> Queen's Gambit > by AtomicClop > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Command Performance > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Servants cleared away the meal dishes. The headwaiter nodded to Queen Haven and Haven announced, "Dessert." "Ooooooooh!" Pipp squealed, clapping her hooves. "My favorite!" "What is it?" Hitch asked, looking at the covered dishes as another group of waiters rolled polished-silver carts into the Royal dining room. "I don't know! But whatever we're having is always my favorite!" She leaned close to Hitch, her lips touching the inside of his right ear. "I'm easy to please." Hitch raised an eyebrow. "I hope it's ice cream!" Sunny said. "What about baked beans?" Izzy asked. It turned out to be dense cinnamon-vanilla cupcakes, drizzled with a brown sugar and bourbon glaze and dusted with powdered sugar. Hitch forced himself to eat slowly. This was, after all, a formal banquet with the Zephyr Heights Royal family. However, the cupcake was really, really good. So moist, with just the barest hint of spices, and— He gasped and jumped in his chair. He looked to his left at Zipp. "What?" Zipp asked with an admirably straight face. "Nothing, just bit my tongue," Hitch lied. Zipp had, in fact, reached down with a single wingtip feather and lightly brushed Hitch's balls. While he glared at Zipp, Pipp—sitting on his other side—brushed his balls with one of her feathers. He was able to not respond. Well, not respond visibly. His cock was out of his sheath and pressing against the underside of the table in time with his pulse. One of the guards by the door—she was really cute, Hitch noticed—winked at him and flicked her wings and ears. It was going to take a while for Hitch to get used to Pegasi. Sunny and Izzy, sitting next to each other, kept leaning closer and closer to each other while they ate their desserts. They both leaned down and licked Izzy's plate clean of the bourbon glaze, their cheeks pressed together and tongues twining and dancing before doing the same to Sunny's plate. "I need to go to my room and write in my journal!" Sunny shouted, standing, before running from the royal dining room, her tail slapped down low over her rear. "I need to go to her room and write in my journal!" Izzy shouted, following Sunny, her tail raised high and dripping a clear trail across the polished stone floors. Haven leaned on a hoof, one elbow planted on the table, watching them go. "Ah, young lust. I remember being their age, once." "That was fairly abrupt," Hitch said, staring after Sunny and Izzy. "Good food's an aphrodisiac," Zipp said. "And the palace chefs did quite well." "Oh, I should have taken a picture," Pipp said, looking at her phone, which was next to her on the table. She turned the selfie camera on and checked her face for any bits of food, then straightened her coronet and her mane. Hitch smacked his lips. The cinnamon from the cupcakes was... oddly persistent. His whole mouth tingled. "So, Sheriff Hitch," Haven said, her voice suddenly formal instead of wistful. He sat up straight and looked at her. "Yes, Your Highness?" She chuckled. "This is an informal meal, just a group of friends. Call me Haven. Or 'mom,' if you're so inclined." "Informal?" He looked around. Two dozen liveried servants and waiters stood around the perimeter of the room, plus half a dozen guards.  "She makes us call her 'mother,'" Zipp observed. "I would like to apologize for my past behavior. You, my daughters, Sunny and Izzy—you five were right, and I was wrong. I'm queen enough to admit it." "Y-yes, ma'am. Thank you." Haven leaned forward slightly and grinned. "Call me 'mom'." "I should prefer not, uh, Haven." "Hmm. Anyway, where was I? This meal," Haven gestured with both wings to encompass the room, "was the first half of my apology." Hitch blinked once. Pegasi, so different. The wing gestures—an earth pony would have used a hoof and a hint of ears for that same body language. "Of course, ma'am, er, Haven," Hitch said. Goodness, dry mouth. He took a sip of the red wine which—brutal honesty time—wasn't nearly as good as earth pony wine. Given that the Queen had probably gotten the best bottles from the Royal cellar for this banquet, well, that was a discouraging sign. Hitch was indifferent about wine, but his dad was a connoisseur, and he could tell this would not be the export that bound Zephyr Heights and Maretime Bay together in harmony. In fact, if the Queen tried to give her wine to earth ponies, there might be accusations of chemical warfare. The queen was still staring at him. He took another sip. Zipp scooted her chair closer to him and shifted her weight, leaning against him, and her forehoof rubbed up and down the top side of his cock, which was getting bigger and heavier by the minute. The servants and guards stood still, eyes forward, pretending they didn't see what was happening.  One servant mare winked at him. One stallion—standing behind Haven—gave a slit your throat gesture at Hitch. "I hope," Haven continued, "you enjoyed the meal." "I did!" Hitch said. His reply turned into a squeak as Pipp's forehoof began rubbing up and down the underside of his cock, in perfect time with Zipp's on the top side. They both grinned at the Queen.  "Excellent. As you can see," Haven nodded towards the door, "Izzy and Sunny have excused themselves. It's just the four of us now." Hitch counted sixteen servants and five guards. Most of them were mares, but the few stallions among them had massive erections. Hitch was pleased to see they weren't nearly as massive as his own, at least. What was wrong with him? He wasn't a hormonal adolescent anymore, popping wood in public! Something—something besides two very hot princesses giving him a public hoofjob—was going on. "Mother hasn't apologized to anyone," Pipp said, "not even Dad after she had him sent to go live on a farm." Zipp looked at Haven. "Wait, she still thinks Dad is al—" "Shhh!" Haven hissed. Pipp leaned in and nipped Hitch's ear. "Feel flattered." "The second half of my apology," Haven continued, "is that I would like you to make our clouds heavy with growing rain." "What? You know I'm an earth pony, right?" "That's the appeal," Haven said. "I mean, I don't think I'm physically capable of affecting clouds." Haven looked at her daughters, each one rubbing one side of his erection. "I think he's capable of such a storm surge, don't you?" "I can't storm anything," Hitch said. He took another drink of wine. It was making him feel funny but it wasn't nearly strong enough. "We need lighting and eleven-month thunder." "I can't make lighting." Haven poked her head under the table, examined his erection, and then sat up. Her voice sharper, she said, "The ends of our rainbows require that you fill our pots with gold." "I've never seen a pot of gold!" "You've never knocked a weather factory's door down?" Pipp said, appalled. "But you're such a stallion!" "I once snuck in the back door of an old smoothie mix factory." Zipp's ears perked up. "Kinky." "Oh," Pipp said. "Best livestream ever." "What are you three talking about?" Hitch demanded.  "She wants you to make them pregnant," shouted one of the servants. "Hrnk," Hitch said. He expected his cock to go soft. That's the kind of thing that should make your cock go soft, right? His cock got harder. That did not make sense. "I'm sorry, what were all the clouds and factories metaphors about?" Haven sipped her wine. "You don't have delicate euphemisms for the acts ponies perform in bed?" "We might say, 'She invited him to plow her field but he went for the mud.'" Haven blinked. "Charming. If you divert through my mud, you'll learn another pegasus word."  "Huh?" Hitch asked. "Defenestration." Haven wiped her lips with a silk napkin and stood. "Let's head to my Royal chambers. You can impregnate us there, where there are fewer servants watching." "Fewer?" Hitch choked out. "Relatively fewer," Zipp clarified. "Yeah, probably just like, four?" Pipp said. "It's nice having somepony available to fetch lube or chocolate sauce or a first aid kit." "First... aid... kit?" Hitch repeated. "Or burn ointment," Pipp said. Then in a singsong voice: "What-evvvvv-er."  Zipp said, "We try to keep it loose." "I—I—I—twins, and their mom?!" Pipp cocked her head. "Wait. Mom, are we twins? Or just sisters?" Haven rolled her eyes. "With your enormous heads and my narrow hips, do you think I was sober enough to keep count of how many pregnancies I had?" Hitch raised a hoof and opened his mouth to speak. Then he lowered his hoof and closed his mouth. Haven gestured to the door. "Come along, come along, we're wasting the whole night." "But—but—I don't think—" Hitch's heart pounded in his ears, which wilted and trembled. He looked at Pipp, then at Zipp. Pipp grinned and nodded her head. Zipp smirked. "I, the Queen, command it." "Oh," Hitch said. Pipp held her phone under the table and took a picture of Hitch's erection. "What I'm doing tonight, exclamation mark, send," she said. "Did you just send my cock to your followers?" "Oh! Three new Pippsqueaks already! And sixty-nine wings-up!" "See?" Zipp said. "It's an omen." Hitch's belly felt weird, like there was something wrong with the meal. Or at least the situation. He wondered what the protocol was for puking at formal meals. "What kind of omen?" Singsong again: "The best kind!" Pipp flapped into the air and flew in a twirling circle.   Haven took a few steps towards the door and looked over her shoulder, raising her tail at Hitch. "Don't keep a queen waiting." His eyes boggled upon seeing the royal rump revealed in rich resplendent renown. Haven's elaborately coiffed tail and silken robes flowed as she walked. Although twice Hitch's age or more, her ass was firm and her pussylips smooth and sopping wet, dark against her light coat. The royal asshole winked at him. Pipp and Zipp slid out of their chairs. Zipp pulled Hitch's chair back from the table, making room, and Pipp leaned down, clamping her lips around his glans and gently licking, sucking, and nibbling his tip. "Ponies are watching!" Hitch hissed. He tried to say it sternly, but it came out as a kitten-like mewl, her hot tongue playing with the slit at his tip as her front teeth gently gripped him.  He made eye contact with one of the guards. Unfortunately, it was a male guard, and they both realized they were violating the inviolable First Rule of the Orgy and making eye contact with another dude. The guard's erection retreated and, after a few seconds, they both broke eye contact with each other.  Hitch's erection did not retreat, surprisingly. His gaze moved to one of the waitresses. Her wings were raised. She gripped a heavy silk napkin between her pinions and placed it under her own tail to absorb a gush of fluids. As Pipp sucked Hitch's cock, Zipp pranced around behind her, nosing under her tail. Hitch couldn't see what was happening, but the sounds and the smells were unmistakable. Pipp's ears trembled as Zipp sucked her snatch. Pipp slid her head down, taking more and more of Hitch into her mouth, her front teeth scraping down the velvety skin of his cock. She got barely a third of his length in before Pipp choked, spasmed, and surged backwards, gagging. "Tie me to this hitching post" Pipp said with a cough. Haven put on her sunglasses and stomped a hoof. "To the royal suite!" A huge drop of excitement fell from her clit and splattered on the floor. Queen Haven strode behind the three, smiling to herself. Hitch licked Pipp's estrus-heavy fluids off Zipp's cheek while Pipp took selfies, sending them to her brainless followers. Zipp's and Pipp's tails were raised, their vulvas puffy, excited and fertile. Zephyr Heights needed to secure the succession, and with the new friendship between the three types of ponies, having some earth pony blood in the royal line would be politically wise. It was a shame Izzy wasn't a stallion, but there were ancient potion-making texts in the deepest archives of the library, and the chefs had plenty of practice, as tonight proved. If Hitch shot any blanks tonight, she would follow up with Izzy in a month or two, after the pregnancy tests came back.  "I notice," Haven said, "how huge your balls are." Hitch's tail tucked low, trying to cover himself. A blush flashed across his face and he broke his kiss with Zipp.  "That's not going to do the job," Haven said with a chuckle. "You're too big to cover with your tail. And my, my, my, what an erection! The ancient stories about earth ponies were true, I see." "You're going to give me performance anxiety," Hitch said over his shoulder. "I sincerely doubt that. The three most attractive mares in Zephyr Heights?" "Maybe I'm gay," Hitch said. Haven laughed. "Nopony's that gay. Raise your tail, I want to see you." Slowly, Hitch raised his tail, giving her eyes access. Her view lingered on the soft fuzz of his ballsack, the same teal color of his mane and tail. His treasures hung low, practically to his knees. He was already excited, his balls swollen in anticipation... and for other reasons... and larger than even their usual size. His cock, a dark pink, swung in time with his gait. Pipp gave a silent smile at Haven before lifting her camera high and snapping a picture of Zipp and Hitch. "I am getting so laid tonight, exclamation mark, send." Pipp's wings, too, lifted as her pussy winked. She switched to selfie mode, leaned in until her head touched Hitch's—Zipp leaned into the shot, too, smirking—and took a video: "I'll send you all pictures of the creampie! Pipp Pipp hooray! Send." "Creampies." Zipp just shook her head. "Honestly, you and your Pippsqueak obsession. You're already the biggest name in Zephyr Heights. Hey, I call dibs on Hitch first, since you two get plenty of action." "Fiiiiiiine," Pipp said, playing with her phone. "How long since you last got a stallion?" "Six weeks," Zipp said. "You?" "Six hours," Pipp replied. "Don't worry, he used a condom. No sloppy seconds."  