> Twilight's saddle lecture > by Dopaminion > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > 1: A lesson he will remember. [The actual stuff(ing)] > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- You are lying on your bed, in your room, in a tree-castle. You are Anon the human, in the land of Equestria, and life is pretty soft. You eat, sleep and read, when not chatting with Twilight, Spike and various visitors. You recognize that knock on your door. It’s Twilight. “Greetings Anon!” she happily exclaims. “Hello princess.” Her frisky gait is unusually dapper as she prances inside. She’s obviously in a good mood. “I wanted to teach you a little about old Equestrian customs and show you this cultural saddle.” She moves around in a circle, showing the saddle she wears from all sides, before she comes to halt at the end of your bed. She widens her stance in her hind-legs. Lowering her back a little in the process. She presses her front hooves together, and lets them slide forth. As her front legs moves away her chest dips below her hindquarters, accentuating her rump. A smile is on her face, nose up in the air, slightly closed eyes. She proudly displays her cocky confidence. It’s Twilight lecture time. She’s in no hurry as she takes a deep breath and stretches a bit. This is no ordinary lecture. Those are planned, announced and performed in a different way. “This cultural saddle is very old, but it has an important role in communicating your wishes to others.” she states as a matter of fact. “The cultural saddles have a different design from saddles used for aesthetic purpose.” The saddle is clasped tight around her barrel. Similar to how you wear your belt, but she currently has no clothes or bags for her saddle to stabilize. She wears nothing except the saddle. “Ordinary saddles are similar to a garment and can be a fashion statement, but without specific meaning. It’s important to know the difference between saddles, to avoid saying awkward things in public. You do have a knack for saying inappropriate things.” she adds with a giggle. Twilight in her lewd position starts wagging her behind from side to side. Showing off her saddle, and the posterior right behind it. “Unlike a normal garment the saddle sits very tight. It’s not supposed to come off easily, even if you roll around or somepony is pushing and pulling you.” She acts as if it’s a Twilight lecture. But she lacks the diagrams and charts to make it believable. Nor did she bring any books about the subject. You rise from your bed and walk close to her. “Cultural saddles have many different colors and designs, and they all symbolize different things.” She talks with a steady voice, to keep her message clear. You stand close, going down on one knee, to take a real close look at the saddle. This unexpected gesture from her bipedal guest, who never got out of bed unless he had a good reason, surprises her. She tense up a little, and her voice loses a bit of its usual poise, as she continues. “Saddles... many different designs... they all mean different things.” A quick break follows before she assumes her regular lecture voice. “They played an important role in old Equestrian culture for finding a mate.” You fondle the saddle to feel its smoothness. You press in a finger between the saddle and Twilight to check how tight she fastened it. Tracing its belt around her barrel. It was rare for Twilight to stop talking during a lesson. Unless you had a question she would happily tell you everything you wanted to know, and much, much more. Now she suddenly takes a brief pause as you inspect her gear. She tries to compose herself before she continues. “Ahem, as you can see, this saddle has a darker color. If you see somepony wearing a cultural saddle in Ponyville, the cultural base is often white or yellow, sometimes orange.” Still holding on to her saddle you lean in closely. Pushing your nose into her mane. You had noticed it as you came close, but you want to confirm it. Twilight was using perfume, spreading a scent of spring flowers from her mane. That was an odd thing for her to use. You didn’t think she needed perfume, and neither did she. “You smell nice.” you say softly, with your nose buried in her mane. “Th-thank you... A-about saddles, yes, saddles... light colors invited ponies to talk about matters related to... procreation...” Her voice caught a fragile note to it. It was not her lecture voice. “Certain designs of white saddles... show you’re open to advice.” “Additional patterns and ornaments would state if you needed advice, were willing to give advice, or just chat about such matters in general... and if you wanted to talk to a mare or a stallion...” She was still holding her fore hooves far out, and her hind legs spread wide, but it no longer seemed like she was doing it on purpose. It was as if she forgot about her pose. Your left hand starts to pat her neck, moving gently up and down along her throat. You notice her tail, twitching ever so slightly, rises a little as her body responds to your touch. “Saddles are an important part of Equestrian culture... still used to this day... not very common. It’s considered old-fashioned...” she softly trails off into silence. “Go on.” you tell her while letting your right hand move along her spine between her tail and saddle. As you start scratching the area close to the dock, her raised tail rises even more, and shifts a little to the side. You look at Twilight, wondering if she’s aware of how she looks. Her gaze is locked forward and her breath is shallow. “Saddles... important... for the Equestrian culture. Like this saddle for example.” She takes a deep breath, “It meant... you were looking for a rider...” “It means that you are ready to receive.” you interrupt her. “Y-yes... w-w-wait, what?” “The books I’ve read, they literally say: ready to receive.” “T-the b-books?” she stutters. “Yes Twilight. You have several books about cultural saddles.” you say while your fingers scratch around her tail and down along her flank. You caress her cutie mark with your fingers, gently rubbing the soft fur on her flank. “You read my books?” she whispers in a faint voice. “I’ve read several of your books. Not only those you recommend, or force me to read, but others that I find interesting to leaf through when I’m alone.” “I see...” she says after being silent for a few seconds. Still frozen in her awkward pose. You lean close to her ear; it twitches a little as you softly ask, “So, tell me more about saddles. When was the last time you saw one used.” “I never used one!” she quickly responds. “I know that princess. So tell me when you saw one being used.” “Applejack used one like this... I saw that... it was actually this saddle.” “Go on.” you say, while you put your left hand under her chest to steady her front, as your right hand strokes the inside of her hind-legs and thighs. “She had Big Mac promenade her through Ponyville.” “As a chaperon.” you add. “Y-y-yes...” “To help her chose a suitable rider. To validate or reject those interested, to make sure it’s someone worthy, so she isn’t taken advantage of.” “P-precisely...” “Would be horrible to do the promenade and just have ragtag riffraff to choose between,” you say a bit louder as you shift your head back to admire her flanks, “So a chaperon is used as an excuse to lead her home again if no sexy stallion is there to enter.” Twilight just nods. “A lot of the time it’s the mom or a marefriend who follows. Guess Big Mac felt protective of his sister?” “I... I guess you could say that...” Twilight blurts out as your right hand moves on to feel her sensitive little teats between her hind legs. “So tell me more.” “Big Mac that day was different... he scowled and sneered towards all stallions who dared to get close.” “Then as they approached the glade, he led Applejack over the mating table, tightened her bridle to the pole and decided to mount her himself.” “And you saw it?” “Yes... I saw all of it,” her voice quivered from your touch, “AJ was hoping for a shy stallion to approach her. A stallion who had felt intimidated by her advances. She was hoping this display, together with her earlier flirting, would give him courage.” Twilight gasped as your fingers tickled her, all the way from her tail to her teats. It was fun. She was so ticklish. This was the first time you tickled her without her kicking or yelling at you. “She was furious at her brother for weeks after that. She hasn’t done the promenade again.” Twilight gasped. “That would explain why the books refer to the escort as being a mare.” you say with a grin she can’t see, as she stares into the wall. “B-but it can be males too!” Twilight quickly adds. “So you mean I could escort you? Take you out for a promenade, to see if we can find someone worthy?” Twilight doesn’t say anything. She neither nods nor shakes her head, just keeps staring straight ahead. She can feel your fingers all over her body, but she doesn’t look around to keep track of your hands. You let go of her behind, shift your body around and lean towards her face; your nose pressing against hers. It snaps her out of her stupor, and she pulls in her front legs. She composes herself in a more upright position, but her hind legs remains wide apart. She stares back at you with those big purple eyes. Her nervous expression almost looks like fear. “S-saddles... are an important part of Equestrian culture...” she stammers, while looking at your face, so close to hers. You close the last few inches and let your breath tickle into her nostrils. She gasps and you seize the opportunity - giving her a deep kiss. Letting your lips seal her lips before caressing her tongue with your own. Now her breathing accelerates rapidly and in the corner of your eye you notice her tail is fully flagged and draped to the side. You doubt she’s aware of it. Your beloved little egghead has a tendency to forget everything else when she started a lecture, and it seems she was still intent that there was a lesson to be learned. But maybe Twilight isn’t the teacher for today’s lesson. And maybe you’re not the student. Perhaps you could teach Twilight a thing or two. You move back to her side, and wrap your arms around her, to lift her up. She’s lighter than she looks. It’s easy to carry her to your bed. “So what happens when a rider has been selected?” you ask her. She doesn’t answer as you place her standing up on your bed. You move to stand on your knees behind her. You seize her posterior, and press it towards your body, feeling her moistness on your bare stomach. She doesn’t interrupt you, as you grab her hind ankles and pull them to each side. The soft mattress leaves her with reduced balance, feeling vulnerable. Her quick heated breath is the only sound she makes. “So what will the selected rider do to the mare?” you ask again. “I d-don’t know... I only read... and listened to what some said...” her voice shallow and frail. With her behind still pushed towards your stomach, your arms reach forward and tuck in her front legs, so she kneels down. It makes her primed and ready for what you had in mind. “So you read about it? Please, explain to me what the books said.” “T-the s-stallion... b-breeds the mare...” “Interesting. Please explain in detail.” you say, as you let your hand rub all over her posterior, from dock to hoof. Twilight was silent and the only thing that was heard was her rapid breathing. Your hands kept working the entire time, and two fingers decided to push inside her slippery entrance. She was hot, very hot. She was also tight, and it seemed the tunnel of skin had folds that never had been torn and stretched. Your curiosity was mostly focused on your fingers, but you still ask: “So, how do you breed a mare?” Twilight’s heavy panting was the only answer. She was quivering in your hands until she finally answered, “I... I forgot...” “Perhaps we should see if I can remember?” Twilight’s head, now resting on your bed, gives you a quick little nod. You can’t help smiling at this unusual behavior before another question pops into your mind. “Why did you dress up in a saddle? Did you know I had read your saddle-books?” “I asked Princess Luna, The Dreamwalker... I- I wanted to know... what makes your species aroused...” If Luna had peeked at your wet dreams, it would explain a lot. You believed her double entendres was your dirty mind’s vivid imagination, but maybe not. Moonbutt surely had more knowledge about you, than you had about her. “I... I said... I wanted to study how you looked when aroused... so she suggested the saddle.” Twilight puffs out between clenched jaws. “For science!” she suddenly yells out. “It’s all for science!” she adds with panic in her voice and pleading eyes. “Yes Twilight, it’s all for science.” you calmly reply. “You