A Breezy Morning Outdoors

by AndwhatIseeisme

First published

Fluttershy attempts to get some errands finished so she can spend the rest of the day with her brother. To her surprise though, Zephyr doesn't feel like waiting until she's finished in town to have fun with his big sister.

Fluttershy has plans for the day. Plans that involve having sex with her brother. She just has a few errands to run in the morning before she can dedicate the rest of the day to incestuous fornication. Unfortunately for her, things don't go entirely as planned when her brother wakes up a little early and meets her in the market. Or perhaps more accurately, things go exactly as she planned, just not where she wanted it to. And then Rainbow Dash shows up.

Warnings: Incest, public sex, M/F/F, oral, vaginal, Zephyr Breeze, and Fluttershy really needing to up her standards for lovers.

Written for the No Shame November incest contest.

A Busy Morning

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The cool Autumn wind rustled through Fluttershy's fur as she made her way through the Ponyville marketplace. She shivered as the chill of morning coursed through her, making her even more eager to get her errands finished and return to the comfort of her cabin. Today was a rare day where she had no responsibilities awaiting her on her return. A day where she could simply relax and enjoy the simple, refined pleasures that life offered her. A day she could spend getting absolutely destroyed by her brother's cock.

Zephyr was currently staying with Fluttershy for a while, and despite being a major contributor to what Fluttershy was doing her level best to pretend weren't grey hairs forming in her mane, she was still very much enjoying his stay with her. Very, very much. There was just something about they way Zephyr fucked her that scratched an itch no other mare or stallion ever could. Not even Rainbow or Discord were capable of satisfying her in quite the same way as her little brother. Sometimes Fluttershy was almost grateful for Zephyr's obnoxious personality, as having to deal with it between their rutting was the only thing that motivated her to get anything done outside the bedroom when he was around.

Today though, she was all his. Her plan was to get the few errands she had around town finished while he was still sleeping in, and then relax and enjoy the rest of her day off with Zephyr and his wonderful dick. First, she'd wake him up by taking him into her mouth and slathering all over his delicious stallionhood, savoring that distinct flavor of his until he woke up groggy and confused. Then she'd nuzzle up against his balls while he processed what was going on, before jumping on him just as he started to sit up. A quick make-out session, with her grinding her heat against his stiff rod, and then she'd let him take things over. She suppressed a moan as she pictured herself pinned down beneath her brother and taking his cock in whichever hole he pleased. Oh, it would be a simply wonderful day!

Fluttershy's imaginings were interrupted by her realization that her tail was beginning to hike up, exposing her to the eyes of the various ponies in the market. Blushing, she quickly lowered it tightly against herself and did her best to hide behind her mane. She could practically feel the disapproving glares from some of the nearby mares searing into her fur. Not that there was anything specifically illegal with the free show she had just been giving everypony nearby, but there were certain rules of etiquette that a civilized pony was expected to follow. Otherwise mares might just walk around with their tails hiked up and stallions could trot about fully erect and bouncing around. Once you passed a certain age, it was expected of you to be able to keep some of those reflexive reactions under control.

It was the same reason sex was typically done in private, or at least in doors. There were no actual laws against public fornication, of course. Otherwise nearly everypony in Equestria would end up locked away every heat season. Fluttershy couldn't help but laugh to herself at the image of some poor guard trying to break up one of the heat orgies and round all those ponies into a prison cart. Talk about a losing battle. But, the point was that outside of "that time of the season", a proper pony simply didn't do that sort of thing in public. Of course, Fluttershy had nearly lost count of the number of times she'd heard Rarity try to lecture Pinkie or Rainbow Dash on those rules of society, but most ponies followed them.

Pressing on, doing her best to ignore the tittering of a nearby group of mares and a few lingering glances from a few stallions, Fluttershy tried to get the rest of her shopping done quickly. Her last stop before she could head home was a bouquet of flowers for dinner tonight.

"Good morning, Fluttershy," Roseluck greeted her as she approached the mare's stall. "Looking for anything particular today?"

"Something fresh and seasonal, I think," Fluttershy mused as she eyed the flowers on display. "Maybe some violas... Oh! Do you have any dianthus in stock yet? They've always been some of my favorites."

"Actually, you're in luck Fluttershy. We just harvested the first bloom a little while ago," Roseluck happily told her customer. "I think Lilly's still arranging them, but if you give me a few minutes I'll run to the back and get them for you."

