> Rousing Affection > by Some Leech > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Up and At 'Em > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- For nearly as long as Anon could remember, he absolutely detested waking up in the morning. The end of his sleep meant the start of his day - a day which, more often than not, meant work, studies, or life obligations he’d gleefully shirk if he could. As he’d grown older, he’d never quite come to embrace waking up from a restful night - that was, until he met the love of his life. Keeping his body still and silent, he cracked an eye and smiled. Resting against him, with her chest to his back, the glorious mare’s head lay draped over his shoulder. Though she was soundly asleep, her glimmering, pastel-streaked mane wavered slightly in the breezeless room. The warmth of her body, paired with the sublime softness of her coat, would have been enough to give anyone a moment for pause, yet those were just two facets of the most magnificent and amazing creature he’d ever met. He still wasn’t sure how he’d ended up in Equestria, but he’d long since stopped questioning it - after all, if he hadn’t wound up in a world of talking and magical ponies, he would never have met her. Discovering that there was a land of mythical creatures had been jarring enough, but finding himself thrust under the care of an ageless, wise, and motherly Princess had taken him aback. She’d told him that he was her guest, that it was her duty to look after him, and she’d been there for him ever since. Days turned to weeks, weeks turned to months, and months turned to years, as he grew increasingly comfortable in his new home. Given a suite in the Canterlot castle, as well as a courier job to ferry messages about the keep and adjoining city, he’d acclimated with startling speed. While it had been initially a bit strange to commune with talking, intelligent equines, he quickly warmed to their friendly nature and cheerful demeanor - still, out of all the cheerful ponies he met, there was one that stood out among the rest. Princess Celestia was, in every sense of the word, a Goddess. Her grace, charm, and humbleness were unlike anything he’d ever experience on earth. She’d taken him in, given him a home, and ensured all his needs were tended to. The more time he spent in her company, the more he grew to admire and appreciate her, which culminated with a sobering realization; at some point or another, after serving her for the better part of a year, he’d developed feelings for her. Coming to terms with his budding feelings for the diarch had been one of his hardest times in Equestria, rivaled only by the tumultuous confusion of his arrival. More than just a savior or royal, he viewed Celestia as a cherished friend - as such, he couldn’t bring himself to threaten the bond they had. He’d spent many a sleepless night stewing on how best to address the situation, warring with himself on if he should confess his feelings to her, yet he never got the chance. Ater a restless night’s slumber, he awoke to someone knocking at his chamber door. The hour had been late, well before dawn, which left him confused as to whom was paying him a visit. Donning his robe, he shuffled to the exit, peeked outside, and froze. Standing just within the hallway had been none other than Celestia. Opening the door, apologizing for not answering sooner, he was swiftly cut off by a raised hoof. Much to his chagrin, as she explained, Luna had divulged his romantic interest in her. It was a well known fact that the Princess of the night could peer into others’ dreams, yet he hadn’t predicted she’d meddle with him. Utterly at a loss, feeling his blood run cold, the most miraculous thing happened. In a moment he would never forget, Celestia stepped forward, took his hand in her hoof, and told him she felt the same for him. With that admission, all Anon’s stress and concern had bled away. Not only was she accepting of his feelings, but she’d apparently been grappling with the same issue herself. Much to his abject disbelief, she admitted to being smitten with him. Needless to say, after the heartwarming and awkward revelation, they became an item. Be darned if he could explain how he’d caught the eye of a nigh-immortal alicorn, but he thanked his lucky stars that he had. The mare sighed and shifted in place, snapping him from the fond memory. They’d been sharing a bed for nearly a month now, a move they’d both been a bit anxious about, yet they’d grown to love it. Many a sunrise had been delayed ever so slightly, as the Princess savored the comfort he gave her. Were it up to him, he’d begrudgingly have her start the day as intended; sadly, he couldn’t force himself to disturb her. “Mnnnn,” she groaned, locking a forehoof over his shoulder. “Five more minutes.” The promise of five minutes was a deadly trap - one that