> Milk From the Milkmare > by NinjaMare > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Hungry Morning & Unusual Visitor > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The sun started to rise over the distant horizon, signaling to the world that the night has come and gone, and that it was morning time. Ponies were already up and at ‘em as they finished eating their breakfasts, and getting ready to head out for their daily occurrences. In Trottingham adult ponies heading or finishing getting their stores, stalls, or shops ready for the rushes of customers they will get later on. Foals are ushered out of their houses, and are sent on their merry way to their schools to begin their educational schedules. It seemed like it was going to be a pretty standard day for ponies of the laidback city as the wee hours of the morning continued to march forward, but for one occupant of the city things are not moving as smoothly. A loud yawn escaped Anon’s mouth as he slowly started to awaken from his dreamland escapade, while the alarm clock beside his bed started to play the most generic morning song it has in its system. Which was quickly silenced when Anon slapped a hand onto the small device. When the music stopped playing Anon slowly slithered his hand back under his blanket, and promptly went back to sleep. The human was never a morning person, even on the best of days back on earth, but that was because back on his home world Anon worked late night hours at a shipping yard. Organizing delivery orders, ensuring that trucks got the supplies they needed, and had proper routes and paperwork all laid out for his drivers when management sends them down. But that was a whole month ago. Ever since some crazy demonic thing called Discord started playing with the fabric of reality, after being freed from a thousand year imprisonment, decided to bring Anon and his entire house to Equestria. Just because he could. Naturally Anon wasn’t at all pleased that he and his house was just plucked from earth, and dropped into the middle of Trottingham. Unfortunately for the young man the chaotic spirit was once again sealed away, before he could send him and his house back to earth. So now Anon is basically left stranded on this world of talking ponies, dragons, and magic. And while it took some, adjustments, Anon was able to make some semblance of his former life in Trottingham. Though not completely and perfectly, Anon was still able to live a rather peaceful life in this new world. Another loud yawn left Anon’s mouth after sleeping for another ten minutes, and this time Anon decided to heed the call of the mornings vitalizing aura. Slowly but surely Anon rose up from his bed, back, arms and legs popping as he stretches out his body, before hopping up onto his and shambling his way towards the buildings lone shower. Stripping of his sweat pants the young started to wash himself, and after doing so for ten minutes Anon dried himself off, and finish doing morning prep work Anon walked back to his room, and got dressed up in a clean pair of shorts, jeans, and a normal tank top. “Time for breakfast.” Anon muttered as he walked down the steps of the second floor to the first, as he does so Anon reached into his pants pocket and pulled out his smart phone. Thank the lord above that arcane power crystals work as suitable charger replacements. After unlocking his phone, Anon tapped his way to the music app, and scrolled through a few songs before pressing one that he felt more attracted to at the moment. As the phone starts playing the song and was place on the counter of the kitchen, Anon started to take out two pans, a small bowl, and other kitchen where as well as food from the fridge to make scrambled eggs, hash browns and pancakes. However the young man was thwarted in his preparations when he opened the fridge. “Damn it!” Anon cursed under his breath as he closed the fridge door. “Out of milk and eggs. Guess I gotta do a little shopping before breakfast.” But just as Anon was about to leave his kitchen, and go get his satchel of bits. A knock echoed from his front door. “What the?” Anon said in confusion as he wasn’t expecting anyone to visit him today, especially at 6 AM in the morning. Leaving his kitchen and walking up to the front door, as another knock range out Anon opened the door and looked down and spotted a pony. The pony in front of him was a mare with a cream colored coat, mane and tail were light blue with highlights of darker blue, and were styled in a curly manner. The pony was sporting a few freckles on her small muzzle, wedged between her large peacock green colored eyes, which were looking up to Anon with surprise. The mare was also wearing what looked like a uniform of some kind, though Anon was unsure what type it was, or what it represented. To finish off the ponies attire and look, was a harness that had six empty bottles in them, three in each harness satchel. There