> Equestria Girls: The Elements of Symphony and Memory > by GlitchyError > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Chapter 1: Goodbye and a New Start > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- BEEP BEEP BEEP BEE- SMASH! "Ahhhh~ Good morning world!", Frenzy Beat yelled out as he stretched his hands in the air. With a smile on his face, he got off his bed and walked off to the bathroom to clean up, passing by the alarm cloak he had recently smashed to bits with a mallet. "Oh what a wonderful day~", He sang along to the song in his head as he closed the door behind him and the sounds of running water overlapped his voice. As the boy washed in the shower, he continued to hum and sing. A few minutes later the door opened and Frenzy walked over to his closet, while still nude, to pick an outfit for the day. "Hmmm, let's see. Which one should I go for this time?", He said to himself ad he searched through his wardrobe, "This one? Nah! This? Nope, wore that two days ago. How about this? Yea-no, I don't feel like going out as an Emo." After searching for 5 more minutes he finally found it, "Aha! Here we go! Good old original me!" One montage of putting on clothes, stylishly, later, Frenzy was ready for the day. He walked on over to his full body mirror to see himself in all his mix-matched glory. Frenzy was satisfied at how his dark purple-colored skin contrasted with his mainly green-colored clothing. The green-colored jacket with yellow outlines went well with the orange shirt he wore under it. He also loved the symbol in its center which is his signature logo, a neon red skull wearing headphones. He even had little copies of it on each side of his dark green pants and his lucky red sneakers. Frenzy focused on his face and showed a massive grin, showing off his pearly white teeth that had three sets of sharp canine. His eyes, one blue with red irises and one yellow with grey irises, seemed to shin right back at him. However, what he liked the most is the usual style and color of his hair. It was wild but combed at the edges and each different colored patch of hair still retained its youth, it was like a painter had decided to just randomly paint on his hair, and he still loves it. He then asked himself, "Well hello handsome~ What are you going to be doing today?". "Hopefully not tight rope on the telephone lines again or adding more gangsters into your little empire.", A deep voice said behind him and instantly Frenzy's smile dropped. He groaned as he turned around to greet his father, Obsidian Order. He stood at a height of 8'7" with well-developed muscles all over his body, showing off that he is a very successful bodybuilder. Obsidian's skin was much like his son's but only in a much lighter shade and unlike his son's unique choice of clothing, he chose to wear a simple grey muscle shirt and a pair of grey shorts, which brought his pitch-black colored hair. "Oh come on dad, you know that I don't do the same thing twice in the same week! I am more creative than that!", Franzy said with a grin as he continued to comb his hair. His father rolled his grey colored eyes, "That is what I'm worried about. This is why you are going to be doing your chores for the day. No more of your...stunts." Frenzy was about to groan again, before he stopped and pulled out a tiny notebook from his pocket, "Let's see, the last time I did my chores was...three weeks ago! Which by the law of the three weeks rule, it's considered as something new!" "Well, it is going to be new because your gonna be adding packing your things on the list." "Even better! ....wait, why am I packing up?", Frenzy wondered as he scratched his head. Obsidian shook his head at his son's forgetfulness, "How could you forget, we talked about it last night.", He let out a tired sigh, "You are packing up because your mother and I had finally agreed that you needed some form of new start so you can get out of this crazy phase of yours. So you are going to be moving to Canterlot City tomorrow and you will be attending school there, no more skipping classes!" Frenzy visible deflated and flopped to the ground with a groan, "But Daaaaaaaaaaaad, school is so...so...ordinary! It's just the same thing over and over! I swear it's going to be the death of me!" His father facepalmed at Frenzy's antics, "Which is why your mother and I had come to a...compromise." Frenzy's head perked up at this, "Go on." Obsidian let out a groan and rubbed his temples, trying to prepare himself for the headaches that are to come, "The new school you're going to is called Canterlot High and while you are there, you will be staying with your..", He struggled to say u word and the accursed name that made his head hurt, "...Uncle Discord." One moment later Frenzy latched himself to Obsidian and gave him a big hug, with enough strength to slightly