> Our Inner Demon > by BlueDiamond > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Prolouge: Sunset's Thoughts > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- A young woman of 16 walked down the hallways of Canterlot High School. She had pretty aquamarine eyes, red and gold hair that fell down her shoulders like rubies, and glowing amber skin. She brought with her an aura of kindness and ambition. And her name was Sunset Shimmer. She was on her way to her class, humming to herself. She couldn't wait to see her friends again. She never had any before the Fall Formal. The Fall Formal... A bubbling pit of shame and humiliation grew in her stomach as she remembered that terrible day, almost 2 years ago. Yet, she somehow was grateful that it happened. Something truly horrible happened, other than the fact that she turned into a literal demon and tried to make a zombie army. But it opened her eyes to the pain she had caused. She never wanted to hurt anybody other then Princess Celestia, but only because she thought Sunset was not worthy of being a princess. She never wanted to blackmail, she just wanted to stay on top. But she didnt know how to do that except for one way. Being a truly terrible person. However, she had changed, and was the happiest girl in- Bam! She bumped right into- "Sunset?" Sunset looked up, and gaped. She had somehow bumped right into Principal Celestia, the human conterpart of Princess Celestia! "Oh, I'm so sorry! I really wasn't looking where i was going-" "It's alright Sunset. I'll just take my books and go." "I'll help!" Soon, all of Principal Celestia's books were back in her arms. "Thank you for your help, Sunset." She smiled a warm, gracious smile at her student, who was reminded how similar Principal Celesta was to Princess Celestia. "You're welcome, Princes-Principal Celestia.." The principal looked at her student, who's cheeks had become as red as her flaming hair. "Did you just call me a.. Princess?" "Um.. sorry? I guess I'll see you later, Principal Celestia!" "Sunset, wait-" But It was too late; Sunset ran down the hall, flushed with embarrasment. The Principal wondered why she had called her a princess, she wasn't one, unless.. I'm a Princess in her world? She knew how Sunset was from another world, a world with magic, ponies and conterparts of everyone here, including herself. She never asked about the magical pony conterpart of her and Luna, but now... Forget it, Cellie . Maybe ask her a different time.. Shaking her head, She went to the office to put away the heavy books in her arms. Sunset ran down to her class, with 15 minutes to spare. She sat down and fiddled with her fingers as the rest of the students came in slowly and thinking of what she just said. I cannot believe myself. Hopefully Principal Celestia forgets about it and carries on with her life. She thought of her friends, hopefully waiting at lunch for her. She loved her friends, it was the only time that she had felt happy in, like, years.... She took out her books and her pencils with some other stuff, and flipped through the pages, happily thinking about her friends and hoping that, she, Sunset Shimmer, former unicorn of Canterlot, Equestria, proves to everyone that she has truly changed for the better, and is not the blackmailing, liar and fake model student of the past. > Chapter 1: Opening Up > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- After morning classes, Sunset walked down to her locker to put away her books. Then she noticed the old red marks on her locker again. She sighed sadly. She and her friends managed to clean it up, but one message still remained, written in the edge of the locker: You She-Demon. U deserve pain 4 the rest of ur life! If only they knew her pain.. Shaking her head, she put down her books and took new ones, then went to the cafeteria to meet her friends. She met Rainbow Dash at the cafeteria doors, saying, " Hi, Dash." "Hi! Come quick, I want to try that new type of juice Granny Smith made." Both of them rushed to the lunch queue and took trays. Sunset took a vegeterian meal with a cup of strawberry yogurt while Rainbow took a glass of juice and a sandwich. Together, they both went to the Rainboom"s usual spot, where Sci-Twi, Applejack, Fluttershy ,Rarity and Pinkie Pie were already sitting. "Finally! What took ya'll so long?" "Sorry, the lunch queue was really long." All of them sat down to eat. Fluttershy then said in a soft voice, "I can't believe its the last day of school this Friday..." "Uh huh, me and the Apples are gonna have a nice, relaxin' holiday with the whole family!" Applejack said excitedly." We'll make the house look nice'n toasty on Christmas Eve! And-" "We get it, Applejack." Rainbow replied. "I caan't wait till the end of school. Sci-Twi will probably flip, though." She gave a cheeky grin to the lavender-skinned scientist, who had flushed with embarrasment while everyone at the table laughed. "For your information, Rainbow, I have quite a lot of assignments to complete and card to give to the teachers!" She huffed. " I hope I can finish them all early this year! Then I'll get to spend time with Timber!" She grinned. "Speaking of Timber, He's probably going to spend the holidays with his family, Darling." said Rarity. " And we better get a move on, you do realize there's only 15 minutes left of the lunch break?" "Oh, shoot!" All of the girls quickly ate to get to their next classes. Sunset, however, frowned slightly. Hearing her friends talk about their families caused a sinking feeling in her stomach when she was reminded of her family, and what had happened to them... And how it was all her fault.. Don't think about that, She told herself.That was a long time ago. No need to fell envy, your family are your friends, now. Yes, she thought, no need to bring up her past... She took up her books and left for her next class along with Fluttershy. Later, after school, the girls met at their usual spot, at the horse statue in front of Canterlot High. "That last minute pop quiz was sooo annoying!" Rainbow whined. " I can't believe I got an C!" "Atleast you got a C, Rainbow." Sunset grinned at her friend. She then looked at all the girls, " What are you guys going to do in the holidays?" "Oh, Ooh!!!" Pinkie said. "Lemme start! Ok, so, me and Maud are going to make necklaces out of rocks and then decorate them around the house! Then, I'll throw a super-big Christmas party with our whole family!" "That truly sounds like fun, darling." said Rarity with a smile. " I will be spending the holidays with my parents and Sweetie Belle, and my father said he'll be catering a special dinner for us at Christmas Eve! Oooh!, It shall be amazing!" She gushed. "Wow, Rarity, that sounds really fancy." Fluttershy murmered. " I will be with Zephyr and our aunt and uncle are coming to visit, since Mum and Dad might be busy. All the animals are safe in the shelter, however." She smiled. "That sounds really nice! But me and my parents are going to Aunt Cadence's House for