> The Fairy Flies > by DevourMistress > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Prologue > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- How precious life can be, a fact one can't appreciate properly, until they've lost a friend, family or pet companion... in her case though, the realization came from the end of her own life. The irony of her death, is that she spend most of her work either saving or 'enhancing' the lives of others. Not as a doctor in a hospital or plastic surgeon in some private practice, no; she worked as a back-alley doctor for a local mafia. Her boss kept her close in his club, pretending she had been his girlfriend while on the club's payroll, while in the reality she worked as doctor, doing illegal surgeries or saving lives of his unlucky henchmen, who ended up on her table. Oh, she never had sex with anyone she worked with; her boss was a gay man nearing his 50's (though he did still look sexy as hell) while her co-workers were... less than attractive, considering the occupation they worked in. Still, she spend a few hours a day just sitting next to her boss, while nosy cops with no real evidence harassed him.... really, what did they pay the cops for, if they let self-righteous jerks come and go like that? As a back-alley doctor, some would expect her to be quite busy, but there's not as much flow of customers as hospital doctors; she had a medical degree, hell... she had even served as a doctor for two years, before her late uncle had introduced her to her current boss. Better pay, less work and she'd never have to worry about paperwork or customers or.. anything really. The henchmen sterilized the tools and took care of the cleaning and resupply: all she did was the actual work. So how did she die? it was quite easy; she had spend the Halloween evening at the club, dressed as Airy from bravely default. White sleeveless dress with blue brooch on her chest, a long white wig, ribbon-like stocking and gloves and a pair of fake butterfly wings, white with black edges. A Halloween event at the club, no work for the day as she sat on the couch in boss' office, just watching Netflix while keeping boss company. The evening was interrupted twice by co-workers coming to talk business and only once by the cops; a rookie white guy (who blushed at sight of her) and a black senior partner, who was a regular fool, pointlessly trying to find evidence; she had seen him plenty, investigating this and that as well as couple of questionings at the police station... she'd also seen the pics her co-workers had taken when they once ambushed him, stripped him naked and beat him black and blue... pun not intended. Apparently, the stereotype about black guys was wrong... or at least in his case. At any rate, their visit was short, the rookie just stealing glances at her while the senior once again tried (and failed) to intimidate her boss. In the end, as they left, she flashed a smile and a wink at the rookie, who almost stumbled as they left; it was adorable, how a young cop can be so innocent. An hour after that, the meeting boss had been waiting for the whole night happened; the boss from rival gang and his bodyguards came over to talk about cessation of hostilities. Why? because they'd give the boss full control of the docks (which would stop both sides fucking up each other's shipments) and we'll grant them access to her medical services. Now, you'd wonder why that happened... and the answer was simple: the rival boss got his own gang raided by cops due to a mole and as such, lost his own back-alley doctors, so when his daughter got sick and needed an organ transplant, we were the only option he had left; the hospital had a long waiting list, one he wasn't going to risk when he could just get a back-alley doctor to transplant a matching organ. Of course, while she'd be leading the operation as chief surgeon, there were other back-alley doctors on our side that she had been teaching or vetting; one can't rely entirely on one doctor, after all. That's why she had so much free time, in fact: the boss reserved her for VIP's, while the henchmen (or freshly vetted ones) took care of the other, poorer folks who wanted cheap plastic surgeries or needed gunshots stitched up. Some might question "what does this all have to do with your death?" and the point is; it was an explanation on her background and last day alive. Since she was dead, she didn't name anyone (including herself) as such names are literally irrelevant when you're dead. Sure, you could say "Alice just told us her background" but who talks of themselves in third person? Crazy people, that's who. She was getting off-track; the discussion went smoothly, the rival gang left and about an hour later, she decided to retire as well for the night. A short walk to the metro station, ticket bought and just waiting for the metro to arrive. The next day, she had two surgeries planned plus prep-work for the organ harvesting, so tonight she'd enjoy a good night sleep... or at least that had been the plan. But in a single moment, everything was taken from her, a cruel act of fate.... or maybe karma's a bitch. She hadn't even seen the drunk behind her, only smelled the disgusting smell of alcohol just before she heard a grunt from the drunk followed by an unexpected push from behind, causing her to yelp at surprise. The drunk fool, whoever he had been, had fallen over and made her fall down as well.... right on the metro tracks. She only had a moment to gather herself, pushing herself on the hands and knees, before she heard the metro arrive. A quick glance at her right showed the metro lights and screeching of the train, before she felt the impact and everything faded into dark with a flash of pain and echoes of witnesses screaming.... Her entire life, she had expected one of four options to stand true, when she would die. Pure non-existence, reincarnation, paradise or eternal torment... yet here she hovered, as a glowing ball of light, in an empty, dark void. There was no sound, sight or feeling. No sense of time or gravity or direction... she wasn't sure if those even existed in this empty void. Was this what everyone experienced or just her? Did a million years pass by in the time she'd been here or did time stand still, forever stuck in the moment of her death? .... She wished that she had spend more time experiencing things she'd never done. Exotic foods, extreme sports, travelling the world... she had always thought she'd have time for it. Guess you learn to truly appreciate things, once you lose it all.... [clip clop] [clip clop] [clip clop] [clip clop] .... What was that sound? it sounded like... heels? No, it sounded different.... Hooves? the rhythm matched the sound she'd heard when she'd seen a cop riding a horse on the street, a synced walking of four legs. As she listened, she could tell that it was coming closer to her, though she couldn't tell which direction... or how the sound was produced, in fact. As far as she could tell, there was no ground, just empty void... or was there, with her simply being unable to move or see? As the hoof steps came closer, her mind began to wander. Was it Death, walking on his horse? She had heard real horses walking, not those fake movie horses, so... as far as she knew about religious things or mythology through video games, Death was one of the horsemen of apocalypse, so it could be him finally coming to claim her soul. If she still had a heart, it would probably be beating in her chest like crazy, while her ears would ring. The waiting was the worst, not knowing how long it.... wait... was the sound of hooves getting... quieter? more distant? [clip clop] [clip clop] ...... [clip clop] [clip clop] ...... [clip clop] [clip clop] ...... Was he... was death leaving her behind? Did he intend to leave her to suffer for all eternity, or did he just not know she was here? The though of being abandoned, just as she had first real interaction with anything beyond this black, empty void... she may never encounter any being, living or dead, ever again... She had to act, NOW! "Hey! is anyone out there!? Here, i'm over here!" She cried out, not fully understanding how she spoke or even knowing if any sound left her... and if it did, would this stranger and his steed hear or even care of her desperate cry? As she listened, she the sense of dread creeping into her soul, as all sound disappeared. As the silence dragged on, she yelled out once more. "Please! I'm over here! .... Don't leave me here alone!" she begged, as the dread and anxiety began to sink deeper into her. For a soul with no body, it was surprising she could feel emotions, but her mind paid no attention as she waited for an answer from mysterious source. Finally, after what felt like an eternity, the hoof steps started again, this time heading towards her as the grew closer. With each step, she felt her soul relax, dread and anxiety washing away and turning into... confusion? Why confusion? because the sight before her was so weird and unexpected, she could not react with nothing but confusion. There was no grim reaper on his horse, only a blue goat with a beard and darker blue curved horns... no, wait, goats had different horns, which meant this thing was a ram. Anyway, as the blue ram, with it's curved horns walked closer, she observed his illuminated form (apparently, she glowed. Who knew). The white eyebrows and hair stood out, as did the red harness with yellow bells and a d ring build into it for attaching... something, that the ram was wearing. It looked odd, since it reminded of her what she had seen reindeer wear in cartoons, yet it seemed perfectly fitted to him. As the ram reached her, it stood still for a moment, before it's unnaturally expressive eyes narrowed as it began to circle her. She could see the white tail at the end, but other than that, the rest of the ram looked like what she expected. She also learned that she didn't have to turn, as she could apparently see 360 at the same time.... though no matter the angle, she still had no idea how the ram was walking, let alone humming to himself in this void. She wasn't sure what it meant, but the tone suggested that he found her interesting. "...h-hello?" she said, causing the ram to stop and fully turn towards her, his red irises staring into her soul... no pun intended. "Are.... are you Death? You don't look like how I expected" she said, before the ram shook it's head "No, old one. Though if you asked my former subjects, I might as well have been" the ram answered, surprising her with his deep voice "I am Grogar, former ruler of what's now known as Equestria, the kingdom of ponies" the ram, Grogar, introduced itself. She looked at Grogar; an entire race of speaking animals? "You can speak English? You're sentient? I didn't know animals could speak" she asked, too dumbfounded to ask anything. "Yes, i'm sentient" Grogar angrily replied, eyes narrowing "So do not compare me to whatever mindless beasts inhabit your home realm. As for this... English? No, i do not speak it. To you, it might sound like I am, but in reality, you're speaking soul-tongue; a language of the souls, that understand any spoken language and when spoken, all understand the words perfectly, as if fluent in their own language... or as perfectly as the speaker can talk" he finished, anger having faded from his tone. As she now looked at Grogar, so many questions appeared in her mind... but before she fed her curiosity, she needed three questions answered "Am I really dead? Why did you call me 'old soul'? ... And where are we?" she asked, as Grogar raised an eyebrow in curiosity. After a moment, he answered her questions "Yes, you are dead, Though it's rare to see a physical manifestation of a soul like you.... let alone here" he said, gesturing around them "This is the realm of darkness, where the souls of evil come to fade. The rest of them are neither sentient nor... physical, as you are however, they merely exist without corporeal form, waiting for reincarnation or resurrection" Grogar explained, before pausing once more. This time, it was considerably longer before he answered "As for why I call you old soul? it is because you are one. By a mere look, I can tell that your soul is far older than mine, and i have spend a long time here, ever since that fool Gusty and her unicorns stole my bell and used their magic to banish me here" he ranted, as he started pacing at what were clearly... touchy memories. "But... how can my soul be older? I can still remember my death like -" "like it happened yesterday?" Grogar interrupted her "That is because in this place, neither souls nor bodies require sustenance, so the passage of time becomes unnoticeable, unless you view outside into the realms beyond. Even memories, which should fade with time, stay as fresh as if they happened mere hours ago" he carefully explained, in what seemed like bored manner. With her immediate questions explained, she felt her curiosity rise again, so she spoke them aloud.... So, apparently Grogar was once a tyrannic leader of ponyland, who had united it all under his rule and created hordes of foulest monsters to do his bidding. There had been other sentient creatures, like deer, yaks, dragons, griffons, minotaurs and so many other species in the world, yet when the time came, the ponies rose up against him. There were four kinds of ponies in the world, though only three existed in his time, before the re-emergence of the fourth about twenty years ago (Equestrian time). The earth ponies, the lowest class who managed the earth and were mostly farmers or other workers, the middle classed pegasi who had wings and controlled the weather and the upper class unicorns, who controlled magic with their horns. Sure, there were also other pony races, but only the crystal ponies and thestrals were a sub-types, while shadow ponies, the seaponies and the kirin were near-pony species that often were mistaken as ponies. There were also other equine species, like zebra's, but Grogar only mentioned them in passing, deeming them as 'irrelevant'. The most powerful of the ponies were of course Alicorns, the fourth pony kind who had all the attributes of the three other races. With their wings and horns, they stood over all others with their power, though until the appearance of Celestia and Luna (who Grogar had only seen as fillies when he had viewed the outside world), they had been mere stories of old, when there had been hundreds of them. No one knew why they had disappeared, only ancient tales talking about an ancient threat who "devoured worlds" and had been barely killed by the combined might of the Alicorns. Some debated that the Alicorns had sacrificed themselves to protect the world, while some theorized that the fight had been so fierce, that it had split them into the three races. Whatever the case, it was now irrelevant. As for how Grogar had been banished into this 'Realm of darkness'? Apparently, a unicorn by the name of Gusty the Great had gathered an army of unicorns under her command and rose up to fight Grogar and his monsters. It had been during the fight, that a distracted Grogar had lost his bewitching bell, which held most of his magic. It was then that Gusty had used the bell as an anchor, using the magic of remaining unicorns, including herself, to banish Grogar from Equestria. As the bell served as an anchor for the spell, even when Grogar finally recovered his magic, he could only watch the world outside, as every attempt to escape was rebelled by the ancient spell, one he couldn't undo without his bell... or outside help. Which is when Grogar revealed why he had been so patient with her; he had an offer he knew she would not refuse.... The silence between herself and Grogar lasted, as she considered his offer. For a tyrant, he was surprisingly mellow... until you considered the fact that he had spend centuries here, in total darkness, only peaking into outside world once in a while with his magic... Also the fact that if he had been hostile, it was doubtful she would have even considered his offer. "So, in exchange for giving me a physical form, giving me the basic knowledge of magic and sending me to Equestria, all I have to do is find a way to release you?" She summarized, surprised at the simple offer he had made "You're not afraid that i'll just abandon you once i'm out of here?" she asked, watching as Grogar narrowed his eyes. "Of course not; while I could create monsters and send them outside, they serve no purpose to me, as they are mindless beasts. I require souls to give them sentience, which I don't have access to since the souls that end here are nothing but shadows, unless resurrected outside of this realm... though it would serve as a sufficient threat, to keep you from betraying me, as eventually, I will be free... and if you do betray me, you have nowhere to hide" he angrily replied, glaring at her. Thinking about it a little, she asked the most important question "And what happens when I do release you? Will you simply dispose of me... or do I have a place in whatever new world you make for yourself?" Grogar's glare lessened as he replied "If you stay loyal, you will have a place as my second; if you betray me and then turn back, I shall punish you, but still find a use for you. The magic to reshape and resurrect a creature is not something I waste on disposable pieces, especially when they could serve a use for me in the future" Grogar paused, glare vanishing as it was replaced with a grin "And if you stay as betrayer, then I shall simply break you, turning you into a mad monster to be held on a leash" he finished, now fully grinning, with glee on his eyes. Well... for a ram, his villain grin seemed pretty good. "And what happens if I stay loyal but fail? What if heroes stop me and imprison me?" she asked, watching as his grin disappeared into a flat line. After a moment of thinking, he replied "As long as you've tried your best, I shall not punish you; as long as you one day find a way to release me, It will be good enough. Even I failed once, so failure is not the end; how you deal with it determines your fate" Grogar replied, watching her carefully. Silence once again stood between them, as her vision focused on irrelevant features on the ram in front of her while she mulled it over. "Just curious... why don't you just use your magic to forcibly transform me? or control my mind? You certainly seem the type, so your relaxed behavior and fair deal seems odd" She asked, as Grogar let out a sigh "To forcibly transform you would leave you a wild beast; a thing of no use to me, while mind control requires a regular application, one I cannot do once you leave.... As for my 'calm behavior' ? I am not some fool, I know fully well that shouting and demanding obedience from you would only lead to rebellion on your part. Better bribe you with gifts of life and place in my new world, rather than risk disobedience" he replied in bored tone. "Huh, a tyrant who's logical... that's rare. Well, since it's Win/Win situation for both of us, I don't see a reason to reject your offer, nor to betray you; I get a new body and a place in your future plans, while you get free from this wretched place. So, how does this work?" Grogar grinned as he went on to explain the complicated process that would turn her from a soul into a physical, living being once more. Most of the magical process went over her head (though later, she would know what they meant), but the process was easily simplified; all she had to do was think of her new form, anything she desired, and the magical spell would do it's best to turn it into reality. Of course, there were obvious limitations; it had to be flesh and blood, limited size and it couldn't grant you powers to bend reality to your will; at most, it could give you magical abilities of average unicorn, though she could grow more powerful by herself... like if she chose to become a dragon, she'd be reborn as newborn one, who would eventually grow to become fierce force to deal with: the magic could give the ability, but it would be up to her to grow it stronger. While she could think of many beings she could become, including her former human body, she discarded them one by one, until she chose the most ironic one; she had died cosplaying as Airy, so that would be her new identity. When she questioned Grogar if the multiple forms were possible, he replied that it was, but it would take time for her body to adjust, to grow stronger and finish magically maturing by drawing on ambient magic. Why did she choose to become Airy? simple; like the fictional character, she decided it would be best to take the innocent look, to trick the ponies to opening the way for her new lord, Grogar... Also, the other forms would be useful, should she need to fight. Her former human body had neither magic nor useful abilities. She'd have the knowledge for abilities of her other forms, but she would need time to grow powerful enough to unlock them... Oh well, according to Grogar, she'd have thousands of years to do it; since the heroes seemed to prefer long punishments for villains, Grogar though it would be appropriate to give her a lifetime to fit it; it wouldn't do to have her die in couple of decades due to old age, if the heroes beat her and sealed her for a thousand years. With agreement reached and form chosen, it was time. As Grogar began his spell, horns glowing yellow and black, she began to draw her full attention to the mental image of Airy. The familiar voice and look, the behavior and true nature, her more sinister forms and abilities... And as her thoughts finished gathering what she needed, the spell activated. And she screamed as pain coursed through her soul, everything fading black... She wasn't sure how long it was, but when she came to, she felt her body ache as she lied on the cold, hard ground beneath her. Groaning, she slowly opened her eyes as she felt cold air enter her lungs.... HER LUNGS! She gasped as her eyes opened fully, a sensation of flesh and all that came with it once again, after a long time without a body. As she greedily breathed since eons, she pushed herself on her feet, only to put her hand against her throbbing head. Her mind focused on the new, foreign knowledge, that told her everything she needed to know of her new body; How to fly, how to change forms, what her magical abilities were and how to use them... "Well, this is unexpected" A deep voice above her interrupted her, causing her to look up... into much larger Grogar, now looking downwards at her, barely illuminated by her new glow. He looked much more sinister now, that she was looking up at his barely illuminated face. Refocusing back on herself, she turned to look at her hands, before she began to inspect herself; fairly normal human-like body, with white hair and pale skin. Her hair reached to her chest, silver-white looking beautiful. Her clothing was made of white, strapless dress with blue gem on her chest and bottom of the dress at mid-thighs, while her hands and legs were covered in ribbon-like gloves and stockings, gloves ending at elbows while stockings were all the way to her thighs. Finally, as she turned her head, she could see and feel the beautiful white butterfly wings, with black edges. A few experimental flaps (a strange sensation, to know how to use new muscles, yet experiencing them for the first time) showed that they were real. As she moved her wings a little, she noted a lack of number of them; it didn't matter, as it only meant a number of worlds in the games. A quick fixing of her hair told her that her ears were elf-like; she always found them cute. A cough from above drew her attention away from self-examination, making her remember the situation. With an experimental flap of her wings, she took flight... and almost fell back down, before the strange new muscles corrected her flight, causing her to hover in the spot a moment, before she flew up to be on eye level with Grogar. "Oh, thank you! I love this new body!" she spoke, her new high pitched voice causing Grogar's ears to flick "So, your malevolence; what shall we do next?" She asked, as Grogar inspected her new form with his eyes, now that she actually had one. His reply made her feel both surprised and embarrassed. "Getting your name would suffice, unless you prefer I keep calling you 'old soul'" Grogar sarcastically replied, causing her to stop and think about it. They had known for each other for hours, were now in a master/servant contract and yet, to her embarrassment, she had never given him her name. "Well" she began, as she crossed one hand over her chest, while other cupped her chin "Since my old name is useless, I think i'll use the name of the fictional character this form was based on" she said, before letting her hands fall to her sides as she did a spin, before flying to hover right in front of Grogar's face "Hi, i'm Airy, the Cryst-fairy; would you like to be my friend?" She said, sounding as innocent and sincere as she could make it. Grogar looked at her for a moment, eyes narrowing, before he laughed "Oh, that is insidious; the ponies will surely fall for it" Grogar said between laughing, which Airy joined too; their laughter echoed into the darkness, a pair of sinister laughter for none to hear but themselves. Oh, this would be so much fun... > Chapter 1 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Cold winds blew across a landscape of snow and ice, a verifiable storm making even the hardiest of creatures shake as they sought rare prey or hid beneath the snow for shelter. Beneath the snow, a frozen ground stood as hard as stone, preventing all but hardiest of creatures from digging even a smallest den while dark clouds above dropped heavy flow of fresh snow. And yet, in this hellish landscape of ice and snow, stood a small city, made of crystals and protected by a blue barrier, shielding it's denizens from the storm inside, while displaying a night sky, with moon and stars visible, as if the skies above were not covered in dark clouds. Yet, where once this beautiful city stood active, with lush fields of farms and grass surrounding it, now only a thin section around the city remained, frost growing on grass, crops and windows of the houses while guards wore an extra layer of clothing, to keep warm during the night shift. The ponies slept together, to stay warmer during the cold nights that crept in, colder and colder with passing of weeks, as at the center of the city, in the plaza below a towering castle of crystal that stood on four pillars, a heart-shaped crystal slowly spun, hovering between two points of crystal, glowing weakly; The Crystal Heart was growing weak. The crystal ponies, citizens of this declining city, hoped every day that their ruler, Princess Amore, would find a way to revitalize the dying crystal heart, even as her efforts grew more and more unresponsive as the weeks passed. The moral of the citizens were slowly crushed, as rumors spread that the frozen north might finally claim the Crystal Empire, forcing it's founding ruler to abandon it as she'd be forced to lead her ponies down south, to emerging country of Equestria, ruled by the newly crowned Princess Celestia and Princess Luna. No one would expect, that the salvation would arrive not from the minds of Princess Amore or her two promising students, nor the twin sisters sworn to help the Empire once Tirek was defeated. No, their salvation would come from the guidance of a small, tiny creature, that proclaimed itself to be a 'Cryst-fairy'... Outside the barrier and it's withering city, a sound of thunder echoed, followed by a sound one would describe as 'glass breaking', as a hole in reality opened, leading into a realm of pure black, only to close within moments of happening, leaving no evidence of it's existence. There was no one to witness, as a tiny creature slipped through and fell to the snow below in that brief moment the gate between Equestria and Realm of darkness stood open... yet in a thousand years, all would wonder where the creature came from. Airy huffed as she dug herself from the pile of snow, shaking the snow off herself as she stood up, her tiny weight letting her stand on piles of snow without sinking through. As she wrapped her arms around herself, she looked around the snowy landscape and the dark clouds ahead, shivering as the cold winds blew past her. " 'Near one of their cities' my ass. This is a frozen wasteland!" Airy yelled out loud, before cursing at how inaccurate her master had been. She had expected a forest or a field of grass, not piles upon piles of snow in every direction. There weren't even any tree's as far as she could see, only hills of snow and ice and glowing blue dome in the - Her eyes snapped back towards the dome, it's faint bluish glow line a beacon in the dark winter landscape in the distance. "Huh... I guess he was right, after all" she said to herself, before flapping her wings as she took flight. She could see that it was quite a distance... one she clearly couldn't just fly straight, as the winds blew her right out of the sky, causing her to crash right back into snow below. It only took her a moment to dig herself out of the snow again, this time angrily huffing at the stupid winds, before she once again shook the snow off herself. As she glanced at the blue dome in the distance, she began to think; it would be relatively easy to just transform to her first form (which lord Grogar's power had already unlocked, since it was mostly physical abilities only) but she wasn't sure if the citizens could already see her, nor how they would react to what was a monster walking towards their protected city. The other option was to walk there in her current form; an option she disregarded almost immediately, as she'd freeze before reaching it. That left her with final option; to fly as close to the ground as possible, avoiding gusts of wind as she tried to reach the dome before she'd be forced to transform. With a plan in her head made, Airy once again took flight, only this time staying close to the snow-covered ground as she flew towards the blue dome.... Inside a towering castle of crystal, in the royal bedroom a larger than average unicorn slept, nuzzling herself below the thick red blankets, enjoying what little rest her troubled mind could get. Yet soon enough, a magical alarm ran on the night table, rousing her from sleep as her long spiral horn glowed, pale blue light illuminating the dark room as the mare rose up, her raspberry mane flowing down her head, turning cobalt blue at the ends as it stood out against the very pale vermilion coat; it was almost white, yet a hint of pinkish hue was still to be seen. A deep blue snowflake between laces marked her flank as a cutie mark. As Princess Amore, the founded and first ruler of Crystal Empire yawned and left her bed, she already dreaded the start of the early day. In just a hour, she'd have to once again recharge the Crystal Heart, yet each time she did, it took more and more magic out of her, with lessening effects. As she levitated pieces of jewelry and her crown to herself, she glanced at the dark sky outside; soon, Celestia would raise the sun and mark the beginning of a new day... Another day where neither her efforts, nor the efforts of Radiant Hope and Sombra, her personal students and the only magic users left besides herself, would reveal a way to revitalize the heart. When she had founded the Crystal Empire nearly 60 years ago, when Celestia's and Luna's mother was but a tiny thing in their grandmother's womb, it had taken but a single, weak spell once a week and the power of the Crystal Heart had kept the barrier strong as warmth spread across the kingdom, with lush fields of green as far as the eye could see at the top of the castle. Yet these days, each day she felt drained when she cast the spell, with the dome only covering a section of the area it had once done; the distance between the center of the city and the edge was longer than between the city and the dome. As she brushed her hair and finished setting the jewels and crown, she turned her attention to today's tasks; first, she'd have to get the weekly reports from Radiant and Sombra, then charge the Crystal Heart, after which begin discussions with her royal council about the possibility of evacuating what remained of the Crystal Empire... a depressing topic. So many of her ponies had already left, with those that remained being her most loyal subjects. Almost all unicorns had already left to join Equestria in the south, as had the thestrals who had once been shunned by pegasi, now swearing loyalty to the night princess. That left only a few unicorns and the crystal ponies, many of who were ready to leave if given command. Sadly, out of the four unicorns that remained, her younger sister Glimmer was unable to use magic since birth, leaving only Amore, Radiant Hope and Sombra as the only magic users in all of Crystal Empire. Glimmer felt guilty that she couldn't help with the Crystal Heart, but her work as minister of agriculture was just as valuable, especially on times when food started to become scarce without Equestrian support. As Amore left her quarters, she nodded to the guards, as well as the pair of maids outside, who went in to do their job as she walked down the halls. The air inside the castle was slightly cool, but not at freezing as the outside, which helped her mind finish waking up, just as she came across Radiant and Sombra, both yawning at the early morning. Sombra was the first to greet her, as they stopped in front of her "Good Morning, your highness" he said with a bow, followed by Radiant doing the same. She really wished they'd learn by now, that she didn't need them to bow; they were her students, not common citizens. "Good morning, Sombra, Radiant hope" Amore greeted as the two stood up, slightly tilting their heads to look up at her. Radiant Hope had a beautiful heliotrope coat, with mane of grayish blue, with light blue eyes and a symbol of golden caduceus as cutie mark. Sombra on other hand was opposite, with dark grey coat and black mane, with green eyes and a symbol of black crystals as cutie mark (though he wore a light, green colored cape over his body; he excused it as staying warm, while she knew he didn't like to show his cutie mark). This time, it was Radiant Hope who spoke first "I'm sorry to tell you, your highness, that neither of us have found the means to repair the heart, as we can't even tell what's wrong; all of our tests and spells tell that the Crystal Heart should work properly, yet no matter what we try, it is still losing power" she reported in saddened tone, as she lowered her gaze. "At this point, we even considered it a sign of dark magic or a curse, yet the Crystal Heart shows no signs of either; we simply cannot find a reason nor a way to fix the Crystal Heart" Sombra finished, as he too lowered his gaze, ashamed at their lack of results. Princess Amore looked at them with saddened face, before lifting their chins to look at her once more "My precious students; it is not your fault. I too have failed to find reason or solutions to this problem, so let us hope that Princess Celestia and Princess Luna will arrive soon, to help us deal with this situation... And should worse come to be, they can help us in evacuation of the empire" she finished. Both Sombra and Radiant Hope looked shocked at what she was saying, but before either of them could reply, she raised her hoof to stop them "As much as I hope we can find a way, we must face reality; A day is slowly approaching, when our magics combined will not be enough to keep the heart working. It is because of this, that i'll have my ministers and captain of the royal guard begin making plans and preparations, should we deem it necessary to evacuate the Crystal Empire; safety of the citizens must come first" she finished, as she looked at her two students. It was clear that both of them wanted to argue against her decision, but as Radiant Hope bowed her head in acceptance of Amore's decision, she could see a flash of anger briefly go over Sombra's features, before he too bowed his head in defeated acceptance. "Now, let us go enjoy the breakfast; we still have months before the worst, so until then, the two of you will be in charge of trying to find a way to fix the heart" Amore said with a slight smile. Both Radiant and Sombra perked up at the mention of breakfast and followed her to the dining hall, though in their hearts they felt sadness. The Crystal Empire had been their home for their entire lives; neither of them wanted to leave it. As luck would have it, their silent prayers would be answered in less than a hour, though the future would not be what either of them hoped.... As the princess and her students gathered together for breakfast, outside the barrier protecting the crystal empire, a glowing light slowly approached the city. As the snow continued the fall, the glowing light finally stopped just before impacting the barrier. Airy shivered as she rubbed her hands together, carefully inspecting the glowing blue dome in front of her. She didn't know what kind it was; did it stop anything going through or did it vaporize them? Did that work one way or both ways? Or was it simply a fancy weather shield, that let living beings through while shielding whatever was inside from the weather? Wondering her options for a moment, she landed on the snowy ground, after observing for a moment that no, it was not electrocuting the snow and ice around it. As she stood still and watched the blue dome, her entire body kept shivering at the cold weather; even her wings were feeling stiffer. Looking at the snow below her feet, she knelt down, using her hands to make a small snowball, before she stood up and carefully threw it at the blue dome. As it flew through the air, she saw it impact the dome and... no idea. Did it vaporize or simply pass through? She huffed in frustration. Of course it would not tell her anything; the thing was practically protecting whatever was inside from the weather, so throwing a snowball in a snowstorm did nothing. There was only one option left; testing it by touch. Airy shivered at the though, but after a moment, started walking towards the dome. Soon, she was within an arm's reach, at which she slowly extended her hand towards it, her index finger straight while the rest were curled up into a fist. If it indeed vaporized stuff, then at most she'd lose a fingertip, but if it let her through, then there was no harm to pass through it. Taking a gasp of air, she closed her eyes as she pressed her finger into the dome... and quickly pulled it out, half expecting to scream in pain, only to discover... nothing? Airy blinked as she opened her eyes and looked at her hand; there was no harm whatsoever to her finger. Glancing at the dome, this time she kept her eyes open as she extended her hand again, finger poking into the dome. After a moment, she pulled it out, unharmed, before taking a step closer and thrusting her whole arm, all the way to the elbow. As she pulled it out, she saw no damage, only a tingling sensation that faded as soon as she removed her arm from the dome. Taking a deep breath, she gathered her courage and stepped through... into a field of frost-covered grass? Blinking at the odd sight, she took flight once more, stopping as she reached above the grass blocking her field of view... and before her stood a most beautiful view she had seen in two lifetimes. An entire city, made of pure crystals stood out in front of her. Building and streets, made of huge pieces of crystal, looking like they were carved straight out of giant blocks of crystal, standing two to three stories tall. As she unconsciously flew closer, she could see the city sidewalks and yards filled with grass, bushes and small tree's, a sanctuary of life, protected from the lifeless winter wasteland surrounding the dome. Blinking, she turned her head up, to look at the night sky above, stars and the moon shining without a cloud on sight. Turning to look back where she had come from, she could see a faint outline of where the dome edge was, though on the inside it showed as if the lush green fields continued on forever beyond it. Magic was truly amazing. Turning back to the city, she inspected what seemed to be the glow of streetlamps, before turning turning her attention to the center of the city, where a massive tower of crystal stood out; it was like someone had taken the Eiffel tower from her world, filled the empty spaces and made it entirely out of crystal: it seemed to go on forever, as if it's creators had been dared to reach the heavens. Clearly, a castle fit for a king. She felt a grin spread on her face, as she looked at the city before her; while the air was still cold, it now felt like an early fall breeze, rather than bone shaking cold she had felt outside. With her destination chosen, she flew towards the city, deciding to inspect what the average houses and citizens looked like, before she approached the rulers of this majestic city. After all, knowledge was power. "Ugh, I hate the night shift" a guard spoke, as he stopped at the intersection to rub his hooves together, while his partner looked at him "It's just another half an hour, when the sun rises up we'll get a warm meal and some sleep" the second guard replied, before glancing nervously around, checking if any citizens were on earshot "Do you think the rumors are true? That the Crystal Heart is dying and we might have to abandon the empire before we all freeze to death?" he asked in hushed tone. "Stop talking about that; what if somepony hears you?" The first guard quickly replied, anger on his tone "I'd like to believe that Princess Amore will find a way to revive the Heart; she has ruled the Crystal Empire since she founded it 58 years ago, she'll find a way eventually. My grandfather was one of the first guards that joined and i'll be damned if i'm the last" he replied, before a flash of light in his peripheral vision drew his attention. Yet, as he turned his head, there was nothing to see. Only walls and yards of the houses and a lamppost to illuminate it, giving out a soft glow. After a brief inspection, he shook his head as he motioned to his partner "Let's go, the sooner we are finished the sooner we can get some sleep" he said, before pointing to his partner "And don't talk to anypony about the rumors; we don't want the ponies to start panicking" he said, before walking away as the two guards resumed their patrol. Neither of them noticed a small ball of light hover above the lamppost, before flying off.... For a such a beautiful city, it's inhabitants were both sad and disappointing. As Airy stopped by a window of another bedroom, she could see an entire family huddled together under blankets. Wooden interiors and furniture told a further tale, that this entire city was not made of high class society as she had initially though, but rather your average pleasantry class, though it was likely the what nobility there were, they'd be close to the castle. As she flew up to hover above the house she had been peaking into (a simple interior; no books, wooden furniture, non-fancy fabrics...) she considered the towering building at the center of the circular city. The shape of the city made sense, considering the dome, but was the castle build before or after this... Crystal Heart that the guards mentioned was put into use. She also wondered how similar it was to the Crystals she knew of.... Cryst-fairy, landing in a city made of crystals? she wasn't sure if it was Grogar's intention, a happy coincidence or some kind of twisted fate, but... Airy shook her head, as she once again continued exploring the city. If what she had heard from the guards was right, she'd have less than 30 minutes to sunrise. That meant the entire city would be waking up soon, so she'd have to explore as much as possible and maybe take a peak at this.... Crystal Heart, just to see how secure it was. It might prove useful for her plans, whatever they might be once she learned more of this world... As the doors to the dining hall opened, both Radiant Hope and Sombra gave a nod of greeting to minister of agriculture and the Royal guard captain, as they sat down opposite of them on the long table. "Good morning, sister" Princess Amore lifted her head, taking her eyes off the financial estimate as she turned her head to her right, where her little sister Glimmer and her husband, Thunder Shield sat down to join her at breakfast. Glimmer was a unicorn with white coat and yellow mane, while Thunder Shield was a pegasus, one of only three (of which one was a foal and the other an old retiree) in the Crystal Empire, with red coat and twin colored mane, a swirl of blue and green. It had been a surprise 25 years ago, when her elder mother had somehow had Glimmer, as her mother had been nearing 80 by then, but she was glad to have such a loving sister, especially after their mother passed away three years ago. Thunder Shield, who was only 3 years older than her sister, had grown up with Glimmer in what was now Equestria, as childhood friends in a little village. Such a sweet story of friends who became lovers, after Glimmer gained her cutie mark (a crystal flower) growing a gift to Amore, while during a thunder storm, Thunder Shield had gotten his by protecting Glimmer from lightning (and miraculously both walking away without a scratch). While the two sisters had the age gap of staggering 58 years, they were still close, as Amore didn't look over 30 (and by unicorn estimates, she'd probably live to see her 200th birthday; a blessing among the unicorns powerful enough to live beyond the first century, as her mother would have probably lived to her 150's too, if she hadn't been claimed by an illness). Amore had been pleasantly surprised when the two had moved to Crystal Empire in their teens, but she had welcomed both with open hooves. Glimmer had eventually risen to become a minister of agriculture, while Thunder Shield had passed all expectations and now stood as a newly appointed Captain of the Royal Guard, after Mighty Hammer retired to spend time with his grandfoals. "Good morning, Glimmer, Thunder. I take it little Daisy is with her nanny?" Amore asked as she greeted the two. Glimmer laughed embarrassingly at the mention of her wild little pegasus foal "Oh yes, she was so excited. She gets to play with her nanny before and after kindergarten, it's so adorable. Rose Pedal has been so helpful while Thunder and I are busy working, so when we get home after work, she's always calmed down. But enough about that, when will I be seeing nieces of my own?" Glimmer said, teasing Amore's own lack of foals. Amore simply shook her head as she smiled, giving a light chuckle "You know as well as I that I simply don't have any romantic interests, nor a desire for foals. Still, it's always fun to see little Daisy playing with her toys... have you considered giving her a sibling?" she asked teasingly in return, before chuckling as Glimmer blushed, while Thunder cleared his throat and changed the subject "So Radiant, Sombra; how has the progress on the heart been going?" He asked, trying to hide his own blush at mention of foals. It was a wrong question to ask, as light smile on Amore's, Radiant's and Sombra's face went away, Sombra focusing on his food as Radiant answered "Unfortunately.... we've had no progress" she said, as she glanced at Sombra. As one of two students serving Princess Amore, the two young adults were always looking to show their worth, yet each failure only weighted on their consciousness, especially Sombra. Amore didn't hold it against them: They were brilliant and talented students, excelling in their own fields of magic, yet even she failed to find a way to revitalize the heart; to hold them responsible would be foolish, as everypony failed at something. Amore let out a sigh, before she turned towards Glimmer and Thunder, who's own smiles had now faded away "While i'm hoping the Princess Celestia and Princess Luna will have a solution, i'm afraid that it's time for us to begin preparations for evacuation, should the worst come to be" Glimmer's eyes widened as she turned to look at Amore in shock "B-but you always have a solution for these things; like the time when those deer cultists tried to kidnap ponies or when those diamond dogs though they could rob the empire from beneath. Surely you can figure out what's wrong with the Crystal Heart" she said, only to receive a shake of head as reply. "Unfortunately, neither I or my students have managed to figure out what's wrong with it. For all purposes, it should function as normal, yet it's losing power. The Crystal Heart is an ancient artifact, so for all we know there might be some forgotten spell or ritual, that is needed to recharge it... so with heavy heart, i must admit that there might be no other way than to leave the empire; The safety of everypony who live here must come first" Princess Amore said, as she lowered her head again. Only silence followed, as the five sat without talking, finishing their breakfasts, before parting as Princess Amore left to recharge the heart, with saddened Radiant and Sombra following behind her..... > Chapter 2 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Even though she had some expectations, Airy had to admit to herself she was wrong; apparently they did have books. As she hovered next to the window, she could see rows upon rows of books inside. It was pretty easy to guess from the books and the two griffon statues in front of the doors that this building was probably the library. There was no indication on whenever this was for everyone or nobles/rich only, but if Airy remembered correctly, the peasantry class in ancient times were illiterate, it was likely for the nobles and rich, rather than mere peasants... maybe some guards and the religious people were literate too, but that might be the extend of it. Speaking of religion.... Airy looked around before flying up, until she hovered above the buildings around her. She had by random change encountered the library, but she had no idea what the religious buildings looked like in a city made of pure crystal.... or if there even were any. The city was weird; at the center stood the castle, there were twelve main streets, creating straight roads from center to edges of the city. There were also side-streets in middle of the city, that if she was looking at it right (she'd need to fly higher to confirm, but she didn't wanna risk exposure yet), it looked like they formed a hexagram shape, aligned with the main roads perfectly. Why a hexagram shape, instead of a circle she didn't understand, but the city structure made no sense. She had expected majority of shops and noble houses to be at the center, yet they were spread all over the place; even the library was closer to the edge than the center. It made no sense to her whatsoever. With a huff, Airy took a look at horizon; the sun hadn't popped up yet, so she'd have plenty of time to check the 'Crystal Heart' the guards talked about earlier. Maybe they were unable to tell time properly as well, because she was fairly certain half an hour had passed, yet no increased activity or even a sign that the sun was coming up. For all she knew, it could be 3 in the morning, from the phase of the moon and stars above. These ponies were so strange... Shaking her head, Airy fluttered her wings a little, before she lowered herself to be level with nearby rooftops and slowly started to make her way towards the castle; she had at one point entertained the idea it was a government building, but no non-nobility would build such a waste of resources. Clearly, it was designed as a home for some arrogant king. ... Then again, if they were arrogant, she could use that to her advantage; feed their ego a little, turn attention to outside threats and she could probably convince the rulers that she knew a place where they could get a loyal army... or enough funds to build one. As she arrived close to the castle, she could see a couple of guards pass by a row of stores. For a moment, her curiosity peaked, so Airy glanced at the two guards, watching to make sure they were far enough before she made a small detour, flying until she was hovering in front of the shop windows. Peaking inside, she could see it was a furniture store, full of medieval wooden furniture. Moving on, she found a clothes store, a bakery and a small restaurant, before she came across a closed off blacksmith, glass maker and what looked like a ceramics store for pots of different sizes, as well a store that sold... crystals? 'Why would there be... whatever' Airy disregarded that though, as she stopped window browsing, before flying up so she was once again over the buildings, before she flew towards her destination. On the way, she saw a street full of empty stalls, so it wasn't hard to guess what the business district was. As she reached the empty plaza surrounding the towering crystal castle, she stopped as she took a look around, noticing a few guards walking by here and there. Only a handful really, but enough to make her decide to be careful. 'Nothing I can't dodge easily' Airy though to herself as she lowered her altitude, till she was flying close to the ground. With a quick look around, she flew across the empty plaza; not a single guard turned their gaze towards her, passing without even seeing a softly glowing fairy. Reaching one of the four pillars holding the massive crystalline structure together, she paused to look around. After a brief moment, it was clear that none saw her, although those wandering concerns disappeared as Airy laid her eyes on a glowing heart shaped crystal at the direct center of the small plaza below the castle, slowly rotating as it hovered between two spiky pillars, one from below and another from above. It was absolutely beautiful.... Princess Amore stood still, as her eyes were closed and she took a few deep breaths to calm her troubled mind. "Your highness, is everything alright?" Radiant Hope asked, watching as the princess opened her eyes and nodded, before continuing her way through the hallways, towards the castle entrance "Everything is fine, I was merely preparing for the task ahead" Amore spoke reassuringly, as Radiant and Sombra followed behind her, sharing a look of concern but not saying anything. As they passed through the hallways, once in a while a passing guard saluted the three and the maids bowed as their princess passed them by. All too soon for Amore's liking, they reached the main castle entrance, guards saluting as they straightened their pose and the spears they were holding. Nodding in return, Princess Amore took a deep breath, before slowly releasing it as she glanced at her two students behind her. She took note that both were still a little tired, though it was most likely a combination of late night studying and stress. Maybe she'd give them a night off tonight, they'd truly deserve it after weeks of exhausting every option they knew to revitalize the heart. Her plans made, Princess Amore stepped forward, opening the doors with her magic as she stepped into the cold outside, walking down the stairs to the plaza... and stopping at the most curious sight before her. There, at the center of the plaza, a small ball of light was hovering next to the Crystal Heart. Radiant gasped at the sight, while Sombra stayed silent, though a glance at his direction showed a flash of anger and suspicion. Princess Amore said nothing, as she silently walked towards the heart. As she came closer, she saw that it was a glowing tiny creature, silently watching the Crystal Heart. "Hello there, little one" Princess Amore spoke, getting a yelp of surprise from the creature; it had been so mesmerized by the heart, it hadn't realized they had walked up to her "Please, do not be alarmed, I mean you no harm" Amore said softly as the creature hovered still, it's tiny appendages around itself as it turned towards her. It was a curious sight, how it reminded her of the breezies; both were tiny, butterfly winged creatures, though this one was larger than the breezies, with solid colored wings, unlike the breezies who had transparent wings. She also didn't seem to be carrying pollen, flying by her own with a slight glow around her, nor did she have the antennae the breezies had. The shape of the creatures body was also reminded her of minotaurs, except it's legs were straight and face was flat, like the monkey's she had once seen at travelling zoo in her youth. The creature's head had a long, silvery mane, while her wings were white with black edges. It was also wearing a dress of some kind, as well as black ribbon-like wrappings around it's upper and lower appendages... from what she could see (the creature was tiny, at most a size of foal's toy), the lack of fur must have been a reason for such clothing. "H-Hello. I-I'm sorry if I was breaking any rules or laws, I just got curios a-about the glowing crystal and -" The tiny creature explained, her higher pitched voice conveying fear as it stuttered, only to be interrupted by Sombra "You'll address the Princess Amore with proper respect, creature" he said in impatient tone, causing another yelp to leave the creature. "I-I apology, your highness, for any of-offense I might have caused" the creature spoke quickly, as it bowed it's upper body. Amore send Sombra a disappointed glance, who took the hint to calm down a little, before she turned back to the creature floating silently, still bowing "It is alright. I am Princess Amore, ruler of the Crystal Empire. Now, who might you be?" she asked gently, as the creature nervously straightened itself. "M-My name's Airy. I'm a Cryst-fairy" the little creature, Airy, introduced itself. It was then when Radiant Hope spoke "What's a Cryst-fairy? I've never seen your kind before" she asked, not with hostility but curiosity. This seemed to calm Airy a little, before she answered "I'm not surprised, as i'm not from around here. The Cryst-fairies are born of the crystals, to guide and aid the vestals in the times of need" she explained, though it was lacking in detail. Before Radiant could ask more, Amore interrupted their talk "While it is interesting to learn of our new.. visitor, we can continue this discussion later. For now, I must attend to the Crystal Heart" she spoke regally, before stepping next to the heart, her horn glowing as Airy flew a little to the side, allowing her to observe as Amore focused on the spell. A stream of magic left her horn and struck the Crystal Heart, causing it to glow brighter, before it started spinning much faster. Amore felt the strength leave her, as she poured more and more of her magic into the heart, before it finally stopped and released a wave of blue energy that expanded, bringing with it warmth as the cold disappeared. Amore gasped as the spell ended, nearly collapsing as both Radiant and Sombra were on her side in an instant, supporting her as she gasped for breath. It wasn't until she had almost regained her breath, that Airy flew closer and spoke once more "Are you alright, your highness?" she asked, her tone carrying her concern "Yes, I am alright. Revitalizing the Crystal Heart merely drains much of my power" she said, as she straightened herself, no longer leaning on Radiant and Sombra as she slowly began to regain her composure. Airy looked at her with concern, before glancing at the Crystal Heart that now glowed slightly brighter "Why would you use such a thing, if it drains you of your power? Would it not be easier to build a shelter over the city?" she asked, as Amore shook her head "The Crystal Heart once took but a tiny fraction of my magic to raise a barrier over a far greater distance than it does today. For decades, I used to cast the spell once a week, yet now it requires a daily recharge that drains me of strength" she explained. Airy looked at her, before glancing at the Crystal Heart once more "But if it did that once with ease, why does it drain you so much? Is it too old? If so, can you make another one?" she asked with concerned tone as she turned towards Princess Amore, only to receive a shake of head as Radiant answered "The Crystal Heart is an ancient relic recovered less than century ago, so we can't just make another one. As for why it drains the princess so much, we don't know; we've tried everything in our power, but our magics have revealed nothing wrong... It should be working perfectly, yet it doesn't" she said in saddened tone. Amore noticed a thoughtful expression cross Airy's face, before she placed one of her appendages to her chin and though for a moment. After a small pause, she turned towards the three ponies as her appendage fell back to her side and spoke; "Why don't you just recharge it with your hopes and prayers?" she asked, as if it was the most obvious thing in the world. Sombra snorted, before speaking "And how would that help? Would you have us dance and sing a song, while wishing that sunshine and smiles protect us from the cold?" he asked sarcastically, getting a giggle from Radiant. As Airy seemed dejected at the reply, Amore send her two students a disapproving glance "Sombra, remember your manners; Airy is a guest of the Crystal Empire" she said, before turning towards Airy. "Could you elaborate by what you mean by 'hopes and prayers' " Princess Amore gently requested, as Airy nervously shifted her appendages to hug herself again "Well, where I come from, the vestals pray upon the four Crystals, that gather the hopes and prayers of the people, so that the world is protected from natural disasters and decay" she answered nervously, only to receive confused looks in return. "What is a vestal?" Radiant hope asked, finally stopping her giggling "I've never heard of magic working that way" she explained as she looked at Airy with skepticism. Airy opened her mouth to reply, only to close it as she carefully though "Well, it's a long story and you'll need some context, so perhaps we should talk somewhere else? it's going to take a while to explain" Airy suggested, with Amore nodding in agreement "That is a good idea. Let us enter the castle, I believe we have much to talk about" As Amore finished speaking, Airy turned her head to the night sky, just as the moon fell below the horizon and the sun rose, turning the day instantly from night to a day. Princess Amore smiled at their tiny new visitor, Airy, as she sat on the table on a small pillow, which looked like a queen sized bed compared to her size. It had taken a moment to explain to her how night and day worked, as it appeared that in the world (yes, World) Airy came from, the sun and the moon did not move as they did in Equis. In Luxendarc, it appeared that the sun stayed still, while the world spun slowly, creating a cycle of night and day, while the moon rotated around the world, creating different phases of the moon. She had explained to Airy that no, Princess Celestia did not move the sun; rather, she controlled part of the invisible force around the world, that controlled how the light of the sun, the moon and the stars appeared on the world below; in Celestia's case, The Sun, while her sister Luna controlled the Moon and the stars. Once Airy calmed down, she asked why it was so, though Princess Amore could not answer; the task of raising and lowering the moon and the sun had been a task of the unicorns for thousands of years, draining entire bloodlines of magic before the twin sisters took over the task. It was however known, that if the sun and the moon were not raised and lowered, one side would begin to freeze while another would begin to heat up, slowly burning until both sides were either frozen or in flames. Of course, no one had dared to test if that happened, but there was clear evidence, after the ancient unicorns refused to raise and lower the celestial bodies. She had explained, that there were ancient times when the celestial bodies had worked just as Airy described, though no one knew when or why it ceased to be. Once they entered the castle, Princess Amore gave orders to gather the captain of the guard, as well as couple of clerks and the head of staff to the meeting room, which she led Airy to so they could discuss what she had meant. So here they were, waiting as the clerks prepared their notebooks and papers, while they also waited for Thunder Shield and Swift Clean to arrive. After all, since Airy was a visitor from another world, she would need a place to stay, so Amore decided that she'd offer Airy a place in the castle. Her much smaller size implied that she didn't need as much room or food as a full grown pony, so there would be plenty of room for her. All too soon, while Airy was testing the pillow she sat upon, Thunder Shield and Swift clean arrived. Swift was an old mare with light blue coat and a orange maid, who served as her head of staff, as well as one of the oldest staff that she had; forty years ago she had become part of the staff, after a recommendation from her own mother, who had been a mere maid at the time. As both Thunder and Swift greeted her, throwing questioning glances at Airy, Princess Amore decided that it was time for introductions "Thunder, Swift, this is Airy; a Cryst-fairy from another world. Airy, This is Thunder Shield, my captain of the royal guard and Swift Clean, my head of staff" Amore made introductions, watching how they'd react to each other. Airy was the first to respond, standing up and turning towards Thunder and Swift, before bending her legs a little as she bowed her head (what she'd later explain was a curtsy; a form of greeting) "Greetings" she said, before straightening her pose and looking as the two ponies. Swift had a passive expression, revealing nothing as she simply nodded, while Thunder had a slight frown on his face, nodding before turning towards Princess Amore "Your highness, If I may ask, what did you need us for?" he asked in slightly irritated tone; clearly he didn't like an unknown entity near the princess, let alone without any guards present. Amore simply smiled at Thunder's concern; he wasn't aware that she could sense the magical power of others, so he didn't know that because of her size and little magical power, as well as what looked like a genuinely good personality, she didn't view Airy as a threat, only as a curious and kind stranger from another world. "I'll explain in due time" Amore replied, before turning towards their otherworldly visitor "Now, I believe it's time you gave a full explanation, as you mentioned before" she spoke to Airy, who nodded and sat back done, beginning her tale as one of the clerks began writing down what she said, while other started to draw a portrait of Airy. As the time went on and Airy spoke, those who listened found themselves quite intrigued by her tale. Airy came from Luxendarc, a world quite like their own, yet so vastly different. Since the ancient times, there had been four Crystals (not to be mixed with normal, unresponsive crystals and gems) that each governed the specific elements of the world; The Wind crystal governed the world's winds, the Water crystal governed the seas, the Fire crystal governed the fire and volcanic activity and finally, the Earth crystal governed the earth and all that was related to their respective elements. It was at this point, when Radiant and Sombra began to ask more specific details about the Crystals and their history. Airy was more than happy to explain, as it was the duty of Cryst-fairies to help the vestals tend to the crystals and ensuring they (along with other worshipers, who were called Crystalists) prayed the the crystals and upheld their faith, so she was quite familiar with the collective knowledge of the past vestals, though she admitted she wasn't omniscient, only knowing what the vestals of the past knew. The four temples were build around these crystals, which lead to the practice of Crystalism, which later evolved into the Crystal Orthodoxy; a world wide religion, practicing the worship of the Crystals. Vestals were the 'Priestesses, brides and servants to the crystals, weavers of prayers who ensure their eternal glow'. Their task was to tend and pray to the crystals, to ensure their stability; for without a vestal (or if improperly managed) the crystals could cause natural disasters, while outright abuse of them would lead to the crystals behaving erratically. As the qualities for vestals were rare, they were carefully selected and trained since childhood. Because of this, the Vestals often lead seclusive lives, some living their entire lives in the temple and naive to the outside world, while they were tended to by the female acolytes that took care of the temples and the vestals. The vestals also served as unofficial leaders, who relayed the teachings of the crystals through words, guiding the people on the righteous path. This didn't mean that they replaced kings and queens and other leaders; they merely served as an leaders of spiritual enlightenment. Airy also warned that the vestals could project a shield around the crystals, to protect them from mortals who wished to abuse their power, though it would not protect them if a great darkness tainted them, in which case the winds would cease, the seas would rot (causing the fish to die and boats to erode), the volcanoes to erupt with uncontrollable wildfires, while the earth would sink and become infertile, eventually leading to plants and life to begin to die. In such cases, the role of the vestals would be to draw upon the power of the crystals, to purify them and protect the world from darkness... though if need be, destroy the crystals: As long as the crystalline core survived, the destroyed crystals could regrow to their original size and power, though it would take the passing of thousands of years. As Airy explained, the Crystals were powered by the hopes and prayers of the humans, the sentient species of her world that looked like her, except they didn't have wings or glow and were about the height of Princess Amore. The crystals themselves were old and massive, easily the size of five story houses. At this point, it was Thunder who asked about the corruption such a world wide religion would have, as they basically ruled the world with their control of the crystals. So it was at this point, Airy explained that it had actually happened once, until the head temple, which was build next to the Earth crystal was separated from the rest of the world, when what would eventually come to be duchy of Eternia was separated from the rest of the world, when the mountains rose and severed it from the other countries. Before this however, an old sage who had foreseen the events to come centuries before had slowly begun to strip the orthodoxy of it's power, with the intention of separating the corrupt orthodoxy from the pure worship of the crystalists and the vestals, for the protection of the later. And so, with the rise of the mountains the other temples eventually came back under their own management, devoting themselves purely to worship of the crystals, while the head temple still controlled the Earth crystal and the earth vestal. Centuries passed, until at one point, head temple attempted a grand ritual, which was forbidden by the teachings of the vestals, at which point a former cleric turned templar called Braev Lee, lead an uprising against the corrupt Crystal Orthodoxy, remaking the country into Duchy of Eternia and killing the earth vestal. At this point, the old sage would withdraw from Eternia and ending his long task of ending the Orthodoxy's corruption, a plan a millennia in making. It was then that during the next twenty years, the Templar would lead the country into Anticrystalism, as the grant marshal, with the goal of seizing the crystals and stamping out what he viewed as corrupt crystalism, unaware that among their ranks, corruption begun to spread and their intention of protecting the crystals being manipulated into destruction of the crystalism by sinister forces. Of course, as Airy explained it, the other temples at this point were no longer corrupt, yet this did not deter Eternian forces as they killed the fire vestal, caused the water vestal to go into hiding and were about to make a move on the wind vestal, when a great darkness came and tainted the crystals. It had been at this point, when she had come to the aid of the wind vestal, Agnes, who had gathered a group of heroes. Tiz; a sole survivor who lost everything when his village was swallowed by the earth, Ringabel; an amnesiac man and finally Edea, the daughter of the grand marshal, who had been taught Anticrystalism since birth, yet now saw how corrupt the organization had become, no better than the old Crystal Orthodoxy and decided to stand with Agnes against her own father. Airy has been with this group of heroes from the start, as they went went on to save the desert kingdom of Ancheim and the home of the vestal, from the plans of the king and the Eternian forces working people to the bone, while extorting them for all the money they had and robbing those who went to the oasis for free water. Here, they also freed the Wind crystal from monster's grasp and awakened it, restoring the world's winds. At Florem, a land of devout crystalists dedicated to purity and protection of nature, the Eternian forces had started to corrupt the populace, by turning them into narcissists who only cared about the outer beauty, instead of the inner one by using hair dyes made from poisons of giant guardian snakes of florem and spirit hairpins made from wings of local fairies, both of which carried toxic, addictive and hallucinogenic properties. Here, they defeated the Eternian forces, thought it came at the cost of water vestal's life, who sacrificed herself to protect the wind vestal from assassins attempting to slaughter every crystalist in the region, a reason water vestal had been in hiding for years. Once they defeated the monster at the water temple and awakened the Water crystal, they continued their journey to Eisenberg. Here, they helped the shield bearers defeat the Eternian backed traitorous sword bearers, who desired to wage war against all nations, putting an end to civil war which had been waged for years. Because the volcanic activity cut off all above land access to the Fire Crystal, they used a secret tunnel in the slaves mines of sword bearers, through which they reached the fire temple, defeated another monster and awakened the Fire crystal. From here, because the Duchy of Eternia was surrounded by mountains only Eternian airships could travel, they went to Grandship: a massive ancient city ship in middle of the ocean, which was slowly sinking. As the citizens evacuated, the heroes repaired the core and claimed the ship, causing it to rise from the seas and fly. At this point, the ponies around here amazed: a city sized ship that could fly? Both Sombra and Radiant were very interested in hearing how it worked, though instead of explaining all the technological things, Airy simply answered "ancient magics long forgotten". it would not be to her advantage to explain all things that these medieval peasants did not know about... not until she found a way to capitalize on them first. With that, she continued her tale: Travelling to duchy of Eternia, where they fought their way through the armies to the capital, where the Eternian forces were abusing the Earth crystal for their own benefits. They put a stop to it by defeating the Eternian leaders, including the grand marshal: Edea's father. Once done, they freed the Earth crystal from the final monster's grasp and awakened it. Once the four crystals were awakened, a holy pillar appeared. She had used her gem to gather it's light