Hearts of Ice

by Melesse Lindenya

First published

Rarity and Sweetie Belle find comfort from the cruel world of the elite in each other's embrace.

Rarity and Sweetie Belle find comfort from the cruel world of the elite in each other's embrace.

Contains: Incest

A Song of Ice and Fire

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"Thank you for joining us today, Miss Belle. We're very excited to have you here at Rolling Pones."

"I'm really excited to be here, Mister Quill. It's an honour to be interviewed by the biggest music magazine in Equestria."

"The honour is all ours, ma'am. After all, your new album, Hearts of Ice, has swept this nation by storm, breaking records in the number of copies sold in the first week. Ponies across Equestria are in love with your voice, and who can blame them?"

"Aww, thanks."

"I hope your trip to Fillydelphia has been pleasant so far."

"It's been great. So far I've only really seen the hotel, which is really nice, but I can't wait to get out there and explore this city."

"Sweetie Belle! What in Equestria is that awful smell? Did you attempt to prepare a meal for yourself again?"

The mare in question looked up to see her sister trotting into their hotel room, her nose crinkling in disgust. "Oh, hey, Rarity," Sweetie said weakly, giving her a half-hearted wave. In her other hoof, she held up a bottle. "Want some? It's a hundred and fifty proof or something crazy like that."

"Thank you, but I believe I shall pass." Rarity raised up a hoof, as if to ward the liquid away. "I wasn't aware that you preferred your drinks so... fortified. Though, I do hope you remember that you have that interview tomorrow."

Sweetie snorted. "Don't worry, I wasn't actually planning on drinking any of this stuff. I'm more of a wine girl, anyways. Your fault."

"I see." Rarity eyed her suspiciously, sniffing at the air. "Then why the liquor, and is that smoke I smell?"

"Yeah." A wicked grin split Sweetie's face. "Good thing I'm not the one paying for this room."

"Well, I suppose Rolling Pones has had to house worse guests," Rarity said absently, still looking concerned. "I'm surprised you aren't out exploring the city. Fillydelphia has some delightful sights to see."

"Yeah, I saw some sights alright. Anyways, I just asked the staff to bring me the strongest thing they could find, so that I could burn the magazines that I picked up at the news stand." Sweetie took a sniff of the bottle and winced. "Wow, yeah, definitely wouldn't want to drink that. Maybe I should get them to bring us a nice bottle of wine."

"Should I be worried about your sudden obsession with alcohol?" The disapproving tone in Rarity's voice made Sweetie chuckle darkly.

"I'm not a kid anymore, Rarity." She shook her head. "And honestly, a mare needs to have some vices to not go crazy in the music business."

Rarity sighed. "You are far too young to be so jaded, Sweetie."

"Yeah, well, I had to grow up pretty quick after Fire Tone dumped me."

"I'm sorry you had to go through that," Rarity said. "But you came out of that crucible admirably. All of Equestria is now enchanted by your lovely singing voice, even moreso than they were before! Your command over the hearts of ponies everywhere has awarded you a platinum album, and what is Fire Tone now but a footnote in the history of music, the subject of derision in your songs."

"About that." Horn glowing, Sweetie levitated one of the magazines from the makeshift pyre in the sink and floated it over to Rarity. "I'm guessing you haven't read any of the tabloids today?"

"I prefer not to sully myself with such drek." Still, Rarity took the proffered drek, and her eyes widened as she looked at the cover. "Sweet Celestia, is that...?"

Sweetie nodded. "I was stupid and in love, and he promised me later that he burned all the pictures when I panicked later and asked him to. I'm not even sure why I thought he did it after all the other lies he told me."

Hesitantly, Rarity flipped to the next page before immediately slamming it shut. "Oh my," she said, her cheeks turning a lovely shade of red. "These are quite, umm, provocative."

"There's an interview with Fire Tone in there too," Sweetie added. "Rat bastard sold the rights to a bunch of different tabloids, so it's everywhere now. I saw it on a news stand while I was taking a walk this morning and I've been hiding out in here ever since."

"I'm so sorry, Sweetie." Despite her tone, Rarity was clearly eyeing the magazine, curiosity lighting up in her eyes.