he’d come to learn far too well. In her company, especially under such comfortable circumstances, seconds shifted into minutes and minutes could flit into nearly an hour. He honestly couldn’t say if ageless Princess could distort time, or if she was simply that captivating - regardless, he knew better than to fall into her trap. There’d be time to cuddle later, after their day was done, but that made moments like these all the more precious. Grinning to himself, he shook his head. “Babe, come on, it’s time to -” “Mnn-Mnn,” she hummed, cutting him off and pulling him to her chest. “I’m the Princess, and I say five more minutes.” Anon wriggled about in her grasp, turning to face her. Had she truly wanted to keep him there, there would be no escape. She was larger than him, older, wiser, and unfathomably powerful - as such, he was left to his wits. Burying his face in her neck, he wormed an arm under her chest and hugged her. Truth be told, he wished they could wallow in bed for much, much longer than possible. His lover was a veritable feast for the senses, and he struggled to find fault with any facet of her being. Her velveteen fur, delicate scent, size, and beauty were beyond reproach, making him all the more appreciative that she chose to be with him. Inhaling softly, fighting the urge to submit to her wishes, he craned his neck. Being held in her hooves was a singular experience. Her delicate aroma, a faint cross between wild flowers, fresh pastry, and sweet grass flooded his nose, yet that was just the start. Her embrace was the embodiment of comfort, her voice was that of a siren, and her eyes - stars above - her eyes were bewitching beyond all reasoning. How any mortal could defy her was beyond him, yet he knew what had to be done. “If you don’t get up,” he began, running his fingers up her back, “I’ll make you.” As he was relatively quick to discover, being in a relationship with a demigod and diarch of a nation did come with a number of drawbacks. While public displays of affection were accepted, even among royals, it simply wasn’t appropriate at times; ordinarily speaking, this wouldn’t be a problem, but that was before he found out just how much his beloved adored physical affection. There had been a handful of occasions when he’d had to politely excuse himself from the throne room, lest he find himself ensnared by her wings or magic. It wasn’t like he minded - far from it, in fact - yet having her fawn over him in front of dignitaries or business ponies wasn’t quite things a reigning Princess should be focusing on. Through trial and error, and a few helpful hints from Luna, he’d developed a number of tactics to use against her. She shivered in his clutches, withdrawing slightly to leer down at him. “You wouldn’t…” “I would,” he smugly replied, bringing his digits just beneath the base of her wings. Over his time with her, he’s learned much about her. As they grew closer, developing their bond, certain details eventually came to light. It was relatively common knowledge that the Princess enjoyed confections, yet only a select few knew her favorites; a smaller number of ponies could tell you where she sourced her tea, or that she’d replaced her actual crown with a lighter, more comfortable facsimile decades ago, but he was privy to some of her closest guarded secrets - like how ticklish she was. “Anon,” she sternly began, attempting to wriggle backwards, “don’t do anything - Eeep!” The tips of his digits danced over the sensitive area, causing her to writhe in place. Trying her best not to giggle, failing miserably, his assault only abated when her horn started to glow. With a surge of otherworldly power, and a light suddenly creeping through the window, he stifled a victorious chuckle. There weren’t many who were bold or foolish enough to enact such an underhanded tactic against a living demigod, yet he was proud to call himself one of them. “Happy now,” she pouted, having successfully, albeit somewhat jarringly called the dawn. Holding her close, he affectionately stroked her back. “Yeah...Yeah I’m pretty -” “Good,” she interrupted, as her muscles tensed. Without any warning whatsoever, she heaved herself to the side and landed squarely on top of her bipedal paramour. The move had been fast, far faster than he could have prepared for, and caught him completely off guard. Effectively straddling him, with her plump thighs against his hips, she pressed her forehooves to either side of her head, pushed herself up, and smirked. Just like that, at the drop of a hat, the tables had been turned. “You know,” she purred, steadily leaning in and bringing her muzzle to his face, “I could have you arrested for these little stunts of yours…” “Really now,” he countered, slipping his hands behind his head, “and what would you charge me with?” The last thing he was concerned about was actually getting in