bend iron bars but since his dad is a bodybuilder he wasn't instantly crushed, "OH MY GOSH, that is the best news I've ever heard in my life! Thank you so much, dad! How could this get any better?" Obsidian tried to convince himself to keep silent but his mouth opened up before he could think, "He is also going to be one of your teachers there, so he'll make sure you attend your clas-OOF!" He really shouldn't have said that part cause now Frenzy is crushing him in an even tighter hug while an almost permanent wide smile was stuck onto his face. "Can't.Breath.Let.Go!" "OH! SORRY DAD!" Free from the death grip that is his son's hugs, Obsidian tried to catch his breath, "Sheesh...what has...your mother...been feeding...you?" "Oh, just the most nutritious food of all, love!" His father gave him a deadpan stare, "You mean her mystery burritos?" "Yep!", Frenzy replied with a silly grin before he shook his head to get his thoughts straight, "Wait? Why am I dilly-dallying for? I NEED TO GET MOVING!" With a burst of speed like that of a professional athlete, Frenzy ran past his dad so that he can go do his choices so he can pack up sooner, leaving Obsidian to roll his eyes at his son, but with a small smile on his lips. "Even with him being so much like his mother he still puts his responsibilities first.", He then turned to his son's bedroom and saw that everything had been tidied up, "...How the heck does he always do that? I swear his room was a mess a minute ago." One Hour of Chores Later "-and that should be the last of them!", Frenzy let out a satisfied sigh as he stared at his work. After having mowed the lawn for the last time and cleaning up any trash in the driveway, the front yard looked so clean that you could have lunch on it. Putting the rake in his hands back in his parent's garage, he stepped back out and looked around his neighborhood with a smile. "Sure am gonna miss this place...and I'm sure things are gonna get pretty boring without me here." Suddenly his ears caught the sound of engines running and it was getting louder and louder. Frenzy's grin grew as he heard the familiar sound of motorbikes ringing in his ear. "Well look who it is!", A group of 6 motorbikes stopped right in front of him and their riders got off their vehicles to walk over to Frenzy, "Just the people I was waiting, how have you been gents?" "All good boss!", They all said at the same time as they saluted at Frenzy in respect, "We came as soon as you called!" "At ease people, no need to get all serious! Besides, we are going to be celebrating all night long!" The bikers, who all looked like any other generic biker but each one of them had different colored skin, looked surprised at first before they smiled, two even whooped cheer. "Alright! What's the occasion bos- I-I mean Frenzy! You finally found yourself a mate?", One of the bikers, a girl, asked which caused the other bikers to gossip and gasp. Frenzy shook his head, "Nope, besides I doubt anyone can handle all of this.", He gestured to himself and caused the others to chuckle/giggle, but for other reasons. "Oh, well then what are celebrating for?" "You'll find out later at sundown, for now, I need you all to call everyone to the castle and tell them to get ready, cause we are going to party like there is no tomorrow!", Frenzy shouted out and raised his fist in the air, making the other bikers to get excited and yell out in glee. The boy chuckled, watching as his bikers got back to their vehicles and began to run off into town to spread the news. "Tonight is going to be a night that no one will forget! I'll make sure of it!", Frenzy said to himself before he went back inside the house to begin packing, very much excited to leave old Bundlewood behind. Oh, Bundlewood. The small, quiet, and peaceful town that has been Frenzy's home for many years...well, it was small and quiet until his family came around. When he was still an infant his father and mother, Jinx Mayhem, had just moved out of Canterlot City and chose to settle down in Bundlewood, talking to each other about a new start and boy was it quite a start. Just after a week since they arrived his mother had decided to run for mayor and convince her husband to be her assistant. The town wasn't so keen about having Frenzy's mom as mayor with her wild attitude. However, they found out that when Obsidian combined his influence for order and control with his wife's creative and fun ideas, they were able to bring massive change to the town. They made special events and programs where the youth of the town could have fun while adults were able to improve Bundlewood in ways they never thought possible. They were able to make their stable makeshift windmills and solar panels with just cheap materials, which somehow were able to make more electricity than regular ones, and it was all thanks to Miss