Busted! 2

by tidmouthmilk12

First published

Sunset threatens to expose Tidmouth's secret hobby

The morning after their night of fun, Tidmouth Milk and Twilight Sparkle find out that Sunset Shimmer put a hidden camera in the laundry room. She finds out Tidmouth's secret and threatens to expose him to the others. Rainbow Dash breaks up the fight, but who will she side with?

Sequel to Busted!

Contains: Foot/sock fetishry, sock smelling, masturbation, footjob, A little bit of femdom, fetish-fuelled sex, Canon x OC shipping

The Morning After

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The morning sunlight crept in through the window of Twilight Sparkle’s bedroom. Tidmouth Milk yawned and blinked awake. He looked down Twilight and smiled, running his fingers through her dark blue hair. Twilight stirred and smiled back at him. “Good morning, Tidmouth.” There was a pause before her eyes widened “Morning?!” She hurriedly rolled over, staring at her alarm clock. “W-what are you still doing here?! It’s morning! Someone is bound to see you!”

Tidmouth sat up and put a hand on her shoulder “Uhh… why don’t we just say I woke up early and decided to come over and drop off the keys to the laundry room?”

Twilight rubbed her temples nervously. “Oh gosh, I hadn’t even thought about that. We still need to clear everyone’s stuff off the floor.” Tidmouth mumbled apologetically. Twilight stood up and took a deep breath. “Okay, you get dressed and stay in here. I’ll sneak downstairs, put everything back to how it was and lock up.” Tidmouth nodded and started to pick his discarded clothes off the floor.

Tidmouth was sat on the bed waiting when Twilight returned a few minutes later. She quietly shut the door behind her and walked over, ushering him to get up. Tidmouth stood back as she started stripping the bedsheets. “What’re you doing?”

“I’m changing my bedsheets. How often do you use sheets after you’ve got cum all over them? …actually, please don’t answer that.” Tidmouth looked guiltily at the floor, but Twilight looked over her shoulder and gave him a cocky smile.

There was a sudden knock at the door. Tidmouth flushed with panic and looked frantically between it and Twilight, who waved a hand at him to get him to keep quiet. “Uh, hello?”

“Hey, Twilight.” It was Sunset Shimmer “Can you drop Tidmouth a text and find out when he’s coming over with the key?”

“Oh, hey Sunny. Y-yeah, I’ll see if he’s awake yet.” Twilight and Tidmouth listened to the sound of her footsteps retreating. “Now what? You can’t sneak out of here now someone else is awake.”

Tidmouth rubbed his chin in thought and looked around the room. “I guess I’ll have to drop out of the window.”

Twilight looked at him with concern. “It’s quite a long drop. What if you hurt yourself?”

Tidmouth wandered over to the window and looked down. He was never fond of heights, and he could feel his gut twisting already at the thought of falling. Still, there wasn’t a lot of choice. “I-it’s only 1 storey. I should be fine.” He said, with uncertainty.

Twilight put a hand to his cheek. “Just… be careful, okay?” She leant forward and kissed him.

Tidmouth returned the kiss and smiled “I’ll see you downstairs in a few minutes.” Twilight nodded and gathered together her bedsheets before heading out of the room.

Tidmouth waited until she had shut the door before opening the window. It was an old-fashioned window that pulled up and slotted into position above. He quietly pulled up the window and pulled his knees up onto the balcony. He had decided to shimmy his way out backwards so he could lower himself down before dropping to the floor, or rather, the bushes below Twilight’s window. He slowly lowered one leg off the edge, firmly grabbing hold of the ledge in his hands before lowering the other. He hugged the windowsill and scrabbled at the log wall with his feet trying to get a footing to step down as low as he could.

He gently eased his way down, now only holding the ledge by the tips of his fingers. There was a sudden gust of wind through the trees nearby. Tidmouth held still, determined not to let the wind shake his grip. The wind had other ideas. It rattled the window causing it to slip loose from its slot and come slamming down, right onto Tidmouth’s fingers. Tidmouth gasped in surprise and pulled his fingers away, falling backwards off the wall and into the bushes below in a flurry of leaves. He winced through the pain and tried to stay as still as possible. Fortunately, it seemed no-one had heard anything, and he scrambled to his feet, dusting the brambles from his clothes before making his way around to the front door.

