> Ice Braker > by underrated Drake > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Ice Breaker Ch.1 A new Chapter > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “LADIES AND GENTLEMAN, IT IS TIME, FOR THIS YEAR’S SNOWBOARDING FREESTYLE WORLD CUP!” said the narrator as the crowd cheered in excitement “WHO WILL WIN THIS YEAR AND GAIN THE RIGHT TO BE DUBBED “THE KING OR QUEEN OF SNOW!!!!” “WILL IT BE UP AND COMING STAR SERGIO RODRIGUEZ FROM CLOUDSDALE!” said the anchor as the Cloudsdale fans cheered “OR WILL IT BE THE FIRE PRINCESS HERSELF EMILIA DANNER FROM THE DRAGONLANDS!!!!” he continued as the crowd cheered again “WILL IT BE THE CRYSTAL EMPIRE’S FAVORITE SON TOBIAS CARSSEN!” he said again as the crowd cheered louder “OR WILL IT BE THE CURRENT KING OF THE SNOW, SEASON VETERAN, AND THE BEST PRODIGY TO EVER COME OUT THE DRAGONLANDS? WE’RE TALKING ABOUT THE ONE, THE ONLY, STEPHAN DRAGOVIC!!!!” he finished as the crowd went crazy as the 4 competitors walked out into the starting line and got ready. “Wow, my first final, this is so cool, hopefully, I’ll win it,” thought Sergio “Here we are again… well, excluding the Cloudsdale kid, I know all about Toby and Stephan over there, well, defeating Toby will be as easy as stealing candy from a baby, but Stephan… oh, well, seems like another second place for me,” thought Emilia as she got to her station “These 2 again? Seriously, Emilia is hard to compete against, let alone Stephan… but if I time my jumps perfectly I should be able to secure a second place,” though Tobias “Hah! Once again it’s up to us three… well the new guy was strong enough to take out Pharynx in the semis, I should keep an eye on him too… judging by how they’ve angled themselves, Tobias is going to Blitz and Ember is going to Fireball it all the way done… don’t they ever learn? Those tactics never work to win… oh well, not my problem,” thought Stephan “COMPETITORS, READY!!! ON YOUR MARKS!!!... GO!!!” said the anchor as the 4 boarders started their race “It’s an easy and simple start for the 4 of them with Dragovic leading the race with Rodriguez and Danner fighting for the second spot as they arrive at the first ramp AND DRAGOVICH SHOW US ONCE AGAIN WHY HE IS THE CURRENT KING OF THE SNOW AS HE COMPLETES A PERFECT TRIPLE CORK AND GAINS AN ADVANTAGE OF 20 SECONDS, while Danner and Rodriguez both go for simple corks and Carssen keeps is safe with a simple Ollie, as he fights to catch up with the pack,” “Dragovich has reached the zigzag flags and is surfing by as gracefully as a… I’d like to say a gazelle by I doubt they’d do so gracefully… and now Danner and Rodriguez have arrived at the trail with Carssen close behind,” “Rodriguez and Danner are really at each other’s necks fighting for that sweet second place, AS RODRIGUEZ TAKES THE INSIDE ROUTE AND TRIES TO PASS DANNER… BUT, OH!!!! RODRIGUEZ HAS WIPED OUT, HE LOST HIS BALANCE IN THE SHARP TURN AND SLID ALL THE WAY TO THE SAFETY NET, it is almost impossible for him to come back from that, rookie mistake,” “And now, It’s a fight between Carssen and Danner, as Dragovich reaches the second ramp and graces us with his special trick “leap of faith”... and another perfect landing,” “AND NOW THE RACE HAS BEEN DECIDED, AS DANNER AND CARSSEN COLLIDE MID AIR AND LAND HARD ONTO THE TRAIL, ALLOWING RODRIGUEZ TO CATCH UP TO THEM… and Carssen is having trouble getting up…” “Yeah, he’s out… yeah, nasty fall,” “Oh, his Board is damaged, that means he can no longer continue,” “Danner and Rodriguez are once again fighting for dominance as they arrive at the snow bumps… OH, AND ONCE AGAIN RODRIGUEZ IS OUT!!!” “He lost his balance again and… and it might actually be a foul from Danner as she uses her body to cause him to fall,” “Nah, he was already going down on his own, that’s a coincidence,” “Danner peaks up the pace as she tries to catch up with Dragovich who is nearing the halfpipe, once that’s completed it’s a race downhill to the final ramp, after that it’s just a stroll to the finish line,” “As Dragovich arrives and wastes no time on showboating with a perfect frontside 1080, followed by Marepan Air, as he clears the halfpipes,” “Danner is going as fast as a bullet, as she arrives at the halfpipe and immediately Allie-oop McTwist… her landing a little out of balance there as she moves in for her 2nd trick… and tries an Air to Fakey… BUT LOSES HER BALANCE AS HER BOARD CLIPS THE EDGE OF THE PIPE AND FACEPLANTS INTO THE SNOW!” “And she is not getting up from that, not to mention her board has detached from her boots, she’s out from the race,” “What is going on here, crashes, equipment malfunctions, this has to be one of the worst competitions ever,” “I have to agree, so far there have been 15 injuries and this tournament only consisted of 36 athletes, almost all of them have been involved in an accident of sorts,” “Well, we are on our final run… And here comes Dragovich as he races no one but the clock as he descends towards the final ramp,” “Races indeed, but I must say he is going a bit too fast for it to be safe,” “Once I clear this ramp I’m golden... again… man it’s been three years since the first time I won, and I’m still better than everyone here… NO! I promised that I’d stop that way of thinking… wait, why am I going so fast?” said Stephan “I agree, and I think he has realized this himself “Shit, if I don’t slow down I’ll be ejected out of the track… but no matter what I do I’m not slowing down… DAMMIT, I HAVE NO CHOICE!!!” he thought “And Dragovich has dropped his body backward in an attempt to slow down, yet it doesn’t look like it’s helping,” “Dragovich is nearing the ramp, still much too fast for it to be safe, as he puts his hand into the snow clawing away trying to slow down…” [...] “... the last thing I remember was me clawing away at the track doing my best to slow down, but it was pointless, the next thing I knew I was soaring through the sky without a single drop of control when I finally was able to get a grip on reality I noticed how close I was getting to the floor, I tried to put my arms forward, but, it was pointless… the last thing I felt was my head slamming onto the track as I landed in a “scorpion” position…” “It was all so fast… to be honest with myself, I didn’t even realize that I was sliding down the track towards the finish line… I couldn’t feel anything, I couldn’t hear anything… it was as if my whole world had gone black… the last thing I remember seeing was the sun as my eyes closed…” “... When I woke up again, I found out that I was in a hospital bed, my neck, both arms and several of my ribs had been broken and were wrapped in casts, yet I was unable to hear anything, so, I decided to look around the room…” “... it was a normal hospital room, white walls, blueish-green or greenish-blue curtains, then the only difference was the bunch of flowers and “get well soon” cards and letters that were before me… it was at this point that my hearing came back, as a tv show caught my attention…” “... When I turned back to see the screen, I saw it was the news, the title read “Horror at the Snowboarding Freestyle World Cup final” then I heard the reporter say “Authorities have arrested 15 people linked to the incidents during the competition, including 2 members of the competition's board of directors, apparently they deliberately sabotaged and caused harm to the equipment of foreign competitors in light of all of their athletes being defeated easily, this includes the horrifying crash including Dragonland’s snowboarder Stephan Dragovich, in which they deliberately watered the track causing ice to build up and make it harder to maneuver the already damaged equipment… Authorities also discovered that all of the people are active members of a nationalist movement called “The Patriarchs” a group already involved in many racially infused rallies and disturbances...:” “I have to admit, when I heard that, I was angry, but, I also realized that what was done was done… At that point, the doctor walked in catching my attention…” “You were lucky, he said, you almost got yourself killed or you could’ve ended up a quadriplegic, now, I have good news and bad news, which one would you like first, he asked… to be honest, I couldn’t really talk so I winked at him,” “He understood that I meant “the good news” so he told me that the damage to my body was bad, but fortunately it wasn’t life-threatening anymore and that with the right amount of physio I should be back to normal…” “Then he told me the “bad news”, which was really just more of the same. You had a nasty fall, to the point that we had to treat your back due to many discs being damaged or fractured, but, since I had been out for a month, my back had healed properly… However, the damage was still bad enough that it had damaged my nerve connection to my legs,” “At that point, I was terrified, I thought he meant I was never going to walk again, but then I remembered that he mentioned that with some physio I was going to be ok… and that was how my slow journey to recovery began,” The phone screen then started playing another video, it was a video of a high school graduation, more specifically the end of a high school graduation ceremony “... And last, but not least, Stephan Dragovich,” said the headmaster as a girl helped a wheelchair-ridden young man to the stairs that granted access to the stage where the headmaster was standing. Upon his arrival to the steps, people began to whisper amongst themselves, criticizing the venue for lacking a wheelchair ramp. Now, the principal had ordered for a ramp to be built in, only for the occasion, but it seemed they had ignored her orders “Well, this is embarrassing,” she muttered “Hang on there Stephen, I’ll head over and…” said the headmaster as the young man in the wheelchair lifted his hand telling her to stop. The whole crowd then went silent as they saw the young man, with a great deal of effort, stood up and climbed up the stairs, walking with a bit of a limp, but upright and proud. When he reached the headmaster he came to a stop and extended his arm to shake his. As soon as he did this, the whole crowd erupted into cheers and clapping, some even had tears in their eyes as he received his diploma and walked down the stairs, slowly, just in case, as the video came to an end. “... Heh, I can still remember everyone’s faces when they saw me walking again… well it did happen 2 months ago… still, I’d like to say that all that is behind me but… even if I try, I can’t, the memories keep coming back to haunt me… it even forced me to quit boarding in any way or form…” thought Stephan as he plopped his phone down onto his bed “... But it always makes me wonder… what’s next for me?...” he thought as he looked up at the snow-covered mountains As soon as he thought this, the front door to his apartment swung open, and in walked a girl. She was around the same age as Stephen, she stood around 5’4”, had a skinny yet curvy built, greyish shoulder-length hair tied into a ponytail, and was dressed in snow gear while carrying snow gear. “MORNING SPIKE! READY TO GO!!!” she screamed “Morning Gabby, and while we’re on the subject of asking questions, where to?” he asked as he turned and went pale. “MT. MAGMA, WHERE ELSE?!!” she said “Aha… you’re joking right?” said Spike “Of course not, silly, We are heading up there and YOU are snowboarding again, so come along, before it’s noon,” she said as she opened the closet and started grabbing Spike’s snowboarding equipment. “Wha- Gabby, I see what you’re trying to do but… I’m done,” said Spike as he sighed Gabby froze and dropped all of the things she’d grabbed “WHAT?!!!!” she screamed “I’m done Gabby, It’s over,” said Spike “What do you mean “it’s over”?” she asked as she walked over to Spike “What it means, it’s over, I-I-I can’t board any more,” said Spike “Still, why?... don’t tell me it’s because of the accident,” said Gabby “What else would you like me to say? Of course, it is,” said Spike “Just because of that?” said Gabby, already having enough of Spike’s fear of snowboarding “Excuse me?” said Spike “Spike, remember when we were 12 and went skiing and I broke my leg after I slid into the tree?” asked Gabby “Of course I do, your mom blamed me at first,” said Spike “Well, remember how I wanted to quit snow sports in general after that?” asked Gabby “Yes,” said Spike “And what did you do?” asked Gabby “I forced you to come up with me to the mountain and ski again,” said Spike “Well, so now you know why I’m here,” said Gabby “Gabby, I know you mean well, but… 6 millimeters…” said Spike “6 millimeters?” asked Gabby confused “6 millimeters to the left, I’d be dead, 3 I’d be a vegetable…” said Spike “And I understand that it’s terrifying, but, Spike, you have to put all that behind you, you’re here, you’re alive, and thanks to God and the doctors you are deemed fit to snowboard again,” said Gabby “It’s not about being fit or not…” said Spike “Then what is?” asked Gabby getting impatient “Gabby, you don’t know what it feels like, and I pray to God you never do… I had to learn 16 years of skills over 9 months to try and get my life back… Gabby, I had to learn to crawl, walk, run, write, drive, wipe my ass… I don’t want to go through that again… Plus, I haven’t even skateboarded in over a year, I don’t think I can snowboard anymore,” said Spike “Spike, this has to stop!... it turned your life upside down, for the worse… you’re skinny as a toothpick, your hair is long and unkempt, you haven’t shave, your apartment is a mess, heck you didn’t even apply for a university to attend to come this fall, which is in 2 months, almost 3, and quite frankly, if it weren’t for me stealing, I MEAN, borrowing your spare key for your grandma, you wouldn’t be socializing at all, and no, Ember’s, Thorax’s and Pharynx calls don’t count,” Spike went silent “Spike, I’m scared too, I’ve known you since we were 6 and despite you being a dick, most of the time back then because of your inflated ego, but still, you were always there for me, making me smile and feel better when I needed, but now, when I want to pay you back, you push me away,” Spike kept looking out the window as Gabby’s words sank into his mind “You’re going to have to face your past at some point Spike, and it’s better to do it now than later… Plus, you told me once that boarding is just like riding a bike, you never forget how to do it… I’m not asking you to go and be a maniac on the ramps and do impossible tricks… yet, but to go to the free slope and clear your mind… you used to do that when you had stuff troubling you,” said Gabby Spike didn’t turn, but Gabby’s words played again and again in his brain as his gaze lifted to see the snow-covered mountain. “Alright,” he said emotionlessly “Really?” asked Gabby “Yeah… you’re right, I have to keep putting my life back together, so… let’s go,” said Spike “AWESOME!!!” said Gabby as she left the apartment to let Spike get dressed. 