and purify the darkness, only for the five of them to end up in another world; it appeared, that in this one, they had all died before their journey began. As such, they went through the journey of awakening the crystals once more, this time aided by the Grandship from the start. And thus, the cycle repeated itself. With each world, the events and even the people changed; who was alive, who was dead, even at one world, the Eternian forces were no longer villains. The group went through several worlds, until they finally reached the sixth world; it was here that the true evil revealed itself; Ouroboros, the god of destruction who wished to devour the worlds linked by the holy pillars and invade the celestial realm. Princess Amore had been shocked to hear of such a monster, as were everypony else gathered; apparently, there was a endless amount of 'parallel worlds'. Airy had described it as like standing between two mirrors, where the reflection showed an infinite line of the viewer, except each version could look the same or vastly different from the viewer, including somepony else in worlds where the viewer did not exist. It was this monster, The god of destruction Ouroboros, who had through his plans linked tens of thousands of Luxendarcs together, with intent to devour them for power and waging war against the Celestial realm, bringing death and destruction into the world of the gods and remaking all in his own image. They had chosen to stand in his way, even if it meant sacrificing their lives for the greater good. The battle between this God of Destruction and the heroes, now called warriors of light, had been fierce, until an immortal vampire (and co-conspirator of the old sage) they had befriended came to their aid, sacrificing his life and immortality, so the heroes could defeat this immortal monster... yet the foul monster chose to begin devouring worlds to restore himself, an act which caused the heroes to surrender, in order to stop him from destroying more worlds. It had been at this darkest hour, that the prayers and hopes of those who lived in those other worlds gathered, as the countless parallel copies of the four heroes gave the warriors of light the power to sever Ouroboros' ability to devour worlds, before they finally defeating him. The Warriors of light returned home victorious, the links between worlds severed and the holy pillars disappeared. As Airy talked, it was at this point that she spoke her lies, that the heroes had gone on to live their lives happily together, going as far as Edea and Agnes reforming their respective religious organizations and making peace between them, while Airy chose to return to the Crystals, her duty complete. Except, the Crystals had a need of her once more; they had sensed, that a distant world among the stars could benefit from the help and wisdom of a Cryst-fairy, though it was not an order; such a trip would be one-way, so even if she returned, it would be centuries to gather the power for the journey. Airy had accepted this task, to help a world in need, as she said her last goodbyes to the heroes she had traveled and befriended. After their last goodbye, the Crystals had whisked her away into the stars, to find those in need of guidance and help them the best of her efforts. And that's how she had ended in the snowy wasteland outside the barrier.... according to her lies at the end, at least. Of course, what none of those listening Airy's tale of "warriors of light" knew, was that she was simply quoting a modified version of the game lore; after all, it wouldn't do to reveal that Airy in the games was a servant of Ouroboros responsible for linking the worlds together and killing the heroes in each world, after fooling them into opening the holy pillars; the Eternian forces were corrupt villains, but the Templar knew the calamity Airy would bring. The original Airy had died, eaten by Ouroboros after failing to defeat the heroes... and the Crystals never talked, with the ending being bittersweet: Ringabel returning to his world, while Tiz would fall to death-like coma, no longer supported by the Celestial within him. She had needed a way to explain how she ended in this world, so a little lie was perfectly acceptable. She also left most of the advanced stuff unsaid, modifying the story so most of technological things were non-existent or simply replaced with "magic", like how ships could fly. There was a reason why she had chosen to become Airy; it was a role she could not deny herself, especially when Grogar could make it a reality. it was fun, pretending to be caring and heroic, acting like she respected and cared about these ponies as she told her fake story. As she finished her tale, she looked at the ponies around her; pale expressions of shock and hidden fear, at the mention of Ouroboros and what he had planned to do. Even the clerk, who had been drawing her portray had long since stopped, too distracted to finish drawing an outline of her; only the one writing down her tale seemed to have a mind present enough to work, though even she looked pale. Well, she had weaved her web of deception; only time would tell what she would catch and entrap within her wicked lies... > Chapter 3 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The revelations of the last few hours weighted on Princess Amore's mind, even as she listened her ministers go through the business of making a proper plan for evacuation of the Crystal Empire, should the worst come to be. While she remained curious about the details Airy had mostly skipped over in her tale, her mind focused on the revelation that there had been a monster seeking destruction of thousands of worlds, an evil so great that the mere story of it made her shiver. Her mind could compare the situation of the empire against one of the countries that had housed these 'crystals' Airy had spoken of and the state they had fallen in, but even she would have struggled with the knowledge that fate of the world was on her shoulders, let alone the fate of tens of thousands of world. She could understand the despair it must have been at the final battle, to see entire worlds destroyed. Would she be able to stand by and watch, to desperately fight while several copies of Equis were destroyed, snuffing out all life, including the parallel versions of herself? She would not. She had still been processing it all, but she had given Swift and Thunder orders to prepare a place for Airy to stay in the castle, as their guest; both had protested for different reasons (though they did at the end obey; she was the princess), as well as Airy stating that she could find a place to stay, so there was no need to bother themselves for a stranger like her. Amore had insisted that it was the least she could do, for their new friend; Airy had finally yielded, grateful for it. Princess Amore had also requested that Radiant and Sombra investigated this new avenue to revitalizing the heart; while Airy didn't know the specifics, as her knowledge came from what the past vestals knew (A majority had lived in peaceful times, spending their entire lives tending to the crystals) she knew that emotions could be harnessed to fuel magic, so she had graciously offered to help Amore's two students, as they experimented on the way to make this possible for ponies as well. Of course, all of this happened after the silent shock had passed, one that had lasted long enough that Airy had seemed worried when she hadn't spoken for a while, asking if she was alright. She of course reassured the little fairy, before asking few clarifications on things... such as if this 'Ouroboros' was truly gone. Airy had reassured them that yes, he was truly gone and with only one of him existing across the parallel worlds, the threat of his return was non-existent, as the infernal realm itself existed beyond the infinite parallel worlds: it meant that there would not be another Ouroboros to replace him. Hearing that had given her some relief, to know that there would not be another such monster out there. Amore had also given them, plus the clerks (who she had brought in to record the encounter with an entirely new species), the orders not openly discuss what Airy had told them yet, as she'd make a decision later if such knowledge should be shared. Airy had agreed; she was certain that Amore, as ruler of an entire empire (though Radiant Hope had explained that it was merely a city state, rather than a real empire) she knew what she was doing, as well as preventing villains from getting ideas to explore. As the Crystal Heart was an ancient relic, they hadn't been sure if the same theories could be applied to it as they had been to the natural 'Crystals' of Luxendarc, but Airy was certain that they could find a way to deal with the crisis; after all, nothing was truly impossible with magic, especially if it was once a proven fact... if they couldn't fix the heart, they'd just need to figure out the necessary things to make a new one. As Amore turned her attention back to her ministers, she made the decision. Airy would be welcome to stay with them as long as she wanted; the Cryst-fairy had given up an entire life in her home to aid mere strangers, so even if the worst came to be, she'd be welcome to join them as they moved to south, to Equestria. And who knows? Even if they couldn't revive the Crystal Heart, maybe they could create their own version of these 'Crystals', to protect the north from magical snowstorms... When someone sends you to magical wonderland, where you get to learn magic with talking unicorns, some might consider that fun, even if it's the beginning of a long journey to secrets you'll need to eventually free the person who send you there. And yet, at the small study room filled with books and a work table, Airy couldn't care less as Radiant Hope and Sombra worked on their newest avenue of research. Airy found it all utterly boring, as she hovered over the open book 'magic for beginners' which was meant for foals, being more picture than words. Luckily, Grogar was smart enough to give her a lesson in this world's writing, as it was quite different from her own... though for some reason, the spoken language remained the same. Well technically, he simply used magic to transfer his knowledge of the written language, but it still counted as teaching. The knowledge of magic would be useful in her other forms, but in this fairy one? She couldn't do squat, beyond simple telekinesis and few mental manipulation ones, like berserk or charm... oh, she knew, since Grogar had her test about half a dozen spells he had taught her to properly utilize, though none of them actually worked on him, even when she cast them in her larvae form. Still, it was better to learn what she was doing, rather than completely relying on her newly gained magical instincts. As she lifted her notice from the page explaining where the magic came from (ambient magic gathered from nature and food you ate, which was then stored in one's body), she could see Radiant Hope and Sombra playing with a piece of crystal. Well, she wanted to say 'try to wield their emotions into the crystal' but it really looked like they were just shooting beams of light in turn and trying to figure see what it did. Neither of them understood the principle of wielding emotions as weapons, so they were just trying blindly until they figured something. Why did they even trust her, let alone be so kind with her? If she were on earth, she'd probably been thrown out by now for lack of use or imprisoned for being an.... migrant from other world? she wasn't sure what the specific charges would be, but these ponies sure were weird.... Or maybe Princess Amore just didn't trust a weird fairy lady and wanted to keep a close eye on her, until they knew all of her secrets. Shaking her head, she turned her attention back to the book, continuing to read as she flipped the page by lifting it with her body (it was wiser to keep her telekinesis a secret for now). She'd probably be done with this book in ten minutes, as it's contents were already partially in her head, due to Grogar making sure she had some basic knowledge in her head; how to levitate, cast spells fit for her other forms (or their closest comparable spells) and a rune circle of his own design, that could be modified as soon as she figured out what to use as a power source. Of course, Grogar had made it clear that it would probably take years, even decades at minimum before she could attempt (and most likely fail) at opening the gate. Which is why Airy had convinced him to give her a knowledge to make minions... though he only gave her the basics, keeping his advanced secrets to himself. Oh well, she'd figure eventually how to do it better than Grogar: she was from a modern world after all, where things like biology and programming existed: perfect advantage for tasks of flesh crafting and using runes to 'program' desires features... besides the fact that she ace'd her science classes, she used to make mods for games in her late teens, before she studied medicine: she knew how to code. How hard would any of it be really, once she learned how the magic worked? "Ugh, this is useless" Sombra said as he stomped his hoof, glaring at the piece of crystal between himself and Radiant Hope "We're attempting something we have only a vague idea, with no specific spells and based on a story that was so vague, it might as well been smoke" he said, as he turned to look at Airy. "Hey!" Airy 'angrily' huffed, as she flew to Sombra "It's not like I can cast spells, so I don't know how to translate that knowledge to something you can use. Besides..." She said as she turned her head to the side "It's not like any of the vestals knew how the Crystals drew upon prayers, only that they did. For all we know, it might be a unique thing to my world" she said, before speaking in 'sad' tone as she turned towards Sombra "If I knew how, i'd try to help you more, but we Cryst-fairies just aren't made for such task; we're more a guide and source of emotional and moral support, rather than all knowing spell books that fix everything" she finished, as she wore a 'saddened' expression. Despite the original hostility and suspicion Sombra had towards her, it was after her story that he seemed to warm up to her more: no doubt empathizing with her decisions and such nonsense... truly, these ponies were naive, if they fell for her fake emotions just like that. Sombra closed his eyes as he let out a frustrated sigh "Yeah, I just... hasn't been so long when we became Princess Amore's students and when we started to work on solving the heart problem... I just feel so frustrated; nopony has answers we need to solve this" he finished, as Radiant giggled, causing him to turn his attention to her "You haven't changed a bit. Always so eager to achieve things, yet so easily frustrated. We've been at this only... half an hour" Radiant said, after glancing at the candles burning on the table"we'll figure it out" she finished with a smile, before her horn glowed as she resumed her tests. Sombra smiled at her, before his horn lit up too and he resumed their task. Airy on other hand glanced at the two, before returning to her reading, though once in a while, she kept glancing at the ponies, as they as they tested and compared results. Like she predicted, it was only around 10 minutes before Radiant hope switched her book to 'Beginner's guide to spell work', which was more difficult to read and learn, but also so much more enjoyable. Another thing she noticed, was that the Crystal Empire didn't have clocks: they told time by burning candles, that once used would renew themselves with few hours or an entire day, depending on which variant they used. As far as she knew, there were five different kinds of candles: the largest took an entire day to burn, the second largest about half a day, the third took six hours, the fourth took three and smallest only took an hour. Of course, each of these candles had a mark, to tell when specific hours/minutes had passed: the hour long candle was split into four sections, each roughly a quarter of an hour, while three hour candles were marked per hour and so on... It was nearly noon, by the time Airy's curiosity got the better of her "Umm... Radiant, right?" Airy asked, as Radiant paused and turned her attention to Airy, who flew to hover next to her "What is it, Airy" she asked, as Airy 'nervously' shifted in place "If it's not too rude, could you tell me what that mark on your backleg is? I noticed that other ponies also had them" she asked, explaining her reasons for doing so 'nervously'. Radiant blinked at the question, before realizing that of course Airy wouldn't know; she wasn't from here, so she'd have no idea what a Cutie Mark was. "It's called a Cutie Mark. Everypony gets them when they're young, when they find out what their special talent is. Mine is a caduceus, indicating my gift in healing magic" she explained, as Airy looked at her cutie mark, before turning to Sombra "So, what's your special talent" Airy he asked, only to get an angry huff in response "Crystal magic" Sombra answered, as he kept his covered. Airy looked 'surprised' at the reaction, before Radiant spoke once more "Don't worry about him. He just had a... bad experience, when he got his, so he doesn't like showing it or talking about it" she said, giving Sombra a re-assuring smile, which seemed to lighten his mood a little. Airy didn't miss the subtle hints she was seeing. "So, what does this 'special talent' mean exactly? does it mean you can only do that or just that you're naturally talented in it?" Airy asked, as Sombra and Radiant continued their tests. This time, it was Sombra who answered "Mostly natural talent, though some might say it's what we've fated to do; it doesn't mean we can't do other things, it merely reminds us that it's what we're best at" he said, just before he was interrupted as Airy's stomach rumbling, causing her to blush a little. Radiant gave a small laugh, before checking the time "Well, it's nearly time for lunch, how about the three of us get some food before we continue?" she said teasingly, as Airy nodded, followed by Sombra as the trio headed for the door of the small study room. Swift Clean watched as the maids cleaned up the small room, originally used as a small study, before it had been converted to a storage room due to a lack of use. It was the size of an average bedroom, so it wasn't much to convert it into one for their new... guest, though deciding what size of bed to use was difficult. Would she prefer a full pony sized bed (A waste, considering her size) or would she feel more home with a small pet bed? After some consideration while the maids moved the stored boxes to another room and cleaned any of the dust, Swift decided to place a small table in the corner, where she placed the round, furred cat bed on top of it. She also instructed a couple of maids to make custom bed linen for it, as well as miniature pillows and something to serve as blankets. As for the rest of the room, she decided to place another table at the opposite side of the room, with a large wash bowl and a curtain around it, to give the illusion of privacy. Of course, the bowl would need to be filled and cleaned regularly, but she'd talk with their guest about it later. The rest of the room was left quite open, with a soft, furred carpet to cover the middle of the floor and white curtains. In fact, almost all of the furniture was white (except the wooden tables) as she didn't know the color preferences of the small fairy. As she was about to step outside, captain Thunder Shield entered, glancing around before closing the door behind him "We should talk" he said, before a flash of confusion appeared on his face as he looked at the almost empty room. "I placed a bed and a place to wash for our flying guest on the tables, because I didn't think she'd like them on the floor. As for the rest of furniture, we'll have to ask her what she needs" Swift Clean explained, as Thunder nodded in understanding "And the window?" he asked, only to get a shake of the head in reply "Solid, it wasn't build to be opened" Swift replied. A moment of silence stood between them, as both of them pondered at their similar thinking in the matter at hoof. Eventually, Thunder Shield broke the silence "Why does Princess Amore trust Airy? she's a literal stranger we know nothing about; for all anypony knows, that story she told could have been something she came on the spot or rehearsed lie" he questioned, as he showed his skepticism about this literal stranger to their lands, at the time the Crystal Empire was at it's weakest. Swift Clean had known the princess for decades, so she understood more than the foolish captain in front of her "As the founding princess of the Crystal Empire, it's in her nature to be kind to everypony, even strangers. Yes, Airy is a complete stranger, but the princess chooses to give Airy a chance, to show that she is worth the trust placed upon her. The princess is also an optimist, who believes that good exists in everypony, even those deer death cultists who were sent to Equestria to spend their lives in prison" She explained, pausing as she gathered her thoughts. "So it's clear, that Princess Amore wishes to take what Airy said as sincere, that her words of past were true and that her seemingly innocent and harmless nature is also true. So for now, the best option is to take everything slow; spend time observing her, learn what she's like, then make a choice; it's been less than half a day since she appeared, we'll know what she's like... but for now, do try to consider she's sincere; She's probably not like Snow Antler" she finished. As she watched Thunder flinch at the mention of Snow Antler; he had befriended the deer over the course of weeks, only to be horrified as he found out that he was part of the deer cult, who kidnapped and sacrificed ponies in twisted believe that it would make them immortal... by eating them alive. That had been quite a shock for him to find, when they raided the cultist base, only to find them (And to his horror, his best friend) in middle of eating a poor foal. Of course, no such rituals really existed, but they still believed the scam somepony had put into their heads. Thunder Shield had been horrified and broken, when the one close friend he had made over the course of months had stabbed him in the back (not literally, though those antlers would have made a dangerous weapon) by using the knowledge he had managed to trick from Thunder Shield to avoid detection. The incident just gave Swift Clean another reason to think that Thunder Shield was unworthy of his position as captain of the royal guard, but there were only a few who thought that way; others were swept by the 'heroics' of this young stallion, though they ignored that the most probable reason Thunder was made into a captain was simply because he married the Princess Amore's sister and had a foal with her. She really didn't like the young stallion.... especially since he reminded her of her own father (or rather, his purple pegasus lover) who had eloped, abandoning their family. Airy on other hoof seemed strange but happy to be helpful and morally good: at first impression, a sort of friend you'd want to rely on. However, it would take time to see if it was sincere or merely a mask; she'd been fooled before. Of course, such thoughts were left unsaid, as Thunder Shield let out a sigh "Yeah, alright... It's just... I don't want something like 'that' to happen again" he said, before straightening his pose, ending his self pitying " I'm posting a guard to stay with her, under an excuse that since she's so small, it will be hard to open doors or do many other things. If she's sincere, then there's somepony to help her... and if she's not, we'll know soon enough" he said, before turning and leaving. Swift Clean stood there for a moment, pondering all that Thunder Shield's decision could cause, before choosing to do nothing about it; it something bad happened, it would land on his hooves. Speaking of hooves.... 'If there's going to be a guard helping her, then maybe a desk with some paper and ink would be good' Swift though to herself, before glancing around to see where she should place it, as well as what else to add. Oh be the irony, for neither Thunder and Swift would realize, just how true Thunder's fears were... Glimmer Shield let out a sigh, as the court separated for the day, other ministers heading to their own departments to do.. whatever tasks they had. Sadly, as the barrier size continued to decline, so did the amount of work she had to deal with. She liked walking through the fields, inspecting the crops or admiring the beautiful flowers of the gardens, going through paperwork to see how she could improve both. "Are you sure about this? You spent decades building the empire, it would be sad to see it all gone" Glimmer asked as she stood up and joined her sister, Amore, as she stood up from the throne and started walking towards the throne room doors. As the guards saluted them when they passed by, Amore turned her head to the side and down, as she looked at Glimmer "There aren't any other options, should we be unable to revitalize the heart; we will not have any protection against the magical storms outside. Hopefully, Airy's help in finding a new way to research whenever we can revitalize the heart is successful, though should it prove unfeasible, then our hopes rest on shoulders of Princess Celestia and Princess Luna. Hopefully, their struggle with Tirek will be over soon" As Amore thought about the twin princesses, she also though about the delayed plans she had, before the decline of the heart started and the several incidents in rising Equestria happened, which caused her to decide to keep Radiant Hope close, as her personal student along with Sombra. Originally, the princesses should have made their annual visit by now, where she had planned to introduce Radiant Hope as a potential student for the two Alicorns; she was powerful in magic and had a good nature, so in the future she'd make a fine princess to succeed her or maybe given her own kingdom to overseer. Once all of this was resolved, maybe she'd revisit those plans again. "Alright, I guess the safety of the citizens does come first...but who's Airy?" Glimmer asked, causing Amore to stop as she blinked, her thoughts clearing immediately as she realized, she had completely forgotten to tell them about their new, otherworldly guest. Glimmer watched with surprised expression as her sister let out a small laughter, before shaking her head as she continued to walk towards the dining room, for lunch meet with her students "I had intended to tell the rest of the court, but it would seem that I completely forgot to mention it; This morning, we encountered a curious being near the heart. She introduced herself as Airy, a Cryst-fairy from another world" she explained, as Glimmer almost stumbled in shock. "S-Somepony from another world? I..... How did she get here? Why is she here? What does she look like?" Glimmer asked, as she looked at her sister, all trouble forgotten as she focused on the otherworldly being that her sister was talking about casually, as if talking about what type of cake Princess Celestia liked. The answer to that one was 'Everything'... Glimmer decided that she'd never stay to see Celestia eat cake again. Amore simply shook her head, before glancing at Glimmer "Since it's her story, I'll let Airy explain it. We'll probably meet her at lunch, unless Radiant and Sombra decide to skip it again; you know how those two are when they get to work" she explained, as smiled at the thought of her two students. It would be hard to separate those two, once it became time to send Radiant to Equestria, but she truly believed that they'd remain close friends, even at such a long distance. After all, they were best friends, right? Airy was fairly certain, that Sombra viewed Radiant as more than a friend.... or as far as she could tell, considering their less than six hours of knowing each other... she could be jumping to conclusions. She'd seen it before, as boys tended to start liking their childhood friends who were girls, sometimes wanting them to become girlfriends. She also remembered her own experience with two of her close neighbors; one was a nerd with asthma, while another was fat and short. They had been sweet boys, but when they grew up, it was their personalities and anti-social behavior that made them unattractive, not their less-than-average physical attractiveness. Still, she hadn't been blind; she could obviously tell they liked her, but she had pretended to not notice; an act of kindness, rather than cruelly rejecting both at hand. It also helped that they were more than willing to buy her pretty things back then, before she started dating the attractive guys. As Airy sat next to a cup of water while munching on a piece of cherry (that looked liked a large football compared to her), she could tell so much about Radiant and Sombra, even as Radiant went on and on about their childhood. Orphans who had no friends other than themselves, they had spend most of their time together studying magic and playing as they grew up and so on. As Radiant talked between taking bites of her sandwich, Sombra mostly just watched her with a small smile, eating his lunch in silence. The way he kept glancing at her face, the small shifts as he listened her speak, the small expressions he subconsciously made... though for all Airy knew, he could be gay and just though of Radiant as close friend. Though she doubted that was the case; she didn't get the feeling of 'he's gay' from Sombra, though since they were ponies, from different culture and time era, she could be misunderstanding great many things. She shifted her attention from the two ponies in front of her as the dining room door opened and the princess walked in, followed by another pony, this one white with yellow mane and looking like she was a kid following her mother. Then again, considering that the princess towered above everyone else she had seen so far, everyone looked like a kid next to her in Airy's opinion. "Oh, greeting your highness, miss Glimmer. It's always nice to see you together at lunch" Radiant spoke, as Sombra gave a silent bow of greeting to the princess and her companion, as they joined them at the table. Airy on other hand stood up and gave a small curtsy to the two "Greetings, your highness" she greeted the princess, before turning towards the wide-eyed mare, who looked at her with wonder "And hello, miss... Glimmer, was it? I'm Airy, a Cryst-fairy assisting Radiant Hope and Sombra" she spoke with 'innocent and respectful' tone. She expected some professionalism, maybe some stiffness or suspicion, like the head of staff or guard captain... what she was not expecting was wide-eyes wonder as Glimmer stepped as close to Airy as possible, hooves on the table as she lowered to be near-eye level with Airy "Wow, you're shiny! I'm Glimmer Shield, Princess Amore's sister! " she eagerly introduced herself, as she looked at Airy like a child in a toy store. "I heard you're from another world! What's it like? How did you get here? How long will you be staying? How do you glow? Do you eat fruits only or can you eat anything you want?" Glimmer blurted out questions fast and excitedly, giddy with wonder you'd expect for a child... it was kinda unnerving. Airy glanced at the other three ponies, who merely look with amused looks; apparently, this wasn't the first time Glimmer got overexcited about something. Turning her attention back to excitedly shifting Glimmer, she decided to answer her questions "Well, the world I come is vastly different; since it's a long story, you can ask Princess Amore about it" she answered first, deflecting responsibility before shifting as she continued "But long story short, magical sentient Crystals sent me here, I'll probably be staying centuries at least, I glow because I'm magic and I can eat anything I want... as long as it's food, of course" She answered. Glimmer on other hand clapped her hooves together excitedly "Oh, you're just so beautiful. You must meet my daughter, I'm sure Daisy would love to meet you" She said, causing both Airy and Princess Amore to raise an eyebrow as such a sudden request. Before either could answer however, Glimmer practically grabbed onto Princess Amore, as she started asking her to allow Airy to see Daisy, before she turned back towards the fairy in question, practically begging to her; from what Airy could tell, this Daisy was such active foal, she'd tire herself out by playing with a small, magical flying friend. Either way, after some calming down, Glimmer has returned to more... normal behavior, but still wanted Airy to at least visit, once she had free time. Airy agreed (after the business with the Crystal Heart was done, of course), but only if Glimmer could get her some extra clothes and promised that Daisy wouldn't treat her like a doll, ready to be ripped apart. The later sounded dark to other three ponies, yet Glimmer completely agreed as she ran out of the room, coming back soon with a measuring tape and something to write to draw upon, as she began asking more questions. It took nearly half an hour, before Airy could get back to finishing her lunch..... > Chapter 4 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The rest of the day went by rather quick in Airy's opinion. More reading while Radiant and Sombra worked, before dinner time (when she realized that Thunder Shield was Glimmer's husband, not brother. Glad she hasn't accidentally voiced her first opinions out loud), then more reading as she listened Sombra and Radiant theorize they'd need to create a new, more specific spells to harness emotions, instead of just trying to dumb them into preexisting ones. The day ended as Sombra and Radiant reported their progress to Princess Amore, who decided to give them a night off to rest properly. It was at this point that Swift Clean decided to guide her to her new room, where she apologized in advance if anything inside offended her. It was pretty good room though; two tables in opposite corners from the door, one which held her bed (a brand new, repurposed cat bed) with bed linens, blankets and pillows just suitable for her size. As she sat down on it to test it, it felt like she owned her personal Queen sized bed. She reassured Swift that she wasn't offended, as it was more convenient to make things her size, rather than try to use over-sized furniture. On other table, behind a curtain blocking most of the view, was a washing bowl and several tiny (well, to her they were large) towels, though she'd need to ask help with the water from a maid or the guard in purple crystal armor (a light brown furred stallion with light green mane), who introduced himself as Glint Hoof. Apparently, since Airy's so small, Thunder Shield decided to give a guard duty for one of the newer recruits, basically serving as an assistant to her.... though to Airy, it was clear that she was under observation. Still, she pretended she didn't know that, genuinely thanking the guard for the help he'd be offering her. She was small (in this form) so it would be awful to manage doors and such. Glint had also explained that tomorrow morning, a mare by the name of Shard Tackle would be taking the morning shifts, while Glint worked the night shifts, explaining it as 'training to escort/guard ponies of importance' that Thunder had chosen for them... though in truth, Airy silently wondered what the two had done to deserve such a boring punishment. Swift Clean had also put a nice carpet on the floor, as well as a book case (which stood empty right now) and a simple work desk, with a stack of papers, ink and a quill ready, should she want to write something down. Airy wondered if she could introduce modern technology to this world; it would make some quality of life improvements. However, as the room was still mostly empty, Airy requested Swift Clean if she could add a real bed to the room the next day. Of course, she had to quickly explain that it wouldn't be for her, but for any guests she might have or a future roommate, considering that it would be a waste not to consider it at least; she was quite small, so sharing a room would be practical in her opinion. In reality, it was because she considered a point in the future, where she might sleep in her larger forms. Finally, Swift Clean introduced her to a small string set next to the door, which was linked to a small bell on the other side of the door, so should she need to exit, she could ring the bell. Airy had tested the string, to check whenever she could pull it enough to ring the bell, after which she was satisfied with foresight Swift Clean had. As she said her good nights to both Swift and Glint, the door of her bedroom closed, leaving her alone with the night lights of the sky coming through the mostly-drawn curtains and her own soft glow. After a long first day of what would probably be long decades to come, Airy yawned as she flew to the window, sitting on the window sill as she looked down at the city, before gazing at the beautiful night sky and full moon. She wasn't sure how long she just sat there, watching the night sky, until she grew sleepy and retired for the night in her new bed, removing her clothes and underwear before enjoying the feeling of bare sheets against her skin... As Airy slept, in a faraway land down south, A princess of the night and dreams sat on the throne, with light of the night sky illuminating her dark blue coat as her sapphire blue mane glowed, covered in tiny light spots as it moved as if in intangible breeze, while her sister and subjects once more slept peacefully for the first time after months of turmoil caused by Tirek. As the night princess turned her attention from the empty throne room of their castle in Everfree forest, she began to relax as she wondered the events of the last few months. Finally, with the help of Scorpan the twin sisters, Celestia and Luna, had managed to defeat his older brother Tirek and restore the magic he had stolen from their subjects. Sadly, while Scorpan's change of heart had been due to his initial befriending of Star Swirl the Bearded, he did not know what happened to Star Swirl between the time they met and the time he had come to warm the princesses of his brother's intentions. According to Scorpan's own words, because the travel to his homeland and back to Equestria had taken nine years, upon his return he had spent the first three weeks attempting to find Star Swirl, to warn him of his failure to convince his brother of abandoning his plans of conquering Equestria, only to discover that his first pony friend had simply disappeared mere weeks after he had left to return home. Still, as she and Celestia said their goodbyes and thanks to Scorpan on his journey back home earlier that day (technically yesterday, as the midnight had passed), the two sisters were left to silently wonder; if it was not Tirek (nor Discord, as they had discovered in their first fight with him a year ago, prior to finding the Elements of Harmony), then what had caused Star Swirl to disappear nearly nine years ago? Luna let out a sigh, before she closed her eyes and entered the dream realm, searching for the nightmares she knew awaited her. Tirek's villainy throughout Equestria had left many with nightmares of magic stealing centaur, so while her sister took care of rebuilding that which was destroyed in the real world, it was Luna's task to heal the mental wounds left upon the sleeping minds of their subjects. Hours fly by as the night princess erased Tirek again and again from the nightmares of her subjects, replacing them with more pleasant dreams of friends, family and inspirations. After a particular filly's dream, where she became an Alicorn (In her dreams only, of course), Luna took notice of the time in real world; the morning was soon approaching, so she made the choice to quell more nightmares the next time, before she traveled to the dreams of the Crystal ponies. She had intended to visit Princess Amore, to inform her that it would be another few weeks at least before they could make the trip (which itself would take at least a ten days by flight, more so since they were planning to bring supplies for the crystal ponies), when she encountered a strange, yet fascinating variation among the dreams of Crystal ponies. Her curiosity awakened, Princess Luna entered the dream, unaware of the defenses left behind by the creature's master... As she entered the dream, Princess Luna found herself fascinated, as she hovered in the air. She was inside a temple of some sort, as a long row of creatures, covered in dark clothing, stood still, each holding a staff with a candle at the top. The line reached from the door all the way to the altar, where a furless creature in white dress sat on its knees, its mane covered head bowed as its claws clasped together in silent prayer. She recognized the prayer, because she had once seen a Minotaur in similar position, praying to his earth deity. Yet as she turned her gaze towards the altar, what she saw rendered her speechless. In the air, a giant green crystal hovered, easily the size of four story buildings, radiating with far more power than even the Tree of Harmony had since before she and her sister had removed the Elements of Harmony from it. She was almost sure that this dream was based on memory, rather than figment of one's sub consciousness. A tiny movement of light at the corner of her eye ended her trance, as she turned her gaze towards the other side of the room; on the opposite side of the row of creatures, a small ball of light hovered, witnessing the dream in progress; while it was too far to see properly, Luna recognized a dreamer when she saw one. Yet before Luna could approach the creature, the dream world shook as Luna felt a spike of pain in her head; a clear sign something was wrong. An involuntary gasp of pain left her, as her vision went blurry for but a moment. Sparks of black and yellow energy around her went unnoticed, coming and fading in a blink of an eye. As her eyes focused once more, she did not have time to search for the cause, as black shadows began to stream around the crystal, slowly enveloping it as the dream constructs yelled out in shock. Luna had but a moment to surround her with a shield, before a force of pure darkness surged forth, snuffing all light within her view. "Leave or suffer!" A deep voice echoed in the darkness. The force of impact that followed the voice sends her flying, before light appeared as she crashed in middle of an empty field. Luna quickly straightened herself as she looked around, no longer in the temple but a field surrounding a small village. As she looked around, her eyes snapped to the dreamer; it was observing a creature like the one who had been praying, except this one was shepherding a flock of sheep, with smaller creature at its side. She however did not have time to process what this meant, as the ground beneath her shook while another spike of pain flickered in her head. This time, she recognized it as an outside force, attempting to force her out, though she resisted... and the dream constructs paid the price. Once again, she failed to notice the sparks of black and yellow magic, turning the dream against her. Her gaze fell upon the village, as a pillar of light erupted from beneath the earth, lifting the ground before it sank beneath, creating a massive sinkhole as both it and the pillar of light grew. Luna had but a moment to take flight, raising her shield as the light hit her with full force, sending her flying once more, while a distant cry from the dream constructs could be heard. She could do nothing, as the light of the pillar was bright enough to force her to close her eyes, burning as if the might of an entire sun was struck against her; another echo of a memory. "You are not welcome, intruder!" The deep voice once again echoed. As she once again landed, gasping for breath, Luna took a moment to gather her breath, as she looked around. She stood in a stone platform, surrounded by darkness, with a large pillar of stone in front of her, split in two as a sense of sickening evil filled the air, a red light glowing between the two parts of the pillar. Yet as she spotted the dreamer once more, as the dreamer hovered above what looked like the shepherd, before entering the red light ahead "Wait, stop" Luna yelled, her cries ignored as she took few steps towards the light, only to stop as the 'shepherd' turned around. It looked like the creature from before, yet it wasn't: A dark, maleficent being that merely used the form as a disguise. Yet, as this memory of evil spoke, she heard the same voice as before; "You have intruded far enough, mortal! Leave now, or suffer our wrath" The deep, echoic voice spoke again, this time from the lips of the shepherd. "We demand you surrender, foul demon. We must save the dreamer from your corruption" Luna yelled, her horn glowing as her spell struck the memory, only to reveal that it did nothing, as the creature shifted its form in an instant, this time appearing as the creature, who had prayed before the giant crystal. "Yet it is you who seeks to harm 'the dreamer'. Your power means nothing to a god. Leave now, for the power of the celestial shall not be yours!" The deep, echoic voice replied from the lips of the priestess. "We don't care about this 'Celestial' or its power. Now begone, demon!" Luna yelled, as she struck again, this time striking until her head felt light from the effort. Usually, such a show of power was enough to collapse the dream, yet it did not even affect it, let alone the monster in front of her. Yet as Luna's horn glowed once more, the spell died as the creature shifted a final time; This time, it was her own form, standing tall and proud with emotionless expression. "I am no demon, mortal. I am Ouroboros, the god of destruction. Once, I laid worlds to waste, as I sought to invade the Celestial Realm, home of the greatest civilization to exist; home of the gods. I have fought the champions of the Celestial's at their fullest power, bringing them to their knees. Now, I shall bring your realm chaos, hatred, fear, jealousy, corruption, brutality... excitement!" The deep, echoic voice yelled out from the lips of her double, before a bright red light surrounded them. Luna shielded her eyes, before blinking as her surroundings had changed; now she stood in a different platform, levitating in a red void, as the skies were covered in rifts, which showed hundreds of worlds from above. However, Luna did not have the time to enjoy the view, as she faced the monster before her. "Now, it is time! Here, in the infernal realm, you shall meet your end!" The deep, echoic voice once more spoke, as the demon's true form was revealed; A large creature, with four clawed hands, a red gem at the lower face and a large horn on its head, where the two yellow eyes pierced at her at the base. She could see the tentacles emerging from behind its back, though Luna ignored the rest as she focused solely on the creature's eyes, gazing down at her. The sheer power she felt from the creature rivaled the memory of crystal, even surpassing it with great deal. As the creature moved its arms, a magical symbol appeared behind it as a whirlwind of magic gathered at its arms, before it directed it at her. Luna gathered her remaining strength to raise a shield just in time as the attack connected, bringing her to her knees, as a spike of pain once more pierced her head, causing the shield to collapse. Teary eyed, Luna desperately gasped for breath, before her focus finally focused on the left shoulder of the monster, where a familiar ball of light hovered, failing to notice the yellow and black sparks around her. Luna's eyes widened, as she looked at what she thought was a demon again; A realization shook her, as she understood that this thing was not a demon possessing it's victim, rather merely a replica constructed by the dream from a memory. That alone said much, as even a memory of such a being was invincible, as long as the dreamer dreamed it so. "Dreamer, please stop this. We only intended to help, not steal your secrets" Luna yelled, as she reached her hoof towards the dreamer; Every encounter she had here, in this bubble of a dream, had been to drive her out, though she has mistook them as a sign of a great demon invading it. Though she still couldn't see the dreamer, she could tell that it had turned towards her. For a brief moment, she felt as the pressure of pain started to vanish, before it redoubled once more as the dreamer answered. "Remove her" Dreamer's high pitched voice spoke, as Luna's eyes widened in total fear. The deep, echoic voice of the memory echoed with its laughter, as it spread it's claws; snakes of blue energy surrounding the hundreds of worlds in the sky, before they exploded with a mighty fury, bringing with them untold power as this 'Ouroboros' pointed his arms towards Luna. And with a flash of her horn, the princess of night and dreams fled the dream, as a blast of light hit where she had been but a moment ago, her forcible and hasty exit ending the dream as the princess fled and Airy began to awaken... Luna gave a yell of surprise as her eyes snapped open, involuntarily moving as she stumbled from her throne onto the hard floor. "Luna! Are you alright?" A voice called out, causing Luna to turn her weary eyes towards her sister, Celestia, as she galloped up the stairs, stopping next to Luna with concern written all over her face. Calm began to spread through Luna, as her breathing calmed down and she stood up, no longer feeling weak or powerless as she had in the dream realm. "Yes, dear sister; it was merely a... bad dream, that we encountered. Is it time to start the day?" She asked, as Celestia looked at her with concern, before nodding "Yes, I was about to come tell you, before I heard your yell. Are you sure you're alright, sister?" she asked, as she eyed Luna with concern in her eyes. Luna huffed, as she looked away "We are fine, it was merely a dream we had not expected. A good day's rest will do me good" She said dismissively, before her horn glowed as the night sky disappeared below the horizon. Celestia said nothing, only watching her sister for a moment, before her own horn glowed and the sun replaced the moon in the sky. Luna let out a sigh, before she began walking towards her quarters, only to stop as Celestia's hoof landed on her shoulder "Luna, if something is wrong, please tell me" She said, as she looked at her younger sister. Luna stayed silent for a moment, before replying "As we said, it was merely a bad dream. Now, we believe you have some work to do, so we can finally go help Princess Amore... or do you not trust us?" She questioned her sister, who looked at her with wide eyes "Of course I trust you, you're my -" "Then good. Now, we need some sleep, the nightmares will not quell themselves tonight" Luna interrupted, as she walked away, leaving worried Celestia behind. Luna would also fail to remember, that she hadn't talked with Princess Amore about the situation in the Crystal Empire, nor when they'd be arriving there. And so, it would be her pride and ego, facing defeat at a mere memory of a great demon and the dreamer who turned against her, as well her choice to not consult in her sister, that would eventually lead Luna down a dark path as her dreams that day and years to come were filled with distant echoes of Ouroboros' laughter, coming from a mouth of her mirror image. It would also bother her to remember the monster quote of the Celestial realm... a home of the race of gods named Celestials, a name far too similar to her own sister for her comfort. And as the memories would fade in the coming years, it would be the words of a 'fairy', which she would become to consider a friend in those following years, which would eventually push her over the edge... Airy groaned, as her weird dreams of Ouroboros and ponies ended, bringing her back to the waking world and leaving her unaware of her master's magic having been at work, a protective spell against unwanted intruders, which turned her dreams from harmless to lethal defenses... at least, lethal to all but Princess Luna, who managed to escape just in time. A lesser magic user would have perished at the temple. Luckily for them, those who could travel dreams were extremely rare, for none other than Luna would face Airy's dreams, now or in the future. Airy yawned, as the sunlight poured into her room, a start of a new day of work. Slowly standing up, Airy stretched her body, before she dressed up and took flight, landing on the string next to the door and ringing the bell. A mare of green coat and light blue mane in armor opened the door "Hi, I’m Airy. You must be Shard, Glint told me about you yesterday. Could you help me a little and fill the washing bowl for me?" Airy pleasantly introduced herself, as the guard nodded her head and walked away, before returning a moment later with a maid, who walked in with a pitcher, before walking to the other table and filling the bowl with clean water. With a thanks to the maid and the guard, Airy flew behind the curtain as the door closed, leaving her alone as she stripped down once more, before taking a soak in half-filled bowl of water. It was so nice, to bathe in the lukewarm water, as she sun shined on her bare skin. She took her time cleaning and enjoying herself, but eventually she dried off and dressed up again, before drying her wings and flying off to ring the bell. As the guard, Shard, escorted her to dining hall for breakfast, the maid who had waited outside entered, beginning her (rather simple) task of cleaning the room. "So, I don't mean to pry... but what did you two do?" Airy asked her guide, who stiffened, before pretending that nothing was wrong "What do you mean" Shard asked, her tone getting defensive "Come on, it's pretty clear that something happened, otherwise Thunder wouldn't have put you two to serve as maids; so please tell me, otherwise I'll have to ask Princess Amore" Airy replied, as Shard let out a sigh of defeat. "Couple of us tried playing a prank on a fellow guard, but we accidentally dropped a cold bucket of water on a lieutenant as he came in for a surprise inspection" Shard explained, getting an "ooh" from Airy. As they arrived at the dining hall, Shard knocked on the door, before opening it to let Airy inside. With a wave of thanks, Airy flew in, the door closing behind her as she flew to where Princess Amore, Radiant Hope and Sombra were already eating their breakfasts "Greetings, your highness, Radiant, Sombra. So, are we continuing the spell work today?" she asked, as the three greeted her back. "Why yes; it would seem, that despite the early evening I gave them, my students were hard at work last night" Amore said with a smile. After glancing at the two, Airy could tell that the two were still sleepy, so while they slowly woke up, Airy decided to order a cup of water and a cherry; a perk of this form, as she required so little food while she stayed small. Of course, if she transformed and stayed in her larger forms, she'd have to change her daily food size from a cherry to a pony sized plate... maybe even literally. Airy was glad she didn't have such worries yet. And so, the second day of work began, with the four of them joined by Glimmer and Thunder, with the six of them idly chatting as they began to eat their breakfasts of choice... Celestia let out a sigh, as she finally sat down for the dinner. Between worrying about her sister and dealing with all the governmental duties associated with rebuilding entire towns destroyed during Tirek's rampage, Celestia couldn't help but wish she'd never see another villain again. When the ponies had first accepted her and her sister as new rulers of Equestria due to their abilities to control the sun and the moon (as well as a moderate convincing from their former teacher, Star Swirl), it had taken so much time to learn proper governing on her part. Of course, Luna also did her duty, but it was mostly different from hers; Princess Luna's duties mostly consisted of managing the thestrals and healing the mind of their subjects from damages nightmares caused, while Celestia's duty was to manage the unicorns, the pegasi and the earth ponies. Of course, it was only natural; As Celestia ruled during the day, most ponies came to her despite the fact that her sister also could have taken care of their problems; as such, the night court usually stood empty, with Luna dealing with dream realm while interrupted once in a while by thestrals. Often weeks went by with nopony attending her court. Maybe it was because of this, that her sister looked so worn down; dealing with nightmares of others took most of her time and magic, it left her with little rest, before she slept once more past the daily life. As the servant brought her food, Celestia idly began to wonder if she should start shifting more duties to night court, before dismissing those thoughts; it was clear, that Luna was already stressed enough as it is, dealing with repeated nightmares of Tirek. And so, as Princess Celestia ate and began to idly read on reports of the unicorns and pegasi on their non-rebuilding related projects, she remained completely unaware of the seeds she planted; seeds of doubt about Luna's ability to reign, ones that would cause many misunderstandings between the sisters for years to come. Yet as the time would come when such troubles began to heal, the actions and words left behind by one fairy would grow those seeds into a tree of villainy, one the world would fear a thousand years and strike grieve in Celestia's heart for millennia to come. The one they would call... Nightmare Moon. > Chapter 5 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- As the second day came to an end, Airy had begun a simple pattern for weeks to follow. At mornings she'd wash herself, then have breakfast with the princess and her students, talking about that day's planned experiments and whatever idle curiosity Princess Amore had about Luxendarc and its inhabitants and customs. Many things that Airy spoke of inspired awe in her, though she changed some things or removed them completely, such as airships or Ancheim's impressive factories, powered by the wind from the wind crystal. Instead, she changed so the ships flew because of 'magic', that the king of Ancheim put people to work in the mines instead of turning the gears of the grand windmills, that many of the wonders or enemies were 'magical' instead of scientific, like the Eternian automatons being mere "golems made of rock" and so on... To Princess Amore, it seemed awe-inspiring that in the world where they couldn't control the weather and majority of citizens had no magic, that their version of what earth ponies (without natural gifts to grow or farm things) were able to make such an advanced city in the desert, despite the weather that governed itself. After breakfast, Airy would join Sombra and Radiant, as they tested different theories, brand new spells and even modified the crystal, while Airy read more and more on magic and its many applications, in her quest to learn how to improve the spell given to her by Grogar and how to power it. Of course, their tasks would be interrupted by lunch, before continuing as normal. Once in a while, she'd give a token advice to them, though it wasn't like she mysteriously knew how it all worked. For all she knew, such magic was only possible in stories, like the one she was regularly quoting as 'real facts'. At dinner, they'd join Princess Amore and her sister, Glimmer, as they discussed the daily progress, while Glimmer often repeated questions asked by her sister at breakfast. Of course, since Princess Amore didn't wish certain things to spread, she had to self-censor her lies. Then, it would be more work, before at evening; they'd have a light snack and retire for the night, where she'd spend time watching the moon and the stars, making plans in her head. Learning the limits of magic these ponies had was essential, as while she could easily simply leave them to waste away, by helping restore a powerful, ancient relic that might be powered by magic and emotions, she was one step closer to freeing her new master, Grogar. She wasn't sure if he knew, but the Crystal Heart would speed up her progress by decades: from what Princess Amore had described, it was clear that she won the jackpot when she ended up in this frozen hell, as she doubted there were magical artifacts of this power just lying around for anyone to take. An irony of the statement, considering what Twilight and her friends would encounter in a thousand years from these days... With her new routine set, it went on for nearly two weeks until the sudden visit by Princess Amore, when they had the breakthrough's; just in time, as the two students had begun to lose what little hope they had left... in retrospect, if the historians knew, they would be shocked that it was Sombra, who displayed such pure emotions needed for unrefined spell to work. As Airy flipped the page introducing her to side effects of overusing magic and possible magical contamination by different spells, she glanced as Sombra glared at the papers in front of him, furiously trying to find what they were doing wrong while Radiant had her head down, sipping tea as her mind wondered to... something. From what she'd learn about Sombra, it was that he was more brute force magic user, with short temper for failure and enormous ego when it came to any successes, though these flaws would disappear when he was with Radiant. Radiant on other hand was calm, caring mare. She inspected everything carefully, while trying her very best to stay happy and helpful; apparently, the mare didn't like the fact she couldn't use her magic to heal or help others. Now, her happy nature was slowly eroding after months of being Princess Amore's student, where she had shown such promise as a future princess (a concept that Airy found strange; apparently, the modern unicorn royalty were chosen by their predecessors, not by birthright). Radiant had explained that Princess Amore had originally intended for her to study under Princess Celestia and Princess Luna, but with matters of the Crystal Heart and of course the ongoing conflicts in Equestria, such plans were delayed until proper time. But now, as they failed again and again to find a way to heal the Crystal Heart, Radiant's hopes and dreams were slowly shattering in front of her eyes, causing her sadness and more of Sombra's anger to rise. She could understand both of them quite well: Sombra had pride in his work and accomplishments due to his orphan past, while also hating everything that slowed down his effort to show his greatness, so because he had been bullied with Radiant as orphans, it showed in his desire to step above those who mocked them. Radiant on other hand was a mare who simply wanted to please her teacher and help others. If she wasn't Princess Amore's personal student, Airy had no doubt she'd be a chief doctor in some hospital, spending her days simply helping ponies with a silly smile on her face while using her talents to heal their physical and mental wounds. Airy went back to her book, reading about how some magical spells and concoctions could corrupt the area they were used in, if the unicorn was not careful enough. There were mentions of small ponds, corrupted by foul magic’s or twisted amalgams of lesser magic’s, though no direct names nor locations; ponies didn't like that some worsened them by tampering with them. This book was taking longer to read; the earlier books were meant for foals, as introduction to magic: she was a grown-up, so the texts were easier to understand and faster to learn. Still, it gave her the context Grogar did not give her, a mistake on his part but hindsight was a thing.... There were also mentions on how overuse of certain types of magic could cause different conditions, from temporal to permanent. Too much mental or soul magic could render one unable to even eat without assistance, while elemental ones could cause real damage to a tired caster. There were also mentions of teleport accidents, where one could accidentally fuse themselves into an object or other ponies; A fatal mistake in both cases. Only a briefest mention was given to corruption of mind, soul and body by dark magic, making it sound like the results could be what The Thing would look like if given magic while completely insane, even after death. To Airy, it sounded bullshit; a way to restrict 'evil magic’s' without forbidding them directly, by making the side effects seem too horrific for practical use. Still, it would require... further studying, before she went that route, just in case it actually worked like that; she didn't know if Grogar used dark magic and remained normal or just used normal magic in twisted ways. Of course, since mental, soul and dark magic’s were dangerous fields to explore, their access were limited. The tome only mentioned few books of such magic’s by name... though Airy was certain she had seen them already: a brief visit with Sombra and Radiant to royal vault where the most valuable magical books were being kept had given her a peak, while Radiant was searching for a book on some old magic’s of non-pony magic casters, recorded by several travelers into non-pony lands, beyond Equestria. The vault door of course was merely a gate with enchanted iron bars (wide enough for her to slip through easily) and two guards protecting it... a tempting target for later date to do some late night private research into aforementioned topics. Especially if she could find a way to extract pony cutie marks... or better yet, souls: the asterisks were items in bravely default, that could turn anyone into a knight or mage or anything between, though their creation was never explained: she suspected that either the progress was kept secret so the orthodoxy wouldn't regain their power... or more likely because their creation involved some real dark stuff. But if she could find a way to harvest the souls of specific ponies or other creatures with certain skills, she could possibly find a way to put them into Asterisks of her own creation that gave the wielder powers of the original. The cutie marks were a good place to start with, it seemed... if only to learn just how they gave the ponies the skills, as there was an old reference to a disease called 'cutie pox', which gave ponies random cutie marks and forced them to perform the skills displayed. Even if she couldn't implant cutie marks into objects, just learning how they connected to ponies would give her the knowledge she needed to connect souls to wearers of her planned Asterisks, allowing them to wield any skills they gave. With even a handful of Asterisks, she could supply her future servants with powers normally beyond their grasp. With even one of each, she could command an entire army of loyal Asterisk wielders.... such thoughts made her heart beat with excitement. Still, she'd need to research some more, to identify the enchantments protecting the vault; getting caught red-handed was not an option. A knock on the study door caused the three to stop whatever they were doing and look towards it, before Radiant's horn glowed to open the door, revealing Princess Amore on the other side. "Oh, your highness" Radiant spoke, as she stepped away from the table she was working at with Sombra, walking towards the doorway as the princess stepped in. Sombra stayed where he was, silently bowing while Airy simply curtsied "What can we do for you?" Radiant asked, as Amore glanced at the Airy and Sombra, before turning back towards Radiant. "I wanted to see what progress the three of you have made so far and if there was anything I could help you with" She said, as the two of them walked to the closest table, where open books and scrolls were. Radiant seemed saddened, as she shook her head "Unfortunately, while we have theorized on how to achieve the required magic, so far our spells has been unable to produce the effects..." Radiant began explaining, as she gestured to various scrolls, notes and references in the books to the princess. Airy watched, as the two conversed, before turning to look at Sombra, who had his head bowed as he read the notes in front of him, while glancing once in a while at Radiant with gloomy expression. 