Christmas." Sci-Twi said. "I still can't believe Shining Armor fell in love with my old dean! But still, we all are going to spend the holidays together. I don't really know if we're going to have anything special on Christmas Eve, but I do know that I'll be waking everybody at 2:00 am, ha ha!" She gave a sly smirk. " It's so fun, ripping up paper at the dead of the night!" "Ouch! Although I love waking up at 2:00 am and opening presents" Rainbow said, " But me and my parents are going to be alone at home. However, We put a lot of snowmen in out backyard in celebration of the holidays! It kind of looks as if a gang of people with carrot noses and button eyes are spying on us in the dead of the night". She laughed. "Well, Ah already told ya'll that me and my family are goin' to have our annual Christmas Party!" Applejack grinned. " We'll be makin' a lot of dishes, and me and Apple Bloom are goin' to decorate the house in Christmas colors!" She whooped. Everyone looked at Sunset, who had remained silent during this scenario. with a small smile on her lips. Now, however, she looked at her friends with an eyebrow raised. "What are you guys looking at me for?" "What are you gonna do, Sunny?" asked Pinkie. "Are you gonna..make a huge cake for the holidays? Or light some candles? Or-" "How about we let Sunset tell us?" Rainbow interrupted, grinning. "Well, I'll probably just o to a nearby park and spend the day there. I never really spend time on the holidays anyway-" "WHAT!??!" Pinkie interrupted, aghast. She wasn't the only one. Applejack looked lost for words. Sunset sighed. She was wishing to avoid this topic, but here goes. "Pinkie, My-my family are in Equestria. I've had nobody to celebrate the holidays anyway." She looked down at her feet. She didn't want to tell about her parents. Not now! Her friends kept quiet. They didn't know what had happened between Sunset and her family, but they kept quiet, since it must be a painful topic for her. "So... you never had anyone to celebrate with? I thought you had somebody! Last year-" "Last year I lied." Sunset broke off Rainbow. " I didn't wanna tell you girls. Sorry about that." "Don't you have any type of holiday out in your world?" Applejack asked. "Actually we do. It's called Heart's Warming Eve. Kind of like Christmas mixed with Independence Day. It started like this.." And Sunset told them about the Windigos; About Heart's Warming Eve; and about how it gave birth to Equestria. "Wow." Rarity said softly as Sunset finished. "That sounds beautiful." "Me and my-my family didn't really.. celebrate it that much. Maybe we did, but I just can't remember....: She trailed off looking lost. Then she said, "But no matter. I've got you guys now!" She smiled, then said, "I've gotta go then. Bye girls!" She went down the pathway next to Canterlot High. "..." Applejack was speechless. Celebrating the holidays with nobody must be some sort of crime! If only she- Then a lightbulb popped up. "Girls! I just had an amazing idea...." > Chapter 2: Where Trouble Starts > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sunset Shimmer went down the path to her apartment. She reached her house and decided to take a warm shower before going to the park that afternoon. Sunset could withstand high temperatures; she had no idea why. She remembered how she had once put a dare on a boastful stallion who was proclaiming that he could withstand any heat and always annoyed her because of his attitude; she won, and that stallion never went near her again. Oh well. After her shower, she decided to clean her photo shelf just before going out. When she went to dust a particular photo , however, she smiled. It was a photo taken on the day after they defeated the Sirens, and she had ponied up for the first time. Princess Twilight and herself were there as well as the rest of the Rainbooms, plus DJ Pon-3. It was the first time she had felt like a Rainboom. She had thought that, despite being friends, she would probably never be a real part of the group since, well, the Rainbooms were the bucking Elements of Harmony! She wasn't. However, she still managed to pony-up, despite not being an element, so all doubt disappeared that day. She wondered whether- DING! A notification came on her phone from her messaging app. It was from Pinkie and it said- Hey, Sunny, could you meet us at the park? Like, the park near your apartment, Sunny Blossom park? I was about to go there! Ok, see u. Wondering what Pinkie wanted, She put on a white blouse with some jeans and went to Sunny Blossom park. Sunset reached Sunny Blossom park, and breathed in the fresh wintery air. Snowflakes were slowly falling down like sprinkles in the snow. The park was one of Sunset's favourite places to be, even when she was still the biggest meanie in the whole school; it was calm, and not many people came here, despite the beautiful scenery. Sunset went to the bridge that overlooked a humongous river called the Serenity river. There, all of her friends were waiting for her.\ "Hey, guys." She grinned. "What did you text me for, Pinkie?" "Applejack got an awesome idea, and I wanna tell it to you!" Pinkie jumped up and down in excitement. "Um.. Ok. What is it?" "You know how you told us that you were alone during the holidays?" Pinkie quipped. "Uh.. yes?" Sunset said, while thinking, Where are they going with this...? "We have decided that we're gonna have sleepovers at everyone's house for the rest of the holidays, ending with the Apple Family's Christmas Party! Where you're invited too!" "Wait, what?!? But...why?" "Really, Sunset?" Rainbow asked disbelievingly. "You're our friend. Did you think we were gonna leave you while we had fun? Of course not!" Sunset realized her mouth was slightly open and closed it quickly. "No! Guys, honestly, you don't have to do this-" "We know we don't" Applejack stated. Then she smiled. "But yer lonely, an' I can't have fun knowing yer alone for the holidays. Holidays are for family." Sunset couldn't help herself. She hugged Applejack, saying, "Thank you! Thank you so much!" She let go of Applejack and then said, " You still don't have to do it, you know." "Well, It would be fun." Fluttershy murmered. " And this park is beautiful. What's it's name?" "Oh, It's called Sunny Blossom..." Sunset spent the rest of the day with her friends at the park, happily talking with them. Applebloom walked up the driveway to her home, humming happily to herself. Her sister had said that today they were going to make cookies, something that they haven't done in a long time, and an activity that she loved. Applebloom adored her older sister and absolutely loved spending time with her. It was one of her favourite things to do, other then spending time with the other Crusaders. Applejack had said something about her friends coming over at around the time they were supposed to make cookies, but she had assumed that they were going to have a chat then go home. Atleast she hoped so. She entered her living room and sat down on the