> False Dawn > by Generic2 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > 0: Twigs, leaves and wolves. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- In the everfree forest, where some of the most dangerous beasts, large and small roam was a kind of wooden wolf known simply as timber wolves. These wolves were known and feared by all who dared to enter their territory, not because of their size or strength for they were not very large or strong, they couldn’t even run very fast or fly. No, they were feared because they were relentless, they did not tire and they could track you from miles away and they could not die. Because of this they were fearless, the most dangerous being to roam this world, or so we thought. *** A timber wolf awoke with a start, looking around in confusion, ears perked, for what had woken it. Sensing nothing but the other members of its pack it lowered its head to the ground preparing to return to its slumber. Chasing prey was fun and all, but it got boring after a while with no challenge. The wolf gave a startled yelp and jumped to its paws looking around once more, ears twitching and tale low, it waited and waited and “Snap”! The timber wolf snapped its head to its left, its yellow eyes scanning the trees lining the clearing it was in. By this time the rest of the pack had awoken, some growling at the area the sound had come from. The wolves felt a shiver go up their wooden spines as the wind picked up and the trees swayed, groaning in protest then the bushes and shrubs started rustling and shaking and then… a red pony with a yellow mane and tail that faded into black at the ends, covered in mud, twigs and leaves fell out and promptly buried its muzzle and forehead in the ground with its flank in the air and its forelegs splayed out in front of it. With a bit of grumbling the pony lifted its front and with some comical effort, it pulled its head out of the ground, after which it looked around itself. Seeing the pack in front of it, the pony froze then said; “Uh, hi?” in a calm all be it confused tone. With a snarl one of the wolves stepped forward causing the pony not to step back in fright like all others have in the past, instead it frowned, seemingly in annoyance its tail flicking back and forth while one of its ears flicked as if to get rid of a pesky fly. “I guess you’re not going to point me to the nearest town, are you?” it asked in a flat tone. One of the wolves howled and the wolves nearest to the pony lunged forward, ready to tear into their prey, only to be crushed by an unseen force a few feet in front of the pony causing it to snort in annoyance before looking at the rest of the pack and ask “Anyone else?”. They charged. All at once the timber wolves ran at the pony, howling and snarling all the way. They never reached it. Once they got to close they were crushed against the forest floor, attacking from behind showed the same result, so instead the wolves surrounded the pony trying to find a way in and when they couldn’t find one they waited for the pony to do something because they had time, they couldn’t die from old age or hunger or even from whatever that pony did, although it was taking an awfully long time for the magic from the crushed wolves to form a new body, that was fine they could wait. Five minutes passed and nothing happened except that the pony, now revealed to be a unicorn was writing in a book with a quill that never seemed to run out of ink, from where it got the items no one knew, but the wolves were getting worried, their fellows had not reformed yet and a few of the wolves were looking around to see if they had just missed them. With a snap the book shut then along with the quill vanished into thin air. “Well, I’m bored so if you don’t get out of my way I am going to turn you into a pile of splinters.” with that the pony started walking the wolves wisely decided to get out of its way. *** The pony, while muttering curses to itself, continued to stumble through the forest only for one of its fore hooves to suddenly catch on something forcing the ponies face to have a touching reunion with the ground. Ground that wasn't covered in leaves, twigs or grass. The ponies head shot up looking from side to side, an almost manic grin spreading on its face, showing teeth that shouldn't be on a herbivore or a carnivore for that matter. Jumping to all fours the pony started walking down the path whilst keeping its freaky grin, scaring even the most hearty of predators to the point of fleeing the path and not looking back lest they saw that thing or worse it saw them. *** On the edge of ponyville, a quaint little town on the edge of the everfree forest, a pegasus mare with a yellow coat and a very long pink mane by the name of Fluttershy was tending to one of her little animal friends when a bird flew in, landing on the table in front of her and started twittering madly. "A pony in the forest?" Fluttershy asked. the bird twitted again. "You aren't sure? What do you mean?" More twittering. "He smells and acts differently. In what way?" This time the little bird went on a tirade, hopping about like mad, explaining what it had seen, from the pony stumbling into a clearing full of timber wolves, then being attacked by said timber wolves only for them to be crushed by an invisible force and not reforming somewhere else, to the pony leaving out of boredom and the wolves doing everything they could to stay out of the ponies way. Fluttershy was shivering in fear at the end of the birds story, frightened by the possibility of the stranger coming to her cottage and hurting her or her animal friends before realizing that the pony would most likely find the path before finding her home and she sighed in relief then she remembered where that path might lead them and started panicking. Meanwhile, ponyville was in an uproar for the raiser of the sun and moon, the ruler of equestria, queen Celestia herself was coming to ponyville for the summer sun celebration