Twilight greeted him cheerily as he made his way in. “Good morning, Tidmouth!”

“Morning Twilight. Here’s your key. Safe and-” He went to pass her the key, but it was snatched from his grasp by Sunset Shimmer. The orange-haired girl purposefully put the key into the lock and opened the door, glancing around suspiciously.

“See, Sunset?” Twilight said, “Everything is completely as it was.”

“Maybe so, but that doesn’t mean we haven’t had any unwanted visitors.”

“Oh, come on now. There’s only one key and Tidmouth has had it with him all night, haven’t you, Tidmouth?” Tidmouth quickly nodded.

“Well unless he’s sat awake staring at it all night, forgive me if I take that with a pinch of salt.” Sunset strode over to the corner of the room and picked up a small object.

“What’s that?” asked Twilight.

“It’s a game camera. I borrowed it from Fluttershy. It only records when it detects movement.”

Tidmouth and Twilight shared a nervous glance. “Oh, w-well it’d be pitch dark in that room at night. Surely a camera like that couldn’t possibly see anything!” said Tidmouth with a shy chuckle.

Sunset rolled her eyes. “It records night-vision, dummy. Come on. We’ll plug it into Twi’s laptop and have a look.” She marched past them and headed up the stairs.

Tidmouth pleadingly grabbed Twilight “What’re we gonna do? She’s going to find out! And then, she’s gonna braid my kneecaps!”

Twilight bit her lip. “Just… stay calm. I’ll think of something. Don’t worry. I promised you no-one would find out and I intend to keep that promise.”

The pair shuffled upstairs and into Twilight’s room. Sunset had already made herself comfortable on a beanbag chair and was idly playing with the camera in her hand. Twilight went into her bag and pulled out her laptop, switching it on and placing it on her desk. Tidmouth looked at her desktop background. It was a photograph of Twilight and her friends, minus himself as he’d been behind the camera.

He smiled to himself, reminiscing for a moment. Though his daydreaming was cut off by Sunset barging in front of him. She proffered the game camera to Twilight, along with a connector cable. Twilight cautiously took it and plugged it in. Sunset leant in and reached to take control for herself, but Twilight deftly blocked her wandering hand. “Be, patient, Sunset.” Twilight needed to stall and think up a plan. Could she wipe the contents? Theoretically, yes. But there was no way she’d be able to do it quickly and certainly not with Sunset, literally, right over her shoulder.

“Come on Twi! Just load the files already!”

“Okay, okay!” Twilight opened the camera’s storage and the screen filled with a long list of files. She clicked on the first one on the list. The video file opened and now on the screen was a night-vision shot of the nearby forest. The scene seemed fairly still besides the gentle swaying of the trees. There was a sudden movement from screen right and a bunny rabbit poked its head into frame, snuffling along the ground. “Daww.” Twilight cooed.

Sunset furrowed her brow “This is old footage! We need the footage from last night! Give it here and let me find it!”

Twilight scooted the laptop slightly further away “NO! …I’ll find it.” She weighed up her options. “I can’t claim the camera is faulty. It’s clearly working fine…

Twilight saw some filenames with the previous days date on them. She clicked on the first one. The screen was suddenly filled with an extreme close-up of Sunset’s face. “-sure this is going to work, Fluttershy?” Sunset stepped back revealing Fluttershy standing beside her.

“Oh yes. I use this camera all the time. I’ve managed to get some wonderful videos of animals in the forest. In fact, the other day I–"

“Yeah, yeah. Cool. Tell me later.” Sunset waved her hand dismissively and left the room. Fluttershy gave one last look down the lens, shrugged and followed her out.

“Okay. That was when we set it up. Try later!”

Twilight scrolled a little further. The next video opened with Rainbow Dash and Applejack standing together. “That was some good running out there, sugarcube.”

“Thanks. You almost caught me up at one point.”

Applejack chuckled “I’m happy to trail behind a little. …Your ass is cute in those running shorts.”

Rainbow Dash blushed and stepped back against one of the machines “Applejack! …someone might hear!”

Applejack grinned devilishly and pressed herself up against the other girl. “I won’t squeal if you won’t.” and she leant in for a passionate smooch.

Before their lips met, Twilight quickly clicked off the video.

