Now, You Will Love Me!

by Lilcmoe

First published

Fluttershy Finally has Discord what will happen next?

It has been a total of four weeks since Discord was captured by Fluttershy who her obsession for Discord to love her is starting to affect him more. Now Discord needs to hold on to the hope of escape but what he didn't know is that for him to escape is for him to lose his closest friends in the process. Would Discord fully escape from Fluttershy's grasps or he will grant Fluttershy's wish of being her love forever?

A Kind Heart Pony was no more

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Chapter 1: A Kind heart pony was no more.

Fear. The notion that drives anypony or creature into madness is what gives me chills to this day. As I am laying in this cage pondering what has become of my dear Fluttershy. I lay down, crossing my arms together as the room becomes so cold and yet very comfortable. It has only been four weeks since that mare cages me like an animal, confessed her ‘feelings’, and caved into her madness. The absence of Chaos Magic that was taken away and a strong, unbreakable chain wrapped around me and attached to a wall has kept me from escaping. If I ever tried to reach the door, the only exit out of this nightmare, the length of the chain would halt me, leaving a far distance away from it. Yet, despite it all, I find peace once I’d fallen asleep. Dreaming of my sweet Fluttershy with a warm smile across her face. Dreaming of the time that I loved her for all of her being—her smile, her warmth, her kindness. Only to be wakening up in this dark abyss that constantly reminds me that life was a distant memory.

Throughout this entire ordeal, I can feel only feel dread and despair. Who is this mare that talks and acts exactly like my Fluttershy? It can’t be her, could it? These thoughts had racked my head as I tried to figure out what the hay is going on. But all I do know is that I will find out as soon as I get out of here. Until then, I will play this game she’s playing and keep it together. Otherwise, I would be trapped here with her for all eternity, giving to her demands like a puppet, or worse she kills me.

My ears flinched at the sound of the doors opening and closing from the distance. As each, small hoof steps echo in the stairway, I’ve found myself pushing myself against the cold, stone wall from my cage. My mind was already numbed with fear as there are many possibilities on what this mare would do with me next.

But when she finally reached the final step and came into the room, this was something I definitely wasn’t expecting. The same, familiar mare had presented herself in a rather suggestive appearance, donning a slim dress that reveals skin that leaves more to the imagination. She hummed to herself as she reaches to her side satchel and placed on a small table a plate, a small radio, and a few candles.

“Hello”, I said nervously, without a beat lest I kept her waiting for a response, “What are your plans on doing to me this time?”

On a normal day like this—if you would call this normal—whenever she would come down, she would usually come to greet and talk as if it were our regular Tuesday Tea. Then she would go to the computers on the right side of the cage, look at the camera for other ponies and animals that need her and it would be over for another day. But this…. Was different. There is this strange aura in the air, and with this Fluttershy coming in dressed in something that would normally make her blush in embarrassment; It was something off.

“Well, aren’t you impatient, Discord?” She states playfully as she trots closer to the metal bars, “Honey, did you forget? It’s our date night tonight. I just prepared dinner for us and this—I made it especially for you. It’s a fish filet with shredded paper and melted cheese. I know you never tried cheese before, but I want you to try it now—just to make this night more special.”

I responded to the description of the meal with disgust, my scrunched frown and inaudible gagging sound in my throat clearly making the message. Though it was another reason for it. I may be a master of Chaos, I do believe that in chaos, there is structure. Not in a way ponies would think as they wouldn’t mistake me as someone who would just eat something strange or act erratically because of my nature. It’s complicated and very ironic, but Chaos is a thing that I take seriously for my account and for my comfort. Simply put, I won’t eat random things just for the fun of it. It was no joy or purpose of chaos—not to mention the notion of it makes me sick!

Without thinking it carefully, I blurted loudly, “Clearly you don’t know me at all then if you think I will enjoy that—AAAAHHHH!” A shock of electricity jolted through my body as I curled up in pain. “PLEASE MAKE IT STOP!!”

After a moment later, she lets go of the button, letting my body collapse to the ground. “Discord,” Fluttershy says sternly, “What have I told you about criticizing food without trying it? You sir have forgotten about respect while I was trying not to miss our date.”

I weakly tried to push myself up, against the wall, trying to stand. My breath was raspy and small I try to speak, “I’m—I’m sorry, my dear… I didn’t mean to—I just want something….normal.”

“Normal?” She questioned with a cold glare, “Normal, is not what you are, Discord. I know that because I live in your world of normal.”

With the stare she was giving me and apprehending me, I tried my best not to risk her temper. “W-what I meant to say is that—I-I prefer my favorite meal right now. If it’s alright?”

She stares for a long time, fuming with a sense of either anger or frustration before she broke a smile and said seemingly sweet, “My love, you will get your favorite meal if that makes you happy. But before I can do that, you have to try this amazing dish I’d made for you. You always loved my cooking, especially when I make them with my ‘secret sauce’. She giggled.

Without her knowledge, she accidentally presses the button that sends another shock of electricity from the collar. As soon as I scream, it had faded away. She seems relieved that she didn’t manage to kill me.

I grimace at the fact I have to still eat that on the table before me. Even still she was distracted on the computer screen for a moment seeing some of her animals were huddling around the door. I know she has to go and attend to them at some point when that time comes it will give me enough time to recollect myself and find a way out. She didn’t budge, she was just standing there by the plate she made for me. “Honey”, I said to get her attention again, “May I please eat some of that meal…I am starving, and I want to go on our date tonight as soon as possible.” Fluttershy blush before me like she wasn’t expecting me to call her honey.

“O-Okay.” She said timidly and grab the plate and open the gate and slowly walking towards me. I sense that she is nervous about being close to me. Maybe I throw her off with that Honey word. Then that is my weapon to use in the future if she gets like this so easily. “Here you go my love, I hope you enjoy it.” She was still nervous and was just sitting in my cage waiting for me to eat the blasted thing.

“Thank you,” I said in a whisper, not enough for her to hear. When I was inches away from the fish fillet with cheese my nose and mouth squinch up at the sight of it. Without giving away how terrible it smells I just close my eyes and took a bite. My tears were running down as I chew with every bite and swallow as much as I could. Congratulations Crazy Mare, you made me loath cheese for the rest of my life. Fluttershy was waiting for me to say something about the food. She was wagging her tail with anticipation that I love it so much that it made me cry. That is exactly what I have given her. I look up and smile at her for giving me this wonderful meal. That made her squeal with joy.

Fluttershy was clapping her hooves together with excitement, “Oh Discord, I knew you would love it that makes me so proud. A minute after of her warm smile fade away with a weary look on her face. “Discord, do you really love it?” She was giving me a suspicious look that I am lying to her.

