> My Name's Twilight Too > by Dewdrops on the Grass > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > My Name's Twilight Too > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- My Name's Twilight Too By Dewdrops on the Grass Rainbow Dash screeched to a halt right before the club, her hooves landing on the Canterlot cobblestone with nary a clop. A quick shake of her head sent her wind-swept hair back into perfect shape. Using the tips of her wings,, she brushed out the wrinkles in her dress shirt and skirt. As she approached the club exterior, pulse-pounding bass echoed through the closed doors, causing her tail to sway in time with the beat. A massive muscular minotaur stood before the doors, his beefy arms crossed over his chest as he scowled down at the mare. “Private party,” he snarled. “Invitation only.” “Aww, relax, big guy,” Rainbow Dash snickered as she rummaged through the pocket of her dress shirt, plucking out a laminated card gleaming with traces of platinum and silver. “I’m a Wonderbolt squad leader. Permanent invitation.” He snatched it from her hoof and glared down at the card before running a slender rod of crystal topped by a gleaming topaz over it. A light inside the topaz swirled before it let out a quiet little chirp. Letting out a wordless grunt, he handed the ID back, though his glare had softened significantly. Turning his massive bulk he reached out one hand and gripped the door handle, roughly pulling it open, unleashing a torrent of music crashing into them like raging surf. “Go on in.” Rainbow Dash winked at him. “Thanks, buddy,” she murmured as she tossed him a shiny golden ten-bit piece, one of many on her person courtesy of her new promotion. Tucking her card back into her shirt, she whistled nonchalantly as she strutted into the club. Her ears flattened as the full weight of the music hit her, pounding inside her chest. Inside she beheld a massive dance floor tiled with flashing squares of all colors of the rainbow. Opposite the main entrance was a towering DJ station, blasting out the music. To the left of the dance floor was a series of tables scattered next to a full bar, where ponies could sit and eat meals and drink fine liquors and wine. The entire place was filled to the brim with various ponies, all of whom were important on some level of Canterlot society.  After all, this wasn’t just one of Canterlot’s boring old nightclubs. This was the Canterlot Club D'élite, founded centuries ago by Canterlot nobility. Only those who proved themselves elite in society were welcome here, among the music… and its myriad of other features. Like the dozens of private rooms up on the second floor, each supplied with a comfortable bed and couch, along with plenty of toys and equipment. Or the big party room on the third floor, where groups could get together and… play. Even down here on the dance floor though Rainbow could see ponies eying each other, showcasing a lack of modesty that left the Cloudsdale-born pegasus with the urge to guffaw. Most of the stuck-up nobles she’d been forced to meet during her required attendance at various diplomatic functions had their snouts so far up in the air she was surprised they could see where they were walking. Yet here all of that modesty vanished, replaced by sheer naked lust.  As she trotted towards the bar, she noticed more than a few eyes darting her way, focused squarely on her wings and flanks. It was enough to send a quiver down her spine, all the way along her tail and into her dock. Not for the first time she wished Soarin’ or Spitfire had joined her rather than turning her down, but when she’d asked they both laughed. “Enjoy your first time, Crash,” Spitfire had said with a snicker and a smirk. Rainbow felt her muzzle curl into a brief pout as she remembered that annoying nickname, which still persisted despite her latest promotion putting her on an equal level with Soarin’. That was what earned her the pass to this party, as not just any Wonderbolt was allowed in. Reaching the bar, Rainbow hopped up onto one of the provided stools, noticing that the instant she sat down the sound of the music dimmed considerably, a spell put in place presumably to allow conversation. The plush, cool cushion underneath her rump allowed her to relax comfortably as she brought one hoof up to tap on the expensive wooden bar. After a moment a slender earth pony wearing a dress shirt and tie sidled over. “Ah, Miss Rainbow Dash,” he said, his words colored by a slight Trottingham brogue, “welcome to the Club D'élite.” She drew back just a touch. “You know me?” He smiled. “I make it my business to know all new invitees, so I can help show you the ropes, as it were.” As he said the word ropes, he winked. “But more importantly, I have this for you.” He bent down beneath the bar, withdrew something and rose to hoof over a pamphlet. “Just a reminder of the rules and regulations. Everything is safe here at the Club D'élite, and we will not hesitate to eject anypony that does not abide, understood?” Rainbow resisted the urge to roll her eyes. She’d signed a much larger version of this pamphlet in the form of several sheets of paper before she was handed her card, and she knew the drill. “Thanks,” she said, stuffing the pamphlet in her shirt. “Of course.” He smiled once more and held a hoof out to the shelves of alcohol behind him. “One more thing: everyone gets their first drink on the house. What would you like?”  Those who knew Rainbow Dash only by reputation would assume she’d respond with some variation of beer. Those who knew her personally would assume she’d go for something harder. But only her best friends knew what she’d really say next. She leaned forward, glancing furtively about before whispering, “Do you have any Sweet Apple Acres hard cider?” “As a matter of fact, I do have a few bottles left in stock,” he answered. He shuffled down the bar and soon returned carrying a large, wide mouthed bottle bearing a familiar apple-adorned label. Her mouth watered like a torrent as he set the bottle down in front of her. “You have some expensive tastes. I won’t be able to replace this for another four months.” “I know the brewer,” Dash mumbled as she popped off the cork and took a deep swig. A moan escaped her as that familiar, heavy hitting appley flavor rushed over her tongue and down her gullet. “Oooooh…” Fortunately, Dash had enough sense to savor this rather than waste it by gulping it all down. “Enjoy,” the bartender said as he moved away to assist other patrons. Rainbow didn’t really hear him, too focused on her cider. She hadn’t expected this treat; it was almost enough to make her wish Applejack was here with her at the club, even if they’d never let her in. Those taut, firm muscles built strong from Applebucking, her thighs and flanks, the way her tail graced her farm-fed plump round ass all the way down to those gorgeous folds that she so often showed Dash a tantalizing glimpse of… just picturing it sent little tingles through her body, and between that and the cider she let out another moan, louder this time. “Enjoying yourself?” Rainbow Dash spluttered at the sound of somepony else’ voice, reminding her she was in public, even if it was a sex club public. “U-uh, yeah!” she said, turning to face the direction the voice had come from, her muzzle spreading into a practiced smile. “Just having a good… time…” Her voice trailed away from her, falling deep into the depths of her stomach even as her heart leapt into her throat. She choked, her eyes blinking rapidly, stomach churning as she beheld the mare in front of her. “Y-you’re… y-you’re…my...!” The stunning, gorgeous eggshell grey coated mare with a mane of purple and white in an all too familiar haircut smiled warmly at Rainbow Dash, blinking her arctic blue eyes behind short rimmed reading glasses, with only trace of wrinkles around the corner of