> The Chronomancer > by Krail > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > The Sorceress > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hollow Peak. She had finally found it! A young unicorn sorceress with snow white fur and a poofy pink mane trotted up the mountainous path into a lively village on the mountain. A collection of salesponies talking outside of their shops, catching on the latest gossip within the town. For how cold it was, the atmosphere was warm and welcoming as an older mare waved from the open window of her clothing shop. A darling sight of displayed winter clothing items behind the lime mare. "Welcome dear! Have you come to pray at the mountain peak?" The cloaked sorceress in her witchlike cap blinked, looking at the piece of wood at the towns entrance behind her. "Hazy Peak? I climbed the wrong mountain!?" "Oh my, you were hoping for the Hollow Peak?" The old lady chuckled, putting a hoof over her muzzle before inviting her over to the warmer porch. "That's further north on the mountain range. A harrowing journey to say the least." She explained, getting a disappointed sigh from the unicorn filly. "That's the one. My mentor told me the one of the underground caves has a magical pool that can help enhance my magic." She explained, quite easily hovering her staff next to her. The large purple orb on the top spiraling inside until an image appeared. The treacherous mountain with lightning clouds around able to be seen within the orb, impressing the old mare. "I see, and you're such a talented young sorceress. So much potential! I can only imagine what would happen if you found that pool." The seamstress moved her aged white and brunette mane, getting a good look at the filly. "Not for nefarious purposes I hope?" "No ma'am! I just want to be strong enough to protect my sister's home from the darklings if they ever attacked!" She explained, showing her home, which was a sizable city that blocked the entrance into the land of Lunaria. The continent they all resided in. "She's the head magistrate of the capital city!" She bragged, getting a shocked gasp from the shop owner. "You're at the center of it all then! It's my duty to help you get to that pool!" The shop keep disappeared inside, suddenly poking her head out. "The path ahead dips into two roads. One going to the peak and the other to the next mountain. Unfortunately, a pesky wizard has taken up residence, blocking the way with his newly built fortress." She brought out a what appeared to be a silver collar. "Nopony here can enter his fortress. A powerful spell protects the entrance and surrounding walls, but since you come from such high esteem, I'm sure you can handle it." "Is that what the collar is for?" She asked curiously, being given the odd artifact. The aged mare quickly slapped it away from her magical grip before she could put it on. "For him. The elder is furious he has blocked the way to the peak. The shrine above has been ours to honor for ages. Put this on him once he's defeated and the magic inside will restrain him. You can either cast a signal in the sky for us or bring him back yourself. The elder will reward you." She explained, more calmly releasing the magical grip for Sweetie, who placed it into her knapsack under her cloak. "Oh, gotcha. Well, I have plenty of coin at home, if he's anything like the wizards there it won't be a problem." She giggled confidently. The old mare laughing along with her before waving her off. "Well, if you need a place to rest before your journey the elder will be happy to accommodate the magistrate's protégé." Sweetie politely refused and said her farewells, making her way up the path towards her dangerous destination. Magic duels were her specialty. She was already adept at all of the elemental basics, and even knew specialty spells with lightning. "I probably don't even need to fight him. A few words and I'm sure he'd be able to open a way for the villagers to pass through." She shrugged while talking to herself. A habit commonly picked up when traveling alone. Soon she came upon the stone walls of the large fortress. A sizable wizard's tower connected to an estate with simple stone walls protecting the interior. A basic set up causing the filly giggled to herself. "No wonder he built it so quickly. So... Basic." With a smug smile she approached the metal gate outside, seeing a large hoop for knocking. "I suppose it would be polite to knock, even though he shouldn't be here." Her horn lit up with a green hue as the loop lifted, dropping down with a loud echoing ring that shook her feet. A realization coming too late as she looked to her right, the mountain slope slowly shifting as the snow begun to move. "Nope nope nope nope nope!" Her horn became a glistening red as she concentrated quickly. A loud royal voice escaping her lips as her voice echoed around the mountain as loud as the door knock itself. "INFURNUS MURUS!" A giant wall of flame blocked off the edge as the snow slowly gathered, hitting it as water poured down. Another quick concentration echoed one more magical command. "GELIDA UNDAM!" The mountain became still as the giant wall of water froze over. The crystal ice blocking the snow before it could carry any more momentum. She panted, taking off her hat to wipe her head. A loud creaking from her left caught her attention, watching the metal gate slowly open, revealing the inner courtyard. "Yeah, you're welcome..." She grumbled, surprised he opened the gate after that display of her power. She stood still a moment at the opening in the doorway, expecting the wizard to reveal himself and greet her. Maybe surrender or monologue if he was still considering he at least matched her in power. No welcome, only a breeze reaching her ears. "No welcome party?" She huffed, groaning slightly. Was he really going to make this difficult? "Fine! I'm coming in!" She yelled, hoping for an appearance for one last time before receiving silence. She sunk her head in disappointment before walking in. "If you plan to duel me it'd be better to do it out here. I can do a lot of dama-" Her body felt a magical wave wash over as she looked behind her. The after effects of the barrier that kept out the other villagers? She curiously put her hoof on it again, getting some resistance but not enough to keep her inside. It was almost like she was magically being asked to stay. "Huh... That's... I've never felt this kind before." She paused a moment. A hint of sinking doubt beginning to settle in. She could scale elemental power. Even more spiritual magics like healing and necromancy, but this felt awfully different. "Maybe I'll actually learn something." She blinked, more cautiously walking, eyes peeled while making her way to the estate. The wooden front door easily flew open as she entered. Expecting an evil, laughing maniac ready to battle her after regaling her with his tragic past. She was even more disappointed to find a stone lobby as cold as the outside. "Where the hell is this guy?" Her hoof stomped, suddenly seeing a strange transparent figure on the spiraling stairs upward. A ghost? The tall male shape could only be seen for a moment, but disappeared behind the railing on his way up. Creepy. Unable to see any proper details, the figure must've been trying to lead her upstairs. "Oh gods. He's probably a monolouger." Her hoof rubbed her temple. He really wanted to fight on the top of the tower!? She already had a long journey ahead of her, stairs were the last thing she wanted to walk up! "Glacies." Her staff pointed to the opening in the center, creating a circular platform of perfectly dry ice. With an adorable hop, she landed in the middle looking up to see about five floors. There was enough space here for a dozen residents, but she had a feeling it was only him. "Levare." A wind gust comparable to a tornado slipped under the ice platform. She slowly rose up, to save her legs for later. It seemed the ghostlike stallion disappeared as she lifted. The sight of simple wood doors passing by. Her insight not feeling any magical pinpoints inside them until she reached the fourth floor. As well as the ghost. She stopped short, confused as to why he was there and not at the entrance to the top. The ghost's shape showed a middle-aged stallion with a wild flowing mane and tail. A smirk decorating his face before turning around. "Hey, wait!" She called out, watching him disappear in a haunting mist through the wooden door. It was a lot more engraved than the others. The small sorceress slid off the ice onto the floor. The stone feeling much warmer than the lobby's as she stopped short of the door. He was here. The oddest feeling flowing through her as she approached the entrance. Was she here before? It felt so familiar... Shaking her head and steeling her focus, the small filly's horn glowed with her staff at the ready. The curved doorknob circling in her magic as the door slowly popped open. A decorated room of blue sheets hung from the wall. Detailed silver patterns on them flowing from the winds ventilating the room. An orange hue from the crackling fire lighting the space. The fire on her left decorated with two padded chairs to sit in. To her right an open restroom area with privacy curtains, a large bubbling tub over a small, heated flame near the door outside where a balcony she didn't catch before looked over the courtyard, and the wall of ice she displayed fully. What truly caught her eye though was on the giant bed straight ahead. On the foot of it was a grey furred stallion with a long white mane and tail. He wore a silver circlet on his head. Older and seemingly experienced by his faces shape, she looked down to see a small form, seemingly a filly in a strange full body suit that covered her features. Only her muzzle and sensitive areas shown. To her horror, the filly's face was stuffed between his legs. His erect ebony shaft stuffing her throat as his hoof petted her covered head. "Ah. Is it time already?" He huffed, gently popping his soaked cock from her lips. Her head resting on his thigh, gasping for fresh air while being pet. A few quiet moments passing as the earth stallion gazed over Sweetie's features, gently sighing. "You seem shocked." He chuckled, licking his lips as he wiped his pre cum over her masked face, getting a groan from the mysterious filly. "You'll get used to it." "Stop that! You get away from her, creep!" Sweetie commanded, pointing the staff at the mysterious stallion. With a sneering grin her gripped the covered filly's ears with his own magic from the circlet. The greenish-blue hue lifting her head as she let out the mix of a yelp and a moan. "I wouldn't do that, Sweetie. It won't go well for you." He chuckled. A flash from his circlet decorating his head loosened the strange magical wrapping covering the filly's face. Sweetie's jaw dropping as