Sweetie rolled her eyes. "Go ahead and read it, Rarity. I know how much you like gossip, and it's not like you won't be hearing all about this at every party for a while."

Rarity sputtered at that. "Sweetie, I am not going to read about your private life, and I am certainly not going to look at those pictures." She paused. "As well-done as they are."

Sweetie couldn't help but chuckle. "I did do a pretty good job posing for them. Anyways, I don't care. Really." That was a lie. Sweetie's heart was pounding at the thought of it, but she couldn't help but be curious as to what Rarity's reaction would be. Maybe her dramatics would distract her from the dread creeping into her heart at the thought of tomorrow's interview.

Slowly, Rarity reached out a hoof towards the discarded magazine. "I— perhaps it would be best if you had somepony to discuss this with."

"So, down to business. What inspired your latest album?"

"Well, I was thinking about how sometimes ponies aren't what they seem. Like, sometimes a pony could be really nice, but it turns out they're kinda rotten on the inside, right? Or maybe someone seems like a friend, but there's actually a lot more going on than that. So I got to thinking about how some ponies have like, a wall of ice around their heart, that lets them be different from who they really are, how over time that wall can freeze you from the inside out."

"How very poetic. That's quite an evocative image you've painted, Miss Belle. And is there anyone in particular that the 'stallion of fire and ice' in your songs refers to?"

"He just represents the idea of a two-faced, lying backstabber who can burn hot with passion and then turn around and stab you in the back with an icicle. I think we can all think of someone like that in our lives."

"Oh stars, did you truly ask him to put that inside of you?"

"Nah." Sweetie rolled her eyes. "I only let him do that after he got whiny about wanting to try it out." She hadn't been able to keep her eyes off Rarity since she'd started reading the interview. "But of course he'd say I begged him to do it. I swear, the article makes us seem like a couple of porn stars."

"Stallions do have a habit of exaggerating," Rarity murmured, still engrossed in her reading. It had taken about five seconds before her reluctance had melted away behind the very juicy exposé calling out to her.

In addition to the pictures they'd taken in private, Fire Tone had also shared a number of details about their relationship, both inside and out of the bedroom. It had been absolutely mortifying to read, knowing that all of Equestria was now privy to her most intimate secrets, not just what she presented to the media.

The idea that random ponies walking down the street would know about her habit of singing opera badly in the shower, or her refusal to eat broccoli still despite being a full-grown adult, or the voice cracks that made her squeak when she was having a particularly intense orgasm, it was such a violation, and Sweetie wasn't sure how she'd be able to talk to anyone normally when she was wondering if they knew all these little hidden things about her.

Except for Rarity.

In some ways, Rarity was the perfect pony for Sweetie to share this traumatic experience with. She knew of more embarrassing moments than Fire Tone had ever been privy to, had put up with her early attempts to sing and her refusal to eat her veggies as a child. Granted, there was also all the sex stuff in there, which Rarity definitely hadn't known anything about.

And yet, Sweetie couldn't bring herself to care about that, either. Honestly, it was kinda exciting.

As Rarity read on, Sweetie was becoming more and more aware of just how beautiful her sister was. It was something she'd always known, a universal truth that one didn't actively think about but knew in their heart. Celestia raised the sun, the sky was blue, and Rarity was the most attractive mare in the Equestria.

But now, after seeing Rarity's cheeks flush at reading the intimate details of Sweetie's private life, that fact had been brought to the forefront, and Sweetie hadn't been able to keep her eyes off of her.

In fact, she'd found herself anticipating Rarity's responses to the stories of her various sexual escapades. Her older sister had always seemed so worldly, was so beautiful that Sweetie had no doubt in her ability to find as many partners as she wanted, and now she could finally see how she measured up to her.

"Oh, darling, please tell me you used more lube than simply saliva." And now Rarity was being quite detached about the whole thing, providing an outsider's commentary that was insistent on not mentioning their familial relationship. It was really weird, but it did make the whole situation feel more... normal. Still bad, but Sweetie didn't want to burn down the hotel with herself in it anymore, at least.

"Look, at least we learned fast after that." Sweetie winced at the memory, shaking her head to clear her mind of it. "I bought a barrel of lube the next morning."

"Good," Rarity said, her approval warming Sweetie's heart.

