How To Grow A Maiden Garden; Wallflower's Garden

by Freewing Alchemist P

First published

Wallflower Blush was alone at home looking up Gardening tips on line when she Stumbling upon a strange Link, How To Grow A Maiden Garden. With a potential Promised for a life of Happiness, Pleasure and Unwavering Purpose. Will she take it?

Wallflower Blush was alone at home, yet again, when she stumbled upon a Link, How To Grow A Maiden Garden. After clicking on the Link Wallflower was offered a Promise of Limitless Happiness, Pleasure, and Unwavering purpose. Will she take that offer? Why Yes

Note; This is Hypnosis Story and it contains bad sex scenes. If you don't like either then don't click on this story

Wallflower's Alone

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Wallflower Blush was alone. Well, more in the literal sens than metaphorically, but she was still coming to terms with that too. Her new friends had helped her deal with her feelings of being alone, as well as her Socially awkwardness problem too. All works in progress, but friendship was good. Still, being left behind by her family while they went to a Equestira Land still stung. Though she did not let it get her down, because hey, that was what the internet was for. At the very least she could look up advanced gardening videos on YoTube.

Wallflower's hair was a long tangled mess, she still wore an oversized, short sleeve shirt and a baggy pair of shorts, she did not see the need to change out of her pajamas. Clicking and scrolling, through the various sites she came up to one that caught her attention. It red; How To Grow A Maiden Garden, It was an odd title to be sure, but it was still her favorite subject, gardening.

“Lets see, it says in the description, We promise you, Limitless Happiness, Pleasure, and Unwavering purpose if you plan to work on a Maiden Garden.” Wallflower looked at it’s status on her antivirus software. She bit her lower lip and hovered her mouse over it. She could bet it was most likely some sort of virus laden trap. “The scan says It says, it’s OK, Though it still seems kind of hinky. Still, I guess it's OK. let's see what this is about.” Wallflower clicked the link.

Something was loading, soon there was a bright flash from the screen. Startled, the action caught Wallflower's Attention as the screen started a strange change. Wallflower blinked as she could hear a soft hum from the computer. She blinked several times to clear the stars that the bright flash left. When she could see the computer screen again Wallflower noticed colors, yes, her screen was slowly cycling through color. Yellow, blue, pink, white… Yellow, blue, pink, white.

The colors were filling the full screen and Wallflower, for some reason, found it hard to look away from the spectacle before her. The sight did not scare her, she felt muddled, yet excited and calmer. It felt like she was watching the cycling colors for a long time mostly because she had lost all senses of her surroundings.

That’s when words started to materialize on the screen; Relax, Breathe, Listen, Obey... Wallflower took in a breath without realizing her actions. Her mind gave her no warning mostly because it was so numb.

Then the next set of words were small phrases; Be My Maiden, Be Happy, Be Horny… These words did concern Wallflower but before she could even entertain the thought. Relax, Breathe, Listen, Obey… Then all her concerns melted away. Wallflower took another breath and continued to watch. Her mind continued to sink deeper into the cascading colors as she continued to absorb the phrases; Relax, Breathe, Listen, Obey… followed by Be My Maiden, Be Happy, Be Horny…

Unseen by her, Wallflower’s eyes had shrunk to pinpricks as the colored patterns continued to penetrate her mind. Slowly she started to chant under her breath; “I Breathe, I Listen, I Obey…” then continued. “I am your Maiden, I am Happy, I am Horny…” Wallflower continued to slowly chant as Pleasure, happiness and obedience were rewriting her very mind. One of her free hands had slipped into her baggy shorts, crept past the waistband of her panties. Then she started to play with her pussy slowly, delicately.

Still, time was lost on her as she continued to chant. “I Breathe, I Listen, I Obey… I am your Maiden, I am Happy, I am Horny…” She still played with her pussy, her ‘Maiden Hood’ . Wallflower's eyes started to mirror the screen, her remaining free hand had started to squeeze her breast through her shirt. All the feelings of happiness, pleasure and obedience continued to work on her as her mind only excepted the screen’s words as her truth.

The colored pattern continued but a polished voice started to speak through the speakers. “Hello, My Maiden… Just listen to my voice… Keep your focus on the colors… Watch them change so freely. Starting with Yellow, to Blue, to Pink, Finally White… Follow my voice… Let the colors wash away all doubts, all fear, you’ll only find Happiness, Pleasure, and Unwavering purpose, with each Color change, Yellow, Blue, Pink, White. My Maiden. Yes my Maiden... You, are you my Maiden, right?”

“Yes, I am your Maiden.” Wallflower replied. The pleasure was now starting to build more and more with each cycle of the colors.

