My Sister Called Dibs on Me

by Wolftamer54

First published

Apple Bloom has a birthday surprise for Big Mac.

Pretty much exactly what you expect.

Contains: incest and anthro.

All characters are depicted as +18.

Written for Brony-Wan-Kenobi's Striptember contest.

Minor proofreading by AJ Aficionado

Birthday Treat

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My Sister Called Dibs on Me



Big Macintosh let out a bark of laughter, the sound echoing through the kitchen of Sweet Apple Acres. Mixed in were the smaller but no less enthusiastic laughs of his two younger sisters Applejack and Applebloom. All three were currently reacting to the flamboyant showmareship and storytelling techniques of Mac’s wife Sugar Belle.

“So I said to him, ‘I’ve got a treat just for you’, and we went down into the back room, just out of sight. All it would take was just a peek, and Mr. and Mrs. Cake or their kids could have seen us,” Sugar Belle’s eyes glistened with fervor as she retold the story, her hands gesturing wildly.

“Right as Mac burst, we could hear the pitter patter of little feet on the floor on the other side of the counter. He slapped a hand over my mouth, and we scrunched against the wall, barely breathing for fear of being found.”

Across the table, Apple Bloom stared with rapt attention, mouth agape and leaning forward as if to physically push the words closer to her.

“We thought it was just Pound and Pumpkin, and that they might just pass on by without notice. The footsteps stopped, and we thought we were in the clear. We relaxed a bit, and I could feel him dripping down my leg.”

Applejack smirked, reminiscing about that same sensation.

“Then, all of a sudden, there was a flash and a snap! In the doorway was Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo, holding a camera that they just took a picture of us with. We just stand there in shock as they scampered away, and we can just hear Sweetie say, ‘I told you we’d find them here! Now pay up your end of the bet!’”

The three ponies in the audience all laughed again, even Big Macintosh. While normally reserved and stoic, he was all game for letting out his emotions around family. And today was special after all. Many ponies act a bit different on their birthday.

“Bloom, I dunno who taught you and your friends, but you’ve become some of the naughtiest little fillies I’ve ever heard of,” Mac said half-teasing, half-impressed.

Apple Bloom drew herself up in pride, and spoke back. “Aw shucks, that’s nothing. You don’t know half of the things we’ve bet on. And if anyone’s to blame it’s all our wonderful siblings. Growing up around you two, Scoots with Rainbow and Sweetie with Rarity, we were bound to learn a thing or two.”

“Hmmph. Just so long as you don’t go spreading anything around like you did back with Gabby Gums,” Mac said in warning, crossing his arms over his chest.

Apple Bloom deflated a little and settled back onto her stool while looking down in a pout, not liking being reminded of one of her worst moments. “I know I know, that was outta line. But we haven’t done anything like that since. We’ve been keeping all our dirtiness to ourselves.” She lifted her face up a little to meet Mac, a cunning gleam in her eyes. “And of course, anyone who wants to share.”

Mac gave a lazy smile to his sister, and drawled out in response: “I think most anypony would love to share with you three.”

As if on cue, both Sugar Belle and Applejack stood up from their stools, flanking Mac.

“Well that’s wonderful to hear. Cause we’ve got a special surprise present for you today,” Applejack said, Sugar Belle and her each grabbing one of Mac’s arms, “but first we need you to wait in the living room while we get things ready.”

“Eeyup,” Mac said, his face still set with a content smile as he allowed himself to be led out of the kitchen. As the trio exited, he could see Apple Bloom dart upstairs. However he was soon set down upon the living room sofa, both his wife and sister standing above him.

“Now, you’ve just got to wait here like a good boy and don’t go snooping for yer presents. We’ll be back soon,” Applejack said, leaning down and giving Mac a peck on his cheek.

With that, both mares exited the room, Mac taking the opportunity to not-so-subtly ogle their backsides. Luscious and plump in the case of Sugar Belle, firm and muscular for Applejack.

As he sat patiently, his mind inevitably wandered to what the mares had in store for him. It wasn’t particularly hard, since there had already been plenty of talk of sexcapades, and the blatant flirting, but he did wonder what exactly the nature of the gift would be. A threesome? Cosplay? Potions? There were many possibilities for a birthday gift, and he wouldn’t put it past the others to try something particularly exotic. Maybe even more than one something. Already, he was stiffening at the lewd thoughts pervading his mind, his prodigious shaft creating a huge tent in his pants.

Without warning, the lights in the living room went dark. Mac was plunged into blackness, though he could still hear some of what was going on. There was a scuffle, and the sound of footsteps. He could only guess at what the others were doing, but his anticipation only grew greater. The noises died down into quiet, and finally a light was shown once again.