Sunset was unphased “Still too early. Look, just let me—"

“Sunset, please. I’m doing the best I can.” Twilight scrolled a little further and clicked on a video file marked at around midnight. The video, now in night-vision showed the room completely empty. The three leaned toward the screen, unable to see anything moving. Then, from the top a screen a spider hung down right in front of the lens. Tidmouth yelped. Sunset gave him a critical look and he coughed with embarrassment.

“Well, there we are. I expect the camera just kept getting tripped by that spider all night. No need to look at the rest!” said Twilight, quickly.

Sunset squinted at Twilight “You’re hiding something, aren’t you?”

Twilight went wide-eyed “What! Why would I be hiding something?”

“You’ve been acting strange all morning. You’ve got something to hide, Twilight Sparkle, and this camera has the evidence!”

Twilight looked over at Tidmouth. He sighed and nodded. Twilight gave him an apologetic look before scrolling to a file from 3am. The video started much like the last one, however this time there was a faint clunking sound from the other side of the door. There was one final loud click and the door slowly opened. Then creeping through the open door came Tidmouth.

Sunset wheeled around and stared at him. “I knew it. You, filthy little PERVERT!” she lunged toward him, but Twilight stood up and put herself between them.

“Sunset, please! Calm down. It isn’t what it looks like.”

“Oh, I think it’s exactly what it looks like. Your boyfriend is a nasty little creep!”

“Look, just… keep your voice down! You might wake the others.”

“Good! They deserve to know that Tidmouth Milk is a perverted little fu—”

Sunset’s expletive was cut short by Twilight shoving a hand over her mouth. The fiery-haired girl growled and struggled against Twilight’s hand, but she looked into Twilight’s pleading eyes and backed down. Sunset sat down on the bed and put her head in her hands. “How long have you been covering this up?”

“I only found out last night. But, Tidmouth has promised to return what he stole.”

Sunset grimaced. “And what exactly has that freak been doing with them in the week since he stole them?” Twilight stammered; she wasn’t actually sure herself. The two girls fixed their gaze on the cowering guy in the corner. “Well?” demanded Sunset.

Tidmouth gulped. “Well, I liked to… l-look at them… w-wear them sometimes in my room.”

“…go on.”

“I s…s-smelled them… a-and…” Tidmouth faltered, he was almost on the verge of tears.

Sunset stared daggers at him. “And what?”

“I… I c-came into one of them.” Tidmouth admitted. Before Twilight could react to block her, Sunset shot back to her feet and grabbed Tidmouth by the shoulders.

“Sunset! No!” cried Twilight, desperately trying to pull her off.

Rainbow Dash walked out of her room, on her way out to morning practice. She overheard a commotion in Twilight’s room and hurried in to find out what was going on. Her eyes widened as she saw Sunset Shimmer pinning Tidmouth Milk to the wall whilst Twilight Sparkle was desperately trying to separate them. “H-hey! Leave him alone Sunset!”

Rainbow sprinted over and helped Twilight pull Sunset away from Tidmouth. “No! He’s a nasty little creep and I’m going to kick his ass!”

Rainbow forced Sunset down onto the bed. “Just, slow down. What’s going on here?”

“He is the sock thief!”

Rainbow looked over at Tidmouth, standing against the wall, fiddling nervously with his hands. “Wait, you were the one who stole my socks?” Tidmouth nodded and looked at the floor.

Rainbow slowly walked up to him, and he shrunk back in fear. “Tidmouth… thank you!” much to his surprise, Tidmouth felt himself enveloped into a hug. “I was gonna sneak downstairs first thing in the morning and get those back before anyone actually washed them!”

Twilight gave her a disappointed look “Oh, Rainbow Dash...

“What?! They’re my lucky socks, Twilight! I wore them during my first winning game of soccer in Junior High and haven’t washed them since!” Rainbow rubbed the back of her neck shyly. “I wouldn’t expect you guys to understand but just… the feeling of putting them on before a big game filled me with that little bit of extra confidence. …and the smell afterwards…” Rainbow shuddered slightly at the thought. “I don’t blame you for picking up on it Tid. Those socks are soaked in the sweat of many victories. …where are they, anyway?”

Tidmouth gulped quietly. He’d been trying to stop himself from getting a boner. “T-they’re over in my room.”

“Awesome! Come on then. Let’s go over and grab them.”