'Maybe that's the problem' Airy thought to herself, as she flew from her book to hover next to Sombra, who idly glanced at her while she read the notes he had written. So far, she couldn't understand all of it, but what she did understand was quite simple: the process was to attempt to push emotions into the magic, while attempting to cast a very specific spell that Airy couldn't properly understand yet: it would take weeks of learning before she'd be able to fully understand it. Luckily, her new body came with near-perfect memory recall: something she had already abused during her retelling of the game's lore as 'her heroic tale'. To others, it would be years as they learned things, requiring re-reading in the future to remember specifics before they'd learned whatever they were studying. It would not be a problem for her, especially since she had been smart enough to become a doctor in her previous life... but never mind that, back to the task at hand. The problem it seemed was that Sombra and Radiant were trying to cast very specific types of spells while trying to quantify how much 'emotion' each test was to take... even she could understand, that such tests would be tainted by their scientific process: you can't 'quantify emotion' without tainting any progress with calm, rational thinking. Emotion was wild and untamed, coming from the heart. It wasn't something you could apply numbers and tactics to, it was pure hot flashes of anger or passion of love that...that... Airy blinked, as the idea flashed in her mind, before glancing at Sombra, who was looking at Radiant Hope and Princess Amore, as they went through the list of failed experiments. There was something in his eyes when he looked at Radiant, a spark of sadness, not because of he failed the princess, but because... he wasn't making Radiant happy.... "Sombra" Airy spoke, snapping the stallion out of his thoughts, as he turned towards her "I have an idea, but you need to follow my instructions exactly" She said, as Sombra narrowed his eyes at her. "And why would I do that?" he asked, suspicious of her sudden behavior. Airy ignored it as she flew from to hover next to his ear "Because I might have a solution as to get the results. I'm sure you want to show the princess that you can do it..." she said, before glancing at the other two ponies in the room and continuing in hushed tone, that Sombra barely heard "and I’m sure it would make Radiant really happy with you" she finished. Sombra froze for a moment, eyes turning towards Radiant, who was looking sad, before he turned back to Airy "What did you have in mind?" he asked, as Airy smiled at her successful manipulation attempt. "Well, since the hopes and prayers are merely good emotions towards something, it's possible that the crystals don't draw directly on them, but rather the good emotions instead. So..." Airy paused for a moment, as she watched as Sombra listened carefully to her words "If we focus on hope and love exclusively, we might get the results we need. Now, follow my instructions" Airy said, pausing for a second before she began speaking once more. "First, turn towards the crystal on the table and close your eyes" Airy instructed, as confused Sombra obeyed, closing his eyes as he faced the crystal "Now, clear your mind and synchronize your breathing to the feeling of the magic around you" Airy continued, as frown appeared on Sombra's face. "How is that -" She interrupted him with a hush, before continuing "Stop ask questions, just trust me on this. Now, focus on the times you were young, when you were happy: performing magic, playing and studying with Radiant, the first time you met her and became friends" She instructed, as Sombra's expression shifted. It took him a moment, as his mood changed from angry to passive and finally pleased "Focus on the feeling of love and happiness you felt back then, that you feel to this day... then gather it as you gather your magic; don't cast any spells, just gather your magic in your horn while remembering those happy feelings" Airy said, as Sombra's horn began to glow, causing Radiant and Amore to look in their direction. Airy smiled as she spoke in hushed tone "Now, focus all your magic and emotion... and push it into the crystal, as raw, pure and powerful as you are feeling it now" She finished, as a beam of magic left Sombra's horn and struck the crystal, causing it to glow. "More, don't stop now: More!" Airy encouraged, as Sombra began sweating, pushing his magic and feelings into the crystal, causing it to glow more and more. Radiant and Amore looked at the display with wide eyes, before gasping aloud as Sombra ceased his magic, panting heavily as he opened his eyes, his vision focusing on the crystal. And for the briefest of moments, he saw it reflect a sense of happiness and love, as colors of rainbow left the crystal, before it went stopped glowing. Sombra gazed at the empty crystal with widened eyes of wonder, as his breathing returned to normal... only for him to take his eyes off it as Radiant tightly hugged him. "You did it!" Radiant yelled out aloud, smile on her face as she hugged her best friend "Impressive display. I do believe we might yet succeed in revitalizing the Crystal Heart" Princess Amore said; walking to the table her students were at, smile on her face. And for a brief moment, Sombra let a smile spread on his face as he returned Radiant's hug "Yeah... I did it" he said to himself, never noticing the wicked glee in Airy's eyes as she looked at him... "And then the crystal glowed like a rainbow! It was so beautiful, I could feel the happiness radiate from it a brief moment" Radiant explained to Glimmer, who looked at the two unicorn students with wide eyes "So, you figured it out? That's amazing!" Glimmer spoke with joy, only for Sombra to shake his head "Not exactly. We did confirm that what Airy spoke of might be possible, but we still have no idea how to properly utilize it, nor if it's feasible to use it for the Crystal Heart" he explained. "Oh... Still, it's still something, right?" Glimmer asked excitedly, as Princess Amore chuckled at her younger sister "Yes, sister. It certainly is a spark of hope, after so many failed attempts. Even if we couldn't use it to repair the heart, it's still a discovery that will have many implications for magic as whole" she explained, before turning towards Airy, who was snacking on the whipped cream on top of an apple slice "But all of it wouldn't be possible, without the guidance of our new friend, Airy" Amore said, as Airy turned towards her. "Well, I didn't do much: all I did was tell you it was possible from where I come from. It's Sombra and Radiant who figured it out" Airy tried to deflect in 'modesty', only for Sombra to object "On the contrary, it was your encouragement and instructions that made it possible for me to cast it in the first place" he said, before taking a bite from his toast. Thunder Shield looked curiously at the small fairy, who was using her hand to take another piece of whipped cream to snack upon "How did you know it would work? From what they explained, it sounded like you knew exactly what was wrong" he asked, trying not to show his suspicion as he looked at Airy. Airy thought about it a moment, as she finished cleaning the whipped cream from her hand "Well, when the vestals pray upon the crystals, they synchronize their breathing to the Crystals as they prayed with all of their faith... I just thought to suggest that instead of treating it like an experiment, Sombra should imitate what the Vestals do. I didn't know if it would work" She explained. In truth, she really didn't know if it would work. She had seen it in the games, when Agnes performs the awakening with each crystal in all those worlds, but that didn't tell her if it would work in the real world. Her magical understanding was almost completely non-existent, beyond what she read from the books and what Grogar had given her. She had so much to learn... "But enough about that: Glimmer, you said you're the minister of agriculture, right? How is your work going?" Airy asked, moving on from the topic of their success as she finally asked questions from Glimmer, rather than other way around. Apparently, that was a wrong thing to ask, if you considered the gloomy look that spread on Glimmer's face, as she spoke in saddened tone "Sadly, my work isn't going so well. Between the increasingly smaller fields and the temperature changes, the farms have suffered greatly: We've even had to start using the fallow lands to raise crops this year, which will surely affect the following years... if there are any for the crystal empire, that is." She finished as she bowed her head with sad look. "It's alright, Glimmer: I know you're doing the best you can, considering the circumstances" Princess Amore consoled her sister, as Thunder gave his wife a one-hoof hug. Airy however thought about what Glimmer said for a moment, before speaking "I'm sorry, but what are 'fallow lands'?" she asked, not familiar with agricultural terms. Glimmer raised her head to look at Airy, as she answered "it's a piece of land that is left without plants for a year, while the other half is used to raise crops that year. We switch between them each year, yet due to the barrier shrinking, we've had to use all of the fields this year, to feed the ponies and farm animals" Glimmer explained, as Airy frowned. She wasn't an expert, but even she knew that was so inefficient. It was almost medieval... oh, right: they still used quills and most of the commoners were illiterate: of course they wouldn't have proper techniques that were developed in her days. Now, what did her Ex-bf's little sister's bf talk about that one time... something about three and four-crop rotations? "Well, that's a stupid idea" Airy said, shocking Glimmer at her tone "I might not be an expert, but even I know that there's better crop rotation than that, like the three-field one, where only one field is empty while other two have different crops... or the four-field one, where all fields have crops that rotate each year" she said in matter-of-fact tone, as Glimmer looked shocked at her explanation. Thunder didn't look happy at the implication that she had called his wife stupid "I though you said you weren't all-knowing" he said, before looking at her suspiciously "And weren't the vestals priests? How would you know about farming?" he asked, as Airy huffed at him. "I'll have you know, just because the vestals didn't know this stuff, doesn't mean I don't" she said, before flying to hover in front of Thunder and Glimmer "As for the matter of fact, one of the vestal's companions was a shepherd, who grew up on a farm and tended the flock. He once explained about farming to vestal, talking about this stuff" she explained, as she lied smoothly to their face. She wasn't going to explain that she was a reincarnated person from a world so much more advanced, it might as well been magic to these farm animals... speaking of, she'd have to make sure she didn't speak about certain things: they'd be horrified to hear that in her world, ponies and horses were animals used as transportation, entertainment, farm equipment or food. Glimmer pushed Thunder's hoof off her shoulder as she leaned towards Airy, her eyes now shining with interest "Oh, how do those work? Can you tell me what crops they used? How do they prevent the crops from failing?" She asked in quick succession, her depression forgotten. Airy was unprepared for the sudden mood change "W-well, I don't remember what he explained exactly, as they were kind of flirting, but..." she paused, as she tried to remember half-forgotten lessons and what she had been told "I think the three-field rotation used wheat in the fall and ... oats in the spring for one field, while the other field had peas or beans. They changed so one field would be empty every 3 years" she explained, as Glimmer listened with interest. "As for the four-field rotation, I'm not that sure. I think it was wheat, turnips... maybe clovers and....barley? I'm not sure, I don't even know if your world even has the same crops: you'd have to discover the proper rotations yourself" Airy said, as Glimmer wrote down everything she said; it was already a new habit for her to bring a paper and quill for dinner with her, as she liked Airy's stories about 'her world'. "There was also other things the shepherd explained, but since he and the vestal were forming a romance, I didn't stay around them that much" she finished, barely stopping herself from telling too much as she remembered the hype of indoor farms that had been going on in her original world. Food grown in warehouses, stacked on shelves and under careful machine care with artificial light pulps. She didn't know how those worked either, just that people said it might be a solution to world food shortage. However, she did not voice those ideas. To tell them now would rob her of an advantage of being beneficial being, who helped the people grow and invent new things. Why did she hold them secret? That's very simple: this world was basically at development that was equal to her medieval world or less... not counting the advantages magic brought in. That meant any 'modern' idea she brought into this world would be centuries ahead of its time... a great way to gather funds, to raise an army and everything else she'd need for Lord Grogar... or maybe herself: Original Airy was betrayed by Ouroboros, so she'd need to start making plans to prevent such a thing from happening to her. ... Maybe she could even usurp Grogar's power: he was sealed in a dimension he couldn't escape, without his bell. What was to prevent her from freeing him and then striking him in the back, once she had everything she wanted from him? After all, he did explain that those who died ended back in the realm of darkness, just without a body or consciousness... like a string puppet without a puppeteer, just sitting there until something happened. Something to consider… Glimmer decided to once more start asking questions, much to Airy's (hidden) annoyance "Well, what about dealing with shifting weather? How did they prevent it from ruining the crops?" she asked, as she finished writing down everything Airy had explained. To Glimmer, this information was invaluable: even if she couldn't utilize it in the crystal empire, she might be able to revolutionize the agricultural fields. "Well, since the earth ponies and pegasi can control the weather and the plants much better than anything I know, I'm afraid I have nothing more to suggest" Airy said, before a quick idea came to her mind "But you can research all that stuff I mentioned: Imagine all the discoveries you could make to help you grow food for the ponies in need" she finished, as Glimmer's eyes widened in understanding. Airy barely suppressed the glee she felt from showing, as Glimmer quickly gathered her things, stuffing her face with her remaining food before standing up from her seat "I have to research this!" she exclaimed, as she ran out the door, leaving others looking after her with astonished looks. Amore gave a short laugh, before others chuckled at the display Glimmer had made "Oh, that's just like her: if it's related to plants, she'll jump at the change to learn or help. Thank you Airy, for helping Glimmer be more like herself: she'd been feeling sad for weeks by her own inability to use magic to help with the crystal heart, while her efforts to help the farms have been less than successful, as the cold weather during the nights wreaks havoc on the crops" she spoke with a smile on her face. Thunder nodded in agreement "It will keep her busy enough, so she doesn't worry too much about things at night" he said, as Airy idly returned to her snack, sticking her hand into whipped cream once more... "Good night, mister Glint" Airy said in 'pleasant' tone as the door of her room closed, leaving her alone. Letting out a sigh, she flew to the window sill, sitting down as she gazed down at the city, watching as the street lamps came on one by one, as last of the ponies retired for the evening, leaving only the guards to patrol the city in their padded armors. As her eyes wandered over the different buildings, she felt that it was time to explore the city: sure, she had chosen to stay inside the castle since she arrived, travelling between her room, the dining room and the study of Radiant and Sombra, but that was because she felt the need to learn magic, as well as to observe them work; she might not fully understand everything they'd done, but their knowledge of magic was useful. Still, it felt like a waste, to spend all her time between three locations, while meeting only a handful of ponies and reading all day... it was time to correct that. As she gazed at the shops on the street, she decided that it was a time to take a break and explore the city, maybe learn more about the people... ponies instead of endlessly staying inside, just reading and watching two students fail at something... knowing the city infrastructure and what the development level was would be valuable information: She could find things to improve and raise her public image, while appearing as benevolent and kind friend to these... peasants. They had magic yet no proper plumbing. Rome had sewers 2500 years before her modern day and they didn't have magic to help them. it made her wonder what else she could start improving upon... though now that she thought about it, these ponies probably didn't have lakes, rivers or even wells in this frozen hell: most of the water was probably melted snow and ice from outside... Airy turned her gaze towards the night sky, once more enjoying the stars and the moon that she rarely got to see in her previous life: a disadvantage of modern society. As she finally grew tired, Airy flew to her bed, once more stripping down to bare skin before crawling under the sheets, letting the land of dreams take her. Tomorrow, it would be time to explore and plan... > Chapter 6 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Swift Clean yawned as she rose, stretching her old hooves before climbing out of bed, straightening her mane and picking up her work uniform. A moment later she walked out of her bedroom and into the hallway, stopping to peak into another room as Rose Pedal slept peacefully. The young mare of pink mane and green coat reminded her so much of her late husband: the stallion with a heart of gold and a lush red mane... when he was younger of course. Continuing her way into the kitchen, she prepared herself breakfast, eating it slowly as she made couple of sandwiches and placed them on the kitchen table. Satisfied with her task, she walked towards the coat hanger, starting the task of putting it over her uniform. As she finished, the front door opened, with two stallions walking in: both with orange manes and light blue coats, looking tired as they yawned "Morning ma" Morning mom" they said, before giving her a kiss on the cheek as they stumbled to the kitchen table, practically sinking into seats. "I made you two breakfast: eat up, unless you want to end up like your uncle" Swift said, as her sons started eating the sandwiches she prepared for them "Thanks ma" "Thanks mom" came the reply, as she walked to the door and opened it "And remember to wake up your sister once you're done with the dishes" She said, as they replied "Alright ma" "Alright mom". She smiled at her two sleepy sons (Both worked on night time patrols), before walking out of the house, door closing behind her as she headed to work. A golden beam of magic flew through the air, passing through tentacles of black tar as it struck the Crystal Heart embedded in the monster's chest, causing its featureless face to open a mouth as it screamed in pain, before tilting its head to look at the now glowing Crystal Heart. A ringing sound could be heard, before a golden sphere of energy expanded from the heart, vaporizing the tar monster, leaving the Crystal Heart to hover in the air and half a dozen captive ponies gasping for breath, as they groaned on the ground, finally free of the monster's grasp. "Well done, Amore" An old unicorn mare of pale green coat and white mane said, standing shoulder to shoulder with gasping Amore, who felt joy at defeating a monster attacking her fellow ponies and attempting to steal the Crystal Heart "I knew you could do it: it was merely a matter of you believing in yourself" the old mare, as Amore straightened and looked at the mare next to her. "But if it had not been for you, I’d never have learned the spell... or have the courage to cast it" Amore said, before bowing her head "Thank you, lady Silver Mane, for being such a great teacher to me" she finished, only for a grey hoof to wrap to wrap itself around her shoulders, causing Amore to turn her head the other way, at the old armored unicorn stallion standing there in one hoof hug with her. "Of course my dear girl here could do it: I taught her since the day she came out of her mother's womb... And every day, she makes me so proud" the old stallion said, causing Amore to blush as she smiled "Thanks dad" she said, as the mare behind her chuckled "Come now, Stellar Horn, let the girl breathe: she has earned her break. It's our turn now to help these poor ponies" Silver Mane said, before starting to descend down the hill towards the ponies weakly trying to stand up. As Stellar's hoof unwrapped from his daughter's shoulder, he began to walk down the hill as well, with Amore smiling before she started walking as well... or at least tried to, only to stop as she failed to lift her hooves. Confused, she looked down at them, only for her eyes to widen as her hooves were covered in crystal, holding her in place as her body began to grow taller. "Dad, Silver! Something's wrong, I-" Amore said, only Stellar to give a warm laugh as he kept walking down the hill, not even glancing behind him. Amore's gaze landed on Silver mane as she stopped and turned towards Amore, opening her mouth to speak. BEEP, BEEP, BEEP, BEEP, BEEP.... And just like that, her dream ended... Princess Amore groaned, as her eyes opened and she sat up, yawning as her horn glowed: the alarm next to her bed went silent, as she stretched her hooves, before pulling herself from bed, yawning once more as she began her daily routine by brushing her hair, getting rid of the bed hair she always had whenever she slept. Despite not having clocks, the alarm that Princess Amore had ran once a day. It was a variation on the self-renewal spell, where it renewed itself once a day. Of course, like the candles it required once a week magical recharge, which was why in Equestria, it was more convenient to use regular candles to mark time: only powerful unicorns or royals bothered to keep magical candles and alarms. These days, she felt energized at the thought of the day ahead: it had only been a little over two weeks prior, when she had dreaded the days ahead. Her dreams had been weird but pleasant, ever since she heard Airy's story of her home. Despite the shill that crept on her spine whenever she thought about the... monster, It seemed like her dreams were imitating the more pleasant elements of it, her sleeping mind graving excitement as it replaced things she didn't know with things she knew about: Silver Mane had been one of her foalhood tutors, a wandering unicorn who had noted her gifts and decided to take time to teach her how to use them. It had also been a long time when she was the size of average pony, when she visited her home village on occasion, watching as the fillies and colts like Star Swirl cast new spells he had learned... the time before her dad had gone to war against the griffons, never to return. Amore wondered how long it had been since she visited the graves of her old tutors. In their old age, they had been few of the first to be buried in the newly established Crystal Empire's graveyard, her loyal advisors who helped her shape the early days of her rule... she should get some flowers: maybe lavender, which were Silver Mane's favorite. Sighing, Amore finished putting on her jewelry, before smiling as she looked at her reflection. The designs had been something she had doodled once, but it had been a wonderful surprise when her former teachers (who had become her first royal advisors and ministers) had taken their time to produce them as a gift... It made her heart feel warm every time she remembered that birthday. What a wonderful way for a new day to begin; a reminder, that she always carried the memory of those who'd passed within her heart... "Mom, wake up. MOM!" a foal's voice roused Glimmer from her sleep, as Thunder glanced at where he was putting on his uniform "Daisy, don't wake your mother: she stayed up quite late yesterday" he said, only to receive a groan from Glimmer who sat up, yawning and blinking her eyes, before lifting the excited little Pegasus to her lap "Good morning, Daisy" Glimmer said, as she gave the pink Pegasus a kiss on the head, receiving a giggle. "Mom! Today, Miss Rose promised to take me see the sheep!" Daisy yelled excitedly, shaking her yellow and green mane as Glimmer chuckled at her daughter "Is that so? Well, as long as you remember to listen to Miss Rose very carefully, I hope you have fun today" she said, laughing as she watched her daughter jump from the bed and run off, leaving her alone with Thunder. Of course, Rose Pedal had asked permission days ago, to which both Glimmer and Thunder had said yes, that if it was okay to take little Daisy to see the sheep: the little foal so wanted to see real sheep, as her favorite toy was a stuffed sheep toy. Glimmer of course decided that yes, it was time for Daisy to see the farm animals: considering how the things were going, it was still a real possibility that those farms would have to be shut down in the near future. She didn't want to make her daughter sad. As Glimmer climbed out of bed and after glancing at the window, she turned towards Thunder and popped the question "Where are you in a hurry this morning?" she asked, as Thunder finished setting up the armor "Morning briefing with the guards: I'll be skipping the breakfast, as we'll have to run drills on the evacuation and any complications that rise, should it become necessary" he answered, before walking to Glimmer and giving her a kiss. "Good luck" She said, as they walked out of the bedroom, Glimmer picking up Daisy as she began to prepare breakfast for her foal: while they could eat together at home, it had been a long habit of Glimmer and Thunder to join Princess Amore at breakfast, to keep the bond between families strong. After all, family and friends were the most important things in life... Sombra groaned, as he rose from the bed, one hoof rubbing his eyes as he eyed at the mess. There were open books on the floor, a result of another late night study session. Still, while he hadn't learned anything useful from them that he didn't already know, it was still good to double check. Yawning, he moved through the room towards the dresser, horn idly glowing green as the books returned to the shelves and the dresser opened, revealing another green cape within as the old one lied on the floor. Draping it over his shoulders, he checked to make sure it covered his cutie mark, before he took a comb and straightened his mane: he had to make a good impression today. After a moment of admiring himself on the mirror, his horn glowed once more as he set the comb down, picking the discarded cape with his magic as he walked out into the hallway, where Radiant was waiting for him. "Good morning sleepyhead. Ready for yet another day of hard work?" Radiant smiled at him warmly, clearly excited to get working. Sombra could feel the smile spread on his face, as well as a warm feeling on his chest as he straightened his pose, looking at Radiant with warm gaze. "Good morning, Radiant. Just about ready" he replied as they walked down the hall, only stopping as Sombra gave his dirty cape to passing maid gathering dirty laundry, before they continued on towards the dining room "With all the excitement of yesterday, you seem to be on the better mood" he commented, as Radiant turned to look at him. "Of course I’m excited; we finally got the spell to work! Granted, we still haven't managed to reproduce the effects, but we finally got results! This is so exciting, we might finally fix the Crystal Heart and...." Radiant kept talking as Sombra nodded along, smile on his face and feeling more energized.... To others, the morning was a time to remember who their family and friends were, who to turn to while also remembering what the day's tasks were and with who... but to her, it was a time to do some planning. Airy sat on her knees, as she wrote tiny notes with her ink-covered finger: the quill was pointless, unless she used magic on it (and her telekinesis wasn't talented enough yet for... delicate work) so she was forced to get on her hands and knees, dipping her finger in ink once in a while to write tiny notes in English. Why? So that she could stop anyone from snooping around. She had already figured out four things this morning, which she could invent, though she was only writing down the plans and not designing them: she'd still need the funds and the rune knowledge to actually start it, but once she got started, she'd have all the funds she'd ever need to get herself materials for her... questionable researching. First off, since the ponies used candles to tell the time, a simple grandfather clock would do: her new memory recall (something Grogar himself used, a tool too useful to not give to someone who'd probably live for centuries at least) let her remember all those half-forgotten videos about random stuff she'd watch when bored... mostly the videos that explained how different things were made. After all, who didn't randomly search videos on how clocks or airplanes were made, how medieval people dealt with fabric production or even how the early people forged things without modern forges and etc.... she already admitted that she was a nerd: searching scientific and engineering vids when she was bored was common for her in teens or adult life, when she wasn't hands deep in some game. Of course, there was no way she was going to introduce the really advanced technology... maybe in few centuries from now, but not now. Right now, she'd focus on the simple things, that these ponies could technically create themselves right now, with their magic. Anyway, grandfather clocks: A simple weekly rewind able type would work, as it would be far accurate at telling time rather than these stupid candles. She had a half idea about pocked watches, but she doubted these ponies could handle such a delicate work... and she really doubted they could make springs to wind them... although, once she learned more about the runes, she could possible figure out a way to bypass the need for springs entire. She made a small note about it, before continuing to write her ideas. Next, freezers and ovens: they basically worked the opposite ways; one froze stuff while another heated things up. A simple temperature control on both would work perfectly, while if she added a clock to the oven, she could possibly make it a must-own for every cook in this pony land... and if she added more controls for the stove above, it would eliminate both the extra space and the wood required to heat them both. She'd need to take a peek at the kitchens later, but her ideas sounded valid so far... Airy also added a refrigerator to the list: it would be easy to make, simply by modifying the freezer idea, which might become much more useful once the barrier expanded and they couldn't get fresh ice by simply walking to city edge. Lastly, she'd need to figure out how to make heaters: she'd seen how the ponies were practically freezing that first morning, so even if the empire would not need them as much as right now, it would be acceptable change to their fireplaces, which required a constant supply of wood... which she doubted the empire had that much internally. She might need to talk with Glimmer about planting a forest someday. It probably wasn't cheap or easy to import wooden products or raw materials to the empire, let alone right now with the barrier so small. As Airy cleaned her hand, she had a few more ideas in her head, but she decided she'd need to see the empire first before she started making plans. Once satisfied with her cleaning, she practiced her telekinesis by putting the cork back on the ink well before flying to the door, pulling the string and ringing the bell. Shard Tackle was quick to open the door "Good morning, Miss Airy" she said, watching as the small fairy exited her room "Good morning Shard. Before we go, i have a question I’d like to ask" she said, as Shard stood there next to her "Do you know any good stores in the city?" Airy asked, as Shard looked confused at her question. "Yes, I do know quite a few. What do you require? I’m sure Swift Clean or the princess can arrange the things you need" Shard spoke, as the two began to move through the hallways, towards the dining room "Well, it's not exactly a need, more like idle curiosity: you see, ever since I came to the crystal empire, I've been staying inside the castle and haven't had an opportunity to explore yet. So, since Sombra and Radiant had a breakthrough yesterday, I decided it was a good time to take a break from reading dusty books and experience what it's like for the ponies of this beautiful city" Airy replied. Shard nodded, as they kept walking. She had spent nearly two weeks merely standing by, either by the door of Airy's room or the door leading to the private study of Princess Amore's students, just standing guard all day until relieved by Glint just after dinner. "So it's not a shopping trip but sightseeing. I can think of few places to explore" Shard replied, before wondering about her orders. Captain Thunder hadn't said anything about going outside the castle, but since he was busy with the drills today, she presumed it was acceptable: she was on escort and bodyguard duty after all. "Great! We'll have so much fun together. Oh! Maybe I can ask Princess Amore for some... bits, was it? That way, we can buy something if we find something interesting" Airy said excitedly, as Shard smiled at the happy little fairy. Finally arriving at the dining room, they stepped inside as Shard took guard by the door, while Airy flew to the tables, where the four unicorns were already waiting for her. "Good morning Airy. I hope you had good sleep" Radiant said, as Sombra, Glimmer and Amore gave their own greetings "I did, thank you. Actually, I had a couple of questions before I go, but... where is captain Thunder?" Airy asked, as she sat down on her usual spot (A small pillow next to an empty plate). Of course, the vague statement was enough for Glimmer to nearly choke on the water she was drinking "Y-You're leaving?" Glimmer asked, as she finally finished coughing. Airy on other hand looked confused, as she answered "Well of course, since Radiant and Sombra now have a solid lead, I decided it was a good time to take a break and take a look around the city" Airy answered, before realizing what Glimmer meant "Oh! No, I’m not permanently leaving, merely taking a tour of the local places... if that's alright with you, your highness" Airy said, turning towards Princess Amore for the last part. Amore gave her typical smile as she answered "Of course it is, Airy. Your advice has been invaluable in helping my students to find not only a way to possibly repair the Crystal Heart but also discover an entire new field of magic. Besides, you are a guest of the empire, you are free to go wherever you wish... as long as it's not restricted access only" she finished, as Airy gave a short giggle. "Thank you, you're highness" Airy said, before pausing for a second "But I doubt I’ll be visiting any 'restricted' places, as such things usually means either dusty old archives, well-guarded vaults or military installations, none of which have anything I would desire" Airy finished, as Radiant decided it was good time to speak "So, what do you plan to get from the market?" Radiant asked, curious as to what the little fairy would need. "Oh, I’m not planning to buy anything; besides the fact that my everyday needs are already met, I can't exactly carry any purchases or the... bits? That you ponies use for currency. Besides, it's hard to buy something with no money" Airy commented, as surprised looked crossed over the gathered unicorns faces. Airy thought herself clever: instead of requesting money, it was easier to casually mention the lack of money, which would trigger pity. "Ah, yes. I seemed to have forgotten to mention the matter to the treasury minister" Princess Amore said to herself, before turning towards Airy, who eagerly took a bite from freshly delivered apple pieces "Since you are helping the empire at a time of crisis, I decided that an appropriate monetary compensation for the help provided. However..." Amore interrupted, as Airy opened her mouth to 'object' "I've come to understand your generous spirit, due to your nature as a guide and companion to the vestals. However, even generosity can be a burden, when giving too much of it" she said, pausing to pick a paper and quill from glimmer with her magic, before starting to write. "If you absolutely have no desire to spend the bits on yourself, then I recommend you save them for a day you might need them, for a gift to a friend or something more serious" Amore said, as she finished writing, before gesturing to Shard Tackle who obediently came to her side, reading the note before nodding and walking away, exiting the dining hall. "Well, if you put it that way... I guess having bits isn't that bad. It's just... the crystal faeries usually dedicate their lives to helping the vestals any way we can, before returning to the crystals; it's going to take time to get used to few things. Thank you, Princess Amore" Airy lied as she curtsied, bowing her head as she felt pure joy inside her chest, hiding it with false modesty. "So, wait: You're saying that Princess Amore founded the Crystal Empire 58 years ago when she was merely 25 years old, but she's also 58 years older than her Miss Glimmer, who's now 25 years old as well? That means Princess Amore would be.... 83 years old?" Airy asked, astonished as Shard Tackle nodded while keeping an eye out on their surroundings, as they exited the castle, entering the plaza below. "Yeah, i know right? it's so weird, the numbers almost mirror each other this year... and for an 83 year old mare, she looks no older than 30, if we don't count the height" Shard commented, as Airy flew by her side, catching the attention of passing ponies who looked at them with curious gazes. "So, how old is Swift Clean?" Airy asked, as she wondered whenever she should adjust her time scales a bit "Around 60, I think. Ponies don't normally age like Princess Amore, even among unicorns she's one of a kind: the height, magical power, youth... she's what almost all unicorns would wish to be" Shard answered, as she stopped and turned towards the small fairy. "So, miss Airy: where do you wish to go first?" she asked, as Airy looked around for a moment before deciding "How about you show me around the market place first? That way I’ll know what the life of average pony is" Airy answered, as she followed Shard Tackle into the crowded market place. It was quite informative tour: she got to see the different variations of food, fabrics and other products while getting to know the different shopkeepers and passing foals, who so quickly seemed to open to her. As she was already aware, these ponies did not have things like magical freezers, rather processing foods by drying them or putting them into jars. Other stalls were also informative: most non-food products came from Equestria by trade, while only the iron based products and the crystal ones were local. She could understand it easily: the empire mined crystals and iron, which were used in most things around the city. Even the wood came from Equestria, as there were very few tree's in the empire. In the end, all she ended buying was a couple of glass jars, filled with preserved Crystal Berries. The stores were much the same, as items there were for everyday medieval use: there was only a small bookstore, clearly meant for nobles as Shard explained that yes, most of the ponies outside of nobles, guards or royal staff couldn't actually read. Of course, she didn't buy any books, as the collection was rather non-existent on magical part, at which Shard suggested to simply check out the royal library in the castle. So apparently, not only was there a library out in the city, there was also one inside the castle, with the former modeled after the later... quite literally. Shard explained that she had been at both for a tour as a guard, realizing that both places had exactly the same architect and books: Apparently, the castle one served as a main use for royalty and nobles, while the one in the city was formerly used by the unicorns and other higher educated population, prior to them leaving when the Crystal Heart started to weaken. Other visits to places like jewelry and forge showed that these ponies lacked any higher quality metals, instead relying on simple metals they already knew. She decided it would be a waste to spend time helping them, as Equestria had plenty of alchemists and researchers: they'd discover the different materials eventually. The crystal store and furniture store were also quite boring, serving only as decorations. Afterwards, she took a tour at the local gardens, which she held no real interest towards. What she did find interesting was a single Nightshade plant that she noticed, quite a deadly plant that was still young and waiting to bloom. She knew what it was, because she used to own one: a gift from her boss, who wanted a snitch silenced in a way that was painful. One harvesting session later, the snitch drank a whole bottle of juice made from Nightshade berries and leaves: he did not even leave the back room before he died painfully in front of the other lower ranked thugs, while the boss just watched... She missed her old boss, such a sweet guy. Airy reminded herself to visit the royal gardens again later, as she went on to a tour to local church: apparently it wasn't a grand place, merely a site to hold burials or weddings as most practiced their religious believes behind closed doors. When she asked what they did with the deceased, Shard explained that the customs of the Crystal Empire was to cremate their dead: a smart decision, as there wasn't exactly infinite land within the barrier. She did visit the spa afterwards though, if only to check what the inside was like, which was really disappointing. Still, the mare in charge was quite open to her suggestions: apparently, the business was failing quite a bit, close to closure due to lack of customers. Not a surprise, since they only offered warm baths and simple mane care. As such, Airy went on to explain what the baths were like in her world: massages and manicures, face masks, different types of oils and scented candles, the sauna's and hot tubs, the herbal and mud baths.... as she explained the details, most of the workers ended up listening to her explanations, whispering to themselves about such foreign ideas. Quite a few seemed to have job related cutie marks, as they started swapping ideas among themselves, all worries forgotten. To say that the mare in charge was happy would be understatement: She had already so many ideas as how to implement these (clearly, her cutie mark at work: unfortunately it was covered so Airy couldn't see it), she promised that if the business picked back up, Airy would get free treatments for life. Sadly, with her small size right now she didn't see much need for it, but Airy thanked none the less for it. She did get a promise from the mare that few services would be named after her at least. Of course, the mare requested that Airy visit again soon: she wanted to make posters to advertise the new services, so she’d be paying for the little fairy to model. With that, Airy had already secured a potential source of income from the failing spa, leaving as the workers happily waved their goodbyes. To Airy, personally improving the spa would have been a waste of time; that's why she gave the ideas away so freely. That way, not only had she secured a source of income, she also secured a way to improve her image among the nobles and richest of commoners: the improvements that would no doubt make an impression on them, so when they'd hear and see that it was all possible because of her, they'd already form a positive image of her before meeting her. It was always good to create connections and make people happy: that way, when she needed something they'd either feel indebted to her or just generally willing to agree with her offers... or at least lay a groundwork, before she'd complete the deals with her 'innocent and happy' act. 'What a insidious webs I weave in such a short time... maybe I should have become a spider' Airy thought to herself, chuckling at her own joke as she already went over several ideas in her head: with her memory recall, she'd be able to design exotic looking clothing, jewelry, furniture and toys, as well as write... or rather copy... entire books about everything she remembered, spinning them as stories for nobles and rich alike to enjoy. She even knew a lot of recipes from her cooking hobby: what a culinary revolution she could create among these... backward peasants. It left a bitter taste in her mouth, living with these medieval ponies: she missed the modern things. Of course, she wasn't going to personally oversee everything: merely make the designs and then make deals with the local stores... or better yet, the nobles in charge. Of course, most of these deals would be after the crystal empire was revitalized, since the spa was time sensitive opportunity, while the rest would be available whenever she wished. It's not like an entire city state can disappear into thin air with a snap of one's fingers, right? Knock on the door interrupted her writing, making her glance up from the parchment she was sitting on "Come in" Airy said as the door opened to reveal Glimmer, who walked in with a blank expression on her face "Evening, Airy. Hope i'm not interrupting" she said, closing the door behind her. "Not really, I was just writing down few ideas I had.... is everything alright?" Airy asked, standing up as she used the towel to clean her hand, watching as sad expression passed over Glimmer's face as she sighed "Well, I have good news and bad news. The good news is that the dresses I promised you are ready" Glimmer answered, as she set down a small cloth bag on the table, before opening it and pulling a few dresses out, made from wool. Airy carefully walked towards them, watching as the fourteen dresses were being laid on the table. They were full body dresses that covered the body from neck to the knee's, with sleeves reaching all the way to the wrists, with the colors ranging from red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet. Apparently, Glimmer had given her the entire rainbow in dresses... and in pairs too: that was nice, she'd have more than enough dresses now. Idly picking one up, she inspected the size against her body before turning it over, inspecting the hole in the back for her wings. The entire upper part of the back was bare with exception of the back of the neck (to hold the shape together), but otherwise these were fine work. It would take some time to experiment on how to put her wings through the hole. "Thank you, these look lovely... but what's the bad news?" Airy asked, as she put the dress back down, turning towards Glimmer who took the empty bag from the table, idly watching it as she fidgeted her hooves "I need to ask you a favor. See, it's my daughter's foalsitter, Rose Pedal: she slipped on the stairs as she was leaving the castle for the day, so i'll need to hire somepony to help her with watching Daisy while her hoof heals... However, with such a quick notice, I don't have anypony ready for tomorrow" Glimmer explained, before turning to Airy. "I know it's a lot to ask, but can you help Rose Pedal tomorrow? It's just for one day, by end of tomorrow i'll have somepony who can properly assist her" Glimmer begged, as Airy thought about it. "Well, I don't know... I mean, with my small size I can't be much help" Airy explained, as Glimmer once more shifted nervously "You won't need to do much, just play with Daisy and keep her company. Rose Pedal assured me she'd be able to take care of the rest, even with one hoof wrapped, but she needs someone to keep Daisy company" Glimmer practically begged. Airy considered things carefully, as Glimmer nervously shifted in her spot. Tomorrow, Shard Tackle wouldn't be able to escort her anywhere, as she (and most of the guards, in fact) had to participate in a drill run by Thunder. That meant she'd be unsupervised the entire day, which she had originally planned to spend doing some exploration of her own, but... Wicked idea came to her mind, causing her to smile. If she was unsupervised, she could test her magic on unsuspecting ponies. With the nanny busy, she'd have all the time in the world to test how her spells affected Daisy, disguising them as 'secret games'. That way, she'd find the limits of her spells, keep her intentions secret and make both Daisy and Glimmer happy. There was also the fact that Daisy was Princess Amore's niece. It was always good to become 'friends' with royalty and their family. "Alright! If you need the help, then i'd be happy to spend a day with your daughter! Besides, I did promise i'd meet her at least once" Airy answered in excited tone, with Glimmer releasing the nervous breath as she smiled brightly "Thank you! I'll be here tomorrow morning to pick you up" Glimmer thanked as Airy gave her a thump up... before explaining what it meant, when the unicorn didn't understand it. If only Glimmer knew what Airy had planned.... > Chapter 7 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Celestia smiled as she walked through the halls, reading the morning reports. The rebuilding was going faster than expected, fast enough that by current speed the delegation to Crystal Empire was now scheduled to leave by the end of the next week. The flight path was already being designed, with pegasus guards expecting the trip itself to take twelve days. As Celestia opened the throne room doors, she took a blank expression as she watched her sister sitting on the blue throne, eyes closed and horn glowing blue. Ever since the event two weeks ago, she had started growing more tired, with bags forming below her eyes. Luna was clearly having a hard time, dealing with the nightmares of others the entire night. A good rest in the Crystal Empire would do her sister some good. As Celestia started walking up the stairs, Luna opened her eyes, blinking as she looked at her sister with irritation flashing on her face, before she yawned as the moon sank beneath the horizon, followed by the sun rising "Good morning, Luna. It would appear that we'll be able to take the trip to the Crystal Empire by end of next week" Celestia said, giving Luna the reports she had been reading. Luna sleepily read through the report, before standing up as she set down the report on the arm rest, stretching as she yawned once more "Good, then we can finally help the poor ponies in need of help" she said, before starting to walk down the stairs "Luna, I-" Celestia began to speak, as the tired Luna stopped and turned to look at Celestia with irritation on her face "What do you require of us?" she asked with sharp tone. Celestia opened her mouth to answer, before closing it for a moment "Nothing, I was just going to hope you good sleep" Celestia said, receiving a nod of acknowledgement from Luna as she silently walked away. Celestia merely stood there, watching her sister as she bit her lower lip, feeling a tingle of regret when instead of asking her sister if she was well, all she had done was basically say 'goodnight'. Celestia stood there for a moment before turning towards the reports, levitating them with her horn as she returned to her work, walking to her own throne while her assistant entered the throne room.... Airy hummed happily as she washed herself, enjoying the feeling of the water and the sunlight coming through the windows. Today was the day she set first pieces of her plans into motion, by testing limits of her mental magic on Glimmer's daughter, Daisy. At the other end of the bowl, a soft grey glow surrounded her clothes as they moved, dipping into water and washing themselves. A handy spell she had learned, used by unicorns to clean their clothes: she doubted these ponies would be able to wash them properly, so she had taken a peak yesterday into a book of "Common household spells by Star Swirl" when she had joined Radiant and Sombra after lunch. Most of the spells were rather easy to memorize, requiring such a little magic that she could cast half of them in her fairy form: it had taken merely an hour to memorize the book from cover to cover, though the practice was done in her own room after Glimmer had left. Of course she wouldn't need most of the spells in the castle (the servants took care of cleaning, cooking and other stuff) but some of them would be quite useful, once she found a... safe location to practice her illegal activities. Like her plans for that Nightshade plant in the royal gardens... A knock on the door interrupted her thoughts "Come in!" Airy yelled, as the sound of door opening and someone walking in came "Morning Airy, are you... where are you?" Glimmer's voice came from behind the solid curtain separating the washing bowl from rest of the room. "I'm here, cleaning myself. It's just going to be another minute" Airy replied as she ran a finger over her bare breasts, idly poking her stiff nipples while feeling annoyed at the interruption before she stepped out of the washing bowl, grabbing the towel as she began to dry herself. The cold air felt good against her bare skin. "Oh, I didn't mean to interrupt, I’ll - " Glimmer started, before Airy interrupted "No, it's okay, I’m just drying myself. Could you do me a favor and pick up the jar of dried crystal berries on the table, I’ll be taking them with me to snack on while helping Daisy" Airy requested, as she started drying her wings, idly casting a spell with her hand to finish the task of cleaning her clothes, which draped themselves on the clothes line. As the washing bowl was set in the middle of the table, the wooden framed curtain surrounded it in a semi-circle, hiding the bowl from rest of the room while leaving a clear view to the windows. The clothes line hung over the bowl, connecting the two ends of the curtain with strings so that if the clothes dripped water, it would fall back into the bowl. It certainly made it easier to keep everything clean. "Alright, I've got it... by the way, what letters are these? I can't understand any of it" Glimmer said behind the curtain, as Airy cast a small spell to dry her underwear, before putting them on and beginning to put on the brand new green dress, carefully bending her wings as the dress went over her head, before using magic to guide her wings through the hole in the back. Her normal clothes were so much easier to put on. Also, the cold feeling the instant drying spell left on her underwear was annoying to say the least. With her task done, Airy glanced at the stockings, gloves and white dress drying on the clothes line, before flying from behind the curtain to where Glimmer was standing, eyes narrowed as she tried to read the tiny text on the page. It was the same one Airy had been writing last night, though it was now almost full of ideas to be fulfilled at later date. It didn't matter if Glimmer read it: she would neither understand the language or the concepts Airy had filled the page with. Airy stopped next to Glimmer's head "It's English, my native language. I doubt you would be able to read it anyway, the text is so tiny even I’m barely able to read it" Airy said, as Glimmer nodded in understanding "Everything ready to go?" she asked, receiving a nod from Airy. With that, the two walked to the door, with Glimmer opening it and walking through, as the maid outside started to walk in "Hold on a minute, Glimmer" Airy said, before stopping right in front of the maid "What's your name?" she asked, as the maid blinked at the sudden question "My name is Berry Pie, Ma'am" she introduced herself, bowing slightly as Glimmer watched the two. Berry Pie was a mare with gray mane and white coat, dressed in maid's clothes. For the last two weeks, Airy had noticed that she had been in charge of cleaning her room, but until yesterday she hadn't had a reason to pay much attention to her. Now that she had stuff written down, it was time to lay the rules. "Alright Berry Pie, I left my clothes to dry on the clothes line, so don't touch them. You may clean the room, but remember: Now that I have money, I’m being careful so I counted every page, bit and berry in the room, so if anything goes missing I’ll hold you responsible. Do you understand?" Airy asked, as the maid nodded in understanding "Yes Ma'am" she replied, receiving a hum from Airy "Good. Make sure no one else enters it while I’m away, a pocket change isn't worth an entire career" Airy said, before moving on as the maid entered the room. "What was that about?" Glimmer said, as she looked at Airy with curiosity "Well, in Luxendarc we met a maid in the inn who tried to steal from us while we were travelling, so I’m just making sure that it doesn't happen again. I'm sure she's a nice pony, but you can never be too careful. Besides" Airy paused for a moment as the maid listened closely, her ear flickering "if someone who works for royalty gets caught stealing from guests, it's going to be impossible to find new work. Don't worry though, I've seen her work for the last two weeks, so I think she's actually a pretty good mare" Airy explained, as she and Glimmer started walking down the hall towards the dining room. The last glimpse Airy got of Berry Pie was of her letting a sigh of relieve, happy thinking that Airy didn't think badly of her. Airy couldn't care less about the money or the maid, she just didn't want her writing stolen (hence the lie about thieving maid). Tomorrow, she'd spend the day researching security spells, so that she could hide her secrets in one of the desk drawers... at least until she found a good secret base. 'Wonder if I could create a secret room, like those in the potter books: bigger on the inside' Airy idly wondered, as she followed Glimmer... Daisy felt sad and guilty as she watched nanny Rose clean the dishes with one hoof on the washing bucket. Mommy had told her that Rose had an accident, which is why she was going to ask a new friend to play with Daisy today, at least until she could get a second nanny to help around their home. Ever since she had been a little foal, she had wondered why they were living in the castle instead of a house like other ponies. Mommy had explained that it was because aunt Amore was the pretty princess, so that was why they had their home inside the castle: two bedrooms and a living room/kitchen, with the door leading to the rest of the castle. Daisy was still excited every time she saw aunt Amore, but sometimes she wished she could live like other fillies, with their own homes and yards. With the castle, she couldn't invite her friends over so easily, nor visit them without big guards coming along. Still, that wasn't why she felt guilty right now: She felt guilty because she felt happy by the news that she could play with a new friend, as without nanny Rose's injury she might not have come to meet this new friend. Nanny Rose had explained that it was natural to feel this way, but she shouldn't blame herself for Rose's injury nor feel guilty at feeling happy at making a new friend. Daisy nervously hugged her sheep toy, as she sat at the table, glancing between the nanny and the door, waiting for mommy to return. It wasn't long until the door opened, with Glimmer coming through carrying a jar of berries "Mom!" Daisy yelled excitedly as Glimmer smiled, putting down the jar as Daisy glanced behind her at the door, only to see that there was nopony else. "Mommy, where's the new friend you promised?" Daisy asked as her mother chuckled, before pointing at her head "Right here, darling" She said as Daisy looked up to her mom's mane, where something came from behind the head, glowing as it sat down next to her mommy's horn. It was a tiny, slightly glowing creature in green dress, the sight of which made Daisy so happy. Airy smiled as she watched the foal's eyes widen, looking with amazement as she loosely hugged her stuffed lamb toy. Airy decided it was a good time to take the initiative, standing up as she flew from Glimmer's head to hover in front of the little foal "Hello, I'm Airy. So, you must be Daisy: Would you like to be my friend?" She asked with the sweetest sounding voice she could make. The excited little foal answered almost immediately "Yes! I've always wanted a magical friend: we could play... ”she paused, as a sad look came over her face as she glanced at who Airy presumed was Rose Pedal, finishing drying the plates with one hoof while another was wrapped in bandages. "What's the matter?" Airy asked, trying to sound concerned as Daisy hugged her toy tighter "You're only here because nanny Rose got hurt..." she said sadly, only for Airy to laugh "Of course not, silly! Sure, I might have come earlier than planned but I’m here to meet you, silly filly" Airy said as Daisy looked at her with confusion "I heard from your mom about what a good filly you were, one so brave and happy that I wanted to befriend her. Now, you know how sometimes you trip or sometimes items fall over when you don't intend to do so?" Airy asked, as Daisy nodded her head. Glimmer merely watched in silence, smiling at her silly filly "Well accidents sometimes happen, but instead of feeling sad and guilty over things you can't control, you should try to make best of whatever comes your way. Yes, miss Rose Pedal got hurt but that just means we get to be friends all the more sooner" Airy said as she flew in a circle around Daisy, before landing on the table in front of her. "So... Tag, you're it" Airy said as she touched Daisy's nose, before flying away closer to the ground level as the little filly gave a hearty laugh, leaving her seat as she went after the little glowing fairy. Glimmer smiled as she watched her daughter play tag with Airy, all worries forgotten "I'll be back after dinner, see you then" Glimmer said as she waved goodbye to Rose Pedal, who waved back with her one good hoof while watching the fairy and the filly play tag. Time seemed to fly by as Airy played games with Daisy, from tag to hide and seek while Rose Pedal watched the two. Eventually, they paused as the lunch time came. "Daisy, I need to go out for a moment, to get your lunch from the kitchens. Can you and Airy play nicely with your toys in your room until I come back?" Rose Pedal asked, after checking the pantry and noticing that it needed restocking. The kitchen wasn't a full kitchen, just something that held dry foods you could consume immediately. For proper cooked food, she'd need to get them from the kitchens. "Alright, miss Rose. We'll be good" Daisy said, as Airy giggled "Don't worry, I’ll take good care of her while you're away" she reassured as Rose Pedal nodded, before leaving the apartment, closing the door behind her as Daisy went to her room and began to gather her toys. Airy could fell a wicked glee grow inside her as the smile spread on her face, before she flew into Daisy's room, watching as the toys were scattered around the bed and floor. "Daisy, I have an idea" Airy began, as she hovered in front of the little filly "How about we play some secret games? All you have to do is promise not to tell anypony about them, keep it a secret between just the two of us. If you do, I'll be sure to play with you often" Airy said in sweet tone, as Daisy looked at her with confused expression. "Not even mommy or daddy?" She asked, as Airy shook her head "It wouldn't be a secret if you told them. Don't worry, they're fun games: no harm whatsoever" Airy said in singing tone as she landed on the floor, before beginning a ballerina routine, dancing as Daisy watched her with interest "But secrets are for big fillies only. So, can you keep a secret just this once, for a little old me?" Airy asked, as she stopped to look at Daisy. The filly wondered for a moment, before nodding her head "I promise!" she said, as Airy looked at her "Do you truly mean it?" Airy asked, as Daisy vigorously nodded her head "I promise! lying is for bad fillies and I’m a good filly" She said, as Airy smiled before taking flight once more, flying until she stopped at the height of Daisy's head. "Well then, let's begin with something simple..." Airy said, as she extended her hand towards the little filly as she looked at her curiously. "Charm" Airy spoke, as pink glow appeared in Daisy's eyes and a smile spread on her lips... Rose Pedal smiled as she pushed the cart along the hallways, with two lunch plates under covers filled with vegetables and hay. Airy had explained that she'd be eating the crystal berries miss Glimmer had brought, so she didn't need any lunch. As Rose walked through the halls, she nodded to passing ponies as she reached the guest wing, where Captain Thunder's and Miss Glimmer's apartment was. Finally reaching the apartment, Rose opened the door with one hoof, pushing it open as she pulled the cart in "Alright, lunch is in" Rose said, as she closed the door, before glancing around "Daisy?" she asked, as she didn't see the little filly anywhere. "Daisy?" Rose called out again, as she quickly walked to Daisy's room, before letting a sigh of relieve as she noticed the little filly sleeping on the bed "Hello" Airy said from where she was sitting next to sleeping Daisy, before taking flight as she flew up to Rose "Daisy got little tired while playing, so I told her it was okay to take a little nap while we wait for lunch to arrive... it was fine to let her nap, right?" Airy asked, as Rose nodded "Yes, it was fine. Thank you for looking after her while I got the lunch" Rose said, before walking to sleeping filly. "Daisy, wake up sweetheart. It's time for lunch" Rose spoke as she gently shook Daisy, who slowly awoke from her nap, yawning as she looked at Rose "Okay" Daisy said, before climbing out of the bed and following Rose and Airy to the kitchen, where she took a seat while her nanny set the plates on the table. Airy smiled as she watched Daisy and Rose begin to eat their lunch, completely ignorant of Airy's tricks as she started eating a dried crystal berry from her jar. The charm spell worked perfectly: Daisy obeyed every command she gave her, with no memory of receiving orders. To her, she had simply sat in place for a few moments, while in reality Airy had tasked her to do all sorts of tasks going from moving elsewhere in the room, to playing with her toys and revealing her deepest secrets (which meant she told about stealing cookies once). After that test was done, she had experimented with silence and blind. As Airy explained, it was a 'game to learn empathy for those who suffered from them' disguised as a teaching lesson. Daisy seemed pretty happy, thanking her for teaching why she should help those who suffered from either, instead of bullying like couple of her nasty classmates used to do to one of her friends. As blind disabled her sight, she finally understood how her friend felt, while silence not only muted her so not even a whisper came from her mouth, it also made it that she couldn't fly: an insight on how her mom must have felt, not being able to cast magic. Airy couldn't care less about what lessons Daisy took from her experiments, but she played along. Paralyze made it so Daisy couldn't move, while stop... well, literally stopped her in time: she didn't blink or breath or move or think, just stood there a moment before continuing as if nothing happened. Finally, Airy tested confusion, dread and berserk, none of which Daisy wanted to 'play' again. Airy fixed the situation easily by casting sleep, then quickly cast a memory spell to wipe all of the experiments from the filly's mind just as Rose Pedal came back, levitating Daisy to the bed and pretending she had been napping. So now, all Daisy should 'remember' was playing with her toys, while Airy cheered her on.... just like Daisy was now explaining to the nanny, who looked happy that the little filly was happy with her new best non-pony friend. Of course, Daisy also forgot the lessons she learned about empathy and everything else, but it didn't matter to Airy: as long as she forgot the experiments, she didn't care. After the lunch was done, Airy played a little with Daisy, before she grew tired and Rose let her take another nap, tugging Daisy in for a few minutes. "She rarely takes naps, but apparently this little filly had so much fun today, she's all out of energy" Rose said to Airy in soft tone, as they excited Daisy's room, before moving to the table as two began talking "Yeah, it was pretty fun. I might come some other time to play with her again" Airy said, as Rose nodded her head. "I'm sorry you had to take time from your schedule to help with Daisy today" Rose explained, as she glanced down at her bandaged hoof, while Airy sat down on the table facing her. "Oh, don't worry about it" Airy waved her hand, as Rose turned her attention back to her "I already promised Glimmer I’d meet Daisy in exchange for this nice dress she had made for me" Airy explained, as she gestured her green dress "Besides, it was kind of fun to just play, like there's no care in the world. If you don't mind me asking, why did you decide to become a nanny?" Airy asked, as Rose wondered the question for a moment. "Well... I got my cutie mark when I helped my neighbor watch over her little filly when I was younger. After that, I liked helping ponies with their foals, it always brings a smile to my face just watching young fillies and colts go and play. To me, my greatest happiness comes from guiding the little ones" Rose Pedal answered, as she smiled while glancing towards Daisy's room. Airy had seen Rose Pedal's cutie mark earlier: A baby blanket and some shaking toys. So, apparently Rose Pedal was the type that generally just liked hanging with children... foals, which if she had been a male would be super creepy "Have you thought about raising your own foals? Is there a mister Pedal in the plans...?" Airy asked, as Rose blushed at the implications "No, I..." she paused, before answering slower. "Nothing would warn my heart more than having my own foals, but between living with my family and watching Daisy... I haven't found that special somepony yet, who I want to spend the rest of my life with" Rose explained, as a strange expression crossed over her face, like she was daydreaming. "So, let me guess: no boyfriends?" Airy asked as Rose gave a soft smile, shaking her head "Unfortunately no. I think it's time to wake up -" "Charm" Rose's speech was interrupted, as her eyes glowed pink, before her smile widened as she looked lovingly at Airy, who had one hand extended and wicked smile on her face. "Daisy was so useful earlier today... So let's see if the same tricks work on you" Airy said, as she stood up and took flight.... The rest of the day went pretty quick, in Airy's opinion. After dinner time, Glimmer returned home to see Airy and Rose playing with Daisy, as Airy pretended to speak with the toys while Rose and Daisy both used toys to speak, shifting their tone as if the toys were the speakers. Eventually, the playtime came to an end, as Glimmer escorted Airy back to her room, carrying the jar of crystal berries back as she questioned what they did that day. Airy simply explained that they ate lunch and dinner, while spending the rest of the time playing while Rose Pedal took care of the house chores. Of course, Airy left out the parts about her experiments and memory alterations, as the spells seemed to work the same way, no matter the age. The memory spell was complex but easy to use, once you knew how to: All she needed to do was tell what memories she wanted erased and what to replace them with, so the victim's mind would itself replace the real memories with fabricated ones. With Rose, she replaced the involuntary experiments with a memory of just sitting there in the kitchen, talking about Rose's past babysitting jobs and her family. As there were no magical unicorns around, other than Princess Amore and her two students, Airy thought it unlikely anyone would ever discover what she had done. Airy smiled and waved goodbye as Glimmer closed the door behind her, returning to her daughter while Airy began to check the room. A quick checked showed that nothing was missing, with tiny ink mark she had drawn with her finger still lining with the one she had drawn on the table, which meant no one had moved the text filled page. Humming in satisfaction, Airy flew over to the washing bowl, which now stood empty while her clothes continued to hang on the clothes line, untouched before she checked if they had dried. Satisfied, she began to take and fold them one by one, practicing her fine control of telekinesis as the clothes gathered in one pile before Airy flew over to her bed, setting them down next to it. As it was just after dinner, it meant that she had the rest of the day free. So with that in mind, Airy flew to her desk, opening the cap of the inkwell as she levitated the quill, before beginning to practice her fine control of writing and drawing with the quill. It was time to start designing her commoner products… > Chapter 8 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Airy hummed happily, as she read the spell book 'Enchantment location and identification by Star Swirl'. It was quite interesting, going to complex theory (of which her newly acquired knowledge from tome of runes was quite helpful at deciphering) of how to 'feel' the enchantments, identifying them from different sensations that could be compared to that of feeling a rash or smelling strawberries or even hearing music. After spending a day with Daisy, she had returned to Sombra and Radiant the next day, informing them of her desire to learn runes. Of course, they were happy to help, with Sombra even teaching her a simple runic circle to place on her desk drawers, once he heard that she wanted to make sure nothing went missing from her room. It was a simple locking enchantment that prevented anyone but her from opening the drawers. Once Airy had caught up to what Sombra and Radiant had been doing, her study into different runes and enchantments began, with Sombra surprisingly knowledgeable about them. When Airy asked about Radiant, she admitted that she had little talent for it, instead focusing on healing the body and mind. She even explained that one of her greatest feats so far had been to help deliver a foal after a case of extremely rare magical dystocia, which almost killed both the foal and the mother before she saved both: it had been this feat of magic that had first gained Princess Amore's attention. Sombra on other hand knew a lot about runes, enchantments and other types of magical knowledge, which was why he could so easily recommend certain books for Airy to read. So now, she had spent nearly a week reading a rather thick tome cataloging runes and how they interacted with each other, explaining the specific laws that governed runic magic. Airy had to admit, it was pretty easy once she memorized the rules and runes. Sure, she could have memorized it from cover to cover in one day, but she had actually spend time learning to understand the context; just because you remember something doesn't mean you understand it, which was why it had taken her a week to read the tome. To ponies, the runes were complex and often dangerous but to her, they were surprisingly simple: they acted like circuits of electronics and codes of programs, each having certain logic behind them. The tome went to explain several different rune styles around the world, but Airy was starting to notice certain... design patters. For example, half a dozen of different runes existed to create a simple flame, yet as Airy compared the runes, she noticed that they each had very specific spots that each rune crossed into, so no matter the shape, each of them roughly connected the same position compared to other points. Thankfully, the tome cataloged the runes by type into sections, making comparing runes like those of Equestrian and ancient Minotaur shamans so much easier. The tome also explained both simple and complex patterns that the runes often formed; some were as simple as a circle or a pentagram (which had a different meaning here) and others were so complex, that they looked like Celtic circles, borromean rings, triquetras or even triskelions. Thank god for video games; an idle curiosity on names of certain symbols was a great boon to her now. Of course, with runes came differences on temperature, color, duration and so on due to different locations or even missing certain points. It was forming a pattern in her head as she looked through the tome, practically devouring the runic languages: she hadn't bothered even paying attention to Radiant and Sombra after that, spending the entire week memorizing the context of the tome dedicated to runes. Airy of course wasn't going to experiment with them now: memorizing wasn't the same thing as understanding, which was why she had moved on to other things, as she'd need a background to understand magical theories before she could do more than most basic stuff. It was like she was given the Alphabets and list of all words, now she needed to read the dictionary for definitions. So last night, she had finished memorizing the runic catalog: a task which seemed to impress Radiant and Sombra, since it had taken the latter nearly four months of studying to even partially memorize the important runes of the tome, while Radiant simply couldn't follow the logic. Airy easily lied, saying that she understood it because of her previous knowledge gained from the Crystals and the past vestals. She didn't bother explaining that it was her memory recall which would make experimentation later so much easier, without having to re-read the same books ever again... not that it mattered; Even with a memory recall, she would need months to experiment with different runes, just to identify the specific points in each rune and how their altered positions, sizes and even lack of them altered each rune. And that was if she spend all of her time purely on them... of course the benefits would be great, a way to invent her own rune controls: like a sound board where you slide the knobs to increase or decrease something, except with runes by simply changing their shape. With hundreds of them, she'd need to pair them into groups, before experimenting and testing every single point in them. It was going to be a lot of complex math and science, which would be even slower due to lack of computers... which meant she'd have to manually test everything personally. Which was why she was so happy right now: So much to study, she couldn't hold the giddy feeling inside herself as she deciphered texts on enchantment: First, she'd learn how to identify enchantments by their intent and most probable effects, then she'd finally get to spend time reading those secret books in the vault. She already had so many plans in her head: once the Crystal Hear was repaired, she'd request a personal workshop to do her projects. That way, she could nap during the day while secretly read the spell books inside the Empire's vaults at night. With her current rune knowledge, she could easily rig a couple of rough inventions in a day or two, which of course would be released weeks between each other, to appear as if she was working hard. Of course, she wasn't going to make it too big. One of the rooms next to hers would do wonders, as she'd mostly be merely designing and building prototypes; she'd leave the mass production to locals, as all she really needed to do was cast magic to activate the runes. ... or maybe she could save time by building a tool that activates runes: that way, she'd have even more times to- no, if she gave these peasants a way to activate magical runes without casting magic themselves, then what would they need her for? Nothing, so she had to abandon the idea. It seemed like she'd need to make a schedule once or twice a week to activate the products. She'd make sure to take time off so she could get to know more nobles, as well as strengthen her current relationships with ponies she knew. She wasn't going to be some antisocial idiot; her plans would require that she become closer to these ponies. This way, she could start identifying ponies with useful skills, as well as to see who she could coax into learning specific skills or... perform some morally dark actions. Airy glanced at Radiant, who she was already starting to identify as potential candidate for her white mage Asterisk, while Sombra... was more complicated. He had already proven that she could manipulate him, if it concerned Radiant, so while his skills were useful... well, she'd need to grow closer to the ponies before she started making real plans. "Yes! If we combine it with this..." Radiance said, as she wrote something on the parchment, showing it to Sombra as he looked at her work, before nodding "With that, we might actually have the solution we've been looking for" Sombra said, as Airy left her book and flew over, coming to stop between the two as she started reading at their newest spell. "So, did you figure it out?" She asked, as Radiant smiled "I think we did. See, here we started with..." she began explaining various parts of the spell, explaining each function and pattern that they had made. Airy found a couple of spots confusing, so she asked why they were there, only for Sombra to explain that simply studying the tome wouldn't give her the full insight she had hoped for, before starting to explain the various theories and magical laws that existed, pointing out why each of Airy's suggestions wouldn't work and why theirs did. Airy was both happy and angry at herself, happy for knowing now how most of it now worked but angry at being arrogant enough to think simply learning what was equivalent of computer code would make her master of magic. As such, Airy asked for suggestions on books that taught her the needed knowledge, which Sombra was more than willing to help: though he suggested she finish her current book first, then learn the