couch, which groaned. She decided to play games on her phone to pass the time while waiting for her sister. Soon, Applejack entered the living room with the rest of the Rainbooms, including Sunset Shimmer. Applebloom didn't know what to think about the fiery haired girl. She had ignored her when she had first tried to redeem herself, but had grown to her when Sunset helped her and Applejack with their homework. She also once helped tutor Applebloom for her test, and she had managed to get an A. She had thanked her the net day, even invited her to dinner, but the girl had just said it was no bother and walked of. All in all, she was in good terms with the former bully. "Applejackkkk!!" shouted Applebloom, running to meet her sister. "Heya, sis." Applejack ruffled her little sister's red hair. "Now, darling, do let go of your sister before you squeeze her to death." Rarity said to Applebloom. "Why were you waiting for us anyway, darling?" "Oh! About that, Applejack, let's go make cookies!" Applebloom giggled. "Uh.. actually sugarcube, today we ain't gonna make cookies..." Applejack sighed. "The girls and me are havin' a sleepover." "What?! But-but-" Applebloom struggled to find the correct words. "But- the holidays are supposed to be fer family. You already spend time with yer friends all the time! Why are ye having a sleepover, now, anyway?!" "We wanted to have a sleepover fer Sunset this year, so-" "What?!?!?" Applebloom interrupted Applejack. "That's it?! Ye can have a sleepover any time of the year!" She then rounded on Sunset, who was at the door, looking lost for words. "Why do ye want a sleepovernow? Why can't ye wait until the end of Christmas, huh?!?" "Applebloom! Behave yerself!" Applejack scolded. "Ok, no cookies today. Tommorrow yer gonna make cookies with me like every yera, right? Right?!" "Applejack, you can make cookies with Applebloom, I don't mind-" Sunset tried to intervene, but- "No, Sunset! Today, we are havin' a sleepover!" She turned to Applebloom. "And, sis, I wont be home until our Christmas party next Friday." That was the last straw for Applebloom. "WHAT?! WHY?!" She exploded. "I'm gonna repeat it again; Holidays. Are. Fer. Family! It's not fair, Applejack! What about our other holiday traditions?" 'We'll do it later, sugarcube. Come on, girls." Applejack walked to her room, the other girls following. "Sorry..." Sci-Twi whispered as she passed. "Yeah..." Sunset whispered as well. Applebloom stared after her older sister and her friends, fists clenched. How could her sister do this to her? Then she remembered what Applejack said: "We wanted to have a sleepover fer Sunset." Sunset. Applebloom was in this mess because of a former she-demon?!? No, Applebloom thought. She was always a she-demon. Anger bubbled in her as she realized Sunset had stolen her sister. She was going to pay. And Sunset was going to regret ever asking for a sleepover from her sister. With a wicked smirk, she went to her room to formulate a plan. > Chapter 3: Anon-A-Miss is Born > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- All of the Rainbooms went to Applejack's room with their sleeping bags and pajamas. "Applejack, weren't you a bit harsh on Applebloom? She just wanted to make cookies.." Sunset said. "Well, maybe, but we always do that fer the holidays! Now, let's choose which movie to watch..." As the girls debated whether to watch a horror movie or an animated one, a certain red-haired girl in sweatpants listened, furious. Applebloom listened to what Applejack had said. But we always do that fer the holidays! Anger pumped through her again, but she decided to focus. Concentrate on your plan, Applebloom. Keeping her face as neutral as possible, she entered the room. The girls were in Applejack's room, doing sleepover stuff you've expect from high-schoolers. Sunset, Rainbow and Applejack were playing a game called Tirek's Revenge with Sci-Twi watching with interest. Pinkie was writing an entry on her private blog on her laptop on the bed while Rarity and Fluttershy were on the carpet, painting their nails and discussing the type of shampoo they used. "Hi." They girls looked up to see Applebloom, with an unreadable expression on her face. She then looked to Applejack. "Can we make some cookies now?" "Applebloom, I told ya, today I'm spending time with mah friends." Applejack said without looking up "But ya always spend time with yer friends!" " And ye always spend time with the Crusaders, don't cha?" "Ooh, burrrnnnnnnnnn!!!" Pinkie quipped from her place on the bed. But then the girls got a slight shock as a small frown unfurled on Applebloom's face. "Well, atleast I spend much more time with mah family then ya, Piggly-Wiggly!" She stormed, then before any of them could say anything, she turned on her heels and left the room. Outside, however, Applebloom's frown was replaced by a mad grin. The seed has been planted. She went back to her room. Now time for phase 2. Back at Applejack's room, the girls were confused as Applejack become flushed with embarrassment. "What did your sister just call you?" Sci-Twi enquired. Applejack sighed. "I was hopin' I didn't have tha say this story again..." she muttered. Applejack told them how she used to love playing with the pigs, so much in fact, that Granny Smith had affenctionally nick-named her Piggly- Wiggly. 'Applebloom says it when she thinks I need to get off mah high horse and stop being so stubborn. Uh, no offense?" She told Sunset. "None taken." She grinned. " Although she did look pretty mad when she left." "Oh well." Applejack shrugged. " Mah sis does sometimes get mad, but, she usually don't do anything drastic!" Am I doing something drastic? Applebloom was on her bed, her laptop open on her crossed legs. She went to MyStable and clicked the 'Make New Account' button, but then frowned. Am I doing this right? I mean, I could just talk to Applejack and maybe she'll listen... But... Anger pumped for the third time inside her that day when she remembered how her sister never listened, always making some excuse, like having to do chores or meeting with her friends. Every time I ask to do something, she suddenly doesn't have time. She never has time for me anymore. She clicked on the tab that had requirements to fill before making a new account. Applebloom made some fake info, like date of birth, but was stumped on the account name. What name should I put? I need to make sure that I remain anonymous.. Wait... anonymous? anon a miss? Anon-A-Miss! That's it! Grinning widely, she typed it in, but then hovered on the 'make account' button, unsure. Are you sure, Applebloom? What if Sunset doesn't deserve this? No! She does! Ya wanna know why? ....why? She didn't get any punishment at all for all the pain she's done. She got, like, one week of detention?! But she had got hated by everyone, right? She had my sister and her friends. But not anymore. I've decided. She's gonna pay. If she had got enough punishment, I would have been fine. But she didn't. She should know that actions