Permanent Solution

by ChloeTheKinky

First published

The mane six end up incarcerated at the hooves of chrysalis

After being defeated in Canterlot, Queen Chrysalis secretly kidnaps and steels the identity of nurse Redheart In a seemingly vain attempt to imprison the mane six using equestria’s newest “perigee asylum” in an alternate universe of Equestria.

The asylum in question is hidden from the rest of the civilised world; a dark recluse commissioned by the princess sisters Luna and Celestia in hopes of maintaining peace throughout the land. What they don’t know is that the shapeshifting queen now uses this hidden facility to feed her subjects in the most unusual of ways: sexual gratification and pain. She soon inadvertently discovers a way to make herself the most powerful creature in equestrian history.

All characters are aged 21+

[KINK WARNING]: Permanent bondage, latex, sensory isolation, asphyxiation, sounding, Non-con, kidnapping, narcotics, straitjacket.


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During a cold winter night, Luna perched herself atop her bedroom balcony, staring at the moon and deep into space. Her lavish eyelashes flickered as shooting stars reflected off of her large eyes; she had been deep in thought all through the silent night after what happened days prior.

Chrysalis: a dangerous, sadistic character that all ponies feared. The fear all felt surrounding this distinguished character fed her and her kin, only making them grow stronger as time went on, and after the powerful idol of the Crystal empire, Cadence, had gone missing, even princess Luna and Celestia were fooled to think the manipulative insect queen was her. It made Luna’s stomach turn at the thought: was equestria really safe with forces like chrysalis, moments away from overturning the entirety of the Crystal empire, and the eldritch creatures that lied beyond?

She shook her head at the thought, closing her eyes and taking a collected breath in before blowing a hot steamy sigh out towards the sky.

There was no way the elements of harmony could be defeated. They had triumphed so many challenges and defeated many foes before and recent incidents hadn’t faltered her mind about that, only reinforcing her trust in the mares who had saved the day.

The moon princess picked herself up and took herself off to bed. The sun rose soon and she needed her rest to make sure her anxiety didn’t grow. She followed the dreams of the sleeping ponies, helping those with nightmares to relax and taking note of the increasing number of nightmares amongst all of the crystal ponies. As the sun rose, so did Celestia.

Princess Celestia woke to the sounds of bird chirping and the ambient noises of ponies hooves clattering off of the cobblestone streets, the clanking of armour from her guards as they walked by, the smell of freshly baked cake. It was overwhelming in a way, but it reminded the elegant, prideful princess of her position, and so she rose out of bed at the moment the moon fell over the horizon, using her alicorn power to continue the cycle that Luna had started. Now with the day on course Celestia went about her day as usual, meeting with the Canterlot high council and arranging a dine in with Fancy Pants and some other nameless Barron’s she needed to talk to. It was all the same monotonous stuff someone in her position needed to do.

There was a disturbing sense of uneasiness after her meeting with the Canterlot high council as if she felt her sister calling out to her telepathically. Wasting no time, she made her way back to the castle, swiftly entering her sisters room and closing the doors behind her, leaving the two alone. Luna was awake, facing out on her balcony like she was before, daydreaming as she glared down at the lively townsfolk.

“Are you feeling it too, sister? The fear… the power emanating from her presence? I am afraid for what it could mean”

There was a moment of silence as Celestia gently trotted besides her sister, not making eye contact as she matched her, resting her front hooves crossed over the balcony.

“I feel it too sister… I feel it too… I could sense your worry ever since the incident with cadence and chrysalis. You know we caste her out, right? She is weak… even with all of this fear she will take time to re-“

Before she could so much as utter another word, Luna raised her wings and slammed her hooves down on the balcony, her eyes glaring down at nothing, but filled with anger and frustration. Her body shuddered and her mane flowed more violently as she interrupted her sister.

“That’s not the point! I-… we can’t have her coming back. She knows about the elements of harmony… she will be more careful next time… I know it”

Again, there was another disharmonious period of silence as the world went about its’ business. Luna slowly calmed down and rested back the way she was on the balcony, while Celestia processed the thoughts in her head. Maybe her sister was right, and maybe that’s why she took the precaution of a last resort. She would speak softly in response.

“We both know what needs to be done… we need to purge this world of fear over her until their isn’t an ounce of it left. And I had just the thing in mind”

Both sisters looked at each other with disturbed expressions, soon turning to more optimistic, however fake, smiles to try and reassure one another.

“Thanks for coming on such short notice Nurse Redheart, please, follow us”

Both princesses stride besides the much smaller Earth pony who would try to hide herself gawking at both towering figures. She had never found herself to be important enough to stand besides the two most important ponies in all of equestria let alone an alicorn.

“Princess Luna, Princess Celestia, m-might I ask what I am needed for?”

Princess Luna spoke softly as all three figures walk up the stone steps of the construction site.

“We need you for a project of ours. We have been sensing a lot of disturbances in people’s well being and we need someone who has a team of professionals to… care for these people so to speak”

Before them stood the almost entirely built, symmetrical stone castle. It’s huge footprint, albeit far away from any of Equestria’s towns, was the staggering epiphany of the asylum both sisters had in mind. They made their way through the large, dark-wood, double-door entrance, onto shiny white acrylic floor. Celestia would interject as her sister spoke.

“We want your best unicorn therapists to visit and measure the mental states of all the ponies in Equestria that Luna discovers… we have found a method to disperse the negative effects of ponies with a more intense sense of… disturbance. Pleasure triumphs pain and fear… so we developed a suit and further necessary restraints that allows us to replace the fear with pleasure. The stronger the ponies will, the stronger the pleasure-… we hope that chrysalis will go into hibernation once all the fear and pain around her evaporates… like she never existed… let us show you the suits”

Nurse Redheart listened intently and curiously as her eyes and head pivoted around to soak in the atmosphere of the asylum reception, which was a traditional mix of finely crafted, bespoke wooden furniture and white industrial medical panelling and equipment. It was all too much for the confused nurse whose Mind, although familiar with such equipment, was thrown into the deep end. All this talk of suits and pleasure, and chrysalis of all things. Directly from the mouths of Equestria's literal night and day; she could only respond in mild, bewildered stutters

“P-pardon…? Y-you need me to-… to get a team to operate this huge facility? W-when did you even build this? And so far out… why? W-why do you need to use suits to help disturbed ponies”

Luna answered simply, with a closed eyed sigh, which was patronizingly indicative that Luna would have assumed her to catch onto it by now.

“The suits are for those who aren’t able to mentally recover… it keeps them… happy. We built this place to keep them healthy and out of Chrysalis’ reach… we fear she may use persistent anxiety and fear from ponies to feed until she is strong again: we cannot let that happen”

The white coated nurse simply nodded as if she understood the task at hand without even being told too much into the specifics. Her curious gazing grew more intense as her attention was now drawn between the two sisters who conversed the details late into the evening with the nurse, laying out plans for rooms and profiles for patients and how they would live. She wasn’t new to restraints, she wasn’t new to asylums. However, the theme of this had caught her off guard, but it wouldn’t be the only thing that did.

A couple of weeks later, evidence of the facilities construction had vanished. All the scaffolding had been removed and the windowless rooms had been filled with padded cells and equipment rooms, neat and ready for use. The golems used to build this asylum had vanished. Ponies from all stretches of Equestria that Luna had sensed had been visited one by one and secretly been informed about mandated medical care that was necessary and expressly done in the strictest confidence. They all complied and things began to run smoothly.

However, this wasn’t strict enough. Eventually, Chrysalis had found out, gathering intelligence from dozens of her changelings, that she had left aimlessly stranded like queenless wasps, and using them to cause fear in anxious ponies like phantoms, feeding off of the small trickle of torment that she could induce, feeding like a dehydrated pony under a broken water pipe; she was desperate. But with each pony, marked by her minions, beginning to vanish in the middle of the night with visitors, she found even the small trickle she had, fade almost into nothing. She had nothing left to loose, and soon, she used the last of her energy to slip into the shadows and follow the ponies up to asylum. Fear that trickled away, she followed like a trail of crumbs, eating up every one till she was at the doors of this eldritch building. If only her weak face could have formed a smile at this revelation, had she known what she had stumbled across.

As she waited in the shadows, she finally found a chance. A brown coated stallion with stethoscope for a cutie mark lazily stumbled out of the asylum after what had looked like a finished days work. She didn’t even hesitate to lunge at the stallion who’s meek shriek would echo through the vale, where the asylum was, till he was muted by the sudden coating of green viscous webbing, cocooning the poor, fearful pony, who’s fear would feed the begrudgingly desperate Queen till she had the strength to assume his form, and render him unconscious. In her poor mimic form, chrysalis carefully tried to navigate her way through the alien asylum, quickly snagging a clipboard she could use to hide her face or look busy in case she was approached; albeit it wouldn’t be long till she was approached, by none other than nurse Redheart.

“Hey, doctor… I thought you were heading back home now, everypony else has… Anyway, if you are staying we have a few more patients on block three who need putting into storage…”

Hastily, the busy nurse had turned her back to the poorly mimicked form of the doctor to arrange a series of clothes on a trolley. Chrysalis, again, seized the opportunity and quickly used her vile webbing to snare the nurse, not even bothering to engage in conversation first before mummifying the tired nurse, who almost immediately fell unconscious. With her now tightly restrained in a ball of green goo, the asylum was all for the insect to explore. At first chrysalis moved both bodies into a storage room she found just to make sure nobody else would see them yet, acting skittish and animalistic as she began to look around.

At first she entered a previously entered storage closet, where she would begin to explore. Sniffing around, her nose winced at the overwhelming stench of what she could only recognize as tree gum or rubber, and she was not wrong. Rows of pressure packed latex attire lined the polished metal shelves with entire sacks suspended on coat racks.

Used Alien equipment dangled from the shelves and open ended face masks lied sprawled across the floor and atop boxes of assorted items that she soon became distracted with, until a weird sensation pulsated out of her chest as if she had a heart beat.

Placing a hoof to her chest, she felt it again.

She felt where it was coming from, and so almost as if entranced by the feeling, she would stand up and follow the aura that made her body pulsate, that was, till she came face to face with a large steel plate door. She was too weak to force anything of this size down, but there was no need.

Luckily, a simple retinal scan of her mimicked body sent the bolts on the door flying back into the recessed holes in the wall.

As the door opened slowly, the insides revealed a small cube like room that was completely coated by inflated, glossy black material panels that were spongy to the touch: presumably the same rubber she smelt earlier.

Her senses tingled as she absorbed this new environment, her eyes soon pinned on the figure held against the wall. Almost as if were by her design, there was a figure in a completely opaque, black latex cocoon, clinging to the wall.

The figure was faceless: coated with the same latex, where the ears and protruding muzzle were only visible by shape. The pulsating seemed to grow as the curious queen raised a hoof towards the figure, getting closer and closer till her hoof pressed against the spongy body of this figure.

Almost immediately, a reaction happened. Her eyes went wide as if shot by dozens of syringes worth of adrenaline, her body almost immediately brimming with energy.

Her disguise had shattered by several purple rings of magic flowing up and around her body, causing her to revert to her full, original form.

She felt energized like touching this figure had brought her back to her strength. Something about this felt uncomfortably supernatural to her, so she simply stared back and forth between her hand and the suspended figure in the wall, only pausing to analyse the figure further. With her senses now buzzing at full attention, her ears picked up the gentle sounds of moaning and the abrasion of rubber causing a subtle squeaking noise. What she touched was alive, or, at least whatever was buried inside of the rubber. Immediately, almost out of fright, chrysalis chose to close the door using her recovered magic after stumbling out against a wall.