trouble with her, but he couldn’t resist playing along with her a bit. Despite being several millennia old, she’d inexplicably retained a refreshingly youthful sense of humor. He couldn’t rightly say how many of her royal subjects were aware of just how playful their beloved, motherly Princess really was, since he’d only ever seen her treated with the utmost respect, yet he knew the truth of her nature. “Conspiracy,” she tutted. He rolled his eyes and dismissively exhaled. “Surprise gifts and refusing to spoil your birthday or Hearth’s Warming presents is not conspiracy, try again.” Much to his dismay, he’d discovered that his lover wasn’t the biggest fan of secrets of any kind. He’d caught her snooping in his closet a month before the gift-giving holiday, and again prior to her birthday, which had led to a perpetual game of cat-and-mouse. In the end, after a couple of close calls, he’d resorted to bribing castle staff to hide presents from her - still, if his hunch was right, it wouldn’t take her long to undermine his clandestine acts of kindness. Her eyes narrowed, and she scrunched her snout, while she loomed over him. “Treason then…” “Please,” he groaned, dragging his hands over his face, “how is tickling you treason?”  Extending his arms, cupping her cheeks in his hands, he guided her face downwards. She scanned his face, possibly looking for any form of deception or trickery, while he drew her in. Feeling her breath wash over him, locking eyes with her, his heart skipped a beat. He’d always heard that eyes were the windows to the soul, but he’d never believed it - not until he’d met her. “So am I off the hook?” he softly inquired, slipping a hand around her neck. “For now...” she murmured. He quirked a brow, detecting some subtle shift to her tone. “For now?” She nodded and looked away, peering to the window. “You may yet commit regicide, for I don’t know how I could go on living without you…” “I…” he faltered, taken aback by the abrupt and heartfelt admission. “Babe,” he whispered, turning her back to face him, “I’m not going anywhere without you.” Her nostrils flared, and their breath mingled, as he kissed her. She stiffened momentarily, unprepared for the passionate gesture, but her surprise only lasted a split second. Her soft, luscious lips pressed to his, reciprocating every ounce of his affection, as she lowered herself onto him. Sinking into the bed, as she bore her weight on him, he softly groaned into her mouth. Being functionally the size of a small horse, nearly at eye level with him while standing, she was much bigger than he was - not that he was complaining. She had a heart of gold, had a seemingly endless amount of stories to tell, and she was affectionate to a fault, all but erasing their differences in species and size. As far as he was concerned, compared to a human woman, there was more to love. “What am I going to do with you?” she mused, slipping her muzzle to his ear. “Crush me, apparently,” he theatrically wheezed, patting her flank. Shooting back, relieving her weight from atop him, the briefest look of concern crossed her face - that was, before she noticed his grin. Her brow knit, her cheeks darkened, and she petulantly snorted, as she threw her head to the side. Before she’d said a word, he knew he’d done it - then again, that’s just what he was aiming for. “Sedition it is then,” she testily chirped, snobbishly turning her head. “How?” he inquired, furtively lifting and bracing one leg. Glancing down at him with a single eye, she effortlessly levitated her crown from the nightstand and placed it atop her head. “You called the Princess - your Princess fat.” Extending an arm, he brazenly gave the royal flank a squeeze. “I think plump is a bit more accurate.” The Princess’ eyes widened, and her jaw flapped noiselessly, hearing the admission. “S...so you admit it!” “Mmmhmm,” he loudly hummed, playfully slapping her tush. Thoroughly flustered, with her cheeks practically glowing, Celestia had no idea what she was in store for. Kicking off with one leg, as he launched himself into a seated position, he wrapped his arms around her and rolled. The tactic had been a bit underhanded, teasing her about her weight, but it had worked miraculously. Gaining the upper hand, pinning her beneath himself, pressed his hands to her chest. While he could have simply moved off her, the temptation to appreciate her grew too great to bear. Delicately kissing his way over her neck, chest, and belly, he incrementally slid down her body. Just before his face reached her lower abdomen, where her teats rested, he withdrew. They were simply having fun, playing with one another, so he fought off the compulsion to make things sexual - at least, for the time being... Resting on his knees, just beneath her rear, he chuckled down at her supine form. “For the record, I’ve always had a weakness for