> The next adventure > by BlueHalo56 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > First contact pt 1 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Twilight sparkle, princess of friendship, bearer of the element of magic, former student to princess Celestia Co ruler of equstria , sister in law to princess Cadence Co ruler of the crystal empire along side her husband and Twilights brother Shining Armor, and aunt to princess Flurry Hear. Twilight has been on many adventures through out her time living in ponyville with her freinds, Applejack, Rarity, Rainbow dash, Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy, her assistant, and adopted brother Spike and the newest addition to the group Starlight Glimmer. Even though they have faced many enemies and diffrent creatures from all over eques nothing could prepare her for what was to litterly fall into her life, and change it for better or for worse. "AAAAAAHHHHHHHH" Came a scream from the Castle of Friendship as birds flew off into diffrent directions as a crash could be heard. "Ugh did you have to hit me so hard Twilight?" Came the voice of a certain dragon. "Well that should teach you to knock before entering the bathroom next time Spike." Stated a now dressed and annoyed alicorn as she came out of the bathroom dressed in a black t shirt, and blue jeans. "I'm sorry, but the door was open it wasn't even closed all the way I'd say it's your fualt this happened." Spike said as he got back up and went inside the bathroom. "Fine I'll take responsibility for that one, but hurry up we need to head out and get a few things." Twilight stated earning a grunt in response as she walks away. Entering the kitchen Twilight starts to make breakfast before she, and spike left for the morning. Just as she was finishing the last bit of pancakes, and placing them on a plate for Spike and her self, before setting the table and sitting down. As she began to eat Spike walked in and sat at the table to eat. Spike had grow quite a bit since they first came to ponyville 6 years ago. 'Time sure does fly by.' Twilight thought as she looks at the now taller teenage dragon sitting across from her. "What do I got something on my face?" Said dragon asked looking up from his plate. "No I was just thinking about how much we've been through since stepping into this town 6 years ago." "Oh yea alot has changed hasn't it." " It sure has. When we came here you were 10, and I was 18. Aj and Rd were 18 Pinkie Pie was 17, Rarity was the oldest at 19, and Flutteryshy had just turned 19. Now we're all in our early to mid twenties, and you just turned 16." Twilight said, as she played back memories in her head. "That and your a princess now, and all our friends have relationships. Fluttershy is dating Big Mac, Rarity is dating Emerald Blitz, Pinkie's dating Caramel Volt, Rd is dating Soarin, Applejacks got Artic Ace, and Starlight is dating Sunburst. You seem to be the only on thats not interested in anypony." Spike says as he finishes his food. "I just haven't found the right stallion yet Spike, I'm sure I'll find somepony." Twilight says finishing her food as well. "Well it's not like one Is gonna just fall from the sky Twilight." Just then a loud explosion, and crash came from outside shaking the whole Castle. "WHAT WAS THAT!" Twilight Yelled as she got up from her chair and ran to the door. Opening the door Twilight saw her freinds running up to the castle. "We heard the noise, and came runnin what happened?" Asked Applejack. "I don't know, but from the dust in the distance it came from the border of the White Tail Woods." Says Twilight, as she starts making her way to the source before turning around to call out to Spike. "Spike send a letter to the princess telling her something has happened that there was an explosion, and a small earthquake!" "Already on it Twilight!" Spike Yelled back. With that the girls went to the source of the noise. Making their way through the town they noticed all the residents looking to the woods some even having gathered at the end of the road just before the path to the woods. Making their way through the crowd Twilight was finally able to get through, only to find a large house had shown up right in a small clearing that was bordered by the whitetail woods with a small section being bordered by the everfree next to the path going deeper into the whitetail woods. The house seemed to be a decent sized two story home painted a light grey color, with a white porch that seemed newer than the house itself. 'Must have been recently added on.' thought Twilight, there was a screen going around that seemed to be used to keep bugs out. There was also a flag hanging from the front it had red and white stripes and a blue square in the corner with what looked to be stars on it. Walking up to the house the girls started to get more nervous as they got closer. "Alright girls be carefull we don't know who, or what is in there and it could be hostile so keep your guards up." Twilight says before going onto the porch, and knocking on the door. After a few seconds of nothing she knocked again and was answered with a male voice coming from inside. "Hold on a second!" Yelled the voice, before the door was open to reveal the creature that was inside. "I was just getting out of the shower now how can... I... help... you." The creature said staring at the girls as it let the towel drop back around its neck. He, as the girls could tell by the lack of breasts on its chest, and the slight bulge that was being covered by the loose shorts he was wearing, other than that he wasn't wearing anything else. Allowing the girls to get a good look at his muscles that doned his body slightly twitching from the cool air that hit them, and the readiness to attack or defend as his body tensed while looking at them before it all went relaxed and he finally spoke. "Nope." He said before closing and locking the door, as the girls looked at each other each sporting a nice little blush. Twilight more so as she hadn't been exposed to a male like that before. > First contact pt 2 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "No what do you mean no! Your the one that just showed up here!" Yell a very irate Twilight who was standing at the creatures door while banging on it. "Oh God they can talk" the girls heard from inside. "Of course we can talk why wouldn't we beable to talk!" Yelled Twilight. "GO AWAY! IM NOT DOING THIS!" The creature yelled back. "Open this door or so help me I will do it my self." "Don't you do it you wont like what happens!" "Thats it if you won't come out I'm coming in." And with that Twilight magicly unlocked the door. "Twi I'm not sure about that he seems like he don't wanna talk to us, maybe we should wait for Princess Celestia?" Said Applejack. "Yea I'm with AJ on this one I mean we don't even know what he's got in there." Rainbow Dash says agreeing with her. "Oh it's fine what could go wrong?" "Uh oh please tell me she didn't just say what I think she said?" Pinkie Pie asked. "Did she say what I think she did?" Asked the voice from inside. "Yes." Came the reply of the group behind Twilight. "~stupid sexy alien pony people and enacting Murphys law now I gotta do it.~" came the voice but much lower than before. "Did he just say sexy?" Asked Twilight not even paying attention to the rest of that sentence. "Whatever I'm going in." "Wait!" Yelled the group but it was to late, Twilight opened the door to find the creature standing down a hall way with what seemed to be a... "is that a paintball gun?" Was what was heard before screams of pain and compressed air being let out at high speeds, before Twilight came running out covered in paint, while shutting the door. Breathing heavily Twilight snapped her eyes to her friends as they all laughed at her. "That isn't funny! Gah what is his problem!!" She Screamed her mane starting to smolder. "Twilight darling are you ok you seem more, flustered than normal? Is your you know time of the year starting early?" Asked Rarity. Hearing that made Twilight stop as her eyes went wide in realization as she remembers the date. "Uh oh..." Says Twilight as she runs off back to the castle. "Well that answers that." Says Rainbow dash "Yes well it seems it is getting close to that time for us all." Says Rarity "Yes you are quite right Rarity, but let's get off that subject and back to this, what has happened here?" Asked a regal yet motherly voice. Turning around all the girls quickly bow as they see Princess Celestia and a couple royal guards walk up. "Princess!" The group said before bowing. "Rise my little ponies, now explain what has happened." With that they proceed to tell the princess what happened up till now. At the end of it Celestia was laughing while the guards behind her were trying to hold in their own laughter. "Well that seems like quite the introduction. Do not worry everypony I will try to talk with him." She says before going to knock on the door. "I thought I said to leave me alone or do you want another paint job!" Yelled the voice. "Excuse me but I would like to keep my original color but if it wouldn't be much trouble if you would come out and talk?" Asked the princess. "No im not doing this today or any day imma just stay in here you can leave now." Said the voice. "Please if you'd just come out and talk..." "NO GO AWAY! Come in and get painted a different color!" The voice said cutting off the princess. With that the princess walked back to the group. "Unfortunately he is not going to come out on his own, but I don't wish to use force and anger him, and I must get back to canterlot and prepare for next week I will leave you to it hopefully with how he is he will stay in there the next two weeks." The princess says before leaving with her guards. "What now?" Asked fluttershy. "Let's go get ready for next week we'll bring him some stuff Saturday so he won't have to leave, but let's try to get him out of the house until then." With a round of nods in agreement the mares all left to get ready for next week. As the week went by the girls would come by every day to see if he would come out and talk, but each time they were met by yelling to go away. Saturday rolled around pretty quick and Andrew was waiting for the inevitable knock on the door, and pleas to come out and talk, but the only thing to come was a knock then silence. Wondering what was going on Andrew went and looked out the window to find no one there except bags of food and water. 