Reserve Stock: The Milking Continues

by Vinyl Snatch

First published

An of age Smolder learns the secret to Dragon’s Milk tm. Unbeknownst to her Ocellus and her are about to get real close.

This is not Foalcon. All the characters are of age.

Princess Ember teaches Smolder the true secret to the popular drink Dragon’s Milk tm. Smolder is asked to bring in her special friend to help with the process. Smolder unknowingly asked Ocellus, not realizing the true nature of the request. Now Smolder has to deal with this milk, her true feelings for her buggy friend and a quota to fill.

Based on the stories of Petrichord. Thanks for the inspiration buddy. Also edited by Petrichord.

Cover is a cropped version of a the work of Boastudio on Derpibooru. I would link it but it’s not safe for work.

Contains: dragon on changeling, female with a penis, lots of fluid drinking and juiciness

The true secrets

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“Now that you’re a grown up and able to consent to things, you probably noticed some changes. Some, like, big changes. You know. How that dress you’re wearing is barely holding those mammoth breasts you have in there.”

Smolder blushed and instinctively covered her bosom. Bad Idea. The soreness of her swollen breasts shot through her body. She wasn’t used to this. Ever since she became of age she noticed how much she thought about… things. Things she didn’t think she could talk about with her friends. Things she thought about her friends.The way Queen Ember was pointing them out did not help.

“I can tell from the look on your face you’re, like, ready to burst. Must hurt huh? I know they hurt me a lot. They were so uncomfortable. I almost begged for a release.”

“Release?” Smolder asked with a bigger blush. What was Queen Ember talking about? She wasn’t talking about …th-that?! Was she?! Why did she bring Smolder here to Rarity’s shop?

“I bet you’re wondering why we’re at Rarity’s Boutique?” Ember said, reading Smolder’s mind somehow. “Well it’s time you know the truth.”

“The uh truth?”

“Yes, the truth about Dragon’s Milk ™ that Rarity makes.”

Smolder’s eyebrow raised slightly. There had been rumors running around about Dragon’s Milk ™ for years. Some involved drugs. Others involved pony and dragon…um juices.

“Well? Aren’t you excited?”


“Your Queen just asked if you were excited about learning the truth!”

“Oh, yes, your majesty,” Smolder said, bowing.

“Then follow me to the back room.” Queen Ember wasted no time and turned towards the back. Smolder followed with more hesitation. Was her Queen crazy? What was she going to do? What did this have anything to do with her throbbing breasts?

Ember flicked a switch in the back room and the light flooded Smolder’s eyes for a second. When the multicolored spots finally fled she saw a staircase that led to a nondescript door.

“What’s down there?”

“Shhhh” hissed the all too excited queen. She closed the door behind her. “Ok, that is the milk room.”

“Where you uhh make the Dragon’s Milk ™?”

“Exactly. Of course the milk is already made. This is just where we get it out.”

“Wait! Are you saying that Dragon’s Milk ™ is actually made from dragon’s milk?” Smolder felt stupid as the words flew out of her mouth. There was no real ‘secret’. The main ingredient was the title itself. No one even suspected that it was telling the truth the whole time.

“Yup! Made a lot of it myself,” Ember said, crossing her arms in front of her large breasts. They squished slightly beneath those forearms. She took on an air of pride. “Pretty good taste I have, don't I?”

“I umm,” Smolder didn’t want to admit to her Queen that she never tasted the drink. It seemed like a pony thing. Most of her friends enjoyed it but she just didn’t feel the need. “So you brought me here to…milk me?”

Ember glared down at her lactaid ladden subject. “You need it. Your breasts are so swollen that your cute little dress you’re wearing is going to pop off. And I hate to admit but you’re even bigger than me. It will help this drink out a lot.”

Smolder looked at her Queen. It was true. She was going to be …milked! This was her leader. An older dragon she looked up to for years. The thought of her touching those places in that way…Smolder shuddered slightly.

“Oh you cute little dragon,” snickered Ember with her hand in front of her mouth. “I’m not going to milk you myself. I’m just here to show you and your friend how it’s done. Rarity and I…well, we kind of formed a special bond over this. It wouldn’t be right, even though you’re of age. It would feel wrong somehow. But we still need that milk. And I’m sure your special flavor will be spectacular.”

