> Starlight's First Friendship Lesson > by StormLuna > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Starlight's First Night of a New Life > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- After spending a good portion of the day out with her new friends, Starlight Glimmer returned to an anxiously waiting Twilight. While things had gone well for Starlight, she still had her concerns that Twilight might be disappointed in her. She knew that after her rocky past, that earning the trust of all of them would be tough, earning Twilight's would likely be the toughest. Things went great with Applejack as she aided her in apple bucking, she did a great job helping Rarity model a dress, she made quite the mess but did a good job helping Pinkie, she had fun flying with Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy's animals seemed to like her. The thing that stood out to her the most was how her and Fluttershy held hands there for a brief moment. As she thought about that moment her heart skipped a beat as she thought to herself, "Fluttershy is so kind, so understanding and so beautiful. I wonder if us holding hands was a sign of things to come?" Before she knew it she found herself in the throne room where Twilight was waiting for her. She asked, "So Starlight, how did things go with your new friends?" Starlight replied, "Great! I think I've found a flying buddy in Rainbow Dash, I had fun with our other friends too but my time with Fluttershy was great." Twilight could sense something seemed different when she brought up Fluttershy and she was going to find out what it was. She gave her a slight smile, "Fluttershy huh? What happened there?" Starlight replied, "Well I helped her bathe her animals, Angel was nice to me which shocked Fluttershy a lot" she then began to blush "and well we wound up holding hands for a while." Twilight's eyes grew wide as she asked, "Holding hands, seriously?" Starlight became more excited as she continued, "Yes. She floated up a bit, I self-levitated a bit, she grabbed my hands and we smiled at one another! I have this feeling that she is going to be my closest friend." Twilight was a bit jealous when she heard this. It was not Starlight's statement about Fluttershy but it was over what Fluttershy did. She gave her new friend a small smile, "That's good." She looked towards the kitchen and continued, "Starlight, what would you think about me fixing the two of us a snack?" Starlight replied, "That would be great!" Twilight headed to the kitchen and began to wonder about why Fluttershy would grab her hands. All sorts of thoughts began to run through her mind, many of which she would normally consider irrational. "What if Fluttershy wants her? What if Fluttershy was to kiss her before I got the chance? What if Fluttershy wins her heart? What if Fluttershy cons her into giving her horn sex?" Twilight then hit herself and gasped, "Come on Twilight, none of that is going to happen! You've got nothing to worry about." Once Twilight got to fixing their snacks, she began to think about what she could do to win Starlight's heart. She thought to herself, "Do I hold hands with her, do I give her subtle seductive smiles, do I make sure she spends more time with me, do I see if she might want to cuddle just as friends?" Twilight's face turned red as she began to think about the cuddling as she thought, "Oh holding her close would be so nice! We could cuddle, we could kiss, we could massage one another, we could....." She then snapped out of it, "Come on Twilight, she isn't just going to give you her horn in nothing flat!" Once she finished fixing their snacks she suggested, "Starlight, follow me. I think we'd be able to eat better in my study room." Starlight asked, "Study room?" Twilight gave her a smile, "Yes, my study room. My couch is a lot more comfortable than these thrones are." Starlight gave her a smile and followed her. When they got to Twilight's study room Starlight noticed that the only seating in there was a love seat and a table. Starlight commented, "Wow, you don't have much in the way of seating in here." Twilight replied, "I know. Normally I'm the only one in here but I do think it would be nice to have a friend join me every now and then." Starlight gave her a nervous smile, "Alright, that sounds good." Once the two got sat down, Starlight couldn't help but notice how small the love seat was. It was so small that she was basically pressed up against Twilight. Twilight looked over and gave Starlight a smile as she began to eat. She asked, "So Starlight, do you like it?" Starlight returned the smile, "Yeah Twilight, these sandwiches are delicious." Twilight then got to eating because she was really hoping to get past the meal and move on to other things, things that would help her win Starlight's heart before Fluttershy would have the chance. Once they were finished eating, Twilight asked, "So Starlight, would you want to do some studying on friendship matters?" Starlight replied, "Yeah sure, you are going to teach me about friendship after all." Twilight smiled, got up and headed to a bookcase she had in there. It held the types of books