> Curse or Gift > by Connorcooper > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Part 1 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Even I have to admit. You got to love it here! Just ignore the fact you are in a world that is a children's TV show. Who doesn't like the fact you have the three basics all for free of course. Free warm nice food. Free warm water for bathing. And a free warm comfortable bed. Who knew that weeb-furry-brony kid from texas would make it to a world where the three would meet? This wasn't the same 'My little pony' (G4) from the show but an MLP world with anthros and besides the fact I'm in a common anime trope known as Isekai better known as sent to another world... How well... I didn't die (I think) nor was I playing an MLP video game or anything so that rules out the basics... I could be dead the human brain suppresses traumatic events from itself so as not to go crazy such as birth or an extreme near-death exprance. Along with that, I couldn't go through the mirror to return because of two things: One I'm already a human and who knows what I could become if I went through it, two the mirror wasn't working it spat out Sunset and just cut off all connection to the other world. Confusing yes but Star swirl is still trying to figure out what caused it, but I'm in no rush to return to earth anytime soon because this place was nicer than back home. Don't get me wrong I miss my loved ones and friends but I think it's better for me to say than return knowing the leech I call a mother would dry me up and knowing if I were to die all of my money would go to her so she could blow it all on herself, her 'one true love', and my half-sister. JOKES ON HER I BARELY HAVE ANYTHING!!! HAHAHA! Yeah, not really funny now that I think about it. Because she might demand compensation from the military for the death of her military son... She'll try anything to get money even it means cheating the system. ... I sometimes wish my dad didn't have that one-night stand with my mom and found someone else. Yeah, a dark thought but still it hurts to know my mom used my dad so she could give birth to me and drain him of money. Fucked up, right? Well, this is nothing from the stories I heard of, I got off easy! Still being called many things like 'leech' still hurts knowing she gave birth to me so she could leech off him. How many times have I felt like a burden and could do nothing about it? Sure I went to join the united states air force not just to escape but help people... Even then I one can only do so much since they are only one soul in the sea of many. Guess what happened to me was one door closing and another one opening. At least I didn't feel like a burden here for my knowledge of human progression jumped the system by 15 to 20 years. Small things like in the case of blacksmithing. Like turning iron to steel, folding metal for stronger weapons, oil instead of water, and staining steel armor with copper mixed with gold for the troops to have lighter armor so they could move easier. Next to talking discord out of the biggest mistake of his life in uniting all the villains together. Better ending in the ending. Celestia and Luna still rule beloved by all and the princesses still learning how to rule, the elements in there well... element, Cadance and Shining being great parents for Flurry heart. God that kid was more of a little sister than my own blood. It was boring though... Get up, eat, train, sleep, and repeat. A boring life but simple. No monsters to fight and no armies in need of going to war over. Heh, if Earth was just like this the dark ages and both world wars wouldn't have ever happened and we would all be in a better world. Then again it could be worse... I don't know this life was good. Well, it was until this happened. I went to a museum, seems pretty innocent right? Yeah well, Luna was with me which she should have been in bed but... I don't know why but when I explained my love for space and along with all the theories I knew about my people's ideal of space such as black holes, brown dwarfs, and all that I knew. Let's just say a switch was flipped. Had to admit she was easy on the eyes for one and her personality was great too along with her love for science fiction made me want to be with her. But... I'm mortal and Luna is well... Immortal. Sure I was young but in 70 to 80 years I would be old and grey while she would be watching me slowly die day by day while she is powerless to stop it. Why would I do to her? I had a chance for love but fate was cruel even here, it played with me back on Earth as well. It might have been that one time for the first time I actually dated someone only in the end for her to break up with me because she just wanted to make my best friend that broke up with her jealous. This affected me by this one girl that liked me only to be disappointed by me still a bit torn from what happened before, but we were still good friends. Years passed from that but still... If I were to date and maybe one day tie the knot with Luna in the end it would only end for heartache for her. ... So there we there Luna being close to me during the whole thing but when we hint at the daring doo selection, yep this world's Indiana jones had her own section of artifacts and a lot of familiar stuff where on displace but some I have never seen from the show were here too. Then we can across the museum manager who greeted us as Luna and I were talking about an artifact that looked like one of the stones from the temple of doom. The manager had to come with the whole 'I wasn't expecting one of the princesses coming to visit' thing which made me roll my eyes as I went over to another artifact to read about it. It looked like a claw from some creator known as the 'left hand of the witch queen' had to say it was weird yet familiar. The hand from the witch queen had been cut off after she was hung (which is weird since witches usually are burned alive or drowned) then it was pickled in a jar of 'the night's blood' for seven years then used by a mad diamond dog warlord who wanted to raise an army of 'night-walkers'? The diamond dog was stopped by a pony it was that gusty person who beat Grogar after his defeat it kinda left a power vacuum from what I read. Yet some kinda guy thought it was a good idea to use the hand to create his own army and of course, take over Equestria but learned the hard way that Daring doo always outsmarts the villain. Mostly because it most likely no longer works because of the fact that it's been over centuries since it was used and the magic within it would have faded over time. Besides the fact it's worthless and only really an artifact of the past, it was placed in the open and behind those things to prevent people from touching the artifacts. The thing was old but still, no one knew not to mess with anything that had a history with black magic like a plague, well apparently two little brats though a museum thought it would be fun to fight each other there. The rich snobs as their parents not giving a fuck for the kids as they laughed with their friends and talked about stuff I didn't want to think about. Honest, I didn't care it wasn't my place to judge how to raise one's kid but they at least know how to control themselves in a public place at least so what happened didn't. These kids were about 12 or 13 but they were roughhousing and knocking each other down and into me causing me to fall forward and as we fell forward I was knocked into the display pillar of the hand as it came down and those sharp ass claws sliced into my cheek deeply. I'm no stranger to pain but it still hurt like hell as bloodshot forward the kids screamed as they were covered in my crimson life fluid this then got the attention of the parents who screamed and went all 'Karen' saying how I ruined their pure white coats with my blood like I had control over my blood. They quickly shut up when they saw princess luna as she went to me in shock at what happened, luckily the claw missed my eye and only got my check still looking on the bright side as she helped me to my feet. Little did I know it then but that claw did have some magic within it and soon I would learn that those last few hours of me being human were to be my last as after my stitches and returning home I did what I would normally do besides the fact Celestia was shocked to hear what happened. Though my life would change once again when Luna raised her moon-like she did many times but it came, pain that consumed my entire overwhelmed me as my skin was ripping apart, my bones shifted, and my muscle mass begins to grow at an insane rate. I had the curse of the night-walker. Blood rushed out from my eyes as I felt like I was dying right then and there for a moment I wanted to it was devastating for how hard I was screaming it felt like my vocal cords were being ripped. Celestia was awoken from my screams as she rushed to my aid, I didn't know to see her face but knowing her it was horror. Who would want to see a friend of theirs in pain along with ripping himself apart with blood surrounding him? When it was done I was so tired and numb, I should have been dead from shock from the transformation but my newfound immortality kept me alive. Then I learned what a night-walker was... A lycanthrope or better known as a werewolf. My body was pulsing as I could hear my own heartbeat in my ears as it washed out Luna and Celestia's voices as they tried to ask me if I could hear them. Luna held me close... That face I never wanted to see on their faces making me hate myself for getting myself in whatever I was in even if it was an accident. I just held Luna's arm as I went out, exhausted from the whole process. Now here I am... A fucking werewolf! Amazing right? I love werewolves! Heck, I had to calm the sisters down when they worried about me. Sure I had a lot to learn from my new body... Like how to walk on my new bent legs of an animal and such but the sisters would be there to help me through it. Got to say being a wolf is awesome but yeah the lords and ladies who already disliked the 'hairless brute' before now hated me even more for I was now the 'Beast'. Whatever haters going to hate, I'M A BLOODY WEREWOLF! Now then... How do I walk again? I need to- WHOA! *CRASH!* Owwwwwww... ... Damn it, this is going to be harder than I thought. > Part 2 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lifting his fur-covered clawed hand into the air to see if he still was a nightwalker. 'Still a werewolf,' Smiling as he brought his hand down onto his chest as he kept looking at the ceiling as his golden eyes stared up at it, the newly turned werewolf lifted himself up from the bed. It was day three of being like this and still, his body was still overwhelming, he couldn't help but think how a spartan II from halo after they underwent the transformation of becoming a spartan. Just like them, he had to re-learn how to do basically everything from walking, eating, hell even talking was alien to him. At least breathing didn't change. Next to the fact, his senses have been dialed to 20 like him hearing the maids chatting and the guards shifting in place. Stretching in bed he turned to the side of the bed and looked down at the floor. Walking... This wasn't a problem as one would think but his new legs were like that of a... well... a wolf but far more powerful and bigger to hold up his weight. Sure some furries back on earth had this kid of leg thing for some fursuits that they had bought or made but him? He never had a fursuit and never had anything like this before. Placing his paws onto the ground slowly the new werewolf got up grabbing the bed's front as he did to help with his balance. Shaking slightly he smiled then he let go and took another step forward before taking another and... "OH SHIT!" *Thud* Fell down again... 'Fucking great,' He laid there in thought as he tried to figure out what he was doing wrong but as he did his ears perked up upon hearing familiar voices. "Remember girls he's the same human we knew he's just trying to adapt to his new form," He knew Celestia's voice all too well. "I can't believe he was turned into a 'night-walker' in the daring doo's book the hand didn't do anything to that pony that was scratched why would it work now?" 'Huh never knew Rainbow Dash actually remember that' Trying to get up he was still shaking but he needs to get up at least not to look that helpless. *Knock knock* Oh boy, another hard thing that was so simple a few days ago. "C-c-come o-on in," His voice was different too like his new appearance of course. "Now girls remember what I said," As the door opened the main six, spike, starlight, sunset, and the princesses were meet with the former human turned werewolf trying to stand on his own but still his legs were shaking like crazy. They (except the princesses) were in shock upon seeing their good friend as a night-walker along with the fact he was barely standing. "You shouldn't be out of bed!" Luna rushed over to the werewolf who gave a dry laugh. "L-L-L-Luna I-I-I'm f-f-f-fine," The Lycan said as he was helped to the bed. The elements and the other three didn't know what to do as their friend for nearly three years was in such a changed state, still the former human even now barely able to walk and speak still he wore a smile on his face. Fluttershy was the first to move in on the Lycanthrope who looked at her as she held her hands to her chest before looking into his eye as the former blue eyes that the human once had were replaced with a golden fire color that all adult wolves have. Fluttershy then hugged the Lycan who was slightly shocked before smiling and returning the hug back as the rest followed suit telling him he wasn't alone in this. As the group hug lasted a few minutes it was broke leaving the group to look at the werewolf who was wearing but a pair of trunks quickly made to cover his form not like how he was before, being a werewolf has a lot of useful perks even for the bedroom... though he hasn't really done anything yet even when he was a human. That didn't matter right now though. Rarity spoke. "Darling I must say we must get you better clothes! Those trunks are so disgraceful! Let me get your measurements I did need to make you some new clothes anyway," Rarity said as the Lycan chuckled as she went over with her measuring tape as the others began to open up. "Got to say partner from what the princesses told us it sounded like you been through hell when becoming a night-walker," Applejack said as he nodded. "I-I-I-I-t hurt a-a-a-a b-b--bit t-t-t-though I m-m-m-m-might h-have b-b-been a little o-o-o-overdramatic," "What? Overdramatic? I'll tell you overdramatic! Overdramatic is Rarity pulling out one of those fancy chairs from her house to the middle of a field to 'faint'," Rainbow dash said. Rarity puffed out slightly. "No I wasn't and besides I was not going to lay down on the dirty grass," "Come on you went all the way from your house then dragged the chair to the field where we were at and 'fainted'. Sugar cube that is a bit overdramatic," Applejack supported Rainbow dash comment. "Hmph," Spike then went over to the Lycan. "I have to ask dude? How does it feel to have a tail now?" The young dragon asked as the werewolf looked to his back. "I-I-I-It's... d-d-d-different t-t-t-t-t-than I w-w-w-would e-e-e-e-expect l-l-l-l-little b-b-b-b-bro," The werewolf told spike as his tail moved from side to side. Twilight then took this time to pull out a clipboard, paper, and pen. "Alright, then this could also be a blessing where we can learn of a human turning into a nightwalker! After all, there aren't many recordings of pony, griffin, or dragon nightwalkers left from when Grogar's was defeated and the great power struggle happened! Your experience of being a nightwalker could help us understand how the nightwalker curse could be cured!" Twilight said. "Twilight is a curse, not a virus, and the changes are fixed there isn't any way you know this better than anypony," Starlight said as Twilight spoke. "Curses can also be broken as well Starlight," Twilight spoke but the sun princess placed her hand on Twilight's shoulder. "It could kill him young Twilight," Celestia said. "Besides he's already been through one extreme transformation and if it wasn't for the nightwalker's Immortality taking hold then he would have died from the process. Think about that but if the Immortality was lifted sure he would have returned to his original form but the pain, strain, and shock would kill him," This left the room dead quiet before the Lycan spoke up. "T-t-t-twilight d-d-d-do y-y-you a-a-always have t-t-those o-o-o-on y-y-you a-a-a-all t-t-the t-t-time?" The former human asked trying to lighten the mood. "Yes, I do what kinda silly question is that?" Twilight said with a light smile. The werewolf could almost hear the Text-to-speech-device of the emperor and leman Russ shouting nerd at the same time. "Egghead," Rainbow dash spoke up getting the Lycan's drift. 'Close enough,' The werewolf then turned to sunset who was ruffling his fur. "Whoa... so that is what werewolf fur feels like," Sunset said confusing those who haven't been to the human world by using the term 'werewolf'. "I-I-I-its what w-w-we c-c-call a-a-an n-n-n-nightwalker b-b-back h-h-home," The wolf said as Starlight then spoke up. "Isn't it weird how both our world and yours have different terms for basically the same curse?" "G-g-guess y-y-you c-c-c-can g-g-g-go with t-the b-b-bow t-t-t-theory," He spoke as Starlight raised her brow before sunset spoke. "It's the theory back on the human world where all cultures around the world used the bow even though they were on other sides of the world and from different cultures," Sunset said as the werewolf nodded. "There we go... thank you darling I'll get to designing you some new clothes so you no longer have to wear those rags!" Rarity said as she walked over to a chair and placed her glasses on as she reached into her bag and pulled out a drawing notepad. "Ohhhhhhh I should throw you a 'get well' party later!" Pinkie pie said being cheerful as ever. "Yeah, I'll get spitfire and the others for it. They want to know that their friend who made their shows 20% cooler is doing well," Rainbow said lightly punching the Lycan's shoulder. "Hell yeah, good idea Pinkie! I'll send a letter to the family back home and have them bring some fine cider and pies," Applejack threw out as mouths begin to water at the thought of the apple family products. "After all 'city boy' you still are from that Texas place you keep tell me about?" The werewolf chuckled with a toothy grin his old yellowing teeth had been replaced with pearl white fang that could rip into the meat with ease. "Oh! Is it alright if Discord comes? He's worried sick about you. After all, your his fellow 'crazy' whatever that means," Fluttershy spoke out. "Don't worry I'll have a nice pair of clothes ready before the party!" Rarity said overhearing the party talk. Twilight on the other hand was different about the party talk. "Girls are you sure he's up for a party? He can barely walk," Twilight warned. Sunset smiled. "Yeah knowing him he's up for anything and besides there was a study back on earth that being with loved ones will increase the chances of recovery by 56%," The former rival of Twilight spoke. "Sunset is right Twilight plus Shining and Cadance are worried and want to see him again," Starlight said as Twilight gave in through the sound logic of science and the family card. "Don't forget the others," Spike threw out. "O-o-others?" Spike nodded. "Yeah, dude a lot of people are worried about you! Vinyl, Octiva, Lyra, Tempest, heck even Ember is worried... in her own way," Spike told the Lycanthrope. The werewolf smiled slightly upon hearing this... Unlike back home, not many of his friends and family came to see him after his surgery. Though then again this was different than having a few teeth removed, complete and total transformation from human to Lycan is bigger than that. "Come on man do you really think they would all just forget about you?" Spike asked. "K-k-k-kinda," This shocked everyone in the room slightly before they remember how it was like back on earth in his life. "Come on man do you really think so little of us?" Spike asked to which the former human laughed slightly. "N-n-n-no," "Alright then you get to recovering and we will be with you every step of the way alright?" Spike said as the werewolf smiled. "Thanks, guys," "EHHHH Look! You didn't studder that time!" Rainbow dash pointed out as the werewolf rubbed his throat. "That's one step closer to the finish line," Applejack joked. "Now then how about we work on your walking?" Luna asked. The werewolf nodded as he got up as Luna stood to his left and Applejack to his right just in case he fell down. "Now let's see if you can make it to the door without our help sugar cube," AJ spoke as Twilight began to take notes as the group helped in their own way. 'Man Jack you got lucky as hell huh?' The werewolf then took a step forward. > Part 3 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Even for a new immortal, the process to recover is a slow process but with the help of others the process is faster than normal for one day he is walking like a newborn babe, and the next week he is running again. With the help of his friends, he was able to learn how to hold a fork once again before which resulted in his dropping it or bending it with his newfound strength. Even his very speech which supports the first thing young blood would learn before even walking and after trial and error, he remasted and gained control of his voice once again. Slow and steady... Though as he recovered the day court grew more and more ruthless on the new night-walker trying to sway Celestia to banish the creator of the night or lock him in a hole and throw away the hole. They even spoke about putting him down like a sick dog. Yet every time the Sun princess refused for that 'dog' has helped them throughout his stay when he was still human and he was the reason why the lords and ladies were even more comfortable than they were beforehand. Yet they didn't care he had proven his use and now it was time to be rid of him... Jack thinks that Equestria is past the dark ages but never has he been so wrong, sure they were far more advance than they once were but sometimes might never change. "Ow," "Don't move darling I need to finish up this fit then you can be on your way," Rarity said as Jack stood on the stand to let the white-coated mare do her thing and finish the tux. "Rarity I don't currently need this right now... besides it's just a casual party," The werewolf told the mare who only waved him off. "Nonsense every gentlecolt must have a suit whenever the moment arrises," This caused Jack to hold the bridge of his snout. "But it doesn't take two hours of you stabbing me with needles to get it right," Rarity looked at him before sticking him with the sowing needle. "FUCK! Rarity what was that for?" "Shush! I'm almost done you big puppy," growling Jack crossed his arms. "Don't growl at me Jack you might be a nightwalker now but your still the same human I met so long ago," The mare of fashion said as the Lycan looked at himself in the full-body mirror. "Yeah..." As Rarity bit the thread (which slightly surprised him) she dusted off her hands. "Done and done... now then what do you think?" Rarity asked as Jack looked at himself in the mirror. 'I look like 47 but as a werewolf,' "Heh... I think I'm too sharp because I might cut someone," Jack said as adjusted the blood-red tie. Rarity shook her head. "Be careful then," Rarity jokingly warned. "Also I love the fingerless dress gloves it was going to be a pain putting them on if they were normal. These things keep growing in so damn fast I swear I cut them than about a ten minutes later their back and sharp as ever," Holding his clawed hand the black claw was damn near sharp and luckily the only one to get hurt by these damn claws was the pillow he would hold in his sleep. (Au: don't deny it we at did it sometimes) At least he knew how to control them better, but then again in this peace-filled world why would he even find himself in combat again? Sure he knew some swordplay from the princesses and shining but why would he pick up the steel blade he never used but was given as a birthday present by Princess Ember. "Alright darling I think my work is done you got ten pairs of daywear, ten pairs of nightwear, and two pairs including that for formal events," Rarity said as the werewolf turned to her. "What about my uniform... I know you don't like it but still, it means a lot to me if you could tailor it to my new form," Jack said as he looked at the duffle bag that he had with him when he arrived. "That thing? The blue camo thing? Why that thing is just bad taste! Sure you were a part of your world's guard but you don't need it anymore," Rarity threw out as the wolf-man shook his head. "I not need it Rarity. That uniform isn't just a pair of clothes it's a promise and a promise even here I'm willing to uphold. Please Rarity?" Jack asked to which she sighed. "Alright... but are you sure you want me to change your name? Its-" "Yes. It's not fair for what she did to my career and completely ruined my dad's honor. Best I do her a dishonor and change it to what my dad wanted to call me," Jack said as Rarity looked at him before nodding understanding what kind of awful person his mother was. Going into the military duffle bag he pulled out the blue digital camo army uniform and handed it to her. "Please don't lose it... that is one of the few items I have left of Earth," Rarity nodded. "Don't worry it's in good hands Jack," Rarity said as she took it and walked to her case put the uniform inside it, and walked away with it. "I'll have it ready by tomorrow," "Hey easy now don't rush yourself the party is in a bit I can wait a few days," Jack said as Rarity laughed. "Don't worry I'll have it ready by tomorrow just altering clothing like this is so easy I could do it blindfolded!" Rarity then walked out as the werewolf looked at the mirror. "Fucking hell man. Got good friends here... though I do miss chatting with the guys... wonder how they are doing? Is my server still even up? Man, I wish I could tell them I'm fine and hit the jackpot on the Isekai lottery," Jack then began to change into the casual clothes that rarity made for him. Of course, no shoes are really necessary for his new paw-like feet but still pants were always great to have... Grey cargo pants, a green shirt with a familiar snarling drake icon, a dark brown jacket with a familiar blue and white crossed flag on his back, and a simple belt without an oversized belt buckle on it. Though he was from the texas he understood why some people liked them but he didn't care for them... besides the gun buckles that were out there god he missed black lagoon. What if he landed in rogue diamond? Jack shivered slightly though he missed anime and many more things from the earth and didn't find it in his heart to bring some of the series from there over here not like he would be good at any of the series. He dare not even think about touching marvel that belongs to one man and one man only, the original superhero: Stan the man AKA Stan Lee. As for Warhammer 40,000... He did talk with a spike about it but he only had a few books in the bag at the time he arrived and that was it. Three books on three of his favorite chapters. Of course, the one he was wearing, the one he basically is right at this moment, and the mighty void hunters apex predators. Well, the shark book did have the killer batmen in it. Still, good reads to have during his time. The sly cooper plushie was still with him, god that game was his full childhood! Kept it as a good luck charm through his buddies would give him a hard time about it but hell it was his to bring and he brought it. Still had his iPhone that he bought to replace the old phone he got from his step-dad but when he learned they were controlling who he could talk and message he scraped enough money to buy his baby. Freeblade was on it along with legions, space wolf, conquest, and a few other Warhammer 40,000 games among some favorites like plague inc and fallout shelter. Even in airplane mode, the phone lost power over a few days, and after that with no way to recharge it the phone became a paperweight and a reminder of his past. He just wished he could turn it on for a few moments to look at the photos to see the memories again. Kinda wished he had a solar charger and maybe got that youtube plus thing so he could download helluva boss and hazbin hotel episodes so he could watch them here. 