After a few moments of bemusement, the changeling queen had stood up and begin to walk back to where the nurse was before, using her magic to find any and everything that would help her explain the phenomenon till eventually she found a bland-looking manual on a pile of identical books. With her magic she would open the book which read a guide to pony’s pleasure centers and bondage. The title would confuse the already puzzled Chrysalis who flipped past each page desperately for answers. The more she read, the more she understood what had happened.

Her eyes widened and her smile would grow into a sadistic grin as she glossed over the manual. She had just discovered the ruling equestrian sisters had been hiding this little facility from her in a ploy to remove all fear and fearful ponies and plant them here.

The manual stated that the pleasure and euphoria induced on ‘patients’ would eliminate this, but now that the shapeshifting Chrysalis had discovered a new appetite for an even stronger emotional force, she was going to take over this place for herself and feed to her hearts content.

At first she needed to figure out how the asylum worked. The stench of rubber, the dense white walls, and the claustrophobic vaults storing the rubber clad figures seemed sickening and in stark contrast to her previous environment amongst the shadows of damp, dark streets.

She needed to figure out how this feeling of pleasure would work and with some ignited determination, she got to work. At first it had seemed impossible to understand how it worked. The use of restraints and specialized suits and equipment to keep ponies mentally vacant with mind numbing pleasure would have seemed immoral to anybody else, but it was simply confusing to the rejuvenated queen who was still stuck in her primal ways.

Eventually, she learned what needed to be done with the suits. Hundreds, fitted for unicorns, Pegasus and Earth pony alike, were stored away, neatly packaged in their dense vacuum sealed bags as she had seen before. Upon opening one, the suit would shimmer its radiant black colour as it unfolded, extended in chrysalis’s hooves, the creases almost vanishing in the rubbers’ elastic fluidity.

Formed for an Earth pony, the suit itself was designed to cover the entirety of the body and head, leaving the plastic zip lock seal along the neck and spine of the suit with the only holes being around the built in hood. The holes allowed a muzzle to slip through with spaces for the eyes, meaning whatever figure the suit coated, there would be little to tell who they actually were. Following the slick, seamless design, the only other notable features were the two, phallic objects shaped like irregular stallions shafts with one being much larger than the other, protruding from the inside rear. The suit also adorned a small urethral tube, used to catheterize the victim.

Conveniently, chrysalis had just the perfect subject to test the suit on. She would return to the scene of her earlier incident, where there lied the body of nurse Redheart, unconscious and suspended in the Changelings green fluid sack. She abruptly released her from her confinement before consulting the manual again. She needed to wash her down using one of many rooms prepared for this, and so she would; using her magic to carry the limp body of the white furred nurse out.

After cleaning her up, her hair would be trimmed down according to the manual, and her body would be carefully pulled into the suit.

The latex would make a chorus of noises as it tried to form its way around the mares body, the lubricated phallic items attached pushing deep into both holes and urethra till the suit settled normally and hugged every curve.

All that was left to do now was to seal the suit, and with great pleasure, chrysalis used her magic to seal the zipper. The suit in question would use its embedded magic to erase the existence of the zipper, making the suit truly inescapable once zipped up. Now, for the muzzle and the hood.

The muzzle gag was a complex feat of equestrian tailoring and engineering, with a spiderweb of straps making up the head harness and a sleek latex pocket making up the muzzle sleeve. The inside would contain an invasive, inflatable bulb, which despite its protruding profile, wouldn’t resemble any known phallic shape, yet. There would be tubes where the nostrils would be, indicating that they were needed for ease of breathing. After being pushed in, the muzzle was clipped and locked shut, before being inflated quickly, making chrysalis wonder if altering its design would improve it.

Straitjackets in this asylum were like any other, only with a more bespoke and well tailored design that allowed no flexibility when it came to escape, while maximizing comfort in this almost rubber tomb. This is what would be pulled over the unconscious pony next, making use of every strap as the sleeves themselves, now containing the hooves, were pulled through strap and buckle till the pony was in a rather precarious self-hug position. After this, the ponies lower legs were slid into a sleeve which kept them tightly together and could be clipped to the lower part of the straitjacket to secure this restraint.

All that was left was the hood. Unfortunately, timing took an unfortunate turn for the nurse who began to regain consciousness, blinking rapidly as she tried to clear the fog from her eyes. Immediately, she knew something wasn’t right. There was a still moment in time as chrysalis stood frozen in a long, stoically expressed glare-off with the Earth pony. After nurse Redheart had finally awakened and gauged the situation, chrysalis would smile sadistically at her, and nurse Redheart’s eyes dilated in terror as she immediately began viciously thrashing and buckling on the table, screaming into the gag fruitlessly as the sound came out as nothing but soft gagging grunts and air through her nostrils.

“Relax darling, I’m taking your shift for today… and forever. Enjoy the rest”

As she spoke, chrysalis would send a green shimmer along her body, reforming as the spitting image of nurse Redheart herself before turning back, only grinning and cackling evilly as she fed off of the guttural fear the rubber bound pony was feeling.

She then pulled the seamless hood over the nurses head, leaving nothing but the sight of two, small metal rings, where the nostrils would be. As the now completely unidentifiable figure of the nurse thrashed and whimpered desperately, chrysalis added the final part to the complex bondage: a strict leather posture collar.

The collar itself was made from a thick faux leather, which had a red gem around where the windpipe would be. Chrysalis felt this was where she could read the vital signs of the panicked nurse with her horn; seeing her fear inflamed heartrate and hyperventilating, which could be audibly heard through the nostrils of the huffing mare.

“There we go… that wasn’t so hard now was it? Now let’s see how this works”

Chrysalis flicked to the last page of the manual, seeing the diagram of the suit again with direct instructions to activate the toys inside of the mare.

As she did so, she watched the mares body turn rigid as if suddenly shocked by lightning. There was a drastic change in the ponies behaviour as the panicked breath stayed, however short and stuttered.

The mare wouldn’t be struggling but simply shaking and the noises coming through the gag were nothing other than the soft, delectable sounds of indignant grunts trying to hold back the floodgates of aroused noises.

Eventually, the mare would break and the noises would flood through. Chrysalis would simply watch in awe as she fed directly from this new energy, barely able to breathe herself as it revitalized her very body vigorously. Redheart was at the mercy of this cruel, sadistic character, that, like a vampire, had a taste for the very energy she bled, suckling at this profound source.

As she strutted back down to the padded cells, levitating the squirming figure of nurse Redheart besides her; she would playfully flick at the only part of this patient that was exposed, her tail.

Eventually able to levitate the figure into a slot on the wall, she would close the large vacuum sheet of latex around her figure, encasing her like the figure she had seen before.

With enough of these figures suited, dosed up, restrained and locked away, the shapeshifting queen would have enough power for all her minions and more.

Pinkie Pies Party

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Although pinkie pie wasn’t the smartest out of the six, she was certainly unpredictable and energetic.

This worried chrysalis, who was sat back in her office chair, wearing the embellished, yet stolen form of nurse Redheart. The spry pony was the first she wanted to catch. From long deliveries, to ventures with gummy, this made the lively character one of the easier of the mane six to catch and make disappear without many questions from the others.

This would give chrysalis many weeks or months to snag the rest of the main six, who she had meticulously observed and even had rooms prepared for their arrival, without suspicion.

Her form quickly reverts back to normal, the familiar green shimmer covering her body to reveal her tall stature and tattered wings as she paced back and forth around the office of the former head nurse.

She needed an idea, but it couldn’t be rushed. Before long, a thought grew in her mind and her pacing stopped. All she knew was that pinkie wasn’t the sharpest tool in the shed, so manipulating her could be easier than expected.

Pinkie pie did performance for hire; part of her way of living when she wasn’t running the bakery at sugarcube corner. This had gotten her thinking.

If there was any way to to remove sections of the suit to prevent suspicion, she could use it as a prop to make her wear. So, she remembered back to the manual that taught her the latex molding magic her powers were able to accomplish.

Chrysalis had began to trot down the hall of the large asylum, taking in the decor and shuddering with a pleased smile as she passed the secure padded rooms, taking in the aura of pleasure from the countless number of patients she had been fed information about and kidnapped, because that’s essentially all it was: kidnapping.

As her power grew, so did her connection to the changelings, who she quickly remanded into a small troupe of disguised doctors and friendly ponies alike, who occupied the stolen identities of former doctors, now cocooned in the asylum.

The princess sisters who commissioned this place were non the wiser to the shapeshifters advances and soon, she had an army buried under the skin of equestria itself, acting like the most bemusing nightmare as countless ‘fearful’ ponies were suited up and stuffed into vaults, heavily restrained And in time, forgotten about.

As she reached the storeroom, she pushed all forethought from her journey aside as her magic aura hastily levitated a glossy black suit into the air, altering its design till the colour was only half a tone darker than the infamous pink pony herself, with an identical cutie mark to that of pinkie pies. The toys would recede into the back of the suit like a liquid as it was molded, leaving the suit in its most basic form where the eyes and muzzle are available to see through the holes in the hood of the suit. As chrysalis looked at the suit, rotating it to get a good look at her work, she felt a sense of victory.

Chrysalis had managed to cobble together enough bits to be able to lure the unsuspecting pony for hire into the asylum. This was done by sending her disguised minions to where pinkie pie lived, using their magic to feint a teleport spell, which would leave a signature, which lead into the middle of nowhere to make sure their trail wasn’t being followed by any suspecting ponies.

As pinkie arrived at the foot of the overwhelming asylum, a place that most would remark as terrifying and overbearing, she would raise her eyes and sing a delighted and stereo typically clueless hum; leading her to trotting into the doors of where she would be held captive. “This place is kinda dull, don’t cha think?” Pinkie remarked in a surprisingly happy tone. The changelings would respond with silence, suspiciously walking away like robots, leaving pinkie alone.

“Geez, tough crowd” the pink pony remarked as she began to feel uncomfortable in the silent, isolated white foyer of this minimalist asylum.

Eventually, chrysalis, dressed as nurse redheart, would emerge from a distant room, forcing a smile at pinkie pie, who smiled back with a much chipper tone.

“Hey! Nurse redheart, I expected you’d be here. This place kinda reminds of the place you used to work. Shame you haven’t come back to visit”.

In response, chrysalis would laugh softly.

“I’ve been so very busy dear pinkie pie… luckily now we have you to cure our boredom. Some of stallions here have been feeling a little down. I don’t suppose you could wear this for us… give us a little show?”

For once, the pink ponies expression turned stoic as chrysalis spoke, as if the chase was up and she was ready to bolt. Chrysalis turned rigid as she saw this, her eyes widening in the moment of silence, ready to pull the trigger on her magic to subdue the pony.

However, the pink pony would let out a deep sigh and a smile would return to her face as she spoke.

“I guess if you’re out here all alone, I can’t blame your stallion friends for being so eager… I’ll do it, for you”, pinkie retorted as she nudged her elbow at chrysalis in a way that indicated a more sexual insinuation.

There would be a moment of genuine confusion for chrysalis, taking her a moment to understand, but before she would stutter out the next word, she held her breath and nodded. This was easier than she originally thought.

Chrysalis refrained from using her magic in her stolen earth pony form as she retrieved the pink latex suit, which glistened a glossy hue under the hospital style lights. Pinkie pie laughed and shook her head, further confusing the shapeshifter infront of her as the suit was immediately taken, and with some careful application; it was put on.