“That’s all Good. Are you feeling Pleasure? Is it building in you?”

“Yes, I feel it building,” Wallflower answered. “Like I’m gonna blow…”

“Just watch the color’s change and change and change,Yellow, Blue, Pink, White. Let it help my words sink into your mind. My words are the only key to release your pleasure. Listen well, now you will not be allowed to find a pleasurable release until I say, Put simply, you can not CUM until I let you. Do you understand?”

“Yes, I understand…” Wallflower was still following the colors, still feeling her pleasure build.

“Now, just answer my questions and I’ll let you find release. Do you understand?”

“Yes…” Her pleasure still builds with each new color shift.

Good, Are you happy to be my Maiden?Your answer should fill you with more pleasure.”

“Yes, I am happy to be your Maiden.” Wallflower was entranced by the colors, as her hand was quickening it's pace on her pussy.
“Excellent, Are you my horny Maiden?”

“Yes, Yes, Yes,I am your horny Maiden.” She started to breathe. Her pleasure was building and she had lost all control of her own body. Pleasure building to a high point and she could do nothing.
“That’s great, Are you my Obedient Maiden?”

“Yes, I Obey!” Wallflower shouted. She let out a harsh breath and then drew it in. Trying to compose herself. “I am your Obedient Maiden.

“That’s Wonderful, Now, Will you be a Unicorn’s Maiden? My Unicorn Maiden?”
“Unicorn’s Maiden…?” Wallflower questioned.

A pristine, massively strong, white unicorn with an incredibly fancy style, yellow mane appeared. He seemed to be wearing a perfect tailored collar. “Yes, I am a Unicorn, though, am I your Unicorn? Your Master? Your Unicorn Master?”

There was a pause, but it was less out of hesitation and more because Wallflower was struggling with her pleasure. “Yes, I am your Unicorn Maiden..., you are my Master…” A moan escaped her mouth. The Unicorn smiled at her, Wallflower struggled to smile back at him. Causing a more intense wave of pleasure to crash into her senses.

“Good, Now My Maiden, We're almost done. You must simply swear yourself to me. Swear all that you are and all that you have to me. If you do, I promise you… Limitless Happiness, Pleasure, and Unwavering purpose. Once you agree you just need to present to me some of your Maiden Nectar.

“Maiden Nectar?”

“Don’t worry about that part, I’ll tell you what that means. Once you do you’ll be my Maiden and belong with me forever, where all I Promise will be true. What is your answer my Maiden? Take your time to give me your answer.”

Wallflower did actually think about what was being offered. Though she believed that it was a long time, because her mind was so muddled it was actually only a second. “Yes, I swear to you and all that it means.” Wallflower felt the greatest rush of pleasure, a warm, golden feeling filled her completely. It felt like she was being lifted in the air, enveloped in the greatest feeling she could not describe. Wallflower smiled, bathing in this happy warmth, was a feeling that she could not describe. She did not think it could feel any better but then her Master spoke again.

Doesn't it Feel Great? Well, it’s about to get better. Are you ready? My Maiden, Now, Cum!”

Wallflower’s mind registered the command before she could realize what was happening, she cums, it was an experience like she never felt before. As her climax crashed against her concerns, crashing against her fears, crashing against her doubts, crashing against any thought that was not just put into her mind. Her cum continued to spill out of her, soaking her panties and even her shorts. Over and over waves of pleasure mingled with the colors, soon her orgasms were pulsing in time with the changing colors, and all was lost to Wallflower. A world of only color and pleasure, constantly crashing against her mind.

When her world came back into focus she was still sitting on the computer chair, legs splayed, one hand still down her shorts. The world around her was shining, swirling, gold and a figure, yes a figure she could make out. It was a white unicorn, the same one with the blond mane, her Master.

"Now, all I need to complete our connection is... Your Maiden Nectar, your CUM.” Wallflower looked down at her shorts, she could feel that hand and it was covered in her own juices. She gingerly pulled her hand free of her panties and shorts. Her palm still had a puddle of cum at its center. Her Master carefully sauntered up to her, Wallflower obliged and lifted her palm up to her Master. He started to lap up her Cum, Wallflower's cheeks took on a crimson hue. This act not only made her blush but she felt even more horny than she was before.

“Excellent, Now we have finished here,” Her Master looked up at her, seeing her crimson face caused him to smile. “We are connected, we are truly Master and Maiden. Is it not as I promised you? Haven’t you found… Limitless Happiness, Pleasure, and Unwavering purpose.”