One of the guards blushed and tripped over his own hooves. They approached the end of the hallway and the grand doors to the Royal bedchamber and Haven smirked to herself. "I'm calling dibs on last," Haven replied. "He'll need to get warmed up to stand a chance against me." He'll need to get warmed up to stand a chance against me? Hitch thought. That seemed like the voice of experience, not an arrogant boast. Hitch's concerns intensified. He glanced out a window: fifty stories up. No escape.  Guards threw open the doors to the bedchamber. The entire bedroom was the size of a sportsball field. Hitch stopped and stared. The bed seemed like the size of his own house, back in Maretime Bay. The servants moved, one to each side of the door, and Haven sidled up behind him, resting her chin on the base of his tail. She was warm, hot, where her fur touched his.  Scanning from left to right, Hitch took in the room. Gold-plated everything, polished granite floors with mother-of-pearl inlays. The bed appeared to be soft, covered in a thick silk comforter. Mental note: no anal. It would be a crime to ruin that silk. It seemed clear neither Zipp nor Pipp were virgins, so blood wouldn't be an issue.  Zipp hopped up onto the bed, standing in its center. She bowed down, chest to the sheets and ass raised high, flaring her wings and swishing her tail. "Come taste the rainbow," she purred. Hitch frowned. "What does that even mean?"  "It's an ancient pegasus proverb," Queen Haven replied.  "We honestly don't know the origin," Zipp said, with a shake of her booty. "Eh." Hitch flicked his ears and hopped up onto the bed. He sat down behind Zipp, the soft silk of the bedspread smooth against his engorged balls. It rubbed against the underside of his cock, the sensation luxuriant and decadent. Foursomes and silk sheets? Being the Royal family apparently didn't suck. That put a question in his mind. "You all, ah, so, you three...?" he said. Pipp plopped down on the bed, next to him and flat on her belly, rear legs and wings splayed, chin resting on her forhooves, which were propped up on her elbows. "It's not incest if it's an orgy." "I mean," Hitch said, "Zipp sucked your pussy earlier." Zipp flapped her wings angrily. "If you don't suck my pussy now it's out the window with you!" Pipp rolled her eyes and twirled a hoof. "Royal rules are, well, different." "Decadent," purred Haven from behind them. Hitch flicked his ears and leaned forward, closing his eyes and sniffing deeply. Zipp's smell swirled around him, exploding in his sinuses and his mouth watered. She, like Pipp, was in a strong estrus, her pussy thick with the scents of fertility and lust. He opened his eyes and stared at her from an inch away, her smooth white coat fading into the thick, meaty labia the same hot pink as her mane and eyebrows. Her asshole, white like her coat, throbbed and winked, tight and puckered and almost as inviting as her pussy.  Zipp waited, knees trembling, her forelegs kneading the bed, waiting for him to actually touch her. It was certainly turning her on that he was just sniffing her, examining her, luxuriating in her scent and appreciating her body... but her pussy was throbbing and her belly clenching and she needed him to suck her clit.  "Slowpoke," she said, and used her tail to yank his forelegs out from under him, spilling him to land flat on his belly. She spun and flipped him onto his back, straddled over his head, kneeling down, and lowered her snatch to his face. He dug in, tongue sweeping from her clit to the top of her slit and back down. His touch sent waves of pleasure washing over her. Zipp's eyes closed and she sighed, planting her forehooves on her hips and arching her back. She stretched her wings as wide as she could. She kept her weight on her knees to avoid smothering him. It was always such a pain to dispose of a—Never mind. His tongue swirled around her clit, his lips clamping to it as he sucked. Shocks like lightning ran up her spine, Zipp's hard abdominal muscles clamping around her uterus, which throbbed in time with her pulsing clit, fertile and eager to accept his seed. Zipp's tail swished, brushing his forehead as he bore in harder on her clit. Zipp came, a sudden rush of her fluids wetting his face, the sounds of his sucking turning wet and sloppy. Lightning crashed just outside the windows to the suite. "Interesting," Haven muttered. "Now that magic has returned... interesting." Zipp's forehooves slipped off her hips and she leaned forward, staggered, planting her forehooves on either side of his waist. Eyes popping open, Zipp saw Pipp and Haven crawling forward over the silk comforter to lay belly-down between Hitch's thighs, their wings and cheeks touching. Pipp and Haven winked at Zipp as they opened their mouths, tongues poking out, licking the teal fuzz of Hitch's enormous ballsack. Zipp held still, panting, watching her sister and mother pull Hitch's balls into the mouths, their tongues probing and teeth gently scraping his fuzz and pinching the thick skin of his scrotum. "No, no," Haven said. "Don't pull, Pipp, dear, you sprain a nutstring. Massage." Pipp muttered ummhmm and used the peach fuzz-soft tip of her nose to press his left ball gently against his body while holding its weight on her tongue.  Hitch moaned into Zipp's pussy, squirming on the bed like a sidewinder as Pipp and Haven sucked his balls. His moaning pushed Zipp to the edge and she came hard, grinding her hips down onto his face, gasping. She squelched, squirting across his face, soaking him. Pipp and Haven stared into Zipp's eyes as she ground herself down on Hitch, the other two each sucking and gently biting one of his balls. Zipp lowered her head and took his huge cock into her mouth. Hitch shuddered and Zipp pushed her head forward, taking his massive tip into the back of her throat. She could smell Pipp's and Haven's breath, her face only inches from theirs as the three of them sucked and massaged him. Pipp released his ball, licked up the underside of his shaft, and then brushed her tongue sloppily across Zipp's nose. "Take him, sis! You realize there hasn't been an earth pony-pegasus blowjob since the Legend of Star Tracker and Wind Sprint?" Zipp pulled back, letting his cock flop from her mouth. His shaft, pink and huge, glistened with Zipp's spit. Pipp licked it, her eyes closing as she tasted her sister on Hitch. Zipp scooted forward and got turned around, straddling his hips and facing him. She looked down at his face, soaked in Zipp's juices from her gushy, estrus-enhanced orgasms, and their tails intertwined as she held herself up, her athletic hind legs tense and the muscles corded under her slick fur. He stared up at her, taking in the body of the most athletic princess in the world. His forehooves rubbed her belly and ribs.  "You like, huh?" Zipp said with a smirk. Hitch nodded. Pipp crawled around them, face-to-face with Hitch. She sucked and licked Hitch's cheeks and lips, getting Zipp's pussy juices off him, then whispered into his ear, "Fill her up. Give me a nephew. Make  her preg—" Hitch stuck a hoof in Pipp's mouth. Pipp removed his hoof from her mouth. "—egnant." Haven sat on the bed, behind Zipp and Hitch, stroking their tails with a forhoof, as Hitch's tremendous erection throbbed just underneath Zipp. Haven's hooves moved, now massaging Zipp's buttocks and spreading her wide. Drops of arousal fell from Zipp's engorged, hot-pink pussy lips to land on Hitch's dick and scrotum. With her wingtip feathers, Haven adjusted Hitch's aim, pointing his cock straight up until it brushed against Zipp's opening, Zipp's lower lips now kissing it the way she had earlier kissed it with her mouth. A shiver ran up Zipp's spine as the huge, blunt tip of his cock touched her vaginal opening. A bead of sweat ran down her forehead, between her eyes, and to the tip of her nose. It hesitated for a second before falling to his chest. Haven's strong hooves massaged her buttocks again, loosening Zipp up. She looked over her shoulder and Haven grinned up at her.  "I'm waiting for my turn, Zipp dear, as is your sister," Haven said. "Don't take all night." Slowly, Zipp lowered herself, taking him in an inch. She arched her back as he stretched out her opening, her wings flaring involuntarily. Lightning and thunder crashed outside again. Haven moved a hoof to Hitch's balls, gently rubbing, and her other hoof kept his cock aimed into Zipp. Zipp's muscular hips worked up and down, taking Hitch with short thrusts, his tip just at her opening. Zipp panted, pleasure building up deep in her belly. She clenched and released her vaginal muscles. Her pussy throbbed, wanting him buried, wanting him pounding at the gates of her womb, like Pippsqueaks pounding on her sister's limo, but she held back, teasing him as much as she teased herself. Hitch panted, eyes locked on Zipp's pussy as Pipp nibbled his ear and licked his cheeks and lips. Taking another inch or two in, sliding down his cock, she started her short up-and-down rhythm again. Hitch mewled like a puppy as his shaft jumped and throbbed inside her. "Slowpokes," Haven said, hugging Zipp around the hips and slamming her down. Zipp and Hitch shouted as Zipp took him fully in, his cock hilting into her. Fireworks exploded in Zipp's skull and lightning exploded outside the windows as his enormous earth pony meat tore into her, filling her channel like it never had been filled before. The fullness felt so wonderful, so erotic, knowing she was taking the biggest cock ever to pass through Zephy Heights and that she'd be pregnant in mere minutes, his fertile seed filling her womb, but it also hurt, dammit!  "Mother!" Zipp scolded, glaring over her shoulder. "I was trying to ease him in. He's too big for that." "How's it feel?" Haven asked, brushing a hoof against Zipp's anus, then up her dock. "Good! So huge. Just..." Zipp panted, muscles twitching and jumping all through her belly. "Let me stretch out for a second." Pipp's and Hitch's eyes were wide, staring at Zipp's belly. Zipp looked down and saw that her abdomen, usually smooth and flat and hard, the ridges of muscles visible through her slick fur, now bulged where Hitch filled her, the outline and bulk of his member visible as a rounded distension of her abdomen. His huge flare and thick medial ring throbbed visibly through her. A flash dazzled Zipp when Pipp snapped a picture with her phone. "Sisters always share exclamation mark, exclamation mark, gift wrapped heart, send." "Do you have to send pictures of me to your Pippsqueaks?" Zipp asked "Mmmhmm," Pipp muttered, before turning back to kiss him again. Hitch's head turned towards Pipp and he kissed back, deeply, tongues intertwined. Lifting, Zipp slid up his cock, looking down at her belly to watch his bulge retreat. She shivered as he withdrew from her, her pussy clamping down to try to keep him in. The slickness of her arousal glistened off him, the excitement of the orgy and the hormones of her heat making her wetter than usual. With a glance over her shoulder, she saw Haven was flat on the bed, Hitch's tail trapped underneath her, his balls sucked into Haven's mouth.  Zipp's tail bopped Haven's forehead, threatening to knock her sunglasses askew. Haven's wings were spread across the bed, relaxed, and her tail wagged happily as she licked Zipp's dripping juices off Hitch's ballsack. A blob of Zipp's pussy juices glistened on the left lens of Haven's sunglasses. Luckily, mother was farsighted and the close-up smear wouldn't bother her vision too much. Lifted fully, all his many inches of now-soaked stallionhood throbbing below her, his tip just brushing her lips, Zipp lowered herself. Quickly, but not too quickly. Hitch's back arched as the heat of her pussy engulfed his cock, Pipp licked his tongue, and Haven sucked his balls. He filled her again, Zipp reaching down to touch her own abdomen and feel his bulge sliding in and out of her.  Pipp's right wing brushed back and forth as she deep-kissed Hitch, feathers brushing from Hitch's throat, down his torso, then up Zipp's torso to her mid-chest before reversing and sliding back down, the soft tickle of the pinions adding another level of sensation to Zipp and Hitch's fucking. Then, Pipp extended a single feather and brushed between Zipp and Hitch, picking up a thick load of Zipp's arousal, and Pipp brought to brush against her own tongue. After getting a large taste of her sister's juices, Pipp leaned in and kissed Hitch again, transferring Zipp's emissions to his mouth. Hitch gasped, his cock jumping inside Zipp and making her buttocks clench in surprise. With a steady rhythm, Zipp began a slow pistoning up and down, clenching her ass as she slid up to grip him tight with the soaking velvety walls of her channel before unclenching to slide back down and ease the entry of his hitching post.  