“Oh good,” sighed the younger dragon. Her large bloated breasts heaved and jiggled with the breath. It hurt. They were swollen and sore. She instinctively touched them to readjust the strap but it made the pain move through to her back. “So you want to show me how the machine works, right? That doesn’t sound too bad.”

“Yeah, so you and your friend can get the job done,” her queen answered with a wink. “If you know what I mean.”

Smolder stared at the older dragon blankly. Something told her there was more in that wink than just a few attachments. The tone of her voice also made the experience sound…sexual. Smolder’s mouth suddenly dropped. “Wait, you said this was about getting these breasts to stop hurting. Now it sounds like…I’m going to be…uhh uhh…intimate.”

“Oh this is totally a sexual thing. Why do you think I wouldn’t personally help you? Why did you think I told you to bring a special friend?”

“You said to bring a good friend.”

“No, I said special friend. You know, some dragon or pony or whatever that you get off with.”

Smolder’s face turned a shade of crimson Ember had never seen on a dragon before. It almost rivaled her brother’s hue. Smolder stood stiff and rigid. She didn’t think she needed a friend like that. She didn’t even have one. There was no creature in her life that fit that bill.

“Oh,” gasped her queen. “You don’t have one? Have you even had sex before?”

Smolder’s crimson glow began to blind the elder dragon. It told the dragon all she needed to know.

“You didn’t even try it? I know you weren’t of age til now but I thought surely those little friends of yours…well good girl for keeping your morals. Tell you what. I’ll just tell your friend how to run the machine. If you don’t want to go further than that, it doesn’t matter to me. But you might find things a little more uncomfortable.”

Smolder’s mind snapped back. Her friend. She had to warm them. She couldn’t let them see her in that light. Especially her. If she saw how excited she was she would think… Well her friend would know the truth. The truth about Smolder’s real feelings.

The young dragon began to run up the stairs in a panicked state. The pain of her swollen melons stopped her in her ascent. She growled, clutching her breasts.

“Slow down, Smolder,” Ember cautioned. She walked up and placed a supportive hand on the young dragon’s back. She helped the writhing subject up the stairs. “You have to be careful when you’re that full. Where are you going anyway? The machine is down here.”

A hum of wings filled both dragons’ ears. It was a gentle buzzing. Smolder’s heart both leapt and sank at the same time. Ember turned with a large toothy grin. “Your special friend is here.”

“Wait, I think I changed..”

Ember was already up the stairs and out the doors of Rarity’s Boutique. Smolder watched in horror as her queen began to usher in her friend.

Ocellus was a lot larger than she was in school. She had grown to a full sized changeling but the way she carried herself one would think she was still able to hide under a dresser. The book laden changeling happily trotted into the Boutique expecting nothing.

“Hi Smolder,” the good friend said. “Thanks for inviting me. I wasn’t sure what this was for. Some sort of rite of passage thing you dragons have. So I brought all the books on dragons I could find. There aren't many.”

“Is there one on dragon milking?” Ember asked cheekily.

“No, I don’t think I came across anything like that.”

“Then you get to be the lucky creature that writes it.”

“Really?!” shouted Ocellus in excitement. “That’s great. I always wanted to write a book one day. I can be the first changeling to write about the milking process of a dragon.”

“See?” Ember said with a claw presenting her friend. “Your friend is on board.”

“Sure, what’s milking?” asked the changeling in the most innocent way possible.

Ember’s grin widened. “C’mon. I’ll show you.”

She waved the two friends back down the stairs and shut the soundproof hatch behind her. Ocellus followed in a state of curious glee. As soon as the machine came into sight she was all over it. She inspected each piece and messed with the simple controls. After a few passes she nodded confidently to herself.

“It’s exactly like those machines that Applejack showed us,” she exclaimed triumphantly. “The ones we hooked to those cows. Is that what this is about? Hooking this machine to a cow? Is that milking?”

Before Smolder could warn her the queen nodded enthusiastically. “Yeah. Exactly like that. Only you won’t be using cows. You’ll be using your friend here.”

“Huh?” Ocellus’s form flickered a bit. “But Smolder doesn’t have utters.”

“Doesn’t…have…” Ember looked like she had been smacked with a stick. “How did you miss those gigantic tits on her chest?!”

“Her what?!”

“Those large breasts!” Ember cried, pointing at Smolder’s chest. Her breasts were straining the dress she wore. She wondered if breasts grew in response to excitement. Then dismissed the notion. It had to be just the milk.