have consequences. She clicked on the 'make account' button, and the page for Anon-A-Miss opened up. Anon-A-Miss has been started. Now, the first post is... Piggly- Wiggly. . . . I'm sorry sis. But Sunset Shimmer hurt me. Hurt you. Hurt lots of people. But she never got any punishment for it. And now has the best life anyone could ask for: positive popularity, happiness, friendship... It's just not fair. It's just not fair. Since the next day was Tuesday, all the girls put their alarm clocks at 7:00, much earlier than they would usually sleep. Applejack was the first one to wake up. She always woke up early, at 5 a'clock atleast. When she dressed however, she noticed one of her friends was missing. Sunset was nowhere to be seen, until Applejack looked out the window and saw her at the gate, sitting down on the snow. Applejack decided to join her. She slowly walked up behind her, her feet crunching beneath the snow. "Heya, Sunset." Sunset jumped at the noise, but calmed down when she saw Applejack. "Hey, AJ." "What'cha doing?" The blond girl asked her, sitting down next to the fiery-haired girl. "Funnily enough, my favourite times of the day is when the sun rises and sets." "Heh, so that's were ye get yer name from, hmm?" Sunset laughed. " Yeah, that's were I get my name from. My.. mum told me when I was born, I glowed when the sun set." She got a a faraway look in her eyes. " She said I 'shimmered in the sunset', hence my name." Applejack whistled. " That sounds really nice." Sunset gave a small smile. " Yeah, it was, until...well..." 'What?" "Um, nevermind, Applejack, how about we go inside?" "Ok..." Both of them stood up. "Sunset?" "Hmm?" " Just so ya know, if ya ever need to tell us somethin' ,just tell. Ok?" "Yes, Applejack." She gave another small smile then went back the path to the Apple house. Applejack followed suit. All of the girls, after a delicious breakfast of apple pancakes with maple syrup, the girls all went to school, talking happily about how good yesterday's sleepover was. Until- "Hey, Piggly-Wiggly!" "Huh?!" Applejack turned around and saw a boy their age grinning mischievously. With a fake wave, he trudged up to the school building. "Wait- wha- How'd he know mah nick-name?!" Applejack was agahst. "I.. I don't know, darling. " Rarity said. Applejack felt a hand on her shoulder and turned to see Sunset, frowning at the boy who had spoke, now in the distance. She then turned to Applejack and said, "Applejack, if you need anything, the girls and I have got your back. Ok?" The blond girl gave a tentative smile. "Ok." All day until lunch, Applejack had been peppered with jokes and teasing because of her nickname. She didn't mind that much, but it was terrible nonethenless. As she went to lunch, she didn't notice a red-haired girl watching her, a small frown on her face. > Chapter 4: I'm In - Part 1 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Applebloom watched her older sister face all the backlash from her plan, a frown on her face. Is this right? Sunset is the one who deserves this... No, don't worry, she'll get the consequences soon. With another small smirk, she took her books and went to class. All of the Rainbooms were waiting for their friend Applejack as she hadn't arrived yet, most probably to the teasing she had to endure. Luckily, they had most of their classes with the farmer, yet they didn't have their last class with her, so they didn't know when she was going to arrive. However, Applejack walked through the cafeteria doors and headed immediately to their table, amist laughter and snickering. "Hello, darl-" Rarity stopped abruptly when she saw the downcast look for her secret admirer friend. "Are they still teasing you?" Sunset asked. "...yes.." Applejack looked at all of her friends, then asked, "What am I supposed ta do? I donno how ta stand thier teasin' any longer! "AJ, listen to me." Applejack looked at the fiery-haired girl. "Ye?" "Look, ignoring whatever they say is a bad idea, as they'll just comeback for more. Instead, act like nothing's bothering you, and repeat it when they say something like 'Oh look Piggly-Wiggly' or something like that. When they see that your clearly not bothered by their teasing, they'll leave you alone." It took a few seconds for Sunset to realize that everybody at the table was staring at her. "What?" "That was.. very, um, deep." Fluttershy said. "Have you been, bullied befor-" "No!" she said loudly, and everyone jumped. "I mean, -sorry Flutters- but, no." "Oh, It's ok" Fluttershy mumbled. "I'm sorry." Sunset, slightly ashamed. "No, it's fine!" "Ok, ok." Sunset then turned to Applejack. "Did you get what I said?" The blond girl nodded. "I understood." "Good, because they won't bother you if your not bothered." "I'll try mah best." Applejack said in her country accent. " It'll be good when this is finally over." Applebloom went to the cafeteria and frowned immediately when she saw Sunset with her sister. Again! Ugh, this is annoying! But she will pay for all the pain and blackmail she's caused. She turned away from them and went to the usual spot for the Crusaders, where Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo were already sitting, with their lunches. Applebloom stopped and frowned again. Should I tell them about Anon-A-Miss? Maybe, but not yet. She went to her table, and overheard their conversation; Sweetie said, "I really wish Rarity took me to the park yesterday! But she had to go away because of Sunset..." "But Sunset's really nice!" Scootaloo insisted. "And it's not a crime to hang out with your friends, after all." "You're right. I shouldn't be jealous. I just wish she would spend more time with me..." "I know. But she will, she always does. Hey, how about you ask her to go out this evening?" "Scootaloo, that's an awesome idea ! We could maybe go to Sugarcube Corner, or a fancy restuarant, or-" "Ya won't be able tha." Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle looked up to see the leader of the Crusaders, Applebloom. "What do you mean, I won't be able to go with Rarity outside? And did you eavesdrop?" Sweetie asked, offended. "Ya, sorry bout' dat." Applebloom plopped to her seat. "But today they're havin' a sleepover, I think." "How do you know?" Scootaloo asked, stunned. "Mah sis said that this week she won't be home for the evenin' anymore until our Christmas Party. And I overheard her talkin' to her friends about ah sleepover today." > Chapter 4: I'm In - Part 2 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sweetie spat out her orange juice all over her dress. "What?! But Rarity never told me!" Scootaloo wiped Sweetie's dress with some napkins, frowning. "She probably was too busy..." Applebloom raised an eyebrow. "Well, it's probably because of Sunset." Scootaloo frowned again. "Why are you so keen to blame her?" "Uh, it's just a feelin'. . ." Applebloom mumbled. "Even so, Rarity might just want to spend some time with her friends, with Sunset. There's nothing wrong with that." "Still. . . why