Wings stiffening, tail bopping Haven on the head, Zipp felt a powerful orgasm building deep inside. She needed that; she hadn't had sex in weeks, and the estrus induced by the fertility medicine made her hornier that a natural estrus. Nothing but cumming hard and getting fully loaded with Hitch's seed was going to quench the conflagration growing inside her. Her rhythm dissolved and she rutted, desperately slamming herself up and down a few short inches at a time to pound his tip into the base of her womb. Hitch gasped and broke his kiss with Pipp. His forelegs grabbed at Zipp's hips, trying to lift her up, off of his cock. That was when Haven realized what Hitch was doing: trying to shoot a blank instead of impregnating Zipp. Releasing his balls with a slurp, she sat up behind Zipp and reached around, under Zipp's wings, hugged her forelegs tight around Zipp's torso, and slammed her down. Chin resting on Zipp's shoulder, Haven smirked down at Hitch. Everything was very, very still for a few seconds. The only movement was Zipp's panting, her chest heaving, and the throbbing of Hitch's cock where it bulged visibly through Zipp's skin. Haven reached down and rubbed Zipp's belly with her forehooves, massaging his shaft and tip through Zipp's belly. Zipp closed her eyes and gasped as the merged sensations of Hitch's balls against her asshole, his tip pressed against the opening of her womb, his shaft throbbing in her channel, and her mom's hooves rubbing her belly, stimulating her channel and her womb through the front of her belly, all flooded her. Sweat broke out across Zipp's body, her underwings and lower back suddenly sopping wet. Haven hugged tighter, a crushing bear hug, as she rubbed the tip of Hitch's cock through Zipp's belly, bearing down, slow rhythmic strokes up Zipp along Hitch's bulge, from her pubis to her womb. Hitch shouted and his entire cock seemed to double in size, stretching Zipp's insides, and Zipp shouted, too. Her pussy gushed and her wings flapped out of time, Haven purring in her ear as she rubbed up-and-down Zipp's belly to milk Hitch of every drop of cum as he thrashed, bucked, and shot his load into Zipp, filling her with his earth pony seed. "That's what I call duty to the Royal family," Haven purred, smiling under her sunglasses. Hitch collapsed backward, melting into the bed. Zipp swallowed twice, blinking, trying to clear her mind of the dizziness left over from the orgasm. It had been so intense her wingtips were curled! She flopped sideways, landing on her back next to Hitch, her head pointing the same direction as Hitch's rear legs, her rear legs towards Pipp's and Hitch's head. A long, sticky trail of cum connected her pussy to Hitch's cock, staining the silk bedspread. With a flash and a click sound, Pipp snapped a photo. Zipp propped herself up on her elbows and looked between her own legs as Pipp sent the shot to all of Zephyr Heights. Eyes widening, Zipp watched her pussylips throb with the aftershocks of the orgasm, her clit winking in and out of its hood, and Hitch's creampie dripped thickly from inside her. The smell of his seed mixed with the thick arousal of three mares—five mares, actually, since the two servants near the door were standing with blank faces but tails and wings raised, puddles underneath their back legs—the thick scent swirling around Zipp. She breathed deeply, savoring the melange, and watching his load slide down her lips and across her own asshole before soaking into the bedspread. Zipp collapsed onto her back and closed her eyes, content and well-fucked. Pipp laid her phone to the side after sending the shot of Zipp's pussy to everypony. "Poor dear," Pipp purred into Hitch's ear, brushing her feathers back and forth along his underside, from just above his rapidly-softening cock to his throat and back. He exhaled. "Zipp, that was—well! And Queen Haven? You knew what you were doing with those hooves." Haven chuckled. "Call me Haven. Or m— no, no, call me Haven. I was a horny princess once upon a time, too, you know." "Unf," Hitch said. Pipp nibbled his check and neck, sucking hard, trying to give him a hickey.  "The Queen commands you to get hard again and fuck my other daughter," Haven said. Hitch's eyes popped open. "I'm going to need at least an hour, an energy drink, and possibly a blood transfusion." Haven grinned and shuffled around, turned to straddle his head with her rear legs and planted her forelegs on either side of his hips. Taking a hint, Hitch propped up on his elbows and extended his neck, his tongue reaching to lick Haven's large and dark-red clit— "No!" She said, popping him on the head with her tail. "No, you just watch me throb and drip and wink while you wait. Pipp is next." Hitch lowered himself again, flat onto his back, staring at her tightly puckered asshole. Rolling onto her belly, Pipp crossed her forelegs, rested her chin on them like a pillow, and just watched. She knew what was coming next. As Pipp watched, she waved her tail back and forth, trying to fan some cool air onto the blazing furnace that was her crotch. Watching Zipp take Hitch had been amazing, and seeing his utterly tremendous cock distending Zipp's tight, athletic belly had made her own pussy gush in anticipation. Now, Hitch's quarter-mask cock, glistening and slick with cum and Zipp's emissions, flopped listlessly against his belly. That wouldn't last long. Haven placed the tip of her tongue against his opening, gathering a wad of cum that dripped from him, then she raised her head, pulling the wad off his cock and swallowing it down. Her tongue snaked out again, wrapping under his tip, around the ridge of his glans, gathering the mixed fluids of his ejaculation and Zipp's arousal. She licked, back and forth, her tongue dragging down his cock as she gathered it all in, swallowing loudly. She alternated the licks with light kisses. Pipp rolled onto her back, head tilted up so she could continue watching her mom lick her sister's pussy juice off of Hitch. Pipp set her phone to stream video, beckoned at one of the servants, Shutter Snap, and gave her the phone when she came to the edge of the bed. Still watching Haven licking and kissing up and down Hitch's shaft, Pipp reached between her own legs and began to brush a hoof up and down her lips, feeling her wetness and starting to pant as shocks of pleasure ran up her body, from her pussy to the tip of her nose. "Zipp, you really need to add more fresh fruit to your diet," Haven said, licking her daughter's pussy juice off Hitch's dick. "Wait a second," Hitch said. "Wait." His cock pulsed, lengthening. Haven wrapped her lips around his growing tip, sucking, swallowing, nibbling. "How am I hard again already?" Hitch gasped. "That's not possible!" Releasing his cock with a loud lip-smack, Haven said, "Pegasus magic, a sexual secret passed through the Royal line, and too valuable to be allowed to escape to the public." Zipp snorted. "We put horny potion in the meal. That's why Izzy and Sunny ran off together." "Horny potion?" Hitch popped up to his elbows and bonked his forehead into Haven's twat. He flopped back down. "You drugged me?" "Just a litt-tle!" Pipp singsonged, hooves moving to her clit as she bore down on herself, rubbing harder. The