> A Special Show > by Harms Way > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > A Special Show > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- On a cool and crisp autumn night, the auditorium at Appleloosa Community College was filled with both students and faculty members as they looked on at the show being performed on stage. No it wasn't a concert being performed by Coloratura, the Rainbooms, or even the newly resurfaced Dazzlings. But it was still a local source of entertainment. No. The performance that garnered quite the amount of attention was none other than the "Great and Powerful" Trixie, Canterlot High's 'Greatest and Most Powerfulest' student. With the spotlights shining brightly on the stage, Trixie stood in the center. All of the attention was squarely placed on her. And she'd have it no other way. Wearing her magician's outfit and having her signature smirk on her face, she looked so beautiful. At least to you, she did. And you were blessed to have the best seat in the house. On stage with her as her assistant. "And now!" you hear her say, making everyone look at her. "Ladies and gentlemen. It is time for the grand finale!" This earned her a round of applause from the audience. You then turn your attention to the props that you had just finished placing on the stage. Two large wooden boxes painted in purple and decorated with stars and half moons. Both boxes were positioned on the ends of a large table with a large black cloth covering it. Knowing that you'd be helping out with this, you look back at Trixie just as she turns to look at you with those sparkling purple eyes of hers. "But first," she says. "I'd like for all of you to give my assistant here a round of applause for all of his hard work." This catches you off guard as the audience obliges her and begins clapping for you. Your cheeks burn as you sheepishly smile while rubbing the back of your head until you see Trixie clapping along with them. Seeing her doing this for you makes you almost think that this is all a dream. After a minute or so of them clapping for you, they all quiet down as Trixie turns to face the audience once more. "My assistant here has worked with me ever since high school," she continues. "And without him, I wouldn't be who I am today." She then turns to face you once more. "Thank you," she says while giving you a warm smile. "You're welcome!" you quickly reply, making her giggle. This was certainly something new as this was the first time she ever did something like this on stage in front of everyone. "Now," she says while turning back to the crowd. "As you can see, my assistant has set up these large boxes!" She then turns and steps between them before turning around. "I shall do the impossible!" she continues before pointing at the box on her right. "By teleporting him from this box to the other!" After saying that, she steps forward and turns her head to look at you. "Are you ready, my assistant?" "Yes!" you reply before walking forward. As you walk behind her, she smiles and winks at you. This makes you nod back to her before you stop in front of the box to her right. She proceeds to stand next to you and opens the door, allowing you to step inside. Once you turn around and face the crowd, you give a thumbs up before she closes the door. "Now that my assistant is secured inside the box," you hear her say. "Why don't we spice things up a bit?" Hearing that code word, you turn around and begin to work on your part of the act. To the average viewer looking on, these would just appear to be normal wooden crates. But these were anything but normal. Positioned at the back of the box was a small exit hatch that could be opened from inside just by pulling a small string inside. Once opened, you would then crawl out the box and go underneath the cloth covered table. Crawling like you would if you were in boot camp, you'd then arrive at the other end of the table before opening the hatch of the other box before crawling through. Thus completing the illusion of teleportation. And you'd be doing this all while Trixie buys you time by stalling herself as she would do something to the box that you were originally in. As you were doing your part, Trixie had brought out a small cart of knives and swords. You could hear the crowd whisper as you manage to get the small hatch of your box open. "To add some suspense to this final act," she says while taking one of the swords out. "I shall slide these swords through the walls of the box. Don't worry though. My assistant will not be hurt. I wouldn't dream of doing that to him." This makes you chuckle as you squat down and begin the difficult portion of your journey. Moving without disturbing the cloth. Thankfully the cloth is oversized for the table it covers. So it shouldn't be too difficult. "Now I know what you're thinking," you hear her say. "You think that this is just a flimsy prop sword. And you would be absolutely.... 100%.... correct! Which is why I won't be using this one." You then hear the crowd laughing as she tosses that sword to the side. Halfway through getting out of the box, you hear her banging something on your box. An actual sword. "As you can see," she says. "This one is the real deal!" Just as your head is about to leave the box, you can see the blade being shoved through the walls of the box. "Thank goodness those ones are fake too," you say in your mind as you are now fully outside the box and position yourself to crawl to the other one. Indeed, the ones that she uses for this part of the act are fake ones as well. Just higher quality to make them look real. Seconds pass as you crawl forward until you reach the other end of the table. This part was just as tricky as the first box. "Almost... there..." you mentally say as you reach through the curtain and begin lifting the small hatch of the second box. "Are you doing alright in there, my assistant?" Trixie calls out, presumably leaning herself against the first box as you lock the hatchway of the second one open. "Don't worry! I'll have you out of there soon!" As you begin crawling into the second box, you hear her footsteps as she takes her position between the two boxes. Hearing this, you speed up your actions as you quickly get yourself inside the large wooden box. "And now. Ladies and gentlemen. The time has come!" she announces. "I shall now teleport my assistant from that box into this one!" After saying that, she knocks on the wall of the box you're now in three times. You then softly knock back twice, signaling to her that you're there. Once you finish that, you close the hatch and turn yourself around, breathing a soft sigh of relief that you successfully did your part. "Abracadabra! Kalamadare!" she calls out, making you smirk in response. "Take my assistant! And put him there!" From inside your wooden enclosure, you hear the audience gasp in response before hearing her footsteps on the stage. "Observe!" she yells as she rests her hand on the doorknob. "And be amazed at the fact that my assistant is now in this box completely unharmed!" After saying that, she opens the door and reveals you to the crowd. You just simply smile and wave as the audience cheers and claps