'Why would they leave all that here its not like I'm running low?' True Andrew wasn't in need of all of the food, unknown by the mares he had been going out side at night with his bow to hunt deer in the woods. "Well.might as well go grab that stuff no reason to let it go to waste." Andrew says to himself before opening the door and grabbing all the groceries and closing it after everything was inside. Andrew then put everything away and went back to playing his game. 'I'm not sure how I have power, but I don't care imma take full advantage.' Andrew thought to him self. -three days later- 'This is weird no one has knocked on my door in three days and I have t seen anyone not even a hair of anyone what's going on' andrew thought as he walked back to his house it was late evening and since he hadn't seen anyone he decided to go hunt the thicker part of the forest while it was still day light. "Not sure what you guys are but you look like chickens except for the lizard tail." Andrew says shaking the three dead chicken lizard things around. Andrew froze in place as he heard screaming coming his way. Turning around he saw what looked to be 3 male ponies and what looked to be a giant Iizard running towards him yelling for him to start running. Looking past them he could see a large amount of females running at them. "Oh boy." Andrew said to him self. "RUN YOU FUCKING IDIOT! And so he did the five of them running to Andrew's house with him getting to the door first opening it. "LETS GO I DON'T KNOW WHAT'S GOING ON BUT I DON'T LIKE THE LOOK OF THOSE FEMALES HURRY UP!!" Andrew Screamed as they all got in side with Andre shutting and locking the door. "You Four make sure everything is locked and barricade everything before they get in!" Andrew ordered. "On it." They all saluted before running in different directions. A few minutes later they all met in the living room plopping down on the chairs and couch breathing heavily. "That was to close." Spike said. "Tell me about it what the fuck was that anyway?" Andrew asked looking at the four other males in the room. "You don't know about heat week?" Asked the light blue one with wings, and darker blue mane and tail "Wouldn't be asking if I did." Stated Andrew. "Well every year all the mares go into heat for one week they get all crazy horny with the need to breed that they will literally go after any stallion on the street unless they have a special somepony we are trying to hid from our mares mainly cause we aren't trying to become dads yet and would rather stay out of the hospital." States the diamond blue one with white mane and tail. "Wait hold on they fuck you into the hospital?" Andrew asks "Yup pretty much." Says the yellow one with horn and black mane and tail with a single white strip going through it. "Ok well what's your deal your not even the same species as the ponies why you running?" "Thats spike he's a dragon, and his marefriend is a mare, and sister to my marefriend." Says the yellow one. "Ah well its nice to meet you spike." Andrew says giving the dragon a fist bump. "Dito, I heard what you did to my sister. Paintball gun wish I was there to see it." Spike says laughing a bit "Whoa she was your sister? How?" "He's adopted." Says the white one. "Names Artic Ace by the way." He says holding his fist out which Andrew returns the gesture. "Oh my names Emerald Blitz" he says holding his fist out as well, with Andrew doing the same. "And my names Soarin nice to meet you." Him and Andrew doing the same as the other times. "Well it's nice to meet you all my names Andrew Savage." "Wicked name you got there savage damn wish my name was savage." Says Soarin. "Yea I get that alot yall wanna beer?" Andrew says getting nods before heading to the kitchen and grabbing 5 beers and coming back handing them out before getting to spike. "Whoa he can't drink he's under age." Says Artic. "How old is he?" "16." States the group. "Man I was 14 when I had my first beer and considering the circumstances I feel like he'll be fine since it's just us and we can keep an eye on him." "I don't know what if his sis finds out I really don't wanna get on her bad side." Says emerald "I wont tell if ya'll don't besides we are here to keep an eye on him he'll be fine." Andrew says giving Spike the beer. "Alright but this doesn't leave this house got it." Say soarin. As everyone did the universal way of zipping the lips and throwing away the key. "You heard em Spike pop the cap and get us started." Andrew says. "Alright here we go." Spike says before popping the cap and taking a swig, and cringing at the taste. "Don't worry it gets easier to drink." Andrew says as he and the rest of the guys pop cap and start drinking. "If you say so Andrew." Says Spike taking another drink. "Yup just relax and let's try to wait this out boys." Andrew says getting a round of agreement from the others. 'Damn things are gonna get interesting around here now.' Thought Andrew. > first contact pt 2.5 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The next fives days went by pretty uneventful for the group of guys other than drinking and getting to know each other it wasn't until the 6th day, when everything started up again. The 7 girls were walking down the path to Andrew's house to try and see if he would come out yet now that heat week was over. "Do you think he made it through with out any trouble?" Asked Fluttershy. "I'm sure he did I don't think any of the mares in town would come this far out of town unless they were chasing a stallion but even then they would have stayed close as to not get to close to the everfree." Twilight says. "Besides I don't think he would open the door to anyone..." just then Twilight and the girls stopped dead in their tracks to the sounds of screaming. "NOOO! STOP! STOP! HEELLP!" Came the voice. "That sounds like it came from his house you don't think he would attack somepony do you?!" Pinkie Pie asks fear rising up just before another round of screaming could be heard. "Hurry up girls he have to stop him form hurting anypony!" Twilight says as she and the girls ran up to the door to find it locked. "Hold on girls I'm going to teleport us inside." With a bright flash of light the girls found themselves inside the house to hear more shouting. Running into the living room all the girls stopped in their tracks jaws agape at the scene before them. The floor was littered in beer cans and liquor bottles, plates of half eaten food were on the table, and a foldable table was snapped in two with red cups and water all over the place. Looking over to the other side of the room the girls could find emerald being held down by soarin and the man with Artic standing over him with what looks to be pink mane coloring in his hand, all of whom had only pants and various hats or head gear on. "Don't worry emerald it'll only be in your mane for a week, but that's what you get for losing a bet and breaking Andrew's table." Artic says moving the dye closer to emeralds mane and taking off the hat he was wearing. "Nononono I'm sorry I didn't mean to I was drunk anything but pink please!" Emerald begged. Before Artic could add the dye him and the rest of the boys took notice of the girls and went silent but still holding emerald down. As the group looked at each other Andrew took this as a good time to speak up. "Um this isn't what it looks like." He said with a small chuckle and grin. > First contact pt 3 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- After Emerald lost the beer pong tournament then broke Andrews table the guys snuck into town and got pink mane dye for emerald's punishment. Just before the dye could get to Emerald's hair Soarin looked up and tapped Andrew and Artic making them look up, and Andrew to lift the visor of his motorcycle helmet to look at the girls who had just entered, and are currently just starring at them. "Um this isn't what it looks like?" Andrew