know I studied every sultry book you have on cultural saddles, because I want to become a scientist.” you add while your hands keeps exploring her belly and behind. Your fingers probing, pushing and now rubbing various areas around her labia and inside her, to test her response. Twilight’s gasps and moans, in between her heavy breathing. She closes her eyes and pushes her head down into one of your pillows. “Liar!” she says with a muffled voice into your pillow. “You’re no scientist.” “Oh yes I am. It’s just that I don’t study math, geography, botany, chemistry, geology, and all those topics you claim are so important to know.” you gently reply. You grab hold of her ass with both hands and lean forward to let your body rest on top of her, getting your face close to her head, as you whisper into her ear: “I study social issues, like what type of coitus a stallion needs to perform, for a purple mare to orgasm.” Your hot voice causes Twilight to shiver in your grasp, before you pull back and assume your previous position. “I think we need to study the ramifications of cultural saddles a lot. I’ve read all the books, but I need practical studies.” You see Twilight biting a pillow. Not in the mood to talk. “And since I’ve read all your books, I think I’m qualified to be your chaperon.” With your body pushed against Twilight’s behind you untie your belt and prepare to pull down your pants. You keep your body pushed against hers as you pull down your trousers, so she can feel how they slide down between you. “But I must warn you, I can be very protective about those I love, and it’s unlikely I will find a suitable suitor. So I will probably end up doing all the riding by myself, just like Big Mac.” You let your hand once more prepare her opening. Her tail has been draped to the side the entire time, but you want to make a point. You move your fingers along the dock to grab all of her tail in your fist, firmly lifting it up before pulling it over her cute little rump. Just to let her know you are preparing her properly. “I... I, would like that very much... please...” Twilight whimpers softly with her head in your pillow. “You would like what?” you ask while you let your throbbing cock glide up and down her winking vagina. “F-for you to promenade me... around Ponyville... and lead me to the Glade of Passion. And make sure I’m mated, so I don’t have to walk home empty and in shame.” You start to push yourself a little bit inside. Feeling her canal switch between straining and relaxing, as if unsure how it shall treat the intruder. You force yourself a bit further inside, causing a slight tearing, before it gets really tight. Twilight whimpers and her wings go rigid, but you know the next push will hurt even more. You suspect Twilight read about it in some book, as she is anxiously biting one of your pillows, preparing herself for the inevitable. You can feel her body shiver between your hands. You can choose between ripping the band-aid fast, or do it little by little. You decide to wait a little. “You know as a princess, you represent all of Equestria, and not just Ponyville.” “I bet lots of ponies would like to watch a princess perform the traditional old customs. When was the last time a princess did it?” You perform some pelvic movements from side to side to tickle her sensitive entrance, and rub your groin against her clitoral hood. A muffled response from Twilight gives you the answer you suspected. It has never happened. “I need to promenade you not just in Ponyville, but in other towns and villages too, so they know their stallions are just as important and highly regarded as the stallions of Ponyville.” Twilight doesn’t answer, but she nods her head, still with your pillow in her mouth. “And the cities are important too. Manehattan has a huge amount of ponies. For such a large city your saddle would need tassels, for it to be fair.” “You know what different tassels means?” Twilight’s panting never slowed down after the initial shallow penetration. If anything it has increased, as you let your hand massage her tickler and the surrounding area. “Every stallion who receives a tassel during the promenade is invited to mount the mare. To help fill her up and guarantee that she is properly bred.” you say, while Twilight appears busy biting the pillow. “With you being a beautiful princess, it will be easy to get several stallions to accept a tassel.” Your husky voice emphasize beautiful. The princess shaking hind legs turns into jelly as her muscles no longer wants to obey her. You reach out and grab two pillows at the end of the bed. You never withdraw your manhood from her quivering entrance, as you use the pillows to prop up her behind. “I think four or five tassels would be in order. But I must be first, before all the other stallions, and I also want to be last, to make sure you get a proper finish.” you tease her. You have one hand tugging at her mane in a firmer grip than any hoof can accomplish. Your other hand uses its fingers to tickle around her entrance, slick and moist fingers almost pinch her sensitive swollen clit as they dig in from its sides. You feel Twilight’s vagina fill with rippling motions as she cries out into your pillow. Her entire body is quivering and she’s leaking fluids beneath your manhood. You realize now is the time, and push yourself all the way inside. Twilight’s muffled cry takes on an increased intensity as you break through all the resistance her insides can muster. Her interior is so hot, so tight, and you fill her up completely. You don’t move. You just savor the moment. Giving you some time to compose yourself. You don’t know if she’s sobbing or quivering, so you decide to wait for a while. You hold your pelvis still, so your rigid member doesn’t cause the newly stretched Twilight to suffer. You keep caressing her cute little rump, giving it a well-deserved massage for taking all of you inside. Finally you can’t wait anymore and lean forward to whisper in her ear. “Are you ready for the breeding to begin?” Twilight nods. You grab her ass, and press it hard towards you, while your hips start pumping. She feels so soft against your skin. Her delicious ass yielding to your fingers. Your member gets tickled by her hot oils, as it goes back and forth, inside the quivering little mare. You decide to turn up the pace. It’s time to show her just how fast you can churn that butter. Faster thrusts pushes you all the way inside, then quickly withdraw, just to repeat the penetration. You feel your body start to sweat. It’s as if the heat from her interior is spreading through your body. “Who’s a good princess?” you pant in between clenched jaws. She doesn’t listen. Even her outstretched wings seem to have lost their strength. You pump her even harder, using your hands to move not just her ass, but her entire body. You rock her body back and forth over the pillows you used to prop up her ass; to make her feel her whole body is being used. “Who’s a good princess??” you repeat louder. Her head tilted to the side she is no longer biting the pillow. Gasping hard with an open mouth, she’s barely able to turn her head. She looks quizzically at you from the corner of her eye. With every thrust, she makes a small high-pitched sound, almost like a mewl or a whimper cut short. She seems unaware of the slightly whistling sound her heavy breathing causes, together with every pant. “You are!” you finally exclaim. In her current state she wasn’t able to figure it out. Twilight smiles. “Yes, you are!!” you say as you feel her interior muscles spasm, causing ripples back and forth in her love canal. She’s so fucking cute; you can’t hold it in anymore. You shove it in, and flood her with all you got. . . . > 2: Epilogue to chapter #1 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- You lie on your back, staring at the ceiling. Feeling pretty exhausted but damn content. Twilight immediately snuggled up on your chest and her head has been resting there since your grand finale. None of you say anything during the ten minutes you spend recovering your breath. You’re just happy to cuddle. “That was fucking fantastic!” you say while patting her with the arm you hold around her. “Amazing!” Twilight happily responds. “Simply amazing.” “We must start the planning right away.” she quickly says “No time to lose.” she adds as she raises her head, looking deep into your eyes. “Plan for what?!” Her natural enthusiasm floods back into her little body and fills up her personality. “The trip of course. The one we talked about during... you know. We need tickets, bookings, travel arrangements and all sorts of things.” She places her front hooves on your chest and crawls closer, locking your eyes with a huge smile on her face. “We need to pack, prepare, and have ponies take care of our home and everything else while we’re gone. We can’t return to Ponyville between every village, it would take too much time.” “Uh?” You can’t believe the energy of this little pony. She was exhausted five minutes ago and now even her wings are stretching with excitement. “SPIKE!!” she yells. “Wait, what?” you try and interrupt her. Feeling a little panic at the thought of Spike coming in to see you like this. “Spike can ask Rarity to make tassels for my saddle. And he can help with bookings and errands.” Her proud Twilyface, the one she used when divulging elaborate plans, was clearly visible. “There is a lot of organizing to be done for our tour around Equestria but don’t you worry, I’m pretty good at organizing, if I may say so myself.” During the last bit she closes her eyes, and turns her face, trying to look modest. Her enthusiasm gets the better of her, and she quickly looks back at you, as she rapidly continues: “I thought about it as we snuggled and we should start with the smaller areas, so I get some practice before we tackle the bigger cities. “And I was thinking we could include diplomatic trips to Yakistan and Griffonstone to show them a part of our culture and listen to their feedback.” “You want their input?” you add with some irony, but any hidden meaning is completely lost to the joyful Twilight. “While there, I could use a darker saddle, which signals a tough spanking before entry.” “Their culture is a bit rougher than ours, and that would show them an Equestrian Princess isn’t some weak and timid little thing. No my sweet saddle professor, you and I are going to teach them that I can put my butt up, and take everything you got.” “They don’t even have love glades in those places. Only pony culture has those.” you start to protest. “Precisely, so we need to bring our own plinth and stock or send one ahead of us to be installed in advance. I promise to make sure everything is properly prepared, for every site we visit.” She pushes her face real close to yours, making a happy little squeal. “And Baltimare for example, may want to expand their glade.” Her smile stretches so wide you wonder if she stole it from Pinkie Pie. “The slopes surrounding the big glade can probably squeeze in a hundred ponies, but I suspect even more may want to watch. A princess wearing a saddle is quite unusual after all. Perhaps use their stadium?” “We will have to plan things like that together with each city council during our travel. As the visits to the smaller villages gets documented and published, we will gather needed experience for the larger cities. Don’t you worry Anon.” You can’t come up with anything smart to say, so you just nod. “After we’ve been all over Equestria, I was thinking we should have the grand finale in Canterlot. “Oh, and you know what we can do? I could use the blindfold there. You know? The one that signals that ponies may cover themselves in masks and cloaks to hide their identity.” “That way nopony will know if an old friend or acquaintance is visiting me. Leaving it all to my chaperon to guess. That’s a bit kinky? Isn’t it?” she looks at you while giggling. “Yes... yes it is...” “You must document it all for your science report, and extend it to explain how different saddles inspire ponies and the effects on the mare.” she resumes with a more serious tone. “Your report will surely be of huge interest to many in Equestria.” she looks at you with a proud face. As if you already had accomplished something of value. “You know...” she says with a softer tone, “I would be honored if you let me write the foreword.” she says while fluttering her eyes seductively. “My dear Twilight, I love you so much; I’ll let you write the entire book.” “Oh, you’re such a tease,” she says while booping your lips with her hoof. “SPIKE!! Where is that dragon when you need him? Unless we get started right away and keep up the pace, our tour will take a year.” You try and relax, staring at the ceiling, wondering how many ponies