> The Lost Princess > by Cowgal > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > One More Truth Revealed > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Queen Haven's P.O.V I paced the lavishly designed cell, my mind racing with thoughts. My entire kingdom gone, the lie my ancestors built it on exposed. Maybe my se... First born daughter was right. I'll have to come clean with the truth. Flashback begins... A newborn filly with orange fur and purple mane is seen sleeping in crib next to two baby pegasi. One was light purple with dark purple mane, the other white furred with pink and blue mane. Flashback ends... Maybe not the full truth. My daughters, my people, are not ready for that truth. Finally I noticed a gap in the wall just big enough to squeeze through. Now to find my children! Then together we can win back our people! Flashback begins... Two pegasi guards escorted a prisoner blue furred with purple mane unicorn with a tennis ball on her horn and another prisoner orange furred with purple mane earth pony that looks like... Flashback ends. Shaking my head, I trotted into Bridlewood Forest to find the th... two lost princesses. Time Skip... After Sunny got her wings. Third person P.O.V A pink earth mare with puffy blue mane and tail stood in front of three cameras rolling live. "Good morning Maretime Bay! And for the first time in pony history we are being filmed to Zephyr Heights and Bridlewood Forest! I'm Maretime's favorite Anchorpony, Cheesy Gossip! Just last night all three pony tribes were united together after a millennia apart! And with the reunion everypony's magic came back! That's right folks! Magic has returned to ponykind once again! If any of you noticed the unique lightshow last night, that was magic returning to our homeland! Pretty epic right!? Stay tuned to hear from the horse's mouth how this is even possible!" Over on the hill that once housed a lighthouse, Sunny and her friends were talking to Phyllis, Queen Haven, and Alphabittle. Queen Haven looks a bit uneasy has they talked about building one giant city for all of ponykind to live in and potential names for the new city. Pipp frowned, "Mom is something wrong? You look uneasy." Queen Haven shifted slightly, "Well, umm, do you remember the lie we told our people?" Zipp huffed, "Yea Mom. I remember telling you it was a bad idea and to tell the truth." "Well that wasn't the only thing I lied about. I never had twins." The queen explained the odd question. "Wait... what!?" Everypony minus Pipp yelped. "Called it! Zipp's not royal!" All eyes turned to Pipp, who shrugged, "What? Have you meet Zipp?" Zipp shrugged at her sister's comment, "She does have a point." Haven sighed, "She's wrong. I had triplets AND Zipp is actually the second-born." Sunny frowned at her new friends' mother. "What happened to your first born?" The queen flinched at Sunny's question. "That is a long story. Remember how before today all three tribes didn't mix? My husband, the king, despised our first born because she wasn't a Pegasus, but an earth pony." Flashback begins...(Anything in bold is the Queen's voice over) The flashback from the beginning is shown, only this time Haven is standing over the three fillies arguing with a stallion that looks like an older male version of Zipp. I tried to keep her really. The dungeon was even given a lavish makeover in an attempt to convince your father. It all failed.A royal guard that was Orange fur with yellow mane and tail walked in. "My king, you called?" the guard asked. "Yes. Take this earth filly out of my sight and dispose of her!" The king angrily snapped. The guard grabbed the orange baby while two other guards and the king pinned a struggling Haven down. I never fought so hard before. Even though she was an earth pony I already loved her greatly. Time Skip... In the king's private chambers. Only Haven and the king are shown. The King is speaking. "Haven, I want you to tell everypony that we had twins and ONLY twins." Haven frowned, "Another lie? Why can't we tell them about our first born?" The king huffed, "Because if it gets out that we're related to a stupid earthpony, our family will be the laughingstock in all of Zephyr Heights! Or worse! I'll be dethroned!" My husband sworn me and the guards and nurse to secrecy. He was afraid what will happen if news of your sister got out.Another Time skip... king's funeral. Haven is seen with eight years old Zipp and Pipp, comforting them. After your father's death I thought of telling you. But by then I was afraid of your responses. Pipp at the time was terrified of anything that was unknown, including earthponies. Zipp already was making it very clear her view of lies. Flashbacks end. Haven took a deep breathe, "I'm sorry, the fear of what could happen if that truth got out was more crippling than I thought. I already lost one daughter, I couldn't lose anymore." Hitch stepped forward, "Wait, if your missing kid was an earthpony then somewhere here in Maretime Bay is a lost princess!" Phyllis frowned in thought, "Not just anypony. You see twenty years ago a resident archeologist returned from an expedition not with ancient treasures but with a baby earth filly. The court judge of the time immediately okayed him for adoption of the tike with hopes he'll stop chasing silly dreams and myths." Izzy started to bounce around, "That's amazing! Who was it? Who's the filly? Oh! Do you think we can be friends!?" Sunny frowned, "Silly dreams and Myths is what everypony always says to Dad about ancient Equestria and bringing it back. Dad also was always leaving on expeditions to find proof that we all used to be friends! He was an archeologist!" Everypony froze, round eyed as this revelation sank in. Cheesy Gossip trotted up to them with her three camera crews (one from each tribe), "Okay, we are live in 3, 2, 1..." "There's no way in Tartarus I'm related to some stuck up pony that allows her fears to control her!" Sunny snapped Cheesy blinked slowly, "Umm, guys?" Haven glared at her, "At least I tried to keep you!" Sunny rolled her eyes, "Right! Because a dungeon is a way better option!" "Guys?" Cheesy tried to get their attention again. "Out of sight, out of mind!" Haven retorted. Sunny snarled, "Out of mind!? So you admit it! You wanted to forget about me!" Haven raised her voice, "No! I meant our people's mind! I would've visited you everyday!" Cheesy frowned, "You know..." "Yea right! How long do you think you could've kept me locked up!?" Sunny snapped again. "As long as Pegasi and Earth ponies were against each other!" "Umm..." "Have you meet me!? No, wait! You haven't because you tossed me out!" "What does that supposed to mean!?" "It means trouble always finds me! Besides that, I'm the one doing all the hard work here!" "WE'RE LIVE!!!!!" Cheesy screamed on top of her lungs. Just what did she walked in on? Sunny shook her head as she backed away. "I'm sorry, I can't do this." With that said, she turned tail and ran away. Haven shouted, "Hipp Star, wait!" Sunny's P.O.V I ran until I was out of breathe. Stopping I took a look around. It looks like I was in the Everfree Forest, in some kind of clearing. At the edge of the clearing was an old abandoned hut that was crumbling from disuse. Exhausted, I laid down trying to collect my thoughts. Flashback begins... Sunny was standing next to her father, Phyllis pushed Sprout and Hitch out of the old lighthouse. Phyllis glared at Argyle, "Really Argyle, you'd think by this age you will know better than to chase foolish fantasies. At least put your act together now that a child is in the picture!" I sighed. There were soo many clues in my memories yet I ignored them! Just then Zipp landed next to me. Zipp grinned, "Plus side of flight, a true bird's eye view. What's up?" I shrugged, "Nothin' much. Just learned my whole life's a lie." Zipp flinched, "Yea, that's a lot to chew. Ya know? You don't have to call Mom mom or anything you're not comfortable with. In fact if you rather not to see Pipp or I for a bit we understand." I smiled at my friend, "Thanks Zipp. I rather we stick to being friends and not family. Also it is Queen Haven I'm mad at. You and Pipp are innocent because you didn't know." Zipp laughed, "Well, that's a relief! Are you sure you're okay though? Need a hug?" I nibbled my lip for a minute thinking before answering, "That would be nice." Zipp then pulled me into an embrace, not saying anything while I cried into her wings.