Rather than a full room light as was usually used, just a few lamps had been set up. In each corner of the room, they gave off enough light to bask the area in a gentle glow while still having enough shadow to hide in and darkness to play around with. The reason for this became quickly apparent as somepony finally emerged from the shadows.

Apple Bloom stepped into the light, its warm iridescence cascading over her and making her fur shine and sparkle. Though her bow still bobbed on the back of her head, that was about the only part of her outfit that was the same. She was now clad in a loose fitting white cotton top, already partly unbuttoned to give a window to her cleavage. The lower part was tied up in a daisy-dukes style knot, showing off her navel and muscular midriff. Around her waist was a red miniskirt, too short to be practical but perfect for flashing her thighs and ass. Her dainty feet were snug in little black small-heeled shoes, click-clacking against the hardwood floor. She had even adorned herself with a pair of dark green earrings, as well as crimson lipstick and nail polish. She walked slowly and deliberately towards her stunned brother, every inch confident in her beauty.

Mac could not help but gape for a few seconds, but recovered quickly enough to giver his sister a sultry grin as she approached him.

“Well howdy little lady. You lookin’ for some fun?” he asked rhetorically, already spreading his arms and legs wide.

Bloom came to a stop just in front of Mac, her hands on her hips. “Not just fun, something once in a lifetime.” She kneeled down in front of Mac, resting a hand on his knee. “I’ve said before you’re my hero. But today I want you to be even more.” She slowly glided her hand up his thigh, her gaze rambling across his entire body. “I want you to be my first. I want you to teach me everything you can.” At this, she practically launched herself at Mac, trying to capture his lips in hers.

Mac was thrown off balance for a second, not having expected her to move so quickly. But the feeling of her incessant pecking at his mouth incentivized a quick recovery. Regaining his posture against the couch, he returned her kiss in kind, their lips mashing against each other. With a more stable position, he began to press in against her. Strong arms, weathered from years of work came up to caress her back. Touch soft as a feather, he felt down the curve of her spine and to her waist. One hand came up to stroke her braid, a slow and repetitive motion through her vibrant red hair.

Apple Bloom broke off the kiss for a second, her tongue peeking out of her mouth as she panted. Her eyes wide as she gazed upon the stallion before her as though he was the most wondrous thing in the world.

Mac stared back, still seeing his little sister in the beautiful, sexy mare she had become. Her offer wasn’t much of a surprise given their family history, and he was doggedly determined to show her all the love and care she deserved.

“Easy sugarcube, we’ve got to take this slow,” he said, one hand lightly wrapping around her wrist which had gotten a bit grabby in the meantime.

“He’s right, you can’t just expect to jump in right away Apple Bloom. We’ve gone over this already,” Applejack said. She and Sugar Belle happened to have just appeared behind the couch, each with looks of mixed arousal and responsibility.

For his part, Mac was not at all surprised to see the other mares there. He only wondered what had taken them so long to show up. He looked on with mild amusement and a steadily growing boner as they continued their conversation.

“I grew up right alongside Mac, and it still took us years to figure out things properly. So you’re gonna keep to your promise, and take things slow.”

Apple Bloom pouted a little at Applejack’s words, but knew she could not disobey her older sister. She dutifully climbed off of Big Mac’s lap, further exposing the rampant erection that was straining to break free of his pants.

Sugar Belle leaned over the couch and reached a hand down to stroke her husband’s erection. “Now, you’re going to be a good boy too. Keep yourself behaved while she gives you her show and you’ll still get plenty more gifts later,” she said, ending with another peck on his cheek.

Mac could only nod with a strained smile, a drop of sweat slipping down the side of his head as his wife’s delicate touch left his groin. The attention had already cause a tiny spot of dampness to appear on his pants.

With Applejack and Sugar Belle flanking the couch and Apple Bloom back by the light, the show was ready to begin.

Though she was still a virgin, Apple Bloom knew how to move her body. She began by running her hand down the back of her head, playing with her locks and making her innocent little hair bow bob up and down. She crouched down and leaned forward, allowing a more direct look at her cleavage.

Mac tensed as she approached him, and stifled a groan as she turned around and sat on him. Her rump grinded against his erection, smothering his stallionhood between her asscheeks. Though he could not see it, she wore a self-satisfied grin as she heard his noises of pleasure. Both of her hands grasped at his thighs, kneading the muscles between her strong fingers. Her tail flagged a bit in his face, brushing his nose with red fur and permeating him even further with her scent.

When Apple Bloom felt like he had suffered enough, she got up off his lap and turned to face him. She took his chin in her hand and licked his muzzle affectionately before placing a quick kiss squarely on the tip of his nose.

Mac squirmed but remained in place, knowing he wasn’t allowed to touch her yet.