said with a nervous smile and chuckle. "Uuh hey girls i is heat week over already?" Artic asks stumbling over his words still a bit hungover from the previous nights activities. " Why yes it most certainly is, would you "Stallions" mind telling me what you all are doing to my dear Emerald?" With all the males excluding spike now sitting on the living room couch eyes to the floor, all the mares were standing in front of them looking at them disappointed with what they found this morning. "So would anyone like to start or do we need to make one of you talk, and I don't think any of you would like to find out how we can make y'all talk." Applejack said glaring at them making all the stallions tense up except Andrew as he just looked up at her. "Well since they are dating you girls I'll talk so they don't get thrown into the dog house y'all can do what you want to me I've got no obligation to make you all happy." After a moment he started talking again now with the rest of the males in the room looking at him like he was crazy. "It was my idea all of it they were just to drunk to see that they shouldn't and I'm the one that kept giving them alcohol so I could get a good laugh out of the results." Andrew states looking directly into the farmers eyes. "Andrew no this wasn't just your fault we choose this we must deal with the consequences as well." "No unlike y'all I got nothin to lose." Andrew spoke up looking at his new friends. "And that's why I'm going to take the punishment for it, my house my punishment." He said standing up, but before he could do anything else one by one the rest stood up as well. " We stand with you, besides can't let our new buddy take the fall for all of us now can we?" Artic says with the rest agreeing. "Thanks you guys." "So you all take responsibility for it?" Twilight says stepping up. "Yes." They all say at the same time. "But to be fair at least it was here where nothing bad could happen and considering it was heat week and you locked the castle before he could get in side again this is kind of your fault. At least he was In a safe environment around guys that would look out for him plus Andrew put him into the recovery position when he fell asleep Incase he threw up." Soarin stated. "Plus he really didn't drink all that much.. he's a real light weight. Last night he only had like 4 beers and a shot of whiskey before going to bed." Andrew says with the rest nodding looking at spike still nursing his water still sitting in the kitchen with some bread , sausage, and eggs. "It's really not that bad back when I was younger than him I was drinking every now and again with my dad." Andrew stated. "First one but your still in trouble all of you I'll let the girls decide what to do with you three but you I'm dealing out your punishment." Twilight said causing Andrew to tense if only slightly. "That's fair." He says. "And that punishment is your going to come with me to my castle answer some questions and then we will meet with the rest of the royal family." Twilight says getting a little closer to Andrew. "Alright fine." Andrew says with a sigh, as they all make their way out of the house and to the Castle. > Questions about the past > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- As everyone went their separate ways Andrew, and spike followed behind Twilight back to her castle. "~hey sorry you, and the guys got in trouble for letting me drink.~" Spike whispered to Andrew. "~Its okay not your fault. To be fair we really should have paid more attention to the date, so we could have had everything cleaned up like nothing happened.~ Andrew whispered back. "What are you two talking about back there?" Twilight asks looking over her shoulder. "Nothing!" The two boys stayed simultaneously. "Yea ok." Twilight says looking forward again not believing them at all. As they continue to walk the two just silently chuckle. Once they made it into town all the residents had already started their day and were out and about shopping or going to work. As the group passed by all of the ponies would stop and stare at the newcomer they all heard about before heat season. Every now and again Andrew could hear whispers coming from the crowd of ponies some good some bad and some he didn't know how to take. "~Hey that's him.~" "~Did he really shoot the princess with a paintball gun?~" "~Do you think he's gonna hurt us? I heard talk about him coming in and out of the Everfree with stuff on his back.~" "~He's kind of cute wish he was around to be of "help" during this heat season.~" All Andrew could do was try to ignore most of the whispers and keep his head down, but some definitely caught him of guard if the blush on his face was anything to go by. As they all neared the castle spike whispered into Andrew's ear one more time. "~Well someone is popular~" Spike says with a quiet chuckle. "~Shut up spike.~" Andrew growls punching him in the arm. "Ok here we are." Twilight states turning around to look at Andrew and spike. Looking forward Andrew couldn't help but let his jaw drop at what he was seeing. There in front of him sat a massive crystal castle. "Sweet baby Jesus that is a massive fucking castle and... Is it made of crystal?" Andrew half asks half shouts still looking at the structure. "Yes, it is, and who is Jesus?" Twilight asks cocking her head to the side. "Um don't worry about that it's a topic that's far too complicated to really delve into but he's God or well gods' son." Andrew says taking his eyes off the beautiful work of craftsmanship that is Twilight's castle. "How did you guys even make this? Crystal isn't usually the easiest thing to work with." "Oh well no one built it, it built itself." "Wait a minute, you're telling me this thing basically just grew out of the ground, or popped into existence?" Andrew asks not believing a single word. "Well yes actually it grew from the ground." States Twilight proudly. ". HOW?!" "Magic." Twilight says like it's the most obvious thing to grace the planet. "Will I have to use that as an explanation for a lot of things around here?" Andrew asks still in disbelief. "Pretty much unless it's Pinkie Pie then we just blame her." Spike says earning a smack upside his head from Twilight. "Don't say it like that spike! But yes, if that's how you can cope with it do so." Twilight says annoyed. "Alright I think I'll just do that then." "Lets' go inside and we can get this Q&A started." Twilight says showing Andrew inside. once inside Andrew followed Twilight down the hall through into what looks like a thrown room before going through another room with a table and 6 chairs in the center. "Welcome to the map room where me and my friends meet up, and see where in Equestria we are needed for friendship problems." Twilight says gesturing to the table. "Cool place you got here. I'm going to assume the different symbols on the chairs represent each of your friends?" Andrew asks walking to the table "You would be correct in your assumption. Go ahead and take a seat, and we can get this started." Twilight says sitting in her own seat. Andrew goes over to a chair with a rainbow lightning bolt and cloud sitting down. "So, lets' get this started what is your name I don't believe I caught it yet?" "My name is Andrew Savage, and I'm 24 years old." Andrew states catching Twilights attention. "Oh, so you're the same age as me that's good to know when's your birthday?" "December 25th what about you when's yours? "Mine's March 30th it just passed 4 weeks ago." "Ah so its April 27th right now that's good that means the dates here and back home are the same." Andrew says rubbing the stubble on his face. 'I might grow a beard no reason to shave anymore.' Andrew thought to himself. "Ok next question what are you, and where are you from, I've never seen anything like you before?" Twilight says looking directly at him a sparkle in her eye. "Well I'm a human from the planet earth I grew up in the United States of America in a small state called Wyoming." "A... Human..?" Asks Twilight before regaining her composure. It wasn't much but Andrew took note of the fear she shown. "Uh yea is.. is that a issue?" "Nonono not at all it's just a shocker humans haven't existed in over a thousand years they disappeared shortly after princess Luna was sent to the moon when she was taken over by nightmare moon, but no one knows why." "Is that so huh, well it's definitely something that could be looked into." "Ye yea looked into well the only pony that would know is princess Celestia." "Oh ok well do you have anymore questions?" "Oh yes um let's see. What did you do back in your world?" "Well let's see i guess I did a little bit of everything ranging from mechanics, engineering, and security detail." Andrew says 'not a lie but definitely not the truth.' Andrew thought. "Oh wow you got a lot of experience under your belt then. The security thing how was that." "Oh well it was.... Boring, nothing crazy just small things like protecting vital assets or buildings." Andrew says gaining a far away look that Twilight didn't notice "Nothing ever really happened real cut and dry stuff." "Hehe heck this one time me and my buddies where tasked to protect this high value