Mayhem's unorthodox imagination and Obsidian refining her ideas. Another one of their successful accomplishments was how they were able to fix the town's food problem since the town wasn't able to grow enough food for everyone. When Jinx had been trying to make a perfume out of boredom, she had ended up accidentally creating a crop farmer's dream. A spray that not only kills pests that ruin their crops but it also doubles as a fertilizer that was able to make crops grow twice as fast! They had named it Demeter's Farts, no joke, and despite its name being so silly, it works like a charm. After the many things they had done for Bundlewood, the people had all agreed and Jinx Mayhem had been elected as mayor! Ever since then the small town had changed so much and it continues to expand under the guidance of both Frenzy's parents. However, the biggest change their family had brought into Bundlewood was Frenzy Beat himself. The boy was a perfect blend of both his parents. He had his mother's personality, energy, and imagination while he got his morals, control, and smarts from his father. Bundlewood had witnessed firsthand just what happens when his parents work together, so they all had high hopes that Frenzy would follow in his mom and dad's footsteps. Sure enough, he did, but in ways that no one expected from someone so young. No one could deny the fact that Frenzy is a prodigy in both academics and sports. Heck, he was even the one that was able to combine fun and learning, making school a place of fun the discovery, like it was supposed to. Even those who were in high school tried his way of learning and not only did it make things much more entertaining for the students but it also made the jobs of teachers much easier. The only problem was that Frenzy became bored of school, having already learned everything that they were teaching him. So he ditched school and decided to spend his time indulging himself in fun hobbies. One of them was finding gangsters, beating up their boss, and taking their members as his own, teaching them his morals, and overall changing the once trouble-causing teens into his very own police force. Under Frenzy's leadership, he and his group were able to capture as well as somehow convert every thief, criminal, and other gangsters that popped up in town. Another one of his hobbies was defending his title as The King of Pranks of Bundlewood. A title he earned after proving himself as the most mischievous, tricky, and chaotic prankster in the town, not even his mother was able to take the crown that laid atop his head, and that is saying something. However, Frenzy knew that one day he would get bored of it all and he had wondered what he would do at that point. So when his dad told him the news, he was beyond grateful! This is the answer that he had been waiting months for! "Just think of it. A brand new place to explore, new people I have never met before, and not to mention I'll be living with the best uncle in the world! Surely, this is where my life will truly begin!", Frenzy shouted out as he placed the last of his clothes in his luggage bag and closed it, "These should be enough! Now, all that's left are my instruments." Oh, right. There is another thing that made Frenzy so unique. One extra factor that differentiates him from everyone else in Bundlewood and it's that he is a musician. I know it may confuse you but if you were to ask anyone in Bundlewood about Frenzy being one then they would tell you that the boy is unlike any other. Whenever he plays any kind of instrument it always sounds like you listening to a professional, but what truly separates him from the rest is his amazing singing voice. Depending on the type of song he sings, his voice would seem to change to better fit its genre, and every performance he does would make everyone nearby stop and listen to his symphony, maybe even follow his beat! The point is that when it comes to music, Frenzy is the undisputed king, and he doesn't even notice it, not even when he performs. "You don't have to worry about those. I already sent them to your uncle!", A feminine and energetic voice said from behind him. Frenzy turned around and grinned, "Geez mom, if I didn't know any better I'd think that you want to get rid of me!" Jinx Mayhem, the renowned mayor of Bundlewood, is a short petite woman with the same multicolored hair as her son, but hers is inverted. She was wearing her light pink mayor uniform that matched her pale white colored skin. Her twinkling violet eyes were wide as she giggled and pulled her son in a hug, to which he returned, "Nah! I'm just so excited that you'd finally get to see Canterlot! That was where our chaotic roots came from and with Discy's help, you'll be as chaotic as us, and together we shall spread our chaos all over the world! Mwhahahahahaha-" BONK! "Ow! That hurt!", Jinx