"That would be wonderful, Roseluck," Fluttershy said, her day just getting better and better. "Please, take your time though. I'd hate to be a bother."

"Not a bother at all, Flutters," Roseluck reassured her. "Just wait here and I'll be right back."

Fluttershy stood patiently in front of the flower store's counter, waiting for Roseluck to return. Suddenly, she was shocked to feel the weight of a pony upon her back. Was she being mounted right now? The flat head of a stallion's cock rubbing against her entrance made it pretty clear to her that she was. She froze as her mind attempted to process and make sense of the current situation she was now finding herself in.

Who could possible have the audacity to try and mount her right here in the market in broad daylight with other ponies bustling about? Had some stallion seen her tail flagging earlier and gotten so excited that he simply had to fuck her right here and now? That was ridiculous! Who could possibly be so shamelessly uninhibited, so completely and utterly ignorant of all civilized mores and accepted rules of society that he'd have the sheer audacity to mate with her right now? Who could be so rude that he'd fuck a mare without even asking permission first, and in public no less! Who could possibly-

"Morning sis," Zephyr Breeze greeted her cheerfully as the tip of his cock began to slide between her folds.

Ah. Of course.

"Zephyr! What in Equestria do you think you're doing?" Fluttershy demanded, trying her best to keep her voice level and calm despite the conflicting emotions of anger and lust welling inside of her. The last thing she wanted was to draw more attention to herself by raising her voice. Not that her quietness was helping much, given the small crowd of ponies gathering around her and her brother, much to Fluttershy's dismay. She could already hear them murmuring amongst themselves as they watched the public display.

"Well, duh. I'm fucking you, Flutters," Zephyr answered as his medial ring pushed inside her, as if to emphasize his point.

I, mmm... yes," Fluttershy moaned reflexively. Darn it, why did her brother have to feel so good inside of her. It made being angry at him really hard to focus on. No! Focus Fluttershy! "I'm well aware that you're having sex with me, Zephyr. What I meant was, what in the world made you think it's alright to be doing this right now, here in public?" she asked.

"Well, you're the one who told me to, Flutter Butter," Zephyr replied. He was starting to thrust in and out of her now, making it incredibly difficult for the poor mare to focus on the conversation.

"I most certainly did not, Zephyr," she insisted, trying her best to sound stern and serious. It wasn't very convincing, coming as it was between her gasps and moans of pleasure.

"Sure you did. Last night, when I tried to get in bed with you, you told me that you 'weren't in the mood', whatever that means, and that we could have sex in the morning," he replied casually, as if completely oblivious to the ever growing crowd of voyeuristic onlookers building around the couple. "Well, it's morning now, so I figured you'd be game."

"I meant when I got home, Zephyr!" she explained with open frustration. "Not in the middle of town!"

"Well, then you should have said so," came his petulant reply. "So if you think about it, this is really your own fault, Flutterbutt."

Any further arguments from Fluttershy were lost as her pussy convulsed around her brother's stallionhood, the first climax of the day wracking through her body and causing her to squirt a puddle of marecum onto the dirt beneath her hooves. Roseluck had returned to her side of the shop counter just in time to see Fluttershy's face contort in blissful ecstasy. Now she stood awkwardly in front of Fluttershy, holding the bouquet of flowers limply in her forehoof.

Princesses, this was embarrassing, Fluttershy lamented as she did her best to ignore the tutting and head-shaking of the ponies around her. At least things couldn't get any worse.

"Whoa, Fluttershy!? Is that really you?" asked the all too familiar voice of a certain pegasus.

Oh no.

She should really know better than to think such things.

"Well hey there, Rainbows!" Zephyr enthusiastically greeted the newest member of their now sizeable audience. "Come to get a turn after I'm done with Flutterbutter here?" he brazenly asked.

"In your dreams, Zeph," Rainbow shot him down.

"Every night," Zephyr proudly proclaimed.

"Bleah! I didn't need to hear that," Rainbow responded, voice filled with disgust as she tried not to imagine what dream her had gotten up to with the stallion. "Still though, I'm impressed. Flutters here always refuses when Pinkie or I suggest a little out doors fun," she stated, tussling Fluttershy's hair as she watched the siblings fuck. "How'd you manage to convince her to come out of her shell and let herself get rutted in the market?"

