Momma's Colts

by Strip Tease

First published

Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, and Twilight Sparkle become Mommies

After hearing from Applejack, Rainbow Dash, and Rarity how they actually became pregnant with their daughters, Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, and Twilight Sparkle decide they want to help young ponies have better lives too. Ponyville has no shortage of ponies to pick from after all. All they have to do is figure out who they want to become their new foals.

Contains: light regression, unbirth, pregnancy

Art by: ThatUsualGuy06, kajio, and anonymous

Momma's Colts

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“Wait, you did what?!?” Exclaimed Twilight at what she had just heard.

It was lunch time in Ponyville and the mane six had decided to get together and have a friendly lunch at Twilight’s castle.

It had been a lovely little get together, with all of them and Apple Bloom, Scootaloo, and Sweetie Belle enjoying their time together.

At least it was until Rainbow Dash had let an odd remark slip after Scootaloo needed her third diaper change in just two hours.

“You know, if I knew she was going to be this messy, I may not have agreed to make her my daughter.” Said Rainbow as she defeatedly grabbed another diaper from Scootaloo’s diaper bag.

Needless to say Twilight had quickly picked up on the odd comment and despite Rainbow’s attempts of trying to brush it off, there was no hiding it anymore.

Applejack, Rainbow, and Rarity confessed that the three little foals sitting in the playpen by the table had not originally been there’s, but their parents foals. Minus Scootaloo of course.

“We’re sorry we didn’t tell you sooner darlings.” Said Rarity.

“We just couldn’t stand them not hav’in what we had.” Said Applejack.

“Yeah. We just wanted them to have a parent that would raise them with all the love and attention they deserved.” Said Rainbow.

Twilight seemed to be pondering what her friends had just said. They knew what they did was crazy, and perhaps a bit wrong, but they did it for the right reasons.

“As crazy as it sounds, I think you three made the right choice.” Said Twilight.

“Really?” Said Rainbow in a surprised and excited voice.

“Oh we’re so happy to hear you say that.” Said Rarity, giving Twilight a friendly hug.

“Yeah. You loved them enough to change their lives for the better, despite having to carry and birth them yourselves. Not many ponies would be willing to do that like you did.” Said Twilight.

“Pinkie? Fluttershy? What do you two think?” Asked Applejack.

“Oh I think it’s lovely what you did for them. I’m sure you’re all going to raise them really well.” Said Fluttershy.

“Yeah! Plus we get to see them grow up now from the start! I can’t wait to plan all their birthday parties!” Said Pinkie, pulling a book out of her mane and jotting down some notes.

“You know, now that you’ve told me about all this, I might want to Mother a pony too.” Said Twilight.

“Come again?” Said Applejack, surprised at her friends comment.

“Yeah. I mean there are lots of ponies in Ponyville who have had poor upbringings. I’d be happy to raise them as my child if it meant giving them a happier future.” Said Twilight.

“You know what? I think I’d like that too.” Said Fluttershy.

“Oh oh! Me three! I’ve wanted a foal every since Pound and Pumpkin were born.” Said Pinkie.

Applejack, Rainbow, and Rarity were a little surprised at the sudden turnaround. They never thought their friends would want to do what they did.

“Well, I guess if ya talk to Zecora she’d make ya’ll some potion. But I’d think hard about who ya want to be your foals. After all, ya gonna hav’ta raise’um like we are.” Said Applejack.

“I know! We can figure it out with this!” Said Pinkie, pulling another book out of her mane.

Twilight and Fluttershy gathered around to see what the pink earth pony was talking about.

The book contained profiles of gradeschoolers in Ponyville, with a description of their personalities and lives along with their party details.

With this, they could surely find ponies that were deserving of a second chance at their childhoods.

“Well then, we better get started.” Said Twilight as her and her friends crowded around the book, looking for the ponies that would soon be their new little foals.

A few days later and everything was all set.

After selecting the ponies they felt could best do with a new lease on life, the mane six had put their plan into action.

They had decided the easiest way to get the ponies somewhere they could slip them the potion was to send them each a letter, informing them they’d been invited to a special event at Twilight’s castle in recognition of their achievements in school.

Of course it had all been a fib, but they didn’t need to know that.

On the day in question, Applejack, Rainbow Dash, and Rarity watched from the castle balcony to see the new ponies arrive.

“Oh my. Isn’t this exciting girls?” Said Rarity, holding Sweetie Belle over her shoulder lovingly.

“Yeah! It’ll be so much cooler having them be Moms like we are. I was worried we were boring them with having to bring our foals with us every time we got together.” Said Rainbow Dash as she repeatedly threw Scootaloo up and down in the air to keep her amused, the pegasus foal giggling happily from their little game.