eyes showing her real age. “Oh I hoped you’d remember me, Rainbow.” She held out a hoof. “Twilight Velvet, Twilight Sparkle’s mother.” Rainbow took Velvet’s hoof automatically and shook it. “Uh, yeah, I-I know. We’ve talked a few times. Just… not…” “Here?” Velvet let out a rich laugh, her low, silky mature voice causing Rainbow to twitch all over. “Well I figured I’d run into one of my daughter’s friends here sooner or later.” Her horn lit, floating up a large glass of wine along with Rainbow’s bottle of cider. “Tell you what, rather than try and converse out here, let’s go find some place a little more private.” “H-huh?!” Rainbow gasped. Her throat dried out as she tried to swallow. “What… what do you mean?” Velvet’s gaze softened. “I just want to talk, sweetie, I promise.” She jerked her head towards one of the sets of stairs nearby. “Come on. I’ve got my own private room up there.” Rainbow swallowed, successfully this time, and took a longing glance at the exit. She could whisk her way out of there in a flash. One swift burst of her wings and she’d even Rainboom. Oh sure the resulting shockwave would probably damage half the building and she might lose her Wonderbolts position forever but… her whole body tensed up, prepared to flee. And then she looked back at Velvet, at that undeniably gorgeous face. The look of motherly concern and acceptance in her eyes, with a complete lack of anything else. Ever so slowly, she allowed her muscles to relax one by one. “Okay,” she nodded, releasing the breath she’d held. “Wonderful,” Velvet said. She carried their drinks by her side as she took a few steps towards the stairs, then looked back over her shoulder. “Come on, follow me.” Rainbow Dash took another deep, if shaky, breath as she hopped off her chair. She tried to focus her eyes on where they were going, on the carpet and wooden stairwell, yet kept straying back to Velvet… to that shapely rump of hers, her tail swishing back and forth, revealing just the slightest glimpse and scent between her thighs every now and again. The fullness of her flanks, plump but not fat, had Rainbow biting at her lip, even as a sick feeling filled her stomach. What am I doing? Rainbow asked herself as she continued to watch Velvet’s swaying rear. That’s Twilight’s mom! Yeah, and? She’s hot! countered her libido. You’ve thought that for, like, ages, ever since you first met her. It was true. Velvet had an energy that her daughter simply lacked. Much as Rainbow Dash liked Twilight, the egghead was always just that: an egghead. No matter how hot she looked, there just wasn’t that key spark to her personality that really got Rainbow going. No pun intended. But Velvet on the other hand… Rainbow heard how Velvet went over Neighagra Falls in a barrel from the deck of an airship multiple times. There were other tales of her daredevilry too, usually told to her by Twilight in a bored, irritated voice as she whined about how much her mom risked her life for pointless thrills. Velvet abruptly stopped at the top of the stairs, with Rainbow barely reacting in time to avoid shoving her face right into Velvet’s rump. As it was she earned a swat on her muzzle from Velvet’s tail for her trouble as Velvet glanced back with an amused grin. “Lost in thought there, honey?” “Honey?” Rainbow whispered, feeling a shiver run through her body. Did she like being called honey by Velvet? Was that a thing she was actually into? Velvet’s grin dropped. “Rainbow, if you’re uncomfortable talking with me, it’s okay. You don’t have to.” Rainbow snorted, one hoof shooting to scratch the back of her ears. “I’m not gonna chicken out, Miss V.” Velvet’s smile returned, turning impish. “You can just call me Velvet for now. We’ll see if you earn the chance to call me Miss.” She swished her tail once and resumed walking. Rainbow’s face turned redder than the reddest part of her mane as she followed Velvet along the corridor, past numerous closed doors. Onyx decorations numbered each one as they passed them by, though a few listed names instead, in jade. Despite the soundproofing, Rainbow’s keen ears picked up plenty of moans, screams, and whinnies of delight and pain coming from each of those doors. Every fresh noise wriggled its way into her nervous system, causing little spastic twitches, especially in her nethers. Rainbow tried to tune it all out, forcing her thighs together with a squishing sensation that was not helping. Finally they reached one of the doors laden with jade, this one festooned with additional gemstones in a variety of colors, each one lit up from inside. “Twilight Velvet” read the nameplate, though there were numerous other smaller engraved nameplates below it, like a memorial wall. “That’s, uh, that’s a lot of names,” Rainbow said. Velvet floated a key out of her pocket up to the door.  “House Twilight founded this club. I’m the current owner.” A quick twist of her magic and the door opened up. “Whoa, seriously?” Rainbow gasped. Velvet winked, then spoke several sentences in flawless Prench, concluding in Ponish with, “And that’s why we call it the Club D'élite. You should ask Twilight sometime about our family’s history. Though she’s refused to take over ownership of this place. She keeps trying to make me pass it along to Shining, no matter how much Night Light and I both tell her it’s supposed to be hers.” A wistful smile crossed her face. “Night Light loves hearing my stories about this place. He even comes along sometimes. Only sometimes though. The poor dear finds it too… stimulating most of the time.” Any response Rainbow had to that fled her mind as she stepped into the room, gazing about so fast like her head was on a swivel. There was the usual assortment of furniture one might expect. A pair of massive velour sofas able to seat at least three or four ponies each sat across from each other next to a magical fireplace, with a lowset, flat table between them. Not too far away a four-poster bed dominated the room, large enough to challenge the sleeping arrangements of Princess Celestia herself, covered in silk and satin sheets in tasteful colors of purple and black. Tucked away in one other corner was a small kitchenette, with sink and fridge presumably full of beverages and snacks. Then there were the more… eclectic pieces. Iron crosses, modified massage tables, rocking horses with spreader bars built in… and the more she looked the more she realized harnesses and latching points were on everything, even the regular furniture. As her eyes continued to gaze around she noticed that the corner closest to her had what actually looked like a shower cubicle, similar to that of a locker room, large enough for several ponies to shower at once. And there was a small door, currently cracked open to reveal a toilet and accompanying sink. This… is… actually pretty awesome, Dash thought. ...and scary. Look at all the ways she could… tie me up… “Shit,” she whispered. “Please, take a seat,” Velvet said, gesturing to the couch as she set down their drinks. “You’ll want this back, I’m sure.” Rainbow stared suspiciously at the couch, searching for any sign of stains or odd smells before taking a seat. “Wow,” she murmured as she sank into it. “This is comfy.” Velvet’s eyes twinkled. “Yes. And enchanted, so don’t worry about any messes. You could dump a gallon of gasoline on this couch and it would clean itself up.” “Uh huh.” Rainbow brought her bottle up to her lips, her hoof shaking hard enough to almost spill it as she gulped down another large mouthful. Despite the amazing taste, the liquor hit her stomach hard, almost like she’d been bucked by Bulk Biceps in her barrel during practice. Again. Velvet meanwhile tucked herself casually on her sofa. “It’s alright, Rainbow. Please, try to relax. We’re just here to talk.” “Y-yeah, I know.” Rainbow’s mouth dried out and she automatically took another sip of cider to