theories behind magical laws. "Huh... thank you for teaching me, Sombra. You're a smart man... stallion" Airy said, correcting herself as Sombra raised an eyebrow at her mistake "So, with this spell Princess Amore should be able to fill the heart with happiness and love. Will we be performing it today?" Airy asked, as Radiant shook her head "Unfortunately no, we'll still need Princess Amore to make sure the spell doesn't react badly with the Crystal Heart" she said, as confusion crossed over Airy's mind. "But surely the two of you would already know how it would react... right?" Airy asked, as Sombra and Radiant glanced at each other, before Sombra began speaking "While we technically know some parts of how the Crystal Heart works; only Princess Amore has the full knowledge of all the enchantments of it. It is an ancient relic, so without a full knowledge even a minor spell could cause a disaster" Sombra explained as Radiant nodded in agreement. "But why is that? As her students, wouldn't the two of you need the full knowledge to fix the heart?" Airy asked, Radiant let out a sigh "While we are indeed her students, Princess Amore deemed the full knowledge of the Crystal Heart's inner workings to be kept a secret. Yes, it would have been easier to find a way to fix it if we knew, but..." Radiant paused as she straightened herself "I trust Princess Amore's judgment on this matter" she finished with a smile on her face. Sombra on other hand said nothing, but Airy noticed a brief flash of... annoyance and doubt that crossed his expression, before he hid it behind a smile "Radiant, now that we have the spell ready, could you kindly bring Princess Amore here so that we can show her our work? No hurry though, she's most likely busy with court right now, so I’ll help Airy with enchantments in the meanwhile" Sombra suggested as Radiant happily smiled at him, before leaving to get the princess. As soon as the door closed behind her, Sombra turned to Airy "While Radiant trusts Princess Amore's judgment, I find the lack of trust on us frustrating. Maybe with the full knowledge, we could have removed weeks from pointless tests" Sombra said, as he started pacing. Airy looked at him curiously, before answering "I'm sure she has her reasons. Maybe she thought that if she was the only one who knew, then any potential villains that might come after the Crystal Heart wouldn't be able to use either of you to make the other spill the secrets. There's no need to be angry with her" Airy explained, before an idle thought appeared in her head. "Speaking of anger... what would happen if instead of happiness and love, someone used darker emotions on this spell?" Airy asked, as she glanced at the spell below her as Sombra turned towards her, opening his mouth to reply before pausing and closing it as he stopped pacing, placing his hoof on his chin as he started thinking. "I hadn't thought about that. Neither of us even considered the idea, we have no idea how such dark emotions would affect the spell" Sombra wondered aloud, before glancing at the other table where the crystal piece still stood. After a moment of thinking, he started walking towards it as Airy followed, stopping as they reached it. "Well, normally I wouldn't suggest anything that could cause harm, but...." Airy began, as she landed next to the crystal "Someone in the future might try and see what would happen, if you wielded emotions that are opposite of love and happiness. Do you think we should test it out?" Airy asked, as Sombra stared at the crystal for a moment, deep in thought. After a moment, he answered as he turned his eyes toward Airy "Yes, I think it would be best. There's a change that somepony might spread fear and hatred by misusing the spell, so we need to figure out what would happen in order to develop counter spells to protect against such magic" Sombra said as Airy took flight, coming to stop next to his head as they both looked at the crystal piece on the table. "Well, if it's for the greater good.... Let's do it" Airy said, before she began to instruct Sombra "Close your eyes and synchronize your breathing to the feel of the magic around you" she once more spoke as Sombra obeyed, breathing in and out "Now, since we know what happiness and love do, we need to focus on the opposite: fear and hatred. So... think about all the time you were bullied when you were young, when the other ponies hated you and Radiant for being different" Airy said, as Sombra began to clench his teeth, anger visibly crossing into his face "Now, gather your magic and emotions in your horn" Airy said, pausing as the glow of Sombra's magic shifted color. It turned from green to black with purple haze that had hints of green still visible. Airy also noticed a wisps of purple mist leaving Sombra's eyes, which were clenched close "Now, cast the spell you two invented into the crystal" Airy said, as a beam of black, purple and green left Sombra's horn, striking the crystal on the table. The effects were immediate, as it turned black, shadows sweeping across the table before growing into black crystals. Airy glanced at Sombra, who as panting with a dark smile on his face as he looked at the crystals, neither his horn nor eyes leaking purple mist anymore "How are you feeling?" Airy asked, sounding as concerned as she could fake it while feeling an overwhelming glee inside of her. Sombra's smile spread even more as he straightened "Wonderful" he spoke, before his eyes widened and he shook his head, a flash of fear spreading all over him "I mean terrible, it was like something just took over and..." he paused, as he began to think "Something you don't want to feel again?" Airy suggested, as Sombra nodded. Both Airy and Sombra turned their attention to the black crystals now spread all over the table, with original crystal returning to its neutral state "So, what do you think these will do?" Airy asked, as she landed on a clear spot, carefully touching one of the crystals. "Without thorough examination, I can only guess... but with how easily the spell was to cast, I suspect somepony could cover the entire Crystal Empire with these crystals" Sombra said as he observed them with a wonder in his eyes, a fact that Airy did not miss "Well, I think it's horrible" Airy lied, pausing before continuing "Maybe we should keep this a secret until you can figure out what they do and how to counter them" Airy suggested, as Sombra distractedly nodded "Yes, I think it's best I keep this to myself while I study them...." he trailed off as his horn glowed green, separating a piece of crystal from the table as he observed it closely. "Well then, we need to clean this up before Princess Amore and Radiant get here" Airy spoke as Sombra blinked, snapping out of his thoughts as he quickly glanced at the door, before at the table full of black crystals. "Good idea" Celestia smiled as she watched the pegasus and thestral guards stand ready, half of them attached to the carriages they would be bringing to the Crystal Empire, filled with food and other supplies. Nearby, Luna was talking to Prince Topaz Chaser and Captain Storm Guard, making sure they'd be ready to take care of Equestria while they were away. Prince Topaz was a unicorn with brown mane and light blue coat, who was the nephew to the royal sisters through their late elder sister. With her passing the sisters had taken him in, naming him prince as he showed talent for management. Of course he had protested but the royal sisters had insisted, wishing to honor their late sister who had taken care of them after their parents had died. As such, Prince Topaz had taken their kindness to heart, learning the ethics of nobles and how to govern so he could help his Alicorn aunts with his best. He had since proven his worth, taking care of Equestria while the two sisters dealt with diplomatic meetings and royal visits to the Crystal Empire. Captain Storm Guard was an old unicorn mare of white mane and coat, who had served as guard to one of the nobles before Equestria's formation, becoming the first captain of the royal guard once Princess Celestia and Princess Luna took over. Before the official formation of Equestria as a nation, it was known as region housing several minor kingdoms, which came under the rule of the twin Princesses and founded Equestria as a nation while the former royals now served as dukes of various areas. Celestia watched as both Topaz and Storm gave Luna a salute, before walking off as her sister walked over, glancing at her thestrals as they finished preparations. They had managed to cut down the travel to nine days, thanks to the idea that the pegasus and thestrals could take shifts on pulling the carriages, thus reducing the need for breaks to minimum. "Are you ready, dear sister?" Celestia asked, as Luna nodded "Yes: we are ready to face the challenges of the north. We hope Princess Amore has not lost hope just yet" she answered as she straightened herself. Celestia nodded her head, before the two walked to the royal carriage at the front: the two would fly alongside other ponies, but had their own carriage to sleep in, rather than sharing the empty ones with their guards. To the princesses, the much delayed aid to the crystal ponies demanded all the haste they could muster. Arriving at the front, the two sisters looked at each other before nodding and taking flight, starting the long journey to Crystal Empire as the guards followed, pulling the dozen carriages behind them.... Airy smiled innocently as the door opened, with Princess Amore following the smiling Radiant who practically galloped to the table Airy was standing on, next to a little guilty looking Sombra who tried to hide it behind a smile. "Good afternoon, your highness. I hope we didn't interrupt you too much during the court" Airy said as she curtsied in her blue dress, smiling as Princess Amore nodded to her and Sombra "On the contrary, the interruption was welcomed. The court today has been slow, with each of my ministers’ busy going through evacuation drills and preparations. While I have informed them of the potential solution to the problem, they have agreed that it's still best to practice at least, as there has never been a situation before that required a possible evacuation of the empire" she said, as she levitated the parchment from the table. "That is good to hear, your highness. As you can see, we have attempted our best to create the spell that would allow one to channel their emotions into the Crystal Heart, without causing it any harm. Unfortunately, we'll need your help in checking to make sure there is nothing that could conflict with enchantments already within the Crystal Heart" Sombra explained as Amore silently read through the spell, while Airy flew to hover near her head. "That reminds me: I've never heard the story of how you acquired the Crystal Heart and founded the Crystal Empire, your highness" Airy mentioned, as Princess Amore kept reading while answering the fairy's unasked question "It's a long story, one I shall tell you in length one day, but long story short I defeated an ancient monster from Crystal Ponies past and freed the Crystal Heart, which grew the castle when it created the dome that protects the Crystal Empire to this day" She answered, as Airy's eyes widened in shock. "Wait, so you didn't build the city? it just... grew, like a tree?" Airy questioned, as Princess Amore lowered the parchment and turned towards her "No, the Crystal Heart grew the castle and the streets. It was the Crystal Ponies who build everything else" she answered, before looking at Sombra and Radiant "While I will need to examine your spell more closely later, it would appear that there are no conflicting magic involved. Good work, my students" She said, As Radiant and Sombra smiled as they bowed. "Thank you, your highness. Finally, we managed to find a way to save the empire!" Radiant happily declared as she wrapped her hoof around Sombra and gave him a one-hoof hug, which made him give a genuine smile "Yes, we did it together" Sombra said as he looked at Radiant's happy smile. "Now, until I can examine this spell more closely, the three of you are free to enjoy yourselves" Princess Amore stated as her horn gloved, picking the parchment as it rolled into a scroll "May I suggest sightseeing the Empire's many stores?" she suggested, as Airy shook her head "I'm sorry your highness but while that sounds like a good choice, Sombra here has already agreed to help me with identifying certain enchantments" she lied, as Sombra nodded in agreement to her lie. "Oh, but I can help with that. It should be easy" Radiant said, as a flash of guilt spread on Sombra's features as Airy answered "But it's going to be so boring, going through theories and... I'm sorry Sombra, I can't lie to them" Airy said as she turned towards Sombra, who looked at her with surprise. "Airy" Sombra hissed, as Amore and Radiant looked at the two curiously "Lie about what?" Amore asked with eyebrow raised, as guilty look spread all over Sombra, who let out a sigh before opening his mouth. "Pony biology" Airy said, as the three unicorns turned towards the fairy 'nervously' fidgeting with her hands "See, there's so many things I don't understand about ponies. How do you hold objects with flat hooves? How does unicorn horns or pegasus wings work? How do romance and other stuff happen with ponies? There are so many questions, which is why I asked Sombra's help in understanding" Airy lied, as Amore smiled at her. "But why don't you want my help? As someone who's studied medicine, I could easily help you with this" Radiant questioned, as confusion spread over her face. "Well... one part of the lessons involves how stallions differ from mares and how... sex works" Airy answered, as both Sombra and Radiant started forming a slight blush "I mean, where I come from, ponies and horses are simple animals who live in the wild, often used for farm work or transportation of goods" Airy said, as Radiant gasped "Airy! That's a bad word, you shouldn't say that" she said as the fairy looked at her with confusion. "What word?" Airy asked, confused as Princess Amore answered "Whorse. It's a pony who engages in... unsavory methods to gain bits" she explained, as Airy let out an 'ooh' as she understood "You mean a prostitute. I'm sorry; I didn't know it was a bad word here. Where I’m from, it's a word used to describe bigger equines, which are about the size of Princess Amore... but you know, without horn or wings" Airy explained, as the other ponies nodded their heads in understanding. "It's alright, at least you now know" Princess Amore spoke, as she placed a hoof on blushing Radiant's shoulder "I hear that there might be few opportunities for you to practice your healing magic at the hospital. You could spend time there, unless you wish to help Airy with the biology lesson" Amore suggested, as Radiant's blush spread to her entire face, before she practically galloped out of the room. "I need to go! Maybe next time!" she yelled as she exited the room, with Princess Amore giving out a small laugh as she turned towards Airy and blushing Sombra "Well then, I shall leave the two of you to it" She said as she walked out, taking the spell parchment with her as the door closed behind her. "What was that" Sombra hissed, as Airy turned towards him "What? It was the only thing embarrassing enough that I could think of. Otherwise, Radiant would have insisted on staying" Airy explained, as Sombra let out a sigh of frustration, before walking towards the desk where he had hidden the black crystals, glancing at them as Airy followed. "Now, once you're done cleaning those up, I’d like your help with identifying different kinds of enchantments: it's easier when you have practice, rather than merely reading a book" Airy said as Sombra began to cast spells, breaking the crystals into dust one by one. "Sure.... and thank you" Sombra said as Airy landed on the desk, watching him work "For what?" she inquired, as Sombra glanced at her before picking a crystal and putting it under his cloak "For not revealing Princess Amore and Radiant about what you saw" he said, as he continued breaking the crystals with his magic. "Oh, don't worry about that; it's your secret to keep" Airy said, smiling warmly as she sat down on the edge of the desk "I don't judge people by their appearance or what their personalities are like: even an otherworldly monster could have a heart of gold, so I try to look for best in everyone. So what if you have a temper or get joy from using your magic in interesting ways? The only thing that matters to me is what you do with your life" Airy explained as Sombra paused, turning his head to look at her for a moment before giving her a warm smile. "Thank you" He simply said as the two of them entered a comfortable silence, Airy simply watching as Sombra worked to reduce the excess crystals into nothing... "Get those fires under control! We can't let anymore escape!" A Pegasus guard yelled as he tackled an inmate, struggling before two earth guards took the inmate, dragging him away as the pegasus took flight over a blazing prison, looking around before diving for another inmate running across the yard, attempting to escape the rapidly approaching guards. Elsewhere, the unicorn guards all across the prison and surrounding area were busy either attempting to put out the blaze or holding down the magic using inmates, while pegasus, thestral and earth pony guards hunted down as many of the escaped non-magic inmates as they could from the crumbling prison being evacuated. Far into the distance, Snow Antler turned his head to look at the distant blaze behind him, before checking to make sure no pegasus or thestrals were flying overhead, hidden by the night sky. "Come, we must move quickly: the ponies will surely know soon enough who's escaped" A voice came from the front, causing Snow Antler to turn towards the cult leader, nodding as he followed the much larger deer in black cloak and glowing antlers. As they ran through the Everfree Forest, the herd of escaped deer disappeared into thin air as the invisibility spell swept over them, escaping the sight of thestrals that barely missed them. As Snow Antler ran, he felt a burning rage within him at the thought of the fool who had lead their capture. How dare that obnoxious pegasus stop them from reaching immortality, just because he cared about some unwanted, unloved beggars sleeping in the alleys of Crystal Empire? He would get his revenge on Thunder Shield. Sombra let out a sigh as the door to his room closed, opening his cloak as a lone black crystal levitated across the room, landing on the floor as Sombra just processed everything that had happened that day. Spending time with Airy was... well, refreshing to be honest. She did not seem to care about his bad temper or impulses that he wished to keep secret, rather she encouraged him to explore his magic. It was after he had helped her with identifying basic types of intents in enchantments that she had talked to him, letting him know that she would always be there for him. To Airy, it did not matter who or what anypony was: she merely judged people on their actions. It somehow made him feel... better about himself. Certainly more confident, now that he thought about it in retrospect. Sombra glanced at the black crystal lying on the floor: Airy had seen him at his worst, yet instead of fearing or telling on him, she had encouraged him to explore, to harness whatever impulses he had and focus on the good. Maybe it wasn't so bad after all to experiment with his magic. Sombra discarded his cape, throwing it on the floor as he walked to the lone crystal, staring at it for a while before his horn turned black once more, his eyes glowing green as a purple haze left them and his horn.... > Chapter 9 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Princess Amore stared at the mirror of her room, going through her emotions as she glanced at the open parchment on the table one more time, still not spotting anything that could harm the Crystal Heart. Still, a nagging feeling of doubt still felt heavy in her chest, as she felt anxious about today's experiment. Today, a single spell would be remembered as the one that saved the Crystal Empire... or the last desperate attempt to save a dying empire. Letting out a sigh, Princess Amore's horn glowed as the parchment closed itself, levitating behind her as she walked out of her quarters, nodding to the guards and maids outside as she walked through the hallways, distracting herself by glancing at every piece of artwork, decoration and furniture as she headed towards the dining room. Six decades had nearly passed since she had first founded the Crystal Empire, gathering the scattered crystal pony tribes spread across the frozen north. It had taken a lot of work, but now the empire was a growing beacon of how cooperation and love could conquer even the fiercest of forces, taming the wild nature of the frozen north. Even the modern dukes and ministers still appreciated their humble beginnings, as they were descendants of the old tribe leaders and her first ministers. She idly wondered if her old friends were proud of her work on the other side. The guards at the dining hall saluted as Princess Amore opened the doors and stepped in, watching as Glimmer and Thunder were already there, as were Sombra, Radiant and Airy "Good morning, everypony" Princess Amore said, as she took her seat at the head of the table, with gathered ponies (and a fairy) greeting her as the maid took her breakfast order. Airy flew from her spot on the table, stopping to hover in front of the princess as she set down the parchment on the table "So, how's the spell? Is there anything that needs to be changed or will we finally get to see it at work?" Airy asked, as others too looked curiously at their princess. Princess Amore smiled at the excited looking fairy "Yes, we'll be casting the spell after breakfast" she answered as Airy cheered, doing a little spin before flying to her seat. The others at the table looked happy too, as they began to eat their breakfast. Princess Amore continued smiling as her own order arrived, enjoying the breakfast as the ponies around the table began planning how they'd celebrate. Airy hummed to herself as she sat on top of Sombra's hair, watching as the group of unicorns and the lone pegasus exited the castle, walking down the stairs as Princess Amore stopped before the Crystal Heart, nervously glancing at the parchment once more. Airy stood up before taking flight, leaving Sombra's lush hair as she flew to Princess Amore's side as she turned her head to look at the little fairy. "You can do this, your highness. Just take a deep breath and slowly let it out, I’ll guide you through the spell" Airy spoke softly in comforting tone as Princess Amore took a deep breath, before letting it out as her nervous behavior disappeared "I am ready" she spoke, as Airy smiled "First, synchronize your breathing to the feel of the Crystal Heart, then think of everything that makes you happy: Family, friends, your subjects.... anything and everything you wish to protect" Airy instructed, as Princess Amore closed her eyes and focused. "Now, gather your magic in your horn and cast the spell, pushing all that emotion into the spell" Airy instructed, as a beam of magic left the princess' horn, striking the Crystal Heart that began to pulse and spin faster "More, keep going just a little bit longer!" Airy encouraged as Princess Amore began to sweat, before gasping as the spell cut off. It was at this moment, that the Crystal Heart stopped spinning and a sphere of magic expanded, sweeping over those gathered harmlessly, passing through everyone as it spread across the Crystal Empire, stopping as it reached the barrier. Airy looked at her shining hand, as she felt a shiver across her body disappear; When the wave of magic had swept over her, it had given her a deep shiver as she felt... something looking into her, only to pass as quickly as it had appeared when it had not found whatever it had been looking for. Turning her gaze towards the smiling princess, Airy looked at her in amazement as Princess Amore's coat and mane shined too, as if her coat was made of crystals. Turning to at the others, she could see that everyone present also had the shine to them, as Sombra and Radiant hugged each other with happy expressions, as did Glimmer and Thunder. "It is done... while the exhaustion is not gone; it is more emotional than physical this time: the return of the crystal coats is a good sign" Princess Amore spoke as she turned to others "Captain Thunder. I need you to take flight and inspect whenever the barrier has returned to its former shape" she ordered, as the pegasus untangled himself from his wife's hooves and saluted, before taking flight as he flew from the plaza, before flying up once he was no longer beneath the castle. "So, this is why your kind are called 'Crystal ponies'" Airy said, as she observed the smiling princess "I thought it was because of the location" Airy finished as Princess Amore shook her head "While many mistake the Crystal Ponies as mere Earth ponies, they are a legitimate subspecies. Yes, most of them are without wings or horns, as Pegasus crystal ponies are rare and Unicorn crystal ponies extremely rare: there have been entire generations when no Unicorns have been born in the Crystal pony tribes" Princess Amore explained, as she turned to look at the other three unicorns "The four of us are only unicorns that remain in the Crystal Empire; there used to be seven more in this generation, but they have since moved on to Equestria, where they now live among the local unicorns" she explained, as Airy nodded in understanding. It was at this moment that Thunder Shield returned, landing next to Glimmer as he looked at the princess "Unfortunately, it would seem that the barrier remains the same size as before; it has not been restored to its full size" he reported, as Glimmer and others felt their smiles slip away, as Princess Amore placed a hoof at her chin "That spell should have done the trick: the shine of the Crystal ponies has returned, so why hasn't the barrier too?" She wondered aloud, as she thought about it. To Airy, it was quite obvious as she glanced at the Crystal Heart spin on its pedestal once more; it would appear that it worked like a battery, with Princess Amore's previous use draining it. It was only now that they had cast the spell, that it had its first spark of recharge since... probably forever; the magic alone was not enough to charge it, it seems... "Maybe the spell is faulty; I'm sure that must be it" Radiant spoke, only to be interrupted as Airy spoke aloud "I think it worked just fine" she said, as the others turned to look at her as she slowly began to fly circles around the Crystal Heart. "As I understand it, the Crystal Heart seems to work as a container for magic, with the enchantments within providing the effects. For it to have continued to work for six decades, it must have had a lot of magic within. However, it also appears that its original creators somehow managed to gather their emotions into the Crystal Heart as well, hence the shine of your... coats" Airy spoke, stopping as she turned towards the gathered ponies. "So, while Princess Amore has been supplying it with magic, it has still been drained of its stored emotion; which is why even though the spell worked, there just isn't enough stored happiness and love to keep it active outside of current limits" she paused, as the realization spread among the gathered ponies. "So even if I cast it daily, the spell will only be able to hold its current power; nopony can provide it with enough emotional energy to restore it back to what it once was" Princess Amore spoke, glancing at her students "And even if Radiant and Sombra were to aid me, it would still take decades, maybe even centuries before the barrier has been restored to its former size" she finished, as Airy flew to her side. An idea began to form in Airy's head, as she watched Glimmer ponder a moment before she spoke "So... In the end, all we could do was stop the decay of the Crystal Heart" Glimmer said as she lowered her head, feeling sad as Thunder wrapped his hoof around her.... only for a high pitched giggle to turn everyone's gaze to laughing fairy. "Don't be a silly little foal, Glimmer" Airy said as she flew in front of the very confused mare "It's exactly like Princess Amore said: no singular pony could restore the heart to its fullest. But the Crystal Empire isn't made of only a few ponies, is it?" Airy asked with a smile, as Glimmer answered "Well no, but how could three unicorns restore the Crystal Heart?" she asked, as Airy giggled once more "They aren't alone, you silly mare; the Empire is filled with ponies" she said. It was Radiant who spoke this time "But how is that going to help us? They cannot cast spells" she said, as Airy flew so she was roughly in middle of the gathered group of ponies "They don't need to; As the Crystals of my home gather the hopes and prayers of the people passively, all we need to do is add an enchantment to the Crystal Heart that does the same. That way...." Airy left the end open, as Princess Amore's eyes widened "The Crystal Heart could gather the love and light of everypony in the Crystal Empire by itself, thus keeping itself powered without outside assistance" She finished, as the gathered ponies also widened their eyes, watching as Princess Amore began to pace. "The Crystal Heart is connected to the entire city; So as long as the ponies are happy, it can continue to power itself for centuries without outside interference, possibly forever as the city expands and the population grows" Princess Amore spoke, as the ponies began to smile once more. "But how are we going to lift the spirits of the entire city? Most of the population is already feeling depressed, so I doubt mere words would be able to change their minds and hearts" Sombra said, as Airy giggled once more "That's why we need something big! Something that makes everyone happy; A Faire!" she declared, as Princess Amore turned towards her "A Faire?" she asked, not understanding the point. "Yes, a Faire; Everyone loves a party, so what better way to lift the spirits of the people than giving them a reason to be happy. Once you've installed the new enchantment into the Crystal Heart, the Crystal Empire could hold a Faire to celebrate the new beginning for the empire, thus powering the heart and restoring all that was lost" Airy repeated as she flew to Princess Amore "But the question is... can you add the spell as an enchantment to the Crystal Heart?" Airy asked as Amore levitated the parchment, reading it once more as she wondered. "Yes, I do believe it's possible... however, it will take few days to design the enchantment before we can begin planning the Faire. Thank you Airy, your ideas have been helpful" Princess Amore spoke as she turned towards said fairy, smiling as Airy hummed happily. "No, rather thank you Princess Amore, for giving me a chance to help your people. If you don't mind me asking, how does one add enchantments to preexisting relics?" Airy asked, as Amore pondered the question for a while. "Well, depending on the relic, one can directly alter the preexisting enchantments, add new ones by simply casting a spell or in the case of relics such as the Crystal Heart, and directly alter the relic to add the enchantment. I'll need to add the enchantment to a piece of crystal, then use magic to fuse it into the Crystal Heart; it will take couple of days for the fusion process to stabilize, before the enchantment begins to take effect" Princess Amore explained, as Airy nodded in understanding. It was at this point, that Thunder Shield interrupted "Good luck with the enchantment, your highness. It's time I return to my duties" he said, before walking away as Glimmer looked at her sister "I guess it's time for me to start the work too. See you at court, sister" she said, following her husband back up the castle stairs. Princess Amore and Airy turned their gaze towards Radiant and Sombra, who smiled at the princess "Well, I guess I’ll be assisting ponies today at the hospital; I would hate to see those poor dears suffer more than they have to" Radiant said, before turning towards Sombra "You should join me some time: it would be fun, helping ponies together" She said, as Sombra shook his head. "Thank you for the offer, but I need to get back to my studies. Have fun, Radiant" Sombra said as he smiled at her, before watching as Radiant walked away from the castle, towards the direction the hospital was in. Turning towards the princess, he glanced at Airy before bowing his head "Have a good day, your highness" he said as he took his leave, entering the castle as well. Princess Amore finally turned towards the final member of the group, who was still hovering next to her "So miss Airy, what plans do you have?" she asked, as the little fairy fidgeted her hands "Well, I actually wanted to talk to you about that; once the Crystal Heart has been properly restored, I would like to help the ponies more. As my world was more... advanced than yours, I would like to recreate things from my world in order to help the ponies of the Crystal Empire" Airy answered, as Princess Amore nodded her head in understanding. "What an admirable goal. I'm sure my ministers and head of staff could help you establish a workshop for such tasks" Princess Amore said as she motioned with her head for Airy to follow. Taking the hint, Airy followed as Princess Amore headed up the stairs, opening the castle doors as she walked through the hallways, following a familiar both towards the throne room "Your highness, there is also another matter I wish to talk about" Airy said, as the two slowed to slow, casual pace, as Amore turned her head to look at the small fairy flying besides her. "Before I talk about it, I wanted to know if there are any... unbreakable magical oaths that one can take" Airy asked, as Princess Amore paused her steps, looking at Airy with confusion "Yes, there is one... but why would you require one?" Princess Amore asked in turn, as Airy shook her head "I'll explain in a moment, but can you describe how such oath works?" Airy asked as Princess Amore nodded. "The oath is a sacred one, usually performed by two unicorns, though as long as one unicorn is present to cast the spell, anypony can perform the oath, unable to break it unless both agree to it. As such an oath is powerful, it is a type that nopony could bear more than one actively at any time, even a unicorn as powerful as I could not hold more than one active oath" Princess Amore explained as Airy nodded her head in understanding. "If two ponies agree to hold a secret their entire lives, would the oath hold even if one lived only a year longer and another a century?" Airy asked, as Princess Amore pondered it for a moment "Well, yes; the oath between two ponies should last, as long as there are no conditions that the oath would break upon one's death or after certain time" she explained, pausing for a moment before continuing "Now, why is the oath important to you?" she asked in return. Airy fidgeted her hands, nervously glancing down before checking to make sure no one else was within hearing distance "I... If it's okay with you, I would like to learn the enchantments within the Crystal Hear" Airy answered, as Princess Amore's eyes widened "What?" she asked, completely shocked; she had not expected that from the little fairy. Airy was quick to speak once more "W-well, it's just... Ever since I came to this world, I've felt regret at not being able to help more with the Crystal Heart. I never learned how the Crystals work, so all I could do was give vague ideas; it might have worked now, but in the future it might not" She explained 'nervously', pausing to glance around before continuing. "A-And I learned that since you're the only one who knows the Crystal Heart's secrets, I grew concerned; I know that you intend to make Radiant Hope your successor, once she's finished her education under the Princesses of Equestria, but.... what if something happens to you before you can pass on the secrets of the Crystal Heart to her?" Airy asked as Princess Amore opened her mouth to reply, before closing it as she realized the depth of little fairy's concern. "We, the Cryst-Fairies, live for thousands of years, some even tens of thousands. That's why I asked about the oath; the current crisis with the Crystal Heart came unexpectedly, so there's no way of knowing if or when the next crisis comes. I wanted to ask you to share the enchantments, so I can make an oath to keep them a secret my entire life, not sharing or tampering with the Crystal Heart in any way... unless a day should come, that one of your successors down the line fails to pass on its secrets or misuses the Crystal Heart, willingly or unwillingly, in a way that endangers not only the relic, but the very lives of the Crystal ponies as well" Airy continued speaking as Princess Amore stood still, thinking about everything Airy had just said. "I know that it's much to ask, but... Well, in the last three weeks that I've known them, I've realized that Radiant is still young and naive, while Sombra is... well, he has issues he needs to deal with. If a villain were to capture them, they could use one to make the other reveal the secrets, which is why I asked about the oath; that way, I alone would bear the burden as secret keeper, while ensuring that never again would it's secrets be forgotten" she said as Princess Amore stood still, looking at the little fairy with blank expression. Airy lowered her head, as she fidgeted her hands once more "I don't expect an answer now, maybe I’ll never receive one since it's a huge responsibility and show of trust, but... I wanted to ask you anyway, to let you know that I wish to help you in any way I can" Airy finished speaking, looking down at her hands. A moment of silence stood between the 'nervous' fairy and the princess, either speaking or moving as the latter considered Airy's offer. Airy wasn't sure how long it was, until Princess Amore raised her hoof, holding it steady as Airy took the hint, slowly landing on it as she raised her 'nervous' gaze to look into Princess Amore's eyes "Are you certain, that you wish to bear such a burden?" Princess Amore asked, as Airy nodded with determined look "Yes, your highness. Anything to help" she answered. Princess Amore looked at her for a moment longer, before nodding her head as she lowered her hoof, with the little fairy taking flight once more "Thank you, I’ll consider your offer. I'll make a decision by tomorrow morning" "Tomorrow morning?" Airy asked, as Princess Amore nodded "Today, I’ll instruct my ministers that I’ll be taking a few days leave, so I can pay my full focus on creating the enchantment for the Crystal Heart. As such, I’ll let you know tomorrow morning if I choose to share the secrets of the Crystal Heart; that way, we can achieve both task at the same time" she explained as Airy nodded. "Are you sure it's enough time to consider?" Airy asked, as Princess Amore nodded her head once more, before continuing to walk towards the throne room "Yes, I am sure. Now come, it's time for you to meet the rest of my court" she said as Airy followed.... Princess Amore glanced at Airy as she hovered on the side, talking with minister of finances and Swift Clean about the workshop and advertising agreements with the local spa, as well as potential manufacturers for her products, once she delivered the designs of course. The court had welcomed Airy quite openly, interested of their otherworldly visitor. Already, Airy had offered to create a solution to replace the low wood supply meant to keep ponies warm or to cook food, though it would take until after the Crystal Heart was restored before she could start working on her... 'Oven' and 'heater', as she put it? Princess Amore turned her attention back to the paperwork in front of her, reading through the drill reports as she wondered about Airy's offer. It made sense, in a way; Airy's very nature and personality screamed sincerity, as she voiced her concerns. Princess Amore had not even though about the things Airy had brought up before, but in retrospect all of them made sense. Her analysis of the situation, potential hazards and even why Princess Amore had not yet shared the full secrets of the Crystal Heart with Radiant and Sombra were spot on, everything seemed so logical and thoroughly thought out. But the question still stood; Did she trust the little fairy enough to share the secrets of the Crystal Heart? Could she place such a monumental burden on the tiny little fairy, who only wished to help? To place such a sacred, unbreakable oath on the shoulders of a little fairy so new to these lands? It would be a long day ahead, as she pondered the question in her head.... The hallways of the castle stood silent, with only occasional guard patrol interrupting the silence of the night, their armor clanking as the sound echoed through the empty halls. Two old guards in front of the vault stood still, keeping a track of the lieutenant as two other guards followed him, before stopping in front of the old guards as the lieutenant spoke "Epsilon" he spoke, as the guard right of the vault answered "New sun", saluting as the replacement guard saluted in return "Fallen sky" the new vault guard answered, before the two guards dropped the salute, with vault guard passing his weapon to new guard, before they switched placed. The process repeated with the second guard, exchanging code words and then passing the weapon to replacement guard, before the old guards followed the lieutenant out of the vault corridor, leaving the fresh guards standing ready. There were three vaults spread across the castle, with each having their own protocols and guards; one for the bits, the second for magical relics and third for restricted books. Unlike the first two, the book vault only had an enchanted iron bar door, a relic left behind by old unicorn ministers. As it was quite a habit for former ministers to visit the vault to read books, Princess Amore had decided to keep the old iron bar door, so that they could easily talk to whoever was visiting the vault without needing to open it every time. Of course, the door wasn't without security: the thick enchanted iron bars blocked anyone from entering the vault, naturally or magically, while the locks required magical keys, which were only carried by Princess Amore, Radiant Hope and Sombra. As such, only those three would be able to access the book vault without getting overwhelmed by guards within minutes (which would not be long enough to even strip the locks off the door enchanted by Princess Amore herself). Which meant that the book vault was practically impenetrable to any normal intruder... the key word being ‘normal intruder’ Airy hovered above the vault, hidden in the tall ceiling as she looked at the two guards standing below, before slowly beginning her descend, carefully avoiding detection. "Charm" she whispered, as two thin pink sparks of magic slammed into the two guards’ heads, who stiffened for a moment before relaxing as they turned to look above them, where Airy now hovered: both of them wearing smiles as their eyes glowed pink. "Return to your positions, act normally and ignore me during your entire shift" she commanded, as the two guards nodded their heads before straightening their pose and returning to task of guarding the vault, neither giving a hint of being under magical influence anymore. Smiling at the results, Airy turned towards the door, as she examined the enchantments placed upon the door and the vault itself. It was like a spider's web of enchantments, weaving across the walls, the floor and the ceiling, preventing anyone from getting in while also protecting the existing enchantments with more enchantments, including alarms that were connected to several individuals. It took Airy nearly half an hour to examine the vault, before she was almost certain she could get in and out without triggering anything. The simple examination was not enough to trigger alarms, while outright attack on vault or the enchantments would. There were many enchantments that reinforced the every part of the walls, floor and ceiling so tightly, Airy doubted even she could brute force her way in. However, there was an oversight: the vault did not have anything preventing from physically slipping in or picking up the books inside the vault, only protecting from magical or physical intrusions into the vault by those of large size. Airy smiled as she flew closer, before carefully landing on a horizontal iron bar of the door, watching the enchantments as they did... nothing. No reaction whatsoever. Airy giggled to herself, as she took flight once more, slipping into the vault as she gazed at all the books lining the bookshelves, heart beating with excitement as she spotted her first book on soul magic. Taking one last look at the two guards, Airy turned her back towards them as she gathered her magic, a ball of dark purple energy forming around her before releasing as thick purple fog, which spread until it formed a sphere almost twice as tall as Princess Amore. Soon, the fog dissipated, revealing the monstrous form within. Airy stretched her purple-orange larvae form, finally relieved to experience being proper size as she moved her five pairs of hands one by one, still little unfamiliar at controlling them at the same time. Beneath her, the three pairs of legs moved as she turned towards the door, checking on the guards while running a hand over her head, touching the pair of antenna's as her two pairs of orange butterfly wings fluttered behind her. Currently, her size would have towered even Princess Amore, standing nearly twice the size at her full height. "Tell me, how long until the next guard shift happens?" Airy asked, her voice carrying a deep echo as one of the guards turned his head to look at her "Six hours from now, mistress" he replied with a smile on his face, looking at her like she was the love of his life. Airy waved her hand, dismissing the guard as she returned to the bookshelves, picking the first book on her list "Basics of soul magic by Dapper Thornhorn" from the shelf, turning it in her hands before flipping the cover open as she began to read the first page..... > Chapter 10 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Airy yawned as she stood up from her bed, stretching her bare and tired body in the soft sunlight before grabbing her underwear and dressing up once more in her white outfit. It was tiresome, to spend most of the night reading a rather complex book before sneaking out of the vault before the guard change, making sure to alter the memories of the guards so they had no memory of her ever being there. Then, it had been a quiet, stealthy race to her room to slip back in before Shard Tackle arrived to wake up the sleeping Glint Hoof for shift change. The sleep spell was so useful... Still, only three hours of sleep was completely worth it; even if she had only read one-third of the book last night, it was still invaluable knowledge. The book was basically a novice level entry to soul magic, so it would be a while before she'd reach the expert level books she now knew being in the vault. An idle curiosity made her wonder just exactly where Princess Amore had managed to acquire books on different types of dark magic, from novice to expert levels of context, but it wasn't her problem; she had probably just confiscated it from villains or something. Right now, Airy seriously wanted to just soak in warm water and take a nap, but there was no time for a daily bath; she'd take one tonight before bed. The last night had been risky, sneaking into the vault to get her first taste of forbidden knowledge, even though she knew there was a possibility she'd be too busy the next few days with the secrets of the Crystal Heart. She knew that it would be an easy matter at later date to simply sneak into Princess Amore's room and forcibly rip the knowledge from her head, but such magic carried the risk of getting exposed or losing the price she desired. It was easier to manipulate the overly trusting ponies to give her what she wanted. If Princess Amore was a human, there was no way she'd even consider Airy's request. It was like meeting a total stranger, knowing them for a month while literally knowing nothing about their past that you could confirm and then giving them your house keys when they asked... If Princess Amore decided to agree with Airy's request, then she would be a bigger fool than Airy though. But if she really was such a fool, then she'd make an excellent tool; after all, Princess Amore had not commented on the wording Airy had used yesterday when talking about her 'Oath'. Airy already had plans to make Radiant her white mage Asterisk, while Princess Amore herself would need to... disappear... for Airy to have full access to the Crystal Heart. So, if the princess shared the secrets of the Crystal Heart with Airy, disposing her when the time was right would be a breeze. However, if she did not share the secrets, Airy would simply need to take them by force. Either way, the two obstacles would be swept away quite easily. ‘What about Sombra?’ you might ask. Well, from what she'd seen with the black crystals, it wouldn't be too hard to push the prideful stallion into certain... directions. His obvious crush on Radiant would be his Achilles' heel; if Radiant were to become a princess, there would be no change of romance between a commoner and a princess.... a perfect way to use love to turn someone into a villain for the Equestrian royalty to defeat. After that… well, it would simply be a matter of convincing the people she would be the best choice to act as ‘temporary regent’ until Daisy Glow came of age… She'd need to plan this very carefully. It would still be years before she'd put those plans into motion, though with Sombra and Amore, she had already laid the seeds. As for Radiant, she wouldn't need to do anything just yet.... Airy finished her dressing before taking flight, pulling the bell string by the door as Shard Tackle opened the door with a smile "Good morning, Miss Airy" the mare greeted, as Airy yawned once more "Morning Shard. Do you mind if I sit on your back while we're going to the breakfast?" Airy asked, as Shard raised her eyebrow "I don't mind, but are you alright?" she asked, as Airy waved her hand. "Yeah, just a little tired. Was too anxious to sleep last night" Airy dismissed the question as she flew to Shard's side, landing and sitting down on the mare's armor "Now, let's get going; depending on what Princess Amore has planned, it's possible that you get to spend more time with your fellow guards today as well" Airy said, as Shard turned and walked out of the room, with Berry Pie entering to clean it. Yesterday, Shard had another drill with the rest of the guards, which was why she hadn't been around after breakfast. There was also a reason for both of them to be happy today; Shard and Glint's punishment was ending today, so Airy would go unsupervised from here on out. Still, Airy and Shard had agreed to meet at least once a week; to Shard Tackle, it seemed like the little fairy wanted a friend... The reality was that Airy though it useful to have at least one guard as a friend, so why not the one who had been assisting her for last three weeks. Then again, just standing and guarding something wasn't really 'assisting' but that wasn't the point anyway. Glint was useless, since he guarded during the night, while Shard was actually useful. As Shard kept walking down the hallways, Airy glanced around before casting a spell, her eyes glowing slightly as the world in her vision turned black and white. A basic spell, which allowed the user to see the souls of the people around them. What Airy saw inside Shard was a light pinkish fog, swirling around in calm, relax manner. As couple of stallion guards passed, they paid no mind to the small fairy who looked at their light blue souls. The book had been pretty clear on the sight of souls; some arbitrary magical law made it so stallions would have blue souls, while mares had pink souls. It had also explained that those who fell into the 'good' category had light colored souls, while those who fell into the 'evil' category had dark colored souls. Airy had no idea how magic judged who was good or evil, but she didn't question it. As Airy looked at her own hand though, she saw a green fog beneath her skin, confusing her as she remembered the book mention that those who were special had different colored souls, which did not follow the arbitrary rules at all. Airy hadn't managed to read what that meant exactly, but she was certain the books might explain her green looking soul. Airy dismissed the spell, her normal vision returning as she wondered about things.... Princess Amore idly brushed her mane, as she looked at the reflection of a tired mare with blank expression in the mirror, although she was barely paying attention as her thoughts wandered to the decision she had made about Airy's request. She had stayed awake late into the night, considering every argument and counterargument she could think of, yet she always came to the same conclusion; Airy's conclusions about the risk of losing the Crystal Heart's secrets were too great to ignore. Even she had managed to find the secrets by pure accident, yet unlike before there were no safeguards in place to keep those secrets for the next generation. Sure, she had taught her students, but that had been the absolute minimum for their work of finding a way to repair the Crystal Heart; she couldn't share the secrets with them just yet. Radiant showed potential, but she was too... inexperienced to properly handle the responsibilities. In time, under the tutelage of Princess Celestia and Princess Luna, she'd make a fine ruler to pass on the secrets, but that time was not now. Sombra was more mature, but he carried his past of bullied orphan deep in his heart, darkness she hoped Radiant would one day be able to heal. Princess Amore lowered the brush on to the table and started putting on her jewelry, as she considered the little fairy. For the last three weeks, she had known the little fairy from other world. Every action and appearance showed the signs of clear maturity, a sincere attitude to help the ponies and capability of keeping secrets. Whenever she had asked Airy to keep things secret from Glimmer, the little fairy had shown discomfort at dishonest actions, though she had complied when reasoned with. To Princess Amore, Airy had already begun to feel like an old friend, yet she hadn't been sure about her decision to agree with Airy's request. The act itself would be a huge sign of trust, one that would eventually reveal whenever or not it was misplaced. Either way, the oath would make sure that the secrets were kept... She felt bad about placing the burden on the little fairy's tiny shoulders, yet she could not think of anypony else to make sure the future generations would stay safe. Airy already carried the secrets of her home with her, so teaching her certain things in case Radiant or one of her successors failed or... turned evil, as Airy had put it, was the best she could think of right now. Princess Amore let out a sigh, dismissing her thoughts as they kept going on in same circles as they had the entire morning and last night. Closing her eyes, she took a deep breath as she attempted to relax, before releasing it slowly as she opened her eyes, feeling the nervousness melt away as she smiled. It was always good to smile and hope for the best... Airy sat at her pillow seat, eating the slice of apple next to her as she listened Radiant explain about this or that patient she helped yesterday and who else she was going to help today, while Glimmer asked a question here or there about healing magic. Like her, Sombra and Thunder were silently eating their breakfast, just nodding once in a while to seem interested. Airy wanted to laugh out loud as Radiant talked about her 'advanced medicine', which was so medieval that Airy would have asked if they had leeches in a jar somewhere, if not for magic being a cure-it-all to these ponies who just didn't understand how bacteria and viruses worked. Sure, they did heal the sick better than antibiotics and modern medicine, but that was because of the magic; these ponies had no idea what they were doing, only that it worked by checking the body's natural state and restoring to that. It wouldn't fix genetic mistakes or heretical issues, but it would work for most non-lethal and non-magical causes. Airy more than once had considered introducing cosmetic surgery, but between the antiquated medical practices, the lack of advanced material and having no idea what ponies would even want enhanced, there wasn't really any point in introducing anything... Well, maybe advanced prosthesis at some point, since magic would allow more... natural movement and integration of artificial legs or wings than purely scientific ones. Still, with potions to heal and unicorns to cast magic, even those advanced prosthesis might only work on low class ponies... not really worth introducing in this age anyway. The door of the dining room opening stopped Airy's inner laughter, as everyone turned towards the princess as she walked in, each giving their greetings as Princess Amore took her seat and received her breakfast "So, what do the two of you have planned for today?" Princess Amore asked, as she turned towards Radiant and Sombra. "Well, today I’ll be helping doctor Gold Needle with treating a case of ...." Radiant went on to explain her plans today, as Princess Amore nodded her head once in a while, silently eating her breakfast as she listened her student excitedly talk about her plans for the day. As Airy finished her breakfast, she carefully observed the princess; the slight bags under her eyes and the yawn hidden behind her hoof told Airy that the princess had stayed late last night, but otherwise was in a good mood. It wasn't the perfect appearance she always tried to portray, but it was still a good mask in Airy's opinion. "And finally, I’ll be meeting miss Snow Bun and her little foal for an annual checkup; The little filly's growing up so fast" Radiant finished, as Princes Amore smiled at her "Hopefully the little foal is as healthy as ever. Now Sombra, what plans do you have for today?" the princess asked, as the grey stallion finished cleaning his mouth with a napkin. "Just some experiments, testing few theories. Nothing exciting really" Sombra said dismissively as he quickly glanced at Airy, before moving the attention to the little fairy "But what about you, miss Airy? What plans do you have today?" he asked, as Airy glanced at Princess Amore. "Actually, Miss Airy has agreed to keep me company while I work on the enchantment for the Crystal Heart" Princess Amore spoke, as everyone turned their attentions to her. The implications were shocking to say the least, as the ponies around the table glanced between Airy and Princess Amore with wide eyes, none daring to break the silence. Radiant was the first however to draw the courage to do just that. "Wait, what? She will? Does... does this mean you'll be sharing the..." Radiant asked, leaving the end unspoken as Princess Amore pondered for a moment before shaking her head "No, the information is too sensitive to share at this time. We'll talk a number of other topics the next few days, but the secrets of the Crystal Heart are not one of them" she said as she glanced at Airy. That seemed to calm the ponies around the table, as Airy caught the gaze Princess Amore was sending her... Princess Amore's horned glowed as the door in front of her clicked open and swung open as she and Airy stepped inside, before closing and clicking as the locks reengaged. Airy admired the small study; The walls were covered in bookshelves, filled with books as in the middle of the room a round crystal table took most of the space, with nine seats arranged around it. On top of the table, next to the largest chair was a pile of papers and ink, with an unlit candlestick not too far from them. Airy flew across the table, observing the room before landing in front of the biggest seat, as Princess Amore walked around the table before sitting in front of Airy "So, just out of curiosity; do you keep your secret spells here?" Airy asked as Amore merely smiled, shaking her head with a small laugh "As much as my former teachers would like to believe, there are no spells here that one cannot find in the royal library. No, these are merely the books my teachers and I gathered or wrote personally in our long years, many of which have duplicates in the royal libraries in the castle and the city" she explained. Airy smiled, before flying up as she sat on top of the paper pile "Princess Amore, why did you lie to others?" she asked, as Amore let out a sigh "For the same reasons I have not shared the secrets of the Crystal heart with others; to put such secrets onto their backs is a burden I cannot place upon them... not yet, at least" she answered, before looking at the tiny fairy. "You already carry the secrets of your own home with you; you would not be in any more danger by holding the secrets of the Crystal Heart as well. As you will live generations after my current subjects have passed on, you are the only one I can trust to help the ponies long-term, should the worst happen and my successors fail to defeat whatever tragedies or villains they face... or worse, become them" Amore said sadly, as Airy nodded her head. "Are... Are you sure you wish to share the secrets with me? I didn't mean to pressure you into making a hasty decision and I wouldn't be hurt if you decided to not go through with it" Airy asked 'nervously', as Amore looked at her with sad expression "No, I have made my mind already. You were right; it was quite foolish of me not to make precautions before. Yet, I cannot write them down, for somepony might find them and use them for evil; as such, I must share them personally and until Radiant is ready, I am entrusting you with the knowledge" she said, as a smile spread on her lips as she glanced at the empty seats around the table. "But before we begin, let me tell you the tale of how I found the Crystal Heart and established the Crystal Empire" Amore said, as she began explaining a story now over half a century old.... A long time ago... The heavy snowstorm raged on as the group of ponies in thick hooded coats walked through the snow, before the lead one stopped and pulled out a map from her pocket, checking it before she raised her hoof to signal the others. The group stopped, as the lead pony's horn peaked out from beneath the hood, before glowing as a shield began to surround the group, with others following the lead as their horns glowed too. As the transparent shield finished forming, the lead unicorn took a good look at their surroundings, before letting out a sound of frustration as she angrily looked around at the map once more. "It should be right here" A heavily dressed unicorn spoke, as she looked around the frozen wasteland, before glancing back at the map she was holding in her hooves. Around them, only a few small pillars of crystal broke through the ice below, as the group of unicorns observed the area, shielding each other from the wind as a transparent shield of magic surrounded them. Each were dressed in heavy winter gear and carrying a backpack full of supplies, including the shared tent for the seven of them. "Calm yourself, my student. it is not the end of the world, maybe the ancient directions were wrong” the second unicorn spoke as she walked to the first unicorn, placing a hoof around her shoulder before taking off her mask, revealing the green coat and white mane beneath. "But it was supposed to be here! After so long, I thought we would finally find the lost kingdom of the Crystal Ponies... but there's nothing here" the unicorn spoke as she removed her mask and goggles, revealing the pale vermilion coat beneath as Amore glared at the map she was holding, ignoring the chill of the cold air around her. They had spent months deciphering those old pony legends, yet here they were no closer to finding the ancient home of their people than they were since they started. "I mean, look at these crystals; the map said that the lost city would be between the ravine to the east, the mountain to the north and the mountain to the west, where the three meet at crystal pillars that reach the skies" Amore said, pointing at the tips of crystals barely peaking from the snow "These things are the closest we've found in the last two weeks of searching; the ravine's gone, the western mountain's more of a hill there days and that north mountain is the only thing that's even accurate anymore" She said, before rubbing her head in frustration as Silver Mane simply patted her back. "Calm yourself, Amore. It has been centuries since the original kingdom of the Crystal ponies fell in the last battle against the Umbra; it's quite possible that nothing remains of the once great kingdom, other than these rocks" Silver Mane spoke, as she gestured to the crystal tips peaking from the snow. Amore let out a sigh, before handing Silver Mane the map as she walked to the crystals, before turning her back to them as she sat down "I guess you're right. I was just expecting for... something" she said, before leaning her back against the crystal. That was a big mistake on her part, as the crystal suddenly glowed, before the ground beneath her cracked. Amore didn't even have the time to sit up before the ground gave away, causing her to fall through the ice before others had time to react. The shouts disappeared into the background as Amore slammed into ice and crystal on her way down, until she fell onto a somewhat smooth slope of ice and slid to the bottom. As she reached the bottom of the dark cavern and stopped sliding, Amore groaned as she shakily stood up, flinching at the flare to her side before looking up, where the surface was peaking as a tiny white dot "Hey, can you hear me?" she yelled out, listening carefully for a reply, only to receive none. She shook her head, before looking around as her eyes adjusted to the darkness of the cavern. Amore let out a gasp, as she noticed the skeletal remains of dozens of ponies scattered around, some pierced by dark crystals while others remained untouched. As she nervously swallowed, her eyes stopped at the far wall, where beneath the dark crystals a light blue mare's body lied still, clothes intact and the body preserved as if she was merely asleep. Amore swallowed once more, before taking nervous steps through the cavern, walking slowly as she glanced at everything around her, almost afraid that one of these skeletons would suddenly jump up and attack her. Alas, her fears were unfounded, as she reached the mare's body without a surprise attack. Letting a sigh of relieve, Amore observed at who was most likely a very old mare, dressed in green dress and golden jewelry, wearing an emerald medallion with long strings around her neck. A quick spell by Amore confirmed that yes, the mare was indeed dead, yet as she tried to levitate the medallion, her magic slid off as if there was nothing there. Amore glanced around once more, before kneeling down as she carefully lifted the golden medallion from the ground, bringing it closer to her face as she inspected the symbols and runes carved into it. The emerald in the middle glowed green, as Amore's vision suddenly went black... Amore blinked, as she realized she was no longer in the dark cavern, rather an endless field of grass, expanding into the horizon. Looking up, she couldn't see the sun or the moon, yet light shines as if it was middle of the day with blue skies above. "So, we failed" a voice behind her caused Amore to spin around, only to face an old, skinny mare with many wrinkles, who had grey coat and mane, wearing an ancient looking grey dress and jewelry. As Amore looked at this stranger, she could see her form flicker, as if she would disappear into the air at any moment. "Who...” Amore started, only for the old mare to shake her head "That no longer matters. What matters is that you finish what I started eons ago" the old mare spoke, pausing as she turned her head to look at the distant horizon "For a long time, the Crystal ponies and the Umbra waged war, one seeking to protect the realm while another sought to cover it in darkness and fear. In an effort to seek peace, my father and mother married, bringing peace between our peoples" The old mare turned to look at Amore "But alas, it was not to be; My mother was an Umbra, so when I was born she sought to use me as a weapon against her husband and his people. So, the war resumed once more, with my mother's people seeking to rid themselves of my father's people once and for all" she said, before looking down at her hooves in sadness. An image of a heart shaped from crystal appeared next to the old mare, hovering in the air as grey and lifeless as she was. "I had no choice; I fought against my own mother, attempting to reason with her the best I could... but alas, it was in vain. Thus, I and others designed the Crystal Heart, to protect the realm against the never ending evil of the Umbra. We poured the light of the realm into it, so that when the time was right, it would rid us of the curse that was the Umbra" The old mare raised her head to look at Amore once more "I died before I could activate the Crystal Heart. Now, I must ask you to take my place, to protect this entire world and unify the scattered Crystal ponies. Will you do this for me?" The old mare asked, as Amore thought about all the old mare had said. "Yes. I will finish what you started and bring a new golden age to our people" Amore said, as the old mare smiled at her. "Thank you" she said, before vanishing into thin air as Princess Amore's eyes began to glow, a foreign knowledge entering her mind... Amore snapped awake with a gasp, taking deep breaths as she glanced around, her mind refocusing on where she was as a foul laughter echoed around her, before she turned towards the medallion at her hoofs, only to see the emerald now grey and dull, before it grumbled to dust along with the golden frame and the preserved body of the old mare. Slowly standing up, Amore flinched as her side gave a flare of pain, before she focused on the dark crystals around her. A gasp left her as she looked at the cracks spreading across the dark crystals, where a black fog began to leak out as a malicious laughter began to sound clearer "Finally, after so long; Thanks to you, we shall be free of this Tartarus damned prison and end your filthy kind" A sinister mare's voice echoed around her, as Amore's eyes widened in fear. "No! I... I'll stop you!" Amore shouted, before flinching as her side flared once more, causing a chorus of laughter to start around her "Foolish little crystal pony; there is nothing you can do to stop us. Soon, all of this world will belong to us" the female voice taunted, before laughing as Amore began to think a solution. Yet as she glanced at the crystals, her gaze noticed a discolored patch peeking through the far wall. Her eyes widened, as she recognized the Crystal Heart from her vision, surrounded by dark crystals that seemed to almost swallow it. Amore began to think before the ancient spell leaped to her mind, as did the promise she had given to the ghost of the old mare. "I will stop you, even if it's the last thing I do" Amore said, before her horn glowed as the spell flew through the air, striking the Crystal Heart as it began to glow in blue light, illuminating the dark cavern with its blue light. "NOOO!" The chorus of voices screamed, as a thick fog escaped the cracks and streamed towards Amore, starting to solidify into dozens of shadowy ponies as they lunged at her... though it was too late, as the Crystal Heart glowed brightly, sending a wave of magic as the Umbra turned to dust and blue light spread through the cracks of dark crystals, before everything was engulfed in blue light... Silver Mane and others backed from the hole as a beam of light ripped through the ground, before running away as the snow and ice beneath them started to crumple as a pillars of crystal began to grow from the ground. A beam of magic left the rising pillar in the middle, flying into the cloudy skies above before exploding into a spherical wave of blue magic, which swept across the landscape of ice and snow, lifting the fleeing unicorns off their hooves into the air before they crashed back down as the wave passed over them harmlessly. Silver Mane shook her head as she stood up, blinking at the green grass beneath her hooves before turning back towards where the hole had been, only to look up as the crystal pillars began to change shape, forming a tower of pure crystal with four pillars forming the legs beneath. Silver Mane looked around; as she noticed the snow and ice disappear as far as her eyes could see, with crystalline roads materializing between the empty patches of grass. The others were amazed too, as they removed their winter gear, no longer needing it as the warm air brushed their manes. Only a couple of the unicorns observed their new crystalline coats, while others remained unchanged while the ancient magic around them finished its work, before the light began to withdraw back to the empty space beneath the crystalline tower, now held by arching pillars. Silver Mane was the first to notice the light, as well as a tall figure of a pony now standing with their back towards the group. After carefully glancing at each other, the group began to approach the figure, noting its glimmering pale coat and mane/tail that turned from raspberry to blue at the tips once they reached the talking distance. They could see that the strange pony stood twice their height, body matching the new height as they carefully glanced at each other, before Silver Mane stepped forward. "H-Hello?" Silver Mane said carefully, as the stranger titled her head at the sound of her voice, before turning to face them, causing others to gasp as they looked at familiar face, now looking at them with changed body. "A-Amore? is that you?" Silver Mane asked, as the mare in question looked down at her teachers, towering over the cautious unicorns. Amore smiled as she spoke "Yes, Silver Mane, it's me. I guess we found the what we were looking for after all, didn't we?" she said, before stepping forward as others began to walk around her, observing her and the Crystal heart behind her, their fears forgotten as Amore began to explain... "Wow... so what happened next?" Airy asked, as she idly wondered if any of the Umbra survived. "Then, my ministers named me the princess of the Crystal Empire; before together we went on to gather the scattered Crystal pony tribes, establishing the Crystal Empire as it is today. The nobles of today are all descendants of the former tribe leaders and my former teachers, who became my first ministers" Amore explained, remembering the old times fondly as she smiled. The silence between the two lasted for a while, before Amore sighed before turning to Airy, who was looking at her with unreadable expression "It's time we start" she said, as Airy nodded her head "So, how does the oath work exactly?" she asked, curious about the process. "Normally, two ponies channel their inner magic together and make the oath. For unicorns, they touch horns while pegasus would touch with a wing and earth pony with their hoof. So, I guess we'll do this with my horn