Wallflower smiled and with a nod, added happily. “Yes, everything you promised and more…”

“And I also see that you enjoyed the sight of me lapping up your Cum. Good. You may call me Blue Blood, or Master Blue Blood, whatever you like. So what is your name, my Maiden?”

“I’m, I’m, I’m Wallflower Blush. What can I do for you Ma… Blue… ah” Wallflower was struggling to come up with something to say, or what to say.

“Why not just call me Blue, now what is your strongest trait? What is your strongest hobby?”

“Well, I like to garden. I am very good at it. I really don’t know what my Strongest trait is. Blue?”

“Ah, I see, that is quite nice. I do love a beautiful garden, your name suits you well. I am sorry Wallflower I must leave now, but listen to me. There is a portal to my world, it is a mirror set in the base of a statue that might have an Equine Motifs…

“I know that one, it’s at my school.” Wallflower shouted.

“Ah, excellent, what luck! When you get to the statue there will be a necklace resting on the base, put it on and then strip off any extra clothing before you walk through the portal.”

“Extra clothing? Can I still wear my Panties?”

“Panties? What are those?”

“My underwear? Do you know what those are? They used to cover a woman... Ah, female parts?”

Blue Blood scratched his chin and he seemed to think about it for a moment. “Ah, I see, I think I have some idea. Mares do have something similar, but they are for fashion not function.”

Wallflower blushed at the unicorn. “Yeah… Thank you Blue.”

Blue Blood nodded to her. “You're welcome, and of course, whatever makes you comfortable. I want you to be as natural and comfortable as you can be. So if wearing Panties makes you feel comfortable then do so. Do not act irrationally or crazily. Please take care of yourself and try not to draw attention to yourself. I can wait for your arrival. Is that understood?

“Yes, ah, so is there anything I should bring?” Wallflower asked.

Whatever makes you feel comfortable,” Blue Blood shrugged. “I am fine with anything. Listen, Wallflower, I would like you to take a nice nap. Just a nice little one, let that little nap wash away anything that would be problematic. Consider it as a nice way to clear your mind and settle things.” Blue Blood finished with a little purr to his voice.

Wallflower let out a tired yon. “OK…” her eyelids grew heavy. “See you Blue…” Just before her eyes closed, she heard Blue Blood speak to her.

“Rest well, My Maiden, My Wallflower.”

With those last words caused Wallflower to become even more tired and just slumped in her chair, fell asleep.

Wallflower's Dream

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Wallflower was sure this was a dream, why? Because she found herself in the middle of something beautiful. A massive picturesque garden of her dream, something she would never be able to make in the real world. The flower beds all tangled, blended with all kinds and shear collection of colors, it was an amazing wealth of flowering plants.

“This is amazing…,” Wallflower looked around and examined each flower bloom with wonder. Many she could identify but some looked like they came out of a fantasy world.

“These, oh wow, the garden of my dreams… Huh, that tracks being a dream and all.”

“ Wait for me, White!" She heard a voice call out. Wallflower looked for it's owner but heard it again. "Come on, White Lily! Wait for me!” The voice was a young male and it just kept calling, called out for a White Lily.

“Come on Green Gable," Another voice, a female, finally answered back. "Just keep up!”

“You two, be careful. This is Mama's garden after all.” Added a slightly, older sounding female voice, maybe a per-teen?

“We will, Brownie!” The two younger voices called back.

“Don’t worry Brownie Sundae,” A new voice said with a slight laugh, it was familiar some how. “You ran around the garden just like them and you did it all by yourself. Though if it makes you feel better then keep an eye on them.” The strangely familiar voice added.

The owners of the voices came into view, three unicorns and a tall human. Two were younger foals, a filly with a white coat and a messy green mane, while the colt had a light green coat with a short, well kept blond mane. The older unicorn was a young mare with a Khaki brown coat, a long, blond mane well kept and styled. Behind them was a woman in a white, toga dress. Fixed near her throat was a star clasp, with a drooping flower painted on it. The three ponies dashed off deeper into the garden.

“Am I supposed to believe that you are from the future?” Wallflower said skeptically.

The older Wallflower turned around and faced her younger self. “That could be one possibility. Or maybe I am your mind's way of trying to come to terms with the thoughts that you might want to go to a magical pony land and be with a hunky unicorn? And don’t deny that part either way you can’t really lie here.”

Wallflower shrugged. “OK maybe…”

Her older self took a seat on a white stone bench then she motioned for Wallflower to sit down with her. “Still, we know why you're having trouble.”

“Really?” Wallflower started skeptically.

“Well, it all stems from your conversation with Sunset Shimmer…”

The scene changed.

The scene changed, It was late afternoon when Sunset Shimmer asked to meet in the yearbook’s planning committee room.