try and hydrate it. “So, uh, what’re we talking about?” “Well,” Velvet answered as she took a drink of wine, “I’d like to hear how my daughter’s doing. She’s been so busy ever since her coronation she hasn’t had a chance to stop by and say hello.” “Oh.” Rainbow blinked, swallowing roughly. “Uuh, she’s been… good.” A brief sigh escaped Velvet’s lips as she narrowed her eyes at Rainbow. “Come on, you can tell me more than that.” “Erp!” Rainbow found herself stiffening to attention. Despite the soft tone, there’d been a level of authority in that voice that brokered no argument, like Spitfire on her worst, most pissed off day. “She’s been pretty tense. She’s had a lot to do, between the repairs to the castle, signing new versions of all the old Equestrian duchy agreements, setting up her staff… and then there’s Day Court, which takes up a lot of her time. She’s been venting to me any chance she gets… apparently Spike’s been replaced mostly by Raven Inkwell these days, while Spike’s off being Ambassador to the Dragonlands.” “Oh.” Velvet frowned. “I suppose that explains the letter Spike sent to me the other day apologizing for not coming to see Night Light and I before he left town.” She swished the wine in her glass before taking another drink. “I’ll have to find an excuse to drop by the castle. I’m sure Twilight could use a bit of relaxation time.” “Yeah, Rarity and I keep trying to tell her to schedule some time off for herself,” Rainbow said. “She’s gonna work herself up till she goes completely crazy at this rate.” “Oh really?” Velvet raised an eyebrow, her muzzle wrinkling with amusement. “Did she listen?” “Pfft, no. She’s still the same egghead as ever,” Rainbow snorted. Then her eyes abruptly widened as she choked on her cider. “Err, I-I mean–” Velvet broke into laughter, a sound similar to that of her daughter’s, but richer, deeper, causing Rainbow to shiver all over again. “Oh don’t worry about it, honey. I know my daughter. She’s just like her father, a total academic. She’s not like you and me.” Velvet smiled warmly as she leaned towards Rainbow. “She doesn’t know when to relax and seek some thrills.” The smouldering look in Velvet’s eyes caused Rainbow’s whole body to break out in a sheen of sweat. “Uh, y-yup, that’s… that’s me! A real thrillseeker, hehehehe…” “My daughter’s told me you’ve tried flirting with her a few times.” “She did?!” A fierce heat filled Rainbow’s cheeks, mixing with the sweat unpleasantly, making her wish she could towel off. “That, I, uh, that’s…” “But she always turned you down,” Velvet continued. “I asked her why once. She told me it was because she didn’t want to get between you and Applejack.” Rainbow swallowed, taking a quick gulp of cider. The heat spread from her face down to her barrel, and from there out to her flanks. “Well, I… okay I’ve been with AJ a few times but, that was just some fun!” “Uh huh.” Velvet flashed her a slow wink. “Sure. So what you’re saying is, you’re really into my daughter.” “Well… not… maybe… it’s complicated,” Rainbow babbled, grabbing for her cider to slurp another swig. She noticed her bottle was near empty, and judging by how heavy the alcohol was sitting in her gut, she was going to pay for it if she didn’t slow down. The warmth filling her body shifted back to her stomach, bubbling up the alcohol inside like a slow-boiling pot until she felt sick. Velvet, perhaps sensing Rainbow’s unease, leaned back in her seat. Instantly some of the heat fled Rainbow, leaving her more sweat-soaked than sweat-broiled. “I think I get it. You like a lot of things about her, but you and her just wouldn’t mesh.” Velvet’s horn lit up to briefly showcase an image of two mares intertwining their necks in nuzzles. Rainbow let out a brief sigh. “Yeah. She’s great, and I really wanna be there for her as a friend, you know.” “Well for what it’s worth, I agree with you,” Velvet said, draining the last of her wine glass. She casually floated it behind her all the way to the kitchenette sink and set it down gently without looking. “You two would be like a burst of fireworks, and not the good kind.” “Whoa,” Rainbow muttered, eyes locked on the sink in the far corner. “How… how’d you do that without looking?” Velvet chuckled, low and throaty as she leaned forward, setting one forehoof on the table between them and tapping her horn with the other. “Where do you think Twilight got her magical talent? House Twilight has always produced powerful mages. Me, I can do a lot of… really interesting things with it.” She bared her teeth in a grin that sliced right through Rainbow’s regrown confidence, almost predatory in its expression. “I can show you some of them, if you’d like.” Her eyes darted about the room, hesitating as she took in the pair of harness hooks on either side of her. Her heart refused to still, pounding faster and faster, till her chest began to throb with pain. “I… I…” “Hey, hey,” Velvet said gently. “Rainbow, please, listen to me. You’re okay. You’re safe. I’m not going to hurt you.” Damn it, Dash, what’s wrong with you? Dash chided herself as she held a hoof to her chest. It’d been a long time since she’d had any kind of real anxiety attack, especially not one this bad. But she knew the signs… that chest pain only ever meant one thing. Normally she’d take to the sky and fly around, using the wind to cool herself off, but that wasn’t an option here. “I, I know, but…” “But what?” Velvet asked softly. Rainbow winced even as she shouted, “But you’re her mom, not her, okay? I feel… I feel like...like...” Velvet went silent. She stared at Rainbow for a long moment, her eyes shining with something Rainbow at first didn’t recognize, until it slowly shifted to an expression she’d seen countless times on her best friend’s face: concerned understanding. “You feel like I’m offering to be her replacement.” “Yes!” Rainbow blurted, throwing her hooves up in the air. “And I feel like, I dunno, like that’d be kind of like betraying Twilight. Like she said no, so instead of taking no for an answer I go fuck you as a proxy? What kind of friend would I be if I did that?” “A terrible one,” Velvet shot back with a small bark of laughter. “If I ever heard of someone doing that to one of my kids I would have a lot to say to them.” Rainbow let out a large sigh of relief. “Thank Celestia you get it. I–” “However!” Velvet held up a hoof, pointed at herself, then at Rainbow, then at the floor. “No one said that’s what was happening here. I’m not offering to be my daughter’s replacement, Rainbow.” Rainbow froze, her muzzle half split into an uncomfortable smile. “Huh?” Velvet’s gaze softened a touch. “I like you. And because I like you, I’d like to have some fun with you, that’s all.” Her horn lit up and the door opened. “And if you’re not interested that’s okay. It was a pleasure to talk with you.” Rainbow’s jaw worked like she was scarfing down a bag of oats right before a big performance. Her mind filled with arguing voices, each one a shade of her namesake colored mane, all screaming at once about all the merits and downsides of this offer. Mechanically, she raised one hoof, then another, standing up from the couch. Her ears caught the sound of a soft, disappointed sigh from Velvet. As a touch of guilt washed down Rainbow’s throat like spoiled cider, she halted and deliberately faced Velvet. "Nah, I’m not leaving. I mean, I came here for a reason you know. I wanted to chillax and have some fun. And I didn’t realize till I got here that I wouldn’t know anypony. So, uh… guess what I’m saying is, thanks. For inviting me to talk.” Velvet drew back, arching an eyebrow. “...I hope you’re not staying just because you feel bad for me. That’s the last thing I would want.” “Tch!” Rainbow looked away, a deep scowl crossing her face. She took a few deep breaths before facing Velvet again. “No way. I’m not the kind of pony to have sex with someone