Smirking and letting out a small laugh at Big Mac’s reaction, Apple Bloom pulled away to leave him mostly alone again. This time, she went over to the banister on the stairwell, placing one hand atop it. Drawing herself up to her full height, with her back against the pole, she began to slide up and down. She grasped both hands to the wood and kicked up off the floor. This allowed her skirt to lift and gave Mac a flash of her panty-less crotch.

Abandoning the banister, she spun in circles back to a position right in front of Mac. Her hands caressed her bosom, just barely hidden beneath her skimpy top, and began to undo the buttons. As each one was freed of tension, more and more of her delicious curves came into view, recently acquired assets that were already big for her age. The last button came free, and her top was opened completely to show her tits off to her brother. Perky, round, and with bright pink nipples, it took all of Mac’s self control to not immediately lunge forward and start to grope them.

Discarding her shirt completely, Bloom next began to work on her skirt. She edged her fingers underneath its band, teasingly pulling it downward to show off more of her crotch, but not enough for it to come off. Finally, she rotated to present her ass once again. Undoing the button on the front, she stuck her rear towards her brother in silent invitation.

Nigh breathless, but still with steady hands, Mac reached out and took hold of his sister’s skirt. He grasped it by the band, and began to pull it off, being careful of the tail hole not getting caught on anything.

To help, Bloom stepped out of the garment one leg at a time, until she was finally left standing before Big Macintosh without a stitch of clothing on her. She was a short mare, stout Mac would call it, most of her bulk going into muscle to work the farm. These sinews could still be made out underneath her short, butter yellow coat of fur, flexing and shifting as she showed off her body. Yet there was still a hint of her young age, with a far more protected and soft look to her body. She did not yet have a collection of scars to match Applejack or Big Mac, not having the experience working the hardest jobs or encountering wild creatures to the same extend they did. In turn, her fur was still fluffy and soft, especially the light fuzz right in the center of her chest, between her tits. Her breasts were a good medium, the advent of puberty having done its work well. They were settled down against her chest, cute orbs that were perfect handfuls to palm at, neither too big or too small. Her waist was still a little skinny, not yet having beared any children, but more than ready to invite any stallion to help with that. Her stomach taut, with a firm musculature built up from a childhood of chores and a steady diet of adventures with her friends. Finally, her butt was nicely in proportion to the top of her body. Round and firm, it stuck out enough to be given a good smack, but not so much that it might win any contest. No creature would deny that she was a beautiful specimen, perfectly fit for her first ever rutting.

But Big Macintosh was a stallion of responsibility, especially to his family. And there was yet still one last detail to cover before he would give his sister what she so dearly desired.

Even as Bloom started to advance on Mac, he held up a hand to stop her.

“Hold on Sugarcube, don’t you think you’re forgetting something?” he said, eyeing her carefully.

Apple Bloom sighed, and retorted “But it’s mah first time. And ah wanted it to be special.”

Mac shook his head. “Doesn’t matter, you’ve still got to be responsible to yourself. And what kinda big brother would I be if I didn’t look out for you?”

“He’s right Bloom. We’ve been over this already. You can have your special treat, but don’t be a fool about it,” Applejack added in, placing a hand on the young mare’s shoulder.

Bloom sighed and acquiesced. “Heh, you two sound like parents.”

Big Mac and Applejack just stared at her, eyebrows raised.

“Hm, uh right. Anyway, I’ll go grab a condom real quick,” she said, scrambling away before the situation could get too awkward.

Apple Bloom rocketed up the stairs, across the hall and into her bedroom. On the floor was the pile of clothes that she had changed out of earlier. Digging into it, she found her shorts, and hurriedly pulled out a condom from one of the pockets. As she made her way back into the hallway, she paused and looked over to the room across the way. Inside, she knew, Granny Smith was already fast asleep. Bloom wondered just how much Granny knew about her perverted grandchildren, and just how much she aided them. Shaking her head, she quickly made her way back downstairs where a new experience awaited.

Big Mac, Applejack, and Sugar Belle had barely moved since Apple Bloom had left, and all three watched her with satisfaction as she returned, condom held high over her head in triumph.

“There now, that’s a good girl. It wasn’t so hard to listen now was it?” Applejack said in teasing.

“Like you ever listened as a filly,” Apple Bloom retorted, paying her sister no mind as she crouched in front of Big Mac.

Applejack shut her mouth at that, face growing red.

Apple Bloom very quickly set to work, her hands roaming all over Big Mac’s crotch. Even through his pants, she could feel just how large, aching, and ready he was. Briefly setting the condom to the side, she hurriedly began to undo Mac’s button and fly, needing access to his dick for herself. First the pants popped open, and she tugged them off his legs, Mac standing up to give her a bit of help. As he stood, the only thing left between Apple Bloom and her goal was the thin, stretched, and already soaked fabric of his boxers. Ensnaring their band in her fingers, she yanked them down in one go, impatient to finally see Mac.

