> Destroy All Hostiles > by Lone_Thrall > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Secret kept and the Consequences of them > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- (In the land of costumes and artistic work/otherwise known as a con) A SIFI con was currently hosting a costume contest. Most of the contestants had some really good Star Wars outfits, star track, and even space balls to get a few laughs. But one man walked out onto stage and the crowds erupted with cheers. He wore a Crypto Sporidium uniform and had painted his head the same color as Crypto, he also wore contact lenses that changed his eye color the that of the famed Furon warrior. Little did he know that in the crowd was a man dressed as a merchant from resident Evil. He wore a grin as he moved through the crowd to where the contestants gathered. Without being noticed he slapped a device Cryptos back that resembled his jet pack. As the winner was announced the Furon suddenly felt his world get dizzier and fell to his knees before blacking out. (1 year before Nightmare Moons return) The forest known as the white tail woods, a special forest full of magical energy that fills you its world with life and possibilities. The forest was seen as a natural treasure among the nation of Equestria, many scientists and researchers came here to study the life, the magic, or just to preform tests in the areas natural magic. It’s peaceful nature combined with the same Unnatural control over its environment as the Everfree forest made it ideal for studying. But for all it’s wonderful atmosphere, it had its darker moments, the energy here was an amazing as it was mysterious, no one knew where it came from or what effects it might have on other Magic’s. Of course there are those who tried and tested but there was never enough to say it was completely safe, and more then one ‘incident’ that said it wasn’t. This was one of those times. A group of guards and a few Royal researchers were gathering in the outermost areas of a clearing a few miles into the forest area, it was a bit dark out with rain lightly bouncing off magical shields around the groups of guards and scientists. In the center of the clearing was a small pyramid shaped crystal Gem. Hooked up to a Guard stander issue spear. The spear was dug into the ground with its head facing up into the sky. In one of the shields was a Royal Guard grabbed in Black Armor with gold outlines and vine like designs etched into its plates. He stood at 5’8 and was built like a Minotaur. He had a his hands behind his back as he looked out to the spear and crystal Gem. “All protests completed General! We’re ready to proceed!” Called out a researcher who was off to the side of the general. Giving a nod in his direction the general watched at the spears black started to glow a faint blue color “come on baby. Show us what you got!” He said as he and another officer beside him looked on with anticipation. “General what is that?” The officer pointed above the speak to what looked like a shadowy shape in the dark storm clouds above, eerily similar to a soccer. “What in the name of Celestia is that?!” The General panicked as he saw it was in direct path of the spear. “Stop the energy, stop the energy!” The general Tried to stop the experiment but it was to late for that. A burst of energy shot out from the spear creating a beam of pure magical power. The beam made contact with whatever was in the clouds causing a loud explosion to go off and for the object to immediately launch off deeper into the forest crashing. The Officers and scientists were astounded that the experiment worked. But we’re also concerned seeing as something clearly happened that wasn’t meant to, the general looked to his officer “get a group of Guardsmen over there immediately and secure whatever that was! No one reports anything without my authority!” After saluting the officer ran off his boots kicking up mud as he left the shield. (Meanwhile far far away) Watching the blinking light of a distress signal go off a man in a floating chair growled and slammed his fist down on his chair. “Incompetent fool! I should never have sent you.” The mans head was vastly larger due to a overdeveloped brain. Two metal tubes connected his head to the chair he floated in as his white science officer uniform tugged at his neck slightly, just behind him another man walked in with an equally large head, both had grey skin and darkened eyes with sharp edged teeth. “What’s got at you Pox? You look a little stressed.” Asked the man who had walked in, he stood at 6’1 and wore a white and purple place jumpsuit with armored padding across his suit, on his back say a small metal device. “Ah Crypto, I should tell you that one of your clones just sent out a distress signal from a routine scout mission to a possibly inhabited world. I had him searching for any strange energy readings that may have the potential to power our motherships. But I’ve just lost contact and shortly after the signal came in.” Crypto sighed in frustration “ok, let me get this straight? You sent one of my little brothers to a mystery in habited planets and he’s disappeared? Maybe captured?! Maybe being tortured as we speak?!” “Well I wouldn’t jump to any conclusi-“ pox started before being interrupted. “I bet you wouldn’t! Let me tell you something pox your a smart cookie but this was a colossal mistake! My little brothers are not toys!” Taking a second to catch his breath “we’ll talk about you sending some of my brothers out without my permission later Pox, prep a Mothership with at least two dozen warriors and a full crew. I’ll be along shortly” with that Crypto walked out of the navigation room (3rd POV Mothership) Inside one of the cloning labs a group of young Furon children and fresh face clones watched a screen come to life with