Pinkie pie twisted and turned her hips, displaying her ripe, rich and busty flank in the shiny, pink latex suit.

“Wow… I haven’t had latex like this since the leotard twi gave me. I-I guess I’m ready for whatever your heart desires… heh”.

The pink pony was oblivious to the malicious intent of the caring nurse before her, not knowing in the slightest she was just an, although well represented, imitation.

“Y-yes of course… thank you pinkie… do you mind if we use some restraints, some of our stallions are into that sort of thing, heh”

chrysalis would remark in a nervous, although, acted tone. Pinkie pie would simply nod, looking around the room as chrysalis subliminally sent a message to her stallion disguised minions who came out of the dark, one by one, their rods dangling shamelessly between their legs, as they had learned to feast on the pleasure as their queen had.

Chrysalis had wasted no time locking the straitjacket around the body of the pink pony, who in trust, offered no resistance, making the restraint most effective as each buckle, strap, and loop was fed tightly, buckled and woven well between one another.

Now with her helpless, the imitated stallions began to mount the pink pony, who’s smile only faltered in the mask to wincing as her raised flank was almost immediately ravaged by the first changeling that mounted her.

Its large, phallic genitals grew erect before the latex coated hole, coaxing the changeling to push it inside with a soft squelch. Pinkie’s free hole, just above her sex, was soon fondled by two more Changelings, who had failed to mount her in the first place.

Before chrysalis was able to sneak the gag around the ponies lips, she was swarmed by her desperate and hungry minions who soon had pinkies hole occupied. Another hard shaft was forced into her throat, making her gag and wince. She was still, only shuffling in her straitjacket as she was mounted on both ends, being rutted like a pony at an orgy.

This didn’t stop for minutes on end, before the Changelings blew their white, viscous loads of fake semen into the living latex doll. Pinkie simply groaned and moaned with a subdued and carefree expression as if she was both experienced at handling this many stallions and used to the feeling of submission.

With each blown load, chrysalis herself got a share of the intense moments of pleasure each of her subjects had felt, albeit in their disguised forms. Eventually, after a rough hour or so, with chrysalis watching, a crowd of finished, panting stallions were watching as the Final one blew his load inside of the mares womb which had subtly become lined with latex as she put the suit on.

Eventually Pinkie pie would lay there, panting, hiccuping with tremendous amounts of fluids leaking from each hole, her body and face coated in sprays of the white fluid. She only had the energy to open her eyes at the form of nurse Redheart and mumble out with a mouth full of cum.

“Did I do well~? Did I make your *hic* doctors *hic* h-happy?”

Chrysalis changed out of her form as she spoke, growing back into her terrifying, infamous body and tall posture, letting her green eyes glare down at the pony.

“You did well… now rest…”.

As pinkie pie’s eyes widened, she tried to release a panicked scream into the foyer, luckily muted by the large rubber penis, which was quickly lodged into her throat by chrysalis, who was finally able to do so, strapped tightly around her head by a harness that held the muzzle gag around her maw. Pinkie pie would try to use her trembling back legs to get away, soon kicked down to a prone position with her legs forcibly wrapped into a latex sleeve.

Using her magic, chrysalis regrew the latex toys back into the suit, occupying the pink ponies holes. They began subtly vibrating with magic power, making the last view of her eyes a mix of dread, terror and insatiable lust from the toys and prior rutting.

Soon her entire face would be engulfed in latex, leaving her figure writhing weakly on the floor, her nose huffing hot air out of it in a panic. She had been tricked and if only she could see the smug look of contempt chrysalis had towards her as she watched the pink figure writhe and glisten under the light. All that was left now was to throw her away and forget that there was never a key in the first place.

The Earth pony was the easiest target, simply the dumb jester of the main six. Without magic, wings and the rejuvenated strength of an earth pony, the defenceless figure didn’t stand a chance, and now she would spend weeks, months or possibly years trapped away till she was able to reunite with her friends: all in their own cells, writhing like she was. And after that, she would be there forever, unable to die in a chrono-pod of latex bondage sustained by her own perpetually forced orgasms and labored pleasure. Eventually, she would become a husk of her former personality, her energetic nature simply used as a living battery for the cruel insect mistress.

Pegasus parade

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A soft evening twilight is cast down upon equestria, the evening sun coating the land like a blanket before the night. While canterlot was still alive and well, ponyville was quiet and silent with melancholy, the cheerful pink pony of the mane six disappeared, only leaving a note describing her absence weeks after the fact, which wasn’t weird to see, albeit abrupt.

Somewhere on the outskirts of the small village, in a modest cottage bordering the everfree forest, two of the mane six sat facing one another, enjoying their company between a kettle of tea. These two ponies were Fluttershy and Rainbow dash. Fluttershy, with her hair tied back had both hooves gently clasping a small teacup filled with her usual green tea.

An intrigued and interested smile was painted across her face as she stared at Rainbow dash, only changing momentarily as she sipped on her warm cup of tea. Rainbow dash, with her hooves raised in dramatic emphasis, was lecturing the yellow coated pony, practically shouting as she exclaimed her story into the mostly empty cottage.

“That’s when I overtook her! It was crazy! She had to undertake me on a flip and only then were we hoof and hoof to one another. I won by a short feet or so; she worried me for a newbie”

Fluttershy giggled behind a hoof before raising her cup again to her lips for a brief moment, sipping at her tea and softly exclaiming with a sigh of hot air before she responded.

“My my, that sure does sound exciting, I’m glad you had so much fun”.

Rainbow dash would retort with a prideful huff, “well I sure did have fun winning, hah. Say… don’t you usually have all your animals come home by now?”.

Again, Fluttershy took a moment to collect herself with a sip of tea before saying, “they’re not my animals dashie, besides, even if I did own them, I couldn’t deny them their basic needs. They’re on their own little pilgrimage. It is mating season after all”

There was a silent moment as Fluttershy went for her tea again, sipping softly in a poor attempt to hide her blushing face, which her bright coat of facial fur did a terrible job at hiding; if anything, it highlighted the prominent redness in her face as she spoke.

Rainbow dash was the same, bowing her head towards her untouched tea, which she swirled around in the cup that she clutched between her hooves. Both ponies sat for a moment in awkward silence before Rainbow dash scoffed in a comedic manor,

“you don’t think mating season effects us ponies, right? You don’t see me going on a little ‘pilgrimage’ to find a stallion”.

Again, there would be a resented silence between the two, only coaxing the shy pony to speak up to break the tremendous sexual tension between the two.

“Well… m-maybe it isn’t a stallion you’re looking for… m-maybe I-I…”

Rainbow dash immediately placed a hoof on Fluttershy’s lips, silencing her; staring at her with a crimson red face and an unaltered smile that indicated she knew what Fluttershy was going to say, and before she could utter another word, Rainbow dash leaned over and planted her lips firmly onto hers. Fluttershy’s wings puffed out erect, while her expression melted into the heart racing ecstasy.

In the heat of the moment, she pulled away and stuttered in a throat clutching manor showing her extreme nervousness. “T-t-there… there is a b-box… under m-my bed… I-I-I… you will find… things… use them, please…”

Despite the much needed information failing to pour from Fluttershy’s mouth, the more confident cyan pony nodded in confirmation, standing from her chair and taking Fluttershy by the hoof and pulling her over to her bed, making sure all the curtains were closed.

Fluttershy fell backwards onto the bed, making a soft thud. From Rainbow dash’s view, the shy pony had her wings spread out either side with her hooves submissively placed next to one another, panting and almost looking like she was struggling to breathe as she squirmed on her back.

By this point, Rainbow dash had just remembered what Fluttershy said, and so she reached under the bed to retrieve a small wooden chest, which, when she opened it, showed a neat set of BDSM gear ranging from a strap on to a ball gag and rope, which she would empty onto Fluttershy exposed stomach with an empowered look of confidence, only making the poor submissive Pegasus shudder and whimper under her breath.

At first, Rainbow dash started by using the large mass of rope to tie each wing at its base to the corners of the bed, along with her back hooves, which she would have spread eagle at the foot of the bed. Her front hooves, which were rigidly pressed against one another on her chest like a subdued puppy, made for easy restraining as Rainbow dash tightly roped both hooves together.

At this point Fluttershy had her eyes closed and her mouth half open as she squirmed, softly moaning and enjoying the feeling of helplessness.

“I didn’t know you were such a little pervert Fluttershy… I-if you had told me months ago I could have invited applejack; she is amazing with rope”.

There would be soft, relieving laugh between the two, only making it easier for Rainbow dash to gently slide the red silicon ball between Fluttershy’s teeth, fondling the strap behind her head to make sure it was tight. At this point, fluttershy was whimpering and biting at the gag, her eyes clenched shut with the body language, which only a close friend such as Rainbow dash would not mistake for fear or discomfort.

Now the Pegasus only had one thing left to do. She brought the other end of the strap-on dildo to her waist and pushed it into her wet sex, shuddering and biting her lip as she secured it around her waist with the attached belt. At first, she began to rub and caress the sides of the submissive pony, ushering soft words and phrases into her ear before she had even been mounted yet.

“You know what this needs~? A blindfold.
You are just a helpless little mare at this point so why not make it more thrilling~?”, Rainbow dash gently uttered into fluttershy’s ear.

This clearly aroused the helpless mare who groaned and squirmed in an expression of playful resistance, making Rainbow dash quickly reach for a scarf to wrap around her eyes and head, which blinded her.

After this had transpired, Rainbow dash went back to fondling Fluttershy, taking a few minutes of foreplay to keep her worked up before she was able to comfortably push the tip of the purple coloured dildo into Fluttershy’s sex, making her back arc and fight the restraints as she moaned loudly.

This brought a new meaning to bonding with a friend, Rainbow dash thought to herself as she closed her eyes to experience the other end of the dildo as she pushed her hips forward, starting to gyrate back and forth at this point.

For the next half an hour or so, Rainbow dash and Fluttershy continued, ravenously indulging in mindless sex till both of them had succeeded at multiple orgasms, both lying there, panting with their sweaty bodies connected. Rainbow dash would be the first to break the silence as she uttered under her panting breath,

“t-that was great… do you want me to untie you now?”.

In response, there was a soft whimper and an indignant shaking of Fluttershy’s head, surprising Rainbow dash who simply laughed at this response and began to rub Fluttershy’s sides rewardingly as both began to drift off.

Eventually, the peace was interrupted.

A soft knock at the door sent Rainbow dash into a startling and awakened state.

Fluttershy had fallen asleep much like Rainbow dash had, but not awakened to the sound of her door knocking.

This caused her to pull the strap on off from between her legs, throwing it aside and responding to the door as quickly as she could to make sure another knock didn’t awaken her friend.

As she did, the small, pure white figure of nurse redheart would be stood there at the other side of the door with a slightly disturbing grin, along with several other doctors who all bore a stoic, robotic expression about their faces.

“W-w-what are you doing here nurse redheart? P-pinky pie said you had disappeared before she left… said you didn’t return to say hi”

The nurse looked Rainbow dash up and down, secretly smelling the sickening stench of pleasure, potently wafting like the cartoonish smell of freshly baked pie.

Of course, chrysalis underneath had to remain calm as her senses were bombarded by the shear intensity of pleasure; confused as to why it was there.

“I came to visit fluttershy… I have been told that one of her animals became sick, so I wanted to make sure she was ok”.

“Ok… but aren’t you like a pony doctor? You’re not a vet… a-and Fluttershy couldn’t have told you about a sick animal because they’re all gone… how-…”

Rainbow dash wouldn’t even be able to finish her sentence before the nurse barged in, almost shoving her aside with some supernatural strength that even an earth pony like herself couldn’t possess.