at what they had just watched. As you step outside the box, you feel Trixie immediately take hold of your hand. This makes your eyes light up as she pulls you to the center of the stage. Once there, the two of you take a bow in front of them as the spectators continue clapping. "Thank you, ladies and gentlemen!" Trixie calls out as the two of you straighten back up. "You all have been a lovely audience! Have a wonderful night!" After saying that, you both take one final bow as the curtains are drawn closed. Once they are closed, you both straighten yourselves up again. Suddenly, Trixie wraps her arms around you and pulls you in for a tight hug. "Have I ever told you how thankful I am to have you here?" she asks as she rests her head on your shoulder. "Glad... to be... helpful," you reply as you feel her breasts being pinned against your chest. "Don't be so modest," she responds. "You are the best assistant I've ever had! Way better than Snips and Snails." Immediately upon saying that, you feel her body shiver as a presumably bad memory is now in her mind. She then tightens her grip on you, pressing herself further against you. With your arms pinned to your sides, you can only just stand there and wait for either your rib cage to buckle with how tight she's squeezing you or she lets go. After a minute or so, she lets go and immediately turns around. But as she does, you catch a shade of red in her light blue cheek. "So what was all that about out there?" you ask, making her turn around and look at you with a confused expression. "That was the first time you've shown appreciation in front of an audience." "What?" she asks while smirking. "I can't show my assistant some praise in front of our fans?" "I didn't say that," you reply. "It just caught me off guard. That's all." "Just think of it as my way of saying thanks for all you've done to help me over the years," she says before the two of you start walking over to your changing room. "After all. Can you believe we're coming up on our 5-year anniversary of performing together." "Has it really been that long?" you reply. Trixie just nods while smiling at you. "Wow. Time sure has flown by since high school." "You can say that again," she says as she walks beside you. "So many things have changed. But the one that has stayed the same is us." "Wouldn't have it any other way," you say, earning a giggle from her in response. As you walk, you look back in your mind at all of the shows you've performed together. All of the practice sessions and training. All of the road trips and motel stays. If you had the opportunity to go back and do anything in that time differently, you wouldn't. You enjoyed every second spent with her. Over the years, you've started growing feelings of affection toward the magician. You've grown to admire that cute giggle of hers, that beautiful smile, and just the way she always seemed happier whenever you two were together. It wasn't just the fact that she looked stunningly beautiful and had a voice that you'd never get tired of hearing either. It was also that she treated you like a friend rather than just a helper. Someone that she actually wanted to be around instead of having to be. And it was this that you'd always cherish. But deep down, you've wondered if there was any way for there to be more. The only thing that's held you back for all this time was the worry that she might not feel the same way toward you. Arriving at the changing room, you open the door and step aside to allow her to enter first. "After you," you say while gesturing for her to step inside. This earns you a warm smile and a light chuckle from her as she obliges and steps into the room. You then follow before closing the door behind you. Inside the room is a small couch and a desk featuring a mirror with lights attached to it sitting across the room. Another door is seen that connects to a small bathroom that performers can use when needed. "I'll go ahead and get changed first," she says as she walks toward the small bathroom. "Alright," you reply. "I'll wait out here." Trixie just silently nods before she steps through the door and closes it behind her. As she did that, you plop down on the couch and breathe a long sigh of relief as you stare up at the ceiling. Another successful show was in the books. Granted this one was easier than some of the shows you've done in the past. But still. After a few minutes, you hear the bathroom door open. Looking toward it, your eyes grow wide in surprise as Trixie steps out wearing only a lacey purple colored bra with matching panties. "Woah!" you say while covering your eyes. "At least give me a warning or something." "It's fine," she replies, signaling that you can put your hand down. As you do, she stands in front of you with her hands on her hips. Her well endowed breasts are just barely contained within that fabric prison called a bra. Meanwhile, those amazing thighs of hers just begged for you to stare at them. "I mean," she continues. "It isn't like you haven't seen me like this before. Remember that motel just outside of town a few summers ago?" "Oh yeah," you say while your mind flashes back to that day. "The one where we were in a heat wave and the air conditioning was broke." "Mmhm," she replies while nodding. "It was so hot that day." After saying that, she turns around and goes over to her suitcase. "Besides. I left my clothes out here." As if she had forgotten the type of panties she was wearing, she bent over as she unzipped her suitcase, showing off those soft looking cheeks of her rear. Like watching a hypnotist's watch, your eyes couldn't look away as she swayed it from side to side. "Is she... teasing me?" you think as you shake your head a few times to snap yourself out of the trance before noticing the large bulge in your pants. "Shit!" you mentally yell before quickly covering it up with your hands while looking away, acting as though you weren't just staring at your best friend's ass. Soon, she straightens herself up before turning back around. Your ears then pick up a faint giggle before hearing her go back into the bathroom. "She... did that on purpose?" you ask yourself as you drop the act and relax once again. Another couple of minutes pass by before the door opens again. Trixie then steps out of the room, completely clothed this time, while holding her magician's outfit. "All yours," she says as she goes over to her suitcase to put those clothes away. While she's doing that, you get off of the couch and grab your duffel bag before entering the small room to get changed. "So..." you say after closing the door behind you. "Got any plans for the weekend?" "Well," she replies. "I have to work at The Castle tomorrow." "Ah," you respond, remembering her second job working at Canterlot's lone strip club as a clerk. "How you liking it there?" "It's alright," she replies. "Helps pay the bills." "I see." "And then Sunday," she continues. "I was planning on doing my special monthly fundraising show." "Are we running low on funds?" "Unfortunately... yes," she replies. "People just aren't tipping like they used to." "That's a shame," you say while getting out of your clothes. "We put in so much effort for