Wallflower could see Sunset was upset about something, it was like when Wallflower had torn away her friend's memories. It was the first time Wallflower really looked at Sunset and how much she had changed. The way she dressed even reflected it, she could see it now. She wasn’t dressed in what she used to be, not the harsher colors and leather but brighter as well as gentle colors.“How could I not see this before? Has she always been like that and I didn't know?” Whatever was happening it was really tearing her up and that worried what she had called her for.

“What’s up Sunset?” Wallflower asked, getting nervous about this meeting. “Why’d you want to talk to me?”

“Wallflower I don’t know how to tell you this soo,” The Bacon-ed hair girl pulled out a ratty sweater. Let’s say this sweater is your life, I’m sorry the way that it looks, but it will make sense when I start to explain. It’s about the Memory Stone and it’s drawbacks.”

“Drawbacks?” Wallflower looked at the ratty sweater. “How come I don’t think I’ll like when you say Drawbacks.”

“Powerful artifacts that have great effects on the world, must have some sort of balance. The more powerful the artifact and its abilities are, then more complex the drawbacks are, there has to be or it wouldn’t work right. The memory stone may alter and outright erase memory, but simply put it affects others' memory of you.” Sunset grabbed one of the sweater’s threads. “Think of this thread as a memory you changed…” She pulled, causing the sweater to squeeze, warp and tear. “The Stone was meant to remove Magically induced Memory ‘Damage’ or in some extreme case ‘Critical Levels of Trauma’ meant for use by a single or a group once or twice, but you used it constantly. So, the more you use the stone, the more memories you damage and the more damage you cause to your connection to your own life. To put it simply you were unraveling yourself from the sweater of life. This part is the saddest…” Sunset looked at her feet and went quiet.

“Sunset? What is it?” Wallflower prodded. She could see that Sunset was having a hard time trying to tell her something.

“You hated me so much… and if the girls and I didn’t blast the memory stone… If, if you had succeeded in having my friend and my memories erased then you would have completely unraveled.”

Wallflower tried to process what she was told, her emotions were quickly tangled in ways that she could not explain. “What would have…” Wallflower did not want to ask but she did want to know.

“You would have become a living Ghost, never being remembered by the living, but not truly existing in the world of the living. Something that is less something that is…” Sunset didn't finish. As Wallflower pounced on the former bully, she delivered blow, after blow, after blow, not caring where they were landing

“You stupid horse Bitch!” Wallflower roared, still punching. Everything shattered and dissolved.

The scene changed again. She was back in the fantasy garden with herself.

“That's not what really happened.” Wallflower protested. Shooting the older Wallflower, with an incredulous look. “Sunset and I broke down together.”

“But a part of you wanted to do that, this is a realm of thought you know. Though I also know that a part of you wanted to do this…”

The scene changed yet again. She was back in the classroom, everything had been reset. “You would have become a living Ghost, never being remembered by the living, but not truly existing in the world of the living. Something that is less something that is…” Sunset didn't finish.

Wallflower charged and pushed the girl into the wall, she forced her mouth over Sunset’s before the girl could fight back, Wallflower grabbed Sunset’s, still covered breast. She squeezed and played with the girl's body. Wallflower was forcing Sunset to make out with her. "I've always wondered what it would be like to make out with you." Wallflower breathed.

The scene stopped abruptly. The younger Wallflower blushed and the older giggled.

“OK, so maybe that’s true but…” Wallflower started then hung her head. “I guess that’s true, but I think the hypnosis stuff…”

The older one nodded. “That seems reasonable, but you and I know that hypnosis doesn’t work if you don’t want it to. Then well, we both needed a good release, we haven’t masturbated in a good long while.” The younger blushed and gave her other self a smile. The older one continued to talk. “Listen, I know that everything seems hinky, but you wouldn’t be thinking about Blue’s deal if you didn’t actually want to at some level.’

`Our family was already pretty bad, I mean before the memory stone. Everything that we’ve gone through with our sister, our mom and dad. I mean it’s kind of like some sort of stuff out of a 90ds cartoon show, you know the one. I mean our parents are not as Toxic, Mom’s not a drunk and dad’s not a neanderthal. It’s just that our sister is so good, good at everything and it didn’t really help that we came so late in life. I mean the trip to Equestria land was my sister’s College graduation celebration. I mean even before the stone We felt like we weren’t there.”

“It’s just gotten worse since then.” Younger Wallflower added.