and your claw" Princess Amore explained, with Airy nodding as she took flight "Alright, though for your information it's a hand, not a claw" she explained as she flew on top of Amore's head, before softly landing on the mane as she placed her hand on the princess' horn. "So, what happens now?" Airy asked, as Princess Amore closed her eyes "Close your eyes and channel your magic; once you feel a connection, recite your oath. After that, I’ll recite mine and if we both agree, we verbally agree to it by saying 'In the name of magic, I accept this oath of everlasting' ”Princess Amore explained, as Airy raised an eyebrow (not that Amore could see her do that). "So, that's it? We just verbally agree? No magic words or runes or anything?" Airy asked, as Amore chuckled "Yes, my friend; it's that simple" she said, channeling her magic to her horn as she waited for the fairy to do the same. Airy wondered about it for a moment, before deciding to just go with it. Closing her eyes, she channeled her magic through her hand, before it connected with Princess Amore's horn, causing both to give a slight gasp as their felt a connection form; the sensation was like being two rivers, which began to mingle with each other in tiny streams. "I, Airy, swear that for the next five hundred years, I will hold the secrets of the Crystal Heart to myself, never sharing them or tampering with the Crystal Heart, unless Princess Amore or her successors fail to pass on the secrets to another or if one of them were to misuse the secrets in such a way, that it would not only endanger the Crystal Heart itself, but the Crystal ponies as well" Airy spoke, as she felt.... something within her. Now, it was Princess Amore's turn "I, Princess Amore, swear that in exchange for holding her oath, I shall entrust the secrets of the Crystal Heart to Airy. This oath shall last for five hundred years, unless I or my successors fail to pass on the secrets of the Crystal Heart to next successor or should one of my successors misuse them in such a way, that they endanger the Crystal Heart and the Crystal ponies" she said, as both of them felt something within them connect loosely to one another. "In the name of magic, I accept this oath of everlasting" Airy and Amore spoke together, nearly in synch as the connection between them solidified, before vanishing from their senses. Airy opened her eyes, before releasing her hold on Princess Amore's horn "So, was that it?" She asked, as Princess Amore let out a sigh of relieve "Yes, the oath is done" she answered, as Airy flew from her mane and landed on the table "Now, no matter what happens the oath shall last for the next five hundred years. Let us hope, that it will break naturally and not through the conditions set upon it" she said, before smiling at the little fairy. "Don't worry! I'll do my best to make sure that nothing bad happens" Airy lied excitedly, as Princess Amore chuckled at the 'cheerful' little fairy, before using her magic to lift a fresh paper on to the table, opening the ink as she controlled the quill and tipped it in the ink. "Good; now, let us get to work, we have much to do" Princess Amore said as she began writing onto the parchment, with Airy carefully observing as she listened Princess Amore begin explaining the secrets of the Crystal Heart. She felt like she could burst from laughter; Princess Amore truly was a great fool.... > Chapter 11 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The first two days went... well, Airy wanted to say fast, but it was slow and boring. It wasn't like reading a book, where she could easily memorize the context on the first reading; no, she had to wait as Princess Amore explained all the enchantments and what they did, how they interacted with each other and so on. She hadn't been that bored since she was at high school, listening as the teacher talked about boring stuff she had already learned. Still, it was quite informative; now she knew exactly how the Crystal Heart worked, so she could start planning on how to install it as the center of the spell Grogar had given her. Of course, while most of the lesson had happened in the first day (something that would have taken her maybe three or four hours at most, if she read a book), most of the second day was spend Princess Amore trying to remember what she had forgotten; the oath was quite handy that it reminded them if the princess forgot something, yet a hindrance as it didn't tell either of them what she had forgotten to tell Airy. Eventually though, at the end of the second day their lesson was complete, with Princess deciding that tomorrow, both of them would start working on the enchantment. And so, they had arrived at the third work day. The work was pretty fast, as by dinner they had finished the basic design; all that was needed was an incredibly complex calculations to make sure everything worked in harmony with each other... Well, they were complex to Princess Amore at least; to Airy they were more like advanced math you take in college, a rather simple if time consuming process considering there wasn't any computers or calculators around. This left her with plenty of time to herself, thinking while she exchanged idle chatter with Princess Amore. When Princess Amore had first recovered the Crystal Heart, it was mostly a weapon intended to strike against evil. So, the princess and her ministers had spent time reworking the mechanics so that instead of destroying corrupted beings, it merely banished them from the Crystal Empire. The feeling she had felt during the activation few days ago was the Crystal Heart identifying if she was either an umbra or someone corrupted by foul magic; it couldn't identify good or bad, so it merely identified them by their magical nature. Basically, if someone was corrupted by magic into becoming a monster, it wouldn't matter how innocent or evil they were; the Crystal Heart wouldn't banish the creator, only the monster (unless said monster's creator was also corrupted). Of course, she'd need to test if her other forms counted as 'corrupt' but if they didn't.... well, she could use that to her advantage. The barrier on other hand was working exactly like it was designed to; protect the empire from snow and ice, while providing warmth to those within. As the ancient Crystal ponies had used huge towers all across the ancient kingdom to do the same, the Crystal Heart had made such ancient and forgotten clumsy things obsolete. Princess Amore mentioned that according to the information she had received from the medallion, the idea for the barrier had first come to ancient Crystal ponies when they had encountered some kind of black bug pony, that ate magic (or as the monster had screamed, 'love of weaker races') and could change shape to pretend to be something else. Of course, it wasn't until later that they discovered that this lone monster hadn't been a new form of umbra, but rather something else. Either way, the ancient Crystal ponies had not taken changes, so they made the barrier to keep evil out. Airy suspected (though didn't mention it) that this was how the ancient Crystal ponies accidentally learned to harvest emotions. There were parasites in her world that could do some amazing things (like the one which took over snails), so why not have some freakish magical bug pony parasites as well? The books on different magical creatures certainly supported the idea in her opinion. Though they must have been either extremely rare or very good shape shifters; no one had ever heard of these bug ponies before, even Princess Amore hadn't known about them (or discovered any in her long life, despite even asking researchers and adventurer’s years ago in what was now Equestria). There was also the possibility they were extinct; ponies could be surprisingly racist even at near-pony races, let along bug monsters that looked like ponies... Lastly, the crystalline coats that the ponies that the Crystal ponies (and her, temporarily) had was the result of thousands of years of exposure to the raw magic and crystals, changing the ponies with each generation till it was permanent. The Crystal Heart merely restored these qualities and gave them to non-Crystal ponies temporarily, as it didn't possess the mutating properties of raw magic of old times. That's why the Crystal Ponies were a proper sub-species, like thestrals. At least, that what Amore had said were the results, after extensive multi-decade research... which Airy questioned, considering this world's understanding of biology. Still, no ponies, Crystal or otherwise, had ever shown signs of horrible mutations. As the third day started to close, an idle chatter on how crystals can be fused together with magic gave Airy an idea... "What's the happiest day of one's life?" Airy asked, causing Princess Amore to turn her attention from her calculations to the little fairy confidently sitting on a pile of papers, who was looking back at her with thoughtful expression. "What?" Princess Amore asked, feeling confused as to why Airy would ask about that out of nowhere; the last thing they had talked about had been about how the process of fusing the crystal with enchantment to Crystal Heart worked, which had nothing to do with happiness. "Well, I was just thinking..." Airy began, pausing as she stood up and flew to the table, landing in front of the princess "That the 'Crystal Faire' might not have to be the only occasion to add positive emotions to the Crystal Heart. If we fuse pieces of crystals into the Crystal Heart filled with only the positive emotions, we could create a new tradition through which we could recharge and strengthen the Crystal Heart even more" Airy finished, as Princess Amore started to ponder. "Hmm.... That is an excellent idea. Once we've finished installing this enchantment into the Crystal Heart, it would not take much to create a separate spell to store positive emotions into a piece of crystal and fuse it with the heart, like we're already planning to do. What did you have in mind?" Princess Amore asked, as Airy idly glanced at the calculations she had interrupted. "Well, originally I was thinking weddings, but..." Airy paused as she turned back to look at Amore's face "Those are quite rare. After that, I started considering different holidays, but increasing the number of holidays might decrease the special meaning of the Faire, which is why I dismissed birthdays as well. However...” Airy paused once more, as she flew up to hover in front of Amore's face. "That gave me the idea of celebrating the birth of each and every new foal born into the Crystal Empire; A time of happiness for parents, family and friends, to see the newborn foal begin their life in the arms... hooves of their mother" Airy said, as she used her hands to mimic holding a baby in her arms "That way, each and every new foal would be connected to the Crystal Heart, so that when the population keeps growing, the Crystal Heart's power will too" Airy explained. Princess Amore stayed silent for a moment, before answering "That is an excellent idea. The citizens would no doubt be proud and happy having their foals connected to the Crystal Heart in a special ceremony... but before we start planning it, we should connect the rest of the Crystal Ponies as well. I'll need to modify the enchantment a little, but..." she paused, as she looked at the calculations "That would mean that we'd need to start the calculations all over" She finished, as she glanced at the mostly filled page on the table. Airy giggled, as she smiled at Princess Amore "Oh, those silly little calculations are easy. It would not take long to calculate all the factors" she said, as Princess Amore looked at her in confusion "They're easy to you? Then why...” she didn't finish as Airy giggled again "Because you were so proud about your hard work, I didn't want to interrupt by simply saying the answers. Besides, I did promise not to tamper with the Crystal Heart in any way; asking you if any parts of the enchantment contradicted with other parts counted as part of the education, but I can't help you with the math itself: that would be tampering" Airy answered the question she had interrupted. Princess Amore opened her mouth to reply, before closing it as she gave a small smile to the little fairy "Well, maybe you could write a book later; I’m sure you have plenty of knowledge that ponies have not yet developed" Amore said, as she gathered the unfinished calculations, before casting a spell that made them disappear in smokeless fire. "Well, about that... I think it would be best if I were to limit what I teach to others" Airy said, landing on the table as Princess Amore set down the paper that held the enchantment they had spent most of the day designing next to her "The inventions I have planned to create are technically things unicorns could already create, but if I were to teach things they had not yet discovered yet, it could make ponies dependent on my knowledge, instead of researching their own" Airy explained, as Princess Amore glanced at her. "But would it not be a simple matter of teaching someone the basics? That way, you'd merely give them the inspiration and they'd be able to study and discover more advanced things by themselves. Besides, it's simple math; I doubt there's much harm in it" Princess Amore asked, as Airy placed a hand on her chin. "Well... I guess when you put it that way, there's no harm in writing down the basics... though I’d need to research first what they current think 'advanced' even is" Airy answered, before turning her attention to the paper next to her "But we can deal with that later; how about we figure out the alterations to this enchantment tonight, so you can start fresh calculations tomorrow morning?" Airy asked, as Princess Amore widened her smile. And thus, the rest of the evening was spend figuring out minor alterations to the enchantment, before the princess and her little fairy friend retired for the night. The next two days were absolute boredom to Airy; most of the time, she spend her time reading a book on different magical creatures that Princess Amore had in her private study (a book written by someone named Silver Mane; Airy didn't ask who that was), while also exchanging idle chatter with Princess Amore... when she wasn't busy concentrating on more difficult parts of the calculations. ...Alright, Airy had to admit, it wasn't completely boring; the book gave her plenty of interesting ideas to test out, as it explained different magical animals (who looked like someone had taken two or more creatures and mixed them together; After all, Airy doubted things like bugbear, a mix of bear and a bee, was a natural creature) who could wield different magical abilities, from simple electricity of flash bee's, to petrifying gaze of cockatrice... or even being unnatural entirely, like the Timberwolves made literally out of sticks and leaves. She was more than interested in acquiring samples of these animals, if only to study how they worked. Already, she was making a mental list of creatures she wanted to study, with plans to research more on elemental magic; a visit to the vaults once more maybe? She was going to be so busy, once everything with the Crystal Heart was finished. "There, it is finally done" Princess Amore said, sighing in relieve as she set down the quill onto the table. Airy raised her attention from the book she was reading, glancing at the other side of the table as a piles of papers were haphazardly spread all over Princess Amore's side, taking nearly half the huge table. A result of two days of working on calculations with inefficient methods and without calculator assistance, a task Airy didn't envy as she took flight. "Great! With this, we can finally put the enchantment into good use. You’re a pretty smart pony, Princess Amore" Airy said as she flew across the table, stopping in front of the smiling princess. "Thank you, Airy... though I doubt I’m as smart as scholars in your world, if comments about this math being easy are true" Princess Amore said, before yawning as she covered her mouth with her hoof "It's been a pretty taxing task, mentally at least. How about we retire for the night?" she suggested, before standing up from her chair as Airy nodded in agreement and took flight. And so, the study fell silent once more, as the candles were blown out and the door closed behind them with a click... Sombra yawned as he walked through the hallways with Radiant, following Princess Amore and Airy as they exchanged meaningless chatter about crystals and foals. Radiant was smiling brightly next to him, humming an old song from their orphanage days; a subconscious sign that she was really happy. The last five days had been... concerning, to say the least. While his experiments with dark crystals had shown some interesting results, it had revealed some... disturbing aspects of himself, especially the affinity to what Sombra was now certain counted as 'dark magic'. The feeling that coursed through his body when he used his magic that way made him feel great, yet afterwards he felt terrified of how Radiant and Princess Amore would react. Frequently, his dreams were of them looking at him with shock, fear or anger, though those were beginning to fade as other kinds of dreams took place. Dreams of not being feared but rather celebrated and encouraged as he performed his magic to help the ponies around him with Airy's encouragement. Sombra glanced at the little fairy, one who had seen him at a moment of weakness; she certainly didn't judge him, but he knew deep down that Radiant and the princess would not be so... supportive of his decision. Still, the dreams left an odd sense of longing within him. Maybe he should talk with Airy again; it would be nice to hear words of encouragement at least once more.... His thoughts were interrupted as Glimmer appeared between him and Radiant "So, what ideas do you have planned for the Faire, Radiant? I was thinking it would be nice to bring the ewes from the farms as something foals could pet and play with..." she began talking, with Sombra giving the two mares a glance before slowing his pace, letting the two walk ahead as he resumed his original pace with Thunder Shield next to him now. "I've got to say, your wife can be..." Sombra paused his whispering, trying to think how to describe Glimmer before Thunder interrupted "Quite a hoof full when she gets excited about something? Believe me, I know.... you should have seen our wedding" Thunder said with a low whisper, chuckling to himself as Sombra nodded. Both of them silently watched the two mares ahead of them, before Thunder's eyes swept to where a tiny ball of light was flying next to the princess, before frowning as his thoughts went onto the last few days. After a moment, he stepped closer to the grey stallion next to him "Sombra, I have a question I need to ask, but you have to swear to not tell anyone we had this discussion" he whispered, as the stallion on question turned his head slightly to look at him, before nodding "Alright, what is it?" he whispered back as Thunder's eyes tracked the little fairy in front of the group. "What are your thoughts on Airy? I know it's been a month and there hasn't been signs of anything malicious on her part... but I just can't get rid of this feeling like I’m missing something; she appeared out of nowhere a month ago, has given vague information with no evidence of her origins. I know others have started to befriend her, but I just want to be sure that..." he trailed off, trying figure out what to say. "You're worried she'll turn up like Snow Antler, don't you?" Sombra whispered, before shaking his head "Quite a few noticed that something was wrong with him from the start, but you were blinded by a change to make a new friend, never noticing the way he looked at ponies or how he talked about them with slight disdain. Airy on other hand seems to genuinely care about the ponies she's started to befriend; she did help watch over your foal when Rose Pedal hurt her hoof, right?" Sombra whispered back, before lightly patting Thunder on the back when he lowered his head, feeling little ashamed. "Maybe you and Swift Clean are right; maybe I’m just too paranoid after what happened with Snow Antler and my own blindness, that I’m projecting my fears on Airy... Alright, it's decided" he said, straightening his pose and head as he looked forward "Once the Faire is done, if Airy hasn't done anything bad by then, I’ll start to trust that she doesn't have any malicious intents" He said, though he was still uncertain, a tingle of fear within him. Sombra smiled as he looked at the little fairy happily chatting away with the princess, even as the castle doors opened and they started walking down the stairs to the plaza below towards the Crystal Heart... Airy hummed happily as she took a bite from the crystal berry she was snacking on, sitting on the soft pillow as she watched Princess Amore, Radiant, Sombra, Glimmer, Thunder and couple of ministers discuss their plans for the 'Crystal Faire' as it was now called. Everything from ideas to finances and safety precautions was being discussed, while she happily relaxed. When they had asked her for ideas, she had explained that she didn't have anything else to add that they hadn't already discussed, with exception of knight tournaments she knew some people did in her world (the make believe sword fights with real armor and weapons), though Princess Amore had dismissed that idea; they wanted ponies to enjoy themselves, not be afraid at the sight of wounds or blood that might happen. Airy's thoughts briefly crossed back to the installing of the enchantment; it was basically the same as using a spell, so it wasn't really that noteworthy. She had expected some... grand scene or something, but all that happened was a small spell on the crystal piece and that's it, it just... sank into the Crystal Heart. No light show, no waves of magic, just... sink in and it was done. Magic was weird sometimes; small things could produce grand looking effects, while big things looked as easy as lifting one's finger. "So, let me recap; you'll play the anthem, do some jousting, offer food and drinks, free artworks and 'flugelhorns', whatever those are, while also having a petting zoo and party games. Then finally, we'll gather the crystal ponies to the Crystal Heart... but why do they have to bow?" Airy asked, as she interrupted couple of ministers talking about finances that she couldn't care less about. Princess Amore turned her attention from the papers in front of her towards Airy, who was idly swinging her legs back and forth while looking back at her "The act of dozens of ponies bowing triggers the enchantment, focusing their love and happiness to the Crystal Heart, thereby allowing it to more easily gather the energies by moving it through the streets below them. By my estimates, the streets will literally glow blue, before all of it drains into the Crystal Heart" she answered, before turning back to the ministers as they resumed their financial talk. Airy happily hummed as she resumed eating, taking another bite off the crystal berry... Celestia let out a relieved sigh as the carriage door closed behind her, before taking her seat as her magic wiped the fresh snow off her mane and coat, straightening and drying her mane and fur as her sister looked at the light snow falling upon the rocky terrain below. "What did the lieutenant tell thee, sister?" Luna asked as she turned her head from the window, looking at her sister just as she was taking a bite from her travel ration sandwich. "Since we've now officially entered the frozen north, by their estimates we should arrive at the Crystal Empire the day after tomorrow. Depending on how the weather is, it's going to be between early noon and dinner dine" Celestia answered, before taking a bite from the bland tasting sandwich, quickly chewing it and swallowing as she took another bite. Luna turned her attention back to the view outside, as her thoughts started to wander once more. Ever since that one night weeks ago, she had more than once traveled the realm of dreams, observing the dreams of others in the Crystal Empire, though unlike the dream bubbles of the ponies, the... unknown dreamer's dream bubble was the one she did not dare to approach once more, at least until she knew exactly whom or what the dreamer was. The dreams of other ponies in the Crystal Empire that she had observed in secret had been quite uninformative about the creature, only showing it as a background character in their dreams. The only reason she knew what it properly looked like was due to her visit to dreams of the Princess Amore's nice, Daisy Glow, where she played with an enlarged version of it. The creature's appearance was like a mixture of a Minotaur and a monkey, standing straight on two primate legs instead of hooves like Minotaurs and having a flat face, like a monkey's. The two white butterfly wings with black edge reminded her of breezies, which made her wonder if the Dreamer was a ... breezie version of whatever race inspired its look. She had heard others compare breezies to be like miniature ponies with insect wings, so was the dreamer a similar kind of creature? If so, what was the larger species like and where were they? The world was vast, so an unknown species could easily be hidden in some corner of the world, but what if there wasn't such a larger specimen? Would that mean that the tiny... breezie-like creature was unique or was there another entire race of tiny sentient creatures, just previously undiscovered? She had so many questions, yet she knew that she wouldn't get answers before their scheduled arrival in the Crystal Empire... unless she went back into the creature's dreams, an action she was not willing to do until she learned if it was hostile or not. Luna once more glanced at her sister, who had by now finished eating and resumed reading some romantic book she had paused earlier. As Luna observed her sister, she felt a feeling of... something, as she turned her attention back to the weather outside, making a decision in her head. When they'd arrive, she'd take charge of the research project into whatever was ailing the Crystal Empire; it was time to show that she was just as capable as her sister... > Chapter 12 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- They say that time flies when you're having fun; that seemed to hold true for many, because before they knew it, the preparations were done and the morning of the Crystal Empire's first Crystal Faire was about to begin. Airy yawned as she sat up, stretching her body as she rubbed her eyes, blinking as she adjusted to the sunlight peaking from the windows before she slowly stood up, barely paying attention as she began her morning routines; first the clothes, then the bell for the maid to come fill her bath, then a nice, long soak in the bath while she cleaned herself in the warm light of the sun. Soon enough, she was ready to dry herself and put on the clothes once more before she rang the bell, flying out and smiling at familiar face of Shard Tackle. Ever since their punishment were over, Shard Tackle and Glint Hoof had returned to their regular duties, though it hadn't lasted long before Shard Tackle had requested an official transfer to serve as Airy's guard and helper. Officially, Thunder had approved it due to Airy's upcoming new position (which she didn't know the title of yet) but Airy suspected that Thunder still held his suspicions about her. He was rightly paranoid of course; she had heard about how some cannibal deer named Snow Antler had fooled the naive captain into revealing classified info, so he and his cult of idiots (Yes, Airy thought of them as idiots) could stay one step ahead of the royal guards, who were at the time investigating the disappearance of homeless ponies. So now that she appeared out of nowhere, he was extra paranoid about her (though from what she had overheard from his talk with Sombra, he was planning to drop it all after the Faire was done). Eavesdropping was so fun; all she needed to do was put a link on Sombra's cloak and she could overhear their chat even across the entire city... not that she needed to, she was just cautious about Sombra spilling the beans about his dark crystal experiments, so she happened to hear the naive captain's paranoid concerns. He was right of course to be paranoid, though she wasn't going to let him know that. Now the eavesdropping spell was quite easy to perform, but focusing on two conversations at once was harder than it seemed; it had taken her some time to practice (A time spend idle talking with Shard Tackle), especially since she had been in a hurry to put it on Sombra's cloak during the initial incident, where Sombra rushes to hide the dark crystals before Amore and Radiant returned. She still wondered why Star Swirl though an eavesdropping spell was best placed in the book of 'common household spells' that he wrote... maybe he was considering the poor mares and stallions that were being cheated on? Whatever, it wasn't worth pondering upon too much. Airy hummed happily as she flew through the halls, greeting the passing servants and guards as she and Shard passed them by. It wasn't a surprise to see the increase in ponies moving through the halls, as most of the Crystal Empire would be spending the day celebrating the Crystal Faire; it was cute how small ponies could get excited over a party. Her idle thoughts went to her little niece, who at her late teens still enjoyed the kids show about humanoid rabbits, mice, squirrels, foxes and so many other creatures going by their daily life as school students. She would have loved to be around these ponies... too bad Airy was going to have to harm them quite a lot down the line. But that was a matter for another day to think; today, she'd relax, enjoy the Faire and watch as the Crystal Empire would be restoring to It's proper glory. Then she'd finally get to start planning her research and manufacturing projects; freeing a person (or in this case, a goat) from ancient prison and building an army to stand with (or against) him was going to be both time consuming and expensive. Hopefully, she'd soon have both to spare... The crystal ponies whispered and glanced at the balcony above, as they gathered into the crowds below, some glancing at the nearby stalls and other attractions where the ponies handling them were already prepared for today's events, though they were waiting for Princess Amore's announcement. Some whispered excitedly about their shiny coats, others wondered when they'd get to see the lush green fields and the real sky once more, while few were whispering about what today's events had to do with the mysterious new friend of the Princess. Rumors had spread in the last month of a tiny creature in the castle that glowed and fly, one who with her gentle and kind heart had seen the troubles of the Crystal Ponies and decided to stay and help them. Some had seen it when it had traveled the streets with a guard helping the little creature, speaking of wonders of It's home and promising to help them more once the Crystal Heart was restored. To the owners of many businesses, the little creature was quite eager to introduce wonders of her world, providing helpful words of guidance and promises of new products that they could make; many of them had already signed contracts with the nobles in charge of distributing these wonderful products that would renew their work (and bring quite a nice profit too). Now all they'd have to do was enjoy themselves and in the coming days, the designs and ideas of new things would come to them, delivered by the one many had begun to consider a creature of good fortune. The crowds started to silence as the guards blew their flugelhorns, before the balcony doors opened and Princess Amore stepped into the view, stopping as she looked down at her subjects below. "Good morning, my dear subjects. For far too long, you have suffered the cold weather and rationing of food as the barrier around the Crystal Empire has weakened, even losing the beautiful glow of your coats that mark your birthrights. However, today is the day of celebration; your coats have been restored and soon, all of the Crystal Empire shall prosper once more as together, we shall restore that which has been lost" Princess Amore spoke proudly, pausing as the crowds below cheered. "However, before we begin, let me officially introduce to you the newest citizen of the Crystal Empire, who's words of guidance has helped us restore that which we thought lost forever; Airy the Cryst-Fairy!" Princess Amore announced, as the crowd watched a small ball of light coming from behind her and stopping to hover at the same height as Princess Amore's head. The crowd below clapped their hooves together while straining their eyes, as they tried to look at the tiny creature barely illuminated by her own glow. Princess Amore chuckled as she looked at her subjects, before speaking once more "Worry not, my dear subjects; while most of you can't see her right now due to her small size, many of you will get to meet her face to face today, tomorrow and years to come; as of today, I officially announce Airy as the new Royal Researcher" she spoke, smiling as the crowd cheered before glancing at Airy, who was waving her tiny hand to the crowd below. Such a shame that only Princess Amore could see the excited little fairy waving her hand at the ponies below. Turning back towards the crowds, she once more "Thanks to Airy, we have managed to create a solution. However, for it to work, we will need help from all of you" She announced, as the crowd fell silent, confused as they glanced at each other. "From today onward, the Crystal Heart will be powered by the love and happiness of each and every citizen of the Crystal Empire; because of this, in order to renew the spirits of everypony, we will celebrate the beginning of a new annual celebration. Play the games, enjoy the food and drinks, watch the jousting and so much more, because after noon, we shall gather once more and activate the spell that will finally revitalize the Crystal Heart" Princess Amore spoke, as the crowds below happily cheered and clapped. "Let the Crystal Faire begin!" Princess Amore announced, as the guards began to play national anthem... Airy smiled as she sat down on the fence, watching as little Daisy giggled and laughed while gently petting the tiny ewe's while Glimmer and Rose Pedal exchanged some small chatter, watching as the little foal had the time of her life. Around them, more than one pony glanced at her direction, while the little ones played with Ewe's in the petting zoo. Of course, no one had approached her yet with questions, though that was probably because she heard them whisper to each other that since today was the day of celebration, they shouldn't bother the new Royal Researcher until after the Crystal Heart was activated. Such nice ponies... too bad they were so much behind in so many things. A sound of horns nearby interrupted the chat between Glimmer and Rose, who turned towards Daisy Glow "Daisy, It's time to say good bye to the ewe's now; the jousting is about to start and you wouldn't want to miss your dad's performance, now would you?" Rose asked the little pegasus, who gasped as she galloped to the gate where her mother and nanny were waiting for. It didn't take long for the four of them to walk through the crowds, before they arrived at the jousting field. Thunder Shield was already in his jousting uniform, waving proudly when he saw his wife and daughter arrive while the crowd cheered. Airy on other hand ignored the excited little filly in her nanny's hooves as she looked around, before spotting a familiar figure. "Hey, you don't mind if I go talk to couple of ponies, right?" She asked Glimmer, who turned to look at her "Oh, no worries. Go have fun, we'll see you later" she answered absentmindedly, turning back to look at her husband as they did last minute checkups on the gear. Airy merely hummed as she flew through the crowd, stopping and waving her hand to few ponies before she made way towards the old mare talking with two stallions in jousting armor. Airy arrived just as they finished talking, stopping next to Swift Clean as Airy gave a friendly wave to the two stallions, who waived in return as they walked away towards the other guards in jousting gear "Good morning, Airy: how has your time been at the Faire?" Swift Clean asked as she turned towards the little fairy, having a small smile on her lips. "It's been great! Everything feels so familiar and yet so new, i'm excited to see what similarities and differences ponies and my world's people have. Just between the two of us, staying in the castle studying was starting to grow a little... stale" Airy commented, before flying closer to Swift Clean "And now that Princess Amore has given me a proper job, I guess i'll be meeting a lot of ponies. I like helping others, so I'll be having lots of new friends soon... but if It's okay, i'd like to be your friend too, if you're not too busy on your... soon-to-retire age for a new friend" Airy lied, speaking in sweet voice as Swift smiled at her. "Well, It's not every day one makes a friend with a foal tale creature... very well, Airy. Since we'll most likely be in regular contact with each other, I guess it could be nice to be friends: old mares such as myself rarely make new friends, after all" Swift said with a smile, with Airy cheering as she sat on the fence separating the audience and the jousting area, looking at the ponies. "So, who were those two handsome stallions you were talking to earlier?" Airy asked, glancing at the old head maid as Swift chuckled at the description of her sons, before she started telling the little fairy about her sons and their various adventures, both before and after becoming royal guards with their late father... "Sombra, come here!" Radiant yelled excitedly as she dragged the stallion in question by the hoof, ignoring Sombra's protests as he was pulled through the crowd. More than a few stallion and mare gave them a knowing look, though neither of the young ponies in question noticed as they arrived at where they kept the games. "Isn't this exciting? There are so many games, I... I haven't played these since we were little fillies!" Radiant spoke excitedly as she observed the stalls containing the ring tossing, the ball games, the card games and so much more. Sombra on merely smiled and pretended it wasn't Radiant's own idea to add so many foal time games to the Faire, before chuckling as he remembered what they used to banter as little foals. "Oh, why isn't it the cheater princess herself" he spoke, shifting his tone to sound deeper as Radiant turned to look at him with wide eyes "Has the thief of prizes come to secret away even more toys from young foals?" Sombra teased, with Radiant smiling as she played along "You dare accuse me of cheating? I'm the queen of games, while you are a mere round belly guard: Come, I'll show you my talents and make you eat your words" Radiant replied with mock high voice, pretending to sound like an uppity noble. Silence between them lasted a moment before both burst into hearty laughter, remembering the old memory from their foalhood; when they had seen an old fat guard arguing with some old equestrian noble mare, who clearly hadn't understood that they weren't supposed to use magic to win the games. As their laughter came to an end, Radiant turned her attention to the nearby ring toss, smiling as she pulled Sombra along without even looking at him. Sombra's smile slipped away as he watched Radiant pick up a ring and take aim, his thoughts wandering to other matters. Here and now, they could be as happy as little fillies, but eventually they'd have to return to the castle and work. He knew that eventually, Princess Amore would be sending Radiant south towards Equestria, to study and learn under Princesses Celestia and Luna. The thought of separating from the mare he had known and... and loved since they were little fillies made his heart ache, creating a sense of uncertainty within him: he knew that the future would be bright and wonderful for Radiant, yet he was conflicted on whenever he should insist in joining her to Equestria or stay and earn his way to becoming the royal court magician, a position that had stood empty for the last three decades. He hadn't initially realized it himself, but after Airy had done some pointed questions and awoke his desires to impress Radiant, he had begun to realize that he may very well be in love with his oldest friend. The thoughts of wishing to confess to her and discarding those feelings in order to protect her as future royal count magician were shaking his world view, with additional stress from his research into dark crystals and their... intoxicating feeling. But he knew Radiant and Princess Amore would never accept such magics, which was why he was so conflicted... He needed to learn more about dark magic, yet it was so intoxicating that he risked alienating those closest to him. So he was now forced to make a decision: To continue learning dark magic, even if he'd need to distance himself from Radiant in order to protect her... or casting aside his talent for dark magic and following his feeling for Radiant. He simply did not know what to do. Maybe a chat with Airy would - "YES!" Radiant yelled, raising her hooves into the air before turning towards Sombra, who barely managed to put a fake smile on his face, thoughts of self-doubt and decisions fading as he fully focused on Radiant's bright smile "See? I finally won high score" Radiant said excitedly, before receiving a small wooden trophy that simply said "winner" below a statue of pony holding their hoof up. "Well my lady, it seems like I owe you an apology: you truly are the queen of games" Sombra once more said in mock voice, with Radiant smirking at him in return "Of course I was right. Now, be a good guard and escort me to the nearest stall that serves crystal berry juice, I'm feeling quite thirsty" she once more said in mock noble voice, before Sombra offered her his hoof "It would be my pleasure, my lady" he said, before both of them started laughing as Radiant hooked her hoof around Sombra's and started dragging him around, towards the direction of the food stalls. Sombra wasn't even sure when his smile ceased to be fake: he just continued smiling as they passed Airy without noticing, while said little fairy paused her reply to the three nobles she was talking with to glance at the two unicorns who passed her by without a notice before returning her attention to the nobles. "So, you'll consider it?" A light blue stallion with yellow mane asked Airy, who nodded her head in reply "As I said, Duke Light Mind, military wasn't something the vestals gave much thought about, as they preached peace, harmony and coexistence... but I do remember seeing a couple of automatons or as you'd call them, 'golems' in my travels. It wouldn't be too hard to design one shaped after ponies or other creatures of this world for dangerous mining or exploration duties... or even defense, as you suggested. I'll still need to fulfill my extensive list of other products first since it would free a lot of bits for government to use on other things, such as public schools... but I'll let you know when I have some time to take on your project: all you'll need to do is get a valid reason for Princess Amore to authorize such creations" Airy said, as the Duke smiled happily, as did his two companions. Duke Light Mind was a middle-aged noble, one of the ministers on Princess Amore's government, charged with mining efforts that happen on nearby mines (Which due to barrier's shrinking were now inaccessible), while Duchess Stone Gaze standing next to him was an old mare of light pink coat and greenish mane (which had started to become grey) in charge of diplomacy and trade. Airy didn't pay much attention to stallion of dark brown coat and mane on other side of Duke Light Mind, as he was merely one of their underlings, a baron who's name she hadn't bothered learning. "That will not be too hard: with lack of unicorns or pegasi in the Crystal Empire, we'll need to focus more on defense: who knows when some dragon or another set of fools like those deer cultists gets an idea in their head to attack the city. But thank you for hearing us, Airy. It's been a pleasure talking with you" Duke Light Mind said, bowing his head while his companions followed suit. "Oh, you're more than welcome to come talk with me anytime you want, so there's no need to thank me, Duke Light Mind" Airy replied, with the nobles missing the malicious glint in her eyes that passed by when they bowed their heads. "The pleasure is all mine" The most exciting event of the last thirty years began after the noon passed with the sound of Flugelhorns being played by the royal guard, while Princess Amore herself stood in front of the gathering crowds, her back towards the Crystal Heart. As the citizens gathered to the plaza, it didn't take long till their eyes were drawn to a small fairy flying over them, coming to stop next to their princess. Princess Amore smiled at Airy, before turning her attention to crowds around her "Citizens of the Crystal Empire! As I stand here today, it is my pleasure to..." Sombra stopped paying attention to Princess Amore's rehearsed speech as he turned his attention to Radiant standing next to him, watching as she hugged the stuffed princess toy with one hoof while paying full attention to the speech Princess Amore had prepared. Sombra's eyes drifted from Radiant's gleaming grayish blue mane to her glittering heliotrope coat covering her beautiful face, her light blue eyes reflecting beauty and awe as her mouth was shaped in a natural, beautiful smile. She looked just as radiant as her namesake implied, especially those beautiful, slightly parted lips that- Sombra blinked rapidly as he turned his eyes off Radiant's lips, clearing his throat as he turned his head back towards Princess Amore, feeling a slight burn in his cheeks and tight feeling in his chest as he tried his best to ignore the confused look Radiant threw his way before she too returned her attention to Princess Amore as well. Sadly for him, Sombra seemed to have missed the speech entirely, as Princess Amore's horn glowed slightly before sending a spell to the Crystal Heart, with Airy moving to hover above the crowds. "Now then... to activate the new enchantment, we have made the process as simple as possible. Listen to you heart, gather all the love and happiness within you till it shines like a beacon of light inside you... and simply bow your heads towards the Crystal Heart" Airy instructed, her voice echoing across the gathered crowds, gentle yet loud enough to be heard. Sombra noted the slight glow of Princess Amore's horn: no doubt a speech enchantment so Airy's voice could be heard by even the distant edges of the crowd. The gathered Crystal ponies glanced around in confusion, unsure of whenever to follow the simple yet strange instructions. It wasn't until a brave young filly took her first steps forward and with a happy smile bowed her head that the ponies gasped at the sight of blue light spreading beneath their feet. Then it was only a matter of fact before a second and third ponies bowed their heads that a chain reaction started, others following suit as Radiant and Sombra too bowed their heads, feeling a sense of warmth and happiness practically spread around them. Airy on other hand was more than happy to see the citizens of Crystal Empire bow their heads, even if it was for the enchantment. All across the Crystal Empire, the blue light spread through the streets to every corner of the crystalline city, before rapidly draining as the magic poured into the Crystal Heart, causing it to glow and spin rapidly, before releasing the magic within... > Chapter 13 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Frozen North. To some, it is a hellish landscape of darkness and death, where at any moment one could find themselves frozen solid or fall into a crevice and starve at the icy depths. To others, the cold air and the snowy landscape was the definition of peace and beauty, to enjoy the eternal winter's fresh air and not be bothered by allergies or insects while observing the snow covered mountains while travelling through the ice covered wonderland of pure white. The beauty of winter is in the eye of the beholder... if one can see at all beyond the tip of their nose, which sadly Princess Luna could not without her magic. "How much farther, sister? You said we should have arrived by now, yet all we see is these Tartarus damned magical clouds" Princess Luna complained as her horn glowed, shielding her eyes from the snowstorm around them as she fly across the dark snowy landscape with her sister, while the rest of the pegasi squadrons and their carriages followed behind. For the last bit of their journey, the two sisters decided to take the front, shielding their subjects from wild magical winds of the frozen north, while at the same time also intending to portray an image of benevolent leadership to both the pegasi guards and the citizens of the Crystal Empire. After all, the moral of the crystal ponies was probably at it's lowest, so showing princesses leading the relieve efforts would affect moral differently, rather than stepping from a warm and rather cozy carriage upon their arrival. Too bad such a gesture would soon be useless. "We are almost there, sister.... look, we can see the dome" Princess Celestia said, pointing her hoof at the distant speck of blue light, barely visible through the darkness created by the snow clouds above them "We're almost -" Celestia's sentence was cut off as a bright multi-colored beam of light emerged from the distant dome, reaching into the sky before exploding with a fierce force that scattered the dark clouds above them. Celestia cried out a warning as the winds blew clouds and snow past them with force, throwing the two sisters and their escorts around for a while before they steadied their flight once more. A soft sensation of the now transparent barrier passing through them went unnoticed by the Equestrians as they looked around in shock and awe. As far as their eyes could see, the entire valley in which the Crystal Empire stood was transformed; no longer covered in the ice and snow beneath dark clouds, instead it was now filled with green fields and some trees here and there, with warm sunlight beaming from the clear skies above as a multi-colored aurora spread above the Crystal Empire, reaching far into the horizon. Of course, it wouldn't be until they returned home that the two sisters received reports of said auroras having been visible across all of Equestria. For now however, they basked under the gentle feeling of happiness and love they felt while mesmerized by the the sight before them. Princess Celestia and Princess Luna idly flapped their wings as they gazed at the beauty around them, before Celestia turned around to look at the disheveled troops behind them. "Is everypony alright?" Celestia called out, watching as the guards corrected themselves, checking each other and the carriages before confirming that despite the turbulence, nothing was lost and none were injured. "Then let us go, sister. It is time we learn what just happened" Princess Luna said to Celestia, who nodded in agreement as they flapped their wings once more to move forward, leading their troops towards the distant crystal palace. One of the first signs Airy got that her future plans were about to get far more complicated was the sound of gasps and whispers from the ponies around her, before she followed their gaze and pointed hooves to the skies. In the distance, a long group of something where flying towards the Crystal Empire, before landing down on the edge of the city. They were too far for her sight to see properly, but the way ponies around her started whispering and staring towards their unexpected visitors while the castle staff and few nobles started organizing was a hint of what was to come. "Trouble?" Airy asked obviously nervous Princess Amore, faking a voice of concern while the princess corrected her relaxed pose while putting on a nervous smile. It was already clear to Airy that this wasn't a hostile action, as the guards weren't readying their weapons, merely taking positions on on both sides of the Princess and standing in attention. Princess Amore shook her head, before answering "It would appear that Princess Celestia and Princess Luna of Equestria have arrived. Remember a proper etiquette, Airy, a royal visit is one of the most important events in national diplomacy" Princess Amore said as Radiant Hope and Sombra took places on left side of her, while Thunder Shield and Swift Clean took their places on the right side, standing slightly behind their princess. After a moment of consideration, Airy flew to hover next to Sombra, who nodded to her and quickly whispered a reply to her question of which of the Equestrian princesses were which, before straightening her pose as the royals in question came to view. Slowly, the crowds parted as the pegasi in golden armor and thestrals in lavender armor led the way, escorting a white and dark blue pair of Alicorns, who by height alone stood above others. Of course, by quick comparison Airy estimated Princess Celestia to be same height as Princess Amore, while Princess Luna one was more... between normal ponies and whatever Princess Celestia and Princess Amore were classified as. Finally, the guards stopped and saluted as they stepped aside, allowing the princesses to pass them as they too stopped in front of Princess Amore. Together, the royal sisters bowed their heads in greeting, which was copied by Princess Amore, before they all straightened back up. Princess Amore gave a genuine smile as she spoke "Greetings and welcome to the Crystal Empire, Princess Celestia and Princess Luna. Your arrival is most fortuitous, as we are celebrating the restoration of the Crystal Heart and the birth of a new national holiday" Princess Amore spoke, her voice sounding cheerful and calm, with none of the nervous energy she had displayed mere moments ago. Princess Celestia smiled as she spoke "Greetings, Princess Amore. It is a great pleasure to visit the Crystal Empire once more, though I am surprised; we left for our journey with intention of providing supplies and help to the Crystal Empire, yet upon our arrival we witnessed the miraculous restoration of the barrier that sustains the empire. So, how did you find the solution to the problem?" Princess Celestia asked curiously, while Princess Amore's smile spread even more as she replied. "That is a long tale, one I intend to tell both of you but first, let me introduce you to the newest citizen of the Crystal Empire who provided us with the answer on our darkest hour" Princess Amore spoke before turning her head, looking at Airy who took the hint and flew forward, stopping next to the princess as both Princess Celestia's and Princess Luna's eyes widened in surprise. Bowing her head, Airy curtsied mid-air as she introduced herself "Greetings, your highness's Princess Celestia and Princess Luna of Equestria. I am Airy, the Cryst-Fairy and newly appointed Royal Researcher of the Crystal Empire" she spoke as softly and and kindly as she could fake sincerity, yet loud enough to be heard. Lifting her head, Airy observed the reactions of the two royal sisters. Princess Celestia's reaction was roughly what Airy expected to be: a slightly surprised expression with curious eyes that observed her appearance, with a polite and relaxed smile on her face... Princess Luna's reaction however was not what she expected at all. The look of total shock on her face, the eyes staring into her as she stood stiff as a board, with eyes hinting slight fear and recognition upon the sight of Airy. Airy kept her fake smile as she straightened herself, though in her mind she was already analyzing Luna's reaction. Did she know who and what she was? No, that couldn't be it; she had never left the Crystal Empire nor had they met before. Had Princess Luna encountered another fairy or fairy-like being like herself or perhaps even a human? As far as she knew, there shouldn't be any in this world; neither Grogar nor Princess Amore had shown any sign of even recognizing her as miniature human, her form only half-familiar as bipedal creature, with minotaurs being the closest at most. Airy decided that she'd carefully ask Princess Luna about it later, if given a change for a private talk. "It is a pleasure to meet you, miss Airy. On behalf of myself and all of Equestria, I thank you for providing aid to the Crystal Empire while I and Princess Luna were still dealing with the consequences of Tirek's attack on Equestria. I am glad to hear that the problems plaguing the Crystal Heart were solved during our delayed trip to the Crystal Empire, so that the Crystal ponies would not have to suffer even more than they already have. You have mine and Princess Luna's gratitude" Princess Celestia spoke before bowing her slightly as a sign of respect, before straightening herself as she turned her head slightly to look at Princess Luna before her appearance shifted to passive frown. It didn't escape anyone's attention that Princess Luna was still stiffly staring straight at Airy, with Princess Amore raising a curious and amused eyebrow at the smaller lunar princess. Princess Luna was snapped out of her thoughts when Princess Celestia cleared her throat, blushing slightly as she realized she had been staring at Airy the whole time "Y-yes, we are happy to meet you, m-miss Airy and grateful f-for the assistance you provided to Princess Amore" Princess Luna spoke quickly, stuttering slightly out of embarrassment while she quickly bowed her head, before raising it far faster than Princess Celestia had. Princess Celestia resumed her polite smile as she turned her attention back to Princess Amore "Now then, how about we let the guards organize the store and distribution of the relieve aid we arrived with while we talk about the recent events of the Crystal Empire?" she suggested, with Princess Amore nodding her head in agreement "I agree. In the meanwhile, my staff can arrange the usual diplomatic rooms for you and make preparations for a feast; today is shaping to be the happiest day of the Crystal Empire since it's founding" Princess Amore spoke as she nodded towards Thunder Shield and Swift Clean. The two ponies took the hint, approaching the Equestrian escorts while Princess Amore turned around, leading the way back to the castle doors while Princess Celestia and Luna followed, with Airy softly landing on Sombra's mane while when he and Radiant took their place behind the three royals. The rest of the day was... eventful, to say the least. Princess Amore led the six of them (Airy, Amore, Radiant, Sombra and the two Alicorn royal sisters) to a meeting room while Thunder Shield organized the unloading of the supplies equestrians had brought while Swift Clean started making hasty preparations for the rooms the two Alicorn sisters and their troops would spend their admittedly unannounced and shorter-than-planned visit. As the six of them took their seats (well, five of them while Airy stood on the table next to Princess Amore), the servants were quick to deliver refreshments before leaving them alone for a private meeting. It was then that Airy once again spun her web of lies, starting to repeat her false story once more, only to be interrupted almost immediately by Princess Luna when she was starting to describe the Wind Crystal. "You speak of the giant levitating crystal in a temple made of stone, do you not?" Princess Luna asked, startling Airy has others turned their curious attention to the younger royal sister "H-how could you possibly k-know that?" Airy asking, stuttering from shock as she felt a cold dread sneak up her spine, looking at Princess Luna with slight fear; no-one should know about her false origins unless she told them, not yet at least. However, she didn't have to panic for long as Princess Luna blushed, before bowing her head in embarrassment as she answered in soft tone "We... may have witnessed a glimpse of your dreams over a month ago, when we had planned to visit Princess Amore's dreams to inform of our delayed arrival... which we forgot to inform Princess Amore about due to being distracted by what we witnessed in your dreams" Princess Luna spoke, nervously fiddling with her hooves. Airy nervously bit her lower lip, wondering the implications before asking "What... what did you see in my dreams, your highness?" She asked, as Princess Luna raised her head to look at the tiny fairy "While it has been a month since we saw it, we still remember the details. A great shadow darkening a giant green floating crystal, a village destroyed as a pillar of light emerged from the ground and... a red void, where a monster taunted me before we fled the dream, as it was resisting my presence there" Princess Luna explained, pursing her lips as she looked down at her hooves. Airy relaxed, as it didn't seem that Luna saw anything important; merely a few moments from the VR recreation of the games... or maybe the movie? she wasn't sure and truthfully, it didn't matter to her in the end "I see... so you saw the wind crystal, the destruction of Norende and Ouroboros" Airy spoke, before flying across the table and landing in front of clearly nervous Princess Luna. Airy put on her usual fake smile as she once again faked a cheerful tone "Not to worry, your highness; the things that frightened you in my dreams are long gone, so there is nothing to fear about few dreams" Airy spoke, pausing as Princess Luna seemed to relax "Thank you, miss Airy. We did not truly intent to intrude upon your dreams, we were merely curious as we had not encountered the dreams of your kind before" Luna spoke, putting a small smile (which to Airy was clearly a fake) and straightening her pose. "I'm glad that I could help, your Highness. However, if I may be so bold, I would like to request that for the foreseeable future that... you don't visit my dreams. Not yet at least" Airy added, as Princess Luna's eyes widened at the request "It has nothing to do with you, your Highness; for all I know of you and from what I have seen in your reactions, you are genuinely caring pony, helping your citizens chase away what many would consider petty things as few nightmares. However, I feel... uncomfortable at the idea that someone could just walk into my head and change it as they saw fit" Airy faked concern as Princess Luna's eyes widened at the implication. "We would never inflict such harm. To chase away the nightmares is one thing but to twist the very thoughts of ponies... even with good intentions, such a thing is... it could inflict great harm to ponies in question. We would never commit such atrocities, not even to our worst enemies" Princess Luna spoke hastily, horrified at even a mere suggestion. Airy smiled as she looked at vulnerable Princess Luna; Where Princess Celestia was looking at them with confidence and passive face (clearly analyzing the situation calmly), it was Princess Luna who reacted with raw emotion. Airy wasn't an expert in psychology, yet she could see the signs of someone who was lonely and very conscious about what others thought of her. So vulnerable... so easy to manipulate if given a change. "Of course not, your highness. From what I have heard, the land of Equestria and the ponykind itself is far more peaceful than others I have witnessed in my life. Maybe the knowledge that you protect your subjects from nightmares has eased their minds to be more gentle and honest, rather than focus on their inner darkness. Such kindness is a rare thing where I come from, especially among the rulers of nations" Airy spoke in soft and 'caring' tone, watching as Princess Luna visibly relaxed. "However, such a foreign thought still makes me feel a little uncomfortable. However, maybe someday I could show you the beauty of my homeland in my dreams; after all, it's entirely different if a stranger you've never met intrudes into your dreams... than a dear friend who comes for a warm visit" Airy spoke, letting the implication unspoken as she merely smiles warmly as Princess Luna's eyes widened after a moment of thinking, before giving her a real smile. "Yes, it is quite different. We think this is an excellent opportunity to learn from each other... If you are open to idea of exchanging letters, that is" Princess Luna spoke nervously, before smiling as Airy spun in the air, letting an 'excited' squeal before facing Princess Luna once more "What a great Idea. I've never been pen pals with a royalty before... or anyone for that matter" Airy spoke 'excitedly', before Princess Celestia cleared her throat to get their attention. "I am glad to hear that the two of you have come to an agreement. However, I believe there was a story you were telling us?" Princess Celestia reminded them kindly, with Airy deciding it was best to act embarrassed "Oh, my apologies your highness. Princess Luna and I can talk more about this later" Airy spoke, before returning to her 'seat' as she turned to face the others once more, before resuming her story. Airy felt giddy inside as she resumed her lies and answered their questions with even more lies, using her memory to make sure she wasn't contradicting herself. Over the course of her false background, the Princesses reacted pretty much the same as others who had heard it; Amazement, fear, existential confusion (because the very thought of 'parallel worlds' was so foreign to them) and relieve to hear that Ouroboros was gone (Which made Airy giddy inside, since he wasn't even real). At the end of her tale, it was her time to ask them questions; it was fascinating to learn of Starswirl, the early years of princesses as they grew and became proper monarchs and their struggle against Discord and Tirek, who were petrified and imprisoned respectively. Sadly, the Princesses were evasive when it came to these... Elements of Harmony, keeping their full abilities and even origins a secret. Oh well, she was sure she'd find an opportunity to find more about them in years to come; slow and steady wins the race. Airy smiled as she sat on the balcony railing, watching as the sun sank beneath the horizon while the moon rose to replace it. A month and it was still weird to see them rise and fall from same direction, yet she wasn't going to voice her concerns about potential implications; if the other side of the world was a dead wasteland because ponies couldn't raise the sun and the moon right, it wasn't her concern. Then again, would it even matter? she knew that they were what she'd call "giant illusions" but still... no matter, it wasn't her problem to worry about ...not yet at least. She might need to study and make a replacement at some point; Something mechanical that could (with little maintenance) run forever. If the ponies did it with their magic, she was sure she could replicate it with runes and machinery. but such dreams were decades, maybe centuries away at least. Oh well, it was always smart to start small and build from there; a castle can't stand on foundations made of sand after all. Airy spun around where she sat, lifting her legs over the railing as she turned herself to face the three princesses just as Princess Luna finished raising the moon upon the night sky, a trace of blue magic fading from her horn as she turned Princess Celestia just as the latter started speaking "Now that the night has arrived, I believe it's time for us to retire for the night" she spoke, turning towards Princess Amore "With unexpected yet pleasant arrival of miss Airy, I can honestly say that I find it a relieve that instead of dreaded night long research and experimentation, it will be nice to finally sleep a decent night's rest in a proper bed" Celestia finished as Princess Amore smiled at her. "Oh, I remember the time when I myself was young, spending days and nights reading dusty old books hidden away in some old noble's private library, desperate to research what I needed for finding the remains of the ancient Crystal Empire so I wouldn't have to hear those old mares and stallions complain" Princess Amore replied, her tone carrying a sense of fondness and sadness at the memories of ponies long dead "But enough of old memories; Tomorrow, we can celebrate some more for our newfound free time as the Crystal Ponies begin to return to their former lives, working the fields and resuming the iron mines, among other things" she finished as Princess Celestia nodded in agreement. "I agree; maybe we could start discussing the plans you had for your students. Come along, Luna, it's time for us to retire for the night" Princess Celestia spoke, not even glancing at her own sister as she and Princess Amore started walking towards the balcony doors. Airy saw how Princess Luna's ears twitched towards her head, like listening to a mother who had just scolded her. Airy took but a mere moment of thinking before deciding that now was perfect opportunity to do some... probing and subtle manipulation. "Princess Celestia, If I may have a moment" Airy spoke, watching as Princess Celestia stopped and turned towards her with a curious look "I would like to request a brief, private moment of Princess Luna's time; I'm aware that now that the two of you have no need to spend day and night working on a solution to Crystal Empire's problems, it's more likely that Princess Luna would like to resume her regular duties of governing the dream realm. As such, i'd like to take this opportunity to discuss with her the intricate magical theories and spells that no doubt go into her duties as she arranges the night sky each night and travels the dream realm, helping poor ponies who suffer from nightmares... Of course, since you no doubt know of these already, my request would not hinder your desires to sleep in any way" Airy spoke in soft and 'caring'' tone, watching as Princess Luna pondered her request a moment before answering. "Of course, tonight is an excellent opportunity for it and we believe our sister would be glad to encourage cooperation between kingdoms; It is not every day that somepony from a different world arrives. The exchange of otherworldly cultural and historical knowledge alone would -" Princess Luna stopped speaking as Princess Celestia cleared her throat "Very well, miss Airy; my sister rarely get's so excited about anything other than stars and dreams of others" She spoke, turning her attention to Princess Luna "Have a good night, sister. I hope you won't stay awake all night; we wouldn't want you to sleep through tomorrow's plans" she spoke, before turning around and walking towards the doors. "Pleasant dreams, sister" "Have a good night, Your Highnesses" Princess Luna and Airy spoke as they watched Princess Celestia and Princess Amore walk away, balcony doors closing behind them. That left Airy alone with Princess Luna on the balcony railing, while the two guards (one for Princess Luna, the other a night replacement for Glint who had chosen to return to his normal day duties) stood at attention at balcony doors, straightening their pose as Princess Luna idly stared at the doors, her thoughts wandering to other things. "I see how she treats you, your highness" Airy spoke, snapping Princess Luna out of her thoughts as she turned towards the small fairy sitting on the balcony railing, her legs swinging freely over the edge as she leaned back on her hands while gazing at the dark horizon "What?" Princess Luna asked, confused as Airy turned her head and upper torso to look at princess Luna. "I've seen it before; the overprotective elder sisters, treating their siblings like they're mere children... foals... even when they're fully grown adults" Airy spoke, giving Princess Luna a 'sad' smile "It is especially worse among rulers and soldiers, where the elder one makes all the decisions while bearing all the responsibility. Yes, the younger ones have 'some' power, yet it is the elder one everyone listens to and praise, no matter how much the younger ones try to show their worth" Airy turned her gaze towards the horizon, pondering how to phrase her words carefully "I'm guessing it is the same with you, your highness; As Princess Celestia rules the day, the ponies work and toil under the light of 'her' sun, coming to her for advice in all things, from peasants to soldiers to even nobles and royalty of other nations. Meanwhile, you're left with nothing but idle work and act of kindness that you call 'governing the dream realm', an effort most ponies will no doubt merely contribute as a task assigned to you by your sister's orders" Airy spoke, listening the sounds of the night as her gaze turned downwards towards the city, where the ponies were closing shops and returning to their homes for the night. In truth, Airy had no idea what Princess Luna felt; she was merely making educated guesses based upon behavior of characters in books, shows and games she had seen and enjoyed. In quite many of them, it was always the younger sibling who was cast into the shadow of their better loved elder sibling. Sometimes the younger child was a child of pure heart who would right the wrongs of wicked elder sibling, yet most of the time it was the younger one who schemed to overthrow their elders for power and glory. Airy hoped she could start setting Princess Luna on the latter path... it would make her future plans so much easier if Equestria was split into a civil war between two royals whom the locals considered equal to divines, which Airy was pretty certain they were nowhere near; they couldn't even face against a god of chaos without a literal artifacts of order. Princess Luna finally broke her silence as she walked to stand next to Airy "And what do you prefer, miss Airy?" she asked gently, her tone carrying a sense of hesitation as she turned her gaze to the last of the citizens and castle servants returning home for the night while the night guards patrolled the streets in considerably lighter equipment than months before. "I prefer the night; it's such a beautiful thing, to see the stars and the moon while enjoying the blissful silence of it all... however, sadly no one can appreciate it's beauty; they sleep through it, fearful of the dark because of their ignorance" Airy said as she sat on the balcony railing and gazed upon the stars, before she turned to Luna "You should tell Celestia how you feel; that you're just as capable as she is" Airy said, as she looked Luna with pity. Princess Luna turned her head away, just as Airy expected her to react; if she had any self--respect or courage, she would have faced Princess Celestia already "We... no, we cannot do that. It would only put more pressure upon our sister if we spoke of it publicly, while privately it would merely make her look at us like we're a foal having a tantrum" Princess Luna spoke, her mind speculating and coming to wrong conclusions as she felt a lump in her throat at the very though of confronting her elder sister. Airy smiled as she watched Princess Luna's reaction to her simple suggestion. It seemed like the younger princess lacked the sweet taste for power and bitterness at being powerless that she could use to push her over the edge... no matter, she could easily start building that 'tastes' with simple yet effective suggestions. "Oh, I apologize. I presumed you were comfortable at asking your sister for more responsibility; I'm sure the duties you already share, such as leading the ponies or performing solar eclipses, are more