saw Jonathan standing in front of the Stallion who pissed himself in fear of The Kryptonian. “Well, the Shy family is safely secured. The enemy has lost morale and have either fled or surrendered to Berserker. So far, no Mysterious Hero has come.” Runner informed Superboy with a shrug. “I’ll search the records for clues about it.” Hunter volunteered for the investigation. "That's a good idea," Jonathan said before grabbing Rider by the throat. "Now then I will answer you some questions if you don't answer then-" Jonathan punching Rider in the knee making him cry out in pain. "Got it?" Jonathan asked to which Rider nodded. "Good first question, how did king Dainn know of Lex Luthor?" Jonathan questions. “And his whereabouts?” Runner followed up. Rider was silent. Jonathan was about to punch him again before he said. “I don't know how he knows Lex Luthor but for his whereabouts, he is in the south of Equus. Probably back at his home land," Rider said quickly but Jonathan wasn't convinced. "Don't. Lie. To. Me," he threatened Rider and Runner shocked the pitiful ex-Mayor. His screaming could be heard from across the city until she stopped torturing him. "FEEL LIKE TELLING THE FUCKING TRUTH NOW DICKHEAD!!!!!" Jonathan yelled at a now bleeding Rider. "YES,YES,YES, SWEET CELESTIA YES!!! Rider cried while looking at Kryptonian. "Somehow king Dainn got into contact with Lex Luthor, and he promised Dainn technology and equipment for his victory in exchange he will help him out with something," Rider said while sitting in a chair bloody and crying like a bitch. “Explain.” Runner demanded what that ‘something’ was about. "I-I don't know what-" Rider was about to say before Jonathan grabbed his blood shoulder and squeezed hard making him scream in agony. "OKAY,OKAY, HE ASKED DAINN TO GIVE HIM DNA OF EVERY SPECIES AND TO GIVE HIM INFORMATION ON MAGIC AND DARK MAGIC," Rider yelled while the others came in. “So, he’s trying to create something akin to an army of his own. Or a new body for himself.” Berserker theorised. "N-no," Rider said before continuing. " the only thing I heard was 'this creature will be the Doom of the Kryptonian," Rider said, shocking everyone. “Doomsday?!” Collateral cried out. Rider nodded his head. "Yes, somehow Lex Luthor got his hands on some DNA from a Doomsday creature," Rider said. Everyone turned towards Jonathan. “What will you do?” Pillar questioned the Kryptonian. Jonathan was silent for a moment before saying. "I don't know about the Doomsday thing but," Jonathan said before throwing Rider to the ground. "Guys," Jonathan said, making the Doom marines look at him. "What is most important to a Pegasus?" Jonathan questions while getting behind Wind Rider. “Their wings.” They answered. "Good answer," Jonathan said before in one Swift motion the Kryptonian ripped Rider wings off from his back making him scream in pain. "AAAAHHHHH, MY WINGS, YOU MOTHER BUCKER RIPPED OFF MY WINGS!!!!!" Rider cried out while on the ground bleeding from his back. “So, he is wingless. Should we chuck him off?” Berserker suggested. "No, I got something better than that," Jonathan said with a cold tone. “Then we’ll leave you to it.” With that, the four Doom Marines left him alone. After a few minutes Jonathan stared at Wind Rider and said. "Now Rider, time for you to scream like a bitch," Jonathan said while electricity was coming off his fingers while inside his helmet his eyes turned sickly yellow with red around them. Wind Rider tries to get away but the Kryptonian lets loose his force lightning on him making Rider cry out in pain and agony all the way the Doom marines were outside the door of the office. “You’re not gonna go all ‘Sith’ on us, right?” Berserker asked, weapons in their hands and ready to kill him should he snap. “I’m not against torture, but I’m against betrayal should you fall.” Jonathan stopped electrifying Rider who was on the ground crying tears while electricity was coming off him. Jonathan turned to them and said. "I am a grey Jedi Knight. I believe in both the dark and light side of the force. I will never hurt my family or friends. And right now I see you guys as brothers and sisters in arms so no I will not betray you guys," Jonathan said while taking off his helmet and showing his eyes were now Silver. “Good.” Berserker said and they all relaxed before Hunter returned, documents in hand. “I’ve gathered what I could from the archives. Let’s look them over.” Hunter proposed and led them to one of the desks. He laid out the evidence for everyone to see and read through. "Well, he wasn't lying that's for sure," Jonathan said while looking through some papers that show different kinds of species and their abilities. "Question is, why do all this when he could just make Doomsday with the DNA he Already has instead of combining it with other DNA," Jonathan said while looking at some pictures of mutilated male and female species Dylan missing body parts or organs. “Don’t know. Unfortunately, there isn’t much on the Mysterious Heroes. Only a single picture.” Hunter acquired the photo and showed it to the others. “Recognise them?” Jonathan looked at the picture before going wide-eyed. "That explains why Starfire got here as well as Harley and Ivy," Jonathan said while the picture shows the suicide squad and the teen titans fight caribou and traitor stallions. “Do you think you’ll see any of the Justice League members?” Runner asked. Jonathan looked closer and saw three members that are going to be a pain. That being Superman, Batman and the Flash. "Great not only are the titans here but also three people who don't like killing," Jonathan said a little angry. “This isn’t Earth and still they hold onto their morals? Well, that’s not good. What’s worse, Superman won’t let you go through with any of this. Even if you showed him what you’ve learned thus far.” Berserker stated to Jonathan. "Well after I find Discord, I'm going to have him send both of them back. I don't want some damn idiot's thinking they could do whatever they want. else," Jonathan said before thinking about something. The others were confused before Jonathan said. "If I could get the kings and queens to agreed with me then they will have to not interfere including Superman because he will have to listen to the people he always goes on about it's the decision of the people, and that won't be hard giving the state of Equus," Jonathan explain to the Doom marines. “You’re right. It is the people’s decision on what they want to happen. They know what needs to be done.” Pillar spoke and the others nodded in agreement. “The question is: how will you go about this? Because if they catch word of you and what you have done…they won’t let you walk further.” "And that's where Discord comes in. I will have him bring the Leader to the castle of the two sisters. And knowing Batman he will find out but it will be too late," Jonathan said while looking at the everfree forest. "And I know where exactly he might be," Jonathan said while walking towards the outside of the mayor's office. “Wait, doesn’t that mean he knows about us now?” Collateral questioned as they followed Superboy. “What if he’s waiting for us?” “Not what if, because he is waiting for us.” Berserker corrected him. Just then in a bright flash of light there stood Discord. He was wearing a brown suit with a red and green tie, and a cowboy boot on his left foot and a tennis shoe on his right foot. "And you are right Mr. Berserker," Discord said while smirking. “Oh, for fuck’s sake man. Still trying to give us an aneurysm?” Berserker groaned as he and the others looked away from the atrocious get-up Discord was wearing. "So, how long?" Jonathan's questions confused everyone. "HOW FUCKING LONG DID YOU WATCH FLUTTERSHY AND HER FRIENDS BEING RAPED AND TORTURED!!!" Jonathan yelled while the cloud under them turned dark. Discord was quiet for a moment before saying. "Long enough to know she doesn't trust any Male except for her father now," he said while looking sad and had tears in his eyes. “And you let it happen? You could’ve saved her, saved them. Why?” Pillar inquired coldly. "I was trapped in stone, but when you came to Canterlot and caused all that chaos. That gave me enough power to escape," Discord said but then was punched by Jonathan. “Didn’t you say you needed him?” Runner reminded Jonathan before he could throw another punch. Jonathan stopped himself from hitting Discord before saying. "Look here, I'm going to need your help in dealing with some good guys who believe killing is wrong," Jonathan said while holding out a hand. “Do you still need us?” Hunter asked Superboy. Jonathan looked around and saw caribou and traitor stallions along with enslaved Mares and children been load up on the airships. "Not really, but thanks for the help guys I really appreciate it," Jonathan said while holding his hand out to Berserker. This time, Berserker reached out and shook it. “Take care and don’t die a foolish death.” This makes Jonathan smirk in amusement while the others chuckle. Opening up a portal, they gave their farewells and returned to their universe. Discord walked right up next to Jonathan and said. "So what now," he asked Jonathan. Jonathan turned to Discord and said. "Now," Jonathan said while looking at the