> “Have Some Fun With Us, Sunshine.” > by Sunset Awesomness17 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Circled > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sunset walked through the halls after her embarrassing incident with Rainbow Dash. She hadn’t mean to act so irrationally like that, but what else was she supposed to do? Rainbow was just being a big show off and careless. “Ugh! It’s not my fault. It’s not like I’m the one showing off my mad guitar skills in the band.” She rolled her eyes as she let out a frustrated sigh. “I don’t know how much more of this I can take.” She focused her gaze on the floor, not really focusing on where she’s going. The halls were quiet as not very many students were inside, but rather they were outside busy trying to one up each other. She unconsciously moved to the darkest hallway, where no one’s ever went to because.....well it was old, the lockers didn’t really work, and the lights just never worked because of something with the wiring of the school that just screwed it up from the start. At least that’s what the principals have told us. She looked around her to make sure that she was alone, then she hid into the shadows of the hall. The wall made for a nice surface to lean against. Across from her she noticed a mirror that she had placed on one of the lockers. It was small, but big enough to see her face in. Course her facial features were shadowed by the lack of light in the hall, but Sunset didn’t care. Sunset Shimmer walked up to it and examined herself. She checked her face, her hair, and then fixed her lip stick. As she was putting away her lipstick, the unicorn turned human could hear some faint footsteps in the distance. Quickly and quietly, she went into the darkest part of the hallway, so dark you wouldn’t even know she was there if your weren’t paying attention. As she listened, she could make out that there was more than one person coming. The footsteps grew louder and louder, then once they rounded the corner she knew exactly who they were, The Dazzlings. Sonata, the dummy of the group who (as scary as it is) is a LOT like Pinkie Pie. She wore a nice pink and purple dress, with a minty green accent on the hips, a matching pair of boots, and tied her hair up in a ponytail. Aria, the mean bitch of the group. She had on a purple dress with a green skirt, purple and white......tights? and a pair of purple ankle boots. Then there is their pack leader, Adagio Dazzle. The girl could honestly give me a run for my money on her confidence level. She had one a purple dress with a tutu skirt and purple ankle boots. The most noticeable thing about them is their magenta eyes and their massive hair. Like, TALK ABOUT VOLUME?! When they rounded the corner, Adagio gave a hand signal at the other two girls, then she focus her gaze right on Sunset. The redhead knew that she couldn’t hide in the shadows any longer, and the way the leader just looked at her gave her goosebumps. Sunset flipped her hair to try to hide it. She was not about to let them see any sign of weakness in her, so she took a step out of the shadow. “You’ll never get away with this.” Sunset said in a low, warning tone. Adagio scoffed, “Why? Because you didn’t.” Sunset’s eyes flickered for a split second, but the redhead forced herself to stand her ground. Adagio caught it though, and advanced on the girl before her, her lackeys giggling behind her. The head siren began to circle around Sunset Shimmer. With a wicked grin upon her face, the head siren spoke began to talk down to her. “Oh, we know all about you Sunset Shimmer, you’ve got quite the reputation here at Canterlot High.” ‘Girl you better step back.’ Sunset thought to herself as she spat out the first thing that came to her mind. “I’ve changed! I’m in a much better place now.” She said bitterly, her anxiety getting the best of her. “Waiting in the wing while your friends have all the fun?” Aria threw in as she and Sonata joined in with their leader, circling around her. Sunset hated the feeling of being the fly caught in a web, but right now that is what she was feeling. “Too bad, so sad.” Sonata added. The girl just following along with the other two. Sunset felt a ping inside her, knowing that they were not wrong. Though she held on to her self control for as long as she could. The circling around and getting in her space was already enough to throw her into a tizzy, but to add in their taunts made it hard to bare. ‘Oh Sunset, don’t let it get to you.’ She said to herself. “Oh yeah, you girls are so tight. And yet, they didn’t invite you to join the band.” Adagio continued. That did it, Sunset had enough of this play. The little redhead growled under her breath, pushing Sonata out of the way roughly, and tried to walk off. She felt a hand grab her wrist and yanked her back. Sunset let out a surprised yelp and struggled to get free. “Oh no you don’t. You’re not getting away from us that easily.” Aria said. Sonata giggle. “Though you can try, silly.” She put in. Sunset heard the two girls laughing and giggling when she felt Adagio’s hot breath on her ear. “You’re coming with us.”The head siren said with a cackle. Sunset held up her other hand and tried to claw Adagio’s hands off of her, but she felt something cover her head before she could ever touch her skin. After that, all she saw after that was darkness. Then she felt something being shoved into her mouth. The young girl struggled to break free, but she was no match for three strong sirens. They led her out of the building and into some vehicle, after that she didn’t really quite remember what happened as they left the school. > “F-f-fun?” > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sunset Shimmer felt herself being led into another building. She pushed, kicked, and fought against her attackers, but to no success. They then stopped suddenly. Without a word, her arms were lifted above her head and tied together by a rope. ‘What the fuck?!’ , she thought to herself. She also realized her jacket was missing, she must have been dozing off in the car as it was kinda a long ride. They removed a bag from her head so that she could see her surroundings for herself. “Hehe, welcome to our lovely home, Sunshine. Did you have a nice nap on the way here?” Came Adagio’s voice. The little unicorn’s head shot up to see her attackers approaching her. “Where’s Jacky?!” Sunset asked, her tone was harsh. She subconsciously tried to rub her arm as she felt goosebumps all over her arms. The little unicorn really did not feel very comfortable without long sleeves. All three sirens looked at her with confusion. “Uh.....who is Jacky?” Sonata asked. The blue siren scratched her the back of her head. The red head’s face grew a little pink as she just realized what she had just called her jacket. She looked away and bit her lip slightly, but with a very quiet incoherent voice, almost a lot like Fluttershy when she first met Princess Twilight, she says, “My jacket.” Adagio gave her a wide smirk, enjoying seeing Sunset uncomfortable. “I’m sorry little pony girl, what was that?” “UGH! IT IS MY JACKET OKAY?” Sunset blurted out, her hands bawling into fists as she tries her best to contain her anger. “WHERE IS IT?!” The sirens began doubling with laughter. “What?!” Aria was the first to speak. “Are you serious? HAHAHAHA!” “Haha! You named your jacket?” Adagio was next to speak. “Ahahaha! Wow, and you guys think I’m the weird one.” Sonata giggled. Sunset shimmer rolled her eyes as her cheeks turned a little pink. “Yeah I do. You got a problem with that?”, her voice was dull with a hint of annoyance. Adagio scoffed, “What if I do? You can’t do much with your hands tied above you head. Besides, your jacket is fine.” The little unicorn smirked at her, she just loved it when others underestimate her. Without a single word, Sunset Shimmer moved backwards and closed her eyes for a second. Then she opened them up, swung her whole body back into her previous spot and kicked her legs up off the ground, and wrapped her legs around the rope entangling them like if it was a pole at a strip club. Then she moved her hands forward and then swiftly pulled them back outward, stretching out the rope and broke it. Sunset smiled at her success and then bolted from the rope, pushed down the two sirens trying to stop her like some bulldozer and reached the door. She tried the handle to find that it was locked. The little unicorn was just about to turn the latch of the lock when she left someone slammed right into her. The person was using all of their weight on her, making it hard to get out from under, then within the next second she was yanked back, and away from the door. As the sirens dragged her back to her spot, this time tying the ropes with triple the knots, she could hear Adagio chuckling in the background. “My, my, why so eager to leave? We haven’t even begun to have fun yet.” That seem to get the little redhead’s attention and she gave the siren an questioning expression. “F-F-Fun?” Aria stepped up next to her leader. “What, did you think we dragged you all the way home for nothing?” Adagio stepped up to Sunset. The little redhead tried to take a step back, only to bump into someone. “Ow!” Sonata voiced from behind. Adagio kept forward. Sunset growled under her breath and reared her booty into Sonata as hard as she could, knocking the little blue siren back. The little unicorn used this to back up away from Adagio as far as she could, but didn’t get very far when she bumped into another person. “I don’t think so.” Aria said from behind. Sunset tried to booty bump her out of the way too, but when that didn’t work she attempted to kick her only for Aria to jump out of the way and found