didn't she say anything to her sister?" Sweetie asked, her face falling. Scootaloo frowned again. She knew her friends loved spending time with their sisters, even she herself saw Rainbow Dash, her idol, as a big sister, since the duo were very close. But she thought that being angry or hurt with somebody just because of hanging out with their friends was a bit much. She knew Applebloom meant well, but she had to convince Sweetie that Rarity having a sleepover with the Rainbooms was alright. Unfortunately, before Scootaloo could say something- DING! DING! DING! The bell for lunch came, signaling the start for afternoon classes. "Ah shoot! I need tha go!" Applebloom jumped, then ran out the cafeteria. "I need to go to." Sweetie said, still slightly crestfallen. "Wait, Sweetie-" But Sweetie Belle was gone, along with Applebloom. Scootaloo groaned in frustration. She had been so close! What if they do something stupid? No, they will not, Scootaloo thought. Her best friends knew when to calm down. Right...? With worry in her heart, the purple-haired girl took her bag and went out the cafeteria. Sunset came to her apartment, after school. "Ray! I'm home!" She called. The spotted lizard, who was snoozing in his glass cage, immediately smiled on hearing his master's voice. Sunset suspected that his ability to understand human emotions had increased when she got her geode, but she was fine in Ray having a little bit of magic. She took the lizard in her hand and tickled him. "Aww, did Ray enjoy that?" she cooed. "I'll have a shower and be right back, okay?" The lizard nodded his head. She smiled fondly at the cute guy then went to the bathroom. After a refreshing shower and wearing a blue shirt with matching sweatpants, with her hair in two buns, she put Ray on her shoulder and went to make dinner for Ray, which was cooked spinach. Sunset put some spinach in a plate for Ray, who sat down on the table, near her glass. "So, how was your day today?" Sunset usually talked with Ray, seeing that he could understand her. Ray gave a shrug as it to say, "It was a bit boring, but ok." Sunset laughed. "Sorry for the fact that I'm going to be in my friends house for the next few days." The lizard shrugged again. After dinner, Sunset put Ray on her shoulder and began to choose the clothes to wear at the sleepover tonight at Rarity's house. She was reminded how really nice it was to have friends, no, family. They were her family. Her real family in Equestria, however... Don't think about that. Just don't. It's bad enough as it is, but you have your friends now. Pushing her thoughts aside, she resumed packing. Applejack was going to be picked up by Rarity for the sleepover, since Granny Smith had an appoitment with a client and Big Mac was going with her. Applebloom had been oddly quiet yesterday, so the farmer decided to bring her little sister along to meet Sweetie Belle. Rarity came a few minutes later, in a shiny black car with silver furnishing. "Oh hello darling, Applebloom, dear." She purred. "Come on in! And...Applejack?" "Ya?" The farmer asked, in the middle of the act of leading Applebloom to her seat in the front. "If you.. want you can sit on the seat next to me..." Rarity was sitting in the backseat and was blushing furiously. "Ah!" Applejack began blushing too. "Uh... sure." "But what about me?" Applebloom asked, annoyed. "You can sit in the front seat." Applejack said, with her cheeks slightly rosy. "Fine..." All the girls reached Rarity's house for Operation Sunset Sleepover. All the girls went to Rarity's spacious bedroom. Rarity's father was a rich businessman and loved sending money on his daughters. The fashionista's room was large, decorated with fake diamonds and in the middle, a soft-looking bed with purple sheets and lilac designs were on the sheets. There was a shiny chandelier, with many diamonds shimmering in the light of the room.As the girls were admiring the room, however, nobody noticed a small pink-and-purple haired teen with emerald eyes in pajamas slip in the room and hide in the closet. "Ok, what should we do now?" Rainbow asked an hour later. All the girls were tired, having a rough pillow fight after watching an episode of Rarity's favourite anime. 'I donno! We could do-" Pinkie squealed as she fell through a closet that was half open, the same closet that Sweetie Belle was hiding in. "Pinkie!" Sunset ran to rescue the party girl from the avalanche of clothes. "You ok?" "Y-yeah." Pinkie said. As Pinkie took Sunset's amber hand, however, a small girl tumbled out, her hair slightly messy from the fall. "Sweetie Belle!" Rarity gasped. "What in the name of Faust are you doing in that Closet of Shame?" "I-I, I wanted to-to be with you guys!" The green-eyed girl stammered. Just then, a small redhead opened the door to the bedroom. "Sweetie, you-" then stopped abruptly, watching the scene in the bedroom. Sci-Twi was sitting upright on the bed with Fluttershy, while Applejack and Rainbow had put down their controllers and were watching the scene on the corner of the bedroom, where Rarity, Sunset and Pinkie were around Sweetie, all of them confused beyond measure. "Sweetie, care to explain why you are gatecrashing?" Rarity asked, a bit viciously. Sweetie winced. " I-I wanted to spend time with you... wasn't sure when to say someth-" "Darling, that is absolutely no excuse of gatecrashing!" Rarity said. "Off you get!" "But-but" But too late. Rarity had managed to push her and Applebloom through the door and lock it firmly. "Ok, Weren't you a bit rude to Sweetie?" Rainbow quipped. "Oh, nonsense, darling, a lady must be punctual, always. A little bean like her should not interfere with her sister's plans." She said solemnly. Little did they know, a young girl with red hair was trying to comfort a girl with green eyes, who had burst into tears. Sweetie ran to her room, and flopped on the bed, tears leaking out again. Applebloom followed, angry at the Rainbooms for making her friend cry. Wait... what if...? "Sweetie, do ya know why Rarity didn't wanna spend time with you today?" She said slowly. "How am I supposed to know?" The white-skinned girl sobbed from her bed. Anger, hurt and hate was spreading through Sweetie like an infection. How dare Rarity treat her that way! How dare she talked to her like she was scum! Applebloom noticed this, and at once her brain started to click. She didn't want to drag her friends into the battle between her and Sunset, but Sweetie was in need. This was a perfect way to have more people into her 'plan'. "Applejack told me dat... Sunset was tha reason for these sleepovers." Slowly, now Applebloom. "W-what?" Sweetie stammered. "W-why?" " She... wants to take our sisters fer herslef." Oh, applefudge! "Really, Applebloom?" Despite herself, she raised an eyebrow. "Yes, Ah'm sure." "...." "There is a way to pay her back, but it might be a little, dangerous. But that she-demon will pay for making Rarity say those things. Trust me, it's all her." Sweetie thought about it. When she was in that