“Fluttershy-I do love it, but I want to rush and eat-“

Fluttershy cut me off, “DON’T LIE TO ME DISCORD!” she yells as her pupils dilated showing a savage beast ready to attack. She hisses at me, “Do you really love my meal sweetie?” She said as she hissed at me for saying something that is too good to be true. She made me flinch away from her but all I could do is hug the wall closer at this point.

“I am serious honey, I-I-It tastes amazing,” I said while trying not to shudder due to fear taking over. I continue to speak hoping to calm her down. “Sorry F-F-F-Fluttershy, but I can’t give you a full critique of the delicious meal you made for me. The reason why is our date tonight. Time doesn’t wait for no one.” I said those words with determination and honesty so she doesn’t suspect me to be lying and if I point out about her date that she conjures up at the last minute she will not care if I eat the entire plate or not. I just need this disgusting meal away from me before I vomit all over the cell floor. She was now just starring at me like she was reading my thoughts. The stare was cold and distant from being normal like she was observing some kind of animal that is dying. I try to wake her up from her trance; “F-f-Fluttershy, our date we can’t be late now can we.” I said it hesitantly as to avoid getting shocked or worse.

But she quickly washes away her trance with a flash of her smile, “You are really excited about our date huh Discord? Don’t worry it isn’t far and besides we won’t be late because we are here together. Oh, I almost forgot—what do you think of my new dress? I had Rarity design it for me two days ago. I know you would love it—you always told me I was beautiful.”

She poses and spins in her suggestive dress like she was those princesses from those cheesy, romantic movies. The ones where they dramatically pose as a damsel in distress as her prince rushed into her embrace. The only difference is that the princess doesn’t keep her prince in a cage and ‘trains’ him to love her. The last time I talk about her dresses or anything I disliked, she punished me for it. So to save me from something worse than a shock, I pretended to agree, act excited and whistle wolf howls to her.

“Oh, Discord, stop it! You’re making me blush,” Fluttershy giggles with her familiar sweet chuckle while her cheeks turned pink. As much I wanted to be happy seeing her smile at me, I know deep down that she is now a crazed, demented mare who is utterly obsessed with me—and confuses it with ‘love’.

“Ok now, let me tranquilize you and we can go upstairs,” she states calmly as she opens up her satchel and reveals a tranquilizer dart before shooting at me, the dart landing on my side. My body started to sway as it collapses to the floor and my vision became blurry and incoherent. The last thing I heard before I blacked out was Fluttershy’s excited giggle, “Ok, Dizzy. Let’s go to our date!”

The first thought that came to me as I gain consciousness was questioning how long was I passed out. Was it an hour? Ten minutes? My head hurts, feeling heavy upon waking that I failed to realize the position I’ve now found myself in. I was sitting in a wooden chair and my wrists were tied to an armrest of a chair. I also realized that I wasn’t in my cage anymore—I was sitting in the dining room of Fluttershy’s house! I whipped my head around frantically, trying to see an exit at any turn, anything that was possible for my escape. Unfortunately, I didn’t take into account how dark the house is, apart from the few candles that were lighting from the table.

But then my nose detected something…. Delicious. I looked down at a plate that was placed before me. There was a nice, big filet of fish with a thin slice of lemon, a sprig of thyme on top of it while potatoes and fried onions lied on both sides of the meat. Is this a dream or another illusion? My questions than answered themselves as Fluttershy made herself known.

“Discord, you’re awake!” I nearly jumped as the mare surprised me from behind and slide her way beside me. “Thank Goodness. For a moment I thought I would have to call the hospital. I feared that the dose I gave you was stronger than I realized. But that is all in the past now, so let’s eat!” She clapped her hooves in glee and her wings flared out with excitement. “Are the cuffs comfortable for you? Are they too tight?”

“No,” I quickly replied. I was shocked to realize that she was able to drug me and drag me up the stair without hurting me or waking me. One fact I know about this mare is that she is crazy strong. She is still looking at the cuffs on my wrist checking if they are comfortable and keep me bound to the chair. Her concern was mainly if I am not hurting from the cuffs, something Fluttershy would act in any other situation.

“Good!” The mare chimed, “I didn’t want you to be uncomfortable for our date. You see, I changed the food for your liking. Roasted potatoes, fried onions, and fish. I hope you like it now my love.”

I was stunned by the fact that she listens to me and surprises by the fact that she took this time to make something more presentable. She was looking into my eyes as she was waiting for my response.

“It needs some pepper, but it smells good Flutter-” I stop myself. I wouldn’t dare myself to give this mare the luxury of having that name. For she is not kind but cruel. I see her smile a little before grabbing some pepper and pour a lot of it. Like she knew that I pour a lot of salt or pepper, never a small amount.

“There you go Dissy, now let us eat shall we.” She grabs the fork and knife as she cut a slice of potato for me and holds it out to feed me. “Say Aw, my love.” I open my mouth in response as her sweet voice commands me to eat something so amazing and breathtaking. She waited for me to chew and swallow as she cut up another slice for me.

“I really hope you enjoy what I cooked for you. Seeing you enjoying this makes me warm inside.” She was blushing again. “In fact, let’s enjoy the meal...together.”

I was concerned about what she means by ‘together’ as I replied with a concerned tone, “Excuse me?”

She laughs as she took the piece of potato and starts chewing it. Then she put the fork and knife down and starts climbing up on the table so that we are face to face with each other.

I was getting uncomfortable as I was trying to lean my neck away from her, but she quickly grabs my neck to pull it forward to her. The most shocking thing of my life—aside from being captured by Fluttershy--was being fed by Fluttershy. Her lips met with mine and I feel the mashed potato moving around in my mouth as she was fighting with my tongue. She was making out with me as I was being chained to the chair.

When she finally breaks free from my mouth, I was petrified as I just swallow the remaining contents while she gazed at me, smiling and blushing. With her eyes gleam in the candlelight. She heard my stomach growl again and she just sighs and looks back at the plate.

She stated playfully seductively, “Somepony must love my dish if his belly asking for more.”

No crazy mare, that means I hadn’t eaten for a whole day and I am just hungry, I thought to myself.

“Don’t worry, love. Momma-Shy will feed you until your tummy is completely full.” She grabs and a scoop of potato and starts chewing it in her mouth and fed it again...with her mouth.

Each time she feeds me the longer she makes out with me. I could tell she was enjoying this more than what she let on—much more than I am. As the potato and the onions were finished, she finally breaks free from our kiss and gasps for air as we both made eye contact. In truth, I did enjoy the kiss session, but I could not show or tell her that because if I do then I die. I just must ride it out as long as I can and just remember she was trying to feed me like a baby bird. The only thing that is left untouched on the plate was the fish filet. Fluttershy took a moment to prepare it as she spoke again.