2 HOURS LATER “Finally, we’re here, thanks for driving us,” said Gabby as she stepped out of Spike’s truck “Don’t mention it, but next time, if you’re going to invite someone to do something, at least have the decency to drive,” said Spike “Sorry, I forgot that my van isn’t 4x4,” said Gabby “Oh well… what now?” asked Spike “Time for me to confess,” said Gabby “Confess? Confess what?!” asked Spike getting nervous “Despite the fact that I brought you up here to snowboard, in reality, I had to come here to practice,” said Gabby “Oh, practice what?” asked Spike “Glad you asked, follow me,” said Gabby as she led Spike to a track at the back of the resort The track was a bit complex, it had jumps, bumps, and slopes, but what called Spike’s attention, even more, was the fact that there were many people of different ages competing against each other. “Wow, what is this?” asked Spike “This, my depressed friend, is Crashed Ice, the next big thing in winter sports,” said Gabby It was after hearing this that Spike’s face went from amazed to serious as he turned to look at Gabby “Crashed Ice?... THAT Crashed Ice, seriously?” asked Spike “Yes, seriously,” said Gabby “I can’t believe it, 3 years ago this was just the perfect distraction for thugs and hockey rejects to probe they can skate, and now it’s a sport?” asked Spike “Yeah, it’s even going to be present in the next Olympics,” said Gabby “Is it really that popular?” asked Spike “I don’t know, is it?” said Gabby as she pointed to the long line of people waiting to enter the track “HOW?” asked Spike “Well, you can thank Ember and the crew… after your incident, they put snowboarding on hiatus, and while they were taking some time off they discovered this and began to show it to people on social media, the next thing you know, it went from being an underground sport to actually being considered one,” said Gabby “In just 2 years?” asked Spike “Oh no, it’s been a sport for a long while before but thanks to them it became really popular,” said Gabby “Really?” asked Spike “Yeah, there is even a federation for it, and a world ranking, I’m number 22,” said Gabby “Wow, you must be good,” said Spike “Yeah, I won a few invitationals over the last 2 years, that’s way… speaking of which, there is an invitational happening this Saturday, why don’t you join?” asked Gabby “Baby steps Gabby, baby steps, plus, I haven’t skated since I was 12,” said Spike “And back then you used to be the Hockey team captain, and MVP three years in a row, this is child’s play compared to that,” said Gabby “Looks complicated,” said Spike “Spike, you used to make complex Snowboard tricks look like child’s play, and you’re afraid regarding a smaller competition that involves skates, agility, roughness, and a lot of hard falls, now I’m seriously terrified that you’ve lost your mojo,” said Gabby “I don’t even know the rules,” said Spike “I can teach them to you, they’re quite straightforward,” said Gabby “I don’t know Gabby,” said Spike Gabby was about to answer when she saw the race number and realized it was hers “Listen, it’s my turn to go and race, go and board for a while and think about it,” said Gabby “If you say so,” said Spike “Plus, if you join and participate on Saturday, and give a good performance, maybe a university will scout you to join their team and give you a scholarship, just think about it,” said Gabby as she ran off leaving Spike alone. MINUTES LATER, AT THE TOP OF THE FREE SLOPE “Ok, here we are… it’s been a while since I was last up here…” said Spike nervously as he looked down the slope All of a sudden images and memories from the accident started flooding Spike’s brain, this made him so nervous and caused him to start hyperventilating. “Ok Spike… breath, relax… breathe… you can’t let this stop you… face it…” Spike said as he gave himself a mental pep-talk. Unfortunately, Spike didn’t realize that during his hyperventilation he had slid towards the edge of the slope and was now a mere inches from beginning the descent. “... I mean, you have trained countless hours in snowboarding… and mom and dad always said it was a matter of learning how to get up every time you fell, and… is it just me or is the wind picking up?... HOLY SHIT!!” said Spike as he realized that he was racing down the slope, almost uncontrollably. Spike continued to pick up speed with every second, he knew he had to do something or he’d crash, but no matter what he tried his body was frozen and refused to listen to his brain’s commands. “Dammit, if I don’t slow down, I’ll crash and get injured again, or worse, I’ll crash into someone else and injure them…” thought Spike as he saw he was getting closer to a group of kids who were learning how to ski “OH, GOD!!” Spike said as he closed his eyes waiting for the crash “And that kids, is what a pro Snowboarder does, look at him go, he isn’t even opening his eyes, that demonstrates a high level of confidence in one’s skills, but don’t go doing it yourselves yet,” said the instructor as Spike got away from the class “What?” said Spike as he opened his eyes Spike looked back and noticed that he had skillfully evaded the class of kids, without even trying, it was as if his instincts kicked in and had taken over his body. “Did, did I just do that… with my eyes closed?” said Spike as he continued to make his way down the slope. It was at this point that Spike turned to face the path before him, and saw that it was crowded with people, many of which were either going so slow or had fallen to the floor, creating the perfect obstacle course. “Well, time to see if what I told Gabby all those years ago was true,” he thought he began to pick up speed as he neared the rest of the massive crowd of people on the slope As he got nearer and nearer to the crowd, Spike’s body began to panic and subsequently began to tense up. “Oh no, not again,” said Spike as he was mere inches from the crowd Then as his board became parallel with the back part of someone’s skis, Spike’s legs moved on their own, as he steered his way around the crowd, masterfully and gracefully, without invading anyone’s personal space. He even impressed a couple of people as he passed by them, who cheered at him or clapped, others even tried to race him, but Spike left them in the dust. Seconds later Spike made it to the bottom of the slope, and came to a graceful stop. For a few seconds Spike stood there, like a statue, but then, he heard people clapping and cheering at him all around him. This confused him so much, but then he looked up and saw a small crowd standing there, clapping, cheering, some were even taking pictures of him. However Spike thought they were there for someone else who was behind him, so he turned and saw another pair of snowboarders coming towards him. “Oh, they must be famous, better get out of the way before we crash,” Spike thought as he got out of the way To his surprise, however, the crowd’s gaze, and phones followed him, even the snowboarders changed course as they neared him. “DUDE! It’s so great to have you back,” said one of them as he came to a stop in front of Spike “What are you talking about?” asked Spike “Dude, after the horrible accident in the final, we thought you’d never board again, it’s so awesome to have you back, scratch that, it’s awesome to meet you,” said the other one “Oh… you know who I am?” said Spike confused “Of course, your board helmet is iconic, I doubt there is anyone in the world, who likes winter sports, that doesn’t know who you are,” said the first one At this point, Spike’s eyes widened in surprise, as he realized he accidentally put on his competitive helmet instead of his everyday helmet, letting people know who he was “Oh God, where are my manners, hi, the name’s Dustin Belkin, big fan,” said the first boarder “And I’m Jack, Jack Greenlish, it’s an honor,” said the second one “Mind if we take a picture?” asked Dustin “Uh, I’m not really presentable under the helmet, but if you don’t mind me wearing it then, go for it,” said Spike “Of course, we’re not going to impose,” said Jack as they both took out their phones and took a selfie with Spike. “Thank you so much!” said Dustin “Hey, mind if you sign my helmet?” asked Jack as gave Spike a pen “Where the hell were you keeping that pen?” asked Spike, confused at the sudden appearance of it “Oh, I just keep it in my pouch, you never know when you’ll run into a celebrity,” said Jack as he handed the pen to Spike “Handy,” said Spike as he signed Jack’s helmet “Mind if you sign mine too?” asked Dustin “Sure, just let me remove my boots from the snowboard,” said Spike as he bent down. Once he had successfully detached his boots from the snowboard, Spike turned around ready to sign Dustin’s helmet, only to find a long line of people waiting to take a picture or get his autograph. “Looks like you’ll need my pen more after all,” said Jack as Spike walked over the line and people began to crowd him to take pictures and get something signed. 2 HOURS LATER Spike had reached the top of the slope once again, his hand hurt from signing autographs left and right. To avoid catching anyone’s attention again, he had gone over to his truck and changed his helmet, hoping that the people who had seen him earlier had left so he could be another anonymous boarder on the slope. “Heh, I forgot what it felt like to be crowded by people, I think that was the main reason my dad sent me to practice at the private slops… wonder if they’d be proud of what I have accomplished so far… on another note, It seems Gabby was right, my ability is still there, and my mind seems to be clearing up, I should thank her later,” said Spike as he began to make his second descend down the slope. “Huh, what have I done… I was so depressed about the accident, and I let my fear consume me… I even threw my ability down the drain and distanced myself from my friends… heck I even stopped caring about my future all together… Luckily for me Gabby and Ember came to see me and keep me up with school work for those 6 months I didn’t attend… It’s basically thanks to them that I was able to graduate with good grades… yet, I didn’t apply for any university… Well, I still can apply to the community college… but once I do, what should I study?... Well, I’m good at math, so maybe I should stick to the family tradition and become an accountant, or business management… or I can take my dad’s family tradition and become a lawyer… decisions, decisions…” thought Spike as he continued to make his way slowly down the slope. It was then Spike’s eyes landed upon a rather, funny, sight; a couple of feet in front of him, was a girl, she seemed to be the same age as Spike, but, it was evident, by her lack of balance and dexterity that she had never been on skis before, as she was wobbling around, and swinging her arms up and down uncontrollably trying to gain balance, but, it was futile, as seconds later she fell backward hard. Spike felt bad for her, but he still had to hold in his laughter “Haha, I remember when that was me, years ago, except, I landed with my face… better go help her out,” he thought as he made his way towards the fallen girl, skillfully turning around her to come to a stop in front of her to avoid throwing snow at her. “You ok?” asked Spike as he extended his arm towards her, it was at this point that the girl looked up at Spike, and Spike became flabbergasted. She was beautiful, long, silky, pink hair, a skinny body, greenish-blue eyes, and, most surprising, she had big boobs, a fact which her sweater was failing to hide from the world. “Yes, thank you,” she said quietly as she took Spike’s hand getting him out of his trance to help her up “First time skiing?” he asked as the girl got to her feet, which allowed Spike to realize she was fairly