The Dangers of an Angry Mob

by AndNoOneSingsMeLullabies

First published

The ponies of Maretime Bay decide it's too dangerous to let a unicorn and pegasus lover live among them. So they do what earth ponies do best: form an angry mob!

Boy, those opening scenes with Sunny and her dad sure were cute, weren't they? But, how did Argyle die? Well dear reader, I present to you what I'm sure Hasbro will eventually reveal to be the canon back story. Come read along as Argyle is beaten, mutilated and killed by an angry mob of ponies while filly Sunny is raped and forced to watch.

And yes, I'm aware I'm a horrible person, but feel free to tell me in the comments anyway.

Warnings: Foalcon, rape, graphic violence, scenes of torture, ball busting, mentions of father/daughter incest, borderline-scat (slurping used cock), and angry mobs.

Sunny is raped and watches her dad get killed by a mob of racist ponies

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"Daddy! No!" Sunny screamed, futilely fighting to break free of the two stallions holding her. The young filly had little hope of breaking free of the much bigger, stronger adults' grip, but she didn't care. All she knew was her daddy was being hurt, and she needed to help him.

"Shut up, kid," one of the stallions holding her said, before slapping her hard across the face. "Your dad brought this on himself. Be quiet and hold still or we'll do the same to you."

Sunny did her best to ignore the stinging pain in her cheek as her eyes watered with tears. Her thoughts were still trying to catch up with the reality happening in front of her. Just thirty minutes ago she was being tucked into bed after listening to her beloved father finish reading her favorite story to her. Next thing she knew, a mob of ponies were busting down her door and dragging her and her father outside. Now she was being held down while daddy was lying on the ground being repeatedly stomped on by four of her neighbors and the entirety of Maretime Bay seemed to be watching and shouting mean things at him.

The sound of her father screaming in pain brought the reality of the situation back into cold focus for the filly. Her eyes shot open wide with horror as she saw her dad's hind leg bend backwards, a sickening snap still able to be heard over his scream. The stallion who had broken the leg sneered and laughed at his victim's pain, and the crowd let out a horrifying cheer at the sounds of his misery.

"Ha! Did you hear that snap?" One of the stallions beating her father asked another. "That sounded awesome! Let me try one!"

Sunny watched in terror as abnother of the other stallions grabbed one of daddy's forehooves and stretched it straight into the air while two other ponies pinned her father to the ground. The pony who wanted to hear another snap turned around and lined his hind legs up with the out-stretched hoof. He bucked as hard as he could, and aimed perfectly to strike right against the joint of the leg. Her dad howled in anguish as the joint splintered, bits of bones shattering and piercing through his skin and fur. The crowd eagerly stomped their hooves in approval of the show.

Her dad was curled into a ball now, moaning in pain and agony as hooves continued to pummel him. One of the ponies smiled cruelly, before instructing two others to grab her dad's hindlegs and hold him still. They did so, laughing as they flipped him onto his back and forced his legs to be splayed open. The stallion with the cruel smile stepped between his legs and reared up, only to bring his forehooves crashing down on her daddy's special fun place. Her father's screams were louder than any noise she'd ever heard a pony make as the stallion stomped down again and again, until he'd completely destroyed the sensitive orbs that Sunny had spent so many peaceful evenings suckling on as her father read her tales of the old days.

"Why? Why are you hurting daddy?" Sunny begged, desperate for an explanation from anypony for why this nightmare was occurring. Why was everypony cheering at his pain and suffering? It didn't make any sense.

"What a ridiculous question," a mare's voice suddenly responded. Sunny turned to look who was speaking to her and saw it was her friend Sprout's mom, Phyllis. The mare continued, "Argyle has been preaching his dangerous and crazy ideas around town for years now, but he crossed the line when he dared to try and brainwash our town's innocent foals with his lies. Especially my dear, sweet son."

"They're not lies!" Sunny proclaimed defiantly.

"Sunny... hush," Argyle pleaded with the filly, his voice was hoarse from his screams and his breathing was strained, but his only concern was for his precious daughter's safety.

"We were friends with the pegasus and unicorn ponies in the past, and we should be again!" the filly continued, heedless of her father's warnings. She knew it was the truth. Maybe all these ponies would stop hurting daddy if they would just listen to what she had to say.

"Hmmph, I see his brainwashing has already gotten to you, Sunny," Phyllis said, her voice a mix of scorn and pity. "Such a pity, you seemed like a bright young filly, and Sprout seems to have a fondness for you. What a shame you've already been corrupted by your father's treason."

"Phyl.." Argyle gasped. The ponies beating him had paused for a moment as they listened to Phyllis speaking with Sunny, though they were still holding him down. Not that he had the strength to even stand up at this point, much less make a break for it. He knew his fate, but he had to convince them to spare Sunny if he could. She was the last light in his life. "For pity's sake, Phyllis, she's just a foal," he managed to wheeze out.