At this point, everything felt so surreal that she just rolled with it and let herself grin a dopey little grin. "Thanks."

Finally, Rarity reached the end of the sordid tale, her eyes lingering one spot for a little longer before she spoke again. "That was... rather scandalous," she said, still sounding more stunned than anything.

"Yeah, which is why they've been selling like hotcakes." Sweetie's words broke the spell around them, sending them crashing back to cold reality.

Rarity snapped the tabloid shut, dropping it like it had burned her. "I am so sorry, Sweetie," she said, her earlier sympathy returning. "This is awful, and nopony should have their personal lives on display in such a fashion."

"At least we didn't make a sex tape." Sweetie shuddered at that possibility. "That would've really sucked."

Rarity hummed in agreement. "Silver linings, I suppose. Still, this will pass, in time."

"Yeah, until the next time somepony tries to screw me over." The bitterness in her tone wasn't even shocking to Sweetie, not anymore.

"Hearts of Ice is your fifth album. What has it been like, working in the music industry for so long?"

"Oh, you know how it is. We work hard and we play hard, right? Our parties can be wild, but the recording sessions take a lot out of you too. Still, it's worth it whenever I get to meet my fans and see how much I've touched their hearts."

"Yes, there's certainly many ponies who make all the magic happen, as it were."

"Oh, definitely. I wouldn't be here if it weren't for all the ponies I've met along the way that helped me get started when I was just a filly singing at school plays."

Rarity raised an eyebrow at Sweetie's venom. "And when did my dear little sister become so jaded?"

"A couple years after I signed my first contract," Sweetie replied. "I thought it was a dream come true, getting to sing in front of everypony, going to all the cool parties, all that stuff. But then I actually started going to those concerts and parties."

"And they weren't at all what you dreamed of?"

"Everypony was terrible." The memories were coming back now, and Sweetie knew it wasn't very proper to be stomping her hoof in frustration, but it was just her and Rarity right now. "It's everypony for themselves in the music business. The parties are just places to network and backstab each other, and the concerts are a game of whether I'll get screwed over by the contract because I trusted my agent when I really shouldn't have."

A dark, almost hysterical laugh escaped from Sweetie's lips. "You know what the worst part of this whole thing is? I know Fire Tone only sold the story now because he needs the popularity boost after his last album flopped, but this is actually going to help me too. Any publicity is good publicity, right?"

"Not always, but I see your point," Rarity replied. "This will keep the spotlight on you for a while longer."

"And I'll sell out more concerts because of it." Sweetie giggled, but there was nothing happy about it. "Ponies coming far and wide to see the mare whose blurred-out crotch is plastered on every tabloid in the country! And now I have to wonder if anyone on my side helped out with this. My agent's probably cool, but there's so many people making money off of me that any of them could've helped make this deal happen."

"If it helps, I do understand your troubles." The sympathy in Rarity's voice grated against Sweetie's ears. It was too much like the looks her assistants had given her when she'd asked for the alcohol.

"Thanks, Rarity, but I'm sure you've got it better," she replied, a slight edge in her tone. "You have no idea what it's like for me."

"How many times have you been propositioned for sex in exchange for furthering your career?" Rarity asked plainly, and Sweetie winced.

"Okay, so maybe you do," she allowed, still stunned by Rarity's forwardness.

And when Rarity smiled sadly, Sweetie's heart sank further. "I've hidden much of the darker side of my own field, but suffice to say that where there is power to be had, there will be those who abuse it. Though, perhaps it would comfort you to know of my own struggles, so you know you're not alone."

"Right, you started in the music industry pretty young. Do you think that's affected how you grew up?"

"Obviously, I wouldn't be the same pony I am now if I hadn't gotten my big break. It's been a pretty wild ride, and I'm so glad I got to live every filly's dream, even if it was hard work sometimes. I'm just glad there were ponies around me I could depend on."

"No way, Upper Crust, really?"

Rarity smirked. "As it turns out, she felt her needs in the bedroom were not being properly satisfied by her husband. I politely declined, of course."

"I mean, yeah, I would too." The bottle was looking more and more tempting, and Sweetie very deliberately floated it away to the kitchen so they wouldn't be tempted. She really couldn't afford to be hungover tomorrow. "She's not exactly my type."