healthy girls - er - mares.” The alicorn’s stunned expression gave way to a sheepish smile, as she folded her forelegs to her chest. “Those sound like the words of a guilty suspect to me…” Peering down at her, appreciating the rare view of her underbelly, his eyes wandered down her frame. Her coat thinned beneath her, giving just a peek at the rosy pink flesh of her hide, but that was one of the tamer sights available. Briefly glancing to her breasts, knowing full well how soft and warm they were, a soft giggle caught his ear. Much to his horror, swiftly shifting his focus away from her teats, he found her smirking face staring dead at him. “That is most definitely a guilty face,” she smoothly remarked, doubtlessly noting his darkening cheeks. Lifting his finger to say something - anything in his defense, he watched her eyes trail down his chest, over his belly, and towards his groin. It was a summer morning, and they both tended to sleep in the nude, so it took him a moment to comprehend what held her attention. Following her gaze, seeing it settle on his loins, his blush deepened. At some point or another, either while roughhousing or teasing one another, he’d ended up getting a bit excited. “Ahem -” he cleared his throat, bringing her eyes back to his beet-red face. “In my defense, this proves I’m innocent.” “Does it now? Please,” she giggled, sneaking a second glance at his evidence, “indulge me…” “I said I like healthy mares, and this proves my point,” he proudly proclaimed. It was true, he had a profound weakness for larger women, and that weakness had traversed to ponies as well. Being able to touch her, hold her, and share intimate moments with her was a dream. It didn’t matter that she was a different species from him; the only thing that mattered was that she enjoyed his company and affection as much as he enjoyed hers. Gently grabbing her fetlocks, he ran his hands down her hind legs and to her meaty thighs. The sensation of her fur against his palm was thrilling and wondrously exotic, yet that paled in comparison to feeling her tremble in his grasp. Simply knowing she enjoyed his touch was undeniably emboldening, spurring him onward. Smiling up at her, seeing her fidget slightly, he shuffled forward. “Anything exciting planned for today?” he quietly asked, pressing his thighs against her rump.Her bashful expression was priceless, standing in stark contrast to her glowing cheeks.  Fitfully looking up at him, she nervously licked her lips. “W...well, nothing in particular, although I wouldn’t mind if we…” she trailed off, unwilling or unable to complete the sentence. “Mind if we…?” he let the question hang, basking in the moment. There was something almost intoxicating about making her weak in the knees. The disparity of their physical, magical, and stately power was nearly incomprehensible, yet he could wrap her around his finger with relative ease - that being said, she had much the same effect on him. On the rare occasions when she was assertive, he found himself powerless in every conceivable sense of the word. “Mmmmm?” he hummed, lightly bucking his hips. The hot, humid sensation against his upper legs was unmistakable, clearly marking how turned on she was, yet he wanted to hear her give voice to her desires. While it was true that the first time they’d consummated their feelings was a bit awkward, with their arousal and curiosity mingling, they’d quickly learned how to sate one another’s carnal needs.  Though he may not have been as well endowed as a stallion, according to his mate, his endurance and technique made him an unparalleled lover. She’d freely admitted that his exquisitely skilled with his hands and mouth, capable of delivering untold amounts of physical bliss, but the proof was in the pudding. During their bouts of lovemaking, he’d discovered that he was more than able to make her peak. As for his own enjoyment, simply put, he’d never had a sexual experience as all-encompassing as those with Celestia. If he was being honest, he’d been a bit intimidated to bed a pony, let alone a large one, yet his fears had been unfounded. Her marehood was far more snug than he’d originally guessed, making him feel much larger than he was. With his rigid manhood sandwiched between the meaty folds of her lower lips, he lazily brought his hands between her thighs. Just as his thumb grazed her winking, bulbous clit, he switched tactics. Backing away, removing his equipment from her loins, he made a risky gamble. He had asked her what she’d wanted to do, and she’d refused to answer, which left him in a tricky position. It was all but assured that she’d expected him to progress things, but that wasn’t nearly as fun as making her squirm - if only a bit. “A...aren’t you...” she blurted, reaching for him with a forehoof. “I was going to see about getting us some breakfast,” he responded, stretching