out of pity.” Velvet eyed her for a moment, as if evaluating her, before a full smile crossed Velvet’s face, instantly turning mischievous again. “Good. Because if you were I’d kick you out on your ass into the mud.” Surprised laughter escaped Rainbow’s throat. “R–right. Yeah, don’t… don’t want that.” The older mare’s smile shifted, transforming into a leer. “By the way, you’re not very subtle. I noticed you checking me out as I walked up the stairs.” “Wha – no I wasn’t!” Rainbow protested, though her heart wasn’t in it. The beginnings of desire stirred up inside once more. “Oh yes you were,” Velvet asserted. She splayed out on the couch and slowly drew a hoof along her body towards her flanks, and parted her rear legs just enough to show a flash of her nethers. “By all means, don’t let me stop you. I know what I’ve got.” “Oh wow,” Rainbow whispered, her eyes hungrily taking in the sight like a starving pony gulping down their first meal in ages. “That, I, uh, that’s…” “I take it you like what you see,” Velvet continued, her smile ever growing. Her rear legs shifted some more till she was on full display. “But then I knew you would.” Ooooh gosh, Rainbow thought, drool running down the outside of her muzzle. A strong urge to dive right in filled her, causing her to unconsciously step forward. “Well… yeah, you’re… holy crap, Miss V, I...” Velvet let out a soft chuckle and instantly shifted around till she was facing forward. “Ah ah, I told you, Rainbow. You need to earn the right to call me Miss.” “Wha…” Rainbow’s eyes widened. “Oh! Uh, h-how am… how should I…?” she flailed with her forehooves. “We’ll see,” Velvet purred. She watched Rainbow for a moment before her lips briefly formed an oh, then shifted back into a smile. “Tell me something, Rainbow. What exactly was the line you’d use on my daughter again?” “Uuuh…” Rainbow’s mind blanked out, taken aback by the sudden subject change. “I… I don’t…something about Twilight? ‘Cause twilight’s my favorite time of day.” Velvet leaned forward, just as she had before.“Unless I’m mistaken, it was, ‘I wish the twilight would last forever, just like your gorgeous body.’” As she spoke, her voice dropped in register, turning positively sultry. “You know… my name’s Twilight too.” That did it. That crumbled whatever remained of Rainbow Dash’s resolve. Screw how weird it was that this was Twi’s mom. Screw however strange she felt lusting after a mare twice her age. Rainbow was ready to be screwed, and if that meant bedding Velvet, so be it. So she leaned forward in turn, a matching smile popping up on her face. “Yeah. Yeah it is, huh?” Velvet reached out a hoof and tucked it under Rainbow’s chin. The touch was electric, stealing her breath away. “Before we let this go any further, I want to be sure about one thing. I want to be sure you’re consenting to this because you want to, not because you feel you have to just because you’re here, alright?” “Yeah!” Rainbow nodded fast and furious. “I want this.” A bubble of laughter burbled up from Velvet’s throat, smooth as her namesake. “Good.” She stepped off her sofa while keeping one hoof under Rainbow’s chin, closed the distance, and planted her lips squarely on Rainbow’s. Warmth instantly flooded Rainbow’s entire body as she found herself falling along the back of the sofa, pressed back by Velvet’s firm hoof placed against her chest. Her rear legs scrabbled at the air, trying to latch on and around Velvet even as the older mare stayed partially standing at the edge of the sofa. The taste of Velvet’s full lips brought with them the bittersweet, heavy taste of wine mixing with the apple cider to form a pungent bouquet, the scent heady and thick in Rainbow’s nostrils. Then their tongues intermixed and Rainbow went from warm to on fire. Desire burned like a raging inferno as she grunted and growled into Velvet’s embrace, playing out a false struggle for dominance, just like she always had with Applejack. But unlike the farmpony, Velvet didn’t play along. When Velvet pulled away from the kiss, Rainbow let out a quiet but insistent whine, at least until Velvet pressed a hoof against her lips. “Hush now, Rainbow, relax,” Velvet purred. She climbed onto the sofa with Rainbow, curling a foreleg underneath Rainbow’s neck to hold up her head, her horn lighting up to keep Rainbow’s rear legs in place, leaving Rainbow thoroughly at her mercy. “Let’s not be too hasty.” “Aww, come on, Velvet,” Rainbow grunted, reaching out for the older mare. “You can’t just kiss me like that and then pull away.” “Oh?” Both of Velvet’s eyebrows shot up. “Well… hmm. Let me ask you something, Rainbow Dash. How much experience have you had?” Rainbow’s face screwed up in confusion as her desire slowly began to fizzle away, leaving her thoroughly disappointed. “I… what’s that got to do with anything?” “Just answer the question, honey.” Rolling her eyes, Rainbow replied, “I’ve been with AJ a bunch of times, slept with Soarin’ once… then there was that one time with Pinkie Pie, that was kinda weird… oh, and uh, a couple of times on the road with a stallion and mare I met in a bar in Vanhoover.” Velvet smiled knowingly. “So what you’re telling me is, not very much outside of plain vanilla, then. Which means I get to teach you the way things can really work in the bedroom.” Rainbow gulped as Velvet placed one hoof on her chest and pushed down hard this time, more than enough to keep her from moving. “Uh, aheheh, what kind of… teaching?” “Tell me, when you have had sex before, do you usually find yourself on top?” Velvet asked as she drew little circles on Rainbow’s chest with her hoof. Combined with the pressure it left Rainbow feeling more than a little strange, like an especially vigorous massage. “Oh yeah, totally!” Rainbow said with a nod and a grin she really, really hoped Velvet would buy as sincere. “Yup, everytime. Top Dash, that’s me.” “Really.” Velvet abruptly released her hold on Rainbow all at once and hopped off the couch. Rainbow’s head landed on the couch arm with a painful thud. “Ow, what’d you do that for?” Rainbow grunted as she sat up, rubbing at the back of her head. Velvet didn’t look the least bit apologetic as she backed a few steps away and planted her rump on the floor. “Alright, Rainbow, show me. Take the lead.” Rainbow let out a surprised whinny as she stared at Velvet, flabbergasted. “Wait, what?” Velvet glared right back, her gaze freezing over. “Take the lead,” she repeated, her voice cooling just as much. “Show me what you can do.” “Uh, I uh… okay…” Rainbow ruffled her wings as she stood up, one side of her muzzle twisted into a frown. What the heck is her deal? She wondered as she approached Velvet. The closer she came the more her hooves hesitated, like they were moving through molasses and growing heavier by the second. By the time she reached Velvet and tried to wrap an arm around the older mare’s neck, Rainbow found herself too frozen up to move. “I… I’m gonna…” Velvet’s frosty gaze melted in a heartbeat, warming up like a fire on a cold winter’s night as she softly smiled back. “You’re a bottom, aren’t you?” Rainbow sighed. “...yeaaah… one hundred percent.” She snorted, her tail lashing out. “I hate it sometimes. I’m Rainbow Dash, dang it. I’m supposed to be awesome all the time. Why am I such a… a wuss in the bedroom?” Velvet reached forward and hugged Rainbow, gently but firmly, almost like a mother would her daughter, though that comparison was one Rainbow instantly threw out the window lest it sour everything in her mind. “That’s the first lesson I’m going to teach you, Rainbow Dash,” Velvet cooed. “There’s nothing wrong with being submissive. Especially not for someone like you.” “What do you mean, someone like me?” Rainbow said in a near snarl, despite the comfort of the hug. Velvet cleared her throat and gave Rainbow a pointed look, one that commanded her to listen. At once