picture of the Suicide Squad, Teen Titans, and the Justice League. "We get  dragon lord Ember, king bloodfeather of the Griffins, queen Chrysalis of the changeling, king Steel Will of the minotaurs, and princesses Celestia and Luna of Equestria to gather and get ready to send them back were they belong," Jonathan said while burning the picture with his heat vision. > Meeting a cybertronian and going to free Manehattan…….. Superboy and Soundblaster vs The justice league > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Meeting a cybertronian and going to free Manehattan…….. Superboy and Soundblaster vs The justice league (Four weeks later Johnathan's pov) It's been 4 weeks since me and the Doom marines freed Cloudsdale and Canterlot from the caribou and traitor stallions. Now the ones who joined me were a total of 300 caribou and traitor stallions but they were in a different part of the everfree forest just in case they tried something. Right now I was laying under a tree with Harley next to me. During that time I and my four marefriend/girlfriends have been going slow. "Soooo…." Harley started while looking at me. And I already know what she was about to say. "I know Harley, but right now Superman, Batman, Flash as well as the titans are a liability. But as for the Suicide Squad, they could help but if they try to betray me they will die," I said while holding her, she just sighed before saying. "I know John, but I just don't want to lose the only friends I made," Harley said while gripping my shirt. I just buried my face in her hair and said. "Don't worry my Harley, everything is going to be okay I promise," I said. Just then a portal opened up and out of it came a smartphone with the Tf Merc symbol. Once Johnathan picks up the smartphone he then hears a message spoken in a deep, metallic, monotone voice: "This is a message to anyone who finds my tokens. My name is Soundblaster. If you find my token and wish to summon me, be it for battle, exchange items, or just to talk, hold this phone up to the sky and call out my name!” ‘Hmm, Soundblaster huh? Could be a good guy or in this case cybertronian.’ I thought before holding it out and saying. "SOUNDBLASTER I SUMMON YOU!" I yelled, making Harley confused. BOOM!!! Both Johnathan and Harley heard a loud boom and turned to see an extra-dimensional portal opening behind them and to Johnathan's surprise, he could hear music playing on the other side. Soon a massive silhouette could be seen coming through the portal. Eventually, the figure was in full view, and it was terrifying. Coming towards us was a nearly 27 ft tall, 7000 lb., black and silver robot. On his chest was a yellow symbol, similar to the one on the token. After the robot was out of the portal, it stopped and looked down at us, it had no face, but it was looking down at us. “DNA ANALYSIS: KRYPTONIAN, IDENTIFICATION: SUPERBOY, THREAT LEVEL: LOW, MENTAL STATE: EXPERIENCING FEAR.” It recited in a metallic, monotone, voice. Then it looked to Harley and started over. “DNA ANALYSIS: HUMAN, IDENTIFICATION: HARLEY QUINN, THREAT LEVEL: LOW, MENTAL STATE: EXPERIENCING FEAR.” Suddenly the robot transformed into a truck and we were surprised when the driver’s side door opened and a Silver General Grievous with red eyes came out. “Sorry about him, he likes being dramatic.” Said the silver General Grievous as he smacked his fist against the truck’s hood. “Be nice!” I stared at the two for a moment before saying. "Uhh, my name is Johnathan Smith and I'm a human turned Kryptonian Jedi Knight, " I said, extending my hand out for a handshake. “I’m Ultron, and this guy is Soundblaster, but you can call him Rob.” Said Ultron. Suddenly there was a bright flash of light and Soundblaster was gone, and in his place was a strange albino man wearing a red visor, a black suit, and a silver cloak. He was just floating there with crossed arms before he fell to the ground. “Hey, sorry about that, I’m Rob, nice to meet you!” Said Rob. Johnathan looked at both of them for a few more seconds before turning to Harley and saying. "Harley. Can you tell the others we have company," I asked her. She nodded and kissed me on the cheek before leaving. "So Ultron and Rob, I know you may get this a lot but how did you two get displaced?" I asked, floating over towards them. “Oh, no, Ultron didn’t get displaced, he’s the original Ultron from the Avengers: Age of Ultron movie. Also, the way I got displaced is a ridiculously long story.” Said Rob. I stopped after hearing that before shaking my head and saying. "Don't do it. Don't do it, Johnathan. Just let it go," I said, to myself trying not to lose my mind. "OK while as for me I was displaced by a guy dressed as Dr. Fate from DC," I said, before I could continue I heard what sounded like 20 guards coming towards us. “Mind filling us in on what’s happening and why you summoned me?” Rob asked. "Well, pretty much Equus is enslaved by a group called the caribou. And I just found out that Lex Luthor is helping King Dane, but what got me unease is that he's taking different species’ DNA and organisms, trying to create something," I said, as the 20 guards followed by Blueblood who were looking at Ultron and Rob with untrusting eyes. “Damn, I had caribou in my world, they were running wild! Luckily I did what Thanos did and wiped out half the population. The last time I met Lex Luthor, I turned him into a dog and shot him between his eyes. Anything else we need to deal with?” he asked. "Justice League, teen titans, and Suicide Squad coming here as well. So yeah that's the thing." I said, showing them pictures of the Justice League and Titans. Rob stared at me, speechless before, with another flash, replaced by his robot form, frightening everyone there. “I can assist you with them, however, my service and expertise comes at a price.” He said, his visor glowing with a burning intensity. I stared at him before clearing my throat and said. "Well things I have is Kryptonian Tech, parts to create a lightsaber, some Gray Jedi holocron crystals, and some schematics on some droids and Hutts," I said, before telling the guards to stay down. Just then he took out something that surprised me. An Inquisitor's lightsaber, however when he ignited the blades, they were black. “I already have an Inquisitor Darksaber.” He said as the blades began spinning. "OK buddy you can stop showing the fuck off," I said, annoyed before continuing as he put it away. ``Well it's either Kryptonian Tech, some Gray Jedi holocron crystals, and some schematics on some droids," I said, as I lead them toward the castle of the two sisters. “I will accept holocrons, and… if you have a Star Wars universe, does that mean there is the whole Star Wars galaxy?” Soundblaster asked as he shifted back into a human with a flash. "Yeah, that means the Jedi and the Sith are real too. But I felt one nearby and it feels more sith than anything else," I said, before getting attacked by Twilight. "Hey BBBFF," Twilight shouted, while hugging me tightly. “Why is she calling you that?” Rob asked with a deadpan. I had a look of sadness and anger. "You remember shining Armor right?" I asked and they nodded. "Well…. He died in my arms while I was trying to save him and Cadence as well as flurry heart. And after finding out Twilight was tortured and rape for two years straight and Cadence telling her that Shining is dead. For some odd reason she believed that I'm a reincarnation of her brother," I said. “Oh…. Wow, I don’t suppose you’d like me to bring him back do you?” Rob asked. "Wait really!?!?!" I exclaimed, shaking the castle with my loud shout. “Yeah, I can bring back the dead, if you want me to bring back someone, it’s not that hard, also..” he said before he smacked me upside the head, which actually hurt… a lot. “You’re a DC Character! There are multiple ways to bring someone back! The Lazarus pit for one, oh wait that has drawbacks. Temporary insanity and bloodlust. But yeah, there are multiple ways to bring people back.” He said as I rubbed my aching head. "Well sorry I was more worried about the princesses and element Bearers health but as for bringing back Shining Armor…. That's not my nor your decision to make," I said, before stopping him from saying anything else. "That's the Sparkles and Cadence decision if they want to bring him back," I said in a serious tone, leaving no room for discussion. “Ok, but you should ask them if I should, anyway, what are we going to do now?” He asked. "I was planning on going to free Manehattan. So want to join?" I asked, looking at Ultron and Rob. “Ok. Ultron, here, take these.” Rob said as he gave Ultron a cape and four Darksabers he apparently got out of nowhere. Ultron put on the cape and put the Darksabers in the cape’s pockets. “Thank you.” Said Ultron, now looking like a proper General Grievous. On the back of the cape was a symbol like Grievous's. “Let’s get those holocrons, Ultron needs to learn how to use those darksabers.” Said Rob. I nodded my head in agreement and led them to a room that was full of different books, holocron crystals of krypton history, different Jedi and their fighting styles, as well as parts to build a lightsaber. I walked over to a wall that was covered in silver crystals and grabbed two and gave them to