Soothingly Swamped

by Autumnblazelover61

First published

Leech spends a peaceful night in a swamp with a generous, and LARGE swamp pony.

While trampling through Hayseed Swamp one day, a hungry pregnant Leech decides to stay with a swamp pony living nearby who generously offers her some supper. Then, once she’s full, Leech decides to return the favour and satisfy her appetite in other ways.

Holy hell, this is hot!:rainbowwild:-Some Leech

Contains: Male on female, pregnant sex, blowjobs, and ball licking

Cover is by ZippySqrl
Leech belongs to Some Leech, if that wasn’t already obvious.

She Sure Is Strong

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"Mmmmm," Leech moaned with absolute satisfaction as her spoon left her mouth again. As she leaned back in her chair and rubbed her full engorged belly, she gazed longingly at her host across from the table. "Thanks for dinner, Dogtail. This soup is the greatest damn thing I’ve ever tasted!" She put another spoon full to her lips and spilled some of it on her as she sipped it. "Pretty messy, though. I swear, I haven’t felt this wet in a pretty long time."

The portly stallion seated at the table across from her tipped his hat, showing off the mess of yellow hair underneath. "It’s my pleasure, stranger. I’ve never had the chance to share my soup with that many other ponies, so having you try it is a real pleasure. Oh, and it’s Cattail, by the way." It wasn’t often that Cattail got many visitors around his home in the murky depths of Hayseed Swamp. And even now, it was just Leech, a black, white-haired unicorn pony with deep purple eyes, enjoying a hearty supper with him in the dark, damp midst of his dining room.

Leech just shrugged in response, adjusting her diminutive rump in her chair and clapping both hands on her fat stomach. "Still, I was absolutely starving. Mlemy Jr., or whatever the fuck we end up calling this thing, wouldn’t let me walk any further home without getting a bite to eat. I was about to eat frogspawn or something if I didn’t stumble into this little treehouse." She grunted. "Ah well, at least the milking finally stopped."

"Well, still, it’s the least that I could do for you." Cattail said, setting his plate and glass aside and setting his chin in his hooves, staring into the eyes of the pregnant mare. "I guess you’ll be on your way home now. But if you ever need anything else, just know that you can always come back to old Cattail."

Leech clicked her tongue and cocked her head to one side. "Well, actually there is something else that I wanted to get from you before I go." She sat up more in her chair, revealing her massive breasts and abdomen to the swamp pony. "See, it’s still a super long walk home, and I know for a damn fact that Mlemy isn’t going to be home for a while. And I just figured that while I’m here, I may as well get a permanent taste of what a swamp pony is like, if you catch my drift."

"Oh ho ho, I certainly do, sugar." Cattail winked. He got up from the table and trotted over to a nearby drawer, with the ground nearly shaking with each step he took, and he pulled out a T-shirt with a crudely drawn. "Y’all can’t visit Hayseed Swamp without taking home some tchotchkes with ya.”

Leech sighed. Cattail obviously hadn’t met many other cum dumpsters like her before. If the big lug's aura didn’t seem so alluring, she would have just packed what little things she had and left. But she knew Cattail had one hell of a cock bulging beneath those thick thighs, and she wasn’t going anywhere until she got a taste of it.

"Yeah, thanks but no thanks, Mr. Cattail. I had something else in mind." Leech rose up from the table and waddled past Cattail into the nearby bedroom. Before the pony could protest, he felt the power of Leech's horn surrounding him and pulling him in onto the bed next to her.

"Now wait just a minute!" Cattail said, putting a hoof on Leech’s shoulder. "You’re a fine unicorn mare and all, but I’m not interested in any romance here. Why don’t you just grab your saddlebag and be on your way. And ya'll come back now, ya hear?"

"Oh, Momma's gonna have you coming, alright!" Leech ignored Cattail and gently nudged him with both of her hands until he rolled over onto his back. Leech leaned down until her chin was resting above the stallions equipment. His fat cock was even thicker and, and the feeling of Leech’s breath against Cattail's length just made it grow even more erect, and it certainly showed.

"Ungh! What in the blazes are you doing down there?" Cattail grunted as he looked down over his belly at her. He tried to pull himself up, but Leech’s magic continued to hold him down against the mattress and he eventually saw no point in continuing to struggle. "Oh, golly, alright then. I suppose if you’re going to do this, I can’t stop ya."

"Good boy." Leech said through a mouthful of drool as she placed her lips fullly around the tip of Cattail's cock. She’d sucked plenty of dick before, obviously, and the size of Cattail's was a welcome surprise. She only had to roll her tongue around the wet, rubbery skin a couple of times before his girth fully occupied her mouth. She practically had to pull her mouth fully clean from it before going back down for more.

"Oh, golly! You just be careful now!" Cattail chuckled from above her. "Don’t tire yourself out. I honestly never imagined that it would really take me that long."

"Oh darling, you have no idea what I’m capable of." Leech said, but it was pretty hard to understand what she was saying while she was busy choking on his cock. Eventually, she succumbed to his overwhelming size and pulled her mouth off of him once again. "This ain’t hot enough for me yet, pal. Can you, I don’t know, pull my hair? Make me really regret this!" She flipped her mane in the air, unfurling some of her ghostly white curls.

"Oh, of course, sugar. I’d be much obliged." Cattail responded, because that was the only right answer. He reached up, grabbed a damp clump of Leech’s mane, and pulled extra hard. "Woah golly!" He didn’t expect the action to have such results, but before he knew it, his cock was fully engulfed in Leech’s throat once more.

Leech threw herself up and down his meaty log several times like it was nothing. Soon, Cattail was feeling a final burst of cum flooding towards his dick. Rather than warn Leech, he let out a nervous cry and let her mane fall back against her face, just as a delicious stream of batter shot out from his dick, coating Leech’s face and loose mane, and sliding down her throat to her already full womb. "Woompf!" Was the only sound she could make as her lips parted ways with his tip. "That was perfect. Not the best dick I’ve ever tasted though, and there isn’t even much to clean up, but still, thanks, I guess."

"No, problem, sugar." Cattail pulled himself up and tipped his hat. "Like I said, if you need anything, you can always come back to old Cattail."

"Alright then, I guess I better be heading home now." Leech said, prancing out of the room and grabbing her saddlebag on her way out the front door. "And don’t you worry, I’ll definitely be back. Mlemy will probably be wondering who got their cum in my mane."

Unable to think of a response to that, Cattail just collapsed against his mattress.