forign dignitary during some negotiations and all we really did was escort this guy across the desert and hold security out side the room while they all talked business." Andrew states giving off a forced chuckle. Twilight couldn't really tell but the way he talked about it seemed kind of forced like there was something more to it. "Well that sounds very interesting but was there more to it you seemed kind of off while talking about it?" Twilight asks with a slight bit of concern. "Huh oh no nothing really with the job but after the job a couple of my buddies were in a car crash and didn't make it. I don't normally bring it up cause it's a bad memory but to show good tidings I decided to tell you." "Oh I'm I'm so sorry to hear about that let's get on a different topic." Twilight says as her ears flatten to her head. "Ok." "Do humans have cutie marks? If so what's yours?" "Cutie marks... Oh yea the guys were asking about that yea no we don't get em but we do get tattoos which is when someone takes a needle and ink and stick it into your body making and image or saying, I actually have one on my right forearm." He states while pulling up his sleeve to show her his arm. "It says live to die another day." He states letting her look at it "Why would you have it say that?" "Well the reason is because sometimes we all need a little reminder to not give up and keep moving forward." Twilight wasn't sure how to take that but didn't want to ask about it either 'he'll tell me when he's ready.' Twilight thought to her self while biting her bottom lip. "Well let's keep going shall we." "After you Twilight." "After a long day of questions Andrew was finally on his way back to his home. With it being dark helped to conceal Andrew of any prying eyes. 'what a long day hopefully I didn't say anything to incriminating oh well it's something for tomorrow.' Andrew thought as he made his way into his house. Back at the castle Twilight had just finished going over all of her notes she took during her questioning of the human Andrew. 'i can't help but feel like he wasn't telling me the full truth, but after what he said I can see why he doesn't like talking about him self. I need to send these notes to princess Celestia she is going to want to meet him and know all she can before doing so.' Twilight thought before writing a letter and sending it off along with her notes to the sun princess. > Meeting the sun princess > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The next morning Andrew decided to get back into a somewhat normal routine by starting his day with a small breakfast, before going outside to start his workout beginning with weighted sprints before going into squats crunches and burpees. As Andrew finished his last set of burpees, he looks over the path to see Artic, and Emerald along with a pony he had yet to meet jogging up to him. "Hey guys getting a morning workout in as well?" Andrew asks pulling out his earbuds while walking over to the three stallions. "Hey Andrew yea got to keep in shape for our ladies and thought we would run over here to see if you wanted to join us. But we can see you already got started on your own thing." Artic said putting his fist up to Andrew. "Yea about to move on to some lifting if you three want to join me." Andrew says returning the fist-bump. "Yea we'll join you, oh! By the way this is caramel volt." "Nice to finally meet the stallion that shot the princess of friendship with a paintball gun." Soarin says sticking his hand out. "Nice to meet you as well caramel names Andrew but you already know that from these two." Andrew says shaking caramel's hand. "Yea I've heard some interesting things about you oh king of drink." Caramel says chuckling as the other two stallions bust out laughing at Andrews expense. "Oh, haha very funny I doubt making a lazy boy into a throne of beer bottles and liquor would hold any say in the royal court here or anywhere for that matter. Especially if I proclaim myself as king of drink." "Oh, come on I think it would make a very fitting title; one all ponies can enjoy." Emerald states holding back a snicker as much as he can. "Yea yea whatever get some reps in before I make your run weighted sprints." Andrew says gesturing to the lifting equipment. "What are we doing?" Caramel asks walking over to all the equipment. "Max set power clean followed by 4 sets of 10 dumbbell press, max set of shoulder shrugs and ending with dumbbell-flys while waiting for in-between sets do hello Dolly's or any kind of abs workout." "Sounds like quite the work out you got going." Caramel states. "Yeah well you know the drill gotta keep fit and healthy." Andrew says. "Yea I can completely agree with you on that especially when working as and dating a baker." Caramel says grabbing the bar to do his set of power cleans." "Oh, so your whip cream budget must be crazy high " Andrew says with a laugh causing the rest of the guys to laugh as well and caramel to grumble but grin at the joke. As the group continues to work out and talk Andrew stops when he hears a noise off in the distance. "Do you guys hear that?" Andrew asks causing the others to look around. "It sounds like, flapping?" Caramel says looking toward the sky. Looking up to the sky Andrew could see outlines of multiple pegasi and a carriage. "That's the royal guard and the princess's carriage, but why is it coming here with so many guards?" Emerald states in a confused tone. "I don't know but I've got a bad feeling about this." Andrew says. "I'll be right back going to go grab a few towels for us." Andrew says walking into his house. walking inside his home and heading to his hallway Andrew looks around his home before opening his side closet grabbing four towels and heading back out to give the guys the towels. "Here you guys go." Andrew says while wiping the sweat off his face the other following suit. "Thanks, what do you think the princess is doing coming to ponyville with so many guards?" Asked Artic. "I don't know but i don't think it's going to be a social visit." Caramel states while putting the towel around his neck. "I think I know why and I don't like the probable outcome of it." Andrew says glancing at his new friends. "Why do you say that what do you think she's here for?" Asked Emerald. "I'm not a hundred on it but I.. GAH!" Andrew yelled out as a royal guard landed behind him throwing him to the ground, and placing a knee in roughly into his back. "DON'T RESIST BEAST!!" Shouted the guard, as Andrew stops struggling and calms his breath. "Ok ok I'm cool no need to get anymore violent." Andrew says trying to calm the tension. "HEY! Get off of him he didn't do anything wrong!" Artic states starting to make his way over to Andrew. Just as Artic was about to reach them more guards landed and blocked them from Andrew with spears and swords. "STAY BACK!" Shouted on of the guards. "What's the big idea detaining him like that, he hasn't done anything wrong." Caramel says walking up next to Artic with Emerald following close behind. "ON ORDERS OF PRINCESS CELESTIA THIS CREATURE IS TO BE PLACED UNDER ARREST!" "On what charges!?" Emerald asked "On the charge of being a threat to equestrian safety and harmony." Said a stern yet regal voice. Looking back the group of stallions found princess Celestia walking up to them with a glare etched on her features. "Princess!" They all gasped before bowing. Hearing the commotion Andrew tries to look over to see what was happening, but just as his head moved up a fist was introduced his face forcing his head back into the dirt. "DON'T MOVE!" "Fuck.. you!" Groaned Andrew as he spit blood out. Hearing this caramel turns to see what happened before getting up and trying to rush to his friends aid, before being stopped by the other guards. "HEY! THAT WAS UNCALLED FOR!" He yelled still trying to help Andrew. "Caramel stand back this does not concern you." Celestia says making her way towards the human. "YES THE BUCK IT DOES! MY FRIEND IS BEING WRONGFULLY DETAINED AND ASSAULTED!" Caramel yells with out realizing who he was responding to. "PRINCESS! What is going on here what are you doing to Andrew?" Twilight says running up to the group with the girls, spike and soarin. "I am taking this human into custody." "Under what charges?" "She said it's for being a threat to equestrian safety and harmony." Artic states crossing his arms. "What how he just got here he hasn't even done anything." Twilight says. "Twilight I understand your confused but you didn't have to deal with his kind before." "What there were humans here before?" The group asks. "Yes humans lived here up untill almost one thousand years ago when they disappeared but prior to that just after Luna's banishment they went to war with us for reasons unknown to me l. It was some of the bloodiest gruesome battles I've ever seen. They fought like warriors possessed by demons never turning away or running just kept pushing, I'll never understand why Luna loved them so much, but if one is here that means they might come back and I can't let that happen. Take him away!" The princess says while getting salutes from the guards. As the guards take Andrew away to go back to canterlot twilight and the