Free-Use Fluttershy

by manta999

First published

When Fluttershy is sentenced to a day in the Ponyville Public-Use Pillory, there's only one stallion so shameless, so selfish, so unbearably heinous that he would actually breed the poor pegasus in public...her own brother.

When Fluttershy is sentenced to a day in the Ponyville Public-Use Pillory, there's only one stallion so shameless, so selfish, so unbearably heinous that he would actually breed the poor pegasus in public...

Her own brother.

This is a side-story to, done for the Summer Sin Celebration as a gift for the incredibly talented AndwhatIseeisme. (You don't need to read the original story before this one -- it's just mindless clop.)

Contains M/F, Incest, Public Use, Passing Out, Impregnation, Time-Travel, Kool-Aid

Zephyr gets lucky

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"Twilight, are you sure I can't just say that I'm sorry?"

Fluttershy sheepishly followed her friend to the pillory in front of the Town Hall, still trying to convince her that public punishment really wasn't all that necessary. She hadn't been trying to cause any trouble. She had just been taking some of her animal friends for a walk through town. There was nothing wrong with that!

And if she had happened to bring along the elephant she was nursing back to health at her sanctuary, that just made sense! If she hadn't, the poor thing would have felt left out. She could never have anticipated that the elephant would see a mouse in the window of the Ponyville cheese shop and go on a terrified rampage!


Okay, maybe she could have anticipated that, but it still wasn't her fault!

Of course, it wasn't the elephant's fault either. It was just scared. It didn't know its own strength.

And it wasn't the mouse's fault either. It had just been minding its business.

Yes, the whole debacle was no-creature's fault. It was all just a big misunderstanding, and Twilight should forget about the whole thing. There was no need for the pillory to be used at all!

"I'm sorry, Fluttershy, but the rules are the rules. I can't just go making exceptions for my friends; It wouldn't be fair to everypony else.

The pillory was one of Ponyville's oldest -- and to outsiders, most shocking -- traditions. Ponies got thrown in the stocks for minor offenses like vandalism or destruction of property. Pretty standard stuff for a rural village in times gone by, but Ponyville threw in an extra twist; Ponies in the pillory were available for "public use".

The pony in the stocks would be sentenced to a whole day where anypony could walk up and rut them silly, right there in front of the Town Hall. Everypony walking down the street would be able to see them get fucked. The only saving grace was that after the punishment was over, everypony was supposed to act like it never happened. That did little to soothe Fluttershy's fears though. While her friends and neighbors might not talk about it afterward, they would never un-see her getting debased in public.

Seeing that Fluttershy looked like her heart was about to give out from anxiety, Twilight consoled her. "Hey, the pillory isn't that bad."

"I wouldn't be so sure about that," Fluttershy whined. "I don't do well with being the center of attention. I know I put on a brave face for you girls, but I can actually be pretty shy."

Twilight gave her a deadpan look, then rolled her eyes. "...Really. I never noticed."

Fluttershy nodded, oblivious to the sarcasm dripping from Twilight. She was embarrassed enough about being chastised by her friend, but to be seen in the pillory, to be put on display in public like that -- it was like her worst nightmare!

Nevertheless, Twilight marched her friend up to the stocks. Once Fluttershy's head and forehooves were in place, Twilight locked her in position. The wooden bar fell into place with a loud thud, and Fluttershy flinched as a rumble of thunder from an approaching storm echoed sounded soon after.

Twilight stared at the dark clouds on the horizon. "It looks like it's going to rain pretty hard. You know, if the weather's really bad everypony might just stay inside. I doubt anypony is going to stop for a leisurely fuck in the middle of a storm."

Fluttershy eyed the ominous storm clouds. As scary as they looked, they might make it possible to get through the day with her dignity intact. She breathed a sigh of relief, but Twilight looked almost disappointed that Fluttershy might not get properly punished.

Twilight pulled a sour expression at the sky as she trotted away. Shaking her head, she muttered, "I swear, I don't know what the weather team is up to today. We weren't supposed to have rain for at least a week!"

