Minecraft Ponyhunt

by PPEF1

First published

Rainbow Dash tries to complete Minecraft while Applejack and Pinkie Pie chase her.

Rainbow Dash tries to beat Minecraft while the two hunters, Applejack and Pinkie Pie, hunt her down and stop her. If she gets killed, the hunters win. Can Rainbow beat the game before she's hunted down?

Sorry if there are some things wrong. I've done lots of Minecraft research since I haven't touched the game in months but again, critiques are allowed.

Yes, this is heavily inspired by Dream
Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, and Applejack edits are made by my brother, PPEF2

Chapter 1: An Insane Clutch

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The two earth ponies surrounded the rainbow pegasus, ready to attack. After a good ten seconds, Rainbow Dash flew over the two mares, dashing to the closest tree to gather some wood.

“Hey! No fair!” exclaimed Applejack.

The two earth ponies quickly rushed to Rainbow Dash, who seemed to finish collecting wood from the oak tree and zoomed off.

“Dang it!” Applejack said in a frustrated manner. “Okay, I’ll go after Rainbow Dash. Pinkie, you get us some wood.”

“Okie dokie!” Pinkie replied as she went to get some wood. Applejack then rushed to find Rainbow Dash.

“This should be enough for a crafting table.” As Rainbow Dash assembled the wooden planks together, giving her a crafting table, she realized that she didn’t have enough materials to make weapons or utensils.

“Great. It’s okay. I’ll just get more wood so that I have enough to make a sword and maybe a pickaxe so I can get better minerals.”

As she flew off to get more minerals, three critical hit punches got her from behind.

“Aaaaaaahhhhhhh!!” Rainbow Dash screamed after taking six hearts of damage.

It was Applejack. And she had a wooden sword. Rainbow Dash started to panic due to her lack of weapons. She had no choice but to get out of there.

“Come here Rainbow!!” Applejack said acting like a serial killer chasing the rainbow pegasus.

While on the goose chase, Rainbow Dash spotted a ravine. This gave her an idea. The rainbow pegasus swiftly flew to the bottom of the ravine. Applejack followed by jumping in.

When Rainbow Dash got to the bottom of the ravine, her plan clicked in. She quickly started placing her remaining blocks on the ravine floor.

“OH SHIT!!” Applejack shouted as death was going to happen in a blink of an eye. The country mare had hit the wooden planks, ending her life and setting her back to her spawnpoint.

“YESSSS!!! Let's go!” Rainbow Dash cheered in excitement. She quickly left the ravine and headed out to get more materials.

Chapter 2: Come here Dashie!

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“Pinkie! Rainbow got me by jumping into a ravine and placing blocks on the floor! Now I’m all the way back at spawn.”

“Don’t worry AJ. I got us some tools and some food. And another thing. We have compasses, remember? We can easily track her.”

“Oh, right. Let’s meet up so you can give me some of the tools and food you made us.”

“Okie dokie!”

*Now back to Rainbow Dash*

Rainbow Dash had some tools and food and was headed out to get better materials.

“Okay, this wooden sword and pickaxe should be good enough. If I want to get iron materials, I’m gonna have to get stone materials first. I’m also gonna have to get coal so I can make a furnace and cook my food.”

Suddenly, Rainbow Dash encountered a cave while trying to find the materials she needed.

“Perfect!” Rainbow Dash said in excitement. “Now I can make stone tools, a furnace, and find coal.”

After mining for five minutes, Rainbow Dash got all the materials she needed and upgraded her sword and pickaxe.

“Alright, this is good. Now that I have a stone pick, I guess I could get iron.”

While the rainbow pegasus was mining for iron, an attack from a wooden blade struck her, dealing what looked like ten hearts.

“Aaaaaaahhhhh, WHAT!?!?!” As Rainbow Dash turned around to see what struck her, she saw Pinkie Pie and Applejack with their wooden axes.

“You guys have axes?!”

“While I was chasing you, Pinkie here gathered materials and made weapons.”

