> Rainbow Factory - A Poem > by dashie76 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Rainbow Factory - A Poem > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rainbow Factory - A Poem By dashie76 I do not own Rainbow Factory. This is a fan made work. Come, young child, and you will hear A tale of woe and murder and fear A horrible government conspiracy A lab: The Rainbow Factory You see, there's a test, a flying test Young flyers compete to see who's the best Those who fail, with bad flying gaits For them, a terrible fate awaits You see, way back when, 'fore Nightmare came The sun and rainbows Celestia gave But after the massive Nightmare scare The moon was left in Celestia's care But she couldn't handle that kind of excess She still had to act as royal princess Now, only two things could be used by her She thought, and thought, until she was sure Rainbows they'd have to do without For the sun and the moon had to stay on their route But the unicorns took on the rainbows themselves They experimented with hundreds of spells They finally made artificial rainbows They weren't as good, but their color still glowed Until a group of insane pegasi Found another solution and managed to lie To the entire land 'bout what they might see Inside the Rainbow Factory Not a well-oiled machine that shines and glows But one spattered with blood that creaks and groans For the pegasi needed special ingredient To get all the different colors and gradients What is this substance of need, you ask? Live pegasi children are used, but alas Nopony had found out this secret yet And if one fails the exam, they should get A one-way ticket out of the country Instead, they are shipped to the Factory Where ribs are smashed and ponies are dropped Into a gigantic metal pot Where bodies are broken and shattered and torn And once the children's bodies are scoured Of every last bit of color found The cogs begin to grind and pound The remnants are burned, all clues are erased So the horrible deed might have never took place In the Factory, such blood was shed At least, that's what my grandfather said But sometimes, faintly, you might just hear The grind of levers, the screams of fear The splash of blood on linoleum floor The cries of agony, terror, and gore And I think that maybe Celestia missed A few murderous workers who fell off the list Of pegasus ponies to kill that day When Celestia went to make them pay Now, some say because I am tired and old My brain is rotted and turning to mold But heed this warning, young child I met The Factory is not over yet. > Rainbow Factory - A Poem - Part 2 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rainbow Factory - A Poem By dashie76 Although I did not write the original Rainbow Factory, the plot of this poem is my own. It's finally happened. We're over. We're done. The Factory's workers have stolen the sun. They riled up their unicorns yesterday and stole the celestial body away They have broken out comrades locked under key And rallied up several outlawed refugees They've gathered an army. They've started a war They've slaughtered nine thousand. They're spreading the gore They came, of course, to me to ask If I would join their horrible task I said that I had reformed, which was true And when they attacked, away I flew I saw the wrongdoing of my ways But still, the age-old guilt remains That I was once leading the Factory Was causing this sort of catastrophe Celestia is done, she is captured, you see They're planning to execute her publicly In front of all of the ponies to grieve And watch their beloved princess leave They stormed Canterlot with a battle cry- "Long live the Factory! All shall die! No parent or child remains alive! A new age is coming! The time is nigh! Canterolt falls to our supremacy! And we'll make a new Rainbow Factory! But this one will be on a larger scale! And all of Equestria to us will hail!" They plan to convert the great city Into a new Rainbow Factory And spread sinful rainbows across the land I cannot allow it. But I have a plan Five friends of mine very close to my heart I brought together and we're going to start The biggest rebellion that we've ever had We might not make it. And though it'd be sad As long as we get the job done together And save our land Equestria forever As long as I get my chance to repent We can die in peace, and I'll be content. > Rainbow Factory - A Poem - Part 3 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rainbow Factory - A Poem By dashie76 Although I did not write the original Rainbow factory, the plot of this poem is my own. We've finally done it...it's over...we've won... The rebellion got back...the beautiful sun... My friends have told me...that they would make sure... My name would go down...in historical lore... The mare with the apples...said once every year... When...the cider...season was near... She'd always put aside...one mug to remember... The way that I loved it...and for that, I thanked her... The animal lover...said my memory would live on... That she'd give other pegasi...a project to work on... A statue of cloud...commemorating me... Proclaiming my bravery for all to see... The pink one could barely stop crying to say... That her gift to me was one for my birthday... Once every year...on its...anniversary... She would throw the "biggest, most bestest party..." The dressmaker said...that she'd stitch me a flag... A sheet of honor...a bravery rag... She'd hang it on top of...the mayor's abode... So all could see...the rainbow she sewed... And finally...the bookish...unicorn explained... That never again...would evil reign... That she'd make the next artificial rainbows... The best ones of all...that shined and glowed... Alas...now...the time is nigh... For me to pass on...for me to die... To Pony Heaven...and the joy it brings... Alas...I still regret...many things... Leading the army...I just now beat... Being vain...with boastful flying feats... But most of all...making my friends... Stay with me...till the bitter end... And now...the light...comes...for...me... Black dots...at the edge... of my vision...I see... Just one...last...thing...to say with a sigh... Thank you...for hearing...my story... Good Bye.