she looked at a mirror image of herself. Much redder faced from blushing and who knows what else as her drooling doppelganger blinked. "B-bright..." The other Sweetie kept her eyes shut. The wizard consoling her with a soft "Tsk. Oops. Sorry slut." Before letting the strange wrapping slowly cover her eyes back up. "Wh-why is... Am I...?" "Tied up and worshiping my cock like you will be soon?" The stallion spoke casually, unflinching as she gasped at the near threat. His turquoise gaze staring hungrily over her before gently letting the meek, tied up form of herself go back to worshiping his throbbing length. "Simply put. I am a chronomancer. You lost the moment you entered my barrier, like you always do." He let his hooves rub the doppleganger's cheeks, letting the prisoner Sweetie know he was paying attention to her. "N-no way." The small filly nearly dropped her staff. A time wizard hasn't been seen for over a century. They were the strongest kind of wizard. Able to basically teleport, cause time rifts and even stop time itself. An incredibly powerful chronomancer was perfectly capable of making a time trap that looped a moment like this. "Yes way. Our first meeting was quite the spectacle, but you've been mine for months. At least in my time." He patted the encased Sweetie, allowing her to get off before unwrapping her ears. His focus on her. "Tell me and yourself what you got before coming here." "A... A silver collar sir." "And were you going to use it on me once you defeated me?" "Yes sir." "And did you defeat me?" A small pause filled the air, making the currently free Sweetie's heart thump like an earthquake in her own chest. "N-no sir." "Why was that?" "I put on the collar myself for you." He smiled in an almost eerily warm way as he turned towards the sorceress, making her heart drop into her chest. "That's right, you become mine willingly." He gently turned back to the tied-up filly, letting Sweetie watch herself lewdly stick her tongue out to catch his in an existentially horrifying kiss. Her own body being fondled by his hoof. With a firm wet parting, he turned back to the sorceress at his door. "Mmh... Now Sweetie. Every time I restart the loop after my fill, I allow the current Sweetie to leave on her adventure, taking the next one to replace her. So on and so forth." He explained, letting his lips tickle the other Sweeties ear as she nodded along. "S-so you mean..." She glanced to her side where her doppleganger's knapsack was, realizing what he was implying. "That's right. You put on that collar. I take control of it, and you become my delicious little slave until we eventually run out of magical power for this little loop, only to start it again." The wizard hummed, lifting the other Sweetie's chin lovingly. Her body felt heavier, a new oppressing weight filling her as she watched herself toyed with by the strange magic user. "You look lovely without that cloak and hat. Take them off for me." He suddenly commanded, letting the other Sweetie fall back onto the bed before letting himself up on his unshorn hooves. The cloaked filly seeing just how much taller he was than her without the distance and transparency of his spell form. "Please?" He asked, almost sweetly if it wasn't so personal. Unclothed ponies weren't unusual, but something about the cold climate and his intentions he had already seemed to achieve tightened her chest horribly, making her gulp audibly. "Always thinking so much. Bad habit of sorcerers sometimes." He hummed, closing in more. She gasped in surprise as his mouth opened, letting her see just how much larger his muzzle was before gently biting her hat. The large, brimmed head cover sliding off slowly before setting it aside. "That's one. ~" He hummed. "She's real?" She asked, feeling his warmth radiate onto her ear as he looked down from above. "Real as you are." He spoke. The rumbling in his voice making her rear hooves clench at the sound. How much did that other Sweetie have to endure it? It was like smooth coffee in her ears. Finally realizing how vulnerable she was, she backed off slightly, looking behind him to see herself on the bed, rolled over and listening to them calmly. "Let her loose before I do anything for you." She demanded, getting a slightly amused chuckle from the wizard. "Every time." He let his circlet flash, causing the wrapping mummifying the poor filly to dissipate. Only the collar remaining she recognized. Sweetie staring as she saw her own form. The places where her bonds wrapped on her body slightly red from the tightness. The nearly free sorceress panting as she stayed on her side, slowly stretching her limbs curiously, finally able to see herself in front of her capture. "You're here already?" The filly whined, slightly shivering from the open air. The newly arrived filly looked up to see the stallion's deep aquamarine gaze lower to block thier conversation, gently wrapping his lips around the decorated piece she kept her cloak attached too. The wet sounds making her shudder as his tongue skillfully undressed her until she was left with only her hidden travel pack against her side. Her cloak on the carpeted stone floor. "Of course. Took me a few times to learn how to do that through our meetings. I can't imagine silver being super comfortable on your neck, but you seem to take it like a champ." The stallion whispered, lifting his head as his circlet flashed again. The filly behind him who was finally getting back on her feet feeling the collar fall to pieces before evaporating into thin air. "H-hey!" The other Sweetie whined, seemingly distraught that she was being freed. The stallions hoof suddenly rose Sweetie's chin, keeping her attention on him as a small squeak escaped. "Now I've kept my end of the deal, but I can still have that duel unless..." He lifted the collar in her bag in his magical grip, gently booping her nose with it. Her own green aura wrapping around to hover it past his eager grin. "I-I don't know." She groaned, being in such a stressful situation, she felt like she was missing something. A missing piece. Her thoughts interrupted as the other Sweetie spoke up. "But I want to stay!" The young unicorn groaned, falling on the bed with a pout. The older chronomancer sneered, gently using his hoof to push the floating collar towards his desires neck. By some odd magical means, the artifact clicked open by itself as if thirsting to attach to her. The strange metal finally touching her necks fur. What should've been a cold metallic touch felt like a warm silk cloth itself. Is this what she'd been wrapped in? "You'll be all tied up. Rutted and enjoyed for days on end. Only allowed out of your encasement to bathe." The stallion spoke, letting his nose press on hers as she felt his heat even more intensely. The idea of letting him do such... Adult things with her. "You want to hear about all the things we do? I love seeing your face each time." The equine huffed. She could only stare at herself while her reflection seemed to jealously stare back, touching herself as the weight of the stallion could be felt on her back. His head dipping down next to hers as the tickling facial fur rubbed her cheek. "You like to be squished and taken from behind. Something about being trapped under the weight. I'm surprised you didn't let that avalanche take you." He whispered, watching with her as she nervously shuddered. Curiosity, plus her own form behind him seemingly happy with being collared under the stallions control got the best of her. Click. The filly's magic attached the collar fully, standing perfectly still a moment. She expected to be wrapped up immediately like the old mare said but moved her head down, nervously puzzled. "Nothing's happening." She stared confused. The sorceress looked up only to see her doppleganger giving a smug smirk towards her. The filly's eyes weren't Sweetie's usual green, but a cold turquoise. Her blood froze as the reflection disappeared into a mist. She quickly attempted to lift her staff with her magic but found she couldn't cast a single spell. In fact, she couldn't even move her limbs! Her chest heaving as she begun to panic. Like a warm wire in her own body, she felt herself held into a standstill, only able to breathe, move her mouth and blink. Like a living statue. The chronomancer gently spun around, letting his tail brush her face as she got a long look at his growing ebony length. A sizable shaft that drooped and swung under him. Only able to watch, he stepped up onto his large bed, surrounded by closable privacy curtains. "You lied!?" "Yes. Though I am a time wizard, I was an illusionist first. I'm also not nearly strong enough to contain you with a time loop alone. So, I had to resort to a little trickery." She saw his circlet flash, suddenly being lifted off the ground. "You bastard!" She howled, feeling her lips clamp shut through no will of her own as he laid back. The hovering filly slowly flying over the bed and the smug stallion lying with his hooves behind his head. Like a gryphon admiring a fish it caught, he gazed along her form, licking his lips. Her lips freed again as her eyes watered, realizing how much she messed up. "Better a bastard than naïve." He taunted, lowering her until she was a hair away. "So much power, and all I had to do was feed you what you wanted to hear you little slut." He taunted, her trembling flanks parting under his spell as his tongue extended, her body rotating up as her tight clit was hovering over his waiting muzzle. "What are you doing?" She yelped, feeling like a puppet on strings. Her voice yelping while feeling a warm laugh heated her folds under her, making her chest heave profusely. "Enjoying the view. So, what do you think? Should I just seat you here?" She felt a hot exhale after being lowered slightly, shuddering before being pulled lower towards his hips. His smile beaming as she looked down, feeling his already full length shaft rubbing the teased opening between her legs. "Or maybe here?" "You can't!" "I can and I will." He said grimly. A feeling of silk cloth suddenly begun wrapping around her limbs. His magic allowing her to look around at what was happening. The encasing cloth gently tugging and pulling as she was leaned forward, looking at his cruel grin. "You seemed excited when looking at that little mummy showcase. It was difficult keeping your form in that spell at first glance but once I got a good look at you, I had perfect reference. I bet you love cocooning yourself in your blanket at night." She yelped as it wrapped faster, taking her whole body into account besides her orifices. "You're still going to wrap me up like that!?" She protested, feeling the wrapping catch under her tail with a sensitive yelp. Her floating body closed perfectly face to face. His nose pressing over hers, swallowing in excitement. "Why not? I could feel just