servant holding Pipp's phone, livestreaming the orgy, raised her tail a little higher. Haven huffed, flicking her wings. "Dammit, children, couldn't you let me have that one thing? He believed me!" "Sorry, Mum," said Pipp. "Sorry, Mother," said Zipp. Haven took him in, deep-throating him, a bulge appearing above her larynx. Hitch's eyes widened and Haven's ears perked straight up and trembled, a smirk forming around his thick shaft. Flaring her wings and raising her tail, Haven bobbed her head back-and-forward, throatfucking Hitch until he was, once again, sporting the biggest erection in the history of Zephyr Heights. Her excitement dripped off her pussy, a large drop hitting his nose. Hitch's tongue reached up and sampled the taste. Standing up, smiling, Haven lifted her head and let her front teeth scrape up his shaft. After releasing his cock, which smacked against his belly with a wet plop, Haven turned around and rubbed her own soaking-wet underside against his throbbing boner for a second. Pointing a hoof at Pipp, Haven said, "Get in there!" Pipp pulled her hooves away from her snatch and spread her hips wide, forelegs tucked demurely to her chest and fluffy wings flared across the bedspread, welcoming Hitch. Shakily, knees trembling, Hitch stood and walked the four steps across the huge bed to reach Pipp. Positioning his forelegs to either side of her shoulders, looming over her—she was certainly the littlest pony in the bed—Hitch lowered himself. Pipp's forelegs wrapped around his shoulders and her thighs wrapped around his hips, her wings tenting over them. She kissed his cheek. "Such soft skin. Aren't you glad I made you have a makeover?" "I can think of three reasons I'm glad." He kissed back, kissing her lips, shifting his hips forward. His cock pressed against her tight, puckered asshole. Pipp's eyes went wide and she made a tiny shake of her head. He then slid up, finding her vaginal opening, and pressed in. Pipp stared into Hitch's eyes as they kissed and he drove farther forward.  Pipp had watched Hitch split Zipp wide, his massive bulge visible through her abdominal muscles, but she hadn't quite understood how huge he was. Not until she felt her own vagina plowed open. Hitch filled her, stretching her out, giving her a feeling of fullness unlike she had ever previously imagined. His kisses tingled on her lips; his forelegs pressed against her ribs, sliding under her shoulders and he clutched her tight in a hug, the two of them breast-to-breast and belly-to-belly, his weight pressing her into the luxuriant softness of the bed. Pipp arched her back and tilted her hips, trying to welcome him even deeper. The smell of Zipp's pussy, better-known to Pipp than any other sexual scent, hung around Hitch's face and drove Pipp into a deeper bliss. Knowing that Zipp's pussy juices and Haven's saliva coated him as he slid into her own sopping-wet treasure chest sent a shiver up Pipp's spine, from the nub of her clit up to the tip of her nose. The servant, Shutter Snap, flapped up onto the bed, moving to their side to try to get a camera angle where Hitch's cock entered Pipp. Pipp broke the kiss and smiled at the camera. "Hi, Pippsqueaks! He's really big! You can't imagine how—GAAAAAH!" Hitch grinned at the camera. He had pulled out and slammed back in as hard as he could and the surprise resulted in Pipp's scream. "And she's really tight," Hitch said to the camera. "Let's see if I can correct that." He did it again. And again. Rutting, not even worrying about endurance or technique, he just pounded her snatch, long strokes thanks to his long cock, his pubic bone smashing her clit and his tip smashing the bottom of her womb with every thrust. Pipp hissed, a high-pitched keen of pleasure and she closed her eyes, arching her back, wings spasming to beat the bedspread. Hitch pushed up on his forehooves, opening a gap of several inches between their breasts as he rutted. The servant brought the camera closer, live streaming a tight view of his cock, slick with Pipp's arousal, sliding in and out of her dark-purple labia, her tiny clit throbbing. Pipp wasn't as slim or athletic as Zipp, so the bulge of his cock wasn't visible in her as it had been through Zipp's lean belly, but Pipp wrapped her rear legs around his hips and pulled hard, forcing him deeper with every thrust. Shutter Snap held the phone one-hoofed, sitting with her rear legs splayed, reaching down between her own legs with her other to rub desperately, tail thrashing and wings erect.  Hitch, staring into Pipp's eyes, suddenly changed expression, a wave of concern and panic washing over his face.  "What?" Pipp asked. He stopped rutting and pulled out.  Pipp moaned, the emptiness in her channel intolerable. The disappearance of his massive cock left her pussy throbbing with sudden inconsolable longing. Reaching one hoof down, Hitch lined up with Pipp's asshole, his cock brushing the soft peach-fuzz coating of her dock and smearing it with her pussy juice. He pressed his tip against her ass, the muscular ring resisting his pressure, and— "No you don't!" Haven growled, leaping, landing behind him, one wing moving his cock to line back up with Pipp's pussy as she kicked him just above the tail with a forehoof. The kick slammed Hitch forward, hilting Pipp. Pipp screamed and arched her back again, wings stiffening, as he drove in deeper than any of his previous thrusts, his cock flaring and smashing against her cervix and swelling so large it rearranged her internal organs. Hitch gasped and then whinnied as he came, Haven pressing him deep inside, as he filled Pipp and coated her fertile insides with his seed. Pipp squealed as a sudden chill ran up her spine, goosebumps breaking out up-and-down her body. The coronet fell off her head and she pulled his head down to kiss him, staring into his eyes again. His pupils were wide, his ears as erect as his cock, and he stroked in-and-out a few times, his stallionhood jumping inside her as his body squeezed out a few last splurts of cum. The smell of her estrus-thick arousal and his seed filled the room, mixing with the already heavy smell of Zipp's well-pounded pussy. Zipp, on hooves and knees, crawled and joined their kiss, first kissing Hitch, then Pipp, sloppily licking their tongues. Slowly, firmly, Zipp shouldered Hitch aside, pushing him off Pipp. Pipp sighed, a shiver of anticipation running down her spine to settle into her stuffed and dripping pussy, knowing what was about to happen. As Zipp pressed Hitch aside, she positioned herself over Pipp, her dripping and creampied pussy above Pipp's face, and Zipp's face just above Pipp's crotch. Stretching her neck, Pipp reached up and licked between Zipp's labia, savoring the sharp taste of Hitch's semen mixed with Zipp's sweeter juices, the fragrances filling Pipp's