As the offending article of clothing came off, revealing Big Macintosh’s shaft to the world, Bloom’s breath caught in her throat.

The organ was almost seventeen inches long, standing at attention like a soldier on inspection. The bright red skin pulled taut by the blood flow, making it solid as steel yet still undeniably alive. It twitched and ached all on its own, piqued by the instinctual need to breed and incensed by the fertile females nearby. At its base was a large, fuzzy sack, full to brimming with potent seed. A patch of orange fuzz sat above its scrotum, yet another cue to draw the eye as it clashed against the bright red of the rest of his coat. Midway down the rod’s length was the medial ring, wide and uniform, ready to scramble insides and create a perfect seal. At the very tip of the penis was the flare. Like the petals of a flower in bloom, it sprouted outwards from the shaft into a broad dome, purpose built to penetrate and ram. In contrast to the sheer size and power of the equipment beneath it, the slit at the top seemed almost delicate and refined. Just a tiny rupture in the skin from where the seed would be released. The wetness observed earlier still a presence, precum bubbling up from inside and leaking down the shaft in a glistening trail. The lubrication proof of just how eager Mac’s body was, and the inability to hold itself back much longer.

Transfixed by the sight in front of her, Apple Bloom felt both awed, and intimidated. On the one hand, she wished with every fiber of her being to consume that cock, to feel it in her throat and her cunt. On the other, she simply couldn’t fathom completing such a feat without choking or being split in half. Yet at those thoughts, another twinge of arousal rippled through her body.

“Maybe… maybe I wouldn’t mind being broken after all…” Bloom thought to herself, and hesitantly started forward.

Her hands came up, trembling slightly, but equally determined to meet the challenge ahead of her. She grasped around the base of Big Mac’s cock, even their combined encirclement barely making it around his girth. As she found her grip, she could feel the pump of blood that hardened the organ, and the slight slide of skin as it adjusted to her touch. Adjusting her grasp so that one hand was flat against Mac’s crotch, and the other had a more loose hold on the shaft itself, she set to work. Slowly, she began to move the hand on his dick up and down its length, her fingers rapidly becoming slick with precum and smearing it all across his phallus.

Beyond the bubble of Apple Bloom’s concentration, her family all watched her eagerly. Mac felt like he was the luckiest stallion in the world, feeling her velvety grip on his dick. Even with all the lewdness of the situation, he was still determined to show his gratitude and love to Bloom. Accordingly, he brought his hand up and placed it behind her head, gently stroking her hair and letting her know that she was doing a good job.

Applejack had a warm fuzzy feeling as she watched her siblings get started, nostalgia rising in her chest as she remembered her own experiences. A lifetime growing up alongside Big Mac had afforded her plenty of time to get to know him. And now it was Apple Bloom’s turn to discover him for herself. Just as the seasons turned and brought new life and harvests, so too did her family continue to grow and flourish. From one generation to another, they would share their experiences and teach everything they knew.

Sugar Belle could not help but think, “Damn that’s hot.” It was no secret that the health of her relationship with Big Mac stemmed in part from their shared sexual interests. They both found an undeniable thrill in watching their sexy spouse getting it on with other ponies. After all, why keep such a delicious stud or gorgeous bombshell restricted to just oneself? And the fact that it was his own little sister just made it even hotter. There was no thought in her mind of a taboo, except maybe as a thrill of naughtiness. Really, she just loved watching her husband schooling the tiny filly. And she couldn’t wait to watch him pound her.

Bloom decided that merely feeling her brother’s cock wasn’t enough, and eagerly brought up her mouth to join in the party. She started off with just teasing licks, flicking her tongue across the tip of his dick, and tasting the leaking precum. Its salty tang was addicting, and she soon craved more. Starting from just above her rubbing hand, she touched her tongue to a trail of precum and followed it all the way up, swirling her tongue around the top to make sure she didn’t miss any of the delectable liquid. Retracting her tongue to her mouth, she closed her eyes to savor the taste for a few seconds before swallowing.

Strictly speaking, a blowjob isn’t “natural”. It serves no real purpose to procreation, a fact which Apple Bloom’s pussy tried to remind her of as it ached and lubricated itself in anticipation of the coming mating. However, she ignored this urge in favor of spending more time worshipping the dick she loved of the stallion she most loved.

The hand not rubbing moved downwards, sliding over Mac’s scrotum and beginning to fondle his balls inside their little sack. His grunts told Bloom just how much this action was appreciated, and she continued to work them thoroughly. But there was yet one challenge she had not completed.

Even as her hands still worked at a steady pace, her eyes stared down the dick in front of her, filled with determination. Breathing heavily through her nose a few times, she opened her mouth as wide as she could and moved her head forward.

