Defranan The Cursed World

by watbebe

First published

Rainbow dash awakes in a alternate universe and finds a human named Alfred

Rainbow dash awakes in a alternate universe and finds the human Alfred, Alfred helps rainbow get back to Equestria but thereby accidentally gets teleported to Equestria aswell, Luna makes a portal to the two worlds found Earth and Defranan the cursed world


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Rainbow Dash awakened.
It seems like she had fell asleep on a cloud again, however she did not recognize where she was.
"It must have been a moving cloud" thought Rainbow.
She flew down to the ground and inspected the area, it seems there wasn't much around but the air somehow smelled differently, less fresh.

Rainbow set out to explore, after some time she found a strange looking stone house.
"Where there are houses there are ponies" Rainbow thought.
Upon trying to open the door, she noticed it was locked for some reason, so she knocked on the door.

"I have payed already this month", came the answer.
"Im sorry mister you must be mistaking me for someone else" yelled Rainbow Dash back.
Finally the door opened, but what Rainbow looked at was nothing she had seen before yet spoke her language.
"What the hay" Rainbow said with large eyes, after taking a few steps back she inspected it more thoroughly.
"What are you?" they asked in precisely the same moment.

Rainbow started talking "I am a pegasus my name is Rainbow Dash, what are you?",
"I am Alfred my race is human, fascinating i have never seen anything like you before".
"Well i think im lost, i fell asleep on a cloud and i ended up beeing here" Rainbow said,
"Well come in I'll give you somthing to eat and then i'll show you a map" Alfred said.

Rainbow together with Alfred entered the house, it was pretty standart except the fact it was made from stone like in Canterlot.
After they had eat Alfred showed Rainbow the map, however Rainbow din't recognize anything on it.
Alfred said "maybe you come from a different world, but the question is how did you end up here".
"I come from Equestria" Rainbow said, "Nope never heard of it in my life" replied Alfred.
After that the two went searching for the spot rainbow entered the world.

as they walked it seemed to become darker and darker the closer they got to where Rainbow first awoke.
"This is it" Rainbow said in the darkest night she had ever seen,
"Yes there is definetly somthing here, i can't see a thing" Alfred said.
"I'll fly up" Rainbow said as she flew up with high speed, a moment later Rainbow was back in Equestria,
Only problem Alfred was here too.


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"Where the hell am I?" Alfred said.
"Welcome to Equestria" Rainbow said with a singing voice.
"Right well do i stay here or what?" Alfred said, as they walked across the road.
"Well i suppose you could see my town Ponyville" Rainbow said.
"Alright not like i liked my home anyway, I was alone out there with a rusty old house".
They continued down the road until they arrived at ponyville.

"Wow this place is full of weird looking ponies",
"Heh silly we have Earth Pony's , Pegasus Pony's and finally Unicorn Pony's" Rainbow said.
"We also have Alicorn Pony's who are both Unicorn and Pegasus and Earth but there are only a few of those" Rainbow said.
As they walked further into the town Pinkie Pie dropped out of nowhere,
"Who's your strange looking friend Rainbow???" Pinkie said.
"Oh hey pinkie this is Alfred hes what he calls a human.
"A human huh?" said pinkie as she jumped up and around inspecting Alfred.
"Im sorry about this Alfred she's always like this, Pinkie is the most silly party pony there is" Rainbow said.
"Yeah ok where are we going exactly?",
"Well let's go visit Twilight first she is one of the best students and magical ponies in all of Equestria and one of my best friends like Pinkie here" Rainbow said.

After some time they arrived at Twilight's tree library house,
They entered the house seeing Twilight Sparkle talking to Lyra Heartstrings.
"Hey Twilight" Rainbow said,
As Twilight and Lyra looked at the others there was a great shock in Lyra eyes "no... that's impossible,
You are a human!" Lyra jumped up and rushed at Alfred knocking him down to the ground "you are!" Lyra said.
"Yes yes i am human please calm down" Alfred said as he tried to stand up again.
"Rainbow who's this creature Lyra calls a human?" Twlight said.
"This is Alfred hes a human, I found him after I apparently accidentally entered an alternate universe,
He helped me get back here, but by doing so he got stuck here".