“Now Discord, we still got one more meal on your plate.” She smiles at me as she starts to cut the fish. “I have to understand you more Discord. And if I and you are going to become one someday, I have to understand why creatures like Harry, Stiro, Funky, and Jason Fox love meat so much. I personally don’t want to think why carnivores need it so badly and how you could ever tolerate the smell. But for you to truly love me, I have to accept some flaws from you--and this is a major flaw that I have to get used to.”

“You seriously are not going to eat that Fluttershy?” I said without any filter this time. Normally I have to watch what I say to her but she didn’t seem bugged about it.

“Discord, how many times I told you?” She turns to look at me, showing her hollow eyes and a wicked smile that scared me to the core. “I will do anything to make you mine...anything.”

She slowly opens her mouth as she lifts the piece of fish meat into her mouth. I was very close to gagging until suddenly, the doorbell rang. My heart stops for a moment and hearing a faint voice outside. I was about to cry in the joy that I was about to be rescued. What came out of my mouth wasn’t joy but terror. “SOMEPONY HELP ME!!” The moment I could finish my words, I feel a tug on my neck as I was now being gagged with a cloth in my mouth.

End of Chapter 1

Brother I am 'Occupied'

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Chapter 2- Brother I am ‘Occupied’

That blasted door interrupted my time with Dissy! Whoever is at that door will meet my wrath! I left my love at the table fully silent as I walk to the doorway and across the living room. I will be upset—no, pissed! Pissed That any of my friends would dare to interrupt my special night.

Before reaching the door, I tried to take a deep breath, “Calm down Fluttershy, just see who is up this late and see what they want first before cussing them out for interfering with my date with Discord.”

As the doorbell rang again, I unlock the top and bottom latches but left the chain lock in place just in case. I crack open the door just to take a peek to see who it was on the other side of the door. Once I recognized the intruder, I shut the door to remove the chain latch before opening it again, greeting the pony before me—My brother.

“Hey Sis!” said Zephyr all of Luna’s nights why did he decide to come to my home late in the night?

“Zephyr!” I said shockingly, “W-w-what are you doing here?” Normally I would be welcoming to have my brother visit, but this was not the time at all to visit, let alone to chat.

“Well,” he said hesitantly, “Let’s just say that I am in a tight pickle at my apartment in Canterlot and I just need to take a breather from that city.”

In other words, he got kicked out of the apartment again and now needs to crash at my place until he finds himself a new place to stay. “Brother, I am not in the mood to deal with you. And I can’t let you bug mom and dad again,” I sigh for my love is in the other room tied to a chair and waiting for me. “So go to a motel in Ponyville and tomorrow we can talk about-”.

“Thanks, Sis!” He interrupts me as he starts to shove his stuff into my living room. I wanted nothing more than to strangle him-- but he is my brother and I have my Discord waiting for me. He continues to lift his suitcase upstairs. “I’ll take the guest room. And don’t bother coming to me while I sleep like a baby. Make sure your stupid chickens don’t wake me up this time, Okay, bye~!”

He reached the top of the stairs and slam the door behind him before I could talk to him. My rage is boiling, completely outraged by my brother being rude and enter my home without permission. He….ruined… date with Discord.

I screamed as I fling my hoof at a picture frame without thinking or even caring if I broke it. I marched back to the kitchen as my eyes, fueled with rage, look up at Discord. I know that he would be concern about my scream, but right now I have to get him back to the bunker before dealing with my bane of my existence brother. I grabbed the key and unlocked his cuffs after I reattach the golden chain back around the shock collar. With Discord’s plea for help, I knew I had to make him as secure as possible. I could’ve used the tranquilizer again but from what happened last time, I can’t risk hurting my love.

I yanked the chain strong enough that it’ll throw Discord off his seat and onto the ground. I want to kick something to get all of my rages out, but I can’t hurt my Discord even though he deserves it. I just need to hide him again. I slid my stove to the right side, revealing a medium hatch on the wall that leads to the bunker before opening it.

Discord was struggling to get up as I quickly tug the chain to bring him back to the ground again. “Do not test me Discord,” I said sneering at him, showing that if he tries to run, I will hurt him. He slowly nods and I just turn and start tugging him into the bunker and its dark abyss.

As we finally down to the bunker, I rushed to open the cage door and guide my love back to his cage. Discord, still with a gag around his mouth, was being very cooperative and, to me, it was a good sign that he trusts me again. My Discord always knows how to make my heart aflutter. “I’m sorry that our date got cut short. But I promise to make it up to you tomorrow.” I give him a warm and gentle smile and he just gives me a slow and cautious nod.

“You can take the gag off Discord, you’re hands are free,” He did as he was told but he was giving me that scared face. “My love, why are you afraid of? It’s Zephyr, isn’t it? Oh, don’t you worry, he will be gone by tomorrow. I will make sure of that.” I shut the cage door and blow a kiss towards him. “Sleep well, Discord. For tomorrow, our teatime will be very special,” I said as I walk towards the staircase and leaving Discord alone in the darkness once more.

I exit out of the bunker and move the stove back to where it belongs. Once that was done, I took a moment then sigh heavily with tears in my eyes threatening to shed. Why does the world want me and Discord to be separated...why does the world hate our relationship?

One tear flows down on my cheek as my thoughts continued. Why does the world want Discord? Why….why….why Discord? I felt my hooves clenching on the stove hard as my anger rises. More tears started flowing. The world will not take my Dissy away again. We will be together forever no matter what it takes.

“Sister!” I heard Zephyr from upstairs, “I need some warm blankets it is cold up here.”

I knew right then who is trying to separate my beloved from me, and I know how to handle this minor inconvenience. I glance at the tranquilizer and a twisted smile formed across my face as the tears still haven’t stopped.

End of Chapter 2

Sunday's Worst Meal by Fluttershy

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Chapter 3-Sundays worst meal by Fluttershy

It felt like hours ever since her date was interrupted, and it felt like hours of me trying to break free from this chain. I tried using another rock that I kept hidden in the shadows, trying to pry the block with the chain in place to be free. It would have been easier if I had snapped my way out of this whole ordeal, but she took my chaos magic away from me. I can’t lose focus yet when I am so close to being free. I kept saying that to myself, but I hadn’t made any progress on my escape, still trapped inside this dark abyss, hoping that whoever interrupted our date last night could come down those stairs wearing shining armor and rescue this poor damsel. I have grown tired of crying to sleep or the general fear of her keeping me awake.