Before they could leave Sunset interjected. “Hold on, you’re not seriously going to accept those socks back after what that weirdo has been doing with them, are you?”

“He’s not a weirdo, Sunset!” insisted Twilight. “Look, I have an idea. Let’s all meet back here tonight, and we can show you what it’s all about.”

Sunset looked initially disgusted at the idea but with a couple of pleading looks from Twilight and Rainbow she eventually conceded. “Fine. But if don’t like what I see I’m out.”

Rainbow nodded. “Of course. Right, come on Tid.”

Rainbow jogged over to the boy’s lodge at a brisk pace. Tidmouth breathlessly hobbled after her, trying to keep up. They made their way quickly up to Tidmouth’s room and shut the door behind them.

Tidmouth shuffled over to his chest of drawers and pulled out Rainbow’s socks from the back, offering them to her.

“Hold up a sec.” said Rainbow, making her way over to the bed. She pulled off her trainers, revealing a pair of light pink socks underneath. She gently pulled them off and lifted them to her nose. “Mmh… yeah…” She held them out towards Tidmouth, who gave a puzzled look in response. “We’ll do a swap. You give me back my lucky socks and I’ll let you borrow these. They’re not as strong but I think you’ll still get some enjoyment from them.”

Tidmouth timidly took them and passed Rainbow the white pair. Rainbow took a deep whiff and exhaled happily “Awh yeah… you’ve kept them nice and fresh, Tidmouth. …Mfh~.” She took another sniff and squirmed, slipping a hand down the waistband of her shorts. She grinned to herself as she smelled her socks and energetically rubbed one out.

Tidmouth blushed and tried to look away, but he couldn’t help but stare as Rainbow’s lewd display continued. It seemed Rainbow wasn’t just fast when it came to sporting activities as she’d barely been going for a minute when she shuddered and came. She sighed relievedly and met Tidmouth’s nervous gaze. “Oh, uhh… sorry Tidmouth. I kinda got a little excited and forgot you were there.” Tidmouth stammered a reply and waved off her concern.

Rainbow cleared her throat and got her shoes and socks on. “Well, I’d better get going. Gotta get these bad girls warmed up for tonight.” She grinned and winked at Tidmouth causing him to blush even deeper. “I’ll see you later. …I’ll leave you three alone.” She said, pointing to the pink pair in Tidmouth’s hands. She leant in and whispered. “They got real sweaty in the fun run yesterday.” She gave one last smirk before slinking out of the room, shutting the door after herself.

Tidmouth scrambled to quickly lock the door and undressed himself. Free from the confines of his underwear his cock sprung out. Watching Rainbow fingering herself followed by her teasing meant that it was painfully hard at this point and Tidmouth was desperate to get off himself.

He threw himself onto the bed and examined the pair of socks in his hands. Rainbow wasn’t lying, they certainly looked sweat stained and Tidmouth could even make out the shape of Rainbow’s feet on the bottom. He raised them to his nose as he started to jerk off. The smell was similar to the white pair, though definitely not as strong. Though they were still good to Tidmouth’s nose, and he moaned quietly as he took another long sniff. Rainbow’s words reverberated through Tidmouth’s mind “They got real sweaty in the fun run yesterday.” He moaned again and clenched, cumming hard.

He sighed in ecstasy and took one last sniff of the socks before sitting up, deciding to put them on and wear them for the day. No-one should notice if he was wearing his long trousers. He pulled them up. They were slightly below knee length. His cock twinged as he admired himself, playfully rubbing his socked feet over one another. He was once again brought out of his reverie by a knock on the door. “Come on, Tidmouth! Time to get up!”


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Tidmouth was sat up on his bed, looking out of the window. His phone buzzed on his bedside table, and he leant over to grab it. It was a text message.

“hey were all rdy over here! cum over asap!1!! – dash”

Tidmouth pondered for a moment. He was curious as to what Twilight had gotten in mind for this evening, but he was also nervous about Sunset being there. He already had a feeling she didn’t quite trust him and now she had good reason to. Before he could psyche himself out his phone buzzed again.

“dont forget to bring rares and sunnys socks with you”

Tidmouth slid himself off the bed and over to his chest of drawers. He reached to the back and pulled out the striped pair that belonged to Rarity. He gave them a quick sniff. They didn’t really smell much like they had done when he took them. Their smell had mostly been replaced by his own. He liked how they looked and had worn them quite a few times. He figured he’d have to try and source a similar looking pair of his own someday. He gave them one last parting smell and popped them down.