As Rainbow Dash attacked Pinkie Pie with her stone weapon, the damage the party pony took was only half the damage her axe did. The damage dealt to Pinkie was basically tickling her. Rainbow Dash knew if she took another hit or two from their wooden axes, she would be dead. She quickly zoomed away from the two earth ponies.

“Oh Dashie! Come here Dashie!” Pinkie Pie said in the same sinister tone as Applejack previously did.

Rainbow Dash found herself at a dead end of the cave. But that didn’t stop the rainbow pegasus. She mined into the cave walls, blocking them off in the end.

“She’s in there!” Applejack yelled out as she and Pinkie ran into the dead end of the cave. “Okay, you mine the blocks, and I’ll attack Rainbow.”

As Pinkie started to mine the blocks Rainbow barricaded with, confusion started to overcome the party pony.

“What the?”

“What’s wrong?”

“She’s not in there.”

“What do you mean she’s not in there?!”

As Applejack took a look at the section Pinkie mined, she noticed that Rainbow really wasn’t there.

“Wait what? Where could she have gone?”

Little did the earth ponies know, after Rainbow Dash blocked off the section she mined in, she dug down not far enough that she hit lava, but far enough to where she found iron ore.

“Yes! Now I can make an iron axe with the leftover sticks I have.” Rainbow Dash collected seven iron ore and smelted them in her new furnace she made, giving her thirty-five iron ingots. She then made two buckets, a shield, and an iron axe, leaving her with twenty-five ingots. After having her new materials equipped, Rainbow Dash dug her way out of the cave.

Chapter 3: We Need to Go Deeper

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Rainbow Dash rose out of the ground she dug out of, finding herself in a sand biome. As she was exploring her surroundings, she found herself at a lava pool.

“Holy crap! That’s amazing!” Rainbow Dash was astonished. She had a bucket to pick up the lava. However, she needed water for obsidian so she couldn’t make a Nether portal. Suddenly, Rainbow Dash was getting a weird feeling in her gut. But this gave her an idea. As Rainbow stood over the bucket, about to get water, she spotted a lake across from her.

“Huh… Well on the bright side, I can now get water… and also release some.” Rainbow Dash collected water in one of her buckets and also broke gravel till she got flint, making a flint and steel. Rainbow Dash went back to the lava pool, made a Nether portal, and headed to the Nether.

*Back to Pinkie and Applejack*

“Well, we got shields and iron weapons. Now we just need to find that pesky Rainbow Dash.” said Applejack.

“I don’t know. I mean, she could be in the Nether.” Pinkie Pie suggested.



“We’re heading to the Nether.”

*Back to Rainbow Dash*

Rainbow Dash arrived at the Nether. However, she was aware of Piglins attacking her since she isn’t wearing any golden armor. She quickly mined enough gold to make a helmet and save some if she felt like trading with the Piglins.

Rainbow Dash then headed out trying to find the Nether Fortress. After soaring for a few minutes, she found the fortress and zoomed towards it. But suddenly, an arrow shot her, hitting her back leg, barely missing her cutie mark.

“Aaaaaahhhh!!” Rainbow Dash screamed, flinching from the arrow shot.

As Rainbow Dash landed to heal the wound from the arrow, she spotted the culprit who shot her. It wasn’t a skeleton. It was none other than Applejack. She and Pinkie Pie had arrived and brought bow and arrows.

“You guys have BOWS!?!?!” Rainbow Dash was shocked. “Why didn’t I think of making those?!”

Rainbow Dash quickly zoomed to the fortress as quickly as possible.

“Come on Pinkie! Let’s get her!”

The two earth ponies chased the rainbow pegasus while shooting their bows. Rainbow Dash was able to swiftly dodge the arrows. While chasing Rainbow Dash, Piglins started to attack Applejack and Pinkie due to their lack of gold armor.

“Uh oh.” Pinkie said, knowing they were doomed due to their lack of gold armor.

“Phew. That should buy me enough time to find the fortress.”