The mob's attention was turned to Phyllis and Sunny, waiting for their leader to pronounce the fate of the young filly. The eagerness and blood-thirst they'd felt earlier was subdued slightly at the sight of Sunny crying and pleading for her dad. It was one thing to beat and murder a stallion like Argyle to death, but the prospect of doing the same to a foal didn't sit well with many of them.

Phyllis found herself in a bit of a dilemma. The rational part of her knew that she should order her angry mob of ponies to kill Sunny along with Argyle, for the safety and well-being of her beloved Maretime Bay. But mobs were a fickle thing, and if she pressed them too hard they might turn on her instead of the cute little filly crying for her daddy. Besides, Phyllis was a mare and a parent herself, and sentencing a foal to death didn't really sit well with her, even if it was obviously the right thing to do. She sighed, knowing that she was really being far too soft-hearted, but her mind was made up.

"I suppose it wouldn't really be fair to make you pay for your father's mistakes, Sunny," the mare admitted, stroking the filly's cheek. Sunny only glared at the older mare. "I don't think it would be right to kill you along with Argyle."

Argyle sighed in relief at hearing this proclamation. He knew he'd be killed here, but at least his little Sunny would be saved.

"That being said," Phyllis continued, "we simply can't have you spreading your father's lies without punishing you." She turned to face the stallions restraining her. "Rape the little fool of a foal bloody, but make sure she stays conscious. I want her to watch what happens to her father, so she understands what happens to those who endanger us earth ponies with such dangerous lies."

"Wait, what?" Sunny asked, her panic building. She had little time to process her fate as she was thrown to the ground and felt one of her captors press down from above her.

"With pleasure, Phyllis," the stallion above Sunny said, quickly hardening as the little filly struggled beneath him. He lined his stallionhood up with the tight ring of Sunny's anus, before pushing himself in with all the force he could muster.

"Arggh!" Sunny yelled as her rear entrance was forced open by the massive cock invading her ass. She felt herself being stretched open, the walls of her ass being torn open by the merciless rutting she was receiving.

"Sunny!" Argyle cried out. He was quickly silenced by a mare kicking him across his snout. Four teeth were knocked from his mouth as blood gushed from his nose.

The mare who had kicked him leant down to whisper into his ear "That's my husband fucking your little filly right now, Argyle. Sunny better be thankful that she's getting such a magnificent cock up her ass, instead of this pathetic, withered old thing," she said disdainfully, swatting at Arglyle's bruised and disfigured dick. "Disgusting," she spat on his face before turning and trotting away from the prone stallion.

Argyle could do little but watch as his little pony was violently sodomized, watching the filly be pushed into the ground by the vicious thrusts of the stallion mounted atop her.

Another stallion crawled under Sunny, placing the tip of his dick inside the small cunt of the helpless little mare before wrapping his hooves around her rump and tugging her down onto his cock. Sunny could barely struggle against the ponies raping her by now, resigned to simply bounce pathetically between the two stallions as they pumped her tight filly holes full of their cocks.

"Fuck, this foal is tight," the new pony moaned as he fucked her pussy. "That idiot Argyle should have just shut up and enjoyed what he had at home. My daughter doesn't hug my cock nearly as well as this cunt."

"Ow! Ow, it hurts," Sunny cried as the two cocks pistoned in and out of her tight, underaged holes.

"Of course it hurts. This is your punishment for lying," Phyllis explained dismissively to the filly as she watched her being violated. "Be grateful that we're letting you off easy, or maybe we'll change your mind and give you you're father's treatment instead."

Her father's "treatment" currently involved a stallion yanking at his tongue with a pair of pliers. Two ponies held him pinned to the ground as the pony with the pliers tugged with his pliers, stretching the muscle to its limit. Arglye was screaming and grunting, unable to make any words due to the mutilation in process. Sunny watched with pity as that wonderful tongue, that had given so many special daddy kisses to her secret place over the years, gave way with one last wrench of the pliers.

The pony with the pliers stumbled backwards as the muscle gave way, tearing out of its owner mouth. Blood poured out of her dad's mouth, the other ponies cheering as he moaned pitifully in agony. To Sunny's horror, Phyllis waved the plier pony over and whispered some instructions into his ear. Sunny suddenly found her mouth pulled wide open by the two ponies raping her, and her father's tongue was stuffed into her mouth. The filly tried to spit it out, but her mouth was slammed shut just as quick as it was opened.

The severed appendage jostled and shifted in her mouth as her rape continued, the taste of her father's spit, blood, and flesh flooding her mouth. She wanted to gag, to spit out the tongue, but she couldn't overpower her rapists as they laughed and teased her.