“Still, it’s not like it’s a bad offer…,” The older Wallflower seemed to struggle with her next words but after a few moments she countered. “Still you're not being made to do anything. It’s just… You sure you'll have something to work with. I mean future wise? I mean just because we take the deal doesn't mean we need to give up on our dream. I mean we can work on an entirely new garden and work with flower's we've never seen... and with them." Older Wallflower paused and looked over at the foals. "You know, on all kinds of flowers.” Leaving the unspoken words to hang in the air.

Wallflower couldn’t help but take in everything the garden and the foals. She quickly became serious. “You mean the fact that our application to The Aqua Vine Botanical Institute just seemed to disappear. Along with all my other applications too,” This made her look at her feet. “It doesn't help that I can’t get financial aid, I mean they expect parents to pay three fourths of their kids' college bills.”

Ahhh! Wallflower threw her head up and screamed.

“I know.” The Older Wallflower said.

“I mean, so they just assume that parents would and or can pitch in on a kid's education. I mean what if their parents are dirt bags or just… I mean seriously there is something seriously wrong with that, you know? I mean my sister had to do a lot of it herself because my parents couldn’t do it, they just didn’t have the funds!” The younger Wallflower raged.

“Hahah!” White Lily broke in. “Gotcha!”

“Yah, I’m going to get you!” Green Gables called back.

“Careful, you two!” Browny Sunday shouted after the two foals.

This caused the young Wallflower to fall silent and watched the younger ponies play in the garden. The younger Wallflower was mesmerized by the whole scene, it was simple and it was beautiful but Wallflower knew that… 1) It wasn’t real. 2) Nothing was ever that perfect.

“It may not be, but if you want all of this…” The older Wallflower motioned to the foals playing. “It can be. It can be yours if you want it to be?” The older Wallflower questioned.

“Can it really…?” The younger asked, wistfully.

“Of Course, Now this seems like it’s being a little hinky…, but you kind of got to. Well, it’s another ‘little’ Hypnotic ride. I know how that sounds, but think of it like just completing a process that's already underway. So what do you say?”

It was a long time before Wallflower dared to speak. “So what’s going to happen? I mean…”

“Oh, that’s simple, I'm just going to finish the spell that was started.” The older Wallflower added.

“I thought it was already finished?” The younger one questioned.

“Confused? Understandable, think of it like the Spell worked on your conscious mind. Yes, not really how it normally works, but as you know magic is different and this is just… Well, think of it as accepting this process. I know that we’ve mentioned that before.”

“So, a complete Brain Washing?” The younger Wallflower asked.

“I guess it is a type but…” The older Wallflower tried to explain.

“Well, I guess I already agreed, but is there any real difference? You know that never mind let's finish this."

“OK,” The older Wallflower cheered as she took off her star clasp and a chain slipped out from the back. “You remember the mantra?”

“I do,” Younger Wallflower nodded. ““I Breathe, I Listen, I Obey…I am a Maiden, I am Happy, I am Horny…” The Younger Wallflower reaffirmed repeating the mantra brought a feeling of calm and excitement.

“Wow OK,” The older Wallflower said with a blink and she started to swing the star clasp. “Now let’s start, just relax and watch the gentle sway of my pendent.” Her voice took on a more musical tone.

Watch the star as it sways,
To the Left, To the Right,

As it moves both left and right,
To the Left, To the Right,

A Dream you wish to keep,
To the Left, To the Right,

Let it become what’s true and right,
To the Left, To the Right,

There is no need to fight,
To the Left, To the Right,

Just watch the star sways,
To the Left, To the Right,

Be like a bride with her vail or a Mare with her tail,
To the Left, To the Right,

Keep the promise without fail,
To the Left, To the Right,

Watch the star as it sways,
To the Left, To the Right,

Now let your old life just fade away,
To the Left, To the Right,

Her older-self sang and Wallflower just kept following the Star sway.

Wallflower could not, correction, she would not, look away from the Swaying Star. She let the Swaying Star relaxed her into a blissful oblivion. Her olderself words poured into her empty mind. The mantra quickly boiled to the surface and slowly Wallflower started to chant again; “I Breathe, I Listen, I Obey…” then continued. “I am your Maiden, I am Happy, I am Horny…” The Mantra that had been ingrained in her mind was now being cemented into truth.

Wallflower smiled and continued to chant. “I Breathe, I Listen, I Obey…” then continued. “I am your Maiden, I am Happy, I am Horny… I am Blue’s Unicorn Maiden.”

Wallflower's Journey Home

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Wallflower woke up.

Wallflower was under no dilution, she knew that she had been magically brainwashed and she had fully agreed to be with the handsome, hunk, white unicorn, Blue. She wanted to stay with the white unicorn for the unforeseeable future. She was probably expected to give him loads of pleasure and many pony kids. Yup, she had gone and drank the magic Kool Aid and went to see the Space Aliens. Though all and all Wallflower was OK with that, why?