He then took out Sunset’s orange pair and looked at them guiltily. He’d already gotten an earful from Sunset about what he’d done to them, and he wasn’t looking forward to a second round of that. Despite his nervousness he still lifted them to his nose and sniffed them. “Mmh… still good.” He put them down next to Rarity’s and pushed the drawer closed. He looked around for something to put them in and settled on the drawstring bag hanging on his closet door. He tipped the contents out onto the floor and stuffed the socks inside before throwing the bag over his back and heading out.

Tidmouth pushed open the door to the girl’s lodge and stepped inside. It was quiet. Tidmouth figured the others were up in Twilight’s room. He gingerly made his way up the stairs and tapped on the door. “Come in!” came Twilight’s cheery response. Tidmouth stepped inside and Twilight skipped over and pulled him into a hug. Looking over Twi’s shoulder Tidmouth could see Rainbow Dash was sitting on the bed and Sunset Shimmer standing in the corner. Much to Tidmouth’s relief she looked more bored than annoyed.

Twilight released him from the hug. “Alright, Tidmouth. Take your shoes off and have a seat next to the bed. Oh! And are the other socks in that bag?” Tidmouth nodded and gave the bag to Twilight before slipping his shoes off and sitting on the floor. Twilight pulled open the bag and took out the orange pair and offered them to Sunset, who raised an eyebrow in response.

“You don’t seriously expect me to wear those after what that little cumstain did to them are you?”

“Come on Sunny, you agreed to participate.” She scowled and snatched them from Twilight’s grasp. She took off the flip-flops she was wearing and sat down on the bed.

“Perhaps you’d let Tidmouth put them on?” Twilight suggested, sitting between her and Rainbow.

“Fuck no! I’m not letting that creep touch my feet!”

“Open mind…” said Twilight, with a roll of her eyes.

Sunset sighed, throwing the socks at Tidmouth, and folding her arms.

Tidmouth looked up at Twilight, unsure if this was a good idea. Twilight nodded reassuringly. Tidmouth unfurled one of the socks and shuffled a little closer to Sunset. “Uhm… could you l-lift your foot, p-please?”

Sunset begrudgingly offered her left foot and looked the other way. Tidmouth cleared his throat and timidly raised up the sock, slipping it over Sunset’s toes. He pulled the hem up part way and then started pulling from the middle to get the lower part of the sock lined up. The heel and end of the socks gently slid into place and Sunset curled her toes inside them. Tidmouth gasped quietly as he felt his cock twinge. Getting a hold of himself he grabbed the hem and pulled the socks as high up as they would go.

Sunset looked down at him and huffed before raising the other foot. Tidmouth pulled up the other sock much the same as the first. When he was done, he stared at the socked foot still hovering in front of him. With a sudden burst of confidence, he took hold of it with both hands, rubbing his thumbs in little circles. “Hey, what the heck are you—" burst out Sunset at the unexpected contact, but her expression soon softened as she felt the tension draining from her body.

Rainbow Dash looked over. “Hey, I didn’t know we were doing foot massages! You be sure to bring those fingers over here too, Tidmouth!”

“You wait your turn!” hissed Sunset.

“Starting to enjoy yourself after all, huh Sunny?” asked Rainbow with a smirk.

What? No! I just- …shut up!” Tidmouth reached down and pulled Sunset’s left foot, starting to massage that one now. Sunset shifted herself slightly. She still felt very weirded out by this whole ordeal, but she had to admit Tidmouth’s probing fingers did feel nice. “O-okay… that’s enough… T-thank you, Tidmouth.” She said, slightly flustered. Tidmouth nodded and released her feet from his grasp.

“Well now that we’ve gotten settled in, I think it’s time for the next stage.” Said Twilight. “Tidmouth, could you please help me with my shoes?” She said, holding up her foot and wiggling it in front of him. She was wearing a pair of black Mary Jane shoes over the star-print socks Tidmouth liked so much.

He grasped one of the shoes in his hand and gently loosened the straps. He then took the heel gently pulled it off. He repeated the process for the other shoe and placed them both neatly on the floor. Twilight flexed her socked toes now they were free from the confines of her shoes. “Mmh… much better. Thank you, Tiddy. Now it’s Dashie’s turn.”