these shows. The least they can do is give us a tip." "Exactly," she replies from the other side of the door. "If it wasn't for these special shows of mine, we'd have gone broke a long time ago." "Ouch," you say. "That's not good." "Mmhm," she responds. "And what about you? Do you have any plans?" "Not exactly," you reply. "My job has me work during the week. So I have nights and weekends off." "I know that," she says. "So... you don't have anything... going on for Sunday?" "Nope." "Well then..." she continues. "How would you... like to help me with the show?" "Really?" you ask. "You haven't needed my help before." "I know," she responds. "But I think the time is right for your help on this one." "Alright," you say as you just get finished with putting your normal clothes back on, not even taking a moment to think about it. "I'll help you with this one." "Excellent!" she exclaims. "I promise. You won't regret it." "I never do," you reply while opening the door and stepping out of the room. "I always enjoy helping you out." Upon hearing that, Trixie walks over and gives you another hug. "Thank you," she replies before doing something you weren't expecting at all. She leans in close and gives you a soft kiss on the cheek. This makes you freeze in place as she steps back and picks up her suitcase. "Meet me at my house Sunday around 8:00." "At night?" "Mmhm." "Sounds like a plan then," you reply, making her smile once more before turning around and leaving the room. Once she leaves, you gently put your hand on your cheek where she kissed you. That was definitely something you didn't think would happen at all today. As you gather yourself, you step out of the room to help her with the laboring task of cleaning up all of the props and loading them on the trailer for the journey back home. Two Days Later The cool autumn air gives you chills as you walk up the street toward Trixie's house. Looking down at your watch, you can see that she'll be expecting you any minute. As another breeze sends a shiver down your spine, you grip the edges of your coat and add a little extra speed to your steps. But as you walk, your mind flashes back to what happened in the changing room back at the community college. "Was she teasing me on purpose?" you think as her house comes into view. "I can't think of any other reason she'd do that." Stopping just outside the residency, you take a look at it. It was just a usual one story house painted purple with darker purple panels and yellow accents along the lower third of the building. A light blue and gray colored roof topped it off. You always did appreciate how even in the darkness of night, you could always tell who's house this was. Stepping up to the front door, you knock on the door three times and take a step back. It isn't long before the front light comes on and you see a familiar figure through the window on the other side of the door. As Trixie opens the door, you are surprised to see that she isn't wearing her magician's outfit. Instead, she is wearing a light purple colored bathrobe that greatly showed off the curves of her body. Giving her a full lookover with your eyes, that might just be the only thing she's wearing as you can't see anything else. You instantly feel overdressed with how you're in your usual attire for shows. "I knew I was forgetting something," she said as she leaned against the doorframe while looking at you. "Probably should've told you to come in normal clothes. Oh well. We can make this work." "What kind... of show are you doing?" you ask as she fidgets with the cloth strap securing the robe in place. "You'll see in a bit," she replies. "Come on in." After saying that, she goes back inside. Stepping in, you close the door behind you. Once you finish that, she turns and faces you. "Alright," she says. "So these fundraising shows I do. They're nothing like our usual shows." "I kinda guessed that based on your choice of attire," you reply, making her cheeks turn red. "What kind of show is this going to be?" "It's a.... webcam show." "A webcam show?" you repeat. "As in.... you...." "Mmhm," she says while nodding. "Now if this is not something you want to participate in, I'll understand completely. You can walk out that door. And we'll pretend that none of this happened." "No," you reply. "I..... I wanna help you out." "Are you sure?" she asks while looking at you with those gorgeous purple eyes of hers. "Yes." That one word response is all that is said before she immediately wraps her arms around you for a hug. Only this one wasn't tight. It was more of a hug between... lovers. Not wanting to ruin the moment, you wrap your arms around her and pull her close. You hear her gasp slightly before she rests her head on your shoulder. "I can't tell you how worried I was after I asked you to help out with this," she says as the two of you remain hugging. "I... I've been wanting to ask you for quite some time. But never worked up the courage to go through with it." Sensing that this was the moment that you've been waiting for, you finally decide to risk everything and tell her how you feel at last. "There's something that I've been wanting to tell you," you say, making her move her head to look directly at you. "Yes?" "I've.... been wanting to say this for so long," you continue. "Ever since we began doing shows together. And I think that this is the perfect time to say it." Her eyelids close slightly as her signature smirk appears once again. "And that thing I want to tell you is that I-" Your sentence is immediately cut off as without hesitation, Trixie leans in and plants her soft lips against yours. This makes your eyes shoot wide open as you are shocked with how this escalated so suddenly. But soon, you close your eyes and lean into the kiss. After a few minutes, she tilts her head back and smiles. "I love you too," she says. "You... you knew what I was going to say?" "Yep," she playfully replies. "How long have you known?" "I've had my suspicions for a while," she answers. "I just didn't have 100% certainty... until now." "So... in the changing room..." "That was just a little test," she says. "I wanted to see your reaction. And it was amusing to see you try and hide that bulge in your pants." "You saw that?!" "Yes," she answers. "And when I saw that, I knew then and there to take a chance and pull the trigger on this." After saying that, her eyes drift upward to the clock mounted on the wall. "Well," she says. "Best not to keep the audience waiting." Without saying another word, she takes you by the hand and leads you through her house before entering a room that looked to be her bedroom. It has the standard setup. A large bed, a dresser, and a closet. But it even has a computer desk sitting not far from the bed with a fancy computer system sitting on top. "That must've cost a lot," you mentally say as she closes the door behind her and then walks over to the desk. On the screen, you can see that a website is already opened. Once at the desk, she reaches out and pushes a small button on a webcam mounted at the top of the monitor. Immediately afterward, a little window pops up with her in it. "Ladies and gentlemen!" she says in her performance