An hour later, Fluttershy was perfectly pleased with how things were turning out. The rain had gotten so bad that Mayor Mare had made a public announcement, asking everypony to stay at home until the storm passed. Everypony who passed by after that was too focused on getting out of the rain to stop and look at Fluttershy, let alone do anything to her.

She turned her head a bit and saw that Angel Bunny was curled up under a bench to stay dry. Despite the storm, she giggled, "You know, Angel, this is turning out to barely be a punishment at all. I really should show my appreciation to whoever's responsible for the weather team pushing this rainstorm ahead of schedule!"

To her surprise, a voice answered, "Please, thanks are unnecessary. Your unbridled adoration of my awesomeness is more than enough thanks!"

With a rush of air and parting clouds, Rainbow Dash zoomed up to Fluttershy, skidding to a halt before her.

"Dashie? You -- You did all of this?" Fluttershy looked at the massive storm raging all over the town.

Rainbow just grinned, shaking drops of rain from her mane. "You betcha! This storm might be my finest work yet. Took me all night to push the clouds into position, but you can't argue with the results. A pony would have to be an idiot to go out for a stroll in a storm this awesome"

"But...why?" Fluttershy asked, "Ooh, not that I'm complaining or anything."

"To keep the stallions away from you, dummy!" Rainbow answered, shaking her head at what she thought was an obvious question. "You used to be a professional model, remember? If they got the chance, you'd have a line around the block of stallions wanting to run a train on you. I know that Twilight says she can't play favorites, but I'd be a pretty crappy Element of Loyalty if I just sat back and let a bunch of lame old stallions have a go at my best friend."

Fluttershy blushed. "Thanks, Dashie. That was pretty, um, awesome of you."

Rainbow ran a hoof through her mane, chuckling. "Aw, hell. Don't worry about it." Then she flapped her wings in a blue blur, hovering for a moment. "Hey, before I go, how about I do you a favor and help you keep dry?"

Thinking about how hard it would be to take care of her animals if she caught a cold, Fluttershy nodded. Without hesitation, Rainbow whizzed forward and gave Fluttershy her patented Rain-blow-dry, wicking off all the rain in a vortex of air. Then she flew straight up, punching a hole in the clouds, giving Fluttershy a nice patch of clear weather in the middle of the downpour as if she were in the eye of the storm.

Rainbow Dash flew out of view, leaving a multicolor contrail behind her as she zipped in the direction of Sweet Apple Acres. Fluttershy tried to find a comfortable position, settling in for the remaining hours of her punishment.

Fluttershy tried to find ways to occupy her time. She sang. She whistled. She counted the cobblestones in the road. She looked at shapes in the clouds.

One cloud looked like a bird, or maybe a pegasus getting tossed around in an air current. Of course, everypony was indoors, but --

It was a pegasus. And it was careening straight towards her! Fluttershy panicked as the pegasus pony tumbled head-over-hindquarters towards the Town Hall. As he got closer she could make out his aquamarine coat and hipster hairstyle.

"Zephyr!?" Fluttershy yelped an instant before her brother smacked into the building's wall, bouncing off and landing roughly on the same bench that Angel was cowering under, nearly squashing the poor little bunny.

"Oh my gosh, Zephyr, are you okay?"

Zephyr shakily got up, picking twigs and debris out of his hair bun, "Who, me? I'm great, as always. Yeah, I was just powering through this storm, carving my own path, you know? And I guess I got a little...distracted."

Fluttershy remembered what Rainbow had said. A pony would have to be an idiot to go out for a stroll in a storm this awesome. She had been right on the money about that.

"How about you, sis? That wooden thing you're stuck in -- You didn't get stuck while you were chasing a squirrel or one of your other little animal friends, did you? I swear you are so oblivious sometimes."