whined while rubbing her head, "Why did you have to do that honey?" "Because you were going into your 'dictator' phase again.", Obsidian rolled his at his wife, "How many times do I have to say this, no conquering the world!" "But it'll be so sweet! Just picture it! You and me traveling the world, seeing the sight, exploding said sights, and not to mention all the fun we could do! As a family of course!" Obsidian frowned, pulling out a water gun from his pocket and shooting at his wife's face, "No, bad kitty. No more evil schemes." Jinx hissed at him before she started to dry her face like a cat. All the while Frenzy watched his parents with a smile on his face. He chuckled before wrapping his arms around his parents and pulling them into a hug, "I'm gonna miss you two, you're my most favorite people in the world!" His parents shared wide-eyed looks, then smiled and returned their son's hug, "We'll miss you too son, just don't forget to call us on the weekends." Then Jinx leaned in close to whisper in his ear, "Just don't call us on Sunday evenings, me and your father's snuggle time must not be disturbed!" "Okay, I'll remember. Just don't squeeze the lights out of him again." "Don't worry son, I won't forget to wear the Jinx proof suit you gave me. I've already learned my lesson.", The boys shared a chuckled while Jinx rolled her eyes and huffed, "Men." SKITTY BOP BOOP PARAP, BOOOOOOOO- Frenzy slipped out of the hug and grabbed his phone from his pockets, "Ollo! This Frenzy speaking! ...Huh...Yeah sure...I want all of it...Yes, I am...No, absolutely not, you remember what happened last time! ...Okay, I'll be right over!", He put away his phone and turned to his parents. "Who were you talking to?", Obsidian asked. "It was my lieutenant. She said that everything is almost done for the party later on but she said she needs my opinion on a few things. So I'm heading to the castle and making sure everything goes great!" "PARTY!", Jinx beamed with excitement while Obsidian raised a brow at his son. He noticed this and playfully rolled his eyes. "I'll be making sure that no one causes trouble and the party rules of Bundlewood will still be upheld. So that means no smoking, drugs, and alcohol." "...and?" "I'll also promise not to use my celebration bazooka.", Frenzy pouted before being patted on his shoulder by his father "That's my son. Now go on, it is your last day here so go ahead and have fun but remember-" "Yes, yes, no stunts. I remember Dad, don't be such a worry wort.", He said as he walked to the door and opened it, yet before he left he looked back at his parents with a grin, "Besides, I got something more fun in mind. If I'm leaving, then I'll make sure that no one forgets the name FRENZY BEAT!" Slamming the door behind him, Frenzy started to sprint to where the party is at. It was such a nice day outside so why not enjoy one last sprint around town. Both his parents smiled as they watched their son run off until he was out of their sight, "I hope we did the right thing here. Jinx leaned on her husband's taller frame with an arm wrapped around his waist, "Like our son said, stop being such a worry wort Obby. I promise you that this is for the best. Frenzy needs to go out and see the world with his own eyes and not get held back by this lovely but boring town. He could do so much for Canterlot, I can just feel it in my belly!" GROWL!!! Jinx blinked before giggling, "Speaking of which, YOUR QUEEN DEMANDS SUSTENANCE PEASANT!" Obsidian rolled his eyes, "Your wish is my command, your highness." He walked towards the kitchen with his wife jumping on his back and laughing like a child on a sugar rush. As Jinx enjoyed the ride her thoughts drifted to her brother, wondering if he was as excited as she was when she told him the news. 'Speaking of which, I wish I can see the look on his face when he finds out that his favorite nephew found his special talent.' Canterlot City Things have gotten weird for the students and staff of Canterlot Highschool, all because of their whacky biologist teacher, Discord, acting...weirder than usual. Ever since this morning Discord had been smiling none stop. That wide seemingly permanent smile on his face unnerved the school body, mostly because the only time Discord smiled like that is when he was planning a surprise, and it isn't usually a good kind of surprise. Even Principal Celestia and Vice Principal were on edge by this. Speaking of which, these two sisters sat across from the grinning maniac who had just entered the principal's office, both curious as to why he was here and of the folder Discord had given them. "What are you planning this time Discord?", Celestia asked politely. "If you two worry worts are concerned about me pranking the staff again, then you'll be relieved to know that I am not going to be doing anything.", Discord answered, calmly