would soon be staring at you. At least you can claim you’re doing it for science. Yeah, that’s right, it’s all for science! . . . > 3: Tea Party episode [Kitchen intermission – no emission] > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It’s not always easy being the single human in Equestria, but yesterday’s incident with Twilight proved beyond doubt it can be amazing. The towel on your side bore witness to your recent attempt to relive yesterday’s action by your own hand. Now with the morning boner out of the way it was time to eat. You pull up your pants and walk down to the kitchen. As you step inside the big kitchen, you see a bunch of mares around the kitchen table. They put down their teacups as they look at you with poorly concealed curiosity. “Good morning, Anon!” Twilight says, followed by similar statements from her five best friends. Twilight sure seems happy to see you, and no complaints about sleeping in. That’s a first! Applejack looks flabbergasted in response to Twilight’s words. “Morning!? He slept until now? It’s almost noon!” “Maybe he was exhausted from yesterday?” Twilight coyly suggests. “I bet he was.” Rainbow Dash snickers. Applejack regains her relaxed expression as she asks, “You should tell us again how it happened. Do a recap now when Anon is here.” The Element of Truth had doubts regarding Twilight’s story. In the heat of passion, the truth could vary with point of view. Gathering all involved, in full honesty, will always reveal the full truth. “Ahem, I went to his room to educate him about cultural saddles, and during my lecture Anon stepped closer to examine it. While I was teaching him the details it was obvious he became more and more aroused, and those fingers of his stopped analyzing the saddle, and started to inspect my body instead.” Twilight revels in the attention she gets. She loves to teach but not everypony wants to learn. Now they cling to every word she says. “I decided to ignore it and continue my explanation about the saddle and its place in our culture. But after a while he couldn’t contain himself anymore. He let all the pony-manners I’ve taught him be swept away, as his animal instincts took over. He didn’t even bother to explain himself, as his long arms grabbed me and hauled me off to his bed.” She uses her hooves to lift the teacup to her mouth in a theatrical movement, and the sound of a long deep slurp fills the pause in her story. “While standing on the bed I kept trying to explain the details about the saddle, but I doubt he heard a word I said. Before I knew it, his fleshy penis was inside me and pumped vigorously... to claim me, as his mare.” As she speaks, Twilight floats a cookie through the air, pointing it at her audience in a sweeping motion, before she closes her eyes, and pushes it in between her lips. “And let me tell you this, he was no triple-stroke stallion, he must have rubbed that meat of his a hundred times before he released his treasure.” “A hundred?!” Rainbow Dash interrupts. “That’s impossible. Dickskin is sensitive, that’s why it must be sheathed. He would be all chafed if that was true.” She jump-glides from her seat at the table, and lands in front of you. “Let me check!” she says, as she grabs your belt and tries to undo the knot you use as belt buckle. “Please don’t!” you yell, “I just want breakfast!” you add while defending your belt with your hands. “Let poor Anon eat,” Twilight interrupts. “He did spend a huge amount of energy yesterday and needs to recover.” You mumble a thank you before grabbing eggs, milk, dried fruit and some oats for a decent cereal. With Pinkie visiting there should be pastries lying around, unless those gluttonous mares consumed it all. You decide to search for it as soon as they’re gone. “I can’t say for sure how many strokes it was, but I’m quite confident there were a lot more than any stallion in Ponyville has ever performed.” “But...” Twilight adds with a raised hoof. “They were very fast. Much, much faster than a normal penetration. It wasn’t like a stallion slouch who takes a break to grunt in your ear after each stroke.” “As quick as a dog?” Fluttershy looks at Twilight with big eyes, almost in shock. “I can’t say for sure, I just don’t have your experience. And I didn’t count beats per minute.” “I’ve seen different speeds at the farm, the smaller the animal, the faster it goes...” Applejack says, and falls silent before continuing, “Is that impregnation stick of his... very small?” “No, I believe it was just big as any other stallion. With a slight curvature in the shape.” Twilight shrugs her shoulders. Her scientific nature was back and she didn’t want to claim something false. It had felt huge and looked bigger than most, but she wanted to measure it before saying something she would later have to retract. “You said he always protects it with clothes since he can’t sheath it. We can measure it now?” Rainbow Dash once again jumps out from her chair, to daringly do what needs to be done, to uncover the human secret. “You can’t! It shrinks when not in use. You would have to interrupt him while he’s performing to measure it.” Rarity coughs politely to intercept the discussion with a suggestion of her own. “I know you have a measuring stick, but I can fetch a measuring tape suitable for curved objects?” “It’s not that curved!” Twilight sighs. “I clearly need to make charts and graphs for you to understand.” “To heck with those, I want first hoof experience!” Rainbow Dash says, as the predator close in on you. “Rainbow Dash!!” – Twilight’s stern yell interrupts the blue mare’s actions. “Thank you, Twilight.” you respond out of reflex. “You need to wear a cultural saddle. It’s the only way his libido can recognize a willing partner.” You try and mumble something about how that’s not entirely true, but your voice is drowned out by a loud groan from Rainbow Dash, followed by her vexed voice. “And where in Tartarus do you think I keep a saddle? I’m a Wonderbolt for crying out loud! Stallions stand in line for a chance to mount me. I don’t need a saddle!” “Here! You can borrow mine!” Twilight says, with a happy smile as she uses her magic to grab the saddle she used during today’s ‘Show & Tell’. Rainbow Dash gets hold of it as soon as it gets out from under the table, and starts strapping herself in. “Here, let me help you with that, sugarcube.” Applejack says, as Rainbow Dash struggles with the different straps. “Pegasi need to think of it as a yoke and not a saddle; to keep the wings free.” “Saddle announcing is demeaning.” Rainbow Dash grunts. “If I unzip my spandex and wink, stallions salute so fast you’ll see a sonic dickboom between their legs. I don’t need a saddle.” “And not only that, I’m strong enough to get my partner to join the mile-high club even with their wings locked-up from excitement. A super-sexy-strong pegasus like me is the finest trophy in Cloudsdale. I’m no ordinary Wonderbolt, I’m a Wonderbreed! Just like Spitfire.” Rarity had a perplexed look on her face as she caught the princess attention. “My darling Twilight! You make it sound as his pumping speed was a good thing? But isn’t it better to really enjoy the feeling of being filled, and exchange a loving word of devotion before the next incursion?” “It’s difficult to explain but I think the high speed helped overload the nerves.” “I think so too...” Fluttershy mumbles but only Pinkie sitting next to her hears it. It doesn’t stop Pinkie from rewarding the shy pegasus with an encouraging pat on the head. “Dear Twilight, I’m not saying you’re inexperienced, but perhaps you have yet to meet a stallion who combines love and romance in your bed, to show you the pinnacle of making love? You can’t use Big Mac as a reference for true lovemaking.” “Hey!” Applejack’s sour voice interferes. “I’ve... never been intimate with Big Macintosh.” Twilight huffed. “It’s true!” Applejack adds. “I thought all of us had been with Big Mac? So we can discuss our experience with a mutual reference.” Rarity drops her jaw in surprise, touching her cheek with her hoof to amplify the effect. “Well, I haven’t,” Twilight says. “I just don’t want to interrupt you when you make your assumptions. I’m sure I got a good picture from it as you often enough mix in ‘compared to Big Mac’ when retelling events.” Twilight looks miffed. Rarity and Fluttershy glance at each other. Pinkie Pie just smiles. Pinkie rarely interrupts discussions about sex. Sex is fucking serious and Pinkie found it hard to be serious. She giggles to herself... finding it hard... she snorts a little and keeps smiling. They all knew the bookhorse’s sexual experience was a sensitive topic, and they never centered their discussion on Twilight. With Twilight’s invitation to talk about her human adventure, Rarity had been unusually candid with Twilight. “I’m sorry darling, your experience with the human was absolutely riveting, so I just wanted to hear more. But please don’t let me push you. You should only let us know when you’re ready.” Rarity leans towards Twilight, for a comforting buss on her cheek, to emphasize her consolatory intentions. Twilight composes herself and puts on a smug smile, as she addresses everyone in the room. “A few days from now you will all get the opportunity to see me mounted in the glade of passion.” All jaws drop except Pinkie’s. Applejack and Rainbow Dash also stops adjusting the saddle. “During the heat of passion, Anon forced me to make a vow, that I will let him and whatever stallions he selects, breed me in every village and town in Equestria. The first stop will be here, but he will escort me all over Equestria.” Your main focus was on your breakfast at the kitchen counter. Ignoring the mares around the table. Now you realize they weren’t up to their usual gossip of horsy fantasies and revelations. You stop chewing your cereal to look at them. Applejack sensed Twilight’s words wasn’t entirely accurate and turned to look at you. “You forced her to make a vow?” “No!! I just talked about a science project–” “Science is serious business!” Twilight’s angry voice interrupts you. “So making plans for extensive research is a promise to science, and I’m forced to help in my dedication to knowledge.” “Well, Ah have no problems believing that.” Applejack says. “In public?” Fluttershy says with big eyes. “Yes, cultural saddles in the old day was very much about gathering the community’s attention in order to get a large sample to choose from. This also meant the final decision and its result was shown in public. Proper historical analysis demands that we conduct our research within an accurate context.” You quickly finish the last of your cereal; making plans to sneak out while they’re all in shock over Twilight’s revelation. “Wow! Twilight! I’m so impressed.” Rainbow Dash yells while Applejack makes a final check of the straps. Her wings lift her up and she hovers over the floor. Testing the saddle and how it fits as she continues. “You’re going all out, in every city in Equestria, no matter what types they contain?” “Well, every city that’s okay with it. Especially some smaller and more secluded may decline.” The pegasi makes a quick spin in the air, flaunting her avian precision, as she yells out: “I’m so proud of you! The nerdy egghead finally shows herself as a true mare, draining seed from every corner of Equestria.” “It’s for science!” Twilight adds in somber tone. “Whatever! I too have had weird reasons for many of my sexual adventures... and speaking of which.” With the speed of an arrow she appears in front of you. Hovering in the air with her face almost pressed to yours. “Hi there human! Come here often? Want to prance?” She stretches her body, front hooves up, hind hooves down, mimicking your bipedal upright position. She wiggles her tummy and its tight saddle straps in a barrel-belly-dance. You swallow hard, thinking of a suitable excuse. Something good. Like a headache. “Want to check out this saddle? Want to know what it means?” Dash spins around in the air, turning her back towards you. She floats in the air, a slight bucking curve to her back, as she closes in and presses the saddle to your chest, while slowly moving her wings. “I’m not sure he understands how to mate with someone airborne. He has no wings, you know.” Twilight’s voice calls out from the table. Dash instantly lands, pressing her posterior against your thighs. “So, it’s a nice saddle don’t you think? Maybe let those pants drop and show me what you got?” She turns around to sniff at your pants, nibbling at the fabric. She notices the bulge before you do. You realize that your dick once again proves to have a mind of its own. It has been increasing in size while you ogled the blue mare’s aerial dance. “You should probably slow down. Humans are easily intimidated by sexual