a tall Furon smiling at them. Hello Cadets and Rookies! My name is Admiral Horus, and I’m here to give you a brief history lesson involving your new commander. It’s been 10 long years since the new Commander Crypto arrived fresh from the labs. He was the key to the Furon DNA crisis. For those who don’t know what this means before his arrival the Furons were living immortal lives through the Miracle of cloning, clones memories and emotions are perfectly copied so each new clone is seen as an extension of ones life.” As he said this a slide show of Furon silhouettes showed the process of cloning. “But over time the DNA of each new clone became increasingly degraded causing memory lose, short term memory, homicidal tendencies, and even bodily function failures. To the point we’re death seemed inevitable, then thanks to the brilliant mind of Ortho Pox 10 we used pure Furon DNA to recreate a warrior into a leader Cryptosporidium 130 was used as a test subject for this experiment and it lead to the creation of Commander Crypto. As a result Cryptosporidium unfortunately passed away.” The picture showed a memorial made in 130’s honor surrounded by other Cryptos. “Leaving Commander Crypto with a feeling of guilt. He spent the first two years of his career trying to find a cure for our Loss in DNA and he found it. Using his mental mind abilities Commander found that the DNA inside a living being can be altered without harming the subject, with a bit of extra help the commander managed to redesign our cloning labs to prevent the loss of DNA! This also resulted in the breeding laws around Furons to be eradicated!” The screen then showed The tall Crypto Commander holding a new born Furon in his hands with a smile on his face. “As such after earning the loyalty and support of the Furon people he stormed the capital and killed the Furon Emperor, Replacing him with our current Emperor, Ortho Pox 13 who has been redesigned just as Crypto was. Now know as Emperor Pox he awarded our commander with the largest military honor possible The Furon Star.” The next slide shows commander Crypto being pinned by a equally tall Pox who whore the empirical robes with a medal of the Furon home world over a burning star. “As well as the title of Invasion Fleet Lord. Now our lord is responsible for all military moments in the Furon Armada of sectors 120 through 180. Now then grow up fast and learn all you can because not only do you fight for the Furon empire you fight for the great Commander Crypto!” With that the theme song for the fleet started up again and the screen went dark. In another room watching all this happen the commander cringed “damn… I never noticed we have that old SIFI movie feel with out educational videos…” (1st POV CC) After watching that I had a mind to update our techs with more modern music and video quality. That felt way to old school 80’s, not to say I didn’t enjoy it, the cheesy nature of that theme is watch I loved about the games but living with it for five years would get tiring fast. But at this point I’m use to it, I walked past the Education center and walked into the armory where Pox 14 or just Pox to me was working on my all time favorite weapon. “Ah commander Crypto. I’ve finished making the modifications you requested for you Zap ’o’ matic Rifle” pox told me as he leaned back and away from the work station. Smiling I walked over to it and picked up my gun. The Zap ‘o’ matic Ray Rifle, if Tesla ever made a gun this was it, it fires a Electrical bream of Energy out into a 20 foot range. It may have short range but it packs a punch and it can chain off one target to another for up to about 3 targets all with in 20 feet of one another. Meaning 60 feet of range and damage! I smiled as I collapsed my gun into its retractable handle, holstering it onto my back hip. “Thanks Pox can’t wait to see how it does in the field.” Walking up beside him we both walked/floated to the navigation room filled with Furon crewmen as I looked over to the helmsman nodding “so what’s the name of this planet?” Pox floated up beside me smiling “our destination…. The planet Equis” (One year later just after the return of Princess Luna 3rd POV) A party like no other was being celebrated in the town, ponies of all kinds were celebrating the anniversary of Lunas return. The princesses and they’re friends were all there dancing around and mingling with others or each other. Twilight was currently talking to Celestia about the events of the past year. Twilight sighed as she looked up at her mentor “I don’t know princess this seems like a lot of responsibility. And with my brother and cadence both on there way here I just don’t know how we could manage the time.” Celestia smiled and looked out to her sister who was dancing with a Rainbow dash and Applejack as the Music boomed around them. “I know it’s a lot to ask on short notice twilight but I owe her the best I can give. And nothing short of that, you will fine a way I know that, but don’t think your alone or have to do it by yourself, your friends and I will be helping you every step of the way.” Just as twilight was about respond the sound of frantic flapping came, Twilight and Celestia both saw a guard scout flying to them with all speed he could muster Landing with a thud in front of the princess the guard quickly pulled a letter out with a red tab on it, showing it was a state of emergency letter. This got both they’re attention while the rest of the party had stopped and was looking to the messenger, worry clear in they’re eyes. Luna also saw the letter and grew worried, most letters that came were either blue or green tabbed, blue being reports and green being requests. But red tabs were strictly for Emergency situation or concerning developments. Breaking the seal on the letter Celestia started reading the letter while