> A Special Opportunity > by MyAwesomePony > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Be Carful What You Wish For > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ring! Ring! Ring! After what seemed like an eternity in the classroom, the school bell rang, echoing around the room. Right at that moment, everyone sprung out of the chairs and rushed for the door, ignoring the teacher telling them about the homework over the weekend, and I was one of those kids, not only that, but I am what you would call a brony, a fan of the series titled "My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic" Everyone spilled out of the school gates, all excited over the weekends, but me, I was sad. I know I should be excited as much as the rest of the kids, but my family barely does anything on the weekends, so they end up pretty terrible. Like most bronies, I have the same dream of being in Equestria, interacting with my favorite ponies from the show. Hanging out with Rainbow Dash, having a Welcome To Ponyville party, courtesy of Pinkie Pie, getting new clothes from Rarity, having tea parties with Fluttershy and so on and so forth. Equestria is such an amazing and wonderful place and would be much better than living on this hellhole we call Earth, I wouldn't have to go to school, I wouldn't have to worry about my parents and I would have such a fantastic time, if I had the chance to go. As I continued to think about MLP, my friend, we'll call him Tyler, suddenly ran up towards me with a huge grin. I haven't told him about my pony obsession, yes, I am a closet brony. "Hey Lukas, you excited for the weekends?" Tyler asked while nudging my shoulder. "Yeah, excited." I replied in a gloomy tone, trudging along the sidewalk. "Is something wrong?" Tyler questioned with concern in his tone. "It's just that.." I took a big sigh before continuing. "My family never do anything fun for the weekends." "Well, that sucks." Tyler said with sympathy. "Well, do you want to come with me and my family to the waterpark tomorrow? We bought an extra ticket." "Now that sounds like something I can get behind." I replied, feeling a bit better from my moping. "Well, see you later." "Later, dude." He called out as we turned the corner and went our separate ways. With me being alone, I decided to think about being in Equestria again and how much fun I would have. Also, when I do get the chance to go to Equestria, I hope I don't transform into a pony when I get there. I mean, I don't know about you, but I think it would be pretty difficult if I had to live my entire life without having hands and I wasn't a unicorn, and even if I were to be a unicorn, it would take me forever to master any spell, I had no idea how filly Twilight learnt magic just by reading a couple of books. However, I put all of my thoughts at the back of my head as I approached my house. I opened the door to my house and slid my backpack on the ground. Usually, I would see my mom doing dishes in the kitchen and my dad watching sports on T.V, but instead, nobody was around, the house was dead silent, not even the sounds of my baby brothers causing havoc. I was slightly confused by this, until I walked into the kitchen and saw a note on the fridge. "Out of town for the weekend." I then realized that I had the house to myself for the entire weekend, so I thought that this would be the perfect opportunity to binge watch My Little Pony. Without any hesitation, I rushed over to my room and turned on my computer. "Maybe this weekend may not be so bad after all." I said to myself. As I was thinking about what MLP episode to watch, the computer had finished booting up and I saw my Fluttershy themed wallpaper, she is one of my favorite characters from the show, she is just such a precious cinnamon roll. I went on Netflix and typed up "My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic" "Hmm.. which episode should I watch?" I asked while scrolling through the list of episodes. Now knowing that I couldn't make a decision, I just randomly clicked on an episode, it was "Newbie Dash" You know, that episode where Rainbow Dash finally becomes a full fledged Wonderbolt. It was a charming episode, so I sat back in my chair and the episode started to play, but something strange happened. Instead of showing Rainbow Dash flying through the air, it went straight to the intro, that was a bit weird, but I shrugged it off and started humming along. "Man, Equestria is such a fun place, if only I could actually go there. But that will only happens in fanfictions." I dreamily said. By now, the intro got to the part where everyone gathered around for a group photo, but right when Photo Finish was about to take it, the screen suddenly froze in place for about 5 seconds. Then, I started to see a