advances. Just bending over and wink in the library doesn’t work on him.” Twilight’s friendly advice is mostly ignored by Rainbow Dash who has her muzzle between your legs. “This works just fine. I’m a Wonderbreed and not a bookhorse.” she mutters, but only you are close enough to hear. “They prefer mating within the confines of their nest. You may want to take him to his room. Out in the open he’s almost as cautious as Fluttershy.” “Oh, my...” Fluttershy exclaims. “We probably shouldn’t be watching?” “It’s okay; he needs to practice with an audience if he’s to partake when finalizing the promenade.” Twilight smiles. “Enough foreplay!” Rainbow Dash says with a stern voice. “Let’s start with the action someplace you’re comfortable.” She sweeps up behind you, puts her hooves under your arms and grabs hold over your chest. A second later you feel yourself hoisted off the floor as she lifts you up in the air. “Wow! He’s much heavier than he looks.” “Indeed!” Twilight says, as she clears her throat. “Humans are very high density. They are so heavy that if you drop them in water, they will sink.” The group around the table looks stupefied and with open jaws, except Pinkie, she vocalize an ooh and with a mouth to match. “The exact buoyancy is actually similar to water, but Anon here will sink to the bottom unless he flaps those limbs like a frog.” Twilight explains, using her lecture voice. “Ha! I love a challenge!” Rainbow Dash says, as you’re slowly flying towards the kitchen door. Most passages in the castle were wide enough for three ponies to walk side by side, but this door wasn’t that wide. You brace yourself for the crash. “I’ve prepared some charts and graphs on human density. I can show you comparisons to ponies from various tribes?” “That could explain why he initiated his lovemaking standing up behind you?” Rarity wonders. “If he’s very heavy, putting all that weight on the partner would be uncomfortable?” “It’s not that bad. It’s not as if he’s rubbing all that weight along your saddle and spine. He can move his pelvic area independent of his shoulders. The added weight is actually nice. Makes him feel larger.” “Ooh!” Pinkie Pie adds while Fluttershy blushes, reminded of her bear friend. Meanwhile Rainbow Dash carries you close to the ceiling, before diving towards the doorway, quickly accelerating. Her wings kept angled backwards as she clears the doorway with her precious cargo intact. She triumphs and revels over her own superiority and quickly picks up the pace. “Ha! Piece of cake! Even with all these primate limbs pointing at every direction at once.” Her speed is nothing to sneeze at, as she flies you upstairs, stopping for only a brief second to remind herself which guest room Twilight had assigned to the human, and then repeats the kitchen door maneuver to get both of you inside. With a quick kick from her hind hoof she slams the door shut before dropping you off on your bed. She smiles. You try and smile. You notice she’s awfully strong for a pony. . . . > 4: Its a bird! It’s a plane! No, it’s Superdash! > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- You sit on your bed, staring at Rainbow Dash as she walks around your room, nailing you with her eyes. She bucks her spine and wiggles her saddle. “You like this saddle, don’t you?” she says with a raunchy voice. “You get hot when a mare is strapped in to a horny breeding statement? Tied so hard it won’t come off, no matter what?” Her voice is sultry, dripping with passion, as her wings starts to slow-flap and she ascends. “You just love it when a mare floats through the sky, advertising her lewd offering for all the world to see?” She’s stretching her athletic muscular body around, as she slowly switches from one sensual pose to another. Leaving no part of her body to be imagined; keeping legs and tail apart, and her nether regions winking. “So, Anon, do you love the look of my saddle? Do you enjoy seeing a mare, marked to be mounted?” You nod. Not wanting to disturb her performance with words. “Do you think you can lean on this saddle, and use it to rein me in?” She makes it sound like a challenge. As if daring you to drag her down to your bed, and make battle with her, and her saddle. “You’re sexy...” is all you can think of. She really has her airborne stretching routine worked out. Like a gymnast in the Olympics, but with less bony human and more cuddly pony. “Why don’t you remove those silly garments, so we can have a look at each other?” she says as she slowly turns around in the air, striking yet another pose, floating upside down. She pretends to be lying on her back, on an invisible bed; her relaxed head hanging over the edge, looking hungrily at you; legs raised in the air, holding a V-shape, tail swishing below her from side to side like a rhythmic pendulum, setting a pace for your body to follow. She makes a reasonable request, so you quickly remove your pants. Revealing a body part now filled with blood. The blood that is usually reserved for your brain. “Ooh,” she smiles, “It’s actually impressive.” She moves blindingly fast, and in panic you scoot back. Triggered by reflex from her fast dash towards your crotch. You’ll never get used to how fast she can start and stop when flying. At least Twilight’s teleportation comes with glowing horn signals and stuff to alert you. “Easy there human,” she calms you down, “I just want to have close look.” She returns to her slow motion flying, spins around to upright position. Softly moving her nose towards your groin. She sniffs it from bottom to top. “A reeeally close look...” she says as she puts your erection between her hooves, to hold it steady. You lean back on a pile of pillows, supporting your dorsum, so you comfortably can keep an eye on Rainbow Dash. She’s hovering, face down, tail up, while she examines your male anatomy. She sniffs all around your erect pole, takes a long lick, and massages it with her hooves. Adding more licks from top to bottom, up and down with her thick soft tongue, carefully examining every part of its skin, and slathering it with her saliva. She tilts her face to the side, letting her wide grin match the angle of your dick. She puts your meat in her mouth sideways, as if she wants to taste the middle of it. Her tongue helps reel in your cock as she carefully clenches it between her teeth. Just a little at first, and then more, and more, and more. You’re happy her strength is in her wings and not her teeth. Those molars of her aren’t designed to cut, just grind, and after a hard squeeze she withdraws without doing any harm. She displays a big smile as she softly floats down to sit between your legs. Leaning back on her haunches and folding her wings. “Damn Anon, not only is your dick much denser and heavier than a stallion’s, it’s also much sturdier. I need to apologize to Twilight for doubting her. I bet it can do a thousand strokes without chafing.” You stare at her, finding it difficult to express your feelings. But you don’t need to. They can be seen in between your legs. “Wait, don’t tell her I said that! She gets so uppity when she’s right.” Rainbow Dash says. She stands up on all fours, and walks up, face to face, to stand over your body. Her head dives down and bites the pillows you have behind your back, pulling them away, one by one, leaving you lying flat on your back. She places her face close to yours. Surrounding your body with her hooves, as if to lock you in. “If you keep that a secret, I will give you another one in exchange.” she whispers to your face, as she takes a long wet lick all the way from your throat up to your ear. “Your dick is actually slightly larger than average. Not the largest by any means, but still, bigger than average. Now the heavy weight on the other hoof gets me reeeeaaally excited.” She licks your other ear; her slobbering tongue drilling its hot soft tip all over the cartilaginous ridges of your ear, sending a rippling effect through your body from its tickling. “You like that, do you? You have sensitive ears? Twilight says she doesn’t enjoy ear nibbling, but she’s a prude. Perhaps you’re about to change that? Her recounting of yesterday’s adventure was the hottest thing I’ve heard in a long time.” “Thank you... and Twilight...” you’re not used to being glorified as a sexual legend. “You’re hot too!” you try and compliment, but a shivering gasp makes you sound weak. Her thrilling wet slobbering of your ear, gives you weird sensuous sensations. She lowers her body to lie on top of you. Rubbing it slightly from side to side. Using that soft blue pelt of hers to tickle everything from your groin up to your chest. She entices you to move your head closer to hers, and as you do, she starts licking you ear again. The hot piece of blue meat grinding her soft fur across your naked body, and slobbering her juicy tongue over and inside your ear, almost overloads your sensory systems. Your hands grab her flanks, pushing hard on her cutiemarks to keep her hot body from moving so much. “Holy shit! That’s nice!” you gasp. You decide to act, and move your right hand to grip the top of her mane. Pushing her head down to your chest, so you can reach her ear with your mouth. You press your nose against her skull, moving it up and down, testing the contours beneath the fluff, before letting your nose push her ear flat against her fur, preparing it for what’s to come. “So you like nibbling ears, uh?” you whisper into the ear you’re about to attack. She moans in response. For a few seconds she stops grinding her body against yours before she starts moving again. Her sensitive teats pressing against your rough pubic hair, so perfect to tickle a young mare’s sensitive skin. Humans only have one prehensile muscle – the tongue – but it was strong. The stubby form made it appear even stronger. Now to teach RD that lesson, you push your wet tongue hard around her ear where the pelt was strong, while letting it dart quickly in and out in her more sensitive passages. Careful not to push hard in her fragile ear, while being rough and tough on the sturdy rim. You try to scare her a little; showing her what brutal strength your tongue possessed and how close the blue little adrenaline junky was to getting a painful shove to her sensitive inner ear. You hold her mane tight, keeping her head fixed in a vise-like grip, while your tongue molests her ear. You can hear her whimper as you work. You turn her head and move on to the other ear, repeating your assault. Once more she stops rubbing her body against yours, as her body trembles. Her panting breath matching the movements of your tongue. Her eyes closed, her gasps intense, she suddenly puts her fore hooves on your chest and pushes hard. You drop her mane as she sits on top of you. Her eyes roll around, and her heaving chest greedily sucks in all the air it can get. Her mouth hangs open, and a bit of drool escapes to land on your chest. “Anon, you have a wicked mean tongue! *pant* You really need to show that technique to Twilight. *pant* Teach her what a true tongue bath is all about.” You move your hands over her body. You can feel her well-defined muscles. If she didn’t have fur, and if she wasn’t a pony, she would definitely have abs with a six-pack. “I’ve never taken Twilight for a poet, but this morning she told some really cool stories about you.” She says while working hard to gain control of her breath. Sitting upright on top of you she starts grinding her bottom along your pelvic area. Using her leaking fluids to baste your groin, soon to be stuffed in her oven. She once again has that predator look in her eyes, before she eventually breaks up in a friendly smile. “So why not show me what those limbs are all about? Slither those snake-hooves across my skin... inside my mane... and my tail... and every other opening you can find.” Your hands wrap around her shoulders, sliding down over her wings, to press that wing-boner down and fold it against her back, before you hug her tight and roll over. Pressing her back down in to your bed. “Oh, I’ll show you!” you say. You place your knees between her legs, keeping her body pinned down for you to enjoy. Your left palm is pushing down on her chest, keeping her still, as your right hand tickles her neck, slowly letting your fingers move to dance upon her lips. “I’ll show you what these little softies can do, when they go all out on a hot mare.” You ignore her challenging laugh and start moving your fingers up and down her body. Keeping them rigid as a rake, nails down, along her strong muscles and thick hide. Instantly shifting to become soft fingertips along her sensitive areas. She huffs and hums from your treatment; occasionally slipping out a groan as her panting intensify. You lower your body and press your face against her warm