Twilight rotated around to see what it said. “EMERGENCY LETTER OF CONCERN. For princess Celestia and princess Lunas eyes only! Princess’s this is captain Spitfire of the WonderBolts. I send this letter in regards to a concern I have discovered during this morning training exercise program. While I and my trainers took some cadets out for a morning fligh, one of my Cadets seemed to have his a “wall” that was invisible, the wall was at least 50 feet from the ground and gave a low humming noise we had never heard before, before we could give a proper look over this thing it seemed to float higher into the sky well past 150 feet before we could no longer fallow the noise, some of my trainers (myself included) could make out shimmers and shapes that looked like distorted air. After losing sight of it I had my trainers split up, half returning to the Academy with the cadets and the other half along with myself to scout the area around, we found ourselves deep in the White Tail Woods and discovered a secret Royal Guard base bearing the cutie mark of General Solar Flair. If this base was known to you I understand this is a security breach and will inform my crew to stay quiet but I was under the impression you didn’t know of it and thought to inform you of this discovery and incident. Awaiting further orders your loyal servant Spitfire.” After reading it Twilight looked around to notice every pony staring at her including Celestia. A blush burned it’s way onto her face as she came to realize why. “I read it aloud didn’t I?” It was more a statement then a question but everyone nodded smiling at her embarrassment. Meanwhile Luna and Celestia looked at each other in concern “Tia. I don’t remember there being any reports on this base.” Celestia growled “that’s because there are none… I never sanctioned a base to be constructed out there!” Her anger and concern melded into a stern motherly glare that she sent straight to the letter in her hands “girls Luna… I think we need to pay a visit to this… hidden base, once Shining and Cadence get here.” The group could only nod with determination. Unaware that at that vary same moment in orbit around the planet a mothership of unknown design was allowing a scout ship to return from its mission. > Conspiracy > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- (High in orbit 3rd POV) Commander Crypto or CC to those close to him watched as the scout ship slowly landed in the hanger bay of the mothership. It’s four clawed legs descending and planting themselves in the floor of the hanger allowing the ship to stand on its own as a hatch opened on the bottom and a anti gravity well was created allowing an lightly armored Crypto clone to float out of his ship and land on the floor below him. Once he had landed the Scout marched forward giving CC a proper Furon salute, by bringing his right arm extended out wards. Then bringing it in to his chest and finally lifting it to be parallel with his head. “Crypto 136 reporting Commander. I scanned the reported crash sight and found a native base was built around it, it’s also heavily guarded from what my life sign scans suggest.” The ‘Regular’ Crypto stood only at about 5 foot at most, most Furons had a small stature due to they’re overdeveloped brains causing body mass and muscle development to kinda fall out as a priority among their kind, favoring brain power and tactics in place of brute strength. That said they always carry big guns. CC was less then pleased to hear this as he leaned back against the leg of the landed scout ship “ugh… then we will have to get him out… proper a mass landing, I want two teams ready to land and breach that base with in the next hour!” CC ordered as he walked away from the saluting scout and back to the core of the mothership, room after room of Furon Researchers, Scouts, and Warriors. He eventually made his way to the bridge of the mother ship ran most autonomously with a few engineering bots and Furon’s. Taking the time to go to the map table of the planet and had it zoom in on the coordinates of the crash site. Using the date the scout brought back and some scans taken by probes and the mother ship he could see a layout of the native base and where they’re most likely keeping certain technology separated. He spent the next half hour Planning for this raid on the base, accounting for any mistakes that may happen and all unforeseen issues that might arise. As he did His Closest friend stepped forward, Ortho Pox 14, The original Pox in his mind and the only one to know his secret. "Sssooo... Did this happen in you... T.V GAMES?" he said with his exasperated voice. Pox as a scientist was a genius but seemed to love speaking like a fool. "No pox... It didn't. As I've said before the event of the games have never happened here. We never went to earth in the first place." CC said, he recalled the events of the first game he played back when he was human. He remembers what brought the Furon's to Earth and made sure to solve that issue before the events could replay themselves. CC use to be a average male Human Gamer, he remembers his last moments in the human world when he went to the SIFI Con but then waking up in a cloning chamber with a Chamber across from him where he saw Crypto 130 slowly die smiling thinking he just helped save his kind, the memory of his dying Brother hurt him, seeing as he was reborn as a taller Crypto it just made sense to see them as his younger brothers. And he made sure everyone knew it especially the Cryptos. There were 12 active Crypto clones from 133 to 145, Ironically he grew close with crypto 136, 137 and 138. As the two continued to look at the rough map that had been scanned of the base Crypto 37 and 38 came in packing heavy weapons. "What in the name of ArchVoodle are you two Buffoons doing?!" Screamed Pox "Why are you on the bridge with weapons?! You know we have sensitive equipment up here!" 37 shouldered a large black and red Detonator while 38 had his signature Silver and orange Disintegrator Ray. "Relax Pox, we just wanted to see CC, been awhile sense our big brother needed something Destroyed." said 37 as he looked to the map. (Detonator) (Disintegrator Ray Gun) While they were clones they weren't perfect copies. 