white light on the computer, I didn't remember this part of the intro, was some kind of virus taking over my computer? The light was getting bigger and bigger, now I was scared, I had no idea on what was happening and my mind was spinning with questions. But then, I felt my body morph and stretch as my body suddenly got sucked into the computer, and then, I blacked out... When I woke up, the pain hit me like a train. For a moment, I had no idea who I was or where I was, there was only the agonizing pain at the back of my head. Slowly, I pried my heavy eyelids open to see that I was in a room, but it certainly wasn't my room. Not only that, but something about this room seemed awfully familiar, like I have seen something like it before, but where? Looking down, I saw that I was currently laying down on some kind of bed. I then took the time to look around this supposed room that I was in, there was a desk with books scattered all over it, like my desk when I have a late study night session. Next to the door, there was a picture of an equal sign with a cross over it, the moment I gazed upon the picture, something clicked in my mind. This is... Starlight's room. > In The Castle > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I was just at a loss for words as I looked around my surroundings in awe, I was in Starlight Glimmer's bedroom. How the hell was this even possible? maybe all of this is just some sort of lucid dream, even though I've never learnt how to do it. Despite that, I tried pinching myself multiple times all over my body, but after a couple of quick pinches, I had confirmed that this wasn't a dream of sorts. I quietly squealed to myself. I had ended up in Equestria, one of my most favorite fictional places of all time, I've always imagined myself going to Ponyville and meeting the mane six, but now, I was actually, physically there in real life, and my body couldn't contain any more excitement. "Okay Lukas, you just got to calm down. Even though I'm literally in the one place where every brony dreams of being in, you just got to put things in perspective." I said quietly to myself. Then, a realization popped into my mind, if I was in Starlight's room, then I might me in Twilight's castle. I know most of the bronies miss the Golden Oak Library, but personally, I like the design and interior structure of it. I decided that since I'm here, I might as well explore this castle, that is if nobody else is here, otherwise I would scare the living daylights out of them, I wanted to make a good first impression after all. So with that plan, I hopped out of bed, walked over to the door and opened it, causing the sound to echo around the long hallways. With a big heavy sigh, I stepped out. I looked around the castle in pure disbelief, I still couldn't wrap my head around the fact that I had actually been transported to Equestria, but that's besides the matter right now. I then noticed something strange, it was awfully quiet, was I the only one in this castle? I then had the idea to explore one of the rooms, so I chose the closest set of doors and took a peek inside, and I saw six big thrones and one small throne surrounding a big table. It appeared that I was in the throne room of the castle. So I walked in. "Woah, this looks so much better in person." I said to myself as I sat on Twilight's throne. "Oh, I'm Twilight Sparkle and I'm the princess of friendship and I like books and science and friendship. Wow, that sounds exactly like her." I then sat on Rainbow Dash's throne. "What's up, my name is Rainbow Dash, I like to fly and I am so awesome." Next, I went to Rarity's throne, but before I could imitate her, I heard a door open in the castle and some voices talking to each other. "And so I put the creature in my room and it's been there ever since." I heard Starlight's voice say. "Wow, this creature sounds pretty interesting, maybe I could study it." Said Twilight. I got off the throne and peeked out the door, and less than 10 feet away from me, I saw seven ponies. The mane six, along with Starlight, had arrived at the castle and they were too busy talking to each other to notice me. I started to panic inside, what were they going to do when they see me in the castle, I'd probably get sent to Tartarus or something, I had to think of a place to hide, and fast. As soon as they rounded the corner, I bolted out of the throne room as fast as I could. I quickly came to a halt, looking desperately around for a place to hide, but then, I saw a figure from the corner of my eye. Turning around, I found myself face to face with a certain pink maned earth pony, Pinkie Pie. Her pupils had shrunk and her entire body was quaking, I put a finger up to my lips, telling her to keep quiet, but it was too late. "AAAAAAHHHH! HE'S RIGHT