tone. "Thank you all for being patient as we have waited for my assistant to arrive." After saying that, she turns around and motions for you to join her. Not wanting to disappoint, you do as instructed and come up to where both of you are now visible on the cam. "Uh... hello," you say while waving at the screen. You then see a little chat box open as people viewing the cam respond. "And now," Trixie goes on to say. "We shall give you all a show that none of you will forget anytime soon. And you all know what to do to get that started." Not even ten seconds pass by before a 'cha-ching' sound is heard. Hearing that, Trixie immediately looks at the screen. "Thank you for the 100 tokens.... SexyNerd365." She then places her hand on the mouse before clicking a small icon. Soon, another cam opens. Only this one is one that both you and Trixie are viewing. And once the screen loads, your jaw drops at who is on screen. None other than Twilight Sparkle, CHS' and Crystal Prep's top alumni. Except this was certainly not a view of the former Valedictorian that you were expecting to see. She was, in fact, sitting in front of her computer screen completely topless. Those two melons of hers were on full display for both you and Trixie to see. "Oh!" she says upon realizing that she's now being watched. "Uh... hi guys!" she says while waving, all while quickly covering herself with a blanket. "Well. Well. Well. Long time no see, Twilight," Trixie says as she snickers at the fact that she just caught a view that most guys dreamed of. "Heh.. heh.. Hi Trixie," she replies, her face as red as can be. "So...." she says. "What exactly can we do to entertain you?" "Well...." Twilight replies as she rubs her chin. "I'm not sure. Umm.... Just do whatever you want, I guess." "Well you're not very creative," she responds before sighing. "Very well. How about I ditch the robe and play with my great and powerful tits for you?" "Alright." When she heard that, Trixie looks over at you and winks before leaning in close to your ear. "I also threw in some tip requests for you," she whispers into your ear. "I want you to get some fun out of this as well." "Thank you!" you whisper back excitedly as Trixie stands up and loosens the strap around her waist. Letting the top of the robe slide down, exposing her bare shoulders, you look on at the stunning beauty in front of you as she allows the robe to fall to the floor, exposing everything for your eyes to see. Your jaw drops once again as your eyes drift up and down, taking in all of it. "Wow!" Twilight says on the screen. "I forgot how voluptuous your body is." "Why thank you," Trixie says as she holds her arms above her head and begins swaying her hips from side to side. She then lowers her arms and starts massaging and caressing her breasts, moaning softly as she does it too. Meanwhile, you just sit there and watch as the bulge in your pants is now on full display. You watch as she gently tugs on her nipples and squeezes both of those love pillows. This continues until another 'cha-ching' sound is heard. This makes you look at the screen and see that it is a tip request. Your eyes then widen as you see what the request is. Someone wants you to make out with Trixie! "Thank you for the request... FlirtyFashionista!" Trixie says as she looks at the screen. She then closes Twilight's cam and opens another. When the screen loads, you see another familiar face. Rarity, one of Canterlot's premier fashion designers and another former classmate, is laying down on a couch while wearing a dark purple bra. "You're quite welcome, darling," she replies while cupping and squeezing one of her breasts. "Your assistant there looks like he's about ready to burst. Why don't you give him some sugar, hmm?" "Gladly," she replies before sitting down beside you. She then scoots herself next to you and rests her head on your shoulder. As you turn your head to look at her, she turns hers to face you. As if you are synchronized, you both lean in until your lips make contact. You then softly moan as she takes hold of one of your hands before placing it on one of her breasts. "Do whatever you want," she quietly says before kissing you again. Not letting this opportunity go to waste, you lightly squeeze. It feels so warm and soft to the touch. As you're doing this, you feel one of her hands gliding up your pant leg until it reaches the bulge. As soon as she feels how hard it is, she lets out a long moan before parting her lips. You then feel her tongue lightly glide against your lips. Getting the hint, you part your lips and allow her tongue passage within. The moment when your tongue makes contact with hers, you both moan as the two get to know each other. She softly squeezes your rock hard shaft which in turn makes you do the same to the heavenly breast in your grasp. "Oh fuck!" you hear Rarity say through the speakers. Cracking one eye open, you look and see that she's biting her lip with her eyes closed while she is presumably playing with herself. Mentally chuckling, you close your eye and continue making out with the love of your life. This continues for a few more minutes until Trixie pulls herself away. "Let's not give the whole show away now," she teases before giving you a peck on the lips. Smirking in response, you nod and let go of her breast, even though a part of you didn't want to. "I hope that was to your liking," she continues as she turns her head to look at the screen. "Oh yes," Rarity replies. "It most certainly was. I just wish I had more tokens to give. But money's a little tight right now." "Well we appreciate what you were able to give," you say, earning a squeeze on your cock from Trixie. "Enjoy the rest of the show," she adds before closing Rarity's cam. She then clears her throat. "Who will be the next one to donate?" she asks in her show tone. A few seconds pass by with just silence. "Come on," she says. "Don't let the fun stop now." A few more seconds pass until that 'cha-ching' sound is heard once again. As soon as she reads the request, you see a grin appear on her face. "The magician's wand!" she calls out. "Good choice! Thank you for that, ButterflyShy69!" After saying that, she opens up another cam. Once the screen loads, you both are shocked and surprised to find Fluttershy, another former classmate who is completely naked with legs fully spread while laying on her bed. "Oh! Umm... you're welcome," she replies as you watch her fingers playing with her clit, not even attempting to cover herself up. "It's always the shy ones that are the most kinky," you think as Trixie gets up and goes over to her closet. While watching her rummage around looking for something, your eyes stay glued to that magnificent booty. Those plump cheeks look so soft and jiggly. And her thighs just begged to be caressed. As you continue looking on, you hear Fluttershy clear her throat to get your attention. "Umm... if you don't mind," she says after you turn to look back at the screen. "Could you umm.... lose the clothes too?" "I mean. I suppose that would be fair," you reply. "Both you and her are nude while I'm still fully dressed." "It's your call, hun," Trixie calls out while still looking around in her