Chapter 4: Getting Ready to Go

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Rainbow Dash had finally found the fortress. Now all she had to do was to get at least twelve blaze rods from Blazes. After going through at least eight hallways, she found the Blaze spawner. Rainbow Dash confidently defeated fourteen Blazes. After leaving the Blaze spawner with rods, Rainbow Dash saw Pinkie Pie and Applejack across the hallway from her.

“There she is!” Pinkie exclaimed.

Pinkie Pie and Applejack started rushing their way to Rainbow Dash with their iron axes. When they got close, Rainbow Dash swiftly juked out the earth ponies, heading out of the fortress.

“Ugh!” Applejack frustrated again. “It’s okay. You go after her, I’ll get rods.”

Pinkie Pie quickly went after Rainbow Dash while Applejack went to the Blaze spawner Rainbow previously went to. As Rainbow Dash headed out to find Piglins to trade with, she caught a glimpse of the party pony behind her.

“Crap! I can’t trade with Piglins with Pinkie chasing after me.” she thought. Pinkie then started loading up arrows, aiming them at the rainbow pegasus.

“Woah!” Rainbow said while dodging the arrows. While on the chase, Rainbow Dash spotted a nearby ledge with lava at the bottom. This gave her another idea.

Rainbow Dash quickly landed on the ledge, waiting for her victim to fall into another one of her traps.

“I’ve got you now Dashie!”

The sinister call didn’t phase the rainbow pegasus. As Pinkie switched to her axe, ready to attack, Rainbow swiftly dodged the swing, attacking Pinkie with her own axe, knocking her off the ledge, falling into lava.


There was nothing Pinkie could do. The party pony went up in flames and was set back to her last spawnpoint.

“Aw yeah!” Rainbow Dash cheered. “Now I can trade with Piglins without somepony chasing me.”

After finding some Piglins to trade with, it took a while but Rainbow Dash got two ender pearls from trading.

“Alright, not the best but I can make this work. I’ll just go to the soul sand valleys and get pearls from endermen.”

Rainbow Dash arrived at the soul sand valleys. Few minutes passed and Rainbow got three pearls.

“Ugh! This is really tough! I’m taking too much damage from these guys and I’m barely getting any pearls since they rarely spawn.”

While still searching for pearls, an arrow hit Rainbow Dash right behind her, hitting her back.

“Aaahh!! What?!”

Rainbow Dash turned around to see that Applejack had found her.

“Well howdy there Rainbow Dash.” Applejack said in a sly tone. “We meet again.”

“Oh no.” Rainbow Dash thought. “I totally forgot that Applejack was still here.”

Rainbow Dash’s adrenaline started up. She couldn’t fight back due to endermen damage and the previous arrow hit. Even if she wanted to, she would have to avoid a swing from Applejack’s axe or it’s over. Rainbow Dash quickly made a fast one back to the portal.

“Come back here you vermin!” Applejack called out.

Rainbow Dash was zooming to the portal as fast as she could. As she was on her way, Applejack got another strike with her arrow.

“Aaaahhh! Oh God!”

“Bullseye! You’re done now Rainbow!”

Rainbow knew she couldn’t take another hit from an arrow or she'd die. Suddenly, an idea popped into her head. She still has her lava bucket. With that, Rainbow Dash placed lava on the ground burning Applejack to a crisp.

“Wooo. That was close. I think now is a good time to go back to the overworld. I’m gonna have to make full armor, repair what armor I have left, repair my weapons, make a bow and arrow, get more food, and get more pearls for the stronghold.”

Chapter 5: The End is Near

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Rainbow Dash finally had all the materials she needed and was ready to head to the stronghold. With fifteen eye of enders to spare, Rainbow Dash started chucking eyes leading her to the stronghold. After using eight more eyes, Rainbow Dash finally found the way to the stronghold.

“Yes, finally! And I have seven eyes to spare.”

Rainbow Dash dug down till she was in the stronghold.

“Now the hard part. Finding the End portal.” Rainbow Dash went from room to room to room for a good ten minutes and no sign of the End portal.