“Either way, its good we can be honest about this with them now and that they’re helping these ponies have better lives because of it.” Said Applejack as she cradled Apple Bloom in one hoof, giving her an occasional nuzzle that made Apple Bloom giggle.

Soon the guests of honor began to arrive.

First to arrive had been Tender Taps, an orange earth pony with a purple mane. He’d gotten his cutie mark for dancing, a skill he quite enjoyed as many ponies around town could attest. It wasn’t uncommon to see the colt dancing his hooves off around town when he wasn’t performing on stage at the dance academy.

Little did many ponies know however his home life was not as great as many would believe.

Pinkie Pie had found out through the many parties she’d planned for him that his parents were both celery farmers, and did not approve of their son dancing. She remembered arriving at his home one day to finalize the details for his party and finding the colt at home by himself crying.

He had confessed to her in tears that he had to pay for his dance lessons himself, performing on the street for tips in the hopes he’d make enough to attend each year. That was along with helping his Ma and Pa tend the harvest and sell it at the market on weekends, something he was no good at and his parents mocked him for not being able to perform to their expectations.

Pinkie had felt so bad for him ever since, always making sure to give him money for his dance lessons every holiday and birthday. She knew what it was like to not be able to live up to a parent’s expectations. She knew he was deserving of getting a fresh start and was perfect to be her baby boy.

Next to arrive was a light blue unicorn with a dark blue and yellow mane named Skedaddle. He’d gotten his cutie mark for knot tying not too long ago. Everypony remembered how happy he’d been, running through the streets happy as could be about the occasion. Pinkie had been by his house the very same day to see about planning his cuteceañera, only to find the colt home alone.

When she asked when his parents would be home to discuss party details, she was surprised to hear they were away in Las Pegasus for the next couple of months working, and wouldn’t be back until likely Christmas time. His Aunt would usually stop by after work to make him dinner and keep an eye on him when she wasn’t busy with her own job. Pinkie had been sympathetic and despite Skedaddle playing it off as something he was use to and not a big deal, she could tell he was lonely and missed his Mom and Dad.

Twilight knew he would be perfect for her. Anypony that knew how to tie knots was a very smart pony indeed, and she knew she could help him flourish in his skill, as well as be there every day to make sure he would never feel alone again.

Last to arrive was a light grey pegasus with a dark grey mane called Rumble. He was the only pony there to not have his cutie mark yet. Most ponies in Ponyville knew him because of his brother Thunderlane, a flyer in the Wonderbolts. Rumble was known to be a pretty quick flyer himself, although a bit more reckless then his brother. He always seemed to be trying to get attention from everypony. He’d gotten detention once for playing a prank in class too. Not too much was known about him by anypony, that was until Thunderlane had stopped by Sugarcube Corner one day and Pinkie had struck up a conversation with him.

It turned out Thunderlane had allowed Rumble to live with him as a favor to their father in Cloudsdale. Apparently Rumble had been a polite pony that excelled in school just a couple of years ago, until his mother had passed away unexpectedly. Her and Rumble had been very close, and after losing her Rumble had never been the same. He had sulked around the house for a month before finally emerging again as a cocky and slightly arrogant colt who seemed to not care much for anything anymore. His father had tried to be there for him and tried everything to bring his young son under control, but finally had done all he felt he could do and sent Rumble to live with Thunderlane. Although things had gotten a bit better, Thunderlane still worried about his brother. If his grades didn’t improve, he would likely not graduate with the rest of his class in a few years.

Fluttershy had been quick to volunteer to raise Rumble. She knew inside Rumble was a pony that longed for the love and understanding only a mother could provide, and she wanted to be the pony to make sure Rumble never had to feel the loss of his mommy again.

With everypony there, the plan was put into motion.

Twilight welcomed each of the young colts to her castle and read them a short speech about how proud she was of each of their strong areas of expertise and how happy she was to be having lunch with three such talented and gifted colts.

They enjoyed a wonderful lunch before Twilight came out with three delicious looking ice cream sundaes with every delicious topping you could imagine, irresistible to three colts on a warm spring day.

Not long after finishing their treats, the three colts began to say how tired they were beginning to feel. Twilight lead her three special guests into the library, allowing them to take a seat on a comfy sofa that had more than enough room for the three of them.

Twilight sat opposite them and continued to converse with each of them until each was too tired to continue and fell asleep on the couch.

Twilight then called for Fluttershy and Pinkie, who came into the library running with anticipation.

As soon as all three of them were present, the three colts began to shrink.

Slowly but surely they became younger and younger, their manes and tails shortening and their bodies gaining baby fat throughout as they went from preteens, to kids, to toddlers, and finally foals.