and politely shocking both sisters. Luna could not believe what she was hearing, "You're serious? This isn't a lie to have us lower our guard is it?" "Nope. Cross my heart, hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye." With him reciting the pinkie promise, Celestia and Luna were now convinced and a bit relieved, yet they were still curious. "If that is the case then may I ask what has gotten you in such a good mood?", Luna asked, taking the folder and opening it to check its contents, "Wait a minute...this is a registration form!" Discord's smile seemed to grow even more, "Yes, yes it is." The two furrowed their brows before they stared at the folder again, "Let's see...Gender: Male...Age: 16...is the top of his class in both academics and sports? That's impressive. His full name is Frenzy Beat and his parents are Obsidian Order and-", Their eyes widened in shock and horror, "J-j-j-jinx M-mayhem?" "Eeyup! That's right! Starting tomorrow morning my nephew is going to be attending Canterlot Highschool! Isn't that just wonderful?", Discord rose from his seat, ignoring the frozen state his two superiors were in as he walked to the door, "And you won't have to do anything, his registration had already been confirmed and approved by the suits up top. So now if you excuse me, I'm going to take an early leave so I can prepare Frenzy's room. Have a nice day!" Closing the door behind him, Discord hummed a tune as he made his way to his house, not noticing that two random students had heard everything. These two were Snip and Snails and both looked pale, "Oh no, this is bad! Bad news I tell you." "Mhm, one Mister Discord was enough but having two of them here? That'll just be a nightmare!", Snails bit his fingernails due to stress, "I don't even want to know what they'll do when April Fools comes!" "We gotta warn everyone!" "Good idea!" Both boys ran down the hall screaming in terror. However, they weren't the only ones who heard the news. For another student just so happened to be close enough to hear it all without anyone noticing her, as always. "A new student huh?", She spoke to herself, "Well, guess there's gonna be another face added to the photobooks. Lucky him..." The girl let out a depressed sigh before she felt something nuzzle her cheek. She giggled slightly, knowing who it was, "Hehe, at least I got you, Lizzy." On her shoulder, an emerald-colored chameleon dropped its camouflage and wore a human-like smile. It let out a purr of some sort as the girl petted its tiny head. Their cute moment was cut short when the bell started to ring, "That's the bell, time to turn invisible again Lizzy." Lizzy nodded her head, fading out of sight but the girl still felt her only friend on her shoulder. The girl then started to walk down the hall to her next class, making sure to avoid any students in her way. She hates it when she bumps into people, mostly because they wouldn't apologize or notice her presence, but she couldn't blame them tho. Why apologize to someone you can't even see in the first place? Bundlewood Several hours had passed and night had already fallen upon this side of the world. The moon glowed in the dark sky alongside the countless stars that twinkled. Basking under the beauty of the night is the farewell party that Frenzy and his followers had set up. The celebration was set in outdoors, right in the courtyard of an actual castle. It was like that of those in times of old but everything looked to be in mint condition. This castle was Jinx's birthday gift for her son last year and the boy made full use of it, turning it into the headquarters of his tiny empire. Glow-in dark neon lights were painted on the walls of the castle, decorations filled both the inside and outside of the building, and the sounds of joy filled the air. Frenzy's followers, The Interventions, were having the time of their lives. They were playing games, chatting up a storm with their fellows, singing songs around the bonfire that was in the middle of the party, dancing their worries away on the dance floor, and enjoying the feast that Frenzy himself had prepared for everyone. Speaking of Frenzy, the boy is seen chatting with someone at the buffet table, "You've outdone yourself, lieutenant. I like what you've done to place." "No worries, besides I owe you too much. This is just the least I could do to repay you, boss." Frenzy rolled his eyes, chuckling, "Didn't I tell you to stop calling me boss Tempest?" "Only if you stop calling me a lieutenant, Frenzy.", Tempest, a girl two years older than him, replied playfully. She stood a few centimeters taller than him, with violet-colored skin, hair as red as rubies, and a scar over her left eye. The boy chuckled some more, "That's fair! Haha!" Frenzy sighed in contentment, watching from afar as The Interventions had fun with their fellow