HERE!!" She screamed out. I knew I was busted now. As soon as Pinkie stopped yelling, I ran in the opposite direction. I don't know why I tried to outrun these ponies, they were much faster than me, especially Rainbow Dash. I could hear hooves galloping behind me, looking back, I saw that the mane six, including Starlight, were now chasing after me, never in my life would I ever think that I'd be getting chased by my favorite pastel-colored ponies. I saw the exit of the castle getting closer and closer and I thought I was free, but then, I felt a strong force tackle me to the ground. Looking up, I saw that Rainbow Dash was now standing on top of me with a rather angry expression, growling and clenching her teeth. "Rainbow Dash, don't hurt it!" Fluttershy cried out. "But Fluttershy, he could be a dangerous creature." Rainbow shouted, turning towards the butterscotch pegasus. "Just becuase he came from the Everfree Forest, doesn't make it dangerous." "Alright fine." Rainbow groaned as she got off me, but not before shoving her face into mine. "But if you EVER try any funny tricks with me, I will not hesitate to buck you into the next week." "Noted." I replied to the multicolored mane pegasus. I couldn't believe that Fluttershy actually defended me. I mean, I know that she's the element of kindness after all, but she's never seen a species like me before, and she treated me like I was just like one of them. "Honestly, Rainbow. There's no need to proceed in such a violent threat." Rarity scolded. "Well, can you blame me? He's like some kind of alien like creature." Rainbow replied while crossing her hooves. "That's rude, I'm right here." I said, taken back a bit by her rude attitude. "Anyways." Twilight interjected. "I believe that introductions are in order. My name is Twilight Sparkle and these are my friends Applejack, Pinkie Pie, Rarity, Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash and Starlight." "What is your name?" Asked Fluttershy. "Oh, my name is Lukas Hart, but you can call me Lukas if you like." I replied to her. "That's a strange name for a monkey." Pinkie pointed out. "Well, that's because I'm not a monkey." "Then what are you?" Starlight questioned. "I am, what we call, a human." I explained, looking over, I saw that Twilight was writing down notes in a notebook." "So, how did you end up here?" She asked me. "Well." I paused for a moment, I had no clue how I got here. The last thing I remember was watching MLP, and then everything went black. But I decided not to tell them that their entire existence is based around a children's cartoon, at least, not at the moment, so I had to make up an excuse. "Uh.. I don't really remember." I groaned out, rubbing my head to make my lie more believable. "Oh, that's a shame." Fluttershy said with concern. "I think he must've lost his memory." Applejack suggested to Twilight. "That's a possible theory, Applejack." Twilight whispered, then turning towards me. "So, I assume that you are wanting to go back home now?" As soon as my ears heard those words, my heart sank to the bottom of my chest. I didn't want to leave Equestria, I have always dreamed about going here, and now I might be going back, possibly never returning here ever again. I looked around for a brief moment, not saying a single word. Just do it, Lukas, just say no. It's not that hard, just one little word. Equestria has always been your dream land and now you are actually here in person, don't waste this perfect chance to meet everyone in the show, you can say it, come on, come on.... "Yes!" I blurted out. Aw crap "Well, it might take a while for me to research your species to make a portal back to your world." Twilight explained. "How long are we talking about?" I asked nervously. "About 2 days." She replied. 2 days? that's not that bad. "That gives me enough time to throw you a Welcome To Ponyville party!" Pinkie cheered out, pulling out her party cannon and blasted it as confetti flew everywhere. "Now hang on Pinkie, I have to study him first." Twilight said. "Aw." Pinkie moaned as her mane deflated slightly. "So it's settled then." Twilight declared, then turned to everyone else. "You all better go home, I need to concentrate." "Of course, sugarcube. Come on, ya'll." Applejack said as she and everyone else left. Leaving me, Starlight, Twilight and possibly Spike inside the castle. "Okay, Twilight. How can I help?" Starlight asked the purple unicorn. "Well." Twilight then pondered for a quick moment before answering. "Go get me "The History Of Equestrian Creatures: Volume 1" "Got it." And just like that, she was off. "Come on, Lukas. We got a lot of studying to do." Twilight declared while practically dragging me towards the library. Man, this day has gone crazy so far already. TO BE CONTINUED