Ocellus peered at Smolder’s chest in an inquisitive manner. She walked up to her friends eyes fixed. She looked like a predator about to pounce on her prey.

Smolder blushed. She didn’t want to be seen in that light by the changeling but desperately craved it at the same time. She instinctively tried to cover the predator’s prize.

“Smolder,” whispered Ocellus,” how can I help if you hide from me?”

The whisper almost felt seductive. The young dragon knew the bug only wanted to calm her down but with her hormones flashing through her veins it felt very enticing.

“Ok!” shouted Ember suddenly and ear shatteringly loud. “She knows what to do it seems. Why don't I just leave you to your task? Oh and Smolder, it’s good manners to let your helper taste the flavor. Nondragons seem to love it.”

Ember snickered and raced back up the stairs. The hatch closed leaving Ocellus and Smolder in the empty room. Smolder’s face was a deep crimson. She could feel her nipples brush against the inside of her dress. They throbbed but it was nothing compared to the beating of her heart.

Ocellus turned to her dragon companion and her face fell as she saw Smolder. She approached her friend cautiously. “Something is wrong isn’t it?”

“‘No!” shouted the dragon. “I mean, do you know what this is really about?”

“Helping to milk you?”

“Well, yeah, but do you understand what that means?”

Ocellus shyly shook her head. Her face was a mixture of shame and determination. “But I want to learn. If it helps you. It will help you right?”

“Yeah, it will help but it could lead to…uncomfortableness between us.”

“But we’re friends. Even though parts of you have changed I will still accept you as you are.”

“What if feelings changed?” Smolder couldn’t bring herself to look into those multifaceted red eyes when she said it.

“Well no matter what you and I feel about each other, we’ll always be friends.” Ocellus sounded so certain. It was an area that the little changeling seemed to be oblivious of. No matter how many hints Smolder had dropped, the bug never suspected a thing.

“Fine,” the dragon threw her arms in the air.”I just hope neither of us regret this.” The little dragon found the chair and flopped in front of the device.

Ocellus followed and began to inspect the machine in silence. She looked hurt and confused. But she dutifully turned on the machine and tested it. It whirled to life and happily sucked the air around the cups.

“Well it’s working,” the bug concluded. “Are you ready to try it?”

“I guess I have to. These things are killing me.”

“It’s odd that you have breasts at all,” Ocellus said matter-of-factly. “Most reptiles don’t have them.” She placed her shiny hoof over the suction opening and felt its draw.

“What?!” cried Smolder, momentarily forgetting her bulging tits. “We’re not reptiles! We’re mammals like ponies are!”

“Really? But you're covered in scales.”

“So. We don’t have to have fur everywhere to be a mammal.”

“I’m sorry,” the panicked bug began. “I didn’t mean to insult you. I just thought that’s what your species was. I told you there aren't many books on dragons.”

“It’s a common thing,” sighed Smolder, settling down. “It’s almost an insult.”

“Oh my gosh, I didn’t know.”

“It’s not like I mentioned it..sorry I’m just on edge. I’ve never been milked before.”

Ocellus looked downcast. “Will this hurt?”

“No…more like…the opposite really. That’s kind of what I am worried about.”

The changeling suddenly looked perplexed. “You’re worried about …pleasure? Pleasure like in..”

Ocellus’s eyes widened and her face reddened. She figured it out. She finally figured it out. “And and you called me …f-for this? What about Gallus or Silverstream?”

Smolder sat silently. She didn’t want to do this now. Her boobs hurt so much. She couldn’t think of the right words at this moment. “Please…can we talk about this afterward. I’m in a lot of pain right now.”

“Oh sorry,” the changeling said quickly. “I guess we should start. So …let me see those breasts.”

Smolder chortled a bit. It hurt her as her chest shook. Ocellus was so innocent. It will be a shame to show her this side of things. But that’s the pain of growing up.

Smolder slowly undid her top. It didn’t take much encouragement for her breasts to present themselves. The tawt garment gave way and slackened as the massive weight jumped forth.

Ocellus froze. She just stared at them. Her tongue ran along the outside of her mouth. Smolder could make out the reflection of her breasts in the bug’s wide eyes.

“Are you ok …with this?” Smolder finally asked.