Twilight inspected him very carefully taking notes and using magic from time to time,
"Indeed he seems to be from a different universe, I can't tell much more though.
We should inform the princess at once" Twilight said,
"O my gosh o my gosh o my gosh hes human" Lyra said "Lyra what is it with you and humans?" Alfred asked.
"Umm i don't know actually but everyone always said humans weren't real but here's your proof" Lyra said.
"Alright Twilight? who is this princess character?" Alfred asked.
"The princess? She is the most powerful beeing in the world and she might have an idea what is going on here" Twilight said. "She's an Alicorn one of the few" Rainbow said.
They waited for Spike to come back, when he was finally back he was with Rarity, Applejack and Fluttershy.
"Hello everyone" Spike said "What is that" Rarity asked looking shocked".
"That" is Alfred a human" Twilight said.
"I told you human's were real" Lyra yelled from the back of the room.
"Hi mr. Alfred im Fluttershy" Fluttershy said politely.
"Wow i reckon you found him a dumpster" Applejack said.
"Applejack!" Twilight yelled "Im sorry twilight but he looks all roughed up
"O no no no that won't do i'll wash him and give him some new clothes" Rarity said.
"We don't have time for that we need to talk to the princess about how he got here" Twilight said.
"Alright" Rarity said with an obvious disaster tone in her voice.
"Spike take a tone" Twilight said "alrighty" Spike said as he grabbed pen and paper.

no princess

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After sending the note everyone waited, after some time a note finally came back but it wasn't from Celestia.
It was Luna's and it said,
"Twilight there have been alot of strange things happening around here, alot of pony's have gone missing including Celestia, this however is the first time i hear of a human entering our world.
Come to me in Canterlot as soon as possible, Yours sincerely Luna.
"Well i suppose we need to go to Canterlot as fast as we can" Twlight said.

Some time later, the group of 7 ponies a dragon and a human entered Canterlot.
At the moment they arrived at the gates of Canterlot Luna rushed towards them,
"Hello everypony" Luna said.
"Hey Luna nice to the you again" several pony's said.
"Hello Princess Luna I am Alfred nice to meet you" Alfred said.
"Nice to meet you mr. Alfred but there is no time for formality's" Luna said.
"Twilight teleport us to the castle please" Luna said.
"Alright" Twilight said as they teleported to the castle.

"Wow what was that!" Alfred said,
"That was a teleportation spell" Twilight said, "teleportation? i heard of that but It's not possible in my world".
"Really? interesting" Twilight said.
"A lot of pony's have gone missing in the last few days including Celestia" Luna said.
"Well I think we should find a way to open a portal between the two places, it could even become an alliance" Rainbow said.
"Wow I never thought you would say that RD" Twilight said.
"Good idea then we can also get our ponies back, i want you to research this Twilight" Luna said.
"Rarity, Fluttershy I want you to make a medcenter for if there are hurt ponies this may be bigger then we think now, Rainbow, Applejack I want you two to be the front, you'll need to go the other world and report to me,
Spike i want you to help Twilight any way you can, Pinkie can you help Shining Armor prepare the soldiers?" Luna said.
"Sure can do" Pinkie said.
"Alright Lyra you will be our ambassador,
And Alfred I suppose you are the Human ambassador for now" Luna said.
"Alright don't suppose I can do anything else" Alfred said.
"Yay yay yay Im ambassador for humans" Lyra said.

A little while later Twilight returned to Luna.
"I found out how we can open a portal to the new world but there seems to be three worlds connected,
Our world Equestria, the human world named by Alfred Earth, and another one which I can't explain but it felt evil when i tryed to find portal openings i suggest beeing careful Luna" Twilight said.
"Advise noted Twilight Sparkle" Luna said.
"Multiple ponies have come back Luna, they are talking about two different world they talk the world described by Alfred and a dark world cursed and corrupted" Rarity said.
"Open the portals Twilight, we will send a squadron to defend the earth world.
And I want Rainbow and Applejack to explore the other world, Rainbow, Applejack take these charms they will protect you from corruption of any kind" Luna said.
"Alright" Rainbow and Applejack said.
Upon arriving at the location Twilight found best to place the portals,
Lyra and a squadron of guards steps through the first to the human world,
And Rainbow and Applejack with their charms stepped through the second portal and entered Defranan the cursed world.


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The first thing Rainbow saw was endless darkness,
It seemed that the charms Rainbow and Applejack were wearing gave of some sort of light so that they could see atleast somthing, "I reckon we find a place to make a light or somthing, because I can't see a thing here" Applejack said.
"You're right but we should make a fire here too otherwise we'll never find the portal again" Rainbow said,
"Yeah" was Applejack's responds.
After they made a fire at the portal they set out to find out if there was life on this planet at all.

After a while they found an injured pony.
"What happend to you?" applejack asked, "Celestia she has gone insane!" yelled the injured pony "calm now" applejack said,
"No i can feel Im lossing myself too, get away from me!" the injured pony said while smashing around him vigorously,
"Let's get out of here while we can Applejack" Rainbow said,
"No we have to help him, atleast carry him to the portal if he wants or not" Applejack said "right" Rainbow said.
They dragged the pony with them to the portal still struggling to fight them,
They went through the portal and gave the pony to Rarity.

After that they reported to Luna saying it was a dark corrupted barren wasteland, and of what the pony had said.
"Then it is as i feared, i believe this might be Defranan the cursed world.
Celestia told me about it she thought she had removed the corruption's power to enter our world but it seems we will have to fight again" Luna said.
"Gather as many soldiers as you can Shining Armor, this is war we wil have to fight untill the end" Luna said.