Rainbow dash started to get worried, knowing the bound figure of Fluttershy was exposed, bound and gagged for the world to see. “She isn’t here! She went to the market… a-and who in celestias name do you think you are, just barging in? I know we are friends but I’m going to ask you to leave!”

All of the doctors and nurses redheart would crane their necks towards Rainbow dash in sync, a look of resentment and disgust about all of their faces. Rainbow dash felt something wasn’t right and soon she placed herself in front of the curtain to Fluttershy’s bed, standing her ground with an angry expression and a defensive stance.

“I know you aren’t nurse redheart! Whoever you are, leave! Else I’ll kick all of you out by force” Rainbow dash would exclaim.

Nurse redheart simply laughed at Rainbow dash as she spoke, all of her doctors starting to laugh with soft snake like hissing. This frightened Rainbow dash, her eyes opening as her suspicions were correct.

Nurse redheart started glowing a greenish hue as small rings of magic enveloped her body, unveiling the tall, menacing stature of chrysalis herself along with all of her minions revealing their true forms.

“Well Well, I’m not surprised one of the mane six finally caught us out, not that it matters. You’re outnumbered, outmatched and by the looks of it… out of energy too”.

The faux alicorn would use her magic to part the large curtain into Fluttershy’s bedroom, showing her figure gently squirming in her bondage, drool going down her cheeks.

Rainbow dash grew furious as chrysalis looked smugly down between them, sending her into a rage that made her fly surprisingly fast towards the insect queen, who’s expression turned surprisingly fearful for a moment before she was able to catch the back hoof of Rainbow dash using her magic as if the cyan pony was a pebble thrown at her.

This made Rainbow dash turn rigid and paralyzed as the magic coated her body with the same green hue that her horn resonated with. There would be a soft shaking of her head as she dropped the paralyzed body of Rainbow dash to the floor, her minions soon swarming her. In a final attempt to try and help her friend, Rainbow dash would scream as loud as she could, sending Fluttershy awake with a panic.

“Help! Anypony! Please!”

These cries would make Fluttershy bounce up and down on the bed: struggling furiously in response to Rainbow dash, unable to escape. By this point, Rainbow dash had her mouth sealed my a magic aura as the changelings began to dress her in her own designed uniform: a set of cyan latex with toys, much like the original suit, to fill both holes of the unsuspecting mare. As the suit was wrapped tightly around the mares curves with the hood zipped on, the muzzle was replaced by the magic aura, gagging her.

The toys in her flank made her body desperately clench to reject them. It was a useless venture as her paralysed body was barely able to contract a single muscle in retaliation, making her holes become violated by the large toys; her eyes would roll back and a guttural cry would come from the gag as her body was molested. Her wings were belted back into latex pockets in the suit, and her limbs were soon shimmied into a straitjacket, her forehooves locked into the latex sleeve preemptively. All Rainbow dash could do now was watch what would happen to her friend as she cried out apologetically.

Chrysalis lent over and pulled the head of Rainbow dash up with her magic, letting both of their heads line up parallel with one another so that they were both facing the bound figure of Fluttershy. “Look how pathetic she looks, its adorable. I was able to smell your stench miles away… you made this easy for us, Rainbow dash. First we got your little pink friend, and with her energy, we came take you with us”

Rainbow dash started to cry, unable to even mumble past the large phallic cock gag occupying her throat as she realized what was going on. She was being kidnapped and to her mind, possibly being used as a sex slave. To make matters worse, as she watched the Changelings surround her friend, her thoughts were cemented in stone.

One changeling would start to mount the bucking pony who was sobbing, drenching her blindfold with tears of panic as she laid back on the bed. Her hooves strained against the ropes and her gagged mouth started calling out for Rainbow dash.

The changeling showed no sympathy, plunging their cock deep into the mares womb, and with a hissing sigh, began bucking back and forth, their tongue gently caressing Fluttershy’s gagged lips. Meanwhile, their front hooves were planted around her neck, slowly pressing harder down on Fluttershy’s windpipe who was already having a panic attack. All Rainbow dash could do was watch and cry as her friend was choked and raped, all the while, chrysalis and the other dormant changelings were soaking up the potent mixture of forced pleasure and fear.

Eventually the changeling blew his load, filling the poor mare, who at this point was past unconscious and was as still as a corpse for the changeling.

This made it easy to untie her and lay her down on the floor where she would be dressed in her own, tailored suit, stuffed with toys that she couldn’t react to in her unconscious state.

Rainbow dash was emotionally numb, dehydrated from crying as all she could do was watch her friend being put into the same latex jail as her.

The last she could see of her naked body showed where the gag and ropes had been, the tight straps making marks around her face with the rope burning red into her legs from struggling. With Fluttershy now completely rendered; blind, deaf, fully restrained and completely coated in latex, Rainbow dash had the last of her senses taken from her with plugs filling her ears and the second layer of hood blinding them.

It had been hours, maybe days since both of the mares awoke. Something had knocked them out just after their ordeal with chrysalis, but with Fluttershy unconscious and Rainbow dash rendered senseless, both of them were as fearfully clueless as the other.

Behind the overpowering stench of rubber, their entire existence had been reduced to being suspended in latex, drugged, isolated and forced to climax for whatever reason. Fluttershy had stopped sobbing sometime after her awakening, knowing she wasn’t going to be seen to or heard whimpering pathetically behind her gag.

Her crotch was numb and each orgasm offered more pain than it did pleasure, milking her dry of any sexual enjoyment from the toys. Her bondage was something that provoked an uncomfortable sense of arousal, however; She enjoyed knowing her place here, still subconsciously submissive to the core.

Knowing she couldn’t simply reach down to her crotch to relieve herself or pull the mask from her face was much more of a turn on, even in her terrifying state, yet she chose never to struggle and accept her fate regardless of what she knew, which was next to nothing. Her love for bondage was unaltered and if anything, amplified as she indulged a dark fantasy.

Rainbow dash was different. As she had awoken she screamed and kicked, the elastic and durable latex barely allowing her an inch of movement before springing back to its original shape.

She had tired herself out more times than she could count trying to free herself or flap her now useless wings in determination for her lover, for her friend. She, much like every other poor soul in this asylum was locked behind inches of steel, rubber padding and narcotics that would keep any pony eager for sex.

Chrysalis rejoiced in her office once again, tired of keeping her insignificant form. The form she had originally stolen had been brewing helplessly in a chamber of her own for months, her mind only registering one emotion like a robotic sex doll.

Each time the cruel and sadistic chrysalis had remembered this about each and every subject she had kidnapped and rendered like this, her wings fluttered with a wispy sound, similar to that of a dragonfly, and her eyes began to shimmer pink instead of green. Her desire for pleasure grew, her need for pleasure was as prominent as fear used to be. Things were changing for the better.

A Restraint for Rarity

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A package through the door wasn’t anything new in the Carousel Boutique. Rarity would be hard at work, tailoring the next line of Canterlot gala attire with attentive precision that allowed her skill to flourish.

Making dress after dress, she barely even noticed as an unknown figure slipped a dense, cardboard package past her door; the only thing snapping her out of her deep focus being a loud thud the heavy package made as it hit the ground. She immediately stopped what she was doing, her glowing horn’s magic aura fading as she placed her measuring tape and Scissors aside to investigate. As she trotted over to the box, she gazed down at it, tilting her head perplexingly at its lack of a stamp and or delivery information. The box itself is only a foot wide and tall with tape covering its edges dreadfully.

Rarity cringed up at the sight of the hastily packaged box, before using her magic to open the door, thinking whoever dropped this off would be nearby.

However, as she stepped outside, there was no-pony there. She looked left and right, up and around at the cloudless, midday sky, shrugging with the presumption that a speedy Pegasus must have dropped it off.

Going back inside, rarity shrugged and carelessly threw the box onto a counter top aside where she was working, and soon, she became deep in focus with her work again, letting the hours tick by.

Eventually, rarity finished up, wiping her sweat-less brow with a hoof in an expression of victorious pride; after all, she had just finished an order of twelve unique dresses to a quality that only inflated the pompous ponies ego. She felt that she deserved a nice, relaxing evening.

The setting sun created a nice hue through her window. She started by climbing into a bubble bath she had prepared moments after her final created dress.

Each hoof made a soft impactful sound as it pierced through the delicate foam that the large bubble solution had made. Rarity let out a sigh of relief as each leg made contact with the warm water, soon becoming fully submerged in the soothing space. With slices of cucumber placed on each eye and a towel wrapped neatly around her well-groomed hair, she was finally able to relax.

She would begin to think to herself about her friends. It had been a while since she had seen them or spoke. With Rainbow dash being so involved with the wonderbolts, fluttershy busy with her animals, twilight head deep in books, and applejack muddying herself with maintaining her orchard, she had wondered if they were becoming separated.

Pinkie pie had been gone long enough that neither herself or any of the others had bothered to ask where she went, or rather why she went. She began to think: then again, this has happened before. Friends don’t need to be close all the time, that would be ridiculous. She would shake her head and sigh with a smile of reassurance, going back to what she originally wanted to do: relax.

Half an hour or so had passed and rarity sighed loudly as she felt it had been long enough in her bath; after all, she didn’t want to prune herself, no matter how nice the bath felt. Stepping out, she used her magic to again pat herself down with a towel till she was dry.

She would slip her silky robe on, tying its belt around her accentuated waist and began to head to bed. As she did, walking across the upstairs landing, a chill would run down her back and immediately her head would look down the stairs at an open window.

She winced in disbelief, while telling herself that she was sure she had closed it as she headed down the stairs to close it.

As she turned from the window, her eyes would narrow again as she looked at her countertop. The poorly wrapped box she had placed there earlier had fallen down, and so, out of curiosity she picked the box up, with a pair and scissors and take them to her bedroom, closing the door behind her and flicking on the dull nightlight.

She sat awkwardly back on her bed, resting against the large ornate headboard that creaked as she did. Using her magic, she used the scissors to slice the many layers and lines of tape encapsulating the box, soon being able to open it.

Rarity was able to grab the neatly folded black mass from the box that was seemingly coated on every fold with some type of grease proof paper, and as she raised it to let it unfold, to her disbelieve, it would glisten and squeak as she touched it.

“Latex?”, She exclaimed quietly to herself. Amongst the contents of the box, was a second black black mass that, when unfolded, revealed a different form of the same black latex in the style of what rarity would assume is a straitjacket. As well as this, two other items would fall from it, as well as a note.

Rarity gravitated to the note first, brushing all of the latex attire aside to read it. It read:“Dear rarity, inside you will find several items I generously offer to you as a gift, to test. I am a tailor based in Canterlot and I am currently releasing a new brand of latex fetish’s clothing for mares who are of the fetish loving variety.

I have made these all to your figure, take that as it be. These items consist of the full body suit and hood. Putting these on will require some form of lubrication for both the suit and the toys inside. Next we have the straitjacket and the additions to the hood.

A secondary hood and a muzzle gag with a phallic toy inside offer what we describe as a sensory isolation experience. We do hope you enjoy our products and we hope to hear from you soon”

Rarity turned the note around to see if there was anything written on the back.

The handwriting was poor but not atrocious, inferring that the tailor might have been a unicorn not too versed in writing.

However, the style of vocabulary threw Rarity off from the blank, unbranded paper that this so-called Tailor had written on. There were a lot of inconsistencies, but the letter seemed honest enough, and rarity felt the generosity of a gift shouldn’t be turned away from.

