> Spirit's Dusk > by KukriRyuTsukino > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > A Renewed Life > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- A soft sigh escaped from the youthful male. His ears twitched at a screamed "You don't have to do it!!" alongside a softer pair of distressed voices "You have so much to live for," and "all can be forgotten and forgiven" as well as a soft, tired "No… it's too late… far too late," as he noticed the softly pelting rain starting to cease. His dark burgundy hair and darker brown eyes narrowed as his irises flared a bright bluish purple as the falling rain glowed faintly before surging beneath the falling girl as he saw three girls dart to the edge of the rooftop. One was a tall blonde with gamboge toned skin and moderate sap green eyes. He noticed in the growing sunset as the clouds parted, a cowboy hat fluttering towards the ground. The other two had soft cyan skin with a polychromatic hair tone and deep cerise eyes whilst the last was a marshmallow skinned girl with a deep violet coiffure which was soaked with the rain.  A slight smirk crossed his face as the eight foot diameter 'bubble' of rainwater levitated within a slightly prismatic purplish blue glow. His head cocked at the confusion of the red and goldenrod streaked mane of the girl, whose clothes were soaked as his hand slowly dropped, the water streaming away into the drains as the girl sat, huddled on the concrete.  Sunset's POV 'Why am I not dead and at peace?' were the most prevalent thoughts in Sunset Shimmer's mind. She could see the regally dressed man who couldn't have been more than two or three years older than her.  She jumped slightly at his snarl. "You think that being dead will bring you peace? Take it from one whom did the exact thing you just did: death will not grant you peace…. 'cause it sure as hell didn't give me peace! All it does is take the pain you're in and whilst it may end your pain, that pain gets spread to all whom knew you and care about you," he barked sharply as, between one step and the next, he seemed to ignite and jump from across the road and halfway across the next block to only a couple of feet from her. "To say nothing of the guilt that fosters in those who pushed you to it…. now get the fuck down here!!" his voice was low before he roared the last half dozen words. She saw her gobsmacked friends' faces as they vanished. She was very certain it was likely that everyone in Canterlot High had heard his roar. It wasn't more than three minutes that Rainbow, Applejack, Rarity, Fluttershy, and Pinkie as well as Trixie, Gilda, the CMC, Principal Celestia and Vice Principal Luna stumbled and almost tumbled out of the double doors. She was quite startled when a waist high wall of flames erupted, forming a ring around herself and the unknown stallion.  "What is going on here? Why are you trespassing on…?" Vice Principal Luna started before the unknown stallion cut her off sharply. "Had I not intervened, the only thing that you would have found was her broken, shattered corpse. Funny how you seem so oblivious to the needs of your 'students', so don't claim that you have her best interests. I heard that shit every fucking day for close to eight years before I threw myself off the fucking roof from being that fucking alone… and not one doctor nor nurse were there to tell me 'not to do it' or 'think of the people you'll hurt' when it was my fucking family who put me there simply because I inconvenienced them by breathing," he snarled. She saw Rainbow flinch as did she for a moment. Her eyes rose to the stallion… the man… whom was obviously a magic-user. She wiggled her hips so she sat a bit closer to him. "Then I find myself, rather than dead… waking up on the edge of this city a year and a half ago. Unlike the majority who may think that everything a few months back was secret, I saw and sensed everything. From what I've found, magic seems to be very…. rare… here. And finding myself in the body of a soul-stealing sorcerer without, thankfully, the apparent need to consume souls to remain youthful as I rather doubt that sort of thing would remain hidden for long. Though I can feel the knowledge of how to consume a soul in my mind... I refuse to use such a corrupt gift," he grumbled, tapping a temple with one claw gauntleted fingertip. "However, regardless of the circumstances, pushing someone to suicide is something I won't take lightly," that declaration, she noticed, had Luna and Celestia flinching even as the CMC traded looks of uncertainty and borderline terror. Trixie, rather than sneering arrogantly, looked humbled and like Fluttershy, about to tear up. Gilda, however, scoffed. "The whiny little she-demon…" she started before she was cut off. "She-demon? Referring to her rash decision with that arcana seal a few months ago? Rather arrogant to call her such, hmmm… we are not alone," he commented dryly. "Show yourself, Syzoth," he barked. Within moments, the air distorted, rippling. "You too, your Majesty," his deadpanned sigh distracted her. Sunset's eyes widened as, from a tree only yards away, dropped a mature woman. "Why did you save her when you could have let her splatter on the concrete?" the emerald scaled assassin hissed. "A momentary weakness. Doing for another what was never done for me. It doesn't matter, however. It isn't like any of you will see me again after the sun rises," her rescuer sighed, the flame barrier dropping as he turned away.  Sunset saw the mature woman lift a hand before pausing, her countenance worried before her gaze shifted to Sunset herself. "I can adopt you. You look like you need it… and a family," she offered. "Though… that is clearly not the sorcerer I remember," she said softly, seeing golden glints reflecting off of street lights but little else of her rescuer in the deepening night.