nose and sinuses. Zipp's snout buried itself into Pipp's dripping, cum-slopped snatch, too. Hitch stood and backed off as Zipp pushed him aside. Standing, his cock popped out of Pipp, and a gush of cum slid from her opening, sliding down, across her asshole and soaking her dock and the delicate silk bedspread. Oh, right, silk. It was just as well he hadn't cum in her asshole. Zipp's tongue reached out and lapped at Pipp's pussy. She swallowed a string of Hitch's cum and dove in for more. A heavy wing lowered across his back. "Ah, young love," Haven said, staring at the two princesses sucking each other's channels. "Is, uh, is, in Zephyr Heights, normal, uh, two sisters...?" "An orgy with a fine young stallion like you is a bit of an exception," Haven said, "and besides, we're decadent aristocrats." "Oh." Haven kissed him, lightly at first, then deeper, nibbling his lips and cheek, pressing her tongue into his mouth. Hitch kissed back, tasting her, and something deep in the back of his mind rang with the word queen. He was kissing a literal queen—and about to fuck her! Maybe she was just the queen of a single city-state... but still a queen. "Are you going to take off the sunglasses?" Hitch asked. "No." Pipp smacked her lips, swallowed, and said, "She doesn't want the camera to see her eyes cross when she cums." "Oh," Hitch replied. The Queen placed a hoof on his shoulder and pressed him back a few inches. "Up against the headboard," Haven said. Hitch grinned, envisioning her standing against the wall, forehooves spread wide and planted high, rear hooves wide on the bed and her rump stuck out, his own forehooves against the wall as he rutted her senseless. "After you," he said with a gesture. Shutter Snap, who was pointing the camera at the princesses but watching Haven and Hitch, burst out into a laugh. So did Haven. "What's... what's funny?" Hitch said, feeling a blush form on his cheeks.  Haven shook her head. "You aren't fucking me against the wall, I'm fucking you against the wall." "What's... what's the difference?" Flapping her wings—her flight still a little awkward, given the newness of the return of their magic—she grabbed him around the torso and carried him to the varnished wood headboard, and tossed him against it. He hit chest-first and it knocked his wind out with an oof!  He turned around and Haven pressed her forehooves against his chest, forcing him to stand on his back legs, his spine flat against the headboard. "This will be the first time I've fucked a cop," Haven whispered into his ear, "that wasn't in exchange for dropping a fraud or embezzlement investigation." Hitch's eyes widened. "Stay standing," Haven commanded, and dropped down to sit on her rump, her forehooves planted on the headboard to either side of his hips. Hitch's cock hung listlessly, smeared with Pipp's clear juices and his own thick, white cum.  Looking up, into his eyes through her sunglasses, Haven reached out with her tongue, sliding it up the left side of his cock to the base, then across its circumference and down the right side, back to the tip. Hitch panted, hyperventilating, as he watched Pipp and Zipp sucking his seed from each other's channels, quiet in their desperation except for slurps and smacks, while Haven licked Pipp's arousal off of his cock. It throbbed once, the blood starting to flow back into it as the horny potion from the meal began to restore his erection. "Did you give everypony the horny potion, or just me, Izzy, and Sunny?" Haven raised her sunglasses just long enough to wink and flick her ears. She pulled his flared tip into her mouth and he moaned softly, eyes closing and leaning back against the headboard as the wet heat of her mouth enveloped him. Her tongue, lips, and teeth massaged him, the sensation building. Her tongue tickled his sensitive opening, quick flicks against it, and her lips massaged the sensitive ridge of his glans. His knees trembled and his head spun as his blood flow redirected itself. Every beat of his heart enlarged his cock, driving it deep and harder into Haven's mouth.  She started moving her whole head forward and backward, throat-fucking him again, her breathing ragged and harsh as she took in sharp gasps between thrusts. Her ears folded down and she frowned, concentrating on her rhythm. "Oooooh!" Hitch gasped as she brushed his balls with the feathers of her left wing. Her head pulled back, front teeth scraping along his shaft once more, and she released his cock with a loud smack of her lips. Hopping up to her rear legs, leaning against him while Hitch leaned his back against the wall, Haven kissed him. The smell of Zipp's and Pipp's pussies on Haven's face—transferred there off his dick—swirled deeply around his head and he breathed in the mix of scents. He kissed her back and his cock, throbbing and pointing at an upward angle, brushed against her pussy. Wetness dripped down on him, sliding along the upper surface of his shaft and soaking the fuzz at its base, soaking his balls which were already wet and fragrant from Zipp's and Pipp's arousal. One leg at a time, Haven put her forelegs on Hitch's shoulders, and then her rear hooves reached up to stand in decorative recesses on the headboard. With a grunt, she lifted herself until she was positioned high enough that her pussy was about even with his sternum. "Shutter?" Haven said. Shutter Snap, the camera-wielding servant, reached and positioned Hitch's cock to brush Haven's pussy lips. Shutter then licked her hoof, tasting Haven's excited juices, and flopped belly-down on the bed to angle the phone's camera up at the underside of Hitch and Haven. Hitch's ears wilted a little, thinking about the thousands of pegasi watching his underside as his soaking-wet cock throbbed against Haven's labia. There was a jumbotron in the middle of Zephyr Heights! Was the entire town watching that? Were they letting foals watch that?! Of course, they were watching Haven's tail swish back-and-forth above her puckered asshole, so if the queen was fine with it... Well, Hitch thought, when in Zephyr Heights, do as the pegasi do. He pushed Haven's hips down and pressed his own up, slamming deep into her. "Ah," she said. "Definitely worth waiting for."  Hitch nuzzled her and asked, in a half-whisper, "Can you feel your daughters' pussy juices on my cock?" She gave a happy little squeak, a shiver running down her spine and out to her wings, ruffling her feathers, before she kissed him again, her pussy clenching on him, squeezing him. Hitch sighed into her mouth. Her pussy—wow. Warmer and wetter than either of the princesses'. Maybe not as tight—to be expected!—but more muscular, more practiced, more skilled.  