"Nor mine," Rarity said, eyeing the retreating bottle, wistfully. "It's a shame I lost that contract, though. She did make good on her word with regards to that."

"Incredible." Sweetie shook her head. "I should be surprised, but considering the number of ponies who were hitting on me before I even turned eighteen, I feel like I'm just numb now."

"That is the way of things, I'm afraid." Rarity sounded so, so tired. "When one is willing to do away with morals for power and profit, other rules of society tend to fall away as well."

"I really thought Fire Tone was one of the good ones," Sweetie said, sighing. She looked up at Rarity, tears starting to form in her eyes. "Is there any point in trying to find love when everypony is so terrible?"

"Not everypony," Rarity replied. "There are good ponies still. Few and far between, but they do exist."

"They're not worth it." Maybe the sting of betrayal was still raw, but Sweetie couldn't think of a single pony in the music industry that was worth her attention right now. "Nopony at those parties cares about me." She looked up at Rarity. "Not like you do."

This was definitely her emotions running high, but Sweetie kept thinking of all the times Rarity had been there for her, supporting her dreams every step of the way even when her parents wouldn't. How she had put her own reputation on the line by using her connections to get Sweetie her first gig, without expecting anything for herself.

Rarity was the only one who cared about it.

Also, they'd just spent the past half hour talking about their sex lives, and Sweetie's awareness of her sister's attractiveness had only grown since they'd begun.

Without thinking, she rushed forward, desperate for the touch of someone she could trust implicitly. She pressed her lips against Rarity's and lost herself in the warmth of love.

"What about your personal life? What does the great Sweetie Belle do when not recording her latest album or performing in front of the crowd?"

"Well, music's my passion, so I like working on songs even in my down time. I try to visit my home and my friends in Ponyville whenever I can, and we just hang out and do the same dumb stuff we used to do as kids, but while drinking. Beyond that, I always find knitting to be very relaxing, even though I'm terrible at it. It's funny to see my sister's reactions to my creations, though."

Rarity hadn't pulled away, at first.

In fact, she'd returned the kiss, her tongue pressing into Sweetie's mouth and sending shivers down her spine. It was unlike anything the younger mare had ever experienced, and she desperately wanted more.

But when she wrapped her forelegs around her sister to pull her in closer, Rarity pulled away, her eyes widening in panic.

"Sweetie Belle!" she exclaimed, a familiar exasperation in her tone. "What has gotten into you?"

Sweetie felt a moment of panic herself at what she had just done. Kissing her own sister? That was definitely wrong, and she should definitely apologize and try to pretend like nothing had happened.

And yet.

And yet, she couldn't really make herself feel disgusted at the thought. After all, Rarity was universally the hottest mare Sweetie had ever met, sister or not, and she'd have to have been blind not to notice that.

So she forced herself to smile, putting on her Concert Face as she glanced up innocently at her sister. "What's wrong, Rarity?" she asked, keeping her voice as steady as she could. "I thought you were having fun too?"

"That is not the point!" Rarity exclaimed. Her cheeks were still red, and her breathing heavy. She looked so pretty right now. "You are my sister!"

"So what?" Sweetie asked. "You think I'm pretty, right? And you actually care about me, not like all the other ponies out there just trying to use me."

"And I will not become what I despise by taking advantage of you," Rarity said firmly.

"You're not taking advantage of me," Sweetie argued, reaching out towards Rarity and feeling genuinely hurt when she flinched away from her touch. "I just want to spend one night with somepony I can trust to care about me and not stab me in the back. Please, Rarity." Sweetie didn't care that she was begging now. She needed this. Needed to feel safe and loved again. "I want this. I want you."

This time, when she placed a hoof against Rarity's cheek, she didn't move away. Still, Rarity looked hesitant. "We can't, Sweetie. It's not proper."

At that, Sweetie had to scoff. "I thought we already decided that nopony cares about being proper. Might as well choose how we're messed up, right?"

"I never thought you'd be my forbidden vice, but I suppose there's poetry in the mare I presented to the vultures on a silver platter becoming my downfall."

Sweetie grinned. "That's the spirit. Now, give me my sin again!"

This time, when she leaned forward, Rarity mirrored her movements, and their lips met in the middle.