A moment later, each vanished in a puff of smoke.

A moment later, Fluttershy, Pinkie, and Twilight began to feel a warmness emanating from their pussies that grew more and more by the second.

The three friends began to feel aroused, Fluttershy and Twilight fidgeting their hind legs in vain to try and suppress their urges, while Pinkie, always the one to act without much care, shot her front hoof between her hind legs and went to town, stroking herself to satisfy her primal urge.

Before long, the warmness left their nether regions and moved upward, stopping at their bellies and beginning to push outward.

The three looked down to find their bellies beginning to grow, pushing outward in the telltale sign of pregnancy.

The three watched in fascination as their bellies surged forward, going from only about a month along to near half way in mere moments.

This continued on until their bellies stopped right around their knees, the warmness fading soon after and disappearing, leaving the three young mares sporting the bodies of pregnant mares in their final term of pregnancy.

They each looked like they might give birth any day now.

“Oh my. This is…” Fluttershy started to say as she took in her new larger body.

“Totoally awesome!” Said Pinkie, plopping down on her now much rounder and thicker rump and rubbing her swollen tummy, feeling a few tell tale kicks from her unborn son Tender Taps made her squeal with glee!

“Eee! Look at me! I’m a preggie pie!” She laughed.

Twilight meanwhile had gone over to the couch and taken a seat.

Normally she’d be really interested in trying to figure out how the potion had exactly regressed the colts and transported their bodies inside their wombs, but currently what was occupying her mind was taking in this new and exciting experience she was experiencing.

She looked down at her swollen tummy with wide eyes, still in shock that it was really hers.

As she gazed at it, a feeling of pride and accomplishment washed over her.

The fact that she was going to be a mother was so rewarding to her.

She loved babysitting her niece Flurry Heart whenever she could, and now she would have her own little foal to love and cherish every day.

It was then that Applejack, Rainbow Dash, and Rarity joined them, each of their foal’s sat on their backs.

“How’re ya’ll adjusting?” Asked Applejack.

“It’s…nice. But certainly different.” Said Fluttershy. She wasn’t quite sure how to put into words all the feelings she was feeling right now.

It was a lot to take in at one time. She did know that she loved her little Rumble and that she would do anything for him.

Pinkie meanwhile seemed to have a hard time sitting still. The pink party pony was taking her new body for a test run, doing some stretches, jogging, and other activities that before would’ve been nothing to her.

Now however she could tell the extra weight of having a baby colt in her tummy was gonna slow her down a bit. It was gonna be hard not being as active as she usually was for about a month, but it was all going to be worth it to be a Mom.

“I’ll say. I’m so big now! Everything is super jiggly!” She giggled, shifting her weight to one side and stopping abruptly so her friends could see how her belly, butt, and breasts all shook a couple times before settling back in place.

While the rest of the girls chatted amongst themselves, Rarity noticed Twilight sitting over on couch. She appeared to be worried.

She went over, taking a seat by her friend.

“Twilight darling, are you alright?” Asked Rarity.

“It’s just that, with all my responsibilities I’m not sure if this was such a good idea. What if I can’t be a good Mom to Skedaddle? What if I do something wrong and he gets hurt or sad?” Said Twilight, beginning to tear up.

Rarity leaned over and rested a hoof on Twilight belly, gently moving it in a circle.

To Twilight’s surprise, she began to calm right down.

“A little trick my Mother taught me when I was pregnant. Helps calm the nerves right down.” She said as she continued to gently massage her friend’s middle.

“Twilight, if there’s anypony that is perfect to be a Mom it’s you. You know from experience how to nurture a child in the ways of academics as well as friendship. Besides, we’ll all be here to help you with little Skedaddle.

Twilight smiled. She was so happy to have such good friends by her side as she took such a big step in her life. She was even happier that she’d get to share this experience with Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie.

They’d gone on some pretty awesome adventures, but being a Mom might just be the most exciting one yet.

As the sun began to set, the group of friends made their way back to their respective homes. They had already made plans to meet up again of course and the three new Mothers promised to let their friends know if they needed anything.

That night, Fluttershy, Pinkie and Twilight would find their homes changed slightly in preparation for their upcoming arrivals.

Each found nurseries designed exactly how they each would’ve done them, along with lots of cute outfits and diapers for their baby boys.

Each also found pictures lying about from baby showers that they now remembered attending, the potion making sure to fill in all the fine details of the change that had occurred.

As the three retired to bed that night, each looking down fondly at their pregnant bellies, they couldn’t wait to hold their new foals in their arms.

They knew that no matter what, they would each raise their foals to be the best ponies they could be, with loving and supportive Mommies they could always turn to.

They could hardly wait for their babies to join them.