He wrapped his forelegs around her waist and she brushed his cheeks with her wingtips. They fell into a rhythm, Haven pressing up while he pulled his hips down until he almost pulled out, then they reversed until he hilted fully. Unlike her daughters, he couldn't hit her cervix, her channel longer than his cock. The muscles of her channel, however, rippled around him, the hot flows of her excitement slathering his tip and his shaft and making him tingle. He kissed back, nibbling her neck, cheek, jaw, tongue, her taste different from anypony he'd kissed before. Was that something about her, something about being a queen, or just that she was twice his age? Hitch had never kissed, never fucked someone more than a year or two different from his own age before this moment. Nibbling his ear, breaking the kiss, she said, "The long arm of the law is cumming for me, finally? I've been such a bad queen." Still holding the phone just under Haven's ass, Shutter Snap said to the viewers of the live stream, "Sexual fantasies are not admissible in court or parliament." Glancing at Zipp and Pipp, Hitch saw they were fully involved, ignoring him and Haven, sucking each other's snatches desperately but quietly. "Pay attention to me," Haven snapped, and bit Hitch's neck, where it met his shoulder.  He yelped in surprise and pain. "That's going to leave a hickey!" She bit his ear. Hard. Then she flapped her wings and lifted off him, rotating around the axis of her spine, and landed four-hooves-down on the bed, and thrusted backwards, taking him deep into her channel with a single confident slam of her hips. Eyes widening, Hitch gasped as her full weight and strength slammed into him, smashing his back against the headboard and rattling the bed against the wall. Her vulva rammed hard into his balls, which were sore and engorged, and he grunted. Looking over her shoulder, smiling at him, her wings flexing, she pulled forward and smashed backwards again.  He just spread his forelegs wide, along the top of the headboard, trying to hold on, as she rode his cock with feverish intensity, pistoning forward and backwards athletically. Hot pussy juice splattered all over his balls and lower legs as she dripped copiously, even wetter and more aroused than her daughters, half her age. "Hitch!" She grunted, thrusting backwards onto his impaling cock. "Hitch, say 'you're under arrest!'" "What?!" "Arrest me!" "You're, uh, under arrest?" "Gaaaah!" Haven screamed, her wings flapping and an absolutely massive squirt of marecum—he hoped it was marecum—sprayed across his balls and legs as her pussy clamped so hard on his cock he was afraid she would rupture it. Her front legs collapsed and she fell, panting and drooling, to her chest, his cock holding up her back half as her rear legs trembled. Shutter Snap scooted sideways, camera still focused on them.  Hitch grinned at the camera and flicked his ears. Leaning forward, he shifted his weight to her. Her rear legs collapsed and she settled, legs and wings splayed, torso flat to the bed. Hitch kneeled, sitting up, and used his forehooves to lift her tail up and out of the way, so he could watch his slickly lubed cock slide in and out of her. Her dark, meaty labia rippled as his medial ring popped in and out of her channel. Her asshole clenched, spasming randomly as he fucked with long strokes.  Shutter Snap leaned in close, an extreme closeup on Haven's pussy and ass. Hitch kissed the photographer.  "You and me, tomorrow, in private?" Shutter asked.  "Yeah!" "Play with her ass, she likes that." Shutter's voice dropped to a whisper: "But not as much as I like it." Hitch flipped Haven's tail up over her back and rubbed around her tight anus with a hoof. Haven mewled, a hitch-pitched squeal, and started thrusting backwards again, in time with his forward thrusts. The heat and the wetness slathering him drove Hitch closer to the edge, but after delivering two loads into the princesses in quick succession, he was taking a while to get to the end of this one. As he thrusted, his eyes wandered, and they found her wings. Hitch was an earth pony. He hadn't seen a pegasus outside of a book or movie until a few days before.  He leaned forward and nuzzled her wings, sniffing deeply. The scent of three estrus-soaked, well-pounded pussies filled the room, but as he buried his nose into the coverts on the back of her wings, he smelled her. Delicate soaps, a hint of sweat from her feverish rutting, and then some underlying scent, unlike anything he'd before smelled. It took a second to identify the smell, but it was... ...sky. Her scent, her natural scent, underneath the sex and the soap and the sweat, was like fresh air after a thunderstorm.  Something deep in Hitch's memories told him that, in the old days, an earth pony and a pegasus being together wasn't considered special at all. But for him, for his generation, for a pony raised in Maretime Bay, Haven was the next best thing to a different species, and her scent was so foreign to him that his instincts reminded him he was fucking something unlike he'd ever fucked before. When he had fucked Pipp and Zipp earlier, Hitch tried to pull out, tried to avoid impregnating them, but both times Haven prevented him. Nopony was going to stop him this time, if he pulled clear, came on her back or her thigh or pushed into her ass and deposited his load there. He pulled backwards, his tip barely brushing her wet lips, and— —and, pressing his face deeper into the feathers, taking a deeper breath, he thrusted his hips forward, getting his deepest penetration yet, almost to her womb. Haven shouted and bucked, her channel clenching on him, spasming, milking him as his tip flared and his scrotum pulled his balls up tight against his underside and he came. The load was smaller than the earlier two, he could tell from how it felt, but the feeling was so much stronger as he hugged her, breathing in the fresh-sky scent on her feathers. He collapsed down on her, lifting his head to rest on her shoulders as she relaxed.  Shutter Snap killed the live stream, nodded to the other servants, and led them out of the room. Zipp, on top of Pipp, stood, turned around so that she could lay down on Pipp, nuzzling cheek-to-cheek and belly-to-belly, no longer sixty-nined together. "So good," Pipp singsonged. "Best orgy of the year!" "How many have you had?" Hitch asked. "Don't worry about it," Zipp said, kissing Pipp's cheek lightly, licking Hitch's cum and Pipp's own pussy juice off Zipp, swallowing greedily. Haven squirmed under Hitch, her eyes closing and breathing slowing. "We can try again after breakfast," Haven said. Slowly softening, Hitch's stallionhood slid out of Haven. The door closed and clicked shut behind the last of the servants. Pipp and Zipp rolled onto their sides, wings tented over one another. Haven twitched, spasming lightly behind him as the echoes of her orgasm faded. One by one, the four of them fell asleep.