After those words two soldiers visibly injured and Lyra Heartstrings, came through the Earth portal,
"We fought best we could Luna but the corrupted ponies and twisted creature's were to strong"
The second soldier said obviously beeing the Lieutenant of the squadron send to earth
"This soldier saved by life but thereby he was severly injured" the Lieutenant said.

"Alright now that all the random portal appearing are all in these two portal alone we should only have to defend the portal to Earth and our own to make sure the corruption can't enter,
Thus I want 5 squadron's on each side defending it,
And i want all of the remaining soldiers to wear my charms against the corruption and to go with me to war,
Against both the corruption and sadly my sister now corrupted" Luna said.
"After those words the soldiers entered the human world and protected their own.
Rainbow and Applejack went together with the soldiers and Luna through the portal of Defranan.


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The soldiers arrived at the other side of the portal, Clearly ready to stand their ground.
"Rainbow can you scout ahead?, Applejack can you make a base of operations here at the gate? we will need the protection" Luna said.
"Sure will" Rainbow and Applejack said.
After Applejack did her job she returned to the soldiers, and Rainbow returned as well bringing the news that there was a giant fortress seemingly made of pure darkness.

The soldiers moved on towards the fortress,
Once at the fortress they were instantly attacked by what seemed to snakes with a more humanoid appearance,
Darkness coming from them.
The snakes were the most ugly creatures Rainbow had ever seen,
Rainbow was the first to be jumped but made an evasive move and managed to fly up, once above the battlefield she could see that the soldiers were beeing easily overpowered Applejack had trouble holding her ground and Luna was nowhere to be found.
Rainbow made the decision to sonic rainboom right into their faces,
Rainbow grinned "Bet they won't see that one coming" the said to herself.
"Duck!!!" Rainbow yelled as the soared through the sky right to the ground creating a sonic rainboom and just in time pulling up to see all the guards ducked and the monsters hit right to their faces.
"Everyone alright?" Applejack asked after everyone got up again
"Yeah were fine" the lieutenant of the group said,
"Rainbow that was really dangerous!" Applejack said.
"Well did you see any other way?" Rainbow asked.
"No" Applejack said honestly.

"I looked over the battlefield before I charged in but I couldn't find Luna where is she?" Rainbow asked,
Everypony looked around but nopony could see her "they must have taken her!" a soldier said,
"Then we'd best get in there as fast as we can" the lieutenant said.
As everypony charged in to the castle everything seemed dark and dizzy,
It felt like the walls were moving, finally they reached the throne room.

They did not expect to see Twilight, Luna, Alfred and a dark version of Celestia there.
"Welcome" Celestia said in the darkest voice Rainbow had ever heard,
It gave her shivers to the bones.
Twilight was standing in a fighting position as was Alfred, and Luna was chained to a wall unconscious.
"Good you are here, care to help?" Twilight said.
"For you? always Twilight" Applejack and Rainbow said at the same time. They took positions beside Twilight.
"Ha ha ha, do you honestly think you have a chance against the Princess of the Sun, and the Darkness?
You are greater fools then I had expected".
More shivers to everypony, but nopony moved a musle away from her and stood their ground,
"Let Luna go Celestia!" Twilight yelled.
"Ha why would I? she would only be a threat to me even if it is a minor one".
"Because we will stop you if we have too!" Twilight yelled.
"Bring it on" was Celestia responds.

After those words the battle instantly started rays were flying everywhere,
Twilight used all the power she had to stop Celestia,
But it was of no use Celestia was an Alicorn after all,
Rainbow charged in after Twilight was struck unconscious and with a loud bang flew straight into Celestia who thereafter collapsed on the floor,
But because of the impact Rainbow was unconscious and the remaining soldiers were no match for Celestia collapsed or not,

Luna awoke in great shock of what was happening.
Applejack saw her chance and rushed towards Luna kicking and breaking her chains,
Celestia just a moment after the chains were broken unleashed a powerfull spell upon Applejack and Applejack also collapsed into unconsciousness.
Princess Luna and Alfred were the only ones still standing,
Celestia was already weakend and it seemed Luna and Celestia were now at the same powerlevel the fight seemed to continue for hours.
After all that fighting they were so tired Celestia and Luna both collapsed to the ground,
Celestia was preparing a final blow strong enough to kill Luna.
Alfred realizing that, charged in and knocked Celestia unconscious.

The End

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After some of the Guards regained consciousness everypony returned to Canterlot.
After securing Earth Twilight shut the gate forever, and did so aswell on the portal for Defranan.
After that Luna cleansed Celestia of her evil.
"I am so sorry of everything I have done to you, can you forgive me?",
"Ofcourse we can" Luna and Twilight said
"It wasn't really you doing that" Twilight said.
"Thank you Twilight" Celestia said.