37 had a lighter blue skin tone and wore a black armor variation with glowing red lights, while 38 was a slightly dark grey with dull blue eyes as apposed to the menacing red ones everyone else in the room had, he also had on a silver armor set and had glowing orange lights. CC believed the every clone was a variant of the Crypto Skins from the remastered versions of the games. Not only did they look different but they each had enough likes and dislikes that made them different from each other too. 37 LOVED high explosive weapons while 38 was more of a tactical shooter. "So what's the scoop Brother? You gonna leave us in the dark?" asked 38 who leaned against the table. Pox Rolled his eyes and floated his way over to them "Well We are trying to come up with a best course of action. My predecessor Ortho Pox 12 sent Crypto 133 to the planet below with the mission of searching for new energy readings he was scanning." just then they were rejoined by 136 who was wearing his dark purple armor with glowing blue lights. "I believe we should start by scanning for a landing zone to fortify, we cant just send down two dozen Furon warriors without a place to establish ourselves." "I know that pox... But what I don't know is the native life... Who or what are they, how dangerous are they? What is they're technology level? These are thing we need to know before we make any sudden move. 36 can you enlighten me at all?" CC said as he leaned forward. "Kinda. While doing my scan my Soccer was hit by these flying humanoids." the dumb and blank looks he received only added a layer of comedic relief before he elaborated. "Its not much but i got a good look at them, they had the bodies of Humans for the most part, five fingers, hands and arms, muscular structure, saw some females that fit the bill too. But they had feathered wings and they're faces seemed very equine in nature but still human enough. Also they're skin was colored oddly, none had the pigments i expected, i saw bright blues and pinks and even one female who had bright yellow skin and hair looked on fire!" As 36 said that 38 smirked and asked "So... This Chick was hot?" the resounding face slap everyone on the bridge heard as both the Commander and Ortho Pox 14 face palmed caused the room to burst into tears laughing. (Meanwhile in an undisclosed location) The sound of grunts of pain and the crack of the wipe resounded in the dark dungeon, the figure who was being wiped was a changeling, its black leaking florescent green blood as the pony who wiped it huffed from apparent tired muscles. before the pony could resume the wiping the door to the room opened and another pony walked in wearing dark black armor with no recognizable insignia. his helm had a visor on it hiding his eyes from view as the changeling turned its head slightly trying to see what was happening. "intel reports the princess is now aware of our base in the Whitetail woods. She's on her way there to investigate with her sister and the elements. She's also including the rulers of the crystal empire." the pony said as he stood in the door way with his hands behind his back in a proper posture. The figure who was wiping the changeling huffed and went over to a table before putting on a long black trench coat and a environmental mask to hide their identity. the mask was fit for a unicorn with a horn mold in the center of the mask as she put a fedora on to hide their mane. walking out to the guard the figure stopped and turned to the changeling their voice distorted by magic and the mask. "stay alive till i get back... and ill let you return to your hive this time around." shutting the door the figure now reviled to be wearing all black and in a skin tight suit, walks beside the guard "have the general intercept her and distract her till we can move all the research material... and how is the specimen?" The guard stiffened "The alien is still struggling... we've kept it in a sedated slumber trying to crack its secrets but its a stubborn creature." he answered as the figure stepped into a room that acted as a observatory, the window on the opposite wall from the door looked into a room with several guard and doctors who all surrounded a strange Alien no bigger then a young teenage foal, his head massive compared to the res of its body and it skin a light grey color with a strange bone like mutation giving it a exoskeleton much like the changelings. its eyes were a piercing red color and its space suit was removed showing the creature was a male in gender. "have the creature move to site B, and have all relevant documents moved as well. anything you can't move or copy. destroy. we can relearn anything that's forgotten so long as its with us and alive. when it arrives tell Dr. Vice start with the experiments with the alien awake. report all his findings to me." the figure said as they walked back out leaving the guard. "understood Silhouette." the guard said with a small nod as he turned back to the alien through the glass. (Meanwhile back in the mothership) After Pox got done scolding the three laughing cryptos Commander Crypto sighed looking out over the vast planet from the bridge view screens. "Pox... Belay my Last orders for the warriors, we need more intel and I will not sacrifice more Furon's. select five warriors to act as scouts and and two infiltrators. I want to know this world, its people. and more importantly. I wanna know who took 133. prep