was also a large cart that was parked just a foot behind the mare, and was full of empty bottles and had a covered section near the front. Overall the pony in front of the human was actually adorable looking. Then again Anon can’t remember ever seeing a pony that wasn’t cute, adorable, cuddly, or any other word or adjective that fit that line of thinking. “Uh…ello!” the mare said in a cheerful tone after a moment of hesitation, with a voice that reminded Anon of someone from New England, or an actual British person. “Hi.” Anon simply said as he crouched down to be somewhat eye-level with the mare. “Is there something that I can help you with miss?” the mare straightened herself up before replying to Anon’s inquiry. “Actually I was hoping that I could help you!” the mare said in a sweet bubbly tone as she tapped her hat. “My name is Milky Way, and I am Trottingham’s milk mare!” a sense of realization flashed across Anon’s face as his brain snapped to attention. ‘Oh! So she’s basically a ponified milk man, cool.’ Anon mentally stated while the mare, Milky Way continued to talk. “And this month I’ll be staying in this district, ready and willing to offer the residences here fresh milk!” “Wait you don’t work here, in this part of the city?” Anon asked the mare. To which Milky shook her head. “Unfortunately, no. You see ever since I came to Trottingham I’ve just been so busy that I couldn’t handle all the business I was drumming up. ponies in Trottingham really love fresh milk, aside from the small farm just outside of the city, I’m the only other source of giving ponies milk.” Milky explained before going a bit further into her tale. “So since I couldn’t handle being in one location, I decided to be a traveling milk vender. I have several stalls placed in key positions across Trottingham, and every month I switch locations so that I can provide ponies of the next district milk, while the previous district gets the milk they want from the shops and stores.” “Huh. That’s pretty neat, and some dedication.” The mare blushed at Anon’s prays. “But if you move around every month, where do you live? At your stall?” the mare chortled as she waved a hoof. “No silly! I live in an apartment that’s directly at the center of all the districts I work in, so I just walk home from which ever stall I stationed at this time.” “Oh, okay.” Anon said as he rubbed the back of his neck, thoroughly impressed in this mares foreplaning, and dedication to her work. but as Anon was mentally praising the mare, he noticed that her cheerful demeanor shifted to a more, curious one. “Is there something wrong Milky?” the mare shook her head nonchalantly. “I’ve been wondering something, but I don’t want to sound rude…but…” the mare then gave Anon a mere bewitched expression as she looked directly into his eyes. “What are you exactly?” Anon genuinely looked shocked. Not by the negative implication of Milky’s question, but more of the surprise that a pony hasn’t heard about him. after all he was interviewed by not only the princess of this nation of ponies, but also the most studious of bookworms there was, not to mention had his picture taken and plastered in newspapers for a good while that everypony in the country knows him. “Well my name is Anon and I’m what’s called a human.” the moment that Anon said his name and his species, Milky’s face instantly went from being curious to immediate shock and awe. “So you’re the alien creature that just popped into Trottingham a month ago!” the mare said excitedly as a big smile crosses her face. “That’s right. I’m surprised that you haven’t heard of me, the city of Trottingham wouldn’t leave me alone for a whole week and a half.” “Oh well that was because I was visiting my parents in Great Hooftian until a few days ago.” Milky Way explained to Anon’s statement. Before either pony or human could say anything else, Anon’s stomach gave a rather loud gargling sound which caused the human to sigh. “Sorry. I haven’t had breakfast yet; I was actually going to get some milk and eggs so I can eat.” “Well then its lucky I showed up!” Milky mused as tapped the little bell badge on her cap. “As I said I’m here for a whole month to give ponies, and Trottingham’s one and only human, milk! So how much would you like Mr. Anon?” “You can just call me Anon.” the young man stated as he looked at the empty bottles. “How much do you charge for milk?” “I charge ten bits for three bottles of milk.” Milky retorted quickly. “And if you want I have chocolate and strawberry powder, all made from natural ingredients if I might add, that I can mix in with the milk. Adding a flavor will charge an extra two bits per bottle you wish to mix. But if you get six bottles I will deduct two bits off the total of any milk you want mixed with flavor.” “Sweet!” Anon said as he drummed his fingers on his bent knee. “Then I’ll take half a dozen bottles, and get two of them mixed with chocolate.” “Okay so that