than enough to show your sister that you are just as capable to she is. That way, she could reliably share more responsibility together" Airy spoke in soft tone, watching as Princess Luna turned her confused expression towards her "And what exactly is this... solar eclipse you speak of, miss Airy?" Princess Luna asked, her tone full of curiosity while her mind seemingly focused on something new rather than her own problems. And with that, Airy sensed another perfect opportunity to sow antagonism between two sisters, like a shark smelling fresh blood in the water. "Oh, you don't know what an eclipse is?" Airy asked, before pausing for a moment to think before starting her explanation "Eclipse is when the moon rises between the sun and the world, blocking the light of the sun. It's such a beautiful event, though it last only a little while... and since the two of you control the movements of the sun and the moon, it will never happen here... at least naturally" Airy explained, as she turned back to gazing the night sky. "How fascinating... We had never thought to overlap the sun and the moon before. It would indeed work as a new sign of shared responsibility, symbolizing our equal rule while leaving the gates open for future shared events" Princess Luna spoke, her tone carrying her obvious excitement "Thank you, miss Airy, we shall ponder this lovely idea before we bring it up with our sister." Airy felt almost giddy inside as Princess Luna turned her gaze to the moon, humming slightly as she considered the idea. To Airy, it was obvious that Princess Celestia would not want her sun hidden beneath the moon, where land would be cast to darkness while ponies would be forced to watch the moon during the day. No doubt one of many future seeds to drive antagonism between sisters. "No problem, your highness" Airy spoke, fluttering her wings as she flew up from where she sat to face Princess Luna at eye level "I'm always willing to listen and offer advice should you ever need it... and please, there's no need for calling me miss; all my friends call me Airy... and if it's okay with you, I'd like to consider you a friend too, Princess Luna" Airy spoke in 'sweet' and 'caring' tone, watching as Princess Luna turned her gaze towards her. And just as Princess Luna smiled at her, Airy knew that she succeeded at her gambit "Yes, we would like it very much... Airy" Princess Luna spoke in soft and lonely tone, not even noticing it herself as she gazed at her new 'friend' with smile on her face and glitter in her eyes. Like hook, line and sinker. The following few days went past quite pleasantly in Airy's opinion; During the day, she got to perceive a silent wedge grow between Princess Celestia and Princess Luna as the former spend more and more time in company of Princess Amore, negotiating new trade agreements while Princess Luna was given more and more time to wander the castle and the city as the days went by. Just because the Crystal Heart was restored did not mean the Crystal Empire had not suffered months of inability to mine or harvest food on large scale. With summer starting to come to an end, even if it was summer year round within the dome that didn't mean they would be able to buy that much excess food that wouldn't be needed for the coming winter. To Airy, it was clear that Princess Luna's suggestion had not been well received, just as she had planned. Airy capitalized on her chance by spending more time with Princess Luna, speaking idle things and comparing the land of Equestria to 'Luxendarc' as Airy painted a fictional image within Princess Luna's mind with false wonders of the world. In truth, Equestria sounded pretty similar to actual earth, so it was easy for Airy to create fictional wonders that would dazzle the inexperienced night princess with. By the last days of Princess Celestia's and Princess Luna's visit, the talks between the small Cryst-fairy and the lonely lunar Alicorn lasted from breakfast to long evening hours, with Princess Luna's nightly duties becoming less important than her new best friend. Sadly, all things have to come to an end. As Princess Celestia and Luna stood before their royal carriage, Princess Amore exchanged idle farewells with the two Alicorn Princesses "While the original reason for your arrival was rendered pointless, It has been a pleasure to host your visit this last week. Even if this ended up being a far pleasant experience than expected, I hope that the next time we meet is under far less stressful reasons" Princess Amore spoke, with Princess Celestia nodding in agreement. "Yes, hopefully the next time we see each other is a matter of joy, rather than presumed kingdom ending threat. We get those at least twice a year back in Equestria" Princess Celestia joked a little, sharing a laugh with amused Princess Amore. Princess Luna on other hand merely held a polite smile, before turning her attention to where Princess Amore's closest were standing "Airy, a moment before we leave" Princess Luna spoke, receiving a curious look from amused Celestia as the tiny fairy flew forth, stopping next to Princess Amore "Yes, your highness?" Airy asked, watching as Princess Luna levitated a small lantern with green flame inside from the royal carriage. "We have enchanted this lantern with magical flame. The flame does not harm living beings, it merely transfers the objects it burns to linked magical source, which would be our own horn" Princess Luna explained, levitating the small lantern forward till it hovered next to Airy "The objects it receives are materialized on nearby solid surface when the lid is opened, while temporarily holding them within itself for a day before returning it to sender should the lid remain closed. With this, we can keep in touch despite the vast distance between Equestria and Crystal Empire" Princess Luna finished just as Airy completed her own observations. "Thank you, your highness. I'll make sure that the lid is always open, so that we may talk whenever you desire" Airy said as she curtsied mid-air, before gesturing to Shard Tackle. She quickly understood the message, walking over and taking the offered lantern, bowing to the Princesses before backing away to where she had originally been standing. "However, I have a question of my own; If such a thing is possible, why is it not more widespread? It would certainly change the communication between kingdoms" Airy inquired, only to receive a shake of the head as Princess Luna replied "It is a spell that requires quite a lot of magical power to send messages, one which our nature as Alicorn negates due to our great magical nature. As for the lantern, it feeds upon the passive magic of the Crystal Empire, which is more than enough to sustain it. As long as the flame stays lit, the link between is always open; the moment it's extinguished means it would need to be reestablished by the caster, which is why they are not in wide use... There simply are not enough powerful beings nor magical places to justify more than a hoof full at most in the entire world" she answered, causing Airy's eyes to widen as she bowed in 'respect'. "I shall make sure to always treasure it and keep it safe, your highness" Airy spoke, using a tone of 'caring' and 'respect', at which Princess Celestia smiled at "Yes, a truly kind gesture of respect and trust. Hopefully one day, your future research might reveal a better way to keep in touch. Now, it is time for us to leave, we shall be in touch later for any future plans" she said, before turning to Princess Amore as she bowed her head, with Princess Luna repeating the gesture as Princess Amore bowed her head in return. And thus, the royal visit came to an end as Princess Celestia and Princess Luna turned and walked away, entering their royal carriage and closing the door as the Equestrian Envoy began to move, pulling the royal carriage and the empty supply carriages with them as they took flight to the skies while the crystal ponies cheered and waved their goodbyes. Meanwhile, Airy smiled as she waved her hand at the faraway carriage in the sky, her mind racing with fresh opportunities she'd have in the future and wicked plans to further her goals. It appeared that even those compared to 'divines' by the common ponies were not above being fooled by pretty words and kind manners... She'd certainly have fun figuring out how to replicate the lantern's magic to transport entire armies around the world; it sounded like a mere long distance teleportation though matter-to-energy and energy-to-matter conversions. Airy loved this naive, stupid world... > Chapter 14 [Lewd] > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Airy hummed to herself as she slowly circled in the air, inspecting the windowless one-story building that sat alone on the edge of the city. The plots around it were empty, a sign of planned expansion that had been halted by the barrier's sudden decline. Satisfied with her inspection, she flew back down to where Princess Amore was standing with Swift Clean and Shard Tackle. "It looks good, at least from the outside. What was it originally used for?" Airy asked as she followed Princess Amore's gaze to nearby empty plots of land "Originally, these lands belonged to an unicorn with plans to develop an expansion of the city. However, once the Barrier started shrinking he sold these lands and the unused building before moving to Equestria. I do not hold grudge to any of my citizens that have left, merely sadness at the missed opportunities" she spoke with sad tone, before turning her attention back to the building as she began to walk towards the only door. Airy merely hummed in agreement as she and others followed, watching as the princess levitated a key to the door and unlocked it, before stepping aside as Airy flew into the building, observing the empty dark room before her. In middle of the back wall, a darkened hallway continued to other rooms, so Airy presumed this to be some kind of lobby. Glancing at the others as they walked in, Princess Amore's horn lit with light, illuminating the empty building as Swift Clean began making few notes on the papers she brought along (no doubt about the lack of lights, air circulation, any kind of furniture and the heavy dust that settled on the floor), coughing up due to the gathered dust and stale air. Princess Amore merely smiled as her horn lit brighter for a moment, before dimming down once more as the dust disappeared. None of them said a word as they continued deeper into the building, glancing at three empty rooms on both sides of the hallway through the bare doorways. To Airy, they seemed like perfect one-person workplaces or private offices, before they arrived at the end of the hallway which opened up to a large empty room. "So, what was this placed planned to be, your highness?" Airy finally asked as she turned to face Princess Amore, who's eyes observed the reflections of crystalline walls "While I do not know exactly what it was meant to be, I presume it was meant to serve as either a store, a warehouse or a private workshop, possibly all three at the same time. I believe this would suit your present and future needs quite nicely, wouldn't you agree?" Princess Amore asked as she turned her gaze to the softly glowing fairy, her illumination more noticeable at the darkened building. "Oh, it's more than suitable. With this much free space, I should be able to start multiple projects at once... at least, once we've installed some doors and lights, as well as make modifications to let the air circulate; a small hole on the wall near the ceiling should be sufficient enough to let air circulate and give me a way to come and go without bothering with the door every time" Airy noted, before glancing around the empty room around her "Maybe some shelves and tables made of iron as well; wood might not be able to hold the items that are too heavy" Airy commented as Swift Clean wrote down things to acquire. "So, have you decided on your first project as the royal researcher?" Princess Amore asked, amused as Airy hummed for a moment "Well, even if the Crystal Heart has been restored, i'd still prefer to start with my plans to create an oven/stove combination that doesn't require wood; it is a rare commodity in the Crystal Empire. Considering both will produce heat, I might as well create a heater as well; you never know if ponies need to go beyond the barrier and form temporary or permanent settlements, either for living or for mining purposes. Either way, both serve as tools of expansion beyond the barrier and as a stop-gag measure to keep the citizens healthy, should the barrier for whatever reason fail" Airy explained, with Princess Amore nodding her head in agreement "I agree, the crisis that we faced showed that we were unprepared in many areas; your ovens and heaters sound like a perfect means of countering some of those issues at least. Swift Clean will take care of the materials and tools you'll need, within reason of course" Princess Amore added. Airy nodded, before turning towards Swift Clean "I'll have the list and designs of parts i'll need to start the experimentation by tomorrow morning ready for you, but for now a dozen three-hoof-long square blocks of stone should do. They need to have one side with a square hole and most of the block's interior hollowed out, with the hole being the same size. I'll also need some tiny tools so I can work on the blocks myself" Airy specified as Swift Clean wrote down the details, before showing the fairy a rough drawing of what it would look like. Airy nodded in agreement "Yeah, those will work... Also, if you don't mind; could you bring some plants to my quarters at the castle? It feels kind of lifeless to me, no offense" Airy spoke, with the old mare smiling back at her "No worries, miss Airy. I wasn't sure if you'd like any decorations, which is why your quarters are still so minimalist. I'll have the maids bring some flowers and house plants, they'll take care of watering them so you wont need to worry about it" Swift Clean spoke as she finished writing down the details. Truthfully, Airy didn't care that her room was bare bones; however, since she had plans for that nightshade plant she had seen in the royal gardens, it would be useful to hide it among her own plants as a lone plant appearing in her room would be far more noticeable than switching two plants. She wasn't sure if she'd need to make poison or hallucinate yet, but it would be an excellent practice for her flesh crafting magic that she learned from Grogar. After all, there was no reason it shouldn't work on plants... It should require minor adjustments, since both were cellular beings, just different types. Her advanced education and scientific advancements of her original world should be more than enough to compensate for any issues she'd have. Princess Amore looked at the two of them before speaking "I'm sure Swift Clean can take care of all the details this workshop will require. Now, was there something else you wish to inspect?" she spoke as she glanced around, once again inspecting the empty room where the walls reflected the light of her horn, while Shard Tackle kept nervously glancing at the dark corners of the room, flinching as Princess Amore turned her head and thus shifted the shadows due to illumination of her horn. A fact that Airy was quick to notice. "Oh, is the brave Shard Tackle afraid of the dark, fearful that an Umbra will appear and snatch you away?" Airy teased, watching as Shard straightened her pose and gave Airy a playful glare "They're called Umbrum, not Umbra. Besides, there's nothing to fear, they were vanquished ages ago by the ancient Crystal ponies; everyone knows the tales... I just find the dark, empty rooms creepy" Shard replied as she once again glanced around, only for Princess Amore to chuckle in amusement. "Every pony fears the dark places, even when there's nothing there... and technically both of you are correct; The Umbra is used upon a singular individual, while the word Umbrum is used when describing both the nation and the race of shadow ponies. Now, was there anything else, miss Airy?" she asked, with Airy glancing around as she considered her future plans. "Just one, your highness" Airy spoke as she flew to hover in front of Princess Amore, who narrowed her eyes as her sight adjusted to slightly glowing fairy in the semi-dark room "How about we go get a nice lunch? There's not much we can do here and i'm sure it would be more enjoyable to talk at the castle after a pleasant meal, rather than just standing around in a dark room all day" Airy spoke in teasing tone, with the other three chuckling at her words. "I would not have been able to say it better myself. Come, let us return to the castle" Princess Amore spoke as she turned around and began walking towards the doorway, leading the others who quietly followed their princess. Airy stopped at the doorway and glanced back at the empty room for a moment, before turning and following the others on their way out. Airy sat on the front desk of the lobby, watching as the workers walked in and out of the building, listening as they installed the new lamps and doors while others carried the new furniture, tools and supplies she has requested. Two days had gone past rather quickly, with ponies finishing their admittedly short work (A mixture of already prepared things and ponies eager to get back to working). Even her new tools were prepared to her specifications, as tiny as they were compared to normal pony tools. She still wasn't sure why ponies used things that were clearly designed for bipedal creatures; it was like someone had taken a human fantasy world and merely replaced it's inhabitants with ponies. Yes, she knew there were other creatures as well, but there were no humans; merely mythological creatures and beast men races (not that she'd say that term aloud, since they'd get offended at being called beasts and wouldn't know what a human meant)... well, it was time to discard that useless line of thought, she had better things to plan. Like how she was going to make her secret workshop. Now, she had several options options on how to do just that. First one was most obvious, to make a secret basement (which this building didn't have for some reason), a second would be to build a false wall to separate her public and secret workshops (wouldn't really work, since ponies already knew the size of her workshop), third would be to create another location under another name (which was doable, she'd just need to charm few ponies and do some creative editing on city records), fourth would be to create an entirely different location outside the city (mountains of the north perhaps? she'd need to create a way to travel unnoticed) and fifth would be to create a magical workshop, one which occupied the same space. "Miss Airy?" one of the workers spoke, bringing her attention back to her surroundings "Yes, what is it?" she asked, inspecting the pony who was standing next to an open box of iron bars (well, they were shaped like hexagons but whatever), looking at her with curious expression "Where would you like for us to deliver these to?" he asked, indicating at the open box "Are they small or large ones?" she asked, suspecting that they were the large ones from the angle she was sitting on. "Large ones, ma'am. The smaller ones will come in shortly" the worker replied, straightening his pose under her gaze. Airy glanced at the box of hexagon bars before drifting her attention to ponies moving the furniture around "Just put them on the side for the moment, I'll have them moved later when the others finish up setting the workshops" she replied, watching as the pony saluted her before moving the box to the side, next to the square blocks on the left side of the room (if you approach from the front door at least. If you're leaving the building, it would be the right side). The blocks had already arrived, being simple things that required minimal mining and construction. As per her specifications, the ponies had stacked them in two rows of three against the back walls on both sides of the lobby, with the holes facing the lobby. Once she was done with her initial experiments, the ponies would have easier time moving her new ovens to whatever lovely nobles would be the first to buy them at high price. Yes, she fully intended to make the lower rows into ovens-only, while the upper rows would become ranges... or as more commonly called stove ovens, since range was a word that could be easily misunderstood as something else. Language was such a complex thing and confusing thing, when a single word could mean so many different things, like fan for example; it could be the action, a description of person or a device. Oh well... now where was she? Oh yes, the secret workshop. She decided she'd make four; she could easily build a basement beneath this one in secret and make either an teleport or a hidden elevator. A second hidden workshop would be to find buy another place (preferably a residence building) and make it a disguised workshop. Third workshop would be obvious; She'd just locate a suitable mountain up north and build a secret workshop within, while creating either a gate or a teleportation pad between locations. No need to risk discovery, if there's no external entrance. As for the fourth... she considered a homeless people shelter but thanks to those deer cultists, Princess Amore had already made arrangements for housing and work for city's remaining homeless people within the barrier... Yet the barrier gave her quite an idea; she had seen the fields continue far into the mountains when she had first passed through, so why couldn't she replicate it as well? The distant deserts, the vast mountain ranges, the amazing Caribbean beaches... and those were only the real environments the ponies probably had never seen before. How many fantasy creations could she create? Quite many, which was why she was planning to create a four story tall tourist attraction. The lobby would always be in the middle of one of the four sides on bottom floor. The middle rooms would house a grand staircase to floors above and a small refreshment shop... non-alcoholic of course, she wasn't going to sell alcohol in a tourist place. Of course, she'd create a basement for the entire building. She'd need a place for workers and security alike to have officers and warehouses and cleaning supplies and everything else they might need... of course, she'd commission a secret room right beneath the staircase, mark it as 'structural support' while charming the workers to build and hide her workshop. The second, third and fourth floor rooms above the lobby would always be toy shop, clothes store and restaurant respectively, each themed according to the building itself. The rooms on the left of the Lobby would be security, store rooms and kitchens respectively, while the rooms on the right would be a private elevators for workers. That would leave five rooms on each floor to be filled with wonders. Not too complex, if one asked her. Airy hummed to herself in satisfaction as she resumed watching the ponies work around her, walking past her as they carried the newly made wooden doors to be installed on the workshop doorways.... The duty of guarding the royal gardens was most often a duty of pure boredom, especially at night. As they were not connected to the castle but rather a small park little ways off from the castle, there was nothing important about the guard patrol there. If one were to patrol the streets or even the castle, one might occasionally discover a break-in and theft during or after it, there would be at least some excitement for the dull night shifts of mostly nothing happening. The most exciting thing that happened in the royal gardens might be a run-in with a foal vandalizing few plants or some couple meeting in secret, either two young ponies in love despite their families disapproving such relations or more likely, one or both of the ponies in question cheating on their respective partners. In the guard's opinion as he stopped to yawn, it seemed like another dull night ahead. Airy observed as the guard continued on his way, waiting until after he had taken the corner before emerging from the nearby bush with the flowerpot in her telekinetic grasp. Making sure she wasn't sensing anyone else at the gardens (The ability to 'sense' souls around her was quite useful indeed), she continued her path through the twists and turns of the gardens, staying low as to be hidden by other plants as she finally came across her price. Among the flowerbed for whatever reason, a lone nightshade plant sat among the other flowers of beauty. Making sure that the guard was sufficient distance away, Airy waved her hand as the soil moved away, exposing the roots as she slowly and carefully removed the plant and levitated it to her, before proceeding to replace it with the flower in the pot from her room. It was quite easy to request a simple plant that superficially resembled the nightshade. Even now as she moved the soil back to it's proper place, she doubted anyone would notice the switch. Still, as Airy glanced at the direction the guard was slowly approaching from, she felt a slight nervousness as the nightshade finished settling into the flowerpot. A quick glance around, Airy spotter the nearby bush and flew in, taking the flowerpot with her. Though as she watched as the guard came and went, she felt her nervousness leave her completely as the guard gave barely a glance at his surroundings before continuing on his way. She had been prepared to charm the idiot, yet she had felt nervous due to the fact that maybe the gardeners or others would notice the switch. Well, if the guard didn't notice it, she doubted she'd need to charm others; if anyone did notice the switch then they'd probably be glad to have a 'poisonous' plant off the public view should they realize what was replaced. And such, no one spotted the tiny fairy and her stolen plant as she flew back to her room, placing the flowerpot among the other new plants within her room before flying off for another errand for the night. The guards at the book vault were as inept as ever; a simple charm and they were once again under her control while she riffled through the secret and forbidden knowledge of the vaults... though as she stretched her larval form once more, she felt that it was too.. complacent at mere secret reading. She needed to spread her wings, to explore her body's natural instincts at fighting, to feel the adrenaline as she beat the crap out of something. Airy let out a sigh to relieve her frustration, before grabbing a nearby book on elemental magic. It was fascinating to read about the northern Windigos and their ancient elemental magic, to know that Equestria was once under danger of being as frozen as the lands around the Crystal Empire due to pony tribes feeding the Windigos with their hatred and conflict for each other. So many theories as to their origins and whenever they were naturally formed winter spirits or vengeful ghosts brought back to life by conflict and chaotic magic. The book went into few theories, from least likely (that they were ancient remains of Alicorns who went extinct long ago) to average theories (that they were created as guardians of the world trees) to most likely theories that they were spawned by unintentional magical releases by ponies, which formed into hatred feeding entities of ice and snow. There were also quite a few theories on potential elemental creatures formed of other elements, which gave her an idea; she could test those theories and create her own elementals... you never know when you might need one. However, her main interest soon drifted to these.. World Trees that one of the theories mentioned. Her research into magical plants bore no fruit, other than few notes of interest like a blue flower known to grow in the Everfree forests of Equestria that seemed to be one of handful natural occurrences of chaos magic. As Princesses of Equestria had mentioned they had imprisoned a 'god of chaos' in a stone prison, researching how to block, counter and even utilize the chaos magic might prove useful one day. Because she was certain that any and all villains that they have and will imprison in the future might escape once more... and she would need heavy firepower to deal with a literal god (or at least the knowledge to disrupt his powers). So, with that book empty of leads, she turned her attention to another one; magical artifacts. A list of mythological artifacts (of which quite the few were in the empire's vaults) was certainly interesting, yet other than brief inspirations of study here and there it wasn't worth the effort; Grogar's bell was barely mentioned with no accurate description of appearance, full capabilities or even potential locations, she knew far more about the Crystal heart than the book could even speculate on and the rest of the artifacts were of little interest to her, other than the rumored 'Time Twirler' which was among the list of artifacts within the vaults of Crystal Empire. If she could study the time based magic of the thing, she could potentially create unlimited time travel... a tool she intended to save for absolute world-ending emergencies only; with her lifespan, to tamper with time on such a scale could fracture the entire universe itself for all she knew. Stars could cease to exist, worlds could be rendered lifeless or shattered into millions of pieces, all life on this world could be wiped out due to carelessness of some foolish time traveler. Still, the benefits were too great to just leave it be... now which should she make; The hourglass or the compass of time and space? But for now, that was another dead end, so she began researching magical places. Most of them were mere warnings about magical waste creating pools of unpredictable magic or leftover hazards from some ancient magical conflicts that continued to linger like scars. Ponhenge (an obvious pun on Stonehenge, though they didn't even look the same from what she could see at the illustration) was an natural nexus of magical energies, which was quite an interest to her. The only other noteworthy place was Tartarus, yet Airy doubted there was much there since it was used as a prison by the Equestrian royals for their greatest magical threats. However, a minor note about potential effects Tartarus might have on World Tree's crystalline structure led her to the personal diary of some long deceased teacher of Princess Amore. Apparently, despite the name the world trees were not some great magical trees that held the world together (Like Yggdrasil of Norse mythology) but rather merely normal trees made entirely of crystal that naturally gathered incredibly amount of magical power within their sap. That's why they were incredibly rare, as draining the tree of their sap reduced it to dust, while the trees themselves only created one seed every hundred years. The description of the sap was quite interesting as well, due to it reminding Airy of the yellow material the Asterisks were made of; Maybe she could fashion herself an entire set of Asterisks made of the sap, so she may wield them (or grant them to her future minions) to be used against all her future enemies... of course, she'd need to first figure out if she could rip out and study the pieces of pony souls that connected to their cutie marks, at which she could possibly replicate their talent gifting magic upon her Asterisks. The diary made a note that the owner had managed to retrieve four seeds hidden by an extinct tribe of ponies that had tried (and failed) to guard one such world tree from any who would drain it of it's sap. Since the writer of the diary had used one of the seeds to research it's abilities, there still should be three remaining seeds within the artifact vault. She'd need to find the time and methods of raiding the artifact vault without raising suspicion at some point, yet the most clear objective came to her mind as she flew back to her quarters before the guard shift. She needed to find some poor sucker who's soul she could experiment on... someone who was expendable. There are many places within this world that hide secrets, even within a walking distance of towns and cities... if one knows where to look, that is. Beneath the pale light of the moon in the wild woods of northern Equestria, a lone figure hidden beneath a dark hood walked through the silent forest. The figure was alone, yet once in the while he stopped to listen and look around, before continuing his long path that went in circles and even backtracked few time. To outside viewer, it might look like someone had lost their way through the woods with no sense of direction whatsoever. Snow Antler was anything but lost. Anger within felt as cold as ice within his veins as he finally reached his destination, certain that no one had followed him through land nor air. In front of him, a tall cliff side loomed in front of him, yet he did not care as he walked straight ahead towards it with purpose. The Cliff side slightly shimmered as he walked through it, nodding to the two guards at the entrance of the cave that made sure the illusion stayed in place. Continuing his path through the cave, an echo of angry grunts and antlers clashing could be heard as he walked deep within the narrow dark cave before opening into an illuminated cavern within, where Snow Antler's eyes swept across the dozens of fellow cultists clashing their antlers together, fighting in pairs against each other as few older and stronger deer walked around, inspecting their forms before shouting insults, words of advice or correcting improper stances and techniques. Snow Antler threw his hood back, before turning his gaze towards where the cult leader stood in his typical black robes while talking with the alchemist, speaking in hushed tones as they stood around a table filled with scraps of paper and a map of known Equestria. In truth, he knew that they probably had real names yet for the years he had spend with his fellow cultists, he had never heard of them; they were always the leader and the alchemist. Leader was the expert on magic, while Alchemist concocted his medicines and poisons with his weird glass tubes and herbs... no real deer fought using poisons to kill, they faced their enemies with antler and magic head on. Snow Antler didn't know why Leader tolerated Alchemist's insolent behavior but it wasn't his place to question his orders, it was to obey. Both turned their heads towards him as he approached, ceasing their hushed conversation "Ah, welcome back Snow Antler. Was the griffon merchant willing to accept the deal?" the cult leader asked as his antlers glowed, with the papers around the table floating into a neat pile as the alchemist adjusted his pale yellow coat, jiggling the colorful glass tubes around his waist. "He agreed upon the method of payment, yet the price he demanded was greater than was estimated; He wants twelve unicorns in exchange for supplying us with the weapons and armor we need for our revenge, speaking nonsense about personal risks and security increases among other things" Snow Antler angrily replied as he took off his cloak, throwing it on top of nearby crate as he glanced at the others deep in combat training. The leader merely let out a hum as he shifted through the papers in front of him before speaking "The price increase is irrelevant; what is two more unicorns to the ten we'll be capturing soon anyway? I'll send a word to him that we accept the price" he spoke as he picked up a quill and began editing his notes, with the alchemist stepping closer to read them. Snow Antler couldn't care less about their plans as he watched his fellow cultists train. The blood within his veins was now burning with each heartbeat as his thoughts wandered to memories of Thunder Shield; How dare that foolish, inferior pony judge him and sentence him to prison like some common rabble. It had been their glorious goal to reach immortality, yet all because of that damn pegasus, they had lost their change at eternal life. With every sound of antlers clashing, Snow Antler imagined it was him beating that red coated flying rat with his hooves, breaking bone with each strike as his antlers ripped his wings apart till the coat was as crimson as his blood. To see Thunder Shield suffer and beg as he held that winged rat's wife and foal beneath his hooves and- A loud clap snapped Snow Antler out of his thoughts as he snapped his head back to where the cult leader and alchemist were staring at him, with the former pulling his hoof off the table from the hard clap he had given to regain Snow Antler's attention "You seem distracted, my friend. How about you relax and join your brothers in training, to help clear your mind of any...unpleasantness?" the cult leader suggested, gesturing to the others who had also stopped their training. Snow Antler knew better than to speak, merely bowing his head in respect before turning and joining the others. The cult leader and alchemist looked at Snow Antler as be joined the others in training, before the latter began to speak in hushed tone "He grows bolder and more erratic with each day. Are you sure you can control him?" he asked, turning to look at his old friend who nodded in reply "Yes. Snow Antler was an average follower at best before, one I would not have hesitated to discard had I known that the ponies would follow him to us. Most of these fools truly believe that we would grant them immortality, yet they're like those rabbits that the griffons raise as food; to be used and discarded once they've served their purpose. Snow Antler however started showing his latent potential in prison, his inner magic is strong enough to make him a test candidate for our dark knight project. With his devotion reaching it's beak and rage against ponies blinding his actions, he'll make an excellent experimental subject for our siege upon the Crystal Empire" he replied in hushed tone, his gaze never leaving the young and foolish deer practicing against a more experienced deer mercenary. The alchemist giggled in excitement "Oh, it will be amazing to see how my new concoctions work, to see which are useful and which are not. So, what shall we do with him once we're done with those crystal ponies?" he asked in hushed tone, turning his gaze towards the deer in question clashing his antlers fiercely against a much larger deer. "Once he has exhausted all of his usefulness to our cause... I think I shall eat him piece by piece" The cult leader replied, subtly licking his lips as he eyed at the young deer's body with hungry gaze... "So, i'm curious; why is there a guard always near the door to your quarters? I found it weird when you asked me to help babysit Daisy Glow and that the guard couldn't help with it, despite being stationed near the door" Airy asked Glimmer, pausing as she took a bite from the crystal berry she was eating as a snack. Glimmer on other hand paused her own eating, putting the fork down as a frown with hints of sadness passed over over her expression. Airy got the hint that maybe the topic was a lot darker than she expected, because Radiant, Sombra and Princess Amore also stopped eating as a frown passed their features when they turned to look at her. "Miss Airy, while i'm sure you meant no offense with that question, it is a topic which is both highly personal and not suited for-" Princess Amore's response was interrupted as Glimmer cleared her throat "It's alright, sister, she's not from here so she probably didn't think it was a serious matter" she paused, a sad tone in her voice before she turned towards the little fairy "And since the topic has been brought up, I think it's best that she hears it from me directly, rather than second-hoof by someone who doesn't know the full story" she finished as Princess Amore turned towards her younger sister. "Are you sure?" she asked carefully, with Glimmer nodding her head "Yes sister, i'm sure" she said, pausing as she closed her eyes as she took a deep breath, before letting it out as she opened her yes. "As you know, Daisy Glow turned six years old just few weeks before your arrival. Thunder and I didn't use to have a guard near our quarters, however around the same time as Daisy was born, there used to be a mare who worked as a castle maid. She was such a nice pony when she worked, but she had a little drinking problem... which is what the doctors said caused her to miscarry her own foal and her husband to leave her" Glimmer paused, a sad expression taking her face at the mention of a dead foal. "Following that tragedy, she was quiet and withdrawn, rejecting anypony's help to as she started drinking more and more to hide her depression, till it came to a point when Swift Clean had to tell her to get herself together or she'd have to fire her. Something must have gone wrong inside her head, because two days later she sneaked into our quarters and stole Daisy Glow in middle of the night while we slept, looking for a replacement foal to raise. Luckily the guards on duty caught her when she tried to leave the castle but... Well, luckily Daisy was too young to remember. Ever since then, there's always a guard near our quarters" Glimmer explained as she looked at her dinner, moving it around with her fork. The silence that followed lingered on as Airy considered the issue, before she spoke "Thank you for telling me the story, Glimmer. I'm sorry I brought up such unpleasant memories... but If I may ask, what happened to the mare in question?" Airy asked, watching as Princess Amore turned her head to answer "The maid in question was arrested for attempted foalnapping and sentenced to few years in prison. Sadly, she died during her imprisonment... a tumor in her brain that led to her death in her sleep according to the doctors" she said as she picked up her fork and resumed eating her salad (technically, all pony foods were salads; they didn't eat meat after all) while the others followed. The silence hung in the air as they ate their dinners, with Airy mulling few ideas in her head. It wasn't until Radiant brought up a new topic by asking Glimmer about how her new crop rotations were going that the conversation resumed at normal place, with Glimmer going on and on about things Airy really didn't care about. Was she the one who mentioned the crop rotations weeks ago? Yes. Did she find it interesting? not at all. Still, it left her with time to scheme as she pretended to listen.... Airy hummed to herself as she watched the knitting needles hover in the air, repeating the same movement as they stitched the pink wool yarn into a long scarf, regularly switching the yarn into white one to create the shape of a sheep in mid-jump before continuing as normal. See, her accidental discovery yesterday about the kidnapping of Daisy when she was still a newborn gave her quite an idea; Since Glimmer was Princess Amore's sister, she no doubt cared about her niece quite a lot and should anything happen to Daisy, she would no doubt go to great length to rescue or avenge her little niece. No doubt most of the Princess Amore's closest as well, if one thought about it even a moment. So it stood to reason that if Daisy disappeared, the one who rescued her would be hailed as a hero... of course, depending on the situation that hero would also be a prime suspect, which is why Airy had no intention of 'rescuing' Daisy should she ever disappear. No, what she had planned was to create an object she could track, so that she could give it to someone else who would be the 'hero' of that particular kidnapping... most likely Glimmer or Thunder, since they were Daisy's parents. Airy wasn't an idiot; any affection was a fickle thing unless constantly reinforced with something. Sure, she could spend time and buy or create meaningless presents that they'd appreciate but one day, something might happen to cause them to be displeased with her; she already saw the frowns when she asked about the guard... which is why it would be relatively easy to stage another kidnapping; A crazy mare who lost her child, a cannibal deer cult... lot of ponies had already disappeared for reasons for another, she was sure she could charm some poor pony to appear as crazy as the maid or attempt to ransom the foal for a nice hoard of gold. That way, any lost affection could be easily restored through gratitude; the victim would be saved, the heroes would be celebrated and the 'villain' would go to jail, all the while she would receive gratitude as someone who helped protect their precious little child. Airy hummed some old tune from her memories as she inspected the finished scarf, before turning to look at the compass sitting next to her. It wasn't much, just a round metal disk with a small crystal sitting in middle of it and eight arrows starting from the center and pointing at the edges of the disk, like an eight-pointed star often used in real compasses. Airy turned her attention back to the scarf, before casting a spell on it. A light green aura appeared around it for a moment, before disappearing as similar aura remained around her hand; dimming as she pointed it away from the scarf and brightening as she drew closer to right direction. Satisfied, she waved her hand at the compass, watching as the green aura left her hand and entered the crystal. A moment later, the arrow pointing directly at the scarf started glowing with green light. A knock on the door turned Airy's attention towards it "Yes, who is it?" She asked, even though she already knew who it would be "It's me, Glimmer. Can I come in?" the mare behind the door asked, only to receive a light chuckle from Airy "Of course, come in!" she 'cheerfully' invited her guest in, watching as Glimmer opened the door and walked in, closing it behind her. "So, what did you want to talk about?" Glimmer asked as she walked to the desk Airy was sitting on, glancing at the knitting needles and yarn sitting next to a finished pink scarf. Airy smiled as she gestured towards the said scarf, speaking in 'sad' tone "I know I brought up some sad memories from your past with that crazy maid, so I wanted to apologize by making you a small gift" Airy spoke, watching as Glimmer's expression shifted from happy smile to more emotionless as she pursed her lips. "It's alright, you couldn't have known about something that happened little over six years ago. While it is lovely, there was no need to prepare an apology gift" Glimmer replied, only for Airy to shake her head "I disagree... but there was also another reason I prepared this scarf; pick up that small disk with the crystal at the center" Airy replied as she pointed at the said object, with Glimmer curiously picking it up. "What is..." Glimmer's question died on her lips as she watched the arrows lit up as she moved the disk, before her eyes widened as she moved it from her left to her right, watching as the arrows dimmed or lit up so one was always pointing at the scarf. Airy merely smiled as she watched Glimmer curiously explore the disk, even turning it vertically so she could see the arrow point down or the sides as she explored the directions it could track the scarf. Finally, Glimmer turned her gaze back to the small smiling fairy idly sitting on the table "Airy, this is..." she paused at her own loss of words, lips moving as she tried and failed to think of words to describe her gratitude. Airy giggled slightly as she stood up and took flight, moving to hover next to Glimmer's face "It's alright, there's no need to thank me. When you told me of that maid who went crazy, I became concerned due to having heard about those deer cultists earlier and decided to make these" Airy paused, gesturing to the disk and the scarf "So that if anything happens in the future, it should be relatively easy to find Daisy Glow... although it entirely depends on her actually wearing the scarf, which is why I made it pink with jumping white sheep" Airy finished as Glimmer smiled at her. "Thank you, this is a kind and considerate gift you've made for her. I'm sure she'll love it" Glimmer said as she turned her gaze towards the scarf, picking it up on her hooves as she inspected it up close. And like always, Glimmer missed the mischievous glint in Airy's eyes as she gave a rather sinister smile at the unsuspecting pony... Hello, Airy It's good to hear from you now that our journey back home has completed. Our nephew, Prince Topaz Chaser, was quite surprised at our early return and expressed quite interest upon hearing of you. Even if our visit was short, he seems to have handled the responsibilities of the crown quite well in our absence, so we promised to one day introduce the two of you. For now however, we've merely shown him a sketch we drew of you during our long and admittedly boring journey back home. In truth, we admit that this journey made us feel... anticlimactic. We had expected a great duty of finding a solution as to how to liberate the Crystal Empire of the crisis that had befallen it, only to find that all the problems had already been solved by the time we arrived... Yet the journey was still worth it, for we had the change to meet you. Now, as to answer the question you send us, while it was indeed our teacher Star Swirl who guided us on how to properly raise the sun, the moon and the stars above, the art of travelling dreams came from a book called "Dreams and how to manipulate them by Star Shower". While he has no relation to the old writer of the book, Star Swirl admitted that he had once met the old stallion when he was still a young stallion himself and was most impressed when we showed a natural talent upon travelling and shifting the dreams of ponies around us... Something we are glad, as our sister Celestia showed neither talent nor interest in travelling the dreams of others. While there might be a copy of the book within the Crystal Empire, should it turn out that there is no copy within the libraries of the palace then we would be more than willing to one day teach you a simple art of dream travelling and more, should you show a talent for it. Sometimes, the travelling of dreams can be a lonely task... Your friend Princess Luna Airy chuckled as she read Princess Luna's letter, gleefully reading as the lonely princess of the night and dreams poured her feelings into the letter. Oh, how pathetically easy it was to gain the second princess's trust by pretending she cared about her or her feelings in any way; Luna was like wet clay for her to shape into whatever she desired... though she would need to work slowly and put some effort into it, less she catch on to the deception and run back into her elder sister's shadow like a rat. Ah, how she enjoyed the benefits her appearance brought to her, making it easy to string them along with lies, acts of false kindness and sweet talk through meaningless compliments while acting as if she was the sweet fairy she faked at being... These poor naive fools, she had decades worth of deception examples from books, movies, shows and games to copy, while these medieval idiots probably had nothing but what they've personally learned or taught. Then again, what suspicious things had she done so far to even make them even suspect her? They knew nothing of her charming of people, nor her theft of the nightshade or even her probably-illegal trips to read books in the vaults of the castle; minor crimes at best with no witnesses or even realizing a crime had been committed. Well, she'd be changing that soon enough. Airy waved her hand as she took flight, watching as the letter folded on itself and levitated to the desk drawer, which opened and closed by itself as the letter slipped inside before locking with a click. With that done, she flew to where her little nighttime bath was already waiting for her, landing down and starting to remove her clothing. First the gloves and the stockings, then the dress and finally her underwear levitating into a neat pile next to her bed across the room, before she stepped into the bowl filled with lukewarm water. As she sat down and leaned her head against the lip of the bowl, a wave of her hand turned the lukewarm water into actually warm water. A relaxed sigh left her lips as she closed her eyes and enjoyed the warm bath, her mind relaxing as she enjoyed the silence. Right now, nothing else mattered but her luxury; the warm, delicious food to fill her belly, the relaxing baths and... Airy's eyes snapped open, her thoughts racing as she considered the very naughty ideas that she usually did after a good day's work. Biting her lower lip, she turned her gaze to her brand new and refreshingly... virgin body, just waiting to be explored for all the pleasures she could grant herself. She was a grown woman with needs, after all.... [Lewd Start] Airy's hands moved to her hips, feeling the soft skin beneath her fingers before slowly moving across her stomach upwards as she traced her hands around her breasts for a moment before grasping them with her palms. A sensation of familiar yet oh so new massage of her bountiful chest send chills along her spine as she fondled her breasts, before moving her fingers to pinch and twist her freshly erect nipples. A muffled moan left her as she bit her lower lip and closed her eyes, keeping in mind that she wasn't sure if the night guard (apparently a freshly assigned post that was changed daily) could hear her soft moans of pleasure; she wasn't taking her changes at interruption as she continued to fondle her breasts, switching between a massage and nipple play. Airy moaned once more as she pressed her hands more firmly against her breasts, her wings fluttering slightly and her fingers teasing the muscles below before she let go with her right hand while relaxing slightly with her left hand. Opening her eyes, she tilted her head downwards as she traced her hand across her collar, before moving it down between her breasts to her navel and finally stopping just short of her prize. The crystal clear water hid nothing as her gaze landed on her white thick carpet, as silvery as the hair of her head. As her fingers slowly traces through her rather exciting bush, a small giggle left her lips as she thought about the the surprised and rather enjoyable expressions of her former lovers, before she felt their beards brush and tickle against it as their mouths invited themselves in for an hungry, intimate kisses with her lips and their tongues spreading them apart for some deep exploration. Oh, how she missed having a talented lover go down on her. She always preferred to present herself naturally, a thick bush to hide her treasure as her fingers traced through it and around her labia, before pulling back as her middle finger brushed against her clitoris, sending shivers along her body as another muffled moan left her lips. A hunger for more grew inside her, a familiar flare of burning desire as she began to rub her fingers in circles around her little nip of joy. Her breasts slightly tingled against the fresh cool air as her back arched and toes curled with excitement, before she decided that it was time for her to finish this little foreplay. And with that, her hand moved down once more, fingers brushing against her labia as her legs spread open, tracing up and down along her lips as her left had massaged her breast more fiercely, before her right hand stopped as the index finger and the ring finger spread her needy lips. She traced her freshly exposed inner lips with her middle finger, idly wishing she had someone firmly grasping at her waist with their strong, powerful arms before plunging deep into her depths with their thick, veiny cock and ravaging her till she was nothing but a moaning bitch with head full of pleasure and bliss. Alas, there was none, so she had to be satisfied with her own work as her middle finger stopped it's movements just at the entrance to her burning insides. Her finger struck fiercely into it's prize, sinking fast and deep within her like a hungry snake chasing a field mouse into it's burrow. A deep, muffled moan left her as she leaned her head backwards against the lip of the bowl, her wings shivering with excitement as her eyes closed at the sensation of her middle finger knuckle deep with her hot and needy pussy, beginning it's slow pump in and out as her palm brushed against her clitoris with each movement. Her mind conjured mental images of different men and women sinking their fingers in her while her finger explored for the familiar yet new spot of pleasure, with another muffled moan leaving her as her middle finger traced her g spot. Soon enough, her hunger for bliss grew intolerable as her index finger joined the middle finger in exploring her depths, pumping in and out of burning pussy as she bit her lip harder, carefully trying not to draw blood as her thump started playing with her clitoris, moving in circles as her back arched even more while her toes curled at the pleasure coursing through her body. Her wings fluttered even more as her fingers did their work, exploring her burning pussy with fierce thrusts as she let go of her breast and covered her her mouth with her left hand, no longer biting her lip as she tried to hide her deep moans behind her hand. God, what she wouldn't do for a proper toy right now, her mind conjuring an image of her vibrating dildos in both holes, the memories of herself riding her more specialized toys modeled after animals, like a nubbed toy like the felines, the inflatable knotted toy of canines and the ribbed dragon replica. As she moaned against her hand, her mind conjured images of herself on her back being claimed by a fierce dragon with his burning ribbed cock, before it shifted to image of herself on her knees, head in the pillow and ass raised to the sky as a mighty griffon pushed his barbed cock and ravished her. Finally, the last image of that entered her mind was of herself riding a werewolf's cock, his fierce grip on her waist as he fucked her with his cock before using his inflating knot to fuck her ever fiercer, so eager and ready to fully expand inside her and spill his burning seed inside her. God, she was so horny that wished she had bought one of those horse ones or even the tentacle... Airy's eyes snapped open has her fingers stopped, moving her hand away from her mouth and greedily panting as the pleasant bliss in her head started to clear away before she pulled her hand away from her needy pussy, bringing her fingers to her mouth, and grasping her breast with her left hand while suckling on the traces of her own sweetness in her fingers with a moan. Oh, she had been so close to orgasm before she got the devious idea to try... Airy pulled her hand away as she let go of her breast, moving her hands forward as the magic began to gather at her fingertips and a thin tendril emerged from the very water it was made of, before moving towards her as it bend with natural fluidity. She smiled as the tendril's tip came to rest on her hand, before frowning as her hand sank through it when she tried to grasp it. If only it had been that easy... a manipulation of water was quite useful (especially if use to say, drown someone on dry land while they uselessly tried to puke it out), yet it didn't offer the solid feeling she required. An easy fix as she waved her hand once more before a slight shimmed appeared around the tendril, continuing till the point where it emerged from the bowl. Airy smiled as she wrapped her thump and index fingers around it, this time feeling far more solid than previously... she estimated that it was as wide as an average penis, if the person attached to it was also as miniature as she was of course; a full sized human's penis would be as wide as her fairy body after all. She'd have to try this again, once she finally unlocked her human sized perfect form. A slight testing and adjustment later, the force field she had cast around the water tendril was strong enough to give a solid push, yet if she really tried to she could sink her fingers into it and break it; a suitable durability for penetration without a risk of internal injuries. Another moment later, she had it reshaped to look like one of those hentai's where the thick tendril with spines had a penis at the end, before slowly guiding it towards where her nether region was aching for some fierce ravaging. Airy bit her lip once more as the tip of the water tentacle penis pressed against her hole, stopping it's movement as her hand waved once more and two thick shimmering tentacles emerged from the water, moving beneath her legs and pushing them further apart before wrapping themselves around her waist for that comfortable grip and extra security. With herself solidly secure above the water, Airy turned her greedy gaze back towards her burning pussy, where the idle movement of her fingers was causing the tentacle penis to rub against hole. With a deep breath of anticipation, Airy covered her mouth with her free hand as the other controlled the tentacle to proceed. A deep moan was muffled against her hand as the tentacle penetrated her pussy, spreading her inner walls as it thrust forward before pausing as it brushed against her recently restored hymen. It made Airy feel like a young schoolgirl again as she winced slightly as the tentacle pierced through, continuing to penetrate her while simulating her walls with the little dull spines on the sides, overpowering the slight feeling of pain with blissful pleasure. The tentacle finally stopped moving as the penile head pressed against her cervix, though Airy barely noticed as her body shivered from the sweet pleasure coursing through her. When the pleasure started to fade however, she guided the tendril to withdraw from her depths, causing another moan to leave her lips until only the tip remained. A small spell repeated the motion, thrusting into her until the head once again kissed her cervix, before withdrawing and then thrusting back in. Airy felt like she was in heaven, moaning in pleasure as the water tentacle kept thrusting in and out of her, simulating her inner walls that desperately clenched around the spines as it ravaged her. The waves of pleasure coursed through her body as the other hand joined in muffling Airy's desperate moans of pleasure, her back arching as the tentacle merely shifted it's angle and continued thrusting according to the set pattern. Airy was certainly glad she had the foresight to have the tentacles around her waist, because otherwise she wasn't sure she wouldn't accidentally slide underwater with how blissfully empty the tentacle sex made her. Her back was arched, her legs spread wide open and her toes were curling as she covered her deep, desperate moans of pleasure behind her hands, a distant whisper at the back of her mind tempting her to let the guard hear her moan like a bitch in heat. Even her wings were vibrating with excitement as the cold air brushed against her hard nipples. Barely a thought left her head as she move her hand away from her mouth and waved it, before another two tentacles emerged from the water, wrapping themselves around her breasts before the tips opened like a flower and latching onto her nipples, pressing down and pulling away like they were sucking on her hard, erect nipples like a mouth. Sadly, there was no actual sucking involved, merely the motion that the flower headed tentacles mimicked as they pulled and pushed in rhythm, like a hungry mouth seeking to suck milk from her plentiful chest. She had never been pregnant of course, but she liked to think it would have been quite erotic to have a grown man suck on her breast milk while fucking her raw; she's certainly had more than a few lovers before who liked to suck on her nipples during sex; how sad that those experiences now paled in comparison to the fierce fucking she was receiving from a tentacle made of water and magic. Even with her eyes closed, Airy could feel her eyes rolling in her head as she felt the bliss of pleasure and her orgasm fast approaching. With a final wave of her hand, the tentacle stopped as it pressed against her womb, before twitching as it's girth expanded to nearly double the size. A deep muffled moan left her as her walls stretched to accommodate the expanding tentacle, twitching and grasping at it with an iron grip as her body desperately struggled to reach the orgasm it craved. Airy's hand barely returned to covering her mouth before the tentacle began moving once more, drawing a deep moan as it withdrew from her depths and slammed back in, jolting her body back and forth as it slowly picked up the speed till it reached the original speed and then kept ramming into her faster than before; like an overeager lover about to reach climax Well, in this case it was her who reached it. Airy threw her head back as a scream of pure pleasure left her throat, muffled by her shaking hands as her orgasm washed over her body, lighting fireworks of pure bliss in her head as her eyes rolled to her head and her body shook with the force of her climax while the tentacle in her continued to fiercely ravage her while she rode the waves of orgasmic bliss coursing from her head to curling toes. Inside of her abused pussy, her walls twitched with the force of her orgasm as they tightly clamped down on the tentacle penis ramming against her cervix like she was a brood mother waiting to be bred like a whore. The thrusts just kept going, prolonging and enhancing the heights of pleasure she felt as her burning womb longed for an icy cold load of semen to fill it to the brim, only to be disappointing as no seed entered her ravenous insides to satisfy her primal urges. As her climax came to an end, Airy pulled her hands away as she greedily panted the air in her burning lungs, feeling the aftereffects of the bliss while the tentacle kept mindlessly ravaging her pussy, abusing it with the force of the thrusts as she felt another orgasm already fast approaching. Barely a thought crossed her mind as she simply let the tentacles do their job, simulating her breasts and thrusting into her freshly popped cherry like a mindless monster wishing to breed the nearest female it could find. An idle part of her wished it was a real monster; at least then she'd get a belly full of semen to cool the inferno in her womb that her bruised cervix barely protected. Airy threw her head back once more as another fierce orgasm washed over her, her inner walls once more clinging to their wide, spine dotted intruder as it kept hammering her yearning pussy. yet as she enjoyed the ride of pure bliss barely a whimpered moan left her, muffled to non-audible as she bit her lower lip and enjoyed the sensation as her body twitched once more, wings fluttering like crazy as her orgasm began to fade once more. Airy opened her eyes as she stopped biting her lip, cool air entering her lungs as she eagerly panted from another exciting climax. She waved her hand weakly, feeling as the tentacles stopped her movements in response to her magic. As she eagerly panted the cold air and regained her thoughts, Airy felt relaxed and satisfied, yet her inner hunger was just beginning; a weak wave of her hand caused the tentacles to raise her out of the water, before flipping her over so her hands rested on the lip of the bowl, her body bend over as her knees weakly leaned against the bottom. The tentacles around her waist accepted her new position, shifting till they supported her bend over position correctly, while the tentacles around her breasts merely shifted so they could grip them once more. As her panting started to calm down, Airy glanced over her shoulders to where the penile tentacle had withdrawn from her depths, guiding it to press against her ravaged pussy once more before holding it there. A wave of her fingers caused another to emerge from the water, this one being the original size as it sneaked closer before coming to rest at her rear, sliding across her bare ass before the tip pressed against her anus, holding it's position. Airy took a deep, calming breath before her fingers moved, causing the tentacles folding and sucking on her breasts to move once more at calm pace. A shiver of pleasure coursed through her as they obeyed, yet her eyes rested on the tentacle at her rear entrance, before her fingers moved once more; a sharp breath leaving her lungs as she felt the tentacle push inside her, stretching her anus with it's girth while pushing deeper into her. A benefit of her new body was that she didn't need to worry about waste or periods; her body converted everything leftover into magic coursing within her, while her body simply didn't bleed every month like it used to. She still felt the burning urge to breed within her once a month, yet a lovely gift of her fairy body was the lack of menstrual cycle; it didn't matter anyway, she doubted there was anyone her size she'd find as acceptable partner and she highly doubted she'd ever find someone actually capable of crossbreeding with her. A whimpered moan left her lips as she felt the tentacle deep within her, before withdrawing till only the head remained inside her. Airy bit her lips as she closed her eyes, feeling the anal tentacle slowly thrusting in rhythm as it went deep inside of her and then withdrawing like it's bigger counterpart. A shiver ran through her body as her hands gripped the lip of the bowl, before a wicked idea came to her mind as her fingers moved once more. And with that, the larger tentacle pushed within her once more, spreading her eager walls wide open once more as Airy bit her lip, feeling as the tentacles thrust into her at separate paces before slowly adjusting to equal rhythm, thrusting in and out of her together as her legs shook beneath her. Once more, Airy tried to muffle her eager moans as she began to adjust to the double penetration, her body shaking eagerly as the tentacles slowly increased both their pace and the force of the thrusts, her inner walls eagerly twitching as they gripped at the both tentacles desperately as her back arched and wings fluttered eagerly in place, cool air tickling her skin as the tentacles fondling and sucking on her breasts gripped harder, as if the tentacles were having a competition as to which brought her to orgasm. Airy leaned her elbows against the bowl lip as her hands moved to muffle her eager moans, her lip no longer providing adequate sound proofing that she required. Her orgasm reached her even faster than before, her whole body twitching once more as another muffled scream of bliss left her throat, a vision of white flashing behind her shut eyes as they rolled to her head, whatever idle thoughts floating within her head being cleared away by the waves of pure orgasmic bliss once more. The tentacles within her continued to ravage her holes, pushing deep within her and back out with brutal force that was sure to leave her feeling both sore and weak at knees for the next morning at least. Yet the night was still young... Airy's wings fluttered slightly as she moved her hands away from her mouth, her eager panting clearing her bliss filled head as she felt her fourth orgasm slowly approaching due to her rather ruthlessly ravaging tentacles. Still, it lacked that certain... excitement that she wanted before she moved on to her last act of the night, before a devilish idea entered her head as she glanced over her shoulder once more, waving her hand as two more small tentacles emerged from water. Yet unlike the others, these ones were quite different from the others already ravaging her body; the ends started to morph and flatten, before forming an appendage resembling an open hand. Airy once more moved her hand to cover her mouth, before waving her fingers as the new tentacles began to move; A sharp yet muffled yelp of pleasure left her lips as one of the tentacles slapped her ass, causing her body to twitch and her inner walls tighten into an iron grip as the other tentacle followed suit, slapping her other cheek that send a wave of pain and pleasure across her body once more. Soon enough, the tentacles slapping her ass joined the rhythm, slapping her bare ass cheeks in turn as they increased in both pace and force. Airy was certain she'd have hard time tomorrow, too sore to stand yet too sore to sit. Oh well, that was the price one paid for the best fucking orgasms of her life; she'd certainly be making this into a weekly thing... or more often, once she began to adjust to the best sex she had ever received. Thank god she was too small for ponies to see that her ass was spanked red and raw the next morning. With each slap of her ass, another muffled yelp left her throat as her eyes rolled to her head, her body shaking with pain and pleasure coursing through it as her orgasm was once again fast approaching; the benefits of a new body so unused to the pleasures of the flesh that she had so eagerly explored as a human. She'd need to create a proper tentacle next later, something that was sound proof so she could scream her lungs out in pure orgasmic bliss while the tentacles pumped her full of fake eggs and fake sperm. With that thought, a muffled scream left her throat as her orgasm washed over her, feeling just as powerful as the first as her wings fluttered, toes curled and body shook as she threw her head back, mind wiped clean by the pleasure as her inner walls practically begged to be filled with the seed that her womb craved, gripping tightly at the tentacles that ignored her burning needs as they fiercely and ceaselessly thrust into her abused pussy and ass with no care to the world. Even as she rode the heights of her blissful pleasure that were heightened and extended once more by the continuous thrusting, fondling/sucking of her breasts and slaps across her ass, a distant part of her could feel the calming down of her current orgasm and beginnings of her fifth and final orgasm. With that in mind, Airy removed her hands entirely as she tiredly and silently panted as her cheeks blushed even more across her flushed face, before a wave of her hand caused the tentacles to move her once more, positioning her so that she was 'kneeling' on the surface of the water with her legs spread wide open, her body supported so she was in upright position as the tentacles continued their tasks, double penetrating her holes while slapping her ass and sucking on her sore nipples while kneading her breasts. A slow panting did nothing to clear her mind as Airy waved her hand once more, before a dozen water penises emerged from the water, just as large as the first one as they pointed their tips directly at her. Her fingers traced across her stomach while glowing, casting their magic within before she grasped the two nearest tentacle penises with her hands, soundlessly panting as she her fingers glowed. An effect was immediate, as the tentacles around and within her twitched with readiness, pulsing with eagerness as her final modifications took place. It didn't take long before she received her final prize. With a mighty thrust, the tentacles within her thrust as deeply as they could, kissing the entrance of her womb and deep bowls respectively before pulsing fiercely as a burst of water gushed forth, acting as if it was real semen as they filled her burning insides with a sensation of ice cold liquid. This pushed her over the edge, her head thrown back as a silent scream left her throat, final climax washing over her entire body as her hands gripped the tentacles with an iron grip. The tentacles around her responded to her desires in turn, spurting blasts of water all over her body as if it was real tentacles covering her with their seed, while her inner walls clamped down hard as her belly expanded slightly, her womb and intestines expanding and twitching with pleasure as Airy started to feel like