"Oh, it was all her idea, actually," Zephyr answered loudly enough for everypony around to hear. He slowed his pace down a bit as he casually conversed with Dash, as if he wasn't buried balls deep inside his own sister as they chatted. "She suggested it last night. Gotta admit, I'm not really one for the whole exhibitionism thing, but you know me. I just can't deny a pretty mare's request."

Fluttershy's mind was lost in a haze of lust, but she could still make out some of the comments coming from nearby ponies when they heard her brother's proclamation.

"Always seemed like an upright mare."

"Typical pegasus."

"Umm... it's fifteen bits for the flowers."

"You never saw the old princesses' friends acting so shameless."

Fluttershy had to say something before the whole town came to see her as some sort of harlot. She wanted to deny her brother's words. Maybe ask Dashie to whip up a quick storm to disperse the crowd and give Zephyr a cold shower. These were the things she wanted to say. Unfortunately, what ended up coming out when she opened her mouth was slightly different.

"Yes! Fuck me harder, Zephyr! Pound my pussy like you own it!" she shouted at the top of her lungs.

Welp. That hadn't come out as intended. Fortunately for her, she was too busy experiencing her second climax to fret about it too much.

Somewhere, tucked in the back of her head where some semblance of rational thought was still possible, she wondered if she'd be able to convince Discord or Starlight to mind wipe the whole town. No, probably not. They'd both find this whole thing too funny to let anypony forget about it. She needed better friends.

"Hey, Zeph. Mind if I get in on this action?" Rainbow Dash asked.

Sigh. She really needed better friends.

"Sure, Rainbow," Zephyr happily acquiesced. "The Breeze is nothing if not a generous lover."


While Fluttershy was distracted, Rainbow took the opportunity to hop up on the counter in front of the yellow pegasus.

"Hey Rose, you don't mind if I use your shop counter for a few minutes, right?" Dash asked.

"Umm..." Roseluck managed to get out.

"Awesome! Thanks!" Rainbow said, cutting her off.

Rainbow sat down right in front of Fluttershy's face and spread her hind legs wide open, providing the entire crowd of onlookers an unobstructed view of prime Wonderbolt pussy. Not that most of them hadn't seen it already. Heck most of them had been rather intimate with it at one point or another. Dashie had never shared Fluttershy's hang ups with random, public, anonymous sex. She was probably the most laid mare in town.

Excluding Pinkie Pie, of course. But Pinkie didn't really count. As Twilight had once explained, once you start dealing with certain orders of magnitude, all other numbers become more or less equal.

Fluttershy suddenl;y found her snout buried inside the familiar marehood of her best friend. The scent of Rainbow's arousal was intoxicating, and combined with Zephyr's increasingly fast-paced and frantic rutting, lead to a singular though pressing thought to the front of Fluttershy's mind:

Who cares what the other ponies think? She was in this deep already, she might as well start enjoying herself.

Her tongue began to push inside Rainbow's folds, tasting the sweet nectar of her friend. Fluttershy no longer tried to hold back her moans, vocalizing her pleasures to send pleasing vibrations of sound into Dash's pussy. She began to meet Zephyr's thrusts, throwing her hips back to meet his cock with equal enthusiasm and properly fuck her brother like a good big sister should. Let the other ponies murmur and gossip. Fluttershy was on cloud nine as she let herself be double teamed by her two oldest lovers. Nothing could possible spoil this moment for her right now.

"Rainbow Dash!" Zephyr cried out as he came inside his sister's pussy.

Well, nevermind. Leave it to her brother to prove her expectations wrong.

Fluttershy attempted to pull her face away from Dash's pussy in order to scold her brother for calling out the other mare's name while cumming inside of her - again - but Rainbow's hooves pressed Fluttershy's face right back into her cleft. Fluttershy doubted Dashie had even heard Zephyr call out her name as he came, she tended to hyper-focus on her own pleasure when she was getting eaten out. Just as well, Fluttershy didn't want to create even more of a scene by having to try and stop her friend from slugging her brother.

Zephyr was pulling out of her as she worked to finish Rainbow Dash off. Stallion cum spilled out of her as that wonderful dick left her body., adding to the ever growing puddle forming in front of the flower stall. She only had to lament the loss of her brother's cock inside of her for a moment before it was replaced by the feel of his tongue cleaning up the mess he had made of her. At least some of big sister's lessons had gotten through that thick skull of his, Fluttershy mused.