'Heh... I still remember that fan art of Luna and Loona,' If that hellhound was here sure she would hate it here but at least they have a cure for her STD but that is just a thought, god his wafius were many and 80% were furry base. Well one of said wafius was hitting on him and now that he was Immortal the thought did cross his mind but what honestly does Luna (MLP) see in him? Sure now he's this big, strong, wolf being but before he was just a former airforce personal with an ugly ass face and long legs. "*Sigh*," Jack looked at the photo of his dad still in his police uniform when he was back at the old department. "Dad if you only could see me now... I do miss you a ton dad... Heck I miss everyone on your side... though I have to be honest I do miss some people on my mom's side but not her or him or that half-sister of mine... well maybe a little I did say I would protect her when she was born," Jack said as he placed the photo back in his bag as he looked at the Plushie. "They did Ratchet and Clank but not you... Fuck me they treat you like how Value like half-life 3 never going to happen," The werewolf then goes down into the bag to riffle through the old clothes that need to be refitted as well to his new body might give the socks to spike well the ones that survived, to say the least. Some underwear that was now more of a reminder of his human days than anything next to the spare belts he had and what else. Oh yes, his knife. Still here... He would care for it wouldn't rust or get dull. Nice blade at least he could keep it after serving his country. Oh, good lord, he forgot about this thing! A hand full of Meals ready to eat. Hey they aren't that bad, plus he owed someone that looked out for him and he wished that his mom would marry, unlike that prick. That marine was awesome and hell he watched over Jack when he was a kid at his mom was working late, god the MRE he gave him when he came back from overseas was good... he just wished he didn't go overboard on the hot sauce. From then on Jack promised the marine that he would repay the MRE he gave him so long ago but it seems like he will never get the chance. 'Huh?' Reaching to his face he felt it. Tears... Did he really miss Earth that much after the hell he went through there? Guess so. Placing the MRE down he decided to stop going through it and zipped the bag back up before turn back to the mirror as he smiled and placed his sunglasses on before placing his hand on his chin. "AH-HA! Hello~" Still after three years and being turned into a werewolf, he was still awful at that. Pushing the shades up he looked at himself in the mirror. "What should I do now?" "Maybe you should stop with the impressions," The sun princess's voice said as Jack turned to see sunburst herself sitting in the chair with a smile on her face. "Yeah your right Tia," Jack said looking back at the mirror with his arms crossed. "The only one I could do doesn't work the same way it used to," "Who? The Iron giant from that fallout series you like?" Jack placed his clawed hands together and inhaled before pointing the two at Celestia. "Girl," "What?" "Nothing... still even though I miss Earth sometimes I'm glad this is my home now... At least I when I read the newspaper it's something good like that new juicer system rather than a psychopath stabbing someone else in 'self-defense' and then the world defends the stabber rather than the person," The wolfman said before sitting down next to Celestia. "No matter where we come from and how bad it would be we will always miss it in some way," Celestia said as the werewolf leaned forward with his hands together as he rested his chin on them. "One thing I don't miss is my mom and that bastard doing it all night long and being so damn loud when there is an underage child in the same house," Jack stated as Celestia sighed. "Good mother... You had to remind me," The werewolf chuckled. "Yeah but now with these ears of mine I can hear almost anything and god lord your nephew doesn't know how to keep it in his pants. I swear he's been at least with three other mares this week," Celestia looked at him. "It's only Tuesday though," "You know what I said," The Lycan said. Celestia sighed holding her head. "Dearest mother he's going to have a foal sooner than later if he keeps this up then we'll have two of them," Smirking the Werewolf spoke. "Than I'll have to move into Twilight's castle... Spike, Discord, and Big Mach have been wanting to have DnD games more often," Jack said. "Though I think I'll make a Lycan character now since I know what it's like," "But my sister and I miss you, Mr. Wolfe," Celestia said turning to him with her head resting on her palm. "And it'll be no fun without our trusty canine," "Celestia come on... I've only been left the city like a handful of times and those times it's only been either ponyville or the crystal empire I would like to-" He stopped when he saw Celestia's face. "Uhhhhhhh," "What~?" 'Ok, what's going on here?' "Nothing... Um... OH, I think I hear Spike calling for me see you later Tia!" The werewolf got up only to be grabbed by the tail by Celestia. 'She totally got that from me telling her about beastars!' "Come on you can talk with spike later besides you still are recovering how about you stay here?" Celestia smirked at the werewolf who only froze up upon seeing her face. 'OH FUCK ME WHAT'S GOING ON?! THAT FACE TOO!? WHAT THE HELL!?' Celestia then began to walk close to the Lycanthrope who felt his heart racing as his ears flatten against his skull. "Now then how about we learn about the other part of your body you haven't used yet?" Celestia asked. '*Cue jontron clip here*' As she placed her hand under his snout and reached her other to his shirt. "Don't be afraid wolf boy we've known each other for a while now," "But I-" "Shhhh... it's a little fun... plus it's for science after all to test that new body part of yours," Celestia's said the werewolf's eyes began to dash around trying to find a way out of this. Wait are those footsteps? "I HAVE RETURNED BEARING GIFTS!" ... 'Oh, this is worse,' "Hello sister," Celestia greeted Luna. "Care to join us?" . .. ... 'What?' "So how's everything coming along?" Twilight asked pinkie pie. "Everything is hunky-dory twilight! We got everything from the ice-cream cake that Jack likessssss wait a darn minute! He's a canine now does that mean he could die from eating chocolate?! OH NO! That means I'll have to bake a new cake and... OH NO! I don't know what else he likes what does he? He like vanilla Ice cream but does he like vanilla cake?! What if-" "Pinkie pie... claim down... sure he's a night-walker now but he's also immortal to all forms of poison and in this case chocolate won't even give him a fever," Twilight said as Sunset smiled. "Different world but same pinkie pie," She said as she taste-tested the punch before hearing glass break as she looked up. "Oh fuc-" A werewolf landed on her. Jack and Sunset: "Oooooooowwwwww," > Part 4 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Oh my! Are you two alright?!" Fluttershy went wide eyed upon seeing Jack pull pieces of glass from his neck. As he did the wound quickly sealed itself much to Jack's delight. "Yeah I'm fine you should check on sunset she broke my fall," Jack said turning to Sunset who hand a ice pack on the back of her neck as she held out a thumbs out. "Give me five minutes and I'll be back at it," Sunset as Fluttershy the every kind soul she still was worried for her two friends. "Gotta say Sunset your kind of badass for just getting up from that," Jack told Sunset as she smiled towards him. "Me? Jack your literally pulling glass out of body and not even flinching that's so die hard!" Sunset spoke. "Wait which ones your favorite rambo or die hard?" Jack asked the pony from the human world. "Oh Rambo totally. Remember the .50 cal scene from part 4?" Sunset asked to which Jack laughed. "My dad loves that scene! Man but the tunnel scene from part 5 was pretty fucking awesome too," Jack pointed out. "Hey! Langage!!" Twilight shouted at Jack. "English!" Shouted back. "Here it's Equestrian! Also watch the cursing Cadance, Shining, and Flurry just arrived!" Upon hearing this Jack's ears perked up as his tail begin to wag slightly. "Hey claim down big guy they haven't see your new look yet," Sunset warned causing the werewolf's ears to flatten against his skull and hang his head. "Forgot about that," Jack stated as the Sunset patted his back. "It fine Jacob," Snapping his head at Sunset with a growl as she held up her hand. "Too far?" "Don't you dare compair me to that trash," Jack said as he got off the chair. "You just lost my respect," "Aw come on it was just a joke," Sunset said as Jack placed his claws into his pockets and marched off leaving a confused Fluttershy. "Um... who's Jacob?" Fluttershy asked. "Its nothing but stupidity Fluttershy best not look into it," Sunset asked. "JACKKKKKKKKKKK!" The werewolf's ears flatten. "Oh god no!" He then turned to see Luna flying straight towards him as his fur when white from fear (not really of course) as she zoomed forward. "SHIT! SHIT! SHIT! SH-" As Jack tried to get away he was tackled to the ground as a very pissed Luna looked down at him with fire in her eyes, the 'I'm-going-to-kill-you' kind. "H-h-hey Luna," "YOUR FUCKING BASTARD!" She then began to punch him in the chest with her fists breaking his rips as they quickly healed themselves. "YOU PREVERTED MANTHING! AFTER ALL THESE YEARS OF ME TRYING TO SHOW YOU I LIKED YOU I FIND YOU WITH ME SISTER!" She then raised her hands before before bring them down breaking all his ribs at once as the pain roared in Jack's chest as he couched up some blood as his body began to heal itself. Before she can bring it down the Twilight, Fluttershy, Sunset, and even Pinkie pie as she was pulled off a screaming and kicking goddess from the night walker who spat some blood from his mouth. "Luna clam down," Twilight told her co-teacher as Luna screamed like a howling banchee. "Jack! What you do?!" "I didn't do anything Celestia came at me when I'm trying to-" "LIAR! I SAW YOU TWO!" Luna hissed as she tired to kick the werewolf. Getting up the night walker was trying to claim down the princess as he felt someone press up against him as he felt a pair of slender arms warp around him. "Hiya lover boy," Celestia greeted as this enraged Luna even more. Shaking her off Jack spoke. "Celestia! What the hell!?" Jack stated as Celestia smiled. "What you mean?" Celestia asked as Jack felt his face blush. "Why you doing this-" *POW!* 'Yep that's a few teeth out and broken jaw' Falling to the ground as he was knocked out Jack watched as Luna stand above him kicking him even when he was down as Celestia was laughing as the others tired to stop Luna. 'What the fuck is going on?' (A few hours later) Jack awoke to the feel of his jaw fixed and teeth grown back as he got up from his bed as he rubbed his head as he saw... "Shining?" The captain of the guard woke up with a start. "What? I wasn't sleeping," The white coated stallion then saw Jack awake. "Jack your awake," "I am... god my jaw is sore," Moving his legs to the edge of the bed as he held his jaw. "What got into those two?" "Celestia and Luna?" Jack nodded. "Were still figuring that out very out of the blue how Celestia was going onto you and sure Luna has a temper but It has never been that bad before," Shining explained as he looked at Jack. "Damn dude got to say liking the new you," As Shining held out his hand the werewolf took it as he was pulled up to his full height before when he was still human he and shining where about the same height but now? "Damn son got another growth spurt?" Shining asked. "You can say that," He said as the doors to Jack's room opened as a familiar pink pony enter. "Jack your alright!" Cadance smiled as the nightwalker waved. "Hey Cadance," Jack greeted with a smile before noticing a small familiar filly hiding behind her legs. "Is that Flurry?" Cadance turned to see her daughter hiding behind her before placed a hand on the filly's shoulder. "Come on Sweetie is only Uncle Jackie," Cadance told her child as she came from behind her mother's back as the towering werewolf looked to see Flurry. "Hey sweetie... you've grown since the last time I saw you," Jack said as Flurry was a bit scared to come forward. Shining then spoke. "Flurry this is Uncle Jackie you've been telling us all day you couldn't wait to see him," Jack then knelt down. "Flurry its me," Jack spoke in a soft voice. Flurry then slowly went to Jack as fear was in her eyes as she approached him as Jack smiled, Flurry then placed her small hands on Jack's muzzle as Shining was about to say something but Jack held his hand up. Looking to Jack's eyes Flurry then dashed hugged him as Jack laughed before returning the hug as Cadance and Shining gave a sigh of relief. Flurry began to cry as she dugged her head deep into his green shirt as Jack patted her back. "What's wrong sweetie?" Jack asked to which she looked up at him tears coming down. "All the girls at school say that you are monster now and you'll eat me," Flurry cried. "Hey now did I eat you?" Jack questioned to which Flurry shook her head as she hugged him. "I need to talk to that teacher of hers," Shining said holding the bridge of his nose. As Jack picked Flurry up in his massive arms she sniffed as he began to whip away her tears with his thumb. "Come on Flurry I know what will cheer you up," Flurry looked up at him. "How about we try some ice cream before the party starts... if your mom is alright with that," Cadance sighed before nodding with a smile as Flurry smiled. "Thanks mom," Flurry said as Jack began to walk with the Filly in his arms. As he left shining sighed as Cadance's horn lit up as she casted a spell around the room before she spoke. "What you tell him?" Shining crossed his arms before turning to the window. "Something wrong sweetie?" Cadance asked. "Oh nothing I just lied to my best friend who is currently been transformed into a nightwalker then beated unconsceince by a drugged Luna? While Celestia is currently horny who also was drugged to the point of going onto Jack out of the blue?!" Shining said. "Why couldn't I tell him that?" "You know why Shining the court wants him dead! Sure they only been all talk but after today maybe one of them finally stepped up," Cadance said to Shining who sighed. "Besides we have no evidence connecting anyone to this whole thing but they knew that Luna had a crush on Jack and with Celestia going onto him like that along with Luna's temper that is already bad enough now was cranked up to 100! If Jack wasn't a Immortal now and still was a human Luna would have killed him!" Shining said as he held his head. "I didn't tell him about the other thing though," "Shining..." "Look I already lied to him once today I don't want to ruin the party too alright," Shining said as he held his head as he watched Jack sit with Flurry at one of the table eating some ice cream as Jack laughed as she got a brain freeze from eating too fast. "He's done so much for everypony... no everyone that to have somekind of assassination on his head just makes me sick," Cadance then joined him at the window as Jack ruffled the mane of the next crystal princess. "Well your going to have to tell him sooner or later its for his own good," Cadance said as Shining sighed. "Let them have one more happy memory before... before..." Shining said as he then spoke. "I don't envy my sister and her friends right now let me say that," > Part 5 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- (9:00 pm) *Cough cough* Jack pulled himself out of the river with the feeling of sharp pain in his arm, while he rose up and looked down to see his arm was intact but a metal fragment from the rebar in his room. Sitting down he looked at the metal shrapnel in it before looking up back at the castle which he fell from, with the one question going through his mind. Why? (8:30 pm) "Here you go darling," Rarity said with a smile on her face as she handed him back his uniform surprising the werewolf who smiled. "That was fast... thanks Rarity," Jack stated as he held the air force uniform in his hands. "It's not a problem darling," Rarity told him, Jack reached into his pocket and held out a few platinum bits. "Oh... darling you shouldn't," "Come on Rarity come on it's the least I can do," Jack smiled while Rarity spoke. "Darling its not really necessary to keep them," "Seriously Rarity take them," Rarity then grabbed his hand and closed it. "It's my gift to you darling keep your money," The white-coated mare told the werewolf causing him to blink. "Rarity I can't thank you enough for this," Jack said with a smile, he hugged her as Rarity hugged back before breaking the hug. But the look on Rarity's face made Jack blinked. "Rarity something the matter?" "Oh! Nothing to worry about darling just thinking about something back home," Rarity lied and Jack knew. "Rarity?" "JACK!!!" Landing on his back was Flurry heart as he stumbled forward. "Whoa there!" Jack smiled, Flurry heart held her arms around the werewolf's neck. "Now what did I say about you getting too big for that?" "Are you calling me fat?" Flurry heart puffed out her checks. "Yes," Jack joked. "AHHHHHH! TAKE THAT BACK! TAKE IT BACK!" Flurry heart 'cried'. "OH no the little spider monkey is crying about the truth," Jack joked placing his uniform under his arm. "But seriously Flurry heart get off," "No..." Flurry stated. "Flurry come on get off," "No!" "If you don't I wouldn't tell you about how thor tricked the giants into giving him back his hammer," Jack stated. "You wouldn't dare," "Oh, I will," "But you have to tell me!" Flurry whined, she loved Jack's stories about the viking tales he knew back on earth from his roots. "Nah I don't think I will," Jack told her. "Fine..." Flurry heart got off before Jack turned to her. "See there that wasn't as hard now right?" Jack asked causing Flurry heart to huff and puff like a child of her age would do while not getting their way. "Hmph," Flurry crossed her arms as Jack smiled before ruffling her hair. "AYYIII!" Jack laughed. "What was that?!" Flurry heart blushed while the giant wolf looked down at her. "Fuck you!" "WHOA!" Jack exclaimed his smile on his face vanished. "Flurry heart don less!" Cadance shouted, Jack, held out his hand while Flurry's mother came over to her with a mad look on her face. "Uh oh," "Your on your own kid," Jack stated knowing it's best to stay away from a mad mom. "Oh no you don't," Cadance said grabbing his ear as Jack whimpered like a dog. "Do you know where she learns those words?" "Ummm... Shining?" Cadance pulled harder. "OW OW OW! I don't say that when you guys are here! I say Frak! Please let go that hurts even more now that I'm a werewolf!" Cadance let go. "Well, she learned it from someone... I'm guessing you," Cadance stated. "Like I said Shining says it too," "After he learned it from you," The princess of love stated. "Hey I'm not a kid Cadance I can curse I'm an adult too you know," Jack said rubbing his ear when he noticed Cadance's face she seemed sad. "What?" Cadance didn't say a word. "Come on Flurry it's time for bed," "What? But I didn't mean to-" "Now flurry," Cadance then picked up Flurry up. Jack then placed his hand on her shoulder. "Cadance come on the kid mess up you don't have to push her like that let her enjoy the party," Jack said, Cadance turned to him. "It's pasted her bedtime Jack," This confused the werewolf knowing her bedtime was around 9:00 pm. "Since whe-" "HEY JACK!" Jack was interrupted before smiling as he turned to see a familiar blue scaled dragon in gold armor standing a few feet from him. "Ember!" The nightwalker smiled with the dragon lord stood before him. "So this is what happened to you? Turned from a hairless monkey to a furry mess?" Ember asked causing Jack to hold out his arms. "Seems so," Jack stated with Ember smiling. "It's good to see you alright Jackie," Ember stated causing Jack to roll his eyes. "Ember really?" Before Jack could say anything Ember hugged him causing him to blink and notice that now he was taller than the blue dragon. "Ok, this is new," "Spike said I should do this," Ember stated. "I don't really want to do this," Jack smiled before the two just stood there with ember still hugging him. "I thought you didn't want to do this," Jack threw out. "Shut your trap you overgrown rut, just so warm," Ember stated with her arms around his body. "And your... actually this makes sense for someone who has cold blood," Jack remembered before putting his hand on her head. "You are so damn cute when you stuff like this," "I'm not cute!" Ember broke the hug as he was punched in the arm. "OK, Ryuko!" Ember growled. "Stop calling me that!" "I will when you stop calling me Jackie!" Jack stated as Ember hissed. "You jerk!" "It's good to see you too Ember," Jack smiled causing Ember's glare to fade as his smile made her blush. "EHHH! Whatever!" Ember growled. "You-me arm fight now!" "It's called an arm wrestle Ember," "Just sit down I need to beat your ass again," Ember stated placing her arm on the table. "Are you sure dragon lord? I've changed a lot since we last met," Ember huffed. "You scared runt?" Jack sat down. "Don't say I didn't warn you Rykuo," The moment he grabbed her hand the two were in a locked state with each side pushing but for the first time Jack had the upper hand with his inhuman strength from his transformation. "BOOM!" Jack shouted bringing her arm down. "BULLSHIT! AGAIN!" "Pfft come on Ember it's so hard to admit I finally bested you?" "I can't lose again Nightwalker!" Ember shouted. "Ehh maybe later," Jack got up. "Where are you going?" Ember asked. "Simple got to put my uniform away don't want any of the lords over here to snatch it up or anything knowing how much they hate my guts," Jack told her causing her to huff. "They're still butthurt about you living here?" Ember asked as she dropped her head onto her hands. "Worse now I'm a werewolf," "Werewolf?" "Human term for nightwalker," "Your weird," Ember spoke causing Jack to laugh. "Thank you," Jack smiled while he walked away. "Werewolf? Pfft, what? Is their a when-wolf? or a here-wolf? Humans are so weird," Ember grumbled. (8:50 pm) Opening the door to his room he whistled a tune... well he tried to 'whistled' now being a werewolf he doesn't really have lips now, does he? Still, the song was stuck was in his head. 'My mother told me someday I would buy galleys with good ore, sail to distant shore. Wait... is it galleys or gally? Damn my dumb human ears miss hearing words,' Shutting the door to his room he walked over to his duffle bag and unzipped it having packed after this morning planning on going to Ponyville after the little stunt that happened this morning. Just for a while at least knowing that these lords and ladies need to claim the fuck down and chill off plus it would be nice to catch up with some old faces and see how the rest of the apple family was doing or maybe see the spa sisters just to catch up with them. Jack smiled as he then thought about Trixie who loved to see his 'magic' and learn from a few simple tricks of misdirection that the werewolf knew back in his human days. 'But why wasn't discord here? Or Octavia and Scratch? Actually where was everyone from ponyville? I thought the girls sent word for them to come today? Eh, probably busy... though Discord can just snap travel around,' He then heard a familiar teleportation pop. "Huh?" Jack turned his head around and spotting the main six. "Girls? What are you doing here?" His eyes widen when the girls rose up with a familiar aura around them while wearing the elements. "Hey now, what's-" *BOOM!* It was too late the rainbow blast hit Jack Wolfe causing him to scream a great pain engulfing his body this wasn't like how the elements worked before! The girl's eyes widen upon hearing Jack's screams not expecting the Nightwalker to scream for this has never happened before since they used the elements of harmony. The energy surround Jack was like hot metal on his flesh and it covered his entire body as it even felt like his insides were being ripped apart. Were they trying to turn him back? No, this wasn't the same thing as before! Last time it felt like his entire body was being ripped apart from the inside out while his bone broke themselves and his muscle tissue was pulled like taffy. This? This felt like molten lead was inside his veins while his entire body felt like it was being branded from all sides at once. He screamed so loud that the doors to his room were thrown one as Ember, Spike, Starlight, and sunset kicked down his door, seeing the elements in the air and seeing their friend screaming so loud that his mouth was gushing blood from how loud causing his vocal cords to be torn apart. "JACK!" Ember shouted running towards him causing Spike stopped her. "Don't!" Spike told her. "We have to help him!" Ember shouted. "I know but I've never seen this before!" Spike spoke horrified at what he was seeing as he looked at the elements. 'What did you guys do?!' Jack's howls were heard from miles as he felt like everything was on fire. "Damn it all! I got to help him!" Ember shouted but pushed herself into her way causing the dragon to snarl. "Out of my way!" "Ember whatever is happening to Jack will happen to you if you get too close!" Sunset warned. Ember and the remaining friends of Jack watched as Jack held his head from the pain digging his claws into his scalp as blood was drawn. It then got so loud that the group had to cover their ears from the scream were now so loud that it had to be heard all the way to ponyville. Celestia, Luna, Cadance, and Shining arrived with their ears covered as the castle was shaking from the howls of pain that could rival that of the red angels the day he killed his father. (Points to whoever know what I'm talking about) Ember had enough. "FUCK THIS HE'LL DO THE SAME FOR ME!" Ember yelled as Spike turned to her. "EMBER DON'T-!" But before Ember could run towards the nightwalker the magic then backlashed from the screams sending Jack and half the room being blasted outside as the others were blasted back. The screams silence with all of their ears ringing the group slowly got up as the group looked forward. Twilight looked forward in shock at what just happened as her ears rang so loud that she didn't hear the footsteps of a very pissed dragon lord. She was grabbed and thrown against the wall as the impact knocked her hearing back into place. "GIVE ME ONE GOOD REASON!" Ember shouted holding her fist back. "Ember wait It-!" "NOT GOOD ENOUGH!" Ember was about to punch Twilight but was stopped by Celestia. "Ember don't!" "Back off sun ass!" Ember shouted. "Ember listen to me! This wasn't supposed to happen," Ember blinked turning to the sun princess. "What the fuck are you saying?!" Ember snapped. "Agreed... what are you saying princess," Spike asked while the two other normal ponies nodded. Celestia held out her hands. "This wasn't a part of the plan we had," Celestia stated as Ember stared at her. "Plan? YOU PLANNED TO KILL JACK!" Ember snarled. "NO! No! Of course not! I wouldn't think about harming Jack!" Celestia stated. "I rather go to the sun for 1,000 years before I would even think about hurting my friends including Jack," "Then explain why the fuck there is a big fucking hole where Jack was!" Ember shouted pointing to the 'giant fucking hole' but to be honest it was more like half the room was blasted out of the castle wall. "Ember, please! Jack was only supposed to be turned into stone," Luna state. "OH AND THAT'S EVEN BETTER!?" Ember snarled. Luna nodded. "I know that sounds bad but it was for his own good see we were-" "You were what princess?" Spike asked causing Luna to sigh. "We were going to place him away for his safety since 90% of the court wants his head on a platter," Luna started. "We could have kept him safely away in the vault for a while till we found evidence that connects the court to the drugs that were placed in our food this morning," "Princess... you were going to lock him in the vault? As a statue!" Sunset was dumbfounded by what she heard. "Yes only for-" "For what until you found some evidence?" Ember asked. "Yes!" Celestia shouted. "The court-" "Knows to cover their tracks," Starlight spoke up. "Princess you know you wouldn't have found any evidence connecting the drugs," "Starlight that isn't true we could-" "Could what princess? Keep in there for 100 years so that the court's children would go after him?!" Sunset asked. "Princess when I was thrown back here from the Mirror I noticed how ponies treated Jack BEFORE he was a nightwalker and how they treat ALL non-ponies you can't change them," "I know but-" "But nothing!" Ember shouting throwing Twilight to the ground. "Jack is dead because of you!" "Ember please," Celestia shouted. "No, you killed Jack! This time you weren't drugged! You were in your right mind and set his very friends as a death squad to come up here to kill him!" Ember snarled. "Ember please," "No this means-" "LOOK!" Spike shouted looking down at the ground below the castle as he spotted something. The group turned over to see what Spike spotted and sure enough, they watched as Jack climbeded out of the water. "Oh thank mother," Luna said with a smile. "Jack! He's alive!" Ember started seeing her friend still alive. "I'll go down to see if he's alright," Celestia said with her wings out and went out the window. "GAHHHHHH!" Jack ripped out the rebar from his arm as he watched the hole in his arm began to seal itself while he looked through it and got up. "MOTHERFUCKER!" He then saw Celestia's wings from what remained of his room, looking up he then looked down to see his duff back on itself surviving the blast. Snatching up his back and throwing the strap over his shoulder he then bolted forward as he went into the woods below the city on the mountain. "JACK WAIT!" Celestia shouted as she zoomed down after him seeing him rush through the woods before landing before him. "Jack wait!" Jack didn't say