Fluttershy grit her teeth at the hypocritical remark. She was usually such a meek pony, but her older (albeit far less mature) brother always had a way of bringing out her stubborn side. "No, I didn't get stuck in a wooden thing. These are stocks. I'm being punished for --"

Zephyr interrupted, "Wait, this is that 'Public-Use Pillory' thing, right?" He lived in Cloudsdale, so he had never seen it in practice, but Fluttershy had mentioned it to him once or twice. "Like, I thought you were joking when you told me about this thing, but I guess you were telling the truth after all."

Undeterred by his sister's compromising position, he kept babbling on. "Hey, does Rainbow Dash ever get put in this thing? Promise me that the next time that happens you'll call me. I know she's crazy about me, but she's always playing hard to get for some reason." Zephyr gave a dreamy sigh before concluding, "She's probably scared of how much she's in love with me, the poor girl."

Fluttershy couldn't begin to explain to her useless brother how wrong he was. She decided to let it slide, allowing her brother to wallow in his fantasy world where Rainbow felt anything for him other than contempt. Looking around, Zephyr just now noticed, "Hey, why is there a clear patch of weather around you?" He answered his own question before she had the chance, "Must be that 'sunny disposition' of yours, eh, sis?"

She rolled her eyes at the bad joke as Zephyr sidled up next to her. "Scooch over, Flutter-Butter. I'm not supposed to get my mane wet or it'll get ruined." He shook himself dry, not thinking about how most of the rain he shook off was soaking her now.

"So, I'm guessing a whole bunch of stallions have already come by and taken my little sis for a spin, huh?" Zephyr didn't seem concerned in the least at the idea of his sister being made a less-than-willing exhibitionist.

"No Zephyr." Fluttershy rolled her eyes. "Believe it or not, nopony but you wandered out into the biggest storm of the year, so I haven't got any visitors today." Fluttershy silently reminded herself to thank Rainbow Dash.

Zephyr paused for a moment. Fluttershy could see the gears in his head turning as he thought about something -- which was rare, for Zephyr. With the glint of an idea in his eye, he continued, "I thought mares in the pillory were supposed to be free for public use. Doesn't it kind of defeat the purpose of the Public-Use Pillory if nopony takes advantage of the whole 'public-use' aspect? That purple princess friend of yours, Twi-shine Sparkly-whatever, she'll be pissed."

"I guess so," Fluttershy admitted, "but I think I can live with letting Twilight down just this once."

"Weeellllll..." Zephyr made a failed effort to seem nonchalant. "I don't see any reason to cause friction between such close friends. Especially when there's a stallion standing right here."

Fluttershy froze like a statue. "...What?"

Zephyr brought himself in front of her. In profile, she could see her brother's stallionhood was dropping from its sheath. Fluttershy had seen it before -- Not just from the occasional accidental early-morning mishaps when he was getting out of the shower. Zephyr Breeze had no problem walking around their house most mornings unashamedly showing his morning wood, especially when he knew Rainbow Dash would be coming to visit.

Now that thick, hot, pink member was rising up, slapping against Zephyr's undercarriage with a fleshy thwap. And it was all because of Fluttershy.

Fluttershy stared, not believing the situation she was in. " can't be serious? I'm your sister."

"I know," Zephyr said in his most magnanimous sounding voice, "but I'm willing to rise above that in order to uphold the proud, time-honored traditions of Ponyville." The flimsy façade that he was doing her a favor dropped as quickly as it came. "Besides, I'd have to be crazy to pass up the chance to nail my super-hot sis!"

Fluttershy wished she could have been surprised, but what else did she expect from Zephyr? "I, um, I really think that would be a bad idea," she protested as he swung his member to face her.

Zephyr shrugged. "Nonsense. But if you're that nervous about letting your big brother see your O-face, I guess I could settle for just a blowjob."

With that, he mounted the front of the pillory and thrust his cock up to meet his sister, heedless of the panic in Fluttershy's eyes.


The blunt cockhead mashed against Fluttershy's closed mouth. She kept her mouth shut tighter than a steel trap. Zephyr poked and prodded with his member, wetting her lips as a hot glob of precum beaded from his tip, but his sister was proving to be uncharacteristically stubborn. Her attempts to move her head away from her brother's cock were less fruitful. Her neck held in place by the stocks, Fluttershy only managed to move her muzzle side-to-side, unintentionally nuzzling the fleshy pillar.