them all with the best gear we can provide. Make something new if you have to.Also Contact The Emperor, for as of this moment... the planet Equis... is now under Furon Invasion!" His voice filled with a wicked joy and lust for conquest as the other Furon's in the bridge cheered and shouted for joy > They Walk Among Us > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- (3rd POV) Location: Abandoned Castle Structure Mission: Establish Landing Zone and encampment for Invasion. Commanding Officer: Rota Viral 145 (Rota) Classification: Infiltrator Rota Viral, chemical weapons and integration specialist, Infiltration specialist and overall well rounder Furon. Never though she would be chosen by Commander Crypto himself for this task, with the priority of this invasion being the rescue or Crypto 133. Rota found it to be a extrema honor to be chosen not only to oversee the invasions home base, but she was also tasked with infiltrating the nearby village, it was in close proximity to the base that supposedly housed our missing Furon. A key location to gather intel on the local populace and its government. Rota was a Female Agents in the Infiltration Corps, few Furon join them as they are seen as elite scouts and Intel collectors. Most Furon are Male, as a result of the past 'Selective Breeding' that the former Emperor had in place. But thanks to Emperor Pox and Commander Crypto, Furon Females like Rota were brought back into reality. Rota was a snow white skin color with bright Ice Blue eyes, her figure was slim and muscular with the appropriate genitalia of a female Human, she had small breasts that were slightly enthused by her space suit but she didn't mind, it made her feel amazing to make the Males around her drool, she was one of the few females on the field and she had power in her figure and she knew it. Turning from her ship she wore a set of dark Purple armor with glowing blue lights in it. Her head gave of a slight pink glow as her brain activity became more and more active as she lifted trees and rocks from the surrounding area to create a bit of camouflage over her landing zone. When suddenly a small floating disc came out of her ship and stopped just behind her, when a Holo projection of Ortho Pox 14 came up joined by a split in the projection showing Commander Crypto. "This is Ortho Pox 14 to Rota Viral 145, Come in Rota." the Pox Holo Demanded as Rota turned to it giving the Furon Salute "Rota Here! I've just finished camoing the area of my landing zone, the clocking systems are fully functional and the security systems are green across the board Sir!" Her Voice Was softer in pitch and slightly Higher but retained a soft growl in her voice showing her excitement for her task. "Very Good Rota! I knew sending you in place of a Crypto Clone was a wise choice!" Pox said as the disc Flowed with his voice giving small hops in Joy "has your Prox Unit Activated yet?" at his question a small floating drone came floating out of the ship the drone was no bigger that a earth Basket ball and had a large red eye and hovered around with a small single anti grave stabilizer on the bottom of it. "Yes sir! Proxy has be activated and is going to continue establishing a base here while in gather intel from the locals. He's also suggested that we use this ruined castle as a base Hub for the Commander sir." with her word the small drone started bouncing up and down in the air behind her in excitement as it scanned for possible defensives to the castle. "Not a bad idea Rota, tell your Proxy I'll inspect it for the Hub preposes, in the mean time Crypto 137 and Sapo 229 are in your area to help gather intel on this Base 133 is being kept at, get in contact with them and work together to see what's going on in this place. I want video recordings of the locals and learn what language they use, Sapo is a Translator Vocaloid so if necessary grab a few abductees. And bring one of each gender back for pox to examine." Crypto said as the Holo Disc straightened out while Pox smiled in the projection. "Sir if I may, am i allowed to infiltrate the base if the opportunity comes up?" Rota asked her hand relaxing on her hips "Absolutely not! We don't know what kinda hostels we are dealing with! We don't know if they have some way to see past our disguises! They shot 133 down after all! They may have gotten luck or he may have been a fool! But we must also prepare for the possibility that they simple have a way to see us and attack on sight." Pox said as the Disc once again became eccentric and started weaving and bobbing in the air as he spook/Shouted. "I Don't know about all that... But I also agree, I want 133 back but I don't want to lose anyone getting him back, for now stay out of there. Collect info about the populace then the location, Then we will learn about that fort." Crypto said as the drone perked up and started beeping at the proximity alert went off. "Shit! Gotta go sir!" she said as the Holo disc lost the projection and turned on its clocking device, Rota quickly pulled out her Zap'o'Matic and ran to a large bit of wall the crumbled off leaving cover for her, as she rounded the cover she looked out and saw four figures approaching the castle from a the pathway leading to the forest. "I'm Telling you guys! I saw something land over here! It was massive!" one sec as she hovered off the ground flapping her small wings on her back. "I don't know scoots, there doesn't seem to be anything here." said another who had a horn on her head, looking in every direction for something out of the ordinary. "Well... Maybe Ya'll just ain't lookin in tha right area? What do ya think Silver?" said the third with the most normal looking figure, as she spook to another normal looking one. "I don't even want to be here... Girls can we go back and find out if Dimond is still grounded? I