Sister bonds can be deeper than they think

by chalchiutlicue

First published

Zipp and Pipp spend some quality, intimate time together

In an attempt to comfort Pipp about her loneliness, Zipp ends up dragging them into an uncomfortable situation.

This is my first pony clopfic, so if you have any feedback I'd be glad to read it!

Contains: lesbian twin incest (aka twincest)

Sister bonds can be deeper than they think

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“Zipp, come over here for a sec!”

“Whaaat?” Zipp grumbled reluctantly.

As she crossed the room to check why her sister was calling, she realized it was far from common to hear her name coming out of the young mare’s mouth. She was always so focused on her phone that she never paid any attention to Zipp, and when she did it was always to complain or argue with her. Overall, while they weren’t fighting too often, Zipp thought they talked to each other far too little, especially for sisters living under the same roof.

Pipp was, like always, staring at her phone screen. When Zipp approached, she thought for a second that her sister had already forgotten why she had called her, but Pipp turned her head right as she was opening her mouth to signal her presence.

“Sit!” she said with a smile, looking at her sister like she had clown makeup. “Don’t just stand there like an idiot.”

After Zipp settled down next to Pipp, the pink pegasus practically shoved her phone into her face :

“Look at what a fan sent me!”

After Zipp’s eyes managed to focus on the device, she glanced at what was apparently a drawing of her sister, coming from a young filly considering the roughness of the traits.

“That’s… nice?”

“Don’t you think it’s amazing to have fans who do drawings of yourself?” Pipp asked, excited.

“Well, I guess… But don’t you get these like all the time? And isn’t this one a little… childish?”

Pipp paused for a second. “I wish I received drawings all the time. But it’s way rarer than you’d think.”

“Don’t you like, spend your entire days interacting with your fans?” Zipp asked, confused. “They’re enough to produce some kind of content, right?”

“Well… Actually, not that much. I spend days producing content, yeah, but I feel like most ponies don’t even try to interact with me. They probably think I’m too good for them or that I wouldn’t care, but sometimes it makes me feel… Lonely. Like, I can read their comments, but they never talk to me directly. It’s always how they wished they were me, or how I’m good at this or that. Never about how I feel.”

“I uh-” Zipp started before being cut by her sister.

“I don’t even know why I’m telling you all of this. It’s not like you can help me with any of it.”

Zipp didn’t like to fight with her sister, but this was worse. She wasn’t crying or anything, but she was clearly sad, maybe even depressed. And while she usually didn’t care when her sister was upset or angry at her, this time was different. This time was one of the rare chances she had to act like a sister, like the twin sister she was supposed to be. And it meant getting through things together.

“Maybe I can’t help, but I can still be here if you need me,” Zipp answered as she moved closer, pressing her shoulder against her sister’s.

Pipp closed her eyes for a couple of seconds. “Thanks.”

Maybe it comforted her, maybe it didn’t. Zipp had always had a hard time reading her sister’s emotions, and today was no different.

“Want to look at other things your fans sent you with me?” she suggested, hoping that Pipp would be, for once, prone to show her fan messages to her.

A smile flourished on her face. “Why not! There’s this one app I haven’t checked in ages, maybe there’s stuff I haven’t seen yet there,” she said while scrolling through her phone.

Even with her sharp vision, Zipp couldn’t understand what was happening on the phone until Pipp clicked on an app called Tailegram.

When it opened, they saw a big list of ponies with unread messages indicated next to their names and profile pictures. According to the header, Pipp had more than 999 unread texts.

“I don’t think we’ll have time to check everything in just one afternoon,” Zipp laughed when she realized the number of messages. “Also, I’m not trying to pressure you. If you don’t want to read these, don’t force yourself.”

“No, no, it’s fine!” Zipp answered. “I do it every day, it’s just that I hadn’t checked this app in a while.”

With that, she clicked on the first message.

I hate you privileged fuck. You think you’re so smart, beautiful and good, but you were just born into it. You don’t deserve any of this, and you certainly don’t deserve any of your fans. kys

Zipp closed the message and blocked its sender in less than a second.

“Wow, do you get stuff like this often?” Zipp said, a little worried that her sister would be even sadder after reading hateful content.

“Every day. But believe it or not, I’ve learned to ignore this kind of stuff a long time ago. Doesn’t even affect me anymore. Don’t tell this to anyone, but any constructive negative criticism will make me feel waaay worse than meaningless insults.”

Zipp giggled, not sure if her sister was being funny or opening her heart to her. Maybe a little bit of both.

Pipp opened the following message.

Hi princess! I just wanted to tell you that my little sister is a big fan of yours, and I was wondering if you could take a photo dedicated to her? She’d be the happiest filly in the world!

“Awww,” Zipp said, eyeing the photo of a young pegasus holding a CD of her sister that was attached with the message.

“I usually don’t do these, but I’ll make an exception for once,” Pipp explained. “Plus she’ll be happy to have you in the picture as well!”

“What do you mean me in the picture?” Zipp asked, her eyes widened, leaning away from her sister. “No one talked about me!”

“Come ooon,” Pipp teased her playfully. You never post on social media, at least take one pic with me!”

“Fine,” the white pony grumbled. She hated being in pictures, but her sister was in a better mood and she didn’t want to ruin it.

Quicker than a sonic rainboom, Pipp held her phone above them and took a selfie, on which Zipp tried her best to not grin weirdly. Half of the photos journalists took of her featured one of her awful faces, and she was willing to do anything to not increase their number.

Pipp wrote a few words on the picture and sent it back before going to the next message.

Hello Pipp! I’m a huge fan, and I just wanted to know, what do you use to get hooves this shiny? Is it some sort of cream?