She began to inspect the first suit, her eyes widening at the ‘toys’ on the inside of the rear. In some depraved way, Rarity always liked bizarre ideas like this; suits that hugged you tightly and offered pleasure at your own convenience.

This made her bite her lip, almost hastily pushing the suit aside to see the other items sent. They consisted of the gag, blinding hood, lubricant and the straitjacket. While the suit offered a hood of its own, it still allowed a view of the muzzle and eyes through slots that were conveniently cut out of it. The gag was exactly what it said on the tin, or rather, the note.

It bore a large, phallic, rubber toy that extruded quite some distance. Rarity remarked softly with a scoff at its extreme nature, that the toy was long enough to warrant nasal tubes for breathing.

Glossy and well constructed, the rubber straitjacket was one of the more intriguing pieces of equipment. With straps to prevent most types of removal, it was as if they served their own purpose to prevent any forms of escape entirely.

The arms would hug tightly around the torso and the straitjacket would conveniently push the hooves through all the straps necessary with middle ones, side straps and a second, detached belt that would go around the upper front legs that the jacket secured.

Laying all of them aside, rarity takes a moment to Collect her thoughts. While she appreciated the craftsmanship behind these well tailored pieces of rubber, she couldn’t help but feel perplexed that an anonymous tailor would create such an expensive and high maintenance set of gear for her. She could just lie about wearing it. In the comfort of her own home she knew she wasn’t being watched, so who’s to say that she couldn’t just throw it away?

Yet, there was something there in the corner of her mind: curiosity, making Rarity pick the glossy rubber up in her hooves, once again, to examine it. It would be rude to turn down such a generous show of appreciation; as her cutie mark reminds her.

With an extremely focused, yet nervous expression about her face, Rarity stood up, letting the large, daunting suit dangle. With her magic she stretched the latex, just enough for her to get the initial back legs into place, not pushing the toys anywhere near her mare parts just yet. With this done, she would pull her forehooves into the sleeves of powdered latex, shuddering at its tight, appealing nature. Despite her best efforts, Rarity fails to seal the suit up at the back because of her lack of commitment to fully wearing it. Without placing the built in hood around her head and relocating the toys at the rear, the suit was impossible to wear.

With a reluctant sigh, Rarity takes a deep breath and pours the contents of the provided bottle of lube onto both dildos, letting them drip slightly. At this point, her face glowed a bright red, showing she was flustered by what she was about to do. All that rarity needed to do now was to let the suit take her holes.

Rarity used her magic to edge the toys in, leaning over her bed with her plot raised, her head planted into the sheets of her queen sized mattress, clenching her eyes tight, and holding a moan in reluctantly as she pushed the toys further in. With each inch, both holes experienced a different flavour of pleasure, ascending through the layers of ecstasy. If she could have seen herself in the moment, Rarity would instantly regret the position she was in. Although humiliated, it didn’t matter to her, because she was alone, or so she thought.

Assisted by the lubricant, the base of both toys slipped up to entrances of Rarity’s holes with ease, making a nice squelching sound as the latex pulled them in tight like a rubber band released from tension.

Her eyes rolled back; she coughs a gentle grunt from between her lips as her abdomen grew tight as if she had been winded by a gust of unfathomable pleasure. At this point her legs were trembling and she was unable to function for the next dozen seconds.

She let the toys go to work, slithering and violating her untainted holes until the latex settled; her rear looking as normal as it ever was, although coated now by glossy latex.

Once she recovered, Rarity stood up, her shaking legs showing just how much of a presence both phallic objects had inside of her. She huffed with slight annoyance, feeling it would be just as intense to remove the suit now that it was fully on.

However, she had come this far to just remove the suit, so, pulling the hood over her head and horn, she finally encapsulated herself in the suit.

She slowly trots over to a mirror to get a good look at herself and notices the design of the suit was much like a wonderbolts uniform, with holes for the eyes, mouth and head through the hood.

To her surprise, once she got a good glimpse at her flank, the place where her cutie mark was had an emblem almost identical to her cutie mark with a pink heart occupying the background, surrounded by a set of chains. Although not identical to her actual cutie mark, Rarity admired the symbolism and smiled.

However, the longer she gazed at her flank, the more her holes throbbed around the intruders inside of her, that she could only really notice by very small oval bulges protruding from the rear where her tailhole and vagina would be.

Soon turning away from self-admiration, the unicorn would hastily rush to her bed and plant herself down onto the mattress, wincing as she sat directly onto her behind, giving her a friendly reminder as to why she was standing in the first place.

After taking a moment to calm down, Rarity would focus on what she was going to do again. She used her magic to lift up the straitjacket, muzzle and hood provided along with her suit; she extended her arms out, doing the same as she did before to dress herself. She made sure her arms hugged her waist tightly, each strap tugged equally tight to satiate her mild OCD.

With the crotch straps holding her last option of escape without magic gone, Rarity truly felt helpless. She rocked herself gently onto her side, letting herself get comfortable in her new, unfamiliar restraints.

At any moment, she could release herself with magic but the thought of this being made for a Pegasus or earthpony made her realise now, although incorrectly, this is why she was sent this package. Only a unicorn, albeit one with amazing fashion sense, could secure this onto themselves as if they were the earthpony or Pegasus in question.

Rarity concluded her thoughts with a playful nod as she lifted the muzzle to her lips, struggling as the phallic toy strapped to the base of the muzzle made its way down her throat.

She didn’t like the idea of choking on this piece of rubber, let alone having her lips locked around it like it belonged to some stallion, yet some side of her silently reveled in the idea, feeling a dawning sense of a dormant submissive nature.

As Rarity was finally able to slide the sheath over her muzzle, finally clamping her lips around the base of the toy, she felt a sense of completion. She then lifted the secondary hood over her head to complete the uniform.

Now, it was dark. Rarity could hear her own breath from her flared nostrils as she squirmed on her side.

She was alone; alone and helpless in her warm, safe room. These thoughts repeated themselves like a broken record as she used her magic to gently activate the toys in her holes. She moaned loudly into the gag, her legs going tense and her hips suddenly bucking forward in a rigid state in reaction to the sudden pleasure.

The toys were like nothing she had ever felt before, and despite her being a virgin, she was still familiar with the numerous toys she owned herself, however, something about these toys felt more euphoric and alive than her regular vibrators.

They made her moan and squeak pathetically, they made her buck her hips and struggle softly in her bondage in a faux attempt to escape. As her head span thoughts of lewd fantasies and submission span in circles, her body writhed with unending ecstasy.

It had been less than ten minutes before rarity experienced the flood gates unleash on a tremendous orgasm, causing her to scream, which was luckily muted by the gag. Her body became weak and her mind became foggy. She was enjoying this far more than she had anticipated; and seated somewhere in her mind was worry that she might not be able to release herself if she indulged too greatly.

So, she tried to use her magic to turn down the toys, but something didn’t feel right. Like the confusion one would get seeing their lightbulb stay off when a switch was flipped, Rarity was having the same trouble with her magic.

She tried again, soon experiencing a disturbing increase in the toys vibrations. She screamed out into the gag again, the induced pleasure now becoming painful to bear. Her heart rate increased and her focus had shot up as she concentrated her almost non existent magic to try and release herself.

After several panic induced minutes of struggling and concentration to release herself, Rarity had another shattering orgasm, much sooner than the one before. Panic had sank into her stomach like the feeling of regret and soon her struggles fatigued her, making her resort to screaming into her gag for help now. Why wasn’t her magic working? She was sure that the hood didn’t diminish her magic, no, she was sure of it.

In the corner of her room, watching, was the figure of chrysalis. Her tall body was mostly encased by shadow with her glowing emerald eyes and part of her shimmering insect body barely visible to the naked eye.

She stood there; she had been there since Rarity sealed her senses with the hood, simply feeding off of the pleasure the unicorn had measured for herself. But she had fallen right into her trap. While she was squirming and indulging in the senseless pleasure, it didn’t take chrysalis long to materialise an anti-magic ring over the unicorns horn. Now, all she had left to do was reveal herself, and yet again, feed off of the fear.

“I didn’t expect you to be this stupid, but, I know the pony of generosity wouldn’t turn down such an gift for her erogenous parts. You deserve to be like this…”

Rarity shuddered as the voice in her room alerted her to chrysalis’s presence. Helpless to even call out for another’s help, Rarity laid there, her quickly inflating and deflating chest showing her panic that her hidden, wide-eyed expression failed to show.

Her heart dropped as she quickly recognised the voice and her eyes welled up with terror as every squeaky struggle was only edging her into a greatly humiliating position, rather than just laying there to accept her fate.

“I already have three of your friends in something similar to what you are wearing now. Although, I needed a unicorn to test my new rune magic on… apparently you really are useless now. Thanks to you, I know twilight won’t be a match for me, alicorn or not… muhahahaha!”

Rarity’s eyes once again widened as she listened. She had put her friend in danger with her stupidity and now the guilt, stacked with humiliation and regret had sent her into a hyperventilating fit.

Chrysalis raises an eyebrow as she listened to the whimpering mess on the bed, smiling sadistically as she fed off of the suffering unicorn. All that was left to do was ship her off. Changelings emerged from the dark corner that chrysalis had been eerily hidden in, using their magic to secure Rarity’s legs and carry her off back into the darkness where they would vanish along with the writhing unicorn.

Chrysalis would meander around the room for a few moments till she stopped at the foot of Rarity’s messy bed. A picture frame containing all six of the smiling mares stood next to one another, at the center: twilight. With everypony almost snatched, chrysalis would caress the picture before placing it back down and vanishing, once again.

“I’ll be back for you…”

Applejacks Apprehension

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Hissing filled her ears and a tight mass surrounded her, like a snake wrapping its body around her head. Something held her still like she was in a state of sleep paralysis. Every muscle grew taut and her body fought the elastic phantom that she felt surrounding her; slowly sucking the air from her lungs. She was blind and struggled to labour for another breath with every second that passed. Her movements were more than sluggish, as if she were stuck in mud. Her hooves hugged her body tightly and in the dark abyss of what she assumed was her waking mind, her thoughts were scrambled like nothing made sense. That was, until her mind picked up the distinct voice of a former foe: Chrysalis

“Enjoy sweet applejack, twilight will be joining you soon”

Applejack jumped awake in her bed, sweat rolling down her forehead as her eyes beamed wide open. She instinctively tried to scream as she awoke, letting out a choked cry, which was quiet enough to be mistaken for a squeaking bat. She held her throat as she sat up, her heart racing. She had a bad dream; a nightmare. Her eyes surveyed across her dark room, blinking and rapidly looking left to right. The vivid nightmare had left her in a dazed state and the confusion was enough to make her do a double take of her bed. She pressed her hooves down into the mattress, blinking softly, and sighing with relief at its familiar softness.

For just a moment, she doubted reality; the vivid dream felt like it went on for hours, but as she fully awakened she started to remember less and less of it. She wasn’t sure how it started and soon became unaware of it to the point where it wasn’t worth her time thinking about it. All that she could remember was having a bad dream.

She lifted her covers to find her sheets stained with discharge, making the earth pony blush with embarrassment. "Maybe it was a good dream after all", she thought to herself.

Starting her day early, she pulled the stained covers from off of her body, and meandered to her bathroom where she splashed cold water on her face tiredly with a sigh; behind the backdrop of a rising sun. Applebloom was away with her friends, Big Mac was busy delivering apples to canterlot and Granny Smith was out shopping, leaving poor applejack to start her day early. After pruning some hedges, doing a weekly inspection of the orchid and collecting some ripened cider apples, Applejack found her entire afternoon free.