The three pegasi formed a lovely chain of oral pleasure as the two mares approached their peaks. Dash came first, naturally, dousing Fluttershy with her cum. Fluttershy drank it up greedily, the wonderful taste of her friend, combined with Zephyr's talented tongue, finally brought her to climax number three. Her legs went week, and she stumbled a bit before catching herself on the countertop.

"Thanks Shy, that was great," Rainbow proclaimed as she hopped back to the ground. "Anyway, I've got some things to take care of, but I'll see you around," she said, taking off into the air. Before flying away, she turned back and added, "Oh! And next time Pinkie and I go cruising around town, we'll make sure to let you know."

And then she was off.

Zephyr yawned as Fluttershy turned around to face him. "Well sis, that was a lot of fun, but I'm just not used to these early mornings. I'm gonna head back home and take a little siesta for myself. I'll try to be up by dinner, but be sure to cook me something nice if I'm not, okay? Love ya," he stated, adding a quick peck to her cheek before also flying away.

Fluttershy grumbled to herself as she stood back up onto all four legs and did her best to quickly straighten her mane and tail. The crowd was starting to disperse now, though a few ponies were still lingering about the area. Fluttershy could feel their eyes on her, but she didn't care anymore. What was done was done, and she had to admit that it had been kind of fun. She was more upset that Zephyr was apparently planning to sleep through the whole day that she had set aside to be with him then she was at him fucking her out in public like this. Oh well, this wouldn't be the first time he'd disappointed her plans for him.

"Uh... Miss Fluttershy?" Roseluck's voice interrupted the pegasus's train of thought. "Did you, um, still want the dianthuses? They're 15 bits if you're still interested."

"Oh, right. Sorry about all that, Rose. Here's the bits for the flowers, plus a little extra for whatever... clean up you need to do," Fluttershy apologized as she placed the bits on the counter and took the bouquet, making sure to avoid placing the coins in the wet spot that Rainbow Dash had left behind.

"Oh, don't worry about all that Fluttershy," Roseluck comforted the pegasus. "It was a little shocking seeing it from you, but it's hardly the craziest thing that's ever happened in front of this shop. You'd be surprised to see how eager some mares are to express their gratitude when their hubbies grab them a bouquet of roses on Hearts and Hooves day."

"Oh. I see," Fluttershy said, trying to find the right time to make her escape without appearing rude. "Well, anyway, thank you for the lovely flowers, Rose. I'll see you around, I guess."

"Maybe bring your brother around again too, Fluttershy," Rose added with a not at all subtle smirk. "After watching your face through most of that, I'm certain me and the girls could use a stallion of his talents to help out around back, if you catch my drift," she said with a wink.

"I'll uh, I'll be sure to pass that along to him," Fluttershy promised, though the prospect of sharing her brother's cock wasn't too appealing to her. Still, it would be nice to see him settle down with a steady job, and Fluttershy couldn't deny that he'd be good at it. So long as the flower trio kept his mouth busy with things other than talking. "Anyway, I really should be going now."

She turned to walk away, only to be greeted by several ponies looking straight at her, eager looks in their eyes. A collection of stallions and mares approached her and quickly formed a semi-circle around the pegasus, blocking off her hopes for a quick escape. What could they possibly want with her?

"Ah, excuse me, Miss Fluttershy I presume?" one of the stallions began to say. Brown fur and an hourglass cutie mark, Fluttershy recognized him as one of Derpy's friends. Doctor something, she thought, trying to recall his name. Doctor who? Oh well, it didn't really matter.

"So sorry to bother you like this," he continued. "I'm afraid that we were all much taken in by your little display of carnal fornication earlier and were hoping it wouldn't be too forward of us to ask if perhaps we could all partake in the same sorts of fun."

The other ponies nodded in agreement, some of them taking longer to work out what the doctor had just said. Fluttershy looked from one to another, their eyes clearly filled with lust for her. She looked to her left, where there was an empty alley conveniently placed out of the way of the hoof traffic steadily increasing in the main market. She took a bite from her bouquet and slowly chewed on the blossoms as she mulled over her options.

Well, why not? After all, with her brother taking his siesta, it wasn't like she had anything else planned for today. And it was sort of exciting to be doing it outside like this, with everypony able to watch.

And join in...

"Okay!" Fluttershy replied excitedly. "I'm all yours, everypony!"

Let her brother make his own dinner whenever he woke up. Fluttershy would be eating out tonight.