group were just staring into space trying to process what was said. "I knew the history was vague but you can't put the sins of those humans on Andrew he's not even from this planet maybe even universe." Twilight states. "You have to give him a chance maybe he isn't even like any of those humans that lived on Equis.". Twilight says putting her foot down. "That's true princess we've been with him almost the whole time he's been here and never once has he given any indication that he would do us harm." Emerald said. "That maybe but was It not you twilight that said he was hiding something that had you concerned about him being left alone." Princess says making the rest of the group look at here in anger. "W well yea but its not like I was in any danger I was just put off about him being human more so concerned that he was hiding something about his past as of it upset him from what I could tell he was telling the truth just not all of it." Twilight says wilting under the glares. "Fine we will find out now and then I will decide his fate. Bring me the human." Celestia says. As the guards bring Andrew over the force him to the ground on his knees. Looking up Andrew meets celestial eyes. "What did you bring me over to kill me your self then do it get it over with." "No I will not kill you unless you give me reason to, no I want you to tell the truth." She states as Andrew glares at her. > the truth comes out > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "No, I will not kill you unless you give me reason to, no I want you to tell the truth." Princess Celestia states with a glare. "And why should I tell you anything. From where I'm sitting you already have your choice made, considering you just had me attacked for no reason." Andrew says glaring up at the princess. "If you wish to see the light of day ever again, I suggest you start talking." "Andrew please just tell her what she wants to know, we all know you didn't do anything wrong." Twilight pleads with tears in her eyes. *sigh* " Fine just, let me up its easier to explain if I show you." He says laying his head on the ground in resignation. "Let him up." Princess Celestia says making the guards stand and back a few steps away from Andrew. Standing up and brushing himself off. looking at his house and then back to the group he sighs one more time before beckoning them to follow. "Come on let's get this over with." he states while walking to his door and allowing them inside. Before Celestia walks inside she motions for her guards to take up positions around the house and to not let anyone in or out. Walking through the main foyer of the house the group is exposed to a nice comfy living room setting with pictures of what can only be of friends, family and some of the different places Andrew has been. the room is set up with a nice big L shaped couch with a lazy boy in the corner and a 65-inch tv on the wall. the room leads into a dining room that connects to the kitchen that has a bar style counter wrapping around with an island counter in the middle. "Follow me what I have to show you is upstairs." Andrew says leading them up a set of stairs just next to the foyer. going up the stairs the group sees more photos, once they hit the top floor Andrew leads them down a hall to a room at the end. Andrew hesitates for a minute before opening the room for the group to enter. Once inside the room the group gasps at the site before them. the room was filled with pictures books and glass cases with uniforms and different equipment, all military in nature. "What... what is all of this?" Twilight asks as she walks over to the bookcase pulling out a book titled the art of war. "Yes, what is this human." Celestia says walking up to a photo that showed Andrew and two other humans in the same gear that's in the clear case with what she could only assume was weapons, all smiling and wrapping their arms around each other looking at the camera. "My name is Andrew, not human." He says walking to the case with his gear in it. looking it over before turning to the group. "Twilight, you remember how I told you that I ran security for different assets and people well that wasn't the full truth. the job was in nature security for the most part, but we did a lot of things we were part of a group of mercenary's that did jobs in combat zones helping the good guys in areas that they couldn't move into or when they didn't have the manpower we would go in and help them, we also did jobs that were off the books when things needed done that some people didn't want to be let known. the other two people in that photo you're looking at Princess is two of my friends Mitch on the left and Cody on the right." After hearing that Celestia takes a closer look at the photo to look at the two mentioned. "What I told you about the job we did it wasn't a lie but what was is how they died because they did die, but it was on the way back after the meeting our VIP had. we were on our way back going down an alternative route due to our main being compromised well it was just a set up to get us somewhere else. we got hit by a rpg also known as a rocket propelled grenade a high explosive munition used to take out vehicle's buildings and other targets. it was an ambush we were a group of 10 strong in two vics me my buddies the VIP and one more in our vehicle we were in the back the truck in front was hit killing everyone inside me and my buddies dismounted with the VIP while the other guy laid down covering fire with the mounted machine gun, he didn't last long sniper shot him in the head killing him instantly. we made our way into a nearby building taking cover and returning fire while trying to make our way out of the area building to building." Andrew stops to take a breath and get his bearing again before continuing. "we eventually made it to another vehicle got it running and started to load up, Cody was shot in the side making his way to the vehicle he yelled at us to go, and he would cover our escape I couldn't leave him there, but I also couldn't get to him being cut off by gun fire I watched him die right there not being able to do anything as mitch drove away. we were able to get out of the hot zone but not before Mitch took a round to the neck while leaving the city causing us to crash and flip the car, we were in I was knocked unconscious from it, next thing I know I'm waking up in a medical tent being told the VIP was missing and that I was the only survivor. to this day I don't know why I made it, but I wish I was able to do something different every day." Andrew finishes sitting down whit his head in his hands before looking up at the group. the guys all had solemn looks while looking at the photos of Andrew and his friends, Twilight, Fluttershy, Pinkie and Rarity where fighting back tears applejack and rainbow were ooking everywhere but him clearly hiding that they were also crying, and Celestias' cold glare was removed and replaced by a look of remorse and empathy. "Now you know what i used to do and why I hid the truth from you." "Andrew I'm... I'm so sorry you had to go through that kind of pain." Twilight says walking up and placing her hand on his shoulder. Reaching up and putting his on hers he looks up and smiles. " It's, alright Twilight had it not been for them I'd probably be dead right now all I can do is remember them and live up to what they fought for and believed in." "Andrew i will allow you to live here but i will be keeping a very close eye on you and if you so much as look like you're going to cause harm to any innocent lives I will personally lock you away in the deepest parts of the dungeons am I understood." Celestia states trying and failing to regain her composure. "Understood." Andrew says. with that Celestia walks out of the room and outside to gather her guards before teleporting away. "Well I could use a drink anyone else?" Andrew asks looking around the room getting nods of confirmation from everyone still there. back in Canterlot Celestia was sitting in her study looking out the window when her sister walks in looking for her. "Sister where have you been raven said you got a letter from twilight and just teleported out of day court what happened?!?" Luna says turning on the lights. Turning around Celestia shows luna that she had recently been crying and looked to be in turmoil. "I'm sorry Luna, is it time to lower the sun?" "Sister what's wrong you look terrible?" "Oh, nothing's wrong I just meet a new one of twilights friends and they just reminded me of the troubles and scars of war." "One of Twilights friends how is that possible we haven't had an actual war in over a thousand years?" " Thats the thing he was a human from another world, and he had just explained to us all what he had done and what happened on one of the missions he briefly told Twilight about." "A... A human they are back?" "No just one we still don't know how he ended up here though you may meet him soon if what he told us is true, he may have nightmares especially tonight old wounds have been opened." "Well, I will try to keep an eye on the dream realm tonight for any particularly bad nightmares." Back in ponyville the group of ponies have diminished