how much your chest thumped at the sight of it." His tormenting words making her tear up more as she let out a defeated moan. The feeling of his pony meat slowly grinding up her folds, hot dogging her as she felt the wrappings tighten. "Ready?" He suddenly asked. Her ears drooping down at his question. A rush of cloth wrapped over her eyes. His smile being the last thing she saw as the whirring blankets blocked her eyesight. Gravity shifting as something firm pressed on her chest. She was laying on him. "Hey." His plush lips against her ear as she felt firm hooves wrap over her, grinding her folds on the heated shaft. She could even feel the thumping of his blood rushing through. "This will be the last time you hear my voice for a while. I'm curious at rutting a cocooned filly now too. Anything you want to know before I wrap you into my little sex doll?" Her rump flinched as he tapped his cock over her sensitive area. "Why?" A warm huff of laughter tickled her ear. "How do you think that shopkeeper came across the collar?" He spoke softly, making her chest sink even deeper. "I guessed she'd give it to someone magically strong enough to defeat me, all I had to do was wait." She felt her body lift with him as he sat up on the headboard of his bed. "Now you can drain me while I drain you." He hungrily laughed, making her sink deeper. "Those time loops are impossible to create at my level, but I only need a powerful mage's energy to cast them. More and more adventurers to play with in time pockets until I have an entire fortress of energy and lust. My own paradise." He spoke sensually, her spirit fully defeated as she laid into his chest. "All thanks to you." "N-no..." "It's time." He uttered, lifting her up in his lap as she let out a soft protest. Her defeated grunts vibrating over his chest as the last of his strange silk begun wrapping her ear. "I'd give you a safe word, but I'll just loosen you up now." He rumbled, suddenly dampening from the cloth, leaving her thundering heartbeat in her head. "Hey, wait!" A warm, magical aura could be felt around her body as his lips pressed over the side of her mouth in a twisted kiss of comfort. Her lips trembling in a huff of shock. Oh gods, what did she sound like? She didn't want to sound excited to him. He was holding her prisoner! She paused her thoughts as she finally noticed the magical aura around her. Was he hovering her? No. His chest heat was still on hers, as well as the throbbing meat that continued throbbing. "Sir?" She uttered, realizing she picked up the habit from her fake. Clearly, he noticed too as his grip tightened around her, another call into the void as she squeaked from his grip. "Chrono- Ahh!" The length that was teasing her winking folds suddenly parted, angling the large tip to her virgin cave. "It's not gonna fit! Just wait a minute!" The small sorceress begged, burying her head over his neck. Her stuck limbs sandwiched between their chests as a sudden thrust entered mercilessly. "Wait!" Her jaw hung open as the full mass of stallion cock entered inside her. A second passed. Two seconds. Three seconds. Four? That's it. She must've been in shock. It was so much; she was unable to even comprehend it. Right? Six seconds. Seven. Suddenly a very deep, filling feeling arose in the pit of her stomach. The slow rise in feeling reminding her to breathe as she felt a set of her bedmate's teeth nibble over her quivering lips, giving her something to compare her feeling too. That was it. He used magic and dulled it. If she could hear, she could only imagine the wet sounds inside her as she rumbled. A hot mess of drool escaping her lips as she groaned. Being tied up was gift to not have to deal with the embarrassing sounds and visuals escaping her. Slowly his cock parted the opened cavern, now ready to receive him endlessly. He'd tricked her, taken her. Would the magistrate come looking? No, this was a do or die journey like all the others. Being related didn't make her special at all. She was special to him though. Her gravity changed yet again. This time, his hooves simply rotating them both until the overpowered filly was face down on the bed. His hooves rubbing along her back. She could only hear her own breaths. Her own little moans, her own beating heart. Trapped with only her thoughts and the sensations he'd give her. Outside of the filly's bubble of lewd despair was the chronomancer had begun admiring the curvature of her body. If she'd had looked any closer during his bluff, she'd have seen her double's shape wasn't close to this. Sweetie was lither. Gentle looking. The only wear and tear on her being her hooves, which were covered. "Honestly I don't know where to start. You're the first." He spoke to himself almost nervously, dropping the menacing disguise as his lowered muzzle pressed on her encasing. A deep inhale over her neck that she could feel made her squirm under his weight. Should he taunt her? He could use his magic to speak to her mind directly. No. Maybe later. Instead, his body came crashing down. The tip of his drooling shaft back at her entrance as his front limbs wrapped along her neck from behind. She let out a high-pitched squeak while he tightened his grip, letting his teeth nibble along her jawline. A squishy wet slurp between her legs as he let out a shuddering sigh. The tight heated walls gripping so well as his hug nearly choked her. His deep gaze admiring her pink tongue extending out, drooling down her chin with small whimpers. With a cruel laugh his magic tightened the wrappings even more, enough to make the marshmallow filly open moan. "Nnngh! T-tight...!" She clenched. Her pillowy body feeling the pressure even more as a lick curled over her cheek. "You sure are." He sighed, slamming his hips inward, making her head bury in the pillow with a load howl of deep pleasure. "Little slut. I was right about you enjoying this." He huffed, letting his hoof lift from her neck. His magic lifting her head off the pillow. In her isolating wrapping, she couldn't even feel the cool air anymore. The grinding of his intensely warm body and plush bedding sandwiching her overheated the poor prisoner. Inside and out, he was everywhere. In her heat induced delirium she failed to notice her own actions as she begun panting wildly, like a collared pet. "Look at that, she thinks she's a dog!" He laughed to himself, watching her quick drooling pants soak the pillow beneath her chin. "Let's fuck you like one, bitch." His wide, heavy hooves slammed down on her back, pinning her to the bed. The stallion firmly sitting up, bringing her plump flank with him. One hoof holding her head to the sheets while the other held her shaking thigh. A slow, meaty thrusting pushing forward and downward as he watched his entire length disappear inside her with ease. The wet pre cum and sorceress walls helping lube his building lust. "Ahh! Nngh! Haaah! Ah! Please!" Sweetie bellowed, unable to help herself as her own body betrayed her, pushing back as his cock's tip roughly pounded at the gates of her desperate womb. "Ngh hngh! Ahhh! You can't! I gotta... I gotta..!" She uttered, almost choking on her own drool as the chronomancer felt his throbbing shaft building up its load. He was close, just seeing her in delicious hysterics caught his desire off guard. Finally, his voice couldn't help but enter her mind directly through his magic, wanting to know her answer to his question. "You're going to what, my little bitch?" Now open moans filled the air with each devastating thrust, her voice hoarser as his hips firmly pounded against her enveloped rear. "B-burst!" She howled, lifting her head. The collar around her neck glowing bright green, sucking her very magical energy. His victorious grin returned, joining her in climax as a wave of cum matching the avalanche earlier filled her to the absolute brim. Thick wet spurts of seed dripping as he let out a guttural moan. No magic was needed for time to stop while they both expelled their orgasms. The spent chronomancer collapsed to his side with her still attached by the hard shaft, slowly easing its throbbing. "Now then." His mind focused, the circlet quickly draining the absorbed magic out of her body from the collar. His magical focus through his crown felt like it had gone through a full day's rest. A deep chuckle escaping after realizing his own capacity for magic had grown. Spent physically for now, he let the wrappings loosen on his toy, who was now cradled as his little spoon. Her silk head coverings dropping around her. The tightness of the wrappings kept her limbs afloat but now she could collapse, managing full lungs of breath. Two grey hooves wrapping around her chest, causing her body to freeze up. "Look down, little pet." His voice hummed. Slowly her head sunk to see the sizable cock suddenly plop out with an embarrassingly wet slurping sound. Her back shuddering as he buried his nose in her mane. "I think this is the start of a wonderfully mutual relationship.~" > The Paladin > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Applebloom looked up at the strange wall of ice and snow next to the fortress. The cradle of ice holding back a large gathering of stone, now solidified from the weeks that had passed since then. It was obviously pony made. "Impressive. She must've stopped the avalanche." The red maned filly took off her helmet in curiosity. Her steel chest plate reflecting the light of the moon with her helmet under her hoof as she looked over the towering castle blocking the mountains path. She was informed of the sorceress's disappearance by the village elder below. Unlike the said missing magician, or the villagers, she had no intention of opening the path, that was their problem that they could solve once her mission was done. She was here for him. Her eyes darted up over the walls at the tower, seeing a small balcony above that overlooked the front of the fortress and the trail below. At that angle you might even see the village even further down. Carefully scouting around the windows of the tower she felt a pair of eyes. Something told her this one would be a doozy. Putting her helmet back on, she firmly stepped forward. Her small hooves leaving rather sizable indents in the snow as she made her way to the large gates. "Chronomancer! I am Applebloom! True knight paladin of the seven sage circle and hunter of the devious and wicked! You have been found and are ordered to surrender yourself for trial by both Order of Paladins and the Union of Time Protectors!" She announced, with not a hint of her homely farmers accent she managed to learn how to hide. She paused as a long quiet silence filled the mountainside, with only the cool wind echoing around before she cleared her throat. "Last warning! Release your prisoner and face the consequences of your misuse of magic!" She ordered, receiving