Ultron. "I thought you would like a variety of different styles and techniques in lightsaber training and using the force," I said, giving Ultron the holocron crystals. “Thanks.” he said as his eyes seemed to glaze over for a bit before he handed them back to me. “He's able to interface with anything holding information by direct contact.” Said Rob as he took the crystals and put them back after a couple times his eyes glazed over. “I can do it too.” He said. “When can we leave?” Ultron asked. "Before we leave. It may sound weird but can you give me either the knowledge or spell book of Dr. Fate by any chance?" I asked, while walking towards the airships. “You’ve got superman’s powers and Jedi powers, I think you should be good with what you have.” Said Rob before he saw the airships. “Oh hell no! Nope, I’m not riding in that!” He said. There was another flash and Rob was in a robot form again. Then Soundblaster began running towards the edge of canterlot before jumping off the edge and transformed into an aircraft that looked familiar and also not familiar and took off into the sky. “He doesn’t like airships. They aren’t safe, and they go down too easily.” Said Ultron. I just shook my head and said. "Just stay calm Johnathan," I said, while floating a few meters off the ground before shooting off like a bullet creating two Sonic booms behind me. After a few seconds I caught up with Soundblaster and was followed behind by the airships. "You do know that once we encounter the Justice League they're going to want me specifically to stop killing caribou and Traitor stallions right?" I asked, while looking at him. “If they get in my way, I can take them. A long time ago, I went up against Superman, I made him bleed.” He said before transforming and holding his arms at his sides and started flying like iron man, with repulsars in his hands and rockets in his back and the backs of his “calves”. "Well if you don't mind then I want to fight Superman myself," I said, sounding serious. "I need them to know that I'm not planning on stopping until I have king Dain’s skull as my personal drinking cup," I said. “That’s not very sanitary.” He said as he looked at me. I thought about it for a moment before saying. "Yeah you're right. This way of thinking may kill me or make me sick at the very least," I said. “I have a better idea. You could mount his head on a plaque. And he could still be alive and go every day being in agony. You could probably use his antlers as a coat rack.” He said. "What about his skull as a decoration?" I asked, as we were getting closer to Manehattan. “I still like my idea, I could actually make it happen.” He said. I shrugged my shoulders and looked back at the city. "So how do you want to do this? Stealth or make ourselves known," I asked. “Steath.” He said before transforming back into an aircraft and began flying down towards the city. I nodded and looked back to the airships and saw Blueblood looking at me. I clenched my fist showing to stay back and I'll give the signal. He nodded and went to relay my message to the other airships. After that I floated down to the ground and saw both Soundblaster and Ultron outside the city. "So got a plan? Because I’m not all that good at Steath," I said, while checking my twin lightsabers and blaster as well. (This is Johnathan’s blaster) Soundblaster shrunk himself down to 6ft and looked at me. If the Justice League is here, then we need to draw them out. Right now I’m sending out a field so we can’t be heard by Superman, can’t have him eavesdropping. If we’re going to draw them out we need a distraction.” He said before he touched the side of his head. “Jasmine, bring the ship here, we need eyes on something that can’t be missed.” He said. Suddenly a large portal opened up in the sky and a giant black gunmetal ship came through. Watch this video, you won’t regret it. (Third person POV) Johnathan looked up at the ship and thought. "Damn cybertronians always have to have the good shit," Johnathan thought, while still looking at the ship. “Like it? It’s based on the space battleship Yamato, but this is cybertronian sized, say “hello” to the Harbinger.” Said Soundblaster. Johnathan just dumbly nodded his head. "Uh yeah, it looks awesome," he said, trying not to Drooling. “Ok Jasmine, make some noise. All personnel Battle stations!” Soundblaster said. Immediately, music began coming from the ship. [embed]youtu.be/oP5eeF9yedY[embed] As soon as the music started to play it immediately got the attention of everyone in Manehattan as well as three specific people as they saw Superman, Wonder Woman, and hawkgirl flying towards the battleship. “They always want to fight the giant ship.” Said Soundblaster as he shook his head. "Pretty much. If the big bad villain is in the ship they would go there first," Johnathan said, looking annoyed. “Yeah, let’s not disappoint them.” He said before opening a ground bridge and going back to his normal size. Johnathan nodded and put on his helmet. It's eyes glowing crimson red. He looked to Soundblaster and nodded, showing he was ready. Soundblaster and Ultron began walking through the ground bridge with Jonathan following close behind. Once they made it through the ground bridge, they saw Superman, Wonder Woman and Hawkgirl standing there on the deck of the ship. Just as Johnathan thought they were from the Injustice timeline. “It seems I have a few stowaways on my ship.” said Soundblaster. Johnathan nodded his head in agreement while staring at Superman. "I'll only say this once…. Leave and never come back," Superman said, his heat vision showing. “The last time I fought a Superman, he ended up bloody and broken.” said Soundblaster. "Trust me I'm not like the last one," Superman said. "No… your fucking worse you sorry excuse of Kryptonian," Johnathan said, making everyone look at him. "Let’s make one thing clear, Clark Kent. You and your regime have no fucking power nor Authority here, so you leave while you still can," he finished, staring at him with anger. “I killed Thanos, beating you all will be simple.” Said Soundblaster. It was silent for a few moments before both Wonder Woman and Hawkgirl rushed at Soundblaster trying to kill him quickly while Superman went for Johnathan. Soundblaster struck both of the women away with a backhand, and his visor began shooting a beam at Superman like the Destroyer armor from Thor. Superman tried to defend himself against the blast but was too busy not to notice Johnathan coming at him. Johnathan punched Superman in the gut making him lose force and was sent back by Soundblaster’s beam attack. Just then, Soundblaster the beam attack. “Gum gum pistol!” He said before he thrust his fist towards Superman and it went like a rocket. The arm was connected with a cable and after giving the blow it retracted back to Soundblaster before his other fist did the same. While Soundblaster was fighting Superman. Johnathan was blocking and dodging Wonder Woman’s and Hawkgirl’s attacks. "After everything he's done you're still going to side with him," Johnathan asked, holding both Wonder Woman and Hawkgirl weapons in each hand. “I’m getting tired of this.” Said Soundblaster as he gave Superman a beat down. Johnathan then threw a few more punches to Wonder Woman. His right hand was covered in electricity Before shooting it at Hawkgirl sending her flying. "I'm really getting tired of you two," Johnathan said, before grabbing Wonder Woman by the throat. “Jonathan, are we going to kill them or just knock them out?” Soundblaster asked as he turned his arm into a piledriver and used it to punch Superman away. "No not yet, I need to know what's been going on here in Manehattan," Johnathan said, before grabbing Hawkgirl and slamming her on the ground. “Please be careful, the ship’s still new!” Soundblaster snapped. "Sorry, my bad," Johnathan said, now holding an unconscious Hawkgirl. That's when Johnathan felt something off. "Hey Soundblaster do you feel that," Johnathan said, looking around. Soundblaster froze as his head crest began vibrating and pulsing with electricity like a jacob’s ladder. “I do.” He said. Johnathan focused on the feeling and walked forward and three steps to the left and took two steps back and stopped. He lifted his hand and using his force powers he pulled the feeling towards him. “What are you doing?” Soundblaster asked. " If I knew I would have told you, so shut up and let me-" Johnathan couldn't finish before something came flying towards Johnathan crashing into him. “CHEETAH?!” Soundblaster exclaimed. Johnathan looked up and it was indeed Cheetah, and she looked just like she was in the Justice League show, although she was a bit bustier than in the show. After a moment of silence Johnathan then said. "Uh Soundblaster? By any chance is Cheetah your girlfriend," Johnathan asked, fearing the answer. “Soundblaster!” Exclaimed Cheetah. “I guess that answers that.” said Soundblaster, punching Superman while his attention was on Cheetah. "Yup," Johnathan said, before looking at Cheetah. "Hey quick question? Did Wonder Woman do anything to you while you were down there," Johnathan asked, pointing at Wonder Woman and then the city. Once Cheetah saw Wonder Woman, who was trying to get up after Johnathan punched her in the