herself being thrown forward by her own kick. In the process she felt herself stepping right into Adagio’s arms. “Oh! Eager to have some fun are we?” Adagio teased. The girl in her arms growled again and tried to break free. Without any warning Sunset felt a pair of hands grip her shirt and ripped it clean off her body. The girl gasped in surprise, her eyes wide. The little unicorn squeezed her eyes shut as her cheeks burst with a crimson red. “No...!” She said in whiny. All three sirens gasped along with her. Their eyes just as wide as hers, but for another reason entirely. “Oh wow, no bra, Sunshine?” Adagio amused. The siren placed a manicured hand on one of the girl’s nice big perky breasts and gave it a little squeeze. Sunset yelped and struggled against the bigger girl. “Hey! What are you doing?! Let go of me!” Adagio let go of the girl in her arms and signaled for the other two to do the same. Adagio looked down at Sunset. “We just want to have a little fun with you. After all I have reason to believe that you still have a little bit of baddie somewhere in there, we just need to give you a little push to help you get it out.” “NO! Don’t touch me! I won’t let you have your way with me!” Sunset spat out angrily. “Oh well then we could always just tell the whole school just how Little Miss Sunshine goes to school with no bra.” Adagio threatened. The little unicorn scoffed and gave a little laugh. “Ha! Okay sure, I’m not scared of your little taunts.” She rolled her eyes. “So what if they know? Bras are so uncomfortable and I’m not about to suffer through 8 hours of pain for nobody.” The head siren’s smile faded. “Well why don’t we take a picture of you like this and post it online then?”,she threatened even further. Sunset couldn’t help but smirk at the yellow siren. “Oh no! What ever shall I do?” She spoke in a innocent, yet sarcastic tone. The little unicorn relaxed her legs and hang on to the rope that held her hands tight together above her head. Then she spread her legs out and leaned forward, loosened her legs so that she was now dangling loosely against the rope. Just to add a little sizzle to the pose, she arched her back with her hips cocked towards the sirens and stuck her tongue out. She then gazed up to the ceiling to finish off the look. The siren’s eyes widen as they definitely were not expecting her to do such a thing. “Wow! She is so fucking hot! AAHH!” Sonata gushed. Aria laughed. “Hmmm, they weren’t kidding when they said she had a nice figure.” The purple siren spoke up. > “...Sunny” > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- As Sunset kept her gaze to the sky, she did not notice Adagio come closer to her. She was caught off guard as she felt the siren’s hot breath just beneath her ear. “Hmmm I like that, Sunny.” She purred, grazing her teeth against Sunset’s earlobe. The little red head’s eyes closed as she held in a whimper. “Come on, Sunshine, have some fun with us.” The girl in question shook her had and moved out of her position to glare at the yellow siren. “What? No, I would never!” Adagio laughed. “Oh, but I think you want to.” The siren placed her hands on the waistband of Sunset’s magenta skirt. Then she leaned into the girl and began to trail little tiny kisses down her neck. Sunset bit her lip and squeezed her eyes shut, trying hard to not show any enjoyment, though she could feel herself getting wet. “Sorry, but there’s no way you can make me want to have ‘fun’ with you guys, like ever.” She said defiantly. Meanwhile, the other two sirens in the room had started to make out with each other on a nearby couch. Sonata’s giggling could be heard from across the room. “Oh I know.”, she said before she continued to kiss Aria.” As for the other siren, she glance up at Sunset and giggled. “Is that so? Well then I suppose.....” she trailed off, and then she yanked down Sunset’s skirt. Which got a nice little shriek from the girl. “...oh my!” Adagio exclaimed. Her nasty grin spreading even wider. The little unicorn could feel her face blushing once again as she could now feel the cool air in the room brush against her delicate pussy lips. Of course she also happened to not be wearing any underwear. “So not only do you come to school with no bra, you like to leave without any panties on? Hmm Sunset?” The siren gently rub the sensitive area very gently. She moved to suck on Sunset’s earlobe make sure to tickle the girl with her warm breath. The girl underneath her bit her lip as an attempt to suppress a tiny moan, which ended up coming out as a whimper. Adagio took that as an encouragement. She captured Sunset’s chin in her hand and pull her cheek towards her and licked it. “Come on, Sunny, I know you want it.” She said in a sultry tone of voice. She brushed her finger once more against skittle unicorn’s lips. A soft, quiet moan escaped from the girl’s clenched