sisters and brothers in arms. Alongside him, Tempest wore a smile while drinking punch from her cup. The two stood there in comfortable silence...until Frenzy asked her something. "Hey, Tempest?" His lieutenant raised a brow, "Yeah Frenzy?" "How long exactly has it been since we started this group of ours?" "About three to two years I think, why do you ask?" Frenzy's facial expression softened, "Because I just realized that you're the first person that joined me and stayed by my side through thick and thin ever since. You are also the first true friend I've made in my life. After all the trouble and tribulations we all went through, I think it's about time I give you a gift." Tempest's cheeks grew warmer with each compliment he gave her all while the heart in her chest started to beat faster. However, she wouldn't want to show it and control her emotions enough to put up a decent poker face. "Thanks, Frenzy but I don't think that's necessary. You already gave me one, being a part of the Interventions is more than enough." Frenzy turned to Tempest with a sly grin, "Nonsense! You've done as much good for this group as I, just accept it! Or not, either way, you're still gonna get it~." Her poker face nearly broke when she saw his mischievous eyes and his alluring smirk. Her breathing started to become rapid but she was able to pick up her composure. "Okay, fine. So what's this gift-", She was cut off when Frenzy grabbed her hand, causing her heart to skip a beat, and started dragging her to the bonfire, "You'll see!" While walking and trying to avoid bumping into people, Tempest's thoughts started swirling in her head like a storm. She kept on wondering what this gift her leader kept on talking about, and while she did those thoughts started to get...steamy. She was so caught up in her thoughts that she didn't notice Frenzy letting go of her hand and calling the others to gather around. "Gather round! Gather round! I have some special announcements for everyone!" The entirety of his followers stopped what they were doing and walked on over to the bonfire, crowding in front of their leader who had changed their lives for the better. Seeing that everyone was here, Frenzy stood on top of a log for everyone to see him better. "Now before I say the news, let me ask you something...IS EVERYONE HAVING A FUN?!?!" "YEEAAAH!!!" "Now that's what I like to hear! Hahaha!", His followers laughed alongside him, I mean who wouldn't with how happy the atmosphere is around them, "Now for the serious stuff.", Everyone shushed themselves, giving him the silence that he needed. "Two years ago our hometown had been having problems, trouble makers roamed the shadows of Bundlewood causing problems all over town. To them, they were nothing more than criminals that needed to be put behind bars." Several members of the crowd looked down in shame, guilt stinging the corners of their hearts. "To me? All I saw were the misunderstood, people who were never given the chance they deserve, and those who were forced to walk the path of the wicked. ", Frenzy's eyes softened as he stared at the crowd, who felt their guilt melt away as he continued, "I could not just stand by and watch as they were pushed deeper down into the dark, not when I can do something about it. So like a shepherd, I guided them out of the shadows to a path that suited them better. As for those who were stubborn? I just drag them out of their dark corners kicking and screaming, all with a smile on my face. Sure I get hurt, scratched, punched, and even bitten at times, but never have I ever given up on them. At that time, I thought it was nothing more than a hobby...but as time went by I realized that helping the misunderstood and giving them the life they need, is my vocation! Now, look at us! Instead of being booed and hated when we caused trouble, we get praised and rewarded for stopping it! Those of us who thought ourselves to be alone in the world is now surrounded by true friends and people who would stick with us through thick and thin. The many who were hurt and pushed to being criminals, now push back with the support of those they can trust behind them!" His words riled up the spirits of the crowd. Their eyes were filled with admiration, joy, and contentment, switching from their gazes to their leader and their fellow members. Everything he said was true, though it was a bit harsh at the start, it was all in the past because they were now living the life they never knew needed but accepted with all their hearts. Beside him, Tempest wore a smile, the warm feeling in her heart increasing as Frenzy continued his speech. "However, it wasn't just me that made this possible. All of this is because of you! You all made the Interventions, you all made the group that everyone in Bundlewood sees as their guardians, their heroes! But most important of