Zephyr, as always, acted completely oblivious to how much his sister didn't want him there. "Come on sis, open up! I know 'shy' is in your name, but you know you don't need to hide how horny you are for me."

As if, Fluttershy thought. The throbbing cock rubbed against her lips, parting them so that the tip pressed against her unyielding front teeth. She tried not to thing about how Zephyr's precum was leaking through the gaps in her teeth, but it was hard to ignore as the sweet, sticky liquid soaked into her tongue.

"Flutter-Butter, it's not like anypony is here to see us."

Fluttershy's jaw, however, remained shut. If Zephyr got his rocks off with some facial frottage, maybe he'd lose interest and leave? Getting her face covered in jizz wasn't the best outcome, but she'd rather that than have him violating her throat.

Angel, however, had an plan of his own. A devilish plan, one that would make up for all those times that Fluttershy took away his carrot juice privileges. He scampered out from the bench he had been sleeping under, ducking under Zephyr's low-hanging nuts as he dashed through his legs to get to Fluttershy.

She gave a confused grunt through her closed teeth as the bunny bounced up onto her back, unable to see what he was doing. Zephyr, however, understood as Angel shimmied towards his caretaker's tail.

Zephyr laughed, "Good thinking, little dude," as Angel got ready.

Fluttershy felt a tiny paw grab onto one of the hairs in her tail. Through her teeth, she pleaded, "Angel, don't do whatever you're planning on doing to my taAAIILL!!!"


Angel pulled the hair out from Fluttershy's sensitive hindquarters. When she reflexively opened her mouth to yelp in surprise, that was all the opening Zephyr needed. His cock slid easily into the warm hole before it, swabbing the back of her throat the second she opened her mouth.

"HOOOOOoooh, yeah, baby..." Zephyr groaned as his length sank into his sister's throat. He curled up one wing and bumped it against Angel's fist. "Thanks for the assist, Angel. Us alpha-males gotta look out for each other."

Zephyr pumped his hips with wild abandon, thinking only of his own pleasure. With his typical self-centeredness, he paid no attention to how his groin kept uncomfortably ramming against his sister's muzzle, or how his balls slapped her chin, or how she couldn't stop gagging. In fact, he only even noticed her gagging because of how it felt like her whole throat was gripping his cock.


Fluttershy tried to complain, to scream at her brother to take it easy, or better yet, pull out, but only guttural gurgles could escape from her stuffed throat. Unable to move or push him away, Fluttershy was trapped feeling nothing but the feeling of her bratty brother's cock ravaging her throat.

Precum burbled out from his tip, splashing down her throat. She was only able to breathe in the intermittent moments when a wild thrust brought enough of Zephyr's meat out of her gullet for her to manage a quick gasp of air before he invaded her throat again. Even then, every breath was saturated with the musky scent of his stallionhood, making her dizzy.

After almost a minute without an opportunity for air Fluttershy began to panic. She felt sleepy from the lack of oxygen. Zephyr was thrusting in shorter, shallow bursts, keeping his member deep in her throat, blocking her airways.

Fluttershy panicked. There was a real possibility that she could pass out if her brother kept this up. She had to get him to pull out, even for just a second, so she could breathe. If she could get him horny enough that he went back to bucking his hips, he might give her room to breathe.

Swallowing her pride (as well as a good amount of precum), she did what she could to stimulate her brother, probing her tongue out of her mouth. It swirled around, coating the base of his shaft with spit.

"Haah, about time you warmed up to me, sis," Zephyr groaned. While slobbering on Zephyr's knob was certainly riling him up, it didn't have the effect that Fluttershy had hoped for. Quite the opposite; Lubed up with his sister's saliva, Zephyr drove forward, bottoming out in his sister's mouth. Her tongue went from desperately swirling around his shaft to wedged in between his balls, the tip dangerously close to his taint.