Rainbow’s rump planted itself on the floor. “I mean, Rainbow, that you’re someone who deals with a lot of stress in her life, so when you’re making love, you want to be taken care of, don’t you?” “Taken… care of…” Rainbow repeated. She let the words bounce around in her head, pinging around what felt like a massive ballroom of empty space at the moment, so confused they’d left her. “Like, how so?” “That’s going to be the second lesson, Rainbow,” Velvet said. The steady light of her horn wrapped its magic field around Rainbow and picked her up. “I’m going to take care of you this evening. You’ll learn all about what I mean.” Normally Rainbow couldn’t stand when Twilight or Rarity did this, or any other unicorn. She hated being confined. Like any pegasus she had a good, healthy dose of claustrophobia about her, and being carried like this should have caused her to panic. Should have. Instead, as Velvet’s magic wrapped around Rainbow’s body and hoisted her into the air, Rainbow… relaxed. Her muscles lost tension, her breathing steadied, her heartbeat slowing. A sense of peace filled her as she gave in and let Velvet carry her. “Here we go, Rainbow,” Velvet said, planting a quick kiss on Rainbow’s cheek as she laid the pegasus down atop the bedsheets. “Now just sit still for me, honey. This’ll only take a moment.” Rainbow unconsciously splayed her wings out under her as she sank a little into the silken sheets. The mattress underneath was, somehow, almost as comfortable as a cloud bed, but far more solid and supportive. The expensive material of the sheets rubbed up against her coat in such a luxurious way Rainbow almost didn’t notice Velvet placing several cuffs around her hooves and attaching them to the four corners of the bed, leaving her spread eagle. “Uuuuh…” Velvet’s hoof stroked the fluff of Rainbow’s chest. “Just relax, honey. You’re safe.” Despite a brief flare of hesitation, Velvet’s words soothed Rainbow’s worries like a warm shower after a day of hard flying. There was a sense of the familiar here too, an instant thrill warming her body just like she’d found herself feeling, albeit fleetingly, whenever Applejack trussed her up with rope. Granted, the farmpony had never done that while they fucked, but she remembered feeling turned on, almost uncomfortably so, each time it happened. Like the Running of the Leaves, when her wings were bound. A trickle ran down Rainbow’s legs, and she leaned her head up enough to see she was soaking the sheets already, wetter than she’d ever been in her life. She began to mumble an apology, only to close her jaws when she saw Velvet slowly shake her head. “Enchanted, remember?” Velvet said. “Now, lay back and let me go to work on you.” Rainbow braced herself for Velvet to launch right at her clit, but to her surprise the older mare instead began tracing her hooves up and down Rainbow’s legs, almost like a softer version of a sports massage. As she stroked, she leaned over enough to meet Rainbow’s lips with her own, giving the bound pegasus warm, gentle kisses, less enthusiastic than Rainbow’s usual preference. Each kiss pressed down into her lips then lifted away like she’d been patted on the shoulder by a rabbit’s paw. Or Fluttershy. Grimacing internally, Rainbow lifted her head to try and kiss Velvet more forcefully, only for the older mare to pull away and use her magic to press Rainbow back down firmly into the pillows. Something cool and wooden to the touch lightly smacked against Rainbow’s flank, just enough to sting. “Relax, Rainbow Dash, or I won’t hit you so lightly next time.” “O–okay,” Rainbow murmured, flinching away from the impact site. A rush of unease washed over her, but it was the good kind, the sort that left Rainbow eager to find out what came next. Velvet’s magic raised what looked like a long, thin stick of bamboo next to her face. “By the way, honey, if you start feeling uncomfortable at any time, just tell me, okay? I know you’re still new to this, so we’ll only go as far as you’re willing.” “R-right.” “Are you okay so far?” Rainbow nodded several times in rapid succession. “Uh-huh.” A pleased chuckle slipped from Velvet as she lowered the bamboo cane. “Good. Now, lay still. Don’t move.” Don’t move. A command Rainbow hated following, under normal circumstances. And yet, as Velvet’s weight pressed into her chest and her lips followed, Rainbow didn’t give a damn. She let out a quiet moan as Velvet’s motions slowly stirred up the fire within. Then Velvet’s lips pulled away and traced down her jawline, each burst of warmth sizzling like a salmon steak on a grill. Rainbow let out an involuntary high-pitched squeak as Velvet reached the crook of her neck. Instinctively she pulled at her cuffs, wanting to run her own hoof through Velvet’s hair, or pull her down harder. Velvet paused, and Rainbow realized her mistake just before the cane walloped her on the flank. “Gaaah!” she cried, flinching away from the sting. A magical glow enveloped her flank, soothing away the pain as Velvet leaned down to give it a quick peck. “I did warn you, honey.” “Hehehe,” Rainbow snickered even as she hissed out her next breath. “Yeah you did.” Velvet patted her side once, then climbed atop her once more, this time bringing a hoof up to stroke Rainbow’s cheek as she smiled down at her. “Tell me something, hon… how do you feel about biting?” Rainbow instantly bit her lower lip, the heat in her body rising like fresh coal shoveled into a steam engine. “I love it.” “Alright.” Velvet’s grin switched to a smirk. “Ask me then.” Blinking in momentary confusion, Rainbow ventured, “Uh, can you, uh, bite me?” A snort escaped Velvet’s nostrils as she slapped a hoof up to her muzzle, clearly holding back a burst of laughter. She took several moments before she regained enough composure to respond, “Not like that, honey.” Using her magic she brought up the cane and pressed the tip against Rainbow’s cheek. “From now on, you’re to call me ma’am at all times, understood? No names.” Rainbow’s eyes flicked down to the bamboo touching her, causing her whole body to tremble despite Velvet’s weight holding her down. The daredevil part of her urged her to fight back, just a little, so before she could stop herself she blurted, “Yes, Velvet.” A flash of irritation shot through Velvet’s eyes as she frowned. “What did I just say, honey?” she said as her cane rose. Three times in rapid succession she smacked Rainbow’s left flank, then instantly switched off and did the same to the right, all without having to look. “Aaaah shit!” Rainbow screamed, thrashing underneath Velvet’s weight. The pain from those hits burned, radiating outward into the rest of her body like waves of sharp steely knives. “Jeeheheez..” Unlike last time, Velvet showed no inclination of soothing the impacts. “Now then,” she said after a moment. “Let’s try that again.” “Yes, err… ma’am,” Rainbow answered as one hoof tugged at its cuff in an attempt to salute. She laid it back down at once and braced herself, but fortunately this time Velvet didn’t punish her for it. Instead the older mare nodded and set down her cane. “Better.” She shifted in place to straddle Rainbow’s hips, smearing wetness all down Rainbow’s belly. The smell of it hit her too, an intoxicating blend of mare scent that threatened to throw Rainbow’s libido into overdrive. As Velvet settled down, Rainbow could just feel the end of her tail briefly caress Rainbow’s folds before moving away. “I hope I’m not too heavy, dear,” Velvet said as she descended to kiss along Rainbow’s neck once more. The athlete twitched but managed to stay still despite the strain of desire. “N-no ma’am, you’re f-fine,” she huffed between sharp gasps. “Good,” Velvet whispered. Her teeth briefly brushed against Rainbow’s skin. “Do you want me to bite you?” Rainbow swallowed and whispered, “Y-yes, ma’am.” Velvet’s voice dropped in register. “Then