that Twilight kept to herself, they were the types that she didn't want anypony else to know about, not even Spike. When she returned, Starlight saw the cover and asked, "Ponies and Relationships: How Bonding Happens." Twilight gave her a smile, "This is where I think we should start." Starlight nodded and the two began to study the book. The first topics it discussed was simply finding common interests. This caused Starlight to speak up, "Well I think we both have magic in common. You have powerful magic, I have powerful magic, we definitely click there!" Twilight blushed slightly, "We do Starlight, we do!" They then continued to study the book and got to the part that talked about doing things together and spending plenty of time together. Twilight commented, "Well I know we've got the spending time together thing down and this does give us plenty of chances to do things together." Starlight gave her a slight smile, "That's true Twilight, we will have plenty of time together." When Twilight saw her smile, she began to think that maybe, just maybe winning Starlight wouldn't be so difficult. She knew that they likely wouldn't be a couple that night but did hope that this was a step in the right direction. The book then moved on to the subject of getting to know one another better. Twilight commented, "You know Starlight, with us being here together like this, I really think we should do this. I know a good amount about your past after today but what about the everyday things? I really think we should discuss those more, maybe we will be able to click in ways that we can't with other ponies." Starlight smiled, "I agree Twilight." Twilight became curious about one thing and asked, "Starlight, I'm curious, how did you learn how to take cutie marks anyway?" This question caused Starlight to freeze. This was one of those subjects about her past that she really hoped she'd never have to discuss again but knew that if her and Twilight were to grow closer as friends, she needed to tell her. "Well you know about the whole thing with Sunburst and his cutie mark. Well I just developed such a hatred over the things that I began to focus on removing them and one day I did it." Twilight was shocked that something could be so easy for one pony to do, doing it strictly off of emotion. Twilight asked, "Starlight, again I'm sorry about how things turned out for you but what is it like to have your magic be driven by emotion? You're the first pony I've ever known that has magic driven that way." Starlight sighed, "To be honest Twilight, I don't think it is a good thing. I have to be careful or I might wind up casting some sort of spell that might hurt somepony, even if I didn't mean to and when it comes to intentional spells, I all too often put way too much power into my spells and caused more problems than I should have." Twilight gave her a warm smile, "Starlight, it is ok. I've never experienced it but I can understand why your magic works the way it does. You are an emotional pony and if you can experience more good emotions, your magic will operate differently." She saw an unsure look on Starlight's face and continued, "All you need is a pony who truly cares about you and understands you to help you" she stretched her wing out and put it around Starlight before finishing, "and I'm more than willing to be that pony." Starlight blushed deeply when Twilight said this. For the first time in her life, Starlight felt like somepony other than her father cared about her and with Twilight, it was a different kind of caring, the caring of a friend. Still blushing Starlight replied, "You have no idea how much that means to me. You could have thrown me into Tartarus but instead you are giving me a chance to be a better pony." Twilight gave her a smile, "Starlight, I knew that under that hard shell of yours there was good in you. When you showed me what happened with Sunburst, I began to understand that you felt left out, I saw that outside of your dad you had nopony there who truly cared about you and most of all, you had nopony who would be there to hold your hand if you needed comforting." Twilight then took the risk and grabbed a hold of Starlight's hand. This brought out a very unexpected response from Starlight. She had a tear drop down her face as she replied, "Twilight, you have no idea how much this truly means to me." She put her arm under Twilight's, squeezed her hand tighter and continued, "You're the only pony who seems to truly understand me." Tears began to flow down her face as she continued, "I know today I said you don't know anything about me but nothing can be further from the truth. I honestly believe you know me better than anypony." Seeing Starlight shed tears like that brought Twilight to tears too. She embraced Starlight and began to cry, "I'm so happy to know that Starlight. I'm so happy that you feel that way about me, it makes me feel so happy that you feel that way about me." The two then tightened the embrace and began to massage the other's back. Starlight could feel so much warmth radiating from Twilight and quickly realized that it was her, not Fluttershy, that was going to be