This time, he didn't pull back. Fluttershy was starting to feel woozy from the lack of air, her throat reflexively gagging to remove the obstruction. Of course, Zephyr kept his meat lodged in place. He only seemed to enjoy the sensation of his sister's throat muscles spasming around his length.

As the edges of her awareness began to fade away, she felt the obstruction in her throat swell, the tip flaring out as her brother brayed like a donkey in heat. As her eyes rolled up, about to pass out, her brother's eyes similarly rolled as his balls tightened up, his every muscle clenching as a thick load of cum raced down his shaft.

"Uuuwooohh..." Zephyr groaned, his tongue hanging out of his mouth as a geyser of spunk sprayed out of his tip, every drop flowing down his sister's throat. Fluttershy felt her brother's batter gush from his tip, seeming to glue her airways shut with its sticky thickness as thing



Fluttershy woke up, trying to remember where she was. Something had happened...had she fallen asleep outside of Town Hall?


She tried to get up and stretch her legs but realized she couldn't. Her rear hooves were still numb, but she was starting to feel her forehooves. They were stuck in something...


The pillory? That was right, Twilight had put her in the pillory. And then Rainbow had cooked up her little scheme to keep the stallions away. She was a real life-saver, that one.


But why had she passed out? She had been locked up, then Rainbow had visited, then she'd passed some time, then Zephyr had...


*Squish* *Squish* *Squish*


Fluttershy craned her head down just enough to see her brother's rear hooves positioned behind her own. As the realization hit her, she gasped in deep breaths of air, both from panic and from a need to get the oxygen pumping in her blood again, and she began to feel what was going on behind her. She could already hear it.


Her tight, perfect pussy was making obscene noises as Zephyr prodded her entrance with his still partially flared tip. The tight hole was proving to be as difficult an obstacle as her closed mouth had been, but that wasn't going to stop Zephyr from trying.

"Zephyr, you - *cough* - you have to stop! You're going to far!"

"Too far? Hell, Flutter-Butter, I'm not even in yet."


Was he trying to be this obtuse? It was hard to speak -- hard to breathe, since it felt like there was still a load of cum sloshing around in her lungs, but Fluttershy had to convince him to reconsider what he was doing. And she had to do it quick, or his flare would shrink enough that he might squeeze inside of her.

"You can't! Think...Think about Rainbow Dash! She'll be, uh, jealous? Yeah, she'll be so mad at you for fooling around with another mare!"

"Hey, she knows I got enough lovin' to go around. This stallion can't be tied down by any one mare, no matter how crazy she is for me." Fluttershy didn't know what was more off-putting - Zephyr's enthusiasm to commit incest with his sister, or how deluded he was about his own desirability.

She decided it was the former of the two as Zephyr delivered another thrust, resting the weight of his hooves on her back. "Damn, this is a tight fit. Hey, Angel, care to help a brother out again?"

Fluttershy saw the bunny gave a thumbs up before hopping a few paces back. She whined, "Oh, Angel, you backstabber!"

The bunny lined himself up behind the pegasi, then charged forward like a football player. Right behind Zephyr, he wound one of his legs back and delivered a massive kick.


While complaining about Zephyr with Rainbow Dash, her friend had always said her brother needed an ass-kicking, but this was an acutely bad moment for it.


The flared head forced its way inside of her tight tunnel, blazing a trail for the rest of Zephyr's shaft. In one lurching motion, he hilted in her, ramming into her cervix. She felt like somepony had gut-punched her as the delicate organ was mashed by her brother's meat.

She opened her mouth to tell him off, but all that came out was a bestial moan.


She blushed. She would have been embarrassed to make a noise like that while getting fucked by anypony, but to do that in front of Zephyr? This was so humiliating.

Zephyr, however, felt absolutely no shame, panting loudly while bucking his hips, driven by pure self-gratification. His sister's walls were coiled around him so tight that every time he pulled back he could feel her lips gripping him, dragging out along with him, only to be mashed back in over and over again.


As her brother's balls smacked into her clit, Fluttershy couldn't help but feel some bit of arousal, if only physically. The situation was taboo, it was obscene, but nonetheless, her body betrayed her, responding as it would to any other stallion. She couldn't help it.