was hoping to talk to here." this one had a pair of glasses on and spoke with a bit of a posh accent thought Rota. "Why finally going to confess your feeling Silver?" Said the hovering one as she giggled at the blush tat appeared on the one with glasses. Thinking she'll take the shape of the one with a horn Rota used her Unique Equipment and skills as a infiltrator to copy then alter the appearance of the young female, they were the same Hight so made it a little easier to focused on her change, in the end she was a teenage Unicorn mare with snow white skin and bright blue mane and tail, her suit turned into a frilled dress but left her bare foot as she stood on the hard cold ground. Her eyes retain their cold ice blue color, but now had whites and pupils. Her mane was done in a braid that went over her left shoulder. Looking herself over she noticed the reason for the odd color was because it wasn't skin, she had a then layer of fur. Now that she had a disguise she had to make sure she could fit in. Slowly coming out of her cover she was suddenly thankful they all spoke the same language. "H-Hello? Can you help me?" her voice was the same as before just missing the excited growl that would give her away. At the sound of her voice all four of the teens turned to look at her and gasp seeing her "Oh Holly cow! Who are you?" said the floating one. Now that she was closer she could get better details of them, this one was orange with a purple made and tail. Her wing while allowing her to hover seemed smaller then they should be if her own body size was any indication. She wore a t-shirt with cut sleeves and shorts that went down to her knees and some running shoes. "Are you okay? Do you need any help?" said her copy target, this one was cream white was with a purple and pink mane that mixed well with her. She wore a simple but beautiful Blue dress with leggings and matching heels. "N-no I-I'm lost, can you help me?" Rota said her training kicking in allowing her to cry and sniffle with convincing emotions. The one with glasses she also wore a dress but it was more a sun dress, she also wore heels and thigh highs she was a gunmetal grey with a lighter shade of grey in her mane and tail "Here Come with us, My Family has a farm on the edge of town near this forest! My sis will know how to help!" said the last one, a butter yellow color with a rose red mane and tail. She also had a hair clip and was wearing a pair of overalls and a white t shirt with a set of boots on. She walked over and kneeled down "Climb on my back! The path back ain't comfortable with thin shoes! Don't even wanna know how it'd hurt ya'lls feet." Surprised the length she'd go to help a stranger she slowly and timidly climbed on her back, she didn't even need to fake it as she was still startled she was in fact so shocked that for a moment, thought it was a trap. Once she stood up Rota wrapped her arms around the mares neck and held on as they walked back. "So what's your name partner? I'm Apple bloom! The floating ones Scoots. The one with the glasses is Silver Spoon. And the last one is Sweetie Bell." Rota had to think about those names for a second, most species name they're people around either a culture or a naming system, from the sounds of it this was a culture one "My Name is Mending Seeker." she said with a small smile, it seemed cleaver to her, Mending fits because she is on a rescue mission and Seeker fit as her job to seek out intel. The girls all seemed to smile at her name choice and started to make small talk with her, she told them she had no memory of her past and didn't know where she was. The girls started to give her small bits of important information, things like where they were, who were the princesses, what was special about the three pony types. "So do you remember your cutie mark?" asked scoots as she walked along side Rota and Bloom. "What's that?" asked Rota causing all the girls to stop mid step, Rota knew she screwed up. It had to be something involved in they're culture! She must have given herself away! "Holy... W-well a cutie mark is a insignia that shows a pony what they're good at! like mine is for helping my family farm! while also being a crusader!" with that she pulled her overalls down slightly reviling a small insignia of a shield and a apple in the center of it. In all her classes, history lesions, or infiltration training, she never heard of such a thing that went across an entire species! it was like a human tattoo that was free! it was so interesting. acting fast she allowed her disguise the shift into a quick cutie mark. allowing her to lift her dress up showing a small spy mask and a flying soccer over it, seeing it Rota panicked and wanted to slap herself! WHAT WAS THAT! WHY DID SHE MAKE THAT! the girls all ohh'd and ahh'd thinking it looked cool "So what you a believer in aliens or something?" asked Silver as she gave it a critical eye Before she could answer sweetie rushed shoulders with her " don't be rude Silver! she doesn't remember duh!" she and the others came to the conclusion she lost her memory so know it seemed silver was sad for Rota. "OH! s-sorry, I cant imagine forgetting the reason for you cutie mark.. that's awful." silver apologized as they approached a farm steed, after stooping by the soft grass Apple Bloom allowed Rota to step down from her back, she found herself missing the warmth, these ponies were unnaturally warm to the touch but it wasn't uncomfortable. the opposite actually. the were just warm enough to remind her of a warm hug from a family member. as she approached the farm house she saw a elder looking mare sitting in a rocking chair "Well Howdy girls! you make a new friend Apple Bloom?" she asked as another larger Male pony walked out the front door. "Granny this is Mending Seeker! she's lost and can't remember much! can we help her?" Apple Bloom asked as the elder and the male both seemed shocked at Blooms words looking to each other they nod and the male walks closer "Eyup, I'm Big Mac. Let me show you to our spare room Little Lady." he offered as Rota nodded and followed along going inside as Bloom went up and started explaining what happened to granny. 