“Oh yes,” her friend replied in a voice that sounded much more eager than apologetic. Smolder wondered what kind of effect her swollen melons would have on the bug. She felt like a light that drew the insectiod to her.

“Umm…did you want to ..touch them?” Smolder hoped that she would.

“I-I do… I have to, anyway, to put the suction cups on.” It sounded like an excuse. But it was followed by a cyan hoof reaching out. It innocently brushed the soft silky breast tissue. “Oh..they’re so soft. Like velvet. I didn't think dragons could have such soft parts.”

Smolder was gripping the table with equal parts pain and excitement. It was terribly wonderful. She could feel the smooth rigidness of the exoskeleton. It traced the outside edges of the breast before making its way to her nipple. A gentle nudge from the hoof and milk began to leak out.

“Ooh..” Ocellus cried in surprise. “I didn’t mean to..I didn’t know it would.. here.” The panicked bug began to ram the suction cup over the nipple in the most painful way possible.

Claws dug into the table and Smolder’s body went stiff. Smoke began to waft from the dragon’s nostrils. It took all the restraint Smolder had not to release her flame on her good friend.

“Please…” a bellow of smoke asked. “Be more gentle.”

“Right,” Ocellus acknowledged and slowed way down. The sudden shift made the pain switch to pleasure. Smolder’s nipple found its home in the cup and the suction began to draw the painful contents immediately.

“Oh!” Smolder cried as the relief spread through her body. Her legs became jelly. Her arms noodles. And her body fell slack in the chair. The milk streamed out of her in an almost violent manner.

“Wow,” the scientist cried, returning. “I didn’t think it would flow that fast. It’s not like those cows at Professor Applejack’s. Does it hurt? I wish we had another attachment so we can drain them both.”

“No!” a half lusty voice cried. “One is hard enough to deal with.”

Ocellus’s eyes widened as she looked at her friend. She was used to a strong, confident dragon that barely wanted anything to do with something “sappy.” Now the bug was caught in bedroom eyes and an intoxicated looking smirk.

Smolder could feel the need flow through her entire being. It felt like her body was burning but she knew the cure. It stood right in front of her with a hoof on her tit. The idea of holding any of her feelings back seemed so fruitless it was silly. She wanted this fire quenched.

“Ocellus,” the dragon’s sensuous voice beckoned. “I need a little help. Come here.”

“Help? Oh uhh sure.” The bug looked like a frightened rabbit but moved closer. Her hoof never left the dragon breast as she obeyed. Smolder felt a twinge of guilt pass through her body as she beckoned her friend closer to her face. But need overwhelmed the dragon and any other feeling was subdued under its might.

Ocellus was inches away from Smolder’s lips. The dragon could feel the breath of the cute changeling break across her scales. She suddenly struck and pressed her lips to the gentle book bug. She greedily thought about adding her tongue into the mix but control returned.

She cracked an eye open hoping Ocellus wasn’t freaked out. The expression wasn’t scared. It wasn’t even one of surprise. It was a steady look. A look of determination. It was hungry and full of lustful need.

Smolder began to pull back but Ocellus’s lips latched on and followed. Those eyes hungered for more. To her surprise Smolder could feel her own teeth part as a long slippery tongue entered. She wrapped it with her own, partially from desire and partially from a fear of it entering her throat.

Those buggy globes closed and Smolder could see the gentle love on her friend's face. Then Ocellus pulled away for a fraction of a second only to return with an army of kisses aimed at her neck. The dragon could feel herself heating up. Her body writhed under the changeling’s barrage and the milk streaming from her nipple.

The kiss army marched down her chest and dangerously close to her sensitive breasts. The engorged one still felt like it was about to rupture.

“Wait..” gasped Smolder breathlessly.

Ocellus looked up with her ear flaps down. “S-sorry I guess I got carried away. I-I thought you want to …um well. That kiss just set me off. I-I’ve been waiting for it for a while and .. what?”

“You’ve been waiting for it?!” Smolder hissed in shock. Her face flushed and breath stilled. Did she know? Smolder hadn’t told anyone. How could she have possibly-

“Yeah. Your body has been showing signs of romantic and sexual interest in me for a while now. Like years. I’m surprised you haven’t noticed. I’ve been waiting to return your feelings when you were ready to see them but I suppose it was stronger than I thought. But if you don’t want to attempt mating or sex I might have a hard time concentrating on milking you.”