gut, Cheetah let out a growl and jumped up and tackled Wonder Woman back to the ground and started to beat down on her. "I guess that answers my question," Johnathan said, standing next to Soundblaster. “So, what now, this fight is getting boring, can’t we just knock them out?” Soundblaster asked. "Yeah I thought it was going to be cool. But now it just three adults just beaten on children now," Johnathan said, with Ultron nodding his head in agreement. Superman was about to sucker punch Soundblaster, but Soundblaster grabbed him by the face and took out a large piece of green kryptonite. “This shouldn’t be enough to kill you, but it should be enough to knock you out.” He said. “Also, Johnathan, I’m a few centuries old. Cybertronian lifespan.” "Yeah, but still doesn't mean my statement isn’t true, especially since you are older than the planet itself," Johnathan said, carrying an unconscious Hawkgirl. “I’m not that old! At least I don’t think so…” said Soundblaster trailing off. Superman had finally been knocked out and Soundblaster took out some power dampening cuffs and put them on him. Johnathan just shook his head and pushed a few buttons on his right forearm. A few seconds later Blueblood and 20 royal guards wearing Kryptonian high-tech armor appeared in front of Johnathan and saluted. "Take Superman and place him in the Kryptonian room. Wonder Woman and Hawkgirl in the magic and Tech enhanced cells. And make sure there are 30 guards on them and nightmare and starfire for Superman," Johnathan ordered, they nodded and got to work. Soundblaster changed to his human form as Cheetah walked up to him. He wrapped a hand around her waist and pulled her to him and they began making out. “I missed you.” She said. “I missed you too.” said Soundblaster as he caressed her feline face. "Wow that's nice to know ou got your girlfriend back Soundblaster," Johnathan said, smiling before Blueblood came over and whispered into his ear. Making Johnathan's eyes widen in shock and confusion. “What’s wrong?” Asked Ultron. "I think it’s better to show you than telling you," Johnathan said, walking over to three guards surrounding a metal chest. Johnathan nodded and one of the guards walked over and opened the chest. Inside were two familiar items that both Johnathan and Soundblaster knew all too well. Inside was Dr. Fate’s helmet and his spell book that was glowing gold and pulsing with magic power. “I suggest you don’t put that helmet on, the book however, you can probably use that.” said Soundblaster as he shifted back to his Cybertronian form. "Oh I know, that's why I'm not letting this fucking thing exist here either," Johnathan said, grabbing the helmet with both hands and with his force powers crashed the helmet into a ball of metal. "Better, Don't need a Dr. Fate fucker telling me what to do," Johnathan said, grabbing the book. “You probably didn’t need to do that. Blue blood could have used that.” Said Soundblaster as he got the crushed helmet and Un-crushed it. He began waving his hand over it and muttering something under his breath. “Ok, it’s safe, Nabu isn’t in there anymore, only the power, knowledge, and wisdom remains.” He said as he gave it to Johnathan. Johnathan told the helmet and turned to Blueblood. "Alright Blueblood once you put this helmet on. You should gain the power and knowledge of Dr. Fate without Nabu trying to take control of your body," Johnathan said, giving Blueblood the helmet. Once Blueblood got the helmet and put it on there was a flash of blue and gold light blinding everyone except Soundblaster. After the light disappeared Blueblood was wearing a blue body suit with golden armor on his chest, shoulders, wrist and legs. While wearing a golden cape. (This is what Blueblood is wearing) “The hand of Fate is under your command Blueblood…. don’t fuck it up.” Said Soundblaster. "Thanks for the vote of confidence dickhead," Blueblood said, sounding annoyed. Johnathan was reading through the spell book while saying. 'Thank you mom for teaching me Egyptian language' he muttered, while reading the first two pages on how to use Egyptian magic. “Ok. Is there anything else we need to do?” Soundblaster asked. "I don't think so? We are pretty much good here," Johnathan said, looking up from the book. But before he could say anything else, both Johnathan and Soundblaster felt something wrong in the force. Something evil and dark. “I sense a disturbance in the force, how about you?” Soundblaster asked. "Yeah. And I believe it's the same feeling I had when we were getting close to Manehattan," Johnathan said, closing the book. Just then they heard someone clapping their hands. Everyone turned to see a man in dark black robes with red marks all over his face and had eight horns on his head. But the most noticeable feature that Soundblaster and Johnathan saw were his mechanical legs and his sickly yellow and red eyes that held anger and hatred in them. “Maul.” Soundblaster said. "So. You know who I am, metal man?" Maul said, before turning to Johnathan and said. "But I know you very well superboy. King Dain has said a lot about you, even saying you are a Gray Jedi Knight, the very last one may I add," he finished, smirking. “Maul, we don’t need to fight. I can offer you a deal, if you help Johnathan, I’ll make sure your master, Darth Sidius or Palpatine, doesn’t come near you. You’ll be free.” Said Soundblaster. Maul just laughed and said. "Lord Palpatine is dead, metal man," he said, shocking everyone. "My new master, King Dain, made sure of that. And he is more powerful than him," Maul said. “Ok… so, do you need an apprentice?” Soundblaster asked. Maul just smiled and looked at Jonathan and said. "You could say that," he said, before pointing at Johnathan. "I can feel a monstrous amount of anger inside of his heart. And I know you can feel it too, metal man," Maul said, getting closer towards the two. “Alright, then how about a deal, you cast aside your “master” and train Johnathan in the ways of the force and help him free Equestria?” Soundblaster offered. “And if you refuse, you and I can have a duel.” Soundblaster said as he shifted to his human form and held out not one, but two Inquisitor Darksabers. “If I win you have to accept the deal, you win, you take Johnathan as an apprentice and you both will serve under King Dain.” Blueblood was enraged that Soundblaster made such a deal but Johnathan stopped him and said. "Let’s see what happens Blueblood," Johnathan said, sounding calm. Dark maul just laughed and said. "Alright then. Metal man, it's a deal," he said, while pulling out a double-bladed lightsaber and igniting both sides. “Not here! The ship’s still new, we fight… on a platau in the badlands, first one to force their opponent off or is able to cripple them, wins.” Said Soundblaster. "As you wish, metal man," dark maul said, waiting for Soundblaster. “My friends call me Rob, you may call me… Soundblaster.” He said. “Jasmine, take the ship to the badlands.” He said over the comms. Suddenly the ship began moving and in front of it, a portal opened, as the ship went through we ended up in the badlands. Soundblaster spotted a decent plateau and pointed towards it. “There, there is our battlefield.” He said. Dark Maul nodded and used force jump to land on the plateau. "Alright Soundblaster. Show me how strong you really are," Dark maul said, getting into his fighting stance. Soundblaster joined him on the plateau and discarded his cloak and his coat. “You’re dealing with a man who has lived for hundreds of years, and has been training for a good fight, I’m quite excited to face you, I’ve dreamed of this for a long time, thank you for fulfilling this dream.” Said Soundblaster as he took his own fighting stance and ignited his I.D.s, but only on one side, making them look like rapiers. Dark maul just smirk and said. "Enough talking. Let us see who is Superior, a Jedi or a sith," he said, rushing towards Soundblaster delivering multiple slash at his chest and stomach. “Oh, I’m no jedi, nor a sith, nor a grey, nor do I use the force, I’m just a guy who watches way too much television and video games.” Said Soundblaster as he deflected each attack Maul made. Soundblaster then punched Dark maul in the gut making spit out saliva. He grunted and proceeded to deliver combo after combo on Soundblaster. Who either dodge or deflected them. Soundblaster then went on the attack and used his legs to strike at Maul. In which he fall on his back and groaned in pain before jumping back up. Both competitors circled each other trying to find an opening. "Even if you are not a Jedi or sith. You have the talent for both. But talent and luck won't help you in this fight," Maul said, looking at Soundblaster with annoyance. “Perhaps, but I’ve been training longer than you have, yet you're still putting up a decent fight, how about we make this more interesting, let’s try fighting with the intent to kill so there’s no holding back.” Soundblaster said. This makes Darth Maul smirk. Even though he was planning on killing everyone except Johnathan. At least this will be fair in some way. "Fine then, if that means I don't have to hold back," Maul said, charging at Soundblaster with an overhead strike and Soundblaster tried to block it with his forearm. With a mighty