She decided to send a letter out to her friend, twilight, by owl, seeing the opportunity for some much needed time together as a cause for a relaxing evening.

“Carpe diem… or whatever the heck twilight always says…”

She soon turned back to the house with a smile on her face after releasing the owl. Once she was inside, she prepared a casket of her finest cider from this year’s fermentation, popping the cork from the barrels bung hole with a solid rear kick to the barrel. Before she had even gotten a whiff of her fresh cider, her ears perked back to the sound of a hoof knocking at her door: it was twilight.

A look of bewilderment came over the earth ponies face, dumbfounded as to how quickly the letter managed to reach twilight; let alone how quickly she managed to arrive.

“How did you…? Uh…”, Applejack asked sternly.

“Teleportation, silly…”, twilight replied with a laugh, tapping her horn with a hoof before inviting herself into applejack’s home, and quickly inviting herself to give the open casket a sniff

“So she… Celestia… taught you how to do that finally?”, Applejack asked, still a little astonished.

“Oh I’ve known for a while! It’s just really exhausting to use. And since the day was ending I thought not to leave you waiting any longer than necessary. After all you are a hard working pony. It’s the least I can do to give us a little more time”

Applejack’s suspicion melted away instantaneously, the huge amount of trust she held for her friend triumphed any of her doubts. With a refreshed smile, Applejack laughed softly, and reached for a couple of clean drinking glasses from a nearby shelf. Twilight assisted her, taking the glasses from her teeth using her magic. Again, Applejack laughed a little in surprise

“Someones eager. Keep your hair on, twilight, there is plenty to go around”

“Of course, I just wanted to be courteous and all. You must’ve had a long day”, Twilight replied as she began to pour the drinks.

Applejack couldn’t help but blush, feeling pampered by her beloved friend’s generosity, something that she would otherwise expect from rarity.

Both then sat at the dining room table, each taking a seat upon the rickety wooden chairs of the Earth ponies’ quaint home. At first, applejack took her glass between her hooves and had a refreshing gulp of her sweet, tart and tasty cider, placing the mug back down with a gasp and a look of accomplished delight on her face. She then looked to twilight who did the same, raising the glass in thanks before taking a gulp and wincing, then placing the glass back down.

“Too tart for you sweetheart?”, Applejack asked in a playful tone, seeming impressed at how someone so sensitive to acidic drinks managed to handle it.

“Hah! You wish”, Twilight replied with a little snap to her tone.

Both laughed it off before there was silence once more. A humdrum moment stirred between the two as applejack looked up from the bubbles in her drink, eventually looking up at twilight with some concern on her face.

“If I may be honest with you, twilight, I am a little concerned”

“About what, applejack?”

“I’ve been having bad dreams. Pinkie pie nor rarity have been returning my letters and when I went to visit rarities boutique, it was closed, and cupcake corner hasn’t seen anything of pinky pie in the last few days since the letter… and I know rainbow dash and fluttershy have taken some time away, at flight camp or whatever… but even they haven’t returned. But you are here… do you know what’s going on?”

Twilight stared off into her glass as Applejack spoke, softly sighing.

“It must be terrible working such long hours, not able to see your friends when you would like… they aren’t ignoring you applejack, they have just been as busy as you have. Rarity is out in canterlot, pinky pie is… being pinky pie and the other two are simply enjoying their time together…”

Twilight placed her hoof over applejacks, smiling warmly and maintaining eye contact, inciting applejack to raise her glass once more to take a soothing sip of cider. Twilight would do the same, using her magic, coating the outside of the glass with a translucent green aura.


Applejack spoke under her breath as she watched twilight intensely for the next few seconds. Her heart instantly rose up to her throat, she felt like she could be sick, and yet she couldn’t move a muscle. Once twilight had placed the glass, she too froze in place, blinking softly before letting out a rather strange laugh, while staring at her alluring green aura.

“Oh, silly me… I guess the act is up”

Applejack sprung from her chair with furious strength, breaking its wooden legs and propelling the table towards twilight whose eyes now burned an ominous emerald hue. Applejack, now panting in terror, landed a few metres from where she sat originally, tunnel visioned on the now floating table covered in the green aura. Once the table was carefully set aside, it revealed a newly unobscured creature glaring down at Applejack, one that Applejack knew all too well.

“You son of a b-…”

“Ah ah ah… language young lady. It’s not like this changes things. You’re one of the last of the ’heroic’ mane six to be caught, you should be proud”

Chrysalis took a few steps forward, her disproportionate, insectile body creaking slightly as its limbs moved like a marionette. Applejack moved with it, backing herself into a corner, stumbling a little bit as her legs began to grow weak.

“Y-you won’t get away with this! We should’ve killed you”

The more time passed, the worse things got for the earth pony. Her heart pounded, her eyes began to blur as she looked for means of escape. Her legs were as weak as a newly born foal, eventually causing her to collapse onto her rear against the corner of her dining room. Panting and blinking out of time, Applejack didn’t have long before whatever drug she had been spiked with kicked in.

“Oh really? Well, I don’t plan on killing you or your friends. Quite the opposite, actually”

There was a smug look on the decadent insect’s face as she glared into applejack's eyes, haunting her with a thousand yard stare that watched as she slumped over herself.

Applejack’s nostrils flared open as she awakened, gasping, her eyes dilating in horror as if continuing where she left off. But something was different this time.

As she tried to move, she found her arms wrapped around her torso, her body strapped to an upright gurney. She began to thrash, sending a cacophony of squeaky noises into the unfamiliar, quiet hallway that she now momentarily resided in. She tried to scream, but her noises came out like bubbles in mud, barely audible as she gagged on the intrusive rubber object in her throat, making her eyes tear up. All but her eyes were coated in this foreign material, making her unrecognizable at a glance.

She tried to kick her legs; legs that were buckled together and covered in the unfamiliar asylum rubber, barely stretching enough to struggle properly, even with her Earth pony strength.


She couldn’t move her head on account of her new collar, and strap across her head keeping her against the gurney, leaving her to simply begin to huff and pant indignantly. There was a soreness between her legs, left uninvestigated as hoof steps could be heard promptly behind her. With another series of screams and violent jerks, Applejack tried to free herself, but like a fly in a spiders web, it was already too late.

Chrysalis leaned in and whispered in Applejack's ear, her wispy, mint-coloured hair resting over Applejack's shoulder.

"I must admit you have a very taut, muscular body, applejack. Its a shame you'll be here long enough to lose it. Well, that is if you don't lose your mind first"

Chrysalis cackled menacingly as Applejack listened attentively, panting hard in shear terror. Eventually applejack got to see her hair that had been braided into a long braid, tied at the end by one of Applebloom's very own hair ribbons; surrounded by the villains magical aura as it was shown to her.

"Do you think i did a good job sweetie?"

Chrysalis spoke with a faux country accent, laughing patronizingly before letting her hair fall back. This sent Applejack on a greater fit of rage, thrashing, thinking Applebloom herself had been kidnapped by this vile creature.

"That's enough of that. I'm hungry..."

Applejack, mid-struggle, was suddenly blinded by another hood of some sort. It meant the head strap was removed for a moment, but before anything meaningful could be done, it was again too late. The mask reeked of rubber, and Applejack's breathing soon became labored as a small balloon like bag at the end of her nostrils, inflated and deflated.

Much like one uses a paper bag to help with hyperventilation, the rubber bag forced Applejack to calm her breathing down to strenuous pulls of air from this pocket of semi-recycled air. It was frustrating, making Applejack whimper pathetically

"Oh that terror... That pain... Lets go for pleasure"

Flicking the dial of a labeled remote, the toys that were sneakily stuffed into applejack's holes inflated. Applejack moaned and squeezed hard against the toys, failing to restrain them as they began to stretch her out, making her sweat and groan. Eventually they inflated as big as safely possible, filling every inch of her inner ass and marehood with rubber. Between that and the re-breather mask, the earth pony was finally calm; forced into submission.

"Good girl... You'll enjoy it here, i promise", said Chrysalis in a now calm tone.

Applejack whimpered some more and let out a sudden gasp as the toys were turned on. Pleasured rippled through her body as the advanced design of the toy located where she was most sensitive, hitting all spots with a dull, rhythmic vibration while ball-like structures went up and down the inside of the shaft of the toys.

The bag of her rebreather crumpled pathetically as she needed to get used to this new change in circumstance, going into survival mode so she could avoid suffocation.

Eventually Applejacks eyelids would begin to flutter under the hood, and right as her air began to thin, a gut-wrenching orgasm knocked the wind out of her, making her eyes roll back.

She was left in padded cell aside her friends, this time suspended by her feet inside of a rubber cocoon the same colour as her coat. She occasionally woke up in a cold sweat with a rush of blood to the head, connected to some form of life support, feeding her dangerously high levels of aphrodisiacs allowing orgasms to hit her like waves, making her tremble and moan.

It had only been a few hours after her imprisonment, and she had already lost the ability to maintain a train of thought. And Chrysalis was feeding from it all, making her stronger.

Now, with all but the center picture of Chrysalis' collage crudely crossed out with a red marker, she was on to her final victim:

Twilight Sparkle

Twilights Torment

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Bookworms are like hungry caterpillars, devouring knowledge voraciously with each book they bury themselves in. They crawl through the vast pages of literature, feeding their insatiable appetite for the unknown. And just like caterpillars undergo a metamorphosis, Twilight would soon be finding herself undergoing change, nesting in a cocoon of pleasure, pain and torment.

"Spike!... SPIKE!!!", screamed Twilight, from across the room.

"Alright, alright, i'm coming!", replied the reluctant little dragon, who came scampering into Twilight's study, seeing the messy scrolls scattered across the typically studious unicorn's room. He let out a deep sigh, rethinking his service to purple pony in a humorous thought of accusation.

"Maybe i should run away and see how long it takes her to realize i am gone", he thought to himself before snorting softly in laughter and swiping a gestured paw through the air.

"Spike i need you to pick up some more scrolls and ink for me", said twilight.

"Now? Its pitch black outside!", replied spike.

"Please, its really important", said twilight.

"Everywhere is closed, how can you expect me to-..."

"Spike! I haven't got time for this", screamed twilight in a brash, almost frantic tone.

"Fine... But you owe me one when i get back", grumbled spike as he thought of where he could get ink and paper at this time of night.

Soon after, the thought suddenly occurred of the night shops in Canterlot; they charged a hefty price, and rightfully so being open so late. Spike scoffed to himself but shrugged it off, thinking of spending a little of twilight's inundated scholarship fund on himself. With a smug affirmative smile, he nodded to himself, walking out the front door, bag in hand, in search of the nearest wagon for hire.

Once twilight heard spike leaving, she let out a soft, relaxed sigh. Getting up from her chair, she tucked the seat in, folded her book closed and began immediately organizing her room using magic, returning the scattered scrolls to their rightful holes in the partitioned wall.

"Sorry spike", twilight said in a soft tone as she made her way to her room, knowing now she had time.

After a couple glances over her shoulder, twilight used her magic to pull a book from under her bed. Seeing the hardback book made her smile, and as she glanced over the front covers' illustration, she couldn't help but make a noise of excitement. The book was a romantic red, a shade lighter than blood. The center of the book bore a black background with the illustration of two white unicorn silhouettes: one being a mare on her hind legs, looking upwards with her hooves pulled close to her body by some form of restraint, and a red ball, baring a strap covered her mouth.