closet. Nodding to yourself after she said that, you stand up and start by taking off the black coat, revealing the white shirt and red bowtie underneath. You then kick off your shoes and set them aside. Looking back toward the screen, you see Fluttershy continuing to play with herself. It would seem that she's enjoying what she's seeing. Continuing the show, you take off the bowtie and begin to unbutton your shirt. "Mmmm... yes...." Fluttershy moans as you remove your shirt and toss it aside. Now it was time for the real treat. Your hands slowly drift down and begin undoing your belt. "Ah hah!" Trixie shouts from her closet. "Found it!" "What you got?" you ask, turning your attention to her just in time to watch as she turns around to face you. In her grasp looks to be a vibrator made to look like one of her magic wands. "Behold!" she says as she walks back over to the bed. "The magician's wand!" Once she returns to your side, she gives a soft whistle of approval at what she's seeing. "Mmmm.... good," she coos as her eyes drift down to your pants. "I haven't missed the best part." "Would you like to do the honors then?" you playfully tease, making her eyes light up as a grin appears on her face. Seeing this makes you smile as you move your hands to your side and let her take over. Immediately, she skillfully removes your belt before undoing the button on your pants and pulling down the zipper. "You ready for this?" you ask as she seems mesmerized at the bulge in front of her. "I've been ready for this..." she softly replies as you feel her fingers hook themselves around the edges of not only your pants, but your boxers as well. Seems she didn't want to wait any longer than she had to. As she slowly starts pulling them down, you close your eyes and sigh happily as this was something that only happened before in your dreams. Only now, it was happening for real. You then feel your hardened shaft getting pulled along with the items of clothing, making you look down just in time for it to pop out and spring back upward. The sexy woman in front of you lets out a gasp before moaning in approval at what is now in front of her for her eyes to see. "Mmmmm...." she moans. "It's even bigger than I thought it'd be." You can feel your cheeks burn as you could only imagine what kind of lewd fantasies she's been having. "Can... I see?" Fluttershy asks through the speakers. "Of course," Trixie replies as she scoots out from in front of you. As soon as your shaft is seen on the screen, the usually shy girl gasps as her teal colored pupils shrink. "Wow!" she says, giving her seal of approval. "That's.... bigger than any of my toys." "You have toys?" you ask, surprised at the sudden admission. "Um... yes?" she says while tilting her head toward a small box on the nightstand beside her. The two of you look on as she pulls out a small dildo and shows it to you. "This is the biggest one I have," she continues. The small toy pales in comparison to your shaft. "Seems like I'll have to get some new ones." "I can help you out with that," Trixie says. "I know a good place where we can get some new toys for you." "You do?" "Mmhm." "And... you'd take me there?" "Absolutely." From your side of the screen, you can see a large smile form on her face as she happily nods in agreement. You then watch as she rests her hand on the mouse beside her and clicks. You then hear another 'cha-ching' sound as a notification screen pops up saying 'ButterflyShy69 is making it rain with 1,000 tokens!'. "Woah..." you say in amazement as Trixie's jaw immediately drops while her eyes dart back and forth between Fluttershy's cam and the notification. "That's my way of saying thank you," Fluttershy says before giggling softly. Chuckling softly to yourself, you then look over at the sexiness beside you, who is still in disbelief at what she's seeing. Wanting to snap her out of it, you wave your hand in front of her face. It works as she blinks before quickly shaking her head. "Thank you so much!" she blurts out as she pulls you in for a tight hug. This makes Fluttershy smile as she goes back to playing with herself. Seeing that, Trixie lets go and lays down on her back before spreading her legs, revealing that glorious pussy that you've dreamt of for so long. Neatly shaven and glistening with her juices, it was just as perfect as you could ever hope for. Soon, you watch as she turns on her 'wand' and places the vibrating end of it against her clit. She then lets out a cute gasp that makes you chuckle softly. As you watch her eyes close with one hand playing with her breasts, she then holds the toy out to you. "Go ahead," she says softly while keeping her eyes closed. "I know you want to." Upon hearing that, you dart your eyes back and forth between the toy and her love canal. Taking the toy into your hands, you look at it once more before doing as she wants. Turning the vibration back on, you reach out and gently press it against her folds. "Oh fuck!" she blurts as her eyes shoot open only to slowly close once again as you glide the toy up and down. Her moans push you on as the tip of the toy glides down to the sacred entrance. Once there, she spreads her legs wider, draping her right leg across yours. Her smooth skin feels so warm on top of your legs. Thinking that you know what she wants next, you take the toy and slide it in. "Fuck!" she groans as you push the toy in deeper. "Tell me when to stop," you reply as you keep inching that lucky device in. Once it reaches about halfway in, she holds out her hand. "That's... far enough," she moans while gripping the bedsheets. Noting the spot on the toy where it is, you slowly pull it out before pushing it back in. As you do this, her moans grow more frequent and gain more volume. Wanting to give her that extra bit of pleasure, you use your free hand and start rubbing her clit for her. "Oh.... God...." she says before gently biting her lip. "Yes! Right there!" Sensing you hit a sensitive spot, you hold the toy where it is and begin rubbing her clit. Her breathing starts getting heavier and her hands grip the sheets hard. "I'm.... I'm gonna!" she calls out before she arches her back slightly and cries out as you watch her juices squirt out. This makes you moan happily before turning your attention to Fluttershy, who is in a similar state. After a minute or so, Trixie slowly sits up and wipes a bit of sweat off of her forehead. "Wow!" she exclaims between deep breaths. "That... was incredible!" "Glad to be of service," you reply, earning a soft kiss on your cheek before Trixie turns her attention to the screen. "Thank you for the tokens, Fluttershy!" she says while still gathering herself from her orgasm. "Just send me a text when you wanna go get some new toys. If you don't have my number, ask Sunset for it." "Alright," Fluttershy replies. "I will. Thank you for the show and hope you have more fun." "I'm sure we will," she says before closing Fluttershy's cam. Once she does that, she rests her head on your left shoulder and breathes deeply. "That... was the biggest orgasm... I've had in... years!" "Wear you out?" you ask in a cheeky tone. "Just... give me a minute..." she softly replies. However, the people