they were filled to brim with ice cold semen. Luckily, she had a last hint of foresight in her bliss filled head to cast spells to prevent the tentacles within her from accidentally rupturing something or the tentacle stretching her ass from filling her with so much water that it would come up the other end. It felt pleasant to be filled to the brim, liquid gushing within her as it cooled her burning and abused insides as a distant wish hoped that next time, it would be fake sperm and not mere water... though there was nothing that would prevent her from actually acquiring real horse (well, pony) sperm to use in her weird fantasies, even if she felt a slight disgust at the idea of jacking off ponies. A wave of pleasure finally came to an end as the tentacles stopped covering her skin and insides with their 'load', before Airy's body sagged as her head felt light and tired from her night of five incredible orgasms. Tiredly, she just hung there in mid-air as the tentacles had ceased their movement, too tired to think or move as her mind started to clear from it's blissful state of pure orgasm. Airy panted tiredly as she finally opened her eyes, feeling the water slide across her skin while she weaved her magic, with the tentacles moving her to the edge of the bowl where she leaned her arms against the lip of the bowl with a tired sigh, feeling as the water rippled behind her as the tentacles let go of her and dissolved, with her magic returning to her exhausted body. A slight shiver traveled across her body as her breasts pressed against the bowl edge, still sore from the fondling and sucking they had received. She wasn't sure how long she lied there, panting and enjoying the sweet afterglow of her fifth orgasm as her sore holes still twitched at the long abuse they had received, almost wishing to continue till she blacked out. Airy was sorely tempted to do just that, yet even her mind fucked raw by the pleasure and bliss understood the dangers of passing out in a bowl full of water. More reason to make that tentacle nest she desired... maybe she'd make it shaped like a rose when open for her to enter and like a tulip when it closes so that she could hide within for her private pleasures. With a tired sigh, Airy sat up from where she was lying against the bowl edge, wincing as her sore ass pressed against the bottom of the bowl. Still, she was more than satisfied with the night's results, even if she winced while cleaning her sore breasts and ass, before feeling the mix of pain and pleasure as she cleaned her abused holes and moved on to the rest of her body, dipping her body fully underwater for a moment before surfacing, enjoying the feel of ice cold air brushing against her sore nipples. Airy traced her hands across her bulging stomach, before waving her fingers across it and shivering as she felt the water leaving her bowls and womb, sending chills across her as a ghost of sensation brushed against her oversensitive inner walls. Truly, it would be wonderful if she could create that fake sperm to fill her twisted desires of being pumped full of tentacle sperm and eggs, as she wasn't that eager to jack off the ponies around her just to bathe in real sperm. All in all, it was a good night. [Lewd End] Airy yawned tiredly as she finished washing herself before standing up, her legs shaking before a transparent force field wrapped around her like a second skin, keeping her from collapsing from exhaustion. Maybe she had overdone her... private time a little bit, yet it was completely worth it. Even as her exhausted mind dragged her equally exhausted body from the washing bow, before a tired wave of hand felt a fresh breeze slide between the force field and herself, drying her hair and skin and leaving her pleasantly feeling clean. Another yawn left her lips as she waved her hand before taking flight, heading towards her bed as her clothes followed behind her and then nearly folding beside her bed. She was far too tired to bother cleaning the washing bowl tonight, enjoying the fresh cool air before crawling beneath her warm bed sheets, enjoying the feel of silk across her skin as she crawled to her pillow, before lying her head against it as she pressed her fingers across her collar bone and activated her inner magic. A sensation of warm spread across her as she felt the magic within her, feeling the potential of her other forms slowly unlocking with time as her body naturally drew the passive magic of the Crystal Empire to supplement the magic Grogar lacked to finish her evolution. By her own estimate, she should have enough magic to reach her next stage of evolution, the Coccoon-like form, within a year while it would take another year or two before she was ready to unlock her perfect form. Airy disabled the spell, feeling a chill across her skin as she wrapped herself tighter with her sheets. A downside of being the only humanoid creature on this world (besides the apes or the anthropomorphic creatures like the minotaurs, the centaurs and the gargoyles) was that she had would never have a proper buddy to share her bed with, unless she selected a lover that was one of those that she mentioned. Oh, if only that was so easy to change... Airy's eyes snapped open at the thought, before she began to think; If the world was made mostly of animals, why couldn't she just create a new race to please her every desires? Sure, it would take time to research the genetics of this world before she could comfortably attempt to create a new species, yet her scientific and growing magical knowledge would most certainly allow her to play god and create proper humanoid companions. Hell, she could even recreate humans or make a human-sized fairy race to worship her as a god. Then again, if she could create new races, what was to stop her from also modifying the pre-existing races to be more... anthropomorphic? There were certainly plenty of curses in mythology and media of her world where humans became animals or half-animals (like that Greek tale of Circe and media adaptations of her) and animals becoming human (Like the Japanese tales of Kitsune)... of course, she could also create a virus of some kind to do just that; a mutagenic one that edited DNA in real time, though she'd probably need to mix it with magic to make it both fast, non-lethal and irreversible. Airy felt a satisfied smile spread across her lips at the idea, before she closed her eyes and leaned her head against the pillow. She'd have plenty of time in years to come to refine her newest scheme into reality... > Chapter 15 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- A soft humming echoed through the backroom of the workshop as Airy hovered near the back wall, watching as the paintbrush painted white runes into the crystal walls. All around her, the ceiling, the floor and the rest of the walls were already painted with similar symbols, while the back wall was almost complete now. If her calculations and designs were right (and she was pretty sure they were) she'd soon have her very first hidden workshop. Yes, it was a pain to experiment on how to create a dimensional pocket that stayed within the walls marked by runes so that it occupied the same space as the real room. The amount of research, experimentation and calculations she had to do thanks to lack of knowledge was annoying to say the least; the books she had read in the vault had explained dimensional walls and pocket dimensions (Thank you Star Swirl) yet they were so incomplete. Clearly, the book must have been a first draft, since it had notes about how Star Swirl couldn't figure out why the creation of pocket dimensions sometimes worked and mostly failed; Impressive work for a medieval society, yet no understanding of how physics of the very universe worked. If Star Swirl had lived in her world, he would no doubt have wielded his magic like a god, shifting time and space to his whims like the self-proclaimed god of chaos Discord by using the scientific knowledge of her world. His work on so many fields were based upon dangerous and mostly lethal experiments by his fellow unicorns, learning from their mistakes and doing actual research... yet somehow, he couldn't understand how atomic structures and magical energies interacted with dimensional energies, even if he had managed to blindly stumble upon a somewhat stable yet unstable way of interacting with dimensional energies for his experiments with portals and pocket dimensions. He probably researched it further and refined it to far greater degree, yet Airy was certain that those books were hidden somewhere within Equestria... she'd have to see if she could liberate it from those foolish Princesses. At least the knowledge that Star Swirl had gone missing nearly a decade ago gave her some comfort, due to the fact that she probably wouldn't need to worry about a wise wizard prodigy like him standing in her way... though he probably had quite a lot of magical knowledge she'd have liked to learn and discuss. Well, at least the last three weeks had been fruitful; she had gained a vast understanding of wielding dimensional energies to create her pocket dimension and the portal to enter it, even if she had to spend as if a simple stove and heater took more than a minimal of designing in her part; a crystal here to work as a battery that drew magic passively from environment, a rune array there to keep the metal from melting, a second rune array to actually produce heat and a third one to control the heat. She easily re-used the same design for all three parts (the oven, the stove and the heater), after which she had to draw up the instructions for the ponies to replicate her designs. To say that the nobles were impressed was an understatement; to have a place to cook food without wood or dangers of smoke was a great benefit to an empire with few trees as it was, to also have a movable box that gave them the same warmth as a fireplace with no danger of hurting anyone (well, unless they opened the box and poked at the red hot heating coils) was another great treasure. Princess Amore had been more than impressed when Airy had presented her products, the manufacturing instructions and the user manual to the court, which had caused them to start bickering about which of the nobles would get the rights to manufacture them. Princess Amore had brought an end to it by asking them to submit their proposals and she'd review them in order to choose the best pony for the job. Airy honestly didn't care which of them would get the rights to them; she had plenty of more designs to create and a lot of bits to make. She already had plans for her next creations; the freezer, the fridge and the combination of two (a relatively easy thing she'd do in a couple of weeks; just switch the rune patterns to draining instead of producing heat and boom, a fridge/freezer ready. Rune arrays would always maintain the set temperature and the ponies will be pleased that their food is no longer dried and salted just for preservation). After that, she'd start working on those self-rewinding grandfather clocks and then the delicate pocket watches for nobles to lord over peasants and their employees about working on time... A relatively easy thing once she designed the rune array and the clockwork parts to split the time charm some unicorns like Princess Amore to wake themselves up each morning... a primitive alarm clock made of time charm and sound producing spell. Airy stopped her humming as the paintbrush finished drawing the last of the symbols, before she waved her hand as the paint instantly dried up. As she examined the freshly painted runes, she took her time to make sure that everything was to perfection; she wasn't going to do some sloppy work just because she was eager to start her work, that's how a lot of villains or scientists in media caused trouble; no proper research and sloppy results that inevitably backfired due to rushing their designs and work. She was in no hurry, as no one had even a slightest reason to suspect her of ill intentions, yet alone evidence of anything. She could take her time, build up resources while researching and scheming, gathering knowledge of magic and anything else that was part of and outside of this world for her use... and once all was set and done, she'd just have to wait for a perfect opportunity to strike. Airy hummed in satisfaction at her work, before turning around and flying across the room to the door and closing it behind her with a wave of her hand. The door let out a slight click as it locked down, before she turned around and faced the image of herself painted on the door, this one a human-sized unlike her real self. Airy took a deep breath, relaxing her nerves before letting it out as she raised her hands towards the door, casting the final spell as the words of old magic slipped through her mouth with a slight echo. The ominous feeling spread through her body as the painted version's eyes glowed green for a moment, before dimming out as a brief sense of magic passed through Airy's body as the runes within the room activated, emitting a low hum for just a moment before disappearing. Airy hovered there for a moment, simply observing the door before waving her hand as the lock clicked open as the door slowly swung open. Inside, the workshop looked exactly like it had before, with sole exception being that the painted runes had disappeared completely. A satisfied smile appeared on her lips as she waved her hand once more, the door closing and locking by itself as the eyes of her painted image glowed slightly blue. Airy turned her gaze to the small painted pendant hanging from the neck of her painted counterpart, before flying to it.. and through the door as if it was nothing but a fancy hologram. Airy smiled as she viewed the exact replica of her workshop on the other side, with the slight exception being the lack of any furniture and the glowing runes carved into the walls, the ceiling and the floor above her. She finally had her hidden workshop ready for action... Now that her workshop was ready for action, it was time to turn her attention to her other schemes. Airy hummed some ancient melodies to herself as she turned the pages of the book about curses in her hands, scanning the pages. Petrification? useless. Flaying of the living? not interested. Curse of the rot? meh, maybe someday.... Ah, there; mare-to-monster, a spell to turn the living beings into monsters... oh, the page merely noted the effects and directed to another book for full details. Airy let out a disappointed sigh before closing the book, placing it back to it's proper place before scanning the the rows of books around her for the noted book. Her attention was drawn to the guards however when they stiffened and drew their weapons, standing ready as the sound of hooves against the crystal echoed down the hall. Airy quickly backed away from the door, before waving her hand as a spell of invisibility swept over her, making her disappear completely from sight. She didn't have the time to transform, so she dearly hoped she wouldn't have to consider murder already; she had so much to accomplish without hiding a murder on top of it. Normally, the spell of invisibility had limited use since the keen eye could spot the outline of the person or object that's become invisible, while not doing anything for smell nor sound. Thankfully, she knew how light, smell and hearing worked through the eyes, nose and ears as well as the science of how light, smell and sound traveled through the air and other physical mediums, so it was incredibly easy to fix those amateur errors in rather useful spell; she now possessed true invisibility. It wouldn't stop her from being spotted if someone accidentally walked into her (a likely occurrence in this small vault) but at least it would give her an edge to strike first. All she'd need was one strike to the neck... Airy noted how the guards stiffened and resumed their guard positions, though they still held onto their weapons tightly as they greeted the new arrival "Greetings, your highness. Another late night reading?" The guard on the right asked, his grip on the sword tightening as he and his partner eyed at the Princess Amore as she stopped in front of them "I'm afraid not, for I am here to browse the frost of the night lilies" she answered, before the guards relaxed as the put their weapons away. Apparently, that was a correct password for whatever reason she was here for. "Good evening, Ma'am. How may we be of service?" The guard on the left spoke as the guards saluted to the princess, who merely smiled in response "Nothing of importance. I merely felt a little restless with my thoughts and decided it would be productive to see how the guards of the vaults were doing. I presume there's been no trouble?" she asked, glancing through the bars to the 'empty' vault before turning her gaze back to the guards. "Nothing to report, Ma'am. None but yourself has passed here since the shift change and no signs of anything out of ordinary, Ma'am" the guard on the right reported, with Princess Amore nodding her head in response "Good, keep up the good work. I hope the rest of the night goes as smoothly as always" she replied, before turning away from them as she continued to walk down the hallway past the vault, her hoof steps growing distant as the guards ceased their salute and resumed their regular duties. Even as the sound of Princess Amore's hooves disappeared, Airy didn't dare to move until at least ten minutes had passed. Cancelling the invisibility spell, she let out an relaxed sigh as she resumed searching for the book she needed. Luckily, it didn't take long before the green covered book caught her eye, with the title written in the spine with blood red letters (Clearly, the author of it was a bit dramatic). Looking at the book, it was clear that the dramatics didn't end at the spine; a pony skull was painted with white on the front with red 'tears' leaking out of the eye holes, while the title was minuscule in comparison at the top of the book. Opening it wasn't any better, since the cursive text within that was written beautifully clean did nothing to correct the eyesore that was bright red letters on the white (well, starting to yellow) pages. Even the normal black-and-white pictures here and there were painted with that same red paint (She had to make a quick check that yes, it was paint and not preserved blood). With an annoyed sigh, she flipped through the pages of the book, stopping for a moment to read if she came across something interesting. Truthfully, while the book was filled with interesting plants, artifacts and spells, most of it didn't go too much into detail how they worked. Instead, the pages were filled with theories about how they were created and folktales that surrounded them. One of the pages that she found interesting was about Breezies, a race of tiny ponies around her size that had transparent butterfly wings, antennae and carried pollen around. One of the many theories that the author had researched was that it was possible that they had been a tribe of ponies that had either been cursed to become tiny creatures to replace the beehives they destroyed or some voluntary (or involuntary) experiment let loose into the wild. The best theory in her opinion however was the possibility that they might have been victims of Poison Joke, a flower that bloomed in the Everfree Forest and caused practical jokes that appeared as physical illnesses; the author theorized that since Poison Jokes effects were tailored to the physical and mental characteristics of the victims, the natural chaos magic might have turned a tribe of strong pegasus or thestral soldiers into tiny race of weak flyers that couldn't speak while glowing like a firefly. A familiar flower indeed, considering she had read a few scraps of notes while researching the World Trees. Airy made a note to herself to study and experiment on those flowers when she got the chance; Since chaos magic was the most difficult yet powerful kind of magic to control, learning from how those flowers worked could make her unstoppable; she had heard how powerful Discord had been, altering reality like it was his personal toy box. With that kind of power at her fingertips, she could reshape reality itself to suit her needs and make even Grogar himself tremble in fear and for him to kneel before her like a stereotypical bad guy that he was... she would also need to study how to counter it of course; since Discord was merely petrified, it was most likely he'd return some day and she'd rather be prepared. Media had taught her that any ancient evil not destroyed would eventually return; she wasn't as naive as the princesses to think Discord would never return, they always did. What was the rule again... oh yes, the thousand years. Always a thousand years ago, a thousand years of darkness or something similar. Well, if that held true in this world, she'd have plenty of time to make herself invincible. As Airy turned her attention back to the text and read what the author of the book had researched on Breezies, even a pony counterpart of herself were pathetic; the tiny creatures did not speak known languages, they couldn't fly without aid of the wind and their 'magic' ended a slight glow of their antennae. Still, she made a note about investigating them later; with a little modification by her, they might make an excellent slave race for her to rule. Hmm.. antennae and butterfly wings. They really were similar to her, as most of her forms had butterfly wings and her perfect form had antennae on her head. Unlike Breezies however she'd also have a butterfly abdomen sticking from her her back like a tail but she'd cross that bridge once she unlocked her perfect form. Airy resumed flipping through the pages, before near the end of the book she came across the Mare-to-monster spell; a magic that someone had learned from Grogar himself in exchange for unnamed trade. The spell could transform anyone into anything one desired, as long as you had enough magical power to finish it; the page had a dozen examples of unicorns attempting to create an ultimate warrior, only to fall short due to their lack of magical power that ended with results that looked like The Thing, except they were dead. It was an useful spell, as it was a branch of flesh crafting that Grogar had used on her but not taught her. Apparently the effects of the spell were permanent, so the author advised to use it only on heavily disfigured individuals who would not want to change back. A theory on the book was that it was based upon Swamp Fever, a fatal disease released by poisonous swamp flowers that caused ponies (and other creatures) to suffer an incurable illness that eventually turned the victim into a tree that bloomed even more such flowers. Airy idly wondered if there were any real trees left or if all of them were former victims of the illness... a morbid curiosity also made her wonder if the victims remained self-aware as trees; how horrifying it must be to see someone come near you and be unable to warn them, yet even worse if the individual or group of people who came across the person-turned-tree decided to cut it down; would they fell pain or bleed blood? the book didn't answer these questions, instead they mentioned a brief existence of a cure that was created by an earth pony named Mage Meadowbrook, though the cure had recently disappeared with her. Airy checked the date written on the book; if she was right, the book was written at most mere eight years ago... around the same time Star Swirl had disappeared in fact. A coincidence? well, like the old saying went 'once is a coincidence, twice is happenstance but three times is enemy action'. Hmm... The Swamp Fever was quite interesting, yet risk of falling victim to it was too great for her to seek it out. However, the author also noted a lesser theory that a rare flower called Twisted Sugar could also have been an inspiration; it was a safer option for her to seek out, because it required the individual to actually drink a tea made from the flower to affect anyone; first the victim would feel great euphoria for weeks, before it turned into a sense of dread that grew until finally paralyzing the victim. Apparently, the plant converted the victims from inside out, eventually turning them into a rosebush in the shape of the victim that bloomed these flowers. The other method that the flower affected people was when it was eaten instead; within hours of it happening, they'd feel great pain before starting to bleed heavily as roots and branches started to emerge from within, eventually killing the victim as they were rapidly consumed and turned into a rosebush that curiously did not produce the flowers. That's why the flower was rare; one would have to either drink the tea (or water contaminated by it) for one to turn into a rosebush that produced it. Author noted that usually they were found in water filled caves or small ponds where the leaves of the plant would contaminate the water within. Hmm... now that she was reading the book, she realized that she didn't need to make a choice; If she created a curse which would transform the entire world's population into anthropomorphic creatures, she could also use a mix of magic and mutagenic virus to edit their genetic structure so they'd stay anthropomorphic even if the curse was broken. Both the curse and the virus would reinforce each other, becoming a genetic trait that would pass from parent to child for endless generations and correct any attempts to change it; a mixture of science and sorcery this world has never witnessed before. However, there was also a change that someone might escape the effects of her creation, so she needed to make sure it would spread... an easy fix by making it transmittable by air, touch and body fluids. A pony holding a transformed individual would get infected by air or touch, while the body fluids (blood, spit, sexual fluids) would also transfer it between individuals. Finally, she had the beginning pieces ready, all she'd need was to find that Twisted Sugar flower... luckily, the author researched it quite extensively, with most common place where one could find it being Everfree Forest. A quick visit there would mean she'd easily get her hands on both Twisted Sugar and Poison Joke, thus killing two birds with one stone. Three actually, if she were to get herself some of those Timber Wolves she had heard about. Airy was sure she'd have an opportunity to visit the place someday... or hire some fool to get them for her. "Are you sure I'm even allowed in here? This is the guard barracks after all, aren't those places restricted to guards and their superiors?" Airy asked as she sat on top of Shard Tackle's head, looking at the guards who passed by while her unofficial ride kept walking through the hallways of the castle towards their destination. "It's alright Airy, plenty of guards have had lovers, family and even couple of friends visit them in the barracks, as long as they've been properly escorted and the guard takes responsibility should anything happen. Besides, it's not like we're visiting the armory or the vaults, just the barrack where Glint Hoof is staying at; just a quick visit between friends and acquaintance in your case should be no trouble at all... as long as we do it before the inspection starts" Shard Tackle answered as Airy casually waved at one of the guards, receiving a nod in return as the guard walked past them. In truth, Airy couldn't care less about Glint Hoof... yet since he was friends with Shard Tackle and had spend quite a while guarding her room at night, it had given the mare a false sense of them becoming acquaintances at the minimum; truthfully she hadn't had more than a handful of proper conversations with the stallion, whom she found as boring as an gossip article explaining different ships in fake reality shows. So what if Glint through himself clever by pulling pranks on others or making jokes of cringe worthy quality? He was a mindless sheep in her eyes, with her thoughts always wandering to better things whenever they actually had those few conversations. The stallion was a total bore... still, it always helped to fake a friendship, even if she wanted to jam her fingers down his throat and pull out his vocal cords....hmm, was there a spell that could do the same effect without killing the victim? she'd need to research that; casting a spell that stops others from screaming could be very useful indeed, especially since you never know if one of her victims had a way to cancel the silence spell she knew; one might cancel a sound muting spell but one can't simply 'cancel' having your vocal cords ripped away or melted away. "Ah, here we are" Shard spoke, snapping Airy out of her thoughts as they stopped just outside a barrack that had the door slightly ajar. Airy glanced at the doors around them, all neatly closed and identical with no marks on which one was which. If she had to find this place blindly, she wouldn't have been able to without at least asking someone for directions. Now that Shard had escorted her here however, she could easily find it (though Airy doubted she'd ever need to). Airy turned her attention back to the door in front of her as Shard knocked on the door, before stepping forward as she pushed it open. "Hi guys, guess -" the world seemed to slow down as door swung open, with shocked looks of the three guards inside (Which included Glint) staring at their direction, eyes widening as they tried to mouth a warning far too late; a shadow swept over them mere moments before the splash as they were showered in purple liquid. Airy didn't have the time to react before she was swept off Shard's mane by the slimy liquid, before impacting the floor as Shard took a step back from the door "Ah, what the heck?!" she yelled out, keeping her eyes closed as she tried to brush off the stuff covering her face while the prankster guards held their sides while laughing to their heart's content. "What is going on here!" A commanding voice echoed as the laughing ceased, with Glint and others feeling the cold sweat sweep over them as they turned to look at rather angry lieutenant staring at them from the doorway... Airy was seething as she rubbed her hair, feeling the dried gunk of watered down jelly flaking off from her hair and skin while her clothes hovered on the other end of the bowl, with tentacles of water giving them a firm scrubbing. Do they have any idea how hard it is to get rid of purple stains on white clothes in medieval times? She was furious enough to murder those bastards: how dare they inflict such harm on her. She had saved their worthless lives from cold and hunger, yet this was how they dared to treat her? Airy's jaw was tense as she ground her teeth against each other, before taking a deep breath through her nose. Her vengeance would be far greater than they would know. Screw her plans for that tourist attraction, they deserved none of it: She'd give them the absolute minimum in advancements and when she was ready, she'd scatter their ashes to their precious fields before burning them to the ground... but it would be a waste to destroy so much resources in mere retaliation. Airy turned her head towards the Nightshade plant sitting on the nearby table, considering the level of toxicity she should increase it to before another idea came to her mind. Yes, why should she waste her efforts in murdering the foolish guards and destroying valuable resources in petty revenge, when she could tear apart the core of the lives: their very careers. The nightshade had very minor hallucinogenic properties, it wouldn't be too hard to remove the toxicity and create a brand new drug by increasing those hallucinogenic properties to maximum safe tolerances, get her victims addicted by dosing them with it and then getting them thrown out from the royal guard. They'd beg for mercy and declare their innocence, yet no one would be willing to hire someone caught using drugs while on the job. Airy waved her hand, causing the water to wash over her body and sweep away last of the filth before she took flight, ignoring the chill of the cold air against her bare skin as she flew across the room and landed on the table, right next to her precious new weapon against fools who dared to humiliate her. As the magic left her hands and started to transform the nightshade plant according to her desires, Airy didn't even notice her own manic laughter as her eyes practically glowed with gleeful malice... The door of Airy's bedroom opened, before a light pink stallion with brown mane stepped in, closing the door behind him as he glanced around the room before stepping towards the desk, where Airy was hovering with careful attention towards him. "Here you go, miss Airy" Glow Glass spoke as he set down the box on the desk, opening it and showing the vials inside "Fifty glass vials with corks, set in five rows of ten. Does this satisfy your request?" he asked, smiling as the little fairy moved her hand and one of the aforementioned vials left the box, levitating in the air as Airy inspected it before waving her hand again, with the vial returning to it's position before the box closed itself. "Yes, thank you. This will work nicely" Airy replied as she waved her hand, causing Glow Glass to take a step back as the desk drawer opened and a small bag levitated out of it. Glow Glass took the offered bag as the drawer closed, opening it and glancing at the bits inside, making a quick count before closing it back up and turning his gaze back to Airy, before noticing that she was now hovering right in front of his face. Airy snapped her fingers, smiling as the glass worker rapidly blinked his eyes as they glowed slight pink, before speaking "I think it's best we keep everything here just between us: it's a secret to everybody, got it?" she ordered, winking as Glass Glow smiled as the magic faded from his eyes, with the compulsion magic taking effect "Of course ma'am, you can count on me" he replied, before turning as she dismissed him with a wave of her hand, opening and closing the door behind him. Airy couldn't care less about the glass worker she had hired few days ago, just happy that she'd have the tools of her revenge. With a wave of her hand, the box hovered off the desk and followed her to the Nightshade plant, opening as the vials within had their corks removed. Another wave of her magic caused the Nightshade to shiver before a stream of pinkish liquid left the plant, gathering in the air in a large sphere while the plant shivered till it was bone dry, crumbling into it's pot. Last wave of her magic had the sphere of liquid split into fifty equal smaller spheres, before they entered the open vials, with corks sealing them shut once the process was done before the box closed itself and hovered to the bed, before floating under it. With that done, Airy turned her gaze towards the crumbled remains of the plant, before using her magic to turn it into dust and leaving the pot empty and ready for a new plant to replace the stolen one. The next morning, the gardeners were curious about a missing plant from the gardens, cursing at the youngsters always sneaking in to steal flowers because they didn't want to spend bits at the market while at the same time, the maids tending to Airy's room saw nothing out of ordinary... "Thank you miss Airy. You're welcome anytime!" the spa owner said as she waved the little fairy goodbye, with Airy waving back as she sat on Shard Tackle's back as the guard walked out of the establishment and into the streets. "So, where shall we head to next, Airy?" Shard Tackle asked as she glanced at their surroundings, watching as the ponies went on with their business, some giving the little fairy a curious glance but too shy to approach "Well, I've been thinking: it's been two months since I first arrived and we haven't explored all of the Crystal Empire yet: How about we explore cultural sites, I'm curious as to what a society less than a century old consider 'cultural and historical significance' as some scholars might say it" Airy replied as she flew to hover next to Shard's head, who put her hoof on her chin as she thought about her request. "Well... I know I don't find it interesting, but we could visit the museum of founding: I hear they have hoof drawn portrays and mane clips of the most influential ponies from when Princess Amore gathered the stray crystal pony tribes and formed the Crystal Empire" Shard answered, before starting to walk down the street as Airy followed. "Oh, that sounds interesting. I was curious as to what the crystal ponies were like before Princess Amore founded the Crystal Empire" Airy replied as she waved her hand at some curious fillies near some stall selling crystal berries. "Oh, I wouldn't call it that interesting. From what I know, it was just a lot of unicorns and pegasi who led and protected the crystal ponies who provided the food for them, even if they were a minority at the time" Shard answered as she kept walking, glancing at the street signs as they passed them by and trying to remember where the museum was "Well, it's only natural: unicorns and pegasi seems really rare but they have magic and flight, so it's natural that they'd protect the people who produce their food: you can't eat pure energy or fill your stomach with clouds after all" Airy replied, before raising her eyebrow as Shard shook her head. "That's not what I meant: back when the Crystal Empire was founded, most of the citizens were pegasi and unicorns" Shard said, stopping and turning to Airy who had a look of confusion on her face as she glanced around her at the crystal ponies: They had neither horns nor wings, merely the crystal empire's variation of Earth ponies "I...I don't understand. If most of their ancestors were pegasi and unicorns, then why are most of the crystal ponies without wings or horns?" Airy asked, genuinely curious at the contradiction. "Ah, yes, you might have not heard of it before since it's a topic no one really speaks about these days. See that old earth pony without a shiny coat over there, by the stalls?" Shard pointed at a old stallion with grey mane who was talking with a customer, showing different colored fabrics "He's a normal Equestrian earth pony, who has magic in his hooves. Crystal ponies are different, as our magical connection to the crystals and the Crystal Heart makes our coats shine" Shard paused, indicating at her own shining coat "Now, since most of the pony tribes were living in northern Equestria back in the day, they didn't have access to lot of crystals nor the Crystal Heart: That's why our magic concentrated on other spots, such and wings and horns. Of course most of those didn't even work, as we were technically 'magic starved', thus while we had more pegasi and unicorns, most of them were no different than the crystal ponies today: incapable of magic. So, when the Crystal Empire was founded, most of the new generations that were born here had neither horns nor wings, being born as normal crystal ponies: Grandma used to tell me about it because it gave quite a lot of couples a scare, thinking foals weren't theirs just because they lacked horns or wings... at least until Princess Amore one day gathered all the ponies and explained all this to them" Shard finished, watching as the Airy glanced around them with curiosity. "fascinating... but what about the pegasi and unicorns after the founding? I heard that they were rare, that's why I was confused when you said they were the majority less than a century ago" Airy asked, turning back to Shard who nodded in reply "Well yeah, they are rare: real crystal unicorns such as Radiant and Sombra are extremely rare, with most of the others fleeing the city as soon as the trouble started" Shard said, pursing her lips "And technically Captain Thunder Shield is only half-blood, so his pegasus side comes from the Equestrian pegasi, not the crystal pegasi; same might be true to Daisy Glow, as everyone else pretty much left or retired" Shard said as she turned her gaze to the crowd. Airy hovered there silently for a moment, considering things before speaking once more "Do you think those who left will come back to the Crystal Empire?" she asked, watching as Shard Tackle shook her head "Truthfully, I don't think so. Most of them sold and got rid of everything that kept them in the crystal empire and moved away as soon as the trouble with the crystal heart started. While I don't know specific reasons, it's my guess that they just took it as an excuse to take the opportunity in making better lives to themselves in Equestria, to serve the Alicorn princesses. Some ponies might return but I doubt anymore than a hoof full of unicorns and pegasi might even consider returning: better to serve as nobles and royal guards in big kingdom rather than a small city state like the crystal empire" Shard answered as she turned to look at the little fairy. "hmm.... I think you're right: they're probably never going to return" Airy noted, before smiling as another idea came to her mind "Oh well, that just leaves more opportunities to us. Tell me Shard, have you ever wished to fly above the clouds?" she asked, watching as the confusion spread on the guard's face "I... Well, not really..." Shard answered, unsure of what the little fairy was thinking. She was a crystal pony, she didn't have wings like the pegasi or Airy: to dream of flying above the clouds was something she had never considered before. Airy's smile widened as she flew next to the guard's ear before whispering "Well, I have some fantastic ideas about making a flying ship: I'll tell you more later" she spoke softly into the guard's ear, before flying up and landing on top of Shard's mane, sitting down as she pointed at random street "Now onward, my friend! You promised to show me that museum of yours" Airy said, with Shard chuckling as she resumed her walking, heading towards the aforementioned museum of founding. And for the first time in her life, Shard Tackle's thoughts drifted to consider the very idea of soaring through the skies, her eyes drifting to the blue sky above her as she wondered what it was like to fly like a bird among the clouds.... > Chapter 16 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Be careful with that" Airy spoke as she watched two ponies carefully carry a two meter long wooden model ship through the workshop doorway, before carefully walking down the hallway towards the backroom that had the door already open. Airy followed in behind them, watching as they lifted it up and put it down on the framework already waiting for it before sighing at relieve. "Perfect! Thank you for getting it here without accidentally hitting anything" Airy said as she landed on top of the ship, inspecting the deck: from bow to stern, it looks liked a wooden replica of a 25 meter yacht that she had designed and scaled down to fit her own size compared to humans: 1/12th the size of the original. She wasn't sure if they had managed to get the insides according to her specifications considering she was standing on top of it but she'd inspect it later. "Of course miss Airy, it's our job to make sure the customer get their orders in one piece... Do you need help with anything else, ma'am?" One of the ponies spoke, glancing around slightly in curiosity as Airy shook her head "No, that will be all for today. I'll be busy for weeks before i'll be ordering anything else and when I do, it will take a lot of time and lot of effort to complete. You're free to leave" Airy dismissed them with a wave of her hand, with the worker ponies nodding their heads before stepping out of the room and into the hallway. Airy kept her eyes on them through the doorway as they walked through the hallway, reaching the lobby and exiting the building with no trouble. It was only after they closed the front door that Airy turned back to the wooden ship model, landing at the back section before checking the upper deck: it looked exactly like she specified, which of course meant there was nothing but blank walls, ceiling and and floor. Interior of the cabin and other space below was similar experience, which suited her needs perfectly as she exited the yacht replica, waving her hand as the workshop door closed before flying over to a nearby desk with a pile of papers on it. Truthfully speaking, she had no plans for that yacht yet: maybe one day she'd produce a real life one and sell them as luxury items for the nobles but for now, she had bigger plans in mind. Glancing at the empty papers, Airy waved her hand as the quill and ink cap appeared next to them, before they began to move on their own as she directed them according to her desires. As the quill and ink finished their work for the first page, Airy observed it carefully: A typical Carrack-type ship, with a wooden control cabin at the stern of the ship and no masts, instead replaced by a large ellipsoid balloon above tied by ropes on nine places: two on both sides of the stern, four in the middle and the two at the bow, with last one attached to the very tip of the bow. As for propulsion, she added two turbines on both sides at the stern and the bow, which could adjust left and right for movement.... Well, she called them turbines but they weren't real turbines: merely empty tubes shapes like aircraft turbines with hollow hole where the fans and engines would be. In a world where science would have turbine fans, she was planning to use magical runes to produce the thrust required by simply sucking the air from the front of the turbines and expelling it at the end: No need for fuel or maintenance of any moving parts, just airflow redirected by magic to produce the thrust required. She already had a dozen tests in mind for all the parts of the ship, since this world lacked the materials she needed for real airships: she'd have to compensate with magic. Airy smiled as finished observing the initial sketch, before waving her hand as the finished paper went to the side, with quill once again starting to write on a new empty page... Princess Amore's horn glowed as Airy's workshop door opened, her eyes moving to familiar glow as the little fairy stood on top of the lobby desk as she walked in. Glancing around, she saw that there had been some changes to the workshop since she had last visited: the stone blocks on both sides of the lobby were now gone, leaving an empty space where they had once been. "Good day your highness. Are you ready to see my new experiments?" Airy spoke, flying from the desk to hover next to Princess Amore, who smiled and nodded "Yes. Thank you for taking the time to show me what you've been up to since the stoves and heaters. The kitchen staff were hesitant at first to use your inventions, however they were quite pleased with the results once they learned to use them. The risks of accidental fire and smoke inhalation have greatly reduced thanks to your inventions, while the miners outside the barrier have noted how effective the first few heaters have been" Princess Amore spoke, pausing as her smile dropped slightly as she continued. "Before your inventions, there used to be many cases of smoke inhalation among the miners due to the fires required to heat them, as some of the mines exist just outside the barrier, even as restored as it is. Thanks to you however, we'll no longer need to worry about those, which will allow us to create mines further away from the barrier than before: not that I expect the need to arrive just yet, as the current mines are still nowhere near depletion. Maybe within the next century we'll need to expand far north but for now, your inventions will serve as both resource and financial saving method, as well as the emergency relieve should something happen to the Crystal Heart" Princess Amore finished, watching as Airy smiled at her. "It's a pleasure to be of service. Now, would you like to see my initial experiments into the next inventions?" Airy asked, before gesturing down the hallways as she led the princess to the first door on the right, before gesturing for the Princess to open it. As her horn glowed and the door opened, what was inside wasn't something Princess Amore expected as a chill air swept over her. On the metal tables were different cubes of various sizes, some open and producing a chill fog while most had a metal door closed with a latch. As Airy flew into the room and landed next to one of them on the left side, she made a gesture with her hand before the latch opened, with Airy pulling the metal door open to reveal a frozen apple. "These are my freezers. As you know, most of the food preservation I have seen involves using salt and drying the food, so I figured why not create something that keeps the food fresh. Of course, these freezers are meant for long-term storage, freezing the food so they can be defrosted at later date: Where I come from, people ate meat and fish so they were quite handy for every town, much more to you should you wish to store some meat or fish for foreigners" Airy spoke, watching as Princess Amore thought about the situation before nodding "Yes, I can see how they can be useful. While freezing food with their magic is a common practice among the unicorns, for the ponies or other races who can't cast spells this invention would be of great use" Princess Amore spoke, watching as Airy giggled in delight. "Oh, good to hear that you'll like it. I'm still adjusting them to proper temperatures, as to make sure they're at that proper temperature: not too cold but not too warm either" Airy spoke, before pushing the door closed and waving her hand, causing the latch to close itself once more. "It's basically the same things i'm doing with my fridge designs here" Airy spoke as she flew to the other side of the room, landing next to an identical cube and opening it's latch, revealing a glass filled with reddish liquid that wasn't frozen. As Airy gestured to the drink, Princess Amore's horn glowed as the glass hovered to her, before she sniffed it: A Crystal berry juice if she was right. "Go ahead, taste it" Airy spoke, before Princess Amore carefully took a small sip from it: the liquid felt cold and refreshing in her mouth as she swallowed, pulling the glass away and hovering it back to the cube, with Airy closing the door and the latch before flying to hover in front of her. "So, how was it?" Airy asked, watching as Princess Amore pondered it for a moment "It was cold and refreshing, like a freshly created juice: those that have been created few days ago have a different taste than the freshly created ones" Princess Amore spoke, with Airy nodding her head "That's because the fridge is meant for short-term storage of the foods and drinks: to keep them cold without freezing them so they can be enjoyed within a few days. I'm sure quite a few cooks would enjoy both of these, so they can store food long-term by freezing it and then help prepare the next day's food by moving it from the freezer to the fridge to defrost, so it can be used the next day" Airy spoke, watching as Princess Amore nodded her head. "Another excellent creation, miss Airy. May I ask when you'll have the necessary instructions for building and using them?" Princess Amore spoke, watching as Airy put a hand on her shin as she pondered "Well, I'll still need to run few experiments to find the perfect temperatures for both, but I should have the manuals for the Freezers, the Fridges and combinations ready by next week. The hard part is basically done now, all I need to do is fine-tuning and write the instructions" Airy answered, with Princess Amore nodding in understanding. "And I'll once again have to spend few hours mediating which of the nobles get the rights to produce them" Princess Amore said, before smiling and laughing with Airy at the thought of it all. "So, shall we proceed onward?" Airy asked, before leaving the room as Princess Amore followed, closing the door behind them as they went to the second door on the right, opening it to reveal few piles of different sized stone disks and metal rods. It wasn't much to see, other than two metal boxes sitting on the table: one had a circular disk on the top and two different sized metal pieces pointing at different numbers, while other had a hole go through it, with a small metal piece on top of it. Airy flew across the room, with Princess Amore following her as they stopped in front of the two devices "There are still prototype and I will focus more on them once the fridge and freezer are done, however for now I think they'll serve as a demonstration of luxury items I have planned" Airy said, before landing on top of the device with metal rods pointing at the numbers "This one is a clock: you know how you use those candles to show the passage of time?" Airy asked, with Princess Amore nodding. "This will do the same, except it will be more precise and show both the hour and the minute. Where I come from we use twenty-four hour clocks, though this one only show shows the numbers one through twelve. See these tiny marks?" Airy pointed at one, with Princess Amore moving closer to look at them "They indicate minutes, with sixty minutes forming one hour. The bigger rod indicates the minute, while the smaller rod indicates the hour. I'm currently trying to figure out how to use gears on that renew spell you showed me to make this clock go through the twelve hours twice before it renews, so that it can show a proper time... and maybe add some way to indicate when it's AM and PM" Airy noted, with Princess Amore raising an eyebrow in confusing. "AM and PM?" She asked, watching as Airy turned her attention back to her "Well, I'm not sure what the origins is, but AM usually means time between midnight and midday, while PM means time between midday and midnight" Airy answered, with Princess Amore nodding her head "This is an incredible device you are working on. If you can manage to get it working, every citizen in the Crystal Empire...no, every citizen in Equestria and beyond will want one of these: a way to measure time accurately will solve many problems and increase productivity of everypony, from commoners to nobles and even royalty such as myself. When will you think you'll have it ready?" Princess Amore asked, only to receive a shake of the head from the little fairy. "Not for a long while, your highness. Unlike the other products, these clocks will need to be extremely precise: even a minor deviation could cause minutes and even hours of time difference in the long term, so to make sure they're always on time I'll need to do some extensive testing on them, especially since it takes a full day just to see if the adjustments are right or not. This is a project that will easily take months to complete" Airy replied, watching as a slight disappointment crossed over Princess Amore's face. "I understand. Still, when it's complete this will become one of the most important creations of our time" Princess Amore said, watching as Airy nodded in agreement. As her gaze turned to the other device however, Princess Amore's expression went from a smile to pure confusion as she observed it: as far as she could see, it had no moving parts, no indications of anything other than the slight runes carved on the inside of the hole which were hard to see. Airy smiled as she observed the Princess inspect the device, before speaking "Go ahead your highness, press that small button on the top" Airy spoke, watching as the Princess carefully used her hoof to press the button. Princess Amore blinked in surprise, not seeing anything change before she felt a slight breeze come from the device. Moving her hoof to the front of it, she could feel it coming from the hole, before she moved her hoof to the other end of the device, feeling as the air was slightly being sucked into the hole. "It's one of my prototypes, with small devices like that to be sold as air coolers: you know, when it's too hot during summer so everyone will like a small breeze to cool themselves off. I have larger versions in mind but those will be for an entirely different thing" Airy explained, flying to the device and pressing the button again, making the breeze stop. "Well, I can see why ponies would buy it: summers can be hot sometimes and they might not have easy access to water to cool themselves with" Princess Amore spoke, watching as Airy gleefully flew up and hovered in front of her "It's going to be wonderful! These few items that I showed you today will be but a footnote... hoofnote in the history of the Crystal Empire for centuries to come. In fact, one of the many projects I have planned for the future will be a major mark in the history books" Airy said, causing Princess Amore's eyes to widen at the boast. "Well, that certainly sounds like a self-assured boast. If I may ask, what is it?" Princess Amore asked, with Airy smiling at her in return "I'll give you a hint: have you ever crossed a lake or a sea on a boat?" she asked. Princess Amore thought about it for a moment, before her eyes widened again as she looked at the smiling fairy in front of her "You mean..." she began, pausing as Airy clapped her hands together "Yes, your highness... The Airship" Airy said, smiling as she watched Princess Amore's expression change as she thought of the future where ships few across the sky to all corners of the world.... Airy hummed happily as she opened the door of her room, watching as disgruntled Glint turned his head toward her. Whatever he was about to say didn't matter anymore as the spell hit him right in the face, causing him to shakily take a step back as he blinked rapidly, before turning his slightly purple glowing eyes back to Airy, who merely gave him a sinister smile before levitating a vial of her concoction to him. "Good evening, Glint. This is Night's Kiss: I want you to drink it and then stand guard here till the shift change. You won't remember anything that happened tonight, other than you had another guard duty where nothing happened, do you understand?" Airy asked, watching as Glint nodded his head "Yes, mistress" he said, before accepting the vial and downing it's contents. Airy smiled as she levitated the vial back to her room, before closing the door behind her as she flew through the hallways, using her magic to become invisible as she flew to different destination: The royal archives. As she arrived at her destination, her gaze landed on a lone guard sitting in front of the archives, with the door slightly ajar as the light of someone still working leaked through it. A wave of her hand caused the guard to fall asleep, before she flew into through the open door into the archives. Rows upon rows of books on this miniature library were all around her, before she landed on the desk of an somewhat young stallion working on the papers with a lantern sitting next to him. To say that he was surprised when she became visible would have been an understatement, though the reaction soon stopped as her magic made him obey her commands "Tell me where the log for artifact vault is kept" Airy commanded, watching as the stallion's purple glowing eyes scanned the bookshelves before pointing at one of the rows "Row 5, second shelf, seventeenth book" the stallion answered, before turning his attention back to her "Good. Now, you'll forget that I was ever here and go back to whatever you were doing, got it?" Airy asked, with the stallion nodding his head before his eyes stopped glowing, causing him to blink as she turned his attention back to the papers in front of him. Airy smiled as she flew to the book he had indicated, summoning it with her telekinesis as she started flipping through the pages. Her search didn't last long, only long enough to confirm that the items she wanted were still at their proper place... though she felt slightly angry as she noted that instead of three World Tree seeds, there were only two left: Apparently Star Swirl had taken one of them a decade ago, though for what purpose she had no idea. Oh well, guess she had to be satisfied with the two remaining ones... As the moon shined above, deep within the woods darkened by the leaves covering the sky, two groups were meeting each other: Both sides wore cloaks, with one side made of griffons carrying wooden crates while the other made of deer pulled a group of young unicorns shackled together in a chain towards the other group. "Move it or I'll make sure you never will!" Snow Antler angrily yelled at the shackled unicorns, watching as they flinched before walking past him towards the cloaked griffons who smiled as they observed their new merchandise, before in turn they set down the crates they were carrying in front of him. As he opened one of the crates, he observed the finely made swords and axes held within before gesturing to the others, who closed the crate before taking it and rest towards their cart. "I presume you're satisfied with the products" An old grey griffon spoke, cackling as he observed the terrified little unicorns before turning his gaze back to Snow Antler "If there is nothing else...?" he left the question open, only to receive a shake of head from Snow Antler "No, we are done here" he answered. The old griffon merely nodded his head before turning away, with Snow Antler following suit as the two groups parted away, both going their own way. The trip back to their hideout was both long and stressful, as they had to make sure no one was following them: Snow Antler didn't trust those flying rats not to have sold them out for a bit or from planning an ambush to raid them. It was nearly dawn when they returned to their cave, walking through the false wall and carrying the weapons inside. The leader was already waiting for them, observing as they opened the crates and started distributing the minotaur-made weaponry to the troops, who in turn examined them before starting to practice using the swords and axes meant for creatures with claws. "I presume everything went well?" the cult leader ask, observing as Snow Antler nodded his head "Yes. The trade went without problems and we made sure no one could follow us" he answered, watching as the leader pursed his lips before jerking his head backwards "Come, it is time I teach you the ways of the dark knights" he said, turning as Snow Antler followed him deeper into the cavern... Airy sat on the study desk as she watched Sombra conjure a black crystal on the table, swinging her legs back and forth as she observed his magic at work "So, how has your studies of these things gone so far?" Airy asked, watching as the green and purple magic faded from Sombra's eyes and horn. "Quite well, actually, considering they are far easier for me to create than the emotional magic Radiant is studying. In my studies of these black crystals, I have discovered that they possess a minor magic draining quality: So far I haven't been able to enhance it, but I'm certain that once my studies are done I can use them block anypony's magic by either covering them in crystals or surrounding them in it. A suitable way to create a prison cell to prevent magical criminals from escaping once captured, though I am still trying to figure out how to prevent them from merely teleporting themselves out... but I'll figure it out someday" Sombra said, before turning his attention back to Airy, nervously waiting for her response. Airy hummed for a moment, before speaking once more "You've done quite a bit of research into them and their potential uses. I'm sure Princess Amore and Radiant will be proud of you... when you decide to tell them that is" Airy said, watching as Sombra flinched at her comment. "I am... I am not sure if either would agree with that. They both disdain any form of dark magic, which i'm beginning to think these black crystals might belong to... I fear that one day they'll accidentally discover these experiment and...and..." Sombra paused, nervously looking at the black crystals sitting on the table. Airy on other hand ignored the pause, standing up and flying across the room before landing right in front of him "And nothing, my friend. They'll know that you had the best of intentions and while they might not like it, they will understand and stand by you... and remember, I'll always be by your side, no matter what" Airy spoke, watching as Sombra's vulnerable self-doubts and fears crossed his expression as he turned his gaze towards her. "Always?" he asked, his voice and stance betraying his nervousness. Airy on other hand stood confident as she smiled and stared straight in the eyes "Always" she spoke softly, lying as effortlessly as breathing. She had no intention of standing for Sombra once he fell (and she was planning to turn him into a puppet to manipulate) so she had no reason to feel guilty about lying to him. Her lie seemed to relax Sombra, who let out a relieved sigh before speaking "You have no idea how relieved I am to hear that" he spoke, before Airy clapped her hands together "Don't worry about it, I'm sure everything will go fine. Now, how about you make this thing" Airy paused, gesturing at the black crystal behind her "Disappear and help me find a spell that will help me grow crystals: I have a project in mind and while they're fancy, these black crystals aren't exactly what I had in mind" Airy spoke, watching as Sombra's horn glowed before the crystals crumbled to dust. "Actually, before you arrived, Radiant and I considered building a giant crystal dome around the empire as one of the methods to give us more time or replace the Crystal Heart's protection: Sadly, it wouldn't have been feasible without the Crystal Heart, so we dismissed it. I think I remember which book had the spell though, so give me a moment" Sombra said, before turning away as he started inspecting the bookshelves around them. As Airy observed him however, she glanced at the door before casting a spell: the world turned black and white as the soul magic took effect, before she turned her gaze towards Sombra... and got a surprise of her life. While most of the ponies had a smokey outline inside them without featureless, Sombra's soul looked like a smokey grey version of a pony going through decomposition: the skin was hugging the bones beneath as the teeth were visible, with stubs on his back at where a pair of wings should have been. As she continued to observe him, she recognized what she was seeing from old history books just before she cancelled the spell, world in her vision turning to normal as Sombra turned his attention back to her, completely unaware of what she had seen as he levitated a book to the table next to her. Sombra had a soul of an Umbra... > Chapter 17 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Airy watched as the two ponies in front of her examined the designs, before turning to her "Yes, miss Airy: I think we can construct this... ship model as you've specified. Is there anything else you require?" the older mare asked, straightening her glasses while her young apprentice continued to look through the designs with confusion on his expression. "No, everything I need from you is there: when you've finished the construction, have it brought to my workshop" Airy instructed, watching as the older mare nodded her head "Yes, ma'am" she replied, before turning back to examining the designs, flipping the pages of the notebook she had been given by Airy and pulling out a fresh sheet of paper to make notes on. With the business done, Airy turned around and flew to the door, waiting as Shard Tackle followed her out of the carpentry shop and onto the street "So, where shall we go next?" Shard asked, shifting another notebook and some loose papers in her hoofs as she looked at the tiny fairy looking around them "Next, we'll go to the blacksmith. Can you lead the way?" Airy asked, watching as Shard nodded her head and started walking towards the blacksmith's guild. Her designs for the airship's scaled down model were pretty much complete: all she needed to do was commission it and the prototype pedestal for her Skystone and if everything worked just as intended, she could design a proper airship. Sure, it would probably take most of Crystal Empires wood and linen to build but it would be worth it. The pedestal itself wouldn't needed to be changed at all, as it would connect to the rest of the ship and channel the magic of the Skystone throughout the airship. After her talk with Sombra, she had begun to grow her first Skystone, based upon what she remembered seeing from the games and the manga. Made of black tourmaline, she was growing it layer by layer into a octahedron the size of basketball in her laboratory, with each layer having it's own set of intricate and tiny runic scriptures that worked as a ship's brain, controlling everything from hydrogen production for the balloon to altitude controls, reinforcing the hull and making the entire ship several times lighter, controlling the turbine speed/direction and so many more things she couldn't be bothered to list. Of course, the greatest feature she had hidden within was the remote detonation sequence: she wasn't going to build airships and not make sure she could bring them down like the Hindenburg, a reason why the balloon would be filled with hydrogen and enchanted with runes to prevent accidental fires while enabling her to cause intentional fires remotely... not that she needed to, since the remote detonation sequence carved into the first layer of the Skystone, which would shatter it instantly. If she was right, then as soon as the Skystone shattered the airship should regain its true weight and integrity while the balloon would be set ablaze, plummeting the whole ship to land below (or sea, depending on where that particular airship was) and shattering due to sheer force of the impact. A perfect way to destroy a stolen airship... or to wipe out an entire enemy fleet and blame it on whoever she wished. Such devious trap she was weaving... Airy watched as the two ponies carried the crate of pedestal parts into her workshop, stepping to the side and putting it before assisting the four other ponies carrying the model airship model through the doorway, carefully making sure that the edges did not hit the doorway on either side before lowering it slowly onto the wooden frame she had commissioned to hold it. All in all, the ship model was one twelfth the size of the real one, just little over four meters in length and little over a meter in width: the real airship would be over fifty meters in length and fourteen meters in width (or beam, as the proper ship term was) so she'd probably need to ask Princess Amore some empty plot of land to build it on. Well, more like the carpenters and other workers would build it but whatever. As the six ponies finished setting the ship on it's frame, two more ponies walked in carrying the ellipsoid shaped balloon of similar length and width, only far lighter than the model ship "Just set that on the table over there" Airy directed, watching as they set it on the nearby table next to the model. The balloon wasn't a real balloon of course, it was just linen covered wooden frame that would hold the hydrogen, once she used magic to make it airtight and flame resistant: linen wasn't exactly a prime material to creating airship balloons but since it was the only material she could get her hands on in this medieval time period, she'd just have to adjust and adapt to the situation. She put on a fake smile and waved the workers goodbye as they left, before turning her gaze towards the crate of pedestal parts. A wave of her hand caused it to open and the parts to emerge, softly floating into the air around her before holding still as she went on examining them carefully. It was two weeks ago since she ordered the parts and she had to send the last patch back because of the manufacturing errors by the apprentices: the forge master had apologized profusely and given his word that he'd make sure they'd be remade exactly to her specifications, after which she had heard some of his yelling to his apprentices while she was leaving: he had not been kind to hearing them mess up such an important order, especially after hearing that Airy would require a lot of high quality metalwork from them in the future before she had implied (well lied) that she might have to use golems to make the parts she required if the blacksmiths couldn't deliver. Golems were known to be as stupid as rocks, so for the forge master to hear that the quality they'd produce might be better than the work of his apprentices must have bruised his ego quite a bit... not that she'd ever admit her lies. It took better part of two hours of examining the parts before she was satisfied, using her magic to start putting it together: screws and bolts and metal coming together as the runic parts were hidden within the blank steel shell around it, with seven segmented metal cables peaking from the holes at the bottom. The cables themselves held no runes, they merely connected pedestal to whatever part of the ship they needed to connect to. There was also a transmitter and receiver build into the pedestal, which would allow her to transmit signals to the balloon without running a cable to it. As Airy finished putting the pedestal together, she observed it's cylinder shape before turning her gaze to nearby table, removing the linen covering before levitating the finished Skystone on top of the pedestal and finally setting the glass dome over it, smiling as she observed the finished product. Now, all she need to do was connect the cables to the airship, install the turbines to the sides, hook up the balloon and then she'd be ready to run her first tests: if it worked out, she could schedule a meeting with Princess Amore and her ministers to be first thing in the morning. It was all coming together... Airy raised an eyebrow as she flew across the room and took her usual seat at the table, glancing at the empty spots of Glimmer and Thunder Shield "Where's Glimmer and Thunder? They aren't usually this late" Airy noted as one of the maids brought her the usual cup of water and a bowl of crystal berries "Glimmer told me earlier that they would not be attending dinner tonight: she and Thunder are having a family dinner with Daisy today. If you needed to talk with them, i'm sure they'll be at their quarters" Princess Amore answered, taking a sip of her warm tea. Airy on other hand shook her head in response "No, your highness. I was merely curious, as they usually spend their dinners here with us. I do have some business with the three of you however" Airy said, motioning her hand towards Princess Amore, Radiant Hope and Sombra, latter two raising their heads as their gaze fell upon the little fairy "Oh? Did something happen? I'm sorry I haven't paid attention recently, I've just been so busy studying the emotional magic and helping the doctors at the hospital" Radiant spoke, glancing at Sombra who raised his shoulders in obvious sign of not knowing either. "Well technically something did happen, however it's a good thing" Airy spoke, watching as Princess Amore made a motion to continue with her hoof while she was still chewing her salad "I received the parts I had requested from the different stores and put them together... and I'm confident to say that my model Airship is ready for full demonstration, at your earliest convenience of course" Airy spoke, addressing the latter part to Princess Amore who's eyes widened at the news. Radiant on other hand decided it was perfect time to choke on the water she was swallowing, starting to cough at the news. "Wait, what?" Sombra asked, confusion spreading on his face "I know that it's been less than two weeks since the ministers were bickering about the manufacturing of those friesers you recently introduced, but