slightly due to Fluttershy, Applejack, Pinkiepie, and Rarity having left an hour ago. Andrew was standing out on his back porch looking into the night sky when the rest of his new friends came out to check on him. "Andrew is everything ok you seem distant." Twilight asks as everyone surrounds Andrew. "Yea everything's all good just today was the day that they died." Andrew says looking at Twilight. "Andrew i know it really doesn't mean a whole lot, but we really are sorry you had to go through that. is... is there anything we can do to help?" "Well normally i do this by myself but I'd be grateful if you all would take a shot of whiskey with me in remembrance." "Well, I'm not one for drinking and i really don't want spike to drink until he's older but why not." "Alright everyone grab a glass." once everyone had a glass Andrew went around and poured a bit of whiskey into each glass before going back to the center of the circle and holding up his glass making everyone to follow suit. " A toast, to old and new friends alike, may we never forget the times we shared and the memories we are sure to make and to those that have past, may their memory always live on in the lives they touched cheers." Andrew says before downing his drink. "Cheers" the group said before downing their drinks as well. "Thank you everyone for joining me for this." "No problem, buddy anytime. Artice ace states while patting him on the back followed by everyone else giving their own words. later that night everyone had left except twilight and spike. "Sorry about today Andrew i really didn't know Celestia was going to do that to you." "It's fine Twilight thanks for staying though you to spike thanks I needed the company after that." "No problem, dude you know we got your back." "Well, it is getting late we should head back home good night, Andrew." Twilight says giving Andrew a hug. "Good night, Twilight." Andrew says returning the hug. After letting Twilight go Andrew, and spike share a fist bump before the two siblings leave letting Andrew close the door and head to bed himself. laying down in bed Andrew stares at the ceiling before rolling over to look out the window thinking about the day, he had and whats to come as he drifts off to sleep. > Update > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hello everybody miss me I did to lol nah I'm just playing anyway yes I've been Mia for a fat min lately it's been really hectic and I've just been tired as all hell from work and being a general contractor for my parents house they are building I've not got a lot of free time but I'm gonna start getting back into it I've made some edits to the next adventure just some stuff that me personally either fucked up cause I didn't catch it or didn't make sense I haven't done everything cause that is a lot and I think the bit of confusion kinda adds to the story idk you tell me but enough of the rambling I'm back gonna start making more chapters and edits here and there little at a time ya know anyway you beautiful sobs stay safe and have a great rest of your night/day duces > The shining in the dark > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *AHHHH* With a gasp Andrew woke up looking around his room, looking outside he can see it was still dark. Grabbing his phone he finds it to be 3 in the morning. *HEELP* Whipping his head toward his window to the sound of someone yelling outside. Shooting out of bed and making his way to the window Andrew looks out to find a figure running along the path going towards a small cottage in the distance with another following behind. As Andrew takes a closer look he catches a glint coming from the second figures hand a glint Andrew instantly recognized as a knife. Grabbing his hoodie throwing it on, and grabbing his bow and arrows Andrew runs out side and runs down the path towards the cottage. ~20 minutes earlier~ Fluttershy woke up having to use the restroom, coming back she noticed that angel bunny wasn't in his bed looking around she couldn't find him so she went to check downstairs. Once downstairs she still couldn't find angel bunny wondering where he went, untill she noticed the front door was open. "Oh no please tell me you didn't wonder outside." Fluttershy silently asked herself making her way out the door. Looking around the moon lit yard she still couldn't find him, walking further from her home she noticed a little figure moving across the bridge going into town, taking off towards the figure she called out. "Angel wait you know your not supposed to be out here at this hour." But the figure didn't stop and just kept going into town before disappearing behind a building. Fluttershy made her way to the building the figure disappeared behind only to stop when she couldn't see where it had gone. Walking around the street trying to find where her bunny could have gone she heard something fall to the ground down an ally making her stop and turn to the noise. "Angel?" She calls out slowly making her way to the ally only to stop when a shadowy figure of a pony stepped into the dim light. "Well well what do we have here." Asked the figure "U um I'm sorry I was just looking for my bunny ha have you seen him?" Fluttershy asks slowly inching away. " Oh no I haven't but you don't have to worry about that right now." The figure says as he pulls out something from his pocket. Looking down Fluttershy notices it to be a large knife. "Now why don't you be a good mare and come over here so we can have some fun." As the unknown stallion made a grab for Fluttershy she screams and dodges out of the way before taking off back to her cottage. "AHHHH!" As she runs out of town down the path she looks back to see the stallion running after her the knife shinning in the moonlight. "HELLP!" Fluttershy screams hoping anyone would hear her as she crosses the bridge to her home. As she makes it to her door she looks back to see him still coming after her, opening her door she slams it shut looking around for any of her animal friends to help but the only ones around are her smaller ones, remembering the barret and her other larger animal friends all went to the woods to visit with their kin. As she looks around for anything she hears something slam into her door making her freeze and look towards her door. Then another slam rocks her door, and another, and another. Untill the door finally gives making her scream out as the stallion slowly makes his way to her very step forward making Fluttershy take a step back untill she can no longer move backwards from her back hitting the opposite wall. As the stallion closes in on her she is about to shut her eyes and brace for the inevitable untill something outside her window catches her eye. Looking out her window she sees something shinning in the moonlight along the edge of her property untill it disappears. A second after it vanished she heard a wet gurgling coming from the stallion. Looking back at her soon to be attacker she covers her mouth with a gasp as she sees him holding his throat where an arrow is sticking out of, untill another stabs through the side of his chest making his body tense up and freeze before dropping to the ground dead. Starring at the body Fluttershy is starring at the body trying to possess what had just happened untill she remembered what she saw out her window. Running to the window to look out where she saw the shinning she just barely sees hooded figure standing at the edge of her property. The figure turns it's head towards town before looking back to her giving a wave and taking off into the woods behind it. "WAIT!" Fluttershy calls out hoping it would stop but alas the figure was already gone. Fluttershy heard the sound of hooves on dirt untill a group of guards came rushing into her home. "MISS SHY IS EVERYTHING OK!" One of the guards calls out stopping once he sees the dead body on the ground and Fluttershy standing by the window "Miss shy what happened here?" Looking back out the window Fluttershy whispers a almost silent thank you before looking back and explaining to the guards what happened. ~5 minutes after the incident~ As Andrew made his way back into his house making sure he wasn't followed he locks the door and goes to put away his bow and swap the arrows he used with a different set he had, and hiding the arrows he was using. Making his way into his room he fell into the bed looking at the ceiling. "I thought I was going to be able to give up that life here." Andrew says before drifting off back to sleep, hoping he wouldn't have nightmares about what had happened. > Aftermath pt1 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The following morning Andrew woke up shooting out of bed looking around his room before taking a breath and relaxing. Remembering what had happened last night Andrew put his face in his hands and took a shaky breath wondering what was going to happen now she saw him and called out to him to wait, he was sure she couldn't tell who it was but that nagging feeling never went away. Getting up and out of bed Andrew heads to his bathroom to take a shower. After getting undressed and letting the water get up to a nice hot temperature, he stepped in and let the water