watching your cam think otherwise as yet another 'cha-ching' sound is heard. Looking up at the screen, you see someone named "Apples&Dash" has selected an option labeled 'Suck his wand'. Your eyes grow wide as Trixie takes a look at the screen. "Thank you... for the tokens..." she says while still recovering before opening up a new cam. Once the screen loads, you find not one but two old classmates, Rainbow Dash and Applejack. Both of them are sitting in what you'd think would be Applejack's bedroom. And each of them are just in their bras and panties. When they see that you are watching them, both of them wave. "Hey guys," Rainbow says, prompting both you and Trixie to wave back. "Seems like you're having a good time." "You can say that again," you reply. "Long time no see." "Right?" Applejack adds. "I haven't seen you since graduation!" "So you two are... a couple?" you ask. "You could say that," Rainbow replies. "But I suppose we're more toward 'Friends with Benefits' right now." "I see." "Yeah," the apple farmer replies. "We like to fool around with each other every now and again while making some quick money for bills and anything else that pops up. But we also like to share our tokens to those who we think could use them." "Well. I'm glad you chose to share some with us," you say as Trixie gets off of the bed and gets down on her knees between your legs. "Aw yeah!" Rainbow says. "Here comes the fun part! Hey uh... can you move the cam so we can see?" "Does that thing come off?" you ask. "Mmhm," Trixie replies before getting up and unclipping the small device from the top of the monitor. Handing it over to you, she takes her position between your legs once again. "Tell me when you feel like you're going to blow your load though. There's still plenty of time left in the show." "Alright," you reply. Once she nods, you move the camera to where it can observe the action. From the little window on the screen, you watch as she licks her lips seductively before bringing her lips within inches of the tip of your rock hard shaft. Her warm breath on your skin sends a chill up your spine. Not long after, you feel her lips make contact as she kisses the tip of your cock. It's a soft and gentle kiss. But that soon gives way to a whole new feeling as she opens her mouth and lets her tongue lick it like a popsicle. You let out a soft moan as she goes down to the base of your shaft and runs her tongue up the entire length. She then looks up at you and winks before giving you what you desire by taking the tip of your cock into her mouth. "Fuck...." you groan as her lips close around the top third of your shaft. As her tongue now busies itself by coating the tip of your meat in saliva, she brings a hand up and takes hold of the bottom portion and slowly starts to jerk you off. Your eyes start rolling upward as she does this so skillfully that you worry you might accidentally cum in her mouth despite you being told not to. "Man," Rainbow says as she and Applejack are watching on their end. "I bet that must feel awesome." "You have.... no idea..." you reply between your moans as your eyes turn to the screen to find both Rainbow Dash and Applejack have removed their bras and are now playing with their own breasts. As you do your best to keep the camera steady, Trixie moans softly as her tongue continues treating the tip of your cock like a lollipop. Soon, after several minutes, the first tingling feeling of an oncoming orgasm is felt. "Trixie..." you groan. "As much as I... don't want you to stop..." This makes her chuckle all while your shaft is still in her mouth. Letting it out, she gasps softly as now the only thing keeping the two connected is a thin strand of saliva. "Don't worry, hun," she says as she gets back up. "You'll get your chance to cum. Just not yet." After saying that, she takes the camera out of your hand and puts it back where it was on top of the monitor. "Thank you both again for the tokens!" she says before grinning. "No problem," Applejack replies. "Y'all have fun now." "Yeah!" Rainbow adds. "We'll still be watching. So give us a good finish!" "As long as the tokens keep coming in, we'll do our best," Trixie replies before closing their cam. Once done, she looks at you and smiles. "Bet you didn't think you'd be getting a blowjob from me today, huh?" she asks playfully. "Not at all," you reply. "So... are we like... a couple now?" "Of course!" she exclaims. "I wouldn't be doing this to you if we weren't." "Fair point," you reply before another 'cha-ching' sound is heard, prompting both of you to look at the screen. This time, the notification reads 'PinkieCreamPie has requested the "Fuck the GPA!".' As soon as you read the username, you instantly smile as a new camera opens up, showing the aforementioned Pinkie Pie laying in bed with whipped cream covering both of her nipples. "Hey guys!" she excitedly says as she waves. "Like the view?" "Definitely something to remember," you reply as Trixie chuckles. "Well," she continues. "I was watching you getting a bj and thought that there was one thing that could make this even better!" "What's that?" "A good old fashioned creamy creamy cream pie!" she answers before licking her lips. "Mmmm.... I do like the sound of that," Trixie replies, making your heartbeat race as she gets up and goes over to her dresser. As you watch that booty as she walks, your attention is drawn back to the screen as Pinkie makes something resembling a bikini's bottom if it was made of whipped cream. She then giggles as she starts eating it. Before you say anything however, Trixie returns with a bottle of lubricant and a purple towel in her possession. "So umm... how do you want to do this part?" you ask as she climbs on to the bed. "Well," she replies. "I was thinking of just laying here and letting you have at it." "Seriously?" you ask in a surprised tone. "Yep," she replies before handing you the bottle of lube. "Just... be gentle back there. I.. haven't played with my ass for a while." "Got it," you say as she lays down on her stomach and then lifts her ass up before spreading her legs apart, giving you room to do as you wish. Taking your spot back there, you look back and forth between your hardened cock and the pucker that you'd soon be gently demolishing. "So... GPA, huh?" you ask while pouring some lube out on your hand. "Mmhm," she replies. "My 'Great and Powerful Ass'." "Fitting name for such a lovely booty," you say while coating your meat in lube by stroking it with your slick hand. Sensing that you've got it well coated, you then reach out and rub her asshole, making her gasp the second your fingers make contact. She then gives a moan of approval as she wiggles her ass, inviting you to make it yours. Doing as she wishes, you scooch into position and gently press the tip of your shaft against her pucker. After taking a bit to savor the moment, you slowly begin pushing your cock inside. Trixie lets out a soft gasp followed by a long moan as she feels her hole being stretched around the girth of your shaft. As you push yourself deeper within, you groan at just how tight it feels to have her walls clenching and then relaxing around your cock. To help her relax, you