chest, letting your hands slide around her body; one hand working her shoulders, the other working her lower spine and dock. She loves the massage, and the relaxing treatment. She also enjoys how you mix it with rubbing your groin against her lower tummy, and her snatch. Making her body switch back and forth between relaxed and tense as it triggers her clit. You raise your body, and move up to sit on top of her tummy. Pinning the mare down with your weight. Moving your left-hand fingers for a close inspection of her face, letting your digits wiggle around, pushing through her lips, touching her teeth, her gum, resting on her slobbering tongue. Meanwhile, your other hand searches the wet folds between her legs, doing similar movements, but in a different place. Both hands moving and resting in coordinated movements. Now as she is caught between your legs, and with your hands free to act, you start to deliver as many sensual sensations you can muster. Stroking as many erogenous zones as possible. Groping both her honeypot and mouth to confuse her emotions. Her muscular body ripples back and forth beneath you as you press your weight down to keep her steady. Increasing the tempo, especially across the vulva and the rim of her insides. As your slobbery fingers tickle her ears in between dipping themselves inside her mouth. She gets warmer, hotter, and the blue bundle of muscles keeps breathing faster and faster. Deep strong moans follow one another, with the force of a train chugging along the tracks. Her body is squirming beneath you, and you sense the package of dynamite will soon explode... so you double down to drive it home. Suddenly you’re lifted up in the air as a high-pitched nooooo escapes from her. As the body you ping down is tossed up, you lose your balance and fall to the side. Those weird wings of her don’t bend and move like wings should, and they had lifted her up from the bed with you on top. She’s crazy-strong with those wings. You knew it, everybody said it, but you couldn’t believe it until you experienced it. “Enough!!” she shouts, sweating and panting, with that predator look on her face; no longer a cozy little mare pinned down beneath you. “I’m not letting myself get done by a simple hoof-job. That would be demeaning!” she grins. She moves forward and let her front-hooves topple you over. Sitting on top of you, she rubs her nether region against your dick, trying to get it to spear her wet pussy, the only truly soft part on her muscular body. Her grin turns to annoyance as your phallus slips from side to side without her managing to get it inside. You grab it with your hand to keep it steady, before she gets angry. She’s shaking with excitement, barely able to control herself. You don’t want a crazy-strong mare on top of you to lose her temper. She plunges down and lets her tight snatch engulf your member. Closing her eyes, feeling its mass filling her up. She slowly gyrates her bottom while fully impaled. Feeling it whisking around her insides. “That heavy mass really does make it feel bigger than it is,” she sighs with closed eyes. “Twilight forgot to mention that while she was busy raving about your tentacle-hooves.” She’s damn hot, and you want to start pumping her, so you move your hands down to her flanks. Trying to start the motion to churn her lotion. “Not so fast!” she says as you try to move her posterior up and down your erection. “Wrap your right limb all around me, and attach your claw to the other side of the saddle.” You do as she says. Letting your arms wrap around her and your fingers push in under the rim of the saddle. “Now take your other limb and wrap it over my ass. Push your claws through the dock and tail, to make sure it doesn’t slide away.” You follow her instructions and hold her in a tight grip, ready to start grinding your bodies together. “Yeah, yeah, I know your hooves ain’t claws. I wouldn’t let you push them down my dock if they were.” she grins, before embracing you in a hug. Feeling her hot chest pressed tight against yours, you can sense the rapid beating of her heart when you hold your breath. She adjusts her limbs, making sure to get them under your arms and legs, to properly support them. “Hold on!” she whispers in your ear, as you hug her tight, nuzzling her neck with your nose. Suddenly her wings come to life, and you’re both lifted up in the air. The ample height to the ceiling never made sense before, considering ponies aren’t very tall. “Come on stud! Show me what you can do!” She calls out as you hover above the bed. You hang on tight with arms and legs wrapped around her; focusing on keeping yourself inside, but as she angles your intermingled bodies to a more vertical position it becomes easier. Easier for you that is, while she’s working hard with wings and limbs to make this happen. You start grinding your body against hers, moving your meat along her insides in the process. She tilts her body slightly backwards, making it even easier for you, while making it harder for her. Her heavy exertion only entices her more. An arduous challenge she forces herself to overcome. Her squishy pussy is hot. Her sweaty body is warm. Her wings rapidly moving the air around, brushing the musky smell of her body all around the room. “That’s it! Keep climbing me you dirty monkey!” she says. You press down on her rump letting yourself slide out a bit more, before your hand press down so hard on her ass you fear she may be hurt. “Yeah! That’s the spirit!” she pants. “Keep pumping the awesome mare you caught. Fill her up, flood her womb, occupy her eggs before she can fly away!” The little energetic weasel wobbles a bit back and forth in the air, getting your bodies vertical, but you’re not letting go. It’s time to seal the deal, and you put more energy into each thrust. Gasping with open mouth, pushing your face into her neck, tasting that sweaty mare with your tongue, gently biting her neck. “Lucky ape to catch and hold a Wonderbreed!” she gasps, while you keep pumping her. “Lucky ape to invade such a precious prize!” she moans, while you fight to penetrate deeper. She’s starts to whimper in between her moaning. Clenching her eyes shut while her tongue hangs out, dripping frothing saliva in your face. You reach up to kiss her, while pushing harder. “Sooo GOOOD!” her raspy voice, hoarse from all the panting, exhales into your face. You respond by letting the little blue fuck have it all, as you press her tight and start flooding the mare with your cream. “I can feel it...” her husky voice yells out, “I feel yooo-” The muscles in her vagina spasm, catching your cock in a vise-like grip. Rippling muscles draining it of every single drop. Simultaneously her wings freezes, she topples forward a bit, ends up on top, before you both plunge. For a split second you brace yourself for impact by hugging her as hard as you can, to keep filling her up no matter what. Pressing the air out of her lungs. You crash down on the soft bed, you below, and Rainbow Dash on top. Knocking some air out of your lungs. You feel great. You hold her tight; using your hand on her dock to move it around on your erection, making sure it’s utterly spent before letting her go. Her body quakes from lingering spasms. Her steaming warm body struggling in the aftermath of what happened. She’s panting heavily with closed eyes. She looks exhausted, completely spent, and her soft smile is as far from a predator as you could ever imagine. . . . > 5: Got fast place & won troph (Epilogue to Ch. 4) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rainbow Dash lies draped over you, on her back, wings spread out, legs spread out, using your abdomen as a pillow. Smiling at the ceiling. “I’m awesome!” her exhausted voice whispers. You’re too tired to respond. Thinking about it, you’re too tired to even care. “I mean, you’re awesome too! But I managed to keep your heavy body airborne for the entire time, and you did a huuuge amount of strokes.” she marvels over her own superiority. “Did you count them?” “No, I did not.” you yawn, yearning for some rest. “Me neither. We should have Twilight count them!” you hear her plan for the future. “It must be a world record. Keeping a heavy alien in the air for that many strokes. I’ve really earned my Wonderbreed title. Not like Fleetfoot who got it by a fluke. Only Spitfire is a worthy competitor.” “You’re the best flying machine I’ve ever fucked.” you say, while you pat her chest affectionately. Her face shines like the sun from your praise. You couldn’t decide what type of pillow talk you preferred. Rainbow Dash was way too cocksure but at least she didn’t make plans one year ahead. “Yeah, I’m the best flyer you ever gonna fill! And although technically not true, you are pretty much a member of the mile-high club.” she says. “Even though you crashed in the end.” you mumble. The package of soft pony body resting on top of you, turns into a rigid pack of bricks as she tense up, and twists her neck to look at you. “I SWEAR, it has NEVER happened before!” she yells right at your face. Her gaze locks your eyes while staring at you, as if life and death depended on it. “I don’t know what happened... That’s NOT me! I have perfect control over my wings. Always have!! Always will!!” She keeps staring at you. Breathing rapidly with every muscle in her body ready to act if need be. “I know, I know,” you try to calm her with a soothing voice. “If we actually had been a mile up it would just have been a tiny dive, and then we would have rebounded. I’m sure of it.” “Yeah! Exactly...” she says and relaxes again. It’s quiet for a while and you almost manage to doze off. Suddenly Rainbow Dash pulls in her wings and turns her body around. Scooting up to get her head pressed to your face. “Don’t tell anypony my wings locked up, ok?” she whispers in your ear. “Ok, I won’t.” “Thanks!” she says with a big smile as she kisses your cheek. “But I wonder about one thing though...” She perks up and looks at you. “Why that weird sex position? I couldn’t do any hard thrusts to... mangle your prize.” “Pft! I can pick and choose anypony I want. I’ve challenged the biggest, and it’s overrated. Any mare can clench her teeth and push through some massive mauling pole, and for an experienced milf it’s barely a struggle. But to do it in a danger-zone or mile-high over Canterlot, now that’s a challenge.” You lay silent for another minute before she suddenly jumps up on all fours. “We must go down and tell them we’re finished!” “You go, I stay here.” you say. “Don’t be silly!” she snorts as she hugs your left arm and starts pulling you out of bed. Flying slightly over the floor as she drags your body towards the door. “Wait! Wait! I need my pants.” “Why? Your dick isn’t sensitive like a stallion’s; it can surely manage without protective cover in the kitchen.” “No it can’t!” you sneer. Rainbow Dash rolls her eyes, while patiently waiting for you to put on your pants. Two minutes later you’re almost at the kitchen. “Ta-dah!” you hear Rainbow Dash cheer from the kitchen. She moved too fast in the end, and reached it ahead of you. As you step inside, you see them gathered around the table with their teacups. “Tell them what you told me.” She nudges you with a hoof. “Uh?” “The one about me being the best...” she hints. “Oh, yeah, you’re the best flying machine I’ve ever fucked.” Rainbow Dash proudly basks in what she believes to be glory. You on the other hand interpret their attention as confusion. “Flying machine?” Twilight raises an eyebrow. “Yeah, it means I’m awesome!” Rainbow Dash explains to everyone. “Will you help me off with this contraption?” Rainbow Dash asks Applejack as she struggles to remove the saddle. She finds it problematic to undo the straps with her hooves and wings; and she can’t properly reach them with her mouth. “Sure, sugar-cube.” Applejack says as she moves up to Rainbow Dash. “Perhaps I’ll strap myself in?” “You totally should! I can recommend it. He’s one hundred percent Rainbow Dash approved.” she turns around to look into your eyes, “As long as he doesn’t let his yapper speak too much.” “I’m tired though. I should go back and get some rest.” you announce with a theatrical yawn. “What about me?” Applejack blurts out. “I’m sorry, but Anon has to rest. He’s been busy two days in a row.” Twilight intervenes. “The only stallion in Ponyville who can get it up every day is your brother. You should talk to him.” “I’ve always offered my brother to you, why can’t you give Anon to me?” “Because taking care of a human is a big responsibility; it’s not something you can toy with. Ask Fluttershy! She knows more about nurturing pets than anypony else.” “She’s right you know.” Fluttershy mumbles, but only Pinkie hears it and nods her approval. “Yeah, he needs to rest. I need him for