“You have a hard time concentrating? I’m strapped to a machine that makes me soak this chair and then you sitting there makes it worse. If this tit of mine wasn’t so sore and big, I would be inside you already.”

Smolder quickly shut her mouth. She hadn’t meant to say so much. She was just so horny that she could barely string two words together. And finding out Ocellus knew and had been waiting for it for years made her want to relieve that pressure even further.

“It’s your teat? That’s holding you back? I could help drain it but I’m not sure if your queen will like losing half her supply.”

“Well, I filled up the bottle she gave me with just the one. But what are you think-“

Ocellus’s eyes glanced at the full bottle then back to the swollen breast before her. The calculations were made in seconds. Before Smolder’s question reached her ear the changeling was already kissing and gently palpating the bloated pap.

“Uhhh..” Smolder’s moan showed signs of both pleasure and pain. Her hands desperately sought the bold bug. But they flailed excitedly instead as Ocellus latched on to her nipple. The excited friend removed the suction cup from her other breast as her milk began to fill their mouth.

“O-ocellus …huh huh..what are…oh that feels so good.”
The dragon gripped her chair as her face reddened and the sogginess of her chair increased.

The bug horse unlatched with a pop. “Oh my…this tastes better than that drink ‘Dragon’s Milk ™. It’s like summer in a field by my home. Milkweeds, and lilacs..but it’s making my body feel so hot. Mostly…my crevice. Do you want to taste it?”

“Huh huh..” the nonlizard heaved. “No. Tasting your own milk sounds gross! I’m not going to taste anything that came out of me.”

Ocellus’s chitin blushed considerably. “I meant my crevice…”

“Oh,” Smolder said sharply. Her own cheeks reddened and her claw flailed to cover her shame. “Umm sure but huh.. I always wondered. What’s it like? I have never seen a changeling’s…parts.”

The changeling shyly turned around and displayed a soft-looking, dripping wet, pony-like pussy that opened like a blossoming flower.

“We..uh don’t procreate the normal way of ponies and dragons but do get excited,” Ocellus explained. “When that happens we can change our…parts for the situation. I based mine on a pony vagina. D-d-do you like it? I can change it if you want.”

Smolder’s mind raced with possibilities but thought that she should respect Ocellus’s choice. Instead of answering she grabbed the little changeling’s flanks and pulled the bulb closer to her face.

Her tongue wasn’t like a pony tongue. It was long and tapered. It slithered its way into the bright colored blossom in front of her. Though the flower resembled a pony's, it had a flavor that Smolder had never imagined. It was sweet but also had hints of flower and spices. She wasn’t sure what she was doing but pressed her tongue deep into the trembling, nectar-filled, stem.

“Ohh..” Ocellus said in surprise.”I-I didn’t think it would f-feel like this…is the fl-flavor ok? I can ch-change it …buzz.”

The changeling’s body began to vibrate rather than thrust. Smolder hoped that meant she was accomplishing her goal. Her tongue slither to other parts and felt a swollen stamen. A light touch increased the vibrations


The bug reached around frantically. Then grabbed onto Smolder’s breasts and squeezed them. The dragon moaned into the cavern her muzzle was in. The vibrations tickled her nose.

Smolder could feel the way Ocellus clung to her breasts. She pushed them into her lover’s abdomen. The vibrations caused another flood of excitement to stain her seat.

“Oh ..huh..I’m gonna ..gonna..”

Ocellus’s body went suddenly rigid and tightened her grip on the dragon’s tits. Smolder moaned again then her tongue and muzzle wettened from her partner. It was the same sweet liquid that she had tasted inside before, only a little thicker.

The little book bug deflated. Her body nearly slid off onto the floor if Smolder hadn’t grabbed her.

“Oh uh sorry. I didn’t know it would happen so fast,” gasped the apologetic mare. “I guess I was so excited it was finally happening that-“

“It's ok,” Smolder said, licking her lips. “You’ll do better next time. But I’m kind of dying over here.”

“Really? I-I thought after that splash that you were done.”

“I was just getting more excited,” Smolder explained,
her face flushed and her voice gasping. “Please hurry up. I was kind of close.”

Ocellus frantically tried to go everywhere at once. But finally placed her head between the dragon’s legs. Her little tongue lapped at Smolder’s crater.