silence again. "Dangit." She huffed, stepping forward to the large metal gate and lifting the door loop, releasing to knock as she tensed up. The loud ringing shaking her armor uncomfortably. To her surprise and relief, the large gate opened slowly. Expecting an actual surrendering mage on the other side, she was greeted with an empty stone courtyard with no souls around. "Alright, last chance or I'll bring judgement myself!" She threatened, howling over the castles stone as her own voice echoed back. "Fine." She approached the interior before sensing an abnormality, a pink wall of magic surrounding the entire structure within. A magical barrier of some kind. With caution she moved her head to her side, pulling out a shimmering silver blade with a comfortable dark wood handle in her maw. Her head whipped like lightning as the blade cut through the blue-green aura, feeling almost like cutting through rubber. As the cut opened a small entry she heard the angry howls of a stallion deep inside, putting a grin on her face. "Didn't like that huh?" She smirked, stepping through the torn opening into the courtyard. A sigh escaped as she put away her blade, stepping further to the front door into the estate. The armored filly staring at the door in thought. A quick turn and her rear hooves kicked the door down completely off its hinges. "Alright! Enough hiding! Where are you!" She hollered, spotting an irritated looking apparition of a stallion on the rotating staircase into the tower. Almost seething with rage as he sneered. "Fine, little paladin. Clearly, you're very capable. Follow me." He uttered, turning around and marching upstairs. With an equally annoyed look the filly cautiously followed the ghost. Carefully she looked over the stallion in front of her. Most apparitions made by mages wear what they are currently dressed in. Only skilled summoners can hide it and clearly this was a secondary skill to her quarry. She watched as the irate chronomancer slowly marched. He had armored gauntlets, a chest plate and a strange staff with a curved blade appear on his person. He was cornered. Or maybe he was cautious as her. "In here." The two stopped at a simple wooden door on the second floor, a shining light underneath that appeared to be a fireplace or candles lighting the room. She scoffed and turned back, looking up the staircase. "Wizards usually like the top of towers so they can look down on ponies. Especially ones like you." She growled, continuing up the stone staircase as the apparition stared stunned. "N-no wait! I really am in there! We can settle this easily if you go back, no need to waste your energy climbing the tower." The ghost tried to convince her, jumping in front of her in an attempt to deter her. The brave warrior filly simply walking through the ghost. "D-dear. You don't know what you're doing. I'm willing to face you but you're just wasting time." He spoke more sternly, getting an eye roll from the paladin. "I've faced plenty of wizards and they never want to face me directly. I'll see you at the top." She taunted, flicking her tail over the transparent stallion's face before pausing. Her eyes catching a much more decorated door. Decorated magically in engravings. "What's behind here?" She asked firmly, turning to see the ghost frowning, then smiling much more confidently at the possible turn of events. "The prisoner, little paladin. You sure you want to go in? You might be horrified at what you find." He taunted, closing around her as his face neared into her ear. "Do you hear it?" The small earth filly, held still to dampen her armors sound. She heard very wet sounds along with loud, high pitched moans. Putting her ear closer to the door, she swallowed nervously as the stallion's voice sounded clearer inside. "That's it, swallow it all down." An audible gulping and choking sound echoing inside making her body tighten as the ghost's face appeared next to her. "Gonna try and save her? She's quite tied up." He taunted wickedly. Her hoof rose to brush off the misty figure before turning back to the stairs. "Defeating you directly will free her, I'm sure." Making the stallion blink in surprise, he was sure she'd take the bait. Whether it was real or not, but he didn't expect such tunnel vision from her. "See you there, then." He growled, disappearing into mist. A few minutes passed as she saved her energy, slowly pushing up with a grin. Now that she knew he was up there, she made sure to walk slowly, stomping loudly so he could hear every step as she came closer. One of her favorite things to do being intimidation before a fight, making her quarry sweat before she confronted them. With her hooves finally landing on the top of the staircase, she was surprised to see no doors around, an empty room covering all of the tower's space. "He must use magic to reach the top." She thought out loud, scratching her chin under her helmet in thought. Carefully she stepped near the center of the empty stone room. Her head reaching into her bag to take out a small bag. Dropping the packet, a pile of coal poured out onto the stone. The paladins hoof dipping in to slowly draw circular markings, tapping a few moments until the decorative rune was complete. A stallion's voice sounding stunned punctured the air. "Zebric runes?" "Detect magic." The filly uttered, suddenly the room around her became completely revealed as a haze of a magical veil was unveiled. The shocked stare of the chronomancer himself, fully armored staring in disbelief as she pointed at him. "Surrender yourself. There's plenty more where that came from." She demanded, getting a sneer as he spun around his bladed staff in the air with his magic. The older stallion containing his nervousness. "Clearly I was underprepared for you. Why don't you join me, dear? This is only the beginning of my reign. Once enough time has passed, I can offer pleasures you can only dream of." He spoke openly, letting a hoof out in a peace offer. He knew deep down she wouldn't accept, this strange filly seemed to live for hunting magic users. About to respond, she saw his gaze flicker behind her for a split second. Making her pause for a moment, clearly, he was distracting her from something. Immediately she unsheathed her blade and turned, expecting something trying to catch her while she was distracted. Only that's not what she witnessed at all. Instead, a glowing green, emerald radiating magica caught her attention as the stallion took a step forward. "You see? My magic is fueled by others. Specifically, that prisoner downstairs. I wasn't lying when I said she was there." He admitted, resting his staff to lean on as she stared at the artifact. This strange gem clearly had the potential to hold an army's worth of magic. Enough to completely control the region itself when filled. "So, if ah destroy it, you'll be pretty much helpless?" She spoke, revealing more of her natural farmer twang, turning with the smuggest looking grin the chronomancer had ever seen. "You brat..." She flinched as he teleported between her and the gem, posing with his blade angled defensively in front of him. "I'm going to enjoy breaking you." He exhaled. his circlet beginning to glow again as she spun her blade, signifying the end of their pleasant conversation. With a twirl she caught him blade to blade, using the guard of her sword to twist her head and flick the floating staff away. A sudden buck to her chest plate launching her back away from the mage and his crystal. The warrior made a heavy breath to recuperate from the blow. Her own strange magic then planting the blade into the stone floor like butter, resting her hooves on the guard with a prayer. A flash of light emanating from her sword as three floating blades matching it appeared in thin air, hovering around her with a haunting glow of holy fire. The chronomancers eyes widened at the ability, realizing she was the worst combination. Young, experienced, and unwavering. Her gaze opened to see he had floated the emerald to his hoof, draining it into his circlet. Without hesitation, two of her swords charged at him, one to hold off his bladed staff and the other to strike at the emerald. To her surprise he let out his hoof to block the blade, his gauntlet catching the burning metal. "Almost..." He panted, feeling the blade begin melting the outside of his armor. With a yell, the emerald disappeared as he leapt back, punching the floating weapon away. The older mage throwing his hooves down with a sneer. "There. Now we can dance properly!" He let out a rush of magic, that grabbed at the floating items. His aura surrounding them as she grunted, realizing they couldn't move. He stopped them? She attempted to make more with her castings until she felt a tap on her shoulder. Looking behind her she saw the grinning gaze of the grey stallion above her. His magic holding her front hooves in place as a wet lick curled over her cheek. His nose stopping at the helmet before flicking it off her head. "Surrender yourself." He mocked her words back to her. "Ugh!" The filly's virgin face folding at the unthematic advancement before pushing her weight forward, rearing her hind hooves to buck him away from her. With a grunt she felt the strange magic on her hooves and floating blades cease being held by his magic, free to continue fighting. "Enough!" She growled. With her eyes glowing a bright light, the chronomancer watched in shock as an array of chains appeared from her gauntlets. Leaving her sword, she flipped her hooves over as the chains whipped around his legs, his body becoming frozen in paralysis. "What is this!?" He squirmed, unable to move as her pupils reappeared with a seemingly victorious grin. He whipped his body around, only to be tugged towards her. The filly paladin's strength rivaling a full-grown stallions as the wizard was dragged against the stone floor slowly. His struggle becoming a laugh at the hilarious embarrassment on his end. "Oh gosh, who'd have thought you'd be the one to tie me up? I'm getting pretty aroused.