Sweetie lost herself in her passion.

"Your sister is Rarity, yes? What's it like to be the sister of one of the Elements of Harmony, and a close personal friend of Princess Twilight herself."

"Honestly, Rarity's just a pony. A great pony, and somepony who I admire a lot, but it's important to remember that the Elements and Princesses are still just ponies, at the end of the day, with the same wants and needs and dreams as the rest of us."

It was Sweetie who had to pull away from the kiss, eventually.

Rarity's intensity was... Sweetie had never felt anything like that before. The older mare had devoured her with a ferocity that left Sweetie gasping for breath as she struggled to keep up and not just let Rarity have her way with her tongue. It was exhilarating, but she could only take so much before she had to find relief.

Granted, she also needed a very different kind of relief. The embers of lust growing between her legs had flared up into a full burn, and Sweetie was hungry for Rarity to touch her.

"I need you," she whispered. "Please, Rarity, I need you."

"And I need you too, Sweetie." Rarity stood up, gesturing towards the bedroom. "Shall we move someplace more comfortable?"

Sweetie nodded eagerly, her eyes fixed on Rarity's flanks as she followed her. Rarity was swaying her tail back and forth, just barely hiding her marehood, but still tantalizing Sweetie with the thought of seeing it.

Once again, Sweetie acknowledged that her sister was much more experienced in these things than she was, and she was eager to see how much more pleasure that would translate to.

Rarity climbed up onto the bed with her usual grace, then turned around and gestured for Sweetie to do the same. Sweetie obeyed immediately, bounding up and landing atop the silk sheets on her stomach.

She felt warmth on her neck as Rarity began to nuzzle her, and let out a happy little coo.

"I have a confession to make," Rarity said as she nibbled her down to Sweetie's shoulder. "Tonight is not the first night I've thought of you in salacious terms. I tried to purge myself of the thoughts of what a desirable mare you had grown into, time and time again, but alas, it seems that none of us among the crème de la crème are pure, n'est-ce pas?"

Sweetie giggled. "I've always known you were the most beautiful mare in the world. But I was too wrapped up with Fire Tone and then my own moping and revenge plans to do anything about it."

"Well, as terrible an idea as this is, I must admit I can't bring myself to regret it at the moment." Rarity had reached the side of Sweetie's barrel by now, her words sending sweet little vibrations through her body. "Would you be a dear and turn over, please? If I'm to throw off the shackles of propriety for a night, I would like to see my gorgeous little sister in all her glory."

A nervous pit lodged itself in Sweetie's stomach as she obeyed. She spread her hindlegs, knowing what Rarity wanted, and holding her breath as she waited for judgement to be passed. It went without saying that she wasn't even close to being as pretty as Rarity, but Sweetie hoped Rarity would still think her attractive.

"My word," Rarity said, gasping. "I knew you were beautiful, but I truly didn't understand the meaning of that word until now." She pressed a hoof against leg, slowly sliding it up towards her thigh. "May I?"

"Yes, please," Sweetie said, nodding eagerly. She needed this so much, was burning for Rarity's touch.

The hoof slid between her legs, and Sweetie gasped as Rarity began teasing her most private treasure. "Oh, you feel absolutely divine, dear." More kisses against her barrel. "I cannot wait to taste you."

The pressure was becoming too much. Sweetie needed more. She bucked her hips up, wordlessly panting as she tried to grind herself against Rarity's hoof.

"In due time, dear," Rarity said. "I want to savour this. Savour you."

And then she was everywhere.

Light, nibbling kisses against her neck. Hooves tracing circles across her belly. A quick, playful nip on the inside of her thigh. Rarity played Sweetie like an instrument, drawing out a symphony of moans, grunts, and mewls from her beloved sister.

For Sweetie, the world faded away, and all she could focus on was the pleasure overwhelming her body. Rarity knew how to keep her entire body hypersensitive to her touch, while occasionally running her hoof between Sweetie's folds to keep her arousal at a fever pitch and leave her begging wordlessly for more every time.

Finally, after an eternity of teasing, Rarity raised her head to stare Sweetie in the eyes, a hungry expression on her face. "So, I noticed in the article that Fire Tone never pleasured you with his mouth."