six bottles coming up to twenty bits, plus to being mixed adding an additional four bits, but then we take away four bits from the total. Which now makes your total sixteen bits.” Milky Way explained as she looked back to Anon. “Now there will be at least thirty or so minute wait time to get the milk, do you mind the wait?” Anon rubbed his stomach as he thought about the offer over. “Yeah I can wait roughly about thirty minutes.” “Excellent! Do you mind if I come in?” Milky asked the young man, which caused Anon to give her a slightly confused look. “Um, sure.” Anon then stood up to his full height and stood off to the side, but the mare didn’t immediately enter the house. Instead she trotted back towards her cart, lifted the covering, and revealed a few clear containers, one with brown powder, and pink powder. A third smaller container was also there, but it had smaller bottle no bigger than small can. The mare then used what looked like some kind of old fashion hand-held vacuum, with a small empty bottle sticking out of the bottom and hoovered the powder in the container, and funneled it into the bottle. Once the little bottle was full of the brown powder, Milky un-corked it from the device, and plugged in a new bottle and vacuumed more of the brown powder. Now with the two new bottles filled, Milky way then made her way towards Anon who stood off to the side to allow the mare entrance. Once the mare entered his home Anon closed the door behind him, and then followed the mare till she came to the living room where the mare started to take her satchel off, the pony then started to take her hat and outfit off. And the moment that the mare was now in the buff Anon got quite the surprise. Now Anon is not a bashful individual, and has seen and participated his fair share of intimate interactions with women, so seeing naked ponies especially their genitals which are always out and about didn’t bother him. this however caught him completely off-guard. Unlike other mares that Anon meets on occasion they all share similar traits, lean or semi-toned barrel bodies that look plush, and round rumps that look like they would be soft to the touch. Other than those traits, Anon has not seen any mare that looked dissimilarly from another, Milky Way was the first to break the normality of pony body features for Anon. Hanging between Milky’s hindlegs, wedged between said limbs, were two fairly big equine teats that could pass for a human women with a D or possibly, double D cup-size breasts. The young man was also surprised to see the mare be able to move around, let alone walk properly with these two big sweater puppies placed where they are, as nothing more than astonishing. Anon’s fascination of the mares endowments was shifted when he started to notice Milky moving her workers outfit around. Milky start to lay her outfit out, which nearly became the size of a small carpet, and started to grab two empty bottles from her satchel with her teeth and place them on her outfit. After the pony placed the bottles where she wanted them to be, Anon then watched as the mare sit down in the middle of her make-shift rug, and tried to hold one of the bottles with her hooves and angle its opening to one of her perky nipples. “Um. Milky.” Anon said in a skeptical and a rather unsure tone which caught the mare’s attention. “If you don’t mind me asking…what are you doing?” “I’m about to fill the bottles of milk silly.” The mare said in her cheerful tone. “Why do you ask?” she asked the young man in a quizzical manner. “Well, I was expecting you to fill the bottles at your stall, and bring the filled bottles here. Not do, this.” The mare then giggled as a look of understanding came over her face. “I guess to a human this is pretty awkward huh?” Anon simply gave the mare an affirmative nod. The mare then placed the bottle down and stood back up on all fours before speaking, while also pointing to a fully filled milk bottle with a pair of white wings. “You see Anon my special talent is that I can produce as much milk as three grown cows.” “…your special talent is…lactating?” Anon echoed unsurely which caused a slight blush to appear on Milky’s muzzle while she nodded. “That sounds like a weird wet dream than a special talent.” The mare gave the young man a shy giggle in response to his comment. “Trust me both my folks and I, heck everypony thinks I probably have the most bizarre talent in the world. But it’s my talent and I try to take pride in what I can do with it.” “So you just give ponies your milk? Doesn’t that seem, weird?” “Yeah it is.” Milky said. “But what else am I going to do with all the milk I produce? Just throw it away, or let it just leak out of my teats?” honestly Anon couldn’t really come up with an answer for Milky’s question, plus, she had a valid point. “But don’t worry Anon my milk is completely safe to drink and use. A doctor from Canterlot actually told me that my milk is much