a trip to Cloudsdale where he will join the mile-high club.” “Out of the question.” you say, trying to mimic Twilight’s calm and assertive conduct. “He needs to focus his time on studying cultural saddles across Equestria.” Twilight chimes in. “But it’s for sciiieence.” Rainbow Dash pleads. “You’re no scientist!” You and Twilight echo together. “I am! But I don’t study sex, like you do. I study aerial capabilities and physical performance under different types of stress.” “Hmm...” Twilight says while pondering the words. “I’m not going.” you state flatly. “But we can add a safety net? It’s important we get a chance to compare me with Spitfire, so we can finally see which one of us is the best Wonderbreed. You don’t have to do Fleetfoot. She’s not even close to being number one.” “That does it!” Twilight says, “Anon will not indulge in any other science projects before he’s finished with his current. You should always finish what you started.” You nod vigorously at first, but quickly slow down, as you remember what your current research project actually entails. Rarity discreetly clears her throat, as she with a not so discreet sweeping gesture, throws back her mane to get the attention. “I’m not a scientist, but perhaps Anon can help me with a cultural exposé regarding the form and style of the saddle? I was thinking of making some designs of my own, while keeping the cultural base and the message intact.” “I’m listening.” Twilight says. Now acting as your manager in all saddle-related errands. “I would need his expertise to make sure any improved and modernized designs still convey the initial message across all tribes. Have him evaluate different prototypes and discuss them.” “Just talk?” Twilight verifies. “Nothing but dialogue and exchange of knowledge.” she says with a comforting hoof on Twilight’s shoulder. “It’s a deal!” Twilight smiles. “I will organize his calendar to book a time when you two can meet.” You’re surprised the purple pimp didn’t bother to ask you, but then again, she always considered you and everything you did her personal responsibility. Her castle – her rules, as you’ve been told ever since you arrived to Ponyville. “So when is the parade?” Pinkie asks. “Still waiting for response from Mayor Mare, but I would guess three days from now. We will declare intent and show readiness for one-two hours, and since Ponyville isn’t a big settlement, we will do several laps before ending up in the Glade of Passion. Starting in the afternoon and done by the evening.” “Ooh! That will be perfect!” Pinkie jumps up from her seat. “Then we can have the promenade party right after your breeding. You and Anon will be guests of honor and everypony can get a closer look.” “Good idea, Pinkie! The ribbon that unites us during the walk, could be kept even during the party, so everyone can inspect the arrangement and discuss the details. And I can prepare charts and graphs!” “Oh, my...” Rarity says while blushing. “Are you really going to let all of Ponyville get a chance to touch and nibble him?” Twilight’s smile freezes as she imagines the scene. As the cogs turn in her head she quickly objects: “No, no, no! Definitely No! It will be just like in a museum. Only look – no touching. I’ll put up signs all around him.” A murmur of approval escapes the gathered mares, loud enough to cover up your desperate groan. . . . > 6: A Ponyville Promenade > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Twilight is giddy with excitement. She had spent all day preparing herself. She wore her cultural saddle, her crown, embellished leg warmers, ribbons and ornaments. Rarity had styled her from hoof to tail, topping it with a fluffy coiffure, perfect for the occasion. Twilight felt so primped, so pretty, maybe even beautiful. “How do I look?” Twilight asks you for the tenth time. “You look amazing.” You say for the tenth time. Trying to sound as convincing as you did the first time. For the tenth time she soaks up your praise, enjoying every single syllable, as if it was a prophecy dictating she would live happily forever after. She tries to look regal, but ends up looking cute, as she lets out a giggle. The parade will soon begin, and you do everything you can to support her. If a white lie was needed to boost her courage, then so be it. The truth was you preferred her without any clothes or jewelry at all. If dressed up Twilight looked amazing, then Twilight au naturel was the epitome of astonishing. You sigh as your mind starts to drift. Reminiscing the purple pony naked in bed, for you to spoon. Wrapped up in your strong arms, pressing her warm purple body tight; feeling her breathing softly in her sleep, that was truly a mare to hug and behold. “Are you listening?” she says in a serious tone. No longer giggling. “Yeah... yes I am. Sure!” you quickly respond, trying to figure out what she’s talking about. “You look amazing!” you eventually add as she nails you with a hard stare. Putting a bit more effort into your smile than you did a minute ago. The seconds go by while she fixes you with a stern look. In return you show her your most disarming smile. Inside your head, your anxiety is growing. Not the pop quiz – not the pop quiz – please no questions to verify you heard her; is the thoughts you struggle to hide. Her strict appearance breaks down in a smile, as she closes her eyes, and waves her tail around. “Okay then,” she says, as she flicks her tail up over her saddle in a squirrel pose. “But perhaps I should wear the wing harness?” “Just keep them clutched to your body and the wings won’t be in the way.” “Easy for you to say. You don’t have any wings, and I wasn’t born with mine,” she snorts. “And I’ve changed my mind since yesterday’s rehearsal. You should hold the band with your teeth.” “No!” you say, doing your best to sound calm and assertive. “All the books agree the band should be attached to my necklace, halter or around my neck, and the chaperon will show their role by holding it in their mouth. So as a chaperon you must do it.” “I can’t speak and bite down on something at the same time. I don’t have pony-mouth-dexterity.” you complain. “Yesterday we walked around in the castle for two hours, so I’m confident my hands will work, but biting it won’t.” Twilight tries to mutter how irritating you can be with your obstinacy, but she’s too excited about the promenade to do it convincingly. She drops the argument and looks at the castle front door. It will take her to Ponyville, and the procession she’s about to embark upon. With a quick flick of her tail, she puts it down in the proper position. She puffs herself up, challenging the front door with a stare. She lowers her head and scratches her right hoof on the floor, three times. You recognize her little pre-charge pep-talk. “Ok, let’s do this!” she huffs. You take a deep breath and walk up to the door. Twilight will not fly or use magic during the promenade, keeping it tribe neutral, so you open the door for her. Twilight moves out, on to the paseo leading up to her castle, brimming with delight. It’s time for her to show a reproduction ritual as old as the cultural saddle itself. It’s Twilight lecture time – big time. –*–*–*– The regal princess walks proudly in the afternoon sun. The weathermares have given her lovely weather and dry air. Princess Twilight is leading the way, and you follow behind, holding the band as a leash. Except it had hemstitch and embroidery making it an ornament, and was much too fragile to tug and lead. The further along the walkway she got, the more it dawned on her. Ponies weren’t just curious about the saddle. They were massively interested in every aspect of this event. Where the path to the castle turned into Ponyville’s main street, she could see hundreds of ponies waiting for her. She froze in her step. Standing perfectly still. Staring at the huge mob of ponies who had come to look at her. They were supposed to be spread out all over town, as they always were. Conducting their usual chores, while taking a brief pause to admire Twilight as she walked by. Her carefully prepared crowd-map clearly showed that they would come out in greater numbers than usual, but at their regular spots, close to work. They weren’t supposed to form a large gang. Not now, not until they formed an audience in the glade. “You should never stop moving your legs, you know.” your cheerful voice tries to nudge her on, but Twilight doesn’t acknowledge your words. “You can move with tiny steps when listening to offerings, almost walk in place, but you must never stop.” You happily repeat the words she told you at least two dozen times during yesterday’s rehearsal. “You lead!” Twilight hissed in between clenched teeth, still staring at the crowd. “Nah, that’s not how we rehearsed it.” “You!! Lead!!” Twilight scolded while turning her head to stare at you. “But if I lead, then I will be the one to grant or deny access. But I don’t know these stallions, or your pony preference, so I can’t lead.” you smirk, enjoying her stage fright to the fullest. “Maybe we can tell everyone to wait, while I fetch AJ or Rarity?” You saw it in her angry eyes. She was furious. She didn’t enjoy your babble. You saw her eyes turning into milky white beacons of light. Her mane and tail starting to flow in a similar manner to Celestia’s and Luna’s. Oh-oh!! Her horn flooded you with massive energy as a crushing grip enveloped your body and forcefully moved you up in the air. Two seconds later you were abruptly positioned in front of her. The massive energy keeping you immobilized in a vise-like grip. “You... lead!” she hissed once more. Only once before had you seen her invoke all of her magic like that. At peak level she lacked full control, and it was both dangerous and scary. You didn’t want her to do it again. “I lead!” you quickly tell her. “I’ll lead, I will lead... don’t worry sweetie, I got this.” Her horn calms down, and the magic fades away, leaving you to stand on your own. You take a couple of deep breaths as you turn towards the crowd and start walking. –*–*–*– The citizens of Ponyville were surprisingly polite. They all wanted a close look, but you didn’t hear any whispering mumbles, crude comments or snide remarks as you passed by. It was as if they wished Ponyville to host a dignified procession to this unique happening. You considered Twilight a prissy princess, and perhaps they did too? Being mindful of their manners and polite for her sake. None of the books described lewd audience behavior, but you had secretly been looking forward to sultry comments and innovative cat calls – or pony calls – or whatever lustful cheers they may do. But this audience was a lot better behaved than you would expect. Perhaps they would loosen up on the second lap? You hoped they would. You glance at Twilight. A most unusual and interesting sight to behold. Her stoic appearance, head held high, trying to hide all of her emotions. She wasn’t constantly looking around, smiling and nodding, as she had been doing during rehearsal. You could sense her being nervous, struggling to shut out everything around her. It was a shame really. Ponies had taken time to bring out various decorations. Adorned the houses, various landmarks and the local fountain, pimping it with garlands and flower arrangements. It was a pity if Twilight didn’t take time to appreciate it. Streamers with celebratory messages showed their enthusiasm, but Twilight wasn’t reading it. Staring at your back instead of the crowd. The ponies knew exactly what path you were going to take. With Twilight’s meticulous plans in collaboration with Mayor Mare, this wasn’t a surprise to you. But it was surprising that so many ponies knew all about it. The time Twilight had forced you to memorize the path, had been a waste of time, as ponies formed an alley for you to follow. You walk slowly between lines of gawking ponies, as a stallion breaks from the crowd and steps into your path. He bows his head as he meets your gaze. “I’m willing!” he nervously announces, keeping his head low, peering up. You weren’t supposed to lead, so you’re pretty clueless on how to judge and select. You have a vague memory of Twilight talking endlessly, about everything, during your rehearsal. Including a verbal essay on choices and criteria, but you hadn’t been listening. Twilight was supposed to field the applicants and give the answers. She was a princess, a figure of authority, and capable of making her own decisions. You were supposed to follow behind, and make observations... of her behind. So that’s what you had been doing during rehearsal. “We will meet at the Glade.” you say to the stallion. Confirming he passed the first selection and was in the finals. When they later arrived to the Glade of Passion he could be chosen to breed the