Goodnights Rest

by ChloeTheKinky

First published

A short bondage themed story

This story is about my OC, Gumdrop, finding her way into a bondage fetish themed dream world that princess Luna herself owns. It’s a silly non-con story that was inspired by many different artists such as KRD

All characters are aged 21+

short story


Chapter 1

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As the evening sun began to set over Equestria, a gentle autumn breeze would flow through the young mares open bedroom window, causing her curtains to ungulate softly. Fairy lights littered the walls of her bedroom and made the small space seem vibrant and warm, offering serenity to the small grey Earth pony, who was sat on her bed. She would be tapping away at the screen of her phone with a hoof because at this point in the evening she was conversing with a few friends who were still awake; one by one, all saying goodnight till she was left alone in her semi-lit room.

Gumdrop was your standard insomniac, spending hours staring at the ceiling as she struggled to get to sleep. Eventually, this evolved into her browsing social media mindlessly till she felt able to sleep or using that time for her guilty pleasure: self-bondage. She had secretly admired the feeling of helplessness, a feeling that made her shudder and her heart race as if it were illegal or wrong. She had spend hours a day absorbing media and stories about bondage, soon developing such a potent desire for something permanent. This was something she put her heart into, collecting cuffs, gags, and restraints wherever she had the chance. However, she was never able to truly experience true helplessness at the hooves of another. She had always seen the wonders of her desires behind a screen and yearned for it so badly she ritualised her time in bondage as if by some miracle the moon princess, Luna, would give her the dream she so desired. In a box under her bed, where she kept all of her gear, she would use a small bag containing salts, candles and a token of her desire: a Wonderbolts uniform made entirely out of latex to make a ritualised effigy, shaping out a waning crescent moon using the salt, surrounding it with candles and folding her latex clothing neatly in the centre of it all. Tonight she would do the same, crawling under the thin sheets of her queen sized bed with a set of cuffs around her upper and lower hooves. The chain between them would jangle if she moved too much, but in a way it helped her sleep.

As she did every other night, she would stare at the lit candles surrounding the ritual she had made on her bedroom floor and slowly begin to drift off, her violet eyes closing slowly to the waving flames of each candle, which illuminated her alluring, glossy latex clothing at the centre of it all. As she fell asleep there would be a gentle breeze going down her back as if another pony was subtly stroking her, and, at the same time, the candles blew out as if the breath of the wind itself had done it itself.

There would be a moment, where the green and red haired mare blinked her eyes awake, almost immediately disappointed by her dreamless night, but in the same immediate frame of time she felt something wasn’t right. Her body felt tight and compressed, and as her vision adjusted, things were still dark, but this time she wasn’t seeing the remains of her unlit candles on the floor but instead a star lit sky only faltered by the magnificent mane of princess Luna herself in her field of view. As her eyes came into focus, the large figure of Lunas upside down head, glaring down with her diamond glimmering eyes, was as clear as day.

Finally, it was the dream she had been waiting for. As she tried to move she realised her front hooves we’re stuck; wrapped around her body in a tight hug. As she moved her legs, they felt sluggish and coated by a tight, familiar material. Her eyes would go wide as she tried to talk and the same, familiar material snapped her muzzle shut around a soft protuberant shaft that her teeth bit against, almost like chewing into a dense balloon. Her body squeaked as it moved in a state of bewildered panic, the scent of latex filling her nostrils with each panicked breath. Her head was resting between the thighs of a latex clad version of princess Luna on a large latex padded surface, bound in a latex straitjacket in a full body latex suit with a latex muzzle gagging her. There was so much rubber it was sickening, and only when the soft, gentle voice of the princess spoke, did gumdrop choose to calm down.

“Be calm now… I heeded your call. You have had many sleepless nights and I have seen what you have done to get my attention. I myself indulge in such… fantasies… vulgar as they may be to others”

The young mare would listen to every word Luna had to say, unable to move or ask questions in her current state as it was. Luna would gently be caressing her hair as she spoke, keeping her head pinned tightly between each thigh, only really enabling slight movement. Upon further inspection, her latex restraints were all blue. The latex surrounding the magnificent thighs and navy blue coat of princess Luna was the same: a clean, vibrant cyan blue colour, which shone a brilliant gloss under the moonlight. As she looked around, trying to see past each thigh, there was blue latex padding as far as the eye could see as if they were in the centre of an ocean of latex.