anything like the dark of the woods covered him in their shadow from the moonlight. "Jack I know this looks bad but once you'll hear me out then you'll understand this is one big misunderstanding," Celestia spoke. "See I sent the girls to your room to-" Jack then bolted in another direction. "NO! JACK! Damnit way to go Celestia!" She then flew up and dashed after Jack before she was tackled from above by an unknown being. "STAY AWAY FROM HIM!" Ember shouted. Jack stopped as he looked up from the woods. "Ember..." She looked down towards him and flew down before him "Thank the pit your alright!" Ember said as Jack who backed up slightly. "Jack I'm not with her," ... "Are you alright Jack?" Luna's voice spoke out. The two turned to see Luna fly down causing Ember's wings to show out in a defensive stance as if to protect Jack. "BACK OFF!" Ember snarled. "Ember please what we did was for the betterment of Jack's well being," Jack spoke up. "BY BLASTING ME APART!?!" "No to turn you into stone," "LIKE THAT IS ANY BETTER?!" The werewolf snapped. "Look it was to keep you safe and once we put you in the vault then-" "Than what? Keep him locked away for a billion years?!" Ember shouted as she summoned her staff. "Ember please this-" "Who else knew about this?" Jack questioned. "Jack I-" "Who. Else. Knew," Jack spoke. "Shining and Cadance," Luna said honestly. "And he called me his brother," Jack spat. "Look Jack the plan was a bad idea if you come back we can-" "Can what? Try again to turn me into some statue for you to keep around locked away?" Jack spoke. "Yeah fuck that," "Jack we were only trying to protect you from-" "From what? Hurting your image?! Good lord... I love you guys like you were in my own family!" Jack held back tears in his eyes. "This is how you treat me? After so many years?" "Look Jack please-" Celestia joined the group. "FUCK OFF CELESTIA!" Jack shouted as he held his eyes trying not to look weak in front of the three girls he loved... at least the one he still loves now. "Fucking hell," "Look Jack I can see we hurt you and-" "And broke my fucking heart," Jack finished as the two girls looked up a few tears went down his muzzle. "Goddamn it... I loved you two more than a friend..." Ember turned towards him as she lowered her wings slightly as Jack stayed in the dark to hid his face. "Fucking hell I knew all this was too good to be true," Jack huffed. "Jack please-" "No," Jack sniffed. "No... Luna... You want to know something?" Luna's throat went dry. "I knew you were hitting on me since day one when you started and when I was still human I wanted to be with you," Ember felt her blood freeze upon hearing that. "But I knew that because of me being a mortal and you being Immortal that we couldn't be together and even if we were then it would hurt you in the end," "Jack?" "Because of me being a mortal man I would have only have a short time compared to you Immortality meaning when I grew grey and frail you would look at me with pity and worry before I would finally die which in cause would break your heart," Jack inhaled. "You would be in so much pain that I wouldn't forgive myself for causing you so much pain," Luna began to cry. "But now that I'm a fucking werewolf than I thought... hey maybe we were meant to be together but no," Jack spoke as he whipped his face off. "Seems like my affection was meant to be thrown away now that I know who really loves me and doesn't want me to be turned into some art piece to be locked away," Ember blushed slightly as her heart fluttered. "So Luna, Celestia let me tell you this," Jack spoke as the two looked watch him walk out of the shadows. "Go fuck yourselves," The hate in his eyes told them of how he now felt for them as Ember felt her chest burn up as he then turned to leave. "I never what to see you two ever again," Jack stated as he began to walk away. Ember turned towards them with a glare before turning to follow Jack. Jack held his face as the feeling of pain shot through his chest as it was far worse than the element's attack and a million times worse than what happens when his own mother would talk about him. The pain was always there with him, so much pain it could make a drukhari blush. "GAHH!" Jack growled as he looked down. "Why does this keep happening to me," Jack sighed dropping his hands while sitting down on a tree root. "Where am I suppose to go now," A pair of arms wrapped around his chest. "Ember?" Jack asked. "You idiot..." Ember stated. "You can go with me to the dragon lands, genius, you always have a home there with me," Jack held her hand rubbing it. "Are you sure you want me there Ember?" Jack asked. "Yes I want you there you bastard," Ember spoke. "I don't want you to be alone out here," ... Jack didn't say a word but felt Ember's cold touch on his fur. "Let's go home you furball," Ember stated. "Alright, Ry- Ember," ... Ember just smiled as the staff she held glowed red before vanishing as the two princesses rushed forward. "Jack?" > Part 6 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- (3 weeks later) (Jack's hut) Jack didn't know what to do. His friends betrayed him for what? 'To keep him safe?' He wasn't a child yet they treated him as such now that he thinks about it every since his arrival he was always been followed by someone. At first, he thought it was just because the Sisters didn't quite trust a hairless ape walking around their land that could be a threat knowing he was a soldier after all. Even after the first year of the betrayal they keep someone following him even at a distance thinking he wouldn't know but ponies were bad at stealth and what not. That was what he was to them... A fucking child. They babied him! He hated it... Hate, a fire that burns hot and fast, that was what he felt right now was complete betrayal and hate as if his blood was boiling over. 'Fuck them, fuck all of them...' Ember didn't say a word upon their arrival back to the dragon lands where many of the dragons were surprised to see the human now a nightwalker. Smolder was happy to see Jack too but the moment she saw him the copper-colored dragon knew something bad had happened. Even the 'three musketeers as Jack called them had not cracked a joke or tried to mess with Jack seeing how pissed he looked. Jack just wanted to be alone for a while and everyone knew so Ember brought Jack to a hut not too far from the palace cave but far enough where he would be alone. A hot spring was not too far from the hut as it also had running water and plumping with food that was mostly red meat knowing of Jack's tastes. So then here he was alone in the hut of his looking down at his dog tags in his hand before sighing and dropping his head down on the fur pelt bed with the tags in the head. His real name was on these tags but... he felt like getting rid of them that name he had before had too much pain carried on it that he needs to have right now. Maybe it was time for him to finally give up on his remaining memories of his human life on earth and here, dragons do have memory crystals unlike the memory orbs back in the mainland that ponies use but unlike them, they don't copy the brain waves its more of a cut and paste. Though the person must be willing for the memory to be taken... Still... He had some good memories with that name but it felt like the bad outweighed the good, maybe he'll have to sleep on it. Closing his eyes Jack began to try and sleep... Cold... Why did he feel so damn cold all of a sudden? Jack opened his eyes as a blizzard surrounded him as he held his arms before noticing himself... what on earth was he wearing? These weren't the clothes that he was wearing moments ago and this sure as hell didn't look like a dream. His breath was visible as he looked down at the clothing he wore. It looked like something from his ancestors would wear during the dark ages, some kind of armored winter dress with pelts armor patting for blows but it had scale mail on it which was odd, to say the least. The winds of the blizzard got stronger and stronger causing Jack to realize he had to move and fast dream or no dream this felt so damn real. Moving forward he followed what looked like a path forward till it looked like he seemly walked up a mountain and began to notice items of nordic origin. Shrines for Odin and thor seemly forgotten and abandoned as the offers had gone sour and rotted away as large amounts of ice had covered the shrines. Confused he pressed on going till he found steps and began to walk up to them as the black stone was barely covered in snow while Jack rose up. Before he notices something... Were those... Humans? Confused he got up closer now than before noticing four human women sitting in front of an old device used for weaving, Jack got closer as he approached one of the humans. "Excuse me," Before he gets closer the four all at the same time stopped as they pointed up the stairs as four low voices spoke. "Go," Jack felt his spine nearly freeze from their voices but they then went back to weaving, not wanting to piss these four off he then did what they said. Walking up he felt a pain in his chest as he held it for the spot that screamed out in pain was where the claw had made its mark on his chest that turned him into a nightwalker. Gasping for air the mark on his flesh began to soothe itself out allowing Jack to inhale picking himself up holding his head. "The fuck was that?" He then began to go up forward but before he got up he noticed something... A hand, a skeletal humanoid hand as he blinked in shock noticing it before following the bones to see a human skeleton on the ground with a broken spear in its back. "How did I not see that before?" Jack said in shock before getting up. He then began to notice more human remains out with all kinds of weapons on them with the skeletons being picked clean of any flesh. But... Were they human? These skeletons were quite large and their bottom jaw had an underbite with two large canines that were threatening to be the size of tusks. Confused the werewolf kept going forward with none of the weapons being able to be used for every single one of them were broken even the arrows in some of them were damaged. Walking forward he then stopped upon seeing a familiar set of gold armor it was a pony skeleton this time with his helmet bashed in and one could guess his skull was too. He then kept moving forward with seemly the 'human' skeleton's looked like they were fighting the pony skeletons the bodies became more and more. Then there were skeletons of dragons, yaks, hippogriffs, Abyssinians, and even changelings with their exoskeletons dropped on the ground with the little skeletons they had. It seemed that these ponies were fighting the non-ponies of Equis while these 'humans' came from behind and flanked the ponies seemly fighting alongside the non-ponies. It seemed all the non-ponies were guarding something. A large door stood before him one completely covered in frost and blood and... blue blood? Not the prince but literal blue-looking blood on the door stained it confused he then pushed the door open as the ice seemly covering the door cracked apart allowing the werewolf entrance. Moving forward he entered, Jack was meet with a destroyed looking temple with the back of it opened seemly designed like that. Weapons littered the floor as it seemed that some ponies had sneaked their way into the temple and fought the non-ponies within. Then he saw it stabbed in the chest of a large pony with wings AND a horn was a red and gold set of armor and a crowned helmet. In the skeleton's hand was a spear that stabbed itself into the heart of a canine humanoid skeleton holding... 'Oh dear god...' A newborn canine skeleton the cloth tattered but the baby was dead from a gash in the cloth from a knife that wasn't too far from the large alicorn skeleton stained in frozen blood. Long red locks of a mane remained in the alicorn's skull even though the scalp was gone but the chain mail hood must have held onto the mane. Confused why the alicorn would attack this canine and their child (he didn't know if it was a he or she) but all he knew was the parent (again he doesn't know) brought the alicorn with him to dead stabbing his own blade through under her armored plate. Confused Jack looked towards the Alicorn as the Mane's locks looked oddly familiar as he noticed the symbol on the red and gold armored chest plate. It was a sun covered by the moon in a semi-solar eclipse... 'That's the crest of... Faust?' Jack looked back towards the skull seeing the Equine skull with its hollow sockets then to the sword in her chest as he reached down and pulled it out before blinking confusedly. The blade was familiar to him... then a hand grabbed his foot causing him to look down at the canine skeleton stabbed to the ground. "The fucking hell?" The skeleton gasped slightly and seemly with some kind of voice though it lacked flesh the voice was female. "M-m-m-m..." Before it could even begin the figure then dropped dead seemly the last of the magic was out of its body before it could finish but the black armor of the being looked familiar to him. The greatsword in his hand wasn't at all a nordic blade but it held some ruins in the blade that looked nordic... but it could also be celtic as well he didn't know. The blade then began to fall apart in his hands surprising him when the ruins light vanished as the magic within the sword followed its user. Before he could question why Faust seemly took siege to this place he then heard it... A loud rumble coming from the valley behind the temple. Walking forward down the stairs to the platform out to the valley he watched as a dark figure rise up and look at him with golden eyes. The eyes were filled with the fire of hate but not toward Jack as the giant beast wrapped in a golden cable stared him down as a blade was jabbed in its muzzle. "My God," Jack spoke. "Fenrir?!" The great wolf still wrapped in the unbreakable cable of the dwarves stared down at the werewolf. "Wake," A loud voice spoke causing the temple to rumble with its power as Jack felt himself go limp and drop to the ground harder than a sack of potatoes as his eyelids grew heavy as the son of Loki stared at him down. Jack's eyes slowly began to open as his vision was blurred while he could move his body for some odd reason but he then looked up to see a tall figure looming over him with Pinke dragon eyes burning brightly like gems in a cave. The dragon stared at him while the setting moon's light barely showed herself to him before leaning down and whispering to his wolf-like ear in a voice that would one keel over. "Midnight, tonight, at the springs, tell no one," The voice seemed to engrave itself onto Jack's brain as the dragon rose back up and began to walk away as Jack began to feel his body slowly return to him causing him to get up before stumping to his window his vision returning to normal as he placed his arm down on the nightstand. He could see the tall dragon walk off before vanishing seemly into thin air as the voice that was now burned into his mind seemly began to soothe his thoughts. The voice was that of a gi- no woman's voice for how mature it sounded and home cold it felt towards him but it felt like the voice belonged to Esdeath at first but that couldn't be it for how it sounded with a low Scottish accent. Jack groaned while he felt his legs return after feeling like jelly. He then got up holding his skull. "Gahhhhh..." Jack then went over to the sink and threw water onto his face as he began to clear up... "Damn can this month get any crazier?" *Rawr* With the hand towel on his muzzle, he then turned his face to see... a cat? There is Jack's doorway was a short furred white cat who stared at him, though unlike Rarity's Cat this one was much younger and its fur wasn't fancied up or anything. Placing the towel down he then looked down at the cat before looking out and seeing if anyone was nearby before scratching his head. "What are you doing out here friend of Freyja?" The cat then jumped into Jack's arms as the Werewolf was surprised at the action before it began to purr. "Um... alright then..." The cat's blue eyes looked up into Jack's golden eyes causing him to smile as he rubbed the cat's back. "Heh... I miss being around your kind little one," Jack said as the cat 'spoke'. *Rawr* "Good to meet you too you little mouse bitter," Jack said as he spoke. "The last cat I meet hated my guts that were even before I became a nightwalker," The white cat then began to rub its head into his neck. "Hey now... why you so friendly?" Jack asked. *Mrwn* "Be glad I love cats," The cat then climbed up over his shoulder. "Alright... I never had that happen to me before," *Mear* "Cool cool..." Jack then petted the cat while purring in his grasp. "If your going to stay awhile just don't destroy my stuff got it?" *Rawr* "Damn Equis Cat's are smart," Jack was then rubbed up by the cat as he smiled. "And twice as cute," *Purrrrrrrr* 'Nali' as Jack named him after the same raider cat from a certain assassin game seemed fitting since what's been going on she ate at his feet the red meat while Jack held a picture of his father who was in his police uniform. "Dad I'm so confused right now and I need your help," Jack stated before placing the picture back in his bag and going through it to see if anything was stolen but sure enough it hadn't been touched. Did Jack seem confused about why was that dragoness here? Just to watch him in his sleep or something... that wasn't creepy at all but was she the one who also had him not be able to move with some kind of spell or drug. Was that whole dream caused by the drug? It would explain why it felt so real... But how did she drug him? How did she sneak in the first place? Almost anything would wake him from his sleep, he didn't know and would have to find out at midnight at the springs tonight. Huffing he held out his hand and grabbed a piece of bacon and brought it to his mouth and started to chew, that voice... it was cold yet soothing and he could still feel her whisper in his ear even now a few hours later. Grabbing his phone he was bored and clicked it to see if it would come on... As expected nothing as he dropped it on the table before going through the duffle bag again, luckily nothing was damaged from the fall and his phone was in the middle of his clothes breaking its fall. His knife he did need to sharpen the blade, as he pulled out a sharing stone he finished his bacon and pulled out the knife from the sheath and began push it on the stone gently and slowly. Jack enjoyed the sound of sharping steel for some odd reason. Then again he enjoyed listening to rain when trying to sleep heck back when he had his Ipad on earth it had a sleep machine app that played a mix of soft white noise and rain for him to sleep better. But oddly enough some sounds made him go nuts like moving nails against a holographic picture or the sound of someone filing their nails drove him crazy. Still not a bad thing, to say the least, bring the knife to his hand he dragged the edge against his flesh slowly enough not to cause pain and sure enough, it cut him before being healed just as quick as before. Nali then jumped onto the table as Jack smiled sheathing the blade before holding out his hand. "Heya sweetie," Jack then began to pet the cat as he heard familiar footsteps and the sound of dragon forged armor. "Hey, Ember," "Hey Jack just coming by to check if you haven't-" Ember stopped upon seeing Nali. "Uhhhhh..." Jack turned to her. "Ember this is Nali... she came in this morning," Ember blinked before walking up. "Nali? I-..." Ember shook her head. "How did a cat get here?" Jack stopped petting Nali as the cat placed her front legs on his hand as she played with him while Jack looked at Ember letting Nali play-bite his hand before he began to rub his forefinger on her neck causing her to stop. "What you mean?" "I mean I've not seen a cat on this island for... ever!" Ember exclaimed. "How did one get here is beyond me," Jack looked at Nali before moving his head toward her and taking a confused look. "Saltwater?" "What?" Ember asked. Jack then got up the sudden realization hit him. "I smell seawater off Nali... there must be a shipwreck," Ember blinked before sighing. "By the flaming pit! Ponies again," Ember groaned. "Ponies?" Jack asked. "Yes, they have been spotted more often than not. They've been warned not to come close not as a threat but as a warning since you know... 'the dragon's jaws'," Ember spoke referencing the jagged rocks surrounding the island except a few spots. "Well... Best we send for help to see if there are any survivors," Jack stated as Ember nodded. "Let's go. Man, this is going to be a bitch of paperwork," Ember grumbled. As the two left Nali leaped off the ground and onto Jack surprising him as she then climbed up his black shirt and onto his shoulder. "Heh... I've gotta get used to that," Jack stated as Nali 'smiled' again. 'Let's go, Master!' > Part 7 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fire... It was the first thing he saw when the two got to the beach and something far worse than just the weapon of nature. Bodies, bodies that have been greatly ripped apart by seemly the sharp rocks of the dragon lands are protected by. Bloodstained the white sand of the beach. During Jack's time in the military he hadn't seen much fighting but this? This was something ripped out of a gore-filled horror movie. Snapping out of it Jack then went to the beach where the ones from the wrecked ship were in pain with screams echoing through the beach. Griffins... Many of them. All with an injury or holding an injured calling out for help. "I need help over here!" That voice. Jack turned his head to rush over to see none other than an old 'friend' of his dragging a knocked-out Griffin to shore. "Gilda?" The griffin raised its head. "What the- Jack why are you here-?" She stopped upon seeing Jack's new form. "The buck happened to you?" "Doesn't matter what happened?" Gilda spoke up. "What does it look like?! Our ship got capped-sized when we were forced to bring her down from the sky because of that storm that came in out of nowhere!" Jack blinked in confusion. "Storm?" "Yeah, the storm you dweeb! It was a damn hurricane!" Gilda shouted. "Gilda... their wasn't a storm," Jack told her confused. "Yeah, there bucking was! We wouldn't have brought the ship down if there wasn't!" Gilda barked. "Gilda there wasn't a storm last night," Jack told her. "Trust me I would know," "What you're saying I'm lying!?" "No. I'm saying the storm didn't hit here," Glida glared at him. "That storm was huge! How did it not hit here!?" Gilda asked as Jack shrugged. "I-" Nali then popped up from his leather-hoodie jacket's hood as Gilda glared. "YOU!" She then lunged forward to grab Nali as Jack smacked her hand from his new companion. "Whoa there Gilda! What's your beef with Nali?" Jack asked as Gilda pointed. "That little mice-mucher has been nothing but trouble when it stool away on our ship! It's been leaving little surprises in the powder room!" Jack laughed. "What? Nali needs to use the restroom too... so what if she stool away be glad not only did she hunt the rats on your ship but she's the reason why we are here in the first palace," Jack said petting Nali as she smiled. Gilda glared. "I'm not going to thank it," "Her... Nali is her," "Her! Whatever still not going to say anything," Glida said going to her friend. "Ahh don't listen to the mean griffin," Jack smiled as Nali rubbed her head against Jack's 'cheek'. "Just help me damn it!" Gilda spoke. "Right," Jack then got down and began to help Gilda out. "A storm?" Ember questioned while Jack nodded whipping the blood off his hands with a wet cloth. "There was no storm," "That's what I told them it's very unlikely since a storm like this causing a griffin ship to crash has to be a powerful ass storm," Jack spoke while Ember held her chin before looking up. "You think they are lying to us?" Jack shooked his head. "I know Gilda for a while now and she's anything but a liar when it comes to something this serious. She 'cares' for her fellow griffins in her own way," Jack informed the dragon lord. "What can cause a storm to just appear and vanish like that?" "Sounds like texas," Ember stared at him. "Sorry I miss saying that joke," Ember still held a unamused look on her face. "To be honest I've heard weirder shit and besides the fact if you told me I would be a nightwalker over night I wouldn't believe you," Jack said. "So a storm just coming out of the blue then disappearing just as fast doesn't surprise me in the slightest this is the land of magic we are talking about," Ember shook her head. "The sea and skies around the dragon lands don't have magic in them everything here is natural," "Oh... shit..." The dragon lord gave a nod while the two looked at the dragons helping out the griffins. "Do you think this could be that storm king guy you told me about?" Ember asked. "The storm king? Ember the dude was a self absorbed ego maniac he was anything but smart even if he did pull something like this off he couldn't have... because he's dead," Jack turned to Ember. "Hell my 'friends', tempest, spike, and myself watch him get his ass shattered into a million pieces. On top of that Celestia locked away every fragment of the stormking across the country I highly doubt he's alive," Nali began to rub herself against Jack's leg as he sat on the rock reaching down to pet her. "Then again he could be alive the thing about villains no matter how hard you knock them down they always somehow pop back up stronger than before," Jack let Nali climb his arm to his back where she rested herself like a scarf. Ember huffed. "If the storm king is 'alive' they need to know," Jack looked down as he let Nali playfully bit his finger. "Go ahead they need to know anyways," Jack then turned to her. "But I don't want to see them if they do come here," "Of course I'll make sure of that," Ember watched him get up before walking forward, she stopped him. "Jack," Turning his head towards her she looked at him. "You know I'm here for you right?" The nightwalker smiled patting her hand. "I know," Letting him go Nali's tail touched ember's hand. 'Don't worry I'll keep him safe,' (Jack's house) Nali sat on the table licking up some milk while Jack held a book from his bag: 'the space wolves codex' of course it was outdated slightly but it was still good to re-read the rules. 'Damn... Spike and I were planning on making our own model,' Tapping his hand on the salamander's codex he then lowered the book. 'Did they ever make a Carcharodon codex? They had the one model though but Majorkill made a better one and more sized to scale...' He chuckled to himself. 'Having actual DREADNOUGHT ARMOR in his own armor damn I really can't image a marine being that flipping big!' Flipping the page to ulric the slayer he smiled. "Rawr?" Nali was on his arm now causing him to smile. "You finish Nali?" Looking to see her empty bowl of milk. "Seems so," *Pffff* The cat then stuck her tongue at him causing him to smile. "Man if we had cats like you back home," He placed his hand on her chin beginning to scratch it. Purring came from Nali while he kept on reading the codex, but Nali had other plans. *Plop* Dropping herself on his arm he looked at her. "Really?" On her back she looked at him. "Really now?" Tilting her head like: 'I don't know what your talking about' caused him to roll his eyes. "Cats... need all the attention in the world," He then closed the book before letting her grab his hand before giving bunny kicks and playfully nawing at it. "Though I'm surprised a cat like you would be with a werewolf like me," Nali didn't answer but played with his hand some more, watching the cat play with his hand make him smile but something was on his mind. What did cause that storm? Was the storm king really back? If so did he try to give a message saying that he was back and out for blood? That would be worrying. He spent most of the day helping the griffins at the beach and his fur was still stained with blood slightly of the those poor souls but... Gilda was barely scratched. Did she? No should couldn't... Sure she was a bit of a bitch but she couldn't do anything like that to her own people, he knew her. Then again he though he knew the elements too. Looking up at the night sky he sighed. 