princess. No need for him to ask again, he disappears into the crowd. You keep walking, following the path Twilight mapped out. Going at a slow pace, so your five laps will take between one and two hours. It was bad to do more than five laps, or more than two hours, because that would seem desperate. Still on the first lap, you see another stallion step up. A brutish woodcutter you knew as Jack Lumber, brimming with confidence. The strong type who could make an intellectual mare swoon by being such a great complement to her secluded library life. As a chaperon you must now take your assignment seriously. “Sadly, not at this time!” you tell him loud and clear as the day. Hopefully to keep him away forever. You wouldn’t let your pretty princess get anyway near such treacherous temptations. You walk down the street; you walk up the street, reaching one corner of the city, moving towards the next. More stallions appear, and explain how they’re willing. Often without expanding on the subject. You deny them all. You vaguely remember seeing a few of them, but you don’t know any of them. The standard apologetic phrase came natural now, and with more politeness than the woodcutter got. You had now visited the edges of the planned path and were soon back to where you started. With the first lap almost finished, you finally recognize some old friends. The Sugarcube Corner was the only shop you visited voluntarily and Mr. and Mrs. Cake frequently let you sample various goods, curious to learn what humans liked. Mrs. Cake looked happy as Mr. Cake took a few steps up, standing in your path with a big smile. “I, Carrot Cake, am willing and would be honored, to serve as breeder.” He bows deeply. “We will meet at the Glade.” you say with a cheerful voice. Happy to give him a chance. He looks shocked as you slowly walk by. Mrs. Cup Cake’s face mirrors his surprise. He scuttles back to stand with his wife. They give each other a nervous smile as they recollect themselves. Twilight stares at your back. Or maybe your ass. It’s hard to tell. Her entire visage appears frozen. You have no idea if she’s trying to look regal or if she’s busy fighting her nerves. Well, it’s not your problem. Your problem comes later, when she gives you ‘constructive criticism’. Your second lap had just started, and the stuck up rich guy appears in your way. He makes a courteous bow and says, “I’m willing to sire the princess.” You’re tempted to laugh at him. Maybe even point and laugh while picking up the pace. Any pony ignored, or left without a proper answer, perhaps missed because several asked at the same time, could ask again on the next lap. It would be fun to see if Filthy Rich felt too humiliated to dare ask again. Then you remembered Twilight disliked Filthy Rich. Not as much as you did, but considering she loved everypony, it could be fun to make his day and her nightmare. “We will meet at the Glade.” you tell Filthy while glancing at Twilight. You think you can spot her jaws clenching, but it’s hard to tell. Oh, boy would she be pissed if you let Filthy mount her. That would be fun as heck. Yet another stallion appears, but you have no idea who it is. “I’m willing to do my duty!” he says, sounding patronizing. Then go home and do your duty; you refrain from telling him. This event is important to Twilight, so with as much honor and gratefulness your voice can muster you reply, “Sadly, not at this time.” During the second lap you try and get Twilight to notice the banners and streamers. You want to make sure Twilight sees the one outside the Gentlecolts Club: You do your thing – And we do your ‘Thing’. “Cool streamer!?” you whisper aimlessly above Twilight’s head. You’re not supposed to talk to each other during the event, but some streamers will make an interesting topic in later conversations. Some oddball pegasus steps up. He’s a previous visitor to the castle, and you know he doesn’t live in Ponyville. Yet it’s easy for a Wonderbolt to get here, so you’re not surprised to see several pegasi in the crowd you’ve never seen before. “I’m willing to serve the princess.” he says while bowing deeply. You remember him as a friend to Rainbow Dash and can’t help wonder if he’s just as egocentric. Then again, having a couple of famous ponies in the line-up can’t hurt. “We will meet at the Glade.” you tell him. Halfway along the second lap, you notice a mare and her son, moving strategically to interfere with your promenade. Or rather she’s moving strategically, dragging the colt along. You recognize her coat and her cutie mark. You’ve met her a few times and considering how lewd she is, it’s a mystery she only has one child. She practically pushes her son to take the needed steps to be in your way. “I- I’m w-willing!” he stutters. You struggle with your facial muscles, giving it your best poker face. With Twilight on a mating table, he would need a stool to stand on. You look at the princess. Seeking her eyes now more than ever before. Curious if she will break the rules and speak up. Her steely eyes indicates she won’t talk, and you give up trying to get a response. “Sadly, not at this time.” you tell the colt, who happily runs back to his mom. She gives him a hug and a kiss for his effort. You can hear her voice explain that he took an important step today, towards becoming a stallion. Over an hour goes by as you keep walking, admiring the scenery they prepared. You also admire the tenacity of the local stallions. You’re sure you’ve denied at least four scores by now. You were supposed to take notes and statistics for your research, but with the sudden change in role, you forgot all about it. Soon the final lap will begin. Another face you recognize appears along the bystanders. He looks scared; or confused. It’s hard to tell. He looks like he doesn’t know how to proceed. He’s known as the silent type, but you’ve spoken to him a lot. He just never speaks when mares around, because he doesn’t want to interrupt. Big Mac barely steps forth and not close enough for a proper announcement. With Big Mac as an old friend to Twilight, it’s perfect complement to Mr. Cake, as an old friend of yours. You marvel over your own fairness, handling invitations to Twilight’s inner sanctum with such wisdom. “Ah am...” he starts. “We will meet at the Glade.” you cut him short. No point in trying to get him to speak a full sentence in public. You keep ambulate along your designated path, embarking on your last lap. Most of your spectators have retreated to the Glade, looking for a good place to sit, and you walk your princess the last stretch without interruptions. As the final lap ends, you beeline towards the Glade. The saddle ceremony soon to be settled. The entrance to the glade appears in front of you. The promenade was entertaining, but now the real fun begins. You smile in anticipation of the upcoming spectacle. The ribbon between you and Twilight is stretching taught as the distance between you increase. You notice Twilight is slowing down, struggling with each step. Her firm unfaltering face isn’t betraying her emotions, but her smaller steps are. You pretend not to notice. The Glade of Passion looks packed. From the outside you can only see the slopes, the ground level being hidden by hedges, but the slopes with its makeshift terraces are filled. Not that suprising, considering the local celebrity was doing the walk. A narrow pergola serving as a gateway through the thick wall of foliage, marks the entrance to the Glade of Passion. Hiding the lewd acts on the other side, from prying eyes on the outside. You smile at Twilight as you coax her to continute. Looking forward to what’s about to happen. . . . > 7: Handing her over (NTR) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- As you stepped inside the Glade of Passion, dragging Twilight along, you notice it wasn’t just the slopes that were filled with ponies. Ponies were densely packed also around the podium, while still keeping a respectable distance from the center. The mating table in this glade was a block of stone. The top surface had been pedantically polished and had refurbished fresco on the sides. Making it fit for a king to have dinner, or for a mare to be served. The so-called table looked more like a bench. It was low, but wide, and could in theory serve three mares side by side, but in Ponyville it never did. If for some reason more than one pair wanted to use it, they waited for the others to finish. The table’s purpose was to aid the mare in standing up. The mare resting her body would never risk falling and thus failing. It would be very dishonorable to call upon the community for aid, and then fail to stand up. A mare whose knees buckled during coitus, making her fall over, was showing weakness, quite the opposite of winking. A typical stallion would go flaccid, and help her, instead of pound her. Falling over was very rare, but it could happen during an orgasm. Usually when magic residue in the stallion’s seed entered the womb, causing a tickling sensation, sending the mare over the edge. But by then it didn’t matter if she fell. Her womb had been filled, and the deed was done. The stallion was finished, and the mare was loaded. A good time for her to lie down, and let the mares still standing get filled. But this event was different. During a breeding ceremony, more than one pair of balls would often be called upon to fill the mare. So that’s why a table was used. It was an easy way to ensure the mare could keep showing strength, until she had enough. You think you may have forgotten something, and looking out over the audience you remember. Twilight wants you to count all observing stallions and mares for statistics. With so many ponies here, you decide it’s best to forget. You bring Twilight to the table. She’s nervous; she’s trembling, but hides it well. According to rehearsal she would rear up and slide her front legs over it. It would seem she remembered that part, as she moves up and over. It wasn’t a big table, and she was big enough for all four hooves to touch the ground, even if just barely. While Applejack the previous year had used a tight sturdy bridle, with bits and all, Twilight wanted something less kinky, and wore a loose hackamore, more of a halter. It was mostly a fashion statement, with ornamental decorations, but you still attach it to the pole in front of the table, as a sign she is ready to begin. Now you remembered what you had forgotten. You were supposed to scrutinize the invited stallions to ensure they had arrived, and were in good shape, before putting her in position. Well, Twilight was supposed to do it since she was supposed to lead. The stallions selected stood together, forming a line in front of the table. With Twilight in position, they stood face to face with her. Looking into her eyes, seeking contact. While Twilight looked up, avoiding it. You walk along the six stallions. They are all more or less unsheathed. Showing they know why they’re here, and announce their readiness. You stop in front of each one to inspect him, and with mutual silence confirm the decision. A mere formality, supposed to be done by Twilight in the lead, before moving up on the table. Two of them you didn’t know their names. Neither do they tell you when you look them in the eye. Well, that would exclude them from being called. Or maybe you could sneak up and ask their names while another was busy with Twilight? The Wonderbolt was Soarin. You may have remembered it eventually, but the pegasi fans shouting ‘Soarin rocks!’ during inspection sure helped. The locals didn’t appreciate the antics, but you did. Pony names are easy to forget. Big Mac, red and bulky, looked calm, while chewing on a twig. Chewing gum in class wasn’t allowed, but chewing twigs without class, was okay. Well, he was no prince charming, that’s for sure. Mr. Rich looks confident. You look confident too. Twilight was still hiding her thoughts. This could be hilarious for everyone except her. You keep moving before your smile starts showing. Mr. Carrot Cake looks nervous. Perhaps the only one as nervous as Twilight? You resist an urge to pat him on the head and tell him to calm down. Perhaps a pairing of the nervous Cake with nervous Twilight would result in a nervous start? Or they would make a perfect match? You move to Twilight. Trying to remember how she had planned this. It wasn’t easy since you only cared about your own job and not hers. On top of that she didn’t just talk about how it should be done. She also mentioned hundreds of different possibilities for how it could be done, mixed in with various anecdotes and historical context. Two things you clearly remember: You would go first to warm her up, and you would go last, and announce her exhausted; while Twilight was pretending she was ready for more. The act was to show how a common chaperon could veto the wishes of the mare, even a princess. Everything else was lost in a sea of information about what choices a mare had when selecting breeders, presuming anyone offered to help. Twilight had been worried her status may be intimidating and none would be willing. She had worried and fretted about doing the entire walk without a single interruption, and what a failure that would be. You bet this outcome was quite a surprise. You take a closer look at your poor princess. She hadn’t said a word since you commenced. Now when the breeding was about to start, she was taking small quick breaths, almost hyperventilating, staring aimlessly, keeping her ears forward, while her tail was pressed down so hard it looked anything but regal. Well, you could always start with the warm-up. You had become pretty good at warming her up. It was one of the few things you gladly rehearsed. You step up behind her and start your inspection. Leaning over her, checking her saddle, pulling and tugging it, to show the audience what a tight fit it was. “You’re a good girl!” you encourage her, as you pat her affectionately between her saddle and tail. Her body recoils from your touch, before she eventually raises her tail, but not enough to make it inviting. She’s nervous, frantically clutching the table beneath her, she needs more encouragement. You scratch the area between saddle and dock. Rubbing her fur along her spine, and hip, towards the dock. You keep all ten fingers stiff as you start scratching her haunches. Vigorously alternate between tickling and squeezing that lavender rump of hers, before moving your hands down to her legs, over her thighs and finally in between her legs. “You’re beautiful. By far the loveliest princess in the world. Pristine purple, pure bliss, whose raised tail invokes dreams of the promised land for every stallion who beholds it.” you put as much passion in your voice as you can muster. Letting your smooth talk and brisk hands get her ready to be mounted. She’s still tense. You test with a finger, and while it may be damp enough for penetration, it’s far from moist enough for a comfortable sloppy churn. Usually she would be quite wet by now. But usually you would be someplace private and not with hundreds of ponies looking. You need to distract her from the audience, give her something else to think of, surprise her. You kneel down, getting your face close to her vulva; you drag your nose along the entrance before shoving your entire face in there to motorboat her. Trying to use your tongue to draw out her hidden clit in the process. A loud gasp goes through the audience as you do. You quickly look around, mares are blushing profusely, stallions look shocked. You vaguely remember something about ponies being very puritan when it comes to sex. You’re not sure if this would turn Twilight on, or if the display would cause her to panic, so you go back to work her body with your hands. The cultural saddle books were the closest thing to porn in the entire library, and the sex in those was all about procreation. You’re not sure what kinks you can use to get her juices flowing. You resume using your fingers, searching her folds and edges to touch as many nerves as possible. At least you no longer have to push away the tail. You leave your right hand in her sex, while moving up on her side to get closer to her ear. You let your left hand wiggle its way inside her mouth. Using your actions as a cover, your face pushes into her mane, as close to her ears as possible. Setting you up for your best ventriloquism act ever. “Oh my, I can’t believe so many have come to attend your lecture.” you say while your right hand rubs her pussy. “You’re the best teacher they ever had, they have never before been so interested in learning. Just look at them up on the slopes, taking notes, preparing reports, thinking up flash cards.” your voice full of admiration. You notice she loosens up a little, relaxing a bit more. She’s not supposed to give you any signals, but she starts sucking your fingers. You take it as a sign she believes she’s ready to proceed. But you’ve had her in your bed, and you know she can do better. “This lesson will be remembered forever. All the ponies here will inspire work groups, authoring reports, writing essays on this lecture. They are going to write books about it! Books!! Think Twilight, think of all the book titles. Think of the books detailed artwork and foldouts. The books about this day, will be in every library in the Kingdom. You, my sweet teacher, will be in every library in Equestria.” She utters a loud moan and closes her eyes. Her shallow breathing is replaced with heavy panting. Her tail rises high and proper. Her marehood winking properly, showing her clit, and she’s so juiced up you can easily slide in four of your fingers, and press down to hit her G-spot. She’s in the mood. Eyes clenched shut, breath is fast but deep. Her body no longer shivering in fear, but trembling in anticipation. She’s no longer on the chopping block in a scary ritual, but resting comfortably on a pedestal, wiggling and begging, hoping for someone to breed her. You stand up, your right hand letting go of her behind, but keeping your left hand in her mouth. Twilight keeps sucking your fingers, still having her eyes closed. Your right hand starts playing with her ears. Making your fingers useful, now when they can’t work her behind. Twilight notice how you stand up, and turn away from her, leaving only your left hand in her mouth. She opens her eyes, glance around, and end up looking straight ahead at the six waiting stallions. The show has enticed them, and in front of her were six stallions with raging hard-ons. Ready to jump her at her chaperon’s discretion. She quickly clenches her eyes shut again, frantically sucking your fingers like a pacifier. “I call upon Big Macintosh, to accept his offer.” you call out for everyone to hear. Twilight bites down on your fingers, not hard, but shocked. You look at her to see if she wants to protest. Her eyes are clenched shut, but her scrounging muzzle indicates there’s something on her mind. But whatever it is she’s not telling you, and the red Clydesdale lumbers forth to position himself behind her. If anyone in Ponyville knows how to do a mare, it’s Big Mac. He doesn’t stop to talk, or even acknowledge the call. He’s just as efficient mounting a princess as he is bucking apples. Moving up to insert his phallus in the mare offered to him. He grunts as he slowly pushes himself inside. Pressing and wiggling his cock until his legs and stifle connect to Twilight, and he can’t bring himself closer. Then he slowly pulls back, waits for a second, before he pushes himself back inside Twilight. Grinding it to a halt, as his meat’s journey comes to an end. Leaving his heavy body to rest on top of Twilight with all its weight, lodging a throbbing cock inside her, filling her up, making her suck even harder on your fingers. You keep messing with her mouth, and her twitching ears, while Big Mac performs another massive movement, sliding his body and dick along the mare trapped beneath him. Letting his meat be shoved back and forth inside Twilight, again and again and again. Every stroke followed by a grunt, as he hits deep. Pulling back with a deep breath, before he invades her again. You’ve heard about his legendary stamina, and sure, he did more than a dozen strokes, but he didn’t manage the heroic twenty. At the eighteenth stroke he rears up a bit, pushing as deep as he can, while the ball-sack contracts, pumping their seed deep into the mare below him. Twilight’s legs shakes from the thrilling feeling of being spermed. He takes his time. The pony seed bringing a tickling sensation that your human seed does not. She’s hot and panting, smacking at your fingers without paying attention to them. Breathing heavily. She opens her eyes and looks at you. Big Mac is still on her back. She doesn’t say anything, and doesn’t send any signals. She’s just looking at you with slack jaw, letting your fingers do what they want in her open mouth, and floppy ears. Perhaps her eyes are pleading with you? Maybe she would like to say something? You have no idea. Big Macintosh pulls off, and you thank him for his service with the phrase used here in Ponyville. As Big Mac plows through the crowd he ends up with Applejack. She was behind the first two lines of ponies here at the center. They each raise their right hoof and clops it together. You decide it’s time for you to do your duty and step up behind the princess. Grabbing her tail, dragging it up forcefully, making her rear hooves lift from the ground. Thanks to the table, it’s easy. “Time to show these ponies what a human is all about!” you say to Twilight, and many of the closest hears it. You slap your erect dick back and forth over her ass, eliciting a smacking sound, to show the audience it’s not a stallion balloon animal but a real, hard, heavy-duty dick, ready to bring some actual action to the waiting mare. You let your hands grab her posterior as you slam down into her wet folds. Using your hands to rub that hot meaty ass against your groin. Showing the audience how hands can be useful to readily grip, grab and grind any mare posterior within arms length. You go decently fast and start pounding hard, back and forth, like a raving madman. Pumping her cunt like never before. You keep counting strokes; you want to set a record for this glade. Focusing your thoughts, preventing an early release. The stares from the audience helps keep you cool. Twilight lets out a high-pitched gasp, and her moans grows louder, shortly after one hundred strokes she comes. Her orgasm making her call out some vowel she stole from a train whistle. The audience looks mightily impressed, and you can vaguely hear a soft murmur between them. You help push back her wings. You keep pumping, the slick wetness dribbling from her vagina, and down on the ground. You pass two hundred, and you just keep going. It’s fortunate she’s on a table. She wouldn’t be standing on all four otherwise, her body shaking and muscles spasming. You move your pelvic back and forth, letting your strong arms waggle her haunches for visual effect, you pass three hundred strokes, extracting more and more appalling noises from the audience. You finally let yourself go. Pushing your member as deep as you can and release your seed. Twilight realize you’re done and turns her head to stare at you. Mouth open, gasping, she just stares at you. As if waiting for an apology, or she just woke up and doesn’t know where she is. You lean forward and give her a light kiss on the muzzle, before you pull back, and pull out. –*–*–*– You rip the band connecting Twilight’s hackamore to the pole in front, and shout: “The mare is exhausted! The mare is confirmed to be properly bred. As chaperon, I thank all of you for your help in sperming this womb. We are grateful for your help and support.” Various comments of enthusiasm are heard from the slopes. They’re not supposed to applaud or cheer; procreation is serious business, but many of them still want to voice their enthusiasm, so many spontaneous endorsements are heard, and some of them you can make out. The remaining five selected stallions, with more or less enthusiasm, leave the spotlight, together with most of the audience. The books say nothing about what to do after everything important is done. The plan was for you and Twilight to leave together, but there’s a massive queue at the narrow entrance to the glade, and the holdup is sure to last for a while. In the meantime you are surrounded by ponies who eagerly want to ask questions. Twilight looks at you. She’s still on the table. She plays her role perfectly, looking utterly exhausted – still panting. “Meet me at home.” she whispers, before her horn does the sparkly-glittering-thing and she disappears. You mutter something inaudible about her being a traitor to leave you on your own, but you also know how difficult it is to apply magic to a human, so she can’t safely teleport both of you. The questions fly through the air, and you don’t know how to escape them, until you spot Rainbow Dash looking at you with a big grin. She’s hovering up in the air, no longer hidden with Applejack. You wave frantically. “Just over the surrounding wall?” “Gotcha!” she answers, and with the grip she traditionally uses when forcibly dragging you off to bed, she lifts you up and flies you almost all the way to the castle. Putting you down close to the walkway leading up to it. Much to the begrudged resentment, or surprised amazement, of various ponies surrounding you with questions. You rush into the castle, happy to get some rest after a job well done. . . .