Apple Bloom’s heart beat faster as her mouth surrounded her brother’s cock, the first time he was really inside her in some way. Even gaping as much as she could, her lips were already sliding along his girth, and she was steadily running out of room in her throat. Determined, but not foolish, she stopped before his cock hit the back of her throat, not wanting to trigger the gag reflex. Despite having not taken his entire length in, she felt content. It was a new position and sensation to finally have his dick in her throat, staring down into his crotch and with both of her hands still free to roam wherever they pleased. Having achieved the first step, there was still more to do.

Despite the sheer size of Mac, the way he stretched her out and that she could already feel her jaw was going to be sore tomorrow, Apple Bloom was far from done. She began by taking a few more test breaths, the exhales from her nose tickling Mac’s groin and causing him to flinch a tiny bit. Once she felt more used to the arrangement, she finally began to move her head.

Out, and Mac’s cock would slide away until it was just the tip.

In, and that feeling of fullness would rapidly return until she was nearly choking again.

Apple Bloom’s head bobbed again and again, taking Mac’s cock slightly further each time. To encourage her efforts, Mac would slightly press against her head with a steady but not uncomfortable pressure.

Not entirely to her surprise, Bloom found that she actually liked this. The feeling of Mac taking charge, guiding and aiding her, but still being gentle and looking out for her. Exactly how her big brother should act.

For Mac, the experience was bracing. Not necessarily for the act itself, he had received countless blowjobs in the past, but for the new partner. At best, Bloom’s efforts were talented, but amateurish. She was obviously nowhere near the size queen champion of his wife or more intimate sister. The real edge was her care and effort, and, well, her. Big Mac and Applejack had largely come onto each other, mutually exploring and inexperienced. To have Apple Bloom, so young, innocent, and pure, come onto him felt incredible.

And though Mac’s logic contradicted these sentiments “She ain’t exactly innocent now,” he thought; his biases were still quite firmly in place. No matter how sexy or adult she was, she was still his little sister. And right now she was giving him the most intimate attention in the world. It was more than even most studs could ask for. The love of a friend, sister, and lover all rolled into one.

Ultimately, Mac knew that he would also need to return the favor. After all, if he really wanted to be the best big brother, then he would need to give her the best first time ever in return.

That event seemed rapidly approaching as well, as his breathing quickened and grip on Bloom’s head grew a bit tighter.

In turn, Apple Bloom stepped up her affections. She went up and down his shaft more rapidly, her tongue also putting in some work to stimulate it. Her hands worked fervently at the base of his cock, squeezing and massaging it and fondling his balls.

With the tempo increased, it was not long before every sensation combined drove Mac over the edge. He felt his nethers tighten and could barely breath out a warning in time, “Here it comes Apple Bloom,” before he erupted.

There was a familiar rushing sensation, as though all the energy in his body was being pushed through his penis. The flood of liquid as semen was pumped from its reservoirs in his scrotum, through the channel of his dick, and finally being released into the world beyond the tip. The flow didn’t stop either, spurt after spurt being ejected at maximum force. Mac simply lost himself in the sensations, not caring for where the cum went, merely letting himself get carried away in the bliss. It helped that Bloom hadn’t stopped either, her hands still stroking his cock and coaxing more and more of his seed out. Her firm touch, combined with the pressure of the rushing orgasm, resulted in a cascade of overpressure. It almost felt like he was losing his mind as the sensations spiraled out of control, the intensity becoming slightly painful. Mac gasped and sputtered at this, the absolute peak of his orgasm.

“Gaah! Ah!” he cried out, no semblance of his normal stoicism or reservation remaining.

For her part, Apple Bloom had pulled her mouth off of his dick as soon as she heard his warning. Her hands still working the shaft, she positioned herself right in front of its tip, mouth agape. As rope after rope of Mac’s cum spurted out, she did her best to catch it. Filling up her mouth, splattering across her face causing her eyelids to flutter, and painting her chest fluff. She loved every last bit of it, and continually stimulated Mac to entice more out.

Eventually however, even Mac’s legendary supply had to come to an end. The various functions of his body ran into each other, the high of his climax meeting the hard stop of a lack of any more seed to give. Even as his nethers still clenched and tried to send more out, he had run dry and there was nothing left to give. In turn, the rest of his body began to return to its functions, and take stock after the intensity. His muscles became more relaxed, his head felt a bit dizzy, and part of him just wanted to plop back down onto the couch.

Bloom was just a tiny bit disappointed when she felt the flow of cum stop, but quickly appreciated just how thoroughly she had been covered. Ropes and rivers of Mac’s spunk ran through her fur, pooling and congealing on her curves. Dangling off her eyelashes, partly in her mouth and on top of it, there was a wonderful asymmetry to her new look. And Bloom didn’t just let it lie either. She removed her hands from their positions on Mac’s now wilting penis, and began to play with all the cum on her. She cleared some from her brows so she could see better, sticking her fingers into her mouth to suggestively suck off and taste their coating. She swirled the gunk on her chest around, smearing it into her tits and giving her fur a whitish tinge. She was sticky, hot, would definitely need a shower later, and so unbelievably turned on.