Closet of Shame, They had been spending more time on Sunset. And called it- Wait. That sleepover.. was called Operation Sunset Sleepover. Anger hit Sweetie like an avalanche. She looked at Applebloom, who was grinning openly now, and said two words. "I'm in." The girls had played in the Closet of Shame for the rest of the evening. When they had found the closet, they had questioned her about it and Rarity told them that is was a wardrobe full of clothes that were, well, not perfect. All of them had spent the rest of the evening trying on the clothes and dresses. Soon, it was late, and the girls got ready to say goodnight. "Ya comin' tha sleep?" Applejack asked Sunset, who had her journal out. "Just a sec." Sunset smiled a bit. "Okay." Applejack then turned around in her sleeping back, and fell asleep. Sunset pondered on what to say, then finally thought of her words and wrote: Dear Princess Twilight, It's only been my second sleepover with the girls, and I already fell like I had a family again! Thank you Twilight, for all you've done. You really are a Princess of Friendship. I hope the girls know, that I love them like family, and would do anything, absolutely anything in return for their friendship. Your friend, Sunset Shimmer. Smiling, she closed the book and fell asleep. Sweetie Belle slowly entered the room, Applebloom had confessed that she was Anon-A-Miss. She had been shocked at first, but she put that away so she could have revenge on Sunset. Applebloom had reminded her of all the things Sunset had done, and had got off scot-free. The more she thought about it, the more angry she got. She'll get what she deserves soon enough. Applebloom had told her to find something of Sunset's that was embarrasing to the girls. Maybe on her phone? Thank Faust she only has fingerprint recognition. She thought, when she took Sunset's phone and it only had a fingerprint scanner in it. She went to her gallery, then almost whooped with joy. There were so many videos and photos with the girls wearing those hideous outfits, except Sunset! The girls have got to kick her out now! It might be harder to seperate them, but she was ready. She quickly took her own phone, and downloaded the photos via Bluethooth, as quietly as possible. With a grin that could rival the Cheshire Cat's, she put the phone back and scurried off. The next day, all the girls were waiting by Sunset's locker for her. All of them were visibly angry, and the hallways were clear, since it was very early. Sunset went to her friends, happy about how things were working out for her on Christmas. Finally, I'm not alone for the holidays! "Hey guys! What's going... ..on?" finally seeing the looks on their faces. Applejack stopped pacing, then said, "So...." > Three. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Applejack woke up at sunrise. The farm girl always had woken up early, for chores, or for the simple yet luxurious pleasure of watching the sun rise up like a fiery ball of flame. She went to have a shower and a change of clothes. Yet, her mind kept straying to Anon-A-Miss. I wish and hope we can find whoever's doing this. I don't want my friends to get teased like me. She took her sleeping bag and put her pajamas and toiletries in it. Then she went to have breakfast. However, her phone rang with a notification, from MyStable. One glance and Applejack's mood tore down. ....wha... No, It couldn't be... She glanced out of the window, and saw a familiar mane of red and gold hair racing down Rarity's driveway. H-how...could she..? Rarity woke up with her hair in curlers. She liked to get up early and do a big makeover. After a hot bath with rose petals, she scrubbed her face with a yogurt face pack and washed it off. Putting on her soft fluffy slippers, she went to her wardrobe and began to rummage through it for an outfit. After about 15 minutes, in the time that Pinkie and Sci-Twi had woken up and went to the bathroom, she finally found what she was looking for. A white blouse with purple trimming, with a black pencil skirt, along with matching black stockings and purple heels the same shade as the detailed trimming on her blouse. The stockings had a criss-cross design on it, and the heels had a small, fake amythest just above the toes. Rarity thought it looked divine. "Girls! How does this pairing look on me?" She questioned to Sci-Twi and Pinkie, who had just returned from the bathroom, already in their school clothes. Rarity took the clothes and held them against herself. "Wowie! You look super-duper tastic!" Pinkie said, her mouth a comical O. "The colors do look quite nice together." Sci-Twi said. "On the other hand, have you seen Sunset?" "...No." Rarity said. "No, I haven't darling, sorry." Sci-Twi frowned. "Are you sure? I haven-" All of their phones rang at the same time. "It's a notification from Mystable." Rarity said. She frowned. Wait...what- She gasped at the post, then turned to the two girls. horror written on her face as well as Sci-Twi's and Pinkie's. No, there-there must be an-an e-explanation! At that moment, she heard a door close. She ran to the window and saw somebody with amber skin run down the driveway. I-i don't...understand.... Did-did she do this...? No, she wouldn't... But-But the pictures! It has to be her! I can't believe her! I have to talk to her... If she did this.... She will have a lot of explaining to do. Rainbow woke up after Rarity, yawning. She went downstairs to the other bathroom in the house, ruffling the carpet on the stairs as she did so. After quickly brushing her teeth, she put on her running outfit and shoes. She put on her blue geode and went to the kitchen for a granola bar. She saw Cookie Crumbles, Rarity's mom, preparing breakfast as she ran into the room. "Hi, Miss Crumbles!" Rainbow said. "Mind if I have a granola bar?" "Sure thing." "Sweet!" Rainbow took the granola bar and exited the house, closing the door as she did so. Where to begin running? Using her fingers, she traced a path from Rarity's house to the nearest park and back again. Grinning, she tied up her hair in a rough ponytail and jogged back and forth from the house to the park. She kept her geode on her trousers pocket as she ran. Having real superpowers as the heroes in her comics was beyond cool, but it just felt like cheating if she used her geode to run in record time. Besides, Sunset had told the girls the dangers to risking magic getting seen by some government agency so the only time they used their geodes now was in case of an emergency at town, which was about once every two months. After about 20 minutes had passed, Rainbow saw somebody wo looked like they were in a hurry to get away from Rarity's house running up the driveway. When Rainbow got close however, a red-and-gold blur shot past to the area the Rainbooms had parked their vehicles. "H-hey, stop! What're you-" But the figure was gone. He or she had took a motorcycle belonging to one of the Rainbooms and sped off. Huh. Wonder why she was in such a hurry.. Just then, her