short, around 5’1” to 5’3” “Yeah, to be honest, I’ve never skied before,” she said “Oh, then, why did you come here?” asked Spike trying to continue the conversation “Well, they say that it is always good to try something new,” said the girl “Yeah, but something tells me you’re here for another reason,” said Spike The girl looked at Spike rather shyly “Well, to be honest, I’m here with my friend Robyn, but, as you said, neither of us came to ski or snowboard,” said the girl “Oh, then what was it?” asked Spike “We came to participate in the invitational,” she said ‘Invitational?... the crashed ice invitational?” asked Spike “Yeah, that one, Robyn said it’ll be the perfect training for the both of us before we head to university,” said the girl “Oh, and where’s your friend now?” asked Spike “Knowing her, she still at the track, racing to her heart’s content, while I was sidelined to be up here on my own since I got bored of being there,” said the girl “Really?” asked Spike “Yeah… I wanted to come up here to see if I could see any cute animals but to do that I had to rent a pair of skis and take the gondola, but when I got up here, there were none, and before I knew it I was trying to make my way back down, and then I met you,” said the girl “Oh, yeah, you’re not going to see any animals around here, they get spooked by the noise,” said Spike “Oh,” said the girl “Say, if you want I can teach you how to ski properly, that way you won’t be alone as you make your descend,” said Spike The girl looked at Spike and said “Are you sure?” she said “Of course, no one should be alone, plus, I’m heading down too,” said Spike “Oh, thank you, by the way, my name is Florence, Florence Sutton, but my friends call me Fluttershy… you can call me that too… i-if you want,” she said “Sure, my name is Stephan, but you can call me Spike,” he answered “N-nice to meet you,” said Fluttershy “Likewise… ok, Fluttershy the first thing you have to do when skiing is…” Spike began as he taught Fluttershy the basics as they made their way down the slope, meanwhile having small talk here and there. A FEW MINUTES LATER “... and here we are,” said Spike as they finally made it to the bottom of the slope “Wow, that was actually fun, thanks, you’re a great teacher,” said Fluttershy “Thanks, been boarding since I was little so, I know my way around skis and snowboards, what about you?” asked Spike “Well, I love both winter sports and summer sports, but I’ve never been skiing before, I’m more of a hockey person,” Fluttershy answered as Spike helped her detach her boots. “Oh, you play hockey too?” asked Spike “I used to, haven’t played in a while,” said Fluttershy “What position did you play?” asked Spike “Goalie, you?” she asked “Center, why did you stop?” asked Spike “The armor I had to wear hurt since… well, you can see why,” said Fluttershy as she turned red “Oh… yeah, I can see who that can be uncomfortable,” said Spike “And so, my friend Rachel introduced me to the Crashed ice,” said Fluttershy “I take it you like it,” said Spike “Yeah, I love it, but, believe it or not, I’ve never won a competition, I always come in second, nevertheless, I still managed to reach 13th place in the world ranking, what about you?” she asked “I… I haven’t participated in a while,” said Spike “Oh, are you going to this Saturday?” asked Fluttershy “Uhm… yeah… yes I will,” said Spike “Ok, I’ll see you then,” said Fluttershy ‘Ok,” said Spike as he and Fluttershy said goodbye “I have to find Gabby, I need to register… Wait, why am I so exasperated over this?... well, it did seem fun,” thought Spike as he made his way to the track. AT THE CRASHED ICE TRACK “RUNNERS!.... 5 SECOND WARNING… GO!!!” said the starter as the four competitors dashed away from the starting line “It’s a strong start from everyone with Griffin leading the race followed closely by Sandino and Osho while Armand has been relegated to the back as the racers arrive at the jump step and make their way to the first curve, with Griffin still in the lead, followed by Sandino and Osho as they fight over the second place, AND ARMAND JUST SQUEEZED THROUGH THE GAP LEFT BY THEM TO CLAIM THE SECOND SPOT, now it’s their turn to play catch up,” “Both Griffin and Armand increase their speed as they go under the bridge and reach the second set of jump steps with Osho and Sandino following close behind,” “Armand has finally caught up with Griffon as they begin fighting for the first place, damn it looks like one of those old roller derbies, as they reach the Goodwin tire turn, AND ARMAND TRIES TO OVERTAKE GRIFFIN ON THE INSIDE, BUT SHE SLAMS INTO THE TIRE CURVE AND FALLS CAUSING SANDINO AND OSHO TO TRIP as Griffin picks up the pace as she reaches the ice mounds and crosses the finish line without no concern,” “Easy victory for Gabriella Griffin, the North/North-East conference No. 2… as Sabrina Osho, Cassey Armand, and Manuela Sandino arrive to finish the race,” “Good race,” they all said to each other as they exited the track “You’re really good at this,” said Spike as he walked up to Gabby “Spike! I didn’t expect to see you here,” said Gabby in surprise “Yeah well, I got bored of boarding alone and signing autographs so..” Spike started “Wait, YOU signed autographs?” asked Gabby in disbelief “Yeah, turns out I accidentally brought my competitive helmet out instead of my anonymous helmet and people started to realize who I was… I think it’s on social media,” said Spike as they both fished out their phones to see the massive amount of videos, pictures, posts, likes, comments, and shares that had been shared ever since that morning. “Wow, that’s a lot of love,” said Spike “THAT’S what you’re surprised about, look at these videos of you boarding, you look like if nothing ever happen to you… except you didn’t go anywhere near the ramps,” said Gabby as she showed Spike her phone “I am not… yet… but you were right, my abilities are still there, and snowboarding did help me clear my mind,” said Spike “Glad to hear, well, I’m done for today, wait here while I gather my things,” said Gabby as she walked away towards the lockers “Sure,” said Spike while he continued to scroll down IG until he had an idea, he went over to the search bar and wrote down “Florence Sutton” Immediately various accounts appeared on his screen but he recognized Fluttershy’s face so he clicked on her account. Her account was private, so he wasn’t able to see any pictures, but he was able to access her description “Wow, she has 8K followers, yet she only follows around 20 people… Thank you for following my account, proud member of the Rainbooms, New Canterlot State University Pony,” Spike read her description “Ok Spike, ready to go?” came Gabby’s voice “What? I mean, sure,” said Spike as he walked over to the exit “Excuse me, at what time does the track close?” asked Spike “24 hours dude, just come and race,” said the attendant “Thanks… hey Gabby,” said Spike “Yeah?” she said “Mind telling me the rules for Crashed ice,” said Spike “Why?” asked Gabby “Well, it seemed fun, plus, I’ve been intrigued by it for a while now,” Spike said Gabby stared at him but gave in “Sure, well, first of all, you have to realize that there are 3 types of runners, 1) the Pros, these guys actually know what they’re doing and follow the rules as much as possible, 2) you have the showboats, these riders only care about making a show, either by wearing elaborate kits, or doing crazy stunts to distract the other runners, and 3) you have the bad boys/girls, they only care about one thing, breaking the unwritten rules, they will shove you, punch you, push you, trip you, or find any way to get you out of the race so they win,” “Next, there are no rules you should be worried about, but, I must warn you, some runners tend to complain about losing so they will challenge any detail that might’ve caused them the race, so anything from what the bad boys due plus blocking will be reviewed and if you are found guilty you will be disqualified, also, for you to win, both your skates must cross the finish line,” “Lastly, points are given from 1,000 to the first place to 0.5 to the 100th place, depending if there is a 100th place, invitationals also work the same way, but you can also gain points for Good Sportsmanship and time, and you lose points for being a dick, but not many, the more points you get the faster you rank up, the higher rank you have the more universities, professional teams and sponsors pay attention to you,” said Gabby “Cool,” said Spike “Yeah… wanna give it a try?” asked Gabby “Nah, I’m good, maybe some other day,” said Spike “If you say so,” said Gabby as Spike continued to drive “Oh, I forgot to mention, you must register to the federation if you want to participate, that way, even this dummy runs I did will give you points, but only 100 for every first 75 for the second, 50 for third, and 25 for fourth,” said Gabby “Noted, thanks,” said Spike as they neared the city “Say, Spike, you know what University are you going to apply for?” asked Gabby “Well… I was thinking of applying to Canterlot State, I’ve heard they have a good Economics curriculum,” said Spike “Oh,” said Gabby a tad disheartened “But, Canterlot State is a very expensive University,” she said “I can apply, with my grades, I might be able to win a scholarship,” said Spike “Maybe, but they are really selective, what about Crystal University?” asked Gabby “What about it?” asked Spike “The whole squad is going there, at least you won’t be all alone,” said Gabby “True, but it won’t be a challenge since I’d fit in immediately thanks to all of you,” said Spike Gabby looked even more disheartened after she heard that “But you’re right, Canterlot may be hard, so I'll keep Crystal U. as my second option,” said Spike “Optimism, now that’s what I like to hear,” Gabby said, trying to hide her sadness. “Well, here we are…” said Spike as he pulled up to Gabby’s house “Thanks,” said Gabby as she got out and grabbed her stuff from the trunk “See you Saturday,” said Spike, not realizing his slip of the tongue “Sure, why?” asked Gabby Spike quickly realized his mistake and said “We used to hang out on Saturdays,” with a smile “Well, no can do ma boy, I have the invitational, but, I can go Sunday,” said Gabby “Ok,” said Spike “See ya,” said Gabby as she walked into her home Spike waited for the door to close and then drove off “Time for me to remember my skills,” he said as he looked at a backpack on the floor of his truck. A FEW MINUTES LATER AT THE CRASHED ICE TRACK “You have skated before right?” asked the track marshall as Spike positioned himself on the starting line. “Yeah, just haven’t done it in a while,” said Spike “Well, it’ll come back to ya… a little word of advice, when you reach a curve try to find a way to make swift, close turns, it’ll help you gain extra seconds when computing… ready?” asked the marshall “Ready as I’ll ever be,” said Spike “Runner… 5-second warning… GO!!!!” As the marshall said go, Spike felt something crawl through his body as everything around him slowed down. “Odd… I feel like I’ve felt this before, but where?” said Spike as memories from his hockey playing and snowboarding days, and realized that everytime he was moved, everything slowed down as the adrenaline shot up. “Oh, Yeah!” said Spike as he picked up the pace “Good strong start, as he reaches the jump steps and clears them perfectly and continues to gain speed as he reaches the first curve… AND CLEARS IT LIKE IF IT WAS NOTHING!... he continues to pick up the pace as he goes under the bridge, and reaches the second set of jump steps… WHICH HE JUMPS OVER AND STICKS THE LANDING.. As he reaches the tire curve, and clears it masterfully, now he only has to clear the ice bumps and… done, OH MY GOD!” said the marshall as he raced towards the finish line. Spike stood there, looking into the nothingness, his breathing becoming stable once again “That… was… amazing!” said Spike as turned around to see the marshall running towards him “Oh boy he looks angry, did I break the rules?” Spike thought as the marshall came over and to his surprise, gave Spike a hug “The fuck?” Spike thought “Dude! Are you sure you’ve never skated on crashed ice before?” asked the marshall “Pretty sure, yeah,” said Spike “Then how do you want me to believe and/or explain THAT!” said the marshall as he pointed to the stop watch “What about it?” asked Spike “It says 10.7 seconds,” said the marshall “Is that a good thing?” asked Spike “Good thing? GOOD THING? IT’S A FUCKING WORLD RECORD!!!!” exclaimed the marshall “Really?” asked Spike “YES, REALLY!” said the marshall “Cool,” said Spike “How can you be so fucking chill about it, FUCK THAT!, are you registered on the federation?” asked the marshall “No,” said Spike “THEN WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR!” said the marshall as he ran of to find his laptop A few seconds later he came back holding the laptop, which had the federation’s registration site displayed on the screen “Here, just follow what the website says,” said the marshall as he gave it to Spike. Spike looked at the marshall and then at the laptop “Please complete this application to formally join the Crashed Ice Competitive Federation, Family names: Moran Dragovich, Given names: Stephan Alexander, nicknames: Drago, I really should right Spike, then all my friends will know, height: 