Well, as of now I never have to worry about being lost to reality, or my parents, or even making friends… Wallflower thought to herself but she was a little sad about friends part though... Well she did have a few ideas floating around her head about that.

She realized quickly that she was still at her computer, sitting at her chair. Her hand was still buried in her panties, and still soaked with her own sweat not to mention cum. Looking around, Wallflower was trying to get her senses back after her hypnotic trip. Slowly coming back, her new truth completely came to the four front.

“I’m back? WOW, I feel great!” Wallflower marveled at the wonderful feeling that permeated her being. She noticed the computer was off, she was covered in a light sheen of sweat and her own cum. She pulled her hand out and took a quick sniff. “Yeah, I’m gone’ha need a shower.”

While in her room as a test, she stripped off all her clothes and left them on the floor. The girl slowly started to walk from her room to the bathroom completely naked. Being completely naked she was a little uncomfortable but she knew she had to get used to it. Wallflower knew that she would have to get used to being naked as it seemed like Blue would want her to wear little to no clothes as possible. It was a little nerve racking, being naked even a little bit, she had to force herself to move towards the bathroom.

Of course she was scared that she’d be caught like this. Then she could just picture all the jokes about “Naked Time”.

She did not look at any of the family photos that lined the hallways. ‘Oh, it’s a little nerve racking trying to walk around naked, I mean it’s just to the bathroom, but if Blue…’ She told herself. Closing her eyes, Wallflower stopped herself from panicking. She pictured herself walking with Blue, the thought of being by her big white unicorn calmed her down, bringing a pleasing smile to her face. She started to walk slower, enjoying the imaginary time with her unicorn, with Blue.

“I’m doing this all for Blue.” She told herself. The thought of being with ‘HER’ unicorn overrode her anxiety. In no time she was back in the bathroom and the shower was running. Wallflower was enjoying the feel of the warm water running down her skin. She was feeling warm again, the fact of the matter was she hadn’t masturbated in a long while. The hypnotic trip basically opened a floodgate of need. She felt even more horny than she used to be but it was easy to correct it.

Wallflower smiled to herself. I know how to correct this, don’t I? She mused. The solution was so simple to her. She then knelt down on her knees, resting them on the tub’s floor. While the water was streaming down her body and head she started to play with her pussy. Slowly she felt her need rising. “Come on, Come on, I Breathe, I Listen, I Obey, I am your Maiden, I am Happy, I am Horny.” She began to chant, still playing with herself. Feeling the building happiness, the building pleasure. She pictures Blue and his erect cock making her rub faster. “Yes, yes, for Blue, I want you Blue…” Wallflower moanhed. “I Breathe, I Listen, I Obey, I am your Maiden, I am Happy, I am Horny.” The feeling bubbled up in her faster than the time before and it wasn’t long until she did cum. Wallflower felt, yet again, unbelievable. She could feel herself cumming harder and longer than she had before. As her mind slowly came back from the latest trip a wide smile crossed her face. While she tried to stand, Wallflower found she was a little shaky.

“Ah, I needed that.” She sighed.

After toweling off, Wallflower made another ‘Naked walk’ back to her room. This walk was much easier and even pleasurable. She had no qualms about leaving everything on the floor. Well, except for the panties she had on at the computer, Wallflower knew Blue would like them. Standing in her bedroom, still stark naked. It was a strange thing. She did not feel so bad, in fact she felt playful. “This is all for you Blue….” Wallflower started to sway her hips left and right and started to sing a little song;

I sway my hips,

To the Left, To the Right,

The Joy of being with you,

To the Left, To the Right,

A Dream I wish to keep,

To the Left, To the Right,

It’s what’s true and right,

To the Left, To the Right,

Just enjoy my dancing with delight,

To the Left, To the Right,

I just sway my hips for you day and night,

To the Left, To the Right,

I am a bride with her Vail or a Mare with her tail,

To the Left, To the Right,

I’ll Keep my promise without fail,

To the Left, To the Right,

For you I dance and sways,

To the Left, To the Right,

As my old life fade away with you I promise to stay,

To the Left, To the Right,

She finished her dance off by bending over. She smirked, smacked her ass and stretched upward to the ceiling. She let out a little giggle. “I do think this whole Brain Washed Maiden Thing is a good improvement for me.” Yes, she had found a new sense of freedom and a strange new confidence in her new state. Wallflower did not want to really question the change as well; it did not bother her, She just smiled contently.