'This is.. almost to easy... and they seem so nice, maybe i should contact the commander and tell him what I've encountered so far." Rota thought to herself as she was allowed into a spare room and given the layout of the house by Big Mac. > A what prob?! > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- (3rd person) Aboard the mothership Pox's lab CC was more then a little concerned as he looked at pox who was currently laughing as he worked on his latest project. "Pox... We need to have a talk about your insistence on modifying that... 'Tool' you seem proud of." CC said as he looked over the workshop. The toxic green glow that covered everything emanating from the weapon Pox was tinkering with. "Crypto please! I'm in the middle of a very sensitive procedure!" He shouted more then spoke as he finished pulling at a piece of stringy green goo. Looking over the table he could see the Orthodox anal prob. A weapon that in theory has a lot of promising implications like extracting DNA or Fatally killing others with sever bowel syndrome. But in practice ok it's used as a gimmick gun to make the ones shooting it laugh as they're opponents cry and cover they're bottom. Crypto was about to continue talking when 138 walked in. "Commander! Urgent message coming in on the bridge. It's one of our infiltration teams!" He said clearly caught off guard by the news. CC shot up and rushed out the door shouting as he went. "We'll finish this later pox!" Running down the halls of the mothership, passing drones, security, and working engineers alike. CC shot like a bat outta hell with all the speed he could muster. 138 using his jump pack to keep up with him. As he finally approached the bridge doors he slowed down enough to not slam into the metal and to allow its automatic opening function to kick in. Once the door opened CC walked in with 138 beside him. "Ah! Commander at last you arrived! We've got a transmission request from our infiltrator, located in the village near our planned invasion camp." Said the communication officer. A short and pudgy Furon by the name of Krang. Giving a stiff nod the the officer a large holo projection of Rota Viral 145 appears, the projection shows her upper half of her body and head allowing her to give The Commander a proper salute. "Commander! I have urgent news and findings out the native species of this planet!" Hearing her voice echo from the projection. "Excellent! Let me hear everything you've seen and been through starting from the beginning." He said as he folded his arms over his chest. (3 hours earlier) (Rota Viral pov) 'WHY ARE THEY SO NICE TO ME!' I thought as I was given a second slice of this delicious apple pie. I was currently sitting at the apple family dinner table eating with Apple Bloom, Big Mac, and Granny Smith. Upon my arrival this family has gone above and beyond to make me feel at easy and at home. And they have been genuinely concerned for me! Everytime I've read they're thoughts they only ever seem concerned for my well being and safety. Promising to themselves to make me feel nothing but genuine kindness here! So far my cover stories have helped clear me of suspicion. I'm a runaway teen who lost her memory in a extremely dangerous magical forest. Simple, easy to remember, and limitless fall back options if suspicion raises. I was getting close with Apple Bloom who seemed the most interested in me and was constantly wondering if I would be her friend. My thoughts were interrupted when the front door opened to revile a woman with tanned orange skin and long blond hair. Wearing a rather interesting hat upon her head. "Woo Nelly! You guys aren't gonna believe what Twi and the others did for me today! We was out by the river when Fluttershy saw a-" what ever she was going to say stopped dead in her throat as she looked at me. Her eyes went wide and her hair seemed to stand on end as her gaze lingered on me. "Oh Applejack! This here poor girl was found out in the everfree by Apple Bloom and 'er friends! Poor thing lost her memory..." Granny Smith said as she introduced me. "H-Hello ma'am. I-I'm Mending Seeker." I said bowling my head slightly. Such actions are commonly a sign of respect in other planets cultures. Applejack seemed to raise her eye brow at me and nod slowly. "Is that right? Well Mending Seeker. Welcome to the apple House and family farm. Hope y'all like it here." Though what she said sounded pleasant it was with a tone that make me uneasy 'why is she suspicious of me?' I thought to myself as she walked over sitting beside me. "So Mending... Where are you from? Can you recall anything specific?" She asked. Oh great Archvoodle she was interrogating me! "Umm well... I just remembered my name and... I remember I was walking around the forest then... I guess I hit my head or something hit me because I don't know anything past that." There were definitely flaws in my story but she shouldn't have reason to doubt me. The others certainly don't! My story only made her squint her eyes more at me and it's then I noticed something. 