6’5”, weight: 170lbs, years skating: 17, date of birth: 17/Nov/2002, place of birth, Capital city, Dragonlands… please chose, name or nickname, which one should be displayed when computing, chosen: Nickname, please enter email and new password… welcome to the Crashed Ice Competitive Federation, your current confederation ranking is: 1,248… your current world ranking is: 13,876,” spike read “Ok, now, let’s upload the video of you breaking the world record and time and see your new ranking,” said the marshall “Will it really help?” asked Spike “Yeah, there is always a federation worker reviewing videos and adding tallies from impromptu races and official competitions,” said the marshall as he uploaded the video. “And this will give me points?” asked Spike “Yeah, but I have to tell you, they give you more points for competitive time records, or for winning a lot of impromptu races, but let’s see how many points they give you,” said the marshall “Attention, Drago, you have been awarded, 10,000 points,” said the robotic voice on the website Spike and the marshall looked at each other “Your new conference ranking is:100th your current world ranking is: 1,101th,” said the voice “What the hell?” said Spike “Wow, I was only expecting you to receive 1,000 points, maybe 5 max, but this is, wow,” said the marshall “What now?” asked Spike “I open those doors, let people back in, and you teach them a lesson,” said the marshall “Why are you doing this?” asked Spike “First, you’re Stephan Dragovich. Second, I am witnessing the resurrection of a legend in a new sport, OH!, and you better be here on Saturday,” said the marshall as he opened the doors ,to allow people in. But once they did, they received a notification telling them about the world record. “Wow, some dude just broke the world record… wait, it happened here?” one of them said as they saw the stop watch, and then at Spike, who was wearing a green and black helmet, instead of his well known green and purple helmet. “Yo, you Drago?” asked one of them Spike nodded “Wanna race?” they asked Spike nodded as he followed the crowd of racers to the start line Please tap your Federation IDs to add points to your ranking and make this impromptu race official, you may find it on your email, or you might have it on a card,” said the marshall “Logan Redvern, conference ranking: 345, Maxwell Atreyu, conference ranking: 890, Sean King, conference ranking: 49, Drago, conference Ranking: 100,” said the computer “Racers…. 5 second warning… GO!’ “Powerful start from Drago and King as they race off, leaving Redvern and Atreyu behind, as they reach the jump steps, UPS, Atreyu misjudges the jump and falls, losing his balance, as the other 3 racers increase their advantage… Drago and King masterfully take the first curve and race their way under the bridge as they reach the second set of jump steps, which Drago clears by jumping over them, leaving King behind to play catch-up, as Drago reaches the ice bumps and clears them masterfully for an easy victory, as King comes in seconds, followed by Redvern and lastly Atreyu, with the following lap times: Drago: 10.6 Seconds, another world and track record, King 13 seconds not bad, Redvern 24 seconds, and Atreyu with 27 seconds,” said the marshall “Good race, you coming on Saturday?” asked Sean Spike nodded “See you there then,” he said as he left the track “Yo, Drago, ready for another one?” asked another racer, to which Spike nodded, as he walked over to the gate again “Dylan Percedal, conference ranking: 165, Frank Threbbs, conference ranking: 134, Drago, conference ranking:87, Bullet, conference ranking: 93,” said the voice as Spike turned to face the marshall To which he shrugged, as Spike climbed the steps to compete again. SATURDAY Spike had spent the last 39 hours competing on the track, until the same marshall had to force people to let him go and have some rest, allowing Spike to leave the track undefeated, which amazed everyone. However, somewhere through the night, the speaker from the gate got damaged and people weren’t allowed to hear their rankings. Not even Spike himself knew his ranking, but to be honest he didn’t care much about it, the only thing he cared about was reaching the venue on time, as he had slept in and was running late. “Dammit, I can’t believe I forgot to turn of “silent mode” on my phone… Come on, come on!” said Spike as he drove his truck into the parking lot of the resort, got off, grabbed his things and rushed inside. When he entered, Spike was met by a surprising sight, there were only boys at the venue, which confused Spike, since both Gabby and Fluttershy had mentioned they were participating in the invitational cup. “Drago, you made it,” said the marshall as he walked over to Spike “Yeah… hey, um, weren’t there going to be female competitors too?” asked Spike “Oh yeah, they already finished their competition,” said the marshall “Really?” asked Spike “Yeah, there were only 16 female competitors, enough for 4 groups, 2 semifinal races, and the final,” said the marshall “How late I’m I?” asked Spike “About 30 minutes since the end of the girls race, and just in time for your competition, you’re up after this hit,” said the marshall as he walked away Spike, however, just stood there, he had missed his chance of seeing Fluttershy again, and made him believe he was never going to see her again. He kept thinking that until he realized a small detail “Canterlot State University, if I can get accepted, I can talk to her again… Still, I don’t know why I’m so drawn to her…” thought Spike as he turned around and almost jumped out of his skin “I knew it was you, what are you doing here?” said Gabby as she gave Spike a surprised look “Uhm… well… uhm… Shit, I have to come up with a lie right now!” said Spike as he began to sweat “He’s going to try and lie, even though he’s a terrible liar,” Said Gabby raising an eyebrow “Shit, she knows I’m a terrible liar,” said Spike as he decided to come “clean” “So, you saw me race and thought of trying it yourself only to realize that you have a massive amount of potential and then you registered for the race,” said Gabby “Yup,” said Spike “Have you even registered for the federation?” asked Gabby “Yup, here,” said Spike as he showed her his phone As soon as Gabby’s eyes looked at the screen, they widened in shock “Spike, are you sure you have the right account?” asked Gabby “Yeah, it’s the only one I have,” said Spike “It just makes no sense,” said Gabby “What doesn’t?” asked Spike as he looked at his phone and had the same reaction as Gabby “Stephan “Drago” Dragovich, Conference Ranking: 1st, World Ranking 3rd, points: 60,000,” read the website “What the hell?” said Spike as he opened his email, which was loaded with messages from the federation “Attention Drago, you’ve been awarded 10,000 points, for breaking the world record,” said Spike “Attention Drago, you’ve been awarded 100 points for your mock race win,” said Gabby “There are 3 messages awarding me 10,000 points, and 300 emails awarding me 100 points, HOW?!” asked Spike “My question exactly,” said Gabby “Simple really, you were here for 39 hours and 10 minutes, in all that time, you participated and won 300 races, breaking your own record in 2 occasions, leaving it at 9.28 seconds, therefore, resulting in you winning so many points,” said the marshall “YOU DID WHAT?!!!” screamed Gabby “Oh yeah, I tried to stay here for only an hour, but before I realized everyone wanted to defeat me, but, I’m still undefeated,” said Spike Gabby glared at Spike, and before he could react, she grabbed him by the ear and pulled him away “OUCH!~” he said as they disappeared into the crowd “What was all that about?” came a male voice “No idea… MR. CALDREN!!!! What are you doing here?” asked the marshall “Well, it’s an invitational cup, plus, I received news that someone broke the world record here, 3 times, I just have to meet him,” said Mr. Caldren “Well, he’ll be running soon,” said the marshall “Well, I hope he is as amazing as he has been labeled,” he said as he walked over to the seats. WITH SPIKE AND GABBY “Care to explain!” said Gabby “I thought I already did?” said Spike “You told me you were going to take baby steps before getting back into this, and now, here you are, at a Crashed Ice invitational Cup, regarded as the third best skater in the world,” said Gabby “Sorry,” said Spike “I’M NOT ANGRY ABOUT THAT!” exclaimed Gabby “So then?” asked Spike “Well, I am irked that you didn’t mention the skating, but I’m even more pissed by the fact you don’t even realize in the position you’re in,” said Gabby Spike just looked at Gabby with a clueless face, which made Gabby even angrier “Listen Knucklehead, if you win this cup, you’ll be THE best skater in the world right now, and if that happens, you’d be a considered a prodigy,” said Gabby Spike, however, did not change his facial expression “Do I have to spell it out for you? If you’re a prodigy, you will be bombarded with sponsorships and pro-team offers, if you end up joining a pro team, you won’t be able to attend college with me, not to mention, do you really don’t know how the world will react when they discover that “Drago” is Stephan Dragovich, no.1 snowboarded in the world,” said Gabby “Is it really that bad?” asked Spike Gabby glared at Spike, she was used to Spike being a blockhead, especially when it came to romance stuff, but, in his defence, Gabby was too afraid of confessing her feelings to Spike, so, her excuse really did sound like she hated Spike’s new fame. However, this caused her to realize Spike’s interpretation of her argument, and she quickly changed it “It’s not about it being bad, it’s just… it’s going to be complicated,” said Gabby Spike was about to answer when they heard “Skater for hit 8 please prepare for start,” said the marshall “Gabby, my life’s always been complicated, but you know me… I love a good challenge,” said Spike as he walked away to start the race “I know… that’s the attitude that made me love you,” said Gabby as she walked over to the track. RACE “We have Zoran Bouguxz on start 1, Drago on 2, Hazam Al-Sheera on 3, and Masamune Fujimoto on 4, who’s your favorite?” “Either Masamune Fujimoto or Zoran Bouguxz, they both know how it feels to win an invitational,” “Well, we can’t leave Hazam out, he’s won a few himself, granted he is not going through a good moment, but, he is the sultan of comebacks, plus, we have the newblood, Drago, not much is known about him, especially since he never removed the helmet, although we do know, he is the skater with the world record, and is currently holding a record of 300-0 when it come to races,” “Well, that means that if he win this cup he will be #1 in the combined world ranking,” “SKATERS… 5 SECOND WARNING… GO!” “And they're off, powerful start from Drago, who has left his competition behind as he reaches the first jump step, and makes a quick turn on the slope curve adding more distance between him and Fujimoto who is currently on second place, as he goes under the bridge… and of course, he jumps over the steps and heads for the tire curve… ladies and gentleman present, It seems like Drago is about to break his own record… passes the ice bumps… and… OH! SO CLOSE, 10.2 seconds on yet another perfect run, as Fujimoto arrives in second with a time of 11.43 seconds, followed by Bouguxz with a time of 12.46, and Hazam with a time of 12.55” “Good race,” said Spike as he went over to bro hug the other skaters “Dude, how do you do it?” asked Masamune “To be honest, not even I know,” said Spike “Well, when you find out, don’t tell a soul,” said Zoran “Why?” asked Spike “Dude, we all have our quirks and secret strategies, if you share them with everyone, you won’t have the upper hand,” said Hazam “Right, thanks guys,” said Spike as they all hugged one lat time and exited the track. “That. was. Amazing!” said Gabby as she walked up to Spike “Thanks,” said Spike “Sorry for my outburst earlier,” said Gabby “It’s ok, better out than in Shrek always says,” said Spike “That’s not what it means,” said Gabby “I know, but still, better to say what you think and get it off your chest,” said Spike “Huh, you’re right,” said Gabby “By the way, how did your competition go?” asked Spike “I WON!” Gabby said as she jumped up and down “Really! Congratulations!” Spike said giving her a hug, making Gabby blush “Thanks, I finally dethroned Ember,” said Gabby as Spike stopped the hug “How?” asked Spike “Well, the final was going to be really close, it was Ember, me, another Rainbow-haired girl called… Robyn Danielssen or Rainbow Dash as she calls herself, and Florence Sutton…” “Oh, Fluttershy,” said Spike not realizing what he said until it was too late “Yeah, Fluttershy… how do you know her?” asked Gabby “Ran into her in the slopes, helped her ski her way down and taught her the basics along the way,” said Spike with a smile “That’s it?” asked Gabby “Pretty much, yeah,” Spike answered “Well, anyway… the race didn’t start well for me, of course, between Ember and Rainbow Dash competing they were going to be the favorites regardless, so, it was just a race between me and “Fluttershy” for 3rd place, and it was like that for most of the race, until we reached the tire curve, and Rainbow Dash tried to one-up Ember by cutting inside, yet, Ember, being her, didn’t take it well