'I'm over thinking things Gilda couldn't cause a damn storm like that she can't use magic!' ... ... ... Nali stopped playing with his hand while perking her ears up before turning towards the doorway. "What is it?" Jack asked. Then he felt it... A sense of familiarity causing him to turn to the doorway. Pushing himself up from the chair, Nali dropped from the table to the floor walking to the door way before turning to Jack expecting him to follow her. He felt himself being pull forward while he followed Nali out the house into the path way to the lake. Then the sound of song filled his ears. A song he didn't know but was oddly drawn to it. It sounded like a old tune as if he heard it before and knew it was older than any song he knew but he couldn't understand the voice. The voice was like a siren but it lacked the sense of doom like those sirens who would drown sailors before eating them. This song was like something deep in his blood pulling him forward. Green threads of light surround the lake with a short cloud of mist over it but he could see a tall being standing there. Far taller than he was or even Celestia who was the tallest person he knew. From what she looked like it was a dragonness who was surrounded by threads of green light with symbols on them. The siren of this song then stopped singing and turned to him. Jack froze upon seeing the dragonness before closing his eyes. What he was seeing couldn't be real because it was too impossible to be real. Yes his entire new life was just that: impossible. A little more impossible wouldn't hurt. Opening them again he saw the familiar being standing in the lake. "I've finally lost it," Jack whispered to himself. The tall being walked over to him water dripping from her form while walking over to him. "Is their something wrong of the form I picked?" The dragonness asked. "You... picked?" "Forgive me for I did looked around in your mind," Jack froze holding his head. "YOU DID WHAT!" The tall being held out her hand. "Claim down. Claim down. I only looked at a form was applying to you and found one I liked so-" "YOU LOOKED INTO MY MIND WITHOUT CONSENT!" Jack felt his blood run cold knowing that she could have the power to look though his act of being stupid about the my little pony world while looking into some deep dark secerts that was embressing to say the least. "Jack! Calm down," Her voice boomed causing the werewolf to just that while whimpering like a dog slightly. "Alright... look I'm sorry that I looked into your mind but it was only so I could pick this form. You are familiar with this form correct?" Jack nodded. "What... are you?" This caused the dragonness to smile. "What I am has no name for I have gone by many titles and many names none that you know of... though I was once called 'the mare of the lake' by mistake of another," The dragonness placed her hand on her chest. "I'm not the mare of the lake mind you it was a mistake for the form I had taken was similar to that legend," "The mare of the lake? Really?" The dragonness nodded. "Your lady of the lake is quite similar," "Wait I though you..." "Going to one's mind isn't a easy way to describe it but most memories are like books some where weathered and turned to dust while others remain bright and golden," She gave a sly smile. "Don't worry your other memories are locked behind great metal doors. Those I cannot enter without your permission so don't worry your secerts are safe in your mind still," "Oh thank god," Jack gave a sigh of relief. "But I got to ask... who are you?" The dragon looked down at him. "I believe the form you called this was Agape correct?" "Umm... yeah but-" "Than that shall be my name while I'm bounded to you," 'Agape smiled with pride her arms on her hips. "Wait... 'bounded'?" Jack asked. "Of course your blood is now that of the great wolf and those who are the chosen am I to be bound and serve," Agape smiled holding her hands. "Thank it as one of those Isekai you always read," "Again ask first before going into my mind," Jack told Agape. "It's not safe in there," Agape gave a chuckle before speaking. "Please your might be twisted but it's not dangerous," Agape then frowned. "But it is to you," "Don't I know that... besides that why are you bounded to me... I mean don't you need some form of contract or something?" Agape did not. "Well I'm not fully bounded to you... yet. We do need a contract of binding to make it official but you see once the elements burned you basically are a suitable partner for me because-" "So your using me to because I am immune to the elements which will make you immune as well?" Jack asked with a unamused looked on his face. "No! No! You are the prefect partner matieral because well... since your immortal and cannot be harmed by the elements well let's say I found a fellow kindred," Agape stated blushing slightly. "What?" "See the elements were used on me once upon time by faust a LONG time ago and well it didn't work she tired everything in her power to slay me because of what I am," Agape hung her head. "I was just scared and was still trying to find out what I was and no one was there to help me for my entire life I was alone. Unable to form a bound and have a phsycal form so I just existed there but no one or nothing saw me," Jack listened to her tale. "I could hear and see everything around me but no one could hear or see me! I was like a ghost but I knew that I wasn't dead and those few who did see me like faust though I was a monster," Agape looked up at him. "Then I saw you arrive and I might have um... watched you," "That's not creapy at all," "Hey your world has those glasses with the red and blue lense that could monsters that-" "That's not real alright those were basically creepy stories I enjoyed... well sometimes," Jack began to wounder how much she knew of him. "Like that tabletop series you like? I watched you and spike that young drake you are friends with talk about make your own models," Agape smiled. "Wow you've been with me since day one?" She nodded when Jack then turned to Nali who looked at him before looking at the cat then to the dragon and the cat again then back to Agape. "The day I saw you yesterday when waking up because I'm guessing that was you... did you bring Nali to my home?" Jack asked as Agape looked down at the cat. "Cats have... some way of sensing the powers around me so I guess? Honestly I never saw Nali till yesterday when she was walking to your home," Agape knelt down and placed her hand to pat the white cat who smiled at her touch. "So soft..." Jack looked at Agape wounding what to do... she was not fully bound to him from what she told him but it sounded like she been alone her entire life forced to watch those around her live their lives while not noticing her once. He never meet Faust but from what he knew from Celestia and Luna it was two different takes so he didn't know who to believe and from what Agape told him it sounded like Pre-main six ponies but worse. He felt sorry for the dragonness, knowing he too hated being alone the feeling was worse back on earth. The werewolf sighed. "So this pact," Agape and Nali looked up. "What does it do besides making us partners?" "Well we would be bond by loyalty and trust and share each others magic while able to have a connection that will never be broken," Agape hummed. "It's like that venom character you like," "Oh so like bonding without me well... wearing you?" Agape nodded. "Huh... neat well I'm kinda not fully out there with the idea," Agape gave a sad look. "BUT! What your life sounds like is a different kind of hell," Her eyes sparkled as she hugged him. "OH THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU!" Jack was grabbed by the taller woman's arms. "I can finally be able to talk with people!" 'Well... this isn't what those big vampire mommy simps were going for but it's a tall dragon hugging me maybe-' ACK! 'SHOULD HAVE SAW THIS COMING!' Agape was hugging him now too tightly. "A-a-agape air," Upon hearing him she let him go. "I'm sorry!" The dragonness spoke in a worried voice. "It's fine don't worry it was your first hug right?" Jack asked while she nodded. "I can see why everyone I see likes them!" Agape smiled. "Alright do I need to sigh something for our pact or..." She grabbed his hand causing him to blink but yip when she bit down on his palm lick up his blood. 'IS SHE ACTUALLY A VAMPIRE!?' He watched while she bit her hand and before placed her hand on his bloodied hand before blushing. "Um...you alright Agape?" Jack asked. "Don't get mad at this next part alright?" Confused he did see the next part until she was right on him. ... ... ... Turning red he began to overheat over from Agape kissing him. Breaking the kiss she blushed. "Sorry it was the final part of the pact," Jack blinked before looking at her while their ring fingers on right hands began to glow with a... ring? When the light died there was no ring but a patch of their finger had watch could be described as a ring tattoo around the base of their ring finger. Agape's was the color of Jack's fur being black while Jack's own tattoo was pink on both seemly matched in design of the tribal like pattern of the tattoo. Holding his right hand he looked at the dark pink tattoo before looking to Agape who looked at hers squealing, Jack didn't mind the color and found Agape's reaction adorable for the ring... Wait... Ring... Kiss... Pact... No, no he shouldn't that that besides she would have told him if it was like that. Though he did blush slightly knowing he kissed a girl. Nali meowed as Agape picked her up with the long arms she had while the cat was being held to her chest. "Oh man I have so much I want to do! Where to start? Oh so many things to do where to start?" Jack held out his hands. "How about we wait till morning to start your I'm guessing LONG list," Jack asked while Agape smiled. "Sleep? That's one of the things I want to do!" Jack blinked. "Wait you never slept before?" She shook her head. "I never had a actual body," Agape told him causing him to blink. "Damn," "Can we sleep?" The dragonness asked. "Um... sure my bed would be big enough for you if you curled up. I'll be able to crash on the couch and-" (later) "Then again I should have seen this coming," Agape smiled giving a hum while holding Jack like he was a teddy bear. "Why am I not surprise," He then turned up to the tall dragon. 'Well at least I can finally feel what its like to sleep with someone," Jack watched as Nali got on the bed her cheeks puffed jeailous. "Come here Nali," Jack smiled while the cat looked at him before walking over to him but moving past his arms to his neck and decided... This is my spot you will just have to deal with it. "Fair enough," Jack closed his eyes while Agape opened hers with a smile. 'Thank you,' > Part 8 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Finally this is what water tastes like!" Agape smiled while Jack looked at her while happily drinking the glass of water in her hand. 'If she is so happy from just water I can't image her drinking some dragon gold ale,' He shutting the door to the fridge in his home he pulled out a carton of apple juice that WASN'T from applejack's farm it had slightly more sugar but he didn't want anything from the elements currently. "You think water is good to try this," Jack then popped the top off before pouring the glass with a gold-bronze-colored juice. Agape mouth watered at the smell before taking the glass and down it like a shot. "Oh, my goddess! More!" He went to give her another glass but snatched it from his hand and began to down the entire carton of juice. "Ok not like I wanted some... Nali you thirsty?" Grabbing the milk bottle he placed from the fridge moments ago that rested on the small island he began to pour her a bowl of milk. "There you go- *Agape snatched it* AGAPE NO!" "AGAPE YES!" (One moment of an entire half-gallon of milk chucking down later) "*BLA!*" Outside Jack patted the tall dragonness's back while she vomited into the toilet. "That's it let it all out happens to everyone that tries to chug milk," Patting her back Nali smiled at Agape's miss fortune. "Why- *BLA!* did that- *BLA!* happen?" "Honestly I don't remember why milk causes you to throw up it just does," He patted her back while she puked. "Jack you home?" Ember's voice echoed. "Was that- *BLA!* ember?" Agape asked while Jack knew hiding the tall dragon in the small house was impossible. "Back here Ember. In the bathroom," Jack told Ember who walked over to the bathroom. "Well Jack the elements are arriving today I just wanted to tell you before they arrived-" Ember stopped upon seeing Jack standing over the pink and black scaled dragon. "Uhhhh what just I walked into?" "Mistakes were made," "I can see that-" She stopped upon seeing Jack's right hand with the pink tribal tattoo on his right ring finger. "Jack... what's that?" Jack hid his hand behind his back. "Nothing," Ember narrowed her eyes at him before matching forward and using her free hand to grab his wrist and pull it forward seeing the tattoo's color was just like the pink scales of the dragon. "Jack... explain," "Well, you see I kinda-" Ember then saw the white liquid in the toilet. "YOU BASTARD!" *POW!* Holding his eyes while the pain began to fade away Jack sat at the table in front of a clearly mad dragon lord who wasn't too happy with Jack even after he explained it was milk not what she originally thought it was. "So..." Ember's right leg was bouncing up and down on her heel while looking at Jack. "Anything else you want to tell me, Jackie?" "Don't call me that," Jack told Ember while the pain faded away. "Man I wish I had a pain nullification with my healing factor that would be a pretty cool superpower set up," "Jack!" "Alright! Alright! Agape and I formed a pact last night!" He held out his hand pointing to his ring finger. "This ring tattoo was because of that pact," Ember looked at Agape who smiled knowing another person could see her. "Why are you so happy?" Ember asked. "Because you can see me," Agape spoke with a happy tone. "Of course I can see you," Ember then turned to Jack. "You made a pact with her?" "It's complicated but in the end, I formed the pact with her so she could interact with the world around her because she didn't have an actual physical form beforehand," Jack told her. "From what she told me it's been a very long time. By long I mean when Faust was still around the long time where no one could see her, hear her, or even feel her," Agape began to pet Nali who was in between Jack and her laying down on the table. "She also told me that she couldn't do anything but watch the world around her while moving place to place so I gave her some apple juice to experience the taste and well when I went to grab Nali some milk she kinda took the bottle and well," Jack pointed his thumb to the bathroom. "You know the rest.. also nice form on the punch there not going to lie," Ember looked at Jack while looking at his hand on the table staring right at the ring tattoo on his finger. "Why rings?" "What?" Jack asked lowering his hand from pointing at the bathroom. "Why is it rings," Ember was now looking at Agape's ring tattoo that was the same color as Jack's fur. "I... actually Agape why did you pick rings," Jack asked turning towards Agape who was now holding Jack's phone trying to turn it on from watching Jack's memories. Agape looked at him with a smile. "It's because we are married silly," *Cue anime hoo hoo sound* Jack felt his blood freeze with a look of panic on his face. "Is something wrong darling?" Before he could answer the popping of knuckles was heard behind the nightwalker while Ember held a dark look on her face. (A few dozen Punches later) The pain in Jack's head could be worse but still, it hurt a lot from a dragon who could easily break apart solid rock and gemstones. Still, Ember was gone after Jack explained that she did look around his memories before and might have gotten the idea of pact and marriage mixed up. Then again marriage was a form of a pact. So he was married to a creature way older than him in the form of dragonness from a model he has seen before. That was going to be a bitch to explain to everyone else... By everyone else, he meant Smolder and maybe Gilda. Speaking of the young six he wonders what bullshit story that they were told knowing Celestia who was once the sole bearer of the elements it was kinda hard to understand why she could use Honesty. Man everyone in ponyville might be given some half-baked story and would eat it up, well those who knew him wouldn't take it... he hoped. How were they doing- "JACK MY BOY!" Wait... Before he could react he was grabbed into a head lock and given a nuggy. "I can't believe you are alive! And your a nightwalker no less!" Jack broke the head lock to see Discord standing before him with a smile on his face. Jack held out his hands. "Come on my boy bring it in!" Discord stated while holding out his arms expecting a huge but the moment he took a step Jack took a step back. "Stay back," Jack told Discord that caused him to frown. "Jack?" "Did you know?" Discord lowered his arms with a look of confusion on his face. "Know what kiddo?" Placing his hands on his hips he looked at Jack. "Jackie it's me Discord don't you remember," "I remember Discord but were you in on it?" "In on what?" (AN: Can't really blame Jack for what happened to him was painful) "Did you know what Celestia, Luna, and the elements did at the party?" "There was a party? How come I wasn't invited," Discord exclaimed upset about not being invited to a party it seemed. Jack lowered his arms knowing when Discord was lying and what not... he just knew around Discord for some odd reason when he was still human. Crazy might know when another Crazy is lying, that or he remember from the show when the god of chaos was lying. "So you don't know what happened," Jack said. "What happened Jack? You keep saying 'did I know?' even though I already told you I don't know what you're talking about! Something about a party? Which you didn't invite me too which is makes me cross with you for not saying 'hey discord old buddy why don't you come down for this party I'm throwing?' but nooooooo I-" Discord was stopped. "Discord!" He stopped and look at him. "The elements tried to turn me into stone," Discord blinked before taking off his head and shaking it a bit before placing it back on. "I'm sorry I didn't believe I hear you right. Are you saying our friends tried to turn you into stone with the elements?" Discord asked. "Yes," Discord stared at Jack which the god of chaos did know too when his friend was lying... that and he had millions of years to know a liar from someone telling the truth. "Your serious," "Dead serious Discord," "That the kind of serious I don't like," Discord then sat down in the air before pulling off a baseball cap that he summoned to his head to take it off. Jack picked up his chair and placed it down before sitting himself. "Let me start from the beginning," Discord stared at Jack before holding up his hand and walking over to the lake dropping his head into the water he screamed underwater while the bubbles came up with his screams in them as they popped. "I wish you would take this seriously," Discord shot up. "I am!" He floated over to Jack. "But that was a stupid idea of oh hey let's turn our best friend into stone who just recovered from becoming a nightwalker and relearning how to use his body again... and this is coming from me the guy whose stupid and crazy ideas are my stick!" Moving back the god of chaos held his muzzle. "By the powers why?" "I still don't know why," Jack then huffed. "Dumb yet dumber," "OK wing dings claim down," Discord stated while Jack smiled and flipped him off when the god of chaos saw it. "Oooooh what's that?" "My pact tattoo with my new 'partner'," Jack told Discord while showing him the dark pink tattoo. "With who?" "Me!" Agape popped up behind Discord who stumbled slightly. "Whoa!" Discord flung his hand like a ninja while looking at the pink dragonness then to Jack and back to Agape. "Um... who are you?" "I'm Agape! I'm Jack's mate!" Jack felt his face heat up like a oven causing him to hold his face. "Or his wife as many others would call it," He could feel Discord's smug smile. "Awwwwww Jack you sly dog! You got yourself a girl... no woman!" Discord smiled while Jack looked up from his hands while discord did the 'eyebrows' thing. "And she's a dragon ohhhh boy you got real lucky! Oh, Agape did you know Jack has a thing for dragons and even talk about wanting a thing called a bad-" "STOP!" "Jack comes on I'm just telling her what she is getting into with you," Discord playfully elbowed him. "Do not worry Discord I know much about my mate's attraction to dragons along with many other races," Agape told Discord. "His mind is quite a colorful place when it comes to this 'furry fandom' he is a part of," Agape then began to think. "Come to think of it he has a few favorites most of them are canines but there are some others too," Agape told discord who smiled. "You been in his mind?! Oh, tell me! Tell me! Tell me! what does he like!" Discord asked before Jack can protest discord 'tripped' him into the water even though he was sitting down. "There is this blue vixen named Krystal, then another vixen who is yellow most of time named Renamon," Jack tried to climb out of the lake. "Discord the hell man I could have had stuff in my pockets like my phone!" Discord pushed him back in. "Oh yes there is also a wolf-like creature called a hellhound named Loona which Jack seems to like her eyes very much, then there was a another vixen that looked like Renamon called... taomon I think they are related, this next one is interesting yet ANOTHER Vixen with blue hair is something called a police officer called Carmelita, and-" "Agape please don't-!" Discord pushed him down more. "You were saying," "I don't think Jack likes me telling you this," "Oh, it's fine what where are you saying?" Discord asked. "Um... there was a cat called Miyu who seemed to be friends with Krystal and then finally was something I didn't expect," Agape stated. "Do tell," This time Discord was holding Jack under the water. "Jack has a fear of water life but then again he was a big fan of sharks when he was a child so doesn't surprise me that this one was tiger shark but with light blue stripes called Nika Akulova Sharkeh," "Sharkeh that sounds weird... Wait Jack is afraid of water?" "Yes, he almost drowned once and some movie that with sharp toothfish which I cannot recall the name of the fish," Agape told him. Letting Jack up the werewolf gasped for air. "Do all my friends want to kill me now?" "Sorry got carried away Jack my boy," Discord held out his hand but Jack refused it getting up. "All because you wanted to know my furry crushes well congregations! You now know!" Jack's wolf nature caused him to unknowning shaking himself off when wet. "Don't worry darling I only told him about the ones that had those models for that animation engine what's it called?" Agape held a finger to her chin doing an anime trope most likely from reading his mind... What animes did she see in there? He hopes she avoided the cringe ones like redo hero healer anime that he wondered why it was allowed to air the entire season. "Source filmmaker?" "That's the one!" She smiled. "They all looked so pretty and you seemed to enjoy them all so much it was hard to pick," "Pick?" Discord asked. "Which form I should take," Agape spoke. "Wait what?" "Long story... but I have a very important question for you discord," Jack walked in front of the god of chaos. "Did you come with the princesses," "I did along with the elements, Spike, Sunset, Starlight, and Trixie came along too!" "Where are they?" Jack asked. "Who the elements, the princesses, the-" "Where are they staying?" Jack reworded the question. "OH! We are staying in the palace... by we I mean Spike, Sunset, Starlight, Trixie, and myself but the princesses and the elements well I kinda see why they aren't allowed to sleep in the palace now," Discord rubbed the back of his neck. "They are staying in their airship," "Hm," Jack crossed his arms in thought. "Well, why are you here now?" "Simple I sensed you were here and I decided to pay you a visit! I'm glad I did now I can tell the others that-" "NO!" "What? All I was going to say is that you are now with hot dragon babe," Discord crossed his arms. "Kiddo you need to understand I can keep a secret if I really wanted to and your 'furry' life is one cross my heart," "If not I'll stick a needle in your eye myself," Jack warned Discord. "Gees you humans cross the heart promise is way scarier than pinkie's promise but then again frosting in the eye doesn't sound much better," "I mean it Discord," "I know. I know. Your a man... errr your a wolf-man of your word," Discord smiled. "Good," Jack then smiled holding out his hand to the god of chaos. "It was nice seeing you clusterfuck," "And you as well sir genetic mess," The two smiled at each other shaking one another's hands. Then with a snap of Discord's fingers, he was gone with his iconic snap travel. "Oh shit, that's tonight!" Jack panicked looking through his bag. "What is darling?" Agape asked while holding pieces of cherry candy in her hand. "Tonight's a Full moon!" Going through his bag he began to swear to himself. "God damn it where is it! Where is it damn it!" Agape smiled. "What's the matter think you'll turn into a were-werewolf?" The tall dragonness questioned. "This isn't something to laugh about!" Jack's heart was racing while he could feel himself already get warmer. "Oh no!" He held his head. "Nononononononono! The pills were on my nightstand!" "Wait pills?" "Yes, you know the pills to keep my primal 'urges' in check!" "What are you talking about that's from that monster girl anime you watched!" Agape smiled. "Damn it Agape I'm being serious!" He grabbed her arms. "This is dangerous! When it's a full moon I cannot control myself! I almost forced myself upon a maid because I wasn't prepared for what happened!" Agape looked at him. "It's that bad?" "Yes, it's 'that bad' if not worse!" Jack went back to his bag. "I should have a spare in here somewhere," "Wait... you're in a heat cycle?" Agape asked. "No, if I was in a heat cycle I would... I would... I wouldn't know how that would work out haven't been through one yet but it would be what would happen during a full moon but worse!" Jack held froze slightly. "The thought of being in a heat cycle on a full moon scares me," "Jack," "Agape this is serious where are those blockers?! I knew they were in here! By the fang this isn't going to end well," Jack spoke aloud. "Jack," "Wait I could go deep into the forest and no that wouldn't work I might wind up running into some poor dragonness," Holding his head he tried to think. "Jack!" "Chains! Do we have chains! Wait... strength... right damn it all! What about-" "JACK!" "Agape what is it?" Before Jack could finish she kissed him causing him to go wide-eyed. This wasn't helping. He pushed her back slightly. "What are you doing! Agape now is not the time for-" "Jack let me help you," Jack blinked. "My bag doesn't have them Agape I-" "Let me help you," Agape told him. Then Jack felt the spark go off in his mind. "What?! No. No. No! Agape we just met last night! Plus this new body of yours could overwhelm you with what would happen along with that I couldn't control myself! And... well... you know," Jack blushed slightly. "I still got my V card," "So do I darling," Agape said 'darling' in that Esdeath voice of her that would make Zero two's darling look like trash. "I understand the basics of mating how hard can it be," "Pfft," "I thought you said this was serious," "I'm sorry this is just... sorry... honestly Agape I don't know how to even start," Jack spoke. "Plus I haven't even seen myself down there when I became a nightwalker," "You haven't tried self-pleasure in this form?" Agape gave a smug grin. "Pictures don't work for me human or nightwalker and ponies don't do it for me... well maybe Luna or Celestia and maybe a few others," Jack held out his hands. "But we are ignoring the fact that you could get pregnant! I don't wish to be a dad... I'm fucked up as is I don't want any kid to be like me," Agape looked at Jack before hugging him. "You must not worry Jack... even if I could bear children you would treat them with care unlike how you were treated," Agape told him. "Wait... even if? What does that mean?" "My form might be physical with blood and bone while working like any other dragon in Equis but unlike them, I cannot bear the eggs of life," Agape begun. "Along with that, the nightwalker curse does come at a price that isn't the pain of body but of mind... knowing the hoist cannot give their partner a child," "Wait what!" "Yes didn't you know that was a part of the nightwalker curse?" "No!" "Oh, right you weren't there..." "And you were!" Agape nodded. "Damn this feels weird now," Jack stated. "You being around when the first nightwalker were around doesn't bother me it just feels weird," "Hey now, what about that kitsune who-" "I DON'T DO LOLIS! I'M NOT A PEDO!" The nightwalker barked. "That's why I look up fanart of her being older and looking like someone of age!" "Does that mean you hate lolis," "Half of me dislikes them in anime while the other half is my big brother side and want to protect them while a small part of me wants to give them head pats," Jack looked up. "But that's it! Alright!" "Yes darling," She smiled. The two then turned as the light of the sun begin to fade. "Oh no," Agape smiled slightly always wanted to feel what the pleasure of flesh would be like but she froze upon seeing Jack's eyes turn red. > Part 9 (Lemon) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- WARNING! LEMON CHAPTER AHEAD YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED! (but there is some stuff after the lemon keep that in mind) "Jack?" Agape looked at the eyes of the werewolf that were now a deep crimson with primal hunger in them that made the dragonness start to think twice. Jack moments ago wasn't up for this but now he eyed like new alpha that eyed it's mate, Agape could see the nightwalker's breath as he breathed heavily. It seems even now that the former human was trying to hold back the beast from going wild and hurt her by accident. Agape was then pushed down onto the pelt rug