teeth. “Mmmm, yeah I think you like that.” Adagio smiled against Sunset’s cheek. “You sure you don’t want to have any fun?” The yellow siren asked again. Sunset shook her head. “Hmmph!” The siren’s smile spreads widely as she gives one final like on the side of Sunset’s face. “Alright then, close your eyes.” Sunset looked at her. “W-what?” “You heard me. Now do it!” Adagio said impatiently. The redhead opened her mouth to say something but as Adagio glared at her, the girl begrudgingly did as she was told. The siren smiled with a wicked giggle as she shot down the little unicorn’s body, bent her knees and then she stuck her tongue right into the girls honey pot. Sunset’s hips bucked and she let out a loud, whiny moan in response. “Oohhhhhh!!!” She opened her eyes as she watched Adagio begin to eat her pussy out. As much as she tried, she no longer had a control of her moaning and the way that her body just collaborated with Adagio’s movement of her tongue. Not wanting to be left out of the fun, the other two sirens join in. Sonata grabbing Sunset’s breast semi-roughly and sucking down on the other one. Beneath we her, Aria was on her knees and was about to eat out Sunset’s ass when she noticed something in the girl’s butt. Her eyes widen in realization of what it was. “OH MY GOD! No way, Pony girl! You have a little butt plug stuck up your ass?!” Sunset looked up at the ceiling as a moan escaped her mouth from the pleasuring of the other two sirens. “Uh, y-yes.” She responded in a breathy tone. Both Sonata and Adagio stopped in their pleasuring to take a look for themselves. “OH WOW! You really ARE a bad girlie!” Sonata giggled. She gave Sunset’s ass a nice smack on the cheeks, making the girl Yelp. The blue siren giggled even more when she saw it bounce. “Oooh! Bouncy!” She gave it a few more good smacks. “Ah! Ah! AHH!” Sunset exclaimed. The feeling of getting spanked like that somehow made her even wetter. She could now feel her pussy begin to drip. This did not go unnoticed with Adagio. She laughed as she also gave Sunset’s bubble butt a nice spank. “OUGH!” “Oh my Sunshine, does being spanked turn you on.” The siren asked as she cocks her hand back as far she could and then clapped it back down hard on Sunset. “AAAAH!” Sunset cried out, bucking her hips forward. Although it was painful, she hated the fact that she actually did enjoyed it. Aria laughed, “Hah! She fucking does!” She joined in on the spanking, making the little redhead cry out again and again. “Oh yeah, and I like to give them to her.” Aria then removed the but plug, grabbed Sunset’s ass and pulled it toward her as she began to roughly eat her out. The head siren leaned down one of Sunset’s ass cheeks and bite down hard on it. The girl let out a high-pitched whimper out as Adagio sucked on her cheek. Then the siren moved back in front of her pussy and continued her work with licking the juices from Sunset’s honey pot. The little unicorn began to moan and buck her hips toward Adagio, trying unsuccessfully to hold her tongue. She gave out a little whine every time she failed. The siren’s were enjoying her little losing battle against them. Sonata took one sensitive tit gently in her teeth and bit down on it, while she pinched the other one hard. Sunset tried to pull away from the pain, yet she arched her back, pushing her breast back into Sonata’s hungry grasp as she felt a rush a pleasure from the pain. Her moans were very high pitched and breathy. Aria stuck her tongue in as deep as she could, circling her tongue around and around. She gripped Sunset’s ass cheeks roughly squeezing them with both hands as she ate her out as if it were her last meal. Then she let go of one cheek and began to jab a finger in the girl’s hole. Sunset squirmed, bucked, and shook her body underneath the rough stimulation from all three of the sirens. Her moans became more of a loud high-pitched cries, as she began to reach her climax again, and again, and again for the third time. “OH! AH! OOOUGH YESS! HELL YESS! That it! YES PLEASE!” Sunset cried out. Her eyes going to the back of her head as she lost the strength in her muscle, relying on the sirens and the rope tied around her wrists above her head to keep her up. “YES MORE PLEASE ADAGIO! Suck them boobies harder, Sona-AHHH!!!” She was cut off short when she felt Aria stick in a second finger and started pumping her hand quickly. “AHHHH! YES Ah-AAAHHH-A-ARIA Fu- FUCK FASTER!!!” Sunset Shimmer came again for the fourth time, exhausted and spent. She was unable to continue anymore. “Girls, that’s enough, let’s untie her and move her into my bedroom.” Adagio instructed the other girls. With that, the girls cut off Sunset’s rope and moved her to the other room. > “....MORE!” > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sunset Shimmer woke up to find herself in bed with 3 sleeping sirens cuddled