and tried to stop her slamming her into the tires, yet, the force sent Rainbow Dash flying backwards and caused Ember to tangle up with her and fall, allowing me and Fluttershy to pass them, and since I was faster than her I crossed first, she came second and Ember came third,” said Gabby “Cool, you defeated 2 strong skaters,” said Spike “More like, they defeated themselves… more importantly, your next race is coming up,” said Gabby as she pointed at the screen “And by the looks of it, we have some familiar faces on this one…” said Spike as he went over to the starting line QUARTER-FINAL RACE “And we are back with a new race coming up, hit winners, Drago and Garble, battling it out against legendary skater Darius Bagan and surprise competitor Frank Desmond…” “You ain’t match for me, I’ll be the one to end your little show,” said Garble as Spike placed himself next to him “And hello to you to Garble,” said Spike “Wait? You know me?” asked Garble “Of course, you’ve been my worst nightmare for the last 6 years of my life,” said Spike “Cool, I take it… wait, that voice… Where have I…” said Garble “...GO!!!!” said the marshall as all skaters, minus Garble, skated away “Oh no, you don’t,” said Garble as he accelerated “And they are off, a bad start from Gabriel Benson, but he is picking up speed, however, it seems it’s going to be another easy victory for Drago as he speeds up and leaves everyone behind… Benson is literally flying down the track trying to make up time… OH BOY, BAGAN AND DESMOND COLLIDE AGAINST EACH OTHER ON THE HIGH CURVE ALLOWING GARBLE TO SKI BY UNOPPOSED… Can he catch up to Drago?... Drago has reached the final set of Jump steps, and again, jumps over them, man this guy doesn’t change his strategy at all… and he clears the tire curve, and one more easy victory for Drago… HAHAHA! Benson just tried to imitate Drago on the step jumps and screwed up the landing, causing him to face plant… but he gets up quickly, just as Bagan skates by at full speed… and Bagan loses his balance at the tire curve, once again allowing Benson to skate by followed by Desmond, and~... that’s a match, Benson in second and Desmond third, but it will be Drago and Benson who will advance to the semi-finals,” “Dude, that was awesome,” said Masamune as he and Gabby walked up to Spike “Yeah, especially the way you caused Garble to lose concentration at the start,” said Gabby “Thanks,” said Spike “Well, we’re up next,” said Masamune as he and Spike walked over to the starting line “Good luck Spike!” said Gabby as she waved at him “So he is the prodigy, huh, not bad, kid’s got potential… Spike?... Where have I heard that before?... Stephan Dragovich! Oh Tia is going to love this… well, I have to make him accept first,” said Mr. Caldren SEMI FINAL RACE “We are now into the toughest race of all, the second semi final race, the race that will tell us all who will join Gabriel Benson and Sebastian Aguilar in the final, will it be Kevin Dante, Elias Montero, Masamune Fujimoto or favorite Drago, well we are about to find out,” ‘SKATERS… 5 SECOND WARNING… GO!!!!” “Powerful start from Drago and Dante as Montero and Fujimoto start to trail behind as they arrive at the first set of Jump Steps, AND DANTE HAS LOST HIS FOOTING ON THE LANDING AND FALLS TO LAST PLACE AS the rest of the skaters arrive to the high curve with Drago leading the pack as they rush under the bridge towards the second set of Jumps steps, and for the first time in… forever, Drago has not jumped clear of the jump steps but hopped down like the rest, plus he is slowing down quite considerably, but still, Drago win the race by 2.3 seconds as Masamune Fujimoto comes in second,” “Bro, you good?” asked Masamune “No, I felt something in my leg snap,” said Spike “Which leg?” asked Masamune “Left,” said Spike “Is that your power leg?” asked Masamune “Ambidextrous,” said Spike “Damn, do you think you can still race the final?” asked Masamune “Yeah, the adrenaline will make the pain go away, for now, I’ll just apply some ice,” said Spike “Right, don’t act injured, it’ll make you an easy target,” said Masamune “Thanks Masamune,” said Spike “Microchips,” he said “Excuse me?” said Spike “My friends call me Microchips since I love technology,” he said “Then, Microchips, between friends, my name is Stephan Dragovic, you can call me Spike,” he answered “Wait, THE Stephan Dragovich?” asked Microchips “The one and only… man I hate that catch phrase,” said Spike “Well, you’ll come up with a new one,” said Microchips “What’s wrong?” asked Gabby as she reached the 2 of them “Something on his left leg snapped, maybe a cartilage or just a Muscle spasm do to months of inactivity,” said Microchips “What if it’s a tendon or ligament?” asked Gabby “He wouldn’t be able to walk, for now, just hydrate yourself and… here, eat a banana, the Potassium might help the pain,” said Microchips as he grabbed a banana from the nearby snack table. “Thanks,” said Spike as Gabby placed the ice bag on his knee and another one on his hamstring “You only have about 3 minutes, then, it’s about 10 to 15 seconds of adrenaline and then a couple of days of pain,” said Microchips “Dude, I’ve been worst,” said Spike “If you say so,” said Microchips “So, Drago is actually Spike, and by the looks of it he injured his leg, ha! Once I take out the toothpick and the string cheese, he’d be my competition, and he is injured, easy win,” said Garble as he walked over to the track to wait for the final. “Things just got interesting,” said Mr. Caldren FINAL “Here we are folks, the event we were all waiting for, who will win this years Capital City’s Invitational Cup, crowd and town favorite Drago, resident track bad boy, Gabriel Benson, level headed Sebastian Aguilar or the calculating Masamune Fujimoto? We are about to find out…” “So it really is you,” said Garble “Took you this long to find out?’ said Spike “Not really, still doesn’t change a thing,” said Garble “Really?” said Spike “Yeah, I know that you’re my only competition, and, I also know you’re injured, put too much pressure on that knee and you’re out,” said Garble “Good for you,” said Spike “Yeah it is good for me, i’ve got the win in the bag,” said Garble “We’ll see,” said Spike as the buzzer went off signaling the start, and once again, everyone but Garble was ready. “Powerful start from Aguilar and Drago, but Fujimoto is not far behind, and once again, Benson has lost the plot, has Drago gotten into his head?... Drago and Aguilar are still fighting for leadership right after clearing the first set of jumps steps and clear the high curve, with Fujimoto close behind and Benson rushing to catch up… Fujimoto has now accelerated and caught up to Aguilar who is losing speed, and Benson is mere inches behind them… OH! I think we are going to have a check up for this, Benson has just shoved Fujimoto and Aguilar to the side causing them to fall, and now he is rushing to catch up to Drago, as they both clear the second set of jump steps, and head for the tire curve…” “And of the line Spike,” said Garble as he punched Spike’s left knee as they both took the curve. “ARGH!” Spike screamed as he felt his leg crack and hit the ice. However, since they were both taking the curve, Garble did not calculate Spike’s trajectory when falling, so when he did, he was exactly on Garble’s way, causing him to lose balance and slam against the wall. This allowed Spike to incorporate himself and continue towards the finish line “Well, foolks, that was an interesting turn of events, but Drago is still in first place… and what is this? Both Fujimoto and Aguilar have reduced their speed to allow Drago to come in first, Aguilar in second and Fujimoto in third,” “Oh, Drago has gone down holding his leg, as both Fujimoto and Aguilar rush to help him, followed by the medic,” “Bro, you ok?” asked Microchips “Argh, my leg,” said Spike “Shit, doc!” said Sebastian as the medic came “Where does it hurt?” asked the medic “Hamstring and knee on my left leg,” said Spike The doctor checked Spike’s leg and shook his head “What is it?” asked Sebastian “Well, your leg will be fine, but, you’ve been really reckless, you’ve pushed your body too far without it being ready,” said the doctor “So, is he going to be able to walk?” asked Gabby “Yeah, but I recommend that you start going to the gym and work on your muscles,” said the doctor “So, how long is he going to be out?” came Mr. Caldren’s voice “About 1 week of rest shall be enough, 2 maximum, but after that you might want to start doing cardio and leg work,” said the doctor “Oh, good, that way he will be ok to join the University’s winter sports team,” he said “Excuse me, but who are you?” asked Spike “Oh, where are my manners, David Caldren, vice-rector of the Canterlot State University, but call me Discord,” he said “Ok,” said Spike as he shook his hand “Excellent, welcome aboard kid,” said Discord as Spike opened his hand and saw letter of acceptance for the university “Wait, what just happened?” asked Spike “I just welcomed you and your 2 friends to Canterlot State,” said Discord as he pointed at Gabby and Microchips “What about Sebastian?” asked Gabby “I’m a senior at Griffonstone Central University,” said Sebastian “Oh,” said Gabby “So, are you guys in?” asked Discord The 3 of them looked at each other and nodded yes “Excellent, see you all in 1 month for the Opening Ceremony,” said Discord as he walked away “Wow, Canterlot State, they have the best Tech classes and labs in the world, so many things to learn,” thought Microchips “I get to be on the same campus as Spike for 4 years! This is my chance,” thought Gabby with a blush “Isn’t that the same university that Fluttershy is attending… cool, I get to see her again, maybe we can be friends,” thought Spike as he and Microchips got on the podium to receive their medals. > Ice Breaker Ch. 2 College Dreams > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The sun was just beginning to ascend into the azure sky as Spike and Gabby arrived at the bustling campus of Canterlot State University, a place brimming with the energy of new beginnings and the promise of future accomplishments. The grandeur of the university's architecture, a harmonious blend of modern and classical designs, stood majestically against the backdrop of a clear, serene day. Gabby, with her feathers ruffled by the excitement of the moment, turned to Spike, her eyes shining with anticipation. "Can you believe it, Spike? We're finally here! The start of our amazing journey in college!" she exclaimed, her voice a melodious mixture of excitement and awe. Spike, carrying his backpack with a sense of determined purpose, nodded with a smile. "It's incredible, Gabby. I've always dreamed of this day. Canterlot State University, here we come!" As they made their way through the throng of students, the air was filled with the chatter of new and returning students, the sound of luggage wheels rolling on the pavement, and the occasional laughter and greetings. The entrance ceremony was about to commence, and the atmosphere was electric with anticipation. Finding a quiet spot under the shade of a large oak tree, Spike and Gabby settled down, taking a moment to absorb the vibrant scene around them. "So, Gabby," Spike began, turning to his friend with a curious gaze, "what are you most excited about in studying Communications?" Gabby's eyes lit up with passion. "Oh, Spike, it's all so thrilling! I can't wait to learn about media, public speaking, and how to connect with people through effective communication. It's like I'll be learning the language of the world!" "And what about you, Spike? Accounting and Business Administration, that's quite a combination!" Gabby remarked, her tone one of genuine interest. Spike's expression turned thoughtful. "Well, I've always been fascinated by the world of business, how it works, the strategies behind it. And accounting, it's like the language of business, isn't it? Knowing the numbers, understanding the financial side of things – it's essential for making informed decisions." Gabby nodded, her expression one of understanding. "It sounds like we both have our paths set out for us. It's going to be a journey of discovery, of challenges and new experiences." Spike looked out at the sea of students, his expression one of determination mixed with a hint of excitement. "Yeah, and whatever challenges we face, we'll face them together. After all, that's what friends are for, right?" Gabby smiled, her heart warmed by Spike's words. "Absolutely, Spike. Together, we'll make our dreams come true, here at Canterlot State University." As they stood up to join the rest of the students heading towards the auditorium for the entrance ceremony, Spike and Gabby shared a look of mutual understanding and support. They were not just stepping into a new academic journey; they were embarking on an adventure that would shape their lives, their careers, and their friendships. The future awaited them, filled with endless possibilities, and they were ready to embrace it with open hearts and minds. As Spike and Gabby made their way towards the auditorium, weaving through the crowd of eager students, a familiar voice called out to them, "Stephan! Gabriella!" They turned around to see Masamune, affectionately known as Microchips among their circle of friends, approaching them with a