roar, Darth Maul cleaved Soundblaster’s forearm in half, letting it fall to the ground. Soundblaster froze for a second and looked at his stump, then at his arm on the ground. “Ow.” He said. Suddenly his stump and his dismembered forearm began glowing a brilliant white before the arm turned into energy and flew back to where it was before. He made a fist and tested his forearm a few times before picking his I.D. back up and ignited it and went back to fighting as if nothing happened. This shocked everyone except Cheetah. Even Darth Maul was taken aback by this which let Soundblaster kicking him in the stomach making him double over in pain dropping his lightsaber in the process. Soundblaster took this opportunity to point the blade at Maul’s throat while kicking his lightsaber out of reach and off the edge of the plateau. Soundblaster changed to his human-sized robot mode and looked down at Darth Maul, before saying. “SOUNDBLASTER SUPERIOR, MAUL INFERIOR.” In his deep, metallic, monotone, staccato voice. Then six robotic tentacles came out of Soundblaster’s back and removed Maul’s legs at the knees. Dark Maul just stared at the ground in disbelief and at his loss to Soundblaster. Before bowing his head and said. "I admit defeat," he said, while Johnathan came up next to Soundblaster. "Nice job Rob," Johnathan said, patting Soundblaster on the shoulder. Soundblaster gave a nod and used his tentacles to lift Maul and removed the prosthetics on his lower half. Soundblaster then lifted a hand and shone a green light on Maul, making Maul’s legs start growing back. “Leg regeneration complete.” Said Soundblaster, once Maul had his real legs back. “You’d think a society as advanced as that would be able to regenerate limbs and not have to use prosthetics.” As he let Maul stand on his new legs. Johnathan just shrugged and said. "Don't know. Probably because if the Pain is continuous and you see said prosthetic and know who did it to you. Your anger can still keep going I guess," Johnathan said, looking at a surprised Maul. “Now, are you going to hold onto your end of the deal?” Soundblaster asked Maul. Maul looked at the two, and they saw his eyes were now silver and had tears coming down his cheek. "Thank you. And yes I will train Master Johnathan in the ways of the force," Maul said, bowing to both Johnathan and Soundblaster. “Great. Now Johnathan, if there are no further issues, can we discuss my compensation for all this?” Soundblaster asked. "Yeah, what exactly do you want?" Johnathan asked, looking at Soundblaster. “Well, since this is a Star Wars Universe, I think I’d like to travel to Nal Hutta, Maul, I don’t suppose you’d have a few star maps?” He asked. Johnathan thought for a moment while crossing his arms. After a moment his eyes lit up and recognition, and pushed a few buttons on his forearm. A second later a few holographic projections of the Galaxy showed up. After searching He finally found it and pointed it out. "This the planet you're looking for?" Johnathan asked while pointing at said planet. Soundblaster looked at it. “I believe so.” He said. “Come on, let’s get inside. It’s going to be hard for you organics to breathe out after we leave the atmosphere.” Both Johnathan looked to Blueblood. "Blueblood, head back to the others and tell them I'll be gone for a while," Johnathan said, and Blueblood nodded and disappeared in a flash of blue and golden light. "Alright let's get going," Johnathan said, looking at Soundblaster. Soundblaster changed to his true size and picked up Johnathan, Maul, and Cheetah, and brought them into the ship with Ultron following close behind. Johnathan, Maul, and Cheetah were all amazed at how big the ship was. “I’ll be bringing you two to the environmental simulator, it also functions as a hyperbolic time chamber, so you can train in there as much as you want. I have matter synthesizers in every guest room, and Maul, you can make a new lightsaber, I don’t think you’ll be needing this anymore.” He said as he held up Maul’s lightsaber with his finger and thumb. Both maul and Johnathan nodded in agreement. "God damn dude. This thing is fucking big," Johnathan said, looking around in amazement. “Yes.” He said. "Do you have the necessary parts for my new lightsaber," Maul asked, already thinking of one. “Yes, as I’ve said, I have matter synthesizers, they will be able to make anything you need.” I told him. “For now, however, you two will have to use these toys.” He said before giving them both a toy lightsaber. Both Johnathan and Maul looked at Soundblaster and then down at the toy lightsabers. "Are you fucking serious," Johnathan asked, wanting to Sucker Punch Soundblaster in the face right now. “Yes, unless lightsabers have a safety mode, you can’t use them on my ship.” He said before he stopped at a pair of double doors at an intersection in the halls. Johnathan's eyebrow twitched in annoyance before saying. "I'll just train in using Dr. Fate's magic and using the force as well," Johnathan said, floating off of Soundblaster and was floating in mid-air next to Soundblaster.: “This is where you’ll be training.” He said before opening the double doors. Inside was an empty room. He walked in and went to a panel on his left and opened it before he began fiddling with it. “This is the environmental simulator.” He said. "So it simulates different types of environments huh?" Johnathan questioned, floating inside the room. "How many different environments do you have anyway?" Johnathan asked. “Multiple, I haven’t gotten the chance to count them all yet, but you can even create environments to play games, train, or whatever you want. The only limit is your imagination.” He said. Before he closed the panel. “The safety settings are off, so try not to die.” He said. Johnathan nodded and looked at Maul. "So Maul, where should we start first," Johnathan asked. “You can pick any environment.” Said Soundblaster. “Tell me a location and I’ll put it in the simulator.” Johnathan thought about it for a moment before saying. "Can you make it look like the Supreme Kai home world," Johnathan said, looking back at Soundblaster. “Of course.” He said before his visor showed the supreme kai landscape before one of the tentacles in his abdomen plugged into the simulator’s computer and the simulator came to life. Maul was in awe at the beautiful landscape of the supreme kai home. "This is the most beautiful place I have ever seen in my life," Maul said, still looking around. “I’ll leave you two alone. I have unfinished business to attend to.” He said before he left. Johnathan turned to Maul and said. "So I'm ready when you are," Johnathan said, getting into a meditation position on the ground. Maul nodded and sat in front of Johnathan and said. "Yes, let us begin Johnathan. First, tell me what you know about the force?" Maul said, looking at Jonathan. Johnathan thought about it for a moment before saying. "The Force is a mysterious energy field created by life that binds the galaxy together. Harnessing the power of the Force gives the Jedi, the Sith, and others sensitive to this spiritual energy extraordinary abilities, such as levitating objects, tricking minds, and seeing things before they happen," Johnathan said, while maul nodded at Johnathan's answer. "You are correct but While the Force can grant users powerful abilities, it also directs their actions. And it has a will of its own, which both scholars and mystics have spent millennia seeking to understand the force itself," Maul said, looking serious. "If that's the case then why does it seem like only Kryptonians are not that affected by the dark side, but have so much hatred in their heart that a Sith can feel it?" Johnathan asked, having a confused look. Maul closed his eyes and thought about it. He then opened his eyes and said. "I don't have a definitive answer myself. I have experienced the dark side for so long and gathered knowledge of it, but that single question has eluded me as well as my last master Lord Palpatine," Maul said, making Johnathan look down in thought. 