The question pierced through the haze of ecstasy in Sweetie's mind, and she shook her head. "H-He said he didn't like the taste of pussy," she gasped out.

"How uncultured." Rarity tsked. "Allow me to rectify his mistake."

Rarity lowered her head between Sweetie's hindlegs, and Sweetie saw stars.

The immediate burst of pleasure as Rarity stuck her tongue inside of her caused Sweetie's back to arch, a sensual moan escaping from her lips as she new desperately humped herself against Rarity's mouth.

Meanwhile, Rarity's skill with her tongue allowed her to continuously hit all of Sweetie's most sensitive spots, twirling around over and over again and quickly bringing Sweetie to the brink of release.

"P-Please, Rarity," Sweetie begged. "Please."

"I shall take care of you, dear," Rarity promised. Sweetie felt magic form around Rarity's horn, and a moment later, the spell tugged against her clit as Rarity thrust her tongue into Sweetie with wild abandon.

The combination of stimulation was too much, and Sweetie let out a shrill scream, her voice cracking as she felt herself crash over the edge. Her whole body was twitching with ecstasy as she pressed her hindlegs together, locking Rarity into place as rode out her orgasm.

All the while, Rarity kept up her assault, her forelegs holding Sweetie's thighs in place as she continued to eat her sister out.

It was the single most pleasurable experience of Sweetie's life.

"I'm sorry if this is a sore spot, but it would be remiss of us to end this interview without mentioning your former beau, Fire Tone."

"Of course. I don't mind talking about him."

"In some of your previous statements, you said that you were quite broken up about your breakup. Is that still true?"

"Honestly, I don't think about him much anymore. I'd rather look to the future instead of the past."

Eventually, the bliss of release began to ebb, though pleasurable aftershocks still wracked Sweetie's body.

Rarity had sensed her coming down from her high, and decreased the intensity of her attentions in kind, letting her return to reality gently. A few seconds later, Sweetie was dimly aware of Rarity cuddling her.

Another thought occurred to her immediately afterwards. "How about you?" she asked. Rarity had just given her the greatest orgasm of her life, but she hadn't touched herself once during that.

"Don't fret about me, dear," Rarity replied softly, stroking Sweetie's mane. "I take it you enjoyed yourself?"

A dopey smile spread out across Sweetie' muzzle. "Yeah. Best sex of my life." She quickly wiped it away as she frowned at Rarity. "But I haven't returned the favour yet."

"As I said, there is no need," Rarity replied. "It's enough to know you enjoyed it."

"But do you want me to eat you out too?" Despite everything, it still thrilled Sweetie to be able to speak so crassly to Rarity.

"I—" Despite her hesitation, the answer was clear in her eyes.

"I want to make you happy too, Rarity." Sweetie pushed back against Rarity, until her older sister was lying on her back with Sweetie straddling her. "Will you let me make you happy?"

Lust won out over selflessness in Rarity's eyes, and she nodded. "I would be honoured, darling."

Sweetie was much less experienced than Rarity, but she tried her best to just follow her heart and her desire to give Rarity pleasure. She began by placing a light, gentle kiss against her muzzle, then moving downwards as she enjoyed the feeling of her sister's perfect body against her lips and hooves. Rarity was so soft and her fur felt so smooth and Sweetie could feel the warmth of her body as she tried her best to cover every inch of her coat with kisses and caresses.

Meanwhile, Rarity's breathing had gotten faster, her sultry little gasps letting Sweetie know she was doing something right. "You're quite the natural at this," she commented, which Sweetie chose to accept as a compliment.

"Thanks!" she replied brightly. "Now, let's see how well I do at the main event!"

Rarity's flower was already glistening with her lust, and Sweetie felt her own desire return as she slowly pressed a hoof against those slick folds, making Rarity shudder. Emboldened by the response, Sweetie began to lap at the edges of Rarity's nethers, enjoying the salty taste of her sister's sweat and arousal.

"Oh, Sweetie," Rarity moaned as Sweetie finally began to nibble against her clit. "You're marvellous at this."

Deeper and deeper Sweetie pressed her tongue into Rarity, using her moans and gasps and words of encouragement to figure out what motions and positions gave her the most pleasure, and being rewarded for her explorations by Rarity's growing arousal.