broad smile. His glasses caught the glint of the morning sun, and his demeanor radiated a mix of intelligence and mischief. "Microchips!" Gabby exclaimed, her face lighting up with delight. "It's so good to see you here!" Microchips adjusted his glasses and grinned. "I wouldn't miss the entrance ceremony for the world. This is where our future starts, right?" Spike, or Stephan as Microchips called him, nodded in agreement. "Absolutely. It's great to see a familiar face on the first day. How have you been, Microchips?" As they conversed, their discussion naturally drifted towards the campus itself. Microchips, who had arrived a day earlier, was already somewhat familiar with the layout. "This place is amazing!" Microchips enthused. "There's the state-of-the-art library over there, the student center is incredible, and have you seen the tech lab? It's like something out of a sci-fi movie!" Gabby's eyes shone with excitement. "I can't wait to explore everything. This campus is like a small city in itself!" After a few moments of enthusiastic chatter about the various facilities and clubs on campus, Spike felt a tug of curiosity to explore the campus on his own. "Hey, guys, I think I'm going to take a walk around the campus. Get a feel for the place, you know?" Spike said, his gaze wandering towards the various buildings and pathways that branched out from the main square. Microchips nodded. "Sure thing, Stephan. This place is huge; there's a lot to see. We'll catch up later, maybe grab some lunch together?" "Sounds like a plan," Gabby agreed, giving Spike an encouraging smile. "Go on, we'll be here soaking in the excitement." With a wave and a promise to meet later, Spike ventured off on his own, his steps taking him through the heart of the campus. The air was filled with the sounds of laughter, conversations, and the distant hum of activity from various clubs setting up their booths. As he walked, Spike took in the sights: the lush greenery that adorned the campus, the mix of old and new architecture, and the diverse group of students from all walks of life, each with their own dreams and aspirations. It was a microcosm of the world, a place where knowledge, culture, and ideas converged. Feeling a sense of adventure and opportunity, Spike continued his exploration, eager to discover what Canterlot State University had to offer. The day was just beginning, and already it promised to be a journey of growth, learning, and new experiences. Spike, with a sense of newfound freedom, strolled through the pathways of Canterlot State University. The campus was alive with the buzz of student life, a vibrant tapestry of youth and ambition. He passed by grand lecture halls with their imposing facades, peeked into bustling classrooms where the seeds of knowledge were being sown, and admired the sprawling green spaces where students lounged, immersed in books or engaged in animated conversation. The air was filled with the scents of blooming flowers and freshly cut grass, blending seamlessly with the undercurrent of excitement that pulsed through the campus. Spike's eyes roved over the intricate details of the university's architecture, a perfect blend of history and modernity, which spoke volumes of the legacy and future of this esteemed institution. As he wandered, lost in thought and wonder, Spike remained blissfully unaware of the glances he attracted. His unique charm and the air of confidence he exuded did not go unnoticed. Students, both girls and boys, couldn't help but steal covert glances at him as he passed by. Some admired his thoughtful demeanor, others were drawn to his distinct style, and a few simply found themselves captivated by the aura of a new face on campus. These admiring gazes followed him as he traversed the campus, from the sun-drenched courtyard to the cozy, hidden nooks ideal for study and contemplation. Yet, Spike remained oblivious to this attention, his mind preoccupied with the exciting academic journey that lay ahead and the countless opportunities that awaited him. His exploration took him through the heart of the student community, where clubs and societies showcased their activities, beckoning newcomers with friendly smiles and enthusiastic pitches. Spike paused occasionally, engaging in brief conversations, his interest piqued by the diverse array of groups, from the debate club to the environmental society. Every step he took, every sight he beheld, added to his growing sense of belonging. Canterlot State University was not just an institution; it was a microcosm of the world, a place where young minds met, ideas flourished, and futures were forged. Spike continued to walk until he heard loud noises in the distance. Intrigued by the raucous cheers and the unmistakable sound of vuvuzelas, Spike made his way towards the source of the excitement: the Canterlot State University Auditorium. As he entered the large, bustling space, he was immediately enveloped in an electric atmosphere charged with team spirit and competitive fervor. His eyes were drawn to the volleyball court, where an intense match was unfolding. The Canterlot State University team, composed of new members, was facing off against Kidburry Tech Institute. The stands were packed with students, faculty, and visitors, all cheering enthusiastically for their respective teams. Spike found himself captivated by the game's energy and skill. The players moved with graceful athleticism, their coordination and teamwork a testament to their dedication and training. The scoreboard told a clear story: Canterlot was dominating the match, the numbers reflecting their superior gameplay and strategy. Just as Spike was getting into the spirit of the game, the buzzer sounded, signaling the end of the set. The crowd erupted into a deafening cheer, voices merging into a chorus of celebration. Amongst the cacophony, two names stood out, chanted with particular vigor: "Rachel" and "Robyn". Spike looked towards the court and saw two players receiving the adulation of the crowd. Rachel was the definition of a goddess, tall as a model, probably around 5’7”, long stylish purple hair, and curves in the right places, radiating agility and precision, while Robyn, slightly shorter but no less formidable, she was an athlete through and through, she had muscles although they weren’t bulgy, she had long rainbow themed hair, and her curves were nice enough to catch the attention of those around her; she displayed confidence and leadership that had clearly contributed to their team's success. The energy in the auditorium was palpable, a blend of pride, excitement, and camaraderie. Spike, though new to the university, felt a surge of school spirit wash over him. He joined in the applause, celebrating the team's victory and the talents of its standout players, Rachel and Robyn. The auditorium buzzed with anticipation as the final set was about to begin. The players took their positions, focus etched on their faces. Kidburry Tech Institute, determined to turn the tide, served the ball with precision. As the game proceeded, Rachel, a key player for Canterlot State University, prepared for her usual, impressive play. But as her eyes met Stephan's in the crowd, her focus wavered. For a fleeting moment, Stephan's curious gaze, his genuine interest in the game, transformed in Rachel's mind into a whimsical scene where everything around Stephan turned into floating hearts. It was a momentary fantasy, a distraction that came at a crucial time. Just as Rachel's daydream reached its peak, reality snapped back with a jarring force. The volleyball, having crossed the net unnoticed by her, struck her cheek with a surprising thud. She stumbled, losing her balance, and hit the ground hard. The crowd gasped as Kidburry scored, taking advantage of the unexpected lapse. From that moment, Rachel's concentration was irreparably split. Her glances towards Stephan became more frequent, each look pulling her further away from her usual game prowess. Her distraction led to a series of uncharacteristic mistakes, each one chipping away at Canterlot's lead. Robyn, Rachel's teammate, took notice of the sudden change. Her frustration grew with each error, her efforts redoubling to compensate for Rachel's lapses. She barked corrections and encouragement, trying to keep the team's spirit and performance from faltering. The match progressed to its climax, the score narrowing dangerously. In the final serve, as fate would have it, the ball once again found Rachel. This time, it struck her forehead with an audible smack, sending her reeling. But in a twist of serendipity, the ball's trajectory changed, setting up the perfect opportunity for Robyn. With a swift, powerful leap, Robyn struck the ball, sending it hurtling over the net and onto the opponent's court. The auditorium exploded into cheers as Canterlot scored the winning point. The crowd erupted, the energy reaching a fever pitch as the team celebrated their hard-fought victory. Despite the win, Rachel's mind was elsewhere, her gaze lingering on Stephan. The game had revealed an unexpected distraction in her life, one that might alter her focus both on and off the court. Meanwhile, Stephan, unaware of the turmoil he had inadvertently caused, was simply absorbed in the thrill of the game. He applauded the team's victory, impressed by their skill and resilience, especially Robyn's decisive play. As the crowd began to disperse, the excitement of the match lingered in the air. Stephan, with a newfound appreciation for the university's sports culture, made his way to reunite with his friends, oblivious to the impact he had on the game and on one player in particular. The day at Canterlot State University had been full of surprises, and it was only the beginning. As Rachel lay on the floor, dazed from the impact, her friends quickly gathered around her, concern etched on their faces. Each friend was distinct in their own way, forming a diverse and unique group. Taylor, the nerd and bookworm of the group, crouched beside Rachel. She adjusted her glasses, her long purple hair with a magenta streak falling over her shoulders. At 5'5", she looked up at the others with a worried expression. Next to her stood Paola, the extreme introvert yet paradoxically hyperactive of the bunch. Her long, puffy hair framed her face as she peered down at Rachel. Standing at 5'8", she shifted from foot to foot, a bundle of nervous energy. Abigail, known as the amazon girl, towered over the group at 6'1". Her long golden locks and muscular build, a testament to her work on her family's farm, gave her a commanding presence. She knelt down, her strong hands gently checking on Rachel. Florence, the shy and timid one, stood a bit back from the group. She was 5'4" and often wore a long-sleeved green sweater to feel more comfortable about her figure. Her long pink hair cascaded down her back as she watched the scene with kind, level-headed eyes. Stephany, the hot-headed punk friend, stood with her arms crossed. Her long orange and yellow hair gave her a fiery appearance, and at 5'9", she had a stature that matched her bold personality. As they all hovered around Rachel, questions and concerns were voiced in a flurry. "Rachel, are you okay?" "What happened?" "Did you hurt yourself?" Rachel, still lying on the floor, blinked a few times, trying to focus. Her friends' faces swam into view, each showing a mix of worry and relief. Gathering her thoughts, she finally spoke, her voice a mix of awe and confusion. "I-I... I'm in love!" Her friends exchanged puzzled glances. Taylor pushed her glasses up the bridge of her nose, trying to make sense of Rachel's words. Paola's eyes widened in surprise, Abigail frowned thoughtfully, Florence's cheeks flushed with a shy curiosity, and Stephany's eyebrow arched in a mix of skepticism and intrigue. They helped Rachel to sit up, each one processing her sudden confession in their own way. The game, the fall, the unexpected declaration - it was a lot to take in. But amidst their confusion, one thing was clear: they were there for Rachel, ready to support her through this new, uncharted territory of the heart. As Rachel sat up, still a bit dazed but now with a dreamy look in her eyes, her friends huddled closer, eager to hear more about this sudden revelation. Who had captured Rachel's heart so unexpectedly? This was a new chapter in their friendship, one filled with the promise of shared secrets, supportive conversations, and perhaps a little matchmaking. The auditorium, still buzzing with the aftermath of the game, became the backdrop for a new story unfolding amongst friends. It was a tale of friendship, love, and the unexpected twists and turns of college life. As Spike wandered through the campus, his eyes were set on finding the theater for the entrance ceremony. The pathways twisted and turned, leading him through a labyrinth of buildings and courtyards. While navigating this maze, he walked past two girls deep in conversation. Their voices were filled with a mix of frustration and amusement. "I can't believe Rachel, losing her focus over a guy," said Robyn, her tone a mixture of disbelief and irritation. "Well, Robyn, it has happened to you, should I remind you of your crush on Stephan Dragovich?" replied Florence, her voice gentle yet teasing. "That is different, Florence, and