'Could it be that the Kryptonians have such high levels of intelligence that they are not affected by it or is it due to them being able to control their emotions better,' Johnathan thought before asking another question. "Alright, then do you know anything about the Gray Jedi Knights then?" Johnathan asked, hoping against hope that Maul knew something. Maul looked at Johnathan with seriousness, making him nervous. "While the term was used to refer to Force-users who walked the line between light and dark, Jedi were also labeled as Gray Jedi for distancing themselves from the Jedi High Council. This practice dated back to the days of the Old Republic when the High Council was attempting to consolidate power. Jedi who frequently clashed with the will of the Council was sometimes thought of as Gray, even if they did not necessarily walk the line between the light and dark sides of the Force. Around 44 BBY, Jedi Master Qui-Gon Jinn was thought of as a Gray Jedi by some members of the Order for his frequent opposition to their demands," Maul said. "So what you're telling me is been a Gray Jedi Knight is just someone who is still a regular Jedi but doesn't agree to the Jedi Council rules or codes," Johnathan asked, sounding disappointed by the answer. Maul shook his head and said. "No. Being a Gray Jedi Knight is someone who believes in balance whether it be good or evil. Harmony of Chaos. As long as the balance is not Disturbed, they will still follow the Jedi code as long as it doesn't go against what they believe or it is unjust," Maul explained. After that both Johnathan and Maul trained in using the force. While also learning more about the Jedi Order and the Sith. As well as working on Johnathan’s battle stances while using the toy lightsabers to which Johnathan hated but knew it was necessary. After a while the training ended just as Soundblaster and Ultron returned to see our progress. “Hey, do you mind if Ultron joins in on the training? He needs to learn how to fight with his body and learn how to move. Do you think you could help with that?” He asked. Johnathan stood up and said. "OK. This can also help me with using the force as well," Johnathan said. “Harbinger, activate General Grevious simulation.” He said. Suddenly the simulator created a General Grevious. “I’ll leave you all to it. Begin training.” He said before he left again. "Oh boy," Johnathan said, getting into his fighting stance. "Once I get out of here I'm going to punch Soundblaster in the face," Johnathan said. “Keep in mind you could actually die in here. The safety settings are off, plus you can’t use your powers in here.” Said Ultron. "You know what. I am going to punch Soundblaster in the face really fucking hard," Johnathan said, dodging General Grievous attack nearly getting cut in half. Both Johnathan and Ultron kept on dodging General Grievous attacks until Johnathan used a force push to send him flying away from the two. "Got any ideas on how to beat him without lightsabers," Johnathan asked, looking at Ultron. Ultron shook his head no. To which Johnathan just groaned in frustration and said. "OK then I guess we do this the old fashion way then," Johnathan said, before getting into a fight stance. (4 hours later) It's been four hours since Johnathan and Ultron were fighting General Grievous. Soundblaster walked in to see Johnathan on the ground breathing heavily and he said. "I hate you so much right now. But I'm too tired to hit you," Johnathan said. “If you tried, I’d break your hand.” Said Soundblaster. “For two reasons, if your fist connected, it’d break, or if I caught it, I’d crush it.” Johnathan just looked at him. "Right now I want to see if you can survive being put in the Sun or a black hole," Johnathan said, getting up and stretching. “I can. And if you do, I’ll come back to kick your ass.” Said Soundblaster. “We’re nearing our destination. Get yourselves presentable.” He said, about to leave, but turned around and looked at Johnathan, Maul, and Ultron. “Also this ship has size manipulation technology, so if you are human sized and also my height, it means the ship is making sure you can reach the handles and other stuff.” He explained. Johnathan just rolled his eyes. And just followed him, they made it to the head of the ship. Where they saw the planet. "Wow this feels like a dream or something," Johnathan said, before clutching his head in pain. “What’s wrong?” Soundblaster asked. "Ugh God damn it. I sensed another sith, but for some reason she had so much anger and sadness that it was overwhelming, " Johnathan said, rubbing his temples. "You're still getting used to feeling other force users. Especially when you sense their emotions," Maul said, standing next to Ultron. Johnathan looked at the planet and whispered to himself. 'Asajj Ventress. What happened to you?' Johnathan whispered, remembering seeing her memories. That's when the drop ship shook a bit. “This is as far as I’ll allow the ship to go.” Said Soundblaster. “We’ll take one of the dropships down to the planet.” Johnathan and the others nodded in agreement. They went to the ship's hangar and walked towards one of the dropships. Type SC-97 Cosmo Seagull “Nice isn’t it? These things came along with the ship along with a few fighter ships. I just recently got a couple of these drones.” He said, then gestured to the ship, then to a couple XT-908s hanging on the walls. XT-908 “Alright, let’s get going.” He said as he shifted into his human form. The seagull’s door opened and he walked inside and got behind the controls. The others soon followed. "I gotta say, you are well prepared for anything," Johnathan said, standing behind Soundblaster. "But if you don't mind me asking, what are we doing here exactly?" Johnathan questioned, as the dropship left out of the ship hanger. “Well, I was hoping to find an anomaly, a genetic anomaly to be more specific. I’m looking for a female Hutt….. and maybe a female Gungan, if I can find one.” He said. “And if possible I need some droids and a bit of information, hopefully they have a wifi café or something like that.” Johnathan nodded his head in understanding. "So this planet has more advanced technology than other planets then," Johnathan asked, looking at the landscape. “Yeah, you might wanna bring some of that tech to your world too, oh, here.” He said giving Johnathan a small disk. “Build a Justice League watchtower, that disk contains schematics for everything you might need. It even contains the programming you’ll need, just insert the disk once the whole thing’s built.” He explained as he flipped a few switches on the controls as we began entering the atmosphere. "Great cuz I'm going to need it. But as for the Watchtower thing, I was thinking about it but didn't have the schematics for it. Thanks for the disc though this should help," Johnathan said, while putting it in his pocket. That's when Maul started staring at Soundblaster’s hand, the hand he cut off. “Pardon my asking, but how did your hand do that during our duel?” Maul asked. “Glad you asked, the body you see before you is actually a type of astral projection, you see, my spark, or my soul, is unique, and somehow, it’s able to be outside of my spark chamber and make a physical body of flesh. In other words, when I’m not in my Cybertronian form, I’m a spark, or best explanation would be, I’m a being of pure energy.” He explained. “I’ve also got dark Chaos magic and I smell and taste like marshmallows, which is probably from being in the form of a pony for over a century. My magic aura is a pure white too and it tastes like marshmallow fluff.” "OK, that part I don't need to know. Now I'm hungry," Johnathan said, putting on his helmet again. "Thanks now I know why you changed from cybertronian to human and back," Johnathan said. “Here.” Said Soundblaster as he gave Johnathan a bag of marshmallows, chocolate bars, and graham crackers. “Go nuts. And call me Rob. You can call me Soundblaster when I’m in my robot form.” He said. "Thanks," Johnathan said, taking the bag and using his heat vision made himself 2 s'mores and ate them after the lower face plate opened. "And if I call you Rob than you can call me Jay," he said, as they walked out onto the land of Nal Hutta. “Alright. You guys go find an internet cafe or something. I’m going to find my shit, Johnathan, use my token to give me a call when you found an information center or something, I’ll meet you guys there, Ultron, go with them.” Said Rob as he adjusted his visor and his suit. They nodded and they went their Separate Ways. Johnathan was looking around at the Market, seeing every advanced technology from small to big. "Jesus Christ, this planet has almost everything. Alright let's see if I can find a 3D printer, some parts to build a Kryptonian ship, as well as a droid. Maybe see if they have someone who can make an A.I for me as well," Johnathan said, not noticing someone was watching them. 'That's Darth maul? What is he doing here?' the stranger thought before looking at Johnathan. 'I can feel anger and hatred in him, but tempered by peace and tranquility….. I need to know why,' they thought, staying back far enough just to hear that conversation and not be seen. "Wait Maul didn't you know about this place," Johnathan asked, looking at him. "Even though King Dain is a powerful ruler. He is also the biggest fool I've ever met, he's analogy on how females should be nothing but slaves is……. Unnerving and that's coming from someone who used to be a part of the dark side," Maul said, looking at a stall selling some mobile devices. 