take this opportunity to do something you've always wanted to do. Reaching out, you gently grab and squeeze those two soft pillows. This seems to help as she lets out a passionate sigh and you feel her walls relaxing more around your cock. Once your meat is fully inside her ass, you pull it out to where just the tip remains in. Slowly, you push it back in completely until your crotch is touching those glorious cheeks. Repeating the motions, you start to develop a slow and steady rhythm. In and out. In and out. Over and over again. Trixie lets out a groan of pleasure as she feels her ass being stuffed again and again. Meanwhile, you look over at the screen and see that Pinkie Pie has gotten herself in the exact same position that your love is in, and is now stuffing her ass in sync with your movements with a large blue colored dildo. Almost like she is pretending that you are fucking her ass as well as Trixie's. Her groans can be heard through the speakers as she watches you continue to fuck the 'Great and Powerful Ass'. As the tingling of your inevitable orgasm starts to be felt, you slow your motions. You want this moment to go on for a little while longer. Looking down at Trixie's face, she seems to definitely be enjoying this as a grin is plastered on her face while her eyes are closed. "Mmmmm..... fill me up," she moans softly as your shaft is driven deep into her ass over and over. "I want to be stuffed..." Nodding silently, you start going back to your previous pace. The tingling sensation returns with each inward thrust. "Make me yours..." she coos before moaning again. "Cum in my ass...." Those last four words. You've heard them many times in your dreams. But this is the first time you've heard them in real life. Well. Aside from those times you've spent on the internet late at night. But this is the first time you've heard them from the love of your life. The woman of your dreams. She wants you to stuff her ass like a snack cake. And who are you to deny her that request. As you pick up the pace and add more speed and force to your movements, you watch as those heavenly cheeks jiggle with each time your body comes into contact with them. You know that Trixie has enjoyed eating plenty of snacks over the years. Slices of cake, doughnuts, burgers, fries, and plenty of pizza. And all that has given her those voluptuous curves and the desirable figure you see before you. How she maintains that appearance, you don't know. Maybe someday you'll find out. But for right now, you want to fulfill her request and cum inside that great and powerful ass. Your motions are clearly being felt by both her and Pinkie Pie. Another look at the screen shows the look of amazing pleasure all over that pink colored face as that abnormally long tongue of hers is hanging out of her mouth. She is still matching your meat's movements thrust for thrust. As the pressure of your orgasm reaches the point of no return, you try and hold it back. Just a little bit longer. With one final thrust deep inside her ass, the first of many spurts of hot fresh cum fires out the tip of your shaft. Trixie lets out a loud groan as she feels herself being filled up. "Oh.... fuck..... yes...." she moans as she pushes herself back, trying to get as much of your meat inside her as she can. "Geesh!" Pinkie calls out from her end. "That was intense! I can sense that stuffing all the way over here!" She then sighs softly as she pulls the dildo out of her ass and sets it aside. "The guy who wrote this story has to have a booty kink or something." "What?" you ask, confused by that last sentence. "Nothing!" she immediately answers before giggling. Seeing this response, you just shrug it off as Pinkie just being Pinkie before looking back down at Trixie as she lays there. The love of your life is basking in the feeling of her ass being filled. And she has you to thank for it. Keeping yourself hilted in her ass, you watch as she runs a hand down along her stomach and gently rubs it. "I feel.... so full...." she groans in a tone of ecstasy. As you slowly pull your meat out of her ass, she lets out another moan followed by a gasp once your tip exits. You then watch as her asshole closes slowly, sealing your seed inside. Letting out a long sigh of your own, you reach out and grab the towel that she had given you before all of this and proceed to wipe off the mixture of lube and cum. As you're doing that, Trixie slowly gets back up on her knees and turns to face you. She then slowly wraps her arms around you and pulls you close. You can hear her softly panting as she plants a passionate kiss on your lips. "I've never felt... like this before," she says as she stares lustfully into your eyes. "You've given me this... amazing feeling." "You're welcome, babe," you reply playfully, making her look at you with that signature smirk before she pecks your cheek. "I think I'm gonna need a shower after this one," Pinkie says on her end of the screen. "You guys enjoy the rest of your fun!" "Have a good night, Pinkie," Trixie replies before she closes her cam. Once done, you both sit down on the bed in front of the computer. You take this moment to place your right arm around her and keep her close. She responds by wrapping her left arm around your back. "I think I have... enough energy left for one more request," she says while looking at the screen. "Who wants to help us go out with a bang?" Not long after that, you hear what very well might be the last 'cha-ching' sound of the night. After that, another notification pops up saying 'ShimmerCode360 has selected the "Grand Finale" request'. You watch as Trixie's jaw drops once again in shock. "What's up?" you ask, making her lean in close to your ear. "That one was the most expensive request I put up there!" she whispers. "What does it mean?" "It means I let you cum inside my pussy!" When she says that, your eyes widen as she reaches out and opens a new cam. On the other end, you find your friend, Sunset Shimmer, laying on her couch fully naked for your viewing pleasure as she caresses one of her well endowed breasts. "Sup guys," she says while looking at her screen. "Figured that if you wanted to 'go out with a bang', then why not go all in?" "You realize how many tokens you just gave us?" Trixie asks, making Sunset smirk in response. "I mean.... I can still give you more if you want," she replies. "I've got plenty." "How... do you have so many tokens?!" "What can I say?" she replies. "Guys like gamer girls." "I mean. She's not wrong," you say, earning a playful hit on your shoulder from Trixie. "How is your channel by the way, Sunset?" "It's doing really well," she replies. "Just had Rainbow and Applejack on there not too long ago playing this awesome horror game called Slasher's Paradise." "Nice." "Maybe you two would like to come hang out sometime and play some games?" "Sure!" you quickly reply. "That sounds awesome!" You then turn and look at Trixie. "What do you think, hun?" "I'd love to," she replies as she rests beside you. "Great!" Sunset says happily. "Just let me know when and what kind of game you wanna play." "Sounds good," you reply as Trixie pours some more lube straight on to the tip of your shaft