you know it. It's not like I'll ever meet him," Robyn retorted, her voice trailing off. Spike, hearing his name, turned towards them with curiosity. "Florence?" he interjected, drawing their attention. Florence turned towards him, a puzzled look on her face. She didn't recognize him at first. "It's me, Stephan, your impromptu ski trainer," he added, hoping to jog her memory. A look of realization dawned on Florence’s face, her eyes widening in surprise and recognition. "Stephan! Oh my goodness, I didn't recognize you at first. How are you? It's been so long since the ski trip!" Robyn, who was initially confused, now looked at Spike with a newfound interest. "Wait, you're Stephan Dragovich? You and Fluttershy know each other? The Ski trip?" she asked, her tone shifting from incredulous to intrigued. "Yes, that's me," Spike replied with a smile, feeling a bit of an unexpected celebrity at that moment. The three of them chatted briefly, exchanging pleasantries and small talk about the campus and the upcoming ceremony. Florence was visibly pleased to see Stephan again, her shy demeanor giving way to a warm and friendly conversation. Robyn, though initially caught off guard, quickly warmed up to Spike, her competitive spirit from the volleyball court transforming into a friendly curiosity. As they talked, Spike learned more about the dynamics of their group, the incident at the volleyball game, and the various personalities that made up their circle of friends. It was a small world after all, and the connections made in unexpected places like a ski trip were now weaving into his new life at university. After a few minutes of conversation, Spike excused himself to continue his search for the theater, but not before agreeing to meet up with Florence and Robyn later. He walked away with a smile, amused and heartened by the unexpected encounter. The day was proving to be full of surprises, each one making his introduction to university life all the more memorable. Spike, accompanied by Florence and Robyn, finally arrived at the grand theater where the entrance ceremony was to be held. The theater, with its ornate architecture and spacious interior, buzzed with the excitement of new students and faculty. As they entered, Gabby, who had already secured a spot, waved energetically at them from a row of seats. Spike, with a smile, led Florence and Robyn towards her. "Gabby, these are my new friends, Florence and Robyn," Spike introduced them, gesturing to each in turn. "Florence, Robyn, this is Gabby." Gabby extended a warm welcome, her cheerful demeanor immediately putting the girls at ease. "Nice to meet you both! Spike has told me a lot about you already." Upon hearing Gabby's name, a spark of recognition lit up in Florence and Robyn’s eyes. "Wait, are you the Gabby who won the crashed ice race at the Dragonlands invitational a few months back?" Robyn asked, her competitive spirit piqued with interest. Gabby's eyes lit up, and she nodded enthusiastically. "Yes, that's me! It was such an exciting race. I remember there was this really skilled skater who came in second. That wasn't you, was it, Florence?" Florence blushed slightly, nodding. "Yes, that was me. You were amazing out there. I never expected to meet you here!" The conversation flowed naturally from there, the shared experiences and mutual interests creating an immediate bond among them. They exchanged stories about their respective adventures, the sports they loved, and their aspirations for their time at Canterlot State University. As they talked and laughed, it became clear that they all shared a sense of adventure and a passion for life. The connection was instant and genuine. The group's chemistry was undeniable, and it felt as though they had known each other for much longer than a few brief moments. The ceremony was about to begin, and as they settled into their seats, there was a feeling of unity and anticipation among them. The atmosphere was filled with the promise of new beginnings, not just academically but in the friendships that were already starting to blossom. Spike looked around at his new friends, feeling a deep sense of gratitude and excitement. This was the start of something special, a chapter in their lives that they would write together at Canterlot State University. The future was bright, and they were ready to embrace all the experiences, challenges, and adventures that lay ahead. As the lights dimmed in the theater, a hushed anticipation fell over the crowd. A single spotlight cut through the darkness, illuminating the stage where a woman, poised and graceful, made her way to the podium. She was in her early 30s, radiating a sense of authority and warmth. Her presence commanded attention, and as she began to speak, her voice resonated throughout the auditorium. "Good morning, everyone. I am Carol Solaris, but you may call me Celestia. I have the honor of being the rector of Canterlot State University, and today, it is my privilege to welcome you all to this esteemed institution," she began, her tone both welcoming and inspiring. "As you embark on this journey of higher education, you are not just pursuing a degree; you are shaping your future and the future of the world around you. Here at Canterlot State, we pride ourselves on providing an environment that nurtures not only academic excellence but also personal growth, creativity, and social responsibility." Celestia proceeded to outline the university's core values and the opportunities available to students. She spoke of the diverse range of academic programs, emphasizing the importance of interdisciplinary studies and the university's commitment to research and innovation. "Our faculty comprises leading experts in their fields, dedicated to mentoring and guiding you towards achieving your full potential. Beyond the classrooms, our laboratories, research centers, and libraries are equipped with state-of-the-art facilities to support your academic endeavors." She then turned to the vibrant campus life, highlighting the various clubs, organizations, and sports teams. "We encourage you to engage in extracurricular activities, as they are crucial for personal development and building a sense of community. Our campus is a melting pot of cultures and ideas, and we believe in fostering an inclusive environment where every voice is heard and valued." Celestia also touched on the support systems in place for students, including counseling services, career guidance, and wellness programs. "Your well-being is our priority. We are here to support you, not just academically, but in every aspect of your life at Canterlot State." As she concluded her speech, Celestia's words were filled with encouragement and a sense of purpose. "You are the future leaders, innovators, and change-makers. We are here to help you unlock your potential and make a meaningful impact in the world. Welcome to Canterlot State University, where your journey to greatness begins." The auditorium erupted in applause as Celestia stepped down from the podium. The energy in the room was palpable, a mix of excitement and determination. Spike, Gabby, Florence, and Robyn, along with the rest of the audience, felt a renewed sense of purpose and anticipation for the years ahead. Celestia's words had not only welcomed them but had also inspired them to make the most of their time at Canterlot State University. The adventure was just beginning, and they were ready to embrace all the challenges and opportunities that lay ahead. Celestia's announcement about the living arrangements sent a ripple of surprise through the auditorium. "As you know, we have live-in dorms within the campus. Each apartment has two rooms, and your roommate will be... the person sitting right beside you!" she declared with a cheerful tone. The reaction was instantaneous. Gasps and murmurs echoed throughout the theater. Spike turned to his side, meeting Florence's gaze. Their eyes widened in unison, and for a moment, they both sat in stunned silence, jaws agape. The concept of being roommates with someone of the opposite sex was unexpected, to say the least. Around them, many students stood up, voicing their concerns and disbelief. The air was charged with a mix of excitement, apprehension, and outright dissent. Celestia waited for the initial wave of reactions to subside before she continued, her voice calm yet firm. "I understand your concerns, but let me explain. In this world, you'll never know who you will be working with. Building relationships, understanding different perspectives, and learning to coexist are crucial skills for your future. If you cannot adapt and build a relationship with your roommate, then you are not yet ready for the real world." Her words were measured and carried a weight that slowly settled over the crowd. This unconventional approach to dorm arrangements was clearly designed to challenge the students, pushing them out of their comfort zones and fostering a more inclusive and diverse community. Spike and Florence exchanged a hesitant look. Both were processing this unexpected turn of events. Despite the initial shock, there was a growing sense of curiosity about what this new living arrangement might entail. Gabby, sitting on the other side of Spike, turned to her new roommate with a smile, extending a hand in friendship. Around them, other students began to tentatively engage with their assigned roommates, the atmosphere gradually shifting from resistance to cautious acceptance. Celestia's bold decision was a clear indication that Canterlot State University was not just about academic learning; it was about preparing its students for the complexities and realities of life beyond the campus. As the murmurs in the auditorium began to die down, a sense of resolve took hold among the students. This was a challenge, but it was also an opportunity—an opportunity to grow, to learn, and to embrace the diverse tapestry of experiences that university life had to offer. As the students began to digest the news about their living arrangements, Gabby turned to her side and found herself face-to-face with Robyn. There was a brief moment of sizing each other up, a natural reaction to the surprise announcement. Robyn extended her hand with a confident smile. "Looks like we're going to be roommates. I'm Robyn, but you can call me Rainbow Dash. That's my nickname on the volleyball team." Gabby, ever the embodiment of enthusiasm and openness, shook her hand, her eyes sparkling with excitement. "I'm Gabby. It's great to meet you, Rainbow Dash! I've never had a roommate before, let alone a volleyball star as one!" Their conversation flowed easily from there. Despite the initial shock of the arrangement, they quickly found common ground. Gabby was fascinated by Robyn's athletic prowess, and Robyn was intrigued by Gabby's adventurous spirit and her victory in the crashed ice race. Meanwhile, Spike and Florence were also getting acquainted with their new living situation. After the initial awkwardness, they began discussing practical matters like room preferences and schedules. There was an unspoken agreement to make the best of this unexpected situation. The theater gradually buzzed with conversations as students started to get to know their new roommates. The initial chaos had given way to a sense of community and camaraderie. Celestia's unconventional approach was beginning to show its merit, as students from different backgrounds and disciplines started to connect and interact in ways they might not have in a more traditional setting. As the ceremony concluded and the students began to disperse, plans were made to meet up later and explore the dorms together. Gabby and Robyn, along with Spike and Florence, stepped out of the theater into the bright, bustling campus, ready to face the new chapter of their lives. The day had brought many surprises, but it was clear that the experiences ahead at Canterlot State University would be full of learning, growth, and the forging of lasting friendships. This was just the beginning of an unforgettable journey. Later that day Celestia came back to her office to find her younger sister, Luna and their husband David, who they call Discord. Luna says "I can't believe you actually went for it Tia," Celestia smirked "Well, it is perfect, not only did I create new friendships, but, many of them will naturally blossom into love, and if there is love, there is intimacy, and where there is intimacy there are pregnancies, this way I solved the Kingdom's natality issues! Yay Me!" she said. However, Discord said "Well, there might be more babies, however, that doesn't mean their will be a balance, this girls might give birth to more girls instead of boys, not changing much," he said "That is why, as the ruler of Canterlot, I made Harems legal, even if girls end up outnumbering boys 20 to 1, the natality rate will not drop, plus, even same sex couples will want to have their own children, so, that is another variable," Celestia said as she started to laugh maniacally. With that Luna said "And this is why we should not be working while pregnant," As the day waned into evening, Spike and Florence, who Spike now knew as Fluttershy, made their way to their assigned apartment in the dorms. The building, with its modern facade and welcoming ambiance, was a hive of