~" "They're my chains of light, pervert. To capture degenerates like you." She scoffed, managing to get him halfway towards her to properly capture him and figure out where he put that emerald. "Wait. What did you do with that emerald?" Her vision changed in the blink of an eye. She was back on her sword's guards like before, watching as the chronomancer's risen hoof was back to blocking the heated blade from earlier. Applebloom's confusion only grew with the dissipation of her floating blades, seeing the chronomancer's body relax again as he laughed to himself. "I'll admit, in any other scenario, you might've captured me." He huffed, leaning down with a bead of sweat on his temple. "But I've already won. We're just going through the motions now." He said confidently, letting his hoof raise as she watched the gauntlets over her limbs where his magic touched earlier disappear like the summoned blades. "W-what...?" "Time to make you submit, little paladin. One piece of you at a time." He smiled wide, licking his lips almost hungrily. "You'll be the one in chains soon. Don't you worry." "Shut up!" Her hooves rose before pounding onto the floor, an array of light blinding the stallion suddenly from the cracks as he heard the stomping hooves of the charging filly approaching. Ready to move, his circlet flashed. Unnoticeable with how bright the room was, he was able to slow the flow of time from his perspective. Though unable to move normally, he could better read what was happening. He caught her trying to charge at an angle, no longer trying to take him alive as her blade was brandished in the tight grip of her own magic. Carefully he sidestepped to her surprise as the blade slipped past his chest. With his hoof folding around her neck, he quickly flipped over her body. Now in position, time flowed normally as his full weight collapsed on top of the smaller equine. With the sound of her armor clanging against the floor she let out a coughing grunt, her sword leaving her lips as she caught her breath. The evil turquoise aura folded over the shimmering blade as she squirmed underneath, surprised by the stallion's sturdiness as she watched the physical blade disappear like the summoned ones. "W-what did you do?" "Shouldn't play with sharp things." He teased, lowering his head to smooch her cheeks as she watched her helmet that was on the cobblestone floor follow shortly after. "Let's see... Just your chest plate, bag and rear boots and you'll be bare." He chuckled, the aura circling over her gear as she squirmed underneath. "Don'tcha dare!" She growled, suddenly choking up as his arm tightened around her neck in a headlock. Her jaw clenched as his heated breath warmed her ear. "You can do two things. Continue squirming and we can continue our fight until I've completely worn you out. That gem I sent away had enough power for me to continue resetting this fight for weeks. I'm sure without your bag...." She watched as her floating bag that slipped out from between them hovered in front, suddenly disappearing to who knows whereas her stomach sank. "You'd get thirsty very quickly, begging me for a drink." He deeply cackled, letting her watch as her chest plate and rear boots disappeared as well. Now bare under the seemingly victorious stallion. "Or you can simply give up. I'll forgive you for trying to skewer me and be gentle." "A'hm not giving up yet." She seethed, managing to lift him with her earth pony strength as his eyebrows lifted. Quickly his circlet flashed again, bringing her back to where he sent away the gemstone. "C-cheater!" She stomped, realizing how mobile she was with the lack of weight that was removed. "To be fair. My weapon's been hovering over there the whole time. I could've ended this at any moment." He pointed where he had blocked her previous floating blades. Now unarmed and unarmored she watched as the smug old mage floated his staff to himself, fixing his mane in the blades reflection before dissipating it as well, turning his smile to her. A sinking tremble over her body at his gaze. "May I chain you up and rape you now?" "N-no?" "Good answer. Wouldn't have made sense otherwise." He snickered evily. The sight of a silver collar appeared over his circlet, something about it making her stomach curl even more as she took a step back. "You broke my time loop when you cut through my barrier, so I'll have to make one manually. I can't wait to rut you over and over." He growled. A chain was summoned that attached. The open collar launched perfectly as the snap clicked around her neck like a snake striking, gagging her for a split second until an audible click echoed in the room. The now towering stallion wrapped the chain around his hoof, calmly walking towards her while she struggled to try and pull of the collar. Though smooth feeling, her hooves couldn't budge it. With the last of all her strength she attempted to rip it off, closing her eyes with a loud growl. After a few heavy pulls she feels the collar tug back, knocking her forward onto her chest. "O-ow." With another tug, her neck was yanked to be dragged into his now sitting lap, getting a face full of stallion musk as his ebony length slowly grew right over her muzzle. Her body twisting in horror as the throbbing tip pressed over her lips as she attempted to keep her mouth shut. Two hooves gripped her ears as a strong magic tug over her jaw pulled apart her mouth to prevent biting, making her gasp in a panicked whine. "Nguh! Wuh glrlmph!" "Such endearing words." The chronomancer let out a loud and victorious moan, rubbing her unhelmed mane as he sunk her deeper onto the newly erect shaft. The wet meaty sounds strangling her throat causing a defeated moan to escape. "You paladins love worshipping deities, but my humble cock seems better suited for it, little brat." He gritted his teeth, pushing harder as her gullet opened up with force. Her eyes wide and watering, basically laying on his lap pathetically while he wore her mouth like a fleshlight. "Isn't this better than fighting?~" He taunted, her head bobbing slowly in his magical grip as the aroma stung her nose. He expelled a sigh, disappointed with himself as her lips popped off his cock with a wet cough, collapsing to the floor. "Not yet. Let's settle you in." He grinned. With a slow wave of his head while summoning a powerful spell, Applebloom gathered her thoughts. With one final attempt to win she suddenly rolled sideways. "You can suck off yourself!" She crassly howled wildly in the moment, wrapping the chain around his neck and pulling back with all her might. His voice gagged in response while she twisted and wrangled the large stallion, pulling wildly as his face begun to turn a deep blue in her grip. Her limbs yanking harder as she wrapped her rear hooves around his neck. Her jaws closing over the circlet on his head with a desperate reach, pulling back to tear it off. The sound of the metal circlet clanking on the stone floor nearby echoed in the room, her grip still tight. His hooves attempted to pull her away, his face now purple with a choked gag. In a similar desperate attempt to hers to free himself, his hoof reached down, choking him further until suddenly gripping between her thighs as she let out a loud moan. His tender hooves pads grip pressed and rubbed every inch of her trembling slit. As each rotation of the almost flowing grip circulated between her legs her rear hooves straightened into a tightened shaking. Her body shaking as she struggled to hold his head with her front hooves. He suddenly spun himself backwards against her head, catching the single breath he needed. His other hoof wedged between his neck and the chain while the other grinded and gripped her tender walls. His rear hooves on her shoulders, letting his weight hold her down while his length rested over her nose, the scent alone overwhelming, but with his returned control she submitted in defeat, moaning in deep guttural noises with each rock of his hoof's rotation. Panting, the wizard quickly slipped from her chain and picked his circlet back up while focusing on the deadly filly. With a cold smile he summoned the power from the circlet, teleporting them into a familiar room, lit by a warm fireplace near the balcony. "There we go." The stallion rubbed his hoof along his neck, showing where the chains markings were. The small filly was dropped on the bed unceremoniously by the chronomancer's magic hold, making her squirm in place as she twisted into a defiant growl towards the wizard. "Hey, we're not done yet! Let me outta these!" She seethed roughly, feeling a tightening on the collar making her fold into the bedsheets with a gag. "You shush. I need to concentrate." He spat, closing his eyes as the circlet brightened. The young tied up paladin watched both angrily and curiously as the room was slowly surrounded in a turquoise hue. The odd haze seeping into the very dimensional space itself as she witnessed his ace. The room set in back to a normal transparency as he sighed in a deep relief, holding his eyes closed a few moments before collecting himself. "I'll admit. You had me scared. You'll be perfect to rut my frustrations out with." He approached, bringing her head forward to the foot of the bed as she saw the familiar sight of the throbbing cock lifting under him. "Ah-ah'm not doing that again!" She argued rebelliously. Her voice cracking a bit as she felt a much more overbearing weight of the magic around her. Somehow deep in her very existence understanding she was trapped somehow. Like an ant in an unbreakable jar, the time loop was cast and she was stuck properly. "Open." The stallion spoke bluntly. The filly paladin looked up to see a much less amused expression on his face as his stormy gaze stared at her. Not the stare of a victorious villain, but a look she witnessed before only once. One of pure certainty. He had won. She wanted to hit herself, but her body acted on its own. Somehow letting fear take over as she slowly extended her tongue out with a whimper, opening wide as his shafts tip rested onto her drooling soft tongue. The sight of his face disappeared above her as he crawled above and laid flat on her back. With a gag, she felt the blunt, leathery tip pound her throat as she let out a growl, thinking of biting until a deep warm lick curled over her folds. A trembling shudder shaking her body under him as he devoured her virgin clit. The strange position choking her with his throbbing shaft. The smell of male washing over as she moaned wildly, muffled by the older pony. His fur and body heat sunk upon her bare form, the muscles and warmth radiating as she tasted the lightly salty pre of his cock leaking down her throat. Her moans interupted by the wet sloppy slurps she couldn't stop giving from the size. She knew biting would be punished greatly at this point, and that she was trapped like puddy in his hooves. "Good girl... Unfortunate that your magical capability is drawn through external means or I would utterly drain every drop. I suppose this can be my close second." She felt his lips speak and rumble along her folds before mercilessly engulfing her tight folds, his tongue relentlessly pushing all the way in to defile the filly's trembling walls. Hugging her underside, he shoveled her face into his lap, having free access to her plump flanks and drizzling folds, slurping, licking and devouring her virgin folds as her muffled whines only served to vibrate his cock in her tight gullet. "Mghh hgnghgulk mrgh...!" The little redhead couldn't even properly protest as she was hugged, being used like a glorified fleshlight while her tender, pink walls felt the hot breaths and sturdy tongue gripping