> Summer Vacation > by whallmlp > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > The Invatation > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It was a bright and sunny day at Sweet Apple Acres the skies were clear and the wind blew hard but not hard enough for a certain farm girl who was busy picking Apples for her Family and their Family Business. Applejack wiped her forehead with her wrist unable to take the heat that came from the sun in the sky ("Well I'll be It's more hotter then Pinkie Pie's oven") said Applejack who was currently fanning herself with her hat feeling the heat rise in the area . She was about to call it a day as she was carrying her last basket of apples for the day until she heard something in the distance It sounded like a Motorcycle ("What in tarnation?") was all Applejack could get out before seeing a blue Motorcycle make it's way to her house and stopping at her feet. The rider sitting on it was none other than her Rainbow haired friend Rainbow Dash who was wearing a blue helmet with a lightning bolt on it Rainbow took off her helmet and shook her beautiful Rainbow hair before approaching the farm her with a smile on her face. ("Hey Applejack what's up?") Said Rainbow dash waving at her friend however instead of being met with a smile or a hi in return she was met with a stern glare form Applejack ("You know Dash if you wanted to talk to me you could at least not make so much noise") Applejack said not amused ("Granny is sleeping for apples sake") Applejack said pointing at the window of Granny Smiths room on her house. Rainbow chuckled ("Sorry...di..didn't mean to be so loud I just love to make an entrance") Rainbow said rubbing the back of her neck Applejack just glared her eyes clearly not amused ("How about you tell me what y'all want before I make your entrance into an exit sugercube") Applejack said making her hand into a fist Rainbow cleared her throat clearly not scared of Applejack she never really was if anything She loved when Applejack got angry, she thought it was cute even though she knew Applejack could take her in a fight but of course Rainbow's pride would never admit that. Rainbow Dash looked her blonde friend in the eyes ("I was wondering if I could ask you something now before you answer i want you to know it's ok if you say no but all I'm asking is for you to think about it ok?") Rainbow said Applejack had a confused look on her face Dash rarely showed up on the farm to ask her something she usually showed up to challenge Applejack to a competition or to just ramble on about how awesome her life is. So this was something new Applejack nodded her head ready for whatever question her friend had for her Rainbow took a deep breath and asked ("I was wondering if you'd like to come to Florida with me?") Rainbow asked confident on the outside but on the inside she was nervous hoping her friend wouldn't say no Applejack's eye's widen ("You want me to what?") Applejack asked to make sure she wasn't hearing things ("Look we don't really get to take break these days, weather it's stopping Evil magic or school So I thought that a trip to Florida would be a great way to get away and have some fun for once and I asked you to join because...because") Rainbow stopped mid sentence trying to figure out how to not sound too cheesy. ("Because what?") Applejack said wanting to know the answer ("Because your my Best Friend and I thought if anyone deserved a break it be you") Rainbow admitted with a slight blush on her face Applejack also blushed she didn't know what to say on one hand she thought it was very generous of Dash but on the other hand she had responsibilities to do on the farm Applejack looked her multi colored friend up and down before responding ("I'll think about it least let me talk to Granny and Mac about this first") Applejack said Rainbow shook her head understanding what her friend said ("Alright well I'll let you think about it") Rainbow said getting back on her motorcycle and speeding off. Applejack stood there pondering what to do As much as it sounded nice to take a trip to Florida with Dash she also knew she had responsibilities to the farm and couldn't just up and leave without asking the rest of her family if it was ok or if they could hold down the farm while she was gone She picked up her basket of apples and went inside her house She went upstairs to her room and sat on her bed she thought about it for a minute ("Why didn't she ask the other girls to go on the trip with them though why is it just me and her?" ) Applejack thought but she shrugged her shoulders and decided she'll deal with it tomorrow. Meanwhile at Rainbow's house Rainbow was a hot wreck ("I was so worried she would say no But she also didn't say yes") Rainbow thought while walking back and forth in her bedroom ("Seriously Rainbow calm down your acting as if you....") Rainbow stopped her train of thought before she could finish thinking that thought It's no secret Rainbow was bisexual but she had never really been with a girl before Could it be that she could be ("No..no...no") Dash said in a fit of denial She took a deep breath and walked into her bathroom And changed into her pajamas She headed over to her bed and laid down Her thoughts clouded with what Applejack might answer. Rainbow sighed and turned off her lights ("I hope she says yes... no she will right? ....right?") Rainbow said trying to be confident but also had doubt in her mind she closed her eyes and let herself drift to sleep deciding to deal with it tomorrow when she sees Applejack again.