on the floor the cause her to look up at the werewolf who was standing above her in the dark. His canine fangs were like pearls in the light and it even seemed the inside of his mouth glowed red while his mouth watered looking down at her. "I'm now having second thoughts," The dragonness worried but she should have known that Jack's sense of reason and logic were all lost now that the moon was out, shining through the window in the bedroom. "Well... can I at least get comfortable?" Watching the werewolf get onto the ground like his namesake she blushed looking down at him while he moved his head towards her crouch. Feeling the sharp sniffs from his nose Agape felt warm while she blushed her back against the dresser, she watched while he began to pull down the clothing she made for her new form that was a copy of the clothing of the Agape from Jack's mind. Pulling on the smooth silk-like material Agape blushed feeling her neither being given a light lick by the werewolf. The feeling of pleasure even how small was alien to her caused her to give a cute moan that caused the nightwalker to look at her. "Please... be careful," The wolf looked at her before moving up and giving a lick to her lips before the beast picked her up off the floor and onto the bed confusing her slightly before she looked towards the eyes seeing a slight gold hue. "Jack... you still in there?" "Sorry Agape... it's like my brain went into autopilot," He then began to take off his shirt throwing it on his duffle bag. "It feels like my entire body is going into overdrive," He panted. "Did I hurt you?" "No," "Good... Mmmmhh," Jack felt his blood rush like fire through him while Agape felt the same feeling. His shirt was off while the scars from his transformation were present all over his form, where he accidentally dug his claws into his own body by accident were a reminder of the painful transformation of the flesh. Watching his eyes flicker from gold to red and back again she knew he was holding the beast back and trying very hard to do so. Now in his natural state of being with not a single piece of cloth on him, Agape could see the small red flesh poking out of his sheath. "Sorry can't hold it back much longer are you sure your up for this love?" Jack asked to which the dragonness did have a second thought but nodded. "If I hurt you say stop and I don't stop hit me or something alright?" "Mhm," Agape let her bra drop from her breasts as she let her mounds out. "I'm scared slightly about this," "You're not the only one," Jack then pulled off her tribal-looking clothes off before moving in. "Alright then," Touching each other's foreheads the beast was released as the nightwalker's eyes returned back into blood gems. Feeling the warmth of his part rubbing against her own with the werewolf giving low growls Agape held his chest while watching him gently move back and forth teasing her. She took a breath before preparing herself knowing what was going to happen next which might be painful but it would be worth it in the end. Stopping the beast who growled at her but stopped when as she grabbed onto the red flesh before lining it up with her love tunnel. Pushing the flesh into her which cause Agape to gasp and go wide-eyed slightly thinking it was over but in truth it wasn't. Just a small girth was in before the beast pushed in some more causing her to shiver slightly at the alien feeling of pleasure while she was brought own from the wall onto the soft bed. No on her back the werewolf then slowly pushed forward causing the man-wolf to smile with a playful growl and a moan from Agape. No more V-card for either of them. "By the light," Agape moaned while the werewolf looked at her with a smile. "Didn't expect it to feel this good," The nightwalker's voice deepened. He began to start to move back to which caused Agape to whine but stopped when he pushed back forward. Agape moaned her tail curling back while Jack's began to wag. Moving forward and back the bed frame creaked every time they moved while the flesh meets flesh. Her tunnel began to get wetter and wetter with every movement caused the werewolf to move in and out easier and allow him to speed up with every thrust. The alien feeling of pleasure was overwhelming towards her this was fair better than eating and drinking. He began to slow down but this only caused him to hit her deeper and deeper into her where his knot was hitting her lips. The dragonness couldn't help but drool over the feeling of pleasure wash over her with moans leaving her with every thrust while the werewolf looked down at her with a loving smile on his face. He then picked her up close to where her breasts were against his chest that caused her to wonder what he was doing but dropping down on top of her he began to go even faster but just as deep into her. Grabbing fist fulls of fur on his back she rested her head on his shoulder while his knot was threatening to slip in. Her tail now wrapped around the two of them with her legs locked onto his back not letting him stop even if he wanted to, she was taller than him but he was strong enough to hold her while pile driving into her. A feeling built up into Agape's nethers but before she could figure out what it was... The knot went in. Opening her mouth but not a sound left just a silent scream and her eyes filled with tears of pleasure, her tunnel was leaking like crazy while the werewolf's supernatural primal stamina kept ongoing. Pushing his entire flesh and knot included into her thanks to her flood gates opening. The more and more he kept going the more and more it was harder to find out what was going on around her. She began to moan so much her voice began to hurt still she held onto him digging her claws into his back but when they drew blood they healed just as quick. Nuzzling into him when Agape he then pushed her into the bed and began to slam even harder into her feeling the tip push against into her inner wall. The knot began to push her out even more with every thrust and then finally came the last stretch of the beast's stamina. Like a natural sex machine on max settings, the werewolf was on fumes now but never had he felt so good before but now was coming the part that was overwhelming. Pulling out was not going to happen he wanted to feel every inch of her and feel her love wash over him. Pushing in with every inch of the red-skinned flesh knot all then some caused the werewolf to lifted his head up with a grunt while the white liquid shot forward into the womb. Looking down at Agape who finally let him go was now on the bed eyes rolled back slightly while trying to catch her breath while the red eyes of the nightwalker returned back to a soft golden hue. Agape when did the one thing that Jack always want to see. Hold out a waifu holding her arms towards him to embrace him. Still, inside her, he brought himself down to her level while she kissed his neck. "How... how... how much of my mind did you really see?" Agape cuddled him. "E-enough," "Than... then you know what I'm going to say next right?" Jack asked her while she felt herself move from him back to her side. "You don't have to. I'll never leave you alone in this world or any other," Agape knew his fear of just being used and never wanted him to ever feel like that. "Please... don't... I... love... you... Zzzzzzzz," Agape couldn't help but feel the tears build up in her eyes finally feel what it meant to be loved by another before closing her eyes. "Thank you Jack love you too," The two were curled up in a ball legs locked together, arms wrapped around their bodies with each other's tails twisted around one another, and their head's buried in the naps of the other's neck. The sight of two lovers embracing each other was a sight only for the darkness to see... But it wasn't the darkness that witnessed the whole thing but another that believed Jack was alone tried to sneak into his home unaware of his mate. Tears flowed down her eyes upon hearing the words Jack said to the dragonness and it broke, even more, hearing the dragon speak those words back. 'I'll never leave you... I love you,' It should have been them together on that bed... It should have been him asking her to not let him go... It should have been her telling him she would never let him go... It should have been her being told that he loved her... It should have been her... She picked this night to finally confess herself towards the nightwalker. For this night was like the one that caused him to become what he was today. He was in her arms clinging onto her like a child would a mother when they were scared. He wasn't the only one that felt the pain of his transformation she did too. Now that love was gone. For another had taken it. She knew him longer than this dragon did. Who was this dragon and who did she think he was? Did she even know who he was or where he was from? Did she even know who he was before becoming a nightwalker? Did she even know of his past? Did she even know of his pain? Did she even know his birth name? Did she know anything at all!? She then began to think. The princess snarled her teeth at the image of the tall dragon she saw with him the moment she arrived here. 'Chrysalis... you love leeching snake... you think you can play him?' Luna's eyes were bloodshot from the tears. 'You think you can feed off his vulnerability like that? You have another thing coming,' Using her magic she summoned a blade but before she could enter the house something hit her in the face, pain screamed through her face when she looked down to see a white cat looking right at her. It's back was arched up with it's tail right in the air. *Hiss* Luna glared at the cat while holding her face blood dropping from it. "Leave them be!" The cat spoke in a cold voice. Suprised Luna watched as the cat took a step forward... no longer a cat was before her but a large feline almost like a lion or a panther before her with pure white fur and fanged teeth. "Begone princess of the night! You shall harm my master no more!" Knowing that if a fight were to break out it would wake Jack and she needs him to not be mad over an honest mistake so she teleported away leaving the feline alone in the doorway. "Phew..." Nali spoke up before her body again changed while standing on two legs before walking in and seeing the two on the bed. "Dang it... Agape beat me to it... then again that's on me for not showing him this form," Jumping forward back into her cat form she walked over to Jack's shirt on his bag before going on top of it and rolling into a ball before looking at the doorway one last time. 'Hurt him again princess and die,' Closing her eyes Nali fell asleep. > Part 10 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Slowly opening his eyes Jack looked into the eyes of the pink orbs that belonged to his other half. "Hey," Jack smiled. "Hey," Agape smiled back. "How did you sleep?" "Like a pup," Holding her hand with his own he brought it to his lips and kissed it. "Please tell me this is real," "It's real... real as the very sky," Holding her hand Jack shivered. "Something wrong," "Just- Nothing," "Hey now darling what is it?" Agape spoke in that sweet voice. "You can tell me," "I was afraid that all was a dream," The werewolf rubbed her hand with his thumb. "It wasn't," The dragonness smiled holding his hand with the one he didn't hold. "You and I came together last night that deeper our pact," Jack looked at her. "Deeper our pact?" Jack asked. She nodded moving forward to the werewolf. "You made it deeper," She smiled causing Jack to think for a moment before smiling. "A sex joke?" "Can you blame me?" Agape asked. "No... I was surprised how warm you were," "I think that was you," Agape then kissed his nose before smiling at him. "Though I think we might have to get new sheets," Jack look down at their lower areas to see a large stain from last night. "Your right I think we do," Jack looked at her before smiling. "First time with a dragon... who would have thought," "Human female's cannot compair," "How should I know?" Jack asked. "No one gave me a chance like you did," "But you never would take a chance would you?" "No... I wouldn't... Humans are cruel, unforgiving, and greedy creatures... I am no expectation," The former-human explained. "Still am just that," Agape looked at him. "You may have had some faults but nobody is perfected if be on here or on Earth," The dragonness smiled. "Guess your right," Jack agreed before the two went silent just looking at one another for a long moment. "Sorry about my bedside manners... never had the chance to work on my pillow talking skills," "It's fine being a someone who has no physical form for eons kind meant I didn't have time to brush up on my own too," Jack looked at her while the two just stared at one another. "Agape?" "Yes darling?" "Are there... others like you?" Jack asked. Agape looked at Jack before blinking and then looking to the side. "I... don't know... why do you ask?" Agape questioned. "Just a random question that popped into my mind," The black and pink dragon shook her head. "You and your curious mind," Booping his nose. "Though I think I'm ready to try out what it feels like to take a bath," "I think you might like the feeling of a shower then try out what it feels like to have a bath," Jack explained. "Alright but next time bath," The nightwalker rose up. "I can agree on that it's been a while since I taken a bath," Getting out of bed he held out his hand to Agape to help her up out. The moments she tried to moved her legs to the floor and was helped up Agape cried out before falling down on top of the werewolf. Hitting the ground Jack blinked before realizing what had happened as he held Agape in his arms. "Are you alright?" Jack spoke in a worried voice. "I'm fine... that's odd," Jack titled his head. "What is?" "My legs they feel numb," Agape told her. "The moment I put pressure on them it hurt," Then it hit him. "Oh... damn did I really do this to you?" Jack asked. "Do what?" "You know... from last night?" Agape blinked before looking down at her legs then back to him. "Guess we will be taking that bath after all," Jack then began to reach down below her and lift her up bridal style while she held her arms around his neck with a smile while the two walked to the bathroom. Unlike the rest of the house the one room that had a door was the bathroom and thank goodness they left it open from the milk accident. It was the second largest room in the entire house with a giant tub made for large dragons which could easily fit Agape and if she had four sisters it could fit them and then some. The damn thing was like a hot tub to put it mildly while holding her he turned on the water with his foot letting the rune magic heated water to pour out at a good tempture to which Jack set down Agape in the water. "Ohhhhhhhhh... this is nice," The dragonness moaned slightly from the water soothing her numb legs. "This is what a hot bath feels like," Jack then followed into the tube moving his shoulders under the slightly steaming liquid. "Yeaaaaahhhh that's the stuff," When the elements hit him the blast didn't just hurt like a motherfucker but it also left his body in knots and the warm water just let those feelings fade away. His eyes closed he rested his head on the edge of the tub while his body slightly floated in the water. The sound of water moving let him open his eyes to watch Agape move over to him and drop her back on his chest. "Now it's even better," Jack smiled while Agape looked at him. "I got a beautiful dragonness on top of me," "And I got a bath pillow for a mate," Agape shot back. He wrapped his arms around her waist while she could feel his tip poke against her tail. "Sorry... the warm water plus a naked very sexy dragonness just got me excited," Jack told her. Agape turned around on top of his chest. "After last night I could always go for another round," "Right now are you sure?" She nods before the two moved in for a kiss. *BANG!* The door was kicked up as the two looked up to see Ember whose face was red like a pepper. "Uhhhhh... have you ever heard of knocking?" Ember lowered her head avoiding looking at Jack and Agape's nude form before pointing with a shaking hand to the table. "We n-need to talk," Ember spoke before walking away while the two look at one another. "Next time?" "Count on it," Agape answered before she kissed him. "T-today please!" Ember's voice spoke up slightly cracking. "Did her voice just crack?" Jack asked. "I think it did," Jack held a towel drying himself off before grabbing a pair of trunks and putting them on before sitting down at the table with a blushing Ember. "Ember... um... I-" The dragon lord held her hand. "No, I should be the one apologizing... you have been through a lot and my actions in the past few days have been unnecessary," The werewolf blinked at Ember's words. "Who are you and what have you done with Ember," Ember exhaled her breath heating the air. "I'm trying to apologize you jerk!" Ember looked at the nightwalker before calming down and then inhaling to collect herself. "Besides I'm glad you found yourself, someone... special," For all the years he knew Ember, the nightwalker barely saw this side of her, but something told Jack that she wasn't here pop in and say hi otherwise she would have let Agape and him finish up. "Ember what's happening?" Jack asked this caused Ember to hold her head. "Not what... who," "Let me guess two sisters?" "Yeah get your pants on and come with me," Ember told him. "Why?" "They are demanding I extradite you to Equestria," ... ... "Are you fucking serious?" The palace of fire... Not too long ago this place was literally the ruins of an old fort that had been around since Faust was still alive but was abandoned after the unification war where the dragons used it ever since. Luckily Spike was able to convince Ember to renovate it and turn it into a more suitable castle for the dragon kingdom, it was quite beautiful. Heck Spike might have been inspired by a certain book that he browed from Jack once... Yet for the first time, the former human did not want to be here. He didn't want to be around the ones who tried to turn him into stone and have him locked away in some magical vault. The same 'friends' that were trying to extradite him... "Darling..." Agape snapped Jack out of it causing him to turn from the window to her. "It's going to be okay," "I hope your right," "*Rwar*" Nali spoke to her master while laying on his shoulder, causing the nightwalker to pet the cat. The doors to the throne room were then opened causing the three to turn to see the royal equestrian guard enter the large chamber. Ember sat on top of her throne the Bloodstone scepter resting in her arm while she was dressed fully in her golden armor with her helmet resting on her knee. The drake guard stood though out the main chamber ready to defend their dragon lord at a moment's notice but Ember had called for more guards if things were to get out of hand. Then he saw them. Princess Celestia and Princess Luna dressed in pearl white and midnight navy dresses respectively... but these outfits Jack recognized. They were the same ones they wore when the two sisters met the human for the first time, following in behind them were the elements and a few other familiar faces. But to the werewolf's surprise, the pillars were there as well. A bit surprisingly but both the elements and the pillars didn't have their respective items. Look at the princesses he spotted Luna looking at him before she smiled at the nightwalker but Jack turned his gaze away from her while they moved forward. Stopping halfway across the throne room Celestia spoke up. "Dragonlord Ember I am pleased you have agreed to the extradition of Jackson Wolfe and I-" Ember held out her hand. "Before you start let's get one thing clear: I didn't agree to any Extradition," Ember spoke her voice echoing through the throne room before moving her free hand to the nightwalker. "He is here because he chooses to be. He could have not been here and let us speak how you have no ground of Exraditie him from my kingdom but he did so of his own free will," Celestia flinched for a moment before speaking. "On the contrary Ember, I have every right to Exraditie Jack... he is in a fragile state of mind and I worry due to the nightwalker curse that he might have harmed someone while in your lands," Celestia stated. "I assume you are aware that last night was a full moon?" "I am aware," Ember answered. "Are also you aware that due to the nightwalker curse Mr. Wolfe undergoes a primal state of being when there is a full moon to where he is susceptible to no longer control primal urges and instinct," The sun princess asked. "Jack has informed me of this yes," Celestia then smiled at this. "So you are aware that Jack could have unknowingly forced himself upon a female dragon and/or attacked any other dragon that tried to stop him from doing so?" Celestia asked. Ember shifted on her throne clearly seeing what the sun princess was trying to do here and it was pissing her off. "Well, you clearly don't have to worry about that Celestia for Jack has a mate who was willing to remain with Mr. Wolfe's side during the entire full moon," Ember countered back causing Celestia to give a slight look of surprise and some of the ponies turned to Agape who held Jack's shoulder with a smile before waving to the group. "Furthermore seeing how Mr. Wolfe has not commented any crimes against the equestrian people but seeing how he was the victim of a unprevoked magical assault and false imprisonment your terms for Extradition are all but void," Celestia grimaced before Luna spoke. "Dragonlord Ember surely you must know that the 'unprovoked magical assault and false imprisonment' are greatly exaggerated," Luna stated. "Yes, the elements of harmony were to turn Mr. Wolfe to stone but the elements were never to cause the nightwalker any pain or suffering. Jack wasn't being imprisoned but instead was to be safely hidden as to not be targeted for assassination," The dragonlord shifted on her throne looking down at the two leaders and the pillars who seemed to be out of the loop a more confused than anything. Stonehoof turned to Somnambula with a clear look of surprise on both their faces, Mist mane held a puzzled look next to starswril stroked his beard, and Magnus tapped Meadowbrook's shoulder asking if she knew about what they were talking about. "Do you even hear yourself, Princess? How is not turning him into stone and locking him in the magical vault that only you or your sister here can unlock not imprisoning him?" Ember asked. "You were to be his wardens while he was your prisoner!" Standing up she held the bloodstone in a tight grip hitting the end on the ground hard enough to crack the black marble steps. "I did some research on when the elements turn someone into stone... I was even told by someone who experienced it more than once. Being in a state where you are aware of your surroundings but unable to move and unable to speak or do anything," Ember pointed her staff at them. "And you were not only going to turn him into stone but lock him in the darkness of a vault with no one but some dusty old relics... how sane would he be after being in that state for who knows how long," Moving down the steps moving over to Jack, Agape, and Nali. "As far as I'm aware Mr. Wolfe will not be Exraditied from the dragon lands any time soon," Ember spoke. "I offered Jack asylum and he accepted my offer and will stay here as long as he wants," Celestia's eyes filled with anger with a brief moment. "Very well..." Turning to leave but Twilight spoke up. "Jack! We didn't mean to hurt you! Please come home! Flurry Heart misses you," She was trying to pull at his heartstrings... "Spike..." Jack spoke towards the assistant to the newest princess. "Can you tell Flurry that I'm alright and she needs not to worry about me and that I am fine for I will always be with her?" Spike nodded with a smile. "You can always count on me, bro," Jack smiled back before knowing he might need to leave before things get out of hand. Turning on his foot he took only two steps before Luna's voice shouted. "JACK I LOVE YOU!" Stopping in his tracks the nightwalker froze. "Please come home... that dragon doesn't love you she is only using you! Please come back to me..." Jack turned his head slightly but without saying a word he left the throne room, Agape turned to glare at Luna almost bearing her teeth. "If you truly love Jack then let him go," Agape told the night princess before turning to follow her mate but shivered slightly before looking up at the pillars of the throne room that held statues of the past dragon lords on gold platforms. Feeling something... familiar. Snapping out of it she then walked forward following Jack her heels clicking on the floor. > Halloween special (2021): Spike's nightmare > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Where am I?" Spike looked around confused and dazed slightly looking around him. "The everfree? How did I get here?" He then looked down at his hands feeling something in them. Did Spike blink in confusion seeing a... shotgun? Spike has never seen a real one before but he heard about this human weapon many times from Jack before he... *HOWL!* Freezing up at the sound of the howl Spoke looked around. Timberwolves? No, this howl sounded different. Looking around the dragon looked through the darkness to see anything but nothing he could barely see what was around him. The light from Luna's moon could barely help from how thick the branches from the trees barely allowed him to see for only some light went out from the cracks. He couldn't fly out his wings weren't strong enough and he was still training with Rainbow dash to figure out how to use them but due to his work with Twilight, he barely had time for training. Now he was paying for that he learned how to use them now that he couldn't... Here in the Everfree Forest with some large beast lurking in the shadows. The forest was dead quiet which wasn't normal usually there would be bugs or something chirping in the dark. Here nothing made a sound if it was too scared to make a sound because of what lurked in the forest. "Oh... another one..." A voice spoke in the dark her voice made his spine chill. "And a dragon nonetheless... this is going to be fun to watch," A pair of pink eyes looked from the shadows at spike causing him to point the shotgun at the being. "Sick 'em boy," The female voice spoke causing Spike to turn while a beast ran at him. Panicking he ran forward as the creature ran at him glowing golden eyes in the dark as he could barely see the creature in the dark. Spike looked down at the shotgun his mind racing from what Jack told him about how a gun like this would work. He turned around at the best that was still running at him. 'Brace arms, legs keep feet flat, knees bent slightly, then point and-' *BANG!