along and audibly tasting to the point his velvety voice and the wet sounds cause a deep, deep shudder to release from inside. Her eyes rolling back while a flood of hot stallion spunk poured into her throat, feeding her. If only she could have destroyed that gem... > The Monk > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- A small, orange filly of the pegasi variety approached the quest board of the village. Hazy Peak. A small mountain village where the cold morning air became thinner as she hiked. Luckily decorated with a fighting staff and scarf for warmth, the monk known as Scootaloo felt fitted enough to traverse the rocky paths. A cloud of mist escaped her lips as she let out an exhausted sigh, placing her staff against the board and sitting back to warm her hooves against her chest. Maybe gloves weren't such a bad idea after all. "Monks aren't supposed to be into material stuff but this is ridiculous!" She shuddered, catching a glimpse of a request nailed to the board. She stood to read, the handwriting and paper still legible despite stuck in the cold whipping winds of the mountain. "To any brave fighters. The village calls upon you to help us from the oppressive f-farce? Force. Force of evil that haunts our humble village. The wizard near the top of the mountain blocks our way to the top for prayer to the sky ancestors. Any attempts to negotiate fall on deaf ears at the gates, and only young mares are able to enter, which haven't returned. We offer a free room and 200 bits to anyone who can defeat the wizard. Let any of the townsfolk know if you accept." "Not much coin, but wizards usually cave after a smack on the nose. Then I could check out the top!" She giggled, spinning the staff onto her back with a flaunt. Quickly she made her way to one of the shops, gently swinging the door open to see an older mare sitting back in her chair, sewing what appeared to be a coat in the works. "Oh hello dear! It's rare to receive visitors in our humble town. Most stay away after the wizard appeared." She greeted, placing her kit down and standing to the counter. "Now what can I get you?" "I'm just looking for some snow shoes. I came from the valley below and wanted to see the top of the mountain." She explained, showing her bare hoof that was a bit pale from the cold. "My mentor said the tallest peaks in the lands would guide me to the fountain of potential. Where my wings would be healed and I'd grow stronger." The old mare's lime colored hoof adjusted her glasses with a worried look, slowly turning around with a nervous shake while looking at her displayed articles of clothing. "Oh dear. You really should just go back down that trail. That wizard blocks the path with his fortress, and nopony who's gone in has come back out." She explained, finding a woven box with items inside, pulling out a fluffy pair of wool boots. "I know. I'm going to beat him up and free the prisoners!" The filly declared, spinning her staff around her hoof before firmly planting it on the wood flooring. The old mare blinking before letting out a defeated sigh. "Yes. That's what the last one said. Here." She placed the boots firmly on the counter, pushing them to the small pegasus. "No point in having cold feet in whatever dungeon you're caged in. Foolish girl." The old lady huffed, slowly walking around as Scootaloo fitted the woven covers on her hooves. The old mare walking to the door. "I'll let the elder know. If you're not back by morning we'll assume he got you." Scoots grumbled at the lack of faith. She'd fought wizards before! Even monsters! Her hooves definitely felt more comfortable though, so the free boots were worth it at least. Her small wing flicked the staff onto her back again, holding it in place as she exited the small store. Dozens of eyes were on her as she saw the store owner disappear into the nearby center home. The villagers of various generations stared as she trotted her way towards the trail out of town and up the mountain, eager to get away from the prying eyes. Her ears flickering at the voices in hushed whispers. "There goes another one." "She must be crazy." "Five coins says that stick gets sent back without her." She never got such a harrowing sendoff before. Her body feeling less confident until the town disappeared out of sight behind her. The cold roads became more snowy as she traversed the mountain, finding only a few warning signs until the sight of a tall tower appeared. The road leading straight to closed metal gates with a single solid loop on the outside. The tall stone walls seeming unclimbable without tools. Against her better judgement, the filly approached the towering gate. "H-hello? Mister Wizard?" She called out. No answer. With a nervous clearing of her throat she lifted the large hoop on the door, releasing it. The resulting sound was a booming echo that covered the mountain. Her body frozen without the need of any cold as she gazed up at the snowy slopes to her right. Quiet. She had no idea what she'd do if an avalanche fell down towards her. A few more moments passing before she heard a loud creaking, catching her attention. Quickly she took out her staff and watched as the ominous gate slowly opened. "Alright! Show yourself wizard!" She howled confidentially. Ready to face any fireballs or tricky spells with her agility. Thanks to the boots she didn't feel so stiff from the cold and was heated for a fight. Her tension soon relaxed in a disappointed slump with the sight of only a small empty courtyard with the looming tower ahead. "Dumb magic. Doesn't even bother to get the door himself." Walking forward she suddenly passed through what felt like an invisible barrier, the bloopy sound almost inviting as she looked back, pressing her hoof to it again as it resisted. It was as if it didn't want her to leave, but wouldn't stop her if she decided to return empty hoofed. It's purple aura bouncing off her hoof as she couldn't help but giggle. "Maybe not so dumb." With a flick of her hoof she turned back to the fortress, a more determined expression on her face. The filly swung open the smaller doors into the castle, greeted with the blue transparent face of an older stallion. "Woah!" She flew back with her staff at the ready, seeing the stallion chuckle. His body like a ghosts she could walk through. "Welcome back. You must be another adventurer." His voice felt like it was directly in her mind, not coming from anywhere. As if her own thoughts were his voice. What did he mean by 'back'? "So you've been sent to defeat me." He spoke, the ghostly form approaching as she tried to poke her staff at his chest, only to be faced nose to nose with the apparition. The staff gone right through him as he looked over her. "You certainly are adorable with that little stick. By all means come upstairs if you think you can stop me." He sung, chuckling to himself before disappearing in a ghostly mist. Her chest heaving as she swallowed her fear. She never met a wizard that could do that... Still. He could've been lying. Only way to get the truth was beat it out of him! She climbed forward up the carpeted stone staircase. For some reason her body feeling heavier as she followed the spiraling steps. An ominous feeling of deja vu washing over her as she stopped next to the second door. The sound of moans behind it as she took out her staff. One of the other missing adventurers? The familiar face of the stallion apparition poking out as she yelped, nearly falling on herself against the railing as he stepped out. "Yes. That's one of your fair maidens, but why don't you come see me directly? Once I'm beaten I won't be able to hold them after all." "You're trying to trick me." "I'm saving us time. After all that is my specialty." He winked, raising his hoof up the stairs invitingly before disappearing in another puff of smoke. Saving time? Scootaloo's hoof rested on her forehead as she closed her eyes. She was missing something but couldn't figure out what! The moaning she heard earlier seemed to die down as she pressed her ear to the door once more. Was she okay? "It's not polite to eavesdrop by the way." The wizards voice whispered through the door, almost like he was in her ear as she froze. "She's not going anywhere. After all there's a bigger reward for my capture." She didn't sound uncomfortable in there. Somehow a sense of urgency wasn't felt in her. Cautiously she continued her way up, uninterrupted until she reached the top floor, passing quieter doors on her way she couldn't seem to open herself. At the top, a more decorated door with engravings on them was in her path. Her chest felt even tighter. This overwhelming oppressive feeling of Deja vu inside her somehow. Her hoof slowly turning the door knob. Opening the door she was met with her own reflection. Was this a trick? Wow her mane was so messy. Suddenly the reflection gently stepped forward, kissing her cheek before simply walking back down the stairs where she came from. "W-wha?" "Come on in." The familiar soothing voice invited her into the room. With a double take to see she wasn't hallucinating, she simply stepped into the large royal bedroom. The lit fire to her left with two chairs. An open bathroom surrounded by half closed curtains to her right. The glasslike door to the balcony she spotted in the courtyard earlier next to where the wizard was, seated right on the foot of his large royal bed. The sheets unkempt as he stepped off. His fur a humble grey with flowing long white hair. His crystal blue gaze looking over her with a disarmingly warm expression. "You seem confused." The pegasus looked back where the other Scootaloo disappeared too, still hearing the steps going down the tower before he appeared right next to her. His hoof manually closing the door as she finally felt the full feeling she was experiencing up the stairs. Did she know him? She gulped as the older stallions hoof gently lifted her own covered hoof, sliding the shoe off before gently kissing her limb in greeting. "Yes. That was you. The moment you passed through the magic barrier you entered my time loop. Another you will come once we've had our time here." He explained. She tried listening as best as she could through the overwhelming smell of his scent. "Pardon the smell. Leftover from our last encounter." He chuckled. "Yes, the first time we met we did fight. You're a very talented fighter, but in the end I was victorious, and would be again if we did fight. Your original agreed I could have one night with you if I won, and if not I'd release the other fillies." He snickered, turning his back and letting his tail flick her chin teasingly. "But I'm a chronomancer, and one night can become an eternity for us." He smiled, his horn glowing as she saw two transparent ghosts. One of her and one of him. Like a play she watched as the two fought, though she was able