phone chimed, and a notification from MyStable popped up. She opened it, and she gasped. Very familiar, very embarrassing photos were their for the whole world to see. It was from the same blog that had posted Applejack's nickname today. The Rainbooms had scrolled through their social media accounts that day after classes just in case somebody posted about Applejack's nickname, and this blog, Anon-A-Miss, was the one who had commited this crime. But the photos.... No. No! She would never But the photos..... Argh!! I don't know what to do!! I'll have to ask her... there must be an e-explanation... Turning around, however, a pink-haired girl was running towards her, panting. Fluttershy woke up to the sound of rummaging clothes. From the corner of the room, Rarity was digging for clothes to wear. With a yawn, she went to the bathroom where Pinkie was combing her hair into a fluffball (don't ask), and Sci-Twi was pulling her straight hair into a ponytail. "Hi, Flutters!" Pinkie chirped from the pink mass that had become her hair. "Hi," Fluttershy said in her usual timid voice. After combing her rose locks, she picked up Angel, who had been in her backpack for the sleepover, outside for a bit of fresh air. Fluttershy sat down on a bench in the backyard of Rarity's house, enjoying the breeze and warm sunshine on her face. Places like these were her favourites to just relax, and think about the day ahead, and what had happened before. Posting about Applejack's nickname like that was just so cruel, she wished that she knew who it was. As she began to finally rest, however, her phone chimed. "Huh?" The notification was from MyStable. Fluttershy opened the social media app and her confusion quickly morphed to horror. The photos... Fluttershy was in one of those horrible images; she was wearing a silly bright neon pink dress made of polyester with platform boots that had silver studs on the heels. Her hair was tied up in two hideous braids trailing down her back like rat tails. What hurt Fluttershy most, however, was not the photos itself, but the caption: Tears fell from the rose-haired girl's eyes when she read the repulsive comments: Then, she thought she knew exactly who Anon-A-Miss was. She stood up suddenly, stuffed Angel unceremoniously into her yellow backpack, then ran down to where she saw a certain sky-blue skinned girl with hair in various colors. Sci-Twi arose from bed with her hair a tangled mess. Next to her, Pinkie had already begun rolling up her sleeping bag. "Hi, Twily!" She said. "Gooooood morning!" "Good morning, Pinkie," she said with a yawn. Both of them went to the bathroom together. Pinkie somehow managed to get the curls out of Sci-Twi's hair using a toothpick from the toiletries jar in the sink, but the nerd didn't question it. She had long since given up finding out how Pinkie does what she... does. Fluttershy came in a few minutes later, looking a bit tired, but happy all the same. "Hi, Flutters!" Pinkie said. "Hi." the buttercream-skinned girl said quietly. Fluttershy quickly combed through her silky rose tresses, took Angel, then went out of the bathroom. "She's gone?" Pinkie questioned. She had been humming a song Sci-Twi didn't know while brushing her hair in it's usual pink mass. "Yes," Sci-Twi replied. "Come on, let's go." As both of them exited the bathroom, they were greeted by the sight of Rarity looking amazing in a pencil skirt and blouse. "W O W I E!! you look so awesome ohmygosh can I have your autograph-" "Now, now, Pinkie, it's just a dress" Sci-Twi said. Thankfully, Rarity had her back turned and so didn't hear what Sci-Twi had said. At that moment, all three phones chimed. "Wha?-" Sci-Twi clamped her mouth shut when she saw what had been posted. All of the photos from last night, and I mean All of them, had been posted for everyone and anyone with a MyStable acount to see. No...No! There's only one way that these can be posted!! But... she-she wouldn't... HOW COULD MY LOVE DO THIS TO ME?!! She fell on her knees and cried, without caring that Pinkie's hair had immediately gone flat and greyish seeing the poset, or that Rarity had run to the window, for some reason. How could the girl she admired and loved the most do this to her? Later that morning... Six angry, hurt girls waited for their friend in a separate classroom, to escape from prying eyes, and waiting for the girl who had supposedly ruined their lives. One was twirling her hat in an angry fashion, two were pulling on their hair as if it was the last thing they will ever have, One was looking at her feet, still heartbroken that her crush would do something so foul. One pacing around the room, not believing this was true, and waiting for the so called 'perpetrator' to come to the room and have an explanation. And the last one had her hair completely straight, as if she had lost all love and joy in the world. "Hi guys! Why did you want me to be here?" A girl with red-and-gold hair said, have been just entered the room. Closing the door behind her, she asked. "What's going.... A glance on their faces, however, made her say the last word, a bit hesitantly. ...on?" > Two. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Applebloom sat on the purple club chair of Sweetie Belle's room on the day of Rarity's sleepover. She couldn't believe how well things have become. By the luck of Faust, Sweetie managed to get very embarrassing photos of the Rainbooms on Sunset's phone. Sunset's very own phone! How can they say no to that hard cold 'evidence'?! But still, they've got a strong friendship. It's going to be hard to break. Thank Faust she had a proper plan. But still, she couldn't stop the hope that maybe, they just might cut ties with Sunset when they see the photos? Hopefully. But deep down, she knew that she might fail miserably. They have got matching geodes, are in a band together, and Sunset is, (though not said out loud) the leader of the whole thing. A bad taste was left of Applebloom's mouth as she thought of that last sentence. How?!?! How can someone who once turned into a literal she-demon become the leader of the good guys?! If she was just a friend, ok, but becoming a part of the group?! A bit too much for my taste! But becoming the LEADER?! What type of sorcery in that?!? How can someone with so much sins in her past have such a good life? Well, I will not let it happen, hopefully. Applebloom got up from her chair and headed to the window. Sweetie Belle had become tired after spending so much time downloading the pictures from Sunset's phone to her laptop that she had fallen asleep on the plush bed. Passing her, Applebloom reached the window, where a ray of moonlight was illuminating the room. She lied her forehead onto the cold glass, relishing the feeling and closing her eyes. Maybe, she could just sleep... Nope, you need to think about this. The young farmer opened her eyes and groaned slightly. What is there to think about? What if your doing this all wrong? How am I doing it wrong? Have you considered thinking