ask. Politely.” A small part of Rainbow’s mind whispered to her that this was ridiculous, that she should just ask to be let out of those cuffs so she could fuck Velvet the right way, but the rest of her smothered that part before it could utter more than a few words. “P-please,” she gasped. “Please bite me, ma’am.” A brief growl of delight was Rainbow’s only warning before Velvet’s teeth sank into her shoulder. “Aaaiiii!” Rainbow groaned. Velvet had bit her hard! She’d expected something but not so much force. And then the older mare did it again further down her neck. And again into the ridge between her neck and shoulder. Each one caused Rainbow to grunt and moan, her cries getting louder and louder. Finally for Rainbow’s frazzled nerves Velvet slowed down and switched to tender nips and nibbles. “How’re you doing there, sweetheart?” Velvet whispered as she lifted her head and drew circles in Rainbow’s chest fluff with her hoof. “Ggh...guh… I’m…” Rainbow squeezed her eyes shut and shook her head a couple of times. “I’m, I’m good ma’am.” “You sure?” Rainbow met Velvet’s eyes and nodded. “Yes ma’am. Just a bit more intense than I’m used to, ma’am.” “Glad to hear it. You’ve been such a good girl for me so far,” Velvet said, her voice rich with a motherly tone that reminded Rainbow so much of how Fluttershy spoke to her animals. Hearing such a tone directed at her was… a lot nicer than she would care to admit. But Velvet’s next words set her pulse quickening. “You deserve a reward.” “I, uh,” Rainbow gulped, “I d-do? Ma’am?” Velvet climbed off Rainbow, the disappearing weight disappointing her until to her surprise Velvet flipped herself around, placing her rump square in Rainbow’s face. “Of course,” Velvet said as she tucked her tail aside, “you’ll still have to work for it.” Rainbow’s mouth watered like a raging waterfall as she beheld Velvet’s marehood, the grey lines puffy and laden with moisture, her clit winking every couple of seconds. A pair of teats hung just underneath, just big enough for Rainbow to reach them with her tongue if she tried. And the smell! It hit her nostrils like a heavyweight champion, fueling a sense of hunger that was all the more intense for her bound state. “Yes, ma’am!” she all but shouted, her forehoof once again attempting in vain to salute against the cuff binding it. Velvet let out another snort of laughter before looking back over her shoulder. “Alright, here we go then.” And her rump descended, squatted right over Rainbow’s face. A deep growl rumbled in Rainbow’s throat as she lifted her head enough to lap with her tongue. She wished like hell she could lift her hooves up so she could hold Velvet’s rump in place by the cutie marks, but even without that Velvet held perfectly still. A few soft gasps emerged from Velvet as Rainbow’s tongue traced along the outside of her labia. “Mmm,” Rainbow moaned as the first taste of Velvet’s fluids hit her tongue. Like herself the older mare was sopping wet, and each fresh burst of flavor stirred Rainbow Dash on. To her delight Velvet shuffled her way backwards a bit, just enough so Rainbow could really reach every part of her. And reach she did, plunging her snout in and lapping away like crazy, using every last bit of knowledge she’d gained from all the times she’d eaten out AJ and the others she’d slept with. “Aaah… oh my, honey,” Velvet said. The older mare’s rump shuddered in Rainbow’s face, inadvertently bumping Rainbow’s nose. “Maybe I was a little too–ah!–hasty in saying you completely lacked experience.” Rainbow’s stomach muscles twitched as hot breath warmed her fur. “But you’re not the only one who knows how to use their mouth, sweetheart. Better get ready. Oh, and one thing.” Velvet’s magic pushed Rainbow’s head away from her rump, just enough to make Rainbow mutter a quick, “huh?” Looking back, Velvet flashed a sadistic grin at Rainbow. “I hope you understand you don’t get to cum before I do.” “Wha–” Rainbow’s jaw fell open, then she rolled her eyes and sighed. “Of course. Er, ma’am. ...should’ve known you’d say that.” Velvet shrugged. “Tradition is tradition for a reason.” With that her muzzle descended upon Rainbow’s marehood, and the athlete screamed. Something about the techniques Velvet knew… she hit spots Rainbow didn’t even know she had. She didn’t just use her tongue either; she mixed in brushes along Rainbow’s inner thighs with her hooves, pulling Rainbow’s tail with her magic, the occasional pull and bite at Rainbow’s soft teats… A heat built up in Rainbow, one intensely familiar, a burning, overriding sensation that seared her muscles, tensing up every nerve, ratcheting up the tension until it threatened to explode her whole body in one gigantic, cataclysmic fireball of pure pleasure. But Rainbow was not one to give in without a fight. Velvet wanted to make this competition? Oh she’d make it a competition, alright! She’d make Velvet writhe in sheer ecstasy until the older mare collapsed into a gibbering pile of twitching limbs. So she dove right back into Velvet, her snout soaking in the older mare’s fluids as she furiously lapped and slurped at every last bit of her, till she was sucking on Velvet’s clit like it was a lollipop she was keen on finishing within the next five minutes. “Fffffuuuck!” Rainbow mumbled, her words all but lost as Velvet refused to get in and intensified her own efforts, stoking that fire within Rainbow ever higher. Rainbow did her best to flood her mind with everything she could think off to try and still her libido, from reading textbooks to listening to Mudbriar go on about sticks to even coming within fifty feet of Zephyr Breeze, but all her efforts were like pouring buckets of water into a volcano:  utterly useless. At least until Velvet abruptly pulled away, and her magic washed over Rainbow like the poor athlete had just been dunked into an ice bath, completely eliminating any sense of her impending orgasm. Rainbow had just enough time to mutter a quick, “Wait, why did you–” before Velvet’s rump descended the rest of the way to trap her snout in place. After a brief second or two of panic Rainbow realized she could still breathe, if barely enough, and took the hint. She knocked her efforts into overdrive, as without the distraction of her own body being stimulated, she could focus every last bit onto Velvet. And she was rewarded. With a loud scream of delight a flood of marecum splashed onto Rainbow’s face, with Velvet’s legs shaking and shuddering like leaves in a hurricane around Rainbow’s ears. The athlete continued to lick, savoring every last drop of this fresh sweet taste, drinking it all in. After a moment of rapid, squeaky breathing, Velvet shuffled herself off of Rainbow, managing just enough to turn around so she could collapse by Rainbow’s side. One foreleg tucked itself around Rainbow’s chest as Velvet clung to her. “Oh… by Celestia, honey… goodness I needed that.” Velvet reached her head up and planted a kiss on Rainbow’s cheek. “Such a good girl.” Rainbow’s cheeks flushed solid crimson as she did her best to snuggle into Velvet’s embrace with what little amount of her body she could move in her restraints. “...thank you, ma’am,” she said quietly. Velvet reached up with her hoof and stroked Rainbow’s face until it tucked under her chin, then Velvet leaned in for another lip lock kiss. When she released it, she said, “You’re welcome, sweetheart. And you did such a good job holding off your own too. I could tell from the way you were shaking.” “Mm-hmm,” Rainbow muttered, not trusting herself to say anything at this point. The sour taste of embarrassment filled her mouth as the burn in her cheeks intensified. “I, uh, I do my best.” “That you do,” Velvet agreed, patting Rainbow’s chest. “I’m actually sorry I used my dampening spell on you… maybe it wasn’t necessary after all.” “Oh is that what you did, ma’am?” Velvet’s hoof