Behind her, the second silhouette. A larger stallion holding the reins of her apparent gag and the restraints on her arms, pulling her close. The cover alone was enough to make Twilight's brain foam at the mouth, yet her imagination was most vivid not by the images the book displayed, but by the words it contained.

Twilight sat herself upon her bed, getting comfortable. She closed her curtains, lit her bedside candle and discovered a random pot of tea she must have prepared some time ago. She used her magic to warm the water to a boil before pouring some of the brown liquid into one of her many cups. Hastily, she nestled down into her pillows and used her magic to multitask both the cup against her lips, and the book, which she opened at the bookmarked page. Glancing at the words, she found where she left off, now fully immersed in this novel:

'She clenched her teeth hard against the rubber ball in her mouth, promptly drooling and grunting like some animal as her sex was ravaged by the well endowed stallion.

He pressed his hips hard against her shiny, ripe ass, submerging his length deep into the submissive mare. She moaned some more, straining her arms against the leather straps that held her hooves, making her latex suit squeak in pain as it stretched and pulled against the leather restraint.

She was panting; he was grunting, stuffed deeply into the loins of his plastic wrapped partner who so deeply wanted to squeal his name... '

The novel continued to go into graphic detail, making the now enthralled twilight aroused. Her eyes were dilated, and she breathed through an open mouth.

She had finished her tea not long before the chapter ended, having placed the cup on her bedside drawer. Once the chapter was finished, twilight couldn't help but quickly place the book down so she could hastily fish for something under her pillow. What she pulled out resembled a shiny magenta ball gag with a darker purple leather strap. She placed the ball gently between her teeth, now blushing crimson red as she pulled the strap tight around her head, making her wince slightly, as it clicked shut.

Twilight let out a garbled grunt as she fell onto her back, nesting her head between the pillows as she used her magic to levitate the open book over her face. Page after page; soft moans escaped her lips, and when she began to play with herself, placing both hooves between her spread legs, her eyes narrowed lustfully.

By now she was panting hot air from her flared nostrils. Her mind began to flutter as she continued to read her degenerative smut, wondering to herself in a moment of clarity, why she was so worked up in the first place. However, bouts of pleasure rippling through her body threw her train of thought astray, leading her to arc her back and bite into the tough rubber ball between her teeth as she achieved orgasm. Falling back to the bed, she released her magic, letting the book fall over her damp face for a moment before rolling over to her side, hoofs still trapped between her legs.

She had fallen asleep.

Wearily, she began to wake, her cloudy vision soon wiped away by a set of damp hooves and a moment of corrective blinking. Her bedside candle had died long before the wick had reached the base of the candle, confusing the tired mare, whose attention suddenly turned to the bright light down the steps of her bedroom landing.

She got out of her bed, stretching a little as her body felt funny, in the sense that she wasn't all too stable standing on her own four legs. Shaking her head, she found her vision had returned to its poor, blurry state from whence she had woken. Ignoring her apparent ailment, the unicorn weakly meandered her way down her bedroom steps, being frozen stiff at the site, or rather the figure of, a tall, semi-muscular unicorn, similar in description to the protagonist of her book. Twilight groaned a little as she again tried to correct her vision to normality.

"Who are you?! W-why are you in my house? Leave, o-or...", stuttered twilight, now poised in an alerted stance.

"Or what, darling? Are you are going to give me more to enjoy, sweet marina?", Replied the stallion in a dominant, well-spoken tone.

"M-marina?", Whispered twilight.

Twilight began to look around her supposed house, seeing the decor changed for that of white marble interior, fitted with pillars and a smooth floor coated by a matching snow-white carpet, like the palace bedroom in her book. A large queen sized bed stood aside the stallion as well as a rack of gear; lavished floggers and crops that twilight could just about make out. This is a dream, she thought to herself as she relaxed her posture. To her rational, scientific mind, it all made sense. She had slept wearing her gag, and the book was nowhere in sight. Not to mention her fuzzy body and dream-like vision. Her heart skipped a beat as she relished the moment, not recalling using a dream spell on herself but delighted at the opportunity to become her own antagonist.

The stallion approached, using his magic to lift a weird purple suit from a polished steel rack. The suit itself was shiny, like the one in her book, but it looked different, purple rather than black and more thorough in its design. Yet, no matter how much twilight squinted she couldn't quite understand it.

However, as the stallion himself came within touching distance of the much smaller twilight; she audibly gulped and froze once more, her beating heart rose to her throat. She had never been intimate with a stallion before, let alone interacted with any potential partners.

"Well, what are you waiting for? An order? You like those, don't you?", teased the white stallion.

Twilight's face grew plumb-red and her throat tightened as she tried to choke out her words.

"Y-yes s-sir...".

The stallion laughed a cocky little note as he unfolded the suit before twilight, letting her see the large phallic items danging from the crotch and hood: three in total, each just as large in size. Twilight physically began to tremble from delight and terror, anticipating what came next.

"Put your legs in first", commanded the stallion.

Twilight nodded without a word and stood on her hind legs with relative ease, holding onto the hoof of her dream dominant for support.

Twilight's eyes would dilate and she would shudder as a sensation, much like warm water through a cold pipe, overcame her body. It was pure relief in a sense as each toy at the base was worked into her still body, both aided by her natural dampness and lubricant that otherwise covered the phallic devices. As each fully slipped inside of her, spreading her otherwise untainted, virgin holes; she would let out a series of gasps like one would make after being submerged in cold water.

"Easy girl, we haven't finished yet"

Her arms were guided into the upper portion of the suit, trapping them within perfectly tailored sleeves (it was a dream after all). Once her hooves hit the ends of the sleeves, she felt her suit partially sealed with magic up to her nape. Her panting now grew desperate as she yearned for more, all the while her arms were slowly guided across her stomach through a belted loop before the stretchy rubber sleeves' ends were buckled behind her back.

She began to struggle and grunt, never having been tied up before but enjoying the struggle that came along with it. As she pulled and tugged uselessly, she had to remind herself of her magic as a backup to wake her from this delightful dream if things went too far.

"Open wide, slut..."

The stallions demeanor became more crude and assertive as time went on, only making poor twilight's loins even more wet with each assertive command that was issued.

"Y-yes si- UGHH!"

Twilight would cringe suddenly as the large dildo inside the mask was forced over her bottom lip and plunged into her throat, immediately making her gag and shake her head in displeasure. She began to wretch but soon she felt the massaging aura of the stallions magic against her throat.

"You can take it. There's a good girl", regaled the stallion.

Much to twilight's pleasure of being rewarded with a pet name, the emergent, panicked glow in her horn died down. The hood was soon entirely pulled over her head and sealed with magic along with a tall, thick leather collar. With only twilight's eyes showing with two big black pits for nostrils held open by tubes, she was rendered entirely helpless. Without her knowledge, a series of rings were slipped over her horn and locked in place, all the while the stallion distracted the impressionable virgin by staring into her eyes as he did so. Her legs were suddenly belted together and now she was secured standing by nothing other than magic. This made twilight giggle a little, but also made her cringe and wretch as she still was yet to get used to the impressive toy in her throat.

"Good girl. Count to a thousand for me, and i shall see you again"

The stallion, smiling down at his victim, proceeded to leave twilight with a parting kiss to the nose, his soft lips making twilight's eyes flutter with delight before his magic glow lifted another hood to her head as well as a set of ear plugs to entirely block noise from her ears. Twilight was left in sensory isolation, a rather blissful state. The toys that filled her holes no sooner burst into life, her body lifted and dropped onto a mattress under her, where she was left to writhe.

She suddenly found breathing difficult; the overwhelming combination of the lengthy toys stuffed in each hole and the sudden restriction of her breath became too much for her too quickly, making her resort to magic.

Magic she did not have.

A few strained pushed and a screaming fit of terror later, twilight found herself trapped in limbo, stuck in this soon to be nightmare of rubber that began to essentially suffocate her.

And there she was.

The illusion of grandeur was soon washed away like wet pain on a rainy day, revealing twilight in her own bed, trussed up before her true captor.

Stood over the poor purple pony's rubber-bound body, the freakish and distorted insect queen herself. She was quietly staring down at her newest prey. As if oozing with terror, Chrysalis leaned in and gave the rubber coated pony a deep inhale through her open mouth, letting her fangs dangle over the defenseless pony's body as she found the emotional cocktail she was looking for.

Like a fiending drug addict, chrysalis recoiled at its potency, seething through her teeth like a snake hissing. Being the head of the elements of harmony, Twilight's fear and arousal was like uncorked fine wine, and she held the key to its potency at the click of a button. She couldn't help but relish her victory by dragging her tongue across twilight's collared neck.

"And that makes six..."

Her victory

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Victory is akin to perfecting a fine wine or a piece of art. And to say victory is sweet would be an understatement from the victors point of view.

A light projected high above the perigee asylum on that day, like a vortex of colours that attracted the darkening skies around it.

Chrysalis had finally won, collecting the embodiments of the elements of harmony; bound in colour coded latex, clinging to their precious bodies.

She had left each of them dangling side by side like spiders’ prey, suspended inside of vacuum sealed sheets with only their hooded heads poking out. Each were groaning, moaning, and gasping against their infernal masks; suffering.

Chrysalis relished the sight; collectively the most powerful ponies in equestria lie at her finger tips. She had spent many days finding how to extract their power in such a way as to unite them and make their power become one, as it had been before to defeat her at the Canterlot wedding, a rather bitter memory itself.

A tome was cast over the victims, used to draw their latent emotional power and turned them into their refined elements. With so much consistent sexual and physical overstimulation, the Main six could barely form a coherent thought between them all, rendering them vulnerable. This allowed Chrysalis to take advantage of their exposed abilities using dark magic, drawing a wonderful rainbow column of pure energy; energy that startled the likes of princess Luna and Celestia.

Only a few hours had passed before the doors of the quaint asylum were slammed open by the attacking alicorns, revealing the dark, thundering sky surrounding the asylum.

Wings reared high, both princess Luna and Celestia glared down the foyer at the postulant insect queen, who displayed her captives.

She was stood between the most important figures in equestrian history and flaunted her side defensively, turning her head only to address the sisters with a simultaneously smug, yet brooding look upon her face.

She was clearly mocking them.

“We ought to have known someone like you would go and pull off something like this!”, shouted Luna, between clenched teeth.

“Who did you expect? Sombra? Tirec? Hell, Discord? I am assuming you two can sense what this power means? Yet you have no idea what you’ve stumbled into. You’re too late…”, replied Chrysalis, who then began to pace back and forth down the line of captives.

“We have come to stop whatever you have started”, declared celestia boldly.

“I see the sun has reared its ugly head, hahahah!”, Chrysalis joked confidently.

Both sisters horns had soon lit up, their impatience showing as they projected concentrated beams of brilliant white light at the villain. They struck at Chrysalis with awesome might. However, before they were able to reach her, the beams struck against a translucent green aura surrounding chrysalis, creating a large spark, making the princesses stumble back slightly against the bright ricochet.

The sisters expressed their vexed frustration through clenched teeth, unable to pierce Chrysalis’ powerful magic shield with their combined strength. They stood and stared angrily without much choice in the matter.

“You couldn’t even protect your silly little student, Celestia. Now look at you, stood before me, bewildered by your own arrogance”, boasted Chrysalis.

She stared them down with a cocky smile as she acknowledged she finally had their attention.

“Behind me, as you might have guessed, are your precious little elements of harmony…”

Chrysalis went down the line of her captives, turning her back on the princesses and placing a hoof on applejack; abruptly transforming into her.

“Honesty. Such a sweet, strong earth pony. So Delusional, and so much trust in her friends. Too much.”