* Spike's ear rang from the gunshot as a red shotgun shell went flying while another fresh shell entered the barrel, holding his right ear Spike forgot the part where Jack explained ear protection when using a gun. Looking up his ears still ringing Spike watched as the creature's eyes were gone before they snapped to him if the shell winded the creature and didn't kill it. Spike couldn't hear what he said due to his ears still ringing but he began to pull the trigger fast as he could firing countless shells into the beast but it seemed to only piss the creature off. Raising its claws back Spike was thrown into a tree his head hitting a rock when he land on the ground, his ears still ringing Spike opened his eyes to see his shotgun laying before him but out of reach. Before he could reach out and try to grab it the beast walked forward to bring it's foot down on the shotgun breaking it in two. Fear filled Spike as he looked up at the creature and his blood froze when he saw the creature's face. "J-Jack?" Spike could barely hear himself from his ears still ringing. There before him was the nightwalker but something was greatly different. A low orange glow came from some veins, his mouth dripping with a yellow-orange mixture that slobbered onto the ground burning the grass it touched. Scars covered his body and strange metal equipment was over his body pumping orange liquid, his claws were covered in metal claws that were covered in dried blood. "Not anymore he's not," A woman stepped from the shadows wearing dark clothing that looked like a uniform with long heels clicked forward. "After what your friends did... well... let's just say he's now the monster you all feared he would be," The woman laughed while spike turned to his friend who was panting like a beast looking at him like a predator would do with it's prey. Spike could barely even tell this was the human nightwalker who was blasted out of the castle, now only hate, rage, malice filled those eyes that once held other emotions. "What did you do to him!?" Spike shouted. "I didn't do anything to him... the only thing I did was care and love him but the pain your friends caused him so much pain it poisoned his very soul turning him into what you see before him," The woman said stepping into the light allowing Spike to look at her face. "The pain slowly began to turn him insane. Ember and I tried to help him but to every doctor, we went to only found his condition to grow worse with every passing day," The dragonness looked down at the wounded dragon. "Until we made a deal with a certain doctor who tried to help but... well... you can see how well that turned out," The dragonness knelt down to Jack due to her height gently brushing her head across his neck fur. "Jack's body rejected the drugs that the doctor used to try and help Jack but it ended up doing the opposite," Spike watched while Jack pushed his head against the pink and black dragon's own head like a loyal dog to his master. "His mind shattered Jack killed doctor and... Ember in a rage along with everyone else and if we hadn't bonded... well," She laughed. "I would be here with him," "What?" She smiled at the spike. "You still don't understand boy... when a human even if they are a werewolf has their heart broken the mind soon follows suit I only wished we bonded sooner so I can prevent his heart from growing sour," She then scratched his chin. "Now I help him find those who cause him pain and hunt them down like the dogs they are," Turning to Jack's chipped ear and whispering something in it before turning to Spike. "Just like you," She smiled at Spike. "Feeding time Jack," Jack roared before going over to Spike "Jack it's me! Spike! Jack please it's me! It's a spike! Jack-" Jack grabbed Spike by the neck and raised his head up before biting off his head in a single bite-killing spike. "NO!!!" Spike awoke in the darkness of his room panting. After gathering his breath he looked out the window at Luna's moon before looking at his nightstand, reaching out he grabbed the picture and looked at it. It was Him, Big Mac, Button Mash, Discord, Shining Armor, and of course Jack before he was turned in front of the new game store that opened in Ponyville the entire group smiling. The group had gone when Jack visited awhile back to check out any of the new Role-playing games for them to try out as a group for guy's night. It was a good memory. They ended up buying a new nightmare night horror game that involved a killer and the group had to figure out who was it. The group had a blast since Jack kinda knew the rules since it was similar to a game he used to playback on earth. He called it a clue or something... Spike felt uneasy slightly before getting up and placing the picture down before going out to get some water. Actually, he might sneak a few bottles of cider sleep wasn't going to come so easily now after that dream > Part 11 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- (A long time ago) Sitting on the apple family porch Spike and Jack were relaxing and enjoying the hard cider after a long day's work helping Applejack with a favor. "So..." The young dragon began. "So?" "Your moving out?" Jack nodded while he brought the hard cider bottle up to drink before taking a swig and then bringing it down. "Yeah, Celestia, Luna, and Twilight think it's best if I stay at the capital for my safety," The human told Spike. "You know not many ponies out here enjoy my company," "That's not true Lyra seemed to take quite the liking to you," Spike joked causing Jack to chuckle at the memory of his first meeting with the mint-colored pony. Taking a sip of his own drink Spike before Jack handed him something wrapped in newspaper. "Sorry my wrapping skills are shit but happy VERY early birthday," Jack joked when Spike placed his beer down and took the object and began to unwrap it. "Whoa... is this?" "Yeah it's our first picture with all of us together," Jack smiled. "A little something I made for you and the others since I'm not going to be around as often," Spike smiled at the picture while placing his hand on the human's shoulder. "Thank man," The human smiled at his best friend. "Not a problem," The two then sat in silence drinking before a voice shouted to get their attention. "YO! SPIKE, JACK, GET OVER HERE I NEED HELP WITH THE SETUP AGAIN!" Vinyl shouted trying to get ready for Applebloom's party before the youngest of the apple family gets home. "Aw shit, what now..." Before Jack could stand up he was lightly bonked on the head with a broom. "There will be no cursing on my property sonny," Granny smith spoke with her trusty broomstick in hand. Holding his lowered head Jack smiled. "Sorry, Granny it just slipped," "It's alright but don't let me catch you cursing again you understand," The old pony warned. "Yes Ma'am," "Now go on and git that friend needs help with that whatchamacallit," With that, the two friends went off to help for the party. (Present-day, Spike's guest room) Looking at the picture Spike was still shaken from that dream from last night... He felt extremely uneasy, but seeing Jack just now made him even worry even more though he looked more. Relaxed than expect and that dragonness standing next to the nightwalker didn't look like the same being in his dream where instead of a cold stare she held a warmth... well she did give a slight hateful stare at the princesses. He didn't know what to make of her... He knew a lot of dragons up here in his homeland but never has he heard or seen a dragon such as her. Tall and slender, very unusual for a dragon to be. Still, Spike was glad that his friend found someone but wasn't it weird how fast he was able to find someone to be- "Hey, Spike," Turning his head up the dragon looked to see Discord standing next to him. "Discord! What are you doing in my room?!" The god of chaos held out his hands to the dragon. "SHHHHHHHHHHHHH! Lower your voice," Discord hushed Spike. The beast of madness turned to the door of Spike's room. "Okay... Spike, we gotta talk," Discord then turned back to Spike. "About what?" "So I saw Jack yesterday and we had a talk... well why didn't you tell me about the whole element thing with him being blasted out of the side of the castle?" Discord asked. Spike held his head. "I honestly believed that Twilight or one of the princesses told you the actual truth not part of the truth," Spike stated. "Then again why am I not surprised," Placing the picture on the bedside table he got up. "I'm guessing Jack told you when were told NOT to visit him without permission?" Spike asked to which Discord tapped his fingers together. "Well yeah, I might have... but I gotta ask, is someone in the royal court to try to kill Jack after somehow drugging Luna and Celestia?" Discord asked. Spike nodded. "Yeah but I don't think it's one person but the entire damn court! They how power and influence it wouldn't surprise me if one of them threaten one of the cooks or maids to force them into their plans," Spike told Discord. "Well... do you got any idea on who might be the one who would get their hands on a drug that can affect alicorns?" "I got a whole list... the entire court has the resources and influence to get said drug and then cover their tracks," Discord huffed before sitting down in the air with his chin resting on his fist as he began to think. "What are we going to do?" Spike asked the chaos god. "I'll tell you what we're going to do," The two turned to another voice that entered the room as a dark purple-coated pony stepped forward. "Were going to do our own investigation," With Tempest stood Starlight, Sunset, and Trixie causing the dragon to nod. "But we got to keep this whole thing 'Hush Hush' no pony... rather no ONE must know about this," "What about Jack?" Trixie asked. "Jack already has enough on his plate but till things die down we'll let Jack in," Spike told the former street mage. "Some ponies want our friend dead and were going to find out who," (The guest house) *ACHOO!* "You alright darling?" Agape asked after Jack nearly blew down the house with his sneeze. "Yeah, I'm fine that came out of nowhere," Grabbing some cut fish he then placed it into a bowl for Nali on the table which she leaped up onto the table before digging in. Jack huffed before rubbing the sides of his head. "FUCK!" Jack shouted surprising the dragon and the cat. "Why wouldn't they leave me alone!" "Darling?" "After all that they did to me, they try to Justify me being turned into stone and locking me away!" "Darling..." "For years I knew the lords and ladies of the royal court hated my guts but the moment they try something I'm the one in the wrong," "Darling!" Jack turned to Agape who looked at him. "Come here," The nightwalker looked at his lover before moving over and sitting down next to her and feeling her arms wrap around him as the two lay down on the couch. "The princesses made a choice and will pay for it in time," Agape told the Wolfen. "You need not matter about them anymore... you are here now safe from them," Stroking the back of his head fur Agape while the werewolf could hear her heartbeat with his sharp ears, placing her other hand on his head helping the werewolf calm down. Jack couldn't help but melt in her embrace but not close his eyes in fear if he did that she would disappear but at the same time, the dragonness was afraid to let him go scared that she would return to being alone. Laying there with the only sound being the wind blowing through the lakeside Jack felt his eyes growing heavily as Agape held him in her loving arms. Soon he passed out before opening his eyes to see he was in a... library? Confused Jack arose from the lounging chair he was in but Agape was no longer with him. Feeling his heart sink, The nightwalker almost panicked at the site but calmed himself when he still felt the dragon brush his head even though she was nowhere to be seen. After looking around Jack couldn't help but feel a sense of familiarity in this place seeing it move to his very thought shifting around and changing. Countless books were on the shelves all different colors but all in the same size and style. Before he could pull a book from the shelf, he froze up feeling a fate memory pop up in the back of his mind when he touched it. Surprised Jack then touched another one before a similar memory came to mind before Jack pulled back smiling at this, slowly he began to move through what he assumed was what Agape experienced when she was poking around in his mind before. Then he saw it. Statues of different characters from his childhood all stood with rows upon rows of shelves filled with comic books. Smiling at the ridiculous statue of Noble Six and Sly Cooper fighting off both Clockwerk and ClockLa... the weird imagination when he was a kid. Moving forward past it all the nightwalker couldn't help but feel himself be drawn to something deeper and deeper within his mind before seeing it. This part held an of familiar warm faces that made him realize... this was the part where his other took the form of Agape. But why here? Why was he being pulled here of all places? That's when he saw it. Something or rather someone was moving from book to book with that held the names of different characters that the werewolf liked. "Hey!" His voice echoed through the chamber causing the being who didn't really have a solid form to 'turn' towards him. "What's wrong darling," Jack awoke from Agape's voice causing him to move up slightly. "I... um, nothing..." Rubbing his head the werewolf's other moved up. "What a weird dream," "Dream? Ohhhhh were you talking in your sleep?" Agape smiled. "You haven't done that in a while have you?" "How did you... right memory thing... speaking of which," Jack turned to her. "So when you were in my memories what was it like?" "Well, it was a giant library similar to that one from that series you enjoy... the one with all the monsters and that foundation trying to keep them from destroying the world?" Jack thought for a moment before speaking. "The Wanderer's library?" Agape smiled and nodded. "Yes like that one but it was empty no librarians or anything... why do you ask?" "Nothing just had a weird dream is all. How long was I asleep?" Agape hummed seeing the cloak. "About a hour," 'It only felt like a few minutes' Jack thought to himself before shrugging. "Well how about I try and cook something that I think you would like," Jack asked causing the Dragonness to smile. "I would love to eat anything darling I-" *THHHHHUUUUWWWKKK!* Being thrown back by the sharp object going through his neck Jack's body broke the dinner table from his fall back. "DARLING!" Agape moved down to Jack who reached out to hold what hit him, unable to speak Jack felt an ungodly amount of pain as he pulled out the object. Blood roared out from his wound but quickly as the wound was opened did the nightwalker's healing ability kicked in sealing and healing the wound like it was never there. "Are you alright Jack!" Agape held him as he rose up looking at what hit him, a sliver head crossbow bolt. Seeing a flash Jack moved his hand out stopping another bolt that was aimed for Agape with his bare hand. "Get Ember," The werewolf snarled before pulling the bolt out of his hand. "But-" Before she could finish Jack rose up and out the window vaulting over the open window and bolting forward to the river, the assassin fired another bolt but this time the nightwalker dodged it. Seeing where the bolt came from Jack ran at the shooter's position quickly running across the dock and then diving into the water before swimming faster than a jet ski. Leaping out of the water and onto dry lad, the werewolf didn't waste any time before moving forward through the forest area before moving to the assassin's last known location. When he got there Jack saw that the assassin was already gone but this assassin was going to learn something real quick about werewolves. They can run but they can't hide. Going on all fours the nightwalker lowered his nose down to the ground and snifted getting the sent of the assassin before bolting forward like a wolf. The scent grew stronger and stronger as he move through the forest before his ears could hear the assassin breathing from here. They were out of breathe and had stopped to gather themselves thinking they were safe from him. Where they wrong. Leaping from the forest air into the air the assassin turned to see their target had caught up with them. Before they could raise their crossbow, Jack tackled them to the ground squeezing his hand that held down the assassin's arm that held their weapon. Hearing a snap the assassin screamed as they dropped their weapon before the werewolf held them by their broken limb before throwing the assassin into a tree. Not allowing them to hit the ground the nightwalker dash forward grabbing the assassin by the neck before shoving them to the three. "WHO SENT YOU!" The assassin squirmed in his grip trying to breathe only to be slammed against the tree again. "WHO SENT YOU!" Jack repeated his question. "F-f-f-f-f-" "WHO SENT YOU!" Baring his teeth the assassin could see that the nightwalker was inches away from ripping out his throat. "FANCY PANTS!" This caused the assassin to be dropped when Jack heard the name of someone he thought was a friend. As the assassin held their throat Jack looked down at the assassin before he felt like a sinking feeling of betrayal once and finally let loose his anger before he began to repeatedly kick the assassin in the ribs. "Jack? Jack! Jack STOP!" Feeling the arms of a red dragon hold him back the werewolf fought against the hold while two other dragon guards held him back from killing the assassin. "You got him! Calm down!" "LET ME GO! LET ME GO GARBLE! LET ME GO!" Three dragon guards picked up the assassin placing them in chains as Jack bared his teeth at the assassin. "YOUR DEAD! YOU HEAR ME YOUR DEAD! YOU TRIED TO KILL MY MATE! YOU AND YOUR BOSS ARE DEAD!" "Jack!" Ember's voice spoke out as she appeared before him placing her hand on his chest to calm him. "Gather yourself and calm the fuck down!" Ember then turned to the dragon guard. "Take that piece of shit to the dungeon I'll talk with them later," She then turned to another guard. "You make sure our guests don't leave until we sort this out," Trying to break free of the grip Jack was trying to kill the assassin. "Jack there will be a time and place for this but not now collect yourself. Agape is fine we got the assassin... now breathe," Ember told the werewolf who began to slow his breathing and calm down. "There you go. Just breathe," "I'm good now... let me go," Yanking his arm from Garble Jack snapped at the dragon. "I said let me go!" Garble held out his hands. "Alright sorry," Jack looked at Ember. "Now what?" Ember held her head. "Now? I'll have to do something I wasn't wanting to do," > Part 12 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- GORE WARNING!!! (Three days later) (Blood edge) Blood Edge... Not something that should be in a kid's show and for a good reason... This place was that for public execution... Many forms of execution were performed here, and for many years no blood has flowed through the cracks and into the unforgiving water below. The bones of many dragons rest on the jagged rocks at the bottom of the pit whether they be traitors, tyrants, or assassins. Today a new form of Execution will be performed one that will be witnessed not only in the dragon lands but though out the entire world of Equis. Magical projection crystals were placed overlook every angle of the execution, on the central platform where it looked like the bottom of the dragon's open maul were two worn pillars that have been used before but not like this. Dragons throughout the land sat on the edges on either watch while one of the three natural pathways came forth the dragon lord herself. After many hush whispers of the dragons, all went silent when Dragonlord Ember dressed in black armored robes walked forward, the bloodstone not in her hand but a piece of parchment. "I remember the day when Equestria and the Dragonlands came together and became 'friends'..." (Cantorlot) The magical image of Ember was over the Equestrian capital projected by a hidden crystal on top of one of the rooftops. "On that day two were responsible for our alliance. One a dragon who lived among the grass field lands of Equestria and the other a stranger who only wished to help his friend on the day of the gauntlet of fire. Both raised their lives not only for me but the dragon lands themselves..." (The crystal empire) "Sadly a series of unfortunate events have occurred to the stranger. From being ostracized among many of the ponies to being cursed and turned into a nightwalker then to be turned to stone and locked within a vault even though he had commented no crime against Equestria!" (The griffin empire) "This stranger who did nothing but help others not expecting anything in return and responsible for so much good was then targeted for assassination order by the nobles of Equestria while seeking asylum in the Dragonlands. Someone who had helped Equestria through many problems that Equestria had faced over the past years he would lean a hand and even risk his own life to help others... only to find himself at the end of a crossbow by those he helped," (Changling lands) "Someone I called a friend and someone I would trust with my life was targeted for nothing he could control... not only was he attacked but he was attacked here in the Dragonlands. On MY home! A pony had come here to kill one of those under MY protection! Let it be known... this document of the alliance between the Dragonlands and Equestria is now hereby null and void!" Thousands watched as Ember ripped the document in two before throwing it into the pit below to join the rest of the ‘trash' "If any Equestria ships come into Dragonland territory they will be burned down either it is by sea or by air! And to those who believe the dragons are not serious then let me remind you where I stand now... this is a place of action not a place of words! For many years Blood Edge has been asleep not tasting the very thing that gave it it's namesake!" Ember threw out her hand as the pony assassin was held struggling against the two large dark hooded masked dragons over to the 'slab'. "Let this assassin be an example of what happens to those who cross the dragons and their allies!" The dragons all roared before screaming for blood but all went quiet as Ember raised her hand silencing her people. The only noise that was heard was the sound of the wing and the fire pits around the edge of the land where the dragons watched. Moving from the back, Jack walked forward while the assassin was held down on the ground before another hooded dragon came forth with something wrapped in a red cloth behind the nightwalker. Kneeling down behind the pony who was whimpering in fear while the Lycan looked down at the back of the assassin. The dragon with the wrapped object carefully unwrapped the cloth revealing it was more than one item... The first item was a sharp knife that was handed to Jack before he moved his hand to the back of the Assassin's head before taking the blade. From the cave behind the werewolf that leads to the natural platform stood Agape watching her other ready to punish the pony that tried to kill her. The pony screamed in pain while the knife dug into the stallion's back the dragon held down while the screams were broadcasted throughout the lands. Pulling back the flesh from the assassin's back the blood-covered hands reached out for the next tool... an ax... but this one wasn't like those for beheads no it was smaller and had a very simple design. Trading the knife for the ax, the nightwalker looked down at the exposed muscle and bone before him. Aiming his ax he brought it down on one of the pony's ribs before going to the next one, the assisting dragon poured a yellow liquid over the exposed back of the pony causing the assassin to scream. This step was added by dragons... they didn't want the pony to die just yet. Placing the ax down the werewolf grabbed the cut ribs and began to bend them out causing the pony to scream out in more pain. Tears ran down his eyes as his vocal cords were threatening to be torn apart by his very howls, all who witnessed this outside the Dragonlands could only watch in complete horror at what was happening. Finally, as the last rib was bent, Jack looked down at the still moving lungs of the pony before reaching down to grab the air-filled flesh bag and squeezing it. This caused the pony to lift his head but no scream came out as his lung was pulled over his bent rib cage while his eyes rolled into the back of his head out of pure pain. As the lungs were pulled over still moving the breathing of the pony became shallow... That potion was still keeping him alive... They weren't done with him yet. The pony was no longer struggling, not as he could move anymore... the two other dragons then proceed to help the nightwalker on the very last part. Grabbing hammers, rope, and nails they began to attach them to the stone posts, after what felt like days of work the dragons began to hoist up the still-alive pony up on full display. There was the assassin... arms out while his new 'wings' were pulled out by ropes and stretched out. His claws and face were caked in the red liquid of blood Jack began to walk away back to the cave but Ember stopped him for a moment, holding his shoulder the nightwalker looked at Ember. They stared at one another before Ember leaned her forehead onto his before closing her eyes... The two stood there like that for a moment before Ember pulled back and let Jack go allowing him to walk down the natural bridge. Walking forward into the cave Agape looked at Jack before moving down slightly and reaching for her love, holding his hands for a moment Agape felt the still warm blood that was staining the werewolf's fur. Looking at his blood-covered face Agape reached forward before whipping away some of the blood before cresting his cheek. "Let's go home," The werewolf's voice was low making it clear he didn't want to be in blood edge longer than he had to. (???) "AGGGGGGHHHHHHHH!" Jack threw his arms across the table sending books flying through the air before he slammed his hands down. The library around him began to shake from his rage before he held his head while tears began to go down his face. The cocktail of emotions was painful... Rage... Fear... Sorrow... all of it hurt. Slowly he dragged down to sit at one of the bookshelves containing whatever was in his mind. At least in here... Agape or Ember didn't see him like this. The pain... It hurt... and he didn't know what to do about it. Sitting there in his own mind, Jack began to move his hands down resting his arms on his knees while he sat. Whipping away his tears the nightwalker dropped his head back against the wall before looking up at the star-filled night ceiling. Lifting his hand Lycan began to move his hand and as he did the stars and night buzzed like what a certain superhero with multiple personality disorder once did. But he stopped when he heard a book fall over, turning his head he turned his head to the sound to see a cloaked figure peaking from behind one of the bookshelf. "You!" The 'thing' turned and began to run, but here they couldn't get far in the nightwalker's own mind. The Bookshelves shifted and moved to block the creature's path where every it moved to, stopping in it's tracks as a bookshelf hit the ground in front of it the creature turned to the Snarling nightwalker. "I know that smell..." Through his mind, he grabbed the translucent being by the throat and lifted it into the air. "YOU HAVE SOME NERVE COMING INTO MY MIND LUNA! AND-" The hood around the creature's head dropped down causing the night walker to stop mid-sentence, he looked up at the dark being with familiar-looking eyes. "Nightmare?" "Hey... Jack," The werewolf brought the other half of Luna down only to get a better look at the alter-ego of his former friend. "What are you doing here?" Jack asked. "Wait... did she send you?" The dark figure that was once known as nightmare moon shook it's 'head' which looked nothing like a pony or any creature more like a creature of complete smoke with two sharp eyes. "She doesn't know I even escaped her," Nightmare explained. "Then I ask again why are you here? Are you trying to get in my head and use me like your other half?" Nightmare shook her head again. "No! I want nothing to do with Luna anymore! Not after what she did," "What?" Jack lighten his grip on her 'neck'. "Look... Jack she and I shared a body and a mind... she created me 1,000 years ago and then threw me away in her own mind and locked me under lock and key!" Nightmare spoke. "For years I was trapped unable to move or do anything! I could only watch and hear what she heard and saw... and feel what she felt," "What are you getting at Nightmare?" The dark entity held out her hand. "You hate Luna, right? Luna hates me... you know the saying that you once told her: the enemy of my enemy is-" "My friend," Nightmare nodded to Jack's words. "Yes..." "If you are here to ask me to help rule over Equestrian then you come to the wrong person at the wrong time," Nightmare shook her head. "That's not why I'm here Jack... I do need your help but for something else," The nightwalker looked at Luna's other self before moving her close to stare into her eyes. "What may that be..." "Cut Luna out of me, Jack..." Nightmare looked at the golden eyes of the werewolf. "I wish to be reborn," > Part 13 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- (Ponyville) (The next day) "Did you see it?" Starlight asked Sunset who sat across from her friend. "The... projection of the-" "I did..." The yellow-coated unicorn stated uneasily at what she saw the previous day. "I knew it was going to be an execution but I was expecting a beheading or maybe a famous dragon 'heartless' treatment but that? That was brutal what in Equestria was that?" "I don't know... but that pony must have really pissed off, Jack if he did that-" "Blood Eagle," The two girls turned their heads to Spike who stood back leaning back on the kitchen counter with his arms crossed the dragon looked up at the girls who were confused. "Jack told me about it... it's a form of execution that his ancestors used on those who pissed off the wrong person," The two ponies shivered at the thought... they did know before his transformation was a little dark and when he first got here he was a little 'distant' but he was the one who would crack a bad joke and was the first to ask if he could help anything. Sunset knew of the Vikings of Earth, brutal raiders but when she spoke with Jack about it? Well, she got a lesson in history that day... he wasn't aggressive just informed her about a few things. She had no idea that the blood eagle existed either way and after yesterday she was kind of worried about what other dark things her friend knew how to do. "I'll just say it: this could be for a good thing," Starlight threw out surprising Sunset. "Well, we might not have to worry about Celestia or any of the nobles trying to mess with Jack or anything... maybe even Luna would get the memo to back off," Sunset held her chin before Spike stood up grabbing his cup of coffee. "I wouldn't count on it guys," Spike stated. "Luna and Jack were pretty close and she could be very-" "Attached?" "Clingy?" "Both sums it up," Spike sighed before taking a sip from his coffee. "But I really hope we get this whole thing sorted out and try to save or salvage what's left," Sunset turned on her seat to get a better look at the young dragon. "You know that might be impossible," "Yeah but I wanna try to at least have the Dragonlands and Equestria on decent enough terms where the entire dragon legion wouldn't be unleashed on every Equestira sea or airship that comes into their territory," Spike told his friend before moving out his cup. "I wanna at least to see Jack and other dragons sometime in the future," Sunset nodded while Starlight looked down at her own coffee cup. "Goddess we gotta figure this out before all goes to hell," (Dragonlands) (The palace of fire) After the assassin's attempt to kill both the Nightwalker and his dragon love along with Jack going a little overboard trying to hunt down the assassin. Ember had the two moved to the Palace of fire in one of the royal guest chambers and right now the dragonness was a little... well not happy. "Starrrrrre," Agape whispered while looking at the dark mist aura around the nightwalker who felt uncomfortable by the dragonness pulling an anime trope. "*Sigh* Nightmare is only doing this till we can get her reformed and reborn into a new body," Jack explain while both Nail and Agape started at him. "She was inside your head wasn't she," Agape asked to which the nightwalker looked towards the pink and black dragon being. "Yes... she was only there to hide after latching onto me after she left Luna's body," Jack told Agape. The dragonness who was 'hiding' behind the bed with Nali next to her with the same look in each other's eyes. "Don't you find it a little creepy that she did it without you knowing," Agape questioned narrowing her eyes at the dark mist surrounding the nightwalker. Jack lowered his book to look at the two. "Didn't you basically follow me since day one watching my every move and following me," This caused Agape to pop up from behind the bed with Nali around her shoulders. "T-that's different!" The dragon's face blushed slightly before Jack shook his head before returning to read his book. "Sure it is..." Jack felt Nightmare's presence within his mind as she was basically using him as her hoist. Almost like a symbiote but she couldn't take over unless he wished, but she could hear what he heard or see whatever he saw. It was similar to when Luna had her trapped within her own body but locked away deeper within, but due to allowing her to will us his body as 'temporary housing' so her form doesn't tear itself outside of a living body. Plus she wasn't in a mind prison which allowed her to someone won't to move outside the body but only to touch things without the sense of being second-hand. Feeling a head drop down on top of his arms Jack turned his head to Agape who was looking up at him with sad puppy dog eyes. Smiling slightly Jack closed his book to look at the dragonness who was trying to pull another Anime trope or something thinking that her lover was upset at her or something. He wasn't... "Agape..." This caused the dragonness to slowly crawl onto the chair that Jack was sitting on. "Agape," Pressing into his Chest the slim tall dragonness crawled over the armrest and onto Jack's lap. "I swear your bad as Nali," Agape looked at Jack before smiling and placing her hands next to her head and- "What do you mean... nya~" 'MY HEART! SEXY AND CUTE!' *Meow!