ran along Rainbow’s side, causing the younger mare to titter from unexpected tickling. “Yes. I was a little worried I’d overdone it on you. You’re very sensitive, after all.” “Tch, I…” Rainbow sighed. “I know. Everypony teases me about it. They love to make jokes about how I’m the fastest mare in Equestria.” Her tone dropped into a grumble. “Like I haven’t heard that a million times.” “Oh don’t let them get to you, honey,” Velvet replied. She gave Rainbow one more peck on the cheek and then hopped off the bed. “You’re not nearly as bad as they say. Would you like some water?” “Um, sure?” Rainbow turned her head to watch Velvet’s swaying rear as the older unicorn trotted over to the fridge. “Uh, does uh, does this mean we’re done?” Velvet opened up the fridge, brought out two plastic water bottles, then closed it with her magic. Popping the corks with one quick zap each, she drained her own bottle then brought over Rainbow’s, holding it carefully while the athlete drank. “Not quite yet, dear. I said I’d take care of you, didn’t I?” “Well, yeah,” Rainbow answered as she finished off her own bottle. To her surprise she found herself entirely comfortable with Velvet’s assistance in helping her drink, since she couldn’t hold the bottle herself. She’d grown used to the cuffs, and apart from a bit of stiffness in her back muscles, she had no complaints. Well… except for one. “I just, uh… wasn’t sure what… you’d do. Next. Heh.” Velvet’s smile turned positively puckish. “A promise is a promise. It’s time I broke out one of my favorite toys, just for you.” “Oooh, a toy, huh?” Rainbow bit at her lip, her legs quaking with anticipation. “What kind?” In response, Velvet winked, and walked out of sight. Rainbow heard a few sounds of clinking metal, plastic, and such objects from the shelves on the wall before Velvet walked back into view. She held a harness in her magic that she proceeded to strap around her hip. “It might seem a bit basic, but it’s enchanted so that the wearer feels like it’s the real thing.” “Whoa.” Rainbow let out a low whistle. “How real are we talking?” “Real enough it’ll feel like I’m shooting off inside you at the end.” Stepping briefly out of sight once more, she quickly returned carrying two large dildos in her magic, one a solid black, the other in varying shades of orange. The black one was larger by a substantial amount, causing Rainbow to gulp. “Which one would you prefer I use, honey?” “Uuuuh, the orange one!” Rainbow blurted, deliberately trying to avoid looking at the larger black one. “I–I can’t take anything that big.” “Not to worry, sweetie.” Velvet floated the black one back out of sight. She attached the orange one to her harness, then gave it a quick stroke with a hoof. “Oooooh!” she stammered as her body momentarily quaked. “Yep, that’s all set.” To Rainbow’s relief, despite the athlete still soaking the bed with her wetness, Velvet courteously brought out a bottle of lube and slathered a generous portion onto the dildo before she hopped back up on the bed. She mounted Rainbow Dash, allowing the dildo to lay against Rainbow’s belly as she placed a hoof by each of Rainbow’s shoulders. “That’s… wow, it feels warm,” Rainbow grunted as Velvet’s weight pressed into her. “Almost like it’s real.” Velvet let out a low chuckle. “That’s right. That’s the other part of the enchantment. Makes for a lot of fun. Are you ready, honey?” A flood of anticipation filled Rainbow as she spread her rear legs as far as they’d go. “Sure am, ma’am.” Velvet rose up a little, then paused. “Hmm, I dunno. You don’t sound like you want it enough.” Rainbow’s face burned anew as she looked away. “Oh come on…” “Well, if you don’t want it that badly…” Velvet began to move off the bed. “N-no, wait ma’am!” Rainbow called out. Despite the sour note of embarrassment at being forced to do this again, Rainbow managed to lower herself to it, squeaking out in a quieter tone, “fuck me.” One of Velvet’s ears swiveled towards her as Velvet held a hoof up to it. “I’m sorry, what was that? I couldn’t hear you.” Growling under her breath, Rainbow blurted out, “Fuck me, ma’am!” Frowning, Velvet gave her a disappointed look. “I don’t hear a please in there, sweetie.” “Errrrgh… please, ma’am! Please, fuck me! Please!” Without warning, Velvet grinned sadistically and slipped the dildo inside Rainbow, all the way to the hilt. Rainbow gasped, her breath stolen away by the sheer sudden fullness of it. “As you wish, honey,” Velvet laughed. “You… guh… why…” Velvet slowly pulled out of Rainbow till just the tip was inside, then slammed all the way back in, the dildo gliding through Rainbow’s insides like butter, the friction unreal in its sensations. Combined with how full it made Rainbow feel, it drove her wild. “Because I can.” Rainbow snorted, even though a part of her enjoyed this teasing way more than she should. “Jerk.” “Ah-ah, I’m your top, dear,” Velvet said as she pulled out, faster this time, and thrust anew. Slowly she started up a gentle back and forth motion, not all the way out but not quite all the way in either. “It’s my prerogative.” The pleasure of Velvet’s slow thrusts obliterated any response Rainbow had to that. Rainbow had only been with one or two stallions before, so she knew what this felt like. At least she knew what it was supposed to feel like. This was different. Somehow… better, in some intrinsic way. It wasn’t just the bondage and the way Velvet skillfully dominated her, though that definitely helped, no. It was… ...it was how Velvet was a mare, inside her in a way few mares could be. Like they formed a connection, a real one. Stallions were all well and good in the bedroom, but they… Rainbow could never fall in love with one. Mares however? She could fall in love with them just fine. Though she didn’t think she was falling in love with Velvet. At least, she hoped she wasn’t. That would be awkward as all Tartarus. Just imagine explaining that to Twili–”Aaah!” Velvet abruptly sped up the pace. “Don’t tell me you’re zoning out, sweetie,” she grunted, her teeth partially bared. “Fu...guh… gaaah!” Rainbow blubbered, barely able to string words together. Any rational thought melted away, replaced by the fullness, the sensation of the warmth inside her sliding back and forth, her muscles tensing around it as her legs pulled against the cuffs, trying to wrap around Velvet. “I… no… don’t… stop…” “Wasn’t planning on it!” Velvet let out an almost menacing laugh as she briefly stopped long enough to adjust her position, then slung her hips forward again, rapid-fire. “Goodness, dear, it’s been a while since I’ve gotten to use this. It’s a bit much for most of my regular lovers.” Rainbow’s mouth opened up, her tongue lolling out as she lost herself in the motions, in the speed at which Velvet entered, left, and reentered her. The heat, the glorious, incredible, unrelenting heat built up inside her belly, cranking up and up as it filled her whole body, like the ocean pulling back before a tsunami, ready to break and crash over her. Velvet let out another laugh. “You’re really close, I can tell. Me too, dear. Shall we?” Rainbow tried to say something in response, only to scream as Velvet sped up even faster, unbelievably fast now. The waves of pleasure crept ever closer, closer, rising to such a fever pitch. And then Velvet’s lips descended on hers. And she broke. Surge after surge of pleasure sparked through every last nerve in her body, like an entire thunderstorm ravaging her nervous system, causing her to pull at all four cuffs as her limbs tried to curl up. Waves of pure ecstasy spilled forth from her belly, passing through her body like the aftershocks of an earthquake. She bellowed into the kiss with Velvet as her spine arched, her hips pressing up against Velvet’s, keeping her firmly inside her all the way to the hilt. As promised the dildo pulsed inside her, phantom