up next to her. She smiled to herself as a wicked idea comes to her mind. She carefully got out of bed, making sure not to wake up any of sirens. She found some rope in a nearby dresser and begun to tie up Adagio’s hands together. She tied Aria’s and Sonata’s to either legs on the side of the bed. Then she connected the two sirens’ ropes with Adagio’s. Satisfied with her work, Sunset then did the same with their feet. Aria and Sonata slept on their sides facing away from Adagio, while Adagio slept like a corpse, lying down straight on her back, arms and legs stretched out. The little unicorn then grabbed a little leather crop that she found in one of the bottom drawers of the dresser. She was already naked so she didn’t have to worry about stripping off any clothes. As for the sirens, they had taken off their clothes to sleep, leaving only their bra and panties on. “Hmph, this is going to be a nice payback girls, just you wait.” She said in a low tone of voice. The redhead then carefully climbed back into the bed, placed her legs on either side of Adagio’s head, and squatted just above the girls face. Sunset hand to try and hide her laughter as she gave the girl below her a nice smack with the crop on the spot of the panties between her legs. She repeated the motion several times roughly, not even letting in a little mercy for the siren. Adagio cried out as she woke up, lifting her head off her pillow only for her mouth and nose to be met with a very soft, familiar pair of big juicy wet lips. Adagio squeaked as she realized immediately what it was. Sunset couldn’t help but let out a little giggle at the siren’s reaction. “Mmm, you like that? I think you do.” Sunset teased, enjoying the siren underneath her. She was about to give the girl another smack on her pussy, but then Sunset felt teeth bite down on little pubic hairs and gave a little yank on them, causing an intense pain to her sensitive lips. The little unicorn immediately jumped up with a yelp. “Hmm? What’s the matter Sunshine, isn’t that what you wanted?” Adagio chuckled, as she repeated the motion again. “Oh, but I do enjoy our little fun moments we have together.” Next to her Aria and Sonata had awoken from Adagio’s shrieks. “Oh ho ho! Bitch, you don’t get to tie me up without including me in your little fun.” Aria flipped herself over to look up at Sunset. “And you tied these ropes a little lose, Pony Girl.” She laughed as she broke lose from the ropes, somehow able to cut them with her teeth. Then the purple siren went over so undo Sonata’s and Adagio’s ropes. “Yeah I want to have some fun, too.”Sonata put in. She rolled over to the sit above Adagio’s head, and wrap her arms around Sunset’s breasts, squeezing them and groping them. The little unicorn couldn’t help but moan. Aria threw off her green laced panties and then she got back up on the bed. Then she stood just above Sunset’s head. “Lick it.” She commanded. The little redhead hesitated, but then she felt Adagio tug on her little patch of pubic hairs on her pussy, and she couldn’t help but moan into Aria’s lips. She then began to work her tongue roughly up and down Aria’s honey pot. The girl above her cried out in pleasure. “OH! FUCK YEAH! Get that honey, get that pussy!” As for Adagio, she also began to lick and suck out Sunset’s juices. She’d tug every now and then on the girl’s pubes, which actually turned the horny girl on. “Mmm, I didn’t know that you’d get turned on by getting your pubes tugged, Sunshine.”, she laughed. Sunset came quickly, followed by Aria, who squirted all over her face. Aria then moved off of Sunset to get a taste of her own juices, kissing her passionately. Then she began to join Sonata in worshiping the girl’s perky breasts. Sunset whimpered and moaned. She bent herself over Adagio’s body, going into a 69 position with the siren below her. She gave the siren a few quick smacks on her pussy, making the girl cry out before she began to hungrily eat her out. Adagio screamed in pleasure, enjoying the roughness that Sunset was providing. It had been so long since anyone had given love to her in this way, and Adagio was living for it. Not wanting to be outshined, she began to quicken her licks and suck harder on Sunset’s clit. Then she began to stab her tongue into the girl honey hole, eating her out as if she were starving. Sunset cried out in the intense pleasure the yellow siren was giving her. “AHHHHHHHH! Yes, please!” “Please what?” Adagio asked. The little unicorn little groaned in impatience. “UGH! Please give me more!!”,she responded. Adagio didn’t have to be asked twice, she dug in deeper, so deep her nose rubbed up and down while she stabbed her to her in as deep as she could. She twirled her tongue around and around. Aria and Sonata continued to play with Sunset’s boobs, the blue siren moving up the girl’s body to trial kisses from her