“Ugh! Where is this portal?!” Continuing the search, Rainbow Dash suddenly heard a familiar voice.

“Where could that gale be in a place this big?”

“Oh my gosh!” Rainbow Dash thought in a scared manner. “That’s Applejack!”

“Another thing. Where could the End portal be in a place this big?” A cheery voice was heard after Applejack’s question.

“Pinkie Pie too?! I gotta find the portal now!”

Rainbow Dash quickly headed out far away from Pinkie Pie and Applejack. After entering and leaving five more rooms, Rainbow Dash finally found the room to the End portal.

“Ohmygoshohmygoshohmygoshohmygosh I found it!” Rainbow Dash cheered in excitement.

The portal had two empty slots for two more eyes of ender. Rainbow Dash had enough so she placed the two of her seven eyes accessing the portal. As she was about to jump in, the voice of a country mare caught her off guard.

“There she is!”

As the two earth ponies rushed up to Rainbow Dash, she quickly jumped into the portal, leaving them behind. Applejack quickly stopped Pinkie Pie by biting on to her tail before she could hop into the portal.

“Now hold on Pinkie. We need to place our spawnpoints before going in. We could be easily killed there.”

“Oh right.” Pinkie said as she and Applejack placed their beds.

After setting their spawnpoints, the two earth ponies hopped into the portal, stopping the rainbow pegasus.

Chapter 6: The End

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Rainbow Dash had entered The End. To win and complete her challenge, all she had to do was to first take out the end crystals and defeat the Ender Dragon. She quickly flew up the obsidian pillars destroying the crystals with her bow knowing that if she was too close to the crystals, destroying them would also deal damage to her. As she was about to destroy the last four crystals, Rainbow spotted two earth ponies on the ground.

“Okay Pinkie. We need to make sure that Rainbow doesn’t defeat the dragon. So when she’s in the sky, use your bow. When she’s on the ground, use your axe. Oh and another thing, try not to look at the endermen.”


The earth ponies started to shoot their arrows at the rainbow pegasus. While Rainbow easily dodged the shots, she wasn’t able to destroy the crystals due to the ricochet of arrows aiming her way. Suddenly, another one of Rainbow’s brightest ideas popped into her head. She quickly flew right in front of a crystal waiting for an arrow coming her way.

As Applejack saw Rainbow Dash just staying in front of the crystal, she had her chance. She loaded her arrow, having her eye on the target. When she let go of the arrow, firing it to Rainbow, she quickly dashed out of there letting the arrow destroy the crystal.

“What is tarnation?” Applejack asked in confusion.

Rainbow Dash repeated this tactic three more times. After the last of the crystals were gone, Rainbow now only had to defeat the dragon. Since both her and the dragon could fly, she started attacking the dragon in the sky with her bow and arrow.

“She’s attacking the dragon in the sky!” Pinkie exclaimed.

“Well we’ll just have to shoot her with our bows till she comes down.” said Applejack.

Few seconds later, the dragon landed, giving Rainbow Dash some free pointers. While attacking the dragon, Pinkie Pie and Applejack rapidly attacked Rainbow Dash with their axes. Rainbow Dash being clustered by the two earth ponies quickly flew up to the sky, knowing she would have to defeat the dragon in the sky with her bow since Pinkie And Applejack would just attack her from the ground.

Excitement filled up in Applejack. “Oooh! That was some good damage!”

Pinkie then brought out her bow, ready to fire. “Come on Dashie. Flying in the sky isn’t gonna help you. We have bows, you know?”

Rainbow Dash ignored the statement Pinkie made. She was too concentrated on beating the dragon. Soon enough, a fury of arrows came flying her way. Though arrows were preventing her from doing damage to the dragon, Rainbow was able to get some good damage with arrows of her own to the dragon. As the Ender Dragon took off back into the sky, Rainbow Dash decided not to attack it. Instead, she flew right above Applejack, took out her iron axe and flew straight down towards her.

Applejack stared up in confusion. “What on Earth is she doing?”