all, you forged the unbreakable bonds between your fellow brothers and sisters, your uncles and nephews, your aunties and nieces! The Intervention is not just a group...it's a family, and I am proud to be a part of it." "AAAAWWW." Needless to say, his speech touched the hearts of every single person in the vicinity. Tears of happiness were shed and everyone felt closer to everyone else than ever before. The faces of pure joy on their faces brought happiness to Frenzy, as well as guilt. The thoughts of his original plan of surprising them with the news that he was leaving became harder and harder to do. So now, instead he had to improvise. "...so that's why I want to share our beliefs, our bonds, and our goals with others! I want to reach out to the misunderstood and mistreated that are suffering in the big cities! To show them that there is more to life, that the Interventions will always welcome them with open arms!", Despite sugar coating it, Frenzy knew that they understand what that meant, "For that to happen...I have to leave Bundlewood." "WHAT!" "B-but you can't leave!" "What are we gonna do without you?!" "I don't want you to go!" "Why do you have to go on your own?!?!" "SHUT UP!!!" The Intervention was silenced when Tempest raised her voice with a stone-cold look on her face, but inside she was hurting, just like them, "Stop being so selfish! Frenzy has done so much for us and the moment he tells us that he wants to give the same help he gave us to others, you all suddenly complain! THAT'S JUST NOT FAIR!" Frenzy couldn't speak and instead moved slightly so Tempest could stand on the log as well, "You all know just how much it hurts to be all alone, to be cast out by others, to be forced to be criminals by the same scums that backstabbed us! We know that pain better than anyone else, so why are we being so selfish? Don't you realize it already? Just because he's leaving doesn't mean the Interventions are gonna break up. Remember what he said, we make up Intervention, we made this family, together." Tempest looked to Frenzy and allowed her mask to break apart, letting a sad smile shine through, "And, despite how corny this saying is, Frenzy will all always be in our hearts. Every moment we made together will stay with us forever, as long as we don't forget them. No matter how far you are from us or how long you'll be away, you are still a part of Intervention, and you can't get rid of us so easily! We'll stick with you till the end Beat, ain't that right fellas?!" "YEEEEAAAAHHHH!!!!" The crowd cheered and as they did, Tempest turned back to Frenzy who wore a grateful smile that still made her heart jump. "I couldn't have said it better myself, lieutenant." "Heh, no problem boss." "Boss huh?", Frenzy chuckled, "That reminds me. Even after the awe-inspiring speech of yours, someone still has to look out for the Interventions along with Bundlewood...and I do believe, along with everybody here, that there is no one more deserving of it than you." Tempest gasped in surprise, never had she been as shocked as she was now. However, before she could humbly refuse she already heard the others talking and agreeing with Frenzy, "But-" "No buts Tempest! Besides, the majority is against you refusing this." True enough, the crowd had made up their minds and even started to chant her name. "Tempest! Tempest! Tempest! Tempest! Tempest!-" Frenzy gestures to her with a smirk on his face, "They aren't gonna stop until you agree, you know." Under the pressure of the many eyes that stared at her with total admiration and hope, the now reformed thief of the night held up her head and shouted, "OKAY! OKAY! I'll be the stupid freaking boss!" Just like before the crowd burst into cheers and yells, showering Tempest with praise and love, much like a real family. With her now being the new boss of the Interventions, Tempest walked closer to Frenzy with a glare, "But only until you come back!" "Fine by me Tempest, or should I say boss?", Frenzy said with a grin before laughing. Although Tempest wanted nothing more than to punch him for embarrassing her, the girl could not help but feel her anger wash away as she too joined the laughter. With how happy his followers- no, his family is, Frenzy believed that he should leave them a parting gift, "Hey Tempest?" "Hm?" "It's gonna be a while until I'll be able to come back here. So before I hit the road, how about one last song, together, like the old days?", Frenzy suggested with a grin on his face, before he held his hands out to catch...a guitar that was thrown at him. He looked to Tempest who wore the same eager grin as him while holding her guitar in hand. "You just gonna stand their gawk or are we gonna make some magic happen?", Frenzy's grin widened as he sat down on the log and began tuning his instrument, while Tempest sat down beside him. Upon seeing