about what Sunset has done? ... Sunset has done nothing but good after the Fall Formal. She had to spend weeks alone, because she avoided the Rainbooms as her guilt would increase just looking at them. It took a long time for her to heal from that Fall Formal, and then she only became part of the group after the Battle of the Bands. She literally sacrificed herself for her friends, making up the fact she teared their friendship years ago. Give her a chance, Applebloom. You are doing the wrong thing. ... Groaning, Applebloom stood up and went to her sleeping bag and took out her phone from the covers. The phone was red with pink apple designs on it, with a small apple keychain dangling from the camera. She opened it and went to MyStable, logging in to the Anon-A-Miss blog. The photos. All the photos were done and ready to go. MyStable didn't have an auto-post feature, so she had typed the post on the Notes app on her phone first and then planned to copy and paste it into the Anon-A-Miss blog tomorrow morning. She opened the 'edit' icon on the screen and hovered her thumb over the 'delete note' button. How about I just forget this? Scootaloo doesn't know. Sweetie can be easily convinced to not do it. I hope. If I just... No. I-I can't. I can't let Sunset just get away with everything she's done! She's hurt so, so many people! SHE LITERALLY JUST SAID SORRY AND EVERYTHING WAS FORGIVEN! Applebloom, stop- This isn't the way- NO! I'M DONE WITH THIS! I WILL BRING JUSTICE! As she thought these words, however, something in Applebloom, faded. It felt as if something, a sliver, a light, a spark, had just..... melted away when she wanted justice. the small red-headed farmer, who had brought her arm to the air in a energetic position, let her arm drop down to her sides with something like.... emptiness. Shaking it aside, she placed her phone back on the nightstand, and snuggled into the bedroom covers. Hopefully, that she-demon will get justice. Hopefully. The next day, Applebloom woke up really early, as if her mind was planning it all along. Time to post! She hoped off her bed and took her phone out quickly. Her mind was racing. Finally, Sunset Shimmer will get what she deserves! Her fingers grazed the 'post' button, almost pressing it. It's now or never. If I do this, there will be no going back. Applebloom, please, just think about this! ... I'm sorry. I've made up my mind. A certain she-demon shall finally get what she deserves for making the student body crazy for the last three years. She typed out the caption and clicked post, trying not to notice her hands shaking slightly while typing and the emptiness that still lingered in the back of her mind. Applebloom reached school in Big Mac's car. All of the Rainbooms had been deathly silent the whole morning. Even Pinkie had just sat there, playing with her cereal and sometimes pushing her hair, which was now so straight that it looked ghastly for Pinkie, away from the bowl. Fluttershy had absentmindedly played with her hair, but Applebloom seemed to be the only one who noticed her softly sobbing. Rainbow was extremely surly and titchy, occasionally jumping from random noises like the electrical sound of the stove and the constant meowing of Opal. Rarity have chewed her toast, for once forgetting to be prime and proper. Twilight looked... heartbroken. That was the only word she could think of. The nerdy girl looked like her true love had broken her heart completely. And Applejack.... looked sad. She had kept silent during breakfast, and had asked for some privacy just before leaving. Applebloom couldn't hear the Rainbooms, but they had emerged with determined faces, about to do something... Hopefully about to rid Canterlot High of it's raging she-demon. As she stepped out of the truck with a mumbled 'thanks', she was hit with the cold winter. A winter where her sister will hopefully spend time with her. As she looked up to the sky, despite herself, she thought, Please let everything be okay, Faust. Please... > One. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sunset Shimmer woke up with her crimson locks slightly tangled and worn, her heart beating a mile a minute. She rubbed her eyes, then got out of bed and slowly started to dress. She wasn't feeling good. She had the nightmare again. Sunset wasn't new to nightmares; they had haunted her more times than she could count during the aftermath of the Fall Formal. This nightmare, however, had been repeating itself from the time she was Celestia's personal student to the present. She hated this nightmare. She hated it. But she hated telling her friends about it more. So her friends had no idea of the supposed 'nightmares'. Although, she had a tendency to black out during the day the nightmare happened. But as the nightmares only happened once a month, they didn't notice it that much. Thankfully. The amber-skinned girl briefly touched her cheeks, having noticed they were slightly wet and it turned out, unsurprisingly, that there were tear tracks on them. She turned to the bedside table for some spare cloth, or tissues, and found out that she had somehow woken up earlier than even Applejack. Huh. Just glad I didn't wake up screaming or something. I guess I'll have a shower then come back. After a quick shower, she decided to wear a orange cut out shoulder top with her normal black leather jacket with a pair of blue jeans. But when she reached for her bag OH SWEET CELESTIA- She forgot her books! The girls had brought all of their homework to Rarity's to do it there, (much to Rainbow's annoyance), and she had said she had already done it. But she forgot to bring the homework books! The girls had planned to go immediately to school like yesterday. What was she supposed to say when she didn't have her homework?!?! She never missed giving her homework! Calm down, calm down. The girls won't mind if you go back home and take your books and go straight to school. Right, that is what she was going to do. She took her bag containing her toiletries, then ran out the room. "Mrs. Crumbles!" She burst into the kitchen, her hair bouncing in waves around her shoulders, panting. "I need to go back to my apartment to-" "Calm down, dearie, you're in a right state!" Mrs. Crumbles said. The girl, who was called Sunset, if she remembered correctly, seemed to be frantic about something. 'Now, calm down and tell what you need. Pancakes? Toast?" "N-no." she said, breathing heavily. Her heart was still beating fast from running down the stairs. "I left my books at my apartment and I was wondering if you'll tell the girls where I went?" "Sure thing." "Thank you!" Sunset hoisted her bag up her shoulder and walked down the driveway, ignoring the ring of her phone and not realizing that four of her friends were watching her. She reached her motorcycle and put on her helmet, which was on the motorcycle still. Safety first, after all. She whirred the engine and went on her way, not hearing Rainbow calling her name as she sped off to her neighbourhood.