Even as Mac sank back into the couch cushions to rest after his climax, Bloom was already eyeing him up again, ready and raring to go for the main event. Her pussy ached and dripped with need, every instinct screaming at her to let the virile stallion in her presence breed her. To let herself be taken and rutted. To carry his foals.

Yet to rise above instinct is the mark of sapience and self determination. And that is exactly what Apple Bloom did, despite her the urging of her biology. She reached over for the condom which had been disregarded at the start of her blowjob, now so necessary again. Taking it in her still slick hands, she went to tear open the outer packaging when a hand closed around her wrist.

“Hold yer horses there, it kinda defeats the purpose to get cum on the condom before hand,” Applejack said. Having been quite for the last few minutes, she still found it necessary to speak up to catch the small oversight.

Bloom pursed her lips, and raised a finger and shook it at Applejack as if to say “Good point”, her other hand held out the condom to Applejack.

Dutifully taking it in turn, Applejack quickly wiped it off with the corner of her shirt. Now clean of the offending liquid, she easily ripped it open and took out the sought after item. Getting down on one knee, she edged in besides Bloom.

“Just a moment,” Applejack said, unfurling the condom and sliding it over Big Mac’s semi-hard semi-flacid penis. As soon as it was in place, she hurried up and out of the way, her job done. “Now you can have yer fun,” she said, retreating over to Sugar Belle.

During the interim, the other mare had moved over to one of the recliners in the room, a more comfortable position from which to observe the coming show.

Applejack choose another chair nearby, and they each settled in and relaxed.

Casting the antics of her audience aside for now, Apple Bloom only had eyes for Big Mac. The stallion had by now recovered enough to look back at his little sister, and they grinned at each other in anticipation. Apple Bloom grabbed each of Mac’s knees, and crawled up onto his lap. She was soon face to face with him, and gently booped her nose to his.

Face scrunching up at the contact, Big Mac let out a small giggle. His hands, which had been resting on the back of the couch, came to Apple Bloom’s thighs which were splayed out across him.

In turn, Bloom wrapped her arms around the back of his head and into his scruffy orange mane.

“How d’you wanna start, lil’ sis?” Big Mac whispered sensually into Apple Bloom’s ear.

“Whatever way you think is best,” came the rapid and breathless reply.

“Lift up then,” Mac said.

Bloom didn’t hesitate, raising herself off of Mac’s crotch and exposing her wet vulva to her brother.

Mac grabbed his dick with one hand, and positioned it directly beneath Bloom’s entrance.

“Now co-” Mac didn’t even get to finish his sentence before Bloom obeyed, impaling herself on his shaft.

A decision she instantly regretted.

“Ow!” she said, stuck just a fraction of the way down his length and with her vagina already tightened enough to stop it from progressing any further.

“Easy, easy now, just breath,” Mac said in a calm voice, petting the outsides of her thighs in a rhythmic motion to try and calm her down.

Despite the still stinging pain, and the pressure building inside of her, Apple Bloom managed to focus on Mac’s voice. The low, steady tone that had meant safety and security her whole life. Just hearing it helped a bit of the tension seep out of her body. As her muscles relaxed, the tightness eased and a bit more of Mac’s penis squeezed in.

“That’s it, you’re doing great. Just like that,” Mac said.

Apple Bloom couldn’t help but wear a bit of a self-satisfied grin, and between her determination and Mac’s endless string of encouragements, she eventually was able to take almost the entire thing in. They did stop just short of hilting however, Mac not wanting to go too far on Apple Bloom’s first time. Still, it was already more full than she had felt in her entire life. The flared tip bumping against her cervix, the medial ring stretching her out, and the entire thing just burning into her insides. It was a feeling she never wanted to forget, and she knew it would only get better.

“I love you Big Mac,” she said, looking at him with wide, shimmering orange eyes.

“I love you too Apple Bloom,” he said in return, closing his eyes and moving towards her.

Their lips met in another kiss, locking together and providing yet another physical connection between them. As their mouths began playing over each other, Mac began moving his hips while Apple Bloom was distracted. Slowly at first, just getting into things.

As she realized what he was doing, Bloom responded in kind. She began to bounce up and down on top of him, dragging him in and out of her stubbornly clenching pussy.

Together, they built up a steady rhythm. As Mac would thrust up, Bloom was come down, their hips coming closer and closer and the penetration going deeper and deeper each time.

Not content with just one action, they also continued their fervent kissing, with Mac being the bit more dominant of the two. His tongue made its way into Bloom’s mouth, capturing it and forcing her to submit to her larger and more experienced partner. But it was always with care, his tongue playing over every bit of her mouth and tickling and delighting her.