his arms over his head. “Would you like…” Though it was faint, the familiar tingle of magic against his skin stopped him dead. It only took him a fraction of a second to determine what she was doing, seeing her horn softly glow, above her face. As he was inexorably drawn to her, brought back to the position he’d just left, he shook his head. She really was incredible, even if she could be overly demure at times. Reaching down, grabbing the base of his length, he stroked his tip up and down her entrance. “Is this what you wanted?” Gnawing her bottom lip, with her eyes flitting between his face and his endowment, she fitfully nodded. He’d hoped she’d ask him to do the deed, but it couldn’t be helped. Between her expression, use of magic, and just how wet she was, his inhibitions waned. Silently aligning himself, with nothing more to say, he sank into her silken depths. Seeing her get worked up was tremendously arousing, but that didn’t hold a candle to watching her during the act itself. Her eyelids fluttered slightly, and a contented sigh escaped her, as he steadily drove his hips forward. Peering down his torso, watching his length disappear into her, he suppressed a shiver.  He hadn’t known it before getting to Equestria, but ponies had a higher body temperature than humans - that and their pelvic control was unbelievable. While relaxed, her canal was accommodating and welcoming, but she could change that at will; when she bore down, clenching around him, she could exert an almost iron grip on his shaft. Simply explaining it didn’t do it justice, but it was easily one of the most amazing things he’d ever experienced. It was only when he fully sheathed himself, with his balls coming to rest against her soft, muscular glutes, did he stop. Exhaling, having realized he was holding his breath, he gazed down at her face. Her expression was one of exalted satisfaction, saying more than words ever would, but he knew it was only a portent. Neither of them would be fully satisfied so quickly, and he had every intention of amending that. “Ready,” he muttered, as faintly as a whisper. She nodded once, playfully constricting around his length. “I am.” There’d been no real need to ask her, but it had always felt right to do so. The respect he held for her was immeasurable, extending to every facet of their lives, and he considered himself blessed to have her in his life. Rolling his hips back, withdrawing a few inches of his shaft, he steadied himself and started thrusting. Plunging in and out of her marehood, he closed his eyes and savored the sensations she afforded. On the remarkably slim chance that he’d ever be able to be with a human woman again, he could already say that he wouldn’t take it - not because he’d forsaken his own kind, but because he’d found true love. Having sex with someone was all well and good, but the inclusion of genuine emotion and care elevated the experience to unimaginable heights. Moving incrementally faster, he shifted his hands to her lower belly. Though it had taken a bit of getting used to, what with their unfamiliar placement, he’d grown to love playing with her bosoms. His fingers glided over her breasts, gently squeezing and kneading the soft flesh, until he found what he was questing for. Bruising against one nipple, feeling her shudder, his self-restraint withered. Celestia’s enthusiasm matched his own, and she made sure he knew it. Rhythmically tightening her and relaxing her sex, milking him with gusto. Simply using her body would have been enough to inspire any lover of any species, but she had a veritable arsenal at her disposal. With the soft hum of sorcery, enveloping the man in a magical aura, she added a bit of extra oomph to his motions. Feeling himself suddenly thrusting harder than before, he opened his eyes. Bedding a willing lover was one thing, but having a particularly eager partner was another. Dialing up the intensity, caving to his carnal wants, his waist slapped against her. If she wanted it rougher, by the stars, he’d be more than happy to oblige. Regardless of the fact that Celestia was a Princess and many centuries old, she was, at her core, a mare like any other. Ancient though she was, she wasn’t immortal, nor was she fully unstoppable; at the end of the day, she was a mortal - an extraordinarily long-lived and powerful mortal, but a mortal nonetheless. Her regal status meant nothing, compared to her needs and wants. Tugging at her nipples, she lightly whimpered; the noise was beyond arousing, a symphony that sang to the passion of his soul, but there was something far more profound he desired. Abandoning her teats, placing his hands to either side of her chest, he draped himself over her and continued plowing her like a fertile spring field. Abandoning her sorcery, the alicorn resorted to a much more physical tactic. Locking her hind legs