“Come on, stone block blasted thing,” I said in frustration of trying to pry this one cinderblock off the wall which held that bolt. I know for the fact that this block was my key to freedom. Then I heard the door that led to the surface open again.

I froze as I heard her descending the stairs, this time humming a tune that ran chills down my spine. It was too soon for her to come and see me; I sometimes forgot the track of time due to no clock anywhere in this basement or bunker. She is finally here as she was carrying a sack and not wearing that suggestive outfit anymore. She seems happy right now; it scares me more seeing her happy than seeing her angry. This pony, who is supposed to be Fluttershy, is as unpredictable as me, which scares me the most.

“Good morning, Discord.” She said as she placed the sack on the table, “I have an important meal for you to eat for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. This food in this sack is critical, and I work so hard to make it for you. I need to make sure you eat it okay, all of it.”

I was fully confused about this, but I didn’t question it or respond; then, I felt the shocks again when I looked away. “Ahhhhh!” I start to quench and shake from the 1500 jolt of electricity running through my body. “Please, Fluttershy! I’m sorry! I am a nice pony! Please, I will be nice. Just make it stop!”

“Sorry, Dissy dear, but I couldn’t take any chances.” Said Fluttershy while hearing my cell door opening and hoof steps noises that contact on the store floor. I was in no condition to move and pounce on her.

“I need to set your meal down in your cell safely; just hold on just a little bit, sweetie, and it will be all over soon,” she said as she gave that adorable Fluttershy giggle.

I still moving sporadically on the floor as she continues to hum that chilling tune then I just heard her clap her hoofs and said done. Then the electric shock stops. Leaving me as a hump of flesh on the ground, I was still alive but felt paralyzed from the head down. I wanted to kill her so badly, I wanted this constant cycle of torture to stop, I wanted to be free and see my other friends again. All I can do now is cry and endure the Crazy Mares game of trying to break me. She enjoys torturing me instead of loving me, but it is so hard to think when you are in constant pain. She is trying so hard to make me hers for what goal, I do not know. She is not Fluttershy; she isn’t here; she isn’t the one that gives me warm hugs or is wrapped around in my tail as we spend time on my thinking tree. She isn’t the one that laughs at me swimming in the fish pond at her pet Sanctuary. No, she is this twisted pony who has an obsession with me. Her previous confession of ‘loving me’ is all just an illusion. She sees me as a toy.

“Discord, I am very patient today, but you are ruining that for me.” I heard her in her serious tone. I finally was able to lift my head to see her as the lights were back on, and I could see my prison and this deranged room with pictures of me.

“Discord, the gift I made for you is over there by the corner by your bed. Please open the sack for me and tell me how you like it. It isn’t something crazy or chaotic, just something very simple flesh.”

. When I got close to the sack, I began to sniff it like an animal curious about the meal. I open it and see a disgusted horror of a pile of fresh meat, not fish nor cook, just fresh meat. I nearly want to vomit in front of her and on the pile of meat, but then she will get upset and force me to eat the vomit-covered meat. I finally look back at her and smile weakly, but she firmly smiles brightly as the sun.

“Stop it, Discord, as I said this to myself in my head. “Stop thinking she is Fluttershy. She isn’t her, she is some crazy mare who is keeping you here prisoner, and you need to escape.” I finally looked back at her as she was flying in the air, very happy out of the blue, unlike usual when she observed me and waited for my response. “I love it dearly, thank you for this kind...gesture,” I said to her as she gave a squee just like her.

“Oh, I know you will love it, Dissy dear! Oh, I know you always love my gifts! Unlike the others, I care for the gifts I give you!” She finally lands and continues talking like I was one hundred percent interested in this conversation. “I never thought you would be happy about it due to an insect that ruined our date last night. Yes, Discord, I took good care of that insect, so it will just be you and me next time. Well, Dissy, eat it up as much as you like because there will be more of it.” She said it with glee as she walked towards the computers as she did her regular inspections.

I look away and stare at the meat before me that is perfectly cut in edible bites, and she knew how to skin the animal well… too well. Another piece of evidence that this isn’t my Fluttershy. It is pretty obvious. She never kills animals in her life. Shoot, she would kill the poacher before she ever kills an animal; even if carnivores need to eat, she won’t kill a weak prey for the carnivore. That is the reason I love my Fluttershy, and I miss her so much.

I finally heard my stomach growl, and the smell of fresh meat was causing my hunger to go rampant. It has been a while since I had a decent meal, and Fluttershy didn’t give me the leftovers from our date. One thing I can be happy about is this she knows how to make simple meat taste so good. Then I finally took a chunk out of the flesh, and it tastes delicious and I was on autopilot after the first bite.

As I enjoy eating the meat, part of me is still curious when or why she would kill an animal and serve it. I was surprised that she was going to feed me fish with her mouth. The question was still running through my head as I was eating the meat. A draconequss can be starving like any other pony sometimes. I need to know the truth of where this meat came from? However, this crazy mare tends to shock me for asking questions. Still, I need to understand why she killed an animal?

I looked at her as she was still watching the computer screens, and I noticed something beside her in a small bag. I couldn’t see the contents, but she was eating something as well. Maybe a snack like chips or some horse food that she eats. I couldn’t distract myself with the mystery snack bag and what she is eating from inside. I need to ask this question but do it without anger her.

“Flut-Flut-Fluttershy,” I studdered to say her name, for I hate giving her that name, but she does respond to it compared to a mare.

“Yes,” she said without missing a beat while she was looking at the cameras. “What is it, Discord?”

“I need to know, where did you get this meat from?” I asked the question, but I didn’t ask my question, hoping to avoid getting shocks again.

She felt silent for the moment, then turned her neck to me with a smirk on her face. “I love you, Discord, but that isn’t the real question you want to ask.” She says as I see her pupils shrink as she gives me chills from a mile away.

“S-Sorry dear, I didn’t want to-”

“Anger me,” She said like knowing what was coming out of my mouth like she was anticipating my words. She is starting to scare me with her beaming at me with her eyes. Typically her eyes are hollow, which gives me a slight chill down my spine. This kind of stare is far from creepy but downright scary. She then continues speaking.

“Discord, I won’t be angry at you, so go on answer your real question. I want our relationship to be free and honest after all.” She finally turns her neck back at the screens. She continues, “If you don’t answer your question, Discord, then I will punish you for lying.”

“Fine, I thought you don’t kill animals, so why would you do it? Why kill animals just for me? I wanted to continue to lecture or scold her for going this far for this ‘relationship’ that she killed when she put me in this cage. I didn’t want to end up just like this poor fellow whose part of it is now in my stomach.