Mac’s hands also roamed all over her body, leaving no bit untouched. They squeezed her butt, caressed her shoulders, and hugged her close to his body. His pecks and her tits mashed together in a lewd embrace. Any space between them was exhausted as they came as close as they possibly could.

To augment this, the pace of their movements shifted up noticeably. Mac’s slow and sensual movements rapidly turned to a series of forceful smacks, and Bloom’s equally energetic responses slammed down against him. Soon, he was pounding away at her. His hips slapping into her ass, their fur sticking and smacking together. Their motion was but a blur of red and yellow as they rapidly came together and separated again, again, and again.

All credit due to her eagerness, Bloom was not as experienced as Big Mac. Her nethers tightened against the invader, desperate to keep him inside. As the flare and ring dragged through and pounded her, they rapidly began to loose the battle. No matter what strength they could bring to bear he smashed past. Her insides were scrambled, reshappen and molded in the form of their conqueror.

Bloom soon broke off their kiss to cry out, to scream to the heavens as an orgasm began to rack her body. Her vagina clenched and shook, her lube streaming out between them, but Mac wasn’t done yet. He wasn’t even close. Even as Bloom trembled like a leaf in her brother’s embrace, wave after wave of pleasure rocking her body, Mac still held her and kept his dick inside of her. He rested his head over hers and rubbed her back. Bloom stuck her head into the coarse fur of his chest as she rode out her orgasm.

“That was great,” she said, slightly muffled from her position.


“But we’re not done yet.”



Despite not being as stoic as her brother, Apple Bloom was far from ready to quit. She recovered from her orgasm fairly quickly, and was raring to try some more positions. She rotated 180 degrees, presenting her derriere to Big Mac, and started grinding against him while he was still inside her.

Mac quickly took advantage of the new position, hands reaching out in front of Apple Bloom to grope at her tits. Mac kneaded them like dough, the soft titflesh malleable to his strong grasp. His fingertips ran circles around her nipples, earning a sharper inhale. Deciding to experiment, he pressed in on one. Apple Bloom moaned slightly in response. He pinched the nipple, and she squealed and gasped while her pussy clenched even tighter.

“It seems you like it a bit rough…” Mac ventured tentatively, his hands tightening around Bloom’s wrists and the pace of his thrusts picking up.

“I guess so… I told you I wanted this to be special… give me everything you’ve got!” Bloom cried out in challenge.

Mac took her up on the challenge. Lifting them jointly up off the couch, he kept her suspended and tightly in his grasp. As he thrusted, he also pulled her back and impaled her further on his rod. His muscles strained like steel, capable of knocking down trees or destroying Timberwolves, now solely dedicated to fucking his sister.

Bloom didn’t even bother to struggle. She simply gave herself over, eyes rolling into the back of her head as she relished in being dominated. She was entirely at the mercy of the powerful stallion who had claimed her, made her his own. Her arms twisted behind her, the stinging on her rump as it met his hips again and again, the endless sensation of being invaded. She did not even care about the thin latex barrier between them, so long as he was inside of her.

As powerful as he was, even Mac had limits. And restrictions. He could not actually give Apple Bloom the full intensity on her first time. The sheer tightness of her interior, the point where he could not push in any further, clear indications that Bloom still had a way to go. Instead, he schemed another way to take things to the next level.

Mac released one of Bloom’s wrists from his grasp, and instead looped the arm around under her neck. Her throat caught in the crook of his arm, he pulled her up against his body.

“Oh! Ooooh!” Bloom squealed, barely able to comprehend the new sensation. Her body merely acted on instinct, trembling in pleasure and pain and unable to fathom which was which.

To finish her off, Mac tightened his grip slightly.

Apple Bloom snapped. The pressure around her throat, her immobilized body, and her continual penetration all combined to push her over the edge again.

The pressure became hard enough to create diamonds as Bloom’s already tight snatch crushed Big Mac’s cock with a vice like grip. Viciously determined to be bred, it needed to trap inside the penis bringing it so much pleasure.

Though still only a part of his dick was buried withing her, Mac finally was able to reach orgasm as well. The combination of tightness, debauchery, and physical intimacy created a wonderful concoction in his mind.

The two siblings came together, lube splurting out from their coupling like a fire hose, and their stiffening muscles causing them to fall backwards onto the couch. They each felt like an explosion, a massive nuke for Mac and a rolling cascade of bombardments for Bloom. Their muscles spasmed in tensing and untensing together, and their minds wandered through the abstract.