cascade over him the familiar initial sting from the water relaxing him even more. As he let the water run down his body he he grabs his soap and starts to wash his body and hair, as he was putting soap in his hair he hears a series of knocks coming for his front door ignoring it and hoping whoever it was would go away he washes and rinses his hair untill the knocks came again but louder. Giving a grumble he turns the water off and starts to dry off the knocking just getting more intense untill he had enough throwing on a pair of shorts and heads down stairs. Throwing the door open Andrew stops the mare from knocking again only to reveal it to be twilight "What?!" Andrew growls out. "A Andrew w why are you half naked and wet?" "Well before you so rudely banged on my door I was enjoying a nice hot shower, now what can I do for you twilight." "Oh w well um I'm sorry... For interrupting your shower." Twilight says while staring at Andrews half dressed form, her eyes lingering on his chest and arm muscles as they twitch and steam from the cool air. Raising an eyebrow Andrew coughs slightly before speaking. "Eyes are up here pervert." Hearing this caused twilight to turn crimson and sputter. "Wh what p pervert I'm not a pervert your the one that answered the door while half dressed!" She almost screams. "Hey it's my house not my fault you can't control your self." Andrew states with a smirk "Wh.. bu.. I .. *growl* your impossible!" She stats glaring at the human. Chuckling Andrew offers her to come inside. "I'm just messing with ya twilight come on in I was about to make some coffee would you like some?" "Oh uh sure thank you." Twilight says while walking inside. "No problem just take a seat in the living room I'll be right back." Walking to the living room couch Twilight sits down while looking around the room she hasn't been able to really inspect the place since last time it was a mess of beer cans and liquor bottles. Now that the place had been cleaned she can admit that the place was nice and cozy looking pictures of possible family and friends and other places he might have been decorated the walls a strange rectangular black object sat on the wall above a fireplace the room also had a small coffee table in front of the couch and recliner of to the side with a lamp next to it and a small side table on the other side the couch was really nice as well it was big enough to lay down on and comfortable enough to sleep in if need. She was about to just sit and silently wait for Andrew to come back but a picture on the side wall caught her eye,standing up and walking over she saw that it was of Hunter and another man a bit older than him. They were wearing outfits that were a miss match of browns and blacks with what could be seen as sticks in the pattern and they were holding bows, she was about to pick up the photo but Andrew coming back into the room stoped her. "Here ya go twilight careful it's hot." Andrew says walking over and handing her the cup. "What you looking at?" "Oh just this picture, you can use a bow?" "Yea I can." Andrew says keeping his calm "Oh! That reminds me we have to go right now something happened last night at Fluttershys place." She says dragging Andrew out of the room. "Whoa calm down." Andrew says getting her to stop and take a breath. "Now tell me what happened." He says while taking a drink of his coffee. "Last night Fluttershy was attacked while looking for her bunny angel bunny." " Oh my God, is she ok?" Yes but she is pretty shaken up the attacker chased her all the way back to her home where he broke in and was gonna kill her or who knows what but..." She stops trying to think about how to say what had happened slightly starting to panic. "But what? What happened?" Andrew says getting her to continue. "The attacker was killed, shot by an archer from her property line along the everfree forest." "Well it's good that the archer was there." 'it was Fluttershy I saved? Well at least she ok and no one knew it was me' Andrew thought. "Yes but that's the thing he put two arrows into him one through his neck and another into the side of his chest both from 100 yards through a window in what we assume was a split second shooting, he would have had to calculate wind air density and how much drop there would be all in a matter of a few seconds twice. Not even some of the best archers in Equestria that we know of can do that kind of shooting." "So what you think it was instinct shooting?" That made twilight stop and look him in the eyes. "What's instinct shooting?" She asks I'll tell you on the way to shy's place let's go." Andrew says making his way out the door while grabbing his grunt style base ball cap. "Ok." Twilight says following after him. Opening the door and letting twilight head out before shutting and locking his house up. Once the door was locked Andrew turned to follow twilight. "So where does she live anyway?" Just down the road you can actually see it from you place." She stats walking towards the cottage from last night. "Huh wonder how I've never noticed that before." "So you were gonna explain what instinct shooting was?" "Oh yea. Well it's usually a technique used for recurve bows since they have no sights at least normally they don't some do. It's basically a skill that you gain when shooting bows that allows you to aim solely on how your eye and the flight path of the arrow line up using ones instinct to shoot rather than the aid of a sight. If your really good at it you can make multiple quick successful shots in a row with out having to take a break to regain control of the bow, but you have to be good at keeping your arm and hand holding the bow from moving to much." "Huh and you think this archer could have been doing that?" "maybe, it would really depend on the bow but you could do it with any kind it just gets annoying to do it when you have a sight on it and compound bows usually always have a sight on em, he's either really good with instinct shooting or he's really good with a bow and shooting in general." "Well that would explain why he could calculate the information to take the shots so fast but that still doesn't explain how he was able to shoot through her window at 100 yards in the dark." "I don't know twilight maybe he has good vision or he saw what was happening and took a shot in the dark hoping that it would hit and not just smack a wall or window. Hell maybe who ever it was is just that good at what he does you never know." "Yea your right." As they made the way up to Fluttershys cottage everything was silent other than the murmur of talking coming from the house that had caution tape going around it. "Hey twilight if this is an active crime scene why are going here and where is Fluttershy at a station giving a report?" Andrew asks looking around at the few guards standing around the home. "No she already gave a report earlier this morning she's at the farm with her colt friend big mac, she's still pretty shaken up by the event and big mac doesn't want her to be alone." She says walking up to the door with Andrew following behind. "So then why are we here and not over there?" He asks as she goes inside. "That would be my doing." Said a voice from inside. > Aftermath pt2 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "That would be my doing." Said a voice from inside causing Andrew to halt his movement if only a little. Looking inside Andrew finds guards taking pictures and looking over bits of evidence, as well as a body covered by a white sheet in the middle of the room. Looking towards twilight Andrew notices a new mare whose coat was dark blue with a mane and tail that looked like the night sky with sparkles looking like stars going through them. She also had wings and a horn like twilight. 'huh I wonder if they are rare I've only seen three of them so far' Andrew though as he looked over the new mare. "Huh, um are you also by chance a princess miss?" "Luna, Princess Luna co ruler of Equestria, but you my precious little human may call me Luna. Before I was banished as nightmare moon all the humans would call me Luna I was quite fond of them, and they just like the bat ponies served under me. And as I've been told by young Twilight you used to work security and various other jobs as a mercenary correct?" "Oh well that's a cool bit of info. My name is Andrew Savage your majesty, and yes that is correct. " Putting out his hand to shake hers. "It is nice to meet you Mr Savage. I do hope your skills will come in handy today." Taking his hand and shaking it. "Oh please just call me Andrew, and I'll help in any way I can" He states while letting go of her hand. " I will keep that in mind, any questions?" She asks waving a hand at the scene. " Yes, but before we get into that I'd just like to ask as it's never been brought up. What are you I've only seen three of your kind are you guys a rare breed or what?" "Oh my Celestia I can believe I never covered that how could I have forgotten I've never forgotten to give information oooooh what else did I forget did I mhphphmmh." "Worry not twilight it is an understandable circumstance as you've never been introduced to an actual human before." Luna says flaring her