healthier, and more nutritional than the milk from the healthiest of cows.” “Really?” Anon asked in disbelief, where Milky nodded with a sense of pride emanating from her. “But wouldn’t this whole operation of yours make you a target for, weirdos and lechers?” “Oh yes! It does.” Milky admitted as a knowing look quickly crept over her face. “Trust me I had many ponies, mostly stallions, make cat calls at me and even try to bribe me in giving them a ‘drink from the tap’. If you catch my meaning.” “Yikes.” Was all Anon could say. “But luckily I’m more than capable of handling myself—” Milky bantered as she raised one of her forelegs, and flexed to show some impressive muscles. “Also the police ponies know the routes I stick to when making deliveries, and keep an eye out for any of the weirdos.” “I see…” Anon said mostly to himself, but Milky seemed a little concerned when she looked at the human. “You still feel a little off about this whole thing huh?” “A little.” Anon admitted. “Just the idea of drink milk that somepony just, produce on the spot, that’s going to take some getting used to.” After answering Milky’s question about still being unsure of consuming milk from a pony, Anon watched Milky Way sit back down on top of her outfit, and started to angle the bottle at one of her perky nipples and held it in place with her hind back hooves. The mare then start to hold one of her bountiful teats with her forehooves, and with effort started to squirt a few jets of bright white milk into the bottle. It looked really difficult for the mare to angle her teat at the bottle, and then give it a good squeeze in order to get the milk to shot out, but only enough for a good sip. After the bottle was given a few good squirts Milky rose back up to her hooves, and offered the bottle to Anon who looked at the offering skeptically for a brief moment, but took it in the end. With bottle in hand Anon gave it a cautious sniff, instantly getting a fresh cream smell. Anon then looked down to Milky, who was simply giving the young man a smile. Looking back to the bottle Anon decided to just bite the bullet and drink the milk offered to him. Raising the bottle to his lips Anon tilted it to allow the milk to slide down, allowing him to drink the white fluid in one gulp, and the instant it touch his tongue Anon’s face popped with an expression of surprise! The milk was like normal milk, but the taste was like a little bit of one and two percent milk, but with a little something else that made taste so much more refreshing. Anon couldn’t really explain the flavor of what he was drinking fully in his head, the only thing he understood was that… “That was great!” Milky beamed as Anon gave his appraisal of the shot. “Creamy yet not heavy or sugary, and has a nice refreshing after taste.” “Well I’m glad you like the sample. Now how about I give you your full order.” “Yes please!” Anon handed the bottle back over to Milky Way who went to work in filling up the bottles. But as the mare started to go about her work, Anon really started to notice how much Milky was trying to fill up one bottle. Especially with her own teat fumbling out of her hooves a few times and causing a few stray spurts to fly about, luckily the mares spread out outfit caught the splatters. “Darn it! This is harder than I thought it would be.” “But I thought this is what you do regularly?” Anon said with a bit confusion in his voice. “It is…but normally I have this special pump that I carry with me in my cart. However when I got back from my parents’ house, my shop got totally wrecked from Discord’s antics.” “And I’m guessing your pump got ruined in the process.” “Yes. And it’s going to take well over two hundred bits to get a new one, as well as an additional one hundred bits for shipping from Canterlot. So I’m stuck doing it this by hoof, which I’ve haven’t done since I was a filly. And as you can see I kind of lost my touch.” Anon closed his eyes as he started to think of a way to not only speed this process up, but also easier for the mare. That’s when a rather radical idea came to him. “…Milky if you’re up to it I may have an idea on how to help get my order done with faster.” “Oh. And what is that?” the mare asked as she looked up to the human. “Feel free to say no if this doesn’t jive with you kay, but I was thinking that I could, well, milk you.” the mare’s face turned bright red as she stiffened up. “You mean milk me like a cow?” “I’ve helped out in milking farm animals on my uncles farm, so trust me I know how to do this. Plus I promise no funny business!” the mare turned her head away and started to think the idea over. A brief moment later the mare looked back over to Anon, though this time with a slightly bashful look on her face. “So long as you promise no funny business.” Anon nodded as he sat down next to Milky, who stood up on all fours and pose herself in a firm stance, while Anon held the half-filled bottle in one hand