to dodge and weave his attacks, he teleported one place to the other. The reflection of herself he was showing suddenly held up by his magic. "I caught you." His warm breath heated her ear as she felt him standing over her back. The chronomancer's warm belly covering her as he easily floated her coat and staff away. The two equines observing as she saw her past self laid down on the bed, climbed over by him. A shuddering sigh leaving her lungs as the larger form slammed down with his hips right into her. The two disappeared in another cloud of mist. "T-then how did I walk out of here if I lost?" "I honor my word. In the morning, you walk out of here. You saw it yourself." He whispered softly. His bassy voice making her legs quiver before his magic lifted her other front hoof, slowly sliding off the boots. "Of course, the other mares had similar circumstances, but they didn't make any deals like you. They were just defeated before giving in." He hummed, lifting her chin as she felt his facial fur tickle her lips. "But you don't have to worry about them anymore. You're right where I want you." She let in a breath, ready to argue but it was as if he knew. His lips pressed on hers, sinking her down onto the floor before the two of them teleported to the giant bed, landing on the soft sheets with him towering over her. "We've gone through a lot of timelines. I know all about you. Your journey to fix your wings. Your past battles. Your mentor, Rainbow. That embarrassing moment where you couldn't fly out of the well you fell in years ago you swore you'd never tell anyone about.." Her jaw dropped as that feeling came back. The oppressive tightness in her chest as she stared at this stranger. This wizard so tall above her as her lips quivered. This quest was way above her paygrade. She felt naked. Truly. "S-so what now then...?" She asked nervously. Mere puddy under him as she realized how at his mercy she was. "At a certain point, I became obsessed with you Scootaloo. I get to have you over and over. These 24 hours are ours. I'll do something different every time. Sometimes we'll simply have sex. Sometimes I'll regale you stories of my past of learning magic while you sit in my lap at the fire. Sometimes we'll simply sleep or cuddle. Sometimes I'll be very, very rough." He spoke casually. He licked his lips as his hoof pressed over her neck, making her squeak in a strange excited way. "But you'll always be safe, able to leave healthy as a horse." His voice seemed genuine as he lowered on top of her, petting her mane with a sigh. "W-we have sex?" She shuttered, getting a chuckle as if he heard an inside joke. "Lots." With that she felt his hooves wrap over her head, pulling her in as his giant lips engulfed hers. A deep warm hum that felt familiar to her lips slowly dropped her guard. His body pinning her down while her rear hooves were slowly parted, a warm leathery tip pressing over her folds as she let out a muffled yelp. "Mm!?" "Mm.~" A sudden wet rush of meat slammed deep inside her body, making her howl before his large tongue invaded, muffling her howl as the sensation of magic eased her pain. A panting groan escaping as he smiled into the kiss. Soon her body sinking as her insides accumulated to his size. His mouth parting hers as he panted. "Like that, you're all set for the night." "T-this is weird." She admitted, more shocked by how easy it was to settle in than the situation itself. She expected adventure. Resistance. Fighting. A large monster to hit with her stick until it fell down! Her chest was smooshed under his weight as he cupped her cheek. His hips slowly rocking back and forth as her insides melted around the cock with ease. His lips lowered to her muzzle as he stopped short. "I also know some of your favorite things to do. We've had a lot of time to find out." He whispered, his other hoof on her cheek as her view was only him. "You love to breathe me. Something about my mouth becomes your focus most of the time." "What do you mea- AAAH!?" Her muzzle disappeared in his lips as his tongue cradled under her chin, wearing his muzzle like a gas mask. His mouth closed over her as she felt his own lungs fill hers. The heat. The wet tongue toying with her lips. The feeling of his voice humming over her face while she inhaled his lungs. He really did know. Her eyes rolled back while hugging his head tightly. The massive shaft between her legs joining in rhythm with her breathing as her body slid back and forth, hugging him as he grinned over her muzzle. "Mmmm.~" He hummed before finally parting the kiss against her wishes. Her little voice whining as her hooves tried to pull him back. "You'll pass out if we go any longer." He whispered, heaving his hips still as her tongue dipped out, still trying to inhale him. His hoof lowering to her chest to keep her pinned, bucking slowly. "You made the rules. I'd love to smother you with my breath but you'll just have to take breaks like a good filly." He huffed, licking under her chin as she moaned. "J-jerk...." She grumbled, using her rear hooves to hug his flanks in as he let out his own moan, encasing her muzzle before jamming his tongue deep down her tight throat. "Gngh!" His full weight crushed her as the ring of his cock popped her folds. With a deep moan a rush of hot cum leaked into her womb, filling her up with a wet slosh. The filly only able to lay flat as he unleashed his timeless lust inside her, drooling wildly as he parted the throat fucking smooch. "Ahhh... How much do you want to bet you'll come right back up and give in? The other you I mean. I'd love a two for one.~" He taunted. His pre leaking in her as she panted and whimpered with a twitchy shudder. A soft exclaimation of breath moaning gently from her as he smiled wildly. "Let's continue..." > The Solution > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Her limbs felt so wobbly descending down the staircase. Scootaloo was fighting every single urge in her body not to turn around and march back up to where her doppleganger was in the next cycle. With a sense of urgency, she trotted past the courtyard, meeting the magical barrier and sighing before passing through. A rush of cold air returning to crevices between her hairs as the chill sunk in. Her little hooves slowing in the knee deep snow. "Don't..." She had felt her hooves pausing already, audibly trying to stop what she knew her body was thinking. She was risking her freedom, but the other filly's weren't given the choice she was. Save the others, fail and be a sex toy in an endless time loop or walk away... "Damn it..." The pegasus monk spun around and plunged through the barrier, climbing back up the entry stairs with a shudder. Would returning break the cycle? Would that mean he'd have to simply start again? She had to know. Her fur stood on end, remembering the heat and bass of his voice. She wasn't met with a ghost or himself this time as she entered, though she didn't doubt he knew she was back. With a gulp, she journeyed back up the spiral staircase until back outside the room she was claimed in before. "How much do you want to bet you'll come right back up and give in? The other you I mean. I'd love a two for one..." Her chest tightened, hearing his taunts from earlier like an echo through time activating pure deja vu that made the moment feel destined. The little monk's own voice inside muffled, moaning and whimpering as his hums were devouring her dopplegangers face within that room. The outside Scootaloo lifted her hoof, about to turn the doorknob and simply surrender herself selflishly until she heard something she didn't expect. Another filly's voice howling in pleasure from the top of the tower. Pausing, a groan escaped as she turned. She really, REALLY wanted to walk in, but she knew her mentor would be disappointed in that choice. Maybe she'll just lose again, who knows. She hopped step to step, following the loud, unrestrained panting and howls of a filly going through pure ecstacy. Her fur stood on end while listening, knowing that could have been her fate if she didn't take any deals. Her underside felt slick between steps, aching at the memory. Was it so bad? The filly stopped at the top of the staircase finally face to face with a large two door entryway that seemed to hide the top of the towers interior behind it. The moan sounded utterly euphoric until Scootaloo realised she could hear dozens of other sounds. Hums, moans, licks, wet pounds and grunts. A smell seeped from the cracks she could only describe as the very word itself. Sex. Her legs trembled slightly before gathering her courage, with a final turn her rear hooves bucked against the door. The sight utterly taking the breath from her as she stared at the scene. Her body trembling in shock and despite already being utterly defiled, the small tomboy couldn't imagine it at such a scale. Dozens of dopplegangers of Sweetie Belle and The Chronomancer were spread throughout a room of endless pillows, blankets and each others bodies. In endless pairs and groups all entangled in an endless orgy. The smell of sex like it's own biome as Scootaloo stood in the doorway, her senses completely overwhelmed. The filly looked on, seeing the unicorn sorceress in every scenario she could think of. Sandwiched between two stallions, both crushing her between them as her womb and rump were stuffed will the chronomancer's shaft. What could only be described as a tongue pit where a single Sweetie was being licked by dozens of stallions thick tongues, not giving an inch to breathe fresh air as she could only pant the heat of thier tasters and bodies utterly encasing her. Some were even given free reign without a stallion, enjoying herself and him vice versa. This entire room was a condensed pocket of pure degeneracy. Scootaloo managed to collect herself for a split second and see a dim light funneling from each Sweetie Belle clone that was draining from her horn. Following the trails of magical energy, they all spiraled upward into a single point. A deep emerald gem with lightning flickering around it. A sense of near endless power within that continued to be filled and condensed with the subjegated sorceress fillies, all being drained by it while draining their captors. "Hah....." Scootaloo's single overwhelmed exhale of breath turned all of thier heads suddenly. A deep, existentially sinking feeling filling her gut as all the filly's blushed and all of the stallions gave a lustful grin. Her legs trembling at the unnatural sight as she whimpered. A stream of steamy liquid released onto the stone under her, unable to even process her body's reaction. "My... I suppose this is a lot to take in." Scootaloo froze as the silohuette of a fully dressed Chronomancer walked around from behind her. While all these other stallions seemed to be young adults, this chronomancer was near