“I didn’t kill a woodland critter, Discord.” She said just bluntly.

“W-What? I was stunned at the fact and my eyes also shrink the moment she said those words. I can hear her sigh as she entirely turns around to face me.

“Discord, first off, I would do anything to make you mine, but I won’t destroy what made you love me in the first place, which is my kindness. Granted, I have to go to lengths that are downright criminal for us to be together finally. If this stupid world weren’t trying to keep me away from you, then maybe I would not do what I did. Discord, I know you think I am some monster but trust me, this is a process that you and I are going through right now. We could both be monsters together, and Equestria will fear us and never try to separate us. I just...I just have to do the things that I do to make you happy. I will not kill my precious animals to do that. I love them as much I love you. Even still, you don’t truly know me as you think you do Discord. It is fine; that is why we are here, so then you will know so much about me as I know much about you. Discord, this process is exhausting for you to love me truly. So you and I can cuddle together and have sex. Lots of lots of sex, but before we can have a family and live peacefully in our new world. We need to pass all the hurdles, and this is one of the hurdles I have to take.”

I was silent as I heard her authentic voice, not a demented mare but a real pony. Still, she admits that she is wrong but why. Why go to these lengths? Why does she believe this is the way to do it? No, I need to focus; she is gone. Fluttershy is gone, and I know this crazy mare done something to make her gone for good. Then try to be like her, with her voice and that beautiful pink mane of hers. I can’t give in, or I will die.

“I have to do it, Discord.” She said as she broke my train of thought again. “ I have to pass my limits and do the unthinkable. I am sorry, but this is what the world did to me. Bashing her brains out was the easy part but this. This was the hardest thing I had to do, but I felt no regret once I passed that hurdle, just coldness, and strength. Now Discord, you must pass the hurdle to then we are closer to be together forever.”

I was now at the loss of what she was talking about, but something clicked in my head as I heard the words. “Bash her brains out.” That second made me realize that she couldn’t do the unthinkable, just as my eyes and heart stop beating as I look back at the remaining meat left in horror. I whisper to myself.

“ She couldn’t dare to do such a thing right. She could have just…. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!”
End of Chapter 3

Reasons to stay out of Fluttershy's Shed

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Chapter 4-Reason to Stay out of Fluttershy's shed.

I jump out of my chair as I see Discord immediately hugging the back wall. He curls up in a ball as he is crying and yelling like a mad pony.

"Discord, what is wrong?!" I said to try to calm him down, "did something scare you?" I ran to his cage and saw what scared him but nothing but a near-empty sack of meat I gave him this afternoon. It was nearly empty, and maybe Discord was yelling because he was still hungry. His screaming was becoming annoying since he wouldn't tell me what was wrong. So the only thing I have to do is feed him more. Yes, that is how to ease a trouble Discord; feed him.

"Discord! Stop screaming, or I give you a reason to scream." I ran to my shock remote and turned the dial to 15%, and pressed the button. He starts to squirm and uncurl himself before me and now crying for me to stop. Why does he cry in pain? It isn't that bad as he thinks.

I release the button, and the shocks cease along with his screaming as he twitches on the floor. He was still breathing, which was a relief from a high-level shock. I looked at the collar of his chain and saw it was cracking a little.

"Great," I said, knowing that the collar was cracking from the number of times I had to shock him. If it breaks, Discord is free to do as he pleases and runs away with them again. I sighed, seeing him finally quiet down, but I could see tears still running. I want to be concerned, but I must figure out what causes Discord this much stress in the first place. I looked around the area he ran away from but saw nothing out of the ordinary. I looked back at Discord, who was still lying on the floor, crying silently.

"Discord, I am going back upstairs to bring you back some more of the meat I made for you; it won't take long." I turn to walk back upstairs as I hear him cry again. "I also need to replace that collar too. So much to do with so little time." I said to myself as I left the bunker and returned to my normal lonely cottage once more.

I look around and see the same dull paintings on the wall and the same floor and furniture. The bunker isn't any better but what made me want to stay there longer each day is because Discord was there. I made some fast pace improvements to the door and the security outside. What I always hate about this house the most is the silence; I hate it so much. I can't risk the animals that usually live here getting involved with me and Discord's honeymoon. No, I can't have them near Discord at all; I must focus on him and only him for the time being. I never knew he would be so difficult and make things complicated instead of accepting his love for me. I should commend my mother for staying with my father for so long.

I approach the door and embrace the bright-lit sun and the somewhat dried grass. I have been avoiding the outside world ever since I locked Discord in my bunker. The lawn itself is overgrown and has not been trimmed for some time now. It doesn't matter because when I and Discord's wedding begins, we will leave this dread of a household in paradise in his world. Meeting all-new kinds of creatures and I will be with my only love. The more I long for our dream to come true, the more hollow I feel inside; it makes me think about Discord's process of how he hadn't proposed to me yet. It has been nearly a month in half, and he still hasn't asked me to marry him yet. Something wrong with Discord or maybe.

"No, Fluttershy, don't think such thoughts." I shake my head to deny the possibility that Discord never loved me in the first place. "Lets, just give him more of the meat, then maybe we can talk about our future together," I said to motivate myself to keep going a little longer.

I walk behind my cottage, where my garden is, and grab my basket with a tarp inside to keep the blood from dripping from walking to my shed and back to my cold and lonely house.

"Damn, the parts I need to replace the collar first then go to the shed," I said to myself; I don't need to care anymore of saying such rude language for I have no animals at my cottage sense they all live at the Sanctuary. I went back inside and to the kitchen, grabbed the parts and a metal collar instead of leather, and headed outside to my secret shed.

I remember the rumors that ponies in Ponyville think I am some deadly psychopath who kills ponies and locks them up in my shed. No, it was thinking I torture my animals in my shed. Rumors were rumors due to me being kind and beautiful. They would think anything of me for being a shy pony that lives on the outskirts of town. Worse of all, they think I am some whore that buck with other stallions and mares. The shed rumor was most popular because the children were curious about my shed when they explored behind my cottage. Ponies are always mean, and it still wonders why Discord loves being around them instead of being around with me. I stopped halfway to the shed as I thought about it.

"Geez, after that whole Tree Hugger incident at the gala, he tried to open up to many ponies. It is my fault for going with her then. If I could go back in time, maybe Discord and I could be together right now. Instead of me having to keep him away from the world. His fault! Yes, if he confesses his feelings, I would not have to do things I did. No, it was Spike and Big Mac's fault! Those are the two I despise the most, and I told them just to keep him company and not get too close. What did those morons do? They became some geek squad buddies! Not anymore; I will get Discord back since there is no Tirek, The Insect Bitch, Storm King, and that brat could get me distracted from spending time with my love. Never again."