activity as students moved in. Once inside their apartment, they found it to be surprisingly spacious and well-equipped. There was a sense of newness in the air, a blank canvas waiting to be filled with their personalities. As they unpacked, the conversation flowed naturally, revealing shared interests and passions. It wasn’t long before they discovered their first common ground. "You know," Spike said, arranging his books on a shelf, "I've always been a huge fan of alternative rock and metal music. There’s something about the energy and depth in the lyrics that I really connect with." Fluttershy, who was organizing her desk, looked up with a smile of surprise. "Really? Me too! I love how those genres can express so many emotions. Do you have a favorite band?" "Definitely," Spike replied enthusiastically. "I’m a big fan of ‘The Lunar Echoes’. Their latest album is phenomenal." Fluttershy’s eyes lit up. "No way! ‘The Lunar Echoes’ are my favorite too! I never miss their concerts when they’re in town." The conversation shifted seamlessly from music to sports. Spike mentioned his love for snow sports and soccer, only to find that Fluttershy shared the same interests. "I grew up skiing and snowboarding," Fluttershy said. "There’s just something about the mountains and the snow that feels like home." "And soccer," Spike added, "It's such a dynamic sport. I used to play in high school." "Me too!" Fluttershy exclaimed. "I was always a midfielder. I loved the strategy and teamwork involved." Their discoveries about each other continued, each new revelation bringing a sense of excitement and connection. When the topic of video games came up, they both were equally enthusiastic. "I'm a bit of a gamer," Spike admitted with a grin. "Especially RPGs and strategy games. They're like interactive stories where you're the hero." Fluttershy nodded in agreement. "I love those too! And I enjoy multiplayer games where we can team up or compete." As they continued to talk, it was clear that their initial apprehension about being roommates was giving way to a budding friendship. Their shared interests in music, sports, and gaming were bridging the gap, creating a comfortable and relaxed atmosphere. Sitting down on the couch after unpacking, Spike and Fluttershy found themselves deep in conversation, discussing their favorite albums, memorable sports moments, and gaming adventures. The evening passed in a blur of laughter and storytelling, and by the end of it, it was evident that this unexpected pairing was turning out to be a fortunate twist of fate. Their journey at Canterlot State University was just beginning, but already it seemed promising, filled with the potential for great friendships, learning, and personal growth. Spike, leaning back on the couch, brought up another topic. "Hey, speaking of preferences, I like to cook. But I need to know, are you like vegan or have any dietary restrictions?" he asked, genuinely curious. Fluttershy shook her head, a thoughtful look on her face. "No, I'm not vegan. I'm mostly vegetarian. I do eat meat on rare occasions, but I generally prefer salads and plant-based meals," she explained. "Oh, that's good to know," Spike replied with relief. "I was a bit worried we might have problems over food preferences. I'm pretty flexible with my diet, so I'm sure we can make it work." Fluttershy smiled, appreciating Spike's considerate approach. "That's great to hear. I'm all for trying different things, and I don't mind if you cook meat. I believe in respecting everyone's choices when it comes to food… Unlike most vegans I’ve met," “Bad impressions?” asked Spike “Yeah, but let’s not get into it, they are not worth it,” Fluttershy said Spike nodded in agreement. "Absolutely. It's all about balance and respect. Maybe we can take turns cooking, and I can learn some vegetarian recipes from you." "I'd love that," Fluttershy responded enthusiastically. "And I'm curious to try your dishes as well. It'll be fun to share recipes and learn from each other." Their conversation about food led to a broader discussion about respecting individual choices and celebrating diversity. They talked about how they could create a harmonious living environment by being mindful of each other's preferences and needs. As the evening wore on, Spike and Fluttershy found themselves looking forward to the days ahead, filled with shared meals, music sessions, game nights, and, most importantly, the building of a strong and respectful friendship. Their journey at Canterlot State University was shaping up to be an enriching experience, not just academically, but in terms of personal growth and understanding. Together, they were ready to navigate the adventures and challenges of university life. As the evening transitioned into night, Spike and Fluttershy, now comfortably settled in their new apartment, began to map out their plans for the upcoming semester. The room, lit by the soft glow of a desk lamp, had taken on a cozy atmosphere, a stark contrast to the uncertainty they had felt earlier in the day. Spike, always organized, pulled out a planner and a pen. "I think it would be great if we could sync our schedules. That way, we can plan our study times, meals, and maybe even some joint activities. What do you think?" Fluttershy, who was more spontaneous by nature, was nevertheless appreciative of the idea. "That sounds wonderful. I usually go with the flow, but having a bit of structure could be really helpful. And it'll ensure we don’t inadvertently disturb each other’s plans." They spent the next hour discussing their class schedules, hobbies, and routines. Spike was an early riser, preferring to study in the quiet of the morning, while Fluttershy was more of a night owl, finding her creative peak in the evening. Despite their different rhythms, they found common ground and mutual respect for each other's habits. "Looks like we'll have overlapping free time on Tuesday and Thursday afternoons," Spike noted, marking it down. "Maybe we could set that time aside for joint activities, like exploring the campus, trying out new recipes, or just hanging out." Fluttershy nodded in agreement. "I'd like that. It's important to take a break from studying and have some fun. And I'm really looking forward to trying out those vegetarian recipes with you!" Their conversation then drifted to their aspirations and dreams. Spike spoke of his interest in business and accounting, his desire to understand the intricacies of the financial world. Fluttershy shared her passion for environmental sciences and her dream of contributing to sustainable living practices. As they talked, it became evident that they not only shared common interests but also a deep respect for each other’s ambitions. This mutual understanding fostered a sense of camaraderie and support. Eventually, they decided to call it a night, both feeling a sense of contentment with their new living arrangement. As Fluttershy turned off the light, the room was enveloped in a peaceful darkness, the silence punctuated only by the soft sound of their synchronized breathing. In the days that followed, Spike and Fluttershy settled into a comfortable routine. Their shared meals became a time for laughter and deep conversations. They respected each other's space and study times, but also made sure to spend time together, whether it was playing video games, watching movies, or exploring the campus. Their friendship blossomed, built on a foundation of mutual respect, understanding, and shared experiences. As they navigated the complexities of university life, they found in each other a reliable friend and confidant. Monday morning arrived with a flurry of activity at Canterlot State University. Students were settling into their routines, the campus alive with the energy of a new week. Among them, Spike and Fluttershy, now well-adjusted to their shared living arrangement, were looking forward to starting their classes. Their morning routine was interrupted by a knock on the door. Spike opened it to find a university staff member distributing letters from the rector's office to each apartment. Thanking the staff member, Spike closed the door and turned to Fluttershy, letter in hand, a curious look on his face. "What do you think this is about?" Fluttershy asked, peering over his shoulder as Spike tore open the envelope. As they read through the letter, it became clear that the university administration had issued a new directive. Every apartment on campus was required to come up with a well-defined economic plan. The letter detailed that this plan should include budgeting for expenses like food, utilities, study materials, and any other costs associated with living and studying at the university. It was an exercise aimed at fostering financial responsibility and planning skills among the students. Spike's eyes lit up with interest. "This is right up my alley, considering my major in Accounting and Business Administration. What do you think, Fluttershy? We could turn this into a fun project." Fluttershy, though less versed in economic matters, was equally enthusiastic. "I agree. It's a great opportunity to learn about managing finances. Plus, working on it together will help us understand our spending habits and maybe even save some money." Over the next few days, Spike and Fluttershy set to work on their economic plan. Spike took the lead on drafting the budget, sharing tips and insights on financial management. Fluttershy contributed by researching cost-effective solutions for their daily needs, such as meal planning and finding affordable study materials. Their discussions were eye-opening, revealing the intricacies of managing a budget and the importance of making informed financial decisions. They allocated funds for essentials, set aside a portion for emergencies, and even managed to include a small amount for leisure activities. The exercise brought them closer, each appreciating the other's perspective and approach to handling money. Spike's analytical skills complemented Fluttershy's resourcefulness, resulting in a comprehensive and realistic economic plan. Once completed, they submitted their plan to the rector's office, feeling a sense of accomplishment and newfound confidence in their ability to manage their finances. This initiative by the university not only taught Spike and Fluttershy valuable life skills but also reinforced the importance of collaboration and mutual support. It was another step in their journey at Canterlot State University, a journey marked by learning, growth, and the forging of a strong and supportive friendship. The following Monday brought another unexpected development for Spike and Fluttershy. Upon receiving a new letter from the rector's office, they eagerly opened it, curious about its contents. The letter congratulated them on the well-crafted economic plan they had submitted, affirming their effort and diligence. Following the commendation was a list of locations in, near, and around the campus that were hiring part-time employees. This thoughtful inclusion was evidently aimed at assisting students in finding opportunities to supplement their finances. Spike perused the list, considering the possibilities. "This could be a great opportunity to gain some work experience and manage our expenses even better," he mused, his eyes scanning the various options. Fluttershy nodded in agreement. "And it would be nice to contribute to the campus community in some way. I'll look into these positions as well." Tucked within the letter was another note, this time addressing a more sensitive topic. It advised them to also prepare for unforeseen incidents such as injuries or pregnancies. The note further mentioned that in the event of a pregnancy, the university would provide support by offering a move to a larger housing arrangement. Spike raised an eyebrow, slightly taken aback by the directness of the message. "Well, that's certainly forward-thinking of the university," he commented. Fluttershy blushed slightly but appreciated the university's proactive approach. "It's good they're considering all aspects of student life, even the unexpected ones. It shows they care about our well-being in every scenario." The pair then decided to revise their economic plan to include contingencies for unforeseen circumstances. They discussed setting aside a small emergency fund and explored health insurance options provided by the university. As they worked on this addition to their plan, Spike and Fluttershy's conversation veered into deeper topics such as personal responsibilities, future goals, and the unpredictability of life. It was a mature discussion, one that solidified their understanding of each other and their situation. The task of finding part-time work also commenced, with both Spike and Fluttershy applying to positions that aligned with their interests and schedules. They supported each other through the application process, sharing tips and encouragement. In the days that followed, their bond strengthened, not just as roommates, but as friends who were navigating the complexities of university life together. They were learning valuable lessons, both academic and life-based, at Canterlot State University, shaping them into well-rounded individuals ready to face the challenges and opportunities of the future.