“Oh it tastes so different down here. Kind of spicy,” said the changeling, informing the not-interested dragon.

“Ocellus,” hissed the dragon. “I’m glad you like it but a little more help.”

“Sorry, huh. I have an idea,” Ocellus said. She pulled her head up and lifted her body on top of the struggling dragon. She carefully angled her pelvis while Smolder looked on with confusion.

“What are you-“ Smolder’s question was answered with something hard and smooth between her thighs. “Is that a-“

The shaft found its mark and began to inch its way in. Smolder was not used to anything bigger than a single claw. She could feel the pressure in her cavern increase as the pistol advanced. She couldn’t believe something like this would fit. Her own slick walls aided the entry.

“Huiuuhhh..” the dragon cried. “This’s just so..”

“It’s too small? I-I can make it bigger.” Ocellus’s innocent voice carried such determination that Smolder could barely chastise her. “Here.”

The pressure in her crag increased as the branch in her grew in length and width. The sudden shift was painful and exciting. She thought things would burst but her crack just got sloppier and eventually allowed the new appendage passage.

“Oh..oh wow,” Ocellis said as she started thrusting, “This is moving a lot easier now. And it feels really good.”

“Huh huh..glad you it …just.. don’t do that again uuuh.” Smolder matched the rhythm that Ocellus set. Her legs encircled the little bug and began to pull the shaft in deeper and faster.

Ocellus was looking flushed again and the vibrating started once more. Smolder sped up the process so she wouldn’t climax too fast again.

The slick shaft slid in and out with each thrust Smolder’s body began to shake more. The vibrations were hitting all the right places. Soon her lava tube released all its bounty, sending hot fluid all over the stool and the changelings neithers.

“Finally..” breathed the shaking dragon.

“Ohh ohh.. something is happening,” the trembling Ocellus cried in surprise. “It’s doing something. It f-fells like it’s gonna”

Smolder’s lava pit was extinguished by a splash of slick liquid. The changeling had finished again and collapsed on the dragon’s soft breasts once more.

“Uhhh..” Smolder’s mind was a blur of thoughts. “Was that? Umm are you …fertile?”

The shaft slowly retreated and Smolder felt her lover’s lower lips return once more.

“No..huff huff. It’s the same stuff no matter which one I emulate. I didn’t mean to surprise you with that. I-I just read that sometimes two girls use dildos. Why not just use what I can do?”

“I guess that’s true…” the fire in Smolder died. “I was just not ready for it.”

“I said I was sorry I surprised you with it.”

“That’s not what I meant. It was just… so big. My body wasn’t ready for it. It barely fit at all.”

“Oh,” Occellus’s chitin reddened again. “I just copied Sandbar.”

Smolder rubbed her head with her slick fingers. “I did not need to know that.”

Ocellus shyly started to get up. Smolder’s arms wrapped around her. “No you don’t. I’ve been wanting to hold you like this forever.”

“So you were aware. Why didn’t you tell me?”

“I was afraid you didn’t like that way,” Smolder admitted, burying her shame in Ocellus’s neck. “But you do…right?”

“Mmhmm, I’ll do this better next time.”

A knock on the soundproof door rang out through the basement room. Smolder was too exhausted to let go of her bug and didn’t want to anyway.

“Come in. It’s safe,” she called as loud as she could.

Her Queen opened the trap door and nearly skipped down the stairs. A smile of smug satisfaction graced her lips and her eyes seemed to know all that occurred.

“I told you girls you would have a fun time,” the queen purred. “And you filled a full bottle on your first try.”

“That was only one teat,” Ocellus stated but didn’t get off of Smolder.

“One?! That’s only one teats worth?! Did you at least taste it?”

Ocellus’s eyes went wide with delight. The mere recollection caused her to brighten.“Oh yes, it was wonderful. Even better than that Dragon Milk ™ stuff.”

“Better eh? Maybe we can market this batch as new flavored or something.” Ember walked towards the young couple to congratulate them but slipped on the wet floor.

“Why is the floor soaked with slippery stuff?” cried the queen. She rubbed her back to get the soreness out.

“It’s uhh bug juice ™,” Smolder said sheepishly. Ocellus turned red and guffawed.

“Bug juice ™ huh?” said Ember tentatively tasting a claw. “This is pretty sweet. We might have a new product on our claws.”