I did not expect you to already finish the Airship project. Shouldn't it have taken months of studying to design before even first prototypes were ready?" he asked, glancing at Radiant who was finishing clearing her throat. "Well technically it would have taken years for you to come up with the solution from nothing, however I am already quite familiar with airships and how they work: it was only a matter of figuring out how to translate that knowledge into magical runes of this world and replicate them. Most of the ship designs are mere replications of those I saw in Luxendarc, while the enchantments required for it could easily be tested at the same time. Once I figured out how to replicate the effects, it was merely a matter of designing a way to apply them to the entire ship... or in this case, the airship prototype model" Airy replied, before smiling at him "And they're called freezers, not friesers" she finished, giggling as a slight blush spread on Sombra's face. "Really? Can we see it?" Radiant asked, eyes sparkling with interest as she stared at Airy with genuine curiosity "Well of course, I was going to ask you two to come by the workshop and check the rune designs yourself: I wanted to make sure everything was perfect before a demonstration" Airy answered, watching as Princess Amore nodded her head "I agree, the safety of those involved in creating and using these airships should be a top priority. Sombra, how long would it take for you and Radiant to look over the designs and determine if they work as they should?" she asked, turning towards the stallion in question. "No more than an hour, maybe two your highness: With Airy guiding the two of us and explaining the functions, it should be relatively easy to determine if there are any faults in the rune designs" Sombra replied, with Princess Amore nodding her head "Good. For now, I shall schedule the demonstration to be first thing in the morning: Report to me tonight when the two of you have finished examining the designs, so that I know whenever to keep or delay the scheduled demonstration" she ordered, watching as Radiant and Sombra nodded their heads "Yes, your highness" they spoke, nearly in sync as they glanced at each other and smiled. Afterwards, Princess Amore turned her attention towards Airy "If the airship model works as intended, I fully expect to see the designs for full scale one before I permit any construction. Radiant, Sombra and I shall also inspect the runic designs of the full model before any construction begins, as well as the blueprints for the ship itself should any design changes be required... but other than that, you have my eternal gratitude: should the Airship work as intended, then a new era of prosperity and expansion will begin for the Crystal Empire" Princess Amore spoke, bowing her head in gratitude. "Oh, there's no need to thank me yet, your highness. As you said, there's still the demonstration and the final designs to go over before no doubt a months long construction begins: it will take considerable time before we'll get to see it in action, especially if there are modifications to be made" Airy spoke with false modesty, watching as Princess Amore raised her head "And I shall wait with anticipation to the day we may soar across the skies with your Airships, Airy" Princess Amore said, glancing at Radiant Hope and Sombra who nodded in agreement. "This is going to be exciting" Radiant exclaimed as she clapped her hooves together in excitement... "I already said everything was fine" Glint said as he stood next to Shard, ignoring the slight headache he was having. Shard Tackle looked at Glint Hoof with narrowed eyes, observing the circles under Glint's bloodshot eyes and slightly mangled mane, with a slight tremor on his shaky breathing "Clearly, something is wrong: have you looked at yourself recently? There's also the fact that you've been getting more aggressive in the past weeks and avoiding people, so clearly something's wrong with you. You should visit the doctor" Shard replied back angrily, both angry at Glint's behavior and slightly worried for him. "I said everything's fine! leave it be!" Glint yelled at her, refusing to admit that she had a point. So what if he had lost his appetite or felt tired? it wasn't her business just because he had a cold or whatever. "Um, excuse me" A voice interrupted the two, causing them to look at where Airy was softly hovering in the air, watching them with curious expression "I don't mean to interrupt but... Glint, could you take a night off? Not because I think you're sick" Airy interrupted as Glint opened his say something "but because I need both your and Shard's help tomorrow with my demonstration. I'll be fine, so how about the two of you turn in for the night and come by my workshop first thing in the morning, alright?" Airy asked, watching as Glint ground his teeth. "Fine, see you in the morning" he said before walking away, not even bothering to wait for response as he started walking down the hallway away from Airy's bedroom towards the barracks, with full intention of getting a full night's sleep. Shard let out an angry sigh before turning towards Airy "I'm sorry if we interrupted anything, I'm just worried about him: I know something's wrong with him but he refuses to talk or visit the doctor" she explained as Airy nodded her head "I understand how you feel, that's why I asked him to take the night off: technically I don't need his help since Sombra and Radiant will be helping me with the demonstration tomorrow but he looked like he needed a time to gather himself. When the demonstration's done, I plan to have a doctor take a look at him and make sure that whatever he has is not fatal" Airy spoke, lying about her intentions with Glint. Her plans for revenge were nearly at an end: few weeks of drugging him every night where he had no memory of it gave all the physical signs of drug abuse and with what she had planned for the demonstration... well, she'd come out looking like a benevolent advisor who cared about these ponies. Shard Tackle let a relieved sigh at Airy's supposed plans with Glint "Thank you... are you sure you don't need anypony here tonight?" Shard asked, glancing around the empty hallway. "I'm quite sure. Now, how about you go get some sleep, it's going to be a busy day tomorrow and when we're done, you can come with me and Glint to the infirmary just to make sure he's alright" Airy answered, watching as Shard nodded her head in understanding "Alright, I'll see you first thing in the morning" Shard said, smiling as the little fairy waved her hand at her before turning around and following the same path Glint had taken towards the barracks. "Goodnight" Airy said, waving her hand as Shard paused to wave her back, before continuing on... Airy sat on the lobby desk as Shard and Glint walked in, though the way they kept glancing at each other gave her a hint that they already had argument on the way to her workshop. Still, it mattered very little in the end "Good morning you two. Are you ready for today's work?" Airy asked watching as Shard gave her a smile and nodded her head, while Glint grunted an agreement while rubbing his head. From the tremors of Glint's hooves, Airy guessed he had an headache from withdrawal: it was pretty potent drug she had managed to make after all. "Good, now... Shard, would you mind going out and fetching Sombra and Radiant? I believe they said they had some minor business at the market before they'd come here. I have a couple of things to talk with Glint here" Airy said, watching as Glint turned his head towards her, eyes narrowing in annoyance as Shard glanced between them "Yeah, sure. I'll be back with those two soon" Shard said, turning around and walking out, closing the workshop door behind her. It was then that Glint spoke "Airy, I know you might be angry with me for that prank a couple of weeks ago but i'm fine, there's no need to pressure me to visit a doc-" Glint's speech was interrupted as his eyes widened a split second before Airy's spell hit him straight in the face, causing him to take a step back as he shook his head, before turning his attention back to her, his irises glowing purple. Airy smiled as she waved her hand, making a vial behind her desk float through the air to him "Here, take this and put it on your pocket. When the others return, excuse yourself for a moment and go into the alleyway before drinking the contents of that vial, then put it back in your pocket and come help with the equipment. You must pretend nothing's wrong, do you understand?" Airy asked, watching as hypnotized Glint nodded his head "Yes, mistress" he said in monotone voice, making Airy smile even wider "Good. Now remember, when the magic ends, you have no memory of anything that happened here this morning, got it?" Airy asked again, watching as Glint nodded his head. By the time Shard came back with Radiant and Sombra, Airy was humming some unknown song to herself was Glint sulked there "Excuse me, I need to take a leak" Glint spoke, walking past the three as Airy waved her hand "Don't worry about him, the model, the balloon and the pedestal are in the back workshop" Airy said, gesturing to the back of the workshop where the room in question had the door open "Shard, when Glint comes back he'll help you carry the balloon. Sombra, you carry the ship and Radiant, you carry the pedestal" Airy instructed, before flying up and leading them to the back. "Ooh, this is so exciting: think about it Sombra, if this really works then we might see ships flying across the sky like birds. Imagine the sights we'll get see" Radiant spoke excitedly as Sombra looked at her, nervously biting his lip as he deeply considered the slight idea in his head before he gathered the courage to speak "From what I've read on the library, there are quite a few amazing locations all over Equestria to enjoy.... Radiant" Sombra paused, with Radiant, Shard and Airy turning their attention to him "If... If the Airship does get approved and build, would you... Would you like to come with me to see them?" he asked nervously, watching as Radiant considered his proposal. Shard Tackle's eyes widened as she realized what Sombra was asking, her mouth opening to speak before she noticed Airy holding a finger against her lips. It didn't take a genius to realize Airy wanted her to stay silent as they both turned their full attention to Radiant. Sadly for her, Radiant didn't seem to realize what Sombra was really asking as she smiled at him "Yeah, let's make it a proper expedition: I'm sure we can explore all kinds of places that were hard for non-pegasi to access, so we'll have great time. Of course we'll need to gather exploration crews and maybe hire some specialists from Equestria..." Radiant continued talking as Shard cringed at accidental friend zoning from Radiant, while Sombra merely gave a smile that betrayed a slight hint of sadness and disappointment at Radiant missing his point. Oh well, Airy had time to help them get together: there was nothing better to push someone into villainy than a broken heart after all... "I LOVE ALL THE COLORS!" Princess Amore pursed her lips as she turned her gaze from where Radiant and Sombra were finishing setting up the pedestal and the airship to the doors, where one of the guards was making a fool of himself. "Glint, what is wrong with you?" the other guard, Shard Tackle if Princess Amore remembered correctly, angrily hissed at the giggling guard who was stumbling around "I like all the rainbows, I feel like i'm flying" Glint said, swaying as his head moved this way and that, clearly not understanding what was going on. Thunder Shield motioned towards the other guards present "Get him out and take him to the infirmary, I want a full report when I get there" He ordered, with two of the guards moving to obey as they took hold of the delirious Glint before dragging him out, with Glint screaming randomly and struggling the entire way before the throne room doors closed behind them. The throne room was silent for a moment, no one daring to anything before Princess Amore started speaking "Radiant, Sombra: please continue" She spoke with soft tone, ignoring the awkwardness as they hurriedly finished the preparations. The demonstration on other hand made them all forget the rogue guard (at least temporarily) as they witnessed Airy controlling the ship model to rise from the wooden frame it had been set on, observing as she flew it around the room in a circle, with Sombra carrying the pedestal behind it with his magic. Airy also explained how it all worked, from magic making the ship lighter to the balloon itself lifting it to the air, to the 'turbines' on the sides of the ship controlling the direction and speed of the ship (Airy even demonstrated the airship coming to a stop before moving backwards: a sign that it would not be limited to merely moving forward like regular ships). Of course, her ministers questioned whenever the airship model was really flying and not floating in the air because of Sombra's magic, at which both Sombra and Radiant explained to them how the gas within the balloon was lighter than the air, so it lifted the whole ship thanks to the runes that made the entire ship a fraction of it's true weight. When they questioned the impracticality of building a giant pedestal to drag behind a real sized ship, Airy revealed that the pedestal was designed for full sized ship: when build, the pedestal she was using to lift the model airship would be fully capable of lifting a real ship into the air, meaning there was no need to build a giant one when that small pedestal could just as easily be installed in the bridge. Few of the ministers expressed questions of the Skystone in the pedestal and how Airy expected the ponies to replicate it, at which she explained that she had no intention of sharing how they were created and that she would take sole responsibility to creating the Skystones: a comment that angered them until she explained that the process required the use of magic, so since most of the crystal ponies did not wield magic and since they couldn't expect Sombra, Radiant or even Princess Amore to dedicate long periods to this menial task, they'd either have to trust her or risk a foreign unicorn stealing the secrets and creating a monopoly within Equestria. After that, the ministers were forced to admit that Airy had a point and yielded. Of course, the next biggest issue was the site of the construction, because to create such a vessel was too much for Airy's current workshop, it became a debate among the ministers as to where they would construct this Airship: it wasn't until Glimmer noted that there was a patch of land near the south border of the Crystal Empire that was currently free with nothing but grass currently growing there, a perfect spot for the construction that the ministers agreed upon. Finally, they moved on to the final part of the demonstration and proposal: the costs of construction. "This is outrageous! You'd have us nearly bankrupt ourselves with these material costs?" The minister of finances asked, flipping over the papers that Airy had provided on estimated material costs of the construction "And these do not even include the cost of construction itself: we'll need carpenters, metal workers, weavers... and even guards just to make sure nopony starts stealing the materials for themselves" he ranted, flipping through the pages with critical eye. Airy merely smiled at that as she finished parking the airship model back into the wooden frame, glancing as Radiant and Sombra waited before they started disconnecting the pedestal from it before she turned her gaze back to the ministers. "I am quite aware of the costs... however, I am quite confident in my designs. Already you pay great prices for what few minor supplies the merchants that dare to travel the frozen north bring you, yet with this airship you can transport massive number of supplies to and from Equestria at a great deal, with no extra costs or supplies to the merchants while also cutting the travel time from weeks to mere days" Airy spoke, flying off the deck until she was hovering in front of the ministers. "Imagine all the financial gain the airship will provide while cutting the travel and trade costs, including the increased tourism to the Crystal Empire: Right now, only the most dedicated of travelers would dare to visit the Crystal Empire, yet with the airships thousands of new ponies can come and visit the amazing sights of this city every month, maybe even some of our former citizens might decide to return when they see how prosperous we have become" Airy spoke with confidence, watching as the ministers followed her words carefully as their expressions turned from frowns to more pleasant passive expressions. "Of course, this might not convince all of you as to the importance of the airships, which is why I propose a deal" Airy paused, watching as Princess Amore gazed at her with curiosity "If you agree to construct a single airship and it fails to provide what I have promised you, then as compensation I am willing to give up both the ownership of all my inventions so far and all future royalties tied to them" Airy finished with confident smile, watching at the shocked expressions of the ministers as they began whispering among themselves. It was then that Princess Amore decided to speak "The financial compensation that is expected from your current creations in the coming years exceeds the material costs of a single airship that you have proposed. Are you absolutely certain of your decision? Once it becomes official, there will be no going back on this" She asked, watching as Airy's smile widened in return "I am absolutely certain" she answered, watching as the ministers nodded their heads one by one and turned their gaze towards Princess Amore. Princess Amore pursed her lips, thinking about the proposal as she glanced at Radiant and Sombra, who were both staring at her with anticipation. "Very well, Airy" Princess Amore finally spoke, turning her gaze towards the little fairy "I permit a construction of a single Airship, on the condition that you deliver all the required instructions for production, assembly, maintenance and controls that are related to the airship, with additional condition that you will modify them as we see fit before production begins" she spoke, watching as Airy curtsied in mid-air. "As you wish, your highness" Airy agreed with a smile and gleeful spark in her eyes... Thunder Shield's eyes scanned all over the infirmary, eyes sweeping over doctors, nurses and patients before they landed on the bed Glint Hoof was tied to: His armor was on the side, with doctor going through his examination while a guard holding down Glint made sure the doctor could finish his job without any issues. As he walked closer to them, he noticed that somepony had added a muzzle on Glint: no doubt the doctor himself ordered it for a reason. Stopping at the side of the bed, Thunder stayed silent as he let the doctor finish examining Glint's eyes, before he nodded to the guard and backed away, with guard doing the same as let go. Glint of course immediately tried to speak as he struggled against the restrains, his eyes wandering wildly as the muzzle made it impossible for him to say anything. "Report" Thunder spoke, addressing the doctor who turned his attention to the captain "I've finished my examination. From the description of Glint's rambling and the physical signs, I've come to the conclusion that mister Glint Hoof here suffers from drug-induced state... he had an empty vial on him and he is showing signs of long-term drug abuse" The doctor spoke, gesturing to the guard who walked over and handed the said vial to Thunder Shield, who observed it for a moment before turning to the guard "Are you certain this was is Glint's?" he asked, watching as the guard saluted him. "Sir, Yes, Sir" the guard replied, looking straight at Thunder Shield "I personally removed Glint Hoof's armor and found it in his pocket, though the vial was empty when I found it" he answered, receiving a nod of acknowledgement from Thunder as he turned towards the doctor "Can you identify what drug he used?" he asked, watching as the doctor shook his head "Unfortunately, there isn't any sample left in the vial: without more I cannot analyze what it is, since the signs do not match any specific ones I am aware of" he answered, with Thunder nodding his head in understanding. "Alright, keep him here under observations and report to me if anything changes. I'll be informing Princess Amore of this... and as for you" Thunder paused, turning towards the guard still standing next to him "Send Glint's armor and weapons to the armory: I'll tell the lieutenant to inspect the barracks he was staying in to confiscate any contraband or royal guard property they might find" Thunder Shield ordered, causing the guard to salute him once more. "Sir, Yes, Sir" The guard spoke, before he started gathering Glint's gear while Thunder gave a nod to the doctor before turning away, walking out of the infirmary with the vial in hoof. It was always a shame to fire somepony due to a drug problem... > Chapter 18 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Are you sure you want to do this?" Airy asked, watching as Shard Tackle stood by the castle doors with a grim expression on her face "Yes, I am sure. I just... I need to know: I understand that he'll never work as a guard again and whatever he says won't change a thing, we probably won't be friends anymore if he continues to use but... the signs were there, now that I think about it after the fact but I did not see him for a drug user that he was" Shard Tackle spoke as she looked at Airy. She had already heard about Thunder Shield's decision to fire Glint Hoof once the doctors were sure he wasn't under influence of the drugs anymore, especially after the inspection of his barracks revealed that he was storing drugs in his gear chest. "I'm innocent, I tell you! Innocent!" Both Airy and Shard turned their attention down the hallway, where Thunder Shield was walking towards them while two other guards behind him dragged the kicking and screaming Glint with them "I swear I'm not a drug addict, I'm being framed! Please, you've got to believe me!" Glint pleaded as they stopped in front of the castle doors, before Thunder turned towards him. "You were caught using the drugs during demonstration, you had an empty vial in your pocket and two more were found in your barracks. As a matter of law, you have no right to walk within these halls anymore, nor will you get paid your monthly wages. I am willing to be lenient on you and give your severance pay if you tell us everything you know about the drugs: what are they, how long have you been using them and who sold them to you?" Thunder asked, glaring at Glint Hoof who shook his head in protest. "I swear, I don't know anything about them because they're not mine. Somepony must have framed me, you must believe me!" Glint denied, struggling against the guards holding him before he turned his head towards Shard Tackle "Shard, help me! I'm being framed" he yelled out, watching as Shard walked towards them before stopping next to Thunder Shield. A moment of silence passed as Shard looked at Glint with sad expression, before she spoke "Glint, please be truthful" she spoke, watching as Glint's eyes widened in surprise "Just tell us who sold you the drugs... and why did you feel the need to use them?" she pleaded as Glint's mouth hung open at the disbelieve upon hearing her heartfelt plead. "I... You know me, Shard: I would never do anything like this... please, you have to believe me, I'm innocent" Glint spoke softly, watching as Shard Tackle's expression grew even sadder at his denial "Shard, you're my friend... please believe me" Glint pleaded softly as the silence hung in the air for a moment, before Shard shook her head "We were friends... but how can I call a pony who deals and uses drugs while lying about it to my face a friend? I... I'm sorry Glint, I can't help you" she said as she turned around, walking back to where Airy was watching the exchange. Glint's mouth hung open with a shocked expression at his face as Thunder Shield spoke once more "Glint Hoof, as the captain of the royal guard, I officially expel you from the royal guard. The guard's have already searched your house and found nothing. With your refusal to supply us your supplier, your wages have now been withdrawn as compensation your behavior under influence and you are barred from ever entering the castle or any other guarded facilities" he spoke with firm voice that carried a tone of anger, before he motioned to the door as the guards dragged the stunned ex-guard outside. "There, there Shard" Airy spoke in soft tone as Shard used her hoof to wipe a tear from her eye "It's going to be okay. Yes, it will hurt for a while you get over the fact that a close friend not only did things you would never approve of but also lie to your face like that. You still have friends and family who will be there for you... and one day, should Glint turn his life around by revealing everything, the two of you might reconnect once more... a broken trust would take time to repair but it's still possible... and if he doesn't come forward, then you know he isn't worth the feelings you feel right now" Airy consoled Shard as Thunder walked to them, staying silent as he stopped right next to them. "Thank you, Airy" Shard spoke to the little fairy before turning towards Thunder Shield "Captain, did you need something?" Shard asked as she straightened her stance, watching as Thunder nodded his head "Just a few questions. I know that Airy hasn't known Glint any longer than when the two of you were tasked as her guards, but you and Glint have... had years worth of friendship, considering the two of you started at the same time" Thunder spoke, pausing as Shard nodded her head in agreement. "So, I have to ask both of you: did either of you know about his drug problems?" Thunder asked, watching as both Airy and Shard shook their heads "I didn't know anything until we heard about it from the other guards. I know he was showing physical signs but I mistook them for signs of him being sick with something and that he was hiding it, I never thought it was drug abuse" Shard explained with sad tone. Thunder nodded his head in understanding, before he turned his head towards Airy "It's like Shard said: We thought he was sick, we didn't know he was using drugs. Yesterday, I told Glint to take the night off so Shard and I could take him to the infirmary after the demonstration to make sure he wasn't sick with something fatal but... well, you saw what happened during the demonstration" Airy explained as Thunder nodded his head "Yes, I did... and I am sorry for assigning a guard with a drug problem to be your guard" he apologized, with Airy shaking her head in reply. "There's no need to apologize, you couldn't have known... although..." Airy paused, putting her hand on her chin while pretending to think for a moment "Maybe it would be better to have the royal guards take a mandatory drug test every few months... scratch that, maybe it would be better if all castle employees take a mandatory drug test: you never know when someone gets into a bad situation because of drugs and starts doing things for criminals. Better to eliminate the problem at the source, before more cases like Glint Hoof appear" Airy suggested as Thunder's eyes widened in surprise. "That's an excellent idea... the doctors in the infirmary don't have much to do besides heal any training or accident wounds most of the time, so since we pay them a steady wage we can fill that empty space with mandatory drug tests. The next few days will be busy but once everypony in the castle has been checked out, we can create a schedule for regular drug testing every few months, more or less often depending on the security risk the ponies in question pose" Thunder spoke, thinking about it in his head as he nodded to Airy "Thank you, Airy. I'll be sure to bring it up with Princess Amore" Thunder said as Airy smiled and waved her hand in dismissive manner. "Don't worry about it, I'm just happy to help" Airy lied as she watched Thunder walk away, smiling at the thought of knowing that the castle employees would be more distracted in the future: a distracted people concerned with far more serious matters are more likely to dismiss the minor signs of irrelevant things after all... Amore pursed her lips as she walked past the line of guards waiting outside the infirmary, glancing at them before opening the infirmary door and stepping inside, where a couple of guards at the door saluted to her before resuming their task of keeping an eye on all of the patients inside. As her gaze swept over the room, she noted that all the beds were filled with lower ranked guards attended to by doctors performing complicated tests and nurses treating the small wounds from which the blood samples were taken while Thunder Shield was at the back, talking with two lieutenants and the head of infirmary. As she walked across the infirmary, more of the staff and guards followed her with their eyes as she walked past them before stopping in front of Thunder Shield and the others, who turned towards her and saluted (or in the case of the Head of the Infirmary, gave a slight bow). "You can relax" Princess Amore spoke, watching as the group returned to more casual stance, their heads tilted up to gaze at her "What is the current situation, Thunder Shield?" she asked, watching as the captain of the guard glanced at the papers in his hooves before replying "So far, none of the higher ranked guards have any signs of drug abuse, while so far out of sixty guards surveyed so far, only two have signs of drug abuse. We're taking samples to have a closer examination later but for now, the problem doesn't seem to be as far-spread as we feared" Thunder replied, with the head of infirmary nodding his head in agreement. "Better than I feared, then. Once the guards have been checked, start checking the maids: they are in charge of cleaning the castle, so some might take it as opportunity to steal something valuable in exchange for drugs... or plant something to misdirect suspicion from themselves. Many of the offices within the castle handle sensitive information that should not be allowed to leak to the outsiders, so once the maids have been cleared you should begin with the highest ranking castle staff" Princess Amore replied, watching as the four ponies all saluted to her "Understood, your highness" Thunder replied as Princess Amore nodded her head "Good, you can resume your duties" she finished, watching as they nodded their heads once more before she turned around and started walking away, slowing her pace just slightly as she gazed at the ponies around her... "Alright buddy, time's up buddy. You need to leave" As his hazy brain struggled to understand the words, Glint lifted his blurry gaze from the mostly-empty mug of mead to the blurry bartender that was starting to look like there were two of him "pissss oofff" Glint slurred as he grabbed his mug with both hooves before bringing it his lips, tilting it as he felt last of the mead slide down his throat before he slammed the now empty mug on the counter "A..A...Anooteer" he yelled, swaying slightly on the stool he was sitting on. The bartender merely frowned in response, before motioning to the two off-duty guards taking a sip of their own mead "Get this drunken mess out of my bar and you'll get the next mugs half-price" he said, watching as both of them nodded their heads in agreement, finishing their mugs before walking to where Glint was sitting. "Alright, you heard him Glint. Time to leave before you embarrass yourself further today" one of the guards spoke, glancing at the slight puddle growing at the base of the stool. The bartender leaned over the counter to look at the floor, before cursing aloud at the sight of Glint relieving himself all over the stool and the floor. "M-miinnnddd Yuuurrr oowwwnn sssttuuff" Glint slurred in response, before attempting to throw a punch at the sober guard and missing, stumbling from his stool onto the floor. "Ugh, let's just get this over with" the other guard spoke, walking to other side of Glint and forcefully pulling him up by the hoof, with other guard following suit as they began to drag him across the bar towards the door, leaving a slight wet trail behind him "uuupp Yyyooorrrss" Glint slurred, struggling against their grip before the second guard threw a punch at him, ending his struggling as his vision shook and jaw hurt from the blow. A moment later, Glint found himself on the hard street outside, struggling to stand up as he missed the sound of the bar door closing behind him. As he finally managed to stand up by leaning against a streetlight, he rubbed his hoof against his sore jaw and moved his tongue, hissing at the taste of fresh blood and pain from his split lip. The struggle home was felt like forever, stopping once in a while to pick himself up from where he'd fallen or to lean against a random wall or streetlight while ignoring the glares of the passing by night guards. Neither he nor they exchanged words, because at the distant knowledge at the back of his mind knew what he was: A disgrace to the entire royal guard. He didn't know who or why he was framed, he didn't have any memories between last night sleeping in his own barrack bed and waking up in the infirmary, getting yelled at by the doctors, the lieutenants and finally captain Thunder Shield himself. He had thought that he was merely getting a bad case of flu... yet who could have known that he was having drug abuse symptoms? he never touched the stuff in his life, yet somehow he was found with them in his veins and in his barracks. His pleas of innocence fell on deaf ears as he was stripped of everything he had dreamed of since he saw his dad and grandpa in royal guard armor... all those years of hard work wasted and now lost, including the one pony he had started to consider his friend: Shard Tackle. As Glint leaned against his front door and closed his eyes, he tried to forget the sad expression on her face as she had turned away... it gave him an odd feeling at his chest that he couldn't explain. Taking a deep breath, he fished out his keys and opened the door, stumbling inside before slamming the door closed as he leaned his back against it, closing his eyes as he took a deep breath to hopefully get the room to stop spinning so he could- Glint's eyes shot open as he felt a firm claw grasp around his throat, hopelessly trying to free himself as he was lifted off his hooves and held high against the door, back hooves uselessly swinging mid-air and banging against the door before several more claws grabbed hold of his four hooves and pinned them against the door. As he desperately gasped for air, all Glint could see was an outline of a monster towering over him, hearing the sound of it's breathing in the darkened room as it leaned closer, laughing softly yet maliciously with it's deep, echoing voice under it's breath as another claw wrapped around his throat. The last thing Glint saw before he blacked out was a dark outline of the monster's face right in front of his own, it's empty eyes staring right at his own eyes with a twisted smile on it's face... As consciousness returned to him, Glint could feel the post-hangover headache that always followed whenever he went drinking- Glint's eyes snapped open, before he blinked at the brightly glowing crystal right above him embedded in the ceiling as his vision started to clear. The memories of what he'd seen came rushing back as he tried to scream, only to feel the gag around his muzzle and restrains holding him in place: there he was, lying on the floor of his own bedroom with his hooves spread open and shackled to the floor. As he tried to raise his torso, he felt the one around his neck locking him into the floor, so he tilted his to look at his right front hoof: At the shoulder was a crystal growing from the floor around his arm like a shackle, pinning him to the floor while at the elbow and the wrist, similar crystal growths kept him pinned to the floor. His left side was exactly the same and although he couldn't tilt himself to look at his lower half, he felt similar restrains at his crotch, the knees and the ankles that didn't even shake as he tried to pull with all of his might. A panic was starting to set in as he breathed heavily through his nose, trying to figure out a way out of this as he screamed against the gag that muffled it to a mere whisper. "Oh, how amusing" A familiar voice said, followed by a high-pitched laughter as Glint froze, before tilting his head towards his chest and following a ball of light with his eyes as it stopped to hover right on top of his chest. Airy watched and giggled as a shocked expression spread on muzzled Glint's face "Oh, don't waste all your energy now: there's going to be plenty of screaming later on" Airy spoke as she waved her hand, before a series of knives and other tools moved from beyond Glint's view to hover above him, causing his eyes to widen as he resumed his struggles against the restraints. Airy smiled as she watched the fool struggle against his restraints: those were pure crystal, a pony like Glint Hoof wasn't going to rip himself free from them, especially after she used magic to reinforce them "You can struggle and scream all you want: no one will come and no one will hear... I've made sure of it. You know, I was originally going to target someone who deserved it: a former criminal, a homeless person, a corrupt castle employee... but then you had to go and dump a bucket of watered down jelly on top of me" Airy spoke with anger in her voice, watching as Glint's yelling was muffled by the gag. Airy decided it was time, moving to the side before she started her transformation, a sphere of purple energy emerging from her as Glint ceased his struggling, watching as the sphere burst open into a purple fog, forcing him to close his eyes as he turned his head away. And as Glint turned his head back and opened his eyes, he felt his skin crawling as he observed Airy's monstrous larval form tower over him: A purple-orange caterpillar-like form with many claws, her two antenna's bend backwards slightly against the ceiling before she leaned forward, placing a claw on the floor while grabbing a sharp carving knife with one of her many claws while her two pairs of monarch butterfly wings fluttered slightly in excitement. Glint's entire body shook as his terrified gaze turned from the knife to Airy's face, black and empty eyes staring right at him as she spoke with a deep, echoing voice that held a hint of femininity in it "Don't worry, I'm not going to kill you... yet. I will need you alive for what's to come, so while you'll feel the pain, it shall be a fraction of the real thing while I make sure you won't bleed even a single drop..." she spoke, pausing to observe the absolutely terrified Glint below him as tears started to leak from his eyes as he gazed her empty eyes and twisted smile. "You and I shall spend a lot of time in the coming days together... I shall peel you open like an onion, study your pony biology to the smallest detail and once i'm done, I will stitch you back together and rip open your soul and magic: the secrets of how the souls attach to organic matter and the mortal realm, how to manipulate them to do whatever I desire, how magic comes into being and how your... 'cutie marks' affect your talents and attach to you on all levels... all these and more shall be revealed. Rejoice, my little lamb: it's time for slaughter" Airy spoke, her malicious laughter echoing and drowning Glint's terrified (and muffled) screams as she brought her knife to his chest and began... "I think this is it" Shard Tackle spoke as she and Thunder Shield stopped in front of Glint's house, checking the piece of paper in her hooves before glancing at the captain as she gave him the paper, with Thunder quickly reading the address before nodding and putting it into one of his pockets as he and Shard turned their gaze at the two story building in front of them. From what Thunder Shield knew, it was just another first generation house that had stood there since the founding of the Crystal Empire. All around them were near-identical looking houses, with only noteworthy difference being the shade of color of the crystals that made the walls and the roof. Considering that both Glint's father and grandfather had the house set as their address (bless their souls in the afterlife), it was easily concluded that this was Glint's family home. "Sir, are you truly willing to forgive Glint and let him rejoin the royal guard?" Shard asked nervously, glancing at the guard captain as he mulled it in his head before replying "I am, if Glint has regained his senses in these last few days and is willing to tell who his provider is. The drug analysis by the doctors noted that whatever he took was quite potent, so we can't have it going around the streets, less we end up like the town of fools" Thunder Shield explained, his eyes trying to spot any movement from the curtain drawn windows. Shard understood what the captain meant: the town of fools was a foal story about ponies who a town where the ponies had invented a drink that made everyone happy, before they wasted away as no one was willing to to do anything, from work to chores to even simple things like bathing or cooking food. The old stories told of a nameless hero who came in the night, disposing all the happy drinks and fixing the town, leaving them with plenty of food and no memory of how the happy drink was created... a happy ending to teach ponies that drugs were bad. Somehow, Shard doubted this one was going to end happily. With a sigh, Shard walked to the door and raised her hoof, knocking at the door "Glint, it's me, Shard. Please open the door" Shard spoke loudly, waiting and listening for any sounds from inside. After a while of nothing, Shard knocked again, this time much harder "Glint, please open the door!" she yelled out, putting her ear against the door as she waited for an answer. As the silence continued, Shard turned back to look at Thunder Shield, who frowned as he walked to the door himself and knocked hard "Glint Hoof, this is captain Thunder Shield. Open this door immediately!" he yelled out, waiting a while for an answer that never came. With his deepening frown, he grasped the door handle with his hoof and raised an eyebrow as the door wasn't locked at all. Glancing at the concerned Shard Tackle next to him, he pushed the door fully open and stepped inside, with Shard close behind him as they entered silent house. "Where is all his stuff?" Shard asked as she and Thunder observed the empty rooms on both sides of the front door, turning right and walking through the house room by room: no tables, chairs, bookshelves or any other furniture, build-in cabinets empty of everything... it wasn't a good sign that the only thing that even indicated someone having been there was the drawn curtains covering every window. As they returned to the front door, they took the stairs directly opposite of it to the second floor. Shard could feel a lump in her throat as she and Thunder explored the empty second floor, searching it room by room: she had only once visited but she still remembered the sights of Glint's family leftovers, mostly training manuals, trophies of various kinds and different types of armor and weapons from their long history of careers as guards and soldiers before and after the founding of the Crystal Empire. Finally, they arrived at the final closed door, this one leading to the master bedroom of Shard remembered correctly. "Do you know if this building has an attic?" Thunder asked, observing the ceiling for any hints of it "No, I don't think so. I think Glint once mentioned that he wished he had an attic and a basement so he could store the old family stuff better but... I'm not seeing anything at all. It's like someone emptied the entire house and abandoned it" Shard spoke with nervous voice as Thunder nodded in agreement "Then there are three options remaining: Either Glint grabbed everything and left, sold everything or... someone looted the place... but since there was no signs of forced entry, either he let them in or they cleaned up after themselves" Thunder said cautiously, before opening the master bedroom door. Shard had been anxious about what they might find in the last room, yet her anxiety didn't go away at the sight of the empty room, nor did it go away as the two of them left and returned to the castle. Shard barely acknowledged the captain as he mentioned about sending guards to search the city for any signs of Glint Hoof, a thought that brought no peace to her anxious mind. Airy seemed to notice that Shard was distracted but didn't say a word about it, pretending everything was fine as they split up for the night. As Shard mulled over the day's events in her head while trying to sleep that night, one question kept haunting her long into the night. Where in the world was Glint Hoof? > Chapter 19 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Airy's eyes gazed upon the soul gem hovering on the table, slowly spinning around as she focused on the softly pulsing white light inside. It wasn't a pearl or a diamond shaped soul gem, it was a blue elongated hexagon, like the crystals on those old 2D final fantasy games or more recognizably, the rupees from legend of zelda games. The soft glow wasn't much, only noticeable if you observed it but even her casual glow was brighter in the dark room than the glow of the soul inside the crystal. Airy turned her gaze away from Glint Hoof's mutilated soul to the letter Princess Luna had send, which gave quite a detailed event of her and Princess Celestia's ascension to Alicornhood. Apparently, the ancient Alicorns and and modern ones were quite different, as Princess Luna and Princess Celestia used to be mere unicorns in a small, distant village called Skyros, which used to be the home of the ancient Alicorns. The word being "used to be" since by the time they had been born, there had been only one elder Alicorn far past her prime and only a dozen weak unicorns of questionable heritage left, with houses made of wood among the moldy ruins of what was once a mighty city (according to the elder Alicorn anyway: only few outlines remained of where buildings might have been, with the highest remaining piece of wall standing as tall as your average pony). Either way, when they had been mere fillies, Princess Luna and Princess Celestia had been mere unicorns learning magic from the sickly and elderly Alicorn (they didn't know her name, merely referred her as 'grandma') who had a mane and coat of greyish yellow and a cutie mark which had one half being the moon and other the sun. When the elder had grown too sick to move the sun and the moon, they had been left hanging in the sky while the rest of the adults had tried (and failed) to use their magic to move them, including a group of traveling unicorns scholars that had included the (recently famous) Star Swirl, so Celestia had taken the so called 'leap of faith' and used her magic on the sun in an attempt to help. To say that the unicorns and the Alicorn elder had been surprised when the sun actually moved was an understatement, especially when Luna had followed her sister's example and moved the moon. The Sun rose and the Moon sank beneath the horizon, while a whirlwind of magic had taken the twins to a realm made of stars and bestowed them their wings, thus making them Alicorns. Their visit to the realm of order (at least, that's what the elder had called it when they returned) had been brief, as Alicorns weren't gods (despite what others might believe) but rather mere mortals gifted with a spark of order magic. According to the elder Alicorn, the order magic was what both the ancient and modern Alicorns wielded, a reflection of the chaos magic their natural rivals the Draconequus wielded. Princess Luna added that she and Celestia suspected that unlike the Alicorns, Discord's ability to wield all of the chaos magic of the old Draconequus was due to being the only living one known in the world, while the Alicorns only had a small spark of the order magic despite being only a few left: both of them had plenty of theories why it was like that (Especially considering that the elder Alicorn had been the sole Alicorn in the world for centuries and had never wielded more than any other Alicorn had) but they had no evidence to prove or disprove any theories. Personally, Airy suspected that Luna was right about the ancient Alicorns creating some sort of... limiter into the realm of order, so that the new Alicorns would only get a spark and not become self-righteous gods, like Discord had been a self-proclaimed god of chaos, even though by nature he was merely a spirit of chaos with unrestricted access to realm of chaos... a fact proven when Celestia and Luna had imprisoned him in stone. Luna of course went on to explain that the elder had told them many secrets once she had gotten well, including the fact that modern ponies could ascend to Alicornhood with a feat of great magic. They weren't gods nor demigods, mere mortals with great power that the elder Alicorn expected to wield with great responsibility. The elder also explained that she had been an earth pony once, when there had been a great many ponies (from unicorns to pegasi to even a rare few earth ponies) who had ascended to Alicornhood and come to inhabit the city of Skyros. Airy skimmed over the section of the letter where it had been Star Swirl that had instructed the two new Alicorns on how to raise and lower the sun and the moon properly while the elder Alicorn had gotten over her sickness, before the scholars had returned to Equestria after the two fillies refused to leave their sister and Skyros behind. Airy was more interested in the realm of order rather than whatever history of the ruined city Luna had spoken on and on in her letter, though she did make a note about a third Alicorn that had ascended mere weeks before the elder Alicorn's death: someone named Opaline, who wielded magical fire and was fiercely jealous of the two sisters, especially when the elder refused to share her secrets with the young and arrogant Alicorn. Sadly, Luna hadn't gone too far into details about the realm of order (which meant she either didn't know or didn't want to share), other than while they could astral project themselves into it, they couldn't draw upon the raw order magic in there. Luna noted that they had tried when Discord had taken over Equestria, yet they couldn't since only when one ascends do they actually visit the realm of order in flesh to get a tiny spark of the magic to change physically. Still... if Airy could get even a sample of that magic, she could do great many deals with it... such a shame there hadn't been any other Alicorn ascensions in centuries before the three, especially since Luna mentioned she wasn't sure if there would ever be more Alicorns: the elder had never expected to live to see even one more, yet despite three appearing there had not been any signs in the past decades of more appearing. Either way, apparently the city of Skyros was abandoned by most when the elder died, with Princess Luna's and Princess Celestia's elder sister taking them to Equestria, which had been established just two years prior as a unified kingdom by Princess Platinum, Chancellor Puddinghead and Commander Hurricane, after their servant's Clover the Great (Platinum's advisor and Star Swirl's former apprentice), Smart Cookie (Puddinghead's secretary) and Private pansy (Hurricane's second-in-command) became friends and used the 'fire of friendship' (whatever that was) to drive the Windigos away. Airy already learned this part while researching magical artifacts and more, so she barely read it before moving on to Luna's explanation about her and Celestia's official coronation as Princesses of Equestria about twenty years ago, how they named their nephew a Prince once their elder sister died to a sickness and how they had been guided in their early years by Star Swirl who also taught them great deal about magic before he disappeared nearly a decade ago. Airy barely paid attention to the rest of the detailed personal accounts on the last two years where Luna wrote about the defeats of Discord and Tirek, since most of it was something she already knew... although Luna also noted that when they had left Skyros, the only one who had stayed behind while others had left with them was Opaline, who had spitefully rejected their invitation to join them and boasted that one day, she'd rebuild Skyros to the capital of the world... that had been when Luna and Celestia had last heard of her: when they had visited the city just year ago in order to get her help against Discord, the only to find there was that it had been completely abandoned. Airy suspected that Opaline was either dead, prisoner or merely wandering the world in false grandeur, so unless she reappeared somewhere then Airy wouldn't have to worry about her. She'd have more to worry about the Elements of Harmony than some missing Alicorn. Most interesting fact however was that Princess Celestia wanted to take Radiant Hope as student, because she suspected that Radiant had the spark to ascend to Alicornhood: Princess Amore had no spark, her physical change to taller unicorn was because of the raw magic released by the Crystal Heart's activation, a process similar to ascension but without access to realm of order: theoretically she could become Alicorn-like with magical infusion but to become a true Alicorn one needed to actually access the realm of order. Airy made a note to make some sort of bracelet or other for Radiant to wear, so that if she did indeed ascend like Princess Luna seemed to think, then she might capture a spark of that magic herself. Speaking of magical tools... Airy turned her gaze on the table, where her plans for the prototype skeleton key were drawn on: A diamond with golden tip and edge, which theoretically could open any and all locks without triggering the protections associated with whatever she was breaking into... A perfect tool to let her break into the relic vault and steal the world tree seeds, as well as the time twirler. Airy hummed to herself with satisfaction as she waved her hand, with fresh papers and quill levitating to her side as she began designing the next phase of her plans: the replication of the Crystals and the temple monsters to defend the said Crystals. Quite the irony, that she was going to make the real things after all the time she spend lying about the fictional ones... yet the Crystals would have their uses: once created, she'd have them as objects of worship while they grow in size and power over the centuries to come, so she could wield them as magical batteries and as global weather control system. Ponies in their foolish nature controlled the weather of Equestria, so it would be easy for her to create the means to manipulate the weather worldwide: when the citizens obeyed her commands (Yes, her commands. She no longer had any intention of serving Grogar outside of pretending to, especially now that she was learning how good it felt to have real power), the people of this world would enjoy a paradise of perfect weather. And if they disobeyed her? Well, the biblical punishments of god would look like a kid using magnifying glass to fry ants in comparison to what she'd do, while the survivors would beg for mercy she wasn't sure she'd even grant, should it be too much fun to just tear the world apart.... Airy happily hummed a tune as she flew across the hallways of the royal castle, considering her future plans before she saw Thunder Shield and Swift Clean walking down the hallway towards her, talking about something before they spotted her. Airy smiled as she flew towards them, stopping in front of them as they came to a stop. "Good day Thunder, Swift Clean. How are things going after the medical examinations?" Airy asked, watching as Swift Clean pursed her lips with a frown "Disappointingly, since I had to fire three maids and two secretaries. Once the medical inspections were done we did a full survey on the castle staff and while only one of the maids was using light drugs, all three were found to have been stealing items to settle their various debts while the two secretaries were caught embezzling money from the treasury. As for the royal guards, I believe you had to relieve six guards in addition to Glint, four for drug usage and two for accepting bribes if i'm correct?" Swift spoke, addressing the last part to Thunder Shield as she turned her head towards him, receiving a nod in response. "Yes, son of one of the farmers was secretly growing drugs in the basement of the barn and bribing the two guards to look the other way. The investigation's still going but looks like the rest of the family didn't know anything about it" he answered, pursing his own lips as he too had a frown on his face while thinking about the shame his own guards brought to the royal guard. Airy on other hand couldn't care less about the narcs as she changed the topic "Speaking of Glint, how's he doing? I know you and Shard visited him couple of days ago but she didn't say anything about it... I was a little concerned because she was so distracted and took a couple of days off" Airy spoke, faking concern with her words and tone of voice as Thunder Shield turned his attention back to her. "Truthfully, I don't know what happened to him. When we visited his house, there was no sign of him: the whole house had been cleared of anything valuable or personal, leaving only the bare minimum in furniture. My guards are searching the city right now but I suspect he sold everything he had and left the Crystal Empire, because the last anypony saw of him was when he was thrown out of the bar the day he got fired" Thunder answered, watching as Airy nodded her head in understanding "So, if he doesn't return, what happens to his house?" Airy asked him, only to turn towards Swift Clean as she cleared her throat. "Technically, the house belongs to the royal family" Swift Clean said, pausing for a second before continuing "Glint's father had quite a lot of gambling debts when he died, so the house was sold to the royal family while Glint paid monthly payments to repay the debt. If he doesn't return and pay the next month's payments, the house will be cleaned and sold to a new owner" she explained as Airy put a hand on her chin, pretending to think for a moment before speaking. "Well... since you're in charge of my finances, if Glint Hoof doesn't return and start paying the payments, could you take the money from my wages and buy the property?" Airy asked, watching as both Thunder Shield and Swift Clean changed their expressions from frowns to surprise, eyebrows raising at her question "You would pay the debt of a former guard who was fired due to drug abuse?" Thunder asked, only for Airy to shake her head in response. "Not exactly" Airy spoke, pausing for a moment to consider her words "See, if he doesn't return within the due date, then I don't expect him to return at all. I remember hearing from you about the homeless in the Crystal Empire, so while I know there's no such troubles at this moment, I wanted to consider turning that home into an orphanage: no foal should spend their days sleeping on the cold hard streets with their bellies empty" Airy spoke with false empathy, lying quite easily as both Thunder's and Swift's expressions turned to that of compassionate empathy. "That's.. quite noble of you, Airy. Not many would be willing to spend their own bits to form an orphanage... Alright, I'll see what I can do: if Glint Hoof misses his payments and doesn't return, I'll use the wages you receive to buy the property... though I do hope that there will never be a need to establish another orphanage" Swift Clean spoke softly, watching as Airy nodded her head "I hope so too.. and thank you, Swift Clean" she spoke with false soft tone... "It's quite interesting. I don't believe we've ever had a private lunch with just the two of us before" Princess Amore commented as the maid placed the salad in front of her, while Airy sat on her pillow snacking on a crystal berry. "Well, it was bound to happen eventually... Glimmer and Thunder are taking a day off because Daisy caught a cold while Radiant and Sombra decided to skip the lunch to go all the designs and instructions I wrote for the Airship: they want to make sure that everything is safe and correct while also making sure there's nothing that I overlooked... not that I expect them to know if there is something, it's the first airship in the world as far as I'm aware" Airy replied, before pausing for a moment to think. "Not that there should be any issues: I made sure to go over those designs and instructions a dozen times to make sure there was absolutely nothing that I missed, especially considering what I said in the throne room about funding it" Airy finished, taking a bite from the crystal berry while Princess Amore merely nodded her head in reply, chewing her salad. Airy felt that it was quite pleasant to eat in silence, both of them comfortable at not talking as they enjoyed each other's presence. It wasn't until Princess Amore finished her lunch that Airy spoke once more. "There's something I wanted to ask you, your highness. However, the matter is somewhat... sensitive" Airy spoke, pausing as she glanced at the maid cleaning up Princess Amore's dishes. Amore took the hint, gesturing to the maid who nodded and left the room, with the guards inside following her out and closing the door behind them. As Princess Amore turned her attention back to her, Airy decided to speak "As you know, the cryst-fairies are to serve as guides of the vestals... that said, it also means that we have some abilities to identify what kind of individuals we encounter" Airy spoke, pausing for a moment as Princess Amore observed her with a passive expression on her face: clearly she understood that the subject matter was not going to be pleasant. After a moment, Airy resumed speaking "More specifically, one of those abilities lets us observe the souls of those around us, which is why I wanted to ask... why does Sombra have a soul of an Umbra?" Airy asked, observing as Princess Amore's pupils dilate in response while she pursed her lips, before glancing at the door of the room as she clearly thought about how to response. The silence hung in the air for a moment, before Princess Amore let out a sigh and stood up from her seat "Please follow me" she spoke, walking towards the door as Airy followed behind her. They passed the maid and the guards as they exited, pausing only for a moment for Princess Amore to gesture that she didn't need them following her before she and Airy walked down the hallways and couple of staircases. Airy glanced around them as they went higher in the castle, observing that soon enough there was no other activity other than a passing guard who saluted to the Princess before continuing on his way. Eventually, they came to a stop next to a blank wall, before Princess Amore glanced around to make sure they were alone. Satisfied, Princess Amore turned her attention to the blank wall, before bowing her head so that her horn touched the wall... and caused Airy's eyes to widen as wall was replaced by a wooden door, with the lock clicking as the door slowly swung open by itself. Airy followed Princess Amore inside, before observing as the door closed by itself with a click, before disappearing to become a wall once more. Turning her attention to the rest of the room, Airy observed the bare room roughly the size of a bedroom, with only a single bed with a table and a chair next to it. The only illumination was the two windows right and left of the bed, which Airy suspected (and confirmed with a simple spell) were enchanted to be invisible from the outside. Sitting on the chair was an older doctor, a mare of pale orange coat and mane (which was starting to turn grey), who merely nodded to them as a greeting. As Princess Amore walked to the bedside, Airy followed behind her, stopping at the foot of the bed as her eyes widened in surprise at the lone occupant of the bed: a pale green skeletal pony was lying there silently, her butterfly wings twitching every once in a while as her white featureless eyes stared at the ceiling... Airy was more than familiar by now to identify the differences in mares and stallions to tell that the Umbra mare in front of her to identify a serious issue: the body was breathing (and presumably fully capable of doing other bodily functions) but no one was behind those empty eyes. And as she checked the mare with her soul vision, all she could confirm was that it was merely a soulless husk still breathing. It was at this time that Princess Amore decided to speak, her eyes never leaving the mare lying in the bed "About two decades ago, a couple of miners encountered a cavern inside the iron mines, where they found a blue crystal with mysterious smoke moving inside it. Instead of alerting the guards or the mine supervisors, they took it home and gathered a group of their friends to determine what it's possible value was" she spoke, pausing as she took a deep breath before releasing it slowly and then continued. "However, one of the ponies grew concerned about the crystal as the others began to argue among themselves and came to me, informing of the discovery that had been made: I knew at that moment that something dark was involved, so with the royal guard we ventured to the home of the miners who had taken the crystal and attempted to take it before it could cause more harm to my citizens... but during the struggle between the guards and the miners, the crystal was accidentally broken" Princess Amore explained, closing her eyes as a look of shame spread on her face. Airy stayed silent, observing as the princess went through the whatever emotions she felt about the incident. A while passed in silence before Princess Amore opened her eyes and turned her gaze towards Airy, before resuming the story "I feel ashamed to admit it, but at the time I could only watch as seven Umbrum souls emerged from the crystal and struck at the ponies near it: unfortunately all of them were miners, five stallions and two mares. The stallions began to twist and turn, bleeding heavily as their bodies mutated to mixture of crystal pony and Umbra before they perished... the mares however were left unchanged, passing out as soon as the souls entered their bodies" she explained, before turning her gaze on the mare lying on the bed. "Over the next two days, they remained unconscious as their bodies went through a rabid pregnancy... both died at foalbirth, leaving only their offspring alive: A crystal unicorn colt with a soul of an Umbra and a Umbra filly without a soul. I feared what might happen and as such used my magic to seal most of their magic away, yet as they grew older under observation neither demonstrated anything to be concerned about... Aurora here was the mare who was born without a soul, a Umbra who is naturally resistant to effects of the Crystal Heart... while Sombra demonstrated no memory of who he was in previous life and as such was placed in an orphanage, where he lived quite an average life, no different from any other pony one might encounter on the streets" Princess Amore finished explaining, observing Aurora's gentle breathing. Airy nodded her head in understanding, thinking things over for awhile before speaking "So, does that mean that both Aurora's and Sombra's magic is sealed? but we've seen Sombra casting spells" Airy asked, glancing at Aurora's horn as Princess Amore shook her head before replying "No, I released my seal on both of their magic long ago... although with Sombra, I had to reseal his most of his magic away after an... foalhood incident. Roughly estimating, he only has a third of the magic he should have, which is comparable to an average unicorn... I do plan to one day release his magic little by little, once I am sure that he can handle it without another accident" Princess Amore replied, turning her attention back to Airy. "After everything we went to cover up the incident as to not panic the citizens, I would like to request that you keep everything you've learned today a secret... maybe in the future, I will gain the courage to speak of this publicly but for now, I want to avoid panicking the crystal ponies... and Sombra will deserve to hear this from me, once we are both ready" Princess Amore spoke with a soft tone, watching as Airy though about for a moment before nodding. As she gazed at the lifeless living husk of an Umbra in front of her, a deliciously malicious idea crossed Airy's mind. "Yes, I think it's best if Sombra and others hear it from you, so I will keep this a secret just between us... would you mind if I visit Aurora here sometimes?" Airy asked, gesturing to the mare lying on the bed "There may be no way of giving her a soul, but... if she is a living Umbra born of a crystal pony, then there's a chance I could create a method of replicating her unique biology and recreate the Umbrum" Airy spoke, causing Princess Amore's eyes to widen in surprise before the old doctor stood up from the chair in shock "You want to resurrect the Umbrum!?" she angrily yelled out in shock, causing both Airy and Princess Amore to turn their attention to her. "I said recreate, not resurrect" Airy replied dismissively, before turning her attention back to Princess Amore "Your highness, as far as I understand, the evils of the Umbrum were cultural thing: Sombra has a soul of an Umbra, yet he is no different from any other pony around him while Aurora here has the body of an Umbra but her soul ceased to exist... So I would like your permission to study both, so that one day I might find a way to recreate the Umbrum not as the monsters they were but as a race free from the sins of their ancestors" Airy said, watching as conflicted expressions crossed Princess Amore's face. "But... the Umbrum were unforgiving monsters for centuries before their imprisonment. Even the ones I faced wanted nothing more than revenge and conquest..." Princess Amore said with shaky voice, pausing to think as she looked at Aurora before Airy interrupted her "And as you said yourself, the creator of the Crystal Heart was an half-Umbra herself. From where I come from, you don't blame the young for the sins of the parents or ancestors" Airy said, watching as Princess Amore turned her head towards her. "Tell me, your highness: Is it better to be born good... or to overcome one's evil nature?" Airy asked, watching as Princess Amore opened her mouth to reply, only to close it as she thought about it "Before they were reborn, Aurora and Sombra were no doubt as monstrous as the rest of their people... yet Sombra showed a genuine acceptance of crystal pony values, while Aurora never had the change to" Airy spoke, observing as Princess Amore and the doctor though about what she said before flying forward and landing on the headboard of the bed. "As long as they are alive, Aurora and Sombra are the last change you or anyone else might ever have to bring them back from brink of annihilation. While my heart burns with desire to save them, I will accept whatever decision you make but you have to ask yourself... Are you willing to accept the responsibility of dooming an entire race to extinction for the sins of their predecessors or will you risk it all for a chance that even one might rise to become an example of a good Umbra?" Airy spoke, gesturing to Aurora with her hand. Airy felt giddy on the inside as she watched the expressions of the doctor and Princess Amore shift, both thinking deep and hard about the issue at hand: She had offered a chance to rehabilitate an entire race of known monsters, while the other option they had would be to practically perform genocide... or was it xenocide? Technically the Umbrum were a different race, so it might be xenocide after all... Well it didn't matter to her one bit, she knew enough that Princess Amore would fold like a deck of cards and accept her offer: they had no stomach or reason to kill off an entire race after all. Airy had hard time faking concerned expression, even harder time preventing herself from smiling as Princess Amore exchanging a nod with the doctor before sighing "Very well, Airy... I might one day come to regret this, yet the chance that even one Umbra were to follow Sombra's hoofsteps is far too great to risk letting them go extinct. I will add you to the list of exceptions on the spell that prevents ponies from finding this room, so you may come and go as you please... but I must ask that you reveal this to no one: while they have never encountered Umbrum before, the knowledge that I permitted you to even attempt to restore their race from brink of extinction might send the ponies into panic... and I do not wish to grant them false hope of this benevolent act, should you be unable to restore the Umbrum" Princess Amore spoke, carefully watching Airy while biting her lower lip nervously. Airy let out a fake sigh of relieve, before speaking in a soft, 'caring' voice "Thank you, your highness. I will begin with examining Sombra's soul before I move on to examining Aurora's body: there would be no point in recreating the body if it cannot bear the fruit of life we call a soul after all" Airy spoke with a gentle tone, watching as Princess Amore nodded in agreement. And once she was finished with her plans for Sombra and rest of the Crystal empire, there would be plenty of time to build her personal army of Umbrum, born to be absolutely loyal to her every whim... maybe she could even try to find those black bug ponies Princess Amore spoke of that the ancient crystal ponies encountered: if they and the Umbrum were both Alicorn-like with wings and horn, there might be some good in enslaving both to her whims. One can never have too many backup plans, should one fail after all... Snow Antler felt annoyed as he walked ahead of the group into the main cavern, glancing around before he spotted the Alchemist. Glancing back at the six earth ponies in chains that were led by the four deer cultists behind him, he nodded his head towards the Alchemist before walking towards him, ignoring the clicking of the chains as it echoed in the cavern. The Alchemist didn't ignore it however, turning towards them with a wicked grin on his face as he glanced at the earth ponies with glee in his eye "Well done, Snow Antler" he spoke aloud as they stopped in front of him "Such a lovely stock you've brought me for my experiments. Now go on, place them in the cells" The Alchemist instructed the cultists, who nodded and dragged the ponies to one of the small side caverns. Snow was certain that they'd have to burn the remains once again... a waste of good meat. "Was there anything else you needed?" Snow Antler asked, voice full of annoyance as he glared at the Alchemist who's eyes stayed glued on the ponies "Nothing right now. The cult leader was looking for you earlier, go bother him for something to do, I have some concoctions to experiment with" the Alchemist replied, waving his hoof dismissively as he walked off, following the ponies as Snow Antler huffed and walked away. 'Honestly, why bother with some silly concoctions when they could break the ponies with their bare hooves?' Snow Antler thought to himself as he glanced at Leader's empty tent, before moving on to search elsewhere....