She could feel the tension building up as well, as Rarity's hindlegs tightened against her head. "I love you, Rarity," Sweetie said, pressing down on the little bud at the tip of her flower with her hoof as she thrust her tongue as deep as she could within Rarity's folds.

"I— I love you too, Sweetie! Oh!" With that, Rarity came, a gush of salty liquid washing down on Sweetie's muzzle.

Sweetie lapped it up as best she could, savouring the sensation of being covered in Rarity's essence. She also felt a hoof on the back of head, pressing herself deeper and deeper, and allowed Rarity to guide her mouth as her sister humped her face over and over again.

It was almost a minute later when Sweetie's head was released, and she lifted her head up to gasp for breath, the fresh air filling her lungs still being filtered through the sheen of Rarity's arousal that was covering her.

"Wow," Sweetie said, her mind still hazy from the experience. "That was a lot of fun."

Rarity pulled up upwards into a kiss as their collapsed onto one another, their coats rubbing together as the air was filled with the scent of sex. "I'm glad. And thank you — I've been quite pent-up lately, and that was a wonderful release."

"You're welcome," Sweetie replied, nuzzling her sister's cheek. "I'm just glad you had fun too. That was definitely the best sex of my life."

A hoof rubbing between her hindlegs made her yelp, and she looked up to see Rarity's eyes still burning with desire. "I hope you didn't think we were finished yet, darling," she whispered, her voice low and sultry. "That was only the amuse-bouche, as it were. I have so much I want to teach my little sister about the ways of pleasure."

Sweetie shivered as Rarity kissed her again, ready for a long and wonderful night of lovemaking.

"Wise words, Miss Belle. I don't want to keep you too long, but we have a few more questions we'd like to ask."

"Oh, don't worry, I could go on all day. Ask away!"

Sweetie opened her eyes to see her big sister staring at her, love in her eyes.

"Good morning, dear," Rarity said, smiling. "How are you feeling?"

Sweetie yawned and stretched before smiling back at Rarity. "Really, really good. I was kinda worried that I'd be too tired to do the interview, but I'm feeling full of energy right now."

"Mmm, It was quite invigorating for me as well." Rarity's smile faded as her expression grew serious. "I suppose we should talk about the events of last night."

Sweetie gulped. "Right." She forced herself to sit up, looking Rarity in the eye as she spoke. "So, uhh, thanks for being there for me." Taking a deep breath, she forced the last words out before she lost her nerve. "And I really don't regret what we did last night. Not one bit."

"I see." Rarity sighed. "I should feel terrible for taking advantage of my younger sister's vulnerability, but I can't bring myself to regret our night of passion either."

"Good." Sweetie paused. "So, what happens now?" Honestly, she wasn't sure which answer from Rarity would scare her more.

Rarity seemed similarly torn, as she didn't answer for some time. Eventually, though, she spoke up, her voice firm and determination burning in her eyes. "If you wish to let this be a single magical night, never to be repeated again, then I believe I could live with that." A hoof reached out to cup Sweetie's chin. "But, there's no other pony I can think of who would be worthy of my affections, so if you'll have me, I would love to see how our love can grow."

Sweetie took a deep breath before leaning forward and kissing Rarity. "You're the best pony I've ever met, and I love you more than I could ever say in words. Let's show all those stuffy hob-nobers what it means to make one's own way, the right way."

"Somewhat of an oxymoron," Rarity commented dryly, "but I appreciate the sentiment." She looked up at the clock. "Now, shall I help you prepare for the interview? I imagine it will be quite the ordeal, as Fire Tone's name will undoubtedly arise."

Sweetie shrugged. "Who cares about him? I have the best marefriend ever now, and that's all that matters."

"Well, thank you for answering all of these questions, Miss Belle."

"No problem. And thank you for inviting me here."

"Is there anything else you'd like to say before we end the interview?"

"I just want to give a huge shout-out to all my fans for supporting me. I love you all, and I hope you're excited for my next album. I also want to thank my Rarity for being there for me when I needed her. You're the best big sister ever, and I love you so much."

"I'm sure they love you back. And remember, Sweetie Belle's newest album, Hearts of Ice, is out now. Be sure to check out your local record shop for it!"