“You may be slightly confused, I understand. Here, we are in my very own dimension, a place where I can freely manipulate the world as I see fit. I find ponies like yourself, alone and restless. You need not worry about that anymore, you aren’t going to be alone here, let me show you”

As princess Luna shuffled back to stand up, gumdrop was able to finally move her head and lift her body up to look around. She shuffled her body and groaned into her gag; she was shamelessly enjoying it and knew that Luna understood that as well as her. Every determined struggle was met with failure and every cry into the gag muted to a pathetic grunt: she was truly helpless, and it made her excited. As she did this, Luna stood proud and strutted a few feet infront of the distracted younger mare, raising her wings and letting her horn glow violently. Her eyes would turn white and after a few seconds, the world around both mares would distort till a large set of walls and roof had formed around them, creating a dome shape that was also padded with the same blue rubber as the floor. This brought both of their attentions to the fabricated building they were trapped inside. The walls seemed different to the floor somehow but gumdrop couldn’t quite place it as her mind was still racing with thoughts about her capture and bondage.

“Take a close look my little pony. I can see your thoughts, and I ask you calm them for a moment… in these walls, in the padding that makes them, are ponies just like you. They’re coated in latex, in a constant state of ecstasy… they asked for this and now they have it… all poor sleepless ponies who found comfort in both the night and their own… bondage. We aren’t too different, and that is why you are here”

As the excited mare stopped struggling to focus her attention on what The Princess was saying, she began to notice the walls move. Each padded section bore faceless figures of heavily restrained ponies of all kinds from Pegasus to unicorn, barely noticeable due to the colour match of their restraints to their cocoon environment. Now distracted by this, Luna was able to approach the bound mare slowly till her figure was a towering presence above the seated mare who was too enthralled with her intoxicating new environment. She eventually looked up to the princess, blinking in her overwhelmed state. Luna could read her every thought of thanks and simply smiled down at gumdrop

“You are the newest addition to this world… a world where you won’t age, you don’t die, but you’ll simply live in agonising ecstasy. You will dream as if you have awaken… and when you sleep, you will return here. You will return to… this”

Princess luna’s horn would glow again, projecting a radiant aura around gumdrop. This caused a series of invasive rubber masses to force their way into the holes of the young mare, whose eyes would almost roll to the back of her head with pleasure as the rubber masses engulfed her pussy, gently massaging her labia lips and plunging deep into her supple womb through her Vulva, where the tip of the toy would press against her cervix and occupy every small space, vibrating on every pleasurable spot. At this point the young mare was too distracted by the intense pleasure to notice as the princess fabricated a latex hood out of thin air, wrapping it around gumdrops head, leaving her blind. The princess would then use her power to slip the young mare into a tight latex sleeve where it would be easy to levitate the mare into a slot in the wall. She could only struggle and moan at this point, acting as another faceless mass amongst the crowd of others, left to her own thoughts.

Her body shuddered after every breath, the magic toys showing no mercy as they ravage the mare. Everything felt tight and stuffy around her, her body flexing and squeaking as it struggled against thick rubber bondage. This was all she ever wanted and more, and as it continued her head began to level as the pleasure subsided. It all happened so quickly, so fast and yet she felt she didn’t have time or even a way to thank the princess. By the way the princess acted it was like every thought was read and recited before gumdrop herself had even time to think of a way to thank her. Eventually gumdrop would become tired, suffering many intense climaxes and becoming too weak to keep up. She would close her eyes in her dark, latex cocoon and drift back off to sleep.

She would awaken in her bed, startled slightly and taken aback. As she moved her limbs, she found the cuffs she placed on herself before she went to bed and looking down, the melted candles surrounding the small effigy were still there. The dream she had felt so vivid, so real and yet it was like it never happened. Maybe this was the dream, though she couldn’t be sure, not anymore.