I scratch my hair with my hoof and notice some of my hair fell out. I look at it and realize I have been stressed out for a month now. Discord has been giving me anxiety since I keep Discord locked up in a cage. It will all be worth it. Discord is now mine, and Spike, Twilight, or anyone else he considers a friend won't have him. Not even Trixie, gosh I hate her the most.

"You called?" I stood there as the familiar voice rang through my ears.

"Just ignore her Flutters; she isn't there," I said to myself as the apparition still lingers behind me.

"How the great-and powerful Element of Kindness is falling in despair, or is it madness." The apparition says as she continues to boast. "How does it feel to start losing the sanity you have left? How does it feel to kill for the second time? Discord sure is proud of you now, killing two ponies with your hooves for the sake of love."

I chuckle at the apparition from her comment. "Then you two should never be in our way, to begin with, and maybe you could witness something more beautiful than friendship."

"Even now, you are still in denial. What will it take for you to think that you are hurting him instead of loving him? Just like you hurt me in the alleyway. You know when you bash my brains out with a brick!" She said while I was staring at her with an open wound beside her crack horn. And a nearly beaten face that is hard to recognize this apparition used to be Starlight's best friend.

"I am not hurting my Dissy; I am guiding him to see the truth. I said coldly at her. "Besides, you should be rooting for me to take the initiative anyways, for I am no longer that weak shy Pegasus anymore. I get what I want, and that is Discord, now if you don't have anything else to say." I close my eyes and open them back, and all I see is a tree again. I sigh and pick up the basket with the parts, and continue to the shed.

I finally made it to my medium-sized tool shed when I had the animals living here before the Sancturay; there is no use for it anymore. Until last night that is. I took a deep breath and unlocked the latch doors. I hear the creaking noise in the door hinges. I slowly pull it open. The rotting smell isn't firm yet, and I have about a week to get all of it away, or ponies who might be guests could smell the odor from here.

I look at the corpse for a while and walk inside and give it a small smile and turn on the lights to reveal a stallion whose intestines were still dangling off from the edge of the table. His eyes were cold and empty as his mouth was still agape. I was whole and alive, and the stallion was roughly cut in half, and he was dead. He was silent as I was trying to hold back laughter.

"Well, good morning Brother, you enjoy your sleep?" He was silent due to death caught in his throat. I give a sinister chuckle as I continue to have a conversation with a corpse. "Please, dear brother, don't speak for you lose your tongue. I know the shed wasn't warm to your liking, but it doesn't matter, for when I slit your stomach open, I knew you felt the heat coming from your inside."

I approach the table where my decapitated brother lies as I place the basket beside and walk and turn on my workbench lamp to see a little better around my surroundings.

"By the way, brother, this is my tool shed. I keep gardening tools and other tools for my house. A little secret, brother, I repair this house from the ground up. It used to be owned by farm ponies who had remote gambling and a drug operation underneath the cottage, and this shed was for storing such drugs. No, Zephyr, I don't use drugs well...sometimes, when I am stressed out, I normally don't take it. When Twilight came into my life, I started to quit completely. Then Discord, you know my husband gives me an exciting drug, a more powerful and addicting drug. Love, I can't stop having this drug, Zephy his love just drives me insane, and I feel nothing but happiness."

I looked at the corpse, which didn't look like it was interested in what I had to say. For I am well aware I killed my brother, but Zephyr interfered with my special night with Discord, and he dared to barge into my house and sleep in a bed without my say so. This was the punishment he deserved, and Equestria and my parents would feel ten times happier that I finally squashed the insect. The Element of Kindness did it all by herself, without depending on my friends. Trixie said that I am great and powerful, and all ponies will fear me and Discord for the rest of their lives.

"Oh, how rude of me, Zephyr, I didn't hear you; what did you say?" I was waiting for some form of a response, but he was dead. "Oh, brother, you are so rude at times but don't worry, I am just here to take some of your guts and muscles again," I said with a smile on my face that will make other ponies flinch.

I grabbed the saw as I was starting to laugh and stand over my brother's body as I began to feel an itch on my neck. It was the same itch from yesterday and before I killed Trixie; I scratched my neck where it was bleeding a little, not enough to be fatal. Just enough to leave a deep scratch mark.

"Okay, brother, well it is time to cut your legs and testicles apart so I can make some meatballs for Dissy, oh and he loves how you taste too. He is the reason why I am here right now, just to get some more." I said as I started to laugh as I began cutting and breaking the leg bones and the second harvest round.

After I got what I needed from my grotesque of a brother, I was filling a bucket of water where I heard two familiar voices that weren't coming from my mind.

"Hey, Fluttershy! How have things been doing?! Said the raspy mare voice.

"Rainbow, don't try to startle the poor thing, hey there sugar cube?" Said the orange mare with a cowboy hat.

"Apple Jack and Rainbow Dash?" I said confusingly and shocked that they chose the worst time to visit as I stood there with a bucket full of water. "W-w-w-w-What are you two doing here?

"We came to see you, duh." Said Rainbow Dash sarcastically.

"Don't mind her Flutters, we hadn't seen you for a month, and Rarity wouldn't quit complaining about how non of us try to see what is going on." Apple Jack said.

"I told them that you were just busy at the Sanctuary with the animals for hibernation, but no one listen to Rainbow Dash." She said as she crossed her arms while flying mid-air.

"Girls, I am fine, really, and I need to go back inside to finish cooking. I said it to cut the conversation short, but I was too careless for Apple Jack caught my neck wound earlier. So I'll see you later."

"Fluttershy, what happens to your neck? She said as she walked up to me and moved my hair and neck to expose the flesh wound I had done to myself. "Sweet Apples, come on, Fluttershy, let's get you all patched up. Rainbow can get her buck-

"No problem, AJ, one bucket full water ready to be drop off." Rainbow Dash flew inside my house. I tried to run after her hoping she didn't see the hatch to Discord lair, but Apple Jack was holding my hoof.

"Relax, Sugar Cube, let us get you first aid, and then we can catch up and cook together, okay. She guided me to my house as my blood was boiling and freezing, for if my friends see the mush meat or Discord, I am done for. However, ponies keep thinking that it is fantastic to barge into my house without my permission.