* Nali stared at the two clearly not happy about being indirectly insulted. Agape returned her arms down before nuzzling into Jack's neck while Nightmare moon within the mind of the former human was currently a little jealous of the dragonness being this close to the Lycan. Playing with a lock of his fur Agape curled up on his lap before speaking... "What kind of form will she take?" Agape asked. Jack looked down at the dragonness before humming in thought. "Well... she told me that she didn't want anything to do with Luna and cut her much as she can including psychical appearance so there's that," Jack explained what Nightmare told him the other night in his dream. "Though I wouldn't be surprised if she was going through my head trying to find inspiration on something," If Nightmare could smile she would but within Jack's mind... you could say she was inspired. "Darling?" The werewolf tilted his head. "What wrong Luv?" "Can you trust nightmare?" This caused her wolf to shift slightly. "She can-" "I know she can... do you trust her?" Jack's eyes gazed to the right for a moment in thought. Turning to look back into the eyes of his other he nodded. "Nightmare has made it clear she isn't Luna even though they share the same body," Jack stated before speaking up again. "I can understand what she was getting out... I can't imagine living trapped in a body unable to experience anything without it being delayed and faded it sounds like hell. No one would have any love for their warden after something like that Agape," Agape stopped playing with his fur before resting her head over his heart. "I hope she doesn't abuse the trust you are giving her unlike her other half," Agape stated before lightly dragging her claws across Jack's throat. Not as a threat to Jack himself more of a threat to the magical being that was hoisted inside the werewolf. "Otherwise it will be me dipping my claws in blood," Jack huffed feeling Nightmare shiver in the back of his mind at Agape's touch. "Hmmm... I do believe Nightmare Moon understands," Jack smiled down at Agape who shifted up slightly cresting his cheek while he leaned into it. "Much as I want to kiss you right now I don't think Nightmare would like that," "Awwww... fine just cuddles then," "That's fair... don't worry Agape... we only have to wait a little while longer," "Midnight?" "Midnight," > Part 14 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "I know he was creative but... by Faust how can someone have an imagination like this at his age?" Nightmare floated through the 'mind-library' of the former human looking through many memories... the area she was in now was more like an art room with thousands of different pieces of art styles laying about while some pens, pencils, and paintbrushes moved on blank pieces of paper moving wildly. Moving over to one of the pieces she picked up was an unclear image of... Her or rather when she and Luna were one at her first arrival here. All though it was little bit different with her outside of her armor and in a dress that looked like it was made from the very stars-filled sky itself matching her black coat. The night entity would blush if she had a face at the image but she couldn't shake a sinking feeling in her heart at the sight of the dress. She would always think about what happened if the elements didn't destroy the connection that Luna and she had... What would happen if she did get to rule? If she was being honest past she would have killed him or had him as a pet... But things were... different now. Very, she and Luna were from a different era, and in this new modern one was... worse, from the lies, the equestrian noble plotting and entitlement, and finally the xenophobia. Her other is lying to herself if she thought it was different. That was something she couldn't help sadly, Equestria didn't matter to her. Luna can have her kingdom of lies... Nightmare will be living a new life, hopefully, one where she can be happy and free from her former jailer. Placing the piece down Luna looked through the art but noticed something, she looked up at the pair of large gate doors that were standing in the middle of the room above a bright moving light. /-Inspiration room-\ Nightmare pushed the doors open before going wide-eyed and a smile would be on her face if she could smile. "Jack... your world never ceases to amaze me," (The palace fire's garden) (The small lakeside) Luna's moon shined down while the dragon and werewolf with the night entity within his immortal form. "So... is this similar to how you did when you took your form?" Jack asked to which Agape moved her hands out while floating magical runes came forth and into the water. "Yes, but different I could only do this at midnight by a lake side and only for a short amount of time," Agape turned to Jack with a smile. "That was before we struck our pact bounding me to this physical form at your side," Jack's brow raised slightly. "Wait wouldn't that mean-" The werewolf's sentince was cut short while the garden's lake began to shin as the moon was right above them signaling the silent call of midnight. Moving her hands down with a ring of magical runes around her body, turning to Jack the dragonness turned to the lycanthrope. "Now Jack... go into the water I will pull Nightmare's essence and she must imagine the form she wishes to take and the spell will do the rest," The former 'mare of the lake' told Jack. Taking a step forward Jack began to walk into the water before slowly dipping into the lake with every step before holding his breath as the after came to his chin before stepping in and going into glowing water completely. Moving her hand Agape couldn't see what was happening within the glowing water but she could sense Nightmare and Jack being unbound from one another. "Agape!" The tall dragon turned her head hearing the voice of the dragonlord. "Why is the garden lake glowing like the freaking sun?" Ember ran over noticing the magic runes ring around Agape's waist while a magical circle was around her hand outstretched to the lake. "Ember? Um... We are kind of using it for a second," "Using it? Wait... we?" Ember looked at the much taller she-dragon before looking around. "Where's Jack?" "He's in the lake," Agape told the dragonlord causing the blue dragonness to turn to the lake. "What are you two doing?" "Well... that's a long story but please I'm not trying to sound rude please don't distract me," Agape told Ember before using her free hand to summon more magical runes and then shot out a magical snare that reached out and pull Jack out of the water. Hitting the ground next to Agape and Ember, Jack gasped for Air after holding his breath before rolling over to his back and looking up to see the blue dragon. Causing the werewolf to give a slight wave to the ruler of the dragonlands while still panting trying to catch his breath. "Hey, Ember," "Jack... what are you two doing to my lake?" Ember asked watching Jack push himself up from the ground. "Helping a... well guess you can call her a friend," "Who?" "Ember. Darling. Please I'm trying to finish the last part of the spell," Agape spoke up not trying to screw up the final part of the spell. As the to went quiet the tallest of the three pulled the magical circle around her hand before throwing it into the lake and shooting her hands out in the air. Grabbing the magic traces in the air around them Agape brought down her hands followed by the magic into the lake to fuel the final part of the spell. This caused the lake to glow brighter from white to a blue color before shining so bright that the three had to turn away as the spell came to end before the lake darken suddenly. This left the three turning back to the lake while they watched waiting for something to happen. "Agape was something supposed to happen?" Jack turned to the dragonness who turn down to look at Jack. "Well... I don't know I always performed this spell on myself never anyone-" "What the hell," Ember noticed something in the lake. "Are those air bubbles?" Turning to the two Ember pointed her staff at the lake. "What kind of spell was that? You better not have summoned any demons in my backyard!" "No! Of course not we only-" *Splash!* Diving upwards from the lake came forth a figure pulling themselves out of the water before pushing themselves to the shallow end of the lake. The three looked at the being in the lake who was busy catching her breath, before looking up at the moon that hung up in the sky. The Moon had been their prison for one full century of their existence, yet from down here it was beautiful in the star-filled night sky. Closing her eyes the figure smiled feeling the cold water against her fur coat and the wind blowing against her before holding her arms. She could feel it... The wind... The water... And her own body... Opening her eyes she turned to the group on the sore, Agape smiled at the being standing there looking at them while Ember was confused about who this was... as for the nightwalker who looked to the side since she was nude blushing both out of the site of a nude woman and out of embarrassment. 'And she picked her from my mind... of course...' "Are you guys going to keep staring at me naked while I'm freezing my tail off in the water or can I get a towel," (AN: Sorry, it was the best image I could find and even then I had to cut it down for... a few reasons) (Royal guest room) Nightmare sat in one of the chairs wearing a bathrobe and having a blanket over her shoulders while she sat in front of the fireplace while Jack sat across from her as he was drying off too. "Okay! Are you some kind of magical entity magnet or something!? Should I expect another magical spawned girl to come into your life next month!?" Ember shouted both out of jealousy and anger. "No! Well... I hope not... Ember listen Nightmare was-" "Look I get it she was trapped in Luna's body and stuff but still! This happened twice now! Am I to assume something like this happen again in the future?" Ember interrupted Jack. "I... don't know how to answer that," Jack responded. "Of course you do!" Ember growled before Nightmare turned to the dragonlord. "Ember don't be upset with him. If you should be upset at anyone it should be me, I was in need of his help otherwise I would have died or been without a physical form," Nightmare explained. Ember looked at the newly reformed Nightmare moon's form before hissing slightly and holding the bridge of her snout. "I'm not upset just... forget about it," Ember huffed before placing her hand on her hip. "I'm glad these two were able to help you but I have to ask: You are not at all connected to princess Luna of Equestria?" Nightmare shook her head. "No, I completely freed of my 'double'," Nightmare explained to Ember but Agape coughed causing all three to turn to her. "Well... not quite," Agape's words confused the two but Jack froze when he realized. "You have to form a bounding spell with someone or your form will disband after the next moon," Nightmare looked at Agape before turning to Jack who froze slightly before turning his gaze away from the newly formed night entity. ... "I need some air," Jack got up before walking outside onto the balcony. (A few minutes later) Jack paced on the balcony his heart beating like he ran a marathon while bitting his forefinger. 'Nightmare is not Luna... Nightmare is not Luna... Nightmare is not Luna... Nightmare is not Luna... Nightmare is not Luna!' Yet he felt ashamed for feeling this way. But the werewolf couldn't help the feeling that he was currently experiencing, Luna and he was close, like really close but unable to be lovers due to his mortality when he was human. Then the whole thing with the elements and that pain he felt... Both physical and mental. On his heart and mind. He was fine with helping Nightmare sure yes and everything plus she didn't want to be connected or affiliated with the lunar princess. But it was just that... Nightmare had every memory Luna had of the two. But the 'what if' lingered in his mind. 'Breathe just breath... calm the fuck down Jack!' The doors to the balcony opened before closing causing the werewolf's ears to perk up. "Jack?" Not turning to her Jack felt his blood freeze slightly before relaxing. "Hey, Nightmare... Sorry about getting up like that on you guys I just stretch my legs," Jack said trying to give an excuse of some kind. Nightmare moved over to Jack before leaning an arm on the railing. "I might not be in your head any but I know what your thinking," Nightmare explained. "Yeah... sorry it is just me being paranoid," Nightmare nodded while looking at the bright moon above. "I can understand why you are like this after what happened and even what happened before you came into Equestria," Nightmare then turned to Jack. "Look I get it... my double hurt you and there is nothing I could have done but watch it all play out unable to reach out and stop her. Trust me, I really did try," Jack looked at her. "And for that, I apologize for not being strong enough to stop her," Nightmare said before Jack closed his eyes and gave a sign before opening his eyes and looking into her light blue eyes. "You have nothing to apologize Nightmare... honestly I should be the one apologizing... we came this far to get you a new look free from Luna but here I am chickening out at the last step," The Lycan explained. "But this might not be so bad... after all, I know all about Luna and nothing about you Nightmare so how about this let's start over: My name is Jack Wolfe it's nice to finally meet you, Nightmare Moon," Holding out his hand to her before she smiled and took it. "And it's a pleasure to finally meet, you Mr. Wolfe..." Nightmare then chuckled slightly. "Though I'm going to need a new name for it Luna or any equestrian hears that I'm back well it wouldn't be pretty," Jack nodded before holding his chin. "Hmmmm..." "Did this form have a name? What was it? Rasputin. No, that's not it," Nightmare tried to remember. "Well. One thing for sure your new accent might help with your cover," Jack's words caused Nightmare to look up at him. "What accent?" "That Russian accent... your whole voice it's different," Jack pointed out. "My voice isn..." Nightmare held her throat having actually listened to her new voice. "By the great void, it is," Jack shrugged with a smile. "It suits you," Nightmare laughed sightly before speaking. "Idi k chart," "Was that literally Russian?" Jack chuckled. "Okay okay... but seriously what do you want your new name to be?" Nightmare stopped laughing before looking to the side with a smile on her face. "What about Selene?" Nightmare looked at Jack before shaking her head. "Wait... is that?" "The greek goddess of the night? Yeah though I'm pretty sure you can use it don't think you guys have a Greece here," Nightmare turned to Jack causing him to blink. "Let me guess it's called Leese or something?" "Close... Fleese," Jack faced palmed at yet another pun name version of a location on earth in Equestria. "How did you come up with a name?" "Okay alright, how about... Juno?" "Juno?" "It's the roman version for Hera the goddess of wisdom and queen of the gods. Though things are a bit different but she was mostly known for faithful marriages and was to be second only to Zeus himself along with her wrath being quite legendary among the gods," Jack explained. "Plus along of badass ladies are named Juno too," Nightmare blushed slightly before looking down at the courtyard below. "Juno... it's perfect," "So you ready to do this... Juno?" "I was waiting for you Jack," 'Juno' smiled at Jack. (Five minutes later back inside) "Wait... so I just bite him?" "Yep. We can also cut him with a knife or something all you need to do is take a consume a drop of his blood after he willingly allows you to be bound with him then you must kiss him to finish the binding," Agape explained to the newly renamed Juno to smiled slightly while Jack silently huffed. 'I swear Agape had around the weeb part of my mind for WAY too long,' Ember looked at Jack than to Juno and Agape before lightly hugging Nali closer to her chest while the cat looked up at the dragonlord. *Murr?* "I'm fine hairball..." Ember buried her snout into the back of Nali's neck while the cat purred at the attention. Juno nodded before going over to Jack who was holding his hand slightly. "Just don't bite too deep the last time a bear bit me wasn't all that fun," Jack stated remembering the one time when a Ursa minor almost tore his leg in half if it wasn't for Starlight saving his ass. "I'll try and not to sink my new fangs into you too deeply... not yet anyways," Juno joked causing Jack to hold out his hand. "Just do it already Ni- I mean Juno," The Lycan stated while Agape chuckled at Juno's comment. Bringing his hand to her new muzzle, Juno bit down only deep enough to draw blood before licking his palm for his freshly drawn blood. Pulling back from his hand the dark-coated usrine and the canine looked at one another before Juno leaned in and kissed the werewolf. A little part of Juno was excited while another part was laughing that she got to kiss the former human while Luna will never get the chance. Breaking the kiss the wolf and bear stared at one another before Juna reached forward and hugged the Lycan with a smile on her face. Hugging her back Jack saw as a light formed around his ring finger again before lifting it up and watching the light die down seeing a brand new tattoo that was like Agape's but was intertwined with the dark pink binding. Lowering his hand he then saw Ember in the corner with Nali... breaking the hug with Juno the nightwalker spoke. "Hey, Ember?" The dragon lord looked up before Jack walked over to her and then gave her a hug. Ember felt her heart sink before dropping her head onto Jack's shoulder glad to finally get some affection even if it was for a moment. Opening her eyes the dragonlord pushed Jack forward, before smiling at the werewolf. "Thanks for that Jack... I should really be going I have a long day tomorrow," Ember set Nali down before grabbing her staff and walking out the room. "See you all later," "Ember wait..." Jack reached out and grabbed her hand. "Do you want to stay with us?" Ember looked up before shaking her head. "No... not tonight," Breaking away Ember walked to her chambers leaving the three in the guest room. (Ember's chambers) Opening the door to her room the dragonlord placed the bloodstone on it's resting display before dropping it onto her bed and looking up at the ceiling. Her mind was buzzing with a complicated mixture of slight jealousy, longing, and fear. Ember remembers the first day she met Spike and Jack the day when she became dragonlord. Though Spike was the one who mostly help her Jack was there either way for his friend even though that was the case he still helped her. One time after she became dragonlord Jack visited the Dragonlands to see who everything was along brought some of his personal belongs. The two played some earth game talked, and even went hunting together a few times once she even went to Equestria to join a 'game night' with Spike, Shining Armor, Discord, that red pony she can't really remember the name of, and Jack. That was when he gave her that ridiculous nickname: 'Ryuko' Apparently, that was some character in a series that was from back earth that she reminded him of and he called her that for a while. She didn't really show that she liked it but it was actually the first nickname she ever had before though no one need to know that. Grabbing a pillow the blue dragon hugged it under and placed her chin on it. 'Stupid idiot...' That's when a brilliant idea came to her head. 'That's perfect! Why didn't I think of it before!' > Part 15 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- (Morning) Sunlight broke into the window and through a crack in the curtains and down onto the sleeping forms on the bed within the room. Groaning one of the three lifted their heads from the bed before going over to the curtains, grabbing the red fabric with his clawed hand before lifting it to get a better look outside. "UUUgggghhh," Turning his head back over to the bed one of the girls on it lifts her head rubbing the sleep in her eyes. "Is something wrong?" "Nothing wrong It's just morning," "Okay... can you come back to bed It's cold this morning," Closing the curtain to make sure more light doesn't come creeping in he turned back to her and walked over. "Scoot over Sunset," Moving on the bed the yellow-coated pony hummed in answer before moving over. "Heyyyy... Sunset you're kicking me," "Sorry Starlight," Sunset then laid down before the last of the trio got into the bed. Clinging to his side the pony smiled feeling the warm scales of the dragon. "Thanks, Spike..." Spike looked down at her before smiling. "Not a problem Sunset," (Dragonlands) Opening his eyes after a dreamless sleep the werewolf naturally squeezed the thing he was holding but the usually smooth scales of Agape weren't what he felt. Looking down Jack looked down to see a familiar navy-furred bear in his arms, it took him to remember last night but seeing her cling to him the werewolf smiled before setting his muzzle on top of Juno's 'hair' fluff. Though he could feel something clinging to him and he didn't have to look to know those long arms of Agape holding not only him but Juno as well. 'If this is a dream... I don't want to wake up,' Closing his eyes to get back to sleep the werewolf felt his mind slowly fade out. *Knock knock* His razor-sharp hearing snapped up with his ears hearing two light knocks on the door, lifting his head from Juno's head Jack looked towards the door. Carefully he snaked his way out of the grip of Agape and kinda performed an 'Indiana jones' instead of the golden totem and a pressure plate it was a sleeping bear and a sleeping dragon. Juno moaned slightly at being disturbed slightly but went back down causing Jack to give a sigh of relief before going over to the door. Cracking it open slightly Jack was met with the familiar eyes of the dragonlord before he smiled and peeked his head out. "Hey what's going on Ember?" Jack asked to which the Dragonlord had a slight smile on her face and something in her hand. "Jack get dressed we're going hunting!" To his surprise, Ember lifted a leather harness. "Come on get some clothes on! When you're done meet me at the gate," Smiling Ember pushed the leather harness and the metal object into his arms before rushing off, Jack looked down at the harness before back to Ember with a slight smile. 'Alright then...' (The palace gates) Ember's leg bounced up and down while waiting for Jack to come out, donned in her leather hunting gear beside her normal golden dragon armor. Today she was oddly more excited than when she usually is when going hunting... "Sorry for the wait Ember this thing was kinda difficult to put on," Turning her head with a smile Ember looked up to see Jack dressed and wearing the hunting harness she gave him, standing up Ember looked at the werewolf. "It's fine! You look good Jack," Jack looked down at Ember's outfit. "And you're looking like a badass Ryuko," The Lycan joked expecting Ember to get frustrated but she only smiled and blushed slightly. "Um... Ember are you alright?" "I'm fine!" Ember smiled before grabbing something next to her. "Here I got this for you," Lifting a red cloth-wrapped object the werewolf took it in his hands confused slightly before looking at Ember who was smiling and he noticed her tail was wagging slightly too. She was really excited about him opening the gift, he looked down before unwrapping it, and to his surprise, it was an ax. A traditional styled breaded ax, this one was much different than the ax he used a few days ago, that one was meant for the 'event' that day but this one Ember had given him was different. The shaft was made of a black wood most like out of ash ebony one of the natural trees of the dragon lands and was one of the strongest woods on Equis. Then the head of the ax was made of dragon-forged steel having a beautifully crafted piece with a cross-section on top of the ax held a small maker's mark with a dragon skull and anvil. "Drybones made this?" Jack asked surprised by the old smithing drake mark. "He did!" "How I thought he wasn't doing custom orders," The werewolf asked to which the she-dragon chuckled slightly. "Well, I kinda... 