In A Bind

by Holtinater

First published

Bright Mac helps Burnt Oak live out a fantasy.

Bright Mac helps Burnt Oak live out a fantasy.

Written for a Quills and Sofas Speedwriting contest.
Thanks to AFanaticRabbit, Bicyclette, Grand Moff Pony, Lofty Withers, Mushroompone, Snow Quill, Starshield, and SweetBanana for their help in prereading!

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Hung Out To Dry

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“Hey Oak, are you sure ‘bout all this? I mean, it was one thing to talk ‘bout it, but now that I’m here...” Bright Mac’s voice was hardly above a whisper, afraid somepony might catch him despite both the barn and the entire rest of Sweet Apple Acres being empty.

“Don’t worry, it’ll be fine,” Burnt Oak reassured, already tying the ropes into place. “One of my Plum cousins told me all about it. Said the first hour is the worst, but after that it all just blends together.”

Bright watched helplessly as Burnt kept tying knots, almost as if he were a spider setting a webbing trap for some unsuspecting pony to wander into. Which, he supposed, was mostly true, all except for the ‘unsuspecting’ bit. They both knew full well what was about to happen.

“Listen, I mean, I guess I just don’t know if I’m up for it. I mean, what if something goes wrong? Or—or what if somepony comes in and finds us here? Or—”

Burnt Oak leaned in and kissed him, effectively shutting up the young stallion. It was short, just a moment longer than a peck, but it was enough to calm every nerve in his body.

“Hush now, everything’ll be fine. Are you ok to continue?” Oak asked, running a hoof down the side of Bright’s face, ending wrapped around his neck.

“Y-yeah,” Bright Mac nodded. “Thanks.”

Oak smiled, then left one last, quick kiss on his forehead before turning to the mess on the floor in front of them. “Now, don’t worry about all the ropes being loose. There’ll be time later to readjust everything and restrict movement, just that it’s better for ‘em to be too loose now than too tight to properly work with.”

He stepped around the pile and pointed to a few ends of rope. “These’ll be for the front two hooves, and those,” he pointed across to a few more, “will be for the back two.” Right in the middle of them all was a modified burlap sack. “And lastly, that’s the main support. Can’t exactly hold a pony by just their hooves, especially when they’ll be thrashing about. That’ll be the first one to raise, then the hooves.”

Oak turned back to face Bright Mac. “You got all that?”

Bright went over the list again. Ropes for the hooves, sack for the support. Something nagged at him, almost like they were forgetting something.

“Oh!” Bright yelled, surprising Burnt Oak. “Where’s the milker?”

Burnt’s eyes lit up with recognition. “Right, yes. That should be…” As he talked, he trotted into the back of the barn where hay was stacked high. “Here!” A few grunts were heard as Burnt dragged the machine over to the main scene. “This goes on after everything else,” he said, pointing to the very top of it where a single teat milker lay. If one’s imagination went wild, they could think of putting something other than a cow’s teat in there. “You ready, Mac?”

Bright went over everything again. Raise the sack, restrict the hooves, put on the milker, and then hours of pleasure and pain. Could he do this? It was so against every rule he had ever learned.

He released a breath. Everything was going to be fine. There was no need to worry.

He looked into Burnt Oak’s eyes and firmly nodded.

“Great! Then we can begin.” In an instant, Burnt was laying on the ground, right on top of the sack. “Now strap me in!”

In no time at all, and with the continued help of Burnt Oak, Bright Mac had successfully adjusted everything to be quite snug.

Burnt twisted and turned, testing out just how limiting the ropes were on his movement. He found he couldn’t get more than a few inches of movement out of each one, letting him flex his muscles just the tiniest bit before hitting a roadblock.

“Everything to your liking?” Bright Mac asked.

Oak snorted. “You sound like you think I’m the dominant one here.”

Bright looked over everything once more, making sure none of the knots would come undone. “It was all your idea. ’s not like I’m really going to be doing much anyways.”

Burnt stopped wrestling with everything, just letting himself gently sway from side to side. “Could still act like it. If you wanted to.”

Mac stopped trotting around so that he was just beside his head, where they could easily see each other and talk. “What, like, pretend to be dominant and in charge?”

“Sure, why not? You rarely get the chance anyways.”

Bright Mac considered it for a moment, then slowly nodded. “Alright, sure. But if I’m bad at it, no laughing, ya hear?”

Burnt Oak snickered. “Oh, I hear you alright, but that don’t mean I’ll be able to hold anything back.”

Bright trotted away to get the one last thing they needed. “Well, you are going to be here until morning. I’d be downright amazed if you were able to hold back that entire time.”

He could see Burnt Oak swallow hard, and decided to continue. “In fact, the way I see it, over the next 12 hours or so, this handy device will milk you completely dry. And then keep going, and going, and going…” He trailed off as he picked up the milker with his mouth, and when he turned back around to Burnt Oak, he saw exactly what he needed, standing straight at attention.

Bright had always loved serving Burnt Oak every opportunity he got, whether that was on the ground sucking that beautiful brown-speckled cock or, as it was now, simply putting a device on and watching him squirm. He would have preferred something more direct than this, but it was what Oak wanted, so he really had no choice in the matter.

He trotted up and placed the tube on Oak’s member, and then (because he was already down there), nuzzled into his balls, eliciting a yelp from the stallion.