Wallflower put on a pair of jeans and a khaki sweater, her usual. She knew that the bus would not let her be naked. She started to fill her back pack, though she did not know what she would need, but hey at any rate she would still need something.

Plus, she could use the backpack as an excuse. “I’m going to school for a weekend club meeting.” Wallflower said aloud, checking how her excuse sounded. She knew that no one would ask, but it would be OK to have one ready.

She soon had her backpack filled and she even put her ‘special panties’ in another bag. She looked around, first her room and then the house. This only caused her to pause for a moment. She had grown up in this house, though there were good memories just as there were bad, none of them were enough to stop her. Yes, she was still going. Not only because of her brainwashing but this offer would give her a chance to make something of her own. She had ideas, so many ideas.

It only reaffirmed what she was going to do. She wasn’t going to leave a note, there would be no good excuse to explain what was going on, there is just too much. Plus, they probably wouldn't notice her missing at all. Shutting the door she hid her house key under a doormat and walked to the bus stop.

Nobody bothered her on the bus.

She had expected that, but she still felt that it was needed to have the excuse just in case. Unlike most of the other times, this time, where she would stare at the bus’ floor this time she kept her head up and watched the city that passed. This would be the last thing about Earth, her former home. “Ah wait, I forgot to do something about the gardening club,” Wallflower said aloud and suddenly some of the other riders on the bus looked her way, but just as quickly went back to their own devices. Wallflower took out her phone and typed out her text-message. “Right, I guess I’ll deal with that before I leave. I’ll just shoot off a text. Maybe the flower siblings would be a good fit.” Wallflower also knew that the three had a good base and sold skills the school garden would be in good hands.

Part of Wallflower was sad that she had to say goodbye to her work but she knew it would have happened sooner or later and besides knowing that the garden she’ll have to grow in the future would be even greater, then what she had made at the school.

Seeing the school coming into view, Wallflower smiled “Almost there…” She breathed happily.

Slipping out of the bus, Wallflower made her way to The School’s garden. Seeing her school garden and how it had grown, from the overgrown clearing to a place of serenity. Taking a seat under one of the trees around the edge of her garden she closed her eyes to enjoy the peace for a while. Wallflower loved the peace and quiet, letting her mind go blank again, and in the blacked she fell asleep again.

Unlike before the mantra, her new core being, did not play. No, it was this time she saw her future garden and her foals.

She could now hear her Mantra again but something was newly added. “I Breathe, I Listen, I Obey, I am your Maiden, I am Happy, I am Horny.” In a new, sneaky, yet sultry tone. “I know How To Grow A Maiden Garden.”

Opening her eyes, Wallflower looked around at her older garden. Shouldn’t really care but I’d hate to see it go to the waist. She thought, she did not see any harm in leaving a little later then she planned, so Wallflower left some notes for the Flower sisters. Those sisters freak out over the smallest problem. Wallflower slowly worked on her former garden making sure that she could leave it in the best condition she could. Working on her former garden allowed her to forget everything around her, even for a moment, taking care of plants were one of the thing she knew she was good at. All the time she worked on her flowers a happy chant graced her lips. “I Breathe, I Listen, I Obey, I am your Maiden, I am Happy, I am Horny. I know How To Grow A Maiden Garden.” Her clothing was getting dirty, but she did not care, even if her clothes were getting dirty, she would not have them for much longer.

Wallflower looked around at her work and was happy with what she had done. Finally finished with her old garden she washed up in an outdoor sink. She picked up her knapsack and went to the broken statue. She leaned her bag against the edge of the mirror and started to check the base of the statue for the necklace. She stopped as her finger found a metallic chain that she quickly grasped.

The necklace was a simple gold chain with a unicorn charm, without hesitation she examined the simple details. All of it was just… Ordinary but she could feel her Blue, her unicorn. Wallflower fixed it around her neck and admired it’s look, “Perfect.” She said with a smile. With a quick look around making sure that there was no person able to see her in the fading light. She carefully took her clothes off, only keeping her panties on, this action gave her a little thrill, because she was one step closer to her Blue.

“Here I come Blue…” With as much of a measured step as she could muster she carefully grabbed her bag and slipped through the mirror.

The feeling of being stretched and sucked through a straw, but she was barreling forward. Her body warped and squished through the rainbow tunnel until she reached the other end passing through the ‘Light’ at the end of the tunnel. Wallflower stepped out of a full-length mirror and found herself inside a massive cathedral size building, it made her feel like she was standing in a church. The walls and ceiling were painted with images of Unicorns and Women in all many of… ‘play, yes, let's call it play’ Wallflower thought to herself. While the floor was set with artfully set tiles and stained satin glass windows. Waiting for her at the other end of the room, as she knew he would be, was her white unicorn.