blasts of magic feeling like shot after shot of thick, ropey marecum, without leaving a real trace. Rainbow twitched like crazy as she fell back against the bed, her spine relaxing even as smaller, less powerful waves of delight continued to wash through her. Soon her breathing came back under control, and she began to realize she’d let go of the kiss, with Velvet half collapsed atop her, the two breathing heavily as one. One last burst of glee hit Rainbow as Velvet pulled out with a pop, and curled up beside her. “Oh goodness,” Velvet moaned. “I haven’t cummed that hard in quite a while. It’s not often I can really go at it hard with this thing.” “Hehehehe…” Rainbow nuzzled her face up against Velvet’s and closed her eyes, allowing the mellow afterglow to soak into her body. “Guess you just needed someone who can take it.” Velvet giggled and planted a kiss on Rainbow’s cheek, then drew a few lazy circles on her chest with a hoof. “Sure seems that way. Aren’t you glad you said yes now, dear?” “Uh-huh,” Rainbow nodded. She let out a quiet sigh of happiness, then glanced at her limbs, which had begun to feel a bit sore. “Though uh, I might, uh… want out of these now.” “Of course.” Velvet patted her chest then jumped off the bed and swiftly undid the restraints, placing the cuffs away. Shucking the harness for good measure, she then brought out several more pillows and propped them up, and rejoined Rainbow in bed, pulling the athlete up into a comforting hug. “Better?” “Much,” Rainbow agreed as she snuggled into Velvet’s embrace. She let out a quiet whinny of contentment as Velvet slowly began running a hoof through her hair. “This was, uh… it was really nice.” Velvet grinned down at her, using a bit of magic to pinch at Rainbow’s cheek. “Just nice?” Rainbow let out a snort of amusement. “Okay, it was awesome. I’ve never had anypony do that before. Like, taking care of me like this.” She shifted in place. “It’s… I didn’t know how much I needed it.” “A lot of ponies don’t realize what they need until they finally get it,” Velvet answered. She returned to stroking Rainbow’s hair. “For you, it was submitting to me. For me, it’s usually getting the chance to show someone like you the ropes, or spend time with old friends.” “Are you always the one on top?” Rainbow wondered. It was a question she’d been pondering since she first set hoof in this room. Velvet burst out laughing. “No, no, sweetie… definitely not. Not everypony is a one hundred percent top or bottom. Some of us like to switch around, keep it exciting. Trust me, I can be quite submissive when I want to be.”  “Oh, huh.” Rainbow blinked, considering that for a moment. “Kinda hard picturing you being submissive like that. You’re so… confident.” Velvet gave Rainbow a quick peck on the head. “You can be submissive while still being confident. You’ve been pretty confident this whole evening, you know. Just because you submitted to me didn’t mean you lost what made you, you.” “Wow. I guess I didn’t think about it that way.” Rainbow closed her eyes and shifted to a more comfortable position against Velvet. “I’m not surprised.” Velvet’s magic reached for one of the blankets and pulled it over them. “But I am glad you said yes. I have to be honest about something… I’ve been hoping you’d come to this club ever since I first met you. I figured you knew how to have fun. I was right.” “Hehe, well…” Rainbow smiled inwardly. “Guess if we’re being honest, I, uh, I kinda thought you were super hot the first time I met you.” “Aaah, lusting after me from the beginning, huh?” Velvet teased, nudging Rainbow with her shoulder. Rainbow snickered. “Can you blame me?” Velvet grinned at that. “Not at all, dear.” She pulled Rainbow in tighter. “There is something I should probably say though.” “Huh?” “I want to be sure you’re not coming away with the wrong impression,” Velvet continued. “I had fun with you, and I like you, but I don’t want you to misconstrue that as anything romantic.” Rainbow opened her eyes and gave Velvet an exasperated glare. “Oh come on. I know that. I’ve got other friends with benefits. Sex isn’t love.” “No, but it can be, and I wanted to be sure.” Velvet rubbed a hoof on Rainbow’s shoulder. “I could tell what was going through your head when you were zoning out there. You were feeling a deep connection, right?” Rainbow’s jaw fell open. “...how…?” Velvet gave her a knowing look in return. “It’s the magic imbued in that harness. When I enchanted it I accidentally made it a little too strong. That’s one reason I don’t get to use it as often as I’d like. Some close friends can… misinterpret what they feel from it. And I’d prefer to avoid that kind of complication.” “Oh…” Rainbow shook her head. “Okay, that’s not it. It’s…” she briefly took a moment to explain what she had been thinking during that moment. “...so yeah, it’s uh, I get it. It was more like I was realizing somethin’.” “I’m a little surprised you hadn’t realized that already,” Velvet said with a slight shrug. “But I guess you’re still young in the end. Still figuring yourself out.” “H–hey, I’m twenty-nine.” Velvet poked her in the chest. “Like I said. Young. Talk to me again when you’re in your sixties.” Rainbow’s eyes shot open as she stared up at Velvet. “...wait, really?” “Yep.” Velvet grinned cheekily. “Oh come now dear, I have a son who’s almost forty and my daughter is a year older than you. Of course I’m going to be in my sixties.” “Well, yeah, just…” Rainbow thought for a moment, then shrugged. “Guess it just caught me off-guard.” Velvet ruffled her hair. “Don’t worry about it too much. It’ll take a long time before I really start showing my age.” “I wasn’t gonna worry about it,” Rainbow replied. She let out a quiet sigh. The afterglow had mostly faded, leaving behind a distinct feeling of sweat coating herself. “Can I uh, can I use your shower over there?” “Sure. That’s a good idea actually.” Velvet hopped out of bed and helped Rainbow climb to her hooves. Rainbow took a few hesitant steps forward, her legs still shaky from the restraints. But after a moment of working the kinks out she was able to trot easily over to the shower area. Velvet joined her, and soon both were soaking underneath sprays of steaming hot water. “Aaah,” Rainbow grunted as she positioned herself for the shower to work on her back, right where she’d become rather stiff over time. “That’s feeling a bit better.” Velvet paused in the middle of reaching for the bodywash to give Rainbow an apologetic look. “Sorry if your back’s hurting there. That’s the one downside to being tied up like that, especially as a pegasus.” “Nah it’s okay.” Rainbow unfurled her wings and stretched them out, letting the water run through her feathers. They still bore plenty of oil from her last preening, allowing the water to run right off them in waves, leaving them dry even as she focused the spray right on her wing muscles. “Maybe next time we can try something else though.” “Oh? Next time, hmm?” Velvet playfully elbowed Rainbow as she worked lather into her coat and mane. Rainbow paused, her eyes going wide. “Uuuuh, I uh, I mean–” Velvet let out a loud guffaw as she nearly doubled over. “Oh calm down, Rainbow. Of course there can be a next time. Are you kidding? After the fun we had tonight? My dear, I am not letting you get away scot free.” Letting out a loud sigh of relief, Rainbow returned to soaping up so she could wash everything away. “Great. Cool. So there’ll be a next time after all.” “Not just one,” Velvet said. “I’d like a chance to introduce you to some of my friends. If you’re interested.” Rainbow swallowed. “Uh, maybe? H-how many of them would uh, would be… tops?” “For you, dear?”  Velvet leaned in and whispered right in Rainbow’s ear.  “All of us.” Rainbow didn’t need to look in a mirror to know she paled at that thought, even as a part of her twitched in anticipation.  “Greaaat.”