Tidmouth nodded and looked over to Rainbow. She was wearing her favourite white socks under the same pair of trainers as earlier. They were pink and blue in colour with white trims, or at least they had been white. Currently they were discoloured by mud and grass stains.

Tidmouth went to take hold of one of Rainbow’s feet, but she quickly withdrew it from his reach. “Ah, ah! …no hands!” Tidmouth’s eyes widened. Rainbow grinned widely, making sure to flash her teeth to tip Tidmouth off as to what she had in mind.

Tidmouth hesitantly edged forward, deciding to hold his hands behind his back in order to stop himself from using them. Rainbow held out her right foot toward him and he leant in close over it. He could already smell the warm, sweaty smell radiating from inside the trainer and stifled a moan of pleasure. He took the laces in his teeth and pulled on them to loosen them, first pulling out the bow and then, struggling to loosen the knot all the while being teased by the tantalising smell from within.

Rather than take the shoe off right away he decided to switch to the other one so he could take them both off together. It’d be too distracting otherwise. Rainbow held up her other foot and he loosened the other laces. With both shoes loosened sufficiently Rainbow put her feet together and Tidmouth crouched low placing his head underneath her legs, just above the tops of her shoes. He then slowly drew his head up, dragging the shoes off as he went. He continued past the balls of her feet and moved his face along her soles until the shoes both slipped off over his head and onto the floor.

Now both of Rainbow’s feet were directly over his face. He took a deep sniff and moaned with pleasure. “Awh, yeah… it feels good to air my feet out after a long day of working out.” She said, and gently rubbed them onto his face.

“Alright, you two. Don’t get too carried away now!” chuckled Twilight. Tidmouth gave one last sniff to Rainbow’s rank socks before scooting himself back. “Okay, Tidmouth. You’ve helped us, now we’ll help you. Lift up your arms and sit a little closer to me.”

Tidmouth did as he was told and Twilight put her feet either side of Tidmouth’s torso, slipping her toes underneath his hoodie and slowly starting to pull it up. Rainbow could see what she had in mind and reached out her feet, working their way up the inside of Tidmouth’s t-shirt. Much to Tidmouth’s surprise Rainbow’s feet were joined by Sunset’s and together the pair of them slowly lifted his shirt up. Twilight managed to pull off the hoodie and watched as the other two pulled up his shirt. Both pairs of feet reached Tidmouth’s face and teasingly settled there for a moment.

Tidmouth groaned and sniffed happily. Rainbow continued and pulled the shirt the rest of the way up Tidmouth’s arms, leaving Sunset’s feet alone on Tidmouth’s face. Sunset Shimmer bit her lip as she gently rubbed her feet on Tidmouth’s face. She hated to admit it, but she was actually starting to enjoy herself. Twilight could see this and grinned. “If you two are comfortable like that, then Rainbow and I will deal with the lower half. Could you just sit up on your knees, Tidmouth?” Tidmouth shifted himself to a kneeling position, making sure not to break contact with Sunset’s feet.

Twilight and Rainbow both put a foot inside the hem of Tidmouth’s trousers and pulled them down to his knees, revealing his boxer shorts underneath. The crotch of these boxers was bulging quite considerably and there was a slowly growing puddle of pre-cum at the peak. “Okay Tidmouth, stand up please.”

Tidmouth and Sunset reluctantly broke apart and Tidmouth stood up. Rainbow deftly dropped his trousers the rest of the way down to the floor. She could see now he was wearing the pair of pink socks she’d leant him earlier that morning. “Hey, nice socks. You’ll have to let me get a closer look later on.” She said with a wink.

Tidmouth laughed shyly and stepped out of his trousers, kicking them to one side. Then Twilight lined herself up with his boxers and started to lower them down. Almost immediately his erection sprung out from the top, leaving his boxers to fall to the floor on their own.

Twilight grinned. “Well, it looks like you’re all warmed up.” She said, eyeing his boner hungrily. “Lie down on the floor and we’ll get to the fun part.”

The fun part

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Tidmouth lay down on the floor, placing his head towards Rainbow and his feet toward Sunset.

Rainbow placed her feet right onto Tidmouth’s face and he greedily huffed at the foul sweaty air. Twilight put her own feet around Tidmouth’s cock and started to give him a footjob. Sunset wasn’t really sure what to do so just rubbed her feet against Tidmouth’s.