“Blue!” She cheered, dropping her bag and ran towards the unicorn.

“Ah Wallflower, my maiden!” The white unicorn echoed with a smile that seemed to grow wider as he crossed the room towards her.

The Two embraced each other. Wallflower falling to her knees and wrapping her arms around his neck as, Blueblood wrapped a hoof around her back. Wallflower ran her fingers through his fur and blond main. Blue nuzzled Wallflower’s hair, releasing happy snorts as he did.

“Blue, what are you doing?” Wallflower laughed.

“I’m just enjoying your presence. I'm so glad that you came here. Sorry,” Blue started and broke the hug. “I guess I owe you a little information .”

Wallflower frowned. “I’m glad to come but… What do you mean?” She leaned back.

“Well, that Mirror you walked through belonged to Princess Twilight? Well, while Twilight is moving into Canterlot Castle I offered to keep the mirror safe. I did have an ulterior motive for that.”

“Me? Or a maiden of your own? Don’t tell me that you’re the Unicorn from legends about unicorns that kidnap maidens?” Wallflower interrupted.

“Correct, sort of…you see I am a Xenophiliac and so are many of my family. We loved humans, Maidens. My father was an exception not the rule. You see my family knew about humans for a long time and well, yes the blood family was the originator of those legends. My family line created a complex ritual spell to convince and bring a maiden here to Equus. You see the mirror can transform immediately, but on it’s own a being would transform over time.”

“Ah, and the portal was a shortcut. Then what about the spell?” Wallflower concluded.

“I attempt to shorten the spell,” Blue looked a little sheepish with an uncertain grin. “You see, the spell was meant to be used over several weeks or even a month. It would atuene her to being in Equu and Pony kind. Once again, the maiden would have to NOT want to be in their world any more, they want to come to another world and be with a unicorn. I am horrible at altering spells and I can admit that I probably messed it up. So, more than likely you received it all at once and it was probably pretty blatant…,” Blue paused for a moment to give a half-hearted chuckle. “I am glad that knowing all this you still wanted to come.”

Wallflower smiled and stroked Blue’s mane. “I really think that this brainwashed maiden thing was a good thing for me. I mean I feel more confident and to be honest I like the idea of having my own place to belong to. Though, seriously, Maiden Nectar? Couldn’t you come up with a better name?”

Blue chuckled again. “Well, that’s the best I could think of… I couldn’t say Cum after all. What would you have me say?”

Wallflower rolled her eyes. “Oh, I don’t know… Jiz, load, love mayonnaise, miracle whip, human glue, spunk, legnogg hidden cim, nsfw, splooge, spooge, came, cream, salty glue, love snot, meco, lady juice, pearl jam, raunch dressing, skeet skeet, white gold, spoog, splurge, rope goop, complete traga leche…, you get my meaning?”

Blue raised an eyebrow. “You know a lot of different words for cum don’t you?”

“Oh, I made a quick search on the internet for different names. I didn’t really like the name you used. I mean Maiden Nectar.” Wallflower made a distasteful look.

“You have a fair point.” Blue nodded.

“Oh, I do have something for you…” Suddenly she got up, turned around and started to reach for her bag. Wallflower watched her bag float over to them. She reached inside and pulled out the panties she had been wearing at the time of her brain washing. “These are for you, these are the panties I was wearing when I was…When the spell was activated.”

“Ah, may I?” Blue asked gently, pulling the bag in his magic grip. He examined the bag and it’s contents with a grin. He examined the bag and it’s contents with a grin. Wallflower watched all his attention become engrossed in the pair of panties.

This made Wallflower giggle at Blue’s new obsession. “I’m glad you like them Blue? Though I do have a question, Correction, maybe several.”

Blue looked up from her panties. “Oh, what is it my Maiden?”

Wallflower smirked. “So, what’s going to happen to me?”

“Ah, well I’ve got you an incredible room ready for your use. Maybe a little less revealing dress to wear and I know you’ll be excited about this but a garden.”

This caused Wallflower’s eyes to widen. “Really? That’s great. I mean All kinds?”

“Oh, yes, Mundane and Magical I have all you need to make a garden of your dreams.” Blue said with a wave of his hoof. “So, is there anything else?”

“I would like to start my garden but…,” Wallflower looked around and saw that the light was fading from the world. “I think I should get ready for a trip to bed. I just have one more question for you Blue.”

“Oh, what is it my Maiden?” He questioned.

“Oh, I was just wondering if… You would like to… Well, Join me?” Wallflower asked.

A strange smile graced his lips. “I would like that.”