middle age. His eyes more squinted and warm looking then the rest. She felt the pulsating magic from his fully saturated crown's turquoise gem, and the pure control in his voice. He was the original. "At a certain point I got curious after you chose to come back in to this utopia over and over and thought I would give you free reign of the present castle. Here I thought you would return to your room and simply throw yourself into my hooves with your doppleganger, but now you've seen just how far it can go. Endless. An ocean of pleasure." He chuckled lightly to himself, the Sweetie Belles all suddenly getting blindfolds as the stallions returned to defiling them. Echoes of moans escaping in a near white noise. "Unfortunately, she's the only one who gets that privilege at the moment. Her magical potential is utterly endless and now fuels the tower. Soon I will cast a spell to grow the barrier to the size of a country. All of my varients will have the magical ability to continue the process until the world is mine." He explained, a hoof cupping under her chin. "Every varient will have his own filly. I will breed with them and my family will have the ability to control time itself. My endless dynasty. Forever." He licked his muzzle, admiring her features. "No more dangerous adventures. No more other world ending threats. A simple occupation of our timeline with me as it's guardian." "Ayuhs if." A sudden blast of light from the staircase pushed the older earth stallion into the stone wall next to the door. Scootaloo turned in shock to see a fully armored earth filly and a worn out looking sorceress unicorn filly panting next to her. "Wh-" She was cut off as the paladin filly blitzed past her into the orgy room, running through the field of stallions trying to grab her before she lept from her shield like a ramp, grabbing the emerald gem. What happened next made Scootaloo's body feel ill. As the gem disconnected from the other Sweetie Belle's reality twisted and warped. The oldest stallion recovering as he stood and turned into the doorframe, howling in anger as Applebloom smashed the gem with a punch from her armored hoof. All the varients within the orgy room discipated, seeming to be erased from the timeline as the chronomancer collapsed in a fit of despair. "What have you done!? My life's work!" Applebloom landed upon the stained pillows, the shattered pieces sprinkling into nothing around her as she kicked her shield back up to rest her forehoof on. "How the hell did you escape?" The older wizard growled, utterly baffled at how both the original Sweetie and Applebloom were freed. "You forgot to heal your bruised neck from my little choking attack and couldn't get off while all sore. I managed to knock out you out while you were healing before running into your real power source. The unicorn!" The country filly pointed to the still flustered but now free sorceress who was leaning on her staff from the staircase, miraculously managing to walk those steps, utterly spent from his depraved obsession with her. "With her free, yer illusions couldn't hide where the gem was. It's over chronomancer. Surrender!" "You think you've won!? The gem was merely the source of energy for my crown. I still hold years of magical energy, and I will use it to claim Sweetie again. I'll have you in the deepest underground dungeon to be tossed around by my varients. Every one of me will have a turn unleashing their frustrations rutting you like an animal!" The chronomancer's crown glowed bright blue-green. A torrent of familiar silver collars emerged from the ground as they struck like vipers towards all three of them. Applebloom lifted a shield of magic encasement while Scootaloo quickly sprung into action, twisting her staff and striking away all of the collars skillfully with martial mastery, protecting Sweetie between the wizard and thier escape. "Go! Git that unicorn outta here!" Applebloom summoned a torrent of holy chains to hold the stallions hooves in place. Her swords and his own staff floated through the air, clashing and echoing metalic blasts as Scootaloo nodded. Sweetie was a mess, her fur crusty and limbs shakey as she struggled to follow the monk back down the steps. "He drained me too much. I can't cast or move well!" She panted, walking like an old mare. "I have one more spell, but you'll have to carry me after." She explained, focusing as Scootaloo tsked with a nod of her head again, diving away as another collar suddenly appeared. She was met with another varient, recently summoned by the old wizard who was eyeing her up and down. "Hello again, Scootaloo. Why not just give up? I promise not to tell them about the well.~" Her body trembled, realizing this was her varient. The one that took her virginity. "I'll take you away from all of it. We can get a cozy little home where I'll fuck you over and over. Just give me the sorceress." He lulled his voice, licking his muzzle. Every part of her was screaming yes except her mind. "A monk is a master of the body." She repeated her mentors words, suddenly using her staff to vault over the varient. As the stallion watched dumbfounded, the pegasus sprinted behind the distracted original chronomancer. With a howl, she whipped her staff to his head, pulling the crown off and whipping it away towards Applebloom. "Catch!" The paladin beamed and slammed her shield into the floor. Her chains whipped back and launched into the now freed crown as the older wizard shouted in protest. The momentum shooting it into Applebloom's hooves. She had it. The yellow furred filly panted as the stallion was left bare, with no more magical focus. "Surrender." Scootaloo declared, pointing her staff at the pale male's muzzle. "Neve-" WHAPP! "Agh! My nose! Fuck!" The chronomancer groaned, falling on his haunches while rubbing his sore muzzle, the pegasus twirling her stick satisfied. "You forgot me, brats." Everyone turned to see the variant, who now had Sweetie Belle in his hooves, seated on the railing of the stairs. She was slumped defeated, too exhausted to resist. "Give him back the crown, or I'll toss her." Scootaloo and Applebloom grimaced. The crown had all of Sweetie's magic and the hundreds of her varients. Giving it back would be the equivilent to defeat. It would end with them all shackled. It would start again and the world would be in peril of his perversion of both time and fillies. "Break... It..." Sweetie groaned lightly. Before the chronmancers could even process what she said, Applebloom dropped the artifact, lifting her deadly shield. Scootaloo took action, rushing as the varient had kept his promise after realizing what was happening, pushing the unicorn off the railing to fall. With all of her speed, the pegasus jumped off after her. Applebloom slammed her shield down upon the artifact, a torrent of energy released as the crown shattered into pieces. The chronomancer's varient lifting his hooves in a helpless plight before being erased from the timeline. Below the tower's top room, Scootaloo was diving to the sorceress, her face rippling with the speed until she managed to grapple the filly. Spreading her wings, all of her might went into her feathers. Her aura growing until the two begun to slow thier descent, safely landing at the entryway of the tower. "Y'all good down there!?" Applebloom could be heard above, who had the now silent and gagged chrnomancer chained up for transport. "We're alive!" Scootaloo panted, slumping back with Sweetie as the two paused to reflect. A knowing silent between the two of them before Scoot's broke it. "I'm kind of sad we won." "I'm not. That was exhausting." Sweetie groaned, feeling all crusty and gross. "I need a bath." "Didn't he give you one?" Scootaloo tilted her head, remembering the room she had that night in. "We kind of lost track of time..." After an hour and a much needed cleaning for Sweetie Belle, The three reconvened in the empty lobby of the tower. The defeated stallion in chains with a gag around his mouth as Applebloom somehow dragged him along with ease despite her size. "Nice to meetcha Scootaloo! I heard all about you from the capital, Miss Sorceress." The paladin adjusted her helmet in an honorary tilt as the young unicorn blushed. "You can just call me Sweetie Belle. Thank you for coming to rescue me. I was too cock- too reckless challengimg him. I should've scouted more and figured out what I was dealing with." She sighed, managing a small air spell to dry off her damp fur from her bath before they went out into the snow. "Mrghrmpher..." "Shut up old fart. I'd be more sorry if you didn't toss her off a whole staircase ten stories up." "Thagh tehnammy wahm mhh!" [That technically wasn't me!] "What did he say?" Applebloom yanked his chains, nearly pulling him off his hooves as they opened the large doors and made their way out of the courtyard. "Probably some pervy stuff. Don't take his gag off, he'll try and seduce his chains off or something." Scootaloo grumbled, still shuddering. It would take a lot of meditation to cast these shivers from her body. "So you said you were going up the mountain to try an' find the highest peak?" The paladin asked, her shield on her back getting covered in the light snowfall as they began leaving the walls of the fortress behind them. "Yep. I came to check the top of Hazy Peak first to see which one it was if that wasn't it." "Oh? The tallest one is Hollow Peak on the north ridge actually. That's where I'll be headed." Sweetie explained, making the monk filly beam. "Oh that saves me a trip! Wanna go together? You could join us too, Paladin Applebloom" "Just Applebloom. I'm going tuh bring him to the elder in town to arrange his transport to be tried. I am pretty curious what the big hoopla is though. I'll come try and meet you... guys..." The Paladin stopped as her eyes rested on a large clearing of fresh snow as the other two stopped in thier tracks. "Where'd the village go?" The three's fur stood on end as a wicked laugh from behind crept into their chilled ears. The chronomancer squinting in an amused smile behind his mouthwrap. "Everything was an illusion..." Sweetie uttered. Her pupils near pins at how such a devious stallion had orchestrated their capture. "Even the snowshoes!?" He gave a shrug, they seemed real. Applebloom gave a huff of disbelief, turning her head a bit as she realized her trek would be longer than she thought. "Ah think I'll have to take a rain check on your adventure, girls. We should all meet again in the capital. We made a pretty good team!" The vibe of the three switched back to optomistic as they all nodded in agreement. "Alright. Take care you two. Don't go wondering into strange towers without me again." She giggled, suddenly yanking the chronomancer to his belly, climbing on his back with the chains twisting around his muzzle. "Giddy up pervert! YEEEE HAAAAW!"