'asked' him," Jack looked at her with a 'did you really'. "I had to convince him... I didn't force or anything you know 'commanded' him just had to talk him into making it," Ember told Jack before looking at seeing two small symbols engraved on either side of the blade. "Wait... is that..." Looking up Ember held out Jack's old phone with a slightly ashamed look on her face. "You could have just asked," Taking his phone back and placing it in one of his pockets the dragonlord spoke up. "Well Drybones need a reference for one of the symbols and if I would have told you... well, this wouldn't really be a surprise would it?" Ember explained to which Jack gave smiled at her. "It's fine Ember just giving you a hard time but I like it," On the right side held the engraved symbol of Yggdrasil the tree of life and on the other was a symbol of the bloodstone, a gem inside the mouth of a horned dragon with wings of fire. Jack can understand why Drybones would need a reference for the tree of life but Drybones yet again hit it out of the park with his crafting skills the weapon was perfectly balanced. Moving the Ax around his hand the Lycan turned to Ember with a sharp tooth smirk. "So what are we hunting?" "A Talon Snake," Ember said with a smile causing Jack to blink at the sound of the creature's name. "You can't be serious," (She was serious) (Later in the ash swamps) The pools of black water boiled while the grey grass crunched under the weight of the massive body of the Talon snake, the giant was over forty feet long with a bunch of spikes on it's back and of course hints to it's name small yet razor sharp Talons on either side of it's body. Slithering across the grass looking for prey to eat this morning the snake's talons chattered together while the pointy-horned head of the snake watched for prey. It stopped sliding forward before snapping hearing something causing it to stop completely including it's talons, a forked tongue flicked into the air smelling the beast's surroundings before catching a whiff of something. Looking up into the air only to see fire come down at it, moving surprisingly despite it's large size the fire missed the snake. Looking to the air the Snake spotted a flying dragon in the air flying, hissing the Snake opened it's mouth before throwing it's head forward and shooting venom-filled spikes from it's mouth. Seeing the coming attack Ember quickly dodged them before coming down for another pass breathing fire around the snake and trapping the oversized snake to the tree line. The snake fixed it's gaze on the flying dragon it readied to spit more spikes at the dragon but soon it felt a sharp pain go down it's back. Giving a roar the snake turned it's gaze to the snake's back seeing a strange creature latched to it's back using something to dig into the back of the great serpent. Giving a hiss the creature looked at the snake before it went to spit spikes at the beast but the dragon spewed fire at the back of the giant head of the snake. Shrieking the snake was ready to strike out but the tool that the creature carried was pulled from the hard scales of the snake, looking at the beast who was currently jumping off it's back to the snake's head. Opening it's mouth, the snake ready itself to spit more venomous spikes but the creature threw something at it's face while in midair. A small explosion hit it's face followed by a cloud of green smoke blinding it but the dragon flew for another pass spewing fire and setting off flammable gas in a blazing inferno. The snake's exposed eyes caught fire causing the snake to screech in pain but it was cut off as the fur-covered creature landed jabbing it's tool into the hard skull of the snake. Trying to shake the creature off the Talon snake tried it's best to get the creature off but it had already dug into the snake's own skull before raising the tool into the air and bringing it down onto the exposed brain of the giant. - Falling to the ground dead the Snake stopped moving as Jack pulled out his new ax from the creature's grey matter, looking at the ax the werewolf threw the bits of brains off the ax before whipping it off on the dragon's scales. Giving a smile the Lycan looked down at the dead Talon snake, when he was a human he never hunted anything like this with Ember only smaller things but now he was this he could actually keep up with her. "Good work Jack," Ember landed down next to him before Jack placed his ax onto his harness. "Thanks, Ember... you weren't so bad yourself," Jack smiled holding out his arm before Ember tapped her own against his own. "Nothing gets your blood going like a hunt in the morning," Ember stated causing the werewolf to chuckle. "Yeah though I got to ask... why the sudden want to hunt Ember?" Jack asked to which Ember smiled. "We'll, after all, that's happened I thought you wanted to blow off some steam also we haven't hunted anything together for a long time," Ember answered but Jack looked at her before lightly bumping into her. "Come on Ember what's wrong?" The dragonlord gave a sigh before turning to Jack. "Jack? Do you like me?" "Of course," "That's not what I mean Jack," The two looked at one another before Jack nodded. "Yeah, I do," "But?" "No, but... I like you a lot Ember," Jack crossed his arms not in a defensive manner but in a relaxed one. "It's just hard to say you know? I always thought you smack me upside the head or if I said anything," "Why would I do that?" Ember asked her hands out clearly confused by Jack's words. "I don't know just that... look Ember I like you alright just too scared to say anything especially when I was a human! You are a freaking dragon that breathes fire! I was a weak human who could barely keep up with you when we hunt," Jack turned to the Talon Snake. "Besides the present day but still... look Ember I didn't think you want to be anything but a friend. You were a total badass and I was a pa-" Ember slapped Jack across the face causing the werewolf to flinch in surprise but before he could say why the dragonness glared at the werewolf. "Don't you dare finish that sentence," Rubbing his Cheek Ember looked at the werewolf before giving a sigh. "You know what? If you wouldn't do it I will," Leaping onto him Jack fell over with Ember startling him before kissing him, surprised the Lycan looked up before slowly melting into the kiss. (The griffin isles border) "Then that wolf then reached into the pony's back and pull his ribs out from behind him!" "Holy gods really? You not just pulling my leg are you?" "Hells no! That Wolf guy was no joke seriously why the fuck did those ponies want to create an enemy not only with the dragons but that guy?" "Wait the dragons actually broke off their agreement with the ponies?" *Nods* "By the crowfather... I think that's why those new rumors are going on about," "What rumors?" "Hold on you knew about that execution but not the rumor about King Leo breaking off from the alliance too..." "But isn't our king not that big in the politics for the rest of the clans?" "Yeah, but we hold the main military... if we go they all go and they know it," "Dang... is there anything else new you heard?" "Not really no but we- hold on waiting a minute," "What?" "Do you see those?" "I don't see... holy shit... light the beacons," "What?" "I SAID LIGHT THE BEACONS!" > Better days... (Adjacent-2022 birthday special) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- (Long time ago) "Okay one uses fire... the other using lighting and the last one uses water?" The human nodded while moving a piece on the game board. "The first three to be shown yes," Spike scratched the back of his head in confusion. "So I have to pick one of those three... and it doesn't have to be power-wise like what I would enjoy in general?" Jack nodded while Spike moved on his turn before Jack attacked one of his territories on his side. "Hmmm, Flareon..." "And why is that?" Jack asked. "Dude just look at the fluff... seriously it's like a walking ball of fur that also breathes fire like a dragon it's the perfect companion for me or any other dragon," Spike moved his troops to try and retake his territory before Jack could reinforce the location. "That's fair," Jack rolls for his defense and ends up holding back the first counter-attack before Spike roll again and cut down Jack's force slightly but the human held out with luck on his side causing the army to pull back. "Okay, I gave you my answer now you," Jack smirked. "Easy Vaporeon," Spike looked at the human who began to reinforce his force. "And why is that?" Spike asked. "Two words: Shark Fox," Jack joked. "Seriously though besides Vaporeon being Blue but you know how useful it would have a water type? Need something to cut like a piece of wood or even metal? Water pressure can cut through it easily? Or how about cool off in hot summer heat just hug the little guy to cool off or let Vaporeon sit on your shoulders like some kind of cooling scarf. Plus if you find yourself thrown off a boat or something Vaporeon will keep you afloat," The dragon looked at his friend who just finished setting his force with surprise. "Was that prepared?" "What?" "What you said did you prepare that before?" Spike asked. Jack nodded. "Yeah, whenever I picked Vaporeon they think I would pick it for... other reasons," The human shivers slightly. Spike titled his head clear out of the loop of what his friend was saying. "What other reasons?" "You don't wanna know..." "But-" "You. Don't. Want. To. Know," Jack looked up at the dragon. "Also I win," Spike looks down at the board seeing that Jack had a large force ready to take his capital. "But..." "Dude you got five guys there and I have thirty on either side of your capital. We can roll for it but come on you lost," Spike lowered his head in defeat before knocking down his capital piece. "I hate this game," Spike grumbled. "Don't worry you'll get around to it sooner or later," "But you are so aggressive!" "Hey when you have six older cousins who are pros at this game you learn to adapt," Jack said before packing up the self-made board game that he kind of accidentally invented into this world. Standing up Jack grabbed an empty soda bottle before shaking it. "Well we're burned out on fuel how about I run and get us a fresh pack from the market... actually the cakes are having a sale on cherry sodas," Jack stood up walking to the door but spike stopped him. "No need! We got more in the fridge," Jack looked at his friend in clear confusion. "No, we don't..." "Are you sure?" "Yes I'm sure I pulled the last ones out for the game," Jack looked at his dragon buddy. "Are you sure?" Spike repeated. "Yes, I am," "One hundred percent sure?" "Yes," "Completely sure?" "For the love of yes I... am... sure..." Jack thought for a moment before looking at the dragon. "Give me a second," Walking into the kitchen Jack now doubting himself went to the fridge and opened it... sure enough, there were a bunch of sodas ready to go. Grabbing one of the bottles the human stared at it for a moment then at the rest in the fridge, Jack knew that the fridge didn't have any more sodas. Grabbing an extra one for spike Jack shut the door to the fridge but stopped at the counter before looking back at the fridge and a thought came to his mind. Jack walked over to the fridge and opened it... And there in the spot where he grabbed the two sodas were two new ones in their place. Shutting the door to the fridge Jack stood up, before grabbing the two sodas and popping them open before walking into the library room. "Alright Spike spill what's going on?" Jack asked glaring at the dragon to which the dragon hummed to himself. "I have no idea what you're talking about Jack old pal," Spike's tail twitched telling Jack that he was lying. He then sent one of the drinks to the table before grabbing one of the books off the shelf. "I'll repeat the question what's going on spike," "Jack? Oh, goddess please don't Twilight will kill me!' Spike finally noticed what Jack was about to do. "Tell me what's going on spike or else 'run away with me' gets it!" Jack held the soda bottle over the book, to which Spike dropped to his knees. "Jack please don't do this!" "Tell me!" "I CAN'T!" "Last chance lizard! Tell me or the book gets it!" "DISCORD!" In a heartbeat, the book and soda faded from Jack's hands as the human found himself standing on a cloud before sighing recognizing the area he was... 'cloudsdale' Giving a sigh the human began to walk on the cloud road careful to watch his step as many of the winged ponies paid him no mind. "I'm going to kill those two when I get back," Standing on the cloud walk he turned down the road to the blimp road back down to Ponyville. "HEY! Jackie boy!" Lifting his head up a familiar face rushed in front of his path. "Spitfire? Hey, what's shaking?" Jack asked to which the Captain of the wonderbolts smirked. "Good what brings you here to Cloudsdale?" "Well, I don't really know that myself... I got 'discord-ed' here," Jack held out his hands in the quoting gesture. "Oh well since you're here mind helping me answer a question?" Jack raised his brow at the weird behavior of the captain who held that same smile that Spike had. "*sigh* what's the question," "Um... you told me about that human that could fly right? He wore a suit that help him do so... what was his name again it's like iron-something I can't remember," Jack looked at the fire-colored pony. "Um... Iron man?" "Yeah, that's the one," "Hey spitfire it's good to see you again but I kinda need to get going since I got 'snapped' without my wallet so can I-" "Wait! One more question," "Ugh... what is it?" "What that hero from your world can climb on walls and spin webs like a spider again?" Spitfire still held that look on her face. "Spider-man... Spitfire please I really need to get going-" "Wait what's that-" "Hold on I got a question for you," Jack interrupted. "How fast can you nose dive to catch someone?" Spitfire blinked before holding her chin. "Well depends on the height how far they are going and-" Spitfire looked up before looking to see the human was gone. "Jack?" She then turned over the edge and ran over to the railing to see something falling down. "JACK!" Bolting down to catch the falling human Spitfire rocketed downwards to save her friend... But the human popped his head from behind a trash can and smirked before walking forward to the blimp. 'Kinda hope I get that jacket back,' (later) Finally, as the blimp landed Jack stood up from his seat as the non-winged ponies got up as well going over to the sliding doors and exiting the transport. The human sighed before going straight for the castle of friendship, not two happy with his two friends for hiding something for him and not all that happy for Discord snapping him to cloudsdale and him having to trick Spitfire using one of his favorite jackets as bait. That was until he felt a tug on the back of his shirt, causing him to turn to see a familiar sunglasses-wearing pony with a smile on her face. "Vinyl?" The DJ grabbed his arm as if she wanted him to follow her. "Alright alright man what's with everyone today?" Almost dragging the human to the sugar cube corner. "Vinyl?" The mute pony dragged the human to the back before suddenly he was pushed forward by the DJ. "SUPRISE!" Lights flashed before him nearly blinding him in the process as Jack lowered his arms and a bunch of familiar friendly faces stood before him and smiled at him. "HAPPY BIRTHDAY JACK!" The human froze for a moment before he couldn't help but smile at everyone before him. Everyone was there... From the princesses to the dragon lord herself and even capper were there. "Wait how did..." Jack didn't need to answer as Pinkie bounced over to his side. "WEREYOUSUPRISEDIBEATYOUWEREYOUALMOSTGOTONTOUSBUTSPIKEANDDISCORDDIDTHEREBESTTOTRYANDGETYOUTOKEEPYOUBUSYASWESETUPANDYOUALMOSTRUINEDTHESURPISEYOUSILLYGOOSEIREALLYHOPEYOUENJOYTHISSUPER DOOPERAMAZINGFIRSTBIRTHDAYINEQUESTRIAPARTYWETHREWFORYOU!" Dropping his hands on both her shoulder Jack looked at her. "Pinkie take a breathe," The pinkie pony's smile never faded before he brought her into a hug. "Thank you pinks," The party pony cheered before hugging the human in one of her famous pinkie pie special hugs. "Okay pinkie... pin- *Crack* seriously pinkie I think you just popped my spine!" "Oops sorry about that Jackie!" "Pinkie comes on I don't like-" Before he could finish something was thrown over his head before someone lightly punched his shoulder. "Do that again and when you do fall I wouldn't try to save you," Not even having to lift his jacket over his face Jack smiled at spitfire who held her arms crossed with a smile on her face. "I'm not good at the whole diversion thing," "I can tell," "Come on don't be so sour this after is a PARTY!" Pinkie pie shouted. "HIT IT!" Vinyl dropped the needle onto the record before the music began to play. The party exploded as ponies, dragons, griffins, and the like began to have fun. Everyone was here to have a good time. On the other hand, Jack was currently dancing in a freestyle not really going in a pattern but going in his own movements to the beat. Spike stepped in trying to copy his movement before mirroring it and then everyone poured in to enjoy the party. While dancing he accidentally bumped into someone before turning to see Luna looking down at him. She smiled at him before she began to dance as the human began to start back up. Soon both were smiling as Luna still not used to this new style of dancing tried to go with the similar style of dance that the other ponies did around her but went horribly. But only to receive a smiled from the human before he moved in and spoke. "Your trying too hard just go with the beat," She tried but only strumbled a few times but the human was there to help out by dancing with her. The music went on for hours as everyone had plenty of food to drink and stuff to drink. It was a helluva party for the human's first birthday in Equestria. Swiping his claws through the wooden training dummy the nightwalker smirked and looked at the broken remains of the dummy. "Damn still can't get over this..." Nali just meowed causing the Wolfen to look at her. "What?" The cat rolled her eyes at the werewolf before standing up and stretching out. "Oh do I bore you little catloaf?" "*Rawr*" "Nali! You wound me!" Jack held his hands over his chest before the cat looked up at him and leaped at him. Catching the cat the werewolf looked down at the cat before she lightly smacked him in the face with her paw causing the nightwalker to laugh. "Okay jeez can't take a joke huh?" Nali looked at him before leaping up some more onto his shoulder and then leaping off of him. "Don't be like that," Jack joked. Nali landed onto the ground before sitting down and looking at him. "What?" Before the cat could say anything a pair of hands went over his eyes. "Guess who~!" Smiling he grabbed his hands of Agape before pulling them down and looking to see the smiling dragonness. "What's going on Luv?" "What's going on darling? Your birthday!" Confused Jack's ears twitched at the sound of other footsteps as Juno held up a sliver plate with a small cat on it and a single candle. "Happy birthday Jack," Juno smiled as Ember stood next to her, The nightwalker looked at the melting red candle before blowing it out and Ember blushed slightly. "Sorry about the candle Jack dragons don't usually throw parties as the ponies do in equestrian," Ember stated pointing out the freshly made thin candle. "It's fine ember just glad to have people to celebrate with," Jack smiled before the thought came to his mind. "How do dragons celebrate," "I'll... tell you later," Ember blushed a little more before Juno stepped forward with her hands out. "Juno?" "Last time on your birthday you danced with Luna... so this time can you dance with me?" Jack nodded to which instead of the wild freestyle like last time Juno held his hands while the bear smiled up at the werewolf. Agape smiled in the back while holding a small record player with Ember watched slightly jealous but understanding. Unlike how the human and pony once danced wildly. The bear and the wolf danced together in sync. > Part 16 (The Isle Invasion-Arch part 1) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- (The griffin isles) (The council chamber) "Already they have taken a foothold in our territory! Yet we wait! FOR WHAT?!" The griffin spoke out against the council who all looked upon the member of the eagle clan, while some joined in causing the entire chamber to go into an uproar. Upon his throne Emperor Ras the fourth held up his hand silencing the masses before turning to the griffin clan. "I understand your anger young blood but this is a threat we have never faced before," Ras spoke resting his golden staff on his shoulder while he sat on his throne. "This is an enemy of different races they already claimed their intentions to take our land as they did with the tribes of the north after King Nork of the Raven clan decided to throw their courier off the face of a cliff along with his escort," The emperor turned to the leader of the raven clan who scoffed at the owl's gaze. "Ras if you are going to speak of peace save it their king wasn't at all interested in tranquility but conquest. I heard of the reports as you did that these 'Caribou' only seek to take land and rape our wives and daughters! There will be no peace," Nork spoke before crossing his arms. "He also was rude to my wife," Ras sighed before holding the side of his head. "Then tell me should we go to war with an army of a hundred north clans while our people haven't seen war in over two hundred years!?" Ras questioned to which the raven laughed. "Of course but I'm not asking for the doves or the eagle clans to join me and my ravens in this battle for we have been training ourselves over your two centuries of so-called 'peace'," The raven pointed out. "Also wouldn't it be wise to no look weak in front of our allies who we seem to rally on their 'elements of harmony' at every conflict we face?" Slamming his fist down on his throne Ras calm tone was replaced with an annoyed tone. "Then you would damn your entire clan to a war with no reinforcements?" Ras asked letting his anger out for a moment before allowing himself to take a breath. "Old friend, there is no winning against an enemy like this enemy our equestrian allies have yet to heed our call of the beacons what do we do without aid?" The council began to whisper among themselves while the leader of the dove clan spoke up. "I think was our emperor is trying to say is that we should look to find a better solution rather than a full-on war. We could find a way for 'King Dainn' to forgive the raven clan's actions by giving him tribute," The dove spoke out. "Perhaps a portion of what the caribou leader asks for and perhaps then we can find a solution that doesn't result in further bloodshed," Nork glared right at the dove clan leader's eyes from across the chamber. "I rather give my people a quick death than hand them over to be slaves!" Nork hissed before standing up. "Has this council forgotten who was reasonable for why the griffins have a home or why we were once feared?!" No, a soul spoke while Nork raised his hand up. "The raven clan was the first to take up arms and defend our people from the windigos and then we were the ones who reclaimed the stolen lands that were taken from us during the Equestria unification war! So you are all saying after all my clan has done for this council we should surrender ourselves to an enemy who only wishes death and enslavement from us all?!" Nork asked causing the raven clan behind him to roar out while the doves tried to defend their argument but Ras slammed his staff down causing all to be silent. "Nork the griffins people recognized what the raven clan has done for the kingdom we simply ask you do one more thing for us if we are ever to survive," Ras stated causing Nork to look up at the owl. "You can't be serious in agreeing to this!" Nork roared while Ras turned his head away. "War is out of the question. None of our allies have headed our call for aid," Ras spoke out causing Nork to stand up. "To hell with our allies if the raven clan must fight alone in this then so be it!" Nork roared, Ras was going to confront his friend but suddenly an eagle griffin burst down through the chamber door. "My lords," Bowing down he raised his head up. "It's the dragons they have come!" (The Isle waters) Standing at the head of the ship, the nightwalker hummed a tune to himself while the ship rocked back and forth. After all that has been happening from the sudden attacks attempt on his life and the sudden chain of events Jack decided that some time on the water would do some good. Besides, the griffins from the storm couldn't stay at the dragon's lands forever and Ember had asked him if he could go with them as an envoy of sorts. There were reports of a massive fire coming from the isles and due to his connections with the griffins in the past, she thought it was fitting that he would go. Although Jack wanted to hang out, Ember on the other hand had a huge influx of reports come in despite her sudden confession her duty as the dragon lord came first. Speaking up the nightwalker gave a speaking lightly an old famous sea shanty. "🎵My mother told me someday I would buy a galley with good oars sail to distant shores🎵," Prior to him speaking the next verse his ear twitched hearing someone walk up behind him. "I thought you hate your mom," Gilda's voice spoke up causing the werewolf to turn his head slightly with a small smile. "That I do," "Then why are you sinking a song about your mom telling you to buy a boat?" Gilda questioned causing Jack to chuckle. "It's not really a song about MY mom," Jack explained. "It's just a sea shanty from my world," "Huh... so um you got yourself a flock," Gilda commented which confused the nightwalker. "Pardon," "Your girlfriends over there," Gilda pointed to Agape and Juno who were currently playing chess on the deck. "I'll be honest I didn't think you had it in you Dewb," Gilda gave a small chuckle while Jack still looked confused by what she meant. "We'll I guess but can you remind me what a flock is again just to be clear," Jack asked the messager griffin who threw out her hand. "Oh, right ponies have another name for it. A herd," This only caused the canine humanoid to shake his head. "Still no ringing any bells here Gilda," "You know when you have more than one mate er lover whatever you want to call them," Gilda explained. "I think diamond dogs have a version called a pack or something," Jack turned away in thought for a moment it hit him like the sound of broken glass. "Oh, shit," "Wow, you didn't realize that did you?" Gilda asked to which Jack shook his head. "No, my mind was on other things," "Don't humans have a name for a flock too?" Gilda asked to which Jack gave her a 'kinda' gesture with his claw. "We do but it's kinda frowned upon," "Why?" "Honestly don't really know. I think it has something to do with cults or something but don't quote me on that," Jack answered causing the eagle griffin to huff. "But why not? It's completely normal," "Not where I come from," "But why though?" "I don't know Gilda come on," The griffin stared at the nightwalker who just struggled at her question. "Okay, then what is this human flock thing called then," Gilda asked causing the former human to grunt. "Never going to stop bugging me until I answer you. They're called 'Harems' alright I don't know why or who name it like that but it's what it's called," Jack stated his attention focused on the water in front of them. "If it's frowned upon why do you have one," Gilda asked causing Jack to scoff and then give a low sigh. Rubbing the back of his neck the nightwalker stared out into the waves crashing against the front of the ship. "I didn't realize I had one alright I just deeply care for them. Agape came to me so I can be her anchor and- that doesn't matter all that does is that I care and would do anything for them even going through Hell if necessary," Gilda stared at the back of the nightwalker while leaning back on the crate she was sitting on. "Deep... but what's about an anchor?" Turning to answer her next question the dragon on the bird's nest shouted over them causing the two to see it. Just out of reach was the Griffin Isles, Gilda's homeland. This caused the griffins abode to start and cheer those still injured who gave their best attempt to cheer knowing that their home was so close. 'Been a minute since I last been here,' Jack gave smile thinking about the first time he came to the capital where he found out that the griffins actually had different sub-species and clans. Turns out there were at least three other types that were quite different from one another and acted as a cast system similar to the least favorite faction in Warhammer. The eagle griffins like Gilda were mostly the hard-working type from being builders, cooks, couriers, and farmers it was the most common griffin out there and most well-known. The dove griffins were a little smaller than eagle griffins but they were extremely intelligent and charismatic mostly being lawyers, politicians, and ambassadors. They always try to unwind problems before they could spiral out of control but whenever Jack was around them he felt the same feeling when he would think about the politicians back on earth. Not that he said he didn't hate them it's just he wouldn't really trust them with his cat if that made any sense. The owl griffins were rare and the tallest of the griffins along with their great height they were extremely wise and had natural leadership skills, they reminded him of Stolis from Helluva boss without the whole demon and hell element. Being the nobles and leaders of the entire griffin empire their current emperor was Emperor Ras the fourth, all of them were quite kind and friendly unlike the nobles back in Equestria. Finally, there was the raven clan, though not as tall as the owls they were the more well-built being incredibly strong and quick. They were the warriors of the griffin empire sure any other clan could have warriors but they were all warriors but they weren't war-hungry Griffins mind you most of them did have other interests like art and the like. But they were a complete clan of badasses and their king, Nork was the warrior king of badasses and was a complete boss. If the griffins were the greeks of the old times then the raven clan would definitely be the spartans from how they lived. 'Wonder if that old bird would recognize me if he were to see me,' "Been what? Almost half a year since the last time we were here?" Juno's voice snapped Jack out of his trance. "Wait- Right! Yeah almost," The nightwalker stated while the lunar ursine looked at him. "Excited to see Nork again?" Nodding the nightwalker to turn to her causing the former nightmare pony to smile. "You're adorable when your happy especially now with your tail wags," Juno pointed out causing the nightwalker to turn behind him finally noticing his tail wagging. "Not again," Reaching out Jack tried to grab his tail but suddenly Agape stood behind him grabbing his shoulders. "I also think your tail wags are cute darling," The nightwalker turned his heart melting at their comments while the ship slowly floated to the docks not knowing what they were about to find themselves pulled into.