'Understandable if he would have got hands on this stuff he would have been unstoppable at this point,' he muttered before seeing a café. "Maybe this is the internet café that Rob was talking about," Johnathan said, walking towards it. “What he needs is information, he believes information is power, and he isn’t wrong. He’s quick to adapt and he literally thinks faster than any living being. That’s why it’d be a bad idea to be his enemy.” Said Ultron. "Thanks for the advice," Johnathan said, walking inside the café. He looked around and surprisingly saw different species of extraterrestrials both male and female. That's when a waitress came over and said. “What’ll it be boys?” She asked. "Uh table for three please," Johnathan said, now realizing that it was a female Twi'lek. She nodded and led them to the table and sat down where there was a monitor that once was to show them this planet version of the world wide web. Johnathan was looking at the menu while Ultron was getting information. "God this place have some fucking weird food and even weird names for them," Johnathan said, looking at a picture of what he think is a Ripeye steak with fries meal. “Agreed, Rob would normally eat anything, but I doubt he'd eat anything on these menus.” Said Ultron. Johnathan put down the menu as the waitress came back to see what they wanted to drink. "What can I get you boys?" She asked, looking at the group. "Will just have a cup of tea for the three of us," Johnathan said, and the waitress wrote it down. Johnathan reached into his pocket and pulled out Soundblaster’s token and dialed the number and waited for him to pick up. “Balls and weiners.” Came the answer. Johnathan nearly choked before saying. "God damn it Rob. Is this how you answer a fucking phone," Johnathan said, sounding annoyed. “It is when I know who’s on the other end.” Came his reply. “Anyway, I changed my mind about getting a Hutt, though some of them have nice tits, they aren’t very appealing, I thought I’d be into it, but I couldn’t, I’m just going to see if I can find something nice at this slave auction.” He said before hanging up. Johnathan looked at the phone before saying. "Is he serious? The only reason he came here is for women," Johnathan thought, before looking around at the café. “Yeah, he’s a bit of a horndog. But don’t worry about him, once he buys a slave or something, he usually makes sure bad things happen to everyone who was there to buy one or sell one.” Said Ultron. "Well I can't blame him, even though they're not easy on the eyes, they do have some other……unique qualities," Johnathan said, looking at a female Zabraks who had a nice pair of double D breasts. “Such as?” Ultron asked getting Johnathan’s head out of the clouds full of boobies. Jonathan blush before shaking his head and said. "Sorry, Harley and Ivy’s perverted thoughts are rubbing off on me," Johnathan said before looking and seeing a female Hutt. She had green and tan soft looking skin, and her face had soft features, full luscious lips with reddish-pink lipstick, and her eyes were emerald green and had thick but very feminine eyelashes. And she had big bouncing G sized breasts held up by a tight brown bra and wearing a gray jacket with a furry collar. "Uh Ultron, do you think Rob would like her?" Johnathan asked, pointing at the female Hutt. “She’s perfect. Rob would have her in bed in less than a couple minutes. See if you can convince her to come along.” Said Ultron. Johnathan had a look of shock before grumbling in annoyance. He got up and walked over towards her. "Hello there miss. My name is Johnathan Smith," Johnathan said, trying to create a conversation with the female Hutt. She looked at Johnathan with an uninterested look before saying. "Deda," Deda said. Johnathan had a look of frustration before taking a deep breath and said. "Well I came over because I have this friend who is interested in a female Hutt. And I was wondering if you’d like to come with me and my other friends to meet him," Johnathan said, trying his hardest to have her meet Rob. “Meh, why not, not like this rock has anything interesting going on, other than the crime bosses, slave trade and other stuff. It makes it so a girl can’t go out anymore.” She said with a shrug. “Oh good, she speaks Basic, I half expected her to only speak Huttese.” Said Ultron as he came up next to Johnathan. Johnathan nodded in agreement and took off his helmet and said. "Yeah I was kind of worried about how I was going to talk to her," Johnathan said, but noticed that the café went quiet. “Uh, Johnathan, we have a Sith problem, and I’m not talking about Maul.” Said Ultron. Johnathan turned to see a female Dathomirian and she was wearing a Black bodysuit with her forearm wrapped in bandages while wearing knee high boots and had two lightsabers on her hips. “Hey Guys, how’s it going!” Said Rob as he moved Asajj Ventress aside and came towards Johnathan and Ultron as if he didn’t just piss off a Sith lady. And Rob wasn’t alone, he had a female gungan with him. All we could do is stare at him and his Gungan, then at Asajj. "OK first, where did you come from. And secondly, why didn't you tell me that she was hiding," Johnathan said, pointing that last question at Maul. “I came from the slave auction, and who are you talking about?” Rob asked. Johnathan, Maul and Ultron stared at Rob before all three pointed at Asajj and said at the same time. "Her!?" They said, while Asajj was still looking at Jonathan. Rob turned around and saw Asajj. “Oh.” He said. "You are human?" Asajj questions Johnathan while getting closer. "Uh I'm Kryptonian now really," Johnathan said, as a gasp of shock went throughout the café. Johnathan looked around before saying to Rob and Ultron. "We should probably go now," Johnathan said, not liking the looks he was .getting. “Got it.” Said Rob before he took something out of his coat pocket and yelled. “Smokebomb!” He exclaimed as he threw it down. However, when the smoke cleared, they hadn’t left. Johnathan just looked at the smoke before saying. "Did you really think that wou-" Johnathan didn't get to finish before seeing Rob running while carrying the female Hutt and Gungan while yelling. "RUN AWAY!!!" He exclaimed. "Oh you did not just pull a Jojo," Johnathan yelled. “Jojo's secret technique hardly ever fails!” He called back. Johnathan just sighed before he, Maul, and Ultron ran after him. After an hour of running they finally stopped, they were in front of a stall that was selling different kinds of Droids. But what got Rob and Johnathan attention was two Super Tactical Droids and funny enough they both had black but one had red Stripes while the other one had silver, red and yellow Stripes. "Holy shit," Johnathan said, staring at the two Droids. “Hey, this one looks kind of like me!” Said Rob as he put the Hutt and Gungan down. Johnathan nodded in agreement and asked the owner "how much is for both Droids?" Johnathan asked, still looking at the Droids. “300 credits.” Said a sleazy looking Hutt. “300?! Are you nuts? We don’t even know if everything works!” Said Rob. “Let me handle this, I’m an excellent negotiator.” "Hey better you than me. I’d probably make it worse," Johnathan said, letting Rob take the lead. After a moment or two of Rob performing the ancient art of haggling. He was able to get it down to 150 credits and surprisingly get four droidekas/destroyers, two for each of them. "Man, can't believe you got them," Johnathan said, while carrying them. He was thankful for his super strength to carry them. “Oh no, I forgot to get some pit droids!” He exclaimed as he held his head in realization. “I’ll be right back.” He said before running back to the stall. Johnathan shook his head in amusement before noticing Asajj still staring at him. "OK. What do you want exactly?" Johnathan asked. "Answers," she said,looking at Johnathan with a cold and calculated look.. “Ok I’m back, and I got 30 pit droids, 20 SD-K4 spider assassin droids, and 40 mouse droids!” He exclaimed, smiling like an idiot while holding up a bag of holding. "OK, now you have to show me how to do that," Jonathan said, looking at the large bag of Droids. "DID YOU NOT HEAR ME KRYPTONIAN?!" Asajj yelled, looking ready to draw one of her lightsabers. “Do you want me to bimbofy her? You know, make her butt bigger, her boobs too?” Rob asked. Johnathan won't say no but his inner Master roshi and Jiraiya pervertedly said otherwise. "You know what Yes… yes I would like that very much," Johnathan said, having a perverted smile. Then they both looked at Asajj with evil grins. Rob raised his hand up and snapped his fingers. There was a bright flash of light and once it disappeared Johnathan was disappointed that nothing happened. He was about to say something, but then Asajj grunted and her chest grew to a double D cup breasts while her butt was near the same size as Celestia’s. Asajj looked at her new look with shock and confusion. While John was having a nosebleed and said. "Dear God and all that is Holy, thank you so much Rob," Johnathan said, while looking at the new Asajj. “Now, let’s get all our stuff to the harbinger, I don’t want any imperials showing up.” Said Rob. "Uh oh yeah right let's get going," Johnathan said, while Asajj just followed him. Both Maul and Ultron saw Asajj was annoyed but both could sense a spark of love and happiness for Johnathan but it was small. “So Jay, who’s the Hutt and why did your author have me take her and run?” Rob asked. “It feels like kidnapping.” Johnathan looked confused but answered. "Her name is Deda and she agreed to meet you," Johnathan said, ignoring that last question. “Ok, she definitely looks hot, way better than the other Hutts I’ve seen.” He said. “Anyway, the Gungan’s name is Arri-Feff.” said Rob as he gestured to the Gungan. "Oh hello there Arri-Feff," Johnathan said, holding out one of his free hands. “Ya-hoo, how yousa?” She said. Johnathan blinked and just nodded as they made it to the drop ship. They thought they were in the clear but to both Johnathan and Rob’s dismay they saw a few Stormtroopers coming their way. "Oh come the fuck on man," Johnathan shouted in annoyance. “Ugh, bucket-heads.” Rob