Tidmouth was in sensory overload. A pair of rank socks in his face, another pair jerking him off and a third playing footsie with him. He was in pure bliss.

He gestured for Rainbow to take one of her feet away so he could see. She put her left foot behind his head, propping it up, and he took hold of her right, placing his nose between her toes. He met eyes with Twilight. “Thank you… Twilight…” he said.

“You're welcome, Tidmouth.” She replied.

Twilight ran her socked feet up and down Tidmouth's shaft, occasionally she would slide a foot to the tip and probe it with her big toe. Tidmouth gasped at Twilight's contact and took another deep sniff of Rainbow’s socked toes.

“I’m… I’m… cumming!” he moaned as his eyes rolled back and ropes of hot spunk shot out across Twilight’s socked feet. Twilight giggled and mopped up Tidmouth's cum before playfully rubbing her feet together. Orgasm over Tidmouth lolled back and sighed.

“Hey, you guys mind if I get some fun in too?” asked Rainbow, pulling her socks from Tidmouth's face.

“Of course not, go ahead.” replied Twilight.

“Awesome! If you two could just get up and let Tidmouth onto the bed. I’d like to be reacquainted with those socks on his feet.”

The two got off the bed and watched as Rainbow took off her shorts and panties, which were already wet with arousal. Rainbow spread her legs and gestured for Tidmouth to sit opposite her. Tidmouth pulled himself up onto the bed and sat down, scooting himself forward on his back until his feet were in Rainbow’s face.

She sniffed gratefully and sighed. “Mhm… yeahhh… you’ve got some great shoes Tidmouth… unf… I’ll have to let you borrow some more of my socks… to stink up.”

Tidmouth felt his cock quiver, already reasserting itself for another round. “I- I’d like that.” He said. Rainbow continued to huff his foot funk as she lowered her hand down to her pussy and started pressing at her love button.

Tidmouth couldn’t really see much past his legs, but he could certainly hear Rainbow going to town on herself and that made his erection grow all the faster. Sunset could see this and whispered something to Twilight who giggled and nodded.

Sunset leant down and pulled off her socks as she walked over to Tidmouth. She held one of them under his nose and slipped the other over his cock. He looked her in the eye as he huffed her sock and she grinned. “Yeah… get yourself harder over my dirty sock you little perv.”

Tidmouth whimpered quietly. Sunset grabbed the sock with his cock inside and began jerking him off. Tidmouth moaned through the sock and sniffed even harder. Sunset glanced over to Rainbow. Rainbow was fingering herself like there was no tomorrow. There was no strategy or finesse to it, she was just going for speed. And it must’ve been working as she already seemed to be getting close.

Sunset picked up the pace and stared into Tidmouth’s eyes. “Cum in my sock again, you pathetic dweeb. And this time look me in the eye as you do it.”

Rainbow panted “I’m… gonna… GUUHHH!” and, almost in unison, Rainbow and Tidmouth came.

“Good boy…” cooed Sunset as she squeezed and milked his cock for all it had.

Sunset removed the sock from Tidmouth’s cock and observed as a glob of cum dribbled out. She felt a small shiver of pleasure run down her spine and giggled quietly to herself.

Twilight stepped up behind her and put her hands on Sunset’s shoulders “Starting to get into it, Sunny?” she asked, with a playful tone.

“W-what? N-NO!”

Rainbow sat up and laughed “Oh, she is! She totally is!”

“Shut up!” growled Sunset “…y’all are such weirdos.”

“Oh, go on! Sit down by the bed and smell my feet. You know you want to…” Rainbow smirked devilishly and wiggled her toes toward Sunset.

Sunset stammered and stared at the socked feet dancing in her eyeline. “N-no! …I don’t…” but despite her words she found herself stepping closer to them. She unfastened her belt, letting her shorts fall to the floor and she knelt in front of Rainbow.

“Alright Sunset, get a load of these puppies!” Rainbow teased, placing her socked feet on Sunset’s face.

Sunset initially winced at the assaulting smell, it was so horrible and gross… yet somehow… she found it kinda hot. It smelled like Rainbow Dash but concentrated. Stronger. She sniffed again and moaned as another shudder of ecstasy ran through her.