“I always forget your weird obsession with my sack.”

“What can I say? It’s a good sack. I mean, it’s nothing compared to my sack, but it’s still a pretty good sack.”

Oak laughed. “Oh hush, you know my sack’s better. Just because yours are bigger doesn’t make them better.”

“What, ‘it’s not the size that counts, it’s how you use it’? How do you use a sack?”

“I use mine every day, and most of what it makes goes through those pretty lips of yours.”

Flustered and without a rebuttal, Bright Mac returned to the large machine, ready to turn it on. “Any last words?”

Burnt steeled himself, which inadvertently made his penis flex towards himself, made glaringly obvious with the meters-long tubing connected to it. “I regret nothing, Master.”

Bright nearly hit the button, but then caught himself as the words actually registered. “Wait, ‘Master’? And what would you regret? This is exactly what you wanted.”

Oak sighed. “I was leaning into the whole ‘you being dominant’ thing. I must’a done something wrong to be put in this predicament, eh?”

Bright Mac thought about it. “I guess? But what would you have done?”

Oak groaned this time. “I don’t know. I stole some of your hayfries. Just get this thing going.”

Bright coughed once, getting back into the little scene they had constructed. “Alright, alright. For stealing my hayfries, you will now be subjected to a full night of milking. Any last words?”

Burnt Oak lifted his head so he could look at Mac through his legs. “I’d do it again!”

Mac pressed the big red button on the machine, and instantly the milker started doing its thing.

And then it fell off and onto the floor.

“Shoot! Forgot to make it sealed. Gimme a sec…” Bright ignored the frustrated snort from Oak while he scrambled for the little tube, grabbing it in his mouth and quickly putting it back where it was supposed to go. Adjusting it with his hooves, he finally got it to suction onto Burnt Oak, able to pump while staying completely still this time. “Phew! There we go. How ya feelin’?”

Oak looked around a bit and shrugged. “Eh, your mouth would feel better. I think the good stuff comes from it never stopping though, so… ask me again in an hour.”

“Buck! Buck buck buck buck buck! Aaaaah!”

Bright Mac walked into the barn, happy to see that Burnt Oak was still trying to toss and turn in his bindings, and failing miserably.

“You cum again?” Mac asked while closing the barn doors, just in case somepony came along.

Oak thrashed again, trying in vain to buck off the relentless milker. “Buck this… Buck this…” He was breathless, as if he had just run a marathon. “Get me out of here. It’s too—” he groaned loudly as his penis twitched violently. “T-t-too much. Please please please please—” his whole body stiffened, pulling hard against every restraint. Through the clear glass it was easy to see as tiny spurts escaped the violently twitching member. “Please!”

And this was why Bright Mac was so hesitant to watch over him. Burnt Oak had instructed him that, no matter what he said or did, he wanted to stay in for a full 12 hours.

They were on hour 1.

“Sorry bud, but you’ve barely even started. I’m gonna check that these ropes are secure one last time before I hit the hay, alright?” Mac started to walk away from the scene, hearing the gasping ‘no’s from Oak as he did so. Trying his best to ignore them, he made sure everything was in order.

“I’ll suck your dick!”

Mac turned around, confused. “What?”

Oak’s head was upside-down, looking behind him at Mac. “I’ll suck your dick! I’ll be the bottom now. Forever. Just… just get me out of this thing.”

Bright sighed. “No can do. You told me to keep you in here until the sun came up, and that’s exactly what I plan on doing.” He had finished checking ropes, and started walking towards the door.

“Please! I’m running empty! Just… let me out when I start shooting blanks. Please. No reason to leave me here then, right? Hnnnnng!”

Bright Mac opened the barn door. “Good night Oak! Try and get some sleep, ok?”

“Buck you!”

Bright opened the barn again, surprised at how calm the morning had been. The first few hours were filled with screaming, dying down a bit as the night went on, but still there. When he walked in with the morning sun, the only sounds were from his own hoofsteps and the gently whirring machine, still going at the same exact pace as the night before.

Bright walked right up to Oak’s face, intending on having an actual conversation with him. When he saw his face, he doubted if that was possible.

Burnt Oak’s tongue had fallen out of his mouth, the fur around it matted with saliva that he hadn’t bothered to keep in. Despite his eyes being open, he hadn’t responded to Mac’s presence just yet.

Mac pressed a hoof to Oak’s face. “Hey bud. How’re we feelin this morn’?”

Oak slowly looked up, finally seeing Bright Mac, but it took him a moment more to recognize him. “H-h-hey…”

Bright smiled, then kissed his forehead. “You want me to take this off you?” He pointed to the pump that was currently pumping a completely flaccid penis.

Oak looked down, following Mac’s hoof to what he was pointed at, then followed it back to look at Mac again. “Nuh-uh,” he said with a single shake of his head.

“No?” Mac shifted his weight around on his hooves. He hadn’t been prepared for this. Burnt Oak only told him what to do if he begged to get out, not if he begged to stay in. “I’ll tell you what. I’m gonna go fetch you some more water, then I’m gonna do the rest of my mornin’ chores. Shouldn’t take me more than a few hours. We’ll see how you’re feeling then, alright?”

Oak hummed his approval, closing his eyes and nuzzling into the hoof pressed against his face. “Love you Brighty…”

Bright Mac laughed, delighted at how love-y Oak was feeling. “I love you, too.”