"Fuck!" the stallion in her ass cried out, firing his warm seed deep into her guts. He yanked himself out, further ripping her already ruined asshole as his cock exited her abused hole. He released his grip on her mouth, and for a moment Sunny was grateful to be able to spit out the tongue that she had been forced to suckle on. Her relief was short lived however, when the blood and shit-stained cock that had been fucking her ass came into view. Sunny was smart enough to know what was coming, and she lacked the energy to fight back as the disgusting cock of the stallion was shoved into her mouth.

"Clean me up quick, filly. I think we're gonna kill your dad soon, and I'd hate for you to miss it cause you're having such a good time sucking my cock," he laughed.

The taste of the stallion's cock was rancid and disgusting, but Sunny figured that the faster she cleaned him off, the faster she could get it out of her mouth. She went to work licking her tongue around his shaft, suckling the filth off of his length. More tears welled in her eyes as she was forced to proceed with this cruel twist of one of her favorite activities with her dad. Cleaning him off after he'd cum inside her pussy was one of her favoritest things in the whole world to do, the savory taste of daddy and her mixed together in a delightful treat to reward her for being a good little girl. Now she'd never get to experience that with her daddy again, and the memory of this stallion and the disgusting flavor of his post-sodomy cock would always taint her memories.

The pony fucking her pussy finished inside her and pulled out, but Sunny barely even noticed the absence. The stallion in her mouth withdrew too, and she collapsed limply to the ground. Her ass burned, her pussy throbbed, and her whole body was sore from the rough treatment she'd endured. Her stomach turned, and the filly vomited into the grass. She wished she could just pass out and escape this torture. Maybe she'd wake up back in bed, with daddy cuddled up behind her and this whole nightmare just a fading dream. But she knew this wasn't a dream. Her mind could never have dreamt up a nightmare as terrible as what was happening right now.

A sharp kick to the ribs refocused her on what was happening. One of her rapists was addressing her.

"Eye's forward, Sunny," he ordered her. "We're about done with your dad, so just pay attention for a bit longer and then we'll leave ya alone, okay?"

Sunny looked to see that the mob of ponies had apparently built a pile of wood and straw while she'd been distracted. Phyllis stood in front of it, torch in hoof as she looked down at Sunny's father. Sunny couldn't hear what she was saying to her dad, but she saw him shake his head weakly, followed by Phyllis spitting on his face. Four ponies lifted his broken body up into the air and tossed him carelessly on the pile. Phyllis turned to Sunny, making sure the filly was watching her dad's last moments, before using her torch to set fire to her father's pyre.

"DADDY!" she screamed, helpless to do anything but voice her anguish as her father's body was engulfed by the flames.

Argyle's screams carried on the flames, his body writhing and twisting as the fire burnt through his fur and flesh. The crowd cheered in triumph as they watched the stallion die a miserable death. Phyllis lead the gathered ponies in a well-choreographed song, sounding a little more poppy and processed than the old songs Sunny's dad had sung to her, but surprisingly good all the same. Sunny would probably have it stuck in her head for weeks.

At last, when the fire was dwindling and the musical number was finished, the mob began to disperse and go home. Phyllis walked over to Sunny's limp and sobbing body, and brought the little filly in for a hug. The mare stroked Sunny's mane, comforting the poor foal.

"Oh Sunny, I know this must have been hard for you, but trust me; it was for the best," the older mare said. "You're father's silly stories and hurtful lies would have made us earth ponies complacent and weak. It was for the good of the whole community to keep him silent, so that the rest of us can live in fear and uncertainty. After all, to be scared is to be prepared."

Sunny was silent, unable or unwilling to speak to the mare who had killed her father. Phyllis hugged her again, before standing up and trotting away, leaving Sunny alone with the ashes and embers. Shakily, the filly stood up and stumbled to the charred corpse that remained of her dad. She stood there, staring at it in silence for a long, long time. She wasn't crying anymore. She had no more tears to cry after what she'd gone through tonight. She reflected on the precious few years she'd had with her dad, and promised herself that she'd never forget what he'd taught her.

"Don't worry dad," she said to his corpse, "I won't let Phyllis and those other ponies have their way. One day, I will make friends with the unicorns and the pegasi! And I'll show all these ponies how wrong they were!"

She turned and slowly dragged herself back to her lighthouse. She was sore, dirty, and tired beyond belief. But the grief in her heart was tempered by the feeling of determination consuming her. Daddy was dead, but she was alive and it was up to her to make his dream come to fruition. She'd do it one day, no matter how much work it took her.

"I'll do my part," Sunny promised as she shut the door and straightened the picture of her and her dad, "hoof to heart."