her best friend. While Fluttershy was nice and caring, she knew that Twilight would be that shoulder to cry on, that hand to hold, that pony that she could share anything with and most importantly, that pony who truly understood her. After a long embrace they finally broke it and Twilight grabbed the book and flipped ahead to a later topic, physical touch. She gave Starlight a smile and giggled, "Well I think we have the physical touch part down!" Starlight shared in the laugh, "Yeah I'd say we do." She then became more serious and asked, "Twilight, I'm really scared to ask you this but would you hold me for a while?" Twilight blushed deeply when she was asked this, "Of course I will Starlight. You mean a lot to me and if you want me to hold you, I always will." The two blushed at one another and then wrapped their bodies together in a tight embrace. As they laid together in a loving embrace, Starlight began to feel something truly special for the pony who just earlier that day was her enemy. She realized that she was beginning to fall in love with Twilight. Suddenly everything about Twilight seemed so perfect to her, her warm smiles, her caring nature, how she understood her and the empathy that she possessed. After a while Twilight stretched out and asked, "Starlight, do you think we could move our holding session somewhere else?" She blushed deeply and continued, "Somewhere that we will have more room?" Starlight too blushed, "Do you mean your?" Twilight grabbed her hand and replied, "I do." She saw an uncertain look develop on Starlight's face and continued, "Starlight, I know you might feel like it is wrong for you to join me in my bedroom but I have something I have to tell you." Starlight's eyes began to grow wide as she had a very strong feeling as to what Twilight was about to tell her. She knew that this would be taking a huge risk but if she were right, it would show what a truly close connection they have. She gave her a smile, "I love you too Twilight!" Twilight's heart melted when she heard the words leave Starlight's mouth. She was ecstatic that somehow Starlight knew what she was thinking and to her, that was proof that their bond was much, much closer than even she could have imagined. Twilight had tears running down her face as she said, "I can't believe it, you knew! How did you know?" Starlight gave her a smile and replied, "Twilight, when we were holding one another I felt it coming from you. You give off a special energy, one full of love and I could pick up on that." She then decided to take her own risk and ask, "Twilight, would you be my....." Twilight exclaimed, "Yes Starlight yes! Yes I'll be your marefriend." The two gave one another loving smiles before engaging in a passionate kiss. As they began their kiss, it was beyond anything Starlight could ever imagine. Soon she felt Twilight's tongue demanding entry into her mouth so she parted her lips to allow it in. Their kiss continued to get more passionate and they could feel the love radiating from the other, something neither mare had ever felt before. When they finally broke their kiss Starlight exclaimed, "Wow Twilight, I never knew such a wonderful thing existed!" Twilight embraced her and too exclaimed, "Oh I'm so happy we could share this together Starlight!" She then broke the embrace and suggested, "What do you say we take this to our bedroom?" Starlight blushed deeply, "Our bedroom, I like that!" Twilight then grabbed Starlight's hand and led her up to what was now their sleeping chambers. Once they arrived Twilight closed and locked the door before beginning to undress. Once she got fully undressed, she turned to Starlight and suggested, "How about you get undressed too. It wouldn't feel very comfortable if one of us was fully clothed and the other was fully nude." Starlight gave her another blush before undressing. Once the two saw one another fully nude, both mares blushed deeply and Twilight said, "Starlight, I have never before seen such beauty!" Starlight replied, "Twilight, you really need to look in the mirror. You have goddess level beauty." The two smiled before Twilight pulled back the covers and they got in. Twilight pulled the covers over the two and immediately they resumed their cuddling session from before. As they were clinging together Starlight said, "I love you Twilight Sparkle, you're everything a mare could ever dream of." Twilight replied, "I love you too Starlight. I'm so happy that we're together, you're my everything." Starlight then pulled herself closer to Twilight and laid her head under hers. Finally, Starlight felt truly safe and loved. All the bad memories she had of her past she felt like she could put them where they were, in the past. She had happiness now and she had the love of Princess Twilight Sparkle. Laying there in a peaceful bliss she let out a gentle sigh, "Thank you for not giving up on me Twilight, I truly love you." Right before the two got to sleep Twilight let out her own peaceful sigh, "Like I said, I knew there was good in you. I love you too Starlight. Good night sweetie, sweet dreams." "Good night honey, I look forward to an eternity with you."