“Hah, hah, uhh…”


For all the otherworldly transcendence their orgasms might have felt, the pressures of the physical world soon returned. As they managed to slow their breathing and open their eyes, they found that Mac’s grip had lessened, allowing Bloom to move around again. She barely managed to slide off and scramble onto the floor a bit, exposing the ballooning end of the condom, full and sagging with his load of cum. Though she may not have been allowed to take it inside of her, she was allowed to touch it. Gingerly and still trembling a bit, she removed the condom from his penis and tied it off. Looking at it with satisfaction, she couldn’t help feel a bit proud.

“Ah, ah did it. Yay,” she said, still panting. Condom in hand, she managed to crawl back to the couch and rejoin Mac. Taking one of his hands in hers, she looked into his eyes again. “Thank you Big Macintosh.”

“Thank you too, Apple Bloom.”

Apple Bloom managed a small smile, before letting out a huge yawn. Eyes drooping, she only sputtered out a “G’night,” before falling forward and falling asleep right there on Mac’s lap.

Mac couldn’t help but smile caringly at his little sister, so innocent in sleep yet so mischievous awake. He also looked over, and saw what had become of their audience.

Both Applejack and Sugar Belle were still sitting in their chairs, their pants torn off, rivers of lube running down their crotches and hands slick with the stuff. Their faces were red, and each looked about ready to jump Mac and ride him until the end of time.

“That. Was. The. Hottest. Thing. Ever!” Sugar Belle gasped out, her hands flinging in the air, sending drops of their liquid coating spraying everywhere.

“No kidding. I wish young me coulda time traveled to now to get that treatment,” Applejack said.

“Heh, sorry. Still, at least you’ve got more under yer belt than Bloom here,” Mac said, gesturing to the tuckered out mare.

“Ah suppose that’s true. And you certainly owe me some more fun later,” Applejack replied, eyeing him suggestively.

“Later. I think Bloom here makes the excellent point that it’s time for bed now,” Mac said, gingerly moving his sleeping sister’s arms off of him and standing up from the couch. Turning around and crouching down, he slid his arms underneath her and lifted her up off the couch. She was so exhausted, she didn’t even react when he shifted her so that his arms were beneath her shoulders and the crook of her knees. With this more stable position, he moved out of the room and brought her upstairs.

As Mac walked down the hallway with Apple Bloom sleeping in his arms, he felt a certain nostalgia. All the times when they were young, playing out in the yard catching fireflies, building tree houses, or even playing dress up. She would always get tired first, and protest that she wasn’t, but inevitably fall asleep and force her big brother to carry her inside. Now they were repeating their old tradition. Maybe their new game was a bit more lewd, but on reflection, it was just as fun.

Big Mac walked through the already opened door to Apple Bloom’s room, and set her on the bed. It was warm enough that she didn’t need the covers over her, and he also didn’t want to get them too dirty. As a last goodbye, he planted a kiss right on her forehead.

Shutting the door behind him, Mac was greeted by a strange sight.

Granny Smith, still in her nightgown, staring him down with a look of fury on his face.

“Um…” was all that he could get out.

“Whatssa matter with you!” she screeched, flailing her arms and eyes bugging out.

“Granny I-”

“That filly’s been thirsting after you fer years! I tell you, you shoulda rutted her ages ago! Back in my day, first estrus was first sex! None of that namby pamby age o consent! I tell you wat, it don’t damn matter how old you are as long as both are consenting!” she continued to rant, getting more and more in Mac’s face.

Big Mac could only stare terrified, unable to stand up to the wratch of the elderly mare. Behind her, he could see Applejack and Sugar Belle at the top of the stairwell. Both were barely stifling laughter behind their hands, trying not to get caught in the crossfire but unable to contain their amusement.

“And how do you think there’s so many Apples in the first place? We keep it in the family, that’s how! Why, when that son o mine went off with a Pear, I was about ready to tan his hide!” By this point, Granny Smith was addressing the portrait of Bright Mac hanging on the wall, having forgotten about her original target.

Taking the opportunity, Mac ducked into his room. Hastily closing and locking the door behind him, he wasn’t surprised to see Applejack and Sugar Belle hiding in there as well.

“Thanks fer the help,” he said sarcastically, still a bit shaken from the intense verbal grilling.

“Sometimes it pays to live another day. Besides, you know when Granny gets like that nothing from Canterlot to Tartarus is gonna change her mind,” Applejack said.

Big Macintosh sighed, and acquiesced. “Stubbornness runs in this family like a river.”

Sugar Belle couldn’t help but add “And your Granny loves to give a detailed account of why.”

All three laughed at that, and together made their way over to the bed. As they plopped down together, Applejack pulled the covers over all of them.

“See you in the morning.” Her only response was sleepy nods.

And so Mac fell asleep to the comforting warmth of his wife, the lewd promises of his sister-lover, lube from his other sister-lover staining his sheets, and the dulcet tones of his fanatical grandmother ringing through the house.

The End.