The pink pony sighed, slightly amused. “I answer this question every two days on pretty much every social network but people still find a way to miss the info and ask me directly.”

In less than two seconds, Pipp had already answered and moved to the next post.

I’m thinking about you tonight, princess.

Pipp instantly closed the screen of her phone, laughing uncomfortably. Zipp was not sure if she had seen the picture correctly, but it looked a lot like a mare’s crotch.

“Was this…”

“Yeah,” Pipp answered before even hearing the rest of the question. She was clearly blushing. “I get stuff like that sometimes too. I don’t understand what’s up with ponies sending their private parts to strangers on social networks.”

“Well, maybe they just like you a lot?” Zipp suggested.

“Hmm. Anyway, let me just delete this.” Pipp brought her phone closer to her chest and turned on the screen, preventing her sister from seeing the picture again.

“Wait!” Zipp said, putting her hoof on the phone to stop her. “Can I…” Was she really going to ask this? “Can I see it again?” The words had slipped out of her mouth before she even thought about them.

Beside her, Pipp was staring at her with widened eyes. She wasn’t disgusted, simply… surprised. “Uhhh, okay?” She put back the phone in front of them, allowing Zipp to look at the explicit picture for more than half a second.

It was far from bad actually, and the mare who had taken it had put effort into the photo. Her marehood was in the foreground, near the bottom of the pic, and she was slightly spreading it with one of her hooves. Her tail was hiding half of the intimacy, which created a very weird “you can’t see everything I’m showing” feel that was, in Zipp’s opinion, way more arousing than she had anticipated. On the upper half of the picture, the yellow mare was sticking out her tongue, apparently lying on her bedsheets, the rest of her face hidden behind a black scribble, probably to keep her identity secret.

Zipp was the first one to talk after the long awkward silence, each of them too afraid to look at anything else than the message. “That’s… way more professional than I had anticipated.”

Pipp bit her lip as if she was unsure whether to say something or not. “It’s uh, it’s probably the best one I’ve received recently.”

“You remember all of them?” For the first time since Pipp had reopened the picture, Zipp looked at her sister. And her blushing was getting worse.

During the second awkward silence that followed, Zipp felt like something was changing. Or rather, had changed. She understood what it was about when she realized she had unconsciously brought her right hoof closer to her crotch. And the itchy sensation got instantly worse.

“M-maybe we should stop here,” she suggested, unable to hide her faster breathing. Pipp looked like she was in a similar state, and they were stepping into stuff that was supposed to stay secret, even between twins.

Lips. There were lips against hers. Pipp was pressing her lips against hers. Before Zipp realized what was happening, it was too late. Her mouth had already started to move, obeying some instincts beyond her reason. And just like that, they were kissing.

A weird feeling grew inside of Zipp’s stomach. It wasn’t unpleasant, and in fact she knew what it was, but she didn’t want to think about it. This had to stop. This couldn’t go any further. Was her sister regretting leaning forward? Was she regretting starting the kiss that would probably make everything weird between them, forever?

Zipp wanted to move back, to break the kiss, but somehow she couldn’t stop. She couldn’t stop tasting her sister’s lips, couldn’t stop mixing their tongues together, couldn’t stop laying her hoof on her flank, couldn’t stop slowly moving it towards her sister’s nether regions.

But before any of that continued, Zipp felt something land right on her intimacy, without any kind of warning. Pipp wasn’t going slow, and funnily this is what made her finally break the kiss that had been going for almost a minute.

But they were both too far to stop now. Zipp let herself fall on the side, struck by the electric shivers that her sister’s hoof had sent through her spine. She had only touched her marehood and yet it felt like she was already edging.

When Pipp started slowly rubbing her hoof against Zipp’s slit, she felt the fur around it slowly moisten, communicating her arousal to her sister way better than any of her words could have. And how exactly was Pipp so good at this?

Opening her eyes for a few seconds, Zipp saw her sister’s panting face, one of her paws rubbing against her intimacy while the other one was stuck between Pipp’s two back paws. Clearly, she was enjoying this as much as her.

And when she suddenly stopped rubbing, a dreadful, tremendous fear reached Zipp. Had she changed her mind? Was she going to hate her forever now?

She opened her eyes, and her fear vanished as quickly as it had come. Pipp was moving on top of her, positioning her wet intimacy right on top of Zipp’s.

The contact itself made her mind go blank. She could feel everything, from her sister’s wetness mixing with her own to Pipp’s clit and folds gently moving against hers.

As soon as Pipp started grinding against her, Zipp felt her back arch under the intense feelings that were sent throughout her whole body. She was already close, and she felt like her whole body was too weak to move even an inch. On the other hoof, her womb was on fire. She had never felt this many sensations at once, and she couldn’t help but moan under her sister’s action. And her climax surprised her just as much as the rest.

Her whole body tensed all of a sudden, her mind emptying, her back arching even more than it was already. It felt like every last bit of flesh and bones inside of her was filled with pure bliss. She could barely hear or feel anything from outside apart from her sister’s crotch against hers.

Zipp felt herself squirt a little on her sister’s intimacy, and Pipp possibly felt it too as she collapsed onto her, entering her climax only a few seconds after Zipp. Both of their flanks were moving against each other’s as they wore out their orgasm together, unable to control their bodies that kept thrusting together.

Finally, after more than a minute, they relaxed and allowed their breaths to recover. Their crotches were still touching each other, still sensible enough to feel every breathing through the other’s body, but they didn’t mind. It had happened, and there was no going back. Except Zipp was way more confident now.

Whatever would happen next, she was sure of one thing: the love she shared with her sister was not just sibling love, and both of them were okay with exploring its other aspects together. As a family, as friends, as twins. As partners.