magic to get the younger mare to be quiet before letting her go. "Well as you've seen there isn't many of us aside for myself, twilight, my sister as well as my niece and twilights sister in law cadence, and her little filly flurry heart. There is a reason for that as to become an alicorn "what our how you say breed is" certain criteria must be met and one will ascend to become an alicorn except in instances such as me my sister and our grand niece flurry as we were born as alicorns." "Well what difference is there if you can be born, I mean if you can be born why aren't there more of you?" Andrew asked confused. "Well for an alicorn to be born one or both of the parents must be an alicorn but if only one of the parents is an alicorn there's only a 50/50 chance the colt or filly will be one as well." "Huh I mean I guess that makes sense." Andrew says pondering on what he's just been told. "Is there anymore questions you have Andrew "Actually yea just one and it's going to sound super rude but how old are you we look to be about the same age, but you seem to talk as if you've got years of experience." "ANDREW!" "Oh its alright young twilight he is only curious, and to answer that, well it would be because I am ten thousand years your senior." That one statement broke Andrew. ... "Um hello are you ok Andrew?" Luna asks waving a hand in his face. ... Twilight looks at Andrew worried before walking up to him and shaking his shoulder snapping him out of his stuper. "I'm sorry but did you say ten thousand years?!" "Yes I did say ten thousand, with my sister being only 5 years older than me ." Luna said with a small giggle. "HOW?! I mean that should be impossible no one can live that long and if they could they would go crazy." Andrew states still in disbelief. "Yes well as alicorns we are virtually immortal age wise and we can't die from normal means, but we can still be hurt if I were to be stabbed it would still bleed. I just wouldn't die from it, nothing short of having my head ripped off or my heart ripped out or being fatally wounded by a material know as alistone would kill me, but with that it's hard to come by even harder to shape." Luna stated with a wave of her hand. "Huh that's insane are other ponies long lived too?" "No the average life span of a pony is about eighty to around one hundred years old but sometimes you'll find a pony that's lived longer than that." Twilight states. "Oh ok so not to much different compared to humans then." "Yes well enough with that I do believe we should get down to the matter at hand shall we?" Luna asks while looking over the crime scene. "Of course pri..." Andrew stops his sentence dead as he sees the lunar princess glaring at him "Luna... Of course Luna please show me what we are looking at." Andrew says slowly. "Yes well as I'm sure Twilight has told you miss shy was attacked last night, and had it not been for an unknown archer she could very well have been hurt or worse." Luna says walking the two to a white sheet with what Andrew could only assume is the stallion he shot last night. "Before I continue Twilight if you wish to not be here for this you may leave and either wait outside or go and be with your friends." Luna says looking at twilight. "No no it's fine I need to be here to learn this kind of stuff anyway in case I ever have to watch over a crime scene." She says looking nervous and hugging her self. "Don't worry Twilight if you wanna leave at anytime your free to do so and if you'd like to talk about it later you can come talk to me." Andrew tells her while putting his hand on her shoulder causing her to relax a bit more. "Thanks Andrew I appreciate it." She saying looking him in the eyes. "No problem. Anyway if you would Luna." Andrew says motioning to the sheet. "Of course." Luna responds before lifting the sheet to show the dead body underneath. "Oh Faust." Twilight says putting a hand over her mouth and cringing away from the sight. 'understandable.' Andrew thought putting a hand on her back rubbing up and down to try and calm her down before looking at his handy word. "Jesus." He whispers. Andrew understood why Twilight would have suck a reaction now that he got a good look at the aftermath. His arrow didn't just hit him in the throat it ripped a good chunk of the throat and spine out with it leaving a bloody mess all over the floor and body. Looking around Andrew could note the blood spray went almost all over the rooms back wall luckily enough it only got on things that could get cleaned with ease and wasn't draining anything important. 'need to make it seem like I'm actually doing what I was called here for.' Andrew thought looking back to the body. "Got any gloves?" He asked to the ponies around him. "Here you go." A Pegasus mare with an azure coat and white mane said while handing Andrew a pair of rubber gloves. "Thank you miss" "Azure streak sir." She said with a nod of her head before walking away to take more photos for evidence. "Well nice to meet you I guess meh high priorities." Andrew says to him self while putting the gloves on and getting to work. Opening the wound up a bit to take a closer look Andrew starts taking note of the damage done for the crime notes. "It seems what ever arrow hit him wasn't just a normal one for target practice, it was meant to be able to cut and break through bone a serrated broad head, maybe a tri blade tip." Andrew says while taking note of the nicks and breaks along the spine and jagged cuts through the neck muscles a d throat. As he's doing this Twilight was standing over his shoulder writing down the observations Andrew made while also trying not to look. "Can you tell if it was a normal broad head or a tri blade head from the wound on the neck?" Luna asks while also watching Andrew work. "No, to much damage its almost like after he was hit he tried to pull it out like a splinter from the back but that could have also been done from the arrow spinning and if he was moving a certain way as the arrow struck him." Turning the body to it's side Andrew opens up the shirt the stallion was wearing to take a look at the wound on the side of his chest. "Twilight, Luna take a look at the entrance wound three lines in a triangle shape dealing with a tri blade head it's not overly clean more jagged so it's also serrated." Andrew says pointing out the details of the wound for them to see. "Very good Andrew anything else you can tell us?" Flipping the body over to look for the exit wound Andrew takes note of it before laying the body flat, and standing up and taking the gloves off. "Where did you say the archer was at the time of the attack?" Andrew says looking at Luna "The archer was about one hundred to on hundred and ten yards away at the property line along the everfree forest aiming in through that window the shots happened one right after the other with only a second or two between." Luna stated while pointing at the window. "Hmm well if I had to guess the archer was using a target shooting bow probably not even a normal recurve." "How can you tell?" Twilight asks in wonder. "Well if you take into account the speed in which the shoots were taken and the amount of penetration. It would have to be a bow over at least seventy pounds of draw strength, and if you do that with a normal recurve the time would be longer than what was mentioned, granted it's a high stress situation so everything could be a little bit exaggerated." "And if it wasn't exaggerated?" Luna asks. "Well if it wasnt the bow in question would have to be a compound bow or a compound recurve hybrid bow. Unless your archer is just that good and has been shooting for years to master his technique, but twilight even said no one known in equestria is that good of a shot so idk not enough to really go off of to get a concrete answer I'm sorry. If I had the arrow I could tell you a bit more." After hearing that Luna just stands there thinking before motioning to a stallion guard to come over. Once over the guard hands Luna and arrow and with a bow walks away. "Could this shed some more light on the situation Andrew?" She asks handing the arrow over to Andrew. "Yea this can help narrowing the bow down. Hm well I can tell you this it's light but strong easily able to used with a seventy too ninety pound draw it's a little short for a normal recurve but a hybrid or normal compound would be just fine for it." " Andrew don't you have a compound bow?" Twilight asks making Luna look at Andrew "You shoot Archery Andrew?" Luna asks "Well yes I do Luna and yes Twilight I do but I also have a recurve and hybrid I also got a cross bow" "Well it looks like you were the right choice to bring here after all Andrew. Thank you for your help we will be in touch if we have need of you for anything else." "Of course Luna I'm sure you know where to find me yes." "Yes I do again thank you have a nice rest of your day." "You to, you coming Twilight?" Andrew asks while walking to the door. "No I'm going to stay a bit longer and learn a bit more about how to do all of this." "Ok sounds good good by ladies." Andrew says while walking out the door. 'god I hope this doesn't become a regular thing.' Andrew thinks making his way back home.