groaned before he took out The Forge. He held up the hammer and brought it down with a mighty swing, sending out a shockwave that sent the stormtroopers flying. As maul, Ultron and Johnathan were putting all the stuff onto the dropships. Johnathan saw a Stormtrooper taking aim at Asajj head, using his heat vision made the blaster explode and made one of the buildings fall in front of the ship, blocking the Stormtroopers from getting to them.. “Come on, let's go!” Rob exclaimed as he put the hammer away. After everyone had gotten inside the ship, the Hutt took a while, but everyone got in with everything they came for. “Here we go!” Said Rob before he got the ship in the air and took off. Johnathan looked out the window and saw Tie Fighters flying behind them. "Uhh Rob. You might wanna go faster," he said, before seeing one of the ships shooting at them. “Tie Fighters. Shit. Oh Jay, I almost forgot, the watchtower will also deter anything from coming to your planet, if you want the watchtower to transform into a giant Robot, here’s another disk to show you how to make it able to transform.” Explained Rob as he gave Jay another disk. "Yeah thanks but we need to focus on the fighters trying to kill us," Johnathan shouted, before tripping and falling on top of Asajj. “It’s not the fighters we need to worry about, it’s the Star Destroyers they came from we need to worry about.” Said Rob, pointing up towards space. Johnathan looked at the Star Destroyers and sighed in annoyance before noticing something a few meters away from it. It took him a while before an evil smirk on his face. "Hey Rob do you see what I see," Johnathan said, as his smirk grew. “Huh, must be a prototype they wanted to test out…” Rob muttered. It was an Okkar Gunship that was black and red with Silver lining on the front and back. But what was surprising was that it had the House of EL crest with golden wings spread out. "One that's going to be mine. Think you can teleport me out there to go and get it," Johnathan said, putting on his helmet. “I can send you into the bridge if that’d be better.” Rob offered. Johnathan nodded, getting into a runner stance. "Ready when you are Captain Rob," he said, tensing his muscles Ready to use his super-speed. “On your marks….. get set…… GO!!!!” Said Rob as a portal opened in front of Johnathan. Johnathan was out like a bullet just as the portal closed. Everyone saw the hatch opened and a Stormtrooper was thrown out of the Gunship. But then was hit by a blast from one of the ships that was aimed at them. Johnathan waved before closing the hatch. After a few seconds they then saw three mounted guns appeared on the sides and top of the ship. The two guns on the sides were black with orange glowing lines going across it and had a spinning Barrel. (Revenant Ballistic Gatling) While the one on top was neon blue with black and silver lines across it that was a single Barrel. (PRAR Distortion Shattergun) “Ok, Johnathan’s got this, let’s head back to my ship.” Said Rob. Everyone nodded in agreement as Rob flew back to his Battleship as Johnathan was fighting some of the fighter fleets to give them time. Johnathan looked at the controls and thought. 'Thank God I played a lot of Mass Effect, Star Fox, and Halo' Johnathan thought while Smirking. Rob was able to make it to his ship and brought everyone to bridge #1. He shifted to his cybertronian form at full height and sat down in the captain’s chair. “Ultron, hail the ship Johnathan is on.” Said Soundblaster. “Aye aye Captain.” Said Ultron as he got to the controls. “Johnathan you better get over here. You’ll want to see the looks on their faces.” Said Soundblaster, his voice coming in through the communication system on Johnathan’s new ship. Johnathan nodded in agreement and docked his ship with Soundblaster’s. After that he used his super-speed and made it to the bridge and said. "Alright what do you want me to see?" Johnathan questioned, standing next to Soundblaster. “Just watch.” He said to Johnathan before he turned his attention to Ultron. “Ultron, hail the Star Destroyers.” He said. “Aye, Aye.” Said Ultron as he contacted the Star Destroyers. (Star Destroyer’s Bridge) Captain Needa. One of the imperial Star Destroyers stared at the Battleship in front of them with anger and hatred. He heard from his superiors that not only a Jedi is alive but a Kryptonian no less. "All Fleets attack that Battleship and retrieve the Kryptonian Jedi," he ordered pointing at Soundblaster’s Battleship. “Sir, we’re being hailed.” Said one of the communications officers. “By who?” He asked. “The Ship in front of us, Sir.” Said the communications officer. He looked and saw that indeed the ship was Hailing both them and the fleet. Before he could say anything he noticed that they were getting a call from the ship in front of them. “Shall I put them on, Sir?” Asked the communications officer. He thought before saying. "Yes. Put them through," Captain Needa said, as the communication officer nodded and did so.Just then the hologram of a large individual appeared, sitting upon a chair. Captain Needa then noticed that a large Droid was sitting on the Captain chair to which he was beyond angry. "Why is there some useless Droid on the screen? I said put the Captain through," he shouted. “I AM THE CAPTAIN, I AM SOUNDBLASTER, A CYBERTRONIAN, AND IF YOU DO NOT RETREAT, YOU WILL BE ERADICATED WITH A SINGLE SHOT.” Came Soundblaster’s deep metallic staccato voice as he balled his fist and slammed it down. It was silent for a moment before everyone started to laugh while Soundblaster just stared at them until Captain Needa then said. "As if we'd be afraid of such a small ship," he said, in-between laughs. “THEN YOU LEAVE ME WITH NO CHOICE.” Soundblaster said, his visor burning with red hot intensity before hanging up. It was silent again before Captain Needa said. "Prepare all weapons to fire at that ship at once," he ordered, as he looked back at the ship with narrow eyes. (The Harbinger’s bridge) “I warned them.” Said Soundblaster. “Ultron, prime the Wave Motion Gun!” Soundblaster ordered. Johnathan stared at the screen for a moment before saying. "Jesus Christ if they were this fucking dumb. I don't know how the Rebels lost to them, " Johnathan said, questioning the republic's Stormtroopers. “Wave motion gun at 120%” said Ultron. “Excellent.” Said Soundblaster as he got up and went over to a part that popped up out of the controls. “Johnathan you might wanna put some shades on.” Said Soundblaster. Johnathan looked and saw Ultron handed him, Maul and Asajj some shades which they gladly took and put on. “Targeting the Star Destroyer on the right aaaand….. FIRE!” Said Soundblaster before the wave motion gun fired. There was a bright light before a blast of energy shot out and hit dead Center. Not only did it destroy the Star Destroyer but it destroyed all the fighters around it. "HOLY SHIT!!!!" Johnathan yelled at the destruction of the Star Destroyer. “Ok, let’s get the hell out of here and back to Equestria.” Said Soundblaster. Everyone agreed and they flew back to Equus. "Jesus Christ this ship is fucking powerful," Johnathan said, still shocked by how Soundblaster destroyed the Star Destroyer. “If you want a few ships with wave motion guns, I can give you a few.” Soundblaster offered. Johnathan's eyes widened in shock and excitement before saying. "Fuck yeah I’d like a few of those," Johnathan said. “Ok. I’ll give you a few when we get back.” Said Soundblaster. After that they made it back to Equus and landed in front of the Castle of the two sisters. "Well that’s what I call a space adventure if there ever was one that was full of boobies and female aliens chicks," Johnathan said, while The Royal guards were showing Maul and Asajj to their new rooms. Soundblaster was on top of the highest tower and doing something while his hands were glowing. Johnathan noticed it and flew up next to him. "What are you up to here, Soundblaster?" Johnathan asked. “Making your Andromeda-class ships. Make sure your royal guard knows how to use everything. And make sure the ponies are competent.” He said before five ships appeared out of nowhere. Johnathan looked at the ship’s and said. "They look good though I'll have to give them names later still need to do some other things until then," Johnathan said, before looking at Soundblaster. "Thanks for the help Soundblaster. I really appreciate it," Johnathan said, holding out his hand. Soundblaster shifted to his human form and took Johnathan’s hand. “If you ever need my help again, just give me a call.” He said. Johnathan smiled and nodded. "Rob our contract is complete," Johnathan said, then a familiar boom went off as the boom tube was right behind Rob. “Oh that’s not going to work.” He said before the boom tube closed. “I’m going to be taking my ship back home, Jasmine, one to beam up!” He exclaimed before he fazed out and his ship flew up overhead before a portal opened and it shot through it. Johnathan starred up for a moment before Blueblood appeared behind him. "So how was it?" He asked, looking at Johnathan. Johnathan just smiled and said. "Let’s just say… it was out of this world," Johnathan said, while flying towards the others and telling them about his adventure with Soundblaster.