without warning. The gooey feeling sends a chill up your spine as she slowly lathers the full length. "Lay down on your back, stud," she coos into your ear. "I'll take it from here." "Whatever you want, gorgeous," you reply, earning a quick peck on the lips before you do as she wants and lay down on your back. Once there, Trixie straddles herself above you before taking hold of your cock and lining it up with her sacred entrance. She then lowers herself down enough to where her folds are touching your tip. "Are you ready for this?" she asks seductively while looking at you with lidded eyes. "You have no idea," you reply. She lets out a chuckle in response to your answer before lowering herself down on your pole. As soon as it penetrates her, you both let out a moan. She continues her journey downward until your cock is completely inside her. Feeling her enveloping your cock, you close your eyes and smile. What was once just a lewd fantasy is now happening in real life. "You're so... thick," Trixie coos as she pulls herself up before going back down. You just simply nod while groaning as she starts to pick up a slow, passionate rhythm. As she's doing this, you stare longingly at those beautiful blue breasts of hers. Each time she moves, they bounce slightly. She notices this and leans herself forward while still moving her hips to glide up and down on your cock. With those melons of hers now within your reach, you reach out with both hands and gently squeeze them. This earns a lustful moan as she slows her motions down, stopping herself with your shaft completely inside her pussy. She then lays herself down on top of you and plants a soft kiss on your lips. "I love you," she gently says as she looks into your eyes. "I've been wanting to say that to you for so long." "You have?" "Mmhm," she replies as she starts moving herself along your shaft again. "Ever since that night in the motel." "The one... with the broken air conditioning?" "Yes." This admission makes you smile as she lifts herself back up to a vertical position and just starts slamming herself down on your meat again and again. Those well endowed breasts of hers are bouncing up and down with each motion. Her moans get louder with each passing minute while you hold yourself back as best as you can from ending the fun too quickly. "Not yet..." you say in your mind as you watch your cock disappear inside her over and over. "Not til she at least cums first!" "Yes! Yes! Yes! Oh fuck! Fuck! Fuck!" she cries out as she pushes herself down the full length of your dick each time. It isn't long before you feel her walls clenching around your cock as her second orgasm douses your crotch in her fluids. This feeling is all it takes to send the second wave of your seed into firing position. "Trixie!" you grunt as you desperately try holding back the inevitable. "I'm... gonna.... cum!" As soon as she hears that, she slams herself down on your cock one final time. This results in your cum once again being sent into her. Only this time, her womb is immediately stuffed, resulting in your cum leaking out between her walls and your shaft. Both you and her pant heavily as you each bask in orgasmic bliss while staring lustfully into each other's eyes. The sound of clapping can be heard coming from the speakers as Sunset is now sitting up on her couch, giving you a round of applause for the show you gave her. "Well done!" she exclaims as both you and Trixie look at the monitor. "That was certainly worth the tokens." "Glad... you... enjoyed it," Trixie replies while panting heavily. "I think... that'll do it for tonight." "Thank you... for watching..." you add while also breathing deeply. "See you guys later," Sunset replies before she closes her cam. Once that's done, you both look at each other with love and passion in your eyes. As she pulls herself off of your cock, each of you lets out a moan before your shaft is completely out. Once she can move freely again, she grabs the towel and wipes herself clean before tossing it over to you. "Thank you all so much for watching!" she says in her performance tone. "We'll see you all again next time!" After saying that, she logs out of the site and closes the window before turning off the computer. "So there's gonna be an encore, huh?" you ask in a playful tone after cleaning off your shaft. "Of course!" she replies. "Why wouldn't there be? After all the tokens we've made tonight, our funding has been secured for at least the next few months!" "That's awesome!" you say as she lays down beside you on the bed. "I'm glad I could help out." "Oh you did more than just help out, babe," she says before pecking you on the cheek. "You've given me an experience that I will never forget." "Same to you," you reply, earning a smile from her. For the next few minutes, the two of you just lay quietly on the bed looking at each other. "So you've had feelings for me since that one night a few years ago?" you ask. "Yes," she replies. "Why wait until now then?" "A few reasons," she answers. "First. I enjoyed catching you taking peeks at me every now and again. Second. I wanted to wait until a special anniversary came up. Such as our five year anniversary of performing together. Which is today." "Hard to believe its been that long already," you say. "Wouldn't have wanted it any other way." She gives you a warm smile upon hearing that before giving you a passionate kiss on the lips. "And finally," she says when she breaks the kiss. "I can still remember that night in the motel room." "Yeah?" "We shared the bed as long as we both agreed to not make it weird or anything." "Okay," you say as you look back to that night. Though nothing unusual came to mind. "While you were sleeping," she continues. "You reached out in your sleep and started cuddling with me." "I did?" "Mmhm," she replies. "It was the first time I've ever been cuddled before. At first, I wanted to push you away. But then, I started feeling... loved by you. So I let you continue. And.... I may have grinded my ass against your shaft." "Wait what?" "I couldn't help it," she replies with a playful tone. "That hardened shaft of yours was rubbing up against it. So... I... gave in to my temptation and pushed myself against you." "All this time I thought that I was having the best dream ever," you reply. "But in fact, it was you." "Guilty," she teases. "Also. Don't worry. I'm on the pill. So I'm not gonna get pregnant." After saying that, she lets out a long yawn. "Wow," she continues. "That really wore me out." "Same.... here...." you say before yawning yourself. "Do you wanna spend the night here?" "Of course!" you reply, making her smile once again before you give her a kiss on her forehead. "Want some cuddling before you go to sleep?" "That would be lovely," she replies before she turns herself over and scoots herself back into you. She then lets you place your left arm underneath her head while she drapes your right arm over her. And for good measure, she grinds her ass along your shaft, making both of you moan softly. "Good night, babe," she says softly before yawning again. "I love you." "I love you too, Trixie," you reply before giving her a gentle kiss on the cheek. "Good night."