She felt a warm, tingly feeling as blood rushed to her nether regions. Her muscles clenched. Her breath caught in her throat.

She came.

"MMMmmmhh....Zephyyyrrr!!!" she whined as her body eagerly accepted her brother, shivering around his fleshy pole.

Zephyr grinned. "See, sis? I knew you'd warm up to me eventually." Fluttershy told herself that was a ridiculous statement. She ignored the little voice in the back of her head, the voice that her orgasm had seemed to awaken, that told her nothing that felt as good as she had just felt could really be wrong.

"Damn, sis," Zephyr groaned, "You better get ready because I'm about to bust a nut up in here."

"NO! You can't!" Pillory or no pillory, that was a line Zephyr couldn't cross. "Zephyr Breeze, I'm putting my hoof down! Once you do that, there'll be no turning back!"

"Take a chill-pill, sis. I promise when all this is over I won't look at you any differently."

That wasn't what she was scared of. She didn't care if her brother was unable to look at her the same way after this, at least not in comparison to the much more pressing concern of what would happen if he filled her up with foal-batter.

But any protest Fluttershy might have voiced was drowned out as her brother bucked his hips forward, roaring in ecstasy.


His tip pressed against her inner opening. As the flat tip flared wide as a saucer, the knobby edge of his flare caught on the fleshy hole, wrenching open the path to her deepest depths. Seeming to find an extra inch, Zephyr plowed forward, ready to deliver his seed directly into his sister's fertile womb.

A thick, gluey rope of spunk burst from Zephyr's cock, painting her insides with a coating of all-too-similar DNA.

Under the weight of her panting brother, Fluttershy's mind was racing. Maybe it's not as bad as it seems, Fluttershy told herself. I mean, how much sperm could there possibly be in just one burst--



Zephyr let out an unashamedly high-pitched moan as he shot a second squirt of spooge into his sister. Then a third. Then a fourth. Every time he moaned like an animal in heat, clenching his glutes to shoot his strands of glory into Fluttershy with maximum force.

Not a single drop of Zephyr's semen escaped the tight mating plug of his flare. As it soaked into every nook and cranny of Fluttershy's womb, she exclaimed, "Oh, Celestia, I hope that today is a safe day."

All doubt was removed as Twilight ran around the corner, shielding herself from the storm with a sphere of magical energy.

"Bad news, Fluttershy! I just got a scroll from the Crystal Empire -- Apparently, Cadence botched some kind of spell, and now every mare in Equestria is definitely ovulating today!"

If Fluttershy wasn't locked in the stocks (and held securely in place by her brother's still-hard cock) she would have buried her head in her hooves. "Oh no..."

Then Angel hopped out of the door of Town Hall, holding a file folder. As he scattered its contents on the floor in front of Fluttershy, she saw that they were family records for the tri-city area, including Cloudsdale.

"What's that, Angel? These records...My parents? They're -- They're second cousins!?"

Twilight's eyes widened in shock. "Sweet Celestia, that means your foal is going to be double inbred!"

"Oh no!"

Suddenly, a static charge pulsed through the air as a flash of purple light illuminated the area around the pillory. A blast of air cascaded out, making the rainstorm look tame in comparison. From a ball of blinding light at the center of the disturbance, the ponies heard the very fabric of spacetime rip open, and out from that portal stepped a war-ravaged, hard-boiled looking future-Twilight.

Looking at the scene, future-Twilight saw Zephyr's cock entombed in his sister, his balls still pumping out a few last waves of semen into his sister.

"No, I'm too late!" she yelled. "The timeline is doomed! Zephyr, Fluttershy -- I came here from the future to try and stop you from doing this. You're going to have twins, and then they'll commit incest and give birth to a race of super-mutant inbred pony Morlocks!"

Everypony screamed in unison, "Oh no!"

Then a Crystal pony filled with Kool-Aid crashed through the wall of Town Hall, accompanied by a sick guitar riff.