Tidmouth had sat up and was watching with interest. He was already pretty exhausted from the first two rounds, but seeing Rainbow rubbing her socked feet in Sunset’s face, he couldn’t help but start to get turned on again.

Twilight grinned and walked over to him. “Seeing all this action, I’m feeling a little bit left out.” She said, pouting and giving her best puppy dog eyes.

Tidmouth looked up at her and caressed her cheek. “Well… I guess I’d better do something about that.”

Twilight beamed and stripped off her shorts and panties. She then hopped up onto the bed, sitting on Tidmouth’s legs, with her feet pointed toward him.

Tidmouth studied the socked feet in front of him. The star-print material was damp with sweat and covered with his semen. He leant in and licked along the arch of one of them, tasting his own cum mixing with Twilight's sweat. He played with the sweaty cum mixture on his tongue and smiled at Twilight.

Twilight cooed softly and watched as he swallowed, before moving to the other foot and repeating his actions.

Tidmouth licked and suckled at both of the socks until both of them were soaked with saliva. Twilight flexed her toes. “Well, now you've got them clean perhaps you could take them off for me. Oh, and... pull them off… with your teeth.” She grinned.

Tidmouth nodded and sniffed along the length of her left sock, before taking the end in his teeth and gently removing it. He and Twilight kept complete eye contact the whole time and Tidmouth could see the passion in her gaze. Tidmouth copied his actions for the right foot and dropped both of the socks off to one side.

He looked at the purple feet being presented to him and smiled opening his mouth and popped Twilight’s big toes into it, suckling on them. Twilight giggled and squirmed at the sensation. Tidmouth continued his assault by licking around and in-between Twilight’s toes. He tasted her toe jam and moaned softly not stopping until both her feet were completely clean.

Twilight pulled her feet away from Tidmouth’s mouth and readjusted her position, so she was squatting above his crotch. She picked up her discarded socks and held them over his nose, before pushing herself down on his erection. Tidmouth moaned through the socks as he felt himself plunging into Twilight’s love canal. Twilight too felt a surge of pleasure as she slowly started to bob up and down. “Mmh… yes! …F-fuck me, Tidmouth!”

Rainbow Dash glanced over and saw Twilight and Tidmouth’s cowgirl position and bit her lip. “Mfh… that’s hot!” She reached out to one of Tidmouth’s feet and pulled off the sock he was wearing, lifting to her nose as she began to frig herself off once more.

Sunset was starting to feel light-headed from Rainbow’s musk. It was so weird… yet so arousing. She had also started to touch herself and the sounds of sex and masturbation around her only increased the speed of her efforts.

Twilight too was picking up the pace, spearing herself on Tidmouth and gasping with joy.

Tidmouth breathed heavily at Twilight’s socks over his nose and moaned as he felt his orgasm approaching. “Twi… I… I’m…”

Twilight looked into his eyes and held his hand, interlocking their fingers. “Me… too…”

Twilight rammed herself down all the way and clenched as she came. Her pussy clamped and spasmed around Tidmouth’s cock. Tidmouth's eye rolled back and he moaned loudly as he came deep inside his lover.

Rainbow and Sunset both heard this shuddering climax and pushed themselves to the finish line as well. Sunset came first, spraying her juices onto the floor as she moaned into Rainbow’s filthy socked feet.

Rainbow herself followed right behind, taking a deep inhale of the sock she was holding before giddily ejaculating again. Sunset took one last whiff of Rainbow’s aroma before collapsing back with a somewhat embarrassed smile across her face.

After their shared orgasm, Twilight had flopped forward and draped herself across Tidmouth’s chest.

Tidmouth’s softening hard-on popped out of her pussy, leaving a trail of cum after itself. He pulled the socks from his face and wrapped his arms around her, intoxicated by happiness.

Rainbow Dash sat back and sighed. “That… was awesome!” she said. “I don’t think I’ve ever cum that hard before! What did you think, Sunny?”

Sunset Shimmer didn’t respond. She just sighed softly and stared up at the ceiling smiling contentedly. All four friends just stayed quiet for a while, fantasising about if and when they might be able to do something like this again.

Their reverie was cut-short by the sound of the door opening and Vice Principal Luna stepping into the room. “Twilight are you in—What in Equestria has been going on in here?!”

· To be continued …?