the two hold those instruments the crowd was suddenly filled with excitement and eagerly huddled closer to the musicians, for all of them knew that when Frenzy plays, no one could resist the chance to listen to his symphony. [Purple- Frenzy, Violet- Tempest, Blue- Frenzy & Tempest, Green- Everyone] So let's sing na, na na na, hey ya~ C'mon and sing na, na na na, hey ya~ This is our song That's all that matters 'cause We all belong right here together There's nothin' better Than singing along This is our summer This is our song~ Come grab your guitar! Sit by the fire~ 'Cause we all need a song! When we're weary and tired~ We'll sit here! Together! And sing it out loud! (And sing it out loud!) This is our song That's all that matters 'cause We all belong right here together There's nothin' better Than singing along This is our summer And this is our song~ This is our song~ This is our song~ This is our song~ "Hey! What's that?", A young boy named Grubber, who has grey skin and white hair while wearing a black shirt, pointed towards the castle. The Interventions looked to where he pointed and saw a large group coming their way, but it wasn't just any group, it was every resident of Bundlewood, and the ones leading them were Frenzy's Parents. With them, the townspeople brought drinks, food, gifts, and their own instruments as they neared the group. "HI HONEY!", Jinx yelled out as she waved while Obsidian sent his son a nod. "Mom? Dad? What are you all doing here?", Frenzy wondered, "Not that you aren't welcomed or anything." "Well since it is going to be your last day we decided to empruve- "Improve.", Obsidian corrected. "Right, improve your party! Besides, the townsfolk wanted to show their appreciation to the Intervention, that's why we brought them gifts!" Tempest's eyes widened, along with the others at the sheer amount of presents that was set aside by the buffet table, "Wow, I- Thank you so much Mayor Mayhem!" Jinx chuckled before pulling her into a hug, "Just call me Jinx, besides, we are all family here! Right everyone!' "YEEEEEAAAAAAHHHHH!" No words could describe how happy the members of the Interventions were, or how thankful they were for having been given the chance to earn this new life of theirs. Jinx then freed the girl from her embrace and pulled out her own guitar from her back, "Come on! Let's make some music!" Frenzy looked around him, seeing all the happy smiles and friendly faces around him before he chuckled, "I'm so glad I was born here." He glanced over to Tempest and shared a nod before going right back to playing. C'mon and sing na, na na na, hey ya~ C'mon and sing na, na na na, hey ya~ C'mon and sing na, na na na, hey ya~ C'mon and sing na, na na na, HEY YA~ (HEY YA~) This is our song! That's all that matters 'cause We all belong right here together! There's nothin' better! Than singing along! This is our summer! This is our song~ That's all that matters 'cause We all belong right here together! There's nothin' better! Than singing along! This is our summer! This is our song~ (This is our song!) This is our song~ (This is our song!) This is our song~ (This is our song!) This is our song~ Right as the song ended, the sound of fireworks shooting into the sky whistled in the air before the sky was showered with bright colors with several- BOOM! BOOM! BOOM! BOOM! BOOM! BOOM! BOOM! BOOM! Everyone looked up at the beautiful fireworks display in awe. Among the crowd is a smiling Tempest, feeling satisfaction and joy seeing that the fireworks she had made herself were able to bring such a happy reaction from the people, "Wonderful, aren't they Frenzy? ...Frenzy?" She looked around, searching for the mix-matched colored boy but found that he was gone. The only trace he left behind is the piece of paper that he had somehow slipped into her grasp. She unfolded it and found a phone number, Frenzy's phone number with a note at the bottom that said, "You've really outdone yourself with those fireworks. I knew you had such a wonderful gift with gunpowder! Tho I'm sorry I have to leave so suddenly, I'm not much of a goodbye person, you know. I'm more of a 'see ya later alligator' kind of guy XD. But anyway, here's my number so we can keep in touch. I wish you good luck Tempest, and I'm happy that you're my best friend. From your favorite troublemaker/peacekeeper, Frenzy." "That idiot...", A small smile tugged her lips, pulling the paper close to her chest, "I am so gonna make him deaf when I call him tomorrow." A few miles away from the castle, a packed and prepared Frenzy hummed as he sat on top of his motorcycle that he had hidden a while ago. Putting the key in and pumping up the engine, which rewarded him with the loud roar of his vehicle, Frenzy Beat began his 2 hours-long drive to Canterlot City. Grinning as he screams out into the air, "CANTERLOT CITY! HERE I COME!"