Two Lil Bedbugs

by Yumyums23

First published

Sweetie Belle is struggling with an essay when one of her best friends, Apple Bloom comes to help her.

Sweetie Belle is struggling with an essay when one of her best friends, Apple Bloom comes to help her.

Sweetie Belle also hasn’t slept in a while, but that’s something Apple Bloom can help with too!

BTW: This takes place after canon when Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom are in their last year of high school. Some of this story might seem romantic, but it wasn’t intended to be romantic in the least. -w-

sleep, you fool!

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Two Lil Bedbugs
By yumyums23

It was a rainy night when Sweetie Belle sat at her desk. She already had most of her essay written but she just couldn’t figure out the last parts. She laid back in her chair and sighed as she started to get a headache.

‘Of course, I’m the one who has to do this late into the night,' Sweetie Belle thought to herself ‘all my friends are probably done with this stuff by now.’ Her thoughts went to Apple Bloom. The other filly hardly ever had trouble with her essays, sometimes she’d have troubles with spelling but at least her essays weren’t half rambles.

Honestly, it was a miracle Sweetie Belle had gotten this far.

She was about to get back to her work when she heard the door to the boutique open along with two people talking. She was tense for a moment before she heard the loud ringing of her sister’s voice. There wasn’t anything to worry about if Rarity was down there.

Sweetie Belle doodled on the corners of her essay as she heard footsteps running up the stairs. A few seconds later there was a knock on her door.

“Who is it?” She asked, her frustration seeping into her voice.

“It’s Apple Bloom, I brought food-“

Sweetie Belle opened the door with her magic and hugged Apple Bloom tightly. Apple Bloom put the bag of food on the floor before hugging her friend back.

“If I knew food would get you to talk to me, I would have brought some much earlier,” Apple Bloom muttered, a smirk on her face. Sweetie Belle rolled her eyes, giving her best friend a kiss on the cheek.

Sweetie Belle sat back on her chair while Apple Bloom sat at the end of her bed with the bag of food. Apple Bloom opened up the bag and grabbed a box, handing it to Sweetie Belle.

Inside the box was a Cinnamon Roll.

“It’s sweet, just like you,” Apple Bloom said, splaying out on the white unicorn’s bed. Sweetie Belle rolled her eyes as she sat on the bed with Apple Bloom, closing up the small box and bringing it with her.

The two fillies sat on the bed and dug into their food. They both had a few sandwiches along with their desserts.

“So, what’s had you so upset these couple of days?” Apple Bloom asked, worry in her voice. She chewed on one of her hooves, a nasty habit that she had gotten a few years prior.

Sweetie Belle rubbed one of her eyes and blinked them with extra force, trying hard to keep herself awake.

“I’m just so stressed about the essay,” Sweetie Belle responded, “we’ve never had to do one this long before…”

“It’s only a few pages, Sweets,” Apple Bloom told her, patting her friend on the back as she spoke, “papers are gonna get much longer after we graduate.” They both grimaced.

“But, I’m not even sure if I even want to go to college!” Sweetie Belle yelled, “But if I don’t, Rarity’s gonna be so mad…” She felt her eyes well up with tears as Apple Bloom gave her a hug.

“She won’t be mad,” Apple Bloom whispered, holding onto Sweetie Belle tightly “and if she is, she’ll have me to talk to." Sweetie Belle sobbed quietly, hugging Apple Bloom back just as tightly.

It seems like time was going so fast. It’s like just a few days ago they were planning CMC meetings, and now they had their parents asking them what colleges they were planning on attending. It was all just going way too fast.

After a few minutes, Sweetie Belle ended the hug, using her hooves to the tears off her face.

“Do you think I could help you with your essay?” Apple Bloom asked, “I’ve already finished mine, and it wouldn’t be much extra work. How much of it do you have done?”

“Um,” Sweetie Belle muttered, “I have 90% of it done I think.” Apple Bloom smiled.

“See, there ain’t much to worry about!” She told her, rubbing Sweetie Belle’s messy hair with a hoof.

“I can’t figure out the end of it though…”

“We can get that done in a jiffy, then! Just tell me what parts you're stuck on.”

“Finally, it’s finished.” Sweetie Belle said, letting out a deep sigh as she leaped onto her bed. Apple Bloom sat on the bed with her, giving the essay one last look-through.

“Now, was that hard?”

“YES!” Sweetie Belle let out a yawn as she spoke, her eyes stinging madly as she struggled to keep them open. Apple Bloom gave Sweetie Belle a hard stare.

“How long have you been awake?” Apple Bloom asked, watching as Sweetie Belle sat back up despite her obvious exhaustion.

“Only two days,” Sweetie Belle replied, “now let’s do something fun together Apple Bloom~” Apple Bloom huffed.

“Two days? You’re going to sleep right now, lil filly!”

“No I’m not!”

“I’m not takin no for an answer!”

“I’m not going to sleep App-“ Sweetie Belle was interrupted by a yawn. Apple Bloom smirked as she gave her friend a knowing look.

“Fine, I’m going to sleep!” Sweetie Belle said, getting underneath the covers of her bed. “You better stay with me, though.”

“Who said I wasn’t gonna stay with you?” Apple Bloom mumbled, laying down with Sweetie Belle. After Apple Bloom got underneath the covers Sweetie Belle held onto her as they both drifted off to sleep.

Later that night, Rarity was walking upstairs with a glass of water floating in her magic. She yawned, excited to finally be able to sleep.

‘Maybe tomorrow I can go to the bakery and get some cinnamon rolls,' Rarity thought to herself, already thinking of what the next day would bring. That’s when she noticed that the lights in Sweetie Belle’s room were off.

Rarity peeked inside the room and smiled when she saw Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle fast asleep in each other's arms.

“Goodnight…” she whispered. It wasn’t long before Rarity was in her room burrowing underneath the covers. As she drank a sip of her water, she comforted herself with the thought of her little sister.

She had worried a lot about her younger sister growing up, but she knows that whatever situation they might get in, whatever messes Sweetie Belle will make, that her friends will always have her back. Whatever happens in the future will most likely be something that they can tackle together as a team.

‘I’m sure those fillies are gonna be just fine...’