We all enter my house as Apple Jack guides me to my couch as Rainbow looks at some odd things out of place. At least they are not going into the kitchen, which I am joyful for she didn’t go straight into the kitchen. I want them to leave. I scratch at my head as my hair is falling out, as a rush of anxiety comes back again. I hope that Apple Jack doesn't go to the kitchen because she will suspect something is off and seeing the cut-up meat and stains of blood on the countertops. I had to distract them until I ensured that anything connected to being a kidnapper and a murderer was gone.

"AJ! I said aloud but did a slight cough to control my tone of voice. "AJ, how about you go get the bandages from upstairs as I make us some tea, okay."

She just nods and heads upstairs, retrieving the bandages. As I noticed, Rainbow Dash was looking at me weirdly.

"You okay, Flutters?" She said to me like I was very uncomfortable and itching to move. "You seem like something is watching you or something.?"

"Rainbow, I just can't stay in one place right now. Let me go and make some-”

"Where are your animals and Angel Bunny?! It seems so quiet here now?" Rainbow interrupted me as she continued with her so-called investigation of my home.

I have to explain my situation without her going to the kitchen or prying about my personal love life. "They are at the Sanctuary, for the time being, that is all. Let me play some music for you, so you don't get bored." I head to the Funky Radio Box that Dissy Dear gave me on my birthday so we can play literal funky music that is not pleasing to any ponies' ears or will cause Vinyl Scratch to commit suicide just by hearing it. I still have the nature soundtracks that I can play when it is me and personal meditation time. Something I stop doing when I finally have my lover in the other room.

I grab a random nature vinyl disc and play it, which was wind meadow breeze, which I played, and it did calm my nerves but still seeing Rainbow Dash not relaxing one bit still gets me to unedge.

"Rainbow, you could sit on the chair if you like. I will get some tea," I said as I started walking into the kitchen.

"Sure, and can I have some cookies if you got some? I didn't eat anything nearly all day. You know training and stuff." She said with a slight grin on her face.

I nod and walk into the kitchen, and once I open my curtain to the room before me, I clench my teeth and frustration. I sigh into my hooves as now I have two ponies in my house and ruining my perfect day with Discord. I ignore the fact and just have to play it cool. I grab the kettle, start boiling some water and search the cupboards to see if I have any of those iced cookies that I can share with my uninvited guest.

It took about ten minutes for the kettle to be ready as I was rushing to get the meat into my refrigerator to keep it fresh and wipe up any blood on the cutting board or the counter. I do not have experience when it comes to covering my tracks, but I had seen some murder movies and read a lot of case files before I enacted my plans on capturing Discord. Still, if they do enter this kitchen, they would see evidence of murder here or there. As long I keep them away from this room, then I should be okay. After cleaning the bloodstains and moving the meat into the fridge, I bleach my hooves to remove any leftover stains. Then I grab the kettle and some teacups and sugar (what is left, that is) and head back to the living room, where I see Rainbow dozing in and out on the couch. I forgot how easily bored Rainbow could be, and with the nature music playing, I figure she will take a nap on my couch without permission.

"Rainbow Dash," I said as she jumped up and saw me with the tray of sugar cookies with the tea set. I pointed with my wings to a medium table that was dusty and older than my last one. "Move that table for me, please, so we can reach the cookies together."

Apple Jack finally came back downstairs with a box of bandages in hoof as she saw me struggling a little with placing the stuff down.

"Let me get that for you, Fluttershy." Apple Jack said as she places the box of bandages and grabs the kettle and the plates of cookies on the table.

"Thanks," I reply, covering my face once again, acting shy with my friends. "Um, when did you guys decide to start worrying about me? If you girls don't mind me asking." I was generally curious because it was nearly a month and a half, and I hadn't seen any of my friends trying to come to my place to check up on me.

"What are you talking about, Flutters!" Rainbow spoke first like she was offended. "We were trying to reach you for weeks. We try sending you letters, but you never reply!" She huffed as she finished her statement.

"Rainbow is right, Sugar Cube; we sent you a letter, and Pinkie tried knocking on your door, but you never answered, and well some of your animals keep coming to my farm as well." Apple Jack finished as she grabbed a cup of tea and took a sip.

"Oh…right, I guess I was busy with housework, and they probably were worried sick about me since I wasn't at the Sanctuary for a while," I said, acting I wasn't aware how worried my animals were about me.

Still, the truth is they were trying to ask for help to stop me from spending time with Discord. Thank Celestia, for I am the only pony that can communicate with animals and maybe other creatures. Still, the animals are drawing attention and making me waste more time away from Discord.

I just push that aside and pour myself some tea and just enjoy some quality time with Apple Jack and Rainbow Dash for the time being. As I listened to Rainbow Dash's stories of the Wonderbolts, AJ tended to the scratches on my neck. She was so tired of hearing Dash's stories as she was ignoring them.

"Wow, Rainbow," I said as I fully engaged in the stories that I miss for a good month and a half. "Guess the new nickname of Crash should go to Thunderlane now, huh?”

"Nope, that title is for me to bear and bear alone. Although now I won't ever let that go for a long time." She started to laugh. I join in the fun with a slight chuckle as AJ finish with the wounds.

"Hey Fluttershy, you want to see something fun?" Apple Jack said as she gave a mischievous smile at the laughing Rainbow, not noticing her devious scheme. "It is something important that you want to hear."

My curiosity intrigues me as I start to love a little mischief sense I have been spending time with my husband Discord. Seem like Discord gave me something that my friends could never provide me in my lifetime, which is excitement from my shy-mundane life. So I nodded with anticipation, and she smiled and looked at Rainbow Dash and cleared her voice as she was going to make a public announcement.

"Rainbow Dash!" She said to get Dash's attention but still couldn't stop laughing at the story she told me.

"hahaha….w-what AJ?" She was chuckling as she finally sat back down on the couch.

"How is your flank felt after your workout session with Sorin yesterday." Rainbow spits out her drink as her wings flared up, and her head became a whole cherry from pure embarrassment. I started to laugh to see her head become like a cherry.

"N-n-not cool AJ, you promise me you won't say that around with our friends!" She said she was trying to be angry at AJ but was embarrassed out of her mind.

I stop laughing and look at Apple Jack to explain why Rainbow is so embarrassed and what she means by flank exercise. "AJ, please, I need to know the details of this story. Does Rarity know?

Apple Jack chuckles a little bit, "oh, she knows, alright. Sweetie Belle was the first mare to tell her about this outcome. Now I shall tell you Fluttershy."

"Don’t you bucking dare Apple Jack!” Rainbow Dash was still trying to threaten Apple Jack for telling her the story. Rainbow ran to my radio and put the volume on high so that I couldn’t hear the story, but I was still laughing at seeing how she tried so hard to hush AJ up. “Whatever she says to you, Fluttershy, it isn’t true!”