over his hips, flexing the powerful limbs, she assisted him with the endeavor. Save for the sounds of their heavy breaths and occasional moans of delight, the air was filled with the steady Plap Plap Plap of their bodies colliding. His cheek caressed her, running over her chest, as he bucked away. There were a million things he wanted to say, thousands of praises he could have heaped upon her, but he let his motions speak for her. There were few things that could rival the intimacy of making love, and he dared not say something to distract either of them from their bliss, so he concentrated on pleasing her. “D...don’t stop,” she sputtered. Her quaking thighs, hitched breaths, and fitful winking around his pistoning length left little room for doubt - she was teetering on the brink. He wasn’t sure how long he was going to be able to last himself, having found himself in the spontaneously lewd situation at such an early hour, which meant neither had much time to spare. Kicking his legs out, bracing himself against her, he lifted his head towards her. Craning her neck downward, having sensed him move, she locked lips with him. Their tongues warred with one another, while they groaned in tandem. It ultimately didn’t matter if one of them came before the other, since neither left the other unsatisfied. Little by little, bit by bit, their movements grew frantic, almost frenzied, as they raced to the finish line. Anon tightened his grip around her chest, with his hips becoming a blur. Celestia pulled him in and clenched around his shaft, desperate for more. Though the man tried to resist, to fight the growing tide of rapture, he knew it was a losing battle. In one final act of defiance, he broke their kiss, set his jaw, and unleashed everything he had. The ravaging he delivered was one of legend, taking every ounce of his strength, and pushing him to his limit. The dawning realization that she would best him didn’t sour the moment though, since he’d eagerly make it up to her later. Teetering on the very brink, with nothing left to spare, he fully hilted himself and unloaded. As the first shot of his essence rocketed through his throbbing length to crash into her depths, Celestia howled and convulsed. Practically thrashing beneath him, with hot nectar gushing from her spasming marehood, her climax was beyond satisfying. Victoriously growling and fitfully bucking into her, he claimed her as his lover - as his mate. Wriggling her wings from beneath herself, Celestia folded the feathered appendages around his back. Locked in place, held by her sextet of limbs, it was all he could do to heave air into his lungs. Both he and the mare - his mare were covered in sweat; the linens were a mess, her ethereal mane somehow looked frazzled, and he was well and thoroughly spent. Though they were both in dire need of a shower, he felt certain that she was just as happy with the impromptu bout of passion as he was. Writing against her, turning his head to peek at her face, he licked his parched lips. “Shower then breakfast?” She nodded, yet didn’t budge a muscle. “I’m tempted to just call for breakfast, since you insisted on putting us in this mess.” Bolting up, only to be pressed back against her, he pursed his lips. “So this is my fault?” “Just so,” she glibly affirmed, turning her nose up at him, “and I’ll add assault to your ever-growing list of offenses.” Spying the corners of her lips turn up, he smirked. Her threat was totally and completely hollow, to the point where she was having a darn hard time keeping a straight face, but he wasn’t bothered - if anything, hearing her seamlessly continued taunting warmed the depths of his heart. All but giving up, resigning himself to yet more continued hugging, he plastered himself against her. “Will I get a lenient sentence if I help you wash up?” he asked, feeling a cocktail of their juices leaking around his softening manhood. “For a start,” she boastfully intoned, only then removing her vice-like hind legs from around him. “And I believe I’ll have you make me blueberry pancakes - under my supervision, of course.” Leaning back, finally freed from her grasp, he defiantly crossed his arms over his chest. “If I’m gonna start cooking, on top of my other duties, I’m going to need a raise.” In the blink of an eye, coerced by her sorcery and the impressive reach of her wings, he found himself ensnared yet again. He’d crossed a boundary, expected too much, and now he was going to pay the price. Realistically speaking, if they were a bit late for their duties, neither of them would be in any real trouble - well, outside of possibly a harsh word from Luna. Though he was stuck, he wouldn’t have it any other way. “So,” he began, making himself comfortable in her clutches, “shower then breakfast?” “Yes,” she tutted, closing her eyes and resting her cheek to his, “in five more minutes…”