> Ebbing Tides > by The Setting Sun > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Chapter 1 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ebbing Tides Chapter 1 - The Setting Sun of Twilight “Together, sister. We will end the threat together.” “I love you. Do you think we’ll ever come back?” “We have to believe we will.” A cloaked pony peered through her binoculars, staring at the trade convoy in the distance. Glancing at the sky, she awaited the signal. Her associates should be here soon. Then they could begin the raid. The leader of the convoy laughed, clinking his mug against another stallion’s. The alcohol inside slushed around in the mug as he downed it all in one go. The two laughed uproariously at some unheard joke as their companions sat by the convoy, sleeping. The cloaked mare sighed. Where were her associates? They promised they’d be here on time. Although, it wasn’t as if it was their fault. Time was hard to judge.  Day and night was wonky, the Paladins sometimes not being able to lift and raise the sun and moon at an orderly pace. After all, they weren’t alicorns. “Psst,” a familiar voice hissed from behind her. “Shimmer, is that you?” “Who else could it be?” Shimmer snarked back, turning around to meet a familiar grizzled face. “You’re late, by the way.” “Wasn’t my fault,” The grizzled stallion grumbled as he took up a position behind her. “My guys took forever getting the gear. The trade convoy there, as said?” “Yep,” Shimmer nodded. “Looks like only two awake. Though, I don’t like the looks of this, Brittle.” “What do you mean?” Brittle glanced at her, rubbing at one of his scars unconsciously. “We were informed of their routes. What else would you need to be cautious of?” “They’re a convoy from the Sparkles,” Shimmer whispered. “I saw the Starburst mark. If they’re from the Sparkles, why do they have such a sparse guard roster? They’re rich. They should be able to afford more and better guards than these two.” “We were promised a hefty reward if we turned if what they had on the convoy, no questions asked,” Brittle grunted. “It’s supposed to be some good loot.” Shimmer frowned. “I still don’t like it. There’s a reason why I don’t take job offers to rob ponies often, Brittle. I normally go for the assassination jobs or the ones where I give a warning to somepony. I’m not that kind of mercenary.” “We’re being offered ten thousand bits,” Brittle grunted. “If that’s not enough, I don’t know what is. Enough worrying, yet?” “Ugh, fine,” Shimmer sighed under the hood. “But if anything goes wrong, that’s on you.” “Very well,” Brittle let out a low whistle. “You’re up, boys!” Stallions piled out of the forest, all of them heading for the convoy. About two dozen stallions surrounded the carriage before the two guards realized what was happening, getting up in a haste and knocking over their mugs. Together, they quickly woke their companions up, and all of them immediately lowered themselves into fighting positions. Shimmer’s eyes narrowed. “They’re no ordinary guards. Look at their formation. The unicorn behind, the pegasi and earth ponies ready to attack. That’s…” “I’m starting to think the same as you, now,” Brittle murmured. “But we’ve come too far to stop. They’ve seen my stallions’ faces. You’ll be fine, but they won’t be if those guards get away and alert the Paladins. We’d be toast, then.” “We won’t let any harm come to Lady Sparkle!” The lead guardpony shouted. “Leave now, and you won’t be turned in to the Paladins. We are her elite guard!” “Lady Sparkle?” Shimmer’s eyes widened. “Wait, this isn’t a trade envoy-” “It’s an escort,” Brittle finished for her. “The head of the Sparkle family is here. Whoop dee joy. We’ve been tricked. They didn’t tell us this was a kidnapping job!” “We gotta go through with it, though,” Shimmer muttered. “I don’t believe those guards for one moment that they won’t tell on us.” “Agreed.” Brittle gnashed his teeth. “Attack, boys!” The stallions all shouted battle cries, before charging at the convoy. The unicorn’s horn lit up as he began to cast a spell. The spear tips of the guardponies’ glowed as he did so, and the guards charged at the mercenaries.  The battle was over faster than expected. In less than ten seconds, all two dozen of the stallions had been knocked out or disabled. The lead guard looked at Brittle and Shimmer confidently. “Still want to try? You mercenaries have nothing on us. Anyways, we’ll have to take you in now. We did give you a warning.” Shimmer snarled. “You’re not taking me alive!” She threw off her cloak, revealing an auburn pony with streaks of yellow, red and orange in her mane. “I am Sunset Shimmer, legendary mercenary. And you, are small change to me.” “Sunset Shimmer?” The lead guardpony raised an eyebrow. “Last I heard, Sunset Shimmer was off in Marelaysia. What brings you to the edges of Canterlot?” “This job,” Sunset pulled her blade out of the sheath at her side. “Ten thousand bits is a hefty sum.” “Then prove it,” he challenged. “Show us your signature move.” “Don’t do it,” Brittle muttered under his breath. “We can still sneak away. I’ll get my boys out of jail sooner or later. If you show something of undeniable proof, they can stick this on you. Better not risk it.” “What are you, chicken?” The lead guardpony grinned. “You’re just a fake.” Sunset snapped. She teleported behind the guardpony, before firing a spell at his back, sending him sprawling. She teleported again, landing on top of another pony and knocking him out instantly with the butt of her sword. Slashing backwards, she parried the blade of a pegasus, before erecting a shield to deflect a spell fired by the unicorn. She then kicked another earth pony in the face, her strength magically increased. She then cast a spell, having cleared enough space to do so. Webs sprung from her horn, encasing the guards almost immediately. They struggled against the sticky fluid, but it was fruitless. Within seconds, the webs had ensnared the entire group, including the lead guardpony. The unicorn fired a spell at her, but missed due to his awkward positioning within the web. Sunset rolled her eyes, before pulling an inhibitor ring out of the saddlebag she had left on the ground behind her. The unicorn’s eyes widened. “No!” He cried. “That’s going to hurt-” “Better than me killing you, right?” Sunset snapped. “I can’t have you going after me after you free yourself. Trust me, it’s better than the alternative.” She slotted the inhibitor ring onto the unicorn’s horn, and he whimpered as the effects took place, locking away his magic. “Now,” Sunset closed her eyes as she began casting a spell. “Hush now, quiet now, go to bed, it’s time to sleep.” Within seconds, even as the guards struggled against the sleep spell, their eyes shut, the spell forcing them to go to sleep. “Now,” Sunset sighed. “Let’s get the gal outta the convoy and transport her to our employers. I want my hooves washed of this as soon as possible.” Brittle nodded, before trotting over to the carriage. He pulled open the cloth curtains, before gasping. “Shimmer, I think you better take a look at this. That’s not the Lady Sparkle we thought it was. That’s another Lady Sparkle.” Sunset trotted over and peered into the carriage. Inside lay a slumbering lavender unicorn, deep in sleep. Beside the unicorn lay several spell books, and what looked to be a uniform for the prestigious Canterlot School of Mages was folded up neatly on the seats beside her.  There were also a few bags and trunks, obviously belonging to the lavender unicorn. “No,” Sunset breathed. “That’s Twilight Sparkle.”