“Well she’s just flying straight down so let’s just shoot with our bows.” replied Pinkie.

As the two earth ponies fired arrows at the Rainbow, she was easily avoiding the attacks, taking not even a single heart of damage.

“Ugh! Come on now!” Applejack said in frustration.

Now that Rainbow Dash was about to land, she brought out her axe landing a critical hit killing Applejack sending her back to her spawnpoint.

Pinkie Pie was left in shock after Rainbow’s insane stunt. “WHAT THE FUCK!?!?!”

“You’re next Pinkie.” Rainbow said in a sinister tone.

Pinkie Pie, scared out of her mind, quickly started running around with Rainbow Dash chasing her.

“Applejack HELP!!!”

In a matter of seconds, Applejack was back in The End. The first thing she was greeted with was Rainbow Dash chasing the poor party pony. “Hang in there Pinkie! I need to get my stuff first!”

While Applejack gathered her materials back, Pinkie was defenselessly holding up her shield as Rainbow Dash attacked. However, that didn’t stop the rainbow pegasus from attacking from behind. After taking a swing from Rainbow Dash’s axe, Pinkie’s adrenaline started going.


Death was right around the corner for the party pony. Suddenly, Pinkie’s face started glowing like the sun when she saw the country mare charging towards Rainbow.

Rainbow Dash looked at the party pony with confusion. “What are you looking at?”

“Get away from her!!” Applejack swung her axe, giving the rainbow pegasus knock back and landing a critical hit as if it were payback to what happened to her previously.

“Aaaaaaahhhhh!!!” Rainbow screamed in shock.

The two earth ponies started double teaming Rainbow Dash with their axes after Applejack performed an insane stunt like Rainbow’s.

While being in a tight situation, Rainbow noticed the dragon had perched again. She quickly placed lava, setting the earth ponies in flames and headed off to deal damage to the dragon.

Rainbow Dash quickly attacked the dragon with her iron axe, dealing good damage before it took off.

“Oh my Gosh! The dragon’s almost dead! I’m gonna win!” Rainbow Dash was ecstatic.

“Oh my Gosh! The dragon’s almost dead! We’re gonna lose!”

Applejack stared at the cheering pegasus with determination. “Not if I can help it. We’ve gotten this far so we shouldn’t give up now. Come on Pinkie! Let’s win this!”

Rainbow Dash started shooting the Ender Dragon, knowing that victory was in her hooves. But suddenly, an unexpected sharp, rapid attack struck her from behind. It was from Applejack and Pinkie Pie. They had swords out instead of their axes.

“So that’s what they’re up to.” Rainbow Dash thought. “They’re not taking any chances from losing so they’re attacking with their swords which is faster than attacking with an axe dealing lots of damage ending my hard earned work.”

Rainbow Dash quickly flew up getting close to the dragon attacking with her axe.

“Oh no.” Pinkie said knowing that Rainbow Dash would defeat the Ender Dragon.

“Don’t give in Pinkie. Keep shooting!”

While Rainbow Dash avoided the arrows no problem, she got struck by the Ender Dragon’s Magic, sending her back what could’ve been more than twenty blocks.

“Ugh no! It’s fine. Two hits from this axe should do the trick.”

The dragon had landed again. This was Rainbow Dash’s chance to win. As she rushed to the dragon, both Pinkie Pie and Applejack attacked rapidly with their swords. Though taking damage, Rainbow Dash didn’t fight back. She brute forced her way to the dragon.

“Ugh!! Come on!” Applejack frustrated as she and Pinkie headed for the rainbow pegasus.

Victory was right then and there. Rainbow Dash got one hit off. One more, and she wins. The two earth ponies were rushing as fast as they could, determined not to lose. But it was too late. Rainbow Dash got off the last hit she needed, defeating the dragon.

“NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!” yelled out the two earth ponies in defeat.

“YEEEEEEEEEESSSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!!” Rainbow Dash cheered as she hopped into the portal beating the game and beating the challenge.