and then carefully held the mares teat in the other. the moment that Anon took the bountiful mound in his hand he instantly felt its softness, both in its texture and feel of a normal human breast, and the soft very thin layer of fuzz. The young man then felt how warm the teat was through his fingers, but then when he took full hold of the teat Anon instantly felt the heft and weight of the teat, and even the sloshing of the milk in it. But the young man was taken out of his analysis of the teat when he heard an adorable ‘eep’ come from milky. “Sorry I didn’t—” Milky cut Anon off by shaking her head as she turned to look over her shoulder. “It’s just that I didn’t expect that your hand was so soft and warm.” Milky then seemed to regain her balance before giving Anon an affirmative look. “Okay, I’m ready.” Anon nodded and started to milk Milky the way that he was taught when he was a kid. And with each squeeze of the teat a strong stream of milk shot into the bottle, and each squeeze was accompanied by an adorable moan from the mare he was milking. ‘Damn it mare!’ Anon mentally cursed as he started to fill one bottle after another, all the while Milky continued to moan and quiver. ‘Why do you have to have such cute fucking moans!’ As Anon continued to milk the pony and filling up the bottles one by one, he was starting to have second thoughts about this whole milking thing. It doesn’t help that Milky was giving such erotic moans every time he gripped her nipple, and then gentle tugged and squeeze to have milk by sprayed out. What was making this situation even more embarrassing for the young man, was that he was starting to get an erection, what with hearing the mare moaning and pretty much groping a well-endowed teat that was soft and warm to the touch. Twenty or so minutes go by and Anon finally filled the last of the bottles. After the last bottle was filled and placed off to the side with the others, Milky collapsed to her side and was panting a little while her face was a deep shade of red, while Anon gave her space and headed towards the kitchen to wash his hands. ‘Next time I think I have a good idea; I’ll just keep it to myself.’ Anon mentally remarked as he dries off his hands. After cleaning his hands Anon went up to his room and got his bit bag and head back to the living room, and when he returned to the living room he found Milky has recovered, and was starting to mix chocolate powder into one of the bottles. But when she spied Anon in the hallway her blush returned. “I’m sorry.” The mare said in slight hushed tone. “What are you apologizing for?” Anon asked the mare as he sat down on the nearby couch. “I’m apologizing for moaning.” The mare elaborated as she tried to hide her blushing face. “I didn’t expect the feeling of somepo—I mean someone milking me would be so, arousing.” Anon also started to develop a small blush as he too got some sense of arousal out of the experience as well. “We’ll just call that an unfortunate, and awkward accident, and leave it at that alright.” “I can agree with that.” Milky said as she finished stirring the bottles of milk with the chocolate powder. “Well here is your milk Anon.” “And here is your sixteen bits.” Anon said as he dug out and held out the amount of bits to pay with. Milky took the bits in her hooves and then reached towards her hat, where she pulled out her own bit bag and poured the golden coins into. “Thanks for your business and, help…” both pony and young man give an awkward sheepish chuckle or chortle. “And I’ll be back on Saturday to see if you need a refill of milk, and hopefully have my pumping machine replaced so that we won’t to deal with this awkward situations.” “Alright, well then I’ll see you next time then.” Milky nodded and started to put her outfit back on, while Anon gathers up his bottles of milk and headed towards the kitchen, but before the young man left the room Anon stopped when he heard a cough come from behind him. when he turned to look back at Milky the mare gave him a quizzical look. “Anon are you going to be busy today?” “No.” Anon simply replied. “I have the weekends off from work, and I don’t have any other plans. Why do you ask?” “Well I was wondering, after I complete my route would it be alright for me to stop by and just, hang out? I really want to get to know Equestria's one and only alien.” Anon gave a small smirk and just nodded his head. After agreeing to meet up later to hang out, and give Milky Way her own interview so to speak, the mare bid Anon farewell who also bid the mare goodbye. When the mare left the house Anon went back to the kitchen, and stuffed the fridge with the bottles of milk. But as he did and looked back into the fridge Anon remembered something, he was missing eggs. So after stuffing the bottles away, Anon walked out of his house and started to make his way to the main market street. All the while his stomach growled to announce it once again is hungry.