neck, and started going down towards the back. Her sister on the other hand, was grazing her teeth against her tits, sucking hard on them. She then sucked two of her own fingers before sticking them up Sunset’s anus, and began to pump them. Sunset did her best to continue to pleasure Adagio, eating her out. She pushed her nose into those nice sweet lips, rubbing up and down as she licked and kiss the siren’s pussy. “OHHH! AHHHHHH! FUCK!” Adagio cried out as she came. Which Sunset gladly cleaned her out afterwards, enjoying the taste of the siren on her tongue. As Sunset came again for the second time, Sonata moved up to place herself in front of Sunset’s face. She then pushed her ass up to her lips. She didn’t even have to tell her what to do as Sunset began to lick her clean. The amber unicorn wrapped her hands around the siren’s waist and pulled her closer, sticking a finger in her pussy in the process. Aria pushed Adagio out from under Sunset. “STOP HOGGING THE BITCH AND MOVE OVER!!! I WANT TO HAVE FUN WITH HER, TOO! You fucking Hog!”,she shouted. Adagio rolled her eyes. “Well then stop acting like one and get in there!” The yellow siren moved over to grope Sonata’s tiny breasts and started to kiss her. Sonata moved down below the yellow siren and started to eat her out as she also massaged her leader’s nice big tits. Both girls moaning in pleasure. Sonata came quickly as Aria placed her body underneath Sunset and began to eat her out as well. The beautiful redhead took her fingers out of Sonata, licked them, then placed them into Aria’s honey pot. All four girls moaned and cried out in pleasure. Sunset alternating from Sonata’s ass to Aria’s pussy doing her best to satisfy both girls while she whimpered and cried out from the pleasure she was receiving from under her. All four girls came all at once, falling limply on the king size bed. Panting heavily, Adagio smiled up at Sunset. “Mmm, I certainly had some fun tonight Sunset. Though I must ask you one question before we go back up on stage in the next hour. “Will you join us in the competition?” Sunset immediately got up from the bed to look at Adagio. “What? No way I-“ She stopped mid sentence and Aria got up and tugged on her breasts hard. Sunset cried out in pain. “Well if you don’t, we can just tell everyone at the school that you had your pussy and ass sucked on by us!” The girl threatened. “WHAT?! No! They’ll never believe you.” Sunset protested. “Oh will they?” Adagio asked. “I think you got it all wrong, Sunny. I bet that if we told them anything, they would totally believe that the Big Meanie of the school, and turned crazy She-demon fucked 3 sirens.” Sunset closed her eyes as she knew that they were right. Even though they were “friends” she also knew that the five friends (or bodyguards) she was left with would totally just hate her and believe the sirens over her. Even Applejack and Rarity wouldn’t even think twice before throwing her out. They didn’t even invite her to be a part of their band! As Sunset thought about it over and over, she realized that no matter what she did she would never be good enough for them. These sirens literally treated her far better than they ever had and THEY WERE HER ENEMIES! She opened her eyes to see all three sirens looking at her, waiting for her answer. “Okay, fine. Im in.” “OH MY GOSH! REALLY?!” Sonata exclaimed excitedly. Her smiled reached all the way to her cheek bones. Beside her Aria surprised her with a hug. “I’m not much of a hugger, but I’m glad you changed your mind. Those friends of yours aren’t as forgiving as you think they are.” Adagio smiled as well, and for the first time it was actually a genuine smile. “Very well, I am glad you decided to join us, Sunset. You have no idea how special you are and those five are blind to not see it.” Her smile then dropped into a serious expression. “I know that we haven’t really gotten on good terms and I don’t want you to think that this is some sort of trap. We’ve been wanting to have someone new in the group, but we just never really found anyone worthy of the position.” She took a deep breath. “...., but you do.” Then her wicked smirk came back to her features. “Oh and I just love to hear that sweet voice of yours when I stick my tongue in your pussy.” The siren said as she stuck a finger between her legs and gently rubbed it against the girl’s lips. Sunset let out a nice whiny moan as she threw her head back. “I like the way you touch me.” She said. Adagio laughed and pulled her hand away from the girl. “Well, now let’s get out, get dressed and get something to eat before we go back on stage. We can teach you the words before we go. Maybe we can even add a little line for you to sing solo!” With that, the girls got up off the bed and went on about the night, defeating the Rainbooms and ruling the world happily and as they pleased. The end.