Chrysalis glanced back to the sisters with an expression, stark in contrast to the one she had before; almost painfully serious.

She then turned to pinkie pie with an evil smile, transforming into her.

"Laughter. I can't say she will be doing much of that anymore".

Next she turned to rarity, placing a hoof on her bound body, transforming into her.

“Generosity. She could never turn down a gift so much as she could give one”

The princess sister’s eyes dilated as they listened to Chrysalis in horror, realising what, or rather who, was hung up behind her.

As Chrysalis approached Rainbow dash, she weaved her way behind her, coming back into view only to have taken her form.

“Loyalty. She wouldn’t even run away from her friend to save herself. Stupid mare…”

Once chrysalis had looped around rainbow dash she did the same with Fluttershy who was hung besides her; forming a figure-eight around the two, transforming into fluttershy once she had made her way around the yellow ponies body.

“Kindness. Timid. Weak. Pathetic. She would rather become a doormatt than see you unhappy”

Chrysalis scoffed in disgust before moving over to what she considered her bound magnum opus: Twilight.

She transformed into the purple pony before turning to face the alicorn sisters. She took a few steps forward, going down the steps of the foyer till she was within a few feet of the two, with a cold, a stoic expression painted upon her, or rather, Twilight’s face.

“And finally, magic. Twilight sparkle. I hope you know you have quite the filthy mare on your hands. I made her capture quite special”

Chrysalis poked the vibrating twilight with a hoof, expunging the delightful groans of discomfort from her.

Chrysalis smiled as she summoned a book; one of twilights novels, and a ball gag either side of her head with magic, holding them there as she spoke.

“I made sure to drug her, then I used sleep magic to make her believe I was the protagonist in her little rape fantasy. She begged me to do this to her. She probably still believes she’s dreaming up there. How humiliating”.

Chrysalis made celestia look up to the distant body of twilight in distain, seeing her faceless body twisting and grunting, writhing and groaning with a mixture of panic and delight.

Chrysalis couldn’t help but chuckle evilly at their reactions, turning back to the podium of the foyer to address the princesses in a final stand.

“Well, what do you think?”

“I think you should go to hell, you vile insect!”, cried Luna at the top of her lungs, huffing in distress at the madness laid out before her.

Both of the sisters realised they had been the sole cause of all of this. If they hadn’t of collectively created the asylum to sooth their own anxieties, this would never have happened.

There was a lump in Luna’s throat. Her premonition was acted upon, and in a feat of irony, had become its sole cause.

Luna was the first to step forward, placing her horn against the magic barrier that divided her from her mistake.

Her horn glared once again as bright sparks and fissuring beams of energy collided with the enormous barrier.

With some effort, fuelled by a sense of guilt, Luna was able to destroy the barrier. digging into the deepest reservoir of magic she possessed, she shattered the magic shield like glass.

Chrysalis didn’t even flinch at the sight of her barrier being destroyed, suggesting how little it meant. Watching as the alicorn’s flew at her almost immediately, in a tremendous rage, she scoffed.

“You still don’t understand. Let me help you with that”.

Chrysalis poised herself, ready to fight. As she charged her magic, her eyes flared up and her retinas quickly became a rosey pink.

Before the two could even reach her, chrysalis released a powerful wave of magic; one that Princess Luna knew all too well as the cause of her imprisonment on the moon. Her hooves planted hard into the ground and her wings flared to help her brake on instinct, but in an instant the magic hit her in the chest like a bullet, sending her flying back against the asylums wall.

Chrysalis redirected her magic beam, doing the same to the older sister of the two, who ignorantly continued her charge only to meet a similar fate, being struck head on and collapsing in an instant.

With the two defeated before they had a chance, Chrysalis walked over to the closer of the two, Celestia, staring down at her with delight.

Several of Chrysalis’ minions appeared from the shadows. They approached their queen gingerly, soon seeing the impressive feast that they had laid before them.

Princess Luna groaned and fluttered her weary eyes as she regained consciousness. She attempted to move her legs, only to be met with an unsettling resistance. Panic surged through her body as she realised her limbs had been restrained; back legs bound to poles in a standing position, her front legs had been folded, cuffed in place and bolted to the floor with metal. Her neck bore a tall collar, also bolted to the floor, pinning her muzzled chin flat to the floor.

Using magic was futile; a decorative ring on her horn stifled the use of magic entirely, sending a little jolt down her spine every time she tried.

Her naturally navy blue coat had been covered by a sheen of black latex, covering every inch of her body aside from her two eyes and nostrils. She could feel this new rubber outfit, hugging her every curve as she tried to squirm out of her restraints. Each and every strain generated a cacophony of squeaky noises.

As she gulped, she felt the large phallic object in her throat, making her wretch a little as she tried to scream in surprise.

Her wings were packed into little rubber pockets, belted tightly at each point, and bound to her body.

Her holes were the only parts of her body untouched by rubber, leaving her vulnerable to the gentle breeze.

From the princess’ perspective, with her head bound to the floor, she could only see the head of her sister, coated in an identical uniform, mirroring her bondage. Their snouts were only a few feet apart, facing one another. Eventually the white fur covering Celestia’s eyelids would part, showing her eyes that proceeded to dilate with terror.

Celestia too wretched on the rubber filling her throat as well, making her wince and cry out a little as she struggled. Luna tried to console her but could only watch sorrowfully.

Both were hopelessly helpless, having their magic neutered and bodies packed into these awkward breeding positions by metal and rubber.

Each were panting frantically, like animals trapped in a cage, anxious at the foreboding events to come.

Eventually however, both turned their eyes towards the voice of their captor, who called out with delight.

“Welcome back, you two. Oh how I’ve been waiting for this moment”

Chrysalis leaned down between the two, turning to address each of them in turn with a sadistic glare as she spoke.

“I have evolved. I don’t need your fear to fuel me. I no longer need to act like a phantom in the dark, scraping by for a scrap of food. I have found an appetite for something new… and I am going to take my time”.

Chrysalis’ horn began to glow as she coated the now confused and bound mares’ nostrils with her magic.

The two sisters let out shocked, garbled gasps as magic suddenly sealed their noses, sending them into a panicked frenzy as they desperately tried to suck air in.

Chrysalis used magic to carefully form two sets of large, phallic sex toys, dangling behind the rearing mares, that she watched with delight.

Chrysalis took a deep breath as she lifted her head, letting the two sisters look at each other while she looked down at them.

In procession, Chrysalis slowly pushed the tips of the toys into the mares holes simultaneously, and watched their stimulating reactions carefully.

Despite having gasped aimlessly for air, the princesses grew rigid and let out muffled screams as their puckered holes were suddenly violated, making them waste precious air on unnecessary noises.

They shook against their scaffolding as they tried to collapse their back legs in a desperate last-ditch effort. However, like splints, their restraints forced their legs straight, regardless.

Celestia cried first, rolling her eyes up and letting out a pathetic whimper as tears formed. She wasn’t able to resist the girthy toys that entered her suddenly with a wet plop. Nor did she have the strength to resist them as they progressively went deeper inside of her.

She felt pathetic, biting down into the base of the rubber cock in her throat, tensing like a dead frog under high voltage as she was violated.

Luna clenched her puckering ass and vaginal walls with all her might, letting out a sorrowful cry as the toys spread her wide regardless. Her eyes clenched shut, as she attempted to avoid having to look at her sister in shame.

Eventually the princesses eyes fluttered as air grew dire. Chrysalis noticed this, letting her magic slip for just a moment.

The sisters eyes grew wide as a rejuvenating breath of fresh air hit their lungs. However, this ultimately forced them to relax their holes, allowing Chrysalis to mercilessly bury the toys as far as they could go into their delicate mare parts.

A loud, moist squelch filled the foyer.

Luna squealed, her eyes rolling back and her body shaking violently against her steadfast restraints. Tears rolled down her cheeks as she felt violated.

Celestia was a little more resilient, screaming out against her gag as the toys were buried deep; at a lengthy 16 inches each, the toys were more than enough to satisfy the alicorns.

Chrysalis was loving all of this. Stood between and looking down upon the two, now sobbing icons of equestria, she clamped their noses down once more, chuckling softly to herself.

“You two are so adorable. You’re trying to hard to resist me, and failing so miserably. If I didn’t know any better I’d say you were enjoying it”

Once their ability to breathe was snatched away once more, the two alicorn couldn’t care less about Chrysalis’ brash insults, focusing on the burning sensation in their lungs and the throbbing pleasure in their loins.

Chrysalis pulled the toys out once more, a loud squelch and splatter of fluids audible to all. No matter how much their demeanor expressed pain, their loins expressed insatiable lust, making inserting the toys, far too easy.

Once the toys were reinserted the two sisters moaned, trembling, their brains collectively starved of oxygen.

Chrysalis allowed them to breathe once more, however snatching it away just as fast.

The process was repeated over and over until Chrysalis was able to consistently violate their holes with ease. With the toys being ribbed for their pleasure, it wasn’t long before they achieved climax.

Luna was first, letting out a choked, guttural cry. She jittered back and forth in her restraints, letting her eyes roll back into her head as if she were having a seizure.

Celestia was soon to follow, letting out an effeminate scream as she squirted across the asylum floor shamefully, begging desperately in her own mind for more.

“Who would have thought the prudent princesses of equestria would end up as my little sex pets. Don’t worry, you will be taken care of”

There was a condescending tone from the soon to be ruler of equestria, her words filled with malice as she proceeded to stroke the manes of the tired princesses, who she had given a moment of respite.

“Welcome to the new world”

Long Lines, spanning the length of the asylum, became common once chrysalis had taken over. After capturing the princesses, she had proudly announced her victory to the world.

She spread her minions across equestria, using their replenished strength and number to annihilate what military remained across the land.

She quickly established a new world order.

Mares were driven from their homes and forced into submission, processed through the asylum to be locked in tight latex and isolated in dark, deafening bondage; overstimulated to the point of insanity.

Those who were allowed to retain their relative freedom became slaves to the hedonistic male population, who happily offered tribute to chrysalis with their daily sexual rituals.

For nymphomaniacs, this new world order was heaven on earth. Most happily accepted their new fates, spending the remainder of their lives rolling across padded floor, saturating their burning loins with intense hyperbolic pleasure. For the freer male nymphomaniacs; frequent, if not daily mandatory sexual gratification was equally as rewarding.

Service mares became a common sight for changelings, who evolved quickly, changing from scary, decrepit creatures to that of refined pony-like creatures of immense stature. They developed genitalia for the sole purpose of pleasure, feeding themselves and their collective.

Celestia and Luna had been packed into latex pods, only their heads and rears exposed from this bondage cocoon. Chrysalis didn't want to give them a chance. They remained faceless; blind and deaf like every over pitiful patient in the asylum. When their holes weren’t stuffed by machines, the higher class stallions of equestria frequently used them. The only way you could tell they were alive was from the crumpling and inflating rubber rebreathers attached to their masks.

Frequent doses of aphrodisiacs kept the immortal sisters rearing for more, using what little energy they were provided each day to writhe against their bondage, creating delightful noises in the process.

As for the likes of Princess Cadence, the one pony harboring the element of love; she was quickly subdued by the population of the Crystal empire in hopes of retaining their freedom; offering her to the new omnipotent ruler of equestria.

Shining armor was removed from the picture with a vengeance, having been under Chrysalis once before. This time, however, he was broken into the paragon of femininity, humiliated in chastity for as long as he lived, with the only reminder of his wife being a faceless object reduced to a bumbling sex toy for all to use.