“Okay, Rainbow, I won’t tell what happened! Apple Jack had to scream because it was really loud. Turn the music down!”

“What!” Rainbow shouted louder due to they couldn’t hear each other anymore.

I roll my eyes, knowing all too well where this is going to lead, and my ears are going to bleed shortly after this, so I fly to the radio and just turn it off as it is finally silent again. I chuckle at the two as they don’t notice. I turn off the radio as they are now still screaming at each other. Soon they realize, and then they join in the laughter. What I didn’t expect from my loving friends was Apple Jack change the mood from something I will cherish to something I would dread for the rest of my life.

“So Fluttershy, you know what happened to Discord as of late?” AJ said with a smile on her face as she didn’t know. I was shocked at the news myself.

“W-w-w-w-what do you mean by that AJ?” I try to act confused as slowly I begin to sweat a little. I was stunned that they care about Discord like that, but I tried to deflate the question right there and then. “Y-You know Discord is….Discord he is probably causing chaos at his home instead or in a different dimension that is all.”

I notice them stop laughing and now looking at me strangely. Was this a setup to let my guard down? No, it can’t be. I am sure my friends don’t care about Discord like that, do they? No, it can’t be like that at all. Then why is Apple Jack of all ponies asking about the whereabouts of my Dissy? At least she…no, she doesn’t love Discord too, not like that witch Trixie; why did she ask? These questions start to run rampant in my brain, but I try to remain calm and hope that my answer was the best to veer them off course about my Discord.

“Well, you see, Flutters, Big Mac, and Spike been looking for him some time ago because he never misses his O&O sessions with them. Apple Jack explain her reasoning to me and at the moment I heard those two names from her mouth. I know my rage is going to boil; those two are always in my way and here they are trying to separate me from Discord again. Big Mac wanted me to ask you since we were coming to visit you anyhow.”

“Forget them, Apple Jack. Discord doesn’t need them anymore.” I said coldly that made Rainbow raises her eyebrow in bewilderment.

“Fluttershy-“ Apple Jack was about to argue, but I cut her off.

“You guys don’t care about Discord, so why now be wondering about where he is, huh?” I said sternly at my friends as if I only saw that bratty dragon and that whore stallion in front of me instead.

“You two just like his power giving awesome experience because you two are boring ponies! You don’t care about him, and you two just keep on taking him from ME! No! I don’t know where he is, and if I do, I am not going to let you have him again, Big Mac! He is mine! I reformed him! I was the one to ask you guys to befriend him! I am the only mare that understands him! I am the one that loves him! So, keep your dirty hooves and claws away from my DISCORD!!!!”

I yelled at Apple Jack and Rainbow Dash as I talked to Spike and Big Mac, but when I blinked, I realized I said way too much than I needed to.

Rainbow Dash finally was able to move her jaw again and spit out some words to me. “Who is the Whore Stallion?”

I stood there, frozen realize what I just blurted out, and I just had the impulse to run upstairs to my bathroom and stay there until I died. I heard Apple Jack calling my name, but I didn’t want to stop nor wish to engage in a conversation with her. They won’t understand my feelings and the pain in my heart. Trixie, Spike, Big Mac, and my friends don’t honestly know how they hurt us so, how they hurt me for keeping my lover away from me. It is just too much, and the magic of friendship is no remedy to this. It is all about Discord, he needs to cure me of this disease, and he can only do that if he is away from these distractions. Still, I cry and cry for him to save me, but he just ignores me. I ran into the bathroom, and moments later, I heard knocking on the door and Apple Jack's voice trying to tell me to come out so we could talk.

“Fluttershy, please open the door; I just want to talk to you, that is all. We are friends, and Rainbow and I could help you.” She repeated it as she knocked on the door.

“GO AWAY!” I yell through the door. “Apple Jack, I just want to be left alone! I Just want to be with Discord alone! Go Away!” I started to cry as I heard more words, but I was too much into my emotions to listen to what was said on the door's other side.

“AJ! Come here quick! Rainbow yelled to call for Apple Jack as I was not caring but just crying in my bathroom.

I started to hear hoof steps away from the bathroom and heading towards the stairs. I can only guess that Apple Jack gave up and reunited with Rainbow Dash and left my home. After a good few minutes, I finally stopped crying and lay on my bathroom floor staring at the ceiling and finally looking at the clock. It was only 4:45 pm, I usually have dinner made for me in this deary house alone and cook a portion of the food for Discord, I also remember I have to make up our date. It was so much to do and so many things happen that I just want to sleep in the bathroom for today but Discord is my first and only priority.

I got up and opened the door and saw the hallway was indeed empty. I headed downstairs and saw it empty with no sign of the cyan Pegasus and the orange Earth pony. Yes, my friends did leave, and I immediately locked the door, locked the two latches, and shut my blinds. Then I finally sigh, turn around, grab the tea set and cups, and head to the kitchen. I walk towards the sink and begin running the water to wash my cups as I notice my hair is messy.

It had split ends and is no longer groom to Rarity’s perfection, but I didn’t care because Discord just loves my hair sloppy anyways. As I look outside to see the dense forest and my shed, I see the kitchen reflection through the window. Something was off; something was in the reflection of the window that it shouldn’t be there.

When I get a close look, I see a shadowy figure with Emerald green eyes staring back at me; its eyes glow, and I immediately panic and turn around and see it has gone, but in its place was my stove. I took a deep breath to calm my nerves as that strange, hooded figure was gone again, but I looked back at my stove. My stove never is behind the window’s reflection. My eyes shrink as I realize someone or that hooded figure moves my stove. I steadily look at the stove's original spot and where the hatch is to Discord’s new room and see it open. My heart stops, for I know I closed and moved the stove back into position after I finished making tea earlier today. Or, did Discord escape while I was upstairs. No, it can’t be right. I know I installed sensors in his cage in case he did break free. So why is it open?

My eyes widened as I finally put the pieces together that Apple Jack and Rainbow Dash went into my kitchen and discovered the hatch. Now they are downstairs. I begin to panic, and soon my rage boiling, and I have to hurry before they figure out how to set Discord free. I looked at one of my wooden chairs, broke its leg, and was ready to use it as a club.

“Don’t worry, love I protect you from the intruders, and then we can finally be together alone in our chaotic world,” I said as I dash down there as I see the rainbow color tail downstairs and made a be-line to her and at that moment my rage took control, and all I see is red. "STAY AWAY FROM MY DISCORD!!!!!" I scream after I made it downstairs and took a giant swing across Rainbow's head.

All I know is I heard a cracking sound and a loud thud noise hitting Discord cell.


End of Chapter 4