'wait... Why are the others suddenly looking at me like that.' every other member of the family was squinting they're eyes at me too. Apart from Granny Smith who only seemed more intrigued then anything. Apple Bloom was leaning in closer and Big Mac was crossing his arms now. Applejack was tapping her fingers against the table and put her other arm around my chairs shoulders leaning in more. "So why are you lying to me Sugercube?" What.... How?! I'm compromised! They'll kill me! They must be more dangerous than I thought! I'm so screwed! "Alright Applejack... That's enough. Your scaring the poor dear." Granny suddenly said before sipping her tea and leaning back some. The others all leaned back some but didn't relax one bit. "Your all asking her the wrong questions. Mending dear look at me and answer honestly." I didn't dare disobey her now. Looking at her I could feel the others staring at me and it was making me more uncomfortable by the second. She sipped again before showing me a kinda smile again. "Are y'all here to hurt this family or anyone in town" that wasn't a mission objective and honestly i didn't see a reason to hurt them, they were so kind in the begining. "No..." Hearing me say that seemed to relax Applejack and then the other two. Granny just smiled and continued. "Are y'all here to cause trouble?" Again not a objective. We more then anything are just here to rescue 133 and find out what's happened to him. The invasion was more pox's idea then the commander. Still hard to answer but I'll continue being honest for now. My life might depend on it. "I-I... Not really.... We... We are looking for someone... Lost from us." I answered. Again they relaxed but hearing the 'We' clearly set them off somehow. "Are y'all changelings?!" Applejack suddenly shouted causing me to jump. "What's a changeling?!" I asked in a panic Causing her and everyone else to freeze at the table. I get the sense some how I made it more awkward and suspicious at the same time. "Who or what are you then..." Apple Bloom asked and I sighed. I wasn't supposed to make first contact but... Without another word I stood up from the table and took a step away. No one rushed to stop me or hurt me so I took this chance. "M-my real name is Rota... Rota Viral... And in the common sense of the word... I'm a alien." My words left an impact. At first they looked at me with smirks and raised eye brows... Till they looked at Applejack, who was looking at me with wide eyes and a jaw on the floor. It was in that moment that solidified a theory I had that Applejack could see through my lies naturally somehow and the others knew it. Because they all soon mimicked her face. I let them gradually come to terms they have a real alien in they're dinning room before doing anything else. When Applejack came to she seemed weary of me but not hostile. "So... You are here looking for someone? A friend?" "Sorta... His name is Crypto 133... He was sent here a few years ago to search your planet for a strange energy reading... But we never heard from him... We think he's still here stranded or captured... We found traces of him nearby and I was sent to learn of your people. I don't think my commander has plans to harm anyone unless 133 is harmed or dead... He looks at him and all cryptos like little brothers. It would be a great loss to him." I said, this confession seems to have sparked sympathy with the family and Applejack nodded "I reckon I would be crossed too if someone took Big Mac or Apple Bloom from me too... Maybe if I talked to the princess's they could help find him?" She offered after some thought. "NO! I shouldn't even have told you but I can NOT tell any kind of government official! If they knew we were here they could attack! Or worse if they have 133 prisoner they might use him or kill him! I won't have it! I can't be the reason we lose him!" I panicked! The idea I could get him killed by being this honest! I didn't want to think about it! If I could cry I would! They saw my panic as enough and moved to comfort me, Apple Bloom even hugged me. Granny walked up offering me a cup of her tea and I greatfully accepted it. Sipping I heard he speak. "I reckon they wouldn't do that. But I also doubt they have your missing man Rota... But I reckon they could help find him if this 'Commander' of yours came out and asked them." I shook my head but smiled "while I appreciate the idea. He won't risk it, we already found a base of sorts hiding 133's crash sight in the woods near here..." Hearing me say that Applejack perked up. "Oh! Shoot! I forgot to mention! As iwas coming in I was saying the princess's got a letter about some unsanctioned base in the Whitetail woods! We're heading there tomorrow morning ta investigate!" I looked at Applejack with wide eyes. "Tomorrow?! If it's a rough element that's behind this they'll move or destroy anything before you get there! I need to warn the commander!" Ignoring they're protests I ran out the front door at break neck speeds heading back to the forest heading for our base at the castle. (Present time) (3rd pov) Hearing her recounting of events CC was under the influence of many emotions. Anger, fear, pride, intrigue, and most of all rage. Anger that his infiltrator was so easily sniffed out. What powers of preminishon did the natives have to see through her! Fear for the idea that any lead they might find will be destroyed tomorrow morning if they don't act. Pride that Rota managed to learn such valuable info even after being made and keeping herself disguised. But more then anything, RAGE and Bloodlust filled him knowing that a rough element might be the reason his little brother is in danger. CC HATES rough element, terrorist organizations, rebels, anything even remotely like them he would terminate with extreme prejudice. "Helmsman! Get word to the warriors to prep for the invasion initial strike now! Someone notify pox he's in command of the mothership till I return! Someone prepare orbital cannons!" Turning to Rota he continues "Rota Viral 145! Meet me and my men at the base in one hour! You will join us as for the assault! I want that base in flames by this evening and I want all within it vaporized!" He said marching away to preparer for the one thing the Furon Empire is good at. WAR.